'%:'f&&. &m> :V.5%3 '-?£&> • < -.:>. S: •l> 1 -J' t :f' **. '■-;. ■■'...: ■ '.>a ^p :>* l^£g!? *-'•* "A $'.'• .^v '•."*'■.* 5 -'■ - y< ^ . , ^ckKw, «-^ ^ SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBBARY. No «tn r ( ! J J/ />>'tr ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTR F, IN A NEW SYSTEMATIC ORDER, CONTAINING ALL THE MODERN DISCOVERIES. ILLUSTRATED WITH THIRTEEN CfkrfERPLATES. BY Mr LAVOISIER, Member of the Academies and Societies of Pari*, London, Orleans, Bologna, Bafil, Philadelphia, Haerlem, Manchefler, &c. &c. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, BY ROBERT KERR, F. R. Sc A. SS. Edin. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and of the Royal Phyfical Society of Edinburgh. FOURTH EDITION, WITH NOTF.S, TABLES, and CONSIDERJUSLE-^IirilTXQNS, rfel.F ADDITIONS, LIJii.MR-y PftllaDelptij: JM-** _1(ir„ ) FOR MATHfW CAREY, X '* *"U^ PRINTED DEC£M. 12, M.Scic.XCIX. 9 / 2 ^' c ADVERTISEMENT TRANSLATOR. 1HE very high character which Mr. Lavoifier has fo defervedly acquired as a chemical philofopher, and the great revolution which he has effected in the theory of chemiftry, had long made it much defired by all the cultivators of phyfical fcience, to have a connected account of his difcoveries, and thofe of other chemical philo- sophers, on which his opinions are founded, together with an accurate expofition of the new theory, or rather of the regular concatenation of fefts, which he has eftablifhed, in confequence of thefe difcoveries, made by himfelf and others. For the performance of this arduous undertaking^ no one could poffibly be better qualified than Mr! Lavoifier himfelf. He was not only thoroughly converfant in the difcoveries of other philofo- phers, having, with infinite pains, repeated all their important experiments, and fo varied moft of them as to bring their refults into a much b vi ADVER TISEMENT. clearer view, but-was himfelf the author of many important difcoveries. The hiftory, therefore, of thefe difcoveries, and their proper arrangement, for conveying an exaft idea of the new theory which he had deduced from them, could not, certainly, have been given to the world fo well, or with fo much propriety, by any other perfon. This great defideratum in the hiftory and fcience of chemiftry, was accompliihed in the year 1789, by the publication of the Elements of Chemiftry by Mr. Lavoifier; and a copy of that excellent work having fallen accidentally into the hands of the tranflator, he was eager to give it to the public in Englifh. He has received great fatisfa&ion from the favourable reception which has been given to his firft attempt to merit the favour of the public; and, whatever hefitation he may have originally felt, two former editions being completely exhaufted, is a fufficient in- ducement for bringing forward a new one. A new edition of the original having appeared at Paris in winter 1792-3, expe&ations were formed that the author might have made confi- derable improvements; but from a correfpondence with Mr. Lavoifier, the tranflator is enabled to fay, that the new edition, having been printed without his knowledge, is entirely a tranfeript from the former. ADVERTISEMENT. vii Some very material additions, though not' numerous, have been made by the tranflator in this edition, relative to certain difcoveries which have taken place in fome parts of chemiftry fince the publication of the original; but as thefe are all diftinttly marked in their proper places in the courfe of the work, it is not neceffary to enume- rate them here. In the original, Mr. Lavoifier employs the fcale of Reaumur's thermometer, for defcribing the degrees of temperature in his experiments: In the fecond and third edition of this tranflation, thefe are uniformly transferred into their corref- pondent degrees on the fcale of Fahrenheit, which latter is univerfally ufed by the Britifh philofo- phers. The weights employed by Mr. Lavoifier for detailing the ingredients and refults of his various experiments, are, in the original, expreffed in the cuftomary aliquot parts of the Paris pound, poids de marc, which is divided very differently from the Englifh pound, either troy or averdu- pois: To render thefe weights fully intelligible to the Britifh reader, they are all, in this edition, reduced to decimal fractions of the pound, which will ferve for all denominations. In the courfe of the tranflation, feveral explana. tory notes are added ; principally for the purpofe of rendering the doftrines of the author more viii ADVER TISEMENT. readily underftood by beginners, and by thofe who have only been accuftomed to the old language of chemiftry : In confequence, however, of the perfpicuity of the author, much fewer of thefe were found neceffary than might have been expe&ed from the comprehenfive nature of the work. It was intended by the author to convey a general view of the new chemical theory, rather than to give a fyftem of chemiftry; yet fuch is the excellence of its plan and execution, that, with thefe limited intentions, it is the beft body of chemical philofophy extant. In a frnall number of places, the tranflator has taken the liberty of throwing to the bottom of the page, in notes, fome parenthetical expreffions, not dire&ly connected with the fubje£r, which, in their original place, rather tended to confufe the fenfe: Thefe, and the original notes of the author, are diftinguifhed by the letter A; and to thofe which the tranflator has ventured to add, the letter T is fubjoined. Some difcoveries, which have been made in various parts of chemiftry fince the publication of the original, are added in this tranflation in their proper places. Mr. Lavoifier has given, in an appendix, feveral very ufeful tables, for facilitating the calculations now neceffary in the advanced ft ate of modern chemiftry, wherein the moft fcrupulous accuracy ADVERTISEMENT. ix is required: Thefe are now as indifpenfibly requifite to the operations of the chemical philofo- pher,as the Ephemerides, and Nautical Almanacs, and Logarithmic Tables, are to the Navigator, Aftronomer, and Geometrician. Thefe tables are all retained in this tranflation ; being, however, reduced to the ftandards of Britifh weights and meafures, with proper rules for making the necef- fary convcrfions from the weights and meafures of France: And the tranflator is proud to acknow- ledge his obligations to the learned Profeffor of Natural Philofophy in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, and to his friend Dr. Rotheram*, who kindly fupplied him with the neceffary infor- mation, and took the trouble of making a number of very laborious calculations, for this purpofe. With the fame affiftance, feveral very ufeful additional tables have been given in the Appendix, which need not be here enumerated, as they will diftin&ly appear in their proper places. POSTSCRIPT to the Third Edition. THE Philofophical world has now infinitely to deplore the tragical and untimely death of the great Lavoisier ; who has left a rare example of * Formerly Affiflant to Dr. Black, Profeffor of Chemiftry in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, and now Profeffor of Natural Philofophy in the Univerfity of St. Andrew's. i* ADVER TISEMENT. fplendid talents and great wealth, at the fame time immerfed in numerous and important public employments, which he executed with diligent intelligence, and devoting his princely fortune and vaft abilities to the fedulous cultivation and mod fuccefsful improvement of the Sciences. If the fanguinary tyranny of the monfter Robefpierre had committed only that outrage againft eternal Juftice, a fucceeding age of the moft perfect government would fcarcely have fufficed, to France and to the world, to repair the prodigious injury that lofs has produced to chemiftry, and to all the fciences and economical arts with which it is conne&ed. Had Lavoifier lived, as expreffed in a letter received from him by the Tranflator a fhort while before his maflacre, it was his intention to have republifhed thefe Elements in an entirely new form, compofing a complete Syftem of Philofophical Chemiftry : And, as a mark of his fatisfa&ion with the fidelity of this tranflation, he propofed to have conveyed to the Tranflator, flieet by fheet as it fhould come from the prefs, that new and invaluable work, alas! now for ever loft. /'';/a-> " ?~fw-1£*<«~ Yi ty fy****&-«-*3 '*'?)"**:"_> //,. PREFACE or TH E AUTHOR. Wh E N I began the following Work, my only objeft was to extend and explain more fully the Memoir whichlread at the public meeting of the Academy of Sciences in the month of April 1787, on the neceffity of reforming and completing the Nomenclature of Chemiftry. While engaged in this employment, I perceived, better than I had ever done before, the juftice of the following maxims of the Abbe de Condillac,'in his fyftem of Logic, and fome other of his works. " We think only through the medium of iC words.—Languages are true analytical methods. " —Algebra, which is adapted to its purpofe in Page 304 TABLE of the Combinations of Nitro Muriatic Acid, 307 SECT. XIX.—Obfervations upon Nitro Muriatic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 308 TABLE of the Combinations of Fluoric Acid, 310 SEQT. XX.^—Obfervations upon Fluoric Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 3 11 TABLE of the Combinations of Boracic Acid, 3.13 SECT. XXI.—Obfervations upon Boracic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 314 TABLE of the Combinations of Arfeniac Acid, 317 SECT. XXII.—Obfervations upon Arfeniac Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 318 SECT. XXIII___Obfervations upon Molybdic Acid, . and its Combinations with Acidifiable Bafes, 320 SECT. XKIV.—Obfervations upon Tungftic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, and a Table of thefe in the G.dei of their Affinity, 323 TABLE of the Combinations of Tartarous Acid, 324 SECT. XXV.—Obfervations upon Tartarous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 325 SECT. XXVI.—Obfervations upon Mallic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 327 TABLE of the Combinations of Citric Acid 329 SECT. XXVII.—Obfervations upon Citric Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 330 TABLE of the Combinations of Pyro-lignous Acid, 331 SECT. XXVIII.-—Obfervations upon Pyro-lignous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 332 SECT. XXIX. — Obiervations upon Pyro-tartarous Acid, and ks Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, ib. TABLE of the Combinations of Pyro-mucous Acid, 334 SECT, XXX.—Obfervations upon Pyro-mucous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 335 f xxxvm CONTENTS;. TABLE of the Combinations of Oxalic Acid, Page 33$ SECT. XXXI.—Obfervations upon Oxalic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 337 TABLE of the Combinations of Acetous Acid, to face 338 SECT. XXXII.—Obfervations upon Acetous Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes, 338 TABLE of the Combinations of Acetic Acid, 342 SECT. XXXIII.—Obfervations upon Acetic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 343 TABLE of the Combinations of Succinic Acid, 344 SECT. XXXIV.—Obfervations upon Succinic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 34^ SECT. XXXV.—Obfervations upon Benzoic Acid, , and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 346 SECT. XXXVI.—Obfervations upon Camphoric Acid, , and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 347 SECT. XXXV11.—Obfervations upon Gallic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 348 SECT. XXXVIII.—Obfervations upon Laclic Acid, aud its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes, 349 TABLE of the Combinations of Saccho-laftic Acid, 351 SECT. XXXIX. — Obfervations upon Saccho-ladic Acid, and its Combination with Salifiable Bafes, 352 TABLE of the Combinations of Formic Acid, 353 SECT. XL.—Obfervations upon Formic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes, 354 SECT. XL1.— Obfervations upon the Bombic Acid, and its Combinations with Acidifiable Bafes, 355 TABLE of the Combinations of the Sebacic Acid, 356 SECT. XLI1.—Obfervations upon the Sebacic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes, 357 SECT. XLIII.—Obfervations upon the Lithic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes, 358 TABLE of the Combinations of the Prufi'C Acid, 359 CONTENTS. xxxix SECT. XLIV.—-Obfervations upon the Pruflic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes, Page 360 SECT. XLV.—Recapitulation of the foregoing Ob- fervations on the Acids and their Combinations, 361 TABLE of the Order of Affinities of the Salifiable Bafes with the feveral Acids, fo far as is hitherto known, 3^4 TABLE of the Nomenclature of the Neutral Salts, 366 PART III. Defcription of the Inftruments and Opera- tions of Chemiftry, 569 INTRODUCTION, ib. CHAP. I.—Of the Inftruments neceffary for deter- mining the Abfolute and Specific Gravities of Solid and Liquid Bodies, 373 CHAP. II__Of Gazometry, «r the Meafurement of the Weight and Volume of Aeriform Subftances, 382 SECT. I__Of the Pneumato-chemical Apparatus, ib. SECT. II__Of the Gazometer, 386 SECT. III.—Some other methods for Meafuring the Volume of Gaffes, 397 SECT. IV.—Of the method of Separating the different Gaffes from each other, 401 6ECT. V__Of*the neceffary Corretfions of the Volume of Gaffes, according to the Preffure of the Atmof- phere, 406 SECT. VI__Of the Correction relative to the Degrees of the Thermometer, 413 xl CONTENTS. SECT. VII—Example for Calculating the Corrections relative to the Variations of Preffure and Tempera- ture, Page 415 SECT. VIII.—Method of determining the Weight of the different Gaffes, 418 CHAP. III.—Defcription of the Calorimeter, or Ap- paratus for meafuring Caloric, 421 CHAP. IV.—Of the Mechanical Operations for Divifion of Bodies, 434 SECT. I.—Of Trituration, Levigation, and Pulveri- zation, ib. SECT. II___Of Sifting and Warning Powdered Sub- ftances, 438 SECT. III.—Of Filtration, 440 SECT. IV.—Of Decantation, 442 CHAP. V.—Of Chemical means for Separating the Particles of Bodies from each other without Decom- pofition, and for Uniting them again, 444 SECT. I.—Of the Solution of Salts, 44^ SECT. II.—Of Lixiviation, 450 SECT. III.—Of Evaporation, 452 SECT. IV.—Of Cryftallization, 456 SECT. V__Of Simple Diftillation, 461 SECT. VI___Of Sublimation, 465 CHAP. VI.—Of Pneumato-chemical Diftillations, Me- tallic Diffolutions, and fome other Operations which require very Complicated Inftruments, 467 SECT. I.—Of Compound and Pneumato-chemical Diftillations, ib. SECT. II.—Of Metallic Diffolutions, 475 SECT. III.—Apparatus neceffary in Experiments upon Vinous and Putrefactive Fermentations, 478 SECT. IV.—Apparatus for the Decompofition of Water, 481 CONTENTS. 3di CHAP. VII.—Of the Compofition and Ufe of Lutes, 484 CHAP. VIII.—Of Operations upon Combuftion and Deflagration, 491 SECT. I.—Of Combuftion in General, ib. SECT. II.—Of the Combuftion of Phofphorus, 495 SECT. III.—Of the Combuftion of Charcoal, 499 SECT. IV___Of the Combuftion of Oils, 503 SECT. V__Of the Combuftion of Alkohol, 51 o SECT. VI___Of the Combuftion of Ether, 512 SECT. Vll__Of the Combuftion of Hydrogen Gas, and the Formation of Water, J14 SECT. VIII.—Of the Oxydation of Metals, 518 CHAP. IX__Of Deflagration, 529 CHAP, X.—Of the Inftruments neceffary for Operating upon Bodies in very high Temperatures, 537 SECT. I.—OfFufion, ib. SECT. II.—Of Furnaces, 539 SECT. III.—Of increafing the Aclion of Fire, by ufing Oxygen Gas inftead of Atmofpheric Air, 55 r xffi CONTENTS. APPENDIX. No. I.—Table for Converting Lines or Twelfth Parts of an Inch, and Fractions of Lines, into Decimal Fractions of the Inch, Page 557 No. II.—Table for Converting the Obferved Heights of Water in the Jars of the Pneumato-Chemical Apparatus, expreffed in Inches and Decimals, into Correfponding Heights of Mercury, 558 No. III.—Table for Converting the Ounce Meafures ufed by Dr Prieftley into French and Englifh Cubical Inches, 559 No. IV.—Additional.—Rule for Reducing the Degrees of Reaumur's and of the Swedifh Thermo- meter, into its correfponding Degrees of Fahrenheit's Scale, 560 No. V.—Additional.—Rules for Converting French Weights and Meafures into correfpondent Englifh Denominations, 562 No. VI. — Additional. — Rules for reducing the Swedifh Weights and Meafures, ufed by the Cele- brated Bergman and Scheele, to Englifh Denomi- nations, 567 No. VII.—Table of the Weights of the different Gaffes, at 28 French Inches, or 29.84 Englifh inches barometrical preffure, and at 10 (54.50) of tempera- ture, expreffed in Englifh meafure and Englifh Troy weight, 569 No. VIII.—Tables of the Specific Gravities of differ- ent Bodies, 570 No. IX.—Additional.—Rules for Calculating the Abfolute Gravity in Englifh Troy Weight of a Cubic Foot and Inch, Englifh Meafure, of any Subftance whofe Specific Gravity is known, 584 CONTENTS. xliii No. X.—Tables for Converting Ounces, Drams, and Grains, Troy, into Decimals of the Troy Pound of 12 ounces, and for Converting Decimals of the Pound Troy into Ounces, &c. Page 587 No. XL—Table of the Englifh Cubical Inches and Decimals correfponding to a determinate Troy Weight of Diftilled Water at the Temperature of 55°, calcu- lated from Everard's experiment, 590 No. XII—Additional.—Table of the Comparative Heats of different Bodies, as afeertained by Crawford, 59* No. XIII.—-Additional.—Table of the Ingredients in the Neutral Salts, as determined by Kirwan, 592 ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY PART I. Of the Formation and Decompofition of Aeri- form Fluids—of the Combuftion of Simple Bodies—and of the Formation of Acids. CHAP. I. Of the Combination of Caloric, and the Formation of Elajlic Aeriform Fluids. THAT every body, whether folid or fluid, is augmented in all its dimenfions by any increafe of its fenfible heat, was long ago fully eftablifhed as a phyfical axiom, or univerfal pro- portion, by the celebrated Boerhaave. Such facts as have been adduced, for controverting the G 5° ELEMENTS generality of this principle, offer only fallacious refults, or, at leaft, fuch as are fo complicated with foreign circumftances, as to miflead the judgment. But, when we feparately confider the effects, fo as to deduce each from the caufe to which they feparately belong, it is eafy to perceive, that the feparation of particles by heat is a conftant and general law of nature. When we have heated a folid body to a cer- tain degree, and have thereby caufed its parti- cles to feparate from each other, if we allow the body to cool, its particles again approach each other in the fame proportion in which they were feparated by the increafed temperature ; the bo- dy returns by the fame degrees of expanfion through which it before extended; and, if brought back to the fame temperature which it poiTeffed at the commencement of the experi- ment, it recovers exaclly the fame dimenfions which it formerly occupied. We are ftill ve- ry far from being able to produce the degree of abfolute cold, or total deprivation of heat, being unacquainted with any degree of coldnefs which we cannot fuppofe capable of ftill farther aug- mentation. Hence it follows, that we are inca- pable of caufing the ultimate particles of bodies to approach each other as near as poftible, and that thefe particles of bodies do rot touch each other in any ftate hitherto known. Though OF CHEMISTRY. this be a very lingular conclufion it is impoflible to be denied. It may be fuppofed, that, fince the particles of bodies are thus continually impelled by heat to feparate from each other, they would have no connection between themfelves; and that, of confequence, there could be no folidity in na- ture, unlefs thefe particles were held together by fome other power which tended to unite them, and, fo to fpeak, to chain them together : This power, whatever be its caufe, or manner of operation, is named Attraction. Thus the particles of all bodies may be con- fidered as fubject to the action of two oppofite powers, Repulfion and Attraction, between which they remain in equilibrio. So long as the attractive force remains ftronger, the body muft continue in a ftate of folidity: but if, on the contrary, heat has fo far removed thefe parti- cles fiam each other, as to place them beyond the fphere of attraction, they lofe the cohefion they before had with each other, and the body ceafes to be folid. Water gives us a regular and conftant exam- ples of thefe facts. Whilft below 32 ' of Fahren- heit's fcale*, it remains folid, and is called ice. * Whenever the degr?e of hear occurs in the original, it is ftuted by the author ac-ording to Ileaii.i.ui's thermo- 52 ELEMENTS Above that degree of temperature, its particles being no longer held together by reciprocal at- traction, it becomes liquid ; and, when we raife its temperature above 212°, its particles, giving way to the repulfion caufed by the heat, affume the ftate of vapour or gas, and the water is changed into an aeriform fluid. The fame may be affirmed of all bodies in nature. They are either folid, or liquid, or in the ftate of elaftic aeriform vapour, according to the proportion which takes place between the attractive force inherent in their particles, and the repulfive power of the heat acting upon thefe; or, what amounts to the fame thing, in proportion to the degrees of heat to which they are expofed. It is difficult to comprehend thefe phenome- na, without admitting them as the effects of a real and material fubftance, or very fubtile flu- id, which, infinuating itfelf between the parti- cles of bodies, feparates them from each other. Even allowing that the exiftence of this fluid may be hypothetical, we fhall fee in the fequel, that it explains the phenomena of nature in a very fatisfactory manner. Thi: fubftance, whatever it is, being the caufe meter; but the tranflator has thought it m-^re conveni- ent to ufe Fahrenheit's fcale, as more generally employ- ed and underftood in Britain.—T. O F C H E M I S T R Y. 53 of heat, or, in other words, the fenfation which we call warmth, being caufecl by the accumula- tion of this fubftance, we cannot, in ftrict lan- guage, diftinguifh it by the term heat, bccaufe the fame name would then very improperly ex- prefs both caufe and effect. For this reafon, in the memoir which I publifhed in 1777*, I gave it the names of igneous fluid and matter of'fluid': And, fince that time, in the work f publifhed by Mr de Morveau, Mr Berthollet, Mr de Four- croy, and myfelf, upon the reformation of che- mical nomenclature, we thought it neceffary to reject all periphraftic expreflions, which both lengthen phyfical language, and render it lefs diftinct, and which even frequently do not convey fufficiently juft ideas of the object in- tended. Wherefore, we have diftinguifhed the caufe of heat, or that exquifitely elaftic fluid which produces it, by the term of caloric. Be- fides, that this expreflion fulfils our object in the fyftem which we have adopted, itpoffeffesthis far- ther advantage, that it accords with every fpecies of opinion ; fince, ftrictly fpeaking, we are not obliged to fuppofe this to be a real fubftance, it being fufficient, as will more clearly appear in the fequel of this work, that it be confidered as the * Collections of the French Academy of Sciences for that year, p. 420. f New Chemical Nomenclature. 54 ELEME NTS repulfive caufe, whatever that may be, which fe- parates the particles of matter from each other ; fo that we are ftill at liberty to inveftigate its ef- fects in an abftract and mathematical manner. In the prefent ftate of our knowledge, we are unable to determine whether light be a modifi- cation of caloric, or caloric be, on the contra- ry, a modification of light. This, however, is indifputable, that, in a fyftem where only deci- ded facts are admiflible, and where we avoid, as far as poffible, to fuppofe any thing to be, that is not really known to exift, we ought provision- ally to diftinguifh, by diftinct terms, fuch things as are known to produce different effects. We therefore diftinguifh light from caloric ; though we do not therefore deny that thefe have certain qualities in common, and that, in certain cir- cumftances, they combine with other bodies al- moft in the fame manner, and produce, in part, the fame effects. What I have already faid, may fuffice to de- termine the idea affixed to the word caloric; but there remains a more difficult attempt, which is, to give a juft conception of the man- ner in which caloric acts upon other bodies. Since this fubtile matter penetrates through the pores of all known fubftances—fince there are no veffels through which it cannot efcape—and, confequently, as there are none which are capa- ble of retaining it—we can only come at the OF CHEMISTRY. 55 knowledge of its properties by effects which are fleeting and difficultly afcertainable. It is in thofe things which we neither fee nor feel, that it is efpecially neceffary to guard againft the ex- travagancy of our imagination, which for ever inclines to ftep beyond the bounds of truth, and is very difficultly reftrained within the narrow limits of facts. We have already feen, that the fame body becomes folid, or fluid, or aeriform, according to the quantity of caloric by which it is pene- trated ; or, more ftrictly, according as the re- pulfive force exerted by the caloric is equal to, ftronger, or weaker than, the attraction of the particles of the body it acts upon. But, if thefe two powers only exifted, bodies would become liquid at an indivifible deo-ree of the thermometer, and would almoft inftantane- oufly pafs from the folid ftate of aggregation to that of aeriform elafticity. Thus water, for in- ftance, at the very inftant when it ceafes to be ice, would begin to boil, and would be tranf- formed into an aeriform fluid, having its parti- cles fcattered indefinitely through the furround- ing fpace. That this does not happen, muft de- pend upon the action of fome third power. The preffure of the atmofphere prevents this fepara- tion; and caufes the water to remain in the li- quid ftate, until raifed to the temparature indica- ted by 2i2Q on the fcale of Fahrenheit's thermo- 56 E L E M E N T S meter : the quantity of caloric which it receives in the lower temperatures being infufficient to overcome the preffure of the atmofphere. Whence it appears, that, without this atmo- fpheric preffure, we fhould not have any perma- nent liquid, and fhould only fee bodies in that ftate of exiftence in the very inftant of melt- ing ; for the fmalleft additional caloric would then inftantly feparate their particles, and diffi- pate them through the furrounding medium. Befides, without this atmofpheric preffure, we fhould not even have any proper aeriform fluids ; becaufe the moment the force of attraction is overcome by the repulfive power of the caloric, the particles of bodies would feparate themfelves indefinitely, having nothing to give limits to their expanfion, unlefs their own gravity might collect them together, fo as to form an atmo- fphere. Simple reflection, upon the moft common ex- periments, is fufficient to evince the truth of thefe pofitions. They are more particularly proved by the following experiment, which I publifhed in the Memoirs of the French Aca- demy of Sciences, for 1777, p. 426. Having filled with Sulphuric Ether * a fmall *I (hall afterwards give a definition, an.! explain the p: ope; lies of the liquor called Ether ; I (hail therefore OFCHEMISTRY. 57 narrow glafs veffel, A, (Plate VII. Fig. 17.), (landing upon its ftalk P; the veffel, which is from twelve to fifteen lines diameter, is covered by a wet bladder, tied round its neck with fe- veral turns of ftrong thread ; for greater fecuri- ty, a fecond bladder is fixed over the firft. The veflel fhould be filled in fuch a manner with the ether, as not to leave the fmalleft portion of air between the liquor and the bladder. It is now placed under the recipient BCD of an air-pump, of which the upper part B is fitted with a lea- thern collar, through which paffes a wire EF having its point F very fharp ; and in the fame' receiver there is placed the barometer GH. The whole being thus dilpofed, let the recipient be exhaufted, and then, by pufhing down the wire EF, a hole is made in the bladder. Immediate- ly the ether begins to boil with great violence, and is changed into an elaftic aeriform fluid] which fills the receiver. If the quantity of ether be fufficient to leave a few drops in the phial, after the evaporation is finifhed, the elaftic fluid produced will fuftain the mercury in the borometer attached to the air-pump, at eight or ten inches in winter, and from twenty to only prsmife here that it is a very volatile, ard l.ir ly inflammable liquor, having a confider.'olv fmaller fjrecific gravity than water, or even fpirjt 0f %v'ltic_____A H 5S E L E 11 E N T S twenty -five in fummer*. To render this experi- ment more complete, we may introduce a fmall thermometer into the phial A, containing the ether which will be found to defcend confide- rably during the evaporation. The only effect produced in this experiment, is, the taking away the weight of the atmo- fphere, which, in its ordinary ftate, preffes on the furface of the ether ; and the effects refult- ing from this removal, evidently prove, that, in the ordinary temperature of the earth, ether would always exift in an aeriform ftate, but for the preffure of the atmofphere, and that the change of the ether from the liquid to the aeri- form ftate is accompanied by a confiderable di- minution of temperature ; becaufe, during the evaporation, a part of the caloric, which was be- fore in a free ftate, or at leaft in equilibriof in the furrounding bodies, combines with the ether, and caufes it to affume the aeriform ftate. The fame experiment fucceeds with all eva- * It would have been more fatisfaclory if the Anther had f[veined the decrees of the therr.c mt'er at which thefe heights of the mercury in the barometer are pro- duce d.-t. \ I fljould rav'.er fuppofe, according to Mr I.avoifier's o-vn principles, th;>* the evaporation 5". produced in con- lequence of tW~ pquiKbr*!, which I am not to fuppofe the reader to know, I fhall only obferve, that the ether, from this experi- ment, is aimoft only capable of exifting in the aeriform ftate in our ufual temperatures ; for, if the weight of cur atmofphere was only equal to between 20 and 24 inches of the barometer, in- ftead of 28 inches, we mould never be able to obtain ether in the liquid fiat?, at leaft in fum- mer. The preparation of ether would conse- quently be impoflible upxi mountains of a mo- derate degree of elevation, as it would be con- verted into gas immediately upon beini- produ- ced, unlefs we employed recipients of extraor- dinary ftrength, affiled by refrigeration and ccrnprciTion. And, laftly, the temperature cf the blood being nearly that at which ether pe/fes from the liquid to the aeriform ftate, it muft eva- porate in the prima? vias ; and confequ-mtly it is very probable that the medical properties of this fluid depend chiefly upon its mechanical effect. Thefe experiments fucceed better with nitrous ether, became it evaporates in a lower tempera- ture than fulphuric ether. It is more diuicult 62 ELEMENTS to obtain alkohol in the aeriform ftate ; becaufe, as it requires a temperature of 182.75° t0 ra^e it to vapour, the water of the bath muft be al- moft bcib'sg ; and it is impoflible to plunge the hands into it at that temperature. It is evident, that, if water were ufed in the foregoing experiment, it would be changed in- to gas, when expofed to a temperature tuperior to that at which it boils. Although thoroughly convinced of this, Mr de la Place and myfelf judged it neceffary to confirm it by the follow- ing direct experiment. We filled a glafs-jar, A, (Plate VII. Fig. 5.) with mercury, and placed it, with its mouth downwards, in a difh, B, like- wife filled with mercury ; and introduced about two drams of water into the jar, which rofe to the top of the mercury at CD. We then plun- ged the whole apparatus into an iron boiler, EFGH, full of boiling fea-water, of the tempe- rature of 223.25°, placed upon the furnace GH1K. So foon as the water over the mercu- ry reached the temperature of 212°, it began to boil; and, inftead of only filling the fmall fpace ACD, it was converted into an aeriform fluid, which rilled the whole jar ; the mercury even defcended below the furface of that in the difh B; and the jar muft have been overturned, if it had not been very thick and heavy, and fixed to the difh by means of iron-wire. Immediately after withdrawing the apparatus from the boil- OF CHEMIST RY 65 er, the vapour in the jar began to condenfe, and the mercury rofe to its former ftation; but the water returned again to the aeriform ftate in a hv/ feconds after replacing the apparatus in the boiler. We have thus a certain number of fubftan- ces, which are convertible into elaftic aeriform fluids, by degrees of temperature not much fu- perior to that of our atmofphere. We (hall af- terwards find, that there are feveral others which undergo the fame change in fimilar circumftan- ces, fuch as muriatic or marine acid, ammoniac or volatile alkali, the carbonic acid or fixed air, the fulphurous acid, &c. All thefe are perma- nently elaftic in or about the mean temperature of the atmofphere, and under its common pref- fure. All thefe facts, which could be eafily multi- plied, if neceffary, give full right to affume, as a general principle, that almoft every body in na- ture is fufceptible of three feveral ftates of exift- ence, folid, liquid, and aeriform ; and that thefe three ftates of exigence depend upon the quan- tity of caloric combined with the body. Hence- forwards I fhall exprefs thefe elaftic aeriform fluids by the generic term gas : and in each fj a- cies of gas I mall diftinguim between the c h> ric, which in fome meafure ferves the pcipofe of afolvent, and the fubftance, which, in coiiihina- tion with the caloric, forms the bafe of the gas. 64 E L E M E N T S To thefe bafes of the different gaffes, which are hitherto but little known, we have been ob- liged to aflign names. Thefe fhall be enumera- ted in Chap IV. of this work, when I have pre- vioufly given an account of the phenomena at- tendant upon the heating and cooling of bodies, and when I have eftablifhed preeife ideas, con- cerning the compofition of our atmofphere. We have already fhewn, that the particles of every fubftance in nature exift in a certain ftate of equilibrium, between that attraction which tends to unite and keep the particles together, and the effects of the caloric which tends to feparate them. Hence, caloric not only fur- rounds the particles of all bodies on every fide, but fills up every interval which the particles of bodies leave between each other. We may form an idea of this, by fuppofmg a veffel fil- ed with fmall fpherical leaden bullets, among which a quantity of fine fand is poured ; this, infinuating itfelf into the intervals between the bullets, wit! fill, up every v>ii. The balls, in thi-i companion, are, to ths fand which furrounds them, exactly in the fame fituation as the parti- cles of bodies are with refpect to the caloric ; with this diffe?*ence only, that the balls are fup- pofed to touch each other, whereas the parti- cles o" bodies are not in contact, being retained at a fmall dhtance from each odier, by the ca- loric. OF CHEMISTRY 65 If, inftead of fpherical balls we fubftitute folid bodies of a hexahedral, octohedral, or any other regular figure, the capacity of the intervals be- tween them will be leftened, and confequently will no longer contain the fame quantity of fand. The fame thing takes place with refpect to natu- ral bodies. The intervals left between their par- ticles are not of equal capacity, but vary in con- fequence of the different figures and magnitude of their particles, and of the diftance at which thefe particles are maintained, according to the exifting portion between their inherent attrac- tion, and the repulfive force exerted upon them by the caloric. In this manner we muft underftand the fol- lowing expreffion, introduced by the Englifh phi- lofophers, who have given us" the firft precife ideas upon this fubjeft ; the capacity of bodies for con- taining the matter of heat. As comparifons with fenfible objects are of great ufe in affifting us to form diftinct notions of abftraft ideas, I fhall en- deavour to illuftrate this, by inftancing the phe- nomena which take place between water and bo- dies which are wetted and penetrated by it, with a few reflections. If equal pieces of different kinds of wood, fup- pofe cubes of one foot each, be immcrfed in water, the fluid gradually infmuates itfelf into their pores, and the pieces of wood are aug- mented both in weight and magnitude. Each I 66 E L E M E N T S fpecies of wood will imbibe a different quantity of water. The lighter and more porous woods will admit a larger; the compact and clofer grained will admit a leffer quantity: for the proportional quantities of water, imbibed by the pieces, will depend upon the nature of the con- ftituent particles of the wood, and upon the greater or leffer affinity fubfifting between them and water. Very refinous wood, for inftance, though it may be at the fame time very porous, will admit but little water. We may, therefore, fay, that different kinds of wood poffefs differ- ent capacities for receiving water : and we may even determine, by means of the augmentation of their weights, what quantity of water they have actually abforbed : but, as we are ignorant how much water they contained previous to im- merfion, we cannot determine the abfolute quan- tity they contain after being taken out of the water. The fame circumftances undoubtedly take place with bodies which are immerfed in caloric; taking into confuhration, however, lhat water is .an incomprehi" ale.fluid^ whereas caloric is, on the contrary, endowed with very great elaftici- ty ; or, in other words, the particles of caloric have a great tendency to feparate from each other, when forced by any other power to ad- proach. This difference muft of neceflity occa- OF CHEMISTRY. 67 fion very confiderable diverfities in the rciuhs of experiments made upon thefe two fubftan- ces. Having eftablifhed thefe clear and fimple pro- pofitions, it will be very cafy to explain the ideas which ought to be affixed to the following ex- preflions, which are by no means fynonymous, but poffefs each a ftrict affd determinate meaning, as in the following definitions: • Free caloric is that which is not combined in any manner with any other body. But, as we live in a fyftem to the matter of which calo- ric has a very ftrong adhefion, we are never able.to obtain it in the ftate of abfolute free- dom. Combined caloric is that which is v.xed in bo- dies, by affinity or elective attraction, fo as to form part of the fubftance of trie body, even part of its folidity. By the expreffion, fpecific caloric of bodies, we underftand the refpective quantities of calo- ric requifite for raifing a number of bodies of the fame weight to an equal degree of tempe- rature. This proportional quanti y of caloric depends on the diftance between the conftitu- ent particles of bodies, and their greater or leffer degrees of cohefion ; and this diftanee, or rather the fpace or void refulting from it, is, as 1 have already obferved, called the capacity "of bodies for containing caloric. 68 ELEMENTS Heat, confidered as a fenfation, or, in other words, fenfible heat, is only the effect produ- ced upon our fentient organs, by the motion or paffage of caloric, difengaged from the fur- rounding bodies. In general, we receive im- preifuns only in confequence of motion : and it might be eaablithed as an axiom, "That with- out MOTION, THERE IS NO SENSATION. Thio general principle applies very accurately to the fenfations of heat and cold. When we touch a cold body, the caloric, which always tends to become in epuilibrio in all bodies, paffes from our hand into the body we touch, winch gives us the feeling or fenfation of cold. The direct contrary happens, when we touch a warm bo- dy: the caloric, then, in pafling from the body into our hand, produces the fenfation of heat. If the hand and the body touched be of the fame temperature, or very nearly fo, we receive no im- preftion, either of heat or cold; becaufe there is no motion or paffage of caloric ; and thus no fenfation can take place, without fome correfpon- dent motion to occafion it. When the thermometer rifes, it fhows, that free caloric is entering into the furrounding bodies. The thermometer, which is one of thefe, receives its fhare in proportion to its mafs, and to the capacity which it poffeffes for containing caloric. The change, therefore, which takes place upon the thermometer, only announces a OF CHEMISTRY. 69 change of place of the caloric in thofe bodies, of which the thermometer forms one parr. It only indicates the portion of caloric received, without being a meafure of the whole quantity difenga- ged, diiplaced, or abforbad. The moil fimple and moft exact method for determining this latter point, is that defcribed by Mr de la Place, in the Memoirs of the Aca- demy, for the year 1780, p. 364: a fummary explanation of which will be found towards the conclufion of this work. This method confifts in placing a body, or a combination of bodies, from which caloric is difengaging, in the middle of a hollow fphere of ice : and the quantity of ice melted becomes an exact relative meafure of the quantity of caloric difengaged. It is poffible, by means of the apparatus which we have got conftructed upon this plan, to determine, not as has been pretended, the capacity of bodies for containing heat, but the ratio of the increafe or diminution of capacity produced by determi- nate degrees of temperature. It is eafy, with the fame apparatus, by varioufly combined ex- periments, to determine the relative quantities of caloric neceffary for converting folid fubftan- ces into liquids, and liquids into elaftic aeriform fluids ; and vice verfa, what quantity of calo- ric efcapes from elaftic vapours in chancrinp- to liquids, and what quantity efcapes from liquids during their converfion into folids. Perhaps, when 70 E L E M E N T S experiments fnall have been made with fufficient accuracy, we may one day be able to determine the pi oportional quantities of caloric neceffary for producing the feveral fpecies of gaffes. I fhall hjreatter, in a feparate chapter, give an account 01 the principal remits of fuJi experiments as have been made upon this head. It remains, before finifmng this article, to fay a few words concerning the caufe of the efafti- city of gaffes, and of liquids in the ftate of va- pour. It is by no means difficult to perceive that this elafticity depends upon that of caloric, which feems to be the moft eminently elaftic body in nature. Nothing is more readily con- ceivable, than that one body fhould become e- laftic, by entering into combination with ano- ther body poffeffed of that quality. We muft allow that this is only an explanation of elafti- city, by an affumption of elafticity. We thus on- ly remove the difficulty one ftep farther ; and the reafon for caloric being elaftic, ftill remains unexplained. 1 Iafticity in the abftract is mere- ly a fuppofable qualirv inherent to the particles of bodies, by virtue of which they recede from each other when forced together. This tenden- cy in the particles of caloric to feparate, takes place even at confiderable diftances. We fhall be fatisfied of this, when we confider, that air is capable of undergoing great compreffion; which fuppofes that its particles were previouf- OF CHEMISTRY. 7i ly at a confiderable diftance from each other; for the power of approaching toget' er certain- ly fuppofes a previous diftance, at leaft equal to the degree of approximation. Confequently, thofe particles of the air, which are already confide- rably diftant from each other, tend to feparate ftill farther. If we produce Boyle's vacuum in a large receiver of an air-pump, the laft por- tion of air which remains, extends itfelf uniform- ly through the whole capacity of the veffel, however large, filling it completely, and preff- ing every where againft its fides. We cannot explain this fact, without fuppofing that the par- ticles make an effort to feparate themfelves on every fide : and we are quite ignorant at what diftance, or in what degree of rarefaction, this effort ceafes to act. In the above experiments, a true repulficn takes place between the particles of elaftic fluids. At leaft, circumftanccs occur exactly a>s if fuch a repuliion actually exifted : and we have a right to conclude, that the particles of caloric mutually repel each other. When we are once permitted to fuppofe this repelling force, the theory of the formation of gaffes," or aeriform fluids, becomes perfectly fimple: though we muft, at the fame time, allow, that it is ex- tremely difficult to form an accurate concep- tion how this repulfive force acts upon very mi- 72 ELEMENTS nute particles placed at great diftances from each other. It is, perhaps, more natural to fuppofe, that the particles of caloric have a ftronger mutual attraction than thofe of any other fubftance; and that thefe latter particles are torn afunder in confequence of this fuperior attraction of the particles of caloric, which forces them between the particles of other bodies, that they may be able to reunite with each other. We may ob- ferve fomething analogous to this idea in the phe- nomena which occur when a dry fponge is dipt in water. This fponge fwells; ,its particles fepa- rate from each other; and a!l its intervals are filled by the water. It is evident, that the fponge, in the act of fwelling, has acquired a greater capacity* for containing water than it« had when * This afTertion does not feem well founded:—That, in the a& of fwelling, the fponge receives pure water than it held when dry, ij v^ry ; vident ; and that, in conloouer.ee of its fibres bring ftretched, more room is L'ft"between them, is likewife true; But if, by capacity for rnceivin~ water, we are to undjrfland tha; quality inherent i.i the fponge for im- bibing wat-;, in confluence of the difpofition and peculiar ftrudture of its parts, this remhrio the fame v/lien perfitly dry as when tiUed completely with nioiflure ; or, ifwe cc,-.- fider its c-ipacity to indicate h~ difpofition for receiv.'rp ad- ditional wa:?r, this rnuft be greacrft wher< perfectly drv, and mult diminish in prcporiLa as the water L received into its interiiices.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 73 dry. But we cannot certainly maintain,, that the introduction of water between the particles of the fponge has endowed them with a repul- five power, which tends to feparate them from each other: on the contrary, the whole phe- nomena are produced by means of attractive powers : Thefe are, the gravity of the water, and the power winch it exerts on every fide, in common with all other fluids ; the force of attraction, which takes place between the parti- cles of water, caufmg them to unite toge- ther ; the mutual attraction of the particles of the fponge for each other ; and, the recipro- cal attraction which exifts between the particles of the fponge and thofe of the water. It is ea- fy to- underftand, that the explanation of this fact depends upon properly appreciating the m- tenfity of, and connection between, thefe feve- ral powers. It is probable, therefore, that the feparation of the particles of bodies, occafonci by caloric, depends in a fimilar manner upon a certain combination of diihirent attractive :.ow- er-i, which, in conformity with the imperfection of our knowledge, we endeavour to exprefs by faying, that caloric communicates a power of repulfion to the particles of bodies. K 74 ELEMENTS C II A T. II. General Views concerning the Formation and Com- , pofiiion of our /lln; f^bere. THESE views which I have taken of the for- mation of elaftic aeriform fluids or gaf- fes, throw great light upon the original forma- tion of the atrnofpheres of the planets, and par- ticularly of that of cur earth. We readily con- ceive, that it muft neceffarily confift of a mix- ture of the following fubftances : Of all bodies that are fufceptible of evaporation, or, more ftrictly fpeaking, which are capable of retain- ing the ftate of aeriform elafticity \n the tem- perature of our atmofphere, and under a pref- fure equal to that of a column of twenty-eight inches of quickfilver in the barometer ; and, of all fubftances, whether liquid cr fo'U, which are capable of bJiig diifolved in this mixture of different gaffes. To f.x our Lh:as move clearly refpecting this fubject, which has not been hitherto fufficient- ly confidered, let us, for a moment, conceive what change "would take place in the varies * OF CHEMISTRY. 75 fubftances which compofe our earth, if its tem- perature were fuddenly altered. If, for inftance, we were fuddenly tranfported to the region of the planet Mercury, where probably the com- mon temperature is much fuperior to that of boiling water ; the water of cur world, and all the other fluids which are fufceptible of the gaf- feous ftate, at a temperature near to that of boiling water, even quickfilver itfelf, would be- come rarefied : and all thefe fubftances, being changed into permanently aeriform fluids or gaf- fes, would become part of the new atmofphere. Thefe new fpecies of airs or gaffes would mix with thofe already exifting, and certain recipro- cal decompofitions and new combinations would take place, until fu:h time as all the elective at- tractions or affinities fubfifting among all thefe new and old gaffeous fubftances had operated fully ; after which, the elementary principles compofing thefe gaffes, being faturated, would remain at reft. We muft attend to this, however, that, even in the above hypothetical fttuation, certain bounds would occur to the evaporation of thefe fubftances, produced by means of that very- evaporation itfelf. For as, in proportion to the increafe of elaftic fluids, the preffure of the at- mofphere would be augmented—as every de- gree of preffure tend,, in fome meafure, to pre- vent evapcration—and as even the moll eva- 76 ELEMENTS porable fluids can refift the operation of a very high temperature without evaporating, if pre- vented by a proportionally ftronger compreflion, v/ater and ajd other liquids being able to fuftain a red heat in Papin's digefter ; v. e muft admit, that the new atmofphere would at laft acquire fuch a degree of weight, that the water which had not hitherto evaporated, would ceafe to boil, and, of confequence, would remain lie end. Hence, even upon this fuppofition, as in all others of the fame nature, the increafing gravity of the atmo- fphere would find certain limits which it could not exceed. We might extend thefe reflections greatly farther, and examine what change would be produced in fuch fituations upon ftones, falts, and the greater part of the fufible fubftances which compofe the mafs of our earth. Thefe would be foftened, fufed, and changed into li- quids, 2;c. But thefe {peculations carry me from my object, to which I ha ft en to re- turn. By a contrary fuppofition, to the one we have been forming, if the earth were fuddenly trtmlported into a very cold region, the water, which at preent compofes our feas, rivers, and fprings, and probably the greater number of the fluids we are acquainted with, would be converted into folid mountains and hard rocks, at firft diaphanous and homogeneous, like rock OF CHEMISTRf. 77 cryftal, but which, in time, becoming mixed with foreign and heterogeneous fubftances, would become crake ftones of various colours. In this cafe, the air, or, at leaft, fome of the aeriform fluids which now compofe the mafs of our atmofphere, would doubtlefs lofe their elafticity, for want cf a fuillcient temperature to retain them in that ftate. They would re- turn to the liquid ftate of exiftence* : and new- liquids would be formed, of whofe properties we cannot at prefent, form the moft diftant idea. Thefe two oppofite fuppcfitions give a di- ftinct proof of the following corollaries : That folidity, liquidity, and aeriform elaflicity, are on- ly three different ftates of exiftence of the fame matter, or three particular modifications which almoft all fubftances are fufceptihle of autumn 7 fucceffively, and which folely depend on the de- gree of temperature to which they are expofed; or, in other words, upon the quantity of calo- ric with which they are penetratedf; that it is * Even this fjppofition would have its bo'i^'s from its own nature. Tne diminution of preiTirc, produced by '.he decreafe in the vo!u wt, and confequent gravity, cf the rr- rr.cipl.~re, would enable caloric to keep nr.ny lVuf:r.r,c,c; in the vaporous Ibte, at a much lower degree of temperature than is frt Lr that purpefe, under the prefent preffure of c-r atmctj here —T. \ The degrve cf prcffjre w'rch they und?r?n mu't be ta- ken in:o account.—T. 78 ELEMENTS extremely probable that air is a mud naturally c-x- ifting in a ftate of vapour; or, as we may better exprefs it, that our atmofphere is a compound of all the fluids which are fufceptible of the vapo- rous or permanently elaftic ftate, in the ufual temperature, and under the common preffure ; that it is not impoffible we may difcover, in our atmofphere, certain fubftances naturally very compact, even metals themfelves ; as a metallic fubftance, for inftance, only a little more volatile than mercury, might exift in that fituation. Among the fluids wdth which we are ac- quainted, fome, as water and alkohol, are fuf- ceptible of mixing with each other in all pro- portions; whereas others, as quickfilver, water, and oil, can only form a momentary union, and, after being mixed together, feparate and ar- range themfelves according to their fpecific gra- vities. The fame ought to, or at leaft may, take place in the atmofphere. It is poffible, and even extremely probable, that, both at the firft creation, and every day, gaffes are formed, which are difficultly mifcible with atmofpheric air, and are continually feparating from it. If thefe gaffes be fpecifically lighter than the gene- ral atmofpheric mafs, they muft, of courfe, gather in the higher regions, and form ftrata that float upon the common air. The phenomena which OF CHEMISTRY. 79 accompany igneous meteors, induce me to be- lieve, that there exifts, in the upper parts of our atmofphere, a ftratum of inflammable fluid, in contact with thofe ftrata of air in which the phe- nomena of the aurora borealis and other fiery ap- pearances are produced.—I mean hereafter to purfue this fubject in a feparate treatife. c>0 ELEMENTS CHAP. 111. Analyfis of Atmofpheric Air$ and its Divifon into two Elaftic Fluids ; the one fit for Rcfpiraliui ; the. other incapable of being refpired. || f-ROIvi" what has been premifed, it appears, JL that our atmofphere is compofed of a mix- ture of every fubftance capable cf retaining the gafieous or aeriform ftate in the common tempe- ratures, and under the ufual degrees of preffure which it experiences. Thefe fluids conftitute a mafs, in fome meafure homogeneous, extending from the furface of the earth to the greateft height hitherto attained, of which the denfity continut.ily decreafes in the inverfe ratio of the fuperincumbent weight. But, as I have before obferved, it is poffible that this fir ft ftratum may be furmounted by feveral others confifting of dif- ferent fluid:. Our bufmefs, in this place, is to endeavour to determine by experiments, the nature of the elaftic fluid" which compofe the inferior frn- tum of air which we inhabit. Modern chemif- try has made great advances in this refcarca : and it will appear, by the following details, that the analyfis of atmofpherical air ha:, been more OF CHEMISTRY. 81 rigoroufly determined than that of any other fubftance of the clafs. Chemiftry affords two general methods of de- termining the conftituent principles of bodies, the method of analyfis, and that of fynthefis. When, for inftance, by combining water with alkohol, we form the fpecies of liquor called, in commercial language, brandy or fpirit of wine, we certainly have a right to conclude, that brandy, orfpirit of wine, is compofed of alkohol combined with water. We can procure the fame refult by the analytical method: and in general it ought to be confidered as a principle in chemical fcience, never to reft fatisfied with- out both thefe fpecies of proofs. We have this advantage in the analyfis of atmofpherical air ; being able both to decompound it, and to form it anew in the moft fatisfactory manner. I fhall, however, at prefent confine myfelf to recount fuch experiments as are moft conclufive upon this head : and I may confider moft of thefe as my own, having either firft invented them, or having repeated thofe of others, intended for analyfing atmofpherical air, in perfectly new points of view. I took a matrafs of about 36 cubical inches capacity, having a long neck of fix or feven lines internal diameter, and having bent the neck, as in Plate IV. Fig. 2. BCDE, to allow of its be- L 8fl ELEMENTS ing placed in the furnace MMNN, in fuch a manner that the extremity of its neck E might be inferted under a beli-glafs F G, placed in a trough of quickfilver RRSS; I introduced four ounces of pure mercury into the matrafs, and by means of a fyphon, exhaufted the air in the re- ceiver FG, fo as to raife the quickfilver to LL ; and I carefully marked the height at which it flood, by parting on a flip of paper. Having ac- curately noted the height of the thermometer and barometer, I lighted a fire in the furnace MMNN, which I kept up almoft continually during twelve days, fo as to keep the quickfilver always very near its boiling point. Nothing re- mark able took "place during the firft day. The mercury, though not boiling, was continually e- vaporating, and covered the interior furface of the veffel with fmall drops, which gradually aug- menting-to a fufficient fze, fell back into the mafs at the bottom of the veffel. On ihe fecond day, fmall red particles began to appear on the furface of the mercury. Thefe, during the four or five following days, gradually increafed in fize and number ; after which they ceafed to increafe in either refpect. At the end of twelve days, fee- ing that the calclua.icii of the mercury did not at all increafe, I extinguifhed the fire, and allow- ed the veffels to cccl. The bull: of air in the body and neck of the maarafs, and in the bell- OF C HE nil ST R Y 83 glafs, reduced to a medium of 28 inches of the barometer and 54.5° of the thermometer, at the commencement of the experiment was about 50 cubical inches. At the end of the experiment, the remaining air, reduced to the fame medium preffure and temperature, was only between 42 and 43 cubical inches ; confequently it had loft about 4. of its bulk. Afterwards, having col- lected all the red particles, formed during the experiment, from the running mercury in which they floated, I found thefe to amount to 45 grains. I was obliged to repeat this experiment feve- ral times; as it is difficult, in one experiment, both to preferve the whole air upon which we operate, and to collect the whole of the red par- ticles, or calx of mercury, which is formed du- ring the calcination. It will often happen in the fequel, that I fhall in this manner, give in one detail the refults of two or three experi- ments of the fame nature. The air which remained after the calcination of the mercury in this experiment, and which was reduced to 4 of its former bulk, was no longer fit either for refpiration or for combuf- tion. Animals being introduced into it were fuf- focated in a few feconds: and when a taper was plunged into it, it was extugu.med, as if it had been immerfed in water. 84 ELEMENTS In the next place, I took the 45 grains of red matter formed during this experiment, which I put into a fmall glafs retort, having a proper apparatus for receiving fuch liquid or gaffeous product, as might be extracted. Having applied a fire to the retort in the furnace, I obferved that, in proportion as the red matter became heated, the intenfity of its colour augmented. When the retort was almoft red hot, the red matter began gradually to decreafe in bulk ; and in a few minutes after, it difappeared altogether. At the fame time 41 a grains of running mercury were collected in the recipient: and 7 or 8 cu- bical inches of elaftic fluid, greatly more capa- ble of fupporting both refpiration and combuf- tion than atmofpherical air, were collected in the bell-glafs. A part of this air being put into a glafs tube of about an inch diameter, fhewed the following properties : A taper burned in it with a daz- zling fplendor: and charcoal, inftead of con- fuming quietly as it does in common air, burnt with a flame, attended with a decrepitating noife, like phofphorus ; and threw out fuch a bril- liant light that the eyes could hardly endure it. This fpecies of air was difcovered almoft at the fame time by Dr Prieftley, Mr Scheele, and myfelf. Dr Prieftley gave it the name of de- phlogifticated air. Mr Scheele called it empyreal air. At firft I named it highly refpirable air, to OF CHEMISTRY. «5 which has fince been fubftituted the term of •vital air. We fhall prefently fee what we ought to think of thefe denominations. In reflecting upon the circumftances of this experiment, we readily perceive that, the mer- cury, during its calcination, abforbs the falu- brious and refpirable part of the air, or, to fpeak more ftricfly, the bafe of this refpirable part; that the remaining air is a fpecies of mephitis, incapable of fupporting combuftion or refpira- tion ; and, confequently, that atmofpheric air is compofed of two elaftic fluids, of different and oppofite qualities. As a proof of this important truth, if we recombine thefe two elaftic fluids, which wre have feparately obtained in the above experiment, viz. the 42 cubical inches of mephi- tis, with the 8 cubical inches of highly refpirable air, we reproduce an air precifely fimilar to that of the atmofphere, and poffeffmg neatly the fame power of fupporting combuftion and refpiration, and of contributing to the calcination of metals. Although this experiment furnifhes us with a very fimple means of obtaining the two prin- cipal elaftic fluids which compofe our atmo- fphere, feparate from each other ; yet it does not give us an exact idea of the proportion in which thefe two enter into its compofition. For the attraction of mercury to the refpirable part of the air, or rather to its bafe, is not fufficiently ftrong to overcome all the circumftances which -86 ELEMENTS oppofe this union. Thefe obftacles are the mu- tual adhefion of the two conftituent parts of the atmofphere for each other, and the elective attraction which unites the bafe of vital air with caloric. In confequence of thefe, when the cal- cination ends, or is at leaft carried as far as is poffible in a determinate quantity of atmofphe- ric air, there ftill remains a portion of refpirable air united to the mephitis, which the mercury cannot feparate. I fhall afterwards fhew, that at leaft in our climate, the atmofpheric air is compofed of refpirable and mephitic airs, in the proportion of 27 and 73 ; and I fhall then difcufs the caufes of the uncertainty which ftill exifts with refpect to the exactnefs of that pro- portion. Since, during the calcination of mercury, air is decompofed, and the bafe of its refpirable part is fixed and combined with the mercury, it follows, from the principles already eftablifh- ed, that caloric and light muft be difengaged during the procefs. But the two following caufes prevent us from being fenfible of this taking place ; as the calcination lafts during fe- veral days, the difengagement of caloric and light, fpread out in a confiderable fpace of time, becomes extremely fmall for each particular moment of the time, fo as not to be percep- tible ; and, the operation being carried on by means of fire in a furnace, the heat produced OF CHEMISTRY. 87 by the calcination itfelf, becomes confounded with that proceeding from the furnace. I might add, that the refpirable part of the air, or rather its bafe, in entering into combination -\ with the mercury, does not part with all the caloric which it contained, but flill retains a part of it in the new compound. But the dif- cuflion of this point, and its proofs from ex- periment, do not belong to this part of our fub- jea. It is, however, eafy to render this difengage- ment of caloric and light evident to the fenfes, by caufing the decompofition of air to take place in a more rapid manner ; and for this pur- pofe, iron is excellently adapted, as it poffeffes a much ftronger affinity for the bafe of refpira- ble air than mercury. The following elegant ex- periment of Mr Ingenhouz, upon the combuf- tion of iron, is well known. Take a piece of fine iroij. wire, twifted into a fpiral, BC, Plate IV. Fig. 17. fix one of its extremities B into the cork A, adapted to the neck of the bottle DEFG, and fix to the other extremity of the wire C, a fmall morfel of tinder. Matters be- ing thus prepared, fill the bottle DEFG with air deprived of its mephitic part. Then light the tinder, and introduce it quickly, with the wire upon which it i; fixed, into the bottle which you flop up with the cork A, as is fnowii in the figure 17. Plate IV. The inftant the 88 E L E M E N T S lighted tinder comes into contact with the -vi- tal air, it begins to burn with great intenfity ; and communicating the inflammation to the iron-wire, it likewife takes fire and burns rapidly, throwing out brilliant fparks. Thefe fall to the bottom of the veffel in rounded globules, which become black in cooling, but retain a degree of metallic fplendor. The iron thus burnt is more brittle even than glafs ; is eafily reduced into powder ; and is ftill attractible by the mag- net, though not fo powerfully as it was before combuftion. As Mr. Ingenhouz has neither ex- amined the change produced on the iron, nor upon the air by this operation, I have repeated the experiment under different circumftances, in an apparatus adapted to anfwer my particu- lar views, as follows. Having filled a bell-glafs A, Plate IV. Fig. 3. of about fix pints meafure, with pure air, or the highly refpirable part of air, I tranfported this jar, by means of a very flat veffel, into a quick- filver bath, in the bafon BC, taking care to ren- der the furface of the mercury perfectly dry, both within and without the jar, with blotting paper. I then provided a fmall cup of china-ware D, very flat and open, in which I placed fome fmall pieces of iron turned fpirally, and arranged in fuch a way as feemed moft favourable for the combuftion being communicated to every part. To the end of one of thefe pieces of iron was OF CHEMISTRY. 89 fixed a fmall morfel of tinder, to which was added about the fixteenth part of a grain of phofphorus: and by railing the bell-glafs a little, the china cup, with its contents, were intredueed into the pure air. I know that, by this means, fome common air muft mix with the pure air in the glafs : but this, when it is done dextroufly, is fo very trifling, as not to injure the fuccefs of the experiment. This be- ing done, a part of the air was fucked out from the bell-glafs, by means of the fyphon GHI, fo as to raife the mercury within the glafs to EF : and, to prevent the mercury from getting into the fyphon, a fmall piece of paper was twifted round its extremity. In fucking out the air, if the motion of the lungs only be ufed, we can- not make the mercury rife above an inch or an inch and a half. But, by properly ufing the mufcles of the mouth, we can, without difficul- ty, caufe it to rife fix or feven inches. I next took an iron wire, MN, Plate IV. Fig. 15. properly bent for the purpofe; and, making it red hot in the fire, paffed it through the mercury into the receiver, and brought it in contact with the fmall piece of phofphorus attached to the tinder. The phofphorus in- ftantly took fire,-which communicated to the tinder, and from that to the iron. When the ph es have been properly arranged, the whole iron burns, even to the laft particle, throwing Id 50 ELEMENTS out a white brilliant light, fimilar to that of Chi- nefe fireworks. The great heat produced by this combuftion melts the iron into round globules of different fizes, moft of which fall into the China cup : but fome are thrown out of it, and fwim on the furface of the mercury. At the beginning of the combuftion, there is a flight augmentation in the volume of the air in the bell-glafs, from the dilatation caufed by the heat. But prefently afterwards, a rapid dimi- nution of the air takes place, and the mercu- ry rifes in the glafs ; infomuch that, when the quantity of iron is fufficient, and the air ope- rated upon is very pure, almoft the whole air employed Is abforbed. It is proper to remark in this place, that, un- lefs in making experiments for the purpofe of difcovery, it is better to be contented with burn- ing a moderate quantity of iron: for, when this experiment is pufhed too far, fo as to ab- forb much of the air, the cup D, which floats uaon the quickfilver, approaches too near the bottom of the bell-glafs: and the great heat produced, which is followed by a very fudden cooling, occafioned by the contact of the cold mercury, is apt to break the glafs : in which cafe, the fudden fall of the column of mercury, which happens the moment the leaft flaw is produced in the glafs, caufes fuch a wave, as throws a great part of the quickfilver from the OF CHEMISTRY. 91 bafon. To avoid this inconvenience, and to en- fure fuccefs to the experiment, one dram and a half of iron is fufficient to burn in a bell-glafs, which holds about eight pints of air. The glafs ought likewife to be ftrong, that it may be able to bear the weight of the column of mercury which it has to fupport. By this experiment, it is not poffible to de- termine, at one time, both the additional weight acquired by the iron, and the changes which have taken place in the air. If it is wifhed to af- certain what additional weight has been gained by the iron, and the proportion between that and the air abforbed, we muft carefully mark upon the bell-glafs, with a diamond, the height of the mercury, both before and after the ex- periment. After this, the fyphon, GH, PI. IV. Fig. 3. guarded, as before, with a bit of paper, to prevent its filling with mercury, is to be in- troduced under the bell-glafs, having the thumb placed upon the extremity, G, of the fyphon, to regulate the paffage of the air : and by this means the air is gradually admitted, fo as to let the mercury f 11 to its level. This being done, the bell-glafs is to be carefully removed ; the globules of melted iron contained in the cup, and thofe which have been fcatterei a! out, and fwim upon the mercury, are to be accurately collected; and the whole is to be weighed. The iron will be found in that ftate called martial ELEMENTS cthiops by the old chemifts, poffefhng a degree cf metallic brilliancy, very friable, and readily redu- cible into powder, under the hammer, or with a peftleand mortar. If the experiment has fuc- ceeded well, from ioo grains of iron will be ob- tained 135 or 136 grains of ethiops, which is an augmentadon of 35 per cent. If all the attention has been paid to this ex- periment which it deferves, the air will be found dim! 11 (bed in weight, exactly equal to what the iron has gained. Having therefore burnt 100 grains of iron, which has acquired an addition- al weight of 35 grains, the diminution of air v/ill be found exactly 70 cubical inches : and it will be fnewn, in the fequel, that the weight of vital air is very near half a grain fcr each cubical inch; fo that, in effect, the augmenta- tion of weight in the one exactly coincides with the lofs of it in the other. I fhall obferve here, once for all, that, in e- very experiment of this kind, the preffure and .temperature of the air, both before and after the experiment, muft be reduced by calcula- tion, to a common ftandard of 54.5 ° of the ther- mometer, and 28 inches of the barometer. To- wards the end of this work, the manner of per- forming this v_ry neceffary reduction will be found accurately detailed. If it be required to examine the nature of the air which remains after this experiment, we 1 OF CHEMISTRY. 93 muft operate in a fomewhat different manner. After the combuftion is finifhed, and the veffels have cooled, we firft take cut the cup, and the burnt iron, by introducing tie hand through the quickfilver, under the bell-glafs. We next intro- duce fome foiution of potafh, or cauftic alkali, or of the fulphuret of potafh, or fuch other fubftan- ces as are judged proper for examining their ac- tion upon the refiduum of air. I fhall, in the fe- quel, give an account of thefe methods of analy- fing air, when I have explained the nature of thefe different fubftances, which are only here in a manner incidentally mentioned. After this exa- mination, fo much water muft be let into the glafs as will difplace the quickfilver ; and then, by means of a fhallow dim, placed below the bell- glafs, it is to be removed into the common water pneumato-chemical apparatus*, where the air re- maining may be examined at large, and with great facility. When very foft and very pure iron has been employed in this experiment, and, when the combuftion has been performed in the pureft re- fpirable or vital air, free from admixture of the noxious or mephitic part, the air which remains * For a particular defcription of th's apparatus, and the manner of ufing it, and of many o:her proceiles with the inftruments fitted for carrying them on, fee the third part jf this work.