A CHEMICO-MEDICAL ESSAY TO EXPLAIN THE OPERATION OF OXIGENE, OR THE BASE OF VITAL AIR ON THE HUMAN BODY. By BENJAMIN DE WITT, M.P.M.S. CITIZEN OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. Whence in bright floods the VITAL AIR expands, And with concentric spheres involves the lands ; Pervades the swarming seas, and heaving earths, Where teeming nature broods her myriad births ; Fills the fine lungs of all that breathe or bud ; Warms the new heart, and dies the gushing blood ; With life's first spark inspires organic frame, And, as it wastes, renews the subtile flame. DARWIN. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY WILLIAM WOODWARD, No. 17, CHESNUT-STREET. 1797. IMPRIMATUR, J. WOODHOUSE. INAUGURAL THESIS, SUBMITTED TO THE EXAMINATION OF THE REV. JOHN EWING, S.T.P. Provost, THE TRUSTEES AND MEDICAL PROFESSORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. ON THE THIRD DAY OF MAY, 1797. NON FUMUM EX FULGORF, SED EX FUMO DARE LUCEM COGITAT HOR. TO Dr. WILLIAM M'CLELLAND, OF THE CITY OF ALBANY, THIS ESSAY IS INSCRIBED, AS A PUBLIC TESTIMONY OF RESPECT and ESTEEM, BY HIS SINCERE FRIEND AND FORMER PUPIL, The AUTHOR. ESSAY, &c. INTRODUCTION. PERHAPS no branch of natural philoso- phy has more engaged the attention of the learn- ed, or been more successfully cultivated, than the nature of the common air which surrounds us. Philosophers formerly imagined it to be a pure, simple, elementary fluid ; hence their attention was chiefly engaged in investigating its mechanical properties. Modern discoveries, however, evince that it is by no means an elementary substance ; but composed of different constituent parts, pos- sessing chemical qualities, and having a very ex- tensive and wonderful agency, in a great variety of the operations, both of nature and of art. THE knowledge of its being essential to the pre- servation of animal life must have been coeval with mankind ; it was from the beginning, as it is- now " the breath of life:" But in what manner this was affected has long remained an impenetra- ble mystery. It was lest for modern chemists to solve this difficult problem. By decompounding the air which we breath, and by shewing the pro- perties of its constituent parts they have enabled 8 us to view some of the most important functions of the animal system, in a very different light from what our ancestors were accustomed to do. THE beautiful experiments of Lavoisier prove that atmospheric air is composed principally of two elastic fluids. He procured them in a separate state,* and found that in the one, an animal died in a few seconds ; in the other it became remarka- bly lively. A taper plunged into the one was im- mediately extinguished ; in the other it burnt with a dazzling splendor. In short, the one incapable of supporting animal life and combustion ; the other possessing that property in a high degree. The first was called Azotic (or more properly Nitro- gene) gas ; the other Oxigene gas, or vital air. As a further proof of this important truth, if we recombine these two elastic fluids in certain proportions, we reproduce an air precisely similar to that of our atmosphere, possessing the same pow- ers of supporting combustion, respiration and cal- cination.† By other experiments it is found that atmos- pheric air contains also a small portion of carbonic gas (fixed air), and most probably likewise some dydrogene gas (inflammable air) ; but neither of these appear to be essential to its constitution. As that property of air which renders it capable of supporting life seems to reside essentially in one of its constituent parts, it becomes an important and interesting enquiry, which deserves to be minute- ly investigated, What is its nature, and what its effect upon the human body ? * Lavoisier's Elem. Chemist. p. 82. † See Lavoisier, Brisson, torn. ii. p. 35. 9 OF OXIGENE GAS, or VITAL AIR. THIS species of air was first discovered by the celebrated Priestley, on the 1st. of August, 1774.* He called it dephlogisticated or pure air. Scheele called it empyreal air, and Lavoisier first named it highly respirable or vital air. The French che- mists afterwards gave it the name of oxigene gas.† from its property of forming acids by combining with certain substances. This discovery has been emphatically stiled the "pride of modern philoso- phy." OXIGENE GAS exists in our atmosphere in the proportion of twenty seven parts to the hundred, according to Lavoisier.‡ It is compounded of a base or radicle, and caloric (fire, heat, igneous principle, &c.) which maintains it in a state of elastic fluidity. Its radicle or oxigene has never been obtained in a separate state or solid form, on account of its great attraction for other bodies ; it appears however to approach to this state, as it exists in water in the proportion of 85 parts to the hundred. It possesses the exclusive property of supporting respiration and animal life: All the other species of air hitherto discovered appear to be inadequate, or perhaps injurious to that effect. A LARGE portion of the oxigene of our atmos- phere must be continually employed in the breath- * Mr. Scheele, it is said, made the discovery also nearly about the same time, though he did not know of Dr. Priest- ley's experiments. Lavoisier says he also discovered it; but it is more probable, that he received the hint in a conversation with Priestley when in France. † From the Greek words (oxus) "sharp or acid," and (gei- nomai) "to beget or produce." ‡ Elem. Chemist. p. 86. 