EF^J 7'miyjmr-i ■73$'-;] 14 "- ■ 'Jil . ■I fc^ ;v."a: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington IMPORTANT INFORMATION 0 TO THE '^K'tU- AFFLICTED WITH Rheumatisms Coughs and Colds Gout Asthmas Itch Bruises Head-Ache Corns Worms Chilblains or Local Pains Frozen Feet Palsy Nervous Disorders Humours on the Face and Skin Rheumatte Gout Consumptions Diseases of the Eyes Sprains Windy Complaints Inward Weaknesses Scurvy Bilious Disorders Juvenile Indiscre- tions AND MOST DISORDERS INCIDENT TO HUMAN NATURE. ADDHESSED* to them BY DR. JAMES CHURCH, V No. 137, Front-Street, near the Fly-Market, NEW-YORK. PRINTED FOR TK'E AUTHOR, BY G. AND R. WAITK 1800. CAUTION— IMPOSTORS, VERITAS VINCET OMNIA, IN the present age, when imposture stalks so openly and shamefully abroad, no man, who has laboured for tbe s.erviie of tbe community and who L:,s had tbe satisfaction of seeing his labours crowned with some degree of success,is free from tbe direct or indirect attacks of persons.whose business it is to deceive. And medi- cine particularly affords a 'very extensive, though a very dangeruiis, field for imposition, which is generally practised in proportion to tbe celebrity the Medicine has acquired. It cannot fail to attract the notice of the public, that Dr. CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS, and other medi- cines, unparalleledfor their efficacy in the cure of various disorders, and .established solely by their merits, has opened a door for imposition. A base and notorious imitation of bis genuine medicines, has been vended in almost every city of tbe United States, as of Dr. Church's preparing, with his forged Signature, but which, from their ineffiiacy, have been detected. They would be too contemptible to be noticed, were it not by way of caution, as it is too probable danger of tbe most serious :iature may arise from the application of such gross and scandalous deceptions. Dr. Church therefore thinks it hisindispensible duty to lay before the public tbe above facts, requesting them, as they value their money, their health or their lives, to be particularly cautious h jW they purchase or take any of tbjse despicable and danger jus impositions which are absolutely intruded upon them under the un^ warrantable name of Church's Cough Drops, Essence of Mustard, &c. &c. such compositions bearing no ana- logy to his. Each bottle of Cough Drops hjs a blue certificate, signed James Church, pasted on the outside ■wrapper, without which blue label, it cannot be genu'pr or ,of 'Dr. Church's preparing. APOLOGY. FOR many years past, I have applied mvsclf particularly to the study of the cure of Diseases of the Lungs, and the asto- nishing success I have had since my commencement into prac- tice, is such as I flatter myself, few in the medical line can boast. In the years 1792 and 1703, by means of public advertisements, I made known a cure for Coughs, Asthmas and Consump- tions, through the efficacy of a Medicine of my own invention : this drew a very considerable number of patients to me, many of whom I had the happiness to cure of the most afflicting maladies incident to human nature, (as will appear by the pamphlets pub- lished by me) wherein is exhibited such astonishing proofs of iis incomparable virtues, as are totally unexampled, and occasion- ing a demand of the Medicines hitherto uparal'eled. The propagation of these important truths, led me into avast field for practice, particularly during the uncommonly severe winter of 1794-----it was no unusual thing for me to see from 70 to 80 patients-a day, nor were my labours crowned with a small degree of success; those who have been mv patients, and have been restored to health from lingering diseases, need not be in- formed this ; but for the information and satisfaction of \\\ov. who have not had the opportunity of witnessing the success I have had, I refer to the pamphlet above alluded to. It has bec:i said, if I really had the public good at heart, as I have pro- fessed to have, I should make known the secret bv publishing it for the general good; but here I will give some of my objecti- ons: was I to do that, they would be prepared hv every apothe- cary and chemist, their virtues would gradually deg.e;iCYjte, a:,J consequently many would be deprived of their efficacy which as long as they are kept a secret they may expect—experience s. Yet we cannot in all our searches, find a single patron for the encouragement of this sublime studv. Oar seminaries of learning, appropriate honorable rewards for- Irerary exhibitions; societies instituted for the promotion of the useful arts, hwe rewarded men for producing a quantity of grass or vegetables: but to whom shall he apply, who has found out a pure for a dangerous and torturing disease; there is no society to reward lum, or recompence him for his labors; no man of emi- nence to grant him his protection ; but on the contrary he is op- posed by the whole fraternity of physicians and surgeons ; and every avenue to fame and honour, through their means, is effec- tually stopped up. In the present case there are few exceptions, some few medi- cal gentlemen have been candid enough to make a deliberate trial * T. Champney. 5 •of my medicines, and have made a report in ifsfavclir, as rhav he seen by their public testimonies in this pamphlet. I am there- fore under the necessity, whether pleasing to me or not, of adopt- in , this as the only method to propagate, av.-d render universally known, the result of long and indefatigable study and pr^ciice. Surely then as the Proprietor, I may wi.hout ostentation, con- gra'uhfe myself and the public, on account of it, and rejoice •with the. numerous families and individuals, who have thereby been made happy in the unexpected and frequently unhoped for recovery of themselves, their relatives «»ad fVicnds. Tlv: Rjader must not expect (from what I have said) that the M dicine will work miracles, or hat they are infalliabie, for ta assert either, would be a gross violation of truth, as no such Medicines ever were discovered. Mv fervent desire is, that all who labour under the several Disorders herein mentioned, may be led to adopt the method laid down in the several directions, and experience the good ef- fects of the Medicine, in a speedy return ot health. JAMES CHURCH. New-VorA, Feb. 15, 1800. FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAT MS, GOUT, NUMBNESS, BRUISES, CURE OF THE RHEUMATIC GOUT, WHITE SWELLINGS, ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, PALSY, CHILBLAINS, Tec. IS RECOMMENDED Dr. CIIURCIFs Essence and Extract of Mustard. Prepared (only) by Dr. fanes Church, at his Dispensary, New-York. 'HERE is perfnns no malady to which the human frame is subject, that his had more applications of various kinds admi- nistered as remedies, than the Rheumatism, nor is there scarce a disorder that has resisted with like force the attempts made to re- move it. The virtues of the Essence and Extract of Mustard, will be found to equal, if act excel those of any other medicine whatever, in the cure of the above complaints. The following is quofd from the .London Pharmacopise, ar.d is the opinion of the Colleee of Physicians concerning this valuable ding. " MUSTARD by its ?crimorty and pungency, stimulates the spiius, and attenuates viscid juices, and hence is deservedly recom- 6 mended for exciting appetite, promoting digestion, enereasmg the fluid secretions, also in paralytic and rheumatic affections." These Medicines contai 1 all the virtues that can possibly be derived from that excellent and powerful vegetable. The Es- sence is preparer1 in a fluid state, and is singularly efficacious as an external application: common Rheumatisms, Sprains, Chil- . hlaini, stiff Necks, swelled Joints, Bruises, frozen Feet, local Pains in any part of the body or extremities, swelled Faces, chop. ped Hands, &x. will be found to yield to its benign influence in a lew hours. The Extract is prepared in the form of Pills, and (being an internal remedy) is an amazing additional improvement, taken in the severest cases of Rheumatic Gout, Chronic Rheu- . niatism, Palsy, fixed Pains, Lumbago, Numbness, Gout, &c. when the Essence is externally applied. It promotes gentle per- spiration, and operates very mildly by urine. They also amend a weak digestion, and strengthen the stomach. (j^f~ Observe—This Chemical Essence and Extract of Mus- tard, bears no analogy whatever to any other Medicine of a simi- lar title; nor can it possibly be genuine without this certifi- cate: " I hereby certify, that this bottle'''' [or box) " of Essence, (or Extrad) " of Mustard, is genuine, end prepared by me, James Church, Inventor and sole proprietor." AFFIDAVIT. Krv.'