COUNT OF THE MALIGNANT FEVER, LATELY PREVALENT IN PHILADELPHIA: WITH A STATEMENT OF THE PROCEEDINGS THAT TOOK PLACE ON THE SUBJECT, IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, ACCOUNTS OF THE Plague in London and Marseilles; AND A LIST Of THE DEAD, From August 1, to the middle of December, 1793. BY MATHEW CAREY. FOURTH EDITION, IMPROVED. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY THE AUTHOR. January 16, 1794.  To the American Philosophical Society. GENTLEMEN, WITH due deference, I presume to dedicate to you the fol- lowing pages, in which I have endeavoured to give as faithful an account as possible, of the dreadful calamity we have just experienced. I am, gentlemen, With esteem. Your obedt. humble servant, MATHEW CAREY. Number XLVII. District of Pennsylvania, to wit—- (L. S.) BE it remembered, that on the thirteenth day of November, in the eighteenth year of the independence of the united states of America, Mathew Carey, of the said district hath deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit: " A short account of the malignant fever lately " prevalent in Philadelphia, with a statement of the " proceedings that took place on the subject in different " parts of the united states. By Mathew Carey." In conformity to, the act of the congress of the unit- ed states, intituled, " An act for the encouragement of " learning; by securing the copies of maps, charts, " and books, to the authors and proprietors of such " copies, during the times therein mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the district of Pennsylvania. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1793. THE favourable reception given to the imperfect account of the fever which I lately published, and the particular desire of some of my friends, have induced me to undertake a more satisfactory history of it, in order to collect together, while facts are recent, as many of the most interesting oc- currences as I could, for the information of the public. I have not attempted any embellishment or orna- ment of stile ; but have merely aimed at telling plain facts in plain language. I have taken every precaution to arrive at the truth ; and hope the er- rors in the account, will not be found numerous. For the desultory plan of some part of the pam- phlet, I have to offer the following apology ; many of the circumstances and reflections towards the con- clusion, which would have come with more propriety in the beginning, did not occur, until some of the first half-sheets were not only written, but printed. I had no choice, therefore, but either to omit them, or place them somewhat out of order. I preferred the latter. Most of the facts mentioned have fallen under my own observation. Those of a different description, I have been assiduous to collect from every person of credibility, possessed of information. Desirous of having this account correct and com- plete, I have printed off but a small number of copies of the present edition : and shall esteem myself most particularly obliged to any person who will be so (vi) kind to point out errors, to be corrected in, or sug- gest facts, to be added to, a new edition, which I pro- pose to put to press very soon, and which will, I hope, be found more ample than the present one. PREFACE to the SECOND EDITION. November 23, 1793. WHEN I published the first edition of this pam- phlet, it was my intention to have greatly enlarged it for a second one, and to have new-model- led it, so as to preserve a connexion between its seve- ral parts, in which it is extremely deficient. But its speedy sale, and the demand for more copies, render it impossible for me to do more, at present, than make such corrections as the kindness of a few friends has led them to point out. In giving an account of the proceedings that took place on the subject of the disorder, throughout the union, I have suppressed many a harsh comment, which was forcing itself on me ; from the reflexion, that in similar circumstances, we might perhaps have been equally severe. And to perpetuate animosities, is per- forming a very unfriendly office. They are easily ge- nerated ; but their extinction is a work of time and difficulty. Let us, therefore, (especially when we " hold the mirror up to nature" at home,) not only forgive, but even forget, if possible, all the unpleasant treatment our citizens have experinced. I have heard more than one person object to the ac- count of the shocking circumstances that occurred in Philadelphia, as pourtraying the manners of the peo- ple in an unfavourable light. If that be the case, the fault is not mine. I am conscious I have not exaggera- ted the matter. But I do not conceive it can have that effect ; for it would be as unjust and injudicious to draw the character of Philadelphia from the proceedings of a period of horror and affright, when all the " mild charities of social life" were suppressed by regard for (vii) self, as to stamp eternal infamy on a nation, for the atrocities perpetrated in times of civil broils, when all the " angry passions" are roused into dreadful and ferocious activity. PREFACE to the THIRD EDITION. November 30, 1793. THIS pamphlet comes before the public a third time, and, in some measure, in a new form. I have reduced it to as methodical a state, as in my power, but not as much so as I could wish, nor, I fear, as the reader may expect. To one merit only do I lay claim in the, compilation ; that is, of having meant well. If, on a fair perusal, the candid allow me that, I am satis- fied to have the execution censured with all the seve- rity of which criticism is capable. However, I beg leave to inform the reader, that this day ends one month, since the writing of the pamphlet commenced. I know that the shortness of the time employed, is no justifi- cation of a bad performance ; but it may somewhat extenuate the defects of a middling one. I have found several objections made to parts of it. Most of them I have removed. Some few, resting on the sentiments of individuals, directly contrary to my own judgment, I have passed over. For, until my reason is convinced, I cannot change my opinion for that of any person whatever. To those gentlemen who have been so kind to fur- nish me with facts to enlarge and improve the work, I profess myself under great obligations. I request them to continue their kindness; as, if public favour should, give this trifle a fourth edition, I shall add all that may be communicated in the interim; otherwise I shall probably publish separately what may be worthy of the public eye. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION Jan. 16, 1794. THE uncommon degree of favour which this pamphlet has experienced, has impressed me with lively sentiments of gratitude. As the only pro- per return in my power, I have, in each successive edition, used every endeavour to improve it. In the number of victims to the late calamity, there were many strangers,—-among whom were probably some, by whose death, estates have fallen to heirs at a distance. It being, therefore, of great importance to ex- tend and improve the list of the dead, and to remedy the extreme inaccuracy of the sextons' returns, I employed suitable persons to go thro' the city and liberties, and make enquiry at every house, without exception, for the names and occupations of the dead. The disoblig- ing temper of some, and the fears of others, that an improper use would be made of the information they could have given, have, in various instances, defeated my purpose. Imperfect as the list still remains, I hope it will be found useful in removing anxious doubts, and conveying to persons in different countries, the melancholy information of the decease of relatives, which, but for such a channel of communication, would, in many cases, be difficult, if not impossible to acquire for years to come. To the present edition, I have added a short ac- count of the plague at London, and at Marseilles. On a comparison, the reader will be struck with astonishment, at the extraordinary similarity be- tween many of the leading and most important cir- cumstances that occurred in thole two places, and the events of September and October, 1793, in Phi- ladelphia. A SHORT ACCOUNT, &c. Chap. I. State of Philadelphia previous to the appearance of the malignant fever—-with a few observations on some of the probable consequences of that calamity. BEFORE I enter on the consideration of this dis- order, it may not be improper to offer a few in- troductory remarks on the situation of Philadelphia previous to its commencement, which will reflect light on some of the circumstances mentioned in the course of the narrative. The manufactures, trade, and commerce of this city, had, for a considerable time, been improving and extending with great rapidity. From the period of the adoption of the federal government, at which time America was at the lowest ebb of distress, her situation had progressively become more and more prosperous. Confidence, formerly banished, was uni- versally restored. Property of every kind, rose to, and in some instances beyond, its real value : and a few revolving years exhibited the interesting spectacle of a young country, with a new form of government, emerging from a state which approached very near to anarchy, and acquiring all the liability and nerve of the best-toned and oldest nations. In this prosperity, which revived the almost-extin- guished hopes of four millions of people, Philadelphia participated in an eminent degree. Numbers of new houses, in almost every street, built in a very neat, elegant stile, adorned, at the same time that they greatly enlarged, the city. Its population was extend- ing fast. House-rent had risen to an extravagant height ; it was in many cases double, and in some B (10) treble what it had been a year or two before ; and, as is generally the case, when a city is advancing in prosperity, it far exceeded the real increase of trade. The number of applicants for houses, exceeding the number of houses to be let, one bid over another; and affairs were in such a situation, that many people, though they had a tolerable run of business, could hardly do more than clear their rents, and were, literally, toiling for their landlords alone*. Luxury, the usual, and perhaps inevitable concomitant of pros- perity, was gaining ground in a manner very alarm- ing to those who considered how far the virtue, the liberty, and the happiness of a nation depend on its temperance and sober manners.-—Many of our citi- zens had been, for some time, in the imprudent habit of regulating their expenses by prospects formed in sanguine hours, when every probability was caught at as a certainty, not by their actual profits, or in- come. The number of coaches, coachees, chairs, &c. lately set up by men in the middle rank of life, is hardly credible. Not to enter into a minute detail, let it suffice to remark, that extravagance, in various forms, was gradually eradicating the plain and whole- some habits of the city. And although it were pre- sumption to attempt to scan the decrees of heaven, yet few, I believe, will pretend to deny, that some- thing was wanting to humble the pride of a city, which was running on in full career, to the goal of prodigality and dissipation. However, from November 1792, to the end of last June, the difficulties of Philadelphia were extreme. The establishment of the bank of Pennsylvania, in embryo for the most part of that time, had arrested in the two other banks such a quantity of the circulat- ing specie, as embarrassed almost every kind of busi- ness ; to this was added the distress arising from the very numerous failures in England, which had * The distress arising from this source, was perhaps the only exception to the general observation of the flourishing situa- tion of Philadelphia. (11) extremely harrassed several of our capital merchants. During this period, many men experienced as great difficulties as were ever known in this city*. But the commencement, in July, of the operations of the bank of Pennsylvania, conducted on the most generous and enlarged principles, placed business on its for- mer favourable footing. Every man looked forward to this fall as likely to produce a vast extension of trade. But how fleeting are all human views! how uncertain all plans founded on earthly appearances ! All these flattering prospects vanished " like the base- less fabric of a vision." In July, arrived the unfortunate fugitives from Cape François. And on this occasion, the liberality of Philadelphia was displayed in a most respectable point of light. Nearly 12,000 dollars were in a few days collected for their relief. Little, alas ! did many of the contributors, then in easy circumstances, ima- gine, that a few weeks would leave their wives and children dependent on public charity, as has since unfortunately happened. An awful instance of the rapid and warning vicissitudes of affairs on this tran- sitory stage. About this time, this destroying scourge, the ma- lignant fever, crept in among us, and nipped in the bud the fairest blossoms that imagination could form. And oh! what a dreadful contrast has since taken place ! Many women, then in the lap of ease and con- tentment, are bereft of beloved husbands, and left with numerous families of children to maintain, un- qualified for the arduous task-—many orphans are destitute of parents to foster and protect them--many entire families are swept away, without leaving " a trace behind" —many of our first commercial houses are totally dissolved, by the death of the parties, and * It is with great pleasure, I embrace this opportunity of de- claring, that the very liberal conduct of the bank of the united states, at this trying season, was the means of saving many a deserving and industrious man from ruin. No similar institution was ever conduced on a more favourable, and at the same time, prudent plan, than this bank adopted at the time here mentioned. (12) their affairs are necessarily left in so deranged a state, that the losses and distresses which must take place, are beyond estimation. The protests of notes for a few weeks past, have exceeded all former examples; for a great proportion of the merchants and traders having left the city, and been totally unable, from the stagnation of business, and diversion of all their ex- pected resources, to make any provision for payment, most of their notes have been protested, as they be- came due*. For these prefatory observations, I hope I shall be pardoned. I now proceed to the melancholy subject I have undertaken. May I be enabled to do it justice ; and lay before the reader a complete and correct ac- count of the most awful visitation that ever occurred in America. At first view, it would appear that Phi- ladelphia alone felt the scourge ; but its effects have spread in almost every direction through a great por- tion of the union. Many parts of Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, exclusive of the back settlements of Penn- sylvania, drew their supplies, if not wholly, at least principally, from Philadelphia, which was of course the mart whither they sent their produce. Cut off from this quarter, their merchants have had to seek out other markets, which being unprepared for such an increased demand, their supplies have been imperfect; and, owing to the briskness of the sales, the prices have been, naturally enough, very considerably en- hanced. Besides, they went to places in which their credit was not established—-and had in most cases to advance cash. And many country dealers have had no opportunity of sending their produce to market, which has consequently remained unsold. Business, therefore, has languished in many parts of the union ; and it is * The bank of the united states, on the 15th of October, passed a resolve, empowering the cashier to renew all discounted notes, when the same drawers and indorsers were offered, and declaring that no notes should be protested, when the indorsers bound themselves in writing, to be accountable in the same man- ner as in cases of protest. (13) probable, that, considering the matter merely in a commercial point of light, the shock caused by the fever, has been felt to the southern extremity of the united states. CHAP. II.—-Symptoms-—a slight sketch of the mode of treatment. " THE symptoms which characterised the first stage of the fever, were, on the greatest num- ber of cases, after a chilly fit of some duration, a quick, tense pulse-—hot skin-—pain in the head, back, and limbs—-flushed countenance—-inflamed eye—- moist tongue-—oppression and sense of soreness at the stomach, especially upon pressure—-frequent sick qualms, and retchings to vomit, without discharging any thing, except the contents last taken into the sto- mach—-costiveness, &c. And when stools were procur- ed, the first generally showed a defect of bile, or an obstruction to its entrance into the intestines. But brisk purges generally altered this appearance. " These symptoms generally continued with more or less violence from one to three, four, or even five days ; and then gradually abating, left the patient free from every complaint, except general debility. On the febrile symptoms suddenly subsiding, they were immediately succeeded by a yellow tinge in the opaque cornea, or whites of the eyes—-an increased oppression at the præcordia-—a constant puking of every thing taken into the stomach, with much straining, accom- panied with a hoarse, hollow noise. " If these symptoms were not soon relieved, a vo- miting of matter, resembling coffee grounds in colour and consistence, commonly called the black vomit, sometimes accompanied with, or succeeded by hæ- morrhages from the nose, fauces, gums, and other parts of the body—-a yellowish purple colour, and pu- trescent appearance of the whole body, hiccup, agita- tions, deep and distressed sighing, comatose delirium, and finally, death. When the disease proved fatal, it was generally between the fifth and eighth days. (14) " This was the most usual progress of this formi- dable disease, through its several stages. There were, however, very considerable variations in the symp- toms, as well as in the duration of its different stages, according to the constitution and temperament of the patient, the state of the weather, the manner of treatment, &c. " In some cases, signs of putrescency appeared at the beginning, or before the end of the third day. In these, the black vomiting, which was generally a mortal symptom, and universal yellowness, appeared early. In these cases, also, a low delirium, and great prostration of strength, were constant symptoms, and coma came on very speedily. " In some, the symptoms inclined more to the ner- vous than the inflammatory type. In these, the jaun- dice colour of the eye and skin, and the black vomit- ing, were more rare. But in the majority of cases, particularly after the nights became sensibly cooler, all the symptoms indicated violent irritation and inflam- matory diathesis. In these cases, the skin was always dry, and the remissions very obscure. " The febrile symptoms, however, as has been al- ready observed, either gave way on the third, fourth, or fifth day, and then the patient recovered; or they were soon after succeeded by a different, but much more dangerous train of symptoms, by debility, low pulse, cold skin, (which assumed a tawny colour, mixed with purple) black vomiting, hæmorrhages, hiccup, anxiety, restlessness, coma, &c. Many, who survived the eighth day, though apparently out of danger, died suddenly in consequence of an hæmor- rhage*." This disorder having been new to nearly all our physicians, it is not surprising, although it has been exceedingly fatal, that there arose such a discordance of sentiment on the proper mode of treatment, and even with respect to its name. Dr. Rush has acknow- * For this account of the symptoms of the disorder, I am indebted to the kindness of dr. Currie, from whole letter to dr. Senter, it is extracted. (15) ledged, with a candour that does him honour, that in the commencement, he so far mistook the nature of the disorder, that in his early essays, having depend- ed on gentle purges of salts to purify the bowels of his patients, they all died. He then tried the mode of treatment adopted in the West Indies, viz. bark, wine, laudanum, and the cold bath, and failed in three cases out of four. Afterwards he had recourse to strong purges of calomel and jalap, and to bleeding, which he found attended with singular success. The honour of the first essay of mercury in this dis- order, is by many ascribed to dr. Hodge and dr. Car- son, who are said to have employed it a week before dr. Rush. On this point, I cannot pretend to decide. But whoever was the first to introduce it, one thing is certain, that its efficacy was great, and rescued many from death. I have known, however, some persons, who, I have every reason to believe, fell families to the great reputation this medicine acquired ; for in several cases it was administered to persons of a previous lax habit, and brought on a speedy disso- lution. I am credibly informed that the demand for purges of calomel and jalap, was so great, that some of the a- pothecaries could not mix up every dose in detail; but mixed a large quantity of each, in the ordered proportions; and afterwards divided it into doses ; by which means, it often happened that one patient had a much larger portion of calomel, and another of jalap, than was intended by the doctors. The fatal consequences of this may be easily conceived. An intelligent citizen, who has highly distinguished himself by his attention to the sick, says, that he found the disorder generally come on with costiveness; and unless that was removed within the first twelve hours, he hardly knew any person to recover; on the con- trary, he says, as few died, on whom the cathartics operated within that time. The efficacy of bleeding, in all cases not attended with putridity, was great. The quantity of blood taken was in many cases astonishing. Dr. Griffits was (16) bled seven times in five days, and appears to ascribe his recovery principally to that operation. Dr. Mease, in five days, lost seventy-two ounces of blood, by which he was recovered when at the lowest stage of the disorder. Many others were bled still more, and are now as well as ever they were. Dr. Rush and dr. Wistar have spoken very favour- ably of the salutary effects of cold air, and cool drinks, in this disorder. The latter says, that he found more benefit from cold air, than from any other remedy. He lay delirious, and in severe pain, between a win- dow and door, the former of which was open. The wind suddenly changed, and blew full upon him, cold and raw. Its effects were so grateful, that he soon reco- vered from his delirium—-his pain left him-—in an hour he became perfectly reasonable-—and his fever abated. A respectable citizen who had the fever himself, and likewise watched its effects on eleven of his family, who recovered from it, has informed me, that a re- moval of the sick from a close, warm room to one a few degrees cooler, which practice he employed seve- ral times daily, produced a most extraordinary and favourable change in their appearance, in their pulse, and in their spirits. CHAP. III.