mmt li Tit ■ : ll will's '£■ III I III 11 i I « 11 ill NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service it! A RY it) HEALTH, v. DESCRIPTION, USE, ANB RECOMMEN NATIONS X>v €UAMBERLINiS PJTjSNT BILIOUS CORDIAL. WITH DIRECTIONS AND USE 0 F i>V' I/. MANT OTHER COMPOUNDS^ THE FOURTH EDITION. ZUCKSTOWN, (M'J Printed for the Patemte** Sign of the Blue Bottle Court: Street, formerly part o£,Cambridge-Street 3»J*t AUGUST, 180,7-. TO THE PUBLIC. AFTER lingering; for a feries of years In a flat* of languiihment and decline, caufei rhoftly by infectious bile and phlegmatick humidities, I was led to ftudy out a remedy, which I have acquired, that is, this Biltous Cordial ; and have offered the fame to the publick, willing that it may, and not doubting but it will, when well knewn, occupy a fpace in the firft elafs «f auxiliaries to health, and not fimply that ; but trhere freely ufed, the leading and principal medicine to cleanie and ftrengthen the ftomach ; work the humours ©ut of the blood, and regulate the whole fyftem confirm- edandfupported, in the following pages, by true copies from the original vouchers, which may be feen by anf one* I am not infenfible of the difadvantages I labour un- der relative to the circulation of it by reafon of the nu- merous in>pofitions, daily prattifing on the publick,-of medical preparations* which do not prove equal tc their defciiption and recommendations, but its rapid progreffion, with xmiverfal fatisfacVion where applied to operate, as I have direc>d, and being confident that its iritrinfic worth is net rated too high, more and r*;orc confirms me that it will com* in:* general ufe. The rapid fale and good effects it has met with ©f late contributes greatly in its favour. It is now four years an* eight months fmce I began to prepare it. I difpo- fed of about 4000 bottles in four years, and forne more than 2000 inthe laft eight-months, likewife feveral hun- dred phyals. Many ikilful Phyficians ufe it freely. Some of them acknowledge it to be thebeft medicine they everufed| others that it is as good a cathartic as ever they ad** fflainifUred. A 2 S»me Some, who have never ufed it, jrefummg it to be lake many .other Patent Medicines, of little or no effica- cy, or that it is unfafe to be adrainifteredi, except under the immediate direction of fome phyfician, have advifed their patients not to take it. Others have faid thus, to their patients •> it wili cer« tainly kill you if yeu take it; ftr all that fome have tifqucd it, and 1 never knew it fail, when taken after having this fenteace proclaimed, of working a fpeedy •cure* Some fay it cannot be geod ; for it is fo highly re* sommended to cure too many complaints. Why lhoul^ a medicine be partial in the cure of one complaint more than another, the produce ef «ne and the fame* caufe, a foul ftomaeh, which is, allowed by the emU nent, the fource of moft diforders incident to the human frame ? True the recent and flighty are more eafily eradicated, than the antient and ftuborn. I dp not hold it up as a foxereign remedy in all eafe«* as fome iuggeft ; but, being fowieil calculated to af- iift nature, I have the confidence, fuppcrted by good Authority, to fay, that I firmly believe it to be the moft cSeclual medicine, that is perfectly fafe to be admmifter-. ed in all cafes, to cleanfe a foul ftomaeh, whether it be four, cold or bilious, or what is worfe, opprefled with a bird black fubftance--the very balls of black jaun- d;:<•., confumptions, occ. or, at leaft the piimitive caufe* or a confidence like clotted blood, pieces of flefb, &c. or ,ny kiad of worms ; alio t» heal and ftrengthen the. rl>mach, that has ever been made known to the pub- lic, Were it always* to be ufed under the immeiiat* direction of phyficians, what I have faid, and that it may be adminifteied freely in all conftitutions, that it will not debilitate like other cathartics, except in the time of adYian and but feldom then, but atherwifc, will roufe an inftinft in the drowfy fereaft, and give a fjpring "o both mental and fanguine faculties, would {uffice ;->— but. being a familv medicine ; .not unfifc to be admini- flered freely by the hand of any one, in any cafe what- ever. I think proper to mention fuch complaints, or fome of them that I know it has proved very effectual. to cure. Imagination, fometimesleads an anxious mind to a great pitch ia favour of a high puffed medicine, iiv ufing thb Cordial, I care not what the patent imagines, only lat enough be.taken to ckanfe the flomach. It is w^ll known that it has been taken with great freedom and crowned with fucccis by many of (lender conftitutton?, by fome far advanced in a decline, and Jo much exhaufted that their phyfic'ans pion»unotd them pall recovery, that they could not bear the operation of medicine to remove the caufe ;—and th.-.t many have* been cured.of the molt ftubb«rn, complaints, fuch as the bilious colic, cramp in the ftomaeh, fpafms, convuihons, throat diftemper, coughs, ftrangury, dropfy,t piles, dy- ftr.tery, gravel, St. Vitus's dance, acute ievcrs, iever and . ague, infinity, &c. Some fay, why is it better than rhubarb, falts,fena, and other cathartics now in ufe.? Tlufe ifrapplie i in large doles, caufe much pain, and j.r;.: followed by languor and debility, and d« not cleanfe the ftomaeh,. this hath- a verydiffeient effect ; the more it operates the left difagreeab'.e. feelings it pioduces, Living n» power on the. natural c^urfcof the body any further than to atfi'f nature. Inftcad of debilitating, it invigorates and fcts every faculty throughout the whole canal, in its. proper or- der. As fome are afra'.d to apply it freely enough to re- move the caufe ia old complaints, I will mention a fev/ chvumftance?, one in partkubi of a young woman who had be.n very languid and fl.M.der Loin a child, borne Iqwu under a complication of disorder?, and much Je-. A < J-Mluted. —6— biljtated, took it feven days fuccefsfulfyi enough each day t© operate ten times. She continued in much the fame Hate of debility two or three days ; by the fourth day began to have a tolerable appetite ; by the feventh, had an extraordinary appetite, had gained confiderable rlrength, and was quite lively. She enjoyed, her. health very well moftly threugh the Ihmmer, without taking any more medicine ; but being neglectful ©f herfelf, and-taking one cold on the back of another, the winter following Uie was attacked of a fevere fit of ficknefs, when but little hopes of her life, (lie be- gan and took from two to five glafles of the Cordial in a day, the more it operated the fafter fhe gainedatrength and her fever foon died away. Another of a middle aged man, who obferyed to me, a few days fince,that he had been much afhicted, from a child, with a lingular and diftieffi»g pain in his head, till about a year ago, when he got a bottle of it and, and drank three or four glaffes one. evening, without paying any attention to the. directions on the bottle, tho* he'was obliged ftrictly to follow the dictates of its con- tents during the night ; but never after had felt any- more of that pain in his head. Jpril 1806. Several men have taken a bottle each at a time, or in the forenoon. Several women a pint;. one who had btcn unwell two years, and had taken it every morning for three weeks, /aid (he was much better. Another exprefled great fatisfacti*nfrom the effects of a defe of it which operated twtnty-five times. The aged and honorable gentleman, of whom I made. mention in my former editions, who took it for the gout, oppreflion at the ftomaeh, bad humours, ice. after being many years afflicted ar;d moft. of the laft winter previous, confined to his chamber, and though almoft eighty years. old he performs bufn.efs with dexterity, continues the ufe of it occafionally with the fame good fuccefs as at firft. A .;■ A man from toe count*y informed me of a remarka- ble cure wrought on him laft winter, after being a long time afflicted by the rheunxtifin and fick headache ; fcveral months clofely confined and nearty hclplefs ; his feet unable to fupport the weight of his borfy. Being over perfuaded, by a man acquainted with my Cordials, he took a good dofe of the Bilious and a d©uble dofe of the Rheumatick Cordial. Thelaft, being fo large a dofe caufed him to have a reliefs night. In the mcrniog he rofe, dreife'd himfelf, and waiked-abroad to his neigh- bours,.alfo rode a mile on horfeback, to the aftonifh- ment of all his beholder^ and ever fince performed the active part of hufbandry* I am jufl informed of a genrfeman belonging to thit town, who was taken ficb at Baltimore. After applying maay meoicines to little or no jmrpofe, he fent on here to my informant for a bottle of this Bilious Cordial, which he took-, got well, and came home. I am informed hy one of my agents, who commen- ced the fale of it about three weeks ago, that he had- fold twelve bottles to different perfons, and had heard from eleven thht they had produced a, g;o©d> effect. I have lately iiad information of a gentleman at North Carolina, who had the Fever and Ague, to foch a de- ree that his body -wasmuch fwoln, fimilar to the Drop- gy, and no phyfician nor any one could afford him any freltef, till a bottle of it wa» handed to him by my infor- mant ; he took it, and in a few days was walking on his plantation, in good health. I have been recently mformed of a young man, very fick of the BiUous Colic, fo that nothing had pafled his bowles for feven days, who laying afide all other medi- cines, took a gill of it every twen^. minutes, till be was relieved. It pau^d-his bowels m the night. The next day he walked out, t© theartoaifcnwBtof his many payficiaiis. One One of. my agents informed trie that a wiman wxs- euredby a frequent ufe of it" who had been mi.iv.i to a. high'.degree for fix weeks-- $dEdition. It has aftomihingefFeft-on. the.nerTOiis fy ftem, and has ftopped the career of fome in the zenith of diftract- ion ; as veil as roufed very many froro the nadir of a. melancholy liftlifs ftupor, and reduced both to cheir na- tural habits.. A young man who had long been an ir.vahd, was ;:fter bein^ ftrongly foliclted by mc, over perfuaded by a friend who had proved it to take fome. He was foon 'relieved of his- difficulty by the difcharge of a large. black worm, and. immediately grew ftrong and hear- ty. I gave a man half "a pint of it, for a pain and diftrefs at his ftomaeh, which'in half an hour brought up a large Stomach Worm, afterwards it operated freely as a