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'• Q- H.OVV many bones compose the cra- nium ? A. Eight: namely, os frontis, two ossa parie- talia, osoccipitis, twoossatemporalia, os ethmoi- des, and the os sphaenoides. 2. Q. What is the union of the liones of the skull termed ? A. Suture. 3. Q. Describe the situation of the sphenoi- dal bone. A. The sphenoidal bone is situated in the middle of the basis of the cranium, extending underneath, from one temple across to the other. 4. Q. Into how many portions is the tempo- ral bone distinguished ? A. Generally into two portions, viz. a squa- mous portion and a petrous portion. 5. Q. In what bone is the organ of hearing situated ? A. In the petrous portion of the temporal bone. A 2 6 6 Q. How many tables have the honey of the cranium / A. Two: an external and an internal. 7. Q. What is the name of the substance which unites the two tables of the cranium ? A. It is called Diploe, and meditullium. 8. Q. What is the name of the suture which connects the frontal with the parietal bones ? A. The coronal suture. 9. Q. Jiy what suture is the occipital bone united to the parietal bones ? A. By the lambdoidal suture. 10. (.-(. What name is given, to the suture which connects the pari- tal bones 1 A. It is called the sagittal suture. 11. Q. How many species of sutures arc there ? A. Two: viz. the true and false. 12. Q. What bones are united by the false sutute* ? A. The temporal bones are united to the pa- rietal bones, by the false or squamous suture. 13. Q. Through what foramina do the olfac- tory nerves pass out of the cranium ? A. Through the foramina ciibosa, which arc in thn ijt'ier part of the ethmoid hone. 14. O. Where is the foramen magnum occi- pitale situated ? A. in the occipital bone, at the inferior part between the condyles and behind the basiiary process. 15. {\. To what bone does the crista galli be- long? 1 A. To the ethmoid hone; it forms the pro- jecting process within the cranium, to which the falciform process of the dura mater ia attached. iG. {{. To what bone does the sella turcica belong ? A. To the sphenoid bone; it is placed in the middle, and projects into (he cavity of the cra- nium. 17. Q. Describe the frontal bone. A. The frontal bone has some resemblance to a cockle-shell; it is placed in the anterior part of the skull, and forms the fore-head and upper- part of the orbits. It receives the anterior lobes cerebri, forms a notch for the ethmoid bone, is externally convex, internally concave, and has several elevations and depres&ious. 18. Q. Where is the os ethmoides situated ? A. The os aethmoides is situated at the root of the nose, in a notch between the orbitat plates of the frontal bone. 19. Q. What bone separatee the ethmoid from the occipital bone ? A. The os sphaenoideum. 20. Q. To what bone does the mastoid prr> Cess belong ? A. It is a part of the temporal bone. 21. Q. How many hones compose the orbit? A. Seven : viz. os frontis, os ethmoidale, os sphenoidale, ob lachrymale, os jugale, os paiati, and the os maxillare superius. 22. Q. How many bones compose the lower jaw ? A. One, in the adult, which is called the in- ferior maxillary bone. 3 23. Q. What bones form the septum narium / A. The azygos process of the ethmoid bone and the vomer. 2-t. Q. To what bone do the superior turbi- nated bones, as they are called, belong ? A. To the ethmoid bone, of which they are a part. 25. Q. In what bone is the antrum of High- more situated ? A. In the superior maxillary bone, immedi- ately behind the cheeks. 26. Q. What separates the antrum of High- more from the orbit ? A. The orbitar process, or plate, of the su- perior maxillary bone. 27. Q. Is there any communication between the orbit and the nostril ? A. Yes: by the ductus ad nasum, in which there is a membranous canal, in the fresh sub- ject, to convey the tears into the nose. 28. Q. How many bones are there in the tym- panum? A. Four: the incus, stapes, malleus, and os orbiculare. 29. Q. To what bone of the cranium does the styloid process belong? A. To the temporal bone. 30. Q. What bones form the foramen lacerum Jin basi cranii ? A. The temporal and occipital bones. 31. Q. What are the processes of the sphe- noid bone called, which form the sides of the posterior nostril ? A. The pterygoid processes. 9 32. Q. What passes through the foramen la- cerum iu hasi cranii ? A. The jugular vein and par vagum. 33. Q. Do the ossa paiati form any part of the orbit ? A. Yes: a portion of the palate-hone rises into the orbit, and I'm ms a part of the posterior and inferior part of it. 34. Q. Where is the vomer situated ? A. In the centre of the nostrils, having the ephenoid and ethmoid bones at its upper part* and the superior maxillary and palatine hones at its lower part, and the cartilaginous septum of the nose on the anterior part. 35. Q. Point out the situation of the zygo- matic processes on the face. « A. It forms the lateral and superior part of the cheek, extending anteriorly from the ex- tremity of the ear. 36. Q. Where is the os unguis situated ? A. The os unguis is situated in the orbit, at the internal angle, immediately underneath the meeting of the eye lashes. 37, Q. What is the name of the portions of the os ethmoides, which hang down into the nostrils? A. The superior turbinated bones and azygos process. 38. Q. What is the shape of the os male ? A. It is of a quadrangular shape. 39. Q. What are the bones called which com- pose the spine? A. Vertebrae, of which there are twenty-fanr. 10 40. Q. Describe the spine. A. The spine is a long, bony, and carlilagi nous, hollow column, consisting of twenty-four bones, or vertebrae, and extending from the occipital bone to the os sacrum. 41. Q. What is there peculiar to the second vertebra ? A. It has an odontoid process at the upper part of its body. 42. Q. How would you distinguish a dorsal vertebra from the rest ? A. The bodies of the dorsal vertebre are lar- ger than the cervical, and less than the lumbar; they are more flattened at the sides, more con- vex before, and more concave behind, than any of the other vertebre ; the spinous process ter- minates in a round tubercle; the transverse processes are very thick; they have no foramen, as in the cervical; there is an articulating sur- face on the side of the body, and a superficial one in the points of the transverse processes. 43. Q. Where is the os hyoides situated ? A. It is situated at the root of the tongue, between it and the larynx. 44. Describe the scapula. A. The scapula is a triangular bone, situated at the lateral and upper part of the bapk. 11 has three margins, a spine, the acromion and cora- eoid process, and an articular cavity for the head of the os humeri. 45. Q. What bone is fixed to the acromion scapule ? A. The clavicle, or collar-bone. II 46. Q. How many bones has the fore-arm ? A. Two : the ulna and radius. 47. Q. Where is the ulna situated? A. Wheu the hand is supine, it is situated at the under and inner part of the fore-arm, between the humerus and carpus. 48. Q. On what bone do we lean when on our elbow ? A. The ulna. 49. Q. How many bones corapo^^tbe shoulder-joint ? A. Two: the scapula and the os brachii. 50. Q. What is the process called ob which we lean ? A. The olecranon. 51. Q. What bone unites the arm to the tho- rax? A. The clavicle, or cellar-bone. 52. Q. How many bones compose the carpus? A. Eight: viz. os scaphoides, os lunare, os Cuneiform*, os orbiculare, os trapezium, os magnum, and os unciforme. 53. Q. What receives the head of the os femoris ? A. The acetabulum, or cup like cavity of the os innominatum. 54. Q. Where is the os tince situated ? A. The os tinee, or mouth of the womb, is situated at the top of the vagina and inferior part of the uterus. 55 Q. What bone supports the leg ? A. The astragalus, on which the tibia rests. 56. Q. How many bones compose the tarsu?" 12 A. Seven: viz. astragalus, os calcis, 09 nnvi culare, os cuboides, and the three cuneiform bones." 57. Q. Where is the trochanter major situ- ated ? A. It forms the great projection at the supe- rior and external part f£welve dorsal vertebrae, the sternum, and twelvejribs; in all twenty-five bones,, 77,J^. What is the use of the periosteum ? allow. an attachment for muscles* and a bed for the ramification of vessels to he bone. . ^ Qj,What is the situation of the common oaretid^artery in the neck ? , A. ^The common carotid.,artery Vies on the side of .the^trachea, between it and,the internal jugular vein. .-,79. Q.f{What parts of the body are free from adipose structure ? ' A.-^The skin of the scrotum, penis, and eye- lids, have nojgdipose structure. .: 80. Q. What are the muscles the subclavian rJL-y passes between, in going over^the first A.TheSu^^artery,aSUpa8ae9.vCT the first rib, goes between the anterior anil, mid- dle scalenus muscles. 81. Q. ^here is the Eustachian tube situa- ted? A It passes from $\e tympanum of the ear obliquely forwards ajny*wards, and opens in 15 the fauces, near the opening of the posterior nosfcil. **k- 82. Q. What are the names of the valves at the origin of the aorta ? A. They are called the semilunar valv are three in number. 83. Q. What are the differences betweei foetal and adult heart? A. In the foetal heart, an opening exists be- tween the auricles in the septum auricjflpira, called the foramen ovale; this is close-in the adult heart. An artery also passes frojjjjjrfhe pulmonary artery obliquely to the asfiHpg aorta in the foetus, which is called canjpiFarte- riosus; this becomes a ligament in the adult. 84. Q. Where does the excretory ducf of the parotid gland open ? ^ A. The excretory duct of the parotypianrt or Steno's duct, passes obliquely overtime out- side of the masseter muscle, and perforates the cheek, opening near the second molaris'. 85. Q. What is the name of the excretory duct of the sub-maxillary gland, and where does it open ? '' ^ A. The exeretory duct of the sub-maxillary gland, is called ductus Warton&i; it passes be- tween the genio-glossus and1" mylo-hyoideus muscles, and opens on the side of the frenum lingue. 86. Q. How many arteries has the thyroid gland ? A. The thyroid gland has four arterie%^ namely, the two superior thyroideal antf the two inferior thyroideal. 16 67. Q. Whereis the ductus arteriosus situat- ed, in the foetus ? A. It passes obliquely from the ascending aorta to the pulmonary artery. 88. Q. What viscera are contained in the Abdomen ? "*&. The omentum, the stomach, the large and smallHntestines, the liver and gall-bladder, the mesentery, the lacteal vessels, the thoracic duct, the spleen, the pancreas, the kidneys and supra- renal capsules, part of the aorta descend ens, and Vcava ascendens. KWhat is the membrane called, that cavity, and covers the viscera of the .? e peritoneum. Are the kidneys completely envelop* peritoneum ? F> only their anterior surfaces. . Where is the external cutaneous nerve situated at the bend of the arm 1 ;; lA. 'The external cutaneous nerve is situated at the bend of the arm, under the cephalic and the median cephalic veins. 92. Q. What is the situation of the internal cutaneous nerve at the bend of the arm ? A. The internal cutaneous nerve is situated under the median basilic nerve; it frequently sends a small twig over the vein. .<.£)$. Q. What is the insertion and origin of > the ligamentum nuchas ? A. 1,he ligamentum nuchas arises from the 'yspine of the occipital bone, and is fixed to the spinous processes of all the cervical vertebrae. 17 94. Q. Describe the stomach. A. The stomach is a membranous recepta* ele, placed in the left hypochondriaftlregion, Composed of three membranes. It has a Bupe-< rior orifice called cardia, and an inferior orifice|j called pylorus; a lesser and greater curvatui§ and two surfaces distinguished into anterior anu posterior. ^ 95. Q. What viscera are attached*) the great curvature of the stomach ? ^^L A. The large omentum, the spkflF aud transverse arch of the colon. A. The pigmentum nigrum of the choroid membrane is secreted by the arteries of that membrane. 129. Q. How many chambers has the eye ? A. Two: an anterior and a posterior chamber. Eh' 130. Q.What separates the anterior from the posterior chamber? * A. The curtain formed by the iris and uvea. 131. Q. What is contained in the capsule of the crystalline lens ? A. The crystalline lens and a little water. , 132. Q. What artery nourishes the crystalline $ lens ? A. The arteria centralis retinae. » 133. Q. Where is the pigmentum nigrum of • the eye situated ? A. Upon the uvea, behind the iris and upon the surface of the tunica choroidea. ■134. Q. How many muscles are there, that arise from the trunk, and are inserted into the )(■*■ scapula? A. The muscles that are inserted into the scapula are six in number, viz. trapezius, leva- tor scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomhoideus, serratus magnus, and subclavius. 135. Q. What are the muscles that arise from the shoulder joint, anil are inserted into the fore- urm ? ■ A. They are six in number, viz. trapezius, 23 Mvator scapule, pectoral* jniuor^homboideufl, serratus magnus, arid subclavius. 136. Q. Wher«i.iB the lachrymalsacsituated. A. In the superior part of the lachrymal groove, or the commencement of the.ductus ad nasum behind the tendon of the orbicularis. t J.37. Q. What is situated in the groove at the lower internal edge of each rib ? A. The intercostal artery, vein, and nerve 138. Q. What difference in situation istl between the right and left kidney ? A. The right kidney is much lower than the left, occasioned by the liver occupying so much space. 139. Q. What are the ducts that enter the duodenum ? A. The ductus communis choledochus, an the ductus pancreaticus. 140. Q. How many muscles arise from the shoulder, and are inserted into the fore-arm ? A. The muscles that are attached to the shoulder and fore-arm are two in number, viz. biceps flexor cubiti, and the long head of the triceps. 141. Q. How many muscles arise from the arm to be inserted into the fore-arm ? A. The muscles that arise from the arm and are iusertedin tothe fore-arm, are six in number, namely, the anconeus, the short heads of the triceps extensor cubiti, the brachialis interim?, •upinator radii longus, supinator radii brevis, and pronator radii teres. 142. Q. Where are the testicles situated in the foetus ? 24 A. The testicles in the foetus before the sixth month are in the anoomen, they receive a cover- ing $f peritonaeum, and are placed at the lower part of the kfdneys. 143. Q. In what intestines are the valvule conniventes found ? ^A A. In the small intestines, chiefly in the duo- denum andjejumtm. 144. Q. What ib the name of the duct lead- idgTrom the pelvis of the kidney to the bladder ? A. The ureter. 145. Q. What forms the linea alba 1 J •.' A. The meeting of the fiat tendons of the ab- dominal muscles. 146. Q. How many openings bas the right luricle of the heart. A. Four, viz. the opening of the vena cava superior, that of the vena cava inferior, that of the coronary vein, and ostium venosum. 147. Q. Where do the ostia of the lacteals open ? A. Upon the internal surface of the small in- testines. 148. Q. What muscles arise from the scapula, and are inserted into the humerus ? A. The muscles which arise from the scapula, and are inserted into the humerus, are the sub- scapularis, teres major.,teiiewwiinor, stipraspina- tus, infraspinatus, coraco4hracii»lis, and the deb- toides. ^Jf 149. Q. Where rfoei the^BJfese^tery begin ? A. The mesentery begins about the termina- tion of the duodenum". 