----T. 94 ELEMENTS after the combuftion, will be found as pure as it was before. But it is difficult to find iron en- tirely free from a fmall portion of charry mat- ter, which is chiefly abundant in fteel: and it is likewife exceedingly difficult to procure pure air perfectly free from fome admixture of me- phitis, with which it is almoft always conta- minated. That fpecies of noxious air does not, in the fmalleft degree, difturb the refult of the experiment, as it is always found at the end exactly in the fame quantity as at the begin- ning. I mentioned before, that we have two ways of determining the conftituent parts of atmo- fperic air, the method of analyfis, and that by fynthefis. The calcination of mercury has fur- nifhed us with an example of each of thefe me- thods ; fince, after having deprived it of the re- fpirable part, by means of the mercury, we have reftored it again, fo as to recompofe an air precifely fimilar to that of the atmofphere. But we can equally accomplifh this fynthetic compofition of atmofpheric air, by borrowing the materials of which it is formed from different kingdoms of nature. We fhall fee hereafter, that, when animal fubftances are diffolved in the nitric acid, a great quantity of gas is difen- gaged, which extinguifhes light, and is unfit for animal refpiration, being exactly fimilar to the noxious or mephitic part of atmofpheric air. OF CHEMISTRY 95 And, if we take 73 parts, by weight, of this ela- ftic fluid, and mix them with 27 parts of highly refpirable air, procured from calcined mercury, we fhall form an elaftic fluid precifely fimilar to atmofpheric air in all its properties. There are many other methods of feparating the refpirable from the noxious part of the at- mofpheric air, which cannot be taken notice of in this place, without anticipating information, which properly belongs to the fubfequent chap- ters. The experiments already adduced, may fuffice for an elementary treatife : and, in mat- ters of this nature, the choice of our evidences is of far greater confequence than their num- ber. I fhall clofe this article, by pointing out the property poffeffed by atmofpheric air, and all the known gaffes, of diffolving water ; which circumftance it is of great confequence to attend to in all experiments of this nature. Mr Sauf- fure found, by experiment, that a cubical foot of atmofpheric air is capable of holding 12 grains of water in folution*. Other gaffes, as the car- bonic acid, appear capable of diffolving a great- er quantity: but experiments are ftill wanting * It is evident that the quanriry of vviter held in folo- tion/by determinate quantities of the ditferent gafle«, muft varyaccordingto thedegrees of temnerature andwcfiure. --T. 96 ELEMENT S by which to determine their feveral propor- tions. This water, held in folution by gaffes, gives rife to particular phenomena, which re- quire great attention, in many experiments, and which have frequently proved the fource of great errors to chemifts in determining the re- fults of their experiments. OF CHEMISTRY. fj CHAP. IV. Nomenclature of the feveral Conftituent Parts of Atmofpheric Air. HITHERTO I have been obliged to make ufe of circumlocution, to exprefs the na- ture of the feveral fubftances which conftitute our atmofphere, having provisionally ufed the terms of refpirable, and noxious or non-refpirable parts if the air. But the inveftigations I mean to undertake require a more direct mode of ex- preflion; and, having now endeavoured to give fimple anddiftinct ideas of the different fubftances which enter into the compofition of the atmo- fphere, I fhall henceforth exprefs thefe ideas by words equally fimple. The temperature of our earth being very near to that at which water becomes folid, and at which reciprocally it changes from folid to fluid—and as this phenomenon takes place fre- quently under our obfervation—it has very na- turally followed, that, in the languages of at leaft every climate fubject to any degree of win- ter, a term has been ufed for fignifying water in the ftate of folidity, or when deprived of its qa- N 9* ELEMENTS loric. The fame precifion has not been found neceffary with refpect to water reduced to the ftate of vapour by an additional quantity of calo- ric. Thofe perfons who do not make a particu- lar ftudy of objects of this kind, are ftill ignorant v that water, when in a temperature only a little above the boiling heat, is changed into an elaftic aeriform fluid, fufceptible, like all other gaffes, of being received and contained in veffels, and of preferving its'gaffeous form fo long as it remains at the temperature of 212°, and under a pref- fure not exceeding 28 inches of the mercurial ba- rometer. As this phenomenon has not been ve- ry generally obferved, no language has ufed a particular term for expreffing water in this ftate*: and the fame thing occurs with all fluids, and all fubftances, which do not evaporate in the common temperature, and under the ufual pref- fure of our atmofphere. For fimilar reafons, r.ames have not been given to the liquid or concrete ftates of moft of the aeriform fluids. Thefe were not known to arife from the combination of caloric with certain bafes: and, as they had not been feen either in the liquid or folid ftates, their exiftence, under thefe forms, was even unknown to natural phi- lofophcrs. * In Eigiilh, the word fltam is exclufively appropria- ted to water in the fttue of vapour.----T. OF CHEMISTRY. 99 We have not pretended to make any altera- tion upon fuch terms as are fanctified by ancient cuftom; and, therefore, continue to ufe the words water and ice in their common acceptation. We likewife retain the word air, to exprefs that col- lection of elaftic fluids which compofes our at- mofphere. But we have not thought it necef- fary to preferve the fame refpect for modern terms, adopted by the latter philofophers, having confidered ourfelves as at liberty to reject fuch as appeared liable to give erroneous ideas of the fubftances they are meant to exprefs, and either to fubftitute new terms, or to employ the old ones, after having modified them in fuch a man- ner as to convey more determinate ideas. New words, when neceffary, have been borrowed chiefly from the Greek language, in fuch a man- ner as to make their etymology convey fome idea of what was meant to be reprefented by them : and we have always endeavoured to make thefe fhort, and of fuch a form as to admit of being changed into adjectives and verbs. Following thefe principles, we have, after the example of Mr Macquer, retained the term gas, employed by VanHelmont; having arrang- ed the numerous clafs of elaftic aeriform f uids under that name, excepting only atmofpheric air. Gas, therefore, in our nomenclature, be- comes a generic term, expreffmg the fid left de- gree of faturation in any body with caloric ; be- 10© ELEMENTS ing, in fact, a term expreflive of a mode of ex- iftence. To diftinguifh the fpecies of gas, we employ a fecond term derived from the name 01 the bafe, which, faturated with caloric, forms each particular gas. Thus, we name water com- bined to faturation with caloric, fo as to form an elaftic fluid, aqueous gas; ether, combined in the fame manner, ethereal gas ; the combination of alkohol with caloric, becomes aikoholk gas ; and, following the fame principles, we have mu- riatic acid gas, ammoniacal gas, and fo on of eve- ry fubftance fufceptible of being combined with caloric, in fuch a manner as to affume the gafieous or elaftic aeriform ftate. We have already feen, that the atmofpheric fluid, or common air, is compofed of two gaffes, or aeriform fluids ; one of which is capable, by refpiration, of contributing to fupport animal life; and in it metals are calculable, and com- buftible bodies may burn. The other, on the contrary, is endowed with directly oppofite qua- lities. It cannot be breathed* by animals, nei- ther will it admit of the combuftion of inflam- mable bodies, nor of the calcination of metals; We have given to the bafe of the former, which is the refpirable portion of atmofpheric air, the * It may indeed he inspired into the lungs of animals, but is then Cure to produce inftant death.----T. OF CHEMISTRY. 101 name of .oxygen, from %^t, acidum, and ^i/*^** gignor, becaufe one of the moft general proper- ties of this bafe is to form acids, by combining with many different fubftances. The union of this bafe with caloric, which is the fame with what was formerly named pure, or vital, or high- ly refpirable air, we now call oxygen gas. The weight of this gas, at the temperature of 54.500, and under a preffure equal to 28 inches of the ba- rometer, is half a grain for each cubical inch near- ly, or one ounce and a half to each cubical foot. The chemical properties of the noxious por- tion of atmofpheric air being hitherto but little known, we have been fatisfied to derive the name of its bafe from its known quality of kil- ling fuch animals as are forced to breathe it; giving it the name of azot, from the Greek pri- vative particle * and &*, vita; hence the name of the noxious part of atmofpheric air is azotic gas. The weight of this, in the fame tempera- ture, and under the fame p effure, is 1 oz. 2 drams and 48 grs. to the cubical foot, or 0.4444 of a grain to the cubical inch. We cannot deny, that this name appears fomewhat extra- ordinary. But this muft be the cafe with all new terms, which cannot be expected to be- come familiar until they have been fome time in ufe. We long endeavoured to find a more proper defignation without fuccefs. It was at firft propofed to call it alkaligen gas, as, from 102 ELEMENTS the experiments of Mr Berthollet, it appears to enter into the compofition of ammoniac, or vo- latile alkali. But then, we have as yet no proof of its making one of the conftituent elements of the other alkalies; befides, it is proved to form a part of the nitric acid, which gives as good reafon to have it called niirigen. For thefe rea- fons, finding it neceffary to reject any r.ame upon fyftematic principles, we have confidered that we run no rifk of miftake in adopting the terms cf azot, .xA azotic gas, which only ex- prefs a matter of fact, or that property which it poffeifes, of depriving fuch animals as breathe it of their lives. I fhould anticipate fubjects more properly re- ferved for the fubfequent chapters, were I in this place to enter upon the nomenclature of the feveral fpecies of gaffes. It is fufficient, in this part of the work, to eftablifh the principles upon which their demoninations are founded. The principal merit of the nomenclature we have ad- opted is, that, when once the fimple elementary fubftance is diftinguifhed by an appropriate term, the names of all its compounds derive readily, and neceffarily, from this firft denomination, OF ^HEMISTRY. CHAP. V. Of the Decompofition of Oxygen Gas by Sulphur, Phofphorus, and Carbon—and of the Forma* tion of Acids in general. "jj-hN performing experiments, it is a neceffary JJL principle, which ought never to be devia- ted from, that they be Amplified as much as poffible, and that every circumftance capable of rendering their refults complicated, be carefully removed. Wherefore, in the experiments which form the object of this chapter, I have never employed atmofpheric air, which is not a fimple fubftance. It is true, that the azotic gas, which forms a part of its mixture, appears to be mere- ly palahve during combuftion and calcination. But, befides that it retards thefe operations very confiderably, we are not certain but it may even alter their refults in fome circumftances ; for which reafon, I have thought it necefary to remove even this poffible caufe of doubt, by making ufe only of pure oxygen gas in the fol- lowing experiments, which fhew the effects pro- duced by combuftion in that gas. I fhall ad- vert to fuch differences as take place in the re- fults of thefe, when the oxygen gas, or pure 103 l©4 ELEMENTS vital air, is mixed, in different proportions, with azotic gas. Having filled a bell-glafs, A, PI. IV. fig. 3. of between five and fix pints meafure, with oxy- gen gas, I removed it from the water-trough, where it was filled, into the quickfilver bath, by means of a (hallow glafs difh flipped under- neath ; and having dried the mercury, I introdu- ced 611 grains of Kunkefs phofphorus in two little China cups, like that reprefented at D, fig. 3. under the glafs A. That I might fet fire to each of the portions of phofphorus feparately, and to prevent the one from catching fire from the other, one of the dilhes was covered with a flat piece of glafs. I next raifed the quick- filver in the bell-glafs up to EF, by fucking out a fufficient portion of gas through the fy- phon GHI. After this, by means of the crook- ed iron wire, fig. 16. made red hot, I fet fire to the two portions of phofphorus fucceffively, firft burning that portion which was not cover- ed by the piece of glafs. The combuftion was extremely rapid, being attended by a very bril- liant flame, and a confiderable difengagement of light and heat. In confequence of the great heat induced, the gas was at firft much dilated ; but foon after the mercury returned to its level, and a confiderable abforption or diminution of gas took place; at the fame time, the whole in- OF CHEMISTRY 105 fide of the glafs became covered with light white flakes of concrete phofphoric acid. At the beginning of the experiment, the quantity of oxygen gas, reduced, as before di- rected, to a common ftandard of thermonaetrical temperature and barometrical preffure, amount- ed to 162 cubical inches; and, after the com- buftion was finiihed, only 23! cubical inches, likewife reduced to the ftandard, remained; fo that the quantity of oxygen gas abforbed during the combuftion was 138? cubical inches, equal . to 69.575 grains. A part of the phofphorus remained uncon- fumed in the bottom of the cups, which being wafhed on purpofe to feparate the acid, weigh- ed about 16'-grains; fo that about 45 grains of phofphorus had been confirmed. But, as it is hardly pofiible to avoid an error of one or two grains, I leave the number fo far qualified. Hence, as nearly 45 grains of phofphorus had, in this experiment, united with 69.375 grains of oxygen, and as no gravitating matter could have efcaped through the glafs, we have a right to conclude, that the weight of the fubftance re- fulting from the combuftion in form of white- flakes, muft equal that of the phofphorus and oxygen employed, which amounts to 114,3^5 grains; And we fhall prefently find, that thefe flafces confifted entirely of a folid or concrete acid. When we reduce thefe weights to hun- O ic6 E L E M E N T S dredth parts, it will be found that ioo parts of phofphorus require 154 parts of oxygen for fa- turation ; and that this combination will produce 254 parts of concrete phofphoric acid, in form of white fleecy flakes. This experiment proves, in the moft convin- cing manner, that at a certain degree of tempe- rature, oxygen poffeffes a ftronger elective at- traction, or affinity, for phofphorus than for ca- loric ; and that, in confequence of this, the phof- phorus attracts the bafe of oxygen gas from the caloric, which, being fet free, fpreads itfelf over the furrounding bodies. But, though this ex- periment *be fo far perfectly conclufive, it is not fufliciently rigorous; for, in the apparatus de- scribed above, it is impoflible to afcertain the weight of the fakes of concrete acid which are formed : we can therefore only determine thi§ by calculating the weights of oxygen and phof- phorus employed. But as, in phyfics, and in chemiftry, it is not allowable to fuppofe what is capable of being afcertained by direft experi- ment, I thought it neceffary to repeat this experi- ment, as follows, upon a larger fcale, and by means of a different apparatus. I took a large glafs balloon A, PI. IV. fig. 4. with an opening of three inches Jdiameter, to which was fitted a cryftal ftopper, ground with emery, and pierced with two holes for the tubes vyv, xxx. Before fhutting the balloon with its OF CHEMISTRY. 107 Copper, I introduced the fupport BC, furmount- ed by the china cup D, containing 150^ of phofphorus. The ftopper was then fitted to the opening of the balloon, luted with fat lute, and covered with flips of linen fpread with quicklime, and white of eggs. When the lute was perfect- ly dry, the weight of the whole apparatus was determined to within a grain, or a grain and a half. I next cxhaufted the balloon, by means of an air-pump applied to the tube xxx, and then introduced oxygen gas by means of the tube yyy, which has a flop-cock adapted to it. This kind of experiment is moft readily and moft exactly performed by means of the hydro- pneumatic machine defcribed by Mr Meufnier and myfelf, in the Memoirs of the Academy for 1782, page 466, and explained in the latter part of this work, with feveral important additions and corrections fince made to it by Mr Meuf- nier. With this inftrument we can readily af- certain, in the moft exact manner, both the quantity of oxygen gas introduced into the bal- loon, and the quantity confumed during the courfe of the experiment. When all things were properly difpofed, I fet fire to the phofphorus with a burning-glafs: The combuftion was extremely rapid, accompa- nied with a bright flame, and much heat. As the operation went on, large quantities of white flakes gradually attached themfelves to the in- io8 E L E M E N T S ner furface of the balloon, until at laft it was rendered quite opake. The quantity of thefe flakes at the end became fo abundant, that, though frefh oxygen gas was continually fup- plied, which ought to have fupported the com- buftion, the phofphorus became extinguifhed. Having allowed the apparatus to cool complete- ly, I firft afcertained the quantity of oxygen gas employed, and weighed the balloon accurately, before it was opened. I next wafhed, dried, and weighed the fmall quantity of phofphorus remaining in the cup, on purpofe to determine the whole quantity of phofphorus confirmed in the experiment. This refiduum of the phofpho- rus was of a yellow ochrey colour. It is evi- dent, that by thefe feveral precautions, I could eafily determine the weight of the phofphorus confumed ; the weight of the flakes produced by the combuftion; and the weight of the oxygen which had combined with the phof- phorus. This experiment gave very nearly the fame refults with the former ; as it proved that the phofphorus, during its combuftion, had abforbed a little more than one and a half its weight of oxygen: and I learned with more certainty, that the weight of the new fubftance, produced in the experiment, exactly equalled the fum of the weights of the phofphorus confumed, and oxygen abforbed; which indeed was eafily OF CHEMISTRY. 109 determinable a priori. If the oxygen gas em- ployed be pure, the refiduum after combuftion is as pure as the gas employed. This proves that nothing efcapes from the phofphorus, ca- pable of altering the purity of the oxygen gas, and that the only action of the phofphorus is to feparate the oxygen from the caloric, with which it was before united. I mentioned above, that when any combufln- ble body is burnt in a hollow fphere of ice, or in an apparatus properly conftructed upon that principle, the quantity of ice melted during the combuftion is an exact meafure of the quantity of caloric difengaged. On this fubject the me- moir given to the academy by M. de la Place and myfelf, A°. 1780, p. 355, may be confulted. Having fubmitted the combuftion of phofphorus to this trial, we found that one pound of phof- phorus melted a little more than 100 pounds of ice during its combuftion. The combuftion of phofphorus fucceeds equal- ly well in atmofpheric air as in oxygen gas, with this difference, that the combuftion is vaftlv flow- er, being retarded by the large proportion of a- zotic gas mixed with the oxygen gas ; and that only about one fifth-part of the air employed is abforbed; becaufe, as the oxygen gas only is abforbed, the proportion of the azotic gas be- comes fo great towards the clofe of the experi- riment, as to put an end to the combuftion. no ELEMENTS I have already fhewn, that phofphorus is changed by combuftion into an extremely light, white, flakey matter. Its properties are likewife entirely altered by this transformation. Trom being infoluble in water, it becomes not only foluble, but fo greedy of moiftufe, as to attract the humidity of the air with aftonifhing rapidi- ty. By this means it is converted into a liquid, confiderably more denfe, and cf mere fpecific gravity than water. In the ftate of phofphorus before combuftion, it has fcarcely any fenfible tafte ; by its union with oxygen it acquires an extremly fharp and four tafte. In a word, from one of the clafs of combuftible bodies, it is chan- ged into an incombuftible fubftance, and be- comes one of thofe bodies called acids. This property of a combuftible fubftance to be converted into an acid, by the addition of oxygen, we fhall prefently find belongs to a great number of bodies : wnherefore, a ftrict logic re- quires that we fhould adopt a common term for indicating all thefe operations which produce analogous refults. This is the true wray to fim- plify the ftudy of fcience, as it would be quite impoffiblc to bear all its fpecifical details in the memory, if they were not claflically ar- ranged. For this reafon, we fhall diftinguifh the converfion of phofphorus into an acid, by its union with oxygen, and in general every combination of oxygen with a combuftible fub- OF CHEMISTRY. in fiance, by the term of oxygenation: FrOm this I fhall adopt the verb to oxygenate; and of con- fequence fhall fay, that in oxygenating phofpho- rus we convert it into an acid. Sulphur is likewife a combuftible body ; or, in other words, it is a body which poffeffes the power of decompofing oxygen gas, by attract- ing the oxygen from the caloric with which it was combined. This can very eafily be proved, by means of experiments quite fimilar to thofe we have given with phofphorus. But it is ne- ceffary to premife, that in thefe operations with fulphur, the fame accuracy of refult is not to be expected as with phofpliorus ; becaufe the acid which is formed by the combuftion of ful- phur is difficultly condenfible ; and becaufe ful- phur burns with more difficulty, and is foluble in the different gaffes. But I can fafely affert, from my own experiments, that fulphur in burning abforbs oxygen gas ; that the refulting acid is confiderably heavier than the fulphur burnt; that its weight is equal to the Aim of the weights of the fulphur which has been burnt, and of the oxygen abforbed ; and laftly, that this acid is weighty, incombuftible, and mifcible with water in all proportions. The onlv uncertainty remaining on this head, h with regard to the proportions of fulphur and of oxygen which enter into the compofition of the acid. 112 ELEMENTS Charcoal, which, from all our prefent know- ledge regarding it, muft be confidered as a fim- ple combuftible body*, has likewife the proper- ty of decompofing oxygen gas, by abforbing its bafe from the caloric. But the acid refulting from this combuftion does not condenfe in the common temperature. Under the preffure of our atmofphere, it remains in the ftate of gas, and requires a large proportion of water to combine with, or be diffolvcd in. This acid has, how- ever, all the known properties of other acids, though in a weaker degree ; and combines, like them with all the bafes which are fufceptible of forming neutral falts. The combuftion of charcoal in oxygen gas, may be effected like that of phofphorus in the bell-glafs, A, PI. IV. fig. 3. placed over mer- cury. But, as the heat of red-hot iron is not fuhleient to fet fire to the charcoal, we muft add a fmall morfel of tinder, with a minute particle of phofphorus, in the fame manner as is directed in the experiment for the combuftion of iron. A detailed account of this experiment • will be found in the memoirs of the academy * This afiertion is to he underftood of the pure combuf- tible part of charcoal, which, in the nomenclature, is i.anicd carbon, carbonuvi, to diftinguifli it !V' m charcoal, charbni, cm-bo. The latter, befides carbon, contains fjmu" !ncom':uflVjle earth, and certain Cwt1..----T. OF CHEMISTRY. "3 for 1781, p. 448. By that experiment it ap- pears, that 28 parts by weight of carbon re- quire 72 parts of oxygen for faturation ; and that the aeriform acid produced is precifely equal in weight to the fum of the weights of the char- coal confumed, and oxygen gas employed, during the combuftion. This aeriform acid was called fixed or fixable air by the chemifts who firft difco- vered it. They did not then know whether it was air refembling that of the atmofphere, or fome other elaftic fluid, vitiated and corrupted by combuftion. But fince it is now afcertained to be an acid, formed like all others by the oxy- genation of its peculiar bafe, it is obvious that the name of fixed air is quite ineligible*. By burning charcoal in the apparatus men- tioned, p. 60, Mr de la Place and I found that one lb. of charcoal melted 96.375/^. of ice ; that, during the combuftion, 2.5714 lbs. of oxy- gen were abforbed; and that 3.5714/&r. of acid gas were formed. This gas weighs 0.695 Part* of a grain for each cubical inch, in the common P * It may be proper to remark, though here omitted by the author, that, in conformity with the general principles of the new nomenclature, this acid is by Mr. Lavoifier and bis colleagues called the carbonic acid, and when in the aeriform ftate, carbonic acid gas.----T. ii4 ELEMENTS ftandard temperature and preffure mentioned above ; fo that 34242* cubical inches of acid gas are produced by the combuftion of one pound of charcoal. I might multiply thefe experiments, and fhow, by a numerous fucceflion of facts, that all acids are formed by the combuftion of certain fubftan- ces. But I am prevented from doing fo in this place, by the plan which 1 have laid down, of proceeding only from facts already afcertained to fuch as are unknown, and of drawing my examples only from circumftances already ex- plained. In the mean time, however, the three examples above cited, may fuffice for gi- ving a clear and accurate conception of the manner in which acids are formed. By thefe it may be clearly feen, that oxygen is an ele- ment common to them all, and which confti- tutes or produces their acidity ; and that they differ from each other, according to the feveral natures of the oxgenated or acidified fubftan- ces. We muft, therefore, in every acid, care- * Some error mud have crept into Mr. Lavoifier's calcu- lation ; for, on the data here given, the number of cubi- cal inches of gas ought to have been 47358.3 ; as 3.5714 lbs. of carbonic acid gas, or 32gr/'.02:4 grs. when di- vided by .695, the weight of a cubical inch, give this corrected quotient.----T. OF CHEMISTRY. n$ fully diftinguifh between the acidifiable bafe, which Mr de Morveau calls the radical, and the acidifying principle, or oxygen. n6 ELEMENTS CHAP VI. Of the Nomenclature of Acids in general, and par- ticularly of thofe drawn from Nitre and Sea- Salt. IT becomes extremely eafy, from the princi- ples laid down in the preceding chapter, to eftablifh a fyftematic nomenclature for the a- cids. The word acid being ufed as a generic term, each acid falls to be diftinguifhed in lan- guage, as in nature, by the name of its bafe or radical. Thus, we give the generic name of acids to the products of the combuftion or oxy- genation of phofphorus, of fulphur, and of car- bon ; and thefe products are refpettively named, the phofphoric acid, the fulphuric acid, and the carbonic acid. There i.*, however, a remarkable circum- ftance in the oxygenation of combuftible bo- dies, and of a part of fuch bodies as are con- vertible into acids, that they are fufceptible of different degrees of faturation with oxygen; and that the refulting acids, though formed by the union of the fame elements, are poffeffed of different properties, depending upon that dif- ference of proportion. Of this, the phofphoric OF CHEMISTRY 117 acid, and, more efpecially, the fulphuric, fur- nifh us with examples. When fulphur is com- bined with a fmall proportion of oxygen, it forms, in the firft or lower degree of oxygena- tion, a volatile acid, having a penetrating odour, and poffeffed of very peculiar qualities. By a larger proportion of oxygen, it is changed into a fixed, heavy acid, without any odour, and which, by combination with other bodies, gives products quite different from thofe furnifhed by the former. In this inftance, the principles of our nomenclature feem to fail : and it appears difficult to derive fuch terms from the name of the acidifiable bafe, as fhall diftinctly exprefs thefe two degrees of faturation, or oxygenation, without circumlocution. By reflection, how- ever, upon the fubject, or perhaps rather from the neceflity of the cafe, we have thought it al- lowable to exprefs thefe varieties in the oxyge- nation of the acids, by fimply varying the termi- nation of their fpecific names. The volatile acid" produced from fulphur was anciently known to Stahl under the name of fulphurous acid *. * The term formerly ufed by the Englifh chemifts for this acid was written ful?»hur(! This acid, like all others, is compofed of oxy- gen, united to an acidifiable bafe, and is even the firft acid in which the exiftence of oxygen * The compound term murioxic a a J might ferve verv con enirptly ior expreffingrhis ft ,re of the muriatic acid. In (tndl conVrmhy w:th the general principles of the ne \ ..hemicA philofophy and its nomen lauire, it mould have beenc,>Ued/«/>:T.ow-«^.t corv'-i- ned with c-jloric), azotic ox\ d gas, azotous acid, and azotic acid,----T". OF CHEMISTRY. 129 CHAP. VII. ■ Of the Dccompfition of Oxygen Gas by means of Metals, and the Formation of Metallic Oxyds. OXYGEN has a ftronger affinity with me- tals that are heated to a certain degree, than with caloric. In confequence of this^ all metallic bodies, excepting gold, filver, and da- tma, have the property of decompofing oxy- gen gas, by attra-aing its bafe from the caloric w.tn which it is combined. We have alrea- dy fiown in what manner this decompofition is effected by means of mercury and iron ; hav- ing obferved, that, in the cafe of the firft, it muft be confidered as a kind of gradual com- buftion, whereas, in the latter, the combuftion is extremely rapid, and is attended with a bril- liant flame. The ufe of the heat employed in thefe operations is to feparate the particles of the metal from each other, and to diminim their afiinity of cohefion or aggregation, or, what is the fame tiftag, their mutual attraction for each other. The ahiblu'e weight of all metallic fubftan- ces is augmented in proportion to the quantity R 130 ELEMENTS of oxygen they abforb ; they, at the fame time, lofe their metallic fplenior, and are reduced to the aopearance of an earthy pulverulent matter : In this ftate, metals muft not be confi- dered as entirely faturated with oxygen, be- caufe their action upon this element is counter- balanced by the power of affinity between it and the caloric. During the calcination of me- tals, the oxygen is therefore acted upon by two feparate and oppofite powers, that of its attraction for caloric, and that exerted by the metal; and it only tends to unite with the me- tal in confequence of the excefs of the latter power over the former, which is, in general, very inconfiderable. Wherefore, when me- tallic fubftances are oxygenated in atmofpheric air, or in oxygen gas, they are not converted into acids, like fulphur, phofphorus, and car- bon, but are only changed into intermediate fubftances, which, though approaching to the nature of falts,. have not acquired all the /aline proper ftes. The older chemifts have affixed the name of calx not only to metals in this ftate, but to eve- ry body which has been long expofed to the action of fire without being melted. They have employed this word calx as a generical term; under which they confound calcareous earth, which, from a neutral fait, which it really was before calcination, has been chan- OF CHEMISTRY. I3I ged by fire into an earthy alkali, by loftng half of its weight; and metals, which, by the fame means, have joined themfelves to a new fub- ftance, the added quantity of which often ex- ceeds half their weight, and by the addition of which they had been changed almoft into the nature of acids. This mode of claffiTying fub- ftances, of fo very oppofite natures, under the fame generic name, would have been quite contrary to our principles of nomenclature ; efpe- cially as, by retaining the above term for this ftate of metallic fubftances, wc muft have con- veyed very falfe ideas of its nature. We have, therefore, laid afide the expreffion metallic calx altogether, and have fubftituted in its place the term oxyd, from the Greek word 6s^. By this readinefs for fupplying appofite terms, it is evident that the language we have adopt- ed is both copious and expreffive. The firft or loweft degree of oxygenation in bodies, con- verts them into oxyds ; a fecond degree of ad- ditional oxygenation conftitutes that clafs of acids, of which the fpecific names, drawn from their particular bafes, terminate in oas, as the nitrous and fulphurous acids ; the third degree of oxygenation changes thefe into that diviiion of acids, which are diftinguiflied by the termi- nation in ic, as the nitric and fwuauric acids; and laftly, we can exprefs a fourth, or hi'dieft degree of oxygenation, by adding the word cxy- 132 E L E Id E N T S genated to the name of the acid, as has been already done with the oxygenated muriatic acid. We have not confined the term oxyd to the purpofe of expreffing the combination of metals with oxygen, but have extended it to fignify that firft degree of oxygenation in all bodies, which, whkout converting them into acids, caufes them to approach to the nature of falts. Thus, we give the name of oxyd of fulphur to that foft fubftance into which fulphur is con- verted by incipient, or imperfect combuftion ; and we call the yellow matter left by phofpho- rus, after combuftion, by the name of oxyd of phofphorus. In the fame manner, nitrous gas, which is azot in its firft degree of oxygenation, is the oxyd of azot*. We have likewife oxyds in great numbers from the vegetable and animal kingdoms ; and I fhall fhew, in the fequel, that this new language throws great light upon all the operations of art and nature. We have already obferved, that almoft all the metallic oxyds have peculiar and perma- * Mr. Lavoifier here ufes the term oxyd of azot, but it is no where elfe adopted in the new nomenclature; j though, as I have mentioned in a former note, it is more legitimate than the term nitrous gas ; which laft he has retained, both becaufe it has long been employed, and chiefly becaufe, as a familiar term in chemiftrv, it con- veys no ideas contradiclory to the real nature of the fub- ftance it is meant to exprefs----T. OF CHEMISTRY 133 nent colours. Thefe vary not only in the dif- ferent fpecies of metals, but even according to the various degrees of oxygenation in the fame metal. Hence we are under the necefnty of adding two epithets to each oxyd, one of which indicates the metal oxyd.:t:dr:, while the other indicates the peculiar colour of the oxyd. Thus, we have the black oxyd of iron, the red oxyd of iron, and the yellow oxyd cf iron ; which exprefnons refpedtively anfwer to the old unmeaning terms of martial ethiops, colcothar, and ruft of iron, or ochre. We have likewife the grey, yellow, and red oxyds of lead, which anfwer to the equally falfe or infignificant old terms, litharge, afhes of lead, mafficot, and mi- nium. Thefe denominations fometimes become ra- ther long, efpecially when we mean to indi- cate whether the- metal has been oxdyated in the air, by detonation with nitre, or by means of acids; but then they always .convey juft * Here we fee the word o^-yd converted into the verb to oxydate, oxydated, oxydatinj, after the fame manner with the derivation of the verb to oxygenate, oxyp -v. ate J oxygenating, from the word oxygen. I am not clear of the abfolute neceflity of this fecond verb here firft in- troduced, but think that, in a woik of this nature, it is the duty of the tranflator to neglecl every other conli- deration for the fake of ftrict fidelity to the ideas of his author.—_T. *34 ELEMENTS and accurate ideas of the correfponding objects which we wifh to exprefs by their ufe. All this will be rendered perfectly clear and diftinct by means of the tables which are added to this work. OF CHEMISTRY. CHAP VIII. Of the Radical Principle of Water, and ef its Decompofition by Charcoal and Iron. UNTIL very lately, water has always been thought a fimple fubftance; infbmuch that the older chemifts confidered it as an ele- ment. Such it undoubtedly was to them as they were unable to decompofe it; or, at leaft fince the decompofition which took place daily before their eyes, was entirely unnoticed. , But we mean to prove, that water is by no means a fimple or elementary fubftance. I fhall not here pretend to give the hiftory of this recent, and hitherto contefted difcovery, which is de- tailed in the Memoirs ofthe Academy for 1781 • but fhall only bring forward the principal proofs ofthe decompofition, and compofition of water; and I may venture to fay, that thefe will be convincing to fuch as confider them impar- tially. r Experiment Firft. Having fixed the glafs tube EF, PI. VII. Fio-. 11. of from 8 to 12 lines diameter, acrofs°a ij6 E L E M E N T S furnace, with a fmall inclination from EtoF.; lute the fuperior extremity E to the glafs retort A, containing a determinate quantity of ciftil- led water; and to the fuperior cxtremhy F, lute the worm SS, fixed into the neck of the doubly tubulated bottle H ; which laft lias the bent tale KK adapted to one of its openings, in fuch a mannefjas to convey fuch aeriform fluids or gaffes as may be difengaged, during the experiment, into a proper apparatus for determining their quantity and. natu; e. ,,«, To render the. fuccefs of this experiment, cer- tain, it is neceffary that the tube El'' be made of well annealed and difficultly fufible glafs, and tfiat it be coated over with a lute compofed of clay mixed with powdered ftone ware ; befides which, it muft be fupported about its middle by means of an iron bar paifed through the furnace, left ft fhould foften and bend, during tee e :i;e- riment. A tube of -China-ware or porcelain, would anfv/er better than one of glafs for t^iis experiment, were it net difficult to procure one fo entirely free from pores as to prevent the paf- fage of the air or vapours. When things are thus arranged, a fire is light- ed in the furnace EFCD, which is fupported of fuch a ftrength as tq keep the tube EF red hot, but not to make it melt; and, at the fame time, fuch a fire is kept up in the furnace VVJX, as OF CHEMIST RY. 137 to keep the water in the retort A continually boiling. In proportion as the water, in the retort A, is evaporated, ft fills the tube EF, and drives out the air contained through the tube KK. The a- queous gas formed by evaporation, is condenfed by cooling in the worm SS, and falls, drop- by drop, into the tubulated bottle H. Having con- tinued this operation until all the water be eva- porated from the retort, and having carefully emptied all the veffels employed, we find that a quantity of water has paffed over into the bottle H, exa&iy equal to what was before contained in the retort A, without any difengagement of gas whatfoever: So that this experiment turns out to be a fimple diftillation ; and the refult would have been exactly the fame, if the water had been run from one veffel into the other, without having undergone the intermediate in- candefcence, by paffing through the red hot tube EF. Experiment Second. The apparatus being difpofed, as in the for- mer experiment; 38 grs. of charcoal, broken in to moderately fmall parts, and which has previ- oufly been expofed for a long time to a red heat in clofe veffels, are introduced into the tube S 138 ELEMENTS EF : Every thing elfe is managed exactly as in the preceding experiment. The water, contained in the retort A, is diftil- led, as in the former experiment, and, being condenfed in the worm SS, falls into the bottle H. But, at the fame time, a confiderable quan- tity of gas is difengaged, which, efcapihg by the tube KK, is received in a convenient apparatus for that purpofe. After the operation is finifh- ed, we find nothing but a few atoms of afhes re- maining in the tube EF; the 28 grs. of charcoal having entirely difappeared. When the difengaged gaffes are carefully exa- mined, they are found to weigh 113.7 grs-.* ; thefe are of two kinds, viz. 144 cubical inches of carbonic acid gas, weighing 100 grs. and 380 cubical inches of a Very light gas, weighing only 13.7 grs. This latter gas takes fire, when in contact with air, by the approach of a light- ed body : and1 when the water, which has paf- fed over into the bottle H, is carefully examined, it is found to have loft 85.7 grs. of its weight. Hence, in this experiment, 85.7 grj-. of water, joined to 28 grs. of charcoal, have combined in fuch a way as to form 100 grs. of carbonic * In th." letter part cf this work will be fjund a par- licuHr accM'.nt or the proceffes 1 eccflary for feparati:-^ t!-e different sinds of gahfts, and for determining their quantities, and the particular nnures of each.—•—T. OF CHEMISTRY 139 acid, and 13.7 grs. of a particular gas capable of being burnt. I have already fhewn, that 100 grs. of carbo- nic acid gas confift of 72 grs. of oxygen, com- bined with 2$ grs. of carbon ; hence the 28 grs. of charcoal, placed in the glafs tube, have acqui- red 72 grs. of oxygen from the water : and it follows, that 85.7 grs. of water are compofed of 72 grs. of oxygen combined with 13.7 grs. of a gas fufceptible of combuftion. We fhall fee prefently, that this gas cannot poffibly have been difengaged from the charcoal, and muft confequently have been produced from the wa- ter. I have fuppreffed fome circumftances in the aboye account of this experiment, which would only have rendered it complicated, and made its refults obfcure to the reader. For inftance, the inflammable gas diffolves a very fmall part of tjie carbon, by which means its own weight is fomewhat augmented, and that of the car- bonic gas is proportionally diminifhed. Al- though the alteration produced by this cir- cumftance is very considerable., yet I have thought it neceffary to determine its effects by a rigid calculation, and to report, as above, the refults of the experiment in its fimplified ftate, as if this circumftance had not happened. At any rate, fhould any doubts remain rejecting the confequences I have drawn from this experi- 140 ELEMENTS ment, they will be fully diffipated by the follow- ing experiments, which I am going to adduce in fupport of my opinion. Experiment Third. The apparatus being difpofed exactly as in the former experiment, with this difference, that inftead of the 28 grs. of charcoal, the tube EF is filled with 274 grs. of foft iron, in thin plates, rolled up fpirally. The tube is made red hot by means of its furnace, and the water, in the retort A, is kept conftantly boilinog till it be all evaporated, and has paffed through the tube E, F, to be condenfed in the bottle H. No carbonic acid is difengaged in this ex- periment ; inftead of which we obtain 416 cu- bical inches, or 15 grs. of inflammable gas, thirteen times lighter* than atmofpheric air. By examining the water which has been diftil- led, it is found to have loft 100 grs. and the zj4grs of iron, confined in the tube, are found to have acquired 85 grs. additional weight, and * This I conceive to be a very improper exprciTiun. I under!!: mil the meaning of one fubftance beinw thirteen times heavier thau another ; but I do not underftand how one can lv thirteen times lighter. One thirteenth of the weight ofthe heavier would be the proper expreffion for i.ig !'. ing the comparative gravity of tie lighter bo- c'\.----T. OF CHEMISTRY. 141 its magnitude is confiderably augmented. The iron is now hardly attractable by the magnet. It diifolves in acids without effervefcence. In fhort, it is converted into a black oxyd, precifely fimi- lar to that produced by the combuftion of iron in oxygen gas. In this experiment we have a true oxydation of iron by means of water, exactly fimilar to that produced in air by the affiftance of heat. One hundred grains of water having been de- compofed, 85 grs. of oxygen have combined with the iron, fo as to convert it into the ftate of black oxyd, and 15 grs. of a peculiar inflam- mable gas are difengaged. From all this it clearly follows, that water is compofed of oxy- gen combined with the bafe of an inflammable gas, in the refpective proportion of 85 parts, by weight, of the former, to 15 parts of the lat- ter. Thus water, befides the oxygen, which is one of its elements, as it is of many other fub- ftances, contains another element as its con- ftituent bafe or radical: and for this proper principle or element we muft find an ap- propriate term. None that we could think of, feemed better adapted than the word hy- drogen, which fignifies the generative prin- ciple of water, from vUf aqua, and >6„r6/M«, gig- 142 ELEMENTS nor*. We call the combination of this element with caloric, hydrogen gas ; and the term hydro- gen f expreffes the bafe of that gas, or the radi- cal of water. This experiment furnifhes us with a new combuftible body, or, in other words, a body which has fo much affinity with oxygen as to draw it from its connection with caloric, and to decompofe oxygen gas. This combuftible bo- dy has itfelf fo great an affinity with caloric, that, unlefs when engaged in a combination with fome other body, it always fubfifts in the aeriform or gaffeous ftate, in the ufual temperature and preffure of our atmofphere. In this ftate of gas it is about -^ of the weight of an equal bulk of * This exprefllon Hydrogen has been very feverely criticifed by fome, who pretend that it (ignifics engen- dered by water, and not -that which engenders water. I am not Grecian enougli to fettle the grammatical dif- pute: but the experiments related in this chapter prove, that when water is decompofed, hydrogen is produced, and that, when hydrogen is combined with oxygen, water is produced ; hence we may fay, with -equal truth, tiiat water is produced from hydrogen, or hydrogen is produced from water.----T. j In a former note, it is mentioned that this element appears to be the bafe of muriatic acid, and that, if the difcovery be autlienric, it might more properlv be named ?/;?/rio^«. In this cafe, what the older chemifts inmed inflammable air, will become, in the ne.v no- menclature, vuiriogen gat; and water will become a real oxyd if ;/r-'ri:~c;i.—— T. OF CHEMISTRY. *43 atmofpheric air. It is not abforbed by water, though it is capable of holding a fmall quantity of that fluid in folution : and it is incapable of being ufed for refpiration, without producing in- ftant death. As the property of burning, which this gas poffeffes in common with all other combuftible bodies, is merely the power of decompofing air, and carrying off its oxygen from the calo- ric with which is it combinedj it is eafily under- fbood, that it cannot burn, unlefs in contact with air or oxygen gas. Hence, when we fet fire to a bottle full of this gas, it burns gently, firft at the neck of the bottle, and then in the infide of it, in proportion as the external air gets in. This combuftion is flow and fucceffive, and on- ly takes place at the furface of contact between the two gaffes. It is quite different when the two gaffes are mixed before they are fet on fire. If, for inftance, after having introduced one part of oxygen gas into a narrow-mouthed bottle, we fill it up with two parts of hydrogen gas, and bring a lighted taper, or other burn- ing body, to the mouth of the bottle, the com- buftion of the two gaffes takes place inftanta- neoufly with a violent explofion. This experi- ment ought only to be made in a bottle of very ftrong green glafs, holding not more than a pint, and ftrongly wrapped round with.twine ; otherwifj the operator will be expofed to great 144 ELEMENTS danger from the rupture of the bottle, of which the fragments will be thrown about with great force. If all that has been related above, concern- ing the decompofition of water, be exactly con- formable to truth—if, as I have endeavoured to prove, that fubftance be really compofed of hydrogen, as its proper conftituent element, combined with oxygen—it ought to follow, that, by reuniting thefe two elements together, we fhould recompofe v/ater: and that this actual- ly happens, may be judged of by the following experiment. Experiment Fourth. I took a large cryftal balloon, A, PI. IV. fig.5. holding about 30 pints, having a large opening to which was cemented the plate of copper B C, pierced with four holes, in which four tubes terminate. The firft tube H h, is in- tended to be adapted to an air-pump, by which the balloon may be exhaufted of its air. The fecond tube gg, communicates, by its extre- mity MM, with a refervoir of oxygen gas, from which the balloon is to be filled. The third tube d D d', communicates, by its extremity d NN, with a refervoir of hydrogen gas. The extremity d' of this tube terminates in a ca- pillary opening, through which the hydrogen OF CHEMIS T R Y. *45 gas contained in the refervoir is forced, with a moderate degree of quicknefs, by the preffure of one or two inches of water. The fourth tube contains a metallic wire GL, having a knob at its extremity h, intended for giving an elec- trical fpark from L to d', on purpofe to fet fire to the hydrogen gas. This wire is moveable in the tube, that we may be able to feparate the knob L from the extremity d' of the tube D d\ The three tubes, d D d' ^g, andHh, are all pro- vided with ftop-cocks. That the hydrogen gas and oxygen gas may be as much as poffible deprived of water, they are made to pafs, in their way to the balloon A, through the tubes MM, NN, of about an inch diameter, and thefe are filled with falts, which, from their deliquefcent nature, greedily attract the moifture of the air: fuch are the acetite of potafh, and the muriat or nitrat of lime*. Thefe falts muft only be reduced to a coarfe powder, left they run into lumps, and pre- vent the gaffes from getting through their inter- ftices. We muft be provided before hand with a fufficient quantity of oxygen gas, carefully pu- T *'See the nature of thefe falts in the fecond rare of ih'.s^bov'k----A. 146 ELEMENTS rified from all admixture of carbonic acid, by long contact with a folution of potafh*. We muft likewife have a quantity of hydro- gen gas, equal to twice the bulk of the oxygen gas, and contained in a feparate refervoir. This muft be carefully purified in the fame manner by long contact with a folution of pcrafh in water. The beft way to obtain this gas free from mix- ture, is, by decompofmg water with pure foft iron, as directed in Exp. 3. of this chapter. Having adjufted every thing properly, as a- bove dire&ed, the tube II h is adapted to an air- pump, and the balloon A is exhaufted of its air. We next admit the oxygen gas, fo as to fill the balloon: and then, by means of preffure, as is before mentioned, force a fmall ftream of hy- drogen gas, through its tube D d\ to which we immediately fet fire, by an electrical fpark. By means of the above-defcribed apparatus, we can continue the mutual combuftion of thefe two gaffes for a long time ; as we have the power of fupplying them, to the balloon, from their refervoirs, in proportion as they are con- * By potafh is here meant, pure or cauftic vegetable alkali, deprived of carbonic acid, by means of quick- lime. In the general, we may ohferve here, tint ail the alkalies and earths mull invariably be conlidered as in their pure or cauftic ftate, unlefs otherwife exprefTed— T. The method of obtaining this pure alkali of potafh will be given in the fequcl.----A. OF CHEMISTRY. 147 fumed. I have in another place* given a mi- nute defcripdon ofthe apparatus ufed in this ex- periment ; and have explained the manner of af- certaining the quantities of the gaffes confumed with the moft fcrupulous exa&itude. In proportion to the advancement of the combuftion, there is a d:r aftion of water upon the inner furface of the balloon or matrafs A. The water gradually increafes in quantity ; and, gathering into large drops, runs down to the bottom of the veffel. It is eafy to afcertain the quantity of water collected, by weighing the balloon both before and after the experi- ment. Thus we have a twofold verification of our experiment, by afcertaining both the quantities of the gaffes employed, and of the water formed by their combuftion, thefe two quantities muft be equal to each other. By an operation of this kind, Mr. Meufnier and I ascertained, that it required 85 parts, by weight, of oxygen, united to 15 parts of hydrogen, to compofe one hundred parts of water. This ex- periment, which has not hitherto been publifh- ed, was made in prefence of a numerous com- mittee from the Acalemy of Science. We ex- erted, on that occafion, the moft fcrupulous at- tention to accuracy ; and have reafon to be- * See the third p-.irt of this wo'i:_____.V. 148 ELEMENTS lieve, that the above proportions cannot vary a two hundredth part from abfolute truth. From thefe experiments, both analytical and fynthetic, we may now affirm, that we have as- certained, with as much certainty as is poilible in phyfical or chemical fubjetts, that water is not a fimple elementary fubftance, but is compo- fed of two elements, oxygen and hydrogen ; which elements, when exifting feparately, have fo ftrong an affinity for caloric, as only to fubfift under the form of gas in the common tempera- ture and preffure of our atmofphere. This decompofition and recompofition of wa- ter is perpetually operating before our eyes, in the temperature of the atmofphere, by means of compound elective attractions. We fhall pre- fently fee, that the phenomena attendant upon- vinous fermentation, putrefa&ion, and even ve- getation, are produced, at leaft in a certain de- gree, by the decompofition of water. It is very extraordinary, that this fact fhould have hitherto been overlooked by natural philofophers and chemifts. Indeed, it ftrongly proves, that, in chemiftry, as in natural philofophy, it is ex- tremely difficult to overcome prejudices imbibed in early education, and to fearch for truth in any other road, than the one which we have been ac- cuftomed to follow. I fhall finifh this chapter with an account of an experiment, much lcfj demonftrative indeed OF CHEMJSTRY. 149 than thofe already related, but which has appear- ed to make more impreflion than any other upon the minds of many. When 16 ounces of al- kohol are burnt in an apparatus* properly a- dapted for collecting all the water difengaged during the combuftion, we obtain from 17 to 18 ounces of water. As no fubftance can fur- nifli a product larger than its original bulk, it is evident that fomething muft have united with the alkohol during its combuftion : and I have already fhewn that this muft be oxygen. Thus alkohol contains hydrogen, which is one of the , elements of water ; and the atmofpheric air con- tains oxygen, which is the other element neceffa- ry to the compofition of waterf. This experi- ment is a new proof, that water is a compound fubftance. * See an account of this apparatus in the third part of this work----A. f A large quantity of carbonic acid gas is likew'fe difengaged during the combuftion of alkohol ; this pro- ceeds from the combination of carbon, contained along with hydrogen in the compofition of the alkohol, with oxygen during the combuftion. This latter circumftance is explained at large in the after parts of this work.—T. 150 ELEMENTS CHAP. IX. Of the Quantities of Caloric difengaged during different fpecies of Combuftion. IT has been already mentioned, that when equal quantities of different bodies are burnt in the centre of a hollow fphere of ice, and are fupplied with air, at the temperature of 32°, the quantities of ice melted from the infide of the fphere, become meafures of the relative quantities of caloric difengaged during the fe- veral combuftions. Mr. de la Place and I have given a defcription of the apparatus employed for this kind of experiment, in the memoirs of the Academy for 1780^.355: and a defcription and plate ofthe fame apparatus will be found in the third part of this work. With this appara- tus, phofphorus, charcoal, and hydrogen gas, gave the following refults. One pound of phofphorus melted 100/w.* of ice. * In the original, the quantities refulting from the feveral experiments mentioned in this chnpter, are j?i- ven in pounds, ounces gros, and grains ;but as the fubject is curious and interefting, they are here reduced to de- cimals of the pound, by which they become equally ufe- ful to the Britifh as to the French, reader.----T. OF C FIEMI ST R Y 151 One pound of charcoal melted 96.5 lbs. One pound of hydrogen gas melted 295.5895 lbs. As a concrete acid is formed by the combuf- tion of phofphorus, it is probable, that very little caloric remains in the acid; and, confequently, that the above experiment gives us very nearly the whole quantity of caloric contained in the oxvgen gas. Even if we fuppofe the phofphoric acid to contain a good deal of caloric, yet, as the phofphorus muft have contained nearly an equal quantity before combuftion, the error muft be very fmall, as it will only confift of the dif- ference between what was contained in the phofphorus before, and in the phofphoric acid after combuftion. I have already fhown, in Chap. V. that one pound of phofphorus abforbs one pound eight ounces of oxygen during combuftion : and, fince, by the fame operation, 100 lbs. of ice are melt- ed, it follows, that the quantity of caloric contain- ed in one pound of oxygen gas is capable of melting 66.666j lbs. of ice. One pound of charcoal during combuftion melts only 96.5 lbs. of ice, while it abforbs 2.5714 lbs. of oxygen. By the experiment with phofphorus, this quantity of oxygen gas ought to difengage a quantity of caloric fuffi- cient to melt 171.414 lbs. of'ice: confequent- Iv, during this experiment, a quantity of c.loiac I52 E L E M E N T S fufficient to melt 74,914 lbs. of ice, difappears. Carbonic acid is not, like phofphoric acid, in a concrete ftate, after combuftion, but in the ftate of gas ; and requires to be united with caloric to enable it to fubfift in that ftate : and the quan- tity of caloric, which is miffing in the laft expe- riment, is evidently employed for that purpofe. When we divide that quantity by the weight of carbonic acid, formed by the combuftion of one pound of charcoal, we find, that the quan- tity of caloric, neceffary for changing one pound of carbonic acid from the concrete to the gaffeous ftate, would be capable of melting 20.9766 lbs. of ice. We may make a fimilar calculation with the coraaalica of hyahogen gas and the confequent formation of water. During the combuftion of one pound of hydrogen gas, $.666j lbs. of oxy- gen gas are abforbed, and 295.5895 lbs. of ice are melted. But $.666 j lbs. of oxygen gas, in changing from the aeriform to the folid ftate, lofe, according to the experiment with phofpho- rus, enough of caloric to have melted 377-7 ^34 lbs. of ice. There is only difengaged, from the fame quantity of oxygen, during its combuf- tion with hydrogen gas, as much caloric as melts 295.1523//a\ ; wherefore there remains in the water at 320, which is formed, during this ex- periment, a-i much caloric aj would melt 82.6211 lbs. of ice. OF CHEMISTRY. 153 Hence, as 6.M6j lbs. of v/ater are formed, from the combuftion of one pound of hydrogen gas, with $.666j lbs. of oxygen; it follows that, in each pound of water, at the tempera- tare of 320, there exifts as much caloric as would melt 12.2708 lbs. of ice ; without taking into account the quantity originally contained in the hydrogen gas, which we have been ob- liged to omit, for want of data to calculate its quantity*. From this it appears, that water, even i:i the ftate of ice, contains a confidera- * From the general principles of the new chemical philofophy, Hydrogen gas ought to contain a much lar- ger quantity of caloric forgiving it the gafleous ftate than oxygen gas. Being thirteen times r.s rare, it may be fuppofed to contain thirteen times as much caloric. leence, if all the caloric ofthe two gafles were difenga- ged during their combuftion, and the confequent forma- tion of water, 1244.4167 lbs. of ice fhould have been melted. But only 295.1522 lbs. rre melted, and there. fore, on this fuppofition, the remaining caloric,in 6.6667. /«/. of water, would be able to melt 94.92643//?/. \ce\ or eacli pound of water, at the temperature of 320, flioul.l centain as much caloric as is fufficient to melt 142 lbs. of iee nearly, which is abfurd ; for one pourd of water, at 320, muft contain precifely as much caloric as is neceftary to melt one pound of ice. This fiiews the fallacy of reafor.ings drawn from the fuppofable quanti- ties of caloric in bodies ; and that we are hitherto very far from pofleffing any accurate knowledge o! that part of chemiftry in which caloric is concerned.---■ T. V '54 ELEMENTS ble quantity of caloric, and that oxygen, in en- tering into the combination, retains likewife a good proportion. From thefe experiments, we may affume the following refults as fufficiently eftablifned. Combuftion ef Phofphorus. From the combuftion of phofphorus, as rela- ted in the foregoing experiments, it appears, that one pound of phofphorus requires 1.5 lb. of oxy- gen gas for its combuftion ; and that 2.5 lbs. of concrete phofphoric acid are produced. The quantity of caloric difengaged by the combuftion of one pound of phofphorus, expreffed by the num- ber of pounds of ice melted du- ring that operation, is 100.00000 The quantity difengaged from each pound of oxygen, during the com- buftion of phofphorus, expreffed in the fame manner, is 66.66667 The quantity difengaged during the formation of one pound of phof- phoric acid, is 40.00000 The quantity remaining in each pound of phofphoric acid, is* 0.00000 * Vehere fuppofe ihe pV fphoricacid not tocontain any caloric, which is n<,z ftrictly true ; but, as I have before OF CHEMISTRY. l55 Combuftion of Charcoal. In the combuftion of one pound of charcoal, 2.5714/fo. of oxygen gas are abforbed, and 3.571 4 lbs. of carbonic acid gas are formed: Hence the Caloric difengaged during the combuf- tion of one pound of charcoal* 96.50000 Caloric difengaged during the combuf- tion of charcoal, from each pound of oxygen gas abforbed, 37-5-82t Caloric difengaged durhi:? the forma- tion of one pound of carbonic acid Sas> 27.02024 Caloric retained by each pound of oxy- gen after combuftion, 29.13844 Caloric neceffary for fupporting one pound of carbonic acid in the ftate °f gas> 20.97960 Combuftion of Hydrogen Gas. In the combuftion of one pound of hydrogen gas, 5.666^ lbs. of oxygen gas are abforbed, obferved, the quantity it really contains is probably ve- ry fmall : and we have not gi. .; it a value, for want of fufficient data to go upon----A. * All thefe relative quantities of caioric p.re exprelTed by the number of pounds of ice, nrd decimal parts, mel- ted during the feveral operations.----T. 156 ELEMENTS and 6.666y lbs. of water are formed : Hence the Caloric difengaged from each lb. of hydrogen gas*, 295.58950 Caloric difengaged from each lb. of oxygen gas, - 52.16280 Caloric difengaged during the forma- tion of each pound of water, 44.33840 Caloric retained by each lb. of oxy- gen after combuftion with hydro- gen, - - - -14.50386 Caloric retained by each lb. of wa- ter, at the temperature of 3 4 °, 12.32823 Of the Formation of Nitric Acid. "When nitrous gas is combined with oxygen gas, fo as to form nitric or nitrous acid, a de- gree of heat is produced, which is much lefs confiderable than what is evolved during the other combinations!, of oxygen ; whence it fol- lows, that oxygen, when it becomes fixed in nitric acid, retains a great part of the heat * We are no where told upon what data Mr. Lavoi- fier proceeds for afcertaining the quantity of caloric dif- engaged during the combuftion of each pound of hydro- gen gas. In a former note, I have fuppofed, that it might be thirteen times as much as that cf water: hence it wculd be 6^3.1164, inftead ofthe above number.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. l57 ~ which it poffeffed in the ftate of gas. It is cer- tainly poffible to determine the quantity of calo- ric which is disengaged during the combination of thefe two gaffes, and confequently to deter- mine what quantity remains after the combina- tion takes place. The firft of thefe quantities might be afcertained, by making the combination of the two gaffes in an apparatus furrounded by ice. But, as the quautitv of caloric difensrap-ed is very inconfiderable, it would be neceffary to operate upon a large quantity of the two gaffes, and in a very troublefome and complicated appa« ratus. By this confideration, Mr de la Place and I have hitherto been prevented from ma- king the attempt. In the mean time, the place of fuch an experiment may be fupplied by cal- culations, the refults of which cannot be very far from truth. Mr de la Place and I deflagrated a convenient quantity of nitre and charcoal in an ice apparatus, and found that twelve pounds of ice were melted by the deflagration of one pound of nitre. We fhall fee, in the fequel, that one pound of nitre is compofed, as under, of Potafh 7 oz. 6^0^.51.84^. = 4515.84 «tj. Dry acid 8 1 21.16 =4700.16. The above quantity of dry acid is compofed of, I58 ELEMENTS Oxygen 6 oz. 3 gros 66.34 grs. = 3738.34^;-;. Azot 1 5 25.82 = 961.82 By this we find that, during the above defla- gration, 145-i- grs. of carbon* have frffercd combuftion, along with 3738.34 grs. or 6 oz. 3 gros 66.34 grs. of oxygen. Hence, fince 12 lbs. of ice were melted during the combuftion, it fol- lows, that one pound of oxygen, burnt in the fame manner, would have melted 29.5832 lbs. of ice. To which if we add the quantity of caloric retained by a pound of oxygen, after combining with carbon to form carbonic acid gas, which was already afcertained to be capable of melting 29.13844 lbs. of ice, we fhall have for the total quantity of caloric remaining in a pound of oxygen, when combined wkh nitrous gas in the nitric acid, 58.72164; which is the number of pounds of ice the caloric remaining in the oxygen in that ftate is capable of melting. We have before feen, that, in the ftate of oxy- gen gas, it contained at leaft 66.6666y ; where- fore it follows that, in combining with azot to form nitric acid, it only lofes 7.94502. Farther * From this it appears, that the proportions ufed by Mr Lavoifier were 1 lb. org2i6 "rs. of n'rreto 2 gros li grs. or 145.24 irs. of charcoal, though he has not chofen to mention it in direct terms----T. OF CHEMISTRY. *J9 experiments upon this fubjett are neceffary to af- certain how far the refults of this calculation may agree with direct, fact. This enormous quantity of caloric, retained by oxygen in its combination into nitric acid, explains the caufe ofthe great difengagement of caloric during the deflagrations of nitre : or, more ftriclly fpeaking, upon all occafions of the decompofition of nitric acid. Of the Combuftion of Wax. Having examined feveral cafes of fimple com- buftion, I mean now to give a few examples of a more complex nature. One pound of wax- taper being allowed to burn flowly in an ice ap- paratus, melted i^T,.i66y lbs. of ice. Accord- ing to my experiments, as given in the memoirs of the Academy for 1784, p. 606, one pound of wax-taper confifts of 0.8228 lbs. of carbon, and 0.1772 lbs. of hydrogen. By the foregoing experi- ments, the above quantity t f carbon ought to melt, 79-39390 lbs. of ice; And the hydrogen fhould melt 52'376c$ In all 131.76095 lbs. i6o ELEMENTS Thus, we fee that the quantity of caloric difengaged from a burning taper, is nearly conformable to what was obtained by burning feparately a quantity of carbon and hydrogen equal to what enters into its compofition. Thefe experiments with the taper were feveral times repeated, fo that I have reafon to believe them accurate. Combuftion of Olive Oil. We included a burning lamp, containing a determinate quantity of olive oil, in the ordi- nary apparatus ; and, when the experiment was finifhed, we afcertained exa&ly the quan- tities of oil confumed, and of ice melted ; the refult was, that, during the combuftion of one pound of olive oil, 148.8828 lbs. of ice were melted. By my experiments, in the Memoirs. of the Academy for 1784, and of whieh the following chapter contains an abftraft, it appears that one pound of olive oil confifts of 0.7896 lbs. of carbon, and 0.2104 lbs. of hydrogen. By the foregoing experiments, that quantity of carbon fhould melt 76.18723 lbs. of ice: and the quantity of hydrogen, in a pound of the oil, fhould melt 62.15053 lbs. The firm of thefe two gives 133.33776 lbs. of ice, which the two conftituent elements of the oil would have melted, had they feparately fuffered com- OF CHEMISTRY. 161 buftion: whereas the oil had really melted 148.88330 lbs. which gives an excefsof 10.54544 in the refult of the experiment, above the cal- culated refult, from data furnifhed by former experiments. This difference, which is by no means very confiderable, may arife from errors which are unavoidable in experiments of this nature, or it may be owing to the compofition of oil not being as yet exactly afecrtained. It proves, however, that there is a great agreement between the refults cf our experiments, reflecting the combination of caloric, and thofe which regard its difeno-a^ement. The following desiderata ftill remain to be determined'; vin. What quantity of caloric is retained by oxvgen, after combining with me- tals to convert them into oxyds? What quanti- ty is contain 2d by hydrogen, in its cii-Ierent ftates of exiftence ? and, To afcertain, with more precifion than is hitherto attained, how much caloric is difengaged during the formation of water ; as there ftill remain confiderable doubts with refpect to our prefent determination of this point, which can only be removed by farther experiments. We are at prefent occupied with this inquiry : and, when thefe feveral points are weil afecrtained, which we hope they will foon be, we fnall probably be under the necef- fity of making confiderable corrections upon I 62 ELEMENTS moft of the refults of the experiments and cal- culations in this chapter. I did not, however, confider this as a fufficient reafon for with-hold- ing fo much as is already known, from fuch as may be inclined to labour upon the fame fubject. It is difficult, in our endeavours to difcover the principles of a new fcience, to avoid beginning by conje&ure : and it is rarely poffible to attain perfe&ion at the firft fetting out. OF CHEMISTRY 163 C II A P. X. Ofthe Combinations of Combuftible Subftances with each ether. AS combuftible fubftances in general have great affinity for oxygen, they ought likewife to attradl, or tend to combine with, each other ; Quce funt eadem uni tertio,funt ea- dem inter J e; and the axiom is found to be true. Almoft all the metals, for inftance, are capable of uniting with each other, and of forming what are called alloys* in common language. Moft of thefe, like other chemical combinations, are fufceptible of feveral degrees of faturation. The greater number of alloys are more brittle than the pure metals of which they are compofed, efpecially when the metals alloyed together are confiderably different in * This term alloy, which we have from the language of the arts, ferves exceedingly well for dillinguifhing all the combinations or intimate unions of metals with euch other, and is adipted in our new nomenclature for that purpofe----A. E L E M E.N T S their degrees of fufibility. To this diiTercnce in fufibility, part ofthe phenomena attendant upon alloyage are owing; particularly that property of iron, called by workmen hotjhort. This kind of iron muft be confidered as an al- loy, or mixture of pure iron, which is almoft in- fufible, with a fmall portion of fome other me- tal, which fufes in a mucl\ lower degree of heat: So long as this alloy remains cold, and both me- tals are in the folic! ftate, the mixture is mal- leable ; but when heated to a fufficient degree to iiquefy the more fufible metal, the particles of this liquid metal, which are interpofed be- tween the particles of the folid iron, muft de- ftroy their continuity, and occafion the alloy io become brittle. The alloys of mercury, with the other metals, have ufually been called amalgams : and we fee no- inconvenience from continuino- o the ufe of that term. Sulphur, phofphorus, and carbon, readily u- nke with metals. Combinations of fulphur with metals are ufually named pyrites. Their combinations with phofphorus and carbon are either not yet named, or have received new names only of late : wherefore we have not fcrupled to change them according to our principles. The co?nbinations of metal and fulphur we call fulphurets ; thofe formed with phofphorus pari buret:, and thofe with carbon OF CHE M I S T R Y. 165 carburets*. Thefe denominations are extend- ed to all the combinations into which the above three fubftances enter, without being previouf- ly oxygenated. Thus, the combination of ful- phur with potafli, or fixed vegetable alkali, is called fulphuret of potafh ; that which it forms with ammoniac, or volatile alkali, is termed ful- phuret of ammoniac. Iivdro'-en is likewife capable of combining with many combuftible fubftances. In the ftate of gas, it diffolves carbon, fulphur, phofphorus, and feveral metals. We diftinguifh thefe combi- nations by the terms, carbonated hydrogen gas, fidphurated hydrogen gas, and phofphcrated hy- drogen gas. The fulphurated hydrogen gas was called hepatic air by former chemifts ; or foetid air from fulphur, by Mr Scheele. The virtues of feveral mineral waters, and the foetid fmell of animal excrements, chiefly arife from the pre- fence of this gas. The phofphorated hydrogen gas is remarkable for the property, difcovered * In the French mmridunr', thdV compounds are mme&f.lplurcs, pbnfplvr-is, and carburet ; bet. though thefe terms may be fjfficiently diP.inp.uifliahle fr^m fouf- fre, phofp'ror:, and carbine, they are rot, efpeually the two Srfl:, diftiDci enough i-i Lr.;;!im. I have therefore chofen to borrow the new Englifii teir.n in the text from the Latin edit'vi of the new nomenclature, v. here they are cal'rd r.-furtively Julphur.tinm, pho().h,jrett:iv:, and carburatu,;!—T. 166 ELEMENTS by Mr Gengembrc, of taking fire fpontaneouily upon getting into contad with atmofpheric air, or, what anfwers better, with oxygen gas: This gas has a ftrong flavour, refembling that of putrid fifh: and it is very probable that the phofphorefcent quality of fifh, in the ftate of putrefaction, arifes from the efcape of this fpe- cies of gas. When hydrogen and carbon are combined together, without the intervention of caloric to bring the hydrogen into the ftate of gas, they form oil, which is either fixed or volatile, according to the proportions of hydro- gen and carbon in its compofition *. The chief difference between fixed or fat oils drawn from vegetables by expreffion, and volatile or effential oils, is, that the former contains an ex- cefs of carbon, which is feparated when the oils are heated above the degree of boiling water; whereas the volatile oils, containing a juft proportion of thefe two conftituent in- gredients, are not liable to be decompofed by that heat, but, uniting with caloric into the gaffeous ftate, pafs over in diftillation unchan- ged. * We flnll afterwards fee, that oil contains oxygen, combined with the abovementioned ingredients, and that it is a hydroc.;rbonous or carbono-hydrous oxyd ; hence the difference between the various kinds may in p?rt be owing to their different degrees of o>:yda:ion, as well as to the proportions of the other ingredient*.----T. OF CHEMISTRY. 167 In the Memoirs of the Academy for 1784, P- 593> 1 Save an account of my experiments upon the compofition of oil and alkohol, by the union of hydrogen with carbon, and of their combination with oxygen. By thefe experiments, it appears, that fixed oils com- bine with oxygen during combuftion, and are thereby converted into water and carbonic a- cid. By means of calculation, applied to the products of thefe experiments, we find that fix- ed oil is compofed of 21 parts, by weight, of hydrogen, combined with 79 parts of carbon. Perhaps the folid fubftance of an oily nature, fuch as wax, contain a proportion of oxygen, to which they owe their ftate of folidity. I am at pr-lent engaged in a fcries of experi- ments, which, I hope, will throw great light on tin 5 fubjed. It is worthy of being examined, whether hy- drogen in its concrete ftate, uncombined with caloric, be fufceptible of combination with fulphur, phofphorus, and the metal j. There is nothing that we know of, whieh, a priori, mould render thefe combinations impomble; for combuftible bodies being in pa-era' fuf- ceptible of combination with each other, there is no evident reafon for hydrogen beknr an exception to the rule. However, no direct ex- periment as yet eftablifhes ci-hcr the ooffibi- lity or impoffibility of this union, fron end 168 ELEMENTS zinc are the moft likely, of all the metals, for entering into combination with hydrogen. But, as thefe have the property of decompofing water, and as it is very difficult to get entirely free from moifture in chemical experiments, it is hardly poffible to determine whether the fmall portions of hydrogen gas, obtained in certahi experiments with thefe metals, were previoufly combined with the mend in the ftate of folid hydrogen, or if they were pro- duced by the decompofition of a minute quan- tity of water. The more care we take to pre- vent the prefence of water in thefe experi- ments, the lefs is the quantity of hydrogen gas~ pea iv, ; and v. hen very accurate precautions are employed, even that quantity b -comes hardly fcnnble. However thie inquiry may turn out, refpect- iim- the power of combuftible bodies, as fui- pl-nw, uhofphorus, and metals, to abforb hy- dro-en, we are certain that they only abforb a very fmall nortion ; end that this combination, inftead ^f being efiea'h .1 to their conftitution, can only be confidered a; a foreign fubftance, which contaminates their purity. It is the province of Lie advocates* for this fyftem, to * Y'-\ ;'ie'e arc msant rh^O. fuppcrters of th» ph'ogiflic theory, who conhc' > hydrogen, or the b.Ue «f inflan.:");- l..h. *ir, es the phhm^on oithe ct-Lbrated b:ahl.----T- OF CHEMISTRY. 169 prove by decifive experiments, the real exift- ence of this combined hydrogen, which they have hitherto only done by conjectures founded upon fuppofitions. 