A ■^T*: 1< -* fok Surgeon General's Offica £I1M1M¥< AMNuut. &---^---v><"-<' OUQv, ^GOOOCKfO QUO j£* 6 ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY, BY M. I. A. CHAPTAL, EORMERLY CHEVALIER OF THE ORDER OF THE KING, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY AT MONTPELLIER, HONORARY INSPECTOR OF THE MINES OF FRANCE, MINISTER OF THK IN- TERIOR, AND MEMBER OF SEVERAL ACADE- MIES OF SCIENCES, MEDICINE, AGRI. CULTURE, INSCRIPTIONS, AND BELLES LE1TRES. The fourth American Edition, ivith great additions and improvements, BY JAMES WOODHOUSE, M. D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, fee. ---------—------; ^ v>» vol.i. Ao,sty:\ 11 >«"') PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHED BY BENJAMIN 8c THOMAS KITE, NO. 20, NORTH THIRD STREET. HOLD ALSO BY THOMAS DOBSON, AND B B. HOPKINS & Co. PHILADELPHIA HENRY CUSHING, PROVIDENCE ; NATHANIEL DEARBORNE, NEW- PORT ; BEERS & HOW, NEW-HAVEN : SAMUEL WOOD, NEW- YORK ; DAVID ALLINSON, BURLINGTON ; ANDZADOK CRAMER, PITTSBURGH. 1807. BARTRAM & RF.YNOLD3, PRINTERS. District of Pennsylvania, to wit: BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the twenty-seventh day of October, in the thiry-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1807, Benjamin and Thorna:- Kite of the said District have deposited in this office the Title of a Book the right whereof they claim as proprietors in the words following, to wit: " Elements of Chemistry, by M. I. A. Chaptal, formerly Chevalier of the Order of " the King, Professor of Chemistry at Montpellier, honorary Inspector of the Mines of " France, Minister of the Interior, and Member of several Academies of Sciences, Me- " dicine, Agriculture, Inscriptions, and Belles Lettres. The fourth American Edition, " with great additions aud improvements, by James Woodhouse, M. D. Professor of " Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, &c." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intituled " An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the authrrs and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." And also t« the Act ent led ■ An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act for the encourage- mei i or learning by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the authors and proprietors of br.ch copies during the times thetein mentioned," and extending the benefits thereof to the Arts oi designing, engraving, and etching, historical and other prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the District of Penmylvania. ADVERTISEMEN1 OF THE AUTHOR. AGRICULTURE is no doubt the basis of public welfare, because it alone supplies all the wants which nature has connected with our existence. But the arts and commerce form the glory, the ornament, and the riches of every polished nation; since our refinement, and mutual dependance on each other, have created a new set of wants which require to be supplied. The cultivation of the arts is therefore become almost as necessary as that of the ground; and the true means of securing these two foundations of the reputation and prosperity of a state, consist in encouraging the Science of Chemistry, which discovers their principles. If this truth were not univer- sally acknowledged, I might on the present occasion give an account of the success with which my labours have been attended in this province*. I might even call upon the public voice; and it would declare that, since the establishment of lectures on chemistry, between three and four hundred persons have every year derived advantage from instructions in this science. It is well known that our ancient schools of medicine and surgery, whose suc- cess and splendour are connected with the general interest of this province, are more flourishing and more numerous since that period. And with the same confidence I might appeal to the Public, that our manufactures are daily in- creasing in perfection; that several new kinds of indus- try have been introduced into Languedoc; that, in a re- gular succession, abuses have been reformed in the ma- nufactories, while the processes of the arts have been sim- plified ; that the number of coal-mines actually wrought is increased; and that upon my principles, and in conse- quence of my care and attention, manufactories of alum, * Languedoc IV ADVERTISEMENT of oil of vitriol, of copperas, of brown red, of artificial pozzolana, of ceruse, of white lead, and others, have been established in several parts of the province. Chemistry is therefore essentially connected with the reputation and prosperity of a state ; and at this peculiar instant, when the minds of men are universally busied in securing the public welfare, every citizen is accountable to his country for all the good which his peculiar situation permits him to do. Every one ought to hasten, and pre- sent to society the tribute of those talents which heaven has bestowed on him; and there is no one who is not able to bring some materials, and deposite them at the foot of the superb edifice which the virtuous administrators are raising for the welfare of the whole. It is with these views that I have presumed to offer to my countrymen the work which I at present publish; and I entreat them to exercise their severity upon the intention of the author only, but to reserve all their indulgence to the work. I publish these Elements of Chemistry with the greater confidence, because I have had opportunities myself of observing the numerous applications of the principles which constitute its basis to the phenomena of nature and art. The immense establishment of chemical pro- ducts which I have formed at Montpellier, has allowed me to pursue the development of this doctrine, and to observe its agreement with all the facts which the vari- ous operations present to us. It is this doctrine alone which has led me to simplify most of the processes, to bring some of them to perfection, and to rectify all my ideas. It is therefore with the most intimate confidence that I propose it. ' I find no difficulty in making a public acknowledgment that I have for some time taught a different doctrine from that which I at present offer. I then believed it to be true and solid; but I did not on that account cease to consult nature. I have constantly entered into this research with a mind eager for improvement. Natural truths were capable of fixing themselves with all their purity in my mind, because I had banished prejudice; and insensibly I found myself drawn by the force of facts to the doctrine I now teach. OF THE AUTHOR, V Let other principles impress the same conviction on my mind; let the same number of phenomena and facts exhibit themselves in their favour; the same number of happy applications to the operations of nature and of art; let them appear to my mind with all the sacred charac- ters of truth; and I will publish them with the same zeal and with the same interest. I condemn equally the man who, attached to the ancient notions, respects them so much as to reject without mature examination every thing which appears to oppose them ; and him who embraces with enthusiasm, and almost without reflection, the prin- ciples of any new doctrine. Both are worthy of com- passion if they grow old in their prejudices; and both are worthy of blame if they perpetuate them. I have been careful to banish all discussions from my work. That spirit of party which but too often causes a division between persons who are pursuing the same ob- jects, that tone of bitterness which predominates in cer- tain disputes, that want of candour which is insensibly produced by the movements of self-love, have but too long retarded the progress of our knowledge. The love of truth is the only passion which a philosopher ought to in- dulge. The same object, the same interest, tend to unite chemists. Let the same spirit inspire them, and direct all their labours. Then we shall soon behold che- mistry advancing in a rapid progress; and its cultivators will be honoured with the suffrage and the gratitude of their countrymen. I have endeavoured in this work to exphiin my ideas with clearness, precision, and method. I know by expe- rience that the success of any work, and its various de- grees of utility, often depend on the form under which the doctrine which it contains is displayed; and it has ac- cordingly been my intention to spare no pains in exhibiting the truths which form the basis of this work in all the characters they are justly entitled to. In composing these Elements of Chemistry, I have availed myself with advantage of all the facts which I have found in the works of the celebrated chemists who ADVERTISEMENT adorn this age. I have even made no scruple to follow their method in drawing up certain articles; and have transferred into my own work, almost without alteration, those facts which I have elsewhere found described with a greater degree of precision and perspicuity than I might have been capable of bestowing on them. This proceed- ing, in my opinion, renders homage to authors instead of robbing them. If such a proceeding might justify re- clamations, Messrs. Lavoisier, De Morveau, Berthollet, De Fourofoy, Sage, Kirwan, &c. might easily declare against me. I was well aware that the pretension of knowing, dis- cussing and methodically distributing the whole of our present science of chemistry, was an enterprise beyond my ability. This science has made so great a progress, and its applications are so multiplied, that it is impossible to attend to the whole with the same care : and it appears to me that the writer of an elementary work ought at present to attend principally to the elevelopment of general princi- ples, and content himself in pointing out the consequences, and their applications. In this way of proceeding we shall follow the method which has long been practised in the study of the mathematics; the principles of which, nearly insulated, and separated from all application, form the first study of him who means to acquire them. To obtain a thorough acquaintance with all the know- ledge which has been acquired in chemistry until our time, the chemical part of the Encyclopedic Methodique may be consulted. In this work, the celebrated author gives the most interesting account of the progress of the science. Here it is that he discusses the several opinions with that candour and energy which become the man of letters whose mind is directed to truth only. Here it is that he has made a precious eleposite of all the knowledge yet ac- quired, in order to present to us in the same point of view all which has been done, and all which remains to be done : and here, in a word, it is that Mr. De Morveau has rendered the most striking homage to the truth of the doctrine we now teach ; because, after having combated some of its principles in the first volume, he has had the OF THE AUTHOR. Vll courage to recant the moment the facts seen in a better point of view, and repeated experiments, had sufficiently enlightened him. This great example of courage and candour is doubtless honourable to the learned man who gives it; but it cannot fail to add still more to the con- fidence which may be placed in the doctrine which is its object. The development of the principles upon which the New Nomenclature is established, may be found in the Elementary Treatise of Chemistry of Mr. Lavoisier; and I refer likewise to this excellent work for the figure and explanation of all the apparatus I shall have occasion to speak of. I take this step the more earnestly, because, by associating my own productions to those of this cele- brated chemist, I entertain the hope of securing their suc- cess, and can deliver them into the hands of the public with the greater confidence. CONTENTS. PART FIRST. CONCERNING THE CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES. INTRODUCTION. DPage. EFINITION of Chemistry ; its Object and Means.— Description of a Laboratory, and the principal Instruments employed in chemical Operations, with a Definition of those Operations 29 SECTION I. Concerning the General Law which tends to bring the Particles of Bodies together, and to maintain them in a State of Mixture or Combination - - . Of the Affinity of Aggregation Of the Affinity of Composition SECTION II. Concerning the various Means employed by Chemists to over- come the Adhesion which exists between the Particles of Bodies - 54 SECTION III. Concerning the Method of Proceeding which the Chemist ought to follow in the Study of the various Bodies presented to us by Nature 57 SECTION IV. Concerning Simple or Elementary Substances Chap. I. Concerning Fire Art. I. Concerning Caloric and Heat Art. II. Concerning Light Chap. II. Concerning Sulphur Chap. III. Concerning Carbone SECTION V. Concerning Gases, or the Solution of certain Principles in Caloric at the Temperature of the Atmosphere - 90 Vol. I. b 42 43 45 64 65 66 78 84 5 88 x CONTENT S, Chap. I. Concerning the Hydrogenous Gas, or Inflam- Page* mable Air - - - 93 Chap. II. Concerning Oxigenous Gas, or Vital Air ^^ Chap. III. Concerning Nitrogene Gas, Azote, or Atmosphe- rical Mephitis - - - H* SECTION VI. Concerning the Mixture of Nitrogene and Oxigene Gas ; or of Atmospheric Air - - 116 SECTION VII. Concerning the Combination of Oxigenous Gas and Hydrogene, which forms Water - - 118 Art. I. Concerning Water in the State of Ice 120 Ait II. Concerning V* ater in the Liquid State 122 Art. III. Concerning Water in the State of Gas 125 SECTION VIII. Concerning the Combinations of Nitroeene Gas. 1. With Hy- drogene Gas. 2. With the Earthy Principles forming the Alkalis - - - 130 Chap. I. Concerning Fixed Alkalis - 131 Art. I. Concerning the Vegetable Alkali, or Potash ibid. Art. II. Concerning the Mineral Alkali, or Soda 134 Chap. II. Concerning Ammoniac, or the Volatile Alkali 138 SECTION IX. Concerning the Combination of Oxigene with certain Bases forming Acids - - - 142 Chap. I. Concerning the Carbonic Acid 146 Art. I. Carbonate of Potash - - 152 Art. II. Carbonate of Soda - 15" Art. III. Carbonate of Ammoniac - - 154 Chap. II. Concerning the Sulphuric Acid 156 Art. I. Sulphate of Potash - - j6i Art. II. Sulphate of Soda - 162 Art. III. Sulphate of Ammoniac - - I64 Chap. HI* Concerning the Nitric Acid - - i66 Art. I. Nitrate of Potash - - . i72 Art. II. Nitrate of Soda - . j^g Art. III. Nitrate of Ammoniac - - j^jj Chap. IV". Concerning the Muriatic Acid - 179 Art. I Muriate of Potash - . j gQ Art. II. Muriate of Soda - . 19l Art III. Muriate of Ammoniac - . 195 Concerning Oxide of Carbone - . l55 Ox.imuriate of Potash . . l87 CONTENTS. XI Chap. V. Concerning the Nitro-muriatic Acid Chap. VI. Concerning the Acid of Borax Art. I. Borate of Potash Art. II. Borate of Soda Art. III. Borate of Ammoniac PART SECOND. CONCERNING LITHOLOGY; OR AN ACCOUNT OF STONY SUBSTANCES. Introduction - - - 207 Lime - - - 211 Barytes, or Ponderous Earth - - - 213 Magnesia, or Magnesian Earth - - 212 Alumine, or Pure Clay - - . 215 Silex, or Quartzose Earth, Verifiable Earth, &c. - 216 Strontites - - - 214 Zirconia - - - .- 217 Glucina - - ibid. Vttria - 216 Agustina - - - . 218 CLASS I. Concerning the Combination of Earths with Acids - 217 GENUS i. Earthy Salts with Basis of Lime -218 Spec. 1. Carbonate of Lime, or Calcareous Stone - 219 Crystallized Calcareous Stones - - 220 Calcareous Stones which are not crystallized - 221 The Analysis and Uses of Calcareous Stone - 226 Spec. II. Sulphate of Lime, Gypsum, Selenite, Plaster Stone 230 Spec. III. Fluate of Lime, Vitreous Spar, Fusible or Phosphoric Spar, Fluor Spar - - - 234 Spec. IV. Nitrate of Lime, Calcareous Nitre - 237 Spec. V. Muriate of Lime, Calcareous Marine Salt - 238 Spec. VI. Phosphate of Lime, Calcareous Phosphoric Salt ibid. GENUS II. Earthy Salts with Base of Barytes - 239 Spec. I. Sulphate of Barytes, Ponderous Spar - ibid. Spec. II Carbonate of Barytes - - 241 Spec. III. Nitrate of Barytes - - 242 Spec. IV. Muriate of Barytes - - ibid. Page. 197 199 202 ibid. 206 xii CONTENTS. Page. GENUS III. Earthy Salts with Basis of Magnesia Spec. I. Sulphate of Magnesia, Epsom Salt Spec. II. Nitrate of Magnesia Spec. III. Muriate of Magnesia Spec. IV. Carbonate of Magnesia GENUS IV. Earthy Salts with Base of Alumine, Alum 246 Spec. I. Sulphate of Alumine, Alum • ibid- Spec. II. Carbonate of Alumine - - 249 GENUS V. Earthy Salts with Base of Silex - 250 CLASS II. Concerning the Combination and Mixture of Primitive Earths, or Earthy Mixtures - - - 250 GENUS I. Calcareous Mixtures Spec. I. Lime-stone and Magnesia Spec. II. Lime-stone and Barytes Spec. III. Carbonate of Lime and Alumine Spec. IV. Lime-stone and Silex Spec. V. Lime-stone and Bitumen Spec. VI. Lime-stone and Iron GENUS II. Barytic Mixtures - - 254 Spec- I- Sulphate of Barytes, Petroleum, Gypsum, Alum, and Silex—Bergmanni Sciagr. s. 90 ; Kirwan Min. p. 60 255 Spec. II. Carbonate of Barytes, Iron and Silex - ibid. GENUS III. Magnesian Mixtures - 255 Spec. I. Pure Magnesia, Silex, and Alumine - 256 Spec. II. Carbonate of Magnesia, Silex, an,d Alumine ibi4. 242 243 244 ibid. 245 251 ibid. 252 ibid. 253 ibid. 254 CONTENTS. xm Page. Spec. III. Pure Magnesia combined with somewhat more than its Weight of Silex, one-third of Alumine, near one-third of Water, and more or less of Iron - - 258 Spec. IV. Carbonate of Magnesia; Silex, Lime, Alumine and Iron - - 259 Variety I. Asbestos - - - 260 Variety II. Mountain Cork - - ibid. Spec. V. Carbonate of Magnesia and Lime, Sulphate of Bary- tes, Alumine and Iron - - - 261 GENUS IV. Aluminous Mixtures - - • 262 Spec. I. Alumine, Silex, Carbonate of Lime and more or less of Iron ...... ibid. Spec. II. Alumine, Silex, Pure Magnesia, and Iron 268 Spec. III. Alumine, Silex, Magnesia, Lime, and Iron 269 Variety I. Black Horn-stone, Lapis Corneus Nitens Wallerii ibid. Variety II. Horn-stone of a Greenish Grey Colour 270 Spec. IV. Alumine, Silex, Carbonate of Magnesia, and of Lime with Iron - ibid. Variety I. Blueish Purple Slate - - ibid. Variety II. Black Slate - - - - 271 Variety III. Blue Slate - - - ibid. Variety IV. Slate of a Pale white Colour - - 272 Spec V. Alumine, Silex, Pyrites or Sulphure of Iron, and Carbonate of Lime and of Magnesia - - ibid. Spec. VI. Alumine, Silex, the Carbonates of Lime and of Magnesia, the Sulphure of Iron and Bitumen - 273 Spec. VII. Alumine, Silex, Lime, and Water - 274 GENUS V. Siliceous Mixtures - - 275 Spec. I. Silex, Alumine, L.ime, and Iron, intimately combined, ibid. Division I. Red Gems, or Precious Stones—the Ruby, Gar- net, &c. - - - - - 276 Division II. Yellow Gems or Precious Stones—the Topaz, the Hyacinth, &c. - - - - 277 Division III. Green Gems—the Emerald, Chrysolite, Beryl, &c. 279 Division IV. Blue Gems—Sapphire . - 281 Spec. II. Silex, sometimes pure, but oftener mixed with a very small Quantity of Alumine, Lime, and Iron - 282 Division I. Rock Crystal - - ibid. Variety I. Red Crystal—False Ruby - - 284 Variety II. Yellow Crystal—Bohemian Topaz - 285 Variety III. Brown Crystal—Smoky Topaz - ibid. Variety IV. Green Crystal—False Emerald - ibid. Variety V. Blue Crystal—Water Sapphire - ibid / :t they presented un- connected facts; truths were confounded with error; time and genius alone could clear up the confusion; and the progress of information is always the fruit of slow and painful experiment. It is difficult to point out the precise epocha of the origin of chemical science; but we find traces of its existence in the most remote ages. Agricul- ture, mineralogy, and all the arts which are indebted to it for their principles, were cultivated and enlightened. We behold the original nations, immediately succeeding the fabulous ages, surrounded by all the arts which supplied their wants; and we may compare chemistry to that fa- mous river whose waters fertilize the lands they inundate, but whose sources are still to us unknown. Egypt, which appears to have been the nurse of che^ mistry reduced to principles, was not slow in turning the A PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE, » applications of this science towards a chimerical end. The first seeds of chemistry were soon changed by the passion of making gold. In a moment all the labours of opera- tors were directed towards alchemy alone ; the great ob- ject of study became fixed on an endeavour to interpret fables, allusions, hieroglyphics, &c.; and. the industry of several centuries was consecrated to the inquiry after the philosopher's stone. But though we admit that the alche- mists have retarded the progress of chemistry, we are very far from being disposed to any outrage on the memory of these philosophers: we allow them the tribute of esteem to which on so many accounts they are entitled. The pu- rity of their sentiments, the simplicity of their manners, their submission to Providence, and their love for the Cre- ator, penetrate with veneration all those who read their works. The profoundest views of genius are every where seen in their writings, allied with the most extravagant ideas. The most sublime truths are degraded by appli- cations of the most ridiculous nature; and this astonish- ing contrast of superstition and philosophy, of light and darkness, compels us to admire them, even at the instant that we cannot withhold our censure. We must not con- found the sect of alchemists, of whom we shall proceed to speak, with that crowd of impostors, that sordid multitude of operators at the furnace, whose researches were direct- ed to the discovery of minds capable of being imposed up- on, who fed the ambition of such weak minds by the de- ceitful hope of increasing their riches. This last class of vile and ignorant men has never been acknowledged by the true alchemists; and they are no more entitled to that name, than the vender of specifics on the stage to the ho- nourable name of Physician. The hope of the alchemist may indeed be founded on a slender basis; but the great man, the man of genius, even at the time when he is pursuing an imaginary object, knows how to profit by the phenomena which may pre- sent themselves, and derives from his labours many use- ful truths which would have escaped the penetration of ordinary men. Thus it is that the alchemists have suc- cessively enriched pharmacy and the arts with most of their compositions. The strong desire of acquiring riches has in all times been a passion so general, that this single mo- PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. ,J5 live has been sufficient to lead many persons to the culti- vation of a science which has more relation than any other to metals; which studies their nature more particularly, and appears to facilitate the means of composing them. It is known that the Abdarites did not begin to consider the sciences as an occupation worthy a reasonable man, until they had seen a celebrated philosopher enrich himself by speculations of commerce ; and I do not doubt but that the desire of making gold has decided the vocation of se- veral chemists. We are therefore indebted to alchemy for several truths, and for several chemical professors: but this obligation is small in comparison to the mass of use- ful truth which might have been afforded during the course of several centuries; it. instead of endeavouring to form the metals, the operations of chemists had been confined to analizing them, simplifying the means of extracting them, combining them together, working them, and multiplying and rectifying their uses. The rage for making gold was succeeded by the seduc- tive hope of prolonging life by means of chemistry. The persuasion was easily admitted, that a science which af- fords remedies for all disorders, might without effort sue- ceed in affording a universal medicine. The relations which have been handed down to us of the long life of the ancients, appeared to be a natural effect of their know- ledge in chemistry. The numerous fables of antiquity obtained the favour of being admitted among established facts; and the alchemists, after having exhausted them- selves in the search after the philosopher's stone, appear- ed to redouble their efforts to arrive at an object still more chimerical. At this period the elixirs of life, the arcana, the polychrest medicines, had their origin; together with all those monstrous preparations, of which a few have been handed down even to our days. The chimera of the universal medicine agitated the minds of most men in the sixteenth century; and immor- tality was then promised with the same effrontery as a Charlatan now announces his remedy for every disease. The people are easily seduced by these ridiculous pro- mises; but the man of knowledge can never be led to think that chemistry can succeed in reversing that gene ral law of nature which condemns all living beings to re* 4 PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. novation, and a continual circulation of decompositions and successive generations. This seci gradually became an ohj xt of contempt. The enthusiast Paracelsus, who, after having flattered himself with immortality, died at the age of forty-eight at an inn at Saltsburg, completed its diso-race. From that moment the scattered remains of this sect united themselves, nevermore to appear again in public. The iight which began to shine forth on all sides, rendered it necessary that they should have recourse to secrecy and obscurity; and thus at length chemistry be- come purified. Jam 23 Earner, Bchnius, Tachenius, Kunckel, Boyle, Croliius, Gkser, Glauber, Schroder, &c. appeared on the ruins of rhese two sects, to examine this indigested ag- gregate, a; id separate from the confused mass of pheno- mena, of truth and of error, every thing which could tend to enhghten the science. The sect of the adepts, urged on by the madness of immortality, had discovered many re- medies ; and pharmacy and the arts then became enriched with formulae and compositions, whose operations re- quired only to be rectified, and their applications better estimated. Nearly at the same time appeared the celebrated Be- cher. He withdrew chemistry from the too narrow limits of pharmacy. He shewed its connexion with all the phe- nomena of nature; and the theory of the formation of me- tals, the phenomena of fermentation, the laws of putrefac- tion, were all comprehended and developed by this supe- rior genius. Chemistry was then directed to its true ob- ject: and Stahl, who succeeded Becher, reduced to cer- tain general principles all the facts with which his prede- cessor had enriched the science. He spoke a language less enigmatical; he classed all the facts with order and method; and purged the science of that alchemic infec- tion, to which Becher himself was too much attached. But if we consider how great are the claims of Stahl, and how few the additions which have been made to his doc- trine until the middle of this century, we cannot but be astonished at the small progress of the science. When we consult the labours of the chemists who have appeared since the time of Stahl, we see most of them chained down to the steps of this great man, blindly subscribing to all PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. 5 his ideas; and the labour of thinking appeared no longer to exist among them. Whenever a well-made experiment threw a gieam of light unfavourable to his doctrine, we see them torment themselves in a ridiculous manner to fonn a delusive interpretation. Thus it was that the in- crease of weight which metals acquire by calcination, though little iltvouKibie to the idea of the subtraction of a principle without any other addition, was nevertheless incapable of injuring this doctrine. The almost religious opinion which enslaved all the chemists to Stahl, has no doubt been pernicious to the progress of chemistry. But the strong desire of re- ducing every tiling to first principles, and of establish- ing a theory upon incomplete experiments, or facts im- perfectly seen, did not admit of the smallest obstacles. From the moment that analysis had shewn some of the principles of bodies, the chemist thought himself in pos- session of the first agents of nature. He considered him- self as authorized to regard those bodies as elements which appeared no longer susceptible of being decom- posed. The acids and the alkalis performed the principal part in natural operations; and it appeared to be a truth buried in oblivion, that the term where the artist stops is not the point at which the Creator has limited his pow- er; and that the last result of analysis does indeed mark the limits of art, but does not fix those of nature. We might likewise reproach certain chemists for having too long neglected the operations of the living systems. The}- confined themselves in their laboratories, studied no bodies but in their lifeless state, and were incapable of acquiring any knowledge but such as was very in- complete : for he who, in his researches, has no other object in view than that of ascertaining the principles of a substance, acts like a physician who should suppose he had acquired a complete notion of the human body by confining his studies to the dead carcass. But we must likewise observe that, in order to form a proper no- tion of the phenomena of living bodies, it is necessary to possess the means of confining the gaseous principles which escape from bodies; and of analizing these vola- tile and invisible substances which combine together. Now this work was impossible at that time; and we 6- PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. ought to beware of imputing to men those errors which arise from the state of the times in which they lived. It may perhaps be demanded, on this occasion, why chemistry was sooner known, and more generally culti- vated, in Germanv and in the North than in our king- dom. I think that many reasons may be given for this. In the first place, the scholars of Stahl and of Becher must have been more numerous, and consequently their in- struction farther extended. Secondly, the working of mines having become a resource necessary to the go- vernments of the North, has been singularly encouraged; and that chemistry which enlightens mineralogy must ne- cessarily have participated in its encouragements*. The study of chemistry did not begin to be cultivated to advantage in France until the end of the last century. The first wars of Louis XIV. so proper to develop the talents of the artist, the historian, and the military man, appeared little favourable to the peaceable study of na- ture. The naturalist, who in his researches sees union and harmony around him, cannot be an indifferent spec- tator of the continual scenes of disorder and destruction; and his genius is crushed in the midst of troubles and agitations. The mind of the great Colbert, deeply pe- netrated with these truths, quickly endeavoured to tem- per the fire of discord, by turning the minds of men to- wards the only objects which could secure the peace and * Since the French government has facilitated the study of mi- neralogy by the most superb establishments, we have beheld the taste for chemistry revive, the arts which have the working of me- tals for their object have been rendered more perfect, and the mines which have been wrought are more numerous. Mr. Sage has been more particularly assiduous and zealous to turn the favour of go- vernment towards this object. I have been a witness to the labo- rious attention of this chemist to effect this revolution. I have be- held the personal sacrifices he made to bring it forward. I have applauded his zeal, his motives, and his talents. The same senti- ments still occupy my mind ; and though I teach a doctrine at present which is different from his, this circumstance arises from the impossibility of commanding opinions. The philosopher who is truly worthy of this name, is capable of distinguishing the friend of his heart from the slave of his system : and, in a word, every one ought to write according to his conviction ; the most sacred ax- iom of the sciences being " Amicus Plato, sed magis amrca Veri- tas.'? PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. f prosperity of the state. He exerted himself to render trade flourishing : he established manufactories : learned men were invited from all parts, encouraged, and united together, to promote his vast projects. Then it was that die ardour of inquiry replaced for a time the fury of con- quest ; and France very soon stood in competition with all nations for the rapid progress of the sciences, and the perfection of the arts. Lemery, Homberg, and Geof- froy arose nearly at the same time; and other nations were no longer entitled to reproach us for the want of chemists. From that moment the existence of the arts appeared to be well assured. All the sciences which af- ford their first principles, were cultivated with the greatest success: and it will scarcely be credited that, in the space of a few years, the arts were drawn from a state of non-entity; and carried to such a degree of perfec- tion, that France, which had before received every thing from foreign countries, became in possession of the glory of supplying its neighbours with models and with mer- chandises. Chemistry and natural history, however, at the begin- ning of this century, were cultivated only by a very small number of persons; and it was then thought that the study of these sciences ought to be confined to the academies. But two men, whose names will be ever famous, have rendered the taste general under the reign of Louis XV. The one possessed that noble spirit which is a stranger to the power of prejudice, that inde- fatigable ardour which so easily overcomes every obsta- cle, that openness of character which inspires confidence, and transfused into the minds of his pupils that enthusi- asm of which he himself felt the force. While Rouelle enlightened the science of chemistry, Buffon prepared a revolution still more astonishing in natural history. The naturalists of the North had succeeded in causing their productions to be read by a small number of the learned; but the works of the French naturalist were soon, like those of nature, in the hands of the whole world. He possessed the art of diffusing through his writings that lively interest, that enchanting colouring, and that deli- cate and vigorous touch, which influence, attach, and subdue the mind. The profundity of his reasoning is 8 PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. every where united to all that agreeable illusion which the most brilliant imagination can' furnish. The sacred fire of trenius animates all his productions ; his systems constantly exhibit the most sublime prospects in their to- tality, and die most perfect correspondence in their mi- nute parts: and, even "when he exhibits mere hypothe- ses, we are inclined to persuade ourselves that they are- established truths. We become like the artist who, af- ter having admired a beautiful statue, used his efforts to persuade himself that it respired, and removed every thing which could dissipate his illusion. We take up his work with a pleasure resembling that of the man who turns again to sleep, in hopes of prolonging the decep- tion of an agreeable dream. These two celebrated men, by diffusing the taste for chemistry and natural history, by making their relations and uses better known, conciliated the favour of govern- ment towards them; raid from that moment every one interested himself in the progress of both sciences. Those persons who were best qualified in the kingdom, hastened to promote the revolution which was preparing. The science's soon inscribed in their list of cultivators the be- loved and respected names of La Rochefoucault, Ayen, Chaulnes; Lauraguais, Malesherve, &c.; and these men, distinguished by their birth, were honoured with a new species of glory, which is independent of chance or pre- judice. They enriched chemistry with their discoveries, and associated their names with all the other literati who pursued the same career. They revived in the mind of the chemist that passion for glory, and that ardour for the public good, which continually excite new efforts. The man of ambition and intrigue no longer endeavoured to depress the modest and timid man of genius. The cre- dit of men in place served as a defence and support against calumny and persecution. Recompenses were assigned to merit. Learned men were despatched into all parts of the world, to study the arts, and collect their productions. Men of the first merit were invited to in- struct us with regard to our own proper riches; and establishments of chemistry which were made in the principal towns, of the kingdom, diffused the taste for this science, and fixed among us those arts which we PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. 9 might in vain have attempted to naturalize, if a firm ba- sis had not been first laid. The professors established in the capital, and in the provinces, appeared to be placed between the academies and the people, to prepare the latter for those truths which flow from such respectable associations. We may consider them as a medium which refracts and modifies the rays of light that issue from those various luminous centres; and directs them towards the manufactories, to enlighten and improve their practice. Without these favours, without this conside- ration and these recompenses, could it have been ex- pected that the most unassuming among philosophers would have exerted himself to promote the reputation of a people to whom he was unknown? Could a man so si- tuated reasonably hope to succeed in carrying a disco- very into effect ? Is it probable that he should have pos- sessed a sufficient fortune to work in the large way, and by this means alone to overcome the numberless preju- dices which banish men of science from manufactories ? The contemplative sciences demand of the sovereign re- pose and liberty only; but experimental sciences demand more, for they require assistance and encouragement. What indeed could be hoped in those barbarous ages, wherein the chemist scarcely durst avow the nature of the occupation which in secret constituted his greatest pleasure. The tide of Chemist was almost a reproach: and the prejudice which confounded the professors of this science with such wretched projectors as are entitled only to pity, has probably kept back the revival of the arts for several centuries; for chemistry alone can afford them a proper basis. If the princes of past times had been friends of the arts, and jealous to acquire a pure and durable reputation; if they had been careful to ho- nour the learned, to collect their valuable labours and to transmit to us without alteration the precious annals of human genius; we should have been dispensed from la- bouring among the rubbish of early times, to consult a few of those remains which have escaped the general wreck; and we should have been spared the regret of allowing, after many useless researches, that the master- pieces of antiquity which remain answer scarcely any other purpose than to give us an idea of that superiority B 10 PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. to which the earlier nations had arrived. Time, the sword, fire, and prejudice have devoured all; and our re- searches serve only to add to our regret for the losses which the world has sustained. The science of chemistry possesses the glory, in our days, not only of having obtained the protection of govern- ment, but it may likewise boast of another equally ele- vated. This science has fixed the attention, and formed the occupation, of various men in whom the habit of a profound study of the accurate sciences had produced a necessity of admitting nothing but what is proved, and of attaching themselves only to such branches of knowledge as are susceptible of strict proofs. Messrs. De la Grange, Condorcet, Vander Monde, Monge, De la Place, Meus- nier, Cousin, the most celebrated mathematicians of Eu- rope, are all interested in the progress of this science, and most of them daily add to its progress by their disco- veries. So great a mass of instruction, and such ample encou- ragement, could not but effect a revolution in the science itself; and we are indebted to the combined efforts of all these learned men for the discovery of several metals, the creation of various useful arts, the knowledge of a num- ber of advantageous processes, the working of several mines, the analysis of the gases, the decomposition of wa- ter, the theory of heat, the doctrine of combustion; and a mass of knowledge so absolute and so extended, respect- ing all the phenomena of art and of nature, that in a very short time chemistry has become a science entirely new. We might now say with much more truth what the cele- brated Bacon affirmed of the chemistry of his time: "A new philosophy," says he, "has issued from the furnaces of the chemists, which has confounded all the reasonings of the ancients." But while discoveries became infinitely multiplied in chemistry, the necessity of remedying the confusion which had so long prevailed, was soon seen, and indicated the want of a reform in the language of this science. There is so intimate a relation between words and facts, that the revolution which takes place in the principles of a science ought to be attended with a similar revolution in its lan- guage : and it is no more possible to preserve a vitious PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. 11 nomenclature with a science which becomes enlightened, extended, and simplified, than to polish, civilize, and in- struct uninformed man without making any change in his natural language. Every chemist who Avrote on any sub- ject was struck with the inaccuracy of the words in com- mon use, and considered himself as authorized to intro, duce some change; insomuch that the chemical language became insensibly longer, more confused, and more un- pleasant. Thus carbonic acid has been known, during 4 the course of a few years, under the names of Fixed Air, Aerial Acid, Mephitic Acid, Cretaceous Acid, &c.; and our posterity may hereafter dispute whether these various denominations were not applied to different substances. The time was therefore come, in which it was necessary to reform the language of chemistry; the imperfections of the ancient nomenclature, and the discovery of many new substances, rendered this revolution indispensable. But it was necessary to defend this revolution from the ca- price and fancy of a few individuals; it was necessary to establish this new language upon invariable principles: and the only means of insuring this purpose was doubt- less that of erecting a tribunal in which chemists of ac- knowledged merit should discuss the words received with- out prejudice and without interest; in which the princi- ples of a new nomenclature might be established and pu - rified by the severest logic; and in which the language should be so well identified with the science, the word so well applied to the fact, that the knowledge of the one should lead to the knowledge of the other. This was ex- ecuted in 1788 by Messrs. De Morveau, Lavoisier, Ber- thollet, and De Fourcroy. In order to establish a system of nomenclature, bodies must be considered in two different points of view, and distributed into two classes; namely, the class of simple substances reputed to be elementary, and the class of com- bined substances. 1. The most natural and suitable denominations which can be assigned to simple substances, must be deduced from a principal and characteristic property of the sub- stance intended to be expressed. They may likewise be distinguished by words which d© n«t present any precise 12 PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. idea to the mind. Most of the received names are estabr lished on this last principle, such as the names Sulphur, Phosphorus, which do not convey any signification in our language, and produce in our minds determinate ideas only, because usagj has applied them to known substances. These words, rendered sacred by use, ought to be pre- served in a new nomenclature; and no change ought to be made, excepting when it is proposed to rectify vitious de- nominations. In this case the authors of the new nomen- clature have thought it proper to deduce the denomination from the principal characteristic property of the substance. Thus, pure air might have been called Vital Air, Fire Air, or Oxigenous Gas; because it is the basis of acids, and the aliment of respiration and combustion. But it appears to me that this principle has been in a small de- gree departed from when the name of Azotic Gas was given to the atmospherical mephitis—1. Because, none of tne known gaseous substances excepting vital air being proper for respiration, the word Azote agrees with every one of them except one; and consequently this denomina- tion is not founded upon an exclusive property, distinc- tive and characteristic of the gas itself. 2. This denomi- nation being once introduced, the nitric acid ought to have been called Azotic Acid, and its combinations Azotates; because the acids are proposed to be denoted by the name which belongs to their radical. 3. If the denomination of Azotic Gas does not agree with this aeriform substance, the name of Azote agrees still less with the concrete and fixed substance; for in this state all the gases are essen- tially azotes. It appears to me therefore that the denomi- nation of Azotic Gas is not established according to the principles which have been adopted; and that the names given to the several substances of which this gas consti- tutes one of the elements, are equally removed from the principles of the nomenclature. In order.to correct the nomenclature on this head, nothing more is necessary than to substitute to this word a denomination which is derived from the general system made use of; and I have pre- sumed to propose that of Nitrogene Gas. In the first place, it is deduced from the characteristic and exclusive property of this gas, which forms the radical of the nitric acid. By this means we shall preserve to the combing- PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE. 13 tions of this substance the received denominations, such as those of the Nitric Acid, Nitrates, Nitrites, &c. In this manner the word whi very natural consequence of this primordial law, it fol- lows that the elements of bodies must have been urged towards each other; that masses must have been formed by their re-union; and that solid and compact bodies must have insensibly been constituted; towards which, as to- wards a centre, the less heavy and less compact bodies must gravitate. This law of attraction, which the chemists call Affini- ty, tends continually to bring principles together which are disunited, and retains with more or less energy those which are already in combination; so that it is impossible to produce any change in nature, without interrupting or modifying this attractive power. It is natural, therefore, and even indispensable, that we should speak of the law of the affinities before 'We pro- ceed to treat of the methods of analysis. Affinity is exercised either between principles of the same nature, or between principles of a different nature. We may, therefore, distinguish two kinds of affinity, with respect to the nature of bodies. 1. The affinity of ag- gregation, or that which exists between two principles of the same nature. 2. The affinity of composition, or that which retains two or more principles of different natures in a state of combination. Of the Affinity of Aggregation. Two drops of water which unite together into one, form an aggregate, of which each drop is known by the name of an integrant part. fined in the gun-barrel, and the aerial product wUl be received in the bell glass K. Fig. 2. A is a chafing dish, a few inches larger than the common size, containing a gun-barrel cut in two parts, and closed at one end by welding. B, a bent lube, which enters under the shelf of the hy-, dropneumatic box C. D, a bell glass. Fig. 3. A is a subliming vessel, shaped flat like a turnip. Fig. 4. A is a cast iron matrass, sixteen inches in circumference, and a foot long, into the mouth of which the gun-barrel B is well ground, for making oxygen gas, carbonated hydrogen gas, oxyd of carbon, &c. Fig. 5. A is an eight ounce vial, into the mouth of which the bent tube B enters, for making hydrogen gas, nitrous air, carbonic acid £as, kc—Am. Ed. 44 AFFINITY OF AGGREGATION. An aggregate differs from a heap; because the inte- grant parts of this last have no perceptible adhesion to each other; as for example, a heap of barley, of sand, &c. An aggregate and a heap differ from a mixture; be- cause the constituent parts of this last are of a different na- ture; as, for example, in gunpowder. The affinity of aggregation is stronger, the nearer the integrant parts approach to each other; so that every thing which tends to separate or remove these integrant parts from each otiier, diminishes their affinity, and weak- ens their force of cohesion. Heat produces this effect upon most known bodies; hence it is that melted metals have no consistence. The caloric, or matter of heat, by combining with bodies, al- most always produces an effect opposite to the force of at- traction; and we might consider ourselves as authorized to affirm that it is a principle of repulsion, if sound che- mistry had not proved that it produces this effect only by its endeavour to combine with bodies, and thereby neces- sarily diminishing their force of aggregation, as all other chemical ?gents do. Besides which, the extreme levity of caloric produces the effect that, when it is combined with any given body, it continually tends to elevate it, and to overcome that force which retains it, and precipitates it towards the earth. The mechanical operations of pounding, of hammering, or of cutting, likewise diminish the affinity of aggregation. They remove the integrant parts to a distance from each other: and this new disposition, by presenting a less de- gree of adhesion, and a larger surface, facilitates the imme- diate action, and augments the energy of chemical agents. It is for this purpose that bodies are divided when they are to be analized, an&that the effect of re-agents is facili- tated by the action of heat. The mechanical division of bodies is more difficult, the stronger their aggregation. Aggregates exist under different states; they are solid, liquid, aeriform, &c.—See Fourcroy's Chemistry. AFFINITY OF COMPOSITION- 45 Of the Affinity of Composition,, Bodies of different kinds exert a tendency or attrac- tion upon each other, which is more or less strong; and it is by virtue of this force that all the changes of com- position or decomposition observed amongst them, are effected. The affinity of composition exhibits invariable laws in all the phenomena it causes. We may state these laws as general principles; to which may be referred all the effects presented to our observation by the action of bo- dies upon each other. I. The affinity of composition acts only between the constituent parts of bodies. The general law of attraction is exerted upon the mass- es ; and in this respect it differs from the law of the affi- nities, which does not perceptibly act but on the elemen- tary particles of bodies. Two bodies placed near each other do not unite; but, if they be divided and mixed, a combination may arise. We have examples of this when the muriate of soda, or common salt, is triturated with litharge; the muriate of ammoniac, or common sal ammoniac, with lime, &c. And it may be asserted that the energy of the affinity of composition is almost always proportioned to the degree of the division of bodies. II. The affinity of composition is in the inverse ratio of the affinity of aggregation. It is so much the more difficult to decompose a body, as its constituent principles are united or retained by a greater force. Gases, and especially vapours, continually tend to combination, because their aggregation is weak: and nature, which is constantiy renewing the produc- tions of this universe, never combines solid with solid ; but, reducing every thing into the form of gas, by this means breaks the impediments of aggregation; and these gases uniting together, form solids in their turn. Hence, no doubt, it arises, that the affinity of com- position is so much the more strong as bodies approach nearer to the elementary state ; and we shall observe on this subject, that this law of nature is founded in wis- dom ; for if the force or affinity of composition did not 46 AFFINITY OF COMPOSITION". increase in proportion as bodies were brought to this de- gree of simplicity ; if bodies did not assume a decided ten* dency to unite and combine, in proportion as they approach to their primitive or elementary state; the mass of elements would continually increase by these successive and unin- terrupted decompositions; and we should insensibly re- turn again to that chaos or confusion of principles, which is supposed to have been the original state of this globe. The necessity of this state of division, which is so proper to increase the force of affinity, has caused it to be admitted as an incontestible principle, that the affinity of composition does not take place, unless one of the bo- dies be in the fluid state : corpora non agunt nisi sint fiu- ida. But it seems to me that extreme division might be substituted instead of dissolution; for both these opera- tions tend only to attenuate bodies, without altering their nature. It is by virtue of this division, which is equi- valent to dissolution, that the decomposition of muriate of soda is effected by trituration with minium, as well as the union of cold and dry alkali with antimony, and the disengagement of volatile alkali by the simple mixture of sal ammoniac with lime. III. When two or more bodies unite by the affinity of composition, their temperature changes. This phenomenon cannot be explained but by consi- dering the fluid of heat as a constituent principle of bo- dies, unequally distributed amongst them ; so that, when any change is produced in bodies, this fluid is displaced in its turn, which necessarily produces a change of tem- perature. We shall return to these principles when we ■speak of heat. IV. The compound which results from the combina- tion of two bodies, possesses properties totally different from those of its constituent principles. Some chemists have affirmed, that the properties of compounds were intermediate between those of their con- stituent parts. But this term " intermediate" has no meaning in the present case; for what intermediate qua- lities can exist between sour and sweet, or between wa- ter and fire "? If we attend ever so little to the phenomena which are exhibited to us by bodies in their composition, we glial! THE LAWS OF DECOMPOSITION. "47 perceive that their form, their taste, and their consistence, are changed in combination; and we cannot establish any rule to indicate, a priori, all the changes which may arise, and the nature and properties of the body which shall be formed. V. Every individual substance has its peculiar affi- nities with the various substances presented to it. If all bodies had the same degree of affinity with each other, no change could take place amongst them: we should not be able to displace any principle by presenting one body to another. Nature has therefore wisely varied the affinities, and appointed to each body its rela- tion with all those that can be presented to it. It is in consequence of this difference in the affinities that all chemical decompositions are effected; all the ope- rations of nature and art are founded upon it. It is there- fore of importance to be well acquainted with all the phe- nomena and circumstances which this law of decomposi- tion can present to us. The affinity of composition has received, different names, according to its effects. It is divided into simple affinity, double affinity, the affinity of an intermedium, reciprocal affinity, &c. 1. Two principles united together, and separated by means of a third, afford an example of simple affinity: it consists in the displacing of one principle by the ad- dition of a third. Bergman has given it the name of Electrive Attraction. The body which is disengaged, or displaced, is known by the name of the Precipitate. An alkali precipitates- metals from their solutions; the sulphuric acid precipi- tates the muriatic, the nitric, &c. The precipitate is not always formed by the disengaged substance. Sometimes the new compound itself is pre- cipitated ; as, for example, when I pour the sulphuric or vitriolic acid on a solution of muriate of lime. Some- times the disengaged body and the new compound are precipitated together; as, for example, when the sul- phate of magnesia or Epsom salt is dissolved in water, and precipitated by means of .lime-water. 2. It often happens that the compound of two princi- ples cannot be destroyed either by a third or a fourth 48 Various cases of affinity. body separately applied; but if these two bodies be united, and placed in contact with the same compound, a decomposition or change of principles will then take place. This phenomenon constitutes the double affinity. An example will render this proposition more clear and precise. The sulphate of pot-ash or vitriolated tartar is not completely decomposed by the nitric acid or by lime, when either of these principles is separately presented; but, if the nitric acid be combined with lime, this nitrate of lime will decompose the sulphate of pot-ash. In this last case the affinity of the sulphuric acid with the alkali is weakened by its affinity to the lime. This acid, there- fore, is subject to two attractions; the one which retains it to the alkali, and the otiier which attracts it towards the lime : Mr. Kirwan has named the first the Quiescent Affinity, and the other the Divellent Affinity. The same may be said respecting the affinities of the alkali; it is retained to the sulphuric acid by a superior force, but ne- vertheless attracted by the nitric acid. Let us suppose, now, that the sulphuric acid adheres to the alkali with a force as 8, and to the lime by a force expressed by the number 6 ; that die nitric acid adheres to the lime by a force as 4, and tends to unite with the alkali by a force as 7. It may then be perceived that the nitric acid and the lime, separately applied to the sulphate of pot-ash, would not produce any change: but if they be presented in a state of combination, tiien the sulphuric acid is at- tracted on the one hand by 6, and retained by 8 ; it has- therefore an effective attraction to the alkali as 2. On the other hand, the nitric acid is attracted by a force as 7, and retained by a force as 4; it therefore retains a tendency to unite with the alkali, which is denoted by the number 3 ; and consequently it ought to displace die sulphuric acid, which is retained only by a force as 2. 3. There are cases in which two bodies, having no perceptible affinity to each other, obtain a disposition to unite by the intervention of a third; and this is called the affinity of an intermedium. An alkali ic the interme- dium of union between oil and water; hence die theory of lixiviums, of washings, &c. If the affinities of bodies were well known, we might foretel the results of all operations: but it is obvious REGULAR FIGURES OF BODIES. 49 how difficult it must be to acquire this extensive know- ledge of nature ; more especially since modern discove- ries have exhibited to us an affinity of modifications in our processes, and have shewn that results may vary with such facility, that even the absence or presence of light will render them very different. As long as chemistry was confined to the knowledge of a few substances, and was busied only in attending to a certain number of facts, it was possible to draw up ta- bles of affinity, and to exhibit the result of our know- ledge in one and the same table. But all the principles upon which these tables have been constructed, have re- ceived modifications; the number of principles has in- creased ; and we find ourselves under the necessity of la- bouring upon new ground. A sketch of this great work may be seen in the Essay on Affinities of the celebrated Bergman, and in article Affinity in the Encyclopedic Me- thodique. VI. The particles which are brought together and united by affinity, whether they be of the same nature or of different natures, continually tend to form bodies of a polyhedral, constant, and determinate form. This beautiful law of nature, by wjhich she impresses on all her productions a constant and regular form, ap- pears to have been unknown to the ancients : and when chemists began to discover that almost all bodies of the mineral kingdom affected regular forms, they at first dis- tinguished them according to the inaccurate resemblance supposed to exist between them and other known bodies. Hence the denomination of crystals in pyramids, needles, points of diamonds, crosses, sword blades, &c. We are more particularly indebted to the celebrated Linnaeus for the first precise ideas of these geometrical figures. He took notice of the constancy and uniformity of this character; and this celebrated naturalist thought himself authorized tb make it the basis of his method of classification of the mineral kingdom. Mr. Rome de Lisle has proceeded still farther : he has subjected all the forms to a strict examination; he has, as it were, decomposed them; and is of opinion that he can distinguish in the crystals of all analogous or identi- cal substances, the simple modifications and shades of a G 5f> REGULAR FIGURES OF BODIES primitive form. By this means he has reduced all the confused and irregular forms to certain primitive figures; and has attributed to nature a plan or primitive design, which she varies and modifies in a thousand manners, ac- cording to circumstances that influence her proceedings. This truly great and philosophical work has rendered this part of mineralogy in the highest degree interesting ; and if we should admit that Mr. De Lisle has perhaps car- ried these resemblances too far, we cannot but allow that he deserves a distinguished place amongst those authors who have contributed to the progress of science. The Crystallographie of this celebrated naturalist may be pe- rused with advantage. The abbe Hauy has since applied calculation to obser- vation. He has undertaken to prove that each crystal has a nucleus or primitive form; and has shewn the laws of diminution to which the compotent lamina? of the cry- stals are subject, in their transition from the primitive to the secondary forms. The development of these fine principles, and their application to crystals the best known, may be seen in his theory of the structure of crystals, and in several of his memoirs printed in the volumes of the Academy of Sciences. The united labours of these celebrated naturalists have carried crystallography to a degree of perfection of which it did not appear susceptible. But we shall, at this mo- ment, attend only to the principles according to which crystallization is effected. To dispose a substance to crystallization, it is neces- sary in the first place to reduce it to the most complete state of division. This division may be effected by solution, or by an operation purely mechanical. Solution may be effected either by the means of water or of fire. The solution of salts is in general performed in the first liquid, that of metals is effected by means of the second;- and their solution is not complete until a de- gree of heat is applied of sufficient intensity to convert them into the state of gas. When the water which holds any salt in solution is evaporated, the principles of the dissolved body are insen- sibly brought nearer to each other, and it is obtained in PRODUCED BY CRYSTALLIZATION. 51 regular form. The same circumstance nearly takes place in die solution by fire. When a metal is impregnated with this fluid, it does not crystallize but in proportion as this excess of igneous fluid is withdrawn. In order that the form of a crystal may be regular, three circumstances are required; time, a sufficient space, and repose. Consult Linnaeus, Daubenton, &c. A. Time causes the superabundant fluid to be slowly dissipated, and brings the integral parts nearer each other by insensible gradation, and without any sudden shock. These integrant parts therefore unite according to their constant laws, and form a regular crystal. For this rea- son it is, that slow evaporation is recommended by all good chemists. Vide Stahl's Treatise on salts, chap. 29. In proportion as the evaporation of the solvent is effect- ed, the principles of the dissolved body approach each other, and their affinity is continually augmented while that of the solvent remains unaltered. Hence it arises, no doubt, that the last portions of the solvent are most difficuldy volatilized, and that salts retain a greater or less quantity, which forms their water of crystallization. The proportion of water of .crystallization not only varies great - - ly in the different salts, but it adheres, with greater or less strength. There are some which suffer this water to fly off when they are exposed to the air; such as soda or the mineral alkali, the sulphate of soda or Glauber's salt, &6. In this situation these salts lose their transparency, and fall into powder: they are then said to have effloresced. There are other salts which obstinately retain their water of crystallization; such as the muriate of pot-ash, the ni- trate of pot-ash or common nitre, &c. The phenomena presented to us by the different salts, when forcibly deprived of their water of crystallization, exhibit other varieties. Some crackle with the heat, and are thrown about in small pieces when the water is dissi- pated ; this appearance is called decrepitation. Others emit the same water in the form of steam, and are lique- fied with a diminution of their bulk. Others again swell up, and become converted into a blistered or porous sub- stance. 