10 ing of animals, the burning of fuel, the putrefaction of substances, and numerous other operations car- ried on in the great elaboritory of nature. This consumption is incessantly supplied by the action of the solar rays upon growing vegetables : hence an equilibrium is maintained, in the proportion of the constituent parts of the atmosphere. Priestley, Ingenhousz, and others, have sufficiently proved that most plants, exposed to the action of light, perspire vital air, and absorb the mephitic : Man, on the other hand, emits mephitic, and subsists up- on vital air ; hence the vegetable and animal king- doms appear to labour for, and mutually to supply each others wants. OF OXIGENE AS RECEIEVED INTO THE SYSTEM BY THE LUNGS. AIR taken into the lungs by respiration is di- minished in quantity, and parts with its vital pro- perty, which experiments shew to be absorbed by the blood. Chaptal says, that the air in which five sparrows had died yielded only 17/100 of Oxigene. Count Morozzo placed ten sparrows in succession under a bell of glass filled with this gass, inverted over water. The first died in five hours and twenty three minutes, by which the air was greatly diminished; the second died in two hours and ten minutes, with a further diminution of the air, and the third in one hour and thirty minutes, without producing any visible alteration. This diminution by the breathing of man is 360 cubic inches in an hour, according to the accurate ex- periments of M. de la Metherie.* * The calculations of Hales in his Statics, and the experi- ments of Chaptal and Lavoisier vary somewhat from this. 11 BLOOD we know has so strong an attraction for oxigene as to absorb it from the air after it is drawn out of the body ;* but as it does not come imme- diately in contact with the air in the lungs, it was difficult to conceive how they should unite ; and it was supposed that the intervening membranes would form a barrier to the reception of any part of the air into the system. This difficulty was en- tirely obviated by an experiment of Dr. Priestley : He enclosed a quantity of blood in a bladder, ap- parently more dense and impermeable to air than the vesicles of the lungs, and upon exposing it, the blood which it contained soon became as florid as if it had been in the open atmosphere. Dr. Good- wyn also found that even the coats of the vei in different parts of the body, were no obstruction to the process of floridification, which indicates the reception of oxigene; the same effect is also pro- duced though the blood being covered with a stratum of serum to the depth of two inches or more ; - oil, saliva or water however prevent its action. THE experiments of Darwin† and Luzuriaga,‡ however, prove that air does not, and cannot con- sistently with animal life, exist in the blood in a gaseous or aeriform state ; we must therefore ne- cessarily conclude, that it takes on another form on entering the system : This no doubt is effected by its being decompounded, and parting with so much of its caloric as was necessary to maintain it in a state of elastic fluidity. In no other way can it be so satisfactorily explained. * See Girtanner's experiments. † Med. Com. vol. vi. p. 35. ‡ Inaug. Dissert. Edin. 12 THE air which is emitted from the lungs after, having answered the purposes of respiration, is found not only to have lost a portion of its oxi- gene, but at the same time acquired a new princi- ple, to wit, carbonic or fixed air: This is prov- ed by causing the expired air to pass through lime water, which instantly becomes turbid ; if receiv- ed through tincture of turnsole, it reddens it, and if through a solution of caustic alkali, it renders it mild and effervescent. THE nitrogene gas, which constitutes by far the largest portion of the atmosphere, appears to un- dergo no perceptible change, either in quantity or quality, by being breathed.* OF OXIGENE, AS RECIEVED INTO THE SYSTEM, BY THE STO- MACH AND INTESTINES. THAT oxigene is taken into our bodies by the stomach as well as by the lungs, is not so evident from direct experiment. It can hardly be doubt- ed, however, that it constitutes a large portion of the constituent parts of our daily aliment, particu- larly of acids and vegetables ; and in that state is most probably absorbed into the blood, in some measure to answer the purposes of the animal econo- my. " No substances, (says Dr. Beddoes) are bet- ter calculated than acids, at least, to impart oxi- gene to the system ; they contain it in abundance, and they easily part with it.† It does not appear * See Priestley, Lavoisier, Chaptal, Goodwin, & c. † Letter to Dr. Darwin. 13 improbable to me that oxigene may be also impart- ed to the blood, circulating through the vessels immediately on the surface of the intestines: When we consider that the intestinal canal appears to be the only interior part of the body, except the lungs themselves, to which atmospheric air has access; and that this elastic fluid is swallowed in consider- able quantities : When we consider the astonishing congeries of small blood vessels spread upon its surface; and further, when we reflect with what ease oxigene is admitted through mucous mem- branes, and even through the coats of large veins when laid bare; and finally, when we consider the change which the air undergoes in its passage through this canal, there can hardly remain a doubt that oxigene may in this manner be impart- ed to the blood in considerable quantity ; more es- pecially as the area of the whole surface of the in- testines is perhaps as large as that of the lungs. OF OXIGENE AS TAKEN INTO THE SYSTEM BY THE SKIN. IT has been doubted whether oxigene could be taken into the system by the surface of the body: If, however, water is absorbed by the pores of the skin, it is evident that in this way oxigene is taken in, like that with the aliment by the intestines. Whether the water after entering the system is decompounded, and its oxigene set at liberty, to answer other purposes of the animal economy, re- mains perhaps yet to be determined. Girtanner asserts, that from some of his experiments it is clear that water is decomposed and recomposed continually in organized