Ca- thartic and carried offhiscompiaiats iu.a fhorttime. Another man 35-years of jige, for anoppreflion at his ftomaeh, in great diftrefs having jutl taken a fevere cold, . took one gill, and he, in half an hour, brought it up. and with it, two Worms, about 8 inches long. He then bein-r in great diftrefs, took half a pint more,—this was ejected—he took the third doze and perfevered till it op- erated freely as a cathartic and relieved-him ot his dif- trefs. _ jr I have lately been informed of a cure wrought on two young cbrldt en, when to appearance juft ready to ex- pire—all prefcriptions fruitlefs though adminillcred by a fki'.lful hand ; it was given in large dozes which ope- rated freely and brought away large Worms, meafuring 12 or 14 inches. One Woman who»gavc her child at ten months old, a< gill at a dofe,-told me, (he had given it a quart, but moft- iy in two fmall dofes* It brought away laTge quantities of the black-headed Maw-worms, and cured it of the phthisic Half r-9- Half a {ill was given to a child fix months old, wnea Apprehended near its end ; it killed the fever which was. feated on its lungs^* few doses of it was applied and the child was form re (tore i to perfect health. If needful I cculd fwell out a large volumn ef fimilar gafes. My other Medjcal preparations have had a falutary effect full equal to my expectations; but thofe, for inter- nal complaints are nottqual to be compared with the Bilious Cordial, for this, though in fome cAfes, feems like putting fire to tinder, generally ftrikes at the roots of the matref~-m the greatett tompgf ition of diforders—even thofe of oppbfite natures, and gently works off the caufe in a (hort time ; whilft thofe ahd medicines in general, if they agree with a complaint, only crop a few twigs at a time, patch up and partially wear off a complaint by- degrees, leaving the roots behind, which in feme cafe* caufes immediate relapfe—in others anuel, or periodi- cal ficknefs. In the adminiftration of the above Bilious Cordial, tnd fome times where it is much ufed, and in high eftoem, many labor under great difadvantage, by applying too fmall dofes, not enough to reach the caufe,. and are difappointed. It being of a ftrengthening na- ture, different from other Cathartics, and healing, the more it operatesjhe better. It not only ferves as a Reftorative. to remove exit- ing complaints ; bat a preventative to keep off con ta- geous difeafes, &c. fuch as Fevers, Dyfentery, Jaundicr, &c Though fome medicines, ufed freely, after awhile be- come habitual and ufelefs, it isnot (9 with this; for af- ter en*ugh has been taken to cleanfe the ftamach, a dofe, taken when the bile begins again to collect, will carry off the filth, and keep the ftomaeh in order. As our habits vary, fowe muft vary the dofe, femetimes ap« plying more and fomxtimes lefs. l — IO' I have obfeived it to be univerfally the cafe, that when a new-,difcovery has been made, particularly in the medical line,whether beneficial to the public or not, fer*e have been partialto it, and fome prejudiced. againft it i but let no one judge a cafe before he knoweta it. That this difcovery, which.has along time occupied my mind, andfeveral years been the main object of my employment, may meet the candid approbation of the wide world, agreeably to the true quintefcence of its merits, is feelingly the fentlmental petition of their dc-s votcd;aud obedient Humble fervant, SAMUEL CHAMBERLIN-. ^BC5SSHBSwy*^r^^^,?r3S DESCRIPTION and DIREC- TIONS. THIS Cordial is a vegetable preparation, which may be taken with perfect fafety in all climates by either fex, at any age or circumftances in life.' It is a reftorative cathartic, a carminative, diuretic,and mena- gogue, and a predominant detergent, quite palatable j calculated to effectually cleanfe, warm and ftrengthen a foul ftomaeh ; fweeten the blood and regulate the ap. petite and conftipated bowels; promote digeftion ; and give a fpring to the mental faculties. All this it per- forms without forcing nature, debilitating, or producing any bad effect. If properly and feafonably applied, it feldom fails to cure any difeafe whatever, brought on by afoul ftomaeh, whether four, cold or bilious, or, what is worle, oppreffed with a hard black ftfbftance, the ve- ry bafif of the black jaundice, confumptiohs, &c. or at leaft the primitive caufe ; or any kind of worms. Be fure to apply enough to operate freely, the more the bet- ter. A dofe may be from a table fpoonful to a pint, * * A table fpoonful at night after eating a very hear- ty (upper will fomedmes be fufficient to prevent oppref- fioa. It is good alfo after drinking a little too much fpirit to fettle the biain and create an appetite for breakfafi: next morning, ifc tbi* cafe a large dofe ought to bo taken. Many take it at night in preference to the rnoj-ntng j a fmali dofe taken at late bed time is very convenient; for, keeping ftill, it feldom operates till morning. Some who have been in a habit of drinking ardent fpirit to excefs for many years, have mantfefted a defire to refrain, but faid it had become a fecond nature, wjts 'their tout a gill, ts a moderate dofe in flighty complaints Tor an adult; let whoever admkrifters'.it regard net the quantity, after the firft dofe, but its operation and the effect it produces to be taken generally, in the morning, fading. Take a light breakfaft ; after that, the diet and exercife may be as ufual, only keep dry and cona- fqrtable. In cafes of a fefious nature, take gruel, fago, Sec. and be careful to avoid taking cold. If a lax fhould enfue, as it fometimes will repeat it immediately, it wiH sleanfe the ftomaeh regulate the bowels and banifh every debilitating fymptom.* Direction ift. In coT*furnpJ:rons, coughs,^ fpitting* li i i ; m in ■ rfii n •. ii, i i v ■ - ..- . ,i .. their chief fupport, and they could not live without it. I firmly believe and not without good grounds, that a man ever fo tang accuftoraed to ardent fpirit, if his constitution ps not too much impaired, may leave it off at once, without fufferiag the lead injury ; perhaps he may hanker after it a few -days. To effect this work, or rather to make a beginning* a man muft be poffeffed of a little fortitude. Let him drink this Cordial freely ; it will in ft great ^eafure remove the caufe pf that hankering defire, and perhaps iatisfy his appetite. It will cleanfe his ftomaeh and give him an at,petite fox food. Let him follow the firft or fecond Directions. Be fure not to be afraid cf taking top much. *Somehave been deceived after taking a fmall dofe, and miftook a fevere debilitating relalfor a draftic work- ing of the Cordial, as this never forces nature, it is ea- fil^knowawhenitkasdone workiag-*-it never work* too much. t ,. f The Carminative Ootfgli Drops alone have *ured many diftrefling coughs : it would not be amifs to take a dofe at going tombed, while taking the Cordial} they are good to expel wind. 1j1oo«I> —*3~ blood, piles, f old bilious complaints and univerfal debility,* or debilitated by emetics or draft ic cathar- tics ; apply a fmall dofe firft, and increafe it to operate fix or eight times each day, and continne it alternately, by taking it three mornings, and omitting it three, fo ©n to nine j or take it every morning ; or it may be ________________taken 51 This Cordial tias cured every one who has taken it for the piles, that has come within my knowledge many who have been afflicted with it a number of years; but it muft be taken for this and moft complaints feveral times. One man affirmed to me. that he had been gricvoufly afflicted with the piles for fifteen years ; and that one bottle ufed according to my directions, cured him. * I find it very often occur, that (lender conftitutions are afflicted of old ftubborn. complaints, fo ftubborn that a gentle defe of ph) fie will have very little or no effect ; diaftic cathartics debilitate and reduce the patient ftill lower, but fcldom reach the caufe ; and emetics, if ap- plied freely enough to teach the caufe, rack the confli* tution to fuch a degiee that, as fays the old proverb, " theien cdy proveth to be worfe than the cifeafe." Some have conjectured that this Cordial was not fuit- able for their conftitutions, becaufe a fmall dofe did toot cure them as it did their neighbour in a fimilar com- plaint. Others, becaufe 'the fame quantity would not remove the caufe in a violent attack, which cured them of a flight complaint of the fame nature, that it was not poweiful enough, nor fuitable in the prefent cafe. A man may, with the fame propriety, tax the wind with partiality fjr carrying his neighbour's mill round, with- out moving his, requiring ten times the force ; or the water in a harbour of lofing its buoying qualities for admitting a (hip when heavy laden to ftick in the mud, which had failed free and clear o\er the fame ground with a light cargo. taken two or three times a day ;* (a dofe at bed time, agrees beft with many) till it thoroughly the ftomaeh. When the bile begins to irritate and four the ftomaeh, take adofeoccafionlly to regulate it and cleanfe the blood. Direaiomd. Gout,f rheumatifm,:}: numb palfy, le- thargy, §falling fits, St. Vitus'dance, ftrangury, gravel,|| dropfy,^ bad blood, caufed by ufing mercury,* infeftious difeafe?,. * I thmk this method is much the bell in Itubbnn c^its ; ,l1 general it will take much lefs to remove the caufe, and be the fooncr accomphfhed. When the operation of the firft dofe be- gins to abate, take a fecond. + It cannot be expected that gouty, deformed limbs will be reftored to their primitive fh^.pes ;-..but a frequent ufe of this Cordial alleviates the pain, flops the fwelling and renders the gouty limbs ufeful again. \ This Cordial, taken freely in the morning and Rheumatic I Cordial at night, has relieved a great number, and cured feveral who have been very bad. Very often, when taken in feafon, one large dofe in the morn- ing, and a ciofe of Rheumatic Cordial at night will cure the com- plaints, if not bathe the afflicted parts repeatedly with ftrong beef pickle, as hot as it can be borne Tintfureof Saffa-fraa has < had a very good effeiftbut being little known,it has been little ufed. ( Thefe two Cordials have had a good effect in the Numb Pal- fy ; and the Bilious Cordial has cured one or two of St. Vitus' dance. § A woman told me, that fhe had experienced great relief frora the ufe of one bottle of it for the Lethaigy, when very 1 much affli&ed. A man a'fo told me,"that it had helped h« fon Very