170 ELEMENTS ' CHAP XL Obfervations upon Oxyds and Acids with com- pound Bafes—and on the Compofition of Animal and Vegetable fubftances. E have, in Chap V. and VIII. examined the produ&s refulting from the combuf- tion of the four fimple combuftible fubftances, fulphur, phofphorus, carbon, and hydrogen. We have fhewn, in Chap. X. that the fimple combuf- tible fubftances are capable of combining with each other into compound combuftible fubftan- ces ; and have obferved, that oils in general, and particularly the fixed vegetable oils, belong to this clafs, being compofed of hydrogen and car- bon. It remains, in this chapter, to treat of the oxygenation of thefe compound combuftible fub- ftances, and to fhow, that there exift acids and oxyds having double and triple bafes. Nature furnifhes us with numerous examples of this kind of combinations, by means of which, chief- ly, foe is enabled to produce a vaft variety of compounds, from a very limited number of ele- ments, or fimple fubftances. w OF CHEMISTRY. x7* It was long ago well known, that, when mu- riatic and nitric acids were mixed together, a compound acid was formed, having properties quite diftinct from thofe of either of the acids taken feparately. This acid was called aqua rcgia, from its moft celebrated property of dif- folving gold, called king of metals by the alchy- mifts. Mr Berthollet has diftinctly proved, that the peculiar properties of this acid arife from the combined action of its two acidifiable bafes: and, for this reafon, we have judged it neceffary to dif- tinguifh it by an appropriate name : that of nitro- muriatic acid appears extremely applicable, from its expreffing the nature of the two fubftances which enter into its compofition. This phenomenon, of a double bafe in one acid, which had formerly been obferved only in the nitro-muriatic acid, occurs continually in the vegetable kingdom; in which a fimple acid, or one poffeffed of a fingle acidifiable bafe, is very rarely found. Almoft all the acids pro- curable from this kingdom, have bafes com- pofed of carbon and hydrogen, or of carbon, hydrogen, and phofphorus, combined with more or lefs oxygen. All thefe bafes, whether dou- ble or triple, are likewife formed into oxyds, having lefs oxygen than is neceffary to give them the properties of acids. The acids and oxyds from the animal kingdom, are ftill more compound, as their bafes generally confift of a IJ2. ELEMENTS combination of carbon, phofphorus, hydrogen, and azot. As it is but of late that I have acquired any clear and diftinct notions of thefe fubftances, I fhall not, in this place, enlarge much upon the fubjett, which I mean to treat of very fully in fome memoirs I am preparing to lay before the Academy. Moft of my experiments are alrea- dy performed. But, to be able to give exaft reports ofthe refulting quantities, it is neceffary that they be carefully repeated, and increafed in number : wherefore, I fhall only give a fhort enumeration of the vegetable and animal acids and oxyds, and terminate this article by a few re- flections upon the compofition of vegetable and animal bodies. Sugar, mucus, under which term we include the different kinds of gums, and ftarch, are ve- getable oxyds, having hydrogen and carbon com- bined, in different proportions, as their radicals or bafes, and united with oxygen, fo as to bring them to the ftate of oxyds. From this ftate of oxyds, they are capable of being changed into acids, by the addition of a frefh quantity of oxy- gen : and, according to the degrees of oxygena- tion, and the proportion of hydrogen and car- bon in their bafes, they form the feveral kinds of vegetable acids. It would be eafy to apply the principles of our nomenclature to give names to thefe vege- OF CHEMISTRY table acids and oxyds, by ufing the names of the two fubftances which compofe their bafes : They would thus become hydro-carbonous a- cids and oxyds. In this way we might indicate which of their elements exifte J in excefs, with- out circumlocution, after the manner ufed by Mr Rouelle for naming the vegetable extra£ts: He calls thefe extracto-refinous, when the ex- tractive matter prevails in their compofition, and refino-extractive, when they contain a larger proportion of refinous matter. Follow- ing that plan, and by varying the terminations according to the formerly eftablifhed rules of our nomenclature, we have the following deno- minations : Hydro-carbonous, hydro-carbonic carbono-hydrous, and carbono-hydric, oxyds. And, for the acids : Hydro-carbonous, hydro- carbonic, oxygenated hydro-carbonic : carbono- hydrous, carbono-hydric, and oxygenated carbo- no-hydric. It is probable, that the above terms would fuffice for indicating all the varieties in nature, and that, in proportion as the vegetable acids become well underftood, they will naturally arrange themfelves under thefe denominations. But, though we know the elements of which thefe are compofed, we are as yet ignorant of the proportions of thefe ingredients, and are ftill far from being able to clafs them in the above methodical manner; wherefore, we have de- 174 ELEMENTS termined to retain the old names provifionally. I am fomewhat farther advanced in this inqui- ry than at the time of publifhing our conjunct effay upon chemical nomenclature : yet it would be improper to draw decided confequences from experiments not yet fufficiently precife. Though I acknowledge that this part of chemiftry ftill remains in fome degree obfcure, I muft exprefs my expectations of its being very foon elucida- ted. I am ftill more forcibly neceffitated to follow the fame plan in naming the acids, which have three or four elements combined in their bafes. Of thefe we have a confiderable number from the animal kingdom, and fome even from ve- getable fubftances. Azot, for inftance, joined to hydrogen and carbon, form the bafe or radi- cal of the Pruffic acid. We have reafon to be- lieve that the fame happens with the bafe of Gallic acid ; and almoft all the animal acids have their bafes compofed of azot, phofphorus, hydrogen, and carbon. Were we to endeavour to exprefs at once all thefe four component parts of the bafes, our nomenclature would un- doubtedly be methodical. It would have the property of being clear and determinate. But this affe.nblage of Greek and Latin fubftantives and adjectives, which are not yet univerfally admitted by chemifts, would have the appear- ance of a barbarous language, difficult both to OF CHEMISTRY. 175 pronounce and to be remembered. Befides, this part of chemiftry being ftill far from that accuracy it muft foon attain, the perfection of the fcience ought certainly to precede that of its language; and we muft ftill, for fome time, retain the old names for the animal oxyds and acids. We have only ventured to make a few flight modifications of thefe names, by changing the termination into ous, when we have reafon to fuppofe the bafe to be in excefs, and into ic, when we fufpect that oxygen pre- dominates. The following are all the vegetable acids hi- therto known : i. Acetous acid. 8. Pyro-mucous acid. 2. Acetic acid. 9. Pyro-lignous acid. 3. Oxalic acid. 10. Gallic acid. 4. Tartarous acid. 11. Benzoic acid. 5. Pyro-tartarous acid. 12. Camphoric acid. 6. Citric acid. 13. Succinic acid. 7. Malic acid. Though all thefe acids, as has been already faid, are chiefly, and almoft entirely, compofed of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen ; yet, proper- ly fpeaking, they contain neither water, carbo- nic acid, nor oil, but only the elements neceffa- ry for forming thefe fubftances. The power of affinity reciprocally exerted by the hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, in thefe acids, is in a ftate 176 E L E M E NTS of equilibrium, which is only capable of exifting in the ordinary temperature of the atmofphere. For, when they are heated but a very little a- bove the temperature of boiling water, this equi- librium is deftroyed ; part of the oxygen and hy- drogen unite, and form water ; part of the car- bon and hydrogen combine into oil; part of the carbon and oxygen unite to form carbonic acid ; and, laftly, there generally remains a fmall por- tion of carbon, which, being in excefs with re- fpeCt to the other ingredients, is left free. I mean to explain this fubj ect fomewhat further in the fucceeding chapter. The oxyds of the animal kingdom are hitherto lefs known than thofe from the vegetable king- dom ; and their number as yet is not at all deter- mined. The red part of the blood, lymph, and moft of the fecretions, are true oxyds, under which point of view it is very important to confi- der them. "We are only acquainted with fix ani- mal acids, feveral of which, it is probable, ap- proach very near each other in their nature, or, at leaft, differ only in a fcarcely fenfible degree. I do not include the phofphoric acid amongft thefe, becaufe it is found in all the kingdoms of nature. They are, i. Lactic acid. 4. Formic acid. 2. Saccho-lachie acid, 5. Sebacic acid. 3. Bombic acid. 6. Pruffie acid. OF CHEMISTRY. 177 The connection between the conftituent ele- ments of the animal oxyds and acids is not more permanent than in thofe from the vege- table kingdom ; as a fmall increafe of tempera- ture is fufficient to overturn the equilibrium. I hope to render this fubject more diftinct in the following chapter than has been done hitherto. Z 178 ELEMENTS C H A P. XII. Of the Decompofition of Vegetable and Animal Subftances by the A alien cf Fire. ' EFORE we can thoroughly comprehend what takes place during the decompofi- tion of vegetable fubftances by fire, we muft take into confederation the nature of the ele- ments which enter into their compofition, and the different afinities which the particles of thefe elements exert upon each other, and the affinity which caloric poffeffes with each of them. The true conftituent elements of vege- tables are hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Thefe are common to all vegetables ; and no 0 vegetable can exift without them. Such other fubftances as exit in particular vegetables, are only effential to the compofition of thofe in which they are found ; and do not b-doug to vegetables in general. Of thefe elements, hydrogen and oxygen have a ftrong tendency to unite with caloric, and be convened into gas; while carbon is a fixed element, having liule affinity with calo- ric. On the other hand, oxygen, whieh, in the ufual temperature, tends a: mo ft equally to unite QF CHEMISTRY. 179 with hydrogen or with carbon, has a much ftronger affinity with carbon, when at the red heat*, and then unites with it to form carbonic acid. Although we are far from being able to ap- preciate all thefe powers of affinity, or to exprefs their proportional energy by numbers, we are certain, that, however variable they may be, when confidered in relation to the quantity of caloric with which they are combined, they are all nearly in equilibrium in the ufual tempera- ture of the atmofphere. Hence vegetables nei- ther contain oilf, water, nor carbonic acid, though they contain ail the elements of thefe fubftances. The hydrogen is not combined particularly with the oxygen, nor with the car- * Though this term, red bear, docs no" indicate anv abf)l.!tely determinate degree of temper.uure, I fiiall uis it for.ciimcs to exrrcf-; a te-.-rerature confiderably above that of b.iiiir:^ water.----A. j I muft be nnderftool here to fpeak of vegetables re- duced to a perfectly dry ft ite ; and, with refpect to oil, I do not mean that whLh is procured by exprefiion ei- ther in tlis cold, or in a temperature r.ot exceeding rim*: of boiling wat?r. I only allude to the empyreuKuab: oil, nrocured by diftiliuion wiih a naked fire, in h^at fupe- rior to the temperature of bo'llna; water; which is tiie only oil declared to be produced by the operation of fire, What I have puMifiecl upon ibis fubject, in the Memoirs ofthe Academy for J7v% m;>y b? consulted,—— -A. i8o ELEMENTS bon ; and, reciprocally, the particles of tliefs three fubftances form a triple combination, which remains in equilibrium, while undifturb- ed by caloric ; but a very flight increafe of tem- perature is fufficient to overturn this ftru&ure of combination. If the increafed temperature, to which the vegetable is expofed, does not exceed the heat of boiling water, one part of the hydrogen com- bines with the oxygen, and forms water ; the reft of the hydrogen combines with a part of the carbon, and forms volatile oil; while the remainder of the carbon, being fet free from its combination with the other elements*, remains fixed in the bottom ofthe diftilling veffel. When, on the contrary, we employ a red heat, no water is formed ; or, at leaft, any that may have been produced, by the firft applica- tion of the heat, is decompofed ; the oxygen, having a greater affinity with the carbon at this degree of heat, combines with it to form carbonic acid; and the hydrogen, being left free from combination with the other elements, unites with caloric, and efcapes in the ftate of * This ftatement is only partially true; for a fmall r:irt ofthe ingredients remains very obftinatelv attached to :ii2 carbon, and can hardly be driven from it without rbe aalaa-H -e of oxygen, by means of which the carbon iifrlf fuffers coT.b::(lion.—T. OF C IIEMISTR Y. 181 hydrogen gas*. In this high temperature, ei- ther no oil is formed, or if any has been produced during the lower temperature, at the beginning of thz experiment, it is decompofed by the ac- tion of the red heat. Thus the decompofition of vegetable matter, under a high temperature, is produced by the aftion of double and triple affinities ; while the carbon attrafts the oxygen, on purpofe to form carbonic acid, the caloric at- tracts the hydrogen, and converts it into hydro- gen gas. The diftillation of every fpecies of vegetable fubftance confirms the truth of this theory, if we can give that name to a fimple relation of fc&s. When fugar is fubmitted to diftillation, fo long as we only employ a heat but a little below that of boiling water, it only lofes its water of cryftallization ; it ftill remains fugar, and retains all its properties. But, immediately upon raifing the heat only a little above that degree, it becomes blackened ; a part of the car- bon feparates from the combination; water flightly acidulated paffes over, accompanied by * The hydrogen g^, produced in this way, ]s not pure, but holds a confiderable portion of carbon in fo- lution. It is carbo^ned hydrogen gas, called in the old chemical language, heavy inflammable air.____T. i8a ELEMENTS a little oil; and the charcoal*, which remains in the retort, is nearly a third part ofthe original weight ofthe fugar. The operation of affinities which takes place, during the decompofition, by fire, of vegetables which contain azot, fuch as the cruciferous plants, and of thofe containing phofphorus, is more complicated. But, as thefe fubftances on- ly enter into the compofition of vegetables in very fmall quantities, they only, apparently, produce flight changes upon the products of dif- tillation. The phofphorus feems to combine with carbon ; and, acquiring fixity from that u- nion, remains behind in the retort; while the azot, combining with a part of the hydrogen, forms ammoniac]", or volatile alkali. Animal fubftances, being compofed nearly of the fame elements with cruciferous plants, * The term charcoal is here retained, becanfe it is ftill contaminated with feveral foreign matters. Carbon, ftrklly ficaking, is only ufed to denominate the pure elementary and combuftible part of charcoal, which pn.rt acts alone in combination? and decompofitions.----T. ■f Dr Black's p^opofed tetm, c-ivmovc, as will be more particularly noticed in the fequel, fecms better a- d.ipted, as a fingle term for this fubftance, than the one here ufed. Befides, in the above,explanation, the ammo- niac or animona, whichever term be preferred, is net puie, brint; combined with carbonic acid ; wherefore it ou^ht to hare been named carbonated ammoniac.----T. OF CHEMISTRY. 183 give almoft the fame products in diftillation; with this difference, that, as they contain a greater quantity of hydrogen and azot, they produce more oil and more ammoniac. I fhall only produce one fact as a proof of the exact- nefs with which this theory explains all the phe- nomena that occur during the diftillation of a- nimal fubftances; which is the rectification, and total decompofition, of volatile animal oil, commonly known by the name of Dinpels? oil. When thefe oils are procured by a firft diftilla- tion, in a naked fire, they are brown, from con- taining a little carbon, almoft in a free ftate. But they become quite colourlefs by rectifica- tion. Even in this ftate, the carbon in their compofition has fo flight a connection with the other elements, as to feparate from them by mere expofure to the air. If we put a quanti- ty of this animal oil, well rectified, and confe- quently clear, limpid, and tranfparent, inro a bell-glafs filled with oxygen gas over mercury, in a fhort time the gas is much dirrdniihod, be- ing abforbed by the oil. The oxygen, combining with the hydrogen of the oil, forms water, which finks to the bottom. At the fame time the car- bon, which was combined with the hyrrc-'a-i being fet free, manifefts itfelf by rendering the oil black. Hence the only way of preferring thefe oils colourleis and trar. (parent, is by keep- ing them in bottles perfectly fall, and accurate- i?4 ELEMENTS ly corked, to hinder the eontatt of air, which always difcolours them. Succeffive rectifications of this oil furnifh another .phenomenon confirming our theory. In each diftillation a fmall quantity of charcoal remains in the retort; and a little water is form- ed, by the union of the oxygen contained in the air of the diftilling veffels with the hydro- gen ofthe oil. As this takes place in each fuc- ceffive diftillation, if we make ufe of large vef- fels and a confiderable degree of heat, we at laft decompofe the whole of the oil, and change it entirely into water and charcoal. When we ufe fmall vefibis, and efpecially when we em- ploy a flow fire,-or a degree of heat only a little above that of boiling .water, the total decompor fition of thefe oils, by repeated diftillation, is greatly more tedious, and more difficultly ac- complifhed. I fhall give a particular detail to the academy, in a feparate memoir, of all my experiments upon the decompofition of oil, But v/nat I have related above may fuifice to give juft general ideas of the .compofition of animal and vegetable fubftances, and of their decompo ■ tlon bv the action office. OF CHEMISTRY. 185 CHAP. XIII. Of the Decompofition of Vegetable Oxyds by the Vinous Fermentation. THE manner in which wine, cyder, mead, and all the liquors formed by the fpiri- tous fermentation, are produced, is well known to every one. The juice of grapes or of apples being expreffed, and the latter being diluted with water, they are put into large vats, which are kept in a temperature of at leaft 54.5^ ofthe thermometer. A rapid inteftine motion, or fer- mentation, very foon takes place j numerous globules form in the liquid, and burft at the fur- face. When the fermentation is at its height, the quantity of gas difengaged is fo great, as to make the liquor appear as if boiling violently over afire. When this gas is carefully gather- ed, it is found to be carbonic acid perfectly pure*, and free from admixture with any other fpecies of air or gas. * This aflertion of the perfecl purity of carbonic acid gas, difeno-aged during the vinous fermentation, muft be taken with fome allowance ; for it almoft always,. I believe ccmilaiit- Aa i36 .ELEMENTS When the fermentation is completed, the juice of grapes is changed, from being fweet and full of fugar, into a vinous liquor, which no longer contains any fugar, and from which we procure, by diftillation, an inflammable liquor, known in commerce under the name of Spirit of Wine. As this liquor is produced by the fer- mentation of any faccharine matter whatever, diluted with water, it muft have been'contrary to the principles of our nomenclature to call it fpirit of wine, rather than fpirit of cyder, or of fermented fugar. Wherefore, we have a- dopted a more general term, and the Arabic word alkoholTeems extremely proper for the pur- pofe. This operation is one of the moft extraordi- nary in chemiftry. We muft examine whence proceed the difengaged carbonic acid and the inflammable liquor produced, and in what man- ner a fweet vegetable oxyd becomes thus con- verted into two fuch oppofite fubftances, where- of one is combuftible, and the other eminently the contrary. To folve thefe two queftions, it is neceffary to be previoufly acquainted with the analyfis ofthe fermentable fubftance, and of the products of the fermentation. Iy, contains fome alkohol, befides a confiderable quantity of aqueous gas or water, in folution. The latter does not af- fstt its purity ; the former does fo in fome degree.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 187 We may lay it down, as an inconteftible axiom, that, in all the operations of art and nature, nothing is created. An equal quantity of matter exifts both before and after the expe- riment ■, the quality and quantity of the ele- ments remain precifely the fame : and nothing takes place beyond changes and modifications in the combinations of thefe elements. Upon this principle, the whole art of performing che- mical experiments depends. We muft always fuppofe an exa6l equalky between the elements of the body examined, and thofe ofthe products of its analyfis. Hence, fince from muft of grapes we procure alkohol and carbonic acid, I have undoubted right to fuppofe that muft confifts of carbonic acid and alkohol*. From thefe premifes, we have two methods of afcertaining what pafifes during vinous fermentation : Either by deter- mining the nature of, and the elements which compofe, the fermentable fubftances -, or by ac- curately examining the products refulting from fermentation. And it is evident, that the know- * Jn this affertion, the confequences do notftriaiy follow from the premifes j becaufe, from the muft of grapes we pro- cure carbonic acid and alkohol, it is a neceffary confequence that the original muft contains the conftituent elements of carbonic acid and of alkohol, but not that thefe produ&s of fermentation are already formed—T. i88 ELEMENTS Icdce of either of thefe muft lead to accurate conditions concerning the nature and compo- fition of the other. From thefe confiderations, it became neceffary accurately to determine the conftituent elements of the fermentable fubftan- ces : and, for this purpofe, I did not make ufe of the compound juices of fruits, the rigorous analyfis of which is perhaps impoffible but made choice of fugar, which is eafily analyfed, and the nature of which I have already explained. This fubftance is a true vegetable oxyd with two bafes, compofed of hydrogen and carbon, brought to the ftate of an oxyd, by means of a certain proportion of oxygen; and thefe three elements are combined in fuch a way, that a very flight force is fufficient to deftroy the e- quilibrium of their connection. By a long train of experiments, made in various ways, and of- ten repeated, Iafcertained, that the proportions, in which thefe ingredients exift in fugar, are near- ly 8 parts of hydrogen, 64 parts of oxygen, and 28 parts of carbon, all by weight, forming 100 parts of fugar. Suaar mud be mixed with about four umes& its weight of water, to render it fuf- ceptible of fermentation: and even then the equilibrium of its elements would remain un- dLrbed, without the affiftance of fome fub- ftance to give a commencement to the ter- OF CHEMISTRY. 189 mentation*. This is accompliihed by means of a little yeaft from beer : and, when the fermen- tation is once excited, it continues of itfelf until completed. I fhall, in another place, give an account of the effects of yeaft, and other fer- ments, upon fermentable fubftances. I have ufually employed 10 lbs. of yeaft, in the ftate of palte, for each 100 lbs. of fugar, with as much water as is four times the weight of the fugar. I fhall give the refults of my experiments exactly as they were obtained, preferving even the frac- tions produced by calculation. * This is not ftriftly true; for, efpecially in warm weathers, all fyrups are apt to run into fermentation, unlefs very rich of the fugar, and carefully preferved. At the fame time, this fpontaneous fermentation is not fo regular as when affifted by yeaft, and is apt to become in part acetous, before completing the vinous procefs.—T. ijo ELEMENTS TAptj I. Materials of Fermentation*. Water .. . J£ Sugar * "* i oo Yeaft, in palte, 10 lit. ("Water - T^^oiioi •ompofed of {Dry veaft . j^ffi Total 9 to. /£j. Table II. Conftituent Elements of the Materials of Fermentation. 407.2391493 fl,. of water, ("Hydrogen 61.0858724 compofed of \ Oxygen 346.1532769 .. . C Hydrogen 8. I0o lbs. fugar, compofed of 1 Oxygen 64. (. Carbon 28. 2.7608507 /Ai. of dry yeaft, ) Oxygen^ 1 Si J7 compofed of \ Carbon 7876519 (Azot -0393815 Total weight 510. lbs. * The quantities in the original are expreffed in the com- mon divifions of the Paris pound : but, to render the refults more generally ufeful to the Englifh reader, they are all here reduced to decimals, which anfwer equally for any pound.__T. OF CHEMISTRY. 191 Table III. Recapitulation of thefe Elements. c w too "of the water ofthe water >£< in the yeaft J O / of the fugar ofthe dry yeaft c T of the water So \ of the water ") *i /? th,e yeaft 3" ^ y or the fugar ^ (_of the dry yeaft J. c (" of the fugar Uj (ofthe yeaft Azot of the yeaft ills. 411.7970226 lbs. 34°- 6.1532769 64. *-6437457 60. *\ 1.0858724 ( 69.3759440 8. f 0.2900716 J 7876519 } 28.78765I9 ________°-°393815 In all 510. lbs. 28 o Having thus accurately determined the na- ture and quantity of the conftituent elements ofthe materials fubmitted to fermentation, we have next to examine the products refulting from that procefs. For this purpofe, I placed the above S10 lbs. of fermentable liquor in a proper* apparatus, by means of which I could accurately determine the quantity an4 quality of gas difengaged during the fermentation, and * The above apparatus is defcribed in the Third Part.—A. 192 ELEMENTS could even weigh every one ofthe products fe- parately at any period of the procefs I judged proper. An hour or two after the fubftances are mixed together, efpecially if they be kept in a tempe- rature of from 66° to 730 of the thermometer, the firft marks of fermentation commence. The liquor turns thick and frothy •, little globules of air are difengaged, which rife and burft at the furface; the quantity of thefe globules quickly increafesj and there is a rapid and abundant production of very pure carbonic acid, accom- panied with a fcum, which is the yeaft feparating from the mixture. After fome days, lefs or more according to the degree of heat, the in- teftine motion and difengagement ofgasdiminifh. But thefe do not ceafe entirely ; nor is the fer- mentation completed for a confiderable time. During the procefs, 35.3458116 U>S. of dry car- bonic acid are difengaged, which carry along with them 13.9140625 lbs. of water. There remain in the veffel 460.7401259 lbs. of vinous liquor, flightly acidulous. This is at firft muddy, but clears of itfelf, and depofits a portion of yeaft. When we feparately analyfe all thefe fub- ftances, which is effected by very troublefome proceffes, we have the refults as given in the following Tables. This procefs, with all the fubordinate calculations and analyfes, will be de- tailed at large in the Memoirs ofthe Academy. OF CHEMISTRY. *93 Table IV. Producls of Fermentation. 35-3458i'6 lbs. of carbo-f~ nic acid, conJ °x^en - *5-+«K>oi7 pofedof | Carbon - 9.8968099 408.9780816 lbs. of water, f Oxygen - 347-6314019 compofed of \ Hydrogen 61.3466797 f Oxygen, combined I with hydrogen 3J-3897570 Hydrogen, combi- kohobcompo-^ "ef wlth oxygue.n S-S39388o fed of | Hydr°gen' combi- ned with carbon 4.0390625 ', Carbon, combined L with hydrogen 16.7333984 2 5000000 lbs of dry ace- C Hydrogen - o.i56t5oo tousacid, com-1 Oxygen - 1.7187500 pofed of (Carbon - 0.625 odoo . 4.0940755 lbs. of refiduum f Hydrogen - 0.3275825 of fugar, com-1 Oxygen - 2.6201172 pofedof £ Carbon - 1.1463758 C Hydrogen - 0.1450738 1.3804254Ibs.of dry yeaft, ^Oxygen - 0.8218317 compofed of j Carbon - 0.3938802 ^Azot - 0.0196397 $iotis. 510 lbs. B b 194 ELEMENTS T ab l e V. Recapitulation of the ProduSls. lbs. f Water - 347.6314019 I Carbonic acid - 25.4490017 409.6308595 lbs. of oxygen j Alkohol - 31 389757° contained in the ; Acetous acid - 1.7187500 ( Refiduum of fugar 2.6201172 L Yeaft - 0.8218317 !Carbonic acid - 9.8968099 Alkohol - 167333984 Acetous acid - 0.6250000 Refiduum of fugar 1.1463758 Yeaft - 0.3938802 71.5540365 lbs. of hydro-^ gen, contain- ' ed in the "Water - - 61.3466797 Water ofthe alkohol 5 -5393 880 Combined with the carbon of the alkohol 4.0390625 Acetous acid - 0.1562500 Refiduum of fugar 0.3275825 „ Yeaft - 0.1450738 0.0196397/Ar. ofazot in the yeaft - 0.0196397 $io lbs. 510/^. In the calculation of thefe refults, I have been exact even to minutenefs: Not that it is poffible, in experiments of this nature, to carry our accuracy fo far; but as the experiments were made only with a few pounds of fugar, and as, for the fake of comparifon, I reduced the refults of the real experiments to the quintal, OF CHEMISTRY. or imaginary hundred pounds, I thought it ne- ceffary to leave the fractional parts precifely as produced by calculation. When we confidcr the refults prefented by thefe tables with attention, it is eafy to difcover exactly what occurs during fermentation. In the firft place, out of the ioo lbs. of fugar em- ployed, 4.0940755 lbs. remain, without having fuffered decompofition : fo that, in reality, wc have only operated upon 95.905 9245/fo. of fugar j that is to fay, upon 61.37979168 lbs. of oxygen, 7.67247396 lbs. of hydrogen, and 26.85365886 lbs. of carbon. By comparing thefe quantities, we find that they are fully fufficient for forming the whole of the alkohol, carbonic acid, and acetous acid, produced by the fermentation. It is not, therefore, neceffary to fuppofe that any water has been decompofed during the ex- periment, unlefs it be pretended that the oxy- gen and hydrogen exift in the fugar already combined in that form. On the contrary, I have already made it evident that hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, the three conftituent ele- ments of vegetable fubftances, remain in a ftate of equilibrium, or mutual union with each other, which fubfifts fo long as this union re- mains undifturbed by increafed temperature, or by means of fome new compound attraction j and that then only thefe elements combine, 196 ELEMENTS two and two together, to form water and carbo- nic acid. The effects of the vinous fermentation upon fugar is thus reduced to the mere feparation of its elements into two portions; one part is oxy- genated at the expence of the other, fo as to form carbonic acid ; while the other part, being difoxygenated in favour of the former, is con- verted into the combuftible fubftance called al- kohol ; therefore, if it were poffible to re-unite alkohol and carbonic acid together, we fhould form fugar. It is evident that the carbon and hydrogen in the alkohol do not exift in the ftate of oil, but that they are combined with a portion of oxygen, which renders them mifci- ble with water; wherefore thefe three fubftan- ces, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, exift here likewife in a fpecies of equilibrium, or recipro- cal combination; and, in face, when they are , made to pafs through a red hot tube of glafs or porcelain, this union or equilibrium is deftroyed; thefe elements become recombined two and two, and water and carbonic acid are formed. I had formerly advanced, in my firft Me- moirs upon the formation of water, that it was decompofed in a great number of chemical ex- periments, and particularly during the vinous fermentation. I then fuppofed that water exift- ed ready formed in fugar, though I am now con- vinced that fugar only contains the elements O F CHEMISTRY. 197 proper for compofing it. It may be readily con- ceived, that it muft have coft me a good deal to abandon my firft notions. But by feveral years reflection, and after a great number of experi- ments and obfervations upon vegetable fubftances, I have fixed my ideas as above. I fhall finifh what I have to fay upon vinous fermentation, by obferving, 'that it furniflies us with the means of analyfing fugar and every vegetable fermentable matter. We may confi- derthe ftibftances fubmitted to fermentation, and the products refulting from that operation, as forming an algebraic equation : and, by fuccef- fively fuppofing each of the elements in this equation unknown, we can calculate their values in fucceffion, and thus verify our experiments by calculation, and our calculations by experiment, reciprocally. I have often fuccefsfully employed this method for correcting the firft refults of my experiments, and to direct me in the proper road for repeating them to advantage. I have explain- ed myfelf more at large upon this fubject, in a Memoir upon vinous fermentation already pre- fented to the academy, and which v/ill fpeedily be publifhed. 198 ELEMENTS CHAP. XIV. Of the Putrefaclive Fermentation. THE phenomena of putrefaction are caufed, like thofe of vinous fermentation, by the operation of extremely complicated affinities. The conftituent elements, of the bodies which are fubmitted to this procefs, ceafe to continue in equilibrium, in their original threefold com- bination, and form themfelves anew into binary combinations*, or compounds confifting of two elements only. But thefe are entirely different from the refults produced by the vinous fermen- tation. Inftead of part ofthe hydrogen remaining united with part of the water and carbon, to form alkohol, as in the vinous fermentation, the whole of the hydrogen is diffipated, during pu- trefaction, in the form of hydrogen gas; while, at the fame time, the oxygen and carbon, uniting with caloric, efcape in the form of carbonic acid; fo that, when the whole procefs is finifhed, efpecially if the materials * Binary combinations are fuch as confift of two fimple elements combined together. Ternary, and quaternary, confift of three and of four elements.—T. O F C H E M I S T R Y. 199 have been mixed with a fufficient quanti- ty of water, noting remains but the earth of the vegetable, mixed with a fmall portion of charcoal and iron. Thus, putrefaction is no- thing more than a complete analyfis of vege- table fubftance; during which the whole of the conftituent elements is difengaged in form of gas, except the earth, which remains in the ftate of mould*. Such is the refult of putrefaction, when the fubftances fubmitted to it contain only oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and a little earth. But this cafe is rare: and thefe fubftances putrify imperfectly and with difficulty, and require a confiderable time to complete their putrefac- tion. It is otherwife with fubftances containing azot^ which indeed exifts in all animal matters, and even in a confiderable number of vegetable fubftances. This additional element is remark- ably favourable to putrefaction: and for this reafon, animal matter is mixed with vegetable, when the putrefaction of thefe is wifhed to be haftened. The whole art of forming compofts and dunghills, for the purpofes of agriculture, confifts in the proper application of this admix- ture. * In the third part will be given the defcription of an ap- paratus proper for being ufed in experiments 6f this kind.—A. soo ELEMENTS The addition of azot to the materials of putre- faction, not only accelerates the procefs, but that element likewife combines with part of the hydrogen, and forms a new fubftance, called volatile alkali, or ammoniac. The refults ob- tained by analyfing animal matters, by different proceffes, leave no room for doubt with regard to the conftituent elements of ammoniac ; for, whenever the azot has been previoufly feparated from thefe fubftances, no ammoniac is produced; and in all cafes they furnifh ammoniac only in proportion to the azot they contain. This com- pofition of ammoniac is likewife fully proved by Mr Berthollet, in the memoirs ofthe Academy for 1781, p. 316, where he gives a variety of analytical proceffes by which ammoniac is decom- pofed, and its two elements, azot and hydrogen, procured Separately. I have already mentioned, in Chap. X. that almoft all combuftible bodies are capable of being combined with each other. Hydrogen gas poffeffes this quality, of combining with other combuftible fubftances, in an eminent degree. It diffolves carbon, fulphur, and phofpohorus, producing the compounds named carbonated hydrogen gas, fulphurated hydrogen gas, and phofphorated hydrogen gas. The two latter of thefe gaffes have a peculiarly difagreeable flavour. The fulphurated hydrogen gas has a ftrong re- femblance to the fmcll of rotten eggs: and OF CHEMISTRY. 201 the phofphorated fmells exactly like putrid fifh. Ammoniac has likewife a peculiar odour, not lefs penetrating or lefs difagreeable than thefe other gaffes. From the mixture of thefe differ- ent flavours, proceeds the fcetor which always ac- companies the putrefaction of animal fubftan- ces. Sometimes the ammoniac predominates, which is eafily perceived by its fharpnefs upon the eyes ; fometimes, as in feculent matters, the fulphurated gas is moftprevalent: and fometimes, as in putrid herrings, the phofphorated hydro- gen gas is moft abundant. I long fuppofed, that nothing could derange or interrupt the courfe of putrefaction. But Mr Fourcroy and Mr Thouret have obferved fome peculiar phenomena in dead bodies, bu- ried at a certain depth, and preferved to a cer- tain degree, from contact with air; having found the mufcular flefh frequently converted into true animal fat *. This muft have arifen from the difengagement, by fome unknown caufe, of the azot, naturally contained in the animal fubftance, leaving only the hydrogen and carbon remaining, which are the elements proper for producing fat or oil. This obferva- * This procefs has been lately imitated artificially : and a fatty fubftance, exaftly fimilar in all refpefts to Sperma- ceti, can be readily made from the fkfh or mufcular parts of all animal bodies.—T. Cc 262 ELEMENTS tion, on the poflibility of converting animal fub- ftances into fat, may fome time or other lead to difcoveries of great importance tofociety. The fseces of animals, and other excrementious matters, are chiefly compofed of carbon and hydrogen ; and approach confiderably to the na- ture of oil, of which they furnifh a confiderable quantity by diftillation with a naked fire. But the intolerable fcetor, which accompanies all the pro- ducts of thefe fubftances, prevents our expecting that, at leaft for a long time, they can be render- ed ufeful in any other way than as manures. I have only given conjectural approximations, in this Chapter, upon the compofition of animal fubftances, which is hitherto imperfectly under- ftood. We know, that they are compofed of hy- drogen, carbon, azot, phofphorus, and fulphur, all of which, in a ftate of quintuple combination, are brought to the ftate of oxyd by a larger or fmaller quantity of oxygen. We are, however, ftill unacquainted with the proportions in which thefe fubftances are combined ; and muft leave it to time to complete this part of chemical analyfis, as it has already done with feveral others. OF CHEMISTRY. 203 CHAP. XV. Ofthe Acetous Fermentation. THE acetous fermentation is nothing more than the acidification or oxygenation of wine *, produced in the open air, by means of the abforption of oxygen. The refulting acid is the acetous acid, commonly called Vinegar, which is compofed of hydrogen and carbon united together, in proportions not yet afcertain* ed, and changed into the acid ftate by oxygen. As vinegar is an acid, we might conclude from analogy, that it contains oxygen : but this is put beyond doubt by direct experiments. In the firft place, we cannot change wine into vine^' gar without the contact of air containing oxy- gen. Secondly, this procefs is accompanied by a diminution of the volume of the air in which it is carried on, from the abforption of its oxy- gen : and thirdly, wine may be changed into vinegar by any other means of oxygenation. * The word Wine, in this chapter, is ufed to fignify the liquor produced by the vinous fermentation, whatever vege- table fubftance may have been ufed for obtaining it.—T. 4Q4 ELEMENTS Independent of the proofs which thefe facts furnifh, ofthe acetous acid being produced by the oxygenation of wine, an experiment made by Mr Chaptel, Profeffor of Chemiftry at Moni- pelier, gives a diftinct view of what takes place in this procefs. He impregnated fome water with about its own bulk of carbonic acid from fermenting beer ; and placed this water in a cellar, vin veffels communicating with the air : and in a fhort time, the whole was converted in- to acetous acid. This carbonic acid gas, pro- cured from beer vats in fermentation, is not perfedly pure, but contains a great quantity of alkohol in folution ; wherefore water impregna- ted with it, contains all the materials neceffary for forming the acetous acid. The alkohol fur- nifhes hydrogen and one portion of carbon. The carbonic acid furnifhes oxygen and the reft of the carbon. And the air of the atmofphere fur- nifhes the reft ofthe oxygen neceffary for chang- ing the mixture into acetous acid. From this obfervation it follows, that nothing but hydro* gen is wanting, to convert carbonic acid into ace- tous acid ; or, more generally, that, by means of hydrogen, and according to the degree of oxygenation, carbonic acid may be changed into all the vegetable acids; and, on the contrary, that, by depriving any of the vegetable acids of their hydrogen, they maybe converted into car- bonic acid. OF CHEMISTRY. 205 Although the principal facts relating to the acetous acid are well known, yet numerical pre- cifion is ftill wanting, until furnifhed by more exact experiments than any hitherto perform- ed ; wherefore I fhall not enlarge any farther upon the fubject. It is fufficiently fhewn by what has been faid, that the conftitution of all the vegetable acids and oxyds is exactly con- formable to the formation of vinegar. But far- ther experiments are neceffary to teach us the proportion of the conftituent elements in all thefe acids and oxyds. We may eafily per- ceive, however, that this part of chemiftry, like all the reft of its divifions, makes rapid progrefs towards perfection; and that it is already ren- dered greatly more fimple than was formerly be- lieved. a©6 ELEMENTS CHAP. XVI. Ofthe Formation of Neutral Salts, and of their different Bafes. E have juft feen, that all the oxyds and acids from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, are formed from a fmall number of fimple elements, by means of combination with oxygen, or at leaft from fuch bodies as have not hitherto been fufceptible of decompofition, and which muft therefore be confidered as fimple fub- ftances, in the prefent ftate of our knowledge: thefe are azot, fulphur, phofphorus, carbon, hy? drogen, and the muriatic radical *. We may juftly admire the fimplicity of the means em- ployed by nature to multiply qualities and forms, whether by combining three or four acidifiable bafes in different proportions, or by * I have not ventured to omit this element, as here enu- merated with the other principles of animal and vegetable fubftances, though it is not at all taken notice of In the pre- ceding chapters, as entering, into the compofition of thefe bodies. It has been already mentioned, in a former note, that the muriatic radical is now difcovered, or at leaft fuf- pc£ted, to be hydrogen.—T. w OF CHEMISTRY. 207 altering the dofe of oxygeti employed for oxy- dating or acidifying them. We fhall find the means no lefs fimple and diverfified, and as a- bundantly productive of forms and qualities, in the order of bodies we are now about to treat of. Acidifiable fubftances, by combining with- oxygen, and their confequent converfion into acids, acquire a great fufceptibility for farther combination. They become capable of uniting with alkaline, earthy, and metallic bodies, by which means neutral falts are formed. Acids may therefore be confidered as truefalifying prin- ciples : and the fubftances with which they unite to form neutral falts may be czlledfalifiable bafes. The nature ofthe union which thefe two princi- ples form with each other, is meant as the fubject ofthe prefent chapter. The foregoing view of the acids prevents them from being confidered as falts, though they are poffeffed of many of the principal pro- perties of faline bodies, as folubility in water, &c. It is already obferved, that they are the refults of a firft order of combination, being compofed of two fimple elements, or at leaft of elements which act as if they were fimple : and they may therefore be ranked, to ufe the lan- guage of Stahl, in the order of mixts. The neutral falts, on the contrary, are of a feconda- ry order of combination, being formed by the 208 ELEMENTS union of two mixts with each other ; and may therefore be termed compounds. Hence I fhall not arrangethe alkalies*, or earths, in the clafs of falts, to which I allot only fuch as are compofed of an oxygenated fubftance, united to a falifiable bafe. I have already enlarged fufficiently upon the formation of acids in the preceding chapter ; and fhall not add any thing farther upon that fubject. But, having as yet taken no notice of the falifi- able bafes which are capableof uniting with them to form neutral falts, I mean, in this chapter, to give an account of the nature and origin of each of thefe bafes. Thefe are potafh, foda, ammo- niac, lime, magnefia, barytes, argillj, and all the metallic bodies. § i. Of Potafh. We have already fhewn, that, when a vege- table fubftance is fubmitted to the action of fire * Perhaps thus rejecting the alkalies from the clafs of falts, may be confidered as a capital defect, in the method here adopted ; and I am ready to admit the charge. But this in- convenience is compenfated by fo many advantages, that I could not think it of fufficient confequence to make me alter my plan.—A. f Called Alumine by Mr Lavoifier. But as Argill has been in a manner naturalized to the language for this fub- ftance by Mr Kirwan, I have ventured to ufe it in prefer- ence.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 209 in diftilling veffels, its component elements, oxy- gen, hydrogen, and carbon, which formed a threefold combination in a ftate of equilibrium, unite* two and two, in obedience to affinities which ad conformably to the degree of heat employed. Thus, at the firft application of the fire, whenever the heat produced exceeds the temperature of boiling water, part of the oxy- gen and hydrogen unite to form water. Soon after, the reft of the hydrogen, and part of the carbon, combine into oil: and, laftly, when the fire is pufhed to the red heat, the oil and wa- ter, which had been formed in the early part of the procefs, become again decompofed ; the oxygen and part of the carbon unite to form carbonic acid ; a large quantity of hydrogen gas is fet free j and nothing but charcoal remains in the retort. A great part of thefe phenomena occur du- ring the combuftion of vegetables in the open air. But, in this cafe, the prefence of the air introduces three new fubftances, the oxygen and azot of the air, and caloric : and, of thefe, two at leaft produce confiderable changes in the refults of the operation. In proportion as the hydrogen of the vegetable, or that which arifes from the decompofition of the water, is forced out in the form of hydrogen gas, by the progrefs ofthe fire, it is fet on fire immediately upon coming into contact with the air ; water is again formed ; and the greater part of the calo- Dd 21$ ELEMENTS ric of the two gaffes becoming free, produces flame. When all the hydrogen gas is driven out, burnt, and again reduced to water, the re- maining carbon continues to burn, but without flame. It is formed into carbonic acid, which carries off a portion of caloric fufficient to give it the gaffeous form. The reft of the caloric, from the oxygen of the air, being fet free, pro- duces the heat and light obferved during the combuftion of the carbon. The whole vegetable is thus reduced to water and carbonic acid : and nothing remains but a fmall portion of grey ear- thy matter, called afhes, being the only really fix- ed principles which enter into the conftitution of vegetables. The earth, or rather afhes, which feldom ex- ceeds a twentieth part of the weight of the ve- getable, contains a fubftance of a particular na- ture, known under the name of fixed vegeta- ble alkali, or potafh. To obtain this, water is poured upon the afhes, which diffolves the pot- afh, and leaves the afhes which are infoluble. By afterwards evaporating the water, we obtain the potafh in a white concrete form. It is very fixed, even in a very high degree of heat. I do not mean here to defcribe the art of preparing potafli, or the method of procuring it in a ftate of purity ; but have entered into the above detail, merely that I might not ufe any word, not pre- vioufly explained. OF CHEMISTRY. 211 The potafh, obtained by this procefs, is always lefs or more faturated with carbonic acid, which is eafily accounted for. As the potafh does not form, or at leaft is not fet free, but in propor- tion as the carbon of the vegetable is converted into carbonic acid, by the addition of oxygen, either from the air or the water, it- follows, that each particle of potafli, at the inftant of its for- mation, or at leaft of its liberation, is in contadt with a particle of carbonic acid: and as there is a confiderable affinity between thefe two fub- ftances, they naturally combine together. Al- though the carbonic acid has lefs affinity with potafh than any other acid, yet it is difficult to feparate the laft portions from it. The moft ufual method of accomplifhing this, is, to diffolve the potafh in water. To this folution two or three times its weight of quicklime are added. Then the liquor is filtrated, and evaporated in clofe veffels. The faline fubftance, left by the evaporation, is potafh, almoft entirely deprived of carbonic acid. In this ftate, it is foluble in an equal Weight of water, and even attracts the moifture of the air with great avidity. By this property it furnifhes us with an excellent means of rendering air or gas dry, by expofing them to its action. In this ftate, it is foluble in alko- hol, though not when combined with carbonic acid : and Mr Berthollet employs this property as a method of procuring potafh in the ftate of perfect purity. 211 ELEMENTS All vegetables yield lefs or more of potafh in confequence of combuftion; but it is furnifhed in various degrees of purity by different vege- tables : ufually, indeed, from whatever fource it be procured, it is mixed with different falts, from which, however, it is eafily feparable. We can hardly entertain a doubt, that the afhes, or earth, which is left by vegetables in combuftion, pre-exifted in them before they were burnt, forming what may be called the fkeleton, or offeous part of the vegetable. But it is quite otherwife with potafh. This fubftance has never yet been procured from vegetables but by means of proceffes, or intermedia, capable of furnilhing oxygen and azot, fuch as combuftion, or by means of nitric acid ; fo that it is not yet demon^ ftrated that potafh may not be a produce from thefe operations. I have begun a feries of experi- ments upon this fubject, and hope foon to be able to give an account of their refults. § 2. Of Soda. Soda, like potafh, is an alkali procured by lixiviation from the afhes of burnt plants, but only from thofe which grow upon the fea-fide, and efpecially from the herb kali, whence is de- rived the name alkali, given to this fubftance by the Arabians. It has fome properties in common with potafh, and others which are en- tirely different. In general, thefe two fubftan- OF CHEMISTRY. 213 ces have peculiar characters in their faline com- binations, which are proper to each, and confe- quently diftinguifh them from each other. Thus foda, which, as obtained from marine plants, is ufually entirely faturated with carbonic acid, does not attract the humidity of the atmofphere like potafh : but, on the contrary, it deficcates ; its cryftals efflorefce, and are converted into a white powder, having all the properties of foda, which it really is, having only loft its water of cryftallization. Hitherto we are not better acquainted with the conftituent elements of foda than with thofe of potafli, being equally uncertain whether it previoufly exifted ready formed in the vegetable, or if it be a combination of elements effected by combuftion. Analogy leads us to fufpect, that azot is a conftituent element of all the alkalies, as is the cafe with ammoniac. But we have only flight prefumptions, unconfirmed by any decifive experiments, refpecting the compofition of potafh and foda *. * There are fome experiments related in the Tranfa&iona of the Turin Academy, which give reafon for fnppofing that foda is a modification of magnefia. This latter fubftance, according to the experiments detailed by Baron Born, and mentioned in the additional fettion of this chapter, feems to be a metallic oxyd. From analogy, we may prefume, that potafli is likewife a metallic fubftance, in fome hitherto un- known ftate of combination. We (hall this exclude all the alkalies from the clafs of fimple elementary fubftances.—T. 214 ELEMENTS § 3. Of Ammoniac. We have, however, very accurate knowledge of the compofition of ammoniac or volatile al- kali, as it was called by the old chemifts. Mr Berthollet, in the memoirs of the academy for 1784, p. 316, has proved by analyfis, that 1000 parts of this fubftance confift of about 807 parts of azot combined with 193 parts of hydrogen. Ammoniac is chiefly procurable from animal fubftances by diftillation ; during which procefs the azot and hydrogen neceffary to its formati- on unite in proper proportions. It is not, how- ever, procured pure by this procefs, being mix- ed with oil and water, and moftly faturated with carbonic acid. To feparate thefe fubftances, it is firft combined with an acid, the muriatic, for inftance, and then difengaged from that com- bination by the addition of lime or potafh. When ammoniac is thus produced in its greateft degree of purity, it can only exift under the gaffeous form, at leaft in the ufual temperature of the atmofphere. It has an exceffively p'enetrating fmell. It is abforbed in large quantities by water, efpecially if cold, and affifted by compreflion. Water, thus faturated with ammoniac, hasufually been termed volatile alkaline fluor. We fliallcallit either fimply ammoniac, or liquid ammoniac, and ammoniacal gas, when it exifts in the aeriform ftate *. * The nomenclature ofthe alkalies propofed by Dr Black, feems better than that adopted by Mr Lavoifier and the OF CHEMISTRY. 215 § 4. Of Lime, Magncfia, Barytes, and Argill. The compofition of thefe four earths is totally unknown ; and, until by new difcoveries their conftituent elements are afcertained, we are cer- tainly authorifed to confider them as fimple bo- dies. Art has no fhare in the production of thefe earths ; as they are all procured ready formed from nature. But, as they have all, efpecially the three firft, great tendency to combination, they are never found pure. Lime is ufually fa- turated with carbonic acid in the ftate of chalk, calcareous fpars, moft ofthe marbles, &c.; fome- times with fulphuric acid, as in gypfum and plafter ftones ; at other times with fluoric acid forming vitreous or fluor fpars; and, laftly, it is found in the waters of the fea, and of faline fprings, combined with muriatic acid. Of all the falifiable bafes, it is the moft univerfally fpread through nature. Magnefia is found in mineral waters, for the moft part combined with fulphuric acid. It is likewife abundant in fea-water, united with muri- French chemifts. Lixa, trona, and ammona, arc equally con- venient for ufe as potafla or potafh, foda, and ammoniac, and they are not fo apt to lead into miftakes ; for the words of the new French chemical nomenclature have too much re- femblance to old terms ufed for very different fubftances, or at leaft for very different ftates, in a chemical light, of the fame fubftances.—T. S1g ^ELEMENTS atic acid : and it exifts in a great number of ftonefl of different kinds. Barytes is much lefs common than the two preceding earths. It is found in the mineral king- dom, combined with fulphuric acid, forming heavy fpars, and fometimes, though rarely, uni- ted to carbonic acid. Argill, or the bafe of alum, having lefs ten- dency to combination with the other earths, is often found in the ftate of argill, uncombined with any acid. It is chiefly procurable from clays, of which, properly fpeaking, it is the bafe, or chief ingredient *. " On the 4th of November 1793, Dr Hope^ now affociated in the Edinburgh chemical chair, with Dr Black, read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a very elaborate analyfis of a non- defcript mineral, from the mines of Strontian in Argylefhire ; to which, from its place and ftruc- ture, he gives the name of Strontitic fpar ; and which he finds to confift of a peculiar earth, hi- therto undifcovered in any other mineral body, combined with carbonic acid. To this earth he has affigned the name of Strontites, which agrees very well with the new nomenclature ; only that, perhaps, Strontita would havebeenmore regular, for the reafons mentioned in the two preceding notes. In this elementary treatife, a detailed ac- * For reafons fimilar to thofe given in the preceding note, Dr Black p'opofes to name thefe four fimple earths, Calca, Magnefia, Baryta, and Arga.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. m7 countofthis important difcovery cannotbegiven; for which the reader is referred to the Tranfanc- tions ofthe Royal Society of Edinburgh. Stron- tites has a pungent acrid tafte ; is foluble both in hot and cold water, but much more fo in hot, from which it cryftalizes in cooling ; its cold folu- tions attraft carbonic acid from the atmofphere, form a cruft of carbonate of Strontites on the fur- face, which breaks and falls to the bottom, ex- actly as in lime, and is rediffolved by an excefs of acid. Strontites combines with the various acids, forming neutral falts ; and poffeffes differ- ent affinities with the acids from the other known earths. One of its moft remarkable properties, both whenpureandin combination with the acids' is that of tinging the flame of combuftible bodies of a deep blood red colour ; to produce which effect, however, fome moifture muft be prefent. The order of affinities ofthe principal acids with Strontites, as determined by Dr Hope's experi- ments, is as follows : Sulphuric. Nitric. Acetous. Oxalic. Muriatic. Arfeniac. Tartarous. Succinic. Boracic. Fluoric. Phofphoric. Carbonic. Its order of affinities with the feveral acids, re- lative to the other falifiable bafes, fo far as afcer- tained by Dr Hope, are inferted in the refpedive tables in Part II.*" * The whole of this account of Strontites, has been ad- ded to the third Edition.—T. Ee 2l8 ELEMENTS § 5. Of Metallic Bodies. The metals, except gold, and fometimes fil- ver, are rarely found in the mineral kingdom in their metallic ftate, being ufually lefs or more faturated with oxygen, or combined with ful- phur, arfenic, fulphuric acid, muriatic acid, car- bonic acid, or phofphoric acid. Metallurgy, or the doeimaftic art, teaches the means of fepara- ting them from thefe foreign matters j and for this purpofe we refer to fuch chemical books as treat upon thefe operations. We are probably only acquainted as yet with a part of the metallic fubftances exifting in na- ture ; as all thofe which have a ftronger affinity to oxygen than carbon poffeffes, are incapable, hitherto, of being reduced to the metallic ftate : and, confequently, being only prefented to our obfervation undeT the form of oxyds, are con- founded with earths. It is extremely probable, that barytes, which we have juft now arranged with earths, is in this fituation ; for in many ex- periments it exhibits properties nearly approach- ing to thofe of metallic bodies. It is even poffible, that all the fubftances we call earths, may be only metallic oxyds, irreducible by any hitherto known procefs. \ Thofe metallic bodies we are at prefent ac- quainted with, and which we can reduce to the • OF CHEMISTRY. 219 metallic or reguline ftate, are the following fe- venteen. Latin Names. Englifh Nam i. Arfenicum Arfenic. 2. Molybdenum Molybdena, 3. Tungftenum Tungftein. 4. Manganefum Manganefe. 5. Nickolum Nickel. 6. Cobaltum Cobalt. 7. Bifmuthum JSifmuth. 8. Antimonium - Antimony. 9. Zincum Zinc. 10. Ferrum Iron. 11. Stannum Tin. 12. Plumbum Lead. 13. Cuprum Copper. 14. Mercurium Mercury. 15. Argentum Silver. 16. Aurum Gold. 17. Platinum Platina. I only mean to confider thefe as falifiable bafes, without entering at all upon the confideration of their properties in the arts, and for the ufes of fociety. In thefe points of view, each metal would require a complete treatife, which would lead me far beyond the bounds I have prefcribed for this work. 229 ELEMENTS § 6. Of the Metallic Nature ofthe Earths '*. In the laboratory of the Academy of the mines at Chemnitz, in Lower Hungary, fome experi- ments have been lately made, by Meffrs Tondi and Ruprecht, by which the number ofthe me- tals feems to be confiderably augmented. Befides afcertaining the real metallic natureof Tungftein, Molybdena, and Mangan'efe, which fome che- mifts had doubted, but all of which have been reduced to the reguline form by thefe two che- mifts, they have fucceeded in procuring metallic reguli from Chalk, Magnefia, and Barytes. Of thefe experiments it may be proper to give fome account in this place, from the defcription of the cabinet of Mademoifelle Raab, of Vienna, by Baron Born. Barytes. After having purified fome Barytes, by re- peated fufions and precipitations, it was mixed with an eighth part of its weight of powdered charcoal, and made into a pafte with lintfeed oil. This was put into a crucible, furrounded by powdered charcoal, and fubmitted to a ftrong melting heat, for an hour and a half. A perfect metallic regulus was procured, of an iron-grey * The whole of this fcc"lion was added by the Tranflator to the fecond edition. PF CHEMISTRY. 221 colour and uniform metallic luftre. Its texture is lamellated, compofed of large diftinct lamellae, which crofs each other. It is brittle, but not hard, and readily takes a polifh ; is attracted by the magnet, notwithftanding every poffible pre- caution to feparate any martial oxyd which might- have previoufly been mixed with the mineral. The fpecific gravity of this new metal is 6.744, water being taken as unity. Magnefia. By treating the carbonat of magnefia in the fame manner, they obtained a convex lump or globule of metallic regulus, of a bright grey co- lour, fimilar to platina which has not been fully purified from iron. This regulus is harder th:;:i thofe obtained from tungftein or molybdena. It is granular, and fomewhat ftriated in its texture, when broken ; and is not affected by the magnet. Its fpecific gravity, and other properties, have not yet been afcertained. Chalk. By the fame method of proceeding, a regulus has likewife been procured from carbonat of chalk. The button was convex, and very compact in its texture. In colour and luftre it came very near to the appearance of platina j and it took a fine polifh. Its fpecific gravity, and chemical rela- 222 ELEMENTS tions, have not yet been ascertained by experi* ment. Thefe experiments have been frequently re- peated by the above-mentioned gentlemen, and always with the fame refults. Should they eventually be confirmed by rigorous examina- tion, a new light will be thrown on feveral of the moft difficult parts of chemiftry by thefe dif- coveries, which have already been in a great meafure predicted, by the conjecture of Mr La- voifier, who fuppofes that thofe fubftances, which have long been confidered as primitive earths, are only metallic oxyds, combined with oxygen; and that their reduction has hitherto been pre- vented by the attraction which fubfifts between them and oxygen being ftronger than that be- tween oxygen and carbon. Mr Baron Born adds to the above account, " that he expects foon to learn, that the filicious " and argillaceous earths are likewife metallic " oxyds; and that, in this cafe, the whole clafs " of earths and ftones will difappear from the *f mineral kingdom. The difcovery is certainly " one of the moft important that modern che- " miftry has produced for a long while. It muft " have great influence in changing our metal- " lurgic proceffes, which will thereby become " more certain in their refults, and more fcien- " title in their application. Even every branch " of chemiftry may receive confiderable light O F CHEMIST RT. 223 " and improvement from their influence. Per- " haps gold and filver are the only pure metal- " lie fubftances hitherto known ; as it is proba- " ble, that fome part ofthe, till now unknown, " metals, from the earths employed for facilita- " ting the fmelting of ores, may mix with the " metals which we extract from thefe ores, and " debafe them; fo that, inftead of fimple or " pure metals, which they were formerly con- " fidered, thefe may only be alloys, of the in- " gredients of which we are ftill ignorant. Per- " haps the reguli of barytes and of chalk are " foluble in the fame acids, and precipitated by " the fame elective attractions, as the regulus " of copper, which may be the caufe of this " mixture not being hitherto fufpected. From " this mixture, or alloyage, the harfhnefs and " greater or leffer ductility of iron, copper, tin, " and other metals, may be derived. All thefe " conjectures can only be afcertained or reject- " ed, when all thefe newly-difcovered metals " fhall have been properly examined, and their " chemical affinities compared accurately with " thofe of the metals already known, and with " each other. One thing feems highly proba- " ble, that one or other of thefe new metals " will precipitate fome of the other metals from " folutions in a metallic form : and by this pro- " perty many metallurgic proceffes may become " greatly facilitated and abridged." 224 ELEMENTS Thefe difcoveries give reafon to hope, that chemiftry may one day arrive at a moft beauti- ful ftate of fimplicity. It is, perhaps, no im- probable conjecture, that all the bodies in na- ture may be referred to one clafs of fimple com- buftible elementary fubftances, to oxygen, and to caloric ; and that, from the various combi- nations of thefe with each other, all the variety produced by nature and art may arife. The on- ly known difference between metals and pure combuftibles, as they are called, is in degrees of qualities. They are all combuftible, that is, they all combine with oxygen, though under differ- ent degrees of temperature. They are all folid, or liquid, or aeriform, fixed, or volatile, at differ- ent temperatures. In different degrees of fatu- ration with oxygen, they form oxyds, which have alkaline properties, or acids. In the ftate of oxyds, the formerly known metals have all the properties of what were formerly called primitive earths, which are now at leaft fufpea- ed of being metallic oxyds. Even the aeriform nature of hydrogen and azot, which does not feparate them from the reft fo far as combufti- bility is concerned, is only a difference in degree of volatility. We do not exclude mercury from the metals, becaufe it is volatile in the tempe- rature of 6oo°, and fufes at —4o°, though iron is fixed at 240000, according to Mr Wedge- wood's experiments, and requires 250770 for its fufion. Why then fhould hydrogen and azot be OF CHEMISTRY. 225 excluded from a clafs with which they agree in fo many particulars, becaufe their points of fufion and volatility are perhaps as many degrees below thofe belonging to mercury, as this latter falls fhort of thofe of iron : or why fhould car- bon, fulphur, and phofphorus, not be confidered as metals, becaufe their fpecific gravity, and luftre, and ductility, differ from the bodies called metals, which diaer fo much in thefe particulars among themfelves ? To thefe three new metals, Mr Tondi wifhes to give the names of borbonium, for the regulus of barytes ; auftrum, for the regulus from mag- nefia; and pariheuum for that of chalk. Ic were hard to deny a difcoverer the right of giv- ing names to his own difcoveries, without fome 'rcafonable objection. But thefe names would introduce confufion into chemical nomencla- ture, which it has been the great object of the French chemifts to reform, and render regular ; wherefore I would propofe that they fliould be named barytum, magnefium, and calcum. Thefe accord with the reformed old names ofthe fub- ftances from which they are procured, merely by changing to the neuter gender, in which all the names of the metals are placed in the new nomenclature : and then the three, formerly cal- • led, earths will be oxyds of thefe metals refpec- tively, or baryta, magnefia, and calca, if fingle terms are preferred, thefe latter being in the femi- F f 226 ELEMENTS nine gender, which is appropriated to alkaline fubftances in the new nomenclature. It muft not, however, be concealed, that the truth of thefe difcoveries is ftrongly contefted by very eminent chemifts; who infift, that the metal- lic buttons produced in the experiments of Meffrs Tondi and Ruprecht, arife entirely from the manganefe and iron ofthe charcoal, or from fome fimilar alloyage of materials from the crucibles or tefts employed ; and that they have no farther pretentions to be confidered as diftinft metals than the fiderite, now known to be phofphorat- ed iron, or than plumbago, or black-lead. Mr Klaproth a celebrated chemift at Berlin, has lately difcovered a new metal, to which he gives the name of Uranium ; and he diftinguiflies its various mineral forms by the generic term of Uranite. FJis numerous experiments on this fub- ject, are publifhed in Crell's Chemical Journal, and in the Annales de Chymie : and the follow- ing general account of the minerals, and of the metal, was confidered as proper to be given in this place. The Uranite occurs in feveral forms, which were formerly overlooked, by chemifts and mi- neralogifts, being confidered as very poor ores of copper, becaufe they moftly contain a little of that metal. They are chiefly found near Johanh-georgen Stadt in Saxony, Salfeldt in Thuringia, and Joachims-thal in Bohemia. OF CHEMISTRY. 227 Thefe may be divided into three genera, the ochreous, the fpathiform, and the mineralized, or ore. The ochreous, or uranite ochre, called uraniie-oker, in the German language, is of a le- mon yellow colour, of various fhades : and beino- frequently more or lefs mixed with iron ochre, its colour is thereby changed to various fhades of brown. Sometimes it is in a powdery ftate ; and at other times it is caked together in maffes of different degrees of compa&nefs. It is gene- rally found covering or adhering to pieces of the mineralized uranite. The fpathiform, or uranite fpar, called in German uranit-fpath, the chalkolith of Mr Werner, is generally of a deep grafs green colour, fometimes verging to a filver white, and at other times to a light yellowifh green. It is fometimes compact and irregular in its form ; and is fometimes cryftallized in fmall fhining fquare and tranfparent tables, which are occafionally fo thick as to be almoft cubes. Thefe cryftals are lamellated in the fracture, and feel foft to the touch. They are often found in fpots, fcattered over the furface of micaceous fchift, granite, or a mixture of quartz and black uranite qre. Both the ochre and fpar diffclve en- tirely in nitric acid. The mineralized, or uranite ore, called in German uranit-erz, pech-blende, or pech-erz, is of a dark black-brown colour. It is to- lerably hard, has a greafy luftre, breaks compact, and is black where fcratched. It is very heavy, 228 ELEMENTS the fpecific gravity being 7.500. It does not melt in the fire by itfelf; but is reduced under the blow-pipe, with the addition of phofphoric acid, to a green viireous globule. It diffolves imper- fectly in the acids, but beft in the nitrous, the diffolution being of a pale white-wine colour. Uranium, the metal procured from thefe mi- neral fubftances, is even more difficultly fufed than manganefe. Its fpecific gravity is 6.440. It is of a dark grey colour, becoming brown when fcratched. Its brilliancy is flight: and it is rather fof:, being eafily cut with a knife or file. It dif- folves very imperfectly in the fulphuric and mu- riatic acids, but very readily, and with confider- able evolution of heat, in nitric and nitro-muria- tic acids. From this diffolution, its oxyd is preci- pitated of a yellow colour, by the pure alkalies ; and the precipitates are re-diffolved by an excefs of alkali. With the alkaline carbonats, the preci- pitates are whitifh, and reddifh brown when the pruffiats are employed. Thefe oxyds do not melt under the blow-pipe, without addition: but with foda and borax, they melt into a brown button ; and with phofphoric acid the button is of a green colour. O F C II E M I S T RY. 22'j C H A P. XVII. Continuation of the Obfervations upon Salifiable Bafes, and the Formatie-n of Neutral Salts. IT is neceffary to remark, that earths and al- kalies unite with acids to form neutral falts without the intervention of any medium ; whereas metallic fubftances are incapable of forming this combination, without being pre- vioufly lefs or more oxygenated. Strictly fpeak- ing, therefore, metals are not foluble in acids, but only metallic oxyds. Hence, when a me- tal is put into an acid for folution, it is neceffary, in the firft place, that it become oxygenated, either by attracting oxygen from the acid, or from the water with which the acid is diluted ; or, in other words, that a metal cannot be dif- folved in an acid, unlefs the oxygen, either of the acid, or of the water mixed with it, has a ftronger affinity to the metal than to the hydro- gen or the acidifiable bafe ; or, what amounts to the fame thin:;, that no metallic diffolution can take place, without a previous decompofition of the water, or of the acid in which it is made. The explanation of the principal phenomena of mc- 230 ELEMENTS tallic diffolution depends entirely on this fimple obfervation, which was overlooked even by the illuftrious Bergman. The firft and moft ftriking of thefe phenome- na is the effervefcence, or, to fpeak lefs equivo- cally, the difengagement of gas, which takes place during the folution. In the folutions made in nitric acid, this effervefcence is produced by the difengagement of nitrous gas. In folutions with fulphuric acid, it is either fulphurous acid gas or hydrogen gas, according as the oxydation of the metal happens to be made at the ex- pence of the fulphuric acid or of the water. As both nitric acid and water are compofed of elements, which, when feparate, can only exift in the gaffeous form, at leaft in the common temperature of the atmofphere, it is evident, that, whenever either of thefe is deprived of its oxygen, the remaining element muft inftantly expand and affume the ftate of gas. The effer- vefcence is occafioned by this hidden conver- fion from the liquid to the gaffeous ftate. The fame decompofition, and confequent formation of gas, takes place when folutions of metals are made in fulphuric acid. In general, efpecially by the humid way, metals do not attract all the oxygen it contains. They therefore reduce it, not into fulphur, but into fulphurous acid ; and as this acid can only exift as gas in the ufual tern- OF CHEMISTRY. 