!-Cv y-^t :;.vfi>vsf \*%-?-x ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY Washington, D. C. W THE MEDICAL POCKET BOOK. Containing a fhort but plain account of the SYMPTOMS, CAUSES, and METHODS of CURE, OF THE DISEASES incident to tke HUMAN BODY; Including fuch as require SURGICAL TREATMENT : Together with the FIRTUES AND DOSES OF MEDICINAL COMPOSITIONS AND SIMPLES, extracted from the best authors, AND digested into alphabetical ordeu. By Sir JOFIN ELLIOT, m. d. FOURTH AMERICAN EDITION, Copiedfmm the latefl Englijh Edition; Tv'.th Additions, Im- proi/ menti, and Corrections. TROY : PRINTED BT O. PENNIMAN AND CO. AND SOLD BY THEM AT THE TROY BOOKSTORE. 1803. ij*? JN this Fourth American Edition, feveral im- provements are made ; fuch as, ufing the letters over each page, in the manner of a Dictionary, and inferring the additions and corrections (neceffary to make the work agree with the laft edition of the f ...■ihIo-.i Pilar mace pcrla) in their proper places, in- ftjad of putting them at the clofe of the work, &c. (Jt^jl/ * Sir JOHN PRINGLE, Bari. 'fe^fe PHYSICIAN TO THEIR L^ MAJESTIES; |^ FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGES OF "^ PHYSICIANS AT LONDON AND EDINBURGH J AND OF THE ROYAL SOCIETIES OF LOSDOS AND PARIS, &C, ---- Wine of. 3j- to 3ij« As a cathartic; to lij. ALTERATIVES. Mercurials, antimonials, hemlock, mezereon, water- ALU AMM 13 water-parfnep, guaiaeum, farfhparilla, faffa- fras, prepared natron, tar, fulphur. Any medicine that works a cure gradually, by correcting the patient's habit of body, may be called an alterative. ALUM. Tonic, aftringent; gr. iv. to 9j. Externally aftringent and cooling*, Burnt. Eicharctic. Alfo internally, particularly in colic ; gr. ij. to Bfs. Compound Water of. Aftrin- gent, cooling. Cataplasm of. The fame as an epithem ; chiefly in opthalmies. AMBER. Tonic ; 3fs. to ~j. Oil of, RECTiFlEr). Stimulating, nervous, emenagcgv.e ; gt. v. to xx. Salt of, purified. Ncrvcu:, diu- retic ; to 3j. AMMONIA, prepared. Antacid, attenuant, ftimulant. diaphoretic; gr. iij. to xv. Spirit of. The fame ; gt. xx. to Ix. or more. Compound. Alfo cepha- lic ; gt. xx. to lx. or more. Fetid. An- tihyfteric ; gt. xx. to lx. Succinate©, or Eau de Luce. Chiefly for fmelling, to. Wa- ter of. Gt. xx. to lx. or more. Water of acetated a. Attenuant, cooling, fudo- ritic, diuretic ; *ij. to sfs. Water of pure A. Cauftic volatile alkali. Liniment or. B Difcutient, r4 AMM ANG Difcutient, rubefacient. Stronger l. of. The fame. AMMONIACUM, gum. Stimulant, aperient; 9fs. to 9j. Milk of. §fs. to §j. ANALEPTICS. Cantharides, aromatic confection, faftron, co- chineal, aromatics and flimulants. ANASARCA. See Dropfy. ANEURISM, OR AN ENLARGEMENT OF AN ARTERY, (known by its pulfation.) Treatment. Bleeding, and proper evacuations ; with low fpare diet. Lead may be bound down pretty tight on the part. If thefe fail, recourfe mud be had to the operation of ty- ing it above and below the tumour. ANGEUCA,ROOT, STALK, LEAF, AND SEED. Stimulant, aromatic ; 3fs. to 3>j- ANGINA GANGRENOSA, OR,PUTRID SORE THROAT. Symptoms. Giddinefs in the head, alternate heat and cold, and at length, after fome hours, conftant great heat:. fometimes vomiting or purging ; pains in the head ; eyes inflamed and watery, as in the meafles; anxiety, faint- neis, fore throat, with florid colour ; or elfe, a broad- ANG *5 a broad irregular fpot,of a pale white colour, furrounded with red. On the fecond or th day the face, neck, breaft, and hands fwelle.., and as if eryfipelatous ; an efnorefcence of manyfmallred pimples fometimes appears On the arms and other parts. The throat lloughs, ulcerates, and is very painful. Oftenfivetafte, and delirium towards night. Treatment. Avoid bleeding and evacuation, gentle fudorifics and a flight emetic at the beginning excepted; and purgings fhould be checked. Gargle,: or rather fyringe the throat with the compound decoction of bar- ley, to which vinegar, myrrh, and honey of roles may be added. If the floughs do not feparate, touch them with a rag dipped in a mixture of oxymel of verdigris, 3j- and 5ijw of the preceding gargle ; or gargle with wa- ter acidulated with muriatic acid. But the principal reliance rmift be on the bark given freely-with wine and acids. To reftore the .patient give bark and vitriolic acid, with proper ftrengthening diet. ANGINA MAXILLARIS. Symptoms. Laffitude, heavinefs, general reftlefs uneafmefs, gentle rigors, and flight fever ; thefe are followed by a ftiffnefs, with obtufe pain, in the articulation of the lower jaw: the parotid glands, neighbouring fkin,and cellu- x6 ANG lar membrane, fwell: fometimesadufky eryfi- pelatous inflammation covers the tumour. If the fwelling fubf:defuddenly,anexacerbation cf the fymptoms comes on, with tumefaction of one or both tefticles. If this fubfide in like manner, the head is affected, and deli- rium follows, with convulfions, and other a- larming fymptoms, fometimes proving fatal. Treatment. Promote perfpiration from the parti affected by keeping them warm ; cover the fwelling with a blifter; and give diaphoretics, v/ith opium, if neceffary. The body fhould be kept gently open ; but bleeding muft be carefully avoided, unlefs the moft preffmg judications require it. ANGINA PECTORIS. Svmptoms. A pain underneath fome part of the ftemum, with a fenfe of ftrangling and anxi- ety, coming on fuddenly whilft walking,par- ticularly focn after a meal, and vaniihing on (landing ftill': after fome months it does not ceafe fo inft-ntaneoufly on (landing ftill; will come on when the patient is -lying in bed,; and fometimes even when ftanding ftill, cr fitting ; the pain ufually extends acrofs the breaft, ar.d is felt particularly at the infertion of the pectoral mufcle into the os humeri: it is generally on the left fide, fometimes on both ; it recurs more or lefs frequently, per- ANI ANT 17 haps for years ; and at length terminates in fudden death. Treatment. Wine and cordials have generally been found to prevent or alleviate the night fits, and opiates ftill more fo. In one inftance antimonials, and the fetid gums, relieved the difeafe considerably in an early ftage, ANISEEDS. Carminative; gr. iv. to gr. xv. or in infufion to |iv. Compound spirit of. 3j- to 5fs, Essential oil of, gt. iv. to xx. ANODYNES. See Sedatives. ANTACIDS. All alkalis, fixed or volatile, and jibforbents. ANTALEALINES. All acids, wine. ANTHELMINTICS, Tin, mercurials, cowitch, fern, Indian pink, tobacco, camphor, afafcetida. Lubricating. Oils of almonds and olives, caftor oil. Tonic Wormfeed, tanfy, favine, camomile, rue, wormwood, lime-water. Cathartic. Hedge, hyffop, bearsfoot, gamboge, aloes, fcammo* ny, jalap, vitriolated natron. St. ANTHONY'S FIRE. See Eryfpelas. ANTIMONY, prepared. Alterative ; 9fs. to 3j. Calcined. Diapho- b 2 1 eric, iS ANT retic, naufeating; gr. v. to 3fs- Muriate©. Cauftic. Precipitated sulphur of. Al- terative, emetic; gr. lj. to viij. Saffron of. Emetic ; gr. ij. to vj. Tartarised,' Su- dorific, febrifuge ; gr. | to i. Emetic; gr. ij. to iv. Vitrified. For making the Wine of a. Wine of. Alterative, diaphoretic ; gr. x. to lx. Diuretic, cathartic ; 3j« to 3ij. Emetic ; 3ij- to 3iv. Tartarised, wine of. The fame, Antimonial powder; gr. v. to xv. Said to be the fame with James's Powder. ANTISCORBUTICS, Antifeptics. Alteratives. ANTISEPTICS. Refrigerant. Acids,cold water, cold air. Tonic. Bark,columbo,quaffia,camomile,wormwood fouthernwood, maftic, lime-water. Stimulant^ Akohol,wine,madder, rattlefnakeroot,horfe- radifh, brook-lime,water-crefs, fcurvy-grafs, cummin. Antifpafmodic. Camphor, myrrh, afafcetida, ANTISPASMODICS. Stimulant. Electricity, fpirit of vitriolic arther, animal oil, oil of amber, mufk, caftor, mille* pedes, foilil tar, camphor, afafcetida, galba- num, myrrh, lady's-fmock, ipecacuanha. Se- dative. Opium, compound ipirit of vitriolic feiher, APH APT 19 a:ther, valerian, warm-bath. Tonic. Bark, ginfeng, rue, calcined zinc, blue vitriol, cold water. APHTHJE. See Thrufh, and Fever Aphthofi. APOPLEXY. Symptoms. A fudden privation of fenfation, and voluntary motion. The face red, and bloat- ed ; the mouth commonly open ; the pulfe ftrong and quick, efpecially at firft; refpira- tion ftrong, and attended with fnorting. Treatment. Blifters fliould be applied to the back and lep, and muftard poultices to the feet. Medicines cf the warm, nervous kind, as caftor, valerian, camphcr, afafcetida and vol- atile falts, fliould frequently be adminiftered. Authors diftinguifh between a fanguineous and piluitous apoplexy : The firft arifing from a turgidnel's of the veffels of the brain; the laft, from ferous matter in the ventricles. In the latter cafe, emetics of theantimonial kind are ferviceable,and bleeding fliould beprefcribed with great caution ; in the former, bleeding and evacuations are proper. A foft, mild, and opening vegetable regimen is prefcribed for patients fubject to the fanguineous; and a contrary one, with exercife, fr fuch as are recovered from a pituhovU Ij- to ?ij. BARK, Peruvian. See Cinchona* BARLEY, decoction of. Emollient, obtunding ; as common drink. Compound. The fame. BA- BAR BIT 25 BARYTES, muriated. Deobftruent, diuretic,tonic : gt.iv.to x. Twen- ty have been given without producing naufea; but in large dofes it has deleterious effects. BAY, leaves and berries. Tonic. The leaf is alfo narcotic. BEARING DOWN. See Procidentia, and Prolapfus. BEARSFOOT, leaf. Anthelmintic ; 3j- to 3ij. in decoction, 3ij- to gfs. of the expreffed juice. BENJAMIN. Gr. v. to 5fs. as a pectoral and afthmatic. Flowers of, the fame ; to Bj. Compound tincture of. Stimulant, tonic, t)j. to 3ifs. Externally vulnerary. BISTORT root. Tonic ; to 3j' BITES and STINGS OF VENOMOUS ANIMALS. Treatment. To thofe of fmall infects, as gnats, bugs, wafps, Sec. apply volatile liquor of hartf- horn, milk, oil, honey, or vinegar : to that of the viper, its own fat, oil of almonds, or wa- ter of ammonia ; foment, poultice, and bleed, if inflammation require ; and give milk in- wardly, with fait of hartfhorn, opiate confec- C tion, 26 BLA BLO tion, or other antidote. For the rattlefnake's bite, give a fpoonful or two of the juices-of plantain and horehound, and apply a tobac- co leaf fteeped in rum to the part. BLADDER inflamed. Symptoms. Acute burning pain, and tenfion in the part; with fever, frequent inclination to go to (tool, and conftant defire, to make water. Treatment. As directed for kidneys infamed. BLEEDING external. Apply the flyptics mentioned under that word. Bleed.at- the arm, purge, and give cooling medicines if neceffary. Keep the patient cool. BLEEDING at the nose. Treat as in Bleeding external; vinegar, or other ftyptic, may alfo be fnuffed up the noitrils, or cotton plugs, dipped in them, put up. The patient in this cafe alfo muft be kept cool. BLIGHT. See Eryfpdas. BLOOD, SPITTING OF, OR H/£MOPT0E. Symptoms. A cough and fhort refpiration at- tend. If the blood coughed up appear flor- id, liquid, and frothy, efpecially if the patient be confumptive, it indicates a rupture of fome veffel in the lungs ; and is attended with pain if occailoned by a fall, or bruife. 1 natment. Bleeding, laxatives, and ftyptics; as alum, bark, compound tincture of benjamin, nitre, BLO BOL 27 nitre, and occasionally an opiate ; the feet bathed in warm water ; a (lender cooling; diet, and no exercife. A table fpoonful of fine fait, taken in a dry form, has been found extremely efficacious. BLOOD, VOMITING OF. Symptoms. There is no cough when the blood comes from the ftomach ; a fenfe of weight and oppreffion precedes the vomiting ; the ftomach is often diftended ; the blood of a darker colour than in an htemoptoe. Treatment. As in the preceding cafe. Small dofes of vitriolated iron calcined are effica- * clous in this, and alfo in a rupture of a vef- fel in the inteftines, and a confequent dif- charge of blood by flool. BILES, Treatment. They are to be ripened with proper poultices ; opened, digefted with ointment of yellow refin, &c. and healed with cerate of calamine, or the like. If fungous flefh ap- pear, deftroy it with red nitrated quickfilver, or other proper efcarotic. Alteratives and eduleorants, with corroborants, if neceffary, fhould be given internally. BOLE, French. Abforbent, aftringent; By to 3ij- Externally deficcative. BORAX. 28 BOR BUC BORAX, Emmenagogue, ftimulant, diuretic ; gr. v, or x. to 9ij. Externally to aphthae. BREASTS inflamed. Symptoms. A few days after delivery the bieafts fometimes feel uneafy, or painful, and fwell, the milk ftagnating. Treatment. Gentle purges and cooling diapho- retics. Apply the plafter of litharge, or of foaD, warm cloths, or the like, to the parts, ' and to the axilhe. If inflammation, foment, and poultice with bread and milk. If fuppu? ration, continue to poultice, and let it break of itfelf; after which, digeft with poultices or otherwife, and cicatrize. If fever appear during the inflammation, treat it as directed for fever (milk.) If the breafts be merely hard, fomentations, poultices, and oil rubbed over them, are belt. BROOKLIME, Antifeptic. BROOM, top and seed. Aperient, diuretic ; 5fs. to 5ifs. Extract of the top, 3fs. to 3j« BRUISES. See Covtufnns. BUBO. See Venereal D'feafe and Abfcefs. BUCKBEAN. Tonic, aperient; of the infufion a pint a day. BUCK- BUC CAN BUCKTHORN, berry. Cathartic ; frefh about xx. in number, dry 3j: of the juice §j. Syrup of. §j. to §iij. BURDOCK, root. Diuretic, fudorific ; 3j« BURNS. See Scalds, CACHEXY. See Dropfy. Treatment. Acetated kali, fquills or other diu- retics ; cathartics ; then chalybeates, bark, Sec. with proper exercife. CALAMINE. Aftringent. In collyriums for inflamed eyes. Cerate of. Epulotic. CALAMUS AROMATICUS. Aromatic ; gr. v. to 9j. CAMOMILE, flowers. Stomachic, tonic, antifeptic ; gr. v. to 3fs. Some recommend a cold infufion. Extract of. 9j. to 9ij. CAMPHOR. Diaphoretic, diuretic, antifpafmodic ; gr. iij. to 3fs. or more. Liniment of. Stimulant. In local pains, chiefly of the head. CANCER. Symptoms. A round unequal tumour, of a livid colour, furrounded with varicofe veffels, and c 2 feated 3° CAN feated in the glandular parts of the body. Some cancers are fixed, others moveable ; fome pale, others red and inflamed ; fome- times they remain harmlefs for years, at oth- ers they increafe haftily, ulcerate, difcharge a fetid fanious ichor, and foon prove mortal. Treatment. Bleeding ; in cafe of inflammation, cooling laxatives ; fait water, extract of hem- Jock, magnefia,foap,or the like, in fmall dofes as alteratives ; muriated barytes, the deadly nightfhade, and arfenic, have alfo been found ferviceable. Externally, apply lint only if the tumour break : ablution with cold water has been recommended, but water a little warmed would, perhaps,be preferable. Hem- lock fomentations have been found beneficial, as hath alfo the herb called clivers. Calm- nefs of mind and proper regimen muft be ob- ferved ; but extirpation with the knife, where it can be done, is, the only certain- remedy. For cancer in the womb, fee womb. CANELLA ALBA. Aromatic, ftimulant; By to 3ij. CANTHARIDES. Analeptic, diuretic ; gr. ^ to gr. ij. Tinc- ture of. The fame ; gt. x. to xx. Ce- rate of. for railing or keeping open blifters. OiiiT^EMT of. For perpetual blifters. CAR CAS 31 blifters. Plaster of. For railing blis- ters. CARAWAY, seed. Carminative ; 9fs. to 3fs. or in infufion. Es- sential oil of, gt. i. to iij. This is faid by fome to be alfo diuretic, Spirit of. 3j. to Siij, CARDAMOMS, LESSER. Carminative ; gr. iij. to 9fs. Tincture of. 3fs. to 3ij- Compound. Stomachic ; 3j* to 5fs. CARDIALGIA. See Heart-burn. CARMINATIVES. Anifeeds, caraway, leffer cardamoms, corian- der, fennel, juniper, rofemary, fpirits of ni- trous and vitriolic gsther, Aromatics. CARROT, WILD, seed. Stimulant, diuretic ; 9j. to 9ij. in infufion. CARUNCLES. See Urine. CARUS. Treatment as in the apoplexy, of which this is only a flighter degree. CASCARILLA, bark. Aromatic, tonic ; 9j. to 3j- Extract of. Bj. to 3fs- Tincture of. 5j- to 3ij- CASSIA FISTULARIS, fruit. Laxative ; 3ij. to §ij. of the pulp.' Electu- ary of. 3ij° to BIj- CAS- %% CAS CAT CASTOR, RUSSIAN, Nervous, antifpafmodic, emmenagogue ; gr, iv. to 9j. Tincture of. 3fs« to 3ij« CASTOR OIL. Laxative; %{s. to §j. alfo nephritic and icteric, CATALEPSY. Symptoms. Sudden lofs of fenfe and motion, the limbs retaining any pofture into which they are put. Treatment. Antifpafmodics, ftomachics, bark, and opiates. CATARRH. See Cold and Cough. CATECHU, the resin. Aftringent; 9fs. to 3fs. Tincture of. 3j, to 3iij. CATHARTICS. Stimulant. Elaterium,gamboge,fcammony,co« locynth, buckthorn, elder, aloes, jalap, frefh juice of oris root. Refrigeranti Vitriolated and tartarifed natron; vitriolated, tartarifed, and acetated kali; cryftals of tartar, common fait, purging mineral waters, flowers of ful- phur, caffia fiftularis, tamarinds, prunes. Af- tringent. Rhubarb, rattlefnake-root, damafk rofe, violet, fenna. Emollient. Caftor oil, oil of almonds, foap,manna, honey, fugar. Nar- cotir. Fox-glove, meadow-faffron, white and black hellebore, hedge-hyffop, tobacco. CAUS- CAU CHI 33 CAUSTICS. Pure kali, lime with pure kali, nitrated filver, muriated antimonv, mineral acids. CENTAURY', LESSER, tops. Tonic ; 9j. to 3j- CEPHALICS. Compound fpirit of ammonia, lavender, rofe- mary, nervous medicines. CERUSSE. Externally cooling, aftringent. Acetated. The fame. Ointment of. The fame. Compound powder of cerusse. The fame. Acet. Cer. has been given internally, from gr. fs. to gr. iij. CHALK. Abforbent, cardialgic; 9j. to 3j. Compound powder of. . The fame, alfo aftringent; E)j. to 3j«—with opium. 