UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C. GPO 16—67244-1 J fLcvy\st*rl ft COMPANION DR. THORNTON J / >S {firfr.^'kA LECTURES ON BOTANY. AP^jA^a V'\. . ^ A ■±.A NEW YORK. PRINTED BY GI ORGE LARGIN, 3No. 5 tl R LING-SLIP. 1816. FIRST LECTURE. On the Composition of a Flower. FLOWERS, although apparently so diversified, consists! but ©f eight parts. 1. The Pistil (Pistillum) in the centre of the flower. II. The Stamen (Stamen) exterior to this. Both these are projecting bodie«. being extensions ("according to Lin- na?us) the firM, of the pith; and the second, of tb< wood. The Pistil is discriminated by a swollen bac;eds,and Vlll Receptacle, we will now consider each of thes parts, in a more particular manner, for The term Calyx, like our words, horse, bird, dog, habitation, is generic word, including several distinct species, thus : I. Perianth (Perianthium) is the outer expaned covering of a flow- er,—the most common kind of Calyx,*—usually green,— sometimes coloured.tcontiguous to the corolla,—protecting the organs for reproduction in their infant state, sometimes cada «ous,£—often abiding with the fruit, ♦—and sometimes e\ e« serving the office of pericarp,||—usually single,—occasionally double,^—not unfrequently very obscure,**—or wholly deli cieut-tr II. Involucre (Involucrum) is a calyx remote from the flower,-* most commonly stationed^ at the foot of a genera), or partial umbel.}} III. Spathe (Spatha) a species of calyx, which first involves the in fantflowerf like a sheath, and then opens longitudinally IV. Glume (Gluma) the outer valve*, or husks of corn, or grass, en closing one, or more, florets. V. Ament (Amentum) small chaffy scales, protecting the floreti placed on a thread-like common receptacle. VI. Calyptra (Calyplra) the covering of a moss, placed over it, like a cap or bonnet. f II. Valve (Volva^ a membrane, which involve* the fungus in iti infant state, and which afterwards appear* in a lacerated form on the foot stalk. *Ofthe 1021 genera of plants, known in the tim. of Dr. Alston, Professor of Botany at Edenburgh, he observes, 673 had a Perianth; 75, an Involucre ; 72, aSpatha; 29, a (iluine ; 18, an Ament; 3,a Calyptra ; 2, a Volva ; and 113, no Calyx of any kind. tColoured, as in the Passion Flower, Indian Reed, &c. \Caducous, falling off, as in the Poppy, which very quickly loses ill two Calyx leaves. t Abiding, as in the Egs>; Plant, where it increases to a large size. ||Serving the Office of Pericarp, the office of seed-vessel, as in ibe Nettle. ITDouble, as in the Mallow. **Obscure, as in the Rose-bay, Rhododendron. ttDeficient. absent, as in the Lilies ^Most commonly stationed, not always, as in Anemony and Paj« sion-Flower, a somewhat rare occurrence. ♦} A general and partial Umbel, Umbelliferious, or Umbel-bearing plants, are of two kinds; from a common centre precede the pedun ules, or flower stalks, like the sticks of an umbrella, and when each pe- duncle terminates with a flower, as the Geranium, Cowslip, Meadia, the Umbel is then called general; but if these peduncles, instead of terminating in a flower, end in a fulcrum, »r point, whence ether r* 5 THIRD LECTURE. On the Corolla. BESIDES the guardianship of a Calyx, many flowers have also their Corolla, which has a similar office, and it is not improbable that these expansions have likewise a reference to the solar ray, which these parts either increase by a reflective power, or ward ofif from the central organs ; hence the advantages of the variety in their shapes and colours. However apparently varied, the forms of this part of the flower are circumscribed. Thus— The term Corolla is a compound idea, made up of the following distinct notions, as— I. Bell-shaped (Campanulata), hollowed internally like a bell, often swollen at the sides, and without a tube. U. Wheel-shaped (Rotata), slightly hollow, or the border flat, and with so little a tube as to resemble a wheel on the ground. III. Funnel-shaped (Infundibuliformis) having the border of the Corolla like a cone, and placed upon a tube, so as to resemble a funnel. IV. Salver-shaped (Hypocrateriformis) having the border of the Corolla flat, and placed upon a tube resemb'i ig a salvor. V. Rengent (Ringens) having the border