bodies. But besides, we 14 have some reason to conclude that oxigene is ab- sorbed from the air by the skin, in a similar man- ner to that by the lungs. This is rendered proba- ble from the striking resemblance between the matter of perspiration, and the exhalation from the lungs. The experiments of the Count de Milley, and the observations of Foquet prove that the genuine matter of perspiration is carbonic gas, the same with that exhaled from the lungs ; like that it precipitates lime from its solution, and like that it is incapable of supporting flame and respira- tion. It appears further probable from those cases in which the lungs have been almost totally de- stroyed by disease ;* and from which patients have survived for years, almost wholly deprived of the advantage of respiration. In those cases the skin or the intestines must have in some measure sup- plied the office of the lungs in providing the sys- tem with oxigene. What quantity the skin does absorb is not yet ( so far as I know) proved by ac- tual experiments, though Dr. Beddoes asserts (up- on what authority I know not) that "it is found " in equal times to take in three or four times as " much oxigene air as any other." Dr. Fother- gill also mentions that it has lately been discover- ed that vital air is absorbed by the skin in consider- able quantities. * See Blumenbach. † On the suspension of Vital action, 1795. 15 OF THE EFFECTS OF OXIGENE ON THE BLOOD. I. On the crassamentum or red globules. LOWER, in his treatise de corde, long ago ob- served, that the blood returned from the lungs by the pulmonary veins, was of a more florid colour than that in the arteries. The same was after- wards observed by Boerhaave, Haller, Hewson, and others ; and has since been noticed by almost every author who has written upon the subject. The cause of this difference in the colour of the venous and arterial blood has much engaged the attention of physiologists ; but no satisfactory ex- planation could ever be given for it, until the im- mortal Priestley discovered that it is owing to what he calls dephlogisticated or vital air.* He exposed a quantity of venous blood to common air, and found that by agitation it immediately became of a more florid colour, and that this effect took place in a higher degree and in a shorter time when exposed to oxigene gas. On the other hand, blood exposed to any of the other airs, in a short time lost its bright red colour, and became black ; but resumed its floridity upon being brought in contact with vital air. Goodwin inclosed a quantity of * John Mayow in the obscurity of the last century (1668) was acquainted with many of the properties of oxigene air, though he did not procure it in a separate state. In his Tract de respiratione, he proved by experiment that the air is diminished both in respiration and combustion ; that the office of the lungs is to separate from the air, and convey to the blood, one of its constituent parts, which he called nitro atmolpherical, or fiery air particles : He supposed this coloured the blood, and was necessary to all muscular motion, and especially to the heart. his writings however seemed to be little taken notice of. See Dr. Beddoes on Exp. of a Phil, in the last. cent. C 16 oxigene gas in a glass receiver, inverted over mercury, and introduced into it 4 ozs. of blood, drawn from the jugular vein of a sheep ; it instant- ly became florid, and the mercury appeared to rise in the receiver. Blood also becomes of a dark co- lour when exposed in vacuo, according to the ex- periments of Beccaria, which have since been re- peated by Dr. Priestley with the same result. THE blood returned from the extremities by the veins, being of a darker colour than that in the ar- teries, can only be explained by its having lost a part of its oxigene in the course of the circulation ; and not by its having acquired a larger portion of hydro-carbonic matter, as has been conjectured by some: for if oxigene gas be injected into a vein, the blood becomes as florid as that in the arteries,* without however having parted with its supposed superabundance of carbone. SEVERAL opinions have been offered as to the nature of that principle or property in the crassa- mentum of the blood, by which it is peculiarly adapted to become floridified by an union with ox- igene ; but I confess they all appear to me to be un- satisfactory. The most probable opinion perhaps is, that it is owing to iron reduced to a state of red oxid: but it is difficult to conceive how so small a portion of iron as the blood contains, should diffuse that florid colour through so large a mass of fluid ; and it does not appear to have so strong attraction for oxigene at the ordinary tempera- ture of the body, as to account for the instantane- ous change which takes place in the blood circu- lating through the lungs. Other causes might perhaps be suggested with equal probability of * See Hewson, Girtanner and others. 17 truth.* It would afford an extensive subject for much plausible reasoning to a speculative theorist, but would lead too far into the field of conjecture. Upon this, as well as many other subjects connect- ed with the animal economy, we must consent to remain in doubt, until by future experiments and discoveries, we shall acquire a more extensive knowledge of the sublime operations of the che- mistry of nature. OF THE EFFECTS OF OXIGENE 2. Upon the gluten, or coagulable lymph of the Blood. THAT oxigene acts upon the red globules of the blood, must now be evident to every one of the slightest observation, by the instantaneous change which it produces in its appearance, con- verting it from a dark red to a bright vermillion colour. But that it also produces essential effects upon the other component parts of the blood, is not so evident at first view : It is, nevertheless, highly probable to me, that its agency upon the coagulable lymph particularly, is no less considera- ble and important. This opinion is rendered pro- bable when we consider that in those cold blooded animals, whose blood has no red globules, respira- tion is as essential to their existence as any other. In a number of very accurate experiments made * Dr. Darwin supposes it to be owing to phosphorus, but I believe only upon conjectural grounds, as appears from the fol- lowing lines : " When air's pure essence joins the vital flood, " And with phosphoric acid dyes the blood,—" BOTANIC GARDEN. 