UNITED STATES OF AMERICA *" . . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. OPO 16—67244-1 AN INAUGURAL ESSAY, ON THE EYE, AND ON VISION. SUBMITTED TO THE EXAMINATION OF THE REV. JOHN ANDREWS, D. D. PROVOST, (Pro Tern.) THE TRUSTEES AND MEDICAL PROFESSORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, On the 5th day of June, 1805. FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE- ~ / ^y$*X^ —_____™ t' /—~X/:/ ===== > ■ . y] By elisha de butts, V >/ U. OF MARTLAND. X?', HONORART MEMBER OF THE PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETfi^ / , " Sit lux....et lux fuit." PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY JOHN H. OSWALD. 1805. TO DOCTOR SAMUEL DE BUTTS, MOUNT-WELBY, MARYLAND. Dear Sir, x\.LTHOUGH fully conscious of the imperfection of the following Essay, yet impelled by motives of gratitude and affection," I must beg leave to offer this small tribute of my respect, to you, from whom I have received so many proofs of friendship; and under whose auspices I received the first prin- ciples of that science to which my future life is to be devoted. In this, my first literary attempt, you will no doubt dis- cover many errors ; for which, in addition to the difficulty of the subject, I may justly plead indisposition ; and I can now on- ly wish that it were more worthy of your attention. But inade- quate as it may prove, to withstand the test of critical disquisi- tion, I do not hesitate to dedicate it to you, as the only method by which I can, at present, acknowledge the sentiments of high respect for your character, which exist in the breast of Dear Sir, Your affectionate and Very humble servant, THE AUTHOR. TO DOCTOR CASPAR WISTAR, ADJUNCT PROFESSOR ANATOMY, IN THE [ft < noi3JSTJ» UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,* THIS ESS AT, • csaj %;ui>i > ;iJ ?>fi ,^s3m *syrg £ ai IS ALSO DEDICATED -rrjsariJT?- n 3ifJ ^1 .Jasrduc rq*> ,;>- AS A TESTIMONY OF RESPECT, ~*w *... atm 3 -j tYrtfilmil ©filial tasnsvoosib Jii^ AND i-gitewai JKrialq ■ wnm> t? 5"?nJsa art! oJ PROFESSIONAL TALENTS, .,- .. ,j»{j3il!.«. iJ Isjra BY HIg jto aiitwai* ew iocnq 3vij*»"i.'i''.oqrtii 3. oiJo^ftei kfeci' 'twr: wi/zcs!-., ; ,iii X «it Very lwmble servant, - ^ ^ L 3^J£n Xd iioi.b'^,^q ^ ■-, h THE AUTHOR. ^b-/:I *«omnwo dnol trl'SKi rt.i-i;i- T- ,a 3riJ dguoi.*.. ,3-m INTRODUCTION. a EW subjects, in the animal ceconomy, are more inter- esting, than that which I am now going to consider. The u- tility of a correct knowledge of the structure of the eye, and phenomena of vision, is evident to every one, without demon- stration ; and in a retrospective view of the science of optics, in her most infantile 6tate, we find the genius of her votaries, in a great measure, employed in attempting to elucidate this subject. But the state of science in general, among the an- tients, was too imperfect, to allow them to form correct opi- nions, respecting phenomena so intimately connected with the nature and properties of light, the investigation of which, re- quired a greater extent of knowledge, than they were in pos- session of. To more modern philosophers, therefore, and par- ticularly, to Sir Isaac Newton, are we indebted, for the com- pletest investigation, and most important discoveries, relative to the nature of light, and consequently, for our most correct ideas of the manner in which vision is performed. Whether we view the organ of vision, in a phisiological or optical light, we have, on either hand, an impressive and illustrative proof of the wisdom of the Creator, and an ample fund for serious and useful reflection. The vast importance of a correct state of vision, in the most trifling affairs of life ; and the pleasure which the mind receives, in contemplating the infinite variety of sublime and beautiful objects, presented to it by nature and art, through the medium of sight, calls forth our most lively B VI gratitude and admiration, to those Philosophers, whose labours have instructed us in that species of knowledge, by which we are enabled, literally, to give sight to the blind, and to dispense happiness to our fellow-creatures, by rescuing them from one of the greatest evils to which human nature is liable. In attempting a treatise on this subject, when so many ce- lebrated works are already written on it, by distinguished au- thors, I feel myself perhaps justly liable to the imputation of temerity: but vision was my choice ; and not until I began to pay an undivided attention to it, did I find myself involv- ed in difficulties, when it was too late to recede. This, then, I must plead as my excuse. The want of plates would ne- cessarily render the following sheets imperfect, if they were intended to convey information to those unacquainted with the subject. But when I consider the eminent talents of the gen- tlemen to whose judgment I must submit them, and whose good opinion I am most anxious to acquire, every regret I should otherwise feel, for this deficiency, is entirely obviated. SECTION I. OF THE EYE. As, in a description of the eye, in order to illustrate a theory of vision, a circumstantial detail of its external parts, is not generally esteemed necessary, I will not attempt it here. The eye is situated in a bony cavity of the head, formed by the union of seven bones of the face and cranium, called its orbit. This cavity is irregular in its figure ; but is well sup- plied with fat and cellular substance, in order to be completely adapted to the form of its contents. In this situation, the eye is firmly retained by its muscles, nerves, blood-vessels, &c and is defended from external injuries, by the supercilia, pal- pebral and lachrymal passages. When it is detached from the above cavity, it appears to be almost spherical ; but, after the fat and other appendages are carefully removed, it is found to be flattened, posteriorly ; and is usually called, by anatomists, the ball, or globe of the eye. Upon an attentive examination, it appears to consist of three membranes, or coats, placed con- centrically, within each other, containing transparent fluids. The first, and most external coat, is called sclerotica. At it. anterior part, it forms the transparent cornea, and over every other part of its surface, it exhibits a white cartilaginous ap- pearance, easily retaining its primitive shape, after being de- prived of all its contents. To this coat, which is stronger than any of the others, are attached six muscles, used in rolling tne eye in different necessary directions, the tendons of whirl. spread over part of its surface, and contribute, not a hulc, to <. 