150. Q. What forms ^he profundal palmar itch? 25 A. The profundal palmar arch is chiefly form- ed by the radial artery. 151. Q. How many openings has the left au- ricle of the heart ? A. Five, viz. those of the four pulmonary ves- sels and the ostium venosum. 152. Q. What is the true organ of vision? A. The retina. 153. Q. What is the general division of the internal ear? A. The internal ear is divided into the tym- panum and labyrinth which consists of the coch- lea, vestibuium, and semicircular canals. 154. Q. What nerves form the great sympa- thetic ? A. A branch of the sixth pair of nerves with a recurrent twig of the second branch of the fifth pair of nerves. 155. Q. Do the olfactory nerves supply the nose with the sense of feeling? A. No, but branches from the fifth pair do. 156. Q. What are the vessels surrounded by the capsule of Glysson ? A. The vessels surrounded by the capsule of Glysson are the vena porte, the hepatic arte- ry, the hepatic veins, the excretory ducts, and some absorbents. 157. Q. How many dilatations are there in the urethra ? A. There are generally three dilatations to be found in the urethra of men; one at the point of the glands, penis, another at the bulb of the urethra, and a third in the prostate gland. C 26 158. Q. Wrhat muscles are divided in amputa- tion of the thigh ? A. The muscles divided in amputation of the thigh, are the biceps flexor cruris, semi-tendi- nosus, semi-membranosus, gracilis, sartorius, vastus externus, vastus internus, rectus femoris, and the long tendon of the abductor magrius. 159. Q. How many arteries are there? A. Two: viz. the aorta and pulmonary artery; all the other arteries are branches of these two. 160. Q. What are the arteries called which supply the kidneys ? A. The renal or emulgent arteries. 161. Q. What is the name of the vessels which nourish the heart ? A. Coronary arteries. 162. Q. What are the arteries of the stomach called? A. Coronary—they are four in number, viz. coronaria, gastrica dextra, gastrica sinistra, and pylorica. The veins are called gastric. 163. Q. How are the trunks of arteries nourished ? A. The arterial trunks are nourished by the vasa vasorum, which arise from the nearest small branches, and are every where dispersed on their surface. 164. Q. What change do the collateral arter- ies undergo when a large arterial trunk is tied? A. The collateral arteries, after a large arte- rial trunk is tied, dilate, their coats become stronger, and acquire an additional strength; they are also found to become tortuous. 27 165. Q. What forms the phrenic nerve ? A. The phrenic nerve is formed by the third and fourth cervical, it also receives a filament from the second. 166. Q. Where is the popliteal artery situated/ A. In the ham, between the condyles of the os femoris, hamstrings, and heads of the gastroc- nemius externus. 167. Q. What arteries are given off from the arch of the aorta ? ^A. Three branches: viz. the arteria inno- minata, the left carotid, and the left subclavian. 168. Q. What is the course and distribution of the epigastric artery ? A. It arises from the femoral artery, just as it is about to pass under Poupart's ligament, it passes upwards and inwards at the upper and outer part of the abdominal ring, behind the spermatic cord, runniug along the edge of the transversus in an oblique manner to the pyrami- dales; it then ascends under the middle of the rectus, furnishing branches to the abdominal parietes, and terminates above the umbilicus, anastomosing with the mammary. 169. Q. What is the first ganglion, formed by the intercostal nerve, called ? A. The cervical ganglion. 170. Q. What forms the chorda tympani ? A. The chorda tympani is formed by the por- tio dura, it is a reflected twig of that uerve, which passes betiveeu the long processes of the malleus and incus, and over the roembrana tympani. 28 171. Q. What is the most elastic substance in the body ? A. The most elastic substance in the body is cartilage. 172. Q. Are tendo-ns elastic ? A. No; they are inelastic, otherwise the ef- fect of muscles would be greatly diminished. 173. Q. What is the course of the femoral artery ? A. The femoral artery passes over the head of the os femoris down into a hollow at the upper and inner part of the thigh, with the rectus and sartoriu.5 muscles upon the outside, and the ad- ductor on the inner side; it descends along the inside of the thigh between the vastus internus and triceps, it then gradually bends backwards till it reaches the ham to become the popliteal. 1741 Q. What are the terminations of the arteries ? A. One termination is in veins, another in secreting extremities, a third in glands, a fourth in cells, as in the penis, and a fifth termination is in anastomoses. 175. Q. What is the valve of Eustacbius formed by ? A. The Eustachian valve is formed by a fold of the inner membrane of the right auricle. 176. Q. What arteries nourish the pancreas ? A. The arteries which nourish the pancreas are derived from the pylorica, duodeualis and splenica. 177. Q. Have the veins of the dura mater any valves ? 29 A. No, they have none. 178. Q. What are the arteries of the dura mater 1 A. The arteries of the dura mater are the anterior, middle, and posterior meningeal. 179. Q. Where does the anterior meningeal artery arise ? A. The anterior meningeal artery arises from the carotid. 180. Q. From whence does the middle me- ningeal artery arise ? A. The middle meningeal artery arises from the internal carotid artery. 181. Q. What are the veins at the flexure of the arm ? A. The cephalic, the median-cephalic, the basilic, and the median-basilic. 182. Q. What muscles are inserted into the patella ? A. The rectus femoris, the vastus externus, the vastus internus, and crura^us. 183. Q. What are the names of the muscles which are inserted into the os calcis .' A. Gastrocnemius externus, gastrocnemius internus, and plantaris. 184. Q. What is the name of the tendon formed by the gastrocnemius externus, and soleus ? A. The tendo Achillis. 185. Q. Do the external condyles of the hu- merus give origin to the extensor or flexor mus- cles of the fore-arm ? A. To the extensors. C 2 30 186. Q. What plexus of nerves surround the axillary artery? A. The brachial plexus. 187. Q. What forms the first arch of the palate ? A. The constrictor isthmii faucium, covered by the skin of the mouth. 188. Q. What are the vessels which form the vena porte ? A. The superior and inferior mesenteric vein, and the splenic vein. 189. Q. What are the glands called situated at the root of the lungs ? A. Bronchial glands; they are of a dark co- lour. 190. Q. What muscles are attached to the coracoid process of the scapula ? A. The coraco-brachialis, the pectoralis mi- nor, and the short head of the biceps flexor cu- biti. 191. Q. Where is the diaphragm situated 1 A. Between the thorax and abdomen, form- ing a vaulted arch or septum attached to the lower borders of the ribs. 192. Q. What are the muscles of the abdo- men ? A. The obliquus externus, obliquus internus, transversalisabdominalis, and pyramidalis, form- ing five pair. 193. Q. Where is the longest cms of the diaphragm situated ? A. On the left side of the fore-part of the *«HUS. J31 19i. Q. What tendon passes through the •shoulder-joint I A. The long tendon of Hie biceps flexor cubiti. 195. Q. On which side of the aorta is the longest emulgent artery situated ? A. On the right, in consequence of the vena cava being placed on that side, and the artery having to pass behind that vessel. 196. Q. What forms the capsule of Glysson '! A. A reflection of the peritoneum, which, with a quantity of cellular substance, surrounds the vessels and nerves of the liver just before they enter that viscns. J!>7. Q. What bones form the lachrymal groove, or ductus ad nasum, and where does it terminate ? A. The lachrymal bone, the superior maxil- lary bone, and the inferior spongy bone. It terminates at the lower and Iuter.il parts of the nose, at the inner and fore-part of the antrum maxillare, under the os spongiosum inferius, in a straight liuv with the second dens molaris. 198. Q. What are the salivary glands called ? A. They are the parotid gland, the sublingual glands, the submaxillary glands, the glands of the cheek, the labial glands, and molar glands. 199. Q. Where is the thyroid gland situated ? A. Upon the trachea, lying on the cricoid cartilage, and horns of the thyroid cartilage. 20Q. Q. Where is the pituitary gland situated? A. In the sella turcica, acavity in the spine- p.oid bone. 32 201. Q. Where is the lachrymal gland situ- ated? A. In a depression of the orbitar process of the frontal bone within the orbit. 202. Q. What is the extent of the peritone- um covering the bladder ? A. The peritoneal coat extends over the fundus, sides and back part to near the termina- tion of the ureters. 203. Q. From what artery does the inferior thyroid arise ? A. The inferior thyroid artery arises from the subclavian. 204. Q. How many branches does the axil- . lary artery send off? A. The axillary artery generally ^ives off four arteries, viz. thoracica longior, thoracica superior, thoracica humeraria, and thoracica alaris. 205. Q. What are the most important fascie of the body ? A. The fascia covering the temporal muscle*; that given off from the biceps covering the fore- arm; that coveriug the abdominal muscles and back; the fascia of the lower extremities, and the plantar and palmar fascia. 206. Q. WThat are the ligaments about the shoulder joint ? A. The capsular ligament of the head of the os brachii, the triangular ligament which ex- tends from the coracoid process to the acromi- on, the coroid and trapezoid ligaments that ex- tend from the clavicle to the cracoid process. 3S 207. Q. What is the name of the ligament that connects the os femoris to the bottom of the acetabulum ? A. The ligamentum teres. 208. Q. On what vertebra is rotation of the head performed ? A. The head rotates upon the second cervi- cal vertebra, by the intervention of the atlas. 209. Q. Where is the female urethra situated? A. The female urethra is situated under the symphisis of the pubes, between the nymphe and below the clitoris, just above the entrance of the vagina. 210. Q. What are the branches which the subclavian artery gives off ? A. They are six in number; viz. arteria mammaria interna,—thyroidea inferior—inter- costalis,—vertebrafiB,—cervicalis profunda, and cervicalis superficialis. 211. Q. What are theligaments of the pelvis? A. The long and short sacro-ischiatic liga- ments, the ligamentum obturans; the ligament- um poupartii; the transverse ligaments, going from the spinous processes of the ilium to the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, the annular ligament of the ossa pubis"; the ligamenta vaga, which pass from the ilium to the sacrum; and the lacertus ligamentosus, that runs from the las-t lumbar vertebra along the ridge of the os innominatum to the pubes; besides these, there are the capsular and longitudinal ligaments of the sacrum and os coccygis. 212. Q. What are the borse mucose, and their line. 24 A. The burse mucose are small bags placed under muscles and tendons that are frequently brought into action, they contain a fluid similar to synovia, the use of which is to lubricate tho muscles and tendons. 213. Q. Where do the corpora cavernosa jveuis arise ? A. The corpora cavernosa penis arise fron the edge of the ramus of the ischium and os pubis 214. Q. What vessels does the right pul- monary artery pass, in going to the lungs ? A. The right pulmonary artery passes behind the aorta and superior cava. 215. Q. What parts do the external and in- ternal carotid artery supply ? A. The external carotid artery supplies the face and external parts of the head; the internal earotid artery supplies the brain. 216. Q. What does the coeliac artery supply ? A. The coeliac artery supplies the stomach, liver, and spleen. 217. Q. What is the course of the external maxillary artery over the jaw-bone ? A. The external maxillary artery passes be- fore the edge of the masseter over the middle and lateral part of the jaw-bone. 218. Q. Between what tendons does the ra- dial artery lie at the wrist ? A. The radial artery lies (at the wrist,) be- tween the tendons of the flexor carpi radialis and supinator longus. 219. Q. What are the arteries given off from the thoracic aorta ? A. The thoracio aorta gives off the bronchi- 35 5d, the (esophageal, and the inferior intercostal arteries. 220. Q. What nerve supplies the tongue for the organ of taste ? A. A branch of the fifth pair, which is termed the gustatory nerve. 221. Q. Where does the posterior meningeal artery arise ? A. The posterior meningeal artery arises from the vertebral. 222. Q. How is the pia mater nourished ? A. The pia mater is nourished by arteries from the brain. 223. Q. What is the use of the adeps ? A. The adeps guards against the effects of pressure, it lessens the specific gravity of the body, fills up the interstices of muscles, and i? a reservoir of nourishment of the body. 224. Q. What forms the common integu- ments ? A. The common integuments-are formed by the cuticle, rete mucosum, cutis, and adipose substance. 225. Q. What,are the branches of the fifth pair of nerves ? A. The branches of the fifth pair of nerves are the ophthalmic, the superior maxillary, and the inferior maxillary. 226. Q. What are the papille minime, and papille medie of the tongue formed by ? A. The papille minime and medie, are form ed by the extremities of nerves surrounded by a lace-work of blood vessels. 36 227. Q. Describe the contents of the cra- nium. A. The cranium contains the cerebrum, cere- bellum, and medulla oblongata ; the dura ma- ter, the pia mater, and tunica arachnoides; nine pair of nfi'-es, the accessory nerves of Willis; the several sinuses, the arteries that nourish the brain and its membranes, and the veins that return the blood into the sinuses; ajud also absorbent vessels. 228. Q. What membrane nourishes the in- ternal table of the skull ? A. The external lainiua of the dura mater. 229. Q. Wrhat does the falciform process of the dura mater separate ? A. It separates the hemispheres of the brain from each other. 230. Q. What vessel runs in the falciform process of the dura mater ? A. The superior longitudinal sinus is the- principal vessel. 231. Q. Where is the tentorium situated ? A. Between the cerebrum and cerebellum. 232. Q. How many lobes has the brain ? A. Six; viz. two anterior, two posterior, and two middle or inferior lobes. 233. Q. How many hemispheres has the ce- rebrum ? A. Two; viz. the right and the left. 234. Q. What are the cavities in the brain called? A. They are celled ventricles. 37 235. Q. What separates the lateral ventricles from each other. A. The septum lucidum. 236. Q. From what part of the brain does the pineal gland arise ? A. From the thalamus nervi optici on each side by peduncles. 237. Q. From what part of the brain do the optic nerves arise ? A. They arise from the thalami nervorum epticoru;n. 238. Q. What nerves pass through the fora- men lacerum orbitale superius ? A. The third, the fourth, the first branch of the fifth and sixth pairiM* nerves. 239. Q. Through what foramina do the fifth pair of nerves pass out of the cranium ? A. Through the foramen lacerum orbitale su- perius, foramen rotunduni, and foramen ovale, in separate branches. 240. Q. Does the arm receive nerves from the brain, or from the spinal marrow ? A. From the spinal marrow. 241. Q. What nerve supplies the nose for the sense of smelling? A. The olfactory, or first pair. 242. Q. What nerves supply the dia- phragm ? A. The phrenic, or diaphragmatic nerves. 