—-First alarm in Philadelphia. Flight of the citizens. Guardians of the poor borne down with labour. IT was some time before the disorder attracted public notice. It had in the mean while swept off many persons. The first death that was a subject of general conversation, was that of Peter Aston, on the 19th of August, after a few days illness. Mrs. Lemaigre's, on the day following, and Thomas Miller's, on the 25th, with those of some others, after a short sickness, spread an universal terror. The removals from Philadelphia began about the 25th or 26th of this month: and so great was the ge- neral terror, that, for some weeks, carts, waggons, coachees, and chairs, were almost constantly transport- (17) ing families and furniture to the country in every direction. Many people shut up their houses wholly ; others left servants to take care of them. Business then became extremely dull. Mechanics and artists were unemployed ; and the streets wore the appear- ance of gloom and melancholy. The first official notice taken of the disorder, was on the 22d of August, on which day the mayor of Philadelphia, Matthew Clarkson, esq. wrote to the city commissioners, and after acquainting them with the state of the city, gave them the most peremptory orders, to have the streets properly cleansed and pur- rified by the scavengers, and all the filth immediately hawled away. These orders were repeated on the 27th, and similar ones given to the clerks of the market. The 26th of the same month, the college of phy- sicians had a meeting, at which they took into consi- deration the nature of the disorder, and the means of prevention and of cure. They published an address to the citizens, signed by the president and secretary recommending to avoid all unnecessary intercourse with the infected ; to place marks on the doors or windows where they were ; to pay great attention to cleanliness and airing the rooms of the sick ; to provide a large and airy hospital in the neighbour- hood of the city for their reception ; to put a stop to the tolling of the bells; to bury those who died of the disorder in carriages, and as privately as possible ; to keep the streets and wharves clean ; to avoid all fatigue of body and mind, and standing or sitting in the sun, or in the open air ; to accommodate the dress to the weather, and to exceed rather in warm than in cool clothing; and to avoid intemperance ; but to use fermented liquors, such as wine, beer and cider, with moderation. They likewise declared their opinion, that fires in the streets were very danger- ous, if not ineffectual means of stopping the progress of the fever, and that they placed more dependance on the burning of gunpowder. The benefits of vine- gar and camphor, they added, were confined chiefly to infected rooms ; and they could not be too often C (18) used on handkerchiefs, or in smelling bottles, by per- sons who attended the sick. In consequence of this address, the bells were im- mediately stopped from tolling. The expedience of this measure was obvious ; as they had before been constantly ringing almost the whole day, so as to ter- rify those in health, and drive the sick, as far as the influence of imagination could produce that effect, to their graves. An idea had gone abroad, that the burning of fires in the streets, would have a tendency to purify the air, and arrest the progress of the dis- order. The people had, therefore, almost every night, large fires lighted at the corners of the streets. The 29th, the mayor, conformably with the opinion of the college of physicians, published a proclamation, for- bidding this practice. As a substitute, many had re- course to the firing of guns, which they imagined was a certain preventative of the disorder. This was car- ried so far, and attended with such danger, that it was forbidden by an ordinance of the mayor. The 29th, the governor of the state wrote a letter to the mayor, strongly enforcing the necessity of the most vigorous and decisive exertions " to prevent the ex- tension of, and to destroy, the evil." He desired that the various directions given by the college of physi- cians, should be carried into effect. The same day, in his address to the legislature, he acquainted them, that a contagious disorder existed in the city ; and that he had taken every proper measure to ascertain the ori- gin, nature, and extent of it. He likewise assured them that the health-officer and physician of the port, would take every precaution to allay and remove the public inquietude. The number of the infected daily increasing, and the existence of an order against the admission of persons labouring under infectious diseases into the alms- house, precluding them from a refuge there*, some * At this period, the number of paupers in the alms-house was between three and four hundred ; and the managers, ap- prehensive of spreading the disorder among them, enforced the abovementioned order, which had been entered into a long (19) temporary place was requisite ; and three of the guar- dians of the poor, about the 26th of August, took possession of the circus, in which mr. Ricketts had lately exhibited his equestrian feats, being the only place that could be then procured for the purpose. Thither they sent seven persons afflicted with the ma- lignant fever, where they lay in the open air for some time, and without any assistance†. Of these, one crawled out on the commons, where he died at a dis- tance from the houses. Two died in the circus, one of whom was seasonably removed ; the other lay in a state of putrefaction for above forty eight hours, ow- ing to the difficulty of procuring any person to re- move him. On this occasion occurred an instance of courage in a servant girl, of which at that time few men were capable. The carter, who finally undertook to remove the corpse, having no assistant, and being unable alone to put it into the coffin, was on the point of relinquishing his design, and quitting the place. The girl perceived him, and understanding the difficulty he laboured under, offered her services, provided he would not inform the family with whom she lived‡. She accordingly helped him to put the body into the coffin, tho' it was, by that time, crawling with maggots, and in the most loathsome state of putrefaction. It gives me pleasure to add, that she still lives, notwithstanding her very hazard- ous exploit. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood of the cir- cus took the alarm, and threatened to burn or destroy it, unless the sick were removed; and it is believed they would have actually carried their threats into execution, had compliance been delayed a day longer. The 29th, seven of the guardians of the poor had a conference with some of the city magistrates on the time before. They, however, supplied beds and bedding, and all the money in their treasury, for their relief, out of that house. † High wages were offered for nurses for these poor people, —-but none could be procured. ‡ Had they known of the circumstance, an immediate dismis- sal would have been the consequence. (20) subject of the fever, at which it was agreed to be indispensably necessary, that a suitable house, as an hospital, should be provided near the city, for the reception of the infected poor. In consequence, in the evening of the same day, the guardians of the poor agreed to sundry resolutions, viz. to use their utmost exertions to procure a house, of the above description, for an hospital, (out of town, and as near thereto as might be practicable, consistent with the safety of the inhabitants,) for the poor who were or might be afflicted with contagious disorders, and be destitute of the means of providing necessary assistance otherwise; to engage physicians, nurses, at- tendants, and all necessaries for their relief in that house ; to appoint proper persons in each district, to enquire after such poor as might be afflicted; to ad- minister assistance to them in their, own houses, and, if necessary, to remove them to the hospital. They reserved to themselves, at the same, time, the liberty of drawing on the mayor for such sums as might be necessary to carry their plans into effect. Conformably with these resolves, a committee of the guardians was appointed, to make enquiry for a suitable place ; and on due examination, they judged that a building adjacent to Bushhill, the mansion- house of William Hamilton, esq. was the best calcu- lated for the purpose. That gentleman was then ab- sent, and had no agent in the city ; and the great urgency of the case admitting no delay, eight of the guardians, accompanied by Hilary Baker, esq. one of the city aldermen, with the concurrence of the governor, proceeded, on the 31st of August, to the building they had fixed upon; and meeting with some opposition from a tenant who occupied if, they took possession of the mansion-house itself, to which; on the same evening, they sent the four patients who remained at the circus. Shortly after this, the guardians of the poor for the city, except James Wilson, Jacob Tomkins. jun. and William Sansom, ceased the performance of their duties, nearly the whole of them having (21) removed out of the city. Before this virtual va- cation of office, they passed a resolve against the ad- mission of any paupers whatever into the alms-house during the prevalence of the disorder*. The whole care of the poor of the city, the providing for Bush-hill, sending the sick there, and burying the dead, devolved, therefore, on the above three guar- dians. CHAP. IV. General despondency. Deplorable scenes. Frightful view of human nature. A noble and exhilara- ting contrast. THE consternation of the people of Philadelphia, at this period, was carried beyond all bounds. Dismay and affright were visible in almost every per- son's countenance. Most of those who could, by any means, make it convenient, fled from the city. Of those who remained, many shut themselves up in their houses, and were afraid to walk the streets. The smoke of tobacco being regarded as a preventative, many persons, even women and small boys, had segars almost constantly in their mouths. Others placing full confidence in garlic, chewed it almost the whole day ; some kept it in their pockets and shoes. Many were afraid to allow the barbers or hair-dressers to come near them, as instances had occurred of some of them having shaved the dead, and many having engaged as bleeders. Some, who carried their caution pretty far, bought lancets for themselves, not daring to be bled with the lancets of the bleeders. Many houses were hardly a moment in the day, free from the smell of gunpowder, burned tobacco, nitre, sprinkled vinegar, &c. Some of the churches were almost deserted, and others wholly closed. The coffee- house was shut up, as was the city library, and most of the public offices—three, out of the four, daily * The reason for entering into this order, was, that some pau- pers, who had been admitted previous thereto, with a certifi- cate from the physicians, of their being free from the infecti- ion, had, nevertheless, died of it. (22) papers were discontinued*, as were some of the others. Many were almost incessantly employed in purify- ing, scouring, and whitewashing their rooms. Those who ventured abroad, had handkerchiefs or sponges impregnated with vinegar or camphor at their no- ses, or smelling-bottles full of the thieves' vinegar. Others carried pieces of tarred rope in their hands or pockets, or camphor bags tied round their necks. The corpses of the most respectable citizens, even of those who did not die of the epidemic, were carri- ed to the grave, on the shafts of a chair, the horse driven by a negro, unattended by a friend or re- lation, and without any sort of ceremony. People hastily shifted their course at the sight of a hearse coming towards them. Many never walked on the foot-path, but went into the middle of the streets, to avoid being infected in passing by houses wherein people had died. Acquaintances and friends avoided each other in the streets, and only signified their regard by a cold nod. The old custom of shaking hands, fell into such general disuse, that many shrunk back with affright at even the offer of the hand. A person with a crape, or any appearance of mourning, was shunned like a viper. And many valued them- selves highly on the skill and address with which they got to windward of every person whom they met. Indeed it is not probable that London, at the last stage of the plague, exhibited stronger marks of ter- ror, than were to be seen in Philadelphia, from the 25th or 26th of August, till pretty late in Septem- ber. When people summoned up resolution to walk abroad, and take the air, the sick-cart conveying pa- tients to the hospital, or the hearse carrying the dead to the grave, which were travelling almost the whole day, soon damped their spirits, and plunged them again into despondency. * It would be improper to pass over this opportunity of mentioning, that the federal gazette, printed by Andrew Brown, was uninterruptedly continued, and with the usual industry, during the whole calamity, and was of the utmost ser- vice, in conveying to the citizens of the united dates, authentic intelligence of the state of the disorder, and of the city. (23) While affairs were in this deplorable state, and people at the lowest ebb of despair, we cannot be astonished at the frightful scenes that were acted, which seemed to indicate a total dissolution of the bonds of society in the nearest and dearest connex- ions. Who, without horror, can reflect on a husband, married perhaps for twenty years, deserting his wife in the last agony-—a wife, unfeelingly, abandoning her husband on his death bed-—parents forsaking their only children—-children ungratefully flying from their parents, and resigning them to chance, often with- out an enquiry after their health or safety—-masters hurrying off their faithful servants to Bushhill, even on suspicion of the fever, and that at a time, when, like Tartarus, it was open to every visitant, but never returned any—-servants abandoning tender and hu- mane masters, who only wanted a little care to restore them to health and usefulness—-who, I say, can think of these things, without horror ? Yet they were daily exhibited in every quarter of our city; and such was the force of habit, that the parties who were guilty of this cruelty, felt no remorse them- selves-—nor met with the execration from their fellow- citizens, which such conduct would have excited at any other period. Indeed, at this awful crisis, so much did self appear to engross the whole attention of ma- ny, that less concern was felt for the loss of a pa- rent, a husband, a wife, or an only child, than, on other occasions, would have been caused by the death of a servant, or even a favourite lap-dog. This kind of conduct produced scenes of distress and misery, of which few parallels are to be met with, and which nothing could palliate, but the ex- traordinary public panic, and the great law of self- preservation, the dominion of which extends over the whole animated world. Many men of affluent fortunes, who have given daily employment and sustenance to hundreds, have been abandoned to the care of a negro, after their wives, children, friends, clerks, and servants, had fled away, and left them to their sate. In many cases, no money could procure (24) proper attendance. With the poor, the case was, as might be expected, infinitely worse than with the rich. Many of these have perished, without a human being to hand them a drink of water, to administer medicines, or to perform, any charitable office for them. Various instances have occurred, of dead bo- dies found lying in the streets, of persons who had no house or habitation, and could procure no shelter. A man and his wife, once in affluent circumstances, were found lying dead in bed, and between them was their child, a little infant, who was sucking its mother's breasts. How long they had lain thus, was uncertain. A woman, whose husband had just died of the fe- ver, was seized with the pains of labour, and had no- body to assist her, as the women in the neighbour- hood were afraid to go into the house. She lay, for a considerable time, in a degree of anguish that will not bear description. At length, she struggled to reach the window, and cried out for assistance. Two men, passing by, went up stairs ; but they came at too late a stage.—-She was striving with death-—and actually, in a few minutes, expired in their arms. Another woman, whose husband and two children lay dead in the room with her, was in the same situ- ation as the former, without a midwife, or any other person to aid her. Her cries at the window brought up one of the carters employed by the committee for the relief of the sick. With his assistance, she was delivered of a child, which died in a few minutes, as did the mother, who was utterly exhausted by her labour, by the disorder, and by the dreadful spec- tacle before her. And thus lay, in one room, no less than five dead bodies, an entire family, carried off in an hour or two. Many instances have occurred, of respectable women, who, in their lying-in, have been obliged to depend on their maid-servants, for assist- ance—-and some have had none but from their hus- bands. Some of the midwives were dead—-and others had left the city. . A servant girl, belonging to a family in this city, (25) in which the fever had prevailed, was apprehensive of danger, and resolved to remove to a relation's house, in the country. She was, however, taken sick on the road, and returned to town, where she could find no person to receive her. One of the guardians of the poor provided a cart, and took her to the alms- house, into which she was refused admittance. She was brought back, and the guardian offered five dol- lars to procure her a single night's lodging, but in vain. And in fine, after every effort made to provide her shelter, she absolutely expired in the cart. To relate all the frightful cases of this nature that occurred, would fill a volume. To pass them over wholly would have been improper--to dwell on them longer would be painful. Let these few, therefore, suffice. But I must observe, that most of them hap- pened in the first stage of the public panic. After- wards, when the citizens recovered a little from their fright, they became rare. These horrid circumstances having a tendency to throw a shade over the human character, it is proper to reflect a little light on the subject, wherever justice and truth will permit. Amidst the general abandon- ment of the sick that prevailed, there were to be found many illustrious instances of men and women, some in the middle, others in the lower spheres of life, who, in the exercises of the duties of humanity, ex- posed themselves to dangers, which terrified men, who have hundreds of times faced death without fear, in the field of battle. Some of them, alas! have fallen in the good cause! But why should they be re- gretted ? never could they have fallen more glori- ously. Foremost in this noble groupe stands Joseph Inskeep, a most excellent man in every of the social relations of citizen, brother, husband, and friend.—- To the sick and the forsaken has he devoted his hours, to relieve and comfort them in their tribulation, and his kind assistance was dealt out with equal freedom to an utter stranger as to his bosom friend. Numerous are the instances of men restored, by his kind cares and attention, to their families, from the very jaws D (26) of death.—-In various cases has he been obliged to put dead bodies into coffins, when the relations fled from the mournful office. The merit of Andrew Adgate, Joab Jones, and Daniel Offley, in the same way, was conspicuous, and of the last importance to numbers of distressed creatures, bereft of every other comfort. Of those worthy men, Wilson and Tomkins, I have already spoken. The rev. mr. Fleming and the rev. mr. Winkhause, exhausted themselves by a succession of labours, day and night, attending on the sick, and ministering relief to their spiritual and temporal wants. Of those who have happily survived their dangers, and are preserved to their fellow citizens, I shall men- tion a few. They enjoy the supreme reward of a self-ap- proving conscience ; and I readily believe, that in the most secret recesses, remote from the public eye, they would have done the same. But next to the sense of having done well, is the approbation of our friends and fellow men; and when the debt is great, and the only payment that can be made is ap- plause, it is finely the worst species of avarice, to with- hold it. We are always ready, too ready, alas! to bestow censure—-and, as if anxious lest we should not give enough, we generally heap the measure. When we are so solicitous to deter by reproach from folly, vice, and crime, why not be equally disposed to stimulate to virtue and heroism, by freely bellowing the well- earned plaudit ? Could I suppose, that in any future equally-dangerous emergency, the opportunity I have seized of bearing my feeble testimony, in favour of these worthy persons, would be a means of exciting others to emulate their heroic virtue, it would afford me the highest consolation I have ever experienced. The rev. Henry Helmuth's merits are of the most exalted kind. His whole time, during the prevalence of the disorder, was spent in the performance of the works of mercy, visiting and relieving the sick, com- forting the afflicted, and feeding the hungry. Of his congregation, some hundreds have paid the last debt to nature, since the malignant fever began; and, I (27) believe he attended nearly the whole of them. To so many dangers was he exposed, that he stands a liv- ing miracle of preservation. The rev. C. V. Keating, the rev. mr. Ustick, and the rev. mr. Dickens, have been in the same career, and performed their duties to the sick with equal fidelity, and with equal dan- ger. The venerable old citizen, Samuel Robeson, has been like a good angel, indefatigably performing, in families where there was not one person able to help another, even the menial offices of the kitchen, in every part of his neighbourhood. Thomas Alli- bone, Lambert Wilmer, Levi Hollingsworth, John Barker, Hannah Paine, John Hutchinson, and great numbers of others have distinguished themselves by the kindest offices of disinterested humanity. Magnus Miller, Samuel Coates, and other good citizens, in that time of pinching distress and difficulty, advanced sums of money to individuals whose resources were cut off, and who, though accustomed to a life of independence, were absolutely destitute of the means of subsistence. And as the widow's mite has been mentioned in scripture with so much applause, let me add, that a worthy widow, whose name I am griev- ed I cannot mention, came to the city-hall, and, out of her means, which are very moderate, offered the committee twenty dollars for the relief of the poor. John Connelly has spent hours beside the sick, when their own wives and children had abandoned them. Twice did he catch the disorder—-twice was he on the brink of the grave, which was yawning to receive him—-yet, unappalled by the imminent danger he had escaped, he again returned to the charge. I feel myself affected at this part of my subject, with emo- tions, which I fear my unanimated stile is ill calcula- ted to transfuse into the breast of my reader. I wish him to dwell on this part of the picture, with a degree of exquisite pleasure equal to what I feel in the de- scription. When we view man in this light, we lose sight of his feebleness, his imperfection, his vice-—he resembles, in a small degree, that divine being, who is an inexhaustible mine of mercy and goodness. (23) And, as a human being, I rejoice, that it has fallen to my lot, to be a witness and recorder of a mag- nanimity, which would alone be sufficient to rescue the character of mortals from obloquy and reproach. CHAP. V. Distress increases. Benevolent citizens invited to assist the guardians of the poor. Ten volunteers. Appointment of the committee for relief of the sick. State of Philadelphia. IN the mean time, the situation of affairs became daily more and more serious. Those of the guardi- ans of the poor, who continued to act, were quite oppressed with the labours of their office, which in- creased to such a degree, that they were utterly un- able to execute them. I have already mentioned, that for the city there were but three who persevered in the performance of their duty*. It must give the reader great concern to hear, that two of them, James Wil- son, and Jacob Tomkins, excellent and indefatigable young men, whose services were at that time of very great importance, fell sacrifices in the cause of humanity. The other, William Sansom, was likewise, in the execution of his dangerous office, seized with the disorder, and on the brink of the grave, but was so fortunate as to recover. The deceased persons be- came daily more numerous. Owing to the general terror, nurses, carters, and attendants could hardly be procured. Thus circumstanced, the mayor of the city, on the 10th of September, published an address * With respect to the guardians of the poor, I have been misunderstood. I only spoke of those for the city. Those for the liberties, generally, continued at their post ; and two of them, Wm. Peter Sprague, and William Gregory, performed, in the northern liberties, the very same kind of services as the committee did in the city, viz. attended to the burial of the dead and the removal of the sick. In Southwark, the like tour of duty was executed by Clement Humphreys, John Cornish, and Robert Jones. Far be it from me to deprive any man of applause so richly and hazardously earned. I only regret, that want of leisure prevents me from collecting the name's of all those who have, nobly distinguished themselves, by their attention, to the alleviation of the general calamity. (29) to the citizens, announcing that the guardians of the poor, who remained, were in distress for want of assistance, and inviting such benevolent people, as felt for the general distress, to lend their aid. In con- sequence of this advertisement, a meeting of the ci- tizens was held at the city-hall, on Thursday, the 12th of September, at which very few attended, from the universal consternation that prevailed. The state of the poor was fully considered; and ten citizens, Israel Israel, Samuel Wetherill, Thomas Wistar, Andrew Adgate, Caleb Lownes, Henry Deforest, Thomas Peters, Joseph Inskeep, Stephen Girard, and John Mason, offered themselves to assist the guardi- ans of the poor. At this meeting, a committee was appointed to confer with the physicians who had the care of Bush-hill, and make report of the state of that hospital. This committee reported next even- ing, that it was in very bad order, and in want of al- most every thing. On Saturday, the 14th, another meeting was held, when the alarming state of affairs being fully consi- dered, it was resolved to borrow fifteen hundred dollars of the bank of North-America, for the pur- pose of procuring suitable accommodations for the use of persons afflicted with the prevailing malignant fever. At this meeting, a committee was appointed to transact the whole of the business relative to the relief of the sick, and the procuring of physicians, nurses, attendants, &c. This is the committee, which, by virtue of that appointment, has, from that day to the present time, watched over the sick, the poor, the widow, and the orphan. It is worthy of remark, and may encourage others in time of public calamity, that this committee consisted originally of only twen- ty-six persons, men mostly taken from the middle walks of life; of these, four, Andrew Adgate, Jona- than Dickinson Sargeant, Daniel Offley, and Joseph Inskeep, died, the two first at an early period of their labours-—and four never attended to the ap- pointment. " The heat and burden of the day" have therefore been borne by eighteen persons, whose (30) exertions have been so highly favoured by provi- dence, that they have been the instruments of avert- ing the progress of destruction, eminently relieving the distressed, and restoring confidence to the ter- rified inhabitants of Philadelphia. It is honourable to this committee, that they have conducted their business with more harmony than is generally to be met with in public bodies of equal number. Probably there never was one, of which the members were so re- gular in their attendance; the meetings, at the worst of times—-those times, which, to use Paine's emphatic language, " tried men's souls," were composed in general, of twelve, thirteen, and fourteen members. Never, perhaps, was there a city in the situation of Philadelphia at this period. The president of the united states, according to his annual custom, had removed to Mount Vernon with his household. Most, if not all of the other officers of the federal go- vernment were absent. The governor, who had been sick, had gone, by directions of his physician, to his country-seat near the falls of Schuylkill-—and nearly the whole of the officers of the state had likewise re- tired.