8 ^ its strength. The sclerotic coat seems to be formed by the ex- pansion of the inner plate of the dura mater of the optic nerve; the outer plate forming the periosteum of the orbit.* The se- cond coat, or the choroides, originates from the white cellular circle terminating the substance of the optic nerve t; and ex- panding, concentrically, within the sclerotica, is connected to it by vessels and cellular membrane. But at the circumference of the cornea, this cellular substance becomes much more dense, attaching the coats very firmly to each other, and is then called the ciliary band. The choroides, at this place, gives out, from every part of the circumference, certain radii, inter- intermingled with vessels, which, terminating at equal distan- ces from the centre, leave a small hole, called the pupil, to admit the rays of light. Round the pupil, and connected to the above radii, are certain fibres, disposed in the form of a ring, which act as a sphincter muscle, \ the former dilating, the latter contracting the pupil. The anterior surface of this part of the choroides, is termed the iris. The posterior, from its uniform resemblance, in colour, to a ripe grape, the uvea; but this circumstance alone can make any difference between them. The iris varies in colour, in different people, and be- fore those ages of the world, when, in consequence of war or commerce, nations intermingled indiscriminately with each o- ther, the colour of the iris was invariably peculiar to the inhab- itants of different climates. In persons of fair hair and com- plexion, it is generally of a grey or blue colour, and in those who have black or dark hair, it generally observes various shades of hazle. The choroid coat is, externally, of a brown colour, and internally, is covered by a fine black pigment, ad- hering slightly to its surface. From the ciliary band) and im- mediately behind the uvea, the choroides produces, transe- versely and backwards, an extremely fine membrane, to be * HaUer on Phys. Chap. I6./1. 24,7. t Ibid, Chap. 16. p. 248. \ Monroe on the Eye. ( 9 ) connected, apparently, to the capsule of the chrystaHthe lens, where, in order to be adapted to a smaller ck"cumference,i it is drawn into numerous folds, of a fan-like figure, which are called the ciliary processes. After being connected t6 the lens, these processes give out small points, of inconsiderable length, which float loose in the posterior chamber of the^qijeous hu- mour, and have no immediate connexion with the lens. The ciliary pfioceSses are covered by the same black pigment which lines every other part of the choroides. The third coat is the retina. This is formed by the expansion of the medullary part ©f the optic nerve, over the internal surface of the choroides, and proceeding along the ciliary processes, terminates at "the outer edge of the chrystalline lens.* This coat is of the first consequence, in vision ; and any defect in it, is of the greatest injury to sight. Within all these coats, are contained fine pel- lucid fluids, termed by anatomists, humors. They possess different refractive densities, and are divided into three kinds, viz. the aqueous, chrystalline, and vitreous humors. Before I speak particularly of these fluids, it will be neces- sary to describe the cornea. This, we have seen, is part of the sclerotic coat ; it is perfectly transparent, and consists^ of several plates, filled wtth an extremely pellucid water. It is the segment of a sphere, smaller than that which the ball of the eye, in general, describes, and, of course, projects farther forwards than any other part of its surface. The aqueous hu- mor is situated in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, or all that space, first, between the iris and cornea, and secondly, between the uvea and chrystalline lens, communi- cating at the pupil. The chrystalline humor, or lens, is of a double convex figure, having its posterior side most convex, and is inferior to no known substance, in transparency. It is composed of numerous lamelLx, which become much denser, as they approach its centre. The whole is surrounded by a very fine capsule, with a small quantityof transparent fluid in- * Monroe on the Eye, chap, 3. sec» Section 3. ( 2S ) SECTION III. OF THE MANNER \IN WHICH VISION IS PERFORMED. There is a certain innate principle) inseparable from humani- ty, which naturally leads us to contemplate the works o| nature with a peculiar gratification. There are few periods in our lives, in which we experience a more serene satisfaction, ,than when, in solitude, we are occupied in viewing the stupendous height of the distant mountain, or the foaming torrents of the rushing cataract. If we turn our attention t$ the diversified streaks of the, tulip, or the flinty crags of the rock, we are alike intuitively impelled to admire and acknowledge* the wisdom by which they were constructed. The uncultivated peasant will gaze in silent admiration, on the colours and grotesque figures of the evening clouds, with emotions which his simple, language is incapable of describing : but it is only the outlines of nature which can give satisfaction to minds uninformed. The man of genius and philosopher alone can become acquainted with her diversity of tints and shades, and discover the secret touches which are imperceptibly the foundation of all the beauties in the picture. The subject of this section, and to which the two foregoing ones were only preparatory, is highly calculated to excite more interesting reflections, than any other phenomena with which we are acquainted. Having in the first section described the form and situation of the cornea and humors of the eye in gen- eral, I will now proceed to speak of them in a more particular manner. And first, of the aqueous humor. The aqueous humor is less dense than any other refraoting humor of the eye, and is situated in the anterior and