243. Q. Where do the great sciatic nerves arise ? A. From a plexus of nerves formed by the D 38 fourth and fifth lumbar nerves, jointed by the first, second, and third sacrals. 244. Q. What is the name of the ganglion in the abdomen which supplies most of the ab- dominal viscera ? A. The semilunar ganglion. 245. Q. What does the foramen magnum occipitale transmit ? A. The spinal marrow, the vertebral arteries, and the accessory nerves of Willis. 246. Q. How many membranes has the brain ? A. Three; viz. the dura mater, the pia mater, and the tunica arachnoides. 247. Q. What are thftprocesses of the dura mater called ? A. They are three in number; viz. the fal- ciform process, the tentorium, and the septum cerebelli. 248. Q. What are the viscera of the tho- rax ? A. The pleura, the lungs, the thymus gland (in children,) the oesophagus, the ductus tho- racicus, the arch of the aorta, branches of the vene cave, the vena azygos, the pericardium, the heart, the par vagum, and the great inter- costal nerves. 249. Q. How many lobes has the left lung ? A. It has two lobes. 250. Q. What separates the chest into two cavities ? A. The mediastinum, which is formed by the pleura. 39 251. Q. What are contained in the posterior mediastinum ? A. The oesophagus, the bronchie, the large vessels of the heart, the par vagum, great in- tercostals, and thoracic duct. 252. Q. What is there in the anterior medi- astinum that disappears towards adult age ? A. The thymus gland. 253. Q. Describe the heart ? A. The heart is a hollow muscular viscus, situated in the pericardium, in the cavity of the thorax, resting upon the diaphragm. 25 4. Q. Do the auricles of the heart com- municate before birth ? A. Yes, by the foramen ovale. 255. Q. Where is the Eustachian valve situ ated? A. At the entrance of the inferior cava, within the right auricle of the heart. SURGERY. 256. Q. WHAT are the symptoms of compressed brain ? A. The person is mostly insensible; an apo* plectic stertor of the breathiug soon comes on; lo:-s of voluntary motion ; tremors, anil convul- sions. The pupil is contracted, or dilated; and, if the person can !><■ roused from his stertorous sleep, lie complains of giddiness and dimness o bi^ht. Often there is hemorrhage from the nose vps, and ears: and the feces and urine are dis 4(J charged involuntarily; and as the compression is generally produced by fractured skull, the finding a portion of skull depressed from the blow is sufficient. The pulse is irregular and slow- 257. Q. What are the symptoms of concus- sion of the brain ? A. The patient is first in a state of insensi- bility, and the extremities usually become cold; there is a great tendency to sleep, but the sleep is unattended by stertor. If the concus- sion be not very great, the patient soon be- comes more sensible, but vomiting takes place; he is at times delirious; the pulse irregular and quick; and phrenitis often succeeds the con- cussion. Should, however, the concussion be very great, the insensibility of the patient in- creases. 258. Q. How would you distinguish a fissure of the cranium from a suture ? A. By the course of the fissure, by its appear- ance not being zigzag, and by the pericranium not. adhering to it in the way it does to a suture. 259. Q. What practice would you adopt to re- lieve concussion of the brain ? A. The most approved practice is to bleed according to circumstances; to administer saline purges; to put the patient on the antiphlogis- tic regimen. Should symptoms of phrenitia come on, large and repeated blood-letting is to be had recourse to, and blisters are to be appli- ed to the head, or neck, in order to reduce the inflammation of the brain. 41 260. Q. When a portion of the cranium is depressed, what would you do to alleviate it ? A. Apply the trephine. 261. t£. When a portion of the cranium is depressed, where would you apply the trephine lOi#ise it? A. On a part of the skull which would in- clude a portion of the depressed bone, that the elevator may be introduced so as to raise the de- pressed portion. 262. Q. W hat do you mean by an exompha- los? A. An umbilical hernia or protrusion of the intestines or omentum through the umbilical ring. 263. Q. What is a bubonocele ? A. It is an inguinal hernia, formed by a pro- trusion of intestine through the abdominal ring. 264. Q. What do you mean by hydrocele ? A. A collection of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis testis. 265. Q. What are the symptoms of strangu- lated intestine ? A. The patient is seized with sickness, and a vomiting of foecal matter; obstinate costive- ness comes on; synochal fever takes place. The rupture remains stationary, and no effort can return it; the tumour of the part becomes very painful, and the pain extends to the abdomen, attended with a general tension. 266. Q. Describe the operation for strangu- lated inguinal hernia. A. Having shaved off the hair from the tn- D 2 42 mour, and the patient being placed in a suitable situation for the operation, an incision should be made about an inch above the ring, which, if the tumour be not very large, should extend to the most depending part of the swelling, so that the skin and cellular membrane covering the sac will thus be cut through. Perhaps the external pudical artery, that crosses the sac near the abdominal ring, will also be eut through, if so, it will be necessary to secure this artery before we proceed, to prevent further bleeding. Then, with a pair of forceps, a part of the fascia must be raised and divided, to al- low the introduction of a director, on which instrument the fascia is to be divided upwards, to within an inch of the abdominal ring, and downwards, to the bottom of the tumour. The next thing to be attended to, is the division of the stricture : with this view, the finger is to be passedintothe sac, as far as the stricture, which will be found either at the abdominal ring, or about an inch and a half from this aperture, in- clining upwards and outwards, or in the mouth of the sac. If the stricture be at the ring, the finger is to be passed as far as the stricture, and then a probe-pointed bistoury must be conveyed over the front part of the sac into the ring, which is next to be divided in a direction up- wards, opposite the middle of the sac, and to extend just sufficient to allow the protruded parts to be returned into the abdomen. By this di- vision of the ring, the epigastric artery is not wounded, nor are the transverse tendinous fibres 43 cut through that cross the upper part of the ring, by which the aperture of the ring is not so much weakened. The stricture being thus removed, the protruded parts are to be returned into the cavity of the abdomen. Should the intestine be gangrenous, it is not to be returned. Trie intestine may, however, have dark discoloura- tions, and may be returned without harm; these states should be carefully distinguished. If the omentum be gangrenous, the dead part should be cut off, and the other part returned, if he- morrhage is not likely to occur from its surface. When the omentum is indurated, the indurated portion may be cut off. The parts are now to be dressed in the usual way. 267. Q. How would you treat a violent oph- thalmia ? A. Bleed locally, and generally according to the age of the patient. If there be great inflam- mation of the tunica conjunctiva, carefully scarify it; apply soft emollient poultices to the eyes, renewing them often; give saline purges and diaphoretics; keep the eyes shaded; and, as the chronic stage succeeds, alter the reme- dies in some degree, according to circumstan- ces ; apply astringent sedative lotions to the eyes, leaving off the poultices. Make use of the thebaic tincture, dropping in two or three drops twice or thrice a-day, between the .eye- lid and ball. 268. Q. How would you treat gangrene in general ? A. With tonics, stimulants, and a generous diet. 269. Q. When a locked jaw arises from an injury of the great toe, how would you endea- vour to relieve it ? A. By making a free division of the injured part; and if this did not succeed, by amputating the bone. Antispasmodics, as opium and ether, must be given internally. 270. Q. When a bill is lodged in the calf of the leg, and it is necessary to make an incision upon it, in what direction would you make that incision ?~ A. In a perpendicular direction. 2.71. Q. How does the complete division of a punctured artery (as the temporal) stop the hemorrhage ? A. By the retraction of the extremities of the artery. 272. Q. What is the cause of the cold sen- sation and numbness of the leg and foot, gene- rally felt from an aneurism of the popliteal arte- ry? ( A. Pressure upon the popliteal nerve, which supplies the leg aud loot with nervous influ- ence ; it is also caused by obstructed circulation, the popliteal artery losing part of its power, and containing a quantity of coagulum. 273. Q. If necessary to take up the brachial artery, near the flexure of the arm, how will the circulation be carried on ? A. By the two profundus chiefly, which inosculate with the recurrents of the ulnar and radial arteries. 274. Q. How is amputation of the shoulder* joint performed ? 45 A. As there is no room for the application of the tourniquet, in this operation, the subclavian artery is to be compressed by an assistant, by means of a pad, just where it passes over the first rib; or, to render the operation more sate, it is preferred to take up the axillary artery at once; then, with a large common bistoury, a semicircular incision is to be made with its con- vexity downwards across the integuments cover- ing the deltoid muscle, about four inches btlow the acromion. The skin should not be detach- ed, but the muscle is to be cleared from the bone quite up to the joint; then the tendons passing over the joint are to be cut through, also the capsular ligament, so as to allow the bone to be dislocated from the joint. Having done this, the skin, and other parts, underneath the joint, are to be divided with one stroke of the knife; after this, the circumflex, or any small vessel that may bleed, should be secured and tied. The flap of the deltoid muscle is next to be laid down, so that its edge will meet the margin of the wound below. The opera- tion is then finished by dressing. 275. Q. How many species of white swell- ing are there ? A. Two: the scrofulous and the rheumatic species. 276. Q. What muscles are cut through in the operation of lithotomy on the male ? A. The transversalis perinei, and generally a part of the accelerator urine, and sometimes a part of the levator ani. 46 277. Q. What are the peculiarities of a gun- shot wound ? A. Great contusion and laceration, which produce a deadened state of the fibre* immedi- ately surrounding the wound, that require to be thrown off in the form of a slough, before the wound can heal; they also frequently contain pieces of cloth, or bullets. 278. Q. How is an aneurismal tumour distin- guished from other tumours ? A. By its pulsating, and by its receding, upon pressure, and soon returning again to its usual bulk. 279. Q. What ia the substance generally found in aneurismal sacs? A. The coagulable pari of the blood, which is usually found in layers. 280. Q. How is amputation below the knee to be performed ? A. Having placed the patient in a proper po- sition, and applied the tourniquet to compress the artery, one assistant is to support the leg, while the other pulls up the integuments; a cir- cular incision is then to be made round the leg, to divide the integuments: when these are divi- ded, a portion of them is to be dissected back from the muscles, by means of a scalpel, suffi- cient to cover the stump ; these being kept back, another circular incision is to be made by the knife, some way higher up than the first inci* sion; by this incision, the soft parts are divid- ed quite to the bones. The interosseous liga- ment is then to be thoroughly divided by the 47 •calpel, or the catlin; the soft part should be properly retracted, and the saw should next be applied, to divide the bones; after which, the spicule left by the saw, are to be removed by the pincers. The vessels are next to be secared by ligatures, slackening the tourniquet from time to time, lest any vessel should not be secured. To discover this, it is always necessary to sponge away the clotted blood from the wound. After these precautions are taken, the edges of the wound are to be brought together, by draw- ing the integuments over the surface of the wound ; the ligatures are to be left out, and the wound covered with lint and cloth. 281. Q. What are the consequences that ge- nerally arise from wounded nerves ? A. Locked jaw, convulsions, and inflammation of the part. 282. Q. What is meant by a compound frac- ture 1 A. It is a fracture of the bone, attended with an external wound of the soft parts. 283. Q. What takes place when a bore is denuded of its periosteum? A. Generally exfoliation, to a certain degree. 284. Q. What bone is perforated in operating for fistula lachrymalis ? A. The os unguis. 285. Q. Why are luxations of the stooulder* joint more frequent than luxations of the hip- joint ? A. Because the glenoid cavity is very super- ficial to allow of extensive motion to the head 48 of the 03 brachii, which is very large. The joint is also more exposed to unguarded blows, or ac- cidents, than any other joint; and the surround ing muscles have no effect in strengthening the joint. The hip-joint, on the contrary, is confined as to motion; the acetabulum is also very deep in the fresh subject, so as to almost cover the bead of the os femoris; and thus this joint is render- ed very strong. 286. Q. Under what circumstances is ampu- tation of an extremity necessary ? A. Where the bone becomes much diseased; where great laceration from gun-shot wounds have been produced; where great destruction of parts have taken place in compound fracture; and where, from other causes, the operation is required. 287. Q. What forms the sac in femoral her- nia? A. The fascia of the thigh, and the perito- neum. 288. Q. In what direction is Pouparfs liga- ment to be divided, if necessary, to liberate strangulated femoral hernia ? A. That recommended by Mr. Hey, is to in- troduce a director within the crural ring on that side of the intestine, or omentum, which is near- est to the symphysis of the pubes, and to make the incision directly upwards. Gimbernat re- commends the incision to be carried directly to- wards the symphysis pubis. 289. Q. How many ways are there of punc- 49 (firing the bladder, to relieve suppression of urine ? A. First, from the perineum;—secondly, above the os pubis;—thirdly, through the rec- tum in the male, and vagina in the female; fourthly, by dilating the meatus urinarius in the female. 290. Q. On what part of the arm is pressure to be made before amputation of the fore-arm ? A. As high up as convenient; placing the pad at the inner edge of the biceps, so as te compress the artery against the bone. 291. Q. At what part of the aorta do aneu- risms most frequently occur ? A. At the arch of the aorta, just as it is about to descend. 