-YortK, ss. JERKMIAH GOODELL, resident at No. 10, Wa- ter-street, New-York, voluntarily maketh oath, that he was se vcrely afflicted with the Rheumatism for upwards of iS months, a great part of which time to so violent a degree as to render him unable to help himself or to get out of bis bed—that be suffered tbe most excruciat- '■ ing pain—that he made application to some of the fird PbysiJans in New-York, and elsewhere, that were for some time in the Hospi'al in New-York ; that none of the remedies recommended and administered to him af- forded him any relief: that his complaints encre.sed upon bim to an alarming degree; that he at length was advised to make trial of Dr. Church's CbemicalJEs- sence and Extract of Mustard, which he did, and which gave him instantaneous relief; and by repeating its t use, it effectually cured him, and restored him to perfect health and strength, without tbe aid of any other appli- cation or advice whatever ; and that be has bad no r«- ■turn of bis disorder since. JEREMIAH GOODELL, 7 Sworn before me this lGthdayof January, 180a. JACOB DE LA M0NTAGN1E, AJderman, We the undersigned, have been eye witnesses of the extraordi- nary cure of the Rheumatism wrought upon Jeremiah Goodell, %y Dr. Church's Chemical Essence and Extract ot Mustard. John Cakbery, No. 8, Moore-street. William Brown,] William Myler, iNo, lo, Water-street. Eliza Keen, J AFFIDAVIT. NEW-YORK, W. KILNOR GRANT, n?w resident at No. 93, St, James'-street, in tbe city of Ntw-York, voluntarily com- rth before me and maketh oat.0, that he was for some time afflicted wito the Rheumatism to a violent degree; that be was unable to xvalk or help himself, be- ing deprived of the use of his left arm, and bis head Su dreadfully afflicted that be wa.. deprived of his rest, and of a'tending to his business in any measure, that be has o id the medical aid of some vf toe first physicians in New-York, whose medicines .ffraed i)im very little relief; that finding be got «, tetter of bis disorder, and being advised, made use of Dr. Ch.ir. o s Chemical Essence and Extract of Mustard, vjh.citimm^- diately relieved bim, and by continuing tbe use of s.,;d Essence and Extract of Mudard, be is redorel to the use of his arm, and otherwise perfectly restored to health; that he this depnent out of grxlitude alone to < aid Dr. James Cbunb,for the benefit be has received from said medicines of bis invention, thus publicly comes forward to testify of its Virtues—and further this deponent saith not. KILNOR GRANT. Sworn before me this 11 th day of Feb. 1800, JACOB DE LA MONTAGNIE, Alderman. We the undersigned hereby certify, that we ha-'e been eye- svitnesses to the distressed situation of Mr. Kilnor Grant's health, and have also witnessed the cure wrought on him by Dr. Church's Chemical Essence and Extract of Mustard. Joshua Pettit, Wheeler Barnum, Bfnjamin Watson, Enoch Lockwood, -St. Jrmts'-stfeet. s C )py of a letter to Dr. Church. Sir, New-York, I\b. id, rSo«. Having experienced the efficacy of your lit seme of Mustard in avey singular manner, in restoring to me the use of my right arm, after hazing been derived of it from a Roeumatic complaint which sudden y altacktd me, so that I was unable to use it in any way, but was compelled to wear it hi a sling, a friend who had part ef a bottle and who spoke h'g,'oly of its efficacy, (bav- ii'g pr Ted it) ricommended to me the use of it also. I applied it 3 or 4 times, and assure you, it entirJy cured mc, so that I was able to resume my business immedi- ately, without any return of pain or inconvenience. lam, Sir, your bumble servant, KOERTENES SCHENCK. " FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS » To Dr. C n u r c 11, New-York. Sir, 1 have been much afflicted with the Rheumatism ever smce the fall of the year 1784, (owing to my imprudently ex. posing myself to the dews of the evening) to such a violent de- gree, as (at times) not to be able to raise my hand to my head, or to dress and undress myself, particularly at the change ofwea- tuer, for which I have used and taken a great deal of medicine to no purpose: till early in July last, having caught a violent cold through over-heating myself, I was notable to move in bed. In tuts situation I lay for two days and two nights, when I was advi- sed bv a neighbour to use your CHURCH's ESSENCE OF MUSTARD and PILLS, which after the first application I was able to move without pain, and by using four bottles and three boxes of pills, I was entirely cured, and am now perfectly tree h-om my disorder, and am as well and as hearty as ever I was in my life. You have my hearty thanks and good wishes for your prosperity, and am, Sir, Your humble Servant, c _ „ JONATHAN IIOOFMAN. btorgcTown, Aug. 2, 1799. SjV> New-York, June 4, 1799. viokm CnMY r£vTLe °n *T0nS-Ts1and la>t winter, I took a most os «f£* whr,chbr°u\ht^aCough, and almost an entire loss ot the use of my hmbs_I took your COUGH DROPS 9 which soon removed my Cough, and in some measure relieved me otherwise, but could not walk atall; recollecting you adver- tised an ESSENCE OF MUSTARD, I sent to New-York and procured some, which (with the use of the Mustard in Pills) cu- red me entirely in three days, so that I was able with perfect ease to go a voyage to Bermuda, in a week after, to the great sur- prise of every body who lived in the neighbourhood and kasw my case. I remain, Sir, with much respect, Your obedient Servant, To Dt. Church. JOHN R. MAXWELL. It is sold in bottles and boxes, at 75 cents each. FOR THE CURE OF COUGHS, Colds, Asthmas and Consumptions. Dr. CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS. PERHAPS no remedy in the whole history of medic'rie evi?r acquired greater celebrity than CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS, which is pioved to be a perfect cure for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMAS, CONSUMPTIONS and the HOOP- ING COUGH; and no wonder, since upwards of four hundred thousand persons have already experienced its happy and salutary effects, many of whom have been impelled by motives of grati- tude, and for a laud.ib.e regard for their fellow men suffering un- der the similar corn-plaints, to publish the respective cases to the world ; therein exhibiting such astonishing proofs of its incomra- rable virtues, as are totally unexampled, and occasioning a de- mand for the medicine hitherto unparalleled. Very many ofth: patients who have been restored to health by these drops had been reduced by long standing and increasing Consumptive and Asthmatic complaints to the bnuk of the grave, after having used every remedy recommended as specific for those complaints, and receiving every advice and assistance from the Faculty they could obtain. The principal qualities of this medicine are an Expectorant, a Demulicnt, an Antispasmodic, a Corroborant, an Anodyne and a Tonic: also an enhvener of the spirits, and a restorer of the ap- petite, by