52 VARIOUS APPEARANCES We are indebted to Mr. Kirwan for an accurate table of the water of crystallization contained in each salt. This table may be seen by consulting his Mineralogy. The simple cooling of the fluid which holds the salt in solution may precipitate a considerable quantity. The caloric and the water dissolve a greater quantity of salt when their action is united; and it may easily be ima- gined that the subtraction of one of the solvents must oc- casion the precipitation of that portion which it held in so- lution. Thus it is that warm water saturated witii salt, must suffer a part to precipitate by cooling; and for this reason crystallization always begins at the surface of the liquid, and on the sides of the containing vessel; namely, because these parts are the first which suffer refrigeration. It is the alternation of heat and cold which causes the at- mosphere to dissolve sometimes a greater, and sometimes a less quantity of water; and constitutes mists, the even- ing dew, &c. The mutual approach of the constituent parts of a body held in solution may be likewise accelerated by presenting to the water which suspends them, another body which has a stronger affinity to it. It is upon this principle that alcohol precipitates several salts. B. Space or sufficient room is likewise a condition neces- sary for obtaining regular crystallization. If nature be re- strained in her operations, the product of her labour will exhibit symptoms of this state of constraint. It may be asserted that nature forms her productions according to all the circumstances which may influence her operations. C. A state of repose in the fluid is likewise necessary to obtain very regular forms. Uninterrupted agitation op- poses all symmetrical arrangement; and in this case the crystallization obtained will be confused and indetermi- nate. I am persuaded, that, in order to obtain bodies under the form of crystals, a previous solution is not necessary, but that a simple mechanical division would be sufficient. To obtain a conviction of this truth, it is only necessary to ob- serve that solution does not change the nature of bodies, but simply procures an extreme state of division; so that the disunited principles approaching each other very gra- dually and without starts, can adapt themselves to each ATTENDING CRYSTALLIZATION, &.C 53 other, by following the invariable laws of their gravity and affinity. Now a division purely mechanical produces the same effect, and places the principles in the same disposi- tion. We ought not therefore to be surprised if most salts, such as gypsum, when dispersed in the earth, should assume regular forms without any previous solution; nei- ther ought we to think it strange if the imperceptible frag- ments of quartz, of spar, &c. when carried along and pro- digiously divided by the action of waters, should be de- posited in the form of regular crystals. A very singular property may be observed in salts; which may be referred to crystallization, but is likewise in some measure remote from it, because it does not de- pend upon the same causes. This is the property of ris- ing along the sides of the vessels which contain the solu- tion. It is known by the name of Saline Vegetation. I have first demonstrated that this phenomenon depends on the concurrence of air and light; and that the effect may be determined at pleasure towards any part of the vessel, by managing and directing the action of these two agents. I have shewn the principal forms which this singular vegetation affects. The detail of my experiments may be seen in the third volume of the Memoirs of the Aca- demy of Toulouse. Mr. Dorthes has confirmed my results; and has more- over observed that camphor, spirits of wine, water, &c. which rise by insensible evaporation in half-filled vessels, constantly attach themselves to the most enlightened parts of the vessels. Messrs. Petit and Rouelle have treated on the vegeta- tion of salts; but a series of experiments on the subject was wanting. This is what we have endeavoured to supply. 54 METHODS OF SEPARATING SECTION II. Concerning the various Means employed by Chemists to overcome the Adhesion which exists between the Particles of Bodies. THE law of affinities, towards which our attention has been directed, tends continually to bring the parti- cles of body into contact, and to maintain them in their state of union. The efforts of the chemist are almost all directed to overcome this attractive power, and the means he employs are reducible to—1. The division of bodies by mechanical operations. 2. The division or separation of the particles from each other by the assistance of sol- vents. 3. The means of presenting to the several princi- ples of the same bodies, substances which have a stronger affinity to them than those principles have to each other. I. The different operations performed upon bodies by the chemist, to determine their nature, alter their form, their texture, and even in some instances change their constitution. All these changes are either mechanical or chemical. The mechanical operations we shall at present describe, do not change die nature of substances, but in general change only their form and bulk. These operations are performed by the hammer, the knife, the pesde, he. "Whence it follows that the chemical laboratory ought to be provided with all these instruments. These divisions or triturations are performed in mor- tal's of stone, of glass, or of metal. It is the nature of the substance under examination which determines the use of one or the other of these vessels. The object of these preliminary operations is, to pre- pare and dispose bodies for new operations which may disunite their principles and change their nature; these last-mentioned operations, which may be distinguished by the appellation Chemical, are what most essentially constitute the analysis. II. The solution to which we are at present to attend, consists in die division and disappearance of a solid in « THE COMPONENT PARTS OF BODIES. 55 liquid, but without any alteration in the nature of the body so dissolved. The liquid in which the solid disappears, 'is .called the solvent or menstruum. The agent of solution appears to follow certain con- stant laws, which we shall here point out. A. The agent of solution does not appear to differ from that of affinity; and in all cases the solution is more or less abundant, the greater the affinity of the integrant parts of the solvent is to those of the body to be dis- solved. From this principle it follows, that to facilitate solu- tion, it is necessary that bodies should be triturated and divided. By this means a greater number of surfaces are presented, and the affinity of die integrant parts is di- minished. It sometimes happens that the affinity between the sol- vent and the body presented to it has so little energy that it does not become perceptible till after a considerable in- terval of time. These slow operations, of which we have some examples in our laboratories, are common in the works of nature ; and it is probably to similar causes that we ought to refer most of those results whose causes or agents escape our perception or observation. - B. Solution is more speedy in proportion as die body to be dissolved presents a greater surface : on this prin- ciple is founded the practice of pounding, triturating, and dividing bodies intended to be dissolved. Bergman has even observed, that bodies which are not attacked in considerable masses, become soluble after minute divi- sion. Letters on Iceland, p. 421*. C. The solution of a body constantiy produces' cold. Advantage has even been taken of this phenomenon to procure artificial cold, much superior to the most rigor- ous temperature ever observed in our climates. We shall again advert to this principle when we come to treat of the laws of heat. The principal solvents employed in our operations are water, alcohol, and fire. Bodies submitted to one or the odier of diese solvents present similar phenomena; they * Von Troil's Letters, quoted by Mr. Bergman. T. 56 PHENOMENA OF SOLUTION. are divided, rarefied, and at last disappear: the most re- fractory metal melts, is dissipated in vapour, and passes to the state of gas, if a very strong heat be applied to it. This last state forms a complete solution of the metallic substance in the caloric. The effect of caloric is often united with one of the other solvents, to accomplish a more speedy and abun- dant solution. The three solvents here mentioned do not exer- cise an equal action on all bodies indiscriminately. Skilful chemists have exhibited tables of the dissolving power of these menstruums. We may see, in the Mine- ralogy of Kirwan, with what care that celebrated chemist has exhibited the degree of solubility of each salt in wa- ter. The table of Mr. De Morveau may likewise be consulted on the dissolving power of alcohol. Journal de Physique, 1785. Most authors who have treated of solution have consi- dered it in too mechanical a point of view. Some have supposed sheaths in the solvent, and points in the body dissolved. This absurd and gratuitous supposition has appeared sufficient to account for the action of acids upon bodies. Newton and Gassendi have admitted pores in water, in which salts might insinuate themselves; and have by this means explained why water does not augment in its bulk in proportion to the quantity of salt it takes up. Gassendi has even supposed pores of different forms; and has endeavoured to shew by this means how water satu- rated with one salt may dissolve others of another kind. Dr. Watson, who has observed the phenomena of solu- tion with the greatest care, has concluded from his nu- merous experiments; 1. That the water rises in the ves- sel at the moment of the immersion of the salt. 2. That it falls during the solution. 3. That it rises after the so- lution above the original level. The two last effects seem to me to arise from the change of temperature which the liquor undergoes. The refrigeration arising from the so- lution must diminish the volume of the solvent; but it ought to return to its first state as soon as the dissolution is finished. The tables of Dr. Watson respecting these phenomena, and the specific gravity of water saturated EFFECTS OF RE-AGENTS. 57 with different salts, may be consulted in the Journal de Physique, vol. xiii. p. 62.* III. As the peculiar affinities of bodies to each other are various, the constituent principles may be easily disen- gaged by other substances; and it is upon this considera- tion that the action of all the re-agents employed by che- mistry in its anal} sis is founded. Sometimes the chemist displaces certain principles, which he can in diat state exa- mine more accurately, because insulated, and disengaged from all their combinations. It frqjaently happens that ' the re-agent made use of combines with some principle of the body analized; and a compound arises, whose charac- ters indicate to us the nature of the principle which has thus entered into combination, because the combinations of the principal re-agents with various bases are well known. It likewise frequently happens that the re-agent made use of is itself decomposed, which circumstance renders the phenomena and the products more complicat- ed ; but we are enabled from the nature of these products to form a judgment of the component parts of the body analized. This last fact was little attended to by the an- cient chemists; and this is one of the principal defects of the labours of Stahl, who has referred most of those phe- nomena to the bodies which he submitted to analysis, which in reality arose only from the decomposition of the re--agents employed in his operations. SECTION III. Concerning the Method of Proceeding which the Chemist ought to follow in the Study of the various Bodies presented to us by Nature. THE progress made in any science depends upon the solidity of those principles which form its basis, and •upon the method of studying them. It is not, therefore, * Or in the fifth vol. of his Chemical Essays. T- H SB METHOD OF STUDYING to be wondered at, that chemistry made but little progress in those times, when the language of chemists was enig- matical, and when the principles of the science were found- ed only on analogies falsely deduced, or on a few facts illy understood. In the times which have followed this epocha, the facts have indeed been more attended to;, but, instead of suffering them to speak for themselves chemists have been desirous of making applications, drawing con- sequences, and establishing theories. Thus it was that Stahl, when he first observed that oil of vitriol and char- coal produced sulphur, if he had then confined himself to the simple relation of the fact, he would have announced a valuable and eternal truth; but when he concluded that the sulphur was produced by the combination of the in- flammable principle of the charcoal with the oil of vitriol, he asserted that which the experiment does not point out: then it was that he proceeded further than the facts war- ranted; and this first rash step might be a first step to- wards error. All doctrine, in order to be lasting, ought to consist of the pure and simple expression of facts: but we are almost always governed by our imaginations; we adapt the facts to our manner of seeing them, and thus we are misled by ourselves. The prejudice of self-love after- wards furnishes us with various means to avoid recanta- tion ; we exert ourselves to draw our successors into the same paths of error; and it is not till after much time has been lost, after many vain conjectures have been exhibit- ed, and after we have the strongest convictions that it is impossible to bend the nature of things to our caprices and unfounded ideas, that some superior mind disengages it- self from the delusion; and returning to experiment, and the nature of things, suffers himself to be led no further than he is authorized by these to proceed. We may affirm, to the honour of our cotemporaries, that facts are at present discussed by a much severer lo- gic; and it is to this vigorous method of investigation and discussion that we are indebted for the rapid progress of chemistry. It is in consequence of this dialectic march that we have at length arrived to the practice of attending to all the principles which are combined or disengaged in the operations of nature and art. We keep an account THE SCIENCE OF CHEMISTRY. 50 -of all the circumstances which have a more or less conside* rable influence on the results, and we deduce simple and na- tural consequences from the whole of the facts; by which means we create a science as strict in its principles, as sublime in its applications. This then is the moment to draw out a faithful sketch of the actual state of chemistry, and to collect in the nu- merous writings of modern chemists every thing which may serve to lay the foundation of this beautiful science. Not many years ago, it was possible to present, in a few words, the whole of our knowledge of chemistry. It was sufficient, at that time, to point out the methods of performing pharmaceutical operations; the processes of the arts were almost all enveloped in darkness, the pheno- mena of nature were all enigmatical; and it is only since this veil has begun to be removed that we have beheld the development of a collection of facts and researches referable to general principles, and forming a science en- tirely new. Then it was that a number of men of genius reviewed the whole, and attended to the improvement of chemical knowledge. Every step in their progress brought them nearer to the truth; and in a few years we have be. held a perspicuous doctrine arise out of the ancient chaos. Every event has appeared conformable to the laws they established; and the phenomena of art and nature are now explained with equal facility. But in order to advance with speed in the career which has been thus opened, it is necessary to explain certain principles, according to which we may direct our steps. In the first place I think it proper to avoid that tedious custom which subjects the beginner in any science to the painful task of collecting all the opinions of various philo- sophers before he decides for himself. In reality, facts be- long to all times, and are as unchangeable as nature her- self, whose language they are. But the consequences de- duced from them must vary according to the state of our acquired knowledge. It is eternally true for example, that the combustion of sulphur affords the sulphuric acid. It was believed, for a certain time, that this acid was con- tained in the sulphur; but our discoveries on the combus- tion of bodies ought to have led us to the deduction of a * 60 METHOD OF STUDYING very different dieory from that which presented itself to the" earlier chemists. We ought, therefore, to attach our- selves principally to facts; or rather we ought to attach ourselves to the facts only, because the explanation which is given of them at remote times is very seldom suited to the present state of our knowledge. The numerous facts with which chemistry has been successively enriched, form the first embarrassment of the student who is desirous of acquiring the elements of this science. In fact, what are the elements of a science ? The clear, simple, and accurate enunciation of those truths which form its basis. It is necessary, therefore, for the full accomplishment of this purpose, to analize all the facts and to exhibit a faithful and clear abridgment: but this method is impracticable on account of the numerous de- tails, and the infinite number of discussions, into which it would lead us. The only proceeding, therefore, which appears to me to be practicable, is to exhibit the most de- cisive experiments, those which are the least contested, and to neglect those which are doubtful or inconclusive: for one experiment, well made, establishes a truth as in- contestably as a thousand equally averred. "When a proposition is found to be supported by suspi- cious or contested facts, when opposite theories are built upon contradictory experiments, we must have the cou- rage to discuss them, to repeat them, and to acquire a certainty of die truth by our own endeavours. But when this method of conviction is out of our power, we ought to weigh the degree of confidence which the defenders of the opposite facts are entitled to; to examine whether analogous facts do not lead us to adopt certain results; af- ter which it becomes us to give our opinion with that mo- desty and circumspection, suitable to the greater or less degree of probability annexed to each opinion. But when any doctrine appears to us to be established on experiments of sufficient validity, it then remains to be applied to the phenomena of nature and art. This, in my opinion, is the most certain touchstone to distinguish true principles from those which are without foundation. And when I observe that all the phenomena of nature unite, and conform tiiemselves, as it were, to any theory, I con- clude that this theory is the expression and the language of THE SCIENCE OF CHEMISTRY. 61 truth. WTien, for example, I behold that a plant can be sup- ported by pure water alone, that metals are calcinable by wa- ter, that acids are formed in the bowels of the earth, have I not a right to conclude that the water is decomposed ? and do not the chemical facts which in our laboratories af- ford a testimony of its decomposition—do not these ac- quire a new force by the observation of the preceding phe- nomena? I conclude, therefore, tiiat we ought to make a point of uniting these two kinds of proofs: and a prin- ciple deduced from experiment is not, in my opinion, de- monstrable until I see that it may with facility be applied to the phenomena of art and nature. Hence, if I find my- self in a state of hesitation between opposite systems, I will decide in favour of that whose principles and experi- ments adapt themselves naturally, and without force to the greatest number of phenomena. I will always distrust a 6ingle fact, which is applicable to no conclusion; and I will consider it as false, if it be in opposition to the pheno- mena which nature presents to us. It appears to me likewise that he who professes to study, or even to teach chemistry, ought not to endeavour to ar- rive at or exhibit the whole which has been done in each department, or to follow the tedious progress of the human mind from the origin of a discovery to the present time. This fastidious erudition is fatiguing to the learner; and these digressions ought in no case to be admitted in the enunciation of science, excepting when the historical de- tails afford interesting facts, or lead us by uninterrupted degrees to the present state of our knowledge. It rarely happens, however, that this kind of researches, this gene- alogy of science, affords us such characters; and it ought no more to be admitted, in general, that an elementary \\Titer should bring together and discuss every thing which has been done in a science, than that he who undertakes to direct a traveller should previously enter into a long dissertation on all the roads which have been successively made, and on those which still exist, before he should point out the best and shortest way to arrive at the end of his journey. It may, perhaps, be said of the history of science, and more especially that of chemistry, that it re- sembles the histories of nations. It seldom affords any light respecting the present situation of affairs; exhibits 62 METHOD OF STUDYING many fables concerning past times; induces a necessity of entering into discussions upon the circumstances that pass in review; and supposes a mass of extraneous know- ledge acquired on the part of the reader, which is inde- pendent of the purpose aimed at in die study of the ele- ments of chemistry. When these general principles, respecting the study of chemistry, are once well established, we may afterwards proceed in the chemical examination of bodies in two ways: we may either proceed from the simple to the compound, or we may descend from the compound to the simple. Both these methods have their inconveni- ences ; but the greatest, no doubt, which is found in fol- lowing the first method is, that, by beginning with the simplest bodies, we present substances to the considera- tion of the learner which nature very seldom exhibits in such a state of nakedness and simplicity; and we are forced to conceal the series of operations which have been employed to divest these substances from their com- binations, and reduce them to the elementary state. On the other hand, if we present bodies to the view of the learner such as they are, it is difficult to succeed in an accurate knowledge of them; because their mutual ac- tion, and in general most of their phenomena, cannot be understood without the previous and accurate knowledge of their constituent principles, since it is upon these alone that they depend After having maturely considered the advantages and inconveniences of each method, we give the preference to the first. We shall therefore begin by giving an account of the several bodies in their most elementary state, or reduced to that term beyond which analysis can effect no- thing ; and, when we shall have explained their various properties, we will combine these bodies with each other, which will afford a class of simple compounds : and hence we shall rise by degrees to the knowledge of bodies, and the most complicated phenomena. We shall be careful, in any examination of the several bodies to which we shall direct our researches, to proceed from known to un- known ; and our first attention shall be directed to ele- mentary substances. But as it is impossible, at one and die same time, to treat of all those substances which die THE SCIENCE OF CHEMISTRY, 63 present state of our knowledge obliges us to consider as elementary, we shall confine ourselves to the exhibition of such as are of the greatest importance in the pheno- mena of the globe we inhabit, such as are almost uni- versally spread over its surface, and such as enter as prin- ciples into the composition of the re-agents most fre- quently employed in our operations; such, in a word, as we continually find in the examination and analysis of the component parts of the globe. Light, heat, sulphur, and carbone are of this number. Light modifies all our ope- rations, and most powerfully contributes to the produc- tion of all the phenomena which appertain to bodies ei- ther living or inanimate. Heat, distributed after an une- qual proportion among all the bodies of this universe, establishes their various degrees of consistence and fixity; and is one of the great means which art and nature em- ploy to divide and volatilize bodies, to weaken their force or adhesion, and by that means prepare them for analysis- Sulphur exists in the products of the three kingdoms; it forms the radical of one of the best known, and most ge- nerally employed, acids; it exhibits interesting combina- tions with most simple substances; and, under these se- veral points of view, it is one of die substances the most necessary to be known in the first steps of chemical sci- ence. The same may be said of carbone; it is the most abundant fixed product founcl in vegetables and animals. Analysis has discovered it in some mineral substances. Its combination with oxigene is so common in bodies, and in the operations of art and nature, that there are scarcely any phenomena which do not present it to our view, and which consequently require the knowledge of its properties. From all these reasons it appears to us, that for the advancement of chemistry it is necessary our first proceeding should be founded on the knowledge of these substances: and that we should not direct our at- tention to other simple or elementary substances, accord- ingly as they present themselves. 64 OF ELEMENTARY SUBSTANCES. SECTION IV. Concerning Simple or Elementary Substances. IF we cast an eye over the systems which have been successively formed by philosophers relative to the number and nature of the elements, we shall be astonish- ed at the prodigious variety which prevails in their man- ner of thinking. In the earlier times,, every one seems to have taken his own imagination for his guide ; and we find no reasonable system until the time when Aristotie and Empedocles acknowledged as elements, Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. Their opinion has been well received for many ages ; and it must be confessed that it is calcu- lated to seduce the mind. There are, in fact, enormous masses, and inexhaustible stores, that present themselves to our view, of these four principles, to which the de- struction or decomposition of bodies appeared to refer all the several component parts which formation or creation had taken from them. The authority of all those great men who had adopted this system, and the analysis of bo- dies which presented only these four principles, aftbrded sufficient grounds for admitting this doctrine. But as soon as chemistry had advanced so far as to dis- cover the principles of bodies, the professors of that sci- ence presumed to mark the number, nature, and charac- ter of the elements ; and every substance that was unal- terable by the chemical methods of decomposition, was considered by them as a simple or elementary principle. By thus taking the limits of analysis as the term for indi- cating the elements, the number and the nature of these must vary according to the revolutions and the progress of chemistry. This has accordingly happened, as may be seen by consulting all the authors who have written on this subject, from the time of Paracelsus to the present day. But it must be confessed that it is no small degree of rashness, to assume the extent of the power of the ar- tist as a limit for that of the Creator, and to imagine that the state of our acquisitions is a state of perfect know- ledge. FIRE, OR HEAT. 65 The denomination of Elements ought therefore to be effaced from a chemical nomenclature, or at least it ought not to be used but as an expression denoting the last term of our analytical results; and it is always in this sense that we shall use the word. CHAPTER I. Concerning Eire. THE principal agent employed by nature to balance the power and natural effect of attraction, is fire. By the natural effect of attraction we should possess none but solid and compact bodies; but the caloric unequally dispersed in bodies tends incessantiy to destroy this adhe- sion of the particles; and it is to this principle that we are indebted for the varieties of consistence under which bodies present themselves to our observation. The va- rious substances that compose this universe are therefore subjected, on the one hand, to a general law which tends to bring them together; and, on the other hand, to a pow- erful agent which tends to remove them from each other-: it is upon the respective energy of these two forces that the consistence of all bodies depends. When the affinity prevails, they are in the solid state; when the caloric is most powerful, they are in the state of gas; and the li- quid state appears to be the point of the equilibrium be- tween these two powers. It is therefore essentially necessary to treat of fire, since it acts so leading a part in this universe; and because it is impossible to treat of any substance whatever, without attending to the influence of this agent. There are two things to be considered in fire—heat and light. These two principles, which have been very often con- founded, appear to be very distinct in their own nature; 66 FIRE. HEAT. LIGHT. because they are scarcely ever proportional to each other, and because each can exist without the other.* The most usual acceptation of the word Fire compre- hends heat and light; and its principal phenomena must have been known for a long time. The discovery of fire must have been nearly as ancient as the human species up- on this globe. The shock of two flints, the action of me- teors, or the effect of volcanos, must have aftbrded the ear- liest idea of it; and it is very astonishing that the inhabi- tants of the Marian islands were not acquainted with its effects before the invasion of the Spaniards. These island- ers, who became acquainted with this terrible element only in consequence of its ravages, considered it at first as a malevolent being which attached itself to all be- ings, and devoured them.—See the Abbe Raynal's His- toire Philosophique, &e. The effects of fire are perhaps the most astonishing of any which nature exhibits; and we ought not to be sur- prised that the ancients considered it as an intermediate being between spirit and matter, and have built the beau- tiful fable of Prometheus upon its origin. We have had the happiness, in our time, to acquire well founded and extensive ideas respecting this agent, which we shall pro- ceed to develop in the two following articles. ARTICLE I. Concerning Caloric and Heat. When a metal or a liquid is heated, these bodies are di- lated in every direction, are reduced to vapour, and at last become invisible when the most powerful heat is applied to them. Bodies which possess the principle of heat, part with it more or less readily. If we attentively observe a body during its cooling, a slight movement of undulation will be perceived in the surrounding air; an effect which may be * We see heat without light in iron heated very hot, and lightwith- out heat in rotten wood, the solar phosphori, the fire-fly and glow- worm, putrid fish, &c The rays of the moon collected into a focue fey a concave mirror, give light without heat.—Am. Ed. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAT. 67 compared to die phenomenon exhibited upon the mixture of two liquors of unequal density and weight. It is difficult t© conceive this phenomenon, without ad- mitting of a peculiar fluid, which passes first from the bo- dy which heats to that which is heated, combines with the latter, produces the effects we have spoken of, and after- wards escapes to unite with other bodies, according to its affinities, and the law of equilibrium, to which all bodies tend. This fluid of heat, which we call Caloric, is contained in greater or less quantities in bodies, according to the greater or less degrees of affinity existing between it and them. Various means may be employed to displace or disen- gage the caloric. The first is by the method of affinities: for example, water poured upon the sulphuric acid expels the heat, and takes its place; and while there is a disen- gagement of heat, the volume of the mixture does not in- crease in proportion to the bulk of the two substances mixed. This shews that penetration takes place, which cannot be explained but by admitting that the integrant parts of the water take the place of the caloric, in propor- tion as it is dissipated.—The second method of precipi- tating caloric, is by friction and compression. Jn this case it is expressed or squeezed out, in the same manner as water from a sponge. In reality, the whole of the heat which may be produced by friction, is not afforded by the body itself; because, in proportion as the interior heat is developed, the external air acts upon the body, calcines or inflames it, and itself gives out heat during its fixation. Fermentation, and in general every operation which changes the nature of bodies, may disengage caloric, because the new compound may demand and receive a greater or less quantity. Hence it is that chemical operations produce sometimes cold, and sometimes heat. Let us now examine the form under which caloric pre- sents itself. This fluid is disengaged either in a state of liberty, or in a state of combination. In the first case, the caloric always endeavours to ob- tain an equilibrium; not that it is distributed equally among .all bodies, but it is dispersed among them according to the $S ADMEASUREMENT OF HEAT. degrees of its affinity.- Whence it follows, that the cir- cumambient bodies receive and retain a quantity more or less considerable. Metals are easily penetrated by this fluid, and transmit it with equal facility; wood and ani- mal substances receive it to the degree of combustion; li- quids, until they are reduced to vapour. Ice absorbs all the heat communicated to it, without giving it out to other bodies until it has acquired the fluid state. The degree of heat can be appreciated only by its ef- fects: and the instruments which have been successively invented to calculate it, and are known by the names of thermometers, pyrometers, &c. have been applied to the strict determination of the several phenomena exhibited in consequence of the absorption of caloric in various bodies. The dilatation of fluids, or of metals in the fluid state, by the several degrees of heat, has been long measured by thermometers formed of glass; but this very fusible sub- stance can only be used to ascertain degrees of heat inferi- or to that which renders the glass itself fluid. Several means have been successively proposed for cal- culating the higher degrees of heat. Mr. Leidenfrost has proved, that the hotter a metal is, the more slowly will drops of water evaporate from its surface; and he has pro- posed this principle for the construction of pyrometers. A drop of water in an iron spoon, heated to the degree of boiling water, evaporates in one second; a similar drop, poured on melted lead, is dissipated in six or seven se- conds; and upon red-hot iron in thirty. Mr. Ziegler, in his Specimen de digestore Papini, has found that 89 se- conds were required to evaporate a drop of water at 520 degrees of Fahrenheit; and that one second is sufficient at the 300th degree. This phenomenon, which is more in- teresting to chemistry than pyrometry, to which it will al- ways afford results little susceptible of rigorous calcula- tion, appears to me to depend upon the adhesion and de- composition of the water upon the metal. The most accurate pyrometer we are acquainted with, is that which was presented to the Royal Society of Lon- don by Mr. Wedgwood. It is constructed upon the prin- ciple, that the purest clay shrinks in the fire in proportion to the heat applied to it. This pyrometer consists of two WEDGWOOD'S THERMOMETER. 69 parts; one called the gauge, which serves to measure the degrees of diminution or shrinking; the other contains the simple pieces of pure clay, which are called thermometer pieces. The gauge is formed of a plate of baked earth, upon which are applied two rulers or straight pieces of the same substance.* These rulers, being perfectly straight and even, are placed at the distance of half an inch from each other at one of their ends, and three-tenths of an inch at the other. For greater convenience, the gauge is divided into two parts, and the two pieces are placed endways when required to be used. The length of this rule is di- vided into 240 equal parts, of which each represents one- tenth of an inch. To form the thermometer pieces, the earth is sifted with the greatest attention, after which it is mixed with water, and the paste thrust through an iron tube, which gives it a cylindrical form, to be cut after- wards into pieces of a proper size.f When the pieces are dry, they must be presented to the gauge, where they ought to fit at the place of 0 on the scale. If by inadver- tence of the workmen any piece penetrates to one or two degrees further, this degree is marked on its flat surface, and requires to be deducted when the piece is used in the admeasurement of heat. The pieces thus adjusted are baked in a furnace to a red heat, to give them the con- sistence necessary for carriage. The heat employed in this part of the process is usually about six degrees, and the pieces are diminished more or less; but this is of no consequence when they come to be submitted to a supe- rior degree of heat; and if it should happen that an infe- rior degree of heat is required to be measured, unbaked pieces are to be used, which are preserved in sheaths or cases to avoid friction. When this pyrometer is to be used, one of the pieces is exposed in the fire-place whose heat is required to be de- termined; and when it has acquired the whole intensity, it * Or of two brass rulers screwed down upon a flat piece of the same metal. t The earth is passed through finer and finer sieves, the last of which is a silk lawn, the interstices of whose threads are less than 150,000 parts of a square inch.—Am.. Ed. 70 THt CALORIMETER OF is taken out, or suffered to cool, or for greater speed it is plunged in water; after which it is presented to the gauge, and its degree of contraction easily determined. Mr. Wedgwood has given us the result of several experiments made with his pyrometer, opposite to which he has placed the correspondent degrees of Fahrenheit. Pyrometer Of Wedgwood Red heat visible by the light - - 0 Brass melts at - - - 21 Swedish copper melts at - - 27 Pure silver melts at - 28 Pure gold melts at - - - 32 The heat of bars of iron raised to C small bar 90 welding £ large bar 95 The greatest heat producible in a smith's forge 125 Cast iron melts at - - - 130 The greatest heat of a wind furnace of eight } .. inches square y These various thermometers are not applicable to. all cases. We cannot, for example, calculate with strictness the heat which escapes from living bodies, or determine with precision the temperature of any substance. But Messrs. De la Place and Lavoisier (Acad, des Sciences, 1780) have invented an apparatus which appears to leave nothing further to be desired. It is constructed upon the principle that ice absorbs all the heat communicated to it, without communicating it to other bodies until the whole isTnelted; so that from hence we may calculate the de- grees of heat communicated, by the quantity of ice which is melted. It was necessary, in order to afford strict re- sults, to discover the means of causing the ice to absorb all the heat disengaged from the bodies under examina- tion, and to cover it from the action of every other sub- stance which might facilitate its fusion; and, lastly to col- lect with great care the water produced by the fusion. The apparatus constructed by these two celebrated aca- demicians for this purpose, consists of three circular ves- sels nearly inscribed in each other; so that three capaci- ties are produced. The interior space or capacity is formed by an iron grating, upon supports of the same metal. Here it is that the bodies subjected to experiment are Thermometer Of Fahrenheit. 1077 1857 4J587 4717 5237 12777 13427 17327 17977 21877 LAVOISIER AND DE LA PLACE. 71 placed. The upper part of this cavity is closed by means of a cover. The middle space, next to this, is designed to contain the ice which surrounds the interior compart- ment. This ice is supported and retained by a grate, up- on which a cloth is spread. In proportion as the ice melts, the water flows through the grate and the cloth, and is col- lected in a vessel placed beneath. Lastly, the external space or compartment of the apparatus contains ice intend- ed to prevent the effect of the external heat of the atmos- phere. To use this excellent machine, the middle or second space is filled with pounded ice, as is likewise the cover of the internal sphere; the same thing is done with regard to the external space, as well as to the general covering of the whole machine : die interior ice is suffered to drain; and, when it ceases to afford water, the covering of the internal space is raised, to introduce the body upon which the experiment is intended to be made. Immediately af- ter this introduction, the covering is put on, and the whole apparatus remains untouched until die included bo- dy lias acquired the temperature of 0, or the freezing tem- perature of water; which is the cpmmon temperature of the internal capacity. The quantity of water afforded by the melting of the ice is then weighed; and tiiis is an ac- curate measure of the heat disengaged from the body, be- cause the fusion of the ice is the effect of this heat only. Experiments of this kind last fifteen, eighteen, or twenty hours. It is of great consequence, that in this machine there should be no communication between the middle, or se- cond, and the external space. It is likewise necessary that the air of the apartment should not be lower than 0, because the interior ice would then receive a degree of cold lower than that temperature. Specific heat is merely the proportional quantity of heat necessary to raise ^bodies of equal mass to the same number of degrees of temperature; so that, when the specific heat of a solid body is required, its tempera- ture must be elevated a certain number of degrees, at which instant it must be placed in the internal sphere, and there left until its temperature is reduced to 0. The water is then collected, and this quantity divided by the product* 72 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAT. of the mass of the body; and the number of degrees of its original temperature above 0, will be proportional to its specific heat. With regard to fluids, they are inclosed in vessels whose heat has been previously determined. The operation is then the same as for solids; excepting that the quantity of water afforded must be diminished by a deduction of that quantity which has been melted by the heat of the vessel. If it be required to determine the heat which is disen- gaged during the combination of various substances, they must be all reduced, as well as their containing vessels, to the temperature of 0. The mixture must then be placed in the internal sphere; and the quantity of water collected is the measure of the disengaged heat. In order to determine the heat of combustion and respi- ration, as the renewal of air is indispensable in these two operations, it is necessary to establish a communication be- tween the internal part of the sphere and the surrounding atmosphere; and in order that the introduction of fresh air * may not cause any perceptible error, these experiments ought to be made at a temperature littie differing from 0, or at least the air which is introduced must previously be brought to this temperature. To determine the specific heat of any gas, it is neces- sary to establish a current through the internal part of the sphere, and to place two thermometers, one at the place of introduction, and the other at the place of escape. By comparison of the temperatures exhibited by these two in- struments, a judgment is formed of the heat absorbed, and the melted ice is measured. An excellent memoir of Messrs. De la Place and Lavoi- sier may be consulted for the results of the experiments they have made. The present extract contains only a short account of their valuable labours. The various means made use of for the admeasurement of heat, are founded on the general principle, that different bodies absorb heat in greater or less quantities. If this fact were not generally admitted, it might be established on the three following facts. Dr. Franklin having expo- sed two small pieces of cloth, of the same texture but of different colours, upon the surface of snow, perceived, a few hours afterwards, that the red cloth was buried in GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAT. 73 the snow, while the other which was was white had not suffered any depression*. M. de Saussure observes, that the peasants of the mountains of Switzerland, are careful to spread a black earth over the surface of grounds covered with snow, when they are desirous of melting it, to sow their seed. So likewise children burn a black hat in the focus of a small lens which would scarcely heat a white one. Such nearly are the phenomena of heat when it is dis- engaged in a state of liberty. Let us now contemplate those which it presents when it escapes from a state of combination. Heat is sometimes disengaged in a state of simple mix- ture, as in the phenomena of vapours, sublimations, &c. If heat be applied to water, these two fluids will unite, and the mixture will be dissipated in the atmosphere; but it would be an abuse of words to call so weak an union by the name of combination; for, as soon as the heat be- comes in a situation to combine with other bodies, it aban- dons the water, which returns to a liquid state. This bo- dy, during evaporation, continually carries with it a por- tion of heat; and hence, perhaps, result the advantages of transpiration, perspiration, &c. But heat very frequently contracts a true chemical union with the bodies which it volatilizes: this combination is even so perfect, that the heat is not perceptible, but is neu- tralized by the body with which it is combined. It is then called latent heat, calor latens. The several cases in which heat enters into combina- tion, and passes to the state of latent heat, may be reduced to the two following principles: The first principle.—Every body which passes from the solid to the liquid state, absorbs a portion of heat, which is no longer sensible to the thermometer, but exists in a true state of combination. The academicians of Florence filled a vessel with pound- ed ice, and plunged a thermometer in it, which descended to 0. The vessel was then immersed in boiling water, and the thermometer did not rise during the whole time of * They were exposed to the rays of the sun. T. K 74 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAT, the liquefaction of the ice. The fusion of ice therefore absorbs heat. Mr. Wilcke poured a pound of water, heated to the 60th degree of Reaumur, upon a pound of ice. The melted mixture possessed the temperature of 0. Sixty de- grees of heat had therefore entered into combination. The Chevalier Laudriani has shewn that the fusion of metals, of sulphur, of phosphorus, of alum, of nitre, &c. absorb heat. Cold is produced in the dissolution of all the (crystal- lized) salts. Reaumur made a series of very interesting experiments on this subject, which confirm those of Boyle. Fahrenheit caused the thermometer to descend to forty degrees, by melting ice by strong nitrous acid. But the most asto- nishing experiments are those made by Mr. Walker, an apothecary at Oxford, and inserted in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1787*. The mixtures which produced the greatest degrees of cold are, 1. Eleven parts of muriate of ammoniac, or common sal ammoniac; ten parts of nitrate of potash, or common nitre; sixteen parts of sulphate of soda, or Glauber's salt; with thirty-two parts by weight of water: the two first salts should be dry and in powder. 2. The nitric acid, muriate of ammoniac, and sulphate of soda, lowered the thermometer to eight degrees under 0. Mr. Walker has frozen mercury with- out using either ice or snow.f It is therefore an incontrovertible principle, that all bo- dies which pass from the solid to the liquid state, absorb heat, and retain it in so.accurate a combination as to af- ford no sign of its presence. The heat is therefore fixed, neutralized, or latent. The second principle.—All bodies, by passing from the solid or fluid state to the aeriform state, absorb heat, which becomes latent; and it is by virtue of this heat that such bodies are placed and maintained in that state. On this principle is founded the process used in China, India, Persia, and Egypt, to cool liquors used for drink. * Also in the subsequent volumes. t Many experiments have been made by the chemists, in order to produce artificial cold. The following table will shew how low the GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAT. 75 The water intended for this purpose is put into very porous vessels, and exposed to the sun, or to a mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer, may be reduced by a mixture of the acids, water, and neutral salts; Muriate of ammoniac 5 parts Nitrate of potash 5 Water 16 From 50° to 10°. Muriate of ammoniac 5 parts Nitrate of potash 5 Sulphate of soda 8 Water 16 From 50° to 4°. Sulphate of soda 3 parts Nitric acid diluted 2 From 50° to 3°. Sulphate of soda 8 parts *Muriatic acid 5 From 50° to 0*. Snow 1 part Muriate of soda 1 From 32° to 0*. Snow or pounded ice 2 parts Muriate of soda 1 From 0° to —5°. Pounded ice or snow 1 part Muriate of soda 5 Muriate of ammoniac 5 Nitrate of potash 5 From —5° to —18°. Snow or pounded ice 12 parts Muriate of soda 5 Nitrate of ammonia 5 From—18° to—25°. Snow and diluted nitric acid From 0° to —46°. Muriate of lime 3 parts Snow 2 By means of thh mixture a degree of cold has been produced equal to 90 deg. below 0. From— 32° to— 50°. Snow 1 part Diluted sulphuric acid 1 From —20° to —60°. The best and cheapest mixture to produce artificial cold, for cool- ing liquors, is the sulphuric acid diluted with an equal bulk of water, and suffered to cool, and Glauber's salt in fine powder, retaining its water of crystallization. Five parts of Glauber's salt, and four of the diluted sulphuric acid, will sink the mercury in a thermometer from 50° to 39.—Am. Ed. 76 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAt. current of warm air, to cool the fluid contained within them.* It is by similar means that cool drink is obtained in the long journeys of the caravans. Interesting details on this subject may be seen in the Travels of Chardin, vol. iii. 1723; Tavernier's Voyages, vol. i. edit. 1738; Paul Lu- cas's Voyages, vol. ii. edit. 1724; and also in the Mun- dus Subterraneus of P. Kircher, lib. vi. sec. 2. cap. 2. We mav conclude from the experiments of Mr. Rich- mann, made in 1747, and inserted in the first volume of the imperial Academy of Petersburg, 1. That a thermo- meter taken out of water, and exposed to the air, always descends, even when its temperature is equal or superior to that of ihe water. 2. That it afterward rises, until that it has acquired the temperature of the atmosphere. 3. That the time of descending is less than that which it em- ploys to rise again. 4. That when the thermometer, with- drawn from the water, has arisen to the common tempe- rature, its bulb is dry; but that it continues wet during the whole time of its standing beneath diis common tem- perature. To these consequences we will add others deduced from several curious experiments by the celebrated Cullen. 1. A thermometer suspended in the receiver of the air pump, descends two or three degrees during the time of exhaus- tion, and afterwards rises to the temperature of the vacu- um. 2. A thermometer plunged in alcohol, in the re- ceiver of the air pump, always descends, and the lower in proportion as the bubbles are stronger which issue from the alcohol; if it be withdrawn from this liquor, and sus- pended wet beneath the receiver, it falls eight or ten de- grees while the air is pumping out. It is well known that if the ball of a thermometer be wrapped in fine linen, and kept moist by sprinkling with ether, and the evaporation be facilitated by agitation in the air, the thermometer will descend to O.f * Water cannot be cooled in the United States, by permitting it to transude and evaporate from the surface of porous vessels. They merely prevent it from becoming very hot. Whether the vessels are placed in the sun or the shade, the temperature of the water will rise in the months of July or August, from 52" to 80° in the space of a few hours.—Am. Ed- t The best mode of performing this experiment, is to sprinkle the linen, with which the bulb of the thermometer is covered, with a mix- ure of equal parts of the sulphuric and muriatic ethers.—Am. Ed. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF HEAT. 77 The immortal Franklin has proved, in his own person, that when the body perspires strongly, it is less heated than surrounding bodies, and that perspiration always pro- duces a certain degree of coldness. See his letter to Dr. Lind. The great number of labourers in the burning heats of our climate support themselves only by virtue of a copious perspiration, the fluid for which they replenish by drink- ing plentifully. The workmen employed in glass-houses, founderies, &c. often live in a medium hotter than their bodies, the natural temperature of which is equalized and moderated by perspiration. If evaporation be increased by agitation of the air, the refrigeration is the greater. Hence the use of fans, venti- lators, &c. which, though intended to give motion to warm air, afford likewise the virtue of cooling by facilitating and favouring evaporation. Warm and dry air is best suited to form a refreshing current, because it is more calculated to dissolve and ab- sorb humidity; moist air is less proper, because it is al- ready saturated.—Hence the necessity of frequently re- newing the air to preserve the coolness of our apartments. These principles have a nearer relation to medicine than is generally supposed. We find that almost all fevers end in perspirations, which, beside the advantage of expelling the morbific matter, possess likewise that of carrying oft the matter of heat, and restoring the body to its common temperature. The physician who is desirous of mode- rating the excess of heat in the body of a patient, ought to maintain the air in that disposition which is most suitable to his views. The use of volatile alkali is universally acknowledged to be of advantage in burns, the tooth-ach, &c. May not these effects be attributed to the volatility of this substance, which quickly combining with heat, carries it off, and leaves an impression of cold?—Ether is a sovereign re- medy for the colic. Does not its virtue depend on the same principles? The heat which has entered into combination with bo- dies during their transition from the solid to the liquid state, or from this last to the aeriform state, may be again exhibited by causing these substances to return again to 78 PROPERTIES OF LIGHT. the states of liquefaction or solidity. In a word, every substance which passes from the liquid to the solid state, suffers its latent heat to escape, which at this instant be- comes free or thermometrical heat. The celebrated Fahrenheit, in the year 1724, hav- ing deft water exposed to a colder temperature than that of ice, the water remained fluid: but it congealed by agitation; and the thermometer, which marked several degrees beneath the freezing point, suddenly rose to that temperature. Mr. Treiwald mentions a similar fact in the Transactions; and Mr. de Ratte made the same ob- servation at Montpellier. Mr. Baume has shewn in his inquiries and experiments relating to several singular phenomena exhibited by water at the instant of its congelation, that several degrees of heat are always developed at that instant. Gaseous substances are maintained in the aeriform state merely by the heat which is combined with them; and when to these substances, thus dissolved in Caloric, ano- ther body is presented, to which they have a very strong affinity, they abandon their heat to unite with this last sub- stance; and the caloric, thus expelled or disengaged, ap- pears under the form of free or thermometrical heat. This disengagement of heat, by the concretion or fixation of gaseous substances, was observed by the celebrated Scheele, as may be seen in the valuable experiments which form the basis of his Treatise on Air and Fire. Since the time of this great man, rigorous calculations have been made of the quantity of latent heat existing in each of these gases: we are indebted to Messrs. Black, Crawford, Wilcke, De la Place, Lavoisier, &c. for many excellent researches on this subject. ARTICLE II. Concerning Light. It appears that Light is transmitted to our eyes by a pe- culiar fluid which occupies the interval between us and vi- sible bodies. PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS OF LIGHT. 79 Does this fluid arrive directly from the Sun by succes- sive emissions or eradiations ? or is it a peculiar fluid dis- tributed through space, and put in action by the Sun's ro- tary motion, or by any other cause ? I shall not enter in- to any discussion upon this subject, but shall confine my- self to point out the phenomena. A. The motion of light is so rapid, that it passes through nearly eighty thousand leagues in a second. B. The elasticity of the rays of light is such that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. C. The fluid of light is ponderous: for if a ray of light be received through a hole in a window-shutter, and the blade of a knife be presented to it, the ray is diverted from a right line, and is inflected towards the body. This cir- cumstance shews that it obeys the law of attraction, and sufficiently authorizes us to class it among other bodies of this nature. D. The great Newton succeeded in decomposing the solar light into seven primitive rays, which present them- selves in the following order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Dyes present us with only three co- lours, which are red, blue, and yellow; the combinations and proportions of these three principles form all the shades of colour with which the arts are enriched. Philo- sophers have maintained that among the solar rays there are three primitive colours.—See Les Recherches de M. Marat. All natural bodies may be considered as prisms which decompose or rather divide the light. Some reflect the rays without producing any change, and these are white; others absorb them all, and cause absolute blackness: the greater or less affinity of the several rays with various bo- dies, and p'erhaps likew ise the disposition of the pores, is no doubt the cause that, when a pencil falls upon a body, some rays enter into combination, while others are reflect- ed; and it is this which affords the diversity of colours, and the prodigious variety of shades under which bodies appear to our eyes. We can no longer confine ourselves to consider light as a merely physical substance; the chemist perceives its in- fluence in most of his operations, and finds it necessary to attend to its action, which modifies his results: and its ef- 80 PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS OF LIGHT. fects are no less evident in the various phenomena of nature, than in the experiments performed in our labora- tories. We see that vegetation cannot take place without light. Plants deprived of this fluid become pale; and when in hot-houses the light comes to them from one part only, the vegetables incline towards the aperture, as if to shew the necessity of this beneficial fluid. Without the influence of light, vegetables would exhi- bit but one lifeless colour; they are deprived of their beautiful shades by the interception of this luminous fluid. On these principles, celery, endive, and other plants, are bleached. Vegetables are not only indebted to the light for their colour, but likewise for their smell, taste, combustibility, maturity, and the resinous principle, which equally depend upon this fluid. Hence it is, no doubt, that aromatic sub- stances, resins, and volatile oils, are the inheritance of southern climates, where the light is more pure, constant, and intense. We see, likewise, that the influence of light is evident in other beings: for, as Mr. Dorthes has observed, worms and grubs, which live in the earth or in wood, are of a whitish colour. The birds and flying insects of the night, are likewise distinguishable from those of the day by the want of brilliancy of colour; and the difference is equally marked between those of the north and of the south. A very astonishing property of light upon the vegetable kingdom is, that when vegetables are exposed to open day-light, or to the sun's rays, they emit vital air.* We shall again attend to all these phenomena when we come to treat of the analysis of vegetables. * This sentiment has been adopted by the chemists of all nations, but has lately been controverted by the editor of this work, who rea- sons in the following manner: 1st. He says, whenever oxigenous gas has been obtained from ve- getables, carbonic acid, or fixed air, has been present. Upon re- viewing the experiments of Dr. Priestley, he finds that this circum- stance has actually taken place. The Doctor exposed plants to the influence of light,in atmospheric air, in which spirit of wine, and wax, and tallow candles, had burned out; to air which had been vitiated by the death or putrefaction of mice and fishes ; and to air which had been frequently taken into his lungs, and found that the purity of the PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS OF LIGHT. 81 The fine experiments of Scheele and Berthollet have shewn that the absence or presence of fight has an asto* air, was in every instance restored. (Priestley on air. Vol. iii. p. 247 to 349.) In all these cases, carbonic acid (which is composed of carbon and oxigen) was formed; the vegetable devoured its coal for food, by which means its oxigen escaped in the form of pure air. 2dly. The seeds of Zea maize or Indian corn, oiapium petroselinum or parsley, of lactuca sativa or lettuce, of cucurbita citrullus or the wa- ter melon, of phaseolua sativus or beans, and oiraphanus sativus or ra- dishes, were planted in earth, and made to vegetate in atmospheric air, confined over water in vessels of white glass, and exposed to the action of solar light. This air, when examined at various times, was found to be reduced in purity ; and when its oxigenous portion was., completely absorbed, the plants died. Its oxigen united to the coal of the cotyledons of the seeds, or to that of some animal or vegetable matter contained in the earth in which they were planted, or to that of some decayed portion of the leaves, and formed carbonic acid quicker than the living plant could decompose it. To these experi- ments we may add, that the celebrated and accurate Scheele ob- served, that beans growing in atmospheric air always rendered it impure. Sdly. Young plants of datura stramonium or Jameston weed, of Phy- tolacca decandra or the poke, of Zea maize or Indian corn, &c. grow- ing in earth, were exposed to solar lighl in from forty to eighty ounce measures of atmospheric air, which was examined at various times, from one hour to thirty days after the plants had been placed in it. Carbonic acid gas was generally formed, and whenever this circumstance happened, the purity of the air was diminished. When a plant in perfect health, growing in a soil which contains little vegetable or animal matter, is confined in atmospheric air, it will live a long time without producing any change in it. Many of the vegetables, which were the subjects of these experiments, did not af- fect the air in five days ; some diminished its purity in three hours, and others altered it in a most slow and gradual manner, causing little change in it in 20 days. 4thly. Many of the same kind of vegetables were also confined in forty ounce measures of oxigenous gas, which had been well washed in lime water, and the purity of this air was very generally lessened, carbonic acid being formed. 5thly. A small handful of the healthy leaves of a variety of plants, containing no decayed parts, were exposed during four, six, and eight hours to the influence of the light of the sun, in atmospheric air con- fined by water, and its purity was found to be neither increased nor diminished. 6thly. The leaves of various vegetables gathered promiscuously, exposed in the same manner, generally diminished the purity of at- mospheric air several degrees. 7thly. A handful of the leaves of several hundred different plants, among which may be mentioned those of the apple, pear, peach, pop- 82 PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS OF LIGHT. nishing effect upon the result of chemical experiments. Light disengages vital air from several fluids, such as the lar, fringe, and persimmon trees, were separately exposed during several hours in glass vessels to solar light, in forty ounce measures of pump water, and from five to nineteen dram measures of oxigen air were produced in each vessel. Upon analizint; the water, it was found to contain-carbonic acid, with which it had been impregnated from a necessary, which stood within a yard of the pump. 8thly. The leaves of thirteen different plants were separately ex- posed in the usual manner, in forty ounce measures of the water of the river Schuylkill, and about ten dram measures of air were pro- cured, the principal part of which was azotic gas, which was disen- gaged from the water. No carbonic acid could be detected in the water of this river. There are three wooden bridges erected over the Schuylkill, which rest upon large wooden logs, upon which great quantities of a species of conferva grow, and which is covered by the water. Upon viewing this vegetable when the sun shone upon it, for several hours, at diffe- rent times, for several years, no air could be seen to form upon it, or to rise through the water. 9thly. The leaves of the same vegetables were exposed to light, in the same manner, in the same river water, impregnated with four quarts of the water, saturated with carbonic acid, from the carbonate of lime and the sulphuric acid ; and seventy-seven dram measures of oxigenous air of a very high degree of purity were obtained. lOthly. No oxigenous air could be procured by exposing vegetable leaves in boiled, distilled, rain or lime water; a proof that they do not decompose water. llthly. Atmospheric air was impregnated with carbonic acid gas, and an handful of the leaves of nine different vegetables, were sepa- rately exposed in it, to light, seven hours. The fixed air disappeared, and the atmospheric air was greatly increased in purity. 