* 5^ r. i? :s Surgeon General's Office -^ JT- Tfik VD L i «*. A.« fi 7'*ntu9frj€ THE PHILOSOPHY EXPERIMENTS L < "HE JJISTRY IN TWO VOLUMES-. BY JAMES CUTBCJSH, I'roA-ssor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Natural Philosophy in St. John's College, Pliiladelphia, President of the Columbian Chemical Society, &c. &c VOLUME I. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY ISAAC PEIRCE, NO. 3, SOUTH FOURTH STREET. Merritt, Printer, Watkin's-alley. 1813. District of Pen-i ,;,;\ama, to ?;•*'„' ; BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the fifth day of December in the thirtv-scvenlh year of the Independence of the United States of Amelia, A. J). 1812, ISAAC PEIRCE, of the said Dis- trict, hath deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit: The Philosophy of Experimental Chemistry. In two volumes. By James Cutbush, Professor of Chemis- try, Mineralogy, and Natural Philosophy in St. John's College, Philadelphia, President of the Columbian Chemical Society, &c. life. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, uitled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprie- tors of such copies during the times therein mentioned. And also to the act, entitled, "An act supplementary to an act, entitled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of" such copies during the time therein mentioned," and extending the .jenefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching islurical and otlier prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania TO'THE PROFESSORS AND STCDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND THE TRUSTEES OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, THIS WORK, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. PART I. PAGt 1 PART II. Of chemical affinity Of light - • 33 PART III. Of caloric ------ 54 PART IV. Of the gases in general - - - - 82 Section I. Of the preparation of oxygen gas - - 85 II. Of the preparation of carbonic acid gas - 89 III. Of the preparation of gaseous oxyd of carbon 91 IV. Of the preparation of hydrogen gas . - 92 V. Of the preparation of sulphuretted hydrogen gas 93 VI. Of the preparation of light carburetted hy- drogen gas - - - - 95 VII. Of the preparation of heavy carburetted hy- drogen gas - - - - 97 VIII. Of the preparation of arseniurettedhvdrogen gas 98 IX Of the preparation of phosphuretted hydrogen gas 99 X. Of the preparation of ammoniacal gas - 101 XI. Of the preparation of sulphurous acid gas - ib. XII. Of the preparation of nitric oxyd gas - 103 XIII. Of the preparation of azotic gas - 104 XIV. Of the preparation of nitrous oxyd gas - 106 XV. Of the preparation of muriatic acid gas - 108 XVI. Of the preparation of oxygenized muriatic acid gas - ... 109 XVII. Of the preparation of fluoric acid gas. - 111 PART V. Of the properties of the gases - - 112 Section I. Of oxygen gas - 112 II. Of carbonic acid gas - - - 120 III Of gaseous oxyd of carbon - - - 125 IV. Of hydrogen gas - - 123 V- Of sulphuretted hydrogen gas - - 136 VI. Of light carburetted hydrogen gas - - 241 VII. Of heavy carburetted hydrogen gas - 144 VIII. Of arseniuretted hydrogen gas • . 146 IX. Of phosphuretted hydrogen gas - - 149 X. Of ammoniacal gas > 152 XI. Of sulphurous acid gas ♦ 157 A 2 CONTEXTS Sect.XII. Of nitric oxyd gas XIII. Of azotic gas XIV. Of nitrous oxyd gas XV. Of muriatic acid gas XVI. Of oxygenized muriatic acid gas XVII. Of fluoric acid gas PART VI. Of atmospheric air. Of water PART VII. Of simple combustibles Section I. Of carbon II. Of phosphorus III. Of sulphur IV. Of boracium V. Of hydrogen PART VIII. Of alkalies Section 1. II. III. Of earths Division I. Section I. II. III. IV. Division II. Section I. II. III. IV. V. PART IX. Of potash Of soda Of ammonia PART X. Of alkaline earths Of lime Of magnesia Of ban tes Of stroutian Of the earths Of alumina Ofyltria Of glucina Of zirconia Of silica proper Of soaps Section I. n. HI. PART XI. Of alkaline soaps Of earthy soap* Of metallic soaps PART XII. Of stone ware PART XIII. Oi glass . PART XLV. Of hydrosulphurets ' . 161 169 172 178 182 193 198 207 224 224 235 246 253- 55.5 256 259 275 281 289 295 295 505 310 316 319 319 326 328 330 332 o35 335 339 341 342 348 353 INTRODUCTION. A.LTHOUGH there are many excellent works on chemistry calculated for the student as well as for the professional chemist, yet, considering that they are either too extensive or elementary, the idea of a work embracing the most important matter of each, together with all the modern discoveries and improvements of the science, suggested itself to the author; while, there- fore, in the formation of a book of this kind, the lead- ing doctrines were kept in view, he considered, that as chemistry is a science founded wholly on facts, the sub- ject would be the better treated in experiment, ration- ale, and remark. He would not presume to point out defects in any hemical work; as every treatise possesses merit either in the plan, arrangement, number of facts, or subject matter. Nor would he say, that, to the student, this work was better calculated than any other. It may be remarked, however, that every department is treat- ed with that extent which a book of this size admits, in order to embrace the subjects of chemistry, as well the practice as the rationale, in experiments, theory, and observations. By this means particular experi- ments, either in relation to some chemical fact, pre- paration, characteristic property, or remarkable phe- nomena, become familiar; and when they tend to any useful application, particularly to the arts, their impor- tance is pointed out. The design of the work, there- Vlll fore, will appear on inspection. We have in the Eng- lish language several valuable and extensive works on chemistry, besides a number of elementary treatises. The works of Thomson and Murray do honour to these philosophers, and to the country which gave them birth. In the French, many valuable systems and journals of chemistry have appeared. In the German also, several treatises have been written, which possess an equal share of merit. In the United States, since the introduction of science, it is by no means surprising that chemistry should have been so zealously cultivated; as it opens an extensive field for contemplation and study, and as its application to the arts and manufactures is impor- tant, it promises to be of the most essential advantage to all classes of the community. The well informed people of America, who happily constitute the majority, have appreciated the value of knowledge; and we hope that the time will soon ar- rive, when chemistry will become a general study throughout the union. Several original works have, accordingly, appeared, and some editions of European treatises have been published with revisions, correc- tions, and additions by our countrymen. The Chemi- cal and Economical Essays of Pennington, the edition of Chaptul enlarged by the late James Woodhouse, M. D. professor of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, that of Henry's Chemistry by professor Silliman, of Yale College, with some others, evince, not only the learning and talents of our countrymen, but a growing taste for the encouragement of learning, and the acquisition of chemical knowledge. Besides these, in the Transactions of our societies, and in the Journals, or periodical works, several valuable papers have appeared. The genius of the medical students of the University of Pennsylvania, in particular, has been shown in a number of excellent Inaugural Disserta- tions ; some of which have added to the improvement of chemical science. IX The first teacher of chemistry, was Dr. Benja- min Rush, now professor of the Institutes and Prac- tice of Physic, and of Clinical Practice in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. He may be justly styled the father of chemistry in America. He commenced a course of lectures on this science in the then college of Philadelphia; and although chemistry at that day may be said to have been in its infancy, yet the Doctor did honour to the chair, the school, and his country. We now speak of him only as a chemist. We do not mean to recount his worth, nor his talents; they are sufficiently known. But we mean to say, that he then published a syllabus of his course, which embraced all the discoveries of the time ; that he made a num- ber of chemical investigations, with an accurate ana- v lysis of the mineral waters of Bath (to the truth of which the author can attest by his own experiments) as well as of other waters; and that he made a care- ful analysis of Dr. Martin's celebrated cancer powder, an account of which may be seen in his works. He was followed in that chair, which he resigned, by Dr. Caspar Wistar, now professor of Anatomy, who filled it with perfect satisfaction. Dr. Carson then succeeded, but he died, I believe, soon af- ter he was appointed. He was followed by Dr. Hut- chinson, who also gave satisfaction: to him succeed- ed Dr. Woodhouse, who, as an experimenter, was unequalled, and after him, the present professor, Dr. John Redman Coxe, whose talents are well known. The advancement of chemistry in our city, as well us of medicine and philosophy generally, is also indebt- ed to other institutions. The American Philosophical Society, which was formed out of two literary societies that had previously existed, in the year 1769, who have already published several volumes of Transactions ; ihe College of Physicians, which was instituted in 1787, who have also published; the Medical Society formed in 1771; the Chemical Society, under the patronage of Doctors Seybert and Woodhouse, which has since been dissolved; the Linnean Society,institut- ed under the presidency of the learned Dr. Benjamin X Smith Barton; the Columbian Chemical Society, formed principally in 1811, by Dr. Thomas D. Mit- chell, and George F. Lehman; the Medical Ly- ceum; the Academy of Natural Science, instituted by Dr. Jared Troost; all show the zeal for useful knowledge, and philosophical inquiry. Other institutions, for promoting literary subjects generally, have also been established. Dr. Joseph Parrish was the first who delivered a private course of chemistry in Philadelphia. He was succeeded in the same establishment by Dr. Edward CuTBUsH,and the author, in the winter of 1810, and after- wards by the Doctor alone. For the introduction of popular chemistry, the citizens of Philadelphia arc also indebted to Doctors Rogers and Jones, and to Mr. Benjamin Tucker, who have taught chemistry with much zeal and talents. The school establishment, formed out of the Luther- an congregation of the church of St. John, have, agreeably to their plan, instituted several professor- ships, prior to the enlargement of that seminary, one of which, that of chemistry, mineralogy, and natural phi- losophy, they have conferred on the author. He is there- fore engaged in delivering a course on these sciences. Nor can we in justice pass over other institutions of chemical science. Thomas Cooper, Esq. professor of chemistry in the college at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, is one of those to'whom we are indebted for the promo- tion and cultivation of this science. Since the esta- blishment of medical schools, besides the University of Pennsylvania, which reflects so much honour on our country, the institution of professorships of chemistry ,. has formed a necessary appendage. In the University V of Maryland, Dr. De Butts, with honour to himself, and credit to the school, fills the professorship. In Columbia College, New-York, Dr. Stringham; in the College of Physicians and Surgeons Dr. Mac Nevan, and in the Medical Institution of the same city, Mr. John Griscom ; who are distinguished for their talents in the cultivation of chemical sci- ence. XI With respect to the cultivation of science, and the formation of the juvenile mind, a considerable defect has existed in the education of youth. ^ That, while the intellect is in the act of formation, as ideas are acquired through the medium of the senses, such studies or branches of knowledge should be preferred, whose ef- fects are the most extensive, and whose application is the most useful. The honourable Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill, professor of Natural History in the Uni- versity of New York, in a letter whichthe author had the honour of receiving from him, gives a preference to the improvement of morals, and the cultivation of the physical and natural sciences, to the classical course of dead languages, and the fabulous zoology, terres* trial and celestial, with which those tongues abound. Among these studies, as one of the physical sciences, the Doctor recommends chemistry. The improvement of education, by the introduction of the physical sciences, has within a few years been attended to; and since the introduction of the Pestallo- zian system,* the attention of the public mind has been drawn to this laudable endeavour. It would be an injustice to my feelings, while on this subject, were I to omit to mention the zeal, talents, and indus- try of several of our countrymen in this undertaking. The establishment of a society in this city for the pro- motion of a Rational System of Education, under the presidency of John Goodman, Esq. is one of those attempts to bring about a reformation in school educa- tion ; and among the number who have largely con- tributed to this subject, I would mention with pleasure the names of John Greiner and Daniel Braeuti- gam, whose talents and knowledge have added conside- rably towards the improvement. * The system taught by Mr. Neef appears to be a modifica- tion of Pestallozian, if we may judge from some European publi-. cations. DESCRIPTION OF THE FRONTISPIECE. In order to conduct a number of experiments on a small scale, a lamp furnace is indispensably neces- sary. It consists of a brass rod, fastened to a piece of metal, furnished with rings of different diameters, and thumb screws, to raise or lower the lamp and rings when in use. By this furnace evaporation, diges- tion, solutions sublimation, distillation, and other pro- cesses, which require a low temperature, may be per- formed. THE PHILOSOPHY of'1 EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY. PART I. OF CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Experiment 1. If equal parts, by weight, of sul- phur and mercury be introduced into a crucible, and in this situation exposed to a sufficient heat; a compound « will be formed, called sulphuret of mercury. Experiment 2. Mix together sulphur and potash, and throw them into water; the sulphur will separate. If the same articles be put into a crucible and melted, and then thrown into water, the sulphur, as well as the potash, will he dissolved. 'Rationale. In the first experiment we have an in- stance of chemical action, as well as of single affinity, for the sulphur and mercury would remain separate if heat was not applied. In consequence of this agent, they unite into an uniform whole, totally inseparable by mechanical means, and possessing characters distinct from either of its constituent parts. A 2 In the second experiment, the union of sulphur with potash is effected by heat; for if a sulphuret was not formed, no solution of the sulphur would take place. Hence it is, that chemical action is the consequence of a power, without which it could never ensue, and with which it always acts in unison ; this power is affinity. Remark. Chemistry is a science, which has for its object to discover the constituent principles of bodies, the result of ihc various combinations, and the laws by which those combinations are affected. Its operations, being either analytical or synthetical, consist of com- position, or decomposition. The laws which govern chemical changes have been resolved into those of at- traction or affinity. Affinity of composition or chemical af- finity differs from that of aggregation, or cohesion or corpuscular attraction, by acting upon matter of a differ- ent kind; or by taking place between the ultimate con- stituent parts of bodies, producing by its action, sub- stances possessing properties frequently very different, and sometimes contrary to those of the constituent parts. There are several circumstances to be. considered in these inquiries, as 1. In what manner chemical affinity takes place ; 2. In what proportion bodies are susceptible of combining; 3. Under what conditions; 4. With what degree of force they unite. These inquiries, however, will be more fully dis- cussed in future. While the attraction of aggregation exerts its influ- ence upon large masses, chemical affinity acts precise- ly on the reverse. That power which tends to preserve the annual and diurnal motion of the earth, and the planets, in order, Newton demonstrated was attraction. This acts at sensible distances, while chemical affinity acts at insensible distances. Chemical affinity has the following character: 1. It acts only at insensible distances, and of course affects only the particles of bodies. 3 2. Its force is always the same in the same particles, but it is different in different particles. 3. This difference is modified considerably by the mass. Consequently, in every instance in compelling the affinities of two bodies for a tlvrd, a more feeble affinity, in one of the two compa ed, will be found to be compensated by increasing its quan'tii-j. If A have a greater affinity for C than B has, if the mass of B, be greatly increased while that of A remains unchanged, B becomes capable of taking part of C from A*. Barytes, for instance, has a stronger affinity than potash for muriatic acid; but, if a combination of baryteg and muriatic acid, be boiled in contact with a large quantity of potash, the potash will detach a part of the muriatic acid from the barytes, in direct pro- portion to its quantity. According to Berthollet,* the absolute weight of any body, multiplied by its affinity, constitutes its mass; and bodies act not by their affinities, abstractly considered, but by their mass; a larger mass compensating a weaker affinity. There- fore, in the opinion of Berthollet, affinity is not elective, according to the old doctrine of professor Bergman, and never occasions decomposition, but only combination. The decompositions which take place, are attributed by him to other causes, such as insolubility, elasticity, 8tc. In the old doctrine, affinity is el, ct-.ve, that is, if A has a stronger affinity for O than B has; and if O be com- bined with B, forming a compound which we represent by O B, A, upon being mixed with this compound, has the property of separating B completely from O, and taking its place, so as to form a compound, O A, while B is entirely disengaged. Though the observations of Berthollet, no doubt, are founded in truth, for which he has the concurring testimomy of experiment, yet we are inclined to believe, that some parts of his doctrine require additional proof to render them perfectly ad- missible. * Researches into the Laws of Affinity. 4 In the experiments already given, the sulphur and mercury unite, and form a compound differing from either the sulphur or the mercury. This takes place by virtue of single affinity. In the second experiment, the action of heat also promotes chemical affinity. The sulphur then, is united with the potash, by single affinity, forming sul- phuret of potash, a compound which is soluble in water. Other experiments will be given hereafter. What is termed the laws of chemical affinity are formed out of a great number of facts, which are the result of certain invariable phenomena, namely, 1. Chemical affinity can ensue between a number of bodies, simple or compound, and unite them chemi- cally into one whole. 2. The efficacy of chemical affinity is in an inverse ratio to that of corpuscular attraction. 3. The agency of chemical affinity, is influenced by temperature; its action is either accelerated, retarded, prevented, or rendered efficacious. 4. Chemical affinity is accompanied by a change of temperature at the instant of its action. 5. The agency of chemical affinity existing between two or more bodies, may be dormant, until it is called into action by the interposition of another body, which frequently exerts no energy upon any of them in a se- parate state. 6. The ratio of the energy of chemical affinity act- ing between various bodies, is dift'erent in different substances. 7. The agency of chemical affinity, is either limited or unlimited, in certain bodies: in other words, chemi- cal affinity is capable of uniting bodies in definite, or indefinite proportions. # 8. The energy of chemical affinity of different bodies, is modihed in proportion to the ponderable quantities of the bodies placed within the sphere of ac- tion. It may not be improper to add, that Mr. Davy has ascertained that all bodies, which have a chemical affi- 5 nity fov each other, are even in opposite states of elec- tricity, and that the natural affinities may be destroyed or modified, by inducing a change in the electrical states of bodies by artificial means. Experiment 3. Eight parts of bismuth, five of lead, and three of tin, melted in a crucible, affords an alloy which melts at 212°. A tea spoon formed of this me- tal will melt in boiling water. Experiment 4. Two parts of lead, three of tin, and one of mercury, form a compound, which melts at a heat even less than boiling water. Experiment 5. Equal parts of lead, zinc, and bismuth', combined in the same manner, may be kept in fusion over a lamp. Rationale. In these experiments the metals have their capacity for caloric altered, and produce com- pounds, whose characteristic properties are different) from those of their constituent parts. They are intend- ed to prove the truth of law 1. Other proofs might al- so be adduced. Experiment 6. Mix together supertartrate of potasfi with carbonate of potash, in a mortar, no action will en- sue ; add warm water, and an effervescence will im- mediately take place. Rationale. This experiment is in proof of law 2, in. which chemical action takes.place only on the addition of water, which brings the particles into contact. The tartaric acid, of the supertartrate, unites with the potash added, whilst the carbonic acid, of the carbonate, takes the gaseous form. The compound formed, is the neu- tral tartrate of potash. Tin and nitrate of copper will also exhibit this law. Experiment 7. Equal parts oimuriate of ammonia and carbonate of magnesia, mixed together with six parts of water, and exposed to the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, will mutually decompose each other. Experiment 8. But if equal quantities of muriate of magnesia and carbonate of ammonia be exposed to a tem- perature of 200° in about four parts of water, the pro- A 2- 6 ducts will be muriate of ammonia aftd carbonati: of magnesia. Rationale. These experiments are in proof of law 3. At the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, muriate of ammonia and carbonate of magnesia decompose each other : the muriatic acid of the muriate of ammonia, will pass to the magnesia, forming muriate of magnesia, and the carbonic acid of the carbonate of magnesia will unite with the ammonia, and form carbonate of am- monia. In the second experiment, in which muriate of magnesia and carbonate of ammonia are concerned, the increment of temperature produces a decomposition. The muriatic acid of the muriate, unites with the am- monia of the carbonate of ammonia, and forms muriate of ammonia, whilst the carbonic acid of the carbonate, unites with the magnesia of the muriate of magnesia, and produces carbonate of magnesia. Consequently, by an increase of temperature, the affinity of composi- tion is changed, and the products are muriate of am- monia and carbonate of magnesia. Other experiments, proving the same fact, will be noticed hereafter. Remark. The proofs of law 4. will be found in the experiments on heat. Experiment 9. Mix iron filings and water together, no action will ensue, but add sulphuric acid, and the filings will be dissolved. Rationale. In this c.-.se the sulphuric acid promotes the chemical action. If iron filings were introduced into concentrated sulphuric acid, no action would take place; but on the addition of water, a violent efferves- cence would result. In the latter case, the water is the coni.'i i m necessary to accelerate the chemical action. As soon as the sulphuric acid comes in contact with t?ie iron filings and water, or as soon as the water is atfded to the sulphuric acid and iron filings, decompo- sition commences. The oxygen of the water, oxydizes die metal, which is then taken up by the acid, whilst We hydrogen of the water is set at liberty. 7 Experiment 10. Make a solution of silver in nitric acid, it will form a nitrate of silver; to which add mercury, and the silver will be precipitated. Experiment 11. To the fluid of the last experiment, which is now a nitrate of mercury, introduce a piece of sheet lead; the lead will be dissolved, and the mercury become precipitated. Experiment 12. To the fluid of the last experiment which is now a nitrate of lead, introduce pieces of copper. The lead will be precipitated, and the copper take its place. Experiment 13. To the result of the last experi- ment, which is now a nitrate of copper, immerse pieces of sheet iron, and the copper will be precipitated. Expe-riment 14. To the fluid which now remains, add zinc in pieces, and the iron will become precipi- tated. The fluid is now a nitrate of zinc. Experiment 15. If to the nitrate of zinc of the last experiment, carbonate of potash be added, the zinc will be separated, and the potash take its place, forming NITRATE OF POTASH. Rationale. In all these experiments, which are in- tended to illustrate law 6th, we are presented with the changes which bodies undergo from one state to an- other, when under the operation of chemical action. Although, agreeably to the old doctrine of affhuty, elective attraction is the cause of these changes, yet according to the theory of Berthollet there is not a total transfer of the base, but that a division is made between the two opposite attracting substances, in a compound ratio of the relative force of affinity and quantity of each. It is plain, however, that if the doctrine of professor Bergman, as it stands, be adopted, the mercury has a greater affinity for the nitric acid than the silver, lead than the mercury, copper than the lead, iron than the copper, zinc than the iron, and potash a still stronger affinity. We ought to remark, however, that these affinities, with an exception to the last, are affected also by corresponding affinities for oxygen; for all metals. 8 previously to solution, must be oxydized, either before or in the act of solution: and, of course, when the metal is precipitated, its oxygen, which was necessary to its solution, must be transferred to the other metal, which is to take its place. But in the last experiment a mu- tual decomposition ensues; the nitric acid unites with the potash, whilst the carbonic acid combines with the oxyd of zinc, which is precipitated. Experiment 16 Alcohol, when mixed with water, will combine with it in any proportion. Remark. This experiment is in illustration of law 7. Experiment 17. Take one ounce of muriatic acid, dilute it with water, and add by degrees some chalk, or magnesia, either a super muriate or a muriate of lime, or magnesia, (if it be used) will be formed, ac- cording to the quantity added. Remark. When the acid will dissolve no more, it is said to be saturated. Rationale. This is a combination of lime, or magne- sia, with muriatic acid : if a smaller portion than is necessary to saturate the acid be added, it forms a su- persalt; if the combination is at its maximum, the result is a neutral salt. If more chalk, or magnesia, is used than is necessary to complete the saturation, instead of being taken up, it will fall to the bottom. It is on this account, that water can dissolve only a certain quantity of salt, spirit of wine a certain quantity of rezin, &c. Remark Chemical affinity is of three kinds, viz. simple affinity, compound affinity, and disposing affinity. That power, which tends to preserve the component parts of a body in union, is called by Mr. Kirwan the quiescent affinity, and, on the contrary, the attraction which tends to destroy the original compound, is called the divellent affinity. Experiment 18. Put acetate of potash into a retort, pour muriatic acid upon it, and apply heat; acetic acid will be expelled. Experiment 19. If nitric acid be added to the residue of the last experiment, and heat applied, the MuaiATfc 9 acib will be disengaged, and the nitric acid take its place. Experiment 20. If sulphuric acid be now added, and heat again applied, the nitric acid will be expelled, and the sulphuric acid remain in possession of the alkali. Rationale. These changes take place in consequence of simple affinity, as follows: The acetic acid is united with the potash by virtue of chemical affinity. When it is exposed to heat in contact with muriatic acid, the former combination is destroyed, and a new one, composed of muriatic acid and potash, is formed. The potash has, therefore, a greater affinity for muriatic acid, than it has for the acetic. When nitric acid is added to the muriate of potash, thus formed, the mu- riatic acid in like manner is expelled, and a nitrate of potash remains. When this is treated with sulphuric acid, the nitric acid is disengaged, and a compound consisting of sulphuric acid and potash is the result. Thus the acetate of potash, is finally converted into the sulphate of potash. Experiment 21. Dissolve the compound last formed in water, and add thereto a solution of acetate if lead, a decomposition will take place; on filtering the liquor and evaporating it, acetate of potash (provided all the sulphate was decomposed) will be reproduced. kationale. This effect ensues in consequence of double or compound affinity, which will be presently noticed; suffice it to add, that the acetic acid is trans- ferred from the lead to the potash. Experiment 22. If into a solution of sul/ihate of am- monia, there be poured nitric acid, no decomposition is produced ; but if a solution of nitrate of potash be poured in, we obtain by evaporation two new bodies, sulphate of potash and nitraie of ammonia. Rationale. In this experiment, the addition of nitrate of potash decomposes the sulphate of ammonia, by com- pound affinity. The sulphuric acid possessesa stronger affinity for the potash, than it has for the ammonia, con- sequently, sulphate of potash is first formed. The nitric acid in its turn unites with the ammonia* and 10 forms nitrate of ammonia. The sulphuric acid then attracts the potash, and the nitric acid attracts the am- monia. As both salts are soluble, they produce no visible phenomena; but on evaporation, the laws of crystallization separates them in separate states. Experiment 23. If into a solution of sulphate of zinc, a piece of lead be immersed, no effect will follow ; but if to a solution of sulphate of zinc, acetate of lead in solution be added, an immediate decomposition will result, and one of the products be precipitated. Rationale. In this case the sulphuric acid of the sul- phate of zinc passes to the lead, for which it has an affinity, while the acetic acid of the acetate of lead unites with the zinc, and constitutes the acetate of zinc, which remains in solution. • The following scheme will exhibit the changes that occur in this experiment : Acetate of Zinc. _______________A Sulphate of C z[nc and Acetic acid | acetate zinc, consist- < SuI h add and lead ^ of lead . mg of L___l_______v__________J Sulphate of Lead. The original compounds are included in the vertical brackets; and the horizontal brackets points out the new ones, viz. acetate of zinc and sulphate of lead. The point of the bracket turning upwards denotes that the acetate of zinc remains in solution; and, by that of the lower one being directed downwards, it is meant to express, that the sulphate of lead falls down, or is precipitated. As it respects the opinions of Berthollet on the sub- ject of double affinity, it appears that it is equally in- fluenced by the circumstance of ejuantity, with those of single affinity. Experiment 24. Add the solutions of sulphate of soda and nitrate of lime together, a mutual decomposition will ensue. Rationale. In this case, as in the former, a double exchange of principle takes place: the sulphuric acid. 11 passes to the lime, forming sulphate of lime, and the nitric acid passes to the soda, and produces nitrate of soda. Remark. In order to shew in what manner the terms quiescent and divtllent affinities arc applied, and, conse- quently, the force of attraction, (provided the theory be true, which however has been modified) let vis in- troduce the following diagram. Original Compound. ________A__________ Soda Result. J 7 Divellent Nitrate^ of soda. 8 Sulphuric acid Attractions g £ 13 Result. [Sulphate i of lime. Nitric acid ^ Lime. "V- Original Compound. Nitrate" of Lime. If, to separate the acid from the soda, we add some lime, in order to make it combine with the acid, we shall fail in our attempt, because the soda and the sul- phuric acid attract each other by a force, which is (by way of supposition) represented by the number 8 ; while the lime tends to unite w ith this acid by an affinity equal only to the number 6. It is plain, therefore, that the sulphate of soda will not be decomposed, since a force equal to 8 can not be overcome by a force equal only to 6. Again, if we attempt to decompose the salt by nitric acid, which tends to combine with soda, we shall be also unsuccessful, as nitric acid unites with the alkali by a force equal only to T. But, if nitrate 12 of lime be added, the constituents of which arc united by a power equal to 4, a decomposition will ensue; be- cause the numbers 8 and 4 shew, that the sum is less than 8 and 6, which represent the degrees of affinity of the two new compounds, that will in consequence be formed. Experiment 25. Pour a little water into a vial con- taining about an ounce of olive oil, and shake them to- gether, no union will take place ; but if caustic potash be now added, and the vial shaken, a combination will be formed. Rationale. In this case the alkali promotes the union of the oil and water, serving as a bond as it were between the two ; the compound, thus formed, is the soap ok potash, or soft soap. Remark. This effect is produced by disposing affinity, in which two bodies, having no tendency to unite of themselves, combine in consequence of the addition of a third substance. If to the compound, so formed, an acid be added, the disposing affinity is destroyed, be- cause the acid and alkali unite, and the oil and water are separated. Experiment 26. Proceed as in the last experiment,but with the addition of caustic soda, the compound result- ing therefrom will be of a firmer consistence, and, if exposed to the air, will gradually become hard, form- ing the soap of soda, or hard soap. Rationale. The same affinity takes place in this as in the other experiment. Experiment 27. Pour oil on water, no union will ensue; but add liquid ammonia, and the oil will become united with the water, as in the former experiments, forming the soap of ammonia, or volatile liniment. Rationale. The same as the preceding. It may not be improper in this place to offer some remarks on affinity as it respects gases, liquids, and solids. The mutual mixture, which some of the gases exhi- bit when brought into contact with each other, is similar to what happens when liquids are mixed together. Mr, 13 ©alton observes, that this effect is owing entirely to the difference between the size of the particles of different gases. Several gases again, when mingled together lose their former state of existence, and new products possessing peculiar properties are generated. The following are examples of this kind. Products. ~ -iv C nitrous acid. Oxyeren with nitrous eas < . . , ;& ° £ nitric acid. f~vapour liquid ammonia. j muriatic acid muriate of ammonia. , . ., J fluoric acid fluate of ammonia. Ammonia with < , • • , . c j carbonic acid carbonate ot ammonia. | sulphuretted hydrosuiphuretof am- L_ hydrogen monia. Other gases are united only under particular cir- cumstances, as by co nbustion, passing them through a red heat,or by the electric shock. Amo.ig these are, Products. "hydrogen water di'ionic oxyd carbonic acid. azote nitric acid. muriatic acid oxvmuriat'c acid.' Oxviren with J ■ • , • • • Jb j oxymunatic hyperoxymunatic acid acid. sulphurous acid sulphuric acid. r.itrous oxyd nitric acid. When gaseous bodies unite, they unite either in equal bulks of each, or two or three p«rts by bulk of one, unite with one part by bulk of the oilier, as ap- pears from the following table. Compounds. Constituents by bulk. Muriate of ammonia 100 ammoniacal 100 nuir. acid gas Carbonate of ammonia 100 do. 100 carb. acid gas Snbca'bonate of ammo. 100 do. 50 do. Water 10) K; drog-en gas 50 oxygen Nitrous nxvd K0 azotic gas 50 do. Nitnc oxyd 100 do. 50. do. B 14 Compounds. Nitric acid Nitric acid Ammonia Sulphuric acid Oxymuriatic acid gas Carbonic acid Constituents by bulk. 100 azotic gas 200 oxygen 200 nitrous gas 100 do- 100 azotic gas 300 hydrogen 100sulphurous acid 50 oxygen 300 muriatic do. 100 do. 100 carbonic oxyd 50 do. Some gases have the property of mutually decom- posing each other, as Oxygen with phosphuretted hydrogen. "ammonia. phosphuretted hydrogen. hydrogen. carburetted hydrogen. Oxymuriatic acid with <| carbonic oxyd. olefiant gas. sulphuretted hydrogen. sulphurous acid. nitrous gas C nitrous gas. Sulphuretted hydrogen with ^ sulphurous acid> On the contrary, in some, decomposition is effected by combustion ; of this description we may reckon f sulphuretted hydrogen. j carburetted hydrogen. ■^ olefiant gas. vapour of ether. alcohol. 'hydrogen. phosphuretted hydrogen. sulphuretted hydrogen. , . , ) carbonic oxyd. Nitrous oxyd with <^ carburctted hydrogen. j olefiant gas. | vapour of ether. ^alcohol. „t- • j -., ^ hydrogen. Nitric oxyd with i t . -j x ' I sulphurous acid. , , . , C sulphurous acid. Hydrogen with ^ carDonic acid. Oxygen with 15 f carburetted hydrogen. Vapour of water with ■< olefiant gas. (_ muriatic acid As it respects the combination of gases with water, it appears that Mr. Dalton has made a happy generali- zation of his experiments, in which he conceives that the degree of absorption of the following gases is in this order, namely, of Carbonic acid "j watgr absorbs its own bulk Sulphuretted hydrogen V _, Nitrous oxyd J lJ Olefiant gas l-8th its bulk = ^ Nitrous gas "j Oxygen gas ! water absorbs l-27th = Phosphuretted hydrogen f -^ Carburetted hydrogen J Azotic gas ~\ Hydrogen y water absorbs l-65th = Jj Carbonic oxyd J . Combination of a gas with water, according to the experiments of Dr. Henry, may be facilitated by pres- sure, and in this way water may be made to absorb any quantity of a gas whatever. The following table will shew the bulk of each gas absorbed by one ounce measure of water. It must be observed, however, that as the temperature increases, the absorbability of the gases by water diminishes. Oxymuriatic acid 1.5 + Sulphurous acid 3.3 Fluoric acid 175 -f Muriatic acid 516 Ammoniacal gas 780 As an increase of bulk ensues, when a cubic inch of water is saturated with these gases, the following table will exhibit the magnitude of water when thus satu- rated, supposing the original bulk to have been 1. ("oxymuriatic acid 1.002 -j- 0 . . , . , j sulphurous acid 1.040 Saturated with <^ v. ■ .. . „nr. j muriatic acid 1.500 ^ammoniacal 1.666 16 It appears, therefore, that the water undergoes an expansion, so that the density of the gases absorbed is not so considerable as what would be supposed. The i\ul densities of these gases in water, in the order above named, are as follow: 1.5 31.7 — 33 nearly 344.0 = 73 468.0 = 83 A number of other circumstances, on the affinity of gases with water, with each other, Sec. will be consi- dered hereafter. As to the combination of liquids with each other; some liquids will mix, and of course combine in any proportions, as {alcohol. ,^, nitric acid. sulphuric acid. Alcohol with ether. l Sulphuric acid with nitric acid. J {petroleum. volatile oils. fixed oils. Volatile oils with J P«~«eum. ( volatile oils. When these liquids are mixed they form a homoge- neous compound. An evolution of heat, consequently a certain degree of condensation takes place on mix- ture. Other liquids, again, unite only in certain propor- tions, as f ether. Water with < volatile oils. (oxymuriate of tin. f volatile oils. Alcohol with -i petroleum. (jmosphuret of sulphur. Ether with 5 vo,ali!e °Us; £ petroleum, Sec. 17 Of the liquids, which do not combine in any sensible degree, are f petroleum. Water and < fixed oils. (_supersulphuretted-hydrogen. Fixed oils and J^er^&c. As it respects the combination of solids, the follow- ing table will exhibit some substances which will unite with each other in any proportion whatever, by the agency of heat: Sulphur with phosphorus. Carbon with iron. Metals with most metals. Protoxyd of antimony with sulphuret of antimony. Earths with earths. Earths with some metallic oxyds. Some earths with fixed alkalies. Fixed alkalies with solid oils. Solid oils with each other and with bitumen. Other bodies, however, combine only in determinate proportions, as ("metals. „ . , • t j some metallic oxyds. Sulphur with account of the difference in the refrangibility of these rays. The calorific rays, or those which produce heat, are the least refrangible; the deoxydizing rays are the most refrangible; and the colorific rays, or those which give colour, possess a mean degree of refrangibility. Hence the rays in the middle of the spectrum have the greatest illuminating power, those beyond the red end the greatest heating power, and those beyond the violet end the greatest deoxydizing power; and the heating power on the one hand, and the deoxydizing power on the other, gradually increase as we approach that end of the spectrum where the maximum of each is concen- trated. Dr. Herschel found, that the heating power of the violet, green, and red rays are to each otlier as the following numbers : Violet = 16, green = 5C4, and red = 55. Phosphorus introduced into the nys beyond the red extremity, is heated, smokes, and emits white fumes; but these are presently suppressed, on exposing it to the deoxydizing rays, which exist beyond the violet extremity. There has, however been some objections against the deoxydizing theory, as there arc a few exceptions to the doctrine ; for an account of which consult the papers of Dr. Wollaston. It has been supposed, that three of the prismatic colours, the red, yellow, and blue, were simple; and that the other four formed each of the contiguous ones; that is, the orange from the red and yellow, the green from the yellow and blue, the indigo from the blue and violet, and the violet from the indigo and red. Colours are all formed in the solar light; the various tinges resulting from the absorption of some of the rays of light, and the reflection of others.* Blue, red, and yellow, in dying, are the fundamental colours,- by com- bining these, on the stuffs, rarely in the bath, the various hues are obtained. In order, in the next place, to con- sider the theory of c Jours, in the production of various * See a Theory on the Formation of Colours in the American Philosophical Transactions, by Dr. Conover. bV hues, by the mixture of colourless fluids, the following experiments may be adduced, which were invented by Mr. Tielebein. For this purpose the following articles are necessary. No. 1. A solution of acetate of lead, prepared by dis- solving two drams of the acetate ofleadin twelve ounces of distilled water. 2. A solution of carbonate of potash, obtained by dis- solving three ounces of the carbonate of potash in twelve of water, and proceeding as before. 3. A solution of corrosive muriate of mercury, consist- ing of twenty grains of the corrosive muriate, dissolved in twelve ounces of water. 4. A solution of two ounces of sulphate of iron in twelve ol water. 5. Acidulous solution of sulphate of iron, composed of an ounce of sulphate of iron, and twelve of water, mixed with an ounce of the next solution, No. 6. 6. An ounce of sulphuric acid, mingled with twelve of water. 7. Dissolve one dram of acetate of copper in twelve ounces of water, and add one dram ol nitric acid. 8. Concentrated liquid ammonia. 9. Sulphurous acid. 10. Tincture of roses, prepared by infusing red rose leaves in sulphurous acid. 11. Tincture of red cabbage leaves, prepared in the same manner. 12. Tincture of galls, prepared by digesting half an ounce of gall-nuts in twelve ounces of water, and add- ing one dram of nitric acid to the filtered solution. 13. Diluted solution ol prussiate of potash. 14. One dram of mercury dissolved in an ounce of moderately strong nitric acid, with the addition of an Ounce of water. Experiment 4. Mix three parts of No. 1, acetate of lead, with one of No. 2, or solution of carbonate of pot- ash, and a milk white will be produced. Rationale. The acetate of lead and carbonate of pot- ash are mutually decomposed; the acetic acid unites with the potash, forming acetate of potash, which re- D 38 mains in solution, whilst the carbonic acid combiner with the lead, and forms carbonate of lead, which is precipitated. Remark. Whiteness is always compound; all the primary colours are necessary to its constitution ; and its appearance is owing to a copious reflection of all the rays of light. Experiment 5. If four parts of No. 14, nitrated mer- cury, and one of No. 2, or carbonate of potash, are added together; a yellow precipitate will be formed. Rationale. In this experiment the nitric acid of the nitrate of mercury, unites with the potash, forming ni- trate of potash, which remains in solution, and the car- bonic acid of the carbonate of potash, combines with the mercury, and forms a carbonate of mercury, which is precipitated of a yellow colour. As the carbonate of potash used in the experiment is, more properly, a sub- carbonate, the mercury is precipitated with an excess of base, forming a subcarbonate of mercury. Experiment 6. To the yellow precipitate of the last experiment, add No. 6, diluted sulphuric acid, and the whole returns to its limpid state. Rationale. In this case, the sulphuric acid decom- poses the carbonate of mercury, carbonic acid is disen- gaged, and the mercury is taken up. Experiment 7. If a few drops of No. 6, diluted sulphu- ric acid, be added to No. 10, or tincture of roses, a car- mine colour will appear. Rationale. The original colour is discharged on add- ing the diluted acid, which takes the place of the sul- phurous acid, and consequently heightens the colour. Experiment 8. If to the carmine colour, thus pro- duced, sulphurous acid be added in a sufficient quantity, the colour will disappear. Rationale. In this case, the sulphurous acid repro- duces the original colour, in consequence of uniting again with the colouring matter. This presents us with an additional proof of the theory of Berthollet on chemical attraction. Experiment 9. If to a few drops of No. 6, diluted sulphuric acid, No. 11, or tincture of cabbage be added, a blood red colour will be formed. o'J Rationale. On the principle, that acids have the quality of heightening the colour of some vegetable substances, as is the case with the colouring matter of the red cabbage, the application of the tincture of cab- bage, as a test for acidity is founded. The acid un- questionably acts, by changing the affinities of the rays of light for the colouring matter into a new order, agreeably to the theory already i oticed. Experiment 10. On adding No. 9, the liquid will become again colourless, as in a former experiment. Experiment 11. If three parts of No 10, tincture of roses, be added to one of No. 1, or solution of acetate of lead, a grass green colour will be produced. Rationede. In thrs case a change in the colour, as well as a partial change in the bodies themselves ensues, and the new affinities for the rays of light are such, as to cause the green ray,according to Berthollet, to be reflected to our optics. Experiment 12. Add No. 6, or diluted sulphuric acid to the product of the last experiment, and the mixture will become red. Rationale. Here a change again ensues, which is owing to the acid, and causes a corresponding change in the rays of light, the result being the production of a red colour. Experiment 13. On adding No. 9, or sulphurous acid to the result of the last experiment, the fluid will return to its former limpid state. Rationale. Here the sulphurous acid disposes a new arrangement of affinities for light, and the whole is changed into a limpid state. Experiment 14. If three parts of No. 11, or tincture of red cabbage leaves be mixed with one of No. 1, or solution of acetate of lead, a light green will be pro- duced. ^ Rationale. The cause is the same as in some of the preceding experiments, as it respects the rays of light; but as the different shades of colour are produced by the absorption of some and the reflection of other rays, in such a manner as to constitute those colours, it fol- lows, that several changes are necessary previously to 4L> the formation of mixed colours. The production of brilliant colours, the blushing beauties of the rose, and the modest blue of the violet; the pellucid stream, the green sea, the white froth, the dark pool, the azure sky, the varying colours of the pigeons' neck, the opal, Sec. are owing to the different refrangibility of light. Some rays, therefore, are absorbed, or enter into substances, whilst others are reflected ; hence the diversity of co- lours. A red body, for instance, reflects the red rays, while it absorbs the rest; a green reflects the green rays, and perhaps also the blue and the yellow, and ab- sorbs the rest, &c. Hence also in the compound co- lours, in the operations of dying, a scarlet is composed of red and yellow, green of blue and yellow, violets, pur- ples, and lilacs of red and blue.* Experiment 15. Mix three parts of No. 7, solution of acetate of copper, with one of No. 8, or concentrat- ed liquid ammonia, and an ultramarine blue will be obtained. Rationale. In this experiment the acetate of copper is decomposed ; the acetic acid unites with the ammo- nia forming an acetate of ammonia, at the same time :iii oxyd of copper is precipitated : this is then dissolv- ed by another portion of the ammonia, and forms am- moniaret of copper, which is held in solution along with the acetate of ammonia. Experiment 16. If three parts of No. 11, tincture of red cabbage, be mixed with one of No. 2, or solution 'f carbonate of potash, it will form a dark blue ; and if No. 6, or diluted sulphuric acid be now added, the colour will be changed to a ruby red. Rationale. The sulphurous acid of the tincture unites with a portion of the potash, and another part of the carbonate of potash changes the tincture to a blue, which is again changed to red on the addition of sul- phuric acid, in consequence of a neutral compound of acid and alkali being formed, and the excess of acid acting on the colouring matter of the cabbage. * See Berthollet on Dying, and Bancroft's Philosophy 0f Co- tours. J 'v 4 •'. Experiment If. If equal quantities of No. 5, solu- tion of sulphate of iron, and No. 13, solution of prussi- ate of potash, be mixed, a blue colour will result, and prussiate of iron be formed. Rationale. In this case a double decomposition en- sues ; the sulphuric acid of the sulphate ol iron unites with the potash, forming sulphate of potash, and the prussic acid combines with the oxyd of iron, and forms a blue precipitate, or prussiate of iron. Experiment 18. If equal quantities of No. 7, ace- tate of copper, and No. 11, or tincture of red cabbage leaves, be added together, a violet colour will be pro- duced. Rationale. In this case the acetate ef copper acts precisely as the acetate of lead, except that in the change, a violet colour js formed. Experiment 19. When three parts of No. 11, are mixed with one of No. 4, tincture of red cabbage, and sulphate of iron, the result will be a pitch black co- lour. Rationale. Here the action of sulphate of iron is dif- ferent from that of acetate of lead or copper, in as much as the colour produced is of a perfect black. In this experiment all the rays of light are absorbed. From the nature of the cause, the fluid would remain black if no body was presented, which could change the existing affinities of the rays of light for the colouring matter thus altered. No part, or ray, of the light is suffered to be reflected, but refracted in ; hence black- ness is the consequence. Experiment 20. Three parts of No. 12, tincture of galls, mixed with one of No. 4, or solution of iron% pro- duces an ink black. No. 6, or diluted sulphuric acid* again renders it limpid, and the addition of No. 13, turns it blue. • Rationale. In this experiment the gallic acid of the tincture of galls unites with the iron of the sulphate of iron, and forms gallate of iron, which is black; on adding sulphuric acid this combination is destroyed, and sulphate of iron reproduced, which is limpid; and on adding prussiate of potash the sulphate is decom- d 2 42- posed, and prussiate of iron formed, which is blue. During these changes the rays of incidental light obey their own laws. Remark. The application of chemical tests, or re- agents, is founded in a great degree upon the colour which they produce when added to liquids ; for the bodies held in solution are detected by the reagent, only as it respects their appearance or habits when the particular reagent is added. These phenomena are governed by the same laws as in the experiments al- ready given: hence, as the appearances under the same circumstances are precisely the same at all times, che- mical tests have been justly called the " compass by which the chemist steers." Thus, if to an ore suppos- ed to contain iron, we add muriatic acid, and dissolve it; and add to this solution either tincture of galls, or prussiate of potash, a black colour will be produced in the first case, and a blue one in the last, similar to the last experiment. We infer, therefore, the existence of iron. While we are on the subject of colours, it may not Le improper to introduce the following table. 43 Colour of the Precipitates thrown down from Metallic Solu- tions, by various Re-agents. Metals. Prussiated alkalies. Tincture of Galls. Water im-pregnated with Sul-phuretted Hydrogen. Hydro-Sul-phurets. Gold Yellowish-white. Solution tur-ned green. Precipitate brown of re-duced gold. Yellow. Yellow. Platina NTo precip.; but an o-range co-loured one by pruss. of mercury. Dark-green, becoming paler. Precipitated in a metallic state. Silver White Yellowish-brown. Biack. Black. Mercury White changing to yellow. Orange yel-low. Black. Brownish-black. Palladium Olive.* Deep orange.+ Dark-brown. Dark-brown. Rhodium No precip. No precip. Iridium No precipi-tate. Colour discharged. No precipi-tate. Co-lour of so-lutions dis-charged. Osmium Puiple, changing to deep vivid blue. * Chenevix. f Wollaston. 44 Colour of Precipitates from Metallic Solutions, L?c. Co: tinued. ' Metals. Prussiated Alkalies. Tincture of Galls. Water im-pregnated with Sul-phuretted Hydrogen. Hydro- Sul-phurets. Copper Bright red-dish-brown Brownish. Black. Black. Tl. Green , j salts. ,ron-1 2. Red I. salts. White, changing to blue. Deep blue. No precipi-tate. Black. Not precipi-. tated. Black. Nickel Green. Grayish-white. Not precipi-tated. Black. Tin White. No precip. Brown. Black. Lead White. White. Black. Black. Zinc White. No precip. Yellow. White. Bismuth White. Orange Biack. Black. Antimony White. A white ox-yd merely from dilu-tion. Orange. Orange Blackish. Yellow. Black Tellurium No precip. Yellow. Arsenic White. Little change. Yellow. Cobalt Brownish-yellow. Yellowish-white. Not precipi-tated. Manganese Yellowish-white. No precip. Not precipi-tated. White. H rome Green. Brown Green. j Molybdena Brown. Deep-arown. Brown. J 45 i'olour of Precipitates from Metallic Solutions, l?