a removal of the affection which suspends it. It gives almost immediate liberty of respiration in the highest parox- ism of the asthma, without a danger of subjecting the patient to take cold; it directly eases the lacerating soreness of the breast occasioned bv coughing: in obstructions of the glands, and in 10 (removing that acrimony of the fluids, (particularly in that spe- cies of cold termed a Catarrh) which corrodes the lungs, and if not timely pievented, is productive of the most fatal conse. quer.ces. Even in the most desperate cases, which experience has pro- ved a cure to be impracticable, ar.d where the whole internal system has been actually decayed, these drops surprisingly com- fort and relieve the patiei t, not only by giving ease to the cougfo and breath, but by promoting sleep, stimulating the appetite, en- livening the spirits and consequently prolonging life, of which alt pien are so naturally desirous. Common Colds, which are generally occasioned by an ©b» jtructed perspiration, will be found to yield to its benign influ- ence in a few hours. In common Coughs, which are in general the effect of cold, it gives immediate relief, removing those- troublesome imitations, or as they are called, ticklings in the throjt, so tonnentirg in this complaint, and which acts as a constaut stimulus to coughing; it quiets those convulsive ex- citements, and causing the afflicted to breathe and speak fjeely \ it procure.* rest and sleep in an eminent degree, and strengthens. the constitution,, v.hich enables it to repel an enemy, whose at- tacks are frequently followed by the most fatal consequences. Pcrso-r.s afflicted with Pulmonary complaints, or dis- orders of the breast and i.u ncs, (even in the most advanced state, and the most advanced period of life) will find insta.it relief. Li Asthmatic or Consumptive Affections (recent or chioiuc) Hoarseness, Catarrhs, Whekzixgs and Shortness ok Breath, it will give immediate ease. it is also admirable in So.re.nkss of the Breast and Sto- mach, giving present ease in these oases. In the Hooping Cough it remains without a rival; a few instances only aie selected iruin a numerous list to prove its cf-. licacy. It has been the instrument in the hands of Providence, of cu~ ring many thousand of poor afiiicted objects, both Asthmatic and Consumptive, not excluding some of thirty years standing, (see the case of Mr. Williams) and in most of the confirmed cases wliere a cure could possibly be effected by medicines, it has won- derfully alleviated the complaints, so as to enable the patient ta attend to business, and to render their lives in a great degree coin- forcible to themselves. It operates by gentle expectoration, and may be given to wo* Hieu with, child, and lo infants with the greatest safety^ 11 AFFIDAVIT. City of New-York, ss. William M'Clougban, cooper., resident of Gilb'* alley, in the city of New-York, voluntarily maketh oath, tb.d he was severely afflicted with a consump- tion for upwards of eighteen years; that he laboured under the most inexpressible .affliction with a violent €Ougb and shortness of breath, tint he could not lie down in bis bed for weeks together, but was obliged to be propped up by pillows, or in an armed chair-, and in the daytime unable to attend his busniiss ; that at length be was so reduced and wasted away, as to be scarce able to walk at all: that he had tried the skill of many re- spectable .medical men, and has "expended a very consid- erable sum of money, and has.taken a great deal of me- dicine without effect. That at last he despaired of ever getting cure I, till he, through recommendation, took Dr. Church's Cough Drops, from which he found very present relief and by perservering m the use of them, he ds novo perfectly restored to health, and has had no return >or symptom of'his disorder since. » WILLIAM M'CLOUGHAN. JStuom before'me this 29th day of March, 1799. ffacob de la Montagnie, Alderman. *Copy of a letter-from Captain Henry to Dr. Church, Bear Sir, In the year '9,5 / had the misfortune to 'break a bloodvessel, which tt>.as succeeded by a severe complaint on my lungs, cough, shortness ■ef breath, and spitting up of matter ana blood, with every other ■ilisairreeable symptom of a disorder of the lungs; indeed so afflicting was this disorder, that I could not rest at night, nor could walk 20-3 yirds in the day, without stopping to cough and rest myself a nvm- b-y of times. This disorder continued to increase upon me, till I was much wasted in body, and exceedingly weak. Seeing your adver- tisements in the public papers, early in the last summer, I commenced takinn your justly celebrated'cough drops, which 1 persevered in the use of, for some time ; I have now the happiness of'informing you, my lungs are perfectly sound; I have no shortness of breath, or spit- sting up of matter or blood; my cough is a little troublesome ir. the ■morning, but no other time. 1 am Sir, Ycnr's, ever respectfully, WILLIAM HENRY. Garden-street, New-Yerk, April 3, 1799. 12 From Dr. Corner of'New-York. Dear Sir, Conceiving the discovery you have made to be of the greatest magnitude, I mean your Cough Drops, and being conscious I should do wrong both to you and to mankind, if I witheld my public approbation of the medicine from the world, I have sub- mitted it to ycu----1 hive from my infancy been very severely afflicted with an asthmatic affection, cough, difficulty of breath- ing, &c. &x. for which I have in addition to my own knowledge, employed the first Physicians in England, indeed I particularly availed myself of the opportunity, (during my studies at the London hospital) of consulting the Physicians there, (Dr. Den- nison under whom you was a pupil) Dr. Cook, Messrs. Blizard and Orange, &c. none of whose prescriptions afforded me more thaa temporary relief. I however was determined to try the efficacy of you medicine, and am happy to inform you I found present and very singular relief from it, and by continuing its use occasionally I doubt not but I shall enjoy good health. With respect, I am, dear Sir, Yours, &c. No. 36, Water-Street, New-York. R. CORNER, M. D. To Dr. Church. ANOTHER STRONG PROOF Of the great and unparalleled Efficacy of Dr. Church's Cough Drops in the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, and Consumptions. New-York, July 10, 1798. To Dr. CHURCH. SIR. For upwards of Twelve Years, / have labored under a sever; Coutrh, shortness of breath, spitting of matter from try lungs and often of clotted blood, till at length 1 was so reduced as to.be unable to walk across my room, and owing to the violence of my cough and shortness of breath could get no r^st day or night. Hearing of your excellent medicine, the Cough Drops, I procured a bottle; I took 1 dose as scon as I got it, from which I found instantaneous relief, and by continuing it for three days, I bless God I am restored to per. fat health. As I believe you to have been the instrument in the hands of Providenee of saving my life, I must intrcat ycu to pvblish tins for the benefit of any who may be in my situation, as I am corf dent it is oue oft/ie best medicines in the world for those complaints. I am Sir, Your grateful servant, NICHOLAS STAGG, Little Rvbinson-street, 13 Copy of a Letter from an eminent Surgeon, To Dr. Church. Sir, It is with much pleasure I congratulate you on that important • discovery, your COUGH DROPS, and request that you will send me a further supply without delay. The favourable reports brought to me the two last winters of their speedy and good effects, in the releif and cure of Coughs and Asthmatic com- plaints, induced me toemploy them in my practice, which I have done with much satisfaction to myself and benefit to others. If the good opinion I entertain of your medicine can recom- mend ijt to public notice, beyond what it has already acquired, you are at liberty to raake the same known. Indeed I should hold myself unjust to you and uncharitable to mankind, did I not with great willingness acknowledge that I believe it to be one of the best medicines ever employed in Pulmonary Complaints, I .sincerely wish you may derive every emolument the medicine eistiile you to. I am, Sir, your very humble servant, ROBERT PORTER.. Tottenham-couri-Road, Dec. 17, 1796. AFFIDAVIT. Jacob Macpherson, of Pater-noster-fow, Spitalfields, voluntarily maketh oath before me, that he was grieviously afflicted with a violent cough, shortness of breath, pain in his breast, loss of ap- petite, night sweats, and constantly expectora, us well for tbe benefit of mankind, asT think it cannot be too universally known. In the year 1779, I caught a severe cold, which settled upon my lunqs-----this brought on a violent cough, pain and tightness across rriy breast and shortness of breath : I us.