much in Lethargic Fits, and that he fhoulj continue the J ^application. -5 || I have juft heard of a man who was cured of the gravel ,by two bottles of ir, *J Dropfy. Pay particular attention to the directions on the labels of the Bilious Cordial that will be the mo ft effential to re- ■'< move the caufe : feveral have been reftored to health by it—a •! number are now applying it to good advantage. The Foreft Tincture, taken in gin and water, is good to remove wind and warn the ftomaeh. * When the blood becomes b*d by thefe caufes, it muu* take confsderable dtfertfes, or ardent fpirits, leprofy,* fait rheum,f St. An- thony's fire, fhingles, &c. ; apply from half a gill to half a pint. When the operation begins to abate, re- peat ctonfiderable timj^jtoith ever fo good . applications, to get it into it* proper Hate. Take the Cordial as is directed. ElixirColumbia by its directions. D/4nk freely of a flrong tea made of farfaparilla and faffafr&s roots as a common drink. Tartar Emetic, Mercury, Opium, and Peruvian B*rk, by many, are the principal medicines now in ufe—^11 gocd m their pHce, us faid a Phyftci: n a few days ago ot Mercury, Op'um, and the B»i k, ' that they were three of the be'.t medicines in the world, though the word ufe is made of them." When I firft came for- ward with my newly difcovered medicine, this Bi ieus Cordial, mod if the people were fo far traditioned in favour of tint gteat enemy to man's nature in general, and more particularly in (len- der cou'litutions, Tartar Emetic, that it was a hard matter to perfuade them that any other medicine coul ! be equal to it to cleaufe the ftomaeh. I think 1 can without exaggei »*'ng fay, that nine tenth? of the competent judges, who have propeiiy ap- plied this Cardial within my knowledge, wiil allow it to be more effectual thaB any Emetic they ever knew to be ufed; and tlut alone, is better calculated to remove a caufe an.i work a final eure, without the leaft apprehenfion of any ad effect ; in moft cafes, than the four above medicines, though conducted by the nioft fkilfui hand. Befides being equal, without o'fque, it removes complaints cau- fed by them ; fuch as purifying and regulating the blood, impair- ed by mercury .• relieving the ftomaeh of a tightnefs and op- preffion and the bowels of coftivenefs, ciufed by the Bar* — It refuscitates, by quieting the nerves, ftrengthening the ftiimach, when racked and debilitated by torturing Emetics; and routing the mental faculties from a liftlefs ftupor, caufed by too frequent ufe of Opium. * Leprofy, the chief of fharp- inflammatory humors; to be dealt with as follows. Take the Cordial as'directed ; flour ful- phur and eream tartar every day you omit the Cordial ; alJo take Elixir Columbia twice a day, and anemt the parts afflict- ed, night and morning, with the Vegetable Salt Rheum Oiitment. It prevents the itching, quiets the inflammation, and fetcheth off the fcuif. Diet. Eat no fait provifions, butter, nor gravy ; driuk :io ardent fpirita,uor cyder ; table and fmall beer may be drank, alfo —1<5— peat it. Follow the fame direction, applying enough each day to operate ten or fifteen times, three or four days fucceffively ; or till it will pafs the bowels without effect. Afterwards, apply it when the bile begins again to collect. In the 5 firft cafes apply a dofe of Rheumatic Cor- I dial. In the three laft apply the vegetable Salt Rheum Ointment, and Elixir Columbia, as fee the labels, or the laft part of this work. DireBbm yl. Bilious colic,\ cramp in the ftomaeh, fpafms, fits, oppreffion at the ftomaeh, violent fevers,^ throat diftemper, fever and ague, influenza,|| relax, dy- m________________________________________fentary.y alio dnnk f^ctly of a tea made of farfaparilla, and fafiafrai roots. This, like (ther ftubborn complaints, after being-a tenant a long while, is not eafily difinherhed. But if attended to in its firft flages, agreeable to thefe directions, it may be eafiiy eradi- cated. Iu one cafe, taken in the bud, a man was cured of it by a few applications. Another man, who has been five years afflicted of it, had been ^rievouily tormented by medical applications; though allevia. J. ted for a Ipate, but not being fully eradicated, returned ?gain wiih renewed fury and infhimiion. In this diftreffiog fituatiou, imprefled wiih difmay, reflecting on the tortures he had under- gone ; hid fkin, particularly on his legs, in a manner inflexible, and not much unlike the fcales of a large fiih, ifluing out, in nia-iy places an inflamatory matter, eaufing unparalleled itching r-nd inflamrfon, and confiderably fwelled ; he began to apply the Cordial, Ointment, &c. agreeable to the above directions. The Ointment alleviated the burning and itching immediately and the Cordial brought down the fwelling.the fcales foon began to cleave and roll off in large quantities; the fractures healed. up,the fkin became quite pliable, or rather a new fkin came on, f Salt Rheum, and other humors may b« dealt with in much the fame Way, though not quite fo rigidly. ± C>lic, ^c. When the ftomaeh by any means reje&s the Cordial, take a large dofe of Foreft Tincture; It will generally" relieve, and prepare the flomach to receive the Cordial. A little of the Tincture,may betaken at any time before and after the Cordial to prevent ficknefs; or Foreft Tincture fimple or —i7— fentery,^J cholera morbus,,running of the reins,* fick ot nervous headache, inflamation in the kidneys or blad- der, colli venefs, mumps", phthific and afthmaf Apply from half a gill to half a pint, to operate freely from eight to twelve"times ; repeat it as in the laft direction till it will remove the caufe. In thefe foregoing, and Other turbulent complaints, it may be repeated two or three or a few drop* effence of pepperment abo ut thirty will flavor a whole bottle ; and chew a little cinnamon. § Fever. In any fever whatever f al not to apply it according to the direction. I do not know, when it has been properly ap- plied, that it has failed in one inftance of checking a fever, and feldom of throwing it off entirely, when taken in feafou, afier a- fever is feated, give large dofes, which, repeat often, as foon as the operation of the firft abates give the fecond, fo continue till it works off that whereby it is fed, the filth of ihe ftomaeh, tbis- being doue,reafoa teaches us, the fever muft die away, far noth- ing lemain to feed it. It never irritates nor has any bad effect, though cenfured by ■fome Who are unfavourable to it, as to all patent medieines. }j The Cordial has ddne much good iu this complaint as well as in common colds ; it has cured whole families, but muft be ap- plied in large dofes. ^y Dyfentery and Cholera Morbus. Some object to a frequent ufe of this Coidial, fearing it will ?;ike the coat r ff 'he intestines. It hath no fuch effect ; but the more it operates the better. A large dofe, taken in the firft ftages of the complaint, will work an effectual cure. But if not taken at firft it wilt generally require feveral dofe»." R-pet it till the com >!aint fubfide. It nuy be intervened with Rofe B^lfam. Eat no meat jtakei ght diet,fuch a» milk-porridge, oat meal, rye rufty pudHing, &e. In ferbu- cafes, w«ea there in apprehenuoo of a mortification i'p'ply fait *nd vinegar. Take a table-fpoonful of vinegar made as fait as poffibfe, once iu an hour or two. as the nature of the cafe may require, in three or four fpoonfulls of tea made of blackberty vines, fts^wbetry leaves, feverbufti, or fome other Cooling herbs. To children, give in Dropon ion,and anoinrthe abdomen with rock fait nude fine and mixed with hogs lard «qual qaann'tres, ru bing it we>' in by the fire. ° Running of the Reins In this d.forder the Cordial has been wccefsful i b«t being a difficult 'complaint to remove by medicine &3 it i8— three times, in the courfe of two hours, or once in 2© minutes till it relieves. In the firft four and two laft cafes of thi« direction, the Phthific and Cramp Drops and Foreft Tincture are good ; in the dyfentery, cholera morbus, running of the reins, the Rofe Balfam, as fee labels. For throat dift> emper, keep the throat wet, infide, with cold vinegar, as it can be made, and diluted with water three _________________to if is neceffary that the patient pay firict attention to the follow- - i/ig cbfervations—firft to become acquainted with the different (. directions for ufing it, then to ti)ke it the way it will have the-. moft effect on the great mafsof filth with which the inteftines are crowded or at leaf! lined in cafes cf the nature ; and con- tinue it tiH it ceafes to bring away that filth. In the mean while, be fure not to get debi'itated for want of taking proper noorifhraent. And take occafionally as a bracer,a tea fpoonful Rofe Balfom in an Egg beat up with a little new milk. Milk, avoiding all acids, may be his principal diet; it isroBiiihing an4 a great reflorative. Let all his food be nourishing whether ani- mal or vegetable, but not high feafoned nor eaten with gravy ex- | cept the jaice of the meat, nor much butter—Chocolate, frefh , meat broth and Eggs raw or rare dune are nourifliing.a tea made of black birch and whine bark with a little ginger and comfry root, is good. Be cartfu'«not to overload the ftomaeh, nor go too long with' owl taking nourifhment ; but the following circuraftance muft be attended to or all other efforts w II be fruitlefs. The mind in dreams of the night is principally governed by the though-s and geftures of the preceediug day, therefore the patient, fu^ ject to thofe "nocturnal" evacu tions, rught, tbsrt . medicine may have the defired effect, to exert tvery faculty in guarding againft fuch immaginations, or tranfycrted ideas as has heretofore proved injurout. And be fare to go warm cloathed, particularly from the feet. ef the ftomaeh downward. Be not expofed to damp evening air Sleep not en a fea'her bed, but on a matrafs or ftraw. — Sleep pet too much ; Rife bytt'ies and taKe the morning air; ufe mo- derate exercife jhroughout the day, the more fatigued the better, if not beyond the llrengih BrinK no foreign teas, nor debilitating flops of any Kind, nor any ardent fpirits—hut w,ine and waer, fpruce er malt bear, ' not making too free with dtiux of any Kind. Phthific, &c. —i $— ta one or without diluting when the patient is able t« bear it ; and the outfide with cold vinegar only. DircHion \th. Heartburn, dizzinefs, head ache, faint- sefs or finking at the ftomaeh, lois»cf ap; etite, flatulen- cy, hypocondriac, hyfterics, catarah,^ colds,§ indigeRion, four ftomaeh, pain in the fide, back, ftomaeh, or bowels, or any common bilious complaints, befoie the blood be- comes infected^.or fea ficknefs,|| take about a j.ill ; in ftubborn cafes take more. If it fhould not operate as a cathartic in two hours apply one third or half a dofe more, and repeat it every half hour till it will opeiate fieely. D\rc8lon $th. As a preventative, in a fick family, when a little indifpofed by being fatigued or over anxious, for a fick friend,^ lofs of fleep, &c. or before goingtefea for thofe apt to be fea-fick.