-—The magistrates of the city, except the may- or*, and John Barclay†, esq. were away, as were most of those of the liberties. Of the situation of the guar- dians of the poor‡, I have already made mention. In fact, government of every kind was almost wholly vacated, and seemed, by tacit, but universal consent, to be vested in the committee. * This magistrate deserves particular praise. He was the first who invited the citizens to " rally round the standard" of cha- rity, and convened the meeting at which the committee for relief of the sick was appointed, as well as the preceding ones ; of this committee he was appointed president, and punctually fulfilled his duty during the whole time of the distress. † This gentleman, late mayor of the city, acted in the double capacity of alderman and president of the bank of Pennsylvania, to the duties of which offices he devoted himself unremittedly, except during an illness which threatened to add him to the number of valuable men of whom we have been bereft. ‡ The managers of the alms-house attended to the duties im- posed on them, and met regularly at that building every week. (31) CHAP. VI. Magnanimous offer. Wretched state of Bush-hill. Order introduced there. AT the meeting on Sept. 15th, a circumstance oc- curred, to which the most glowing pencil could hardly do justice. Stephen Girard, a wealthy merchant, a native of France, and one of the members of the committee, touched with the wretched situation of the sufferers at Bush-hill, voluntarily and unexpect- edly offered himself as a manager, to superintend that hospital. The surprize and satisfaction, excited by this extraordinary effort of humanity, can be better conceived than expressed. Peter Helm, a native of Pennsylvania, also a member, actuated by the like benevolent motives, offered his services in the same department, Their offers were accepted ; and the same afternoon they entered on the execution of their dangerous and praise-worthy office*. To form a just estimate of the value of the offer of these men, it is necessary to take into full considera- tion the general consternation, which at that period pervaded every quarter of the city, and which made attendance on the sick be regarded as little less than a certain sacrifice. Uninfluenced by any reflexions of this kind, without any possible inducement but the purest motives of humanity, they came forward and offered themselves as the forlorn hope of the committee. I trust that the gratitude of their fellow- citizens will remain as long as the memory of their beneficent conduct, which I hope will not die with the present generation. On the 16th, the managers of Bush-hill, after per- sonal inspection of the state of affairs there, made report of its situation, which was truly deplorable. It exhibited as wretched a picture of human misery as ever existed. A profligate, abandoned set of nurses and attendants (hardly any of good character could at that time be procured,) rioted on the provi- sions and comforts prepared for the sick, who * The management of the interior department was assumed by Stephen Girard—-the exterior by Peter Helm. (32) (unless at the hours when the doctors attended) were left almost entirely destitute of every assistance. The sick, the dying, and the dead were indiscriminate- ly mingled together. The ordure and other evacuati- ons of the sick, were allowed to remain in the most offensive state imaginable. Not the smallest ap- pearance of order of regularity existed. It was, in fact, a great human slaughter-house, where nume- rous victims were immolated at the altar of riot and intemperance. No wonder, then, that a gene- ral dread of the place prevailed through the city, and that a removal to it was considered as the seal of death. In consequence, there were various instances of sick persons locking their rooms, and resisting every attempt to carry them away. At length, the poor were so much afraid of being sent to Bush-hill, that they would not acknowledge their illness, until it was no longer possible to conceal it. For it is to be observed, that the fear of the contagion was so pre- valent, that as soon as any one was taken ill, an alarm was spread among the neighbours, and every effort was used to have the sick person hurried off to Bush- hill, to avoid spreading the disorder. The cases of poor people forced in this way to that hospital, though labouring under only common colds, and common fall fevers, were numerous and afflicting. There were not wanting instances of persons, only slightly ill, being sent to Bush-hill, by their panic-struck neigh- bours, and embracing the first opportunity of run- ning back to Philadelphia. The regulations adopted at Bush-hill, were as follow : One of the rooms in the mansion house (which contains fourteen, besides three large entries) was allotted to the matron, and an assistant under her—- eleven rooms and two entries to the sick. Those who were in a very low state were in one room-—and one was appointed for the dying. The men and women were kept in distinct rooms, and attended by nurses of their own sexes. Every sick person was furnished with a bedstead, clean sheet, pillow, two or three blan- (33) kets, porringer, plate, spoon, and clean linen, when necessary. In the mansion house were one hundred and forty bedsteads. The new frame house, built by the committee, when it was found that the old build- ings were inadequate to contain the patients commo- diously, is sixty feet front, and eighteen feet deep, with three rooms on the ground floor; one of which was for the head nurses of that house, the two others for the sick. Each of these two last contained seven- teen bedsteads. The lost, designed for the convales- cents, was calculated to contain forty. The barn is a large, commodious stone building, divided into three apartments ; one occupied by the resident doctors and apothecary ; one, which contain- ed forty bedsteads, by the men convalescents—-and the other by the women convalescents, which contained fifty-seven. At some distance from the west of the hospital, was erected a frame building to store the coffins, and deposite the dead until they were sent to a place of in- terment. Besides the nurses employed in the house, there were two cooks, four labourers, and three washer- women, constantly employed for the use of the hos- pital. The sick were visited twice a day by two physicians, dr. Deveze and dr. Benjamin Duffield*, whose pre- scriptions were executed by three resident physicians and the apothecary. One of the resident doctors was charged with the distribution of the victuals for the sick. At eleven o'clock, he gave them broth with rice, bread, boiled * Very soon after the organization of the committee, dr. Deveze, a respectable French physician from Cape-Francois, offered his ser- vices in the line of his profession at Bush-hill. Dr. Benjamin Duffield did the same. Their offers were accepted, and they have both at- tended with great punctuality. Dr. Deveze renounced all other prac- tice, which, at that period, would have been very lucrative, when there was such general demand for physicians. The committee, in consideration of the services of these two gentlemen, have lately pre- sented dr. Duffield with five hundred, and dr. Deveze with fifteen hundred dollars. E (34) beef, veal, mutton, and chicken, with cream of rice to those whose stomachs would not bear stronger nou- rishment. Their second meal was at six o'clock, when they had broth, rice, boiled prunes, with cream of rice. The sick drank at their meals porter, or claret and water. Their constant drink between meals was cen- taury tea, and boiled lemonade. These regulations, the order and regularity intro- duced, and the care and tenderness with which the patients were treated, soon established the character of the hospital; and in the course of a week or two, numbers of sick people, who had not at home pro- per persons to nurse them, applied to be sent to Bush- hill. Indeed, in the end, so many people, who were afflicted with other disorders, procured admittance there, that it became necessary to pass a resolve, that before an order of admission should be granted, a certificate must be produced from a physician, that the patient laboured under the malignant fever; for had all the applicants been received, this hospital, pro- vided for an extraordinary occasion, would have been filled with patients whose cases entitled them to a re- ception in the Pennsylvania hospital. The number of persons received into Bush-hill, from the 16th of September to this time, is about one thousand; of whom nearly five hundred are dead; there are now (Nov. 30,) in the house, about twenty sick, and fifty convalescents. Of the latter class, there have been dismissed about four hundred and thirty. The reason why so large a proportion died of those received, is, that in a variety of cases, the early fears of that hospital had got such firm possession of the minds of some, and others were so much actuated by a foo- lish pride, that they would never consent to be re- moved till they were past recovery. And in conse- quence of this, there were many instances of persons dying in the cart on the road to the hospital. I speak within bounds, when I say that at least a third of the whole number of those received, did not survive their entrance into the hospital two days. Were it not for the operation of these two motives, the number of (35) the dead in the city and in the hospital would have been much lessened; for many a man, whose nice feelings made him spurn at the idea of a removal to the hospital, perished in the city for want of that com- fortable assistance he would have had at Bush-hill*. Before I conclude this chapter, let me add, that the perseverance of the managers of that hospital has been equally meritorious with their original beneficence. During the whole calamity to this time, they have attended uninterruptedly, for six, seven, or eight hours a day, renouncing almost every care of private affairs. They have had a laborious tour of duty to perform. Stephen Girard, whose office was in the inte- rior part of the hospital, has had to encourage and comfort the sick—-to hand them necessaries and medi- cines—-to wipe the sweat off their brows—-and to per- form many disgusting offices of kindness for them, which nothing could render tolerable, but the exalted motives that impelled him to this heroic conduct. Peter Helm, his worthy coadjutor, displayed, in his department, equal exertions, to promote the common good. CHAP. VII. Proceedings of the committee—-Loans from the bank of North-America. Establishment of an orphan house. Relief of the poor. Appointment of the as- sistant committee. THE committee, on its organization, resolved that three of the members should attend daily at the city hall, to receive applications for relief; to pro- vide for the burial of the dead, and for the convey- * I omitted in the former editions to mention the name of a most excellent and invaluable woman, mrs. Saville, the matron in this hospital, whose services in the execution of her office, were above all price. Never was there a person better qualified for such a situation. To the most strict observance of system, she united all the tenderness and humanity which are so essentially requisite in an hospital, but which habit so very frequently and fatally extinguishes : should the wisdom of our legislature decree the permanent establishment of a lazaretto, no person can be found more deserving, or better qualified to be entrusted with the care of if. (36) ance of persons labouring under the malignant fever, to Bush-hill. But three being found inadequate to the execution of the multifarious and laborious duties to be performed, this order was rescinded, and daily attendance was given by nearly all of the members. A number of carts and carters were engaged for the burial of the dead, and removal of the sick. And it was a melancholy sight to behold them incessantly employed through the whole day, in these mournful offices. The committee borrowed fifteen hundred dollars from the bank of North-America, agreeably to the resolves of the town meeting by which they were appointed. Several of the members entered into secu- rity to repay that sum, in case the corporation or le- gislature should refuse to make provision for its dis- charge. This sum being soon expended, a farther loan of five thousand dollars was negociated with the same institution*. In the progress of the disorder, the committee found the calls on their humanity increase. The nu- merous deaths of heads of families left a very large body of children in a most abandoned, forlorn state. The bettering house, in which such helpless objects have been usually placed heretofore, was barred against them, by the order which I have already mentioned. Many of these little innocents were actually suffering for want of even common necessaries. The deaths of their parents and protectors, which should have been the strongest recommendation to public charity, was the very reason of their distress, and of their being shunned as a pestilence. The children of a family once in easy circumstances, were found in a black- smith's shop, squalid, dirty, and half starved, having been for a considerable time without even bread to eat. Various instances of a similar nature occurred. This evil early caught the attention of the committee, and on the 19th of September, they hired a house in * It ought to be mentioned, that on the payment of these sums, the directors generously declined accepting interest for the use of them. (37) Fifth-street, in which they placed thirteen children. The number increasing, they on the 3d of October, procured the Loganian library, which was generously given up by John Swanwick, esq. for the purpose of an orphan house. A further increase of their little charge, rendered it necessary to build some additions to the library, which are nearly half as large as that building. At present, there are in the house, under the care of the orphan committee, about sixty chil- dren, and above forty are out with wet nurses. From the origin of the institution, one hundred and ninety children have fallen under their care, of whom sixteen are dead, and about seventy have been deli- vered to their relations or friends. There are instances of five and six children of a single family in the house. To these precious deposits the utmost attention has been paid. They are well fed, comfortably clothed, and properly taken care of. Mary Parvin, a very suit- able person for the purpose, has been engaged as matron, and there are, besides, sufficient persons em- ployed to assist her. Various applications have been made for some of the children; but in no instance would the committee surrender any of them up, until they had satisfactory evidence that the claimants had a right to make the demand. Their relations are now publicly called upon to come and receive them. For such as may remain unclaimed, the best provision pos- sible will be made; and so great is the avidity of many people to have some of them, that there will be no difficulty in placing them to advantage. Another duty soon attracted the attention of the committee. The flight of so many of our citizens, the consequent stagnation of business, and the almost total cessation of the labours of the guardians of the poor, brought on among the lower classes of the people, a great degree of distress, which loudly demanded the in- terposition of the humane. In consequence, on the 20th of September, a committee of distribution, of three members, was appointed, to furnish such assistance to deserving objects as their respective cases might re- quire, and the funds allow. This was at first adminis- (38) tered to but few, owing to the confined state of the finances. But the very extraordinary liberality of our fugitive fellow citizens, of the citizens of New York, and of those of various towns and townships, encou- raged the committee to extend their views. In conse- quence, they increased the distributing committee to eight, and afterwards to ten. Being, in the execution of this important service, liable to imposition, they, on the 14th of October, ap- pointed an assistant committee, composed of forty- five citizens, chosen from the several districts of the city and liberties. The duty assigned this assistant com- mittee, was to seek out and give recommendations to deserving objects in distress, who, on producing them, were relieved by the committee of distribution, (who sat daily at the City Hall, in rotation,) with money, provisions, or wood, or all three, according as their necessities required. The assistant committee executed this business with such care, that it is probable so great a number of people were never before relieved, with so little imposition. Some shameless creatures, possessed of houses, and comfortable means of sup- port, have been detected in endeavouring to partake of the relief destined solely for the really indigent and distressed. Besides those who came forward to ask assistance in the way of gift, there was another class, in equal dis- tress, and equally entitled to relief, who could not descend to accept it as charity. The committee, dispos- ed to softer this laudable principle, one of the best se- curities from debasement of character, relieved persons of this description with small loans weekly, just enough for immediate support, and took acknowledgments for the debt, without ever intending to urge payment, if not perfectly convenient to the parties. The number of persons relieved weekly, was about twelve hundred ; many of whom had families of four, five, and six persons. The gradual revival of business has rescued those who are able and willing to work, from the humilia- tion of depending on public charity. And the orga- nization of the overseers of the poor has thrown the (39) support of the proper objects of charity into its old channel. The distribution of money, &c. ceased there- fore on Saturday, the 23d of November. CHAP. VIII. Repeated addresses of the committee on the purification of houses.—-Assistant committee under- take to inspect infected houses personally. Extinction of the disorder. Governor's proclamation. Address of the clergy. A new and happy sate of affairs. THE committee exerted its cares for the welfare of the citizens in every case in which its interfer- ence was at all proper or necessary. The declension of the disorder induced many persons to return to the city at an earlier period, than prudence dictated. On the 26th of October, therefore, the committee addres- sed their fellow citizens, congratulating them on the very flattering change that had taken place, which af- forded a chearing prospect of being soon freed from the disorder entirely. They, however, recommended to those who were absent, not to return till the inter- vention of cold weather, or rain* should render such a step justifiable and proper, by totally extinguishing the disease. The 29th, they published another address, earnestly exhorting those whose houses had been closed, to have them well aired and purified ; to throw lime into the privies, &c. The 4th of November, they again addressed the public, announcing that it was unsafe for those who had resided in the country, to return to town with too much precipitation, especially into houses not properly prepared. They added, that though the disorder had considerably abated, and though there was reason to hope it would shortly disappear, yet they could not say it was totally eradicated ; as there was reason to fear it still lurked in different parts of the city. They reiterated their representations on the subject of cleansing houses. * I shall in some of the following pages attempt to prove, that the idea here held out, was erroneous. (40) The 14th, they once more addressed their fellow citizens, informing them of the restoration to our long afflicted city, of as great a degree of health as usu- ally prevails at the same season ; of no new cases of the malignant fever having occurred for many days; of their having reason to hope that in a few days not a vestige of it would remain in the city or suburbs; of applications for admission into the hospital having ceased ; of the expectation of the physicians at the hos- pital, that no more than three or four would die out of ninety-one persons remaining there; of the number of convalescents increasing daily. They at the same time most earnestly recommended that houses in which the disorder had been, should be purified; and that the clothing or bedding of the sick, more especially of those who had died of the disorder, should be wash- ed, baked, buried, or destroyed. They added, that the absent citizens of Philadelphia, as well as those stran- gers who had business in the city, might safely come to it, without fear of the disorder. Notwithstanding all these cautions, many persons re- turned from the country, without paying any atten- tion to the cleansing of their houses, thereby sporting not only with their own lives, but with the safety of their fellow citizens. The neglect of some people, in this way, has been so flagrant, as to merit the se- verest punishment. This dangerous nuisance attracted the notice of the committee; and after a conference with the assistant committee, they, on the 15th of No- vember, in conjunction with them, resolved, that it was highly expedient to have all houses and stores in the city and liberties, wherein the malignant fever had prevailed, purified and cleansed as speedily and com- pletely as possible ; to have all those well aired, which had been closed for any length of time ; to have lime thrown into the privies ; to call in, when the district should be too large for the members to enforce com- pliance with those resolves, such assistants as might be necessary ; and when any person, whose house re- quired to be cleansed, and who was able to defray the expense thereof, should refuse or neglect to com- (41) ply with the requisition of the members appointed to carry those resolves into effect, to report him to the next grand jury for the city and county, as supporting a nuisance dangerous to the public welfare. The assis- tant committee undertook to exert themselves to have these salutary plans put into execution; they had gone through the city and liberties for the purpose; and in most cases have found a readiness in the inha- bitants to comply with a requisition of such impor- tance*. This was the last act of the committee that re- quires notice. Their business has since gone on in a regular, uniform train, every day like the past. They are now settling their accounts, and are prepar- ing to surrender up their trust, into the hands of a town meeting of their fellow citizens, the constitu- ents by whom they were called into the unprece- dented office they have filled. To them they will give an account of their stewardship, in a time of distress, the like of which heaven avert from the people of America for ever. Doubtless, a candid construction will be put upon their conduct, and it will be believed, that they have acted in every case that came under their cognizance, according to the best of their abi- lities. On the 14th, governor Mifflin published a procla- mation, announcing, that as it had pleased Almighty God to put an end to the grievous calamity which recently afflicted the city of Philadelphia, it was the duty of all who were truly sensible of the divine mercy, to employ the earliest moments of returning health, in devout expressions of penitence, submission, and gratitude. He therefore appointed Thursday, the * The utmost exertions of the magistrates and of the citizens generally, are necessary to guard against the deplorable conse- qences that may arise in the spring from the neglect of a few whole supineness renders them deaf to every call of duty in this respect. The beds secreted by the nurses who attended the sick, are likewise a fruitful source of danger, and demand the greatest vigilance from every person invested with authority to watch over the public safety. F (42) 12th. of December†, as a clay of general humiliation, thanksgiving, and prayer, and earnestly exhorted and intreated his fellow citizens " to abstain, on that day, from all worldly avocations, and to unite in confessing, with contrite hearts, their manifold sins and transgressions—-in acknowledging, with thankful adoration, the mercy and goodness of the Supreme Ruler of the universe, more especially manifested in our late deliverance; and in praying, with solemn zeal, that the same mighty power would be graciously pleased to instil into our minds the just principles of our duty to him and to our fellow creatures; to regulate and guide all our actions by his Holy Spirit, to avert from all mankind the evils of war, pestilence, and famine ; and to bless and protect us in the en- joyment of civil and religious liberty." The 18th, the clergy of the city published an ele- gant and pathetic address, recommending that the day appointed by the governor, " should be set apart and kept holy to the Lord, not merely as a day of thanksgiving, for that, in all appearance, it had pleased him, of his infinite mercy, to flay the rage of the malignant disorder, (when we had well nigh faid, hath God forgot to be gracious ?)