of the Coroll like two open lips, placed upon a tube, resembling a person gaping. VI. Personate (Parsonata) having the border of the Corolla like the lips, the mouth closed, greatly resembling the snout of an animal, also placed upon a tube. VII. Tubular (Tubularis) when the floret of a compound flower ends in a tube, the border being five-cleft. VIII. Ligulate (Ligulata) when the Corolla of the floret is linear, i. e. resembles the strap of a shoe. IX. Compound Radiate or Rayed. (Radiata) having the two sorts of flowers, Tubular asd Ligulate; Tu'mlar in the Disk 01 centre, and Ligulate in the Kay or circumference. X. Cruciform (Cruciata) having four petals, placed like a St. An- drew's Cross. XI. Rosaceous (Rosacea) having five or more petals, not fleshy, or- bicularly placed. XII. Liliaceous, (LHiacea) having six or more petals, fleshy, placed also, in a circle. XIII. Papilionaoeous^(Papilionacea) having four petals.* of different shapes and sizes,placed so as to resemble a butterfly on the wing. duncles proceed, and these terminate each in a flower, the Cmliel is theni called partial; and hence the involucre itself is called a ^niera, or partial involucre. Fool's Parsley i« nn example of this Inst kind. * Four petals, For Ihe names which these have received, ride Explanation of the Botanical Terms applied to the Corolla. B2 ffij%pa»w^M«^^ G FOURTH LECTURE. On the Nectary. THE term Nectary, like the Corolla, is also a complex idea, like our words pigeon, dog, made up of many different individuals, indeed too numerous and diversified, to be distributed under heads, for every singular appearance in different parts of the flower, even unconnect- ed w ith the corolla, for whatever is not calyx, or stamen, or pistillum, or corolla, whether it secretes honey, or not, is called by botanists, the Nectary. The following are amongst the most prominent examples:— 1. A Spur, or horn (Nect. corniculatum). 2. A small open cup (Cyathus apertus), small hollow cups, circu^ larly ranged in the interior of the flower. 3. A cup closed by a lid (Cyathus clausus) a similar arrangement of nectaries, as in the preceding, but closed with a lid. 4. Like the cut finger of a glove (Nect. companulatum) hollowed like the finger of a glove cut off, but depending. 5. Like a funnel upright (Nect. Infundibuliforme). i. Like a slipper (Nect. calceiforme). 1. A simple cavity (Fovea excavata), an excavation at the base of each petal. 3. A naked channel (Linea Longitudinalis excavata) an hollow longitudinal groove, in a petal. 9. Villous projections (Nect. barbatum) numerous villi placed upoa the petal. 10. Filaments without anthers, imitating stamina (Filamenta sine an- theris, veluti stamina), filliform projections like stamina, each terminated with a clasper. 11. Petal-like (N'ec. Petulam mentiens). 12. Resembling a nest of doves (Columbulos referens) five cornuted nectaries, the whole resembling much a nest of doves. 13. Resembling Dolphins (Figuram Delpkini reprajsentan9) like a dolphin elevated on a pillar or filament. 14. Like a tongue (Veluti lingua). 15. Resembling rays of glory (Pilamenta versicolarate in orbem po- sita), projections in the form of rays of glory. 16. Giving the appearance of various animals (Nect. formam anima- Hum mentiens)- 17. A naked scale (Squama nuda). 18. A fringed scale (Squama fimbriata). 19. Glands upon the Stamens (Cilandulce filamentis ndspersae). £0. Glands at the insertion of stamens (Glandular filamentis positatf T FIFTH LECTURE. On the Pericarps and Seeds. AFTER the sight and smell have been regaled by flowers. Nature then seems only intent upon the continuation and increase of the species. The Calyx and Carolla wither; the Stamina having fulfilled their office, perish, with the -ligma and'Style; and the Germen alone increases, and then becomes conspicuous, when it is oalled the Pericarp. TEN different sorts of Pericarps, or Seed-vessels, are enume- rated by botanists. I. Drupe (Drupa) is a pulpy seed-vessel—encompassing a stone, or nut. IL Pome (Pomum) is a pulpy seed-vessel—not enclosing a stone, or nut—in the middle of which are radiated cells for the re* ception of seeds. JJI Berry (Bacca) is a pulpy seed-vessel, without radiated cells in the centre—having