12thly. The limbs of trees covered with healthy leaves, and some vigorous evergreens growing in their natural soil, were confined from one day to a month, in atmospheric air over water, and exposed to light, and its purity.was never found to be increased, but was generally considerably diminished. These experiments incontestibly prove, that whenever oxigen gas has been obtained from vegetables, by exposing them to the influence of solar light, carbonic acid has been present, and that it is from the decomposition of this gas, that the pure air is obtained. As it is acknowledged that the leaves of plants separate the oxigen from carbonic acid, it may be said, that the oxigenous portion of at- mospheric air is supplied by the decomposition of this gas, as it is al- ways found in the atmosphere. The quantity of carbonic acid, acci- dentally diffuseds iff atmospheric air, (for it is not one of its compo- nant parts) is reckoned'to be about one part in an hundred. It must, however, vary in different places. We would expect to find the most of it in cities, where it is formed by combustion, respiration, fermen- tation, and putrefaction. If one measure of the air of any great city PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS OF LIGHT. 83 nitric acid, the oxigenated marine acid, &c. It reduces the oxides or calces of gold, silver, &c. It changes the nature of oxigenated muriates, according to the observa- tions of Mr. Berthollet Light likewise determines the phenomena of vegetation exhibited by saline solutions, as I have shewn. From all which circumstances it is evident that we ought to attend to the effect of this agent in al- most all our operations. " Organization, sensation, spontaneous motion, and life, exist only at the surface of the earth, and in places exposed to light: we might affirm that the flame of Pro- metheus's torch was the expression of a philosophical trudi which did not escape the ancients. Without light, nature was lifeless, inanimate, and dead: a benevolent God, by producing light, has spread organization, sensa- tion, and thought over the surface of the earth."—Ele- mentary Treatise of Chemistry by Mr. Lavoisier. We ought not to confound the solar light with the light of our furnaces; the light of these has, as I am convinced, very evident effects in certain phenomena: but these ef- fects are slow, and scarcely comparable with those of the solar light. Although heat often accompanies light, the phenome- na we have mentioned cannot be attributed to mere heat. Heat may indeed modify them where it exists, but most assuredly it cannot produce them. be passed up over lime water, in an eudiometer, no carbonate of lime will be formed, so that the quantity of carbonic acid in this air, must be extremely small. As this gas is also seized upon by alkalis, earths and metals, and absorbed by water, the proportion of it in the atmosphere may be less than one part in ten thousand. When we consider likewise, thatthe oxigen is never separated from the carbonic acid by leaves, but when they are exposed in contact with it to the light of the sun, and that every perforation made in a fiving leaf, however minute by an insect, causes the part to decay, and absorb oxigen by day and by night; and that in the autumn, in some countries, all leaves fall on the ground, ferment and putrefy, and thus diminish the purity of common air; and that the petals and fruit of ve- getables have the same effect, we must pronounce that the oxige- nous portion of atmospheric air cannot be supplied by vegetation. Am. Ed. 84 ORIGIN OF SULPHUR. CHAPTER II. Concerning Sulphur. WE are obliged to place Sulphur among the ele- ments, though our predecessors pretended to have determined its constituent principles. This proceed- ing would appear to be retrograde, if it were not evident that die correction of mistakes is a real advancement in science. The ancients used the word Sulphur to denote every combustible and inflammable substance. Accordingly we find, in all their writings, the expressions sulphur of metals, sulphur of animals, sulphur of vegetables, &c. Stahl assigneth a determinate value to the denomina- tion of Sulphur; and since the time of this celebrated che- mist we have confined the name to denote a body of an orange-yellow colour, dry, brittle, capable of burning with a blue flame, and exhaling a penetrating odour during combustion: when rubbed, it becomes electric; and by a light pressure in the hand it cracks, and becomes re- duced to powder. It appears that sulphur is formed by the decomposition of vegetables and animals. It has been found on the wall» of necessary-houses; and when the ditch of the Porte St. Antoine, at Paris, was cleared, a considerable quantity was mixed with the decayed remains of vegetable and ani- mal substances that had filled the ancient ditches, and there putrefied. Mr. Deyeux has likewise proved, that sulphur exists naturally in certain plants, such as patientia, cochlearia, he. His processes for extracting it consist in—1. The washed root must be reduced by rasping into a fine pulp; this must be washed in cold water, and passed through a sieve or cloth of an open texture: the fluid passes in a tur- bid state, and deposites a precipitate, which when dried proves the existence of sulphur. 2. The pulp may be PROCESSES FOR EXTRACTING SULPHUR. 85 boiled, and the scum afforded by the ebullition afterwards dried: this scum contains sulphur. Several species of ru- mex, confounded under the name of Patience, do not con- tain sulphur. I have obtained it from the rumex patien- tia L, which grows on the mountains Cevennes, and is the same which is used at Paris. M. Le Veillard obtained sulphur by suffering vegetable substances to putrefy in well-water. Sulphur is abundandy contained in coal mines; it is found in combination with certain metals; it appears almost always where vegetable decomposition takes place; it forms the greater part of those pyritous and bituminous schisti which occupy the focus of volcanos; it is sublimed in those places where the pyrites are decomposed; it is thrown out by subterraneous fires; and is found in great- er or less quantities in volcanic districts. Much has been said concerning showers of sulphur; but it is at present well known that this error has chiefly arisen from the pow- der of the stamina of the pine, which is carried to great distances. Henckel saw the surface of a marsh entirely covered with this powder*. The known processes for extracting sulphur in the large way, and applying it to the purposes of commerce, consist in disengaging it from the pyrites or sulphures of copper, or of iron, by methods possessing various degrees of sim- plicity and economy. On this subject, the Pyritology of Henckel, Macquer's Chemical Dictionary, and the Metal- lurgical Tracts of Mr. Jars, may be consulted. Iii Saxony and Bohemia the ores of sulphur are distilled in earthen tubes disposed in a gallery. The sulphur which is disengaged by the heat passes into receivers placed with- out, and in which care is taken to keep a sufficient quan- tity of water. * Sulphur is found at Farmington, Ontario county, state of New- York. A stream large enough to turn a mill, rises from the bowels of the earth, and emits sulphurated hydrogen gas. The hydrogen coming in contact with the oxigen of the atmospheric air, forms wa- ter, and "deposites the sulphur on the surface of the earth. The soil at this place rests upon a lime-stone rock, which in some places is sixty, and in others but a few feet deep. The temperature of the water is 50° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Sulphur in fine powder is also met with, adhering to the sides of the large rocks, at the Falls of Niagara, and rises from sulphurated hydrogen gas.-—dm. Ed. 86 ANALYSIS OF SULPHUR. At Rammelsburg, at St. Bel, &c. large heaps of pyrites are made, which are decomposed by a gende heat, at first applied to the mass from a stratum of combustible matter upon which it is placed. The heat is afterwards kept up by the action of the pyrites amongst each other. The sul- phur which exhales cannot escape laterally, because care is taken to cover the sides with earth. It therefore rises to the summit of die truncated pyramid, where it is collected in small cavities made for that purpose. The heat of this part is sufficient to keep the sulphur in a fluid state; and it is taken out from time to time with ladles. Almost all the sulphur used in France comes from the Solfatara. This volcanic country every where exhibits marks of the agency of subterraneous fire. The enormous masses of pyrites which are decomposed in the bowels of the earth produce heat, which sublimes part of the sulphur through apertures which the fire, and the effort of the vapours, have opened in all parts. The earths and stones which contain sulphur are distilled; and it is the result of this distillation which is called Cru(fe^Si#§feur. The crude sulphur is transported into France by the way of Marseilles, where it receives the necessary prepa- rations to render it suitable to various purposes. I. It is reduced into sticks or rolls, by fusing it, and pouring it into moulds: or, 2. It is formed into flowers of brimstone by subliming it with a gentle heat, and collecting this sul- phureous vapour in a very close chamber of considerable extent. This very pure and finely divided sulphur is dis- tinguished by-the name of Flowers of Brimstone, or Suh- limed Sulphur. Sulphur enters into fusion by a moderate heat, and if the moment be seized in which the surface congeals, and the liquid sulphur contained beneath that surface be then pour- ed out, the internal cavity will exhibit long needle-formed crystals of an octahedral figure. This process, contrived by the famous Rouelle, has been applied to the crystalliza- tion of almost all the metals. Sulphur is found naturally crystallized in Italy, at Conilla near Cadiz, &c. Its usual form is octahedral; but I have, nevertheless, seen crystals of sulphur in perfect rhomboids. Stahl thought that he had proved, by analysis and syn- thesis, that sulphur is formed by the combination of his ANALYSIS OF SULPHUR. 87 phlogiston with the sulphuric acid. The happy series of proofs which he has left behind him for die establishment of his opinion, has appeared so complete, that, since the time of this great man, his doctrine has constantiy been admitted as founded on absolute proof. This example was even urged as an instance to shew how high a degree of evidence the chemical analysis was capable of afford- ing. But our discoveries respecting gaseous substances have shewn us, that the ancients were necessarily led into error for want of that knowledge. The immense researches of the moderns into the composition of acids have shewn that these substances are decomposed in a variety of ope- rations; and this revolution in the state of our knowledge must have produced a similar change in our methods of explaining the phenomena. An examination of the prin- cipal experiments of Stahl, upon which his doctrine es- sentially depends, will sufficientiy shew the truth of what we have asserted. If one third part of charcoal, and two-thirds of sulphate of pot-ash, or vitriotated tartar, be mixed and fused in a crucible, the product is (liver of sulphur) sulphure of pot- ash. If this sulphur be dissolved in water, and the alkali be engaged by adding a few drops of sulphuric acid, a precipitate is afforded, which consists of true sulphur: "whence," says Stahl, "the sulphur is a combination of phlogiston, or the inflammable principle of the charcoal with the sulphuric acid." The experiment was true, but the consequence is absurd; because it would follow that the sulphuric acid which was added, must have possessed the property of displacing sulphuric acid united to the al- kali. If Stahl had more strictly analized the result or product of this operation, he would have been convinced that it does not contain a particle of sulphuric acid. If he had been possessed of the power of operating in closed vessels, and of collecting the gaseous substances which are disengaged, he would have obtained a large quantity of carbonic acid, which arises from the combina- tion of the oxigene of the sulphuric acid with the char- coal. If he had exposed his liver of sulphur to the air in closed vessels, he would have seen that the vital air is ab- 88 PURE CHARCOAL, OR CARBONE. sorbed, tiiat the sulphure is decomposed, and that the sul- phate of pot-ash, or vitriolated tartar is formed: which proves the re-composition of the sulphuric acid. If charcoal be moistened with sulphuric acid or oil of vitriol, and then exposed to distillation, the products are carbonic acid or fixed air, sulphur, and much sulphure- ous or volatile yitriolic acid. The experiments of Stahl exhibit the most perfect de- monstration of the decomposition of the sulphuric acid in- . to sulphur and oxigene; and it is not necessary, in the ex- planation of them, either to suppose the existence of an imaginary being, or to suppose that sulphur is a compound- ed body. CHAPTER III. Concerning Carbone, or Diamond.* PURE charcoal is called Carbone in the new Nomen- clature. This substance is placed among simple bo- dies, because no experiment has hitherto shewn the pos- sibility of decomposing it. Carbone exists ready formed in vegetables. It may be cleared of all the volatile and oily principles by distillation; and, by subsequent washing in pure water, it may be de- prived of all the salts which are mixed and confounded with it. When it is required to procure carbone in a state of great purity, it must be dried by strong ignition in a closed vessel: this precaution is necessary: for the last portions * The diamond is nothing but charcoal in a crystallized state. If the focus of a large burning lens is thrown upon diamond powder, confined in oxigen gas, the air disappears, and carbonic acid gas is formed—Am. Ad. PURE CHARCOAL, OR CARBONE. 89 of water adhere with such avidity, that they are decom- posed, and afford oxide of carbone.* Carbone exists likewise in the animal kingdom; it may be extracted by a process similar to that which we have described; but its quantity is small. It appears in the form of alight spungy mass, difficultly consumed m the air, and mixed widi a great quantity of phosphates, and even of soda. , . , . . Carbone is likewise found in plumbago, of which it is one of the princip'es f. We shall treat more fully of this substance in the ana- lysis of vegetables. But these concise ideas are sufficient to enable us to proceed in our account of its combinations, which is indeed the only object of the present short enu- meration of its properties. * When charcoal is exposed to a red heat, in an earthen retort, it yields carbonic acid gas, and oxide of carbone. Four ounces of it taken promiscuously from a heap, gave six hundred and twenty-two ounce measures of these airs. t The 1st 10 ounce measures was the air of the vessel. 2d 4 contained 30 parts carbonic acid gas and 70 oxide of carbone. 3d 4 contained 20 80 4th 4 15 85 5th 360 10 6th 70 2 7th 170 0 90 98 100 622—Am. Ed. t Charcoal is unalterable and indestructible by age. The beams of the theatre at Herculaneum were converted into charcoal by the lava that overflowed that city ; and during the lapse of seventeen hundred years, the charcoal has remained as entire as if it had been formed but yesterday, and it will probably continue so to the end of the world. The incorruptibility of charcoal was known in the most ancient times ; the famous temple at Ephesus was built upon wooden piles, which had been charred upon the outside to preserve them. Watson's Chemical Essays.—Am. Ed. M 90 CONVERSION OF BODTEo SECTION V. Concerning Gases, or the Solution of certain Principles in Caloric, at the Temperature of the Atmosphere. CALORIC, in its combination with bodies, volatilizes some of them, and reduces them to the aeriform state. The permanence in this state in the temperature of the atmosphere constitutes the gases; so that, to reduce a substance to the state of gas, consists in dissolving it in caloric. Caloric combines with various bodies, with greater or less facility; and we are acquainted with several that, at the temperature of the. atmosphere, are constantly in the state of gas: there are others which pass to this state at some degrees higher, and these are called Volatile or Eva- porable substances. They differ from fixed substances, because these last are not volatilized but by the applica- tion and combination of a strong dose of caloric. It appears that all bodies do not indiscriminately re- quire the same qiiantity of caloric to assume the gaseous state; and we shall see that this proportion may be de-' duced from the fixation and concretion of these gaseous substances. To reduce any substance to the state of gas, the appli- cation of calorie may be made in various manners. The more simple method consists in placing the body in contact with another body which is heated. In this si- tuation, the heat on one hand diminishes the affinity of ag- gregation or composition, by separating the constituent principles to a greater distance from each other; on the other hand, the heat unites to the principles with which it has the strongest affinity, and volatilizes them. This pro- cess is according to the method of simple affinities; for it in fact consists of the exhibition of a third body, which, presented to a compound of several principles, combines with one of them, and carries it off. BY HEAT INTO GASES, 91 The method of double affinity may likewise be used to convert any substance into the gaseous form; and this is what happens when we cause one body to act upon ano- ther to produce a combination, in wliich a disengagement of some gaseous principles take place. If I pour, for ex- ample, the sulphuric acid upon the oxide of manganese, the acid combines with die metal, while its caloric seizes the oxigene, and rises with it. This principle takes place not only in this instance, but on all other occasions where- in, an operation being performed without the application of heat, there is a production of vapour or gas. The various states under wliich bodies present them- selves to our eyes, depend almost entirely upon the diffe- rent degrees of combination of caloric with those same bo- dies. Fluids do not differ from solids, but because they constantly possess, at the temperature of the atmosphere, the dose of caloric which is requisite to maintain them in that state; they congeal and pass to the concrete state with greater or less facility, accordingly as the requisite quantity of caloric is more or less considerable. All solid bodies are capable of passing to the gaseous state; and the only difference which exists between them in this respect is, that a dose of caloric is required for this purpose, which is governed—1. By the affinity of aggre- gation, which connects their principles, retains them, and opposes itself to a new combination. 2. By the weight of the constituent parts, which renders their volatilization more or less difficult. 3. By the agreement and attrac- tion between die caloric and die solid hody, which is more or less strong. All bodies, whether solid or liquid, when they come to be volatilized by heat, appear in two states—that of va- pour, or that of gas. In the first case, these substances lose, in a. short time, the caloric which raised them, and again appear in their original form the moment the caloric finds colder bodies to combine with; but it is rare that bodies thus divided resume their original consistence. Tl^is first state is that of vapour. In the second case, the combination of caloric with the volatilized substance is such, that the ordinary tempera- 92 EXPERIMENTS ON GASES. ture of the atmosphere is insufficient to overcome this uni- on. This state constitutes the gases. When the combination of caloric with any substance is such that a gas is produced, these invisible substances may be managed at pleasure, by the assistance of apparatus ap- propriated within our time to these uses. These appara- tus are known by the name of Pneumato-chemic, Hydro- pneumatic apparatus, &c. The pneumato-chemical apparatus, in general, consists of a wooden vessel, usually of a square form, and lined with lead or tin: two or three inches beneath the upper edge there is formed a groove, in which a wooden plank slides, having a hole in the middle, and a notch in one of its sides; the hole is made in the centre of an excavation made in the shelf, of the figure of a funnel.* This vessel is filled with water or mercury, according to the nature of the gases operated upon. There are some which easily combine with water, and therefore require to be received over mercury. The gases may be extracted in various manners. When they are disengaged by fire, a recurved tube f is adapted to the neck of the retort, one extremity of which is plunged in the water or the mercury of the pneumato- chemical vessel, and opens beneath the aperture in the shelf, which is in the form of a funnel. The junction of the tube with the neck of the retort is secured with the usual lute; a vessel filled with the liquid of the cistern is inverted upon the shelf over the aperture. When the gas is disengaged, from the materials in the retort, it appears in the form of bubbles, which rise, and gain the superior part of the inverted vessel. When all the water is dis- placed, and the bottle is full of gas, it is withdrawn, by adapting a glass platei to its orifice to prevent its dissipa- tion: it may then be poured from one vessel to another, and subjected to a variety of experiments to ascertain its nature. * The best pneumato-chemical apparatus is made of a small cedar tub, without any lining. Vide plate ii. fig. 1.—Am. Ed. t There is no occasion for a recurved tube. The neck of the re- tort should enter under the shelf of the hydro-pneumatic tub.__Am. Ed. i Queen's-ware saucers or soup-plates, are preferable to -■lass.__ Am. Ed. HYDROGENOUS GAS, &C. 93 When the gases are disengaged by means of acids, the mixture which is designed to afford them is put into a bottle widi a recurved tube fitted to its neck; and this tube is plunged in the cistern in such a manner, that the bub- bles of gas may pass, as in the former experiment, through the aperture of the funnel in the shelf. The processes at present used to extract the gases, and to analize them, are simple and commodious: and these processes have singularly contributed to our acquisition of the knowledge of these aeriform substances, whose disco- very has produced a revolution in chemistry. CHAPTER I. Concerning Hydrogenous Gas, or Inflammable Air. INFLAMMABLE Air is one of the constituent parts of water ; a circumstance which has entitled it to the denomination of Hydrogenous Gas. Its property of burn- ing with vital air, has caused it to be distinguished by the name of Inflammable Air. Hydrogenous gas has been procured long since. The famous philosophical candle attests the antiquity of this dis- covery; and the celebrated Hales obtained from most ve- getables an air which took fire. Hydrogenous gas may be extracted from all bodies in which it is a constituent part; but the purest is that af- forded by the decomposition of water, and it is this fluid which usually affords it in our laboratories. For this pur- pose the sulphuric acid is poured upon iron, or zinc; the water, which serves as a vehicle for the acid, is decompos- ed on the metal; its oxigene combines with it, while the hydrogenous gas escapes. This explanation, however contrary to the ancient notion, is not the less a demon- strated truth; in fact, the metal exists in the state of an ox- id^ in its solution by the sulphuric acid, as may be proved by precipitating it with pure vegetable alkali: on die other 94 HYDROGENOUS GAS, hand, the acid itself is not all decomposed; so that the ox- igenous gas cannot have been afforded to the iron but by* the water. Water may be decomposed likewise still more directly by throwing it upon iron strongly heat- ed; and hydrogenous gas may be obtained by causing water to pass through a tube of iron ignited to whiteness.* The hydrogenous gas may be extracted by the simple distillation of vegetables. Vegetable fermentation, and animal putrefaction, likewise produce this gaseous sub- stance, f The properties of this gas are as follow: A. Hydrogenous gas has a disagreeable, stinking odour. Mr. Kirwan has observed, that when it is extracted over mercury, it has scarcely any smelk It contains half its weight of water, and loses its smell the moment it is de- prived of this additional substance. Kirwan has likewise observed, that the volume of hy- drogenous gas is one-eighth larger when received over wa- ter than when received over mercury. These observations appear to prove, that the offensive smell of this gas arises only from the water it holds in so- lution. B. Hydrogenous gas is not proper for respiration. The abb6 Fontana assures us that he could not take more than three inspirations of this air: the count Morozzo has proved that animals perish in it in a quarter of a minute. On the other hand, several northern chemists have affirm- ed, in consequence of experiments made on themselves, * When the sulphuric acid diluted with water is poured upon zinc, the oxigen of the water unites to the zinc and forms an oxide of zinc ; this oxide is dissolved by the sulphuric acid, and sulphate of zinc or white vitriol is formed; the hydrogen of the water escapes in the form of inflammable air. One ounce of iron or zinc will yield three hundred and sixty-five ounce measures of hydrogenous gas. The best mode of procuring inflammable air, is to fill an eight ounce vial half full of small iron tacks, and cover them with water. Then pour over them gradually about one ounce measure of the sul- phuric acid, and adapt a bent glass, tin or copper tube, entering a per- forated cork, to the mouth of the vial. Vide plate ii. fig. 5.—Am. Ed. t This is a mistake. The gases obtained by vegetable fermentation or distillation, are carbonic acid gas, carbonated hydrogen gas, and oxide of carbon.—Am. Ed. OR INFLAMMABLE AIR. 95 tliat hydrogenous gas might be respired without danger; and it is some years since the unfortunate Pilatre du Rozier filled his lungs with it at Paris, and set it on fire during the expiration, which forms a very curious jet of flame. It was remarked to him, that the abb£ Fontana had ob- jected against the accuracy of the Swedish chemists. This intrepid philosopher answered the objection by mixing one- ninth of atmospherical air with very pure hydrogenous gas. He respired this mixture, as usual; but when he attempted to set it on fire, the consequence was an explo- sion so dreadful, that he imagined all his teeth were blown out. This opposition of opinions, and contradiction of expe- riments, respecting a phenomenon which seems capable of unanswerable decision by one single experiment, in- duced me to have recourse to trial, to fix my own ideas on the subject. Birds, successively placed in a vessel of hydrogenous gas, died, without producing the smallest perceptible change in the gas itself. Frogs placed in forty inches of hydrogenous gas died in the space of three hours and a half; while others lived fifty-five hours in oxigenous gas and atmospheric air; and when I took them out still living, the air was neither vi- tiated nor diminished. Numerous experiments which I have made upon these animals, have led me to observe that they have the faculty of stopping their respiration, when placed in any noxious gas, to such a degree, that they inspire only once or twice, and afterwards suspend every function on the part of the respiratory organ. I have since had occasion to observe that these animals are not reduced into a putrid mass by remaining in hydro- genous gas, as was affirmed some time ago. The fact which may have imposed on chemists who related this circumstance, is, that frogs are often enveloped in a mu- cus or sanies, which appears to cover them; but they ex- hibit the same phenomenon in all the gases. After having tried the hydrogenous gas upon animals, T determined to respire it myself; and I found that the same volume of this air might be several times respired without danger. But I observed that this gas was not changed by these operations; whence I concluded that it 96 HYDROGENOUS GAS, is not respirable: for, if it were, it would suffer a change in the lungs, the object of respiration not being confined to the reception and emission of a fluid merely; it is a func- tion much more noble, more interesting, more intimately connected with the animal economy: and we ought to consider the lungs as an organ which is nourished by the air, digests that which is presented to it, retains the bene* ficial, and rejects the noxious part. Since, therefore, in- flammable air can be respired several successive times without danger to the individual, and without any altera- tion or change in itself, we may conclude indeed that in- flammable air is not a poison, but that it cannot be consi- dered as an air essentially proper to respiration. It is with hydrogenous gas in the lungs, as with those balls of moss and resin which certain animals swallow during the rigor- ous season of the winter. These balls are not digested, since the animals void them at the return of spring: but they delude hunger; and the membranes of the stomach are exercised upon them without danger, in the same man- ner as the lungs exert themselves upon the hydrogenous gas presented to them. C. Hydrogenous gas is not combustible alone; it does not burn but by the concurrence of oxigene. If a vessel filled with this gas be reversed, and a lighted taper be pre- sented to it, the hydrogenous gas is found to burn at the surface of the vessel; but the candle is extinguished the moment it is plunged lower. The most inflammable bo- dies, such as phosphorus, do not burn in an atmosphere of hydrogenous gas. D. Hydrogenous gas is lighter than common air. One cubic foot of atmospheric air weighs seven hundred and twenty grains; a cubic foot of hydrogenous gas weighs seventy-two grains. The barometer being at 29' 9, and the diermometer 60° Fahrenheit, Mr. Kirwan found the weight of this air to that of common air as eighty-four to one thousand; consequently it was about twelve times as light. Its specific gravity varies very much, because it is diffi- cult to obtain it constantly of the same degree of purity That which is extracted from vegetables contains the car- bonic acid and oil, which increases its weight. OR INFLAMMABLE AIR 97 This levity of hydrogenous gas has caused certain phi- losophers to presume that it ought to arrive at and occu- py the superior part of our atmosphere; and upon this sup- position the most brilliant conjectures have been made res- pecting the influence which a stratum of this gas, predo- minating over the rest of the atmosphere, ought to produce in meteorology. They were not aware that this continual loss of matter is not agreeable to the v\ise economy of na- ture. They did not observe that this gas, during its as- cent in the air, combines with other bodies, more especi- ally the oxigene, and that water and other products are the result; the knowledge of which must necessarily lead us to that of most meteors. The theory of balloons, or aerostatic machines, is found- ed on this levity of the hydrogenous gas. In order that a balloon may rise in the atmosphere, it is sufficient that the weight of the balloon itself, and the air it encloses, should be less considerable than that of an equal bulk of atmospheric air; and it must rise till its weight is in equilibrio with an equal volume of the sun-ounding air. The theory of the Mongolfiers is very different from this. In this case a given volume of atmospheric; air is rarefied by heat, and kept separated from the common mass by a hollow vessel of cloth. This rarefied space may therefore be considered for a moment as consisting of a mass of air of greater levity, which must necessarily make an effort to rise in the atmosphere, and carry its covering along with it. E. Hydrogenous gas exhibits various characters, ac- cording "to its degree of purity, and the nature of die sub- stances which are mixed with it. It seldom happens that this gas is pure. That which is afforded by vegetables contains oil, and the carbonic acid. The inflammable air of marshes is mixed with a greater or less quantity of carbonic acid; and that which is afforded by the decomposition of pyrites sometimes holds sulphur in solution. The colour of hydrogene, when set on fire, varies ac- cording to its mixtures. One-third of the air of the lungs, mixed with the inflammable air of pit-coal, affords a flame of a blue colour; inflammable air, mixed with nitrous air, N 98 HEPATIC CAS. affords a green colour; the vapour of ether affords a white flame. The various mixtures of these gases, and the de- gree of compression to which they are subjected, when expressed out of an aperture in order to burn them, have, in the hands of certain operators, aftbrded very agreeable illuminations, well deserving the attention of learned and curious observers. F. Hydrogenous gas possesses the property of dissolv- ing sulphur. In this case it contracts a stinking smell, and forms hepatic gas. Mr. Gengembre put sulphur into inverted vessels filled with hydrogenous gas, and dissolved it by means of the burning-glass. The hydrogenous gas, by this treatment, obtained all the characteristic properties of hepatic gas. The formation of this gas is almost always an effect of the decomposition of water. In fact, the alkaline sul- phures, or livers of sulphur, do not emit any disagreeable smell while they are dry; but the moment they are mois- tened, an abominable smell is perceived, and sulphate of potash, or vitriolated tartar, begins to be formed. These phenomena prove that the water is decomposed; that one of its principles unites to the sulphur, and volatilizes it; while the other combines with the alkali, and forms a more fixed product. Sulphurated hydrogenous gas may be obtained by dis- solving the sulphures or hepars by acids. Those acids in which the oxigene is most adherent disengage the great- est quantity. The muriatic acid produces twice as much as the sulphuric. That which is produced by this last, bums with a blue flame; but that which is disengaged by the muriatic acid, burns with a yellowish white flame. Scheele has taught us the means of obtaining this gas in great abundance, by decomposing artificial pyrites, formed by three parts of iron and one of sulphur, to which spirit of vitriol is added. The natural decomposition of pyrites in the bowels of the.earth produces this gas; which escapes with certain waters, and communicates peculiar virtues to them. The most general properties of these gases are: 1. They render the white metals black. 2. They are improper for respiration. 3. They impart a green colour to most blue vegetable substances. VITAL AIR. 99 4. They burn with a light blue flame, anddeposite sul- phur by this combustion. 5. They mix with the oxigenous gas of the atmosphe- ric air, and form water; at the same time that the sulphur, before held in solution, falls down. Hence it happens that sulphur is found in the channels of hepatic waters, though their analysis does not shew the existence of an atom qf that substance held in solution. 6. They impregnate water, and are sparingly soluble in that fluid; but heat or agitation dissipates them again. The air which burns at the surface of certain springs, and forms what is known by the name of burning springs, consists of hydrogenous gas holding phosphorus in solu- tion. It smells like putrid fish. The Pere Lampi has discovered one of these springs in the isles of St. Colom- bat. Dauphiny exhibits another similar spring at the dis- tance of four leagues from Grenoble. The ignes fatui which glide along burying-grounds, and which the super- stitious people suppose to consist of the spirits of the de- parted, are phenomena of this nature, which we shall speak of when we come to treat of phosphorus,. CHAPTER II. Concerning Oxigenous Gas, or Vital Air. THIS gaseous substance was discovered by the cele- brated Priestley, on the 1st of August, 1774. Since that memorable day, means have been devised of obtain- ing it from various substances; and its properties have shewn that it is a production of the most interesting nature in the knowledge of chemistry. No part of the atmosphere exhibits vital air in its great- est degree of purity. It is always combined, niixed, or altered by other substances. 100 VITAL AIR. But this air, which is the most general agent in the ope- rations of nature, exists in combination with various sub- stances; and it is by their decomposition that it may be extracted and procured. A metal exposed to the air becomes changed; and these changes are produced only by the combination of the pure air with the metal itself. Simple distillation of some of these metals thus changed, or oxides, is sufficient to disengage this vital air; and it is then obtained in a very pure state, by receiving it in the hydro-pneumatic apparatus. One ounce of red precipitate affords about a pint. All acids have vital air for their base; there are some which yield it easily. The distillation of nitre decomposes the nitric acid; and about twelve hundred cubic inches of oxigenous gas are obtained from a pound of this salt.* The nitric acid, when distilled from various substances, is decomposed, and its constituent parts may be obtained separately. Messrs. Priestley, Ingenhousz, and Sennebier discover- ed nearly at the same time that vegetables exposed to the light of the sun emit vital air. We shall elsewhere speak of the circumstances of these phenomena; but shall at present confine ourselves to the observation, that the emis- sion of vital air is proportioned to the vigour of the plant, and the vivacity of the light; and that the direct emission of the rays of the sun is not necessary to produce this ga- seous dew; it is sufficient that the plant be well enlight- ened, in order that it may transpire pure air: for I have often collected it in abundance from a kind of moss which covers the bottom of a vessel filled with water, and so well defended, that the sun never shone directly upon it. In order to procure the vital air which is disengaged from plants, it is sufficient to enclose them beneath a glass vessel filled with water, and inverted over a tub filled with the same fluid. The moment the plant is acted on by the sun, small bubbles of air are formed on its leaves, which * The air obtained from nitre is so contaminated with azotic gas, one of the component parts of the nitric acid, that it hardly deserves the name of pure air.—Am. Ed. VITAL AIR. 101 detaching diemselves, rise to die upper part of the vessel, and displace the liquid. This dew of vital air is a beneficial gift of nature, to repair incessantly the consumption of vital air. The plant absorbs atmospherical mephitis, and emits vital air. Man, on the contrary, is kept alive by vital air, and emits much mephitis. It appears therefore that the animal and vege- table kingdoms labour for each other; and that by this admirable reciprocity of service the atmosphere is conti- nually repaired, and an equilibrium maintained between its constituent principles. The influence of solar light is not confined to the pro- duction of vital air by its action upon vegetables alone ; it has likewise the singular property of decomposing cer- tain substances, and disengaging this gas.* A bottle of oxigenated muriatic acid, exposed to the sun, suffers all the superabundant oxigene which it con- tained to escape, and passes to the state of ordinary mu- riatic, acid. The same acid, exposed to the sun in a bot- tle wrapped in black paper, does not suffer any change ; and, when heated in a dark place, is even reducible into gas without decomposition. The nitric acid likewise af- fords oxigenous gas, when exposed to the sun ; whereas heat alone volatilizes it without decomposition. The muriate, or marine salt of silver, placed under water, and exposed to the sun, suffers oxigenous gas to escape from it. I have observed that red precipitate like- wise affords oxigene in similar cases, and that it becomes black in no very long space of time. We may likewise obtain oxigenous gas by disengaging it from its bases by means of the sulphuric acid. The process to which I give the preference, on account of its simplicity, is the following:—I take a small apothecary's phial, into which I put one or two ounces of manganese, and pour thereon a sufficient quantity of sulphuric acid to form a liquid paste. I afterwards fit a cork to the opening of die bottle, with a hole through it, into which is insert- ed a recurved tube ; one of whose extremities enters the bottle, while the other is placed under the shelf of the * Vide what has been said in note p. 100.—Am. Ed. 102 VITAL AIR. pneumato-chemical apparatus. When the apparatus is thus disposed, I present a small coal to die lower part of the bottle, and oxigenous gas is immediately disengaged. The manganese I use was discovered by me at St. Jean de Gardonnenque. It affords its oxigene with such faci- lity, that nothing more is necessary for this purpose than to incorporate it with the sulphuric acid. This gas is not perceptibly mixed with nitrogenous gas (or phlogisticated air); and the first bubble is as pure as the last. * Oxigenous gas exhibits certain properties, according to its degree of purity. These depend in general upon the substances which afford it. That which is obtained from the mercurial oxides almost always holds a small quantity of mercury in solution: I have been a witness to its having produced a speedy salivation on two persons who used it for disorders of the lungs. In consequence of these observations, I filled bottles with this gas, exposed them to an intense cold, and the sides became obscured with a stratum of mercurial oxide, in a state of extreme division. I have several times heated the bath, over which I caused this gas to pass; and I obtained, at two different times, a yellow precipitate in the bottle in which I had re- ceived the gas. The oxigenous gas extracted from plants is not equally pure with that afforded by the metallic oxides :f but from whatever substances it is obtained, its general properties are the following: A. It is more ponderous than the air of the atmosphere; the cubic foot of atmospherical air weighing seven hun- dred and twenty grains, while the cubic foot of pure air weighs seven hundred and sixty-five. According to Mr. Kirwan, its weight is to that of common air as eleven * The best method of obtaining oxigenous gas, is by exposing the black oxide of manganese to a red heat in an iron matrass. When procured in this manner, it is generally contaminated with carbonic acid gas and azotic air. The carbonic acid may be se- parated, by washing the gases in lime water, but there is no mode of removing the azotic air.—Am. Ed. t Twelve ounce measures of the oxigene air, obtained by exposing vegetable leaves to the influence of solar light, in water impreg- nated with carbonic acid gas, contained four ounce measures of azotic air.—Am. Ed. VITAL AIR. 103 hundred and three to one thousand. One hundred and sixteen inches of this air weighed 39,09 grains; one hun- dred and sixteen inches of common air weighed 35,38 grains at the temperature of ten degrees of Reaumur, and twenty-eight inches of pressure. One hundred parts of common air weighed forty-six, and one hundred parts of vital air fifty. B. Oxigenous gas is the only fluid proper for combus- tion. This acknowledged truth caused the celebrated Scheele to give it the name of Air of Fire. To proceed with greater order in the examination of one of the most important properties of oxigenous gas, since it belongs exclusively to this fluid, we shall lay down the four following principles, as incontestable results of all the known facts. The first principle.—Combustion never takes place without vital air. The second principle.—In every combustion there is an absorption of vital air. The third principle.—There is an augmentation of weight in the products of combustion equal to the weight of the vital air absorbed. The fourth principle.—In all combustion there is a dis- engagement of heat and light. I. The first of these propositions is a strict truth. Hy- drogenous gas does not burn alone, without the assistance of oxigene ; and all combustion ceases the moment that oxigenous gas is wanting. II. The second principle contains a truth no less gene- ral. If certain bodies, such as phosphorus, sulphur, he. be burned in very pure oxigenous gas, this is absorbed to the last particle ; and when the combustion is effected in a mixture of several gases, the oxigene alone is absorbed, and the others remain unchanged. In the slower combustions, such as the rancidity of oils, and the oxidation of metals, there is equally an absorp- tion of oxigene, as may be shewn by confining these bo- dies in a determinate mass of air, III. The third principle, though not less true than the preceding, requires more explanation; and for this pur- pose we shall distinguish those combustions whose result, residue, and product are fixed, from those which afford 104 VITAL AIR. volatile and fugacious substances. In the first case the oxigenous gas quietly combines with the body; and by weighing the same boay the moment the combustion has completely taken place, it is easily ascertained whether the increase in weight be proportioned to the oxigene ab- sorbed. This happens in all the cases wherein the metals are oxided, or oils rendered rancid; and in the produc- tion of certain acids, such as the phosphoric, the sulphu- ric, &c. In die second case, it is more difficult to weigh all the results of the combustion, and consequently to as- certain whether the augmentation in weight be propor- tioned to the quantity of the air absorbed. Nevertheless, if the combustion be made in inverted vessels, and the whole of the products be collected, it is found that their aug- mentation in weight is strictly equal to that of the air ab- sorbed. IV. The fourth principle is that whose applications are the most interesting to be known. In most combustions, the oxigenous gas becomes fixed and concrete. It therefore abandons the caloric which maintained it in the aeriform state; and this caloric being set at liberty, produces heat, and endeavours to combine itself with the substances nearest at hand. The disengagement of heat is therefore a constant ef- fect in all the cases wherein vital air is fixed in bodies; and it follows, from this principle—-1. That heat is most eminently resident in the oxigenous gas which maintains combustion. 2. That the more oxigene is absorbed in a given time, the stronger will be the heat. 3. That the only method of producing a violent heat consists in burn- ing bodies in the purest air. 4. That fire and heat must be more intense in proportion as the air is more con- densed. 5. That currents of air are necessary to main- tain and expedite combustion. It is upon this principle that the theory of the effects of the cylinder lamps is founded: the current of air, which is renewed through the tube, supplies fresh air every instant; and by conti- nually applying a new quantity of oxigenous gas to the flame, a heat is produced sufficient to ignite and destroy the smoke. It is likewise on the same principle that we explain the great difference that exists between heat produced by a VITAL AIR. 105 slow combustion, and that which is afforded by rapid combustion. In the latter case the same quantity of heat. and light is produced in a second, which might have been produced in the other case in a much longer time. The phenomena of combustion, by means of oxige- nous gas, depend likewise upon the same laws. Profes- sor Lichtenberger, of Gottingen, soldered the blade of a knife to a watch spring by means of oxigenous gas; Messrs. Lavoisier and Ehrmann have subjected almost all the known bodies to the action of fire maintained by oxi- genous gas alone; and they produced effects which the burning glass could not have operated. Mr. Ingenhousz has shewn us, that if an iron wire be bent into a spiral form, and any combustible substance whatever be fixed to one of its ends, and set on fire, the wire will itself be fused by plunging it into oxigenous gas. Mr. Forster, of Gottingen, found that the light of glow- worms is so beautiful and bright in oxigenous gas, that one single insect was sufficient to afford light to read the Annonces Savantes of Gottingen, printed in a very small character.* Nothing more is wanting therefore than to apply this air to combustion with facility and economy; and Mr. Meusnier has succeeded in this, by constructing a simple and commodious apparatus. On this subject the treatise of Mr. Ehrmann upon fusion may be con- sulted. The description of the gazometer may likewise be seen in the Elementary Treatise of Chemistry, by Mr. Lavoi- sier, f We shall distinguish three states in the very act of combustion—ignition, inflammation, and detonation. * The fire-fly and glow worm of America produce no such effect.—Am. Ed. t The highest degree of heat is produced by the flame of hy- drogene gas, urged by oxigene air. An ingenious apparatus for this purpose, superior to any thing of the kind they have in Europe, has been invented by Mr. Ro? bert Hare, junior, of this city. An account of it may be seen in Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine, and in the fifth volume of the American Philosophical Transactions.—Am. Ed. Q 106 VITAL AIR. Ignition takes place when the combustible body is not in the aeriform state, nor susceptible of assuming that state by the simple heat of combustion. This happens when well-made charcoal is burned. When the combustible body is presented to oxigenous gas, in the form of vapour or gas, the result is flame; and the flame is more considerable, in proportion as the combustible body is more volatile. The flame of a can- dle is not kept up but by the volatilization of the wax, which is continually effected by the heat of the combus- tion. Detonation is a speedy and rapid inflammation, which occasions a noise by the instantaneous formatoin of a va- cuum. Most detonations are produced by the mixture of hydrogenous and oxigenous gas, as I have shewn in my Memoir upon Detonations, in the year 1781. It has been since proved, that the product of the rapid combustion of these two gases is .water. Very strong detonations may be produced by burning a mixture of one part of oxige- nous gas with two of hydrogene. The effect may be rendered still more terrible, by causing the mixture to pass through soap-water, and setting fire to the bubbles which are heaped on the surface of the fluid. Chemistry presents several cases in which the detona- tion arises from the sudden formation of some gaseous substances, such as that which is produced by the inflam- mation of gunpowder; for in this case there is a sudden production of carbonic acid, of nitrogene gas, &c. The production or instantaneous creation of any gas whatever, must occasion a shock or agitation in the atmosphere, which necessarily affords an explosion; the effect of these explosions increases, and becomes stronger, from the op- position of any obstacles against the escape of the gas. C. Oxigenous gas is the only gas proper for respira- tion. It is the most eminent property which has entitled it to the name of Vital Air; and we shall give the pre- ference to this denomination in the present article. It has long since been known that animals cannot live without the assistance of air. But the phenomena of res- piration have been very imperfectly known until lately. Of all the authors who have written concerning respi- ration, the ancients are those who have had the most ac- VITAL AIR. 107 curate ideas of it. They admitted in the air a principle proper to nourish and support life, which they denoted by the name of pabulum vita ; and Hippocrates expressly says, spiritus etiam alimentum est. This idea, which was connected with no hypothesis, has been successively replaced by systems void of all foundation. Sometimes the air has been considered as a stimulus in the lungs, which kept up the circulation by its continual action. Vide Haller.—Sometimes the lungs have been considered as bellows designed to cool the body, heated by a thou- sand imaginary causes : and when it was proved that the volume of air was diminished in the lungs, it was thought to be an explanation of every difficulty, to say that the air was deprived of its spring. At this day, however, we are enabled to throw some light on one of the most important functions of the hu- man body. In order to proceed with more perspicuity, we shall reduce our notions to several principles. 1. No animal can live without the assistance of air. This fact is universally admitted; but it has not been known until lately that the faculty which the air possesses of answering the purpose of respiration, arises only from one of the principles of atmospheric air, known by the name of vital air. 2. All animals do not require the same purity in the air. Birds, as well as men, and the greatest part of qua- drupeds, require a very pure air; but those which live in the earth, or which hide themselves in a state of stupe- faction during the winter, can subsist by means of a less pure air. 3. The manner of respiring the air is different in the several subjects. In general, nature has given to animals an organ, which by its involuntary dilatation and contrac- tion receives and expels the fluid in which the animal moves and exists. This organ is more or less perfect, more or less concealed and defended from external injury-, according to its importance, and influence upon the life of the creature, as Mr. Broussonnet has observed. Amphibious animals respire by means of lungs: but they can suspend their motion even whilst they are in the air; as I have observed with regard to frogs, which stop their respiration at pleasure. 108 VITAL AIR. The manner of respiration in fishes is very different; these animals come from time to time to inhale the air at the surface of the water, where they fill their vesicle, and digest it afterwards at their ease. I have for a long time observed the phenomena of fishes in the act of respiration; and am well assured that they are sensible of the action of all die gases, like other animals. Mr. De Fourcroy has observed that the air contained in the vesicle of the carp is nitrogene gas (phlogisticated air). Insects with tracheae exhibit organs still more remote from ours in their construction. In these animals, respi- ration is effected by the tracheae distributed along the bo- dy. They accompany all the vessels, and terminate by losing themselves in insensible pores at the surface of the skin. These insects appear to me to exhibit several very evi- dent points of analogy with vegetables. I. Their respiratory organs are formed in the same manner, being disposed through the whole body of the vegetable and the animal.—2. Insects do not require a great degree of purity in the air; and plants are nourished with atmospherical mephitis.*—3. Both the one and the other transpire vital air. The abbe Fontana discovered several insects in stagnant waters, which, when exposed to the sun, afforded vital air: and the green matter which is formed in stagnant waters, and is by Dr. Priesdey placed among the confervae, in conformity with the opi- nion of his friend Mr. Bewley—which Mr. Senebier has supposed to be the conferva cespitosa fits rectis undiaue divergentibus Halleri, and which has appeared to Dr. In- genhousz to be nothing else but a mass of animalcula— affords a prodigious qu-intity of this air when exposed to die sun.—4. Insects likewise afford, by chemical analy- sis, principles similar to those of plants, such as resins, volatile oils, &c. * This is by no means true. When a plant is made to grow in atmospheric air, it always dies when the oxigenous portion of this air disappears—Am, Ed. VITAL AIR. 109 Father Vaniere appears to have known, and very ele- gantly expressed, the property of vegetables to support themselves by means of vital air: .... Arbor enim (res non ignota,) ferarum Instar et halituum, piscisque latentis in imo Gurgite, vitales et reddit et accipit auras. Proedium Rusticum, 1. vi. r Animals with lungs respire only by virtue of the vital air which surrounds them. Any gas deprived of this mix- ture becomes immediately improper for respiration; and this function is exercised with so much the greater liberty, as vital air exists in a greater proportion in the air re- spired. Count Morozzo placed successively several full-grown sparrows under a glass bell, inverted over water. It was at first filled with atmospherical air, and afterwards with vital air. He observed— 1. In atmospherical air, Hours. Min. The first sparrow lived 3 0 The second - - 0 3 The third - - 0 1 The water rose in the vessel eight lines during the life of the first; four during the life of die second; and the third produced no absorption. 2. In vital air, Hours. Min. The first sparrow lived 5 23 The second 2 10 The third - 1 30 The fourth 1 10 The fifth 0 30 The sixth 0 47 The seventh - 0 27 The eighth 0 30 The ninth 0 22 The tenth 0 21 From these experiments it may be concluded, 1. That an animal lives longer in vital air than in atmospherical air. 2. That an animal canTive in air in which another has died. 3. That, independent of the nature of the air, 110 VITAL AIR. respect must be had to the constitution of the animals, as the sixth lived forty-seven minutes, and the fifth only thirty. 4. That there is either an absorption of air, or the production of a new kind of air, which is absorbed by the water as it rises. It remains, at present, to examine what are the changes produced by respiration. 1. In the air. 2. In the blood. The gas emitted by expiration is a mixture of nitrogene gas, carbonic acid, and vital air. If the air which issues from the lungs be made to pass through lime-water, it renders it turbid; if it be received through tincture of turn- sole, it reddens it; and if a pure alkali be substituted in- stead of the tincture of turnsol, it becomes effervescent. When the carbonic acid has been absorbed by the fore- going process, the remainder of this air consists of nitro- gene gas and vital air. The vital air is shewn to be pre- sent by means of nitrous air. The air in which I had caused five sparrows to perish, afforded seventeen hun- dredth parts of vital air. After having thus deprived the expired air of all its vital air, and all its carbonic acid, the remainder is nitrogene gas. It has been observed that frugivorous animals vitiate the air less than carnivorous animals. A portion of the air is absorbed in respiration. Borelli formerly took notice of this; and Dr. Jurin had calculated that a man inspired forty cubic inches of air in his usual inhalations, and that in the greatest he could receive two hundred and twenty inches; but that a portion was always absorbed. The celebrated Dr. Hales endeavoured to de- termine this absorption more strictly, and he estimated it at a sixty-eighth of the total of the respired air; but he did not "consider it as more than a hundred and thirty-sixth, on account of errors which he supposed to have taken place. Now a man respires twenty times in a minute, and inhales forty cubic inches of air at each inspiration: this makes forty-eight thousand per hour; which, divided by one hundred and thirty-six, gives about three hundred and fifty-three inches of air absorbed and destroyed in the hour. The process of Hales is not exact; because he passed the air expired through water, which must have retained a sensible proportion. VITAL AIR. HI From more accurate experiments, Mr. De La Metherie lias proved, that three hundred and sixty cubic inches of vital air are absorbed in an hour. My experiments have not shewn near so great a loss. This fact affords a proof of the facility with which air is vitiated by respiration when it is not renewed, and shews why the air of theatres is in general so unwholesome. II. The first effect which the air appears to produce upon the blood is, that of giving it a vermilion-colour. If the blackish venous blood be exposed in a pure atmos- phere, it becomes of a vermilion-colour at its surface: this fact is daily observed when blood is suffered to remain exposed in a porringer to the air. Air which has remained in contact with blood extinguishes candles, and precipi- tates lime-water. Air injected into a determinate portion of a vein between two ligatures, renders the blood of a higher colour according to the fine experiments of Dr. Hewson. The blood which returns from die lungs is of a higher colour, according to the observations of Messrs. Cigna, Hewson, &c. Hence arises the great intensity of the co- lour of arterial blood, compared with venous blood. Mr. Thouvenel has proved, that by withdrawing the air which is in contact with the blood, it may be again made to lose its colour. Mr. Beccaria exposed blood in a vacuum, where it re- mained black, but assumed the most beautiful vermilion- colour as soon as it was again exposed to the air. Mr. Cigna covered blood with oil, and it preserved its black colour. Dr. Priestley caused the blood of a sheep to pass suc- cessively into vital air, common air, mephitic air, &c. and he found that the blackest parts assumed a red colour in respirable air, and that the intensity of tiiis colour was in proportion to the quantity of vital air present. The same philosopher filled a bladder with blood, and exposed it to pure air. That portion of blood which touched the surface of the bladder, became red, while the internal part remained black: an absorption of air therefore took place through the bladder, in the same manner as when the con- tact is immediate. 112 VITAL AIR. All these facts incontestably prove, that the vermilion- colour assumed by the blood in the lungs, is owing to the pure air which combines with it. The vermilion-colour of blood is therefore the first ef- fect of* the contact, absorption, and combination of pure air with the blood. The second effect of respiration is to establish a real fo- cus of heat in the lungs; which is a circumstance very opposite to the precarious and ridiculous notion of those who have considered the lungs as a kind of bellows de- signed to cool die human body. Two celebrated physicians, Hales and Boerhaave, have observed that the blood acquired heat in passing through the lungs; and modern physiologists have estimated tiiis augmentation of heat at eleven hundredths. The heat in each class of individual animals is propor- tioned to the magnitude of their lungs, according to Messrs. De Buffon and Broussonet. Animals with cold blood have only one auricle and one ventricle, as Aristotle observed. Persons who have respired vital air, agree in affirming that they perceived a gentle heat vivifying the lungs, and insensibly extending from the breast into all the other parts of the body. Ancient and modern facts unite therefore to prove, that a focus of heat really exists in the lungs, and that it is maintained and kept up by the air of respiration. We are able, at present, to explain all these phenomena. In fact there is an absorption of vital air in respiration. Re- spiration then may be considered as an operation by means of which vital air passes continually from the ga- seous to the concrete state: it must therefore at each in- stant abandon the heat which held it in solution, and in the state of gas. This heat produced at every inspira- tion must be proportioned to the volume of die lungs, to the activity of this organ, to the purity of the air, the ra- pidity of the inspirations, &c. Hence it follows that, dur- ing the winter, the heat produced must be more conside- rable, because the air is more condensed, and exhibits more vital air under the same volume. By the same rea- son, respiration ought to produce more heat in the inha- bitants of northern climates; and this is one of the causes VITAL AIR. 113 prepared by nature to temperate, and continually balance, the extreme cold of these climates. It follows likewise that die lungs of asthmatic persons are less capable of di- gesting the air ; and I am assured that they emit the air without vitiating it: from which cause their complexion is cold, and their lungs continually languishing; vi'v.1 air is therefore wonderfully comfortable to them. It may be easily conceived from these principles why the heat of animals is proportioned to the volume of tiieir lungs; and why those which have only one auricle, and one ventricle, have cold blood, he. The phenomena of respiration are therefore the same as those of combustion. Vital air, by combining with the blood, forms the car- bonic acid, which may be considered as antiputrescent as long as it remains in the circulation; and that it is after- wards emitted through the pores of the skin, according to the experiments of the count De Milly, and the obser- vations of Mr. Fouquet. Vital air has been used with success in certain disor- ders of the human body. The observations of Mr. Cail- lens .?e well known. He caused persons affected with phthisical disorders to respire it with the greatest success. I have myself been a witness to the most wonderful ef- fects of this air in a similar case. Mr. De B--------- was in the last stage of a confirmed phthisis. Extreme weakness, profuse sweats, a flux of the belly, and in short every symptom announced the approach of death. One of my friends, Mr. De P-----, put him on a course of vital air. The patient respired it with delight, and asked for it with all the eagerness of an infant at the breast. During the time that he respired it he felt a comfortable heat, which distributed itself through all his limbs. His strength increased with the greatest rapidity; and in six weeks he was able to take long walks. This state of health lasted for six months : but after this interval he re- lapsed ; and being no longer able to have recourse to the use of vital air, because Mr. De P---------had depart- ed for Paris^r he died.