posterior chambers, between the cornea and chrystalline tens. As the cor- ( 23 ) nea is the segment of a concave sphere, having its concave sur- face towards the aqueous humor, and the anterior surface of the chrystalline lens, of a convex figure, it is plain, that the whole, supported by the surrounding parts, must be shaped like a con- cavo-convex lens. In consequence of this shape, all the rays, proceeding from an object, which become incident on the cor- nea, are refracted by the aqueous humor, and pass on thro' the pupil, to the chrystalline lens. As the lens is of a double convex figure, and a much denser medium, than the aqueous huthor^ the rays', in passing thro* it, suffer a very great degree of re- fraction. Its posterior surface is extremely convex, arid the vitreous humor with which it is in contact, possesses a less de- gree of refractive density ; inconsequence of this, each pencil of rays, in proceeding thro' to the vitreous humor, are rendered convergent, and meeting in a certain number of poihts on the retina, imprint on its surface a correct inverted image of the object. The inversion of the image is owing tothe great de- gree of convexity of the posterior part of the leris, which causes the raysto;decussate each other about the centre of the vitreous1 humor. Thus we may consider the humors as a compleat diop- tric instrument, placed before the retina, and the whole a per- fect camera obscura. SECTION IV. DISTINCT AND INDISTINCT VISION. ; A distinct state of vision is (presupposing that the ejre is in a perfectly healthy state) a capability of adjusting itself to remote and^contiguous objects, in order that they may be im- printed on the retina in a proper focal image. As some con* troversy has existed* respecting the manner in which this ad- ( 24 ) justment is performed, it will perhaps not be unnecessary to give some account of the opinions which have been entertained on this subject. M. de la Hire, supposed that the eye suffered no alteration, except in the contraction and dilatation of the pu- pil ; and was supported in this opinion by M. le Roi, who gave as a proof, that by holding an object so close to the eye as to ap- pear confused, and then placing a card with a small hole in it, or artificial pupil, between the eye and the object, the latter would then be plainly discernable. But this hypothesis was found to be erroneous ; for although a narrow pupil renders vision less indistinct, it is only by^confiningthe bases of the pen- cils of rays proceeding from the points of an object, and by that means lessening their circles of dissipation on the retina.* Dr. Porterfield has advanced a number of very ingenious experi- ments, by which he proves that we are capable of changing the conformation of our eyes, and of adapting them to various dis- tances, and that this change always follows a similar motion in the axes of vision. This change of conformation, he thinks, consists in a motion of the chrystalline lens, by means of the contraction of the ligamentum ciliare, which increases its dis- tance from the retina, according to the distance of objects ; and as the ligamentum ciliare is convex, anteriorly, by its con- traction it loses, gradually, all its convexity, and presses back a portion of the vitreous humor, which, in consequence of this, presses against the lens, and assists in moving it forwards ; this last motion, of course, pushes the aqueous humor against the cornea, which is rendered more convex ; and thus we are enabled to see near objects more distinctly. To this it was ob-> jectcd, that the ciliary ligaments are not muscular, and of course, have not the powrer of contraction. But Dr. Porter- field defends his theory, by saying, that his. opponents have been led into a mistake, by supposing that all muscles were of a red colour. This, he says, is not the case ; for the muscu- lar fibres of the stomach and intestines, have scarcely any red- ness in their colour. He'continues, it is also certain, that the * Priestley on Optics,page 641. ( 25 ) pupil contracts and dilates itself, according as objects are more or less luminous, and yet none of the fibres which perform those actions, are in the least degree, red* Dr. .Turin's hypo- thesis, related by Dr. Priestley, differs widely from the above. He also supposes a contraction of the ciliary processes, which he says, takes place when the eye is to be suited to greater dis- tances than 15 or 16 inches ; and in consequence of this con- traction, the anterior surface of the capsule of the chrystalline lens, into which their fibres are inserted, is drawn a little for- wards and- outwards, which causes the water within the cap- sule to flow from under the middle, towards the elevated part of it, and the aqueous humor must, of course, flow from the elevated parts of the capsule, towards the middle. In conse- quence of.this, the whole anterior surface within the insertion of the. ligamentum ciliare, will be reduced to a less convexity. When this contraction ceases, the capsule will return to its former situation by its own elasticity, and, being a very tender membrane, containing water between its inner surface and the lens, can readily obey the effort of the ligamentum ciliare, al- though so weak a muscle. Dr. Priestley refutes this doctrine by a very just observation, that this alteration of the situation of the water surrounding the lens, could make no change in the direction of the rays, unless it was possessed of a greater refractive density, than the aqueous humor,* which is certain- ly not probable. The experiments instituted by Mr. Evcrard Home, prove, indisputably, that the eye possesses a power of changing its con- formation, independent of the chrystalline lens. By means of an instrument invented by Dr. Young, which, by its determining with accuracy the changes which occur in vision, is called an Optometer, he ascertained that persons who have been depriv- ed of their chrystalline lenses can accommodate their eyes to various distances ; md with the assistance of a convex lens, he found that they possessed a state of vision not differing mate- rially from that to which they were accustomed when their eyes * Priestley on Optics, pap;e 650. ( 26 ) were perfect. The optometer is