the seeds irregularly dispersed throughout the pulp. }V. Follicle (Folliculus) is a membranous seed-vessel—of one valve—opening longitudinally, i. e. on the side—and having no aparent suture for fastening or attaching the seeds within it. V". Silique (Siliqua) is a membranous seed-vessel—of two valves, with a dissepiment intervening—seeds attached alternately t» the upper and under sutures—seed-vessel longer than broad- flowers cruciform. yi. Silicle (Silicula) has the same definition as the last—except that the seed-vessel is rather broader than long. VII. Legume (Legumen) is a membranous seed-vessel—of two valves—no dissepiment—seeds attached to the superior suture only—flowers papilionaceous. VIII. Capsule (Capsula) is a membranous seed-vessel—varying in the number of valves—without the characters of Pericarps IV. V. VI. VII. as defined above—splits in a determinate manner into valves. IX. Nut (Nux) a hard stone, or shell, enclosing a kernel—but without a pulpy covering, in which case it would be a Drupe. Xi Strobile (StrobilusJ is a seed-vessel composed of ligneous £cale*j which embrace the seeds within their bosom, t CONTINUATION OF LECTURE FIFTH. THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF SEEDS, THE Seeds present so great a diversity of appearance, that they onnnot, like the Calyx, Corolla, or Pericarp, be grouped into distinct assemblages, but must be presented to the reader individually, of which the following are some of the most striking examples. 1. A Double-seed, each resembling a boat (Semen duplex, navicu- lar formam repreesentans.) 2. Kidney-shaped, with heptagon and pentagon cells (Reniform^- cellulis pentagonis et heptagoni».) 3. Ovate (Ovatum,) shaped like an egg. 4. Globular (Globosum.) 5. Square (Tetragonum,) having four sides. 6 '1 riangular (Triangulare) having three sides. 7. Cylindric (Oblongum,) oblong. 8. Resembling a particular shell (Figuram honaec mentieni} 9. Ditto. 10. Ditto. 11. Resembling the head of a monkey (Figurum cynocepbeis reprae- sentans) 12. A single crown (Corona simplex.) 13. A double crown (Corona duplex.) 14. A shuttle cock (Corona pennacea.Jf 9 BOTANICAL TERMS APPLIC ABLE TO THESE SEVERAL PARIS, GIVEN IN Tfl'i PftSC -;01.\;r LECTUIliSS. 1. CALYX. 1. Peculiar (Proprius) belonging to a single flower. 2. » ominon (Communis) coim hi to several flowers. 3. Beneath (Inferus) placed beneath the Ciermen. 4. Aiove (^uperus) above the oiermen. 5. >I ii aphyllous ( M mophyllus) consisting of one leaf. 6. D'uibyllous (Diphyllus) of two leaves. 7, Tnphyllou (Tripliyllus) of three leaves.s 8. Tetraphyllous (Tetraphyllus) of four leaves, 9. Pentaphylhus f iJenUphyllus) of five leaves, and so on tffl 10. Polyplivllou* fPolyphyllus,) composed of uunv leaves. 11. Intire ('integer^ having the b.uder, or edge of the leaf ev«». 12. Toothed f Dentatus) cut into snail teeth. 13. Partite ('P.irtitiuJ divided into large segments. 14. It"-l'\-A f ;i3!l»xits_) bent back. 15. Iran icite.l (Tmbricatusj having the leaves placed over one ano- ther, like the tiles of a house. II. COROLLA. 1. Monopetalous (Monopetala) consisting of one petal only. 2. Polypetulous (Polypetala) composed of two or more petals. S. Simple (-implex) not a compound flower. 4. < ompounl (Composita) made up of distinct florets on a common receptacle. 5. Ra^ il ite (. 17. 118. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. CLASSES. Names 1. Number only. MON-ANDR1A. DI-ANDR1A. TRI-ANDRIA. lETR-ANDRIA. PENF-ANDRIA. HEX-ANDR1A. HEPT-AN DRI A. OCT-AN DRI A. £VNE-ANDRIA. DI.C-ANDRIA. D J DEC- AN DRI A. \'um and Insertion. 10O8-ANDRIA. POLY-ANDRIA. 3. Num. & Height. Di-DvNAMIA. IEiRA-DYNAMIA. I. Unton of Filaments. MONA-DELPHIA. D1A-DELPHIA. POLYA-DELPHIA. Union of .Jnthers. SYN-GENE.>IA. 6. Position. GYN-ANDRIA. 7. Seperalions. MON-GECIA. DMECIA. 8. Polygamy. POLY-GAMIA. 9. Concealment. CRYPTO-GAMIA. Donations. )ne Stamen. I wo Stamina. Three Stamina. • our Stamina. Five Stamina. Six Stamina. - ■ Seven .