—I am very far from being of opi- nion that the respiration of vital air ought to be considered as a specific, in cases of this nature. I am even in doubt whether this powerful air is perfectly adapted to such cir- 114 NITROGENE GAS, AZOTE, cumstanees; but it inspires cheerfulness, renders the pa- tient happy, and in desperate cases it is most certainly a precious remedy, which can spread flowers on the bor- ders of the tomb, and prepare us in the gentlest manner for the last dreadful effort of nature. The absolute necessity of vital air in respiration, ena- bles us to lay down positive principles for purifying the corrupted air of any given place. This may be done in three ways. The first consists in correcting the vitiated air by means of substances which are capable of seizing the noxious principles. The second consists in displacing the corrupted air, and substituting fresh air in the room of it; as is done by means of ventilators, the agitation of doors, &c. And the third consists in pouring into the mephitised atmosphere a new quantity of vital air. The processes employed in purifying corrupted air, are not all certain in their effects. The fires which are light- ed for this purpose have no other advantage than to esta- blish ascending currents, and to burn unhealthy exhala- tions ; and perfumes do nothing more than disguise the bad smell, without changing the nature of the air, as the experiments of Mr. Achard shew. • CHAPTER III. Concerning Xiti'ogene Gas, Azote, or Atmospherical; Mephitis. IT has been long since ascertained, that air which has served the purposes of combustion and respiration is no longer proper for those uses: the air thus corrupted, has been distinguished by the names of Phlogisticated Air, Mephitised Air, Atmospherical Mephitis, he. I call it Nitrogene Gas, for the reasons explained in the preli- minary discourse. But this residue of combustion or respiration is always mixed with a small quantity of vital air and carbonic acid, which must be removed in order to have the nitrogene gas in a state of purity. There are several methods OR ATMOSPHERICAL MEPHITIS. 115 •which may be used to obtain nitrogene gas, in a very pure state. 1. Scheele has taught us, that by exposing sulphure of alkali, or liver of sulphur, in a vessel filled with atmos- pherical air, the vital air is absorbed; and, when the ab- sorption is complete, the nitrogene gas remains pure. By exposing, in atmospheric air over mercury, a mix- ture of iron filings and sulphur, kneaded together with water, Mr. Kirwan obtained nitrogene gas so pure, that it suffered no diminution by nitrous gas. He deprived it of all humidity, by successively introducing dried blot- ting-paper into the vessel which contained it. Care must be taken to withdraw this air in time from the paste which affords it; otherwise it will be mixed with hydrogene or inflammable gas, which is afterwards disengaged. 2. When by any means, such as the oxidation of metals, the rancidity of oils, the combustion of phosphorus, he. the vital air of the atmosphere is absorbed, the residue is nitrogene gas. All tiiese processes afford methods of gieater or less accuracy to determine die proportions of vital air and nitrogene gas in the composition of the at- mosphere. 3. This mephitis may likew ise be procured by treating muscular flesh, or the well-washed fibrous part of blood, with nitric acid in the hydro-pneumatic apparatus. But it must be carefully observed that these animal matters ought to be fresh.; for if they have begun to be changed by the putrid fermentation, they afford carbonic acid mix- ed with hydrogene gas.* A. This gas is improper for respiration and combus- tion. B. It mixes with the other airs, without combining with them. C. It is lighter than the atmospheric air, the barometer standing at 30. 46, and Fahrenheit's thermometer at 60 : the weight of nitrogene gas is to that of common air as nine hundred and eighty-five to one thousand. D. Mixed with vital air, in the proportion of 78 to 22, it constitutes our atmosphere. The other principles which * Azotic *gas procured in this manner is generally contaminated with nitrous air.—Am. Ed. 116 ATMOSPHERIC AIR. analysis exhibits in the atmosphere, are Only accidental, and by no means necessary.f SECTION VI. Concerning the Mixture of Nitrogene and Oxigene Gas ; or of Atmospheric Air. THE gaseous substances we have treated of seldom exist alone and insulated; nature presents them every where to our observation in a state of mixture or of combination. In the first case these gases preserve the aeriform state; in the second they for the most part form fixed and solid bodies. Nature, in its several decompo- sitions, reduces almost all the principles of bodies into gas. These new substances unite together, combine, and from thence result compounds of considerable simplicity in their principles, but which become complicated by subsequent mixtures and combinations. We may follow the operations of nature, step by step, without departing from the plan we have adopted. The mixture of about seventy-eight parts of nitrogene gas, and twenty-two of oxigene, form this fluid mass in which we live. These two principles are so well mixed, and each of them is so necessary to the support of the various functions of individuals which live or vegetate upon the globe, that they have not yet been found sepa- rate and alone. The proportion of these two gases is subject to vari- ation in the mixture which forms the atmosphere: but this difference depends only upon local causes; and the most usual proportion is that which we have here men- tioned. t Combined with hydrogene it forms ammoniac, and with oxi- gene the nitric acid.—Ajn. Ed. ATMOSPHERIC AIR. 117 The characteristic properties of vital air are modified by those of nitrogene gas, and these modifications even seem to be necessary': for if we were to respire vital air in its state of purity, it would quickly consume our life ; and this virgin air is no more suitable to our existence than distilled water. Nature does not appear to have de- signed us for the use of these principles in their greatest degree of perfection. The atmospheric air is elevated several leagues above our heads, and fills the deepest subterraneous cavities. It is invisible, insipid, inodorous, ponderous, elastic, &c. It was the only gaseous substance known before the pre- sent epocha of chemistry; and the infinite gradations of all the invisible fluids which presented themselves so fre- quendy to the observation of philosophers, were always attributed to modifications of the air. Almost the whole of what has been written upon the air relates only to its physical properties. We shall confine ourselves to point out the chief of these. A. Air is a fluid of extreme rarefaction, obedient to the smallest motion : the slightest percussion deranges it; and its equilibrium, which is continually destroyed, is continually endeavouring to restore itself. Though very fluid, it passes with difficulty through ori- fices by means of which grosser liquids can easily pene- trate. This has caused philosophers to suppose that its parts were of a branched form.* B. The atmospheric air is invisible. It refracts the rays of light without reflecting them: for it is without sufficient proofs that some philosophers have imagined that large masses of this fluid are of a blue colour. It appears that the air is inodorous itself; though it is the vehicle of odorant particles. It may be considered as insipid j and when its contact affects us variously, we ought to attribute it to its physi- cal qualities. * This is a deception. It is true that the cohesive attraction ren- ders it difficult to displace any dense fluid from a capillary tube by the intrusion of air; but every experiment of the air-pump, the condensor, and the barometer, shews with what facility the air passes through the smallest orifices. T. 118 ATMOSPHERIC AIR. C. It was not until the middle of the last century that its weight was ascertained by accurate experiments. The impossibility of supporting water in a tube open at the bottom, to a greater height than thirty -two feet, caused Torricellius to suspect that an external cause supported the liquid at that height, and that it was not the horror of a vacuum which precipitated the water in the barrels of pumps. This celebrated philosopher filled a tube closed at one of its extremities with mercury : he reversed this into a vessel filled with the same metal; and observed that the mercury, after several oscillations, constantly sub- sided to the height of twenty-eight inches. He immedi- ately saw7 that the difference of elevations corresponded with the relative weights of these two fluids, wnich are in the proportion of fourteen to one. The immortal Pas- chal proved, some time afterwards, that liquids were sup- ported at this elevation by a column of atmospherical air; and he ascertained that their height varies according to the length of the column which presses upon them. D. The elasticity of the air is one of the properties upon which natural philosophers have made the greatest number of experiments ; and it has even been applied to considerable advantage in the arts. SECTION VII. Concerning the Combination of Oxigenous Gas and Hydrogene, which forms Water. ATER has been long considered as an element- ary principle; and when accurate experiments had compelled chemists to class it among compound sub- stances, a resistance and opposition wrere made to it, which were not manifested when the air, the earth, and the other matters reputed to be elementary, were subjected to simi- lar revolutions. It seems to me, however, that this ana- lysis is equally strict widi that of air. Water is decom- w GENERAL PROPERTIES OF WATER. H9 posed by several processes ; it is formed by the combina- tion of oxigene and hydrogene : and we find that all the phenomena of nature and art conspire to prove the same truth. What more can be required to afford an absolute certainty respecting any physical fact ? Water is contained in bodies in a greater or less quan- tity, and may be considered in two states i it is either in the state of simple mixture, or in a state of combination. In the first case it renders bodies humid, is perceptible to the eye, and may be disengaged with the greatest facility. In the second, it exhibits no character which shews that it is in a state of mixture. It exists in this form in cry- stals, salts, plants, animals, &c. It is this water which the celebrated Bernard has called Generative Water; and of which he has made a fifth element, to distinguish it from exhalative water. Water, existing in a state of combination in bodies, concurs in imparting to them hardness and transparency. Salts, and most stony crystals, lose their transparency when they are deprived of their water of crystallization. Some bodies are indebted to water for their fixity. The acids, for example, acquire fixity only by combining with water. Under these various points of view, water may be con- sidered as the general cement of nature. The stones and salts which are deprived of it, become pulverulent; and water facilitates the coagulation, re-union, and consistence of the particles of stones, salts, &c. as we shall see in the operations performed with plasters, lutes, mortar, &c. Water, when disengaged from its combinations, and in a state of absolute liberty, is one of the most considera- ble agents in the operations of this globe. It bears a part in the foi mation and decomposition of all the bodies of the mineral kingdom : it is necessary to vegetation and to the free exercise of most of the functions of animal bo- Tties; and it hastens and facilitates the destruction of these bodies, as soon as they are deprived of the principle of life. For a certain time water was thought to be a fluid earth. The distillation, trituration, and putrefaction of water, which always left an earthy residue, afforded credit to an 120 WATER IN,THE SOLID STATE. opinion that it was converted into earth. On this subject, the works of Wallerius and Margraff may be consulted: but Mr. Lavoisier has shewn that this earth arises from the wear of the vessels ; and the celebrated Scheele has proved the identity of the nature of this earth with that of the glass vessels in which the operations were made. So that the opinions of the philosophical world are at pre- sent decided in this respect. In order to obtain accurate ideas of a substance so ne- cessary to be known, we will consider water under its three different states of solidity, fluidity, and gas. ARTICLE I. Concerning Water in the State of Ice. Ice is the natural state of water, whenever it is deprived of a portion of that caloric with which it is combined when it appears in the form of a liquid or gas. The conversion into ice is attended with several pheno- mena which seldom vary. A. The first of all, and at the same time the most ex- traordinary, is a sensible production of heat at the mo- ment in which the water passes to the solid state. The experiments of Messrs. Fahrenheit, Treiwald, Baume, De Ratte, leave no doubt on this subject; so tiiat the water is cblder at the instant of congelation than the ice itself. A slight agitation of the fluid facilitates its conversion into ice, nearly in the same manner as the slightest mo- tion very frequently determines the crystallization of cer- tain salts. This arises, perhaps, from the circumstance, that by this means the caloric, which is interposed be- tween the particles, and may oppose itseU' to the produc- tion of the phenomenon, may be expressed or disengaged. In proof of diis opinion, it is seen that the thermometer rises at die very same instant, according to Fahrenheit. B. Frozen water occupies a larger space than fluid wa- ter : we are Indebted to the Acidemy del Cimento for the WATER IN THE SOLID STATE. v 121 proofs of this truth. In their experiments, bomb shells, and the strongest vessels, being filled with water, were . burst into pieces by the congelation, of this fluid. The trunks of trees are split and divided with a loud noise, as soon as the sap freezes; and so likewise stones are broken in pieces the moment the water, with which they are impregnated passes to the state of ice. C. Ice appears to be nothing more than a confused crystallization. Mr. De Mairan observed that the needle- formed crystals of ice unite in an angle of either sixty or one hundred and twenty degrees. Mr. Pelletier observed, in a piece of fistulous ice, cry- stals in the form of flattened triangular prisms, terminated by two dehedral summits. Mr. Sage observes, that if a piece of ice, which con- tains water in its internal parts, be broken, the water runs out, and the internal cavity is found to be lined with beau- tiful tetrahedral prisms, terminated in four-sided prisms. These prisms are often articulated and crossed. Vide M. Sage, Annates de Chimie, torn. i. p. 77. Mr. Macquart has observed, that when it snows at Moscow, and the atmosphere is not too dry, the air is observed to be loaded with beautiful crystallizations re- gularly flattened, and as thin as a leaf of paper. They consist of an union of fibres which shoot from the same centre to form six principal rays, and these rays divide themselves into small blades extremely brilliant: he ob- served several of these flattened radii which were ten lines in diameter. D. When water passes from the solid to the liquid state, it produces cold by the absorption of a portion of heat, as is confirmed by the fine experiments of Wilcke. This production of cold by the fusion of ice, is likewise proved by the practice of the confectioners, who fuse cer- tain salts with ice, in order to produce a degree of cold below 0. Ice is found in many places in great masses, known by the name of Glacieres: certain mountains are constantly covered with them, and the southern ocean abounds with them. The ice formed by salt water affords fresh water when melted; and in several northern provinces water is said to be concentrated by frost, to collect the salt it holds Q 122 WATER IN THE LIQUID STATE. in solution. I have likewise observed, that several me- tallic salts are precipitated by exposing their solutions to a temperature sufficient to freeze them. The ice which was formed did not possess the characters of the salt which had been dissolved. Hail and snow are nothing but modifications of ice. We may consider hail as produced by the sudden disen- gagement of the elastic fluid, which concurs in rendering water liquid : it is almost always accompanied with thun- der. The experiments of Mr. Quinquet have confirmed this theory.—I will here relate a fact to which I myself was witness, at Montpelier, and of which philosophers may advantageously avail themselves.. On the 29th of October, 1786, four inches of water fell at Montpelier* a violent explosion of thunder,, which was heard about four in the evening, and which appeared to be very near, caused a most dreadful showrer of hail. At this instant a druggist, who was employed in his cellar in preventing the mischief occasioned by the filtration of water through the wall, wras highly astonished to behold that the water which came through the wall was instantly changed into ice. He called in several neighbours to partake of his surprise. I visited the place a quarter of an hour after- wrards and found ten pounds of ice at the foot of the wall; I was well assured that it could not have passed through the wall, which did not exhibit any crack, but appeared to be in very good condition. Did the same cause, which determined the formation of hail in the atmosphere, act equally in this cellar ?—I relate the fact only, and forbear to make any conjecture upon it. ARTICLE n. Concerning Water in the Liquid State. THE natural state of water appears to be that of ice; but its most usual state is that of fluidity; and un- der this form it possesses certain general properties, which we shall proceed to describe. ' The experiments of the Academy del Cimento have caused the philosophical world to deny the least elasticity DISTILLATION OE WATER. 123 ^o water, because it escaped through the pores of balls of metal strongly compressed, rather than yield to pres- sure. But Messrs. Zimmerman, and the abbe Mongez, have endeavoured to prove its elasticity from the very ex^ periments upon which the contrary opinion has been built.* The liquid state renders the force of aggregation in water less powerful, and it enters into combination more readily in this form. Water which flows on the surface of our globe is never pure. Rain-water is seldom ex- empt from some mixture, as appears from the fine series of experiments of the celebrated Margraff. I have as- certained, at Montpelier, that the rain-water in storms is more impure than that of a gentle shower—that the wa* ter which falls first is less pure than that which falls after several hours or several days rain—that the water which falls when the wind blows from the sea to the southward, contains sea-salt; whereas that which is produced by a northerly wind, does not contain a particle. Hippocrates has made several very important observa- tions respecting the various qualities of water, relative to the nature of the soil, the temperature of the climate, &c. As it is of importance to the chemist to have very pure water for several delicate operations, it is necessary to point out the means which may be used to cany any wa- ter whatever to this degree of purity. Water is purified by distillation. This operation is performed in vessels called Alembics. The Alembic is composed of two pieces; a boiler or cucurbit, and a co- vering called the capital or head. * The water is put into the cucurbit, from winch it is raised in vapours by means of fire, and these vapours are condensed by cooling the head with cold water. The condensed vapours flow into a vessel designed to receive them. This is called Distilled Water; and is pure, be- * The experiments of Canton, to prove the compressibility of water, are well known, and may be seen in the Philosophical Trans- actions. He enclosed water in spherical glass vessels, from which a narrow neck proceeded, like that of a thermometer : the water was found to occupy a larger space when the pressure of the atmos- phere was removed by the air pump, and a less space when £ greater pressure was added by the condensor. T. 124 DISTILLATION OF WATER- cause it has left behind it in the cucurbit the salts and other fixed principles which altered its purity. Distillation is more speedy and quick, in proportion as the pressure of the air is less upon die surface of the stagnant fluid. Mr. Lavoisier distilled mercury in vacuo; and the abb6 Rochon has made a happy application of tiiese principles to distillation. It is to this same princi- ple that we must refer the observations of almost all na- turalists and philosophers, who have remarked, that the ebullition in the liquid becomes more easy, in proportion as we ascend a mountain from any other elevation; and it is in consequence of these principles, that Mr. Achard constructed an instrument to determine the heights of mountains, by the degrees of temperature of die ebulli- tion of boiling water. The abbe Mongez, and Mr. Lamanow, observed that ether evaporates with prodigious facility upon the peak of Teneriffe ; and Mr. De Saussure has confirmed these ex- periments on the mountains of Switzerland. A true distillation is carried on every where at the sur- face of our globe. The heat of the sun raises water in the form of vapours ; these remain a certain time in the atmosphere, and afterwards fall in the form of dew, by simple refrigeration. This rise and fall of humidity, which succeed each other, wash and purge the atmos- phere of all those particles, which by their corruption or development might render it infectious; and it is perhaps this combination of various miasmata with water which renders the evening dew so unwholesome. It is to a similar natural distillation that we ought to re- fer the alternate transition of water from the liquid state to that of vapour, which forms clouds, and by this means conveys the water from the sea to the summits of moun- tains, from which it is precipitated in torrents, to return again to the common receptacle. We find traces of the distillation of water in the most remote ages. The first navigators in the islands of the Archipelago filled their pots with salt-water, and received the vapour in sponges placed over them. The process of distilling the water of the sea has been successively brought to perfection; and Mr. Poissonnier has exhibited WATER IN THE STATE OF CAS. 125 a very well constructed apparatus to procure fresh water at all times in abundance. Pure water requires to be agitated, and combined with the air of the atmosphere, to render it wholesome. Hence no doubt, it is, that water immediately produced by melting snow, is unfit to drink. The characters of potable water are the following: 1. A lively, fresh, and agreeable taste. 2. The property of boiling readily, and also that of boiling peas, and other pulse. 3. The virtue of dissolving soap without curdling. ARTICLE III. Concerning Water in the State of Gas. MANY substances are naturally in the state of an ae- riform fluid, at the degree of the temperature of our atmosphere: such, for example, are the carbonic acid; and the oxigenous, the hydrogenous, and the nitrogenous gases. Other substances evaporate at a degree of heat very near that in which we live. Ether and alcohol are in this situation. The first of these liquors passes to the state of gas at the temperature of 35 degrees; the second, at that of 80 (of Reaumur.) Some fluids require a stronger heat for this purpose; such as water, the sulphuric and nitric acids, oil, &c. To convert water into an aeriform fluid, Messrs. De la Place and Lavoisier filled a glass vessel with mercury, and reversed it over a dish filled with the same metal. Two ounces of water were transferred beneath this vessel; and the mercury was heated to the temperature of between ninety-five and a hundred of Reaumur, by plunging it in a boiler filled with the mother water of nitre. The in- cluded water became rarefied, and occupied the whole ca- pacity. Water, by passing through earthen vessels ignited in the fire, becomes converted into gas, according to Priestley and Kirwan. The eolipile, the steam-engine, the digest- er of Papin, and the process of the glass-blowers, who 126 COMPOSITION OF WATER. blow large globes by injecting a mouthful of wateT through their iron tube, prove the conversion of water into gas. It follows from diese principles, that the volatilization of water being nothing more than a direct combination of caloric with this liquid, the portions of water which are the most immediately exposed to heat, must be the first volatilized: and this is daily observed; for it is continu- ally seen that ebullition begins at the part most heated. But when the heat is applied equally at all parts, the ebul- lition is generaL Several phenomena have led us to believe that water may be converted into air. The process of the glass- blowers to blow large spheres; the hydraulic organ of fa- ther Kircher-, the phenomena of the eolipile; the experi- ments of Messrs. Priestley and Kirwan; the manner of as- sisting combustion, by sprinkling a small quantity of water upon the coals—all these circumstances appeared to an- nounce the conversion of water into air. But it was far from being supposed that most of these phenomena were produced by the decomposition of this fluid; and the ge- nius of Mr. Lavoisier was necessary to carry this point of doctrine to the degree of certainty and precision, which in my opinion it now appears to possess. Messrs. Macquer and De la Metherie had already ob- served, that the combustion of inflammable air produced much water. Mr. Cavendish confirmed these experiments in England, by the rapid combustion of inflammable air and vital air. But Messrs. Lavoisier, De la Place, Monge, and Meusnier, have proved that the whole mass of the water might be converted into hydrogene and oxigene; and that the combustion of these two gases produced a volume of water proportioned to the weight of the two principles employed in this experiment. 1. If a small glass vessel be inverted over mercury, and a known quantity of -distilled water and filings of iron be put into the upper part of this vessel, inflammable air will be gradually disengaged, the iron will rust, and the water which moistens it will diminish, and at length disappear; the weight of the inflammable air which is produced, and the augmentation in weight of the iron, will be equivalent to the weight of the water made use of It appears there- COMPOSITION OF WATER. 127 fore to be proved, that the water is reduced into two prin- ciples, the one of which is inflammable air, and the other is the principle which has entered mto combination with the metal. Now we know that the oxidation or calcina- tion of metals is owing to vital air; and consequendy the two substances produced, namely the vital air and inflam- mable air, arise from the decomposition of water. 2. When wrater is converted into the state of vapour, in its passage through an ignited iron tube, the iron be- comes oxided, and hydrogene is obtained in the state of gas. The augmentation of weight in the metal, and the weight of the hydrogene obtained form precisely a sum equal to that of the water employed. The experiment made at Paris, in the presence of a numerous commission of the Academy, appears to me to leave no further doubt concerning the decomposition of water. A gun-barrel was taken, into which a quantity of thick iron wire, flattened by hammering, was introduced. The iron and.thexgun-barrel were weighed: the gun-barrel was then covered with a lute proper to defend it from the con- tact of the air; it was afterwards placed in a furnace, and inclined in such a manner as that water might run through it. At its most elevated extremity was fixed a funnel designed to contain water, and to let it pass drop by drop by means of a cock: this funnel was closed, to avoid all evaporation of the water. At the other extremity of the gun-barrel was placed a tubulated receiver, intended to re- ceive the water which might pass without decomposition; and to the tubulure of the receiver the pneumato-chemi- cal apparatus was adapted. For greater precaution, a va- cuum was made in the whole apparatus before the opera- tion began. Lastly, as soon as the gun-barrel was red- hot, the water was introduced drop by drop. Much hy- drogenous gas was obtained: and at the end of the expe- % riment the gun-barrel was found to have acquired weight; and die flat pieces of iron included within were converted into a stratum of black oxide of iron, or Ethiops martial, crystallized like the iron ore of the island of Elba. It was ascertained that the iron was in the same state as that which is burned in oxigenous gas; and the increased 12.8 COMPOSITION OF WATER. weight of the iron, added to that of the hydrogene, was ac- curately equal to that of the water employed. The hydrogenous gas obtained was burned with a quan- tity of vital air equal to that which had been retained by the iron, and the six ounces of water were recomposed. 3. Messrs. Lavoisier and De la Place, by burning in a proper apparatus a mixture of fourteen parts of hydroge- nous gas, and eighty-six of oxigene, obtained a proporti- onate quantity of water. Mr. Monge obtained the same result at Mezieres, at the same time. The most conclusive and the most authentic experiment which was made upon the composition or synthesis of wa- ter, is that which was begun on the 23d of May, and end- ed on the 7th of June, 1788, at the Royal College, by Mr. Lefevre de Gineau. The volume of oxigenous gas consumed, when reduced to the pressure of twenty-eight inches of mercury, at the temperature of ten degrees of die thermometer of Reau- mur, was 35085 (French) cubic inches, and its weight 250 gross 10,5 grains. The volume of hydrogenous gas was 74967,4 cubic inches, and the weight 66 gross 4,3 grains. The nitrogenous gas and the carbonic acid which were mixed widi these gases, and which had been extracted out of the receiver at nine several times, weighed 39,23 grains. The oxigenous gas contained TTT of its weight of carbo- nic acid; so that the weight of these gases burned was 280 gross 63,8 grains, which makes 2 pounds 3 ounces 0 gross 63,8 grains. The vessels were opened in the presence of the gentle- men of the Academy of Sciences, and several other learn- ed men, and were found to contain 2 pound 3 ounces 0 gros 33 grains of water: this weight answers to that of the gases made use of, wanting 31 grains; this deficiency may arise from the caloric which held the gases in solu- tion being dissipated when they became fixed, which must necessarily have occasioned a loss. The water was subacid to the taste, and afforded 274- grains of nitric acid, which acid is produced by the com- bination of the nitrogene and oxigene gases. From the experiment of the decomposition of water, 100 parts of this fluid contained COMPOSITION OF WATEJl. 129 Oxigene 84,2636 = 84| Hydrogene 15,7364 = 15^ According to the experiment of its composition, 100 parts of water contained Oxigene 84,8 = 84f Hydrogene 15,2 = 15-J. Independent of these experiments of analysis and syn- thesis, the phenomena exhibited by water, in its several states, confirm our ideas with regard to the constituent parts which we acknowledge it to possess. The oxida- tion of metals in the interior parts of the earth, at a dis- tance from the atmospherical air, the efflorescence of py- rites, and the formation of ochres, are phenomena which cannot be explained without the assistance of this theory'. Water being composed of two known principles, must act like all other compound bodies which we know; that is, according to the affinities of its constituent parts. It must therefore in some instances yield its hydrogene, and in others its oxigene. If it be placed in contact with bodies which have the strongest affinity with oxigene, such as the metals, oils, charcoal, he. the oxigenous principle will unite with these substances; and the hydrogene, being set at liberty, will be dissipated. This happens when hydrogene gas is disengaged, by causing the acids to act upon certain me- tals; or when red-hot iron is plunged in water, as Messrs. Hassenfratz, Stoulfz, and D'Hellancourt have observed. In vegetables, on the contrary, it seems that the hydro- gene is the principle which fixes itself; while the oxi- gene is easily disengaged, and makes its escape. R 130 COMBINATIONS OF NITROGENE GAS. SECTION VIII. Concerning the combinations of Nitrogene Gas. 1. With Hydrogene" Gas. 2. With the Earthy Principles forming the Alkalis. IT appears to be proved, that die combination of nitro- gene gas with hydrogene forms one of the substances comprised in the class of alkalis. It is very probable that the others are composed of this same gas and an earthy basis. It is from these considerations that we have thought proper to place those substances here: and we have a- dopted that decision with so much the more foundation, because the knowledge of alkalis is indispensably neces- sary to enable us to proceed with order in a course of chemistry; and because these re-agents are most fre- quently employed, and their combinations and uses pre- sent themselves at every step in the phenomena of nature and art. It is an established convention to call every substance an Alkali, which is characterized by the following pro- perties: A. An acrid, burning, urinous taste. B. The property of converting blue vegetable colours green;* but not the tincture of turnsol, as certain authors announce. C. The virtue of forming glass, when fused with quart - zose substances. D. The faculty of rendering oils miscible with water; of effervescing with certain acids; and of forming neutral salts with all of them. I must observe that none of these characters is rigorous and exclusive; and that consequently no one of them is sufficient to afford a certainty of the existence of an alkali: but the re-union of several form, by their concurrence, a mass of proofs or indications, which lead us to sufficient evidence. * Indigo is an exception to this law. The alkalis have no effect upon this blue vegetable colouring matter,—-Am. E,d. VECETABLE FIXED ALKALI. 131 The alkalis are divided into fixed alkalis, and volatile alkalis. This distinction is established upon the smell of these substances: the former are not volatilized, even in the focus of the burning mirror, and emit no characteristic smell; whereas the latter are easily reduced into vapour, -md emit a very penetrating odour. CHAPTER I. Concerning Fixed Alkalis. NO more than two kinds of fixed alkalis have hitherto been discovered: the one which is called Vegetable Alkali, or Potash; the other Mineral Alkali, or Soda. ARTICLE I. Concerning the Vegetable Alkali, or Pot-Ash. This alkali may be extracted from various substances; and it is more or less pure, accordingly as it is afforded by one substance or another. Several varieties are made in commerce, to which different names have been affixed, and which are indispensably necessary to be known. The chemist may indeed confound all these distinctions, in his writings, under one single denomination: but the distinc- tions established by the artists are founded upon a series of experiments, wliich have proved that the virtues of these several alkalis are very different; and this constant variety in their effects appears to me to justify the various denominations assigned them. 1. The alkali extracted from the lixivium of wood- ashes, is known by the name of Salin. The salin cal- cined, and by this means disengaged from all the blacken- ing principles, forms potash. 132 VEGETABLE FIXED ALKALI. The ashes are more or less rich in alkali, according to the nature of the wood which affords them; in general, hard woods contain the most.* The ashes of beech af- ford from 11 to 131b. per quintal, according to the expe- riments which I have made in the large way, at St. Sa- veur; those of box afforded from 12 to 141b. The tables drawn up by the several administrators of the gunpowder and saltpetre manufactories may be consulted, respecting the quantity of alkali afforded by the combustion of seve- ral plants : they used 40001b. of each in their various ex- periments, f To extract this alkali, nothing more is necessary dian to wash the ashes, and to concentrate the dissolution in boilers of cast iron. It is on account of the alkali, that wood-ashes are employed in the lixiviums used by laun- dresses or bleachers. The use of alkali, in this case, is to combine with the fat substances, and to render them so- luble in water. Almost all the potash sold in commerce for the use of our glass-houses, our soap-makers, our bleaching-grounds, &c. is fabricated in the north, where the abundance of wood admits of its been applied to this single purpose. We might establish works of this kind to sufficient advantage in the forests of our kingdom. But there is more to be done than is generally supposed, before the inhabitants of the mountains can be turned towards this species of in- dustry. I have experienced this difficulty in the attempts, * Fourcroy says, more potash is generally extracted from tender than from hard wood. There is more from the rind of fruits, than from any other parts.—Am, Ed. t According to these experiments, Pounds. Ounces. Drachms. Grains. Turn sol yielded 80 0 0 0 Indian Corn 70 8 6 13 Tendrils of vines 23 4 4 0 Elm 15 10 4 0 Willow-tree 11 9 6 18 Box-wood - 8 15 7 48 Oak 6 2 3 44 Beech 5 13 4 42 Horn-bean a 0 1 69 Aspin 3 0 1 13 Pine or Fir-tree - 1 5 2 6 ' Am. Ed. VEGETABLE FIXED ALKALI. 133 and very considerable sacrifices which I have made, to secure this resource in the neighbourhood of Laigoual and Lesperou. The accurate calculations which I have made, have nevertheless proved that the potash would cost only from 15 to 17 livres the quintal, whereas we pur- chase that from the north at 30 or 40 livres. 2. The lees of wine are almost totally converted into al- kali by combustion. This alkali is called Cendres Grave- lees: it has almost always a greenish colour. This alkali is considered as very pure. 3. The combustion of tartar of wine likewise affords an alkali of considerable purity. It is usually burned wrap- ped up in paper, in small packets, which are dipped in water, and afterwards exposed upon burning coals. In order to purify it, the residue of the combustion is dis- solved in water, the solution concentrated by fire, the fo- reign salts separated in proportion as they precipitate; and a very pure alkali is at last obtained, which is known by the name of Salt of Tartar. ' To procure salt of tartar more speedily, as well as more economically, I burn a mixture of equal parts of nitrate of potash, or common nitre and tartar. The residue, after lixiviation, affords a beautiful salt of tartar. Salt of tartar is the alkali most commonly employed in medical uses; it is given in the dose of several grains. 4. If saltpetre be fused upon charcoal, the acid is decom- posed and dissipated, while the alkali remains alone and disengaged: this is called Extemporaneous Alkali.* When the vegetable alkali has been brought to the great- est state of purity, it attracts the humidity of the air, and is resolved into a liquor. In this state it is known by the very improper.name of Oil of Tartar per deliquium. * In this case the carbone combines with the oxigene of the nitric acid of the nitre, and forms carbonic acid gas, which with the azotic air of the acid flies off. The potash of the nitre remains behind.— Am. Ed. 134 MINERAL FIXED ALKALI. ARTICLE II. Concerning the Mineral Alkali, or Soda. The Mineral Alkali has been so called, because it forms die basis of marine salt. It is obtained from marine plants by combustion: for this purpose heaps of die saline plants are formed; and at the side of these heaps a round cavity is dug, which is enlarged towards the bottom, and is three or four feet in depth: this is the fire-place in which the vegetables are burned. The combustion is kept up without interruption for several days; and when all the plants are consumed, a mass of alkaline salt is found remaining, which is cut into pieces, to facilitate its carriage and sale. This is known by the name of Rock Soda, or Soda. All marine plants do not afford soda of the same qua- lity. The barilla of Spain affords the beautiful soda of Alicant. I am assured that we might cultivate it upon our coasts in the Mediterranean, with the greatest success. This culture is highly interesting to the arts and commerce; and government ought to encourage this new species of industry. But an individual, however inclined or devoted to the public good, might make vain efforts to appropriate this commerce to our advantage, if he were not powerful- ly assisted by government; because the Spanish ministry has prohibited the exportation of the seed of barilla, under the strongest penalties. In Languedoc, and in Provence, we cultivate on the banks of our ponds a plant known by the name of Salicor, wnich affords soda of a good quality; but the plants which grow without cultivation produce an inferior sort. I have made an accurate analysis of each species, the results of which may be seen at the article Ver- rerie of the Encyclopedic Methodique. * * Mr. Henry Mackenzie has given an account of the mode of mak- ing soda in Scotland, in an essay published in the prize essays and transactions of the Highland Society. He informs us that the whole soda of Scotland is in general afford- ed by the four following plants; First. Eucus vesiculosus, the most common sea-wrack, called also the sea-oak, from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the oak. MINERAL FIXED ALKALI. 135 The mineral alkali is cleared of all heterogeneous salts by dissolving it in water, and separating the several salts in proportion as they fall down. The last portion of the fluid being concentrated affords the soda, which crystal- lizes in rhomboidal octahedrons. The mineral alkali is sometimes found in a native state: in Egypt it is known by the name of Natron. The two lakes of Natron described by Sicard and Mr. Volney, are situated in the desert of Chaiat, or St. Macaire, to the west of Delta. Their bed is a natural cavity of three or four leagues in length, and a quarter of a league in breadth; the bottom is solid and stony. It is dry during nine months in the year; but in winter a water of a violet-red colour oozes out of the earth, which fills the lake to five or six feet in depth: the return of the heat of summer evaporates this, and leaves a bed of salt behind it of two feet in thickness, which is dug out with bars of iron. The quantity obtained annually amounts to 36,000 quin- tals. Mr. Proust found natron upon the schisti which form the foundation of the town of Angers; the same chemist likewise found it upon a stone from the saltpetriere of Paris. The mineral alkali differs from the vegetable, because —1. It is less caustic. 2. It is so far from attracting hu- midity, that it effloresces in the air. 3. It crystallizes in rhomboidal octahedrons. 4. It forms different products with the same bases. 5. It is more proper for Nitrifica- tion. Do the alkalis exist ready formed in vegetables, or are they the product of the several operations made use of in extracting them?—This question has divided the opi- Secondly. Fucus nodosus, knotted sea-wrack. Thirdly. Fucus aerratus, the jagged or serrated sea-wrack ; and Fourthly. E"ucus digitatus, or tangle. These four plants are rooted upon rocks or stones. They grow only on the shores, where they are entirely uncovered by the water at the lowest ebb. In Spain soda is procured from the salsola soda, and salsola salicornia and batis maritima. The zostera maritima is burnt for this purpose on the borders of the Baltic. In France they use the c/ienopodium mari- tirhum, and in the Canary islands the mesembryanthemum chrystallinuni} or ice plant is cultivated for this purpose___im. Ed. 13G MINERAL FIXED ALKALI. nions of chemists. Du Hamel and Grosse proved, in 1732, the existence of alkali in cream of tartar, by treat- ing it with the nitric, sulphuric, and other acids." Mar- graff has given additional proofs of this, in a Memoir w hich forms the twenty-fifdi of his collection. Rouelle read a Memoir to the academy on the 14th of June, 1769, upon the same subject: he even affirms that he was ac- quainted with this truth before the work of Margraff ap- peared.—See die Journal De Physique, vol. i. Rouelle, and the marquis De Bullion, proved that tar- tar exists in must. It must not be concluded from the existence of an al- kali in vegetables, that this salt is there found in a disen. gaged state. On the contrary it is found combined with acids, oils, &c. The alkalis, such as we have described them, even af- ter they have been disengaged from every mixture, by so- lution, filtration, and evaporation, are not nevertheless in that state of purity and disengagement, wiiich is necessary to be obtained in many cases : they are nearly in the state of neutral salts, by their combination with the carbonic* acid. When it is required to disengage this acid, die al- kali must be dissolved in water, and quick lime dien slaked in the solution. This substance seizes the car- bonic acid of the alkali, and gives out its caloric in ex- change. We shall speak of the circumstances of this operation when we shall have occasion to treat of lime. The alkali being deprived of the carbonic acid, no longer effervesces with other acids : it is more caustic, and more violent in its action; unites more easily to oils; and is then called Caustic Alkali, Pure Potash, or Pure Soda. When this alkali is evaporated, and brought into the dry fonn, it is known by the name of Lapis Causticus. The corrosive virtue of this substance depends principally upon the avidity with which it seizes humidity, and falls into deliquium. The caustic alkali, as it is usually prepared, always contains a small quantity of carbonic acid, silicious earth, iron, lime, &c. Mr. Berthollet has proposed the follow- ing means of purifying it:—He concentrates the caustic lixivium until it has acquired a slight degree of consist- ence ; at which period he mixes it with alcohol, and draws LIVER OF SULPHUR. 137 off a portion by distillation. As soon as the retort is be- come cold, he finds it to contain crystals, mixed with a blackish earth, in a small quantity of liquor of a dark co- lour, which is separated from the solution of alkali, in the alcohol, which swims above like an oil. These crystals consist of the alkali saturated with the carbonic acid, and are insoluble in spirit of wine ; the deposition consists of silicious earth, lime, iron, &cc. The caustic alkali in a state of great purity, dissolved in the alcohol, swims above the aqueous solution utiich contains the effervescent alkali. If the spirituous solu- tion of alkali be concentrated on the sand-bath, transpa- rent crystals are formed, which consist of the pure alkali itself, these crystals appear to be formed by quadrangular pyramids inserted one in another; they are very deliques- cent, are soluble in water and in alcohol, and produce cold by their solution.—See the Journal de Physique, 1786, page 401. The alkalis we have just spoken, of, combine easily with sulphur. This combination may be effected—1. By the fusion of equal parts of alkali and sulphur. 2. By digesting the pure and liquid alkali upon sulphur.—In these cases the alkali becomes of a reddish yellow colour. The solutions of sulphur in alkali are known by the name of Livers of Sulphur, Sulphures of Alkali, &c. They emit an offensive smell, resembling that of rotten eggs. This is occasioned by the escape of the stinking gas, called Hepatic Gas. The sulphur may be precipitated by acids; and the re- sult of this precipitation is what the ancient chemists dis- tinguished by the name of Milk of Sulphur, and Magis- tery of Sulphur. These sulphures or hepars dissolve metals. Gold itself may be so divided by this means as to pass through ni- tres. Staid has supposed that Moses made use of this method to enable the Israelites to drink the golden calf. Though the analysis of the two alkalis has not been made with strictness, several experiments lead us to be- lieve that nitrogene is one of their principles. Mr. Thou- venel, having exposed washed chalk to the exhalations of animal substances in putrefaction, obtained nitrate of pot: S 138 COMPOSITION OF ALKALI. ash, or common nitre. I have repeated this experiment in a closed chamber of six feet square. Twenty-five pounds of chalk wrell washed in warm water, and exposed to the exhalation of bullock's blood in putrefaction during eleven months, afforded nine ounces of nitrate of lime, in a dried state ; and three ounces one gross of crystals of nitrate of pot-ash, or common nitre. The repeated distillation of soaps decomposes them, and affords ammoniac. Now the analysis of this last, by Mr. Berthollet, proves the existence of nitrogenous gas as one of its constituent parts. There is therefore room to apprehend that nitrogene gas is one of the principles of alkalis. The experiments of Mr, Thouvenel, as well as my own, lead to believe that this gas wiien combined with lime, forms pot-ash, or the vegetable alkali; while its union with magnesia forms soda. This last opinion is supported by the experiments—1. Of Define, who ob- tained magnesia from soda (see Crelf's Chemical Annals, 1781, page S3). 2. Of Mr. Deyeux, who obtained si- milar results, even before Mr. Dehne. 3. Of Mr. Lorg- na, who obtained much magnesia by dissolving, evapo- rating, and calcining soda repeatedly (Journal de Phy- sique, 1787)! Mr. Osburgh confirmed these various ex- periments in 1785. CHAPTER II. Concerning Ammoniac, or the Volatile Alkali. OUR researches have not hitherto exhibited more than one species of volatile alkali. Its formation ap- pears to be owing to putrefaction; and though the dis- tillation of some schisti affords it, yet this circumstance may be attributed to their origin, which is pretty gene- rally ascribed to vegetable and animal decomposition. We find frequently enough, in these substances, the print of fishes, wiiich is in favour of this opinion. Some plants VOLATILE ALKALI. 139 likewise afford volatile alkali; for which reason they have been called Animal Plants. But the volatile alkali is more .especially afforded by animal substances : the distil- lation of all their parts affords it in considerable abun- dance. Horns are employed in preference, because they are resolved almost entirely into oil and volatile alkali The putrefaction of all animal substances produces vola- tile alkali; and in this case, as well as in distillation, it is formed by the combination of its two constituent parts: for the analysis very often fails in exhibiting any alkali ready formed, in such parts as distillation or putrefaction would abundantly afford it from. Almost all the volatile alkali made use of in commerce or medicine, is afforded by the decomposition of sal am- moniac. It is even on account of this circumstance, that the chemists who have drawn up the New Nomenclature, have distinguished the volatile alkali by the name of Am, moniac. To obtain ammoniac in a state of considerable purity, equal parts of sifted quick-lime and muriate of ammoniac, or common sal ammoniac in powder, are mixed. This mixture is then introduced into a retort, to which a re- ceiver and the apparatus of Woulfe have been adapted. A quantity of pure water is to be put into the bottles, cor- respondent to the weight of the salt employed; and the junctures of the vessels are made good with the usual lutes. The ammoniac is disengaged in the state of gas, at the first impression of the fire. It combines with the water with heat; and when the wrater of the first botde is saturated, the gas passes to diat of the second, and satu- rates it in its turn.* Volatile alkali is known by its very strong but not dis- agreeable smell. It is easiiy reducible into the state of gas, and preserves this form at the temperature of the at- mosphere. This gas may be obtained by decomposing the muriate of ammoniac by quick-lime, and receiving the product over mercury. * Put the sifted quick-lime and sal ammoniac into the oil flaskj Plate i, fig. 2. apply the heat of the lamp, and the ammoniacal gas, will pass through the glass tube, and be absorbed by the water in the bottle.—im.Ed. 140 VOLATILE ALKALI. Alkaline gas kills animals, and corrodes the skin. The irritation is such, that I have seen pimples arise all over the bodies of some birds exposed to its atmosphere. • This gas is improper for combustion; but if a taper be gently immersed in it, the flame is enlarged before it goes out, and the gas suffers a decomposition. Alkaline gas is lighter than atmospheric air; and has even been mentioned, on account of its lightness, as a proper sub- stance to fill balloons. The count De Milly proposed to place a brazier, or vessel containing fire, under the bal- loon, to keep the gas in its greatest state of expansibility. The experiments of Dr. Priestley, who changed alka- line gas into hydrogene gas by means of the electric spark; those of the chevalier Laudriani, who, by passing the same gas through ignited glass tubes, obtained a large quantity of hydrogenous gas—occasioned a suspicion of the existence of hydrogene among the principles of alkaline gas. But the experiments of Mr. Berthollet have re- moved all doubts on this subject; and all observations ap- pear to unite in authorizing us to consider this alkali as a compound of the nitrogenous and hydrogenous gases. 1. If the oxigenated muriatic acid be mixed with very pure ammoniac, an effervescence takes place, with a dis- engagement of nitrogenous gas, a production of water, and a conversion of the oxigenated acid into the ordinary muriatic acid. In this beautiful experiment, the wrater which is produced is formed by the combination of the hydrogene of the alkali and the oxigene of the acid; and tjie nitrogene gas being set at liberty, is dissipated. If the oxides of copper or gold be heated with ammq- niacal gas, the product is wrater and nitrogenous gas, and the metals are reduced.* I have observed that the oxides of arsenic, being di- gested with ammoniac, are reduced, and often form oc- tahedral crystals of arsenic. In this case there is a dis- engagement of nitrogene gas, and a formation of wrater. * Upon throwing the focus of a burning lens upon an oxide of gold or copper, confined in ammoniacal gas over mercury, the hydrogene of the ammoniac unites to the oxigene of the oxides, and forms water, the azotic air of the ammoniac is left behind. The metals by being deprived of their oxigene, are found in a revived state.—Am. Ed. VOLATILE ALKALI. 141 It very often happens when metals, such as copper or tin, are dissolved by means of the nitric acid diluted with water, that an absorption of air takes place, instead of a disengagement of nitrous gas, as might be expected; I have seen several persons very much embarrassed in such cases, and I have often been'so myself. This phenome- non takes place more especially when a very concentrated acid is made use of,* and the copper is in fine filings : in this case ammoniac is produced. I have shewn this fact to my auditors long before I was acquainted with the theory of its formation. That which led me to^ suspect its existence, was the blue colour which the solution takes in this case. This ammoniac is produced by thecombi- nation of the hydrogene of the water with the nitrogene gas of the nitric acid; while the oxigene of the same acid, and that of the water, oxided the metal, and pre- pared it for solution. It is to a similar cause that we must refer the experiment of Mr. John Michael Haussmann of Colmar, who by passing nitrous gas through a certain quantity of precipitate of iron, in the mercurial apparatus, observed that this gas was speedily absorbed, and the co- lour of the iron changed ; at the same time that vapour of ammoniac was found in the vessels. It is by a similar theory we may account for die formation of alkaline gas, by the mixture of hepatic gas and nitrous gas over mer- cury, as Mr. Kirwan observes. Mr. Austin formed ammoniac; but he observed that the combination of nitrogenous gas with the base of hydro- •gene does not take place unless this last is in a state of ^great condensation. The formation of ammoniac by distillation and putre- faction, appears to me likewise to indicate its constituent parts. In fact, there is in both these operations a disen- gagement of hydrogene and nitrogene gas, and their com- bination produces ammoniac. Mr. Bcrthollet has proved, by the way of decomposi- tion, that one thousand parts of ammoniac, by weight, are composed of about eight hundred and seven of nitrogene gas, and one hundred and ninety-three of hydrogene gas. * This is a mistake. Concentrated nitric acid has no actioo on copper.—Am. Ed. 142 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF ACIDS. —See the collection of the Royal Academy, 1784, page 316. According to Dr. Austin, the nitrogene gas is in pro- portion to the hydrogene, as one hundred and twenty-one to thirty-two.* saps SECTION IX. Ctmcerning the Combination of Oxigene with certain Bases forming Acids. IT appears to be out of doubt, that the bodies which we are agreed to call Acids, are combinations of vital Air with a certain elementary substance. The analysis of al- most all the Acids, whose component parts are known, es- tablishes this truth in a positive manner; and it is on ac- count of this property that the denomination of Oxigenous Gas has been given to vital air. Every substance which possesses the following proper- ties is called an Acid: A. The word sour, which is usually employed to de- note the impression or lively and sharp sensation produced on the tongue by certain bodies, may be regarded as syno- nymous to the word acid. The only difference which may be established between them is, that the one denotes a weak sensation, whereas the other comprehends all the degrees of force from the least perceptible taste to the greatest degree of causticity. We say, for example, that verjuice, gooseberries, or lemons, are sour; but we use the word acid to express the impression which the nitric, sulphuric, or muriatic acids make upon the tongue. * It is asserted that ammoniac will give to new brandy, all the qua- lities of that of the oldest date. Five or six drops are to be poured into each bottle of brandy, which is to be well shaken—Am. Ed. 6ENERAL PROPERTIES OF ACIDS. 143 The causticity of acids appears to arise from tiieir strong tendency to combination; and it is from this property that the immortal Newton has defined them to be bodies which attract and are attracted. It is likewise from this property tiiat certain chemists have supposed acids to be pointed bodies. On account likewise of this decided tendency to combi- nation which acids possess, it seldom happens that we find them in a disengaged state. B. A second property of acids is that of changing cer- tain blue vegetable colours into red, such as the colour of turnsol,* &c. These two re-agents are commonly used to ascertain the presence of acids. The tincture of turnsol is prepared by lightly infusing in water that substance which is known in common under die name of Turnsol or Litmus. If the water be too highly charged with the colouring matter, the infusion has a violet tinge, and must in that case be diluted with water Until it becomes blue. The tincture of turnsol, when ex- posed to the sun, becomes red, even in closed vessels; and some time afterwards the colouring part is disengag- ed, and falls down in the form of a mucilaginous disco-' loured substance. Alcohol may be used instead of water in the preparation of this tincture. It is generally supposed that the turnsol fabricated in Holland is nothing more than the colouring matter ex- tracted from the rags or cloths of turnsol of Grand-Ga- largues, and precipitated upon a marly earth. These rags are prepared by impregnating them with the juice of night- shade (morelle), and exposing them to the vapour of urine, which develops their blue colour. The rags are sent into Holland, which has given rise to the opinion that they are used in the fabrication of turnsol; but subsequent inquiries have taught me that these cloths are sent to the dealers in cheese, who extract a colour by infusion, and wash their cheeses with it, to give them a red colour. I am convinced, by the analysis of turnsol, that the colour- ing matter is of the same nature as that of archil (orseille): and that this principle is fixed on a calcareous earth, and a small quantity of pot-ash. In consequence of tiiis ana- * And in general all blue vegetable colours —.A-n. Ed. 144 CENERAL PROPERTIES OF ACIDS. lysis, I have endeavoured to cause the liken parcllus of Auvergne to ferment with urine, lime, and alkali; and I obtained a paste similar to that of turnsol. The addition of alkali appears to me to be necessary to prevent the de- velopment of the red colour, wiiich when combined w ith the blue, forms the violet of the archil. When any concentrated acid is to be tried with sirup of violets, there are two particulars to be attended to. 1. The sirup of violets is often green, because the petal of the violet contains a yellow part at its base, which, when combined with the blue, forms this green colour: it is therefore essential to employ only the blue of the petal in order to have a beautiful blue infusion. 2. Care must be- taken to dilute the sirup with a certain quantity of water; because otherwise concentrated acids, such as the sulphu- ric, would burn it, and form a coal. The simple infusion of violets may be used instead of the sirup.* The colouring matter of indigo is not sensible to the impression of acids. The sulphuric acid dissolves it, with- out altering the colour. C. A third character of acids is, that they effervesce with alkalis; but this property is not general. 1. Because the carbonic acid, and almost all weak acids, cannot be distinguished by this property. 2. Because the purest alkalis combine with acids, without motion or efferves- cence. Is there not one single acid in nature, of wiiich the others may be only modifications? Paracelsus admitted an universal principle of acidity, which communicated taste and solubility to all its com- pounds. Becher believed that this principle was composed of wa- ter and vitrifiable earth. Stahl endeavoured to prove that the sulphuric acid was the universal acid; and his opinion was adopted by most chemists for a long time. Long after the time of Stahl, Meyer maintained that the acid element was contained in fire. This system, * The sirup of violets cannot be procured in the United States. An infusion of the blue cabbage is one of the most delicate tests, to detect the presence of an acid or an alkali.—Am. Ed. CENERAL PROPERTIES OF ACIDS. 145 which is founded on certain known facts, has had its sup.- porters. The chevalier Landriani imagined he had succeeded in reducing all the acids to the carbonic acid; because, by treating them all with different substances, he obtained this last as the constant result of his analysis. He was led into an error, for want of having sufficiently attended to the de- composition of the acids he made use of, and the combi- nation of their oxigene with the carbone of the bodies which entered into his experiments, and produced the car- bonic acid. Lastly, the strict analysis and synthesis of most of the known acids, have proved to Mr, Lavoisier that oxigene is the base of all of them; and that their differences and va- rieties arise only from the substance with wiiich this com- mon principle is combined. Oxigene united with metals forms oxides; and among these last there are some wiiich possess acid characters, and are classed amongst acid substances. Oxigene combined with inflammable substances, such as sulphur, carbone, and oils, forms odier acids. The action of acids upon bodies in general cannot be understood but by founding our explanations upon thf» data which wre have established respecting the nature of their constituent parts. The adhesion of oxigene to the base is more or less strong in the several acids, and consequently their de- composition is more or less easy; as, for example, in metallic solutions, wiiich do not take place excepting when the metal is in the state of an oxide. The acid which will yield its oxigene with the greatest facility to oxide the metal, will have the most powerful action upon it. Hence it happens, that the nitric and the nitro-muriatic acids are those which dissolve metals the most readily; and hence likewise it happens, that the muriatic acid dissolves the oxides more easily than the metals, while the nitric acid acts contrary wise: hence also it arises that this last acts so powerfully upon oils, Sec. It is impossible to conceive and explain the various phenomena presented to us by acids in their operations, if we have no idea of their constituent principles. Stahl would not have believed in the formation of sulphur, if he T 146 GENERAL PROPERTIES AND had understood the decomposition of the sulphuric acid upon charcoal; and if we except the combinations of acids with alkalis, and with certain earths, these substances are either totally or partially decomposed in all the operations made with them upon metals, vegetables, and animals, as we shall find by observing the* several phenomena exhi- bited in these cases respectively. WTe shall at present treat only of some of the acids, and shall direct our attention to the others in proportion as we shall have occasion to treat of the various substances which afford them; we shall attend in preference to those which are the best known, and which have the greatest influence in the operations of nature, as well as in those of our labo- ratories. CHAPTER I. Concerning the Carbonic Acid THIS acid is almost always observed in the state of gas. We find that the ancients were in some mea- sure acquainted with it Van Helmont called it Gas Sil- vestre, the gas of must, or of the vintage. Becher him- self had a considerably accurate notion of it, as appears by the following passage; " Distinguitur autem inter " fermentationem apertam et clausam; in aperta potus fer " mentatus sanior est, sed fortior in clausa: causa est, quod " evaporantia rarefacta corpuscula, imprimis magna aclhuc " silvestrium spirituum copia, de quibus antea egimus, re- " tineatur, et in ipsum potum se precipitet, unde valde "eum fortem reddit." Hoffmann attributed the virtue of most mineral waters to an elastic spirit contained in them. Mr. Venel, a celebrated professor in the schools at Montpellier, proved in 1750, that the waters of Seltzer owed their virtue to a superabundant portion of air. In 1755, Dr. Black of Edinburgh advanced that lime- stone contains much air of a different nature from common HABITUDES OF CARBONIC ACID. 147 air. He affirmed that the disengagement of this air con- verter! it into lime, and that by the restoration of this air calcareous stone was regenerated. In the year 1746, Dr. M'Bride supported this doctrine with new facts. Mr. Jacquin, professor of Vienna, resumed the same pursuit, multiplied experiments on the manner of extracting this air, and added other proofs in confirmation that the ab- sence of the air rendered alkalis caustic, and formed lime. Dr. Priestley exhibited all the perspicuity and precision on this subject which might be expected from his abili- ties, and his skill in making experiments of this kind. This substance was then known by the name of Fixed Air, In 1772, Bergmann proved that it is an acid, which he called by the name of Aerial Acid. Since the time of this celebrated chemist, it has been distinguished by the names of Mephitic Acid, Cretaceous acid, &c.: and as soon as it was proved to consist of a combination of oxigene and carbone, or pure charcoal, the name of Car- bonic acid was appropriated to it. The carbonic acid is found in three different states. 