-—but also as a day of solemn humiliation and prayer, joined with the confession of our manifold sins, and of our neglect and abuse of his former mercies ; together with sin- cere resolutions of future amendment and obedience to his holy will and laws; without which our prayers, praises, and thanksgivings will be in vain." The 26th the assistant committee passed several very judicious and salutary resolves, requiting their members in their several districts through the city and liberties, immediately to inspect the condition of all taverns, boarding houses, and other buildings † The pious observance of this day, by an almost total cessa- tion of business (except among the Friends, whose stores gene- rally remained open) and by the churches being universally fill- ed with people pouring forth the effusions of their gratitude for the cessation of the dreadful scourge, exceeded that of any other day or thanksgiving I have ever known. (43) in which the late contagious disorder is known to have been ; to notify the owners or tenants, to have them purified and cleansed ; to report the names of such as should refuse compliance, and also make report of every house shut up, in which any person is known to have lately sickened or died. They caution- ed the vendue masters not to sell, and the public not to buy any clothes or bedding belonging to persons lately deceased, until they know that the same has been sufficiently purified and aired. I have not judged it necessary to enter into a minute detail of the business of the committee from day to day. It would afford little gratification to the reader. It would be, for several weeks, little more than a melan- choly history of fifteen, twenty, or thirty applications daily, for coffins and carts to bury the dead, who had none to perform that last office for them-—or as many applications for the removal of the sick to Bush hill. There was little variety. The present day was as drea- ry as the past-—and the prospect of the approaching one was equally gloomy. This was the state of things for a long time. But at length brighter prospects dawned. The disorder decreased in violence. The number of the sick diminished. New cases became rare. The spirits of the citizens revived—and the tide of migration was once more turned. A visible alteration has taken place in the state of affairs in the city. Our friends return in crouds. Every hour, long-absent and welcome faces appear-—and in many instances, those of persons, whom public fame has buried for weeks past. The stores, so long closed, are nearly all opened again. Many of the country merchants, bolder than others, are daily venturing in to their old place of supply. Mar- ket-street is as full of waggons as usual. The custom- house, for weeks nearly deserted by our mercantile people, is thronged with citizens entering their vessels and goods. The streets, too long the abode of gloom and despair, have assumed the bustle suited to the sea- son. Our wharves are filled with vessels loading and unloading their respective cargoes. And, in fine, as (44) every thing, in the early stage of the disorder, seemed calculated to add to the general consternation; so now, on the contrary, every circumstance has a ten- dency to revive the courage and hopes of our citi- zens. But we have to lament, that the same spirit of exaggeration and lying, that prevailed at a former period, and was the grand cause of the harm measures adopted by our sister states, has not ceased to operate ; for at the present moment, when the danger is en- tirely done away, the credulous, of our own citizens still absent, and of the country people, are still alarmed with frightful rumours, of the disorder raging with as much violence as ever; of numbers carried off, a few hours after their return; and of new cases daily oc- curring. To what design to attribute these shameful tales, I know not. Were I to regard them in a spirit of resentment, I should be inclined to charge them to some secret, interested views of their authors, intent, if possible, to effect the entire destruction of our city. But I will not allow myself to consider them in this point of light-—and will even suppose they arise from a proneness to terrific narration, natural to some men. But they should consider, that we are in the situation of the frogs in the fable—-while those tales, which make the hair of the country people stand on end, are sport to the fabricators, they are death to us. And I here assert, and defy contradiction, that of the whole number of our fugitive citizens, who have already returned, amounting to some thousands, not above two persons are dead—-and these owe their fate to the most shameful neglect of airing and cleansing their houses, notwithstanding the various cautions publish- ed by the committee. If people will venture into houses in which infected air has been pent up for weeks to- gether, without any purification, we cannot be sur- prized at the consequences,however fatal they may be. But let not the catastrophe of a few incautious persons operate to bring discredit on a city containing above fifty thousand people. (45) CHAP. IX. Extravagant letters from Philadelphia, Credulity put to the test. THAT I might not interrupt the chain of events in Philadelphia, I have deferred, till now, giving an account of the proceedings in the several states, res- pecting our fugitives. As an introduction thereto, I shall prefix a short chapter respecting those letters, which excited the terror of our neighbours, and im- pelled them to more severe measures than they would otherwise have adopted. Great as was the calamity of Philadelphia, it was magnified in the most extraordinary manner. The hundred tongues of rumour were never more success- fully employed, than en this melancholy occasion. The terror of the inhabitants of all the neighbouring states was excited by letters from this city, distributed by every mail, many of which told tales of woe, whereof hardly a single circumstance was true, but which were every where received with implicit faith. The distresses of the city, and the fatality of the disorder, were exaggerated as it were to see how far credulity could be carried. The plague of London was, accor- ding to rumour, hardly more fatal than our yellow fever. Our citizens died so fast, that there was hard- ly enough of people to bury them. Ten, or fifteen, or more, were said to be call into one hole together, like so many dead beasts*. One man, whose feelings were so composed, as to be facetious on the subject, ac- * The following extract appeared in a Norfolk paper about the middle of September : Extract of a letter from Philadelphia, to a gentleman in Norfolk, Sept. 9 " Half the inhabitants of this city have already fled to different " parts, on account of the pestilential disorder that prevails here. " The few citizens who remained in this place, die in abundance, " so fast that they drag them away, like dead beasts, and put ten, " or fifteen, or more, in a hole together. All the stores are shut up. " I am afraid this city will be ruined : for nobody will come near " it hereafter. I am this day removing my family from this fatal " place." I am strongly inclined to imagine that this letter was the cause of the Virginia proclamation. (46) quainted a correspondent, in New York, that the only business carrying on, was grave digging, or ra- ther pit digging †. And at a time when the deaths did not exceed from forty to fifty daily, many men had the modelty to write, and others, throughout the con- tinent, the credulity to believe, that we buried from one hundred to one hundred and fifty*. Thousands were swept off in three or four weeks ‡. And the nature † From a New York paper of October 2. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Philadelphia, dated Sept. 23, " The papers must have amply informed you of the melancho- " ly situation of this city for five or six weeks past. Grave-dig- " ging has been the only business carrying on ; and indeed I may " say of late, pit-digging, where people are interred indiscrimi- " nately in three tiers of coffins. From the most accurate ob- " servations I can make upon matters, I think I speak with- " in bounds, when I say, eighteen hundred persons have perished, " (I do not say all of the yellow fever) since its first appearance." * From the Maryland Journal, of Sept. 27. Extract of a letter from Philadelphia, dated Sept. 20. " The disorder seems to be much the same in this place as " when I last wrote you: about 1500 have fallen victims to it. " Last Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, there were not less than " 350 died with this severe disorder !!! As I informed you be- " fore, this is the most distressed place I ever beheld. Whole fa- " milies go in the disorder, in the course of twelve hours. For " your own sakes, use all possible means to keep it out of Balti- " more." Extract of a letter from Philadelphia, of the same date. " The malignant fever which prevails here, is still increas- " ing. Report says, that above one hundred have been buried " per day for some time past. It is now thought to be more in- " fectious than ever. I think you ought to be very careful with " respect to admitting persons from Philadelphia into your town." ‡ From a Chestertown paper, of Sept. 10. Extract of a letter from a respectable young mechanic, in Philadel- phia, to his friend in this town, dated the 5th inst. " It is now a very mortal time in this city. The yellow fever " hath killed some thousands of the inhabitants. Eight thousand " mechanics, besides other people, have left the town. Every " master in the city, of our branch of business, is gone." The " some thousands" that were killed at that time, did not amount to three hundred. The authentic information in this letter, was (47) and danger of the disorder, were as much misrepre- sented, as the number of the dead. It was said, in de- fiance of every day's experience, to be as inevitable by all exposed to the contagion, as the stroke of fate. The credulity of some, the proneness to exaggera- tion of others, and I am sorry, extremely sorry to be- lieve, the interested views of a few*, will account for these letters. CHAP. X. Proceedings at Chestertown-—At New-York —-At Trenton and Lamberton-—At Baltimore. THE effects produced by those tales, were such as might be reasonably expected. The conster- nation spread through the several states like wild-fire. The first public act that took place on the subject, as far as I can learn, was at Chestertown, in Maryland. At this place, a meeting was held on the 10th of Sep- tember, and several resolves entered into, which, after specifying that the disorder had extended to Trenton, Princeton, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth-town, on the post-road to New-York, directed, that notice should be sent to the owners of the stages not to allow them to pass through the town, while there should be reason to expect danger therefrom ; and that a committee of health and inspection should be appointed, to provide for the relief of such poor inhabitants as might take the disorder, and likewise for such strangers as might be infected with it. In consequence of these resolves, the eastern shore line of stages was stopt in the course of a few days afterwards. The alarm in New-York was first officially an- nounced by a letter from the mayor to the practising circulated in every state in the union, by the news papers. From the date, I suspect this letter to have been the occasion of the Chestertown resolves. * As this charge is extremely pointed, it may be requisite to state the foundation of it, for the reader to form his opinion upon. oSome of the letters from Philadelphia about this time, were writ- ten by persons, whose interest it was to injure the city; and gave statements so very different, even from the very worst rumours prevailing here, that it was morally impossible the writers them- selves could have believed them. (48) physicians, dated Sept. 11th, in which he requested them to report to him in writing the names of all such persons as had arrived, or should arrive from Phila- delphia, or any other place, by land or water, and were or should be sick; and that such as should be deemed subjects of infectious diseases, might be removed out of the city. He notified them, that the corporation had taken measures to provide a proper place as an hospital, for such persons as might unhappily become subjects of the fever in New-York. In this letter the mayor declared his opinion clearly, that the inter- course with Philadelphia, could not be lawfully inter- rupted by any power in the state. The 12th appeared a proclamation from governor Clinton, which, re- ferring to the " act to prevent the bringing in, and " spreading of infectious disorders," prohibited, in the terms of that act, all vessels from Philadelphia, to approach nearer to the city of New-York, than Bedlow's island, about two miles distant, till duly dis- charged. The silence of this proclamation, respecting passengers by land, seemed to imply that the gover- nor's opinion on the subject, was the same as that of the mayor. The same day, at a meeting of the citizens, the necessity of taking some precautions was unanimous- ly agreed upon, and a committee of seven appointed to report a plan to a meeting to be held next day. Their report, which was unanimously agreed to, the 13th, recommended to hire two physicians, to as- sist the physician of the port in his examination of vessels; to check, as much as possible, the intercourse by stages; to acquaint the proprieters of the southern stages, that it was the earned wish of the inhabitants, that their carriages and boats should not pass during the prevalence of the disorder in Philadelphia ; and to request the practioners of physic to report, without fail, every case of fever, to which they might be cal- led, occurring in any person that had or might arrive from Philadelphia, or have intercourse with them. Not satisfied with these measures, the corporation, on the 17th, came to resolution to stop all intercourse (49) between the two cities; and for this purpose guards were placed at the different landings, with orders to send back every person coming from Philadelphia ; and if any were discovered to have arrived after that date, they were to be directly sent back. Those who took in lodgers, were called upon to give informa- tion of all people of the above description, under pain of being prosecuted according to law. All good citi- zens were required to give information to the mayor, or any member of the committee, of any breach in the premises. These strict precautions being eluded by the fears and the vigilance of the fugitives from Philadelphia, on the 23d there was a meeting held, of delegates from the several wards of the city, in order to adopt more effectual measures. At this meeting, it was re- solved to establish a night watch of not less than ten citizens in each ward, to guard against every attempt to enter under cover of darkness. Not yet eased of their fears, they next day published an address, in which they mentioned, that notwithstanding their ut- most vigilance many persons had been clandestinely landed upon the shores of New-York island. They therefore again called upon their fellow citizens to be cautious how they received strangers into their houses; not to fail to report all such to the mayor immediately upon their arrival; to remember the importance of the occasion ; and to consider what reply they should make to the jail resentment of their fellow citizens, whose lives they might expose by a criminal neglect, or infidelity. They likewise declared their expecta- tion, that those who kept the different ferries on the shores of New Jersey and Staten island, would pay such attention to their address, as not to transport any person but to the public landings, and that in the day time, between sen and sun. The 30th they published a lengthy address, recapitulating the various precautions they hid taken— the nature of the disor- der-—and the numbers who had died out of Philadel- phia, without communicating it to any one. They at the same time resolved, that goods, bedding, and G (50) clothing, packed up in Philadelphia, should, pre- vious to their being brought into New-York, be un- packed and exposed to the open air in some well- ventilated place, for at least 48 hours ; that all linen or cotton clothes, or bedding, which had been used, should be well washed in several waters; and after- wards, that the whole, both such as had been and such as had not been used, should be hung up in a close room, and well smoked with the fumes of brim- stone for one day, and after that again exposed for at least twenty four hours to the open air , and that the boxes, trunks, or chests, in which they had been packed, should be cleaned and aired in the same man- ner ; after which, being repacked, and such evidence given of their purification, as the committee should require, permission might be had to bring them into the city. The 11th of October, they likewise resolved, that they would consider and publish to the world, as ene- mies to the welfare of the city, and the lives of its in- habitants, all those who should be so selfish and hardy, as to attempt to introduce any goods, wares, mer- chandize, bedding, baggage, &c. imported from, or packed up in Philadelphia, contrary to the rules pre- scribed by that body, who were, they said, deputed to express the will of their fellow citizens. They recommended to the inhabitants to withstand any temptation of profit, which might attend the purchase of goods in Philadelphia, as no emolument to an in- dividual, they added, could warrant the hazard to which such conduct might expose the city. Besides all these resolves, they published daily statements of the health of the city, to allay the fears of their fel- low citizens. On the 14th of November, the committee reslved, that passengers coming from Philadelphia to New- York, might be admitted, in future, together with their wearing apparel, without restriction, as to time, until further orders from the committee. The 20th, they declared that they were happy to announce to their fellow citizens, that health was re- (51) stored to Philadelphia; but that real danger was still to be apprehended from the bedding and clothing of those who had been ill of the malignant fever; and that they had received satisfactory information, that attempts had been made to ship on freight considera- ble quantities of beds and bedding from Philadelphia for their city. They therefore resolved that it was in- expedient, to admit the introduction of beds or bed- ding of any kind, or feathers in bags, or otherwise; also, second-hand wearing apparel of every species, coming from places infected with the yellow fever; and that whosoever should attempt so high-handed an offence as to bring them in, and endanger the lives and health of the inhabitants, would justly merit their resentment and indignation. The inhabitants of Trenton and Lamberton associ- ated on the 13th of September, and on the 17th passed several resolutions to guard themselves against the con- tagion. They resolved that a total stop should be put to the landing of all persons from Philadelphia, at any ferry or place from Lamberton to Howell's ferry, four miles above Trenton ; that the intercourse by water should be prohibited between Lamberton, or the head of tide water, and Philadelphia; and that all boats from Philadelphia, should be prevented from landing either goods or passengers any where between Bordentown and the head of tide water, that no per- son whatever should be permitted to come from Phi- ladelphia, or Kensington, while the fever continued ; that all persons who should go from within the limits of the association, to either of those places, should be prevented from returning during the continuance of the fever ; and finally, that their standing committee should inquire whether any persons, not inhabitants, who had lately come from places infected, and were therefore likely to be infected themselves, were within the limits of the association, and if so, that they should be obliged instantly to leave the said limits. The 12th of September, the governor of Maryland published a proclamation, subjecting all vessels from Philadelphia to the performance of a quarantine, (52) not exceeding forty days, or as much less as might be judged safe by the health officers. It further or- dered, that all persons going to Baltimore, to Havre de Grace, to the head of Elk, or, by any other route, making their way into that date from Philadelphia, or any other place known to be infected with the malignant fever, should be subject to be examined, and prevented from proceeding, by persons to be appointed for that purpose, and who were to take the advice and opinion of the medical faculty in eve- ry case, in order that private affairs and pursuits, might not be unnecessarily impeded. This proclama- tion appointed two health officers for Baltimore. The people of Baltimore met the 13th of Septem- ber, and resolved that none of their citizens should receive into their houses any persons coming from Philadelphia, or other infected place, without pro- ducing a certificate from the health officer, or officer of patrole; and that any person who violated that resolve, should be held up to the public view, as a pro- per object for the resentment of the town. The 14th, a party of militia was dispatched to take the possession of a pass on the Philadelphia road, about two miles from Baltimore, to prevent the entrance of any passengers from Philadelphia without license. Dr. Worthington, the health officer stationed at this pass was directed to refuse permission to persons afflicted with any malig- nant complaint, or who had not been absent from Phi- ladelphia, or other infected place, at least seven days. The western shore line of Philadelphia it ages was stop- ped about the 18th or 19th. The 30th, the committee of health resolved that no inhabitant of Baltimore, who should visit persons from Philadelphia, while performing quarantine, should be permitted to enter the town, until the time of quarantine was expired, and until it was certainly known that the persons he had visited were free from the infection ; and that thenceforward no goods capa- ble of conveying infection, that had been landed, or packed up in Philadelphia, or other infected place, should be permitted to enter the town--nor should (53) any baggage of travellers be admitted, until it had been exposed to the open air such length of time as the health officer might direct. CHAP. XI. Proceedings at Havre de Grace--At Ha- gerstown-—At Alexandria-—At Winchester-—At Boston —-At Newburyport—-In Rhode Island—-At Newbern—- At Charleston—-In Georgia.