43{ gr. contain i of opium. Troches of. Chiefly for the heart-burn. CHICKEN-POX. See Pox. CHILBLAINS. If not broken, bathe them with camphorated fpirit, oil of turpentine, urine, brine, melted fait butter, or rub them with fnow. If they break, drefs them with warm digeftives, and afterwards with the cerate of calamine, CHILD- CHI CHO CHILD-BIRTH. If there be aprofufe difcharge of thelochia, give cooling medicines and acids. If the lochia be flopped,clyfters,laxatives, and antimonials in naufeating dofes; but be cautious of bleed- ing. If a puerperal, or milk fever, treat them as uuder thofe articles. After delivery, and the afterbirth, fpermaceti, with gentle opi- ates ; and, if neceffary, caftor, or other uterine remedy. Keep the body open, and let ftools be procured the fecond or third day after de* livery at fartheft. CHLOROSIS, See Menfes olflrucled, CHOLERA MORBUS. Symptoms. Violent vomiting and loofenefs,from bile abounding in the ftomach and bowels j (harp pains, gripings, and flatulency ; thirft, heat, anxiety, with quick and unequal pulfe ; cold fweats, and at length fyncope, and coldf nefs in the extremities. Chiefly attacks young perfons, and in the fummer and autumn. Treatment. Large and frequent draughts of chicken broth, without fait, to the quantity of a gallon or two ; and clyfters of the fame fhould be continually injected. If the vom- iting continue, give an infufion of oat bread, toafted brown, in water ; afterwards cinna- mon water, aromatic confection, columbo root, CIN CLO o5 root, compound powder of chalk, or the like, with opium. An emetic may be proper, as alfo ripe fruit, &c. See Colic, bilious. CINCHONA, THE BARK. Tonic, febrifuge, antifeptic, ftomachic ; 9j. to 3j. or more, feveral times a day. The red bark is the fpecies that ought to be preferred. Decoction of. jij. or upwards. Ex- tract of, and extract of with the resin. 9j. or more. Tincture of, and compound tincture of. 3j« to Bfs. or more. Ammoniated tincture of. 3fs- to 3j« or more. CINNABAR. Alterative, vermifuge; gr. iij. to 9j. CINNAMON. Aromatic,carminative,aftringent; 9fs. to 3fs. Tincture of. 3j« to 3ij- Compound. 3fs. to 3ifs. Spirit of. Cordial ; 3j- to 3iij. Water of. §j. to |ij. CINQUEFOIL, root. Tonic ; 3fs. to 3ij. cloves! Aromatic, ftimulant; gr. v. to 9j. CLOVE-JULY-FLOWER. Aromatic, tonic. COCKI- 36 COG COL COCHINEAL. Cordial, fudorific. Now chiefly ufed aS a colouring drug; CCELIAC PASSION; Symptoms*. A purging or difcharge of aliment indigefted, and fomewhat like chyle, with wafting of the body. Treatment. An emetic ; ftomachic, aftringent, and warm tonic remedies ; as bitters, extracl of logwood, chalk, opiate confection, opium, Sec. with proper diet. COLD and COUGH. Symptoms well known. In phlegmatic habits, the cough is moift ; and in tlie hypochondri- ac and fc'Orbutic, dry* Treatment. Gentle and regular warmth; bleed- ing, if nothing forbid ; and efpecially if a fe- ver, or pain in the breaft, &c. arife. Oily, or fpermaceti medicines, or other pectorals, with opiates. If coftive, proper laxatives ; and if the ftomach be loaded with phlegm, an emet- ic. Where greafy medicines difagree, give mu- cilages of linfeed,tragacanth,or quince feeds, fquills, lozenges of liquorice, Sec. Blifters are very efficacious, as are alfo gentle fudorif- ics repeatedly taken, with diluents and faline febrifuges, when the perfpiration is obftruct- ed, and fever appears. COLIC, COL 37 , COLIC, bilious. Symptoms. An acute pain, and obftruction in the inteftines ; accompanied with a vomiting of yellow or greenifh bile. A bitter tafte in the mouth, with great heat. The pain fometimes fixed about the region of the na^ vel, fometimes all over the abdomen, at other times fhifting from one part to another. A pulfation and cold are likewife felt in the bel- ly. Urine little or none. Frequently hoarfe- nefs, with thirft and fever. Moft prevalent in fummer.. Treatment. Bleed, and give an emetic, with a large quantity of infufion of camomile, or the like, to work it off ; then give cathartics (pills chiefly, or caftor oil) with opium, and opening emollient clyfters. If thefe fail, put the patient into the warm bath. If the vomit- ing continue, faline draught-:, with tincture of opium. In this cafe columbo root ha3 been particularly ufeful. Pills of gr. fs. or gr. j. of ciude opium are moft powerful in removing pa>n and fpafm, and enable the cathartics to take the better effect. COLIC, hysteric. Symptoms. This is a difeafe to which women of lax and grofs habits, and of irritable difpofi- tions, chiefly are fubject. It begins with vi- D dent 33 COL olent pain in the region of the ftcmach, much green and yellow matter isvomited,and great lownefs of fpirits fucceeds ; the pain goes of in a day or two, and frequently returns again in a-few weeks with equal violence. Some- times it is attended with jaundice, which in a few days goes off. Treatment. Avoid bleeding and purging, unlefs plethora or coftivenefs indicate ; clear the ftomach with warm wrater, camomile tea, &c. then give a carminative antifpafmodic, with opium, (as caftor, aromatic confection,opiate confection) which may beoccafionallyrepeat- ed. Recruit the ftrength with bark, bitters, air, exercife, chalybeates, &c. This diforder in men is called the Hypochondriac CJL; and fliould be treated in like manner. COLIC, inflammatory, or inflammation of the bowels. Symptoms. A vehement burning fixed pain is felt in the parts moft affected, with heat of the whole body, quick pulfe, lofs of ftrength, anxiety and reftlefsnefs. Treatment. Bleed largely, and repeat it if ne- ceffary, and the pulfe will bear it ; procure ftools with foft mild cathartics, as caftor oil, oily mixtures with manna, and tartarifed ka- li, or the like ; or if thefe will not ftay, with pills COL 39 pills of the comp. cxt. of colocynth and opi- um ; emollient clyfters fhould be frequently given, and foft emollient liquids drunk : the bowels fhould be fomented, bladders of wa- ter, bags of fait or oats heated, the fkins of animals juft killed applied to the part ; and the warm bath fhould be prefcribed, if theft- prove ineffectual. In cafe of violent vomit- ing, give the faline draughts in the act of ef- fervsfcence ; and the pain and fpafm, if vio- lent, may be abated with pills of crude opi- um ; blifters may be applied to the part af- fected. The fumes of tobacco may be thrown up the fundament, if all other cathartics fail; or give quickfilver. COLIC, NERVOUS, CALLED ALSO THE DEVONSHIRE COLIC, COLIC OF POICTIERS, DRY GRIPES, AND THE DRY BELLY-ACHE. Symptoms. It begins with a fenfe of weight or pain at the pit of the ftomach, attended with lofs of appetite, yellcwnefs in the counte- nance, a flight naufea,and coftivenefs; a vom- iting of acrid flime, and green bile, fucceeds ; the pain often defcends to the navel, fhooting thence to each fide, with great violence ; the inteftines feem drawn to the fpine, with con- vulfive fpafms ; the pain continues without remiffion for feveral hours together; pulfe as in 4° COL in health; no fever, but rather lownefs; when at length the pain abates, an odd tingling is felt along the fpine of the back, which ex- tending to the legs and arms, they become weak and paralytic. Treatment. Vomit feveraltimeswithwarm cam- omile tea, then give opium in pills or other- wife, as alfo by clyfter ; the pain and tenfion being removed by thefe, give gentle cathar- tics, fuch as caftor oil, infuf. of fen. with falts, and the like : laxative clyfters may alfo be prefcribed; bleed, if the pulfe be high; ftools being procured, an anodyne, carminative, and antifpafmodic may be given, as camphor, va- lerian, caftor, aromatic confection, or the like, with opium, if the pain return, have recourfe 3gain to opium pills ; if paralytic fymptoms come on, embrocate the limbs and fpine with lin. of ammonia, camphor, fpirit, or other warm liniment. If co'nvulfions, give mufk with opium. After the diforder, bark, with bitters'and rhubarb, fhould be ordered ; to- gether with a light, but nutritive diet. Flan- nel may alfo be worn round the waift. Painters and glaziers, who are fubject to this diforder on account of the lead ufed in their work, rely on burnt gin, which I have feen them take with furpvifing fuccefs. A dofe or two of alum, of Dj. each, have been found to be a powerful remedy. COLICs COL 4* COLIC, STONE, OR NEPHRITIS. Symptoms. The colic which fometimes arifeth from the ftone, may be known from the other kinds by the following figns : there is a fix- ed pain in the kidney, which is propagated to the genitals ; ftools afford prefent relief in other colics, but not in this ; after eating, the pain is increafed in others, but leffened in this ; in others, the urine is thicker in the be- ginning than afterwards, but in this, it is at firft clear and thin, and afterwards lets fall gravel, or other fediment. Treatment. Turpentine clyfters are given with good effect ; foap with opium, or other ne- phritic anodyne ; care alfo being taken to keep the body open. But for more on this head, fee the article STONE. COLIC WIND. Symptoms. A wandering pain in the bowels, with rumblings, which abate on the expul- fion of air; the pain is not increafed by preffure ; thirft not extraordinary ; and the pulfe but little difturbed. Treatment. Bleed, if the patient can bear it ; ftools muft be procured by faline or other ca- thartics, and emollient clyfters ; previous to which, an emetic may alfo be given, if judged neceffary ; fomentations, or bladders of hot water, may be applied to the beily ; as may D 2 likewife COL CON likewife anodyne, fpirituous, and aromatic embrocations, as the foap liniment with opi- um and oil of mint, or the like. A paffage being procured, carminatives joined with opium may be adminiftered. COLICA meconialis. See Meconium. COLOCYNTH, pith of the fruit. Cathartic ; gr. viij. to xij. Compound ex- tract cf. Gr. xv. to 9ij. COLTSFOOT. Obtunding, tonic. COLUMBO, root. Tonic, ftomachic, antifeptic, antiemetic ; 3fs. to 3ij- Tincture of. gfs. to 3y. COMA. See Carus. CONFECTION, AROMATIC. Cordial, carminative ; 9fs. to 3j. CONFCTION, OPIATE. Alexipharmic, anodyne ; Bis. to E)ij. CONSUMPTION, nervous. See Atrophy, CONSUMPTION, PULMONARY, OR PHTHISIS. Symptoms. Habitual fever; waftingof all parts of the body • dry cough ; quick fmall pulfe; moderate heat ; laffitud- : faintnefs ; night i'.veats ; flying pains and Hitches'; uueai'mefs about CON 43 about the diaphragm and breafts; the expec- torated matter purulent; fometimes bloody and offenfive, with white round lumps. If the fymptoms be violent, a fpitting of blood foon follows, which is thin, florid and frothy ; but it afterwards becomes paler, and the dif- charge changes at length into pus. Towards the end of the difeafe a diarrhoea frequently comes on, and the legs are apt to fwell. CT- cers, or tubercles in the lungs, are the caufe. In general the complexion is florid, and the teeth f-und, and of a milky whitenefs more or lefs opaque. Treatmert. At the beginning, whilft fymptoms of inflammation occur, bleed in fmall quanti- ty, and repeat it if neceffary, giving nitre, and purfuing the antiphlogiftic regimen. Ipeca- cuanha in fmall dofes, or decoction of feneka root, is fometimes ufeful. Iffues or fetons are frequently ferviceable, or a perpetual blifyer at the pit of the ftomach. But the antiphlo- giftic plan muft be purfued no longer than the inflammatory ftage continues. After that has fubfided regard muft be had to ftrength- ening the fyftem by the bark, chalybeates, &c. Opiates may be adminiftered at night, if ne- ceffary, to appeafe the cough, and procure reft. Myrrh given to 3'ij- or 3iy- a day, with cam- phor and nitre, has been found an efficacious remedy 44 CON remedy by fome: others have recommended buryingthe patient up to the chin in frefh dug earth for fome time. For fweats give the vitriolic acid; or let a calico waiftcoat, fteep- ed in a ftrong decoction of bark, well dried, and renewed daily, be worn next the fkin, Change of air, and gentle exercife are good: the body fliould be guarded againft cold ; and the diet be light, mild, and nutritive ; as jellies, broths, milk, butter-milk, Sec. Dr. Simmons's excellent treatife on this fubjecl may be confulted. "' CONTRAYERVA, root. Tonic, ftimulant, diaphoretic ; gr. v. to B}. or more. Compound powder of. Siidp- rific ; 9j. to 5j« CONTUSIONS. Treatment. Bathe the part with vinegar, lin. of foap, or of ammonia, water of acetated am- monia, or arquebufade ; and, if neceffary, apply a poultice of oatmeal and vinegar. If there be inflammation, bleed, and purge, ufe emollient fomentations and cataplafms. If fuppuration appear, apply proper topical re- medies to forward it, and treat as in abfceffes. CONVULSIONS. Symptoms. Involuntary contractions or fpafms pf die mufcles,and confequent motions of the parts COP COR parts which theyferve/ Children, and women of delicate conftitutions, are moft fubject to this complaint. Treatment. If a plethora be indicated, bleed ; if otherwife, avoid it; blifters, laxatives, and emollient clyfters, if nothing forbid ; the ner- vous and antifpafmodic medicines, as afafceti- ds, caftor, camphor, mufk, volatile falts, ani- mal oil, with opium, if neceffary. If the bow- els be convulfed, opium may be added to the clyfters alfo. The parts may be rubbed ex- ternally with fome warm anodyne embroca- tion : free air fhould be allowed to the patient. In children, this complaint often proceeds from an acid in the prima? vice ; magnefia is then proper. Worm's may alfo occafion it; anthel- mintics are in this cafe to be given. Blifters, and anodynes, ufed with caution, are good. Valerian, in very large dofes, both in powder and decoction, has cured violent convulfions, of a long ftanding. A fpafm of the oefbpha- gus, preventing deglutition, has been cured by cataplafms of hemlock and henbane. COPPER, AMMONIATED, WATER OF. Externally deterfive. CORAL, RED. Abforbent; B}. to. 3j. CORE 46 COR COU CORIANDER, seed. Aromatic, ftimulant; B]. to 3j> CORNS. Cover them with litharge or other plafter, af- ter bathing them in warm water, and paring them as much as convenient away. Large eafy flioes fhould be worn, and a little cotton may be laid over them, to prevent their being rubbed or preffed. ' CORROBORANTS. Incraffants, and Tonics. COUGH, HOOPING. Symptoms. It affects children; who by reafon that the phlegm is difficult of expectoration, ftrain violently to bring it up; with a whoop- ing noife, till they are almoft fuffocated and convulfed. Treatment, If inflammatory fymptoms, or fever appear, bleed ; give fmall dofes of ipecac, or tartarifed antimony, to bring up the phlegm. Keep the body rather lax ; and prefcribe an- tifpafmodics: gentle fedatives of fyr. of white poppy are efficacious ; blifters, gentle fudo- rifics, and a fpare, thin, but nourifhing diet. Bark may be given, with caftor, to fupport the patient's ftrength. But change of air, frequently repeated, fometimes does wonders in thefe cafes. COW, COW CUT 47 COW-ITCH. Anthelmintic. The hairs covering the pods are given in fyrup or molaffes ; thofe of one pod a dofe. CRAB, THE CLAWS. Abforbent; B). to 3j« Compound powder cf. Thi; fame. CUBEBS. Aromatic, ftimulant; gr. v. to B}. CUCKOW-PINT. See Arum. CUCUMBER, WILD, fresh fruit. Strongly purgative, ftimulant; gr. fs. to ij. or iij. of the dried fecule of the juice. CUMMIN, seed. Stimulant, antifeptic ; By to 3j- Poultice of. The fame. Plaster of. Difcutient. CURRANT, BLACK and RED, the FRUIT. Cooling, antifeptic. Inspissated juice of the black. In recent catarrhs, attended with flight fore throat. CUTANEOUS DISEASES. See the articles Itch, Scurvy and Tetters. CUTS. Apply compound tincture of benjamin, after- wards drefs with fome mild digeftive, and then 48 DAN DEA then cicatrize. If an artery be wounded, it muft be taken up, or the fponge tent applied. See Wounds. DANCE, St. Vitus's: Symptoms. Convulfions of the legs, arms, and head ; inarticulate fpeech, and lolling out of the tongue ; drawing one leg after, like an ideot; with variety of odd and ridiculous ge[- tures. Chiefly affects' the youthful. Treatment. Emetics, cathartics, valerian roc to Sj. cr more. Ointment of. Cooling, emollient. ELECAMPANE, root. Aromatic, ftimulant ; 3j- to 3ij- ELECTRICITY Has been found beneficial in rheumatifm, gout, deafnefs, tooth-ache, fwellings nctfup- purated, inflammations, gutta ferena, fiftula lachrymalis, palfy, ulcers, cutaneous erup- tions, nervous head-ache, ague, fuppreffion of the menfes, St. Vitus's dance, and con- tractions of the mufcles. It fhould be appli- ed by directing»a ftream of the fluid to the part. Shocks in general fhould be avoided, or be at moft very flight. ELEMI, gum. Stimulant. In ointments. Compound oint- ment of. Digeftive. TTT VT ^-.JLJi'l, S6 ELM EMS ELM, INNER BARK. Tonic, aperient. Decoction of. ftfs. to Itj, EMETICS. Irritating. Blue vitriol, vitriolated and calcinT ed zinc, vitriolated quickfilver, titillation of the fauces. Heating. Muftard, horfe-radifh, bleffed thiftle, camomile. Naufeating. An- timonials, fquill, ipecacuanha, elder bark, warm water. Narcotic. Tobapco, fox-glove, white hellebore. EMMENAGOGUES. Iron, mercurials, antimonials, black hellebore, favine, madder, horehound, pills of gum, aloes, myrrh, cantharides, borax, rectified oil of amber, effential oil of juniper, garlic, horfe- radifh, electricity, compreffion of the femoral arteries. EMOLLIENTS. Fxpreffed oils, lard, fpermaceti, mucilages, mallow, marfh-mallow, coltsfoot, fenugreek, figs, raifins, liquorice, fv.eet almonds, barley, warm vapour, the warm bath. EMPYEMA. Symptoms. An enlargement of the cayity of the thorax, and cedematous fulnefs of the fkin and flefh of one fide thereof; dry cough, and difficult breathing. It arifeth from matter formed, and lying loofe in the thorax. Treatment, EPI 57 Treatment, may be much like that prefcribed in the Vomica. Medicines which promote ab- forption, and blifters, may alfo be ufeful. But letting out the matter, where it can con- veniently be done, is the belt cure. EPILEPSY. Symptoms. Languid pulfe, pale countenance,and afterwards great pain irt the head, with ftupor and drowfinefs, fometimes precede