MpWSMfc^PSKZHJbK .^ m. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C OPO 16—67244-1 OBSERVATIONS ON THE SURGERY OF THE ANCIENTS, VINDICATING THErB CLAIMS TO MANY OF THE RE- PUTED DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF MODERN TIMES. DELIVERED AS AN INTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE TO. A COURSE OF LECTURES ON SURGERY AND MIDWIFERY. S" i ■■■#■»" » Jo ■r., T TT-T> f. T"»"> C5 mtK ■MM BY DAVID HOSACK, M. D. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic and Clinical Medicine in the University of the State of New-York, Member of the American Philosophical Society, of the New-York Historical Society, &e. NEW-YORK. PRINTED BY C. S. VAN WINKLE, No. 122 Water-street 1818. OBSERVATIONS, &c. To those in pursuit of knowledge, it is no less interesting to observe the rise and fall of the empire of learning than of states. In like manner, introductory to a course of lessons upon any art or science, we are naturally led to inquire into th« first beginning or source whence it arose, and to trace its progress as it advances to perfection. Introductory to the other parts of the course, I therefore propose, at this time, to call your attention to the most im- portant facts which the history of surgery presents; more especially, as it was practised among the Greeks and Ro- mans : we shall thence learn that the writings of the an- cients have not only given origin to most modern improve- ments, but that very many of them that have been claimed as original inventions, if they have not been copied, are, at least, anticipated in these fruitful sources of instruction. In the early ages of society, external accidents constitut- ed the greatest evils to which man was exposed. Intempe- rance, luxury, and the refinements of civilized life, had not then impaired his bodily constitution, nor debauched his mind. He passed his days in the exercise which was neces- sary to procure the means of his subsistence, and devoted his nights to rest, undisturbed by care, or those anxieties 4 which at present occupy the civilized portion of the human race. Man, in a state of nature, was therfore subject to, com- paratively, but few diseases; though he was probably not less exposed to the common casualties of life than at the pre- sent day. In climbing the tree to procure its fruits; in tra- versing the forest, he was necessarily exposed to ordinary accidents ; his attention, therefore, would be first directed to the discovery of such remedies as were calculated to re- move the evils thus induced. To restore to its socket the dislocated bone, or to replace it when broken; to heal the wounds inflicted by the beast of the field, or the venomous serpent, must necessarily have been among the first objects of his attention. Accordingly, it is observed by Celsus and other ancient writers, that surgery was cultivated before any other branch of medicine. The first writers upon physic trace the origin of their art, in common with all other branches of knowledge, to the Egyptians. But the history of surgery, as practised by that people, is so involved in fable, so blended with the pa- gan mythology, that notwithstanding the labours of Prosper Alpinus, it is impossible to ascertain their knowledge of medi- cine, or of any other branch of science. The operations of surgery, stated by the professor of Padua, as having been per- formed by the Egyptians, namely, the extraction of the stone from the bladder; bleeding in the veins and arteries; the application of the actual cautery, and the paracentesis of the abdomen, in dropsy, must probably have been the opera- tions of the modern and not of the ancient Egyptians. Let us, therefore, pass over the stories of Hermes and the Egyptian iEsculapius ; the fabulous accounts of Osiris, Serapis, Isis, Horus, and Thonis, who were reputed the first practitioners in medicine, and ranked among their divinities, a to the more authentic history of the surgery of the Greeks, as related by Homer and Hippocrates. The first Greek surgeons, on record, are yEsculapius and his sons Machaon and Podaliriiis. jEsculapius flourished about fifty years before the Trojan war; in that war his two sons distinguished themselves, not only by their valour, but by their skill in curing wounds. In the Iliad, Machaon is spoken of as one of the most dis- tinguished surgeons at the siege of Troy. He is called the preserver of the Greeks ; and when wounded by Paris, he is lamented, as deprived of the benefit of that skill which he had so often exercised for the benefit of others. " The great Machaon, wounded in his tent, " Now wants that succour which so oft he lent."* On another occasion, Homer shows the high estimation in which the profession was held :— " A wise physician, skilled our wounds to heal, " Is more than armies to the public weal."t Of Podaliriiis too, it is said, that on his return from the de- struction of Troy, he was driven upon the coast of Caria, and that he cured the daughter of Damaethus of a severe and dangerous illness, by bleeding her in both arms. This is the first authentic record of the operation of blood-letting. It is also stated, as an evidence of the value attached to the * ------_____—.