<;. Coh tinned. Metals. Prussiated Alkalies. Tincture of Galls. Water im-pregnated with Sul-phuretted Hydrogen. Hydro-Sul* phurets. Uranium Brownish-red. Chocolate. Brownish-yellow. Tungsten Titanium Grass-green, with a tinge of brown. Reddish-brown. Not precipi-tated. Grass-green. Columbium Olive. Orange. Chocolate. Tantalium Cerium Yellowish. Brown, be-coming deep j^reen. Experiment 21. Make a decoction, or infusion of madeler in water, and add a solution of alum ; the co- louring matter will be gradually precipitated in the form of a lake. Rationale. The colouring matter of vegetables, be- ing precipitated in a variety of cases, by the agency of certain saline and metallic solutions, it follows, that in this case the colouring matter is precipitated in com- bination with alumine, and forms a lake. The colour of the lake produced is owing, as in other cases, to the reflection of certain rays. If a small quantity of potash be added, the alumine or earth of alum, will be sepa- rated in a larger quantity. Experiment 32. If to an infusion of cochineal, a solu- tion of tin be added, the colouring matter will be 46 heightened, and precipitated in union with a portion of the metal, forming the carmine of the shops. Rationale. In this as in the other experiments, the colouring matter itself, as well as the rays of light, arc decomposed, so far at least as to produce a crimson co- lour, which is a combii ation of a part of the oxyd of tin with the colouring matter. Remark. Other lakes may be obtained of different colours, by the substitution of different dye woods; thus alum decomposed by potash, in a decoction of quercitron bark, yields a bright yellow ; with oxyd of tin all the shades, from a pale lemon colour to a deep orange ; and with oxyd of iron a drab colour is produc- ed from the same wood. Thus also, a combination of red oxyd of iron with the gallic acid and tan, is the prin- - cipal black colour, which has therefore the same basis as common writing ink. Experiment 23. Make a decoction of cochineal, and immerse into it a piece of cloth; on washing it the co- louring matter will disappear- Experiment 24. To the remaining decoction add supertartrate of potash, and a portion of nitro-muriate of tin ; now immerse a cloth in this mixture, and it will impart a permanent scarlet colour. Rationale. A decoction of cochineal, therefore, will leave only a fugitive stain on a piece of cloth, which is evident in the first experiment; but in that portion of the decoction, which contains the supertartrate of potash and nitro-muriate of tin, the colouring matter is rendered fixed, or permanent. The nitro-muriate of tin and supertartrate of potash are here decomposed ; a nitrate and muriate of potash is formed, whilst the tar- taric acid of the tartrate combines with the tin, and pre- cipitates the colouring matter on the cloth, at the same time the incidental light imparts colour to the preci- pitated colouring matter, which has thus entered the cloth. Other experiments of a like nature, together with observations on dying, with an examination of the theories and opinions of chemists, will be given in the course of the work. 47 Remark. It would'be irrelevant to our plan to en- ter into a detail of the effects of light on vegetables and animals ; a few experiments, however, on the agen- cy of light on metallic oxyds and acids, may, with pro- priety, be introduced in this place. Experiment 25. Take muriate of silver, wet it, and expose it to the light; in the course of a few hours the upper suiface will be blackened. Rationale. The deoxydizing power of light has al- ready been noticed. The'light will exercise no power but at the surface, where the muriate will be found to be reupproarhing to the metallic state. It appears, therefore, that oxygen is absolutely carried off from the oxyd in the state of oxygen gas, this gas* being composed of oxygen, caloric, and light; and in this re- spect has a greater affinity for the oxygen than the metal. Experiment 26. Cover white paper, or leather, with a solution of nitrate of silver, place it behind a painting on glass, and expose it to the solar light; the rays emitted through differently painted surfaces will pro- duce distinct tints of brown or black, sensibly differing in intensity, according to the shades of the picture ; and when the light is unaltered the colour of the nitrate becomes deepest. Remark. This effect takes place on the same prin- ciple ; and is a plan invented by Mr. Wedgwood for copying paintings upon glass, and making profiles of figures. For particulars, see the Journals of the Royal Institution, No. 9, p. 171. Experiment 27. Into a solution ol muriate of gold introduce a piece of charcoal, and submit the vessel with its contents to the rays of the sun. The metal will be reduced, and the charcoal gilt. Rationale. In this experiment, as in the preceding, the effect is owing to the deoxydizing power of the sun's rays: the oxygen is taken off by the light, and the metal remains on the coal. The oxygen which oxydized the metal in the act of solution, being thus abstracted, it follows that the metal is no longer chemi- cally combined with the acid. 48 Experiment 28. Expose a ribbon, wet with a diluted solution of muriate of gold, to the sun, the gold will be revived as in the last experiment. Remark. This experiment is stated by count Rum- ford, in his Philosophical Papers, vol. i. The count found that if magnesia was wetted with the solution of gold, and exposed in the same manner, it would change to a purple, and then to a crimson colour. If the rib- bon, however, be first dried after it has been moistened, and then exposed, no change takes place. Experiment 29. If a slip of ivory be immersed for a few hours in a solution of pure nitrate of silver, then taken out and exposed in water to the rays of the sun, it will in a few hours become black. On rubbing it the black will be changed into a metallic surface, the silver being revived. Remark. The effect is the same as in the other ex- periments. This process, invented by count Rumford, is for the purpose of silvering ivory. All metallic ox- yds are affected, more or less, in the course of time, by the sun's rays. Black oxyd of mercury, prepared by decomposing the sulphate of mercury by pouring ammonia on it, when exposed to the rays of light rapidly parts with its oxygen, and is converted into fluid quicksilver. Many other bodies are also affected by light. Experiment 30. Expose concentrated nitric acid in a white bottle half filled, to the rays of the sun, at the end of some days the white acid will be converted into an orange coloured and fuming one, and the bottle will become filled with red vapours ; this is the nitrous acid. Experiment 31. Take the acid, thus coloured, and remove it to a dark place; in the course of time it will change into the pale acid, or nitric acid. Rationale. In the first experiment the light sepa- rated a part of the oxygen from the azote, as nitric acid is a compound of oxygen and azote, in consequence of which nitric oxyd or nitrous gas is evolved, part of it however remains in the acid, to which its colour is owing; but, when the light is withdrawn, as in the se- IV cond experiment, the nitric oxyd is gradually decom- posed, or rather oxygen unites with it, and converts it into nitric acid. Remark. If oxygenized muriatic acid is exposed to the sun's rays, it suffers decomposition, and consid- erable quantity of oxygen gas may be easily obtained. See oxygen gas. Certain bodies have the property of absorbing the rays of light; of retaining them for some time, and of again evolving them unchanged, and un- accompanied with sensible heat. Thus according to Du Fay, a diamond exposed to the sun, and immedi- ately covered with black wax, will shine in the dark on removing the wax at the expiration of several months. Bodies gifted with this property are called solar phosphori. The eyes of cats, owls, and seve- ral other animals, are formed so as to collect light, to enable them to find food in the dark. This accounts for the light emitted by snow. Thus snow is a natural solar phosphori. So also is, occasionally, the sea when agitated; putrid fish have a similar property; and the glow worm belongs to the same class. These phenomena are independent of any thing like combus- lion ; for artificial phosphori after being exposed to the light and placed in vacuo^ will also emit it. Light- wood is also a phosphori ; for some woods possess this property, at a period when they are about to un- dergo decomposition. Experiment 32. If pieces ol sulphate of barytes are made red hot, in a covered crucible, for a few minutes, and then pulverised and sifted; and this powder made into a paste with a little mucilage of gum arabic, and divided into cakes or pieces of the thicknesss of a quarter of an inch, and gradually exposed to a violent heat among charcoal,in a wind furnace, the bolognian phosphorus will be formed. When this is exposed to the light, and then taken to the dark, it will emit light for some time. Rationale. In this case, however, the light is emit- ted partly in consequence of its absorption, and partly from the decomposition of oxygen gas. When sul- E jU phate of barytes are exposed in contact with charcoai: as under the above circumstances, a partial decompo- sition of the sulphuric acid of the sulphate of barytes takes place. At a high temperature, the ignited char- coal possesses a greater affinity to the oxygen of sul- phuric acid than the sulphur; the result of this union is carbonic acid. A part of the sulphur thus separated from the sulphuric acid, unites with the ba- rytes, and forms sulphuret of barytes, which is known to have the property of absolving oxygen to the repro- duction of sulphuric acid. This effect then, may be partly considered a species of slow combustion, in which oxygen is absorbed, and caloric and light given out, the oxygen gas being decomposed. Experiment 33. Put oyster shells into a crucible, cal- cine them by keeping them in a good coal-fire, for about an hour. To three parts of the lime, thus made, add one of flowers of sulphur, and place the whole in layers, in a crucible, tightly. Remove it to the fire, and keep it red-hot for about an hour and a half. When it is removed and cool, select the brightest part for use. This is the canton's phosphorus. After ex- posure to light for a few minutes, and then put in the dark, light will be evolved as in the last preparation. This should be kept in a wide mouth vial, and well closed. Rationale. A sulphuret of lime is formed in this process. It is necessary from some cause or other to employ the oyster shell. In this as in the former, oxy- gen gas is decomposed. Experiment 34. Dissolve lime in nitric acid ; when a neutral compound is formed, evaporate it to dryness, and expose it, well rammed in a crucible, to the action of heat, where it is to be kept till the whole mass be- comes liquid. Pour this mass into an iron pot, previ- ously heated, and the phosphorus of Baldwin will be formed. Preserve the mass in vials. After being exposed to the sun for a few moments, this preparation affords a beautiful light in the dark. 51 Rationale. This phenomena is owing to no other cause, than the previous absorption of light. Remark. Several substances when exposed to an elevated temperature, are converted into solar phos- phori. Such as all neutral salts with a base ol barytes, magnesia, carbonate of magnesia, sulphate and carbonate of lime, sulphate and carbonate of strontian, sulphate of potash, alumine earth, fluate of lime, zeolite, some metallic oxyds, phosphate of lime, cotton wool, different combina- tions of earths, linen and woollen, hair powder, saw dust, wax and oils, animal fats, isfc. Experiment 35. If one part of powdered muriate of ammonia, and two of powdered lime be introduced in- to a red-hot crucible, and kept hot till the mixture be- comes fluid, the phosphorus of homburg is pro- duced. See to Accum, p. 167. The preparation is to be poured into a heated iron pot, then broken into pieces, and preserved in a well stopped vial. Rationale. In this process the muriate of am- monia is decomposed ; the muriatic acid unites with the lime, forming muriate of lime, and the ammonia is disengaged in the state of gas. The muriate of lime is, therefore, a Baldwin's phosphorus. Remark. If the substance obtained, after the prepa- ration of liquid ammonia, by the decomposition of sal ammonia with quicklime, be melted with a sufficient degree of heat, Homburg phosphorus will also be form- ed. In this case the same substance, viz. muriate of lime is used ; for in the other experiment, the muriate of lime is formed during the operation. Homburg's phosphorus or pyrophorus which is the same, emits light when it is struck by a hard body. When a red-hot poker is dipped into the fused sub- stance, and rubbed after it is cool with another piece of metal, it becomes luminous and evolves sparks and light. Flints and other siliceous stones, borax, sugar, bon- net-cane, tremolite, phosphate of lime, black-jack, gums, re- sins, &c. give out light more or less by attrition. Some substances emit light in contact with acids. We have 52 stated already, that various animal and vegetable sub. stances were solar phosphori. The shell fish called pholas, the medusa phosphorea, and other molluscs, the fulgora, or lantern fly, the lampyris or glow worm, the scolopendra electrica, the cancer fulgens, peat earth, the medullary substance of the brain of human beings ; all emit light under certain circumstances. In the opi- nion of Dr. Holme,* he believes that light is a constitu- ent part of many animals, particularly of the marine fishes. This subject is treated at large in Thom- son's Chemistry, vol. i. p. 413. But in many cases light or temperature of bodies, is therefore measured by cer- tain instruments, called thermometers and pyrometers. The former consists of a hollow tube of glass, hermeti* bl cally sealed and blown at one end in the shape of a hol- low globe. The bulb and part of the tube are filled with mercury. When the tube, thus prepared, is im- mersed into a hot body, the mercury expands, and of course rises in the tube ; but when it comes in contact with a cold body, the mercury contracts, and therefore falls in the tube. To facilitate thermometrical observa- tions, the tube is furnished with a scale of degrees, which vary in different thermometers. There are four thermometers used at present in Europe. These are Fahrenheit's, Reaumur's, Celsius', and Delisle's, differing only from each other in the number of de- grees into which the space between the freezing and boiling points is divided. The pyrometer of Wedgwood is formed of pieces of baked clay, and a rule or gauge. The degree of heat is shewn by the contraction which they undergo. High temperatures only are ascertained by this instru- ment. Each degyee of this pyrometer is equal to 130 degrees of Fahrenheit's. Guyton has also con- trived an instrument for the same purpose, which con- sists of a lever of platina moved by the expansion of a bar of the same metal, the whole being supported on a mass of baked clay. This property of alumina, of con- tracting when exposed to heat, has rendered it an ex- ception to the general principle, that caloric expands all bodies. Experiment 19. If a pound of water at 172° be mix- ed with apoundat 32°, the heat of the mixture will be 102°. Rationale. If a given quantity of caloric occasions the ascent of the mercury through 20 degrees, it might be asked whether a second addition, equal to the first, would raise it through precisely 20 more ? This is the fact from the foregoing experiment. Here the hot water will be cooled 70°, and the cold will receive 70° of temperature; consequently, 172—70, or 32+70, = 102, will be the heat of the mixture. It appears, however, from the experiment of De Luc, that the ra- tio of expansion does not, strictly, keep pace with the p. o~ actual increments of temperature ; as, ior mstaii'V. the expansion of mercury from 32 to 122, the first half of the scale, is to its expansion from 122 to 212, the higher half, as 14 to 15. Experiment 20. If in an atmosphere at 60°, we place iron filings heated to redness, boiling water, and vari- ous other bodies of different temperatures, they will soon affect the thermometer in the same degree. Rationale. This experiment shews, that uncombin- cd caloric has a tendency to an equilibrium ; for the excess of caloric in the one body passes to the other, until a uniform temperature is the consequence. The same equalization of temperature is attained, though less quickly, when a heated body is placed in the va- cuum of an air pump. The rate of cooling in air, is to that in vacuo, (the temperatures being equal,) nearly as five to two. Caloric indeed has the tendency to per- vade all matter, till an equilibrium of temperature is established. Experiment 21. Provide two tin reflectors, as describ- ed in Henry's Chemistry, 8vo. p. 28, twelve inches in diameter, and segments of a sphere of nine inches radi- us. Place these on a table at some distance apart, with their concave surfaces towards each other. In the focus of one let the ball of an air thermometer be situated ; and in that of the other suspend aball of iron about four ounces in weight, and heated below igni- tion. The liquid in the air thermometer immediately descends. Rationale. This is the celebrated experiment of pro- fessor Pictet, to shew the radiation of caloric. In this experiment the radiant caloric follows the same law as the solar light ; the angle of incidence being equal to the angle of reflection. The caloric flows first from the heated ball to the nearest reflector, from this it is transmitted, in parallel rays, to the surface of the se- cond reflector, by which it is collected into a focus on the instrument. 6.3 Experiment 22. If the reflectors be placed in the -.ime manner, and a flask of boiling water put before- one of them, the same effect will ensue. Experiment 23. If the apparatus remain, and a glass vessel filled with ice, or snow, be substituted for the heated ball, the course of the coloured liquor will be precisely in the opposite direction. Rationale. At first view this experiment would ap- pear to indicate the reflection of cold ; but it is in fact, only the reflection of heat, though in an opposite direc- tion ; the ball of the thermometer being, in this instance, the hotter body. Remark. The nature of the surface ol bodies has an important influence over their power of radiating ca- loric. These varieties in the radiating power of differ- ent surfaces are attended, as might be expected, with corresponding variations in the rate of cooling. Experiment 24. Take two thermometers of the same kind ; blacken the bulb of one of them with Indian ink, and expose them both to the sun. That which is black- ened will ascend 10 degrees higher than the other. Rationale. Radiant caloric is absorbed with differ- ent facility by different surfaces. Surfaces are endow- ed with various powers of reflecting caloric. In the case before us, the black ink acts in this way ; for it cannot be supposed, that the black coating is gifted with the power of retaining caloric, and preventing its escape ; because from experiments made, it appears that a similar coating would accelerate the cooling of a body to which it is applied. Colour, however, has con- siderable influence over the absorption of caloric, as is shewn by the experiments of Dr. Franklin. Experiment 25. Ifpieccs ol woolen cloth, of equal di- mensions, but of different colours, viz. black, blue, brown, and white, be laid on the surface of snow, they will sink in the snow in differentproportion. Rat;o?iale. It is evident, in this experiment, that the greater the quantity of caloric absorbed, and transmit- ted to the snow, the farther the cloth will descend. 64 \r\ a few hours the black will have sunk considerablv below the surface ; the blue almost as much ; the brown evidently less ; and the white will remain precisely in its former situation. The -sun's rays, therefore, are absorbed by the dark coloured cloth, whilst they have not the power of penetrating the white. Hence the preference generally given to dark coloured clothes during the winter season, and to light coloured ones in the summer. Experiment 26. If six pieces of sheet copper, of the same dimensions, be painted on one side, white, yellow, red, green, blue, and black, and the unpainted surfaces be placed on pieces of cerate, composed of wax and olive oil, and the whole exposed to the sun's rays, the same effect as in the preceding ex- periment will ensue. Remark. The motion of caloric through bodies, it must be recollected, is of two kinds: through some bodies it moves with great celerity. In the one case it is said to be transmitted through the body, in the other conducted through it. See Thomson's Chemistry, vol. i. 310. As caloric, like light, is emitted from the sun with considerable velocity, at the rate of 200,000 miles in a second, it could never be accumulated, were it not retained by its affinity for that body. From this fact we may infer, that in every case, the rays of the sun only afford heat when they meet with an opaque body, and not when they pass through a transparent one, as air and water ; or when they are reflected by a white or polished one. On the principle before no- ticed, the Swiss peasants, when they want to sow their seed, spread black cloths on the surface of the snow, to absorb the sun's rays and facilitate its melting. Experiment 27. Take a number of straight wires of equal diameters and lengths, but of different metals, for instance iron, copper, gold, silver, he. cover each of them with a thin coat of wax or tailow, and plunge their extremities into water kept boiling, or into heat- ed sand ; the wax or taiiow will be melted oft' some of the metals sooner than others. 65 Rationale. Bodies which thus transmit caloric are called conductors of caloric. Different metals, as is seen in the last experiment, possess very different powers of conducting caloric. By the experiments of Dr. Ingenhaus we learn, that metals conduct heat in the following order: silver possesses the highest conduct- ing power; next gold; then copper and tin, which are nearly equal; and, below these, platina, iron, steel, and lead, which are greatly inferior to the rest. Accord- ing to the relative power which bodies possess, of con- ducting heat, they are said to be good or bad conductors; and those through which it does not seem to pass are called non-conductors. Thus it is, that some bodies are warm, or capable of preserving warmth ; hence the dif- ferent sensations excited by different bodies, when ap- plied at the same temperature to our organs of feeling. Remark. Next to metals, stones are the best conduct- ors. Glass conducts heat very slowly ; wood and char- coal still slower ; and feathers, silk, wool, and hair are still worse conductors. As clothing used in the win- ter season is a bad conductor of heat, the importance of woollen cloth to preserve the warmth of the body, is obvious. Hare's fur and eider-down are the warmest; next to these, beaver's fur, raw silk, sheeps wool, cotton tvool, and the scrapings of linen. On the same principle also, we learn, that those skins are the warmest, which have the finest, longest, and thickest fur; and that the feathers of the water-fowl, with. many other animals, are capable of. confining the heat in winter, notwithstanding some of them partly live in the water. The snow which falls in the winter season, is doubtless designed by Providence as a garment to defend the earth from the piercing winds, so that na- ture is never wanting in that economy, which serves to shew the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, not on- ly in forming, but in governing and supporting the physical world. Experiment 28. Fill two large vials with hot water, at the same temperature; infold one in a piece of linen cloth, and cover the other completely with, thick F 2 6u fur. it in half an hour's time the contents ot each be examined, the water in the first vial will be found to have lost several degrees of heat more than that which had been folded in fur. Rationale. We learn by this experiment, the truth of our remark, that fur is a bad conductor of caloric. It is said, however, that clothes, as well as light spongy substances, such as furs and down, keep the body warm in consequence of atmospheric air which they infold •within them. Experiment 29. Pour a little sulphuric ether upon the surface of water, and inflame it by a slip of lighted pa- per. After the inflammation has ceased, introduce a thermometer, the temperature will be found to be the same as at first. Rationale. This experiment is calculated to shew, that water is a bad conductor of caloric, and that when it is to be heated, the heat should not be applied at its surface. The heat, therefore, which resulted from the combustion, is carried off with the flame. Experiment 30. Take two rods, one of glass, the other of iron, both of the same dimensions, and hold them towards the fire ; the iron will become hot while the glass will scarcely be affected. Rationale. This is obvious from the foregoing ex- periment: in this instance the iron rapidly conducts the heat to the hand, while the glass, being a bad con- ductor, scarcely transmits it. If two rods, the one of iron, the other of glass, of the same size, be coated at one end with wax, and the other extremity placed in a" fire, the wax will be melted much sooner from the end of the iron rod, than from the glass one. Exfierimcnt 31. Take a glass tube, eight inches in length, and about an inch in diameter. Pour into the bottom part, for about the depth of an inch, a little water tinged with litmus, and then fill up the tube with common water, pouring on the latter extremely gently, so as to keep the two strata quite distinct. When the tube is heated at the bottom, the cold affusion will as- cend, and will tinge the whole mass. But if the upper 67 part of the tube be heated, the coloured liquor will re- main at the bottom. Rationale. In all cases where liquid and aeriform bo- dies arc concerned, they are found to convey heat on a different principle from that observed in solids, namely, by an actual change in the situation of their particles. Hence in the above experiment, the caloric enters be- low, lessens the density of the fluid in contact with the under surface, which therefore rises and displaces the fluid immediately above, and causes a motion in the particles, which is continued until the liquor becomes of an uniform colour. But if the heat be applied to the surface, no effect of the kind takes place. That water is a slow, though imperfect conductor of caloric, has been fully established by the experiments and inquiries of Dr. Thomson and Mr. Murray. Con- sequently, count Rumford's opinion, respecting the non- conducting power of water, is founded in error. The experiments and observations of Messrs. Thomson and Murray, may be found at large in their works on Che- mistry. There are several experiments, tending to demonstrate the fact, that may be found by examining these authors; which, for want of room, have been omitted. Experiment 32. If a thermometer be immersed in liquefying ice or snow, it will indicate 32°. Rationale. The temperature of melting snow, or of thawing ice, is uniformly the same at all times, and in all places. During the thawing of ice or snow, the thermometer shews only 32"?, the cause of which will be presently explained. Experiment 33. Place a thermometer in pounded ice ; the temperature will be 32°, and at the very same point in water, which results from the liquefaction of ice. Rationale. Dr. Black was the first who proved, that whenever caloric combines with a solid body, the body becomes heated only until it is rendered fluid ; or that whenever it has acquired the fluid state its temperature remains stationary. Whenever caloric becomes active, it produces heat; whenever it passes into a liquid statQj it produces cold. 68 Remark. When certain bodies, as the metals, are exposed to a sufficient heat, the attraction of aggre- gation is lessened, the caloric acting as a repulsive power, and the body ceases to be solid : it appears, therefore, in a fluid state. This phenomena is called fusion ; and the body, thus changed from the solid to the fluid aggregate, is said to be fused or melted. Those bodies which cannot be rendered fluid by any degree of heat hitherto known, are called fixed or infusible. Fluidity is, therefore, by no means essential to any species of matter, but always depends upon the presence of a quantity of caloric. The caloric, necessary to accomplish this purpose, has been called the caloric of fluidity. Free caloric is the same as uncombined caloric, ther— mometrical caloric, caloric of temperature, interposed calorie, ^ Uc By specific heat is understood the relative quantities of caloric contained in equal weights of different bodies at the same temperature. Latent heat is synonymous- with caloric of fluidity. Capacity for heat is a term made use of to express the property by which different bo- dies contain certain quantities of caloric at any tempe- rature. Absolute heat implies the whole quantity con- tained in any body. Experiment 34. Expose a pound of water at 32°, and a pound of ice at 32°, in a room, the temperature of which is several degrees above the freezing point, and uniformly the same during the experiment. Before the ice is melted, the water will arrive at the tempera- ture of the room, several hours indeed before it takes place ; and the melted ice will give, as before its lique-- faction, the temperature of 32°. Rationale. This experiment proves, that the ice du- ring liquefaction absorbs a considerable quantity of caloric ; for the ice must, during the time of the expe- riment, have been receiving caloric, because a hotter body can never be in contact with a colder one, without imparting heat to the latter. The caloric, therefore, which has entered the ice, though not appreciable by the thermometer, is in a latent state. 69 Experiment 35. If to a pound of water at 172? we add a pound of ice at 32°, put into a wooden bowl, the temperature will not be the arithmetical mean, but 32*. Rationale. This experiment is designed to shew, that " the quantity of uncombined caloric that enters into a pound of ice, and becomes united, during liquefaction," is not the arithmetical mean of the two temperatures, but much below it, viz. 32°. All the uncombined calo- ric of the hot water, has therefore disappeared. By subtracting 32° from 172? leaves 140°, the quantity of caloric that combines with a pound of ice during lique- faction. It is, therefore, latent heat. As much caloric is absorbed by the pound of ice, as would raise a pound of water from 32«? to 172°. Other examples of the absorption of caloric, during the liquefaction of bodies, will be given in the course of the work ; for, on the sudden transition of solids into fluids, is founded the well known production of cold by frigoriflc mixtures, which will also claim our attention in due time. Remark. Dr. Black drew, from a number of experi- ments, the theory of latent heat; and has not only de- monstrated the fact in the experiments already men- tioned, but he has also shewn, that the fluidity of melted wax, tallow, spermaceti, metals, &c. is owing to the same cause. It is said, that the same law is applicable to •sulphur, alum, nitre, &c. Experiment 56. If water be cooled down below 32°, which may be effected if it be kept perfectly free from agitation, and then suddenly shook, it will immediately congeal, and the temperature will rise to 32°. Rationale. In this experiment, the water is cooled down below the freezing point, without congealing; but on shaking it, it immediately freezes. It is said, that this phenomena is governed by the same law, as is manifested in other cases, namely, that liquids, in becoming solid, evolve or give out caloric, or, in common language, produce heat. Experiment 37. Expose to the atmosphere, when at a temperature below freezing, (for example, at 25° of Fahrenheit) two equal quantities of water, in one only 70 of which about a fourth of its weight cf -salt has beer dissolved. The saline solution will be gradually cooled, without freezing to 25°. The pure water will gradually descend to 32°, and will there remain stationary a con- siderable time before it congeals. Rationale. According to the general law, that a warmer body in contact with a colder one imparts ca- loric to the latter, it appears, that while the water re- mains stationary, it is yielding caloric to the atmosphere, equally with the saline solution. Dr. Crawford justly observes, that water, during congelation is acted upon by two opposite powers. It is deprived of caloric by exposure to a medium, whose temperature is below 32°, and it is supplied with caloric by the evolution of that principle from itself, viz. of that portion which constituted its fluidity. Consequently, the powers being equal, the temperature of the water must remain unchanged until the caloric of fluidity is all evolved. Ex/ieriment 38. Into a round tin vessel, says Dr. Crawford, put a pound of powdered ice ; surround this by a mixture of snow and salt in a large vessel; and stir the ice in the inner one, till its temperature is reduced to 4° of Fahrenheit. To the ice thus cooled, add a pound of water at 32°. One fifth of this will be frozen; and the temperature of the ice will rise from 4*. to 32°. Rationale. It is evident in this experiment, that the temperature of a pound of ice is raised to 28°, which is produced by the caloric evolved by the congelation of one fifth of a pound of water. Experiment 39. Add to a saturated solution of sul- phate of potash, or any salt insoluble in alcohol, an equal measure of alcohol ; a precipitation, and a considerable degree of heat will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment, the water has a stronger affinity for the alcohol, than for the salt: therefore the water and alcohol unite, the salt is precipitated, a con- traction of bulk ensues, and the latent becomes sen- sible heat. Experiment 40. Water, when heated until ebulition ensues, will indicate 212° ; alcohol 176; and ether 98° cf Fahrenheit- 71 Raiionuie. Caloric, we have said, changes solid into fluid, and fluid into aeriform bodies. It is in fact this property, which ranks it among the most important agents in nature. It acts constantly in opposition to the attraction of aggregation, and according to the repulsive power, bodies appear in different states. Hence it is, that in this as well as in other operations, it places the particles of matter farther asunder, and causes them to assume a new state. When a heat of 212 degrees is given to water, that fluid takes the vapourized state ; when alcohol is subjected to a tempe- rature of 176g it boils; and when ether is exposed to 98° it is dissipated in ebulition. Therefore, every body, when of the same degree of chemical purity, and under equal circumstances of atmospheric pressure, has one peculiar point of temperature, at which it immediately boils. Steam has the same temperature as boiling water. Experiment 41. If water, which has ceased to boil, be placed under the receiver of an air pump, and the tii exhausted, ebulition will immediately commence. Experiment 42. If ether be exposed in a similar manner, in vacuo, the same phenomena will result. Rationale. These and other experiments of a like nature might be adduced to shew, tiiat the boiling point of the same fluid varies, under different degrees of at- mospheric pressure. In general liquids boil in vacuo, with about 145° less of heat than are required under a mean pressure of the atmosphere. These facts at once prove, that the particles of caloric are mutually repul- sive, and that this repulsive power is communicated to other bodies. It is chiefly the pressure ot the atmos- phere, which counteracts this repulsive tendency. Experiment 43. Place, over a lamp, a Florence flask, about three fourths filled with water ,- let it boil briskly, during a few minutes; and, immediately on removing it fiom the lamp, cork it tit htly up: the water will now cease to boil; but, on cooling the upper part of the flask by a wet cloth, the boiling will be renewed. Rationale. An imperfect vacuum is produced bv the application of cold, which condenses the steam, and, as <2 -water near the boiling points boils in vacuo, the ebuli- tion is immediately renewed when the condensation of the steam takes place. Experiment 44. Fill a retort one half or less with water, and make it boil over a lamp; when it has boiled briskly for a few minutes, cork the mouth as expedi- tiously as possible, and remove it from the lamp. When the ebulition begins to slacken, it may be renewed by dipping the retort in cold water. Rationale. The theory of this experiment is the same as the preceding. Remark. If the flask, or retort, be furnished with a stop cock, cemented to its mouth, the phenomenon will be more complete. After it boils rapidly the cock must be shut. Immediately the ebulition ceases. If the apparatus be removed, and the cock now opened, the accumulated vapour which repressed the ebulition, will then rush out with great violence, and the fluid will boil very rapidly. Considerable care, however, should be observed in this experiment. It is intended to shew the influence of pressure on ebulition. In the former ex- periments we stated, that if the upper part of the flask, or retort, be suddenly cooled after ebulition, the phe- nomenon of boiling would again be resumed; but if we immerse the flask, or retort, in hot water, it will be repressed or entirely destroyed. If a flask be pro- vided with a very long neck, and tightly corked while it is boiling, and, after it has become cold, be suddenly reversed, the water in it will fall down with the apparent weight of a stone, because the resistance of the atmos- phere is removed. On this principle is founded the water-hammer. Other experiments of this kind will be introduced hereafter. It has been ascertained, that, notwithstanding the tem- perature of steam be no more than boiling water, ac- cording to the experiments of Mr. Watt, it still contains near 1000« more caloric, and it is this that preserves it in the form of steam. Experiment 45. Fill a jar withwater at the temperature of 104°, and invert into it a vessel of the same. Then introduce a little ether, by means of a small glass tube 7.j closed at one end. The ether will rise to the top of the jar, and, in its ascent, will be changed into an aeriform state: or, Experiment 46. Put a little ether into a small retort, tic a bladder to the beak of it, and apply heat. The ether will take the gaseous form and fill the bladder. If the bladder be now held in water, the ether will as- sume a liquid state, and the bladder will colapse. The bladder should first be gently warmed to ensure the success of the experiment: or, Experiment 47. Attach a bladder to a vial, in which some ether had been put, and place the vial in water heated to about 150° or 200°; the conversion of the Cther into the aeriform state will immediately en- sue : or. Experiment 48. Introduce into a Florence flask water coloured with cochineal, having previously put in a tea spoonful of ether, and fill it with the coloured liquid. Then invert the flask in a shallow vessel of the same kind of coloured water, and by degrees pour boiling water upon its bulb ; the ether will take the aeriform state and dispel the water. By pouring cold water on the flask, the ether will resume its original state. Reitionale. In all these experiments the same effect ensues, which is owing to the same cause, namely, that uncombined caloric changes liquids into the aeri- form state, and that aeriform bodies are converted into the liquid, with some exceptions, however, by the ab- straction of caloric, as we have formerly observed. Experiirer.t 49. Mix the filings of zinc and tin; no combination will ensue until heat be applied: or, Experiment 50. Mix soda and ice, no action will en- sue ; but if heat be applied the ice will melt, and then dissolve the soda: or, J.xperimenl 5 1. Potash and silex, if mixed, have no action whatever on each other ; but if submitted to a great heat, they melt and form a compound, called glass. Rationale. These experiments are designed to shew, that uncombined caloric promotes the action of che- mical affinity. Caloric serves not only to unite bodies c 74 but also to separate them. It is, therefore, the most important instrument in the hands of the chemist: by it compositions and decompositions are effected. In some cases caloric acts as a solvent; in others, it sepa- rates bodies from each other, and, thus far, seems to be explicable on the principle of elective affinity. Experiment 52. Melt sulphur in a crucible, and add the filings of iron; apply a heat sufficient to unite them, and a sulphuret of iron will be produced. Experiment 53. Take the compound thus formed, and expose it to an intense degree of heat, and, the sul- phur will be dissipated. Rationale. In these two experiments we find, that, in the first case, uncombined caloric, at a certain tem- perature, promotes chemical action, and forms the compound of sulphur and iron ; and in the second, by subjecting the same compound to a higher temperature, a decomposition ensues; the sulphur is volatilized, except what portion is converted into acid, and the iron remains in the crucible. Hence caloric acts in a two fold capacity, that of composing and decomposing. Experiment 54. Introduce two ounces of sulphate of soda, in powder, into a teacup of cold water, stirring them together, and the water will only dissolve a por- tion of it. Now apply heat, and the whole will be taken up. If the solution be suffered to stand undisturbed until it cools, the salt will be observed to shoot into crystals. Rationale. This experiment illustrates, that caloric promotes the solution of salts. Supposing, at the common temperature of the air, that the water dissolves only one half, but on applying heat the whole is taken up: when the temperature is reduced, it is evident that the water could not retain the whole quantity in solution, but that, from necessity, it must separate a part of the salt, which is accoruingly separated in a crystalline form. Experiment 55. Moisten the bulb of a thermometer with ether, which operation continue for a few minutes; the mercury will descend below the freezing point. 75 Experiment 56. Put some water into a small tube, having one of its extremities closed, and pour over that part which contains the water some ether; continue the operation for a few minutes, and the water will be frozen. Rationale. The conversion of liquid into aeriform bodies, depends on the presence of caloric. On moist- ening the glass of the thermometer, a reduction of temperature necessarily ensues, as a concurring cir- cumstance with the evaporation of the ether. The heat is therefore taken from the mercury, which, con- sequently, contracts; the degree of which is shewn by the mercurial column. The same theory precisely, is applicable to the second experiment. Remark. The cooling of rooms by sprinkling them with water, the action ol butter coolers, buxaros, or water coolers, the cooling of wine by wrapping the bottle i i a wet cloth, the use of tanned leather bags by the blacks in Senegambia, the wetting of the head and body with wet cloth, in use on the borders of the Persian Gulf, the method of making ice artificially in the East Indies, are all on the principle of the production of cold by eva- poration. Experiment 57. Add eight pounds of iron filings at 300° to one pound of water at 212°; the temperature of the steam will remain the same. Rationale. It is evident as the temperature remains the same, that the steam must contain, in a latent state, all the caloric which raised the temperature of eight pounds of iron filings from 212? to 300°. Experiment 58. Place two cylindrical flat bottomed vessels of tin, five inches in diameter, and containing a small quantity of water at 50°, on a red hot iron plate, of the kind used in kitchens. In four minutes the water will begin to boil, and in twenty minutes the whole will be consumed. Rationale. This is the celebrated experiment made by Dr. Black, in order to determine the quantity of calo- ric which becomes latent during the formation of steam. 76 In this experiment, the water received in lour mi- nutes 162? of temperature, or 40->- in each minute. If the same proportion be absorbed by the water during the twenty minutes, we may cohcludc, that 40 j -f 20» = 810, have entered the water, and are contained in the vapour. Experiment 59. Mix 100 gallons of water at 50°, with one gallon of water at 212°. The temperature of the water will be raised about \\°. Condense by a common still tub 1 gallon of water, from the state ot steam, by 100 gallons of water, at the temperature of 30Q. The water will be raised 11°.* Rationale. From this experiment it appears, that Slbs. of water, condensed from steam, would raise the temperature of 100 gallons of cold water 9J- more than 8 pounds of boiling water; and, by an easy calculation, it appears, that the caloric imparted to the 100 gallons by the steam, if it could be condensed in 1 gallon of water, would raise it to 950°. A pound of water, therefore, from this data, in the state of steam, contains more ca- loric than a pound of boiling water, in the proportion of 950 to 212. Remark. On account of the large quantity of caloric latent in steam, it renders its application useful for practical purposes. Thus water may be heated at a considerable distance, and steam conveyed through pipes, either for warming manufactories, rooms, baths, &c. Steam may also be applied to the purpose of heat- ing or evaporating water, besides other operations, which will be noticed in the course of the work. Dr Black remarks, that steam is the most faithful carrier of heat that can be conceived ; as it will deposit it only on such bodies as are colder than 212°. Its application to the steam engine is the most important use of which steam may be made. Experiment 60. Mix by degrees, in a Florence flask, four parts of sulphuric acid and one of water, heat will be evolved. * ILn:-;-, 8vo. p. 424. 11 Rationale. In this experiment heat is produced, which is owing to a condensation that takes place. Here we are presented v ith the fact, that in some operations heat is given out in an uncombined state, becoming sensible heat; for the bulk of the acid as well as the water, on mixture, becomes considerably less than be- fore. In all cases of mixture either heat or cold is pro- duced ; if a contraction of bulk is the consequence heat is evolved; if an expansion, cold is the result; or, in other words, the compound has a greater or less capacity for caloric than the separate ingredients. Experiment 61. If to a portion of alcohol, sulphuric acid be added by degrees, the same effect will ensue. Rationale. This is owing to the same circumstances as stated in the rationale of experiment 60. Experiment 62. Pour a small quantity of water upon muriate of ammonia in a wineglass; shake the mixture, and cold will be produced. 1 ationale. Dr. Black has clearly demonstrated that all matter is subject to the following law, viz. that " whenever a body changes its state, it either combines with, or separates from, caloric." Therefore, the cold produced by the solution of this or other crystallized salts, is owing to the water which was combined with them in a state of solidity, suddenly taking a liquid form, and absorbing caloric to preserve it in a state of fluidity; consequently the sensation of cold is the con- sequence. The same bodies have at all times the same capacity for caloric, unless a change takes place in the: state of these bodies. E'emark. The number of freezing mixtures is con-1 siderable. The substances, which may be employed-. for experiments of this kind, may be arranged in the following order; for which we are indebted to Pcpvs„ Walker and Lowi'tz. c. 2 7$ TABLE OF FREEZING MIXTURES. Mixtures. Thermometer sinks. Muriate of ammonia - 5 parts Nitrate of potash - 5 Water - - 15 From 50° to 10°. Muriate of ammonia - 5 parts Nitrate of potash - 5 Sulphate of soda - 8 Water - - - 16 From 50° to 4°. Sulphate of soda - 3 parts Diluted nitric acid - 2 From 50° to 3°. Sulphate of soda - 8 parts Muriatic acid - 5 From 50° to 0°. Snow 1 part Muriate of soda - 1 From 32° to 0°. Snow or pounded ice - 2 parts Muriate of soda - 1 From 0° to—5°. Snow or pounded ice 1 part Muriate of soda - 5 Muriate of ammonia & Nitrate of potash - 5 From—5# to—18Q. Snow or pounded ice 12 parts Muriate of soda - 5 Nitrate of ammonia - 5 From—18«to—25Q. *Snow and Diluted nitric acid From 0° to—46°. Muriate of lime - 3 parts Snow - - - 2 From 32° to—50°. 79 TABLE OF FREEZING MIXTURES CONTINUED. Mixtures. Thermometer sinks. Potash - - - 4 parts Snow 3 From 32Q to —51«. Snow - - 2 parts Diluted sulphuric acid I Diluted nitric acid - 1 From—10° to—56°. Snow - - 1 part Diluted sulphuric acid 1 From 20° to —60°. Muriate of lime 2 parts Snow - 1 From 0° to — 66°. Muriate of lime 3 parts Snow - - 1 From—40° to—73 o. Diluted sulphuric acid 10 parts Snow 8 ■ From— 68° to—91 °. Nitrate of ammonia - 1 part Water - 1 From 50° to 4°. Nitrate of ammonia - I part Carbonate of soda - 1 Water 1 From 50° to 3°. Sulphate of soda - 6 parts Muriate of ammonia - 4 Nitrate of potash - 2 Diluted nitric acid - 4 From 50° to 10*. Sulphate of soda - 6.parts Nitrate of ammonia 5 Diluted nitric acid 4 From 50° to 14°. Phosphate of soda - 9 parts Diluted nitric acid 4 From 50° to 12°. Phosphate of soda - 9 parts Nitrate of ammonia 6 Diluted nitric acid - 4 From 50° to 21°. Sulphate of soda - 5 parts Diluted sulphuric acid 4 From 50° to 3°. J 80 In using the saline substances, in order to p.odu.~ the effects before stated, they should be reduced to powder, and contain their full quantity of water of crys- tallization. Some other circumstances should be at- tended to, which will naturally recur to the operator. Experiment 63. Into a cup placed upon a hearth put three or four ounces of spirits of turpentine, and pour in- to it (from a bottle fastened to a stick of some length to prevent accident) a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, in the proportion of an ounce of the former and a quarter of an ounce of the latter ; instant flame will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment we are presented with* an additional proof of our former position, namely, that the compound of these articles has less capacity for calo- ric than they possess in a separate state ; consequent- ly, a part of their combined caloric is liberated, and produces the inflammation. The sulphuric acid appears to promote the action very considerably. If the tempera- ture of the turpentine be raised, the effect is more instan- taneous. The nitric acid, as well as the sulphuric acid, is decomposed; a part of its oxygen combines with a part of the carbon of the turpentine, forming carbonic acid ; another part unites with the hydrogen forming water; whilst the other portion is disengaged in union with the azote of the nitric acid in the state of nitric oxyd, or nitrous gas. The sulphuric acid also surfers decom- position ; sulphurous acid gas is evolved ; and oxyd of carbon remains behind. Remark. It has been asserted, that the sulphuric acid acts only in this experiment by depriving the spirit of turpentine of any water it might contain. Experiment 64. Pulverise a portion of charcoal, dry it, and place it in a cup ; pour on it some concentrated nitric acid, and flame will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment the nitric acid is de- composed ; a part of its oxygen unites with the carbon forming carbonic acid, whilst the other portion is evolved in union with the azote in the form of nitric oxyd gas. 81 Experiment 65. Into a tube containing about twelve cubic inches, throw up, over water, about half its capa- city of nitric oxyd gas, and then the same quantity of oxygen gas; a considerable diminution will take place, and sknsi-ble heat be given out. Rationale. Some gases when presented to each other have no action, but only exist in the state of me- chanical mixture ; others again when brought into contact exert a chemical change ; their individuality is destroyed ; and a new compound is formed. If they suffer no change, no alteration takes place in their\ specific gravity. In this experiment the affinity is al- tered ; for as soon as the oxygen gas is presented, both gases quit the aeriform state, and unite into a com- pound called nitric acid, which immediately unites with the water ; at the same time caloric is given out. In consequence of this property which nitrous gas possesses, of absorbing oxygen, Dr. Priestley has re- commended it in eudiometry to determine the purity of the atmosphere. See Atmospheric Air, PART IV. OF GASES IN GENERAL. Gas is a generic name given by Van Helmont ig elastic aeriform fluids, and is now generally adopted, The term air, which was used by Dr. Priestley, seems rather to imply, that clastic fluids are only modifica- tions of common or atmospheric air, the contrary to which is known to be true. It is not necessary to re- mark, that pneumatic chemistry is considerably indebt- ed to Dr. Priestley, for its present flourishing state. Elastic fluids have been divided into two genera, gases, atidvapours ; the former signify such elastic fluids as retain their elasticity in all known temperatures; the latter those elastic fluids which lose their elas- ticity by cold, and become liquid, &c. This dis- tinction may have its use ; but there is no great reason to believe the difference is not in kind, but in degree only ; and that all the gases would lose their elasticity provided the temperature could be sufficiently re- duced. The gases may be considered simple or com- pound j an enumeration of which may be seen in the general contents of the book; to which some add aque- ous, alcoholic, and etherial vapour. A few remarks on the nature of simple gases, gase- ous mixtures, &c. may, with propriety, be here noticed. Newton, in the 23d prop, of the second book of the Principia, says that an elastic fluid consists of particles that repel one another by a force which varies in the simple inverse ratio of the central distances. A fluid, however, so constituted would exhibit the same me- chanical properties as atmospheric air. A gas con- sists of a ponderable base united with caloric, and some- times with light (as oxygen gas) with an affinity too powerful to be overcome, or destroyed, except by 83 chemical action, or a relative change in affinities. The repulsive power, which always tends to separate the particles of bodies, consequently acts in opposition to the attraction of aggregation, in the case with gases preserves them in an aeriform state. On this power there have been several speculations ; at this era of science, it is considered to be a peculiar matter called caloric, or the matter of heat. Some imagined it to be magnetical; others electrical, but these opinions have been exploded. The mode in which caloric exists in this class of bodies may be shewn by experiment. Introduce into a tubulated retort some dry muriate of soda, attach to it a globular vessel having two openings, from one end of which let a tube come and pass into water; then place a thermometer in the globe, and add to the salt half its weight of concentrated sulphuric acid. Apply heat, and gas will come over. It will be found, that he mercury in the thermometer will rise only a few -degrees ; but the water in the tube, into which the pipe ■enters, will acquire a considerable accession of heat. In this case, therefore, caloric first combines with mu- riatic acid, as it is disengaged from the salt, and exists chemically united, as it is not appreciable by the ther- mometer ; but in coming to the water, the gas is ab- sorbed, partly decomposed, and caloric is given out in ' a free state, as sensible heat. By compound gases we understand an elastic fluid, which arises from a chemi- cal union of the elements of two or more elastic fluids, or of one elastic fluid and another inelastic body, as carburetted hydrogen, in which carbon and hydrogen are united, or as in nitric oxyd, in which azote and oxy- gen are combined. By gaseous mixtures we mean the union of two or more gases. Some gases when mixed, chemically combine with each other ; others are merely diffused through the whole space.* With respect to the classification of gases, some writers have applied the terms respirable and nonrespi- * See page 13. 81 ruble, supporters uvid non supporters of combustion, Sec. and in this manner have divided them. Some gases effect no positive change in the blood, while others, ac- cording to Dr. Beddoes and professor Davy, produce some positive change. As to the weights, specific gravi- ties, constituent principles, See. of the gases, they will be found under their proper heads. The pneumatic apparatus is a reservoir or cistern too well known to require description ; it is for the pur- pose of collecting, transfering, and experimenting on the gases. It may be made of wood, tin (painted or japanned) or sheet iron painted with a thick coat. Wood, how- ever, is preferable. See a plate in Lavoisier's and Hen- ry's Chemistry. It is obvious, that as some gases are absorbed by water, that that fluidwould not answer for all gases.* For collecting and experimenting on these a mercurial apparatus is indispensably necessary. A trough about 12 inches long, three inches wide, and four deep, is sufficient for all private experiments As to the method of collecting and transfering gases from one vessel to another, the operation is too simpie to need description ; nor need we notice the bell glasses or air holders necessary in pneumatic chemistry. For a particular account of these and other apparatus for conducting experiments on the gases, I would refer the student to that excellent manuel, Henry's Epitome of Chemistry, a work designedly calculated to instil the first principles into the mind of the new beginner. Agreeably to our plan, the firef-.aration of the gases separately will be considered under distinct sections, and in the subsequent part their characteristic propertie* will claim our attention. * -See page 15. SECTION I. OF THE PREPARATION OF OXYGEN GAS. Experiment 1. Put into a retort a small quantity of oxygenized muriate of potash, and apply the heat of a lamp. When the salt begins to melt, oxygen gas will be obtained in abundance. Rationale. In this process a decomposition of the oxygenized muriate of potash takes place ; its oxygen is extricated in combination with caloric, forming oxy- gen gas, while the simple muriatic acid united to the potash, in the state of muriate of potash, remains in the retort. Experiment 2. Introduce into an earthen, or coated glass retort, or iron mattrass, a portion olnitrate of potash, and expose the apparatus to the action of a strong heat, until the retort becomes red hot. A gas will be obtain- ed, which is oxygen gas. Rationale. In this experiment the nitric acid of the nitrate of potash is partially decomposed. The great- est part of the oxygen of the nitric acid unites to caloric, and forms oxygen gas. The other part remains with the potash in the state of nitrous acid. The resi- due in the distilling vessel is therefore nitrite of potash. Care should be taken to lessen the heat towards the end of the process, otherwise azotic gas will also come over. Remark. This method of obtaining oxygen gas, I would recommend for extensive experiments in prefer- ence to any other. In my class, wherea number of ex- periments are made, I found it more expeditious in the end. Experiment 3. If black oxyd of manganese be exposed in the same manner, and with the same apparatus, to a strong heat, oxygen gas will be given out. Rationale. Black oxyd of manganese is an ore of manganese, in which a quantity of oxygen exists in a combined state. On exposing it, therefore, to a red heat, the affinity of the two is partially destroyed ; its II 86 ©xygen unites with caloric in the state of oxygen gas, while the metal re-approaches the metallic state. A gray oxyd of manganese, however, remains in the vessel. One pound of oxyd of manganese, will afford about 1400 cubic inches of oxygen gas. Remark. If sulphuric acid be -previously added to the manganese, the gas is produced by a less heat and in a larger quantity ; a glass retort and an Argand's lamp may then be used. Experiment 4. If red oxyd of mercury (mercurius precipiteitus per se) be treated in the same manner as in the preceding experiment, oxygen gas will be the result. Rationale. This oxyd of mercury is formed by ex- posing mercury to a heat of about 610° Fidir. If the temperature be raised to about 1000° the at- traction of oxygen is changed ; oxygen gas is given out, and the mercury is revived. Experiment 5. If red oxyd of lead be heated, with or without sulphuric acid, oxygen gas will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment also, the heat destroys the former affinities ; consequently, oxygen gas is giv- en out, and, if sulphuric acid be used, a sulphate of lead remains in the retort. Experiment 6. Fill a glass bell with water, introduce the leaves of vegetables under it, and place the bell in- verted in a flat dish of water. Expose the apparatus to the rays of the sun, and very pure oxygen gas will be disengaged. Rationale. In this experiment the water is said to be decomposed ; the hydrogen combines with the plant, to the nourishment and support of which it contributes, while the oxygen is set at liberty. Dr. Manners in- formed me that he exposed a plant to the action of the sun's rays under water, which contained carbonic acid, and that he obtained a large quantity of oxygen gas. In this case, the carbonic acid, as well as the water, un- derwent a decomposition; the carbon and hyd.ogen were absorbed, and the oxygen, not only of the water, but also of the carbonic acid, was liberated. 37 Experiment 7. Expose under water, in the same manner as in the former experiment, a portion of the green matter which collects on stagnant waters, to the rays of the sun ; oxygen gas will be disengaged in abundance. Rationale. The conferva, or green matter, of stag- nant pools, Dr. Priestley discovered would afford, when exposed to the sun's rays, a large quantity ol empyreal or oxygen gas. It has been supposed by some philoso- phers, that this matter is the product of spontaneous generation. In this as in the preceding experiment, the water is decomposed; its hydrogen is absorbed, and the oxygen is given out in the state of gas. Experiment 8. Expose the leaves of vegetables to the sun's rays under water; oxygen gas will be emitted: expose the same leaves under lime water, and no gas will be disengaged; now remove the leaves, wash them, and expose them again in pump water, and gas will be given out as at first. Rationale. This experiment I give on the authority of my friend Dr. Manners, which experiment he insti- tuted to prove that water isnot decomposed as is generally supposed, but the carbonic acid, with which it is impreg- nated ; for, when the leaves were exposed in water, either distilled or boiled, he obtained not a particle of gas. When lime water was used, the effect was the same. Sec an Essay in the Memoirs of the Columbian Che- mical Society, by Dr. Manners. Dr. Woodhouse made a number of experiments, I think in 1806, on this subject, an account of which was published in Nicholson's Journal, and also in Wood- house's edition of Chaptal's Chemistry ; wherein he endeavoured to prove, that water was not decomposed by vegetables, but that in every case in which oxygen gas was formed, carbonic acid was present. Conse- quently he inferred, that the emission of oxygen was from the decompositionof carbonic acid, and not from the water. The professor instituted these experiments af- ter Mr. Sennebier had made his on the same subject. 88 Mr. Sennebier proved, that if wa'rr be previously boil- ed, of course deprived of its air, the leaves do not emit a particle of oxygen gas ; that those kinds of water which yield most air, contain in them the greatest quan- tity of carbonic acid gas ; and that leaves do not emit any oxygen when pluv.ged in water totally destitute of caibonic acid gas.