NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Set-rice V M&SSMT&IJSETTS fcTS^ETkMi TSLOOTITAV Wgplum for tlje Sfn^ane. RULES AND REGULATIONS ADMISSION OF BOARDERS. 1. AN application in writing for the admission of each Boarder must be made to the Visiting Com- Application. mittee by the person or persons having legal charge of the Candidate, if there be any; otherwise by some friend. It must contain the names, residence and addition of the persons proposed as principal and surety in the obligation to be given for payment of board, &c. If they be not personally known to the Committee, satisfactory evidence of their ability will be required. Persons who do not live within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must have a surety in or near Boston. The application may bo directed, post paid, To the Visiting Committee or the Superintendent of the Asylum for the In--': -, Charlestown. 2. There must be a certificate of some magistrate, clergyman of the parish, or other person of known Certificate respectability, that the Candidate is insane. Satisfactory evidence of existing insanity is hdispensable in ° nsamty- all cases. 3. A certificate of the property of the Candidate, both real and personal, and of that ot the friends Statement liable for his or her support, signed by the Selectmen of the town or other persons of know» respectability, of ProPerty* must accompany the application, to enable the Committee to fix an equitable rate of board, ■ 4. A history of the case, written by the attending physician, if any, or by some tniin-i, -iiould also History accompany the application. In it should be stated the Candidate's age, usual occupation or manner of of the Case" life ; whether married or single; the several times insanity has appeared, with the duration, pr< oable cause and treatment; previous diseases or accidents; peculiar habits, propensities or traits of character and singularity of conduct; disposition to injure the persons or property of others or him or herself; whether cleanly in person and dress, and free from contagious disease; whether any and what blood relations have been insane, and such other observations and remarks as may be useful in suggesting a coarse < f treatment adapted to the case. 5. The Visiting Committee meet at the Asylum every Monday and Thursday in tU afternoon. Admission. They will at any meeting, and, in cases of emergency, at any time, on receiving the application as above, determine on the admission of the Candidate, and fix a rate of board, including room, iurnmm\ medicines, medical siuenuance and advice, nursing, washing, &c. but not mending of clothes; and will make a writ- ten order of admission to be delivered or forwarded to the applicant, with a blank for the obligation. Obligation 6. An obligation for payment of board, &c. must be signed by two persons, the one as principal, and Payments. *ne otner as surety, in the form prescribed, In the case of a pauper, it may be signed by a majority of the Overseers of the Poor, without surety, or by any member of the board who shall file with the obligation a certificate of his authority to execute the same. When payments are not intended to be made at the Asylum, a place in Boston must be designated where quarter bills may be sent, and all payments are to be made punctually in any Boston bank bills or specie, on the first day of January, April, July and October and at the time of discharge. Any quarter bill remaining unpaid thirty days will be left with an attorney for collection. Any Boarder brought to the Asylum, with the order for his or her admission and the obliga- tion duly executed, will be received by the Superintendent on delivery of the same, but not otherwise. 7. It would be highly useful that some person should accompany each Boarder, who can answer such inquiries as the Physician may wish to make. It is particularly requested, in order to prevent loss of clothing, that every article may be marked. A memorandum of the same must be left with the Su- perintendent, the trunk unlocked, and particular care taken that no knife or other dangerous instrument has been secreted in the same. All articles, such as snuflf, tobacco, nails, combs, strings, &c. &c. must be taken from the pockets, &c. before leaving home ; and all such deception or stratagem, to induce patients to leave home, as will be discovered on their arrival at the Asylum or during their residence there, ought to be scrupulously avoided; it having been found that the practice of searching their persons on their re- ception, and misrepresentations relative to their destination, have a tendency to excite uneasiness, suspi- cion, prejudice, and passion, to a degree that lessens, and sometimes destroys, the effect of a regular course of treatment. 8. Visitors will not be admitted on any part of the Lord's Day; nor on any other days before 9 o'clock in the morning—nor between 12 o'clock, M. and 2, P. M.—nor after sunset. No visitor will be permitted to see any Boarder except his or her near relation; and no visitor must either deliver or re- ceive from a Boarder any letter or parcel without the consent of the Superintendent. Conversation with the Boarders on the subject of their removal has been very injurious, and ought always to be avoided. No intimations of removal should be given to a Boarder except by the Physician or Superintendent. DISCHARGE OF BOARDERS. Any person or persons having legal charge of a Boarder, or responsible by the obligation for his or her board, and, in case of the death or absence of such person or persons, any friend, may apply to the Visiting Committee in writing for the discharge of such Boarder, whereupon the Committee at their next meetino- will direct the Superintendent, on payment of board, &c. to deliver such Boarder with his or her clothes &c. to the applicant or his or her written order. Applications sent by mail or otherwise will receive sea- sonable attention, and the Boarder be ready for delivery at the time therein stated. The Superintendent can deliver no Boarder except by the written order of the Visiting Committee. APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE A. D. 11 Gentlemen, YOU are hereby requested to discharge a Boarder in the Asylum for the Insane. I wish written order on the day of To the Visiting Committee of the Asylum for the Insane, Charlestozm. to be ready for delivery to me or my THE above You will deliver To the Superintendent of the Asylum for the Insane. is discharged. with clothes, &c. to the above or written order, after payment of all dues. Visiting Committee. Asylum for the Insane, Charlestown, 1 i RECEIVED the above with clothes, &c. CHTA- SIS <-\