* Apply a fmart dofe, and. follow the laft diiection,, It will alleviate and Tender the ftomaeh more incapable to partake of any prevailing contagion. It is alfo good to take in the fpring to keep off jaundice and all periodical complaints. DlreSlon 6th. r Phihilic, Aflhmaand Quincy. Al> ut two mrjn of a tablt, fpoonful of dry blacK pepper ^nd fait, for an adult, will gene-. rally afford immediate relief. But the Cordial, UKeu freely, wift be moft effectual to remove the caufe. t Chew Caffia freely » § For a very bad cold it requires a double dofe. If the firft dofe fhould not rleanfe the ftomaeh, It ought to be repeated in this end in all other cafes. (J It turns the Ccknefs and carries off the filth in the natural courfe ffl Fevers, contagious or not, often pull down whote families, particularly where the firft one attached remains a long time defperately llcK. Fatigue, anxiety of mind, lofs < f fteep &<. pro- duces a fou1 Horaach in the reft, which is the mft gaiion and fuppTt of all fevers ; and moft all other complaints. When ap- plied according to the above directions, it has proved effectual ; alfe, Riled fevers after beina fome time feated. Nature teaches thus, remove the fupporters and the fupported muft fai • * it has had a very fa'usary effect, in the moft fevere fea-ficit- neft as I have been informed. I D'treSitn 6th. It being not only efficacious, but per- fectly int( cent, therefore it is valuable in ihe 'followng delicate cafes, for the the mod tender infants as foon as they aie bom, and the mother at any time pieviou? or immediately after. To be taken by the mother,f in large or fmali dofes, as the nature of the cafe may re- quire ; the dofe to operate fix or eight times ; it may be repeated as in other cafes. Give an infant in flighty complaints one or two tea fpoonfu's and repeat it once an hour till it will operate freely ; the dofe may be doubted or thribled if needful. It proves very fuccefs- ful both for adults and children to expel worms, thefe gteat deftrojers of mankind, which work unfeen and baffle the Phyfician'^ fkill. Symtcms in part; they caufe great diftrefs and pain in the bowels and fde palenefs round the nofe and mouth, itching of the uofe and ruftum,rofy cheeks, raefea, fits fcmetimes voracity at other rinses total lofs cf appetite, flmrtnefs of breath • it fometimes caufes much fleep, at oihers "totolly lofs of fleep and ftrangury" give 'to an adult firm one to three gills, to a child a year old, from one third of a gill to a gill, the firft thing in the morning, repeat ft as fccn as the cpeiation abates, if the firft dofe mould not operate frt m fix to ten t<"rres, increafe the feet nd ; con- tmue the application two or three days or till it removes the caufe, whether it be woimi or any other complaint at the ftomaeh. In feme cafes I find it needful to give my worm Cordial. . t f fr'd '"'t tie of tr*> ufe of this Cordial, in my former editions in th s ofo- f u' prefcribed it verbally to particular perfo»« of v.hom I have had ; cccunts »f its goc Sangus, who had till,then efcaped w.u more vjolenrly attacked than any* of the reft with the abov e complaint ; ir.dy afflicted. A woman had a phyalof Ague Pills for her fon that Was deaf—fhe thinks it helped him very much and wifhes me t©"get fome more. From I. Gibfon, Phyfician. Mr. S. t7A«w3f/7i«~SiR, I have made ufe of yout Bilious Cordial, and find it to be a very fure, fife, gentle, and effectual cathartic 5 very good to cleanfe the ftomaeh and bowels of all foul, bilious, and phlegmatie humidities, and to correct indigetion and promote appetite. I think it may be very ufeful if more generally diftributed. Chelmsfrd, Sept. 27, 1804. I. GIBSON, M. D. ExtraS of a let/ r frrn 2V. M. Burr, Efj. Phyfician and A to: h-airy, at Warren, R, I. I havehai a fair opportunity of giving your Bilious Cordial a teft:; my fon, after eating a large quantity of cherries, &c was taken w.rh violent diftrefs and pain, - with puking- and purging all the night through ; and after trying .1 number of thiags to no purpofe, bethought mvfelf of the Bilious Cordial, and gave him a wine glafs of it—In a fe a- h rirs it h id an excellent operation. It produced relief in about three hours, after the moft as- toniihing diftretTed fpcU he had ever felt, and producing fuch a fearching all over him, as he never experienced before. I have fince taken it for a like complaint, and was relieved in lefs than half an hour. I —24" I have likewife feen a very falutary operation en a neighbour of mine, in a fit of colic—but he was faithful Inihe adminiftration of it; and in fact I agree with you that its failure, in moft inftances, is in confequence of fears and doubts premifed before it is fairly tried. I was aftonifhed at feeing a country gentleman, who had bought of the medicine often, come in one day and call for a fmall bottle, uncorked it, and hurried down a dofe (away from home) labouring under an acute col icy pain in the ftomaeh, and was directly relieved, and at- tended his bufinefs with eafe. From Dr. Bumh$m. Mr. S. Chamberlin.—Sir, I have made ufe of your Bilious Cordial, and approve ef it very highly. I have been afflicted'with a Bilious Complaint for years, fo as fcarcely ever to feel well ; this fpring my fibres were fo lax, nerves fo weak, and blood fo low, with a continual burning on niy liver, &c. &c I feared I could not keep about much longer.—I have taken between two and three bottles of the Bilious Cordial, have found much relief by it, though ftill I am low ; but intend to make a further ufe of it, by wliich 1 t: •ft through the mercy of God to regain a comfortable ftate of health. I am confident it is the beft Medicine to remove redundant bile, that has ever been found out. J. BURN HAM, • furgeon of the ift Reg. nt Brig, ioth D.vifion. Bluehill, (Diftritt Maine,) July r 7,1806. From Dr. S. Kidder, jun. Charlejioivn, 21JI April, 1806. Mr. S. Chamberlin.—Sir, Since my laft of loth Oct. I have made fale of a very confiderble quantity of your Bilious Cordial, and in con- fequence have now the pleafure of informin • you that the opinion of the public is decidedly in its favour, as be- ing —2$— tng a rhilct excellent Cathartic, and fully aivfwering th« ptfrpofes for which it is intended. Large dofes will have a tendency to remove obftiuc- tions much fooner than fmall. Hence the ieafon why a fingle bottle will do more fervice if taken very freely, or in large dofes, than two if taken fparingly. I remain, fir, yours Set. ■ — S. KIDDER, jun. From Mr* Bleeder ofN. Torl~<*aged about 40 years. Mr. S. Chamherlin> With pleafure, I wifh to inform you of the wonderful relief I have experienced from the virtue of your Bilious Cordial. For upwards of two years I have been afflic- ted with a ce-mplaint in my breaft and bowels, and have Wade application to a number of fkilful phyficians t« no purpofe ; but hearing of the virtue of your Bilious Cordial by Capt. Hallet, I thought 1 would make trial ■of fome of it. Accordingly I made application to Capt. H. and got a bottle—On Sunday morning, the 6th July about funrife, I took half a pint of it, which operated feon after, and then flopped ; I then had recourfe to the Cordial again, for another half pint, which I took at 11. It continued to operate 24 times, during which time there was an expulfion of about three pints of fmall "worms, befides bile. And now I have got a good ap- petite, and feel quite well and fit for bufinefs. And that ©there may have the fame relief, and expeiiencethe fame happy effectf from the Bilious Cordial, is the fincere with of your moft obedient and humble fervant, $. BLEECKER, Meafurer. New Vor'c, xotb July, 1806. I am credibly informed by feveral who had it from Mr. B's. own mouth that the firft dofe operated ten times and left him in great diftrefs, and the laft operations of the fecood brought away the worms. Extratt ef a tetter fkom friend Mary Wing....dated ^Sandwich, fyh mo. ZOth, 1806. 0 This ma^ftetfify thjtt my daughter, about a year* ' ■C old, 2&- «ld,-of Sender, confkmptive habits from her infancy, was violently feized of a fevey, cough, puking, pain ra ^ her head and ftomaeh, much oppreffed with phleg*M J thought t© be oceafioned by a fudden cold, to which 1 {he was always very fubject ; thus labouring in a doubt- f ful fituation and for five days unahle to fceep any thing > on her ftomaeh v I gave, her one fpoonfull of Cham-i| berlin's Bilious Cordial; it caufed her to difcharge abun- J dance of phlegm, then operated as a Cathartic ever after | —I repeated it feveral mornings following. She foon ; recovered, has enjoyed much better health than beforeM and much lefs liable^e take cold. It has had the like f| effect on my other children in fimilar cafes. I think it & to be an excellent family medicine, and that faMilies ©ught not to be without it.'* Another letter from friend Elizabeth Snvift, of the fame plact* i This may inform, that I had a daughter very unwell } with a pain in her head, ftomaeh, and fide at times, a to-* tal lofs of appetite, and grew very weak. After having an inward fever about fix days, I gave her Chamberlin's Bilious Cordial three mornings fuccelfively. It opera-' ted freely, as a cathartic, and feveral times as an-emetic the fecond morning ; it afforded immediate relief, and | fiie foon regained her ufual health. I have given it to moft of my family, at times^ when _' taken with puking, lofs of appetite, atid hard colic. It ;i] always feems to relieve them, and they foon get better.