1. In that of gas. 2. In a state of mixture. 3. In a state of combination.. It is found in the state of gas at the Grotto del Cano, near Naples; at the well of Perols, near Montpeliier; in that of Negrae in Vivarais ; upon the surface of the Lake Averno in Italy, and on those of several springs ; in various subterraneous places, such as tombs, cellars, necessaries, he. It is disengaged in this form by the de- composition of vegetables heaped together, by the fer- mentation of wine or beer, by the putrefaction of animal matters, &c. It exists in the state of simple mixture in mineral wa- ters, since in these it possesses all its acid, properties. It exists in a state of combination in stone, common magnesia, alkalis, &c. Various processes are employed to collect it, according to the state in which it is found. 1. When the carbonic acid exists in the state of gas, it may be collected—1. By filling a botde with water, and emptying it into the atmosphere of this gas : the acid takes the place of the water, and the bottle is afterwards corked to retain it. 2. By exposing lime-water, caustip 148 GENERAL PROPERTIES AND alkalis, or even pure water, in its atmosphere ; the gase- ous acid mixes or combines with tiiese substances; and may be afterwards extracted by re-agents, which we shall proceed to describe. II. When the carbonic acid exists in a state of com- bination, it may be extracted—1. By distillation with a strong heat. 2. By the re-action of other acids, such as the sulphuric acid, which has the advantage of not being volatile, and consequently is not altered by its mixture with the carbonic acid which is disengaged. III. When the carbonic acid exists in the state of sim- ple mixture, as in water, brisk wines, &c. it may be ob- tained—1. By agitation of the liquid which contains it; as Mr. Venel practised, by making use of a botde to which he adapted a moistened bladder. 2. By distillation of the same fluid.—These two first methods are not accurate. The process indicated by Mr. Gioanetti, consists in precipitating the carbonic acid by means of lime water, weighing the precipitate, and deducting thirteen thirty- second parts for die proportion of carbonic acid; it having been deduced from analysis, by this celebrated physician, that thirty-two parts of carbonate of lime contain seven- teen lime, two wrater, and thirteen acid. This substance is an acid, as is proved—1. Because tincture of turnsol, agitated in a botde filled with this gas, becomes red. 2. Ammoniac, or volatile alkali, poured into a vessel filled with this gas, is neutralized. 3. Water impregnated with this gas, is strongly sub-acid. 4. It neutralizes alkalis, and causes them to crystallize.^ It remains at present to examine the properties of this acid gas. A. It is unfit for respiration. History informs us that two slaves whom Tiberius caused to descend into the Grotto del Cano, were immediately stifled; and two cri- minals that Peter de Toledo caused to be shut in there, suffered the same fate. The abbe Nollet, who had the courage to respire the vapour, perceived a suffocating sen- sation, and a slight degree of acidity, which produced cous;hing and sneezing. Pilatre de Rosier, who presents himself to our notice'on all occasions wherein clanger was to be faced, caused himself to be fastened by cords fixed HABITUDES OF CARBONIC ACID. 149 under his arms, and descended into the gaseous atmos phere of a back of beer in fermentation. He had scarcely entered into the mephitis before slight prickings obliged him to shut his eyes) a violent suffocation prevented him from respiring, he felt a giddiness, accompanied with those noises which characterize the apoplexy : and when he was Ndrawn up, his sight remained dim for several minutes; the blood had filled the jugulars; his countenance had be- come purple; and he neither heard nor spoke but with great difficulty : all these symptoms however disappeared by degrees. It is this gas which produces the many unhappy acci- dents' at the opening of cellars, in places where wine, ci- der, or beer are suffered to ferment. Birds plunged into the carbonic acid gas, suddenly perish. The famous lake of Averno, where Virgil placed the entrance of hell, ex- hales so large a quantity of carbonic acid, that birds can- not fly over it with impunity. When the waters of Bou- lidou of Perols are dry, such birds as attempt to quench their thirst in the clefts, are enveloped in the mephitic va- pour, and die. Frogs, plunged in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, live from forty to sixty minutes, by suspending their respira- tion. Insects are rendered torpid after a certain time of re- maining in this air; but they resume their liveliness the moment they are exposed to the free air. Bergmann pretended tiiat this acid suffocates by extin- guishing irritability : he founds his opinion upon the cir- cumstance of his having taken out the heart of an animal which had died in the carbonic acid, before it was cold, and it exhibited no sign of irritability. The chevalier Landriani has proceeded still further: for he affirms that this gas extinguishes irritability, even when applied to the skin ; and has asserted that, by tying a bladder full of this gas to the neck of a fowl, in such a manner tiiat the head only of the animal was in the open air, and the whole body enveloped in the bladder, the fowl immediately pe- rished. The abb6 Fontana has repeated and varied this experiment on several animals, none of which died. The count Morozzo published experiments made in the presence of Dr. Cigna; the results of which appear 150 GENERAL PROPERTIES AND to invalidate the consequences of the celebrated Berg- mann : but it is to be observed, that the chemist of Turin caused his animals to die only in air vitiated by the death of another animal; and that in this circumstance the ni- trogene gas predominates.—See the Journal de Physique, torn. xxv. p. 112. ' . B. The carbonic acid is improper for vegetation. Dr. Priestley having kept the roots of several plants in water impregnated with the carbonic acid, observed that they all perished; and in those instances where plants are ob- served to vegetate in water or in air which contains this gas, the quantity of gas is very small. Mr. Senebier has even observed, that plants which are suffered to grow in water slightly acidulated with this gas emit a much larger quantity of oxigenous gas; because, in this case, the acid is decomposed, the carbonaceous principle combines, and is fixed in the vegetable, while the oxigene is tiirown off.* I have observed that those fungi wiiich are formed in subterraneous places, are almost totally resolved into car- Ixinic acid; but if these vegetables be gradually exposed to the action of light, the proportion of acid diminishes; while that of the coaly principle augments, and the vege- table becomes coloured. I have pursued these experi- ments with the greatest care in a coal mine. C. The carbonic acid is easily dissolved in water. Wa- ter impregnated with this acid possesses very valuable me- dicinal qualities; and several apparatus have been suc- cessively invented to facilitate this mixture. The appa- ratus of Nooth, improved by Parker and Magellan, is one of the most ingenious. On this subject the Encyclope- dic Mediodique may be consulted, article Acide Mephi- tique. The natural acidulous mineral waters do not differ from these, excepting in consequence of their holding other principles in solution ; and they may be perfectly imitated * The water which Dr. Priestley used, was too strongly impreg- nated with carbonic acid. Water containing a small portion of the air, is favourable to vegetation. It acts as a gentle stimulant to the plant, and is decomposed by it; whereas too large a quantity of the fixed air, brings on indirect debility in the vegetable, and de- stroys it.—Am. Ed. HABITUDES OF CARBONIC ACID. 151 when their analysis is well known. It is absurd to think that art is incapable of imitating nature in the composi- tion of mineral waters. It must be admitted that the processes of nature are absolutely unknown to us, in all the operations which relate to life ; and we cannot flatter ourselves with the hope of imitating her in these circum- stances. But when the question relates to an operation purely mechanical, or consisting of the solution of cer- tain known principles in wrater, we can and ought to per- form it even still better, as we have the power of vary, ing the doses, and proportioning the efficacy of any ar- tificial mineral water to the purposes to which it is in- tended to be applied. D. The carbonic acid gas is heavier than common air. The proportion between these two airs in w eight, accord- ing to Mr. Kirwan, is 45,69 to 68,74. The proportion according to the experiments of Mr. Lavoisier, is 48,81 to 69,50. This considerable weight causes it to occupy the lowest situations; and even gives it the property of being poured out from one vessel to another, so as to displace the at- mospheric air. This truly curious phenomenon was ob- served by Mr. De Sauvages, as may be seen in his Dis- sertation upon air, which was crowned in Marseilles in 1750. It appears to be proved, by sufficient experiments, that the carbonic acid is a combination of carbone, or pure charcoal and oxigene. 1. The oxides of mercury, when distilled, are reducible without addition, and afford only dxigenous gas; but if a small quantity of charcoal be mixed with the oxide, the product which comes over consists of carbonic gas only, and the weight of the char- coal is diminished. 2. If well-made charcoal be ignited, and plunged into a"vessel filled widi oxigenous gas, and die vessel be in- stantly closed, the charcoal burns rapidly, and at last goes out: the product in this experiment is carbonic acid, which may be separated by the known processes; the re- mainder is a small quantity of oxigenous gas, which may be converted into carbonic acid by the same treatment.* * Carbonic acid may be decomposed, by boiling phosphorus in a solution of the carbonate of potash i or by exposing small pieces of 152 CARBONATE OF POTASH. In these experiments I see nothing but charcoal and ox- igenous gas; and the consequence deduced is simple and natural. The proportion of charcoal is to that of oxigene as 12,0288 to 56,687. When the carbonic acid, in some cases, is obtained by burning hydrogenous gas, it arises from carbone held in solution in this gas. The carbone may even be dissolved in hydrogenous gas, by exposing it to the focus of the burning mirror in the mercurial apparatus, under a glass vessel filled with this gas. The hydrogenous gas which is extracted from a mix- ture I of sulphuric acid and iron, holds more or less of charcoal in solution; because iron itself contains this sub- stance in a greater or less quantity, as is ascertained by the fine experiments of Messrs. Berthollet, Monge, and Vander Monde.* The alkalis, such as we usually meet with them, con- tain carbonic acid; and it is this acid which modifies them, and diminishes their energy, at the same time that it communicates to them the property of effervescing. We may therefore consider alkalis as carbonates with excess of alkali; and it is easy to saturate this superabundant al- kali, and to form true crystallizable neutral salts. ARTICLE I. Carbonate of Potash. The carbonate of pot-ash was formerly distinguished by die name of Cretaceous Tartar. The method of causing phosphorus and limestone in powder to a red heat, in a glass tube, which should be coated with a mixture of dung and clay. The oxi- gene of the carbonic acid, of the carbonates of pot-ash or lime, will unite with the phosphorus and form phosphoric acid, which will join to the pot-ash and lime, making phosphates of lime and pot-ash. The carbone of the carbonic acid will be deposited among these phosphates.—Am. Ed. * An ounce of bar iron does not contain more than half a grain of charcoal, whereas the same quantity of cast iron contains from twelve to twenty grains.—dm, Ed. CARBONATE OF SODA. 153 l oil of tartar to crystallise, has long been known. Bonhius and Montet have successively shewn these processes: but the simplest consists in exposing an alkaline solution in an atmosphere of the acid gas which is disengaged in the vi- nous fermentation; the alkali becomes saturated, and forms tetrahedral prismatic crystals terminated by very short four-sided pyramids. I have several times obtained those crystals in the form of quadrangular prisms, with their extremities cut off slantwise. This neutral salt no longer possesses the urinous taste of the alkali, but exhibits the penetrating taste of neutral salts, and may be employed in medicine with the greatest success. I have been a witness to its being taken in the dose of one dram (gross) without the least inconvenience. This salt possesses an advantage beyond the salt of tar- tar, in being less caustic, and always of the same virtue.* It contains, according to the analysis of Bergmann, twenty parts acid, forty-eight alkali, and thirty-two water, in the quintal. It does not attract the humidity of the air. I have pre- served some of it for several years in a capsule, without any appearance of alteration. The carbonate of potash is decomposed by silex in a sufficient heat, which occasions a considerable boiling or ebullition. The residue is glass, in which the alkali is in the caustic state. Lime decomposes the carbonate, by uniting to the acid; and acids produce the same effect, by combining with the alkaline bases. ARTICLE II. Carbonate of Soda. The denominations of Aerated Mineral Alkali, Creta- ceous Soda, &c. have been successively given to this kind of carbonate. The mineral alkali, in its natural state, contains a greater quantity of carbonic acid than the vegetable; and nothing * It is preferable to the common alkali in making the effervescing or anti-emetic draught of Riverius.—Am, Ed. U 154 CARBONATE OF AMMONIAC. more is necessary than to dissolve it, and duly evaporate the water, in order to obtain it in crystals. These crystals are usually rhomboidal octahedrons; and sometimes have the form of rhomboidal laminae, applied obliquely one upon the other, so that they resemble tiles. This carbonate effloresces in the air. One hundred parts contain sixteen parts acid, twenty alkali, and sixty-four w ater. The affinity of its basis with silex is stronger than that of the carbonate of potash; in consequence of which, the vitrification it produces is more quick and easy. Lime and the acids decompose it, with the same pheno- mena wliich we have observed at the article Carbonate of Potash. ARTICLE III. Carbonate of Ammoniac. This salt has been generally known by the name of Concrete Volatile Alkali. It has likewise been distin- guished by that of Cretaceous Volatile Alkali, &c. It may be obtained by distillation from many animal substances. Tobacco affords, likewise, a large propor- tion; but almost the whole of that which is employed in the arts, and in medicine, is formed by the direct combi- nation of the carbonic acid and ammoniac, or volatile al- kali. This combination may be affected—1. By passing the carbonic acid through ammoniac, or the pure volatile alkali in solution. 2. By exposing ammoniac in an at- mosphere of carbonic acid gas. 3. By decomposing the muriate of ammoniac by the neutral salts which contain this acid, such as the carbonate of lime or common chalk. For this purpose, white chalk is taken, and very accurately dried; and then mixed with equal parts of muriate of am- moniac, or common sal ammoniac in fine powder. This mixture is put into a retort, and distilled; the ammoniac and the carbonic acid being disengaged from their bases, and reduced into vapours, combine together, and are de- posited on the sides of the receiver, where they form a stratum more or less thick. OXIDE OF CARBON. 15.5 The crystallization of this carbonate appeared to me to be that of a four-sided prism, terminated by a dihedral summit. The carbonate has less smell than the ammoniac; it is very soluble in water. Cold water dissolves its own weight of this salt, at the temperature of sixty degrees of Fahren- heit. One hundred grains of this salt contain forty-five parts acid, forty-three alkali, and twelve water, according to Bergmann. Most acids decompose it, and displace the carbonic acid.* * Gaseous Oxide of Carbone, or Carbonic Oxide Gas. This air was discovered by Dr. Priestley in the year 1790, by ex- posing the scales which the blacksmiths strike off from red-hot iron, called by him finery cinder, to a red heat, mixed with the powder of charcoal. The experiment is related in the first volume of the Doc- tor's,treafise on different kinds of air. In some observations on the theory of chemistry, published at the end of the third volume, he refers to this experiment, and insists that it cannot be explained by the principles of the antiphlogistic system. After the Doctor's arrival in America, he addressed a small pam- phlet, entitled " Considerations on the Doctrine of Phlogiston and the Decomposition of Water," to Messrs. Berthollet, De la Place, Monge, Morveau, Fourcroy and Hassenfratz,the most eminent of the French chemists, and again made an attempt to call their attention to this ex- periment. According to these gentlemen, says Dr. Priestley, inflammable air is nothing more than one of the component parts of water; but if this is a fact, " it never could be produced but in circumstances, in which either water itself, or something into which water is known to enter, is present. But in my experiments on heating finery cinder, together with charcoal, inflammable air is produced, though accord- ing to the new theory, no water is concerned. According to this theory, finery cinder, called the oxide of iron, consists of nothing be- sides iron and oxigene ; and the charcoal mace with the greatest de- gree of heat that can be applied, is equally free from water ; and yet, when these two substances are mixed together, they yield inflamma- ble air in the greatest abundance." Two arfswers were immediately written to this performance of Dr. Priestley, one by Monsieur Adet, then Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of France to the United States of America, and the other by Dr. John Maclean, Professor of Chemistry in Princeton College, New-Jersey. Mr. Adet supposed, that the inflammable air came from the charcoal, to which it had a very strong affinity, and whirh GASEOUS OXIDE OF CARBONE. CHAPTER II. Concerning the Sulphuric Acid. SULPHUR, like every other combustible substance, cannot be burnt but by virtue of the oxigenous gas which combines with it. it was very difficult to separate from it. This was also the opinion of Berthollet. Dr. Maclean declared that the experiment was of no va- lue, but attempted to account for it by the presence of moisture in the retort or charcoal which was made use of. Before tnest: gentlemen replied to Dr. 1-riestley, I repeated this fa- mous experiment, in the following manner: An ounce of the scales of iron, and the same quantity of charcoal, were reduced to a very fine powder, and exposed separately in cover- ed cruciules, in an air furnace, well supplied with fuel for five hours. They were then taken out of the fire, and mixed while red hot, in a red hot iron mortar, were triturated with a red hot pestle, formed of an iron ramrod, were poured upon a red hot sheet of iron, and in- stantly putinto a red hot L.un-barrel, which was fixed in one of Lewis's black lead furnaces, and which was connected with a pneumatic ap- paratus. One hundred and forty-two ounce measures of inflammable air, mixed with carbonic acid gas, were obtained in this experiment. The iron was revived. Having discovered some time after this, that the calces of zinc, lead, tin, bismuth, copper and manganese, exposed a considerable time to a red heat, and then mixed with charcoal that had ceased to yield air, would afford large quantities of carbonic acid gas and inflam- mable air, and sometimes inflammable air without any mixture of fixed air, I pronounced that the result of these experiments could not be accounted for in a satisfactory manner, by the antiphlogistic system of chemistry. A copy of the objections, which may be seen in the Medical Repo- sitory of New-York, vol. iv, p. 112, were sent to the National Insti- tute of France, and they were immediately republished in one of the volumes of the Annals of Chemistry. The objections were conceived as valid, until Mr. Cruikshank* of Woolwich, Great-Britain, having repeated these experiments, and found them accurate, made a successful analysis of the air obtained by exposing metallic calces and coal to heat, and proved that it was not carbonated hydrogene gas, or coal dissolved in inflammable air, as was generally conceived, but a combination of carbone and oxigene, and which has lately received the name of the gaseous oxide of carbone. It differs from the carbonic acid, in containing a smaller proportion of oxigene, and these two gases, may be converted into each other at pleasure. * Nicholson's Chemical Journal, April, 1805. OR CARBONIC OXIDE GAS. 157 The most usual phenomena which accompany this com- bustion are, a blue flame, a whitish and suffocating va- pour, and a strong, penetrating, and disagreeable smell. The results of this combination vary according to the proportion in which these two principles enter into this same combination. The sulphureous or the sulphuric acid may be at plea- sure obtained from sublimed sulphur, or from crude sul- phur, accordingly as a greater or less quantity of oxigene is combined with the sulphur, by means of combustion. This air may be obtained, First. By exposing most metallic calces and charcoal, to a red heat. Secondly. By exposing to a high degree of heat, the carbonates of lime and barytes, mixed with the filings of zinc or iron. Thirdly. By exposing moistened charcoal to a red heat, according to Morveau, Berthollet, Fourcroy, Thenart, Desormes, and Clement, ^s quoted by Thomson. Fourthly. By mixing charcoal and the earthy carbonates, and sub- mitting them to heat. Fifthly. By passing carbonic acid repeatedly over red hot coal, or transmitting it over red hot iron wire. The iron wire will abstract a portion of oxigene from the carbonic acid, and convert it into the oxide of carbon. I mixed 40 grs. of dry coal, with half an ounce of colcothar of vi- triol, and put the mixture into a gun-barrel. Half an ounce of the oxide of copper, prepared by exposing the sulphate of copper to an intense heat, was placed over the charcoal and calx of iron. Upon exposing the gun-barrel to a high degree of heat, one hundred ounce measures of carbonic acid gas were procured, without any mixture of the oxide of carbone. In this case, the carbone united with the oxigene of the colcothar of vitriol, and formed carbonic acid gas and oxide of carbone ; but as this oxide of carbone passed over the calx of copper, it seized another portion of oxigene, and was converted into carbonic acid gas. The gaseous oxide of carbone is lighter than atmospheric air, or carbonated hydrogene gas. It is fatal to animal life, and improper for combustion. When breathed for a few minutes, it produces giddiness and fainting. Neither heat, light, nor electricity have any effect up- on it. It dissolves phosphorus. It is not affected by the alkalis. Exploded in the eudiometer of Volta with oxigene air, it is convert- ed into the carbonic acid. If four parts of oxigenated muriatic acid gas is mixed with one part of carbonic oxide gas, the oxigene of the oxymuriatic gas, will unite to the oxide of carbone, and form carbonic acid gas, and a sub- stance similar to wax will make its appearance. Oxide of carbone, mixed with sulphurated hydrogen gas, and pass- ed through a red hot tube, will deposite sulphur, and sulphurated hy- drogen gas, mixed with carbonic oxide gas, will remain.—Am. Ed- 158 PRODUCTION OF THE SULPHURIC When the current of air which maintains the combus- tion is rapid, the sulphur is carried, and deposited with- out any apparent alteration, into the internal part of the leaden chambers in which the oil of vitriol is made. If the current of air be rendered more moderate, the com- bination is somewhat more accurate ; the sulphur is partly changed, and is deposited in a pellicle upon the surface of the water. This pellicle is flexible like a skin, and may be handled and turned over in the same manner. If the current be still less rapid, and the air be suffered to have a sufficient time to form an accurate combination with the sulphur, the result is sulphureous acid; which acid preserves its gaseous form at the temperature of the atmosphere, and may become liquid like water by the ap- plication of cold, according to the fine experiments of Mr. Monge. If the combustion be still slower, and the air be suffered to digest upon the sulphur a longer time, and with greater accuracy, the result is sulphuric acid : this last combination may be facilitated by the mixture of saltpetre, because this substance furnishes oxigene very abundantly. Numerous experiments which I have made in my ma- nufactory, to economize the saltpetre employed in the fa- brication of oil of vitriol, have several times exhibited the results here mentioned. ^ All the processes which are capable of being adapted for extracting the sulphuric acid, are reducible to—1. The extraction of it from substances which contain it. 2. Its direct formation by the combination of sulphur and oxi- gene. In the first case, the sulphures, or vitriolic salts of iron, copper, or zinc, and even those whose bases are clay and lime, according to Newman and Margraff, may be ex- posed to distillation. But these expensive processes are not very easy to be carried into execution ; and accord- ingly they have been abandoned, to make room for others of greater simplicity. In the second case, the oxigene may be presented to the sulphur in two forms; either in the state of gas, or in the concrete state. 1. The combustion of sulphur by oxigenous gas, is performed in large chambers lined with lead. The com- ACID, BY COMBUSTION. 159 bustion is facilitated by mixing about one-eighth of the nitrate of pot-ash with the sulphur. The acid vapours which fill the chamber are precipitated against its sides, and the condensation is facilitated by a stratum of water disposed on the bottom of the chamber. In some manu- factories in Holland, this combustion is performed in large glass balloons with large mouths, and the vapours are precipitated upon water placed at the bottom. In both cases when die water is sufficiendy impreg- nated with acid, it is concentrated in leaden boilers, and rectified in glass retorts, to render it white, and to con- centrate it sufficiently for the purposes of trade. The acid, when of a due strength, indicates sixty-six degrees, according to the aerometer of Mr. Baume; and when it has not been carried to this degree, it is unfit for most of the uses for which it is intended. It cannot, for ex- ample, be employed in dissolving indigo; for the small quantity of nitric acid which it contains, unites with the blue of the indigo, and forms a green colour. I have as- certained this phenomenon by very accurate experiments; and I have been a witness to the failing of colours, and the loss of stuffs, in consequence of the imperfection of the acid. 2. When the oxigene in the concrete state is presented to the sulphur, it is then in combination with other bo- dies, which it abandons to unite with this last. This happens when the nitric acid is distilled from sulphur. Forty-eight ounces of this acid, at thirty-six degrees, dis- tilled from two ounces of sulphur,. afforded near four ounces of good sulphuric acid. This fact was known to Matte Lafaveur : but I pointed out all the phenomena and circumstances of the operation in 1781. Sulphur may likewise be converted into sulphuric acid by means of the oxigenated muriatic acid.-----Encyclo- pedic Methodique, torn. i. p. 370. The sulphuric acid which is found disengaged in some places in Italy, appeal's likewise to arise from the com- bustion of sulphur. Baldassari has observed it in this state in a hollow grotto, in die midst of a mass of incrus- tations deposited by the baths of Saint Philip, in Tusca- ny. He asserts that a sulphureous vapour continually arises in this grotto. He likewise found sulphureous and 160 NATURAL AND CONGEALED SULPHURIC ACID. vitriolic effervescences at St. Albino, near mount Pulci- ano, and at the lakes of Travale, where he observed the branches of a tree covered with concretions of sulphur and the oil of vitriol.—Journal de Physique, t. vii. p. 395. O. Vandelli relates that, in the environs of Sienna and Viterbo, sulphuric acid is sometimes found dissolved in water. Mr. (the commander) De Dolomieu affirms that he found it pure and crystallized in a grotto of mount Etna, from which sulphur was formerly obtained. According to a first experiment of Mr. Berthollet, six- ty-nine parts of sulphur with thirty-one parts of oxigene formed one hundred parts of sulphuric acid; and, accord- ing to a second experiment, seventy-two of sulphur and twenty-eight of oxigene formed one hundred parts of dry acid. The various degrees of concentration of the sulphuric acid have caused it to be distinguished by different names, under which it is known in commerce. Hence the deno- minations of Spirit of Vitriol, Oil of Vitriol, and Gla- cial Oil of Vitriol, to express its degrees of concentration. The sulphuric acid is capable of passing to the concrete state by the impression of intense cold.* Kunckel and Bohn have spoken of it; and Boerhaave says expressly " Oleum vitrioli, summa arte purissimum, summo frigo- re hibemo in glebas solidescit perspicuas; sed, statim ac acuties frigoris retunditor, liquescit et difnuit"—We are indebted to the Duke D'Ayen for some very valuable ex- periments upon the congelation of this acid ; and Mr. De Morveau repeated them with equal success in 1782, and proved that this congelation may be effected at a degree of cold considerably less than what had been mentioned!. I have already several times obtained beautiful crystals of sulphuric acid in flattened hexahedral prisms, termi- nated by an hexahedral pyramid; and my experiments have enabled me to conclude—1. That the very concen- trated acid crystallizes more difficultly than that whose density lies between sixty-three and sixty-five. 2. That the proper degree of cold is from 1 to 3 degrees below * See also the experiments of Mr. Kier, and the late experiments of Mr. Cavendish on the congelation of acids, in the Philosophical Transactions. t This congelation is a phenomenon long since known. CHARACTERS OF SULPHURIC ACID. 161 0 of Reaumur. The detail of my experiments may be seen in the volume of the Academy of Sciences of Paris for the year 1784. The characters of the sulprruric acid are the following: 1. It is unctuous and fat to the touch, which has oc- casioned it to obtain the very improper name of Oil of Vitriol. 2. It weighs one ounce and seven gross in a bottle con- taining one ounce of distilled water. 3. It produces heat, when mixed with water, to such a degree as to exceed that of boiling water. If one end of a tube of glass be closed, and water poured into it, and the closed end of this tube be plunged into water, the water in the tube may be made to boil by pouring sulphuric acid into the external water which surrounds the tube. / 4. It seizes with great avidity all inflammable sub- stances ; and it is blackened and decomposed by this com- bination. Stahl supposed the sulphuric acid to be the universal acid. He founded this opinion more especially upon the circumstance, that cloths soaked in a solution of alkali, and exposed to the air attracted an acid which combined with the alkali; and formed a neutral salt, by him sup- posed to be of the nature of sulphate of potash, or vitri- olated tartar. Subsequent and more accurate experi- ments have shewn that this aerial acid was the carbonic; and the present state of our knowledge is such as permits us still less than ever to believe in the existence of an uni- versal acid. ARTICLE I, Sulphate of Potash. The sulphate of potash is described indifferently under the names of Arcanum Duplicatum, Sal de Duobus, Vi- triolated Tartar, Vitriol of Potash, &c. This salt crystallizes in hexahedral prisms, terminating in hexahedral pyramids, with triangular faces. 2\. 162 SULPHATE OF POTASH. It has a lively and penetrating taste, and melts difti- cultly in the mouth. It decrepitates on hot coals, becomes red-hot before it fuses, and is volatilized without decomposition. It is soluble in sixteen parts of cold water, at the tem- perature of 60 degrees of Fahrenheit: and boiling wa- ter dissolves one-fifth of its weight. 100 grains contain 30,21 acid, 64.61 alkali, and 5.18 water. Most of the sulphate of potash used in medicine is formed by the direct combination of the sulphuric acid and potash, or the vegetable alkali: but that which is met with in commerce is produced in the distillation of aqua fortis, by the sulphuric acid;* this has the form of beautiful crystals, and is sold in the Comtat Venaisin at forty or fifty livres the quintal. The analysis of tobacco has likewise afforded me this sulphate. Mr. Baume proved to the Academy, in 1760, that the nitric acid, assisted by heat, is capable of decomposing the sulphate of potash. Mr. Cornette afterwards shewed that the muriatic acid possesses the same virtue; and I shewed, in 1780, that this acid may be displaced by the nitric acid, without die assistance of heat; though the suJphuric acid resumes its place when the solution is con- centrated by heat. ARTICLE II. Sulphate of Soda. This combination of the sulphuric acid and soda is still known under the names of Glauber's Salt, Sal Ad- mirabile, Vitriol of Soda, &c. This salt crystallizes in rectangular octahedrons, of a prismatic or cuneiform fi- gure, of which the two pyramids are truncated near their basis. It has a very bitter taste, and easily dissolves in the mouth. * When the sulphuric acid is added to nitre, to make the nitric acid, it unites with the potash of the nitre, and forms vitriolated tartar, while the acid is disengaged from its-alkaline base.—Am. Ed. SULPHATE OF SODA. 163 it swells up upon heated coals, and boils, in conse- quence of the dissipation of its water of crystallization. After this water has been dispersed, there remains only a white powder, difficult of fusion, which is volatilized without decomposition by a strong heat. By exposure to the air, it effloresces, loses its transpa- rency, and is reduced to a fine powder. Three parts of water, at 60 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, dissolved one part of this salt; but boiling water dissolves its own weight. 100 grains of sulphate of soda contain 14 acid, 22 al- kali and 64 water. It is formed by the direct combination of die two prin- ciples wliich contain it; but the tamarix gallica, which grows on the sea coasts, contains so large a quantity, that it may be extracted to advantage. Nothing more is ne- cessary for this purpose, than to burn the plant, and lixi- viate the ashes. That salt which is sokl in the south of France, in fine crystals, is prepared in diis manner. It is very pure, and the price does not exceed thirty or thir- ty-five livres the quintal. This sulphate is likewise form- ed in our laboratories when we decompose the muriate of soda, or common salt, by the sulphuric acid.* Potash dissolved by heat in a solution of sulphate of soda, precipitates the soda, and takes its place.f * Glauber's salt may be made by decomposing the sulphate of am- moniac by common salt. The sulphuric acid of the sulphate of am- moniac will unite to the soda of the common salt, and form Glau- ber's salt, while the muriatic acid of the common salt will join to the ammoniac of the sulphate of ammoniac, and form sal ammoniac. The sulphate of ammoniac may be made by the direct combina- tion of the sulphuric acid and the ammoniac distilled from bones ; or by digesting this ammoniac, which contains a considerable quan- tity of carbonic acid, or plaster of Paris, which is a sulphate of lime. By a double elective attraction, carbonate of ljme and sul- phate of ammoniac will be formed. The editor of this work pub- lished this process, in the Columbian Magazine, in the year 1791, and it is now carried into effect in France and England. Glauber's salt is manufactured in immense quantities, from sea water, in the eastern parts of Massachusetts. It is said that twenty tons a year are made Medical Repository, vol. ii. Hexade second. p. 449.—Am. Ed, t One of the various methods of obtaining soda from sulphate of soda, is by adding potash, whereby the sulphuric acid is transferred to the vegetable alkali, and the soda is left uncombined. This ge- nerally answers in an economical point of view, as the price «f AMMONIAC. ARTICLE III. Sulphate of Ammoniac. The sulphate of ammoniac, commonly known by the name of Glauber's Secret Ammoniacal Salt, is very bit- ter. It crystallizes in long flattened prisms with six sides, terminated by six-sided pyramids. It cannot be obtained in well-formed crystals but by insensible evaporation. It slightly attracts the humidity of the air. potash is much lower than that of soda; and besides in the cry- stallizedi state in which the carbonate of soda is prepared for sale, water of crystallization forms a very large proportion of its com- position. Mr. Accum describes this process of transferring the alkali to be the following, when prepared in the large way : Five hundred parts of sulphate of soda are put in|o an iron boil- er with a sufficient quantity of water, and in another iron boiler by the side of the former are dissolved five hundred pounds of American potash, in about thirty pails full of water. When both solutions are boiling hot, the potash solution is laded into the boiler of sulphate of soda, the mixture strongly agitated, and brisk- ly heated : when gently boiling, the whole liquor is laded into a cistern of wood, lined with sheet lead half an inch thick, and also containing slips of sheet lead two or three inches wide, suspend- ed in the fluid, at intervals of about four inches from each other. In about three days, when the whole is quite cold, the uncrystal- lized liquor is let off, and a large mass of salt is found adhering to the slips of lead, and settled to the bottom of the cistern. This salt is chiefly a mixture of sulphate of potash and carbonate of soda. It is then washed in cold water, transferred into the boiler, and again dissolved in clear water, and evaporated briskly, till a strong pellicle appears on the surface. The liquor is then cooled till the hand can be borne in it, and the heat kept at that point as long as pellicles form on the surface, and drop down to the bottom. These pelli- cles are the sulphate of potash, separated by evaporation of the li- quid, on account of its more difficult solubility in water than the soda. The remaining liquid, which now contains little else than carbo- nate of soda, is laded out and suffered to crystallize, and then dried for sale. By this process about one hundred and thirty-six pounds of carbonate of soda is prepared from one hundred pounds of sul- phate of soda, with the requisite proportion of potash. The smaller grained crystals are the purest; the larger masses of carbonate of soda still contain a considerable quantity of sulphate of potash. 164 SULPHATE OF SULPHATE OF AMMONIAC. 165 It liquefies by a gentle heat, and rises over a moderate fire. Two parts of cold water dissolve one of this salt; and boiling water dissolves its own weight, according to Four- croy. The fixed alkalis, barytes, and lime, disengage the ammoniac from it. The nitric and muriatic acids disengage the sulphuric acid. The different substances of wliich we have treated are of considerable use in the arts and medicine. The sulphureous acid is employed in whitening silk, and giving it a degree of lustre. Stahl had even com- bined it with alkali, and formed the salt so well known under the name of Stahl's Sulphureous Salt. This com- bination passes quickly to the state of sulphate, if it be left exposed to thev air; as it speedily absorbs the oxigene which is wanting for that purpose. The principal use of the sulphuric acid is in dying, in which art it serves to dissolve indigo, and carry it in a state of extreme division upon the stuffs to be dyed; it is Ukewisc used by the manufacturers of Indiens, or silk and stuff mixtures, to carry off the preparation of these goods, wherein lime is used. The chemist makes great use of this acid in his analyses; and to separate other acids from their combination; suc.h as the carbonic, the nitric, and the muriatic acids. The sulphate of potash is known in medicine as an al- terative, and is used in cases of lacteous coagulations. It is given m the dose of a few grains, and is even purga- tive in a greater dose. The sulphate of soda is an effectual purgative in the dose of from four to eight gross, or drams. For this pur- pose it is dissolved in a pint of water. 4CID OF NITRE, OR NITRIC ACIB. CHAPTER III. Concerning the Nitric Acid.* THE nitric acid, called Aqua Fortis, when diluted with water, in commerce, is lighter than the sul- phuric. It usually has a yellow colour, a strong and dis- agreeable smell, and emits red vapours, f It gives a yel- low colour to the skin, to silk, and to almost all animal substances with which it may come in contact. It dis- solves and speedily corrodes iron, copper, zinc, he. with the escape of a cloud of red vapours during the whole time its action lasts. It entirely destroys the colour of vi- olets, which it reddens. It unites to water with facility; and the mixture assumes a green colour, which disap- pears when still further diluted. This acid has been no where found in a disengaged state. It always exists in a state of combination; and it is from these combinations that the art of chemistry ex- tracts it, to apply to our uses. The nitrate of potash, or common nitre, is the combination which is best known, and is likewise that from which we usually extract the ni- tric acid. * Dr. Mitchell, of New-York, has properly considered this acid, as of animal origin, and as it is formed from putrid animal sub- stance, he has proposed to call it the septic acid, from the Greek word , putrefacio. If this nomenclature was adopted, we would have septon; instead of azote or nitrogene. Septous gas ; instead of azotic gas or nitrogene gas. Gaseous oxide of septon ; instead of gaseous oxide of azote or of nitrogene, or nitrous oxid. Septic gas ; instead of nitrous air. Septous acid ; instead of nitrous acid. Septic acid ; instead of nitric acid. Septate, septite, &c.—Am. Ed. f The red clouds are formed by the nitrous air, which the acid contains escaping, and uniting to the oxigenous portion of atmos- pheric air.—Am. Ed. ACID OF NITRE, OR NITRIC ACID. 167 The process used in commerce to make aqua fortis, consists in mixing one part of saltpetre with two or three parts of red bolar earth. This mixture is put into coated retorts, disposed in a gallery or long furnace, to each of which is adapted a receiver. The first vapour which arises in the distillation is nothing but water, which is suf- fered to escape at the place of juncture, before the luting: and when the red vapours begin to appear, the phlegm which is condensed in the receiver is poured out; and the receiver, being replaced, is carefully luted to the neck of the retort. The vapours which are condensed, form at first a greenish liquor : this colour disappears insensibly, and is replaced by another which is more or less yellow. Some chemists, more especially Mr. Baume, were of opi- nion that the earth acted upon the saltpetre by virtue of the sulphuric acid it contains. But not to mention that this principle does not exist in all the earths made use of, as Messrs. Macquer, De Morveau, and Scheele have proved, we know that pulverized flints equally produce the decomposition of saltpetre. I am therefore of opi-~ nion that the effect of these earths upon the salt ought to be referred to the very evident affinity of the alkali to the silex, which is a principal component part; and more es- pecially to the slight degree of adhesion which exists be- tween the constituent principles of nitrate of potash. We decompose saltpetre in our laboratories by means of the sulphuric acid. Very pure nitrate of potash is taken, and introduced into a tubulated retort, placed in a sand bath, with a receiver adapted. All the places of junction are carefully luted; and as much sulphuric acid as amounts to half the weight of the salt is poured through the tubulure ; and the distillation is proceeded upon. Care is taken to fit a tube into the tubulure of the receiver; the other end of which is plunged into water, to condense the vapours, and to remove all fear of an explosion. Instead of employing the sulphuric acid, we may sub- stitute the sulphate of iron, and mix it with saltpetre in equal parts. In this case the residue of the distillation, when well washed, forms the mild earth of vitriol made use of to polish glass. Stahl and Kunckel have spoken of a very penetrating aqua fortis, of a blue colour, obtained by the distillation of nitre with arsenic. 168 PROPERTIES AND COMPONENT Whatever precaution is taken in the purification of the saltpetre, and however great the attention may be which is bestowed upon its distillation, the nitric acid is always impregnated with some foreign acid, either the sulphuric or muriatic, from which it requires to be purified. It is cleared of the first by redistilling it upon very pure salt- petre, which retains the small quantity of sulphuric acid that may exist in the mixture.* It is deprived of the se- cond by pouring into it a few drops of a solution of ni- trate of silver. The muriatic acid combines with the sil- ver, and is precipitated with it in the form of an insolu- ble salt. The fluid is then suffered to remain at rest, and is afterwards decanted from the precipitate or deposition. This acid, so purified, is known under the name of A- qua Fortis for Parting, Precipitated Nitrous Acid, Pure Nitric Acid, &c. Stahl had considered the nitric acid as a modification of the sulphuric, produced by its combination with an in- flammable principle. This opinion has been supported by several new facts, in a dissertation of Mr. Pietsh, crown- ed by the Academy of Berlin in 1749. The experiments of the celebrated Hales led him still nearer to this conclusion, as his manipulations were suc- cessively employed upon the two constituent principles of the nitric acid. This celebrated philosopher had obtained ninety cubic inches of air from half a cubic inch of ni- tre ; and he proceeded no further in his conclusions, than to assert that this air is the principal cause of the explo- sions of nitre. The same philosopher relates that the pyrites of Wal- ton, treated with equal quantities of spirit of nitre and water, produce an air which has die property of absorb- ing the fresh air, which may be made to enter the vessel. This great man, therefore, extracted successively the two principles of the nitric acid; and these capital experiments put Dr. Priestley in the road to the discoveries he has since made. It was not however until the year 1776, that the ana- lysis of the nitric acid was well known. Mr. Lavoisier, by distilling this acid from mercury, and receiving the * Or by adding the nitrate of barytes to it. The sulphuric acid will unite with the barytes, and form sulphate of barytes.—Am. Ed. PARTS OF NITRIC ACID. 169 several products in the pneumato-chemical apparatus, has proved that the nitric acid, whose specific gravity is to that of distilled water as 131607 to 100000, contains— oz. gross. grains. Nitrous gas 1 7 51 \ Oxigenous gas 17 7^ Water 13 — — By combining these three principles togedier the de- composed acid was regenerated. The action of the nftric acid on most inflammable mat- ters, consists in nothing more than a continual decompo- sition of this acid. If the nitric acid be poured upon iron, copper, or zinc, these metals are instantly attacked with a strong efferves- cence ; and a considerable disengagement of vapours takes place, which become of a red colour by their combina- tion with the atmospheric air, but which may be retained and collected in a state of gas in the hydro-pneumatic ap- paratus. In all these cases the metals are strongly ox- ided. The nitric acid, when mixed with oils, renders them thick and black, converts them into charcoal, or inflames them, accordingly as the acid is more or less concen- trated, or in a greater or less quantity. If very concentrated nitric acid be put into an apothe- cary's phial, and be poured upon charcoal in an impalpa- ble powder, and very dry, it sets it on fire instantly, at the same time that carbonic acid and nitrogene gas are disengaged. The various acids which are obtained by the digestion of the nitric acid on certain substances, such as the oxa- lic acid, or acid of sugar, the arsenical acid, &c. owe their existence merely to the decomposition of the nitric acid, die oxigene of which is fixed in combination with the bodies upon which the acid is distilled. The facility with which this acid is decomposed, renders it one of the most active, because the action of acids upon most bodies is a consequence of their own proper decomposition. The characters of nitrous gas, which is extracted by the decomposition of the acid," are—1. It is invisible, or perfectiy transparent. 2. Its specific gravity js rather less than that of atmospherical air. 3. It is unfit for respiration, Y A'U PROPERTIES AND COMPONENT though the abbe Fontana pretends that he respired it with- out danger. 4. It does not maintain combustion. 5. It is not acid, according to the experiments of the Duke de Chaulnes. 6. It combines with oxigene, and reproduces the nitric acid. But what is the nature of this nitrons gas ? It was at first pretended that it consists of the nitric acid saturated with phlogiston. This system ought to have been aban- doned as soon as it was proved that the nitric acid depo- sited its oxigene upon the bodies on which it acted ; and that the nitron's gas was less in weight than the acid made use of. A capital experiment of Mr. Canvendish has thrown the greatest light on the subject. This chemist having introduced into a tube of glass seven parts of ox- igenous gas obtained without nitrous acid, and three parts of nitrogene gas; or, by estimating these quantities in weight,, ten parts of nitrogene to twenty-six of oxigene— and having caused the electric spark to pass through this mixture, perceived that its volume or bulk was greatly diminished, and succeeded in converting it into nitric acid. It may be presumed, from his experiment, that the acid is a combination of seven parts of oxigene, and three of nitrogene. These proportions constitute the ordinary nitric acid; but when a portion of its oxigene is taken a\vay, it passes to the state of nitrous gas; so that nitrous gas is a combination of nitrogene gas, with a small quan- tity of oxigene. Nitrous gas may be decomposed by exposing it to a solution of the sulphure of potash, or hepar of sulphur r the oxigene gas unites to the sulphur, and forms sulphu- ric acid, while the nitrogene gas remains behind in a state of purity. Nitrous gas may likewise be decomposed by means of pyrophorus, which burns in this air, and absorbs the ox- igenous gas. The electric spark has likewise the property of decom- posing nitrous gas. Mr. Van Marum has observed that three cubic inches of the nitrous gas are reduced by elec- tricity to one cubic inch and three quarters : and that this residue no longer possessed any property of nitrous gas. Lastly, according to the experiments of Mr. Lavoisier, one hundred grains of nitrous gas contain thirty -two parts PARIS OF NITRIC A CI Dt. 171 nitrogene, and sixty-eight parts oxigene: according to the same chemist, one hundred grajns of nitric acid con- tain seventy-nine and a half oxigene, and twenty and a half nitrogene; and diis is the reason why nitrous gas should be employed in a less portion than nitrogene gas, to combine with the oxigene gas, and form the nitric acid. These ideas upon the composition of the nitrous acid, appear to be confirmed by the repeated proofs we now have of the necessity of causing substances, which af- ford much nitrogene gas, to be presented to the oxigene gas, in order to obtain nitric acid. The several states of the nitric acid may be clearly ex- plained according to this theory :—1. The fuming nitrous acid is that in which the oxigene does not exist in a suffi- cient proportion ; and we may render the whitest and the most saturated nitric acid fuming and ruddy, by depriving it of a part of its oxigene by means of metals, oils, in- flammable substances, he. or even by disengaging the oxigene by the simple exposition of the acid to the light of the sun, according to the valuable experiments of Mr. Berthollet. The property which nitrous gas possesses, of absorbing oxigene to form the nitric acid, has -caused it to be em- ployed to .determine the proportion of oxigene in the com- position which forms our atmosphere. The abbe Fonta- na has constructed, on these principles, an ingenious eu- diometer, the description and manner of using which may be seen in the first volume of Dr. Ingenhousz's experi- ments upon Vegetables. Mr. Berthollet has very justly observed, that this eu- diometer is inaccurate, or productive of deception—1. Because it is difficult to obtain nitrous gas constantly formed of the same proportions of nitrogene gas and ox- igene; for they vary, not only according to the nature of the substances upon which the nitric acid is decomposed, but likewise according!}' as the solution of any given sub- stance by the acid is made with greater or' less rapidity. If the acid be decomposed upon a volatile oil, nothing but nitrogene gas can be obtained ; if the acid act upon iron, and it be much concentrated, nitrogene gas only will be obtained, as I have observed, &c. 2. The nitriG acid which is formed by the union of nitrous gas and ox- 172 NITRATE OF POTASH, OR NITRE. lgene, dissolves a greater or less quantity of nitrous gas according to the temperature, the quality of the air which is tried, the size of the eudiometer, he. so that the di- minution varies in proportion to the greater or less quan- tity of nitrous gas obtained by the nitric acid which is formed : consequently the diminution ought to be greater in winter than in summer, &c. According to the experiments of Mr. Lavoisier, four parts of oxigenous gas are sufficient to saturate seven parts and one third of nitrous gas; whereas it is found that nearly sixteen parts of atmospheric air are required to produce the same effect: whence this celebrated che- mist has concluded, that the air of the atmosphere does not in general contain more than one-fourth of oxigenous or respirable gas. Repeated experiments at Montpellier, upon the same principle, have convinced me that twelve or thirteen parts of atmospheric air are constantly suffi- cient to saturate seven parts and one-third of nitrous gas. These experiments shew, to a certain degree of accu- racy, the proportion in which vital air exists in the air which we respire ; but they do not give us any informa- tion respecting the noxious gases which, when mixed with the atmospheric air, alter it, and render it unwhole- some. This observation very much curtails the use of this instrument. The combination of the oxigenous and nitrous gases always leaves an aeriform residue, which Mr. Lavoisier estimated at about one thirty-fourth of the whole volume: it arises from die mixture of the foreign gaseous sub- stances, which more or less affect the purity of the gases made use of. ARTICLE I. Nitrate of Potash. The nitric acid, combined with potash, forms the salt so well known under the names of Nitre, Saltpetre, Ni- tre of Potash, &c. This neutral salt is rarely the product of any direct combination of its two constituent parts. It is found PRODUCTION OF NITRE. 173 ready formed in certain places; and in this manner it is that the whole of the nitre employed in the arts is ob- tained. In the Indies it effloresces on the surface of unculti- vated grounds. The inhabitants lixiviate these earths with water, which they afterwards boil and crystallize in earthen pots. Mr. Dombey has observed a great quan- tity of saltpetre near Lima, upon eaiths which serve for pasture, and which produce only gramineous plants. Mr. Talbot Dillon, in his travels into Spain, relates that one- third of all the grounds, and in the southern parts of that kingdom even the dust of the roads, contain saltpetre.* Saltpetre is extracted in France from the ruins and plaster of old houses. This salt exists ready formed in vegetables, such as parietaria and bugloss, he. and one of my pupils, Mr. Virenque, has proved that it is produced in all extracts which are capable of fermenting. The fermentation of saltpetre may be favoured, by causing certain circumstances to concur which are of ad- vantage to its formation. In the North of Europe the saltpetre-beds are formed with lime, ashes, earth of uncultivated grounds, and straw, which are stratified, and watered with urine, dunghill-wa- ter, and mother waters. These beds are defended by a covering of heath or broom. In the year 1775, the king caused a prize to be proposed by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, to discover a method of increasing the product of saltpetre in France, and to relieve the people from the obligation of permitting the saltpetre-makers to examine their cellars, in order to discover and cany- away saltpetre earths. Several Memoirs were offered on the subject, which the Academy united into a single volume ; and these have added to our knowledge, by instructing us more especially concerning the nature of the matters * There are vast caves in the state of Kentucky, which contain a yellow clay, which is strongly impregnated with the nitrates of lime and potash. Saltpetre caves are also met with in Upper Loui- siana. Four men on a trading voyage lately discovered one several hundred miles up the Missouri. They spent five or six weeks in the manufacture of this article, and returned to St. Louis wiih four hun- dred weight of it, Medical Repository, vol. i.—Hexade 2. p. 396— Am. Ed. 174 PRODUCTION OF NITRE. which favour die formation of nitre. It was known, for example, long since, that nitre is formed in preference near habitations, or in earths, impregnated with animal products: it was likewise known that, in general, the al- kaline basis was afforded by die concurrence of a vegeta- ble fermentation. Mr. Thouvenel, whose memoir was crowned, has proved that the gas which is disengaged by putrefaction, is necessary for the formation of nitre; that blood, and next to it urine, were the animal parts which were die most favourable to its formation; that the most minutely divided and the lightest earths were the most proper for nitrification; that the current of air must be properly managed, to fix upon these earths the nitric acid which is formed, &c. It seems to me that Becher possessed a considerably accurate knowledge of the formation of nitre, as appears from the following passages : " Haec enim (vermes, muscae, serpentes) putrefacta in " terram abeunt prorsus nitrosam; ex qua etiam cOm- " muni modo nitrum copiosum parari potest, sola elixa- " tione cum aqua communi."—Phys. Subt. lib. i. S. V. t. i. p. 286. " Sed et ipsum nitrum necdum finis ultimus putrefac- " tionis est; nam cum ejusdem partes ignae separantur, " relinquae in terram abeunt prorsum puram et insipidam, " sed singulari magnetismo praeditam novum spiritum " aereum attrahendi, rursusque nitrum fiendi."—Phys. Subt. S. V. t. i. p. 292. From ail the discoveries and observations which have been hitherto made, it follows diat, in order to establish artificial nitre beds, it is necessary that animal putrefac- tion and vegetable fermentation should concur. The ni- trogene gas, in its disengagement from the animal sub- stances, combines with the oxigene, and forms the acid, which again unites with the alkali, whose formation is fa- voured by the vegetable decomposition. When the manufacturer is in possession of saltpetre grounds, whether by the simple operations of nature or by the assistance of art, the saltpetre is extracted by the lixiviation of these earths ; which lixivium is afterwards concentrated, and made to crystallize. In proportion as' the evaporation goes forward, the marine salt, which al- PURIFICATION OF NITRE. 175 most always accompanies the formation of nitre, is pre- cipitated. This is taken out with ladles, and set to drain in baskets placed over the boilers. As a great part of the nitre has an earthy basis, and requires to be furnished with an alkaline basis to cause it to crystallize, this purpose is accomplished either by mix- ing ashes with the saltpetre earths, or by adding an al- kali ready formed to the lixivium itself. Nitre obtained by this first operation is never pure, but contains sea-salt, and an extractive and colouring princi- ple, from which it must be cleared. For this purpose it is dissolved in fresh water, which is evaporated; and to which bullocks blood may be added, to clarify the solu- tion. The nitre obtained by the second manipulation is known by the name of Nitre of the Second Boiling. If recourse be had to a third operation to purify it, it is then called Nitre of the Third Boiling. The purified nitrate of potash is employed in delicate operations, such as the manufacture of gunpowder, the preparation of aqua fortis for parting, and the solution of mercury, &c. The saltpetre of the first boiling is used in those works where aqua fortis is made for the dyers. It affords a nitro-muriatic acid, which is capable of dis- solving tin by itself. The nitrate of potash crystallizes in prismatic octahe- drons, which almost always represent six-sided flattened prisms, terminated by dihedral summits* It has a penetrating taste followed by a sensation of coldness. It is fusible upon ignited coals; and in this case its acid is decomposed. The oxigene unites with the carbone and forms the carbonic acid; die nitrogene gas and the water are dissipated; and it is this mixture of principles which has been known under the name of Clyssus of Nitre. The distillation of the nitrate of potash affords twelve thousand cubic inches of oxigenous gas* for each pound of the salt. Seven parts of water dissolve one of nitre, at sixty de- grees of Fahrenheit; and boiling water dissolves its own weight of this salt. * Mixed with azotic air. ■.—*Am. Ed. 176 COMPOSITION OF GUNPOWDER. One hundred grains of the crystals of nitre contain thirty acid, sixty -three alkali, and seven water. When a mixture of equal parts of nitre and sulphur are thrown into a red-hot crucible, a saline substance is obtained, which was formerly called Sal Polycrest of Gla- ser, and which has since been considered as Sulphate of Potash. If nitre be fused, and a few pinches of sulphur be thrown upon this salt infusion, and the whole be after- wards poured out or cast into plates, it forms a salt known by die name of Crystal Mineral. A mixture of seventy-five parts of nitre, nine and a half of sulphur, and fifteen and a half of charcoal, forms gunpowder. This mixture is triturated from ten to fif- teen hours, care being taken to moisten it from time to time. This trituration is usually performed by pounding mills, whose pestles and mortals are of wood. In order to give the powder the form proper to granulate it, it is passed through sieves of skin, whose perforations arc of various sizes. The grained powder is then sifted, to se- parate the dust, and it is afterwards carried to the drying- house. Gun-powder for artillery, op cannon-powder, re- ceives no other preparation ; but it is necessary to glaze the powder wliich is intended for fowling. Tliis last pre- paration is effected by putting it into a kind of cask which turns on an axis, and by whose movement the angles of the grains are broken, and their surfaces polished. We are indebted to Mr. Beaume and the chevalier Darcy for a series of experiments, in which they have proved— 1. That good gunpowder cannot be made without sul- phur. 2. That charcoal is likewise indispensably necessary.* 3. That the quality of gunpowder depends, ceteris paribus, upon the accuracy with which the mixture is made. 4. That the effect of powder is greater when simply dried than when it is granulated.f * Coal for the manufactory of gunpowder, should be made in iron cylinders. The advantages of this process are so considerable, that the proportion of powder, used for the several pieces of ordnance in the navy and army of Great-Britain, has been reduced one third; when the coal was prepared in, this manner.—Am. Ed. | There are several methods of proving the goodness and strength of gunpowder. The following is the best: Lay two or three small FULMINATING POWDER. 177 The effect of gunpowder depends upon the rapid de- composition which is made in an instant of a considerable mass of nitre, and the sudden formation of those gases which are the immediate product. Bernoulli, in the last century, ascertained the development of air by the defla- gration of gunpowder: he placed four grains of powder in a recurved tube of glass, plunged the tube in water, and set fire to the gunpowder by means of the burning- glass ; after the combustion the interior air occupied a larger space, so that the space abandoned by the water was such as would have contained two hundred grains of gunpowder.—Hist, de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, 1696, t. ii. Memoire de M. Varignon sur le Feu et la Flamme. The fulminating powder, which is made by the mix- ture and trituration of three parts of nitre, two of salt of tartar, and one of sulphur, produces effects still more terrible. In order to obtain the full effect, it is exposed in a ladle to a gentle heat; the mixture melts, a sulphu- reous blue flame appears, and die explosion takes place. Care must be taken to give neither too strong nor too slight a degree of heat. In either case the combustion of the principles takes place separately, and without ex- plosion. * heaps on separate pieces of clean writing paper, within a short dis- tance of each other, and set fire to one of them ; if the flame ascends quickly, with a good report, leaving the paper free from specks, and does not burn it into holes, and if the sparks fly otT, setting fire to the adjoining heaps, the goodness of the ingredients, and proper manufacture of the powder, may be safely inferred ; if otherwise, it is either badly made, or the ingredients are impure.