-dto expectorate a frothy, though latterly a quantity of glutinous matter, which owing to the violence of the cough, used sometimes to be mixed with blood. I have had the advice ef some of the first Physicians in England, whose prescriptions afforded me little more than temporary relief. In consequence of hearing that Col. GLOVER, of Portland-place, had been astonishingly relieved by taking your Cough Drops, I was induced (having before an aversion to advertised remedies) to gire your medicine a fair trial, and am happy to make known to the world, that I am restored to perfect health by taking it, after having suffered a martyrdom for upwards of 16 years. I am, dear Sir, your's, sincerely, Devonshire-street, May 15, 1796. B.MONTROSE. To Dr. Church. Copy of an affidavit taken before the Right Hon. Paul Le Mesurier Lord Mayer of London, at the Mansion-House, and Alderman Skinner, at Guildhall, London. Philip Williams, No. 4, Tabernacle-row, Moorfields, in the ■parish of St. Luke, Middlesex, voluntarily maketh oath and saith, that he was grievously afflicted with a most violent cough for up- wards of thirty years, which used to prevent him laying down in his bed for whole nights together; and in the day time, owing to the violence of the cough, he was very often unable to attend his business for half a day together.-----This deponent further sa:th, he has applied to many eminent gentlemen of the faculty, ar.d has taken a great deal of medicine which never did him any good, but found, notwithstanding all the medicine and other things that he took, he grew worse. This deponent further maketh oath and saith, that seeing many remarkable cures, similar to his, published by Dr. James Church, of the City Road, said to be effected by his Cough Drops, was induced to investigate into the truth of the same, which he did to his satisfaction: which induced him to make trial of them, which he did; from the first dose he found present relief, and bv the said Church's Cough Drops he is now perfectly cured, to the great astonishment of all his friends and neighbours, and is better in health than ever he was in his life. (Signed) PHILIP WILLIAMS. Sworn before me, at the Mansion-H vise, London., April 10th, 1794. PAUL LE MESURIER, Mayor. THOMAS SKINNER, Alderman. The above cases are selected out of a number amounting ta »pwards of 5000, equally interesting, which may be seen at Dr. Church's Dispensary, New-York. 15 for the cure of NERVOUS DISORDERS, LOSS of APPETITE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, INWARD WEAKNESSES DECAYED, WEAK, RE- LAXED, or DEBILITA- TED CONSTITUTIONS, SEMINAL WEAKNESSES INDIGESTION, PAINS IN THErLIMBS, POVERTY OF BLOOD, SINKINGS, ANXIETIES, TREMORS, and TED CONSTITUTIONS, ■ l KfcMOK.5, and LOWNESS of SPIRITS, | BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, IS recommended DR. CHURCH'S Cordial Restorative Balsam. -->♦«— BALSAMS, it is universally admitted, are more friendly t« tire constitution than any other class of the Materia Me- dica. Mar.v of the most enlightened physicians assert, that " Balsa- " mic Medicines aie of extensive use in physic, and their virtues " superior to those of any other class, being suited to all con- " stitutions and calculated to remove many diseases." This excellent Restorative is prepared at a considerable ex- pence, from the choicest, richest, and most valuable Balsams m the world, joined with a collection of the most useful corobo- rants, all happily suited for restoring the most emaciated and de- bilitated constitutions; its incomparable virtues have been ex- perienced by thousands in Europe, the West Indies and America, in the Cure of Nervous Disorders, Loss of Appetite, Female Complaints, Inwtird Weaknesses, Indigestion, decayed, weak, relaxed or debilitated Constitutions, Pains in the Limbs, Lowness of Spirits, Seminal Weaknesses, Poverty of Blood, Sinkings, Anxieties ard Tremors, which so dreadfully affect the weak, the sedentary, and the delicate, Bilious Disor- ders, every symptom of extreme debility attendant on the indiscretions of youth, the consequences of a dissipated life, excess of pleasure or grief, change of climate, the immode- rate use of tea, hard drinking, or any intemperance i disease* incident to young women, i. e. Irregularities, the Flor Albiu vr Whites, Pains in the Head with a sense of weight across the eyes, Giddiness, Pains in the stomach, &c ' It is particularly adapted to women in a weak state, either in consequence of an immoderate flux of the customary evacuations, bad lytngs-in,or any other cause-; it is of infinite service to wo- men at a certain pc iod of life. THE CORDIAL RESTORATIVE BALSAM Is recommended as a Medicine of specific and unparalleled virtues far the immediate relief a»d speedy and permanent anx lu of the above disorders, havinc stood a trial of many succesful years, during which period nianv thousands of both sexes have been restored from the brink of the grave. This Balsasi is particularly adapted to weak Female Constitu- tions, as well as to the phlegmatic habits in general; it acts.powcr- fully as a nervine, not only to the weak stomach, but to the whole nervous s\stem; corrects a vitiated appetite and digestion in the first passages, and assists wonderfully in recovering the tone of the urinary and genital orgnns.—Hence its efficacy in the obstinate seminal gleets in men, and corresponding weaknesses in women; and hence it will contribute more safely, surely and honourably towards conjugal happiness, than any of those irritating, diabolical compositions, which are so shamefully administered ta the un- wary. It is earnestly recommended to those ladies, who from repeated and difficult labours, are afflicted with weaknesses and infirmi- ties; in which cases it is highly useful, strengthening at the same time the stomach, the back, the weakened organs, and the whole constitution. Those who in advanced life, feel the consequences of youth. ful excess, or unfortunate youth, who have brought on them- selves a numerous train of evils, will by the use of this, find themselves restored to health and strength, and all the melancholy symptoms removed, which are the general effects of such causes. For whether the system has received a shock, and is debilitated from imprudencics or inattention in the earliest part of life, or is sinking under the advance of youth, a few doses of this Medi- cine will afford immediate assurance of returning health and strength, by giving tone to the muscular system, and organs or digestion, and by renovating the whole constitution. To the young it will afford lasting health, strength and spirits, in place of lassitudeand debility : and to th? aged and infirm, it will assuredly furnish great r-lief and comfort, by gently and safely invigorating the system: it will not give immortality ; but if it be in the power