* If these conclusions be correct, which we have no reason to doubt, the theory of the decomposition of water by plants, is fallacious. Berthol- let infers, th^t oxygen is given out partly from the water, and partly from the carbonic acid. Remark. All plants do not emit oxygen gas with the same facility. There are some which yield it the moment the sun's rays come upon them, as the leaves of the jacoboea or rag wort, of lavender, pepperment, and some other aromatic plants. Green healthy plants af- ford more air than white or yellow ones. Green fruits also furnish oxygen gas. The nastutium indicum, in the space of a few hours, gives out more air than is equal to the bulk of all its leaves. Several essays have appeared on this subject. See an interesting one by Mr. G. F. Lehman, " On the emissionof Oxygen gas by plants," in the Memoirs of the Columbian Chemical Society, vol.i. Experiment 9. Put concentrated oxygenized muriatic acid into a bottle, and fit to it a bent glass tube, one end of which pierces the cork of the bottle, and the other end reaches under a bell or receiver, filled with and inverted in a basin of water, care being taken that the tube does not touch the acid ; expose the whole to the rays of the sun, and oxygen gas will pass over into the receiver. Rationale. This experiment is founded on the pro- perty, of the decomposition of oxymuriatic acid by light, for the production of oxygen gas is the effect of that decomposition. The oxygenized muriatic acid is therefore, changed into the common muriatic acid. • See Thomson, v. j55, m SECTION II. PREPARATION OF CARBONIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Into a glass in which marble, or chalk has been put, pour sulphuric, nitric or muriatic acid, a decomposition will ensue, and carbonic acid gas be disengaged. Rationale. In this experiment the marble, or chalk, (carbonate of lime) is decomposed; the sulphuric, ni- tric, or muriatic acid unites with the lime, forming the sulphate, nitrate, or muriate of lime, and the car* bonic acid is disengaged in a gaseous state. Experiment 2. Into a jar containing oxygen gas, in- troduce a piece of ignited charcoal; when the combus- tion has ceased, the remaining air will be found to be carbonic acid; and if the charcoal be sufficient, the whole of the oxygen gas will be converted into car- bonic acid gas. Rationale. The charcoal by combustion in oxygen gas unites with the oxygen; the result is carbonic acid,- a compound of carbon and oxygen. This experiment should be made over mercury. Experiment 3. If the vapour of water be passed over charcoal, heated to redness in a gun barrel ; and the gas collected, it will be found to be carbonic acid, With HYDROGEN and C ARBURETTED HYDBOGEN-GASES. Rationale. In this experiment the water is decom- posed ; its oxygen combines with a part of the carbon forming carbonic acid, whilst its hydrogen is liberated partly in a free state, and partly in combination with carbon, forming the carburetted hydrogen gas. Experiment 4. Put into an iron mattrass some marble or chalk, apply a considerable degree of heat, and car- bonic acid gas will be obtained. Rationale. In this case the decomposition of the car- bonate of lime takes place, on account of the action of' caloric, which at a high temperature breaks the affinity of the carbonic acid and lime; it unites with-the first audi h2 DO leaves the lime in that state which is generally called quicklime. Experiment 5. If a tube be attached to the bung of a barrel, in which the vinous fermentation has com- menced ; or if the air of a brewer's vat, in which fer- mentation is going on, be collected and examined, it will be found to be carbonic acid. Rationale. During the vinous fermentation, the car- bon of the vegetable matter is partly carried off in union with oxygen forming carbonic acid, whilst the other portion of carbon remains behind in combination with hydrogen, and forms spirit, which exists in beer, cyder, and liquors of this kind, in union with water and mucilaginous matter. Experiment 6. Mix together equal parts of red lead and charcoal, and expose the mixture to the action of a strong heat, in an earthern retort; carbonic acid gas will come over. Rationale. In this case the red lead or oxyd of lead, is decomposed by the charcoal ; the oxygen is abstract- ed, the lead revived, and carbonic acid formed. Experiment 7. Melt in a crucible a portion of nitrate of potash; when melted throw in by degrees some charcoal powder; an immediate deflagration will ensue; und if the gas be collected, it will be found to be prin- cipally carbonic acid. Rationale. In this case the nitric acid of the nitrate of potash is decomposed : the carbon unites with the oxygen forming carbonic acid, whilst the azote is set at liberty. A portion of the carbonic acid is disengaged, and another portion remains with the potash of the de- composed nitre, in the form of subcarbonate of potash. Remark. The sources of carbonic acid are immense, and widely diffused. The chief are the following : 1. The atmosphere always contains a small portion, which varies in the immediate vicinity of places where the processes of respiration and combustion are going on, though somewhat less than might be expected. The general average is estimated at about one hun- dredth part. 91 2. Almost every natural spring, as it rises from the earth, contains a small portion of this air; and some waters hold so large a portion as to give them, when exposed to the air, a very brisk, frothy appearance, and a very sensible taste, and decidedly acid properties. The celebrated springs of Spa, Pyrmont, and Seltzer, and the Balltown in the United States, are of this kind. 3. Every process in which coal, wood, or any other carbonaceous substance is burnt, is one which generates this acid gas. The same may be said of the processes of respiration. 4. The vegetation of plants under some circum- stances generates carbonic acid. 5. The spontaneous decomposition of vegetable and animal matter, produces this gas in abundance. 6. But the largest store of carbonic acid that exists* is that enormous quantity which is solidified in all the immense beds of lime-stone, chalk, and calcareous stones with which every part of the globe abounds. Many of these contain 40 per cent, or even more of their weight of this acid. SECTION III. OF THE PREPARATION OF GASEOUS OXYD OF CARBON. Experiment 1. To one part of chalk, previously ex- posed to a low red heat for ten minutes, add an equal quantity of perfectly dry filings of zinc ; let the mix- ture be introduced into an earthen, or iron retort, and exposed to a heat gradually increased. As soon as the retort becomes of a dull red colour, gas will be disen- gaged in great abundance. This gas is the carbonic OXYD, Or GASEOUS OXYD of CARBON. Rationale. This combination of carbon and oxygen contains a less proportion of oxygen than is found in carbonic acid. In this process, therefore, a decompo- sition of the carbonic acid of 'h« chalk takes place, in 92 its nascent state. The zinc robs the carbonic acid, a? it is liberated by the aetion of heat, of a part of its oxy- gen at a high temperature, and becomes to a certain degree oxydized. The carbonic acid, by being thus deprived of a part of its oxygen, is converted into a new inflammable gas. Remark. In the commencement of the process car- bonic acid gas is obtained ; but when the heat is in- creased, the decomposition of the remaining acid en- sues. This gas is said to hold the same relation to pure hydro-carburets and carbonic acid gas which ni- trous gas, or nitrous oxyd, does to pure azote and ni- trous acid. Carbonic oxyd gas may also be obtained by several other processes. If tin filings be mixed with charcoal, and treated in the same manner, the like result will ensue ; or, if equal quantities of scales of iron separated in forging (black oxyd of iron) and charcoal powder previously heated to redness be mixed, and exposed to the action of heat, the same effect will take place. The gas procured in this way, is a mixture of about one part of carbonic acid gas, and four of gaseous oxyd of carbon ; the former may be separated by suffering the gas to stand over lime water, which will absorb it, and form a carbonate of lime. By employing oxyd of zinc, red oxyd of copper, semi-vitreous oxyd of lead, black oxyd of manganese, and the rest of the metallic oxyds capable of enduring a red heat, with charcoal, carbonic acid gas, and carbonic oxyd gas will be ob- tained. Carbonic acid gas transmitted over ignited charcoal, also forms it. SECTION IV. OF THE PREPARATION OF HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. Introduce into a flask about an ounce of iron or zinc filings, and pour over them a few ounces of 93 uut'rr ; then add sulphuric acid, and hydrogen gas Will be evolved. Rationale. Acceding to the Lavoiserian theory of chemistry, the water in this case is decomposed, and the acid promotes the chemical action. All metals before solution are oxydized, which must take place either before, or in the act of solution ; therefore, when iron or zinc filings, is presented to diluted sul- phuric acid, the water is decomposed ; its oxygen goes to oxydize the metal, which is then dissolved by the acid ; whilst the hydrogen is evolved in the state of gas The oxygen is therefore the bond of union between the metal and the acid. Experiment 2. Let a gun barrel, having its touch-hole screwed up, pass through a furnace ; adjust to its upper extremity a retort charged with water, and let the other extremity terminate in a tube introduced under a re- ceiver in the pneumatic trough. When the apparatus is thus disposed and well luted, bring the gun-barrel to a red heat; and, when thoroughly red hot, make the water in the retort boil; the vapour, when passing through the red hot tube, will afford hydrogen gas abundantly. Rationale. Tn this experiment the oxygen of the water combines with the iron at a red heat, forming an oxyd ; and the caloric applied combines with the hydrogen of the water, and forms hydrogen gas. SECTION V. OF THE PREPARATION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. Put some sul/ihuret of iron (made by melting three parts of iron filings and one of sulphur) into a flask j pour a little diluted sulphuric acid upon it. 94 and SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN GAS will he dlSCll- gaged. Rationale. In this experiment the water is decom- posed; a part of the oxygen oxydizes the iron, which is dissolved by the acid; the hydrogen then, acting upon the sulphur, dissolves a portion of it, and forms sulphuretted hydrogen or hepatic gas. A portion of sulphuric acid is also formed. Experiment 2. Into a flask introduce some sulphuret of potash, and pour on it diluted muriatic acid; apply heat, and sulphuretted hydrogen gas will be dis- engaged. Rationale. Sulphur in a separate state, has no action on water, yet if it be united to an alkali, this combina- tion decomposes water whenever it comes in contact with it, though the alkali itself has no attraction either for oxygen or hydrogen. A part of the sulphur unites with the oxygen forming sulphuric acid, which then combines with a part of the alkali and produces sulphate of potash, whilst the hydrogen of the water, thus set at liberty, unites with a portion of the sulphur, and forms sulphuretted hydrogen which is disengaged in union with caloric in the state of gas. The muriatic acid unites with the other portion of alkali, forming muriate of potash. If sulphuret of potash be thrown into water of the common temperature, it will be decomposed; sulphate of potash, undeeomposed sulphuret, and hy- droguretted sulphuret will exist. If an acid be added, or the temperature raised, the latter would be decom- posed, and sulphuretted hydrogen gas be disengaged. Experiment 3. If a mixture of sulphur with vegeta- ble matter, as sugar, oil, or powdered charcoal, be ex- posed to a strong heat, sulphuretted hydrogen gas will be obtained.* Rationale. The hydrogen, which exists in vegetable substances, or probably from water in its decomposition by heat, unites with the sulphur, and produces sulphu- retted hydrogen. Gas obtained by this means, would be impure, containing more or less of carburetted hy- drogen. * Reese's Cyclopaedia. 95 Experiment 4. If sulphur be exposed to hydrogen ((as, in a gas holder, a portion will be dissolved by the gas, and.the whole converted into sulphuretted hy- drogen gas. Rationale. This experiment proves, that hydrogen is susceptible of holding sulphur in solution; which forms hepatic air. Experiment 5. If sulphur be melted in a tube, and hydrogen gas passed through it, sulphuretted hydro- •■vkn gas will be formed. Rationale. This is also a case of the simple solution of sulphur in hydrogen gas. SECTION VI. OF THE PREPARATION OF LIGHT CARBU- RETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. Fill a wide mouth bottle with water, and keep it inverted in some stagnant water, with a fun- nel in its neck ; then with a stick stir the mud at the bottom just under the funnel so as to let the bubbles of air which rise from the mud enter into the bottle; when, by thus stirring the mud in various places, and catching the air in the bottle, it is filled : the gas thus obtained is the light carburetted hydrogen. Rationale. Hydrogen is capable of containing carbon in solution: in this case we have a compound of the two. Nature produces it ready formed in marshes and ditches, on the surface of putrid water, in burying-pla- ccs, common sewers, and in those situations where pu- trid animal and vegetable matters are accumulated. It is also generated in the intestinal canal of living ani- mals. Experiment 2. If shavings of wood, or saw dust, be put into a retort, and distilled with a heat gradually in- S(i creased until the retort becomes red hot; a great quail- tity of gas will be liberated, which, when caught over lime water and washed, will be found to be the light carburetted hydrogen. Rationale. When wood is subjected to destructive distillation, it is resolved into its elementary principles, and the product obtained shews that it contains hydro- gen, carbon, and oxygen. When the heat arrives at a certain temperature, a part of the charcoal unites with part of the oxygen, which forms carbonic acid, whilst the hydrogen combines with another part of the char- coal, and forms the light carburetted hydrogen gas. The flame of burning wood is supposed to be this gas in the state of combustion. Experiment 3. If charcoal be moistened with water, and exposed in an earthen retort to a heat gradually raised, a gas will come over consisting partly of carbo- nic acid gas, and partly of light carburetted hy- drogen gas. Rationale. In this case the water is decomposed, and carbonic acid and carburetted hydrogen gases are produced. The former may be separated by lime wa- ter. Experiment 4. If charcoal be exposed to the solar rays, concentrated by a lens, in hydrogen gas, the same combination will take place. Experiment 5. Expose some pit coal in a small earth- en, or iron retort, to the action of a strong heat; a gas will come over, which when passed through lime water, will be pure light carburetted hydrogen gas. Rationale. As the coal receives the heat, a vast quantity of gas is liberated, not however perfectly pure. This gas is formed, it is supposed, by the decomposi- tion of water in the coal; for at the same time, some carbonic acid passes over, which is produced from the oxygen of the water and carbon of the coal. The gas obtained from pit coal has been substituted for oil in lamps, and has been used successfully to light up rooms, for an account of which see Thomson's Che- 97 mistry, vol. i. p. 51. and Parke's Chemical Catechism, 8vo. During the operation much bituminous matter is dis- tilled. Experiment 6. If acetite of potash be distilled, a gas will be obtained which possesses the properties of the light carburetted hydrogen gas. Rationale. In this experiment, the acetous acid is decomposed; its oxygen unites with a part of the car- bon, forming carbonic acid, which attaches itself to the alkali, whilst the hydrogen and part of the -carbon are dissipated in a gaseous state. SECTION VII. OF THE PREPARATION OF HEAVY CARBU- RETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. If four parts of concentrated sulphuric acid and one of alcohol be mixed together in a retort, and a moderate heat applied, a large quantity of gas will pass over, which is the heavy carburetted hy- drogen gas, or the olefiant gas of the Germans. Rationale. By the action of sulphuric acid on the alcohol, a decomposition ensues. A part of the acid it- self is decomposed: the oxygen of the acid appears to combine with a portion of hydrogen forming water, whilst the carbon of the alcohol is separated; the other portion of hydrogen, being now disengaged, combines with a part of the carbon, and forms the heavy carbu- retted hydrogen gas, at the same time some sulphure- ous acid passes over, from which it is to be separated. From the property which the gas possesses of forming an oil with oxymuriatic acid gas, the Dutch chemists have given it the appellation of olefiant gas, and Dr. Thom- son calls it heavy hydrocarburet, or hydrocarbonate. £ 98 Experiment 2. Pass through a red hot earthen tube in the state of vapour, alcohol or sulphuric ether, and a gas will be obtained similar to the preceding. Rationale. During this operation, the heat acts as a divellent power; the hydrogen of the alcohol, or ether, takes the gaseous form, which unites with carbon ob- tained from the same source, and produces the heavy CARBURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Remark. There are several species of the gas call- ed carburetted hydrogen, a full account of which may be seen in Thomson's Chemistry. What is called the light carburetted hydrogen contains 28£ per cent, hy- drogen, and 7\\ carbon, and the heavy carburetted hy- drogen, called also the super carburetted hydrogen, and olefiant gas, is composed of 83 per cent, of carbon, and 17 of hydrogen." SECTION VIII. OF THE PREPARATION OF ARSENIURET- TED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. Mix a small quantity ol metallic arse- nic with a few zinc or iron filings, and add to the mix- ture some diluted sulphuric acid, arseniuretted hy- drogen gas will be obtained. Rationale. In this experiment, the water is decom- posed ; the oxygen unites with the zinc or iron, which is afterwards dissolved, and the hydrogen combines with a portion of the arsenic, forming the arseniuretted hydrogen gas. Experiment 2. If an alloy composed of 15 parts of tin and one of arsenic, be digested in muriatic acid ar- seniuretted hydrogen gas will be evolved. Rationale. In this process, recommended by Stro- meyer, the water in the muriatic acid is decomposed; hydrogen is evolved, which dissolves a portion of arse- 99 nic, forming the gas in question, whilst the muriatic acid unites with the tin into a muriate of tin. Experiment 3. If liquid arsenic acid be digested with zinc, an effervescence will ensue, and arseniuretted hydrogen gas will be evolved.* Rationale. In this experiment the water of the liquid arsenic acid is decomposed ; its oxygen as well us a. part from the arsenic acid goes to the zinc and oxydizes it, which is then taken up by the arsenic acid, forming arse- niatdtei' zinc, whilst the hydrogen of the water, thus dis- engaged, unites with a portion of the arsenic, and forms arseniuretted hydrogen. SECTION IX. OF THE PREPARATION OF PHOSPHURET- TED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. Put four ounces of water into an eight ounce retort, and add a little solution ol pure pot- ask, and give it a boiling heat with a lamp. When it boils, drop a small piece of phosphorus into it, and im- merse the beak of the retort into a vessel of water. Bub- bles of phosphuretted hydrogen gas will pass over, and on coming in contact with the atmosphere, will take fire. Rationale. In this case the phosphorus unites with the potash, forming a phosphuret, which decomposes the water: the oxygen of which unites with a part of the phosphorus and converts it into phosphoric acid; whilst the hydrogen of the water, thus set at liberty, dissolves the other portion of phosphorus, and produces the phosphuretted hydrogen gas. Phosphate of potash remains in the retort. ♦ * Ilccse's Cyclopedic, article Arsenic. 100 Experiment 2. If a small quantity of phosphuret of lime be thrown*into water, bubbles of phosphuretted hydrogen gas will be evolved. Rationale. In this ease the water is decomposed by the phosphuret of lime : a part of the phosphorus is converted into the phosphoric acid by the oxygen of the water, which unites with the lime into a phosphate of lime; the other part of the phosphorus combines with the hydrogen of the decomposed .water, and forms the phosphuretted hydrogen gas. Experiment 3. If 20 grains of phosphorus, cut very small, and mixed with 40 grains of fine granulated zinc, and 2 drachms of concentrated sulphuric acid be added ttiereto, phosphuretted hydrogen gas will rise to lue surface, and take fire. Rationale. In this case the zinc seizes the oxygen; and the hydrogen, the other constituent of the water, unites with a portion of the phosphorus, forming the phosphuretted hydrogen gas, whilst the oxyd of zinc is t.iken up by the sulphuric acid, and forms sulphate of v.inc. Experiment 4. If to a piece ol phosphuret of lime, put is water, a few drops of concentrated muriatic acid be added, a disengagement of phosphuretted hydro- g..n gas will immediately ensue. Rationale. In this experiment, like in the preceding, t!ie water undergoes a decomposition ; the muriatic acid promotes the action, probably by separating the hydro-phosphuret, like in the case with hydro-sulphu- ret of potash. Experiment 5. IIphosphorus be exposed to an atmos- phere ol hydrogen gas, a portion will be dissolved in that air, and form the phosphuretted hydrogen gas. P.ationale. In this case a direct combination of phos- phorus with hydrogen takes place; if the phosphorus be melted, while in the hydrogen gas, the combination will be facilitated. The gas formed in this way con- tains less phosphorus than that produced by the phos- phuret of lime ; it has therefore been called Itiiosphori- zed hydrogen gas. It is this gas which is otlen seen ho- 101 vering on the surface of burial-grounds, marshes, &c. known by the name of will-o-the-wisp. SECTION X. OF THE PREPARATION OF AMMONIACAL GAS. Experiment 1. Introduce a mixture of two parts of muriate of ammonia and one part of lime (quick-lime) both in powder, into a retort, and apply the heat of a lamp ; a gas will be produced", which is the ammoniacal gas. Rationale. In this experiment the muriate of ammo- nia, being a compound of muriatic acid and ammonia, is decomposed by the lime ; the muriatic acid unites with this earth, forming muriate of lime, which remains in the retort, and the ammonia combines with caloric, and forms ammoniacal gas. Experiment 2. Introduce into a retort, or flask adapt- ed to a syphon, a portion of liquid ammonia, and apply the heat of a lamp; ammoniacal gas will be pro- duced. Rationale. As the liquid ammonia is nothing more than a solution of ammoniacal gas in water, it is obvious, that on the application of heat, the ammonia is disen- gaged in the form of gas. SECTION XI. OF THE PREPARATION OF SULPHUROUS ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Pour on to a small quantity of mercury, put into a retort, a portion of sulphuric acid; apply heat, and sulphurous acid gas will be formed. i 2 102 Rationale. In this experiment the mercury ab- stracts a part of the oxygen of the sulphuric acid, as the latter is a compound of sulphur and oxygen, and becomes converted into an oxyd ; the sulphuric acid having thus lost a portion of its oxygen, is transformed into the sulphurous acid. Experiment 2. Place in an earthen dish some sul- phur ; set fire to it, and when it is completely inflam- ed, cover it with a large bell glass perfectly dry ; re- move the whole on a dish and surround it with mercu- ry. The sulphur will burn for some time. When the vapour has subsided, the air in the glass will be found to contain sulphurous acid gas. Rationale. This is a case of the slow combustion of sulphur. During the process, the sulphur absorbs the oxygen contained in the atmospheric air; the oxvgen not being sufficient to oxygenate the sulphur com- pletely, the result is an imperfect aeriform acid. Experiment 3. If sulphite of potash be exposed in a retort to the action of heat, sulphurous acid gas will be disengaged. Rationale. In this case the heat decomposes the salt, which is a compound of sulphurous acid and potash, and unites with the acid forming sulphurous acid gas. Experiment 4. If concentrated sulphuric acid be added to the sulphite of potash, and heat applied, sulphurous acid gas will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment, the sulphuric acid decomposes the sulphite; it unites with the alkali form- ing sulphate of potash, whilst the sulphurous acid is liberated. Experiment 5. Moisten charcoal with sulphuric acid, and expose it to distillation ; sulphurous acid gas and carbonic acid gas will be obtained. Rationale. In this case the charcoal decomposes the sulphuric acid; it unites with a part of the oxygen and forms carbonic acid; at the same time the remaining compound of sulphur and oxygen is disengaged in the ^tMe of sulphurous acid gas, the sulphuric acid being partiydeoiiydated. 103 Experiment 6. If a mixture ol sulphur and the oxyds of lead, mercury, tin, or manganese, be subjected to heat) sulphurous acid gas will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment the sulphur attracts the oxygen of the metallic oxyds, and becomes convert- ed into sulphurous acid gas, while the oxyds are partially restored to the metallic state. SECTION XII. OF THE PREPARATION OF NITRIC OXYD GAS. Experiment 1. If to a portion of copper filings, put into a retort, nitric acid be added, and heat applied, ni- trous gas, or nitric oxyd gas, will be obtained. Ratioiuile. In order the better to obtain this gas, the acid should be diluted, and the first portions of the gas suffered to escape. In this experiment the water undergoes no change, but the acid suffers a partial de- composition : nitric acid, being a compound of oxygen and azote, when presented to the metal, is decomposed ; a part of the oxygen unites with the metal, thereby ox- ydizing it, which is then dissolved by another portion of the acid, forming nitrate of copper, at the same time another part being thus deprived of some of its oxygen, assumes a gaseous form, constituting the nitric oxyd, or nitrous gas, which exists as a permanently elastic fluid at the common temperature of the atmos- phere. Remark. Other metals beside copper may be used for procuring nitrous gas, such as lead, mercury, silver, iron, zinc, &c. Experiment 2. Pour nitric acid on powdered tin, a violent action will immediately ensue, and a copious disengagement of nitrous gas take place. Rationale. It is evident, that as the metals possess different degrees of affinity for oxygen, the phc- 104 nomena is more or less rapid. In this experiment considerable heat is produced, during the oxydizement of the metal, and the extrication of the nitrous gas. The rationale of this is similar to the preceding. Experiment 3. If copper wire, or strips of this metal, be introduced into a retort, and the same quantity of nitrate of potash added, and to this half its weight of sulphuric acid; on applying heat, nitrous gas will be obtained. Rationale. In this process nitrate of potash is de- composed : the sulphuric acid unites with the alkali, forming sulphate of potash, whilst the nitric acid is disengaged, which acts immediately on the copper, and causes, by its decomposition as in a former experi- ment, an evolution of nitrous gas. Experiment 4. If coarsely powdered manganese be put into an earthen tube, open at both ends, then placed in a furnace, and heat be applied until the man- ganese is red hot, and ammoniacal gas passed over it from a retort attached to one end, nitrous gas will be given out at the other end of the tube. Rationale. Ammonia consists of hydrogen and azote : in this case, when it comes in contact with the heated oxyd of manganese, its hydrogen combines with a portion of the oxygen given out, and forms water, whilst another part unites with the azote, and constitutes nitrous gas. Care should be taken, in making the experiment, not to suffer the ammoniacal gas to pass through unde- composed. SECTION XIII. OF THE PREPARATION OF AZOTIC GAS. Experiment 1. If a paste made ol sulphuret of potash^ or sulphuret of iron, be exposed to atmospheric air in a bell glass over water, the air will gradually diminish, 105 as will appear from the ascent of the water, until only about three fourths of its original bulk remain. The remaining air is azotic gas, or nitrogkn gas. Rationale. Atmospheric air is composed of oxygen gas and azotic gc.s. On presenting the sulphuret, the former is absorbed, and the sulphuret is converted in- to a sulphate. The remaining air is the azotic gas. If carbonic acid gas existed in the air, its separation from the azote may be accomplished by means of lime wa- ter. It is this property which some of the sulphurets possess, that has recommended them in eudiometry to ascertain the quantity of oxygen gas in the atmosphere. The water, with which the sulphuret is moistened, likewise undergoes a decomposition; some sulphu- retted hydrogen gas is therefore formed. Experiment 2. If to lean muscular flesh cut in pieces and put into a retort, nitric acid diluted with double its weight of water be added, and the heat of a lamp applied; a gas will pass over, which will be found to be azote or nitrogen. Rationale. Animal substances are quarternary com- pounds, consisting of azote, carbon, hydrogen, and oxy- gen. On adding nitric acid and applying heat, the equilibrium of the respective affinities is destroyed, and azotic gas is evolved. That the nitric acid, al- though composed of azote as a necessary constituent, does not afford the nitrogen is obvious, from its satu- rating the same quantity of alkali after as well as be- fore the experiment. Experiment 3. If oxygenated muriatic acid gas be re- ceived in a vessel containing liquid ammonia, nitro- gkn g\s will be formed. Rationale. The oxymuriatic acid gas as well as the ammonia, are reciprocally decomposed ; the oxygen of the former unites with the hydrogen of the latter and forms water, whilst the azote, the other constituent of the ammonia, is set at liberty ; the oxymuriatic being reduced to the common muriatic acid. 106 Experiment 4. If phosphorus be inflamed In a jar of atmospheric air, until the combustion ceases, the air re- maining will be found to be nitrogen gas. Rationale. In this experiment the phosphorus robs the air of its oxygen and forms with it phosphoric acid, which appears in white fumes. When these subside, the re- maining air Avill be tolerably pure azote. It is said that the azote holds a portion of phosphorus in solution forming phosphuretted azotic gas. Remark. Fourcroy asserts, that azotic gas left in contact with charcoal has the property of dissolving a portion of it. The gas has been called carburetted azotic gas. In the same manner, azote unites with phosphorus and sulphur, forming the phosphuretted and sulphu- retted azotic gases. SECTION XIV. OF THE PREPARATION OF NITROUS OXYD GAS. Experiment 1. Introduce into a retort a portion of nitrate of ammonia, and apply the heat of a lamp; the salt will soon liquefy, and nitrous oxyd gas or gaseous oxyd o? azote will be disengaged. Rationale. When the temperature has arrived between 340 and 480 degrees, the salt melts and a rapid de- composition ensues. In this experiment, therefore, the nitric acid, as well as the ammonia is decomposed; for at a temperature of 480*» the attractions of hydrogen and nitrogen, and that of nitrous gas for oxygen in ni- tric acid are diminished, while on the contrary, the at- traction of the hydrogen and ammonia for the oxygen of the nitric acid, and that of the remaining nitrogen of the ammonia for the nitrous gas of the nitric acid, are increased; consequently, a change of affinities ensues. The hydrogen of the ammonia unites with 107 the oxygen of the nitrous acid and forms water : the nitrogen of the ammonia then combines with the libe- rated nitrous gas, and forms nitrous oxyd. After the gas is prepared it is suffered to remain over water before it is used. The peculiar stimulating effects of this gas when taken into the lungs, which has excited great attention in the literary world, will be noticed hereafter. Experiment 2. If nitrous gas be exposedto alkaline sulphites, a part of its oxygen is absorbed, and the gas is converted into the nitrous oxyd. Rationale. In this experiment the sulphite is convert- ed into the sulphate of potash by the absorption of oxy- gen from the nitrous gas, which is thus changed into Lhe nitrous oxyd. Experiment 3. If nitrous gas be presented to sulphu- retted hydrogen gas nitrous oxyd will be formed. Rationale. In this experiment the hydrogen unites with a portion of oxygen and forms water, and with azote it produces ammonia. Sulphur is deposited. The remaining oxygen and azote form the nitrous oxyd. Experiment 4. Expose sulphuret of fiolash to nitrous gas, and the latter will be changed into nitrous oxyd. Rationale. In this case a part of the oxygen is ab- stracted by the sulphur, which is acidified, whilst the remaining gas is converted into the nitrous oxyd. If the sulphuret be a hydro-sulphuret, the sulphuretted hydrogen will undergo decomposition. Experiment 5. If the nitrous gas be collected, which has been obtained by the action of nitric acid upon cop- per, and exposed to a solution of sulphate of iron, the nitrous gas will be absorbed, awd the remaining gas will be found to be nitrous oxyd. Rationale. In the decomposition of nitric acid by cop- per, or any of the metals, it appears, that besides ni- trous gas, a portion of nitrous oxyd is generated. Dr. Priestley first announced the fact. As the nitrous dif- fers from the nitric oxyd, or nitrous gas, only in the proportion of azote and oxygen, it would appear, that in preparing nitrous gas, these elementary principles arrange themselves in two different orders; the first 108 constitutes the nitric and the latter the nitrous oxyd. The proportion of the latter, however, is inconsiderable to the former. When impure nitrous gas is exposed to a solution of sulphate of iron, Mr. Davy found that the nitrous gas was wholly absorbed, leaving the nitrous oxyd behind. This solution forms Mr. Davy's test for oxygen, in eudiometry, and is far preferable to Dr Priestley's mode of using the nitrous gas. SECTION XV. OF THE PREPARATION OF MURIATIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Into a tubulated retort introduce two parts of very dry muriate of soda, and pour on it very gradually one part of concentrated sulphuric acid. A violent action will ensue, and muriatic acid gas be- comes disengaged. Rationale. Muriate of soda is a compound of muri- atic acid and soda. On adding sulphuric acid, it is decomposed. The muriatic acid is given out in the state of gas, and a compound remains in the retort of sulphuric acid and soda. Experiment 2. If muriatic acid be exposed to a mo- derate temperature in a retort, a gas will come over, which is the muriatic acid gas. Rationale. In this process the application of heat dis- engages the muriatic acid gas from its combination with water, in which it exists in the state of acid, with- out distilling the water. Experiment 3. If muriatic acid be put into a cylindri- cal glass, and about one third or one fourth by measure ol sulphuric add be added, a violent effervescence will ensue, and muriatic acid gas be evolved ^li0uate-' TH8 exPeri™ent proves that the affinitv of sulphuric acid for water, is greater than that of mu- riatic acid ; consequently, the one displaces the other. 109 SECTION XVI. OF THE PREPARATION OF OXYGENIZED MURIATIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Introduce into a retort one part of b'ack oxyd of manganese and three or four of concen- trated muriatic acid; apply heat and gas will be ob- tained. This is the oxygenized muriatic acid gas. Rationale. In this experiment oxyd of manganese is partly deoxydated ; a portion of its oxygen unites with the muriatic acid, which is changed into oxygenized muriatic acid, and which takes the gaseous form. The oxyd of manganese, being thus partly deoxydized, is dissolved by another portion of the muriatic acid, into a muriate of manganese. Experiment 2. To eight parts, by weight, of muriate of soda, and three of powdered oxyd of manganese, put into a tubulated retort, add gradually four parts of sulphuric acid, diluted previously with three of water. On applying a gentle heat oxygenized muriatic acid >as will be produced. Rationale. In this case the muriate of soda is decom- posed by the sulphuric acid, which unites with the soda, for which it has a greater affinity, forming sul- phate of soda, whilst the muriatic acid seizes the oxy- gen ot the oxyd, in the same manner as in the preced- ing experiment, and forms with it oxygenized muri- atic acid gas. Remark. The disinfecting apparatus of Morveau is formed of the above materials placed in a suitable glass vessel. Most of the metallic oxyds will answer as well as the manganese, but the latter is much cheaper, and generally yields more oxygen.* * As the disinfecting apparatus of Morveau lias been used in hospitals, for the purpose of destroying contagion, or at least for purifying die atmosphere, the reader may find a description of the apparatus, and the mode of using it, in a work entitled, " Obser- vations on the Means of preserving the Health of Soldiers and Sailors, and on the Duties of the Medical Department of the Ar- my and Navy ; with remarks on Hospitals and their Arrangement," by F.dward Cutbush, M D. Surgeon in the Navy of the United States. no Experiment 3. To an ounce measure of liquid muriatic acid, contained in a gas bottle, add three or four drachms of hyper oxymuriate of potash, and oxymuri- atic acid gas will be evolved. If the heat of a lamp furnace be applied, the action of the acid is promoted. By immersing the gas bottle in a vessel of warm wa- ter, the same effect will ensue. Rationale. The production of oxymuriatic acid gas by the decomposition of hyper oxymuriate of potash by muriatic acid, depend upon the superior affinity of the muriatic acid for the alkali, in consequence of which the oxymuriatic acid is expelled, and muriate of potash is formed. Remark. This process was first pointed out by Mr. Cruikshank. This philosopher infers, that the gas ob- tained by this means contains one part of oxygen and 1.3 of muriatic acid, or 56.5 of muriatic acid, and 43. ;> of oxygen in the hundred. According to Mr. Chenevix the gas procured by this process is a mixture of hyper oxymuriatic acid and oxymuriatic acid gas. Experiment 4. If nitric acid be added to muriate of so- da and heat applied, the salt will be decomposed, arftl an acid gas consisting partly of oxymuriatic acid gas will be obtained. Rationale. In the first place a part of the nitric acid goes to decompose the muriate of soda, with the base of which it forms nitrate of soda, whilst the muriatic acid unites with a part of the oxygen of the remaining por- tion of nitric acid and forms oxymuriatic acid. The azote of the nitric acid still in union with oxygen, con- stitutes nitric oxyd, or nitrous gas, with which the oxy- muriatic is contaminated. Experiment 5. If oxygenized muriate of potash be put into a cup, and sulphuric acid added, an action will en- sue, and oxymuriatic acid gas will be disengaged. If heat is applied, the decomposition is more rapid. Rationale. In this experiment the oxymuriate of potash is decomposed ; the sulphuric acid takes the place of the oxymuriatic acid, and the latter assumes a gaseous form. Ill SECTION XVII. OF THE PREPARATION OF FLUORIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Put one part ol oowdexed fluate of lime (Derbyshire spar) into a leaden or tin retort, and pour over it two or three parts of concentrated sulphuric acid. When heat is applied, a violent action will ensue, and fluoric acid gas will pass over. Rationale. The fluate of lime is decomposed by the sulphuric acid ; the fluoric acid is separated in the state of gas, whilst the sulphuric acid unites with the lime, forming sulphate of lime. It is this acid which has the property of corroding glass ; hence the use of a leaden or tin retort, as it does not act upon either of the metals, and hence also its utility in etching on glass. Exfieriment 2. If water, impregnated with fluoric acid gas, be exposed to a moderate heat, fluoric acid gas will pass over. Rationale. In this case the heat destroys the union of the gas with the water j hence the former is disen- gaged. PART V. OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE GAS-F.s. SECTION I. OF OXYGEN GAS. Experiment 1. If oxygen gas be introduced into a bell glass over water, or mercury, and ignited charcoal brought in contact, combustion will immediately com- mence and scintillating sparks will be thrown out in all directions. In showing this experiment the red hot charcoal should be attached to a copper wire. Rationale. In this experiment the oxygen gas is decomposed, as it consists of oxygen, caloric, and light; the carbon, at the temperature of ignition, having a greater affinity for oxygen than caloric, combines with the oxygen, and forms carbonic acid, which takes the gaseous state, whilst heat and light are set at liberty. If a certain quantity of charcoal be burnt, or enough to decompose all the oxygen gas, the remaining air will be found to be unfit for combustion, or respiration, and susceptible of separation by lime water : if this be intro- duced, or the jar removed to a dish containing lime wa- ter, the gas will be absorbed, the lime water will put on a milky appearance, and carbonate of lime will be pro- duced. Remark. Oxygen gas, according to Dr. Thomson, is a simple supporter of combustio::. The term support- er is used to denote the property which some airs pos- sess, particularly oxygen gas, of aiding and promoting 113 combustion. For the theories on combustion see La- voisier's and Thomson's Chemistry. Respecting the combustion of charcoal, it may not be improper to add, that in all cases, whether it be burnt in oxygen gas or in atmospheric air, carbonic acid gas is generated ; and as this gas is deleterious to animal life, it is important that proper ventilators should be used in every situation in which it is burnt. Experiment 2. Introduce into a bell glass of oxygen gas a piece of roll sulphur, previously inflamed, attached to a copper wire; the sulphur will burn with a beauti- ful blue flame. Fumes will arise, which will gradually subside. Rationale. In this experiment the oxygen gas is de- composed ; the sulphur unites, in combustion, with the oxygen, and forms both the sulphurous and sulphuric acids ; these acids being composed of sulphur and oxy- gen. The water under the air holder will be found to have an acid taste, and to exhibit the properties of acids in general. Oxygen is the principle of acidity. Remark. When sulphur is burnt in contact with. nitrate of potash, as in the sulphuric acid manufacto- ries, it is compdetely oxygenated; for there the oxygen is furnished by the nitric acid of the nitrate, which is. decomposed.. Experiment 3. Fill a bell with oxygen gas,snd intro- duce a piece of phosphorus placed in a little cup; set it on fire by means of a crooked iron wire previously ig- nited, and a brilliant flame will be produced. Rationale. In this experiment the phosphorus unites with the oxygen, forming phosphoric acid, which ap- pears in a white smoke, and the light heat of-the gasv us well as of the phosphorus (for these bodies exist in phosphorus) are set at liberty. Remark. On account of this property, phosphorus. has been used in eudiometry, to measure the quantity of oxygen gas in the atmosphere.. Forty grains- of phosphorus absorb generally sixty-five of oxygen- On the mode of using it, see Thomson's Chemistry. Mr. il < Henry has proposed the following method to shew the combustion of phosphorus in oxygen gas. Experiment 4. Fill a bell shaped rccevier, having an opening in the top, to which a compressed bladder is firmly tied, with oxygen gas ; and, as it stands inverted in water, press a circular piece of pasteboard, rather exceeding the jar in diameter, over its mouth. When an assistant has set fire to the phosphorus cover it instant- ly with the jar of oxygen gas, retaining the pasteboard in its place, till the jar is immediately over the cup. When this has been skilfully managed, a very small portion only of the gas will escape; and the inflamma- tion of the phosphorus will he extremely brilliant. The expanded gas rises into the flaccid bladder, and is thus prevented from escaping into the room, and proving disagreeable by its suffocating smell. Experiment 5. If fine /r&?i wire, or thin harpsicord wire, be twisted in a spiral form, to the end of which a little flax or tow dipped in sulphur has been put, and to the other end a cork fixed, which fits the mouth of a bottle, then set on fire, and introduced into the bottle, previously filled with oxygen gas, the wire will burn with a most brilliant light and throw out a great num- ber of sparks. Rationale. This experiment proves that the metals are combustible, and that in the present instance, the iron decomposes oxygen gas. During the combustion, oxy- gen is absorbed by the metal, which is therefore chang- ed into an oxyd, and heat and light are set at liberty. The iron, by thus uniting with oxygen, increases in weight, and loses the properties of metallic iron. It is always necessary, in order to effect the decomposition of the gas, that the iron should be ignited, or that com- bustion some where should commence the process, Otherwise the affinity of oxygen and caloric would still remain in equiiibrio. Remark. Watch springs, and steel made sharp pointed, will, if properly managed, shew the same ex- periment. Before my class, I have exhibited the phe- nomena with perfect satisfaction by using the watch 115 spring, and also by exposing it, in an ignited state, to a stream of the gas, issuing from the hydro-pneumatic blow pipe. All the metallic substances, with the exception of gold, silver, and platina, have the property of decompos- ing oxygen gas. Experiment 6. If metallic arsenic be put into a copper ladle, having previously affixed to it a piece of wood or charcoal, then set on fire by means of the blow pipe, and quickly introduced into oxygen gas, a beautiful white flame will be produced, and the arsenic be consumed. Rationale. In this case the arsenic, a simple com- bustible body, decomposes the gas, and is converted, by its combining with oxygen, into an acid, the arsenious acid, which is found floating on the water (if the expe- riment be made over water) in the form of a white pow- der : heat and light are, therefore, disengaged. Expteriment 7. Make a small ball of the turnings of zinc and put in it a small piece ol phosphorus, put it into a copper ladle, or attach it to a copper wire, set it on fire and introduce it into oxygen gas ; the zinc will be in- flamed and produce a beautiful green flame surrounded by a white one. Rationale. The oxygen in this case converts the zinc into an oxyd of zinc. Experiment 8. If the filings, or turnings, of zinc, copper, antimony, iron, or steel, be exposed to a cur- rent of oxygen gas from a gasometer, they will burn with great rapidity. Experiment 9. Take the metal obtained from potash, or potassium, heat it and introduce it under a bell glass of oxygen gas, a rapid combustion will ensue, and potash be reproduced. Rationale. As potash is found to be a compound body, consisting of a peculiar metal united with oxy- gen, in the state of an oxyd, agreeably to Mr. Davy, it follows, that potash is reproduced in this experi- ment. The potassium unites with the oxygen, and heat and light are, of course, set at liberty. 116 Experiment 10. If a little Homburg's pyrophorus be introduced into oxygen gas, immediate flashes like inflamed gun powder will ensue. Rationale. This effect is also owing to the decom- position of oxygen gas. Experiment 11. A lighted wax taper let down into a vessel of oxygen gas burns with great splendour ; if it be blown out and again let down, the snuff io instantly rekindled. Rationale. The first part of the experiment proves, that oxygen gas is a better supporter of combustion than common air> which is a compound of oxygen and azotic gases, and the second, that ignited carbon (of the wick) is immediately inflamed in oxygen gas. Experiment 12. If a piece of dry coal be fastened to a copper wire ignited, and immersed into oxygen gas, it will burn and throw out brilliant sparks. Experiment 13. Nitrate of lime and cliarcoal mixed, set on fire and introduced into the gas, will burn with an orange red colour. Experiment 14. Boracic acid and charcoal, \n the pro- portion of one part of the former and three of the lat- ter, treated in the same manner, affords a green. Experiment 15. Nitrate of strontian and charcoal pro- duces a rose coloured flame. Rationale. In these cases, the colours are produced by the different substances, which constitutes their habits when exposed, under certain circumstances, to oxygen gas. Experiment 16. If two lighted tapers be placed in two jars of the same dimensions, the one containing atmospheric air, and the other oxygen ; it will be found that the taper will burn considerably longer in the oxy- gen gas than in the atmospheric air. Rationale. As oxygen gas is a supporter of combus. tion, and atmospheric air only a supporter of combus- tion as it contains oxygen, it follows that the taper would burn for a longer time in ib.e one than in the other. 117 Experiment 17. If a bi d, mouse, or other smJl ani- mal be put into a vessel of oxygen gas, it will be found to live six times longer than in the same bulk of at- mospheric air. Rationale. This is a proof that oxygen gas supports, eminently, animal life. Condorcet, accordingly, nam- ed it vital air. The reason why oxygen gas thus maintains animal life is readily explained, when we onsider, that animal heat is attributable to the decom- position of oxygen gas by the blood in the lungs; or that the process of respiration which is a compound ac- tion of inspiration and expiration, causes the air to come in contact with the disoxygenatedblood, that oxy- gen gas is decomposed analagous to combustion, and that oxygen is absorbed, forming the red blood, and heat is thus set at liberty from it. Remark. Dr. Priestley and many other philosophers have shewn, that animals live much longer in the same quantity of oxygen gas than of common air. Count Morozzo placed a number of sparrows, one after ano- ther, in a glass bell tilled wit,h common air and inverted over water. H. M. The first sparrow lived - - - 3 - 0 The second - - - 0-3 The third......0-1 He filled the same glass with oxygen gas and re- peated the experiment. H. M. The first sparrow lived - - .-5-23 The second ... 2 The third......1 The fourth..... The fifth .....0 The sixth - - 0 The seventh.....0 The eighth .....0 The ninth - - . . ., q The ten-.h .....0 10 30 1 - 10 30 47 27 30 22 21 118 He then put in two together ; the one died in 10 minutes, but the other lived an hour longer. These experiments, therefore, shew, that a considerable dif- ference exists between atmospheric air and oxygen gas as it respects the vitality or the support of animal life. Dr. Higgins having caused a young man to breathe pure oxygen gas for several minutes, his pulse, which was at 64, soon rose to 120 beats in a minute.* Pure oxygen gas has been used also with success in cases of suspended animation. Water impregnated with it has been found a valuable remedy in several diseases. Experiment 18. If a little dark coloured blood be pass- ed up into a jar partly filled with oxygen gas, and stand- ing over mercury ; or if a vial be filled with oxygen gas, and a portion of blood added and well shook, the gas will be in part absorbed, and the colour of the blood will be changed to a bright and florid red. Rationale. Blood, being found to contain subphosphate of iron united with eight other ingredients, when ex- posed to oxygen gas changes its colour, (if it be dark) to a red, which is owing to the absorption of oxygen. For particulars, see Thomson's Chemistry. Remark. All the operations of nature, whether of the animal, the vegetable, or the mineral kingdoms, are so governed by invariable laws, as to co-operate with each other. It is thus by reciprocal changes, which are governed by uniform laws, that revolutions are brought about; and it is thus also, that the economy of nature is produced from those operations, which con- sist in regular and harmonious changes, and altogether bespeaks the handy work of an artist acquainted with his materials. Oxygen gas is a component part of atmospheric air in the proportion of twenty-two parts in a hundred. It has never been procured in a separate state. Oxygen gas, or the combination of oxygen with caloric and light, is its most simple form. The gas is permanently elastic, compressible, transparent, inodorous and insipid. The specific gravity is 0.00135. We have seen that it sup- • Thornton's Philosophy of Medicine. 119 ports inflammation and is necessary for respiration, in which processes it is decomposed. Oxygen is also a principal constituent in water, in all acids, and metallic oxyds, and in almost all animal and vegetable sub- stances. Oxygenizement is a process in which the oxygen unites with certain bases, forming either oxyds or acids, in the formation of which certain affinities ensue. PRIMARY compounds of oxygen. A. Binary. 2. a. With nitrogen. 1. Atmospheric air. 2. Nitrous oxyd. 3. Nitric oxyd. 4. Nitric acid. ?. b. With hydrogen, wa- ter. -. c. With carbon. I. Incombustible coal, plumbago. 2. Charcoal, (carbonous oxyd.) 3. Gaseous oxyd of carbon, (carbonic oxyd.) 4. Carbonic acid. •/. d. With sulphur. 1. Oxyd of sulphur. 2. Sulphurous acid. 3. Sulphuric acid. e. e. With phosphorus ; 1. Oxyd of phosphorus. 2. Phosphorous acid. 3. Phosphoric acid. B. Ternary, with carbon and hydrogen. a. a. Oxyds. Hydrocarbon- ates, alcohol, ether, oil, vegetable substances. b. b. Acids. Vegetable acid. C. Quaternary. With hydro- gen, carbon, and nitrogen. a. a. Oxyds. Animal sub- stances. b. b. Acids. Animal acids. It has been supposed that oxygen gas is a principal agent in putrefaction. Dr. Manners placed a quantity of fresh meat, dried as much as possible, in order to free it from moisture, under mercury, so as to exclude it entirely from atmospheric air; in three days he dis- covered that the putrefactive process had taken place. Dr. Thomas D. Mitchell has since repeated the expe- riment, with precisely the same result, from which they drew the following conclusion. That external oxygen, or oxygen gas of the atmosphere, has no influence whatever in the putrefactive process; and that putre- 120 faction ensues, in consequence of the equilibrium 01 the component parts of animal substances being des- troyed by the loss of vi'alit:,, in which also some new products are formed. Dr. Manners observes, that con- trary to the common opinion, no ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen, nor oxygen gas was formed, in the process of putrefaction, excluded from external air ; but that carbo- nic acid gas was given out. This subject, however, will be noticed under its pro- per head. SECTION II. OF CARBONIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Carbonic acid gas extinguishes fiame. for if a lighted taper be let down into a vessel of this air, it will be immediately extinguished. The smoke, if the vessel be shaken, wiil have an undulating mo- tion. Experiment 2. Into three tubes of the same dimen- sions, introduce atmospheric air, carbonic acid gas, and oxygen gas, in each tube; plunge successively, and with swiftness, a lighted taper into each of them. In the tube containing atmospheric air, the taper will burn as usual; in that which contains carbonic acid gas, it will be ex- tinguished, and in the oxygen gas it will burn with in- creased splendour. Experiment 3. If a candle be placed in a jar of com- mon air, and a jar ol carbonic acid gas be poured, as you would water, into it, the flame* will be immediately ex- tinguished. Rationale. These experiments are designed to prove, that carbonic acid gas is not a supporter of combus- tion ; that although it contains oxygen, yet it is already combined with carbon, with an affinity too great to be overcome in this manner. Hence it extinguishes flame. 1^1 Remark. As the extinguishing of flame is a promi- nent character of carbonic acid gas, commonly called fixed air, and as this gas is often found in vault1-;, cel- lars, wells and the like, it may be always ascertained by letting down a lighted taper. ' Experiment 4. Into a jar of the gas put a mouse, it will die in a few minutes. Remark. This gas is, therefore, fatal to animal-life. Many accidents have t>een produced by this gas. In the burning of coal, in the fermentation of wine, cyder, beer, 8cc. it is generated. The celebrated lake of Aver no, where Virgil placed the entrance of hell, affords so large a quantity of carbonic acid gas, that birds cannot fly close over it with impunity. If butterflies and other insects be destroyed in this gas, for cabinet specimens, the colour will be better preserved than if they were suffocated by the burning of sulphur. It is this gas in combination with soda, &c. that constitutes the aerated waters, known by the name of artificial mineral waters. It is found in mineral springs, and it is often the solvent of iron, forming the natural aerated or carbonated chalybeate waters, of which the United States abound. Experiment 5. Let the gas, issuing from a mixture of carbonate of lime, and sulphuric acid, or carbonic acid gas, be conveyed into a bottle, by means of a syphon, with its mouth uppermost. Place a lighted taper into ano- ther jar, or bottle, containing atmospheric air, and pour in the contents of the first mentioned jar, and the can- dle will be instantly extinguished. Rationale. This experiment proves that carbonic acid gas is heavier than common air; for, in the first place, when the carbonic acid gas comes in contact with the air of the bottle, it displaces it; and in the second, on pouring the gas into the bottle, in which the lighted candle had been placed, the gas will descend and ex- tinguish the flame, shewing that by its superior gravity it displaces atmospheric air. Remark. It is on this account that carbonic acid gas occupies the lowest situations ; hence it is found at the bottom of wells, mines, cellars, and the like. The spe- L \ll cific gravity of this air, according to the experiments of Kirwan, is 1.500, that of air being 1.000; or it is to air as 3 to 2. Experiment 6. Let a jar containing carbonic acid gat stand a few hours over water. It will be found, that the bulk of the gas is considerably diminished. Rationale. In this experiment carbonic acid gas is absorbed by the water, which thus acquires a very brisk and pleasant taste. Remark. If pressure be employed, water may be impregnated with upwards of three times its own bulk of carbonic acid gas. The specific gravity of this sa- turated water is 1.0015. Various kinds of apparatus are employed to effect a combination of carbonic acid gas with water, but the most common of these is the Nooth's apparatus, which has lately been improved by Parker and Magellan. By using this machine, how. ever, water cannot be made to absorb more than half its own bulk of the gas. The apparatus consists of three pieces, all of glass, furnished with a valve and stop cocks. Different machines have been invented for the same purpose. Some of the aerated alkaline waters pre- pared in this city, I have found to contain between two and three times their bulk of gas. This can only be ef- fected by using powerful pressure by means of apparatus. It is owing to the presence of carbonic acid, that cyder, perry, ale, champaign and other wines owe their briskness. Experiment 7. Into water saturated with carbonic acid gas, pour a little of the tincture of litmus, or immerse into it a slip of litmus paper, or mix it with the infusion of cabbage ; the blue colour of the paper, or infusion, will be changed to red. Remark. This experiment fully proves, that this gas, in combination with water, exhibits the characteris- tic properties of acids. Experiment 8. Expose water saturated with carbonic acid gas to the atmosphere; it will be found, in the course of a short time, that the water will have lost its carbonic acid. 123 Remark. It is on this account that beer, cyder, per- ry, 8cc. when exposed to the air become vapid: hence also the reason why natural and artificial aerated wa- ters on exposure to the air lose their properties. Experiment 9. Expose aerated water under the re- ceiver of an air pump, and exhaust the air. When a vacuum is produced, the gas will escape from the water so rapidly as to present the appearance of ebullition. Rationale. The affinity which subsists between wa- ter and carbonic acid gas is, by removing the pressure of the atmosphere, destroyed; hence the gas is disen- gaged with considerable rapidity. Exp riment 10. If water containing carbonic acid gas be mixed with time, barytes, or strontian wafer, or if a stream ol carbonic arid gas be made to pass into either of these solutions, the fluid, though perfectly transparent before, will become turbid. Rationale. If either of these waters come in contact with carbonic acid, they immediately unite with it, and form a new combination, which will be either a carbonate of lime, carbonate of barytes, or a carbonate of stroiitii-.ii. Experiment 11. Pass the air given out during respi- ration, through lime water,, which may be effected by means of a glass tube or quill. The lime water will grow turbid, and a precipitation of carbonate of lime take place. Rationale. This experiment is designed to shew, that the respiration of animals is another source of carbonic acid. If an animal be confined in oxygen gas over lime water, the water will also become turbid. This effect is ex plained on the principle, that in respiration, a por- tion of the carbon of the blood in contact with atmos- pheric air in the lungs, combines with a part of the oxy- gen, and is thrown out in the form of carbonic acid gas, which is absorbed by the lime water, in the same man- ner as in the preceding experiment. Experiment 12. Suspend two pieces ol fresh meat in common air, and in carbonic acid gas; it will be found, that the meat hung in the carbonic acid gas will be pre- served untainted sometime after the other has begun to putrefy. 124 Rationule In tins experiment, which is intended to prove that carbonic acid gas retards the putrefaction of animal substances, several circumstances are to be taken into consideration. 1. The antiseptic quality of carbonic acid. 2. The reason why it is so. It is a fact stated by some writers on this subject, that those substances which contain most oxygen are good to prevent putrefaction ; and as carbonic acid contains a large quantity of it, it is considered abetter presc rvalue.