231 perature, it is difengaged, and occafions effer- vefcence. The fecond obfervable phenomenon is, that, when the metals have been previoufly oxydated, they all diffolve in acids without effervefcence. This is eafily explained; becaufe, not having now any occafion for combining with oxygen, they neither decompofe the acid nor the water, by which decompofition, in the former cafe, the effervefcence is occafioned. A third phenomenon, which requires parti- cular confideration, is, that none of the metals produce effervefcence by folution in oxygenat- ed muriatic acid. During this procefs, the me- tal, in the firft place, carries off the excefs of oxygen from the oxygenated muriatic acid, by which it becomes oxydated, and reduces the acid to the ftate of ordinary muriatic acid. In this cafe there is no production of gas ; not that the muriatic acid does not tend to exift in the gaffeous ftate in the common temperature, which it does equally with the acids formerly mentioned, but becaufe this acid, which otherwife would expand into gas, finds more water combined with the oxygenated muriatic acid, than is neceffary to retain it in the liquid form. Hence it does not difengage like the fulphurous acid, but remains, and quietly diffolves and combines with the me- tallic oxyd previoufly formed from its fupsrabun- dant oxygen. 232 E L E M E :i T S The fourth phenomenon worthy of notice is, that metals_are abfolutely infoluble in fuch acids as have their bafes joined to oxygen by a ftrong- er affinity than thefe metals are capable of ex- erting upon that acidifying principle. Hence filver, mercury, and lead, in their metallic ftates, are infoluble in muriatic acid ; but, when previ- oufly oxydated, they become readily foluble with- out effervefcence. From thefe phenomena it appears, that oxy- gen is the bond of union between metals and acids : and from this we are led to fuppofe, that oxygen is contained in all fubftances which have a ftrong affinity with acid. Hence it is very pro- bable, that the four eminently falifiable earths contain oxygen, and that their capability of u- niting with acids is produced by the intermedia- tion of that element. What I have formerly noticed, relative to thefe earths, viz. that they may very poffibly be metallic oxyds, with which oxygen has a ftronger affinity than with carbon, and confequently are not reducible by any known means, is confiderably ftrengthened by the above confiderations. All the acids hitherto known, are enumerated in the following table. The firft column contains the names ■ of the acids, according to the new nomenclature, in Latin ; in the fecond column, the Englifh names, according to the fame no- OF CHEMISTRY. 23d menclature are placed ; the third contains the bales or radicals of thefe acids. Table of all the known Acids. Latin Names. Englijh Names. 10 II 32 *3 H lS \6 -7 18 •9 Acidum fulphurofum Sulphurous acid ----fulphuricum Sulphuric ----phofphorofum Phofphorous ----phofphoricum Phofphoric ----muriaticum Muriatic -------oxygenatum* Oxygenated muriatic ----nitrofum Nitrous ----nitric um Nitre -------oxygenatum{ Oxygenated nitric Bafes. > Sulphur > Phofphorus | Unknownf } Azot. - carbonicum - acetofum ■ aceticum oxalicum tartarofum Carbonic Acetous Acetic Oxalic Tartarous Carbon ----pyro-tartarofum Pyro-tartarous ----citricum Citric ----malicum Malic ----pyro-lignofum Pyro lignous ----pyrc-mucofum Pyro-mucous Compound. ' See Obf. ift. * This term might be changed for Acidum murioxicum, Murioxic acid.—T. t In a former note, Hydrogen is mentioned as the fuppofed bafe of this acid.—T. I This might more conveniently be named Acidum nitrox* icum, or Nitroxic acid.—T. G2 2J4 ELEMENTS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3Z 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 4> 42 43 44 Latin Names. Acidum gallicum ---- prufficum - benzoicum fuccinium ---- camphoricum ---• ladicum ---- faccho-la&icum ---- bombicum ---- formicum ---- febacium ---- boracicum ---- fluoricum ---- antimonicum ---- argenticum .--- arfeniacum ---- bifmuthicum ---- cobaltk.um —— cupricum ---- ftannicum ---- ferric um . manganic um ---- mercuricum f ---- molybdicum ---- nickolicum ---- auricum Englijh Names. Gallic Pruflic Benzoic Succinic Camphoric Laftic Saccho-laftic Bombic Formic Sebacic Boracic Fluoric Antimonic Argentic Arfeniac* Bifmuthic Cobaltic Cupric Stannic Ferric Manganic Mercuric Molybdic Nickolic Auric Bafes. Compound, See Obf. 2. (Compound, f See Obf. 3d. t Unknown Antimony Silver Arfenic Bifmuth Cobalt Copper Tin Iron Manganefe Mercury Molybdena Nickel Gold. * This term differs a little from the general rule, in making the name terminate in ac inftead of ic. The bafe and acid are diftinguifhed in French by Arfen/V and hrknique; but, as the f> liable ic was thought moft convenient for the Englifh tranflation of the French ique, it became neceffiry to ufe this fma.l deviation—T. 4 Mr Lavoifier has Hydrargirique 1 but Mercurium being Ufed for the metal or bafe, the name of this acid, as above, is at leaft equally regular, and lefs harfh.—T. OF C HE MIS TRY. 235 Latin Names. Englijh Names. Bafes. 45. Acidum platinicum Platinic Platina 46.----plumbicum Plumbic Lead 47.----tungfticum Tungftic Tungftein 48.----zincicum Zincic Zinc Obfervations on the foregoing Table. ift, The bafes or radicals of the acids, from N° 11. to N° 19. inclufive, feem to be formed by a combination of carbon and hydrogen : and the only difference appears to proceed from the dif- fimilar proportions in which thefe elements com- bine to form the bafes of thefe acids, together with the different quantities of oxygen in their acidification. A connected feries of accurate ex- periments is ftill wanted, to illuftrate this fubject in a fatisfactory manner. 2d, The bafes or radicals of the acids, from N° 20. to 16. inclufive, are hitherto very imper- fectly known. We only know, that hydrogen and carbon are their principal elements, and that the pruffic acid contains likewife fome azot. 2d, The bafes of the acids 27, 28, 29, and all others obtained from animal fubftances, are ftill very imperfectly known, and require farther in- veftigation -, for they feem to confift of carbon, hydrogen, phofphorus, and azot, united toge- ther : but the particular proportions of thefe ele- ments in each, and the degrees of oxydation, arc unafcertained. 2j6 ELEMENTS In this lift, which contains 48 acids, I have enumerated 17 metallic acids, hitherto very im- perfectly known*, but upon which Mr Berthol- let is about to publifh a very important work. It cannot be pretended that all the acids which exifl in nature, or rather all the acidifiable ba- fes, are yet difcovered. But on the other hand, there are confiderable grounds for fuppofing, that a more accurate inveftigation than has hi- therto been attempted, will diminifh the num- ber of the vegetable acids, by fhewing, that fe- veral of thefe, at prefent confidered as diftinct acids, are only modifications of others. All that can be done, in the prefent ftate of our know- ledge, is, to give a view of chemiftry, as it really 'is, and to eftablifh fundamental principles, by which fuch bodies as may be difcovered in future, may receive names, in conformity with one uni- form fyftem. The known falifiable bafes, or fubftances ca- pable of being converted into neutral falts, by union with acids, amount to 24; viz. 3 alkalies, 4earths, and 17 metallic fubftances; fo that, in the prefent ftate of chemical knowledge, the whole poffible number of neutral falts amounts * The lift might have been augmented by the probable a- cids from the newly difcovered metals, mentioned in the ad- ditional feftion of the former chapter. It is not impoflible that the bafes of the Boracic and Fluoric aci.ls may here* gfter be difcovered among thefe ne w metals.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 237 to 1152*. This number is upon the fuppofi- tion, that the metallic acids are capable of dif- folving other metals, which is a new branch of chemiftry, not hitherto inveftigated, upon which depends all the metallic combinations named vitreous. There is reafon to believe, that many of thefe fuppofable faline combinations are not capable of being formed, which muft greatly reduce the real number of neutral falts produ- cible by nature and art. Even if we fuppofe the real number to amount only to five or fix hundred fpecies of poffible neutral falts, it is evident, that, were we to diftinguifh them, after. the manner ofthe older chemifts, either by the names of their firft difcoverers, or by terms de- rived from the fubftances from which they are procured, we fhould at laft have fuch a confu- fion of arbitrary defignations, as no memory could poflibly retain. This method might be to- lerable in the early ages of chemiftry, or even till within thefe twenty years, when only about thirty fpecies of falts were known. But, in the prefent times, when the number is augmenting daily, when every new acid gives us 24 or 48 new falts, according as it is capable of one or * This number excludes all triple falts, or fuch as contain more than one falifiable bafe, all the falts whofe bafes are over or under faturated with acid, and thofe formed by the nitro- murhtic acid.—T. a38 ELEMENTS two degrees of oxygenation, a new method is certainly neceffary. The method here adopted, drawn from the nomenclature ofthe acids, is per- fectly analogical; and, following Nature in the limplicity of her operations, gives a natural and eafy nomenclature, applicable to every poffible neutral fait. In giving names to the different acids, we have exprefled the common property by the ge- nerical term acid, and have difiinguifhed each fpecies, by the name of its peculiar acidifiable bafe. Hence the acids formed by the oxygenation of fulphur, phofphorus, carbon, &c. are calledy#/- phuric acid, phofphoric acid, carbonic acid, &c. We thought it proper, likewife, to indicate the different degrees of faturation with oxygen, by different terminations of the fame fpecific names: Wherefore we diftinguifh between fulphurous and fulphuric, and between phofphorous and phofpho- ric acids, &c. By applying thefe principles to the nomen- clature of neutral falts, we ufe a common term for all the neutral falts arifing from the combi- nations of one acid, and diftinguifh the fpecies, by adding the name ofthe falifiable bafe. Thus, all the neutral falts having fulphuric acid in their compofition, are named fulphats; thofe formed by the phofphoric acid, phofphats, &c. The fpecies being diftinguifhed by the names of the falifiable bafes, gives us fulphat of 'potafh, fulphat of OF CHEMISTRY. *39 foda, fulphat of ammoniac, fulphat of lime, fulphat of iron, &c. As we are acquainted with 24 fali- fiable bafes, alkaline, earthy, and metallic, we have confequently 24 fulphats, as many phof- phats, and fo on through all the acids. Sulphur is, however, fufceptible of two de- grees of oxygenation, the firft of which produ- ces fulphurous, and the fecond, fulphuric acid : and, as the neutral falts produced by thefe two acids, have different properties, and are in fact different falts, it becomes neceffary to diftin- guifh thofe by peculiar terminations. We have therefore diftinguifhed the neutral falts formed by the acids in the firft or leffer degree of oxy- genation, by changing the termination at into ite, as fulphites, phcfphites*, &c. Thus, oxy- * As all the fpecific names of the acids in the new nomen- clature are adjeftives, they would have applied feverally to the various falifiable bafes, without the invention of other terms with perfect diftin&nefs. Thus, fulphurous potajh, and fulphuric potafh, are equally diftinft, as fulphite of potajh^ and fulphat of 'potajh s and have the advantage of being more eafily retained in the memory, becaufe more naturally arifing from the names of acids themfelves, than the arbitrary ter- minations adopted by Mr Lavoifier. Thefe propofed terms are likewife very readily and diftinftly exprefiible in Latin, thus, Potafh, or rather, as I have formerly obferved, Lixa, Sulphurofa, and Sulphurica, and are equally diftinclive with, and more readily remembered than, the Latin terms of the new nomenclature, Sulphis and Sulphas Potajfa.—T. 240 ELEMENTS genated or acidified fulphur, in its two degrees of oxygenation, is capable of forming 48 neu- tral falts, 24 of which are fulphites, and as ma- ny fulphats. This is likewife the cafe with all the acids capable of two degrees of oxygena- tion*. It were both tirefome and unneceffary to fol- low thefe denominations through ail the varie- ties of their poffible applications. It is enough to have given the method of naming the various falts, which, when once well underftood, is ea- fily applicable to every poffible combination. The name of the combuftible and acidifiable body being once known, the names of the a- cid it is capable of forming, and of all the neu- tral combinations the acid is fufceptible of en- * There is yet a third degree of oxygenation of feveral acids, as the oxygenated muriatic and oxygenated nitric a- cids. The terms applicable to the neutral falts refulting from the union of thefe acids with falifiable bafes are fupplied by the Author in the Second Part of this Work. Thefe are form- ed by prefixing the word oxygenated to the name of the fait produced by the fecond degree of oxygenation. Thus, oxy- genated marizt of potafh, oxygenated nitrat of foda, Sec. Or if the change I have propofedin a former note, on the nomen- clature of thefe two acids, be adopted, we Ihall have murioxic ai.d nitroxic potafh or lixa, in Latin Lixa murioxica, Trcna nitroxica, initead of the much knger, and not more diftinc- tive expreffons, Murias potajfee oxygenata, iSitras foda o>y- ge:iata.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 241 tering into, are moft readily remembered. Such as require a more complete illuftration of the methods in which the new nomenclature is ap- plied, will, in the fecond Part of this book, find Tables which contain a full enumeration of all the neutral falts, and, in general, of all the pof- fible chemical combinations, fo far as is con- fiftent with the prefent ftate of our knowledge. To thefe I fhall fubjoin fhort explanations, con- taining the beft and moft fimple means of pro- curing the different fpecies of acids, and fome account of the general properties of the neutral falts they produce. I Ihall not deny, that, to render this work more complete, it would have been neceffary to add particular obfervations upon each fpecies of fait; its folubility in water and alkohol; the proportions of acid and of falifiable bafe in its compofition j the quantity of its water of cryf- talizationj the different degrees of faturation it is fufceptible of j and finally, the degree of force or affinity with which the acid adheres to the bafe. This immefe work has been already begun by MefT. Bergman, Morveau, Kirwan, and other celebrated chemifts j but is hitherto on- ly in a moderate ftate of advancement. Even the principles upon which it is founded are not perhaps fufficiently accurate. Kk 242 E,L E M E N T S Thefe numerous details would have fwelled this elementary treatife to much too great a fize i befides that, to have gathered th'e necef- fary materials, and to have completed all the feries of experiments requifite, muft have re- tarded the publication of this book for many years. This is a vaft field for employing the zeal and abilities of young chemifts, whom I would advife to endeavour rather to do well than to do much, and to afcertain, in the firft place, the compofition of the acids, before en- tering upon that of the neutral falts. Every e- difice which is intended to refift the ravages of time, fhould be built upon a fure foundation: and, in the prefent ftate of chemiftry, to attempt difcoveries by experiments, either not perfectly exact, or not fufficiently rigorous, will ferve only to interrupt its progrefs, inftead of contri- buting to its advancement. OF CHEMISTRY. 243 PART II. Of the Combination of Acids with Salifiable Bafes, and of the Formation of Neutral Salts. INTRODUCTION. IF I had ftrictly followed the plan at firft laid down for the conduct, of this work, I would have confined myfelf, in the Tables and accompanying obfervations which compofe this Second Part, to fhort definitions of the feveral known acids, and abridged accounts of the pro- ceffes by which they are obtainable, with a mere nomenclature or enumeration of the neutral falts which refult from the combination of thefe acids with the various falifiable bafes. But I afterwards found, that the addition of fimilar Tables of all the fimple fubftances which enter H4 ELEMENT S into the compofition ofthe acids and oxyds, to- gether with the various poffible combinations of thefe elements, would add greatly to the utility of this work, without being any great increafe to its fize. Thefe additions, which are all contained in the twelve firft fections of this Part, and the Table annexed to thefe, form a kind of recapi- % tulation of the firft fifteen Chapters of the Firft Part; the reft of the Tables and Sections contain all the faline combinations. It muft be very apparent, that, in this Part of the Work, I have borrowed largely from what has been already publifhed by Mr de Morveau in the Firft Volume of the Encyclopedie par ordre des Matieres. I could hardly have difcovered a better fource of information, efpecially when the difficulty of confulting books in foreign lan- guages is confidered. I make this general ac- knowledgment on purpofe to fave the trouble of references to Mr dc Morveau's work, in the courfe of the following part of mine. OF CHEMISTRY. 245 TABLE OF SIMPLE SUBSTANCES. Simple fubftances belonging to all the kingdoms of Nature, which may be confidered as the chemical elements of bodies. Englifh. Light Caloric Oxygen Azot New Names. Latin. Correfpondent eld Names. Light. Heat, Principle or element of heat. Fire, Igneous fluid, _ Matter of fire and heat. f Dephlogifticated air, j Empyreal air, j Vital air, or ^Bafe of vital air. f Phlogifticated air or gas, I Mephitis, or its bafe. f Inflammable ajr or gas, or \ the bafe of inflammable air. Oxydable and Acidifiable fimple Subftances not metallic. New Names. Correfpondent old Names. Sulphur Sulphqrum Iti.. A„.«m« r,, V «. »l /■ u > I he lame names. Phofphorus Phofphorum J r. , ^ , (The fimple elements of char- Carbon Carbonum < . * Muriatic radical Murium Fluoric radical Fluorum \ Still unknown. Boracic radical Boracum Caloricum Oxygenum Azotum Hydrogen Hydrogenurn \ Oxydable and acidifiable fimple Metallic Bodies Antimony Arfenic Bifmuth Cobalt Copper Gold Iron Lead Manganefe Mercury Mplybdena Nickel PI atina New Names. Correfpondent old Names Antimonium. "* r Antimony. Arfenicum Arfenic Bifmuthum Bifmuth. Cobaltum Cobalt. Cuprum o Copper. Gold. Aurum CO Ferrum ►tH Iron. Plumbum 60 Lead. e Manganum Manganefe. Mercurium Mercury. A Molybdenum Molybdena, Nickolum Nickel. Platinum w Platina, 246 ELEMENTS Silver Tin Tungftein Zinc New Englijh. Lime Magnefia Barytes Argill Silex Strontites Argentum Stannum Tungftenum Zincum f ) Tungftein. ) (Zinc. Salifiable fimple Earthy Subftances. Names Latin. Calca Magnefia Baryta Argilla Silica Correfpondent old Names f Chalk, calcareous earth, \ Quicklime. C Magnefia, bafe of Epfom fait, \ Calcined or cauftic magnefia. Barytes, or heavy earth. Clay, earth of alum. Silicious or vitrifiable earth. Strontyta Newly difcovered. Sect. I. Obfervations upon the Table of Simple Subftances. The principal object of chemical experiments is to decompofe natural bodies, fo as feparately to examine the different fubftances which enter into their compofition. By confulting chemi- cal fyftems, it will be found, that this fcience of chemical analyfis has made rapid progrefs in our times. Formerly oil and fait were confi- dered as elements of bodies: whereas later ob- fervation and experiment have fhewn, that all falts, inftead of being fimple, are compofed of an acid united to a bafe. The bounds of ana- lyfis have been greatly enlarged by modern dif- coveries*. The acids are fhewn to be compofed * See Memoirs of the academy for 1766, p. 671, and for 177*> P« 535-—A. O F C H E M I S T R Y. 147 of oxygen, as an acidifying principle'vcommon to all, united in each to a particular bafe. I have proved, what Mr HafTenfratz had before advanced, that thefe radicals of the acids are not all fimple elements, many of them being, like the oily principle, compofed of hydrogen and carbon. Even the bafes of neutral falts have been proved, by Mr Berthollet, to be compounds ; as he has fhewn, that ammoniac is compofed of azot and hydrogen. Thus, as chemiftry advances towards perfec- tion, by dividing and fubdividing, it is impofli- ble to fay where it is to end : and thefe things we at prefent fuppofe fimple, may foon be found quite otherwife. All we dare venture to affirm of any fubftance, is, that it muft be confidered as fimple in the prefent ftate of our knowledge, and fo far as chemical analyfis has hitherto been able to fhow. We may even prefume, that the earths muft foon ceafe to be confidered as fimple bodies. They are the only bodies of the falifia- ble clafs which have no tendency to unite with oxygen^ and I am much inclined to believe that this proceeds from their being already fa- turated with that element. If fo, they will fall to be confidered as compounds, confifting of fimple fubftances, perhaps metallic, oxydated to a certain degree. This is only hazarded as a probable conjecture : and I truft the reader will a48 ELEMENTS take care not to confound what I have related as truths, fixed on the firm bafis of obfervation and experiment, with mere hypothetical fpecula- tions. The fixed alkalies, p6tafh, and foda, are o- mitted in the foregoing Table, becaufe they are evidently compound fubftances*; though we are ignorant as yet what are the elements they are compofed of. * For the fame reafon, Calca, Magnefia, and Baryta, ought to have been omitted in this edition, as has been explained in p. 219. But, though the tranflator has taken the freedom to make feveral obfervations and fome additions, he has not ven- tured to make any alterations. The latter is the exclufive5 province of the author.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 249 Table of compound or oxydable and acidifiable bafes* Oxydable or acidifiable 1 bale?, from the mineral kingdom. Oxydable or acidifiable hydro-carbonous or car- Names of the Radicals. Nitro muriatic radical,* or bafe of the acid formerly called aqua regia. "Tartarous radical or bafe. Malic Citric Pyro-lignous Pyro-mucous 1 11 i- 1 j Pyn>tartarou9 bono-hydrous radicals, <| n;vol „ from the vegetable king- dom. Oxydable or acidifiable radicals from the ani- mal kingdom, which, moftly contain azot,] and frequently phof- J T . , . phorus. " 'c 1 j^rruflic. Oxalic Acetous Succinic Benzoic Camphoric Gallic Lattic Saccholaclk Formic Bombic u f o Note.—The Radicals from the vegetable kingdom are con- verted by a firft degree of oxygenation into vegetable oxyds* fuch as fugar, ftarch, and gum or mucus: thofe of the ani- mal kingdom by the fame means form animal oxyds, as lymph, &c.—A. * This, for the prefent, may be named Azo-muria, until the radical of muriatic acid be difcovered ; or, at leaft, till the difcovery of hydrogen being that radical be unqueftion- ably afcertained.—T. 250 ELEMENTS Sect. II.—^Obfervations upon the Table of Com- pound Radicals. The older chemifts being unacquainted with the compofition of acids, and not fufpecting them to be formed by a peculiar radical or bafe for each, united to an acidifying principle or element common to all,, could not confequently give any name to fubftances of which they had not themoft diftant idea. We had, therefore, to invent a new nomenclature for this fubject, though we were st the fame time fenfible that this nomenclature muft be fufceptible of great modification, when the nature ofthe compound radicals fhall become better underftood *. The compound oxydable ajid acidifiable ra- dicals from the vegetable and animal kingdoms, enumerated in the foregoing table, are not hi- therto reducible to fyftematic nomenclature ; be- caufe their exact analyfis is as yet unknown. We only know in general, by fome experiments of my own, and fome made by Mr Haffenfratz, that moft of the vegetable acids, fuch as the tartarous, oxalic, citric, malic, acetous, pyro- tartarous, and pyro-mucous, have radicals com- pofed of hydrogen and carbon, combined in * See Part I. Chap. XI. upon this fubject.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 2.5* fuch a way as to form fingle bafes ; and that thefe acids only differ from each other by the proportions in which thefe two fubftances enter into the compofition of their bafes, and by the •degrees of oxygenation which thefe bafes have received. We know farther, chiefly from the experiments of Mr Berthollet, that the radicals from the animal kingdom, and even fome * of thofe from vegetables, are of a more compound nature ; and, befides hydrogen and carbon, that they often contain azot, and fometimes phof- phorus. But we are not hitherto poffeffed of fufficiently accurate experiments for calculating the proportions of thefe feveral fubftances. We are therefore forced, in the manner of the older chemifts, ftill to name thefe acids after the fub- ftances from which they are procured. There can be little doubt, that thefe names will be laid afide, when our knowledge of thefe fubftances becomes more accurate and extenfive; the terms, hydro-carbonous, hydro-carbonic, carbono- hydrous, and carbono-hydric, * will then become fubftituted for thofe we now employ, which will then only remain as teftimonies of the imperfect ftate in which this part of chemiftry was tranf- mitted to us by our predeceffors. * Sec Part I. Chap. XI. upon the application of thefe names according to the proportions of the two ingredients. 252 ELEMENTS It is evident, that the oils, being compofed of hydrogen and carbon combined, are true car- bono-hydrous or hydro-carbonous radicals : and, indeed, by adding oxygen, they are convertible into vegetable acids and oxyds, according to their degrees of oxygenation. We cannot, how- ever, affirm, that oils enter in their entire ftate into the compofition of vegetable oxyds and acids. It is poffible, that they previoufly lofe a part either of their hydrogen and carbon; and that thd remaining ingredients no longer exift in the proportions necelfary to conftitute oils. We flill require farther experiments to elucidate thefe points. Properly fpeaking, we are only acquainted with one compound radical from the mineral king- dom, the nitro-muriatic, which is formed by the combination of azot with the muriatic radical. The other compound mineral acids have been much lefs attended to, from their producing lefs ftriking phenomena. Sect. III.—Obfervations upon the combination of Light and Caloric with different Subftances. I have not conftructed any table of the com- binations of light and caloric with the various fimple and compound fubftances; becaufe our OF CHEMISTRY. 253 conceptions of the nature of thefe combinations are not hitherto fufficiently accurate. We know in general, that all bodies in nature are imbued, furrounded, and penetrated in every way with caloric, which fills up every interval left between their particles ; that, in certain cafes, caloric becomes fixed in bodies, fo as to conftitute a part even of their folid fubftance; though it more frequently acts upon them with a repulfive force, from which, or from its ac- cumulation in bodies to a greater or leffer de- gree, the transformation of folids into fluids, and of fluids to aeriform elafticity, is entirely owing. We have employed the generic name gas to indicate this aeriform ftate of bodies, pro- duced by a fufficient accumulation of caloric; fo that, when we wifh to exprefs the aeriform ftate of muriatic acid, carbonic acid, hydrogen, water, alkohol, &c. we do it by adding the word gas to their names; thus muriatic acid gas, car- bonic acid gas, hydrogen gas, aqueous gas, al- kohol gas, &c. The combinations of light, and its mode of acting upon different bodies, are ftill lefs known than thofe of caloric. By the experiments of Mr Berthollet, it appears to have great affinity with oxygen, is fufceptible of combining with it, and contributes with caloric to change it into the ftate of gas. Experiments upon ve- getation give reafon to believe, that light com- 254 ELEMENTS bines with certain parts of vegetables ; and that the green of their leaves, and the various co- lours of their flowers, are chiefly owing to this combination. This much is certain, that plants which grow in darknefs, are perfectly white, languid, and unhealthy ; and that to make them recover vigour, and to acquire their natural co- lours, the direct influence of light is abfolutely neceffary. Somewhat fimilar takes place even upon animals. Mankind degenerate to a cer- tain degree when employed in fedentary ma- nufactures, or from living in crowded houfes, or in the narrow lanes of large cities; whereas they improve in their nature and conftitution in moft ofthe country labours which are carried on in the open air. Organization, fenfation, fpontaneous motion, and all the operations of life, only exift at the furface ofthe earth, and in places expofed to the influence of light. Without it nature itfelf would be lifelefs and inanimate. By means of light, the benevolence of the Deity hath filled the furface ofthe earth with organization, fen- fation, and intelligence. The fable of Promo- theus might perhaps be confidered as giving a hint of this philofophical truth, which had even prefented itfelf to the knowledge of the an- cients. I have intentionally avoided any difquifitions relative to organized bodies in this work, for To face Page 255 Names of the Simple Sub- ftances. Caloric - Hydrogen Azot Combina- j Carbon . tions of oxy- I genwithfim-v Sulphur Phofphorus Muriatic pie non-me tallic fub fiances. Firft degree of oxygenation. TABLE of the Binary Combinations of Oxygen with fimple Subftances,___________ I 'Fourth degree of oxygenation. New Names. Old Names. Second degree of oxygenation. Third degree of oxygenation. New Names. 1 Old Names. New Names. Oxygen gas Water *. Nitrous oxyd, or bafe of 1 nitrous gas 1'Oxyd of carbon, or car- i bonic oxyd Oxyd of fulphur Vital or dephlogiiticated air Oxyd of phofphorus ■0 (-'':$*i ra* \ Muriatic oXyd Fluoric radi-|Flu0ricoxyd . Boracic radi- J ^^ Qxyd Grey oxyd of antimony Oxyd of filver Grey oxyd of arfenic - Grey oxyd of bifmuth Grey oxyd of cobalt cal "" Antimony Silver - Arfenic Bifmuth Cobalt Combina- tions of oxy- gen with the J fimple metal- lic fubftan- cesf. Copper Tin - Iron Manganefe Mercury Molybdena Nickel - Gold - Platina - Lead Tungftein Zinc i Brown oxyd of copper Grey oxyd of tin Black oxyd of iron Black oxyd of manganefe Black oxyd of Mercury Oxyd of molybdena Oxyd of Nickel - i Yellow oxyd of gold - Yellow oxyd of platina Grey oxyd of lead - Oxyd of Tungftein - Grey oxyd of zinc . ; Nitrous gas or air Unknown Soft fulphur (' Refiduum from the com- l buftion of phofphorus Unknown Unknown Unknown Grey calx of antimony Calx of filver Grey calx of arfenic - Grey calx of bifmuth - Grey calx of cobalt - Brown calx of copper Grey calx of tin Martial ethiops Nitrous acid Carbonous acid Sulphurous acid 'Phofphorous acid » Muriatous acid Fluorous acid Boracous acid Smoakiifg nitrous acid Unknown Sulphureous acid X ; Volatile acid of phofpho- | Phofphoric acid Muriatic acid Unknown Unknown White oxyd of antimony j White oxyd of arfenic White oxyd of bifmuth White calx of antimony diaphoretic antimony White jcfx of arfenic White calx of bifmuth Nitric acid Carbonic acid Sulphuric acid "I ■J Fluoric acid Boracic acid Antimonic acid Argentic acid Arfeniac acid Bifmuthic acid Cobaitic acid j Blue and green oxyds of | Blue and} green calces of ( QUpT[c acjd 1. copper 3 cojj>per - 3 „... , f„. f White calx of tin, or 7 qtqnn:r „_• j White oxyd of tin ) pity* Af tin - | tannic acid f Yellow and red oxyds °f 7 0chre an d ruft of iron 1. iron - ( Ferric acid Black calx of manganefe White oxyd of manganefe White cilx"of manganefe J Manganic acid Ethiops mineral J rTurbith mineral, red pre- ) S Yellow and red oxyds of) cipitate, Calcined mer- ? Calx of molybdena Calx of nickel Yellow calx of gold Yellow calx of platina Grey calx of lead Calx of tungftein Grey calx of zinc mercury Red oxyd of gold :■ YdW and red oxyds ofn Mafficotandminium ( lead - - j Mercuric acid l' cury, precipate/ or. not fm0aJk- \ Oxygenated nitric acid 1 ing nitrous acid \] Fixed air Vitriolic acid Phofphoric acid Marine acid Unknown till lately ( Homberg's fedative | fait Acid of arfenic - Acid of molybdena Acid of tungftein Oxygenated carbonic acid Oxygenated fulphuric acid Oxygenated phofphoric acid Oxygenated muriatic acid \ DepWogifticated I marine acid OJd Names. Unknown Unknown Unknow n Unknown Oxygenated arfeniac acid Unknown Oxygenated molybdic acid Oxygenated tungftic acid Unknown Unknown * Only one deeree of oxygenation of hydrogen is hitherto known —A + As all the metals in the oxyd ftate, are capable of acting in combinations in a fimilar manner wi:h i Ikalies and earths, and as the laft, though difcovered to be compounds, are in the new nomenclature, be very convenient to diftinguifh the oxyd ftate of each m< tal reguline""ftate," 'and Antimonia might indicate the| oxyd ftate in general ; any farther diftinftion ofthe oxyds miy e formed as in the table new nomenclature, and would fhorten language without introducing any ambiguity of expreilion.—T. " mercury ; this fhould have been called, for the old name, bljrckjprecipitate of mercury.—T denominated by feminine Latin terms, it would "me ftate, and Antimonic might indicate th> nomenclature, and would fhorten language v t Ethiops mineral is the black fulphuret of n general, from its reguline ftate, fimply by changing the gender; thus Antimoniu* is the fimple or This propofed alteration is in perfect cjonformity with the principles of the t OF CHEMISTRY. 255 which reafon the phenomena of refpiration, fan- guifkation, and animal heat, are not confidered. But I hope, at fome future time, to be able to elucidate thefe curious fubje&s. Sect. IV.—Obfervations upon the Combinations of Oxygen with the fimple Subftances. Oxygen forms almoft a third part of the mafs of out atmofphere ; and is confequently one of the moft plentiful fubftances in nature. All animals and vegetables live and grow in this immenfe magazine of oxygen gas : and from it we procure the greateft part of what we employ in experiments. So great is the reciprocal affi- nity between this element and other fubftances, that we cannot procure it entirely difengaged from combination. In the atmofphere, it is uni- ted with caloric, in the ftate of oxygen gas : and this again is mixed v/ith about twice its weight of azotic gas. Several conditions are requifite to enable a body to become oxygenated, or to permit oxy- gen to enter into combination with it. In the firft place, it is neceffary that the particles of the body to be oxygenated (hall have lefs reci- procal attraction with each other, than they have for the oxygen- which otherwife cannpt pofiibly combine with them. Nature, in this cafe, may be ailifted by art; as we have it in ou 1 256 ELEMENTS power to diminifh the attraction of the parti- cles of bodies, almoft at will, by heating them, or, in other words, by introducing caloric into the interftices between their particles: and, as the attraction of thefe particles for each other is dimiriifhed in the inverfe ratio of their dif- tance, it is evident, that there muft be a certain point of diftance of particles w.hen the affinity they poffefs with each other becomes lefs than that they have for oxygen, and at which oxy- genation muft neceffarily take place, if oxygen be prefent. We can readily conceive, that the degree of heat at which this phenomenon begins, muft be different in different bodies. Hence, on pur- pofe to oxygenate moft bodies, efpecially the greater part of the fimple fubftances, it is only neceffary to expofe them to the influence of the air of the atmofphere, in a convenient degree of temperature. With refpeel: to lead, mercury, and tin, this requires to be but a little higher than the medium temperature of the earth. But it requires a more confiderable degree of heat to oxygenate iron, copper, &c. by the dry way, or when this operation is hot affifted by moifture. Sometimes oxygenation takes place with great rapidity, and is accompanied by great fenfible heat, light, and flame ; fuch is the com- buftion of phofphorus in atmofpheric air, and of iron in c::ygen gas. That of fulphur is lefs OF CHEMISTRY. *57 rapid : and the oxygenation of lead, tin, and moft of the metals, takes place vaftly flower, and con* fequently the difengagement of caloric, and more efpecially of light, is hardly fenfible. Some fubftances have fo ftrong an affinity for oxygen, and combine with it in fuch low de- grees of temperature, that we cannot procure them in their unoxygenated ftate ; fuch is the muriatic acid, which has not hitherto been de- compofed by art *, perhaps even not by nature, and which confequently has only been found in the ftate of acid. It is probable that many other fubftances of the mineral kingdom are neceffa- rily oxygenated in the common temperature of the atmofphere; and that, being already fatu- rated with oxygen, their farther a&ion upon that element is thereby prevented. There are other means of oxygenating fimple fubftances, befides expofure to air in a certain degree of temperature ; fuch as by placing them in contact with metals combined with oxygen, and which have little affinity with that element. The red oxyd of mercury is one of the beft fub- ftances for this purpofe, efpecially with bodies which do not combine with that metal. In this oxyd, the oxygen is united with very little force Kk * The real or fuppofed difcavery of the bafe of this they will form azuret of lime, azuret of { magnefia, &c. J Note. The Latin term, in the newmomenclature,lieretranf- lated Azuret, is Azuretum. The French of Mr. Lavoifier is Azure. I preferred taking the Englifh from the Latin, be- OF" CHE MTS TRY. 265 Sect. VI.—Obfervations upon the Combinations of Azot with the Simple Subftances. Azot is one of the moft abundant elements ; combined with caloric it forms azotic gas, or mephitis, which compofes nearly tWo-thirds of the atmofphere. This element is always in the ftate of gas in the ordinary preffure and tempe- rature, and no degree of compreflion or of cold has been hitherto capable of reducing it either to a folid or liquid form. This is likewife one of the effential conftituent elements of animal bodies in which it is combined with carbon and hydrogen, and fometimes with phofphorus ; thefe are united together along with a certain portion of oxygen, by which they are formed into'oxyds or acids, according to the degree of oxygenation. Hence the animal fubftances may be varied, in the fame way with vegetables, in three different manners ; according to the num- ber of elements which enter into the compofi- caufe it is thus more diftincl: from other terms : the French terms Azure, Sulphure, Phofphure, are not fufficiently dif- tiDguifhable in Englifh, from Azure, a colour, Sulphur, and Phofphor, which is fometimes ufed for Phofphorus ; but Azuret, Sulphuret, Carburet, and Phofphuret, which are tranflated from Azuretum, Sulphuretum, Carburetum, and Phofphoretum, both anfwer the purpofe of the new nomeo- • clature completely, and run no hazard of occafioning any miftake.—T. LI 266 ELEMENTS tion of the bafe or radical; according to the proportion of thefe elements; and, according to the degrees of oxygenation. When combined with oxygen, azot forms the nitrous and nitric oxyds and acids; when with hydrogen, ammoniac is produced. Its combinations with the other fimple elements are very little known ; to thefe we give the name of Azurets, preferving the termination in uret for all unoxygenated compounds. It is extremely probable that all the alkaline fubftances may hereafter be found to belong to this genus of azurets. The azotic gas may be procured from atmo- fpheric air, by abforbing the oxygen gas which is mixed with it by means of a folution of ful- phuret of potafh, or fulphuret of lime. It re- quires twelve or fifteen days to complete this procefs, during which time the furface in con- tact muft be frequently renewed by agitation, and by breaking the pellicle which forms on the top of the folution. It may likewife be procur- ed by diffolving animal fubftances in dilute ni- tric acid very little heated. In this operation the azot is difengaged in form of gas, which muft be received under bell-glaffes filled with water, in the pneumato-chemical apparatus. We may procure this gas by deflagrating nitre with charcoal, or any other combuftible fub- ftance ; when with charcoal, the azotic gas is OF CHEMISTRY. 267 mixed with carbonic acid gas, which may be abforbed by a folution of cauftic alkali, or by lime water; after which the azotic gas remains pure. We can procure it in a fourth manner from combinations of ammoniac with metallic oxyds, as pointed out by Mr de Fourcroy. The hydrogen of the ammoniac combines with the oxygen of the oxyd, and forms water; while the azot being left free efcapes in form of gas. The combinations of azot were but lately dif- covered. Mr Cavendifh firft obferved it in ni- trous gas and acid, and Mr Berthollet in ammo- niac and the pruflic acid. As no evidence of its decompofition has hitherto appeared, we are fully entitled to confider azot as a fimple ele- mentary fubftance. 268 ELEMENTS Table of the Binary Combinations of Hydrogen with Simple Subftances. Simple Subftances. Caloric Azot Oxygen Sulphur Phofphorus Carbon Metallic fub- ftances, as iron, &c. Refulting Compounds. New Nomenclature. Old Names. Hydrogen gas Inflammable air. Ammoniac Volatile alkali. Water Water. C Hydruret of Sulphur, or") ? fulphuret of hydrogen / Hitherto un- C Hydruretofpbolphorusor T known. * ] phofphuret of hydrogen J { Hydro-carbonous, or car- jf Not known till (_ bona-hydrous radicals f J lately. J Metallic hydrurets J, as 1 Hitherto un- hydruret of iron, &c. j known. i * Thefe combinations take place in the ftate of gas, and form, refpeftively, fulphurated and phofphorated hydrogen gas.—A. + This combination of hydrogen with carbon includes the fixed and volatile oils, and forms the radicals of a confider- able part of the vegetable and animal oxyds and acids. When it takes place in the ftate of gas, it forms carbonated hydrogen gas.—A. + None of thefe combinations are known, and it is pro- bable that they cannot exift, at leaft in the ufual temperature of the atmofphere, owing to the great aifinitv of hydrogen for caloric.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 269 Sect. VII.—Obfervatinns upon Hydrogen, and its Combinations with Simple Subftances. Hydrogen, as its name expreffes, is one of the conftituent elements of water, of which it forms fifteen-hundredth parts by weight, combined with eighty-five hundredth-parts of oxygen. This fubftance, the properties and even exift- ence of which was unknown till lately, is very plentifully diftributed in nature, and acts a very confiderable part in the proceffes of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. As it poffeffes fo great affinity with caloric as only to exift in the ftate of gas, it is confequently impoflible to procure it in the concrete or liquid ftate, independent of combination. To procure hydrogen, or rather hydrogen gas, we have only to fubjecl: water to the action of a fubftance with which oxygen has a greater affinity than it has to hydrogen ; by this means the hydrogen is fet free, and, by uniting with caloric, affumes the form of hydrogen gas. Red hot iron is ufually employed for this purpofe : The iron, during the procefs, becomes oxyd- ated, and is changed into a fubftance refem- bling the iron ore from the ifland of Elba. In this ftate of oxvd it is much lefs attractible by 2/C> ELEMENTS the magnet, and diffolves in acids without effer- vefcence. Charcoal, in a red heat, has the fame power of decompofing water, by attracting the oxygen from its combination with hydrogen. In this procefs carbonic acid gas is formed, and mixes with the hydrogen gas, but is eafily feparated by means of water or alkalies, which abforb the carbonic acid, and leave the hydrogen gas pure. We may likewife obtain hydrogen gas by dif- folving iron or zinc in dilute fulphuric acid. The two metals decompofe water very flowly, and with great difficulty, when alone, but do it with great eafe and rapidity when affifted by ful- phuric acid ; the hydrogen unites with caloric during the procefs, and is difengaged in form of hydrogen gas, while the oxygen of the wa- ter unites with the metal in the form of oxyd, which is immediately diffolved in the acid, form- ing a fulphat of iron or of zinc. Some very diftinguifhed chemifts confider hy- drogen as the phlogifton of Stahl; and as that celebrated chemift admitted the exiftence of phlogifton in fulphur, charcoal, metals, kc. they are of courfe obliged to fuppofe that hydrogen exifts in all thefe fubftances, though they can- not prove their fuppofition ; even if they could, it would not avail much, fince this difengage- ment of hydrogen is quite infufficient to explain the phenomena of calcination and combuftion,. OF CHEMISTRY. 27 j We muft always recur to the examination of this queftion, " Are the heat and light, which are difengaged during the different fpecies of com- buftion, furniflied by the burning body, or by the oxygen which combines in all thefe opera- tions ?" And certainly the fuppofition of hydro- gen being difengaged throws no light whatever upon this queftion. Befides, it belongs to thofe who make fuppofitions, to prove them; and, doubtlefs, a doctrine which without any fuppofi- tion explains the phenomena as well, and as na- turally, as theirs does by fuppofition, has at leaft the advantage of greater fimplicity *. * Thofe who wifh to fee what has been faid upon this great chemical queftion by Meff. de Morveau, Berthollet, De Fourcroy, and myfelf, may confult our tranflation of Mr. Kirwan's Effay on Phlogifton.—A. 272 ELEMENTS Simple Subftances. Caloric Oxygen Soft fulphur. Sulphureous acid. Vitriolic acid. Table ofthe Binary Combinations of Sulphur with Simple Subftances. Refulting Compounds. New Nomenclature. . Old Nomenclature. Sulphuric gas f Oxyd of fulphur ■J Sulphurous acid (_ Sulphuric acid Sulphuret of hydregen azot . phofphorus { ■carbon antimony filver arfenic bifmuth cobalt copper tin iron manganefe Hydrogen Azot Phofphorus Carbon Antimony Silver ^rfenio Bifmuth Cobalt Copper Tin Iron Manganefe Mercury Molybdena Nickel Gold Platina Lead Tungftein Zinc Potafh Soda Ammoniac Lime Magnefia Barytes Argill Unknown Combi- nations. Crude antimony. Orpiment realgar. Copper pyrites. Iron pyrites. mercury molybdena nickel gold f>latina ead tungftein zinc potafh foda ammoniac lime magnefia barytes arcrill ("Ethiops mineral, J_ cinnabar. Galena. Blende. r Alkaline liver of ■) fulphur with fix- {_ ed veget. alkali. Alkaline liver of fulpburwith fix- ed mineralalkali. TVolatile liver of \ fulphur, fmoak- j ing liquor of / Boyle. Calcareous liver of fulphur. Magnefian liver of fulphur. CBarytic liver of £ fulphur. Yet unknown. { OF CHEMISTRY. 273 Sect. VIII.—Obfervations on Sulphur and its Combinations. Sulphur is a combuftible fubftance, having a very great tendency to combination ; it is natu- rally in a folid ftate in the ordinary tempera- ture, and requires a heat fomewhat higher than that of boiling water to make it liquefy. Sul- phur is formed by nature in a confiderable de- gree of purity in the neighbourhood of volca- 110s ; we find it, likewife, chiefly in the ftate of fulphuric acid, combined with argill in alumi- nous fchiftus, with lime in gypfum, &c. From thefe combinations it may be procured in the ftate of fulphur, by carrying off its oxygen by means of charcoal in a red heat; carbonic acid is formed, and efcapes in the ftate of gas; the fulphur remains combined with the clay, lime, &c. in the ftate of fulphuret, which is decom- pofed by acids ; the acid unites with the earth into a neutral fait, and the fulphur is precipi- tated. Mm 274 ELEMENTS Table of the Binary Combinations of Phofphorus with the Simple Subftances. Simple Subftances. Caloric Oxygen Hydrogen Azot Sulphur Carbon Metallic Subftances Potafh Soda Ammoniac Lime Barytes Magnefia Argill Refulting Compounds. Phofphoric gas. f Oxyd of phofphorus. < Phofphorous acid. C Phofphoric acid. Phofphuretof hydrogen. Phofphuret of azot. Phofphuret of Sulphur. Phofphuret of carbon. Phofphurets of metals.* ■ Phofphuret of Potafh, Soda, &c. f * Of all thefe combinations of phofphorus with metals, tbat with iron only is hitherto known, forming the fub- ftance formerly called Siderite ; neither is it yet afcer- tained whether, in this combination, the phofphorus be oxygenated or not.—A. f Thefe combinations of phofphorus with the alkalies and earths are not yet known; and, from the experiments of Mr Gengembre, they appear to be impoflible.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 27$ Sect. IX.—Obfervations on Phofphorus, and its Combinations. Phofphorus is a fimple combuftible fubftance, which was unknown to chemifts till 1667, when it was difcovered by Brandt, who kept the pro- cefs fecret; foon after Kunkel found out Brandt's method of preparation, and made it public. It has been ever fince known by the name of Kun- kePs phofphorus. It was for a long time pro- cured only from urine ; and, though Homberg gave an account of the procefs in the Memoirs of the academy for 1692, all the philofophers of Europe were fupplied with it from England. It was firft made in France in 1737, before a committee of the academy at the Royal Garden. At prefent it is procured in a more commodious and more economical manner from animal bones, which are real calcareous phofphats, according to the proceffes of Meffrs Gahn, Scheele, Rou- elle, &c. The bones of adult animals, being calcined to whitenefs, are pounded, and paffed through a fine filk fieve; upon the fine pow- der a quantity of dilute 'fulphuric acid is pour- ed, lefs than is fufficient for diffolving the whole. This acid unites with the calcareous earth of the bones into a fulphat of lime, and the phofpho- ric acid remains free in the liquor. The liquid B76 ELEMENTS is decanted off, and the refiduum wrafhed wit-4 boiling v. at.*r ; this water which has been ufed to wafh out the adhering acid, is joined with what was before decanted off, and the whole is gradually evaporated ; the diffolved fulphat of lime cryftallizes in form of filky threads, which are removed ; and, by continuing the evapora- tion, we procure the phofphoric acid, under the appearance of a white pellucid glafs. When this is powdered, and mixed with one third its weight of charcoal, we procure very pure phofphorus, by fublimation *. The phofphoric acid, as pro- cured by the above procefs, is never fo pure as that obtained by oxygenating pure phofphorus, either by combuftion or by means of nitric acid ; wherefore this latter fhould ahvays be employed in experiments of refearch. Phofphorus is found in almoft all animal fub- ftances, and in fome plants which give a kind * A very convenient method of procuring phofphorus from urine has lately been difcovered. The phofphoric acid is precipitated by a folution of acetite of lead, by means of a double decompofition : the lead uniting with the phofpho- ric acid into an infoluble fait which precipitates, while the acetous acid unites with the alkaline fubftances of the urine and remains diffolved. The phofphat of lead is then repeated- ly wafhed, and is decompofed by means of muriatic acid : a • muriat of lead is formed, which is infoluble, and the phof- phoric acid is found in a liquid ftate ; this is evaporated to drynefs, and, being difoxygenated by charcoal, in the ufaal fanner, a very pure phofphorus fublimes.—T. , OF CHEMISTRY. 277 of animal analyfis. In all thefe it is ufually combined with carbon, hydrogen, and azot, forming very compound radicals, which are, for the mod part, in the ftate of oxyds, by a firft degree of union with oxygen. The difcovery of Mr Haffenfratz, of phofphorus being con- tained in charcoal, gives reafon to fufpedt that it is more common in the vegetable kingdom than has generally been fuppofed. It is certain, that by proper proceffes, it may be procured from every individual of fome of the families of plants. As no experiment has hitherto giv- en reafon to fufpedt that phofphorus is a com- pound body, I have arranged it with the fimple or elementary fubftances. It takes fire at the temperature of 104° of the thermometer. Table of the Binary Combinations of Carbon. Simple Refulting Compounds. Subftances. New Nomenclature. Old harr.es. -. f Oxyd of carbon Unknown. '° ^C.rbonic acid Fixedair,chalkyacid. Sulphur Carburet of fulphur "7 Phofphorus Carburet of phofphorus > Unknown. Azot Carburet of azot J u , f Carbono-hydrous radicals y to \ Fixed with volatile oils f Of thefe only die I carburetsofiron ..Metallic fub-1 Carburets of the feveral ! , ' ". n > , < known, ana itances. 1 metals. f ,^,m.\„ J were formerly called Plumba- l g°- Earth's 8nd} Carburet of potafli, &c Unknown. 2^8 ELEMENTS Sect.X.—Obfervations upon Carbon, and its Com- binations with Simple Subftances. As carbon has not been hitherto decompof- ed, it muft, in the prefent ftate of our know- ledge, be confidered as a fimple fubftance. By modern experiments it appears to exift ready formed in vegetables ; and I have already re- marked, that, in thefe, it is combined with hy- drogen, fometimes with azot and phofphorus, forming compound radicals, which may be changed into oxyds or acids, according to their degrees of oxygenation. To obtain the carbon * contained in vegeta- table or animal fubftances, we fubject them to the action of fire, at firft moderate, and afterwards very ftrong, on purpofe to drive off the laft por- tions of water, which adhere very obftinately. For chemical purpofes this is ufually done in retorts of ftone-ware or porcelain, into which the wood, or other matter, is introduced, and then placed in a reverberatory furnace, raifed gra- dually to its greateft heat: The heat volatilizes, * It is neceflary to repeat, that carbon is ufed to denote tlie pore fimple elementary fubftance, while charcoal fignifies that fubftance, united with fome fmall portions of earths and falts, as procured from vegetable and animal bodies, by burn- ing ox 'ay diftUtauan in a red heat.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 279 or changes into gas, all the parts of the body fufceptible of combining with caloric into that form ; and the carbon being more fixed in its nature, remains in the retort, combined with a little earth and fome fixed falts, in the form ge- nerally known by the name of charcoal. In the bufinefs of charring wood, this is done by a lefs expenfive procefs. The wood is dif- pofed in heaps regularly arranged, and covered with earth, fo as to prevent the accefs of any more air than is abfolutely neceffary for fupport- ing the fire, which is kept up till all the wa- ter and oil is driven off, after which the fire is extinguifhed by fhutting up all the air-holes. We may analyfe charcoal either by combufti- on in air, or rather in oxygen gas, or by means of nitric acid : In either cafe we convert its pure carbon into carbonic acid ; and fometimes a lit- tle potafh and fome neutral falts remain. This analyfis has been hitherto but little attended to by chemifts; and we are not even certain if pot- afli exifts in charcoal before combuftion, or whether it be formed by means of fome un- known combination during that procefs. Sect. XI.—Obfervations upon the Muriatic, Flu- oric, and Boracic Radicals, and their Combina- tions. As the combinations of thefe fubftances, ei- ther with each other, or with the other combuf- 280 ELEMENTS tible bodies, are hitherto entirely unknown, we have not attempted to form any table for their nomenclature. We only know, that thefe radi- cals are fufceptible of oxygenation, and of form- ing the muriatic, fluoric, and boracic acids: and that, in the acid ftate, they enter into a number of combinations, to be afterwards detailed. Che- miftry has hitherto been unable to difoxygenate any of thern, fo as to exhibit them in a fimple ftate. For this purpofe, fome fubftance muft be employed, to which oxygen has a ftronger affinity than to their radicals, either by means of fingle affinity, or by double elective attrac- tion. All that is known relative to the origin of the radicals of thefe acids, will be mentioned in the fedtions fet apart for confidering their combinations with the falifiable bafes. Sect. XII.—Obfervations upon the Combinations of Metals with each other. Before clofing our account of the fimple or elementary fubftances, it might be fuppofed ne- ceffary to give a table of alloys or combinations of metals with each other; but, as fuch a ta- ble would be both exceedingly voluminous and very unfatisfadtory, without going into a feries of experiments not yet attempted, I have thought it advifeable to omit it altogether. All OF CHEMISTRY 28* that is neceffary to be mentioned, is, that thefe alloys fhould be named according to the metal in largeft proportion in the mixture or combi- nation j thus the term alloy of gold and filver, or gold alloyed with filver, indicates that gold is the predominating metal. Metallic alloys, like all other combinations, have a point of faturation. It would even ap- pear, from the experiments by Mr de la Briche* that they have two perfectly diftinct degrees of faturation; Nn Tabl$ 282 ELEMENTS Table of the Combinations of Azot, in the ftate of Nitrous Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, arranged according to the Affinities of thefe Bafes with the Acid. Name's ofthe Bafes. Barytes Potafh Soda Lime Magnefia Ammoniac Argill Names of the Neutral Salts. New Nomenclature. Nitrite of barytes. f potafh. foda. lime. magnefia. ammoniac. argill. Oxyd of zinc iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercury filver gold platina Notes. Thefe falts are on- ly known of late, and have received no par- ticular names in the old nomenclature. ~ As metals diffolve both in nitrous and nitric acids, metallic zinc. falts muft of confe- iron. quence be formed ha- manganefe. ving different de- cobalt, greesofoxygenation. nickel. Thofe wherein the lead. -^ metal is leaft oxygen< tin. ated, muft be called copper. Nitrites, and when bifmuth. more fo, Nitrats; but antimony, the limits of this dif- arfenic. tinftion are difficult- mercury, ly afcertainable. The older chemifts were not acquainted with _any of thefe falts. f It is extremely probable that gold, filver < and platina, only form nitrats, and cannot £ fubfift in the ftate of nitrites. Table OFCHEMISTRY. 283 Table ofthe Combinations of Azot, completely fatu- rated with Oxygen, in the Jlate of Nitric acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of their Af- finity with that Acid. Names of the refulting Neutral Salts. Bafes. Barytes Nitrat of barytes Potafh Soda Strontites Lime Magnefia Ammoniac Argill °xyd of zinc iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercury filver gold platina potafh foda ftrontites New iSomenclature. Old Nomenclature. | Nitre, with a bafe of \ heavy earth. j Nitre, faltpetre, Nitre \ with bafe of potafh. f Quadrangular Nitre, < rtttre with bafe of t mineral alkali. Unknown. f Calcareous nitre. Ni- ) tre with calcareous j bafe, Mother water of £ nitre, or of faltpetre. C Magnefian nitre, Nitre \ with bafe of magnefia. Ammoniacal nitre. Nitrous alum, Argil- laceous nitre, Nitre with bafe of earth of alum. Nitre of zinc. J Nitre of iron, Martial \ nitre, Nitrated iron. Nitre of manganefe. Nitre of cobalt. Nitre of nickel. C Saturnine nitre, Nitre \ of lead. Nitre of tin. C Nitre of copper, or of \ Venus. Nitre of bifmuth. Nitre of antimony. Arfenical nitre. Mercurial Nitre. f Nitre of filver, or of I luna, Lunar cauftic. Nitre of gold. Nitre of platina. lime magnefia ammoniac argill zinc iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercury filver gold platina [ 284 ELEMENTS Sect. XIII.—Obfervations upon the Nitrous and Nitric Acids, and their Combinations. The nitrous and nitric acids are procured from a neutral fait, long known in the arts, un- der the name otfaltpetre. This fait is extracted by lixiviation from the rubbifh of old buildings, from the earth of cellars, ftables, or barns, and in general of all inhabited places*. In thefe earths, the nitric acid is ufually combined with lime and magnefia, fometimes with potafh, and rarely with argill. As all thefe falts, excepting the nitrat of potafh, attract the moifture of the air, and confequently would be difficultly pre- ferved, advantage is taken, in the manufactories of faltpetre, and in the royal refining houfe, of the greater affinity of the nitric acid to potafh than thefe other bafes; by which means the lime, magnefia, and argill, are precipitated, and all thefe nitrats are reduced to the nitrat of potafh, or faltpetre. The nitric acid is procured from this fait by means of diftillation. Three parts ofpurefalt- • Saltpetre is likewife procured in large quantities by lixiviating the natural foil in fome parts of Bengal, and of the Ruffian Ukrain.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 285 petre are decompofed by means of one part of concentrated fulphuric acid, in a retort with Woulfes' apparatus, (PI. IV. Fig. 1.) having its bottles half filled with water, and all its joints carefully luted. The nitrous acid paffes over in form of red vapours furcharged with ni- trous gas, or, in other words, not completely faturated with oxygen. Part of the acid con- denfes in the recipient, in form of a dark o- range red liquid; while the reft combines with the water in the bottles. During the diftilla- tion, a large quantity of oxygen gas efcapes, owing to the greater affinity of oxygen to calo- ric, in a high temperature, than to nitrous acid j though in the ufual temperature of the atmof- phere, this affinity is reverfed. It is from the difengagement of oxygen, that the nitric acid ofthe neutral fait is in this operation converted into nitrous acid*. It is brought back to the ftate of nitric acid by heating over a gentle fire, which drives off the fuperabundant nitrous gas, and leaves the nitric acid much diluted with water. * It is evident, that in this operation, there is a very great lofs of nitric acid; as, from the difengagement of oxygen, we cannot poffibly procure near the fame quantity of nitric acid by diftillation, thatexifted in the combined ftate in the nitre.—T. aS6 ELEMENTS Nitric acid is procurable in a more concen- trated ftate, and with much lefs lofs, by mixing very dry clay with faltpetre. This mixture is put into an earthen retort, and diftilled with a ftrong fire. The clay combines with the pot- afh, for which it has great affinity j and the ni- tric acid paffes over, flightly impregnated with nitrous gas. This is eafily difengaged by heat- ing the acid gently in a retort; a fmall quantity of nitrous gas paffes over into the recipient •, and very pure concentrated nitric acid remains in the retort. We have already feen, that azot is the nitric radical. If to io\; parts by weight, of azot, 434- parts of oxygen be added, 64 parts of ni- trous gas are formed ■, and if to this we join 36 additional parts of oxygen, 100 parts of nitric acid refult from the combination. Intermediate quantities of oxygen, between thefe two ex- tremes of oxygenation, produce different fpe- cies of nitrous acid •, or, in other words, nitric acid lefs or more impregnated with nitrous gas. I afcertained the above proportions by means of decompofition; and though I cannot anfwer for their abfolute accuracy, they cannot be far re- moved from truth. Mr Cavendifh, who firft mewed by fynthetic experiments, that azot is the bafe of nitric acid, gives the proportions of azot a little larger than I have done : but, as it is not improbable, that he produced the nitrous O F C H E M I S T R Y. **? acid, and not the nitric, that circumftance*«- plains in fome degree the difference in the re^ fults of our experiments. As, in all experiments of a philofophical na« ture, the utmoft poffible degree of accuracy is required, we muft procure the nitric acid for experimental purpofes, from nitre which has been previoufly purified from all foreign mat- ters. If, after diftillation, any fulphuric acid is fufpeCted in the nitric acid, it is eafily fcparated by dropping in a little nitrat of barytes, fo long as any precipitation takes place; the fulphuric acid, from its greater affinity, attracts the bary- tes, and forms with it an infoluble neutral fait, which falls to the bottom. It may be purified in* the fame manner from muriatic acid, by dropping in a little nitrat of filver, fo long as any precipitation of muriat of filver is produced. When thefe two precipitations are finifhed, dif- til off about feven-eighths ofthe acid by a gentle heat, and what comes over is in the moft perfect degree of purity. The nitric acid is remarkably prone to com- bination, and is at the fame time very eafily dccompofed. Almoft all the fimple fubftances, with the exception of gold, filver, and platina, rob it lefs or more of oxygen; fome of them even decompofe it altogether. Ic was very an- ciently known : and its combinations have been more ftudied by chemifts than thofe of any o- ttt ELEMENTS ther acid. Thefe combinations were named nitres by Meffrs Macquer and Beaume : but we have changed their names to nitrats and nitrites, according as they are formed by nitric or by ni- trous acid; and have added the fpecific name of each particular bafe, to diftinguifh the feveral combinations from each other. OF CHEMISTRY. 289 Table of the Combinations of Sulphuric Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Names of the Bafes. New Nomenclature. Barytes Sulphat of barytes Strontites ftrontites Potafh potafh Soda foda iL-ime lime Magnefia magnefia Ammoniac ammoniac Argill argill Oxyd of zinc zinc iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony antimony arfenic arfenic mercury mercury filver fdver gold gold piatina platina O 0 Refulting Compounds. Old Nomenclature. f Heavy fpar, Vitriol \ of heavy earth. Unknown. f Vitriolated tartar, Sal ■1 de duobus, Arcanum £ duplicatum. Glauber's fait. J Selenite, gypfum, cal- \ careous vitriol. | Epfomfalt,Sedlitzfalt, \ Magnefian vitriol. t Glauber's fecret fal \ ammoniac. Alum. f White vitriol, Goflar ■^ vitriol, White cope- £ ras, Vitriol of zinc. f Green copperas,Green < vitriol, Martial vitri- fy Ol, Vitriol of iron. Vitriol of manganefe. Vitriol of cobalt. Vitriol of nickel. Vitriol of lead. Vitiiolof tin. ( Bluecopperas, Blue vi- < triol, Roman vitriol, £ Vitriol of copper. Vitriol of bifmuth. Vitriol of antimony. Vitriol of arfenic. Vitriol of mercury. Vitriol of filver. Vitriol of gold. Vitriol of platina. 290 ELEMENTS Sect. XIV.—Obfervations upon Sulphuric Acid, and its Combinations. For a long time, this acid was procured by diftillation from fulphat of iron, in which ful- phuric acid and oxyd of iron are combined, according to the procefs defcribed by Bafil Va- lentine in the fifteenth century; but, in mo- dern times, it is procured more economically by the combuftion of fulphur in proper veffels. Both to facilitate the combuftion, and to affift the oxygenation of the fulphur, a little powder- ed faltpetre, or nitrat of potafh, is mixed with it j the nitre is decompofed, giving out its oxy- gen to the fulphur, and contributes to its con - verfion into an acid. Notwithstanding this ad- dition, the fulphur will only continue to burn, in clofe veffels, for a limited time j the combina- tion foon ceafes, becaufe the oxygen is exhauft- ed, and the air ofthe veffels is reduced almoft to pure azotic gas; and becaufe the acid itfelf re- mains long in the ftate of vapour, and hinders the progrefs of combuftion. In the manufactories for making fulphuric acid in the large way, the mixture of nitre and fulphur is burnt in large clofe-built chambers, lined with lead, having a little water at the bot- tom, for facilitating the condcnfation of the va- pours. Afterwards, by diftillation in large re- OF CHEMISTRY. 291 torts with a gentle heat, the water paffes over, flightly impregnated with acid, and the ful- phuric acid remains behind in a concentrated ftate. It is then pellucid, without any flavour, and nearly double the weight of an equal bulk of water. This procefs would be greatly faci- litated, and the combuftion much prolonged, by introducing frefh air into the chambers, by means of feveral pairs of bellows, directed towards the flame ofthe fulphur, and by allowing the ni- trous gas to efcape through long ferpentine canals, in contact with water, to abforb any fulphuric or fulphurous acid gas it might contain. By one experiment, Mr Berthollet found that 69 parts of fulphur in combuftion, united with 31 parts of oxygen, to form 100 parts of ful- phuric acid : and, by another experiment, made in a different manner, he calculates that 100 parts of fulphuric acid confift of 72 parts of ful- phur, combined with 28 parts of oxygen, all by weight. This acid, in common with every other, can only diffolve metals when they have been pre- vioufly oxydated: but moft of the metals are capable of decompofing a part of the acid, fo as to carry off a fufficient quantity of oxygen, to render themfelves foluble in the part of the acid which remains undecompofed. This hap- pens with filver, mercury, iron, and zinc, in boiling concentrated fulphuric acid •, they be-, 292 ELEMENTS come firft oxydated by decompofing part of the acid, and are then diffolved in the other part. But they do not fufficiently difoxygenate the decompofed part of the acid, to reconvert it into fulphur. It is only reduced to the ftate of fulphurous acid, which, being volatilifed by the heat, flies off in the form of fulphurous acid gas. Silver, mercury, and all the other metals, ex- cept iron and zinc, are infoluble in diluted ful- phuric acid, becaufe they have not fufficient affinity with oxygen to withdraw it from its com- bination either with the fulphur, the fulphu- rous acid, or the hydrogen; but iron and zinc, being aflifted by the action of the acid, decom- pofe the water, and become oxydated at its ex- pence, without the help of heat. OF CHEMISTRY. *93 Table of the Combinations of the Sulphurous A- cid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Names ofthe Bafes. Names of the Neutral Salts. Barytes Sulphite of barytes. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Lime lime. Magnefia magnefia. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill argill. Oxyd of zinc zinc. iron iron. manganefe manganefe. cobalt cobalt. nickel nickel. lead lead. tin tin. copper copper. bifmuth bifmuth. antimony antimony. arfenic arfenic. mercury mercury. filver filver. gold gold. platina platina. Note.-----The only one of thefe falts known to the old chemifts was the fulphite of potafh, under the name of Stahl*s fulphureous fait: So that, before our new nomenclature, thefe compounds muft have been named Stahl's fulphureous fait, ha- ving bafe of fixed vegetable alkali; and fo ofthe reft. In this Table we have followed Bergman's order of affini- ty of the fulphuric acid, which is the fame in regard to the earths and alkalies ; but it is not certain if the order be the "fame for the metallic oxyds.—A. 294 ELEMENTS Sect. XV.—Obfervations upon Sulphurous Acid, and its Combinations. The fulphurous acid is formed by the union of oxygen with fulphur, in a leffer degree of oxygenation than the fulphuric acid. It is pro- curable either by burning fulphur flowly, or by diftilling fulphuric acid from filver, antimony, lead, mercury, or charcoal. By thefe operations a part of the oxygen quits the acid, uniting to thefe oxydable bafes •, and the acid paffes over in the fulphurous ftate of oxygenation. This acid, in the common preffure and temperature of the air, can only exift in form of gas. But it appears, from the experiments of Mr Clouet, that, in a very low temperature, it condenfes, and becomes fluid. Water abforbs a great deal more of this gas than of carbonic acid gas, but much lefs than it does of muriatic acid gas. That the metals cannot be diffolved in acids without being previoufly oxydated, or by pro- curing oxygen, for that purpofe, from the acids during folution, is a general and well eftablifhed fact:, which I have perhaps repeated too often. Hence, as fulphurous acid is already deprived of great part of the oxygen neceffary for forming the fulphuric acid, it is more difpofed to reco- ver oxygen, than to furnifh it to the greatcft part of the metals j and, for this reafon, it can- OF CHEMISTRY. 295 not diffolve them, unlefs previoufly oxydated by other means. From the fame principle it is, that the metallic oxyds diffolve without effer- vefcence, and with great facility, in fulphurous acid. This acid, like the muriatic, has even the property of diffolving metallic oxyds furcharg- ed with oxygen, and which are, confequently, infoluble in fulphuric acid : and in this way true fulphats are formed. Hence we might be led to conclude, that there are no metallic fulphites, were it not that the phenomena which accom- pany the folution of iron, mercury, and fome other metals, convince us, that thefe metallic fubftances are fufceptible of two degrees of oxy- dation, during their folution in acids. There- fore the neutral fait, in which the metal is leaft oxydated, muft be named fulphite ; and that in which it is fully oxydated, muft be called fulphat. It is yet unknown whether this distinction is ap- plicable to any of the metallic fulphats, except thofe of iron or mercury. 296 ELEMENTS Table of the Combinations of the Phofphorous and Phofphoric Acids, with the Salifiable Bafes in the Order of Affinity. Names ofthe Names ofthe Neutral Salts formed by Bafes. Phofphorous Acid. Phofphoric Acid. Lime Strontites Barytes Magnefia Potafh Soda Ammoniac Argill Oxyds of* zinc iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercury filver gold platina * The exiftence of metallic phofphites fuppofes that me- tals are fufceptible of folution in phofphoric acid at different degrees of oxygenation, which is not yet afcertained.—A. f All the phofphites were unknown till lately; and confe- quently have not hitherto received names.—A. % The greater >art of the phofohats were only difcovered of late; and have not yet been named.—A. Phofphites of f lime Phofphats of \ lime. ftrontites ftrontites. barytes magnefia potafh foda barytes. magnefia. potafh. foda. ammoniac ammoniac. argill argill. zinc zinc. iron iron manganefe cobalt manganefe. cobalt. nickel nickel lead lead. tin tin. copper bifmuth copper. bifmuth. antimony arfenic antimony. arfenic. mercury mercury. filver filver. gold platina gold. platina. OF CHEMISTRY. 297 Sect. XVI.—Obfervations upon Phofphorous and Phofphoric Acids, and their Combinations. Under the article Phofphorus, Part II. Sect:. IX. we have already given a hiftory ofthe dif- covery of that fingular fubftance, with fome ob- fervations upon the mode of its exiftence in ve- getable and animal bodies. The beft method of obtaining this acid in a ftate of purity is by burning well purified phofphorus under bell- glaffes, moiftened on the infide with diftilled water. During combuftion it abforbs twice and a half its weight of oxygen ; fo that 100 parts of phofphoric acid is compofed of 28-i parts of phofphorus united to 714- parts of oxygen. This acid may be obtained concrete, in form of white flakes, which greedily attract: the moifture ofthe air, by burning phofphorus in a dry glafs over mercury. To obtain phofphorous acid, which is phof- phorus lefs oxygenated than in the ftate of phof- phoric acid, the phofphorus muft be burnt by a very flow fpontaneous combuftion over a glafs funnel leading into a cryftal phial. After a few days, the phofphorus is found oxygenated, and the phofphorous acid, in proportion as it forms, attracts moifture from the air, and drops into the phial. The phofphorous acid is.readily changed into phofphoric acid by expofure for a long time PP 293 ELEMENTS to the free air. It abforbs oxygen from the air, and becomes fully oxygenated. As phofphorus has a fufficient affinity for oxy- gen to attract: it from the nitric and oxygenated muriatic acids, we may form phofphoric acid, by means of thefe acids, in a very fimple and cheap manner. Fill a tubulated receiver, half full of concentrated nitric acid, and heat it gently: then throw in fmall pieces of phofphorus through the tube. Thefe are diffolved with effervefcence j and red fumes of nitrous gas fly off. Add phofpho- rus fo long as it will diffolve : and then increafe the fire under the retort, to drive off the laft particles of nitric acid : phofphoric acid, partly fluid and partly concrete, remains in the retort. OF CHEMISTRY. 