made by drawing, on a piece of paper or pasteboard, a black line, about three feet long, and placing the paper in a horizontal position, the person who is performing the experiment must look along the black line thro' two slits made in a card, so close to each other as to be within the limits of the pupil and perpendicular to the paper. Behind the card, may be placed, occasionally, a small convex lens, and holding it close to the eye, by viewing the line at a point situ> ated a few inches from the farthest extremity, he will perceive the line divided into two, and appearing to cross each other at the place of observation. After marking this point of decussa- tion, he must change the conformation of his eye, by looking at the line, a few inches from its nearest extremity; and jf his eye is capable of altering its conformation, in proportion to the dis- tance, he will perceive the crossing of the fines, as before. Therefore, the power which the eye possesses, to adjust itself* to the distances of objects, may be exactly determined by this instrument. For the faculty with which it is endowed, in rJhi$ respect, is always in proportion to the distance of the two point* of decussation from other. Mr. Home directed a person who had been deprived of .-the, chrystalline lens, to make the experiment with tfie optometer in the above manner, and two places of decussation were distinct- ly observed by him. This man saw best in a strong light, aijd^ his eyes were much fatigued by viewing objects by candle light,. the reason of which is too obvious to require any comnjent in ; this place.* The observations of the ingenious Dr. A. Monroe seem to ren- der all the theories depending upon a motion of tiie chrystat- line^lens, in consequence of the contraction of, the ciliary pro- cesses, highly improbable. In his examinations Qf,th^retinar * Croonian Lett. P/iil. Trans. R. S. 1802, part I. ( 27 ) in order to determine its precise termination, he discovered, that instead of ending abruptly at the root of the ciliary pro- cesses, as had been supposed, it proceeded forwards on the in- ternal surface of the ciliary processes, and terminated at the outer edge of the chrystalline lens,* and consequently, that the ciliary processes do not form a compleat septum between the aqueous and vitreous humors, and that the chrystalline lens has no siipport but what it receives from the union of its cap- sule with that of the vitreous humor. -■>*■■■ i .■ . ft was necessary, therefore, to account for the motions by which we regulate our eyes to the distances of objects, in some other manner. This, he endeavours to prove, is accomplished in a great measure by the action of the oblique muscles and orbicularis palpebrarum. That when the oblique muscles contract, they make a strong pressure upon the ball of the eye, and elongate its axis so as considerably to increase the dis- tance between the chrystalline lens and retina. He has given some experiments to prove, that when we attempt to discern very contiguous objects, the orbicularis muscle con- tracts, and by pressing upon the upper ahd lower parts of the cornea, renders it more convex, and consequently, the object more distinct. He placed a book so close to his eyes that the letters became indistinct; and keeping his eyelids at the dis- tance of nearly half an inch apart, with his fingers, he was un- able by any exertion of his eyes, to perceive the letters distinct- ly!; he tried the same experiment by acting only with the at- tollens palpebram superiorem,. but with the same effect. He then, at the same distance from the book, made an exertion to read, by acting with the orbicularis palpebrarum, so as to bring the Jedges of the eyelids within a quarter of an inch of each other,"''arid discovered that he could see the letters and words very plainly. In another experiment, at the same distance from the book, when the letters became indistinct, he brought * Monroe on the Eye, chap. 3,/?. 96. ( 28 ) thenedges of his eyelids within a quarter of an inch of each 0- ther, and then stretching them with his fingers so as to make pressure upon the upper and lower edges of the cornea, the letters appeared perfectly distinct.* I am disposed, however, to think that the,action of the o- blique muscles, in assisting vision, by passing ,upon, the* ball - ■ " '■■-'" * Dr. Hosack's observations on'vision, do not differ, essentially, from the opinions delivered by Dr. Monroe. He also advocates the action of the external muscles in producing a change in vision; but sornfe of hte inferences are perhaps not perfectly correct. In p4g& 18, of his paper, he asserts, that in consequence of the elongation of the eye, pro- duced by the external muscles, " the media, viz- Thetaqusous, .chry^al- - line, and vitreous humors, through, which the rays pass, are also, length- ened ;.; of consequence, their powers of refraction are. proportionally increased, all which correspond to the general principle." But this opinion does not correspond with the general principles of optics: — For, as no change can take place in the density of the humors, by the elongation oftheir axes, no alteration can be produced in their re>firac- tive powers. If the Doctor alluded to any change in the conformation of their surfaces, this is equally inadmissible, (with the exception of the anterior surface of the aqueous humour.) It is very evident that no alteration pccjirs in the ponvexity of the lens, inconsequence of the ex- ternal pressure ; and unless this was the case, the surfaces, of the, media with which it is in contact, would remain unaffected, and consequently the light would be refracted as before. For every change'which takes place in the direction of the rays, is invariably effected at the surfaces of the refracting bodies. He also attempts to prove that in persons who; squint, the inability of the distorted eye, to. perceive objects dis- ' tinctly at the same distance at which they are visibjest©. the other, de- fends, upon the irregular contraction of the abductor and, ialdd,u.ctor , inuscles.. But this hypothesis is rather inconclusive,, and by no means agrees with the experiments I have adduced in this essay. If those persons who honour this dissertation with a perusal, think that