of Medicine to guild the autumn of declining years, and calmly and serenely protract the close of life beyond its narrow span, this Restorative is capable of effecting that grand desideratum. Constitutions relaxed, weak or decayed, in men or women, are under the immediate influence of this Restorative. Old coughs, soon relieved, and speedily cured. Poverty of blood and emaciated limbs, will ere long meet the hanpiest ch-iuge ; the chill watery fluid become rich and balsamic, and the hmbs be covered with flesh, firm and healthful. It will no doubt be acceptable to the reader, to sec accounts of ,some of the remarkable cases and cures which have been per- formed by this truly invaluable medicine, in the dike/ders for 17 which it was invented; he has therefore selected a few of such cases as have come within his own immediate knowledge, vhich are published and may be had (gratis) at any of the places where the Medici.ie is sold. The following Letter was written to Dr- Church a short time ago ; it affords an additional proof of the extraordinary good effects of this Medicine. Sir, The inclosed is an exact statement of mv wife's disorders when I frrst applied to you. atid took your Medicines. I have sent it for the satisfaction of those who wish to see it in her o t'ti hand-writing, as delicac/ forbids her inserting her name &c. in full ler.gth. THE CASE. I have laboured under a severe Nervous Disorder for up- wards of Thirteen Years, attended with extrene weakness, pain in my limbs, s dimming and pain in my head, a violent op- pression at my stomach, particularly after eating, no appetite, but a loathing of food, wind af my stoma' h ; and what effected rac most was, an almost continual weakness upon me, vh'cli affected me ex'remely, and reduced me to a mere skeleton. I had tried several eminent doctors without receiving any benefit, till I took your Medi'ine, the Restorative Balsam: from the first Bottle I found gtrat relief, and by perseven g in its use only six weeks, I bless God, I am as well as ever I was in my life, be- ing perfectly free from any of the above complaints. London, Dec. 29, 1796, A0. 23, Tottenham-street. H. HANKIN. Mrs. C-------, aged 48 years, laboured under the most severe ufrliction for several years, it being a very critical period with her. Her body at times was very much swelled, her head greatly disordered ; confused thoughts, pains at the pit of the stomach, frequent vomiting of bile, nervous trembling, pain and wellness in her back and loins, very little desire to eat, but very thiisty, frequeut langour and faintings, great oppression at the stomach, severe cough and shortness of breath and wind. After taking a great deal of Medici.ics for many years, prescribed for her by Physicians of eminence to very little purpose, she made applica- tion to Dr. Church, City Road, whn recommended his Cordial Restorative Balsam, &c. to her, who, af'er taking it perseverirtrly for about two months, received a perfect cure, and now enjoys a good state of health. Mrs, \-------} owing to-very severe treatment in her lying- in, laboured under a very bad weak, ess for several years, and was from that period unable to hold her water, and was other- 18 •wise much afflicted: she took the Restorative Balsam and Decotion cf Bark, by the recommendation of Dr. Chinch, and b> vhich ihe was soon effectually cured and now enjoys a good state of health. The following Letter, addressed to Dr. Church, signed by the per son, may be seen by any one who will take the trouble to iall on tlie proprietor : " Dear Sir, ' " No symptom whatever of my disorder has been withheld from you, while I was under your care ; yet I think it necessary to speak particularly, in case you should think proper to publish this Letter, for I should think myself unjust to you, and to my fellow creatures, was I not to acknowledge publicly the great benefit I have received from your excellent Medicine, the Restorative Baisam, &c. I suffered the most extreme debility for seven years, that I think any human being could to ex- isf. 1 was 16 years of age when I was first attacked with violent pains about my stomach, back, loins, knees, calves of my legs, ard my head. The pain in my head used to sieze me so that it was with difficulty I could either stand or keep my seat: a violent trembling usrd at times to affect me, as if I had an ague. Nq appetite, but I loathed the sight of food, a very bad cough, and spitting up of matter, sickness in a morning, frequent fiuntings, Bid a great discharge from my penis. I seldom got any sleep that did me any good ; for when I had any at all, I was so ter- rified with frightful dreams and startings, that it did not seem to refresh me at all. In short, so great was my affliction, and so greatly was I reduced and wasted away, that I looked more like a ghost than a living body. After many fruitless applications to Gentlemen of the Faculty, both in town and country, where I have occasionally been sent for the benefit of the air, with no other than temporary relief: 1 made application toyou, through the recommendation of a gentleman who is a draftsman in the Tower, and am happy to declare to the world, that I am now and have been these two years, ina perfect state of health,through tnking that incomparable Medicine, your Restorative Balsam, and accompanying Medicines, which you by your great skill, advised me to take occasionally. Wishing you every benefit so excel- lent a Medicine enitles you to, I remain, Dear Sir, your obedient servant, Feb. 9, 1797. J. S. DOUCH. Messrs. Smith and Co. Tower-hill. Miss M. A-----, aged 17 years, was committed to Dr. Church's care, afer having laboured under the most severe afflic- tions, ever sinoe she was 14 years old, and after taking an immense 19 «[uantitv of medicines from several gentlemen eminent in the prafc, tice of physic to no effect. Her chief complaint were, nausea or sickness, no appetite, a very great weakness upon her, very irregular, frequent pains about the lower part of her body, head, loins, &c. &c. lowness of spirits, a dislike to any exercise, her legs used frequently to ssvell towards night, owing to the great debility which she suffer- ed, her complexion was very yellow and sickiy. In short, her constitution was so debilitated, that her life was despaired of, Bv the advice of Dr. Church, she took the Restorative Balsam, &c. and found present and very singular relief, and by continuing to take it for a short time is effectually cured, and is now quite free from any of the above disorders, and is in good health and spirits. To tbe Nervous, Weak, Debilitated, Sedentary and Consumptive, IS RECOMMENDED The celebrated Botanical TEA, Instead of FOREIGN TEA. THIS Tea is universally approved of, in preference to Foreign Tea, as the most pleasant, wholesome, enlivening, invigo- rating and powerful Restorative ever adopted, for persons of all ages; but particularly those of the above description, as it will infallibly strengthen, and eventually repair a bad constitution. It is taken for breakfast, instead of Foreign Tea : and as our first aliment in the morning is designed to recruit the waste of the body from the night's insensible perspiration, it is well known and an important fact which ought to be borne on the mind of everyone, that, Foreign Teas are inadequate to such a purpose, as all will allow: it unnerves and wears the substance of the so- lids. This substitute is professionally approved as a salutary 3rd nourishing diet, or as a morning and afternoon beve- rage. THE BOTANICAL TEA, is singularly efficacious in all cases of inward weakness, tremb- ling or shaking of the hands, loss of appetite, (particularly in the°morning) depression of spirits, windy complaints. It snee- dilv relieves the head and stomach in Gouty or Rheumatic cases, and in c is :s of weak Digestion, but particularly after making too free with the constitution, by an immoderate use of wiue, spi- rituous liquois, or any intemperance; it is happily sui'ed to hot climates, and is adopted and approved by some of the first fami- lies in the United States and in the West Indies, for its nou- 20 rishing and invigorating properties, and in billicas esse*, where the appetite has failed, it is a sovereign remedy. As proofs of the evil, tende >c from the Use of Foreign Teas is subjoined the opinio..s of some of the first Physicians in Europe. ON FOREIGN TEA. " The cruise of the Palsy is drinking too much Tea—many *' imagine Tea hris no ill effect on the nerves; this, however, is " a mistake—it effects the nerves, which is evident from its *' causing the hands to shake, preventing sleep, occasioning " giddiness, dimness of sight, Sickness, &c,"-------Dr. Buckan. " Strong infusions of India Tea, not onlv unnerves, but de- " stroys she bodily functions."