the fit; though it often comes on without thefe pre- vious fymptoms. The patient falls down fud- denly, gnafhes the teeth, froths at the mouth, ufes manydifagreeable gefticulations and dis- tortions, and fometimes difcharges inyolun* tarily by ftool and urine. Treatment. If the veffels be full, bleed ; emet- ics and laxatives are proper ; warm, nervous, antifpafmodic, and attenuating remedies, as caftor, valerian, afafoetida, cinnabar, animal oil, fait of hartfhorn, &c. fliould be directed. Blifters kept open, and fetons, are very, fer- viceable; flowers of zinc have fucceeded well, a grain or two at a dofe once pr twice a day. To reftore the ftrength and prevent returns, the bark, or other corroborant, and the cold bath, with proper diet, air, and exercife. EPISPASTICS. ' Rubefacient. Burgundy pitch, muftard, nettle, horfe-radifh, volatile alkalis, liniment of am- monia, $8 ERR ESC mania, liniment of comphor, oil of foffil tar, effential oil of lavender, fef eating. Cantha- i ides, frefti inner bark of mezereon or fpurge- laurel. Suppurative. Iffues, fetons, perpetual blifters. ERRHINES. Sternutatory. White and black hellebore, ipe* cacuanha. Evacuant. Vitriolated quickfil- ver, afarabacca, tobacco, Syrian herb-maftic, marjoram. ERYNGO, root. Stimulant, diuretic. ERYSIPELAS. Symptoms. The ufual precurfory fymptoms of a fever ; the face, or other part's affected, in- flamed, with fcurf, pimples, and blifters, heat, rednefs, itching, and fmarting ; drowfinefs and difficulty of breathing commonly attend. Treatment. If fymptoms indicate, bleed, and give proper lenitives, and cooling diaphoretic febrifuges. Blifters, and cordial fudorifics, as camphor, contrayerva, Sec. if low pulfe and malignancy require. In die prefent pradtice the bark is chiefly relied on. The parts may be bathed with foftening fomentations,miik,&c. ESCHAROTICS. Blue vitriol, red nitrated quickfilver, burnt alum, verdegris, Cauflics. EXPEC EXP EYE SV EXPECTORANTS. Stimulant. Ammoniacum, afafoetida, guaia* cum, elecampane, oris. Naufeating. Squill, garlic, tobacco, tar. Antifpafmodic. Warm bathing, aqueous vapour, vapour of fpirit of vitriolic jether, blifters. Irritating. Acid va- pours, tobacco fmoke. EYES inflamed, or ophthalmia. Inflammation of the outward coats of the eye, attended with pricking pain, heat, puliation, rednefs, fwelling, and fcalding tears. Treatment. Bleed, purge, apply leeches to the temples, and blilter the back or behind the ears ; cooling febrifuges may alfo be given ; direct collyriums, with vitriolated zinc, ace- tated ceruffe, cr alum; or, if aflringents difa-" gree, warm milk, decoction of mallow leaves in milk or water, or other emollient fomenta- tion; or poultice of milk and bread, and bathe the feet in warm water. If it arife from mere weaknefs of the veffels aftringent collyriums, or alum curd; and bark, or other tonics, may be given internally. If Nervous, join vale- rian, caftor, or the like, with the bark. If Scorbutic, or other humours attend, perpetual blifters or fetons, with mercurial, or other proper alteratives. If Tubercles in the eye be the cauftS anoint them with ointment of quickfilver, and give fmall dofes of calomel till they difperfc. For 6o FAL FEV For watery eyes, gentle cathartics and altera- tives, and wafh them with brandy and water. For fpecks in the eye, blow lap. cal. fugar, of. fiEpiae, tutty, white vitriol with fugar, or the like, through a fmall tube into the eye ; or drop in folutions of vitriolated zinc, acetated ceruffe, Sec. FALLING SICKNESS. See Epikpfy. FEBRIFUGES. Bark, arfenic, tartarifed antimony, wine of an- timony, antimonial powder, water of aceta- ted ammonia, nitre, fal ammoniac, fpirits of ! nitrous and vitriolic tether. FENNEL, SWEET, seed. _ Carminative, diuretic ; By to 9ij. or in infu- fion. Water of. The fame. FENUGREEK, seed. Obtunding, emollient; chiefly in cataplafmir,' fomentations, and clyfters. FERN, root. Anthelmintic ; 3j- to §fs. fafting. FEVER, APHTHOSE, OR THE THRUSH FEVER IN ADULTS. Symptoms. Fever, with ulcerations or aphthae; diftinguifhable from the putrid fore throat by the whitenefs of the floughs, by the edges , not being red, and by there being no fhining fednefs over the fauces. Treatment. FEV 61 Treatment. Febrifuges, bark, and antifeptics ;■ blifters if neceffary. Proper laxatives, and detergent gargles. Borax, alum, or vitriolic acid, when mixed in fmall quantity with hon- ey, are good to touch the aphtha; with. See alfo Thrufh. FEVER, erysipelatous. See Eryfpelas. FEVER, inflammatory. Symptoms. Slight fhivering, followed by heat, and quick pulfe ; naufea, anxiety, reftlefsnefs, white and dry tongue, thirft, and fometimes pain in the head and back. Treatment. If there be fullnefs of- the veffels, bleed ; give proper laxatives, and if the ftom- ach be foul, an emetic; laline febrifuges, with fmall dofes of wine of antim. or tartarifed an- timony, and if diaphorefis be wanted, add con- trayerva. If delirious, blifter, and give camph. mixture. If colliquative fweats, the decoct. of bark, with or without vitriolic acid. If fpafm and catching cf the tendons, with low pulfe, blifter the arms and legs, and apply ftimulating plafters to the feet, firft bathing them with warm water. If hiccups, give mufk. While the pulfe i ;!iigh,and inflammatory fymp- toms continue, the antiphlogiftic treatment, coolingfebrifuges, acids, and gentle aperients, are proper. But care muft be taken not to F bring ')2 FEV bring the patient too low, elfe he will want ftrength to carry him through the difeafe. Gentle opiates may be ordered at night occa- sionally hi c.\fe of reffkfsnefs. It the pulfe : .fink, he fhould be fupported with proper cor- dials. Coftivenefs fliould be avoided, and even a purging fhould be checked with cau- tion, being generally either critical, or at leaft falutary. The prefent and paft fymptoms' compared, will belt direct the treatment in fevers. Diluting acidulated liquids areprop- t'v; the food may be panada, gruels, pud- dings, and thicken broth, with bread, but no flefb. I'\d or liquids particularly longed for ihould be given. Care fhould be taken to avoid too great heat, and impure air. FEVER, intermittent. See Ague. FEVER, MILIARY. Symptoms. Shivering, heat, lownefs of fpirits, opprefiion about the picecordia, fighing. On the third or fourth day the eruption (preceded by a profufe fweat of a peculiar frowy fourifh fmell, with tingling or prickling fcnfaticn) appears, chiefly on the neck, breaft and back. It cnnfiits of little bladders rurembling millet- feeds, (from which the fever is denominated) eh her white or red, according to the colour of the liquid tliey contain, and fometimes both foits. FE V o * forts. The eruption being out, the fymptoms ufually abate ; the urine, which before w:K pale, becomes higher coloured. The erup- tions commonly dry in about fevea days, and the fkin peels off. Treatment Bleed, if neceffary, (but this fhould be done with great caution) and give faline febrifuges, accompanied with laxatives and diaphoretics, as the fymptoms may require. If bilious matter be fufpected in the ftomach, an emetic will be proper. If delirium appear, bliftcr; if low nervous fymptoms; give proper cordials; if putrid ones and petich?e, tire bark; if aphths, gargles with tindt. of myrrh, honey of rofes, or the like. Acidulated li- quids, fruit, &c. fhould be given in this difeafe, the air kept pure, and the room not too hot. FEVEPv, MILK. Symptoms. It arifeth about the third or fourth dayafterdeliyery,withfwelling of the breafts, and pain fhooting towards the axillae ; the breafts fometimes are hard, hot, and infla- med; it generally continues a day or two, then terminates in copious fweats and difcharge of urine. Treatment. Bleed, if the inflammation be great; keep the body open, and let the breafts be fre- quently drawn. In cafe of hardnefs or inflam- mation, emollient fomentations and po ai rice's. FEVER, 64 FEV FEVER, mixed. A fever wherein the fymptoms of inflammatory, nervous,' putrid, and other fevers, are more or lefs blended together ; and muft therefore be treated according to their appearances. FEVER, PUERPERAL. Symptoms. It begins in two or three days after delivery, with the ufual febrile fymptoms. The pulfe is fmall, contracted, and feldom fo flow as 130 in a minute ; breafts flaccid, with proftration of ftrength, pain in the abdomen with exquifite tendernefs of fome part of it, flufhed facee, fhort breath, and commonly a pain in the fore part of the head. Treatment. In cafeof coftivenefs,emollient clyf- ters ; and, if neceffary, gentle cathartics; then mild diaphoretics, asf line draughts with wine ofantim. andproperdiluents. Ifputridfymp- toms appear, the bark. Emetics (ipecacu- anha gr. vj, or viij.) exhibited early, and re- peated twice a day, as long as neceflary, have been attended with remarkable fuccefs in the Hotel Dieu at Paris. FEVER, PUTRID or malignant. Symptoms. A giddinefs precedes the attack ; then burning heat, fudden lofs of ftrength, heavinefs, lownefs of fpirits, watching, pulfe weak, low, and unequahpains in various parts of FEV 63 of the body, anxiety, oppreffion at the proe- cordia, naufea, vomiting, noife in the ears, delirium, coma, catching of the tendons, and thin crude urine. The tongue is generally black and dry, though fometimes it continues clean throughout the difeafe. Petechiae often appear on the fourth, fifth, and feventh days. Treatment. Avoid bleeding ; give fmall doles of tartarifed antimony, with the cam ph. mix- ture, and if neceffary, rhubarb, or other gen- tle laxative,fhould be occafionally intcrpofed. An emetic in the beginning is often efficacious. ' Antifeptics, the bark, and cordials, of which wine given freely is the beft, are proper ; as are alfo blifters. Opiates fhould be freely adminiftered, and purgings, unlefs critical, fhould be checked. Milliard poultices to the feet are proper in cafe of ftupor ; antifpafmo- dics and the mufk mixture in cafe of convul- five fymptoms,or hiccups. The.liquidsdrunrk fhould be acidulated ; fruit may be allowed ; the air in the room fhould be kept as pure as poffible, and not too warm ; vinegar fhould be fprinkled on the floor. Picking the bed- clothes in this difeafe is a bad fymptom. FEVER, remittent- (Simple.) Symptoms. Thfr«£*tte:i-- fever differs from the continu?:ii.nd intermittent, in that after a cer- tain number of hours it reifciLs, or abates, but F 2 does. 66 FEV does not go off. It is alfo called the autum- nal remitting Fever, the bilious Fever, the marfh Fever, and the camp Fever. It ufually comes on fuddenly, with debility, lownefs of fpirits, chillinefs,and other febrile fymptoms; the hands tremble ; countenance pale or yel- lowiih; fkin dry,breathing difficult,and pulfe fmall and quick; greatnaufea fucceeds. Vom-: iting of bile, and fometimes difcharge of it by ftool; the tongue becomes foul, delirium en- fues, with moifture on the face, and at length on the other parts, when the rcnuffion follows. As the diforder increafes the remiffions are lefs, and at length fcarcely perceptible ; the mouth, teeth, and lips, covered with a black cruft ; tongue very dry and ftiff, fo that the patient's voice can hardly be heard. Treatment. An emetic is fometimes proper; the body fliould be opened if neceffary ; then piefcribe the bark with wine copioufly. FEVER, scarlet. (Simple.) Symptoms. The ufual precurfory fymptoms of a lever, viz. Shivering, heat, &c. then anef- florefcence of a fcariet colour appears all over the fkin, but does not rife above the fur- face ; with heat, di-;T»^v/-vH itching. In three or four days.", difappears. and the cu- ticle come*. oi£ia branny fcales. Treu'reitht. FEV 67 Treatment. Cooling faline febrifuges, with gen- tle laxatives and diaphoretics, if neceffary. FEVER, scarlet. (Malignant.) Symptoms. Chillinefs, languor, ficknefs, oppref- fion, fucceeded by heat, naufea, vomiting, fore throat, quick pulfe, and difficult breath- ing ; the tonlils inflamed and ulcerated. On the third day the efflorefcence appears. Treatment. As in malignant angina. FEVER, SLOW OR NERVOUS. Symptoms. Shiverings, laffitude, wearinefs, de- bility, fighing, pale defponding looks, great anxiety, depreffion of fpirits, pain and giddi- nefs of the head, white tongue (fometimes red ) with a yellow or brownifh lift running along the middle of it, but no thurft ; naufea, diffi- culty of breathing, pulfe weak, quick, and un- equal ; urine limpid and pale; pain and cold- nefs in the back part of the head ; drowfinefs. Thefe fymptoms are at firft fo flight as to be fcarcely noticed,but increafe gradually; they are all worfe.towards night; if a delirium, not violent, but a muttering to themfelves ; fometimes miliary eruptions and fweats ap- pear, but feldom afford relief. Treatment. Gentle cordial diaphoretics, with wine ; previous to which, an emetic, if noth- ing forbid. Coftivenefs fhould be removed by gentle 68 FEV FLU gentle laxatives; bleeding fliould be refrained from, unlefs urgent fymptoms indicate; blif- ters ; if an intermiffion appear, the bark ; if convulfions, mufk with caftor or other anti. fpafmodics, and opium ; if apfithse, gargles, with tinit. of myrrh, honey, decoct, of bark, alum, or the like ; and in cafe of much phlegm, oxymel of fquills or ipecac, to bring it up. Care fliould be taken after the fever, to reftore the patient by proper nutritious di«. et, chalybeate waters, bark, Sec. FEVER, worm. See Worms. FIG, THE FRUIT. Aperient, obtunding. FLOODING. See Menfes and Abortion, FLUOR ALBUS. Symptoms. A flux of thin matter from the va- gina, of a tranfparent or white colour, fome- times tinctured with yellow or green ; fome- times it is fharp and corroding, with a fetid fmell, efpecially when of long continuance. Treatment. An emetic will generally be proper at firft ; then give olibanurn, balf. of capivi, amber, bark, Or the like. In phlegmatic con- ftitutions chalybeates, alum, or vitriolated zinc ; the extract of hemlock is often of great u'e; ftrengthoning plafters may be applied to the back and loins, aflringent injections ufed, and FLU FRA 69 and a light, but ftrengthening and nutritive- diet, with little exercife. Crabs' eyes, given to sTs. in a day have been very fuccefsful, particularly where the difcharge was acri- monious. FLUX, bloody. See Dyfentery. FOX-GLOVE. Diuretic ; gr. i. to iij. Alfo in infufion, 3u* to ftj. of water ; 31s. to Sifs. It fhould be given twice a day, and defifted from as foon as the urine begins to flow, the pulfe becomes flow, or naufea commences, which ufually happens when 3fs« of the powder, or ftfs. of the infufion has been taken. In large dofes it proves ftrongly emetic and purgative, and ex- hibits deleterious effects. Its diuretic prop- erties are. lefs certain if given in naufeating dofes. The leaf fhould be gathered about the time that the bloffoms are coming forth, and the leaf-ftalk and mid-rib fhould be rejected. FRACTURES. Treatment. Replace the ends or pieces of the bone fo as to be in their natural fituation ; and keep them in that pofture by proper compreffes, fplints, bandages, Sec. but not too tight ; and vinegar may be poured on them. If there be great inflammation or tumour, bleed, and ufe other proper methods to. re- mpve them before you attempt reduction. If there FRA FUR there be loofe fragments or fplinters which hinder the extenfion and reduction, or caufe irritation remove them by proper incifions, or otherwife. The limb, or part, muft be kept ftill; proper diet muft be ordered ; the calks will be formed in a month or two, according to the bone injured, &c. the joint fhould be cautioufly moved at times to prevent ftiffhefs; the medical treatment fhould be regulated according to the fymptonls that arife. If the fracture be of a defperate kind, amputation is neceffary; but it fliould be deferred, if pof- fible, till the firft inflammation has fubfided. FRANKINCENSE. Stimulant, tonic. Plaster of. The fame, FUROR UTERINUS. Symptoms. Melancholy, taciturnity, rednefs of the face, lafcivious looks, irregular hyfteric fymptoms, as crying, laughing, Sec. and at length, an immoderate defire of coition, ac- companied with libidinous fpeeches and gef- tures. It is peculiar to the female fex, and proceeds from an abundance of acrimony of the fluids fecreted in the pudenda. Treatment. Bleeding, and cooling purges; ni- tre ; or refrigerant, diuretic, and diluting li- quids ; anodynes and thin diet. Tartarifed antimony in fmall dofes, with camphor, and ~; extract GAL GAN ii extract of henbane, has been employed with fuccefs. GALBANUM. Nervous, antifpafmodic ; gr. v. to B). alfo ex- ternally in plafters. Compound pill of; Nervous,emmenagogue ; E)fs. to3fs« Tinc- ture of. 3j- to 3ij. GALLS. Tonic, aftringent; gr. ij. to vj. or more. Alfo outwardly in liniments for the piles, &c. GAMBOGE. Emetic, cathartic ; gr. ij. to viij. it has been given to By GANGRENE. Symptoms. In fome cafes, when a part is vio- lently inflamed, the inflammation and pain fuddenly difappear ; the integuments turn pale, blue,livid,or blackifh; the fkin becomes flaccid and pitting, with bladders filled with yellow or reddifh ichor; and this is termed Gangrene. Treatment. Scarify the parts, and foment them with the decoction for fomentation and cam- phorated fpirit; apply poultices of oatmeal and beer; and give cordial medicines, with plenty of bark. In gangrene of the toes, par- ticularly in old people, opium has been found peculiarly ferviceable. GAR- GAR GON GARLICK. Expectorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, fudorif- ic, a chive or two at a dofe, or in infufion. GENTIAN, root. Tonic, ftomachic ; 3fs. to 3j. Compound in- fusion of. §ifs. to |iij. Compound tinc- ture of. 3j« to 3"j. Extract of. 9j. to Biy GINGER, root. Cordial, aromatic, carminative ; gr. v. alfo in infufion. Tincture of. Gt. x. to lx. GINSENG, root. Tonic, obtunding, antifpafmodic; 3j« or more, in decoctiQn. GLEET. See