-—Fasting and prayer. THE 25th of September, the inhabitants of Havre de Grace resolved that no person should be allow- ed to cross the Susquehannah river at that town, who did not bring a certificate of his not having lately come from Philadelphia, or any other infected place ; and that the citizens of Havre would embody them- selves to prevent any one from crossing without such a certificate. At Hagerstown, on the 3d of October, it was re- solved, that no citizen should receive into his house any person coming from Philadelphia, supposed to be infected with the malignant fever, until he or she produced a certificate from a health officer; that should any citizen contravene the above resolution, he should be proscribed from all society with his fellow citizens ; that the clothing sent to the troops then in that town, should not be received there, nor suffered to come within seven miles thereof; that if any person from Philadelphia, or other infected place, should arrive there, he should be required instantly to depart, and in case of refusal or neglect, be compelled to go with- out delay ; that no merchant, or other person, should be suffered to bring into the town, or open therein, any goods brought from Philadelphia, or other in- fected place, until permitted by their committee; and that the citizens of the town, and its vicinity, should enrol themselves as a guard, and patrole such roads and passes as the committee should direct. The governor of Virginia, on the 17th of Sep- tember, issued a proclamation, ordering all vessels from Philadelphia, the Grenades, and the island of Tobago, to perform a quarantine of twenty days, at the an- (54) chorage ground, off Craney island, near the mouth of Elizabeth river. The corporation of Alexandria stationed a look-out boat, to prevent all vessels bound to that port, from approaching nearer than one mile, until after examin- ation by the health officer. The people of Winchester placed guards at every avenue of the town leading from the Patowmac to stop all suspected persons, packages, &c. coming from Philadelphia, till the health officers should inspect them, and either forbid or allow them to pass. The legislature of Massachusetts were in session, at the time the alarm spread ; and they accordingly pas- sed an express act for guarding against the impending danger. This act authorised the selectmen in the different towns to stop and examine any persons, bag- gage, merchandize, or effects, coming or supposed to be coming into the towns respectively, from Philadelphia, or other place infected, or supposed to be infected ; and should it appear to them, or to any officers whom they should appoint, that any danger of infection was to be apprehended from such persons, effects, bag- gage, or merchandize, they were empowered to de- tain or remove the same to such places as they might see proper, in order that they might be purified from infection; or to place any persons so coming, in such places, and under such regulations as they might judge necessary for the public safety. In pursuance of this act, the governor issued a proclamation to carry it into effect, the 21st of September. The selectmen of Boston, on the 24th, published their regulations of quarantine, which ordered, that on the arrival of any vessel from Philadelphia, she should be detained at, or near Rainsford's Island, to perform a quarantine not exceeding thirty days, during which time she should be cleansed with vine- gar, and the explosion of gunpowder between the decks and in the cabin, even though there were no sick persons on board ; that in case there were, they should be removed to an hospital, where they should be detained till they recovered or were long enough (55) to ascertain that they had not the infection ; that every vessel, performing quarantine, should be depriv- ed of its boat, and no boat suffered to approach it, but by special permission; that if any person should escape from vessels performing quarantine, he should be instantly advertised, in order that he might be ap- prehended ; that any persons coming by land from Philadelphia, should not be allowed to enter Boston, until twenty one days after their arrival, and their effects, baggage, and merchandize should be opened, washed with vinegar, and fumigated with repeated explosions of gunpowder. In the conclusion, the select- men called upon the inhabitants " to use their utmost vigilance and activity to bring to condign punishment, any person who should be so daring and lost to every idea of humanity, as to come into the town from any place supposed to be infected, thereby endangering the lives of his fellow men." The 23d of September, the selectmen of Newbury- port notified the pilots not to bring any vessels from Philadelphia, higher up Merrimack river, than the black rocks, until they should be examined by the health officer, and a certificate be obtained from him, of their being free from infection. The governor of Rhode Island, the 21st of Sep- tember, issued a proclamation, directing the town. councils and other officers, to use their utmost vigi- lance to cause the law to prevent the spreading of con- tagious disorders to be most strictly executed, more es- pecially with respect to all vessels which should arrive in that state, from the West Indies, Philadelphia, and New-York ; the extension to the latter place was ow- ing to the danger apprehended from the intercourse between it and Philadelphia. The 28th of September, the governor of North Carolina published his proclamation; requiring the commissioners of navigation in the different ports of the said state, to appoint certain places, where all vessels from the port of Philadelphia, or any other place in which the malignant fever might prevail, (56) should perform quarantine for such number of days as they might think proper. The commissioners of Newbern, on the 30th of September, ordered that until full liberty should be given, vessels arriving from Philadelphia, or any other place in which an infectious disorder might be, should, under a penalty of, five hundred pounds, stop and come to anchor at lead one mile below the town, and there perform a quarantine for at least ten days, unless their captains should produce from inspectors appointed for the purpose, a certificate that in their o- pinion the vessels might, with safety to the inhabitants, proceed to the town or harbour, and there land their passengers or cargo. The 18th of October, they or- dered, that if any free man should go on board any vessel from Philadelphia, etc. or should bring from on board such vessel, any goods or merchandize, be- fore she was permitted to land her cargo or passengers, he should, for every offence, forfeit five pounds; and if any slave should offend as above, he should be lia- ble to be whipped not exceeding fifty lashes, and his master to pay five pounds. The governor of S. Carolina, published a proclama- tion, subjecting Philadelphia vessels to quarantine, the date of which I cannot ascertain. The inhabitants of Charleston, on the 8th of October, had a meeting, at which they resolved, that no vessel from the river Delaware, either directly or after having touched at any other port of the United States, should be permit- ted to pass Charleston bar, till the citizens had again assembled, and declared themselves satisfied that the disorder had ceased in Philadelphia. If any vessel, con- trary thereto, should cross the bar, the governor should be requested to compel it to quit the port, and return to sea. The governor of Georgia, on the 4th of October, published a proclamation, ordering all vessels from Philadelphia, which should arrive in Savannah river, to remain in Tybee creek, or in other parts like dis- tant from the town, until the health officer of the port should, on examination, certify, that no malig- nant or contagious disease was on board. All persons (57) contravening this proclamation, were to be prosecuted, and subjected to the pains and penalties by law pointed out. The people of Augusta, in that state, were as active and vigilant as their northern neighbours, to guard against the threatening danger. The inhabitants of Reading, in Pennsylvania, had a meeting the 24th of September, and passed sundry re- solutions, viz. that no dry goods should be imported into that borough from Philadelphia, or any other place infected with a malignant fever, until the expi- ration of one month from that date, unless permission was had from the inhabitants convened at a town-meet- ing ; that no person from Philadelphia, or any other infected place, should be allowed to enter, until they should have undergone the examination of a physici- an, and obtained his opinion of their being free from infection ; that no stage-waggon should be permitted to bring passengers from Philadelphia, or other place infected, into the borough ; and that all communica- tion, by stages, should be discontinued for one month, unless sooner permitted by the inhabitants. At Bethlehem, a meeting was held on the 26th of September ; at which it was resolved, that persons from Philadelphia, should perform a quarantine of twelve days, before their entrance into the town. A similar resolve was soon after entered into at Nazareth. But at neither place was it observed with any strictness. No guard was appointed. And the assertion of any decent traveller, apparently in health, with respect to the time of his absence from Philadelphia, was considered as sufficient to be relied on, without resorting to formal proof. Various precautions were observed in other places; but I am not able to give a statement of them, not having procured an account of their resolves or proceedings. The calamity of Philadelphia, while it roused the circumspection of the timid in various places, excited the pious to offer up their prayers to Almighty God for our relief, comfort, and support. Various days were appointed for humiliation, fasting, and prayer, H (58) for this purpose. In New York, the 20th of Septem- ber ; in Boston, September 26th ; in Albany, the 1st of October; in Baltimore the 3d ; in Richmond, the 9th; in Providence, the same day ; the synod of Philadelphia fixed on the 24th of October ; the protestant episcopal churches in Virginia, November 6 ; the Dutch synod of New York, November 13 ; the synod of New York and New Jersey, November 20. At Hartford, daily prayers were offered up for our relief for some time. CHAP. XII. Conflict between the law of self-preserva- tion and the law of charity. The law of charity victo- rious. WHILE our citizens were proscribed in seve- ral cities and towns—hunted up like felons in some—-debarred admittance and turned back in others, whether sound or infected-—it is with extreme satisfaction I have to record a conduct totally diffe- rent, which cannot fail to make an indelible im- pression on the minds of the people of Philadelphia, and call forth the most lively emotions of gratitude. At Woodbury, in New Jersey, at an early period of the disorder, a meeting was held for the purpose of determining on what steps were requisite to be ta- ken. A motion was made to stop all intercourse with Philadelphia. But, four persons only having risen to support it, it dropped, and our citizens were allowed free entrance. A respectable number of the inhabitants of Spring- field, in New Jersey, met the first day of October, and after a full consideration of the distresses of our citizens, passed a resolve, offering their town as an asylum to the people flying from Philadelphia, and directing their committee to provide a suitable place as an hospital for the sick. The rev. Jacob V. Arts- dalen, Matthias Meeker, and Matthias Denman, took the lead in this honourable business. I have been informed, by a person of credit, that the inhabitants of Elizabeth town have pursued the same liberal plan, as those of Springfield ; but have not (59) been able to procure a copy of their resolves or pro- ceedings on the subject. At Chestertown in Maryland, a place was appoint- ed, at a distance from the town, for the reception of such travellers and others, as might have the disor- der. It was provided with every necessary-—and a physician engaged to attend the sick. An asylum has likewise been offered to Philadel- phians, by several of the inhabitants of Elkton, in Ma- ryland ; and the offer was couched in terms of the utmost sympathy for our sufferings. A place on the same plan as that at Chester, was fitted up near the town. At Easton, in Pennsylvania, the only precaution ob- served, was to direct the emigrants from Philadel- phia, to abstain for a week from intercourse with the inhabitants. The people of Wilmington have acted in the most friendly manner towards our distressed citizens. At first they were a little scared, and resolved on the es- tablishment of a quarantine and guards. But they immediately dropped these precautions, and received the people from Philadelphia with the most perfect freedom. They erected an hospital for the reception of our infected citizens, which they supplied with neces- saries. Yet of eight or ten persons from Philadelphia, who died in that town, with the malignant fever, only one was sent to the hospital. The others were nursed and attended in the houses where they fell sick. Humane, tender, and friendly, as were the wor- thy inhabitants of Wilmington in general, two cha- racters have distinguished themselves in such a very extraordinary manner, as to deserve particular no- tice. These are doctor Way, and major Bush, whose houses were always open to the fugitives from Phila- delphia, whom they received without the smallest ap- prehension, and treated with a degree of genuine hos- pitality, that reflects the highest honour on them. In the exercise of this virtue, they were not confined by a narrow regard to their particular friends or acquain- tance—-but entertained, with equal humanity, whole (60) families of persons who were utter strangers to them. This was of the more importance, and operated as a heavier tax on them, as, I believe, there was only one tavern-keeper, Brinton, whose house was open for people from Philadelphia: and it was consequently so crouded in general, as frequently to render it diffi- cult to procure admittance. The instances of this kind, through this exten- sive country, have been very few,; but they are therefore only the more precious, and ought to be held up to public approbation. May they ope- rate on people, at a future day, in similar cases of dreadful calamity, and teach them to temper their caution with as much humanity and tenderness to the distressed fugitives, as prudence will allow—-and not involve, in one indiscriminate proscription, the healthy and infected. CHAP. XIII. Disorder fatal to the doctors—-to the cler- gy—-to drunkards-—to filles de joie—-to maid servants—- to the poor-—and in close streets.-—Less destructive to the French-—and to the negroes. RARELY has it happened, that so large a propor- tion of the gentlemen of the faculty have sunk beneath the labours of their very dangerous profes- sion, as on this occasion. In five or six weeks, exclusive of medical students, no less than ten physicians have been swept off doctors Hutchinson, Morris, Linn, Pennington Dodds, Johnson, Glentworth, Phile Graham and Green. Scarcely one of the practising doctors that remained in the city, escaped sickness. Some were three, four, and five times confined. To the clergy it has likewise proved very fatal. Ex- posded, in the exercise of the last duties to the dying, to equal danger with the physicians, it is not surpri- sing that so many of them have fallen. Their names are, the rev. Alexnder Murray, of the protestant episcopal church--the rev. F. A. Fleming and the rev. Laurence Graessl of the Roman catholic--the rev. John Winkhause, of the German reformed--the (61) rev. James Sproat, of the presbyterian—-the rev. Wil- liam Dougherty, of the methodist church—-and like- wise four noted preachers of the Friends society, Da- niel Offley, Huson Langstroth, Michael Minier, and Charles Williams. Seven clergymen have been in the greatest danger from this disorder, the rev. R. Black- well, rev. Joseph Pilmore. rev. William Rogers, rev. Christopher V. Keating, rev. Frederic Schmidt, the rev. Joseph Turner, and the rev. Robert Annan ; but they have all recovered. Among the women, the mortality has not, by any means, been so great, as among the men,* nor among the old and infirm as among the middle-aged and robust. To tipplers and drunkards, and to men who lived high, and were of a corpulent habit of body, this dis- order was very fatal. Of these, many were seized, and the recoveries were very rare. To the filles de joie, it has been equally fatal. The wretched, debilitated state of their constitutions, rendered them an easy prey to this dreadful dis- order, which very soon terminated their miserable career. To hired servant maids it has been very destructive. Numbers of them fled away-—of those who remained, very many fell, who had behaved with an extraor- dinary degree of fidelity. It has been dreadfully destructive among the poor. It is very probable, that at least seven-eighths of the number of the dead, were of that class. The inhabi- tants of dirty houses have severely expiated their ne- glect of cleanliness and decency, by the numbers of them that have fallen sacrifices. Whole families, in such houses, have sunk into one silent, undistinguish- ing grave. The mortality in confined streets, small allies, and close houses, debarred of a free circulation of air, has exceeded, in a great proportion, that in the large streets and well-aired houses. In some of the allies, a third * In many congregations, the deaths of men have been nearly twice as numerous as those of women. (62) or fourth of the whole of the inhabitants are no more. In 30 houses, the whole number in Pewter Platter alley, 32 people died: and in a part of Market-street, containing 170 houses, only 39. The streets in the suburbs, that had the benefit of the country air, espe- cially towards the west part of the city, have suffer- ed little. Of the wide, airy streets, none lost so many people as Arch, near Water-street, which may be accounted for, by its proximity to the original seat of the disorder. It is to be particularly remark- ed, that in general, the more remote the streets were from Water Street, the less of the calamity they experienced. From the effects of this disorder, the French newly settled in Philadelphia, have been in a very remarka- ble degree exempt†. To what this may be owing, is a subject deserving particular investigation*. By some it has been ascribed to their despising the danger. But, though this may have had some effect, it will not cer- tainly account for it altogether ; as it is well known that many of the most courageous persons in Phila- delphia, have been among its victims. By many of the French, the great fatality of the disorder has been attributed to the vast quantities of crude and unwhole- some fruits brought to our markets, and consumed by all classes of people. When the yellow fever prevailed in South Caro- lina, the negroes, according to that accurate observer, dr. Lining, were wholly free from it. " There is " something very singular in the constitution of the " negroes," says he, " which renders them not liable " to this fever; for though many of them were as " much exposed as the nurses to this infection, yet I " never knew one instance of this fever among them, " though they are equally subject with the white peo- † The French who had been long established here, were near- ly as much affected as the natives. * The frequent use the French make of lavements, at all times, may probably account for their escaping so very generally as they did. These purify the bowels, help to discharge the foul matter, and remove costiveness, which is one of the most certain supports of this and other disorders. (63) " ple to the bilious fever*." The same idea prevailed for a considerable time in Philadelphia; but it was erroneous. They did not escape the disorder ; howe- ver, there were scarcely any of them seized at first, and the number that were finally affected, was not great ; and, as I am informed by an eminent doctor, " it " yielded to the power of medicine in them more ea- " sily than in the whites." The error that prevailed on this subject had a very salutary effect; for, at an early period of the disorder, hardly any white nurses could be procured ; and, had the negroes been equal- ly terrified, the sufferings of the sick, great as they actually were, would have been exceedingly aggrava- ted. At the period alluded to, the elders of the Afri- can church met, and offered their assistance to the mayor, to procure nurses for the sick, and aid in burying the dead. Their offers were accepted; and Absalom Jones, Richard Allen, and William Gray, undertook the management of these two-several services. The great demand for nurses, afforded an opportunity for imposition, which was eagerly seized by some of the vilest of the blacks†. They extorted two, three, four, and even five dollars a night for such attendance, as would have been well paid by a single dollar. Some of them were even detected in plun- dering the houses of the sick. But it is unjust to cast a censure on the whole, for this sort of conduct, as many people have done. The services of Jones, Al- len, and Gray, and others of their colour, have been very great, and demand public gratitude. On examining the books of the hospital at. Bush- hill, it appears, that there were nearly twenty blacks received there, of whom about three-fourths died. * Essays and observations, vol. II. page 407. † The extortion here mentioned, was very far from being con- fined to the negroes : many of the white nurses behaved with equal rapacity. (64) CHAP. XIV. State of the weather. Attempt to refute the opinion that cold and rain extinguished the disorder. Average-table of mortality. THE weather, during the whole of the months of August and September, and most part of Octo- ber, was remarkably dry and sultry. Rain appeared as if entirely at an end. Various indications, which in scarcely any former instance had failed to pro- duce wet weather, disappointed the expectations, the wishes, and the prayers of the citizens. The disorder raged with increased violence as the season advanced towards the fall months. The mortality was much greater in September, than in August—- and still greater in the beginning and till the middle of October, than in September. It very particu- larly merits attention, that though nearly all the hopes of the inhabitants relied on cold and rain, especially the latter, yet the disorder died away with hardly any rain, and a very moderate degree of cold. Its virulence may be said to have expired on the 23d, 24th, 25th, and 26th of October. The succeed- ing deaths were, mostly,of those long sick. Few persons took the disorder afterwards. Those days were near- ly as warm as many of the most fatal ones; in the middle stage of the complaint, the thermometer be- ing at 60, 59, 71, and 72. To account for this satis- factorily, is above our feeble powers. In fact, the whole of the disorder, from its first appearance to its final close, has set human wisdom and calculation at defiance. The idea held up in the preceding paragraph, has been controverted by many ; and, as the extinction of malignant disorders, generated in summer or the early part of fall, has been universally ascribed to the severe cold and heavy rains of the close of the fall, or the winter, it is asserted that ours must have shared the same fate. It therefore becomes neces- sary to state the reasons for the contrary opinion. The extinction of these disorders, according to the generally-received idea on this subject, arises from cold, (65) of rain, or both together. If from the former, how shall we account for a greater mortality in September, than in August, whereas the degree of heat was con- siderably abated? How shall we account for a greater mortality in the first part