18 by Doctor Beddoes,* in order to ascertain the comparative effects of common and vital air upon animals ; the blood appeared uniformly to coagu- late much sooner and firmer, of those animals which had for some time breathed oxigene air, than of the others which lived upon common air, and were killed in the same instant. On the other hand, in most of those cases related by authors, in which we may conclude with tolerable certainty, that there was a deficiency of oxigene in the sys- tem ; such as scurvy, for instance, and the cases given by Dr. Sandifort, of Leyden† and others ; in which, from organic affection of the heart, but a minute portion of blood circulated through the lungs to the oxidated ; so far as I can judge from their im- perfect accounts of the state of the blood, it always appeared to have lost in some degree its property of coagulating. From these considerations I am inclined to believe, that the coagulable lymph of the blood owes its property as such in a great measure to this vital principle of the air ; and that the influence of oxigene is perhaps essentially ne- cessary to bestow upon it that condition, which renders it fit to become concreted into animal fi- bres, and to nourish the solid parts of our body. OF THE INFLUENCE OF OXIGENE IN PRODUC- ING ANIMAL HEAT. ANOTHER important effect accomplished by the agency of oxigene received into the body, is the production of animal heat. A very opposite * On Factitious Airs, p. 16, and elsewhere. † Observationes Anatomico-Patholog. Luqd. Batav. 1777, page 11. 19 circumstance to the whimsical notion of those, who imagined the lungs to perform the office of a bellows to cool the blood. Respiration, as we have already seen, is to be considered as an opera- tion by which vital air continually passes from a gaseous to a concrete form ; it must therefore at each instant abandon so much of its heat as was previously necessary to maintain it in a state of elastic fluidity ; this heat being set at liberty, now manifests itself in a free and sensible form ; hence an abundant source of animal heat generated in the lungs.* Persons who have respired vital air all agree in affirming, that they have perceived a gen- tle warmth vivifying the lungs, and extending to the more distant parts of the body. But the lungs are not the sole focus or fire place where heat is produced ; for we have the strongest reasons to be- lieve that it is also evolved in the course of the cir- culation, and particularly in the extremities of the arterial system. If the lungs were the only source of animal heat, the parts of the body would become cold in proportion to their distance from this cen- tre ; for we know that heat decreases as it recedes from the source whence it originated. If this were the case too, no part would be susceptible of an increased heat, as is manifestly the case in topical inflammation ; nor no part except the lungs would refill the topical application of cold. THOUGH oxigene in assuming the concrete form, by combining with bodies, looses some por- tion of its caloric, that is, so much as was necessa- ry to keep it in an æriform state, it is nevertheless certain, that it carries a large quantity of latent heat along with it in assuming the solid form in * See Crawford's experiments on Animal Heat. 20 various combinations;* if then this be the case, as it unites with the blood, it is easy to explain how it should give out this heat, in the course of the cir- culation, by entering into new combinations. THAT the evolution of heat is intimately con- nected with the action of the arteries, is a familiar fact ; and it seems highly probable that their mi- nute ramifications are of such importance to the ge- neration of heat, that as their action is weaker or stronger, a proportional diminution or increase takes place, in the heat of a part or the whole of the body. They appear to have the power of de- compounding the blood, as in the various secretions, and of recompounding it again; and as the affinity for substances, is variously changed, when they un- dergo any chemical alterations, it is easy to con- ceive how blood when it undergoes these changes, should throw out a large quantity of its latent heat. " As the evolution of heat" (says Dr. Darwin) "attends almost all chemical combinations, it is probable that it also attends the secretions of the various substances from the blood, and that the constant combination or production of new fluids by means of the glands, constitutes the more gene- ral source of animal heat. This Seems to be evinced by the universal evolution of the matter of heat, in the blush of shame or anger, in which at the same time an increased secretion of perspirable matter oc- curs." FROM these general and uniform sources of ani- mal heat in the body, we can easily explain, how all the parts of the body retain nearly the same * Sec Lavoisier Elem. Chemist. 