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Brown, Printer, Prune Street. 1819. i* TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE REGENT OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS, THIS SHORT TREATISE, AN ATTEMPT TO ALLEVIATE HUMAN MISERY, BY ENDEAVOURING TO IMPROVE THE HEALING ART, IS HUMBLY DEDICATED, BY A FAITHFUL SUBJECT OF THE BEST OF KINGS, AND ONE OF THE OLDEST MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF THE PRINCE OF SCOTLAND, ANDREW DUNCAN, Sen. A LETTER TO Sir GILBERT BLAINE, Baronet, ONE OF THE PHYSICIANS IN ORDINARY TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. Mr Dear Friend, More than forty years have now elapsed since I first began to deliver medical lectures at Edinburgh; and I have often reflected, with satisfaction, that you were one of the first of my hearers. Since that time, though our dif- ferent sit -ations in life have prevented frequent intercourse, yet we have never ceased to be steady friends; and I have often had occasion to admire the integrity of your life as well as the solidity of your judgment. Permit me, there- fore, to present to you, as an early pupil, a a 2 6 candid critic, and a steady friend, this short Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption; a disease which has long been ranked, and which, I am afraid, must still be ranked, among the oppro- bria.medicorum. But we have no reason to despair of obtaining farther improvements in practice, either for the prevention, cure, or alleviation even of phthisis. I now, there- fore, take the liberty of submitting to the public in general, and to you in particular, the result of my own observations; and after you have carefully perused this little work, I confidently trust, that in return you will favour me with your opinion respecting the conclusions I have drawn from my practice. Some of these con- clusions you may have found confirmed, and others refuted by your experience. I am anxious to learn in what conclusions we agree; and in what we differ. If, therefore, more urgent business will permit you to communi- cate to me the result of your observations on pulmonary consumption, I shall esteem it a singular obligation; for, although now in the seventieth year of my age, I am not yet too old 7 to learn; and it will give me no slight degree of satisfaction once more to become the disciple [ of a quondam pupil, by whose judicious and candid remarks I have often before been in- structed. Believe me to be, Yours ever and sincerely, ANDREW DUNCAN, Sen. Edinburgh, ) 20th JYw. 1813. \ P. S. Since the date of the above letter, three years have been added to my life. And dur- ing that period, I have witnessed not a few de- plorable cases of phthisis terminating fatally. But from all that I have seen, I am still more confirmed in my opinion, that those prac- titioners err much who consider phthisis as always an incurable affection. In the incipient state even of tuberculous phthisis, a cure may often be effected; and even in the very last stage of every species much may be done towards alleviation of human misery. Hence, you will not be surprised, that your quondam 8 preceptor, even in the evening of life, should consider phthisis as an object well meriting both his and your attention. Ut supra, A. D. October 20th, 1816. PREFACE. I here present to the public a very short Treatise, on a very important subject. With little difficulty, I might have extended it to a much greater length. A particular relation or even a selection of those cases from which my observations have been deduced, might have filled a large volume. My object, how- ever, has been to lay before the intelligent reader, not the detail, but the result of ex- perience, and to state merely the conclusions I have drawn from the facts which I have witnessed in watching the progress of pul- monary consumption. If these conclusions have not been very generally erroneous, they have afforded useful x PREFACE. instruction to myself; and if an attentive perusal of them shall afford similar instruction to others, the object which I have in view by this publication will be completely obtained. Edinburgh, ) Nov. 30, 1813. J In the second edition of this short Treatise now presented to the public, the attentive reader will not find many alterations. And although, by the observations which have been communicated to me by intelligent medi- cal friends, as well as by cases which have fallen under my own care, I might have swell- ed it to a very considerable size ; yet, as my sole aim has been to communicate merely the result of experience, the size of the pre- sent edition will be found very little augmented. To the account, indeed, of the preparation and use of the Lettuce Opium, or Lactu- carium, as I have named it, some interesting preface. xi additions have been made. And let me here observe, that besides the use of that article in phthisis pulmonalis, I have found it highly beneficial in various other affections. I have particularly employed it with great advantage in many cases of Rheumatism,—a disease, which, I need hardly observe, is, in Britain, both a very common and a very pain- ful complaint. It is not, however, in every condition of rheumatism, that benefit is to be expected from lactucarium. That disease, as well as phthisis, has been divided into a variety of different species. Sauvages, in his elaborate System, has pointed out fifteen dif- ferent species, all of them, in his opinion, de- serving attention, from the difference in prac- tice requisite for combating each particular species. But the greater part of practitioners are not disposed to follow him in such minute distinctions. Even from the earliest periods of medicine, however, two states of this disease have been Ml PREFACE. established, from the circumstance of their re- quiring very different modes of cure. These are almost universally known in Britain by the appellations of Acute and Chronic Rheu- matism. And Dr. Cullen, to whose nosologi- cal labours the medical world are very much indebted, has viewed these modifications of the disease as differing so much from one an- other, that he has defined each as a separate genus. To the acute rheumatism, he has appropriated the name of Rheumatismus; to the chronic that of Arthrodynia. The defi- nitions which he has given of each of these genera are accurate and judicious; and while they point out the obvious symptoms in which these genera differ in their appearance, they also clearly demonstrate to the attentive reader, that the two affections must differ in their nature, and must require a different mode of treatment. It is not without great diffidence that I ven- ture to dissent from an authority in the prac- tice of medicine, foi» which I have uniformly PREFACE, xiii maintained the highest veneration. But in the clinical wards of the Royal Infirmary, and in my Lectures illustrating the cases which I have there an opportunity of treating, I have for many years pointed out a distinction in rheumatism, which, with a view to actual practice, seems to me to be more useful than the distinctions either of Sauvages or of Cullen. I am of opinion, that, with the view to a suc- cessful cure, four different modifications of rheumatism are especially to be had in view. And these I have in my Lectures distinguished by the names of Rheumatismus Inflamma- torius, Initabilis, Atonicus, and Paralyticus. They cannot with propriety be considered as different stages of the same disease. For al- though it be true, that the most common pro- gress of the affection is from the inflammatory to the irritable state, and that the jrritable of- ten terminates in the atonic, and this again in the paralytic state; yet each modification may occur separately and independently of any XIV PREFACE. other. The rheumatismus irritabilis, in par- ticular, every day takes place without any preceding inflammation, or at least any pre- ceding fever. The rheumatismus inflam- matorius, with a high degree of fever, and evi- dent marks of local inflammation at particular joints, not unfrequently supervenes, after the disease has previously existed in its irritable state for a considerable time. And in some though rare instances, the rheumatismus paralyticus is the very first form under which the disease appears, without any preceding marks either of inflammation, irritability, or even atony. Hence, notwithstanding the com- mon progress of rheumatism, there is, I think, good reason for establishing in the genus rheumatismus, the four species which have been mentioned, especially as they require very different modes of cure, and as they can readily be distinguished from each other by obvious symptoms. On the subject of rheumatism, especially with a view to point out the distinction of the PREFACE. XV four species from each other, and the par- ticular modes of cure best adapted for the re- moval of each, it is now many years since I stated my sentiments very fully, in a course of lectures, delivered at Edinburgh, on the prac- tice of medicine. Since that, I have often repeated these observations, in an abridged form, when illustrating, by clinical lectures, the cases of patients who were under my care subjected to rheumatism, in the Royal Infir- mary. In that hospital, all the four species of this disease which I have mentioned, are al- most every day to be met with. It was once my intention to have made my observations and opinions on rheumatism, as well as on consumption, the subject of a sepa- rate publication. But that intention, from different considerations, I have now relin- quished. I shall however, probably soon submit these Observations to the examination of my friends, without having recourse to the press. It is mv intention to place my manuscripts on this subject in the Library of the Royal Col- XVI PREFACE. lege of Physicans of Edinburgh, where I have . already deposited more than fifty volumes, written with my own hand, containing practi- cal remarks on cases which have fallen under my own observation. By this measure, I am not without hopes, that the experience which has afforded use- ful lessons to myself, may be of benefit to some of my younger brethren in the college. The presumption, indeed, is, that very few of them will find either leisure or inclination to read much of these manuscripts; but the volumes themselves, even without being read, will at least afford to future members of the Col- lege an example of industry, for the advance- ment of a science which aims at the allevia- tion of human misery. On the present occasion, I shall merely take an opportunity of stating, in a very fefv words, the grounds of distinction between the four species of rheumatism which I have elsewhere attempted to describe at considerable length. PREFACE. XVii The rheumatismus inflammatorius, then, is chiefly distinguished by the concomitant fever, by the obvious swelling of the joints, and by the aggravation of the pains from the action of external heat. In the rheumatismus irrita- bilis there is no concomitant fever, and there is rarely any swelling of the joints, but the pains are greatly aggravated by heat, par- ticularly by the heat of the bed. In the rheu- matismus atonicus, on the other hand, the pains are relieved by heat, as is mentioned in Dr Cullen's definition of arthrodynia or chronic rheumatism; fever is very rarely ob- served, and an obvious local affection of the , pained parts is often present, even under the form of distortions and nodosity of the joints. The last species, the rheumatismus paraly- ticus, which, though less common than either of the others, is, however, not of unfrequent occurrence, is chiefly distinguished by the loss of muscular strength in the limbs most affect- ed, without, however, any diminution of sen- sibility, but often with a wasting of muscular XVni PREFACE. flesh in those limbs which have been long subjected to the severe pains. By these marks the four different modifica- tions of rheumatism, which have been men- tioned, may, I think, be readily distinguished from each other in actual practice. And it is almost unnecessaiy to add, that the cure in each must be attempted on very different prin- ciples. The intentions of cure, which, in my opinion, are to be aimed at in each, I have long since stated in another publication, K-rids of Lectures on the Theory and Prac- ti; ; of Medicine. Here I shall only observe, that while in the rheumatismus inflammato- rius, the great object to be aimed at is the di'X aition of increased action by powerful ev tenants, blood-letting and sudorifics, the rh : uiatismus atonicus is only to be success- fully combai'd by the restoration of due vigour from cold bathing and similar tonics. While, again, in the removal and alleviation of the rheumatismus irritabilis, much may be done, by counteracting the effects of morbid PREFACE. XIX sensibility and irritability. For answering this intention, I have found no remedy of equal efficacy with opium, and I doubt very much whether any medicine will ever be discover- ed, operating with equal power in alienating pain, allaying action, and inducing sleep. Its sedative powers are fully confirmed by the ex- perience of ages. Yet it is by no means ap- plicable in every case, or in every constitution where sedatives are required. For some time past, I have also often with great advantage employed lactucarium, or lettuce opium, as it has been called, from its very great resem- blance to opium obtained from the papaver somniferum. I have found it, in particular, a very efficacious means of alleviating pains, and procuring sleep in the night, to some rheu- matic patients, who, if they had taken opium, would, during the course of next day, have been subjected to great sickness at the sto- mach, and other distressing symptoms. Edinburgh, ) Oct. 20, 1816. $ CONTENTS Page Introduction, respecting the different species into which Pulmonary Consumption or Phthisis may be divided 1 CHAP. I.—Description of the Pneumonic Symptoms in Catar- rhal Phthisis ..... f CHAP II.—Description of the Pneumonic Symptoms in Apostematous Phthisis . - - - 14 CHAP. III.—Description of the Pneumonic Symptoms in Tu- berculous Phthisis ----- 22 CPAP. IV—Observations on the Hectic Fever attending ^ Phthisis ...... 28 CHAP. V.—Observations on the symptoms in the Last Stage of Phthisis - - - - - 37 CHAP. VI.—Observations on the Diagnosis in cases of ! hthisis - - - .46 CHAP. VII.—Observations on the general plan of Cure in Phthisis ------ 58 CHAP VIII.—Observations on particular Practices employed in Phthisis, recommended by Eminent Writers, - 66 Appendix --•--.. 131 OBSERVATIONS ON PI LMONARY CONSUMPTION. INTRODUCTION. OF all the diseases to which the inhabitants of the British Isles are frequently subjected, Pulmonary Con- sumption, or Phthisis Pulmonalis, as it is denominated by the best medical writers, may justly be reckoned one of the most fotal. The deaths which it occasions happen chiefly to those who have arrived at the most engaging period of life, the period of youth. Hence they are most deplorable. It is not therefore wonder- ful, that this disease should have claimed particular attention from the most eminent medical writers. But notwithstanding the study and labour of ingentous and 1NTR0DUCT10JS. discerning men for many ages, pluliisis pulmonalis still continues to be an opprobrium to the healing art; and the prospect of wiping off this opprobrium, by com- municating to the public a successful method of cure, is not great. There is no reason, however, to despair of making some progress in this important object; and if medical practitioners were enabled to distin- guish the different modifications under which this dis- ease appears, at its commencement much good might be done. For in the earliest stages, the best chance is at least afforded of combating this dangerous disease. The following remarks on that interesting subject are the result of observations made with fidelity and attention for more than half a century: And if they shall enable future writers to improve the means of distinguishing the different modifications of Pulmona- ry Consumption from each other, they may be produc- tive of some benefit to mankind; and I am convinced, that, in some instances of this disease, they will be the means of accomplishing a c«re. By proper treatment, adapted to each particular modification from an early period of the disease, there can be no doubt that many valuable lives may be saved. By Phthisis Pulmonalis, or Pulmonary Consumption, is to be understood that affection in which a general INTRODUCTION. 3 wasting or consumption of the body arises from a dis- ease of the lungs. - Among eminent writers, it has been a subject of dispute whether phthisis pulmonalis can ever be considered as a proper idiopathic disease. By many it has been regarded merely as symptomatic of other affections, particularly of haemoptysis, ca- tarrh, scrofula, pneumonia, and several, other genera. But there can, I think, be no doubt that it may justly be considered as an important genusby itself; and that it not unfrequently makes its approaches in such a gra- dual and imperceptible manner, as to be beyond the power of art, before it be certainly discovered to exist. In every instance of this affection, that modification ©f fever, which has been termed Hectic Fever, is ob- served some time before a fatal conclusion takes place. And this fever principally, perhaps even "i&lely, arises from the absorption of purulent matter, or rather from the absorption of a sanious or vitiated purulent matter, which produces in the human system effects much more deleterious than the absorption of mild pus, void of any peculiar foetor, or other strong sensible qualities. Such a sanious matter, however, when generated in the lungs, may be afforded from different causes. Hence, among those writers who have considered phthisis or tabes pulmonalis as a generic disease, that genus has been divided into mnnv different species. Tn the Sys- 4 INTRODUCTION tern of Sauvages, twenty species are enumerated un- der this genus. But from such minute subdivisions, no benefr. and much inconvenience arise. Hectic fever, indeed, produced by purulent matter absorbed from the hmgs, may arise from many different acci- dents, and from many different diseases: And thus it cannot be denied, that there is a foundation for many different species of phthisis. But after, in these cases. consumption is induced, such species can neither be dis- tinguished from each other by the symptoms, nor do they require a different mode of cure. A more sim- ple view, therefore, of the divisions of this genus, may be taken with advantage. In the division of any genus of disease into spe- cies, two great objects are to be had in view. The first and principal object is to point out such species as require a different mode of practice from each other. And the second object is to point out those spe- cies which can be distinguished from each other by ob- vious symptoms during the life of the patient. The distinction from each other, of species which can be' discovered only by dissection after death, serves mere- ly to perplex and puzzle, without being of any material benefit. On this general ground, and with these ob- jects in view, in pulmonary consumption, three different ycdes may be pointed o-t, which may not only be dis- INTRODUCTION. 5 tinguished by obvious symptoms during the life of the, patient, but which also require considerable difference in that mode of treatment best fitted for the removal of each. These species may, I think, be denominated the Catarrhal, the .dpostemalous, and the Tuberculous Phlhhls. The principal circumstance in which these species differ, and which necessarily requires variety in the mode of treatment, is the difference in the source from whence the purulent matter is derived. In the first modification, it is merely separated from an in- flamed surface, in a manner similar to the separation of pus from a blister-issue. In the second modifica- tion, it is furnished from an abscess of a considerable size, which may be formed in the cellular substance of the lungs, as well as of any other part of the human body. In the third, it is furnished from \a- tubercle, or from the parts surrounding a tubercle, terminating in suppuration; and commonly yielding, not proper puru- lent matter, but rather an ichorous sanies, somewhat resembling that which is often yielded by lymphatic glands, in cases of scrofula, when scrophulous tumours terminate in suppuration. But the distinction of each of these modifications, during the life of the patient, can only be drawn from an accurate account of the symp- toms with which they are.commonly" attended, And 6 INTRODUCTION. with that intention, a short history of each is sirb joined. • In every modification of phthisis, the symptoms may be referred to three heads: the pneumonic, or pulmo- nary symptoms; the symptoms of hectic fever; and the supervening affections, or what may be termed the con- sequent symptoms. The morbid affections, however, referable to the two last heads, are very much the same in all the species mentioned above. The hectic fever in particular, 'though most exquisite in tuberculous phthisis, is an essential attendant of all the three; and it is always principally, often entirely, in the pulmo- nary symptoms, that the three species obviously differ from each other. In describing these affections, then, with a view to the diagnosis, it will be sufficient to give a separate account of the pneumonic symptoms accurring in each different modification of pulmonary consumption Which has been mentioned. ¥ CHAPTER I. . DESCRIPTION OP THE PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS OCCURRING IN CATARRHAL PHTHISIS. This modification of Phthisis generally begins in a manner very similar to ordinary catarrh, arising from accidental exposure to cold- But after the peri- od at which that affection may be expected to decline, some symptoms are observed to increase. The cough becomes very severe through the day; but is generally remarked to be much aggravated on first going to bed. The patient .becomes affected with some degree of dyspnoea, even when in an erect posture; but this is commonly increased by a horizontal position. In general it is not particularly increased by lying on one side more than on the other, and the patient sleeps with equal ease on either side. He is not affected with any fixed or constant pain at the breast. But he com- plains of a general sense of soreness in the thorax, and not unfrequently he is affected with pretty severe, 8 SYMPTOMS OCCURRING though transitory pains, so-netitnes in one side, some times in the other. With the continuance of these symptoms, a change takes place in the appearance of the matter expectorat- ed. • The expectoration, as is commonly indeed the case in catarrh, when degenerating into its chronic state, becomes of a white or yellow colour. But it does not acquire that remarkable degree of viscidity which is the characteristic of thickened mucus. It is soon observed to have a peculiar disagreeable taste aiid smelj. The odour which it emits becomes somewhat fetid, particularly upon being burnt in the fire. These changes, however, in thesfrXble qualities of the gut- ter expectorated, are by no means such as to give-cer- tain evidence of its being of a purulent nature. In most instances, there is no appearance of blood in the matter expectorated. If blood does appear, it is only in streaks, and is merely accidental, adhering to the expectorated matter without any intimate union, and arising from the rupture of some small superficial vessel. The expectorated matter itself has an uni- form appearance; yet there is good reason to conclude, that it is a mixture X pus and mucus. This appears from adding it to water. It will often be found, that, in a short time, a considerable portion of it sinks to the bottom of water in a less tenacious form than that IN CATARRHAL PHTHISIS. 9 portion which swims on the surface; and where such a separation does not spontaneously take place, it may frequently be affected by agitation in the water. In some cases, without any spontaneous separation, the whole of the expectorated matter will be suspended in the middle'of the water in a pyramidal shape, and can neither be properly said to sink nor to swim. Where a portion of the expectorated matter sinks to the bottom of the water, there can be little doubt, that it contains pus as well as mucus ; but when it neither sinks nor swims, and cannot be separated by agitation, there is room for hesitating respecting its contents. And if a determination cannot be formed from its specific gravity, we can as little form a cer- tain judgment from its colour, consistence, and smell. For in all these particulars, pure mucus may have a very exact resemblance to a mixture of pus and mucus. Such, however, is the difference of treatment requi- site in every species of phthisis, from that which is proper in catarrh, that it is of great importance to de- termine, whether the expectorated matter does really contain any pus or not. For this is the chief circum- stance, by which, before the occurrence of distinctly marked hectic fever, the presence of catarrhal phthisis can be determined. 