any other arguments are necessary to refute this opinion of Dr. Hosack, I nn st heg leave to refer them to Dr. Smith's optics, and'M. BulFon's remarks upon this Subject, related by Priestley- ; ( 29 ) of the eye, is rather improbable; but even were it admitted, their action, in this way, must be very limited, from the follow- ing considerations : When the pencils of rays, refracted by the humors, arrive at a focus behind the retina, or converge too much, so as to decus- sate before they become incident on its surface ;—(either of which takes place in all cases of indistinct vision not depending upon amaurosis or opacity) in all attempts to remedy this defect, the axisof the chrystalline lens must move in the direction of a line drawn through the axis of vision, and must always observe a position parallel to the pupil and cornea : for if by any force, it is moved sideways, out of the axis, or line drawn thro' the centre of the pupil, or rendered obliquely situated with respect to the pupil and cornea, the rays, in either case, would, by the unequal refraction, fall in a very confused manner on the reti- na. In order therefore, to refract the rays regularly, the chrys- talline lens, pupil and cornea must be parallel to each other, and each of their motions to regulate the focal image, must be uniform. If these motions are produced by pressure upon the eye ball^ that pressure must be of an equal degree of force, on all sides ; and to effect this, the situation of the oblique muscles is very well adapted ; but they can only make an equal degree of pres- sure, when they are in equal states of contraction, and this is seldom or never the case. If the eye is placed obliquely and consequently but one of the oblique muscles in a state of con- traction, and that by this single contraction it pressed upon the eyeball, the vitreous humor would be pressed obliquely against the Jens and ciliary processes, and very much discompose their situation, which certainly does not occur. The same ar- gument may be advanced against any pressure made by the recti muscles} unless they both act, uniformly, together; and when they act in this manner, the pupil is exactly in the centre E ( 3b ) of the eyelids* The orbicularis muscle, Dr. Munroe says, as - sisfs vision by pressing upon the upper and lower edges of the cornea, and thus increases its convexity; but if we contemplate the cornea in this situation, we will find its figure very badly calculated to render vision distinct. Its form, in this case, will be elliptical, resembling the form of an egg divided longitudi- nally; thus its horizontal convexity is lessened and its perpen- dicular convexity increased. The consequence of this kind of figure certainly would be, that all perpendicular objects unless very close to the eye, would appear much smaller than natural, and all those placed horizontally with respect to the eye, would appear confused :—a round object would seem of an oval form, and the rays proceeding from all bodies would be so unequally refracted, that no compleat image could be formed on the reti- na. To prove the correctness of some of the above observations ; I made the following experiment. In a tube, half an inch in dia*- meter, and twenty inches long, I placed transversely, several > pins, at various distances from each other, then fixing my head in one position, and placing my eye very obliquely, I looked through the tube at the most distant pin, and gradually chang- ' ing the conformation of my eye, by viewing each of the pins : in succession, until I came to the last, which was distant near- ly four inches from my eye, I found that I could perceive it •., very distinctly without much exertion, and by fixing my eye in a horizontal direction very much sideways, and looking at the pins through the tube, I always discovered the same result. Sitting opposite to a window, I fixed the tube before, me, firmly, in a horizontal position, and looking through it, so as that the pupil was directly in the centre of the aperture .formed by the eyelids, I then with my fingers, removed the upper and under eyelids, as far from the ball of my eye as possible, and half an inch from each other, and making an exertion, to view the pins in succession as before, I found that I could in this manner discern the nearest pin as distinctly as whe» the orbi- cularis muscle was £t liberty to act. ( 31 ) I next fixed a book so close to my eyes, that the letters be- came indistinct; then moving my eyelids to the edge of the cornea, I stretched them with my fingers so as to make pres- sure upon its upper and lower edges in the manner described by Dr. Monroe, and the letters immediately became more dis- tinct but appeared to me much longer, in the direction of the lines, than natural. The pressure which it was necessary to make ©n the cornea in order to produce this effect, was rather painful, arid we do not find in any ordinary exertions of our eyes, the least degree of painful sensation. From the above experiments, therefore, I am inclined to doubt the action of the external muscles in increasing our sphere of vision; and am disposed to believe that those powers by which the eye is regulated to distances, all exist within the eye itself. That motions occur somewhere in the eye is evi- dent. The causes of those motions I am incapable of demon- stratingj but will beg leave to offer a suggestion of a means by which it is very probable material changes may be effected in the.eye. As the retina intervenes between the ciliary processes and chrystalline lens, the latter cannot possibly be affected by the contraction of the former, without injuring the retina; consequently It cannot be by a motion of the lens, that the eye is adjusted to the distance of objects. Any changes, then, which take place, must be in the convexity of the cornea, and to effect this, there is nothing that I know, so well situated as the ciliary processes. The probability of their possessing a power of muscular contraction has been generally admitted, and their conformation has led me to think that their fibres are arranged round the lens in repeated concentric circles, from the ciliary band to their connection With the retina near the chrystalline lens. The numerous folds