—Am. Ed. * When fulminating powder is heated, the sulphur unites to the potash, and forms sulphuret of potash or liver of sulphur, before de- toning. Sulphurated hydrogen gas is disengaged from the sulphu- ret of potash, and oxigenous gas from the nitre. These two airs unite, and are inflamed by a part of the sulphur, which kindles by itself. They strike the atmospheric air with such rapidity, that it resists them in the same manner, as the sides of a gun barrel re- sist gunpowder.—Am. Ed. z 178 NITRATE OF SODAV ARTICLE II Nitrate of Soda. This salt has received the name of Cubic Nitre on ac count of its form; but this denomination is not exact, because it affects a figure constantly rhomboidal. It has a cool, bitter taste. It slightly attracts the humidity of the air. Cold water, at sixty [degrees of Fahrenheit's thermo- meter, dissolves one-third of its weight; and hot water scarcely dissolves more. It fuses upon burning coals with a yellow colour; whereas common nitre affords a white flame, according to Margraff—24 Dissert, sur le Sel Commun, t. ii. p. 343'. 100 grains of this salt contain 28.80 acid, 50.09 alkali, and 21.11 water.. It is almost always the product of ait.* * Nitrate of Ammoniac. The best method of preparing this salt, is by the direct com- bination of the nitric acid, and the carbonate of ammoniac. The nitrate of ammoniac varies very much in appearance, ac- cording to the temperature at which its solution is evaporated. If a heat of about 70° or 80°, and by slow cooling, it is obtained in six- sided prisms, terminated by six-sided pyramids. When the solution is evaporated at 212?, the crystals are channelled and have a fibrous texture, or they are formed of long soft elastic threads. When dried in a heat of about 300° it assumes the form of a white compact mass. It has an acrid, bitter and disagreeable taste. It is soluble in two parts of water, at a temperature of 60° of Fahrenheit, It dissolves in half its weight of boiling water. It deliquiates when exposed to the action of atmospheric air. When the salt in the state of prismatic crystals, is heated, it be- comes fluid, at a temperature below 300°, between 360°. and 400°, it boils without decomposition, but when heated to 450 it is gradu- ally decomposed, without losing its water of crystallization. The compact nitrate of ammoniac undergoes no change, until it is exposed to a temperature higher than 260°. Between 275Q and :>00°, it sublimes slowly without decomposition. At 320°, it melts and is slowly decomposed. When the salt undergoes decomposition at a temperature not ex- ceeding 500?, it is converted into the dephlogisticated nitrous air oi MURIATIC ACID. 179 CHAPTER IV. Concerning the Muriatic Acid.* THIS acid is generally known by the name of Ma- rine Acid, and it is still distinguished among arti- sans by the name of Spirit of Salt. * We are ignorant of the base of this acid. Professor Pachioni has asserted, that it may be formed by abstracting a portion of ox- igene from water, by the Galvanic influence. We cannot adopt this opinion, until his experiments are confirmed by other chemists.—; Am. Ed. Dr. Priestley, the gaseous oxide of azote of the Dutch chemists, and the nitrous oxide of Mr. Davy. When it is exposed to heat above 600°, it explodes in a violent manner, and is converted into nitrous acid, nitrous gas water and azotic gas ; hence it is called nitrum fammans. When the nitrous oxide is formed from the nitrate of ammoniac, part of the oxigene of the nitric acid, of the nitrate of ammoniac, unites with the hydrogene of the ammoniac, and forms water; ano- ther part of the oxigene of the acid unites to the azote of the am- moniac, and makes the nitrous oxid. This oxide is always an artificial production. A candle burns with a beautiful blue flame in this gas, and be- fore its extinction the white inner flame becomes surrounded with a blue one. This double flame arises from some of the vapour of the nitrous acid being mixed with the nitrous oxide, for it can be formed by plunging a taper in atmospheric air containing nitrous acid vapour, or into a mixture of nitrous oxide and azotic gas, through which the nitrous acid vapour is made to pass. Phosphorus introduced into a jar of nitrous oxide in a state of ac- tive inflammation, burns in the same manner as in oxigene gas. Sulphur introduced into it, burning with a feehle blue flame, is Immediately extinguished, but when in a state of vivid inflammatiorj, it burns with a rose coloured flame. Iron wire placed in it with a small piece of wood fixed to it, when inflamed, burns in a vehement manner, and throws out bright scin- tilating sparks. Nitrous oxide is readily absorbed by water, and may be expelled from it by means of heat. 180 MURIATIC ACID. It is lighter than the two preceding acids; it has a strong penetrating smell, resembling that of saffron, but It has no acid or alkaline properties, as it does not change blue vegetable colours. It has a sweet taste. The alkalis have no action upon it. It explodes with a loud noise, when mixed with hydro- gene gas. It is fatal to animal life. Nitrous oxide when taken into the lungs, by breathing out and into a varnished silk bag or large bladder, in a dose of from four to six quarts, causes the most extraordinary effects. On some persons it produces the most agreeable sensations, and immoderate fits of laughter. It affects others with vertigo, dizziness, temporary mad- ness, fainting, &c. When Mr. Humphrey Davy, to whom we are indebted for ascertaining the effects of this wonderful agent, breathed seven quarts of it, muscular motions were produced to a certain ex- tent ; sometimes he manifested his pleasure by stamping or laugh- ing, and at other times, by dancing round the room and vociferat- ing. At another time, having breathed nine quarts of the air, he first lost the perception of external things, and a vivid and intense recollection of some former experiments, passed through his mind, so that he called out, " What an amazing concatenation of ideas !" When he breathed twenty quarts, a thrilling sensation from the chest to the extremities, was almost immediately produced. By de- grees the pleasurable sensations were increased ; he lost all connec- tion with external things, trains of vivid visible images passed through his mind, and were connected with words in such a man- ner, as to produce perceptions perfectly novel. He supposed that he existed in a world of newly connected and newly modified ideas. He theorized and imagined that he made discoveries. Upon wak- ing from this semi-delirious trance, indignation and pride were the first feelings produced, by the sight of the persons about him. His emotions were'enthusiastic and sublime, and he exclaimed with a loud voice, " Nothing exists but thoughts ! the universe IS COMPOSED OF IMPRESSIONS*, IDEAS, PLEASURES, AND PAINS." After tins, he expressed his pleasure, by laughing and stamping. Mr. Tobin having taken two quarts into his lungs, laughed, stag- gered, threw himself into a variety of theatrical attitudes, traversed the laboratory with a quick step, and his mind was elevated to a most sublime height. Mr. Wedgwood had six quarts administered to him, and as soon as he had made two or three inspirations, he felt himself much af- fected, and his respiration hurried, which effect increased rapidly, until he became, as it were, intranced, when he threw the bag from him, and kept breathing on furiously with an open mouth, and hold- ing his nose with his hand, having no power to take it away, al- though aware of the ridiculousness of his situation. He had a strong inclination to make antic motions with his hand and feet. When the first strong sensations went off, he felt, as it were, lighter than the atmosphere, and as if he was going to mount to the top of the room. MURIATIC ACID. 181 infinitely more pungent; it emits white vapours when it is concentrated; it precipitates silver from its solution in Mr. George Burnet felt a general swell of sensations, vivid, strong, and inconceivably pleasurable, which mounted so fast, that had he not desisted to breathe the gas, he would have fainted from ecstacy. Southey, the poet, upon breathing the gas, exclaimed, u The air of the highest possible of all heavens, must consist of this gas." In the year 1802, the editor of this work attempted to prepare a large quantity of the nitrous oxide, from the nitrate of ammoniac, made by decomposing the nitrate of potash by the sulphate of am- moniac, and by adding the nitric acid to sal ammoniac. A great number of gentlemen, belonging to his chemical class, who intended to breathe the gas, were present in the morning, when he was filling his air holders vuth it, and saw all the opera- tions going forwards. In the afternoon being at his laboratory at two o'clock, the air was examined and found to be extremely impure, having made use of too great a degree of heat in generating it. Expecting the gentlemen at three o'clock, the impure air was thrown away, and the air holders filled with atmospheric air. This air was breathed by a variety of persons, under the im- pression that it was the nitrous oxide, and the greater part of them were affected with quickness of pulse, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus au- rium, difficulty of breathing, anxiety about the breast, &c. The following is a letter received from one of the gentlemen: " The nitrous oxide produced no sensible effect, for perhaps the space of a minute, after I began to breathe it. Soon after I was affected with a tinnitus aurium, which affected the sense of hearing, in the same manner as water, in a state immediately preceding ebul- lition does. At the same time, 1 had a sensation'similar to that pro- duced by swinging ; afterwards a difficulty of breathing gradually came on, which at length necessitated me to discontinue the respi- ration of the air. The difficulty of breathing, and the tinnitus then soon subsided. But the peculiar sensation in my breast, continued some time longer, which was succeeded by slight nausea, which con- tinued six or eight hours. A short account of the effects of the atmospheric air, was sent to Dr. Mitchell, who published it in the Medical Repository of New- York, vol. v. p. 461. For many years after this, not seeing the experiments of Mr. Hum- phrey Davy, on this subject confirmed by other chemists, I believed that the influence of the imagination, caused all the effects, ascribed to the nitrous oxide. In the winter of 1806, having prepared a quantity of this gas, ex- tremely pure, from the nitrate of ammoniac, made by the direct com- bination of the nitric acid and the carbonate of ammoniac, two quarts of it were administered to Mr. Henry Latrobe, fourteen years of age, who breathed it in a very fair manner. In one minute he was affected in a most violent manner. He walked up and down the la- boratory with a quick step, elevating one leg after the other, and 182 MURIATIC ACID. the form of an insoluble salt, &c. This acid has no where been found disengaged ; and, to obtain it in this state, it then suddenly throwing it down on the ground. He laughed immo- derately and convulsively, the tears rolled down his cheeks in large drops, and he frothed at the mouth. Witnessing these effects, and knowing the impossibility of coun- terfeiting such symptoms, I immediately resolved to try the effects of the gas on other persons, in doses of two and four quarts. Mr. J. D. Maclean upon breathing the gas, fainted away, and re- covered in about three minutes. Mr. George Thornton looked wild, jumped over a high bench, and the effect suddenly ceased. Mr. Martin raised his hands above his head, and jumped about the room. Mr. Pope placed his arms a kimbo, and surveyed the audience with great contempt. Mr. William Barton was very much deranged ; he ran about the laboratory, bellowed like a mad bull, and struck at every person near him. A week after, the gas being administered to him a se-- cond time, produced the same effect. He felt a great increase of strength after recovering from the ef- fects of the air. It was with much difficulty I could separate the mouth piece of the bladder from his mouth. Mr. N. S. Allison fainted, but recovered in a few minutes, Upon breathing the air, seven days afterwards, the same effect was pro- duced. Mr. Thomas Prioleau exclaimed " I am in heaven, ye gods, stars, comets, meteors, Mahomet's a jackass, the elysian fields are hell com- pared with tliis" and then fainted. Mr, Robert Patterson was affected with violent laughter. Mr. Samuel Jackson in the same manner. Mr. Peter Curtis laughed very heartily. A week after, having a very large air holder, filled with atmos- pheric air, along side of two others, containing nitrous oxide, he breathed the atmospheric air, but no effect was produced. Mr. Gerard Snowden fainted, but soon recovered. Mr. William Handy laughed and fainted. Mr. William Tyler fainted and recovered in* three minutes. Seven days afterwards, trying the air, a second time, the same ef- fect was produced. Mr. Cornelius Dupont laughed and fainted. Baron John de Bretton experienced pleasurable sensations. Mr. Benjamin Kugler laughed. Upon giving him atmospheric air, a week after this, he immediately knew the difference in the gases, and it produced no effect. Mr. Thomas Lewis was very much enraged. He caught me by the collar, pulled at my cravat, tore my coat, run about the room* and struck at every person near him. Mr. Evans breathed atmospheric air. . It produced no effect. BISTILLATION OF MURIATIC ACID. 183 is necessary toTdisengage it from its combinations. Com- mon salt is usually employed for this purpose. The spirit of salt of commerce is obtained by a process little differing from that which is used in the extraction of aqua fortis. But as this acid adheres more strongly to its basis, the product is very weak, and only part of the ma- rine salt is decomposed. Flints pulverized and mixed with this salt, do not sepa- rate the acid. Ten pounds of flints in powder, treated by a violent fire with two pounds of the salt, did not afford me any other product than a mass of the colour of litharge. The fumes were not perceptibly acid. If clay, which has once served to decompose marine salt, be mixed with a new quantity of the same salt, it will not decompose an atom of it, even though the mixture be moistened and formed into a paste. These experiments have been se- Mr. Wharton after fairly breathing four quarts of the gas, was be- ginning to be affected. He called out in a rapid manner, " Give me another bottle, give me another bottle." The nitrous oxide was tried by fifteen other persons, without pro- ducing any effect. Some of them took it into their lungs very fair- ly, others were frightened, and mixed it with the air of the atmos- phere. I am now convinced the gas produces all the effects ascribed to it, by the justly celebrated Mr. Davy ; and I am happy in having this opportunity of confirming his experiments. The following letter on this subject, was received from professor Silliman, of Yale college, Connecticut. I have lately given the nitrous oxide a full and fair trial, and the result has been such as to confirm in the most satisfactory manner, Mr. Davy's account of the effects of this wonderful agent. In my own case, after only two inspirations, I felt a momentary loss of distinct thought, then sensations of such pure and vehement de- fight, tingling through every fibre of my frame, to the extremities of my toes and fin/ers. that after failing in an attempt to express to my friends by articulate words the pleasure I felt, I demonstrated it by leaping up and down, stamping on the floor, and loud convulsive laughter. One of our gravest citizens, a man of thirty-eight or forty years of age, was made to caper about like a monkey, with all the extra- vagant gestures of a tragedian, and the grimaces of a Harlequin. Some effect was produced on all who breathed the gas, and the full effect was manifested, in six instances out of eight. One of these took place before the class and many spectators, and was so market} as to banish every doubt. Six or eight quarts breathed into and OHt of a silk bag, will always I believe produce the effect.—Am. Ed. 184 DISTILLATION OF MURIATIC ACID. veral times repeated in my manufactory, and have con- stantly exhibited the same results. The sulphate of iron, or martial vitriol, which so easily disengages the nitric acid, decompose marine salt; but very imperfectly. The impure soda known in France by the name of Blanquette, and in which my analysis has exhibited twen- ty-one pounds of common salt out of twenty-five, scarce- ly affords any muriatic acid when it is distilled with the sulphuric acid; but it affords abundance of sulphureous acid. Mr. Berard, the director of my manufactory at- tributed these results to the coal contained in this soda, which decomposed the sulphuric acid. He therefore cal- cined the blanquette to destroy the charcoal: and then he found he could treat it in the same manner as common salt, and with the same success. The sulphuric acid is usually employed to decompose marine salt. My method of proceeding consists in drying the marine salt, pounding it, and putting it into a tubulat- ed retort placed upon a sand bath. A receiver is adapted to the retort, and afterwards two bottles, after the man- ner of Woulfe, in which I distribute a weight of distilled water equal to that of the marine salt made use of. The joinings of the vessels are then luted, but with the greatest caution; and when the apparatus is dius fitted up, a quan- tity of sulphuric acid is poured through the tubulure equal to half the weight of the salt. A considerable ebullition is immediately excited; and when this effervescence is slack- ened, the retort is gradually heated, and the mixture made to boil. The acid is disengaged in the state of gas; and mixes rapidly with the water, in which it produces a considera- ble degree of heat. The water of the first bottle is usually saturated with the acid gas, and forms a very concentrated and fuming acid; and though the second is weaker, it may be carried to any desired degree of concentration, by impregnating it with a new quantity of the gas. The ancient chemists were divided respecting the na- ture of the muriatic acid. Becher supposed it to be the sulphuric acid modified by his mercurial earth. OXIGENATED MURIATIC ACID. 185 This acid is susceptible of combining with an additional dose of oxigene; and, what is very extraordinary, it be- comes more volatile in consequence of this additional quantity; whereas the other acids appear to acquire a greater degree of fixity in the same circumstances. It may even be said, that its acid virtues become weaker in this case, since its affinities with alkalis diminish; and it is so far from reddening blue vegetable colours, that it de- stroys them. Another phenomenon not less interesting, which is pre- sented to us by this new combination, is, that though the muriatic acid seizes the oxigene with avidity, yet it con- tracts so weak an union with it, that it yields it to almost all bodies, and the mere action of light alone is sufficient to disengage it. It is to Scheele that we are indebted for the discovery of the oxigenated muriatic acid. He formed it in the year 1774, by employing the muriatic as a solvent for manganese. Fie perceived that a gas was disengaged, which possessed the distinctive smell of aqua regia; and he was of opinion that in this case the muriatic acid aban- doned its phlogiston to the manganese; in consequence of which notion "he called it the Dephlogisticated Marine Acid. He took notice of the principal and truly astonish- ing properties of this new substance; and all chemists since his time have thought their attention well employed in examining a substance which exhibits such singular properties. To attract this acid, I place a large glass alembic of one single piece upon a sand bath. To the alembic I adapt a small receiver; and to the receiver three or four small bottles nearly filled with distilled water, and arranged ac- cording to the method of Woulfe. I dispose the receiver and the bottles in a cistern, the places of junction being luted with fat lute, and secured with rags soaked in the lute of lime and white of egg. Lastly, I surround the bottles with pounded, ice. When the apparatus is thus disposed, I introduce into the alembic half a pound of man- ganese of Cevennes, and pour upon it, at several repetiti- ons, three pounds of fuming muriatic acid. The quantity of acid which I pour at once is three ounces; and at each 186 OXIGENATED MURIATIC ACID. time of pouring a considerable .effervescence is excited. I do not pour a new quantity until nothing more comes oyer into the receivers. This method of proceeding is in- dispensably necessary, when the operator is desirous of making his process with a definite quantity of the mate- rials. For if too large a quantity of acid be poured at once, it is impossible to restrain the vapours; and the ef- fervescence will throw a portion of the manganese into the receiver. The vapours which are developed by the affu- sion of muriatic acid are of a greenish yellow colour; and they communicate this colour to the water when they combine with it. When this vapour is concentrated by means of the ice, and the water is saturated with it, it forms a scum at the surface, which is precipitated through the liquid, and resembles a congealed oil. It is necessa- ry to assist the action of the muriatic acid by means of a moderate heat applied to the sand bath. The secure lut- ing of the vessels is also an essential circumstance; for the vapour which might escape is suffocating, and would not permit the chemist to inspect his operation closely. It is easy to discover the place where it escapes through the lutes, by running a feather dipped in volatile alkali over them; the combination of these vapours instantly forms a white cloud, which renders the place visible where the vapour escapes. An excellent Memoir of Mr. Berthol- let, published in the Annales Chimiques, may be consult- ed upon the oxigenated muriatic acid. The same oxigenated muriatic acid may be obtained by distilling, in a similar apparatus, ten pounds of marine salt, three or four pounds of manganese, and ten pounds Of sulphuric acid. Mr. Reboul has observed that the concrete state of this acid is a crystallization of the acid, which takes place at three degrees of temperature below the freezing point of Reaumur. The forms which have been observed are those of a quadrangular prism truncated very obliquely, and terminated by a lozenge. He has likewise observed hollow hexahedral pyramids on the surface of the liquor. To make use of the oxigenated acid in the arts, and in order to concentrate a greater quantity in a given volume of water, the yapour is made to pass through a solution of alkali. A white precipitate is at first formed in the liquor; OXIGENATED MURIATIC ACID. 187 but a short time afterwards die deposition diminishes, and bubbles are disengaged, which are nothing but the carbo- nic acid. In this case two salts are formed, the oxigenated muriate, and the ordinary muriate. The mere impression of light is sufficient to decompose the former, and convert it into common salt. This lixivium contains, indeed, the oxigenated acid in a stronger proportion. The execrable smell of the acid is much weakened - It may be employ- ed for various uses with the same success, and with great facility; but the effect is very far from corresponding with the quantity of oxigenated acid which enters into this com- bination, because the virtue of a great part is destroyed by its union with the alkaline basis. The oxigenated muriatic acid has an excessively strong smell. If acts directly on the larynx, which it stimulates, excites coughing, and produces violent head-aches. Its taste is sharp and bitter. It speedily destroys the colour of tincture of turnsol. But it appears that the property which most oxigenated substances possess, of reddening blue colours, arises only from the combination of oxigene with the colouring principles; and that, when this combination is very strong and rapid, the colour is de- stroyed. The oxigenated muriatic acid with which a solution of caustic alkali is saturated, affords, by evaporation in vessels secluded from the light, common muriate and oxigenated muriate. This last detonates upon charcoal; is more so- luble in hot than in cold water; crystallizes, sometimes in hexahedral lamina?,. and oftener in rhomboidal plates. These crystals have an argentine brilliancy, like mica. Its taste is faint; and its crystals, when they are dissolved in the mouth, produce a sensation of coolness resembling that of nitre.* * The taste of oximuriate of potash is cooling, austere, and disa- greeable. It phosphoresces when rubbed smartly, or rather emits a number of sparks of fire. It is soluble in seventeen parts of water, at the temperature of 60°, and in 2\ parts of boiling water. It is not altered by exposure to the air. It exhibits astonishing properties, when mixed with combustible bodies. It is decomposed by all these substances, and the decompo- sition is generally attended with violent detonations. It cannot be kept in contact with sulphur, as it detonates spontane- ously with this substance. If the sulphuric acid be poured upon a 188 OXIGENATED MURIATIC ACID. Mr. Berthollet has ascertained, by delicate experiments that the oxigenated muriatic acid which exists in the oxi- genated muriate of potash, contains more oxigene than an equal weight of oxigenated muriatic acid dissolved in water; and this has led him to consider the oxigenated acid combined in the muriate as being superoxigenatcd. He considers the common muriatic gas with relation to the oxigenated muriatic gas, the same as the nitrous gas or sulphureous gas with respect to the nitric and sulphuric acids. He pretends that the production of the simple mu- riate and the oxigenated muriate in the same operation, may be. compared to the action of the nitric acid, which in many cases produces nitrate and nitrous gas. Hence he has considered the muriatic acid as a pure radical, which, combined with a greater or less quantity of oxi- gene, forms either simple muriatic acid gas, or the oxige- nated muriatic gas. The oxigenated muriates of soda do not differ from those of potash, but in being more deliquescent and solu- ble in alcohol, like all the salts of this nature. mixture of this salt and sulphur, charcoal, or the metals, or oil of tur- pentine, or almost any combustible, a very brilliant flame is emitted. When it is triturated in a mortar, with cotton cloth, small repeated explosions are heard, similar to the crack of a whip, and if the cot- ton be dry and warm, it sometimes takes fire. Mr. Robert mentions a variation in the method of making the de- tonations with oximuriate of potash, and various combustible sub- stances, which form a number of easy and amusing experiments. It is known that if a quantity of sulphuric acid is poured on these mix- tures, they will suddenly inflame. Mr. R. finds the same effect when they are merely touched with a rod of glass dipped in the acid. In this manner he inflamed three parts of the oximuriate, and one of sulphur ; three of the same salt, half a part of charcoal, and as much sulphur; equal parts of the salt and regulus of antimony ; equal parts of the salt and ore of antimony ; equal parts of the ealt and kermes mineral; equal parts of the salt and arsenic ; three parts of the salt and one of sugar; one and a half of the salt and three of gunpowder; and masses made with alcohol, olive oil and the oximuriate. A pis- tol was fired by being first loaded in the usual way, the pan filled with a mixture of gunpowder and the oximuriate, and then touched with the sulphuric acid. The following is a very entertaining experiment given by the same : Fill a bladder with hydrogen gas, furnished with a brass tube ; wet the end of the tube with sulphuric acid, sprinkle the moistened end with oximuriate of potash in fine powder, and at the same moment press the bladder ; the hydrogen gas, in passing through, will be inflamed, the moment it touches the acid salt, as if by a spark of electricity. (Annales de Chimic, torn. 44.) —Am. Ed. GUNPOWDER WITH MURIATIC SALT. 189 The oxigenated muriate of potash gives out its oxigene in the light, and by distillation as soon as die vessel is heated to redness. One hundred grains of this salt afford seventy-five cubic inches of oxigenous gas reduced to the temperature of twelve degrees of Reaumur. This air is purer than the others, and ma)' be employed for delicate experiments, the oxigenated muriate of potash, when crys- tallized, does not trouble the solutions of nitrate of lead, of silver, or of mercury. Mr. Berthollet has fabricated gunpowder, by substitut- ing the oxigenated muriate instead of saltpetre. The ef- fects it produced were quadruple. The experiment in the large way, which was made at Essone, is but too well known, by the death of Mr. Le Tors and Mademoiselle Chevraud. This powder exploded the moment the mix- ture was triturated. The oxigenated muriatic acid whitens thread and cot- ton. For this purpose the cotton is boiled in a weak alka- line lixivium; after which the stuff is wrung out, and steeped in the oxigenated acid. Care is taken to move the cloth occasionally in the fluid, and to wring it out. It is then washed in a large quantity of water, to deprive it of the smell with which it is impregnated. I have applied this known property to the whitening of paper and old prints: by this means they obtained a white- ness which they never before possessed. Common ink disappears by the action of this acid; but printers' ink is not attacked by it. Linen and cotton cloths, and paper, may be bleached by the vapour of the oxigenated marine acid. I have made some experiments in the large way, which have convinced me of the possibility of applying this method to the arts. The memoir in which I have given an account of my ex- periments, will be printed in the volume of the Academy of Paris for the year 1787. The oxigenated muriatic acid thickens oils; and oxides metals to such a degree, that this process may be advanta- geously used to fonn verditer. The oxigenated muriatic acid dissolves metals without effervescence; because its oxigene is sufficient to oxide them without the necessity of die decomposition of water and consequently of the disengagement of gas. 190 MURIATE OF POTASH. This acid precipitates mercury from its solutions, and converts it into the state of corrosive sublimate. It converts sulphur into sulphuric acid, and instantly de- - prives the very black sulphuric acid of its colour. When mixed with nitrous gas, it passes to the state of muriatic acid, and converts part of the gas into nitric acid. When exposed to light, it affords oxigenous gas, and the muriatic acid is regenerated. The muriatic acid acts very efficaciously upon metallic oxides, merely in consequence of its becoming oxigenated; and in this case it forms with" them salts, which are more or less oxigenated. ARTICLE I. Muriate of Potash. This salt is still distinguished by the name of Febrifuge salt of Sylvius. It has a disagreeable strong bitter taste. It crystallizes in cubes, or in tetrahedral prisms. It decrepitates upon coals; and when urged by a violent heat it fuses, and is volatilized without decomposition. It requires three times its weight of water, at the tem- perature of sixty degrees of Fahrenheit, for its solution. It is subject to scarcely any alteration in the air. One hundred grains of this salt contain 29.68 acid, 63.47 alkali, and 6.85 water. It is frequently met with, but in small quantities, in the water of the sea, in plaster, in the ashes of tobacco, &c. The existence of this salt in the ashes of tobacco might with justice have surprised me, as I had reason to expect the muriate of soda which is employed in the operation called watering. Was the' soda metamorphosed into potash by the vegetable fer- mentation ? This may be determined by direct experi- ments. MURIATE OF SODA, OR COMMON SALT. 191 ARTICLE II. Muriate of Soda. The received names of Marine Salt, Common Salt, and Culinary Salt, denote the combination of muriatic acid with soda. This salt has a penetrating but not bitter taste. It de- crepitates on coals, fuses, and is volatilized by the heat of a glass-maker's furnace, without decomposition. It is soluble in 2.5 times its weight of water, at sixty degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer. One hundred grains of this salt contain 33.3 acid, 50 of alkali, and 16-7 of water. It crystallizes in cubes. Mr. Gmelin has informed us that the salt of the salt lakes in the environs of Sellian on the banks of the Caspian sea, forms cubical and rhomboi- dal crystals. Mr. De Lisle observes, that a solution of marine salt, left to insensible evaporation during five years by Mr. Rouelle, had formed regular octahedral crystals resembling those of alum. Marine salt may be obtained in octahedrons, by pouring fresh urine into a very pure solution of fresh salt. Mr. Berniard is convinced that this addition changed only the form of the salt, without altering its nature. Common salt is found native in many places. Catalo- nia, Calabria, Switzerland, Hungary, and Tyrol possess mines, which are more or less abundant. The richest salt mines are those of Wieliczka in Poland. Mr. Ber- niard has given us a description of them in the Journal de Physique; and Mr. Macquart, in his Essays on Minera- logy, has added interesting details concerning the working of these mines.* Our salt springs in Lorraine and Franche-comte, and some indications afforded by Bleton, have appeared suf- * There are two mountains of common salt in Russia near Astra- can ; several in the kingdom of Tunis and Algiers, in Africa ; and a number in Asia. It is said there is a mountain of solid rock-salt, 192 MURIATE OF SODA, OR COMMON SALT. sufficient motives to Mr. Thouvenel to presume that salt mines exist in our kingdom. This chemist expresses himself in the following manner: " At the distance of two leagues from Saverne, between the village of Huctenhausen and that of Garbourg, in a lofty mountain called Pensenperch, there are two great re- servoirs of salt water; the one to die east at the head of a large deep and narrow valley, which is called the great Limerthaal; the other to the west, upon the opposite slope, towards Garbourg. They communicate together by five small streams, wliich are detached from the upper reser- voir, and unite in the lower one. From these two salt reser- voirs flow two large streams; the upper runs into Franche- comt6, and the lower into Lorraine, where they supply the well-known salt works." The waters therefore flow to the distance of seventy leagues from the reservoir.* Salt mines appear to owe their origin to the drying up of vast lakes. The shells and madrepores found in the immense mines of Poland are proofs of marine deposi- tions. There are likewise some seas in which the salt is so abundant, that it is deposited at the bottom of the wa- ter ; as appears from the analysis of the water of the lake Asphaltites, made by Messrs. Macquer and Sage. This native salt is often coloured; and as in this state it possesses considerable brilliancy, it is called Sal-gem. It almost always contains an oxide of iron, which colours it. As these salt mines are neither sufficiently abundant to supply the wants of the inhabitants of the globe, nor dis- without any trees or shrubs on it, one thousand miles up the river Missouri. This mountain is one hundred and eighty miles long, and forty-five miles wide. At Cordova, in the province of Catalonia in Spain, there is a moun- tain of salt, between four and five hundred feet in height, and three miles in circumference. * Salt springs, which abound in common salt, are found in the North-Western Territory of the United States, near the lakes in Canada; upon the waters of the rivers Ohio, Kentucky, &c. Dr. Benjamin De Witt has given an account of the < 'nondaga salt springs, which may be seen in the Transactions of the Agricultural Society of New-York, vol. i. The strongest of these springs con- •ain about half a pound of salt to a gallon of water.—Am. Ed. EXTRACTION OF SALT FROM WATERS. 193 tributed with that uniformity as to permit all nations to have ready recourse to them, it has been found necessary to extract the salt from the water of the sea. The sea does not contain an equal quantity in all climates : Ingen- housz has shewn us that the northern seas contain less than die southern. Marine salt is so abundant in Egypt, that, according to Hasselquist, a fresh-water spring is a treasure which is secretly transmitted from father to son. The method of extracting the water of the sea varies according to the climates. 1. In the northern provinces, the salt sands of the sea coasts are washed with the least possible quantity of wa- ter, and the salt is obtained by evaporation.—See the de- scription of this process by Mr. Guettard. 2. In very cold countries, salt water is concentrated by freezing, and the residue is evaporated by fire.—See Wallerius. 3. At the salt springs of Lorraine and Franche-comte, the water is pumped up, and suffered to fall upon heaps of thorns, which divide it, and cause a part to evaporate. The farther concentration is effected in boilers. 4. In the southern provinces, at Peccais, at Peyrat, at Cette, and elsewhere, the extraction is begun by separat- ing a certain quantity of water from the general mass of the sea, which is suffered to remain in square spaces, called Partenemens. For this purpose it is necessary to have sluices which may be opened and shut at pleasure, and to form surrounding walls which prevent all commu- nication with the sea, except by means of these gates. It is in the partenemens that the water goes through the first stage of evaporation; and when it begins to deposite its salt, it is raised by bucket wheels to other square com- partments, called Tables, where the evaporation finishes. The salt is heaped together, to form the cammelles; in which state it is left for three years, in order that the deliquescent salts may flow out of it; and, after this in- terval of time, it is carried to market. Exertions and inquiries have long since been made to discover a cheap method of decomposing marine salt, to obtain the mineral alkali at a low price, which is of such extensive use in the manufactures of soap, glass, bleach- Bb I94t DECOMPOSITION OF SEA SALT. ing, &c. The processes hitherto discovered are the fol- lowing; 1. The nitric acid disengages the muriatic acid, and forms nitrate of soda, which may be easily decomposed by detonation. 2. Potash displaces the soda, even in the cold, as I found by experiment. 3. The sulphuric acid forms sulphate of soda by de- composing the marine salt; the new salt, when heated with charcoal, is destroyed; but a sulphure of soda, or liver of sulphur, is formed, which is difficult to be en- tirely separated ; and this process does not appear to me to be economical. The sulphure may likewise be de- composed by the aeetite of barytes, and the soda after- wards obtained by calcination of the azetite of soda. 4. Margraff tried in vain to accomplish this purpose, by means of lime, serpentine, iron, clay, he. He adds, that if common salt be thrown upon lead heated to red- ness, the salt is decomposed, and muriate of lead is formed. 5. Scheele has pointed out the oxides of lead for the decomposition of common salt. If common salt be mix- ed with litharge, and made into a paste, the litharge gra- dually loses its colour, and becomes converted into a white matter, from which the soda may be extracted by washing. It is by processes of this kind that Turner ex- u-acts it in England; but this decomposition never ap- peared to me to be complete, unless the litharge was em- ployed in a proportion quadruple to that of the salt. I have observed that almost all bodies are capable of alka- lizing marine salt, but that the absolute decomposition is very difficult. 6. Barytes decomposes it likewise, according to the ex- periments of Bergmann. 7. The vegetable acids, combined with lead, may like- wise be used to decompose common salt. When these salts are mixed, a decomposition takes place : the muri- ate of lead falls down; and the vegetable acid, united to the soda, remains in solution. The vegetable acid may be dissipated by evaporation and calcination; and the al- kali remains disengaged. MURIATE OF AMMONIAC. 195 Marine salt is more especially employed at our tables, and in culinary purposes. It removes and corrects the insipidity of our food, and at the same time facilitates di- gestion. It is used in a large proportion to preserve flesh from putrefaction; but in a small dose it hastens that pro- cess, according to the experiments of Pringle, Macbride, Gardane, &c. ARTICLE III. Muriate of Ammoniac. Of all the combinations of ammoniac this is the most interesting, and the most generally used. It is known by the name of Sal Ammoniac. This salt may be directly formed by decomposing the muriate of lime by the means of ammoniac, as Mr. Baume has practised at Paris. But almost all the sal ammo- niac which circulates in commerce is brought to us from Egypt, where it is extracted by distillation from soot, by the combustion of the excrements of such animals as feed on saiine plants. The details of the process which is used have not been very long known. One of the first writers who gave a description of this operation is father Sicard. He inform- ed us, in 1716, that distilling vessels were charged with the soot of the excrements of oxen, to which sea salt and camels urine were added. Mr. Lemaire, consul at Cairo, in a letter written to the Academy of Sciences in 1720, affinns that neither urine nor sea salt are added. Mr. Hasselquist has communicated to the Academy of Stockholm a considerably extensive description of the process : by which we learn that die dung of all animals which feed on saline plants is indiscriminately used, and that the soot is distilled, to obtain sal ammoniac. This dung is dried by applying it against the walls : and it is burned instead of wood, in such countries as do not possess that fuel. The sublimation is performed in large round bottles of one foot and a half diameter, ter- minating in a neck of two inches in height; and they are 196 EXTRACTION OF SAL AMMONIAC. filled to within four inches of the neck. The fire is kept up during three times twenty-four hours; the salt is sub- limed to the upper part of these vessels, where it forms a mass of the same figure as the vessels themselves. Twen ty pounds of soot afford six pounds of sal ammoniac, ac- cording to Rudenskield. I was always of opinion that sal ammoniac might be extracted by treating the dung of the numerous animals which feed on saline plants in the plains of La Camargue and La Crau, in the same manner; and after having pro- cured, with the greatest difficulty, two pounds of the soot, I extracted from it four ounces of sal ammoniac. I must observe, to save much trouble to those who may wish to follow this branch of commerce, that the dung produced during the summer, the spring, or the autumn, does not afford this salt. I did not know to what circum- stance to attribute the versatility of my results, until I found'that these animals do not eat saline vegetables, ex- cepting at the time when fresh plants cannot be had; and that they are reduced to the necessity of having recourse to saline plants only during the three winter months. This observation appears to me to be a proof, that marine salt is decomposed in the first passages; and that the soda is modified to the state of ammoniac. Sal ammoniac is continually sublimed through the aper- tures of volcanic mountains. Mr. Ferber found it; and Mr. Sage admitted its existence among volcanic products. It is found in the grottos of Puzzolo, according to Messrs. Swab, Scheffer, he. It is found in the country of the Calmucs. Model analized it. It is also produced in the human body, and exhales hy perspiration in malignant fevers. Mr. Model has proved this fact in his own person : for at the time of a violent sweat which terminated a malignant fever, he washed his hands in a solution of potash, and observed that a prodi- gious quantity of alkaline gas was disengaged.* * Leblanc de Franciade was the author of a process, for making sal ammoniac in France. He covered the brick floor of an oven heated to redness, with common salt, and poured sulphuric acid upon it. The muriatic acid gas which arose was conducted by a brick gutter, into a large leaden chamber, where it met with a stream NITRO-MURIATIC ACID. 197 Sal ammoniac crystallizes by evaporation in quadran- gular pyramids. It is often obtained in rhombic crystals by sublimation. The concave face of the loaves of sal ammoniac in commerce is sometimes covered with these crystals. This salt has a penetrating, acrid, urinous taste. It possesses a degree of ductility which renders it flexible, and causes it to yield to a blow of the hammer. It does not change in the air; which circumstance renders it pro- bable that our sal ammoniac is different from that men- tioned by Pliny and Agricola, as that attracted humidity. Three parts and a half of water dissolve one part of sal ammoniac, at sixty degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer: a considerable degree of cold is produced by its solution. One hundred parts of sal ammoniac contain fifty-two parts acid, forty ammoniac, and eight water. This salt is not at all decomposed by clay; nor by mag- nesia except with difficulty, and in part only; but it is completely decomposed by lime and fixed alkalis. The sulphuric and nitric acids disengage its acid. This salt is used in dying, to bring out certain colours. It is mixed with aqua fortis, to increase its solvent power. It is used in soldering, in wrhich operation it possesses the double advantage of clearing the metallic surface, and preventing its oxidation. CHAPTER V. Concerning the Nitro-muriatic Acid, THE acid which we crll Nitro-muriatic, is a combi- nation of the nitric and muriatic acids. Our predecessors distinguished it by the name of Aqua Regia, on account of its property of dissolving gold. of ammoniacal gas, conducted thither from animal matters burning at the same time, in three large iron cylinders, placed in a furnace beside the former. These gases condensed by mixture and formed sal ammoniac—Am. Ed. 198 - FORMATION OF AQJJA RECIA. There are several known processes for making diis mixed acid. If two ounces of common salt be distilled with four of nitric acid, the acid which comes over into the receiver will be good nitro-muriatic acid. This is the process of Mr. Baume. The nitrate of potash may be decomposed by distilling two parts of muriatic acid from one of this salt: good aqua regia is the product of this operation; and the resi- due is a muriate of potash, according to Mr. Cornette. Boerhaave affirms that he obtained a good aqua regia, by distilling a mixture of two parts of nitre, three of sul- phate of iron or martial vitriol, and five of common salt. The simple distillation of nitre of the first boiling af- fords aqua regia; which is employed by the dyers in the solution of tin, for the composition of the scarlet dye. This aqua fortis is a true aqua regia: and it is by virtue of the mixture of acids that it dissolves tin; for if it con- sisted of the nitric acid in a state of too great purity, it would corrode and oxide the metal without dissolving it. The dyers then say that the aqua fortis precipitates the tin ; and they correct the acid by dissolving sal ammoniac or common salt in it. Four ounces of sal ammoniac in powder, dissolved gra- dually, and in the cold, in one pound of nitric, form an excellent aqua regia. An oxigenated muriatic acid gas is disengaged for a long time; which it is imprudent to attempt to coerce, and which ought to be suffered to es- cape by convenient apertures. Aqua regia is likewise formed by mixing together two parts of pure nitric acid and one of muriatic acid. The very evident smell of oxigenated muriatic acid, which is disengaged in every process which can be a- dopted to form the acid at present in question; and the( property which it possesses, equally with the oxigenated muriatic acid, of-dissolving gold, have led certain chemists to infer that, in the mixture of these two acids, the muri- atic acid seized the oxigene of the nitric, and assumed the character of oxigenated muriatic acid: so that the nitric acid was considered as answering no other purpose than that of oxigenating the muriatic. But this system is in- consistent; and though the virtues of the muriatic acid ACID OF BORAX. 199 are modified by this mixture, and it is oxided by the de- composition of a portion of the nitric acid, nevertheless the two acids still exist in the aqua regia: and I am con- vinced that the best made aqua regia, saturated with pot- ash, will afford the ordinary muriate, the oxigenated mu- riate, and the nitrate of potash. It appears to me that the powerful action of aqua regia, depends simply on the union of the two acids; one of which is exceedingly well calcu- lated to oxide the metals, and the other dissolves the ox- ides or calces with the greatest avidity. CHAPTER VI. Concerning the Acid of Borax. THE acid of borax, more generally known by the name of Homberg's Sedative Salt, is almost always afforded by the decomposition of the borate of soda, or borax. But it has been found perfectly*formed in certain places; and we have reason to hope that we shall speedily acquire more accurate information respecting its nature. Mr. Hoefer, director of the Pharmacies of Tuscany, was the first who detected this acid salt in the waters of the lake Cherchiajo, near Monte-Rotondo, in the inferior province of Sienna: these waters are very hot, and they afforded him three ounces of the pure acid in one hun- dred and twenty pounds of the water. This same chemist having evaporated twelve thousand two hundred and eighty grains of the water of the lake of Castelnuovo, obtained one hundred and twenty grains. He presumes, moreover, that it might be found in the water of several other lakes, such as those of Lasso, Monte-cerbeloni, &c. Mr. Sage has deposited in the hands of the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences some acid of borax, brought from the mines of Tuscany by Mr. Besson, who collected it him- self. 200 ACID OF BORAX. Mr. Westrumb found sedative salt in the stone called Cubic Quartz of Luneburg. He obtained it by decom- posing diis stone by the acids of sulphur, nitre, &c. The result of his analysis is the following: Sedative salt Calcareous earth Magnesia Clay and silex - Iron This stone, according to the observations of Lassius, has the form of small cubical crystals, sometimes transparent, in other specimens milk}-, and affords sparks with the steel. The acid of borax is generally found combined with soda. It is from this combination that it is disengaged, and obtained either by sublimation or crystallization. When it is proposed to obtain it by sublimation, three pounds of calcined sulphate of iron, and two ounces of borate of soda are dissolved in three pounds of water. The solution is then filtered, and evaporated to a pellicle; af- ter which the sublimation is performed in a cucurbit of glass with its head. The acid of borax attaches itself to the internal surface of the head, from which it may be swept by a feather. Homberg obtained it by decomposing of borax with the sulphuric acid. This process succeeded witii me wonder- fully wrell. For this purpose I make use of a glass cucur- bit with its head, which I place on a sand bath. I then pour upon the borax half its weight of sulphuric acid, and proceed to sublimation. The sublimed acid is of the most beautiful whiteness. Stahl, and Lemery the younger, obtained the same acid by making use of the nitric and muriatic acids. To extract the acid of borax by crystallization, the bo- rax is dissolved in hot water, and an excess of sulphuric acid is poured in. A salt is deposited during the cooling on the side of the vessel, in the form of thin round plates, applied one upon the odier. This salt when dry, is very white, very light, and of a silvery appearance. It is the acid of borax. 1 i TTTff ACID OF BORAX. 201 We are indebted to Geoffrey for this process. Baron has added two facts: the first, that the vegetable acids are equally capable of decomposing borax; and the second, that borax may be regenerated by combining the acid of borax with soda. This acid may be purified by solution, filtration, and evaporation: but it must be observed, that a considerable part is volatilized with the water which flies off in the eva- poration. The acid of borax has a saline cool taste. It colours the tincture of turnsol, sirup of violets, &c. red. One pound of boiling water dissolved no more than one hundred and eighty-three grains, according to Mr. De Morveau. Alcohol dissolves it more easily; and the flame which this solution affords is of a beautiful green. This acid, when exposed to the fire, is reduced to a vitriform and transparent substance, instead of rising; which proves, as Rouelle has observed, that it is only sublimed by favour of the water, with which it forms a very volatile com- pound. As most of the* known acids decompose this acid, and exhibit it in the same form, it has been thought a justifi- able conclusion that it exists ready formed in the borax. Mr. Baume has even affirmed that he composed this acid by leaving a mixture of grey clay, grease, and cow's dung, exposed to the air in a cellar. But Mr. Wiegleb, after an unsuccessful labour of three years and a half, thinks hip- ' self authorized to give a formal negative to the French chemist. Mr. Cadet has endeavoured to prove—1. That the acid of borax always retains a portion of the acid employed in the operation. 2. That this same acid has still the mine- ral alkali for its basis. Mr. De Morveau has, with his Visual sagacity, discussed all the proofs brought forward by Mr. Cadet; he has shewn that none of them are con- clusive, and that the acid of horax is entitled to retain its place among the chemical elements.* * By digesting oxigenated muriatic acid on the acid of borax for a long time, Crell succeeded in decomposing it, and obtained from it a substance resembling charcoal in all its properties ; and a volatile Cg 202 BORATE OF SODA. ARTICLE I. Borate of Potash. The acid of borax combined with potash forms this salt. It may be obtained either by the direct combination of these two separate principles, or by decomposing borax by the addition of potash. This salt, which is yet little known, afforded Mr. Baume small crystals. The acids disengage it by seizing its alkaline base. ARTICLE II. Borate of Soda. This combination forms Borax, properly so called. It is brought to us from the Indies; and its origin is still unknown.* The article Borax may be consulted in Bomare's Dic- tionary of Natural History. It does not appear that borax was known to the anci- ents. The chrysocolla, of which Dioscorides speaks, was nothing but an artificial solder composed, by the gold- smiths themselves, with the urine of children and rust of copper, which were beaten together in a mortar of the same metal. The word Borax is found for the first time in the works 'of Geber. Every thing which has been written since that time concerning borax, is applicable to the substance which is at present known to us by that name. acid resembling the muriatic, in the greater number of its properties, but differing from it, in not precipitating lead from its solution.— Am. Ed. , * The origin of borax is very well ascertained in two papers, in the seventy-seventh volume of the Philosophical Transactions, numbers xxviii and xxix. It is dug up in a crystallized state from the bottom of certain salt lakes in a mountainous, barren, volcanic district, about twenty-five days journey to th# eastward of Lassa, the capital of the kingdom of Thibet. T. HISTORY AND PURIFICATION OF BORAX. 203 Borax is found in commerce in three different states.— The first is brute borax, tincal, or chrysocolla. It comes to us from Persia, and is enveloped and soiled by a greasy covering. The pieces of brute borax have al- most all of them the form of a six-sided prism, slightly flattened, and terminated by a dihedral pyramid. The fracture of these crystals is brilliant, with a greenish cast This kind of borax is very impure. It is pretended that borax is extracted from the Lake of Necbal, in the king- dom of Grand Thibet. This lake is filled with water during the winter, which exhales in the summer; and when the waters are low workmen enter, who detach the crystals from the muddy bottom, and put them into bas- kets. The West-Indies contain borax. It is to Mr. Antony Carera, a physician established at Potosi, that we are in- debted for this discovery. The mines of Riquintipa, and those in the neighbourhood of Escapa, afford this salt in abundance. The natives use it in the fusion of copper ores. The second kind of borax known in commerce comes from China. It is purer than the preceding, and has the form of small plates crystallized upon one of their sur- faces, on which the rudiments of prisms may be perceiv- ed. This borax is mixed with a white powder, which appears to be of an argillaceous nature. These several kinds of borax have been purified at Venice for a long time, and afterwards in Holland; but Messrs. Laguiller refine it at present in Paris : and this purified borax forms the third kind which is met with in commerce. In order to purify borax, nothing more is necessary than to clear it of the unctuous substance which soils it, and impedes its solution. Crude borax added to a solution of mineral alkali, is more completely dissolved, and may be obtained of con- siderable beauty by a first crystallization; but it retains the alkali made use of; and borax, purified in this man- ner, possesses a greater portion of alkali than in its crude state. 204 THE PROPERTIES AND The oily part of borax may be destroyed bv calcina- tion. .By this treatment it becomes more soluble, and may in fact be purified in this wav. But the method is attended with a considerable loss, and is not so advanta- geous as might be imagined. The most simple method of purifving borax, consists m boiling it strongly, and for a long time. This solution" being filtrated, affords by evaporation crystals rather foul, which may be purified by a second operation similar to the foregoing. I have tried all these processes in die hirge way ; and the latter appeared to me to be the most sim- ple.* Purified borax is white, transparent, and has a some- what greasy appearance in its fracture. It crystallizes in hexahedral prisms, terminated by tri- hedral and sometimes hexahedral pyramids. It has a styptic taste. It converts blue vegetable colours to a green. When borax is exposed to the fire, it swells up, the water of crystallization is dissipated in the form of va- pour ; and the salt then becomes converted into a porous, light, white, and opake mass, commonly called Calcined Borax. If the fire be more strongly urged, it assumes a pasty appearance, and is at length fused into a transpa- rent glass of a greenish yellow colour, soluble in water; and which loses its transparency by exposure to the air, in consequence of a white efflorescence that forms upon its surface. This salt requires eighteen times its weight of water, at the temperature of sixty degrees of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, to dissolve it. Boiling-water dissolves one- sixth of its weight.f * Nalmont Bomare informs us, that the Dutch extract eighty parts of pure borax, from one hundred of tincal. The operations are con- ducted in leaden vessels, and consist chiefly in repeated solutions, fil- trations, and crystallizations. He suspects that they employ lime- water, and Fourcroy has shewn, that this might be useful in decom- posing the soap in which crude borax is enveloped.—Am. Ed. t When two pieces of borax are struck together in the dark) a flash of light is emitted.—Am. Ed. HABITUDES OF BORAX. 205 Barytes and magnesia decompose borax. Lime-water precipitates the solution of this salt; and if quick-lime be boiled with borax, a salt of sparing solubility is formed, wliich is the borate of lime. Borax is used as an excellent flux in docimastic opera- tions. It enters into the composition of reducing fluxes, and is of the greatest use in analyses by the blow-pipe. It may be applied with advantage in glass manufactories; for when the fusion turns out bad, a small quantity of bo- rax re-establishes it. It is more especially used in sol- dering. It assists the fusion of the solder, causes it to flow, and keeps the surface of the metals in a soft or clean state, which facilitates the operation. It is scarcely of any use in medicine. Sedative salt alone is used by some physicians; and its name sufficiently indicates its application. Borax has the inconvenience of swelling up, and re- quires the greatest attention on the part of the artist who uses it in delicate works, more especially when designs are formed with gold of different colours. It has been long a desideratum to substitute some composition in the room of borax, which might possess its advantages with- out its defects. Mr. Georgi has published the following process :— " Natron, mixed with marine salt and Glauber's salt, is to be dissolved in lime-water; and the crystals which se- parate by the cooling of the fluid may be set apart. The lixivium of natron is then to be evaporated; and this salt afterwards dissolved in milk. The evaporation affords scarcely one eighth of the natron employed, and the resi- due may be applied to the same uses as borax." Messrs. Struve and Exchaquet have proved that the phosphate of potash, fused with a certain quantity of sul- phate of lime, forms an excellent glass for soldering me- tals.—See the Journal de Physique, t. xxix, p. 78, 79. 206 BORATE QF AMMONIAC ARTICLE III. Borate of Ammoniac. This salt is still little known. We are indebted to Mr. De Fourcroy for the following indications:—He dissolved the acid of borax in ammoniac, and obtained by evapo- ration a bed or plate of crystals connected together, whose surface exhibited polyhedral pyramids. This salt has a penetrating and urinous taste; it renders blue vegetable flowers green; gradually loses its crystalline form, and becomes of a brown colour, by the contact of air. It appears to be of considerable solubility in water. Lime disengages the volatile alkali. PART THE SECOND. Concerning Lithology; or, an Account of Stony Substances. INTRODUCTION. THE object of Lithology consists in the study of stones and earths. It is generally agreed to call those substances by the name of Earth or Stone, which are dry, brittle, inodorous, insipid, scarcely or not at all soluble in water, and of a specific gravity not exceeding 4,5. There is no one who has seriously attended to the study of lithology, without being at the same time aware of the necessity of establishing divisions to facilitate the know- ledge of stones, and to remove the numberless difficulties which would otherwise oppose the acquisition of that know- ledge. It is an obvious difference between living creatures and the subjects of the mineral kingdom, that these last are continually modified by external causes, such as air, water, fire, &c. while the former, being animated and governed by an internal force, possess characters of a more definite and unchangeable nature. The forms of these depend upon their organization; and, in general, the proceedings of nature respecting them are more constant, and better ascertained. The earthy element appears to be passive of itself; it is obedient only to the laws of inanimate bodies; and we may refer all the phenomena of formation or decomposi- 208 ON THE CLASSIFICATION tion, which a stone is susceptible of, to the mere law of affinities. This, no doubt, is the cause of that variety of forms, and that mixture of principles, which scarcely per- mit the naturalist to establish his system upon fixed bases, or to found it upon constant and invariable characters. If we take a view of the proceedings of all the natural- ists who have hitherto written, we may easily reduce them to three classes. 1. The first class, carried by the imagination alone to that epocha when this globe issued from the hands of the Creator, have followed the actions of the various destruc- tive agents which alter or overturn its surface. In this way they have shewn us the various rocks successively deposited or placed upon the primitive globe; and, by surveying the great phenomena wliich have happened up- on our planet, they have acquired ideas more or less accu- rate respecting the vast works of decomposition and for- mation. 2. Others have busied themselves in inquiring, by ana- lysis, what are the earths or primitive matters out of which all the stones we are acquainted with are composed. This class of philosophers have supplied us with the most valu- able acquisitions respecting die nature, the uses, and the decompositions of these substances: but the results of analysis, though necessary in acquiring accurate notions of each stone, are not of themselves sufficient to form the basis of a method of classing; because these characters are too difficult to be acquired, and at most can be used only as supplementary in the establishment of such other methods as may be employed. 3. Almost all the systems of classification hitherto adopted, are founded upon the external characters of earthy substances. Some naturalists have sought, in the variety of forms exhibited by the productions of the mineral kingdom, such principles of division as to them appeared sufficient. But not to mention that the same form frequently obtains in very different stones, this character is rarely found, and we are ignorant of the crystallization of most of the known earths: the crystallization cannot therefore be considered but as an accessary or secondary circumstance. OF EARTHS AND STONES. 