10 SYMPTOMS OCCURRING Besides the tests of purulence, therefore, which arc afforded by the appearance of the matter expectorated, by the smell, and by immersing it in water, other and more certain tests hare been sought for; and inquiries on this subject, if they have not led to certainty, have at least done something. An experimental investigation of a proper chemical test, for distinguishing pus from mucus, when discharg- ed from the lungs by expectoration, was proposed as the subject of a prize question, by the Harveian So- ciety of Edinburgh, in the year 1777. On that occa- sion the prize was adjudged to a Dissertation written by a very able and ingenious young man, Mr Charles Darwin, son to the celebrated author of the Zoono- mia. By the untimely death of that excellent youth he was prevented from prosecuting his discoveries, or from publishing to the world what he had discovered. But Dr Erasmus Darwin, after the death of his son Charles, published an account of these experiments, as well as some other manuscripts which the young man had himself intended for publication. Without entering minutely into the subject, it may be sufficient to observe, that Mr. Darwin drew from his experi- ments the following conclusions. 1 Pus and mucus are both soluble in sulphuri* in catarrhal phthisis. 11 acid, although in very different proportions, pus being by far least soluble. 2. The addition of water to either of these solutions decomposes it. The mucus thus separated either swims on the top of the mixture, or forms large floc- culi suspended in it; whereas the pus falls to the bot- tom, and forms, on agitation, an uniform turbid mixture. 3. Pus is diffusible through diluted sulphuric acid, though mucus is not. And the same also occurs with water, or a solution c( sea-salt. 4. Nitrous acid dissolves both pus and mucus.- Water added to the solution of pus produces a preci- pitate, and the fluid above becomes clear and green; while water and the solution of mucus form a turbid dirty-coloured fluid. 5. Alkaline lixivium dissolves, though sometimes with difficulty, mucus, and generally pus. 6. Water precipitates pus from such a mixture, but does not precipitate mucus. 7. Where alkaline lixivium does not dissolve pus, it still distinguishes it from mucus, as it then prevents its diffusion through water. 12 SYMPTOMS OCCURRING 8. Coagulated lymph is neither soluble in concen- trated nor diluted sulphuric acid. 9. Water produces no change on a solution of serum in alkaline lixivium, until after long standing, and then only a very slight sediment appears. 10. Corrosive sublimate coagulates mucus, but does not coagulate pus. If these conclusions be well founded, and if they hold at least generally, although not universally, it appears, that strong sulphuric aci<' and water, that diluted sulphu- ric acid, and that caustic alkaline lixivium and water will serve to distinguish pus from mucus; that the sul- phuric acid can distinguish it from coagulable lymph; and the alkaline lixivium from serum. When, therefore, any one entertains doubts about the composition of expec- torated matter, let him dissolve it in sulphuric acid, and in caustic alkaline lixivium, or the aqua potassae, as it is now styled in the Edinburgh Pharmacopaia. Let him then 'add pure water to both solutions. If there be a precipitation in each, he may be assured that some pus is present. But if there be a precipitation in neither, it is a certain test, that the expectorated matter consists entirely of mucus. IN CATARRHAL PHTHISIS. 13 These are, perhaps, the best criteria yet discovered for ascertaining whether expectorated matter does or does not contain a mixture of pus. Where it is found to be merely mucus, we may safely conclude, that the disease is entirely catarrhal; but where a mixture of purulence, though to a small extent only, is detect- ed, we may conclude that it is an incipient phthisis, even although no symptoms of hectic fever have yet taken place, or have not been obviously observed. CHAPTER II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS OCCUR- RING IN THE APOSTEMATOUS PHTHISIS. That modification of pulmonary consumption which may be termed the Apostematous, and which immediately arises from a large abscess formed within the thorax, is more distinctly marked than the catar- rhal phthisis. It is a less frequent disease than the catar- rhal; but when occurring, it is more generally fatal. The former, as has already been observed, is very commonly ushered in by cough, with copious expecto- ration, and is almost universally excited by the action of external cold, or rather of sudden transitions from heat to cold. To these transitions the human species are perhaps more exposed in Britain than in any other country. The present species of phthisis, again, which depends upon a large apostema within the chest, may be excited by a variety of dffferent causes. It may be produced by any accident giving rise to an in- At'OSTF.MATOUS I'llTHISls. 15 ilammatory affection, either in the lungs, or in those membranes by which they are surrounded; and an in- flammation of the thoracic viscera, terminating in a state of suppuration, is perhaps as frequent as a simi- lar termination from the inflammation of any other part. One of the most frequent causes from which an ab- scess in the chest derives its origin, is an haemorrhage taking place from the lungs. This, indeed, is so much the case, that Dr Cullen, in his Nosological System, has not considered phthisis as a proper genus of dis- ease, but has merely ranked it under the genus of hae- moptysis, and viewed it as a sequela of that affection. But this I am inclined to consider as a very erroneous view of one of the most important genera of disease to which the human body is subjected. That, however, the apostematous phthisis often be- gins with a profuse spitting of blood, is unquestionable. Haemorrhage, when occurring from the lungs, as well as from other parts of the system, may be either of the active or passive kind. Both these modifications of haemorrhage, when occurring even to a great degree, have not unfrequently a speedy termination, without any bad consequence; or at least without producing phthisis. As well as the vessels of the nose in epistax- is, those of the lungs, when ruptured, may be healed PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS by the first intention. Nay, haemorrhage from the lungs, as well as from the nose, may sometimes be even salutary, by removing a plethoric state. Yet, in many instances, both active and passive haemorrhage from the lungs terminates in that species of inflamma- tion, which has been termed the suppurative; and this more frequently happens as a consequence of haemor- rhage from the lungs, than from any other part of the body, probably in consequence of that constant state of motion to which the lungs are subjected in respira- tion. Haemoptysis, then, may justly be esteemed one of the chief causes from which a large vomica or aposte- ma in the lungs derives its origin. But it is by no means the only source of the apos- tematous phthisis. Even larger abscesses than those - commonly arising from haemorrhage are not unfre- quently observed from other causes. The lungs them- selves, and the membranes by which they are surround- ed, it is well known, are frequently subjected to a state of active inflammation; and inflammation in this, as well as in other parts of the system, may ter- minate in a state of suppuration. Thus, apostematous phthisis may be induced from several genera, referred to the order of phlegmasia, which affect the lungs; from pleuritis, peripneumonia, or suppurative inflam- mation from other diseases of the lungs. IN APOSTEMATOUS PHTHISIS. 17 Besides these genera of disease, suppurative inflam- mation, giving rise to a large abscess within the chest, may proceed from accidental injuries to that part of the body. Thus, a large apostema in the lungs may be the consequence of a severe blow received upon the chest, or a wound of the lungs from a sword, a bullet, or the like. Many other causes might also be enumerated, as at times producing an abscess of the lungs. But the particular causes by which such ab- scesses are commonly produced, may be referred to one of the three general heads already mentioned, haemor- rhage, phlegmasia, or injury to the breast. When, from any particular cause, an apostema is formed in the lungs, those pneumonic symptoms with which it is attended are in several respects very dif- ferent from the pneumonic symptoms which occur in the catarrhal phthisis; and in the apostematous phthisis, the pneumonic symptoms are very different before the rupture of the abscess, from what they are afterwards. In most instances of the apostematous phthi-is, the first symptom of the affection is a fixed pain of the breast. This pain is not indeed in general excruciat- ing; but it is almost constantly felt to some degree, and is commonly referred to some one particular spot. For the most part, it is rather a gruvative than an acute b 2 18 PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS pain; but it is not unfrequently of the pulsating kind. Whatever the nature of the pain may be, it is very com- monly attended with some degree of dyspnoea. With that dyspnoea the patient is sensibly affected, even when in an erect posture: but it is in general much increased in a horizontal position; and it is often particularly aggravate ed when the patient lies on one side rather than the other. Often it happens that the patient can breathe only when he lies on that side in which the apostema is situ- ated; the reason of which is abundantly obvious. With this state of respiration, there occur frequent and severe fits of coughing; but for some time these are attended with very little or even no expectoration. In this, then, there is a manifest difference between catarrhal and apostematous phthisis: For the former is from the beginning attended with copious expectora- tion; but in the latter species, the most remarkable ap- pearances are those which occur on the bursting of the apostema. This event is generally preceded, or at least attended, by a slight degree of bloody expectora- tion, probably arising from a rupture of the vessels of the integuments. When this occurs, it is almost im- mediately succeeded by a copious discharge of pure purulent matter. This pus is sometimes coughed up at once, to the extent of several ounces, nay, when the apostema is very large, even of several pounds: in so IN APOSTEMATOUS PHTHISIS. 19 much, that it not unfrequently threatens, and has some- times even given rise to suffocation. The matter thus discharged has the same appear- ance, the same smell, and other sensible qualities which are observed in pus, when it is discharged by opening a large abscess situated on any part of the surface; and although it be discharged by coughing from the lungs, it is in general without any mixture of mucus. Hence, by the simple test of sinking in water, as well as by the smell and taste of the patient by whom it is expectorated, it may readily be distinguish- ed from the mixture of purulent and mucaginous matter expectorated in catarrhal phthisis. After the first copious discharge ensuing on the im- mediate rupture of the apostema, the preceding symp* toms are commonly somewhat alleviated. This is particularly the case with respect to the pain of the 3ide and dyspnoea. The gravative or pulsating pain, referred to a particular spot of the breast, is in general much diminished. The dyspnoea also is much allevi- ated; and after a copious discharge, the patient finds that he ean breathe with equal ease when lying on either side. Often, also, soon after the rupture of an apostema.in * 20 PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS the lungs, the cough becomes much less severe than formerly: For, although the fits of coughing may be more frequent, yet they are no longer fruitless efforts, but are sooner terminated by free expectoration. Still, however, there is in general, for some time after the rupture of the vomica, a discharge, in consequence of coughing, of the same matter as when the rupture first took place. But in no long time, the matter expecto- rated has less the appearance of pure pus. It acquires a thinner consistence, and not unfrequently a reddish tinct. When this last occurs, it may always be con- sidered as arising from some mixture of blood. After the expectoration arrives at this state, the hec- tic symptoms, if thev had not before taken place, are soon observed; or, if they were before obvious, they are soon much aggravated. From a free discharge of the purulent matter, even after a considerable degree of hectic fever has taken place, some chance is certainly afforded of the healing of .he ulceration, and the recovery of the patient. But more frequently, from an increase of the hectic fever, and from what may be called its consequent symp- toms, colliquative sweats, colliquative diarrhoea, and the like, this modification of phthisis has a fatal termi- nation. IN APOSTEMATOUS PHTHISIS. r>d 1 Distinctly marked apostematous phthisis may some- times occur, where the purulent matter cannot be con- sidered as formed in the lungs, but where, in conse- quence of preternatural adhesion and rupture, it has made its way from the liver to the lungs. A very re- markable instance of this, modification of apostema- tous phthisis, from which a complete recovery took place, occurred in a son of mine, an officer in the ser- vice of the Honourable East India Company in Bengal. During his illness, he lived in the house of Dr Alex- ander Campbell, at that time Secretary to the Medi- cal Board at Calcutta, and was attended also by Dr Francis Balfour, then at the head of the Medical Board. From both these gentlemen, since their return to Britain, I have had very accurate accounts of his disease. But I shall only at present, observe, thai the purulent matter, expectorated in great quantities from the lungs, was indubitably formed in the liver; that, notwithstanding the formidable appearance of his com- plaint, and the diseased state to which both the lungs and liver were subjected, he had a complete reco- very without finding it necessary to return to Britain; and that be has since been the father of a numerous family of healthful children born in India. 22 CHAPTER III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS OCCURRING IN THE TUBERCULOUS PHTHISIS. Of all the species of phthisis, the Tuberculous is both the most frequent and the most dangerous. That it should be the most frequent is, perhaps, in some de- gree, the consequence of its arising from the greatest variety of exciting causes. But however numerous and varied these exciting causes may be, all of them operate as giving rise to this modification of phthisis on one general principle, viz. as inducing those pecu- liar tumours termed tubercles, which have been found in the lungs of patients who have died of this modification of phthisis. The appearance of these tumours has been accu- rately described by several eminent writers on morbid anatomy. Here, it is sufficient to observe, that they are in general found under the form of hard substances, tvhich, when cut, appear to be solid bodies of a whitish TUBERCULOUS PHTHISIS. 2J colour. Respecting their nature, different opinions have been entertained. Some suppose them to be entirely inoiganic bodies, formed of the coagulable part of the circulating blood. And that they are often incapable of being penetrated even by the finest injec- tions, is certainly true. But a more common opinion is, that each tubercle may be considered as a lympha- tic gland in a particularly diseased state; that this diseased condition is the consequence of scrofula; and that the tuberculous phthisis may in every instance be considered as scrofula affecting the lungs. In support of this doctrine, there are many probable arguments; and, among other things, this opinion is corroborated, from its being a well known fact, that tuberculous phthisis is often observed as a hereditary disease in scrofulous families; from its occurring most frequently at a particular period of life, between the age of fifteen and twenty-five; and from the striking resemblance which may often be observed between tubercles of the lungs and diseased mesenteric glands, producing tabes or phthisis mesenterica in those who are evidently subjected to hereditary scrofula: For in the mesentery, the diseased tubercles, though they were unquestionably at first lymphatic or lacteal glands, are equally inorganic as tubercles of the lungs. But, without offering at present any further observations on ;m PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMb the nature of those tumours which give rise to that modification of phthisis which may be denominated the Tuberculous, I shall proceed briefly to describe the symptoms with which it is commonly attended. Of all the modifications of phthisis, the pneumo- nic complaints which occur in the tuberculous are the least alarming. Hence, this species often subsists for a considerable time before it awakens the attention of the patient. This the rather happens, because the fever with which the -tuberculous phthisis is attended at its commencement is in general accompanied with high spirits. And from this state of exhilaration, even to the latest periods of the disease, patients affected with tuberculous phthisis have often no apprehension of their own danger, though approaching death be manifest to every spectator. At the commencement-of tuberculous phthisis, nei- ther the cough nor dyspnoea are by any means ur- gent; and in many instances, even to the very end of the affection, there hardly occurs any expectoration. The cough, in general, is of the short tickling kind, without being violent, and may be termed rather a tus- fsicula than a lussis. But wi:ile it takes place without any great uneasiness, it is still troublesome, from being very frequent, Notwithstanding, however, these fre~ IN TUBERCULOUS PHTHISIS. 25 quently repeated efforts towards expectoration, the irri- tating cause is not removed, and those slight fits of coughing, terminating without the smallest expectora- tion even of mucus, are again speedily renewed. In most cases no remarkable pain of breast attends the tuberculous phthisis; and when pain occurs, it is neither fixed to any particular spot, nor is it constant. In many instances, no dyspnoea whatever occurs in the tuberculous phthisis; or, at least, difficulty of breath- ing is observed only upon motion or exertion. When the patient remains at rest, the breathing is perfectly free; and it is very little if at all affected by change in the position of the body. Contrary to what happens in the apostematous phthisis, the patient can lie with equal ease on either side. In this state of the pneumonic complaints they very seldom alarm the patient. And if they give any alarm to others, it is only in general from their long continu- ance, and from their occurring in habits with whom there is reason to suspect predisposition to phthisis. That this tussicula is the first stage of tuberculous con- sumption, is chiefly inferred from the remarkable loss of strength, and evident wasting of the habit with which it is soon attended. o 26' PNEUMONIC SYMPTOMS In the incipient state of the tuberculous phthisis this frequent tickling cough is in general also accompa- nied with a peculiar change in the appearance of the eyes. The red vessels which are observable in the tunica adnata of those in a state of health, are no longer obvious, and that part of the eye obtains very much the colour and appearance of a pearl. To these slight pneumonic symptoms, even without the occurrence of any expectoration whatever, either purulent or mucaginous, distinctly marked hectic fever often supervenes. In other cases,' however, after the cough has been long dry, as it is called, some degree of expectoration occurs. But in almost no instance has it the appearance either of proper purulent matter or of blood. Sometimes a slight tinct of blood is observed; but never such a degree of haemoptysis as is often ob- served to precede apostematous phthisis. Most fre- quently, the matter expectorated is a thin watery fluid slightly tinged with blood; and it has very much the appearance of that sanies which is often discharged from scrofulous sores. When this state of expectora- tion takes place, hectic fever is seldom wanting to a ^reat degree, and it soon assumes that form which has been denominated the Hectica Exquisita, in contradis- tinction to the chronic form, which that modification of fever most frequently assumes. IN TUBERCULOUS PHTHISIS. 27 After having thus briefly described the pneumonic symptoms in each of the three different species of phthi- sis pulmonalis, we shall next proceed to give some ac- count of the hectic fever which may be considered as common to all the species. ^ CHAPTER IV. OBSERVATIONS ON THE HECTIC FEVER IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS, ATTENDING THE SECOND STAGE OF THE DISEASE. The hectic fever, which attends every species of pulmonary consumption, particularly those three spe- cies which have been now described, has very much the same appearance in all of them; and, indeed, symp- toms nearly similar attend hectic fever, when con- sumption or tabes arises from suppuration occurring not in the lungs, but in other parts of the body, and yielding ill-conditioned pus. Although several opinions, differing very much from each other, have been entertained by able pathologists respecting the cause of hectic fever, yet the most pro- bable conjecture is, that in all these cases, it is the consequence of ill-conditioned pus being absorbed by PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 29 the valvular lymphatics, and thus introduced into the mass of blood. It must, however, be allowed, that, with respect to the operation of this cause, all practi- tioners are not agreed. Some contend, that it arises merely from a certain irritable state of the system, in- duced by the absorption of pus. But still, even accord- ing to this hypothesis, hectic fever is ultimately an ef- fect of absorption. And when we consider the influ- ence of certain articles introduced into the circulating system, in immediately inducing fever, there is great reason for presuming, that absorbed ichorous matter may immediately give rise to hectic symptoms. Of this a strong presumption is afforded, from experi- ments which have lately been made, by injecting dif- ferent fluids into the blood-vessels of living animals. It has been found, that small quantities of milk, and other bland fluids, may thus be injected without any inconvenience. But it has also been found, particular- ly in the trials which have been made de chirurgia in- fusoria renovanda, that the injection, even of small quantities, of acrid fluids, such as an infusion of senna, a decoction of guaiac, or the like, have the effect of ex- citing fever in a very short time. Without entering into the consideration of conjectures as to the imme- diate cause of hectic fever in pulmonary consumption, it is sufficient to observe, that it often follows the dis- c 2 30 HECTIC FEVEU charge of purulent matter by expectoration, particular- ly when that matter, in place of appearing under the form of mild thick white pus, assumes more the ap- pearance of a bloody sanies. The hectic fever is very generally not of a continued .form, but consists of repeated paroxysms; or at least, although quickness of pulse, and some other febrile symptoms, may be constant, yet, in this fever, there are very remarkable remissions and exacerbations. These exacerbations are very generally ushered in by a sense of coldness; often even to such a degree as to induce shivering. It is however but seldom that the cold stage in the hectic paroxysm arises to the same height as in proper intermittents; and in most in- stances it is rather a partial than a general sense of coldness; that sensation being more especially felt at particular parts, as in the handsr the feet, or along the course of the spine. But, even in these places, how- ever disagreeable the sensation may be, there merely takes place a sense of coldness, without any real cold: For when the parts to which this sensation is referred, jre accurately examined by the thermometer, the} ^e found still to possess the natural degree of heat. To this coldness or shivering, a sense of increased heat soon succeeds 'This sensation is very common- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 31 ly in some degree extended over the whole body. But it is also more especially felt at particular places. Often there occurs a peculiar glowing heat in the face; and this is commonly attended with manifest flushing of the countenance. This redness, however, is not always general, but is frequently under the forns of a circumscribed redness in the most prominent parts of ihe cheek. If the heat be sometimes partially increased in the lace, it is often still more so in other parts of the body. This is particularly felt in the palms of the hands, and in the soles of the feet; but notwithstand- ing the sensation of heat in these parts, even when it is almost intolerable,, there is still no obvious redness,. nor indeed any change of appearance, in the part tof which it is