into which this mem- brane is drawn, seem to be intended to allow the fibres to con- tract with more ease* for these are probably only present, when the fibres are in a quiescent state, and disappear when they are all in a state of contraction. When each of these fibres contract, ( 32 ) its diameter is lessened in proportion to the contraction, asid the circle of the ciliary band to which they are connected must also be lessened, and consequently the cornea rendered more convex. In this order of things, the change of convexity of the cornea is regularly conducted, as it ought to be, to refract the rays incident upon it, uniformly. For the cornea is perfectly analogous to the object glass of a telescope, and those glasses must always possess a regular degree of convexity, in order m transmit the rays to the other glasses of the telescope, uniform- ly refracted. Those who are of opinion that it would be im- possible for so tough a membrane as the sclerotica, to be af- fected by the ciliary processes, must recollect, that before it arrives at the circumference of the cornea, it becomes much more thin and flexible, than at any other part. That this mode of suiting the eye to different distances, is the same in all animals, is very probable ; for although in the larger and stron- er species of quadrupeds, we may find the sclerotica ex- tremely hard, yet it is very reasonable to conclude, that nature tias endowed their ciliary processes with a muscular irritability suitable to the rest of their system. The precise limits of distinct vision has been made a subject of very great enquiry t Dr. Jurin, particularly, was very suCcess- * ful in his explanations. He places the smallest distance of per- fect vision, at 4, 5, or 6 inches, in the generality of eyes; that ■jsV the distance'at which a pencil of rays will converge jp a phy- (sical point on the retina; and the greatest distance, he deter- termined at 14 feet 5 inches. This last opinion was the result of a calculation depending upon the size of the eye, the refrac- tive property of its humors, and the apparent interval of two stars, whose distance is known. Dr. Porterfield ascertains the greatest distance of correct vision .to be only, 27 inches, ac- cording to his own eye. These very different opinions, led Dr. Priestley to make the following remark; " Several philosophers speak of the farthest as well as the nearest limits of distinct vi- rion—but this language is evidently improper; since, if an ob-. (33) ject be large enough to subtend a sufficient angle at the eye, it .matters not at what distance it be placed, ?febejng- seen with equal distinctness. If persons be not short sighted, they can see by parallel rays, and some even with converging ones. What they mean by the farthest 'limits'of distinct vision, seems ,tp_ be the greatest distance at which a bbols, of a middle ^e4 print, jnay be read. This is plainly Dr. Juiin's meaning, for he says that this limit varies with the size of the print."* But limits 4p4jbtless may be fixed to the distance of objects, under certain circumstances, and from all the experiments related by Doctor Priestley, and others, oh this subject, I would draw the follow- ing conclusions. That all eyes have the power of adjusting ,■ themselves so as to refract pencils of rays-incident on their cor- neas, $q a greater or less degree. That some eyes will conse- quently be able to view an object distinctly, when placed at all the intermediate distances between 4 and 37 inches (which is . the distance that a middle sized print is distinctly visible to my „ own eyes) and other eyes will not perceive the same object at more than 20 inches, or at a less distance-than 7 inches! rThat beyond those limits, objects are only distinct, in proportion to, their subtending angles, and the force with which their rays act on the sensible retina, which, for the most part, depends on the quantity of light reflected from them, and their colour. That in our judgment of the apparent place of objects, we are always liable toerror, and that experience:alone can rectify theseerrors. Dr/Porterfield alledges that the surest way of judging of the distances of objects, is, by observing the angles rnade with the optic axes ; for he compares our eyes to, two > stations from ,whic1i distances are taken, and this he says is the reason that persons blind of one eye* so often fail in snuffing a candle, pouring liquor into a glass, 8cc ,' $ut in viewing very remote objects, this rule will by no means answer ; forthen^the optic angles.are" comparatively too small for the mind t^io'Tm any py* Pncstltij on Optics, vote 2, page 650. ( 34 ) judgment by them ; and when this is the case, the only me- thod, I believe, by Which we can form any judgment of their distance, is in proportion to the confusion of their outlines, and faintness of their colour. This rule has long since been ob- vious to landscape painters. As every part of the human system is subject to various Stages of imperfection and decay, in passing through the different stages of earthly existence, this decay is evident no where more than in the operations of sight. The eyes of children are much smaller than those of adults. Their humors are of but little re- fractive density, and their corneas are much more flexible than at a later period. They are consequently enabled to see at small distances. On the contrary, elderly people see objects at a moderate distance, better than those more contiguous, and this for the following reasons;—The irritability of their mus- cular fibres is much lessened ; every part of their system be- comes more condensed; and the fluids bear a lessproportion to the solids than formerly. The sclerotica, of course, acquires a greater rigidity. The aqueous humor, and fluids contained in the pellucid plates of the cornea are in less quantity, and the cornea, deprived of its usual support, becomes flatter and less fit to refract the rays. The chrystalline lens, in some measure loses its convexity ; a slight degree of opacity also takes place in the humors, and most probably the retina itself, loses, in a certain degree, its former sensibility. Although all these things invariably occur in old age, yet they appear sooner or later, ac- cording