* Experiment 13. If water saturated with car bonk acid gas be applied to the roots of plants, it will promote their growth. Rationale. In this case the carbonic acid is decom- posed. The carbon unites w ith the vegetable, which becomes a component part of it, while the oxygen, the other constituent of carbonic acid, is disengaged in a free state: hence it is, that carbonic acid gas exerts powerful effects on living vegetables. It is said that ■ arbonic acid gas, applied as an atmosphere to plants, proves injurious to their health. Experiment 14. Fill a tube with a solution of caustic potash, and introduce a portion of carbonic acid gas, the gas will be diminished, and, if the quantity be suffici- ent, will form carbonate ol potash. Rationale. In this experiment the gas is decomposed; the carbonic acid itself unites with the alkali, and forms a compound consisting of carbonic acid and potash. Remark. The combination of carbonic acid with al- kalies, earths, and metals, constitutes a class of salts, called carbonates : if the base of the salt be in excess, it is a sub-carbonate, if both unite into a neutral compound, it forms a carbonate, but if the carbonic acid is in a super- abundance, the salt is a super-carbonate. Carbonic acid, formerly called fixed air, aerial acid, mephitic acid, cedceireous acid, &c. contains 28 per cent. of carbon, and 72 of oxygen. Experiment 15. Into a tube of glass introduce a bit of phosphorus and some carbonate of lime ; seal the tube • See an ingenious essay on this subject by Dr. Mitchell, in the Memoirs of the Coluinhion Cbcfinical Society. 125 hermetically and apply heat,and charcoal will be de- posited. Rationale. This process was used by Mr. Tennant to effect the decomposition of carbonic acid, which takes place in the following manner: The substances introduced into the tube are phosphorus, and carbonate of lime, or lime and carbonic acid. And the substan- ces found in it, are phosphorus, lime, oxygen, and car- bon. Hence, therefore, the carbonic acid of the carbon- ate is decomposed; its oxygen unites with the phos- phorus, for which it has a greater affinity, forming phos- phoric acid, and with lime phosphate of lime, whilst the carbon, the basis of carbonic acid, is separated in the form of charcoal. These experiments, which were first instituted by Mr. Tennant, were afterwards repeated and confirmed by Dr. Pearson, and Messrs. Fourcroy, Vauquelin, Syl- vestre, and Brogniart Remark. Count Mussin-Puschkin effected the de- composition of carbonic acid, by boiling a solution of carbonate of potash and phosphorus together. SECTION III. OF GASEOUS OXYD OF CARBON. Experiment I. If gaseous oxyd of carbon, properly prepared, be introduced into a bladder furnished with a stop cock and pipe, with a small aperture, and set fire to, as it is compressed out it will burn with a blue flame. Rationale. This gas is therefore inflammable, and during its combustion, it forms, with the oxygen, of the air, carbonic acid ; hence it unites with another dose of oxygen, and has its properties changed. Remark. This gas does not explode like other h> fiammable gases with common air, but burns silently l. 2 126 with a lambent blue flame. It detonates, however, in the following manner: Experiment 2. To 100 measures of the gaseous oxyd, add 45 of oxygen gas, and fire them over mercury in a detonating tube ; and the gas, after the detonation, will be found to have decreased from 145 to 90 measures. Rationale. In this experiment carbonic acid is pro- duced, which constitutes the 90 measures left in the tube. Experiment 3. When a stream of this gas is burnt, in the same manner as hydrogen is (to shew the forma- tion of water) no water will be formed. Remark. This experiment shows that the gaseous oxyd contains no hydrogen, which is always essential in the constitution of water. Experiment 4. If a mouse, or other small animal, be immersed in a jar of thisgvw, it will destroy it in a short time. Remark. This gas is, therefore, deleterious to ani- mal life. When respired for a few minutes it produces giddiness and fainting. Experiment 5. Let a mixture of gaseous oxyd and hydrogen gas, in equal quantity, be made to pass through an ignited tube, the tube will become lined with charcoal. Rationale. At a high temperature, hydrogen decom- poses the gaseous oxyd of carbon-; it combines with the oxygen and forms water, at the same time charcoal is deposited. Experiment 6. If a vial be filled with a mixture of two measures of carbonic oxyd gas, and two and two- third measures of oxymuriatic acid gas, then closed with a ground stopper, and allowed to remain for 24 hours with its mouth inverted under mercury, on drawing the stopper under water, two-thirds of the gas are immediately absorbed, and all the rest by agitation in lime water (except -|th ef a measure of azote.*) Rationale. In this experiment the gases act upon each other at the common temperature of the atmos- phere ; that oxymuriatic acid gas gradually parts with • Nicholson's Journal, 1802, y. p. 205. 127 a portion of its oxygen to the carbonic oxyd, which is therefore converted into carbonic acid. And if proper mixtures be employed, the whole will be converted into carbonic acid and muriatic acid. Remark. The substance known by the name of car- bonic oxyd, or gaseous oxyd of carbon, was confounded with carburetted hydrogen, till the celebrated Dr. Priestley drew the attention of philosophers in a dis- sertation which he published in defence of the doc- trine of phlogiston. Our countryman, Dr. James Woodhouse, professor of chemistry in the university of Pennsylvania, repeated his experiments, and confirmed his theories. Other experiments were made on the. American continent. But the true nature of this gas was pointed out by Mr. Cruikshank, of Woolwich, Great Britain. In France also a number of experi- ments were made at the instance of the National Insti- tute. See Nicholson's Journal, vol. v. p. 201. Ann. de Chim. xxxix. 88, and xlii. 121. See also the observa- tions of the Dutch Chemists, Ann. de Chim. xliii. 113. Carbonic acid is composed of about \ 69 Carbonic oxyd 31 oxygen. 100 But 100 carbonic acid are composed of 28 carbon and 72 oxygen. Consequently, Carb. ox. carb. ox. oxygen. 28+72=69 -f 31. Carb. ox. carb. ox. 28 -f 41.=69 ; or 69 parts of gaseous oxyd of carbon contains 28 parts of carbon, and 41 of oxygen. Hence it is composed of 41 carbon. 59 oxygen. 100. Therefore 146 parts of oxygen, are sufficient to form 100 parts of carbon in- to 246 of carbonic oxyd gas. 128 Carbonic oxyd is lighter than common air, in the proportion of 966 to 1000. One hundred cubical inches weigh 30 grains. Berthollet is of opinion, that there are two different species of inflammable gases containing carbon. The first species is composed of carbon and hydrogen ; the second, of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The first he calls carburetted hydrogen, the second oxycarbu- retted hydrogen. Under the latter term he includes the gas obtained by exposing charcoal to a strong heat, the gas obtained by distilling sugar,, carbonic oxyd gas, &c. SECTION IV. OF HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. If a bottle, or jar, be filled with hy- drogen gas and exposed to the air with its mouth up- wards, it will be found, that on letting down a lighted candle, the gas will have escaped, for the candle will burn with its usual splendour. Experiment 2. If a tube twelve inches long and 1th of an inch diameter be filled with hydrogen gas, it will be five minutes in losing one half of its gas.* Experiment 3. Fill another bottle, or jar, with the gas, and let it remain with its mouth downwards, and in this situation let a lighted taper be immersed : it will be immediately extinguished. Rationale. As hydrogen gas is lighter than com- mon air, as its specific gravity, according to Kirwan, is 0.0843, that of air being reckoned 1.000, it follows* that on letting the jar remain with its mouth upwards, the gas will be displaced by atmospheric air. In the second place we are furnished with a proof of this fact, for on immersing a lighted taper it is extin- guished. • Nicholson's Journal, vol. vui. 148. 129 Remark. It is on account of the levity of this gas that it has been used in the construction of aeronautic vesseis, or balloons, for ascending in the atmosphere. Although hydrogen gas, as we shall see hereafter, is inflammable, yet it is so only in contact with a supporter of combustion; hence it extinguishes flame; it being of itself a non-supporter. Experiment 4. If a mouse be introduced into a vessel of gas, it will die in a few minutes. Remark. Hence, hydrogen gas is deleterious to ani- mal life. A mouse put into a jar of this gas by Dr. Gilby, of Birmingham, lived 30 seconds without incon- venience ; but in I minute and 33 seconds it was dead. Seheele, of Sweden, Fontana, Pilate de Rozier, Mr. Watt, and more lately professor Davy, have inhaled it, but with disagreeable consequences. Experiment 5. Fill a bladder with hydrogen gas, hav- ing a stop cock attached to it, and adapt the bowl of a tobacco pipe to the end of it; prepare a lather of soap, and form bubbles with the gas ; these instead of de- scending will ascend. If a lighted taper be applied to these bubbles, they will take fire and burn with noise. Experiment 6. If a mixture of atmospheric air and hy- drogen gas be used instead of the latter, and the same experiment with the soap be made, itvviil, on presenting the taper, take fire and explode. The theory of these phenomena will be given directly. Experiment 7. Into a jar of thej-as introduce a light- ed taper, it will be extinguished. Rutiomde. It is a fact, that two combustible bodies presented to each other without the presence of a sup- porter of combustion, will, if the one be on fire, extin- guish the other : hence the lighted taper is extinguish- ed. Hydrogen gas is, therefore, unfit for a supporter of combustion. The same effect may be shewn in the fol- lowing manner : Exptriment 8. Pass up into a tube over mercury, a portion of hydrogen gas, and then introduce a piece of phosphorus and tinder; if the phosphorus be melted, 130 which may be accomplished by means of a heated wire, it will not tuke fire. Experiment 9. Let ajar containing a given quantity ol hydrogen gas stand over water ; no sensible diminu- tion will take place. Remark. This experiment shews, that no hydrogen gas is absorbed by the water. If water, however, he deprived of all its air by boiling, 100 cubic inches of it will imbibe 1.53 inches of the gas, at the temperature of 60°. By artificial pressure water may be made to absorb about the third part of its bulk of that gas. The taste of the water is not sensibly altered. Mr. Paul, who first formed this compound, informs us, that it is useful in inflammatory fevers, and in ner- vous complaints, but it is injurious in dropsy. Ex/ierimcnt 10. In a strong bottle capable of holding about four ounces of water, mix equal parts of common air, and hydrogen gas. On applying a lighted candle the mixture will burn, not silently as in a former experi- ment, but with a sudden and loud explosion. If a larger bottle be used, it should be wrapped round with a handkerchief, to prevent the glass from doing any injury, in case the bottle should burst. Remark. In this case the hydrogen unites with the oxygen of the air, and forms water. If oxygen gas it- self be used in the place of common air, the effect will be greater. Experiment 11. If a bell glass, furnished with a ca- pillary tube, be filled with hydrogen gas ; on immersing the glass into water, the gas will be evolved out of the tube, which, if inflamed, will exhibit a beautiful light, forming the philosophical candle. Remark. If the hydrogen be pure, the flame is of a blue colour; but if any substance is held in solution, the flame is tinged of different colours according to the substance. The temperature necessary for the in- flammation of hydrogen is about 1000°. It is on this principle that artificial fire works are constructed, which consists of jets, tubes, &c. bent into different directions, and formed into various figures, which are 131 pierced with holes of different sizes. The philosophical lamp, invented by Volta, formed of hydrogen gas and the agency of electricity, which may be lighted an hun- dred times without the least inconvenience, is a use- ful application of this principle.* Experiment 12. Procure a tin apparatus, called an air pistol, which is usually in the form of two cones, at- tached at the base with two apertures, the touch- hole and muzzle; fill it with a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, about in equal parts, and inflame the hydrogen by holding a taper to the touch-hole, a violent explosion will ensue. Remark. This effect of the combination of hydro- gen with oxygen, may be shewn in several ways, in all of which water is formed. When 4 measures of hydro- gen gas are mixed with ten measures of common air, the mixture detonates with equal violence ; and if the experiment be made in glass tubes, eight measures only will remain after the combustion. Experiment 13. If an electric shock be passed through a mixture of two parts in bulk of hydrogen gas and five parts of atmospheric air, in a detonating tube, an explo- sion will ensue, the volume of the gases be diminish- ed, and the water will rise in the tube. Remark. In this case, the hydrogen unites with the oxygen of the atmospheric air, by the electric spark, and forms water; if the gas be pure and the proportions correct, all the oxygen will be dissolved or combined with the hydrogen. In order to ascertain the purity of hydrogen gas, Mr. Berthollet has recommended this mode. Thus, when the bulk of a mixture of four parts of hydrogen gas and ten parts of air is diminished after explosion to eight parts, the hydrogen gas may be consi- dered as pure; if only to nine, it contains some foreign ingredients. On this principle is also founded the eu- diometer of Volta. If 300 parts of common air, and 200 of pure hydro- gen gas (which are measured by a scale on the tube,) be introduced into the eudiometer, and the electric • For an account of this apparatus, see Adams's Lectures. 132 spark made to pass through them ; after explosion they will be found oniy 30.5 measures. There will, there- fore, have been a diminution of 11>5 measures, of which one third may be estimated to be oxygen. Therefore,. 65 of oxgen have been lost by 3C0 of air, or 21 and a fraction per cent. The following rule may be adopted, in order to as- certain the purity of air. Add to three measures of air under examination, two measures of pure hydrogen gas, and inflame them by electricity. Observe the di- minution when the vessel has cooled ; and, by dividing its amount by three, we obtain very nearly the quantity of oxygen gas which has been condensed. That water is formed by the detonation of hydrogen, is evident from the following experiment: Experiment 14. Into a bell-glass introduce oxygen gas, and into a bladder furnished with a stop cock with a pipe at the end bent like an S put hydrogen; let the bell-glass stand over mercury, and introduce the pipe from the bladder, turn the cock and press the gas; on setting fire to it it will burn in the oxygen until it is consumed. Water will be condensed on the sides of the glass ; or, Experiment 15. Let the inflamed gas, as it comes from the bladder, come in contact with iron, or in a glass bottle; water will be formed, and condense on the colder body. Remark. Various other modes have been adopted to exhibit the some phenomena. See Water. Remark. From the experiments of Mr. Biot it ap- pears, that if a proper mixture of hydrogen and oxy- gen gases be suddenly compressed in a condensing syringe, the gases will quit their aerifrom state and form water. In an apparatus constructed for the purpose, an extremely brilliant light was seen to be emitted.* The combustion of hydrogen and oxygen gas, is suc- cessfully applied for the purpose of exciting an intense degree of heat by the blow pipe. The construction of this instrument may be seen in the Annates de Chimic, American Philosophical Transactions, and the Philadelphia * Nicholson's Journal, xii. 219. l3o edition of the Conversations on Ch mieslry, we therefore It -g leave to refer the reader to these works. > Experiment 16. Into a glass bottle put iron filings •md sulphuric acid with five or six parts of water; and fit a cork into the neck, through which a glass tube is passed, having its upper extremity drawn out to a cupillary bore. By setting fire to the hydro- gcn gas, which escapes from this extremity, a continued current or jet of flame is produced, which is allowed to pass into a tube either of glass, earthen-ware, or metal. If the tube be not too large,the flame becomes smaller as it is depressed, when the tube covers the flame to a considerable depth, very clear sounds are produced. But, on the contrary, if the tube be too- narrow, the flame will be extinguished, and in pro- portion as the tube is enlarged, the sound diminishes, so that there is a certain limit at which it totally ceases. The same happens when the tube is too long. The sounds may be raised at pleasure by either using tubes of various figures or dimensions, or made of different * substances.* Rationale. In this experiment a sound like that of the Aeolian harp is produced. That the percussion of glass, by a rapid stream of gas, should produce a sound, is not extraordinary ; but the sound here is so peculiar, that no other gas has a similar effect. Perhaps it is owing to a brisk vibratory motion of the glass occa- sioned by the successive formation and condensation of small drops of water on the sides of the glass tube, and the air rushing in to replace the vacuum formed. Experiment 17. If flowers, or any other figures be drawn on a ribbon or silk with a solution of nitrate of silver, and the silk moistened with, water, be then ex- posed to the action of hydrogen gas, the silver will be revived, and the figures finally fixed upon the silk will become visible ana shine with metallic brilliancy. Experiment 18. By proceeding in the same manner, and using a solution of gold mnitro muriatic acid, silks may be permanently gilt at a most insignificant «x« * Nicholson's Journal, 8vo. i. 129. and iv. 23. M 154 pense, and will exhibit an appearance the mo^t beauti- ful that can be conceived. Experiment 19. Immerse a slip of white silk in a solution of nitro muriate of gold in distilled water, arid dry it in the air. Silk thus prepared will not be alter- ed by hydrogen gas ; but if another piece of silk be dipped in the solution and exposed, while wet, to the same current of hydrogen gas, instant signs of metallic reduction will appear, the colour will change from yellow to green, and a brilliant film of reduced gold will soon glitter on its surface. Exficriment 20. If a piece of silk be immersed in a solution ol nitrate of silver, and dried in a dark place, and then submitted to hydrogen gas, the silver will not be reduced ; but, if exposed, while wet, to a stream of the same gas, the surface will quickly be coated with reduced silver; various colours, such as blue, purple, red, orange, and yellow, will accompany the reduction, and the threads of the silk will look like silver wire. Experiment 21. Dissolve some muriate of tin in pure water, then dip a piece of white silk in the solution and dry it in the air; if this be now immersed in hy- drogen gas, no change will be observed ; but if it be exposed, while wet, to the same current of gas, the re- duction will soon commence, attended with a great variety of beautiful colours, as red, yellow, orange, green, and blue, variously intermixed. Rationale. In all these experiments the metallic oxyds, which are united with the acids in the form of salts, are decomposed by the hydrogen ; which unites with the oxygen of the oxyd and forms water. The revivification of metals, in the above, as well as in other experiments, for which we are indebted to Mrs. Ful- ham, affords a doctrine on which both the phlogistic and antiphlogistic theories have been supported. Remark. According to a modern idea it has been asserted, that hydrogen in these cases unites with the metal itself; that it was the phlogiston of the older chemists ; and that in every instance where a metal was oxydized, it was given out; but that in the re- duction of a metal, it was absorbed. But these opinions, I J J however ingenious, are vague and hypothetical; whicl;; therefore, require some direct experiments to establish the existence of the principle of phlogiston. Exp riment 22. If a small tube, or cylinder, be filled with hydrogen gas, and a piece of fresh made charcoal be brought in contact with it, the volume of the gas will be diminished. Jiemark. Charcoal, having the properly of absorb- ing hydrogen gas, is rendered useful for a variety of purposes. Its action as an antiseptic may depend in a great measure on the absorption of hydrogen. Coal thus containing hydrogen, when brought in contact with atmospheric air, forms water by the combination of this gas with oxygen. This gas, formerly called inflammable air, and by some chemists phlogiston, and known also to miners by the name ol fire-damp, was discovered about the be- ginning of the 18th century. The following are the primary compounds of hydrogen. A. Binary. a. With oxygen ; water. b. With azote ; ammonia. c. With sulphur ; sulphuretted hydrogen. d. With phosphorus ; phosphuretted hydrogen. B. Ternary. a. With carbon and oxygen. 1. Oxyds; hydrocarbonates, vegetable substances, 2. Acids ; vegetable acids. C. Quaternary. With carbon, azote, and oxygen. 1. Animal oxyds. 2, -------acids. i3G SECTION \ . OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. ' i Experiment 1. If a bottle filled with sulphuretted. hydrogen gas, be inverted in a basin of water ; an ab- sorption will take place, more especially if agitation he used. Rationale. This is a direct combination of sulphu- retted hydrogen gas with water; this solution has been called by some hydrothionic acid, as it exhibits some of the properties of acids. Remark. According to the experiments of Dr. Henry, 100 cubical inches of water, at the temperature' of 50°, are capable of absorbing 108 inches of sulphu-' retted hydrogen. It is the solutien of sulphuretted hydrogen in water, that imparts to those waters called mineral, such as Harrowgate, the smell of fetid eggs. Experiment 2. To water, holding sulphuretted hydro. gen gas in solution, add infusion of litmus, or the infu- sion of violets ; these reagents will become red. Remark. Hence the solution, in this respect, pro- duces the effect of an acid. Experiment 3. If water impregnated with sulphuret- ted hydrogen, be exposed to the air, it will become co- vered with a pellicle of sulphur. Rationale. In this experiment the sulphuretted hy- drogen parts with its sulphur, which is deposited, whilst the hydrogen is disengaged partly in a free state. It would appear, however, that oxygen is the decom- posing cause; in that case water would be produced. Experiment 4. If to a similar solution ol gas in water, nitric acid be added; sulphur will instantly be precipi- tated. Rationale. The oxygen of the acid unites with the hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen, and forms wa- ter, while the sulpiuir is precipitated. Hence nitric acid has been used as a test for s>;!phur in. hepatic wa- ters. 137 Experiment 5. Set fire to a portion of the gas as it r.scapes from the gas holder, and nfiame of a bluish red colour will be produced. Rationale. This gas is, therefore, like hydrogen, in- flammable, and in this experiment is decomposed by the oxygen of the atmosphere; the products of combus- tion being water, from the union of oxygen with the hydrogen, and sulphuric and sulphurous acids from that of the oxygen and sulphur. Experiment 6. Mix equal parts of sulphuretted hydro- gen gas and oxygen gas over water, and apply a lighted taper; a smart detonation will take place, and both gases will disappear. Rationale. Part of the oxygen unites to the hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and forms water, whilst another part of the oxygen unites with the sul- phur, and generates sulphurous acid. Experiment 7. When three parts ot sulphuretted hy- drogen gas are mingled with two of nitric oxyd gas, or nitrous gns, the mixture will burn with a yellowish green flame. Rationale. In this experiment the nitrous gas acts as a supporter of combustion; its oxygen converts the hy- drogen into water, a part of the sulphur is deposited^ and azotic gas remains in the vessel. Experiment 8. II carburetted hydrogen gas be passed through melted sulphur; it will be decomposed, and*tt£~ phuretted hydrogen gas obtained.* Rationale. In this experiment the charcoal, held in solution, in the carburetted hydrogen, is deposited, whilst the hydrogen dissolves the sulphur, forming the sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Experiment 9. If equal parts of sulphuretted hydro- gen gas and atmospheric air be introduced into a bell glass, that of sulphuretted hydrogen first, a diminu- tion will ensue, sulphur will be precipitated, and azote left behind. •Ann. de Chim. xxi.SS. H a 158 Rationale. In this case the oxyg«.-n of the conmiou air unites with the hydrogen, for which the hydrogen has a greater affinity than for the sulphur, and form water, whilst the sulphur is precipitated and the azote of the atmospheric air remains in the vessel. Remark. On this principle we account for the depo- sition of sulphur in certain situations ; for as-soon as at- mospheric air comes in contact, it decomposes the sul- phuretted hydrogen (for the hydrogen is generally the solvent of the sulphur) and causes the sulphur to be deposited. Hence also, the reason why sulphur is pre- cipitated in the neighbourhood of hepatic waters. Experiment 10. Take a tube closed at one end; fill it with sulpihurettcd hydrogen gas, and invert it over a con- centrated solution, of potash ; the gas will be absorbed, and the alkali will.acquire the colour and odour of sulphu- retted hydrogen. Rationale. The gas is absorbed by the alkali, and a peculiar compound is formed. If the alkali is saturat- ed with the gas, it will be converted into a hydro-sul- phuret of potash. In this state, it forms with the potash, a triple compound; on exposing it to heat, the gas will be evolved. Remark. The alkalies and some of the earths will combine with sulphuretted hydrogen. These com- pounds are colourless if kept in close vessels, but on exposure to air, they become coloured, which is pro- duced by the absorption of oxygen. The hydrogen unites with the oxygen and forms,water, whilst the sul- phur is deposited, which darkens the sulphuret. Experiment 11. If sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphu- rous acid gas, be mixed together over mercury, they mutually decompose each other, and sulphur is depo- sited : or, Experiment 12. If a- watery solution of sulphuretted hydrogen be mixed with another of sulphurous acid gas, they decompose each other, and sulphur is precipitated. Rationale. In these experiments the hydrogen pos- sesses a stronger affinity for oxygen than sulphur; con- sequently, it takes it from the sulphurous acid, and forms 139 water, wui'.st the sulphur of the sulphuretted hytiroge:, as well as of the sulphurous acid is deposited. Experiment 13. If into a jar containing fresh pre- pared sulphuretted hydrogen gas, standing over mercury, we add by degrees ammoniacal gas, dense fumes will ap- pear, the gases will vanish,, and a new compound will be formed. Rationale. In this experiment, the gases quit their aeriform state; the sulphuretted hydrogen combines with the ammonia, and forms a saline compound, called hydroguretted sulphuret of ammonia. Experiment 14. If oxygenized muriatic acid gas be mingled with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, over water, at the instant the gases come in contact with each other, their bulk will be diminished, and the vessel become lined with sulphur. Rationale. A part of the oxygen of the oxymuriatic acid gas unites with the hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen gas, forming water, whilst another portion of oxygen combines with a part of the sulphur and produ- ces sulphuric acid •* at the same time the other portion of the sulphur is precipitated, and muriatic acid gas cemains. Experiment L5. If the electric spark be passed through sulphuretted hydrogen gas in a tube over water, the vo- lume of the gas will be diminished and sulphur be pre- cipitated. Remark. It is evident that the electric fluid changes the original compound,.so that the hydrogen is dimin- ished, and the sulphur precipitated. Experiment 16. Write on paper with a solution of acetate of lead, or a solution of silver, bismuth, mercury, or tin, or moisten a slip of paper with either of these solutions, and expose it to the action of sulphuretted hy- drogen gas, the paper will instantly become blackened. Remark. Writings performed with these solutions are invisible when dry, but become visible when im- mersed in a bottle filled with this gas. Whether this gas. is applied in a state of gas, or in water impregnate 140 ed, the effect is the same, as in the following expert- rrient. Experiment 17. To a solution of acetate of lead, add water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen; the lead will be precipitated of a deep brown colour. Remark. Hepatic water precipitates all metallic solutions, excepting those of iron, nickel, cobalt, man- ganese, titanium, and molybdenum. It is therefore a useful chemical reagent. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas tarnishes silver, mercury, and other polished metals, and instantly blackens white paint. The putrid smell, arising from house drains, sewers, &c. which has the property of tarnishing silver spoons, is a mixture of this gas with putrid effluvia. Rationale. In the experiments before given, the de- composition of metallic solutions by sulphuretted hy. drogen is explained in the following manner : metallic solutions are formed in the first place by the union of oxygen with the metal, forming an oxyd, which is then taken up by the particular acid forming the metallic salt. When any of the metallic solutions before named, are brought under certain circumstances, in contact with sulphuretted hydrogen, the hydrogen abstracts the oxygen from these bodies, and causes them to re-ap- proach the metallic state, wfuUst the sulphur in its turn unites with the metal thus regenerated, and converts it into a sulphuret. Remark. On this principle some of the sympathetic inks are formed, and also the effect on metallic cosmetic* is accounted for. Ladies, who have been in the habit of using some of these preparations, have become dark tawnies by bathing in waters holding sulphuretted hy- drogen gas in solution. Experiment 18. IIsulphuretted hydrogen gas be pass- ed over ignited charcoal, it will be decomposed, and converted into carburetted hydrogen gas. Rationale. Here it is evident the sulphur is disen- gaged, and the charcoal takes its place. Remark. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, called also stink' ing sulphurous air, and hepatic air was first investigated 141 by Schecie. Its specific gravity, according to Kirwan, :s 1.106, that of air being 1.000. It is composed of 20.8 sulphur, 17.6 hydrogen, 38.4 Hence 100 parts of hydrogen a-e combined in the -as with 118 parts of sulphur. See Ann. de Chim. xxxii. 267. According to Thenard 100 parts contain 29 of hydrogen, and 71 of sulphur. Sulphuretted hydrogen forms the link by which co- lorific acids are joined to the acids strictly so called. The Germans have, therefore, given it the name of hydro- thionic acid. As an instrument of chemical analysis it is usually employed in two states. 1. Dissolved in wa- ter, in which state it is called liquid sulphuretted hy- drogen. 2. Combined with alkalies, by causing a cur- rent of sulphuretted hydrogen to pass through an alka- line solution, till the liquid is saturated. The liquid is then heated to expel .the excess of gas. In that state it is called an alkaline hydro-sulphuret. SECTION VI. OF LIGHT CARBURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. If a bladder be filled with light car- buretted hydrogen gas, and inflamed in the same man- ner as directed in the experiments on hydrogen gas,.it will burn with a deep blue colour. Rationale. As this gas is a solution of carbon in hy<- drogcn, it follows,that in combustion, the carbon unites with oxygen and forms carbonic acid, and the hydrogen hy combining with the same principle, generates Avater. Experiment 2. If soap bubbles be made with this gas, they will not ascend as those of hydrogen, but will fall to the ground. 142 Remark. A jar filled with carburetted hydrogen g\,s, held inverted for a few minutes, exchanges its contents for common air. The specific gravity of light carbu- retted hydrogen gas, is said to be greater than that of hydrogen gas, or that of common air: 100 cubic inches weigh from 16 to 21 grains. Experiment 3. If six measures of light carburetted hydrogen gas, be exploded over mercury by the electric spark with four measures of oxygen gas, the volume will be augmented to 12'- measures. On throwing up lime water, the bulk will be diminished ; the residue will probably amount to 10^ on which nitrous ganr will have no effect. If two measures of the remaining gas be fired with one ol oxygen, and the volume should be reduced to one; we may conclude, that the whole resi- duary gas would require about S\ measures of oxygen to saturate it, and produce 5 measures of carbonic acid gas. Rationale. This is an experiment, stated originally by Mr. Cruikshank, in which the decomposition of light carburetted hydrogen gas is effected by means of oxy- gen gas. A part of the oxygen converts the carbon into carbonic acid, whilst the other part converts the hydrogen into water. Experiment 4. If one measure of light carburetted hy- drogen gas, be mixed, over water, with two measures of oxymuriatic acid gas, and the vessel be suffered to re- main inverted for twenty-four hours with its mouth corked; and the cork be afterwards removed under water, the water will rise and occupy about .43 parts of a measure, the diminution being 2.57 measures. On mixing the residuary gas with lime water .09 parts more become absorbed. Rationale. In this experiment a mutual decomposi- tion ensues. In consequence of the oxygen given out by the oxymuriatic acid gas, we have no less than four new compounds. 1. Part of the oxygen unites with the hydrogen and forms water. 2. Part combines with the charcoal and forms carbonic acid. 3. A still less quantity unites with another portion of charcoatj l4o .«.nd produces gaseous oxyd of carbon. The oxymuria- tic acid is reduced to the state of common muriatic acid gas.^ Experiment 5. When a stream of carburetted hydro- gen gas is burnt under a long funnel-shaped tube open at both ends, water will be formed which will condense on the glass. Rationale. This experiment is to shew the formation of water in the combustion of this gas, which arises from he union of the hydrogen with oxygen. Experiment 6. If a stream of the gas be burnt in a vessel of oxygen gas, carbonic acid, as well as water, will dc produced. Rationale. In this case the carbon of the gas unites with the oxygen, and forms carbonic acid. Experiment 7. Let the oxygen gas, after the combus- tion, be removed to a vessel of lime water ; a consider- able absorption will ensue. Rationale. In this experiment the carbonic acid, which was formed in the combustion, unites with the lime of the lime water, and forms carbonate of lime. Remark. Carburetted hydrogen, formerly called heavy inflammable air, was occasionally collected and ex- perimented on hy Dr. Priestley ; but it was not known until lately, that there were several varieties of this gas. One hundred cubic inches of the gas, obtained from wetted charcoal according to Mr. Cruikshank, weighed 14.5 grains, and required 66 cubic inches (22.4) grains of oxygen to saturate them. The compound yielded 40 cubic inches, or 19 grains of carbonic acid, and 9 grains of water. Hence this gas consists of nearly 4 of carbon, and 1.3 of hydrogen. In order to ascertain the quantity of the ingredients in the carburetted hydrogen gases obtained from differ- ent sources; they may be known by firing them in a detonating tube over mercury, with a known quanti- ty of oxygen gas, and observing the nature and quantity of the products, which are carbonic acid and water. 144 Measures of oxygon Measures ft car- Kind of gas. gas required to satu- home acid pro rate 100 measures. duced. Pure hydrogen gas 50 to 54 Gas from charcoal, 60 35 .--------coal 170 100 -------_ stagnant water 200 100 Olefiant gas 284 179 Now since, for the formation of each measure of carbo- nic acid gas, in the foregoing experiments, an equal volume of oxygen gas is required, we may learn, by deducting the number in the third column from the cor- responding one in the second, what proportion of oxy- gen has been allotted to the saturation of the hydrogen of each hydro-carburet- Thus, for example, in burn- ing the gas from coal, 100 measures of oxygen have been employee! in forming carbonic acid; and the re- maining 70 in saturating hydrogen. But 70 measures of oxygen are sufficient to saturate 140 of hydrogen gas arid a quantity of hydrogen must therefore be contain- ed in 100 measures of gas from coal; which expanded to its usual elasticity would occupy 140 measures. SECTION VII. OF HEAVY CARBURETTED HYDROGEN. Experiment 1. Introduce into a glass tube three parts ol fresh prepared heavy carburetted hydrogen gas, and add to it gradually four parts of fresh prepured oxy- genized muriatic acid gas. After each addition of the gas shake the mixture : an absorption will take place, caloric will be liberated, and the tube will become filled with white vapours. When the gases have to- tally disappeared, an oil of a pearl gray colour will be deposited. Rationale. In this experiment the gases are decom- posed; the oxygen of the oxymuriatic acid gas unites 115 with the hydrogen and carbon and forms an oil, of an agreeable and penetrating odour, and of a % sweetish taste; which, on-exposure to the air, becomes yellow. The oxymuriatic is, of course, converted into common muriatic acid. Experiment 2. If equal parts of oxygen gas and heavy carburetted hydrogen gas, are introduced into a deto- nating tube, and the electric spark passed through them, a momentary expansion will ensue ; the tube will be- come lined with a fine black soot of charcoal, and light carburetted hydrogen gas will remain. Rationale. This experiment proves that the heavy carburetted may be converted into the light carburetted hydrogen gas, by the agency of oxygen gas and the elec- tric spark; for the oxygen unites with a part of the hy- drogen and forms water, whilst a portion of carbon is deposited, and the remaining hydrogen and carbon, be- ing in proper quantities, constitutes the light carburet- ted hydrogen gas. Remark. We have already observed, that there are two species of carburetted hydrogen gas, and that these differ in the proportion of their component parts. Dr. Henry calls the carburetted hydrogen gas, a hydro- carburet, and Mr. Watt named it hydro-carbonate ; but the gas we have just noticed differs from that to which Dr. Henry has given the name of hydro-carbu- ret, in containing different proportions of the hydrogen and carbon. The olefiant gas,* or more properly super-carburet- ted hydrogen, called also, oily carburetted hydrogen, which was first examined by a society of Dutch chemists, is composed of 83 carbon 17 hydrogen. 100. Besides possessing the mechanical properties of com- mon air, this gas has a disagreeable odour. It does not • From " oil making *' N 14G support combustion, nor animal life. Its specific gravi- ty is 0.905, that of air being 1,000. It burns with a dense white flame, and with very great splendour. If it is fully decomposed with oxygen gas, by employing one hundred cubic inches with three hundred inches of oxygen, according to Mr. Dalton, there is formed a quantity of carbonic acid equal to 200 inches. The remaining 100 of oxygen, united with the hydrogen and formed water. As the olefiant gas contains more carbon than the other species of carburetted hydr6gen, the propriety of the new term will appear obvious. A brief view of the ingenious experiments and obser- vations on this gas, as well as the gas obtained from moist charcoal, wood, peat, pitcoal, from oil and spirits (which are carburetted hydrogen gases) by Dr. Wm. Henry, may be seen in Thomson's Chemistry, vol. i. page 48 to 65. The gas obtained by distilling pitcoal he remarks, is a mixture of the light carburetted hydrogen with some carbonic oxyd and olefiant gas ; and the gases obtained from oil and wax by distillation contain more or less of the latter. The passing of ether, camphor, or alkohol, through red hot tubes, instead of furnishing the light carburetted hydrogen gas alone, affords a portion of olefiant gas. When applied to the purpose of illumination, the hydrocarburet from coal, from lamp oil, or from wax, produces as much light in an Argand lamp as oil in substance does; this is attributed to the olefiant gas which it contains. SECTION VIII. OF ARSENIURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. If a jar of arseniuretted hydrogen gas be exposed with its mouth upwards, the gas will be displaced by the atmospheric air. M7 Remark. The specific gravity of this gas, the ba- rometer at 30 inches, is 0.5293, that of air being 1.000 : 'lence 100 cubic inches of it weigh 16.4. Experiment 2. If an animal be immersed in a vessel ot this gas, it will die in a few minutes. Remark. This gas is, therefore, deleterious to ani- mal life;. Experiment 3. Immerse a lighted taper into the gas, perfectly free of atmospheric air, it will instantly be ex- tinguished. R mark. This gas is a non supporter of combus- tion, consequently it extinguishes flame ; that al- though combustible, yet, like other inflammable gases, it requires a supporter of combustion. Experiment 4. If a lighted taper be applied to the p,as, as it comes from the syphon, it burns with a blue lhunc ; and, if the combustion be effected in a narrow glass vessel, the arsenic is deposited. Rationale. In this experiment, whilst the hydrogen unites with oxygen and forms water, the arsenic com-* bines with another portion of oxygen, and forms arseni- ous acid, which is deposited. Experiment 5. If two parts of this gas and three of oxygen gas, are brought in contact with a lighted taper, an expansion takes place, and water and arsenious acid are formed. Rationale. In this, as in the former experiment, the oxygen goes to convert the hydrogen into water, and the arsenic into arsenious acid, commonly called the white oxyd of arsenic. Remark. Equal parts of these gases do not explode so loudly, but give a more vivid flame. Two parts of this gas and one of oxygen leave a small residue. Ac- cording to the experiments of Stromeyer, it requires for combustion 0.72 parts of its bulk of oxygen gas. Experiment 6. Mix equal parts of this gas with sul- phuretted hydrogen gas, no action will ensue, but if oxy- muriatic acid gas be now added, the bulk diminishes, and yellow flakes are deposited. 148 Rationale. In this experiment a part of the oxygen of the oxymuriatic aeid gas, unites with the hydrogen and forms water, whilst another part unites with the arsenic, whi h then combines with a part of the sul- phur, forming a sulphuretted oxyd of arsenic, of a yellow colour. Remark. Hence these two gases furnish us with i delicate test for detecting the presence of arscnicd hydrogen. Experiment 8. If concentrated nitric acid be sudden- ly agitated with theg-as, an evolution of red fumes, and an explosion accompanied with flame ensue. Rationale. In this experiment the arsenic quits the hydrogen and decomposes the nitric acid, in conse- quence of which nitric oxyd is evolved, and the arsenic is partly converted into arsenic acid. If the nitric acid, previously to its being used, be diluted with water, the arsenic, according to Trommsdorf, will be oxydized, and the hydrogen will remain pure. Remark. This gas, called also arsenical hydrogen gas, i-'„s discovered by Scheele, and afterwards noticed bv Proust, and lately experimented upon by Trommsdorf. According to Stromeyer, it is composed of 106 parts arsenic and 2.19 hydrogen. These proportions, how- ever, do not accord with its specific gravity, as stated by Trommsdorf. Mr. Davy has lately announced the existence of t hree other gases, which are metallic compounds, or hy- drogurets, viz. telluretted, potassuretted, and borutted hy- drogen gas. These are nothing more than hydrogen gas holding in solution the metals called tellurium,potas- sitim, and boracium. All these gases, which are but lit- tle known, are said to contain their own bulk of hydro- gen gas. 149 SECTION IX. OF PHOSPHURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. Experiment 1. If a jar of phosphuretted hydrogen gas be placed over water, at the temperature between 50° and 60°, according to Raymond, about one fourth of its bulk will be absorbed. Rationale. The water absorbs the gas, and assumes, if the solution be complete, an orange colour. If the temperature of 212° is applied, the whole of the gas will be disengaged, and the water remains behind in a state of purity. Remark. Water impregnated with this gas has a bitter and disagreeable taste, and a strong unpleasant odour. Experiment 2. Expose a solution of phosphuretted hydrogen gas, in water, to the atmosphere ; oxyd of phosphorus will be deposited, and the hydrogen will escape. Rationale. In this case the decomposition is effected in consequence of the disengagement of hydrogen, and the absorption of oxygen by the phosphorus, which is deposited in the form of an oxyd. Experiment 3. Pass electric shocks through phos- phuretted hydrogen gas ; its volume will be increased and a decomposition take place. Rationale* In this experiment the water, which is contained in the gas is decomposed ; its oxygen unites with the phosphorus and forms phosphoric acid, and the hydrogen is evolved. Experiment 4. If the gas, as it passes from the rc- < ort, through water, be suffered to come in contact wTith the atmosphere, the bubbles will burst with a slight ex- plosion, and produce flashes of fire in the circumambi- ent air. A circular dense white smoke will rise like a ring, enlarging as it ascends,and forming a sort of coro- na extremely beautiful. Experiment 5. If a wide mouth phial be filled with K 2 150 theses over mercury, it will take fire when suffered to escape into the air by inclining the phial. This ex- periment, however, must be made with caution. Rationale. In the combustion of phosphuretted hy- drogen gas, a decomposition of this, as well as the oxy- gen gas of the atmosphere takes place. The phos- phorus unites with the oxygen and forms phosphoric acid, which is disengaged in Avhite fumes, and the hy- drogen, by combining with another portion of oxygen, produces water. It is to the water which is carried off with the phosphoric acid, in which it is enveloped, that the white appearance of the corona is attributed. Experiment 6. If phosphuretted hydrogen gas be con- veyed into a receiver of oxygen gat ; at the instant they come in contact, a brilliant flash of fire takes place, ac- companied with a report. Rationale. The same thing is applicable to this, as in the former experiment. Remark. Great caution should be taken in making this experiment; for, if more than a bubble or two come in contact with the oxygen at once, a consider- able explosion may follow. It may not be improper to add, that it is in consequence of the rapid decom- position of the gases, when brought into contact, that flame ensues ; for the caloric of the phosphuretted hy- drogen gas, as well as of the oxygen gas, is immedi- ately set at liberty. Experiment 7. To fresh prepared phosphuretted hy- drogen gas, add oxymuriatic acid gas over mercury; a detonation will take place accompanied with flame and vapour. Rationale. The oxygen of the oxymuriatic acid unites with the phosphorus and the hydrogen, and forms phosphoric acid and water; the oxymuriatic acid being changed into common muriatic acid gas. Experiment 8. If phosphuret of lime be dropped into water, and half its weight of oxygenized muriate of pot- ash added ; and if the vessel be now filled with water, and three or four parts of concentrate dsulphuric acid poured through a tube to the bottom, flashes of flame will be produced. 151 Rationale. In this experiment the phosphurel of lime as well as the oxymuriate of potash, ate decom- posed, together with the water. The phosphuret combines with the oxygen, whilst the hydrogen, the other constituent part of the water, dissolves a portion of the phosphorus, and forms phosphuretted hydrogen gas, which is inflamed under the water by the action of oxymuriatic acid gas disengaged from the oxymu- riate of potash by the sulphuric acid. Phosphuretted hydrogen gas, therefore, burns in nascent oxygenized muriatic acid gas under the surface of water. Experiment 9. If sulphurous acid and phosphuretted hydrogen gases, be mingled together, they mutually de- compose each other. Rationale. In this process the hydrogen unites with the oxygen of the sulphurous acid gas, and the sulphur and phosphorus are deposited in flakes of ayellowcolour. Experiment 10. If phosphuretted hydrogen gas be exposed to the light of the sun in a white glass jar it will be decomposed; but if kept in the dark, or the jar painted black, it will undergo no decomposition. Rationale. In this case the light has the tendency of separating the hydrogen from the phosphorus; the latter will be deposited on the glass ; but when the light is shut out no effect of this kind follows. Experiment 11. Make a solution ol muriate of gold, consisting of one part of the muriate and eighteen parts of water, and wet a silk ribbon with the solu- tion ; then expose it over mercury to an atmosphere of phosphuretted hydrogen gas for a few days, and the ribbon will become coloured with gold. Rationale. The hydrogen as well as the phosphorus unites with the oxygen of the oxyd of gold, forming water and phosphoric acid. The oxyd of gold, there- fore, which was dissolved in the muriatic acid, being thus deprived of its oxygen, becomes reduced to the metallic state, and attaches itself to the ribbon. R emark. A number of amusing experiments of this nature maybe made by using other metallic solutions. The gas, to which Fourcroy and Vauquelin have given the name of phosphorized hydrogen, they obtain- 152 ed by letting bits of phosphorus remain in conta:! with hydrogen gas for some hours ; but it appears that hydrogen will combine with different proportions of phosphorus. The compound procured by melting phosphorus in hydrogen gas, by means of a burning glass, was discovered in 1783, by Mr. Gengembre, to which the name of phosphuretted hydrogen was given. Mr. Kirwan appears to have discovered it in 1784 with- out the knowledge of Mr. Gengembre's experiments. But various experiments have been made since that period. It may not be improper to remark, that in the preparation of phosphorus itself, as we shall see here- after, in which phosphoric acid and charcoal are em- ployed, phosphuretted hydrogen gas is extricated; this takes place by the union of hydrogen, probably from the water which the materials might contain, with a portion of the phosphorus. SECTION X. OF AMMONIACAL GAS. Experianent 1. If a mouse be introduced into a jar ol ammoniacal gas standing over mercury, it will be in- stantly -destroyed. Remark. This gas is therefore fatal to animal life. Experiment 2. If a lighted candle be let down into a jar of this gas it goes out three or four times suc- cessively ; but at each time the flame is considerably enlarged by the addition of another flame of a pale yellow colour, and at last this flame descends from the top of the vessel to the bottom.* Remark. This gas is, therefore, a non-supporter of combustion. Experiment 3. If a jar filled with this gas be placed with its mouth upwards, it is soon found to exchange its contents for common air. * Priestley, hi. 391. 153 Remark. It is lighter than atmospheric air. But its specific gravity haa been stated differently by dif- ferent chemists. Mr. Kirwan found it 0.600 that of air being 1.00. Experiment 4. If hydrogen gas be introduced into a long tube, and half its quantity of ammoniacal gas be added, and to this a like quantity of muriatic arid gas; the cloud which is formed will not rise beyond the confines of the h.-drogen gas. Rationale. After adding the.ammoniacal to the hy- drogen gas, it is evident that the latter displaces the former; for on adding the muriatic acid gas it falls, and unites with the ammonia (which now is at the bottom) and forms the white fumes, or muriate of am- monia. The cloud thus generated will not rise with- in the space occupied by the hydrogen gas ; conse- quently, the "latter had kept its place below the other without mixing with it. Experiment 5. If a jar of the gas standing over mer- cury, be transferred to a tub of water, or if a little wa- ter be introduced into it; or if ardent spirit be used instead of water, applied in this way, or in a sponge, paper, &c. the gas will be immediately, absorbed. If the gas be pure, the whole will combine with the water, or spirit. Rationale. This absorption of ammoniacal gas by water takes place so rapidly, that a mercurial trough is absolutely necessary in collecting it; the water and gas unite and form a fluid, called liquid ammonia. Remark. From Mr. Davy's experiments, it appears that 100 grains of water absorb 34 grains of ammonia- cal gas, or 190 cubic inches. Therefore a cubic inch takes up 475 cubic inches of the gas. When a piece of ice is brought into contact with this gas, it melts and absorbs the ammonia, while at the same time its tempe- rature is diminished. Cold water absorbs this gas al- most instantaneously, and at the same time heat is evolv- ed, and the specific gravity of the water is diminished. If a temperature of 130° be applied, the gas quits the water. The combination of ammoniacal gas with wa- ter, in the formation of liquid ammonia, is effected in 154 the large way by distilling a mixture of muriate of am- monia and quicklime with water. Here the ammonia- cal gas is given out by the muriate, which is decom- posed by the lime, which then unites with the water in distillation, and forms liquid ammonia. If sub-carbo- nate of potash is employed in the place of the lime, we have a product of ammonia, partly combined with car- bonic acid. But this subject will be considered under the head of alkalies. Experiment 6. If a piece of paper coloured yellow with turmeric, or blue with cabbage juice, be exposed to ammoniacal gas, the former will become brown, and the latter of a green colour. Remark. Ammoniacal gas, like its solution in water, will change some vegetable colours of a brown, some of a green, and reproduce the blue colour of reddened' litmus paper. This is a characteristic property of the alkalies. Experiment 7. If ammoniacal gas and muriatic acid gas be mixed together, they will quit their gaseous form, and produce a concrete substance. Rationale. As soon as these gases meet, they unite, that is, the muriatic acid combines with the ammonia, and forms muriate of ammonia, whilst the caloric is set at liberty. Experiment 8. If carbonic acid be mingled in the same manner with this gas, a mutual decomposition will ensue, and a solid be produced. Rationale. Here the gases quit their aeriform state, and heat is liberated; carbonate of ammonia being formed. Experiment 9. If two parts of oxymuriatic acid gas be added to one part by measure, of ammoniacal gas, a brisk detonation is produeed, accompanied with yel- lowish light. Rationale. Ammoniacal gas consists of azote, hydro- gen, and caloric ; and oxymuriatic acid gas of oxygen, muriatic acid, and caloric. A reciprocal decomposition ensues. The hydrogen of the ammonia unites with the oxygen ©f the oxymuriatic acid gas and forms water, while 155 1 lie azote, the other component part of the ammonia, be- comes disengaged. The oxymuriatic acid, being thus deprived of its oxygen, is converted into the common muriatic acid gas, which, by uniting with the unde- composed ammonia, forms muriate of ammonia; but if a smaller proportion of ammonia be mixed, no mu- riate of ammonia will be generated, for the decomposi- tion of all the ammonia will then be complete. Remark. If the solution of ammoniacal gas in wa- ter, be brought in contact with oxymuriatic acid gas, a decomposition will also ensue analogous to the last ex- periment. Experiment 10. If a mixture ol ammoniacal gas and oxygen gas be passed through a red hot porcelain tube, a detonation takes place, water is formed, and azotic gas emitted. Rationale. Here it is evident that the oxygen ab- stracts the hydrogen from the azote, and forms water, which, together with azotic gas, is given out. Remark. If the proportion of oxygen gas be consi- derable, nitric acid is also formed, in consequence of the combination of azote with the superabundant oxy- gen. Experiment 11. If oxyd of manganese be ignited in an earthen tube, and ammoniacal gas be made to pass over it, the latter will be decomposed. Rationale. When a red heat is applied to oxyd of manganese, oxygen gas is given out in abundance. Therefore, on presenting ammoniacal gas to it in this state, the hydrogen of the ammonia will unite with a part of the oxygen given out, and form water; whilst the azote combines with another portion of oxygen and produces nitric acid; and, as a portion of ammonia passes undecomposition, the ammonia unites with the nitric acid, and forms nitrate of ammonia. Experiment 12. If about 200 electric shocks be pass- ed through ammoniacal gas in a detonating lube, it will increase three times its original bulk, and be decom- posed. loti Remark. If a small quantity of water be admitted, the gas will not, as heretofore, be completely absorbed by this fluid, but a part will remain. On examining the gas, it will be found that the original compound is destroyed, and that the hydrogen and azote are only in mechanical mixture. Experiment 13. The decomposition ol ammonia may also be.easily shown by the galvanic apparatus; for a solution of the gas in water, exposed to the action of the galvanic fluid, will have its component parts sepa- rated in the same manner as in the former experiment Experiment 14. If ammoniacal gas be made to pass through a red hot iron tube containing phosphorus, it will be decomposed. Rationale. The products in this experiment, accord- ing to Fourcroy, are phosphuretted hydrogen gas, and phosphuretted azotic gas. The ammonia is, therefore, decomposed ; its hydrogen unites with a part of the phosphorus, forming the phosphuretted hydrogen gas, whilst its azote combines with another portion of the phosphorus, and produces phosphuretted azotic gas. Experiment 15. Pass ammoniacal gas through ignited charcoal in a gun barrel heated to redness, and a new product, called prussic acid, will come over. Rationale. In this experiment part of the charcoal unites with the ammonia, and produces a compound containing hydrogen, carbon, azote, Sec. Experiment 16. If tin is moistened with nitric acid, and after a minute or two, aJittle potash or lime added, am- moniacal gas will be ey to 3. Dr. Thomson classes this gas among the oxyd sup- porters. SECTION XV. OF MURIATIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. If a jar, filled with muriatic acid gu» over mercury, be raised from the mercurial trough, it will discharge its contents for common air. Remark. The specific gravity of this gas, according to the experiments of Mr. Kirwan, is 1.929, that of air being 1.000, at the temperature of 60° barometer 30 inches: 100 cubic inches of it weighs 59.8 grains. Experiment 2. If a mouse be immersed in a jar of the gas, convulsions will ensue, and immediate death will be the consequence. Experiment 3. If a lighted taper be plunged into the gas, the flame will be extinguished. Remark. Dr. Priestley, however, observes, that mu- riatic acid gas, has a considerable effect upon the flame of burning bodies ; for a burning taper before it goes out, assumes a green colour, and the same tinge appears the next time the taper is lighted. A white vapour surrounds the extinguished wick, which is attributed to the combination of water, produced by the combustion of the candle. Experiment 4. Pass up into the jar of the gas, the infusion of litmus, or infusion of red cabbage ; on its com- ing in contact, the colour will be changed to red. Rationale. Muriatic acid gas when in contact with water, of which the infusion is made, is absorbed. It 17U acts therefore, ad an acid, and changes the colour of the infusion to red. Experiment 5. Into a jar of the gas introduce a small quantity of water ; an absorption will immediately en- sue, and, if the saturation be complete, it will exhibit all the properties of muriatic acid ; or, Experiment 6. Let the beak of the retort, from which the gas is obtained, pass into water, no bubbles of air will arise, but on the contrary, the gas will be absorbed, and the water will probably go over into the retort; or, Experiment 7. Let the gas pass into a receiver moist- ened with water; an absorption will ensue, which will be known by the properties of the water being altered. Rationale. The union of muriatic acid-gas with wa- ter takes place in consequence of a strong affinity^ the result of this combination is muriatic acid. The pre- paration of muriatic acid is effected by the decomposi- tion of muriate of soda by sulphuric acid, in contact with water. In this case at the moment the gas is dis- engaged, it unites with the water. According to Mr. Kirwan an ounce measure troy of water absorbs 800 cu- bical inches (or 420 times its bulk) of muriatic acid gas ; and the water by this absorption, is increased about one third its original volume. Dr. Thomson says, that a cubic inch of water at the temperature of 60 de- grees, absorbs 515 inches of the gas, which is equiva- lent to 308 grains nearly. See Muriatic Acid. Experiment 8. If a tube coming from the retort pass into a three necked bottle, of a Woulfe's Apparatus, in which water and a thermometer had been put, and the gas be disengaged from the materials, a considerable increase of temperature will ensue, which will be shown by the rise of the mercury. Rationale. This is owing to a condensation of the gas, in consequence of its absorption; for a portion of caloric necessary in the formation of the gas, is given out in a free state, which is appreciable by the thermometer. Experiment 9. If watei' thus impregnated be expos- ed to heat, the gas will be expelled. 