referred. It consists merely in a sense of burning heat, often attended with a parched state of the skin at the part thus affected.. With the augmentation of heat, there is also very commonly an increase of the celerity of the pulse dur- ing the hectic paroxysm; and sometimes it is so quick that it can hardly be accurately numbered. But irt many cases, it is not much more accelerated during the paroxysm than during the remission. For after the commencement of the hectic state, the pulse with 32 HECTIC FEVER most patients is considerably quicker than it was be- fore, seldom being observed under 100, and frequently above 120 strokes in the minute. This want of com- plete apyrexia often affords a diagnosis between hectic and quotidian intermittent fever. For in all the intermit- tents, the pulse in the intervals between paroxysms returns to the natural standard. In some instances of hectic fever, the pulse is full and soft. But more frequently it is small and hard both during the paroxysm and also during the inter- mission. Another circumstance commonly attending the hec- tic paroxysm is some degree of thrist; but it is seldom that this symptom is considerable. Thirst almost never takes place to the same degree as in other mo- difications of fever; and in very few cases is the tongue either parched, or covered with indurated mu- cus, giving what is called a furred tongue. In gene- ral, during the whole course of the disease, even during the time when the paroxysm is most severe, it con- tinues moist. It has in many cases an uncommonly glean and red appearance: And in the last stages of the disease, it is often found in an abraded and even in an ulcerated state. But this appearance may be considered as unconnected with the fever itself, and IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. ^O probably in general arises from the condition of the matter discharged by expectoration. But as the tongue is very rarely observed to be parched, so the thirst is seldom augmented to any considerable degree. While the thirst in hectic fever is in general not very considerable, it has also been remarked, that the appe- tite for solid food is rarely so much diminished as in ether fevers; and sometimes, even in the very last stages of the disease, when the hectic symptoms are most acute, the appetite is uncommonly keen. Phthisi- cal patients have repeatedly been observed to make a hearty dinner of beef-stakes a very few hours before death. Besides the want of thirst, there is also another par- ticular in which hectic fever differs from most other modifications of that disease. It is without that dis- tressing symptom attending most idiopathic fevers, which has been termed the anxietas febrilis,—a sen- sation which cannot easily be described, but which rarely fails to be well remembered by any one who has laboured under idiopathic fever, particularly of the typhoid type. So far are hectic patients from being af- fected with this febrile anxiety or depression,that they in general entertain sanguine hopes of a speedy recovery; and during the severity of the paroxysm, they are often 34 HECTIC FEVER observed to have a peculiar flow of spirits, and uncom- mon quickness of genius. The symptoms thus occurring in the cold and hot stages of the hectic paroxysm, in a short time begin to subside; and after continuing for a few hours, they of- ten terminate without any obvious appearance. This is particularly observed to be the case with those pa- roxysms which take place about mid-day, or in the forenoon, if the patient be not confined to bed. In other cases, however, the cold and hot fits of the hectic fever are succeeded by sweating, in a manner similar to what happens in the intermittent paroxysm. Sweat- ing is particularly remarked to occur when the patient is in bed during the hectic accession. Accordingly, it is a common consequence of those cold and hot fits which occur during the night; and, indeed, profuse sweating, when the patient first awakes in the morning, may be considered as one of the most common symp- toms of the hectic fever. The urine of patients subjected to hectic fever, par- ticularly what is discharged during or soon after the pa- « roxysm, is for the most part high coloured. Upon stand- ing, there soon occurs a separation of what has been termed furfuraceous matter; a matter having some re- semblance to the bran of wheat. But it seldom hap IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 35 pens that this matter sinks to the bottom of the urine; and it is but very rarely that the lateritious sediment of the urine, where a matter is deposited resembling brick- dust, which is so common after the paroxysm of the in- termittent fever, is observed in the hectic fever. The discharge by the belly in hectic fever is for the most part but little affected. For a long period, in the chronic form of this fever, itiS not attended with that bound state of the belly which is the common concomi- tant of other fevers. At least, long after hectic parox- ysms have been distinctly observed, the discharge by the bowels often continues nearly in the natural state; and it is only in the latter stages of the disease that the colliquative diarrhoea comes on. Hence, it has been called a consequent symptom. For the, most part, at an early period of phthisis, particularly in the tuberculous, the menstrual discharge is observed to become very scanty, and often entirely to cease. But this is hardly to be considered as parti- cularly connected with the hectic fever; and the same observation may be made with respect to the remarka- ble loss of strength and exhaustion of the habit which which occur in the progress of this disease, although it must be allowed, that these symptoms always take place 36 SYMPTOMS IN THE LAST STAGE. the most rapidly where the hectic fever is what has been termed the most exquisite or acute. With respect to the recurrence of the paroxysms of the hectic fever, the same type has not always been observed. By some writers, indeed, the paroxysms have been alleged to occur with great regularity twice every day; the first attack taking place about noon, and the second before d^dnight, and commonly termi- nating with sweating early in the morning. It has been more generally observed, that a paroxysm occurs after eating, especially after dinner. But the parox- ysms of the hectic fever are by no means observed to return with the same regularity as in any type of in- termittent fever having a daily paroxysm, whether quotidian or double tertian. In most instances, one accession only is observed in the course of the day. In other cases, two, or even three accessions may be observed in the same length of time. But these do not occur with any regularity, or at any fixed time: And they are often distinctly observed to be excited either by taking food, or by the action of external cold, at whatever period of the day the patient may have been exposed to the action of these causes, particularly of el51d. 37 CHAPTER V. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SYMPTOMS OCCURRING IN THE LAST STAGE OF PHTHISIS PULMONALIS; WHAT MAY BE TERMED THE SUPERVENING OR CONSEQUENT SYMP- TOMS. \fter the hectic fever has been observed for some lime, and particularly if it be of the acute or exquisite kind, some symptoms, which had before taken place, are very rapidly augmented; and others, which had not been observed, supervene. These have, in general, ^ been considered as sequelae of the hectic fever. But it may, perhaps, be a matter of doubt, whether, with strict propriety, they can be called consequent symptoms. Perhaps, like the hectic fever itself, they are merely symptomatic of the progress of the disease,—of the absorption of an ill-conditioned purulent or ichorous matter from the lungs. But still the probability is, that if not induced, they are at least much aggravated by the hectic fever. And whatever their cause may be. 38 SYMPTOMS IN THE LAST STAGE they may certainly be considered as constituting the third stage of the disease. At the head of the consequent symptoms, as one of the most obvious, emaciation or wasting of the habit may justly be mentioned. It is indeed true, that, even from the beginning of every species of phthisis, the usual fulness or plumpness of the patient is somewhat diminished. But after the hectic fever has subsisted for some time, this emaciation is very much increased. It is obvious, on examination of any part of the body. It evidently appears from clothes, which were before tight, becoming too wide, and it is still more certainly demonstrated by the loss of weight. But in no part of the body is it more conspicuous than in the face. This is so much the case, that the fades Hippocratica, as it has been called, where every bone of the face is pro- minent, is, perhaps, more frequently observed in pulmo- nary Consumption than in any other disease. But when the trunk of the body is examined, the state of the spine shows projection of the bones to as great a degree, in parts remote from the face. In short, in the last stage of phthisis the patient often becomes as it were a living skeleton. In this emaciation, there can be no doubt that there occurs a diminution both of fluids and solids; and OF PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 39 that the loss in some degree extends not merely to the softer solids, but even to the firmest and hardest, to the bones themselves. But of all the parts of the body, there is reason to believe, that this change in appear- ance chiefly arises from the consumption of fat; a sub- stance which, in the temperature of the human body, may be considered as of an intermediate consistence between solid and fluid; and a substance which, it is well known, readily admits of removal by the valvu- lar lymphatic absorbents, after it has been deposited in the membrana adiposa in any part of the body. That during the course of phthisis pulmonalis much fat is removed from the cells of this membrane, and very little deposited in them, cannot be doubted. This is clearly demonstrated by the dissection of those who have died of pulmonary consumption; for it is then found that the fat is entirely removed, not only from the surface, but also from the interior parts; and hardly a vestige of fat is to be found either at any of the joints, about the heart, or even in theNomentum, parts in which it is certainly most necessary for the purpo- ses of the animal economy. With the emaciation, it cannot at all seem wonderful that a state of debility should occur. A loss o'f muscu- lar vigour, as well as evident wasting of the habit, is indeed one of the earliest symptoms of phthisis. Those 40 SYMPTOMS IN THE LAST STAGE subjected to any modification of the disease, soon bt come incapable of their usual exertions; and after even very slight action, they feel an uncommon degree of fa- tigue. But this debility rapidly increases in the last stage of the disease, and particularly where the hectic fever is very acute. The loss of strength is sometimes even greater than in proportion to the evident exhaust- ion of the body, and might lead to the supposition, that in such cases there was a greater absorption from the muscles than even from the fat. Some writers have considered this debility as the sole and primary cause of the disease; and entirely over- looking the obvious morbid affection of the lungs, they have placed phthisis at the head of the scale of asthenic diseases, as they have termed them, and accordingly have inferred, that pulmonary consumption is to be cur- ed by the use of stimulants, increasing excitement. But this reasoning, though lately a fashionable doctrine, is too absurd, and the practice too pernicious, to be adppt- ed by any man of common understanding. Debility is a necessary consequence of the continuance of almost every disease, and must necessarily occur in phthisis as well as in others. But it rapidly increases towards the last periods of phthisis, when there is reason to be- lieve that the circulation has almost everv where failed OP PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 41 in the extreme vessels. It is a consequence not the cause of the disease. Of the failure of circulation in the extreme vessels in phthisis, evidence is afforded in the appearance of the countenance, and particularly in the appearance of the eye. It is indeed true, as has already been remarked, that in the paroxysm of the hectic fever, a circum- scribed redness of the cheek is often observed. But at other times there is very generally an uncommon paleness of the countenance, and indeed of the surface over the whole body, clearly demonstrating a want of red blood in the extreme vessels. This also manifest- ly appears in that change which the tunica adnata of the eye undergoes. In a state of health, some red ves- sels are in general obvious in this part of the eye. But as phthisis advances, these gradually disappear, and the whole of the adnata becomes of a pearly white colour. Another remarkable appearance which often takes place on the surface of the body in phthisis, and" which is probably also the consequence of want of circulation in the extreme vessels, is that the hairs are observed to fall off, a necessary consequence of the want of nou- rishment supplied at their'bulbs. To a similar want of nourishment is probably also to be referred the p2 42 SYMPTOMS IN THE LAST STAGE crooked, wreathed, or adunque shape, as it has been called, which the nails often assume in the last stage of pulmonary consumption. To a want of due propulsion of blood to the extreme vessels, it is not improbable also that the condition of the menstrual discharge commonly attendant on phthisis is to be attributed. It must indeed be admitted, that in some instances of pulmonary consumption, the men- ses continue regular to their periods, and flow in the usual quantity to the very last stage of the disease. But much more frequently, the discharge is scanty or altogether wanting, even from the commencement. And from this circumstance, phthisis in its first stages is sometimes mistaken for amenorrhoea. But what- ever maybe the condition of the menstrual flux in the beginning of the disease, a total want of this discharge in most cases very soon supervenes after the hectic fe- ver is distinctly marked. When regard is paid to the remarkable loss of strength with which phthisis is attended, it is not wonderful that towards the close of the disease oede- matous swelling of the, legs should often appear. This symptom, however, notwithstanding the great debility, is neither universal, nor very troublesome. And in some cases, after it has taken place to a con- OF PHTHISIS PULMONALIS, 4$ siderable degree, notwithstanding the progress of phthisis towards a fatal conclusion, and the increase of the weakness of the patient, it again decreases,— an evident proof that the action of the absorbent ves- sels is not so much weakened as that of the muscles subservient to voluntary motion. Perhaps also from the condition of the circulation, the tendency to effusion may be diminished. It has already been remarked, that even during the accessions of the hectic fever, the tongue is rarely ebr served to be parched. On the contrary, it often as- sumes an uncommonly red, and what may be called a raw appearance. But the affection of this organ often goes farther; and both upon the tongue and other parts of the mouth, aphthous spots appear, which in the end degenerate into ill-conditioned ulcers. These aphthae and consequent ulcerations are particularly observed in the apostematous phthisis, when the expectoration of purulent matter is considerable, and when, in place of the appearance of mild pus, the discharge has de- generated into an ichorous state. This affection of the mouth has by some been ascribed, and probably not without reason, to the action of the expectorated matter on the mouth. To the same cause, acting on other parts of the H SYMPTOMS IN THE LAST STAGE alimentary canal, especially on the intestines, has been ascribed another symptom, very common and very distressing, the colliquative diarrhoea, which often occurs in the end of phthisis, and which cer- tainly has often very great influence in hastening a fatal termination of the disease. That •colliquative diarrhoea may in some instances-arise from purulent matter brought from the lungs to the mouth, and after- wards swallowed, maybe true. But certain it is, that this diarrhoea often takes place where there is no ex- pectoration ofpurulent matter, particularly in cases of tuberculous phthisis. Hence, it must often arise from some other cause; and perhaps it is with greater jus- tice attributed to the influence of absorbed acrid mat- ter exerted on the intestines, after entering the blood, and to the general debilitated state of the system which phthisis induces. But whatever its cause may be, there can be no doubt that it is one of the supervening symptoms, which contributes very much to bring the disease to a fatal termination. But of all the supervening symptoms, there is per- haps no one which tends more io the rapid exhaustion of the patient than the colliquative sweats. These, as has already been observed, somedm-s occur ev;u at an early period of the hectic fever,,'■■• i. particularly observed in the morning, after an exacerbation ha.': OF PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 45 taken place during the night. But they are by no means to be considered as similar to those sweats, which constitute the third stage of an intermittent pa- roxysm. They are by no means productive of the same relief from fever. They cannot be said to induce an apyrexia. ' On the contrary, an evident increase of weakness and languor is very generally the conse- quence of their being long continued and profuse; and this equally happens pdiether they be extended over the whole body, or confined to particular places. These colliquative sweats, even when the most pro- fuse, are not unfrequently confined to the head and shoulders; and when this is the case, the progress of the disease to a fatal termination is usually the most rapid. With these supervening symptoms, and the continu- ance of the hectic fever, it is by no means surprising, that the disease, after arriving at this state, should in almost every case have a fatal termination. Though the mental faculties continue distinct at the commence- ment of the hectic fever, yet dilirium of the low kind at length necessarily arises, as the consequence of a very debilita'ed state, and is in general a prelude t© the death of the patient. u; CHAPTER VI: OF THE 'DIAGNOSIS IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. * The diagnosis in cases of phthisis pulmonalis may naturally be referred to two heads. First, The means of distinguishing phthisis from other diseases; and, Secondly, The means of distinguishing the different species of phthisis from each other. With regard to the distinction between phthisis and other diseases, in most cases, at least, there is no great difficulty. Although in the beginning of phthisis, there is certainly no symptom which can be held forth as pathognomonic or peculiar to pulmonary consumption, and not occurring in any other affection, yet there are different symptoms always attendant on phthisis, which in many other diseases are never observed. Even in the very earliest stages of this affection, there is always more or less cough; and this cough is very generally attended with some degree both of dyspncea OF THE DIAGNOSIS, &C. 47 and of pain of breast. Sometimes, indeed, in the earliest stages of phthisis, what takes place in the way of coughing, may be termed rather tussicula than tussis. Still, however, cough exists at least under a certain form. Wherever, therefore, cough, with the concomitants already mentioned, is entirely awanting, it may with certainty be concluded, notwithstanding great loss of strength, wasting of the habit, quick- ness of pulse, and other hectic symptoms, that pulmo- nary consumption does not occur, and that the tabes or phthisis to which the patient is subjected, must pro- ceed from some other cause than an affection of the lungs, The only difficulty, therefore, of distinguishing be- tween phthisis and other diseases, is in those cases where cough, with some degree of pain of breast, and dyspnoea, takes place. This, however, not unfrequent- ly happens in catarrhal affections, the consequence of accidental exposure to cold. Catarrh has often many symptoms in common with incipient phthisis. But this similarity in a particular manner takes place, be- tween common catarrh from cold, and that species of pulmonary consumption which has been described under the title of the catarrhal phthisis. In that modification of phthisis, indeed, the disease, as has already been remarked, often subsists for a con- 18 OF THE DIAGNOSIS siderable time in a state which may strictly and pro perly be denominated catarrh; and it is only from the catarrhus dfrigore, that a degeneracy takes place into the phthisis catarrhalis. It is therefore by no means surprising that cases should occur, in which it is very difficult to determine when the catarrh ends, or when the phthisis begins. With a view, however, of directing the best mode of treatment, it is always desirable that a practitioner should be able to say with certainty, as soon as possible, whether the disease be catarrh or consumption. And those marks by which catarrhus a frigore is distin- guished from phthisis catarrhalis, with still greater cer- tainty serve to distinguish catarrh from other species of phthisis. Where cough, apparently arising from exposure to cold, has subsisted for some length of time, although not severe, but merely under the form of tussicula, some suspicion may be entertained of phthisis, when that cough comes to be attended with manifest wast- ing of the habit, and remarkable loss of strength. That these symptoms, indeed, are often the conse- quence of mere catarrh, cannot be denied; yet they are seldom to the same extent, or make the same rapid IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 49 progress, where the affection continues to be merely catarrhal, as when it degenerates into phthisis. The suspicion arising from the circumstances that have been mentioned, cough combined with wasting of tile habit, and loss of strength, is much corroborated, if the patient be still at an early period of life, particu- larly between the age of fifteen and twenty-five: Not, indeed, that phthisis may not ensue as a consequence of catarrh at other periods of life; but it is chiefly at the early and vigorous periods of life that consumption is a consequence of catarrh. In advanced life, obsti- nate catarrh much more frequently degenerates into the chronic state, or what has been called the catar- rhus senilis. Besides the circumstances which have already been mentioned, another ground for distinction between phthisis and catarrh is afforded by the state of the pulse. In phthisis, quickness of the pulse is a much more frequent symptom than in catarrh. This, in- deed, can by no means be depended upon by itself; nor is it always to be met with at the commencement of the disease. In some instances of phthisis, it is only an occurrence late in the disease; and in cases of ;iiere catarrh, it not unfrequently takes place, especially at the commencement of the disease. But when pre- K 50 OF THE DIAGNOSIS ternatural quickness of the pulse continues for a con- siderable time, it is much more frequently observed where acute catarrh terminates in phthisis, than when it degenerates into the chronic state. From these different particulars, in the greatest num- ber of cases a diagnosis may be formed, with a con- siderable degree of certainty, between phthisis and catarrh, even in the early stages of the disease. But, when in conjunction with these, it appears, from the tests already mentioned, that the matter expectorated contains a mixture of pus, there can be no doubt that the patient is subjected to pulmonary consumption. When to the pulmonary affections hectic fever super- venes, and when to these are superadded the consequent symptoms, particularly colliquative sweats and colli- quative diarrhoea, we have not only certain evidence that the patient is subjected to phthisis, but may with great probability conclude that the disease will have a fatal termination. If, however, it be important in practice to distinguish phthisis from other diseases; so it is also of conse- quence to distinguish the different species of phthisis from each other. Three species have been pointed ou« as deserving particular attention, the catarrhal, the apostematous, and the tuberculous: And the following IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 51 observations with regard to each, will point out those marks by which they may be most readily distinguished. The catarrhal phthisis may occur at any age, while the two other species, but particularly the tuber- culous, are most frequently observed at a certain period of life, between the age of fifteen and twenty-five. There is ground, therefore, for suspecting this species when symptoms indicating phthisis are observed at that period of life, when the other two species are less fre- quent. Catarrhal phthisis takes place with any habit; while the apostematous