*i It generally pukes them when they have colds, or their! ftomaeh out of order* Stoughton, Feb. 7, 1807. This may certify, that having been brought down by j •ficknefs, (oceafioned by nervous bilious and rheumatic J tliforders) to a ftate of perfeft debility j confined to myl houfe upwards of fix years,«a few weeks only excepted),! to my room and to bed moft cf the time. In this difri treffed fituation I continued under the attendance of eight • —27— eight of the^raoflr- fkilful Phyficians we c»uld procure> until my diferders balled their fkill, and the ftore of the Apothecary was of no ufe. My great indigeftion bad reduced me to aim*ft a perfect fkeleton. I» this painful and defpairing fituation, I ha&reeourfe to Mr. Chambe/lin's Bilious Cordial—it had the kindeft effeift imaginable. ' Although for more than, 3 ye.irsy every kind of Cathartic was received with apparent in- ll jury, this Cordial, with the aiTiftance of his Reftorative Foreft Cordial and with the blefling of G»d, has reftor- ed me to a tolerable iht'ce of digeftiorj,, fyfy ffefh re-. "newed like that of a child, and I am gaining ftrength. daily. •--- L. HIXEN. Nantucket, dug. 18, 1806. I feel myfelf in duty bound to make known to the world, the benefit I have experienced from the ufe of "[ Chamberlia's pateat Bilious Cordial, and the Ladies' Cemfort. After being a weak, feeble woman, for near- ly five years, and being under the care of one, and fome- times two phyficians, I found myfelf nobetter. At length hearing afvChamberiin's Bilious Cordial, 1 fent for fome and by taking*«me battle of each, I feel myfelf better in health, than I have for a number of years paft. And I kave the fatisfaction to think, that by taking one bet~ tie more, I ihall be reftored to perfect health. My father has, for a great number «f years paft, been very much troubled with the gravel, and having taken three dofes of the Bili«us Cordial, has found fuch re- lief from the ufe of the fame, that he fays he will fpend all his property but what he willhave more, for the relief he has found is ailonifhing. P. INNIS. Letter from the Rev. John Peal, noto ef Ne tions. I foon got well of all complaints—the painjs all left me as foon as the Cordial operated freely.*— Some of my friends have ufed them ; who, with me beg leave to recommend them to the public to %e the moft efficacious medicines for the Bilious and Rheuma- tic complaints circulating in our country* SIR—I have made ufe of your Bilious Cordial in my family, in a number of inftances, and think it one of the beft and fafeft cathartics intife, and equally as good for - children as adults. W.BROOKS. A little more than two years ago 1 was taken fick, brought very low, and continued in a languid flate for about twenty-one months. Anxious to get well, I ap- plied to feven or eight experienced phyficians, but found . very little relief. At length they informed me, that I | \vas wafting away very faft, and they could do nothing to help me. In this defperate fituation, I was advifed to get a bottle of Mr. Chamberlin's Bilious Cordial, and take half aglafs at a time, three times a day, three days ] fucceffively, Omitting three days and then repeating it. I took about two tlfirds of a bottle in that way, and in thtee weeks was able to perform hard labour, and have enjoyed a very good fUte of health ever fince. JOSEPH EFFORTUNE. Bofton, Sept. 26, 1804. THE following is a letter from a gentleman, of whom, till . the receipt, I never had any knowledge. I have Cnce heen ia> "\ formed, that he Is an Attorney, and one of the firft gentlemen ' in that ftate; <■, SIR—For more than three years paft, I have been conftantly troubled with a diftxeffing complaint in my bowels, which the moft eminent phyficians could not re- move • 37— move ; for weeks together I have been in fuch pain as to be entirely deprived of fleep and reft, at other times troubled with exceffive nanfea at the ftomaeh and ftran- guar% I loft my appetite, my fiefh, ftrength and fpir- its ; and waited daily the grim approach of death. In this fituation a friend rtcommended me to try Chamber- lin's Bilious Cordial ; I had no faith in it, believing that nothing but death could re'ieve me of my fufferings j but being over perfuadedby my friends, I bought a bot- tle ; the third dofe operated more than the two firft, and I discharged three large purple Worms with green heads, theferte/TmeafaYmg fourteen and three quarter inches ; ©ur Phyficians one and all acknowledge that they have ne- *er feen fuch before and have preferved them for the infpection ef the Medico1 Society of tbis-ftate—I find my appetite good, my ftrength, flefh and fpirits fa ft return- ing, fleep well and am free frcm pain; all which I . attribute under God, to 'Chamberlin's Bilious Cordial. I feel-it my duty to make this acknowledgement which you are at liberty to publifh in the newspapers. I doubt not but as it becomes more known it Will be the means ©ffavingrhe lives of thoufands as it has* your grateful andobedient,humble fervant...JOHN I. flNGORSOLL. Philadelphia, OS. 15, 1806. An ADDRESS—To the Publlck. tAt a time like this, when Patent Medicines abound many of which perhaps cure nothing—but an inclination for a fecund dole. .When a Patent Medicine and Pub- lic Imposition-, feerm to be con fide red as nearly fynony- , i»«us terms ; and a Patentee is reputed a common Liar who is hot to be believed tho' he fhould fpeak the truth i lti« not a wonder that Merit, jn a Patent garb, fhould reo;;ve.her dividend of Public Contempt ; the dog in :he Fabl?, fuffer by being found in bad company. Though Medical advertifements, are, generally, writ*. ten in fuch a Bombaftie Style, that he who comes for- •D ward / /■ _38_ ward with a plain honeft ftory,ean fcarce obtain a hair- ing ; yet this is not prefumed a fufEcient warrant, either to deviate from truth, or to ufe the mean artifice of de- ception. Man does not enter fociety upon a Charter of Inde- pendence ; he both needs affiftance from others, and is under a moral obligation to make return, as opportu- nity may prefent. By virtue of this Obligation, I would inform the Pub- lic, That I have repeatedly made ufe of Chamberlin's Patent BiHous Cordial, and in the character of Agent, have difpofed ofea large quantity in this place. And by my owii experience, with the voluntary teftimony which I have received from many refpectable characters ; I do not hefitate to recommend it ?san excellent Cathartic. Its efficacy, as a preventative to Fevers, in Colds, Indi- geftions, univerfal debility, Bilious Colic, See. can be at- tefted by a large and refpectable number of people in this .vicinity. As its general chaiacter is to cleanfe a. foul Bilious Stomach ; all complaints originating from that, have, ^enefally, been removed by it when applied with the leaftjudicioufnefs. Its fuccefs here has been great ; not afolitary inftance has come to my knowledge of its injuring any one ; and but few of its failing to ef- feet relief. In fhort its credit has almoft invariably kept pace with its circulation* , A Panacea, or univerfal remedy is not pretended; (that child of credulity will probably remain undifcover- ed, coeval with the Philofopher's Stone): Neither can jtbeexpeaed to perform a radical cure m every cafe, even in complaints for which it is recommended ; but as a general Family Phyfic, I prefame there is not its equal. That it mav receive the approbation its merit deferves is the fincere wifh of BENJA. BADGER. Lynn, March 20, 1807. ■" True Merit deferves Praife. Aboutfeven months ago, I was violently attacked with ~~%9 with the Fever and Ague. I took advice of many, arte had the beil attendance of the eminently fkilful. I feveral times thought the diforder was about to leave me, but as many times difappointed by a relapfe ; fo continuing till laft Sunday morning, when eaercifed with extreme pain as bad as I ever had been, 1 took a fmart doze cf Chamberlin's Bilious Coidial, which opera- ted eleven times very freely, but gently, and broke up the feat of the somplaint, and brought away in large quantities'a fubftancs-llke liver,, but black as foot. As foon as the operation was over, I felt fully relieved cu ail my complaints ; a g-»od ap;e:ite, ftrong and as well throu?h the week to perform buimefs as if nothing oi the kind had h tppenod. LARTLEX HOLMES. Bojlon, May 2d, i &q£. P. S. Affer being cured myfelf by the Cordial, I ur- ged it upon a young man of My acquaintance, who, had had a continual pain in his fide, from the firfl of laft win- ter, much of the time very fevere. He took fome more than a bottle of it, from five to (even glaiTes at a dofe ; by difcharging freely of bile and a kind of black jelly : He is fully relieved of the pain in bis iiJe, he now has a goto, appetite and works lively and fmart. Attrjl— ELLIS LQVET.flk Patient. Lgnn, June 2d 1807. Friend Chamberlain—-I fhould be wanting in gratitude to a benefactor of the publick were I not to declare thus publickly that I have derived the moft effential benefit from thy Bilious Cordial. After labouring for a number of years, under a moft ferious morbid habit;. after confulting a number of profeffional men, and adhering ftrictly to their prefcrip- ■ tions, but finding no relief—having been confined nearly fix months, and reduced almoft to a fkeieton, and in df£. p*ir cf relief; providence caft in my way thy falutary Cordial, whish reached the caufe and had the defirtd cffetf. For —.4o—■ For thirteen-da;/;, when at the loweft, I partook eo. pioufly of thy Cordial, at the end of which time I began in a very fenfrble manner to experience its wonderful ef- fects, and continued On taking it until I recovered my health. I have taken at lead to the number of thirteen bottles; and from experience hereby frankly acknowledge that I thlak it the belt medicine for bilious complaints, » ever yet devifed by map. Thy friend, BILFIELD HANSON. Mr. Chamberlin, Sir—1 have been for fonis time in the habit of ufing your excellent Bilious Cordial as a cfeanl'er of the ftcrn: cu and bowels and have unifoimly received relief tiicreby jn alfo feveral of my family and a number of my friend* and acquain ante, one01 t>vo in particular who follow the fea, to whom I have recommended it ; therefore feeling greatful myfe-f and a defire to ftimulate to try ks.effects. I have thought it a duty to make this commu- nication, believing (under the blefiing of Providence) ut will be the means of reftoring many to hea'th and fpirits, far exceeding their belief efpecially thofe who find an emetic fo dlfagreeable and dillreffing in operation. Wifhingyou fuccefs'iu this caufe of humanity, I remain your friend aid well-wither.' Wm, M. S. DOYLE. Bojlon, iSth June, i*of. P, S. Hearing yen intend to compile a new boot, con- cerning the cordial, I pieil-nt this communication for in* fert-ion if you think it deferves a, place. TO whomfoever, is or may be afflicted with that ver- ry diftreifing difordcr the Afthma, a .complaint thought incurable." I was a long time afBicted with it 5 for three long years got no fleep nor reft on bed, for I could not lie down. Xu this fituation I began and took freely of Chamber* lift's —4*' Tin's Patent Bilious Cordial. It foon wore offthe caufe of my complaint. For two years paft have enjoyed my health very well—have refted and flept quietly on b^d. But for this complaint it muft be taken freely in large dofes—no danger—I took one dofe that operated thirty times. HEZEKIAH HILDR1TH. Tyngsbrough, July 2d, 1807. P. S. A friend in a neighboring town was afflicted -with the fame complaint his cafe fimilar to mine. He took the Cordial freely and got well. Perhaps it may not be amifs to note a few circumftan- ces, tho' out of order.