Venereal Difeafe ; but if it do not proceed from that caufe, the fame treatment will be proper, viz. corroborants, as bark, olibanum, alum, vitriolic acid, balf. of capivi, &c. and if neceffary, aftringent injections and the cold bath. GONORRHOEA, simple. See Gleet. GONORRHOEA, spurious. Symptoms. A purulent difcharge from minute exulcerations round the corona glandis, pro- duced by the febaceous fluid fecreted by the glandulae odoriferae becoming acrimonious. It has been miftaken for virulent gonorrhoea. Treatment. GON GOU 73 Treatment. Nothing is neceffary but keeping the part clean by wafhing it with warm milk and water, or warm water alone. GONORRHCEA, virulent. See Venereal Difeafe. GOUT. Symptoms. An acute pain in the joints, partic- ularly of the feet. It is called regular when it is feated in the extremities, returns at ftated periods, and gradually declines. Irregular, when the fits areuncertainandfrequent,when the fymptoms vary, and when the difeafe at- tacks the ftomach, head, or other internal parts. It chiefly affects the membranes, ten- dons, and ligaments : the pain is like that cf a diflocated bone, with a fenfation as if warm water were poured on the part, fucceeded by chillinefs and flight fever : a breathing fweat comes on at the end of the fit, and the part fwells ; the fit returns at intervals till the gouty matter is fpent; the longer the inter- vals, the more fevere the fit: but the fymp- toms are too well known, to need further enumeration in a work of this nature. Treatment. Cordials are beft during the fit ; the body fhould not be coftive ; opiates may be occafionally given ; the part fhould be wrapt in flannel, and relaxing or other topical G applications, 74 GRA HiEM applications, as the cafe may require ; a tem- perate diet, exercife, friction, and the Bath waters ; fome have ventured to blifter the part with fuccefs. GRAVEL. See Stone* GUAIACUM, gum, wood, and bark. Sudorific, alterative, antirheumatic, antivene* real. Gum in powder,B'y to 3j. Wood-zt\&Barl in decuction. Tincture of. 3j to 3i'j« GUTTA SERENA. .Sy 'r.ptoms. A blindnefs, though the eyes feem perfectly unaffected, the caufe being in the retina, or optic nerve. Treat,nent. Blifters to the head, back, or be. hind the ears ; bleeding, if nothing forbid ; valerian, caftor, afafcetida, cinnabar, bark, volatile falts, millepedes, rofemary, or other nervous and attendant remedies. Calomel, or chalybeates, if obftruction be the caufe; emetics and cathartics difcretionally ; fter- nutatories fhould alfo be ufed. Electricity has fometimes fucceeded. HEMORRHAGE, external. Apply compound tincture of benjamin, cob- web, dry lint, flour, agaric, alum, or the vi- triolic ftyptics; if an artery be injured, take it up, or apply the fponge tent. HiEMOR- H.EM HE A 75 HAEMORRHAGE, internal. See Bleed. HEMORRHOIDS. See Piles. HARTSHORN, BURNT. Aftringent, abforbent; E>j.to 3j- Decoction of. As common drink. Oil of. Thi.,, when rectified, is called animal oil, which fee. Salt of. As preparedAmmonia. Shavings. In jelly, corroborant, nutritive. Volatile liquor of. As Water of Ammonia. HEAD.ACHE. Treatment. If occafioned by plethora, ufe the pediluvium, bleed or cup, and purge : if by •vifcid blood, give attenuants alfo : if by afoul Jlomach, an emetic : if by coflivenefs, purges : if it be nervous, caftor, valerian, bark, com- pound tinct. of lavender, comp. fpirit of am- monia, afafoetida, or electricity, blifter the back, and bathe the temples, forehead, &c. with aether, or water of ammon. with a little roch alum in it; if a weak ftomach, give bit- ters or other ftomachics. Head-aches may arife from various other caufes, which, when known, will indicate proper remedies. In periodical head-aches arfenic has been found very efficacious. HEART-BURN. The common heart-burn, proceeding from a- eidity irritating the upper orifice of the ftom- ach, 7 6 HEL HEM ach, is removed for the time by magnefia, chalk, lozenges of chalk, and alkalis fixed or volatile ; but to cure it ftomachics muft be given. Heart-burn may be occafioned by corroding humours of other kinds, and will not there- fore be eafed by alkalis. Emetics,with plenty of camomile tea or other liquid, to cleanfe the ftomach, are here proper; cathartics may alfo be ufeful, and thefe may be followed by fto- machics : hut water with gum arabic diffolv- vd in it will give occafional relief. Worms will alfo fometimes occafion this complaint} vermifuges are then proper. HELLEBORE, BLACK, root. . Deobftruent, attenuant,alterative; gr.v.to BCt. From gr. xv. to 3fs- ftrongly purgative. Ex- tract of. Bfs. to B]. Tincture of. 3j. ---------WHITE, root. Violently emetic and cathartic, gr. v. to 9fs. alfo fternutatory. Decoction of. External- ly in cutaneous difeafes. Ointment of. The fame.. HEMICRANIA. See Head-ache, HEMIPLEGIA. See Palfy, HEMLOCK. In fomentations difcutient and refolvent. In- spissated juice of. Alterative, diuretic, fedative J HEP HIC 77 fedative; in large dofes narcotic ; gr. ij. may be increafed gradually to 3hj- or 1V- a day. HEPATITIS. See Liver. HERB-MASTIC, SYRIAN. Stimulant, fternutatory, HERNIA, OR RUPTURE. Treatment. Return the inteftine, if practicable, and confine it with a proper trufs. Cofth'"- nefs muft be avoided, as muft likewife vio- lent exercife, drunkennefs, &c. If it be ftrangulated, cold applications to the part, as powdered ice, Sec. are advifeabl'--. Clyfters of tobacco fmoke have facilitated the reduction; fo has keeping the patient in a warm bath till fainting came on. If nothing fucceed, the operation muft be performed. Be cautious of bleeding, though apparent fymptoms of inflammation with a full pulfe feem to require .it: thefe will foon go off when the inteftine is reduced. HERNIA hu mural is. SeeTjlicles. HICCOUGH, or hiccup. The common hiccup is ufually removed by drinking a draught of any weak liquid, by holding the breath, and fometimes by fwal- lowing dry bread. For the hiccup or fingultus, which comes on in c 2 .the 7 8 HIP' HYD the laft ftages of fever, Sec. give the mulk mixture, or mufk in fubftance, in large dofes; volatile fait, caftor, or the like ; to which, opium may be difcretionally added. When a primai y difeafe, fternutatories and emetics have been ufeful: fo has the plafter of la- danum applied to the pit of the ftomach. HIP, fruit. Cooling. Conserve of. At pleafure. HOG'S LARD, ointment of. Softening, healing. HONEY. Pectoral, detergent, aperient. Acetated. Antifeptic, cooling, detergent. HOOPING COUGH. See Cough. *HOREHOUND, white. Tonic, aperient; 3fs. to 3j. HORSE RADISH, root. Stimulant, diuretic, deobftruent, ad libitum. In- filled in water, wkie, or fpirit, §jfs. to Siij. Spirit of. y>l's. to 3j« HYDROCELE. 1 c n - HYDROCEPHALUS, j See Dr0^' HYDROPHOBIA. It is of more confequence here to defcribe the fymptoms in the dog than thofe of the patient. We HYD 79 We may know the dog to be mad by his dull, heavy look ; endeavouring to hide himfelf; feldom or never barking ; being angry and fnarling at ftrangers, but fawning onhis own- er; refilling all food, drooping, hanging down his ears and tail, and often lying down as if going to fleep. This is the firft ftage. He next begins to breathe quick and heavy, fhoots out his tongue, flavers, and. froths at the mouth ; looks half afleep ; flies fuddenly at by-ftanders; and runs forward in acurve line. At length he knows not his owner, his eyes become thick and dim, and water runs from them ; his: tongue is of a red colour ; he grows weak and faint; often falls down, then rifes, and attempts to fly at fomething ; and grows mad and furious. The nearer to this ftate, the more dangerous the bite. If the ftate of the dog cannot be obtained, he may be known to have been mad, or the dif- order may be known to be this by the follow- ing effects, which will come on fooner or la- ter. The bitten part begins to be painful, wandering pains come on gradually,with hea- vinefs and uneafinefs ; the patient has diftur- bed fleep, frightful dreams, ftartings, fpafms, fighing, anxiety, and loves folitude; pains fhoot from the bitten part up to the throat, withftraitnefs,fenfation of choaking,a»d hor- ror f §.o HYP ror or- dread at fight of water or other- 1{, quids which is afufficient characteriftic of the difeafe. Treatment. Cut out the bitten part immediate- ly, which is the only certain cure : cupping- glaffes fhould then be applied ; cauterize and wafli it daily with fait water, or rub in the ftronger ointment of quickfilver, keeping it open with efcarotics.; bleed, if the veffels be full vomit with vitriolated quickfilver ; give mufk gr. xvhcinnabar 3fs. (to which camphor and opium may be added) at night, and a purge the next morning ; bathe in the fea, or cold bath, and give a fudorific ; repeat thefe for a week daily, and three or four times at the next full and change of the moon. The ointment of quickfilver applied externally, and vitriolated quickfilvergiven inwardly, fo as to raife a falivation for feveral weeks, are faid to be efficacious. . In Germany the root of dead- ly nightfhade has been given, from gr. iij. to vj. at a dofe, and is reported to have proved infallible in the firft ftages. The Ormfkirk medicine has failed in a variety of cafes, and has indeed been f .und to be of no efficacy. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. Symptoms are generally low-fpiritednefs (thedif- orderbeing chiefly in the imagination) heavi- nefs,oppreflion, and dependency; yetattimes uncommon HYS 81 uncommon cheerfulnefs and flow of fpirits ; timidity, anxiety, fear, dread of dying, fhort cough, difficult breath, flatulency, pale urine, pains in the head, odd fancies, fpafms. Treatment. Bark, and other tonics ; nervous antifpafmodics, as caftor, valerian, afafoetida, &c. attenuants, as volatile falts and fpirits ; bitters and chalybeates if no fever ; emetics, aperients, opiates, iffues, and blifters, difcre- tionally ; the cold bath and chalybeate wa- ters, food light and eafy of digeftion, cheerful company, and gentle exercife. HYSSOP, HEDGE. Violently emetic,and purgative, diuretic, an- thelmintic ; Bk. to 3fs. Alfo in infufion. HYSTERIA. Symptoms. In women fimilar to thofe of hypo- ■ chondriafis in men, but ufually more violent, and attended with convulfive fits; which gen- erally come on with oppreflion at the breaft, difficult breathing, a fenfe of fomethingrifing in the throat, which feems to threaten fuffo- cation ; convulfive motions ; frothing at the mouth ; laughing, and fometimes crying. May be known from a mere fyncope by the pulfe and breathing continuing, whereas in a fyncope they are notperceptible; italfocomes on gradually, but a fyncope more fuddenly ; in 82 HYS JAU in that, the fit is of fhort continuance, in this, ufually much longer ; with a colour in the face, which is not the cafe in a fyncope. . Treatment of the diforder itfelf, as in the hypo. chondriafis. In the fit fetid volatiles, fing- ed feathers, &c. may be applied to the nof- trils ; and cold water and fetid volatiles giv- en. The feet and legs may be placed in warm water; the pure cold air fhould be free- ly admitted ; cold water may be fprinkled on the face and breaft ; and if a plethora be in- dicated, bleed; otherwife cauticufly avoid it, In this difeafe, particular attention fhould be paid to the ftate of the menfes, Sec. This difeafe appears often under a variety of forms ; for a more particular account than can here be given, Sydenham, and other au- thors, may be confulted. HYSTERITIS, or inflammation of the womb. See Womb. JALAP, root. Cathartic ; gr. xv. to 3fs. or more. Extract of. gr. vj. to xij. Tincture of. 3j. to 3ij, JAUNDICE. Sympt-ms. Yellownefs of the whole fkin, but chiefly the whites of the eyes ; the urine alfo yellow; laffitude, inactivity, anxiety, ficknefs, oppj-elfion and difficult breathing; pain at the ftomach; 1LI FNF , S3 ftomach ; bitter tafte in the mouth ; fome- times attended, with purging, at others cof- tivenefs ; ftools generally like blue clay, but fometimes of a dark earthy, and at others of a deep yellow colour. Treatment. If the veffels be very ful], bleed ; then vomit, purge, and give medicines with foap ; tb"which may occafionally be added, rhubarb, aloes, chalybeates or fquills. Saline draughts if fever ; opiates in cafe of pain ; gentle emetics may be occafionally repeated, and die body fhould be kept open. Chalybe- ate waters, or water or cyder with a red hot iron quenched in it, may be ufed as common drink; gentle exercife, air, and cheerful com- pany. ILIAC PASSION. Symptoms. Acute pains in the bowels, oppref* fion at the ftcmach, tenfion of the belly, vomiting of bile, and fometimes of fsces^ great thirft and heat. Treatment as in the inflammatory Colic, of which this is only a more violent kind. INCRASSANTS. Kino, ginfeng, farcocolla, farfaparilla, and fa- rinaceous and mucilaginous fubftances. INDIAN PINK. See Pink, Indian. INFLAMMATION, superficial. See Phlegmon. 84 INF ISS INFLAMMATION of the bowels. See Colic and Iliac Paffwn. INFLAMMATION of other parts. See the refpeclive Parts. IPECACUANHA. Emetic ; gr. vj. to 3fs. Antifpafmodic; gr. fs. to iij. and with opium, fudorific. Alfo in dyfenteries. Compound powder of. Su- dorific ; gr. v. to By Wine of. |fs. to Bifs. IRON. Tonic, aftringent, deobftruent ; 9fs. to %{s. Ammoniacal. gr. ij. to x. Tincture of. gt. X. tO xl. MuRIATED TINCTURE OF. gt. x. to xl. Rust of. gr. v. to 3fs. Tar- tarised. gr. v. to 3fs» Vitriolated. gr. i. to x. or more. Wine of. 3j« to |fs. ISINGLASS. Corroborant, nutritive, in jellies. ISSUES, to cut. Pinch up the fkin and fat with the thumb and forefinger, and divide them with a lancet fo as to admit a pea ; or you may apply a fmall blifter or cauftic on the part. The peafe with which it is afterwards dreffedmay befmeared with ointment of yellow refin, or of canthar- idesi if neceffary ; and dipped in blue vitriol water if fungus appear. The pea may be fe- cured ITC JUN 8$ cured with the litharge plafter with refin ; if the" iffue inflame, drefs with ointment of wax, or bleed or purge. ITCH. Symptoms. An eruption in the form of fmall pimples or puftules, chiefly about the joints, wrifts, hams, the bend of the arms, the waift, and between the fingers ; the pimples gene- rally hard at firft, afterwards watery,efpecial- ly if nibbed or otlierwife inflamed : aha itch- ing which is greateft wdien warm, or in bed. It is infectious. Treatment. Anoint with fulphur and lard, oint- ment of quickfilver, or white calx of quick- filver and pomatum; hellebore, or fal am- moniac, may occafionally be added ; or wafli with a weak folution of muriated quickfilver, a decoction of white hellebore root, or ftron^ compound water of acetated litharge, with fait. A quickfilver girdle may be worn, but fulphur is the moft fafe and certain. Flowers of fulph. may be given inwardly ; or vitriolic acid, which has been faid to have performed a cure alone. Bleed and purge firft in cafe of inflammation or coftiventfi. JUNIPER, BERRIES and tops. Carminative, diuretic, in decoction or infufion ; at pleafure. Comfound spirit of. 3j« to H !fs. %6 KAL KID ?.fs. Essential' oil of the jerries. Carminative, ftomachic ; gt. j. to ij. Stimu- lating, diuretic, emmenagogue ; gt. Vj. to x. Ki^LI, prepared. Antacid, diuretic ; gr. iij. or iv. to xv. or xx. Acetated. Diuretic, cathartic ; E)fs. to 3ij. or more. Pure. This is the ftrong common cauftic. Sulphurated. The fo- lution chiefly as a wafh in cutaneous difeafes. Tartarisated. Laxative ; E)j. to 3J- Ca- thartic ; 3'j» to %'y Vitriolated. Ape- rient ; By to B'ij. Cathartic ; 3'j* to 3v. Water of. As the prepared, in a quadru- ple dofe. Water of pure kali. An- tacid, diuretic, lithontriptic ; gt. v. to 3j> KIBES. See Chilblains. KIDNEYS, inflammation of. Symptoms. Burning pain in the kidney, or kid- neys ; vomiting ; eructations ; numbnefs of the thigh ; pain in the groin, ilium, and tefti- cle of the fame fide ; frequent, but fmall dif- tharges of urine, which is red and high col- oured, yet limpid and watery in the height of the difeafe. Treatment. Bleed ; open the body with cathar- tics and clyfters ; give emollient diuretics, with plenty of milk of almonds, or the like, for common drink ; warm bathing ; and opi- ates in cafe of violent pain. If KIN LEM 8>* If the pain abate, leaving behind a fenfe of weight, with frequent fhiverings, followed by heat, and whiti.fh turbid urine, it denotes fup- puration. In this cafe give half, capivi with nitre, and rhubard, or other balfamic diur- etics. The pain fuddenly remitting, with cold fweats, intermittent pulfe, hiccup,fefid urine, and fuppreffion of that difcharge, are figns of mortification. KING'S EVIL. See Scrophda. KINO, GUM. Tonic, obtunding ; 9fs. to 3ft- LABOUR. See Child-birth. LADANUM. Toni:, ftimulant, externally. Plaster of. Stomachic. LADY'S-SMOCK, flower. Antifpafmodic ; By to 3j- LAVENDER, flowers. Cephalic; nervous; B.'y to 3j. Compound ^pirit of. gt. x. to c. Essential oil of. gt. j. to v. Alfo externally ftimulating. Spirit of. 3fs- to 3j. LEAD, RED AND WHITE. Externally deficcative, repellent, fedative. LEMON, JUICE AND PEEL. Juice, Cooling, antifeptic, opening; 3j. to Jfs. I Peel, 88 LEO LIQ Peel, ftomachic ; 9fs. to 3fs« In infufion, 5j. to iij. Inspissated juice of« As the juice in a fmaller dofe. LEOPARD'S-BANE, German. Stimulant ; 3j. to Sfs. in infufion, in the courfe of the day. LETHARGY. This may be confidered only as a lefs degree of Apoplexy, and fhould be treated accord- ingly. The chief fymptoms are, fleep, or great drowfmefs. LIENTERY. In this difeafe the' aliment is difcharged with but little alteration, and the body waftesl The Treatment as in the Coeliac Paffion. LIME, WATER OF. Antacid, aftringent; jiv. to ftj. In clyfters, vermifuge. It has alfo been reputed lithon- triptic, and good in fcrophula. With purs kali. The milder common cauftic. LINSEED. Pectoral, diuretic ; in infufion and mucilage, from 3ij. to 