180 Rationale. In this experiment, the application of heat overcomes the affinity subsisting between the constitu- ent parts cf the liquid acid; consequently, muriatic acid gas is expelled, and if the heat be not two power- ful, the water will remain behind. Experiment 10. If a current of the gas be passed into a vessel filled with/cf, broken into small pieces, an im- mediate liquefaction will take place. Rationale. This phenomena is attributable to the ra- pid absorption of the gas, in its reduction to the liquid state, and the consequent disengagement of caloric, which of course liquefies the ice. Experiment 11. Into a wide mouthed bottle introduce half its capacity of the gas; remove it from the mercu- ry, so that atmospheric air may be admitted; dense white vapours, accompanied with a considerable degree of heat, will be produced. Rationale. The muriatic acid gas unites with the moisture in the air, and is more or less changed into muriatic acid ; hence the evolution of uncombined ca- loric. According as the atmosphere is more moist, or saturated with water, the phenomena is more striking. Experiment 12. Into a jar standing over mercury and containing half its bulk of muriatic acid gas, put an equal quantity ol ammoniacal gas; an absorption will ensue, heat be evolved, and white fumes will be formed, which in the course of a short time, will condense on the sides of the vessel; or, Experiment 13. Into a cup put a mixture of muri- ate of ammonia and quicklime, and add a sufficient quan- tity of water to slack the lime ; now introduce the cup with its contents under a jar containing ammoniacal gas, and the same appearance will ensue; or, Experiment 14. Into one of two cups put muri- ate of soda with half its weight of sulphuric acid ; in the other muriate of ammonia and quicklime as in the last ex- periment ; heat the former, and introduce it under a large glass vessel; and when the quicklime has slacked put it also under the jar, and a considerable cloud will be formed. 181 Rationale. lW all these experiments the two gase? quit their aeriform state, heat is evolved, and muriate of ammonia produced, which at first appears in the form of clouds. If the experiment be made over mer- cury, and the gases pure and in proper proportions, the mercury will rise and fill the vessel. In the last expe- riment, muriatic acid gas is disengaged from the muri- ate of soda by the sulphuric acid, and ammoniacal gas from the muriate of ammonia by quicklime; consequent- ly, when the gases, thus disengaged, come in contact, the same result takes place. Experiment 15. If el ctric sparks be made to pass 'hrough this gas, its bulk is diminished, and hydrogen gas is evolved. Remark. This effect is attributed to the water con- tained in the gas. It ceases when it is partly deprived of moisture, as has been proved by Mr. Henry. Muriatic acid gas, formerly called marine acid air, was first examined by Dr. Priestley. It is supposed that the base of this gas is hydrogen and oxygen, as the con- stitute parts of muriatic acid; but this conclusion is unfounded. Besides its absorption by water, which con- stitutes the liquid muriatic acid, it is absorbable by ar- dent spirit, ether, fat, and essential oils, melted wax, phosphorus, and many other bodies. According to some recent experiments, it appears that water is an essen- tial constituent of muriatic acid gas ; that the gas can- not be formed unless water be present; and that it can- not be deprived of its water without losing its gaseous form. According to Berthollet, 100 parts of muriatic acid gas, after being exposed to the cold produced by a mixture of snow and salt, still retain 56 7 parts by weight of water. From Mr. Davy's experiments we infer, that the water contained in muriatic acid gas amounts to id of the weight, while Thenard and Gay Lussac make it only }th of the weight. The attempts made to prepare muriatic acid gas free from water, have hitherto failed notwithstanding the sagacity of Davy and the French chemists. S. 182 SECTION XVI. OF OXYGENIZED MURIATIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. A mouse or other animal, if confined in a jar of oxymuriatic acid gas, is affected with convul- sions, and death finally ensues. Remark. It is obvious, therefore, that oxymuriatic acid gas cannot be breathed without proving fatal. The death of Pelletier, a chemist of considerable eminence in France, was occasioned by his attempting to respire it. A consumption was the consequence of this attempt, which in a short time proved fatal. A mixture of this gas with atmospheric air, when breathed, occasions a violent and almost consumptive cough, attended with much pain in the chest. In preparing it, therefore, care should be taken to avoid its escape into the atmos- phere. Experiment 2. If a vial filled with the gas be brought into contact with water, especially if it be shaken, a ra- pid absorption takes place, and the water will ascend in the vial. Rationale. When water is brought into contact with oxymuriatic acid gas,it loses its former properties, and unites with the gas ; and, if the impregnation be com- plete, it forms the oxymuriatic acid. Remark. Scheele found, that after standing 12 hours over water, |ths of the gas was absorbed. The spe- cific gravity of water, fully saturated, according to Ber- thollet, is 1.003 at the temperature of 43° ; a cubic inch of water is capable of absorbing about 1.6 grains (French) of this gas. The best method of effecting the impreg- nation of water, is by means of a Woulfe's apparatus, the bottles of which should be surrounded by ice-cold water. Water thus saturated has a pale greenish yel- low colour, and a suffocating odour like the gas; its taste, however, if perfectly free from muriatic acid, is not acid, but astringent. Its purity from the muriatic acid may be known by the following experiment. 183 Experimen' 5. To the watery solution ol oxymuria- tic acid gas, add nitrate of mercury ,- if a white precipitate is formed, the common muriatic acid is detected. Rationale. The common and not the oxygenized muriatic acid, occasions a precipitation with nitrate of mercury, which is owing to the acid combining with the oxyd of mercury, and forming sub-muriate of mer- cury. If the water used for the purpose contains com- mon salt in solution, which is generally the case, a pre- cipitation will also arise from this cause. Experiment 4. Into water saturated with the gas im- merse patterns of unbleached calico ; the colour of which will be discharged. Rationale. This gas, even in combination with wa- ter, as we shall hereafter see, has the property of dis- charging vegetable colours, or of bleaching certain stuffs. In this experiment the acid is decomposed, its oxy- gen goes to discharge the colour, and is reduced to the state of common muriatic acid, as is evident from the following experiment. Experiment 5. To a-portion of the remaining liquor in Experiment 4, add nitrate of mercury, and a copious precipitation will ensue. Experiment 6. Expose water saturated with the gas, to a temperature little above that of freezing water; the gas will separate in the form of a liquid heavier than water. Remark. According to the experiments of Berthol- let, it appears that water saturated with the gas, if put into bottles, and surrounded with ice, is decomposed ; that is, the gi„» separates, and takes the concrete form, which immediately descends to the bottom of the ves- sel. The smallest heat makes it rise in bubbles, and endeavour to escape in the form of gas. Westrumb remarks, that it becomes solid when exposed in large vessels to the temperature of 40° ; and that then it ex- hibits a kind of crystallization.. 184 Experiment 7. Expose the solution of the gas in wa- ter to the direct rays of the sun, a decomposition will ensue, and oxygen gas will be evolved. Rationale. In this experiment the rays of light de- composes the gas ; its oxygen is disengaged in the form of gas, while its base remains in union with the water in the form of muriatic acid. Remark. The oxygen gas may be collected, by ex- posing the solution in a gas bottle furnished with a bent tube, which terminates in the pneumato-chemical ap- paratus. Experiment 8. Introduce into a jar of the gas, a sprig of mint, a rose, Sec. their colour will soon be destroyed, and the gas diminished; or, Experiment 9. Put flowers, of variegated colours, or green leaves, into the gas ; keep them in it for sonic time, and their colours will be discharged; or, Experiment 10. Suspend a piece of yellow wax in the gas; its colour will gradually disappear, and white v> ax will be formed ; or, Experiment 11. Introduce into a jar of the gas some • mbleachcd linen, or calico, previously moistened with water, their colour will soon disappear, except those which are yellow. Rationale. The action of oxymuriatic acid gas in the operation of bleaching, depends upon the facility with which it parts with its oxygen ; the vegetable sub- stances seize it with avidity ; and by this absorption lose their colour; the oxymuriatic being reduced to the state of common muriatic acid. Remark. Oxymuriatic acid, therefore, renders vege- table colours white and not red (as it discharges the co- lour of litmus) as other acids do; and the colour thus destroyed, can neither be restored by alkalies nor acids. If the vegetable substances are sufficient, the whole of the oxymuriatic acid is decomposed. Experiment 12. Introduce a burning taper, affixed to a wire, into a tall jar of the gas, it will burn of a red colour, and more vividly than in atmospheric air; a great quantity of smoke will be formed. 185 Rationale. Oxymuriatic acid gas is, therefore, a sup- porter of combustion. In this experiment it is decom- posed ; its oxygen unites with the carbon and hydrogen of the( wax) taper, and forms carbonic acid and water; the oxymuriatic returning to the state of common mu- riatic acid. Experiment 13. If a piece of phosphorus, dried on blotting-paper, and put into a copper ladle, be introduc- ed into a jar of the gas,, it will instantly take fire, and burn with a greenish white light. Rationale. The phosphorus, at the common tempe- rature of the atmosphere, decomposes oxymuriatic acid; its oxygen unites with the phosphorus, forming phos- phoric acid; and the oxymuriatic is changed into the muriatic acid. Experiment 14. When sulphur is presented to oxy- muriatic acid gas, no action ensues ; but if it be melted, and then introduced into the gas, it will take fire and burn rapidly. Rationale. Sulphur at the common temperature does not inflame spontaneously in this gas, because it is ob- vious that it cannot separate the oxygen from the acid gas, but when its temperature is raised, by melting it,. it will then decompose the acid; hence sulphuric acid is generated, and the oxymuriatic is reduced to the state of muriatic acid. Remark. Sulphur, however, when fastened to the- end of a glass rod, and confined in the gas, is slowly- oxygenized, and drops down in a liquid form. It was. by passing streams of this gas through flowers of sul- phur, that Dr. Thomson obtained a new combination of oxyd of sulphur with muriatic acid, which he- termed. sulphuretted muriatic acid. Experiment 15. If charcoal of beech wood be finely pulverized, made perfectly dry, and heated to about 90a, and then introduced into a jar of the gas, it will immediately inflame. Rationale. In this experiment the carbon unites with the oxygen, in combustion, forming carbonic acid ; 0.2 186 heat and light are set at liberty, and the oxymuriatic. acid is changed into the common muriatic. Remark. According to professor Lampadius, the diamond also, when heated to redness, and plunged in- to oxymuriatic acid gas, burns in it with great splen- dour; but this experiment has failed in the hands of other chemists. Experiment 16. Let fall into a tall jar containing oxymuriatic acid gas, a few leaves of copper, usually called Dutch metal, before it reaches the bottom of the jar it will take fire and burn with a pale green light; or, Experiment 17. Let fall in a similar manner gold leaf, it will take fire as in Experiment 16 ; or, Experiment 18. Introduce silver leaf into the gas, and the same effect will ensue ; or, Experiment 19. Heat a piece of fine copper wire to redness, and immerse it in the gas,- combustion will al- so take place ; or, Experiment 20. Pulverise metallic antimony, and throw it into a tall jar of the gas, a brilliant white light, accompanied with sparks, will be produced; or, Experiment 21. Introduce arsenic in the same man- ner ; a fine green or blue flame, attended with sparks, and a dense white smoke will be the result; or, Experiment 22. Pulverise bismuth, and throw the powder into the gas, a bluish flame will be formed; or, Experiment 23. Nickel used in the same manner, af- fords a yellowish white flame ; or, Experiment 24. Cobalt thrown into the gas, produ- ces a bluish white flame ; or, Experiment 25. If zinc, in powder, be introduced in- to the gas, it will burn with a white flame, and emit an abundance of sparks; or, Experiment 26. If tin is used, a bluish white light will be formed; or, Experiment 27. If the filings of leadbe substituted. -a clear white flame will be produced; or, 187 Experiment 28. If iron filings be thrown in, a bright red flame will be'the result. Remark. In all these experiments, in order to in- sure success, the gas should be pure, and heated to the temperature not short of 70°. It is necessary that the metal should be reduced to a fine powder, and employ- ed in the proportion of one grain to two or three cubic inches of the gas. Iron, lead, and zinc, are more dif- ficult to inflame than any of the former. The very malleable metals, such as gold, silver, Sec. which can be reduced to extremely thin leaves, are best applied to the gas in this state. The most readily oxydized me- tals, as we shall presently see from the rationale, burn with the greatest brilliancy. Into the bottom of the jar a'little sand may be poured to prevent it from being broken. Rationale. Oxymuriatic acid gas is a compound of oxygen, muriatic acid, and caloric. On presenting to it any of the before mentioned metals, it is decomposed, and so rapidly as to occasion spontaneous accension. The oxygen is abstracted by the metal, which is con- verted into an oxyd, whilst the light and heat of the gas are set at liberty in the form of fire. The oxymuriatic acid is, therefore, reduced to the common muriatic acid. The metal, being of course oxydized, and in this state susceptible of union with muriatic acid, combines with the remaining acid into a muriate. Gold leaf, for in- stance, though insoluble in this state in muriatic acid, when thus oxydized, is readily soluble in this acid, with which it forms muriate of gold. Copper leaf also, by combining first with oxygen and then with muriatic acid, constitutes muriate of copper, similar to the na- tive muriate brought from Peru. The different colours the metals assume in oxymuriatic acid gas, is owing to the different refrangibility of the rays of light, which is set at liberty in the act of combustion; and which, from certain habits or affinities, is decomposed, by which certain rays are absorbed, and others reflect- ed. 188 Experiment 29. Into a jar of the gas introduce su phuret of antimony, reduced to a fine powder, in the same manner as before, and combustion will ensue. Rationale. In this experiment the acid gas is decom- posed. The sulphur as well as the antimony unite« with oxygen, and converts the oxymuriatic into tho common muriatic acid. Experiment 30. Introduce in the same manner into. the gas either cinnabar (sulphuret of mercury) iron py- rites (sulphuret of iron) or realgar (sulphuret of arse- nic) they will take fire as in Experiment 28. Remark. Other metallic sulphurets will exhibit the same phenomena, the theory of which is analogous to the former. Experiment 31. Into a wine glass put one part of hyperoxymuriate of potash, and pour on it two or three of sulphuric acid; now add one part of sulphuric ether, alcohol, or oil of turpentine, an accension will take place,. accompanied with a crackling noise. Rationale. In this experiment the hyperoxymuriate is decomposed by the sulphuric acid, sulphate of pot- ash is formed, and oxymuriatic acid gas is evolved. This gas, therefore, acts on the ether, alcohol, or oil of turpentine, which ever is used, and inflames it; the oxy- gen in that case changes the hydrogen and carbon of which it is composed into carbonic acid and water. Remark. The same phenomena occurs with other substances besides inflammable fluids, as camphor, re- zin, tallow, pitch, &c. Experiment 32. Into a cylinder put one part of hy- peroxymuriate of potash, and three or four of water, with half a part of oil of olives, or of linseed oil: now add four parts of sulphuric acid, a violent action will take place, much charcoal will be deposited, and ignited sparks will pass through the black fluid. On adding more of the hyperoxymuriate and sulphuric acid the whole mass takes fire, and burns with a dense yellow flame. Rationale. In this case the hyperoxymuriate is de- composed, a part of the sulphuric acid unites with the potash, forming sulphate of potash, and disengages the 189 »\yinu;iatic acid ; the other portion of the acid partial- ly decomposes the oil by which its carbon is partly set at liberty, which inflames. A still further addition of the salt and acid, sets the whole on fire, the result of which is the formation of carbonic acid and water, from the union of carbon and hydrogen of the oil, with oxy- gen. # . Experiment 33. Into a wine glass, two thirds filled with water, put one part of phosphorus, and two of oxy- muriate of potash. Pour through a tube or funnel, to the bottom, three or four parts of concentrated sulphu- ric acid; the phosphorus takes fire, and burns vividly under the surface of the fluid. Rationale. In this case the oxymuriate is decompos- ed as in the last experiment, and the oxymuriatic acid, thus disengaged, is acted upon by the phosphorus; ■ ombustion therefore ensues, phosphoric acid is form- ed, and the oxymuriate is reduced to the common mu- riatic acid. Experiment 34. Into a vessel or jar of oxymuriatic ncid gas introduce some nitrous gas; the mixture be- comes warm, reddish fumes appear, and nitro-muriatic acid is produced. Rationale. The nitrous gas takes part of the oxygen from the oxymuriatic acid gas, and is converted into nitrous acid, which by uniting with the remaining acid, constitutes nitro-muriatic acid. Experiment 35. Introduce into a jar of the oxymu- riatic gas either sulphurous or phosphorus acids, a decom- position will ensue. Rationale. The sulphurous or phosphorous acids are converted into sulphuric, or phosphoric acids, by the union of oxygen from the oxymuriatic acid, which is therefore changed into the muriatic. Experiment 36. Introduce into a well ground stop- pered bottle a mixture of three parts of hydrogen gas and four of oxymuriatic acid gas. Put the stopper in its plase, and keep the bottle 24 hours inverted with its mouth under water. On withdrawing the stopper near- 190 ly the whole of the gas will have disappeared; and the remainder will be absorbed by the contact of water. Rationale. In this case the oxygen unites with the hydrogen and forms water, and the oxymuriatic acid is changed into muriatic; hence on presenting the mixed gases to water, the muriatic acid gas is absorbed. Experiment 37. Pass a mixture of oxymuriatic acid gas and hydrogen gas through a red hot porcelain tube, a violent detonation will take place. Rationale. In this experiment, the hydrogen unites with the oxygen and forms water, and muriatic acid gas is disengaged. Experiment 38. Put in a detonating tube three measures of hydrogen gas with four of oxygenized muria- tic gas, and pass an electric spark through them. A detonation will ensue, and nearly the whole will be ab- sorbed. Rationale. The theory of this is analogous to the last experiment. Remark. According to Mr. Cruikshank, the pro- portion of hydrogen and pure oxymuriatic acid gases, necessary for mutual saturation, is three of the former *o three and a half of the latter. Experiment 39. Introduce into the detonating tube one measure of carburetted hydrogen gas from moistened charcoal, from distilled coal, or from stagnant water, with three or four measures of oxymuriatic acid gat, and pass the electric spark through the mixture, a deto- nation will ensue. Rationale. A part of the oxygen of the oxymuriatic acid unites with the carbon, held in solution in the gas, and forms carbonic acid, whilst another part combines with the hydrogen and forms water. Muriatic acid gas will remain. Experiment 40. Make a mixture similar to the pre- ceding, but with about half the quantity mentioned, of oxymuriatic acid gas; pass the electric spark as before, and an abundant precipitation of charcoal will take place. 191 Rationale. In this case the oxygen, not being suffi- cient to saturate both the carbon and hydrogen, unites with the hydrogen and forms water, whilst the carbon held in sc ution in the gas, is precipitated in the state of charcoal. Experiment 41. To two measures of carbonic oxyd gas, add two thirds of the oxygenised gas, and allow them to stand, [jr 24 hours, in a bottle which is entirely filled by the mixture. On withdrawing the stopper at this period under water, the water will rush in, and will fill two thirds of the bottle. Rationale. The carbonic oxyd is converted into car- bonic acid by the addition of oxygen from the oxymu- riatic acid gas, by which means the oxymuriatic gas is changed into the muriatic. On presenting the mixed gases to water, after they have stood for 24 hours, two thirds of the gas will be absorbed, which is muriatic acid gas, and the remaining one third will be absorbable by lime water; hence it is carbonic acid. Exjn riment 42. To 21 measures of supercarburetted hydrog. ^fias (olefiant gas) add 3 of the oxygenized gas; a diminution of bulk will ensue and a thin film of oil will form on the surface of the water. Rationale. Although this phenomenon is not per- fectly understood, yet from circumstances we may conclude, that the hydrogen and carbon of the gas unites with a portion of oxygen so as to constitute an oleagi- nous fluid. Remark. One measure of carburetted hydrogen, from ether or camphor, mixed with two measures of oxymuriatic gas, and allowed to remain 24 hours in a vial closed with a ground stopper, mutually decom- pose each other; water, muriatic acid, carbonic acid, and carbonic oxyd are formed, accordingly, when water is admitted, the whole is absorbed except about 0.43 of a measure: 0.09 of this residue is absorbed by lime water; the rest is carbonic oxyd. When there is an excess of oxymuriatic acid, the resulting substances are water, muriatic acid, and carbonic oxyd.* * Cruikshank. 192 Experiment 42. Introduce sulphuretted hydrogen gas into a jar partly filled with the gas; a condensation, and a precipitation of sulphur will ensue. Rationale. The oxygen of the oxygenized gas unites with the hydrogen, whilst the sulphur is precipitated, being of course separated from the hydrogen. Experiment 43. Mix oxymuriatic acid gas with am- moniacal gas, a rapid combustion, attended with a white flame, instantly takes place.* Rationale. Both the gases are decomposed; the hy- drogen of the ammonia unites with the oxygen and forms water, whilst the azote, the other constituent of the ammonia is disengaged, and muriatic acid is repro- duced. Remark. Accum observes, that this experiment suc- ceeds remarkably well, if about eight cubic inches of ammonia are sent up in a jar holding at least fifty cubic inches of oxygenized muriatic acid gas. Oxymuriatic acid gas, formerly dephlogisticated ma- rine acid air, is composed, according to Chevenix, of 77.5 muriatic acid, and 22.5 of oxygen in the hun- dred. Oxymuriatic acid was discovered by Scheelein 1774, during his experiments on manganese ; since that pe- riod its nature and properties were investigated by the first chemists of Europe. The oxymuriatic acid gas is not invisible, but has a yellow-greenish colour. Oxymuriatic acid gas, as appears from the experi- ments both of Davy and the French chemists, contains water as an essential constituent. For the experiments and observations upon this subject, see the Appendix to Thomson's Chemistry. Thenard and Gay Lussac have shewn that hydrogen gas, olefiant gas, and other similar gases decompose oxymuriatic acid gas, simply in consequence of the hydrogen which they contain. They have shewn that gases which contain no hydro- gen, as nitrous gas, produce no change upon oxymu- riatic acid gas, unless water be present. As carbonic oxyd is not decomposd by it, this is additional proof • Fourcroy, Ann. de Chim. iv. 255. I'Jo that hydrogen is not one of the constituents of that gas. Thus it appears that oxymuriatic acid is one of the most intimate combinations known, and that the presence of water, or the formation of it, is almost al- wavs necessary for its decomposition.* SECTION XII. OF FLUORIC ACID GAS. Experiment 1. Into a jar ol fluoric acid gas standing- over mercury, immerse a lighted taper; it will become green and be immediately extinguished. Remark. Hence this gas does not support combus- tion. In order to prevent the action of the gas on the glass, it should be coated inside with wax. Experiment 2. An animal plunged into the gas, is affected with oonvulsions, and instantly dies. Remark. It is, therefore, unfit for respiration. Experiment 3. On immersing a piece of flesh into the gas it is soon corroded. Remark. Besides muscular flesh, it corrodes skin as instantaneously. Experiment 4. Into a jar of the gas, standing over mercury, introduce a little water, and agitate it; the gas will be absorbed, accompanied with an evolution of heat. Rationale. On presenting water to fluoric acid gas, a partial condensation of the latter ensues; hence the extrication of heat; and the solution takes the name of fluoric acid. Remark. Water, thus impregnated, will be found to possess all the properties of the gas, some of which we have already stated; it will corrode glass, flint, quartz, and other siliceous substances. Fluoric acid is specifically heavier than water, has an acid taste, red- * See the Appendix to Thomson's Chemistry. R 191 dens vegetable blues, and does not freeze twr.il cooled down to 23°. Experiment 5. Expose water saturated with the gas to the action of heat, the gas will be disengaged. Rationale. Caloric tends to separate not only the particles of bodies, but substances fiom each other: hence the acid takes the gaseous form, forming fluoric acid gas. The last portions of the gas which remains with the water, is disengaged with more obstinacy than the first, owing probably to the strong affinity subsist- ing between determinate proportions of water and gas, which can only be overcome by the application of a greater heat. Remark. Gas obtained by this means is purer than *.hat procured in glass vessels; for, if they were used, a quantity of silex is dissoLved, which is deposited the moment the gas is absorbed. In obtaining it, however, ieaden vessels should be employed. Experiment 6. If the gas, as it isbues from a leaden or tin retort, be received in a dry glass vessel, it will corrode it, and render it opaque. Remark. Hence it is that this gas dissolves silex, which it takes from the glass, as glass is a compound of silex and alkali. On this property, the idea was conceived of etching on glass, either by means of the gas or the liquid acid. Experiment 7. Powder some fluate of lime, and strew it on the surface of a pane of glass, and pour some sul- phuric acid upon it; the glass will be acted upon; or, Experiment 8. If a pane be coated with a thin co- vering of wax, and any figure drew upon it; when powdered fluor spar is put on, and sulphuric acid added, the glass will be corroded only where the wax has been removed ; or, Experiment 9. Take a pane of glass, cleanse it and cover it over either with a thin coat of bees wax, isin- glass dissolved in water, or engraver's varnish. When it is dry trace upon it by means of a graver, or any sharp pointed instrument, any subject whatever. Then in- troduce into a leaden basin or cup a sufficient quan- tity ol fluate of lime, with half its weight of sulphuric 195 acid ; place it in a sand bath and ap"ply heat; then hold the pane of glass close over it, in order that the gas which is disengaged may act upon the glass, which will soon become corroded, and appear like engraven when the varnish or coating is removed. Rationale. In this as well as in the two preceding experiments, the fluate of lime is decomposed; sul- phate of lime is formed, and the fluoric acid is disen- gaged in the form of gas. As this acid does not act on wax, and some other substances of this kind, it at- tacks the glass in every place where the coating is re- moved. It destroys the glass by dissolving its silex, and consequently produces a corrosion. Remark. This gas may be employed advantageous- ly for engraving labels on glass bottles, intended for containing acids, for graduating glass tubes, as eudiome- ters and thermometers ; for ornamenting glass vessels; for removing injured enamels, See. The art of etching on glass is not of very modern date. Beckman in his History of Inventions, observes, that it was employed for that purpose by Henry Swankard as early as 1670. He seems to have kept his art for some time secret; but the receipt was made public by Pauli, in 1725. Experiment 10. Let the gas, as it comes from a glass retort, be received in a vessel filled with water and resting upon mercury ; the bubbles as they come over, will become enveloped in silex, and leave, as they as- cend to the surface of the water, traces in the form of tubes. Rationale. The fluoric acid gas first corrodes the retort, and dissolves the silex ; this solution when it comes in contact with water is decomposed. A con- densation, with an extrication of heat ensues ; conse- quently it takes a liquid form, and the silex is depo- sited. Experiment 11. Introduce the gas into a receiver lined with wax, as before mentioned, previously pla- cing it over any substance capable of retaining- moisture, such as lizards, frogs, moist fruits, bits of spor.gc, &c. either of these substances so exposed will be encrust- 196 ed with a coat of silex, and may thus be preserved for years. Rationale. It is evident that the moisture absorbs the gas, which deposits the silex it acquired from the retort, in the act of its condensation. Experiment 12. _ Let the gas as it issues from the materials in a leaden retort, come in contact with lime water, an immediate precipitation will ensue. Rationale. The fluoric acid quits its aeriform state, and unites with the lime, forming a precipitate of fluate of lime. Hence the use of the acid as a test for the detection of lime. Remark. Margraff so early as 1768 wrote on the subject of fluor or Derbyshire spar, in which he proved that it contained no sulphuric acid, but that he disen- gaged a peculiar acid which corroded and pierced holes through the retort. Schecle afterwards examined the nature of this acid, which he found consisted of a pe- culiar acid, to which the name of fluoric has been ap- plied, and the gas has been called fluoric acid gas. The properties of this gas have been investigated by Dr. Priestley. Mr. Davy has lately decomposed its base, by means of potassium, and the decomposition is at- tended with combustion.* A proof that oxygen is one of its constituents. The base of the acid is analogous to sulphur.t From some experiments he concludes that this acid is truly an acid product. But this subject, as well as its com- binations, will be noticed under the head of fluoric acid. Thenard and Gay Lussac have obtained a peculiar gas' by exposing a mixture of fluate of lime and vitreous boracic acid to the action of a strong heal, as in the following manner : Experiment 13. Expose in an iron tube to a strong ueat, a mixture ol fluate n wire, and fill the tube with water. Let the ends of the two wires be distant from each other about three fourths of an inch; and let the one be made to communicate with .the bottom of the galvanic pile, the other with the top. On making this communication, bubbles of air will form, and will as- cend to the top of the tube. Rationale. The wire is oxydized by the decompo- sition of the water; its oxygen unites with the iron, while its hydrogen appears in the state of gas. Experiment 26. By using a similar apparatus, but with the substitution of gold wire, or some metal that is not oxydized by water, we obtain a mixture of hydro- gen and oxygen gases. Rationale. It is apparent that in the case with iron, which readily unites with oxygen, the oxygen is ab- sorbed, and the hydrogen is set at liberty ; but in the experiment with gold wire, the water is also decom- posed, but, as the metal is not readily oxydized, the oxygen as well as the hydrogen is set free. Remark. This experiment is similar to that perform- ed by the society of Dutch chemists. Dr. Wollaston has adopted the following method for effecting the de- composition of water. 219 Experiment 27. Let two fine gold wires be fixed in separate small glass tubes by fusion; and let the end of these tubes be ground till the very section or extremi- ty of each is laid bare, let the other end of each tube be furnished with a larger wire connected with a me- tallic ball, which wire communicates with the gold wire within. These two tubes are then fixed by fu- sion in a larger glass tube, provided with a conical drawn aperture, through which it can be filled with water, ail but a small vacuity or bubble, and then seal- ed. If a small stream of electricity, or galvanism be passed through it, the water is decomposed. Remark. The decomposition of water by galvanism was announced by Messrs. Nicholson and Carlisle, in the year 1801. A very evident difference may be ob- seived in the quantity of gas extricated from the two wires of the galvanic machine. That connected with the zinc end is much less in quantity than what issues from the copper end. By placing the two wires in separate legs of a syphon, as represented in Nichol- son's Journal, 4to. vol. iv. plate 21, the two gases may be separated. The phenomena which occurs in the decomposition of water by galvanism, Davy has explained in confor- mity to the general law which he established as regu- lating the chemical changes produced by that agent. The law is, that different substances have such a rela- tion to galvanism, that some are attracted forcibly to the positiveothers to the negative side of the galvanic airange- ment; oxygen and those compounds in which it pre- dominates being attracted to the positive side ; hydro- gen, inflammable and metallic substances, to the ne- gative. Hence he concludes that when water is sub- mitted to the action of galvanism, the oxygen of a portion of it is attracted to the positive side, and its hydrogen repelled ; the opposite process takes place at the negative side, the hydrogen being attracted, and the oxygen repelled; and at the wires connected with the two sides, these gases appear in their insulated form. In the separation of the gases, by the agency of galvanism, in the decomposition of water, it is assert ed that the water at one wire receives positive elec- 220 tricity and appears as oxygen, and at the other receives negative electricity, so as to assume the form of hydro- gen. This hypothesis appeared extravagant, and little or no attention paid to it, until sir Humphrey Davy brought it forward,as connected with the general theory of the dependence of the chemical forms of matter on electrical powers. Water positively electrified would be hydrogen ; water negatively electrified, oxygen ; and, says Mr. Davy, as in the physical experiments of temperature, ice, added, to a certain quantity of steam by an equilibrium of heat, produces water; so in the chemical experiments of the generation of water, the positive and negative electricity of oxygen and hydro- gen in certain proportions would annihilate eacli other, and water alone be the result. No certain conclusions, however, can be drawn, from our imperfect knowledge of this subject. Having had the pleasure of witnessing the decom- position of water by galvanism, conducted in a very simple and ingenious manner by Mr. Franklin Bache, by which the oxygen and hydrogen were separated in distinct vessels, it appeared from the phenomena, as Well as from the products of the experiment, that hy- drogen, as we have already stated, is given out at the negative wire, but oxygen was not given out at the po- sitive wire, but from the positive end of the connecting wire, i. e. the end which is under the same glass with the positive wire. His apparatus was the following. Two bell glasses were inverted over water in separate vessels, under each of which was carried a wire, one from the positive, the other from the negative end of the battery. These bell glasses were now connected by a wire. It was perceived the moment the connec- tion was made, that hydrogen, gas was extricated from the negative wire, as heretofore stated; but, on the the contrary, the oxygen was not given out at the posi- tive wire, but from the positive end of the connected wire as before noticed. This experiment, therefore, contradicts some conclusions heretofore made. Mr. B. supposes, that the water is decomposed at the negative end, at which ^he hydrogen is given out, and that the 221 oxygen, from its attraction to the positive pole, is carried along the connecting wire, and a part at least is given out at the positive end of this wire. This rationale, from the phenomena of the experiment, appears to be correct, or at least extremely probable. We are told that the portion evolved by the wire from the zinc end will be found to be oxygen, and that from the other end hydrogen, in the proportion by measure of one of the former to two of the latter. The following method of effecting the decompositionof water, was employed by Messrs. Dieman and Van Troostwyk. Experiment 28. Take a glass tube, about one-eighth of an inch diameter, and twelve inches long, one of the ends of which is sealed hermetically, and insert a gold wire, projecting about an inch and a half within the tube, at this end. Fix another wire about the distance of five-eighths of an inch from the extremity of this, which may extend to the open end of the tube. The tube is next to be filled with distilled water, and to be placed inverted in a vessel of the same. When thus disposed, electrical shocks are to be passed between the two ends of the wire through the water ; and, if these shocks be sufficiently strong, bubbles of air will be formed at each explosion, and will ascend till the upper part of the wire is uncovered by the water. As soon as this is effected, the next shock that is passed will 3et fire to the air, and the water will rise again in the tube, a very small quantity of gas remaining. Rationale. The decomposition of the water is effect- ed, as in the former experiments; the hydrogen and oxygen of which are first liberated, and then inflamed by a subsequent shock, and water is reproduced. Remark. Mr. Cuthbertson has invented an apparatus, of a similar kind, which exhibits the same experiments with less trouble to the operator. It may be seen des- cribed and figured in Dr. Pearson's paper in the Phi- losophical Transactions for 1797, or in Nicholson's Journal, vol. i. and ii. 4to. See Oxygen Gas. Experiment 29. Fill, with hydrogen gas, a bladder furnished with a stop cock and bent pipe. Then pour T.2. r)22 into a shallow earthen dish as much mercury as will half fill it, and invert over this a glass bell, full of com- mon air and perfectly dry. Expel the hydrogen gas through the pipe ; light the stream, and bring it under the glass bell, by raising this, and depressing it into the mercury ; as soon as the inflamed gas is introduced, a portion of air will escape, at first, in consequence of the rarefaction* As the combustion continues, water will form, and will condense on the sides of the glass. Rationale. The hydrogen unites with the oxygen of the air, heat and light are disengaged, and water is form- ed ; or, Experiment 30. Procure a large glass globe, capa- ble of holding three or four quarts, and having two openings opposite to each other, which may be drawn out for a short distance, like the neck of a retort. Inflame the stream of hydrogen gas, and introduce it into the cen- tre of the globe. The rarefied and vitiated air will ascend through the aperture of the globe, and a constant supply of fresh air will be furnished from beneath. A quantity ol water will be generated, which will be con- densed on the inner surface of the vessel; or, Experiment 31. If hydrogen gas be burnt in the same manner in a vessel of oxygen gas, water will be formed, and if the hydrogen be sufficient, and the oxygen pure, the whole of the oxygen will disappear; or, Experiment 32. By employing the hydro-pneumatic blow pipe, by which oxygen and hydrogen are united, the formation of water may be shewn ; or, Experiment 33. If a proper mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gas, according to Mr. Biot, be suddenly com- pressed, by an instrument similar to that of the condens- ing syringe, combustion will ensue, and water be formed. Rationale. By compression, the particles of gas are brought into intimate union, a sufficient heat is there- fore disengaged to inflame the hydrogen, and combus- tion ensues. Remark. Besides the analytical experiments before enumerated to prove the composition of water, we are furnished with other proofs drawn from synthetical in- 223 vestigations, so that both analysis and syntheses con- firm the fact, that water is composed of the base of two gases united, viz. oxygen and hydrogen. Water is formed in the combustion of different substances, which contain hydrogen, as in the following experiment. Experiment 34. Put a little alcohol in a tea-cup, set it on fire, and invert a large bell glass over it. In a short time an aqueous vapour will be seen to condense upon the inside of the bell, which by means of a dry sponge may be collected, and will be found to be pure water. Rationale. Alcohol is a compound of hydrogen and carbon ; during combustion, its hydrogen unites with the oxygen of the air, and produces water. Remark. Nature also decomposes water in many of her operations, particularly by means of any living ve- getable. See Oxygen Gas. From the decomposition of water is attributed. the formation of oil, wax, gum, rosin, sugar, &c. Fish, and all cold-blooded amphibi- ous animals, are, it is said, endowed with the power of decomposing water : a fish, we are told,was kept three years in a vessel, and fed only with water ; and at last it became too large to live any longer in the vessel.* Mr. Davy, according to some recent speculations, suspects that water is not a compound body, but is the ponderable base both of oxygen and hydrogen gases, assuming these forms according to their electrical states. An hypothesis of this nature has been suggested by Ritter, and adopted by some of the German and British chemists. Water they regarded as simple: when unit- ed to negative electricity, it constitutes oxygen gas ; when united to positive electricity, it forms hydrogen ^as. and in both is the sole gravitating matter. * Rondelet de Piscibus, lib.i. cap. 12. PART VIII. OF SIMPLE COMBUSTIBLES. By combustibles we understand those substances which are capable of combustion. They are either simple or compound. By simple combustibles we mean those bo- dies which have not hitherto been decomposed. The metals, however, may be classed under this head; but the greater number of their properties are so different from those which we include in this class, that it is proper to consider them by themselves as a distinct set of bodies. SECTION I. OF CARBON. Experiment 1. If pieces of oak, willow, hazle, or other woods deprived of their bark, be buried in sand in a crucible, and exposed, covered, to the strongest heat of a wind furnace, the charcoal of wood will be formed. Rationale. The conversion of vegetable matter, or ligneous fibre, into charcoal, by exposing wood, or other vegetable substance, to the action of heat in a close vessel, or in a crucible covered with sand, to pre- vent the admission of air, takes place in consequence of the disengagement of its volatile parts, and the con- version of the fibre, by its decomposition, into a black substance, which from the process is called charcoal, and is considered an oxyd of carbon. 225 Remark. Charcoal is, therefore, the coaly residuum of any vegetable that has been burnt in close vessels. For common purposes, charcoal is made by disposing the wood in heaps regularly arranged, and covered with earth, so as', to prevent the access of any more air than is absolutely necessary to support the fire, which is kept up tiil all the water and oil are driven off; after which the hie is extinguished by shutting up all the air holes. Charcoal is generally black, sonorous, brittle, very light, and destitute of taste or smell. It is so po- rous that it may be seen through with a microscope. Experiment 2. Pulverise charcoal, and wash it with diluted muriatic acid, and afterwards with a considerable quantity of distilled water; it will then be purified. Rationale. As charcoal may contain foreign matter, principally earth, the addition of muriatic acid will carry it off, in combination, and thus leave the coal, as it is not acted upon by the acid in a pure state. Remark. It is of considerable importance in some delicate experiments, to have the charcoal of the ut- most purity. By this method we are furnished with a means of accomplishing it. As charcoal enters into the composition of gun powder, it is also of impor- tance to have it for this purpose in as fine a state as possible. This is effected by charring the wood in iron cylinders : light woods are preferred, such as willow, alder, poplar, and linden. When iron cylinders are employed, it is the custom in England to collect the pyroligneous aciel from the wood, by dry distillation. Experiment 3. Put bone into a crucible, in the same manner as in Experiment l,or introduce it into an iron cylinder; on exposing it to a red heat, it will be convert- ed into coal. Rationale. In this case, the volatile matter of the hone is dissipated, and the solid or fixed parts are changed, by the action of heat, into a carbonaceous sub- stance, known by the name of ivory or bone black. Experiment 4. Pour water upon charcoal, and let it remain for some time ; it will be found that the water has no action upon it: but, 2i£6 Ex/ieriment 5. Make a little cheircoal perfectly dry, pulverise it very fine, and put it into a warm tea cup. If some strong nitric acid be now poured in, so as to trickle down the inner side of the vessel and mix with the charcoal, it will burn rapidly, giving out a beautiful flame, and throwing up the powder so as to resemble a beautiful fire work. Rationale. The acid is decomposed, combustion en- sues, and the oxygen of the acid unites with the coal, forming carbonic acid, at the same time nitrous gas is disengaged. Experiment 6. Take charcoal, pulverise it, and mix it with a weak solution ol gum arubic ; it will form the writing ink of the ancients. Remark. The ancients wrote with levigated char- coal. The writings found in Herculaneum, which were formed with this ink, are still a perfect black. Hence its indestructible nature. The incorruptibility of charcoal was known in ancient times. The temple of Ephesus was built upon wooden piles, which had been charred on the outside to preserve them. Bishop Watson in his Chemical Essays, vol. iii. 48, says, that the beams of the theatre at Herculaneum were convert- ed into charcoal by the lava which overflowed that city ; and during the lapse of seventeen hundred years the charcoal has remained entire as if it had been formed but yesterday. It is said that there still exists charcoal made of corn in the days of Caesar, which is in so complete a state, that the wheat may be distinguished from the rye. We are told also, that about forty years ago a quantity of oak stakes were found in the bed of the Thames, in the very spot where Tacitus says that the Britons fixed a vast number of such stakes, to prevent the passage of Julius Caesar and his army. They were charred to a consider- able depth, retained their form completely, and were firm at the heart. It was a custom among the ancients to char the outside of those stakes which were to be driven into the ground or placed in water, in order tr preserve the wood from decay. 227 Experiment 7. Mix together 2 J or 3 grains ol lamp- Hack, or finely pulverised charcoal, with a solution of 25 grains olgum copal in 200 grains of oil oflavendar, so that they may be intimately combined, and the writing ink of Mr, Close will be formed. Remark. As all writing inks, into the composition ef which iron enters, are liable to decay by time, and to be destroyed by various agents, the above composi- tion was recommended to obviate these objections. Experiment 8. If new-made charcoal be rolled up in clothes which have contracted a disagreeable odour, it will effectually destroy it. Remark. Hence it is, that charcoal has been used to destroy the feted or disagreeable odour, which clothes contract when kept in close situations. Experiment 9. If a piece olfiesh-meat, which has be- gun to be tainted, be rubbed daily with powdered char- coal ; its sweetness will be restored : or, if meat be buried in charcoal, which is to be renewed daily, it may be preserved sweet for some time ; or, Experiment 10. If charcoal be added topulrid water; the putrid quality will be discharged, and the water return to its original state. Hence the use of charring the inner surface of the casks, which are used to con- tain water at sea. Rationale. The antiseptic power of charcoal is ac- counted for either by its preventing the action of air, or a change in the body itself,by which putrefaction is retarded; or, if the change has already commenced,by decomposing* the products of putrefaction. Remark. Besides the application of charcoal to the purposes before stated, it may be used for correcting the empyreumatic flavour of spiritous liquors, which it effects by absorbing the empyreumatic oil; and may also be used as a dentifirce. Mr. Lowitz of Petersburg has shewn that it may be used with advantage to purify a great variety of substances.* Dr. Black remarks, that casks charred in the inside to hold water in sea voyages, preserves the water uncor- • See Crell's Annals, ii. 156. 228 ruptcd. Charcoal has a remarkable effect in destroy. ing the taste, odour,.and colour of many vegetable and animal substances. Common vinegar, by being boiled in it, is rendered perfectly limpid. The colour of lit- mus, indigo, and other pigments, dissolved or suspend- ed in water, is destroyed. Experiment 11. If a piece of new made charcoal, of a known weight, be exposed to the atmosphere for a day, it will be found to have increased about 12$ per cent, in weight. Remark This effect, being owing principally to the absorption of moisture, accounts for the rapid increase of weight, which coal undergoes on exposure to the air. According to Allen and Pepys,when coal thus charg- ed with moisture, is exposed under mercury to the heat of 214° its water is dissipated. Experiment 12. If a piece of charcoal be heated, and then plunged into a jar of atmospheric air; it will be found that the bulk of the latter is diminished. Remark. A piece of charcoal previously ignited, and then plunged into mercury, in order to extinguish it, and afterwards introduced into a glass vessel filled with common air, M. La Metherie found absorbed four times its bulk of air. One fifth of the air was disen- gaged on plunging the charcoal into water. This air, on being examined, was found to contain a smaller quantity of oxygen than atmospherical air does. Experiment 1 3. Plunge a piece of charcoal, in the same manner, into a jar of oxygen gas, and the bulk of the latter will be diminished. Remark. The quantity of oxygen gas absorbed amounts to about eight times the bulk of the charcoal. This property of charcoal, of absorbing air, was noticed by Fontana, Priestley, Scheele and Morveau. Morozzo, however, published the first set of accurate experiments on this subject. According to Mr. Rouppe and Dr. Van Noorden of Rotterdam, seventeen cubic inches of charcoal will absorb, in five hours, 48 cubic inches ot air, or 2.8 times its bulk. 229 Experiment 14. If charcoal be exposed i.11 the same manner to an atmosphere of hydrogen gas, an absorption will take place. Remark. The absorption of hydrogen gas amounts ro about 0.17. It is said that charcoal, which has im- bibed oxygen gas, if it be brought into contact with hy- drogen gas, produces water from the union of the bases of the two gases. Count Morozzo has given the following table of the quantities of different gases absorbed by charcoal. In each experiment he employed a piece of that substance 1 inch long, and ^ths of an inch diameter. The receiver containing gas was 12 inches long, and one inch diame- ter. Gas absorbed. inches. Gas absorbed. inches. Atmospheric H Nitrous H Carbonic acid n Hydrogen ^ i ~ 12 Ammonia n Oxygen 91 "■6 Muriatic acid n Sulphurous acid 5* Sulphuretted „ hydrogen n Experiment 15. If pulverised charcoal be thrown into a crucible containing melted nitre, in the state of igni- tion, a violent deflagration will ensue. Rationale. As charcoal has a great affinity for oxy- gen, it acts in this case by decomposing the nitric acid of the nitrate of potash : it is, therefore, in the act of combustion, converted into carbonic acid, part of which is disengaged, and another portion unites with the pot- ash of the decomposed nitre, whilst the azote of the nitric acid is set at liberty, still however in union with a part of the oxygen forming nitrous gas. Experiment 16. If three grains of pulverised char- coal be mixed with ten of nitre, and the mixture thrown on a red hot fire shovel, a very brilliant combustion, ac- companied with a loud detonation, will be the conse- quence. Rationale. Analogous to the preceding. Remark. If fossil or pit coal be used by subjecting a given quantity into a crucible containing a certain 230 proportion of melted nitre, the latter willbc decomposed, in the ratio to the quantity of the carbonaceous princi- ple. Every 100 grains of nitre that are decomposed in this way, denote ten grains of carbon. Experiment 17. If one part of powdered charcoal, one ol sulphur, and five ol nitre, be mixed together, and in- timately combined, gun powder will be produced. Sec Nitrate of Potash. Remark. The combustion of gun powder depends upon the decomposition of the nitric acid of the nitre, by the charcoal; some other changes also take place s to the production and expansion of carbonic acid and other gases, which will be hereafter noticed, the force of gun powder is attributed. Experiment 18. If a mixture of charcoal and nitrate of strontian be thrown on a red hot shovel, a beautiful crimson flame will be produced. Rationale. The nitric acid of the nitrate is decom- posed; and, during the combustion, the flame of the charcoal is tinged by the strontian. Elxperimcnt 19. If a mixture ol hyper-oxymuriate of potash and charcoal be placed on a shovel heated to red- ness, a deflagration will ensue. Rationale. The charcoal unites with the oxygen of the oxymuriatic acid of the oxymuriate, and forms car- bonic acid. Experiment 20. Wet a piece of charcoal with a solu- tion of muriate of gold, or place a thin slip of it in the solution, and heat the whole by means of a sand bath, -and the gold will be revived forming a singular and beautiful appearance; or, Experiment 21. Proceed as in the last experiment, and place the vessel with its contents to the direct rays of the sun, and the same effect will take place. Rationale. As metals become insoluble the moment they part with their oxygen, in this case the oxygen of the oxyd of gold, which is held in solution, is separat- ed by the coal; hence the gold is precipitated. For particulars, see Gold. 231 Experiment 2 2. Ilred o xyd of lead be pu t into a cm - cible, and exposed to a violent heat, it will remain un- altered; but, Experiment 23. If a mixture of charcoal vend red oxud rfleadbe exposed to heat, the latter will bt»decomposed, and the lead revived. Rationale. The charcoal, therefore, acts as a flux ; for it unites with the oxygen of the oxyd, and flies off in the state of carbonic acid, leaving the lead in its metallic state. Experiment 24. If charcoal be put into sulphuric arid, and subjected to distillation, the acid will be decom- posed. Rationale. As carbon has a stronger affinity for oxy- gen than sulphur, in this experiment the sulphuric acid, which is a compound of sulphur and oxygen, is decomposed ; sulphurous acid and carbonic acid gas passes over, and, if the quantity be sufficient, sulphur will be separated. Experiment 25. II sulphate of potash and charcoal be mixed, and thrown into a crucible and heat applied, sulphuret of potash will be formed. Rationale. The carbon unites with the oxygen of the sulphuric acid of the sulphate, and forms carbonic acid; the sulphur then combines with the alkali, and produces sulphuret of potash. Remark. Besides the properties and uses of char- coal already enumerated, it may be proper to add, that it is a very slow conductor of caloric. It is said to be conveyed through charcoal more slowly than through sand, in the proportion of three to two. Hence pow- dered charcoal may be advantageously employed to surround substances which are to be kept cool in a warm atmosphere; and also to confine the caloric of heated bodies. Mr. Lavoisier concluded, from an ex- periment which he made, that charcoal was a compound of at least two bodies, both of which during the com- bustion of charcoal, unite to oxygen, and form, the one water, and the other carbonic acid. Charcoal then according to Lavoisier, is a compound of hydrogen ajul 23:2 carbon. Priestley, Cruikshank,and Ber holh-t, junior, have confirmed this deduction. Charcoal, therefore, is not pure carbon : it has been considered an oxyd 01 car- bon. Messrs. Allen and Fepys have lately determined, ■ hat charcoalf when properly prepared, contains no sen- sible quantity of hydrogen. Many bituminous substan- ces, pit-coal, petroleum, Sec. contain more or less car- bon. The solid bases of all vegetables, from the most delicate flower to the huge oak of the forest, is princi- pally composed of carbon. It is a component part of wax, oils, gums, rosins, Sec. Carbon combined with different proportions of iron, forms cast iron, steel, and plumbago. Charcoal is sometimes used by mathemati- cal instrument makers and engravers to polish then- brass and copper-plates. Plates of horn, and lanthorn leaves are polished with it. In the combustion of oil, turpentine, &c. a soot is ob- tained, called lamp black, which is nothing more than a finer kind of charcoal. As charcoal is an oxyd of car- bon, carbon properly speaking is only known to us in the state of diamond. The diamond is a precious stone, which has been known from the earliest ages. U is transparent like crystals. Its figure is commonly in the form of a six sided prism, terminated by a six sided pyramid. It is so hard, that the best tempered steel makes no impression on it. The powder of the diamond can only be obtained by grinding one diamond against another. It is a nonconductor of electricity. Its specific gravity is about 3.5. For many ages the diamond was considered as incombustible. Sir Isaac Newton suspected that as combustibles refract light more powerfully than other bodies, and as the diamond possesses this property in great perfection, that the diamond was capable of combustion. The Florentine Academicians in the presence of Cosmo III, grand duke of Tuscany, in 1694 verified this conjecture. Several diamonds were consumed by means of a burning glass. Several more were consumed, or des- troyed, in the heat of a furnace, in the presence of Francis 1, emperor-of Germany. Many chemists in 233 Kuropc,among whom we may include Darcet, Rouelie, Macquer, Cadet, and Lavoisier, repeated these experi- ments. They proved, that the diamond was actually burnt. The diamond is not soluble in water, nor is it acted upon by any chemical agent, except oxygen at very high temperatures. When exposed in oxygen gas to the rays of the sun, concentrated by a very pow- erful lens, it becomes sensibly blackened; it is ignited, and at last consumed, carbonic acid gas being produced. Morveau, in 1800, found, by accurate experiments, that one part of diamond, during its combustion, combines with 4.55 parts of oxygen, and the carbonic acid gas formed amounts to 5.55. Carbonic acid gas, therefore* contains one part of diamond or 4.55 of oxygen; or 100 parts of carbonic acid gas are composed of 17 88 of diamond, and 82.12 of oxygen. Charcoal requires 2.57 times its weight of oxygen to convert it into car- bonic acid, whilst the diamond requires 4.55 times its weight to undergo the same change. This can only be explained by supposing that charcoal already con- tains a considerable proportion of oxygen, which is wanting in diamond. This conclusion, however, has been doubted by Messrs. Allen and Pcpys, from some experiments which they made on the subject. See Phil. Trans. 