299 Barytes Lime Strontites Potafh Soda Magnefia Ammoniac Argill Oxyds of zinc 1 Table ofthe Combinations of Carbonic Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Names ofthe Bafes. Refulting Neutral Salts. New Nomenclature. Old Nomenclature. ( Aerated or Effervefcent hea- ( vy earth. J Chalk, Calcareous fpar, \ Aerated calcareous earth. Unknown. Effervefcing or Aerated fixed vegetable alkali. Mephitis of potafh. f Aerated or Effervefcing fixed I mineral alkali, Mephitic foda. ("Aerated, effervefcing, mild, I or mephitic magnefia. f Aerated, effervefcing, mild or \ mephitic, volatile alkali. ( Aerated or effervefcing argil- l laceous earth.or earth of alum. C Zinc fpar, Mephitic or aera- \ ted zinc. C Sparry iron-ore, Mephitic or | aerated iron. Aerated manganefe. Aerated cobalt. Aerated nickel. Sparry lead ore, or Aerated lead. Aerated tin. Aerated copper. Aerated bifmuth. Aerated antimony. Aerated arfenic. Aerated mercury. Aerated filver. Aerated gold. Aerated platina. * As thefe falts have only been underftood cf late, they have not properly fpeaking, any old n.*mes Mr Morveau, in the firft Volume ofthe Encyclopedia, calls them Mephites ; Mr Bergman gives them the name ofaerated j and Mr de Fourcroy, who calls the carbonic acid chalky acid, gives them the name of chuiL—A. Carbonats of* barytes lime ftrontites potafh foda magnefia ammoniac argill zinc iron manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercury filver gold platina manganefe cobalt nickel lead tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercury filver gold platina 300 ELEMENTS Sect. XVII.—Obfervations upon Carbonic Acid, and its Combinations. Of all the known acids, the carbonic is the moft abundant in nature. It exifts ready form- ed in chalk, marble, and all the calcareous (tones, in which it is neutralized by a particu- lar earth, called lime. To difengage it from this combination, nothing more is requifite, than to add fome fulphuric acid, or any other which has a ftronger affinity for lime. A brifk effervef- cence enfues, which is produced by the difenga- ged carbonic acid affuming the ftate of gas, im- mediately upon being fet free. This gas, inca- pable of being condenfed into the folid or liquid form by any degree of cold or of preffure hither- to known, unites to about its own bulk of water, and thereby forms a very weak acid liquor. It may likewife be obtained in great abundance from faccharine matters in fermentation : but is then contaminated by a frnail portion of alkohol, which it holds in folution. As carbon is the radical of this acid, we may form it artificially, by burning charcoal in oxy- gen gas, or by combining charcoal and metallic oxyds in proper proportions. The oxygen ofthe oxyd combines with the carbon, forming carbo- nic acid gas: and the metal being left free, reco- vers its metallic or reguline form. OF CHEMISTRY. 3°* We are indebted for our firft knowledge of this acid to Dr Black, before whofe time its pro- perty of remaining always in the ftate of gas had made it elude the refearches of chemiftry. It would be a moft valuable difcovery to fo- ciety, if we could decompofe this gas by any cheap procefs ; as by that means we might ob- tain, for economical purpofes, the immenfe ftore of charcoal contained in calcareous earths, marbles, limeftones, &c. This cannot be ef- fected by fingle affinity ; becaufe, to decompofe the carbonic acid, it requires a fubftance as combuftible as charcoal itfelf -, fo that we fhould only make an exchange of one combuftible bo- dy for another not more valuable. But it may poffibly be accompliihed* by double affinity; fince this procefs is fo readily performed by Na- ture, during vegetation, from the moft common materials. * Mr Smithfon Tennant has given, in the Phil. Tranf. for 1791, Art. XI. fome experiments on the decompofition of carbonic acid. Some powdered marble, flightly calcined, and fome phofphorus, being introduced into a glafs tuhe, coat- ed with a lute of fand and clay, are kept in a red heat for fome minutes, and fuffered to cool. On breaking the tube, a black powder is found, which confifts of charcoal and phof- phat of lime. In the laboratory of Dr Black, the decompo- fition has been produced, via humida. Some folution of fill* phuret of potafh which had ftood for feveral days in an open matrafs, expofed to the air of the room, which had been breathed by feveral hundred ftudents, was found to have de- poficed charcoal on the fides ofthe veffel.—-T. JOS ELEMENTS Table ofthe Combinations of Muriatic Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of affinity. Names ofthe Bafes. Barytes Refulting Neutral Salts. Ntw Nomenclature. Old Nomenclature. Muriat of barytes bafe of Potafh Soda Strontites Lime potafh foda ftrontites lime Magnefia magnefia Ammoniac ammoniac Argill argill Oxyd of zinc iron zinc iron manganefe manganefe cobalt nickel lead cobalt nickel lead tin Copper bifmuth antimony arfenic C Sea-falt having \ heavy earth. i Febrifuge fait of Sylvius, < Muriated vegetable fixed ( alkali. Sea fait. Unknown. f Muriated lime. \ Oil of lime. C Marine Epfom fait. \ Muriated magnefia. Sal ammoniac. f Muriated alum, Sea-falt < with bafe of earth of £ alum. Sea-falt of zinc, or Mu- riatic zinc. Salt of iron, or Martial fea-falt. Sea-falt of manganefe. Sea-falt of cobalt. Sea-falt of nickel. J Horny lead, or Plumbum \ corneum. fmoaking, of tin CSmoaking liquor of Li- folid, of tin copper bifmuth antimony arfenic mercurv filver gold platina fweet, of mercury corrofive, of mer- cury filver gold platina ■1 bavius. £ Butter of tin. Sea-falt of copper. Sea-falt of bifmuth. Sea-falt of antimony. Sea-falt of arfenic. Sweet fublimate of mer- cury, Calomel, Aquila alba. Corrofive fublimate of \ mercury. j Horny fiiver, Argentum \ corneum, Luna cornea. Sea fait of gold. Sea-falt of Platina. { OF CHEMISTRY. 303 Table of the Combinations of Oxygenated Muria-tic Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Names ofthe Neutral Salts ly Names ofthe Bafts. the New Nomenclature. Oxygenated muriat of Barytes Potafh Soda Barytes. potafh. foda. Lime lime. Magnefia Argill magnefia. argill. Oxyd of zinc zinc. iron iron. manganefe cobalt manganefe. cobalt. nickel nickel. lead lead. tin tin. copper bifmuth copper. bifmuth. antimony arfenic antimony. arfenic mercury filver mercury. filver. gold platina gold. platina. This order of falts, entirely unknown to the older che- mills, was difcovered in 1786 by Mr Berthollet.—A. 3°4 ELEMENT S Sect. XVIII.—Obfervations upon Muriatic and Oxygenated Muriatic Acids, and their Combi- nations. Muriatic acid is very abundant in the mine- ral kingdom, naturally combined with different falifiable bafes, efpecially with foda, lime, and magnefia. In fea-water, and the water of fe- veral lakes, it is combined with thefe three ba- fes -, and in mines of rock-falt it is chiefly united to foda. This acid does not appear to have been hitherto decompofed in any chemical ex- periment* -, fo that we have no idea whatever ofthe nature of its radical ■, and only conclude, from analogy with the other acids, that it con- tains oxygen as its acidifying principle. Mr Berthollet fufpedts the radical to be of a metallic nature. But, as Nature appears to form this acid daily in inhabited places, by combining miafmata with aeriform fluids, this muft neceflarily fuppofe a metallic gas to exift in the atmofphere, which is certainly not impoflible, but cannot be admit- ted without proof. * This fubject has been already mentioned in fome for- mer notes, where the Lite difcovery of this bi.fe is fitid te have been made bv Dr Girtanner.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 30S The muriatic acid has only a moderate ad- herence to the falifiable bafes, and can readily be driven from its combination with thefe by fulphuric acid. Other acids, as the nitric, for inftance, may anfwer che fame purpofe. But ni- tric acid being volatile, would mix, during diftil- lation, with the muriatic. About one part of fulphuric acid is fufficient to decompofe two parts of decrepitated fea-falt. This operation is per- formed in a tubulated retort, having Woulfe's ap- paratus, PI. IV. Fig. 1. adapted to it. When all the junctures are properly luted, the fea-falt is put into the retort, through the tube ■, the ful- phuric acid is poured on •, and the opening is immediately clofed by its ground cryftal ftopper. As the muriatic acid can only fubfift in the gaf- feous form, in the ordinary temperature, we can* not condenfe it, without the prefence of water. Hence the ufe ofthe water with which the bottles in Woulfe's apparatus are half filled. The muri- atic acid gas, driven off from the fea-falt in the retort, combines with the water; and forms what the old chemifts called fmoaking fpirit of fait, or Glauber's fpirit of fea-falt, which we now name muriatic acid. The acid obtained by the above procefs is ftill capable of combining with a farther quantity of oxygen, by being diftilled from the oxyds of manga'nefe, lead, or mercury : and the refulting 306 ELEMENTS acid, which we name oxygenated muriatic acid, can only, like the former, exift in the gaffeous form ; and is abforbed, but in a much fmaller quantity, by water. When the impregnation of water with this gas is pufhed beyond a certain point, the fuperabundant acid precipitates to the bottom of the veffels, in a concrete form. Mr Berthollet has fhown, that this acid is capable of combining with a great number of the falifi- able bafes. The neutral falts which refult from this union are fufceptible of deflagrating with charcoal, and with many of the metallic fub- ftances. But thefe deflagrations are very violent and dangerous, owing to the great quantity of caloric which the oxygen carries along with it into the compofition of oxygenated muriatic acid*. * It has been formerly mentioned, that Murioxic acid would be a more convenient term for this acid, than oxyge- nated muriatic, the one adopted in the new nomenclature by die French chemifts. In this cafe, the combinations would be named Murioxats of barytes, &c.; inftead of the much longer, and not more evident, terms of oxygenated mu- riats.—T. OF CHEMISTRY T'able of the Combinations of Nitro-muriatic Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affi- nity, fofar as is known. Names of the Bafes. Names ofthe Neutral Salts. Argill Nitro-muriat o Ammoniac ammoniac. Oxyd of antimony antimony. filver filver. arfenic arfenic. Barytes barytes Oxyd of bifmuth bifmuth. Lime lime. Oxyd of cobalt cobalt. copper copper. tin tin. iron iron. Magnefia magnefia. Oxyd of manganefe manganefe. mercury mercury. molybdena molybdena nickel nickel. gold gold. platina platina. lead lead. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Oxyd of tungftein tungftein. zinc zinc. Note—Moft of thefe combinations, efpecially thofe with the earths and alkalies, have been little examined : and we are yet to learn whether they form a mixed fait, in which the compound radical remains combined, or if the two acids fe- parate, to form two diflindt neutral falts.—A. 308 ELEMENTS Sect. XIX.—Obfervations upon the Nitro-Muria- tic* Acid, and its combinations. The nitro-muriatic acid, formerly called aqua regia, is formed by a mixture of nitric and mu- riatic acids. The radicals of thefe two acids com- bine together, and form a compound bafe, from which an acid is produced, having properties pe- - culiar to itfelf, and diftinct from thofe of all other acids, efpecially the power of diffolving gold and platina. In diffolutions of metals in this acid, as in all other acids, the metals are firft oxydated by at- tracting a part ofthe oxygen from the compound radical. This occafions a difengagement of a particular fpecies of gas, not hitherto defcribed, which may be called nitro-muriatic gas. It has a very difagreeable fmell, and is fatal to animal life when refpired. It attacks iron, and caufes it to ruft. It is abforbed in confiderable quanti- ty by water, which thereby acquires fome flight characters of acidity. I had occafion to make thefe remarks during a courfe of experiments * Azo-muriatic would perhaps anfwer better as a term for this compound acid ; Azo-muria having been, in a former note, propofed as a more convenient name for the bafe than the more lengthened expreffion of Nitro-muriatic radical.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 309 upon platina, in which I diffolved a confiderable quantity of that metal in nitro-muriatic acid. I at firft fufpeCted, that, in the mixture of ni- tric and muriatic acids, the latter attracted a part of the oxygen from the former, and be- came converted into oxygenated muriatic acid, which gave it the property of diffolving gold. But feveral facts remain inexplicable upon this fuppofition. Were it fo, we fhould be able to difengage nitrous gas 6y heating this acid, which however does not fenfibly happen. From thefe confiderations, I am led to adopt the opinion of Mr Berthollet, and to confider nitro-muria- tic acid as a fingle acid, with a compound bafe or radical. 3'0 ELEMEN T S Table of the Combinations of Fluoric Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Names of the Bafes Names ofthe Neutral Salts. Lime Fluat of lime*. Barytes barytes. Strontites ftrontites. Magnefia magnefia. Potafli potafh Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. arfenic arfenic. bifmuth bifmuth. mercury mercury. filver filver. gold gold. platina platina. And, by the dry way, Argill Fluat of argill. Note.—Thefe combinations were entirely unknown to the old chemifts, and confequently have no names in the old no- menclature.—A. * Fluor fpar, or Vitreous fpar. OF CHEMISTRY. 311 Sect. XX.—Obfervations upon the Fluoric Acid, and its combinations. Flouric acid exifts ready formed by Nature, in the fluoric fpars*, combined with calcareous earth, fo as to form an infoluble neutral fait. To obtain it, difengaged from that combination, fluor fpar, or fluat of lime, is put into a leaden retort, with a proper quantity of fulphuric acid. A recipient, likewife of lead, half full of water, is adapted, and fire is applied to the retort. The fulphuric acid, from its greater affinity, expels the fluoric acid, which paffes over and is abforb- ed by the water in the receiver. As fluoric acid is naturally in the gaffeous form in the ordinary temperature, we can receive it in a pnuemato- chemical apparatus over mercury. We are obli- ged to employ metallic veffels in this procefs -, becaufe fluoric acid diffolves glafs and filiceous earth, and even renders thefe bodies volatile, carrying them over with itfelf in diftillation in the gaffeous form. We are indebted to Mr Margraff for our firft acquaintance with this acid; though, as he could * The beautiful fpars from Derbyfhire are of thib kind. —T. 3t2 ELEMENTS never procure it free from combination with a confiderable quantity of filiceous earth, he was ignorant of its being an acid fui generis. The Duke de Liancourt, under the name of Mr Bou- langer, has confiderably increafed our knowledge of its properties, and Mr Scheele feems to have exhaufted the fubject. NThe only thing remain- ing is to endeavour to difcover the nature of the fluoric radical, of which we cannot hitherto form any idea; as the acid does not appear to have been decompofed in any experiment. It is only by means of compound affinity chat experi- ments ought to be made with this view, with any probability of fuccefs. OF CHEMISTRY. 313 Table of the Combination of Boracic Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity, Bafes. Neutral Salts. Lime* Borat of lime. Barytes barytes. Strontites ftrontites, Magnefia Potafh magnefia. potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac Oxyd of ammoniac. zinc zinc. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper nickel copper. nickel. mercury Argill mercury, argill. Note—Moft of thefe combinations were neither known, nor named by the old chemifts. The boracic acid was for- merly called fedative fait, and its compounds borax, with bafe of fixed vegetable alkali, &c.—A. * By Dr Hope's experiments, in his paper on ftrontites, read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, lime follows ba- rytes ; and the fuperiority between lime and ftrontites is un- certain.— T. Rr 3H E L EM E N T S Sect. XXI.—Obfervations upon Boracic Acid, and its Combinations. This is a concrete acid, extracted from a fait procured in India, called borax or tincall. Although borax has been very long employed in the arts, we have as yet very imperfect know- ledge of its origin, and ofthe methods by which it is extracted and purified. There is reafon to believe it to be a native fait, found in the earth in certain parts of the eaft, and in the water of fome lakes. The whole trade of borax is in the hands ofthe Dutch, who have been exclufively poffeffed of the art of purifying it, till very lately, when Meflts L'Eguillier of Paris have rivalled them in the manufacture. But the procefs ftill remains a fecret to the world. By chemical analyfis we learn that borax is a neutral fait with excefs of bafe, confifting of foda, partly faturated with a peculiar acid, long called Hombergs fedative fait, now the boracic acid. This acid is found in an uncombined ftate in the waters of certain lakes : That of Cherchiais in Italy contains 94^ grains in each pint of wa- ter. To obtain boracic acid, diflblve fome borax in boiling water ; filtrate the folution ; and add OF C HEMIS T R Y 315 fulphuric acid, or any other having greater af- finity to foda than the boracic acid. This latter acid is feparated, and is procured in a cryftalline form by cooling. This acid was long confider- ed as being formed during the procefs by which it is obtained •, and was confequently fuppofed to differ according to the nature of the acid employed in feparating it from the foda. But ic is now univerfally acknowledged, that it is identically the fame acid, in whatever way pro- cured, provided it be properly purified from mixture of other acids, by wafhing, and by re- peated folution aud cryftallization. It is foluble both in water and alkohol, and has the pro- perty of communicating a green colour to the flame of that fpirit. This circumftance led to a fufpicion of its containing copper, which is not confirmed by any decifive experiment. On the contrary, if it contain any of that metal, it muft only be confidered as an accidental mixture. It combines with the falifiable bafes in the humid way; and though, in this manner, it is inca- pable of diffolving any of the metals directly, this combination is readily effected by compound affinity. The Table prefents its combinations in the order of affinity in the humid way. But there is a confiderable change in the order, when we operate via ficca; for, in that cafe, argill, 316 ELEMENTS though the laft in our lift, muft be placed im- mediately after foda. The boracic radical is hitherto unknown, no experiments having as yet been able to decom- pofe the acid. But we conclude, from analogy with the other acids, that oxygen exifts in its compofition, as the acidifying principle. OF CHEMISTRY. 3*7 Table of the Combinations of Arfenic Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Af- finity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Lime Arfeniat of lime. Barytes barytes. Strontites ftrontites. Magnefia magrtefia. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Oxyd of zinc 2inc. manganefe manganefe, iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. bifmuth bifmuth. mercury mercury. antimony antimony. filver filver. gold gold. platina platina. Argill argill. Note.—This order of falts was entirely unknown to the old chemifts. Mr Macquer, in 1746, difcovered the combi- nations of arfeniac acid with potafh and foda, to which he gave the name of arfenical neutralfait7,*—A. 318 ELEMENTS Sect. XXII.—Obfervalio is upon Arfeniac Acid, and its Combinations. In the Collections of the Academy for 1746, Mr Macquer fhews, that, when a mixture of white oxyd of arfenic and nitre are fubjected to the action of a ftrong fire, a neutral fait is ob- tained, which he calls neutral fait of arfenic. At that time, the caufe of this lingular pheno- menon, in which a metal acts the part of an a- cid, was quite unknown. But more modern experiments teach, that, during this procefs, the arfenic becomes oxygenated, by carrying off the oxygen of the nitric acid. It is thus converted into a real acid, and combines with the potafh. There are other methods now known for oxygenating arfenic, and obtaining its acid free from combination. The moft fim- ple and moft effectual of thefe is as follows: Diffolve white oxyd of arfenic in three parts, by weight, of muriatic acid. To this folution, in a boiling ftate, add two parts of nitric acid, and evaporate to drynefs. In this procefs, the nitric acid isdecompofed ; its oxygen unites with the oxyd of arfenic, and converts it into an acid j and the nitrous radical flies off in the ftate of nitrous gas j while the muriatic acid is con- verted by the heat into muriatic acid gas, and OF CHEMISTRY. 3*9 may be collected in proper veffels. The arfe- niac acid is entirely freed from the other acids employed, during the procefs by heating it in a crucible till it begins to grow red. What re- mains is pure concrete arfeniac acid. Mr Scheele's procefs, which was repeated with great fuccefs by Mr Morveau, in the la- boratory at Dijon, is as follows : Diftil muria- tic acid from the black oxyd of manganefe. This converts it into oxygenated muriatic acid, by carrying off the oxygen from the manganefe. Receive this oxygenated acid in a recipient, con- taining white oxyd of arfenic, covered by a little diftilled water. The arfenic decompofes the oxy- genated muriatic acid, by carrying off its fuper- faturation of oxygen, and is converted into arfe- niac acid, while the oxygenated muriatic acid' is brought back to the ftate of common muriatic acid. The two acids are feparated by diftilla- tion with a gentle heat increafed towards the end of the operation. The muriatic acid paffes over, and the arfeniac acid remains behind in a white concrete form. The arfeniac acid is confiderably lefs volatile than white oxyd of arfenic. It often contains white oxyd of arfenic in folution, owing to its not being fufficiently oxygenated. This is pre- vented by continuing to add nitrous acid, as in the former procefs, till no more nitrous gas is produced. From all thefe obfervations I 320 ELEMENTS would give the following definition of arfeniac acid. It is a white concrete metallic acid, form- ed by the combination of arfenic with oxygen j it is fixed in a red heat, is foluble in water, and is capable of combining with many of the fali- fiable bafes. Sect. XXIII.—Obfervations upon Molybdic Acid, and its Combinations zvith Acidifiable Bafes *. Molybdena is a particular metallic body, ca- pable of being oxygenated, fo far as to become a true concrete acidf. For this purpofe, one part by weight of the ore of molybdena, which )s a natural fulphuret of that metal, is put into a retort, with five or fix parts of nitric acid, di- luted with a quarter of its weight of water, and heat is applied to the retort. The oxygen of the nitric acid acts both upon the molybdena and the fulphur, converting the one into molybdic, and the other into fulphuric acid. Pour on frefh quantities of nitric acid fo long as any red fumes * I have not added the Table of thefe combinations, as the order of their affinity is entirely unknown ; they are called molybdats of argill, antimony, potajh, Sec-—T. f This acid was difcovered by Mr Scheele, to whom che- miftry is indebted for the difcovery of feveral other acids.—^A. ) OF CHEMISTRY. 321 of nitrous gas efcape. The molybdena is then oxygenated as far as is poffible; and is found at the bottom of the retort in a pulverulent form, refembling chalk. It muft be wafhed in warm water, to feparate any adhering particles of ful- phuric acid; and, as it is hardly foluble, we lofe very little of it in this operation. All its combi- nations with falifiable bafes were unknown to the old chemifts*. * Meffrs Tondi and Ruprecht have lately reduced Molyb- dena to the reguline ftate, by a fimilar procefs to that former- ly defcribed for reducing the metals of Chalk, Magnefia, and Barytes. They defcribe the metallic button as being convex and compact, and refembling fteel in its colour, its fracture is uneven and granulated, and has more metallic luftre inter- nally than on the furface. It is brittle, not hard, and not at- tractive by the magnet. On the furface of one of the but- tons procured in thefe experiments, fome little cavities were obferved, in which the metal had cryftallized in form of prif- matic needles, which were too fmall to allow of their particu- lar configuration being accurately determined. The fpecific gravity of this metal, according to the experiments of Mr Haidinger, councillor of the Schemnitz mines, is 6.963, wa- ter being taken as 1.000.—T. S f 322 ELEMENTS Table of the Combinations of Tungstic Acid, with the Salifible Bafes. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Lime Tungftat of lime. Barytes barytes. Magnefia magnefia. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill argill. Oxyd of antimony*, &c. antimonyj-, &c. Sect. XXIV.—Obfervations upon Tungstic Acid, and its Combinations. Tungftein is a particular metal, the ore of which has frequently been confounded with that of tin. The fpecific gravity of this ore is to water as 6 to i. In its form of cryftallization it refembles the garnet, and varies in colour * The combinations with metallic oxyds are fet down by Mr Lavoifier in alphabetical order, their order of affinity being unknown. 1 have omitted them as ferving no pur- pofe.—T. f All thefe falts were unknown to the old chemifts.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 323 from a pearl-white to a yellow and reddifh. It is found in feveral parts of Saxony and Bohe- mia. The mineral called Wolfram, which is fre- quent in the mines of Cornwall, is likewife an ore of this metal. In all thefe ores, the metal is oxydated: and, in fome of them, it appears even to be oxygenated to the ftate of acid, being combined with lime into a true tungftat of lime. To obtain the acid free, mix one part of ore of tungftein with four parts of carbonat of potafh, and melt the mixture in a crucible. Then pow- der it, and pour on twelve parts of boiling water; add nitric acid, and the tungftic acid precipitates in a concrete form. Afterwards, to infure the complete oxygenation of the metal, add more ni- tric acid, and evaporate to dryncfs, repeating this operation fo long as red fumes of nitrous gas are produced. To procure tungftic acid perfectly pure, the fufion of the ore with carbonat of pot- afh muft be made in a crucible of platina; other- wife the earth of the common crucibles will mix with the products, and adulterate the acid. 3*4 ELEMENTS Table ofthe Combinations of Tartarous Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Lime Tartarite of lime Barytes barytes. Strontites ftrontites. Magnefia magnefia. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill argill. Oxyd of zinc zinc. iron iron. manganefe manganefe. cobalt cobalt. nickel nickel. lead lead. tin tin. copper copper. bifmuth bifmuth. antimony antimony. arfenic arfenic. filver filver. mercury mercury. gold gold. platina platina. OF CHEMISTRY. 3*S Sect. XXV.—Obfervations upon Tartarous Acid, and its Combinations. Tartar, or the concretion which fixes to the infide of veffels in which the fermentation of wine is completed, is a well known fait, com- pofed of a peculiar acid, united, in confiderable excefs, to potafh. Mr Scheele firft pointed out the method of obtaining this acid pure. Ha- ving obferved, that it has a greater affinity to lime than to potafh, he directs us to proceed in the following manner. Diffolve purified tartar in boiling water, and add a fufficient quantity of lime, till the acid be completely faturated. The tartarite of lime, which is thus formed, be- ing almoft infoluble in cold water, falls to the bottom, and is feparated from the folution of potafh by decantation. . It is afterwards wafhed in cold water, and dried. Then fome fulphuric acid, diluted with eight or nine parts of water, is poured on. Digeft for twelve hours in a gen- tle heat, frequently ftirring the mixture, and the fulphuric acid combines with the lime, leaving the tartarous acid free. A fmall quantity of* gas, not hitherto examined, is difengaged during this procefs. At the end of twelve hours, ha- ving decanted off the clear liquor, wafh the ful- phat of lime in cold water, which add to the decanted liquor ■, then evaporate the whole; and 326 ELEMENTS the tartarous acid is obtained in a concrete form. Two pounds of purified tartar, by means of from eight to ten ounces of fulphuric acid, yield a- bout eleven ounces of tartarous acid. As the combuftible radical exifts in excefs, or as the acid from tartar is not fully faturated with oxygen, we call it tartarous acid; and the neutral falts, formed by its combinations with falifiable bafes, are named tartarites. The bafe ofthe tartarous acid is a carbono-hydrous or hy- dro-carbonous radical, lefs oxygenated than in the oxalic acid -, and it would appear, from the experiments of Mr Haffenfratz, that azot enters into the compofition of the tartarous radical, even in confiderable quantity. By oxygenating tartarous acid ftill farther, it is convertible into oxalic, malic, and acetous acids. But it is pro- bable the proportions of hydrogen and carbon in the radical, are changed, during thefe converfionsj and that the difference between thefe acids does not alone confift in the different degrees of oxy- genation. The tartarous acid is fufceptible of two de- grees of faturation in its combinations with the fixed alkalies. By one of thefe a fait is formed with excefs of acid, improperly called cream of tartar, which, in our new nomenclature, is na- med acidulous tartarite of potafh. By a fecond or reciprocal degree of faturation, a perfectly neutral fait is formed, formerly called vegetable OF CHEMISTRY. 327 fait, which we name tartarite of potajh. With foda this acid forms tartarite of foda, formerly calledy^/ de Seignette, orfalpolychreft of Rochelle*. Sect. XXVI.—Obfervations upon Malic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes-f. The malic acid exifts ready formed in the four juice of ripe and unripe apples, and many other fruits, and is obtained as follows: Satu- rate the juice of apples with potafh or foda, and add a proper proportion of acetite of lead dif- folved in water ■, a double decompofition takes place, the malic acid combines with the oxyd of lead, and precipitates, being almoft infoluble j and the acetite of potalh or foda remains in the liquor. The malat of lead being feparated by decantation, is wafhed with cold water, and fome diluted fulphuric acid is added; this unites with the lead into an infoluble fulphat, and the ma- lic acid remains free in the liquor. * This account of the compofition of Rochelle fait is not quite accurate. It is a triple fait, confifting of tartarous a- cid, faturated by foda and potafh ; and is formed by com- pletely neutralizing acidulous tartarite of potafh, b*y the ad- dition of a fufficient quantity of foda.—T. f I have omitted the Table, as the order of affinity is unknown, and is given by Mr Lavoifier only in alphabetical order. All the combinations of malic acid with falifiable bafes, which are named malats, were unknown to the old chemifts.—T. 328 ELEMENTS This acid, which is found mixed with citric and tartarous acid, in a great number of fruits, is a kind of medium between the oxalic and ace- tous acids, being more oxygenated than the for- mer, and lefs fo than the latter. From this cir- cumftance, Mr Hermbftadt calls it imperfecJ vine- gar ; but it differs likewife from acetous acid, by having rather more carbon, and lefs hydrogen, in the compofition of its radical. When an acid much diluted has been ufed in the foregoing procefs, the liquor contains oxalic as well as malic acid, and probably a little tar- tarous. - Thefe are feparated by mixing lime-wa- ter with the acids, oxalat, tartarite, and malat of lime are produced. The two former, being infoluble, are precipitated, and the malat of lime remains diffolved ; from this the pure malic acid is feparated by the acetite of lead, and afterwards by fulphuric acid, as directed above. OF CHEMISTRY. 329 Table of the Combinations of Citric Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity*. Bafes. Neutral Salts Barytes Citrat of barytes. Lime lime. Magnefia magnefia. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. arfenic arfenic mercury mercury. antimony antimony. filver filver. gold gold. platina platina. Argill argill. * Thefe combinations were unknown to the old chemifts. The order of affinity of the falifiable bafes with this acid was determined by Mr Bergman, and by Mr de Breney of the Dijon Academy.—A. Tt 33° ELEMENTS Sect. XXVII.—Obfervations upon Citric Acid, and its Combinations. The citric acid is procured by expreffion from lemons, and is found in the juices of many other fruits, mixed with malic acid. To obtain it pure and concentrated, it is firft allowed to depurate from the mucous part of the fruit, by long reft in a cool cellar, and is afterwards concentrated by expofing it to the temperature of from 210 to 23 ° of Fahrenheit. The water is thereby fro- zen, and the acid remains liquid, reduced to about an eighth part of its original bulk. A lower degree of cold would occafion the acid to be engaged among the ice, and render it dif- ficultly feparable. This procefs was pointed out by Mr Georgius. It is more eafily obtained by faturating the lemon-juice with lime, fo as to form a citrat of lime, which is infoluble in water. Wafh this fait, and pour on a proper quantity of fulphuric acid. This forms a fulphat of lime, which precipitates and leaves the citric acid free in the liquor. OF CHEMISTRY. 33l Table of the Combinations of Pyro-lignous Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity*. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Lime Pyro-lignite of lime. Barytes barytes. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Magnefia magnefia. Ammoniac ammoniac. Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. arfenic arfenic. bifmuth bifmuth. mercury mercury. antimony antimony. filver filver. gold gold. platina platina. Argill argill. * The above affinities were Morveau and Eloi Bourfier de tions were entirely unknown till determined by Meffrs de Clervaux. Thefe combina- lately.—A. 332 ELEMEN TS Sect. XXVIII.—Obfervations upon the Pyro-lignous Acid, and its Combinations. The old chemifts obferved, that moft of the woods, efpecially the more heavy and compact ones, give out a particular acid fpirit, by dif- tillation in a naked fire. But, before Mr Goet- ling, who gives an account of his experiments upon this fubject in Crell's Chemical Journal for 1779, no one had ever made any inquiry into its nature and properties. This acid appears to be the fame, whatever be the wood it is procured from. When firft diftilled, it is of a brown co- lour, and confiderably impregnated with carbon and oil. It is purified from thefe by a fecond diftillation. The pyro-lignous radical is chiefly compofed of hydrogen and carbon. Sect. XXIX.—Obfervations upon Pyro-tartarous Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Ba- fes*. The name of Pyro-tartarous Acid is given to a diluted empyreumatic acid, obtained from puri- * The order of affinity of the falifiable bafes with this a- cid, is hitherto unknown. Mr Lavoifier, from its fimilarity O F C H E M I S T R Y. 333 £ed acidulous tartarite of potafh, by diftillation in a naked fire. To obtain It, let a retort be, half-filled with powdered tartar; adapt a tubu- lated recipient, having a bent tube communica- ting with a bell-glafs in a pneumato-chemical apparatus. By gradually raifing the fire under the retort, we obtain the pyro-tartarous acid mixed with oil, which is feparated by means of a funnel. A vaft quantity of carbonic acid gas is difengaged during the diftillation. The acid obtained by the above procefs, is much contami- nated with oil, which ought to be feparated from it. Some authors advife to do this by a fecond diftillation ; but the Dijon academicians inform us, that this is attended with great danger, from explofions which take place during the procefs. to pyro-lignous acid, fuppofes the order to be the fame in both ; but, as this is not afcertained by experiment, the table is omitted. All thofe combinations, called Pyro-tar- tarites, were unknown till lately.—T. 334 ELEMENTS Table of the Combinations of Pyro-mucous Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity*. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Potafh Pyro- ■mucite of potafh. Soda foda. Barytes barytes Lime lime. Magnefia magnefia. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill argill Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. arfenic arfenic. bifmuth bifmuth. antimony antimony. * All thefe combinations were unknown to the old che^ mills.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 33S Sec. XXX.—Obfervations upon Pyro-mucous Acid, and its Combinations. This acid is obtained by diftillation in a naked fire from fugar, and all the faccharine bodies j and, as thefe fubftances fwell greatly in the fire, it is neceffary to leave feven-eighths ofthe retort empty. It is of a yellow colour, verging to red, and leaves a mark upon the fkin, which will not remove but along with the epidermis. It may be procured lefs coloured, by means of a fecond diftillation; and is concentrated by freezing, as is directed for the citric acid. It is chiefly compofed of water and oil, flightly oxy- genated ; and is convertible into oxalic and ma- lic acids, by farther oxygenation with the nitric acid. It has been pretended, that a large quantity of gas is difengaged during the diftillation of this acid, which is not the cafe, if it be conducted flowly, by means of moderate heat. 336 ELEMENTS Table ofthe Combinations of the Oxalic Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity*. Safes. Neutral Salts. Lime Oxalat of lime. Barytes Strontites barytes. ftrontites. Magnefia Potafh magnefia. potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill Oxyd of argill. zinc zinc. iron iron. manganefe cobalt manganefe. cobalt. nickel nickel. lead lead. copper bifmuth copper. bifmuth. antimony arfenic antimony. arfenic mercury filver mercury. filver. gold platina gold. platina. * All unknown to the old chemifts.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 337 Sect. XXXI.—Obfervations upon Oxalic Acid, and its Combinations. The oxalic acid is moftly prepared in Switzer- land and Germany from the expreifed juice of forrel, from which it cryftallizes by being left long at reft. In this ftate it is partly faturated with potafh, forming a true acidulous oxalat of potafh, or fait with excefs of acid. To obtain it pure, it muft be formed artificially by oxyge- nating fugar, which feems to be the true oxalic radical. Upon one part of fugar, pour fix or eight parts of nitric acid, and apply a gentle heat, a confiderable effervefcence takes place, and a great quantity of nitrous gas is difengaged. The nitric acid is decompofed, and its oxygen unites to the fugar. By allowing the liquor to ftand at reft, cryftals of pure oxalic acid are formed, which muft be dried upon blotting paper, to feparate any remaining portions of nitric acid; and, to enfure the purity of the acid, diffolve the cryftals in diftilled water, and cryftallize them afrefh. From the liquor remaining after the firft cryf- tallization of the oxalic acid, we may obtain malic acid by refrigeration. This acid is more oxygenated than the oxalic; and by a further Vv 338' ELEMENTS oxygenation, the fugar is convertible into acetous acid, or vinegar. The oxalic acid, combined with a fmall quantity of foda or potafh, has the property, like the tartarous acid, of entering into a number of com- binations without fuffering decompofition. Thefe combinations form triple falts, or neutral falts with double bafes, which ought to have proper names. The fait of forrel, which is potafh having oxalic acid combined in excefs, is named acidulous oxalat of potafh, in our new nomencla- ture. The acid procured from forrel has been known to chemifts for more than a century, being men- tioned by Mr DucIqs in the Memoirs of the Academy for 1688 j and was pretty accurately defcribed by Boerhaave. But Mr Scheele firft fhewed that it contained potafli, and demonftrated its identity with the acid formed by the oxygena- tion of fugar. Sect. XXXII.—Obfervations upon Acetous Acid, and its Combinations. This acid is compofed of carbon and hydrogen united together, and brought to the ftate of an acid by the addition of oxygen. It is confequently formed of the fame elements with the tartarous, oxalic, citric, and malic acids, and To face page 338. TABLE of the Combinations of Acetous Acid with the Salifiable Bafes in the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Barytes - Potafh Soda Lime Magnefia Ammoniac Oxyd of zinc - -------manganefe ------. iron -------lead Argill tin - - cobalt copper - nickel arfenic - ■ bifmuth ■ mercury • antimony . fdver - gold - - platina Acetite of barytes ■ potafh foda lime magnefia ammoniac zinc manganefe iron lead tin - - cobalt copper - ■ nickel arfenic - ■ bifmuth • mercury . antimony - filver Names of the refulting Neutral Salts, according to the Old Nomenclature. I Unknown to the old chemifts. Difcovered by Mr de Morveau, who calls it bmrttic ami. C Secret terra foliata tartari, of Muller. Arcanum tartari, of Bafil Valentin and Paracelfus. J Purgative magiftery of tartar, of Schroeder. Effential fait of wine of Zwelfer. Regt- I nerated tartar, of Tachenius. Diuretic fait, of Sylvius and Wilfon. {Foliated earth with bafe of mineral alkali. Mineral or cryltallifable foliated earth. Mi- neral acetous fait. Salt of chalk, coral, or crabs eyes; mentioned by Hartman. Firft mentioned by Mr Wenzel. Spiritus Mindereri. Ammoniacal acetous fait. Known to Glauber, Schwedemberg, Refpour, Pott, de LafTone, and Wenzel, but not named. Unknown to the old chemifts. Martial vinegar. Defcribed by Monnet, Wenzel, and the Duke d'Ayeu Sugar, vinegar, and fait, of lead or of Saturn. Known to Lemery, Margraff, Monnet, Weflendorff, and Wenzel, but not named. Sympathetic ink of Mr Cadet. | Verdigris, cryttaU of verditer, verdi.er, diffiiled Verd.gm, crynal, of \ enu, or of coppe. Unknown to the old chemifts. • ,748 i known.o Hdot, Margraff, Baume, Bergman, Unknown. , . „ni,nown to the oli chemifts. Defcribed by Margraff, Monner, ^"f-^T Liale known, mentioned by Scheroeder and ]uncker. OF CHEMISTRY. 339 others: but the elements exift in different pro- portions in each of thefe ; and it would appear that the acetous acid is in a higher ftate of oxygenation than thefe other acids. I have fome reafon to believe that the acetous radical contains a fmall portion of azot; and, as this element is not contained in the radicals of any vegetable acid, except the tartarous, this circumftance is one of the caufes of difference. The acetous acid, or vinegar, is produced by expofing wine to a gentle heat, with the addition of fome ferment. This is ufually the ley, or mother, which has feparated from other vinegar during fermentation, or fome fimilar matter. The fpirituous part of the wine, which confifts of carbon and hydrogen, is oxygenated, and con- verted into vinegar. This operation can only take place with free accefs of air, and is always attended by a diminution of the air employed, in confequence of the abforption of oxygen; wherefore it ought always to be carried on in veffels only half filled with the vinous liquor fubmitted to the acetous fermentation. The acid formed during this procefs, is very volatile. It is mixed with a large proportion of water, and with many foreign fubftances : and to obtain it pure, it muft be diftilled, in ftone or glafs veffels, by a gentle fire. The acid which paffes over in diftillation, is fomewhat changed by the procefs; and is not exactly of the fame 340 ELEMENTS nature with what remains in the alembic, but feems lefs oxygenated. This circumftance has not been formerly obferved by chemifts. Diftillation is not fufficient for depriving this acid of all its unneceffary water; and, for this purpofe, the beft way is by expofmg it to a degree of cold, of from ic/to 230 of Fahrenheit. By this means the aqueous part becomes frozen, and leaves the acid in a liquid ftate, and confiderably concentrated. In the ufual temperature of the air, this acid can only exift in the gaffeous form, and can only be retained by combination with a large proportion of water. There are other chemical proceiTes for obtaining the acetous acid, which confift in oxygenating the tartarous, oxalic, or malic acids, by means of nitric acid. But there is reafon to believe the propor- tions of the elements of the radical are changed during this procefs. Mr. Haffenfratz is at prefent engaged in repeating the experiments by which thefe converfions are faid to be pro- duced. The combinations of acetous acid with the various falifiable bafes are very readily formed. But moft of the refulting neutral falts are not cryftallizable ; whereas thofe produced by the tartarous and oxalic acids are, in general, hardly foluble. Tartarite and oxalat of lime are not foluble in any fenfible degree. The malats are a medium between the oxalats and acetites, OF CHEMISTRY. 341 with refpect to folubility, and the malic acid is in the middle degree of faturation between the oxalic and acetous acids. With this, as with all the acids, the metals require to be oxydated previous to folution. The older chemifts knew hardly any of the falts formed by the combinations of acetous acid with the falifiable bafes, except the acetites of potafh, foda, ammoniac, copper, and lead. Mr Cadet difcovered the acetite of arfenic*. Mr Wenzel, and the Dijon academicians, Mr de Laffone and Mr Prouft, made us acquainted with the properties of the other acetites. From the property which acetite of potafh poffeffes, of giving out ammoniac in diftillation, there is fome reafon to fuppofe, that befides carbon and hydro- gen, the acetous radical contains a fmall proportion of azot; though it is not impoflible but the above production of ammoniac may be occafioned by the decompofition of the potafh. * Savans Etrangers, Vol. III. 342 ELEMENTS Table of the Combinations of Acetic Add, with the Salifiable Bafes, In the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Barytes Acetat of barytes. Potafh potafli. Soda foda. Lime lime. Magnefia magnefia. Ammoniac ammoniac. Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. arfenic arfenic. bifmuth bifmuth. mercury mercury. antimony antimony. filver filver. gold gold. platina platina. Argill argill. Note.—All thefe falts were unknown to the older chemifts: And even thofe, who are moft verfant in modern difcoveries, are yet at a lofs whether the greater part of the falts produced by the oxygenated acetic radical belong properly to the clafs of acetites, or to that of acetats.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 343 Sect. XXXIII.—Obfervations upon Acetic Acid, and its Combinations. We have given to radical vinegar the name of acetic acid, from fuppofing that it confifts of the fame radical with that of the acetous acid, but more highly faturated with oxygen. According to this idea, acetic acid is the higheft degree of oxygenation of which the hydro-carbonous radical is fufceptible; but, although this circumftance be extremely probable, it requires to be confirmed by farther and more decifive experiments, before it be adopted as an abfolute chemical truth. We procure this acid as follows: Upon three parts acetite of potafh or of copper, pour one part of concentrated fulphuric acid, and, by diftil- lation, a very highly concentrated vinegar is obtained, which we call acetic acid, formerly named radical vinegar. It is not hitherto rigoroufly proved, that this acid is more highly oxygenated than the acetous acid, nor that the difference between them may not confift in a different propor- tion between the elements of the radical or bale. 344 ELEMENTS Table of the combinations of Succinic Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Barytes Lime Succinat of barytes. lime. Potafh Soda potafh. foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Magnefia Argill Oxyd of zinc magnefia. argill. zinc. iron iron. manganefe cobalt manganefe cobalt. nickel nickel. lead lead. tin tin. copper bifmuth copper. bifmuth. antimony arfenic antimony. arfenic. mercury filver mercury. filver. gold platina gold. platina. Note.—All the fuccinats were unknown to the older chemifts. —A. OF CHEMISTRY. 345 Sect. XXXIV.—Obfervations upon Succinic Acid, and its Combinations. The fuccinic acid is drawn from amber by fub- limation in a gentle heat; and rifes, in a concrete form, into the neck of the fubliming veffel. The operation muft not be puflied too far, or by too ftrong a fire, otherwife the oil of the amber rifes with the acid. The fait is dried upon blotting paper, and purified by repeated folution and cryftallization. The acid is foluble in twenty^four times its weight of cold water, and in a much fmaller quantity of hot water. It poffeffes the qualities of an acid in a very fmall degree, and only affects the blue vegetable colours very flightly. The affinities of this acid, with the falifiable bafes are taken from Mr de Morveau, who is the firft chemift that has endeavoured to afcertaia them, Xx 346 ELEMENTS Sect. XXXV.—Obfervations upon Benzoic Acid^ and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes*. This acid was known to the ancient chemifts under the name of the Flowers of Benjamin, or of Benzoin, and was procured by fublimation, from the gum or refin called Benzoin. The means of procuring it, via humida, was difco- vered by Mr Geoffroy, and perfected by Mr Scheele. Upon benzoin, reduced to powder, pour ftrong lime-water, having rather an excefs of lime. Keep the mixture continually ftirring; and, after half an hour's digeftion, pour off fhe liquor, and ufe frefh portions of lime-water in the fame manner, fo long as there is any appearance of neutralization. Join all the decanted liquors, and evaporate as far as poffible, without occa- fioning cryftallization; and, when the liquor is cold, drop in muriatic acid, till no more precipitate is formed. By the former part of the procefs a benzoat of lime is formed; and, by the latter, the muriatic acid combines with the lime, forming muriat of lime, which remains * Thefe combinations are called Benzoats of Lime, Potafh, Zinc, &c ; but, as the order of affinity is unknown, the- alphabetical table is omitted, as unneceftary.—-T. OF CHEMISTRY. 347 diffolved, while the benzoic acid, being infoluble, precipitates in a concrete form. Sect. XXXVI. — Obfervations upon Camphoric Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Ba- fes*. Camphor is a concrete effential oil, obtained, by fublimation, from a fpecies of laurus which grows in China and Japan. By diftilling nitric acid eight times from camphor, Mr Kofegarten converted it into an acid, analogous to the oxalic. But, as it differs from that acid in fome circum- ftances, we have thought neceffary to give it a particular name, till its nature be more completely afcertained by farther experiment. As camphor is a carbono-hydrous or hydro- carbonous radical, it is eafily conceived, that, by oxygenation, it fhould form oxalic, malic, and feveral other vegetable acids. This conjec- ture is rendered not improbable by the experi- ments of Mr Kofegarten; and the principal phenomena exhibited in the combinations of camphoric acid with the falifiable bafes, being * Thefe combinations, which were all unknown to the old chemifts, are called Camphorats. The table is omitted* as being only in alphabetical order.—T. 34$ ELEMENTS very fimilar to thofe of the oxalic and malic acids, lead me to believe, that it confifts of a mixture of thefe two acids. Sect. XXXVII.—-Obfervations upon Gallic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes *. The Gallic acid, formerly called the Principle of Aftringency, is obtained from gall-nuts, either by infufion or decoction with water, or by dif- tillation with a very gentle heat. This acid has only been attended to within thefe few years. The committee of the Dijon Academy have followed it through all its combinations, and give the beft account of it hitherto pro- duced. Its acid properties are very weak. It reddens the tincture of turnfol; decompofes fulphurets; and unites to all the metals, when they have been previoufly diffolved in fome- other acid. Iron, by this combination, is precipitated of a very deep blue or violet colour. The radi- cal of this acid, if it deferve the name of one, is hitherto entirely unknown : it is contained in * Thefe combinations, which are called Gallats, were all unknown to the older chemifts ; and the order of their affinity is not hitherto eftablifhed.—A. OF CHEMJSTRY. 349 oak, willow, marfti iris, the ftrawberry, nymphea, Peruvian bark, the flowers and bark of pomegranate and in many other woods and barks. Sect. XXXVIII.—Obfervations uponLaclic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bafes*. The only accurate knowledge we have of this acid is from the works of Mr Scheele. It is contained in whey, united to a fmall quantity of earth, and is obtained as follows: Reduce whey to one eighth part of its bulk by evaporation, and filtrate, to feparate all its cheefy matter. Then add as much lime as is neceffary to combine with the acid. The lime is afterwards difengaged by the addition of oxalic acid, which combines with it into an infoluble neutral fait. When the oxalat of lime has been feparated by decantation, evaporate the remaining liquor to the confiftence of honey. The lactic acid is dif- folved by alkohol, which does not unite with the fugar of milk and other foreign matters. Thefe are feparated by filtration from the alkohol * Thefe combinations are called Ladtats. They were all unknown to the older chemifts; and their affinities have not yet been afcertained.—A. 35° ELEMENTS and acid : and the alkohol being evaporated or diftilled off, leaves the lactic acid behind. This acid unites with all the falifiable bafes, forming falts which do not cryftallize; and it feems confiderably to refemble the acetous acid. OF CHEMISTRY. 35* Table of the Combinations of Saccho-laBic Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Lime Saccholat of lime. Barytes barytes. Magnefia magnefia. Potafh potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill argill. Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. arfenic arfenic. bifmuth bifmuth. mercury mercury. antimony antimony. filver filver. Note.—All thefe were unknown to the older chemifts.—A. ELEMENTS Sect. XXXIX.—Obfervations upon Saccho-kftk Acid, and its Combinations. A fpecies of fugar may be extracted, by eva- poration, from whey. This fubftance has long been known in pharmacy, and has a confide- rable refemblance to that procured from the fugar-cane. This faccharine matter, like or- dinary fugar, may be oxygenated by means of nitric acid. For this purpofe, feveral portions of nitric acid are diftilled from it. The remaining liquid is evaporated, and fet to cryftallize, by which means cryftals of oxalic acid are procu- red. At the fame time a very fine white pow- der precipitates, which is the faccho-lactic acid difcovered by Scheele. It is fufceptible of com- bining with all the alkalies, with the earths, and even with the metals. Its action upon the latter is hitherto but little known, except that, with them, it forms difficultly foluble falts. The order of affinity in the table is taken from Bergman. OF CHEMISTRY. 353 Table of the Combinations of Formic Acid with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Barytes Potafli Soda Formiat of barytes. potafli. foda. Lime lime. Magnefia Ammoniac magnefia. ammoniac. Oxyd of zinc manganefe zinc. manganefe. iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper nickel copper. nickel. bifmuth bifmuth* filver Argill filver. argill. Yy fate—All unknown to the older chemifts.—A. 354 ELEMENTS Sect. XL.—Obfervations upon Formic Acid, and its Combinations. This acid was firft obtained, by diftillation from ants j in the laft century, by Samuel Fifher. The fubject was treated of by Margraff, in 1749, and by. Meffrs Ardwiffon and Ochrn of Leipfic, in 1777. The formic acid is extracted from a large fpecies of red ants, formica rufa, Lin. which'form large ant hills in woody' places. It is procured, either by diftilling the ants with a gentle heat in a glafs retort or an alembic; or, after having wafhed the ants in cold water, and dried them upon a cloth, by pouring on boiling water, which diffolves the acid; or the acid may be procured by gentle expreffion from the infects, in which cafe it is ftronger than in any of the former ways. To obtain it pure, we muft rectify, by means of diftillation, which feparates it from the uncombined oily and charry matter; and it may be concentrated by freezing, in the manner recommended for treating the acetous acid. OF CHEMISTRY. 3rf Sect. XLI.—Obfervations upon Bombic Acid, and its Combinations with Acidifiable Bafes *. The juices of the filk-worm feem to affume an acid quality when that infect changes from the larva to the chryfalis ftate. At the moment of its efcape from the latter to the butterfly form, it emits a reddifh liquor, which reddens blue paper, and which was firft attentively obferved by Mr Chauflier of the Dijon Academy. He obtained the acid by infufing filk-worm chryfalids in alkohol, which diffolves their acid without being charged with any of the gummy parts of the infect; and, by evaporating the alkohol, the acid remains tolerably pure. The properties and affinities of this acid are not hitherto afcer- tained with any precifion: and we have reafon to believe, that analogous acids may be procured from other infects. The radical of this acid is probably, like that of the other acids from the animal kingdom, compofed of carbon, hy- drogen, and azot., with the addition, perhaps, of phofphorus, * Thefe combinations, named Bombats, were unknown to the old chemifts; and the affinities of the falifiabk bafes -th the bombic acid are hitherto undetermined.—A. '35* ELEMENTS Table of the Combinations of the Sebacic Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the Order of Affinity. Bafes. Neutral Sabs. Barytes Sehat of barytes. Potafli potafli. Soda foda. Lime lime. Magnefia magnefia. Ammoniac ammoniac. Argill argill. Oxyd of zinc zinc. manganefe manganefe* iron iron. lead lead. tin tin. cobalt cobalt. copper copper. nickel nickel. arfenic arfenic. bifmuth bifmuth. mercury mercury. antimony antimony. filver filver. Note.—All thefe were unknown to the old chemifts.—A. OF CHEMISTRY. 357 Sect, TLll.-^>Obfervations upon Sebacic Acid, and its Combinations. To obtain the febacic acid, let fome fuet be inched in a fldllet over the fire, with fome quick-lime in fine powder, and conftantly ftir- red, raifing the fire towards the end of the operation, and taking care to avoid the vapours, which are very offenfive. By this procefs the febacic acid unites with the lime into a febat of lime, which is difficultly foluble in water. It is, however, feparated from the fatty matters with which it is mixed by folution in a large quantity of boiling water. From this the neutral fait is feparated by evaporation; and, to render it pure, is calcined, re-diffolved, and again cryftallized. After this we pour on a proper quantity of ful- phuric acid, and the febacic acid paffes over by diftillation. 358 ELEMENTS Sect. XLIII.—Obfervations upon the Lithic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bafes *. From the later experiments of Bergman and Scheele, the urinary calculus appears to be a fpecies of fait with an earthy bafis. It is flighty acidulous, and requires a large quantity of water for folution, three grains being fcarcely foluble in a thoufand parts of boiling water; and the greater part again cryftallizes when cold. To this concrete acid, which Mr De Morveau calls the Lithiafic, we give the name of Lithic Acid, the nature and properties of which are hitherto very little known. There is fome appearance that it is an acidulous neutral fait, or acid combined in excefs with a falifiable bafe ; and I have reafon to believe, that it really is an acidulous phofphat of lime ; if fo, it muft be excluded from the clafs of peculiar acids. * All the combinations of this acid, fhould it finally turn out to be one, were unknown to the older chemifts ; and its affinities with the falifiable bafes have not been hitherto determined. —A. OF CHEMISTRY. 359 Table of the Combinations of the Pruffic Acid, with the Salifiable Bafes, in the order of Affinity *. Bafes. Neutral Salts. Potafh Pruffiat of potafh. Soda foda. Ammoniac ammoniac. Lime lime. Barytes Magnefia barytes. magnefia. Oxyd of zinc zinc. iron iron. manganefe cobalt manganefe. cobalt. nickel nickel. lead lead. tin tin. copper bifmuth copper. bifmuth. antimony arfenic antimony. arfenic. filver filver. mercury gold mercury. gold. platina platina. All thefe were unknown to former chemifts,—A. 360 ELEMENTS Sect. XLIV.—Obfervations upon the Pruffic Acid, and its Combinations. As the experiments which have been made ' hitherto upon this acid feem ftill to leave a con- fiderable degree of uncertainty with regard to its nature, I fhall not enlarge upon its properties, and the means of procuring it pure and difengaged from combination. It combines with iron to which it communicates a blue colour; and is equally fufceptible of entering into combination with moft of the other metals, which are precipi- tated from it by the alkalies, ammoniac, and lime, in confequence of greater affinity. The Pruffic radical, from the experiments of Scheele, and efpecially from thofe of Mr Berthollet, feems compofed of carbon and azot; hence it is an acid with a double bafe. The phofphorus, which has been found combined with it, appears, from the experiments of Mr Haffenfratz, to be only accidental. Although this acid combines with alkalies, earths, and metals, in the fame way with other acids, it poffeffes only fome of the properties we have been in ufe to attribute to acids: and it may confequently be improperly ranked here in the clafs of acids. But, as I have already obferved, it is difficult to form a decided opinion OF CHEMISTRY. 361 upon the nature of this fubftance, until the fubjea has been farther elucidated by a greater number of experiments. Sect. XLV—Recapitulation of the foregoing Obfervations on the Acids, and their Combina- tions *. It was thought, that it might be conducive to the convenience and information of the reader, to fubjoin the two following tables. ■ The firft' which is only a recapitulation of what is con! tamed in the foregoing fedtions, gives a Gene- ral view of the order of the affinities of the fali- fiable bafes with the feveral acids, fo far as is hitherto known. Such acids as have a fimilar order of affinity with thefe bafes, are placed together at the head of the fame column ; and hofe of which the order of affinity, between them and the-bafes, have not been hitherto alcertamed, are omitted. The fecond table contains a fpecirren of a general view of the new chemical nomenclature as applied to the neutral falts, both in Latin Zz 362 ELEMENTS and Englifh. The firft column contains the names of the feveral acids; the fecond is a lift of the Latin terms for the neutral falts which thefe produce by union with the falifiable bafes, as pro- pofed in the new French chemical nomenclature; the third is a fyftematic tranflation of thefe terms into Englifh, on exactly analagous principles; the fourth contains another fyftem of Latin no- menclature, founded on that of the French che- mifts, but following rather the plan of Bergman, as already noticed in fome notes; the fifth and laft column is an analagous Englifh tranflation of thefe terms. In the former of thefe tables, the nomencla- ture recommended by Dr Black, as already mentioned in fome former notes, is adopted for the alkaline and earthy falifiable bafes. In the latter, the nomenclature ufed by the French chemifts for thefe fubftances, is retained in the fecond and third fections ; but the propofed alteration is introduced in the fourth and fifth, together with a fimilar alteration, likewife for- merly mentioned in fome notes, for giving names to the metallic oxyds, to diftinguifh thefe from the reguline or perfectly fimple ftate, analagous to alkalies. To tranflate this laft idea of nomenclature into Englifh, required fuch a violent change, that the ufual numes of the metals in Englifli are reUm^d; that, however, OF CHEMISTRY. 563 can induce no ambiguity, and it muft be gene- rally underftood, that no metal can enter into combination with an acid, unlefs it be previoufly oxydated. J 364 ELEMENTS TABLE of the Acids in the order of Affinity. I. Nitrous, Nitric, Sulphurous, Sulphuric,Mu- riatic, and Se- bacic Acid. II. III. Acetous, Ace- tic, and For-iBoracic Acid. mic Acids. Baryta. Lixa. Trona. . Calca. Magnefia. Ammona. Arga. Oxyds of Zinc. Iron. Manganefe. Cobalt. Nickel. Lead. Tin. Copper. Bifmuth. Antimony. Arfenic. Mercury. Silver. Gold. Platina. IV. Nitro-muriatic Acid. Baryta. Lixa. Trona. Calca. Magnefia. Ammona. Oxyds of Zinc. Manganefe. Iron. Lead. Tin. Cobalt. Copper. Nickel. Arfenic. Bifmuth. Mercury. Antimony. Silver. Gold. Platina. Arga. —" Calca. Baryta. Magnefia. Lixa. Trena. Ammona. Oxyds of Zinc. Iron. Lead. Tin. Cobalt. Copper. Nickel. Mercury. Arga. Arga. Ammona. Oxyds of Antimony. Silver. Arfenic. Baryta. Oxyd of Bifmuth. Calca. Oxyds of Cobalt. Copper. Tin. Iron. Magnefia. Oxyds of Manganefe. Mercury. Molybdena. | Nickel. Gold. Platina. Lead. Lixa. Trona. Oxyds of Tungftein. Zinc. OF CHEMISTRY. 365 V. Phofphorous, Phof- phoric, Tungftic, Tartarous, Oxalic and Saccho-lactic A cids. VIII. Fluoric and Arfeniac Acids. Calca. Baryta. Magnefia. Lixa. Trona. Ammona. Oxyds asin Col. II. Arga. XI. Pyro-mucous Acid Lixa. Trona. Baryta. Calca. Magnefia. Ammona. Aiga. Oxyds as in Col. II omitting filver, Gold and Platina. VI. Carbonic Acid. IX. Citric Acid. Baryta. Calca. Magnefia. Lixa. Trona. Ammona OxydsasinCol.il. omitting Tin, Nic- kel, and Bifmuth. Arga._________ XII. Succinic Acid. Baryta. Calca. Lixa. Trona. Ammona. Magnefia. Arga. Oxyds as in Col. I. VII. Murioxic Acid. X. Pyro-lignous Acid. Calca. Baryta. Lixa. Trona. Magnefia. Ammona. . OxydsasinCol.II. :- Arga. XIII. Pruffic Acid. Lixa. Trona; Ammona. Calca. Baryta. Magnefia. Oxyds as in Col. I. I. placing Silver before Mercury. Calca. Baryta. Magnefia. Lixa, Trona. Ammona. Arga. Oxyds as in Col. I. Baryta. Calca. Lixa. Trona. Magnefia. Ammona. Arga. . Oxyds as in Col. I. Baryta. Lixa. Trona. Calca. Magnefia. Arga. Oxyds as inCol. I. 366 ELEMENTS TABLE of the Nomenclature Acids. Lavoifier. Latin. Englifh. Sulphurous. Sulphis potaffse Sulphite of potafh ■■ fodae -------of foda Sulphuric. ■ ■ ammonias Sulphas calcis -------of ammoniac Sulphat of lime „......mifmcfiT -------of barytes Phofphorous. Phofphis potaffe Phofphite of Potafh Phofphoric. Phofphas fodae Phofphat of foda Nitrous. Nitris ammonias Nitrite of ammoniac Nitric. Nitras argenti Nitrat of filver Oxygenated Ni-tric. -----auri oxygenata Oxygenated nitrat of gold Muriatic. Murias mercurii Muriat of mercury Oxygenated Muriatic. ----potafTse oxygenata Oxygenated muriat of potafh Boracic. Boras foda: Borat of foda Acetous. Acetis ammoniae Acetite of ammoniac Acetic, &c. Acetas cupri, &c. Acetat of copper, 8cc. OF CHEMISTRY. 367 of the Neutral Salts. Propofed Alteration. Latin. Englifh. Lixa fulphurofa Sulphurous lixa Trona fulphurofa Ammona fulphurofa Calca fulphurica Sulphuric calca Magnefia fulphurica -----magnefia Baryta fulphurica ----- baryta Arga fulphurica -----arga Lixa phofphorofa Phofphorous lixa Trona phofphorica Phofphoric trona Ammona nitrofa Nitrous ammona Argenta nitrica Nitric filver Aura nitroxica Nitroxic gold Mercuria muriatica Muriatic Mercury Lixa murioxica Murioxic lixa Trona boracica Boracic trona Ammona acetofa Acetous ammona Cupra acetica, &c. 1 Acetic copper, &c. OF CHEMISTRY. 2h PART III. Defcription of the Inftruments and Operations of Chemiftry* INTRODUCTION. IN the two former parts of this work, I defign- edly avoided being particular in defcribing the manual operations of chemiftry -, becaufe I had found, from experience, that, in a work ap- propriated to reafoning, minute defcriptions of proceffes and of plates interrupt the chain of ideas, and render the neceffary attention both difficult and tedious to the reader. On the other hand, if I had confined myfelf to the fummary defcriptions hitherto given, beginners could have only acquired very vague concep- tions of practical chemiftry from my work -, and muft have wanted both confidence and intereft in operations which they could neither repeat nor A a 370 ELEMENTS thoroughly comprehend. This want could not have been fupplied from books ; for, befides that there are not any which defcribe the mo- dern inftruments aad experiments fufficiently at large, any work that could have been confulted, would have prefented thefe things under a very different order of arrangement, and in a dif- ferent chemical language; which muft greatly tend to injure the main object of my perform- ance. Influenced by thefe motives, I determined to referve, for a third part of my work, a fummary defcription of all the inftruments and manipu- lations relative to elementary chemiftry. I con- fider it as better placed at the end than at the beginning of the book; becaufe, otherwife, I muft have been obliged to fuppofe the reader converfant with circumftances, which a beginner cannot know, and to become acquainted with which he muft have previoufly read the elemen- tary part. The whole of this third part may, therefore, be confidered as refembling the ex- planations of places, which are ufually placed at the end of academic memoirs, that they may not interrupt the connection of the text, by lengthened defcription. Though I have taken great pains to render this part clear and methodical, and have not omitted any effential inftrument or apparatus, OF CHEMISTRY. 37* I am far from pretending by it to fet afide the neceffity of attendance upon lectures and labo* ratories, for fuch as wi& to acquire accurate knowledge ofthe fcience of chemiftry. Thefe fhould familiarife themfelves to the employment of apparatus, and to the performance of experi- ments by actual experience. Nihil efi in intel- letlu quod non prius fuerit in fenfu, the motto which the celebrated Rouelle caufed to be paint- ed in large characters on a confpicuous part of his laboratory, is an important truth never to be loft fight of either by teachers or ftudents of chemiftry. Chemical operations may be naturally divided into feveral clalTes, according to the purpofes • they are intended for performing. Some may be confidered as purely mechanical, iuch as the determination ofthe weight and bulk of bodies, trituration, levigation, fearching or lifting, wafh- ing, filtration, &c. Others may be confidered as real chemical operations; becaufe they are performed by means of chemical powers and agents j fuch as folution, fufion, &c. Some of thefe are intended for feparating the elements of bodies from each other; fome for reuniting thefe elements together j and fome, as combuftion, pro- duce both thefe effects during the fame procefs. Without rigoroufly endeavouring to follow the above method, I mean to give a detail of 372 ELEMENTS the chemical operations in fuch order of ar- rangement as feems beft calculated for convey- ing inftruction. I fhall be more particular in defcribing the apparatus connected with modern chemiftry j becaufe'thefe are hitherto little known by men, who have devoted much of their time to chemiftry, and even by many pro- feffors ofthe fcience. CHAP. OF CHEMISTRY. . 373 CHAP. I. Of the Inftruments neceffary for determining the Ab- folute and Specific Gravities of Solid and Liquid Bodies. THE beft method hitherto known for de- termining the quantities of fubftances fub- mitted to chemical experiment, or refulting from them, is by means of accurately conftructed beams and fcales, with properly regulated weights; which well-known operation is called weighing. The denomination and quantity of the weight ufed as an unit or ftandard for this purpofe, are extremely arbitrary •, and vary, not only in diffe- rent kingdoms, but even in different provinces of the fame kingdom, and in different cities of the fame province. This variation is of infinite confequence to be well underftood in commerce and in the arts; but, in chemiftry, it is of no moment what particular denomination of weight be employed, provided the refults of experi- ments be expreffed in convenient fractions of the fame denomination. For this purpofe, un- til all the weights ufed in focifty be reduced to the fame ftandard, it will be fufficient for che- 574 ELEMENTS mills in different parts, to ufe the common pound of their own country, as the unit or ftandard, and to exprefs aH its fractional parts in decimals, inftead of the arbitrary divifions now in ufe. By this method the chemifts of all countries will be thoroughly underftood by each other -, as, al- though the abfolute weights of the ingredients and products cannot be known, they will readily, and without calculation, be able to determine the relative proportions of thefe to each other with the utmoft accuracy j fo that in this way we fhall be poffeffed of an univerfal language for this part of chemiftry. "With this view I have long projected to have the pound divided into decimal fractions ; and I have of late fucceeded, through the afiiftance of Mr. Fourche, balance-maker at Paris, who has executed it fonne with great accuracy and judg- ment. I recommend to all who carry on experi- ments to procure fimilar divifions of the pound, which they will find both eafy and fimple in its application, with a very fmall knowledge of decimal fractions*. • Mr. Lavoifier gives, in this part of his work, very accurate directions for reducing the common fubdivifions of the French pound into decimal fractions, and vice 'verfa, by means of tables, fubjoined to this 3d part. As thefe inftruftions, and the table, weuld be ufelefs to the Britifh Chemift, from the difference between the fubdivifions of the OF CHEMISTRY. 375 As the ufefulnefs and accuracy of chemiftry depend entirely upon the determination of tjie weights of the ingredients and products, both before and after experiments, too much preci- fion cannot be employed in this part ofthe fub- ject ; and, for this purpofe, wc muft be provided with good inftruments. As we are often obli- ged, in chemical proceffes, to afcertain, within a grain or lefs, the tare or weight of large and heavy inftruments, we muft have beams made with peculiar nicety by accurate workmen -, and thefe muft always be kept apart from the laboratory, in fome place where the vapours of acids, or other corrofive liquors, cannot have accefs; otherwife the fteel will ruft, and the accuracy of the balance be deftroyed. I have three fets, of different fizes, made by Mr. Fon- tin with the utmoft nicety; and, excepting thofe made by Mr. Ramfden of London, I do not think any can compare with them for precifion and fenfibility. The largeft of thefe is about three feet long in the beam for large weights, up to fifteen or twenty pounds. The fecond, for weights of eighteen or twenty ounces, is exact French and Troy pounds, I have omitted them ; but have fubjoined, in the appendix, accurate rules for converting the one denomination into the other, together with tables for reducing the various divifions of our Troy pound into deci- mals, and for converting thefe decimals into the ordinary divifions.