3fs. The powder is ufed in cataplafms. Oil of. Bfs. j LIQUORICE, root. Obtunding. Extract of. At pleafure. Troches of. The fame. LI- LIT LIV 85 LITHARGE. Aftringent, fedative in external applications. Acetated, cerate of. The fame. Wa- ter of. $'iy OI" this with diftilled water ftij. proof fpirit 3u- tnake the Compound water of acetated l. commonly called Goulard's Vegeto-mineral Water. Its virtues the fame. Plaster of. Deficcative. Pl. of, compound. Digeftive. With quick- silver. Difcutient. With resin. Ad- hefive. LITHONTRIPTICS. Antacid. Water of pure kali, k.ili, limewate:-, foap. Tonic. Muriatic, vitriolic, and aerial acids, mephitic alkaline water, uva urfi, wild carrot. LIVER INFLAMED. Symptoms. Obtufe pain in the part, fhooting up towards the throat and fhoulder, but never great, unlefs the ruombranes are affect- ed ; hiccup; vomiting; dry cough; laffitude; fever ; tenfion of the hypochondnum ; eyes, fkin, and urine, fometimes yellow ; coftive- nefs ; difficulty of breathing. The fymp- toms are aggravated by lying on the left fide. Treatment. Bleed as largely as the pulfe v/ill bear; blifter the part; purge; giv: cooling H 2 febrifuges LOC LUM febrifuges and diuretics ; direct cooling c- mollient clyfters, fomentations, and poulti- ces, and pediluvia. If a tumour appear, forward and open it, if nothing forbid, and give the bark. In the Eaft-Indies they cure this difeafe by falivation, bleeding and purging being pre- mifed. If z'Schirrus fucceed, foap, rhubarb, mercu- rials, and chalybeates will be proper. LOCHIA. See Child-birth. LOCKED JAW. Symptoms. A rigid contraction of the mufcles which laife the lower jaw, whence the jaws continue violently clofed, with great pain. Treatment. The belt remedy is large and re- peated dofes of opium. Blifters, purges, clyfters, and antiipafmodics, may alfo be prescribed. LOGWOOD. Tonic, aftringent; § ij. to |iv. of the decoc- tion. Extract of. 9fs. to 5j» LUES VENEREA. See Venereal Difeafe. LUMBAGO. A kind of rheuniatifm in the loins, or fmall of the back, without any nephritic fymptoms. Antirheumatic remedies prove moft-effica- cious. See liicu.:ia.tifm. Strengthening or • ftimuldtingj; ■ LUX MAO pi ftimulating plafters, or even blifters to the part, are alfo ufeful: or cupping, and the warm bath. LUXATIONS. Treatment. Place the limb or part, fo that the ' mufcles may be relaxed, and the head of the bone free from obftacles ; then reduce the bone into its natuaal fituation, and apply proper bandages, not too tight, to keep it fo, till the ligaments have recovered their tone. If there be inflammation, bleed, give laxa- tives and cooling remedies, foment and poul- tice. Reft and proper diet fhould be ad- vifed. MACE. Aromatic, ftimulant; Bfs. to 3fs« Oil of. ' See Nutmeg, expreffed oil of. MADDER, root. Aperient, diuretic, emmenagogue, antifeptic ; 3Bj. every hour or two. MAGNESIA. Antacid, opening ; By to 3ij» Burnt. This is equally mild, though at leaft doubly as powerful as an antacid : it is alfo prefer. able in many cafes, becaufe no fixed air will be difengaged from it in the ftomach. Tro- ches of. Chiefly for the heart-burn. Vit- riolated. Cathartic ; §fs. to gifs. MALLOW, leaves and flowers. Obtunding, emollient. " MANNA. Aperient, obtunding ; 5j. to Biij. MARJORAM, SWEET and WILD, Stimulant ; By to $fs. Alfo fternutatory. Essential oil of. gt. ij. to iv. MARSHMALLOW, root and leaf. Obtunding, emollient. MASTIC. Tonic, antifeptic; 9j. to 5fs. MEADOW-SAFFRON, fresh root. Strongly cathartic, diuretic; in lubftance fmall dofes MEA 93 dofes produce alarming effects, but of the Oxymel 3-ij. or iij. may be given in a day. Of this the common dofe is from 3fs. to 3ifs- at firft. MEASLES. Symptoms. Chillinefs, fhivering, pain in the head, fever, ficknefs, and fometimes vomiting; cough,heavinefsof the eyes,with fwelling, in- flammation, and difcharge of watery humour from them, and alfo from the noftrils. The third Or fourth day, an eruption like flea-bites appears in the face, neck, and breaft,and foon after in the body and limbs ; it rifes above the fkin, but does not fuppurate. The fever and Other fymptoms do not, as in the Small-Pox, Sec. abate on the appearance of the eruption, which continues about three days, then dries, away, the fkin peeling off; but the other fymp- toms remain and even increafe, efpecially the cough, which is alfo attended in general with difficulty of breathing, and oppreffion at the breaft. • Treatment. Cooling and aperient febrifuges ; ' gentle diaphoretics, if neceffary ; bleeding, if nothing forbid; pectorals for the cough ; opi- ates occafionally atnight; blifters, if the cough be obltinate ; and bathing the feet in warrri water. Gentle phyfic fhould be given as foon as the eruption disappears. MEC MEN J.t has been propofed to inoculate the Meafles ,- but Dr. Simmons, in his differtation de Rube- ola, obferves, that the different attempts in this way, hitherto have proved ineffectual; Dr. Home's experiments, as related in his Medical Fails, not haying been found to an- swer when repeated by others. MECONIUM, retention of, in infants; (called alfo Colica Meconialis.) Treatment. Give magnefia or fyr. of rofes, caf- tor oil, or oil of almonds, with oil of anifeed, or other oil in cafe of wind, and, if neceffary, emollient clyfters. If purging, give chalk, or Other abforbents, &c. If vomiting, fyr. of white poppy,givenwith caution in fmall dofes. MENSES, immoderate flux of. Treatment. Tonics, as infufion of rofes, alum, bark, amber, Sec. with opiates. In defperate cafes, fmall dofes of blue vitriol, or acetated ceruffe, but with great caution. Aftringent fomentations to the part, as vinegar, alum, or the like ; reft, and proper mild diet. Some*' times chalybeates are proper; and, if neceffa- ry, laxatives. MENSES OBSTRUCTED. Treatment. In phlegmatic habits, purge with aloetics, and give chalybeates. In plethoric habits, bleed, avoid chalybeates, and give the compound MEZ MiS 9; compound powder of myrrh, caftor, or the like, with tinct. of black hellebore, aloes, oil or extract of favine, pennyroyal, and the like. Bathing the feet, fomenting the belly, and fitting over the fleams of hot water, are good in both habits ; attenuants in cafe of vifcid blood ; emetics are often efficacious, as are fometimes fmall dofes of mercurials ; exer- cife, and if the appetite be vitiated, proper fto- machics. Of late, electricity has been found efficacious in cafes cf this fort, by drawing fparks, and fending gentle fhocks through the pelvis. MEZEREON, bark of the root. Antivenereal, alterative; from gr. j. upwards. In decoction, dofe 3ij« to iv. Chiefly in ve- nereal pains of the bones,and affections of the fkin. Externally the bark of mezereon raifes blifters. MILLEPEDES. Diuretic, attenuant, deobftruent ; gr. v. to 3fs. MINT. Tonic, antiemetic. Essential oil of. gt. j. to iij. or more. Spirit of. 3j> to Sfs. Water of. §j. to 5'1'y MISCARRIAGE. Sec Abortion. MIX* 96 MIX • MYR MIXTURE, CAMPHORATED. Diaphoretic, antifpafmodic, diuretic ; sfs. to Jiij. —— CHALK. Antacid, and in diarrhoea; to ftj.orij.inaday. ----MUSK. Stimtflant, antifpafmodic; §j. to Slij. or more. MONKSHOOD. See Wolfsbane, blue. MORTIFICATION. See Sphacelus: MULBERRY, the fruit. Cooling, antifeptic. MUMPS. See Angina maxdlaris. MUSK. Stimulant, antifpafmodic ; gr. vj. to 3fs- MUSTARD, seed. Stimulant. The powder mixed with crumb of bread and vinegar, now called Mustard poultice, formerly a finapifm, is ufed ex- ternally as a ftimulus. Oil of. This has been recommended in rheumatifm, but it appears to be perfectly bland. MYRRH. Tonic, deobftruent, antifpafmodic ;gr.v. to 3fs. In phthifis to 3iij. or iv. in a day. Tinc- , ture of. gt. xv. to lx. Externally, de- terfive. Compound powder of. Emmen- agogue ; By to 3j. NA- NAT NIG NATRON, prepared. Antacid, deobftruent in fcrophula ; 9j. to Biy Tartarised. Cathartic ; 5is. to Bifs. Vit- riolated. The fame. NEPHROTICS. Opiates, emollients, diuretics. NEPHRITIS. See Kidneys. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. See Hypo- chondriac and Hyflerk Difeafes. The clafs of medicines called Kervus, with. corroborants, air, and proper regimen, are moft ufeful in thefe cafes. NERVOUS FEVER. See Fever. NERVOUS MEDICINES. Fetid fpirit of ammonia, pills of gum, afafoe- tida,galbanum,caftor,opoponax,fagepanum, rectified oil and pure fait of amber, vitriolic aether, valerian, rue, pennyroyal, balfam of Peru, chalybeates, cephalics, tonics. NETTLE, COMMON. Aperient. Externally as a rubefacient. NIGHTSHADE, DEADLY, leaf and root. Narcotic, fudorific, aperient, diuretic, refolu- tive.; gr. ij. to vj. It is recommended againft hydrophobia. ----- WOODY, STALKS. Sudorific, aperient, diuretic. I NIP- S NIP OLL NIPPLES, SORE. Treatment. Apply oil of wax, cream, mucilage of gum arabic, ointment of wax, faet, or the like. If they be moift, ointment of wax, with fome drying powder,asftarch,Frenchbole,&c. NITRE, purified. Cooling, febrifuge, diuretic ; gr. 9fs. to },]. Troches of. Thefe have been employed with fuccefs in fome cafes of difficult deglu- tition. NUTMEG, . . fssential oil of, and exfresseo oil of. Stimulant, aromatic ; gr. j. to vj. Spirit of. 3fs. to 3ij- OAK, BARK. Tonic, aftringent; By to 3j. OIL, ANIMAL. Anodyne, antifpafmodic ; gt. x. to xxx. OIL, SULPHURATED. Stimulant, pectoral; gt. x. to xl. External- ly deterfive. OYSTER, the shell. Abforbent; By to 3j. OILS, essential. The virtues of the plants they are drawn from, in dofes of gt. j. to iij. on fugar, or etherwife. OLIBANUM. Corroborant; gr. v. to By OLIVE, OLI PAL .;$ OLIVE, oil. As oil of almonds. OPIUM. Anodyne,antifpafmodic,Sec. gr. £ to ij. Pills 0?. gr. jfs. to x. Tincture of. gt. x. to xxv. Camphorated. 3fs. to 3\j« OPOPONAX. Nervous, ftimulant, aperient; gr. v. to Dj. to 3j» purgative. ORANGE, SEVILLE, LEAF AND FLOWER, AND JUICE AND RIND OF THE FRUIT. Leaf, antifpafmodic ; 3fs- Flower. The fame. Juice and rind. As thofe of lemon, but weaker. Conserve of the rind. 3'j« Tincture of. By to 3ij. ORRIS, root. Tonic ; By to t^ij. Of the frefh juice, Diij. or iv. prove cathartic. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Treatment. In proper conftitutions bleed re- peatedly ; but where the diforder proceeds from relaxation, the bark and corroborants. Nervous medicines, mufk, volatile falts, &c. are good ; as are alfo blifters. In bilious habits it is frequently removed by |fs. of pure lemon juice. PALSY, ioo PAL PAR PALSY, or PARALYSIS. Symptoms. A lofs or diminution of the motion or feeling, or both, of fome part or paits of the body. If it happen to all the parts.below the head, it is called Paraplegia ; if to one fide of the body, Hemiplegia; and if to a.par- ticular part, Paralyfis. Treatment. Emetics, blifters kept open, and ' ftrong clyfters; nervous, attenuating, and fti- mulating medicines, as valerian, caftor, muf- tard, fait of hartfhorn, horfe-radifh, &c. fling- ing the part with nettles, or muftard, or other warm ftimulating application rubbed into them, and that part of the fpine from which the nerves ferving the part iffue. Electricity and dry frictions are good, as are alfo cha- lybeate, and Bath or Briftol waters. Palfy of the lower extremities, arifing from ca- ries of the fpine, and accompanied with a dif- tortion of it, has been frequently cured by applying a large cauftic on each fide of the protuberant vertebra, and keeping the ulcers •open as iffues. PARAPHYMOSIS. See Phymnfls. PAREIRA BRAVA, root. Diuretic, attenuant; t)fs. to B'\y Alfo in de- cocfion. PARSLEY, root and seed. Stimulant, diuretic. PARS- PAR PEM 101 PARSNEP, WATER. The espreffed juice, §ij. to §iv. every morn- ing, in cutaneous difeafes. PECTORALS. Obtunding. Oils of almonds, olives, and linfeed, fpermaceti, linfeed, honey, liquorice, troches of ftarch, compound powder of tragacanth. Balfamic. Balfams of Peru and Tolu, ben- jamin, floras, fulphur, fulphurated oil, ful- phurated foffil tar. Sedative. Camphorated tincture of opium. PELLITORY OF SPAIN, rcot. Stimulant. Chiefly as a mafticatory. ---— OF THE WALL. Mildly diuretic, aperient, emollient; 3ij.oriij. of the expreffed juice. PEMPHIGUS. Symptoms. Fever, accompanied with the fuc- ceffive eruption from different parts of the body, internal as well as external, of veficles about the fize of an almond, which becon:e turgid with a faintly yeilowifh ferum, and in three or four days fubfide. Treatment. The debility and tendency to pu- trefaction indicate the bark and cordials : yet a few grains of mild muriated quickfilver at night, with a cathartic in the morning, have been fuccefsful. When veficles appear on in- i 2 ternal PEN PER ternal parts, irritationmuft be guarded a vainfl: by opiates, demulcents, and gentle laxatives. PENNYROYAL. Stimulant, antihyfteric. Essential oil of. gt. i. to v. Spirit of. 3j- to 3iij. Wa- ter of. §ifs. PEPPER, BLACK, the berry; CAYENNE, the capsule ; LONG, the fruit. Thefe are all hot and ftimulant; the Cayenne moft fo. This may be given to gr. vj. or viij. PEPPERMINT. Stimulant. Essential oil of. gt. fs. to ij. Spirit of. gt. xx. to lx. Water of. %h, to Sip PERIPNEUMONY, or inflammation or the lungs. Symptoms. Difficult breathing, with oppreffion ■and feeming load at the breaft ; the breath hot ; cough ; fever ; rednefs in the face ; pulfe fometimes hardly perceptible, but after bleeding, ftrong, though unequal. Differs from a Pleurify in the cough being more inoift, the pain lefs acute, and the pulfe not fo ftrong. "' Treatment. Bleed repeatedly, if neceffary; and give nitre, with fpermaceti, or oil of almonds, fait PER PHL 103 fait of hartfhom, gentle antimonials, or the like. Cooling emollient clyfters are ufeful, as are alfo buffering and cupping. PERIPNEUMONY, BASTARD. Symptoms. Heat and cold alternately ; pain "and giddinefs of the head, when the cough is moft troublefome; vomiting; quick, difficult: breathing, and wheezing; pain of the breaft; urine turbid, with red fediment. Differs from a true Peripneumony, in not having ex- traordinary heat, pain, thirft, or fever ; by its uiually feizing thofe of a relaxed and grofs habit; and by prevailing moft in moift foggy weather, contrary to the other. Treatment. Bleed not, unlefs the pulfe be very full, and comatofe fymptoms appear; blifters, emetics, laxatives, emollient clyfters, attenu- ants and diluents; pectorals for the cough, and opiates if neceffary. PHLEGMON, OR SUPERFICIAL INFLAMMATION. Symptoms. Heat, pain, tenfion, rednefs, and throbbing in the part; fever ; if not refold- ed, the part proceeding to fuppuration, gan- grene, or fchirrhus. Treatment. Remove any perceivable external caufe; bleed,purge,and give diaphoretic feb- rifuges ; apply emollient fomentations and ,_ poultices FHR PHY ?oultices to the part, or preparations of lead, f matter form, ceafe evacuation, and forward the fuppuration; when ripe, open the abfcefs, and digeft. If gangrene appear, treat as (\y rected under that article. PHRENSY, PHRENITIS, OR INFLAMMATIONOF THE BRAIN. Symptoms. Conftant delirium and fever, diffi- cult breathing, violent pain in the head aug- mented by light; great fenfibility to found ; rednefs of eyes and face ; pulfe quick, hard, and fmall; tongue black and dry ; urine thin and trahfparent; fudden ftartings ; picking the bed-clothes. Known from a common fe- ver, &c. by the delirium preceding the fever.. Treatment. Bleed largely; ftimulating clyfters, blifters, the pediluvium, and finapifms to the feet; fpirituous embrocations to thehead, firft fhaved. Nitre, fait of hartfhorn, or other at- tenuants, purges, and diluents ; opiates, if neceffary ; promoting the hemorrhoidal flux is of great ufe. PHTFIISIS. See Confumpti.n, PHYMOSIS and PARAPHYMOSIS. Symptoms. The firft is a clofing of the prepuce ' over the glans penis, fo as not to be drawn back; the laft, a conftriction of it behind the glans, fo as riot to be drawn over it. 1 'rcatment^ PIL PIM Treatment. Foment, poultice, bleed and purge; vomit if neceffary ; and give cooling febrifu- ges. If thefe fail, proper incifions muft be . made. PILES, OR PAINFUL tumours in the anus or RECTUM. Treatment. Bleed, if neceffary ; and give ful- phur, or .quickfilver with fulphur, nitre, and . elect, of fenna; if very painful, opiates ; if they be external, foment them with warm emollient liquors, or anoint them with oint- ment of elder, or the like ; if they bleed much, apply gentle aflringents; if muchfwel- led and inflamed, fcarifyi or apply leeches to them. Sulphurated oil is very proper to ap- ply to the Piles, and the ointment of quick- filvei has alfo been found ufeful. They may more expeditioufly be driven away by lini- ments made of powder Of galls, or acetated ceruffe, Or by wafhing them with folutions of white or blue vitriol. But as the hsemorrhoi- dal difcharge is generally falutary, caution muft be ufed in repelling it. PIMENTO, BERRY. Aromatic, ftimulant; gr. xv. to 3j. Spirit of. 3fs. to 3ij. Water of. |j. PIMPLES. Treatment. Wafh them with a folution of ace- tated io6 PIN FLA tated ceruffe, or vitriolated zinc. If thefe fail, try camphorated fpt. a folution of prepa- red kali, or white calx of quickfilver mixed with pomatum. If they proceed from foul blood or a fcorbutic caufe (as it is termed) treat them with alteratives, as dire&ed for the Land Scurvy; with now and then a cool- ing purge. PINK, INDIAN, root. Sedative, anthelmintic ; 5j- to 3ifs. Alfo hi infufion, 3iij- to iv. PITCH, BURGUNDY. Stimulant, epifpaftic,externally applied. Com- pound plaster of. The fame. PLAGUE. Symptoms. Shivering ; pain in the head, back, and ftomach ; ficknefs and vomiting ; def- pondency; anxiety; difficult breathing; wild- nefs of countenance ; high fever ; faintings; hiccups ; and catching of the tendons. Tu- mours at length appear in the groin, arm-pits, or behind the ears; and then the fever abates, but returns if the tumours fink. Fetid breath and fweat; livid fpots, fometimes broad, and fuddenly