21 degree of temperature, and why it is so little va- ried, whether the subject be exposed to the rigors of the coldest climate, or placed beneath the fer- vors of a tropical fun. OF OXIGENE AS A STIMULUS TO THE HEART AND ARTERIES. THE stimulating effects of Oxigene upon the heart and arterial system is now established by a multiplicity of experiments and observations. I shall mention only one. A young man having breathed pure undiluted Oxigene air for several mi- nutes, his pulse which before the experiment was 64, now rose to 120 beats in a minute*. There is so intimate a connection between the quantity of air received by respiration, and the action of the heart and arteries, that by accelerating or retarding respi- ration by an effort of the will, any one may at plea- sure greatly increase or diminish the action of his pulse, both as to frequency and force. The con- tinuance of the action of the heart and arteries dur- ing life, seems to be very entirely owing to the incessant influence of this vital principle of the air;† for neither the stimulus of heat, nor the mechanical stimulus of the blood, appear to be at all adequate to this effect, as is abundantly manifested by the ex- periments of Goodwin‡ and others ; and why does not the circulation go on, when the lungs are dis- * Minutes of the Society for Philosophic Experiments, by Dr. Higgins, p. 146. † Sir Isaac Newton imagined that the atmospheric air might communicate an acid vapour to the blood of the lungs, which was necessary to keep up the action of the heart. - Optics, p. 351. ‡ Connection of life with respiration, & c. 22 tended with any other air which is inimical to life, only in so far as it withholds Oxigene from the blood ? OXIGENE differs from many other stimulants, perhaps, in this respect, that it does not appear to diminish, but rather to increase the irritability of the muscular fibre*. It seems indeed to be so inti- mately connected with the irritability of the heart, and so essential to its support, that in proportion to the increased or diminished quantity of vital air received into the system, there takes place a corres- ponding change in the irritability of that vital or- gan ; and moreover, as irritability in a great mea- sure accompanies and keeps pace with animal heat through life, it may be concluded with much plau- sibility, that it depends upon the same principle ; and hence, that Oxigene may be truly the source and proximate cause of the irritability of the heart and muscular fibres, which enables them to per- form the functions of vitality. This doctrine re- ceives additional stability by being long since adopted†, and lately so well illustrated by the learned Dr. Fothergill in his ingenious prize disser- tation on the suspension of vital action. EFFECTS OF OXIGENE UPON THE NERVES BRAIN, AND MIND. THAT Oxigene acts powerfully upon the sen- tient extremities of the nerves, may be inferred, from a a experiment mentioned by Dr. Ingenhousz, and since several times repeated by Dr. Beddoes,‡ * Girranner's Experiments. † Hints on Animation, 1783. ‡ On factitious Air, page 43. 23 that if the finger be blistered, so as to lay bare the naked and sensible skin, and exposed to common air, a smarting pain occurs; in Oxigene air it is more severe, but when exposed to azotic or carbonic gas, it entirely subsides, and returns immediately upon being withdrawn into atmospheric air.* THE ingenious Dr. Darwin, thinks that Oxigene taken into the system by respiration, " affords the material for the production of the sensorial power, which is suposed to be secreted by the brain, or me- dullary part of the nerves, and that the perpetual demand of this fluid, in respiration, is occasioned by the sensorial power which is supposed to be pro- duced from it, being too subtile, to be long con- fined in any part of the system." — " The necessity of perpetual respiration shews" (continues he in another place,) " that the Oxigene of the atmos- phere supplies the source of the spirit of animation, whence it is probable that Oxigene gas may increase the secretion of sensorial power, as indeed would appear from its exhilirating effect on most pa- tients."† Be this as it may, numerous facts and experiments authorise us to say, that it uniformly produces vivacity, cheerfulness, gentleness, and se- renity of mind, exhilirates and enlivens all the intel- lectual operations,‡ and produces alacrity and vi- gor in all corporeal exertions. It is very remark- able that Oxigene air, even when infused into the cellular substance of dogs, appeared in a short time to manifest stimulating effects : the animals became * Dr. Thornton says he has seen a man whose finger was amputated, receive immediate relief from pain, by plunging his hand in fixed air. † Zonomia, part 2. vol. 2. p. 377 & 399. ‡ "May not chemistry be able to exalt the powers of future poets and philosophers." BEDDOES. 24 exceedingly lively (maxima alacritas) by the ex- periments of Dr. Maxwell.* OF THE EFFECTS OF OXIGENE UPON THE SKIN. AMONG the numerous causes that have been called forth to explain the variation of colour in the human race, the agency of Oxigene has not been neglected ; Dr. Beddoes was once nearly elated with the hope of having discovered the method of turn- ing the Ethiopian white, by means of the Oxigenated "muriatic acid air: The arm of a negro was intro- duced into a large jar, full of this air, and the back of his fingers lay in some water impregnated with it at the bottom of the vessel, they acquired an ap- pearance as if white lead paint had been laid upon them, but it did not prove permanent ; a lock of his hair was whitened by this acid. Similar expe- riments have been made by the professor of che- mistry in this university, but without success ; it produced no change either on the skin or the hair. " Can the Leopard change his spots, or the Ethio- pian his skin ?" OF THE EFFECTS OF OXIGENE UPON THE BONES. BY chemical analysis, the bones are found to be composed principally of Phosphoric acid, and calca- reous earth ; now as we know that phosphorus, as well as every other substance, is reduced to a state * Edin. 1787. 