NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service ORDINANCES OF THE > COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS^ OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT, OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. THIS COLLEGE WAS INCORPORATED, 12th june, 1812, AND LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF FAIRFIELD, HERKIMF.P COUNTY, AND STATE OF NEW-YORK. THE VRUSfEES ARE WESTEL WILLOUGHBY, JUN. JONATHAN SHERWOOD, LUTHER GUtTEAU, SOLOMON WOLCOTT, ISAAC SEARS, ABIJAH TOMBLING, *AMOS HALE, SIMEON FORD, CLARK SMITH, JOSEPH WHITE, ALEXANDER G. FONDA, OLIVER C. COMSTOCK, JOHN MILLER, ISAAC SARGEANT, REUBEN HART, AMASA TROWBRIDGE, FRANCIS A. BLOODGOOD, WILLIAM D. FORD, JAMES KENNEDY, OLIVER ELLIS, ANDREW A. BARTOW, WILLIAM SMITH, JOHN STE\RNS, JAMES HALE, and LY.viAN SPALDING." The annual meeting of the Trustees is on the first Tuesday of December; and the quarterly meeting, on the first Tuesday of March^June and September. OFFICERS O? THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, OJP THE WESTERN DISTRICT, APPOINTED BY THE HON- OURABLE THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, APRIL, 1813. LYMAN SPALDING, M. D. President. WESTEL WILLOUGHBY, Jun. M.D. Vice- President. LYMAN SPALDING, M. D. S. Jtf. Lond. Soc. Cor. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, and Lecturer on the Institutes of Medicine. WESTEL WILLOUGHBY, Jun.M. D. Pro- fessor of Obstetrics. JAMES HADLEY, A. M. Professor of Chem- istry, Materia Medica, and Mineralogy. WILLIAM D. FORD, Esq. Treasurer. PR. JONATHAN SHERWOOD, Register. ( * J An Abstract From the Ordinances of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District. THE session of the College shall commence, annually, on the first Tuesday of November, and continue three months. No person shall be admitted to an examination, for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, until he shall have produced satisfactory testimony to the President, Vice-President, and Professors, that he has regularly studied Physic and Surgery, with one or more reputable practitioner or prac- titioners, for the term of three years; and that he has attended all the medical professors, for two complete sessions of this College ; or one session in this College, and one other session in some other College or University. Every person, who shall not have received a Col- legiate education, shall previously to his examina- tion give satisfactory evidence to the President, Vice-President, and Professors, that he has an ac- quaintance with the Latin Language, that he pos- ses a correct knowledge of English Grammar, Natural and Experimental Philosophy ; and that he sustains a fair moral character. The public examinations shall be held, annually, on the Monday next following the close of the ses- sion, before the President, Vice-President, Pro- fessors, and Trustees, with any members of th* (O medical faculty, and such other literary gentlemen as may choose to attend. Each candidate shall be examined on Anatomy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Mineralogy, and the Institutes of Medicine ; and he shall at the same time read and defend a Thesis on some medical subject. Every candidate shall have a right to select the subject of his Thesis, but the Thesis itself must have been examined and approbated by the Professors, before it is read. Every candidate must deliver a copy of his The- sis to the Register for the use of the Trustees, to be by them presented to the Regents of the Uni- versity of the State of New-York. If any non-resident Professor cannot be present at the public examination, he may examine the candidates at the close of his particular course, on the branch he teaches. Each candidate shall enrol his name with the Register, and deposit with him the requisite evi- dence of a due conformity to the College ordinan- ces, at least ten days previously to the public ex- amination ; and the Register shall deliver the same to the President, Vice-President, or Senior Pro- fessor. If the examination and Thesis be satisfactory to the President, Vice-President, Professors and Trustees, the candidate will be recommended, by the Trustees, to the Regents of the University of the State of New. York, for die Degree of Doctor of Medicine. (7) The fee, for attending the lectures of all the Professors in one session of the College, shall be fifty dollars, that is, twelve dollars and fifty cents to each Professor; but if any gentleman should not choose to attend all the Professors, he shall then pay fifteen dollars to each Professor, whose course he may attend. Every gentleman, who pays the full fee to either of the Professors, for his lectures, for two sessions in this College, shall be entitled to attend these lec- tures in future without any fee. Every candidate, for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, shall pay the sum of twenty dollars as the fee thereof. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District has grown out of the Medical School, established by the Trustees of Fairfield Academy, in 1809. The reputation, which this School acquired for the short time it was attached to the Academy is well known. It was even such, in the second year of its existence, as to induce the Honourable the Legislature of the State to endow it with 5,000 dollars; and when it received the proud rank of a College, they generously added to its funds the further sum of 10,000 dollars. The Trustees of the College have purchased, of the Academy, a stone edifice 63 feet by 38 and three stories high, in which they are now fitting up, in the highest style of convenience, a large and commodious Anatomical Theatre, with a ( 8) Museum, Dissecting Rooms, &c. &c. The Mu- seum is amply sufficient for demonstrating the healthy structure of every part of the body, and even many of its parts in a morbid state. Speci- mens of Morbid Anatomy will be thankfully re- ceived for the Museum. The Laboratory is undergoing a thorough re- pair, and will be fitted up in a style of great con- venience. To the old furniture has been added an extensive collection of new Chemical Ware. Mineralogical specimens will be thankfully re- ceived for the Cabinet, and if gentlemen desire an Analysis, they can be gratified. The Professor of Obstetrics has been furnished with a good machine, &c. During the session of the College, advice will be given and operations performed, gratuitously, in all Surgical cases at Fairfield or its immediate vicinity, provided the class can be present. With all these advantages, the Trustees and Professors humbly hope to continue to deserve well of medical students and of the public, which is the height of their ambition, and for which no exertions shall be wanting. c^cxuvlWu ©Wwco^ ^MVli>W. Fairfield, May, 1813. |CT For further information, a reference may be had to the President, in the City of New-York, the Register at Fairfield, or either of the Trustees. NUL.Hist. FI4V 1*13 i. ' .v.i'-Vrii:*?' •'.!C.:i~