2Q9 Other naturalists have established dieir divisions upon certain properties easy to be ascertained, such as that of effervescing with acids, giving fire with the steel, &c. But these characters do not appear to be sufficiently strict, nor sufficiently exclusive; for nothing is more common than to find a mixture of the fragments of primitive rock's with those of calcareous stones. Our province exhibits ex- amples of this every step we take; and these mixtures, hardened by time, possess both the fore-mentioned cha- racters. There are also stones which, without changing their nature, give fire with the steel, or effervesce with acids, accordingly as they are more or less divided. Such is the lapis lazuli, which effervesces when pulverized, but strikes fire when in the mass; the slate likewise effer- vesces when in powder, but not in the mass. The classi- fication, therefore, which is founded on these characters, is not rigorous, and may at the most be made use of in conjunction with others. M. D'Aubenton is the naturalist wtio appears to me to have distributed mineral substances with the greatest or- der of any who has hitherto undertaken that task; every thing which he says on this subject, shews the experi- enced eye of the observer; and he has drawn from the ex- ternal characters of bodies all the characters possible to be had from that source. But he could not avoid the defects which necessarily accompany the principles on which he has founded his system. Deeply impressed with a sense of the insufficiency of these methods, as well as of the slight opportunities I have possessed of improving them, my endeavours have been exerted in collecting together all the characters which are capable of affording any useful indications. In this pur- suit, I have joined the characters of the naturalist to those of the chemist; and though the method which I have adopt- ed be very far from that degree of perfection which might be desired, I nevertheless present it to the public with con- fidence. It differs but little from that followed by Messrs. Bergmann and Kirwan; a circumstance which at least af- fords a prejudice in its favour. The peculiar advantages which, in my opinion, it appears to possess, are—1. The lithologic productions are distributed equally, and into three classes. 2. All the analogous productions are brought Dd 210 CLASSIFICATION OF EARTHS, &C. together, and arranged as it were in a natural order. In a word, this system has fixed my own ideas in the most precise manner; and this has more particularly induced me to propose it to the public* The various earths beneath our feet arer in general, com- binations; and chemists, by decomposing these substances, have succeeded in obtaining, in the last analysis, principles which may be considered as earthy elements, until sub- sequent acquisitions shall either confirm or destroy our ideas on this subject. The earthy elements most extensively distributed are ten in number; namely, Lime, Magnesia, Barytes, Strontites, Alumine, Silex, Yttria, Glucina, Zirconia, and Agustina. Nature appears to have formed all the mixtures and combinations which constitute stones, out of the primitive earths here spoken of. If we direct our attention to the nature of these mix- tures and combinations, we shall distinguish three habi- * I consider what is here published respecting Lithology as a sim- ple and short sketch of the principles which I explain in my Lec- tures. It would be judging me with too much severity, if the reader were to suppose that my present design is to exhibit a complete per- formance. A more intimate acquaintance with this subject may be obtained by the perusal of the following works : 1. Essai d'un Art de Fusion, a l'Aide de l'Air Vital, par Erhmann. Memoires de M. Lavoisier sur le meme sujet—Memoires de M. D'Arcet, sur l'Action d'un Feu egal, violent, et continu, sur un grand nombre de Terres, Pierres, Sec. 2. The works of Margraff and Pott, more especially the Lithoge- ognesia of the latter. 3. Les Pesanteurs Sp£cifiques des Corps, par M. Brisson. 4. Elements of Mineralogy, by Mr. Kirwan. 5. Le Manuel du Mineralogiste de Bergmann, enrichi de Notes par JVI. L'Abbe Mongez. 6. La Mimralogie de M. Sage. 7. Les Ouvrages sur laCrystallographie de M. Rome de Lisle, de M- l'abbe Hauy, &c. 8. Le Tableau Methodiqoe des Minereaux, par M. D'Aubenton. 9. La Mineralogie de M. le Comte de Buffon ; in which that cele- brated writer has collected a great number of valuable facts, whose merit is independent of all theory. 10. The Mineralogical Works of Messrs, Jars, Dietrich, de Born, Ferber, Trebra, Pallas, Gmelin, Linne, Dolomieu de Saussure de la Peyrouse, &c. 11. The excellent Analyses of Stones, published from time to time by Pott, Margraff, Bayen, Bergmann, Gerard, Scheele, Achard, Mongez, &c. LIME, OR CALCAREOUS EARTH. tudes or modes, which establish three grand divisions. We shall immediately perceive that these earths are, in some instances, combined with acids, which form saline stones; that in other instances they are mixed with each other, and form stones properly so called; and that in other instances, again, these stones, so formed by the mixture of primitive earths, are united together, or fixed in a gluten or cement, which forms rocks, pebbles, or compound stones. e We shall therefore distinguish three classes in Litholo- gy i the first will comprehend saline stones; the second stones, properly so called, or earthy mixtures; and the third rocks, or stony admixtures. We consider it as indispensably necessary to explain the nature of the primitive earths, before we can proceed to treat of their combinations. I. Lime. This earth has been found totally disengaged from all combination, near Bath.—See Falconer on the Bath Wa- ters, vol. i. p. 156 and 157. But as this is perhaps the only observation of the kind which we possess, it is in- dispensably necessary to shew the process by which lime may be obtained in a state of the greatest purity. For diis purpose chalk is to be washed in boiling dis- tilled water, then dissolved indistilled acetous acid, and precipitated by the carbonate of ammoniac, or mild vo- latile alkali The precipitate, being washed and calcined, is pure lime. This earth possesses the following characters : 1. It is soluble in six hundred and eighty times its weight of water, at the temperature of sixty degrees of Fahrenheit. Kirwan. 2. It has a penetrating, acrid, and burning taste. 3. Its specific gravity is about 2,3 according to Kir- wan, and 2,720 according to Bergmann. 4. It seizes water with great avidity; at the same time that it falls into powder, increases in bulk, and emits heat 212 MAGNESIAN EARTH. 5. Acids dissolve it without effervescence, but with the production of heat. 6. The borate of soda, or borax, the oxides of lead, and the phosphates of urine, dissolve it by the blow-pipe without effervescence. It appears to be infusible alone, as it has resisted the heat of flame urged by a stream of vital air.—See the Memoir of Mr. Lavoisier. When it is mixed with acids, it forms a fusible com- bination ; and it hastens the fusion of aluminous, silice- ous, and magnesian earths, according to the experiments of Messrs. Darcet and Berermann. II. Magnesia, or Magnesian Earth. This earth has been no where found disengaged from all foreign substances ; but in order to obtain it in the ut- most possible state of purity, the crystals of the sulphate of magnesia, or Epsom salt, are to be dissolved in dis- tilled water, and decomposed by the carbonate of al- kali. The precipitate must then be calcined, to disen- gage the carbonic acid. 1. Pure magnesia is very white, very friable, and, as it were, spongy. 2. Its specific gravity is about 2,33, according to Kir- wan. 3. It is not perceptibly soluble in water when pure; but when it is combined with the carbonic acid, it is so- luble ; and cold water has a stronger action on it than hot, according to the experiments of Mr. Butini. 4. It has no perceptible action on the tongue. 5. It slightly converts the tincture of turnsol to a green. 6. Mr. Darcet has observed, that a strong heat agglu. tinates it more or less ; but Messrs. De Morveau, Butini and Kirwan, found that it was not fusible; and the expe- riments of Mr. Lavoisier have proved that it is as infusi- ble as barytes and lime. The borate of soda, and the phosphates of urine, dis- solve it with effervescence.—See the abbe Mongez. BARYTES, OR PONDEROUS EARTH. 21$ III. Barytes, or Ponderous Earth. We are indebted to the celebrated chemists Gahn, Scheele, and Bergmann, for our knowledge of this earth. It has not yet been found exempted from all combina- tion ; but in order to obtain it in a suitable degree of pu- rity, the following process may be used: The sulphate of barytes, or ponderous spar, wliich is the most usual combination met with on the earth, is to be pulverized, and calcined in a crucible, with an eighth part of powder of charcoal: the crucible must be kept ignited during an hour; after which the calcined matter is to be thrown into water : it communicates a yel- low colour to this fluid, at the same time that a strong smell of hepatic gas is emitted; the water is then to be filtred, and muriatic acid poured in : a considerable pre- cipitate falls down, which must be separated from the fluid by filtration. The water wliich passes through the filtre holds the muriate of barytes, or marine salt of pon- derous earth, in solution. The carbonate of potash, or mild vegetable alkali, in solution, being then added, the ponderous earth falls down, in combination with the car- bonic acid; and this last principle may be driven off by calcination. 1. Pure barytes is of a pulverulent form, and extreme- ly white. 2. It is soluble in about nine hundred times its weight of distilled water, at the temperature of sixty degreesj according to Kirwan. 3. The Prussiate of potash, or Prussian alkali, preci- pitates it from its combination with the nitric and muria- tic acids. This habitude distinguishes it from other earths. —See Kirwan. 4. It precipitates alkalis from their combinations with acids. 5. Barytes exposed, by Mr. Lavoisier, to flame fed with oxigenous gas, was fused in a few seconds : it ex- tended itself upon the surface of the coal; after which it began to burn and detonate until the whole was nearly dissipated. This kind of inflammation is a character com- 214 S1R0NTIIES. mon to metallic substances; but when the barytes is pure it is perfectiy infusible.—See Lavoisier. Ponderous earth urged by the blow-pipe makes little effervescence with soda, but is perceptibly diminished : it dissolves in the borate of soda with effervescence, and still more with the phosphates of urine.—See the abbe Mon- gez' Manuel du Mineralogists 6. Its specific gravity exceeds 4,000, according to Kir- wan.* * IV. Strontites. This mineral is met with in the lead mine of Strontian in Ar- gyleshirc, where it is found mixed with a variety of substances. It is united to the carbonic acid, forming carbonate of strontites. It specific gravity varies from 3.4 to 3.726. Its texture is generally fibrous, and sometimes it is found crystal- lized, in slender prismatic columns of various lengths. The carbonic acid may be separated from the carbonate of stron- tites, and the strontian obtained in a pure state, by mixing the mi- neral with powder of charcoal, and exposing the mixture to a high degree of heat; or the mineral may be dissolved in the nitric acid, the solution evaporated until it crystallizes, and the crystals exposed in a crucible to a red heat till the nitric acid is driven off. Pure strontites has a caustic taste, it changes blue vegetable co- Jours green, and unites oil with water. It attracts carbonic acid, from the atmosphere. When water is poured on strontites, it slacks, becomes hot, and falls into powder. One hundred and sixty-two parts of water, at the temperature of 60°, dissolve nearly one part of strontites. It combines with sulphur and phosphorus. It is not a poison to animals. It tinges the flame of combustible bodies of a red colour. This experiment is performed, by moistening the nitrate of muriate of strontites with alcohol, in a silver spoon, setting fire to the mixture, and holding it when burning over the flame of a candle, in order to cause a quick and rapid combustion. Many of the European mineralogists inform us, that sulphate of strontites is found at Frankstown in Pennsylvania. Klaproth ana- lized a specimen from this place. He found its specific, gravity to be 3.830. Its colour is a pale sky blue. It occurs in flat layers or strata from \, ^ to -| of an inch thick, included between two even sides ; which last partly appear to be real seams or joints, and partly are mere separating surfaces, formed by small clefts of the rock, filled with clay. On these exterior sides, the fossil has a dull appearance, but internally it is possessed of the ordinary lustre. It is easily communicated, and consists ^throughout of coarse parallel brittle fibres, which_form needle shaped fragments. ALUMINE, OR PURE CLAY. 215 V. Alumine, or Pure Clay. This earth is not more exempt from mixture and com- bination than the foregoing; and in order to obtain it in a state of purity, the sulphate of alumine is dissolved in water, and decomposed by effervescent alkalis. 1. Pure clay seizes water with avidity, and may then be kneaded. It adheres strongly to the tongue. 2. Its specific gravity does not exceed 2,000, according to Kirwan. 3. When exposed to heat, it dries, contracts, shrinks, and becomes full of clefts. A considerable degree of heat renders it so hard that it gives fire with the steel. When it has been well baked, it is no longer capable of uniting with water; but requires to be dissolved in an acid, and precipitated, in order that it may resume this property. The experiments of Mr. Lavoisier shew that pure alu- mine is capable of an imperfect fusion, approaching to the consistence of paste, by heat excited by a current of vital air. It is then transformed into a kind of very hard stone, which cuts glass like the precious stones, and which very difficultly yields to the file. The mixture of chalk singularly assists the fusion of this earth : it is fusible in a crucible of chalk, according to Mr. Gerhard, but not in a crucible of clay. The borate of soda, and the phosphates of lime, dissolve it.—See Kirwan and the abbe Mongez. According to the experiments of Mr. Dorthes, the pu- rest native clays, and even that which is precipitated from alum, contain a small quantity of iron in the state of oxide; and it is from this principle that the earthy smell which is One hundred parts of this blue fibrous sulphated strontianite, con- tain* Strontian earth 58 Sulphuric acid 42 And a slight trace of oxided iron 100 Strontites may be obtained pure, from this sulphate, by following the process described for procuring barytes, in a state of purity.— Am. E ^ *™' «* SPECIES I. Pure Magnesia, Silex, and Alumine. SPECIES II. Carbonate of Magnesia, Silex, and Alumine. The mixture of these three earthy principles forms talfe St5a£teS' ******** or lapides oLres. ? I he difference which analysis shews between these two species, is almost entirely confined to the proportions of their constituent principles. This circumstance might ap- pear sufficient to authorize us in considering them only as varieties of each other. But as the magnesia is pure i/the talk, and in the state of carbonate in the steatites, we shall consider them as different species. 1. Pure magnesia, mixed with near twice its weight of silex, and less than its weight of alumine, forms talk It is of a white, grey, yellow, or greenish colour : soft and soapy to the touch, composed of transparent lamina placed upon each other. These lamina are more tender than those of mica; they lock together, and are usually divided into rhombi, and may be crushed or scratched with the nan. Its specific gravity is 2.729. Fire renders it more brittle and white; but it is infusi- ble by the blow-pipe, and can scarcely be fused by the addition of alkali. The borate of soda, and the phosphate of urine, fuse it with a slight effervescence! Muscovy talk is composed of large elastic, flexible, and transparent leaves. Plates of talk have been raised in the quarries of Vitim in Siberia which were eteht feet square.* & ^iL™1 is/ound1in New-Hampshire, adhering to rocks of white or yellow quartz, and lying ,n lamina like sheets of paper. The most ot it is white, some is yellow, and some has a purple hue. The larg- EARTHY MIXTURES. 257 2. Steatites is usually of a greenish white: it may be easily cut with a knife; and the dust which is produced by scraping it does not readily mix with water. Its specific gravity is about 2.433. It is infusible alone, hardens in the fire, and becomes white. The borate of soda facilitates its fusion; but soda, and the phosphates of urine, do not perfectly dis solve it. According to the analysis of Bergmann, one hundred parts of steatites contain eighty silex, seventeen magnesia, in the state of carbonate, two alumine, and one iron. Steatites is sometimes found in masses of indeterminate figure, and sometimes crystallized, such as that which Mr. Gerhard found at Raichewtein in Silesia. Chem. Ann. 1785.—And Mr. Rome de Lisle possesses crystals in hex- agonal lamina resembling the leaves of mica. The white steatites of Briancon is composed of irregu- lar, friable, and~semi-transparent leaves. It often incloses crystals of steatites, of a white or greenish colour, which have the form of tetrahedral prisms. The steatites of Corsica appears to be formed by fibres placed beside each other. It has a greenish colour, and no perceptible degree of flexibility. The steatites of Bareith is grey, compact and solid. est leaves of this curious substance are found in a mountain, in the town- ship of Grafton, about twenty miles eastward of Dartmouth college. It was first discovered in the following manner: A huntsman took shel- ter for the night, in a cavern of the mountain, and in the morning found himself surrounded with this transparent substance, a large leaf of which he fastened to the branch of a tree, near the cave, as a mark by which he might again find the place. This happened during the revolutionary war, when window-glass could not be imported. The scarcity of that article, brought the talk into repute. Many per- sons employed their time in blowing the rocks, separating the lami- nae, cutting them into squares, and vending them about the country. This substance is particularly valuable lor the windows of ships, as it is not brittle, but elastic, and will stand the explosion of cannon. It is also used to cover miniature paintings, and to preserve minute ob- jects for the microscope. The disadvantage of it for windows is, that it contracts dust, and is not easily cleaned, but for lanterns it is prefe- rable to glass. (Belknap's History of New-Hampshire, vol. 3, p. 193.) The rocks of granite near Philadelphia are interspersed with talk, often of a black colour.-i-vfm. Ed. Kk 258 Earthy mixtures. That of Queen Charlotte's Bay in New Zealand is stri- ated, green, semi-transparent, and sufticientlv hard to give fire with the steel. 3. The soap-stone of China is a steatite, often striated; but it is not more unctuous than those we have already mentioned. The steatites of Briancon forms the basis of the vegeta- ble red.* 4. The lapis ollaris, or pot stone, is only a variety of the steatites. It does not appear to me to differ from it, excepting in being harder. Its colour is usually greyish ; but it is sometimes black- ened by bitumen. Mr. Gerhard has observed that the lapis ollaris of Swe- den effervesces with acids, and contains calcareous earth; but this mixture is peculiar to it. Those of Saxony, Si- lesia and Corsica, do not contain it. The kipis ollaris may be wrought with the greatest facility. In the coun- try of the Grisons, in Corsica, and elsewhere, it is turn- ed, and formed into vessels which resist the fire, and have not the inconvenience of our glazed pottery; it is from these uses that it has obtained the name of Lapis Ollaris, Pot Stone, he. SPECIES III. Pure Magnesia combined with somewhat more than its weight of Silex, one-third of Alumine, near one-third of Water, and more or less of Iron. This mixture forms the serpentine. It has a great ana- logy with the preceding substances, but is distinguished from them by a more evident degree of hardness; by the property of acquiring a more beautiful polish; and by a quantity of iron sufficiently considerable to afford it a peculiar character. * Steatites is found fifteen miles from Philadelphia, on the banks of the Schuylkill; in South-Carolina, in the neighbourhood of Hill and Haynes' iron works; and at Orford on Connecticut river, New-Hamp- shire- Belknap says, it has the property of fullers.' earth in cleaning cloths.—Am. Ed. earthy mixtures. 25£ The serpentine is whitish, greenish, blueish, or black- ish ; frequentiy marked with black spots ; and sometimes intersected with bands of various colours. Some serpen- tines are even transparent. The Royal Cabinet of Mines possess a specimen whose ground is grey, and interspers- ed with reddish semi-transparent and chatoyant spots. Serpentine varies likewise in its texture. It is compact, granulated, scaly, lamellated, or fibrous. It takes the most beautiful polish. The iron it contains is sometimes obedient to the mag- net. Its specific gravity is from 2.4 to 2.65. It melts in a violent heat; but a less degree of fire har- ' dens it. Mr. Bayen, who has analized the serpentine, found it to contain, in the hundred parts, forty-one silex, thirty- three magnesia, twenty alumine, three iron, and also water. Mr. Kirwan has observed, that the serpentine of Cor- sica, contained more alumine, and less silex. Mr. De Joubert possesses a species of serpentine which exhibits square plates on its surface. , Mr. Dorthes has observed several varieties of the ser- pentines on our Mediterranean coasts, and in the river of Herault, which receives them from the mountains of the Cevennes. SPECIES IV. Carbonate of Magnesia ; Silex, Lime, Alumine, and Iron. This combination exhibits several varieties, which are known under the name of Asbestos, Mountain Cork. Their texture serves to distinguish them; but the che- mical analysis confounds them together, and does not per- mit us to allow any other distinction than that of varieties. 260 EARTHY MIXTURES, VARIETY I. Asbestos. •Jrh^,Stone " USually &***&; Jts texture is some. times fibrous and compact, and sometimes membrana- ceous. Near Bagneres de Bigorre, in the mountains of the en- virons of Bassere, Messrs. Dolomieu and La Perouse found crystals of asbestos in rhomboidal parallelopipeds Asbestos is rough to the touch, brittie and ruffled Its specific gravity is from 2.5 to 2,8. Fire renders it whiter and more brittie. It is infusible by the blow-pipe, according to Kirwan; but the abbe Mongez affirms that asbestos and amianthus are fusible, and form an opaque globule, which becomes blueish. It is difficultly soluble with soda; but more easily with bo- rate of soda and the phosphates of urine. According to Bergmann, the asbestos contains in the quintal from fifty-three to seventy-four parts silex, about sixteen magnesia, from twelve to twenty-eight carbonate of lime, from two to six alumine, and from one to two iron.* VARIETY II. Mountain Cork. This name has been given on account of a slight re- semblance of this substance to cork. This stone is very light, membranaceous, flexible, and usually of a yellow colour. It may be more easily torn than broken. The diocese of Alais affords very fine specimens. Among a very great number of stones of this nature, subjected to analysis by the celebrated Bergmann, the si- liceous earth was always found predominant; and after * Asbestos is found in Chester county, Pennsylvania; in the state of New-York, and at the head waters of Lynch's creek, South-Ca^ rofina.—Am, Ed. EARTHY MIXTURES. 261 that the magnesian, which was never less than twelve parts in the hundred, nor more than twenty-eight. SPECIES V. Carbonate of Magnesia and Lime, Sulphate of Barytes, Alumine, and Iron. This combination forms amianthus. It is composed of long flexible fibres, parallel to each other, and very soft to the touch. They are sometimes very white, but often yellowish. The filaments may be separated and detached from each other; and may be even twisted in any direction without danger of breaking them. Their flexibility is so wonder- ful, that they may be formed into cloth. The ancients constructed cloths of this kind, in which they burned the bodies of the dead; and by this means the ashes were collected without mixture of those of the fuel. Mr. Dorthes found amianthus in tufts upon calcareous stones thrown up by the sea, on which it was fixed with plants, corallines, gorgonia, he. He believes, with rea- son, that this amianthus did not originate upon the stones, but that it was deposited by the water. He found, like- wise, on the coast, balls of the amianthus of two or three inches diameter imitating aegagropiles, and formed by the intertwining of the threads of amianthus; and covered \vith a white tophose substance, of the nature of that which covers the gorgonia, and is the work of a species Of sea animalcule. The fibres of amianthus are of various lengths. I have received specimens from Corsica, whose filaments were very flexible, and eight inches long. That from the Pyrenean mountains has shorter fibres. Bergmann analized an amianthus from the vicinity of Tarento, of which 100 parts afforded 64 silex, 18.6 mag- nesia, 6.9 lime, 6 sulphate of barytes, 3.3 alumine, 1.2 iron. EARTHY MIXTURES. GENUS IV. Aluminous Mixtures. Argillaceous or aluminous stones are common enough. They are seldom possessed of more than a moderate de- gree of hardness, and are divisible in water. But the mixture of their principles is in some instances so inti- mate, that they possess a veiy strong degree of consist- ence. SPECIES I. Alumine, Silex, Carbonate of Lime, and more or less of Iron. We may here place all the varieties of clay. Chemi- cal analysis exhibits constantly enough the principles whose mixture forms this species; but the proportions among these constituent principles vary so much, that the varieties of clay are almost infinite. Independent of the principles above enumerated, we sometimes find lime combined with clay, and sometimes even magnesia; and it will be easy to form various species, in proportion as the analysis of these earths shall become more perfect. The argillaceous mixtures of which we propose at pre- sent to speak, are characterized by the following proper- ties :—They adhere strongly to the tongue, become dry, hard, and shrink in the fire; are divided, and form a paste, with water, in which state they may be easily moulded and turned, &c. The clays in which the sili- ceous principle is most abundant are, the driest, adhere less to the tongue, are less completely diffused in water, and crack less when dried by the heat of the fire or the sun. Most clays contain iron; and this metal is usually the principle of their colour. From the brownish clay, in which iron is almost in the native state, to the deepest red, all the various shades are owing to the several de- grees of alteration in this metal. These various changes EARTHY MIXTURES. POTTERY. 26S are effected either at the surface of the globe by the im- mediate action of the air, which calcines the iron, or else in the bowels of the earth; in which last case, the effects arise from the decomposition of water and of the pyrites. We may trace this beautiful work of nature in several pyritaceous strata in our province; and on this subject re- ference may be had to my Memoir upon the Brown Red (Brun Rouge), printed by Didot by order of the province. We shall direct our attention less to the several varie- ties of clay than to the uses to which they are applied. The first of these uses is to form the basis of pottery. Several species of pottery may be observed, which ne- vertheless differ from each other only in the degree of fineness of the earths made use of, and the care that has been taken in performing the various manipulations which they undergo. 1. The most common pottery is made with any kind of clay indiscriminately, which is mixed with sand, to render it more porous, and by this means more adapted to sup- port the heat. These vessels would be penetrable by water, if tiiey were not covered with a glaze. The glazes of pottery are usually made either with the sulphureous lead ore, called Alquinfoux, and in En- gland, Potter's Lead Ore, or with the yellow copper ore. For this purpose, these substances are reduced to powder, mixed with water, and the vessel, previously dried by a slight baking, is dipped in the mixture. The porous ves- sel absorbs the water, while its surface becomes covered with the pounded ore. The vessel is then carried to the furnace, and baked by a heat which vitrifies the ore upon its surface : and it is this metallic glass which forms the glaze of the potters, and is yellow or green, according to die metal made use of. These glazes are all dangerous; because they are so- luble in fats, oils, acids, &c. The attention of intelligent manufacturers has been - long directed to the methods of substituting in the place of these glazes, others which are not attended with the same danger. We might, after the manner of the English, vitrify the surface of our pottery by means of sea salt thrown 264 EARTHY MIXTURES. POTTERY. into the fire-place when the furnace is at a white heat; but this method is impracticable in most of our manufac- tories, because our fires are not sufficiently strong. I have tried various methods to glaze pottery; and two among them have succeeded well enough to justify my publishing them. The first consists in mixing the earth of Murviel in water, and dipping the pottery therein: this done, they are suffered to dry ; after which they are plunged into a second water, in which levigated green glass is mixed. This covering of vitreous powder fuses with the clay of Murviel; and the result is a very smooth, very white, and very cheap glazing. The second method consists in immersing the dried pottery into a strong solution of sea salt, and afterwards baking them. The trial which I have made in my fur- naces gives me reason to expect that this method may be used in large works. I have likewise obtained a very black glazing, by ex- posing pottery strongly heated to the fumes of sea-coal. I have coated several vessels in this manner, by throwing a large quantity of coal in powder into a furnace wherein the pottery was ignited to whiteness. The effect is still more complete when the chimneys or tubes of aspiration of the furnace are at that moment closed, and kept so for some minutes. I have given an account of all these circumstances, and many others, in a work presented to the Royal Society of Sciences of Montpellier; in which I have proved, from the results of my experiments in the large way, that the best mixture of our own earths is capable of affording us the most beautiful and finest pottery of every kind. 2. Fayence*. This does not differ from the pottery we have here spoken of, except in the degree of fineness of the earths used for this basis, and the nature of its co- vering or glaze. The glazing of fayence is nothing else, as is well known, but glass rendered opaque by means of the oxide of tin. It is the glass called Enamel. * To make the fine white enamel of the potters, one hundred pounds of lead, thirty of tin, ten of marine salt, * Distinguished by us by the name of Delft Ware. T.. EARTHY MIXTURES. POTTERY. 265 and twelve of purified potash, are calcined together. This mixture, after calcination and fusion, produces a beauti- ful enamel, which is applied in the same manner as the glaze before spoken of. Bernard de Palissy excelled in the art of fayencery; and it is to him that we are indebted for our first acqui- sitions in this manufacture.* * I cannot resist my inclination to insert in this place a few circum- stances of the life of this great but unfortunate man, who lived in the 15th century. He was a native of the diocese of Agen, ana his first employment was that of surveyor or draftsman of plans : but his taste for natural history led him to abandon this employment; and he travelled for instruction over the whole kingdom, and Lower Ger- many. An accidental circumstance tlirew into his hands a cup of enamelled pottery ; and, from that time, his whole time and fortune were taken up in experiments on enamels. Nothing can be more interesting than the narrative which he himself has given of his la- bours. He exhibits himself building and rebuilding his furnaces ; always on the eve of success; worn out by labour and misfortune; the derision of the public ; the object of the angry remonstrances of his wife ; and reduced to burn his furniture, and even the wood- work of his house, to keep his furnace going. His workman pres- ses him for money: he strips himself, and gives him his clothes. But at length, by dint of indefatigable labour, constancy and genius, he arrived at the desired degree of perfection ; which gained him the esteem and consideration of the greatest men of his age. He was the first who formed a collection of natural history at Paris, and even gave lectures on that science ; receiving half a crown from each of his auditors, under the obligation of returning it fourfold if any thing he taught should prove false. • The high reputation he ac- quired, and the obligations under which his countrymen stood in- debted to him, were not sufficient to "defend him from the persecu- tions of the league ; for Matthew De Launay, England, &c. VARIETY III. Brown Crystal—Smoky Topaz. This brown tinge varies from a light brown to a deep black. It is affirmed that they may be rendered clear by boiling them in tallow.—See Journal de Physique, t vii. p. 360. ' * . . ^ ;. It is found in Switzerland, in Bohemia, in Dauphiny, he. VARIETY IV. Green Crystal—False Emerald. This is the most scarce and the most precious of eo» loured crystsls. It is found in Saxony and Dauphiny. VARIETY V. Blue Crystal—Water Sapphire, It does not appear to differ from the true sapphire, ex- cepting in being less hard. I have seen a specimen which had this colour. It is fcund in Bohemia, in Silesia, and at Puy in Valay, which has caused it to be called the Sapphire of Puy. 28S EARTHY MIXTURES. QJJARTZ. VARIETY VI. Violet Crystal—the Amethyst. Its colour is more or less deep; and it assumes a con- siderable brilliancy by polishing. When the crystal is only half coloured, it is called Prime d'Amethiste. It loses its colour by a strong fire, according to Mr. D'Arcet. This crystal is found of sufficient magnitude to form columns of more than one foot in height, and several inches in diameter. DIVISION IL Quartz. Those specimens of siliceous stone in which no regular form appears, and which we here comprehend under the name of Quartz, possess various degrees of trans- parency. Its colour differs prodigiously ; and it may be distin- guished into varieties and shades perhaps more numerous than in rock crystal itself. It seldom forms entire mountains, but almost always intersects, by veins more or less wide, the mountains of primitive schistus. At all events, I have made this ob- servation in every mountain of this kind which I have examined. The blocks of quartz, detached by waters, are rolled, rounded, and deposited in the form of large stones on the banks of rivers. The same stones, more attenuated, form the quartzose pebbles; and these, still more divided, pro- duce sand. This stone is very refractory. It is used as the basis of bricks employed in the construction of glass furnaces. For this purpose it is calcined to whiteness, and in that state thrown into water. By this means it may be easily reduced to powder, and disposed to form a' combination widi clay. EARTHY MIXTURES. FLINTS. 287 Quartz, well pounded, and used in the composition of bricks, does not equally resist the impression of fire, if the precaution of calcining it, and extinguishing it in water, has not been taken. I have obtained a proof of this fact, by employing the same kind of quartz in both ways. This sand forms an excellent mortar with good lime ? and, when fused with alkalis, it produces a very beautiful glass. SPECIES III. Silex, Alumine, Lime, and Iron, intimately mixed. The state of fineness in the constituent principles, and their more or less intimate mixture or amalgamation, appear to us to establish two divisions among the stones of this species. We shall accordingly distinguish them into coarser flints and finer flints. The first form gun flints, petrosilex, he.; the second comprehend agates, calce- donies, &c. DIVISION I. The Coarser Flint*. In this place we shall arrange two stones which appear to differ only by a more or less evident degree of trans- parency. The silex, or flint properly so called, is semi- transparent, when very thin, as for example at its edges: the petrosilex has a more opaque colour. 1. Gun Flint.—The gun flint gives fire with steel'. its colour is usually brown; and its surface very frequently exhibits a whiter colour dian the middle, and less hard than the nucleus of the stone. This external part sticks to the tongue, and indicates a commencement of decom- position. The abbe Bacheley has asserted that marine produc- tions, such as polipiers, shells, &c. are capable of passing to the state of gun flint.—Journal de Physique, Supple- ment, 1782, t. xxv. 288 EARTHY MIXTURES. FLINTS. The specific gravity of gun flint is from 2.65 to 2.7 This stone does not melt in the fire; but it becomes white and brittle by repeated calcinations. The common brown silex afforded by analysis to Mr. Wiegleb, per quintal, eighty silex, eighteen alumine, and two iron. 2. Petrosilex.—The colour of petrosilex is a deep blue, or a yellowish grey. It is interspersed in veins through rocks; and from this circumstance it derives its name. Its specific gravity is from 2.59 to 2.7. It becomes white in the fire like gun flint; but it is more fusible, for it flows without addition. Soda does not totally dissolve it in the dry way; but the borate of soda, and the phosphates of urine, dissolve it without ef- fervescence. Mr. Kirwan obtained from a petrosilex, used in the manufacture of porcelain by Mr. Lauraguais, seventy- two parts silex, twenty-two alumine, and six lime, in the quintal.* DIVISION ll. The Finer Flints. This division exhibits several stones, which, though distinguished by names and a different value, are never- theless only varieties of each other. We shall content ourselves with enumerating the chief. 1. Agate.—This is a semi-transparent silex of a very fine body. Its texture is vitreous; and its hardness such that it resists the file, gives fire with the steel, and takes the most beautiful polish. The agate when exposed to the fire, loses its colour, becomes opaque, and does not melt. The varieties of agates are infinite. They are founded on the colour; and they are distinguished into cloud- ed, punctuated, spotted, irised, herborized, mossy, he. See Daubenton.—The name of Onyx is given to that « * Flint stones have been fpund in Pennsylvania, Netf-York, and Virginia,—Am. Ed. EARTHY MlXtURES. FLINTS. 289 kind of agate which is formed by concentric bands. Mr. Daubenton has proved that the agate which has received the name of mossy, is really coloured by small mossy vegetations. The purest agate is white, transparent, and nebulous. Such is the oriental agate, which besides appears as if it had protuberances or knobs on its surfaces.' Its specific gravity is 2.64. I consider the agates, and the other flints concerning which we shall proceed to treat, as quartzose stalactites. The sides of geodes which are agatized, and the strata of those flints which are found in places where infiltrations produce rock crystals, appear to me conclusive in favour of this doctrine. The agates have the same relation to quartz as the alabasters to cal- careous stones, and the theory of their formation is the same. Mr. Dorthes has exhibited many proofs of this theory respecting the formation of these stones.* 2. The Opal.—The semi-transparent agate of a milky whiteness, which exhibits a glittering, changeable, inter- nal colour of a blue, red, and green tinge, is known by the name of Opal. That which comes from Hungary has a kind of greyish clay for its gangue. The most beautiful opal is the oriental opal; sometimes called the spangled opal, because its colours appear like equal spots distributed over its whole surface. These opals have re- ceived various names, according to the colours they re- flect. The chatoyant stones, or such as vary their colour ac- cording to the position of the light, and the eye of the observer, are varieties of the opal. Such are the girasol, die cat's eye, the fish's eye. The reflected rays of the girasol are weak, blueish, and mixed with an orange yellow. This stone has been found in the lead mines of Chatelaudren in Brittany. The most obvious character of the girasol is, that it exhibits in its internal part a luminous point; and reflects the rays of light in whatever position it may be turned, when it is cut into a globe or hemisphere. The cat's eye has a point near the middle, from which proceed, in a circle, greenish * The agate has been found in Virginia.—Am. Ed. Oo 290 EARTHY MIXTURES. FLINTS. traces of a very lively colour. The most beautiful stones of this kind are of a grey and mortdore colour. They come from Egypt and Arabia. The fish's eye does not differ from the cat's eye except- ing in its colour, which is blueish : it is found at Java. 3. Calcedony.—The calcedony is a semi-transparent agate of a milky Avhiteness, differing from the foregoing in not possessing the chatoyant property, or changeable- ness of colour. It has been found in the mines of Cornwall, in stalac- tites of singular elegance. These calcedonies are almost always covered with protuberances like the stalagmites. The protuberances appear to be formed by the suc- cessive apposition of several strata or coatings. In Monte Berico, in the territory of Vicenza, geodes of calcedony are found which inclose water. They are called Enhydria. I possess, in the Mineralogical Cabinet of the province, calcedonies of Auvergne, which appear to be crystallized like rock-crystal. The crystals have all the fat and unc- tuous appearance of, the same balls which are dispersed on the rock; but, when they are broke, it is seen that the appearance arose from a covering of calcedony over the crystal of quartz. Mr. Bindheim analized calcedony, and found, in the centenary, 83.3 silex, 11 lime, 1.6 alumine, and a small quantity of iron.—Schrist. Natur. For. Free. t. hi. p. 429. Mr. Darcet did not succeed in fusing calcedony, but it lost its colour. Calcedony has often a shade of blue, yellow, or red. Mr. De Carozy and Mr. Macquart observed in Poland the transformation of gypsum to the state of calcedony. —See the Essai de Mineralogie par M. Macquart, pre- mier memoire. Cacholong. The white and opaque calcedony is known by the name of Cacholong. Its texture resembles that of quartz, and it becomes white in the fire. This stone is capable of a fine polish. It is found on the banks of a river named Cach, near the Kalmouks of Bucharia, in whose language the word cholong signifies stone. EARTHY MIXTURES. JASPER. 291 An imaginary value has been given to a modification of the cacholong, which has the property of becoming trans- parent after having been plunged in water. This is called Hydrophanes, Lapis Mutabilis, Oculus Mundi, Mr. Dantz brought hydrophanes to Paris, which became trans- parent when plunged in water. Mr. Gerhard, on the 28th of August, 1777, read to the Academy of Berlin Observations on the Hydrophanes. He found that this stone contained two-thirds of clay, and one third of silex. This celebrated naturalist affirms that the hydrophanes was known to Boyle, who saw one of them about the size of a pea sold in London for two hun- dred pounds sterling. The hydrophanes is fusible in the fire. Soda dissolves it with effervescence ; the borate of soda, and the phos- phates of urine, without effervescence. 5. Carnelian. Sardonyx. The carnelian is a species of agate, nearly transparent It is called Carneole when it has the colour of flesh. Its hardness varies prodigi- ously. Those which are white or yellowish are not. suf- ficiently hard to give fire with the steel. When ignited it loses its colour, and becomes opaque. The most beau- tiful specimens resemble the garnet. Its specific gravity is from 2.-6 to 2.7. The sardonyx is a semi-transpi.tent silex, of an orange colour, more or less deep. It is knobbed like the calce- dony ; and possesses the hardness and specific gravity of that stone. Its habitude in the fire resembles that of the agate. In the Royal Wardrobe of France there are ves-' sels of sardonyx of an astonishing magnitude and beauty. The famous murrhine vases were of sardonyx. Sage, t ii. p. 163, SPECIES IV.. Silex, Alumine, andiron. Jasper is one of the hardest stones we are acquainted with. It is susceptible of the finest polish; and its co- lour varies prodigiously, which has occasioned it to re- 292 EARTHY MIXTURES. TOURMALINE. ceive the names of Sanguine Jasper, Green Jasper, Flow- ered Jasper, &c. Mr. Wedgwood assured Mr. Kirwan that jasper har- dens in the fire without melting; and Mr. Lavoisier could not obtain a perfect fusion by the assistance of oxigenous gas. The surface only becomes vitreous. Mr. Gerhard asserts that some species are fusible; and Mr. Kirwan attributes this property to the mixture of lime and iron which produces the fusion. Its excessive hardness has induced the savages of Ca- nada to avail themselves of it in the fabrication of the heads of javelins. Mr. Dorthes has found, among the wrorn stones of the Mediterranean shore, javelin-heads of porphyry, jasper, horn-stone, schorl, variolite, &c. probably fabricated by the ancient inhabitants, the Gauls. These javelin heads are commonly known by the name of Thunder-stones, and vare distinguished by lithologists by the name of Ceraunites, SPECIES V. Silex, Alumine, Lime with a small portion of Magnesia^ and Iron. This species comprehends all the schorls; and most of the volcanic products. As the tourmaline is evidendy nothing more than a variety of the schorl, we shall place it here, though analysis has not discovered an atom of magnesia in it, and the nature of its principles confounds it with precious stones. Moreover by placing it between these and the schorls, it possesses a situation assigned to it as well by its natural characters as by its constituent principles. I. The Tourmaline.—This stone possesses the transpa- rency of the schorl. Its appearance and fracture are vi- treous, its texture lamellated, its hardness so considerable as to cut glass. When heated to the two-hundredth de- gree of Fahrenheit, it becomes electrical; a stronger fire deprives it of this property. It is fusible by the blow- EARTHY MIXTURES. SCHORLS. 293 pipe, with ebullitidp: the pure tourmaline was melted in- to a black ^lass, in the experiments of Mr. Lavoisier. Tourmalines have been found in the island of Ceylon, in Tyrol, and in Spain. Its form is that of a nine-sided prism, terminated by two flat trihedral pyramids. Mr. DeJoubert possesses one whose prism is seven inches and a half long, and ele- ven inches in circumference. The prismatic tourmaline has no electric effect but ac- cording to the direction of its column; the sphere of ac- tivity of the Spanish tourmaline is less extensive tiian that of Tyrol. fThe valuable researches of Bergmann upon this stone may be consulted in his dissertation concerning its analy- sis. Mr. Tofani has annexed a set of interesting notes to his translation of this work. The results of Bergmann's analysis exhibit its compo- nent parts in the following proportion : 1. The tourmaline of Tyrol contains alumine forty-two, silex forty, lime twelve, iron six. 2. The tourmaline of Ceylon, alumine thirty-nine, si- lex thirty-seven, lime fifteen, iron nine. 3. The tourmaline of Brazil, alumine fifty, silex tiiirty- four, lime eleven, iron five. The specific gravity of the tourmaline of Ceylon is 30,541, that of Spain and of Tyrol is 30,863, water being 10,000.—See Brisson. II. Schorl. The distinct properties of schorl are, an appearance of semi-vitrification, fusibility in a moderate fire, and hardness approaching to that of crystal. There are few stones which exhibit a greater variety of form or colour. They enter into the composition of porphyry, of ser- pentine, of granite, and are very frequentiy found with the magnesian stones. We shall distinguish the schorls into crystallized and irregularly-shaped schorls, A. All the varieties which depend upon colour may be reduced to four. 294 EARTHY MIXTURES. SCHORLS. 1. Black Schorl.—The black schorl is found chiefly in granites.* It has almost always the form of prisms more Or less perfect. The number of sides of these prisms is various: they are sometimes grooved; they sometimes terminate in trihedral obtuse pyramids, placed in contrary directions ; in some places they are found several inches long, and the union of these prisms frequently forms groups of several in diameter. Their black colour is more or less deep. When urged by fire, they become resolved into a black uniform glass of an imperfect fluidity like paste. The analysis of the black prismatic schorls of Gevau- dan afforded me, per quintal, fifty-two silex, thirty-seven alumine, five lime, three magnesia, and three iron. 2. Green Schorl.—This variety exhibits the same form, and the same modifications ; but the most common of its crystallizations is that of a tetrahedral prism, terminating in short pyramids likewise tetrahedral. 3. Violet Schorl.—This variety was discovered in 1781 by Mr. Schreiber, below the grotto of Aunis; situated at the distance of one league from Bourg D'oisan in Dau- phiny. Mr. De la Peyrouse likewise found it at the Peak of Dretliz, in the Pyrenean Mountains. This Schorl possesses a certain degree of transparency. It is crystallized in rhomboides; its texture is lamellated; two of the rhomboidal planes of each pyramid have their faces striated parallel to each other. Schorl loses its colour in the fire, and one thirteenth of its weight; it becomes of a greyish white : and with a stronger degree of heat it swells up, subsides, and forms a black enamel. Its specific gravity is 32,956, according to Brisson. 4. White Schorl.—This variety has been found in the mountains of Corsica, Dauphiny, and the Pyrenees. It is of an opaque white colour, and vitreous appearance ; and is found in crystals on the surface of certain stones of the nature of the lapis ollaris. I have seen a layer of this schorl between amianthus and the lapis ollaris. fIt melts in the fire into a white enamel. * Crystallized black schorl is found in the granite of the United States.—Am. Ed. EARTHY MIXTURES. VOLCANIC PRODUCTS. 295 The analysis of this schorl from the Pyrenean Mountains afforded me, per quintal, fifty-five parts silex, twenty-two alumine, thirteen magnesia, and seven lime. B. The schorl in connected masses nearly approaches the jasper in its external characters. It may be distin- guished however by its fracture, which is of a dryer gram, and exhibits a disposition to crystallization. This stone serves as the basis to several porphyries. The vanohte of Durance, a stone singular on account of the superstitions to which it has given rise, is a schorl in the mass, covered with grains of the same nature as the ground, but of a clearer green. Mr. Dorthes has observed variolites on the coast oi our Mediterranean sea; and affirms that this stone in its de- composition undergoes changes of colour which succeed each other in the order of the solar spectrum. III. Volcanic Products.—The principal products of volcanos are basaltes, lava, and terra pozzolana. These substances are absolutely of the same nature ; but they are principally distinguished by the name of Basaltes when their form is regular. When they have no determinate figure, they are denominated Lavas ; and when consider- ably attenuated they are distinguished by the name of Ter- ra Pozzolana. . . Basaltes is distinguished into the prismatic basaltes with a number of sides, from three to seven; the basaltes in tables and the spherical basaltes. . Lava is distinguished into compact lava, porous lava, twisted lava, lava in tears, he. Several naturalists have classed the basaltes with the schorls, and some of them have assigned the same origin to both. It appears nevertheless to be generally agreed that basaltes is a product of fire. It sometimes differs from schorls m its chemical analy- sis, and also in the circumstance of its not always afford- ing magnesian earth. The colour of basaltes is of a deep green, almost con- stantly covered or enveloped with a ferruginous crust less black than the internal part. The iron is in the state of ochre. * 296 EARTHY MIXTURES. BASALTES. Its form is constantly prismatic, which is the natural effect of the contraction wliich it suffers in cooling. Basaltes is converted by fire into a most beautiful black glass. This property, which is admitted by every chemist, induced me to fuse it, and blow it into botties. The attempt was perfectly successful at the glass-house of Mr. Gilley of Allais, and at that of Mr. Giral of Ere- pian. I still preserve the first vessels which were blown of this substance: they are of the most beautiful black, astonishingly light, but without transparency. Encou- raged by this first success, I requested Mr. Castelveil, the proprietor of another glass-house, to undertake some ex- periments; and in consequence of various trials we suc- ceeded in fabricating bottles of an olive green, in which the most extreme lightness, and a truly astonishing de- gree of solidity, were united. Pounded basaltes, soda, and sand, in nearly equal proportions, formed their composi- tion. The properties of these bottles, as proved by my own experiments, as well as by those which Mr. Joly de Fleury, at that time comptroller-general, ordered to be made, render them of the greatest value in commerce; and Mr. Castelveil was unable to supply the numerous or- ders he received. This manufacture supported itself with success for twro years: but at the end of that time the su- periority of the bottles ceased to be the same ; the ma- nufacturer received the reproaches of the consumer; this superb establishment gradually fell off, and was at length abandoned. Since that period I have made several experiments in the large way, from which I have obtained results that may be of service to such as are desirous of following this manufacture. I. The nature of the combustible used in glass-houses has a prodigious effect in modifying the results of experi- ments. The same basaltes which Mr. Castelveil consi- dered as too refractory in his furnace heated by wood, was found of too fusible a nature by Mr. Giral, who was in the habit of using pit-coal in his glass works. The for- mer manufacturer accordingly made his glass by adding soda to the lava, whilst the latter mixed it with a very re- fractory sand. EARTHY MIXTURES. LAVAS. 29T 2. The same lava, fused without addition, may be blown in one glass-house, and not in another. This irre- gularity appeared to me at first to depend essentially on the skill of the workmen; but I have been since con- vinced that it is totally independent of that circumstance. In a furnace which is strongly heated, the fused lava sometimes becomes fluid like water, and drops from the iron tube as soon as it is collected. The same lava, when fused in other fumaces will preserve a sufficient de- gree of consistence to admit of being blown. I am my- self well assured that the lava might be wrought in any glass-house whatever, provided the moment was seized in which the paste was neither too fluid nor too thick to be wrought; but these attentions are too delicate, and too minute, to be observed in works in the large way. 3. The hardest basaltes affords the most beautiful glass. When it is contaminated with foreign principles, such as the nodules of lime, the glass is brittle, and has not a suf- ficient connexion of its parts. This circumstance, in my opinion, was the cause of the bad quality of the glass, which produced the failure in Mr. Castelveil's manu- factory. 4. I have seen very hard basaltes interspersed with black infusible points, insomuch that these points became enve- loped in die vitreous paste without any perceptible altera- tion. The volcanic mountain of Escandorgue near Lodeve afforded me this variety of basaltes. In the article Verrerie of the Encyclopedic Methodique, may be seen the various results which we have obtained with Mr. Allut, in several experiments made in common in the royal glass works of Bosquet and elsewhere. I shall conclude, from the observation which my expe- riments have hitherto afforded— 1. That lava may be used as a flux in glass-houses to diminish the consumption of soda. This is the single purpose I at that time proposed to myself, and I have clearly accomplished it. 1. By the results of experiments which have shewn that refractory sand becomes fused in the glass furnace by a mixture of lava. 2. By the effects obtained in all the works in the large way, in which the addition of lava permitted a diminution in the proportion of soda. -98- EARTHY MIXTURES. TRAPf. 2. It is very difficult to establish a rigorous process, ap- plicable to all circumstances, by which lava may be Wrought without addition. My bottles into which the lava entered as a component part, were scarcely known, before it was published that they were formed of lava without addition ; nothing more being said to be required than to fuse the lava in order to form bottles. This strange report affected me very little in the principle; be- cause I had neither spoken, written nor printed any thing which was capable of giving authority to such an error : and I was content to reply to all persons who demanded information, by informing them that experience had taught me that an addition of lava diminished the proportion of soda in the composition of glass, and that this new- prin- ciple rendered the bottles lighter and stronger. 3. That the only advantage wiiich can be derived from fusing lava without addition, is to pour it out into moulds, to form paving stones, chimney jambs, &c. The facility with which it is fused by the assistance of pit-coal, would render these works of small expense; and it might easily be decorated by incrusting it with metallic colours. 4. That the difference in the nature of volcanic pro- ducts produces such a variety in the results of their fusion, that I consider it as impossible to assign a constant and invariable process, by which the same result may infalli- bly be obtained. This circumstance renders it necessary to make preliminary trials in all cases wherein it is intend- ed to use basaltes in the fabrication of bottles. The basaltes has been considered as similar to a stone known by the name of Trapp : it resembles it in several essential properties: the colour, form, weight, and the nature of the component parts of each, appear to autho- rize us in confounding them together, as Bergmann has proved by the fine comparison he has made of these two stones, in his analysis of the volcanic products of Iceland. But this same chemist has shewn that they differ in seve- ral other points of view. The trapp exhibits no character which can give ground to suspect that its origin is volcanic ; it is found in Swe- den, in the primitive mountains, and upon strata of gra- nite and schistus, and sometimes even upon banks of cal- careous stone. EARTHY MIXTURES. TRAFP. 29,9 The trapp of the mountains of Westrogothland is usu- ally in the form of square irregular cubes; and it is in- debted for its denomination to this resemblance to the steps of a stair case. It likewise exhibits the form of a triangular prism, though seldom; and sometimes it re- sembles immense columns. The trapp afforded Bergmann the same principles, and nearly in the same proportion, as the basaltes. The dif- ference is scarcely the hundredth part; and this variation is frequently found in pieces of the same basaltes.* * Basaltic stones are found at Flour-town, about thirteen miles from Philadelphia ; and on the Conewago hills east of the Susque- hanna, and half a mile east of Elizabeth-town. At this place they are interspersed with large masses of brechia, composed of pebbles rounded by friction, imbedded in the red free stone of the moun* tains. The following is an account of a basaltic wall, discovered under the surface of the earth, in North-Carolina, in a letter from the Rev. James Hall, A. M. to the editor of this work, with hi-s reply. Near the confluence of South Yadkin and Third Creek, about four- teen miles from Salisbury, in North-Carolina, a phenomenon of great antiquity has been discovered, which has engaged the attention of the curious in that part of the state, and which I have lately endea- voured to explore. During the heavy rains which fell in the summer of 1794, a ca- vern of about eight feet deep was formed in the, side of a hill, near a small stream of water, by the successive torrents of rain-water which issued from an adjacent field. The hill is between two and three poles in surface where the ca- vern is formed, about the middle of which stands a subterranean wall, composed of small stones, laid in a white cement, resembling lime of a very fine texture. The largest stones, among many hundreds which I have examined, do not, in my opinion, exceed twelve pounds in weight, and from that are to be found of all sizes down to the weight of one ounce. The species of stone is what the Irish call the black whin; nor is any other kind of stone to be found in the wall. The stones incline to an oblong, -though they are very irregular in their form. They are universally laid across the wall; and the angles of each stone are so fitted by those contiguous to it, that it is difficult to enter the edge of a mattock between them, although the cement has lost its tenacious quality, and is as moist as the surrounding earth. The cement 1 have examined in not less than forty different places in the wall, and could not find among it any appearance of sand or common earth, except where there has been an opportunity of the earth mingling with it from the top of the wall. 300 EARTHY MIXTURES. * CHRYSOPRASE. SPECIES VI. Siltx, Lime, Magnesia, Iron, Copper, and the Fluo- ric Acid. This combination forms the chrysoprase. Its colour is a semi-transparent apple green, and it is harder than the fusibles spars and quartz of the same colour. Both sides of the wall are plastered with the cement, so that not a stone has appeared when the wall was completed, supposing it to be a work of art; and that this is the case is, in my opinion, evident from this circumstance ; that where the cement was washed off from the surface of the wall, hundreds of small stones appeared within a small space, as if slipped in between the ends of the stones, where they could not be brought into contact, to fill up the chasms with the cement about them ; and from the apparent nature and si- tuation of the materials, it appears probable to me, that when the wall was dry, and above ground, it was nearly as firm as a solid rock of the same dimensions. The wall is about two feet thick, built in a straight line, and per- pendicular. It has been traced about ninety feet down the stream below the cavern, and, perhaps, double that distance in the oppo- site direction. That part I did not measure. The top of the wall, at an average, is between two and three feet below the surface of the earth, both above and below the ca- vern, although the situation of the ground on the two sides is very different. Above the cavern the hill rises abruptly, where the wall rises with it, and, in a few poles, the ground becomes almost level, the stream^ bearing considerably from the wall. Below the cavern the wall runs parallel to, and along the de- clivity of the hill; so that, as far as the wall has been explored, the end which is up the stream is, by a horizontal level, fifteen, per- haps twenty, feet higher than the other. Where the w all bends over the hill the stones lie in a much more detached situation than in any other place which I examined, and appear as if the lower end had sunk when the cement was in a state of moisture, so as to admit the stones to be drawn asunder, rather than make any particular chasm. Two circumstances have much excited my curiosity respecting the wall; one is, that it has been explored five feet lower than the surface of the adjacent stream, which runs not more than forty feet distant from the wall, without any appearance of its termination downwards, or of any end, corner or opening discovered in the dis- tance of near three hundred feet in length where it has been traced. The other is, that a coarse gravelly rock embraces the wall on both EARTHY MIXTURES. CHRYSOPRASE. 301 The fire deprives it of its green colour, renders it white and opaque, and forms by the assistance of vital air a com- pact and milky globule.—See Ehrmann. sides, increasing in hardness as far as the wall has been examined in depth; from which I think these two facts are evident, taut, at the time the wall was built, the adjacent stream1 had no existence in that place ; and that, since that time, the rock has been generated. The wall has had so little tendency to form a concretion with the rock, that, as far downwards as the rock would yield to the mat- tock where it was dug away, the plastering stood smooth and entire ; and, where the rock is too hard to be dug, and the wall was re- moved, the cheeks of the rock which embrace the wall are as level and smooth as the plastering against which it rested. This, I think, incontestibly proves, that the rock has been formed after the wall was constructed. The depth at which the wall has been examined is supposed to be about fourteen feet. This I could not exactly ascertain, as the wall had been demolished for near sixty feet in length. It is my intention, if health permit, next August, to endeavour to carry forward a further inquiry, the result of which you may ex pect by the first convenient opportunity. Editor's Reply. Sir, I have read your account of a supposed artificial wall, discovered under the surface of the earth, in North-Carolina, with great at- tention. I am well satisfied, from several specimens of the stones which I have seen composing this wall, that it consists of a mineral sub- stance called basaltes, and that it is a production of nature, and not of art. My reasons for this opinion are as follow : ~ The stones answer the description of basaltes given by/ various writers. They are found of an irregular form, in prisms consisting of several sides, and are of different sizes ; some being so small as to weigh no more than one ounce, while others exceed the weight of twelve pounds. The angles fit each other exactly like the basal- tes, and appear as if joined by the hand of a skilful workman. There is a brown ochreous matter found upon the surfaces of these stones, exactly like that on some of the basaltes of other countries. This ochre arises from a chemical decomposition of the stone, called by some spontaneous calcination, and by others efflo- rescence. 