25 of acid only by uniting with oxigene, which seems to be the universal acidifying principle in nature; it is evident that its agency must be essential to the formation of bones. Phosphorus by its strong at- traction for Oxigene, probably unites with it as soon as it is received into the system, this again combining with the calcarious earth taken in with our aliment, will probably give the true theory of the formation of bones. This idea is farther confirmed, by a cir- cumstance occurring in certain cases of disease in which the bones become soft and flexible ; In many of these cases the urine was found upon examination to contain a very large quantity of phosphoric acid, and sometimes a plentiful sediment of earthy mat- ter. May not the other solids of our bodies be form- ed by a chemical combination somewhat similar to this? OF OXIGENE AS A NUTRIMENT. " SPIRITUS etiam alimentum est," are the words of ancient Hippocrates. From the large quantity of oxigene taken in, and from its entering so largely into the composition of our bodies ; - it may, I think, with propriety be classed among the nutritious substances. It seems, indeed, when con- sidered in this light, to be of much more immediate consequence to the preservation of life, than any of the other alimentary matters— "It is impossible to doubt (says Dr. Beddoes) that we are nourished by the lungs as truly as by the stomach, and that what we take in at the former entrance, becomes like our food, a part of the substance of our solids, as well as our fluids." 26 OF THE EFFECTS OF OXIGENE ON THE FŒTUS IN UTERO. WHEN we contemplate the young and tender fœtus, closely wrapped up in its mother's womb, and apparently cut off from all communication with the external air, we should at first be apt to imagine, that it was entirely deprived of its genial influence; but this cannot be, for without it, all animated na- ture would become a lifeless mass. It must there- fore be through the medium of its parent, that it is continually supplied with this necessary fluid, and the placenta we know is the only communication that exists between them. It has generally been supposed that the blood of the mother was trans- mitted immediately to the fœtus through this me- dium, and that its sole use was for the purpose of conveying nourishment ; but I am rather disposed to believe that no such communication takes place. It is more probable that the maternal blood is only conveyed by arteries to the placenta, and immedi- ately returned by veins, after it has imparted its superabundant oxigene to the fœtal blood circulating through it, by an operation similar to what takes place in the lungs of air-breathing animals, and the gills of fishes ; in short, that the placenta serves the office of a respiratory organ to the fœtus, while it remains in the womb.* Oxigene communicated in * This doctrine I endeavoured to establish and vindicate, in a memoir read before the Philadelphia medical society on the 28th of December, 1796. To have entered into, a detail of the ar- guments here, would have been foreign to the subject. It is an opinion that was held as early as the last century by John May- ow, Sir Edward Hulse, and some others ; but since it was con- troverted by the late Alexander Monro, it appears to have been the prevailing opinion, that the placenta was an organ of nu- trition only, "owing perhaps (as an ingenious author observes) 27 this way from the blood of the parent, to that of the child, sheds all that healthful influence upon it, which it continually does upon animals who live in the open air. rather to the authority of so great a name than to the validity of the arguments adduced in its support." That there is no di- rect communication between the maternal and fœtal blood, may be inferred, 1st. From the fact, that the vessels of the uterus cannot be injected from the placenta. 2nd. From the fact, that if the child and placenta are both delivered suddenly, and the child, though alive, does not yet breath, the blood may be felt circulating with force through the funis, and when it is slighty pressed, the arteries swell between the pressure and the child, and the vein between it and the pla- centa, from the surface of which, however, no blood flows. 3d. From the fact, that while the placenta adheres firmly to the uterus, which remains still distended by a child, if the fu- nis be divided no more blood flows from it, than seemed to be contained by the placenta. 4th- From the umbilical vein carrying arterial blood. If that blood was derived immediately from the mother, it must have been changed from arterial to venous, as takes place in every other part of the body. 5th. From the probable utter impossibility of the embrio heart to propel forward the column of blood in the winding vessels of the uterus, on its way to the mother's heart, &c. &c. If, then, no direct communication exists between the blood of the mother and child, the placenta may be inferred to be a respiratory organ, 1st. From its structure, as demonstrated by Mr. John Hunter. 2nd. From the blood returning of a florid colour to the fœtus. 3d. From the fœtus immediately dying as soon as the placen- ta is separated from the uterus. 4th. From its analogy with the mode of existence of fishes in water, and the chick in ovo, &c. 28 OF THE MORBID EFFECTS OF OXIGENE. OXIGENE, though it is the support and staff of life as it exists in its diluted state in our atmos- phere ; yet, when pure and unadulterated, it can- not be breathed without manifesting a hurtful ten- dency ; and by producing as it were an excess, si- nally extinguish life ; like Milton's darkness, from an excess of light: " for as a candle burns out (says Dr. Priestley) much faster in this than in common air, so we might, as may be said, live out too fast, and the animal powers be too soon ex- hausted," Like sensual gratifications, in modera- tion it is the cordial, in excess the bane of life. Mr. Lavoisier found that animals died when con- fined in oxigene air, long before it became unfit for respiration : On dissection death seemed to have been occasioned in every instance by an ardent fe- ver and an inflammation ; the flesh was of a very red colour, the heart livid and turgid with blood, especially the right auricle and ventricle, the lungs were very flaccid, but red, even externally ; they were also turgid with blood.