* One mart to whom I admfniftered my Bilious Cordial, told me had been in a habit of puking once every twen- ty four hours for 3. years or more* fo coftive as not to - be uncommon to pafs from one to three weeks without a natural evacuation. In the rage of his diforders, he commenced taking the Cordial—he got down nearly a. bottle before it had much effect; but in about a week, without taking more, than two bottles, his whole fyftem appeared to be ia perfeft regulation. I have lately been informed of a fimilar complaint, being cured by the "cordial in a woman who had been in the habit of puking up her breakfaft forth!: teen years. A ho of a man 70 years of age, being cured of the Rheumatifm in three days by one bottle of it. Lift of Agents appointed by the Patentee, to Vend the BILIOUS CORDIAL. MASSAC/{[/SETTS. Sylveiler'Baker, Scb. Betfey ; Mr. Benja. Barret, Car- Sfc; M;ifrs. Bailey 8t Bradford, Med ford; Mr. Caleb Blanchnrd,Dracutt ; John Bowden,5a/f« ; Hugh Bruce, Berlin ; Brown & Burbanks, Lexington ; Meifrs, 3kur Matthews & Fearing, Bingham; Abraham Capen5 D 5 Sfoughton-',. Stoughfon i Elijah Chamberlin, BUUrica ; Cafpt. Davis Chace, Sr/>.--------; Mr. Hervy Clap, Dedham; Wm. T. Clap, F'fhflreet, Bojlon ; Reuben Collins, Z>w«" ,\ Daniel Coolidge, iW/on ,* Dr Daniel Crane, 6\ Parijh,' Bridgewater ; Mr. Thomas Crefby. Eqftham ; Doddridge Cufhing, AJhburnham ; Mr. Elias Davis,-———; John Derby, Braintree ; John Dunyan, Newburyport; Thos. Evans, Reading ; Fifk & Carpenter, d^fcfl ; Eben. Fox, Roxbury ; Oliver Fox, Efq. Fitchburgh ; Caleb Green, Apothecary, New-Bedford; Danforth Hall, Marjhfield ; Capt. John Hallet, Jloop Earl; Capt. Benja Hallet, floop Ten Sifters ; Capt. Nathaniel Hallet, yr£. ic£/"^ Sun ; Capt. Ed. Hallet, fib. Julia Ann ; Capt. David Hallet, Jloop Liberty ; Mr. Wm. Harris, E. Parifh+ Bridgewater ; Elifha Harrington, Spencer ; Capt. Afa Higgins, Orleans ; Mr. Bilfield Hanfon, Lynn j Capt. Samuel Holmes, Jloop------; Capt. Baitlett Holmes, Jloop Enterpr\%%', Mr. Jofhua Hunt, Chelmsford ; Jofeph Heald, Efq. Pep. peril; Pearly Han, Druggifi, Milfird \ Mrs. Parnel In- nis, Nantucket ; Sanil. Kidder, jr. Apothecary, Charlefton \ Capt. Eben. Kelley, Harwich ; Capt. Oliver Kelly, far- mouth , Capt. Jefte Lewis, fib. Gorkam Lovell; Abner Lorell, brig-—— j Peter Ofgood, Dmggifi, Haverhill; Mr. Ifaac Parlen, Stow ; Parkman, Tylet and Parker Wejlhor DISTRICTOF MAINE. Wm. W. Clapp, printer, Butlflown ; Michael^rowel, Harlow ; Capt. Rufus Crane, P, M Warren ; Mr. Si- mon Davis, Falmouth \ Dunkin & Day, Bath ; Capt. Levi Fairbanks, Machias ;- MeiTrs. Win. Holden, Sc Co. Portland ; Mr. James Mudge, Orrington ; Thomas Pitts, Augujla } Chailes Spafford, Thomajlown. - NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Elder Eben. Bailey, Wejmureland; Mr. Wm. T. Boy. nton, Dunftable ; Edward Brown, New Bojlon j Mr. Stephen Couch, Goffstown ; Saml. Curtis, Efq. M. D. Jtmhcrft; Mr. Wm. Dewy, jr. Hanover ; MeiTrs. Dutton & Bzins, Hillsborough; Phineas Goiden, jr. P. M. Salem ; Mr. Emerfon Hale, Rindge ; Saml. Hutchiiafon, Alftead ; Kidder &Boynton, Merrimack j Meffi s. Mitchel & Mont- gomery } Mr. Charles Peirce, Portfmeuth, i;iias Fife, Marlborough. VERMONT. Deacon Thomas Baker, Newfane; Mr. James Hall, Cavend'Jh ; Capt. Jofeph Johnfoa, Bradford ; Doct. Le- vi Simmons, St. Albans. RHODE-ISLAND. . Mr. Asa Ames, Providence; Nathan M. Burr, Efq. M. D. Apothecary, Warren; Meffrs. j. &T. Davenport^ Tiverton ; Charles Feke, Newport. CONNECTICUT. Doct. Eben. JefTup, Faifield. NEW-YORK. Saml. Bleeker, N. York ; Jolm P. Fifher, do ; Dolt Corning, & Co. Troy ; Hill, Hale & Kill, Caijkdly Wm. , E. Norman & Son, Hudfin j Wrn. Swart, Efq. Efipus Creek ; Meffrs. Wcdes & Son, Albany. VIRGINIA. Doct, Peter Wire, Alexandria. SOUTH-CAROLINA. Abraham Seaver, Charlejlon. N0RTH-CAR9LINA. Doa. Everefc, Wilmington. GEORGIA. —44-— GEORGIA. James & John Willy, Savannah. Some- have obferved to me that my Bilious Cordlaf would be much more popular, if it were principally fold by apothecaries. When I fixed my price, knowing (hough but in part)' ^., its good qualities, wiuiing to accommodate the poor as well as the rich, and being fatiified that when known to the public it would have an extenfive, and fo free a. circulation as not to lie long on the hands of any one j I put it as low as I could afford it, eftablifhing my terms of difcount to my agents, which is, I know, lefs than the-." f.4 ulual rata of patent medicines. ' '\ Apothecaries, who know its efficacy, and have been * 1 incumbered with a multiplicity of patent medicines, which yefterday were in high repute, to-day treated with neglect and dying infolventon their hands—calling; to mind the proverb, *' A burnt child dreads the fire," fay* they cannot have it in their fhops without a lirge: compensation. I find it of no confequence wheTe,orby whom vended.. i: When its ufe is. found out, it lells as well by an artificer in a workfhop, or a plough-man in a farm-houfe, as by an aecomplifhed apothecary in a fplendid edifice. LADIE's COMFORT. Qtherwifi called PHTHISIC AND CRAMP DROPS, IS aYegetable compound, a rich and pleafant Cordial,, which from its pleafing, Toothing, and comforting falu- brity^to women in all ftages of life, derives the name o£ Ladies' Comfort. It i* alfo called Phlhific and Cramp. _ -J Drops, becaufe it is efficacious to relieve, in thofe dis- 1 treffing,complaints. It alfo geneially affords, immedi- ate —45— ate relief in Convuifions, fpafms, and any fucn like com- plaints, caufed by wind in the ftomaeh, and often works a curebut not fo effectual to remove '.he cau-e in ftub- born complaints, as the Bilious Cordial ; to be taken oc- cafionally, when afflict.•.1 'with the above complaints. A glafs taken at going to fed, al'e states and quiets the neives, being a pov. uif-il Note from C>pt. Jahrfon. This may certify, to whom it »iiay concern, that T Jo- feph Johnfon, of Bradford, Vt. was attacked with the Cramp in my Stomach and. much crnvuXed. Vjf. S. Cliamberljri gave me a giafs of C- ruiai.. called Laiies' Comfort---In a few minutesNrry ftorriach vas quite -calm and free from pain. JOSEFii JOHN jON, Bofton, June i, i$05. From Capt. David Hnlkt, Barnpilk. SIR-—Thefe lines are to inform you, that the Cordial Ihadof you, called the L*d\t:,' Comfort, Phlhific and Cramp Drops, cured me cfthat very diibcfiiiig corns.raint I had been for a long time afflicted with, the phthific. It has been almoft as effectual in the cure of my wife who has been troubled with the cramp in the uomach. Bofton, Sept. 8, 1804. DAVID HALLET. TOOTH DROPS. THESE drops are a mofl certain cure for the tooth- ache, forenefs in the teeth, where there is no canker, and for gum biles. They fometimes fail in the ague. Put a few drops into the t&oth. on cotton, if hollow ; if not, hold ten or fifteen drops to the afflicted tooth, fix «r eight minutes, and repeat it often for the ague. Far gum biles rub it on with the finger. ESSENCE OF ?UNCH. THIS, befide being an agreeable drink, plgafing to moft '/ molt people, much wbolefome and lefs expenfive than. punch made of lemons frelhly fqueezed, is very r- nven- ienr, particularly for feamen and country taven keepers bein^ always ready for ufe i only put half a pint into- a quart mug, and fiU it up with cold or hot water. WORM CORDIAL Is an innocent compound i>f vegetable produce, and may be taken by children at any age. It ought to be given a few days before the full or change of the moon;' give ft three morningsf.iccefiively for maw or pin wf-vms. In one hour after the dofe is given, the third rooming, give a large dofe'f Patent Bilious Cordial. For ccrn- naon ftomaeh worms, give the Bilious Cordi-d every morning. Let great care be taken that the children tat nothing in the morning before nor very foon after they take the medicines. Give a child one year old one ta- ble fpoonfull, three years two fpoonfuls, fix years- three, fifteen years half a gill, and fo in pioportion. My Agent at Lynn, (Mr. Badger,) writes thus.— Pleafe to fend fome more Worm Cordial. I have fold fOl we have had of you, and it has had a favourable ef* feet. ===== «f RHEUMATIC CORDIAL. This, like all my other medical compounds, is a vegi etable preparation, and may be taken by all eonft itutions. It generally gives immediate ieliefr and has afforded maay remarkablecuresinlhe Rhemmatifro,Palfy, Numb- nefs,' Sec. To be taken at bedtime. It ought to be preceded by a large dole or more of the Patent Biliou* Cordial to eleanfe the ftomaeh. FOREST TINCTURE. NEW-ENGLAND BARKS. A vegetable eom^und, nioftly barks of the foreft ; a / t falubrious aromoric cardiac ;. a diuretic afid fedat've \ a poweiful ca.-minativc, and moderate alhmeent ; m- tended for a fuVlhute, in many cafes, for Peruvian bark the ntc of which is very extenfiveani falutaiy, yet very pernieicus to many people, in many refpects, by caui-ng atightn-:fsat the ftomaeh, fhortnefs of breath, weakneis in the limbs, &c. This tincture is good for the colic, cramp in the fto- maeh, fpafms, pain in the fide, or any windy complaints ; :o warm and ftrengthen the ftomaeh, create as appetite keep off fea ficknefs, or alleviate when fea fick, by can- 6:j£ the patient to puke eafy. lf at any time this tincture fhould be too bracing, the Carminative Cough Drops may be fubftituted or the two mixed together. . Where the foregoinghcomplaints are caufed by bilious habits, the Patent Bilious Cordial, will be the moft ef- fectual to remore the caufe. New-England abounds greatly in Medical Vegeta- tion, which, without doubt, is much better adapted to our conftitutionsahdhabits than medicines brought from other climates. Why then are they not in general ufe ? 