of October than in Sep- tember, although the heat was still abating? If rain be the efficient cause of arresting the disorder, as is supposed by those who attribute its declension to the rain on the evening of the 15th* of October, how shall we account for the inefficacy of a constant rain during the whole terrible twelfth of October, when one hundred and eleven souls were summoned out of this world, and a hundred and four the day follow- ing ? To make the matter more plain, I request the reader's attention to the following statement :—- Thermom. at 3 p. m. Deaths. Wind. Weather. Sept. 19 70 61 SW fair. 20 69 67 SE hazy. 21 78 57 fair. 22 83 76 fair. Oct. 10 74 93 NW fair. 11 74 119 W fair. 12 64 111 NW fair. 13 69 104 NW fair. 23 60 54 W fair. 24 59 38 NW fair. 25 71 35 S fair, high wind. 26 72 23 SW cloudy. An examination of this table, by any man unbias- sed by the received opinion, will, I think, convince him of the justice of the hypothesis which I have ad- vanced-—that the increase or abatement of the vio- lence of the disorder, depended on other causes than the degrees of heat, cold, rainy or dry weather. Here is the most palpable proof. The average of the thermo- meter, the four first quoted days, was 75° —the ave- rage of the deaths 65.5. The second four days, the thermometer averaged 70.25, although the frightful average of deaths was, 106.75. And on the last four * The rain on this evening was not by any means so great as that on the 12th. I (66) days, the thermometer averaged 65.5, whereas the deaths were only 37.5. To facilitate the comparison, I subjoin an abstract of the preceding statement. therm. deaths. Average of Sept. 19, 26, 21, and 22, 75 65 of Oct. 10, 11, 12, and 13, 70.25 106.75 of Oct. 23, 24, 25, and 26, 65.5 37.5 Thus, those days on which the mortality was at its highest stage, were five degrees colder than those when the deaths had been only five eighths. And the difference of five degrees between the second and the third four days, will not be pretended to account for a decrease of very nearly two thirds. To try the sys- tem of heat, cold, and rain, still further, let us exa- mine the four last days of August. On those days the thermometer averaged 79.5 ; yet the deaths were only 20.75. I here annex the weekly average of the thermometer and of the deaths, from the first of August to the 7th of November, for the reader's inspection*. Average of thermometer. Average of deaths. August 1 to 7, 84 9 8 to 14, 85 7 15 to 21, 83 7 22 to 28, 77 15 92 to 31, 85 17 Sept. 1 to 7, 81 19 8 to 14, 74 35 15 to 21 75 65 22 to 28, 76 70 29 and 30, 74 60 Oct. 1 to 7, 71 72 8 to 14, 71 100 15 to 21, 58 67 22 to 28, 58 39 29 to 31, 46 18 Nov 1 to 7, 58 l5 From the above table it appears, that during the * When the fractions exceed half, an unit is added; when they are below half, they are rejected. (67) month of September, there was a rapid increase regu- larly of deaths, except on the 29th and 30th, although the weather was growing cooler nearly the whole time. Let any advocate of the theory of cold and rain, compare the first week in September with the second week in October. He will see that the former was ten degrees warmer than the latter, yet the mor- tality of the one, was only a fifth part of the other. If he will, after this, say that the difference of 13 de- grees between the second week in October and the 3d and 4th, will account for a reduction of the mor- tality from 100 to 67, and then to 39, I can only answer, that an inveterate prejudice too often clouds the reason, and renders it impossible to see the truth, however evident. In opposition to what I have advanced, it has been observed, that the unfavourable effects of very sul- try days were felt for several succeeding ones. This is a weak resource, as will appear from examining the table. The heat of the first and second weeks in Oc- tober was the same: yet the mortality in the second was nearly one half more than in the first. The heat of the fourth was equal to that of the third, although in the former the deaths were nearly double what they were in the latter. I hope, therefore, the reader will acknowledge, that the Great Disposer of winds and rains, took his own time, and without the means, either moral or physi- cal, on which we placed our chief reliance, to rescue the remnant of us from destruction CHAP. XV.—-Origin of the disorder. THIS disorder has most unquestionably been im- ported from the West Indies. As yet, however, owing to various obvious reasons, it is difficult to fix, with absolute precision, on the vessel or vessels, (for it is very probable it came in several, from the dif- ferent infected islands) by which it was introduced. That it is an imported disorder, rests on the following reasons, each of which, singly, justifies the theory, but (68) all, collectively, establish it to the satisfaction of every candid and reasonable man. 1st. The yellow fever existed in several of the West India islands a long time before its appearance here*. 2d. Various vessels from those islands arrived here in July. 3d. Scarcely any precautions were used to guard a- gainst the disorder. 4th. A respectable citizen of Philadelphia, super- cargo of one of our vessels, saw, in July, six or seven people sick of this fever on board a brig at Cape François bound for our port†. 5th. A vessel from Cape François, which arrived here in July, lost several of her people with this fever, on her passage. * Extract from a London paper, of August 13, 1793. " The plague, brought from Bulam, which first made its " appearance at Grenada, has spread most alarmingly. Eighty " persons died in one day at Grenada of this epidemic. The " hurricane months just coming on, are not likely to make it " less violent in its effects." " [It appears by a subsequent paragraph in the same paper, " that the disease was ascertained to be the yellow fever.]" Extract from the Courier, a London paper, of August 24. " Before the fleet left Antigua so great was the apprehension " entertained there of the plague, that all vessels from Grena- " da, were obliged to perform quarantine ; and all letters from " the latter island were smoaked at the former. The infection " was reported to have reached Dominica." Extract from the Observer, a London paper, of August 25. " The plague, we are distressed to hear, has made its appear- " ance in several of our West India islands. At Grenada, and " Dominica, the symptoms are said to be highly alarming." Extract from a Kingston paper, of October 12. " The islands of Barbadoes and Dominica continue to be " afflicted with a malignant fever ; about 300 white inhabitants " have perished in the former, and near 500 in the latter." † To any enquirer I am ready to communicate the name of the supercargo, and the name of the brig. (69) 6th. A person from Cape François, died of this fever at Marcus Hook‡—and another at Chester§- 7th. The vessels in which those persons arrived, and which were infected with the effluvia of the sick and dead, came freely to our wharves, and particularly to that very one where the disorder made its first ap- pearance. 8th. Persons sick of the yellow fever have been landed in our city from vessels arrived from the West Indies*. 9th. Dead bodies have been seen deposited secretly on board some of those vessels. 10th. There is the strongest reason to believe, that the beds and bedding of the sick and dead were not destroyed, but, on the contrary, brought into our city. 11th. This disorder had every characteristic symp- tom that marked it on former occasions, when its im- portation was unquestioned. Lastly, Of all the reasons advanced to support the o- pinion of its having been generated here, the only one, that has even the appearance of plausibility, viz. the influence of a tropical season, such as we had last sum- mer, is unanswerably refuted by the concurring testi- mony of Lind, Lining, Warren, and Bruce, who, in the most unequivocal manner, have declared that it does not depend on the weather. " It does not appear, from the most accurate ob- " servations of the variations of the weather, or any " difference of the seasons, which I have been able to " make for several years past, that this fever is any " way caused, or much influenced by them ; for I " have seen it at all times, and in all seasons, in the ‡I do hereby declare, that I was at Marcus Hook late in July, when a woman, who had been landed there from one of the ves- sels lately from Cape François, died ; that I was informed by a French person, a neighbour, that she died of the yellow fever ; that this person burned a quantity of tar at the door, for the purpose, as he informed me, of purifying the air. JOHN MASSEY. § My information of the death of this person is derived from a letter written by dr. William Martin to dr. Currie. * Major Hodgdon and others can testify to the truth of this. (70) " coolest, as well as in the hottest time of the " year."* " This fever does not seem to take its origin from " any particular constitution of the weather, indepen- " dent of infectious miasmata, as dr. Warren has for- " merly well observed; for within these twenty-five " years, it has been only four times epidemical in " this town, namely in the autumns of the years " 1732, 39, 45, and 48, though none of those years, " (excepting that of 1739, whose summer and au- " tumn were remarkably rainy) were either warm- " er or more rainy, (and some of them less so) than " the summers and autumns were in several other " years, in which we had not one instance of any " one seized with this fever : which is contrary to " what would have happened, if particular constitutions " of the weather, were productive of it, without infecti- " ous miasmasa†." " In omni anni tempestate, sese effert hic morbus; " symptomata autem graviora observantur, ubi calor " magnus cum multa humiditate conjungitur‡." CHAP. XVI. Desultory facts and reflexions. A collec- tion of scraps*. THE want of a lazaretto, whither persons labour- ing under contagious disorders, might be sent, and of a proper law on the subject, empowering the civil authority to interpose with the necessary energy, * Hillary on diseases of Barbadoes, page 146. † Lining, Essays and observations, political and literary, vol. II. page 406. ‡ Bruce, quoted by Lind on hot climates, 237. § This and the succeeding chapter calls for some apology. Many of the anecdotes herein related, are of little importance, except from their having a tendency to reflect light on the state of the public mind during a time in which men were most com- pletely taken by surprise. Considering the subject in this point of view, hardly any occurrence, of so eventful a period, ought to be suffered to sink in oblivion. Some, of a ludicrous turn, are introduced as a relief to the sombre complexion of a narrative in which the predominant characters are death and destruction, and a cold regard for self alone. (71) at the first inroad of such a dreadful destroyer, has been the cause of our late sufferings ; for, humanly speaking, had decisive measures been adopted any time before the first of September, while the disorder existed only in one street, and in a few houses in that street, there can be little doubt, that it might have been very soon extinguished. But the former suf- ferings of this place in 1762, were soon forgotten—- and no steps taken to provide for the removal of such an evil in future, after it should invade the city. It is to be hoped Our legislature, as well as that of every state in the union, will see the propriety of giv- ing this important subject the consideration it so am- ply deserves, and of making provision against like calamities in future. In Italy, at Spalato, where the plague raged fifteen or twenty years ago, if the infect- ed did not reveal their situation to the proper au- thority, they were subjected to capital punishment and the same penalty was denounced against such as did not inform of infected persons, when they knew of them. This is too severe for the paternal mild- ness of our criminal code ; but some penalties ought to be denounced in such cases. Indeed, were lazaret- tos on a proper establishment, it would be an object of desire with the sick, to be transported to them. It is hardly conceivable that the funeral of entire strangers could afford subject of satisfaction. Yet they have produced that effect. After being so long accusto- med to behold the bodies of the dead, drawn to the grave on the shafts of a chair, the sight of a corpse carried by men to be interred, afforded something like the appearance of former times ; and I believe the satisfaction excited by that consideration absorbed every thought of the deceased. The appearance of most of the grave yards in Phila- delphia is extremely awful. They exhibit a strong like- ness of ploughed fields ; and were any thing capable (72) of stamping on our breasts indelible impressions of the uncertainty of the tenure by which we hold our very precarious existence, a turn though one of our burial grounds could not possibly fail to produce that effect. But it is to be feared, that with the danger will vanish all recollection of the distressing scenes we have passed through. It has been denied that a person is twice susceptible of the yellow fever. The opinion, as it has a good tendency, to inspire confidence in convalescents, and in those who have quite recovered, might perhaps as well be suffered to pass uncontroverted, were not truth the object. Several persons in this city, have been twice sick with this disorder. I know it is usual to call this a relapse. But relapse or not, those peo- ple whom I mean, have been ill-—have recovered en- tirely—-and been a second time taken down. Some of them are now no more, witness mr. Fleming. Mr. William Young was worse the second time than the first. One observation, of great importance to the cause of humanity, escaped me in the former editions, and ought to be very particularly attended to in every such dreadful crisis as we have experienced. Of the very large number of persons who have fallen under this disorder, it is not improbable that a half or a third have perished merely for want of necessary care and attention, owing to the extraordinary panic. Almost all the remarkable cases of recovery are to be ascribed, under providence, to the fidelity of husbands, wives, children, and servants, who braved the danger, and determined to obey the dictates of humanity. There are various instances of persons who may be said to have been by these means snatched from the grasp of death ; having been so far reduced, as to have their coffins made.—-And for the encouragement of those who may, at any other time, or in any other place, have friends or relatives in this disorder, let it be (73) remarked, that few of those who discharged their duty to their families, have suffered by it. There are instances of individuals, who have nursed and attend- ed on six, eight and ten persons unremittingly, in their own houses, without ever taking the infection. Others, before their own illness, and after their reco- covery, nursed and restored their families. Willi- am Young had no less than ten in his house sick, and nearly all ,at one time. He attended on them till he was taken ill; and, during his sickness, gave direc- tions for the management of them, as effectually as if he was well. After his recovery, he again attended them himself. Of his whole family, his wife only died ; and it is supposed her death was accelerated by her being in an advanced stage of pregnancy. There are cases of single persons having the disorder in large families of eight, ten, and twelve, and none catching it from them. In the family of David Clarke, who died of the malignant fever, there were no less than twenty-two persons, not one of whom caught the in- fection, altho' he had the same attention paid him by all his family, as if he had been in any other disorder. Not one of the carters employed by the committee in the very dangerous office of removing the sick and burying the dead, ever had it*. The nurses at Bush- hill have all escaped, except two ; as have the worthy managers. Thomas Boyles, the tenant, who occupied the building at Bushhill, at the time it was taken as an hospital, that is, the 31st of August, lived there until * Let not the humble sphere of life in which he moves, pre- vent me from here mentioning a worthy and faithful man, Tho- mas Wilkinson, employed by the committee, in burying the dead, and removing the sick, from their organization till the ex- tinction of the disorder. Such was the noxious situation of ma- ny dead bodies, that he frequently returned vomiting from the performance of his duty. In one instance, in raising the corpse of a woman several days dead, he was covered with putrescent blood. Yet he still persevered in the most unwearied manner, through dangers, that render his preservation equally astonish- ing with that of Girard, Helm, Helmuth, mrs. Saville, and others. It is to be hoped the corporation will find some comfor- table situation for him, in which to pass the remainder of his days. K (74) the 29th of October, with his wife and six children, none of whom were ever affected with the malignant fever. Let these instances suffice at all future times to prevent fear from totally overpowering the under- standing, and producing scenes of cruelty that make a feeling being blush for his species. Among the country people, large quantities of wild pigeons in the spring are regarded as certain indica- tions of an unhealthy summer. Whether or not this prognostic has ever been verified before, I cannot tell. But it is very certain, that during the last spring, the numbers of those birds brought to market, were immense. Never, perhaps, were there so many before. Several classes of people were highly benefited by the public distress. Coffin-makers had full employ- ment, and in general high prices for their work. Most of the retail stores being shut up, those that re- mained open, had an uncommon demand ; as the whole of the business was divided among a few. Those who had carriages to hire, to transport families to the country, received whatever they pleased to re- quire. The holders of houses at from three, to twenty miles from the city, who chose to rent the whole or part of them, had high rents. The two notaries, who protested for the banks, profited highly by the absence of the merchants and traders. I have learned with great pleasure, that a few land- lords, commiserating the distresses of their tenants, have come to the very humane resolution of remit- ting the payment of rents due during the prevalence of the disorder. Were they to enter into resolutions generally to do the same, it would reflect honour on them. But there are some, whose hardened hearts know no compassion, and who will have " the pound " of flesh-—the penalty of the bond." Indeed, when the disorder was at the highest stage, some landlords (75) seized the small property of poor roomkeepers, who were totally unable to pay their rent. A man wrote to the committee, informing them that the poverty of his tenants rendered it impossible for them to pay him ; he therefore begged the committee would, as they were appointed to relieve the poor, pay the ar- rears due him ! Another person, a wealthy widow, procured recommendations for some poor roomkeep- ers, her tenants ; and the committee gave them each a small fum. As soon as they had received it, she seiz- ed the money and their clothes ! A man lost his wise with the disorder. He had it himself, lost his sight totally, and was left pennyless, with two infant children. Yet his landlord, before his convalescence was complete, seized his clothes and furniture, and turned him out of doors !!! " You may as well use question with the wolf, " Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb, " As seek to soften that (than which what's harder ?) " His flinty heart."-- Shakespeare. I hope the reader takes more pleasure in perusing cases reflecting honour on human nature, than those of a different description. An amiable woman in New York, feeling for the situation of the numerous or- phans in this city, wrote to a member of the commit- tee, to choose her one of them, as nearly resembling a child she had lost, as possible. She particularly de- sired one without connexions, if such could be pro- cured. She proposes to adopt it, and, with her hus- band, to bestow on it all the tenderness one of her own would have had. Would it not be unjust to withhold her name ? Every reader answers, yes-—and I will therefore reveal it—-Susan Willet. Several appli- cations of a similar nature have been made by some of our own citizens. In the summer of 1791, the yellow fever prevailed in New York, in a part of Water-street, and in pro- portion to the sphere of its action, was as fatal there as (76) it has been here. It began in August, and continued till the middle of September, when it totally disappear- ed, and has never since visited that place. This should ease the fears of many among us, who, always view- ing the black side of every thing, terrify people with their prognostications, that we shall have it again next spring or summer. All the symptoms were full as dan- gerous and alarming in New York, as in Philadelphia. Many persons died in three days ; " stupor, delirium, " yellowness, the black vomit, and death, rapidly suc- " ceeding each other." ‡ It spread no farther at that time, than the one street, although no precautions, as far as I can learn, were taken to prevent its extension. The same species of disorder raged in this city in 1762, with great violence. It disappeared in the month of November, and has not from that time until this year visited Philadelphia. The summer and fall of this year have been un- healthy in many parts of the union, as well as in Phi- ladelphia. At Lynn, in Massachusetts, I have been informed, but have no means of ascertaining the truth or falsehood of the report, that a malignant fever, not unlike ours, prevailed in August. In many of the towns of Virginia, intermittent fevers have been much more prevalent and mortal than they have been at former periods. Georgetown and its vicinity, which are in general very healthy, lost, in the course of a few weeks in summer, an unexampled number of people by the flux, which disorder has raged with great violence in many parts of America. The influ- enza has generally spread through the union, and been very fatal. It has been twice in Vermont, where likewise the putrid sore throat has carried off numbers. At Harrisburg and Middletown, in this state, the flux and a putrid fever have been extremely destructive, and swept away, I am credibly informed, a fifteenth ‡ Letter from a physician in New York, to his friend in New Jersey. Federal Gazette, Sep. 21, 1793. (77) part of the inhabitants. Delaware state, particularly Kent county, has suffered much from fall fevers, which have produced a very great mortality. At Do- ver, in the same state, a bilious colic raged with great violence, during last summer, and was extremely fatal. At Pauling's Kill, in Sussex county, New Jersey, a bilious and remittent fever has made very great ha- voc. And various other places have experienced a mortality, very uncommon, and which, but for the ca- lamity of Philadelphia absorbing public attention every where, and being the standard of comparison, would have created great alarms and uneasiness. Of the number of citizens who fled away, it is diffi- cult to form any accurate estimate. In the city, from Vine to South street, which has been surveyed by a man employed by the committee, of 21,000 inhabi- tants, the number of absent people is stated to be 8600. But as this business was several weeks performing, considerable variations must necessarily have taken place. The emigration was not finished in those streets examined in the early part of his progress,-—and to- wards the latter part, the returns had been already considerable. One may be supposed to balance the other, and the removals in the liberties to have been equal to those in the city. We shall therefore probably not err much, when we estimate the number who left the city at about 17,000. This is not so many as I formerly supposed, having estimated them at 23,000. Which of the two is accurate, or whether either of them is so, I leave the reader to determine. The effect of fear in predisposing the body for the yel- low fever and other disorders, and increasing their malignance, when taken, is well known. The fol- lowing exception to the general rule, which may be depended on, is curious and interesting. A young wo- man, whose fears were so very prevalent, as not only to render her unhappy from the commencement of the disorder, but even to interfere with the happiness (78) of the family with whom she lived, had to attend on seven persons, all of whom were in a very dangerous state, and one of whom died. Her attendance was assi- duous and unremitted for nearly three weeks. Yet she has never been in the slightest degree affected. The watches and clocks in this city, during the dis- order, were almost always wrong. Hardly any of the watchmakers remained-—and few people paid atten- tion how time passed. One night, the watchmen cried ten o'clock when it was only nine, and continued the mistake all the succeeding hour. The Hope, a vessel from Londonderry, arrived in our river towards the end of August. The passengers had a malignant disorder among them, in consequence of which, orders were issued to have them landed at State Island, that they might undergo examination. Nevertheless, several of them came to the city, and added to the dangers already existing. The mayor, on the 3d of September, issued a proclamation, calling upon the citizens not only to use their endeavours to detect such as had arrived, and to prevent others from coming, without procuring the proper certifi- cates ; but to make report to one of the magistrates, of the names of those by whom they were harbour- ed, that they might be prosecuted according to law. On this subject an obvious reflexion arises, which I will not suppress. Our citizens have generally been in the habit of severely censuring the inhabitants of those places in which very strict precautions were ta- ken, to prevent the spreading of the disorder that prevailed here ; and yet we see that our own conduct, in a case nearly similar, has not been very different. I would not wish to be understood as if I meant to justify the whole of the proceedings that took place every where ; far from it; some of them have been to the last degree severe, and unnecessarily so ; for all the cautions requisite, were compatible with a small (79) degree of attention to the comfort and convenience of fellow citizens, in good health, travelling for busi- ness, for pleasure, or the preservation of health, and even of life.