-------Dr. Hun common in her family, who universally speak of it in the strongest terms of approbation. WORMS. The Genuine Vermifuge Lozenges*, For destrjying Worms in Children and Grown Persons, Invented and prepared by Dr. James Church, New-York.. THE general symptoms of Worms, are a Nausea with Sickness. at f he Stomach, fcetied Breath, itching of the Nose, starting and grinding their Teeth while a-slecp, paleness of the Counte- nance, the Appetite sometimes bad, and at.other times quite voracious, Looseness, a hard swelled Belly, intermitting Fevers, frequently very Thirsty, the Urine sometimes frothy and often of a whitish colour, griping or choleric Pains, a dry Cough, unequal Pulse, Drowsiness, Fits and Convulsions. The necessity of a remedy is. obvious, as they are frequently productive of lhe most fatal consequences. These Vermifuge lozenges are an excellent Alterative, contains nothing but what is perfectly innocent, may be administered to children of all ages, and to grown persons with the greatest safety, and, as a worm Medicine, are an infallible and certain cure. They operate by sool and are singularly efficacious forgross humours and eruptions, sore heads, fever, billions complaints, &c. an excellent physic after the small-pox, meazles, fevers, &c. and as a gentle purga- tive in the spring and fall of the year. Copy of a Letter to Dr. Church. Dear Sir, New-York, Feb. I, 1800. My daughter, who is about 4 years of age, had for a considerable time b'en much reduced, and very sickly, and it was the general opi~ uion of my friends as well as myself, that she was in a. decline; she 22 *t length, however, discovered the common symptoms of Worms. I had recourse to your Vermifuge Lozmge*, which were administered directly, and which occasioned her to void an immense number of very small worms—we repeated the use of the Lozenges, and in a few days, I am happy to infermyou, she was entirely enred, and resumed her wonted chearfulness and gait ey.—Having experienced the tpeaty efyour medians before, I take the liberty of troubling you with this tase, and am, Sir, Your obedient humble servant, No. 198, Broad-way. R. WAITE. Tbe only Medicine in the World, that cures the most mvelerate'lTCH in Four Hours. —»®<«s— The genuine Patent Scotch Ointment, For pleasantness, safety, expedition, ease and certainty, is in- finitely superior to any other medicine for the cure of the ITCH. IT is so certain in its operation, that it is has never failed, in any one instance whatever, of effectually curing that disa- greeable Disorder in one Night, by one application only, though applied to many Thousands in England, Scotland and Ireland. It does not contain the least particle of Mercury, (seethe Affidavit,) but may he applied with the greatest safety, to the most delicate Lady during Pregnancy, orthe tenderest Infants. It is necessaiy that every Person in a Family, House, or School, having caught the Infection, should have a Box of the Ointment, and each be dressed with it the same Night, a-s the per- son cured will be subject to take the infection again immediately. One Bo x is a cure for a grown person—and divided, Cures- two Children. The proprietor is so certain of its inf Alibi lily, that he engages to return the money to any person on whom it did not perform a cure in four hours. AFFIDAVIT. JAMES CHURCH, late resident at the Dispensary, City Road, nearFinsbury Square,* Surgeon and Man-Midwife, maketh Oath before me, that the Medicine invented and prepared by him, called the" SCOTCH OINTMENT, for the Cure of the itch in four hours," docs not contain the least par- ticle of Mercury, or any other pernicious ingredient whatever, but is perfectly safe for use on the most delicate person. James Church., * Now of New-York. 2% £u>orn at the Mansion House, London, .-this \olh day of April, 1797, before me, Brook Wats-O-N, Mayor* It is sold Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation, at T>r. CHURCH'S Dispensary, New-York, and by the general Ven- ders of Dr. Church's Medicines, inmost Towns in America. Price Seventy-Five,Cents the Bojc. FOR THE CURE OF CORKS. Infallible German Corn Plainer. THIS Plaister (the invention of a German Physician, who ad- ministered it in Germany upwards of 30 years with the great- est success) is infal lible for the cure of Corns. It will effectually eradicate them, root and branch, in a short time. Prepared and sold -by Dr. Church, at his Dispensary, New* York.—Price 50 cents! HEAD-ACHE. PERSONS afflicted with the Head-Ache, pree-eeding from whatever cause, will fi id instant relief in the application of £>r. Church's ANODYNE ESSENCE : in Rheumatic, Ner- vous and Billious Head-Aches, it h:is not its equal. It not only alleviates that tormenting Pain, but removes it almost instanta- neously. The Head-Ache, occasioned by hard Drinking, and any local pain in any other part of tie body or extremities., are by its application effectually removed. CASES OF CURE. To Dr. Church. Dear Sir, I have been subject to a wry severe Head- Ache, for several vears, zohick somrtimes used to afflict me to such a violent d-gr^e, as t.> dis- able me from attending my duty as draftsman of the Tower for seve- ral days together. 1 have had the advice of several eminent P/ryst- tians in this city and in Wales, and have t) ied many other Reme- dies, recommended 19 me, without effect. Being one day extremely 24 indisposed with the HEAD-ACHE, as usual, I sent for you, when you recommended your ANODYNE ESSENCE to me, which I appli- ed, and which removed the pain as soon as I applied it. I frequent- ly repeated the use of it, and am happy to viform you, I kavc had- n$ return of it, I am, dear Sir, Your obedient Servant, JOHN BARNES. Drawing-Room, Tower of London, May 9, 1795. Another gentleman in his Majesty's service, in the Tower of London, had been extremely aillicted with the Head-Ache for some years, and sometimes to so violent a'degree, as to prevent hirafrom attending the duties of his office ; at one of which times, he sent for some of Dr. CHURCH'S ANODYNE ESSENCE, wh>ch he applied, and which removed the pain instantaneously; and he is happy in affirming, that he has had no return of the pain since. The above gentleman, whose name and address may be known at the place of sale, will testify the above to any candid enquirer. Church's Anodyne Essence, is prepared and sold (only) by the inventor and sole Proprietec,Dr. James Church, at his Dispensary, New-York. Price 50 cents. ——=009^® (o) ®^|^^@@@^^: 30<==-»—---^ FOR THE CURE OF FITS. The Patent Antispasmodic Elixir. Convulsion, Epileptic, Hysteric, or Falling Fits, RE effectually cured by this Medicine. Its virtues are absolutely specific and unparalleled. It hr-.s failed in no in- stance within the knowledge of the proprietor {when taken agreea- ble to the directions, and perseverance) the