* IN allusion to the above fact, concerning the morbid effects of oxigene upon animals, Dr. Bed- does asks, " May not the flower and differently modified inflammation of the lungs in pthisis, ori- ginate from a smaller excess of oxigene, thrown in- to the system in a more gradual manner ?" This the Doctor labours to establish by much ingenious reasoning, and many plausible arguments.† BUT whether there be really a superabundance of oxigene in the systems of pthisical patients or * Mem. de la Societé Roy. de Med. T. and p. 575. † See his Treatise on calculus, scurvy, pthisis, &c. 29 not, it is easy to conceive that the ordinary pro- portion of oxigene in the air may exert morbid effects, and aggravate this, as well as many other inflammatory complaints, by acting as a powerful stimulus disproportioned to the excitability of the system : and hence, we need not wonder that in twenty cases of this disease, in which oxigene air was inspired, as described by Fourcroy, it uniform- ly aggravated the complaint. Upon these princi- ples too we might hope for the beneficial effects of a lowered atmosphere, in many diseases of high ex- citement, which is indeed already manifested by the experience of Dr. Beddoes and others. SINCE the active agency of oxigene upon the body has become known, physicians have not fail- ed to call in its assistance to explain that state of the atmosphere which seems to dispose to epidemic and malignant disorders. Dr. Rush* ascribes it to a superabundance of oxigene, and Dr. Mitchell,† of New-York, to a certain combination of oxigene and azote, or nitrogene. But all our knowledge upon this subject appears to me to amount, as yet, to no more than plausible conjecture. I do not know any facts or experiments which lead to a knowledge of that precise condition in which it consists ; and I might perhaps quite as well be con- tented to call it the " divine something" of Hyp- pocrates, the " mineral vapour" of Sydenham, or the " marsh miasma" of the present day, as to at- tempt to elucidate its nature by abstract reasoning from our present data. However, we may ven- ture to conclude from what we already know of the properties of oxigene, that its morbid effects in undue quantity will be found to keep pace with * Med. Enquiries and Observations, vol. iv. p. 75. † On the gaseous oxid of azote. 30 the extent of its salutary influence over the human frame. Under what circumstances this may hap- pen, or when it takes place, experiment is perhaps only adequate to determine. ONE probable effect of oxigene, however, de- serves to be taken notice of ; that is, the change which it would seem to produce in the matter of ulcerations, as of small pox, cancer, abcess, &c. Dr. Darwin* says, "the blood in small pox will not inoculate that disease, if taken before the com- mencement of the secondary fever ; because the contagious matter is not yet formed ; but after it has been oxigenated, through the cuticle in the pus- tules, it becomes contagious.†" The matter of can- cers does not seem to acquire a contagious quality until it is exposed to the air ; hence they are often successfully extirpated in this state ; but after they become ulcerated, a hectic fever often occurs, and the neighbouring glands become swelled. The matter of common abscess too, appears to be mild and inactive, till it becomes changed by exposure to air, when it acquires a stimulating and fever producing property. Are not these morbid effects, of oxigene ?— It is without doubt from this prin- ciple of the atmosphere too, that we are to explain the deleterious effects of air, when accidentally ad- mitted into any of the large cavities of the body ; and it is easy to account for the inflammation which generally ensues, from the highly stimulat- ing property of the oxigene which it contains. From these obvious effects which it seems uniform- ly to produce, it has been very ingeniously em- ployed for the cure of hydrocele, by injecting it * Zonomia, part 2, vol. i. p. 91. † This is the reason, he says, why the fœtus in utero is sometimes infected after the secondary fever, but never before it. 31 into the tunica vaginalis testis after evacuating the water, and with constant success. OF OXIGENE AS A REMEDY IN CERTAIN DI- SEASE OXIGENE, as being a powerful and durable stimulus which seems to exert its influence over the whole body, may be had recourse to with per- haps singular advantages, in many of those cases in which this class of medicines has been recom- mended, as well as in those in which there may be supposed to be a deficiency of that principle in the system. When a super-oxigenated air is inspired for some time, it increases the strength, and gives an alacrity for motion ; produces gaiety and seren- ity of mind ; mitigates pain, and disposes to sleep; increases the appetite for food, and strengthens the powers of digestion ; diffuses a gentle warmth over the whole body, and imparts a degree of insensi- bilty to cold ; gives life to the eye, and bloom to the countenance. I shall briefly enumerate some of the principal diseases in which its efficacy seems already to be manifested. Asphixia.