1807. For the gaseous compounds of carbon, see Carbonic Acid, Carbonic Oxyd Gas, and Car- buretted Hyelrogcn Gas*. Mr. Davy has submitted a variety of carbonaceous substances to the agency of galvanism, and from the results he has given some new views with regard to their mutual relations. The nonconducting nature of the diamond, and its infusibility, rendered it impossible to act on it by the galvanic discharge. When heated with potassium, no clastic fluid was given out, but the diamond blackened, and scales seemed to detach them- selves from it, gray externally, and internally of the colour of plumbago. For the conclusions on this sub- ject by professor Davy, consult his paper in the Philo- sophical Transactions, 1809. They appear, however, ■ o be generally speculative. u 2 234 Mr. Pepys deflagrated charcoal with the galvanic power, after passing through 16 persons with wetted hands joined. Mr. Berthollet has lately exposed char- coal to a violent heat in porcelain and glass retorts, and shown that the gas wmch comes over, contains u mix- ture of azote. He inferred therefore, that azote is one ef the constituents of charcoal. We shall conclude this subject, by giving the follow- ing table of the Primary compounds of carbon. a. a. 1. 2. 4, b b, a* a. .1. a. b. c. d. e. A. Binary. With oxygen. Incombusti-" ble coal. Charcoal (carbonous ^>oxyds. oxyd.) Carbonic oxyd gas. Carbonic acid. With metals; carbu- • rets. B. Ternary. With oxygen and hy- drogen. Oxyds. Alcohol. ■] Ether. Fixedoils and fats. Wax. Adipo- cire. Volatile oils. Resins. Camphor. Starch. Sugar. Fluid- or fusible ;> wiihout decom- position. /. Jelly. n. Tannin. 2. Acids. a. Acetic. b. Oxalic. c. Tartaric. d. Citric. e. Malic. f. Lactic. g. Gallic. h. Mucous. k. Benzoic. I. Succinic. m. Camphoric. w. Suberic. o.^ Laccic. /*.*'Sebacic. q.- Kinic. r. Saclactic. s. Sebacic. C. Quaternary. ■* With azote, hydrogen, and oxygen. I. Oxyds. a. Gum. b. Gum resin. c. Extracts. d. Lignin. • e. Suber. 235 /. Caoutchouc. 2. Acids. g. Gelatin. a. Prussic. h. Albumen. b. Zoonic. i. Fibrin. c. Uric. k. Urea. d. Amnic. SECTION II. OF PHOSPHORUS. Experiment 1. Let a quantity of bones be burnt to whiteness, and reduced to powder. Put 100 parts of this powder into a basin of porcelain or stone ware, di- lute it with four times its weight of water, and then add gradually (stirring the mixture after every addi- tion) 40 parts of sulphuric acid. The mixtures become hot, and a vast number of air bubbles are extricated. Leave the mixture in this state for 24 hours ; taking care to stir it well every now and then with a glass oc porcelain rod to enable the acid to act upon the pow- der. Pour the whole now on a filter of cloth ; the li- quid which runs through the filter is to be received in a porcelain basin; and the white powder which re- mains on the filter, after pure water has been poured on it repeatedly, and allowed to strain into the porce- lain basin below, being of no use, may be thrown away. Evaporate the strained liquor in earthen vessels, placed in a sand heat, and, when reduced to about half its bulk, let it cool. A white sediment will form in consider- able quantity, which must be allowed to subside ; the clear solution must be decanted, and boiled to dryness in a glass or porcelain vessel. A white mass will remain which is the dry phosphoric acid. Pulverise this and mix it with its weight of charcoal; or to the evapo- rated liquor, which when acquiring a thick consistence powdered charcoal may be addd, in sufficient quantity, to give it solidity. In the latter mode, however, the materials are apt to swell, and boil over. The mix- 256 ture is then to be put into a stone ware retort, wl.it :, may be coated in the usual manner, and the neck ot which is lengthened out by a tin pipe. The open end of the pipe is to be immersed in a vessel of water. The heat is to be slowly raised, and at length made very intense. An enormous quantity of gas escapes, which takes fire on coming into contact with the at- mosphere, and phosphorus will distil over in drops, which congeal in the water. Rationale. When bone, and indeed most of the solid "parts of animals, are burnt in the open air, their volatile parts, gelatine, &c. are dissipated or consumed, and there remains a white ash, called bone ash. This is principally composed of lime and phosphoric acid On adding sulphuric acid, the phosphoric acid is dis- engaged, and a compound of lime and sulphuric acid is formed. The phosphoric acid, therefore, remains in solution. When the whole is subjected to the fil- ter, the sulphate of lime is separated, and the liquor which runs through is phosphoric acid in solution, but containing, however, an admixtuie of some sulphate of lime. Hence, on evaporation, this is deposited. When the fluid is now evaporated to dryness, and the dry mass, which is solid phosphoric acid, is mixed with charcoal and distilled, the product of distillation is phosphorus ; for as the carbon unites with the oxygen of the phosphoric acid, forming carbonic acid, it fol- lows, that the phosphorus is deprived of its oxygen, and is obtained in a free state. The gas which takes fire is phosphuretted hydrogen, arising either from the decomposition of moisture in the coal, or the com- bination of hydrogen, which coal generally contains, with a portion of phosphorus. Remark. As the phosphorus is apt to condense in, or stop up the neck of the retort and tin pipe, it must be occasionally melted out of these, by a shovel full of hot cinders, held under them. Three pounds of bones yield an ounce and a half and 30 grains of phos- phorus, if the process be well conducted. Experiment 2. Proceed as in the last experiment, except the evaporation, and mixing of charcoal, and- 237 add to the liquid a solution of nitrate of lead, by degrees a white powder will fall to the bottom. The addition of the nitrate is to be continued until no more precipitate is formed. Collect this precipitate, by pouring the whole upon a filter, wash it, dry it, and mix it with about Jth of its weight of charcoal powder. Expose the mixture in a retort to the action of heat, as in the last experi- ment, and phosphorus will be obtained. Rati and pro- duces the original colour. Y 2 258 Remark. This paper will detect the presence of soda, though it should amount to no more than ,A*th part of the water. 22°° ' Experiment 8. Alkali dropt into the tincture of tur- meric will exhibit the same appearance, and the addi- tion of an acid will produce the original colour. Rationale. The same as the preceding. Experiment 9. If into a solution of potash pieces of animal flesh be put, the latter will be so much corrod- ed as to be soon entirely dissolved. Rationale. The theory of this phenomena will be given hereafter. Experiment 10. If a solution of alkali be added to the syrup or infusion of violets, it will produce a crreen colour. Rationale. As the natural colour of vegetables is af- fected by various agents, as the preceding experiments exemplify, in this instance the blue colour is discharg- ed, and that of green is formed, which is owing to the causes before mentioned. Remark. The origini.1 colour may be restored by adding a few drops of acid; in that case the alkali is saturated: but, if more acid than is necessary be add- ed, the infusion or syrup will be changed to red. Experiment 11. If oil and water be added, no union Will ensue, but if caustic potash, soda, or ammonia be mixed with them, a combination will take place. Remark. This property of alkali serving as a media between oil and water, answers to one of its characteris- tic properties. The three alkalies have been discovered native in combination with ackls, forming salts, as in nitrate of potash, carbonate of soda, sulphate of soda, glauberite, (sulphate of soda and sulphate of lime) muriate of soda, subborate of soda, and muriate of ammonia. 259 SECTION I. OF POTASH. Experiment l. If wood be burnt, and the residue, or ashes, be washed in water, or elixated, and the solu- tion evaporated, a substance will remain which is known by the name of potash; or, Experiment 2. If lye, or caustic alkali, obtained by passing water through a mixture of wood ashes and lime, be evaporated to dryness, potash will be the result. Rationale. When vegetable substances are submit- ted to the action of heat in distilling vessels, its com- ponent elements, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, which formed a three-fold combination in a state of equilibri- um, unite two and two, in obedience to the affinities which act conformable to the degree of heat employed. Thus, at the first application of the fire, whenever the heat produced exceeds the temperature of boiling water, part of the oxygen and hydrogen unite and form water; soon after, the rest of the hydrogen and part of the car- bon combine into oil; and, lastly, when the fire is push- ed to a red heat, the oil and water, which had been formed in the early part of the process, become again decomposed, the oxygen and part of the carbon, unite to form carbonic acid, a large quantity of hydrogen gas is set free, and nothing but charcoal remains be- hind. In the combustion of vegetables in the open air a great part of these phenomena occur; but in this case the presence of the air introduces three new substan- ces, the oxygen and azote of the air, and caloric ; and of these, two at least produce considerable changes in the results of the operation. In proportion as the hydrogen of the vegetable, or that which arises from the decomposition of the water, is forced out in the form of hydrogen gas by the pro- gress of the fire, it is set on fire immediately upon get- 260 ting into contact with the air, water is again formed, and the greater part of the caloric of the two gases be- coming free produces flame. When all the hydrogen gas is driven out, burnt, and again reduced to water, the remaining carbon continues to burn, but without flame; it is formed into carbonic acid, which carries off a por- tion of caloric sufficient to give it the gaseous form; the rest of the caloric, from the oxygen of the air being set free, produces the heat and light observed during the combustion of the carbon. The whole vegetable is thus reduced to water and carbonic acid, and nothing remains but a small portion of gray matter called ashes, being only the really fixed principles which enter into the constitution of vegeta- bles. The ashes seldom exceeds a twentienth part of the weight of the vegetable, and contain the substance known by the name of potash, or fixed vegetable alkali. On adding water to the ashes, this substance is extract- ed, which appears in a concrete form by evaporation. The residue, after the action of water, is insoluble, and contains generally earthy matter, and some metallic oxyds. That potash, obtained by this process, is al- ways more or less saturated with carbonic acid, is evi- dent from the product. It is accounted for thus: as the potash does not form, or at least is not set free, but in proportion as the carbon of the vegetable is convert- ed into carbonic acid by the addition of oxygen, either from the air or water, it follows that each particle of potash, at the instance of its formation, or at least of its liberation, is in contact with a particle of carbonic acid, and as there is a considerable affinity between these two substances, they naturally combine together. Al- though the carbonic acid has less affinity with potash than any other acid, yet it is difficult to separate the last portions from it. This is usually accomplished, how- ever, by using quicklime, which has the property of taking it from the alkali, rendering the latter caustic, and of forming with it an insoluble compound. Remark. This alkali was formerly obtained by burn- ing vegetables in pots; hence it acquired the name of 261 potash. Potash, as it occurs in commerce, is always impure, containing a number of foreign substances. When heated to redness many of its impurities are burnt off; it becomes whiter than before, and is then known in commerce by the name ol pearl-ash. It is still, however, impure, and it can only be sepa- rated from its impurities by another process, which will le noticed directly. All vegetables yield less or more of potash in conse- quence of combustion, but it is furnished in various degrees of purity by different vegetables. In the An- nates de Chimie, tome xix. 157, is a table of the quanti- fies of alkali obtained from different kinds of wood. Directions for burning vegetables, in a proper manner for this purpose, will be found in the same volume, page 194. Potash is prepared in large quantities in wine coun- tries, by the incineration of wine lees and must. This article is known in France by the name of cendres gra- veldes. Potash is formed in what are called nitre beds, which are collections of the refuse matter of vegetable and animal substances. See nitrate of potash. It is asserted, and we believe the observation to be true, that the ashes which is left by vegetables in combustion, pre-existed in them before they were burnt, forming what may be called the skeleton, or osseous part of the vegetable. But it is quite otherwise with potash; this substance has never yet been procured from vegetables but by means of processes or intermedia capable of furnishing oxygen and azote, such as combustion. As potash is a compound substance, haying a peculiar metal for its basis, it is more remarkable that combus- tion should produce a metal in combination with ano- ther elementary principle, forming potash. This sub- ject is extremely obscure. Potash is said to exist in minerals: it has been discovered in aluminous schis- tus, in combination with acids, in pumice, leucite, zeo- lite, felspar, &c. Potash was known to the ancient Gauls and Ger- 262 mans. They were the inventors of soap, and Pliny says they made it of ashes and tallow.* Aristophanes and Plato mention a liquor which appears to have been a lye made of the ashes of the beech tree. The Alchemists were acquainted with it. Potash has been known under several names. It was called vegetable alkali because it is obtained from vegetables, and be- cause it was long thought to be peculiar to the vegeta- ble kingdom. It was called also salt of tartar, because it may be obtained by burning the salt called tartar. It is also the tartarin of Kirwan, the veg-alkali of Pear- son, the kali of Klaproth, and the lixivia of Black. In chemical language, potash signifies the pure alkali, in commerce the impure alkali. Some chemists have given the name of potass to the pure alkali, and potash to the alkali of commerce. The latter contains nearly one fifth by weight of carbonic acid, besides other im- purities. Potash is not a simple substance, but is a compound body, having for its basis, as we shall after- wards state, a peculiar metal called potassium. The union of acids with potash forms a class of bo- dies called salts, which are either sub, neutral, or super salts. See salts of potash. Experiment 3. Prepare caustic lye of potash, by using quicklime, evaporate it in iron pots, and if any crystals should form, separarate them, and continue the evapo- ration until it becomes solid: pour over this, placed in a jar, some very strong alcohol, and the potash alone will be dissolved, leaving any sulphate of potash, earthy matter, &c. undissolved. Decant the pure liquor, "and distil it in a retort till it becomes co- lourless. Evaporate it then in a silver basin, and very pure potash will be prepared. Rationale. The lime renders the alkali caustic by robbing it of carbonic acid; the caustic alkali on eva- poration throws off some saline bodies, as sulphate of potash; the potash is then dissolved by the alcohol, leaving all the salts with which it might be intermixed, • Plinii lib. xviii, c. 51. 263 such fir instance as are insoluble in alcohol, at the bot- tom of the vessel. On evaporating the liquor, the al- cohol is dissipated, leaving the alkali in a perfectly pure state. Remark. This process for preparing pure potash, was recommended by Berthollet. Mr. Lowitz has given the following as less expensive.* Experiment 4. Prepare a lixivium of potash, freed from carbonic acid in the usual manner, and evaporate it to a thick pellicle. After the cooling, the foreign salt which has crystallized is to be separated, and the evapo- ration of the lixivium is to be continued in an iron pot. During this second evaporation the pellicle of foreign salts must be carefully taken off by an iron skimmer. When no more pellicle is formed, and the matter ceas- es to bcil, it is removed from the fire and suffered to cool, continually stirred with an iron spatula. It is then to be dissolved in double the quantity of distilled water, and the solution filtered, and evaporated in a glass retort till it begins to deposit regular crystals. If the mass should consolidate ever so little by cooling, a small quantity of water is to be added, and it must be heated again to render it fluid. After the formation of a suffi- cient quantity of regular crystals, the fluid, which is very brown, is to be decanted, and the salt, after being suffered to drain, must be redissolved in the same quantity of water. After the fluid has stood for some days, it is to be decanted, and subjected to another evaporation and crystallization. This process must be repeated as long as the crystals afford, with the least possible quantity of water, solutions perfectly lim- pid. Rationale. The theory of the action of quicklime in rendering potash caustic, has already been noticed. The process, therefore, is nothing more than the sepa- ration of foreign salts, owing to their different solubility, from the alkali by repeated solution, evaporation, and crystallization. * Nicholson's Journal, i. 14. 264 Remark. This process, however, is imperfect when pure alkali is to be formed ; that of solution in alcohol, as in the first process, is to be preferred. This also causes the alkali to assume a brown colour. Klaproth, to prepare pure alkali, boiled equal parts of salt of tartar and carrara marble, or oyster shells, burnt to lime, with a sufficient quantity of water, in a polished iron kettle. The ley was then strained throgh clean linen, and though still turbid, was reduced by boiling, till itcontained aboutone half of its weight of potash. It was then passed a second time through a linen cloth, and set by in a glass bottle. After some days when the ley had become clear of itself, it was decanted off from the sediment into another bottle. The specific gravity of caustic ley is to that of distilled water as 1090 to 1000. The water of potash, and the water of pure kali of the Dispensatory, are the same as caustic ley. Dr. Black discovered, in 1756, the cause of the caus- ticity of potaah, and that potash of commerce consist- ed of pure alkali and carbonic acid. The crystals of potash, formed according to the process of Lowitz, are generally octahedral in groups, and contain 0.43 water of crystallization. When pot- ash, thus crystallized, is exposed to a red heat in a silver crucible, it becomes fused, and affords a white mass extremely caustic and deliquescent. An expe- ditious process for preparing pure potash, which I have frequently employed, is the following : Exheriment 5. Put into a Wedgwood mortar an ounce or two of caustic potash or common caustic of the shops, pulverize it, and pour on it a sufficient quantity of alcohol; niter it has stood an hour or two filter the solution, and evaporate it in a silver cup. Remark. As a re-agent, potash thus prepared is sufficiently pure. The solid alkali may be dissolved in pure water. Experiment 6. Take causticley,&nd evaporate it over a fire in a very clean iron vessel till it begins to thicken. Then pour it out upon an iron plate, and while It is congealing cut it into proper pieces, or pour it into 265 iion moulds, and common caustic of the shops wijl he formed. Ex/.eriment 7. Evaporate caustic ley to one third, then add powdered lime till it becomes thick, and the wilder common caustic will be prepared. Experiment 8. If to a transparent solution of the potash of commcrf e, lime water be added, the mixture uill become turbid, and a precipitate will gradually subside. Rationale. As lime renders alkalies caustic, and as this is owing to the absorption of carbonic acid by the lime, this experiment shews that the moment the pot- ash, which contains carbonic acid, comes in contact with lime, the latter robs it of carbonic acid, with which it forms a turbid precipitate or carbonate of lime. Exjierimcnt 9. Collect the precipitate of the last experiment, and add to it muriatic acid, an effervescence will ensue. Rationale. The muriatic acid unites with the lime, and the carbonic acid is dismgaged, proving that it is carbonic acid which was taken from the potash. Experiment 10. If dry potash be exposed to the air in an open vessel, it becomes fluid, increases in weight, and gradually assumes the state of liquid carbonate of potash. Rationale. The affinity subsisting between potash and water is considerable; hence on exposure to air, the alkali absorbs moisture from the air and becomes liquid, at the same time (as carbonic acid is always pre- sent in the atmosphere) it imbibes the carbonic acid, and is gradually changed into a liquid carbonate of potash. Remark. By this process the old pharmaceutical writers made a preparation described under the name of oleum tartari pier deliquium. Experment 11. Put potash into a crucible, apply heat until it becomes red hot, the aikali will melt, swell, and evaporate slowly in a white acrid smoke. If a stronger heat be used,vit will give it a greenish tinge. z 266 Remark. As potash evaporates only ►'. a red heal. it has received the name ol fixed alkali. Experiment 12. II potash and silex be melted toge- ther, they unite, and form a compound called glass. Remark. Potash, therefore, acts as a flux : when siliceous substances are melted in this way, the pro- duct is glass, an account of which will be given in its proper place. But the density of the compound depends on the proportion of the potash ; for, Experiment 13. If three or four parts of potash be melted with one of silex, the result will be a mass so- luable in water, forming, when so dissolved, the liquid siliceous potash or liquor of flints. This is prepared in the following manner : Experiment 14. Take one part of silex reduced to a fine powder (or pure sand) and four parts of potaxh; introduce them into a crucible, and expose them to a violent heat. The sand and potash will now melt, puff up, and continue to swell till the alkali has dissolved the silex. As long as the effervescence lasts, the cru- cible is to be left uncovered, when it cease-, it is to be covered, and the heat augmented. Pour the con- tents on an iron plate. Pulverise the mass, and dis- solve it in water. Remark. The silex may be separated from the al- kali by the addition of an acid, by which means pure silex is obtained. See Silica. Experiment 15. Tf a slip of woollen cloth, or a piece of muscular flesh, be immersed into a Solution of pot- ash; the animal substance will soon become destroyed, and form a homogeneous compound. Remark. Hench potash acts powerfully upon ani- mal substances. Experiment 16. If a solution of potash be added to nitro muriate of platina, a yellow precipitate will be formed; but, Experiment 17. If soda be added, no precipitate will appear. Rationale. The potash unites with the acid, and pre- cipitates the metal of a yellow colour. 267 Remark. As the solution of platina is precipitated by potash, and not by soda, the presence of that alkali may be known on adding the solution of platina. Hence ;he nitro-muriate of platina may be employed as a re- agent to discover the presence of potash. Experiment 18. If to a solution of potash, tartaric acid be added, crystals will be formed and gradually fall to the bottom. Rationale. The tartaric acid unites with the alkali, and forms a salt of diffkuit solubility called supertar- trate of potash, or cream of tartar. Ri mark. On this property is founded the use of this acid in discovering the presence of potash. The latter, to shew the effect, should be considerably dilu- ted, and the acid should be added in sufficient quantity, otherwise a neutral tartrate will be formed, which is very soluble. Experiment 19. If equal parts of arnotto und/^;«i;. be boiled in water until the whole are dissolved, a li- quid will be formed, which is sold under the name of nankin dye. Remark. Hence it is that potash is used in the art of dying, in order to extract the colouring matter, and to serve, in some cases, both as a solvent and a mordant. It also acts as a precipitant to separate me- tallic oxyds from their solution in acids. The use of potash in the arts is extensive ; in the preparation of colours, such as Prussian blue, French and mineral greens, Scheele's green, in the formation of potters5 blue from cobalt, soap, alum, in bleaching linen, in scouring wool, &c. potash is used. Experiment 20. When three parts of sulphur and one of potash are triturated together in a glass mortar, the sulphur acquires a green colour, the mixture be- comes hot, and exhales an alliaceous odour. This compound gradually attracts moisture from the atmos- phere, and is totally soluble in water, which answers to some of the characters ol sulphuret of potash; or, Experiment 21. If two parts of potash and one of sulphur be heated in a crucible, they melt and com- bm<-. and form a sulphuret of potash,. 268 Rationale. If the potash cf commerce be used, the carbonic acid is dissipated by the he.it: the sulphur and alkali melt, unite, and form a sulphuret of a brown-co- lour, not unlike the liver of i.nimals. Hence it was fjrmeiy called h'par sulphuris or liver of sulphur; but when exposed to the air h scon becomes green, and even white. Remark. When the fusion is complete the sulphu- r-jt is to be poured upon a marble slab ; and as soon as it becomes hard, it must be put into a well closed bot- tle. The sulphuret is hard and brittle. Its tuste is acrid, caustic, and bitter, and it leaves a brown stain upon the skin. It is decomposed by heat in the fol- lowing manner: Experiment 22. Put sulphuret of potash into a cruci- i-le, invert over it another crucible, having a small opening in its bottom ; then apply heat and the sulphur v, ill sublime. Rationale. In this case, the action of heat decompo- ses the sulphuret, and the sulphur is dissipated leaving the alkali behind. J xperiment 23. If in a solution ol sulphuret of potash, syrup or infusion of violets be poured, its colour will be changed to green. Remark, \\cnce it has some of the characters of un- combined alkali. Experiment 24. Dip a piece cf white calico in an aqueous solution of acetate of lead, and then drop a little solution of sulphuret of potash upon it. If this be now placed in the palm of the hand, the lead will be observ- ed gradually to revive, and will soon be reduced to its metallic state ; or, Experiment 25. Immerse a slip of white silk in a solution of sulphuret of potash prepared with alcohol. if a drop of an aqueous solution of sulphate of' mangaw se Ue now applied, films of metallic manganese, bright as silver, will instantly appear. Rational-. Though it is asserted that sulphuret of potash has the property of decomposing metallic oxyds, yet we are disposed to think, that this reduction is 269 owing to- sulphuretted hydrogen, which it is well known possesses this property by carrying off the oxygen, as we remarked in treating of the properties of this gas. In contact with moisture, sulphuretted hydrogen is produced from alkaline sulphurets. Experiment 26. Expose sulphuret of potash to the air, or moisten it with water; its colour will become changed, and a fetid gas will be evolved, called sulphu- retted hydrogen. Rationale. This is owing to the decomposition of water, in the same manner as was stated in the article on sulphuretted hydrogen gas, which see. Remark. The sulphuretted hydrogen thus formed, partly unites with the remaining sulphuret, and converts it into hydroguretted sulphuret of potash, which has a brownish green colour. This preparation may also be formed in the following manner : Experiment 27. Introduce into a flask two parts of potash and one of sulphur; add to these a sufficient quantity of water, and boil them together. Rationale. The sulphur unites with the alkali; the compound decomposes water; sulphate of potash and sulphuretted hydrogen are formed, and the remaining sulphuret unites with the sulphuretted hydrogen, and. produces hydroguretted sulphuret of potash. Ex/ieriment 28. Introduce a solution of potash into a retort, and put in a piece of phosphorus, apply heat, and phosphuretted hydrogen gas will come over and take- Tire. Rationale. Though potash cannot be combined with phosphorus in any manner at present known, so as to exhibit a distinct compound, yet if it be boiled with phosphorus, a combination is first formed, which then acts upon the water, decomposes it, and emits phos- phuretted hydrogen gas, a phosphate of potash remain- ing in the retort. Experiment 29. If zinc, molybdenum, or iron be put into a solution of potash and heat applied, it will gra- dually be oxydized. z2 270 Remark. Potash does not combine with any of the metals. Some metals, however, which possess a strong affinity for oxygen, when put into a solution of potash, are gradually oxvdized, and these oxyds partially so- luble. Experiment 30. To red oxyd of iron put a solution of potash ; in a short time it will be changed into the black oxyd. Remark. It appears, therefore, though this phenomena has not been explained, th-.it the solution has the property of abstracting oxygen, or of reducing the per into the prot oxyd of iron. The metallic oxyds which arc solu- ble in potash according to Bergman and others, are, of lead, tin, nickel, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc, anti- mony, tellurium, tungsten, and molybdenum. Experiment SI. If four parts of crystallized potash reduced to powder, and three of uncompressed snow, be hastily mingled together, the mixture becomes fluid, and an intense degree of cold is produced ; but, Experiment 32. If equal weights of potash, freed of water by exposing it to heat, and dense sulphuric acid be mixed together, a great degree of heat will be instant- ly produced, and, if the experiment be made in the dark, flashes of light will be seen to pass through the mixture. Rationale. The cause of the production of heat and cold in mixture, has already been noticed in treating of caloric : the same principles apply to these experi- ments. In the first, as the crystallized potash contains a quantity of water, the mixture with snow causes heat to be absorbed, which consequently, reduces the tempe- rature, but in the second, in which dry potash and sul- phuric acid are employed, the latent becomes sensible heat, and, of course, the temperature is raised. Experiment 35. Procure a piece of potash, made perfectly pure, breath on it, in order to moisten it, and place it on an insulated plate connected with the nega- tive side of a powerful galvanic battery. Then bring a metallic wire from the positive side of the battery in contact with the upper surface of the alkali, and a vivid 271 action v> ill soon be observed. Small globules of the appearance of mercury will be seen, some of which will burn with an explosion and bright flame as soon as they arc formed. These arc potassium. Rationale. The potash is decomposed ; oxygen gas is separated at the extremity of the positive wire, and potassium is formed at the other. Like other combustible substances, the combustible base is repelled by positively electrified surfaces, and attracted by negatively electrified surfaces; and the oxygen follows the contrary order. Hence their sepa- ration and evolution. Re mark. Heretofore various opinions have been en- tertained respecting the composition of potash, in which the chemists of Europe were engaged in order to as- certain the correctness of these conjectures. But the researches of Sir Humphrey Davy have shown, that potash is a compound body, having a peculiar metal for its basis, to which he has given the name of potassium, united with oxygen. It has been supposed, ever since our countryman, Dr. Woodhouse, made an experiment with potash, that this alkadi had an inflammable basis. I am disposed to believe that the Dr. was the first who hazarded this conjecture as to the inflammable nature of potash when treated in certain ways. The Dr. found that a mixture of pearl ash with soot, calcined by a very intense heat in a covered crucible, wdien cold, caught fire on the affusion of water; the experiment was repeated with charcoal with the same result; and the inflammation probably arose from the action of the base of the alkali on the water.* The pyrophori, which takes fire spon- taneously ih the air, Mr. Davy considers as a triple compound of potassium, sulphur and charcoal. Potash, when dry, is a non-conductor of electricity, but it becomes a conductor when slightly moistened on the surface. Hence in this side it is acted upon by the galvanic influence. ' Nicholson's Journal, xxi. p. 290, 272 Besides analysis, Mr. Davy proved by synthesis the composition of potash. He accordingly found, that potash is composed of about six parts of potassium and one of oxygen, or nearly 86 parts of potassium and 14 of oxygen in the hundred. For a number of facts res- pecting potassium, we are indebted to this philosopher. From its composition, potash has been called the per oxyd of potassium. Besides the agency of galvanism in decomposing potash, two French chemists, Gay Lussac and Thenard, have succeeded in separating the potas- sium by means of iron filings, in the following manner. Experiment 34. Into the middle of an iron gun bar- rel is to be put a quantity of clean and dry iron filings or turnings. An iron tube, containing potash as dry as possible, should be ground to one end of the gun barrel,' and having a small hole through which the potash may- run slowly when melted. To the other extremity a tube of safety, containing mercury or naptha, oughtalso to be luted, and great care should be taken that all the lutings be air tight. The gun barrel being laid across a furnace, the iron turnings within it are brought to a white heat, while the potash is kept cold by means of ice ; then the potash is brought into fusion, and made to flow slowly through the iron turnings. When the process is at an end, a portion of potassium nearly pure is found near the tube of safety; but the greatest part of it is alloyed with the iron turnings.* Rationale. The potash is deprived of its oxygen, and potassium is disengaged, which appears partly in a free state, and partly in combination with the iron in the form of an alloy. Remark. During the operation hydrogen gas is emit- ted, which has led to some conjectures as to its origin, it is said to be owing to the decomposition of water, but it has not been satisfactorilyascertained. Thomas Cooper, Esq. professor of chemistry in the college at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, repeated this experiment, and succeeded, I think after several attempts, in procuring * Phil. Mag. xxii. 89 and 276. 273 the mctd.* John Redman Coxe, m. d. professor of themistry in the university of- Pennsylvania, and my- self also performed it, but in our attempt we failed. The professor, however, persevered, and finally prepared it. The cause of the failure in the first attempt, was ow- ing to the arrangement of the apparatus, and some un- foreseen circumstances. That potassium was formed was evident, from the appearance of the iron, as it was coated with a white covering, which was the alloy be- fore mentioned. My brother, Dr. E. Cutbush, succeeded in procuring it, by using the heat of a blacksmith's forge. T have not heard of any other atu mpts in this country, except by a gentleman in New York, who was also successful. Galvanism,. I believe, has not been tried. The general properties of potassium are: It is white like mercury. At 50° it is-a soft malleable solid; at 60° it is imperfectly fluid ; at 100° it melts and is per- fectly fluid. At 32° it is hard and brittle. Its specific gravity does not exceed 0.6, hence it is lighter than water. In the open air, it is covered with a crust of potash in a few minutes. It decomposes water. It may be converted into prot oxyd, or per oxyd of potas- sium according to the uu.-.r.thy of oxygen presented to it. It inflames in oxymuriatic acid gas. It combines with phosphorus, sulphur, and the metals. Experiment 35. Expose a piece of potassium in a small quantity of oxygen gas, and heat it gently, it will he changed into prot oxyd of potassium of a reddish brown colour; but, Experiment 36. Make a piece of potassium very hot, and introduce it into a small glass vessel of oxygen gas, it will burn with a brilliant wdiite flame, and form the pur oxyd of potassium or potash. Rati male. In the former experiment the potassium unites with a smaller dose of oxygen ; in the latter it combines with a larger, producing flame, and is con- verted into potash. * See I'ort Fulio, nnd Henry's Chemistry, 2 vols. 1810, in which a plate \* given of* the apparatus. 274 Experiment 37. Introduce a piece of potassium into alcohol, ether, or naptha, instead of sinking, it will keep on the surface. Remark. Hence its specific gravity is inferior to any of these liquids. Experiment 38. Drop a piece of potassium into ajar of oxymuriatic acid gas, it will burn spontaneously and emit a bright red light, forming, at the same time, a white salt. Rationale. The oxygen of the oxymuriatic acid gas unites with the potassium, and forms potash, which then combines with a portion of muriatic acid arising from the decomposition of the oxymuriatic gas, and generates muriate of potash. Experiment 39. Potassium thrown into water, decom- poses it, and produces flame. The result is the for- mation of potash; or, Experiment 40. If a globule be placed upon ice, it will spontaneously burn with a bright flame and perfo- rate a deep hole in the ice, which will contain a solu- tion of potash. Rationale. In both instances the water is decompos- ed; its oxygen umcC» V/lth the metal, to the reproduc- tion of potash, while its hydrogen is liberated, which inflames and reproduces water. Experiment 41. Add muriate of lime to water, and put into the solution a piece of potassium ; inflammation will ensue as before, and the water will become turbid, Rationale. Potash is formed in the same manner as before noticed, which, having a greater affinity for mu- riatic acid than lime, unites with it, forming muriate of potash, and separates the lime in a precipitate. Experiment 42. Drop a piece of potassium upon a slip of reddened litmus paper previously moistened, and, after it burns, the paper will be restored to its' ori- ginal blue colour. Rationale. The potassium unites with oxygen; the potash formed acts upon the reddened litmus, removes the acid which occasioned the redness, and restores it to its former colour, that of blue. 275 Experiment 43. If potasstiim Lc thrown into nitric acid, it takes fire, and potash is formed, which combines with the remaining acid, and forms nitrate cf potash. Rationale. In this experiment, the potassium de- composes a part of the acid ; the oxygen of the latter forms with it potash, which combines with the remain- ing acid, and produces nitrate of potash, at the same time nitric oxyd gas is disengaged. Experiment 44. Introduce into an iron retort, a mix- ture of carbonate of fiotash or soda with flour or charcoal and linseed oil; and raise the fire until a blue light is oerceived in the interior of the vessel: to this a copious vapour soon succeeds, which consists of the metallic base of the alkali. It may be collected, by introducing a !ear iron rod, on which it condenses, with drawing the rod before it becomes too hot, and plunging it into oil of turpentine, when the metallic crust may be detached. By repeatedly introducing rods of iron, a quantity may be collected.* Rationale. The carbon of the flour, if it be used, as well as of the oil, according to Curadau, decomposes the alkali, which parts with its carbonic acid by the action of heat, and is decomposed; its oxygen is disen- gaged, and potassium is formed. SECTION II. OF SODA. Experiment 1. Take the plant called salsola soda, burn it, and lixivate the ashes ; evaporate the lixivium to dryness, and the impure soda will be formed. Remark. Different species of salsola especially the salsola soda when burnt, afford this alkali. Soda is called fossil or mineral alkali, because it was thought to # Nicholson's Journal, xxiii. Supplement. 270 be peculiar to the mineral kingdom. It w\.s known to the ancients under the name of ni'.rum. The soda of commerce is also called barilla, because the plant from which the alkali is obtained bears the name in Spain. The ulgee, especially ihefuci contain also a considerable- quantity of soda. In England the ashes of this plant is :alled kelp; in France they arc called varec' The sal- sola soda, which grows among the cliffs on the sea coast, appears to be endowed with the property of decompos- ing sea sait. If this be true, the process of vegetation must separate the muriatic acid, and absorb the soda. Hence it acquired the name of salt-wort. Dr. Barton informed me, that he discovered the salsola kali in large quantities not many miles distant from the city of Phi- ladelphia.* The Spaniards cultivate a number of marine plants, as the salsola soda, the salicornia hcrbacca, 8cc. in salt marshes, for the sake of the soda. After being cut down they are dried like hay. A deep pit is then pre- pared, and a bundle or two of the dried vegetables set on fire are thrown into it. When well kindled other bundles are thrown in until the pit is filled. 'When the incineration is completed, the soda is found in the bot- tom, caked into a solid mass. It is purified by solution, filtration, and evaporation. It is surprising that the salsola kali should grow in an inland situation, so far from salt water. Dr. Barton having discovered this plant in immense quantities in New-Jersey,in the neighbourhood of Gloucester, where it is known by the name of sea briar, naturally inferred, that as it was so far distant from salt water it would yield no soda; and indeed in this conjecture he had the testimony of fact, for Jacquin observes, that plants yielding soda in salt marshes, when removed to inland situations afford only potash by incineration, and that those plants which grow in inland places, when trans- * Jameson, in his Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles, has given a full account of the manufacture of kelp. See also Repertory of Arts. vol. xii. ierred to a saline soil, as on the sea coast, in the course of time produce soda. The union of acids with soda forms salts, which are either sub, neutral, or super salts, see salts of soda. Soda exists native in combination with sulphuric, inuriatic and boracic acids. With the sulphuric acid it forms Glauber's salt, with the muriatic, common salt, and with boracic acid, borax. It is also found in minerals, as in the whinstone, volcanic lava,and crysolite. It has also been discovered in the bile of animals, and in other secretions. It is obtained from sulphate of soda in the following manner. Experiment 2. According to Accum, if 560 parts of potash in solution, be ladled into a boiling solution of 500 parts of sulphate of soda, agitated together, and quickly heated ; then drawn off into cisterns, lined with thick sheet lead, and allowed to cool in a tempe- rature which should not exceed 55°, carbonate of soda will be formed. Rationale. The sulphate of soda is decomposed by the carbonate of potash; the sulphuric acid unites with the potash, forming sulphate of potash, and the carbo- nic acid, which was contained in the potash, passes to the soda, and forms carbonate of soda. Remark. The separation of the carbonate of soda is effected in the following manner: the fluid, after it has been suffered to cool, is drawn off, and the mass of salt washed with cold water, to free it from impurities, and again put into the boiler with clean water. This second solution is also evaporated at a low heat, as long as any pellicles of sulphate of potash form on its sur- face, and fall to the bottom of the fluid. The fire is then withdrawn, and the fluid ladled out in the cistern to crystallize. Unless the fluid be allowed to cool pret- ty low before it is removed to crystalline, the salt ob- tained will contain sulphate of potash. Experiment 3. If acetate of lime in solution be added to sulphate of soda, a decomposition will ensue, and ace- tate of sodc be formed, which, if exposed ta heat, will leave the *oda behind. A a 278 liationale. Acetate of lime and sulphate of soda de- compose each other; sulphate of lime, which pre- cipitates as the liquor cools, and acetate of soda, also formed, remains in solution. On filtering the fluid, the sulphate of lime is separated, and the acetate of soda remains in solution. On evaporating this, and subject- ing it to heat, the acetic acid is partly disengaged in a pure state, and partly decomposed. Remark. Besides these modes of obtaining soda from the sulphate; litharge and acetate of lead have been Used, as well as charcoal assisted by heat. The muri- ate of soda is sometimes decomposed by potash, and sometimes by lime for the same purpose. Soda ob- tained by any of these processes is not chemically pure ; containing,besides carbonic acid,several other ioreii';n ingredients. It may be rendered pure, however, by using the same means as described under the article of Potash. Experiment 4. Expose soda to the atmosphere ; in the course of a short time it will become fluid, not how- ever so considerably as potash. In a few days, it will change from this state, and become dry again. Rationale. Soda not only absorbs moisture, but also carbonic acid: when it has acquired a sufficient quan- tity, and probably when it has absorbed enough of car- bonic acid, the affinity for water appears to change. In- stead of its taking any more from the atmosphere, it- appears to part with it; hence it becomes dry, and ef- fervesces on the addition of acids. Experiment 5. Dissolve soda in water, evaporate the solution, and, if properly treated, crystals may be ob- tained. Remark. The properties of soda, in many particulars, is the same as those of potash. It unites with sulphur, forming sulphuret of soda, and also sulphuret with the sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphuret and hydrogu- retted sulphuret of soda possess the properties of the sulphuret and hydroguretted sulphuret of potash. In its action on metals, metallic oxyds, &c. it also agrees with potash. 279 Experiment 6. Let fall into a solution ol soda a few drops of oxalic aeid ; a salt will be obtained of difficult solubility. Rationale. The oxalic acid and soda forms a salt, the oxalate of soda, which is of. very difficult solubility ; but, on the contrary, with potash the same acid produ- ces a salt, the oxalate of potash, which is very soluble. Hence oxalic acid has been recommended as a test to discover the presence of soda in a solution of fixed al- kali. See Potash. Experiment- 7. To a solution of pure soda add olive oil and shake the mixture.; a compound will be formed, which, if allowed to stand, will become hard, being the soap of soda o>' hard soap. 1\> mark.. The theory of this combination, as well as the preparation of soap, will be noticed hereafter. Experiment 8. If .-oela be treated in the same man- ner as potash by the galvanic battery, a metal will be obtained, called sodium. Rationale. Analogous to that of obtaining potas- sium. Remark. Notwithstanding the opinion of chemists, especially of Fourcroy, Desormes and Morveau, res- pecting the composition of soda, Mr. Davy has proved that their ideas were erroneous, and that it is composed like potash, of a peculiar metal united with oxygen. It is considered a metallic per oxyd, to the metal of which Mr. Davy has given the name of sodium. From a number of experiments on the combination of sodium with oxygen, made in the same manner as those on the combination of potassium w ith the same principle, Mr. Davy has shown, that soda is composed of about seven parts sodium, and two of oxygen, or nearly of sodium ~ 8, and oxygen 22, in the hundred. The phenomena which sodium exhibits, are nearly similar to those of potassium. It is a white metal like silver, and at the common temperature of the atmos- phere is solid. It is malleable. It begins to melt at 120°, and becomes fluid at 180°. It is not volatilized in a red heat. It conducts electricity and heat in the 280 same manner as potassium. Its specific gravity is0.93>3. It combines with oxygen; for on exposure to air it is soon covered with a crest Of soda, but as the alkali docs not thoroughly deliquesce, the nucleus is not so soon destroyed as happens to potassium. No combustion takes place when sodium is thrown upon water, although it decomposes that fluid, which is said to be owing to its insolubility in hydrogen gas, as that gas is formed in the decomposition of water. It burns, however, in con- tact with a small quantity of water. Melted with dried soda, a prot oxyd of sodium of a brown colour is formed, and a division of oxygen between the soda and the base takes place. It burns in oxymuriatic acid gas, and unites with the sulphur, phosphorus, and the metals, like potassium. One part of it renders forty parts of mercury solid, and of the colour of silver. The amalgam of sodium combines with the other metals and with sulphur, form- ing triple compounds. Thrown into the mineral acids it is converted into soda. In nitric acid it produces flame ; but in sulphuric and muriatic acids it occasions an evoiuuon* 01 neat. The process of Thenard and Gay Lussac, by which potash is decomposed, does not succeed so well with soda. Mr. Davy says, that this is owing to hydrogen contributing materially to the result by the affinity it exerts to the alkaline base, and to the base of soda being scarcely soluble in this gas. Caraudau, however, as- serts, that his process with charcoal, noticed in the ar- ticle on potash, succeeds as well with soda as with pot- ash. By exposing mixtures of soda and potash to ig- nited iron, Mr. Davy has obtained alloys, which appear to be ternary compounds of the two alkaline basis with iron. 2SI SECTION iir. OF AMMONIA. Experiment 1. If sixteen parts of muriate of ammonia, thirty-two of fresh prepared quicklime, and ninety-six of water, or one pound of muriate of ammonia, two pounds of quicklime, and six pounds of water, according to the Edinburgh Pharmacopea, be distilled, a product will be obtained called water of caustic ammonia. Rationale. In the article on the properties of am- moniacal gas we stated, that when ammoniacal gas was absorbed by water, a liquor is formed of a pungent odour, known under the name of spirit of sal ammo- niac, In this case the ammonia is liberated from its combination with muriatic acid, which then unites with the water, and forms liquid ammonia. The lime, there- fore, decomposes the muriate of ammonia; it unites with the muriatic acid, forming muriate of lime, which remains in the distilling vessel, and the ammonia is disengaged in the state of gas. The heat, as it causes this decomposition, also evaporates the water. The aqueous vapour accordingly absorbs the gas, and con- denses with it in the state of liquid ammonia, common- ly called caustic spirit of sal ammoniac; Remark. The quicklime is first slacked, and when it is obtained in the form of powder, it is then added to the muriate of ammonia dissolved in the water. The whole is then introduced into a retort, and distilled into a refrigerated receiver with a very gentle heat, till twenty ounces of the liquor are drawn-off. Some other particulars must be observed, which will recur to the operator. According to the London college, one pound of sal ammoniac, two of quicklime, and one gal- lon of water are treated in the same manner.. The Dublin college adopt the following formulae : sixteen ounces of sal ammoniac, two pounds of quicklime, and six pounds of water. A a % 282 Experiment 2. Receive the gas, as it comes from a mixture of muriate 'f ammonia and (quicklime, into a vessel containing water, so as to confine it ; when the water is saturated, it will be changed into a pungent caustic liquor similar to Experiment 1. Rationale. This is a direct combination of ammo- niacal gas with water, similar to an experiment given under the Properties of Ammoniacal Gas, which see. Remark. Gottling proposed a method of obtaining liquid ammonia, by receiving ammoniacal gas into a vessel of water, which he accomplished with more fa- cility by using pressure. He employed an earthen ware cucubit, with a tubulated capital. To the spout of the capital, one end of a bent glass tube is accu- rately luted, while the other end is introduced to the bottom of a tall narrow mouthed glass phial, contain- ing the requisite quantity of water. Into the cucubit he puts two parts of finely powdered lime, and one of muriate of ammonia, and then applies the heat. He does not shut the tubulature until the smell of ammo- nia becomes manifest, and opens it again as soon as the process is finished, and before the vessels begin to cool, as otherwise the solution of ammonia would flow back into the cucubit, and spoil the whole opera- tion. The management of the tubulure requires much caution. We think the apparatus might be improv- ed by substituting Welter's tubes of safety. Experiment 3. If four pounds ol alcohol, four ounces of muriate of ammonia, and six ounces of carbonate of potash, be introduced into a retort and distilled, a li- quor will come over, which is called spirit of ammonia or ammoniated alcohol. Rationale. Muriate of ammonia, decomposed by car- bonate of potash affords a product known by the name of carbonate of ammonia: this differs in the propor- tions of the ingredients, hence it generally contains a variable quantity of ammonia, in consequence of the carbonate of potash (of the kind generally used) being never saturated with carbonic acid. In the experiment therefore, the muriatic acid of the muriate of ammo- nia unites with the potash, forming muriate of potash) 283 which remains in the retort, and the carbonic acid of the carbonate of potash combines with the ammonia, thus disengaged and forms carbonate of ammonia. This is volatilized together with the alcohol. The two then unite in distillation, and produce the ammoniated alco- hol. As the ammonia is necessarily combined with carbonic acid, in order to make the same preparation free from that acid, the following formulae has been used : Experiment 4. Mix sixteen ounces of quicklime and eight ounces of muriate of ammonia, and introduce the mixture into a glass retort; then add thirty-two ounces of alcohol, and distil to dryness. In this process, therefore, the quicklime decomposes the muriate of ammonia, and the ammoniacal gas, thus disengaged, unites with the alcohol. It has also been prepared by simple mixture, as follows: Experiment 5. To two parts ol alcohol add one part of caustic liquid ammonia ; and shake the mixture. Experiment 6. If one part of muriate of ammonia, one of carbonate of potash, and two of water be distilled, a product will be sbtained, which is the common wa- ter of ammonia, or spirit of sal ammoniac ol the Dispen- satories. Rationale. The carbonate of potash and muriate of ammonia mutally decompose each other; the muriatic acid unites with the potash, forming muriate of potash, and the carbonic acid combines with the ammonia; but as the ammonia is in excess, or the carbonate of potash is not saturated with the acid, the result is a liquor, which, properly speaking, holds in solution subcarbonate of ammonia. « Experiment 7. If bones, horns, hoofs, 8cc. be dis- tilled, a product will be obtained consisting of ammo- nia and animal oil. Remark. When the solid parts of animals are ex- posed to distillation, with a heat sufficient to decom- pose them, we obtain ammonia, and an empyreumatic oil. This arises, principally, from a new arrangement of the elementary principles : azote unites with hydro- gen, forming ammonia; hydrogen and carbon form 284 animal oil; and the ammonia unites in part with car- bonic acid, produced from the union of carbon and oxygen. The residue, if carbonized, affords ivory or bone black. As the liquor obtained by distilling bones is always impure, containing an empyreumatic animal oil, it i6 purified by one or more distillations. It is then known in the shops by the name ol spirit of ha-tshorn. Am- monia was not known to the ancients. The alchemists were acquainted with it; though in an impure state. Basil Valentine described the method of obtaining it. The name of volatile a/kali was given to it; it was called hartshorn, because it was often obtained by distilling the horn of the hart; spirit of urine, as it was procured from urine, Sec. The union of acids with ammonia forms a class of salts. See salts of ammonia. Experiment 8. If five parts of muriate of ammonia, five of sulphur, and six of quicklime be distilled, sulphu- ret of ammonia will be formed. Rationale. The lime decomposes the muriate of ammonia; muriate of lime is formed, and the ammo- nia unites with the sulphur in the distillation, forming sulphuret of ammonia- Remark. The sulphuret of ammonia decomposes water, and constitutes hyelroguri tted sulphuret of ammo- nia, known formerly by the name ol fuming liquor of Boyle. Experiment 9. If liquid ammonia be poured on the oxyds of silver, copper, tin, nickel, zinc, bismuth or cobalt, the metal will be dissolved. Rationale. Ammonia has the property of dissolving some of the metallic oxyds, and forms with them pe- culiar compounds, which have been called ammonia- rets. The solution of metallic oxyds, however, de- pends on the degree of the oxydizement of the metal. Thus, the prot oxyd of iron is soluble, but the per oxyd is insoluble. The per oxyd of cobalt, according to Thenard, is insoluble. Remark. If ammonia is digested on the oxyds of nercury, lead, or manganese, it is decomposed; its 285 hydrogen unites with a portion of oxygen of the oxyd and forms water, and azotic gas is emitted. If consi- derable heat be applied nitric acid is also formed, from the union of azote with oxygen. Experiment 10. II liquid ammonia be added in excess to a solution of sulphate of copper, ammoniarel of cop- per is formed. Rationale. The first portion of ammonia unites with the sulphuric acid of the sulphate, forming sulphate of ammonia; the other portion combines with the oxyd of copper, thus separated, and forms a solution of am- moniaret of copper. Remark. If the products of the experiment be eva- porated to dryness, and the dry mass be exposed to a gentle heat, the sulphate of ammonia is volatilized, leaving the ammoniaret behind, forming the cuprum ammonieicum of the shops. There is danger, however, that the heat would separate a portion of the ammonia, and partly decompose the oxyd, forming water as be- fore observed. Oxyd of copper prepared in the first instance, and then united with ammonia, appears to be the best process. Experiment 11. Add liquid ammonia to a solution cf gold prepared with nitro-muriatic acid diluted with three times its weight of water; collect the precipi- tate, which is of a yellow colour, wash it and dry it gently upon filtering paper. It is the fulminating gold known also by the name of aurate of ammonia. This powder is to be kept in a vial. A few grains explodes, when healed or rubbed; with great violence. Rationale. The ammonia first decomposes the solu- tion of gold ; it unites with the acid ; the oxyd of gold, thus separated, combines with a portion of ammonia, and forms the fulminating gold. When heated to a temperature between 248° and 54°, or when struck violently with a hammer, it explodes. The rationale of this phenomena is as follows : the hydrogen of the ammonia unites with the oxygen of the oxyd, and forms water; the gold is reduced, and the azote is evolved in the form of gas. The great expansibility of this gas explains the violence of the explosion. See gold. 286 Experiment 12. To a solution ol nitrate of silver add lime water; collect the precipitate; pour upon it pure liquid ammonia, and allow it to remain for 1~ hours; it is then to be decanted off, and the black powder, on which it stood, is to be placed cautiously, and in very small portions upon "bits of filtering paper. This pow- der is the fulminating silver. When dry the slightest touch causes it to fulminate. Rationale. The lime water decomposes the solution of silver; the oxyd of silver is treated with ammonia, which unites with it.' It is therefore a compound of ammonia and oxyd of silver. On exposing the compound to u slight friction, the hydrogen of the ammonia unites with the oxygen of the oxyd and forms water, azotic gas is disengaged, and the silver is reduced, at the same time explosion takes place. See Silver. Experiment 13. According to Fourcroy, if liquid ammonia be suffered to stand on red oxyd of mercury, the oxyd will assume a white colour. If it be collect- ed, washed, and dried, and placed upon ignited coals it will detonate with considerable violence. This is the ammoniacal fulminating mercury. Rationale. The ammonia unites with the oxyd, forming a compound of ammonia and oxyd of mer- cury. When exposed to heat, the hydrogen of the ammonia combines with the oxygen of the oxyd, and forms water, the mercury is revived, azote is disen- gaged, and explosion ensues. See Mercury. Remark. The decomposition of ammonia by elec- tricity and galvanism, was noticed when treating of ammoniacal gas ; for information on this subject see that article. When the Stahlian theory of Chemistry was in vogue, in which the imaginary element of phlo- giston was considered an important subject of chemi- cal investigation, it was supposed that ammonia con- tained that principle. Scheele and Bergman both con- cluded, that it is composed of azote and phlogiston. But the experiments of Priestley led to the inference, that ammonia consisted of azote and hydrogen ; which was afterwards sanctioned by Berthollet in a very able and luminous memoir published in 1785. Heannounced 287 •l;.it it consisted of 121 parts of azote and 32 of hydro- gen. According to Dr. Austin's calculation it is compo- sed of 120 parts of azote and 32 of hydrogen. Or 100 parts of ammonia are composed of about 80 parts of azote, and 20 of hydrogen. Mr. Davy has since con- firmed the experiments of Berthollet, and, beside, has rendered it probable, that this alkali contains oxygen. \ new metal has been obtained from ammonia, to which the name of ammonium has been given, in the following manner: Experiment 14. Place a globule of mercury in a hollow cut in a moistened piece of sal ammoniac ; ex- pose it to the energy of a powerful galvanic battery. It increases in bulk and arrives to the consistence of but- ter. Its specific gravity is reduced to 3,000. The mercury has therefore been amalgamated with some metallic body. If the amalgam be thrown into water, ihe mercury resumes its original state, hydrogen gas is emitted, and the water is impregnated with a weak solution of ammoniac. The metal, thus united with the mercury, has been called ammonium, or the base of ammonia. Remark. Berzelius and Ponten placed quicksilver, negatively electrified in the galvanic circuit, in con- tact with a solution of ammonia The mercury ex- panded, and became a soft solid. It was supposed, therefore, that this was occasioned by the addition of metallic matter; that the ammonia having been decom- posed by the galvanic influence, its oxygen abstracted, and its metallic base left combined with the quicksil- ver. From this substance, quicksilver and ammonia are reproduced by exposure to the atmosphere, oxy- gen being absorbed ; and the same products are ob- tained by placing it in water, hydrogen being evolved. Mr. Davy* has confirmed this conclusion, and obtained the amalgam readily, by subjecting quicksilver, in contact with muriate or carbonate of ammonia, to the action of the negative galvanic wire. A similar re- sult was obtained by employing the deoxydizing power • Phil. Trans. 