——. Maf^osiwv, Toy /tc£V !v) xAj un}g ffo?\Xm ctvTct^tos xXXav, ']«v$ T £XT«,W.VftV, iff I T' r.fflct. tpxgHKK* ffxr-riiv. G profession, at that early day, that the prince, as a reward to Podaliriiis, for his skill and services, gave him his daughter in marriage, with half of his kingdom as her portion. Notwithstanding these testimonies of the skill of Machaon and Potlalirius, it appears that their practice was very much confined to the removal of the darts or arrows with which their wounds were inflicted, and afterwards to the application of fomentations and styptics to the wounded parts ; for, when the heroes, recorded by Homer, were in other respects severely injured, as in the case of Mnezs, whose thigh bone was broken by a stone thrown by Diomedes, he makes no mention of any other than supernatural means employed for (heir relief. In the writings of Hippocrates, we have a full and circum- stantial detail of the state of medicine and surgery among the Greeks in his time. He lived about 400 years before the birth of Christ ; and was the first who treated of medicine in a regular or systematic manner. Prior to his time, even among the Greeks, the practice of medicine was confined to their priests and philosophers. According to Celsus, the healing art became united with the duties of religion, from the consideration, that diseases were inflicted upon mankind as punishments for their crimes ; and were only to be avert- ed or removed by the intercession of their priests, and the remedies they prescribed. The connection which exists between the study of medicine and the works of nature, also led their philosophers to unite the healing art with their fa- vourite pursuits ; and it is related of Pythagoras, that he travelled from place to place, not so much to teach the pe- culiar doctrines of his philosophy as to practise physic. Thalcs, Empedocles, Heraclitus, and Democritus, were among the most distinguished of the Grecian philosophers. They were also celebrated, as eminent practitioners of me- ilicine and surpart to be removed. He divided the prepuce in phymosis ; he introduced the catheter in retention of urine, both in males and females. Celsus also performed the important operation of lithotomy; but considered it as attended with great danger. He very judiciously prepared his patient for this, as for every other capital operation, by abstinence from solid food and stimulating drinks. His mode of operating, was, in some respects, peculiar to himself; and was hence denominated lithotomia Cclsiana ; but, in most circumstan- ces, it agreed with that afterwards adopted by Paulus ^gineta, and others, by the apparatus minor, or cutting on the gripe. When the operation was finished, he bled his pa*- tient, enjoined abstinence, made use of a warm bath, and oily fomentations, to diminish inflammation: but he advised the operation to be performed only in the spring of the year, and confined it to patients between nine and fourteen years of age. These facts teach us, that Celsus was not sufficiently ac- quainted with anatomy to perform this operation, without great hazard to the patient. At this we cannot be surpris- ed, when we recollect that it is only within a few years that it has been perfprmed with general success Our only sur- c 18 prise should be, that the art of surgery was so well um derstood as it appears to have been in his day. Among other operations, he extracted the dead foetus from the womb, by means of the crotchet ; and when difficulty pre- sented, he divided the child, and removed it piece-meal/ To restrain hemorrhage, or to remove any inflammation, in duced by the operation, he applied soft cloths, wet with an infusion of vinegar and roses. Condylomata (or tubercles of the anus) and hemorrhoidal tumours, he removed with the knife and ligatures. The same treatment you will find adopted and recommended by Mr. Ware, in his valuable es- say on that subject ; but which contains no reference to the practice of Celsus. Fistula in ano, he also cured by liga- ture, making use of a linen thread instead of the leaden wire, employed by the moderns. This mode of treating fistula, was revived by Foubert, and has been frequently practised in France since that time. Professor Camper has also made use of ligatures, in those whom he found fearful of the knife ; or when the patient could not submit to the necessary con- finement which the incision requires. But the great incon- venience which arises from the long continued irritation of the ligature, and the prolapsus ani, which it sometimes pio- duces, have occasioned it to be laid aside. Celsus was no less successful in the treatment of fractures and dislocations. His directions for reducing the fracture of the clavicle, and