—T. 376 ELEMENTS to a tenth part of a grain; and the fmalleft, cal- culated only for weighing about one dram, is fen- fibly affected by the five hundredth part of a grain, Befides thefe nicer balances, which are only ufed for experiments of refearch, we muft have others of lefs value, for the ordinary purpofes of the laboratory. A large iron balance, capable of weighing forty or fifty pounds, within half a dram ; one of a middle fize, which may ascer- tain eight or ten pounds, within ten or twelve grains ; and a fmall one, by which about a pound may be determined within one grain. We muft likewife be provided with weights divided into their fevtral fractions, both vulgar and decimal, with the utmoft nicety, and veri- fied by means of repeated and accurate trials in the niceft fcales: and it requires fome experi- ence, and to be accurately acquainted with the different weights, to be able to ufe them pro- perly. The beft way of precifely afcertaining the weight of any particular fubftance, is to weigh it twice, once with the decimal divifions ofthe pound, and another time with the common fub- divifions or vulgar fractions ; and, by comparing thefe, we attain the utmoft accuracy. By the fpecific gravity of any fubftance is underftood the quotient of its abfolute weight divided by its magnitude, or, what is the fame, the weight of a determinate bulk of any body. OF CHEMISTRY. 377 The weight of a determinate magnitude of water has been generally affumed as unity for this pur- pofe i and we exprefs the fpecific gravity of gold, fulphuric acid, &c. by faying, that gold is nine- teen times i and fulphuric acid twice the weight of water; and fo of other bodies. It is the more convenient to affume water as unity in fpecific gravities, that thofe fubftances, whofe fpecific gravity we wifh to determine, are moft commonly weighed in water for that pur- pofe. Thus, if we wifh to determine the fpe- cific gravity of gold flattened under the ham- mer, and fuppofing the piece of gold to weigh 48989t£™« in the air*, it is fufpended by means of a fine metallic wire under the fcale of a hy- droftatic balance, fo as to be entirely immerfed in water, and again weighed. The piece of gold in Mr. Briffon's experiment, loft by this means 253 grs.; and, as it is evident that the weight loft by a body weighed in water is pre- cifely equal to the weight ofthe water difplaced, or to that of an equal volume of water, we may conclude, that, in equal magnitudes, gold weighs 4898^. grs. and water 253 grs. which, reduced to unity, gives 1.0000 as the fpeci- fic gravity of water, and 19.3617 for that of gold. We may operate in the fame manner with all folid fubftances. We have, however, * Vide Mr. Briffon's Effay upon Specific Gravity, p. 5. —A. Bbb 37* ELEMENTS rarely any occafion, in chemiftry, to determine the fpecific gravity of folid bodies, unlefs when operating upon alloys or metallic glaffes; but we have very frequent neceffity to afcertain that of fluids, as it is often the only means of judg- ing of their purity or degree of concentration. This object may be very fully accompliflied, with the hydroftatic balance, by weighing a fo- lid body, fuch, for example, as a little ball of rock cryftal, fufpended by a very fine gold wire, firft in the air, and afterwards in the fluid whofe fpecific gravity we wifh to difcover. The weight loft by the cryftal, when weighed in the liquor, is equal to that of an equal bulk of the liquid. By repeating this operation fuceffively in water and different fluids, we can very readily afcertain, by a fimple and eafy calculation, the relative fpecific gravities of thefe fluids, either with refpect to each other or to water. This method is not, however, fufficiently exact, or, at leaft, is rather troublefome, from its ex- treme delicacy, when ufed for liquids differing but little in fpecific gravity from water j fuch, for inftance, as mineral waters, or any other water containing very fmall portions of fait in folution. In fome operations of this nature, which have not hitherto been made public, I employed an inftrument of great fenfibility for this pur- OF CHEMISTRY. 379 pofe with great advantage. It confifts of a hol- low cylinder, Ab c f, PI. vii. fig. 6. of brafs, or rather of filver, loaded at its bottom, b cf, with tin, as reprefented fwimming in a jug of water, I m n o. To the upper part of the cylinder is attached a (talk of filver wire, not more than three-fourths of a line in diameter, furmounted by a little cup d, intended for containing weights; upon the ftalk a mark is made at g, the ufe of which we fhall prefently explain. This cylin^ der may be made of any flze ; but, to be accu- rate, ought at leaft to difplace four pounds of water. The weight of tin with which this in- ftrument is loaded, ought to be fuch as will make it remain almoft in equilibrium in diftilled water; and fhould not require more than half a dram, or a dram at moft, to make it fink tog. We muft firft determine, with great preci- fion, the exact weight of the inftrument, and the number of additional grains requifite for making it fink, in diftilled water of a determi- nate temperature, to the mark. We then per- form the fame experiment upon all the fluids of which we wifh to afcertain the fpecific gravi- ties ; and by means of calculation, reduce the obferved differences to a common ftandard of cubic feet, pints, or pounds, or of decimal frac- tions, comparing them with water, This me- 38o ELEMEN TS thod, joined to experiments with certain re- agents*, is one of the beft for determining the quality of waters, and is even capable of point- ing out differences which efcape the moft accu- rate chemical analyfis. I fhall, at fome future period, give an account of a very extenfive fet of experiments which I have made upon this fubject. Thefe metallic hydrometers arc only to be ufed for determining the fpecific gravities of fuch waters as contain only neutral falts or al- kaline fubftances ; and they may be conftructed with different degrees of ballaft for alkohol and other fpiritous liquors. When the fpecific gra- vities of acid liquors are to be afcertained, we muft ufe a glafs hydrometer, as reprefented PI. vii. fig. I4f. This confifts of a hollow cy- linder of glafs, a b cf, hermetically fealed at its lower end, and drawn out at the upper extre- mity, into a capillary tube a, ending in the little cup or bafon d. This inftrument is ballafted with more or lefs mercury, at the bottom of the cylinder, introduced through the tube, in pro- * For the ufe of thefe reagents fee Bergman's excellent treatife upon the analyfis of mineral waters, in his Chemical and Phyfical Effays.—T. f Some years ago, that is, before 1787, I have feen fi- milar glafs hydrometers, made for Dr. Black by E. Kn e, a very ingenious Artift of this city.—T. OF CHEMISTRY. 381 portion to the weight of the liquor intended to be examined. We may introduce a fmall gradu- ated flip of paper into the tube a d; and, though thefe degrees do not exactly correfpond to the fractions of grains in the different liquors, they may be rendered very ufeful in calculation. What is faid in this chapter may fuffice, with- out farther enlargement, for indicating the means of afcertaining the abfolute and fpecific gravities of folids and fluids, as the neceffary inftruments are generally known, and may eafily be procu- red. But, as the inftruments I have ufed for meafuring the gaffes are not any where defcribed, I fhall give a more detailed account of thefe in the following chapter. CHAP. 38s ELEMENTS CHAP II. Of Gazometry, or the Meafurement of the Weight and Volume of Aeriform Subftances. SECT. I. Defcription of the Pneumato-chemical Apparatus. THE French chemifts have of late applied the name of pneumato-chemical apparatus to the very fimple and ingenious contrivance, invented by Dr. Prieftly, which is now indifpen- fibly neceffary to every laboratory. This con- fifts of a wooden trough, of larger or fmaller dimenfions, as is thought convenient, lined with plate-lead or tinned copper, as reprefented in perfpective, PI. V.—In Fig. i. the fame trough or ciftern is fuppofed to have two of its fides cut away, to fhew its interior construction more di- ftindtly. In this apparatus, we diftinguifh be- tween the fhelf ABCD Fig. I. and 2. and the bottom or body of the ciftern FGHI Fig. 2. OF CHEMISTRY 383 The jars or bell-glaffes are filled with water in this deep part, and, being turned with their mouth s downwards, are afterwards fet upon the fhelf ABCD, as fhewn Plate X. Fig. 1. F.—The up- per parts of the fides of the ciftern, above the level ofthe fhelf, are called the rim or borders. The ciftern ought to be filled with water, fo as to ftand at leaft an inch and a half deep over the fhelf; and it fhould be of fuch dimenfions as to admit of at leaft one foot of water in every direction in the well, or ciftern. The fize above defcribed is fufficient for ordinary occafions; but it is often convenient, and even neceffary, to have more room. I would therefore advife fuch as intend to employ themfelves ufefully in che- mical experiments, to have this apparatus made of confiderable magnitude, where their place of operating will allow. The well of my principal ciftern holds four cubical feet of water, and its fhelf has a furface of fourteen fquare feet: yet, in fpite of this fize, which I at firft thought irn- . moderate, I am often ftraitened for room. In laboratories, where a confiderable number of experiments are performed, it is neceffary to have feveral leffer cifterns, befides the large one which may be called the general magazine ; and even fome portable ones, which may be moved when neceffary, near a furnace, or wherever they may be wanted. There are likewife fome 3*4 ELEMENTS •petitions which dirty the water ofthe appara- tus, and therefore require to be carried on in cif- terns by themfelves. It were doubtlefs confiderably cheaper to ufe cifterns of wood, fimply dove-tailed, or iron- bound tubs, inftead of being lined with lead or copper; and in my firft experiments I ufed the n made in that way; but I foon difcovered their inconvenience. If the water be not always kept at the fame level, fuch of the dovetails as are left dry, fhrink, and, when more water is added, it efcapes through the joints, and runs out. We employ cryftal jars or bell glaffes, PI. V. Fig- 9. A. for containing the gaffes in this ap- paratus. And, for tranfporting thefe, when full of gas, from one ciftern to another, or for keep- ing them in referve, when the ciftern is too full, we make ufe of a flat difh BC, furrounded by a ftanding up rim or border, with two handles DE for carrying it by. After feveral trials of different materials, I have found marble the beft fubftance for con-? . ftructing the mercurial pneumato-chemical ap- paratus ; as it is perfectly impenetrable by mer- cury, and is not liable, like wood, to feparate at the junctures, or to allow the mercury to efcape through chinks; neither does it run the rifk of breaking, like glafs, ftone-ware, or porcelain. Take a block of marble BCDE, Plate V. Fig. 3. OF CHEMISTRY. 385 and 4. about two feet long, 15 or 18 inches broad, and ten inches thick, and caufe it to be hollowed out, as at m n, Fig. 5. about four inches deep, as a refervoir for the mercury; and, to be able more conveniently to fill the jars, cut the gutter T V, Fig. 3. 4. and 5. at leaft four inches deeper; and as this trench may fometimes prove troublefome, it is made capable of being covered at pleafure by thin boards, which flip into the grooves x y, Fig. 5. I have two marble citterns upon this construction, of different fizes, by which I can always employ one of them as a re- fervoir of mercury, which it preferves with more fafety than any other veffel, being neither fubject to overturn, nor to any other accident. We operate with mercury in this apparatus exactly as with water in the one before defcribed ; but the bell- glaffes muft be of fmaller diameters, and much ftronger; or we may ufe glafs tubes, having their mouths widened, as in Fig. 7. ; thefe arc called eudiometers, by the glafs-men who fell them. One ofthe bell-glaffes is reprefented Fig. 5. A. ftand- ing in its place; and what is called a jar is engra- ved at Fig. 6. The mercurial pneumato- chemical apparatus is neceffary in all experiments wherein the difengaged gaffes are capable of being abforbed by water; as is frequently the cafe, efpecially in all combinations,- excepting thofe of metals, in fermentation, &c. C c c 3§5 £ L £ M E M T § SECT. II. Of the Gazometer. I give the name of gazometer to ah inftru- ment which I invented, and caufed to be con- ducted, for the purpofe of a kind of bellows, which might furnifh an uniform and continued ftream of oxygen gas in experiments of fufion. Mr Meufnier and I have fince made very confider- able corrections and additions, having converted it into what may be called an univerfal instrument, without which it is hardly poffible to perform moft ofthe very exact experiments. The name we have given the inftrument indicates its intenti- on for meafuring the volume or quantity of gas fubmitted to it for examination. It confifts of a ftrong iron beam, DE, PI. VIII. Fig. i, three feet long, having at each end, D, and E, afegmentofa circle, likewife ftrongly contracted of iron, and very firmly joined. Inftead of being poifed as in ordinary ba- lances, this beam refts, by means of a cylindri- cal axis of polifhed fteel, F, Fig. 9. upon two large moveable brafs friction-wheels, by which the refiftance to its motion from friction is confi- derably diminifhed, being converted into friction of the fecond order. As an additional preeau- OF CHEMISTRY. #7 tion, the parts of thefe wheels which fupport the axis ofthe beam are covered with plates of policed rock-cryftal. The whole of this machi-, nery is .fixed to the top of the folid column of wood BC, Fig. 1. To one extremity D of the beam, a fcale P, .for holding weights, is fufpend.- ed by a flat chain, which applies to the curvature of the arc uTk, in a groove made for the pur- pofe. To the other extremity E ,of the beam is applied another flat chain, / k tn, fo conftrudbeo', as to be incapable of lengthening or iho.rtening, by being lefs or more charged wjth we,ight. To this cha,in, an iron trivet, with three branches, at, ci, and fy, is ftrongly fixed at / / and thefe branches fupport a large inverted jar A, of ham- mered copper, about 1* inches diameter, jtrtf ■%q inches deep. The whole of this machine j§ reprefented in perspective, PI. VIII. Fig. 1 : anjl PI. IX. Fig. 2. aqd 4. give perpendicular fac- tions, which fhew its interior ftructure. iRowndijhe bottom (of the jar, on its outfide, is fixed, PI. IX. pig. 2. a border divided into compartments 1, 2, 3, ,4, ,&c. intended' to re- ceive leaden weights feparately reprefepted 1, 2> 3> F'g- 3- Thefe are intended fqr jncreafing the weight of the jar, when ^confiderable pref- fure is requifite, as will be afterwards explain- ed, though fuch .neeeffity fcldom occurs. The cylindrical jar A is entirely open below, de, PI. IX. Fig. 4.; but js clofed .above, with jx copper 3S8 ELEMENTS lid a b c, open at b f, and capable of being fhut by the cock g. This lid, as may be fcen by in- fpecting the figures, is placed a few inches within the top of the jar, to prevent the jar from being ever entirely immerfcd in the water, and covered over. Were I to have this inftrument made over again, I fhould caufe the lid to be confiderably more flattened, fo as to be almoft level. This jar or refervoir of air is contained in the cylin- drical copper veffel LMNO, PI. VIII. Fig. i. filled with water. In the middle of the cylindrical veffel LMNO, PI. IX. Fig. 4. are placed two tubes st, xy, which are made to approach each other at their upper extremities ty. Thefe are made of fuch a length as to rife a little above the upper edge LM ofthe veffel LMNO: and when the jar abcde touches the bottom NO, their upper ends enter about half an inch into the conical hollow b, lead- ing to the ftop-cockg. The bottom ofthe veffel LMNO is reprefent- ed PI. IX. Fig. 3. in the middle of which a fmall hollow hemifpherical cap is foldered, which may be confidered as the broad end of a funnel reverfed; the two tubes st, xy, Fig. 4. are ad- apted to this cap at s and x, and by this means communicate with the tubes mm, nn, 00, pp, Fig. 3. which are fixed horizontally upon the bottom ofthe veffel, and all of which terminate in, and are united by, the fpherical cap sx. Th*ee of OF CHEMISTRY, 389 thefe tubes are continued out of the veffel, as in PI. VIII. Fig. 1. The firft marked in that figure i> 2, 3, is inferted at its extremity 3, by means of an intermediate flop-cock 4, to the jar V. which ftands upon the fhelf of a fmall pneumato- chemical apparatus GHIK, the infide of which is fhewn PI. IX. Fig. 1. The fecond tube is ap- plied againft the outfide ofthe veffel LMNO from 6 to 7 ; is continued at 8, 9, 10; and at 11 is en- gaged below the jar V. The former of thefe tubes is intended for conveying gas into the: machine, and the latter for conducting fmall quantities for trials under jars. The gas is made either to flow into ar out ofthe machine, accord- ing to the degree of preffure it receives; and this preffure is varied at pleafure, by loading the fcale P lefs or more, by means of weights. When gas is to be introduced into the machine, the pref- fure is taken off, or even rendered negative; but when gas is to be expelled, a preffure is made with fuch degree of force as is found neceffary. The third tube 12, 13, 14, 15, is intended for conveying air or gas to any neceffary place or apparatus for combuftions, combinations, or any other experiment in which it may be required. To explain the ufe ofthe fourth tube/ I muft enter into fome difcuffions. Suppofe the veffel LMNO, PI. VIII. Fig. 1. full of water, and the jar A partly filled with gas, and partly with water; it is evident that the weights in the ba-' 3^> ELEMENTS fon P may be fb adjufted, as to-ocea$$fl an ex- act equilibrium between the weight «f the bafon and ofthe jar,fo that the external air fhall not tend to enter into the jar, nor the gas to efcape from it: and in this cafe, the water will ftand exactly at the fame level, both within and without the jar. On the contrary, if the weight io the bafon P be diminiftied, the jar will thenprefs downwards from its own gravity, and the water will ftand lower within the jar than it does without: in this cafe, the included air or gas will fuffer a degree of comprefiion above that experienced by the ex- ternal air, exactly proportioned to the weight of a column of water, equal to the difference ofthe external and internal furfaces ofthe water. tFrom thefe reflections, Mr Meufnier contrived a method of determining the exact degree of pref- fure to which the gas contained in the jar is at any time expofed. For this purpofe, he employs a-double glafs fyphon, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, firmly cemented at 19 and 23. The extremity 19 of this fyphon communicates freely with the water in the external veffel of the machine: and the extremity 23 communicates with the fourth tube, at the bottom of the cylindrical veffel; and confequently by means of the perpendicular tube st, PI. IX. Fig. 4. with the air contained in the jar. He likewife cements, at 16, PI. VIII. Fig. 1.-another glafs tube, 16, 17, 18, which OF CHEMISTRY. 39* communicates at 16 with the water in the exte- rior veffel LMNOi and, at its upper end 18, is open to the external air. By thefe feveral Contrivances, it is evident, that the water muft ftand in the tube 16, 17, 18, at the fame level With that in the Cifterri LMNO; ahd, on the contrary, that, in the branch 1^, 20, 21, it muft ftand higher or lower acedrdteg as the air in the jar is fubjected to a greater of leffer preffure than the external air. To afcer- tain thefe differences, a brafs fcale, divided irito inches and lines, is fixed betweert thefe two tubes, it is readily conceived, that, as air, and all other elaftic fluids, niirft increafe in Weight by compreffion, it is neceffary to know their degree of condenfation, to be enabled to calcu- late their quantities, and to convert the meafure of their volumes into correfpondent weights: and this objeft is intended to be fulfilled by the contrivance now defcribed. But, to determine the fpecific gravity of air, or of gaffes, and to afcertain their weight in a known volume, it is neceffary to know their tempera- ture, as well as the degree of preffure under Which they fubfift: and this is accomplished by means of a fmall thermometer, ftrortgly Cement- ed into a brafs collet, which fcrews into the lid of the jar A. This thermometer is reprefented feparately, PI. VIII. Fig. 10. and in its place 24, 2$> Fig. 1. ahd Pi. IX. Fig. 4. The bulb is 39* ELEMENTS in the infide ofthe jar A, and its graduated ftalk rifes on the outfide of the lid. The practice of gazometry would ftill have laboured under great difficulties, without farther precautions than thofe above defcribed. When the jar A finks in the water of the ciftern LMNO, it muft lofe a weight equal to that of the water which it difplaces; and confequently the compreflion which it makes upon the con- tained air or gas muft be proportionally dimi- nifhed. Hence the gas furnifhed, during experi- ments, from the machine, will not have the fame denfity towards the end, which it had at the begin- ing, as its fpecific gravity is continually dimi- nifhing. This difference may, it is true, be de- termined by calculation: but this would have occafioned fuch mathematical inveftigations, as muft have rendered the ufe of this apparatus both troublefome and difficult. Mr Meufnier has remedied this inconvenience, by the follow- ing contrivance. A fquare rod of iron, 26, 27, PI. VIII. Fig. 1. is raifed perpendicular to the middle of the beam DE. This rod paffes through a hollow box of brafs 28, which opens, and may be filled with lead: and this box is made to Aide along the rod, by means of a toothed pinion playing in a rack, fo as to raife or lower the box, and to fix it at fuch places as is judged proper. When the lever or beam DE ftands horizon- OF CHEMISTRY. 393 tal, this box gravitates to neither fide.' But, when the jar A finks into the ciftern LMNO, fo as to make the beam incline to that fide, it is evident the loaded box 28, which then paffes beyond the centre of fufpenfion, muft gravi- tate to the fide of the jar, and augment its preffure upon the included air. This is in- creafed in proportion as the box is raifed to- wards 27; becaufe the fame weight exerts a greater power in proportion to the length of the lever by which it acts. Hence, by moving the box 28 along the rod 26, 27, we can aug- ment or diminifli the correction it is intended to make upon the preffure of the jar : and both experience and calculation fhew, that this may be made to compenfate very exactly for the lofs of weight in the jar at all degrees of preffure. I have not hitherto explained the moft im- portant part of the ufe of this machine, which is the manner of employing it for afcertaining the quantities of the air or gas furnifhed during experiments. To determine this with the moft rigorous precifion, and likewife the quantity fupplied to the machine from experiments, we fix to the arc which terminates the arm of the beam E, PI. VIII. Fig. 1. the brafs fector lm, divided into degrees and half degrees, which confequently moves in common with the beam: and the lowering of this end of the Ddd 394 ELEMENTS beam is meafured by the fixed index 29, ^o, which has a Nonius giving hundredth parts of a degree, at its extremity 30. The whole particulars of the different parts of the above defcribed machine, are reprefented in Plate VIII. as follow. Fig. 2. Is the flat chain invented by Mr Vau- canfon, and employed for fufpending the fcale Or bafon P, Fig. 1. But, as this lengthens or fhortens according as it is more or lefs loaded, it would not have anfwered for fufpending the jar A, Fig. 1. Fig. 5. Is the chain ikm, which in Fig. I. fuftains the jar A. This is entirely form- ed of plates, of polifhed iron, interlaced into each other, and held together by iron pins. This chain does not lengthen in any fenfible degree, by any weight it is capable of fupporting. Fig 6. The trivet, or three-branched ft'irrup, by which the jar A is hung to the balance, with the fcrew by which it is fixed in an accurately vertical pofition. Fig. 3. The iron rod 26, 27, which is fixed perpendicular to the centre of the beam, with its box 28. Fig. 7. & 8. The friction-wheels, with the piates of rock-cryftal Z, as points of contact by which the friction ofthe axes ofthe lever ofthe balance is avoided. OF CHEMISTRY. 39S Fig. 4. The piece of metal which fupports the axis of the friction-wheels. Fig. 9. The middle ofthe lever or beam, with the axis upon which it moves. Fig. 10. The thermometer for determining th« temperature ofthe air or gas contained in the jar. When this gazometer is to be ufed, the ciftern or external veffel, LMNO, PI. VIII. Fig. 1. is to be filled with water to a determinate height, which fhould be the fame in all experiments. The level ofthe water fhould be taken when the beam of the balance ftands horizontal. This le- vel, when the jar is at the bottom of the ciftern, is increafed by all the water which it difplaces, and is diminifhed in proportion as the jar riles to its higheft elevation. We next endeavour, by repeated trials, to difcover at what elevation the box 28 muft be fixed, to render the preffure equal in all fituations ofthe beam. I fhould have faid nearly, becaufe this correction is not abfolutely rigorous: and differences of a quarter, or even of half a line, are not of any confequence. This height of the box 28 is not the fame.for every degree of preffure ; but varies according as this is of one, two, three, or more inches. All thefe fhould be regiftered with great order and precifion. We next take a bottle which holds eight or ten pints, the capacity of which is very accu- rately determined by weighing the water it is 396 ELEMENTS capable of containing. This bottle is turned bottom upwards, full of water in the ciftern of the pneumato-chemical apparatus GHIK, Fig. i. and is fet on its mouth upon the fhelf of the apparatus, inftead of the glafs jar V, having the extremity n ofthe tube 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, m- ferted into its mouth. The machine is fixed at zero of preffure ; and the degree marked by the index 30 upon the fector m I is accurately ob- ferved. Then, by opening the ftop-cock 8, and prefling a little upon the jar A, as much air is forced into the bottle as fills it entirely. The degree marked by the index upon the fector is now obferved; and we calculate what number of cubical inches correfpond to each degree. We then fill a fecond and third bottle, and fo on, in the fame manner, with the fame precau- tions, and even repeat the operation feveral times with bottles of different fizes, till at laft, by accurate attention, we afcertain the exact gage or capacity of the jar A, in all its parts. But it is better to have it formed at firft accu- rately cylindrical; by which we avoid thefe cal- culations and eftimates. The inftrument I have been defcribing was conftructed with great accuracy and uncommon (kill by Mr Meignie junior, engineer and phyfi- cal inftrument-maker . It is a moft valuable in- strument, from the great number of purpofes to OF CHEMISTRY. 397 which it is applicable ; and, indeed, there are many experiments which are almoft impoffible to be performed without it. It becomes ex- penfive, becaufe, in many experiments, fuch as the formation of water and of nitric acid, it is abfolutely neceffary to employ two of the fame machines. In the prefent advanced ftate of che- miftry, very expenfive and complicated inftru- ments are become indifpenfably neceffary, for af- ' certaining the analyfis and fynthefis of bodies, with the requifite precifion as to quantity and pro- portion. It is certainly proper to endeavour to fimplify thefe, and to render them lefs coftly ; but this ought by no means to be attempted at the expence of their conveniency of application, and much lefs of their accuracy. SECT. III. Some other Methods of meafuring the Volume of Gaffes. The gazometer defcribed in the foregoing fection is too coftly and too complicated for be- ing generally ufed in laboratories for meafuring the gaffes, and is not even applicable to every circumftance of this kind. In numerous feries of experiments, more fimple and more readily applicable methods muft be employed. For this 393 ELEMENTS purpofe, I fhall defcribe the means I ufed before I was in poffeflion of a gazometer, and which I ftill ufe in preference to it, in the ordinary courfe of my experiments. Suppofe that, after an experiment, there is a refiduum of gas, neither abforbable by alkali nor water, contained in the upper part of the jar AEF, PI. IV. Fig. 3. Handing on the fhelf of a pneumato-chemical apparatus, of which we wifh to afcertain the quantity ; we muft firft mark the height to which the mercury or water rifes in the jar with great exactnefs, by means of flips of paper pafted in feveral parts round the jar. If we have been operating in mercury, we be- gin by difplacing the mercury from the jar, by introducing water in its ftead. This is readily done by filling a bottle quite full of water ; ha- ving flopped it with your finger, turn it up, and introduce its mouth below the edge of the jar ; then, turning down its body again, the mer- cury, by its gravity, falls into the bottle, and the water rifes in the jar, and takes the place occupied by the mercury. When this is ac- compliihed, pour fo much water into the cif- tern ABCD as will ftand about an inch over the furface ofthe mercury; then pafs the difh BC, PL V. Fig. 9. under the jar, and carry it to the water ciftern, Fig. 1. and 2. We here ex- change the gas into another jar, which has OF CHEMISTRY. 399 been previoufly graduated in the manner to be afterwards defcribed : and we thus judge ofthe quantity or volume of the gas by means of the degrees which it occupies in the graduated jar. There is another method of- determining the volume of gas, which may either be fubftituted in place of the one above defcribed, or may be ufefully employed as a correction or proof of that method. After the air or gas is exchanged from the firft jar, marked with flips of paper, into the graduated jar, turn up the mouth of the marked jar, and fill it with water exactly to the marks EF, PI. IV. Fig. 3. and by weighing the water, the volume of the air or gas it con- tained may be determined ; allowing one cubical foot or 1728 cubical inches, French meafure, for each 70 lbs. French weight, or the fame cubical volume, in Englifh meafure, for each 75.84 lbs. Englifh Troy, of the water. The manner of graduating jars fof this pur- pofe is very eafy; and we ought to be provided with feveral of different fizes, and even feveral of each fize, in cafe of accidents. Take a tall, narrow, and ftrong glafs jar, and, having filled it with water in the ciftern, PI. V. Fig. 1. place it upon the fhelf ABCD. We ought always to ufe the fame place for this operation, that the level of the fhelf may be always exactly fimilar, by which almoft the only error to which this pro- 400 E LEMENTS cefs is liable will be avoided. Then take a nar- row mouthed phial holding exactly 5 oz. 2 drams, 12 grs. of water, which correfponds to 10 cu- bical inches. If you have not one exactly of this dimenfion, choofe one a little larger, and diminifh its capacity to the fize requifite, by dropping in a little melted wax and rofin. This fmall phial ferves the purpofe of a ftandard for gaging the jars. Make the air contained in this bottle pafs into the jar, and mark exactly the place to which the water has defcended. Add anothe» meafure of air, and again mark the place of the water, andfo on, till all the water.be difplaced. It is of great confequence, that, du- ring the courfe of this operation, the bottle and jar be kept at the fame temperature with the wa- ter in the ciftern : and, for this reafon, we muft refrain, as much as poffible, from keeping the hands upon either, or, if we fufpcct they have been heated, we muft cool them again by means of the water in the ciftern. The height of the barometer and thermometer during this experi- ment is of no confequence. When the marks have been thus afcertained upon the jar for every ten cubical inches, we engrave a fcale upon one of its fides, by means of a diamond pencil. Glafs tubes are graduated in the fame manner, for ufing in the mercurial apparatus,, only. they muft be divided inrc OF CHEMISTRY. 401 cubical inches, and tenths of a cubical inch. The bottle ufed for gaging thefe muft hold 7 oz. 1 dr. 1$ grs. of mercury, which exactly corref- pond to a cubical inch of that metal. This method of determining the volume of air or gas, by means of a graduated jar, has the ad- vantage of not requiring any correction for the difference of the height between the furface of the water within the jar, and in the ciftern ; but it requires corrections with refpect to the height ofthe barometer and thermometer. But when we afcertain the volume of air by weigh- ing the water which the jar is capable of con- taining, up to the marks EF, it is neceffary to make a farther correction, for the difference be- tween the furface of the water in the ciftern, and the height to which it rifes within the jar. This will be explained in the fifth fection of this chapter. SECT. IV. Of the Method of feparating the different Gaffes from each other. As experiments often produce two, three, or more fpecies of gas, it is neceffary to be able to feparate thefe from each other, that we may af- certain the quantity and fpecies of each. Sup- E e e 402 ELEMENTS pofe that under the jar A, PI. IV. Fig. 3. is contained a quantity of different gaflfes mixed together, and ftandingover mercury. We begin by marking with flips of paper, as before direc- ted, the height at which the mercury ftands within the glafs; and then introduce about a cu- bical inch of water into the jar, which will fwim over the furface ofthe mercury. If the mixture of gas contains any muriatic or fulphurous acid gas, a rapid and confiderable abforption will inftantly take place, from the ftrong tendency thefe two gaffes have, efpecially the former, to combine with, or be abforbed by water. If the water only produces a flight abforption of gas, hardly equal to its own bulk, we conclude, that the mixture neither contains muriatic acid, ful- phuric acid, or ammoniacal gas, but that it con- tains carbonic acid gas, of which water only ab- forbs about its own bulk. To afcertain this conjecture, introduce fome folution of cauftic alkali, and the carbonic acid gas will be gra- dually abforbed in the courfe of a few hours. It combines with the cauftic alkali or potafh : and the remaining gas is left almoft perfectly free from any fenfible refiduum of carbonic acid gas. After each experiment of this kind, we muft carefully mark the height at which the mercury Hands within the jar, by flips of paper pafted on, and varnifhed over when dry, that they may OF CHEMISTRY. 403 not be wafhed off, when placed in the water ap- paratus. It is likewife neceffary to regifter the difference between the furface of the mercury in the ciftern, and that in the jar, and the height "of the barometer and thermometer, at the end of each experiment. When all the gas or gaffes abforbable by wa- ter and potafh are abforbed, water is admitted into the jar to difplace the mercury : and, as is defcribed in the preceding fection, the mercury in the ciftern is to be covered by one or two inches of water. After this, the jar is to be tranfported, by means of the flat difh BC, PI. V. Fig. 9. into the water apparatus; and the quan- tity of gas remaining is to be afcertained by changing it into a graduated jar. After this, fmall trials of it are to be made by experiments in little jars, to afcertain nearly the nature of the gas in queftion. For inftance, into a fmall jar full ofthe gas, Fig. 8. PI. V. a lighted taper is introduced. If the taper is not immediately extinguifhed, we conclude the gas to contain oxygen gas: and, in proportion to the bright- nefs of the flame, we may judge if it contains lefs or more oxygen gas than atmofpheric air contains. If, on the contrary, the taper be in- ftantly extinguifhed, we have ftrong reafon to prefume that the refiduum is chiefly compofed of azotic gas. If, upon the approach ofthe ta- per, the gas takes fire, and burns quietly at the 4°4 ELEMENT S furface with a white flame, we conclude it to be pure hydrogen gas. If this flame is blue, we judge it confifts of carbonated hydrogen gas; and, if it takes fire with a fudden deflagration, that it is a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gas. If, again, upon mixing a portion of the refidu- um with oxygen gas, red fumes are produced, we conclude that it contains nitrous gas. Thefe preliminary trials give feme general knowledge of the properties of the gas, and nature of the mixture, but are not fufficient to determine the proportions and quantities of the feveral gaffes of which it is compofed. For this purpofe, all the methods of analyfis muft be em- ployed ; and, to direct thefe properly, it is of great ufe to have a previous approximation by the above methods. Suppofe, for inftance, we know that the refiduum confifts of oxygen and azotic gas mixed together, put a determinate quantity, ioo parts, into a graduated tube often or twelve lines diameter, introduce a folution of fulphuret of potafh in contact with the gas, and leave them together for fome days; the fulphu- ret abforbs the whole oxygen gas, and leaves the azotic gas pure. If it is known to contain hydrogen gas, a de- terminate quantity is introduced into Volta's eudiometer, along with a known proportion of oxygen gas. Thefe are deflagrated together by means of the electrical fpark. Frefh portions of O F C H E M I S T R Y. 405 oxygen gas are fucceflively added, till no far- ther deflagration takes place, and till the greateft poffible diminution is produced. By this procefs, water is formed, which is immediately abforbed by the water of the apparatus. But, if the hy- drogen gas contain carbon, carbonic acid is form- ed at the fame time, which is not abforbed fo quickly. The quantity of this is readily afcertain- ed by afiifting its abforption, by means of agita- tion. If the refiduum contains nitrous gas, by adding oxygen gas, with which it combines into nitric acid, we can very nearly afcertain its quan- tity, from the diminution produced by this mix- ture. I confine myfelf to thefe general examples, which are fufficient to give an idea of this kind of operations. A whole volume would not ferve to explain every poffible cafe. It is neceffary to become familiar with the analyfis of gaffes by long experience. We muft even acknowledge that they moftly poffefs fuch powerful affinities to each other, that we are not always certain of ha- ving feparated them completely. In thefe cafes, we muft vary our experiments in every poffible point of view ; adding new agents to the combi- nation, and keeping out others; and muft conti- nue our trials, till we are certain of the truth and exactitude of our conclusions. SECT. 406 ELEMENTS SECT. V. Ofthe neceffary Corrections upon the Volume of the Gaffes, according to the Preffure of the Atmof- phere. All elaftic fluids are compreflible or conden- fible, in proportion to the weight with which they are loaded. Perhaps this law, which is af- certained by general experience, may fuffer fome irregularity when thefe fluids are under a degree of condenfation almoft fufficient to reduce them to the liquid ftate, or when either in a ftate of extreme rarefaction or condenfation. But we fel- dom approach either of thefe limits with moft of the gaffes which we fubmit to our experiments. I understand this proposition of gaffes being com- preflible, in proportion to their fuperincumbent weights, as follows. A barometer, which is an inftrument gene- rally known, is, properly fpeaking, a fpecies of fyphon, ABCD, PI. XII. Fig. 16. whofe leg AB is filled with mercury, while the leg CD is full of air. If we fuppofe the branch CD indefinitely continued till it equals the height of our atmo- fphere, we can readily conceive that the baro- meter is, in reality, a fort of balance, in which OF CHEMISTRY. 407 a column of mercury ftands in equilibrium with a column of air of the fame weight. But it is unneceffary to prolongate the branch CD to fuch a height; as it is evident that the barome- ter being immerfed in air, the column of mer- cury AB will be equally in equilibrium with a column of air of the fame diameter, though the leg CD be cut off at C, and the part CD be ta- ken away altogether. The medium height of mercury in equili- brium with the weight of a column of air, from the higheft part ofthe atmofphere to the furface ofthe earth, is about twenty-eight French or 29.85 Englifh inches in the lower parts of the city of Paris : or, in other words, the air at the furface of the earth at Paris, is ufually preffed upon by a weight equal to that of a column of mercury twenty-eight inches in height. I muft be underftood in this way, in the feveral parts of this publication, when talking ofthe different gaffes j as, for inftance, when the cubical foot of oxygen gas is faid to weigh 538.45 grj. under 29.85 inches preffure. The height of this column of mercury,, fupported by the preffure of the air, diminifhes in proportion as we are elevated above the furface of the earth, or rather above the level ofthe fea; becaufe the mercury can only form an equilibrium with the column of air which is above it, and is not in the fmalleft de- gree affected by the air which is below its level. 4oS ELEMENTS In what ratio does the mercury in the baro- meter defcend in proportion to its elevation ? or, which is the fame thing, according to what law or ratio do the feveral ftrata of the atmofphere decreafe in denfity ? this queftion, which has exercifed the ingenuity of natural philofophers during the laft century, is confiderably elucidated by the following experiment. If we take the glafs fyphon ABCDE, PI. XII. Fig. 17. fhut at E, and open at A, and introduce a few drops of mercury, fo as to intercept the communication of air between the leg AB and the leg BE, it is evident, that the air contained in BCDE is preffed upon, in common with the whole furrounding air, by a weight or column of air equal to 29.85 inches of mercury. But, if we pour 29.85 .inches of mercury into the leg AB, it is plain that the air in the branch BCDE will then be preffed upon by a weight equal to twice 29.85 inches of mercury, or twice the weight ofthe atmofphere. And experience fhews, that in this cafe, the included air, inftead of filling the tube from B to E, only occupies from C to E, or exactly one half of the fpace it filled before. If to this firft column of mercury we add two other portions of 29.85 inches each, in the branch AB, the air, in the branch BCDE, will be preffed upon by four times the weight of the atmofphere, or four times the weight of 29.85 inches of mercury. And it will then only fill the OF CHEMISTRY. fpace from D to E, or exactly one quarter of the fpace it occupied at the commencement of the experiment. From thefe experiments, which may be infinitely varied, it has been deduced, as a general law of nature, which feems applicable to all permanently elaftic fluids, that they dimi- nifli in volume directly in proportion to the weights with which they are preffed ; or, in o- ther words, " the volume of all elaftic fluids is in the 6f inverfe ratio ofthe weight by which they are com- "preffed." The experiments which have been made for meafuring the heights of mountains by means of the barometer, confirm the truth of thefe de- ductions: and, even fuppofing them in fome degree inaccurate, thefe differences are fo ex- tremely fmall, that they may be reckoned as no- thing in chemical experiments. When this law of the compreflion of elaftic fluids is once well underftood, it becomes eafily applicable to the corrections, neceffary in pneumato-chemical ex- periments, upon the volume of gas, in relarion to its preffure. Thefe corrections are of two kinds, the one relative to the variations ofthe barome- ter, and the other for the column of water or mercury contained in the jars. I fhall endeavour to explain thefe by examples, beginning with the moft fimple cafe. Suppofe that ioo cubical inches of oxygen gas are obtained at inches 54.50 ofthe thermo- Ffr 4i« ELEMENTS meter, and at 30.37 inches of the barometer } it is required to know what volume the 100 cubical inches of gas would occupy, under the preffure of 29.85 inches, and what is the exact weight of the 100 inches of oxygen gas ? Let the unknown volume, or the number of inches this gas would occupy at 29.85 inches of the barometer, be expreffed by x; and, fince the volumes are in the inverfe ratio of their fuper-> incumbent weights, we have the following ftate - ment: 100 cubical inches is to x, inverfely as 30.37 inches of preffure is to 29.85 inches; or directly 29.85 : 30.37 : : 100 : x « 101.741— cubical inches, at 29.85 inches barometrical pref- fure That is to fay, the fame gas or air, which at 30.37 inches of the barometer, occupies 100 cubical inches of volume, will occupy 101.741 cubical inches, when the barometer is at 29.85 inches. It is equally eafy to calculate the weight of this gas, occupying 100 cubical inches, under 30.37 inches of barometrical preffure; for, as it correfponds to 101.741 cubical inches at the preffure ©f 29.85; and as, at this preffure, and at 54.50 of temperature, each cubical inch of oxygen gas weighs 0.311023 gr. it follows, that 100 cubical inches, under 30.37 barometrical preffure, muft weigh 31.644 grains. This con- clufion might have been formed more directly; as, fince the volume of elaftic fluids is in the inverfe ratio of their corBpreffion, their weights OF CHEMISTRY. 411 muft be in the direct ratio of the fame compref- fion. Hence, fince xoo cubical inches weigh 31.1023 grains, under the preffure of 29.85 in- ches, we have the following ftatement to deter- mine the weight of 100 cubical inches of the fame gas at 30.37 barometrical preffure ; 29.85 : 31.1023 :: 30.37 : x, the unknown quantity, =*= 31.644. The following cafe is more complicated. Suppofe the jar A, PI. XII. Fig. 18. to contain a quantity of gas in its upper part ACD, the reft of the jar below CD being full of mercury, and the whole ftanding in the mercurial bafon or refervoir GHIK, filled with mercury up to EF, and that the difference between the furface CD of the mercury in the jar, and EF, that in the ciftern, is fix inches, while the barometer ftands at 27.5 inches. It is evident from thefe data, that the air contained in ACD is preffed upon by the weight ofthe atmofphere, diminifh- ed by the weight ofthe column of mercury CE, or by 27.5—6=21.5 inches of barometrical preffure. This air is therefore lefs compreffed than the atmofphere, at the mean height of the barometer; and confequently occupies more fpace than it would occupy at the mean preffure; the difference being exactly proportional to the difference between the compreffmg weights. If, then, upon meafuring the fpace ACD, it is found to be 120 cubical inches, it muft be re- 412 ELEMENTS duced to the volume which it would occupy under the mean preffure of 29.85 inches. This is done by the following ftatement: 120: x, the unknown volume :: 21.5 : 29.85 inverfely; this gives #= —irpf~ = 86.432 cubical inches. In thefe calculations, we may either reduce the height of the mercury in the barometer, and the difference of level in the jar and bafon, to lines, or to decimal fractions of the inch : but I prefer the latter, as it is more readily calculated. As, in thefe operations, which frequently recur, it is of great ufe to have means of abbreviation,! have given a table in the appendix, for reducing lines and fractions of lines into decimal fractions ofthe inch. In experiments performed in the water appara- tus, we muft make fimilar corrections to procure rigoroufly exact refults, by taking into account, and making allowance for, the difference of height ofthe water within the jar, above the furface of the water in the ciftern. But, as the preffure of the atmofphere is expreffed in inches and lines of the mercurial barometer, and, as homogeneous quantities only can be calculated together, we muft reduce the obferved inches and lines of wa- ter into correfpondent heights ofthe mercury. I have given a table in the appendix for this con- verfion, upon the fuppofition, that mercury is 13.5681 times heavier than water. SECT. OF CHEMISTRY 413 SECT. VI. Of CorrecJions relative to the Degrees of the Ther- mometer. In afcertaining the weight of gaffes befides reducing them to a mean of barometrical pref- fure, as directed in the preceding fection, we muft likewife reduce them to a ftandard ther- mometrical temperature; becaufe, all elaftic fluids being expanded by heat, and condenfed by cold, their weight in any determinate volume is thereby liable to confiderable alterations. As the temperature of 54.50 is a medium between the heat of fummer and the cold of winter, be- ing the temperature of fubterraneous places, and that which is moft eafily approached to at all feafons, I have chofen that degree as a mean to which I reduce air or gas in this fpecies of calcu- lation. Mr. de Luc found that atmofpheric air was increafed T~ Part °f 1Zs bulk, by each degree of a mercurial thermometer, divided into 81 degrees, between the freezing and boiling points. ' This gives ,4t part for each degree of 4*4 ELEMENTS Reaumur's thermometer, which is divided into 80 degrees between thefe two points; or 77777? part of each degree of Fahrenheit's fcale, which is divided into 180 degrees between the fame fixed points. The experiments of Mr. Mongc feem to make this dilation lefs for hydrogen gas, which he thinks is only dilated -rl^ for each degree of Reaumur, or ^4-j. for each of Fahrenheit's degrees. We have not any exact experiments hitherto publifhed refpecting the ra- tio of dilatation of the other gaffes. But, from the trials which have been made, their dilata- tion feems to differ little from that of atmo- fpheric. air. Hence I may take for granted, till farther experiments give us better information upon this fubject, that atmofpherical air is dila- ted ^4-jr Part> and hydrogen gas ^^ part for each degree of Reaumur's thermometer, or that atmofpheric air is dilated —5-7? part, and hydrogen gas —7; part for each degree on the fcale of Fahrenheit; but as there is ftill great uncertainty upon this point, we ought always to operate in a temperature as near as poffible to the ftandard of 54.5°. By this means any er- rors in correcting the weight or volume of gaffes by reducing them to the common ftandard, will become of little moment. The calculation for this correction is ex- tremely eafy. Divide the obferved volume of OF CHEMISTRY. 415 air by 210, for Reaumur's fcale, or 472.5 for that of Fahrenheit, and multiply the quotient by the degree of temperature above or below 54.50. This correction is negative when the actual tem- perature is above the ftandard, and pofitive when below. By the ufe of logarithmetical tables, this calculation is much facilitated. SECT. VII. Example for calculating the Ccrreclions relative to the Variations of Preffure and Temperature. CASE. In the jar A, PI. IV. Fig. 3. ftanding in a water apparatus, are contained 353 cubical inches of air. The furface ofthe water within the jar at EF is 4! inches above the water in the ciftern : the barometer is at 27 inches 9^- lines, and the thermometer at 65.750. Having burned a quan- tity of phofphorus in the air, by which concrete phofphoric acid is produced; the air after the combuftion occupies 295 cubical inches; the water within the jar ftand.s 7 inches above that in 4i6 ELEMENTS the ciftern, the barometer is at 27 inches 9^ lines, and the thermometer at 68°. It is requi- red from thefe data to determine the actual vo- lume of air, before and after combuftion, and the quantity abforbed during the procefs. Calculation before Combuftion. The air in the jar before combuftion was 353 cubical inches: but it was only under a barome- trical preffure of 27 inches 9-^ lines; which, re- duced to decimal fractions, by Tab. I. of the Appendix, gives 27.79167 inches : and from this we muft deduct the difference of 44 inches of water, which, by Tab. II. correfponds to 0.33166 inches of the barometer. Hence the real preffure ofthe air in the jar is 27.46001. As the vo- lume of elaftic fluids diminifhes in the inverfe ratio of the comprefling weights, we have the following ftatement, to reduce the 253 inches to the volume the air would occupy at 28 inches barometrical preffure. 252 : x, the unknown volume :: 27.46001: 28. Hence, x = »j»x»^6oo. c 346.192 cubical inches, which is the volume the fame quantity OF CHEMISTRY. 4^7 air would have occupied at 28 inches ofthe ba- rometer. The 472.5th part of this corrected volume is .73247, which, for the 11.25 degrees of tempe- rature above the ftandard, gives 8.24 cubical in- ches ; and, as this correction is fubtractive, the real corrected volume of the air before combuf- tion is 337.952 inches. Calculation after Combuftion. By a fimilar calculation upon the volume of air after combuftion, we find its barometrical preffure 27.77083 — °-5I593 = 27.25490. Hence, to have the volume of air under the preffure of 28 inches, 295 : x : : 27.77083 : 28 inverfely; or, x = a95X \\ 'u>c = 287.150. The 472.5th part of this corrected volume is .61, which, multiplied by 13.5 degrees of thermome- trical difference, gives the fubtractive correction for temperature, 8.235, leaving the actual cor- rected volume of air after combuftion 278.915 inches. Ggg 418 ELEMENTS Refult. The corrected volume before combuf- tion, - - 337.952 Ditto remaining after combuftion, - 278.915 Volume abforbed during combuftion, 59*037 SECT. VIII. Method of determining the abfolute Gravity of the different Gaffes. Take a large balloon A, PI. V. Fig. 10. ca- pable of holding 17 or 18 pints, or about half a cubical foot, having the brafs cap bcde ftrongly cemented to its neck, and to which the tube and ftop-cock/g is fixed by a tight-fcrew. This ap- paratus is connected by the double fcrew, repre- fented feparately at Fig. 12 to the jar BCD, Fig. 10. which muft be fome pints larger in dimen- fions than the balloon. This jar is open at top, and is furnifhed with the brafs cap h i, and the flop-cock / m. One of thefe flop-cocks is repre- fented, feparately at Fig 11. OF CHEMISTRY. 4** We firft determine the exact capacity of the balloon by filling it with water, and weighing it both full and empty. When emptied of water, it is dried with a cloth introduced through its neck de: and the laft remains of moifture are removed by exhaufting it once or twice in an air-pump. When the weight of any gas is to be afcer- tained, this apparatus is ufed as follows. Fix the balloon A to the plate of an air-pump, by means of the fcrew of the ftop-cock/ g, which ii left open. The balloon is to be exhaufted as completely as poffible, obferving carefully tho degree of exhauftion by means of the barometer attached to the air-pump. When the vacuum is formed, the ftop-cock fg is fhut, and the weight of the balloon determined with the moft fcru- pulous exactitude. It is then fixed to the jar BCD, which we fuppofe placed in v/ater in the fhelf of the pneumato-chemical apparatus Fig. i. ;the jar is to be filled with the gas we mean to weigh; and then, by opening the ftop- cocks fg and / m, the gas afcends into the bal- loon, whilft the water of the ciftern rifes at the fame time into the jar. To avoid very trouble- fome corrections, it is neceffary, during this firft part of the operation, to fink the jar in the cif- tern till the furfaces of the water within and without the jar exactly correfpond. The ftop- 420 ELEMENTS cocks are again fhut: and the balloon, being un- fcrewed from its connection with the jar, is to be carefully weighed. The difference between this weight and that of the exhaufted balloon, is the precife weight of the air or gas contained in the balloon. Multiply this weight by 1728, the number of cubical inches in a cubical foot, and divide the product by the number of cubical inches contained in the balloon, the quotient is the weight of a cubical foot of the gas or air fub- mitted to experiment. Exact account muft be kept of the barometri- cal height and the temperature ofthe thermome- ter during the above experiment; and from thefe the refulting weight of a cubical foot is eafily corrected to the ftandards of 28 inches preffure, and 54.5Q temperature, as directed in the pre- ceding fection. The fmall portion of air remain- ing in the balloon after forming the vacuum, muft likewife be attended to : and this is eafily determined by the barometer attached to the air- pump. If that barometer, for inftance, remains at the hundredth part of the height it ftood at before the vacuum was formed, we conclude that one hundredth part of^he air originally contain- ed, remains in the balloon, and confequently that only Ty^-of gas was introduced from the jar into the balloon. OF'CHEMISTRY, 421 CHAP III. Defcription of the Calorimeter, or apparatus for meafuring Caloric. THE calorimeter, or apparatus for meafuring the relative quantities of heat contained in bodies, was defcribed by Mr de la Place and me in the Memoirs of the Academy for 1780, p. 355 : and from that Effay the materials of this chapter are extracted. If, after having cooled any body to the free - zing point, it be expofed in an atmofphere of 88.250, the body will gradually become heated, from the furface inwards, till at laft it acquire the fame temperature with the furrounding air. But, if apiece of ice be placed in the fame fitua- tion, the circumftances are quite different. It does not approach in the fmalleft degree towards the temperature of the circumambient air; but remains conftantly at 320, or the temperature of melting ice, till the laft portion of ice be com- pletely melted. This phenomenon is readily explained; as, to melt ice, or reduce it to water, it requires to be combined with a certain portion of caloric, 422 ELEMENTS the whole caloric attracted from the furrounding bodies, is arrefted or fixed at the furface or ex- ternal layer of ice which it is employed to dif- folve, and combines with it to form water ; the next quantity of caloric combines with the fe- eond layer to diffolve it into water, and fo on fucceffively till the whole ice be diffolved, or converted into water, by combination with calo- ric : the very laft atom ftill remaining at its for- mer temperature, becaufe the caloric could ne- ver penetrate fo far, while any intermediate ice remained to melt, or to combine with. Upon thefe principles, if we conceive a hol- low fphere of ice at the temperature of 32° placed in an atmofphere of 54.5°, and contain- ing a fubftance at any degree of temperature above freezing ; it follows, that the heat of the external atmofphere cannot penetrate into the internal hollow of the fphere of ice; and, that the heat ofthe body which is placed in the hol- low ofthe fphere, cannot penetrate outwards be- yond it, but will be flopped at the internal fur- face, being continually employed to melt fuc- ceffive layers of ice, until the temperature of the body be reduced to 320 by having all its fuperabundant caloric, above that temperature, carried off to melt the ice. If the whole wa- ter, formed within the fphere of ice during the reduction of the temperature of the included body to 320, be carefully collected, the weight OF CHEMISTRY. 4*3 ofthe water will be exactly proportional to the quantity of caloric loft by the body, in paffing from its original temperature to that of melting ice;'for it is evident, that a double quantity of caloric would have melted twice the quantity of ice. Hence the quantity of ice melted is a very exact meafure of the proportional quantity of caloric employed to produce that effect, and confequently ofthe quantity loft by the only fub- ftance that could poffibly have fupplied it. I have made this fuppofition, of what would take place in a hollow fphere of ice, for the pur- pofe of more readily explaining the method ufed in this fpecies of experiment, which was firft conceived by Mr de la Place. It would be dif- ficult to procure fuchfpheres of ice, and incon- venient to make ufe of them when got; but, by means of the following apparatus, we have re- medied that defect. I acknowledge the name of Calorimeter, which I have given it, as derived partly from Greek and partly from Latin, is in fome degree open to criticifm. But, in matters of fcience, a flight deviation from ftrict etymolo- gy, for the fake of giving diftinctnefs of idea, is excufable : and I could not derive the name en- tirely from Greek without approaching too near to the names of known inftruments employed for other purpofes. The calorimeter is reprefented in PI. VI. It is fhewn in perfpective at Fig. i. and its interior 424 ELEMENTS ftructure is engraved at Fig. 2 and 3.; the for- mer being horizontal, and the latter a perpen- dicular fection. Its capacity or cavity is divi- ded into three parts, which, for better diftinc- tion, I fhall name the interior, middle, and ex- ternal cavities. The interior cavity////, Fig. 4. into which the fubftances fubmitted to expe- riment are put, is compofed of a grating or cage of iron wire, fupported by feveral iron bars. Its opening, or mouth, LM, is covered by the lid HG, which is compofed ofthe fame materials. The middle cavity bbbb, Fig 2. and 3. is in- tended to contain the ice which fnrrounds the interior cavity, and which is intended to be melted by the caloric of the fubftances employed in the experiment. The ice is fupported by the grate m m at the bottom of the cavity, under which is placed the fieve n n. Thefe two are reprefented feparately in Figures 5. and 6. In proportion as the ice contained in the middle cavity is melted, by the caloric difenga- ged from the body placed in the interior cavity, the water runs through the grate and fieve, and falls through the conical funnel c c d, Fig. 3 and the tube xy, into the receiver F, Fig. 1. This water may be retained or let out at pleafure, by means ofthe ftop-cock u. The external cavity aaaa, Fig. 2. and 3. is filled with ice, to pre- vent any effect upon the ice in the middle ca- OF, CHEMISTRY. 425 vity from the heat of the furrounding air; and the water produced from it is carried off through the pipe ST, which fhuts by means ofthe ftop- cock r. The whole machine is covered by the lid FF, Fig. 7, which is made of tin, and painted with oil colour, to prevent ruft. When this machine is employed, the middle cavity bbbb, Fig. 2 and 3. the lid GH, Fig. 4. of the interior cavity, the external cavity a a a a, Fig. 2. and 3. and the general lid FF, Fig. 7. are all filled with pounded ice, well rammed, fo that no void fpaces remain, and the ice of the middle cavity is allowed to drain. The machine is then opened, and the fubftance fubmitted to experiment being placed in the interior cavity, it is inftantly clofed. After waiting till the in^ eluded body is completely cooled to the freez- ing point, and the whole melted ice has drained from the middle cavity, the water collected in the veffel F, Fig. 1. is accurately weighed. The weight of the water produced during the experiment is an exact meafure of the caloric difengaged during the cooling of the included body ; as this fubftance is evidently in a fimilar fituation with the one formerly mentioned as in- cluded in a hollow fphere of ice. The whole ca- loric difengaged from the included body is flop- ped by the ice in the middle cavity: and that ice is preferved from being affected by any other Hhh 426 ELEMENT S heat by means of the ice contained in the gene- ral lid, Fig. 7. and in the external cavity. Ex- periments of this kind generally laft from fifteen to twenty hours: but they are fometimes accele- rated by covering up the fubftance in the interior cavity with well drained ice, which haftens its cooling. . The fubftances to be operated upon are placed in the thin iron bucket, Fig. 8. the cover of which has an opening fitted with a cork, into which a fmall thermometer is fixed. When we ufe acids, or other fluids capable of injuring the metal of the inftruments, they are contained in the matrafs, Fig. 10. which has a fimilar thermometer in a cork fitted to its mouth, and which ftands in the interior cavity, upon the fmall cylindrical fupport RS, Fig. 10. It is abfolutely requifite, that there be no com- munication between the external and middle cavities of the calorimeter; otherwife the ice melted by the influence of the furrounding air, in the external cavity, would mix with the wa- ter produced from the ice of the middle cavity, which would no longer be a meafure ofthe calo- ric loft by the fubftance fubmitted to experiment. When the temperature of the atmofphere is only a few degrees above the freezing point, its heat can hardly reach the middle cavity, being arretted by the ice of the cover, Fig. 7. and of the external cavity. But, if the temperature of OF CHEMISTRY 427 the air be under the degree of freezing, it might cool the ice contained in the middle cavity, by caufing the ice in the external cavity to fall, in the firft place, below 320. It is therefore effen- tial, that this experiment be carried on in a tem- perature fomewhat above freezing. Hence, in time of froft, the calorimeter muft be kept in an apartment carefully heated. It is likewife necef- fary, that the ice employed be not under 320 ; for which purpofe it muft be pounded, and fpread out thin for fome time, in a place where the tem- perature is higher. The ice of the interior cavity always retains a certain quantity of water adhering to its furface, which may be fuppofed to belong to the refult of u:e experiment. But as, at the beginning of each experiment, the ice is already faturated with as much water as it can contain, if any ofthe wa- ter produced by the caloric fhould remain attach- ed to the ice, it is evident, that very nearly an equal quantity of what adhered to it before the experiment muft have run down into the veffel F in its ftead; for the inner furface of the ice in the middle cavity is very little changed during the experiment. By any contrivance that could, be devifed, we could not prevent the accefs of the external air into the interior cavity, when the atmofphere was at 520 or 540. The air confined in the ca- vity being in that cafe fpecifically heavier than 428 ELEMENTS the external air, efcapes downwards through the pipe * y, Fig. 3. and is replaced by the warmer external air, which, giving out its caloric to the ice, becomes heavier, and finks in its turn. Thus a current of air is formed through the machine, which is the more rapid in proportion as the ex- ternal air exceeds the internal in temperature. This current of warm air muft melt a part of the ice, and injure the accuracy of the experi- ment. We may, in a great degree, guard a- gainft this fource of error, by keeping the ftop- cock u continually fhut. But it is better to ope- rate only when the temperature of the external air does not exceed 39°, or at moft 41 ° ; for we have Obferved, that, in this cafe, the melting of the interior ice by the atmofpheric air is perfectly in- fenfible; fo that we may anfwer for the accuracy of our experiments upon the fpecific heat of bo- dies to a fortieth part. We have caufed two of the above defcribed machines to be made. One, which is intended for fuch experiments as do not require the interi- or air to be renewed, is formed precifely accord- ingto the defcription here given. The other, which anfwers for experiments upon combuftion, refpiration, &c. in which frefh quantities of air are indifpenfibly neceffary, differs from the for- mer in having two fmall tubes in the two lids, by which a current of atmofpheric air may be blown into the interior cavity ofthe machine. OF CHEMISTRY. 4*9 It is extremely eafy, with this apparatus, to determine the phenomena which occur in ope- rations where caloric is either difengaged or ab- forbed. If we wifh, for inftance, to afcertain the quantity ofthe caloric which is difengaged from a folid body, in cooling a certain number of de- grees ; let its temperature be firft raifed to 2120 : it is then placed in the interior cavity ffff, Fig. 2 and 3. of the calorimeter, and allowed to remain till we are certain that its tempera- ture is reduced to 32" : the water produced by melting the ice during its cooling, is collected, and carefully weighed : and this weight, divided by the volume ofthe body fubmitted to experi- ment, and multiplied into the degrees of tempe- rature which it had above 32° at the commence- ment ofthe experiment, gives the proportion of what the Englifh philofophers call fpecific heat. Fluids are contained in proper veffels, whofe fpecific heat has been previoufly afcertained ; and are operated upon in the machine in the fame manner as directed for folids ; taking care to de- duct, from the quantity of water melted during the experiment, the proportion which belongs to the fpecific heat ofthe containing veffel. If the quantity of caloric difengaged during the combination of different fubftances is to be determined, thefe fubftances are to be previoufly reduced to the freezing degree by keeping them, 43o ELEMENTS a fufficient time furrounded with pounded ice: The mixture is then to be made in the inner cavity ofthe calorimeter, in a proper veffel like- wife reduced to 320 ; and they are kept inclofed till the temperature ofthe combination has re- turned to the fame degree. The quantity of wa- ter produced is a meafure of the caloric difenga- ged during the combination. To determine the quantity of caloric difen- gaged during combuftion, and during animal refpiration, the combuftible bodies arc burnt, or the animals are made to breathe, in the inte- rior cavity, and the water produced is carefully collected. Guinea-pigs, which refift the effects of cold extremely well, are well adapted for this experiment. As the continual renewal of air is abfolutely neceffary in fuch experiments, we blow frefh air into the interior cavity of the ca- lorimeter by means of a pipe deftined for that purpofe ; and allow it to efcape through another pipe ofthe fame kind : and that the heat of this air may not produce errors in the refults of the experiments, the tube, which conveys it into the machine, is made to pafs through pounded ice, that it may be reduced to 320 before it arrives at the calorimeter. The air which efcapes, muft likewife be made to pafs through a tube fur- rounded with ice, included in the interior cavi- ty ofthe machine : and the water which is there produced muft make a part of what is collected ; OF CHEMISTRY. 431 becaufe the caloric difengaged from this air is part ofthe product ofthe experiment. It is fomewhat more difficult to determine the fpecific caloric contained in the different gaffes, on account of their fmall degree of denfity; for, if they are only placed in the calorimeter in veffels like other fluids, the quantity of ice melt- ed is fo fmall, that the refult of the experiment becomes at beft very uncertain. For this fpecies of experiment we have contrived to make the air pafs through two metallic worms, or fpiral tubes. One of thefe, through which the air paf- fes, and becomes heated in its way to the calo- rimeter, is contained in a veffel full of boiling water: and the other, through which the air cir- culates within the calorimeter to difengage its caloric, is placed in the interior cavity, ffff, of that machine. By means of a fmall thermome- ter placed at one end of the fecond worm, the temperature of the air, as it enters the calori- meter is determined : and its temperature in getting out ofthe interior cavity, is found by an- other thermometer placed at the other end of the worm. By this contrivance- we are enabled to afcertain the quantity of ice melted by deter- minate quantities of air or gas, while lofing a certain number of degrees of temperature, and, sonfequently, to determine their feveral degrees of fpecific caloric. The fame apparatus, with fome particular precautions, may be employed 43* ELEMENTS to afcertain the quantity of caloric difengaged by the condenfation of the vapours of different liquids. The various experiments which may be made with the calorimeter, do not afford abfolute con- clusions, but only give us the meafure of rela- tive quantities. We have therefore to fix a unit, or ftandard point, from whence to form a fcale ofthe feveral refults. The quantity of caloric neceffary to melt a pound of ice has been chofen as this unit: and, as it requires a pound of water ofthe temperature of 1670 to melt a pound of ice, the quantity of caloric expreffed by our unit or ftandard point is what raifes a pound of wa- ter from 320 to 1670. When this unit is once determined, we have only to exprefs the quan- ties of caloric difengaged from different bodies, by cooling a certain number of degrees, in analo- gous values. The following is an eafy mode of calculation for this purpofe, applied to one of our earlieft experiments. We took 7 lb. 11 oz. 1 gros 2& Srs' or* plate_ iron, cut into narrow flips, and rolled up; or, expreffing the q antity in decimals, 7.7070319 lbs. Thefe being heated in a bath of boiling water to about 207.5°, were quickly introduced into the interior cavity of the calorimeter. At the end of eleven hours, when the whole quan- tity of water melted from the ice had thorough- ly drained off, we found that 1.109795 pounds OF CHEMISTRY. 433 pounds of ice were melted. Hence, the caloric difengaged from the iron by cooling 175.50 na" ving melted 1.109795 pounds of ice, how much would have been melted by cooling 1350 ? This queftion gives the following ftatement in direct proportion, 175.5: 1.109795:: 135:^=0.85384. Dividing this quantity by the weight ofthe whole iron employed, viz. 7.7070319, the quotient 0.1109 is the quantity of ice which would have been melted by one pound of iron while cooling through 135 degrees of temperature. Fluid fubftances, fuch as fulphuric and nitric acids, &c. are contained in a matrafs, PI. VI. Fig. 9. having a thermometer adapted to the cork, with its bulb immerfed in the liquid. The ma- trafs is placed in a bath of boiling water; and when, from the thermometer, we judge the liquid is raifed to a proper temperature, the matrafs is placed in the calorimeter. The calculation ofthe products, to determine the fpecific caloric of thefe fluids, is made as above directed, taking care to deduct from the water obtained, the quantity which would have been produced by the matrafs alone, which muft be afcertained by a previous ex- periment. The table ofthe refults obtained by thefe experiments is omitted, becaufe not yet fuf- ficiently complete; different circumftances having occafioned the feries to be interrupted. It is not, however, loft fight of; and we are lefs or more employed upon the fubject every winter. Iii 434 ELEMENTS CHAP. IV. Of Mechanical Operations for the Divifion of Bodies. SECT. I. Of Trituration, Levigation, and Pulverization. THESE are, properly fpeaking, only preli- minary mechanical operations for dividing and feparating the particles of bodies, and redu- cing them into very fine powder. Thefe ope- rations can never reduce fubftances into their primary, or elementary and ultimate particles. They do not even deftroy the aggregation of bo- dies ; for every particle, after the moft accurate trituration, forms a fmall whole, refembling the original mafs from which it was divided. The real chemical operations, on the contrary, fuch as folution, deftroy the aggregation of bodies, and feparate their conftituent and integrant par- ticles from each other. OF CHEMISTRY. 435 Brittle fubftances are reduced to powder by means of peftles and mortars. Thefe are of brafs or iron, PI. I. Fig. i. ; of marble or gra~ nite, Fig. 2.; of lignum vitas, Fig. 3. j of glafs, Fig. 4. ; of agate, Fig. 5. ; or of porcelain, Fig. 6. The peftles for each of thefe arc repre- fented in the plate, immediately below the mor- tars to which they refpectively belong; and are made of hammered iron or brafs, of wood, glafs, porcelain, marble, granite, or agate, according to the nature of the fubftances they arc intended to triturate. In every laboratory, ic is requifite to have an affortment of thefe utenfils, of various fizes and kinds.