1808. 288 of the base of potash or soda, either of these bases being united with quicksilver, and this compound be- ing made to act upon muriate of ammonia; the amal- gam increased to six or seven times its original vo- lume, and the compound seemed to contain more of the ammoniacal base than that procured by electrical powers. This amalgam thrown into water, as before noticed, produces ammonia and evolves hydrogen, which pre-supposes the. absorption of oxygen. For particulars on this subject I would refer the reader to Mr. Davy's paper in the Philosophical Trnsactions, and also to a chemical work, which he has lately edit- ed, the supplement to Murray's Chemistry, and the Appendix to Thomson's Chemistry. In the opinion of Mr. Hembel, the metals obtained from the alkalies are nothing more than the alkalies in a purer state than we have heretofore been able to obtain them. There is indeed some truth in this opinion. FART X. OF EARTHS. Although earth in common language signifies the solid parts of the globe, and sometimes the mould in which vegetables grow, yet the term here is meant to express a class of bodies, which have a variety of common properties. Substances possessing the fol- lowing characters, are classed under this head. 1. Fixed, incombustible, and incapable while pure of being altered by the fire. 2. No taste or smell; at least when combined with carbonic acid. 3. Insoluble in water, or nearly so; or at least be- coming insoluble when united with carbonic acid. 4. A specific gravity not exceeding 4.9. 5. Not altered when heated with combustibles. 6. When pure, capable of assuming a white powder. They unite also with acids, with the alkaiies, with sulphur, phosphorus, metallic oxyds, and with each other, either by fusion or solution in water. But these properties are not completely general. The earths were heretofore considered as elemen- tary substances; but, not to slate the opinions or con- jectures of chemists respecting them, Mr. Davy was led by analogy arising from his experiments on the alkalies, to institute a series on this class of bodies, in which he proved that they were compounds of pecu- liar metallic basis and oxygen. The proportion of oxygen and metal has not yet been ascertained in any of the earths. The inflammable base appears uni- formly at the negative surface of the Voltaic circuit, and the oxygen at the positive surface. Baron Born was of opinion many years ago, that the earths were compound bodies. Bergman includes all substances, except the metals, with the earths, which require more than one thou- Bb 2ro sand parts of water for their solution. The earths have been divided into two classes, namely, of alkaline- earths and earths proper. The first possess the genci. 1 properties of alkalies, such as changing vegetable blued to green, and of neutralizing acids. Lime, magnesia, barytes, and strontian are of this class. Tin- earths proper, which do not change vegetable- blues, nor neu- tralize acids, are five in number, viz. alumina, yttria, glucina, zirconia, and silica. The combination of the earths give rise to stones, and to different kinds of pot- tery, as bricks, tiles, crucibles, flint ware,yellow ware, queen's ware, Wedgcwood ware, porcelain, Sec. An enumeration of the dift'erent minerals, arising from the combination of two or more of the primitive earths, may be noticed in this place. We shall use: the arrangement adopted by professor Coopc.-.* EARTHS AND STONES. 1. OR DIAMOND GLNUS. Diamond.* 2. OR ZIRCON GLSUS. Zircon. Hyacinth. 3. OR SILICEOUS GENUS. Garnet Family. Chrysoberil, Chrysolite. Olivine. Augite. "Vesuvian: Leucite. Melanite. Garnet. Precious. Common. Ruby Fundly. Spinell. Sapphire. Sc.'.orl E\:n .'->/. Topaz. Emerald. lleryl. Precious. Schoiioid. Schorl. Black. Electric. Thumcrstone. Eisenkicsel. Quartz Family. Quartz. Amethystine. * Introductory Lecture, 8vo. p. 215. * See Carbon. 291 Rock c-vs-ah Milk. Common. Prase. Hornstone. Splintery. Conchoida!. Petrified wood. dm flint. Chalcedony. Common. Cornelian. Heliotrope. Plasma. Chrysoprasc. Siliceous schist. Common. Lydian ortouch stone. Zeolite Family. Obsidian. Cats eye. Prehinite. Zeolite. Farinaceous. Fibrous. Radiated. Lamellar. Cubic. Cross stone. Lapis lazuli. L azulite. 4. OR ARGILLACEOUS GENUS. Pure Alumine. Porcelain earth. Clay. Common. Potters. Indurated. Slate. Cimolite. Jasper. Egyptian. Ribband. Porcelain. Common. Opal Precious. Common. Semi. Ligniform. Pearl stone. Pitch stone. Adamantine spar. Feldspar. Compact. Common. ♦ Undecomposed. Decomposed. Adularia. Labrador. Polishing slate. Tripoli. Alum stone. Alum earth. Clay slate Family* Alum slate. Common. Glossy. Bituminous shale. Drawing slate. Whetstone slate. Clay slate. Mica Family. Lepidolite. Mica. Lappis ollaris. ~) Potstone. 5 Chlorite. Earthy. Common. Slaty. Foliated.. Trap Family. Hornblende. Common. Basaltic. Labrador. Slate. Basalt. Wacke. Clinkstone. Lava. Litltomarge Family. Pumice stone. Green earth. Lithomarge. Friable. Indurated. Sculpture stone. Rock soap. Yellow earth. 5. OR MAGNESIAN GENUS. Soap stone Family. Bole. Native talc earth. Sea froth. Fuller's earth. Talc Family. Nephrit. Common. Indian hatchet. Steatite. Serpentine. Common. Precious. Talc. Earthy. Common. Indurated. \shcstos. Rock coi■',<. Amianthi:^ Common. Rock wood. Cyanite. Arrow stone. Radiated. Common. Cilassy. Tremolite. Asbestiform. Common. Glassy. 6. OR CALCAREOUS GFTNl' A. Carbonates of lime. Agaric mineral. } Rock milk. \ Chalk. Limestone. Compact. Common. Globular or. Oviform, Lamellar. Granular. Spathose. Fibrous. Pisolite. Earth froth. Slate spar. Bitter spar. Brown spar. Fetid limestone. Marie. Earthy. Lithomarge. Bituminous marie slate Arragonite. B- Phosphate of lime. 293 ■\patitc. Asparagus stone. C. Boratcd lime. Bor.icitc. D. Fluate of lime. Fluor. Earthy. Compact. Sparry. C. Sulphate of lime. Gvpsum. Earthy. Compact. Lamellar. Pol kited. Fibrous. Crystallised. Lamellar gypsum. Selenite of somS. 7. OR BARYTIC GENUS, Witherite. Heavy spar. Earthy. Compact. Granular. Curved lamellar. Straight lamellar, Not decomposed. Decomposed. Columnar. Fibrous. Bolognian spar. Prismatic barytes. 8. OH STRONTIAN GENUS. Stronti.mite. Cce'cstine. In this arrangement of stones it. is evident, that the particular genus takes its-rise from the particular earthj which does or is supposed to constitute the greater part of the stone. This again is divided into families-, species, and some-tines into subspecies. This varies, however, in different systems of arrangement. Rocks, w hich ale generally aggregated stones, have been class- ed in the following: order: TIRST CLASS. Primitive Eocks Granite Gneiss.. Mica slate. Clay slate. Common. Flint. Whetstone. Chlorite. Talc. J Samite. Common Schistose. o \i po:'p:v,-ry.~ ■ Gray stone. Ilornstone Pitch stone Obsidian. Feldspar. yj Porphyry state. »T Quartz. i-. ..... f* Primitive limestone. Serpentine.- Topaz rock* SECOND C'.ASS. Trei'Hution Recks b b 2 25 ; Transition clay slate. Grauwacke. Schistose. Transition limestone. Hornblende slate. Greenstone. Mandelstone. ~) Amygdalaid. 5 - THIRD CLASS. Secondary Rocks. ^ Stratiform Rocks. ^ Trap formation. Basalt. Basaltic porphyritic. Gray stone. Basaltic amygdolaid. Wackee. Basalt tufa. Stratified clay slate. Common. Alum schist. Stratified lime stone. Compact. 5 Oolite. (Zoogenstein. Fetid stone. Marie. Bituminous marie schist. Sandstone. Common. Siliceous. Argillaceous. Marly. Ferruginous. Breccious. Stone coal. Slate clay. Stone coal- Bituminous sthiK Chalk. Gypsum. Rock salt. Ferruginous clay. Clay (letten.) FOURTH CLASS. Alluvial Rock. Sand. Gravel. Fine sand. Quick sand? Mud. Common clay. Bituminous wood. Fossil ivpod. Aluminous earth. Tufa (soft friable earth.). FIFTH CLASS. Volcanic rocks. Lava. Vitreous. Compact. Cellular. Scoriaceous. Spongiform. Pumice stone. Volcanic ashes. Puzzolana. Volcanic tufa. Piperino. Terras. Pseudo-volcanic rocks. Laniform earthy sen ria. Porcelain jasper. Half burnt clay. Argillaceous iron (scapiforme.) 295 DIVISION I. OF THE ALKALINE EARTII^ SECTION I. OF LIME. Experiment 1. IIlimestone, either amorphous or crysr tallized, as calcareous spars, marble, or oyster-shells be pulverised, and introduced into a crucible, or por- celain or earthen retort, and exposed for some time to a strong heat, quicklime or more properly lime will be prepared. If the air, which is disengaged, be collected, by adapting to the neck of the retort a bent tube of glass conveyed under a bell, it will be found to be car- bonic acid gas. See the Preparation of Carbonic Acid Gas. Rationale. As limestone, calcareous spars, marble, Sec. are carbonates of lime, or composed of lime and carbonic acid, on exposure to an intense heat, the car- bonic acid is disengaged, leaving the lime in the cru- cible or retort in the state of quicklime. If the air which is disengaged be examined, it will prove to be carbonic acid gas or' fixed air. Remark. The operation of burning lime, as it is called, in the large way, depends on this principle. It is conducted in kilns. If the native carbonate are pure, no vitrification takes place. Lime, which has been partially vitrified, is known by the name of over-burnt lime. Experiment 2. Pulverise marble and dissolve it in acetous acid; to the solution, previously filtered, add rarbonate of ammonia. When the precipitate subsides, collect it, wash it, and expose it to a white heat for some hours, and pure lime will be obtained. 296 Rationale. The impure carbonate of lime is decom- posed by the acetous acid, carbonic acid is discngj'^ed, and acetite of lime remains in solution. When carbo- nate of ammonia is added, carbonate of lime is preci- pitated, and acetite of ammonia remains in- solution. When the former is collected, and exposed to heat, the carbonic acid is disengaged, and the lime remaim in the crucible. Or, pure lime may be obtained in the following manner : Experiment 3. Dissolve oyster-shells in muriatic acid. filter the solution, and add to it ammonia as long as a precipitate appears ; filter it again. The liquor is now to be mixed with a solution of carbonate of soda: the powder which falls being washed and dried, and heated violently in a platinum crucible, is pure lime.* Rationale. The lime of the shell is dissolved by the acid, the muriate of lime which is thus formed, is de- composed by carbonate of soda, muriate of soda remains in solution, and carbonate of lime is precipitated. On exposing this to heat, the carbonic acid is disengaged, and the lime is left. Remark. Pure lime is of a white colour, moderately hard, but easily reduced to a powder. It is caustic. Its specific gravity is 2.5. It is infusible. As lime was observed to lo.^e in weight in calcination, Van Helmont particularly made an experiment to ascer- tain what the volatile product was. He as well as others supposed it to be pure water. While, this subject engaged the attention of philosophers, Dr. Black published a set of experiments in 1756. lie found that it was the same air disengaged from it dur- ing calcination, as was produced by the action of acids, an idea which he drew from Dr. Hales. This air Dr. Black called fixed air. The investigations of Priestley and others afterwards demonstrated, that this gas was the same as carbonic acid gas of the moderns. Experiment 4. When water is poured on fresh burnt lime it swelisr falls to pieces, and is soon reduced to a * Thomson. 297 \evy fine powder ; al the same time mu'ch heat is pro- duced, and a part of the water flies off in vapour. Rationale. The evolution of heat in the process ef slacking lime, is owing to a condensation of the wa- ter, which combines with it; for part of the water unites with the lime, and thus becomes solid. The water parts with its caloric of fluidity, and is appreciable by the senses. When two parts of lime and one part of ice, each .32°, are mixed, they combine rapidly, and their temperature is elevated to 212. It is inferred, therefore, that a considerable quantity which exists in water, even in the siate of ice, is given out at the same time. Remark. Slacked lime well dried, according to Dal- ton, is composed of three parts of lime and one part of water. Mr. Lavoisier found, that 1000 parts of lime, when slacked, were converted into 1287 parts. This com- pound has been called hydrate of lime. When the quan- tity of lime slacked is great, the heat produced is sufiV cient to set fire to combustibles. Vessels loaded with* lime have been burnt by this means. If considerable quantities of lime be slacked, light as well as heat is emitted. When lime is reduced to the consistence of cream, by water, it is called cream of lime. The pecu- liar odour emitted during the slacking of lime, is owing to a portion of the lime being carried off with the aque- ous vapour. Experiment 5. Expose fresh burnt lime to the at- mosphere, it will attract moisture, fall to powder, and gradually resume the state of carbonate of lime. Rationale. The disintegration of lime is owing to the absorption of water ; and its gradual conversion into carbonate of lime, is attributed to the absorption of car- bonic acid. Experiment 6. If water be added to quicklime it will, besides combining with a portion forming hydrate of lime, unite with it in a liquid state. This liquid is lime water. Remark. Water, at the common temperature of the atmosphere, dissolves less than 0.002 parts of its weight ■2J8 of lime. One ounce of water contains about one gram of lime. The solution is limpid. Lime water is usually prepared by slacking the lime to a thin paste, and a sufficient quan'.i'.y of boiling wa- ter afterwards added. This mixture is to be stirred repeatedly, the lime allowed to settle, and the clear liquor decanted for use. Lime water has a pungent alkaline taste, and changes the infusion of violets or cabbage to green. Experiment 7. If lime water be exposed to the at- mosphere, a crust will form on the surface, and, when it is sufficiently large, will fall to the bottom. Rationale. This phenomena ensues in consequence of the absorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere; a carbonate is formed, and is gradually precipitated. Remark. It is owing to the separation of lime from its solution by carbonic acid, that gives rise to the nu- merous calcareous concretions or incrustations, as are found in caverns,and springs, constituting stalactites, &c. In Tuscany, artists employ certain waters which hold a large quantity of lime in solution, to form basso relie- vos, which they do by filling their moulds with the wa- ter. Experiment 8. Expose lime water to an atmosphere of carbonic acid, and the same phenomena will ensuo as in Experiment 7. Remark. This is owing to the same cause. Experiment 9. Take the vial made use of in the last experiment, with its contents, and convey an addi- tional portion of carbonic acid into it. The carbonate of lime will be dissolved, and the liquor rendered trans- parent ; or, Experiment 10. If a small quantity of water satu- rated with carbonic acid be added to lime water; a car- bonate of lime will be precipitated; but on adding more of the aerated water, the turbidness vrili disappear. Rationale. A small quantity of carbonic acid, whether as a gas, or in solution in water, precipitates lime from lime water as a carbonate ; a still farther addition dis- solves the precipitate, forming a super carbonate of 299 lime. Hence lime sursaturated with carbonic acid is soluble in water. Experiment 11. Expose the limpid solution of the last experiment, in a flask, to the action of the heat, and it will again become turbid. Rationale. The action of heat carries off the excess of carbonic acid, and the remaining compound of lime and acid, not being soluble, is-precipitated. Experiment 12. To the precipitate of the last expe- riment, add muriatic acid, and the whole will become transparent. Rationale. The carbonate of lime is decomposed by the muriatic acid ; carbonic acid is disengaged in ef- fervescence, and muriate of lime is formed. Experiment 13. If a solution of carbonate of potash be added to lime water; the mixture will become tur- bid, and the precipitate will gradually subside. Rationale. The carbonic acid of the carbonate pas- ses to the lime, at the same time, in proportion to the quantity of lime water used ; the alkali is rendered caus- tic. See potash. Experiment 13. If a tumbler half full of lime water, be breathed into by means of a pipe or tube, the lime water will grow turbid. Rationale. In respiration a quantity of carbonic acid is formed, which in this case as it passes from the lungs is absorbed by the lime water. Experiment 15. Into a glass of lime water put a few \ drops of oxalic acid, oxalate of ammonia, or oxalate of potash, and the lime will be precipitated. Rationale. The oxalic acid, whether free or in a combined state, has the property of separating lime ; hence it combines with it, and forms an insoluble pre- cipitate of oxalate of lime. Oxalic acid is therefore a test for lime. Ex/ieriment 16. Mix in a wine glass equal quanti- ties of a saturated solution of muriate of lime, and a sa- turated solution of carbonate of potash, both transpa- rent fluids, stir the mixture, and a solid mass will be the product. 300 Rationale. This effect takes place by compound af- finity : the muriatic acid having an affinity for the pot- ash, unites with it, forming muriate of potash, whilst the carbonic acid combines with the lime, and produ- ces carbonate of lime. Experiment 17. If sulphate of magnesia he added to lime Avater, a precipitation will take place. Rationale. The precipitate produced is a mixture of sulphate of lime and a portion of magnesia, wrhich occurs in consequence of the lime taking the acid from the sulphate of lime, whilst that portion of magnesia thus dislodged from the sulphuric acid is separated. Experiment 18. If lime water be added to a solu- tion of alum, a precipitation will ensue. Rationale. The sulphuric acid of the super sulphate of alumina and potash (alum) unites with the lime form- ing sulphate of lime, and if the lime water be added in sufficient quantity, the precipitate will consist of sul- phate of lime and alumina. Experiment 19. If four parts of liquid muriate of lime, according to Tromsdorf, and one part of lime be boiled together until a drop on cooling assumes the con- sistence of syrup ; then filtered through a cloth into an earthen vessel, kept covered; as the liquid cools needle shaped crystals of pure lime will shoot in it. Remark. This experiment is said to succeed only on a large scale, and when several pounds of muriate of lime are employed. The crystals, although considered by Tromsdorf as pure lime, have since been shewn to be merely a sub muriate of lime. Ex/ieriment 20. Three parts of oyster-shell pulver- ised, and mixed with one of sulphur ; and exposed in a crucible to a moderate heat forms Canton's phospho- rus. See light. Experiment 21. If a mixture of one part of sulphur and two of lime be heated for at least an hour in a cover- ed crucible, a compound will be formed called sulphu- ret of lime. Remark. The mixture should not be rammed tight in the crucible. A reddish sulphuret is the product, .30 j which in the old nomenclature, is r.Aied calcareous liver cf sulphur. When it is exposed to the air, or moistened with water, its colour is changed to a greenish yellow, sulphuretted hydrogen is formed, and hydroguretted sulphuret of lime is produced. See the Preparation of Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas. Experiment 22. If the same mixture as in Experi- ment 19, be boiled in about ten times its weight of wa- ter, or if quicklime be sprinkled with sulphur and then moistened, hydroguretted sulphuret of lime will be formed. Rationale. The sulphur unites with the lime, water is decomposed, and its hydrogen in part combines with the sulphuret, forming the hydroguretted su phuret. Remark. When hydroguretted sulphuret of lime is exposed to the air, oxygen is absorbed, which combines at first with the hydrogen, and afterwards with sulphur, and, according to Berthollet, converts the compound into sulphate of lime. The hydroguretted sulphuret has the p/operty of dissolving charcoal by the assist- ance of heat. Experiment 23 Put into the bottom of a glass tube, close atone end, one part of phosphorus ; and, holding the tube horizontally, introduce five parts of lime in small lumps, so that they shall be about two inches above the phosphorus. Then place the tube horizontal- ly among burning coals, so that the part of it which contains the lime maybe made red hot, while the bot- tom of the tube containing the phosphorus remains cold. When the lime becomes red hot, raise the tube, and draw it along the coals till that part of it which contains the phosphorus is exposed to a red heat. By this means a union will ensue, and fihosphuret of lime will be formed. This process was invented by Doctor Pearson: or, Experiment 24. According to Van Mons, introduce into a flask some carbonate of lime in powder: put it in a sand bath, and expose it to a heat sufficient to ex- pel the carbonic acid. Towards the end of the pro- cess introduce gradually a third part of phosphorus, c c 302 raking care to keep the lime in a red heat. When the whole of the phosphorus is introduced, shut up the mat- trass with a stopper, provided with a valve to let the gas escape, but permitting none to enter, and let the fire be immediately withdrawn. The product is phos- phuret of lime ; or, Experiment 25. According to Dr. E. Cutbush,* put a portion of lime, divided into small pieces, into a Hes- sian crucible, and expose it in a common furnace until the lime becomes red hot. The phosphorus intended to be used, being dried by means of a spongy paper, is then put into another crucible, sufficiently capacious to contain the quantity of lime. The ignited lime is re- moved from the furnace, and placed in the crucible con- taining the phosphorus, which is to be expeditiously covered with an inverted crucible sufficiently large to receive that which now holds the lime and phosphorus, care being taken to prevent the access of atmospheric air, by surrounding the edge of the inverted crucible, in contact with the brick or tile on which it rests, with some soft clay or lute. When the contents have re- mained a sufficient time to become cold, a phosphuret of lime will be found in the crucible. Rationale. In the process of Dr. Pearson, a direct combination of the phosphorus and lime takes place, but the lime must be made extremely hot to en- j sure success: in that of Van Mons, the carbonate of lime is first decomposed" by the heat, leaving more or less of an atmosphere of carbonic acid, which pre- vents the combustion of the phosphorus, but this very frequently fails : in the process of Dr. Cutbush, which is more expeditious and certain, although some waste of the phosphorus ensues, the union of the two is ac- complished without being subject to the difficulties of either of the others. Remark. Phosphuret of lime is generally of a deep brown colour. When thrown into water, it decompo- • Ecletic Repertory, vol. ii. p. 367. 303 scs that fluid, and evolves phosphuretted hydrogen gas. See the Preparation of Phosphuretted Hydrogen Gas. Dr. Cutbush observes, that the phosphuret prepared according to the last process is of different hues, from a dark c'n^col^te colour to that of pink : a portion thrown into water continued to act three hours : the water into which it had been thrown, wdien filtered, emitted an alliaceous odour, and converted vegetable blues into green, in consequence of the lime held in solution. He supposes,that the red powder which was found in the inverted crucible, was a phosphuret of car- bon ; for, he adds, " I have tested this powder by inflam- ing a portion of its oxygen gas ; a small quantity of phos- phoric acid was formed, the remaining gas being pass- ed into lime water, on agitation, produced a turbid ap- pearance, indicative of the formation of carbonic acid by the union of the carbon of the phosphuret with oxy- gen." Experiment 26. If red oxyd of mercury be boiled with lime water, and the fluid then evaporated, small transparent yellow crystals will be formed. Remark. The compound, resulting from the union of the oxyd of mercury and lime, has been called by some merciiriate of lime. Lime water has the property of dissolving other metallic oxyds, as the red oxyd of lead and litharge. This compound blackens wool, the nails, the hair, and the white of eggs : the colour of the skin, silk, the yolk of eggs nor animal oil, are affected by it. It is a common practice with perruke-makers, to blacken hair by boiling it with lime and litharge. Experiment 27. If lime and silicia be exposed to a strong heat they melt; or if lime and alumina be treat- ed in the same manner, fusion will ensue. Remark. Hence we learn the utility of calcareous substances, such as oyster-shells, limestone, &c. in the fusion of some iron ores, especially the argillaceous ores: it acts as a flux by melting the argil, and thus separating it from the iron. Experiment 28. If lime, previously slacked, be mix* 304 ed with sifweous sand, the cement or mortar for build- ing will be formed. Remark. The use of lime in the preparation of mor- tar, is one of its most important applications. The hardening of mortar is a species of crystallization, ow ing to the slow absorption of carbonic acid and water. The best proportions for forming mortar are, it is said, one part of lime and two of sand mixed in the u.m.d way. Dr. Higgins, however, says that three parts of fine sand, four parts of coarser sand, one part of quicklime re- cently slacked,and as little water as possible, will form the best mortar. The Doctor also recommends tho addition of bone-ashes, which he adds in the same pro- portion as lime. A little manganese added to mortar gives it the property of hardening under water ; so that it may be employed advantageously for a variety of pur- poses. Morveau's water mortar consists of four parts of blue clay, six parts of black oxyd of manganese, and 90 parts of limestone, first calcined to expel the carbonic acid, and afterwards mixed with 60 parts of sand and a suffi- cient quantity of water. Puzzollano and basalt have both been used for the same purpose. My brother William, of the corps of engineers, informed me, that in erecting the batteries at New York, the borings of cannon, Sec. was successfully used in making water mortar. It is a common custom to employ the scales of iron in preparing mortar to stand the weather. Experiment 29. Put an ounce of calcareous marl into a flask, and add a certain weight-of diluted muri- atic acid. When the effervescence ceases, weigh the whole to ascertain what portion of its weight it has lost by the escape of the fixed air. If the ounce has lost only 40 grains, it may be concluded that the ounce of marl contained only 100 grains of calcareous earth. Rationale. The action of the muriatic acid decom- poses the carbonate of lime of the marl, and the quan- tity of carbonic acid is shewn by the diminution of weight, and, therefore, concluding from similar expe- riments, the proportion «f lime may be determined. 305 Remark. Calcareous earth is used as a manure ; and maris, generally, are employed, in consequence only of the calcareous earth they contain. It is said, that un- less they contain more than 30 per cent, of lime, they are of no value to the agriculturalist. Beccher and Stahl supposed, that the earths and me- tallic oxyds were of a similar nature ; and indeed it was the favourite opinion of Lavoisier, that all th© earths might be metallic oxyds. Besides other opini- ons respecting the earths generally, it was imagined that lime was composed of carbon, hydrogen, and azote. Mr. Davy, however, by instituting some experiments on lime by means of the galvanic battery, has shewn that it has a metallic base, which he called calcium. When calcium was heated in the open air, it burnt brilliantly, and quicklime was formed. Mr. Davy in- ferred, therefore, that lime is composed of calcium and oxygen. SECTION II. OF MAGNESIA. Experiment 1. If sulphate of magnesia be dissolved in water, and a solution of carbonate of potash added, a precipitate will be formed, which is the magnesia of the shops. Rationale. When carbonate of potash is added to sulphate of magnesia, a double decomposition en- sues ; the sulphuric acid of the sulphate unites with the potash, forming sulphate of potash, which remains in solution, and the carbonic acid of the carbonate com- bines with the magnesia, forming sub-carbonate of magnesia, which precipitates. Remark. Equal weights of the carbonate and sul- phate are generally employed, but, according to the Pharmacopea, they are separately dissolved and fil- cc2 306 tered ; then mixed, and eight parts of water added. The temperature is raised to complete the decompo- sition. The fluid, when strained through a linen, leaves the magnesia, which is washed and dried. The sulphate of potash, which passes the filter, may be evaporated and crystallized. Two circumstances in conducting the process should be attended to. 1st. Heat should be used in order to expel a part of the carbonic acid, which retains a portion of the magne- sia in solution. 2dly. The large quantity of water is necessary to dissolve the sulphate of potash. This however contains some undecomposed carbonate of potash ; for 100 parts of crystallized carbonate of pot- ash are sufficient for the decomposition of 125 parts •f sulphate of magnesia; and as the carbonate of pot- ash of commerce contains a larger proportion of alkali than the crystallized carbonate, a still less proportion should be used. There are sources of impurity, one of which arises from the silica, which the potash of commerce generally contains. This may be separated, by suffering the alkali to deliquesce, before it is used. The sub-carbonate is composed of about 48 acid, 40 magnesia, and 12 of water. It is decomposed by all the acids, potash, soda, barytes, lime and strontian, the sulphate, phosphate, nitrate, and muriate of alumina, and the super-phosphate of lime. A Roman canon about the beginning of the seven- teenth century exposed a white powder to sale at Rome which he called magnesia alba, for the cure of all dis- eases. The preparation was kept secret; but in 1707 a process was published for obtaining it by calcining the lixivium, which remains after the preparation of nitre. A process also appeared, a few years after, which consisted in precipitating the magnesia from the mother ley of nitre by means of potash. This pow- der was supposed to be lime, until the contrary was demonstrated by Hoffman. Dr. Black, in 1755, made a number of interesting experiments on magnesia. Margraff, Bergman and others also wrote on the same subject. 307 Experiment 2. If a solution of crystallized carbonate of potash be added to another of sulphate of magnesia, carbonate of magnesia will gradually be deposited in brilliant hexagonal crystals, terminated by an oblique hexagonical plane. Rationale. As the potash,' in the crystallized carbo- nate, is fully saturated with carbonic acid, when it is added to sulphate of magnesia, the carbonic acid passes to the magnesia, which gradually precipitates or forms in crystals, whilst the sulphuric acid attaches itself to the alkali. Remark. Crystallized carbonate of magnesia is com- posed of 50 acid, 25 magnesia, and 25 water in the hundred, and is soluble in about 480 times its weight of water. Experiment 3. If carbonate of magnesia be put into a crucible, and kept in a red heat for two hours, the calcined magnesia of the shops will be formed. Rationale. When carbonate of magnesia is exposed to heat, it loses its carbonic acid which escapes in the form of gas, together with the water it generally con- tains. Remark. According to Dr. Black, magnesia, in cal- cination loses -j^ths of its weight. It should always be kept from the air. Magnesia may be obtained free from carbonic acid in the following manner Experiment 4. To a solution of sulphate of magne- sia add caustic or pure potash, and collect, wash, and dry the precipitate. Rationale. The alkali unites with the sulphuric acid of the sulphate, and the magnesia is precipitated in a pure state. Remark. Magnesia is a soft white powder, of little taste, totally destitute of smell, and the specific gra- vity, according to Kirwan, of 2.3. Experiment 5. If tincture of cabbage be added to a mixture of one part of magnesia and six of water, the mixture will instantly become green. See Earths in General. Experiment 6. Magnesia and water, when mixed, do not adhere together, but it has, nevertheless, a 308 strong affinity for that fluid. See the Remark to ex pcriment 1. One hundred parts of magnesia tin own into water, and then dried, are increased in weight to 118 parts. Experiment 7. If magnesia be formed into a cake with water, according to Darcet, and then exposed to a violent heat, the water is entirely driven oft', and the magnesia contracts in its dimensions ; at the same time, it acquires the property of shining in the dark when rubbed upon a hot iron plate. Experiment 8. If water be added to magnesia and then filtered,,it will be found that a minute portion is dissolved. Remark. Mr. Kirwan says that it requires 7900 times its weight of water at the temperature of 60°, to dissolve it. Experiment 9. If pure magnesia be exposed to the air, it will, in time, increase in weight. Rationale. This is owing to the absorption of car- bonic acid and water. If an acid be added, the former will be disengaged with an effervescence. Experiment 10. If carbonate of magnesia be digest- ed in fresh prepared lime water, it will be found that the lime will have taken the carbonic acid from the magnesia; for the water, on filtering it, will be found to have lost all the properties of lime water. Experiment 11. If two parts of magnesia and one of sulphur be exposed to a gentle heat in a crucible, union will ensue, and sulphuret of magnesia will be formed. Experiment 12. If muriate of magnesia be dissolved in alcohol, and the alcohol then set on fire, it will pro- duce a very beautiful orange coloured flame. Remark. Magnesia combines, with the acids form- ing magnesian salts, which will bt noticed hereafter. As this earth occurs in many stones, its separation from other earths is important in chemical analysis. We shall, therefore, give the processes for separating magnesia from other earths. Experiment 13. To a stone, containing magnesia and lime previously pulverised, add concentrated sul- 309 phuric acid. Apply a sand heat till the acid ceases to rise, and then raise the beat so as to expel the excess of acid. Weigh the div mass, and digest it in twice its weight of cold distilled water. Fil- ter the fluid, and add to it carbonate of potash, col- lect the precipitate, wash it and expose it to a strong heat; its weight will give the quantity of mag- nesia in the stone. The substance which remains on the filter, when washed in a little water, and dried in a low red heat, will give the quantity of lime by de- ducting from its weight 5'J per cent.* Rationale. The sulphuric acid unites with the mag- nesia and lime, forming sulphate of magnesia, and sulphate of lime: on adding water, the former is dis- solved, which passes the filter, and the latter remains behind. The sulphate of magnesia is then decom- posed by carbonate of potash, by compound affinity, and the quantity of magnesia ascertained. By deduct- ing 59 per cent, from the sulphate of lime, will give the proportion of lime. Experiment 14. To a stone containing magnesia and alumine add nitric or muriatic acid, and effect a solution. To this solution, when cold, add carbonate of ammonia, which will separate the alumine. The remaining fluid, after separating the precipitate, is to be treated with carbonate of potash as before noticed. Rationale. The solution of magnesia and alumine, when treated with carbonate of ammonia, is decom- posed : the alumina is precipitated, and, as carbonate of ammonia in a lower temperature, does not decom- pose magnesian salts, the magnesia is held in solution. Or, Experiment 15. To a solution of the two earths add succinate of soda, and the alumine will be precipitated. Remark. Iron, should it occur, may be separated by digesting the earths in nitric acid, and exposing the solution, previously evaporated to dryness, in a cruci- ble to a low red heat during one hour. The iron will thus be highly oxydized. On adding diluted nitric acid it will remain behind. * Kluproth's Analytical Essnys, vol l 76, 310 Experiment 15. If to a solution containing magne- sia and manganese,hydrosulphuret of potash be added; the latter will be precipitated. Remark. The manganese is precipitated as a hvdi o- sulphuret, which, when exposed to heat, and weighed, will give its quantity. To the remaining solution pot- ash is to be added, which will separate the magnesia. Magnesia, like lime, is a metallic per-oxyd, to the base of wdiich Mr. Davy has given the name of mag- nium. When moistened magnesia is exposed to the action of galvanism in contact with mercury, the earth is reduced, and its base unites with the mercury. Moistened sulphate of magnesia succeeds much bet- ter than the pure earth. Magnium is a white metal, having the appearance of silver. When the amalgam ef magnium is exposed to the air it gradually absorbs oxygen, and the magnium is converted into magnesia. TUie metal decomposes water and generates magnesia. SECTION III. OF BARYTES. Experiment 1. Dissolve native carbonate of barytes in diluted nitric acid, evaporate the solution, and suffer it to crystallize. Put the crystals into a china cup, or silver crucible, and after exposing it to a dull red heat for at least one hour, transfer the greenish solid con- tents into a well stopped bottle. This is pure barytes. Rationale. The nitric acid decomposes the • \iibo- nate of barytes, carbonic acid is disengaged, and ni- trate of barytes is formed. On exposing this to the action of heat, the nitric acid is separated, which is decomposed into its constituent parts, and the barytes remains behind. Experiment 2. If powdered sulphate of barytes be boiled in a flask, for about two hours, in a solution 311 u: twice or three times its weight of carbonate of pot- ash, and the powder then collected, washed, and exposed in a crucible to a strong heat, pure barytes will be formed. Rationale. The carbonate of potash decomposes the sulphate of barytes ; the sulphuric acid passes to the potash, forming sulphate of potash, which remains in solution, and the carbonic acid unites with the barytes forming carbonate of barytes, and remains in the form of an insoluble powder. When this is exposed to a violent heat, the carbonic acid is expelled in the form of gas. Experiment 3. If one part of sulphate of barytes be mixed with eight of charcoal, both reduced to powder, and exposed in a crucible for some hours, to a red heat, and the powder then taken and dissolved in di- luted nitric acid, the solution filtered, and then treated in the same manner as Experiment 1, pure barytes will be procured. Rationale. The charcoal decomposes the sulphuric acid of the sulphate, carbonic acid is disengaged, and sulphuret of barytes is formed. On adding nitric acid in the state of dilution, the sulpiuir will be disen- gaged, sulphuretted hydrogen gas evolved, and nitrate of barytes will remain in solution. On exposing this to heat as in Experiment 1, the same effect will ensue. Experiment 4. Proceed as in the last experiment with sulphate of barytes and charcoal; dissolve the residue in water, filter it, and add a solution of car- bonate of soda to the filtered liquor. Collect the pre- cipitate, and expose it to a strong heat in a crucible,.and pure barytes will remain. Or take the powder which precipitates, and mix it with charcoal powder, make the mixture into balls, and heat it strongly as before. When these balls are treated with boiling water, -a portion of barytes is dissolved, which crystallizes as the water cools. Rationale. The sulphate is decomposed by charcoal as before. The carbonate of soda precipitates the ba- rytes, which is exposed to heat to disengage the carbo- 312 , ic acid, or it is mixed with charcoal and treated as before mentioned, by which the barytes is left in a free state. Remark. Barytes was discovered by Scheele in i774. The heavy mineral, of a foliated texture and brittle, which is found in Europe and America, and sometimes as a gangue to ores, was known by the name of ponderous spar. It was examined by Gahn, who discovered that it contained sulphuric acid, and the new earth discovered by Scheele. Bergman con- firmed the experiments of Gahn, and gave the earth the name of terra ponderosa. Morveau called the earth barote, and Kirwan barytes. Various papers have ap- peared on this earth. Barytic earth has a caustic taste, and is a violent poison. It tinges vegetable blues green, and decomposes the animal bodies like the fixed alkalies, though with less energy. Its specific gravity, according to Fourcroy, is 4. When heated it becomes harder. Before the blow-pipe, on charcoal, it fuses, bubbles up, and runs into globules. Sulphate of ba- rytes is very plentiful in the Devonshire lead mines ; the workmen call it Cauk. Casciarole, an Italian shoe- maker, discovered that if sulphate of barytes be calcin- ed in a peculiar way it will acquire a phosphorescent quality, and will shine even in water. It is known by the name of bologna phosphorus. See page 49. Barytes has been proposed as a medium for decom- posing muriate of soda in a cheap way. The method of using it may be seen in the Annales de Chimie, tome xix. See also a paper of Vauquelin's on this subject in the Journal de Rhys. 1794, p. 297. Though this earth has been accounted highly poi- sonous, yet Dr. Johnson says, that he has seen a deli- cate female take thirty drops of a saturated solution of muriate of barytes repeatedly in the course of a day without even nausea. He therefore concludes, that it would require at least 2 or 3 drams to do mischief. Barytes is a basis of a water paint, which was disco- vered by Mr. Hume, and sold under the name of -II .- o 1 J Hume's ;■..-„ nnancut white, which it is said, will mix with any other colour without injury. The union of barytes with acids forms a class of salts. See Salts of Barytes. Experiment 5. Expose barytes to the air, it will attract moisture and carbonic acid, and acquire weight. Remark. In this process the barytes swells and emits heat, and, after it is slacked, it attracts carbonic acid, and increases 0.22 in weight. Experiment 6. Pour water upon barytes, it will ex- hibit the same phenomena as quicklime, and be dis- solved, forming barytic water. On evaporating the so- lution, it will crystallize in the form of needles; but more commonly in hexagonal prisms, having two broad sides, with two intervening narrow ones, and terminat- ed at each end by a four sided prism. Remark. Water is capable of dissolving 0.05 parts of its weight of water. The crystals of barytes con- tain 53 parts of water, and 47 of barytes. When ex- posed to heat, they undergo the watery fusion. A stronger heat disengages all the water. Crystallized barytes is soluble in 17| parts of water at the tempe- rature of 60°. If the temperature be increased, the water will dissolve a larger quantity. Exposed to the air the crystals effloresce, and become pulverent. Experiment 7. Add tincture of cabbage to barytic water, and its colour will be changed to green. Experiment 8. In the same manner mix some tinc- ture of Brazil wood; the red colour will be altered to that of violet. Experiment 9. Immerse a slip of turmeric paper, or add some of the tincture to barytic water, and a brown colour will be produced. Experiment 10. Mix one part of olive oil with three of a concentrated aqueous solution of barytes, they will unite into a saponaceous mass, rendering the oil mis- ciblc with the water. Remark. These are the general characters of ba- rytes, which answers to the alkalies properly so called. Experiment 11. If a solution of barytes be exposed to the air, it will acquire a pellicle like lime water, 314 ■ihich, when it increases sufficiently, will fall to the bottom of the vessel; or, Experiment 12. Mix water impregnated with car- bonic acid with barytic water, and the whole will be- come turbid. Rationale. Barytes diaving a strong attraction for carbonic acid, when it conies in contact with that acid, unites with it, forming carbonate of barytes, which, be- ing insoluble, precipitates. Experiment 13. If barytes with half its weight of silica be exposed on charcoal to the action of the heat, produced by a blow pipe, it will melt with the silex and form a globule of glass. Experiment 14. If a mixture of barytes and sul- phur be exposed in a crucible to the action of heat, they will unite, and form sulphuret of barytes. Remark. The sulphuret of barytes is of a brownish colour ; it decomposes water, a portion of sulphuret- ted hydrogen gas is evolved, and a hydroguretted sul- phuret is formed. Boiling water poured upon the sul- puret dissolves it, and the solution, on cooling, depo- sits a great number of crystals, either in six-sided prisms or in hexagonal plates, which Berthollet has called, from their being composed of sulphuretted hy- drogen and barytes, hydrosulphuret of barytes. The liquor still retaiijs a portion in solution. Experiment 15. If phosphorus and barytes be intro- duced into a glass tube close at one end, and the tube heated upon burning coals, as in making phosphuret of lime, a phosphuret of barytes will be formed. Remark. The phosphuret of barytes decomposes water, in the same manner as phosphuret of lime. Experiment 16. If a few crystals of barytes be add- ed to alcohol, and, when the solution has been formed, *he alcohol inflamed, it will burn of a yellow co- lour. Experiment 17. If a grain of sulphate of soda be dissolved in a wine glass full of distilled water, and a few drc$>s of muriate of barytes added, a turbidness will ensue, and a white precipitate will result. Rationale. The sulphuric acid unites with the ba- 315 rytes, forming sulphate of barytes, which, being in- soluble, is precipitated Hence the soluble salts of barytes have been used as a test for sulphuric acid and its combinations. Remark. Sulphate of barytes is one of the most in- solubie substances which chemistry presents, requir- ing for its solution about 4300 times its weight of wa- ter. Tim nitrate or muriate of barytes is generally used as a re-agei.t. Experiment 18. If a stone which is supposed to contain barytes, be dissolved in diluted nitric acid, the solution filtered, and sulphate of soda added, and if a white precipitate should be formed, insoluble in water, barytes may be inferred. Rationale. The nitric acid effects the solution of barytes ; and on adding sulphate of soda, it is precipi- tated in the form of sulphate of barytes. Remark. By this means barytes may be known and separated from other earths, but as strontian is also precipitated by sulphuric acid, its presence may be known in the following manner : Experiment 19. If a mixture of barytes and stron- tian exist in the same solution, add sulphate of soda till the precipitate ceases, decant the supernatant liquid, waSh the sediment on a fiiter, and dry it, then digest it in four times its weight of pure carbonate of potash, and a sufficient quantity of water, in*a gentle heat dur- ing three or four hours. On the powder pour nitric acid, of the specific gravity 1.4, diluted with an equal weight of distilled water, which will dissolve the stron- tian, and not the barytes.* Rationale. In this experiment the sulphuric acid comhincs with the barytes and strontian, which are pre- cipitated in the state of insoluble sulphates. On digest- ing the precipitate in carbonate of potash, the sulphate of barytes as well as the sulphate of strontian, is de- composed, a sulphate of potash formed, which remains in solution, and the carbonates of barytes and stron- iaii exist in the form of an insoluble powder. On add- * Henry. 316 ing nitric acid, the strontian is taken up, leaving the barytes. Remark. Sevcrtil other modes of separating barytes from strontian maybe seen in Klap.oth's Essays. Mr. Davy has succeeded in decomposing barytes by the agency of galvanism, and has shown, that it is a me- tallic per oxyd. To the metal, which forms its base, he has given the name of barium. Its colour is white. On exposure to the air it becomes tarnished, by absorb- ing oxygen, and is converted into barytes. It sinks in water, and is about four or five times heavier than that liquid. It decomposes water, and emits hydrogen. The proportion of barium and oxygen in barytes has not been asccrtai. «ed. SECTION IV. OF STRONTIAN. Experiment 1. If carbonate of strontian be exposed to heat in a crucible, the strontian will be obtained in a pure state ; or, Experiment 2. If carbonate of strontian be dissolved in nitric acid, and exposed to heat in the same manner as stated for obtaining barytes, strontian will be pro- cured ; or, Experiment^. If sulphate of strontian be mixed with one sixth part of its weight of charcoal powder, and kept for some hours red hot in a crucible; the mass then dissolved in water, filtered, and nitric acid poured into the solution as long as a precipitate ensues ; the nitrate of strontian evaporated and crystallized, and the crystals exposed in a silver crucible to heat till all the nitric acid is expelled, pure strontian will be pro- duced. Rationale. In the first process the carbonic acid is disengaged by the heat, leaving the strontian in tho SIT crucible : in the second, the carbonate is decomposed by nitric acid, which is afterwards expelled; and in the third, the sulphuric acid is decomposed by the coal, carbonic acid is disengaged, and the sulphuret of stron- tian is decomposed by nitric acid, which is disengaged by the heat. Remark. Strontian was discovered in a mineral brought from the lead mines of Strontian in Argyle- shire, England, a specimen of which was brought to Edinburgh in 1787, and was generally considered as a carbonate of barytes until Dr. Crawford in 1790, in his treatise on muriate of barytes, mentioned that it might contain a new earth, from its chemical characters being in some respects different from those of barytes. Dr. Hope instituted some experiments in 1791, which de- monstrated that the mineral was a compound of carbo- nic acid and a peculiar earth, to which the Doctor gave the name of strontitcs. Klaproth made some experiments on it, and drew the same conclusions as Dr. Hope, though he was. un- acquainted with the experiments of the Dr. Mr. Kirwan in 1793, discovered many interesting proper- ties of this new earth, which afterwards appeared in the Transactions of the Irish Academy. Pelletier, Vau- quelin and Fourcroy also investigated it. Klaproth gave to the new earth the name of strontian. Strontian is found abundantly in many situations, either combined with carbonic acid or sulphuric acid. Strontian, obtain- ed according to the foregoing, processes, is of a grayish white colour, and of an acrid and alkaline taste. Its specific gravity is 1.647. It converts vegetable blues to green. Before the blow pipe it possesses some pe- culiar properties. Experiment 4. Strontian sprinkled with water, be- comes hot, and falls to powder like lime in the act of slacking: on adding more of that fluid the strontian dissolves, forming strontian water. Remark. One part of strontian will dissolve in 162 parts of water at the temperature of 60°. The solu- tion is transparent, and converts vegetable blues to d d 2 318 green. If hot water be used it will dissolve it in larger quantities, and on cooling, it will separate in a crystal- lized form in thin quadrangular plates. But the form of the crystals varies. They contain 68 parts in the hundred of water, and are soluble in 51.4 parts of water at the temperature of 60". On exposure to the air, they effloresce, and absorb carbonic acid. Experiment 5. If sulphur and strontian be melted in a crucible, they unite and form sulphuret of stron- tian. Experiment 6. To the sulphuret, thus prepared, add water, and a solution will be made, which, on evapora- tion, will afford crystals of hydrosulphuret of strontian, the remaining • liquor will be an hydroguretted sulphu- ret. Remark. It is evident that when the sulphuret is added to water, that fluid is in part decomposed, sul- phuretted hydrogen is partly disengaged, and another portion unites with the strotian forming the compounds already noticed. Experiment 7- If one part of phosphorus be mixed with six of strontian, in an iron or earthen tube closed at one end, and the mixture heated gradually to a dull red heat, a phosphuret of strontian will be formed. Remark. This phosphuret decomposes water like the phosphuret of lime. Experiment 8. If nitrate of strontian be put into al- cohol, and the alcohol inflamed, it will burn with a car- mine-red colour. Experiment 9. If a mixture of nitrate of strontian and charcoal powder, in the proportion of one part of the former to three of the latter, be inflamed, it will burn of a carmine colour. Remark. This property of producing a flame of a carmine colour, is one of the most striking effects of this earth. Experiment 10. If sulphuric acid be poured into a solution of oxymuriate of strontian, an increase of temperature takes place, accompanied with an evolu- 319 tion of light. If the acid be poured in the dry oxymu- riate, no light is produced. Remark. This singular fact was discovered by Messrs. Davy and Clayfield. Experiment 11. If strontian be dissolved in nitric or muriatic acid, the solution will be decomposed on adding sulphuric acid, or the sulphates. Remark. The precipitate which appears when sul- phuric acid is added, has rendered the solutions of strontian useful as re-agents to discover that acid and its combinations. Mr. Davy has decomposed strontian, and proved that it has a metallic base which he calls strontium. It is a white metal, heavier than water, and decomposes that fluid, absorbing oxygen, and is converted into stron- tian. DIVISION II. OF THE EARTHS PROPER. The earths proper are five in number, namely, alu- mina, yttria, glucina, zirconia and silica, and differ from the alkaline earths in not possessing the charac- ters of alkali, such as causticity, solubility in water, effect on vegetable colours, and the like. SECTION I. OF ALUMINA. Experiment 1. If one part of the alum of commerce be dissolved in six parts of boiling distilled water, and when cold, liquid ammonia added until no further pre. 320 cipitate ensues; and the whole then heated, and poured on a filter, the precipitate washed until the water comes off tasteless, then put into a basin, and muriatic acid added to it in small quantities at a time till the whole is dissolved; the solution now evaporated, till a drop of it, when suffered to cool on a plate of glass, yields minute crystals; these crystals (of alum) separated by decanting the fluid; this fluid then decomposed by add- ing to it liquid ammonia ; and the precipitate thus ob- tained, when washed and dried will be pure alumina. Rationale. The alum being a triple salt, consisting of alumina, potash and sulphuric acid, is decomposed by the ammonia, which unites with the acid forming sulphate of ammonia, and precipitates the alumina. As the precipitate may contain sulphate of alumina, it is dissolved in muriatic acid, and the solution (muriate of alumina) evaporated in order to separate the alum. The muriate of alumina is then decomposed by the ammo- nia, muriate of ammonia is formed, and the alumina is precipitated. By washing the precipitate the mu- riate of ammonia is separated, as it passes off in solu- tion. Experiment 2. If to a solution of alum, carbonate of potash be added until the precipitate ceases, and the precipitate collected, washed and dried, then exposed to a strong heat for one hour in a -crucible, alumina will be obtained. Rationale. When carbonate of potash is added to a solution of alum, the alkali unites with the sulphuric acid of that salt, and forms sulphate of potash, whilst the carbonic acid combines with the alumina, and forms a precipitate of carbonate of alumina. When this is ex- posed to heat, the carbonic acid is expelled, and the alumina remains untouched. Remark. This process, however, is imperfect; for the alumina thus procured, when exposed to heat with charcoal, afterwards treated with a diluted acid, will emit sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The former is there- 321 lore preferred. In order to free alumina from sulphuric acid, the following method is proposed by Guyton.