292. Q. What are the unfavourable circum- stances in compound fracture, that require the extremity to be amputated ? A. When the wound of the soft parts is large and lacerated, and the bone, or bones, very much splintered, together with a violent degree of contusion of the neighbouring muscles, am- putation is necessary; but a prompt decision, in many cases of compound fracture, requires great discernment on the part of the surgeon, whether to amputate or not. 293. Q. What are the signs of a fractured cranium ? A. A depression of a part of the skull, and the symptoms of pressure on the brain, as coma, stertorous breathing, loss of voluntary motion, convulsions, tremours, involuntary discharge of E 50 t he urine and feces, dilatation of the pupil, itre- gular pulse, and sometimes hemorrhage from the nose, eyes, and ears. 294, Q. What is the cause of stupor or coma, in fracture of the cranium ? A. Pressure upon the brain. 295. Q. What is the medical treatment in fractures of the skull ? A. Bleed repeatedly, give saline purges, and order a low diet, the patient should be kept on the antiphlogistic regimen for near a month, to guard against subsequent inflammation of the brain. 296. Q. Why are fistule generally dilated ? A. To produce a new action in those ulcers, by whicj) granulations take place from their bottom. 297. Q. How is the radical cure of hydrocele performed ? A. By evacuating the fluid, and afterwards exciting such a degree of inflammation of the tunica vaginalis and testicle as will cause adhe- sion to take place, and consequently an oblite- ration of the cavity; this is either done by caustic, seton, incision, or by injection. 298. Q. Where does a psoas«abscess general- ly point ? • A. In the groin, at the internal part of the thigh, and the loins. 299. Q. What are the signs of a wounded ar- tery ? A. Effusions of florid blood, and its being thrown out by jerks from the vessel. 51 300. Q. What are the general terminations of inflammation ? A. Resolution, suppuration, and mortifica- tion. 301. Q. What method is to be taken after a cannon ball has torn off the limb? A. To amputate the stump; sometimes it is necessary to perform the amputation above the nearest joint. 302. ($. What are the circumstances that pre- vent the dilatation of gun shot wounds to ex- tract the extraneous substance ? A. When it is likely to create a great irri- tation of the wound without gaining any advan- tage; when the ball enters far into the sub- stance of a bone; where it enters any of the large cavities; where the ball cannot be dis- covered ; and where the foreign bodies are less likely to create inflammation than their ex- traction. 303. Q. What is the treatment of gun-shot wounds ? A. First, when the wound is in any extre- mity to determine for or against amputation, which in many cases require great judgment. The amputation should be performed before in- flammation arises, or a disjiosition to gangrene takes place in the limbs; should, however, am- putation be deferred for a day or two, and the wound in a high state of inflammation, the wound is to be brought to a state of suppura- tion, at which period amputation, if needful, should be performed, weighing in mind the 52 constitution of the patient and other circum- stances. Extraneous substances are generally to be extracted, particularly when they press upon an important viscus or a considerable nerve; if hemorrhage take place from a large artery, it is to be exposed and tied, the exter- nal wound often requires dilating, but some- times dilatation is improper. Counter openings are sometimes to be made, as when the ball lodges under contused skin that will probably slough, but if the skin re- main uninjured, and the ball is scarcely percep- tible to the feel, this operation is improper, as the wound heais better when it is left alone. When sloughing takes place on the surface of a wound, its removal is favoured by a plentiful suppuration. The rest of the treatment is similar to contus- ed wounds. 304. Q. What is the treatment of con$sed * j wounds ? A. To prevent a high degree of inflammation, which often terminates in grangrene; this is to be effected by a strict antiphlogistic regimen, topical bleeding by leeches, &c. The forma- tion of pus is to be promoted by emollient poul- tices ; should gangrene succeed the inflamma- tion, warm, stimulating applications are to be applied, and the patient is to take bark, wine, and a nourishing diet 305. Q.What are the terminations of erysi- pelas ? A. Resolution, grangrene, and suppnrarierh 53 306. Q. Under what circumstances is au arti- ficial anus to be formed ? A. Where absolute gangrene of an incarce- rated intestine has taken place. 307. Q. How is gastroraphe performed? A. Gastroraphe is employed to unite wounds of the abdomen in the following way : two neeJ dies are placed on the same ligature, and intro- duced through both lips of the wound from with- in outwards, including peritonaeum, muscles, and integuments. 308. Q. How is emphysema produced from a wound of the thorax ? A. By the lungs being wounded, and the con- sequent escape of air into the cellular mem- brane. 309. Q. What is the treatment of wounds of the joints ? A. The admission of air into their cavities £jtis to^obviated, as this causes a high degree of inflammation to take place. If the capsular li- gament is much torn, amputation becomes ne- cessary ; in other respects the joint is to be considered as under a high degree of inflamma- tion, and the antiphlogistic regimen is to be adopted; if suppuration take place in the cavi- ty of the joints, the pus should be carefully evacuated so as not to allow the air to enter. 310. Q. What is meant by spina ventosa? A. A disease affecting a bone, in which it be- comes spongy and suppurates; and the pus es- capes by several openings. E 2 54 311. Q. What is the prognosis in wounds of the abdominal viscera ? A. Generally bad. 312. Q. How may an abscess of the liver rupture ? A. First, externally, by the liver forming an adhesion to the parietes of the abdomen, and the abscess pointing on its external surface. Secondly, by adhesive inflammation taking place between the liver, diaphragm, and lungs, and the abscess evacuating itself into the lungs. Thirdly, by adhesion taking place between the liver and colon, and the abscess making its way into the intestine. Fourthly, into the ca- vity of the abdomen. 313. Q. What symptoms accompany wounds of the abdominal viscera ? A. Profuse hemorrhage from the external wound; the escape of the contents of particular viscera, attended with a small, feeble, and con- tracted pulse, pallid countenance, coldness of the extremities, great debility, hiccough, vq- miting, spasm, and tension of the abdomen. 314. Q. How is the hip-disease distinguished from an affection of the knee-joint, as the fore- running symptoms of the hip-disease are gene- rally pains about the knee, and no evident af- fection of the hip ? A. By a diminution of the circumference of the leg and thigh of the affected side; an elon- gation of the limb, and pressure upon the ace- tabulum exciting pain. 315. Q. In taking up the brachial artery; 55 what nerve are you to avoid includiug in the ligature ? A. The median nerve which accompanies the brachial artery. 316. Q. What are granulations? A. They are exudations of coagulable lymph from the vessels of the exposed surface, which soon become organized, possessing blood-ves- sels, nerves, and absorbents. 317. Q. What forms the boundaries or-cyst of an abscess ? A. A deposit of coagulable lymph, which be- comes organized so as to form a cyst. 318. Q. What i9 meant by a furunculus ? A. A circumscribed inflammatory tumour, which usually attains the size of'a small wal- nut; it imperfectly suppurates, and the matter is contained in a cyst. 319. Q. What is the cause of piles ? A. Pressure upon the vessels of the anus which prevents the return of blood to the heart: as that from a gravid uterus, costiveness, tu- mours; and from long sitting ; which last allows the abdominal viscera to press upon the blood- vessels. 320. Q. How is the operation for fistula lach- rymalis performed ? A. First an opening is to be made at the most depending part of the tumour, by means of a lancet, which will discharge the sac of its contents; a probe is then to be passed forwawl in the natural passage with moderate force; should this be impracticable, an artificial open 56 ing is to be cautiously drilled on the anterior part of the os unguis by a trocar, or any other sharp instrument in an oblique direction. W hen this has penetrated a sufficient depth, which may be ascertained by the want of resistance, and the discharge of blood by the nose, the per- forator is to be removed, and a silver tube in- troduced into the opening, where it should re- main till the edges of the wound become cal- lous. After this is effected, the tube is to be withdrawn, and the external wound heals rea- dily. 321. Q. What are exostoses ? A. They are tumours of bone formed upon bone. 322 Q. What is meant by sphacelus ? A. It is a complete mortification of a part whereby it loses its natural colour, and be- comes black and soft. 323. Q. What is meant by sarcocele ? A. A scirrhous enlargement of the testicle. 324. Q. What are the causes of fistule in a no. A. They are caused by the formation of ab- scesses about the anus, which spread among the intestines of the muscles, and between the integuments; these abscesses are produced ori- ginally by inflammation. There are also other causes giving rise to fistule, condylomatous tu- mours, Sec. 325. Q. If the carotid artery should be wounded, and assistance should be obtained in time to take up the vessel, what nerve are you f© avoid including in the ligatnre ? 57 A. In taking up the carotid artery the eighth. pair of nerves which runs close to the artery should not be included in the ligature ? 326. Q. In a transverse wound of the trachea how is reunion effected ? A. The union of a transverse wound of the trachea is best effected by bringing the patient's head downwards and forwards to the f-ternum; the head should be maintained in thi-t position, and the edges of the wound should be kept in contact until they have grown together. Liga- tures are not recommended, as they create ir- ritation in the trachea. 327. Q. What are the vessels generally di- vided when a person cuts his throat ? A. When suicide is attempted by cutting the throat, the vessels cut through are either the external maxiilary, the lingual, or the the- roideal artery : the trunk of the carotid artery is seldom cut. 328. Q. How does a false aneurism take place ? A. A false aneurism is occasioned by an aperture of an artery allowing the blood to rush into the cellular structure. 329. Q. How is amputation of the fingers or toes accomplished ? A. In amputating the fingers or toes a small semilunar incision is to be made on the back of the finger or toe, which should extend, form- ing a convexity about half an inch in front of the joint; the flap is next to be raised and re- flected; having effected this, the skiu in front of the finger over the joint is to be divided, and 53 this incision must extend across the finger or toe, and meet the two ends of the first semilu- nar incision, then bending the finger the cap- sular ligament is to be divided, which will allow the head of the bone to be dislocated. Should the digital arteries bleed much, they may be secured, but the hemorrhage often stops without having recourse to ligature : the flap is to be brought over the wound, and the edges of the wound kept together by adhesive plaster. 330. Q. How is emphysema distinguished from anasarca. A. Emphysema is distinguished from anasar- ca by the crackling noise produced upon pres- sure, and by the rapidity of the swelling. 331. Q. What is the general division of stric- tures ? A. The general division of strictures is in- to :—spasmodic, which depends upon a spasmo- dic contraction of a part of the urethra :—and permanent stricture, which is caused by a par- tial narrowness of the urethra, forming a ridge. There is also another kind of stricture, which depends upon a permanent contraction and an occasional spasmodic affection. 332. Q How is the introduction of the male catheter effected ? A. The introduction of the male catheter is performed in the following manner. The penis should be drawn upwards and held by the left hand ; haying oiled the catheter, it is to be in- troduced into the urethra with its concavity to- wards the abdomen, pressing its point down- 59 wards until it reaches the bulb of the urethra ; when this has happened, the beak of the instru- ment has passed under the arch of the pubis; the handle of the instrument is then to be gra- dually brought forwards between the patient's thighs, and during this action the beak of the instrument becomes elevated and slips into the bladder. The operation may • be performed either when the patient is standing, sitting, or on his back. 333. Q. What is the character of a scorbutic ulcer ? A. A scorbutic ulcer is one that affords a foe- tid, sanious, and bloody discharge, the edges are of a livid colour, and the surface is covered by a loose spongy flesh; there are generally other symptoms which establish its nature, such as loose spongy gums, and livid spots of the akin. 334. Q. What is the treatment of a fractured rib? A. In a case of fractured rib the action of the chest is to be confined, and the ends of the fractured ribs are to be kept as nearly as possi- ble in apposition, which may be effected by surrounding the body with a wide roller. It may also he necessary to bleed the patient, and adopt the antiphlogistic regimen, to guard against inflammation. 335. Q. What is a bronchocele ? A. Bronchocele is an indolent enlargement of the thyroid gland. 336. Q. What method is to be taken if, after QQ liberating a strangulated intestine by operation a great quantity of irreducible thickened omen- tum exists ? A. The indurated omentum is to be cut off, unless hemorrhage, or other circumstances, for- bid it; in such cases it may be left unreturned. 337. Q. What is the difference between a fe- moral and an inguinal hernia. A. In femoral hernia the intestine or omen- tum protrudes under Poupart's ligament, and in inguinal hernia they protrude through the abdo- -n minal ring. S38. Q. What are the circumstances by which you judge the operation necessary to liberate a strangulated hernia? A. If reduction of the hernial contents cannot be effected by the hand aided by the position of fhe patieut and by bleeding, cathartics, clys- ters, cold topical applications, the warm bath, and tobacco-smoke introduced into the rectum, each of which having been judiciously tried without effect, the operation then is imperiously demanded. 339. Q. What means would you have re- course to in order to reduce a strangulated her- nia, before you judge it necessary to perform the operation ? A. First, the patient should be placed in a suitable position with the pelvis elevated, the thigh bent and rotated inwards, and the reduc- tion of the hernial contents skilfully attempted; should this fail, bleeding should be had re- ourse to; and it is recommended to take away 61 the blood suddenly so as to occasion fainting, at which time the taxis should again be at- tempted. Success not being obtained, cathar- tics and the warm bath should be speedily made use of. These with the taxis not having succeeded, the united effort of cold to the tu- mour, and tobacco, either in fume or decoction. If strangulation still continue alter these means have been used, and another attempt by the hand has been ineffectual, the operation should be performed, the protraction of which beyond a certain time would endanger the patient. 340. Q. What are the symptoms of suppres- sion of urine ? A. A swelling above the os pubis, a violent inclination to make water, tension and pain of the abdomen, cold perspirations, oppressed re- spiration, hiccough and fainting follow. 