- Thofe of pc celain and glafs can only be ufed for rub- bing fubftances to powder, by a dextrous ufe ofthe peftle round the fides ofthe mortar ; as it would be eafily broken by reiterated blows of the peltle. The bottom of mortars ought to be made in form of a hollow fphere, and their fides fhould have fuch a degree of inclination as to make the fubftances they contain fall back to the bot- tom when the peftle is lifted, but not fo perpen- dicular as to collect them too much together; otherwife too large a quantity would get below the peftle, and prevent its operation. For this reafon, likewife, too large a quantity ofthe fub- ftance to be powdered ought not to be put into the mortar at''one time : and wc muft from 436 ELEMENTS time to time get rid of the particles already re- duced to powder, by means of fieves to be af- terwards defcribed. The moft ufual method of levigation is by means of a flat table ABCD, PI. I. Fig. 7. made of porphyry, or fome other ftone of fimilar hard- nefs. On this the fubftance to be reduced to powder is fpread ; and is then bruifed and rub- bed by a muller M, of the fame hard materials, the bottom of which is made a fmall portion of a large fphere. And, as the muller tends conti- nually to drive the fubftances towards the fides of the table, a thin flexible knife, or fpatula, of iron, horn, wood, or ivory, is ufed for bringing them back to the middle of the ftone. In large works, this operation is performed by means of large rollers of hard ftone, which turn upon each other, either horizontally, in the way of corn-mills, or by one vertical roller turn- ing upon a flat-ftone. In the above operations, it is often requifite to moiften the fubftances a lit- tle, to prevent the fine powder from flying off. There are many bodies which cannot be re- duced to powder by any of the foregoing me- thods ; fuch are fibrous fubftances, as woods, fuch fubftances as are tough and elaftic, as the horns of animals, elaftic gum, &c. and the mal- leable metals, which flatten under the peftle, inftead of being reduced to powder. For redu- OF CHEMISTRY. 437 cing the woods to powder, rafps, as in PI. I. Fig. 8. are employed. Files of a finer kind are ufed for horn; and ftill finer, PI. I. Fig. 9. and 10. for metals. Some ofthe metals, though not brittle enough to powder under the peftle, are too foft to be filed, as they clog the file, and prevent its opera- tion. Zinc is one of thefe : but it may be pow- dered, when hot, in a heated iron mortar ; or it may be rendered brittle, by alloying it with a fmall quantity of mercury. One or other of thefe methods is ufed by fire-work makers for produ- cing a blue flame by means of zinc. Metals may be reduced into grains, by pouring them when melted into water ; which method ferves very well when they are not wanted in fine powder. Fruits, potatoes, &c, of a pulpy and fibrous nature, may be reduced to pulp by means ofthe grater, PI. I. Fig. 11. The choice ofthe different fubftances of which thefe inftruments are made, is a matter of im- portance. Brafs or copper are unfit for opera- tions upon fubftances to be ufed as food or in phar- macy ; and marble or metallic inftruments muft not be ufed for acid fubftances. Hence mortars of very hard wood, and thofe of porcelain, granite, or glafs, are of great utility in many operations. 438 ELEMENTS SECT. II. Of Sifting and Wafhing Powdered Subftances. None ofthe mechanical operations, employed forjeducing bodies to powder, are capable of pro- ducing it of an equal degree of finenefs through- out : The powder obtained by the longeft and moft accurate trituration being ftill an affem- blage of particles of various fizes. The coarfer of thefe are removed, fo as only to leave the finer and more homogeneous particles, by means of fieves, PI. I. Fig. 12/13, 14, 15. of different fineneffes, adapted to the particular purpofes they are intended for. All the powdered matter which is larger than the interftices of the fieve remains behind, and is again fubmitted to the peftle, while the finer paffes through. The fieve Fig. 12. is made of hair-cloth, or of filk-gauze : and the one reprefented Fig. 13. is of parch- ment pierced with round holes of a proper fize. This latter is employed in the manufacture of gun-powder. When very fubtile or valuable materials are to be fifted, which are eafily difperfed, or when the finer parts of the powder may be hurtful, a compound fieve, Fig. 15. is made ufe of, which confifts ofthe fieve ABCD, OF CHEMISTRY. 439 with a lid EF, and receiver GH; thefe three parts are reprefented as joined together for ufe, Fig. 14. There is a method of procuring powders of an uniform finenefs, confiderably more accu* rate than the fieve; but it can only be ufed with fuch fubftances as are not acted upon by water. The powdered fubftance is mixed and agitated with water, or any other convenient fluid. The liquor is allowed to fettle for a few moments, and is then decanted off. The coarfer powder remains at the bottom of the veffel, and the finer paffes over with the liquid. By re- peated decantations in this manner, various fe- diments are obtained, of different degrees of finenefs; the laft fediment, or that which re- mains longeft fufpended in the liquor, being the fineft. This procefs may likewife be ufed with advantage for feparating fubftances of different degrees of fpecific gravity,.though of the fame finenefs. This laft is chiefly employed in mining, for feparating the heavier metallic ores from the lighter earthy matters with which they are mixed. In chemical laboratories, pans and jugs of glafs or earthen-ware, are employed for this operation. Sometimes, for decanting the liquor without dif- turbing the fediment, the glafs fyphon ABCHI, PI. II. Fig. 11. is ufed, which may be fupported by means of the perforated board DE, at the 44o ELEMENTS proper depth in the veffel FG, to draw off all the liquor required into the receiver LM. The principles and application of this ufeful inftru- ment are fo well known, as to need no explana- tion. SECT. III. Of Filtration. A filtre is a fpecies of very fine fieve, which is permeable to the particles of fluids, but through which the particles ofthe fineft powdered folids are incapable of paffing; hence its ufe in fepara- ting fine powders from fufpenfion in fluids. In pharmacy, very clofe and fine woollen cloths are chiefly ufed for this operation. Thefe are com- monly formed in a conical fhape, PI. II. Fig. 2. which has the advantage of uniting all the liquor which drains through, into a point A, where it may be readily collected in a narrow mouthed veffel. In large pharmaceutical laboratories, this filtring bag is ftretched upon a wooden-ftand, PI. II. Fig. 1. For the purpofes of chemiftry, as it is requi- fite to have the filtres perfectly clean, unfized paper is fubftituted inftead of cloth or flannel ; OF CHEMISTRY. 441 through this fubftance, no folid body, however finely it be powdered, can penetrate, and fluids percolate through it with the greateft readinefs. As paper breaks eafily when wet, various me- thods of fupporting it are ufed, according to cir- cumftances. When a large quantity of fluid is to be filtrated, the paper is fupported by the frame of wood, PI. II. Fig. 3. ABCD, having a piece of coarfe cloth ftretched over it, by means of iron-hooks. This cloth muft be well cleaned each time it is ufed; or even new cloth muft be employed, if there be reafon to fufpect its being impregnated with any thing which can injure the fubfequent operations. In ordinary operations, where moderate quantities of fluid are to be fil- trated, different kinds of glafs funnels are ufed for fupporting the paper, as reprefented PI. II Fig. 5. 6. and 7. When feveral nitrations muft be carried on at once, the board or fhelf AB, Fig. 9. fupported upon ftands C and D, and pierced with round holes, is very convenient for containing the funnels. Some liquors are fo thick and clammy, as not to be able to penetrate through paper with- out fome previous preparation, fuch as clarifica- tion by means of white of eggs, which, being mixed with the liquor, coagulates when brought to boil; and, entangling the greater part of the impurities of the liquor, rifes with them to the K k k 44, . ELEMENTS furface in the ftate of fcum. Spiritous liquors may be clarified in the fame manner by means ofifinglafs diffolved in water, which coagulates by the aftion ofthe alkohol without the afliftance of heat. . As moft of the acids are produced by diftil- lation, and are confequently clear, we have rarely any occafion to filtrate them. But if, at any time, concentrated acids require this operation, it is im- poflible to employ paper, which would be corrod- ed and deftroyed by the acid. For this purpofe, pounded glafs, or rather quartz or rock-cryftal, broken in pieces, and grofsly powdered, anfwers very well. A few of the larger pieces are put in the neck of the funnel: thefe are covered with the fmaller pieces; the finer powder is placed over all • and the acid is poured on at top. For the ordinary purpofes of fociety, river-water is fre- quently filtrated by means of clean walhed fand, to feparate its impurities, or by means of certain porous ftones, called filtering ftones, cut into a convenient form. SECT. IV. Of Decantation. This operation is often fubftituted, inftead of filtration for feparating folid particles which are OF CHEMISTRY. 443 diffufed through liquors. Thefe are allowed to fettle in conical veffels, ABCDE, PI. II. Fig. 10. the diffufed matters gradually fubfide, and the clear fluid is gently poured off. If the fediment be extremely light, and apt to mix again with the fluid by the flighteft motion, the fyphon, Fig. 11. is ufed, inftead of decantation, for drawing off the clear fluid. In experiments, where the weight of the pre- cipitate muft be rigoroufly afcertained, decanta-r tion is preferable to filtration, providing the preci- pitate be feveral times wafhed in a confiderable proportion of water. The weight of the precipi- tate may indeed be afcertained, by carefully weighing the filtre before and after the operation. But, when the quantity of precipitate is fmall, the different proportions of moifture retained by the paper, in a greater or leffer degree of exficcation, may prove a material fource of error, which ought carefo^v to be guarded againft. CHAP. 444 ELEMENTS CHAP V. Of Chemical Means for feparating the Particles of Bodies from each other, without Decompofition, and for uniting them again. I Have already fhewn, that there are two me- thods of dividing the particles of bodies, the mechanical and chemical. The former only fe- parates a folid mafs into a great number of fmaller maffes; and for thefe purpofes various fpecies of forces are employed, according to cir- cumftances, fuch as the ftrength of man or of animals, the weight of water applied through the means of hydraulic engines, the expanfive power of fleam, the force of the wind, &c. By all or any of thefe mechanical powers, however, we can never reduce fubftances into powder be- yond a certain degree of finenefs : and the fmalleft particle produced in this way, though it feems very minute to our organs, is ftill in fact a mountain, when compared with the ultimate elementary particles of the pulverized fubftance. The chemical agents, on the contrary, divide bodies into their primitive particles. If, for in- ftance, a neutral fait be acted upon by thefe, it is divided, as far as is poffible, without ceafing OF CHEMISTRY. 445 to be a neutral fait. In this Chapter, I mean to give examples of this kind of divifion of bodies, to which I fhall add fome account of the relative operations. SECT. I. Ofthe Solution of Salts. In chemical language, the terms of folution and diffolution have long been confounded; and have very improperly been indifcriminately em- ployed for exprefling both the divifion of the particles of a fait in a fluid, fuch, as water, and the divifion of a metal in an acid. A few re- flections upon the effects of thefe two opera- tions will fuffice to fhow that they ought not to be confounded together. In the folurion of falts, the faline particles are only feparated from each other, while neither the fait nor the water are at all decompofed; for we are able to recover both the one and the other in the fame quantity as before the operation. The fame thing takes place in the folution of refins in alkohol. Du- ring metallic diffolutions, on the contrary, a decompofition, either of the acid, or of the wa- ter which dilutes it, always takes place. The metal combines with oxygen; and is changed 446 ELEMENTS into an oxyd ; and a gaffeous fubftance is difen- gaged ; fo that in reality none of the fubftan- ces employed remain, after the operation, in the fame ftate they were in before. This article is entirely confined to the confideration of folu- tion. To underftand properly what takes place du- ring the folution of falts, it is neceffary to know, that, in moft of thefe operations, two diftinct effects arc complicated together, viz. folution by water, and folution by caloric: and, as the ex- planation of moft of the phenomena of folution depends upon the diftinction of thefe two cir- cumftances, I fhall enlarge a little upon their na- ture. Nitrat of potafh, ufually called nitre or falt- petre, contains very little water of cryftalliza- tion, perhaps even none at all. Yet this fait li- quefies in a degree of heat very little fuperior to that of boiling water. This liquefaction cannot therefore be produced by means of the water of cryftallization, but in confequence ofthe fait be- ing very fufible in its nature, and from its paffing from the folid to the liquid ftate of aggregation, when but a little raifed above the temperature of boiling water. All falts are in this manner fuf- ceptible of being liquefied by caloric, but in higher or lower degrees of temperature. Some of thefe, as the acetites of potafh and foda, li- quefy with a very moderate heat; while others, OF CHEMISTRY. 447 as fulphat of potafli, or of lime, Sec. require the ftrongeft fires we are capable of producing. This liquefaction of falts by caloric produces exactly the fame phenomena with the melting of ice. It is accompliihed in each fait by a determinate de- gree of heat, which remains invariably the fame during the whole time ofthe liquefaction. Ca- loric is employed, and becomes fixed during the melting ofthe fait; and is, on the contrary, dif- engaged when the fait coagulates. Thefe are general phenomena, which univerfally occur du- ring the paffage of every fpecies of fubftance from the folid to the fluid ftate of aggregation, and from fluid to folid. Thefe phenomena, arifing from folution by caloric, are always lefs or more conjoined with thofe which take place during folutions in water. We cannot pour water upon a fait, on purpofe to diffolve it, without employing a compound folvent, both water and caloric. Hence we may diftinguifh feveral different cafes of folution, ac- cording to the nature and mode of exiftence of each fait. If, for inftance, a fait be difficultly foluble in water, and readily fo by caloric, it evidently follows, that this fait will be fcantily foluble in cold water, and confiderably in hot water; fuch is nitrat of potafh, and more efpe- cially oxygenated muriat of potafh. If another fait be little foluble both in water and caloric, the difference of its folubility in cold and warm 44* ELEMENTS water will be very inconfiderable: fulphat of lime is of this kind. From thefe confiderations, it follows, that there is a neceffary relation be- tween the following circumftances; the folubili- ty of a fait in cold water, its folubility in boil- ing water, and the degree of temperature at which the fame fait liquefies by caloric, unaffifted by water ; and that the difference of folubility in hot and cold water is fo much greater in propor- tion to its ready folution in caloric, or in propor- tion to its fufceptibility of liquefying in a low de- gree of temperature. The above is a general view of folution ; but, for want of particular facts, and fufficiently ex- act experiments, it is ftill nothing more than an approximation towards a particular theory. The means of completing this part of chemical fcience is extremely fimple. We have only to afcertain how much of each fait is diffolved by a certain quantity of water at different degrees of tem- perature : and as, by the experiments publifh- ed by Mr de la Place and me, the quantity of caloric contained in a pound of water at each degree ofthe thermometer is accurately known, it will be very eafy to determine, by fimple ex- periments, the proportion of water and caloric required for folution by each fait, what quanti- ty of caloric is abforbed by each at the moment of liquefaction, and how much is difengaged at the moment of cryftallization. Hence the reafon OF CHEMISTRY, 449 why falts are more rapidly foluble in hot than in cold wafer, is perfedly evident. In all folu. tions of falts, caloric is employed. When that is furnifhed intermediately from the furrounding bodies, it can only arrive flowly to the fait j whereas this is greatly accelerated, when the re- quifite caloric exiftsj ready combined with the Water of folution. In general the fpecific gravity of water Is aug, mented by holding falts in folution; but there are fome exceptions to the rule. Some time hence, the quantities of radical, of oxygen, anc} of bafe, which conftitute each neutral fait, the quantity of water and caloric neceffary for folu- tion, the increafed fpecific gravity communicated to water, and the figure of the elementary parti, cles of the cryftals, will all be accurately known. From thefe all the circumftances and phenomena of chryftallization will be explained: and by thefe means this part of chemiftry will be com- pleted. Mr Seguin has formed the plan of a thorough inveftigation of this kind, which he. is extremely capable of executing. ^ The folution of falts in water requires no par- ticular apparatus; fmall glafs phials of different fizes, PI. II. Fig. 16. and i7. pans of earthen- ware, A, Fig. 1. and 2. long-necked matr&fles, Fig. 14. and pans or bafons of copper or of fiU ver, Fig. 13. arui I5, anfvvc • very well for thefe operations. HI 45° ELEMENTS SECT. II. Of Lixiviation. This is an operation ufed in chemiftry and manufactures for feparating fubftances which are foluble in water, from fuch as are infoluble. The large vat or tub, PI. 2. Fig. 12. having a hole D near its bottom, containing a wooden-fpigot and foffet, or metallic ftop-cock DE, is generally ufed for this purpofe. A thin ftratum of ftraw is placed at the bottom of the tub : over this, the fubftance to be lixiviated is laid, and covefed by a cloth : then hot or cold water, according to the degree of folubility of the faline matter, is poured on. When the water is fuppofed to have diffolved all the faline parts, it is let off by the ftop-cock : and, as fome of the water charged with fait neceffarily adheres to the ftraw and in- foluble matters, feveral frefh quantities of water are poured on. The ftraw ferves to fecure a proper paffage for the water, and may be com- pared to the ftraws or glafs rods ufed in filtrat- ing> to keep the paper from touching the fides of the funnel. The cloth, which is laid over the matters under lixivV'ion. prevents the water from OF CHEMISTRY. 45i making a hollow in thefe fubftances where it is poured on, through which it might efcape with- out acting upon the whole mafs. This operation is lefs or more imitated in che- mical experiments; but as in thefe, efpedally with analytical views, greater exactnefs is re- quired, particular precautions muft be employed, fo as not to leave any faline or foluble part in the refiduum. More water muft be employed than in ordinary lixiviations; and the fubftances ought to be previoufly ftirred up in the water, before the clear liquor is drawn off, otherwife the whole mafs might not be equally lixiviated ; and fome parts might even efcape altogether from the ac- tion of the water. We muft likewife employ frefh portions of water in confiderable quantity, until it comes off entirely free from fait, which we may afcertain by means of the hydrometer formerly defcribed. In experiments with fmall quantities, this ope- ration is conveniently performed in jugs or ma- traffesof glafs,and by filtrating the liquor through paper in a glafs funnel. When the fubftance is in larger quantity, it may be lixiviated in a kettle of boiling-water,and filtrated through paper, fup- ported by cloth, in the wooden frame, PI. II. Fig. 3. and 4: and in operations in the large way, the tub already mentioned muft be ufed. \ 452 ELEMENTS SECT. III. Of Evaporation. This operation is ufed for feparating two fub- ftances from each other, of which one at leaft muft be fluid, and whofe degrees of volatility are confiderably different. By this means we obtain a fait, which has been diffolved in water, in its concrete form. The water, by heating, becomes combined with caloric, which renders it volatile; while the particles of the fait being brought nearer to each other, and within the fphere of their mutual attraction, unite into the folid ftate. As it was long thought that the air had great influence upon the quantity of fluid evaporated, it will be proper to point out the errors which this opinion has produced. There certainly is a conftant flow evaporation from fluids expofed to the free air : and, though this fpecies of eva- poration may be confidered in fome degree as a folution in air, yet caloric has confiderable in- fluence in producing it; as is evident from the refrigeration which always accompanies this pro- cefs ; hence we may confider this gradual eva- poration as a compound folution, made partly in OF CHEMISTRY. 453 air, and partly in caloric. But the evaporation which takes place from a fluid kept continually boiling, is quite different in its nature: and in it the evaporation produced by the action of the air is exceedingly inconfiderable in comparifon with that which is occafioned by caloric. This latter fpecies may be termed vaporization rather than evaporation. This procefs is not accelerat- ed in proportion to the extent of evaporating furface, but in proportion to 'he quantities of caloric which combine with the fluid. Too free a current of cold air is often hurtful to this pro- cefs ; as it tends to carry off caloric from the wa- ter, and confequently retards its converfion into vapour. Hence there is no inconvenience pro- duced by covering, in a certain degree, the vef- fels in which liquids are evaporated by continual boiling, provided the covering body be of fuch a nature as does not ftrongly draw off the calo- ric, or, to ufe an expreffion cf Dr Franklin's, provided it be a bad conductor of heat. In this cafe, the vapours efcape through fuch opening as is left; and at leaft as much is evaporated^ frequently more than when free accefs is allowed to the external air. As, during evaporation, the fluid carried off by caloric is entirely loft, being facrificed for the fake of the fixed fubftances with which it was combined, this procefs is only employed, where the fluid is of fmall value, as water, for inftance. 454 ELEMENTS But, when the fluid is of more confequence, we have recourfe to diftillation, in which procefs we preferve both the fixed fubftance and the volatile fluid. The veffels employed for evaporation, are bafons or pans of copper, filver or lead, PI. II. Fig. 13. and 15. or capfules of glafs, porcelain, or ftone water, PI. II. A, Fig. 1. and 2. PI. III. Fig. 3. and 4. The beft utenfils for this pur- pofe are made of the bottoms of glafs retorts and matraffes; as their equal thinnefs renders them more fit than any other kind of glafs veffel for bearing a brifk fire, and fudden alterations of heat and cold, without breaking. As the method of cutting thefe glafs veffels is no where defcribed in books, I fhall here give a defcription of it, that they may be made by che- mifts for themfelves out of fpoiled retorts, ma- traffes, and recipients, at a much cheaper rate than any which can be procured from glafs ma- nufacturers. The inftrument, PI. III. Fig. 5. con- fifting of an iron ring AC, fixed to the rod AB, having a wooden handle D, is employed as fol- lows : Make the ring red hot in the fire, and put it upon the matrafs G, Fig. 6. which is to be cut. When the glafs is fufficiently heated, throw on a little cold water ; and it will generally break exactly at the circular line heated by the ring. Small flafks or phials of thin glafs are exceed- ing good veffels for evaporating fmall quantities of fluid. They are very cheap, and ftand the fire OF CHEMISTRY. 455 Temarkably. One or more of thefe may be placed upon a fecond grate above the furnace, PI. III. Fig. 2. where they will only experience a gentle heat. By this means, a great number of experiments may be carried on at one time. A glafs retort, placed in a fand-bath, and co- vered with a dome of baked earth, PI. III. Fig. i. anfwers pretty well for evaporations. But in this way, it is always confiderably flower, and is even liable to accidents. As the fand heats unequally, and the glafs cannot dilate in the fame unequal manner, the retort is very liable to break. Sometimes the fand ferves exactly the office of the iron ring formerly mentioned; for, if a fingle drop of vapour, condenfed into li- quid, happens to fall upon the heated part of the veffel, it breaks circularly at that place. When a very intenfe fire is neceffary, earthen crucibles may be ufed—but we generally ufe the word evaporation, to exprefs what is produced by the temperature of boiling water, or not much higher. 4j6 ELEMENTS SECT. IV. Of Cryfiallizatiom Jn this procefs, the integrant parts of a folio! body, feparated from each other by the inter- vention of a fluid, are made to exert the mutual attraction of aggregation, fo as to coalefce and reproduce a folid mafs. When the particles of a body are only feparated by caloric, and the fubftance is thereby retained in the liquid ftate, all that is neceffary for making it cryftallize, is to remove a part of the caloric which is lodged between its particles, or, in other words, to cool it. If this refrigeration be flow, and the body be at the fame time left at reft, its particles af- fume a regular arrangement; and cryftalliza- tion, properly fo called, takes place. But, if the refrigeration be made rapidly, or if the li- quor be agitated at the moment of its paffage to the concrete ftate, the cryftallization is irregu-* Jar and confufed. The fame phenomena occur with watery folu- tions, or rather in thofe made partly in water, and partly by caloric. So long as there remains a fufficiency of water and caloric" to keep the particles of the body afunder beyond the fphere OF CHE M ISTRY. 4j7 of their mutual attraction, the'fait remains in the fluid fta:e. Bat, whenever either caloric or water is not prefent in fuaueient quantity, and iLe attraction of the particles for each other be- comes fuperior to the power which keeps thein afunJar, the fait recovers its concrete form ; and the cryftal j produced are the more regular in pro- portion as the evaporation has been flower and more tranquilly performed. All the phenomena we formerly mentioned as talcing place during the folution of faN, oc- cur in a contrary feme, during the cryftallyza- tion. Caloric is difengaged at the halant of their a^iunun- the folid ftate, which furnishes an additional proof of fait b.ao- held in folu- tion by the compound action of"water and ca- loric. Hence, to caufe falts to cryftallize, v,rXh readily ]iq^fy by means of caloric, it is not fuf- ficient to carry off the water which held th-n m folution, but the caloric united to them nrt likewife be removed. Nitrat of potafh, ope- rated muriat of potafli, alum, fulphat of foda &c. are examples of tliis circumftance; as to make thefe falts cryftalize, refrigeration r-u: oe adJed to evaporation. Such falts, on the contrary, as require little caloric for bei^ kept m folutmn, and which, from that circurri,nce "e almoft equally foluble in cold and warm wa! ter, are cryftallizable by fimp'y caraviu- off the water which holds them in folution ;°and M m m 458 ELEMENTS even recover their folid ftate in boiling wat*r ; fuch are fulphat of lime, muriat of potafli and of foda, and feveral others. The art of refining faltpetre depends upon thefe properties of falts, and upon their different degrees of folubility in hot and cold water. This fait, as" produced in the manufactories by the firit operation, is compofed of many different falts. Some are deliquefcent, and not fufceptible of being cryftalized, fuch as the nitrat and mu- riat of lime. Others are almoft equally" foluble in hot and cold water ; as the muriats of potalh and of foda. And laftly, the faltpetre, or nitrat of potafh, is greatly more foluble in hot than it is in cold water. The operation is begun by pouring upon this mixture of falts as much wa- ter as will hold even the leaft foluble, the mu- riats of foda and of potafli, in folution. So long as it is hot, this quantity readily diffolves all the faltpetre : but upon cooling, the greater part of this fait cryftalizes, leaving about a fixth part remaining diffolved, and mixed with the nitrat of lime and the two muriats. The nitre obtain- ed by this procefs is flill fomewhat impregnated with other falts, becaufe it has been cryflallized from water in which thefe abound: It is com- pletely purified from thefe by a fecond folution in a fmall quantity of boiling water and fecond cryftallization. The water remaining after thefe #if cryat. libations of nitre, is ftill loaded with a mix- OF CHEMISTRY. 459 ture of faltpetre, and other falts. By farther eva- poratien, crude faltpetre, or rough-petre, as the workmen call it, is procured from it: and this is purified by two frefh folutions and cryftalliza- tions. The deliquefeent earthy falts, which do not contain the nitric acid, are rejected in this ma- nufacture. But thofe which confift of that acid neutralized by an earthy bafe, are diffolved in water, the earth is precipitated by means of pot- afh, and allowed to fubfide ; the clear liquor is then decanted, evaporated, and allowed to cryf- tallize. The above management for refining faltpetre, may ferve as a general rule for Sepa- rating falts from each other, wl:ich iiappen to be mixed together. The nature of each muft be confidered, the proportion in which each dif- folves in given quantities of water, and the dif- ferent folubility of each in hot and cold water. If to thefe we add the property which fome falts poffefs, of being foluble in alhohol, or in a mix- ture of alkohol and water, we have many re- fources for feparating falts from each other by means of cryftallization; thou ;h it mull be al- lowed, that it is extremely difficult to render this feparation perfectly complete. The veffels ufed for cryftallization, are pans of earthen ware, A, PL II. I i-. 1. and 2. and large flat dimes, Pi. III. Firr. 7. When a faiine folution is to be expofed to a flow evaporation «* 460 ELEMENTS in the heat of the atmofphere, with free accefs of air, veffels of fome depth, PI. III. rig. 3. muft be employed, that there may be a confiderable body of licuid. By this means, the cryftals pro- duced are cf confiderable fize, and remarkably regular in their figure. Every fpecies of fait cryftallizes in a peculiar form, and even each fait varies in the form of its crynals, according to circumftances, which take place during cryftallization. We muft not from thence conclude that the faline particles of each fpecies are indeterminate in their figures: The primitive particles of all bodies, efpecially of falts, are perfectly conftant in their fpecific forms. But the cryftals which form in our ex- periments, are compofed of congeries of minute particles, which, though perfectly equal in fize and fhape, may affume very difiimilar arrange- ments, and confequently produce a vaft variety of regular forms, which have not the fmalleft apparent refemblance to each other, nor to the original cryftal. This fubject has been very ably treated by the Abbe Hairy, in feveral memoirs prefented to the Academy, and in his work up- on the fl.ructure of cryftals. It is only neceffary to extend generally to the clafs of falts the princi- ples he has particularly applied to fome cryftal- lized ftones. J OF CHEMISTR Y. 461 SECT. V Of fimple Diftillation. As diftillation has two diftinct objects to ac- complifli, it is diviiible into fimple and com- pound : and, in this fection, I mca; to confine myfelf entirely to the former. When two bo- dies, of which one is more volatile than the other, or has more affinity to caloric, are fub- mitted to diftillation, our intention is to fepa- rate them from each other. The more volatile fubftance affumes the form of gas ; and is after- wards condenfed by refrigeration in proper vef- fels. In this cafe, diftillation, like evaporation, becomes a fpecies of mechanical operation, which feparates two fubftances from each other, without decompofing or altering the nature of either. In evaporation, our only object is to preferve the fixed body, without paying any regard to the volatile matter ; whereas, in diftillation, our prin- cipal attention is generally paid to the volatile fubftance, unlefs when we intend to preferve both the one and the other. Hence, fimple diftilla- tion is nothing more than evaporation produc d in clofe veffels. ^he moft fimple diftilling veffel is a f. ccic> 4-62 ELEMENTS of bottle or matrafs, A, PI. IN. fig. 8. which has been bent from its original form EC to LI), and which is then called a retort. When ufed, it is placed either in a reverberatory furnace, PI. XIII. fig. 2. or in a fand bath, under a dome of baked earth, PI. III. Fig. i. ' To receive and condenfe the products, we adapt a recipient, E. PI. III. 9. which is luted to the retort. Sometimes, more efpecially in pharmaceutical operations, the glafs or ftone ware cucurbit, A, with its capital B, PI. III. Fig. 12. or the glafs alembic and capital, Fig. 13. of one piece, is employed. This latter is managed by means of a tubulated opening T, fitted with a ground ftopper of cryftal. The capital, both of the cu- curbit and alembic, has a furrow or trench, r, r, intended for conveying the condenfed liquor into the beak RS, by which it runs out. As, in almoft all diftillations, expanfive vapours are produced, which might burft the veffels employ- ed, we are under the neceflity of having a fmall hole, T, Fig. 9. in the balloon or recipient, through which thefe may find vent. Hence, in this way of dlflilling, all the products which are permanently aeriform, are entirely loft: and even fuch as difficultly lofe thatftate, have not fufficient fpace to condenfe in the balloon. This appara- tus is not, therefore, proper for experiments of inveftigation ; and can only be admitted in the * ordinary operations of the laboratory or in OF CHEMISTRY. 463 pharmacy. In the article appropriated for com- pound diftillation, I fhall explain the various methods which have been contrived for preser- ving the whole products from bodies in this pro- cess. As glafs or earthen veffels are very brittle, and do not readily bear fudden alterations of heat and cold, every well regulated laboratory ought to have one or more alembics of metal for diililling water, fpiritous liquors, effential oils, £:c. This apparatus confifts of a cucurbit and capital of tinned copper or brafs, PI. III. Fig. 15. and 16. which, when judged proper, may be placed in the water bath, D, Fig. 17. In diftillations, efpecially of fpiritous liquors, the capital muft be furniflied with a refrigeratory, SS, Fig". 16. kept continually filled with cold water. When the water becomes heated, it is let off by the ftop-cock, R, and renewed with a frefh fupply of cold water. As the fluid diftil- led is converted into gas by means of caloric furniflied by the fire of the furnace, it is evi- dent, that it could not condenfe, and, confe- quently, that no diftillation, properly fpeakincr could take place, unlefs it be made to depofit in the capital all the caloric it received in the cu- curbit. With this view, the fides ofthe capital mult always be preferved at a lower tempera- ture than is neceffary for keeoin^ the diuniino- fubftance in the ftate cf gas; and the water in 464 ELEMENTS the refrigeratory is intended for this purpoff. Water is converted into gas by the temperature of 2120 ; alkohol by 182.750 ; and ether by 1040. Hence thefe fubftances cannot be diftil- led, or rather, they will fly off in the ftate of gar, unlefs the temperature of the refrigeratory be kept under there respective degrees. In the diftillation of fpiritous and other ere- panfive liquors, the above dff bribed refrigerato- ry is not fufficient for condenfing all the vapours which arife. In this cafe, therefore, inftead of receiving the diftilled liquor immediately from the beak TU, of the capital into a recipient, a worm is interpofed between them. This in- ftrument is reprefented PI. III. Figi 18, contain- ed in a worm tub of tinned copper. It confiih of a metallic tube bent into a con fde-able num- ber of fpiral revolutions. The veffel, which con- tains the worm, is kept full of cold water, which is renewed as it grows warm. This contrivance is employed in all diflllleries of fpirits, without the intervention of a capital and refrigeratory, properly fo called. The one reprefented in the plate is furniflied with two worms, one cf them being particularly appropriated to diftillations of odoriferous fubftance;. In fome fimple disinflations, it is neceffary to interpofe an adopter between the retort and re- ceiver, as fhewn PI. TIL Fig. 11. This may * ferve two different purpofes ', thh-r to feparate OF CHEMISTRY. 4G5 two products of different degrees of volatility; or to remove the receiver to a greater diftance from the furnace, that it may be lefs headed. But thefe, and feveral other more complicated inftruments of ancient contrivance, are far from producing the accuracy requifite in modern che- miftry, as will be readily perceived, when I come to treat of compound diftillation. SECT. VI. Of Sublimation. This term is applied to the diftillation of fub- ftances which condenfe in a concrete or folid form, fuch as the fublimation of fulphur, and of muriat of ammoniac, or fal ammoniac. Thefe operations may be conveniently performed in the ordinary diftilling veffels already defcribed, though, in the fublimation of fulphur, a fpe- cies of veffels, named alludels, have been ufu- ally employed. Thefe are veffels of ftone or porcelain ware, which adjuft to each other over a cucurbit, containing the fulphur to be fublim- ed. One of the beft fubliming veffels, for fub- ftances which arc not very volatile, is a flafk, or phial of glafs, funk about two thirds into a N n n A(56 ELEMENTS fand bath; but in this way we are apt to lofe a part of the produfts. When thefe are wifhed to be entirely preferved, we muft have recourfe to the pneumato-chemical diftilling apparatus, to be defcribed in the following chapter. OF CHEMISTRY. 467 CHAP. VI. Of Pneumato-chemical Diftillations, Metallic Dif folutions, and fome other Operations which re- quire very Complicated Inftruments.. SECT. I. Of Compound and Pneumato-chemical Diflillations. IN the preceding chapter, I have only treated of diftillation as a fimple operation, by which two fubftances, differing in their degrees of vola- tility, may be feparated from each other; but diftillation often a&ually decompofes thefubftan^ ces fubmitted to its action, and becomes one of the moft complicated operations in chemiftry. In every diftillation, the fubftance diftilled muft be brought to the ftate of gas, in the cucurbit or retort, by combination with caloric : In fimple diftillation, this caloric is given out in the re- frigeratory or in the worm, and the fubftance again recovers its liquid or folid form; but the fubftances fubmitted to compound diftillation 468 ELEMENTS are abfolutely decompounded ; one part, as for inftance, the carbon they contain, remains fixed in the retort, and all the reft of the elements are reduced to gaffes of different kinds. Some of thefe gaffes are fufceptible of being condenf- ed, and of recovering their folid or liquid forms, while others are permanently aeriform ; one part of thefe are abforbable by water, fome by the al- kalies, and others are not fufceptible of being ■ abforbed at all. An ordinary diftiliing appara- tus, fuch as has been defcribed in the preceding chapter, is quite infufficient for retaining or for feparating thefe diverfified products, and we are obliged to have recourfe, for this purpofe, to me- thods of a more complicated nature. The apparatus I am about to defcribe is cal- culated for the moft complicated diftillations, and may be Amplified or extended according to cir- cumftances. It confifts of a tubulated glafs retort A, PI. IV. Fig', i. having its beak fitted to a t .bulated balloon or recipient BC ; to the upper orifice D of the balloon a bent tube T)Efg is ad- justed, which, at its other extremity g, is plun- ged into the liquor contained in the bottle L, with three necks xxx. Three other fimilar bottles are connected with this firft one, by means of three fimilar bent tubes difpofed in the fame manner ; and the fartheft neck of the laft bottle is connected with a jar in a pnetima- 10-chcinical apparatus, by means of a bent OF CHEMISTRY. 469 tube *. A determinate weight of diftilled water is ufually put into the firft bottle, and the other three have each a folution of cauftic potafh in water. The weight of all thefe bottles, and of the water and alkaline folution they contain,muft ]be accurately afcertained. Every thing being thus difpofed, the junctures between the retort and recipient, and of the tube D of the latter, muft be luted with fat lute, covered over with flips of linen, fpread with lime and white of egg; all the other junctures are to be fecured by a lute made of wax and rofin melted together. When all thefe difpofitions are completed, and when, by means of heat applied to the re- tort A, the fubftance it contains becomes de- compofed, it is evident that the leaft volatile products muft condenfe or fublime in the beak or neck of the retort itfelf, where moft of the concrete fubftances will fix themfelves. The more volatile fubftances, as the lighter oils, am- moniac, and feveral others, will condenfe in the recipient GC, whilft the gaffes, which are not fufceptible of condenfation by cold, will pafs on by the tubes, and boil up through the liquors in the feveral bottles. Such as are abforbable * The representation of this apparatus, PI. IV. Fig. I. will convey a much better idea of its difpofition than can poffibly be given by the moft laboured defcription.—T. 479 ELEMENTS by water will remain in the firft bottle, and thofe which cauftic alkali can abforb will re- main in the others ; while fuch gaffes as are not fufceptible of abforption, either by water or alkalies, will efcape by the tube RM, at the end of which they may be received into jars in a pneumato-chemical apparatus. The carbon and fixed earth, &c« which form the fubftance or re- fiduum, anciently called caput mortuum, remain behind in the retort. In this manner ©f operating, we have always a very material proof of the accuracy of the analyfis, as the whole weights of the products taken together, after the procefs is finifhed, ' muft be exactly equal to the weight .of the ori- ginal fubftance fubmitted to diftillation. Hence, for inftance, if we have operated upon eight ounces of ftarch or gum arabic, the weight of the charry refiduum in the retort, together with that of all the products gathered in its neck and the balloon, and of all the gas received into the jars by the tube RM added to the additional weight acquired by the bottles, muft, when ta- ken together, be exactly eight ounces. If the product be lefs or more, it proceeds from er- ror, and the experiment muft be repeated until a fatisfactory refult be procured, which ought not to differ more than fix or eight grains in the pound from the weight of the fubftance fubmit- ted to experiment. OF CHEMISTRY. 471 In experiments of this kind, I for a long time met with an almoft infurmountable difficulty, which muft at laft have obliged me to defift al- together, but for a very fimple method of avoid- ing it, pointed out to me by Mr HaffenfTatz. The fmalleft diminution in the heat of the fur- nace, and many other circumftances infeparable from this kind of experiments, caufe frequent reabforptions of gas ; when this occurs, the wa- ter in the ciftern of the pneumato-chemical ap- paratus rufhes into the laft bottle through the tube RM; the fame circumftance happens from one bottle into another, and the fluid is often forced even into the recipient C. This accident is prevented by ufing bottles having three necks, as reprefented in the plate, into one of which, in each bottle, a capillary glafs-tube St, st,st,st, is adapted, fo as to have its lower extremity / im- merforl in the liquor. If any abforption takes place, either in the retort, or in any of the bot- tles, a fufficient quantity of external air enters, by means of thefe tubes, to fill up the void ; and we get rid of the inconvenience at the price of having a fmall portion of common air mixed with the products of the experiment, which is thereby prevented from failing altogether. Tho* thefe tubes admit the external air, they cannot permit any of the gaffeous fubftances to efcape, as they are always fhut below by the water of the bottles. 472 ELEMENTS It is evident, that, in the courfe of experi- ments with this apparatus, the liquor of the bot- tles muft rife in thefe tubes in proportion to the preffure fuftained by the gas or air contained in the bottles; and this preffure is determined by the height and gravity of the column of fluid contained in all the fubfequent bottles. If we fuppofe that each bottle contains three inches of fluid, and that there are three inches of water in the ciftern of the connected apparatus above the orifice of the tube RM, and allowing the gravity of the fluids to be only equal to that of water, it follows that the air in the firft bottle muft fuftain a preffure equal to twelve inches of water ; the water muft therefore rife twelve inches in the tube S, connected with the firft bottle, nine inches in that belonging to the fe- cond, fix inches in the third, and three in the laft ; wherefore thefe tubes muft be made fome- what more than twelve, nine, fix, and three inches long refpectively, allowance being made for ofcillatory motions, which often take place in the liquids. It is fometimes neceffary to in- troduce a fimilar tube between the retort and recipient; and as the tube is not immerfed in fluid at its lower extremity, until fome has col- lected in the progrefs of the diftillation, its up- per end muft be fhut at firft with a little lute, fo as to be opened according to neceffity, or after OF CHEMISTRY. 473 there is fufficient liquid in the recipient to fe- cure its lower extremity. This apparatus cannot be ufed in verv accu- rate experiments, when the fubftances intended to be operated upon have a very rapid action upon each other, or when one of them can only be introduced in fmall fucceflive portions, as in fuch as produce violent effervefcence when mixed together. In fuch cafes we employ a tubulated retort A, PI. VII. Fig. i. into which one of the fubftances is introduced, preferring always the folid body, if any fuch is to be treat- ed. We then lute to the opening of the retort a bent tube BCDA, terminating at its upper ex- tremity B in a funnel, and at its other end A in a capillary opening. The fluid material of the experiment is poured into the retort by means of this funnel, which muft be made of fuch a length, from B to C, that the column of liquid introduced may counterbalance the refiftance produced by the liquors contained in all the bot- tles, PI. IV. Fig. i. 1 hofe, who have not been accuftomed to ufe the above defcribed diftilling apparatus, may perhaps be ftartled at the great number of open- ings which require luting, and the time necef- fary for making all the previous preparations in experiments of this kind. It is very true, that, if we take into account all the neceffary weigh- ings of materials and products, both before and Ooo 474 ELEMENTS after the experiments, thefe preparatory and fuc- ceeding fteps require much more time and atten- tion than the experiment itfelf. But, when the experiment fucceeds properly, we are well re- warded for all the time and trouble beftowed, as, by one procefs carried on in this accurate manner, much more juft and extenfive know- ledge is acquired, of the nature of the vegetable or animal fubftance thus fubmitted to inveftiga- tion, than by many weeks afliduous labour in the ordinary method of proceeding. When in want of bottles with three orifices, thofe with two may be ufed. It is even poffible to introduce all the three tubes at one opening, fo as to employ ordinary wide-mouthed bottles, provided the opening be fufficiently large. In this cafe we muft carefully fit the bottles with corks very accurately cut, and boiled in a mix- ture of oil, wax, and turpentine. Thefe corks are pierced with the neceffary holes for receiv- ing the tubes, by means of a round file, as in PI. IV. Fig. 8. OF CHEMISTRY. 475 SECT. II. Of Metallic Diffolutions. I have already pointed out the difference be- tween folution of falts in water and metallic dif- folutions. The former requires no particular veffels ; whereas the latter require very compli- cated veffels of late invention, that we may not lofe any of the products of the experiment, and may therefore procure truly conclufive refults of the phenomena which occur. The metals, in general, diffolve in acids with effervefcence, which is only a motion excited in the folvent by the difengagement of a great number of bub- bles of air or aeriform fluid, which proceed from the furface of the metal, and break at the furface of the liquid, Mr Cavendifh and Dr Prieftley were the firft inventors of a proper apparatus for collecting thefe elaftic fluids. That of Dr Prieftley is ex- tremely fimple, and confifts of a bottle A, PI. VII. Fig. 2. with its cork B, through which paf- fes the bent glafs tube BC, which is engaged under a jar filled with water in the pneumato- chemical apparatus, or fimply in a bafon full of water. The metal is firft introduced into the 476 ELEMENTS bottle ; the acid is then poured over it; and the bottle is inftantly clofed with its cork and tube, as reprefented in the plate. But this apparatus has its inconveniences. When the acid is much concentrated, or the metal much divided, the ef- fervefcence begins before we have time to cork the bottle properly ; and fome gas efcapes, by which we are prevented from afcertaining the quantity difengaged with rigorous exactnefs. In the next place, when we are obliged to employ heat, or when heat is produced by the procefs, a part of the acid diftils, and mixes with the wa- ter of the pneumato-chemical apparatus, by which means we are deceived in our calcula- tion of the quantity of acid decompofed. Be- fides thefe, the water in the ciftern of the appa- ratus abforbs all the gas produced, which is fuf- ceptible of abforption, and renders it impoflible to collect thefe without lofs. To remedy thefe inconveniences, I at firft ufed a bottle with two necks, PL VII. Fig. 3. in- to one of which the glafs funnel BC is luted fo as to prevent any air efcaping. A glafs rod DE is fitted with emery to the funnel, fo as to ferve the purpofe of a ftopper. When it is ufed, the matter to be diffolved is firft introduced into the bottle ; and the acid is then permitted to pafs in as flowly as we pleafe, by raifing the glafs .rod gently as often as is neceffary until faturation is produced. OF CHEMISTRY. 477 Another method has been fince employed, which ferves the fame purpofe, and is prefer- able to the laft defcribed in fome inftances. This confifts in adapting to one of the mouths, of the bottle A, PI. VII. Fig. 4. a bent tube DEFG, having a capillary opening at D, and ending in, a funnel at G. This tube is fecurely luted to the mouth C of the bottle. When any liquid is poured into the funnel, it falls down to F ; and, if a fufficient quantity be added, it paffes by the curvature E, and falls flowly into the bottle, fo long as frefh liquor is fupplied at the funnel. The liquor can never be forced out of the tube, and no gas can efcape through it, becaufe the weight of the liquid ferves the purpofe of an ac- curate cork. To prevent any diftillation of acid, efpecially in diffolutions accompanied with heat, this tube is adapted to the retort A, PI. VII. Fig. 1. and a fmall tubulated recipient, M, is applied, in which any liquor which may diftil is condenfed. On purpofe to feparate any gas that is abforb- able by water, we add the double-necked bot- tle L, half filled with a folution of cauftic pot- afli ; the alkali abforbs any carbonic acid gas, and ufually only one or two other gaffes pafs into the jar of the connected pneumato-chemi- cal apparatus through the tube NO. In the firft chapter of this third part, we have directed how thefe are to be fenarated and examined. 473 E L E M ENTS If one bottle of alkaline folution be not thought fufficient, two, three, or more, may be added. SECT. III. Apparatus neceffary in Experiments upon Vinous and Putrefaclive Fermentations. For thefe operations a peculiar apparatus, efpecially intended for this kind of experiment, is requifite. The one I am about to defcribe, is finally adopted, as the beft calculated for the purpofe, after numerous corrections and improve- ments. It confifts of a large matrafs A, PI. X. Fig. i. holding about twelve pints, with a cap of brafs, a, b, ftrongly cemented to its mouth, and into which is fcrewed a bent tube c d, furniflied with a ftop-cock e. To this tube is joined the glafs recipient B, having three openings, one of which communicates with the bottle C, placed below it. To the pofterior opening of this re^ cipient is fitted a glafs tube g h i, cemented at g and * to collets of brafs, and intended to contain a very deliquefcent concrete neutral fait, fuch as nitrat or muriat of lime, acetite of potafh, &c. This tube communicates with two bottles D and E, filled to x and y with a folution of cauftic potafh. OF CHEMISTRY. 479 All the parts of this machine are joined toge- ther by accurate fcrews: and the touching parts have greafed leather interpofed, to prevent any paffage of air. Each piece is likewife furniflied with two ftop^cocks, .by which its two extremi- ties may be clofed; fo that we can weigh each feparately at any period of the operation. The fermentable matter, fuch as fugar, with a proper quantity of yeaft, and diluted with wa- ter, is put into the matrafs. Sometimes, when the fermentation is too rapid, a confiderable quantity of froth is produced, which not only fills the neck of the matrafs, but paffes into the recipient, and from thence runs down into the bottle C. On purpofe to collect this fcum and muft, and to prevent it from reaching the tube filled with deliquefcent falts, the recipient and connected bottle are made of confiderable capa- city. In the vinous fermentation, only carbonic acid gas is difengaged, carrying with it a fmall proportion of water in folution. A great part of this water is depofited in paffing through the tube g h i, which is filled with a deliquefcent fait in grofs powder: and the quantity is afcer- tained by the augmentation of the weight of the fait. The carbonic acid gas bubbles up through the alkaline folution in the bottle D, to which it is conveyed by the tube k I m. Any fmall portion which may not be abforbed by this 480 ELEMENTS firft bottle, is fecured by the folution in the fe- cond bottle E ; fo that nothing, in general, paf- fes into the jar F, except the common air con- tained in the veffels at the commencement of the experiment. The fame apparatus anfwers extremely well for experiments upon the putrefactive fermen- tation: but, in this cafe a confiderable quantity of hydrogen gas is difengaged through the tube q r s t u, by which it is conveyed into the jar F ; and, as this difengagement is very rapid, efpe- cially in fummer, the jar muft be frequently changed. Thefe putrefactive fermentations re- quire conftarit attendance from the above cir- cumftance : whereas the vinous fermentation hardly needs any. By means of this apparatus, we can afcertain, with great precifion, the weights of the fubftances fubmitted to ferment- ation, and of the liquid and aeriform products which are difengaged. What has been already faid, in Part I. Chap. XIII. upon the products of the vinous fermentation, may be confulted. OF CHEMISTRY. 481 SECT. IV. Apparatus for the Decompofition of Water. Having already given an account, in the firft part of this work, of the experiments relative to the decompofition of water, I fhall avoid any unneceffary repetitions, and only give a few fummary obfervations upon the fubject in this fection. The principal fubftances which have the power of decompofing water, are iron and charcoal; for which purpofe they require to be made red hot, otherwife the water is only re- duced into vapour, and condenfes afterwards by . refrigeration, without fuftaining the fmalleft al- teration. In a red heat, on the contrary, iron or charcoal carry off the oxygen from its union with hydrogen; in the firft cafe, black oxyd of iron is produced, and the hydrogen is difengaged pure in form of gas; in the other cafe, carbo- nic acid gas is formed, which difengages, mix- ed with the hydrogen gas, and this latter is commonly carbonated, or holds carbon in folu- tion. A mufket-barrel, without its breach pin, an- fwers exceedingly well for the decompofition of water, by means of iron, and one fhould be pPP 4-8z ELEMENTS chofen of confiderable length, and pretty ftrong. 'When too fhort, fo as to run the rifle of heating the lute too much, a tube of copper muft be ftrongly foldered to one end. The barrel is placed in a long furnace CDEF, PI. VII. Fig. n. fo as to have a few degrees of inclination from E to F; a glafs retort A, is luted to the upper extremity E, which contains water, and is placed upon the furnace VVXX. The lower extremity F is luted to a worm SS, which is connected with the tubulated bottle H, in which any water diftilled without decompofition, dur- ing the operation, collects, and the difengaged gas is carried by the tube KK to jars in a pneu- mato-chemical apparatus. Inftead of the re- tort, a funnel may be employed, having its lower part fhut by a ftop-cock, through which the water is allowed to drop gradually into the gun-barrel. Immediately upon getting into contact with the heated part of the iron, the water is converted into fleam, and the experi- ment proceeds in the fame manner as if it were furniflied in vapours from the retort. In the experiment made by Mr Meufnier and nie before a committee of the Academy, we ufed every precaution to obtain the greateft poffible precifion in the refult of our experiment, having even exhaufted ail the veffels employed beforewe began, fo that the hydrogen gas obtained might be free from any mixture of azotic gas. The re- OF CHEMISTRY. 483 fulte of that experiment will hereafter be given at large in a particular memoir. In numerous experiments we are obliged to ufe tubes of glafs, porcelain or copper, inftead of gun-barrels; but glafs has the difadvantage of being eafily melted and flattened, if the heat be in the fmalleft degree raifed too high; and porcelain is moftly full of fmall minute pores, through which the gas efcapes, efpecially when compreffed by a column of water. For thefe reafons I procured a tube of brafs, which Mr de la Briche got call and bored out of the folid for me at Strafburg, under his own inflection. This tube is extremely convenient for decompof- ing alkohol, which refolves into carbon, carbo- nic acid gas, and hydrogen gas j it may likewife be ufed with the fame advantage for decompof- ing water by means of charcoal, and in a great number of experiments of this nature. 434 ELEMENTS CHAP. VII. Of the Compofition and Application of Lutes. THE neceffity of properly fecuring the junc- tures of chemical veffels, to prevent the efcape of any of the products of experiments, muft be fufficiently apparent; for this purpofe lutes are employed, which ought to be of fuch a nature as to be equally impenetrable to the moft fubtile fubftances, as glafs itfelf, through which only caloric can efcape. This firft object of lutes is very well accom- plifhed by bees wax, melted with about an eighth part of turpentine. This lute is very eafily ma- naged, flicks very clofely to glafs, and is very difficultly penetrable; it may be rendered more confiftent, and lefs or more hard or pliable, by adding different kinds of refinous matters. Tho* this fpecies of lute anfwers extremely well for retaining gaffes and vapours, there are many che- mical experiments which produce confiderable heat, by which this lute becomes liquefied, and confequently the expanfive vapours muft very readily force through and efcape. OF CHEMISTRY. 4^ For fuch cafes, the following fat lute is the beft hitherto difcovered, though not without its difadvantages, which fhall be pointed out. Take very pure and dry unbaked clay, reduced to a fine powder ; put this into a brafs mortar ; and beat it, for feveral hours, with a heavy iron pef- tle, dropping in flowly fome boiled lintfeed oil. i: is is oil which has been oxygenated, and has acquired a drying quality, by being boiled with litharge. This lute is more tenacious, and ap- plies better, if amber varnifli be ufed inftead of the above oil. To make this varnifh, melt fome yellow amber in an iron ladle, by which ope- ration it lofes a part of its fuccinic acid, and ef- fential oil; and mix it with lintfeed oil. Though the lute prepared with this varnifli, is better than that made with boiled oil, yet, as its addi- tional expence is hardly compenfated by its fu- perior quality, it is feldom ufed. The above fat lute is capable of fuftaining a very violent degree of heat; is impenetrable by acids and fpiritous liquors ; and adheres ex- ceedingly well to metals, ftone ware, or glafs, provided they have been previoufly rendered perfectly dry. But if, unfortunately, any ofthe liquor in the courfe of an experiment gets thro', either between the glafs and the lute, or be- tween the layers of the lute itfelf, fo as to moiften the part, it is extremely difficult to clofe 486 ELEMENTS the opening. This is the chief inconvenience which attends the ufe of fat lute, and perhaps the only one it is fubject to. As it is apt to fof- ten by heat, we muft furround all the junctures with flips of wet bladder, applied over the lut- ing, and fixed on by pack-thread tied round both above and below the joint. The bladder, and con- fequently the lute below, muft be farther fecur- ed by a number of turns of pack-thread all over it. By thefe precautions, we are free from every danger of accident; and the junctures fecured in this manner may be confidered, in experi- ments, as hermetically fealed. It frequently happens that the figure of the junctures prevents the application of ligatures, which is the cafe with the three-necked bottles formerly defcribed : and it even requires great addrefs to apply the twine without fhaking the apparatus ; fo that, where a number of junc- tures require luting, we are apt to difplace feve- ral, while fecuring one. In thefe cafes we may fubftitute flips of linen, fpread with white of egg and lime mixed together, inftead of the wet bladder. Thefe are applied while ftill moift, and very fpeedily dry and acquire confiderable hardnefs. Strong glue, diffolved in water, may anfwer inftead of white of egg. Thefe fillets are ufefully applied likewife over junctures luted together with wax and rofin. OF CHEMISTRY. 487 Before applying a lute, all the jundures of the veffels muft be accurately and firmly fitted to each other, fo as not to admit of being mo- ved. If the beak of a retort is to be luted to the neck of a recipient, they ought to fit pretty accurately; otherwife we muft fix them by in- troducing fhort pieces of foft wood, or of cork. If the difproportion between the two be very confiderable, we muft employ a cork which fits the neck of the recipient, having a circular hole of proper dimenfions to admit the beak of the retort. The fame precaution is neceffary in adapting bent tubes to the necks of bottles in the apparatus, reprefented PI. IV. Fig. 1. and others of a fimilar nature. Each mouth of each bottle muft be fitted with a cork, having a hole made with a round file of a proper fize for containing the tube. And, when one mouth is intended to admit two or more tubes, which frequently happens when we have not a fuffi- cient number of bottles with two or three necks, we muft ufe a cork with two or three holes, PI. IV. Fig. 8. When the whole apparatus is thus folidly joined, fo that no part can play upon another, we begin to lute. The lute is foftened by kneading and rolling it between the fingers, with the afliltance of heat, if neceffary. It is rolled into little cylindrical pieces, and applied to the junctures, taking great care to make it 488 ELEMENTS apply clofe, and adhere firmly, in every part; a fecond roll is applied over the firft, fo as to pafs it on each fide ; and fo on till each juncture be fufficiently covered. After this, the flips of blad- der, or of linen, as above directed, muft be care- fully applied over all. Though this operation may appear extremely fimple, yet it requires pe- culiar delicacy and management. Greatcare muft be taken not to difturb one juncture whilft luting another, and more efpecially when applying the fillets and ligatures. Before beginning any experiment, the clofe- nefs of the luting ought always to be previoufly tried, either by flightly heating the retort A, PI. IV. Fig. i. or by blowing in a little air by fome of the perpendicular tubes Sss s. The al- teration of preffure caufes a change in the level of the liquid in thefe tubes. If the apparatus be accurately luted, this alteration of level will be permanent; whereas, if there be the fmalleft opening in any of the junctures, the liquid will very foon recover its former level. It muft al- ways be remembered, that the whole fuccefs of experiments in modern chemiftry depends upon the exactnefs of this operation, which therefore requires the utmoft patience, and moft attentive accuracy. It would be of infinite fervice to enable che- mifts, efpecially thofe who are engaged in pneu- matic proceffes, to difpenfe with the ufe of lutes, OF CHEMISTRY. 489 or at leaft to diminifli the number neceffary in complicated inftruments. I once thought of having my apparatus conftructed fo as to unite in all its parts by fitting with emery, in the way of bottles with cryftal ftoppers ; but the execu- tion of this plan was extremely difficult. I have fince thought it preferable to fubftitute Columns of a few lines of mercury in place of lutes ; and have got an apparatus conftructed upon this principle, which appears capable of very conveni- ent application in a great number of circum- ftances. It conTifts of a double-necked bottle A, PI; XII. Fig. 12. The interior neck b c communi- cates with the infide of the bottle : and the ex- terior neck or rim de leaves an interval between the two necks, forming a deep gutter intended to contain the mercury. The cap or lid of glafs B enters this gutter, and is properly fitted to it, having notches in its lower edge for the paffage of the tubes which convey the gas. Thefe tubes, inftead of entering directly into the bottles, as in the ordinary apparatus, have a double bend for making them enter the gutter, as reprefented in Fig. 13. and for making them fit the notches of the cap B. They rife again from the gutter to enter the infide of the bottle over the border of the inner mouth. When the tubes are difpofed in their proper places, and the cap firmly fitted on, the gutter is filled with 49° ELEMENTS mercury, by which means the bottle is com- pletely excluded from any communication, ex- cepting through the tubes. This apparatus may ^ be very convenient in many operations in which the fubftances employed have no action upon mercury. PI. XII. Fig. 14. reprefents an ap- paratus upon this principle properly fitted toge- ther. Mr Seguin, to whofe aftive and intelligent affiftance I have been very frequently much in- debted, has befpoken for me, at the glafs-houfes, fome retorts hermetically united to their reci- pients, by which luting will be altogether unne- ceffary. OF CHEMISTRY. 491 CHAP. VIII. Of Operations upon Combuftion and Deflagration^ SECT. I. Of Combuftion in General. COMBUSTION, according to what has been already faid in the Firft Part of this Work, is the decompofition of oxygen gas pro- duced by a combuftible body. The oxygen which forms the bafe of this gas, is abforbed by, and enters into combination with, the burning body, while the caloric and light are fet free. Every combuftion, therefore, neceffarily fuppo- fes oxygenation; whereas, on the contrary, e- very oxygenation does n&t neceffarily imply concomitant combuftion; becaufe combuftion, properly fo called, cannot take place without difengagement of caloric and light. Before combuftion can take place, it is neceffary that the bafe of oxygen gas fhould have greater affi- 492 ELEMENTS *nity to the combuftible body, than it has to ca- loric : and this elective attraction, to ufe Berg- man's expreffion, can only take place at a certain degree of temperature, which is different for each combuftible fubftance. Hence the neceffity of giving a firft motion or beginning to every com- buftion by the approach of a heated body. This neceffity of heating any body we mean to burn,, depends upon certain confiderations, which have not hitherto been attended to by any natural phi- losopher ; wherefore I fhall enlarge a little upon the fubject in this.place. Nature is at prefent in a ftate of equilibrium, which cannot have been attained until all the fpontaneous combuftions or oxygenations pof- fible in the ordinary degrees of temperature had |aken place. Hence, no new combuftions or oxygenations, can happen without deftroying" this equilibrium, and raifing the combuftible fubftances to a fuperior degree of temperature. To illuftrate this abftract view of the matter by- example: Let us fuppofe the ufual temperature of the earth a little changed,, and that it were raj'ed only to the degree of boiling water. It is evident, that, in this cafe, phofphorus, which is combuftible in a confiderably lower degree of temperature, would no longer exift in nature in its pure and fimple ftate, but would always be procured in its acid or oxygenated ftate ; and its radical would become one of the fubftances ua- OF CHEMISTRY. 49-3 known to chemiftry. By gradually increafing the temperature of the earth, the fame circum- ftance would fucceflively happen to all the bo- dies capable of combuftion ; and, at laft, every poffible combuftion having taken place, there would no longer exift any combuftible body whatever ; as every fubftance, fufceptible of that operation, would be oxygenated, and con- fequently incotnbuftible. There cannot, therefore, exift, fo far as relates to us, any combuftible body, except fuch as are incombuftible in the ordinary temperatures of the earth; or, what is the fame thing, in other words, that it is effential to the nature of every combuftible body, not to poffefs the property of combuftion, unlefs heated, or raifed to the de- gree of temperature at which its combuftion natu- rally takes place. When this degree is once pro- duced, combuftion commences ; and the caloric, which is difengaged by the decompqfition of the oxygen gas, keeps up the temperature ne- ceffary for continuing combuftion. When this is not the cafe, that is, when the difengaged ca- loric is mfufficient for keeping up the neceffary temperature, the combuftion ceafes. This cir- cumftance is expreffed in common language- by faying, that a body burns ill, or with diffi- culty. Although combuftion poffeffes fome circum- ftances in common with diftillation, efpecially 494 ELEMENTS witfr the compound kind of that operation, they differ in a very material point. In diftillation, there is a feparation of one part of the elements ofthe fubftance from each other, andaconfequent combination of thefe, in a new order, occafioned by the affinities which take place in the increafed temperature produced during diftillation. This likewife happens in combuftion, but with this far- ther circumftance, that a new element, not origi- nally in the body, is brought into action: oxygen is added to the fubftance fubmitted to the opera- tion, and caloric is difengaged. The neceffity of employing oxygen in the ftate of gas in all experiments with combuftion, and the rigorous determination of the quanti- ties employed, render this kind of operations peculiarly troublefome. As almoft all the pro- ducts of combuftion are difengaged in the ftate of gas, it is ftill more difficult to retain them than even thofe furniflied during compound dif- tillation. Hence this precaution was entirely ne- glected by the ancient chemifts; and this fet of experiments exclufively belongs to modern che- miftry. Having thus pointed out, in a general way, the objects to be had in view in experiments upon combuftion, I proceed, in the following fections of this chapter, to defcribe the different inftruments I have ufed with this view. The following arrangement is formed, not upon the OF CHEMISTRY. 495 nature of the combuftible bodies, but upon that of the inftruments neceffary for combuftion, S EC T. II. Of the Combuftion of Phofphorus. In thefe combuftions, we begin by filling ajar, capable at leaft of holding fix pints, with oxy- gen gas, in the water apparatus, PI. V. Fig. i. When it is perfectly full, fo that the gas begins to flow out below, the jar A is carried to the mercury apparatus, PI. IV. Fig. 3. We then dry the furface ofthe mercury, both within and without the jar, by means of blotting-paper, ta- king care to keep the paper for fome time en- tirely immerfed in the mercury before it is in- troduced under the jar, left we let in any com- mon air, which adheres very obftinately to the furface of the paper. The body to be fubmit- ted to combuftion, being firft very accurately weighed in nice fcales, is placed in a fmall flat fhallow difh, D, of iron or porcelain. This is covered by the larger cup P, which ferves the office, of a diving bell: and the whole is paffed through the mercury into the jar ; after which the larger cup is retired. The difficulty of paf- fing the materials of combuftion in this manner 496" ELEMENTS ■through the mercury, maybe avoided by raifing one of the fides of the jar, A, for a moment, and flipping in the little cup, D, with the com- buftible body, as quickly as poffible. In this manner of operating, a fmall quantity of com- mon air gets into the jar : but it is fo very irr- confiderable as not to injure either the progrefs or accuracy of the experiment, in any fenfible degree. When the cup, D, is introduced under the jar, we fuck out apart of the oxygen gas, fo as to raife the mercury to EF, as formerly directed, Part I. Chap. V; otherwife, when the combuf- tible body is fet on fire, the gas becoming di- lated, would be in part forced out, and we fhould no longer be able to make any accurate calcu- lation of the quantities before and after the ex- periment. A very convenient mode of draw- ing out the air is by means of an air-pump fy- ringe adapted to the fyphon, GHI, by which the mercury may be raifed to any degree undei twenty-eight inches. Very inflammable bodies. as phofphorus, are fet on fire by means of tht crooked iron wire, MN, PI. IV. Fig. 16. mad< red hot, and paffed quickly through the mercury Such as are lefs eafily fet on fire, have a fmal portion of tinder, upon which a minute particli of phofphorus is fixed, laid upon them befon ufing the red hot iron. OF CHEMISTRY. 