. K.issebssS: ;.. I ■ • ■ iflnttSauBuHn NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service COURSE OF STUDIES DESIGNED FOR THE PRIVATE MEDICAL SCHOOL ESTABLISHED IN ^EW-YORK, DAVID IIOSACK, M. D. PrefMsor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, and of .Midwifery, and the Diseaati of Women and Children. jXEW-YORK: Printed by Van Winkle, Wiley & Co 1810. PRIVATE MEDICAL SCHOOL, V.: .•*.» * «\&£^.Y°RK- Plan of Study adopted in the Private Medical School, es- tablished by David Hosack, M. D. To those Students rvho have not received a liberal education, the following works are recom- mended previously to the commencement of' their M\i I ■ tlirs on Composition, Ki'i'.'a K.lcu'cnts of Human Knowledge, Union's Lccmres on Belles Lettres and Lovic, Gerard on Genius, Do. on Taste, Alison on i'aste. GEOGRAPHY. Angle's ftacient Geography, ^mmtutsmeru do. Morse's American do. Priestley's Lectures on History, Ty tier's Outlinur, of General History, Anquetil's Universal History, miller's Retrospect of the 18th Century. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Helsham's Lectures, Giojtury's Economy of Nature, Cav.i'Io's Natural Philosophy, lmison's School of Arts, Ferguson's Astronomy. MORAL PHILOSOPHT. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, ------- Essay on Truth, Paley's Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. It is also recommended to the young gentle- men, unprepared by a collegiate course of study, to attend, at least, one course of lectures on Mathematics aud Natural Philosophy, as delivered in Columbia Col- lege, and to devote an hour daily to the Latin. Greek, and French languages un- der the direction of a private teacher. >«.«*,^.,r.K FIRST YEAR OF MEDICAL STUDIES. .»W >»'A-»/A -.'. *»-»» PHYSIOLOGY. System of Anatomy from the Encyclopae- Richerand's Physiology dia Britannica, Bell's Anatomy, Ky'e's Anatomy, VVistar's Anatomy, Gordon's Anatomy, Jadelot's Myology, (coloured plates,) Bell on the Bones, muscles, he (plates.) Bell, on the Blood Vessels, (coloured do.) ----on the Nerves, (do.) ----on the Brain, (do.) Craikslianks on the Absorbents. Gregory's Conspectus Medicines, vol. st. CHEMISTRY. Lavoisier's Chemistry, Henry's do. Black's do. Jacquio's do. Murray's Elements of Chemistry. ! Davy's do 4 Smith's Botany, Miller's Illustrations, (coloured platen) WilldeDow's Botany . MATERIA MED1CA. Lewis's Dispensatory, Duncan's Edinburgh Dispensatory, SECOND YEAR. Thaeher's American Dispensatory, Murray's System of Materia Medics, Pearson's Synopsis of do. PRACTICE OF PHYSIO AND SCROMY. Bell's, B. System of Surgery, Bell's, C. System of Dissections, . Fordyceon Feveis, m ANATOMY. Albinus' Anatomical Plates, Monro's System of Anatomy, Anatomie de Sabatier, Cuvier's Comparative Anatomy, Blumenbach's do. Baillie's Morbid Anatomy, PHYSIOLOGY. Moore's Medical Sketches, / Hewson on the Blood, Falconer and Hewson's Experiments on do. Hunter on the Blood, Saumarez's Physiology, I Bostock on Respiration, Cruikshanks on Perspiration, Phyeiologie de Dumas, Blumenbach's Institutions of Physiology, J-J—Ji ift Cooper's Surgery. | Dorsey's Surgery, Bell's, J Surgery, by Smith, I Boyer on the Bones, Bell's C. Operative Surgery, Abernethy'^ Surgical Observations, Default's Surgery, Pott's Surgical Works, Crowtheron White Swelling, Ford on the Hip Joint, Cooper on the Joints, Sheldon on Fracture of the Patella, Russel on Necrosis, Fox on the Teeth '< Hunter on the Venereal. ~k Chaptal's Chemistry, Actum's do Phillip's Mineralogy, Bakewell's Geology, Jameson's Mineralogy, Barton's Botany. Woodville's Medical Botany, (coloured pi.) Linnaeus' Systema Ve^etabilium, -------- Genera Plantarum, Willdenow's Species Plantarum, Jussieu's Natural Orders, Persoou's Synopsis. MATERIA MED1CA. Duncan's Therapeutics, Gregory's Conspectus Medietas, vol. 2d. Barton's Collections towards a Materia Medica. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. Cullen's Nosology, --------Practice of Physio, Wilson on Febrile Diseases. Saunders on the Liver, Willich on Diet and Hegimen. dD*Uf«*f1* AmJti CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. Murray's System of Chemistry, Bard's Compendium, Merriman's Synopsis, Denman's Midwifery, Smellie's Plates, Hunter on the Gravid Uterus, (plates ) Hopbeu's, do. (coloure(Lpl.) - THIRD YEAR. " ANATOMY. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC Vicq D'Azyr on the Brain, (coloured pi.) Huxham on Fevers. S.»rpa Tabids Nervorum, tpl.) Priugle on Diseases of the Army Monro on the Nervous System, (plates) Blane's Diseases or Seamen 7' Hiel.lon on the Ah-orbents, Cleshorn's Diseases of Minorca Mo, g 14m on the Seat and Causes of Disease, Lind'i Works, ' Collet' Surgical Anatomy. Thomas' Practice of Phys ic, ff*&*JvtAf**rt«r - _ Kyifenham'H Worlr, Hush's Wml^, Percival' K^says, K'othergill's Works bei'i on Consumption, Yo'iiv, on de. Whytton Nervous Diseases, Moseley <.n Tropical Diseases, Senac on i'.-.urs, Heheideii'- Commentaries, Duman a Meoical Cases, Chi-holmon the Maii.'.nant Fever, Hay^arth's Histories Currie's Medical Reports, launders on Mineral Wa'.ers, Cruuipe on Opium, M.i> iia- on the Mercurial Disease, s*edjauron the Venereal, Heil on do. Pearson on do. MBride s Practice of Physic, --------Experimiata. Alexander's Experiments, Warren on Diseases of the Heart, Coi vissart on do. Willan on Diseases cf the Skin, (coloured plates.) Bateman's do. Ferriar's Medical Histories and ReBections, Robertson's History of the Atmosphere, Huleland on Long Life, Hamilton on Purgatives, Richter'a Observations, Cogan on the Passions, Peinberton on the Abdominal Viscera, Blackall on Dropsies. Parry's Elements of Pathology and Thera- peutic , IbnThaave's Aphi CoiumenUries, Holl'man's I'ract ( ulsus de Med Bell's, J. Surgery, (plates.) Boyer's, do. Cooper on do. (plates.) Camper on Hernia, (plates ) Lawn nee on do Scarpa on Aneurism, -----on the Eye. Saunders on the Ear, (plates.) Ware or. the Eye, Haemorrhoids, 4e. Hey's Pre■-, cal Observations on Surgery. Jones on llajruouhage. Thompson's System of Chemistry, Johnson's Animal Chemistry, MATFRIA MXD1CA. Alibert^i Maeria Medica. Murray's Apparatus Medicaminum. MIDWIFERY AND THE DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILI Kl N. Hamilton's, A. Works on Midwifery, --------J. juu. do. Denman'a Aphorisms, \ Clark's Midwifery, Burn's Works on Midwifery, Baurteloque's Midwifery, White on Lying in Women, White, on the dwelling of the Lower Ex- tremities of Lying-i.i Women, Perfect's Cases of Midwifery, Cheyne's Diseases of Children, Underwood's do. Heherden's do. Sparmao's do. Cheyne' Pathology of the Larynx and Trachea. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY OF THE HUMAN MIND. Reid's Inquiry, ------Active Powers, -----Intellectual Powers, Hartley on Man, Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind, ------- Philosophical Essays, Crighton on Mental Derangement, Arnold on Insanity, Reid on do Haslam on Madness, Piuel on Insanity. Hill on do. NATURAL HISTORY. Dumeril't Histoire Naturelle, --------Zoology, Cabanis' Rapport du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme, Playfair's Illustrations, Cuvier'6 Theory of the Earth, Goldsmith's Earth and Animated Nature, Wood'B Button's Natural History, Keith's Physiological Botany, Mirbel'a Elemens de Botamque, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Barclay's Forencic Medicine, Male's Medical Jurisprudence, Fodere's Medicine Legale, Mahon do. HISTORY OF MEDICINE. Cabanis' Revolutions in Medicine, I Freind's History of Medicine, Le Clerc's do. Hillary en the Means of Improving Medi- cal Knowledge. Spren^el's Histoire de la Medicine, Per rr.al's Medical Ethics, Zimmerman on Experience. r BOOKS OF REFERENCE ■ *2j**$« Martyn's