302 EARTHY MIXTURES. CHRYSOPRASE, Mr. Achard obtained, in the quintal of this stone, 95 parts silex, 1.7 lime, 1.2 magnesia, 0.6 copper. The decomposition is owing to the iron contained in the stones, and its calcination by air and water.* Fourcroy has improperly attributed the brown crust with which the stones are covered, to water depositing different kinds of earth between the sides of the basaltic columns ; and in Nicholson's Che- mical Dictionary f it is called cement with equal impropriety. Co- lumns of the Giant's Causeway,says the compiler of the Dictionary, fit accurately together, being, in some instances, united by a strong cement. That the brown crust which adheres to the stones, and the fine white friable matter with which you suppose the wall has been plas- tered, are owing to chemical decomposition, appears evident from the following circumstances : If the brown ochre is carefully scraped off from the stone, the surface will be found to be not of so firm a texture as' the internal part; and the white powder, brown crust, and internal part of the stone, are composed of the same principles, in nearly the same proportions. In some countries the basaltes are so much calcined as to fall to pieces on being removed.$ The regularity of the wall, and the number of small stones which appear as if slipped in between the ends of the stones, are no proofs of its being a production of art. The basaltes, in Italy, appear like piles of wood of equal thickness throughout, and extend to a consi- derable distance. Faujas Saint Fond informs us that in Scotland there is a vast ba- saltic wall perfectly straight and upright, eighty-nine feet long and twenty-five feet high. Travels, vol. ii. p. 127. The following account of the cave of Fingal, extracted from Gar- net's tour through Scotland, will shew how little the regularity of the wall contributes to prove, that it is an artificial production. " As we turned the southern point of the island of Staffa, the ba- saltic columns became vastly more regular, and the view on this side of the island was grand beyond conception : it appeared like the end of an immense cathedral, whose massy roof was supported by stu- pendous pillars, formed with all the regularity of art. Proceeding still further along the same side of the island, we had a view of Fingal's cave, one of the most magnificent sights the eye ever beheld. It appears like the inside of a cathedral, of immense size, but superior to any work of art, in grandeur and sublimity, and equal to any in regularity. Regularity is the only part in which art pretends to excel nature, but here nature has shewn, that when she pleases she can set man • II est facile de voir quecette decomposition, cettefriabilite' dependent du fer qui est contenu dans ces pierres, et de son oxidation par l'air et par l'eau. French Ency- clopedia, art. basaltes. t Ait. basaltes. , t Histeire Naturslle de la France Meridionale> torn, u, p. 52. par M. l'Abbe Giraud So.ula.vie. EARTHY MIXTURES. LAPIS LAZULI.. 303 SPECIES VII. Silex, the blue Fluate of Lime, with the Sulphate of Lime and Iron. This singular combination forms the Lapis Lazuli, or Azure Stone. at nought, and make him sensible of his own littleness. Her works are in general distinguished by a grand sublimity, in which she dis- dains the similar position of parts, called by mankind regularity, but which, in fact, may be another name, for narrowness of concep- tion and poverty of idea; but here in a playful mood, she has pro- duced a regular piece of workmanship, and on a scale so immense, as to make all the temples built by the hand of man hide their di- minished heads." Dr. Vantroil speaking on the same subject says—" This piece of nature's architecture surpasses every thing that invention, luxury or taste, ever produced among the Greeks." The small stones may have been carried down from the surface of the earth by rain, and deposited in the places where they are now found. I do not suppose that the rock which embraces the wall, and which, from the specimen you have shewn me, is granite, was formed after the wall, granite being among the first formed sub- stances in nature. The rock has probably been burst asunder by the wall, which is, perhaps, of volcanic origin. In Cronstedt's Mineralogy there is an account, by Mr. Latrobe., of a rock of granite in Upper Lusatia, which has been rent asunder by a vein of concentric basaltes. In Italy basaltes are often found resting upon a bed of granite. That there have been volcanos in North-Carolina appears from some specimens of lava sent from that part to this city. The following experiments were made in order to ascertain the component parts of the American basaltes: EXPERIMENT I. One hundred grains of the solid stone were reduced into an im- palpable powder, and boiled half an hour in half an ounce of nitric acid, diluted with one ounce of water. The whole was placed upon a filter, and distilled water was added until it passed through the filter, insipid to the taste. The powder remaining upon the filter was siliceous earth, and, when dry, weighed exactly fifty-eight grains. EXXERIMENT II. A solution of potash was added to the fluid which passed through the filter until no precipitation took place. The precipitated mat- ter was carefully wa hed in a large quantity of distilled water, and, when dried, weighed forty grains. 304 EARTHY MIXTURES. LAPIS LAZULI. Its colour is of a beautiful opaque blue, which it pre^ serves in a strong heat, and does not suffer any alteration in this respect by the contact of air. EXPERIMENT III. This dried precipitate was boiled half an hour in distilled vinegar, in order to dissolve the lime and magnesia which it might contain. The vinegar was filtered and evaporated to dryness. Diluted sul- phuric acid was added to the dry matter, in order to form selenite, or the sulphate of lime, and Epsom salt, or the sulphate of magne- sia. Distilled water was added to separate the sulphate of magne- sia from the insoluble sulphate of lime. The magnesia was precipitated by a solution of potash, and, when dried, weighed three grains. EXPERIMENT IV. That part of the dried precipitate, mentioned in the second expe- riment, which was not acted upon by the vinegar, weighed twenty- nine grains. It was dissolved in diluted nitric acid, and a solution of the prussiate of potash was added until no precipitation took place. The prussiate of iron was separated by a filter, boiled in a solution of potash, washed well with distilled water, and dried, when it weigh- ed ten grains. EXPERIMENT V. A solution of potash was added to the filtered liquor of the last experiment, until no precipitation took place. The precipitate, which was alumine, was well washed in distilled water, and, when dry, weighed sixteen grains. The proportions of the ingredients composing the American ba- saltes, from these experiments, are fifty-eight parts of siliceous earth, sixteen of argillaceous, three of magnesia, and ten of iron, which, added together, make eighty-seven. Counting two grains lost in the first experiment, and five in the other, we will have nine- ty-four grains, which, with six allowed for the lime, will make one hundred grains. One hundred grains of the white friable matter called cement, and the same quantity of the ochreous crust, were subjected to the •same kind of experiments, and gave the following result: Silex. Alumine. Lime. Mag. Iron. Loss. White friable powder, 55 16 5 3 12 9 Brown ochreous crust, 54 15 6 3 11 11 Powdered stone, 58 16 6 3 10 7 Upon comparing this analysis with those of Bergmann, Mongez, and Faujas de Saint Fond, no great difference will be found in the proportion of the ingredients composing the American basaltes and thoce of other countries. EARTHY MIXTURES. FELD SPAR. 305 The powder of this stone makes a slight effervescence with acids; but after calcination it forms a jelly with acids, without exhibiting any previous effervescence. The powder of this stone forms the valuable colour known by the name of Ultramarine. The price of this colour is proportioned to its intensity; and its value is accordingly least when it is mixed with pyrites, because these bodies diminish the vivacity of its colour. This stone affords water by calcination, and when dis- tilled with the muriate of ammoniac, it forms martial flovvvrs; which proves, according to Mr. Sage, that its colour is owing to iron. The azure stone is fused by a strong heat into a whitish glass; and by the assistance of oxigene it forms a white transparent globule inclining to green, without internal bubbles, and not obedient to the magnet. The specific gravity of the lapis lazuli Of Siberia is 29,454.—See Brisson. Plates of the lapis lazuli may be seen upon almost all richly decorated altars; it is likewise made into toys. Margraff obtained from this stone calcareous earth, gypsum, iron, and silex. Mr. Rinnmann has discovered that it contains the fluoric acid. SPECIES VIII. r Silex, Alumine, Barytes, and Magnesia. This stone is known by the names of Feld Spar, Rhom- boidal Quartz, Spathum scintillans, Petuntze. It very frequently forms one of the principles of gra- nite, and the crystals, which are found separate, arise from the decomposition of this primitive rock. Analysis by Bergmann, Mongez, Faujas de Saint Fond: Silex, 52 56 46 Argillaceous earth, 15 15 30 Lime, 8 4 10 Iron, 25 25 8 Magnesia; 0 0 6 100 100 100 Qq 306 EARTHY MIXTURES. EELD SPAR. The texture of feld spar is close, lamellated, and it is less hard than quartz. It fuses without addition into a whitish glass. I have nevertheless observed a very great variety in the feld spars, with regard to their habitude in the fire. That of A- venne, which is in the form of whitish crystals mixed with quartz, afforded me a transparent glass of extreme hardness by the simple addition of one-third of lime: whereas that of Esperon,. treated in the same manner, did not exhibit the smallest sign of fusion. The specific gravity of white feld spar is 25,9 '.5.— See Brisson. Feld spar exhibits several varieties in its form and co- lour.. Most of the pieces of feld spar inclosed in granite have a rhomboidal form; and when this primitive rock be- comes decomposed, the crystals of feld spar are detached, and remain confounded with the rubbish. The granites of our province, almost all of them, contain these cry- stals, some of which are an inch and a half in diameter. Feld spar has been found crystallized in tetrahedral prisms, terminating in pyramids with four sides. I possess some specimens of feld spar of Auvergne, whose tetrahedral prisms are flattened and terminated by a dihedral summit. , The principal shades of colour in feld spar are white, rose-colour, and chatoyant, or of changeable colours. The white transparent feld spar is very rare ; there is a piece in the Royal Cabinet of the mineral School, which comes from Mount St. Gothar. One hundred parts of white feld spar contain about sixty-seven silex, fourteen alumine, eleven barytes, and eight magnesia. The rose-coloured feld spar is not very scarce. Our mountains exhibit much of It. It abounds with iron, which is in the state of ochre. Some experiments have shewn me that this variety is more fusible than the others. My analyses have even exhibited a larger portion of mag- nesia ; and its consistence appears to me to be less firm than that of other specimens. Feld spar is composed of rhomboidal lamins, which give it the property of exhibiting various colours, in a EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 307 •greater or less degree. Large pieces of feld spar have been found on the northern coast of Labrador, worn down by the waters into a round form, of a blueish grey ■colour, and exhibiting the most agreeable change of co- lours, according to the variation of position. The co- lours are a beautiful celestial blue, shaded with green. This stone is known by the name of Labrador Stone. Granites are .frequently found, in which the feld spar ex- hibits its changeable colours without being wrought* CLASS ILL Concerning the Mixtures of Stones among each other. Stony Mixtures. Rocks. The mixture of the primitive earths with each other form the stones we have hitherto treated of; and these stones, united and connected together, or as it were join- ed by a cement, constitute the numerous class of peb- bles or stones, concerning which we shall proceed to treat. It is evidently seen that the mixture of various stones has been produced, -either by revolutions which have reversed and confounded the whole surface of coun- tries, or by the action of waters, which have successively formed the strata of rounded flints spread over the sur- face of the globe, and have afterwards deposited in their interstices that earthy matter wliich has connected them together. These mixtures have afterwards acquired a degree of hardness; and at length appeared to form one single substance. We shall establish our genera upon the presence of such stones as predominate-; and the species will be de- duced from the variety of stones mixed with that which determines the -genus. * Beautiful red, white, and green feld spar is found accompa nying quartz in this country. A great many varieties of quartz are found in the United States. It composes part of the granites of New-York, and is found of a white and red colour.. There is a variety of a dark blue colour, found near West-Chester, Pennsylvania,—Am. Ed. 30$ EARTHY MIXTURES. STONll GENUS I. Rocks formed by the Mixture of Calcareous Stones with other Species. Though the basis of calcareous stones enters into the composition of the greater part of lithologic substances, we find few rocks which can be ranged in this class. SPECIES I. Carbonate of Lime, and Sulphate of Barytes. Mr. Kirwan observed compound stones in Derbyshire, formed of chalk intermixed with nodules of ponderous spar. SPECIES II. Carbonate of Lime and Mica. The green marble or Cipolin of Autun is of this kind. It is composed of eighty-three parts carbonate of lime, twelve green mica, and one iron.—Journal de Physique, t. xii. page 55. Calcareous stones are found in Italy, which exhibit brilliant specks of mica, and are known by the name of Masigno. SPECIES III. Mixtures of Calcareous and Magnesian Stones. Sulphate of lime, fluate of lime, and carbonate of lime, are found mixed with steatites, serpentine, talk, amian- thus, and asbestos. Such is, for example, the white mar- ble interspersed with spots of steatites, and described by Cronstadt. KARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 309 SPECIES IV. Calcareous Stones, and Fragments of Quartz. Quartz is sometimes found in calcareous cement. Swe- den and Siberia exhibit several marbles which give fire with the steel. The calcareous grit, so common in the southern part of our kingdom, is of this species. The sand is composed of fi*agments of quartzose flints, round- ed and connected by a calcareous gluten or cement. By digestion of grit-stone in an acid, the calcareous cement becomes dissolved, and the proportion which the sand bears to the whole may then be easily determined. This grit-stone is seldom hard enough to be used in building, or in paving. At Nemours, and at Fontainbleau, this stone has been found crystallized in perfect rhomboides: the cabinets of naturalists are enriched with superb samples of this kind. Lime-stone has likewise been found serving as a ce- ment for feld spar, schorl, &c.; but this is somewhat rare. Mr. De Saussure has described a stone whose elements are quartz and spar. Our shores afford pebbles of hard marble of a light- grey colour, interspersed with feld spaitand quartz.—See Dorthes. GENUS II. Compound Stones formed by the Mixture of Barytic Stones with other Stones. As ponderous spar is of considerable scarcity, and is almost always found alone, this genus will not be nume- rous. 310 EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. SPECIES I. Ponderous Spar mixed with a small quantity of Calca- reous Spar. The diocesses of Alais and of Uzes afforded me this species; and I have myself observed in the latter rhom- boids of calcareous spar, so well mixed with the laminae of ponderous spar, that it is impossible to separate them without destroying the stone. It was among the veins of ponderous spar which are found on the road from Portes to Alais, that I saw this mixture. SPECIES II. Ponderous Spar and Serpentine. Mr. Kirwan describes a species of serpentine with spots of barytes. SPECIES III. Ponderous Spar and Fluor Spar. The ponderous spar of Auvergne is mixed with flubr spar: I have many specimens of this. SPECIES IV. Ponderous Spar and Indurated Clay. This is the Kros-stein of the Germans. The clay which forms the ground is grey, and includes a ponderous spar of a white colour, which is disposed in this clay in the form of veins, that might be taken at first sight for vermiculites, or in general, for the remains of some or- ganized substances. This stone is found at Bochnia in Poland. EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 311 SPECIES- V. Ponderous Spar and Quartz. I have in my collection several specimens, in which the ponderous spar is disposed in stars upon a matrix of the nature of silex. SPECIES VI. Ponderous Spar and Lava. The extinct volcanos of the diocess of Beziers have af- forded me lavas, partly decomposed, whose surface exhi- bits radii of ponderous spar, which, at first sight I took to be zeolite. r GENUS III. Rocks or Stones formed by the Mixture of Magnesian Stoneswith other Kinds, SPECIES I. Magnesian Stones mixed together. The same rock often exhibits the various known mag- nesian stones in contact with each other. Thus we see the asbestos placed beside the amianthus, the serpentine in contact with the asbestos, the steatites in contact with talk. i SPECIES II. Magnesian Stones and Calcareous Stones. The serpentine has been found spotted with calcareous spar, and gypsum. 312 EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. SPECIES III. Magnesian Stones and Aluminous Stones. Steatites is frequently mixed with clay. Its fibres are found bedded in an argillaceous substance. Steatites and serpentine are sometimes mixed with schistus. SPECIES IV. Magnesian Stones and Siliceous Stones. Serpentine is found mixed with veins of quartz, feld spar, schorl, he. Asbestos and amianthus are often confounded, and sometimes incorporated in quartz and rock-crystal. Mr. De Saussure has described a compound stone, of which the quartz is white, and the steatites green. At Sterzing in Tryol, is found a rock formed by schorl and serpentine. In the county of Mansfield in Saxony, a rock has been discovered, composed of jasper and asbestos. GENUS IV. Rocks or Stones formed by the Mixture of Aluminous Stones with other Species. SPECIES I. Schistus ana1 Mica. This mixture forms several primitive mountains. The mica is sometimes in plates of a certain thickness, but most commonly in small fragments; and the stone assumes a brilliant argentine appearance, which renders these stones agreeable to die sight. In this last case, the stone is nearly white, sonorous, and splits into leaves; whereas it is EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 313 "blackish, and less hard, wjien the mica is dispersed through it in large grains. These kinds of micaceous schisti do not become spon- taneously decomposed. They differ essentially from the pyritous schistus, wjiose formation appears to be posterior to that of the present species. ♦ This micaceous schistus is a primitive stone. It does not include minerals, or at least very rarely^ and it is not spontaneously decomposed. SPECIES II. Schistus and Garnet The schistus freqiiendy contains garnets, which rise in protuberances in its texture, and separate its strata from each other. The garnet is crystallized, and one would be disposed to affirm that this stone had increased, and al- most vegetated, in the other, which serves as its covering. It is probable that the garnet has been enveloped by this paste of schistuss or that it was formed while the stone was still almost in the fluid state. I found this schistus filled with garnets in the bed of the - *iver Bramabiou, in the diocese of Alais. SPECIES III. Schistus, Mica, and Quartz, mixed in small Fragments, The Germans call this compound stone by the name of Gneiss. It deserves to be included among the quartzose and siliceous stones; but as it nearly approaches the pri- mitive schisti we have just treated of, we shall follow the natural method in classing it here. The texture of this stone varies greatly. It sometimes forms a rock in which neither ground nor fibres can be dis- tinguished; in other specimens it appears to be divided into filaments twisted in a thousand manners, and it fre- quentiy exhibits a lamellated hard texture. It is found in large masses of a greyish-green colour, with its surface shiSng, and polished like the slate; and Kr 314 EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. it appears to be merely a fine-grained granite, the minute- ness of whose parts has suffered them to take the foliated form of the schistus. Mr. Weigleb has analyzed that of Friburg. SPECIES IV. Schistus and Schorl. The mixture of these two stones is common enough. The schorl is sometimes dispersed in very minute fila- ments, which give a blackish tinge to the mass. Its form is often prismatic; in which case the fibres of the schis- tus, and the long crystals of the schorl form the prism by their reunion. A schistus has been found in the Pyrenean mountains, in which the schorl is spread from space to space in the form of oblong bodies, and equally dispersed over the whole mass. SPECIES V. Clay and Quartz. This constitutes the argillaceous grit-stone, or the stone in which fragments of quartz are united together by an ar- gillaceous gluten. Several varieties of grit-stone may be distinguished. It is often found in irregular, coarse, and compact masses, which are made into mill-stones, or used for paving, &c. The magnitude of the fragments of quartz renders the surface more or less rugged; and it is this which renders it proper for certain operations of trituration. When its grain is finer, it is made into grind-stones. It is by virtue of their quartzous principles that grindstones emit such numerous sparks, when struck with the steel, or when they are moved with rapidity against any tool of that metal. Argillaceous grit-stone is sometimes of a scaly texture: the Cos Turcica of Wallerius, and the stone used for shar- pening scythes, are of this kind, fcARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 315 Fine grit-stone, composed of impalpable particles, is known by the name of Tripoli, from the part of Africa whence it first came. It is now found in Rouergue, in Britanny, Germany, and elsewhere. The porous grit-stone called Filtering-stone, on account of its use, is of the same nature. Quartz is sometimes mixed with mica. Our province contains it in various places. The mica is likewise found mixed, 1. With feld spar, according to Ferber and Kirwan. 2. With schorl, at Mont hykie in Dalecarlia, in Sweden, and at Sterzing in Tyrol. 3. With garnets, at Paternion in Carinthia, and at the Carpathian mountains in Hungary. 4. With garnet and schorl, at Greyner.—See Muller. 5. With quartz, feld spar, and schorl. This composi- tion forms one of the most common granites. The mixture of these stones, varied in the proportion of their principles or elements, forms the numerous va- riety of granites: and several colours likewise modify them exceedingly. GENUS V. Compound Stones formed by the Mixture and Re-union of Quartzose Stones with each other. SPECIES I. Quartz and Schorl. The quartz is, in general, white in this stone, and the schorl of various colours. Some of the paving-stones of London are of this sort, according to Kirwan. The schorl is likewise found in crystals within the quartz. 316 EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES* SPECIES II. Quartz and Feld Spar. A stone of this nature was brought me from the neigh- bourhood of Avenes. The mpuntain from whish the spe - cimen was detached, contains about one third of quartz. The rest of the rock consists of rhomboidal feld spar, of no great firmness of texture, and constantly exhibiting the rhombus in its fracture. I possess a very fine specimen of a similar rock, which was sent me from Fahlun in Dalecarlia. SPECIES III. Grit-stone and Garnet. I have received from the mines of Tallard, near Gap in Dauphiny, grit-stones with garnets of one or two lines in diameter interspersed. These garnets are dispersed through the whole mass, at the distance of three or four lines from each other., SPECIES IV. Quartz, Feld Spar, and Schorl. This mixture is common, and forms great part of the granites on our globe. The proportion of the elements of this rock vary great- ly, but the forms of the stones which compose it are not less variable. The schorl is frequently crystallized in prisms; the feld spar almost always exhibits rhomboidal laminae, on breaking the stone; the quartz very seldom exhibits determinate figures, but it has nevertheless been found in superb crystals at Alenr/on and elsewhere. The colour of these stones, likewise, exhibits an infinity of shades. The schorli is usually black; but it is some- times found green, and even white, as in some granites EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 517 brought from Spain. The feld spar is commonly of an ash grey; but it has been observed of a flesh-colour, of a milk-white, of a dull red, &c. The most common ap- pearance of the quartz is, that of a fat and vitreous sub- stance. It is sometimes black. SPECIES V. Fragments of Quartz united by a Siliceous Cement. We may here class the quartzose plum-pudding stones. The cement which unites these pebbles of quartz, which are commonly rounded, is the paste of petro-silex. Some of these pudding-stones are so compact, and their fracture is so uniform, that they are capable of the most beautiful polish, and produce a very happy effect by the variety of colour of the several flints connected by the same gluten. SPECIES VI. Jasper and Feld Spar, This rock is known by the name of Porphyry. The jasper composes the ground, and the feld spar is inter- spersed in small needles, or in flat parallelopipedons. The colour of porphyry varies prodigiously. The feld spar, which enters into its composition, is either white, or yellowish, or red; but the name of the porphyry is always dependant on the colour of the jasper. The jasper is some- times green and sometimes black, and in some instances red; which establishes a great number of varieties. As this stone is susceptible of the most beautiful polish, it has been employed as an ornament; and our temples, as well as private houses, are decorated with it. Mr. Ferber found in Tyrol porphyry in prismatic co- lumns, resembling that of basaltes; a circumstance which affords a further degree of probability to the opinion of such as have considered porphyry to be a volcanic pro- duction. Porphyry is found in Egypt, in Italy, in Germany, in Sweden, in France, &c. Mr. Dorthes has brought, from 318 EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. various mountains in Auvergne, specimens of porphyric basaltes in tables and in masses, containing crystals of feld spar, well formed, and little altered. He observed that the rocks of Chevenon, an ancient convent of Gramontin, at the distance of one league from Artonne in Auvergne, were very beautiful porphyry. Mr. Guettard found it likewise in the forest of Esterelle in Provence. Mr. Dorthes has described more than twenty varieties of porphyry thrown up in pebbles by the Mediterranean upon our coasts, whither they are brought by the Rhone. In many of these are found transparent quartz with the prismatic form, and crystallized feld spar. Porphyry fuses into a black globule, marked with white points. The specific gravity of red porphyry is 27,651, and that of green, 26,760.—Brisson. Porphyry sometimes contains schorl. Wallerius has de- scribed it "Porphir rubens, cum spatho scintillante albo, et basalto nigro." SPECIES VII. Jasper and Garnet. This stone has been discovered in Iceland; the ground is a green jasper, which includes ferruginous garnets crys- tallized, and of a red colour. SPECIES VIII. Jasper and Calcedony. The Mountain of Giants, in Bohemia, affords this stone. It has likewise been found in the Carpathian mountains, near Kaskau in Hungary. A stone has likewise been ob- served at Oberstein, in the Palatinate, composed of agate and jasper. EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 319 SPECIES IX. Jasper and Quartz. This compound stone, called Saxum Sibericum by Linnaeus, has been found in Siberia, and also near Stut- gard in the Dutchy of Wirtemburg. SPECIES X. Jasper, Quartz, and Feld Spar. This stone is found in the environs of Geneva. Its ground is a jasper, or rather a petro-silex, black, opaque, and very hard. This matrix is interspersed with small rectangular crystals of white feld spar, and rounded grains of transparent quartz. Mr. De Saussure, who has de- scribed this species, places it among the porphyries. SPECIES XI. Schorl, Garnet, and Tourmaline. Mr. Muller has discovered in Schneeburg, a mountain of the territory of Sterzing in Tyrol, a rock of this kind, containing large crystals of tourmaline, which include small crystallized garnets, transparent, and of a red colour. Mr. Ferber affirms that he found between Faistritz and Carnowitz in Stiria, detached pieces of green schorl, which inclose large red garnets: he adds, that this schorl is sometimes scaly, and of a micaceous texture. Mr. de Saussure has found in the environs of Geneva, stones worn round by water, which were composed of schorl in the mass, and garnet. The Mediterranean Sea throws up on our coast many varieties of rounded pebbles of porphyry, which have schorl for tiieir basis. 320 EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. GENUS VI. Super-compound Stones, or such as result from the Mix- iure and Re-union of several different Genera. SPECIES I. Petrosilex, Alumine, and Calcareous Spar. This stone is found at Schneeburg in Saxony. SPECIES II. Clay, Steatites, and Calcareous Spar. This species, as well as the two following, are com- prised under the name of Saxa Glandulosa. The steatites, the spar, and the other substances are dispersed in the matter which forms the ground of this rock. SPECIES III. Clay, Zeolite, Schorl, and Calcareous Spar, SPECIES IV. Clay, Serpentine, and Calcareous Spar, SPECIES V. Serpentine, Mica, and Calcareous Spar. Mr. Ferber has described this last species under the name of Polzevera; a denomination suggested to him by the place where it is found. See his Letters on Italy, EARTHY MIXTURES. STONES. 3.21 SPECIES VI. Serpentine, Schorl, and Calcareous Stone. This stone surrounds the veins of the mine of St. Si- mon'and Jude, at Dognasta, in the Bannat of Temesward: it is likewise found in the copper mines of Saska; and at Hoferschlag, near Schemnitz, in Lower Hungary. SPECIES VII. Steatites, Mica, and Garnets. This stone is found at Handol in Jempterland, towards the north of Sweden.r—Born. Ind. Foss. par. ii. SPECIES VIII. Steatites, Mica, and Schorl. • This stone was found at Salbury in Westmanland, a province of Sweden.—Born. Ind. Foss. par. ii. SPECIES IX. Garnets, Quartz, Mica, and Serpentine. This contains a small quantity of pyrites. It is found at Pusterthal in Tyrol.—See Bruckman. SPECIES X. Feld Spar, Quartz, Mica, Steatites. Several granites are formed by a mixture of this nature. Such are found at Sunneskog in Sweden, and at Guten Hoffnangsban near Altwoschitz in Bohemia: it is the^ra- nites steatite mixtus of Born. SPECIES XI. Quartz, Mica, and Clay. This rock is the matrix of the ore of tin at Platte, and at Gottesgab in Bohemia. Ss THE DIAMONEi SPECIES XII. Quartz, Clay, and Steatites. This is found at Mount St. Gothard in Switzerland". Concerning the Diamond. The Diamond forms an appendix to the history of stones. Its combustibility is a character which prevents its being assimilated to any known species. The diamond was long considered as the hardest and most ponderous of stones, as well as the only one which did not cause a double refraction; but subsequent obser- vations have destroyed these early notions. The adaman- tine spar appears to equal it in hardness; the oriental ruby, and the jargon of Ceylon, are more ponderous; and the oriental precious stones exhibit one refraction only, as does likewise the phosphoric spar. This precious stone is found on the coast of Coroman- del, and principally in the kingdoms of Golconda and Vi- sapour. The earth which serves as its gangue is red, ochreous, and soils the fingers. The general process of exploring the diamond mines or earths, consists in mixing the earth with water, after which the fluid is poured off, and the sand which remains at the bottom is dried by the strong heat of the sun.—See the memoirs of the Comte Marechal. Other naturalists inform us that, when the earths have been washed; the residue is left to dry, and is sifted in baskets made for the purpose. The workmen afterwards seek for the diamonds with their hands. Diamonds in their native state are covered with two crusts; the one earthy, and the other sparry.—Rome de Lisle. When lapidaries undertake to work them, they are obliged to find the grain of the stone, in order to split or THE DIAMOND. 323 •cleave the diamond. If the fracture be not uniform, they call the stone a diamond of nature. The hardness of the diamond is such, that it resists the most highly polished steel; which circumstance renders it necessary to attack it by diamond powder. The manner or form in which diamonds are cut, dis- tinguishes them into rose diamonds, and brilliants, or bril- liant diamonds. The brilliant diamond is cut into facets on both sides. The variety of forms given to these fa- cets, and their different inclinations with respect to each other, multiply the refractions, and contribute to afford those reflections, and streams of pure and vivid light, which characterize the diamond. The diamond is divided into two kinds; the oriental diamond, and the Brazilian diamond. The oriental diamond crystallizes in octahedrons, and exhibits all the varieties of this primitive form. The Brazilian diamond crystallizes in dodecahedrons, It is neither so hard, so heavy, so perfect, nor so valuable, as the oriental diamond. The colourless diamond has a specific gravity which is in proportion to that of water as 35,212 to 10,000. Mr. Brisson has derived this specific gravity from an experi- ment on the Pitt diamond of the French crown. A cubic foot of this diamond would weigh two hundred and forty- six livres, seven ounces, five gross, sixty-nine grains. The diamond is sometimes coloured green, violet, black, &c. The green are the most esteemed, because they are the most scarce. The weight of coloured dia- monds is more considerable than that of the white dia- mond; because it is augmented by the weight of the co- louring principle, which is of a metallic nature. The brilliancy, hardness, and scarcity of the diamond have preserved it in the most extravagant degree of esti- mation. A diamond is said to be of a fine water when it presents no defect or spot; and die price is proportioned to its purity. When a diamond is without fault, its value is estimated according to its weight; which is determined or divided into carats, each carat being equivalent to about four igrains. 324 THE DIAMOND. The most beautiful diamonds hitherto known are—1. The two in the crown of the King of France; one of which is die Grand Sancy, weighing one hundred and six carats; and the other the Pitt, which weighs seven gross, twenty- five grains and one-sixteenth. It is fourteen lines long, thirteen and a half broad, and nine and one-third thick. 2. The diamond which at present belongs to the Czarina weighs seven hundred and seventy-nine carats. The Em- press purchased it in 1772 for twelve tons of gold (100,000 florins), and granted a pension of four thousand rubles to the seller. It is pretended that this fine diamond was one of those which ornamented the eyes of the famous statue Scheringham, which has eight eyes and four heads; and that it was carried off by a French deserter who had pro- cured himself to be appointed as a guard to the temple of Brama. This diamond was at first sold for fifty thou- sand livres, afterwards for about four hundred thousand livres, and was at length purchased by the Empress of Russia. The combustibility of the diamond is a phenomenon sufficiently interesting to induce us to give a faithful ex- tract of the principal experiments which have served to ad- vance our knowledge upon this subject. Boyle observed, long since, that the diamond, exposed to a violent fire, emitted acrid vapours. The Emperor Francis the First caused crucibles to be exposed to a reverberatory fire for twenty-four hours, into wliich vessels the value of six thousand florins in diamonds and rubies were put. The diamonds disappeared, but the rubies were not altered. These experiments were re- peated with great expense; and it was ascertained that the diamond lost its polish, scaled off, and was dissipated. The Great Duke of Tuscany, in 1694, caused experi- ments to be made by Mr. Averoni and Targioni, by the mirror of Tschirnausen, and it was found that the diamonds disappeared in a few minutes. In 1772, these experiments were resumed by the skil- ful chemists of Paris—Darcet, the Comte de Laraguais, Cadet, Lavoisier, Mitouard, Macquer, &c. The details of the interesting experiments made on this subject may be seen in the volumes of the Academy of Sciences, and the Journaux de Physique of that year. We shall simply relate the results. THE DIAMOND. 325 1. Messrs. Darcet and the Comte de Laraguais proved that the diamond is volatilized in balls of porcelain. 2. Mr. Macquer took notice that the diamond dilated and swelled up; and that a blue flame was observable on its surface during the combustion. 3. Messrs. Lavoisier and Cadet proved, that the combus- tion of diamonds in closed vessels ceased as soon as the oxigene was destroyed; and that the diamond did not burn but in proportion to the oxigene present, like all other combustible substances. The jewellers, who expose their diamonds to very violent fires to render them colourless, are careful to wrap them up in such a manner as to secure them from the contact of air. Mr. De Saussure burned a diamond by the blow-pipe: Mr. Lavoisier has proved that, when it is exposed to the burning glass, a dust arises which precipitates lime-water. The diamond is therefore a combustible substance, which burns in the same manner as other bodies. This strict and accurate consequence is deduced from all the experi- ments which can be imagined to acquire a perfect demon- stration. Within a few years chemists have discovered a very singular stone, to which the name of Adamantine Spar has been given by Bergmann. It is black, and so hard that its powder may be used to cut the diamond; from which circumstance it has obtained its name. It crystallizes in hexahedral or six-sided prisms, two of which are large and four small. Its specific gravity is 38,732 with respect to water, which is assumed at 10,000. See Brisson.—The cubic foot weighs two hundred and seventy-one livres, one ounce, seven gross, sixty three grains. The most violent fire produces only a slight softening of this spar, according to the experiments of Mr. Lavoi- sier. The analysis made by Mr. Klaproth of this stone, has exhibited a peculiar earth, which is suspected to be like- wise one of the principles of precious stones, &c. 326 G.EOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. GENERAL VIEWS RESPECTING The Decompositions and Changes to which the Stony Part of our Globe has been subjected. IF it were permitted to man to follow, during several ages, the various changes which are produced on the surface of our globe by the numerous agents that alter it, we should at this time have been in possession of the most valuable information respecting these great phenomena : but thrown, as we are, almost by accident, upon a small point of this vast theatre of observation, we fix our at- tention for a moment upon operations which have em- ployed the works of Rature for ages; and we are unable either to perceive or to foretel the results, because seve- ral ages are scarcely sufficient to render the effects or changes perceptible. Nature never ceases to exist: her activity has been coeval with the existence of matter; her operations are not circumscribed within limited times; she disposes of whole ages in the arrangement of her combinations; while man can command no more than a few instants, and himself disappears at the moment wherein he has proceeded so far as to connect a few facts together. Hence, no doubt, it arises, that nature is incomprehensi- ble in some of her operations, and inimitable in all those which require a long series of time. It must be allowed that those men who, by the mere efforts of their imagination, have endeavoured to form ideas respecting the consunction, and the great pheno- mena of this globe, have numerous titles to our indul- gence. In their proceedings we behold the efforts of ge- nius, tormented with the desire of acquiring knowledge, and irritated at the prospect of the scanty means which nature has put in its power: and when these naturalists, such as Mr. De Buffon. have possessed the power of em- GEOLOGICAL OFSERVATIONS. 327 bellishing their hypotheses with every ornament which imagination and eloquence can furnish, either as instru- ments of illusion or entertainment, we ought to consider ourselves indebted to them. For our part, we shall confine ourselves to exhibit a few ideas respecting the successive decompositions of our planet, and shall endeavour to avoid every departure from observation and matter of fact. The slightest observation shews us that living beings are kept up and perpetuated only by successive decom- positions and combinations.. A slight view of the mine- ral kingdom exhibits the same changes; and our globe, in all its productions, presents continual modifications, and a circle of activity, which might appear incompatible with the apparent inertia of lithologic products. In order to arrange our ideas with greater regularity 7 we may consider this globe in two different states. We will first examine the primitive rock which forms the no- dule or central part. This appears to contain no germ of life, includes no remains or part of any living being, and from every circumstance appears to have been of primi- tive formation, anterior to the creation of animated or ve- getating bodies. We shall pursue the various changes which are daily produced by the destructive action of such agents as alter or modify this substance. We shall then proceed to examine what stones have been successively placed upon this, and what are the de- compositions to which these secondary rocks have been subjected. 1. The observations of naturalists all unite to prove, that the central part of the globe consists of the stone known by the name of Granite. The profound excava- tions which the art of man, or currents of water, have made in the surface of our planet, have all uncovered this rock, and have been incapable of penetrating lower: we may therefore consider this substance as the nucleus of the globe; and upon this substance it is that all matters of posterior formation rest Granite exhibits many varieties in its form, composi- tion, and disposition; but it in general consists of an as- semblage of certain siliceous stones, such as quartz, schorl, feld spar, mica, &c.; and die more or less considerable 328 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. magnitude of these elements of granite, has caused it to be divided into coarse-grained granite, and fine-grained granite. It appears to me that there is no denying but that these rocks owe their arrangement to water : and if we may be permitted to recur, by an effort of die imagination*, to that epocha in which, according to sacred and profane historians, the water and earth were confounded, and the confused mixture of all principles formed a chaos, we shall see that the laws of gravity inherent in matter must have carried it down, and necessarily produced the ar- rangement which observation at present exhibits to us. The wrater, as the least heavy, must have purified itself, and arisen to the surface by a filtration through the other materials : while the earthy principles must have precipi- tated, and formed a mud, in which all the elements of stones were confounded. In this very natural order of things, the general law of affinities, which continually tends to bring together all analogous parts, must have ex- erted itself with its whole activity upon the principles of this almost fluid paste ; and the result must have been a number of bodies of a more definite kind, in crystals more or less regular: and from this muddy substance, in which the principles of the stones were confounded that compose the granite, a rock must have been pro- duced, containing the elementary stones all in possession of their distinct forms and characters. In this manner it is that we observe salts of very different kinds develop themselves in waters which hold them in solution; and in this manner it still happens that crystals of spar and gypsum are formed in clays which contain their compo- nent parts. It may easily be conceived that the laws of gravitation must have influenced the arrangement and disposition of the products! The most gross and heavy bodies must have fallen, and the lightest and most attenuated sub- * This is the first and the last supposition in which I shall indulge myself. It is a conjecture, however, which is indifferent with re- spect to the basis of the subject itself; since it relates only to an hy- pothesis respecting the manner in which a rock might be formed that at present exists, and whose decompositions alone can form the subject tsf- our observations. GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 329 stances must have arranged themselves on the surface of the foregoing : and this it is which constitutes the primi- tive schisti, the gneis, the rocks of mica, &c. which commonly repose upon masses of coarse-grained granite. The disposition of the fine-grained granite in strata or beds, appears to me to depend on this position, and the fineness or tenuity of its parts. Being placed in imme- diate contact with water, this fluid must naturally have influenced the arrangement which it presents to us ; and the elements of this rock being subjected tothe effect of waves, and the action of currents, must have formed strata. The rocks of granite being once established as the nu- cleus of our globe, we may, from the analysis of its con- stituent principles, and by attending to the action of the various agents capable of altering it, follow the degrada- tions to which it has been subjected, step by step. Water is the principal agent whose effects we shall ex- amine. This fluid, collected in the cavity of the ocean, is car- ried by the winds to the tops of the most elevated moun- tains, where it is precipitated in rain, and forms torrents, which return with various degrees of rapidity into the common reservoir. This uninterrupted motion and fall must gradually at- tenuate and wear away the hardest rocks, and cany their pulverulent parts to distances more or less considerable. The action of the air, and varying temperatures of the atmosphere, facilitate the attenuation and the destruction of these rocks. Heat dries their surface, and renders it more accessible and more penetrable to the water which succeeds; cold divides them, by freezing the water which has entered into their texture; the air itself affords the carbonic acid, which attacks the lime-stone, and causes it to effloresce ; the oxigene unites to the iron, and cal- cines it: insomuch that this concurrence of causes .fa- vours the disunion of principles; and consequentiy the action of water, which clears the surface, carries away the products of decomposition, and makes preparation for a succeeding process of the same nature. The first effect of the rain is therefore to depress the mountains. But the stones which compos* them must Tt 3*30 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. resist in proportion to their hardness; and we ought not to be suq^rised when we observe peaks which have braved the destructive action of time, and still remain to attest the primitive level of the mountains which have disap- peared. The primitive rocks, alike inaccessible to the injury of ages as to the animated beings which cover less elevated mountains with their remains, may be considered as the source or origin of rivers and streams. The wa- ter which falls on their summits, flows down in torrents by their lateral surfaces. In its course it wears away the soil upon which it incessantly acts. It hollows out a bed, of a depth proportioned to the rapidity of its course, the quantity of its waters, and the hardness of the rock over which it flows ; at the same time that it carries along with it portions and fragments of such stones as it loosens in its course. These stones, rolled along by the water, must strike together, and break off their projecting angles : a process that must quickly have afforded those rounded flints which form the pebbles of rivers. These pebbles are found to curnmish in size, in proportion to the distance from the mountain which affords them; and it is to this cause that Mr. Dorthes has referred the disproportionate magnitude of the pebbles which form our ancient worn stones, when compared with those of modern date : for the sea extend- ing itself formerly much more inland, in the direction of the Rhone, the stones which it received from the rivers, and threw back again upon the shores, had not run through so long a space in their beds as those which they at pre- sent pass over. Thus it is that the remains of the Alps,, carried along by the Rhone, have successively covered the vast interval comprised between the mountains of Dauphiny and Vivarais; and are carried into our seas, which deposite them in small pebbles on the shore. The pulverulent remains of mountains, or the powder which results from the rounding of these' flints, are car- ried along with greater facility than the flints themselves : they float for a long time in the water, whose transparence they impair; and when these same waters are less agi- tated, and their course, becomes slackened, they are de- posited in a fine and light paste, forming beds more or fess thick, and of the same nature as that of die rocks to GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 331 "which they owe their origin. These strata gradually he- come drier by the agglutination of their principles ; they become consistent, acquire hardness, and form siliceous clays, silex, petrosilex, and all the numerous class of peb- bles which are found dispersed in strata, or in banks, in the ancient beds of rivers. Mr. Pallas has observed the transition of clay to the state of silex in the brook of Sunghir, near Wolodimir. Mr. J. W. Baumer has likewise observed it in Upper Hesse. The "mud is much more frequently deposited in the in- terstices left between the rounded flints themselves, which intervals it fills, and there forms a true cement that be- comes hard, and constitutes the compound stones known by the name of pudding-stones and grit-stones; for these two kinds of stone do not appear to me to differ but in the coarseness of the grain which forms them, and the ce- ment which connects diem together. We sometimes observe the granite spontaneously de- composed. The texture of the stones which form it has been destroyed; the principles or component parts are disunited and separated, and they are gradually carried away by the waters. I have observed near Mende, to- wards Castlenouvel, the most beautiful kaolin on the sur- face of a granite, in a state of decomposition; and this same rock is decomposed in several other parts of our province. It appeared to me that the feld spar wras parti- cularly subject to be altered the first. Most siliceous stones, formed by the deposition of flu- viatile waters, and hardened by the lapse of time, are easily subjected to a second decomposition. Iron is the princi- pal agent of these secondary alterations; and its calcina- tion, determined by air or water, produces a disunion of principles. Nature may be observed in this process, by an attentive examination of such alterations as gun flints* variolites, porphyries, jaspers, and die like, are subjected to. The decomposition of flints, calcedonies, agates, and ge- nerally all stones of this kind which possess a certain de- gree of transparence, appears to me to be referable to the volatilization of the water, which forms one of their prin- ciples, and is the cause of their transparency. 332 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. These stones may be considered as commencements of crystallization; and, when the water is dissipated, they ef- floresce after the manner of certain neutral salts. Hence it arises that the decomposition is announced by opacity, a white colour, loss of consistence and hardness; and termi- nates by forming a very attenuated powder, sometimes of extreme whiteness. It is this decomposition, more parti- cularly, which forms clays. There are flints whose alterations form effervescent marls. These do not appear to me to be of the nature of primitive rocks: they have the same origin as the calca- reous stones, from which they differ only in consequence of a very considerable proportion of clay. The stones which we so abundantly find of this nature around us, among calcareous decompositions, may be considered as of this kind. Water filtrating through mountains of primitive rock, frequently carries along with it very minutely divided par- ticles of quartz; and proceeds to form, by deposition, sta- lactites, agates, rock crystal, he. These quartzose stalactites differently coloured, are of a formation considerably analogous to that of calcareous ala- basters ; and we perceive no other difference between diem than that of their constituent parts. II. Thus far we have exhibited, in a few words, the principal changes, and various modifications, to which the primitive rocks have been subjected. We have not yet observed either germination or life; and the metals, sul- phur, and bitumens, have not hitherto presented themselves to our observation. Their formation appears to be poste- rior to the existence of this primitive globe; and the alte- rations and decompositions which now remain to be in- quired into, appear to be produced by the class of living or organized beings. On the one hand, we behold the numerous class of shell animals, which cause the stony mass of our globe to in- crease by their remains. The spoils of these creatures, long agitated and driven about by the waves, and more or less altered by collision, form those strata and banks of limestone, in which we very often perceive impressions ot those shells to which they owe their origin. On the other hand, we observe a numerous quantity of vegetables that grow and perish in the sea; and these GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 333 plants likewise, deposited and heaped together by the cur- rents, form strata, which are decomposed, lose their orga- nization, and leave all the principles of the vegetable con- founded with the earthy principle. It is to this source that the origin of pit-coal, and secondary schistus, is usually attributed; and this theory is established on the existence of the texture of decomposed vegetables very usually seen in schisti and coal, and likewise on the presence of shells and fish in most of these products. It appears to me that the formation of pyrites ought to be attributed to the decomposition of vegetables: it exists in greater or less abundance in all schisti and coal. I have found a wooden shovel buried in the depositions of the ri- ver De Ceze, converted into jet and pyrites. The decom- position of animal substances may be added to this cause: and it appears to me to be a confirmation of these ideas, that we find many shells passed to the state of pyrites. Not only the marine vegetables form considerable strata by their decomposition; but the remains of those which grow on the surface of the globe, ought to be considered among the causes or agents which concur in producing changes upon that surface. We shall separately consider how much is owing to each of these causes; and shall follow the effects of each, as if that cause alone were employed in modifying and al- tering our'planet. 1. The calcareous mountains are constantly placed upon the surface of the primitive mountains; and though a few solitary observations present a contrary order, we ought to consider this inversion and derangement as produced by shocks which have changed the primitive disposition. I must observe also that the disorder is sometimes merely apparent; and that some naturalists of little information have described calcareous mountains as inclining beneath the granite, because this last pierces, as it were, through the envelope, rises to a greater height, and leaves at its feet, almost beneath it, the calcareous remains deposited at its base. Sometimes even the lime-stone fills to a very great depth the crevices or clefts formed in the granite. I have seen in Gevaudan, towards Florae, a profound cavity in the gra- nite filled with calcareous stone. This vein is known to 534 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. possess a depth of more than one hundred and fifty toises, with a diameter of about two or three. It likewise happens frequently enough that such waters as are loaded with the remains of the primitive granite, heap them together, and form secondary granites, which may exist above the calcareous stone. These calcareous mountains are decomposed by the combined action of air and water; and the product of their decomposition sometimes forms chalk or marl. The lightness of this earth renders it easy to be trans- ported by water; and this fluid, which does not possess the property of holding it in solution, soon deposites it in the form of gurhs, alabasters, stalactites, he. Spars owe their formation to no other cause. Their crystallization is pos- terior to the origin of calcareous mountains. Waters wear down and cany away calcareous moun- tains with greater ease thati the primitive mountains; their remains being very light, are rolled along, and more or less worn. The fragments of these rocks are sometimes connected by a gluten or cement of the same nature; from which process calcareous grit and breccias arise. These calcareous remains formerly deposited themselves upon the quartzose sand; and the union of primitive matter, and secondary products, gives rise to a rock of a mixed nature, which is common in our province. 2. The mountains of secondary schistus frequently ex- hibit to us a pure mixture of earthy principles, without the smallest vestige of bitumen. These rocks afford, by analysis, silex, alumine, magnesia, lime in the state of car- bonate, and iron; principles which are more or less united, and consequently accessible in various degrees to the action of such agents as destroy the rocks hitherto treated of. These same principles when disunited, and carried away by waters, give rise to a great part of the stones which we have comprised in the magnesian genus. The same ele- ments, worn down by the waters, and deposited under circumstances proper to facilitate crystallization, form the schorls, tourmaline, garnets, he. We do not pretend by this to exclude and absolutely reject the system of such naturalists as attribute die forma- tion of magnesian stones to the decomposition of the pri- mitive rocks. But we think that this formation cannot CE0L0CICAL OBSERVATIONS. 335 be objected to for several of them, more especially such as contain magnesia in the greatest abundance. It frequently happens that the secondary schisti are in- terspersed with pyrites; and, in this case, the simple con- tact of air and water facilitates their decomposition. Sul- phuric acid is thus formed, which combines with the va- rious constituent principles of the stone; whence result the sulphates of iron* of magnesia,, of alumine, and of lime, which effloresce at the surface, and remain confounded to- gether. Schisti of this nature are wrought in most places where alum works have been established; and the most laborious part of this undertaking consists in separating the sulphates of iron, of lime, and of magnesia from each other, which are mixed together. Sometimes the magne- sia is so abundant that its suJphate predominates: I have seen mountains of schistus of this nature. The sulphate of lime being very sparingly soluble in water, is carried away by that liquid, and deposited to form gypsum; while the other more soluble salts remaining suspended, form vitriolic mineral waters. ' The pyritous schisti are frequently impregnated with bi- tumen, and the proportions constitute the various qualities of pit-coal. It appears to me that we may lay it down as an incon- testable principle, that the pyrites is abundant in propor- tion as the bituminous principle is more scarce. Hence it arises, that coals of a bad quality are the most sulphure- ous, and destroy metallic vessels by converting them into pyrites. The focus of volcanos appears to be formed by a schistus of this nature; and in the analyses of the stony matters which are ejected we find the same principles as those which constimte this schistus. We ought not there- fore to be much surprised at finding schorls among volca- nic products; and still less at observing that subterranean fires throw sulphuric salts, sulphur, and other analogous products out of the entrails or the earth. 3. The remains of terrestrial vegetables exhibit a mix- ture of primitive earths more or less coloured by iron: we may therefore consider these as a matrix in which the seeds of all stony combinations are dispersed. The ear- thy principles assort themselves according to the laws of their affinities; and form crystals of spar, of plaster, and 336 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. even the rock crystals, according to all appearance: for we find ochreous earths in which these crystals are abund- antly dispersed; we see them formed almost under our eyes. I have frequently observed indurated ochres full of these crystals terminating in two pyramids. The ochreous earths appear to me to deserve the greatest attention of naturalists. They constitute one of the most Fertile means of action which nature employs; and it is even in earths nearly similar to these that she elaborates die dia- mond, in the kingdoms of Golconda and Visapour. If it were allowable to indulge in a fiction purely poetical, wc might affirm that the element of fire, so far from being lost by the dispersion of the combustible principles of ve- getables, becomes purified to form this precious stone so eminently combustible; that nature has been desirous of proving that the terms Destruction and Death are relative only to the imperfection of our senses; and that she is ne- ver more fruitful than when we suppose her to be at the 'moment of extinction. The spoils of animals which live on the surface of the globe, are entitled to some consideration among the num- rjer of causes which we assign to explain the various changes our planet is subjected to. We find bones in a state of considerable preservation in certain places; we can even frequentiy enough distinguish the species of the animals to which they have belonged. From indications 1 of this sort it is that some writers have endeavoured to explain the disappearance of certain species; and to draw conclusions from thence, either that our planet is percep- tibly cooled, or that a sensible change has taken place in the position of the axis of the earth. The phosphoric salts and phosphorus which have been found, in our time, in combination writh lead, iron, &c. prove that, in proportion as the principles are disengaged by animal decomposition, they combine with other bodies, and form the nitric acid, the alkalis, and in general all die numerous kinds of ni- trous salts. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. INDEX. A. A CID, general properties ----Carbonic ----Sulphuric ■----Nitric —— Muriatic ----Oxymuriatic ----Nitromuriatic ■ Boracic — Fluoric Affinity of aggregation Affinity of composition Agustina Agate Asbestos Alkali "volatile Alkalis Alumine Amianthus Amethyst Atmospheric air Attraction B. Balances Barytes Basaltes Beryl Blood, red color of Borate of Potash ----- of Soda •*• - of Ammoniac c. Page. of 142 I4i 156 166 179 18: 197 199 235 43 45 218 288 260 138 l3t 215 261 286 116 42 40 21 295 279 Hi 202 ibid 206 Calcedony Carbone Vol. I. Cabonate of Potash —■----of Soda ------of Ammoniac ------of Lime ------of Barytes ------of Magnesia -.-----of Alumine CIu mistry, method of study hrysolite Chrysophrase Carnelian Crucibles Crystallization D. Decomposition, laws of Diamond Distilling vessels Distillation of water E. Elementary substances Emerald Evaporation Evaporatory vessels F. Feld Spar i ire Flint Fluate of Lime Frigorific mixtures 290 Fulminating powder 88 i urnaces U u Page. 152 153 1.54 219 241 245 249 ing 58 279 300 291 36 50 47 322 24 134 64 279 76 31 305 65 287 234 75 177 30 et seq. 338 INDEX. G. Garnet Geological observations Glucina Gun-powder Gypsum H. Heat Hornblende Horn Stone Hyacinth Hydrogenous Gas I. Inflammable air J. Jasper L. Lapis Lazuli Light Lime Lime water Lithology Liver of sulphur Lutes M. Magnesia Marble Mica Mortar Mountain Cork Muriate of Potash —.--- of Soda ------ of Ammoniac ------of Lime ------ of Barvtes Page 276 328 217 176 230 Muriate of Magnesia N. Nitrate of Potash of Soda of Ammoniac of Lime of Barytes of Magnesia 66 269 270 278 93 93 291 Nitrogene Gas Nitrous Gas Nitrous Oxide o. Opal Oxigenous Gas Use of in Phthisis Oxide of Carbon Oxymuriate of Potash Page. 244 172 178 178 237 242 244 114 169 179 289 99 113 155 187 Plates, explanation of Phospateof Lime Potash 41 238 131 303 78 Pottery Porcelain 265 266 211 228 207 Q. 137 38 Quartz R. 286 212 222 268 229 260 Retorts Reagents, effects of Rock Crystal Ruby Ruby false 34 57 282 276 284 190 191 S. 195 238 242 Sapphire Serpentine 281, 285 259 INDEX. 339 Page. Schorl 293 Silex 216 Solution 54 Soda 134 Strontites 214 Steatites 257 Slate 270 Sublimation 33 Sulphur 84 Sulphate of Potash 16 ~-------of Soda 162 --------of Ammoniac 164 --------of Lime 230 --------of Barytes 239 of Magnesia 240 ——— of Alumine 246 Talk Thermometers Topaz Tourmaline rrapp Page. 299 V. Vegetables exposed to light 80- w. Water 118 Water in the state of Gas. Composition of 126 Woulfe's Apparatus 38 Y. Yttria 216 256 68 S77, 285 292 Zeolite 274 Zirconia 317 5Wr Mv %¥&■-; % m Vv ■*'. ■ I *, t vt& it *£s -*& \ m. ■Vi !L^&