497 In the firft moment of combuftion, the air, being heated, rarefies, and the mercury defcends. But when, as in combuftions of phofphorus and iron, no elaftic*-fluid is formed, abforption be- comes prefently very fenfible, and the mercury rifes high into the jar. Great attention rnuft be ufed, not to burn too large a quantity of any fub- ftance in a given quantity of gas; otherwife, to* wards the end of the experiment, the cup would approach fonear the top of the jar, as to endan- ger breaking it, by the great heat produced, and the fudden refrigeration from the cold mercury. For the methods of meafuring the volume of the gaffes, and for correcting the meafures according to the height ofthe barometer and thermometer, &c. fee Chap. II. Sect. V. and VI. of this Part. The above procefs anfwers very well for burn- ing all the concrete fubftances, and even for the fixed oils. Thefe laft are burnt in lamps under the jar, and are readily fet on fire by means of tinder, phofphorus, and hot iron. But it is dan- gerous for fubftances fufceptible of evaporating in a moderate heat, fuch as ether, alkohol, and the effential oils. Thefe fubftances diffolve in con- fiderable quantity in oxygen gas : and, when fet on fire, a dangerous and fudden explofion takes place, which forces up the jar to a great height, and dafhes it in a thoufand pieces. From the effects of two fuch explofions, fome of the mem- R rr 493 ELEMENTS bers of the Academy and myfelf efcaped very narrowly. Befides, though this manner of ope- rating is fufficient for determining pretty accu- rately the quantity of oxygen gas abforbed, and of carbonic acid produced; yet as water is likewife formed in all experiments upon vegetable and animal matters, which contain an excefs of hydro- gen, this apparatus can neither colled it, nor de- termine its quantity. The experiment with phof- phorus is even incomplete in this way; as it is im- poflible to demonftrate that the weight of thc phofphoric acid produced, is equal to the fum ot the weights of the phofphorus burnt and of oxy- gen *as abforbed during the procefs, I have been, therefore, obliged to vary the inftruments accord- ing tocircumftances, and to employ feveral of dif- ferent kinds, which I fhall defcribe in their order, beginning with that ufed forburning phofphorus. Take a large balloon, A, PI. IV. Fig. 4- of cryftal or white glafs, with an opening, EF,a- bout two inches and a half, or three inches dia- meter, to which a cap of brafs is accurately fit- ted with emery, and which has two holes for the paffage ofthe tubes x x x,yyy- Before inut- tino- the balloon with its cover, place withm ^ it ttuTftand, BC, fupporting the cup of porcelain, D, which contains the phofphorus. Then lute on the cap with fat lute, allow it to dry for fome days, and weigh the whole accurately. O F C H E M I S T R Y. 499 After this exhauft the balloon by means of an air-pump, connected with the tube xxx, and fill it with oxygen gas by the tube yyy, from the gazometer, PL VIII. Fig. i. defcribed Chap. II. Sect. II. of this Part. The phofphorus is then fet on fire by means of a burning-glafs; and is al- lowed to burn till the cloud of concrete phofpho- ric acid (tops the combuftion, oxygen gas being continually fupplied from the gazometer. When the apparatus has cooled, it -is weighed and un- luted. The tare of the inftrument being allowed, the weight is that of the phofphoric acid contain- ed. It is proper, for greater accuracy, to exa- mine the air or gas contained in the balloon after combuftion, as it may happen to be fomewhat heavier or lighter than common air : and this difference of weight muft betaken into account in the calculations upon the refults of the expe- riment. SECT. III. Of the Combuflion of Charcoal. The apparatus I have employed for this pro- cefs, confifts of a fmall conical furnace of ham- mered copper, reprefented inperfpective, PI. XII. Fig. 9. and internally difplayed Fig. 11. It is 500 ELEMENTS divided into the furnace, ABC, where the char- coal is burnt, the grate, de, and the afh-hole, F. The tube, GH, in the middle ofthe dome of the furnace, ferves to introduce the charcoal, and as a chimney for carrying off the. air which has ferved for combuftion. Through the tube, / 772W, which communicates with the gazometer, the oxygen gas, or air, intended for fupporting the combuftion, is conveyed into the afh-hole, F, whence it is forced, by the application of preffure to the gazometer, to pafs through the grate, d e, and to blow upon the burning char- coal placed immediately above. Oxygen gas, which forms -^dL parts of atmor fpheric air, is changed into carbonic acid gas du- ring combuftion with charcoal, while the azotic gas ofthe air is not at all altered, Hence, after the combuftion of charcoal in atmofpheric ^ir, a mixture of carbonic acid gas and azotic gas muft remain. To allow this mixture to pafs off, the tube, op, is adapted tp the chimney, GH, by means ofafcrewat G, and conveys the gas into bottles half filled with folution of cauftic potafh. The carbonic acid gas is abforbed by the alkali : and the azotic gas is conveyed into a fecond gazometer, where its quantity is afcer- tained. The weight of the furnace, ABC, is firft accu- rately determined ; then the tube RS, of known weight, is introduced by the chimney, GH, till OF CHEMISTRY. So* its lower end S, refts upon the grate, de, which it occupies entirely. In the next place, the fur- nace is filled with charcoal; and the whole is weighed again, to know the exact quantity of charcoal fubmitted to experiment. The furnace is now put in its place; the tube, / m n, is fcrew- ed to that which communicates with the gazome- ter, and the tube, op, to that which communi- cates with the bottles of alkaline folution. Every thing being in readinefs, the ftop-cock of the ga- zometer is opened ; a fmall piece of burning charcoal is thrown into the tube, RS, which is inftantly withdrawn; and the tube, op, is fcrew- ed to the chimney, GH. The little piece of burning charcoal falls upon the grate; and in this manner gets below the whole charcoal; and is kept on fire by the ftream of air from the gazo- meter. To be certain that the, combuftion is be- gun, and that it goes on properly, the tube jrj, is fixed to the furnace, having a piece of glafs cemented to its upper extremity s, through which we can fee if the charcoal be on fire. . I neglected to obferve above, that the furnace, and its appendages, are plunged into water in the ciftern, TVXY, Fig. n. PI. XII. to which ice may be added, to moderate the heat, if neceffary; though the' heat is by no means very confider- able, as there is no air fupplied but what comes from the gazometer, and no me-rc ofthe charcoal 502 ELEMENTS burns at one time, than what is immediately over the grate. As one piece of charcoal is confumed, another falls down into its place, in confequence of the declivity of the fides ofthe furnace. This gets in- to the ftream of air, from the grate, d e, and is burnt; and fo on, fucceflively, till the whole charcoal is confumed. The air, which has ferved the purpofe of the combuftion, paffes through the mafs of charcoal; and is forced, by the preffure of the gazometer, to efcape through the tube, 0 p, and to pafs through the bottles of alkaline folution. This experiment furnifhes all the neceffary data for a complele analyfis of atmofpheric air and of charcoal. We know the weight of char- coal confumed. The gazometer gives us the mea- fure of theairemptoyed. The quantity andquality of gas remaining after combuftion^ may be deter- mined, as it is received, either in another gazo- meter, or in jars, in a pneumato-chemical appara- tus. The weight of afhes remaining in the afh- hole is readily afcertained : and, finally, the ad- ditional weight acquired by the bottles of alka- line folution gives the exact quantity of carbonic acid formed during the procefs. By this experi- ment, we may likewife determine, with fufficient accuracy, the proportions in which carbon and oxygen enter into the compofition of carbonic acid. OF CHEMISTRY. 503 In a future memoir, I fhall give an account to the Academy, of a feries of experiments I have undertaken, with this inftrument, upon all the vegetable and animal charcoals. By fome very flight alterations, this machine may be made to anfwer for obferving the principal phenomena of refpiration. SECT. IV. Of the Combuftion of Oils. Oils are more compound in their nature than charcoal, being formed by the combination of at leaft two elements, carbon and hydrogen. Of courfe, after their combuftion in common air, water, carbonic acid gas, and azotic gas remain. Hence the apparatus employed for their combuf- tion - requires to be adapted for collecting thefe three products, and is confequently more con> plicated than the charcoal furnace. The apparatus I employ for this purpofe, is compofed of a large jar or pitcher A, PI. XII. Fig. 4, furrounded at its upper edge by a rim of iron, properly cemented at DE, and receding from the jar at BC, fo as to leave a furrow or gutter xx, between it and the outfide of the jar. 5°4 ELEMENTS fomewhat more than two inches deep^ The co- ver or lid of the jar, Fig. 5. is likewife furround- ed by an iron rim f g, which adjufts into the gutter xx, Fig. 4. which being filled with mer- cury, has the effect of clofing the jar hermeti- cally in an inftant, without ufing any lute: and as the gutter will hold about two inches of mer*- cury, the air in the jar may be made to fuftain the preffure of more than two feet of water, without danger of its efcaping. The lid has four holes, T h i k, for the paffage of an equal number of tubes. The opening T is furniflied with a leather box, through which paffes the rod, Fig. 3. intended for raifing and lowering the wick ofthe lamp, as will be after- wards directed. The three other holes are in- tended for the paffage of three feveral tubes: one of thefe conveys the oil to the lamp ; a fe- cond conveys air for keeping up the combuf- tion ; and the third carries off the air, after it has ferved for combuftion. The lamp, in which the oil is burnt, is reprefented Fig. 2.; a is the refervoir of oil, having a funnel by which it is filled; b c d ef g h is a fyphon which conveys the oil to thelamp 11; 7, 8, 9, 10, is the tube which conveys the air for combuftion from the gazometer to the fame lamp. The tube b c is formed externally, at its lower end b, into a male fcrew, which turns in a female fcrew in the lid of the refervoir of oil a; fo that, by turning 6 t CHEMISTR Y. 505 the refervoir one way or the other, it is made to rife or fall, by which the oil is kept at the necef- fary level. » When the fyphon is to be filled, and the com- munication fbrmed betweeri the refervoir of oil and the lamp, the ftop-cock c is fhut, and that at £ opened. Oil is then poured in by the open- ing/at the top ofthe fyphon, till it rifes within three or four lines of the upper edge of the lamp; after which the ftop-cock k is fhut, and that at c opened. The oil is next poured in at/, till the branch bed of the fyphon is filled; and then the ftop-cock e is clofed. The two branches of the fyphon being now completely filled, a communi- cation is fully eftablifhed between the refervoir and the lamp. In PI. XII. Fig. 1. all the parts of the lamp 11, Fig. 2. are reprefented magnified, to fhew them diftinctly. The tube / k carries the oil from the refervoir to the cavity a a a a, which con- tains the wick. The tube 9, 10, brings the air from the gazometer for keeping up the combuf- tion. This air fpreads through the cavity dddd, and, by means of the paffages c c c c and b b b b, is diftributed on each fide of the wick, after the principles of the lamps conftru&ed by Argand, Quinquet, and Lange. To render the whole of this complicated ap- paratus more eafily underftood, and that its de- fcription may make all others of the fame kind S.s s 506 ELEMENTS more readily followed, it is reprefented, com- pletely connected together for ufe, in PI. XL The gazometer P furnifhes air for the combuf- tion, by the tube and ftop-cock 1,2. The tube 2, 3, communicates with a feconjfl gazometer, which is filled, while the firft one is emptying du- ring the procefs, that there may be no interrup- tion to the combuftion. 4, 5, is a tube of glafs filled with deliquefcent falts, for drying the air as much as poffible in its paffage : and the weight of this tube and its contained falts, at the beginning of the experiment, being known, it> is eafy to determine the quantity of water ab- forbed by them from the air. From this deli- quefcent tube, the air is conducted through the pipe 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, to the lamp 11, where it fpreads on both fides of the wick, as before de- fcribed, and feeds the flame. One part of this air, which ferves to keep up the combuftion of the oil, forms carbonic acid gas and water, by oxygenating its elements. Part of this water condenfes upon the fides ofthe pitcher A ; and another part is held in folution in the air, by means of caloric furniflied during the combuftion. This air is forced, by the compreflion of the ga- zometer, to pafs through the tube 12, 13, 14, 15, into the bottle 16, and the worm 17, 18, where the water is fully condenfed from the re- frigeration of the air : and, if any water ftill re- ; OF CHEMISTR Y. 507 main in folution, it is abforbed by deliquefcent falts contained in the tube 19, 20. All thefe precautions are folely intended for collecting and determining the quantity of water formed duringthe experiment. The carbonicacid and azotic gas remain to be afcertained. The former is abforbed by cauftic alkaline folution in the bottles 22 and 25. I have only reprefented two of thefe in the figure; but nine at leaft are requifite: and the laft oftheferies maybe half filled with lime-water, which is the moft certain reagent for indicating the prefence of carbonic acid. If the lime-water be not rendered turbid, we may be certain that no fenfible quantity of that acid remains in the air. , The reft ofthe air, which has ferved for com- buftion, and which chiefly confifts of azotic gas, though ftill mixed with a confiderable portion of oxygen gas, which has efcaped unchanged from the combuftion, is carried through a third tube 28, 29, of deliquefcent falts, to deprive it of any moifture it may have acquired in the bottles of alkaline folution and lime-water, and from thence, by the tube 29, 30, into a gazo- meter, where its quantity is afcertained. Small eflays are then taken from it, which are expofed to a folution of fulphuret of potafh, to afcertain the proportions of oxygen and azotic gas it con- tains. In the combuftion of oils, the wick becomes 5o8 ELEMENTS at laft charred, and obftructs the rife of the oil. Befides, if we raife the wick above a certain height, more oil rifes through its capillary tubes, than the ftream of air is capable of confuming; and fmoke is produced. Hence it is neceffary to be able to lengthen or fhorten the wick with- out opening the apparatus. This is accompliih- ed by means of the rod 31, 32, 33, 34, which paffes through a leather box; and is connected with the fupport ofthe wick: and that the mo- tion of this rod, and confequently of the wick, may be regulated with the utmoft fmoothnefs and facility, it is moved at pleafure by a pinnion which plays in a toothed rack. The rod, with its appendages, are reprefented PI. XII. Fig. 3. It appeared to me, that the combuftion would be aflifted by furrounding the flame of the lamp with a fmall glafs jar, open at both ends, as re- prefented in its place, in PI. XL I fliall not enter into a more detailed defcrip- tion of the conftruction of this apparatus, which is ftill capable of being altered and modified in many refpects; but fliall only add, that when it is to be ufed in experiments, the lamp and refer- voir, with the contained oil, muft be accurately weighed ; after which it is placed as before di- rected, and lighted. Having then formed the connection between the air in the gazometer and the lamp, the external jar A, PI. XI. is fix- ed over all, and fecured by means of the board OF CHEMISTRY. 509 BC, and by two rods of iron which connect this board with the lid, and are fere wed to it. A fmall quantity of oil is burnt, while the jar is ad- jufting to the lid, and the product of that com- buftion is loft. There is likewife a fmall portion of air from the gazometer loft at the fame time. Both of thefe are of very inconfiderable confe- quence in extenfive experiments: and they are even capable of being valued in our calculation of the refults. In a particular memoir, I fhall give an account to the Academy, of thedifficultiesinfeparablefrom this kind of experiments. Thefe are fo infur- mountable and troublefome, that I have not hi- therto been able to obtain any rigorous determi- nation of the quantities of the products. I have fufficient proof, however, that the fixed oils are entirely refolved, during combuftion, into water and carbonic acid gas, and confequently that they are compofed of hydrogen and carbon. But I have no certain knowledge refpecting the pro- portions of thefe ingredients. 5IQ ELEMENTS S E C T. V. Of the Combuftion of Alkohol. The combuftion of alkohol may be very readi-, ly performed in the apparatus already defcribed for the combuftion of charcoal and phofphorus. A lamp, filled with alkohol, is placed under the jar A, PI. IV. Fig. 3. and a fmall morfel of phofphorus upon the wick of the lamp, which is fet on fire by means of the hot iron, as before directed. This procefs is, however, liable to confiderable inconveniency. It is dangerous to make ufe of oxygen gas at the beginning of the experiment, for fear of deflagration, which is even liable to happen when common air is em- ployed. An accident of this kind had very near proved fatal to myfelf, in prefence of fome members of the Academy. Inftead of preparing the experiment, as ufual, at the time it was to be performed, I had difpofed every thing in order the evening before. The atmofpheric air of the jar had thereby fufficient time to diffolve a good deal of the alkohol: and this evaporation had even been confiderably promoted by the height of the column of mercury, which I had raifed to EF, PI. IV. Fig. 3. The moment I attempt- OF CHEMISTRY. 511 ed to fet the little morfel of phofphorus on fire, by means of the red hot iron, a violent explofion took place, which threw the jar with great vio- lence againft the floor of the labaratory, and dafhed it in a thoufand pieces. Hence wecan only operate upon very fmallquan- tities, fuch as ten or twelve grains of alkohol, in this manner: and the errors which may be com- mitted in experiments upon fuch fmall quantities, prevent our placing any confidence in their re- fults. I endeavoured to prolong the combuftion, in the experiments contained in the Memoirs of the Academy for 1784, p. 593, by lighting the alkohol firft in common air, and furnilhing oxy- gen gas afterwards to the jar in proportion as it confumed. But the carbonic acid gas, produced by the procefs, became a great hindrance to the combuftion, the more fo as alkohol is but diffi- cultly combuftible, efpecially in worfethan com- mon air ; fo that even in this way very fmall quantities only could be burnt. Perhaps this combuftion might fucceed better in the oil apparatus, PI. XL ; but I have not hitherto ventured to try it. The jar A, in which the combuftion is performed, is near 1400 cubical inches in dimenfion : and, were an explofion to take place in fuch a veffel, its confequences would be very terrible, and very difficult to guard againft. 1 have not, however, defpaired of making the attempt. 512 ELEMENTS In confequence of thefe difficulties, I have been hitherto obliged to confine myfelf to experiments upon very fmall quantities of alkohol, at leaft to combuftions made in open veffels, fuch as that reprefented in PL IX. Fig. 5. which will be de- fcribed in Section VII. of this chapter. If I am ever able to remove thefe difficulties, I fliall re- fume this inveftigation. SECT. VI Of the Combifftion of Ether. Though the combuftion of ether in clofe vef- fels does not prefent the fame difficulties as that of alkohol, yetitinvolvesfomeofa different kind, not more eafily overcome, and which ftill pre- vent the progrefs of my experiments. I endea- voured to profit by the property which ether poffeffes, of diffolving in atmofpheric air, and be- ing thereby rendered inflammable without explo- fion. For this purpofe, I conftructed the refer- voir of ether, abed, PL VII. 8. to which air is brought from the gazometer, by the tube 1, 2, 3, 4. This air fpreads, in the firft place, in the double lid ac of the refervoir, from which it paffes through feven tubes ef, gh, ik, &c. which defcend to the bottom of the ether ; and it is OF CHEMISTRY. 513 forced, by the preffure of the gazometer, to boil up through the ether in the refervoir. We may replace the ether in this firft refervoir, in proportion as it is diffolved and carried off by the air, by means of the fupplementary refer- voir E, connected by a brafs tube fifteen or eighteen inches long, and fliut by a ftop-cock. This length of the conne&ing tube is to enable the defcending ether to overcome the refiftance, occafioned by the preffure of the air from the gazometer. The air, thus loaded with vapours of ether, is conducted by the-tube 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, to the jar A, into which it is allowed to efcape through a capillary opening, at the extremity of which it is fet on fire. The air, when it has ferved the pur- pofe of combuftion, paffes through the bottle 16, PL XI. the worm 17, 18, and the deliquefcent tube 19, 20; after which it paffes through the alkaline bottles. In thefe its carbonic acid gas is abforbed, the water formed during the expe- riment having been previoufly depofited in the former parts of the apparatus. When I caufed this apparatus to be conftruct- ed, I fuppofed that the combination of atmofphe- ric air and ether formed in the refervoir abed, PL XII. Fig. 8. was in proper proportion for fup- porting combuftion. But in this I was miftaken ; for there is a very confiderable quantity of excefs of ether : fo that an additional quantity of atmo- Ttt 5*4 E L E M E NT S fpheric air is neceffary to enable it to burn fully. Hence a lamp, conftructed upon thefe principles, will burn in the open air, which furnifhes the quantity" of oxygen neceffary for combuftion, but will not burn in clofe veffels in which the air is not renewed. Owing to this circumftance, my ether lamp went out, foon after being light- ed and fhut up in the jar A, PL XII. Fig. 8. To remedy this defect, I endeavoured to bring atmofpheric air to the lamp, by the lateral tube, io, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, which I diftributed cir- cularly round the flame. But the flame is fo ex- ceedingly rare, that it is blown out by the gentleft poffible ftream of air ; fo that I have not hitherto fucceeded in burning ether. I do not, however, defpair of being able to accomplifh it by means of fome changes I am about to have made upon this apparatus. SECT. VII. Of the Combuftion of Hydrogen Gas, and the For* mation of Water. In the formation of water, two fubftances, hydrogen and oxygen, which are both in the aeriform ftate before combuftion, are transform- ed into a liquid, or water, by the operation. OF CHEMISTRY. 515 This experiment would be very eafy, and would only require very fimple inftruments, if it were poflible to procure the two gaffes perfectly pure, fo that they might burn without any refiduum. We might, in that cafe, operate in very fmall veffels, and, by continually furnilhing the two gaffes in proper proportions, might continue the combuftion indefinitely. But, hitherto, chemifts have only employed impure oxygen gas, mixed with azotic gas ; from which circumftance they have only been able to keep up the combuftion of hydrogen gas for a very limited time, in clofe veffels; becaufe, as the refiduum of azotic gas is continually increafing,-the air becomes at laft fo much contaminated, that the flame weakens and goes out. This inconvenience is fo much the greater in proportion as the oxygen gas employ- ed is lefs pure. From this circumftance, we muft either be fatisfied with operating upon fmall quantities, or muft exhauft the veffels at in- tervals, to get rid of the refiduum of azotic gas. But, in this cafe, a portion of the water formed during the experiment, is evaporated by the ex- hauftion : and the refulting error is the more dangerous to the accuracy of the procefs, as we have no certain means of afcertaining its value. Thefe confiderations make me defirous to repeat the principal experiments of pneumatic chemiftrv, with oxygen gas, entirely free from 5ij ELEMENTS any admixture of azotic gas: and this may be procured from oxygenated muriat of potafli. The oxygen gas extracted from this fait does not appear to contain azot, unlefs accidentally ; fo that by proper precautions, it may be ob- tained perfectly pure. In the mean time, the apparatus employed by Mr Meufnier and me, for the combuftion of hydrogen gas, which is defcribed in the experiment for recompofition of water, Part I. Chap. VIII. and need not there- fore be here repeated, will anfwer the purpofe. When pure gaffes are procured, this apparatus will require no alterations, except that the capa- city of the veffels may then be diminifhed. See PL IV. Fig. 5. The combuftion, when once begun, conti- nues for a confiderable time ; but weakens gra- dually, in proportion as the quantity of azotic gas, remaining from the combuftion, increafes, till at laft the azotic gas is in fuch over propor- tion, that the combuftion can no longer be fup- ported ; and the flame goes out. This fponta- neous extinction muft be prevented ; becaufe, as the hydrogen gas is preffed upon in its refer- voir, by an inch and a half of water, while the oxygen gas fuffers a preffure only of three lines, a mixture of the two would take place in the balloon, which would at laft be forced, by the fuperior preffure, into the refervoir of oxygen gas: Whti^forc the combuftion muft be ftop- OF CHEMISTRY. 317 ped, by fhutting the ftop-cock of the tube d D III. Fig. 1. are made in its upper edge ; as, otherwife, any pan, which might be placed over the fire, would flop the paffage ofthe air, and prevent the fuel from burning. This furnace can only produce a moderate degree of heat; becaufe the quantity of charcoal it is capable of confuming, is limited by the quantity of air which is allowed to pafs through the opening G of the afh-hole. Its power might°be confiderably augmented by enlarging this opening : but, then the great ftream of air, whLh is convenient for fome operations, might be hurtful in others: wherefore we muft have fur- naces of different forms, conftruaed for different purpofes, in our laboratories. There ought ef- pecially to be feveral of the kind now defcribed, of different fizes. The reverberatory furnace, PL XIII. Fig. 2. OF CHEMISTRY. 541 is perhaps more neceffary. This, like the com- mon furnace, is compofed of the afh-hole HIKL, the fire-place KLMN, the laboratory MNOP, and the dome RRSS with its funnel or chim- ney TTVV ; and to this laft feveral additional tubes may be adapted, according to the nature of the different experiments. The retort A is placed in the divifion called the laboratory, and is fupported by two bars of iron, which run a- crofs the furnace: and its beak comes out at a round hole in the fide ofthe furnace, one half of which is cut in the piece called the labora- tory, and the other in the dome. In moft of the ready-made reverbatory furnaces, which are fold by the potters at Paris, the openings both above and below are too fmall : they do not allow a fufficient volume of air to pafs through ; hence, as the quantity of charcoal confumed, or, what is much the fame thing, the quantity of caloric difengaged, is nearly in proportion to the quantity of a:: whieh paffes through the furnace, thefe furnaces do not produce a fufficient effect in a great number of experiments. To remedy this defect, there ought fo be two openings GG to the afh-hole. One of thefe is fhut up when only a moderate fire is required : and both are kept open when the ftrongeft power of the furnace is to be exerted. The opening of the dome SS ought 542 ELEMENTS likewife to be confiderably larger than is ufually made. It is of great importance not to employ re- torts of too large fize in proportion to the fur- nace, as a fufficient fpace ought always to be al- lowed for the paffage of the air between the fides of the furnace and the veffel. The retort A in the figure is too fmall for the fize of the furnace ; yet I find it more eafy to point out the error than to correct it. The intention of the dome is to oblige the flame and heat to furround and ftrike back or reverberate upon every part of the retort, whence the furnace gets the name of reverberatory. Without this circumftance the retort would only be heated in its bottom, the vapours raifed from the contained fubftance would condenfe in the upper part, and a conti- nual cohabitation would take place without any thing paffing over into the receiver ; but, by means of this dome, the retort is equally heated in every part, and the vapours being forced out, can only condenfe in the neck of the retort, or in the recipient. To prevent the bottom of the retort from be- ing either heated or cooled too fuddenly, it is fometimes placed in a fmall fand-bath of baked clay, ftanding upon the crofs bars of the fur- nace. Likewife, in many operations, the retorts are coated over with lutes, fome of which are in- tended to preferve them from the too fudden O F C H E M I S T R Y. 543 influence of heat or of cold, while others are for fuftaining the glafs, or forming a kind of fecond retort, which fupports the glafs one during ope- rations wherein the ftrength of the fire might foften it. The former is made of brick-clay, with a little cow's hair" beat up with it, into a pafte or mortar, and fpread over the glafs or ftone retorts. The latter is made of pure clay and pounded ftone-ware mixed together, and ufed in the fame manner. This dries and hardens'by the fire, fo as to form a true fupple- mentary retort, capable of retaining the materi- als if the glafs retort below fhould crack or fof- ten. But, in experiments which are intended for collecting gaffes, this lute, being porous, is of no manner of ufe. In a great many experiments, wherein very violent fire is not required, the reverberatory furnace may be ufed as a melting one, by leav- ing out the piece called the laboratory, and placing the dome immediately upon the fire- place, as reprefented PL XIII. Fig. 3. The fur- nace, reprefented in Fig 4. is very convenient for fufions. It is compofed ofthe fire-place and afh-hole ABD, without a door, and having a hole E, which receives the muzzle of a pair of bellows ftrongly luted on, and the dome ABGH, which ought to be rather lower than is repre- fented in the figure. This furnace is not ca- pable of producing a very ftrong heat; but is 544 E L E U E N T S fufficient for ordinary operations, and trey be readily moved to any part of the laboratory where it is wanted. Thou eh thefe p;;:t; eular furnaces are very convenient, every laboratory muft be provided with a forge furnace, having a good pair of bellows, or, what is more neceflhry, a powerful melting furnace. I fhall defcribe the one I ufe, with the principles upon which it is conftructed. The air circulates in a furnace in confequence of being heated in its paffage through the burn- ing coals. It dilates; and, becoming lighter than the furrounding air, .is forced to rife upwards by the preffure of the laterel columns of air ; and is replaced by frefh air from all fides, efpe- cially from below. This circulation of air even takes place v,hen coals are burnt in a common chaffing difh. But we can readily conceive, that, in a furnace, open on all fides, the mafs of air which paffes, all other circumftances being equal, cannot be fo great as when it is obliged to pafs through a furnace in the fhape of a hol- low tower, like moft of the chemical furnaces; and confequently, that the combuftion muft be more rapid in a furnace of this latter con- ftru&ion. Suppofe, for inftance, the furnace ABCDEF open above, and filled with burning coals, the force, with which the air paffes through the coals, will be in proportion to the difference between the fpecific gravity cf two columns OF CHEMISTRY. 545 equal to AC, the one of cold air without, and the other of heated air within the furnace. There muft be fome heated air above the open- ing AB : and the fuperior levity of this ought likewife to be taken into confideration. But, as this portion is continually cooled and carried off by the external air, cannot produce any great effect. But, if we add to this furnace a large hollow tube GHAB of the fame diameter, which pre- ferves the air, which has been heated by the burning coals, from being cooled and difperfed by the furrounding air, the difference of fpecific gravity, which caufes the circulation, will then be between two columns equal to GC. Hence, if GC be three times the length of AC, the cir- culation will have treble force. This is upon the fuppofition, that the air in GHCD is as much heated as what is contained in ABCD, which is not ftridtly the cafe; becaufe the heat muft decreafe between A3 and GH: but, as the air in GHAB is much warmer than the ex- ternal air, it follows, that the addition of the tube muft increafe the rapidity of the ftream of air :that a larger quantity muft pafs through the coals; and confequently, that a greater de- gree of combuftion muft take place. We muft not, however, conclude from thefe principles, that.the length of this tube ought to be indefinitely prolonged ; for, fince the heat cl Z z z 546 ELEMENTS the air gradually diminifhes in paffing from AB to GH, even from the contact of the fides ofthe tube, if the tube were prolonged to a certain degree, we would at laft come to a point where the fpecific gravity of the included air would be equal to the air without: and, in this cafe, as the cool air would no longer tend to rife up- wards, it would become a gravitating mafs, re- filling the afcenfion of the air below. Befides, as this air, which has ferved for combuftion, is neceffarily mixed with carbonic acid gas, which is confiderably heavier than common air, if the tube were made long enough, the air might at laft approach fo near to the temperature ofthe external air, as even to gravitate downwards. Hence we muft conclude, that the length of the tube added to a furnace, muft have fome limit, beyond which it weakens, inftead of ftrengthen- ing, the force ofthe fire. From thefe reflections it follows, that the firft foot of tube added to a furnace produces more effect than the fixth, and the fixth more than the tenth. But we have no data to afcertain at what height we ought to ftop. This limit of ufeful addition is fo much the farther in propor- tion as the materials of the lube are weaker con- ductors of heat, becaufe the air will thereby be fo much lefs cooled : hence baked earth is much preferable to plate iron. It would be evenof confequence to make the tube double, and OF CHEMISTRY. 547 to fill the interval with rammed charcoal, which is one of the worft known conductors of heat. By this the refrigeration ofthe air will be retard- ed, and the rapidity of the ftream of air confe- quently increafed: and, by this means, the tube may be made fo much the longer. As the fire-place is the hotteft part of a fur- nace, and the part where the air is moft dilated in its paffage, this part ought to be made with a confiderable widening or belly. This is the more neceffary, as it is intended to contain the charcoal and crucible, as well as for the paffage of the air which fupports, or rather produces the combuftion. Hence we only allow the inter- ftices between the coals for the paffage of the air. On thefe principles my melting furnace is conftructed, which I believe is at leaft equal in power to any hitherto made: though I by no- means pretend that it poffeffes the greateft pof- fible intenfity that can be produced in chemical furnaces. The augmentation of the volume of air produced during its paffage through a melt- ing furnace, not being hitherto afcertained from experiment, we are ftill unacquainted with the proportions which fhould exift between the in- ferior and fuperior apertures: and the abfolute fize, of which thefe openings fliould be made, is ftill lefs underftood. Hence data are wanting by which to proceed upon principle: and we 54S ELEMENTS can only acconiplifh the end in' view by repeal ed trials. This furnace, which, according to the above- ftated rules, is an form of an elliptical fpheroid, b reprefented PL XIII. Fig. 6. ABCD. It is cut off at the two ends by two plains, which pafs, perpendicular to the axis, threur;h the foci of the ellipfe. From thisvfhape it is capable of con- taining a confiderable quantity of charcoal, while it leaves fufficient fpace in the intervals for the paffage of the air. That no obftacle may oppofe the free accefs of external air, it is perfectly open below, after the model of Mr Macquer's melting furnace, and.ftands upon an iron tripod. The grate is made of flat bars fet on edge, and with confiderable interftices. To the upper part is added a chimney, or tube, of baked earth, ABFG, about eighteen feet long, and almoft half the diameter of the furnace. Though this furnace produces a greater heat than any hitherto employed by chemifts, it is ftill fufceptible of being confiderably increafed in power by the means already mentioned, the principal of which is to render the tube a bad a conductor of heat as poffible, by making it double, and filling the* interval with rammed charcoal. When it is required to know if lead contains any mixture of gold or filver it is heated in a ftrong fire in capfules of calcined bones, wlncn OF. CHEMISTRY. 549 are called cuppels. The lead is oxydated be- comes vitrified, and finks into the fubftance of the cuppel; while the gold or filver, being in- capable of oxydation, remain pure. As lead will not oxydate without free accefs of air, this operation cannot be performed in a crucible placed in the middle of the burning coals of a furnace ; becaufe the internal air, being moftly already reduced by the combuftion into azotic and carbonic acid gas, is no longer fit for the oxydation of metals. It was therefore neceffary, to contrive a particular apparatus, in which the metal fhould be at the fame time expofed to the influence of violent heat, and defended from con- tact with air rendered inconibuftible by its paf- fage through burning coals. The furnace intended for anfwering this double purpofe, is called the cuppelling or effay furnace. It is ufually made of a fquare form, as reprefent- ed PL XIII. Fig 8. and 10. having an afli-hole AABB, afire-place BBCC, a laboratory CCDD, and a dome DDEE. The muffle or fmall oven of baked earth GH, Fig. 9. being placed in the laboratory ofthe furnace, upon crofs bars of iron, is adjufted to the opening GG, and luted with clay foftened in water. The cuppels are placed in this oven or muffle, and charcoal is convey- ed into the furnace through the openings of the dome and fire-place. The external air enters through the openings of the afh-hole for fup- 55° ELEMENTS porting the combuftion, and efcapes by the fu- perior opening or chimney at EE : and air is admitted through the door of the muffle GG for oxydating the contained metal. Very little reflection is fufficient to difcover the erroneous principles upon which this fur- nace is conftructed. When the opening GG is fhut, the oxydation is produced flowly, and with difficulty, for want of air to carry it on : and, when this hole is open, the ftream of cold air, which is then admitted, fixes the metal, and ob- ftructs the procefs. Thefe inconveniences may be eafily remedied, by constructing the muffle and furnace in fuch a manner that a ftream of frefh external air fhould always play upon the furface of the metal : and this air fhould be made to pafs through a pipe of clay kept con- tinually red hot by the fire of the furnace. By this means, the infide ofthe muffle will never be cooled ; and proceffes will be finiflied in a few minutes, which at prefent require a confiderable fpace of time. Mr Sage remedies thefe inconveniences in a different manner. Fie places the cuppel contain- ing lead, alloyed with gold or filver, among the charcoal of an ordinary furnace, and cover- ed by a fmall porcelain muffle. When the whole is fufficiently heated, he directs the blaft of a common pair of hand-bellows upon the furface OF CHEMISTRY. 5J1 of the metal, and completes the cuppellation in this way with great eafe and exactnefs. SECT. III. Of increafing the Aclion of Fire, by ufing Oxygen Gas inftead of Atmofpheric Air. By means of large burning glaffes, fuch as thofe of Tchirnhaufen and of Mr de Trudaine, a degree of heat is obtained fomewhat greater than has hitherto been produced in chemical furnaces, or even in the ovens of furnaces ufed for baking hard porcelain. But thefe inftru- ments are extremely expenfive ; and do not even produce heat fufficient to melt crude platina: fo that their advantages are by no means fuffi- cient to compenfate for the difficulty of pro- curing, and even of ufing them. Concave mir- rors produce fomewhat more effect than burn- ing glaffes of the fame diameter, as is proved by the experiments of Meffrs Macquer and keaume with the fpeculum of the Abbe Bouriot. But, as the direction of the reflected rays is neceffa- rily from below upwards, the fubftance to be operated upon muft be placed in the air, with- out any fupport, which renders moft chemical experiments impoflible to be performed with this inftrument. 552 ELEMENTS For thefe reafons, I firft endeavoured to em- ploy oxygen gas in combuftion, by filling large bladders with it, and making it pafs through a tube capable of being fhut by a ftop-cock : ar.d in this way I fucceeded in caufing it to fupport the combuftion of lighted charcoal. The in- tenfity of the heat produced, even in my firft attempt, was fo great, as readily to melt a fmall quantity of - crude plat::-.. To the fuccefs of this attempt is owin-; the idea of the gazome- ter, defcribed p. 3S6. et feu whici: I fubftituted inftead of the bladders; and, as we can give the oxygen gas any neceffary degree of preffure, we can'with this inftrument keep up a conti- nued ftream, and give it even a very confider- ble force. The only apparatus neceffary for experiments of this kind, confifts of a fmall table, ABCD PI XII. Fig. 15. with a hole F, through which paffes a tube of copper or filver, ending in a very fmall opening at G, and capable of being opened or fhut by the ftop-cock H. This tube is continued below the table at / m no, and is connected with the interior cavity of the gazome- ter When we mean to operate, a hole of a fow lines deep, muft be made with achifel in apiece of charcoal, into which the fubftance to be treat- ed laid, the charcoal is fet on fire by means of a candle and bfow-p-Pe; after which it is ex- OF CHEMISTRY. 553 pofed to a rapid ftream of oxygen gas from the extremity G of the tube FG. This manner of operating can only be ufed with fuch bodies as may be placed without in- convenience, in contact with charcoal, fuch as metals, fimple earths, &c. But, for bodies whofe elements have affinity to charcoal, and which are confequently deeompofed by that fubftance, fuch as fulphats, phofphats, and moft of the neutral falts, metallic glaffes, ena- mels, &c. we muft ufe. a lamp, and make the ftream of oxygen gas pafs through its flame. For this purpofe, we ufe the elbowed blow-pipe ■ST, inftead of the bent one FG, employed with charcoal. The heat produced in this fecond manner, is by no means fo intenfe as in the for- mer way, and is very difficultly made to melt pie.lina. In this manner of operating with the lamp, the fubftances are placed in cuppels of cal- cined bones, or little cups of porcelain, or even in metallic dimes. If thefe laft be fufficiently large, they do not melt; becaufe, metals being good conductors cfheat, the caloric fpreads ra- pidly through the whole mafs, fo that none ofies parts are very much heated. In the Memoirs of the Academy, for 1782, p. 476. and for 1783, p, 5J3. the feries of ex- periments I have made with this apparatus may be feen at large. The following are fome of the principal refults. 4 A 554 ELEMENTS i. Rock cryftal, to purcfilicious earth, is in- fufible, but becomes capable of being foftened or fufed when mixed with other fubftances. i. Lime, magnefia, and barytes, are infufible, either when alone, or when combined together, but, efpecially lime; they affift the fufion of eve- ry other body. 3. Argill, or pure bafe of alum, is completely fufible per fe, into a very hard, opake, vitreous fubftance, which fcratches glafs like the precious ftones. ' 4. All the compound earths and ftones ate readily fufed into a brownifli glafs. 5. All the faline fubftances, even fixed alkali, are volatilized in a few feconds. 6. Gold, filver, and probably platina, are flowly volatized without any particular pheno- menon. 7. All other metallic fubftances, except mer- cury, become oxydated, though placed upon charcoal, and burn with different-coloured flames, and at laft diflipate altogether. 8. The metallic oxyds likewife all burn with flames. This feems to form a diibnctive charac- ter for thefe fubftancee, and even leiids me to be- lieve, as was fufptctedby Bergman, that barytes is a metallic oxyd, though we have not hitherto been able to obtain the metal in its pure or regu- line ftate. OF CHEMISTRY. $55 9. Some of the precious ftones, as rubies, are capable of being foftened and foldered together, without injuring their colour, or even diminifh- ing their weights. The hyacinth, though al- moft equally fixed with the ruby, lofes its colour very readily. The Saxon and Brafilian topaz, and the Brafilian ruby, lofe their colour very quickly, and lofe about a fifth of their weight, leaving a white earth, refembling white quartz, or unglazed china. The emerald, chryfolite, and garnet, are almoft inftantly melted into an opake and coloured glafs. 10. The diamond prefents a property peculiar to itfelf. It burns in the fame manner with combuftible bodies, and is entirely diflipated. There is yet another manner of employing oxygen gas for confiderably increafing the force of fire, by ufing it to blow a furnace. Mr A- chard firft conceiyed this idea. But the procefs he employed, by wjiich he thought to dephlo- gifticate, £S it is'called, atmofpheric air, or to deprive it o£ azo^c gas, is abfolutely unfatis- faftory. I propofe to conftruct a very fimple furnace, for this purpofe, of very refractory earth, fimilar to the one reprefented PL XIII. Fig. 4. but fmaller in all its dimenfions. It is to have two openings, as at E, through one of which the nozzle of a pair of bellows is to pafs, by which the heat is to be raifed as high as poffible with common air; after which, the $56 ELEMENTS ftream of common air fnjm the bellows being fuddenly ftopt, oxygen gas is to be admitted through a tube, at the other opening, communi- cating with a gazometer having the preffure of four or five inches of water. I can in this man- ner unite the oxygen gas from feveral gazometers, fo as to make eight or nine cubical feet of gas pafs through the furnace ; and in this way I ex- pect to produce a heat greatly more intenfe than any hitherto known. The upper orifice of the furnace muft be carefully made of confiderable dimenfions, that the caloric produced may have free iffue, left the too fudden expanfion of that highly elaftic fluid fhould produce a dangerous explofion. APPENDIX. No. I. Table for Converting Lines, or Twelfth Parts of an Inch, and Fractions of Lines, into Decimal Fraclions of the Inch. lfth Parts Decimal Decimal a line. Fractions. Lines. Fractions. I 2 O.O0694 O.OI389 I 1 O.O8333 O.16667 a O.02083 3 O.25OOO 4 O.02778 4 0-33333 5 6 7 8 O.O3472 O.O4167 O.O4861 O.O5556 5 6 7 8 O.41667 O.5OOOO o-58333 0.66667 9 10 u O.06250 O.06944 O.O7639 9 10 11 0.75000 °-83333 0.91667 12 O.08333 12 1.00000 558 APPENDIX. No. II. T.ble for Convertingthe Obferved Heights of Wa- ter in the Jars of the Pnewnato-Chemical Appa- ratus, expreffed in Inches and Decimals, to Lor- refponding Heights of Mercury. Water. Mercury. Water. Mercury. .1 .00737 .2 .01474 •3 •4 .02211 .02948 •5 .03685 .6 104422 .7 .05159 / .8 .05896 •9 .06633 i. .07370 2. .14740 3- .22110 4- .29480 5- • .56851 6. .44221 7. •si59l 8. .58961 9- .66332 10. .73702 11. .81072 12. .88442 J3- .96812 14. 1.04182 *5- I-H552 APPENDIX. 559 No. III. Table for Converting the Ounce Meafures ufed by Dr. Prieftley into French and Englijh Cubical Inches*. Ounce French cubi- Engliih cubi- meafures. cal inches. cal inches. I i-567 I.898 2 3-x34 3796 •v 3 4.701 5-694 - 4 6.268 7-592 -4 7-^35 9.490 9.402 11.388 7 10.969 13.286 ' 8 12.536 15.184 '9 14.103 17.082 IO 15.670 18.980 20 3I-340 37.960 3° 47.010 56.940 40 62.680 75.920 5° 78-35o 9 j.900 6o 94.020 113.880 70 109.690 132.860 80 125.360 151.84.0 90 141.030 170.820 100 156.700 189.800 1000 1567.000 1898.000 * The ounce meafure of Dr. Pr e^ly contains an ounce troy, or 480 grainy of pure water. The Cubical center's, 560 APPENDIX. No. IV. Additional. Rules for Reducing the Degrees of Reaumur's and of the Swedijh Thermometer, to the Corrc- , fponding Degrees on Fahrenheit's Scale*. The fcale of Fahrenheit's thermometer is di- vided into 212 degrees, from Zero, the cold pro- duced by a freezing mixture of fait and mow, to the temperature of boiling wat'jr.- Reaumur's fcale has the Zero placed at the temperature of freezing v/ater or melting ice ; and the interval between that and the temperature of boiling water is divided into 80 decrees. The Swedifh thermometer has its Zero in the fame place with that of Reaumur ; and the interval to the point of boiling water is divided into 109 degrees. Thefe are the principal thermometers now ufed in Europe, and the temperature indicated by as given in ihe above table, are retained from ire French of Mr 'Lovoificr, reducing the French meafure to Eng- lifh according '0 ihe beft and moft generally received coivMiavifon of their ratio, as given more at large in Na. V. of dm appendix. If, however, the experiments of Mr Ever.ird he* followed, as noticed in Nr». IX. of the appe.idix, the Engliih cubical meafure of one ounce oi'ght to hive been 18959, ir.dead of «he above.---- T. * In the former edition of this *rnnflation, 1 table was given, of the cVgrees on Reaumur's fcale, with the cor- refponding degrees of Fair cnl.eit, from Jfreezing to boil- ing water. Bnt the formula in this article were thought more generally ufeful and more convenient.----T. APPENDIX. 561 any of them may be reduced into the corre- fponding degrees on any of the others by means ofthe following fimple canons ; in which R fig- nifies the degrees on the fcale of Reaumur, F thofeof Fahrenheit, and S thofe of the Swedifh thermometer. 1. To convert the degrees of Reaumur to thofe of Fahrenheit — +3*=f- 2. To convert the degrees of Fahrenheit to ■i F—32X4 thofeof Reaumur; ■-----=R. 9 3. To convert the Swedifh degrees to thofe of Fahrenheit; —+iz=f. 5 4. To convert Fahrenheit's to Swedifh; ------=-s. 9 5. To convert Swedifh degrees to thofe of sx+ Reaumur; -—=R. 5 6. To convert Reaumur's degrees to Swedifh; RX5_ 4 To fuch readers as are unacquainted with the algebraic expreffion of arithmetical formulas, it , will be fufficient to exprefs one or two of thefe in words to explain their ufe.—1. Multiply the degree of Reaumur by 9, divide the product by 4, and to the quotient add 32, the fum ex- preffes the degree on the fcale of Fahrenheit.— 2. From the degree of Fahrenheit fubtraft 32, 4B b62 APPENDIX multiply the- remainder by 4, and divide the product by 9, the quotient is the degree accord- to the fcale of Reaumur, &c. No. V. Additional. Rules for Converting French Weights and Mea- fures into correfpondent Englifli Denominations'*. § 1. Weights. The Paris pound, poids de mark of Charle- magne, contains 9216 Paris grains. It is divided into 16 ounces, each ounce into 8 gros, and each gros into 72 grains. It is equal to 7561 Englifh troy grains. The Englifh Troy pound, of 12 ounces, con- tains 5760 Engliih Troy grains; and is equal to 7021 Paris grains. The Englifli averd-upois pound of 16 ounces contains 7000 Englifh Troy grains; and is equal to 8538 Paris grains. To reduce Paris grs. to Englifh Troy" grs. divide by I 1 2Jg To reduce Engliih Troy grs. to Pans j * y grs. multiply by * For the materials of tilt Article, the Tranflator it indebted to Pro- feffor Robinfon. A P P E N N D I X. 563 To reduce Paris ounces to Englifh "1 Troy, divide by - - I To reduce Englifh Troy ounces to j ' " ^ Paris, multiply by J Or the converfion may be made by means of the following Tables. I. To reduce French to Englifh Troy weight. The Paris pound =7561 ^ £ m The ounce = 472.5625 \ Tf° The gros = 59-°7°3 \ Grams The Grain = .8 204 J II. To reduce Englifh Troy to Paris Weight. The Englifh Troy pound 7__ "1 of 12 ounces 3 ' ' I The Troy ounce = 5%5'°%33 1 Paris The dram of 60 grs. = 73*1354 I The penny weight, or 7 f 1 r }c ° ' >= 20.2 C41 1 grains. denier, 01 24 grs. } y J^ \ ° The fcruple, of 20 grs. = 24.3784 J The grain = 1.2189 J III. To reduce Englifh Averdupois to Paris Weight. The averdupois pound of") "1 16 ounces, or 7000 ?=8538. \ Paris Troy grains, j f grains. The ounce - = 533.6250 J 464 APPENDIX. § 2. Long and Cubical Meafures To reduce Paris running feet or in- ^ ches into Englifh, multiply by I I#o6,g77 Englifh running feet or inches into \ ' *)y// Paris, divide by J To reduce Paris cubic feet or inches^ to Englifh, multiply by ^ V 1.211278 Englifh cubic feet or inches to Paris f divide by J Or by means of the following Tables: . IV. To reduce Paris Long Meafure to Englifh. The Paris royal foot of) = i2 finches $' '"' I Englifli The inch - - = 1.0659 Yincles The line, or -^ of an inch= .0888 | The ,V of a line - = .0074 J V. To reduce Englijh Long Meafure to French. The Englifh foot =11.2596' The inch - = -9383 The 4 of an inch = . 1173 > Paris inches. The t-V - = -0938 The line, or-j-V == .0782, APPENDIX. 56$ VI. To Reduce French Cube Meafure to Englifh. The Paris "J Enelifh C cube foot = 1.211278 [ cubical J 2093.688384 The cubic I* feet, 1 inch = .000700 J or I. 1.211278 VII. To Reduce Englijh Cube Meafure to French*. The Englifh cube foot,7__ 86 1 or 1728 cubical inches \ ^ '*4 ! French The cubical inch = .8260 r cubical The cube tenth = .0008 j inches. § 3. Meafure of Capacity. The Paris pint contains 58.145! Englifh cu- bical inches, and the Englifh wine pint contains * To convert the weight of a French cubic foot of any particular fubftance, given in French grains, into the correfponding weight of an Englifli cubic Foot in Engliih troy grains ; multiply the French grains by 0.6773181, and the produdt is the number of Englifh troy grains contained in an Englifh cubic foot of the fame fub- ftance. f It is faid by Belidor, Archit. HyJrog. to contain 31 oz. 64 grs. of water, which makes it 58.075 Englifh inches. But, as there is confidsrable uncertainty in the inches. 366 APPENDIX. 28.875* cubical inches ; or, the Paris pint con- tains 2.0171082 Englifh pints, and the Englifh pint contains .49617 Paris pints; hence, To reduce the Paris pint to the Englifh, multiply by To reduce the Englifh pint to the Paris, divide by The Septier of Paris is 7736 French, or 9370. 45 Engliih, cubical inches; and the Muid is 92832 French, or 112445.4 Englifh cubical inches. determinations ofthe weight of the French cubical mea- fure of water, owing to the uncertainty ofthe ftandards made ufe of, it is better to abide by Mr Everard's mea- fure, which was made by the Exchequer ftandards, nnd by the proportion of the Englifh and French foot, as eftabliflied by the French Academy and Royal Society. * According to Beaume, the Paris pint contains 32 French ounces of water, at the temperature of 54.50 of Fahrenheit ; which fliould make it equal to 59.729 En- glifli cubical inches. > 2.0171082 APPENDIX. 567 No. VI. Additional. Rules for Reducing tbe Swedifh Weights and Meafures, ufed by the celebrated Bergman and Scheele, to Engliftj denominations*. The Swedifh pound, which is divided like the Englifh Apothecary or Troy pound, weighs 6556 grs. troy. The Kanneof pure water, according to Berg- man, weighs 42250 Swedifh grains, and occupies 100 Swedifh cubical inches. Hence the Kanne of pure water weighs 48088.719444 Englifli troy grains, or is equal to 189.9413 Englifh cubic inches ; and the Swedifh longitudinal inch is e- qual to 1.238435 Englifh longitudinal inches. From thefe data, the following rules are de- duced. t. To reduce Swedifh longitudinal inches to Eiiglifh—Multiply by 1.2384, or divide by 0.80747. 2. To reduce Swedifh to Englifh cubical in- ches—Multiply by 1.9, or divide by 0.5265. * For this article, which is ad l?d in the prelcnt edi- tion, I am indebted to the friendly advance ot Dr. Fin. theram.----T. 568 APPENDIX. To reduce the Swedifh pound, ounce, dram, fcruple, or grain, to the correfponding Englifh troy denomination, multiply by 1.382, or divide by .8786. 4. To reduce the Swedifh Kannes to Englifh wine pints, multiply by .1520207, or divide by 6.57804. 5. The Lod, a weight fometimes ufed by Bergman, is the 22d part of the Swedifh pound : Therefore to reduce it to the Englifh troy pound, multiply by .03557, or divide by 28.11 $6. APPENDIX. 569 No. VII. Table of the Weights ofthe different Gaffes, at 28 French inches, or 29.85 Englijh inches ba- rometrical preffure, and at 54.50 of tempera- ture, expreffed in Englift) meafure and Englijh Troy weight. Names of Specific gravity, Weight of a cu- Weight of a cu- the Gaffes. water being 1000 bical foot in grs. bical inch in grs. Atmofpheric* 1.2308 53^.45 .3IIO23 Azotic 1.1890 520.17 .243154 Oxygen 1*3562 593-32 •343345 Hydrogen 0.094671 [ 41-41 .023964 Carbonic acid 1.8454 t Nitrous 1-4631 807.34 .467326 640.09 .370422 Ammoniacal °.73539 321.72 .l86l8o Sulphurous acid 1.8856 824.98 .47163I * Thefe five were ofcemined by Mr Lavoifier him- felf.----T. f The lad three are inferted by Mr. Lavoifier, upon the authority of Mr Kirwan.----T. 4 C APPENDIX. No. VIII. Tables ofthe Specific Gravities of different Bodies. § I. Metallic Subftances. GOLD. Pure gold, of 24 carats, melted but not hammered, - - 19.2581 The fame hammered, - 19.3617 Gold ofthe Parifian ftandard, 22 carats fine, not hammered*, 17.4863 The fame hammered, - 17.5894 Gold of the ftandard of French coin, 21 4-| carats fine, not hammered, 17.4022 The fame coined, - - i7-6474 Gold of the French trinket ftandard, 20 carats fine, not hammered, 15-7090 The fame hammered, I5-7746 SILVER. ' Pure or virgin filver, 12 deniers, not hammered, - - 10^4743 The fame hammered, - 10.5107 Silver of the Paris ftandard, 11 deniers 10 grams fine, not hammeredf 10.1752 The fame hammered, - - 12.3765 * The fame with Sterling. ■j- This is 10grs. finer than Sterling- APPENDIX. 571 Silver, ftandard of French coin, 10 de- niers 21 grains fine, not hammered, 10.0476 The fame coined, - - 10.4077 PLATINA. Crude platina in grains - 15.6017 The fame, after being treated with mu- riatic acid, - - 16.7521 Purified platina, not hammered, 19.5000 The fame hammered, - - 20.3366 The fame drawn into wire, - 21.0417 The fame paffed through rollers, 22.0690 COPPE R and B R AS S. Copper not hammered, The fame wire drawn, Brafs not hammered, The fame wire drawn, Common caft brafs, IRON and S T E E L. Caft iron, - 7.2070 Bar iron, either hardened or not, 7.7880 Steel, neither tempered nor hardened, 7-8331 Steel hardened under the hammer, but not tempered. - - 7.8404 Steel tempered and hardened, 7.8180 Steel, tempeied and ijot hardened, 7-8163 7.7880 8.8785 8.3958 8.5441 7.8240 57* APPENDIX. OTHER METALS. Pure tin from Cornwall, melted and not hardened, 7.2914 The fame hardened, 7.2994 Malacca tin, not hardened, 7.2963 The fame hardened, 7-3o65 Molten lead 11.3523 Molten zinc 7.1908 Molten bifmuth, 9.8227 Molten cobalt, 8.8119 Molten arfenic, 5^33 Molten nickel, 7.8070 Molten antimony, 6.7021 Crude antimony, 4.0643 Glafs of antimony, 4.9464 Molybdena 4-7385 Tungftein, - 6.0665 Mercury -' 13.5681 Uranium, 6.4400 § 2. Precious Stones. White Oriental diamond, Rofe-coloured Oriental ditto, Oriental ruby, Spinell ditto, Ballas ditto, Brafilian ditto, Oriental topaz, - 3.5212 3-531° 4.2833 3.7600 - 3-6458 3-5311 4.0106 APPENDIX. 573 Oriental Piftachio topaz 4.0615 Brafilian ditto - • 3-5365 Saxon ditto 3.5640 Ditto white ditto 3-5535 Oriental Saphir 3-991-1 Ditto white ditto 3-9911 Saphir of Puy 4.0769 Ditto of Brafil 3-J3°7 Girafol - - 4.0000 Ceyion jargon 4.4161 Hyacinth 3-6873 Vermillion 4.2299 Bohemian garnet 4.1888 Dodecahedral ditto 4.0627 Syrian ditto 4.0000 Volcanic ditto with 24 fides 2.4684 Peruvian emerald *-77SS Chryfoliteof the jewellers 2.7821 Ditto of Brafil 2.6923 Beryl, or Oriental aqua marine 3.5489 Occidental aqua marine 2.7227 § 3. Silicious Stones. Pure rock cryftal of Madagafcar - 2.6530 Ditto of Brafil - - 2.6526 Ditto of Europe, or gelatinous - 2.6548 Cryftallized quartz - - 2.6546 Amorphous ditto - - 2.6471 Oriental agate -" - 2-5901 574 APPENDIX. Agate onyx - - 2,6375 Tranfparent calcedony - - 2.6640 Cornelian - - - 2*6137 Sardonyx - - 2.6025 Prafe - , - 2'5%°5 Onyx pebble - - 2.6644 Pebble of Rennes - - 2.6538 White jade - - 2-95°2 Green jade - - 2-966° Redjafper - - 2-6612 Brown ditto - - *-6911 Yellow ditto - - 2-7IQI Violet ditto - - 2-7IXI Grey ditto - - - 2-764° Jafponyx - - 2'8l6° Black prifmatic hexahedral fchorl 3-3852 Black fparry ditto - -^ 3-3852 Black amphorous fchorl, called antique bafaltes - - 2-9225 Paving ftone - - 2-4i58 Grind ftone - - 2-I4G9 Cutler's ftone - - 2-IXI3 Fountainbleau ftone - - 2.5616 Scythe ftone of Auvergne - 2.5638 Ditto of Lorrain - ' 2.5298 Mill ftone - - 2'4835 White flint - " 2'594* Blackifh ditto - - 2'S%17 APPENDIX. 575 § 4. Various Stones, &c. Opake green Italian ferpentine, or gabro of the Florentines 2.4295 Coarfe Briancpn chalk 1.7274 Spanifh chalk 2.7902 Foliated lapis ollaris of Dauphiny 2.7687 Ditto ditto from Sweden 2.8531 Mufcovy talc - 2.7917 Black mica - 2.9094 Common fchiftus or flate 2.6718 New flate - 2.8535 White rafor hone 2.8763 Black and white hone 3-l3*i Rhombic or Iceland cryftal 2.7151 Pyramidal calcareous fpar 2.7302 Oriental or white antique alabafter 2.7141 Green Campan marble 2.7417 Red Campan marble 2.7242 White Carara marble 2.7168 White Parian marble 2.8376 Various kinds of calcareous f!;one3 ~? from 1 .^864 ufed in France for building 3 to Ore of Uranium -.3902 7.5000 Heavy fpar - 4-4300 Strontitic fpar White fluor Red ditto C3.7260 I 3-6500 3-^555 3.1911 Green ditto - 3.1817 Blue ditto ^.i682 576 APPENDIX. Violet fluor - 3-*757 R'j.' Scii.ille.nt zeolite from Edelfors 2.4868 White fcintilant zeolite 2.1739 Cryftallized zeolite 2.0833 Black pitch ftone 2.0499 Yellow pitch flone 1.0860 Red ditto 2.6695 Blackifii ditto 2.3191 Red Porphyry 2.7651 Ditto of Dauphiny 2.7033 Green ferpentine 2.8960 Black ditto of Dauphiny, called variolite : 2-9339 Green ditto from Dauphiny 2.9883 Ophites 2.9722 Granitello 3.0626 Red Egyptian granite 2.6541 Beautiful red granite 2.7609 Granite of Girardmas 2.7163 Pumice ftone •9*45 Lapis obfidianus 2.3480 Pierre de Volvic 2.3205 Touch ftone - 2.4153 Bafaltes from Giants' Caufeway 2.8642 Ditto prifmatic from Auvergne 2-4153 Glafs gall 2.8548 Bottle glafs 27325 Green gb.fs 2.6423 White glafs 2.8922 St. Gobin cryftal 2.4882 Leith cryftal - 3.1890 APPENDIX. 577 Flint glafs - 3-3293 Borax glafs - 2.6070 Seves porcelain - 2.1457 Limoges ditto, - - 2.3410 China ditto - 2.3847 Native fulphur - 2.0332 Melted fulphur - - 1.9907 Phofphorus - 1.7140 Hard peat - 1.3290 Ambergreafe - - -9263 Yellow tranfparent amber 1.0780 § 5. Liquids. Diftilled water 1.0000 Rain water - - 1.0000 Filtered water of the Seine 1.00015 Arcueil water - - 1.00046 Avray water Sea water - 1.00043 1.0263 Water of the Dead Sea 1.2403 Burgundy wine Bourdeaux ditto •9915 •9939 Malmfey Madeira Red-beer White ditto 1.0382 1.0338 1.0231 Cyder - -Highly rectified alkohol Common fpirits of wine 1.0181 .8293 .8371 4D 578 APPENDIX. Alkohol 15 pts. water 1 part. 14 2 13 3 12 4 I I 5 10 6 9 7 8 8 7 9 6 10 5 11 4 12 3 !3 2 14 1 15 .8527 .8674 .8815 .8947 -9°75 .9199 •93x7 .9427 •9519 •9594 .9674 •9733 •9791 .9852 .9919 Sulphuric ether - - -7394 Nitric ether - - - '9o88 Muriatic ether - - .7298 Acetic ether - - - -8664 Highly concentrated Sulphuric acid 2.1250 Common Sulphuric acid 1.8409 Highly concentrated Nitric acid 1.5800 Common Nitric ditto - i-27I5 Muriatic ditto - - - 1.1940 Fluoric acid - - 'S000 Red acetous ditto - - 1.0251 White acetous ditto - - 1-OI35 Diftilled ditto ditto - - I-°°95 APPENDIX S79 Acetic acid 1.0626 Formic ditto .9942 Solution of cauftic ammoniac, or vola- tile alkali fluor .8970 Effential or volatile oil of turpentine .8697 Liquid turpentine .9910 Volatile oil of lavender .8938 Volatile oil of cloves 1.0363 Volatile oil of cinnamon 1.0439 Oil of olives ■9*53 Oil of fweet almonds .9170 Lintfeed oil .9403 Oil of poppy feed .9288 Oil of beech mail .9176 Whale oil •923S Woman's milk 1.0203 Mare's milk 1.0346 Afs's milk t-^ss Goat's milk 1.0341 Ewe milk 1.0409 Cow's milk 1.0324 Cow whey 1.0193 Human urine 1.0106 § 6. Refills and Gums. Common yellow or white rofin 1.0727 Arcanfon - - L0857 580 APPENDIX. Galipot* - - 1.0819 Baras* - . 1.0441 Sandarac - - 1.0920 Maftic - - 1.0742 Storax - - 1.1098 Opake copal - - 1-1398 Tranfparent ditto - - 1.0453 Madagafcar ditto - - 1.0600 Chinefe ditto - - 1.0628 Elemi - - 1.018a Oriental anime - - 1.0284 Occidental ditto - - 1.0426 Labdanum - - 1.1862 Ditto in tort is - - 2.4933 Refm ofguaiac - - 1.2289 Ditto of jallap - - 1.2185 Dragons blood - - 1*2045 Gum lac - - 1.1390 Tacamahaca - - 1.0463 Benzoin - 1.0924 Alouchit - - 1.0604 Caragna} - - 1.1244 Elaftic gum - - .9335 Camphor - - .9887 Gum ammoniac - - 1.2071 Sagapenum - - 1.2008 * Refiaous juices extracted in France from the Pine. V'iij Bomare's D'ttt. -f- Odorrerous gum from the tree which produces the Cortex Winteranus. Ibid. % Refin of the tree called in Mexico Caragna, or Tree of Madnefs. Ibid. , APPENDIX. 581 Ivy gum* Gamboge Euphorbium Olibanum Myrrh Bdellium Aleppo Scamony Smyrna ditto Galbanum Affafoetida Sarcocolla Opoponax Cherry-tree gum Gum Arabic Tragacanth Baflbra gum Acajou gumf Monbain gum} Infpiffated juice of liquorice --------------Acacia --------------Areca Terra Japonica Hepatic aloes Socotrine aloes Infpiffated juice of St John's wort 2948 2216 1244 1732 3600 37*7 2354 2743 2120 3^75 2684 6226 4817 4523 3161 4346 4456 42C6 7228 5*53 4573 3980 3586 >3795 -5^3 * Extra&ed in Perfia and the warm countries from He- dera terreftris.-----Bomare. f From a Brafilian tree of this name. Ibid. $ From a tree of this name.----Ibid. 582 A P P E N D I X. Opium , 1.3366 Indigo - .7690 Arnotto - •5956 Yellow wax - .9648 White ditto - .9686 Ouarouchi ditto* .8970 Cacao butter - .8916 Spermaceti - •9433 Beef fat - .9232 Veal fat - •9342 Mutton fat - •9235 Tallow - .9419 Hogs fat - .9368 Lard . .9478 Butter - •94&3 § 7. Woods. Heart of oak 60 years old - 1.1700 Cork .2400 Elm trunk .6710 Afh ditto .8450 Beech .8520 Alder .8000 Maple - -755° Walnut .6710 Willow .5850 Linden .6040 * The produce ofthe Taliovv Tree of Guiana. Vidt APPENDIX. 5*3 Male fir .5500 Female ditto - .4980 Poplar -White Spanifh ditto •383° .5294 Apple tree -Pear tree - - ' •793° .6610 Quince tree - .7050 Medlar .9440 Plumb tree .7850 Olive wood .9270 Cherry tree •715° Filbert tree - .6000 French box .9120 Dutch ditto 1.3280 Dutch yew - .7880 Spanifh ditto Spanifh cyprefs American cedar • .8070 .6440 .5608 Pomegranate tree Spanifh mulberry tree !-354o .8970 Lignum vitas i-333° Orange tree - .7050 Note— The numbers i.i the above Table, if the D^imal point be carried three figures farther to the right hnnd, ne-arly exprefs the abfolute weight of an Fn^lifh cjbe foot of each fub(hnce in averdupois ounces. S-'e No. IX. of the Appendi::.—— T. 584 A P P E N D I X. No. IX. Additional. Rules for Calculating the Abfolute Gravity in Engliftj Troy Weight of a Cubic Foot and Inch, Englifh Meafure, of any Subflance whofe Speci- fic Gravity is known*. In 1696, Mr Everard, balance-maker to the Exchequer, weighed before the Commifhoners ofthe Houfe of Commons 2145.6 cubical inch- es, by the Exchequer ftandard foot, of diftilled water, at the temperature of $$° of Fahren- heit; and found it to weigh 1131 oz. 14 dts. Troy, of the Exchequer ftandard. The beam turned with 6 grs. when loaded with 30 pounds in each fcale. Hence, fuppofing the pound averdupois to weigh 7000 grs. Troy, a cubic foot of water weighs 62 £• pounds averdupois or 1000 ounces aver Jupois, wanting 106 grains Troy. And hence, if the fpecific gravity of water be called 1000, the proportional fpecific gravities of all other bodies will nearly exprefs the number of averdupois ounces in a cubic foot. Or, more accurately, fuppofing the fpeci- fic gravity of water expreffed by t . and of all other bodies in proportional numbers, as the * The whole of this and the following article was com- inrtnicatcd to the Tranflator by Prole Hor Aobinfon----T. APPENDIX. 585 cubic foot of water weighs, at the above tem- perature, exactly 437489.4 grains Troy, and the cubic inch of water 253.175 grains, the abfolute weight of a cubical foot or inch of any body in Troy grains, may be found by mul- tiplying their fpecific gravity by either of the above numbers reflectively. By Everard's experiment, and the proportions of the Englifh and French Foot, as eftablifhcd by the Royal Society and French Academy of Sciences, the following numbers are afcertained. Paris grains in a Paris cube foot of water - - =645511 Englifh grains in a Paris cube foot of water - - =529922 Paris grains in an Englifh cube foot of water - - — 533247 Englifh grains' in an Englifh cube foot of water - =437489.4 Englifh grains in an Englifh cube inch of water - =253.175 By an experiment of Picard with the meafure and weight of the Chatelet, the Paris cube foot of water contains of Paris grains =641326 By one of Du Hamel, made with great care - - =641376 By Homberg - - =-641666 4E 586 APPENDIX. Thefe fhew fome uncertainty in meafure or in weights; but the above computation from Everard's experiment may be relied on, be - caufe the comparifon of the foot of England with that of France was made by the joint la- bour of the Royal Society of London and the French Academy of Sciences. It agrees like- wife very nearly with the weight afligned by Mr Lavoifier, 70 Paris pounds to the cubical foot of water. APPENDIX. 5*7 No. X. Tables for Converting Ounces, Drams, and Grains, Troy, into Decimals of the Troy Pound of 12 Ounces, and for Converting Decimals of the Pound Troy into Ounces, &c. I. For Grains. Grains = Pound. Grains = Pound. I ,0001736 IOO .OI7361I 2 .0003472 200 .0347222 3 .0005208 300 .0520833 4 .0006944 400 .0694444 5 .OO08681 500 .0868055 J 6 .OOIO417 600 .IO41666 7 .OOI2I53 700 .1215277 8 .OOI3889 800 .1388888 9 .OOI5625 900 .1562499 10 .OOI7361 IOOO .17361IO 20 .0034722 2000 .3472220 3° .0052083 3OOO .5208330 40 .0069444 4OOO .6944440 5° .OO86806 5000 .8680550 6o .OIO4167 6000 I.O416660 7° .0121528 /OOO 1.2152770 8o .0138889 80OO I.3888880 9° .0156250 9OCO I.562499C 588 APPENDIX. II. For Drams. Drams = Pound. I .OIO4167 2 .0208333 3 .0312500 4 .O416667 5 .0520833 6 .0625000 7 .0729167 8 •0833333 III. For Ounces. Ounces = Pounds. I •°%33333 1 .1666667 3 .2500000 4 •3333333 5 .4166667 6 .5000000 7 •5833333 8 .6666667 9 .7500000 JO •8333333 n .9166667 12 1.0000000 APPENDIX. 589 IV. Decimals of the Pound into Ounces, &c. Tenth parts. Thoufandths. lib. = oz. dr. sr- lib. = £"• 0.1 1 I 36 o.oc6 34-56 0.2 2 3 12 0.007 40.32 0-3 3 4 48 0.008 46.08 0.4 4 6 24 0.009 51.84 o-5 6 0 0 Ten tboufandth parts. 0.6 7 1 36 0.0001 O.576 0.7 8 3 12 0.0002 1.152 0.8 9 4 48 0.0003 I.728 0.9 10 6 24 0.0004 2.304 Hundredth parts. 0.0005 2.880 0.01 0 0 57.6 0.0006 3-456 0.02 0 1 55-2 0.0007 4.032 0.03 0 2 51.8 0.0008 4.608 0.04 0 3 50.4 0.0009 5.184 0.05 0 4 48.0 Hundred tboufandth 0.06 0 5 45.6 parts. 0.07 0 6 43-2 0.00001 0.057 0.08 0 7 40.8 0.00002 0.115 0.09 0 8 38.4 0.00003 0.173 Thoufandths. 0.00004 0.230 0.001 0 0 5.76 0.00005 0.288 0.002 0 0 11.52 0.00006 0.346 0.003 0 0 17.28 0.00007 0.403 0.004 0 0 23.04 0.00008 0.461 0.005 0 0 28.80 0.00009 0.518 59o APPENDIX. No. XI. Table of the Englijh Cubical Inches and Decimals correfponding to a determinate Trey weight of'dif- tilled Water of the Temperature of 55°, calculated from Everard's experiment. For Grains. Grs. Cubical Inches. I = .0039 2 .0079 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 3° 40 5° .0118 .0158 .0197 .0237 .0276 .0316 •0355 •0395 .0790 .1185 .1580 .1974 For Drams. prams Cubical Inches. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 .2370 •4739 .7109 •9479 1.1849 1.4219 1.6589 For Ounces. Oz. Cubical Inches. I - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1.8959 3.7918 5.6877 7-5837 9.4796 n-3755 13.2714 i5-l674 17.0633 18.9592 20.8551 For Pounds Libs. Cubical Inches, 1 -z. 22.7510 2 45.502I 3 68.2531 4 91.0042 5 H3-7553 6 i36-5o63 7 »59-^574 8 182.0084 9 204.7595 10 227.5106 50 1137-553° 100 2275.1061 1000 22751.0615 APPENDIX. -591 No. XII. Additional. Table ofthe Comparative Heats of different Bodies, as afcertained by Crawford. Hydrogen gas - . 21.4000 Oxygen gas ... 4 7490 Atmofpheric air - 1.7900 Steam or aqueous vapour - - 1.5500 Carbonic acid gas ... 1.04.54 Arterial blood - - 1.0300 Water - - - 1.0000 Cow's milk - - Venous blood Rice Horfe beans Peafe Wheat Barley Oats Pitcoal Charcoal Chalk Ruft of iron 9999 8928 Azotic gas - - -7936 Hide of an ox with the hair - - -7870 Lungs of a fheep - - "^7690 Mufcular flefti of an ox - .7400 Alcohol - - .6021 5060 5020 Spermaceti oil - .5000 Fruit ofthe pine tree - - .5000 .4920 .4770 .4210 .4160 Sulphuric acid - - .4290 .2771 .2631 .2564 2500 Wafhed diaphoretic Antimony - - .2272 Oxyd of Copper nearly freed from air - .2272 Quicklime - - . .2229 Cinders - - _ .'02? Afhes of Pitcoal - - . -1855 Ruft of iron nearly freed from air - .1666 Warned diaphoretic Antimony Do. - .1666 Afhes of elm wood ... .1403 Oxyd of Zinc nearly freed from air - 'l3&9 Iron . . . .,269 Brafs - , . .II23 592 APPENDIX. Copper White oxyd of tin almoft free of air Zinc Afhes of charcoal Tin Yellow oxyd of lead almoft free of air Antimony Lead .mi .0990 •°943 .0909 .0704 .0680 •064.5 .0352 No. XIII. Additional. Table of the Ingredients in Neutral Salts, as de- termined by Kirwan. Acid Alk. Water Sulphuric potafh 3» 63 6 Sulphuric foda 14 22 64 Sulphurac ammoniac 42 40 18 Nitric potafh 30 63 7 Nitric foda 29 50 21 Nitric ammoniac 46 40 '4 Muriatic potafh 30 63 7 Muriatic foda 33 50 n Muriatic ammoniac 52 40 8 Boracic foda 34 '7 Earthy Salts. 47 Acid Earth Water Sulphuric magnefia 24 • 19 57 Sulphuric argill 24 18 58 Nitric calx 33 32 35 Nitric magnefia 36 27 37 Carbonic ftrontites 30 61 Metallic Salts. 9 Acid Metal Water Sulphuric Iron 20 25 55 Do. Copper 30 27 43 Do. Zinc 22 20 5* FINIS. Fig-. 5. o Ki°-. .i F%-4- Plalr 1. Kig.l Fig.9. Fie-. 13 FiS.l4 Fic.12 Fie;. 10 Sold by M.CAREY N? 11^ Murkct StPIIILAD^ Plate II Viz. I. Fig. h. A. 5 B 1 C 1 Fie;. .J. D Pie:. 9. SoldWM .CAREY NTOJl^ Market Si PHI LAD 4 * ^ Fig. 21. Sold by M.CAREY, N*U8 Market S!- FHILAD4 *> PLATE IV ' A A I Fie. .J. SoldLv M.CAREY. N?-118 Market S\ PHILAD* R Satjc, ma 7'/*fr r .\W''>•/ /"■■"'/.'fid 6372 l.*2'/•£.'. IV. �7394707374669 fLATE VH "t \ ^fta/.l 7>LATE TJJl. *^ jF [-r-rf rtjrxx^r^; > f Villi 'ii ^LdTKX. ^ 2- ff^m^ 9346 73 Z^^TJ? Al. 89999999999999999999999999999999990� ���6427�6748�0646019376893796664 tt.Aix: xu. I I t-V f Elements of Chemistry, Fourth Edition. Lavoisier Philadelphia: 1799 National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD CONDITION ON RECEIPT: The fiill leather binding was worn, particularly at the corners, edges, and joints. The leather on the front board was cut. The back board was detached. The front internal hinge was broken. The text block consisted of printed text and plates, many of which were oversized and folded several times. The sewing was intact. Most of the pages were discolored, acidic, and brittle. Some pages were foxed. Some plates were dirty. Many of these were improperly creased and torn along the edges. The exterior leaves were marked with graphite pencil and stamp ink. A bookplate was adhered to the front pastedown. TREATMENT PROVIDED: 1*«-' '' The head, tail, and pages were dry cleaned. Tears were v}£ mended and folds guarded with Japanese kozo paper and iq ^ wheat starch paste. Improperly creased areas of the j.^J C" plates were flattened. The binding was repaired by reattaching the back board using airplane linen, and the *fCj 6 internal hinges were reinforced using Japanese kozo paper colored with acrylic pigment. .^ s | Northeast Document Conservation Center February 2002 DW/KI _ .. —------—— ^ «t& £-&Fg :« rWl.W! *& fflV?i?V-> vi* J* .'•-frC^ ^W;#!^,e ':«"• ■ ..-;i A, ■>''' :**'■ '■ *'■ ''■'. . ,