Language of Botany, Milne's Botanical Dictionary, Turton's Medical Glossary, C'ooi er's Surgical Dictionary, by Dorsey, DictiiDaire des Sciences Medicales, Rees' Cyclopaedia Brewster's Encyclopedia, Nicholson's CheitiiMi U"'' .oni'-y Aiken, J.kC fi^jh^. ficJs b*XJ)J~ (5 PERIODICAL WORKS, RECOMMENDED TO BE READ. London Medical Transactions, Lo.idorMedicalObservations and Inquiries Physical and Literary Essays of Edinburgh, Chirurgical Transactions, by Hunter, Home &c. London Medical Museum, London Medical Communications, Memoirs of the Medical Society of London, Medical Facts and Observations, Duncan's Medical Commentaries, ------- Annals of Medicine, Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Medical and Chirurgical Review, London Medical Beview, Annual Medical Register and Review, Transactions of the Medical Society of London Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Memoires de l'Acadaaaie Royale de Chi- rurgie. Journal de Physique, Journal de Medicine, Bibliotheque Medicale, Nicholson's Philosophical Journal, Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine, Thompson's Annals of Philosophy, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, Memoirs of the Manchester Society, Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon- don, Transactions of the Linnsan Society, Transactions of the Wernerian Natural His- tory Society. Transactions of the American Philosophi- cal Society, Transactions of the Literary and Philoso- phical Society of New York, Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; New-York Medical Repository, Coxe's Philadelphia Medical Mueeum, Barton's Medical and Physical Journal, Massachusetts Medieal Communications, New York Philosophical Journal and Re- view. Eclectic Repertory, Emporium of the Arts, American Medical and Philosophical Re- gister, Potter's Medical Lyceum, New-England Journal of Medicine and Surgery. In the preceding list are enumerated those writings on medicine and the auxiliary branches of science, an ac- quaintance with 'which is deemed essential to constitute the basis of a medical education ; and though it is not ex- pected that any student, however laborious, can render himself familiar with them during the short period of time to which his studies are necessarily limited, yet it is to be hoped, that thus seeing a plan of study before him, he will ^\f »remit,no honourable exertion to its successful acquisition. * "• * ***Vl*hev*works of those distinguished writers will have taught him duly to appreciate the dignity and importance of his profession, and in the intervals of practice he will be in- duced to complete whatever of this outline he shall have left imperfect.* . * «^ The, priVitr^ ko^)|j3W Dr. Hosack, consistino- of the naeit vajuaTDiT^eaica^writings, ancient anJSodern,- 7 is also constantly open to the student for the sake of reference and more satisfactory information. In addi- tion to this source of instruction, he is also supplied with anatomical preparations, casts in plaster, coloured engra- vings, chemical tests, a~ cabinet of mineralogy, with other apparatus necessary to make the pupil acquainted with the structure of the human frame, the nature of its diseases, the natural history, chemical analysis, and pharmaceutical preparations of those articles which compose the materia medica. For the more complete accomplishment of his plan, Dr. Hosack has associated himself with John W. Fran- cis, M. D., the Professor of the Institutions of Medicine in this University, by whose assistance he is enabled to afford to his pupils the advantages of daily private lectures and examinations throughout the year. Suitable apartments for study are also provided for the accommodation of the pupil, and such regulations adopted as will secure the benefits both of a private and a public system of instruction. i I n i s. M&a . Hist. kid HurCo