to the^situation with respect to health and temperament of different individuals. Some persons have their corneas naturally with too little convexity, and are obliged to remedy that deficiency by convex glasses, which are also used when the chrystalline lens hap- pens to be too fiat. On the other band, the lens and cornea sometimes possess a degeee of convexity disproportionate to. their distance from the retina ; and this defect is remedied by ( 35 ) concave glasses. Eyes of this latter kind are preferable to the former; for as old age advances, they become less plump, and at a time when persons of the former class are obliged to have recourse to glasses more convex, the latter are enabled to lay aside their concave ones entirely. The influence of custom, as in other things, is very evident in vision. If a person is ac- customed, for any considerable length of time, to look at near objects, his eyes will become less sensible to the impression of remote objects, or rather, he will lose the faculty of adjusting his eyes so as to have a proper impression of them on the re- tina. For the same reason, persons who are accustomed to view remote objects, see better at great distances than other people, as is generally the case with seamen, travellers, &c. and engravers, watchmakers, &c perceive contiguous objects better than those at great distances. SECTION V. OF THE SEAT OF VISION. I have hitherto spoken of the retina, as being that part of the eye which receives the impression of the object in order to transmit it to the sensorium: and this opinion prevailed uni- versally for a great length of time, until a very peculiar disco- very of a French writer, led him to embrace a new hypothesis. M. Marriote perceived that there was one particular spot in the retina, which-was totally insensible to the impression of the rays of light. And upon further examination found, that this insensibility existed only at the place where the optic nerve enters the eye-ball. He placed upon a dark wall, a sin all round piece of paper, about the hekhih of his eye,and another ( 36 J piece of the same size, about two feet on the right hand, ra- therjower; then shutting his left eye, he receded gradually, keeping the other eye fixed on the first paper, and when about the distance of 10 or 12 feet from the papers, he instantly lost sight of the second paper; nor was this in consequence of the obliquity of its position with respect to his eye, for he could distinguish objects plainly, situated more obliquely. This ex- periment was improved by M. Peoquet and M. Le Cat; but the most approved manner of performing it at present is as fol- lows : Place three small pieces of paper, as nearly in a horizon- tal line as possible, about two feet apart. Then covering one eye, recede gradually from the papers in an oblique direction, keeping the other eye fixed on the outside paper next the cover- ed eye ; and when arrived at a distance about five times as great as the distance of the papers from each other, the middle one will entirely disappear, because in that situation, the rays fall exactly on the entrance of the optic nerve, and the other two papers will remain visible. This discovery led M. Marriote to suspect, that the defect was owing to the absence of the choroides at the spot wherej-'be optic nerve enters, and conse- quently that vision depended more (if not entirely) on the cho- roides, than the retina :—Another observation confirmed him in this opinion, which was, that the retina is a transparent sub- stance, and of course transmitted the rays ; from which he con- cluded, that it was impossible for any substance to be the pro- per seat of vision, which did not stop the rays in their progress; and he thought that the choroides was best adapted to receive a strong impression of the light. In this opinion he was support- ed by M. le Cat, and afterwards by Mr. Michell, the latter of whom argued, that it is necessary, in order that vision be dis- tinct, that the pencils of rays flowing from the several points of an object, should meet in a focus corresponding in the same number of points, which could only take place on some uni- form surface, and that the retina being uniformly nervous, and almost transparent, does not present a proper surface; and that its thickness would prevent any correct image being formed, C 37 ) because if the rays came to a focus on its surface, they would again diverge, before they passed through, and eXcite mnch confusion. A variety of other objections to the retina are re- lated by Dr. Priestley, who seems to coincide in the opinion of Mr. Michell. But 1 really think that the latter, in attempting to advocate the choroides, has indirectly supplied us with many arguments in favour of the retina. Particularly the following ~. —In the first place, he contends, that if the image is made by direct rays on the nearest surface of the retina, a great degree of confusion must arise from the light reflected from the cho- roides, in animals in which it is white ©r coloured; and it would be impossible for vision to take place at all, if the retina receives the impression from the choroides, in animals in which it is quite black ; and yet he says all those animals see more distinctly than others, in whom it is of a lighter colour; and vision is most probably governed by the same laws in all animals. A second argument is, that no membrane in the system, is better suited to receive a compleat impression of external objects, than the choroides ; and on the other hand, the retina receives a very faint impression or none at all. For he supposes that light is not in the least acted upon by the re- tina, as its density cannot be greater than that of the vitreous humor. He then goes on to advance, as very favourable to bis theory, the great diversity of colour of the choroides, in dif- ferent animals. For example,—-Those terrestrial animals in which it is - necessary to see by night, possess it of a white colour or nearly so:—Birds of prey, such as eagles, hawks, Scc~ ^requiring a very acute state of vision, have it of a very black colour; and in a great variety of quadrupeds, it is of va- rious shades of green or blue ;—Lastly, in man, who requires an accuracy in vision, at a medium between the rest of animat- ed nature, the choroides is not so black as that of the eagle, nor so-white as that .of. the cat* And Mr. Michell also asserts tha* the choroides is abundantly supplied with nerves, sufficient to jxansmitany impression made on it, to the sensorium. But . - . Ft " ' ( 36 ) Mr. Michell's opinion of the thickness and transparency of the retina was certainly erroneous. According to Dr. Monroe, the optic nerves, after entering the eyeballs to form the retina, change from a white to a cineritious colour.