his treatment of fracture of the ribs, cor- respond with those contained in the present systems of sur- gery ; and in fractures of the extremeties, although he did not employ the many tailed bandage, or place the broken limb in a flexed position, but confined it to the fracture box he remarks, that the smaller bones were generally united be- tween fourteen and twenty-one days ; those of the leg and fore-arm, between twenty and thirty ; and those of the arm and thigh-bone, between twenty-seven and forty days. Few 19 surgeons of the present time, I believe, can boast of greater success. An eminent modern physician, emphatically exhorts eve ry person, in the study of medicine, to keep Celsus in his hands, by night and by day. I trust the outlines I have ex- hibited of his practice of surgery, and the evidences I have adduced of his skill in that art, will also induce the pupil in surgery to give his writings an attentive perusal. Galen, the physician of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, also holds a distinguished place in the history of surgery. He was born at Pergamus, a city of Asia, about 130 years af- ter Christ, and during the reign of the Emperor Adrian. He was celebrated, not only as a practitioner in physic and surgery, but as the most accurate anatomist that had then appeared. His knowledge of anatomy, at the same time that it furnished him with more correct views of the func- tions of the human body, and of the general principles of surgery, also enabled him to perform some operations, un- known to his predecessors. By some who profess to give an account of his works, he is considered as the mere com- mentator on the writings of Hippocrates ; especially upon those subjects which relate to surgery. But although Ga- len selected every thing he considered valuable in the works of those who had gone before him, he has left the evidence of great original genius, not only as a physician, but as a practitioner of surgery. I may remark, that his writings, like those of Celsus, have been plundered by the moderns, without the least acknowledgment of the source whence they derived the materials of what they afterwards denomi- nated discoveries and improvements. Without going into a detail of the practice of Galen, 1 shall confine my remarks to a few of those subjects in which he appears to have added to the stock of knowledge he had received from his predecessors. 26 In his chapter oh ulcers, he distinguishes their several apecies with so much correctness, that it has evidently been the basis of Mr. Benjamin Bell's treatise upon this subject. Not only the names by which they were designated, by Ga- len, are retained ; but even his definition of an ulcer has been adopted by our late systematic. " A solution of con* tinuity, in any of the softer parts of the body," is the defini- tion given of an ulcer by Mr. Bell. " Unitatis solutio est in carnosa parte," is the language of Galen. I may also add, that in the treatment of ulcers, there is scarcely what is call- ed an improvement in the practice of the moderns that was not known to Galen. During the inflammatory stage of phlegmon, he carefully enjoined upon his patient to abstain from wine and stimulants generally. He also made use of the lancet, purgatives, and warm bathing, to diminish the in- flammation ; but when the ulcer was formed, and a free dis- charge of matter obtained, he directs his remedies accord- ing to the character of the wound. In the simple purulent ulcer, his practice was to bring the edges as nearly as possi- ble into contact. In the sordid ulcer, he made use of ho- ney, verdigris, and terebint hinate applications, to change its condition, and to promote the growth of healthy parts. Oily dressings and relaxing cataplasms, he very properly proscrib- ed as injurious in those cases. With the same view of re- storing a healthy action in the part, he directs it to be wash- ed with wine ; and, as an evidence that he had in view its stimulant qualities, he observes, that the Falernian, which was a sweet wine, was useless in this respect. " Nam que- cunque dulcia pariter et fulva sunt, ut Falernum, ad id inuti- lia existunt." But one of the most approved modes of treating ulcers, in the present day, is by bandage. This, also, was the practice of Galen"; and in his direction upon the application of the roll- er, he observes, it should not be so loose as to give no sup- 21 port to the limb, nor bound so tight as to excite pain by it* pressure. " Circumducts etiam ipsa non ita laxa sit ut nihil efficiat nee ita vehemens ut dolorem premendo exci- tet." In punctures of the nerves, the practice of Galen was also original. If the wound be large, he advises it to be kept open ; but if small, he directs it to be dilated, and terebin- thinate and other stimulating dressings to be applied, for the purpose of obtaining a free discharge from the surface of the wound. " Ubi aliquis nervus est punctus, cutem ipsam servari oportet, aut