341. Q. How would you attempt to relieve a suppression of urine in a medical point of view ? A. Bleed copiously; apply leeches to the perineum, or above the os pubis ; exhibit opium by the mouth, and in glysters; use the warm bath, and apply fomentations to the hypoga3tri- um and perineum. 342. Q. When these means fail to evacuate the urine, what would you have recourse to ? A. To the catheter. 343. Q. What do you mean by a popliteal aneurism ? A. A dilationV the popliteal artery forming a pulsating tumour in the ham. F 62 344. Q. Describe the operation for popliteal aneurism. A. An incision should be made about two inches and a half through the skin and fascia of the thigh, on the inner edge of the sartorius muscle; as soon as the femoral artery is felt, a careful incision is to be made on each side of it, in order that the finger may be passed under it; a double ligature is then to be introduced by means of a blunt needle under the vessel, leav- ing out the femoral vein and the accompanying branches of the anterior crural nerve ; one por- tion of the ligature is to be tied as high, the other as low, as the detachment of the artery will allow. The part of the vessel between the ligatures is to be divided, and after this the ex- ternal wound is to be brought together and dressed in the usual way. 345. Q. What are the symptoms ofa phleg- mon ? A. A. phlegmon is a tumour attended with heat, redness, pain, tension, and more or less of the synochal fever. 346. Q. How would you treat a phlegmon ? A. First, by endeavouring to effect a resolu- tion by local or general bleeding, the antiphlo- gistic regimen, the exhibition of saline cathar- tics, and diaphoretics, and applying cold, as- tringent, sedative applications, warm emollient poultices and fomentations according to its na- ture. If suppuration should commence, by giv- ing tonics and cordials, a generous diet, and for- warding the process by poultices. If mortmca- 63 tion should appear likely to ensue, bark, acids and wine will >e proper, and <,v are dislocations oftheos femo- rjs reduced? 79 A. In dislocations of the thigh bone, whet* the head is in the foramen ovale, the muscles of the thigh are first to be relaxed as much as possible, the limb is then to be extended to displace the end of the bone from its cavity: when this is effected the' bone is to be drawn upwards and inwards into its socket; thi3 gene- rally effects the reduction : but should the bone be above the acetabulum, a slight extension will effect its reduction; it happens occasional- ly that the head of the bone is not reduced, owing to the projection of the acetabulum pre- venting the necessary extension; the bone must then be elevated a little over this projec- tion, and the reduction is then effected. 376. Q. In mortification of a limb, what state are the arteries in near the diseased part ? A. When mortification takes place at the low- er part of an extremity, the diameter of the ar- teries is diminished near the diseased part, and they become stopped up with coagulated blood. 377. Q. When an artery is tied by ligature, how is a permanent obliteration of its channel effected ? A. After an artery is secured by ligature, co- agulable lymph is separated near the strictured part, this becomes organized, and unites the sides of the arteries together, and thus oblite- rates the artery. 378. Q. What are the properties of pus ? A. Pus is a fluid of a lightish colour, of the consistence of cream ; it has little smell, is void of acrimony, and consists of globules swimming 71 in a transparent, colourless fluid. Its specific gravity is greater than that of water. 379. (|. What are the differences between pus and mucus .' A. Pus is distinguished from mucus by the following circumstances; pus sinks in water, mucus floats; pus gives to water a uniform white colour; mucus has a ropy appearance in water. If pus and mucus are mixed with sulphuric acid, on the addition of water the pus h precipitated-to the bottom, and the mucus forms swimming flakes. A solution of caustic alkali dissolves both pus and mucus; but on the addition of water the pus is separated and not the mucus. 380. Q. What are the symptoms which an- nounce the formation of pus in inflammation of the hip joint ? A. The symptoms which point, out the for- mation of pus in inflammation of the hip joint are various, as the disease may be acute or chro- nic. When the former takes place, the parts surrounding the joint become tense and pain- ful, the skin becomes red, inflammatory fever takes place, as the pain abates, rigours suc- ceed, and a swelling is observed about the joint. W hen the abscess is the consequence of chro- nic inflammation, an increase of pain takes place previous to the occurrence of suppuration, starting and catchings during sleep are noticed; the pus in the chronic species is a long while before it arrives at the surface, at length a fluc- tuating tumour forms, but it does not immedi- ately point. 72 381. Q. What is the character of cancerou* ulcer ? A. Cancerous ulcer is irregular in its figure, and unequal on its surface, the edges are thick. serrated, and extremely painful, there are largt: chasms in its substance, produced partly, by sloughing, and partly by an ulcerating process. The ulcer affords a very foetid sanious matter, it spreads with great rapidity, and in its pro- gress produces frequent hemorrhages. 382. Q. What prognosis is to be given of wounds of the oesophagus ? A. Wounds of the oesophagus generally are mortal. 383. Q. How is the removal of a tumour from the breast performed ? A. In removing a tumour from the breast, the operation is generally performed as the patient is in a sitting position, the pectoral muscle is to be made tense by keeping the arm back, and if none of the integuments are to be removed, a straight incision is to be made through them, the tumour is to he regularly dissected all round front the circumjacent parts, and its base is to be detached from its connexions from above downwards, till the whole is separated. If the tumour is of a malignant nature, and adhering to the skin and pectural muscle benealh, an inch or two of the fat should be removed on every side of the diseased part, and after the removal of the tumour, the surface of the pec- toral muscle, wherever it is adhering to the tu- mour, should be removed. 38*. Q. What is a node ? A. A node is a swelling of a bone, the peri osteum, or a tendon mostly arising from a vcne real cause. S85. Q. What is the character of a venereal ulcer in the throat ? A. A venereal ulcer affecting the throat is very deep, it has a defined or thick edge, and is generally very foul, having a lardaceous slough adhering to it that cannot be detached. 386. Q. How is the vena sapliena to be tied When in a varicose state ? A. The vena saphena is to be tied by passing a ligature under the vessel; the integuments >nrc to be pinched up into a transverse fold, and the ligature is to be conveyed under the vessel by means of a blunt silver needle. 387. Q. How is hydrocele distinguished from other tumours? A. Hydrocele is distinguished from hernia by the tumour in hernia being somewhat elas- tic, and becoming more distended when the person coughs. The swelling in hernia always begins at top, and extends gradually down- wards. Hernia is distinguished from encysted dropsy of the chord by the swelling \yh\z, al the superior part of the scrotum, whilst in hy- drocele it is at the inferior part. It may be distinguished from scirrhous testicle, being firm, hard, and not yielding upon pressure, and from the great weight in proportion to its bulk. In hydrocele a lighted candle, placed at the op- posite side of the tumour, will make the con; f-nti of the sac seem transparent. G 74 388. Q. What are the favourable symptoms that point out success from trepanning ? A. The favourable symptoms which point out success from trepanning are, the patient becoming less stupid, his breathing less oppress- ed, and the pupils contracting upon exposure to strong light. 389. Q. If, after trepanning, a collection of fluid should be found between the dura and pia mater, how is it to be removed ? A. Under such circumstances, a small hole may be cautiously scratched on the dura mater, to evacuate it. 390. Q. When the parotid duct is wounded, what is the consequence? A. The consequence of wounding the paro- tid duct is a fistulous opening which discharges saliva, particularly during meals. 391. Q. What is ecchymosis? A. Ecchymosis is an extravasation of blood in the cellular membrane, occasioned by a rup- ture of the small vessels of the part. 392. Q. What is meant by exfoliation ? A. Exfoliation is a separation of a dead por- tion of bone from the living. 393. Q. What method is to be taken to pre- vent exfoliation that is likely to occur from a wound? A. In attempting to prevent exfoliation that may take place from a wound, all that is to be done is to cover the exposed bone as soon as possible with the flesh that has been detached. 394. Q. Where is the fluid in. hydrocele sKubted ? 75 A. The fluid in hydrocele is situated be- tween the tunica vaginalis and the tunica albu- ginea of the testicle. 395. Q. How are fistule in perineo to be dressed after they have been laid open ! A. Fistule in perineo, after being laid open, are to be dressed quite down tothe end, to allow of granulations shooting up from the bottom before reunion of the parts takes place. 396. Q. What is meant by simple fracture? A. By simple fracture is meant a breach of continuity of bone, without an external wound. 397. Q. What regimen do gun-shot wounds require ? A. Gun shot wounds generally require the antiphlogistic regimen. 398. Q. How is the operation for phymosia performed ? A. This operation is performed by intro- ducing adirectory under the prepuce, then pass- ing a curved pointed bistoury, and slitting open the prepuce. 399. Q. Where do strictures most frequently take place in the urethra ? A. Strictures most commonly occur at the membranous part of the urethra; from its being more acted upon by the salts of the urine; the Hrine, after being expelled from the bladder, remains at this part of the urethra to be thrown out by the accelaratores urine. 400. Q. From whence does the discharge of gonorrhea flow ? \. The discharge of gonorrhea flows from the mucus lacunar of the urethra. 7« 401. Q. What-muscles are divided in ampitt- lation of the thigh ? A. The muscles divided in amputation of the thigh are the biceps flexor cruris, semitendino- sus, semimembranosus, gracilis, sartorius, vas- tus externus, vastus internus, rectus femoris, cruras*, and the long tendon of the adductor aiagnus. 402. Q. At what part of the os femoris dfr fractures most frequently take place ? A. Fractures of the os femoris most frequent- ly take place at the middle or third of its ex- tent. 403. Q. What part of the tibia is most liable to be fractured ? A. The part of the tibia most liable to frac- tures is the part a little above the internal mal- leolus. 404. Q. What takes plaee in a luxation of the ankle, the foot being turned upwards and outwards ? A. When the ankle is luxated, the foot being turned upwards and outwards, the fibula is ge- nerally fractured. 405. Q. What change do lhe collateral branches undergo when a large arterial trunk is tied ? A. The collateral arteries, after a large ar- terial trunk is tied, dilate, their coats become stronger, and acquire an additional strength;- they also are found to become tortuous. 106. Q. What is meant by cicatrization ? A. Cicatrisation is that process by which weunds and sores heal, or by which the forma* 77 .ion of new skin takes place over a wound or ulcer. 407. Q. How is castration performed ? A. Castration is performed in the following manner. The patient is to be laid on a table of convenient height. An incision is then to be made opposite the abdominal ring, and con- tinued a good way down the scrotum, in order to lay bare the spermatic chord and testicle ; the spermatic chord thus laid bare is to be de- tached from the surrounding membranous con- nexions, and then the surgeon with his finger and thumb separates the blood vessels fr>m the vas deferens, he must next pass a ligature be- tween them, and having tied the former only, he must cut through the whole chord at a quar- ter or half an inch from the ligature; the next thing to be done is to dissect the testicle out from the scrotum. Should any vessels bleed, they are to be secured. The wound is next to be brought together to unite by the first inten- tion, and the scrotum is to be supported by the T bandage. 403 Q. What is meant by callus ? A. Callus is the ossific matter that forms the conjunction of a fractured bone. 40'). Q. What is the theory of the formation of calliis ? A. The theory of the formation of callus is this; from the ends of a broken bone, the arte- ries secrete a gelatinous matter, this very soon becomes organized by the elongation of the se- creting vessel, which at length deposits bone in © 2 19 this new formed animal substance,-so as to[>iv duce a junction of the broken bone. 410. Q. What are the consequences that may arise from a fractured sternum ? A. The consequences that may result from; fracture of the sternum are, the fractured por- tions may be driven inwards, so as to injure the lungs. 411. Q. What are the cases that require the operation for bronchotomy ? A. Bronchotomy has been proposed in the active inflammation of the upper part of the larynx which threatens suffocation. To ex- , tract foreign bodies that become impacted in the trachea. In the croup it has been proposed to extract the coagulable lymph that would. have caused suffocation. It has also been re- commended to be performed on those recently suffocated or drowned, and in glossitis, where the tongue has so enlaged as to shut up the pas- sage through the fauces. 412. Q. What are the symptoms of calcu- lus? A. The symptoms of calculus are, a dull un- easy sensation about the neck of the bladder, with a similar sensation at the glans penis, this increases, and becomes more frequent. In void- ing the urine, the stream is frequently stopped* and great pain is produced at the neck of the« bladder; in order to obtain ease, the patient changes his position; sometimes small pie- ct s of stone are voided. The urine is some- times charged with mucus, at other times lini- i 79 pid; sometimes it is tinged with blood, espe- cially after violent exercise : but the most di- agnostic sign is touohing the stone with the sound. 413. Q. What sensation is communicated to the operator upon touching a stone in the blad- der with the sound ? A. When a stone in the bladder is touched by the sound, a tremulous motion is commu- nicated to the lingers of the operator. 414. Q. Why is the finger introduced into the rectum whilst sounding ? A. The finger is introduced into the rectum whilst sounding in order to raise the undermost part of the bladder, and consequently to bring the calculus in such a situation that the sound may touch it. 415. Q. In trepanning, generally a slight bleeding takes place from the diploe when the saw has arrived at (hat part; what conclusion is to be formed when it does not take place ? A. AVhen the saw has reached the diploe in trephining, if an oozing of blood does not take place, an inference may be drawn that the dura mater is detached from the cranium at that part. 416. Q. What are the symptoms that some- times attend luxations, besides an alteration in the shape of the joint ? A. In luxations some degree of inflammation takes place, occasionally there are convulsions and spasmodic affections from compression of the nerves by the displaced booe. 80 ' 417. Q. How would you endeavour to unite ruptured tendon ? A. A ruptured tendon is to be united, by bringing the ruptured ends of the tendon as nearly in contact as possible, and keeping the muscles of the part relaxed. 