is most frequent with the san- guine habit, and the tuberculous with those who are known to have a scrofulous constitution. Hence some ground for distinction is afforded from attending to the habit of the patient. But if a diagnosis may in some degree be derived from predisposition, catarrhal phthisis is still more strongly marked by attending to the occasional cause by which it is more immediately induced. In most instances, this modification of pulmonary consumption has its commencement from the obvious action of cold, inducing at first a simple catarrhal affection. Thus, then, it begins with all the ordinary symptoms of the catarrhus a frigore; and in this respect from the com- mencement is different from the two other modifications 52 OF THE DIAGNOSIS of phthisis. In a short time, it is distinctly character- ized by the state of the cough; for it is soon attended with copious expectoration. It is marked also by the state of pain at the breast In most instances, the pa- tient is not affected with any such pain; and when it does occur, it is not confined to any particular part. The dyspnoea in this species, as well as in the aposte- matous, is aggravated by an horizontal posture; but it is peculiar to the catarrhal consumption, that the dysp* noea is relieved by expectoration, even although only to an inconsiderable degree. It is also marked by ano- ther circumstance respecting the affection of breathing. In this species, the patient, when in an horizontal pos- ture, can lie with equal ease on either side. While the catarrhal consumption is thus attended with many peculiarities, so there are also various symp- toms which afford evidence of the apostematous. When phthisis evidently occurs, there is some presumption of its belonging to this species, where the patient has been previously of a vigorous and plethoric habit, par- ticularly when with these habits it occurs during the prime of life. This presumption is strengthened, if there be at the same time no marks of a scrofulous ha- bit in the person affected; and if upon due enquiry it shall be found, that the patient has no hereditary dis- position to scrofula, that no scrofula has been observed IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 53 in his family, and that none of his near connexions have died of phthisis. There is also reason for inferring the existence of this species, where the patient has formerly been subjected to active haemor- rhage, either from the lungs, or even from the nose. This inference may be drawn with still greater confidence, where symptoms of phthisis immediately succeed to a considerable degree of haemoptysis. And there is almost certainty, that the phthisical symptoms proceed from an apostema in the chest, when they are the immediate consequence of a violent inflamma- tory affection of the pneumonic kind. A similar con- clusion respecting the species of the disease may also be drawn where phthisical symptoms follow soon after wounds penetrating into the thorax, blows upon the chest, or similar accidents. In short, a considerable degree of local inflammation within the chest, from whatever cause it arises, may certainly terminate in an apostema. But besides the ground for diagnosis, which is afford^ ed by a knowledge of the exciting causes, marks of this species are also afforded from the symptoms with which it is attended. There is always reason to infer, that phthisis is of the apostematous kind, where the patient has long been subjected to fixed pain in the breast; where he is affected with constant dyspnoea, e2 34 6F THE DIAGNOSIS even in an erect posture, and where that dyspnoea is attended with a sense of weight and oppression at a particular part of the breast. This conclusion may especially be drawn when the dyspnoea is much in- creased by a horizontal posture, and when the patient lying horizontally can breathe only with facility on that side to which the pain and sense of oppression are re- ferred. A distinction of this species from the two others is also afforded by the state of the cough. It is not the short tickling cough or tussicula which attends the tu- berculous consumption. The fits of coughing are as violent as those which occur in catarrhal phthisis; but they are not, as in that species, attended with copious expectoration. For a considerable time little or no expectoration occurs : Thus, the case is very different from what happens either in the tuberculous or catar- rhal phthisis. But, above all other circumstances, apostematous phthisis is characterised by those symptoms which im- mediately ensue on the rupture of the vomica. On that event a copious purulent discharge, under the form of expectoration, puts the nature of the case beyond all doubt. That the discharge then taking place con- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 55 sists almost entirely of pus is sufficiently demonstrated to the patient himself both by the smell and taste; and if the practitioner be present when the rupture takes place, he also can have no doubt with regard to the nature of the expectorated matter. Even at after periods, this species is distinctly characterised by the nature of the expectoration. Both by its smell, its specific gra- vity, and its chemical relations to acids and to alkalies, it will be found to consist principally of pus, with very little mixture of mucus. The last species, or the tuberculous consumption, ls the most difficult to distinguish at its commencement. It is what may justly be called a very insidious disease; and it has often made considerable progress before any important affection is supposed to exist. The cough at the commencement is hardly so considerable as to claim notice ; while the extenuateoLhabit and loss of strength with which it is attended are often ascribed to other causes. But there is always some presump- tion that these are the incipient state of the tubercu- lous phthisis, when they take place between the age of fifteen and twenty-five, and are found to continue for some time, notwithstanding the use of those practices which are in general successful in catarrh. There is still stronger ground for presuming incipient phthisis J of the tuberculous kind, when these symptoms are at- 56 OF THE DIAGNOSI9 tended with quickness of pulse, and when they occur with those who are known to be of a scrofulous family, and especially if other children of the same family have, at the same period" of life, fallen victims to phthisis. But even where there is not this mark of hereditary scrofula in the family, the symptoms mentioned above always give strong suspicion of tuberculous phthisis, when they occur with those who are of that fair com- plexion and delicate make which is very common with such as are of scrofulous constitution. There is also reason for suspecting tuberculous phthi- sis where the symptoms above mentioned have begun without any obvious existing cause, such as injuries to the breast; where the pain, when it does take place, is not fixed to any particular spot; and when dyspnoea does not occur, or if occurring, is only distressing upon mo- tion of the body, or any considerable exertion on the part of the patient. But above all other marks, the tuberculous phthisis is characterized by the peculiarity of the cough which takes place both at its commencement and during its course. The cough which attends the tuberculous phthisis is, as has already been said, of the short tick- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 57 ling kind, denominated a tussicula. For a longtime it seems to proceed from some accidental irritation, and is attended either with no expectoration, or merely with the expectoration of a small quantity of mucus. Where a more copious expectoration does happen, it is neither viscid mucus nor purulent matter mixed with mucus. The matter expectorated is often clear and limpid, with a reddish tinct; and is rather a bloody sanies than even ill-conditioned pus. When bloody expectoration takes place in this spe- cies at an early period, it can hardly be said to be un- der the form of haemoptysis. The discharge of blood is never considerable at once, and it is very seldom pure blood, being in general intimately mixed with a large proportion of thin limpid mucus. From due attention to those diagnostics which have now been pointed out, pulmonary consumption may be most readily distinguished from other diseases; and when it does occur, the three different species which have been pointed out maybe most readily distinguish* ed from each other. 5S CHAPTER VII. OBSERVATIONS ON THE GENERAL PLAN OF CURE IN PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. In the different modifications of phthisis pulmonalis, and particularly in the three different species which have been now described, the general plan of cure va- ries considerably. It is indeed true, that there are some general intentions which are to be had in view in every instance of phthisis. Thus, it must always be an object with the practitioner to counteract, as far as he is able, the effects of purulent absorption. It is in every case an object of importance to obviate those effects which purulent absorption produces on the sys- tem; or, in other words, to alleviate the urgent symp- toms of the disease. These, however, are merely pal- liative indications, and a radical cure of the disease is to be obtained only by a removal of that source from which the purulent absorption arises. The means of effecting this removal must, in the different species, be GENERAL PLAN OF CURE, &C. 59 accommodated to the nature of that particular source from whence the purulence is furnished. In the catarrhal phthisis, the source of that purulent matter which produces the symptoms is a mere inflam- ed surface, in some degree similar to what produces purulent matter in the case of a blister-issue. Here, therefore, the first object which is naturally to be aim- ed at in the cure is, to produce a change in that state of separation which takes place from the surface of the branches of the trachea, and of the membrane forming the air-vessels of the lungs. But it is also a second ob- ject of no less importance, to restore the natural condi- tion and state of action of those superficial vessels from which this separation is afforded. For obtaining the first of these ends, it is in most in- stances necessary to diminish that impetus with which the blood circulates through the system in general. But it is still more requisite to diminish that impetus with which it circulates through the vessels of the lungs in particular; for in catarrhal phthisis, the impetus of circulation in these vessels is very generally augmented. A diminution of this impetus may be obtained in dif- ferent ways. But very generally this may be effected more readily by those means which give a determina- tion ef blood to other parts at some distance from the t 60 GENERAL PLAN OF CURE lungs, than by an action on the vessels of the lungs themselves. The second leading indication in the cure of catar- rhal phthisis, the restoration of a natural condition to the superficial vessels of the lungs, from which a separation of pus is afforded, may be brought about chiefly in two ways; first, by strengthening the tone ofyfcnese vessels; and, secondly, by giving such a condition to the system in general, that the restoration of proper tone to these vessels may be brougtit about by the operations of the system itself. Hence, with the view of fulfilling this indication, much more is to be derived from regimen than from medicines, and particularly from gentle ex- ercise, pure air, and mild nutritious diet. In the apostematous phthisis, the purulent matter which gives rise to the wasting of the habit, loss of strength, and hectic fever, is separated at a particular part of the lungs, and is often, even when locally accu- mulated at that part in considerable quantity, so inclos- ed that it cannot be discharged; for the apostema is often formed by a thick cyst or bag containing the rulent matter. Thus, the purulent matter, althouj, lodged in the substance of the lungs, eveh to the extent of many ounces, has no communication with any branch of the trachea. In other cases, however, even before IN PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. 61 the vomica can properly be said to be ruptured, some communication with the air vesicles, and passages for air, takes place. But whether there be any opening into these, giving an opportunity for purulent expecto- ration or not, it is still from this source, the apostema, that the absorption of matter giving rise to consumption is afforded. i In this species of phthisis, then, it must be evident, that a first and principal object is to discharge that purulent matter which is collected in the apostema. For accomplishing this, when the cyst remains entire, the first requisite is, that it should be ruptured; and for this purpose, measures may sometimes be ad- vantageously employed by the physician; such, for ex- ample, as concussion of the system by the action of vomiting, of coughing, or the like. But very general- ly, the rupture of the apostema is trusted to^ the opera- tions of nature; and in most instances, in no long time. particularly if the vomica be large, a spontaneous rup- ture will occur. In every case, after an opportunity for discharge is afforded, whether by an intentional or spontaneous rup- ture of the apostema, that discharge is to be promoted; and this may be done by encouraging frequent and free expectoration. Such expectoration, it is almost unnc- F GENERAL PLAN OF CURL oessary to observe, is chiefly effected by coughing. And in the greater part of instances, sufficiently frequent and strong coughing is induced from that irritation which is given to the lungs and trachea by the puru- lent matter itself; but in some instances, for promoting free expectoration, other measures may be employed with advantage, such as the steam of water, of vine- gar, of sulphuric ether, or similar vapours. After a discharge of that purulent matter which had been collected in the abscess has been obtained, it becomes a second object in apostematous consumption to prevent the farther separation of purulent matter from the ulcer which is thus formed. This, however, can only be accomplished in a manner similar to what happens when ulcers are formed in other parts. On the bursting or opening of an abscess, a diminution and final termination of the discharge are only to be brought about by the gradual healing of the ulcer. This healing of ulcers, however, in the lungs, as well as other part* of the body, may justly be considered as a process of nature, and is only to be accomplished by the operations of the system itself. But there can be no doubt, that, on some occasions, the efforts of nature, in conducting the healing process, may be promoted and forwarded. This healing process IN PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. 63 requires that state of action of the vessels, which,.in contradistinction to the suppurative, has been termed the adhesive inflammation. It becomes, therefore,an ob- ject of importance to induce this state of inflammation as far as it can with safety be done. And with this view, by the judicious use, sometimes of tonics, sometimes of stimulants, sometimes of astringent medicines, much good maybe obtained. The third and last, species of. consumption to be spoken of, the tuberculous, depends on what are term- ed tubercles formed in the lungs, and which are pro- bably diseased and indurated glands attached to the lymphatic system. These, as well as scrofulous tumors in other parts of the body, depending also on the in- duration and enlargement of lymphatic glands, may often long remain in an indurated state. But such tumors in the lungs, as well as similar tumors else- where, may be considered as having constantly a ten- dency and even a progress to a state of suppuration. And suppuration at these tubercles may take place, not merely in the indurated body itself, which sometimes becomes as it were an inorganic substance, but in those parts by which it is immediately surrounded; the tubercle merely acting in exciting the suppurative inflammation, in the same manner as a lead-shot,or any 64 GENERAL PLAN OF CURE similar foreign substance, introduced into the lungs. would do. It is in but very few cases of tuberculous phthisis that a single or solitary tubercle only exists in the lungs. In the greater number of instances, as is demon- strated by numerous dissections, many tubercles exist in the lungs at the same time. And when some have already terminated in a state of suppuration, or have induced the separation of ill-conditioned purulent mat- ter from the vessels immediately in contact with them, others remain only in the progress towards a state of suppuration. And from this circumstance many pheno- mena of the disease may be explained; particularly the recurrence of phthisical symptoms in a patient for several years together every spring, and their cessation during the summer. This may be considered as hap- pening in a manner precisely similar to scrofulous sup- purations, scrofulous ophthalmia, or the like, returning frequently during a series of years, at almost stated times. Wherever tubercles formed in the lungs can be re- moved without terminating in suppuration, or inducing suppuration in contiguous parts, this removal is un- questionably a matter of the utmost consequence. In tuberculous phthisis, it is an object of great importance, wherever it can be accomplished, to bring about a IN PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. 65 resolution or removal of the tubercles, while they re- main in their indurated state. But this resolution or removal may be accomplish- ed with some of the tubercles, although not with all of them; and where many exist, it may reasonably be expected that some of them will terminate in sup- puration. Where such a termination takes place, it is but very seldom that the ulcer, thus formed, yields mild purulent matter. Like scrofulous ul- cers in other parts of the body, those ulcers in the lungs which are the consequence of tubercles, often give out merely an ichorous sanies. In this species of phthisis, therefore, a second great object in the cure is, to alter the state of action of the vessels, either in the tubercle itself, or in the surrounding parts, so as to produce the separation of proper puru- lent matter. With the separation of proper purulent matter, the adhesive inflammation, by which alone an ulcer can be healed, is intimately connected; and it is alone by the healing of the ulcer that the disease can be cured. If, however, this object can be accomplished by the aid of proper remedies, or even if the opera- tions of nature in accomplishing it can be aided, a re- covery may take place even from this must idarming and dangerous species of consumption, the tuberculous. f 2 % 66 * CHAPTER VIII OBSERVATIONS ON PARTICULAR PRACTICES EMPLOYED IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS, AND WHICH HAVE BEEN RECOMMENDED BY EMINENT WRITERS. From the view which has beeiLgiven of the general principles on which the cure of pulmonary consump- tion is to be conducted, it must evidently appear, that,-. for answering the indications which have been pointed out, many different remedies may be employed; and ■there is perhaps no affection in which a greater variety of practices have been recommended. While some of these practices are applicable to one species and one condition of the disease only, others are in some degree applicable perhaps to all the three species which have been described, and may even be advantageously employed to fulfil different intentions in each. But although it has of late been alleged by an eminent writer, that the digitalis purpurea is as certain a remedy for phthisis, as the cinchona is for intermit- modes of cure, &lc. 67 tent fever, yet every candid practitioner will readily allow, that hitherto no panacea, no effectual remedy for pulmonary consumption, is discovered. In particular instances, however, certain remedies may not only tend to alleviate the distress of the patient, but may at least assist in the accomplishment of a com- plete recovery. This will more fully appear from a few observations on the principal practices which have in this disease been recommended by the most eminent practitioners. This subject might easily be extended to a great length, when it is considered how many different reme- dies have been recommended in phthisis, and how much has been said with regard to each. From what 1 have seen in actual practice, I might say much, both in confirmation and in refutation of the sentiments of others respecting particular remedies. But my object is to deliver not the detail, but the result of my own observations; and I shall therefore confine myself to a few remarks on what I consider as the most important modes of cure, either from their beneficial or preju- dicial effects. At the head of the practices which have been re- commended in pulmonary consumption, blood-letting 68 modes of clre- may justly be mentioned. There are several indica- tions in phthisis, which it is well fitted to fulfil, especi- ally as diminishing the impetus of blood through the system in general, and through the lungs in particular. In this way large and repeated blood-lettings may effec- tually prevent haemoptysis, or inflammation from any cause, from terminating in a state of suppuration. Re- peated small bleedings in phthisis have also been strongly recommended, for counteracting successive inflammations resulting from tubercles. The use of repeated blood-lettings in phthisis seems first to have been introduced by that singular practitio- ner Dr Dover, to whom, it must be acknowledged, that medicine is indebted for several important practices; particularly for the introduction of his sweating pow- der, long known in the shops under the name of Dover's Powder, and still much employed under the appella- tion of the pulvis ipecacuanhas compositus. Dr Dover considered phthisis as entirely an inflammatory disease. And he directed blood-letting to a small extent at first every !ay, for twelve or fourteen days successively; and afterwards every second or third day for a consider- able length of time. In this way, even by small blood- lettings, very considerable quantities were abstracted; and there are cases on record, in which, before the disease proved fatal, blood-letting had been performed IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 69 upwards of fifty times. There can, however, be no doubt that this was a great abuse of a very useful reme- dy. The treatment was found to be by no means a successful one; and although these blood-lettings might afford temporary relief, yet the probability is, that they shortened the life of the patient. On the grounds, indeed, which have already been stated, blood-letting may in some instances prevent the occurrence of the disease, and in others overcome it in its incipient state; but it is to be remarked, that do practice tends more to reduce the strength of the body than blood-letting. Loss of strength, however, occurs at a very early period of phthisis, and is one of the first alarming symptoms. The pulse in this disease is often quick, when it is neither full nor hard; and the quickness depends much more on increased irritability, than on increased tone of the vascular system. Hence, it is often observed,that blood-letting, in place of dimin- ishing, increases the quickness of the pulse in phthisi- cal patients; and in every case it occasions an addition- al loss of strength. There can be no doubt, there- fore, that it must often be prejudicial. That it has been so, I am fully convinced from what I have fre- quently seen in practice; and I have no doubt in assert- ing, that in hundreds of instances, starvation and blood- letting have hastened the death of phthisical patients. *0 MODES of cure With regard to its use in this disease, it may be justl\ observed, in the words of an elegant writer, Nocet per se, prodest casu. As blood-letting has often been employed in phthisis, so recourse has frequently been had to blisters. Epis pasties have in this disease been used in different forms, particularly under the form of proper blisters, and of blister-issues, or setons. It may also be observed, that in some instances they may be employed with advan- tage in all the three different species of phthisis'. In every species of the disease, blisters are often a means of relieving the cough: for even when they have no tendency to remove the stimulating cause producing cough, as when it arises from a tubercle, yet they di- minish the effect of the stimulus. In most instances^ also, they diminish increased sensibility in the neigh- bourhood of those parts to which they are applied. This is particularly the consequence of their application to the neighbourhood of inflamed parts: for by exciting a new morbid action, that which previously took place at the inflamed part is sometimes suspended, often di- minished. Thus, they are useful rather from the im- pression which they make on certain subcutaneous nerves, and the consequent inflammation which they in- duce, than from their evacuant power. L\ PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 