quod tutius est latius incidere." In warm climates, the same practice is successfully pursued un- der similar circumstances, in the present day. For the purpose of suppressing hemorrhage, when the ex- ternal application of cold water and astringents failed, such as unripe galls, balaustines, and the stronger austere wines, it was the praciice of Galen to raise the bleeding vessel, by means of a hook, and to secure it by a vinculum or ligature. Ambrose Pare, in the sixteenth century, therefore unjustly claimed the use of the ligature as his discovery. The aneurismal tumour is also well characterized in the writings of this celebrated surgeon. From some expres- sions contained in his work, I am also induced to believe, that in the treatment of fractures, he placed the broken limb in a flexed position. It was certainly his practice, when the bones were secured by bandage, to place the limb in that situation which occasioned the least pain to his patient; and in the application of the bandage, he was aware of the incon- venience and injury arising from too severe pressure upon the part affected. To aid the generation of bony matter, in forming a callus, he also, as in wounds of the soft parts, made use of wines and other stimulating applications. Two other writers of respectability, among the ancients, merit our attention, ./Etius and Paulus /Egineta. I pass 22 over the works of Oribasius, as they contain nothing import- ant, but what is to be found in the writings of Galen. jEtius flourished at the end of the fifth and beginning of the sixth century. He was born at Amida, in Mesopota- mia, and was educated at the celebrated medical school of Alexandria. Although his works are not so well digested or arranged as those of Paulus, his chirurgical writings con- tain many valuable observations, not to be found in Celsus or Galen, and were even omitted by his successor, Paulus. His account of the diseases of the eyes, is much more mi- nute and complete, than the chapter of Celsus upon the same subject. In the treatment of anasarca, he prescribes scarification of the extremities ; not merely for the purpose of a temporary evacuation of the water contained in the cellular membrane, as had been recommended by Hippo- crates, but made his incisions so bold and extensive, that he thereby, according to his own observation, not only reliev- ed his patient of anasarca, but frequently cured him of ascites. Sylvius de la Boe, afterwards proposed to perform this species of tapping, by means of a needle, and claimed the discovery as his own. I have already remarked, that Hippocrates and Celsus made frequent use of caustics, especially in the treatment of dropsy, epilepsy, sciatica, and phthisis. iEtius also em- ployed them, not only in the same complaints, but in many other diseases. In asthma, palsy, empyema, and affections of the head ; in obstinate head-aches, or in injuries of the brain, he applied them to the nape of the neck, and to differ- ent parts of the head. He directed them to be long con- tinued, to be applied in great numbers, and made of a circu- lar shape, that they might be slow to heal, and thereby af- ford a large discharge. In the bite of a mad dog, he direct- ed them to be kept open forty or sixty days ; and if, in that time, they should, by accident, be closed, he renewed their 23 application. In this free use of caustics, he was followed by Paulus. The issues, as employed at this day, are found use- ful in the same diseases, for which the caustics were so suc- cessfully applied by the ancients. It is said by some, that the use of the seton was known to .'Etius : this does not ap- pear. Roland, of the tenth century, was the first who de- scribed this species of issue. It was afterwards spoken of by Rhazes and Albucasis, as much in use in their day. Dr. Freind remarks, that whoever reads the chapter of Rhazes on this subject, will find that the ancients understood the value of this remedy as well as the moderns. iEtius also treated of the diseases of women. He notices the causes of difficult labour, and directs the mode of delive- ry, which should accordingly be pursued. In one respect, his work is imperfect ; as he takes no notice of an important branch of surgery, fractures and dislocations. Paulus iEgineta, so called from his birth-place, the island iEgina, flourished about the middle of the seventh century. He also was a pupil of the Alexandrian school. After finish- ing his education, he travelled into different countries, and thereby had more extensive opportunities of becoming ac- quainted with diseases than most of those who had preceded him. His works, accordingly, contain much original matter. His chirurgical writings, in which he devoted a book exclu- sively to the operations of surgery, have been universally considered as more complete than any that appeared before the revival of learning in the fifteenth century. It is suf- ficient evidence of the value of the works of Paulus, that his