1 he reafon is obvious. It is not congenial with the nature of man to abandon a fplendid life ofeafe and growing pelf, to grovel in the duft and, that too, for Tmaller gains. That regular practitioners of phyfic principally dictated by foreign authors, do not encourage the medical produce and manufacture of our own country, is not a myftery ; for could they, by foreign authors, acquire a knowledge equal to the undertaking, thetafk of exploring the moun- tains, ranging the fields, meadows, tbvers, banks, &c..— would be fo great that moft of them would fhrink at the idea. Even to prepai e the medicines after the in- gredients are collected, is attended with ten times the trouble and fatigue as to get a fupply from the apothe- caries. I .—. 4$ I paiTed the former part of rriy days in a rttral fitua- tion, for many years an invalid, which led me to have re* j| eourfe to roots, herbs, jkc. their ufe and efficacy, as^I ■ »bfefved in my introduction. ^ restorativeTorest cordial Is a compound, felected from 4the vegetable produce of theforeft ; afalubrious, warming, and ftrengthenitig ftomachic ; of a pleafing a^omatick flavour, a good bra- ', cer, and good to warm and ftrengthen a weak and cold phlegmatic ftomaeh. To be taken occafionally, when languid &nd feeble ; after taking phyfic, or recovering .'.( from a fever, or other fits of ficknefs j from half to a '* wholeglafs,a little before meal time. FOREST BITTERS , Is a vegetable preparation^omforting to the ftomachj good to loofen a coHgh, remove wind and pains, and create an appetite when the ftomaeh is not too much op- fJ preffed with bile ; to be taken, about half a glafs with as much water, occafionally a little before meal tinse or at going to bed. ——■— CORDIAL BITTERS. This is a mild and pleafant Cardiac; an aromatic Carminative, and innocent Stomachic, being ajvegetable preparation; is good in moft windy diforders, to ismave the caufe in flighty corrrplaints, patch up and afford a temporal y relief in more ftubbprn cafes, and quicken the appetite ; it is alfo good for thofe who follow the old cuftom, the application of En.ettc and draftic Ca- thartics. To be applied occafionally, from a quarter to half* gill, with or without water. COLUMBIAN BITTERS ts a vegetable compound } a diuretic and aphoretic, —49— a poweiful carminative, which will warm th« ftomacfc , and bowels, and quicken the blood, in jaundicy and ague j§4eomplaints 5 il ls §ood tQr break a cold and throw it off * by expectoration. APPLICATION., For a cold, ague, &c. take from one to three table- fpoonfuls at going to bed, in a cup of herb tea Or hot- water ; for flighty pain in the ftomaeh, bowels, or fide, it may be taken with or without water ; for jaundice, to quicken thexblood, &c. take it two or three times a day. CARMINATIVE COUGH DROPS, A VEGETABLE TINCTURE. " A DIURETIC, DIAPHORETIC & MENAGOGUE, > A DEOBSTRTJANT EXPECTORATE DETERGENT. .j.: It breaketh up the phlegmatic oppreffion at the lung? | and being a powerful carminative, it caufeth immediate y' relief in coughs, phthiuc, afthma, quinfey, colds, fhort- i nefs of breath, colic, cram in the ftomaeh, and moft com- f: plaints caufed by wind. Thefe drops have much the | fame effect as Ladie's Comfort, only much more potent and laxative. |, Though potent, and generally affording relief in moft f of the above complaints, it cannot be expected they will I always remove the caufe. In many cafes it ne- i ceffary to apply the Patent Bilious Cordial, it being well known to be afafe and fure cathartic to cleanfe the ftp- roach. For a hoarfe cold. Taie a large dofe of thefe drops in warm water, or herb tea, at going to bed. It will promote perfpiration, break up the phlegmatic maft at the ftomaeh, and enable the patient to throw it off in "- the morning by expectoration. If the ftomacn, be foul, it will be neceffary to take a dofe of Bilious Cordial. ' ELIXIR COLUMBIA. A felecVion of vegetation fiom the fields and foreft ; E an an innocent and inoffenfive medicine, a purifying reflor* ativeof the blood and juices of the body. This, wi:h the Bilious Cordial, cleanfes and fwee^ens the animal fluids ; difpelleth humours, and raifes the drooping head of the patient almoft ex-haufted by Mercury ;t It is goodin Scrophulus,Scorbutic, and Venereal Com- ; plaints, or any humours in the blood : but particularly intended, when firft prepared, for that king of fharp hu- mours, the torturing Leprofy. For this and other hot humours, take from one to three tea fpoonfuls two or three times a day, in a tea , made of Sarfaparilla and Saffafras Roots. For flighty^ complaints in the fpring, the blood being a little impair- ed, &c. it may be taken occafionally, like Stoughton'* Elixir, in water. aguiTpills. An entire vegetable compound, innocent, inoffenfive ■< and pleafing in the operation. They have effected remarkable cures in Ague* in the, face and teeth, ear-ache, fore throat, deafnefs, Wc. Good for fore, weak and inflamed eyes, and dizzinefs. APPLICATION. i Put a pill into one or fcoth ears, as the nature of the: eafe may require, and repeat it if needful. If difagreea-| hie take them out with a pin hook the fecond day. Capt. Bartlet Holmes, of Barnftable, was cured by •ne of them, when deaf with one «ar; caufed by a cold. A number have been Cured, befides many helped. [I am credibly informed of a man who was fo deaf, £ that it was very difficult to converfe with him { one of thefe pills was put into his ear one afternoon* the day following at 12 o'clock he was alarmed by the ringing' of his parifh bell, the found of which he never heard be- \ fore, though had lived in the place 5 or 6 years. The| fame afternoon drank tea at tke home of my informant,'* where he enjoyed himfelf is a fecial circle of his friends; perfectly . perfectly underflanding all their converfation, and obfer- red that they could have no private talk in his prefenee, not even in a low tone of the voice.3 ROSE BALSAM. This is one of the moft healing and ftrengthening me- dicines now in ufe,* where its efficacy is not impeded by foul ftomacris. It is good for inward ftrains, weak- nefs, &c. ; This, with the Bilious Cordial, taken according to the ■directions foi'ufing each,is a moft fure remedy for the Dyfentery, Cholera Morbus, Relax, &c. To one bottle of Rofe Balfam, add one new laid egg, well beat up, and half a pint of milk ; fhake them well together in a bottle, and take a table-fpoonful ouce in three or four hours, beginning as foon as the Cordial has done operating Eat no meat while taking the Balfam for thefe complaints._______________________________ J * When too bracing, apply it more fparingly, or a ^ fmall proportion of it put with the egg and milk. In warm weather mix a fmall part of it at a time for it wilt . foon four. "■■■ ■■ VEGETABLE SALT RHEUM OINTMENT. This Ointment is a felectioa (f vegetation, entirely free from Mercury, Arfenick, Sulphur, or any mineral or animal preparation ; of a healing,, ftrengthening, and foftening quality ; and of a quieting and cooling nature, , quite innocent and of a pleafing perfume. Calculated to alleviate, and by the afliftanee of the Patent Bilious Cordial, Elixir Columbia, &c. to be ap- plied according to the directions for ufing each, and the humours well drove out by Flour Sulphur and Cream Tartar, and wot k an effectual cuie in the Leprofy the jChief of all hot fharp humours, Salt Rheum, St. An- thony's Fire, Rafh, Shingles -, fa< Lips, Inflamation cr —52-- ■M or breaking out in the face. It foftens and beautifies the fkin. It is general cure fir the Itch ; but cannot be depen- ded upon, as an infallible cure, like the Vegetable Itch Ointment. APPLICATION. Fc.r the Leprofy, Salt Rheum,-St. Anthony's Fire, &c, Apply the Bilious Cordial by its directions till it fuily cleanfes the ftomaeh and paffes the bowels without effect. Take Sulphur and Tartar freely to drive out the hu- mours, then anoint the afflicted parts well, night and morning, and at any other time when inflamed, taking Elixir Columbia, twice a day, and for a common drink, make a ftrong tea of Sarfaparilla Roots-, and once a day take a dofe Tincture Saffafras. . DIET. A little frefh meat may be eaten once a day with plen- ty of vegetables, with which drink table beer or water j milk may be eaten freely, plain pudding, &c. Eat no fait provisions, butter, nor gravy, nor any kind otfot. Drink no cyder nor ardent fpirits. VEGETABLE _.." EYE AND LIPSALVE. Tin? is an entire ■vepczable compound, of a cooling, clejirtfrng,'healing, and ftrength ening quality ; a fafe and general remedy for lore, inflamed, and weak eyes, fore lips,' and breaking out on the face. If very bad, cleanfe the ftomaeh well with the Bilious Cordial ; thefe > complaints often proceed from a weak, foul ftomaeh. APPLICATION. Put a little into the eyes, and on the lids, when going. to bed. For the lips and face, rub it on occafionally. DIM EYE WATER. This wetter is a general remedy for fore, weak and in-- .framed eyes—It cleanfes and brightens the Eyes, and 4 , quickens S3 quickens the fight when dim ly age—It alfo remove* fpecks or film, if frequently applied in feafon. ' For fore, weak and inflamed eyes, apply it Night and^ Morning, to the lids with the tip of the finger, and put a little into the eye1;. For fpecks and film, let fome perfon drop it into the >/ eyes three or four times a day. When the eyes are bad, or long been afflicted, or any bodily complaint, give the Bilious Cordial to cleanfe the ftomaeh and purify the Blood.. ===== ^ GREEN WOUND SALVE. This Sal ve- is aftoniihing efficacious to fearch and cleanfe, not only frslh-wounds, but fever, ague and other old fores, extract a ftnb, anguilh caufed by the prick of a rufty nail, bruifed.blood where the flSn is not broken- fire from a burn, and work a fpeedy cure ; likewife cure frozen flefn, and lias frequently removed corns and warts. Its healing qualities are no lefs worthy of notice, perhaps never rivaled. ThV quick to heal, yet, pfopdfc- ly managed it never fuffers the orifice of a wound to clofe till it is made found at the bottom ; and where known, it has become of general ufe, and efteemed to be a fuper-- lative family Salve. APPLICATION. . Spread it on lint—in flighty complaints it may be u- {ejd fparingly.; but on thofe of a fcrious nature apply it - freely, comp-etling i: to the naked fore, particularly deep wounds, prick of nail, &e. and drefs them tenderly, from twice a day to once in two or three days, as the nature of the cafe may require, taking great care to keep out; , fungus or proud flefti. For fores in the ear, intermix it with lint and put it well into the ear ; for choped hands, lips, flighty burns, &c; rub it on occafionally.