418. Q. How is the interrupted suture per- formed ? A. The interrupted suture is performed by inserting two needles on one ligature, and in- troducing each of them at the bottom of the wound, they are then to be pushed outwards at a proper distance form the edge of the wound, and the needles are to be taken off the ligature, which is to be pulled to bring the edges of the wound into contact. The number of ligatures is to be according to the extent of the wound., 419. Q. How is the twisted suture perform- ed? A. The twisted suture is performed by intro- ducing two or more pins, according to the ex- tent of the wound, through both its edges; when the edges of the wound are brought into contact upon the pins, a wax ligature is to be twisted round these so as to form a figure of 8. This kind of suture is generally used in the operation for the hare lip. 420. Q. How is the glovers suture perform- ed ? A. The glovers suture is performed by pass- ing a number of stitches in a spiral direction along the edges of the wound. 421. Q. What is the glovers suture used for? 81 A. The glovers suture is used for wounds of the abdomen and intestines. 422. Q. What is the interrupted suture used for? A. The interrupted suture is made use of to bring the edges of large and deep wounds together. PHYSIOLOGY. 423. Q. WHAT is the course of the cir- culation ! A. The blood is received from the arteries by the veins, and is returned by the superior and inferior cava to the right auricle of the heart, which, becoming distended, contracts aud empties its blood into the right ventricle. The right ventricle then contracts and propels the blood through the pulmonary artery iuto the lungs, there to uudergo a peculiar change, and to be conveyed by the four pulmonary veins into the left auricle. The left auricle being distended evacuates its blood into the left ven- tricle. The li'ft ventricle propels the blood through the aorta, to be circulated by the ar- teries, and again to be returned by the veins to the heart. 424. Q. How do you distinguish venal from arterial blood ? A. Venal blood is of a dark colour (except- ing that which is in the venal system of the lungs.) Arterial blood is of a florid red ver- million hue (excepting the blood of the pulmo- nary artery, which is dark.) 82 425. Q. What is the contraction of the heart called ? A. Systole. 426. Q. In what viscusdoes the change from arterial to venal blood take place ? A. In the lungs. 427. Q. Whrit is the colour of the blood in the pulmonary artery ? A. Of a dark colour. 328. Q. What is the cause of the bile regur- gitating into the gall bladder? A. Because the opening of the ductus com- munis choledochus is shut, when digestion is not going on, the bile therefore, not finding an access to the duodenum, regurgitates into the gall bladder. 429. Q. What is the use of the urinary blad- der? A. To receive, to retain for a certain time, and to expel the urine. 430. Q. What is the use of the gastric juice? A. To digest the food. 431. Q. What is the theory of ossification ? A. First, the formation of a jelly, this becom- ing cartilage, the absorbents remove a portion of the cartilage, forming a cavity, and the arteriea next deposit the osseous matter in the cavity: it is however, not always cartilage that the bo- ny matter is deposited in, for in most of the flat bones the deposition takes place between mem- branes. 432. Q. How is inspiration performed ? A. The intercostal muscles contract, assist- ed by other muscles, and increase the transverse 83 breadth of the cavity of the chest; whilst the diaphragm contracts and increases the length of the cavity of the chest; the air then rushes down the trachea, and inspiration is performed. 433. Q. What is meant by secretion ? A. The formation of a fluid different from the blood, from the minute ends of arteries. 434. Q. What change is produced on the blood in the lungs ? A. The blood is changed from a dark colour to a florid red, it is deprived of hydrogen and carbon, and absorbs oxygen, caloric, and a por- tion of nitrogen. 435. Q. How is expiration performed ? A. By the relaxation of the intercostal mus- cles and diaphragm, and the thorax assuming its relaxed state. 436. Q. What is meant by animal heat ? A. The natural heat of an animal, which, in the human being, raises the mercury in Fahren- heit's thermometer to about 98°. 437. Q. Why does not the fluid exhaled to lubricate the different cavities of the body accu- mulate ? A. Because in a healthy state the inhalents or absorbents counterbalance the exhalents or secreting arteries. 438. Q. How is nutrition effected ? A. By the lacteals, the ostiaof which open upon the internal surface of the small intestines, selecting the chyle from the excrementitious part of the food, and conveying it into the tho- pacie duct which empties itself into the angle of the left jugular and subclavian vein, thereby 84 • repairing the blood of its continual losses in nourishing the body. 439. Q. What membrane moderates the ef- fect of light on the retina ? A. The iris, which diminishes or enlarges the pupil, according to the intensity of the light. 440. Q. What is the use of the fluid which fills the labyrinth of the ear ? A. It preserves the nervous fibrils soft, and moderates the tremours of sound. 441. Q. Why does not the fat gravitate to the lower extremities after long standing, like the fluid of an anasarcous person ? A. Because the fat is contained in vesicles which do not communicate like the cells of the cellular membrane. 442. Q. Why does not the urine excite in- flammation of the bladder ? A. Because the bladder is accustomed to its stimulus, and a great quantity of mucus is se- creted by the internal membrane to blunt its acrimony. 443. Q. Why do enlarged mesenteric glands cause an atrophy ? A. Because they obstruct the passage of the •chyle through the lacteals to the thoracic duct. 444. Q. In what ages and sex is the pulse the most frequent ? A. In children and women the pulse' is mosf frequent. 445. Q. What is the use of the anastomoses of arteries ? A. The use of arteries anastomosing is to al low of blood being conveyed to parts where it? . 85 passage is prevented in the principal branch <*i branches that supply these parts with blood; another use is that of facilitating the passage of blood from one part to another, and prevent the distention of parts. 446. Q. Is the fat solid or fluid in the living body? A. The fat in a living body is found in some parts in a state of semifluidity, and in other parts it is found absolutely fluid. 447. Q. What is the cause of fainting that sometimes takes place uuder the operation of tapping ? ! A. Fainting takes place in tapping in conse- quence of the sudden removal of the pressure of fluid from the diaphragm and viscera. 448. Q. How does a compression of the tho- racic duct, cither by an aneurism of the heart or aorta, occasion so frequently a dropsy ? A. The compression of the thoracic duct pre- vents the lymph from the absorbent vessels be- ing returned into the blood, the absorbents are therefore prevented performing their office, and an accumulation takes place. 449. Q. Why does a person troubled with calculus find great difficulty in passing the urine when he leans forward ? A. Because the calculus falling against the orifice of the urethra thereby prevents the regu- lar flow of urine. 450. Q. Why does not the urine flow back from the bladder to the kidney ? A. The urine is prevented flowing back to the pelvis of the kidney by the valve formed H Sb by the inner coat of the bladder over the orifice of the ureter, produced by the ureter's piercing the bladder obliquely. 451. Q. Why is the spine composed of so many small bones ? A. The reason why the spine is composed of so many bones is to allow of great strength with a suificieut degree of mobility. 452. Q. Is there any alteration in the mus- cles of a paralytic limb. A. Yes, the muscles of a paralytic limb are paler and more flaccid. 453. Q. How is the voice performed ? A. The voice results from the vibration the air suffers during its passage through the glottis, when expelled from the lungs. 454. Q. Which of the two has the greatest power in preventing luxations of the joint, the muscles that surround the joint, or its own liga- ments ? A. The muscles that surround joints give them greater strength than their surrounding ligaments. 455. Q. What is the use the cartilages of the surfacefcof joints ? A. The uses of the articular cartilages are to give the bones a smoothness for easy motion, to assist motion by their elasticity, and to guard against the effects of concussion. 456. Q. What is the most elastic substance in the body ? A. The most elastic substance in the body is cartilage. ?57. Q. Are tendonselastfr ' 87 A. Tendons ore not elastic, for if they weir, the power of muscles wouldbe greatly diminish- ed. 458. Q. What is the use of the adeps? A. The adeps guards against the effects of pressure, it lessens the specific gravity of the body, fills up the interstices of muscles, and is a reservoir for nourishment jto the body. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. 459. Q. WlIAT do you mean by a teta; nus? A. It h a tonic spasm of the extensor or flex- or muscles of the body. 460. Q. How would you treat inflammation of the bowels ? A. By general and topical blood-letting, by the warm bath and fomentations, by the frequent exhibition of purges, and by giving saline dia phoretics with mucilaginous drinks. 461. Q. What is a dysentery ? A. It h a spasmodic constriction of the colon, with a retention of the natural feces, and the frequent expulsion of mucus or sanguineous mo- lions. 462. Q. What are the symptoms of enteri- tis? A. Fever, costiveness, a twisting around the umbilicus, tension and acute pain of the abdo- men, increased pain upon pressure, tenesmus or vomiting, according to the seat of the inflamma- tion ; quick, or slow, and hard, contracted pulse . 86 *reat prostration of strength, and high coloured Urine. 463. Q. What are the symptoms of volvu- lus ? A. Violent pain and distention of the abdo- men, attended with a peculiar twisting around the navel, obstinate costive ness, slight febrile symptoms, and a frequent vomiting of a stereo- raceous matter. 464. Q. What are the symptoms of nephri- tis? A. Pyrexia, pain in the region of the kidney, extending along the course of the ureter, accom- panied with numbness of the leg and thigh of the affected side, nausea, and vomiting, re- traction of the testicle, high-coloured urine, sometimes mucous or bloody, frequent mictura- tion, dysuria. 465. Q. How would you distinguish hepatitis from gastritis ? - ■ •«. A. From gastritis by the seat of the'pain, by the sympathetic pains of the clavicle and should- er, by the less prostration of strength and greater fulness of the pulse, by the colour of the stools and urine. 466 Q. What purges would you give in ne- phritis ? A. Oleaginous purges and frequent emollient clysters. 467. Q. What are the symptoms of pneu- monia ? A. Obtuse pain and sense of weight and op- pression in the chest: anxious breathing, and the pain is increased during inspiration; hard. 39 contracted, and frequent pulse; the face is uaii ally flushed, and of a purple hue; the tongue is white, the urine is high coloured, and there are other symptoms of synocha. 468. Q. How would you distinguish cystitis from enteritis ? A. From enteritis by the seat of the pain : the tension and tumour which is above the pubes in cystitis, by the micturation, and by the painful discharge of urine in small quantities or the complete obstruction to its passage. 469. Q. When gangrene takes place in ill ternal parts, what are the symptoms ? A. A peculiar appearance of the counte- nance ; cold perspirations; coldness of the ex- tremities; sudden cessation of pain; hiccup; subsultus tendinum; suppression of urine; con- vulsions, and the pulse scarcely perceptible. 470. Q. What are the symptoms of hydroce- phalus ? A. Languor, inactivity, loss of appetite, nau- sea, vomiting, parched tongue, dry skin, flush- ing of the face, and other symptoms of pyrexia; pain over the eyes, the pain in the headacb becomes extremely acute, and intermits, occa- sioning the patient to scream violently, disturb- ed sleep, extreme restlessness, flushed counte- nance, costiveness, vomiting, stupor, convul- sions, dilated pupils. 471. Q. What is a typhus fever ? A. A very infectious fever, characterized by- great debility, disturbed animal functions, lan- guid circulation, furred tongue, aching pains in different parts of the #ody, particularly the head H ?■ ao and small of the back, and the evacuated fluids of the body undergoing speedy putrefaction. 472. Q. What are the indications of cure in a typhus fever ? A. To excite anew action in the system, by rousing the actions of the brain and arteries. To support the strength of the patient, and to obviate the putrid tendency in the fluids. 473. Q. What is the best way of destroying the foetid smell of sick wards ? A. By extricating nitrous fumes from a mix- ture of nitre and sulphuric acid placed in hot sand. 474. Q. What is meant by scrofula? A. A peculiar disease affecting people of a particular habit of body, and usually the glandu- lar parts. 475. Q. What is the best way of relieving inflammatory affections ? A. By bleeding either locally or generally, by blisters, exhibiting cathartics, diaphoretics, and a low diet. 476. Q. How is the colic distinguished from enteritis. A. The colic is distinguished from enteritis by the peculiar twisting and occasional pain, by the absence of fever in the early part of the disease, by the pain in enteritis being increased, in colic alleviated by pressure; by the irregu- lar contraction of the abdominal muscles. 477. Q. How is a diarrhea distinguished from dysentery ? A. Diarrhea is distinguished from dysentery by being unattended eithfr with fever, inflam- 91 mation, contagion, or tenesmus, by the appear- ance of the matter evacuated, which in one dis- ease is feculent or mixed with alimentary mat- ter, in the other mucal, sanguinous, dr-( utrid. 478. Q. How many species of diabetes are there ? A. There are two species of diabetes, viz. diabetes mellitus, and the diabetes insipidus. 479. Q. How is mania distinguished from phrenitis 1 A. Mania is distinguished from phrenitis by the former not being accompanied by fever, which the latter always is. 480. Q. What is meant by anasarca? A. Anasarca is a preternatural collection of 3erum or watery fluid in the cellular membrane of the whole or part of the body. '481. Q. What are the indications in the cure of scurvy ? A. The indications in the cure of scurvy are; I st. to correct the septic tendency of the fluids; 2d. to palliate urgent symptoms; 3d. to restore the tone of the solids. 482. Q. What are the species of tympani- tes ? A. There are two species of tympanites, viz. tympanites abdominalis, or collection of air in the cavity of the peritoneum; and tympanites Intestinalis, or collection of air in the cavity of the intestines. 483. Q. What sex is most subject to teta- nus ? A. The male sex is most subject to tetanus - and those of a robust or vigorous constitution. 