—Suspended animation from submer- sion, strangulation, and certain unrespirable airs, being produced by the privation of oxigene, it must be evident that the only probable method of recovery is, to restore this to the blood by inflat- ing the lungs. It is reasonable to believe that a super-oxigenated atmosphere would be most effec- tual;* at any rate, the method of inflating by the * The superiority of vital air in restoring animation (says Dr. Fothergill) has been confirmed by many respectable writers both at home and abroad. Suspension of Vital Action, p. 113. 32 vitiated breath of another, as is too often done, appears to me very objectionable. Scurvy.—It is probable that the efficacy of acids and vegetables in the cure of scurvy, is in some measure to be ascribed to the oxigene which they impart to the system. What effects breathing an oxigenated air would have, remains to be deter- mined. Typhus.-Dr. Thornton and Mr. Townsend have found it of remarkable efficacy in this disease. Dr. Wood from his own experience recommends nitre, and ascribes its power to the oxigene which- it imparts to the blood; " Nitre (says Dr. Beddoes) is doubtless decompounded in the primæ viæ, and capable of supplying much oxigene." Asthma.—" In true asthmatic fits, its beneficial effects have already been many times experienced ; no sooner does it touch the lungs, than the livid co- lour of the countenance disappears, the laborious respiration ceases, and the functions of all the tho- ratic organs, go on easily and pleasantly again."* Cancer.—Inhaling oxigene air seems to have been useful in, if not entirely removed this dreadful com- plaint. Schrofula. - Schrofulous ulcers, tumors, and op- thalimia's, have yielded to it, and been completely cured, as attested by Dr. Thornton and others. Is the remarkable efficacy of the juice of sorrel in cu- ring schrofulous ulcers, owing to the oxigene which it imparts to them? In every ulcer to which it is applied, there takes place a change from a dead pale to a scarlet colour. * Beddoes. 33 Herpes. - A case of eruptions on the face, purple blotches on the body, hard scales on the arms, a dark coloured deep ulcer on the leg, and loss of sight, that had resisted every remedy for thirty years, was radically cured in a few weeks, by breathing oxigene air. Hypochondriasis.— Vital air might be supposed a priori, to be useful in this disorder, it has according- ly been found so in a number of cases. Chlorosis.— Its undoubted efficacy in this affection is well attested by a number of physicians. It has also been found of great benefit in a num- ber of other diseases ; cured some, and relieved others ; as dyspepsia, melancholia, hysteria, anasar- ca, ascites, palsy from lead, opium, &c. the ad- vanced stage of consumption, and diseases of preg- nancy. For a full account of cases, I refer to Dr. Thomas Beddoes' considerations on the uses of fac- titious air. From the formidable list of diseases, many of them classed amongst the incurables of our art, in which vital air has been found serviceable, it promises to become a most valuable acquisition to the materia medica. " In desperate cases (says Chaptal) it is most certainly a precious remedy, which can spread flowers on the borders of the tomb, and prepare us in the gentlest manner for the last dreadful effort of nature." CONCLUSION. THUS I have endeavoured in a compendious method to trace the influence of this active agent upon the human body. My object has been chiefly to develope the fundamental principles of its operation. In doing this I have avoided as much as possible, straying into the flowery path of imagi- nation, or launching into the open field of conjec- ture. I lament that I have not been able to throw more light upon this important subject by new ex- periments, but my time has been hitherto necessa- rily exhausted, in a close attention to the various other branches of the boundless science of medi- cine. IN taking a review of our subject, we are natu- rally led trace the progress of the powers of the mind, in acquiring a knowledge of the laws and operations of nature; but a few years ago, philoso- phers like the "children of the world*," amused themselves with calculating the elasticity, the den- sity and pressure of the air, without, perhaps, the most distant idea of its having those more important chemical properties, which we now know it to pos- sess. If our science has already made such rapid ad- vances, as to analyze and divide asunder, the invisi- * Lord Bacon. 35 ble atmosphere which envelopes us ; and to collect and administer its different parts with the utmost facility, for the cure of diseases.— If it can already command the powers of the air to its assistance, in mitigating the pangs of sickness, and alleviating the distresses of suffering humanity, what may we not expect from time and persevering industry ? Go on, ye enlightened physicians and philosphers, in your noble career ! boldly press forward, into the rich and fruitful field for discovery and cultivation, which is opened to your view ; led by the faithful hand of experiment, and illuminated by the torch of reason ; draw aside that veil of nature which hides from our eyes so many of her sublime opera- tions ! and -"Explore with eagle eye, " Where wrap'd in night retiring causes lie ; " Trace their slight bands, their secret haunts be- tray, " And give new wonders to the beam of day ; " Till, link by link, with step aspiring trod, " You climb from nature to the throne of God." BILLSBORROW. And ye, Illustrious PROFFESSORS OF THE UNI- VERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, accept my warmest acknowledgments of gratitude, for those valuable instructions which I have received from your lec- tures : and my sincerest wishes for your individual happiness. Long, very long may ye continue with united splendor, like the bright: orb of day, to diffuse the salubrious rays of medical science, in every di- rection, to the most distant parts of our western world ; to cherish and nurture those tender plants of science, which are just putting forth their blos- soms! "Vive, Valeque."