* Experiment 3. After the precipitate is obtained from alum by carbonate of potash, dissolve it in nitric acid ; add to the solution nitrate of barytes as long as any pre- cipitate is formed ; separate the precipitate by the filter, evaporate the liquor to dryness, and expose it to a strong heat till all the nitric acid is expelled. Rationale. The nitric acid unites with the alumina, and the carbonic acid is disengaged. The addition of nitrate of barytes separates the sulphuric acid which might remain, by forming with it sulphate of barytes. This is detached by the filter, and the nitric acid is afterwards expelled by the action of heat. Remark. The earth obtained from alum, was sup- posed by Stahl and Neuman to be lime ; but in 1727 Geofroy, junior, proved that the earth of alum consti- tutes a part of clay. Margraff, in 1754, demonstrated that the basis of alum is an earth of a peculiar nature. Hence it was called argil: it was afterwards named alu- mina, because it may be obtained from alum. Macquer, Bergman, Scheele, and more lately Saussure, have in- vestigated the propertiesof this earth. Saussure gave it the name of spongy alumina. If the earthy salt (alum) be dissolved in as little water as possible, and the alumina then precipitated, the earth is light, friable,and very spongy, hence its name; but if a large quantity of water b,e used to effect the solu- tion, the alumina is obtained in a brittle transparent yellow coloured mass, splitting in pieces like roll sul- phur when held in the hand In this state it forms the gelatinous alumina of Saussure, Alumina has little taste, and, when pure, has no smell; but if it contains oxyd of iron, it emits, when breathed upon, a peculiar odour, which is known by the name of the earthy smell. Common clays have this property. The specific gra- vity of alumina is 2.00. When heated, alumina con- tacts bv heat. Mr. Wedgwood took advantage of this * Ann de Chim. xxxii. 64. 322 property, and constructed an instrument called a py- rometer for measuring high degrees of heat. See page 61. This instrument, however, is liable to error. Experiment 3. Pour water on alumina, and, after standing some time, filter it off': it will be found that its properties are unaltered. Remark. Water, therefore, has no sensible effect on alumina; but alumina may be diffused through it with great facility. It is said in its usual state to be com- bined with more than its own weight of water. Alumina does not combine with oxygen or azote. Charcoal it is said will combine with alumina. This combination forms a black substance, which is very frequently found native. Alumina and oxyd of iron often occurs of a yellow colour, which is known by the name of ochre. Experiment 4. Mix fresh prepared lime water and alumina; if the mixture be iiltered, it will be found that the lime is taken from the water. Remark. This experiment proves, that alumina pos- sesses a strong attraction for lime. For the fusibility of different mixture of alumina and lime, see Kirwan's Mineralogy, vol. i. 65. Barytes and strontian also combine with alumina, both when heated with it in a crucible, and when boiled with it in water : alumina, magnesia, and lime, form, when melted, what is called porcelain; but this is produced in a particular way.* Experiment 5. If one part of alumina be boiled for some time with six of potash, soda, 8cc. in a sufficient quantity of water, a combination will take place; and, Experiment 6. If to this solution sulphuric acid be added, the alumina will be precipitated. Rationale. The alumina is dissolved by the alkali in Experiment 1, and, in the second, is precipitated from its solution by sulphuric acid; sulphate of potash is formed, and the alumina is precipitated. If more acid be added, the alumina is dissolved. * r!ee Kirwan, vol. i. p. 72. 323 Experiment 7. If to a solution of alumina in potash we add another of silica in the same alkali, and suffer the mixture to stand for a few hours, a precipitate composed of alumina and silica will be formed. Remark. A considerable degree of affinity exists between alumina and silica, and the unsuspected forma- tion of this compound in many analytical experiments on minerals has often produced a number of deceitful and embarrassing appearances. We are indebted to the indefatigable Klaproth for shewing, that when to a solution of pure silica, in caustic potash, is added a so- lution of alumina equally pure in the same menstruum, the liquor immediately assumes a reddish brown colour, .md after standing an hour or two, coagulates. By the addition of a little warm water, this jelly is resolved in- to a fluid, and being thus mixed with muriatic acid -to the exact saturation of the alkali, a copious precipitate is deposited, consisting of the two earths in a state of combination : if now a slight excess of acid is dropped in, the silica as well as the alkali will be perfectly dis- solved. Carbonate of potash will again cause the pre- cipitate to appear, and this, even separated by the filter and dried, will be entirely soluble in diluted sulphuric acid, without the smallest deposition of silica. If the sulphuric solution is now gently evaporated, crystals of alum will be deposited, and the remainder will as- sume the form of a clear jelly. Experiment 8. If one part of alumina and six of pot- ash and soda, with a sufficient quantity of water, be di- gested with heat, a solution of the alumina will take place. Experiment 9. If to this solution an acid be added, the alumina will be precipitated. Rationale. The alumina is dissolved by the alkali in the first experiment, and then precipitated from the solution by the acid in the second; the acid and alkali unite into a peculiar compound. Remark. This is a method sometimes employed tp prepare pure alumina. Alkalized alumina has been employed as a preferable mordant to common alum, 324 in the fixing of those colours that are injured by the presence of sulphuric acid. Experiment 10. If to a watery infusion of cochineal, fustic, quercitron bark, or madder, a few drops of a so- lution of alum be added, the colouring matter will be precipitated in the form of a lake. Remark. The affinity that subsists between alumina and vegetable or animal colouring matter, is singu- larly powerful. The colouring matter in this experi- ment is precipitated with the aluminous base of the earthy salt, leaving the supernatant liquor wholly co- lourless. Alumina unites with acids, and forms a class of salts. See Salts of Alumina. Experiment 11. Put equal parts of brown sugar and alum into a crucible, and expose the mixture over a fire until it is melted, and reduced to dryness. Pul- verise the mixture, and introduce it into a common vial coated with clay, to which a glass tube, open at each end, is luted, to allow the escape of the gases that are produced. Set the vial in a crucible surround- ed by sand, and expose the whole to heat. When the gas or vapour has ceased to be evolved, which may be known by its not taking fire on presenting a lighted candle, the crucible may be removed from the fire; and the end of the tube closed by a little moist clay. The preparation thus formed is pyrophorus. Remark. The pyrophorus, called by some the pyro- phorus of Homberg, is a black powder, which takes fire on exposure to the air. It is supposed to be a compound of alumina, sulphur, and charcoal Gren, in his Principles of Chemistry, vol. i. p. 256, accounts for the spontaneous accension of pyrophorus in the following manner s part of the charcoal decomposes, in a red heat, part of the sulphuric acid of the alum, and becomes converted into carbonic acid gas, which escapts ; the sulphuric acid is thus partly converted int© sulphur, which sublimes and burns. During these changes, the potash, which is present in the alum of commerce, unites to a part of the sulphur, and forms with it a sulphuret of potash, and there remainsthe super- fluous part of the coal that had been blended with the 325 alum. Dry potash, charcoal sulphur, and alumina are therefore the constituent parts of the pyrophorus. On exposure to the air, the potash rapidly attracts its mois- ture, and is heated with it. This heat is sufficient to inflame the sulphur; because sulphur is already by its own nature, when combined with alkaline substances, by far more disposed to decompose oxygen gas. This ignition of the sulphur in the pyrophorus is commu- nicated to the coaly particles, that, at the beginning of its preparation, were mingled with the sulphate of alumina. Thus far is the theory of Mr. Gren. See page 51. Sauvigny attributed the combustibility of pyrophori to the sulphuric acid, healing by the moist air, and in- flaming the disengaged sulphur. Proust d'-nied the presence of sulphuric acid ; and Mr. Bewly imputed it to the attraction of the ni- trous acid from the air, and the heat generated by its union. Pyrophori may be made in a variety of ways, as follows : Five parts of burnt alum and one of char- coal intimately mixed ; or three parts of alum with one of sugar, honey, or flour, melted together, and kept over the fire until it has become blackish, being put in an earthen bottle, about two thirds full, and kept in a red hot state, surrounded with sand in a crucible, as long as a blue flame is perceived at the mouth of the bottle. Bewly obtained pyrophorus by nearly filling the bowl of a tobacco pipe with two parts of alum, one of char- coal, and one of salt of tartar, pressing it down and filling up the bow with fine sand, and exposing it to a heat for three quarters of an hour, a longer time do- ing it no injury. He also obtained it from powdered charcoal, with double or treble its weight of calcined blue or green vitriol, or of sulphate of zinc, and from a mixture of charcoal, well calcined sulphate of pot- ash, or of soda, and from potash and vegetable or ani- mal coal. A pyrophorus, it is said, is immediately formed by rubbing together in a mortar 54 grains of sulphur, 36 of very dry willow charcoal, and 3 of com- mon phosphorus. e e 32G Experiment 12. If to a solution containing alumina and magnesia, malate of potash be added, a white pre- cipitate will appear, of difficult solubility, which on examination, will be found to be a compound of malic acid and alumina. Rationale. ^ When malate of potash is added to a so- lution containing alumina and magnesia, a double de- composition ensues : the acid which held the earths in solution will unite with the alkali, whilst the malic acid in its turn unites with the alumina and magnesia, forming earthy malates ; but as the malate formed with the alumina is insoluble, that compound is precipitated, whilst the malate of magnesia remains in solution. Remark. Alumina, in the state of common clay, is employed for various purposes, on account of its apti- tude for moulding into different forms, and its proper- ty of hardening in the fire ; such as for making bricks, earthen ware, porcelain, crucibles, 8cc. The subject of Pottery will be noticed hereafter. For securing the bottoms and sides of canals and reservoirs of water, alumina is of much value. This earth composes in a great measure those tenaceous earths called arable soils. In combination, it is employed by the dyer and calico-printer, as a mordant for fixing various colours. It was supposed by Baron, that alumina was a me- tallic oxyd, which l#d to several experiments, and much speculation. Sir Humphrey Davy has succeeded in decomposing it by the galvanic influence, and pro- poses to give to its base, as it is a metal, the name of aluminum. Little, however, is known on the subject. SECTION II. OF YTTRIA. Experiment 1. Take the mineral called gadolonite, reduce it to powder, and add a mixture of nitric and muriatic acid till it is decomposed, evaporate the s»i 327 lution nearly to dryness, and filter it. To the liquor thus obtained, add water ; by this means the silica is left behind. Filter a,eain, and evaporate the fluid to dryness, and expose the dry mass for a considerable time in a close vessel. Now dissolve the mass in water, filter the solution, and add to it liquid ammonia; pure yttria will be precipitated. Rationale. The nitro-muriatic acid dissolves the yttria, which, after some intermediate operations, is precipitated by. ammonia, which takes the place of the yttria. Remark. This earth may also be obtained from a mineral called yttrotantalite, which is a compound of tantalium and yttria. A mineral was discovered about the year 1771 by- Captain Arhenius, in the quarry of Yttcrby in Sweden, a description of which was published in Crell's An- nals and Miner's Lexicon, and was analysed by pro- fessor Gadolin in 1794, who found it to contain a n :w earth. The experiments of this chemist were after- wards repeated, and his conclusions confirmed. Mr. Ekeberg -gave to the new earth the name of yttria. Vauquelin and Klaproth also repeated the experiment of the professor. Yttria is a white powder, whose specific gravity is 4.842. It is precipitated from its solution in acids by ammonia and prussiate of potash. In pure alkalies it is not soluble. It is precipitated by tannin. It differs from glucina in not being soluble in fixed alkalies, nor being precipitated by the succinates. From analogy it is supposed that this earth is a me- tallic per oxyd. Ekeberg treated yttria with muriatic acid, and obtained oxymuriatic acid gas. Mr. Davy is of opinion, that' yttria is not a distinct primitive earth, but a modification of some other earth. 328 SECTION III. OF GLUCINA. Experiment 1. Pulverise the beryl, or the emerald, and add to the powder thrice its weight of potash, and melt the mixture in a crucible. Dissolve the mass in muriatic acid, and evaporate the solution to dryness. To this add water, and the silica, which constitutes more than half the weight of the stone, will remain be- hind ; add now to the filtered liquor carbonate of pot- ash, until the precipitate ceases to appear. Wash the precipitate, and then dissolve it in sulphuric acid. Add to the solution sulphate of potash ; evaporate it to the proper consistency, and set it by to crystallize. Alum will gradually form. To the fluid now remain- ing, add a solution ef carbonate of ammonia in excess, then filter, and boil the liquid for some time. A white powder gradually appers, which is glucina. Rationale. When the beryl or emerald is treated with potash, the glucina as well as silica is fused ancf combines with the alkali. When to this mass muria- tic acid is added, muriate of glucina is formed, and the silica is separated. If any other earths be present, they are also dissolved. All the earths present are then precipitated by means of carbonate of potash, which takes place by compound affinity. On adding sulphuric acid, the glucina and alumina, if it be pre- sent, are dissolved. When sulphate of potash is added to this solution, and then evaporated, crystals of alum or supersulphate of alumina and potash will form on cooling. After these are separated, as the alumina is thus detached, the addition of carbonate of ammonia separates the glucina gradually in the form of a white powder. Remark. Vauquclin is the discoverer of this earth which he obtained from the beryl, a transparent stone of a green colour and a considerable degree of hard- ness, in the year 1798, when pio^ecuting some ex- 329 periments on that stone at the request of the Abbe Hauy. To this newly discovered earth the name of glucina was given. Klaproth has since confirmed the experiments of the French philosopher. This earth has been obtained from the emerald as well as from the beryl or aigue-marine. It has also been detected in the gadolinite. Glucina is a light white powder, without either taste- or smell. It is infusible by heat. Its specific gravity is 2.976. It is soluble in alkalies ; also in all the acids except the carbonic and phosphoric, and forms with them saccharine and slightly astringent salts ; hence its name from the Greek, which signifies sweet or sac- charine, because^it gives that taste to the salts it forms, It is fusible with borax. It is not precipitated by the hydro-sulphurets, nor by the prussiate of potash, but by all the succinates. Its affinity for acids, which is intermediate between magnesia and alumina may be seen in the table of affinity. Sulphuretted hydrogen dissolves it, and forms with it a hydrosulphuret Mr. Davy has tried to decom- pose glucina, and, from the result of his experiments with the galvanic influence, is of opinion, that it is a metallic per-oxyd, to the metal of which he proposes to give the name of glucium. Experiment 2. If equal parts of glucina and alumina: be dissolved in nitric acid, two salts will be formed, which, on evaporation, will shew distinct characters. The nitrate of glucina has a saccharine taste; and the. nitrate of alumina is not sweet, nor does it produce any precipitate with tincture of galls. Experiment 3. If tartrate of potash be added to a solution of nitrate of glucina, no change will be pro*- cured; but, Experiment 4. If the tartrate be added to a solution of nitrate of alumina, a flaky precipitate will be form- ed. Rationale. In the first no decomposition ensues, but. in the second nitrate of potash, and tartrate of alumina are formed, the latter of which precipitates. Hence the obvious difference between glucina and alumina. E e 2 330 Experiment 5. To a solution of nitrate of glucina add some oxalate of potash, no change will take place even after some days ; but, Experiment 6. On adding the same reagent to ni- trate of alumina, a very copious white precipitate will be produced. Rationale. In the first case no decomposition en- sues, but in the second, nitrate of potash and oxalate of alumina are formed; the latter being insoluble, is precipitated. Experiment 7. To a solution of nitrate of glucina add prussiate of potash, no precipitate will appear ; but, Experiment 8. If we add prussiata of potash to ni- trate of alumina, a change will take place. Rationale. Analogous to the preceding. SECTION IV. OF ZIRCONIA. Experiment 1. Reduce zircon or the hyacinth, to powder, mix it with thrice its weight of potash, and fuse it in a crucible. Wash the mass in pure water, till the whole of the potash is extracted ; then dissolve the re- siduum as far as possible in diluted muriatic acid. Boil the solution to precipitate any silicia that may have been dissolved, then filter, and add a quantity of pot- ash. The zirconia precipitates in the state of a fine powder. Rationale. The fusion of the mineral, with the pot- ash, is intended to separate principally silica. For when the mass is washed in pure water, the potash as well as the silica is extracted. The residuum is treat> ed with muriatic acid, and the solution is boiled in or- der to separate any more silicia that may have been taken up. After this the addition of potash precipitates 331 the zirconia, from its solution, as the alkali unites with the acid, forming muriate of potash. Remark. Klaproth discovered this earth in 1793, in the zircon or jargon, a gem first brought from Ceylon, but also found in other countries. This stone has been discovered in the United States, by Mr. Solomon W. Conrad of this city, a specimen of which he politely pre- sented me. Since the experiments of Klaproth, many others have been made, which confirmed the inferences of that philosopher. Zirconia is a white powder; has neither taste nor odour; and is infusible before the blow pipe. Its spe- cific gravity is 4.3, it is insoluble in water, but has a con- siderable affinity for that fluid. It has a strong affinity for several metallic oxyds, particularly per oxyd of iron ; it is insoluble in liquid alkalies, neither can it be fused along with them by means of heat, but it is soluble in alkaline carbonates. Zirconia combines with acids and forms salts, which have a peculiar astringent taste; many of them are insoluble in water. Mr. Davy has at- tempted to decompose zirconia, in which he partly suc- ceeded, and proposes to give its base, which he sup- poses to be metallic, the name of zirconium. Experiment 2. If zirconia be gradually introduced into diluted sulphuric acid, it will be dissolved, and form a peculiar salt. Remark. This salt is decomposed by heat, leaving the zirconia behind. Acids do not affect it, but al- kalies and earths decompose it: charcoal, at a high temperature, converts it into a sulphuret, which when dissolved in water and evaporated, yields crystals of hydrosulphuret of zirconia. Experiment 3. If nitric acid be added to zirconia, and digested for some time, a compound called nitrate of zirconia will be formed. Remark. The nitrate, however, generally exists as a supernitrate, for the acid in the salt is mostly in ex- cess. If the solution be evaporated in a very gentle heat, and afterwards exposed, it will shoot into crystals. The nitrate .is decomposed by sulphuric acid, which 332 forms with the earth a white precipitate, soluble in ar. excess of that acid; by carbonate of ammonia ; and by an infusion of galls, which affords a white precipitate soluble in an excess of the infusion. The vegetable acids generally we are told, will take zirconia from the nitric acid, and form with it insoluble compounds. Experiment 4. If zirconia be introduced into muri- atic acid, it will unite with it, and form muriate of zir- conia. Remark. Muriate of zirconia is decomposed by sul- phuric, phosphoric, citric, tartaric, oxalic, and sacco- lactic acids. A number of experiments were institut- ed by Klaproth and Vauquelin, in which the properties of zirconia in general are enumerated; for an account of these experiments, see Klaproth's Beitrage, and Vauquelin's paper in the Annales de Chimie, torn xxii. p. 179. SECTION V. OF SILICA. Experiment 1. Put into a crucible one part of pound- ed flint or quartz, and three parts of potash, previously mixed, and apply a heat sufficient to melt them. Dis- solve the mass in water, saturate the potash with muria- tic acid, and evaporate to dryness. Towards the end of the evaporation the liquid assumes the form of a jelly; and when all the moisture is evaporated, a white mass remains behind. After washing this mass with a large quantity of water, the residue is pure silica. Rationale. When potash is in the proportion of three or four to one of flint or quartz, a compound is formed,- which is soluble in water. On dissolving the mass in water and adding muriatic acid, the alkali is taken from the silica, muriate of potash is formed, and the silica is separated. On evaporating the mixture, and afterwards 333 washing it well with water, the muriate of potash is dissolved and carried off, whilst the silica remains in a state of purity. Remark. If gun flints are used they may readily be pulverised, by heating them red hot and plunging them into water ; by this means they are rendered brittle. In precipitating the silica an excess of acid should be used, in order that all the foreign earths which are present may be separated. The mixture of flint and potash may be fused in a silver crucible, and the silica may be directly separated by dissolving the mass in water, and adding to the solution muriatic acid as long as any precipitate is formed. This is to be collected, washed, and dried. If too much water be used as 24 parts to one, no precipitation will take place, unless evapora- tion be used. Pure silica may be obtained by separat- ing it from fluoric acid. Silica is found in a variety of stones. It almost wholly constitutes quartz and rock crystal. See the Table of Stones. Glauber describes this earth. Different opinions were entertained respecting it; but it was not until the time of Scheele and Bergman, that its properties were fully known. Silica is a fine powder, without either taste or smell. Its specific gravity is 2.66. It has been exposed to the action of fire assisted by oxygen gas, without any al- teration. It has been fused, however, by means of the blow pipe. The temperature necessary for this pur- pose, is equal to 4043° of Wedgwood. Silica is insoluble in water. When precipitated from potash by muriatic acid, it retains a considerable quan- tity of water, even if exposed to a gentle heat. Silica forms a paste with water, which is not ductile, but con- stitutes a loose, friable and incoherent mass. It exists in a crystallized state in the rock crystal. It may ar- tificially be prepared, by dissolving it in fluoric acid, and suffering the solution to remain undisturbed. The crystals, thus obtained, are irregular, but some of them ire in cubes with their angles truncated. By a similar process, Bergman and Seigling obtained crystals from this earth. Silica does not combine with oxygen, with azote, nor with the metals; but with metallic oxyds it unites by fusion, and forms various coloured glasses and enamels. These will be noticed in treating of the metals. Experiment 2. If barytic water be poured into a solution of silica in potash, a precipitate will appear, which, on examination, will be found to be composed of the two earths. Experiment 3. If barytes and silica be exposed in a crucible to heat, they will unite, and form a compound of a greenish colour. Remark. Hence there is a strong affinity between barytes and silica. Mr. Kirwan has made a number of experiments on the mixture of these earths. Experiment 4. Silica and strontian exposed to heat, will unite in the same manner as in the last experi- ment. Experiment 5. If lime water be poured into a solu- tion of silica in potash, a precipitate is formed, which is composed of silica and lime. Experiment 6. Silica and lime exposed to heat, forms a peculiar compound, and if the quantity of lime be inferior to that of silica, a glass will be the result. Remark. Silica and lime have, therefore, a consider- able affinity for each other. Mr. Kirwan has given several experiments on this subject. Experiment 7. If equal parts of magnesia and silica, when melted, which requires a considerable tempera- ture, forms a white enamel. Experiment 8. When equal portions of silicated and aluminated potash be mixed, the compound will assume the consistence of jelly. Experiment 9. Silica and alumina exposed to a strong heat, unite, and form a kind of opaque glass, or rather enamel. Remark. Hence there is a considerable affinity be- tween these earths. Porcelain, stone ware, brick, tile, 335 and other similar mixtures, are composed chiefly of this compound. Silica and alumina, in various pro- portions, constitute clays. The earths, frequently, when mixed in different pro- portions and exposed to heat, are capable of uniting. Mr. Davy has rendered it probable, that silica is a per oxyd. This earth was exposed to the galvanic in- fluence, and, from his experiments, he inferred, that itis a compound of oxygen and a peculiar metal, to which he has given the name of silicium. But this conclusion is not altogether satisfactory. Experiment 10. If silica, put into a flask, and sul- phuric, nitric, muriatic, or acetic acid added, and heat applied ; on decanting the acid, none of the earth will be taken up. A proof that the acid has dissolved no- thing. Experiment 11. If one part of silica be put into a leaden bottle with twelve parts of fluoric acid; the bottle closed with a wax stopper ; and suffejtod to stand for a few days, agitating it frequently, the silica will be dissolved. See the Properties of Fluoric Acid Gas. Experiment 12. If one part of silica, minutely di- vided, and twenty parts by weight of a concentrated solution of potash or soda be boiled in a silver vessel, the earth will be dissolved. See Potash. Experiment 13. If glacial acid of phosphorus and silica be exposed on charcoal to the action of the heat produced by a blow pipe, the mixture will melt, and form a globule of transparent glass. Experiment 14. Silica and borax, treated in the same manner, will also produce a compound of a vi- treous appearance. PART XL OF SOAPS. SECTION I. OF ALKALINE SOAPS. Experiment 1. If one part of the soda of commerce, deprived of carbonic acid by passing the solution through lime, be boiled with six parts of olive oil or tallow, a compound will be formed called soap of soda, or hard soap. Or, Experiment 2. Let one part of lime, (previously slacked) and two of soda, be boiled in twelve parts of water for half an hour; filter the lixivium through a linen cloth, (pouring back the fluid upon the cloth till it passes clear) and evaporate it till its specific gra- vity be about 1.375, or, which is the same, till a vial which would contain one ounce of water, will hold an ounce and three eighths of the fluid ; this having been done, soap may he made by mere mixture of this ley with olive oil, in the proportion of one part of the for- mer to two of the latter, in a glass or stone ware vessel. This mixture being beat up with a wooden spa- tula, soon becomes consistent, and if left to stand for four or five days, forms a white hard soap. Or, Experiment 3. Prepare a ley from wood ashes, mak- ing it caustic by means of lime, and let the ley be suf- ficiently strong to float a new laid egg. Boil oil or tallow with this ley, until a saponaceous compound is formed. Continue the heat till it acquires a consider- able consistence, and seems to be separating from the fluid below. Now add a sufficient quantity of muriate of soda, or common salt, and boil the materials for three or four hours, and soap of soda or hard soap will 337 form on the surface. 1 he liquor on-which it floats I called waste ley, and is to be drawn off. The soap is now melted for the last time with ley, or even with water ; it is then allowed to cool for a short time, and afterwards cast into wooden frames. The soap thus acquires a compact appearance. Rationale. Hard soap is a combination of oil or fatty matter with soda. In the first and second experiment the alkali is united directly with the oil or tallow. In the third, it is combined by compound affinity. The alkali obtained from wood ashes is potash. This is first combined with the tallow, or fatty matter, and forms soap of potash or soft soap. On adding muriate of soda, or common salt, the muriatic acid unites with the potash, forming muriate of potash, which remains in solution as the waste ley, whilst the soda combines with the oil, or tallow, in the state of soap of soda, or hard soap, and floats on the fluid. Remark. The tallow for making soap is reckoned good if 13 cwt. yield a ton of white soap. Soap is mentioned by Pliny and Galen. The term is said to be derived from the old-German word sepe. The Gauls and Germans seem to have known this compound for a long time. A soap boiler's shop with soap-in it was discovered in the city of Pompeii, overwhelmed by Vesuvius, A. D. 79. See Miss Starke's Letters from Italy. Whale oil has been tried as a substitute for tallow, but with little effect. Tallow is therefore generally employed. In France and the south of Europe olive oil is made use of. The soap, formed by the combi- nation of tallow and soda, is of a white colour. The general properties of soap are too well known to re- quire any description. It dissolves in alcohol, and is partly precipitated by water. A specimen of white soap analysed by Darcet, Lelievre, and Pelletier, was found to contain 60.94 oil, 8.56 alkali, and 30.50 water. Experiment 4. If soap, before it grows hard, be mingled with ley, so as to disperse it through it, or if f f 338 a solution of sulphate of iron be poured into it, the 7.101 tied soap, as it is called, will be formed. Rationale. When sulphite of iron is used, part of the alkali quits its combination with the animal oil, and unites with the sulphuric acid, forming sulphate of soda, whilst the iron is deposited in the state of oxyd, which gives the variegated colour to the soap. Experiment 5. If to soap, before it becomes hard, rezin be added, a soap of a yellow or brown colour, will be produced, forming the brown soap. In making yellow soap, resin is used in the proportion of about one part to three or four parts of tallow. The resin makes the soap more detersive, and enables the manu- facturer to sell it cheaper. Experiment 6. If to white soap, in its fluid state, essential oils, as caraway, rose, bergamot, &c. be added, the scented soaps of the perfumers will be formed. The Windsor soap appears to be scented with the oil of ca- raway. Experiment 7. If soap be prepared with a super- abundance of alkali, a compound will be formed, which has been sold in this city for the purpose of removing certain stains from stuffs. Experiment 8. If, by employing an excess of soda, in the preparation of soap, and giving it a brown co- lour; the oriental soap, for washing with sea w7ater, will be formed.* Experiment 9. If white soap be dissolved in alco- hol, a solution will be prepared similar to the liquid shaving soap of the perfumers. Remark. Chaptal has proposed wool in the place of oil in the making of soap. The ley is formed in the usual manner, and, when it is boiling hot, shreds of woollen cloth of any kind are thrown into it. They are soon dissolved. Others are thrown in, and, when the ley will dissolve no more, a soap is formed of an excellent quality. The muscles of fish has been sub- stituted for tallow or oil in the manufacture of soap. * A specimen of this soap I examined, and found it to contain a larger quantity of alkali than the ordinary soap. 339 Experiment 10. If oil, fat, tallow or any unctious animal substance be boiled with the caustic ley of pot- ash, prepared of a sufficient strength, a saponaceous compound will be formed, called soap of potash, or soft soap. Remark. Potash, when used in the formation of soap, has the property of making it fluid. In the preparation of ooft soap, some employ whale oil. A little tallow is occasionally used, which, by management is dispers- ed through the soap, forming white spots. Experiment 11. if oil be added to liciuid ammonia, a compound will be formed, on mixture, which is known by the name of soup ofammrmia ; Or, Experiment 12. If carbonate of ammonia in solution be mixed with the soap of lime, the soap of ammonia will be formed. Rationale. The carbonic acid of the carbonate of ammonia unites with the lime, forming carbonate of lime, whilst the ammonia in its turn combines with the oil of the soap of lime, and forms soap of ammonia ; or, Experiment 13. If a solution of sal ammoniac be poured into another of common soap in water, soap of ammonia will be the result. Rationale. The muriatic acid of the muriate of am- monia combines with the soda of the common soap, and forms muriate of soda, whilst the unctious matter unites with the ammonia, and constitutes the soap of Htnmonia. SECTION II. OF EARTHY SOAPS. Experiment 1. If lime water be mixed with oil, a rompound will be formed, called the soap of lime. Or. 340 Experiment 2. If to water containing any of the calcareous salts, a solution of soap be added, the soap of lime will be prepared. Rationale. In the first experiment a direct combina- tion of lime and oil takes place ; in the second, it re- sults from the mutual decomposition. The acid of the calcareous salt, having a greater affinity for the alkali of the soap, unites with it, whilst the lime in its turn combines with the oil, forming the soap of lime. Experiment 3. If the solutions of sulphate of mag- nesia and common soap be mixed, the soap of magnesia will be prepared. Rationale. The sulphuric acid of the sulphate unites with the alkali of the soap, and the magnesia combines with the oil, forming the soap of magnesia. Experiment 4. If to a solution of common soap, another of alum be added, the soap of alumina will be the result. Rationale. The sulphuric acid of the alum unites with the alkali of the soap, and the alumina, thus dis- engaged, combines with the oil, as in the former expe- riments. Remark. Any of the earthy soaps may be formed, by pouring the solution of the earth into another of common soap. Hence the reason that all waters hold- ing an earthy salt in solution are unfit for washing. They decompose the soap, and form one insoluble in water. Such waters are called hard. Hence the use of a solution of soap as a re-agent. Earthy salts are insoluble in alcohol, except soap of magnesia, which dissolves both in alcohol and fixed oils. 341 SECTION IIr. OF METALLIC SOAPS. Experiment I. If to a solution of corrosive muriate of mercury, another of common soap be added, the soap of mercury will be formed, and gradually precipitate. Rationale. The muriatic acid of the muriate unites with the soda of the soap, forming muriate of soda, and the oil in its turn combines with the oxyd of mercury, forming the soap of mercury. Experiment 2. If the solutions of sulphate of zinc and soap be mixed, the soap of zinc will be prepared. Rationale. The sulphuric acid of the sulphate unites with the alkali, and the oxyd of zinc combines with the oil. Experiment 3. If nitrate of cobalt and soap be mix- ed in the same manner, the soap of cobalt will result. -*- Experiment 4. A solution of. tin added to another cf soap, forms the soap of tin. Exfic: iment 3. A solution of sulphate of iron treated in the same manner, produces the soap of iron. Experiment 6. Sulphate of copper mixed in the same manner, gives the soap of copper. Fxfu riment 7. Acetate of lead treated as before, af- fords the soap of lead. Experiment 8. Nitrate of silver used in the same. manner, forms the soap of silver. Experiment 9. Muriate of gold treated as before, will yield the soap of gold. Experiment 10. Sulphate of manganese with soap, will afford the soap of manganese. » Rationale. The theory of all these experiments, is.. analogous to the first. * F3 PART XII. OF STONE WARE. Clay vessels consist of alumina and siiw.-a, in various proportions, as clays are composed essentially of these earths. By stone ware we would include, by way of system, all the different kinds of pottery, such as bricks and tiles, pots and crucibles, the stone ware so called, and porcelain. 1. B ticks and Tiles. The oblong masses of baked clay, used as a substitute for stones in building, are known by the name of bricks, and tiles, which are much thinner, arc prepared for covering the roofs of houses. Bricks have been know n from time immemorial. * In the making of brick, the common blue clay h mostly used; the goodness of the brick depends upon the clay. If the clay contains too little sand, the bricks are liable to crack in cooling; too much, on the contra- ry, prevents the proper degree of cohesion. The manu- facture of bricks is too well known to require descrip- tion. The red colour of the brick depends upon iron which the clay contains. Dr. John Pennington, in his Chemical and Economi- cal Essays, page 34, observes, that he analysed a portion of the Potters' clay of Philadelphia, and found it to contaui 51 Silica, 26 Alumina, 3 Lime, \7 Iron. 100 2. Pots and Crucibles. In various processes it is necessary to employ ves« sels of a particular kind, as in the fusion of glass, metals, and the like. Crucibles are used for many chemical operations. These are of various sizes. The large 3-13 crucibles are generally conical, with a small spout, for the convenience of pouring out; the small ones are truncated triangular pyramids, and are commonly sold in nests. The Hessian crucibles are composed of clay and sand, and when good, will withstand an intense heat for many hours, without softening or meltin°\ Those which ring clearly when struck, and are of an uniform thickness, and have a reddish brown colour, without black spots, are reckoned the best. Wedg- wood's crucibles are made of clay, mixed with baked clay finely pounded, and are superior to the Hessian. The black lead crucibles, formed of clay and plumbago, are very durable, resist sudden changes of temperature, and may be repeatedly used. 3. Differ -nt kinds cf Pottery. Earthen ware is of ancient date. According- to the Old Testament, it was known at an early period to the Jews. The art of manufacturing clay vessels, seems to have originated among the Asiatic nations. Stone ware vessels differ from each other in their fineness; hence it is distinguished by a variety of names, such as flint ware, yellow ware, queens ware, IVedgwcod's we/re, isfc There are two parts of which vessels of stone ware consist. 1. The body of the vessel, called the biscuit. 2. The glassy covering with which it is coated, called the glaze. The biscuit is composed of two ingredients: the first is a fine white clay, known by the name of to- bacco pipe clay, and potter*' clay, and the second a fine white sand. The particular manner of managing the clay would be unnecessary to notice; suffice it to say, that it is formed into vessels and burnt, when it forms the biscuit ware. This resembles a tobacco pipe in ap- pearance, and like it absorbs water with avidity. Hence it could not be used before it is glazed. Ordinary pottery is glazed with oxyd of lead, or by throwing common wait over it in the fu rnace. Galena, or sulphuret of lead, is employed to glaze tiles and other coarser pottery, as well as the oxyd of lead; for when laid upon the bis- cuit, and exposed to the proper temperature, the sul- phur is dissipated and the lead oxydized. This oxyd, 344 then vitrifies, and in that state has a tendency to com- bine with the earthy bodies. The brown glaze on the coarse stone ware, is nothing more than glass of lead. Common salt, or muriate of soda, is employed to glaze the surface of fine stone ware vessels. When the bis- cuit is sufficiently baked, a quantity of common salt is introduced into the kiln. The heat converts this salt into a vapour; it penetrates the seggars through holes left on purpose, and surrounds the biscuit with an at- mosphere of salt. The salt, by combining with the surface of the biscuit, disposes it to vitrification. , The method of glazing stone ware with salt, was in- troduced into England, by two brothers from Holland, of the name of Elers, about the year 1700. The use of flint, in the manufacture of white stone ware, was intro- duced according to Parke, in the following manner: about the year 172), a potter travelling to London on horseback, had occasion, at Dunstable, to seek a reme- dy for a disorder in his horse's eyes ; and the ostler of the inn, by burning a flint stone, reduced it to a fine powder, which he blew into them. The potter, observ- ing the beautiful white colour of the flint, after calcina- tion, instantly conceived the uses to which it might be applied in his art, and then introducing into use the white pipe clay, instead of the irony clays, he readily produced a white stone ware. Enamel is nothing mot e than an opaque glass, melted over the surface of the biscuit. It consists essentially of various proportions of oxyd of leadr mixed with sand and glass. Wedgwood's enamel consists of a mixture of the oxyd of lead and tin, silica, talc and muriate of soda. The yellow glaze is composed of whte lead, ground flint, and flint glass. The whiteness of an ena- mel depends on the proportion of tin ; its fusibility upon the lead. Porcelain, or china, is a finer kind of stone ware, and is a semi-vitrified earthen ware, of an intermediate na- ture, between common wares and glass. Porcelain is more capable of resisting the action of chemical agents, on account of the purity of the substances of which it is 345 composed, and the nature of the enamel with which it is covered. It was known in the east at an early pe- riod, but the discovery of the art of miking it in Eu- rope is of a much later date. Specimens were brought t© modern Europe, and were much admired.* Accident led to the discovery, in Germany, about the beginning of the 18th century. A chemist in Saxony, during a set of experiments in'order to ascertain the best mixtures for making crucibles, stumbled upon a com- pound which yielded a porcelain similar to the Eastern. A number of experiments have been made on the mixture of different earths, in order to obtain porce- lain by exposure to heat. Reaumur published his dis- sertations on the subject of making porcelain in 1727 and 1729. Father Entrecolles, a missionary to China, had sent an account of the Chinese mode of making porcelain, which coincided exactly with this ingenious thought of Reaumur. The ingredients, according to him, are a hard stone called petuntze9 which they grind to powder, and a white earth called kaolin, which is intimately mixed with it. Reaumur found the petuntze fusible, and the kaolin infusible, when exposed sepa- rately to a violent heat. * Porcelain vessels were known tc*he Romans. They were first brought to Rome by Pompey, after die defeat of Mithridates, as we are informed by Pliny, (xxxvii. 2) The Romans were igno- rant of the mode of manufacturing them, but imported them from Poutus and Porthia. After the taking of Alexandria, a vessel of Porcelain was the only part of the spoil retained by Augustus. That die vasa murchina of the Romans, were the same as our por- celain vessels, has been ascertained, as Whitaker informs us, by the porcelain found in the ruins of the ancient Lyons. The name porcelain, if we believe Whitaker, came by the French name of the plant portulaca oleracea or purslain, which has a purple co- loured flower. It got that name because the porcelain of the an. i-ients, was always of a purple colour. See Whitaker's Course of Hannibal over the Alps, i. 55. For the description of the most superb specimen of ancient pot- tery, which modern art has not yet equalled, the Portland vase, see Darwin's Botanic Garden. 346 The porcelain clay of Limoges, according; to the analysis of Hassenfratz, is composed of 62 silica 19 alumina 12 magnesia 7 barytes 100 The porcelain clay of Cornwall, which dobs not ac- quire transparency without addition, yielded to Mr. Wedgwood, 60 alumina *.' 20 silica 12 moisture 8 loss 100 The kaolin of the Chinese very much resembles what is called the earthy or disintegrated feldspar. This is found in many places in the United States, and is derived from the disintegration of granite rocks. The petuntze of China, according to Rozen, is a feld- spar which has lost a portion of potash naturally be- longing to it; but, not having been reduced to a com- pletely earthy state, stilV retains traces of a laminated structure: and that the kaolin of China differs from the petuntze in having undergone decomposition to a greater extent; and having been in consequence al- most entirely deprived of the potash originally con- tained in it: that in the composition of China these two ingredients are mixed; the proportion of potash present in the mixed mass giving that degree of fusi- bility which is just sufficient to cement the particles together without vitrifying the porcelain: that the pe- tuntze by itself would be too fusible for the purpose intended ; and that the kaolin is too refractory to acquire a sufficient degree of cohesion between its particles. Equal parts of grand feldspar and porcelain clay, accord- ing to an anonymous German writer, forms the Saxon porcelain. 347 The gkize used for porcelain is merely feldspar, which is composed essentially of silica and alumina united to some potash, to which the fusibility is to be ascribed. This is the glaze used in Saxony, and at the manufactory of Sevres, near Paris. The method of colouring porcelain, may be found in the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xiii, page 342. The flux, for the colour, is sometimes feldspar. The purple colour is given by means of the purple oxyd of gold ; the red by oxyd of iron ; the yellow by the oxyd of silver, lead, or antimony, with sand; green by the oxyd of copper ; blue, by the oxyd of cobalt, and violet, by the oxyd of manganese. For the gilding on porcelain, which is performed nearly in the same man- ner as that of painting, see Nicholson's Journal, vii. 28 6. PART X11I. OF GLASS. We have before noticed, that glass is made by mix- ing sihca with a proper proportion of some flux, as pot- ash, or soda, and exposing this mixture to a violent heat. The method of making glass is of ancient date. Pliny informs us, that some merchants, with a ship load of soda from Egypt, had cast anchor at the mouth of the river Belus in Phoenicia, and were dressing their dinner on the sand. They made use of large lumps of soda to support their kettles, and lighted fires under them. The heat melted the soda and siliceous earth together, and the result was glass. For some time the manufacture of glass was confined to the river Belus. The ancients carried this manu- facture to much perfection. They mention drinking glasses, glass prisms, and coloured glasses. Nero gave 30,000/. for two glass cups with handles; as white glass, of which they were made, was considered very valua- ble. The materials of glass was melted into a black mass, called ammonitrum, which was purified by refi- ners. Glass panes were introduced about the third century, but it was some time after before they came into common use. There are several kinds of glass in use, as the plate glass, of which looking glasses are made, crown glass, bottle glass, 8cc. which are composed of different pro- portions of silica and alkali, with occasionally other in- gredients. The following facts and observations respecting glass are given by Accum. When silica and alkali are com- pletely fused and have acquired a certain degree of heat, which is known by the fluidity of the mass, part of the melted matter is taken out at the end of a long hollow tube, which is dipped into it, and turned about 349 until a sufficient quantity is taken up; the workman at each turn rolling it gently upon a piece of iron, to unite it more intimately. He then blows through the tube, till the melted mass at the extremity swells like a bub- ble; after which he rolls it again on a smooth surface to polish it, and repeats the blowing until the glass is brought as near the size and form of the vessel requir- ed, as he thinks necessary.. If it be a common bottle, the melted matter at the end of the tube is put into a mould of the exact size and shape of its body, and the neck is formed on the outside by drawing out the ductile glass. If it be a vessel with a large or wide orifice, the glass in its melted state is opened and widened with an iron tool; after which being again heated, it is whirled about with a circular motion, and by means of the cen* trifugal force thus produced is extended to the size re- quired. Should a handle, foot, or any thing else of the kind be required, these are made separately, and stuck on in its melted state. Window-glass is made in a similar manner, except that the mass at the end of the tube is formed into a cylindrical shape, which being cut longitudinally, by scissors or shears, is gradually bent back until it be- comes a flat plate. Large plate-glass for looking glasses, &c. is made by suffering the mass in a state of complete fusion to flow upon a casting table, with iron ledges to confine the melted matter, and as it cools a metallic roller js passed over it to reduce it to a uniform thickness. There are different kinds of glass manufactured for different purposes ; the prineipal of these are flint-glass,. crown-glass, and bottle-glass. Flint-glass is the densest, most transparent, colour- less, and beautiful. It is often called crystal. The best kind is said to be manufactured in this capital from 120 parts of white siliceous sand, 40 parts of pearl-ash, 35 of red oxyd of lead, 13 of nitrate of potash, and 25 of black oxyd of manganese. G g 350 This is the most fusible glass. It is used for bot- tles and other utensils intended to be cut and polished, and for various ornamental purposes. Crown-glass differs from the preceding in containing no lead. It is manufactured of soda and fine sand. This kind is used for panes of windows, 8cc. Bottle-glass is the coarsest of all. It is made of soda arid common sand. Its green colour is owing to iron. It is the least fusible. Glass is often coloured by mixing with it, while in a fluid state, various metallic oxyds. It is coloured blue by the oxyd of cobalt; red by the oxyd of gold; green by the oxyd of copper or iron; ye/low by the oxyd ol silver or antimony; and violet by the oxyd of mangan- ese. The properties of glass are well known. Its hard- ness is very considerable; its gravity varies from 2.3 to 4, according to the quantity of metallic oxyd which entered into its composition. Though glass when cold is brittle, it is one of the most ductile bodies known. If a thread of melted glass be drawn out and fastened to a reel, the whole of the glass can be spun off on the reel, and by cutting the threads at a certain length, there is obtained a sort of silver feather of glass. A thread of glass, when red hot, may be drawn or spun so fine as to be scarcely visible to the nuked eye. It is almost perfectly elastic, and of course is one of the most sonorous bodies. Fluoric acid dissolves it at common temperatures, and alkalies at high degrees of heat. These are the only agents known which act wpon it. Glass utensils, unless very small and thin, require to T>e gradually cooled in all oven. This operation is call- ed annealing, and is necessary to prevent their cracking by change of temperature, wiping, or slight accidental scratches. There are two toys made of uuanncaled glass, which, though commonly used for the amusement of children, exhibit phenomena which justly interest the curiosity 351 of the philosopher, we mean prince Rupert's drop, and the Bologna flask, or philosophical phial. Prince Rupert's drop is made by letting drops of melted glass fall into water; the drop assumes by that means an oval form, with a tail or neck resembling a retort. These drops are said to have been invented by prince Rupert, and are therefore called by his name, They possess the singular property, that if a small por- tion of the tail is broken off, the whole bursts into pow- der, with a kind of explosion, and a considerable shock is communicated to the hand that grasps it. Their explosion in the dark is said to be attended with a flash of light; this, however, is a mistake: a flash of light indeed is produced if the drop be broken in a glass receiver, but in that case the flash proceeds from the action of the projected particles, forcibly striking against the body of the glass; but no such phenome- non takes place if the drop be broken in free space. The Bologna, or philosophical phial, is a small cylindri- cal vessel of glass which has been suddenly cooled] open at the upper end, and rounded at the bottom. It is generally made so thick at the bottom, that it will bear a smart blow against a hard body without break- ing ; but if a little pebble or piece of flint is let fall in- to it, it immediately cracks, and the bottom falls into pieces. Concerning the cause of the phenomena of both these bodies, different opinions have been advanced. The most general is founded on the assumption, that the dimensions of bodies, which are suddenly cooled, remain shorter than if the cooling had been more gradual. The dimensions, therefore, of the smooth external surface of these glasses, which are suddenly cooled, arc supposed to be shorter than is adapted to the accurate envelopcment of the internal part, which is necessarily cooled in a more gradual manner; if, therefore, by a crack or fissure, a solution of the con- tinuity takes place in the external coat, the sudden ao ipn of the parts which remained in a state of tension 352 to recover that of perfect expansion, is supposed to ef- fect the destruction of the mass. Other philosophers again have been inclined to sus- pect that the phenomenon arises from a quantity of air being included in the substance of the glass which rushes suddenly out, if the surface which incarcerates it becomes broken. Mr. Lambert, on the contrary, maintains an opinion diametrically opposite to this : he supposes, that during the sudden cooling of the glass, vacuities are formed between its particles, and that they are sealed up by the smooth surface of the exter- nal covering, so that on the continuity of that surface being interrupted, the air suddenly rushing in occa- sions the bursting of the drop. PART XIV. OF HYDROSULPHURETS. Experiment 1. If potash be saturated with sulphu- retted hydrogen, which may be accomplished by pass- ing that gas through the solution of the alkali, a com- pound will be formed, called hydrosulphuret of potash. Or, Experiment 2* If sulphuret of potash be dissolved ,; in water, and the solution evaporated, hydrosulphuret- .; of potash will be produced, on standing, in large pris- :'-\s matic crystals. Rationale In the first experiment a direct combina- tion of the gas and alkali ensues: in the second that compound is formed by the decomposition of the wa- ter, for the oxygen unites with a portion of the sulphu- ^ ret, converting it into sulphate of potash, whilst the hy- drogen unites with another portion, forming hydrosul- phuret of potash. Remark. V"€n.i«j«oii» fano i«xvijr »ioc/?rihfcd the pro- perties of this substance. It is transparent and colour- less, and may be obtained in the form of crystals. Its taste is alkaline. On exposure to the air it deliquesces. The crystals have no smell, but either by their deli- .'^. quescence, or the addition of acids, they emit sulphu- :.tfkf- retted hydrogen gas. -;,> Experiment 3. If soda be treated with sulphuretted hydrogen as before, or if the sulphuret be dissolved in water, the hydrosulphuret of soda will be formed. Rationale. Analogous to the preceding. Remark. The hydrosulphuret of soda crystallizes in four sided prisms, terminated by quadrangular pyra- mids. Berthollet and Vauquelin have examined its properties which are similar to the other hydrosul- phuret. 354 Experiment 4. When water impregnated with sul- phuretted hydrogen is mixed with liquid sulphite of soda, and the fluid then evaporated a triple salt is ob- tained of sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphurous acid, and soda. Remark. Although sulphurous acid and sulphuret- ted hydrogen mutually decompose each other when both are uncombined, yet if the sulphurous acid be first combined with soda, and then suffered to come in contact with sulphuretted hydrogen, a salt is found, which appears to be a compound of the sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphite. Experiment 5. If sulphuretted hydrogen be passed through liquid ammonia, which is easily accomplished, the liquid will assume a greenish yellow colour, form- • ing hydrosulphuret of ammonia. Experiment 6. If equal parts of lime, muriate of ammonia, and sulphur be distilled, the same product will be obtained, or the fuming liquor of Boyle. ,; Rationale. The first is a direct combination of sul- phuretted hydrogen and ammonia ; the second is pro- duced from the decomposition of the muriate of am- monia by means of the lime, and the subsequent union of the sulphur wirh th*» ammonin. thus dUpngaged from the muriate. Some moisture is decomposed ; hence the conversion of the sulphuret into an hydro- sulphuret. See Sulphur. Experiment 7. If the sulphuret of barytes, which may be formed by decomposing the sulphate by means of charcoal in a crucible, be put into boiling water, the solution filtered while hot, and afterwards evaporated crystals of hydrosulphuret of barytes will be formed ; Or, Experiment 8. If barytes and sulphur be heated to- gether in a crucible, and the compound dissolved in water, the same product will be obtained. Rationale. Analogous to the former. Experiment 8. If sulphuret of strontian, be treated in the same manner as sulphuret of barytes, hydrosul- jtburet of strontian will be forme.d. 355 Rationale. Analtgous to the preceding. Experiment 9. If a current of sulphuretted hydro- gen gas, be passed through lime, suspended in water, the lime will be dissolved, and form a hydrosulphuret of lime. This solution is colourless, and has an acrid bitter taste. .^v;; Rationale. The sulphuretted hydrogen gas unitesS^V.. with the lime by direct combination. Experiment 10. If magnesia be dissolved in water, im- pregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, it will form the hydrosulphuret of magnesia. Rationale. Analogous to the preceding. Remark. It is supposed that glucina and yttria will combine with sulphuretted hydrogen gas; but neither alumina nor zirconia possess this property. Hence the hydrosulphurets precipitate their earth from acids. '*yji When the alkalies or alkaline earths are mixed with ;% sulphur and water, and boiled in a glass vessel, brown coloured solutions are obtained, which have lately been called hydroguretted sulphurets, but formerly liquid;; j&V livers of sulphur. 'v-^5r Hydroguretted sulphurets are compounds of abase, ■■ , with sulphur and sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and arc therefore considered as triple compounds. The proces- ses for preparing the hydroguretted sulphurets, are si- milar to the former. Thus hydroguretted sulphuret of potash, is formed by boiling sulphur with a solution of potash, or by dissolving sulphuret of potash in water ; ;.--•,.*.. hydroguretted sulphuret of lime, by boiling a mixture of sulphur and lime in water, &c. The hydrosulphurets precipitate almost all the metals from their solutions. The precipitates vary in their colour according to the metal. The following table, given by Thomson, exhibits a view of the colours of the various precipitates in these cases, as far as. the subject has been investigated- 356 Metals. Precipitated by Hydrosulphuret Hydroguretted sulphuret of potash. of potash. '■■- Gold - - - Black - - - Black ^Platinum - Black - - - Black \ Silver - Black - - - Black Mercury - Brown black - Brown, becoming black Palladium - Black - - . Copper - - Black - - - Brown ■'< . Iron - - - Black - - - Black, becoming yellow Nickel - - Black - - - Black v'-^'Tin - - - Black - - - Black Lead *• - - Black - - - White, becoming black Zinc - - - White - - White Bismuth - - Black - - - Black . Antimony - Orange - - Orange yellow Tellurium - Black - - - Deep brown or black 'r>:JM',Arsenic - - Yellow - - Yellow Cobalt - - Black - - - Black Manganese - White - - White ^'Chromium • Green . . Molybdenum Reddish brown Uranium - Brown - - - Brownish colour Titanium - Bottle green - Bluish green Columbium Chocolate - Cerium - - Brown - END OF VOL. T. •-.,•