71 But even as evacuants they are of some service in phthisis, by producing a discharge from the general system, and perhaps still more by changing the dis- tribution of the fluids, and the balance of circulation. While, however, with the intention of evacuating. the greatest effect is to be expected from proper blis- ters; with the view of changing determination, more benefit may be derived from blister-issues, or from setons. Blisters, and still more blister-issues, are particular- ly useful in the catarrhal phthisis: for in that modifi- cation of the disease, derivation from the lungs is of the utmost consequence. By this means, a change may often be affected in that state of suppuration which takes place from the internal membrane of the lungs, and the purulent discharge may thus be converted into ,the natural mucus. On the same principles they are useful in catarrh. Hence, they may be considered as particularly adapted to that period of the disease, when a catarrhal has a disposition to degenerate into a phthi- sical affection: and for my own part, I am acquainted with no remedy from which I have seen so much benefit, in the incipient state of catarrhal phthisis, as from blister-issues on the breast. In the apostematous phthisis, blisters and blister- 72 MODES OF CURE issues are also of considerable service, particularly while the vomica remains entire. For there is reason to presume, that this evacuation both tends to remove matter from the vomica, by increasing absorption, and that it also affords an outlet for the matter thus absorbed from the circulating mass. But after a rup- ture of -the apostema has taken place, and after an opportunity is thus afforded for a free discharge of .the purulent matter Jby expectoration, less benefit is to be expecleoSfreKl issues; and as every evacuation has a tendency to increase debility, issues are in some degree exceptionable. Perhaps on the same ground they are still more exceptionable in the tuberculous phthisis. In that modification of the disease, I have never in my own practice observed any decided advantage resulting from the employment of them; and in some instances, besides evacuating, they are productive of great incon- venience, as exciting irritation and pain. Circum- stances, however, not unfrequently occur, indicating their use even in the tuberculous phthisis; particularly if that species be attended with considerable expecto- ration of mucus, which is at least sometimes the case." Even in tuberculous phthisis, therefore, the use of issues is by no means to be entirely forbid. But, upon the whole, they are less beneficial in that IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 73 species of consumption than in the other two, par- ticularly than the catarrhal, in which they are often highly useful. Among other remedies in phthisis pulmonalis, some have very strongly recommended the use of emetics. These, in certain circumstances, are applicable also to all the three species of pulmonary consumption; and perhaps they may be useful on a greater variety of grounds than either of the practices already mentioned. In the catarrhal phthisis, the induction of full vomiting is often highly useful as an expectorant: for in that dis- ease, as well as in chronic catarrh, both the cough and dyspnoea arise from viscid matter accumulated in the branches of the aspera arteria; and, next to coughing, nothing so immediately produces a discharge of that matter as Jhe action of vomiting. But besides operat- ing as an expectorant, the action of an emetic is also useful in catarrhal phthisis, from the general agitation which it occasions. By this there can be no doubt that a very great temporary change is induced in the mode of circulation. By the action of vomiting, the blood is propelled to the extreme vessels in every part of the body, particularly to the extreme vessels on the surface. Thus, there is produced a derivation from the lungs, and a consequent change in the state of separation at that part of the system; and superficial G 74 MODES OF CURE vessels which before secreted a purulent matter, nun thus come to yield a more natural secretion. In this way, they may tend to produce a radical cure. But as far as I can judge from my own observation, they are chiefly useful in catarrhal phthisis, as obviating symp- toms, particularly cough and dyspnoea, by promoting expectoration. If, with the intention of promoting expectoration, emetics are often productive of good effects in the catarrhal, on the same ground they are still more use- ful in the apostematous phthisis. Where, indeed, we have reason to conclude that there is a large vomica in the lungs, but that it still remains entire, and while our wish is that it should not be burst, emetics must carefully be avoided. But where, without a rupture of the vomica a cure cannot be expected, we possess no practice by which a rupture can be more readily ob- tained, than by the action of vomiting; and after a rupture of the apostema has taken place, whether spon- taneously or by artificial means, emetics may be of great service, as promoting the evacuation. Thus, in apostematous phthisis, they may be advantageously employed with different intentions. The intentions now pointed out are seldom to be an- swered in the tuberculous consumption. For there, IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 75 'die promoting expectoration will rarely alleviate either cough or dyspnoea. But in tuberculous phthisis, eme- tics have been perhaps more extolled than in either of the other species; and if they have really the effect which some eminent practitioners have alleged, much may be expected from them. It has been contended, that by emetics a resolution of tubercles in the lungs may be brought about; and in the most dangerous species of the disease even a radical cure will be effected, if the tuber- cles can be removed. These tubercles, as was formerly ob- served, are probably tumors of the scrofulous kind; and oflate,amongother proposals for discussingscrofulous and other glandular tumors, emetics have been recommended. They have particularly been advised for removal of a swelled testicle. When, indeed, the testis is in a state of acute inflammation, emetics are not to be recommended. But when swelling and hardness remain after the ac- tive inflammation is gone, they have been extolled by some practitioners as more useful in removing that swellin'g than any other remedy. On this ground, it has been inferred, that they may be advantageously employed against other glandular tumors, even those of the scrofulous kind. Accordingly, the frequent use of emetics, repeated twice, or even thrice, in the course of a week, for some length of time, has been strongly advised; and-cases have been published, in which this practice is said to have effected a radical cure in tuber- 16 MODES OF CURE culous phthisis. I must acknowledge, that I cannot say very much in favour of this practice from my own experience. And I have never yet met with any in- stance-of tuberculous phthisis, in which I had reason to believe that emetics produced a radical cure. I, however, by no means consider them as being so dan- gerous a remedy as the repeated small blood-lettings. I have never seen any bad effect from the prudent use of them: And in most instances of tuberculous phthisis, I have found them, in the early stages of the disease, productive of some temporary relief, probably as giving temporary determination to the surface of the body. Those practitioners who have recommended emetics, have differed somewhat with regard to the particular emetic which ought to be employed. Some have advis- ed the use of ipecacuanha. And certainly where full vomiting is required to a moderate degree, there is no article on which greater dependence can be put. But Dr Marryatt and others give the preference to what he has termed the dry vomit, that is, an emetic opera- ting without the introduction of any great quantity of fluid. The dry vomit recommended by him is com- posed of sulphat of copper and tartrate of antimony; and it has the effect of exciting vomiting immediately upon being swallowred. My excellent friend, the late Dr Simmons, in his Essay on Consumption, mentions.. IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 77 that in two cases he had experienced benefit from this emetic, after vomits of ipecacuanha had been given ineffectually. Where very frequent repetition is to be tried, this dry vomit is perhaps to be preferred. But I must confess I have no expectation, that, by the use of any emetic, a removal of tubercles from the lungs will be often obtained. And where the chief intention in the use of emetics is to promote expectoration, the ipe- cacuanha is perhaps the best that can be em- ployed. A considerable variety of medicines of the refri- gerant kinds, have been strongly recommended by dif- ferent practitioners for combating phthisis in its inci- pient state. Refrigerants, which, while they tend to produce a sense of coolness, at the same time diminish the impetus of circulation, may seem well suited to a disease which by some has been supposed to be always of an inflammatory nature; and although they do not immediately remove a plethoric state, yet they perhaps tend to diminish the inflammatory diathesis even more effectually than the repeated blood-lettings. Hence, it is not wonderful that recourse should have been had to them, and that in certain circumstances they should even - have been productive of material advantage. Accord- ingly, at different periods, different articles of the re- frigerant kind have been highly fashionable. Acids g2 78 MODES OF CURE and neutral salts, particularly nitre, have by some prac titioners been strongly recommended in phthisis. Among the former, recent vegetable acids, such as . that obtained from lemons, oranges, or other acescent fruits, were at one time highly extolled. Lemons, in particular, taken to a very great extent, were, on the authority of a late eminent London physician, repre- sented as an almost infallible remedy in phthisis. I have been told, his own observation on this subject was, that, although the lemon juice often did not succeed with others, yet with him it seldom failed. There is, however, too much reason to believe, that, even under the very best management, lemon juice will very rare- ly, if ever succeed in curing any species of phthisis, where the disease is certainly characterized; and there is a high probability, that many of those cases in which it was said to produce a cure, though supposed to be phthisis, were merely catarrh. Judging from what I have myself observed in practice, I have no doubt in asserting, that the powers of lemon juice, and of other articles abounding with vegetable acid, in combating phhisis, have been by some practitioners greatly over- rated; nay, that the indiscriminate use of vegetable acid, as well as of repeated blood-letting, in pulmo- nary consumption, has been attended with very se- rious evils. / IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 79 I must, however, also remark, that from recent ve- getable acids, and particularly from the acid of lemons or oranges, I have often experienced good effects in particular cases of phthisis. These acids can be taken without inconvenience to a much greater extent than either the acetous or the mineral acids. And wherever refrigerants are indicated in phthisis, the recent vege- table acids are perhaps the best. There are certain circumstances in which they may be proper in all the three species of consumption. But they will no more cure tuberculous phthisis than they will cure scrofula, when affecting the submaxillary or other subcutaneous lymphatic glands; aYid there is as little reason to hope, that a large abscess in the lungs can be combated by the use of them. > They may perhaps sometimes prevent the inflamma- tion which occurs in tubercles, from passing into a state of suppuration: or they may be useful in combating inflammation from injuries to the breast, where that inflammation would otherwise terminate in an apos- tema. They may also be useful where frequent returns of haemoptysis threaten a termination in suppuration. But after an abscess has occurred they are of little service. And as far as my observation goes, they are chiefly beneficial in those cases where there is reason to dread that catarrh will degenerate into phthisis'. 80 MODES OF CURE Besides different acids, various other articles have been frequently used in phthisis, the good effects of which are probably to be ascribed to their power as re- frigerants. Recourse has particularly been had to the nitrate of potass, and to the supertartrate of potass, both of which, but particularly the former, have very great influence in exciting a sense of coldness from their action on the stomach, and are certainly jusily entitled to the appellation of refrigerants. The for- mer, has been much employed in cases of haemop- tysis, and the latter is often useful, both as a refri- gerant and gentle laxative, in those cases where, with symptoms threatening phthisis, there' takes place a bound state of the belly. But they seem to me to be inferior in efficacy to the recent vegetable acids; and unless where these disagree with the stomach, neither nitre nor cream of tartar will probably be much em- ployed merely as refrigerants. When these neutrals are had recourse to with con- sumptive patients, they are used rather with the view of correcting some other article, than with any expec- tation of deriving benefit from the neutrals themselves. Thus, it has been strongly recommended to conjoin nitre with the gum myrrh, an article afterwards to be spoken of. And it is not improbable, that both this and the cream of tartar might be advantageously added IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 81 to some other of the heating balsams, as they have been called; and that by this combination, while good ef- fects are obtained from these balsams, certain bad ef- fects which some have attributed to them might be counteracted. Thus, in different conditions of the dis- ease various refrigerants may be employed with ad- vantage. Of all the remedies which have of late been fashion- able in phthisis, none, perhaps, has been so highly ex- tolled as the digitalis purpurea. One practitioner, as has already been remarked, represents it as being as efficacious in the cure of phthisis, as the Peruvian bark is in cases of intermittent fever. But extensive expe- rience has already clearly demonstrated to many dif- ferent practitioners that this is a mere chimera. The foxglove has unquestionably a wonderful influence on the state of the pulse. Under proper management, it produces a slowness of the pulse, not perhaps to be ob- tained from any other medicine yet discovered. In phthisis, however, the pulse is often quickened to a re- markable degree. And it has been the opinion of some, that, by reducing it to the natural standard, from the employment of digitalis, consumption may be overcome. But it is almost unnecessary to observe, that the quick- ness of pulse in phthisis is merely symptomatic, and that the reduction of it even below the natural slmd- 82 MODES OF CURE ard, can have no effect either in removing a tubercle, or in healing an ulcer in the lungs. Hence, on this ground, it is in vain to expect a radical cure from its use. That in certain cases, however, it may be em- ployed with advantage, I am very far from denying. The foxglove, besides that in general it diminishes the celerity of the pulse, in most instances also ope- rates as a very powerful diuretic. It is, however, well known, that a free discharge of urine has often great influence in relieving the breast. This is clearly de- monstrated by the benefit obtained from different diu- retics in chronic catarrh. In this way digitalis may be highly useful in catarrhal phthisis', and a diminution of the celerity of the pulse may certainly somewhat alleviate the hectic fever. But I am sorry to say, that, for my own part, I have not witnessed any great bene- fit from digitalis in any case of phthisis; and I have seldom been able, by means of this article, so far to diminish the celerity of pulse in phthisis, as to bring it even to the natural standard. It would seem, that in this disease, such is the influence of the causes quick- ening circulation, that even the*power of the digitalis is not able to counteract them. While cow's-milk, in various forms, as an article of dietfRas been very generally recommended to phthisi- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 83 cal patients, some particular kinds of milk have been viewed even as effectual remedies in that disease. With this intention, women's milk, mare's milk, but particu- larly ass's milk, have been by some highly extolled. Some kinds of milk may certainly agree better with particular stomachs than others. But there can be no doubt, that none of them operate upon any other prin- ciple than as a mild and nutritious article of aliment; and therefore, that no benefit is to be expected from a small quantity. From ass-milk, which has often been directed to the extent only of a gill in a day, no benefit is to be expected, unless it be taken to the quantity of at least half a pint twice a-day. When thus used, I have often found it beneficial to patients highly debili- tated; and I am much deceived, if it has not in some in- stances contributed to the removal of tuberculous con- sumption in its incipient state; only, however, from aiding the operations of nature, by strengthening the patient. Butr such is its influence in this way, that, in the incipient state of every instance of tuberculous phthisis, it should be recommended. Where the sto- mach of the patient can easily digest it, the same ad- vantages may be derived from cow-milk, and that, too, in its richest state, under the form of what have been called the afterings, that is, the last portion of milk drawn from the udder of the cow at any one period of milking. These afterings, as has been found by accu- 84 MODES OF CURE rate observation, certainly contains a much greater pro- portion of butyraceous matter than is to be found in the first drawn milk, and this last drawn portion of the milk is unquestionably the most nutritious. But often cow-milk, even of the ordinary richness, cannot be di- gested. In that case, however, it may still be success- fully employed in a diluted state; and diluted cow- milk, with the addition of a small portion of sugar, will make a very good substitute for ass-milk, where that article cannot easily be obtained. The whey of goat-milk, is another article in which many practitioners put great confidence. From goai- whey, as well as from ass-milk, .1 think I have often seen very great advantage, particularly in the incipient state of tuberculous phthisis. I have known more than one instance where a patient of a scrofulous family had for several successive springs alarming phthisical symptoms, which were entirely removed in the course of the summer, by leaving Edinburgh, and drinking goat-whey in the Highlands. This could not be at- tributed to any nourishment obtained from the most watery part of the milk, deprived both of the oleagi- nous and coagulable matter. But it has been supposed by some, that goat-whey may acquire particular vir- tues from an impregnation given to the milk by those herbs on which the goat feeds in her native hills. For IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 85 this, however, there is just as little foundation as for the supposed medical virtues of ass-milk. I have, for my own part, no doubt in attributing the whole benefit of goat-whey, to pure air, gentle exercise, and the change of temperature of the season during which re- course is usually had to it. In proof of this, I have of- ten observed the same benefit by removal from a town residence to comfortable country quarters, where no goat-whey was to be had. A change of, situation to pure air and a temperate atmosphere, will often be found of material advantage. And it is with these in- tentions alone that I ever think of recommending goat-whey quarters. But from removal to these during the summer season, I have often seen great benefit in the incipient state of tuberculous phthisis. iFor patients in the incipient state of a pulmonary consumption, sea voyages have often been highly ex- tolled. These have been recommended in every spe- cies of the disease; and on different grounds they have been imagined to be productive of advantage. By some, they have even been supposed useful as exciting sea-sickness. But more generally the benefit observed from them has been attributed to two other circum- stances: to the pure air which the patient must neces- sarily breathe when at sea; and to the constant state of motion to which the body is subjected when on ship- H 80 MODES 01' CURE board. Some have even thought, that particular bene- fit may be derived from breathing sea-air, which is well known to be often impregnated with saline matter. That on all these grounds some benefit may be deriv- ed from it, I would be far from denying; and I have known some instances of patients who were suspected to labour under tuberculous phthisis, for whom, on the very first alarm of the disease, a long sea-voyage has been recommended, and who have returned free from every complaint. But in the catarrhal and apostema- tous phthisis nothing is to be expected, either from the air or exercise which a sea-voyage affords, nor from the inspiration of a saline atmosphere. And even in the tuberculous phthisis, after the disease is so far advanced as to be distinctly marked, I have never, '' formy own part, known any benefit from a sea-voyage; while, on the other hand, phthisical patients in a very debilited state, at sea in stormy weather, are subjected ^ to so many and so great inconveniencies, that I have often known those who have attended such patients deeply regret that the practice had been tried. Unless, therefore, where sea-voyages are necessary for transporting a patient from Britain to another cli- mate, they are, in my opinion, very rarely adviseable. But few remedies have been more generally recom- mended by eminent practitioners for combating phthi- !N PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 8* sis, than a change from Britain to a more steady and a more temperate climate. A voyage to Lisbon, to Mont- pellier, to Messina, and other places in the south of Eu- rope, with a residence there for some length of time, have been strongly recommended. While these situations from the wars lately prevailing in Europe, were subject- ed to the danger of invading armies, Madeira,the Canary Islands, the Azores, and Bermuda, have been advised, with a similar intention. And there can be no doubt, that, in these climates, exercise in the open air may be employed much more regularly, and-with much less risk, than in the variable and cold climate of Britain. Yet a change to any climate has very little, or rather no influence,as tending to a radical cure of the disease; and the greater part of those patients from Britain who have had recourse to this practice, after phthisis has been distinctly marked, have only gone to breathe their last in a foreign climate. The different modes of cure which have now been mentioned, are perhaps the principal practices which have been recommended by the most eminent practiti- oners in the earlier periods of pulmonary consumption. And where phthisis can be combated by medical aid, it is chiefly to be done in the incipient state. But even from the advanced stages of the disease, natural reco- veries have sometimes taken place. Hence, then, 88 MODES OF CURE though artificial means of cure, or remedies, strict!) ^ called, are frequently unsuccessful, yet there are main cases where a practiti oner, who has had no opportunity of seeing the patient till the disease has arrived at what may be called a confirmed state, may recom- mend them with some prospect of benefit. Among the articles employed in advanced periods oi phthisis, there are perhaps few with regard to which greater controversies have subsisted than respecting the cinchona, or Peruvian bark, as it has been common- ly called. There areseveralcircumstancesinphthisis,fromwhich cinchona would seem naturally to be indicated. But, on the other hand, there are circumstances from which it might be concluded to be adverse to the nature of the disease. This controversy cannot perhaps be yet de- cided from any facts that have been published respect- ing the employment of cinchona in phthisis. For if it be said that there are cases recorded in which it has been used with advantage, it may on the contrary be observed, that there are others in which it has manifest- ly been productive of bad effects. Cinchona might, a priori, be concluded to be useful in phthisis, both as a means of healing ulceration of the IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 89 lungs, and as counteracting those effects which arise from the absorption of purulent matter. It is well known, that in cases where ulceration takes place on different parts of the surface of the body, the discharge of purulent matter is often altered and meliorated un- der the use of Peruvian bark. It