—-Whereas in many places it would ap- pear as if the harshest mode of carrying harsh mea- sures into effect, was purposely adopted. My intenti- on is merely to show, that such as indiscriminately vilify those who have resorted to precautions dictated by prudence, do not weigh the matter in the scales of impartial justice. Governor Moultrie's proclamation, announcing the existence of the malignant fever in the Grenadas, &c. and ordering a quarantine, is dated the 7th of June. Some of the postmasters, in the different states, used the precaution to dip Philadelphia letters into vinegar with a pair of tongs, before they handled them. Seve- ral of the subscribers for Philadelphia papers, made their servants sprinkle them with vinegar, and dry them at the fire, before they would venture to touch them. Joseph Inskeep attended several sick persons in a family near him. When he was ill himself, he wanted assistance*, and sent for some of them to attend him—- but they ungratefully refused ! O Shame ! where is thy blush ? Many of our citizens who fled from, the city, neglected or forgot to leave their servants money enough for their support; so that some of these poor creatures had to depend for sustenance on the chari- ty of their neighbours. Some of our unemployed tradesmen wished to pro- cure work at the new roads now making. But the * His wife was ill at the same time. (80) people who were employed, agreed, that if they were engaged, that they would all abandon their work; so that the overseers were obliged to renounce the idea. The incautious security of the citizens of Phila- delphia, at the first stage of the disorder, is highly to be regretted. Most of those who died of the malig- nant disorder, before the 26th of August, were earn- ed to burial with the accustomed parade of atten- dants which so generally prevails in this city. The chief of the persons who at that time carried the dead to the grave, and several of those who attended the funerals, were speedily taken sick, and hurried into eternity. Sebastian Ale, an old grave-digger, who had long lost the sense of smelling, fancied he could not take the disorder, and followed his business without ap- prehension. A husband and his wife who lay sick to- gether, wished to be interred in the same grave. Their deaths happened within a few days of each other. When the latter of the two was to be buried, Sebas- tian was employed to dig open the other's grave. He struck upon and broke the coffin, and in stooping down, received into his mouth such an intolerable and deadly stench, that he was taken sick immediately, and in a day or two died. The scourge of the yellow fever has fallen with ex- treme severity on some families. There are various instances of five and six, and some of eight, ten, and of Godfrey Gebler's family no less than eleven were swept off the face of the earth. Dr. Sproat, his wife, son, and daughter-—Michael Hay, his wife, and three children-—David Flickwir and five of his family--Sa- muel Weatherby, wife, and,four grown children, are no more. And there are numberless instances of a havoc equally great in particular families. There is one house in this city, from which above twenty per- (81) sons were carried, some to Bushhill, but the most of them to the grave. There is one fact respecting this disorder, which renders it probable, that the exercise of the duties of humanity towards the fugitive Philadelphians, would not have been attended with the danger uni- versally imagined. In defiance of all the resolutions entered into by the inhabitants of various towns, ma- ny of our infected citizens evaded their vigilance, and took refuge among them ; and in very few cases is it known that they communicated the infection.—-Three persons died of this disorder, in one house near Wood- bury, in New Jersey ; they had been attended during their illness, by the family, none of whom caught the disease. Six or seven died at Darby, as many at Ger- mantown, and eight at Haddonfield, without com- municating it to any of the inhabitants. A man from Philadelphia, of the name of Cornell, died in New York, about two days after his arrival. The place of his death was a boarding house, in which were several boarders, one of whom slept in the same bed with him. Two of the family only were slightly affected-—but not in such a degree as to require medical aid. Seve- ral other infected persons from our city, died there, and no one caught the infection from them. A man died at one of the principal taverns in Baltimore, of the same disorder. Many people had visited and atten- ded him during the whole of his illness, without in- jury. No person was affected but his doctor, whose in- disposition was not of long continuance. A great num- ber of similar instances have occurred at Burlington, Bordenton, Lamberton, Princeton, Brunswic, Wood- bridge, Newark, Lancaster, and various other places. Since the first edition appeared, I have had infor- mation from a number of creditable persons, that the idea that the disorder has not been communicated out of Philadelphia, is erroneous. A family, of the name of Hopper, near Woodbury, took it from some of our infected citizens, and three of them died. A woman I (82) in Chester county, who had boarded and lodged some of the sick, died of the malignant fever. Three peo- ple, of one family in Trenton, took it from a sick per- son from Philadelphia, and died of it. A negro servant belonging to mr. Morgan, of Pensaucon creek, in New Jersey, took up an infected bed floating in the Delaware, which spread the disorder in the family, and mrs. Morgan and her girl both died of it. It was introduced by his son from Philadelphia, into the fa- mily of mr. Cadwallader, at Abington, some of whom died with it. Some others in different places caught the infection, and died. But the cases of this kind have been extremely few, considering the numbers, who carried the disorder from hence, and died with it in the country. CHAP. XVII. Another collection of scraps. THOSE who reflect on the many shocking cases of cruelty and desertion of friends and relations which occurred in Philadelphia, however they may re- gret, cannot be surprised, that in the country, and in various towns and cities, inhumanity should be expe- rienced by Philadelphians, from strangers. The uni- versal consternation extinguished in people's breasts the most honourable feelings of human nature ; and in this case, as in various others, the suspicion operated as injuriously as the reality. Many travelers from this city, exhausted with fatigue and with hunger, have been refused shelter and sustenance, and have fallen victims to the fears, not to the want of charity, of those to whom they applied for relief*. Instances of this kind have occurred on almost every road leading from Philadelphia. People under suspicion of having this disorder, have been forced by their fellow travel- lers to quit the stages, and perished in the woods with- out a possibility of procuring any assistance. At Easton, in Maryland, a waggon-load of goods from Philadel- * The fugitive Philadelphians were in general as strict in their precautions against them who fled later than they, as any of the country people. (83) phia was actually burned ; and a woman, who came with it, was, it is said, tarred and feathered ! In a town in Jersey, an association was entered into to prevent all intercourse with Philadelphia, and the inhabitants agreed to mount guard, alternately. One man, who was principled against this severity, refused to do duty, or join in the combination. He was adver- tised, and all people forbidden to have any communi- cation with him-—indeed he was absolutely refused the necessaries of life-—a butcher, who passed his door, told him, when applied to for provisions, that he had meat enough, but none for him. Having gone, for a short time, from home, in the direction towards Philadelphia, but not within thirty miles of the city, the centinel on duty stopped him on his return—-and he persisting in his determination to proceed, the other presented his firelock, and it is supposed would have shot him, but for the interference of a third person. The son of a citizen of Philadelphia arrived at a town in Virginia fourteen days before the time of fixing the quarantine, which was for twenty days. However, he was still obliged to undergo the full qua- rantine after that time, which made thirty-four days, exclusive of above six days spent on the road. An emigrant from Philadelphia, who had been away nearly three weeks, had to cross a ferry in a neighbouring state, and was provided with proper certificates of the length of time he was absent. He got into the scow, with his wife, and carriage, and was rowed over to the opposite side. There he was re- fused permission to land, as he had not a certificate from a particular magistrate in that part of the coun- try. He leaped out of the scow, on a rock, and the centinel swore he would blow his brains out, if he advanced a step farther. His wife, who was in the boat, was under the most dreadful apprehensions, as the ferrymen were drunk, the horses in the carriage (84) fretful, and the wind high. In spite of his intreaties, and his offers to prove the length of his absence, he was obliged to return in quest of the magistrate poin- ted out. When he arrived at his house, which was several miles from the ferry, the justice concealed him- self, though fear of catching the disorder. He then went to another, some miles further back. By the time he returned to the ferry, it was nine o'clock, and he had to wait till next morning. A poor man was taken sick on the road at a village not far from Philadelphia. He lay calling for water, a considerable time in vain. At length, an old woman brought a pitcher full, and not daring to approach him, she laid it at a distance, desiring him to crawl to it, which he did. After lying there about forty-eight hours, he died ; and the body lay in a state of putre- faction for some time, Until the neighbours hired two black butchers to bury him, for twenty-four dollars. They dug a pit to windward—-with a fork, hooked a rope about his neck—-dragged him into it-—and at as great a distance as possible, cast earth into the pit to cover him. One of our citizens lost his brother in the country with the malignant fever ; and, owing to the fears of the neighbours, could not prevail on any person ever, to make him a coffin. He was obliged to wrap him up in a blanket, to dig a grave for him, and bury him; with his own hands. In a small town not far distant from Philadelphia, very arbitrary attempts were unfeelingly made to oblige one of our fugitives to mount guard against his own fellow citizens. He refused ; and finding him resolute against every effort, they were obliged to desist. In one of the American ports, a Philadelphia ves- sel, just arrived, was forced to return to sea with only (85) two gallons of water for each man. In the same port, one of the captains from our city had his boat stove to pieces. The 17th of September, the western shore Baltimore stage was stopped about two miles from that town, by an armed guard. The hour of arrival was about eight o'clock at night. There was a tavern at pistol- shot from the place. But the tavern keeper refused to receive the passengers, twelve in number. They were detained on the road all night without any shelter but the stage, in which they dozed a part of the night; during the remainder of it, they lay before a fire which they had kindled in the woods. Next morning, the tavern-keeper, one Murray, an inhuman Goth, when they sent to him for breakfast, refused to give them any. But about two hours afterwards, he let them have some bread, cheese, wine, and cider, with which they breakfasted on the road. In this situ- ation they remained until the afternoon, that is, for eighteen hours. A captain in the French navy, with his wife, and several French gentlemen, were among the passengers. A respectable citizen of Philadelphia left the city on the 17th of September, intending to reside on Long Island till the disorder ceased. He was taken ill on the road—-and prevented from proceeding, near Newark. He took lodgings at a captain Littel's near Second river. The alarm spread of an infected man being in the house-—the neighbours assembled--fixed a fence on each side of Littel's house, and obliged the people to remove out of a house near to it, which the fence likewise enclosed. The road and river lay before Littel's door ; the former was entirely cut off by the fence, which run clear to the river. At the distance of a hundred yards, was a church, in which public worship was intermitted for three or four weeks, through fear. Travellers took a circuitous route of above a mile, to avoid danger. (86) At length he died—-and his son, about nine years old, had to assist in performing the last melancholy rites for him. The fence remained for ten days after his death, to ascertain whether or not his family had taken the disorder. Justice requires me to add, that they were not suf- fered to be in want of any necessaries. They were di- rected to write what they had occasion for, on a paper and fasten it on the fence. Persons were appointed to supply them with whatever was requisite. An artful girl, just from Philadelphia, completely deceived the centinel stationed near Bordentown. She asked him, with much earnestness, as if afraid to ven- ture in, was that there confounded yellow fever got into the town ?—-" No," says he, " you may go in with as much aafety as to your own home." I need not add, that she went forward. A Philadelphian, in a small town near this city, lost his child in the fever, and went to bury it. On his return, he found all his furniture on the road, and the doors locked : and no intreaties could again procure him admittance. When tar was in use among the various preventa- tives, a boy was determined to secure himself by night as well as by day ; and accordingly tied a tarred rope twice about his neck, and afterwards buttoned his collar with some difficulty. He woke in the night, half strangled, and black in the face. He may with justice be said to have nearly choaked himself, to save his life. It would be extraordinary if so very favourable an opportunity of inventing marvellous stories, should have been suffered to pass over without some prodi- gies being recorded. Mankind are ever prone to the (87) extravagant, especially when their passions are warm- ed. And pity and terror, two passions particularly calculated to foster this disposition, being roused into action to the highest degree, the marvellous stories, which were every where current, and which even stole into print, can be easily accounted for. Some of the Maryland papers relate, that " a voice had been heard in the streets of Philadelphia, warning the inhabitants to prepare for their doom, as written in the prophet Ezekiel, ch. 27." The Marylander who heard this voice, was certainly gifted with a most extraordinary ear, as, at the distance of above a hun- dred miles, he heard what we could not hear on the spot. And it would appear that his sight was equally good with his hearing ; for he saw two angels con- versing with the watch. It is true, he is too modest to say, he saw them himself—-he only says " two angels were seen converting with the watch at midnight, about the subject of what the voice had previously proclaimed." But no person here having ever seen them-—it is fairly presumable, as it would be highly criminal to doubt of facts resting on such authority, that he must have been the eye-witness himself. A merchant of Philadelphia, who had been absent for several weeks, was returning to the city in the second week of November, having heard that the danger was no more. He met a man on the road go- ing from Philadelphia ; and naturally enquired into the state of affairs. The other told him, that a coffin maker, who had been employed by the committee for relief of the sick, had found such a decrease of de- mand two weeks before, that he had a large supply of coffins on hand ; but that the mortality had again so far increased, that he had sold all, and had seven journeymen employed day and night. This so alarmed the Philadelphian, that he again returned with his fa- mily, to wait a more favourable issue. (88) A drunken sailor lay in the street, in the northern liberties, for a few hours asleep, and was supposed by the neighbours to be dead with the disorder ; but they were too much afraid, to make personal exami- nation. They sent to the committee at the city hall for a cart and a coffin. The carter took the man by the heels, and was going to put him into the coffin. Handling him roughly, he awoke, and damning his eyes, asked him what he was about ? the carter let him drop in a fright, and ran off as if a ghost was at his heels. A lunatic, who had the malignant fever, was ad- vised, by his neighbours, to go to Bushhill. He con- sented, and got into the cart ; but soon changing his mind, he slipt out at the end, unknown to the car- ter, who, after a while, missing him, and seeing him at a distance running away, turned his horse about, and trotted hard after him. The other doubled his pace ; and the carter whipped his horse to a gallop ; but the man turned a corner, and hid himself in a house, leav- ing the mortified carter to return, and deliver an ac- count of his ludicrous adventure. Several instances have occurred of the carters on their arrival at Bushhill, and proceeding to deliver up their charge, finding, to their amazement, the carts empty. A woman, whose husband died, refused to have him buried in a coffin provided for her by one of her friends, as too paltry and mean. She bought an ele- gant and costly one-—and had the other laid by in the yard. In a week, she was herself a corpse—-and was buried in the very coffin she had so much despised. The wife of a man who lived in Walnut-street, was seized with the malignant fever, and given over by the doctors. The husband abandoned her, and (89) next night lay out of the house for fear of catching the infection. In the morning, taking it for granted, from the very low state she had been in, that she was dead, he purchased a coffin for her; but on entering the house, was surprised to see her much recovered. He fell sick shortly after, died, and was buried in the very coffin, which he had so precipitately bought for his wife, who is still living. The powers of the god of love might be imagined to lie dormant amidst such scenes of distress as Bush- hill exhibited. But we find that his sway was felt there with equal force as any where else. John John- don, and Priscilla Hicks, two of the patients, who had recovered, and officiated as nurses to the sick, were smitten with each other's charms—-and, procuring leave of absence for an hour or two, they came to the city on the 23d of September, were joined in the bands of matrimony, and returned to their avocation at the hospital. A long chasm took place in the hymeneal re- cords ; for no adventure of the same kind occurred, until the 5th of November, when Nassy, a Portu- guese mulatto, took to wife Hannah Smith, a bouncing German girl, who, as well as himself, was employed as nurse. The state of the police and of society in Philadel- phia, appears to no small advantage, when we consider one circumstance. Notwithstanding the absence of the magistrates, and the immense value of property left unprotected through the fears of the owners, and the deaths of the persons left to take care of it, there was only one or two burglaries committed.-—One was at- tempted : but the rogues were discovered and taken. A hardened villain from a neighbouring state, formed a plot with some negroes to plunder houses. He was a master rogue, had digested a complete system, and formed a large partnership for the more successful ex- ecution of his schemes. However, he was soon seized, and the company disssolved. M (90) The jail of Philadelphia is under such excellent re- gulation, that the disorder made its appearance there only in two or three instances, although such abodes of misery are the places where contagious disorders are moat commonly generated. When the yellow fever raged moat violently in the city, there were in the jail one hundred and six French soldiers and sailors, confined by order of the French consul; besides eighty convicts, vagrants, and persons for trial; all of whom, except two or three, remained perfectly free from the complant. Several circumstances conspired to produce this salutary effect. The people confined were frequent- ly cleansed and purified by the use of the cold bath -—they were kept constantly employed-—vegetables formed a considerable part of their diet-—in the yard, vegetation flourished-—and many of them being em- ployed in stone-cutting, the water, constantly running, kept the atmosphere in a moist state, while the peo- ple of Philadelphia were almost uninterruptedly parched up by unceasing heat. Elijah Weed, the late jailor, caught the disorder in the city, and died in the jail, without communicating it to any of the people confined. I hope I shall be excused for paying a tribute to the memory of this valuable citizen, under whose government of the jail, and with whose hearty co-operation, most of the regulations in that institu- tion have been effected, which, with the successful experiments made in England, prove that jails may be easily converted from sinks of human depravity and wretchedness, into places of reformation ; so that, instead of rendering the idle vagrant, confined merely on suspicion, or for want of friends to protect him, obdurate, wicked, and ripe for rapine and spoil, —-the profligate and abandoned may be so reclaimed in them, as, on their liberation, to become useful members of society. For the honour of human nature, it ought to be recorded, that some of the convicts in the jail, apart of the term of whose confinement had been remitted, as a reward for their peaceable, or- derly behaviour, voluntarily offered themselves as nurses, to attend the sick at Bush-hill, and have in (91) that capacity conducted themselves with great fidelity. Among them are some who were formerly regarded, and with justice, as hardened, abandoned villains, which the old system usually rendered every tenant of a jail, who remained there a few weeks. According to the same summary system, these men's lives would have been long since offered up as an atonement to society for the injury they had done it. That is, in plain English, because society had suffered one injury by ra- pine, it was necessary it should suffer another by law. But by the present improved and humane plan, they and great numbers of others are restored to society and usefulness once more. So much better, although a little more troublesome, is it, to reform men, than to butcher them under colour of law and justice. The sympathy for our calamities, displayed in vari- ous places, and the very liberal contributions raised for our relief, reflect the highest honour on their in- habitants, and demand our warmest gratitude. The inhabitants of Gloucester county, in New Jersey, have the honour of being first in this laudable race. So early as the 30th of September, they had a considera- ble sum collected, with which they purchased a quan- tity of provisions for the use of the hospital at Bush- hill. They have, from that time, regularly continued copious supplies twice a week. In addition to this, they have made, and are now making, considerable purchases of wood, for the relief of the poor during the winter. From a few citizens of Philadelphia, near Germantown, there have been received two thousand dollars ; from others near Darby, fourteen hundred ; from New York, five thousand ; from a person un- known, five hundred ; from Bucks'county, sixteen hundred; from Delaware county, twelve hundred ; from Franklin county, nearly five hundred ; from Boston, sundry articles, which have been sold for nearly two thousand; and from sundry other persons and places, contributions equally liberal and honour- able. (92) There has been a very strong analogy between the state of Philadelphia, and that of an army. About the close of August, and till the middle of Septem- ber, when the dangers were few, and, by prudent management, might have been easily surmounted, an universal trepidation benumbed people's faculties ; and flight and self-preservation seemed to engross the whole attention of a large proportion of the citizens. Just so, with an army of recruits. Every breath of wind terrifies them. Vague rumours are heard with fear and trembling. In every tree at a distance is be- behold a formidable enemy, to whom they are ready to lay down their arms, and surrender at discretion. But when the " din of arms, and cannon's rattle" have familiarized them with the horrid trade of death, the obstinate phalanx beholds, unmoved its ranks mowed down, and death advancing, with rapid strides, to terminate their (as it is falsely termed) glorious career. -—Even thus was it here. Towards, the close of Sep, tember, and during the first part of October, when the horrors of the scene were constantly increasing, and from fifty to a hundred were interred daily, then people cast away their various preventatives—-thieves' vinegar, tarred ropes, garlic, camphor bags, smelling bottles, &c.