92 484. Q. What is the general division of te- tanus? A. The general division of tetanus is into tris- mus, or locked jaw; opisthotonos, when the spasmodic affection of the muscles causes the body to be bent backwards; and emprosthoto- nos, when the body is bent forwards. 485. Q. What are Dr. Cullen's speeies of paralysis ? A. His species of paralysis are, 1st. Paraly- sis Partialis, or-palsy of a certain muscle or set of muscles; 2nd. Paralysis hemiplegica, or a to- tal palsy of one side of the body; 3d. Paralysis paraplegica, or a palsy of one half the body ta- ken transversely; 4th. Paralysis venenata, or palsy from poisons. 486. Q. How many species of catarrh are there ? N A. Two, viz. catarrhus a frigore, or common cold, and catarrhus contagiosus, or the in- fluenza. 487. Q. What are the species of apoplexy ? A. There are several: but the most useful distinction is into the sanguineous and the se- rous. 488. Q. What are the indications of cure in dropsy ? A. To evacuate the fluid, and to prevent a second accumulation. 489. Q. How many species of cholera morbus are there ? A. Two, viz. cholera spontanea and cholera accidentals. 490. Q. What are the species of syncope ? 03 A. Three, viz. syncope accidental, syncope cardiaca, and syncope anginosa. 491. Q. What are the indications of cure in catarrh ? A. To reduce the febrile action of the sys- tem, and to allay the irritation of the affected parts. 492. Q. How is synocha distinguished from typhus ? » A. From typhus by the more sudden acces- sion of the disease : by its arising from common causes, as sudden alterations of temperature; the application of cold to a heated body; vio- lent exercise, intemperance, «fcc. and not from contagion; by the strength of the body not be- ing diminished; the hardness of the pulse; the whiteness of the tongue; and by the high co- lour of the urine. 493. Q. How is cynanche tonsillaris distin- guished from cynanche maligna ? A. By the fever, which, in the former, is in- flammatory, in the latter typhoid, and by the absence of ulceration in cynanche tonsillaris. 494. Q. How is rheumatism distinguished from podagra ? A. By its generally attacking the larger joints; by the pain shifting its seat, and follow- ing the course of the muscles in its translation to other parts; by the disease not having been preceded by symptoms of the dyspepsia; by its occurring at any period of life, whereas gout is usually confined to the adult age. 495. Q. How is tympanites distinguished from. Ascites ? 94 A. By the absence of fluctuation and of those symptoms which characterise the hydropic dia- thesis. MATERIA MEDICA. 496. Q. IxOW many gpecies of cinchona or Peruvian barks are there ? A. There are several species, but only three "m general use, viz. cortex cinhone cordifolie, or yelloAv bark;—cortex cinchone lancifolie, or common quilled bark;—cortex cinchone ob- longifolie, or red bark. 497. Q. What are the virtues of cinchona barks ? A. Tonic, antiseptic, and stomachic. 498. Q. What are the virtues of opium ? A. Narcotic, antispasmodic and stimulant. or sedative, according to the dose which is ad- ministered. 499. Q. What is the dose of digitalis ? A. From one to three grains in the form of powder. 500. Q. What cathartic exerts its influence on the rectum ? A. Aloes. 501. Q. What are the virtues of aloes ? A. Cathartic, emmenagogue and anthelmin- tic. 502. Q. What do you mean by cathartics 1 A. Those medicines, which, when *aken in- fernally, increase the alvine evacuations. 95 503. Q. What do you mean by emmena gogues ? A. Medicines which have the power of de- termining blood to the uterus, either by their lo- cal irritation, or by their exciting the action of the system generally. 504. Q. What are diaphoretics ? A. They are medicines which augment the insensible perspiration. 505. Q. What are diuretics ? A. Those medicines which increase the se- cretion of urine. 506. Q. What quantity of confectio opii of the London pharmacopoeia contains one grain Of opium? A. About six and thirty grains. 507. Q. What is meant by antispasmodics '.' ' A. Medicines which have the power of allay- ing or removing inordinate motion in the mus' cular system. 508. Q. What medicines come under the class of antispasmodics ? A. Moschus, castoreum, oleum animate, pe- troleum, ammonia, assafoetida, sagapenum, gal- banum, Valeriana, oleum cajeputa, opium, cam- phor, ether. 509. Q. What is meant by sialogogues ? A. Those medicines which promote a dis- charge of saliva from the salivary glands. 510. Q. What are tonics ? A. Medicines which give tone to the system or muscular fibre. 511. Q. What is the dose of confectio opii ? A. From five grains to half a drachm. 96 512. ^. In a fluid ounce of the liquor anti-> monii tartarizati how much antimonium tartari- zatum is contained ? A. Two grains. 513. Q. What quantity of mercury is con- tained in three grains of the pilula hydrargyri ? A. One grain. 514. Q. How many kinds of aloes are now used in medicine ? A. Two, viz. the extract of the aloes spica- ta, called socotrine aloes, and the extract of the aloes vulgaris, called Barbadoes aloes. 5IS. Q. What is the dose of the nitras ar* genti ? A. From gr. fs. to gr. iij.; it has been given in a much larger dose. 516. Q. What are expectorants? A. Such medicines as promote the secretion from the lungs. 517. Q. What are stimulants ? A. Those medicines which increase the ac- tion of the nervous and vascular system. 518. Q. What medicines come under the class of tonics ? A. Peruvian bark; quas-ia; camomile; gen- tian; oak bark; columba; lesser centaury; pomegranate; cascarilla; wormwood; south- ernwood; tansy; buck bean; elm bark; agri- mony; forrugineous preparations; sulphat of copper; oxide of zinc; sulphat of zinc; alum; and most of the mineral acids. 519. Q. How much mercury is contained in two drachms of the unauenfcnm. hvdrargyri fo> fhis? • 97 A. One drachm. 520. Q. In ten grains of the puivis ipecacu auhe compositus how much opium is contained? A. One grain. '52!. Q. What i3 the dose of the oxidum hy- drargyri rubrum ? A. From half a grain to two grains. 522. Q. What is the dose of the submurias hydrargyri ? A. From one to twelve grains, to act as a purgative, and from one eighth of a grain to one grain, to act as an alterative. 523. Q. What is meant by antiseptics ? A. Those medicines which are capable of resisting a tendency to putrefaction. 524. Q. What are the substances that come under the class of antiseptics ? A. Acids; Peruvian bark; quassia; colum- ba; wormwood; southernwood; alkohol; ether; wine; seneka root; madder; opium; camphor; carbonic acid. 525. Q. What is meant by anthelmintics ? A. Such substances as have the power of destroying worms. 526. Q. Enumerate the principal anthelmin- tics? A. Worm-seed; tin-filings; assafoetida; tan- sy ; Indian pink; male fern; tobacco; cowitch; cabbage tree bark; savine; aloes; gamboge ; hedge-hyssop; jalap; castor-oil; almond oil; and most of the cathartics. 527. Q. What do you mean by alteratives ? A. Alteratives are those medicines which so change the state of the solids and fluids as to I 98 effect the cure of a disease without producing any evacuation, or suddenly increasing the ani- mal functions. 528. Q. What are astringents ? A. They are medicines which have the power of constringing the animal fibre. 529. Q. What are the substances that come under this class. A. Alum; superacetate of lead; preparations of iron; opium; logwood; oak bark; pome- granate; galls; tormentil; simarouba; red roses; balaustine flowers; rhubarb in small doses; catechu; oxide of zinc; acetate of zinc; sulphat of copper; sulphuric acid; the calcare- ous earths; and bistort. 530. Q. What are the virtues of the nitras argenti ? A. It is used externally as an escharotic; in- ternally it is given as an antispasmodic in epi- lepsy and chorea St. Viti. 531. Q. What are the virtues of the antimo- nium tartarisatum ? A. It acts as a diaphoretic in the dose of one eighth of a grain to one grain, and as an emetic from one grain to six. 532. Q. In cases where poison has been ta- ken, what emetic Would you select ? A. The sulphat of zinc, as it is more speedy in its operation than most of the other eme- tics. 533. Q. What are the virtues and dose of the pulvis ipecacuanhe compositus ? A. It is given as a diaphoretic from four grains to a scruple. 99 534. Q. What are the virtues of the sulphu- retum hydrargyri rubrum ? A. It is given as an alterative from two grains to a scruple, and it is also used to fumi- gate venereal ulcers of the throat and other parts. 535. Q. What are the virtues of the aceias potasse ? A. It is given as a diuretic and purgative from ten grains to three drachms. 536. Q. What are the virtues of the tartras potasse ? A. It is given as a purgative from a scruple to three drachms. 537. Q. What are the virtues of the pulvis antimonialis ? A. It is given as an alterative and diapho- retic from three grains to fifteen. 538. Q. What is the dose of the oxy-murias hydrarffyri ? A. From the sixteenth part of a grain to half a grain. 539. Q. What are styptics ? A. They are substances which possess a jvower of stopping hemorrhages. 540. Q. What is meant by errhines ? A. Those medicines which, when applied to the membrane of the nose, excite sneezing, and increase the secretion therefrom. 541. Q. What do you mean by epispastics ? A. Substances which blister the skin, that is, which increase the action of the vessels of those parts of the body to which they are ap- plied, producing an efflux of fluid there and a 100 lection of serum between the cuticle and cutis. 542. A. What is catechu ? A. A reddish brown substance of an astrin- gent taste, prepared in India by boiling the wood of the acacia catechu, and evaporating the decoction by the heat of the sun. 543. Q. What is <-cammony ? A. A concrete gummy resinous juice, of a light grey colour, and rather an unpleasant smell and bitterish sub-acrid taste, brought from Aleppo and Smyrna, and which exudes from the cut root of the convolvulus scammonia. 544. Q. What is myrrh ? A. A substance of a black red colour, solid and heavy, of a peculiar smell and bitter taste, brought from Arabia. 545. Q. What is ipecacuanha ? A. A small root wrinkled and contorted, of a greyish or ash colour, of a bitter sub-acrid taste and very little smell, the produce of the calli- eocca ipecacuanha, growing in south America. 546. Q. What is camphor ? A. A substance which is white and pelucid, somewhat unctuous to the touch, of a bitterish, aromatic, acrid taste ; of a fragrant smell, re- sembling that of rosemary; it is found in con- crete lumps between the bark in the inter tiee* of the wood and pith of the laurus camphora, which grows in Japan; it undergoes two sub- limations before we receive it in England. 547. Q. From whence do we obtain opium, and what is the name of the plant that afford? it? 101 A. It is obtained from Persia, Arabia, and Turkey, where incisions are made into the capsule or head of the papaver somniferum;the juice flows and becomes concrete by the heat of the sun. 548. Q. What animal affords castor, and what part of the animal does it form ? A. The animal that affords this substance is the castor fibre, which inhabits the northern countries of Europe and America; the substance so called is found in two bags situated in the in- guinal regions of the male beaver, distinct from the testes. 549. Q. What is quassia ? A. A wood afforded by the quassia excelsa, which grows abundantly at Surinam. 550. Q. What plant affords the jalap root ? A. The convolvulus jalapa, which grows in South America. 551. Q. From whence do we obtain sperma- ceti ? A. From the head of the physeter macroce phalus, a species of whale that inhabits the nor; them seas. CHEMISTRY AND PHAR- MACY. 552. Q. H.OW is distillation performed ? A. Distillation is performed in three ways ; 1st. Per ascensum ; 2nd. Per descensum; 3rd. Per latus. T 2 102 j53. Q. Explaiu the three methods and the apparatus m.-.de use of. A. The distillation per ascensum is perform- ed generally with the common still, which has aflixt d to it a head and refrigeratory. The still is for the purpose of containing the materi- als to be distilled, the head for the vapour to ascend. From the head a tube is continued in a circular manner through a tub of cold water: this last constitutes the refrigeratory; the use ot which is to condense the vapour into a fluid by abstracting heat. Distillation per descensum is performedjn the following way;—>a perforated tinned iron plate is fixed within any convenient vessel so as to leave a space beneath it ; on this the substance to be distilled is bid, and over it is placed another plate accurately clo- sing the mouth of the vessel, and strong enough to bear the fuel. The heat is thus applied at top, and the vapour is forced to descend into the inferior cavity, where it is conden.-ed. Distil- lation per latus is performed in a retort with a receiver; the fluid to be distilled is introduced into the body of the retort, the receiver is theu adjusted, and heat is applied to the retort, the fluid i3 thus raised to a state of vapour that be- comes condensed into a fluid, which runs down the side of the neck into the receiver. 554. Q. What is meant by the solution ? A. Solution is the diminution of the aggrega- tion of a solid, so as to cause it to loose the solid form, and to enter into chemical combination with a fluid. * 103 555. Q. What is the difference between i;i fusion and decoction ? A. Infusion consists in pouring upon any sub- stance a cold or hot menstruum, and suffering it to stand a certain time, and then straining it off. Decoction consi-ts in boiling the substance with the menstruum a certain time, and then straining off. 556. Q. What is meant by precipitation ? A. It is that process by which a solid is ob. tained from a solution. 557. Q. In what respects does crystallization differ from precipitation ? A. Only that the particles of the sol vend oa separating from the solution assume certain de- terminate arrangements. 558. Q. What is the transparency of crystals owing to? A. To a quantity of water that they hold, which is called water of crystallization. 559. Q. When crystals part with their water of crystallization, what are they said to do ? A. To effloresce. 560. Q. What is meant by deliquescence? A. It is a term given to express a property in some salts by which they absorb the mois- ture of the atmosphere, and become fluid. 561. Q. What is meant by attraction? A. A term given to denote the power by which bodies unite with each other, or remain in contact with each other until a superior force is exerted to separate them. 562. Q. What is the difference between ai- 10* traction of aggregation or cohesion, and chemi- cal attraction or affinity ? A. Attraction of aggregation denotes that power which is exerted between particles of a similar nature, as those of mercury, glass, wood, Sec. On the contrary, chemical attraction de- notes the power exerted between particles of a dissimilar nature, as, salt and water, muriatic acid and soda, nitric acid and potash, &c. 563. Q. What is the result of a chemical combination ? A. A new substance is formed in which the particles combined have assumed new proper- ties. 564. Q. When a compound is resolved into its constituent parts, what process is it said to have undergone ? A. The process of analysis. 565. Q. How is the analysis of compounds effected ? A. Either by the power of heat, or by tht power of a superior affinity. 