has also been ascer- tained, by many accurate experiments, that few arti- cles of the materia medica possess a greater antiseptic power; and in many cases, cinchona has been found efficacious in checking hectic fever arising from ulcers in different parts of the body. On these grounds, then, there is at least analogy for supposing that it may be useful in phthisis. On the other hand, however, it is well known that the common Peruvian bark, the cinchona lancifolia, has very generally a tendency to check expectoration; and, in many instances, the principal chance of cure in phthisis depends on free expectoration. But besides this, cinchona has also a tendency to produce in the human body an increased action of the vascular system, and a disposition to inflammation; hence it may tend to support rather the suppurative inflammation, than the adhesive process. On these grounds, then, there is reason to fear, that the good effects which may be expected from it, may be even more than counterba- lanced; and certainly its use in phthisis has, from ex- h2 90 MODES OF CURE perience, been much condemned by many eminent practitioners. Those, however, who indiscriminately condemn the use of cinchona in every instance of phthisis, have gone too far. It must indeed be allowed, that it has by no means the same powerful effect in checking hec- tic fever, as in stopping the paroxysms of intermittents, to which the hectic paroxysms have in many respects a re- semblance. In certain cases of phthisis, it may do mis- chief. But this may in a great measure be avoided by pru- dent management; and I have directed it in several in- stances, in which, if I have not been much deceived, it has been productive of material benefit. In the tuberculous phthisis, it can hardly indeed be expected, that cinchona will cure those ill-conditioned ulcers which take place in the lungs: For it is well known, that scrofulous sores on other parts of the body are not to be healed by the use of it. And although in tuberculous phthisis, little is to be dreaded from its influence as checking expectoration, yet more is to be apprehended from it than in any other species of phthi- sis; for there is reason to fear, that it may encourage the inflammation of different tubercles in succession. and thus lead to more numerous suppurations. In the catarrhal phthisis, from its influence in check- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 91 ing expectoration, it may be thought to be seldom ad- missible. For in that species of the disease, free ex- pectoration is particularly necessary. And if the cin- chona be imprudently thrown in, to a great extent, it is not wonderful that dyspnoea should be induced, or, if it existed before, should be augmented. But whether an increase of dyspnoea wilLbe the effect of its use or not, can be determined only by a prudent trial. When dyspnoea is not induced or aggravated by its employ- ment, the best effects are often observed to arise from it. It is sometimes beneficial, not merely as restrain- ing colliquative sweats and other excessive discharges, which very much weaken the patient; but it has even some tendency to a radical cure of the disease. In this way, it has in some cases very considerable influence, both from altering that state of secretion which in catarrhal phthisis takes place from the internal surface of the lungs, and also from restoring to the secreting vessels at the lungs that condition and that, tone on which the natural secretion in a state of health de- pends. If cinchona be sometimes admissible and useful in the catarrhal phthisis, it is no less so in the apostema- tous. It is never, perhaps, adviseable soon after the rupture of a large vomica has taken place; for at that period, the only chance of recovery depends on free b MODES OF CLRK culous I have sometimes thought it was of service; but of all the modifications of the disease, I have found it most useful in the apostematous. In more than one instance, if I have not been much deceived, it has con- tributed very considerably to bring about a complete recovery. In such cases, therefore, I consider it as well entitled to a fair trial; and for my own part, at least, I have not observed any bad effects resulting from its use. In treating of balsams in phthisis, it may not, per- haps, be improper to mention another article, which, although a quack medicine, has of late been highly extolled by some regular practitioners, viz. that which has been sold under the name of GodboWs balsam. The use of this article in phthisis I have had many opportunities of observing. Of its composition I know nothing: for, although the receipt sworn to and record- ed in Chancery, by the patentee, has been repeatedly published, yet no medical man, in the least acquainted with the materia medica, will for a moment suppose, that it is prepared according to that specification. An ingenious chemist in Edinburgh has, indeed, bestowed a great deal of pains in analyzing Godbold's balsam, and sells, at a much lower price, a balsam which he considers ro b • \ery nearly, if not precisely, the same with that of Godbold; and as far as 1 have IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 97 been able to observe, the effects of both are nearly the same. Of both these articles I am inclined to think rather favourably; but I can by no means say much for either. I have met with no instance, in which, by either, a cure of phthisis has been obtained; nor do I believe that either of them will cure phthisis in any case. I have indeed met with different cases, where catarrh, with alarming appearances, has been entirely removed during their use; and from such cases being mistaken for phthisis, they probably derive their present high reputation. But all the benefit I have ever observed from them in any case is merely the mitigation of cough. Among other active medicines, recourse has been had, in phthisis, to mercury, to sarsaparilla, and to mezereon; but I have never witnessed benefit from any of them, and if they ever do any good, I am in- clined to think, it will only be in those cases where phthisis has been excited by a preceding venereal affec- tion, and where the virus of syphilis has not been fully overcome. I can also, from my own experience, say very little m favour either of the tussilago farfara, or of the lichen islandicus. Any good effect which has ever been observ- ed from these, I am inclined to attribute entirely to the 98 MODES OF CURE vegetable mucilage which they contain, tending to allay cough, by operating as a demulcent. Of the cicuta or hemlock, the conium maculatum of Linn^us, I am inclined to think more favourably. With patients of a scrofulous habit, subjected to symptoms threatening tuberculous phthisis, I have sometimes imagined that the conium, in conjunction with cinchona, has had a good effect in preventing the occurrence of phthisis. Sea-water, and mineral waters, particularly those of the sulphureous kind, and the Bristol waters, have by some been strongly recommended, even in the confirm- ed stages of tuberculous phthisis, from the affinity which that modification of the disease bears to scrofula. In the prevention of this species, they may perhaps do some good. But after tuberculous phthisis is distinctly marked, although in some respects they may seem to be indicated, yet in others their operation is unfavour- able, particularly if taken to such an extent as to pro- duce a purgative effect. Accordingly, they are now very little if at all employed after phthisis can with certainty be affirmed to exist. While, for resolving tubercles or healing ulcerations in the lungs, many medicines have been taken inter- nally, some modes of cure have been recommended, with the view of acting topically on the diseased parts. IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 99 In this way, different ^articles have been directed to be inhaled into the lungs, under the form of vapour. From applications in this way, very high expectations have been held out by some eminent practitioners, particularly the late Dr Beddoes; and indeed it was entirely with the view of determining their efficacy, that he established what he styled the Pneumatic In- stitution at Clifton. The inhalation of a larger pro- portion of carbonic acid gas than is usually con- tained in common atmospheric air, has particularly been advised; and although it be well known that the inspiration of it in a concentrated state proves suddenly fatal even to the human species, yet, when it is diffused in the atmospheric air inspired, it may be taken with impunity, and it has been directed in phthi- sis, with a view to its antiseptic power. But even if it wrere to operate as a very powerful antiseptic at the ulcerated parts, yet it is much to be doubted how far it would have any influence as curing phthisis. It might indeed perhaps in some degree correct that putrid mat- ter already separated from the ulcers in the lungs; and thus might mitigate for a little the violence of the affec- tion even of the hectic fever. But I am inclined to think, that nothing is to be expected from it either as giving ulcers in the lungs a tendency to heal, or in the removal of tubercles. 100 MODES OF CURE Of this practice, however, I can say nothing from my own experience; and I have heard nothing from others tending to confirm its success. I have not even been informed of a single reputed cure of phthisis at the Pneumatic Institution, where this practice may be supposed to be employed in the most efficacious manner. A similar remark may perhaps be made respecting the inefficacy of resinous effluvia introduced into the lungs, when obtained by burning tar, rosin, or similar substances. These vapours also have been recommend- ed, and I have known them tried in several instances; but I never could observe any good effect from them. On the contrary, by exciting cough, I have often seen them productive of very great inconvenience. Th at in some instances they may have had the effect of in- ducing the adhesive inflammation, in cases of aposte- matous phthisis, I would not deny; and hence I would by no means represent them as altogether improper. But I am inclined to think, that they will seldom be attended with much advantage, and that often they will be productive of very great inconvenience. Among other vapours taken in by inspiration, that which is exhaled from a cow-house has been strongly recommended by some practitioners. To obtain this. IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 101 it has been enjoined to phthisical patients to live in the midst of cows; to be in that company not only during the day, but during the night also, the patient having with that intention a proper bed placed in the cow- house. This mode of cure has been highly extolled by one practitioner, who has published the case of a French lady of quality, in which it is said to have been attended with a most wonderful effect. But I have never seen this practice tried, and I must own I have no confidence in it. I fear much, that any phthisical patient submitting to live in a cow-house would be subjected to great inconvenience, without any material benefit. If the inhalation of any vapour, which has hitherto been recommended, shall be found advantageous in phthisis, I should be inclined to think, that benefit might be expected from the vapour of sulphuric aether. This has been highly extolled by one practitioner of eminence, Dr Richard Pearson of London. In a paper of his, published in the Edinburgh Annals of Medicine 1796, a particular account is given of this practice; and'he observes, that he has found the saluta- ry operation of sulphuric aether applied to the lungs,, under the form of vapour, to be greatly promoted by several volatile substances that are soluble in it; but by none more than the conium maculatum. By ma- 102 MODES OF CURE cerating a sufficient quantity of the dried leaves oi the hemlock in sulphuric aether, for the space of three or four days, or at most of a week, and by occasionally shaking them together, a very saturated tincture is obtain- ed. The proportion which Dr Pearson has in general us- ed was about half a drachm of the powdered leaves of the conium to an ounce of the aether. One or two tea spoonfuls, either of pure aether, or of this impregnated fluid, is put into a tea-cup or wine glass, and held up to the mouth. The patient is directed to draw in the vapour which arises from it with the breath, continuing it till the whole tea-spoonful or two of aether be evaporated. This process he directs to be repeated three, four, or even five times in the course of a day, for a month or six weeks, according to circumstances. From this he affirms that the best effects will often be obtained. He does not indeed recommend it in every modification of phthisis; but he considers it as best suited to the florid, or what is commonly termed the scrofulous consump- tion. Since I first read Dr Pearson's publication on this subject, I have repeatedly directed to patients the in- halation, both of pure aether, and of aether impregnated with hemlock; and in different cases it has appeared to me tabe productive of considerable benefit. It has •ften had very great influencein relieving both the dysp- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 103 ncea and cough. But I have found it particularly use- ful as promoting expectoration, in those cases where vis- cid -mucus, mixed with a large proportion of purulent matter, could not be discharged from the lungs without very distressing cough. I have never, indeed, found the employment of it followed by a cure, either in the catarrhal, or any other species of phthisis; yet, from what I have seen, I am convinced,- that, in different conditions of phthisis, it may be employed with advan- tage. Another practice recommended in phthisis, the effi- cacy of which has been supposed to depend on certain vapours, is the bano de tiera, or earth baths, as they have commonly been called, where the patient is con- fined for some time in a pit newly dug in the earth. This practice has in particular, been recommended by Dr Simmons, as well as several other eminent writers; and, he endeavours to account for its efficacy, from the anti- septic powers of the exhalations from the earth, which will thus have an opportunity of being absorbed at the surface of the body. The earth-bath I have never di- rected for any patient; nor have I ever witnessed the employment of it. But about thirty years ago it was tried in a few cases at Edinburgh; and according to the information which I have received, in all these it was attended with a bad effect, always aggravating the 104 MODES OF CURE cough, and not unfrequently inducing a hectic parox- ysm. When it was employed even during the warmest weather in summer, it excited a distressing sense of coldness. After ^what has now been said of some of the prin- cipal remedies which have been recommended in phthi- sis, I shall next offer a few remarks concerning regi- men in this disease. Perhaps a greater number of cures in phthisis have been effected by regimen than by medicine, especially if under the head of regimen be included, not merely diet, but air, exercise, and similar circumstances. To treat of all these, however, at length, would require a very extensive discussion. All, therefore, that is now proposed is, to make a few re- marks on some of the principal circumstances. It has been but too common to prescribe the same diet in every species of phthisis pulmonalis, and at eve- ry period of the disease. By many, those labouring under phthisis have been altogether interdicted from the use of animalfood. They have either been entire- ly confined to vegetable diet; or at the utmost have been indulged with a small proportion of milk,—a fluid which, as an article of diet, m;iy be considered as in some degree intermediate between the vegetable and animal kingdom. That this plan may in some cases IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 105 be proper, I would not deny; but I have no doubt in asserting, that such starvation has often been attended with a bad effect, and has hastened the death of the patient. The very extraordinary doctrine lately contend- ed for by a remarkable London physician, Dr Lambe, is too absurd to deserve any refutation, notwithstanding the parade of learning with which he attempts to sup- port it. Others, on the contrary, observing the great loss of strength which occurs in phthisis, have absurdly sup- posed, that it is a disease altogether depending on a high degree of debility. With the view of combating this, they have recommended a very full diet, of the most stimulating food. But from this, there can be no doubt, that equally pernicious effects have resulted, as from the opposite plan of mere vegetable diet. It is unnecessary to observe, that the diet best accom- modalft to the human species is of a mixed nature. With almost all nations the articles of diet which they employ are taken partly from the animal and partly from the vegetable kingdom. The former, however, is upon the whole more stimulant than the latter, which often exerts even a refrigerant effect on the human system. But besides both animal and vegetable sub- stances, the food of all the human species, at the very 106 MODES OF CURE earliest period of life, consists principally of an article which may be considered as in some degree intermedi- ate between the vegetable and animal kingdom, viz. milk. For although it be immediately afforded from the breasts of the mammalia, yet it does not, like other animal fluids, and those animal solids used in diet, run directly into the putrefactive process, but is, in the first instance, like vegetables, subjected to an acescent fer- mentation. Milk, however, furnishes a mild and Nutri- tious aliment, not only to infants, but to adults. In judging of that diet which is best suited tp parti- cular conditions of certain diseases, due attention must be paid to its effects upon the system. These effects are chiefly of two kinds: They either arise from the immediate influence which alimentary matters exert upon the stomach, or from the influence which they have as entering the mass of circulating fluids. With regard to the effects arising from an action on the sto- mach, alimentary articles differ from each otherTas be- ing more or less stimulant. From the immediate in- fluence which some of them exert, in consequence of their action on the sentient extremities of the nerves of the stomach, their stimulant effect is extended over the whole system, and is clearly indicated, both by an aug- mentation of the celerity and momentum of the pulse, and by an increased sense of heat. Other articles, '♦ IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 107 again, are of so mild and bland a nature, that they pro- duce no' obvious effect; while there are certain articles which evidently demonstrate their possessing what have beencalled refrigerant qualities,by inducing both a sense of coldness, and diminishing the impetuous circulation. From the influence of different alimentary matters, as entering the system, their effects vary chiefly as they are more or less nutritious. Some articles certainly af- ford a much larger proportion of chyle than others, when taken to the same extent, or to the same weight; and some articles yield a much richer and more nutritious chyle than others. For there is every reason to believe that the same varieties may take place with regard to the chyle of animals as with regard to their milk. The last-mentioned of these fluids, in the case of that ani- mal the milk of which is chiefly employed as an article of diet, the cow, is well known to be much af- fected by the food on which she is supported: hence the superiority of the milk of a cow fed on old pasture over that of the very same animal when fed on turnip, Nay, there can be no doubt, that, by the copious in- troduction of water into the stomach of the animal, the watery part of a cow's milk bears a much greater proportion to the oleaginous and coagulable parts, to the butter and cheese, than it does when she is re- strained to a small quantity of fluid. Accordingly, 108 MODES OF CURL it has been alleged, that certain dealers in milk em ploy artifical means of exciting thirst in their cows. that the animal may be induced to drink a large quan- tity of water. In consequence of this, a larger quan- tity of watery milk is drawn from the animal, the na- tural milk being as it were watered in her udder. Thus, when milk is even fresh drawn from the cow at the door of the patient,' it may still, strictly speak- ing, be but milk and water. From what has now been said, it follows, that the articles commonly employed" for nourishment, may with propriety be divided into four kinds of diet: the stimulant, the refrigerant, the nutritious, and the spare. In a great majority of those diseases requiring a spare diet, particularly those accompanied with plethora, and occurring in the sanguine temperament, as in haemor- rhagies, inflammations, or the like, it is proper that the diet should not only be of the spare, but that it should also be of the refrigerant kind. On the other hand, in most of those diseases in which a stimulant diet is indicated, where it is necessary to support the impetus of circulation, and to counteract a state of debility and exhaustion, the diet, while it is stimulant, should also be nutritious. Hence, it has with many been a general rule always to combine the refrigerant with the sparediet, and the stimulant with the nutritious IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 109 This general rule has in particular been often observed in giving directions with regard to the diet of phthisical patients; and in my opinion, the observance of it has of- ten done much mischief. It has been supposed by some, thatevenwhen a phthisical patient is in the most exhaust- ed condition, and in a state of the utmost debility, there still prevails in die system an inflammatory tendency; and that the quickness of the pulse, even when it is the weakest and most commpressible, still contra- indicates the employment of any food, either stimulant or even nutritious. Accordingly, while to patients, in a state of the utmost exhaustion and emaciation, as marked by the fades Hippocratica, they have directed repeated small bleedings, they have also strictly enjoined the the most spare and refrigerant diet. With this view they have directed that the whole aliment employed should be entirely taken from the vegetable kingdom; and they have recommended principally, not the most nu- tritious vegetables, as the farinaceous grains and muci- laginous roots, but those of the refrigerant kind, as the acescent fruits, and cooling laxative greens. From these they have concluded, that, while such support may be afforded to the system as will prevent great uneasiness from hunger, nothing is to be apprehended as increasing a plethoric state; and from the influence which these refrigerant vegetables exert upon the sto- mach, they have at the same time expected, that they K 110 MODES OF CURE would prove useful, as diminishing the celerity of tin pulse, and the impetus of the blood. From these circumstances, such diet may seem par- ticularly adapted to the earliest stages of phthisis in some cases, especially where there is reason to dread that either frequent haemorrhagies from the lungs,or an active inflammation within the chest,will terminate in an apostema; for, in order to prevent such a termination, while a considerable discharge by blood-letting is requi- site, it is certainly proper to avoid those articles which can furnish a large supply of rich chyle, even although they should be, like milk, of the very mildest nature. Hence, in certain stages of the apostematous phthisis, it may be proper to enjoin a diet entirely of refrige- rant vegetables; or, when these do not satisfy hunger, it may be proper to allow no other addition to the ve- getable diet than a small quantity of milk, and that, too, not in its richest state, but as deprived of its most nutritious part. Hence, some have advised butter- milk in preference to fresh drawn cow's milk, or have directed that the fresh cow's milk should be employed somewhat diluted, and with the addition of a small quantity of sugar. By this means, in its sensible qualities, and probably also in its effects on the system, it will approach nearly to ass's-milk; for there can be no doubt, that ass's-milk, and even mare's-milk. IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. Ill differ principally from cow's-milk, in containing a less pritn-M'tion of the butyraceous and coagulable or cheesy tr er, and a larger proportion of the saccharine, or, p: :iiaps more properly, the saline part. But, although Ibi -:!iet maybe well fitted for the beginning,or rather for he prevention of apostema, yet, after an apostema is really formed, and after, by the bursting of that apos- tema, an opportunity is afforded for a free discharge of purulent matter, it is no longer adviseable. On the contrary, a more nutritious diet is essentially necessary for giving the ulcer a chance of healing, by which alone a recovery can be expected. In the incipient state of the catarrhal phthisis, the diet should be nearly the same