most dreadful Fit* ever known. Or.e case of cure only is subjoined out of a con- siderable number, as proof of its efficacy, attested before the Lord Mayor of London. AFFIDAVIT. " I James Pocock, of No. 40, North-Street, in the parish of St. Luke's, Middlesex, do make oa:h, that I was grievously with fits for upwards of 14 years, and that in so violent a degree, as to require twelve men to hold me in them, to prevent me from dashing myself to pieces. They would generally last me five, six. and often seven hours : In consequence of which rny constitution became quite emaciated. I made application to several eminent gentlemen of the faculty, who afforded me no relief wbitever: A 2d til! I applied to Dr. James Church, of the City Road, who prescribed his Antispasmodic Elixir for me, which I took, and which alone cured me of the most dreadful fits, and restored me to perfect health. This deponant further maketh oath, and saith, that it is now two years since he was first cured of his fits, and he has had no return whatever of them since. JAMES POCOCK. Sworn before me at the Mansion-Home, this 29th day of Aug. 1796. WILLIAM CURTIS, Mayor. Roger Sharp, of Catharine-Wheel-aliey, Bishopsga^c-streer, was dreadfully afflicted with most severe Convulsive Cramp Fits, for upwards of Fifteen Years, to such a violent degree, as to oc- casion a general distortion of his limbs, his Fits encreasir.g to three, foui, and five in a day, which rendered him incapable for a longtime of doing any thing to support himself; wasalon^ tin:.'; an out-patient in Guv's Hospital, and discharged as incurable; he also took every medicine that various professional gentlemen pre- scribed for him, to no purpose; he applied to Dr. Church early in the month of February hs*, who put him immediately under a course of his Antispasmodic Elixir: and, from the first bottle, he found very great relief, ami has not had a single Fit since takiritr the first dose of Medicine; and is better in hcaith and spirits than ever he was, (Signed) ROGER SHARP, To Dr. Church. Dear Sir, . Agreeable to your request, I send vou the Case of my Sister. ^vho for a long time was dreadfully afflicted with the most severe Fits that could afflict human nature, which came at first throuch a ■ fright: these Fits encreascd upon her to a very great degree. Site used often to have four, and sometimes eight or nine in a day particularly at the change and full of the Moon, which at length rendered it improper for her to be left alone. As they grew more and more violent, she was tinder the care of Dr. S____- whose Medicines did not afford her the least relief whatever. She was ars-o placed under the care of several other Professional Gentlemen, who could render her no essentia! aid whatever. Hearing of your gre;it skill in curing; all kinds of Fits, she made application to you for advice; and 1 ?.rn happy to testify thus publicly, that she was effecually cured by your Patent Antispas- modic E'.ixi.r, in two months: nor has she had any return of her Fits since, although now two years ago. Any further enquiries 26 that may be-made concerning this great cure, I shall be happy t» answer at any time. I am, dear Sir, Your obedient humble servant, ANN HUGHES. Great Trinity-Lane, Jan. 19, 1797. Mrs. Nightengale was afflicted with the most violent Convul- sion Fits, from her infancy, for her mother bred her with them. She was never a single day without them, from the day of her nativity up to the age of twenty-five years, when she applied to Dr. Church, through the recommendation of Mr. Langdale, Grocer, corner of Leonard street, Tabernacle-walk, Finsbury square, who was well convinced Dr. Church could cure her, if it was in the power of medicine to effect it. Mrs. N. took the Patent Antispasmodic Elixir; and from the first dose, found great relief, and by persevering in its use for a few weeks, was perfect- ly and effectually cured, and has had my return of her Fits, al- though it is now Four Years ago. March 2, 1797. Mrs. Wolcot, of Manchester, in a letter to Dr. Church, da- ted December 3, 1796, informs him, that she has witnessed the cures of t vo young Ladies (sisters,) in the neighbourhood of Manchester, who were dreadfully afflicted with Hysteric Fits for Five Years, and were effectually cured by taking the Patent An- tispasmodic Elixir for two months, they neither of them had a Fit since takin^ the first dose of the Elixir, at certain periods when thev expected to have their Fits, they fainted away once only ; but were not insensible two minutes. They are now in perfect health, and have had no ret k n whatever of them since. For all Diseases of tlte EYES. Dr. Church's Celebrated Eye-Salve, UNIVERSALLY acknowledged as a certain and infallible cure for Inflammations, Dimness, Dryness, B'iqhts, Itciiings, and Films in the Eyes, proceeding from Natural Weakness or from Accidents, suoh ?s blows, dust, lime, or any thing else being thrown into ihe Eyes. It is admirable in natural Weakness of Sight, in Defluctionsof Rheum, for all ailments in the Eves after the Small-Pox, Measles, and Fevers: it is singularly efficacious in carrying off all watery and gross humosrs ; and in strenthening the Sight. In short, there is no Disease to which the Eyes arc subject, but this Salve, is 27 a sovereign REMEDY.—Many hundreds have experienced its Efficacy when in the greatest danger of losing their sight. As proofs of its singular Efficacy, the following remarkable and well attested Cases, are selected from a considerable number. CASE I. SUSANNAH GEARING, of New-Court, Cow-Cross, Smithfield, voluntarily maketh oath and saith, that sometime ago she was nearly blind, having a Speck on one Eye, which entirely covered her sight, and consequently deprived her of the least light; her other eye was covered with a Ski n o r Fi lm, so as to render her sight extremely dim. She used many applications recommended for Dis- eases of the Eyes, which afforded her no relief, until she had recourse to Dr. Church's Eye-Salve, which entirely cured her. It effectually removed the S p e c k in a few days, and the ether eye gradually grew better, and now her sight is perfect, and has not the least ailment in either of them. SUSANNAH GEARING. Sworn before me at the Mansion-House, London, Oct. 18, 1794. PAUL LE MESURIER, Mayor. CASE II. Sir, Being entirely recovered from impending blindness, I leg leave to trouble you with my case, which for the good of others m a like si- tuation, I desire you will make known.—I was suddenly seized with a most violent inflammation in both my eyes, attended with a discharge of fetid matter, which cor. timed encreasing upon me until my eyes were quite closed, which deprived me of the possibility of seeing at all; nor could I (when with much pain and difficulty they were got open) bear the light: if I attempted to look at the fire, it occasioned a most dreadfully painful sensation, as if a thousand needles were piercing my eyes at thesame time. Nothing that I applied ever did me the least gosd, and I despaired of again recovering my sight un- til I was prevailed en to make use of your justly celebrated Eye-Salve, which I am happy to say has wrought such a wonderful cure on me in about fifteen days, that my sight is now perfect, and never was better in my life. I will satisfy any inquirer who will call on me, and am, Sir, youfs, &c. ELIZABETH LUCAS. Every sentence of this is strictly true,as witness my hand, Bunhill-Row, Sept. 1794. RICHARD LUCAS. 