566. Q. What is meant by synthesis ? A. The formation of a compound (possessing new properties) by the combination of two or more simrde substances. 567. Q. What is caloric ? A. A substance, the evolution of which pro.- duces the sensation of heat. 56S. Q. AVhat are the general effects of ca- loric upon substances ? A. 1st. Substances are expanded, and thus increase in bulk by their combination with ca- 105 lorio (excepting alumina, which is contracted.) 2nd. It is the cause of fluidity. 3rd. It produ- ces vaporization. 4th. It effects ignition; and its combination with some substances is said to be the cause of their elasticity. 569. Q. What is oxygen ? A. The acidifying principle ; a peculiar gas, colourless, invisible and elastic; it supports life and flame. 570. Q. When oxygen enters into combina- tion, what are the classes of compounds that it forms ? A. Two classes, viz. oxydes and acids; 571. Q. What is an oxyde ? A. A metal, or a combustible combined with Oxygen, that does not possess acid properties. 572. Q. What are the properties of hydro- gen? A. It is an invisible elastic gas, which has a peculiar smell, extinguishes flame, burns in con- tact with oxygen, exploiles when mixed with oxygen, and is about 12 times lighter than com- mon air. 573. Q. What are the compounds of hydro- gen ? A. Sulphurated, phosphorated, and carbonat- ed hydrogen gas. 574. Q. What is the composition of water ? A. Oxygen and hydrogen in chemical com- .bination. 575. Q. What is meant by a hydrate? A. A combination of water with a salt or other substances; the crystals are hydrates, and the sulphur precipitatum is an hydrate of -ulphur. 106 576. Q. What is nitrogen? A. An elastic, invisible gas, exceedingly ir- fespirable, and which extinguishes flame. 577. Q. What are the compounds of nitro- gen ? A. In a state of mechanical combination with oxygen, it forms atmospheric air, and when che- mically combined with different proportions of oxygen, it forms two oxydes and one acid, viz. nitrous oxyde, or gaseous oxyde of azot; nitric oxyde, which possesses a greater proportion of oxygen than the preceding, and nitric acid, which is fully saturated with oxygen. 578. Q. What are the component parts of at- mospheric air ? A. Atmospheric air is chiefly composed of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid. 579. Q. How is a combination of a combusti- ble with a metal or on earth designated ? A. The combustible is terminated by the word uret, but the metal or earth retains its original name; for example, if sulphur and lime were combined, it would be called sulphuret of lime; phosphorus and iron, phosphuret Of iron ; and so forth. 5 SO. Q. What is phosphorus ? A. A very inflammable substance, of a white semitransparent colour, and of the consistency of wax. 581. Q. What are the compounds of phos- phorus ? A. It combines with certain combustibles, earths, and metals, forming phosphurets; it form* an oxyde, and two acids, viz. the phosphorus acid and the phosphoric acid. lto /32. Q. In what does pure carbone exist ? A- The diamond is pure carbon. 583. (^ What is charcoal 7 A. An oxyde of carbon. 584. Q. What are the other compounds of carbon.' A. Gaseous carbonic oxyde, carbonic gas, and the carburetted hydrogen gas. 585. Q. How would you exhibit carbonic acid gas internally ? A. Either by exhibiting the saline draught in the state of effervescence, or by giving yeast mixed up in a convenient vehicle, or by giving the double soda water. 586. Q. What is sulphur? A. A simple inflammable substance. 587. Q. From what kingdom of nature do we obtain sulphur? A. From the mineral kingdom; it fcffound in various forms : in a native state, forming strata with gypsum and limestone ; it is also thrown out from volcanos, and it is also found combin- ed with several metals ; sulphur also exists both in the vegetable and animal kidgdom. 588. Q^What are the preparations of sulphur directed to be made use of by the London phar- macopeia A. Sulphur lotum, sulphur precipitatum, oleum sulphuratum, and sAilphuretum potasse. 589. Q. How is the sulphur precipitatum made ? A. By boiling quick lime, sulphur and water together for 3 certain time; filtering the solu- 10S lion, and adding muriatic acid in order to throw down the sulphur, which is to be separated and washed. 590. Q. What takes place during this opera- tion ? A. During the boiling the sulphur combines with a portion of hydrogen from the water, it af- terwards unites itself to the lime, forming an hydroguretted sulphuret of lime; this is held in solution by the water, and passes through the filter; upon the addition of muriatic acid, the muriatic acid combines with the lime, the hy- drogen is evolved from the sulphur, and the suphur is precipitated. 591. Q. In what respects do the sulphur lo- tum and the sulphur precipitatum differ from the sulphur sublimatum? A. The sulphur sublimatum contains a small portion of sulphuric acid; the other preparations are free from this acid, and are considered to hold a portion of water in a state of chemical combination; they are therefore hydrates of sulphur. 592. Q. W hat combinations does sulphur form with oxygen? A. It forms an oxyde, the sulphureous acid and the sulphuric acid. 593. Q. Are there any other compounds of sulphur ? A. Yes, it combines with hydrogen, phospho- rus, the metals, the earths, and alkalis. 594. Q. What are acids ? A. They are substances of a sour taste, pos- 109 sessing a power of changing vegetable blues to a red, and of combining with earths, metals, and alkalis. 595. Q What does an acid consist of? A. An acid consists of a base or bases com- bined with oxygen; the base is called the acid- ifiable principle, and the oxygen is called the acidifying principle. 596. Q. How do chemists distinguish the acids according to the proportion of oxygen with which they are Combined ? A. If an acid basis is perfectly saturated with oxygen, the acid produced is said to be perfect, and is distinguished in English by the syllable ic, as sulphuric acid; but if the base predomi- nates, the acid is considered as imperfect, and is distinguished by the English ous,as sulphure- ous acid. When an acid has an excess of oxy- gen, it is called oxygenated and hyper-oxygen- ated. 597. Q. What are the acids employed medi- cinally ? A. The acetic, tartaric, citric, benzoic, car- bonic, boracic, muriatic, nitric, sulphuric, phos- phoric, succinic. 593. Q. How is benzoic acid made ? A. A quantity of gum benzoin and lime are rubbed together, and boiled with a quantity of water for half an hour, it is then filtered, and to the solution muriatic acid is added as long as any precipitate is formed; the precipi- tate is then collected and dried to undergo the process ef sublimation. X ne 599. Q. What is the theory of the formation of btuzoic acid in this way ? A. The lime during the boiling takes the benzoic acid from the gum benzoin, the benzoak of lime thus formed is held in solution by the water: upon the addition of muriatic acid, the lime abandons the benzoic acid to combine with the muriatic acid ; the benzoic acid from its in- solubility is precipitated, and the muriat of lime remains in the solution. 600. Q. How is citric acid made ? A. A quantity of lemon juice is made boiling hot, and a sufficient quantity of prepared chalk is added until it is saturated : the powder that , forms is then washed and dried : dilute sulphur- ic acid is then to be boiled upon the powder; the fluid is next filtered off and evaporated with a gentle heat, so that crystals may form as it cools. The crystals are further purified by re- peated crystallization. 601. Q. How is the formation of citric acid effected as thus directed by the London Col- lege ? A. When the lemon juice and prepared chalk are mixed together, the citric acid and lime com- bine, while the earbonic acid escapes in effer- vescence ; the citrate of lime is decomposed by the sulphuric acid which is added, for it takes to the lime, and sets the citric acid at liberty. 602. Q. What salt is taken into the stomach when the saline draught is given ? A. The citrate of potash. 603. Q. In what respects do the nitric and nitrous acids differ ? in A. Tfhe nitrous acid holds in solution a quan- tity of nitric o*yde, which is continually es- capln'j; this gas gives the acid an orange colour, an . is the cause bf its fuming: the nitric acid is colourless, and does not evolve nitric oxyde. 604. Q. How is muriatic acid made ? A. A quautity of sulphuric acid diluted with Water is put into a glass retort; to this is added a quantity of muriat of soda; one third of the water directed to be used is put into the re- ceiver to absorb a quantity of gas that may tie suddenly evolved; the receiver is then luted to the retort, and the muriatic acid is distilled over by the heat of a sand bath. 605. Q. In the formation of muriatic acid what are the decompositions and combinations ? A. The murias sode is decomposed by the sulphuric acid whu-h combines with the soda: the muriatic acid, thus let loose in the state or gas, is absorbed by the water. 606. Q. How is nitric acid made ? A. Equal parts of dried nitrate of potash and sulphuric acid are put into a glass retort; distil- lation is then to be carried on in a sand bath un- til a red vapour arises; the nitric acid that is distilled over is to be re-dtstilled from a fresh portion of dried nitrate of potash. 607. Q. In making nitric acid, what takes place ? A. The sulphuric acid combines with the potash of the nitras potasse, forming sulphat of potash, and the nitric acid is distilled over. 60S. Q. How is horacic acid obtained? A. By adding sulphuric acid to a hot solu- 112 lion of borax; this combines with the soda of the borax, forming sulphat of soda, and the bo- racic acid is crystallized upon the solution cooling. 609. Q. How is the oxy muriatic acid ob- tained ? A. It is obtained from a mixture of muriat of soda, black oxyde of manganese, and sulphuric acid; during the process the sulphuric acid corn- bit es with the 6oda, forming sulphat of soda, the muriatic acid consequently being set at li- berty combines with a portion of oxygen from the black oxyde of manganese, and is convert- ed into oxy-muriatic acid. 610. Q. Why is the oxy-muriatic acid requir- ed to be kept in the dark ? A. Because it is decomposed by the ngency of light: that is, it is resolved into muriatic acid from the loss of the oxygen with which it was combined. 611. Q. Has this acid the property of chang- ing vegetable blues to a red ? A. No: it deprives vegetable substances of colour: hence its utility in bleaching. 612. Q. What is the composition of nitric acid ? A- Oxygen and nitrogen. 613. Q. What is the composition of phospho- ric acid ? A. Phosphorus and oxygen. 614. Q. In what slate do we obtain hyper- oxy-muriatie acid ? A. Combined with an alkaline base; as form- ing the hyper-oxy-muriat of potash. This is the oniy state in which it exists. US 615 Q. What is the composition of carbonic acid / V.. Carbon and oxygen; by heating poftssi- nm or the metal of potash in c-irbonic acid, .he potissiu-n coml)ities with the oxygen of the c ir- bonic acid, and charcoal or oxyde of carbon is deiiosited. 6lb. Q. What are the arfids that have not hitherto been decomposed.' A. The m-iriatic acid, the fluoric acid, and the bor.icic acid. 617. Q. What is the composition of the vege- table acids ? A. Varied proportions of carbon and hydro- gen acidified by oxygen. 618. Q. What are alkalis? A. They are *ubstatioes that possess an acrid taste, a urinous smell; thda, and volatile alkali or amnouia. Potash and soda are consid red ;s fixed alkalis, because they are not volatilized but by a very intense heat, whereas ammonia, which is the volatile alkali, requires only th-. tern .eratire of Mmosphere to change it* state of aggregation. k2 114 62 J. Q. How is the potash of commerce ob- tained ? A. From the lixivium of wood ashes:—the ashes of all wood afford this alkali, but the harder woods most abundantly. Another me- thod of obtaining potash is by burning the im- pure tartar of commerce and lixiviating it. 622. Q. How is the sub-carbonas potasse obtained ? A. By mixing a quantity of impure potash of commerce with a staled quantity of water: by boiling these for a certain time, filtering the so- lutionT and finally evaporating the water from the salt, while stirring it. 623. Q. How are the extraneous or more crystallizable salts of the impure potash got rid of? A. Sub-carbonate of potash being very solu- ble in water in comparison to the extraneous salts contained in impure potash, an advantage is taken of this, for only a sufficient quantity of water is added to dissolve the sub-carbonates; the extraneous sails therefore not being dis- solved remain upon the filter. They consist chiefly of sulphate of potash, muriat of potash, with a quantity of earthy impurities. 624. Q. What is the difference between sal tartan, sal absinthii and sub-carbonas potasse ? A. Very little difference, excepting in the proportion of carbonic acid with which they are combined; they are all suh-carbonates of potash, but are differently obtained. 625. Q. What are the preparations of potash directed to be used by the Loudon College ? 115 A. Acetas potasse, sulphas potasse, super- sulphas |K)tasse, tartras potasse, sub-corbonas potasse, -arbonas potasse, liquor sub-carbonatis potasse, liquor potasse, potassa fusa, potassa cum calce. 626. Q. How is the potassa fusa obtained ? A. By evaporating the water from the liquor potasse, melting the salt, and casting it into proper moulds. 627. Q. How is the liquor potasse made? A. By putting together sub-carbonate of pot- ash, quicklime and hot water, suffering them to remain a length of time, then filtering. 628. Q. Why is the lime added ? A. To abstract the carbonic acid from the sub-carbonate of potash. 629. Q. What is the composition of cremor tartari ? A. It is a super-tartrate of potash; that is, combined with an excess of tartaric acid. 630. Q. How is the tartras potasse made ? A. It is made by adding a" quantity of sub- carbonate of potash to a quantity of super tar- trate of potash dissolved in water, evaporating to a certain extent, and crystallizing the salt. 631. Q. What effect has the sub-carbonate of potash in this preparation ? A. It parts with its carbonic acid to combine with the excess of tartaric acid in the super-tar- tras potasse to form a neutral salt. 632. Q. How is the perfect carbonate of pot- ash formed? A. By adding carbonate of ammonia to sub- carbonate of potash dissolved in water. This solution is exposed to a certain degree of heat. 116 Until all the ammonia is expelled, and the sub carbonate of potash becomes a perfect carbo- nate by taking carbonic acid from the carbonate of ammonia. 6i3. Q. Why is the carbonate of potash pre- ferred to the sub-carbonate for a saiine draught to be taken in the state of effervescence ? A. Because it affords most carbonic acid. 634. Q What remains in the retort after the distillation of nitric acid? A. A super-sulphat of potash. 635. Q. What is the composition of nitre crystals ? A. Nitric acid, potash, and water. 636. Q. Why is the nitras potasse made use of in forming sulphuric acid ? A. To supply the sulphur, when burning, wit'i a greater quantity of oxygen. 637. Q. What are the states of combination that poUsh enters into with tartaric acid ! A Two states, so as to form an acidulous salt and a neutral salt. 638. Q. How is the tartras potasse made ? A. By adding a sufficient quantity of sub- carbonate of potash to neutralize the su;:\ >j"*&v * m kid Mr:*.