difappearing. Carbuncles arife in the worft ftate of the difeafe, which feldom fuppurate kindly, but appear as red fiery cir- cles; they are fmall tumours, with corrupted flefh PLE 107 flefh underneath, and attended with great itch- ing. The fymptoms, however, vary accord- ing to the conftitution and ftate of the air, but thefe are the moft general. Treatment. The tumours are critical, and fhould be encouraged by ripening cataplafms, and proper cordials ; the carbuncles fliould be poulticed with cataplafms of cummin, or the like ; and if they appear gangrenous, fcarify, and drefs them with oil of turpentine, and hot digftives, as in Mortifications. The difeafe itfelf fhould be treated with diapho- retics, antifeptics, cordials, antiphlogiftics, or other remedies, according to the fymptoms : but in general, camphor, nitre,fhakeroot, and bark, &c. an emetic being firft given feem moft eligible in this dreadful diforder. N. B. Thevapourgeneratedbynitre,efpecially if the deflagration be made with odoriferous ingredients, is faid to prevent infection. Inoculation has lately been recommended in the Plague by Dr. Samoilowitz, a Ruffian phyfi- cian ; but if the difeafe be liable to attack more than once, which feems to be the cafe, this can be of no ufe. PLEURISY. Symptoms. Chillincfs and fhivering, fucceeded by heat,thirft, and reftleffnefs; a violent acute pain on one fide, near the ribs, extending to- wards 108 POI POM wards the fhoulder-blades, back, and breaft, and worft when the affected fide is lain on; difficult breathing ; rednefs of the cheeks ; naufea ; and dry cough ; the matter fpit up, if any, yellowifh or bloody. Treatment as in the Peripneumony ; but repeated bleeding, laxatives, and cooling attenuants, as fait of hartfhorn with nitre, are chiefly to be relied on. POISONS. Treatment. When thefe are taken, if the time have been but fhort, give a ftrong emetic of white or blue vitriol, drinking plentifully of warm water to wafh the ftomach ; oily clyf- ters fliould alfo be givenrepeatedly; as fhould likewife cathartics. If muriated quickfilver were the poifon, give' a folution of any fixed alkaline fait. If opium, or other narcotic, give acids (as vinegar) with Watei or brodr ; apply blifters ; and, if neceffary, bleed. A- gainll all mineral poifons, fulphurated kali has been recommended. Care muft be taken to continue thefe operations afufficient time; afterwards the ftomach and bowels fhould be healed with proper balfamic remedies,broths, &c. POMEGRANATE, shell and flowers. Tonic, aftringent: 9fs. to 3fs. Alfo in de- coction. POPPY, POP POX ico POPPY, CORN, FLOWERS. Weakly fedative. POPPY, WHITE, head. Sedative. Syrup of. gfs. to?ii's. Extract qf. As opium, in about double the dofe. POWDER, ALOET1C. Cathartic, deobftruent; BCs. to 5rs- ---WITH GUAIACUM. Deobftruent, fudorific, antirheumatic ; gr. v. to x. Cathartic ; By to By ---WITH IRON. Emmenagogue ; 9fs. to 3-s. ---ANTIMONIAL. See Antimony. ---AROMATIC. Gr. v. to By ---OPIATE. Gr. x. contain i of opium. POX. See Ve.-icreal Diflcfc. POX, CHICKEN ; or SWINE POX. Symptoms. Chillinefs, heat, and the ufual pre- curfory fymptoms of fever ; but milder than in the fmall pox. The eruptions appear about the third day. They rile like thofe of the fmall pox, but may be known from them by the matter being more like water than pus; K by $ id POX QUA by little veficles, or bladders filled with water on the top of fuch puftules as ; re whole; and by their tinning about the fifth day ; which - the others do not till at leaft"the feventh. Treatraeat. Cooling febrifuges, as nitre, with magnefia, antimonials, faline draughts, &e. and dilueuts ; and afterwards two or three purges. The S-vine Pcx is only a larger fort of Chicken J'ox. POX, SMALL. See Small Pox. PROCIDENTIA,vel PROLAPSUS ANI OR BEARING DOWN OF THE RECTUM, Treatment. Corroborants, as bark, &c. laxa- tive7, clyfters, and'aperients, if coftivej clyf- ters of infufion of roles, or ether bracers ; chalybeates and cold bathing. N. B. If there be inflammation, emollient fomentations and poultices. The part fliould-be gently redu- ced, and kept up with a bandage ; reft and an horizontal pofture are proper. Prolapsus Uteri. Treatment as in the pre- ceding cafe. Pelfaries are alfo proper to be worn, PRUNES. Laxative, cooling. QUASSIA, WOOD, BARK, AND ROOT. Tonic, corrector cf putrid bile ; gr. v. to xv. '••-in infufion. QUICK- QUI iu QUICKSILVER. All the preparations of quickfilver, taken inter- nally, are antivenereal, alterative, decbiiru-; ent, and vermifuge. Taken freely they induce falivation. The preparations now directed by the college are: Acetated. gr. ij. to vj. Calcined, gr. fs. to ij. Muriated. gr. •s'o to fs. Mild muriated, or Calomel. gr. i. to iv. Fills of. Bis. to 3ft- REO sulphurated, gr. iij. to 9j. Vitriolat- ed. gr. fs. to j. As an emetic ; gr. iv. to viij. Alfo an errhine. With chalk. By to 3fs. With sulphur. Bj. to 5j« The following are for external ufe. Red nitra- ted. Efcharotic. White calx of. Re- pellent, difcutient. Ointment of, mild- ;er and stronger. The fame. The latter is generally employed to excite falivation. Ointment of nitrated. Chiefly in cuta- neous affections. Ointment or whit a calx of. The fame. Plaster of ammo- niacum with. Refolvent. Plaster of litharge with. The fame. QUINCE, fruit and seed. Fruit, cooling, reftringent. Seed, obtunding. QUINCY. Symptoms.' Inflammation of the throat, with pain, great heat, tumour, redru-fi, difficulty ui RAI RHE in fwallowing, and fever; the uvula fome- times relaxed and inflamed ; the face red. Treatment. Bleed according to exigency ; o- pen the body ; blifters to the back, and near the part ; gargle with water of ammonia and comp. decoct, of barley, ftrong of the former ; poultice the part with bread and milk, to which camphor may be added ; and the liniment of ammonia may alfo be applied. If it fuppurate, ceafe to evacuate ; and inhale emollient fleams. When ripe open the ab- fcefs; afterwards gargle with infufion of rofes and tinct. cf myrrh. RAISINS. Obtunding, aperient. RASPBERRY, the fruit. Cooling, antifeptic. ^RATTLESNAKE-ROOT. Diuretic, diaphoretic, antifeptic ; j?j. to 3fs. It fometimes falivates. REFRIGERANTS. Nitre, water of acetated ammonia, cryftalsof tartar, forrel, fimple oxymel, tamarinds, prunes, fummer fruits, acids. RESIN, YELLOW, cerate of. Digeftive. Ointment of. The fame. RHEUMATISM, acute. Symptoms. Rigour, ftiivering, fever, thirft, cr,f- tivenefs, RHE ll$ - tivenefs, wandering gnawing pains, with fwelling and rednefs in the part affected. The pain worfe towards night, and in bed. Treatment. Bleeding; fait of hartfliorn, nitre, camphor, guaiacum, antimonials, or the like ; laxatives, and opiates occafionally. The part may be nibbed with lin. of foap, camphor* and oil ; lin. of ammonia, &c. Warm fomentations are good ; the part may be covered with flannel, diluents fhould be freely given, and a diaphorefis kept up. When the urine depofits a copioas fediment, the bark may be given; it may be joined with fome of the above, and opium may be occafionally added. RHEUMATISM, chronic, Differs from the acute, in that it is not attended with fever or inflammation in the part; and chiefly attacks thofe advanced in life, contra- ry to the other; Treatment. If neceffary,.bleed, and purge with elect, of fcammony, fcnna, Sec. Compound powder of ipecacuanha, or other anodyne fudorific, may be given :• calomel in fmall dofes, with wine of antim. has been found ef- ficacious ; as hath likewife precipitated ful- phur of antimony, with camphor, about three grains of each. Bark and farfaparilla are given by fome ; but gum guaiacum with vol- k z ittile RHU RIC atile falts, the guaiacum with an opiate, Or fait of hartfliorn with nitre, and the camph. mixture, according to circumftances, are gen- erally fuccefsful. Sydenham praifes con- ferve of arum. Warm embrocations to the part, and flannel, are alfo ferviceable; cold bathing, where not improper on other ac- counts ; a flannel fhirt worn next the fkin, is a good preventive of a return. N. B. Muftard has been effectual, taken inwardly, and rubbed into the part. Electricity, fric- tion, and exercife of the part, are ufeful. RHUBARB, root. Cathartic ; 9j. to 3j. or more. Stomachic ; gr. iv. to ,*vs- Tincture, compound tincture, and wine of. 3j. to 3\J- As a cathartic ; §fs. to $ij. RICKETS. Symptoms. The head large ; the fontanels keep long open ; the face full and florid ; the teeth produced with difficulty, dark, irregu- lar, and apt to decay ; the joints knotty, and the bones protuberant, caufing incurvation and diftortion ; the ribs protuberate, and be- come crooked '; the belly fwells ; cough and pulmonary dilbrders fucceed. The difeafe ufually appears about the eighth month, and continues till the fixth year; the child moves weakly RIN RUP 115 weakly and waddles; the underftanding is very early. Treatment. Cold bathing ; friction ; bathing the back with fpirituous embrocations, or v. arm balfamic liniments ; ftrengthening platters ; gentle vomits of ipecacuanha ; purges with Thubarb and quickfilver with fulphur; bark, chalybeates, air, and exer- cife. RING WORMS. See Tetters. ROSE, DAMASK, the flower leaf. Laxative. Water of. As a perfume. --- RED, the flower leaf. Aftringent; gr. v. to 3s. Conserve of. $'y to 3ij- or more. Infusion of. §ij. to §ir. Honey of. A mild, cooling detei> gent. Chiefly in gargles. ROSEMARY, top and flower. Cephalic, carminative, nervous, in infufion. Essential oil of. gt. ij. to iv. Spirit of. 3fs to 5j. Externally as a ftimulus. RUE. Nervous, antifpafmodic, alexipharmic,antipef- tilential; 3fs. to 3j. Alfo in infufion. Juice in clyfters, vermifuge. Extract of. Bis. to Bj. RUPTURES. See Hernia. SAFFRON. u 6 SAF SAR SAFFRON. Cordial, gr. iij. to Bj. alfo in infufion. S vruf of. 3j. or more. SAGAPENUM. Aperient, ftimulant, nervous ; gr. V. to $fs« , twice a day. SAGE, the leaf. Tonic. ST. JOHN'S-WORT, flower. Tonic. SAL AMMONIAC. Attenuant, febrifuge ; gr. v. to Bj. Diuretic, diaphoretic; to 3j- In a large dofe it proves emetic. Externally difcutient. SALT, COMMON. Stimulant. Chiefly in clyfters. A table fpoon- ful, taken dry, has been found very efficacious in flopping hasmoptyfis. SANDERS, RED, wood. Slightly tonic. SARCOCOLLA. Obtunding, flightly ftimulant. SARSAPARILLA, root. Alterative, antivenereal, obtunding,tonic, 3fs- to 3\j. Decoction of. Ifefs. to ftj. Com- pound. The fame. This is an elegant mode of preparing the Lifbon Diet Drink. SAS- SAS SCA 117 SASSAFRAS, WOOD, ROOT, AND BARK OF THE ROOT. Alterative, antifcorbutic,tonic, fudorific; dofe as in Sarfapariila. Essential oil of. gt, j. to x. SAVINE, leaf. Stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue; 3fs. to 3j« In infufion, ?ij. to §iv. Compound tinc- ture of. gt. x. to 3j« Extract of. 3fs? to Bij. SCALDS, or burns. Treatment. Apply oil of linfeed alone, or mixed with an equal quantity of lime-water ; but preparations of lead have been found particularly beneficial; afterwards cerate of calamine, or other cicatrizer. If inflamma- tion render it necelfary, bleed and purge. SCALD-HEAD. Treatment. Rub the part with ointments made of fulphur, pitch, tobacco, or the like ; the ointment of white calx of quickfilver has been ufed with fuccefs ; bathing with fait water ; mercurials, antimonials, or other al- teratives ; blifters kept open, and iffues, are proper. SCAMMONY. Cathartic ; gr. v. to Bj. Compound powder of. gr. iv. to xvy ----with aloes, to Bj. nS SCI SCR Bj. ---- WITH CALOMEL. tO Bj. ELECTU- ARY of. 5fs« to ij- SCIATICA. Symptoms. A fixed pain in the hip, like the rheumatifm. Called alfo the Hip Gout and Ifchias. Treatment as in Lumbago. SCIRRHUS, OR HARDENED GLANDS. "freatment. Endeavour to difperfe by mercu- rial uftction, ext. of hemlock, or mercurials, with farfaparilla, &c. and occafional purges. If it incline to fuppurate, treat it as directed in abfceffes, &c If it neither difperfe nor fuppurate, extirpation is the only cure, where it can be done ; otherwife treat it with cool- ers, and occafional anodynes. SCORDIUM. Aftringent. SCROPHULA. Symptoms. Scirrhous unequal tumours, which do not readily fuppurate, affecting the glan- dular parts, but chiefly on the fides of the neck ; frequently an enlargement of the nofe and upper lip, and fometimes of the belly. Treatment. Purge occafionally with jalap and calomel ; and give alteratives, as calomel, with precipitated fulph. cf antimon. or fome other} SCU nc> ether ; millepedes are good ; burnt fponge with rhubarb ; fea-water internally before fuppuration, and bark and fea-bathing after they foften ; exercife is good ; grofs and high feafoned diet muft be avoided ; vege- table acids, efpecially Seville oranges, are proper ; electricity is fometimes beneficial. Muriated barytes has lately been much Com- mended. SCURVY. Symptoms. Heavinefs, laffitude, low fpirits ; offenfive breath ; tender gums ; fallow bloat- ed countenance ; hemorrhages from the nofe and mouth ; difficult breathing ; fwelling of the legs ; yellow, purple, or livid fpots en the fkin ; tumours in tire limbs ; contraction of the tendons of the ham. Other fymptoms occur, but they differ in different fubjects, as do likewife thofe above mentioned ; and the difeafe is in general fufficiently known. It is, however, diftinguifhed into Sea and Land Scurvy. Treatment. In the Sea Scurvy, the juices are difpofed to putridity from the ufe of animal food, and moift air ; antifeptics therefore will be proper, as vegetables, vegetable acids, fruit, cider, &c. Infufion of malt, in defect of thefe, or liquors made of molaffes or fugar. Bark and vitrioli; acid are good. Liquids impregnated scu SED impregnated with fixed air for common drfnk, and v holefome air. Chalybeates have been found ferviceable, efpecially when joined with the bitters, or bark. Burying the pa- rient up to the chin in frefh dug earth has been found extremely ferviceable. The Land Scurvy (improperly fo called) is rather a cutaneous difeafe ; fcurfy or fcabby eruptions appear, either partially, or more univerfally ; often with itching and heat. The antimonial alteratives,with gentle mercu- rials, are frequently efficacious ; lime water, or the compound juice of fcurvygrafs, may be ufed with them. Cryftals of tartar and flowers of fulphur are good. The parts may be anointed with faturnine liniments, with a little white calx of quickfilver, if neceffary. SCURVYGRASS, GARDEN. Stimulant, antifcorbutic; the juice or infufion, §ij. to §iv. twice a day. Compound juice of. §j. to iv. SEDATIVES. Soporific. Opium, poppy, animal oil, oil of wine, compound fpirit of vitriolic sether, fpirits of nitrous and vitriolic aether. Nar- cotic. Blue wolf's-bane, deadly nightfhade, hemlock, bay leaf, bitter almond, Indian pink. Topical. Opium, preparations of lead, cerate of foap. SENEKA. SEN SKI 121 SENEKA. See Rattlefnake-root. SENNA, THE LEAF. Cathartic ; 3j- to 5iij. Compound powder of. 3fs. to 3j- Electuary of. gfs. to 5ij. Extract of. Bij. to 3j. Simple infu- sion of. Bj- to Bij- Tartarised infusion of. The fame. Tincture of. |fs. to gij. SETON, TO MAKE. Pinch up the fkin and fat with the finger and thumb, and run a proper needle through them, armed with a fkein of fiik or tliread fmeared with digeftive ointment ; which muft be fhifted a little every day, fo as to keep both orifices running. I SHINGLES. See Tetters. SIALAGOGUES. "topical. Tobacco, pellitory of Spain, arum, angelica, pepper, cloves. Internal. Prepa- rations of quickfilver, rattltihake-root. SILVER, NITRATED. Formerly Lunar Cauflic. SIMAROUBA, bark. Tonic, aftringent; Bfs. to }is. Alfo in de- coction. SINGULTUS. See Hiccups. • SKIN, diseases OF. See Cutaneous Difafes. L SLOES, 121 SLO SMA SLOES. Aftringent. Conserve of. 3-ij« to Sij« SMALL-POX. Symptoms. Chillinefs ; fhivering ; heat; pain in the head and back ; ficknefs and pain at the ftomach, and fometimes vomiting; fever; coftivenefs ; convulfive fits fometimes in chil- dren, which is a good fymptom. On the third or fourth day the eruptions appear, like flea-bites, in the face, breaft, arms, body and feet fucceffively,with pains and forenefsin the throat. The eruption being completed, the fever goes off or abates. The eruptions fill, or maturate like boils, and the fkin between them is red ; the eye-lids, face, hands arfd feet fwell fucceflively ; the pocks, from red grow whitifh and fmooth in the body, yellow and rough in the face, and are full of white matter. About the feventh day from the eruption (fometimes the ninth) they dry, or turn, as ' it is called, and fcale off, leaving red marks, and fometimes pits behind. Treatment.' If the pulfe be full and ftrong at the beginning, bleed; and, if neeeflary, or the period be fufficiently early, purge, and give an emetic. During the eruptive fever, cool- ing-febrifuges, with laxatives, or clyfters oc- cafionally ; but if the fymptoms require it (as low SMA m low pulfe, Sec.) gentle cordials and diaphoret- ics. After the eruption, little is generally required but a gentle anodyne at night, proper diluents, and, if neceffary, opening clyfters, &c. If purging come on, checlt it with cau- tion : if delirium or fever, apply blifters; and if the pock finks, give bark, with proper dia- phoretics and cordials ; efpecially if malignat or putrid fymptoms, or petechia appear. Spt. of vitiolic aether is alfo good in thefe cafes, as are finapifms to the feet. In the Confluent kind, all thefymptoms are worfe than in the diflind. The eruption makes" its appearance a day or two later, and does not come to its height till the eleventh or four- teenth day after; the fever alfo continues af- ter the eruption appears, and a falivation comes on, which muft by no means be checked. The patient requires to be fupported more in this cafe than in the other; care, however, muft be taken in both kinds to avoid too much heat, or a heating regimen ; and pure, and even cool air, where no objection