— * In cafes fimilar to the above it will be neceffary to ap- ply a compound called *-Tincture of Saffafras' ; it is very penetrating and effectual to remove fwellings and.:i pains,,and quieunflamatory itchings, humours, Sec. E 3. Vegetable- —54— Vegetable Salt Rheum Ointment, is cooling, mollify- ing and healin.>-, and is alfo a good thing to alleviate— remove humour and inflamatio*. Mr. Chamberlin, Sir—That others, afflicted of a complaint like that of which I have lately experienced a cure, may know where to go for relief, I wiih you to publifh the following. That box of Green Wound Salve I had of you cured my fever fore, which was very troublefome, and caufed much anxiety, without injuring my health any other way. Ic is now ufing with apparent good effect for the like complaint. It is a good family falve, and that it might come into general ufe, is thelincere wifh of your humble fervant, EDMOND WINSHIP. Little Cambridge, Aug. ra, 1807. NOTE—Mr. Winfhip tells me he applied the Tincture of SafLfras to his fever fore, tho' he did not mention it in his letter. TINCTURE OF SASSAFRAS. As this well known Laurel is ene ingredient, corn. manding the flavour, I therefore call it Tincture of Saf- fafras, a compound of Vegetables. When ufed inter- nally, it is a Carminative, a ftimulating aperient, a cor- roborating diuretic ; and a reftorative of the blood and juices ; and is good in fcorbutic, catarrhal and fpama- tic complai'nts; alfo to defend the ftomaeh, remove faint- nefs and create an appetite. A dofe may be from one to three tea fpoonfuls, in a litttle tea or water, at going to bed or any other time occafionally. Applied externally for external complaints, its virtu- ous faculties are many and great. It is predominently penetrating, purifying, comforting and healing in moft complaints both refentan antique ; fuch as cuts, bruifes, fprains, rheumatifms, fwellings, breeding foies, ulcers, fever, ■—5$— /ever, ague, and other old fores, in the head which dif- charge at the nofe or ears, fore or weak eyes.* APPLICATION Drop it into fever or any running or open fores or wounds; and apply the Green Wound Salve, by its directions, on lint, which rxioiften with it occafionally.—* For fprains, fwellings, &c. where the fkin is not broken, bathe it well in by the fire or a hot iron—atthe fame time take a dofe inwardly. For old complaints or the fto- maeh foul, or blood in a bad ftate, take the Patent Bil- ■ ious Cordial freely by its directions. Do this and be under no apprehenfions of any bad effects taking place by healing any fore whatever. N. B.--I prepare a ftronger kind, called Extra Tincture of Saffafras, which is more efficatious in ftubbora com- plaints where the fkin is not broken, bard fwellings, &c. Its carminative qualities are alfo more powerful there- fore better in fome internal windy complaints. A dofe may be from forty drops to two tea fpoonful Is.________ * This Tincture being fo good for me cyss and to rake out fire, it proves very convenient for Smiths andothers expofedto the mafterly element, by cinders flying into '■- face and eyes ; for it affords immediate relief and is per- fectly fafe to be ufed freely. Mr. Chamberlin, Some time in July laft my youngeft child, then aged 21 months was attacked with a fwelling juft ab -ve the knee; which increafed till his whole thigh was nearly twice its natural fize. It was foon aftei lanced and from that time became a running fore ; frequently, however* clofing up and breaking out again, fometimes in the fame and fometimes in a new place. As the time of its being clofed was attended with increafe, both of fweidng | and pain, recourfe was had to a fpunge tent, to keep it open. Various means were ufed but without any favora- ■—5° ble effect, as it only grew worfe, the flefh was highly inflamedand the bone carious. Indeed I expe&ed -^n amputation muft clofe the fcene. It continued umitr the care of a refpectable phyfician, till the middle of De- cember, when we began an application cf your Tincture of Saffafras and. Green Wound Salve ; this we continued fix weeks, and finding no favorable effect, except that it grew no worfe, and kept open without a tent; we were on tlie eve of dropping it,, but continuing it two weeks longer fuddenly it doled up, and is now to appearance as well as it ever was, excepting (which is common) the. integuments adhering to the bone. " This was a cure ef- fected in eight weeks by the application of only 7 bottles-. of Tincture and 3 boxes of Salve, DAVID Wl GHT- Lynn, March 2.1, 1.807, To the Publick.—About 17 years ago, by a fudden> wrench, I broke the grillle in the joint of my right an- cle, which, notwithstanding my great exertions, with the advice and attendance of many furgeons, till within a; fhort time, has been a continual fore vending itfelf fome- times on one fide of the ancle, and fometimes on the o.- ther, and continually fwollen. At times,as raw as a piece. of beef on every fide, nearly half the way up my leg. About 8 months ago, my ancle being very painful, and much fwollen, I called on Mr. S. Chamberlin, for t. box of his Green Wound Salve, he poured freely on i*: a preparation which he calls Tincture »f Saffafras—it. penetrated eflentially even to the depth of rny complaint,. the pain foon left me, and by the next morning the fuel- ling was entirely gone down ; I continued the applica- tion of the Salve and Tincture, and in lefs than two months, it was perfectly reftored. It ftill remains found. and ray health not impared. NAT. NORCROSS. Bofton, April 1, 1807. I find it necefTary in fome cafes to ufe the Extra kind:. &£ —57— for running fores. It will, if immediately applied to bruifes on or near the eyes, prevent blood fettling or a black eye. ——— GOLDEN LOZENGES. An innocent compound, pleafing in the application and fatiifactory in its produdion ; It being a general and fpeedy remedy for the Canker in the mouth and throat. DifTolve a fmall piece in the mouth once in two or three hours, and let it run gradually down the throat. CANKER PILLS. Thefe Pills are an innocent, efficacious compound of vegetation ; which, with the Patent Bilious Cordial, ad- miniftered by its directions, prove a general fure remedy for that epidemical complaint the Can'ker, a difeafe that often, till too late to remedy, works unfeen and makes great havock of the tender offspring. APPLICATION. When in the mou-.h, lit the patient, having difcretion to ufe it, diffolve one pill gradually in the mouth once in two or three hours. If in the throat, let it run down as it diffolves ; when in the bowels diiTolve fix in two t.~»r»le fpoonfuls of not water or what is better, gold thread ttv., and give from one third to the whole of it. at a dofe, ac- cording to the age of the patient and nature of tie cai; and repeat it as befr'ie diitckd. 'When It appears ex- ternally ; in the face, or on any part of the fkin add ju.-c water enough to defolve it, and rub on a few times. The office of the Pills »s to kill the Canker—of the Cordial to work it off, when internally inflicted, and pu- , rify the blood. ——— SCROFULOUS OINTMENT. This compound is vety efficacious to kill moft hu- mours in the fkin, fuch as Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring Worms, Pimple* in the face or any part of the, body. t But, a^ all thefe complaints are more or lefs ac- * companied -5 a- companied with a foul ftomaeh and blood. The patient to prevent their reanimation or the affuming of any other complaint, either external or internal, ought previous to fche application, to take freely of the Patent Bilious Cor- dial, which will cleanfa the ftomaeh and fweetvB the blood. APPLICATION. Let the nature of the cafe and habits of the patient dictate the adminiftration. For recent flighty complaints, perhaps one or two do-. fes of the Cordial and as many applications of the Oint- ment may be fufficient, But old ftubborn complaints require more. Take enough to operate from eight to fif- teen times, and repeat it till it carries off all the fith from the ftomaeh, then apply the Ointment a few times, and it will generally work a cure.. VEGETABLE ITCH OINTMENT. This Ointment is free from Mercury, Arfenick, Sul- phur, or any kind of muaeral preparation, or any thing injurious in any cafe whatever ; of an odoriferous per- fume, and is caiculatrd to effectually cure that trouble- fome and perplexing diorder the ITCH. And that, with the utmoft degree of fafety and eafe in any conftitutions, habits, or ciicumftances. As no roaft- ing over the fire, nor wafhing required. APPLICATION. Take Flour of Sulphur and Cream of Tartar freely two or three days, to drive it well out. Shift the clothes, to prevent recommunication and apply it to the afflicted parts only, rubbing off the pimples,, three nights fuccef« fively, take the Bilious Cordial the morning following the laft application, according to Direction 4th. In com- mon cafes one box will cure an adult or two children.— (Price 2C tetUi.) ROUGH, &C ^59 ROUGH AND RUGGED. An Ointment, which proves an effectual cure for that perplexing disorder, the ITCH. APPLICATION.—After driving the diforder well out with repeated dofes of Sulphur and Tarter (it fteep- ed in rum the better) annoint the parts afflicted, rubbing it well in and continue before a fmart fire about two hours. Wafp. clean in warm water, previoufly made ready, wafh alfo in brandy and put on clean clothes. Note.—As the manner of ufing this ointment is fo rough and rugged for weekly people or thofe of (lender conftitutions. TINCTURE OFPARTRIflGEBUSH. An aromatic ftimulating ftomachic. It is a carmina- tive and is good for faintnefs and to turn ficknefs at the ftomaeh. It may be taken from ten drops to two tea ipoonfuls, in water or wine* or on fugar. IN addition to what I have herein defcribed fcnay be had:—Dr. Moore's Effence of Life ; rich Cordials, by the bottle or dozen bottles, fuch as Peppermint, Annife, Cinnamon, Rofe, Orange, &c.; a pleafant Cordial, called Rofe Noyeau j an aromatic den called All Fours ; do. Bitters, Stoughton's Elixir, warranted to be of the firft quality, by the bottle, gallon, or fmaller quantity. Tent and Port Wine, firftquality ; Oat-Meal; Honey ; Tamarinds ; Liquid Bluing; Holbrook's Black Leather Ball j Approved TrufTes, for Men and Wo- men | '6