-tamina. Eight Stamina. - • Nine Stamina. Ten Stamina. Twelve to Nineteen Stamina J Twenty or more Stamina insert- l ed on the Calyx, or Corolla I Twenty, or more Stamina, on ( the Receptacle. - Two long Stamina, two short. Four long Stamina, two short i Filaments united at the bottom \ into one Body J Filaments united at the bottom into two Bodies i F ilaments united at the bottom ( into three, or more Bodies Five united Anthers. < Stamens grow ing out of the Pis- ( til, or an elongated receptacle. i Hamens and .Pistils in seperate 11 corollas, upon the same Plant. I i Stamens and Pistils in seperate 11 corollas, upon different Plants Bisexual and unisexual Flowers. Stamens and Pistils invisible. 2. 3. 3. S. 6. 5. 4. 4. 3. 5. 6. 5. 7. 2. 2 7. 5. 4. 6. 9. 11. 15. 3. 5. 1* The Orders Explained. CLAPS I. MONANDI IA (C nr > umen) contains two Ordeft. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pistilla. CLASS II. DIANDR1A (Two Stamina) contains three Ordtra 1 Monogynia having one pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pisiilla. 3 Trigynia three Pistilla. CLASS III. TRIANDR1A (Three Stamina) contains three Order?. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pistilla. 3 Trigynia three Pistilla. CLASSIV.TL1RANDRIA (Four equal Stamina) containstbrt* Orders. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pistilla. •3 letragynia four Pistilla. CLASS V. PFNTA^DR1A (Five Stamina) contains six Ord«S. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pistilla. S Trigynia three listilla. 4 Tetiagynia four Pistilla. S Pentagynia five Pistilla. 6 Polygynia many Pistilla. CLASS VI. BtXANDEIA (Six equal Stamina) contains fire Orders- 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pistilla. 3 Irigyma tbre^ Pistilla. 4 letiagynia four Pistilla. 5 Polygynia many listilla. CLASS V11. HF PI AN DRI A (Seven Stamina) contains four Orders' 1 Mtncgynia hnvmgMie 1 istillum. 2 Digynia two Fistilla. Slri^ynia three Fistilla. 4 Bepiagynia seven Pistilla. CLASS Vlll OCTANDRIA (Fight Stamina) contains four Orderw 1 Moncgynu having one Pistillum. 2 Ditynin iw< Fistilla. 3 liigjnia three listilla. 4 '1 tti^gjnia hui listilla. CLAS1 IX. IMvl AM F1A (Nine Stamina) contains three Orders Monogynia having one Pistillum 13 2 Trigynia three Pistilla. 3 Hcxagyiiia six Pistilla. CL AS X DEC V X DRI A (Ten Stamina) contains five Orders. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum 2 Digynia two Pistilla. 3 Trigynia three Pistilla. 4 Pentagynia five Pistilla. 5 Decagynia ten Pistilla. CLASS XI. DODECANDRIA (Twelve to nineteen Stamina) con- tains six Orders. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digyuia two Pistilla. 3 Trigynia three Pistilla. 4 Pentagynia five t-tilla. 5 Dodecagynia twHve Pistilla. 6 Poiygynia many Pistilla. CLASS XII ICOSANDRTA (Twenty or more Stamina on the Palyx or Corolla) contains five Orders. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia t\v» Pistilla. 3 Trigynia three Pistilla. 4 Pentagynia five Pistilla. 5 Polygnia many Pistilla. CLASS XIII. POLYANDRIA (Twenty or more Stamina on the Receptacle) contains seven Orders. 1 Monogynia having one Pistillum. 2 Digynia two Pistilla. 3 l'rigynia three Pistilla. __. 4 Tetragynia four Pistilla. 5 Pentagynia five pistilla. 6 Hexagynia six pistilla. 7 Polygyuia many Pistilla. CLASSXIV. DIDYNAMIA (Two long Stamens, and two short) contains two Orders. 1 Gymnospermia, Seeds naked in the bottom of the Calyx. 2. Angiospermia, Seeds contained in a Pericarp. CLASS XV. TETRADYVAMIA (Four Iwig Stamens, two short) contains two Orders. 1 Siliculosa, Seeds in a small, short, or round pod. 2. Siliquosa, Seeds in a long slender pod. GLASS XVI. MO\ADELPHlA(Filamentsunited at bottom into one Body) contains five Orders. 1 Pentandria having five Stamina. 2 Decandria ten Stamina. 3 Bndetandria eleven Stamina. C u 4 Dodecandria twelve Stamina. 5 Polyandria m-iny ^tamina. CLASS XVII. DIAOEI.P'-IIA (Filaments united at bottom into two Bodies) contains fonr Orders. 1 Pentandria having five Stamina. 2 Hexandria *ix Haniina. 3 Octandria eight Stamina. 4 Decandriii ten "lamina. CLASS XVIIL P )LY \ DELPHI A (Filaments united into three or more Bodies) contains four Orders. 1 Pentandria having five Stamina. 2 Dodecandria twelve Mwnina. 3 Icisinl i i twenty ^tamina. 4 Polyandria many ttamina. GLASS XIX STNGENESIA (Five united Anthers) contains six Orders. 1 Polysomia aequalis. when all the flosculi, or florets, are bisexual. 