appears, is falutary. If the puftuies be opened, and the matter let out, fo much the better ; ef- pecially if danger of their finking or ftriking in appears. Purging is efteemed proper after this difeafe. To inoculate for the Small Pox, take a little mat- ter SNA SOA ter from a puftule, after the eruptive fever, on the point of a lancet, and infert it in the arm (by making a fmall puncture or two) between the true and fcarf fkin, which may afterwards be preffed down with the flat fide of the lan- cet. Three or four days afterwards the punc- tures appear inflamed ; in about three days more, the precurfory fymptoms come on arid at length the eruption. Previous to the inoculation, a mercurial purge or two may be adminiftered, if the patient be of a full or grofs habit; and he fhould alfo -be reftrained to a milk and farinacious or vegetable diet, avoiding efpecially high fea- foned food. It is found beft to keep him out of bed and much in the cold air. The fymp- toms are generally fo favourable, that little af- > fifiance is required from medicine, except a few mercurial purges after the diforder goes ■ off. SNAKE ROOT, VIRGINIAN. Stimulant, tonic; Bfs. to 51s. Alfo in infu- fion to 3j- or ij. Tincture of. 3j« to 3iv. SOAP. Diuretic,icteric,lithontriptic,attenuant; Bj. to 5'j- twice a day. Cerate of. Aftringent, fedative. Compound liniment of. Dif- ' cutient, ftrengthening. Plaster of. Rer folvent. SORE SOR SPH SORE THROAT, putrid. See Angina maligna. SORREL, COMMON, leaves. Cooling, antifeptic. ---- WOOD, LEAVES. The fame. Conserve of. At pleafure, SOUTHERNWOOD. Tonic, antifeptic. SPASMS. See Convulftons. SPERMACETI. Pectoral, obtunding, emollient; Bj. to 5j« Ointment of. Healing, foftening. SPHACELUS^ OR COMPLETE MORTIFICATION. Symptoms. This fucceeds a Gangrene (which fee) if it cannot be ftopt: the part lofes all fenfation, and yields an intolerable fmell. Treatment as in Gangrene. When the fepara- tion is advanced, amputate the limb, or cut out the part, if it can be done with fafety ; perfifting in the ufe of the bark, Sec. till a com- plete digeftion is procured. When accom- panied with convulfive fpafms, or occafioned by them, or by local injury producing irrita- - tion, large and frequent dofes of mufk and fait of hartfhorn have proved very efficacious. The dofes have been augmented from Bfs. to 3ij. of each. SPIRIT, L 2 126 SPI STI SPIRIT, CAMPHORATED. Externally ftimulant, difcutient. SPLEEN. See Hypochondriacal and Hyfleric Difeafes. SPONGE. Externally ftyptic. Burnt. Stimulant, re- folvent ; Bj. to 3fs. SPRAINS. See Strains. SQUILL, root. Stimulant, diuretic,expectorant; gr. iij. to viij. Emetic ; Bfs. to Bj. Conserve of. 31s. to 5j. Oxymel of. 3fs- to'Sifs. Emetic ; §fs. Pill of. gr. v. to xx. Vinegar of. 3fs. to 3j- Emetic; i&. Honey pF. 3fs. to 3ifs; Emetic ; to §fs. Tincture pF, Bfs. to 3j- STARCH, MUCILAGE OF. An ufeful clyfter in diarrhoea. Troches of. Pectoral. STAVE SAC RE, seed. Externally in fome kinds of cutaneous erup- tions, and for deftroying vermin. STIMULANTS. Electricity, aether, mufk, volatile alkalis, ale" hoi, wine, rectified oil el amber, effential oil:-, German leopard's bane, afnrabacca, Syrian herb-maftic, peiiitory of Spain, pepper, muf- tard, -\ STI STO 127 S$ard, hcrferadifh,arum, fquill,ammoniacum., fnakeroot, zedv .'ary, contrayerva, peppermint, marjoram, pennyroyal, favine, elecampane, eryngo, fturvy gr afs,watercrefs, dill, cummin, coriander, wild carrot, parfley, afafcetida, fa- gapenum, opoponax, frankincenfe, farcocol- la, borax, common fait, tar, fulphurated foffil tar and oil, compound tincture of benjamin, mineral acids, Aromatics. Externally. Oil of turpentine, camphorated fpirit, fpirit of rofe- mary, ladanum, gum elemi, Epifpaflics. STINGS, VENOMOUS. Treatment -as in Bites. STOMACFI, INFLAMMATION OF. Symptoms. Heat, pulfation, and acute pain in "the part, which is increafed by fwallowing ; tenfion at the pit cf the ftomach ; anxiety ; continual retching ; hiccup ; fmall, weak, intermitting- pulfe. Treatment. Bleeding, emollient liquids, and clyfters ; fomentations ; gentle opiates ; blif- ters ; mucilage of gum arabic ; with fmall dofes of nitre occafionally. STOMACH, pain in. See Heart-burn. STOMACHICS. Gentian, camomile, orange and lemon peel, columbo, quaflia, bark, rhubarb, effential oil of juniper, plafter of ladanum. J v * STONE 12$ STO STONE and GRAVEL. Symptoms. Pain in the back and loins, or the region of the bladder ; naufea ; vomiting ; iftrangury ; fometimes bloody unite ; coftive- nefs ; retraction of the tefticle of the affect- ed fide ; numbnefs down the thigh and leg. When the calculus is got into the bladder, the pain in the kidneys abates, and the urine becomes turbid. Treatment, Bleed, if no objection appear ; draughts with oil of almonds and large quan- tities of gum arabic, with manna and opium added occafionally. As folvents, the water of pure kali from x. to xxx. or xl. drops in veal broth twice a day. Soap, oyfter-fhells, and lime-water, are alfo good ; and in fome C ifes, the fait of hartfhorn, or marine acid. Water impregnated with fixed air, or the mephitic alkaline water, and the effervefcent mixture, have been found folvents in fome cafes ; as have alfo fpt. of nitrous aether, uva urfi, live millepedes, and decoction or oil of juniper. In violent fits of the diforder, the femicupium is good; and clyfters with Venice turpentine, or oil of turpentine, and opium. In naufea and vomiting, the faline draughts, with tinct. of opium; and care fhould be taken to keep the body properly open with cathar- tics of the ccoling faline kind, or rather ^vith manna, STO SUD manna, caftor oil, and inf. of fenna, or other mild purge. Milk of almonds, decoction of marfhmallow roots, or the like, may be ufed freely as common drink. (See alfo Colic, Stone; and Urine, Suppreffion of.J STORAX. Pectoral, tonic ; gr. v. to Bj, STRAINS, If internal, give fpermaceti, or compound tinc- ture of benjamin, with fpruce beer. If out- ward, apply lin. of foap, vinegar, lin. of am- monia, or arquebufade. If there be inflam- mation, foment and poultice, bleed and purge. STRANGURY. Symptoms. A difficulty of making water, at- tended with heat or fcalding : it often pro- ceeds from blifters. Treatment. Give milk of almonds or mucilage of gum arabic freely. If thefe fail, bolufes of camphor and opium. See Urine, STYPTICS. Blue vitriol, alcohol, compound tinct. of ben- jamin, vitriolated iron, alum, acetated ceruffe, lint, flour, fponge. Internal. All aflringents, SUDORIFICS. Calefacient. Guaiacum,contrayerva,fhakeroot, rattlefnake-root, faffafras, mezereon. Stimu- lant, SUL TAB lant. Volatile alkalis,antimonials, fal ammo- niac, infpiffated juice of elder-berries. Anti- fpafmodic. Compound powder of ipecacuanha, opiate confection, camphor, fpirits of nitrous and vitriolic aether, warm bath, vapour bath. Diluent. Vinegar whey, aqueous liquors. SULPHUR, FLOWERS OF. Pectoral, alterative, aperient; Bj. to 3ij« Pre? cipitated. The fame. Washed flowers of. The fame. Ointment of. For the itch. SWINE-POX. See Pox, Chicken. TABES DORSALIS. Symptoms. A wafting of the whole body, at- tended with fever, but no fpitting or cough, by which it is known from a Phthifls. A col- lection of matter in fome part of the body is ufually the caufe, but it particularly attends the inflammation of a fcirrhous gland. Treatment. If it arife from a fcirrhous liver, foap, and mild chalybeates. If the fcirrhus or abfcefs be external, open or extirpate. The bark is often proper in thefe cafes, as is alfo myrrh with nitre, or vitriolated kali. The bo- dy muft be kept properly open; but purgings fhould be checked. Gentle exercife, whole- fome air, and proper mild diet, with the ufe of affes milk, and the like, are often of much ferviceT TAM- TAM TEE' TAMARIND, the fruit. Cooling, antifeptic, laxative ; at pleafure. TANSY, flower and herb. Tonic, anthelmintic ; Bj. to Bij. TAR. Stimulant, diuretic. Made into pills with pow- der of elecampane ; 3fs- of the mafs is given for a dofe in diforders of the DTeaft, cutane- ous difeafes, &c. Of Tar-water ftj. or ftij. may be drunk in a day. Ointment of. Digeftive. Alfo in cutaneous difeafes. ---FOSSIL, or BARBADOES. Stimulant. Oil of. The fame, but more acrid. Sulphurated. Stimulant, pecto- ral ; gt. v. to xx. TARTAR, CRYSTALS OF. Cooling, opening ; 3ij. to §j. TEETHING. Symptoms. Inflammation and fwelling of the gums, with Havering ; fever ; and fometimes convulfions. Treatment. Cabling febrifuges in cafe of fever ; the body fhould be.kept gently open. If con- vulfions arife, give tinct. of afafcetida and car- minatives, or oil of anifeed with magnefia; if a rafh appear, compound powder of contra- yerva with nitre is ufually given; if a cough, fpermaceti TEN TET fpermaceti or otherbalfamicpectoral: leeches and blifters may be applied if neceffary ; and if the diforder be violent, the gums fliould be lanced; Gentle anodynes are often ufeful. TENESMUS. Symptoms. Frequent, or even continual incli- nation to go to ftool, without occafion, or being able to void any. Treatment. Clyfters, writh mutton broth and opiUm ; or with ftarch, oil, and compound • powder of chalk ; or with fpermaceti, fuet, or the like. Spermaceti with opium may alfo be given inwardly. TESTICLES, inflamed. Treatment. Bleed, purge, and even vomit, if neceffary, in order to caufe revulfion. Warm emollient fomentations and poultices are ufu- ally recommended ; but cold applications to the part are much more efficacious. Febri- fuges and gentle diaphoretics, with an opi- ate at night, are good. If matter form, open and let it out. The tefticles fhould be fuf- pended, and the patient kept as much as poffible in an horizontal pofture. TETANOS. Symptoms. A rigid and painful contraction of the mufcles of the neck and trunk of the body, drawing it backwards or forwards in a curve, TET 133 a curve, with convulfions ; fometimes an at- tempt to fwallow liquids produces general ccnvulfion, as in hydrophobia. Treatment. Give large dofes of mulk and opi- um, keeping die body open with caftor oil, or other proper purge. The warm bath, e • moliient fomentations and fpirituous embro- cations to tire parts, are good ; fo are fait of hartfliorn, nervous medicines, and clyfters with turpentine and opium. If it be the con- fequence of local injury, excite inflamma- tion in the part injured. After the diforder give bark, or other reftoratives. TETTERS. Treatment. They may be touched with in!-:, a weak folution of vitriolated iron or zinc, acetated ceruffe, prepared kali, or muriated quickfilver. If thefe prove too violent, fott- ening and cooling liniments, or cream. Camphorated fpirit and the ointment of th~ white calx of quickfilver are good. Some- times alteratives of the mercurial and anti- • monial kind, or cooling febrifuges and pur- ges, are neceffary. Pimples, Ringworms, Shingles., Gruhs, Freckles, and other like cutaneous complaints, alfo give way to fome of the above methods. M THISTLE, 154 THI ' TOB THISTLE, BLESSED. Tonic, if lightly infufcd : ftrong decoction emetic. In-powder, dofe Bj.'to 3j- [" THROAT, SORE. See Quiuey and Angina gangrenofa. THRUSH. Symptoms. Little ulcers in the mouth and "throat, of a white or yellow colour. Fre- quent in children. Treatment. Keep the body gently Open with magnefia or rhubarb ; give the faline mix- ture, with comp. powder of contrayerva, arJd touch the ulcers now and then with fyr. of : mulberries and borax, or with alum, French- bole and honey, infufion of rofes, &c. See -. alfo Fever A; hthofe, Fever Miliary, Angina gangrenofa, and Venereal Difeafe. TIN, POWDER OF. Vermifuge ; 3ij. to gj. -TOBACCO, leaf. Powerfully diuretic ; fometimes emetic, pur- gative, and diaphoretic: frequently produces giddinefs and naufea. If one ounce of the f eft Virginian"tobacco be infufed in a pint of ' boiling water for an hour, and Bxiv. be ftrained off, adding to them gij. of alcohol, 1 gt. xl. to hi. or more, may be given twice a day TON TOO i§5 day. An ounce of this infufion, in half a pint of gruel, may be given as a ftimulating clyfter, inftead of the common one of tobac- co fmoke. Some prefer an infufion in Span- ifh white wine, §j. to ftj. TONICS. Iron, alum, blue vitriol, vitriolated and 'cal- cined zinc, mineral acids, bark, quaffia, co- lumbo, gentian, camomile, oak, galls, leffer centaury, cafcarilla, logwood, pomegranatS fhell and flower, fimarouba, tor menttl, b i it ort, ginfeng, zedoary, bay, bleffed thiftle, worm- wood, horehound, fouthernwood, cinquefoil, tanfy, buckbean, uva urfi, mint, fage, balm, elm, clove-july-flowers, valerian, fnakeroot, contrayerva, faffafras, farfaparilla, coltsfoot, orris, kino, balfams of Canada, Capivi, and • Peru,frankincenfe, turpentine,maftic, myrrh', olibanum, ftorax, compound tincture of ben- jamin, amber, dragon's-blood. Tojical. Vin- egar, camphorated fpirit, liniment of fo.iu, Aflringents. TOOTH-ACHE. Treatment. If hollow or decayed, apply com- pound tincture of benjamin, or fome effential pil, upon cotton, to the part ; or pills with camphor and opium ; or chew the root of pellitory .of Spain. Some burn the nerve with 136 TOR TUR with vitriolic or nitrous acid, or a hot iron ; or touch the antihelix with the latter. If there be inflammation, bleeding, purging, and blifters behind the ears. ■' If it proceed from Cold or Rheumatifm, treat as is directed for thofe complaints. Vitriolated zinc in naufeating doles has been effectual, and like- wife electricity. TORMENTIL, root. Tcnic, aftringent; Bij. to 5j. TRAGACANTH, gum. Obtunding. Cotound powder of. 3&« to 3'iij. TREMORS. Treatment as in Nervous Complaints and Palfy. TUMOURS, encysted. Try to difperfe then/, with quickfilver ointments or plaflers, friction, or electricity; if thefe fail, hemlock fomentations and poultices, and give infpiffated juice of hemlock, or mercu- rials, with farfaparilla, &c. and occafional purges. If you cannot difperfe them,endeav- our at fuppuration ; if that fail, extirpation, where it can be done, is the only cure. TURMERIC, root. Aperient, diuretic ; Bj- to 3j- TURPEN- TUR VAL 137 TURPENTINE, CHIO, and COMMON. Diuretic, detergent, ftrengthening; Bj. to ^jfs. -Thecommon is rarely given internally. Oil of. Diuretic, fudorific ; gt. x. to xv. Rec- tified oil of. gt. viij. p xij. . TUTTY. Externally in collyriums for the eyes; cooling aftringent. Ointment of. The lame. TYMPANY. A collection of wind or air in the inteftin:-, ' particularly the colon, by which they "be- come violently diftended. Treatment. If fever and full pulfe, bleed ; keep the body open with gentle laxorives, joined with aromatics; but refrain from ftrong pro - ges, and from carminatives not joined with proper aperients. The belly fliould be fre- quently rubbed, and fwathed with flannel. Exercife is good; gentle corroborants, as ca- momile flowers, and fmall dofes of chalybea- tes joined with aromatic-, are alfo very.pro- per. It has been relieved by clyfters with infufion of tobacco. VACCIOLA, or kike pox. Seepage 150. VALERIAN, WILD, root. Tonic, nervous, antifpafmodic ; Bj. to 5j. or more. Tincture of. 3j- to iv. Ammo. tfiATED. 3fs- to ij. m 2 VARIK.. 138 VAR VEN VAPJX, OR enlargement of a vein. Treatment. Keep it compreffed with proper bandages, and, if neceffary, bleed and evacu- ate. If thefe fail, treat it as in the opt ration for Aneurifin. VENEREAL DISEASE. Symptoms, An itching at the orifice of the ure- thra, fometimes extending over the whole glans : a little fulnefs of the lips of the ure- thra : inflammation : a difcharge from the urethra, at firft whitifh, but fometimes chang- ing to yellow or green, attended with pain, and fmarting in making water, or without ei- ther : commonly a fulnefs of the penis, par- ticularly of the glans : frequently aforenefs in part, or throughout the whole of the ure- thra, occafioning pain,in erection : when the inflammation or irritability of the urethra is treat, the penis'is incurvated downwards in erection, with confiderable pain, and fome- times hemorrhage. Thefe fymptoms are fometini.es accompanied with fwelling s of the tefticles, or fympathetic tumefactions of the neighbouring glands. This ftage of the dif- eik is called the virulent gonorrhoea. Sometimes the infe-ftion is received by the viru- lent matter remaining in contact with the pre- puce, VEN *3S puce, or glans, in which it produces an ulcer, indifpofed to heal, and with a hardened bale; this is termed a chancre : if the matter pro- duced by this ulcer be abforbed, we find bu- boes hi the groin ; blotches on the fkin at firft attended with inflammation, which goes off, and a white fcurf arifes, fucceffively peeling off and returning, at length becoming copper- coloured, and finally forming afcab with an ulcer underneath; ulcers in the throat; nodes on the tendons, ligaments, periofteum, and bones ; carie- ; and nocturnal pains. Treatment. In the gonorrhoea fome rely on mer- curials given internally in fmall dofes; others employ injections alone ; fome lay the chief ftrefs on diuretics : others combine thefe dif- ferent methods. Quickfilver, however, is by no means neceffary to the cure of this ftage of die difeafe. If the inflammation be confider- able, no injections fhould be ufed but thofe of fhefedative kind, as thofe compofedof opium or lead : if very great, emollients alone muft be ventured on, as milk and water, oil of al- monds, or thin mucilage : when flight, aflrin- gents may be employed : and in fome cafes irritating injections are proper, as a weak fo- lution of muriated quickfilver. Whatever method we purfue, the conftitution fliould be attended to, which, with the fymptoms, will H° VEN in general beft direct the treatment. Painful . erections and chordee are frequently relieved by opium, and in the latter leeches applied to the part are fometimes ferviceable at the be. ginning. When a gleet will not yield to the turpentine balfams, as balf. of capivi, or aftringent