as in the beginning of the apostematous; for here also there is in some de- gree an inflammatory affection of the internal surface of the lungs. Hence, whatever will much augment the impetus of circulation is to be avoided. But even in the incipient state of catarrhal phthisis, there are not the same reasons for wishing to diminish the im- petus of circulation as in the apostematous; and when the patient is much debilitated, the system requires to be recruited and supported. Hence, though stimulant articles are to be shunned, yet advantage may be de- rived from nutritious aliment; and to this species of phthisis, eyen from the commencement, a more libe- 112 MODES OF CURE ral diet is well suited. WThere milk agrees with tht stomach, it is as little stimulant, and often as easily digested, as any vegetable; and accordingly, in dif- ferent forms, it may constitute a considerable part of the diet with advantage. Respecting the proper diet in tuberculous phthisis, much difference in opinion has taken place. On the one hand, it has been contended, that here the greatest danger is to be dreaded from inflammation and con- sequent suppuration at the tubercles; and on this ground, the most spare and the most refrigerant diet has been strictly enjoined. But, on the other hand, it has been alleged, that this modification of the disease derives its origin from a scrofulous constitution; and that, to other modifications of scrofula, low diet is by no means best accommodated. On the contrary, there can be little doubt, that scrofula is often produced by- a very poor and meagre way of life, and that it is a much more common disease with children who are half starv- ed, than with those who are well fed. On this foot- ing, therefore, by soir.e, a generous, and even a stimu- lant diet, has been advised. Of these two opposite opinions, neither, perhaps, is to be altogether adopted. In the tuberculous, as well as in other species of phthisis, in the incipient state, it is unquestionably an IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 113 object of importance to avoid inflammation; but, not- withstanding every precaution, inflammation at the tubercles, terminating in ill-conditioned suppuration, will often occur; and when it does take place, it is only by a certain degree of vigour in the system, that proper suppurative and adhesive inflammations can be induc- ed. The healing of tuberculous ulcers in the lungs, as well as of scrofulous sores at other parts, is only to be expected from recruiting and giving vigour to the system. In this state of the disease, therefore, a nu- tritious diet is naturally indicated; and, indeed, the evident marks of exhaustion point out the propriety of a due supply. Besides these particulars, a liberal and nutritious diet is often indicated in this species of phthisis by the feelings of the patient; for it is by no means uncommon to observe even a craving for animal food; and it may be remarked, that in very rare in- stances only are such calls of nature entirely to be neglected. In every case some indulgence to the cravings of nature is perhaps adviseable; and the practitioner should form his judgment, not from pre- conceived opinion, but from the effects which he ob- serves in any particular case after a trial is made of those articles for which a craving occurs. Judging from my own experience, I have no hesitation in as- serting, that, in most instances of tuberculous phthisis, and during almost the whole course of the disease, a k2 114 MODES OF CURE. nutritious diet may be employed with great advantage; and that, on the contrary, a rapid progress of the affec- tion to a fatal conclusion, is the consequence of a very abstemious and refrigerant diet. While, however, I am thus an advocate for a nutri- tious, 1 would by no means advise a stimulant diet for patients subjected to tuberculous phthisis- A great part of the diet in this species also may, with advantage, consist of milk. The animal food selected should be nutritious, but at the same time mild. Animal.sub- stances of an alkalescent nature are to be avoided. The animal food employed should always be plainly dressed. It may be thus taken to some extent in a solid state; but it should be chiefly used under the form of good animal broths or animal jellies. The same general regulations which have been given with respect to diet, in some degree also apply to the drink of phthisical patients. To a certain extent, the natu- ral cravings of the patient are to be attended to, and the quantity of drink is to be regulated by the degree of thirst which may take place. From the use of mere diluents quenching thirst, no inconvenience will arise. The appetite of thirst may be freely indulged, even during the time of colliquative sweats and colliquative diarrhoea. Care need only be taken to direct such IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 115 fluids as have not a particular tendency to increase these evacuations. Nothing is to be dreaded from pure spring-water taken cold from the fountain. No supposition is more groundless than that of viewing pure spring-water as a poison; and the purification of it by distillation, which some have recommended, in reality injures it as a diluent for quenching thirst in place of improving it. With profuse sweatings, how- ever, acidulated drinks are to be preferred to pure water; and with diarrhoea, drinks of a mucilagi- nous nature ; but toast water, and milk diluted with water, may be employed in almost any case. In certain instances, it may be proper, in conjunction with dilu- ents, to mitigate thirst by acescent fruits, oranges, ta- marinds, or the like. Drinks of the cordial and stimu- lant kind are rarely admissible; but when there is a strong craving for these, they should not altogether be denied. The safest and best that can be employed is wine diluted under the form of negus. I can recollect only one instance where the patient, a young girl, had a craving for spirits,—a liquor to which in health she had been altogether unaccustomed. In that case the patient was indulged in the use of diluted spirits to a small extent; but the disease in a short time had a fatal termination; the spirits, so far as I could judge, produ- cing neither a good nor bad effect. If attention be necessary to the aliment of patients labouring under phthisis, it is no less requisite to the 116 MODES OF CURE air which they breathe. It has often been thought, that very great benefit in phthisis has been obtained by a change of air, even from one part of Britain to ano- ther. Many have attributed the good effects which have followed removal from other parts of Britain to Bristol, much more to the patient's breathing the pure air of Clifton, than to any efficacy in the Bristol waters; but no more peculiar virtue can, in my opinion, be at- tributed to the air than to the water of Bristol. There can, however, be no doubt, that it is beneficial to a phthisical patient, to be removed from the air of towns, contaminated by the smoke of many fires, and from any situation even in the country where the atmosphere is peculiarly cold and moist. When removed to warmer climates, a moist atmosphere, and a hot situation conjoin- ed with moisture, or with noxious exhalations, are equal- ly to be avoided. A pure and a dry atmosphere, as far as it can be obtained, is to be selected: Andif,before the com- mencement of the disease, the patient has come from a healthy situation in the country to live in a large town, a removal to his native air will in general be advantageous, not merely as affording a purer atmosphere, but as put- ting it in his power to enjoy amusement with the com- panions of his youth, and have perhaps the attendance of affectionate relations. But while pure and dry air are sought for, the tern IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 117 perature of the air is not unworthy of attention. Ex* tremes of heat and cold, whether in the open air or in the chamber in which the patient is kept, are equally to be shunned; but of the two, from the extreme of cold most is to be apprehended. The winter cold of the external air in Britain can seldom be borne with- out injury; and where circumstances prevent a change of climate, it is often advantageous even for a patient, although he may have sufficient strength to take exer- cise in the open air, to confine himself to the house dur- ing the coldest months in the winter, and never to al- low the atmosphere of his room to be under forty-eight degrees, or what is commonly marked temperate on Fahrenheit's scale. But confinement to the house in Britain is not more necessary as a means of guarding against cold than against the sudden vicissitudes of the weather. Hence the advantage of removing for the winter months to a more southern and more steady climate. It has been advised by some, that phthisical patients should reside near the sea. In such a situation, in every climate, both the cold of winter, and heat of summer, are some- what moderated. But it has been imagined, that be- sides the temperature, peculiar advantage may be deriv- ed from sea-air. Of late, however, a very different doctrine has been held. Dr Carmichael Smyth, in 118 MODES OF CURE a late valuable treatise on consumptions, alleges, both from his own experience and that of other eminent practitioners, that sea-air is very generally prejudicial to phthisical patients. I must, however, observe, that, in my own practice, I have seen nothing tending tocon- firm this opinion. Whether near the sea, or at a dis- tance from it,whatis chiefly tobe sought for is a comfort- able situation, where the patient may breathe pure air. After what has been said of the temperature of the air, it is hardly necessary to add any thing respecting clothing. This must be entirely accommodated to the situation of the patient. While care is taken to guard against an uneasy sense of cold, it is equally necessary to shun what will induce sweating; and the patient should neither be oppressed with a load of bed-clothes, nor fatigued with the weight of wearing apparel. The object aimed at should therefore be, to obtain moderate warmth, combined with lightness; and for this purpose it will in general be advantageous to wear thin flannel or cotton cloth next the skin. These are particularly beneficial, where the patient sweats much, as, from absorbing moisture, they prevent that sense of coldness which arises from a linen shirt, while at the same time they support uniform circulation at the surface. Besides the discharge by the surface, attention must IN PHTHISIS PULMONALE,. 119 also be paid to the discharge by the bowels. Inconve- nience always arises from a state of constipation. But still more is to be dreaded from the induction of diar- rhoea. When constipation occurs, therefore, the most gentle laxatives should alone be employed; and it is much more desirable to obtain a regular discharge by diet than by any medicines. While it is of importance to regulate the discharges from the body, so it is also of very great consequence to regulate the passions of the mind. The state of mind should be kept as equable as possible. In this disease, however, more perhaps is to be dreaded from the exhilarating than from the depressing passions. For it has been marked as a peculiarity of phthisis, that the patient is almost never apprehensive of danger. During the febrile accessions in particular, in place of that anxietasfebrilis, which is ihe constant attendant of idiopathic fever, there is often such a flow of spirits, as to require being moderated;'or at least, it is necessa- ry to shun what will tend farther to exhilarate. At the same time, it is equally necessary to avoid what will depress the patient; and even where there is very faint expectation of recovery, the chance of such an event will be diminished, by endeavouring to make the pa- tient fully sensible of his own danger. 120 MODES OF CURE Exercise in various forms has been strongly enjoin- ed as a mode of-cure in every different species of pulmonary consumption. Although there is very lit- tle probability that it will remove ulceration, either from a tubercle or apostema, yet it is so much connect- ed with the support of the general health, that without it, other practices can have much less effect. It should always, therefore, be advised, wherever the strength of the patient and the state of the weather will admit of its being taken; and it should be carried as far as he is easily able to bear without fatigue. Of all the modes of exercise, Avhere the patient has sufficient strength, none is, perhaps, preferable to walking. It tends to support equal and natural heat, and to promote regular circulation through the whole body, even to the infe- rior extremities. But it must be allowed, that this ac- tive exercise is much more apt to induce fatigue, than passive exercise, mere motion, or modes of gestation, as they have been called. Of all modes of gestation, gentle riding on horseback, is giving exposure to free and fresh air, is, perhaps, the best. Where the patient wants strength fortius, advantage may still be deriv- ed from riding in a carriage, or even from being car- ried out in a chair. A mode of motion still more gentle than either of these may be obtained from sailing. This, indeed. IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 121 yan hardly be called exercise, though there be a very considerable degree of motion; and one eminent prac- titioner, Dr Carmichael Smyth, in a late treatise on the subject, is of opinion that mere motion is much su- perior to any exercise. That constant motion, without fatigue, may thus be obtained, is certainly true. But notwithstanding this, I would by no means recommend a long sea-voyage, for obtaining such permanent mo- tion. In long voyages, a patient may necessarily ex- pect to be sometimes subjected to bad weather; and on such occasions a weak invalid is unavoidably ex- posed to numberless inconveniencies. To obtain,, therefore, the good effects of this mode of motion, without these inconveniencies, I would prefer a situa- tion near the sea, or some navigable lake, where sail- ing might be employed every day when the state of the weather was favourable. As possessing all the advantages of that motion which is given by sailing, without almost any bodily exertion whatever, Dr Carmichael Smyth, in a late publication on the effects of swinging employed as a remedy in pulmonary consumption and hectic fever, has very strongly recommended that motion which may be given to the body in a chair properly suspend- ed. This mode of motion may in most situations be with advantage employed either in the open air or in L 122 MODES OF CURE any large room, when exposure to the external atmo- sphere is judged improper. I have accordingly di- rected it in many cases, and I have been led to con- clude, that it was used not altogether without advan- tage. I consider it as, upon the whole, preferable to the motion which is given by a spring-chair, or spring-deal. But it has by no means answered in my practice those expectations, which, from the peru- rusal of Dr Smyth's account, I was led to expect from it; and of all the modes of exercise which have been advised, judging from my own observation, I am in- clined to consider walking on foot, as, upon the whole, productive of the greatest advantages. Having thus stated my sentiments respecting the re- medies and regimen which have been most highly recommended in phthisis pulmonalis, and from which, when properly adapted to the circumstances of the case, there is, in my opinion, the best chance of recovery, I shall conclude my observations with a fery few remarks on the means of obviating urgent symptoms. It is a fortunate circumstance for the feelings of every medical practitioner, that, even in those diseases where the prospect of recovery is the most faint, and where there is next to certainty of an approaching dis- IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 123 solution in no long time, he still has it often in his power to, protract the period of life, and to alleviate the distress of his patient. In many cases of phthisis, this is all that he can reasonably expect to accomplish. The means by which it is to be accomplished must be much varied according to circumstances; and the success of the remedies which are employed to obviate urgent symptoms must depend very much on the prudence and penetration of the physician, exerted at the moment. It is, therefore, altogether unnecessary to treat of these at any length; and I shall here merely take notice of three Symptoms, which, before a fatal termination takes place, are very distressing in most instances. These are, the colliquative sweats, the* diarrhoea, and the'cough. Colliquative sweats can hardly, perhaps, be called a distressing symptom. They are productive of no pain, and of little uneasiness to the patient. They do not even prevent sleep, but they tend very much to debilitate the patient; and, perhaps more than any other circumstance, have the effect, even at an early pe- riod of the disease, of inducing the loss of fat and of flesh, and even that appearance which marks the ut- most degree of exhaustion, the fades Hippocratica. By the loss of strength, however, the chance of recovery is certainly vere much diminished. Hence, though a free cuticular discharge is often a means of alleviating 124 MODES OF CURE cough, and of removing catarrh threatening phthisis. yet profuse sweatings in such circumstances are always to be dreaded; and where the patient complains much of loss of strength, are always to be moderated. For this purpose, gentle means of checking them must be employed. They may always be stopped by the ex- posure of the surface to cold air; but from this much greater evil than benefit will in most instances result. To obtain good effects from the action of cold upon the surface great prudence is necessary. The bed- clothes are to be made, gradually only, thinner and lighter; and the same prudence is to be observed in thinning the dress of the patient. Nothing, however, in my opinion, tends more to counteract this symptom with safety than substituting for thick flannel the use of cotton-cloth. Cotton shirts and sheets are equally useful in absorbing sweat as woollen next the skin; and they give comfortable warmth, without the same de- gree of heat which arises from flannel. In the way of medicine, various articles may be employed; but I have found nothing so advantageous as the prudent use of the sulphuric acid properly diluted. The diarrhoea, which often occurs in phthisis, can in no degree be supposed to contribute to the recovery of the patient. It is, indeed, of advantage in every instance of phthisis to prevent costiveness; and it u IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 125 always a desirable circumstance to keep the bowels rather loose than otherwise; but this should be at- tempted to be obtained rather by diet than by medicines. When medicines become necessary, the*hiost gentle emollient cathartics are to be employed; for it ought to be the object of the practitioner, particularly in the tuberculous phthisis, merely to evacuate from the alimentary canal, and not from the "system. When catharisis is once induced, it is not always easily stop- ped; and frequent discharges, under the form of stool, weaken the system little less than profuse sweating. When diarrhoea, therefore, occurs spontaneously, it is always to be stopped, or at least moderated; but this also should be done rather by diet than by medicine; by shunning the use of those articles which are observed to increase it, and by employing what are found to moderate it. This is often obtained by mild mucilaginous broths, particularly veal broth, or melt- ed calf-foot jelly, and by the use of rice in different forms. Where medicines are necessary, I have found nothing better than the extractum catechu, either under the form of electuary or infusion, adding such a proportion of the tincture of opium as the circum- stances of the case may admit or require. Of all the symptoms which require to be mitigated, >herc is none which more frequently demands the at- jl2 126 MODES OF CURE tention of the practitioner than the cougb. The action of coughing, as has formerly been observed, is often necessary in the apostematous phthisis, for discharging from the lufTgs great quantities of purulent matter; and the suppression of that discharge is often immediately productive of very great inconvenience; but unless as tending to evacuate either their purulent or- mucaginous matter from the lungs, it is never beneficial; and it is often highly distressing to the patient, both during day and night, even when it occurs under the form of tussi- cula merely, in the tuberculous phthisis. The employ- ment, therefore, of such articles as will tend to mitigate it is often necessary. For this purpose, an almost infinite variety of articles, either of the demulcent or sedative kind, may be employed with advantage. Even when it is altogether impossible to remove that irrita- tion which induces the convulsive action termed cough- ing, the effects of the irritation may yet be often sus- pended or diminished, and that by substances possess- ing a sedative power, acting either on the fauces, or on the system in general. Of all these substances, none is so useful or so powerful as opium, which, in- deed, I am inclined to consider as the most valuable medicine yet discovered; for, to use the words of the illustrious Sydenham, Sine Mo manca sit et claudicel medicina; and judiciously administered, according to IN PHTHISIS PULMONALIS. 127 circumstances, it may be productive of the greatest ad- vantage. But opium, valuable as it is, can by no means be represented as free from inconvenience in this disease. There are some individuals, with whom, from peculi- arity of constitution, it always disagrees, and who can- not employ it, even in a very small quantity, without great inconvenience, confusion of head, vertigo, sick- ness at stomach, vomiting, and various other distressing symptoms. Hence, recourse has been had to a variety of other sedatives, both with the view of allaying inor- dinate action, and of procuring sleep. Where opium cannot be employed, different articles of this kind, par- ticularly the preparations of the hyoscyamus niger, and humulus lupulus, have often beeen used with ad- vantage; but of all the substitutes for opium which I have ever employed in'practice, I have found none from which I have seen so great benefit, as from the prepara- tions formed from the inspissated whitejuice of the com- mon garden lettuce. Ever since the days of Galen, among the Romans, who employed it as a soporific in his own case, this article, like the papaver somniferum, and many other plants yielding a milky juice, has been known to possess a power of inducing sleep; but for a long time, although constantly cultivated as a salad, it has been almost entirely neglected as a soporific. A few years 128 MODES OF CURE ago, some circumstances drew my attention to this ar- ticle; and I lately published, in the Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, an account of differ- ent trials which I had made with it. My intention was to call the attention of industrious gardeners to this subject as an article of trade. These trials I shall not here repeat, but only observe, that of all the medi- cines which I have employed for alleviating cough in phthisis, and indeed as a sedative in many other dis- eases, next to opium, I have found no article so bene- ficial as that substance, which some have lately deno- minated lettuce opium, and which I termed lactuca- rium. But of this article, a more full account is given in the Appendix. And in the present edition, I have been enabled to enrich that Appendix, by communica- tions from different friends, on the preparation and use ef lactucarium. Since the first edition of this short treatise was pre- sented to the public, phthisis pulmonalis has been the subject of several different interesting publications; and I may particularly mention, as well deserving notice, one by Dr Henry Herbert Southey, of London, Physician to the Westminster -Hospital, entitled Observations on Pulmonary Consumption; and another by Dr William Barrow of Liverpool, entitled Re- starches on Pulmonary Phthisis, from the French of M IN phthisis pulmonalis. 