2 Polygamia sunerflui, when the florets iu the centre are bisexual, find those in the circumference female. 3 Polygamia frustranea, when the florets in the centre are bisexual, and those in the circumference barren. 4 Polygamia necessaria, when the bisexual florets in the centre produce no seed, but the pistil florets in the circumference produce per- fect *ped. 5 Polygamia segregata, many partial or proper calyxes within the common calyx, -eparating the flosculi or florets. G Poly~-jp!-v oionogamia, containing simple flowers (i. e. not com- pound,) yet nave their five Anthers united. CLASS XX. GYNANDRIA (Stamens growing out of the Pistil, or on an elongated Receptacle) contain^ eight Orders. 1 Diandria having two Stamina. 2 Triandria three Stamina 3 Tetrandria four Stamina. 4 Pentandria five Stamina. 5 Hexandria six Stamina. € Decandria ten Stamina. 7 Dodecandria twelve Stamina. 8 Polyandria many Stamina. CLASS XXL MONGECIA (rTnisexual flowers on tbe same plant) contains eleven Orders 1 Monandria having one Stamen. 2 Diandria two ^tamina. 3 Triandria three Stamina, 4 Tetrandria four stamina. S Pentandria fire Stamiosu 13 '6. Hexandria six Stamina. 7. Heptandria seven Stamina. 8. Polyandria more than «-even Stamina. 9. Monadelphia Filaments united in one body. 10. Svngenesia Anthers united. 11. Gynandria Stamina growing out of the Pistil. CLASS XXII. DICECIA (Unisexual flowers on different plants) contains fourteen Orders- 1. Monandria having one Stamen. % Diandria two Stamina. 3. Triandria three Stamina. 4. Tetrandria four Stamina. 5. Pentandria five Stamina. 6. Hexandria six Mamma. 7. Octandria eight stamina. 8. Enneandria nine ^tamina. 9. Decandria ten Stami ,a. 10 Dodecandria twelve Stamina, 11. Monadelphia Filaments united. 12. Polyadelphia many Stamina. 13. Syngenesia Anthers united. 14. Gynandria Stamina growing out of the Pistil. CLASS XXHI. POLYGAMIA. (Bisexual and unisexual flowers.) contains three Orders 1. Monaecia Bisexual, and male or female flowers on the same f iant 2. Dicecia Bisexual, and male or female flowers on separate plants. 3. Trieecia Bisexual, also male and female flowers, growing sepa- rately on three distinct plants of the same species. CLASS XXIV. CRYPT KiAMIA (stamina and Pistils concealed,) contains five Orders. i, Filices comprehending the Ferns. 2. vInsci the Wosses. 3. Algae in> hiding the Fuci or sea-weeds. A. Fungi containing the Mushro.un. 5: Hepaticae possessing the Liverworts, 1G CONTINUATION OF LECTURE SIXTH. On ike Utility oj System. The Utility of System will.be now obvious, for, extraordinary as it way appear, any person possessing a knowledge of the preceding thiitepn pages, will be enabled t>> discover, without a guide, the Name ofev-;ry Plant he may find in any portion of the globe. For instance we will suppose the enquirer meets with a plant in • stagnant waters, in Great Brttasn; with one stamen and one pistillum, he theing the only plant in the first (lass and Order without the«e parts, and hence he will have dis- covered the plant in question to be the Hippuris. We will next suppose hinrat Surinam, he there meets with a btan tiful flower then unknown to him. He looks over the generic characters of the first Clasi" and Order, and observes only three plants having a Corolla three~parted. henee it must be one of these three, viz. Renealmia, Amomum, and Curcuma. The Renealmia has a calix, a spatha of two leaves, with a remarkable nectary, which characters the other two not possessing) would at once point out this plant to be the Renealmia. Suppose him in Tndia, and he meets with a plant, whose flower baa a corolla six-parted, of the first r lass #nd Order, there are only tw» plants in the known world with tbe corolla six-parted, viz. the Kem- ' pheria and ^anna. He finds that the Canna his a nectary composed ] of two petals, like lips, the under of which is revolute, which the Kem- pheria has not, and he at once finds his plant to be the Canna. « In the same manner can he also discover the name of every un- known plant, by tracing it to its <"hss and Order, and afterwards examining its generic characters, which is always takeu from the frmtijmtion, all plants of lhe same genus possessing similar powers. 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