in- jections, and amending the conftitution, ir- ritating injections are fometimes fuccefsful. If the diforder be a confirmed lues, quickfilver is the only remedy. Calomel, or calcined quickfilver, may be given internally in fmall dofes, or a portion of the ftrong quickfilver ointment may be rubbed into the thighs ev- ery night. The quantity muft depend on the conftitution of the patient. We fliould always flop as foon as a flight forenefs of the mouth is produced, refuming the mercurial in a few days, and perfifting in its ufe till about a fortnight after the fymptoms. have difappeared, but carefully avoiding a faliva- tion. After the cure, the bark, reftorati ves, and a ftrengthening diet, are proper. In obftinate venereal complaints, not yielding to mercurials, decoctions of boxwood, woody nightfhade, mezereon, daphnelagetto,epiden- drum claviculatum, farfaparilla, or the outer green fhells of walnuts, have been faid to have proved fuccefsful. Chancre^ VER VIN 141 Chancres may be dreffed with fome preparation of quickfilver mixed with ointment of wax, or conferve of rofes. Recent ones may fome- times be cured by confuming them with cauf- tic, and afterwards healing : but it is never fafe to omit the ufe of mercurials internally. Buboes fhould be difperfed by rubbing the ftronger quickfilver ointment into the thigh, perineum, and root of the penis; keeping the patient at reft ; and the antiphlogiftic regi- men. Some recommend the liniment of am- monia rubbed in, in the fame manner, every hour or two. For Hernia humoralis, fee Teflicle, inflamed. See alfo Phymofls. VERDIGRIS. Externally detergent, good a'gainft fungous flefh. Oxymelof. The fame. VERTIGO. Symptoms. Objects, though at reft, feem to turn round ; dimnefs of fight; and fear of falling. Treatment. Bleed in the jugular, and cup in ' the back part of the head j blifters kept open; a vomit and laxatives ; then the nervous me-. dicines, and chalybeate waters. VINEGAR. Cooling, antalkaline, antifeptic ; 3j- to 3fs« Distilled. The fame, but ftronger. *■•■ • VIOLET, VIO VOM VIOLET, THE FRESH FLOWER. Aperient. VITRIOL, BLUE. Emetic ; Bfs. to Bj. Tonic ; gr. £ to j. Externally efcarotic, flyptic. Green. See Iron. White. See Zinc. ULCERS. Treatment. Drefs them with proper digeftives ; and if they be fungous, apply an efcarotic ; if foul, mix red nitrated quickfilver with the digeftive, or ufe the oxymel of verdigris, or tincture of myrrh. Dry lint alone, in fome cafes, is good. If callous, cut or eat away the callofity. If the bone be carious, either fcrape it, or make fmall perforations to pro- mote exfoliation; or drefs with lint, either dry, or wetted with tincture of myrrh. If humours abound, give proper alteratives and purges; and if putridity appear, the bark and vitriolic acid. VOMICA, OR ABSCESS IN THE LUNGS. Symptoms. Cough, difficult breathing, even af- ter the pain which preceded it goes off; flight fhiverings, followed by heat; a quick weak pulfe ; hectic fever ; wafting of the body ; the patient cannot lie down but on the fide affected. VOM I-4J affected. It is fometimes a confequence of pleurify. Treatment. Gentle medicines Of the turpentine kind, balfamics and diuretics, fleams of hot water, with balf. of Tolu, benzoin, &c. re- ceived into the lungs ; occafional laxatives, bleeding if inflammation, foft balfamic food, and gentle exercife. VOMITING. Treatment. If it arife from foulnefs of ftomach (as bile, acidify, &c.) an emetic will be ufe- ful ; and afterwards, if neceffary, a rhubarb or other gentle purge ; and ftomachics, eo- lurhbo root, magnefia, opiates, &c according to circumftances. If from fpafms, the faline draughts, and proper opiates : medicines of the nervous clafs, joined with laxatives ; and, if neceffary, a blifter to the back. If from inflammation, bleeding, cooling diluents and febrifuges, as" the faline draughts with proper laxatives ;• and anodynes at difcretion. If from weaknefs of the ftomach, bark, bitters, or other corroborants ; premifing a vomit if judged neceffary. Chalybeate waters are alfo proper. If the ftomach be fore, as it is termed, the compound tincture of benjamin, fpermaceti, or other balfamics, are good. In vomitings, the beft form of medicine is pills. Vomitings VOM UR1 Vomitings are often fymptomatic, as in fits of the gravel, pregnancy, &c. ; the original dif- order muft, in thofe cafes, claim the chief at- tention. VOMITING of blood. See Blood. URJNE, BLOODY. The treatment may be fimilar to that prefcri-' bed for the Diabetes. URINE, PROFUSE. DISCHARGE OF, OR DIABETES. Symptoms. An exceflive difcharge of urine, pale and fweet, having loft its natural appear* ance and qualities, foraetunes with a fragrant odour ; the body emaciated. Treatment. Tonics., as bark, vitriolic acid, cha- lybeates, alum, bitters, and the like. Tincture cf cantharides lias, been found efficacious, as hath alfo blue vitriol, in dofes of half a grain, twice in a day. Exercife, aud light, but ftrengthening diet, are alfo proper. URINE, SUPPRESSION OF. Called Ifchury, if total; Strangury, if but hi part; aud Dyfttry, if the latter be attended with heat: ufually occafioned by inflamma- tion or fpafms on the neck of the bladder, in confequence of blifters,. or fome other caufe. Treatment. UTE WAR 145 Treatment. Oily medicines, and plenty of gum arabic, with opiates or camphor, if neceffary. The' body fhould be kept open with gentle laxatives, and emollient clyfters; if neceiiary, bleed, foment the belly, rub the liniment of ammonia into the perineum, and advife the warm bath. If caruncles in the urethra be the caufe, bougies, introduced with proper caution, are ferviceable. When arifing from gravel, the infufion of tobacco has been very fuccefsful, and frequently, in bilious habits, |fs. of pure lemon juice. Sometimes ifchury has been removed by placing the feet and legs in water as cold as poflible. If nothing fucceed, puncturing the bladder is the lalt refource. UTERUS inflamed, Sec. See Womb. UVA URSI, LEAF. Tonic, antinephritic ; Bj. to 3j« WALNUT, UNRIPE FRUIT. Anthelmintic ; of a watery extract about Bij. have been given as a dofe. WARTS. Touch them with fome cauftic or efcarotic dai- ly, paring off firft the decayed part ; or cut them off with fciffars, and touch the roots with blue vitriol, or the like. If it can con- N veniently 146 WAT WOM veniently be done, tie round the bottom a fine hair, or fiik thread, and they will die away. The juice of celadine, or fpurge, rubbed over them, is eftemed good. WATERCRESS. Stimulant, antifeptic ; Sj. or ij. of the expreffed juice. WAX. Balfamic, antidyfenteric ; externally healing. Ointment of. Cooling. Compound plaster of. Drawing. WHITES. See Fluor albus>. WHITLOW. Treatment fimilar to that directed for Biles and Abfceffes. WINE. Stimulant, antifeptic. Oil of. Sedative, an- tifpafmodic. Ufed for making the Camp. Sp. of Vitriolic JEther, or Hoffman's Anodyne Liquor. WOLFSBANE, BLUE. Narcotic, and violently evacuant, in a large dofe ; fedative and fudorific, in a fmall one ; from ^ of a grain of the expreffed juice to gr. vj. twice a day. • WOMB inflamed. Symptoms. Puliation, pain, heat, and tumour in the part: fever, tenefmus, pain on going to ftool, and difficulty of making wTater. Treatment. WOM J 47 Treatment. Bleeding, laxatives, emollient clyf- ters, cooling febrifuges, diluting liquors, fo- mentations and poultices, &c. as in other in- flammations ; (See Stomach, Bladder, Kid- neys, Sec.) but if the patient be weak, bleed- ing and all confiderable evacuations muft be avoided. If a Cancer fucceed, it muft be palliated with gentle anodynes, occafional bleeding and lax- atives ; and proper detergent, or other in- jections. WOMB retroverted. Symptoms. A total obftruction of the urine and feces, the fundus of die womb occupying the hollow of the facrum, and the orifice being turned towards the fymphyfis pubis. It gen- erally happeas about the third month of pregnancy. Treatment. Draw off the water by the cathe- ter ; and replace the uterus, if it can eafily be done. If it cannot, it is beft left to itfelf, as it will naturally refume its proper pofition, if care be taken to prevent an accumulation of water in the bladder by an occafional ufe of the catheter if requifite. The flexible male catheter is moft convenient, and fhould be introduced flowly. After the water is drawn off, a clyfter fhould be given, and repeated if neceffary. WORMS. 148 WOR WORMS. Symptoms. Itching of the nofe and anus ; hun- ger, with ravenous appetite ; naufea ; gnaw- ing pain in the ftomach or inteftines ; fetid breath ; grinding of the teeth, and moaning in fleep ; intermitting weak pulfe, and hectic fever; faintings, and fometimes convulfive fits ; palenefs ; wafting of the flefh. But there are feveral kinds of worms. Itching about the anus, with tenefmus, are figns of afcarides, or fmall thread worms. Sudden gripings about the navel, denote the common round worms. Gnawing pains in the ftome ach, and voracioufnefs,the maw worms. And a weight in the belly, like the rolling of a ball, the taenia, or tape worm. Treatment. Tin filings, with rhubarb, or other proper aperient; fern, fanton. calomel, aethi- ops, or other mercurials, every night, with a purge now and then ; cowitch. The infufion of bears-foot leaves is efteemed good ; cob- bage-tree bark has alfo been reccommended. Aloes, wormwood, rue, fayine, efpecially in clyfters ; and for the afcarides, oil of olives, or the fumes of tobacco thrown up the rec- tum ; for the tape worm, the male fern root 3j. every hour for three times, and prefently after a ftrong draftic mercurial purge. See Dr.- Simmons's ingenious pamphlet on the fubject, WOR WOU 149 fubjedt. Corroborants are proper after a courfe of anthelmintic medicines. WORMSEED. Anthelmintic ; gr. v. to Bj. WORMWOOD, COMMON. Tonic, antifeptic, vermifuge ; Bfs. to g ij - of the juice. In fomentations, difcutient, ------:-----SEA, TOPS. Tonic, antifeptic. Conserve of. gfs. WOUNDS. Treatment. Remove extraneous fubftances ; if the wound be Ample, clofe the lips with flips of fticking-plafter, or the flitch if neceffary ; and apply lint, either dry, or wetted with compound tincture of benjamin, Sec. If ne- ceffary, bleed and purge; or give cordials, Sec. according to circumftances. Drefs with fome mild digeftive, or defenfative; and if fungous flefh appear, ufe efcarotks : afterwards cica- trize. If there be lofs of flefh, defend the part from the air with proper, mild, vulnery dreffings, while nature fupplies the lofs. In other refpects, (the future excepted) proceed as above. If an artery or vein be wounded or divided, apply ftyptics, ligatures, Sec. accord- ing to circumftances. If a nerve be divided in part, (as violent pain, convulhons, and der n 2 liriurn ZED ZIN lirium will indicate) divide itentirely; asmufl alfo be the cafe with a tendon or artery in like circumftances. If there be fever, bleed, purge, and give cooling febrifuges; and if in- flammation, apply emollient poultices and fo- mentations. If the patient be low, and the wound do not go an kindly, bark, or other proper cordial and ftrengthening medicines, with fuitable diet, fhould be prefcribed. ZEDQARY, root. Tonic, ftimulant; gr. x. to 3fs« ZINC, CALCINED. Emetic, tonic, antifpafmodic; gr. fs. to viij. It has been increafed to 3fs- Alfo externally, as Tuity or Calamine, to either of which it is preferable. Vitriolated. Aftringent; gr. ij. to x. Emetic ; gr. v. to 3fs. Ex- ternally, cooling, aftringent. Water of vitriolated z. with Camphor. Ex- ternally aftringent. Diluted as a collyrium. VACCIOLA, or KINE POX. \Ince:d:tion, as in the finall pox. The matter for infection fliould be frem, limpid, and tranfparent. It is generally found in this ftate, before or immediate- ly after the eryfipelatous inflammation begins to ex- tend from the mai^in of nit puftule, which common- lY [VAC] XJI Iy takes place on the 8th, 9th, or 10th day after vac- cination. Symptoms. Upon the 3d or 4th day after inocula- tion, a fmall inf!-;ned fpot can be perceived, which gradually increafes to a circular tumour, furrounded by an inflamed margin. About the 5th or 6th day there appears a regularly circumfcribed pock, which has elevated veficular edges, with an indentation at the centre, of a dark colour. The pock continues to increafe and fill until the tenth day. At this time the puftule has a peculiar pearly appearance, like a hard tranfparent tumour, regularly circumfcribed. This regularly circumfcribed appearance, with elevated edges and deprefled centre, continues throughout the progrefs of the difeafe. Between the 8th and nth day, an eryfipelatous inflammation or rednefs, with fome tumefaction, hardnefs, and confiderable tenfion of the fkin, fpreads three or four inches around the puftule. After this period, the fluid in the puftule gradually dries up; the furrounding rednefs or efiio- refcence becomes fainter; the tumefaction fubfides, and a thick hard fcab is formed, of a mohogany col- pur, darkeft in the centre, alTuming as it advances, a polifhed hue, which, in the courfe of 12 or 14 days, falls off, leaving a flight efchar upon the fkin. Upon the 8th, 9th, or 10th day, the pock having arrived to maturity, the conftitutional fymptoms begin to ap- pear ; being preceded by fwelling and pain of the puf- tule, fhooting up towards the axillary glands, which pow become fwtlled and painful, efpecially on mov- ing the arm, whilft the fympathy of the fyftem is generally evinced by fome of the ufual fymptoms of a flight inflammatory fever. The degree of this con- ftitutional indifpofition is various, and its duration from fix hours to three days. Matter is* [VAC] Matter that has become purulent before it was ta> ken from the puftule, or that has fufFered a decom- pofition by long expofure to air, great heat, or cold, will communicate a fpurious difeafe, which will not fecure the fubject of it againft the fmall pox. In fome cafes of this kind the conftitutional affection is like that produced by the genuine difeafe; but the puf- tule and local appearance are very different. In thefe cafes, a complete puftule is fometimes formed on the ad or 3d day after vaccination, and this generally takes place much earlier than in the genuine difeafe. It has not that regularly circumfcribed and pearly appearance ; that indentation at the centre, with ele- vated edges ; that hardnefs, tenfion of the fkin, are- ola, tumefaction, and eryfipelatous efflorefcence fur- rounding it for a confiderable extent, which charac^ terize the genuine difeafe. The puftule is more ir- regular, angular, elevated at the centre ; the fcab is whiter, rougher, and does not aflume that polifhed hue, which characterizes the true vaccine fcab. Having mentioned fome of the principal pathog- nomonic figns of the genuine and fpurious difeafes, in their moft common forms ; fome varieties in both, together with many important facts relative to the fubject, muft neceflarily be left unnoticed in fo fliort a treatife; for a knowledge of which, the reader is re- ferred to the writings of Doctors Jenner, Woodville, Perfons, Coxe, &c. on the fubject. Treatment. This is very fimple : avoid violent ex- ercife, and intemperance. If the inflammation and fever be confiderable, treat it like a common inflam- matory fever. E. B. Troy.] A TABLE, A TABLE, exhibiting the Proportions of Opium, Mercurials, ^Cathartics, contained in the feveral Compofitions into which they enter. Opiate confec- tion, gr. 36 Pill of Opium, gr- 5 Compound pow der of Chalk with Opium, gT- 431 Compound pow der of Ipecacu anha, gr. 10 Opiate powder, gr. 10 Tincture of Opi- um, m.* 3> Camphorated tincture of Opi um, m. Bj Ointm't of white 1 calx of Quick- > filver, 13 parts J contains of [Opi gr- I. I. gr. 1. }- - gr. I- -\ gr- gr- 1. {W White calx of Quickfilver, part. Ointment * Where m occurs, in this Table, it ftands for mea* sure, in contradiftin£tion to "weight. *54 TABLE. 1 ;}- ir, I ----■ Ointment of ni trated Quickfil- J- contains ver, 5 parts Stronger oint- ment of Quick filver, 2 parts Weaker ointm of Quickfilver 6 parts Plafter of Am- 1 moniacumwkh ! Quickfilver, 5 parts Plafter of Li- tharge with Quickfilver, 5 parts Quickfilver with Chalk, 8 parts Quickfilver with Sulphur, 2 parts Pill of Quickfil- ver, gr. 5 Powder of Scam- mony with Cal- omel, gr. 4 Compound pow der of Sc ammo ny, gr. 9 r Nitrated Quick* ofi\ filver, 1 part. ("Quickfilver, 1 I part. ——. 1 part, ;}- 1 part. —— 1 part. — ■•■ 3 parts, ---- 1 part. ----gr. 2. f Calomel, gr. 1. < Scammony, L gr- 2. f Scammony, gr. 4 < Hard extract of L Jalap, gr. 4. Compound TABLE. *55 Compound pow-' der of Scammo- ny with Aloes, gr- 17 Compound pow- der of Senna, gr. 19 Electuary of 1 Scammony,3fs. J Aloetic powder,! gr- \5 5 Aloetic powder "1 with Guaiacum S- gr. 2 J Aloetic powder 1 with Iron, gr. 11 y Pill of Aloes, 9j. Pill of aloes with Myrrh, 3fs. Wine of Aloes, mm- Bj- Tincture of Al- oes, m. §j. Compound tinct. 1 of Aloes, m. §j. y Tincture ap }- of Jal- m. 3ij. f Scammony, gr.3 . .' , i Hard extract of contains ?/ s t i ^ j Jalap, gr. 0. t Aloes, gr. 6. { Scammony,gr.2 Senna, gr. 8. Cryftals of Tar- tar, gr. 8. C Scammony, gr. I 5- Aloes, gr. 12. ----gr. I. ----gr« 3- ----gr. 12. ----gr. 14. ----3fi. ----gr. 15. ----gr. 45. Jalap, 3fs. }- Wine 156 TABLE. } Wine of Rhu- barb, m. §j. Tincture of Rhu-* barb, m. fy j Compound tine-" ture of Rhu- - —— barb, m. Bj. .1 Tincture of Sen-") ____ na, m. §j. j" Simple infufion 1 _____ of Senna, m. §ij. j Tartarifed infu- fion of Senna, m. §ij. 1- Electuary of Sen- \ na, Sfs. $ Electuary of Caf-")___ fia, 3ij- i 0/| Rhubarb, 3fs. . .------3fs. gr- 34- Senna, gr. 45. —■ $ifs. f Senna, 3ifs. -j Cryftals of Tar- (. tar, gr. 15. Senna, gr. 25. Pulp of Caffia, 9j. Pulp of Tamarinds, Bj. Pulp of Erench Prunes, B'y rPulpofCafEa,3j. J Manna, 3j. Pulp | of Tamarinds, I 9fs. THE END. rifc e-<\ Jf;r Ml:. «» /W..Hist. WI . 110 /S03 Cl :v '*%*» V..^:\'yB/ '!*» 1$ M