28 CASE III. To Dr. Church, Finsbury-Square. Sir, I have been afflicted with a violent humour in my Eyes, at- tended with inflammation and itching, for upwards of ten years, which has lately encrcased upon me to a very alarming degree: as my sifht suffered very materially thereby, being excessively ^veak, I ti ive used a great many different remedies, recommended to me as specifics, wi'.heut success; but am happy to add, that one box of your Eye-Salve has effectually cured me, and strengthened my sight amazingly. I am, Sir, your hnmble sen ait, ANN CALVERY. Mllford Place, Totteriham-Court-Road, Dec. 4, 1794. P. S. As I am now Seventy Three years of age, and many per- sens well know how much I suffered for so many years, I must beg you to publish it for the good of others. Eruptions cV Humours on the FACE 8( SKIJV. PARTICULARLY PIMPLES. BLOTCHES, TETTERS, RING-WORMS, TAN. SUN-BURNS, FRECKLES, SHINGLES. SCORBUTICA CUTA- NEOUS ERUPTIONS of every description, PRICKLY-HEAT REDNESS of the NOSE, ARMS, &c. Are effectually and speedily cured by the cenuine DR. CHURCH'S VEGETABLE LOTION. r"piTIS LOTION is excelled by no other in the world. It .1 has been administered by the proprietor for several years in Europe and America with the ?revest success. By the simr/e application of this fluid, niglu and morninrr, it will lemove ths most rancorou.i and alarming Scurvy in the Fare. ]t is perfectly >.;ifc, yet powciful, and possesses all tlvS good dualities of the most celebrated cosmetics, wit'w.t any of their doubtful effects. It is therefore recommended as a certain and efficacious remedy i\nc\ a valuable and almost indispensable appendage to the toilet infinitely superior to the co:v.mon trash—Cream drawn from Vio- lets and Milk from Roses! ! t Suffice it however to say, it has been administered to many thousan os in the Uuited States ji.d 'V-^st Indies \.uh the ^.eatest and most ur.rnual.cied iucccss 29 AND WITHOUT EVEN A SINGLE COMPLAINT Or ITS INEFFlCAC Y. A small bottle at 75 cents will be found sufficient to prove its value.—Only one case is added for want of room, selected from a considerable number in possession of the proprietor. Mr. F. R. in the r.eighbouihood of German-Town, near Philadelphia, whose name and address may be known by appli- cation to Dr. Church, was dreadfully afflicted with a scorbutic humour in his face and other parts of his body, but more parti- cularly about his face and neck, so much so that it was with the most excruciating pai 11 he could shave or wash his face; his nose and eye-lids extremely red and excoriated, that he was ashamed to appear in the public streets ; he employed the first surgeons and physicians he could hear of to no effect; he however adopted the use of Dr. Church's Vegetable Lotion, which perfectly and era- dicaUy cured him. The above gentleman has also witnessed the efficacy of the Lo- tion in his family, in the speedy removal of Tan, Freckles, Sun- burns and the Prickly Heat. Price—Half Pints, 75 cents—Pints, one dollar and 25 cenis. FOR THE Teeth, Breath, and Scurvy in the Gums, And the TOOTH-ACIIE. THE ANTISCORBUTIC TINCTURE is unequalled, for CLEANSING, WHITENING and PRESERVING the TEETH, and effectually curing the Scurvy in the Gums. It will prevent the Tee;h from further decay, fasten them if loose, and render the breath perfectly sweet.—Price 1 dollar each bottle. TOOTH-ACHE. Volatile Tincture for the Tooth-Ache. THE most efficacious remedy ever discovered for that tor- menting pain. It gives immediate and permanent relief in the most violent cases : contains nothing but what is perfectly innocent, and may with safety be applied to pregnant women or to children.---------Price 37J Cents. The Volatile Tincture is prepared (only) and sold by Dr. James Church, at his Dispensary in New-York, and by the general veneLis of hi* Medicines in ih-z United States, 50 FOR THE CURE OF Malignant and Bilious Fevers, DYSPEPSY TAUNDICE COSTIVENESS ACIDITY CHOLERA MORBUS GRAVEL INDIGESTION LOSS OF APPETITE AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE Head, Stomach and Bowels, IS RECOMM E N D ED THE ANTI-BILIOUS PILIS, Prepared (only) by DR. JAMES CHURCH, at his Dispen- S2!T> '37 Front-Street, near the Fly-Market, New-York. These Pills are singularly efficacious in speedily rem v'ing all Bilious Complaints, Cholera Morbus, &c. &c. and have from ex- tensive use, been found to equal, if not exceed any other medi- cine for the cure of the above complaints. They are the result of longand indefatigable study, and are recommended by the pro- prietor with confidence as a Specific, and will be found to resist PUTREFACTION. Their operation is mild, and require no confinement; they create an appetite, amend a weak digestion, and restore to the stomach its wonted tone and vigor. They are also excellent in the Jsundice and Gravel, and are particularly useful to those who have addicted themselves to hard drinking. Price 50 cents each box. FOR THE Voice, Hoarsenesses, Colds, Coughs, &c. THE PATIROSA LOZENGES. YJARTICULARLY recommended to those who sing or speak JL much, for clearing the V»ice, removing Hoarsenesses, Colds Coughs, &c. and rendering the breath truly odoriferous. They are delightfully pleasant, and an efficacious preparation from the ROSE. Sold at Half a dollar each box, with printed directions for their use, at the Intelligence Office, No. 81, William-street; No. 112, William-street; No. 210, Broad-Way, corner of Fair-street; No. 21, Maiden-lane, and at No. 137, Front-street, rigar the. Fly-market, New-York. 31 The following Note was recAved by Dr. Church from a young; lady of the first respectability, -rhose name Dr. Church has not the li- berty of publishing. Miss----------compliments to Dr. Church, begs he will let the bearer have half a dozen mor> .xcs of his Patirosa Lozenges, as she finds infinite relief from Aitiv. in cases of slight cold, but particularly when she has occasion u» sing or speak much. Miss ---------has dispensed with a great p-.irt of her last half dozen boxes among her friends, who are very partial to them, and speak highly of their efficacy. Monday Noon, Feb. 17, 1800. -----«==0©^@©<*§^<@©&0<==-ae_.--- The following Patent Medicines may also be had at Dr. Church's Dispensary, 137 Front Street, near the Fly uft-rket, New York, viz. British Oil.! Ague Tincture ck Pills. Paregoric Lozenges. Hooper's Pills. Spilsbury's Drops. James's Powders & Pills. Essence of Peppermint. Dalby's Carminative. Godfrey's Cordial. Eau De Luce. Vinegar of Four Thieves. Tooth Powder, and Paste. Stoughton's Elixir or Bit- ters. Sy- Heartburn Lozenges. Refin'd Liquorice. Scotj^Pii American Vegetable rup. Turlington's Balsam. Friar's B.iham. Court PJalster. Salt of Vinegar. Pungent'sSmellingBottles Genuine Patent Altera- tive Pills, for the cure of a Certain Disorder, Scurvy, &c. &c. Family and Sea Medicine Chests. IN THE PRESS, AND SPEEDILY WILL BE PUBLISHED, TIl£ Family Physician, OR WAY TO HEALTH ; \ , BEING { A TREATISB ON VARIOUS DISORDERS, [ BY WHICH PERSONS OF EVERY CAPACITY May cure th. rnscives fff the most afflicting maladies incident to human nature, at an easy expence. BY JAMES CHURCH, M. D Formerly Pupil to Dr. Dennison, London Hospital. " The first of human Gifts is Health !" Plato. " O blessed health ; Thou art above all gold or treasuse; 'tis " thou who en largest the soul, and openest all its powers to " receive instruction, and to relish virtue;—he that has thee, " has little more to wish for; and he that is so wretched as to " want thee, wants everything with thcc." Sterne, .:^_«» KiWH-r-y.--: Church, James, Important information to the afflicted... WZ270C559i 1800 Condition when received: The leather-bound tight back had been rebound at some time in the past. Pages 11, 12,13 and 14 were detached at the gutter and appeared to have been omitted during rebinding. Conservation treatment: The pages were guarded along the gutter edge using usumino (Japanese Paper Place) and wheat starch paste (zin shofu, BookMakers). They were positioned and secured using same. Conservation by Rachel-Ray Cleveland NLM Paper Conservator, 05 / 2006 MeaL.rW, \rVZ CSSr'dl i:::.^^MIBinHBIHmflmfflHBHIBEaiUtii!lil