writings, with those of Celsus, became the text books of Fabricius, a celebrated surgeon of the sixteenth century. In his treatise on ruptures, the different species of hernia are more minutely detailed, and the operation more circum- stantially described than by Celsus. That species of aneu- rism, arising from a wound or rupture of an artery, which 24 was known to Galen, he describe* with great accuracy, as well as the circumstances by which it is distingu.shed from other tumours. This is not all. In the treatment of the disease, he performed the operation for its removal, m the same manner as is done at this day, by securing the ves- sel above and below the part affected, and dividing it be- tween the ligatures. He also describes the fracture of the patella, which was not noticed before his time. In chronic1 affections of the head, and in diseases of the eyes, he open- ed the jugular veins; and, in some instances, the arteries be- hind the ears. To render the operation of cupping more ef- fectual, he improved the scarificator in such manner as to make several incisions at the same time. In cases of quinsy, threatening suffocation, he performed the operation of bron- chotomy. He directs it to be performed about the third or fourth ring of the trachea, being a part which he observes is less covered with flesh, and where there is the least danger of dividing many vessels. He is also careful not to make the aperture larger than is sufficient for the purpose of respira- tion. In this operation, Albucasis afterwards copied Paulus, without an acknowledgment. Paulus also improved much upon his predecessors, in the mam er of performing some of the more usual operations of surgery. In extracting the stone from the bladder, he did not, like Celsus, confine the operation to childhood, but per- formed it at any period of life. He also directs the incision to be made, not in the middle of the perineum, as was done by Celsus, but upon the left side of it, nearly where the in- cision for the lateral operation is at this day made. Upon this subject, he also gives another important direction ; to make the external incision free and large, by which both the sufferings of the patient and the danger of the operation are diminished. Paulus also treats of the diseases of pregnan cy, and was skilled in the practice of midwifery. 25 Such was the state of surgery among the ancients; and from the progress they had made, much also was to be ex- pected from the labours of their successors : but a long in- terval of ignorance and darkness now ensues. The civilized parts of Asia and Africa were overrun by the Saracens, under Mahomet and his successors. Being, from their religious tenets, the professed enemies to all knowledge not contained in the Koran, they ordered the ce- lebrated library of Alexandria to be destroyed; and with it all the liberal arts had nearly perished. About the same period, the Goths and Vandals overran the Roman empire. They also were the enemies of science, because they were strangers to it. But after the fury of the Saracens had somewhat subsided, the love of health and life, which is natural to man, induced them to revive the heal- ing art ; which had, in a great degree, shared the general fate of learning. The works of Hippocrates and Galen were sought for, and translated first into the Syrian, and thence into the Arabian language : in a few centuries, the Ma- homedan governments abounded in schools of physic. Al- though the works of the most celebrated Greek and Ro- man writers were transcribed by the Arabian physicians, Rhazes and Avicenna, the science of medicine received lit- tle improvement from their hands. In like manner, the knowledge of surgery, among the Arabians, was preserved, but not improved. The precept of Mahomet, which forbad the opening of dead bodies, must necessarily have prevent- ed improvements in anatomy, and consequently retarded their progress in the practice of surgery. Notwithstanding the labours of Rhazes, Avicenna, Albucasis, and other emi- nent practitioners and teachers of medicine among the east- ern nations, surgery received few or no additions, from the time of Paulus until the sixteenth century; when Fabricius, of Aquapendens, published his celebrated system, contain- n 2ti ing, not only the surgery of the ancients, but many original observations, which may be perused with much interest, even at this day. Of Fabricius, Boerhaave observes, " ille superavit omnes ;" " omnibus potius quam hocce carere pos- sumus." Upon some future occasion, I propose to take a view of the progress of this art, from the revival of learning to the present period ; in which I shall enumerate the advantages which the practice of surgery has derived from the discove- ry of the circulation of the blood, and the subsequent im- provements in anatomy and the other branches of the heal- ing art. klO H 3 XSots 1513 c\ NATIONAL LIBRARY 0- MEDICINE NLn DDTbDMafl D ____i^J^Jjdj mSa \ s^EjS |§l|i||