129 Bayle. From both these works, an attentive reader may derive useful information. But of all the treatises I have ever seen on consumption, what I hold to be the most valuable is a work published last year by Dr Thomas Young of London, physician to St George's Hospital, entitled A Practical and Historical Treatise on Consumptive Diseases, deduced from original obser- vations, and collected from authors in all ages. In that elaborate work, the truly learned author has given a medical history of pulmonary consumption from the days of Hippocrates, to the publication of DrSou- they's observations in 1814. He has there presented to the reader the most interesting facts respecting the history,nature, and treatment of this formidable disease, recorded by authors of the greatest celebrity, of every age and nation, who have cultivated medicine as a science. It is therefore a work which, in my opinion^ will be highly instructive, not only to the young practi- tioner, but which may be perused with advantage, even by the oldest and most experienced of the profession. Although there is but too much reason to fear, that, notwithstanding the united labours of all who have written upon this subject, pulmonary consumption will still continue to be a very dangerous and fatal dis- ease, yet I would fain hope, that, duringthe present pe- riod, some progress has been made in the mode of com- 130 MODES OF CURE, &C. bating this formidable complaint with success. And I need not add, that, although in the course of nature, my employment in the practice of medicine is now drawing very near to a conclusion, it will yet afford me very great satisfaction to learn still farther improve- ments from succeeding writers on Phthisis Pulmonalis APPENDIX. I *- t APPENDIX. As the Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society will not probably be in the possession of ma- ny medical practitioners, it is presumed that the fol- lowing extract from that work may not be unaccept- able to the reader. Observations on the preparation of Soporific Medicines from common Garden Lettuce, by Dr. A. Duncan, senior, read in the Caledonian Horticultural Society, 6th March, 1810, and printed in the 1st volume of their Memoirs, p. 160. et seq. Opium, or the inspissated white juice which ex- udes from the capsule of the papaver somniferum, m 134 APPENDIX. when wounded, has long been allowed to be one of tiie most useful articles employed in the alleviation or cure of diseases. The high encomium bestowed upon it by the illustrious Sydenham,* has been fully confirm- ed by the testimony of succeeding practitioners in every nation. It is, however, much to be regretted, that there are individuals of the human species, with whom, fro m peculiarity of habit, opium seldom fails to produce distressing consequences. There are also conditions of disease, in which it may be very necessary to induce sleep, or allay pain, though circumstances occur by which the use of opium at that time is contra-indicated. Hence it has long been a desideratum in, the healing art, to discover other powerful quieting medicines. For, although it is hardly to be expected that an article will ever be discovered, so extensively useful as opium, yet a good soporific may be found, which, with some, will have less influence, either as exciting sickness at stomach, as occasioning confusion of head, or as in- ducing a state of constipation. It has been the opinion of many, that all the milky juices spontaneously exuding from wounded vegetables possess somewhat of the same sedative power with the * " Ila necqssarium est Opium, in hommis periti manu, ut "'sine illo manca sit, ac claudicet medicina,"—Sydenham, dt Dysenteria anni 1660, &c. APPENDIX. 135 milky juice of the poppy. Few plants in Britain afford such milky juice more copiously than the com- mon garden lettuce, the lactuca sativa of Linnaeus; and every one must have observed, that this jiiicc when spontaneously inspissated by the heat of the sun on the wounded plant, soon assumes the dark colour of opium; while, at the same time, it possesses in a high degree the peculiar, and, I may say, specific taste, which dis- tinguishes'that substance. Besides this, it is a well known fact, that lettuce was much used by the ancients as a soporific. These circumstances led me to turn my thoughts on some method of collecting and preparing this exuda- tion, that I might try its effects in the practice of me- dicine. And, after several trials of different modes of preparation, those which I shall now briefly describe are the best methods I have yet been able to discover. I dedicated to this experiment, in my garden at St Leonard's Hill, near Edinburgh, a small bed of that variety of lettuce, which is commonly known among gardeners by the name of ice lettuce. I allowed the plants, about a hundred in number, to shoot up, till the top of the stem was about a foot above the surface of the ground. I then cut off about an inch from the top of each.- The milky juice immediately began to ris<- 136 APPENDIX. above the wounded surface. Though then of a white appearance, it had next day formed a black, or dark- coloured incrustation, over the surface where the stem was cut off. I found.it impossible to separate this by scraping, as is done with the milky juice exuding from the head of the poppy, when it has assumed the form of s opium. I therefore cut off with a sharp knife a thin cross slice of the stem, to which the whole of the dark coloured opium-like matter adhered. This was throwr into a wide-mouthed phial, about half filled with weak spirit of wine, the alcohol dilutum of the Edin- burgh Pharmacopoeia, formed of equal parts of rectified spirit and water. By this menstruum, the whole black incrustation on the thin slice of the stalk was dissolved; and the spirit, as may be readily concluded, obtained both the colour and taste of the black incrustation. Each of my plants, in consequence of the fresh wound inflicted by the removal of the thin cross slice, afforded a fresh incrustation every day. And by throw- ing these into the phial, I soon obtained what I con- cluded to be a saturated solution of the exudation from the lettuce, or rather of the milky juice in its inspissat- ed state. It was then strained off, to separate the pure solution completely from the thin slices of the stalk. To this strained spirit, which had nearly both the appearance and taste of the ordinary laudanum of APPENDIX. 137 the shops, I have given the name of solutio spirituosa succi spissati lactuca. From trials made with this so- lution, both on myself and others, I have no doubt that it is a powerful soporific. But to obtain a form in which it might be exhibited, with greater certainty as to the dose, I evaporated the spirit, and thus brought the residuum to a dry state. In this state, it has very much the appearance of the opium imported into Bri- tain, particularly of that which is imported from Ben- sal, and which is a much softer substance than the Turkey opium. To this opium-like substance, I have given the name of lactucarium. And from some trials which I have made with it, when exhibited under the form of pills, it appears to me to be little inferior in so- porific power to the opium which is brought from Ben- gal, which in general is much inferior in power to Turkey opium. From the lactucarium thus obtained, I have formed a tincture, by dissolving it to the extent of one ounce in twelve of weak spirit, which is the proportion of opium to spirit, in the liquid laiidanum of the Edin- burgh college." To this formula I have given the name of tinctura lactucarii. I consider it as the best formula I have yet been able to contrive for obtaining the sopo- rific and sedative powers of the lactuca sativa. And in diiierent cases, I have, I think, seen manifest good m 2 138 APPENDIX, effects from it, both as inducing sleep, allaying muscu- lar actioo, and alleviating pain, the three great quali- ties of opium, which demonstrate it to be one of the most powerful sedatives. At present, however, I in- tend nothing more but to communicate to the Caledo- nian Horticultural Society a method of preparing a so- porific medicine from common lettuce. For ascertain- ing more fully its medicinal effects, I am at present en- gaged in a series of trials, which may, perhaps, be like- wise communicated to them. Meanwhile it will afford me great satisfaction, if the above short account shall draw the attention of others, particularly of professional gardeners, to the same subject, and shall lead to the discovery of a bet- ter method of obtaining an useful medicine, from a plant so easily cultivated in every garden. Perhaps this important object might be somewhat forwarded, if the Caledonian Horticultural Society were to propose a prize, as a reward to the person who should be most successful in preparing a soporific medicine from the milky juice of the lactuca. But it should be an essen- tial condition of that prize, that he should send them, not only a specimen of the substance prepared, but also an exact account of his method of preparing it APPENDIX. 139 In consequence of the above suggestion, the Caledo- nian Horticullural Society, at the Quarterly Meeting on the 6th of March, 1810, agreed to propose a Prize Medal for each of the two following questions: 1. For the best method of preparing a soporific me- dicine from the inspissated white juice of the common garden lettuce. Specimens of the medicine to be produced. 2. For the best method of preparing opium in Bri- tain, and.the most advantageous manner of cultivating poppies for that purpose. In consequence of the Memoir on Lactucarium, read to the Caledonian Horticultural Society by Dr Dun- can,- two distinguished professional gardeners, Mr Henderson at Brechin, and Mr Gorrie at Rait, have transmitted to the Society excellent specimens of let- tuCe-opium, with an account of their methods of pre- paring it. From what they have done, there is reason to hope, that it may be easily prepared to a great ex- tent in Britain. 140 APPENDIX. Mr Thomas Carmichael, teacher of languages, at the Sheriff-Brae, Leith, has, during the summer sea- son, 1813, prepared for sale a considerable quantity of lactucarium; and three different preparations from that article, compounded according to the annexed formu- las, may be had at the shop of Mr William Moffat, apothecary, Nicolson's Street, Edinburgh. Mr Moffat has now also for sale another preparation from lettuce, which the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh have agreed -o introduce into a new edi- tion of their Pharmacopaeia, at present in the press, the succus spissatus lactucoz sativoz. This is prepared in the same manner as succi spissati of the aconitum, belladonna, hyoscyamus, &c; and has been usefully employed both under the form of pills and lozenges, for the preparation of the last of which a formula is sub- joined. From the second volume of the Memoirs of the Cale- donian Horticultural Society it will be seen, that a Prize Medal, for a paper on the first of these subjects, was awarded to Mr Henderson at Brechin, 8th De- cember 1812; and for a paper, on the last subject, to Dr Howison at Douglas, on the 14th of December 1813. These papers have since been published in thr Memoirs of the Society. APPENDIX. 141. Further Observations on the preparation of a Soporific Medidne from common Garden Lettuce, communicat- ed to the Caledonian Horticultural Society by Dr Duncan, senior, and read 14th November, 1811. From the writings of the most eminent medical au- thors, it appears, that garden lettuce was employed many centuries ago, for the purpose of procuring sleep. Galen, who flourished about the commencement of the Christian era, mentions it frequently in his writ- ings. And it is said, that in an advanced period of life, when distressed for want of sleep, he used it with success.* Among the moderns this article has not been altogether neglected. Some observations and experiments have been made repecting its medical powers, both in Eng- land and in America; particularly by Dr Cox of Phila- delphia, and Dr George Pearson of London. About two years ago, I read to the Caledonian Horticultural Society, a short account of a method of • " Hypnoticam esse jam cognoverunt veteres: Celsus, qui papaveri ides adjung t; Galenus, qui sibi ipsi senex insomnis vesperi lactuca comesa somnum conciliavit."—Murray, Appa- ratus Medic, vol i. p. 109. 142 APPENDIX. preparing a soporific medicine from this plant. That account so far engaged the attention of the Society, that they proposed a prize medal as an honorary re- ward, for the best method of preparing a soporific me- dicine from the inspissated white juice of the common garden lettuce. I am happy to learn, that some ingenious men have not 4>eei% neglectful of this subject; and I would fain hope, |hat even our inconsiderable premium may lead to an honourable and useful competition. Among others, I have myself made farther trials with this [ vegetable; and I now present to the Society specimens of five different preparations of lettuce, all of which may, I think, be usefully employed in the practice of medicine. Of the method of preparing the first, second, and third of these, viz. 1. The spiritous solution, or tinc- ture of the dried juice; 2. The extract, which I for- merly styled lactucarium, and which is prepared by the evaporation of that solution or tincture; and, 3. The tincture of the lactucarium, which is prepared by dissolving that substance in diluted spirits of wine, I have nothing to add to what I formerly related to the society. I may, however, observe, that, from re- peated trials, 1 have found all of them to be useful APPENDIX. 143 soporifics. But the preparation of these requires much time, and great attention; and in preparing.lactuca- rium, it may be easily injured by the improper applica- tion of heat. The two additional preparations which I now present to the society, the inspissated juice, and the tincture of the leaves of lettuce, may be made very easily, and at a very trifling expence. Although not so powerful as the solution or extract, prepared' from the inspissated milky juice; yet they will, I am persuaded, be found, upon trial, to be highly useful in the practice of medicine. Method of preparing the Inspissated Juice of Lettuce, or the Succus Spissatus Lactucoz recentis. Take any quantity of the leaves and stalks of the lettuce, when the plant is nearly ready to flower. Bruise them well, and including them in a hempen bag, compress them strongly till they yiekl their juice. Let this juice be evaporated in flat vessels, heated with boiling water. Let the evaporation be continued till the expressed juice be reduced to the consistence of thick honey. According to the trials which I have made, twelve 144 APPENDIX. pounds of lettuce will yield about eight ounces of in- spissated juice. Method of preparing the Tincture of Lettuce leaves, or the tinctura foliorum siccatbrum lactucoz sativas. To one ounce of the dried leaves and stalks of the lettuce cut down, add eight ounces ©f the diluted alcohol of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. Let the vessel containing this mixture be kept for a week in a warm place, shaking it frequently. Let the liquor then be strained through paper, and kept for use. About fifty drops may be taken for a dose. Additional observations on the Lacluca, presented to the Caledonian Horticultural Society, by Dr Duncan, sen. andread May 1,1812. In two former short communications to the Society, I have given an account of a method of preparing, from the common garden lettuce, different articles, which may, I am convinced, be employed with advantage in the practice of medicine. To these I have given the following names. APPENDIX. 145 1. Solutio sued spissati lactucaz, Prepared from the inspissated juice spontaneously exuding from the plant when wounded. 2. Lactucarium, An extract prepared by evaporating the above solu- tion or tincture. 3. Tinctura lactucarii, Prepared by dissolving lactucarium in proof-spirit of wine. 4. Succus spissatus lactucm, Prepared by inspissating the expressed juice of the recent plant. 5. Tinctura foliorum lactucm, Prepared by extracting the active powers of the lettuce, from the leaves of. the dried plant, by warm infusion in proof-spirit. To my former observations I can now add, that, during the course of last winter, I have made many trials of these articles, both in hospital and in pri- vate practice. I have particularly employed the first and the fourth of these preparations, in the clinical wards of the Royal Infirmary, where their effects were 140 APPENDIX observed by many attentive and ingenious student* They have witnessed the benefit which may be deriv- ed from them in procuring sleep, in alleviating pain. and in allaying inordinate action, particularly trouble- some cough. I am therefore not without hopes, that when the experiments I have made are more generally known, they may have the effect of calling the atten- tion* of other medical practitioners, and of some intelli- gent gardeners, to a subject, which, in my opinion, is of considerable importance. Respecting the preparation of the lactucarium, I have lately been favoured, by my ingenious friend Mr John Young, surgeon in Edinburgh, with the following letter: To Dr Duncan, senior. Edinburgh, 5th October, 1816. Dear Sir, Your zeal in promoting the interests of science, and of that branch of knowledge in particular which belongs to our profession, induces me to lay before you the annexed observations, on a new method of collecting the milky juice of the lactuca sativa, and also of the papaver somniferum, both in Britain and other coun- APPENDIX. 14"< tries. I am induced to take this step,because iftnow, that if you think my method of collection of any use, it cannot be recommended to the public through a bet- ter channel than you; and because I know that you have, for some time past, been engaged in a series of trials, for ascertaining more fully the medicinal effects of lactucarium. In the mean time, I shall be glad to know your opinion with regard to the observations I now send you: And I shall be glad to have the ho- nourof communicating to you whatever "else may oc- cur to me on this subject. I am, dear Sir, With much esteem, yours, John Young. 148 APPENDIX. Observations onthemethod of obtaining Lactucarium, 01 Lettuce opium, from the Lactuca Sativa of Linnteus, the common Garden Lettuce. By Mr John Young. Surgeon in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, October, 1816. In collecting lactucarium last year, according to the methodrecommendedby Dr Duncan, senior, in the Me- % moirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, I found, that it not only occupied much time, but that I was of- ten disappointed of the substance which I expected to obtain, from its being washed off by rain. It occurred to me, that the milky juice of the lettuce might be im- mediately collected from the plant in great abundance, by absorbing it on cotton soon after it exudes from the plant, and while it yet continues in a liquid state; and by afterwards inspissating it by a moderate heat, com- municated from a water or vapour bath. I accordingly adopted that method this year. I had _ the ice-lettuce planted in rows; and when the top of the stem was about a foot above the ground, I then cut off about an inch from the top of each plant. The milky juice immediately began to rise above the wound- ed surface. I cut off the tops of all the plants before I began to collect. But after the portion which had APPENDIX. 149 exuded was removed by the cotton, I found that the milky juice ceased to exude, until I had made another wound. I began to collect, at the end of the border, where I made the first incision, and then cut off a thin cross slice from the stem of each plant, leaving fresh wounds as I went along. These I found covered with milky juice each time when I returned to where I set out. But after going round the plants about five or six times, in the way mentioned, they ceased to give out any more milky juice at that time. But this process may be repeated two or three times in a day. In the manner above described, I have collected more of the milky juice in one day, than I did last year in five days, when it was not removed till it had acquired a dry state and black colour. Having mentioned to a friend my mode of collecting the milky juice in its re- cent state, by means of cotton, he suggested the use of a wet sponge for that purpose. This, I find, answers better than the cotton; the juice being both more com- pletely removed from the plant, and more easily ex- pressed, than from the cotton. The milky juice col- lected in this way into a tea-cup, or any similar vessel, soon acquires a dark brown colour, like opium obtain- ed from the papaver somniferum, and has all its other sensible qualities. Hence it may justly be distinguish- ed by the title of lettuce-opium, although, perhaps, n2 150 APPENDIX. less confusion would arise, from employing the name which Dr Duncan has adopted, that of lactucarium. From what I have observed respecting this method of collecting the milky juice from the lactuca sativa, it is my opinion, that in the same manner, opium might be procured in this country from the papaver somnife- rum, equal, if not superior, to any foreign opium, Dr James Howison, who was for some time employed by the Honourable East India Company to superintend the preparation of opium in Bengal, has published an essay on that subject in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, page 368,* which contains many important observations respecting the preparation of opium in Britain. But the method of collecting the milky juice from the plant by means of cotton or a sponge, possesses many advantages which cannot be obtained by the flask which he proposes, or by the knife and cup of the Hindoos: For by their method of collection, a considerable quantity of the milky juice, exuding from the head of the poppy, must be lost. But by preparing opium in Britain, a still greater advantage would accrue. It would be obtain- ed in a perfectly pure state, which is by no means the case with the opium which is brought to us from abroad. * A Prize Medal was awarded to Dr Howison by the Caledo- ledonian Horticultural Society for this communication. APPENDIX. 151 By Mr Young's process, I have no doubt that lactu- carium may be obtained, with much more ease, and to a greater extent, than by the method which was com- municated to the public in the former edition of these observations. But in whatever way the lactucarium or lettuce-opium may be prepared, I am convinced, both from my own experience, and from the observations of several of my friends, that from the common lettuce cultivated in our own gardens, we may obtain an use- ful sedative medicine for allaying pain, and procuring sleep in those constitutions with which opium, the most useful of all medicines yet discovered, cannot be employed without producing very disagreeable conse- quences. In proof of this, I shall only subjoin the fol- lowing letter from my intelligent friend Dr James Anderson, an eminent accoucheur in Edinburgh, who has very extensive practice in the diseases of women and children, and who has often employed lactucarium, particularly in puerperal cases. 152 APPENDIX To Dr Duncan, senior. Edinburgh, 28th October, 1816. My Dear Sir, In consequence of a conversation with you some some years ago, I was led to pay particular attention to the effects of lactucarium in certain cases. I have seldom been disappointed when it was exhibit- ed in a proper dose, to promote rest, and allay irrita- bility. I have observed that, when the dose had not been sufficient to procure sleep, my patients still obtain- ed from it comparatively easy nights, being freed from hot skin, inclination to toss al)out, and similar uneasi- ness. For these four years I have used it with success for such patients as disagree with opium. In no case have I observed consequent nausea, costiveness, or irri- tation of the skin, produced by it. It is gratifying to observe with how much thankful- ness it is taken by such valetudinarians as are excluded from the use of opium from its distressing effects upon them. Two ladies of my acquaintance, the one sub- ject to spasms in the stomach, and the other to frequent attacks of irregular gout, have for these three years APPENDIX. 153 reared lettuce plants, and made a tincture for them- selves, which they have employed in their own cases, with great relief: And from what I have seen, I have no doubt, that when lactucarium becomes more an object of attention with medical practitioners, it will be gene- rally used where opium cannot be administered. I am, my dear Sir, Yours, with respect and esteem, James Anderson. • 154 APPENDIX. Formul.k for different preparations of Lactucarium, a substance obtained from the inspissated white juice of the common garden lettuce, acording to the method described in the Memoirs of the Caledonian Horti- cultural Society, Vol. I. p. 160. 1: Tinctura lactucarii. Recipe Lactucarii, unciam unam;" Alcaholis diluti, libram unam. Digere per dies septem, et per chartam cola. 2. Pilule lactucarii. Recipe Lactucarii, gr. xij. Pulvern rjflicis glycyrrhizai, scrupulos duos. Subige cum syrupo simplice, ut fiatmassa, ad pilulas formandas apta; et divide in pilulas duodecim. 3. Trochisci GLYCYRRHIZjE cum lactucario. Recipe Lactucarii, drachmas duas; Tincturae toluiferae balsami, unciam di- midiam; Syrupi simplicis, uncias octo; Extracti glycyrrhizae glabrae, aqua calida moliti, Gummi mimosae Niloticae in pulverem triti. ntriusque uncias quinque. APPENDIX. 155 Primo, tere lactucarium bene cum tinctura; dein, paulatim admisce syrupum et extractum; postea sen- sim insperge pulverem gummi mimosae Niloticae; et tandem exsicca, ut fiat massa, in trochiscos formanda. singulos grana decern pendentes. 4. Trochisci succi spissati lactuca. Recipe Succi spissati lactucae; Extracti glycyrrhizae glabrae; Pulv. gummi acaciae Arabicae, singulorum partem unam. Haec optime terantur simul, et cum aqua fiat massa, in trochiscos formanda. THE EN I ★ * ARMY * * MEDICAL LIBRARY Clcuelnnd Branch