* The distance of the retina from the choroides is extremely small, and if we con- sider the great number of vessels every where interspersed over its'outer surface, supported by a membrane analogous to the pia mater, we will find that a very small part of that dis- tance is occupied by the retina; from which I must conclude that a pencil of rays meeting in the smallest physical point on the retina, cannot affect it materially, when incident on its surface, although it may, as Mr. Michell supposes, diverge from that point before it meets with the choroides. With respect to the slight transparency of the retina not favouring the impression of the image, I must only observe, that it is only necessary for the finest ray of light possible, to be incident on the surface of so delicate and sensible a mem- brane as the retina, to excite the motion of the nervous influ- ence. That its thickness is so small, it is of no consequence whether or not the rays incident on its surface diverge or con- verge, before they meet with the choroides, because they are then beyond every instrument of sensation by which the im- pression of such divergency or convergency could be carried to the sensorium, and there produce a confused idea of the cor- rect image present on the retina; and, that as in all animals, in which a distinct vision is necessary, the choroides is black, so in man we find it nearly so, and this in order that any acci- dental rays which fall upon it, may not be reflected back on the retina, and render confused the correct image already repre- sented on its surface. But in animals who possess a very light coloured choroides, it is probable that a different order of things takes place. All those kinds of animals are impelled by fiature to seek their food by night, or in places where very little * Monroe on the Eye, chap. 3, p. 93. ( 39 ) light is admitted, and all the objects of their prey are most ge- nerally of a dark colour. Every part of their choroides reflect- ing back to the retina, all the light incident on its surface, must there excite an uniform sensation to which I believe it is always subject when exposed to the light: for which reason they are very careful to avoid luminous objects, which always in them, produces painful sensation. As I have observed repeatedly in cats, when I exposed their eyes to a white wall illuminated by the sun, that their pupils instantly became perfectly closed. When a cat, for instance, has discovered, in the night, a bird or a mouse, these bodies reflecting very little or no light, a proportional quantity of her choroides is darkened, and of course a certain portion of the retina is devoid of the sensation of light, which I believe would allow the sensorium to judge of the presence of the object as well as if the contrary state of things was to take place. In those of the quadruped tribe, whose choroides are green, they are found naturally to subsist on herbage, and although it may destroy a perfect accuracy of vision, with respect to all colours except green, yet it certainly assists them in seeking a species of food which is so uniformly of a green colour. Indeed we may derive a very strong argu- ment in favour of the retina, by considering the great analogy between it and the nerve of hearing, which is also spread through the vestibulum and cochlea, in a fine medullary tunic : add to this that in the disease of amaurosis, and in diseases in which, in consequence of inflammation or any other cause, the optic nerves are compressed, vision is compleatly destroyed. The above opinions in favour of the retina are nearly those of M. de la Hire, from all which I would infer :—That the cho- roides acts a very important part in vision. That its colour is admirably suited to the situation and habits of each tribe of the animal creation, and that the retina alone is tbe medium through which they can have any idea of the presence of ob- jects. Various opinions have been given by authors respecting the manner in which we judge of the correct position of objects ( 40 ) when they are inverted on the retina. Some referring it to a principle of instinct, by which the mind judges that each pen- cil of rays proceeded from the opposite side,—others, that we trace the light in perpendicular lines from the place of the im- age on the retina. But the circumstance of the medullary fi- bres of the nerves decussating each other at the corpus annu- lare, and beginning of the medulla spinalis, has led me to believe that a similar decussation takes place of the medullary fibres of the retina, at the entrance of the optic nerves into the eye balls, and if this be the case, the inverted impressions of objects on the retina would be transmitted to the sensorium, in the contra- ry, and consequently their correct position. If each fibre of the retina is so small as the 36-400 part of a hair as Dr. Mon- roe* mentions, it will be impossible ever to ascertain this point of anatomy, by any microscopical researches. * Monroe on Osteol. page 328. To the Medical Professors of this University, I must now beg leave, to address myself, by assuring them, that the infor- mation I have derived from the useful and important instruc- tion which their lectures, at all times, afforded, will be es- teemed and cherished by me as my most valuable acquisition : and that their individual politeness and attention to me, during my stay in Philadelphia, will be always held in the most grate- ful remembrance. wz XI0 c<) .' •..'.•.■ ' ■'■■ - *i :■■■ " :.,sjiffi 'r . ":■'£ ''•■! '■! iX'i';';J; It'lv 'V *-' • -l X;tk. 'X^>W,i,'. w x- \,? JX'-: >•:?. X: XXX•: :^'aS)liS*Sa« ■W.M Mi! ^xx;iw§i V'1 % '■ i. \.\. ••',■ •.A -'/.vS' :>x ,.xvi*rxi i.- X V •' *.''?;