--And then it was, that they assumed a manly fortitude, tempered with the sober, serious pen- siveness, befitting such an awful scene. A friend, to whom I communicated this idea, has endeavoured to explain the matter differently. He says, that those who were terrified at first, generally fled away—-and left behind such as were possessed of a stronger frame of mind. This is an error ; as many men, who were among the most striking instances of the influence of terror at first, behaved, in the end, witn the most exemplary fortitude. Shall I be pardoned for passing a censure on those, whose mistaken zeal led them, during the most dread- ful stages of the calamity, to croud some of our chur- ches, and aid this frightful enemy in his work of de- struction ? who, fearful, lest their prayers and adora- (93) tion at home would not find acceptance before the Deity, resorted to churches filled with bodies of con- tagious air, where, with every breath, they inhaled noxious miasmata ? To this single cause I am bold in ascribing a large proportion of the mortality—-And it is remarkable, that those congregations, whose pla- ces of worship were most crouded, have suffered the most dreadfully. Will men never acquire wisdom ? Are we yet to learn, that the Almighty architect of the heavens and earth, does not require " temples " made with men's hands?" that going to a place of worship, against the great law of self-preservation, implanted in indelible characters by his divine hand, on the breast of every one of his creatures, constitutes no part of the adoration due to the maker and preser- ver of mankind ? That a " meek and humble heart" is the temple wherein he delights to be worshipped ? I hope not—-I hope the awful lesson some of our congre- gations hold forth on this subject, by a mortality out of all proportion to their numbers, will serve as a me- mento, at all future times, in the like critical emer- gencies !* Some of those who remained in the city, have, for reasons not very easy to justify, been in the habit of reproaching those who fled, with criminality, as deser- ters, who abandoned their posts†. I believe, on the * This paragraph, although erroneous, is retained, that I may have an opportunity, which I chearfully embrace, of acknow- ledging the mistake I have committed. On a revision of the bills of mortality, it appears, that those congregations who kept up religious worship regularly, did not lose more than, and some not so many as, their usual proportions. In one year, ending July 31, 1793, the German Lutherans buried more than a sixth of the whole number of the dead in the city-—the German re- formed, a fifteenth-—the Friends, a tenth-—and St. Mary's, an eighth. From August 1, to Nov. 9, 1793, the burials among the German Lutherans were not quite a sixth-—among the German Reformed, nearly a sixteenth—-among the Friends, an eleventh—- and in St. Mary's grave-yard, a sixteenth. These were the con- gregations I alluded to, in the above remarks. † If they were even guilty of a crime, it brought its own pu- nishment; as I am fully convinced, that those who were absent, and a prey to the anxiety caused by the frightful reports current, uffered as much as those who remained in the city. (94) contrary, that as the nature of our government did not allow the arbitrary measures to be pursued, which in despotic countries, would probably have extin- guished the disorder at an early period-—it was the duty of every person to avoid the danger, whose cir- cumstances and situation allowed it. The effects of the desertion were, moreover, salutary*. The sphere of action of the disorder was diminished. Two or three empty houses arrested the disease in its progress, as it was slowly, but surely travelling through a street, and probably rescued a neighbourhood from its rava- ges. We shall long have to mourn the severe loss our city has felt, in being bereft of so many valuable citi- zens : and had the 17,000, who retired, been in the city during the prevalence of the disorder, and lost as large a proportion of their number, as those did who remained, we should, instead of 4000 dead, have lost nearly 6000 ; and perhaps had to deplore in the number, another Clow, a Cay, a Lea, a Sims, a Dun- kin, a Strawbridge, men of extensive business, whose loss will be long felt-—a Pennington, a Glentworth, a Hutchinson, a Sargeant, a Howell, a Waring, men endowed by heaven with eminent abilities-—a Fle- ming, a Graessl, a Sproat, men of exalted piety and virtue-—a Wilson, an Adgate, a Baldwin, a Carroll, a Tomkins, an Offley, citizens of most estimable cha- racters. Let those then who have remained, regard their long-absent friends, as if preserved from death by their flight, and rejoice at their return in health and safety. Let those who have been absent, acknow- ledge the exertions of those who maintained their ground. Let us all unite in the utmost vigilance to prevent the return of this fell destroyer, by the most scrupulous attention to cleansing and purifying our scourged city—-and let us join in thanksgiving to that Supreme Being, who has, in his oven time, stay- ed the avenging storm, ready to devour us, after it had laughed to scorn all human efforts. * Perhaps had all our citizens remained famine would have been added to our calamity ; whereas, the markets were abun- dantly supplied during the whole time. The prices, too were in general not far beyond what they usually are at the same se- son of the year. Committee for relieving the sick and distressed, appointed by a meet- ing of the citizens of Philadelphia, summoned by advertisement in the public papers, Sept. 13, 1793 PRESIDENT. Matthew Clarkson. SECRETARY. Caleb Lownes. TREASURER. Thomas Wistar. MANAGERS OF BUSHHILL HOSPITAL Stephen Girard. Peter Helm. ORPHAN COMMITTEE. Israel Israel. John Letchworth. James Kerr. James Sharswood. COMMITTEE OF DISTRIBUTION. Israel Israel. John Haworth. James Swaine. Mathew Carey. Thomas Savery. James Kerr John Letchworth. James Sharswood. Samuel Benge. SUPERINTENDANT OF THE BURIALS OF THE DEAD, AND REMOVAL OF THE SICK. Samuel Benge. DISTRIBUTOR OF SUPPLIES. Henry Deforest. COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS. James Sharfwood. John Conelly. COMMITTEE ON THE PUBLICATION OF LETTERS Caleb Lownes. Mathew Carey. DECEASED MEMBERS Andrew Adgate. J. D. Sargeant. Daniel Offley. Joseph Inskeep. Jacob Witman. Assistant committee, chosen October 14. SAMUEL COATES, Chairman. JOHN OLDDEN, Secretary Northern Liberties William Peter Spragues. William Gregory. Jacob Witman. James Swaine. Joseph Burns. George Forepaugh. Casper Snyder. Peter Smith. Vine to Race street. Richard Whitehead. Joseph Kerr. John Ettries. Race to Arch: Thomas Willis. Daniel Dawson. Peter Thomson. Thomas Allibone. Lambert Wilmer. Arch to Maket. William Sansom. Justinian Fox. Amos Wickersham. Market to Chesnut. Arthur Howell. Alexander Cochran. Thomas Dobson. Chesnut to Walnut. Jeremiah Paul. James Cummins. Casper W. Morris. Thomas Castiere. Walnut to Spruce, George Rutter. Benjamin W. Morris. Spruce to Pine. Samuel Pancoast, jun. John Woodside. Levi Hollingsworth. William Watkins. Pine to South. John Wood. Adam Brittle. William Eckard. Thomas Dicksey. Fergus M'Elwaine. Southwark. William Innis. Richard Mosely. William Robinson, sen, John Grantham. John Savadge. John Pattison. (96) APPENDIX.-No. I An account of the plague in London, in the year 1665. ABOUT the close of the year 1664, the plague was brought over to London in some Levant goods, that came from Holland. The narrowness of the streets and lanes in London, the closeness of the houses, and their being croud- ed with families, rendered the inhabitants very liable to suffer by infectious disorders in sickly seasons ; and the plague was almost continually among the dis- eases enumerated in the bills of mortality. The goods above mentioned, were carried to a house in Long-acre, near Drury-Lane, where they were first opened. Here two Frenchmen died ; the disorder communicated to other houses in the neighbourhood, and infected the pa- rish officers who were employed about the dead. Ano- ther Frenchman, who lived near the infected houses, removed, for fear of the distemper, into Bearbinder- lane, where he died: and thus the plague got into the city. The further progress of this cruel disorder was stopped during a hard frost which set in this winter, and continued till March, 1665,—when its virulence was revived, by the advance of the spring. At first it seized one here, then another a mile or more dis- tant, after which it appeared again where it was ob- served before, just as accident furnished it with con- veyance, and according to the time when persons contracted the distemper. The usual symptoms of infection, for it is not proposed to enter into a strict medical consideration of the plague, are thus enumerated by dr. Hodges, who lived then in London, and attended patients in all stages of the disorder. First, a horror, vomiting, delirium, dizziness, head-ach, and stupefaction ; then a fever, watching, palpitation of the heart, bleeding at the nose, and a great heat about the præcordia : but the signs more peculiar to the pestilence, were, those pustules, which the common people called blains, (97) buboes, carbuncles, spots, and those marks called to- kens. The buboes were hard, painful tumours, with inflammation and gatherings upon the glands, behind the ears, the armpits, and the groin. These tumours, at their first appearance, were hard, and the event of the disorder was prognosticated from their sudden or slow increase, from their genuine or untoward sup- puration, and from the virulence of their contents. The pestilential spots appeared chiefly on the neck, breast, and back, and were not easily distinguishable from flea-bites. The genuine pestilential characters, commonly called tokens, as being the forewarnings of death, were minute distinct blasts, which had their origin from within, and rose up in little pyramidal protuberances, sometimes as small as pin-heads, other times as large as a silver penny, having the pestilential poison chiefly collected at their bases, gradually taint- ing the neighbouring parts, and reaching the surface as the configuration of the vessels and pores favoured their spreading. They were also derivable from exter- nal causes, as from the injuries of air, when the pesti- lential miasmata were pent up and condensed; and by that means their virulence increased, so that life was immediately extinguished when they reached the noble organs. In the treatment of the sick, all the physicians agreed in throwing out the pestilential malignity as soon as possible by alexipharmics, and to these, as soon as the belly was loosened, recourse was had as to a sacred re- fuge: in extremity some had recourse to mineral pre- parations, as mineral bezoar, slphur auratum, aura vitæ, &c. in order to drive out the pestilence by mere force. For external applications, they used blisters and cataplasms ; the buboes were opened by incision; and the eschar formed by the virulent ichor, discharged by the carbuncles, was chiefly got off by actual caute- ry ; nor were the blisters, ulcers, or incisions, suffer- ed to heal until the malignity of the disease was spent. But such was the delusory appearance of this pestilence, that many patients were lost, when they were thought in safe recovery ; whereas, others survived, who were N (98) given over for lost, much to the discredit of the medi- cal art. The apprehensions of the people were greatly in- creased, by the crafty predictions of fortune-tellers, cunning-men, astrologers, and quacks, who hung out their signs in every street, and found their account in heightening the general terror ; nor was their trade stopped, until these men of superior knowledge in the decrees of providence, were themselves swept away in the common calamity. As soon as the ma- gistrates found that the contagion extended into se- veral parishes, an order was issued for shutting up in- fected houses, to stop the communication of the disor- der. These houses had red crosses painted on the doors, with this inscription, Lord, have mercy upon us! and watchmen were placed before them, who were daily relieved, to hand necessaries and medicines into the confined families, and to restrain them from coming abroad until forty days after recovery. But though these regulations were strictly executed, the propriety of them was much controverted, and the hardship uni- versally complained of; for if a fresh person was seized in the same house, but a day before this quarantine expired, it was again renewed; which intolerable te- dious imprisonment of the healthy with the sick, fre- quently ended with the deaths of whole families. Nei- ther did this confinement of the sick prove effectual; for each house having but one guard, and many houses having avenues behind, it was impossible to secure all passages; so that, some would amuse the watchmen with discourse on one side of the house, while the rest of the family made their escape at the other; until, at length, the men were left to watch empty houses. Some watchmen were publicly whipped through the streets, for taking bribes to let persons out privately; and where such opportunities did not offer, the watch- men were sometimes ill treated: one near Coleman- street was blown up by gunpowder; and while he lay disabled by the explosion, those who had strength, escaped out of the house. Some persons also would let themselves down from the windows, armed with swords (99) and pistols, in the sight of the watchmen, and threaten them with instant death, if they called out or stirred. Many of them were even killed in disputes with those they were charged with the care of guarding. It is a fact, though true character of human nature, to remark, that there are always miscreants ready to take advantage of public calamities; and what greatly con- tributed to the loss of persons thus shut up, was the villainous behaviour of some nurses. These wretches from an inhuman greediness to plunder the dead, would not only strangle their patients, and charge their deaths to the distemper in their throats; but would secretly convey the pestilential taint from the sores of the sick to those who were well. Yet though they were without witnesses in these diabolical practices, they often fell themselves the just victims of their own unguarded presumption. Dogs and cats, being domestic animals, apt to run from house to house, and being supposed to convey the noxious effluvia in their fur or hair; an early order was made by the lord-mayor and other magistrates, by the ad- vice of the physicians, that they should all be immediately killed; and an officer was appointed for that purpose, It was computed that 40,000 dogs, and five times as many cats, were massacred in consequence of this pre- scription ; and all possible endeavours were used to ex- terminate rats and mice by poison, on the same account. It was inconceivable, as the plague increased, with what precipitation such inhabitants of the city as were able to leave it, deserted into the country; for some weeks it was difficult to get to the lord-mayor's door, for the throngs that crouded in to get passes and certi- ficates of health ; without which none were permitted to travel through, or lodge in, any towns on the road. The nobility, gentry, and richer tradesmen retired first, and in the broad streets leading out of town, nothing was to be seen but waggons and carts loaded with goods, and servants; coaches full of families— and horsemen, all hurrying away; with empty carriages returning for fresh loads. Some families that had no country retreats, laid up a store of provisions, and shut themselves up so care- (100) fully, as not to be heard of nor seen, until the plague ceased; when when came abroad safe and well ;—among these were several Dutch merchants, who kept their houses like garrisons besieged, suffering no one to go out or come in, and thus preserved themselves in health. —Many merchants and ship owners shut themselves up on board ships, and as the plague increased, removed down the river, nor was it heard that the disorder reached any vessels below Deptford. Poorer persons took refuge in hoys, smacks, and fishing boats; but these took the infection; others went up the river in boats, lodging by night in tents made of their sails, on shore; for though the country people would supply them with provisions, they would not receive them into their houses. The poor who ran abroad in their extremities into the country, were often ill used and driven back, which caused great exclamation against the cruelty of the country towns; but self-preservation extinguished humanity ; and yet notwithstanding all their care, there was not a town within twenty miles but suffered more or less by the disorder. Thus the distemper was felt chiefly to prey on the common people; which it did to such a degree as to obtain the name of the poor's plague. The lord-mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, or their deputies, with many of the common council, very humanely to compose the minds of the people as much as possible, published their reso- lution not to quit the city, but to be always ready at hand to preserve order, and to do justice on all occasions. The lord-mayor held councils every day, making ne- cessary dispositions for preserving the public peace ; the people were treated with all the gentleness circum- stances would allow, while presumptuous rogues, housebreakers, and plunderers of the sick or dead, were duly punished, and severe declarations issued against them. It was one of their principal concerns to see the re- gulations for the freedom and good supply of the mar- kets, observed—and every market-day the lord-mayor, Sir John Lawrence, or the sheriffs, attended vigilantly on horseback, to see their orders executed. The neces- sity of going to market was greatly contributory to the (101) ruin of the city, as there the people caught the infec- tion one of another, and it was suspected that even the provisions were tainted; all imaginable precautions were however used in these negociations—for customers took the meat from off the hooks themselves, that they might not receive it from the butcher—and for his security dropped their money into pans of vinegar, always carrying small money with them, that they might receive no change. Every one that could procure them, carried scents and perfumes about them, while the poorest inhabitants were forced on all occasions to run all hazards. The infection, notwithstanding every caution, conti- nued through the months of May and June, with more or less severity—sometimes raging in one part, and then in another—about the latter end of June, above; twenty parishes were infected, and the King re- moved from Whitehall to Hampton court. Government was not however inattentive to the distresses of the me- tropolis—for beside appointing a monthly fall for pub- lic prayer, the king commanded the college of physi- cians to compose and publish an English directory of general advice in this calamitous season. Some of the college were appointed to attend the sick on all occa- sions; and two out of the court of aldermen were re- quired to see this hazardous duty performed : nor were there eminent physicians wanting who voluntarily and courageously gave their assistance in so dangerous an employment; eight or nine of whom were destroyed in the duty. In the first week of July, the bill rose to 725, the pext week to 1089, the third week to 1843, and the next week to 2010. About the middle of the month, the disorder, which had chiefly raged in St. Giles's Holburn, and toward Westminster, began to travel eastward, and over the river to Lambeth and South- wark; but kept principally in the out parishes which were fullest of poor. When it abated in the western parishes, it exerted its violence in Clerkenwell, Crip- plegate, Shoreditch, Bishopsgate, Aldersgate, White- chapel and Stepney. In the months of August and Sep- tember the disorder made most terrible slaughter; (102) three, four, or five thousand died in a week, the deaths one week amounted to 8,000 and were believed to ex- tend to 10,000! for the registers in such confusion were not kept with great accuracy. Under these shocking circumstances, when the peo- ple were in the greatest want of spiritual consolation, they were in general forsaken by their parochial mi- nisters; and sad as the minds of the people were, there were not wanting some who satirized them in lampoons, for this scandalous desertion of their dis- tressed flocks. When on some church doors uere written, Here is a pulpit to let, and on others, A pulpit to be sold, then it was that the ejected non-conforming ministers, showed that disinterested concern for the people, that constitutes the true essence of the clerical character; for, unmindful of their legal disability, and regardless of the surrounding danger, they resolutely mounted the vacant pulpits, often twice a day, and soothed the griefs of crouded audiences by their pious discourses and other religious exercises. When deaths became so numerous, the church yards were unable to contain the bodies, and the usual modes of interment were no longer observed: occasional pits of great extent were dug in several parts, to which the dead were brought by cart-loads, collected by the ring of a bell, and the doleful cry of Bring out your dead! They were put into the carts with no other covering than rugs or sheets tied round them by their friends, if they had any surviving; and were shot down in pro- miscuous heaps! Sometimes the drivers of those carts would drop in their employments, and the carts would be sound without any conductor; in the parish of Step- ney, it was said they lost within the year, 116 Sextons, grave-diggers and their assistants! Trade was at a stand, shops were shut up, every day looked like a solemn Sabbath ; few were to be seen in the streets, and neither cart nor coach appeared but such as were employed for immediate ads of necessity : grass grew in the most public streets, and in the Royal-Ex- change,—and the broad street in Whitechapel might be mistaken for a green field. Those families who carried on retail trades, or subsisted by labour, were now sup- (103) ported by charity, which is recorded to have been wor- thily extended by those who had ability to bestow it. The king contributed 1000l. a week, and dr. Sheldon, archbishop of Canterbury, who remained at Lambeth the whole time, beside his own benefactions, procured great sums to be remitted from the dioceses under his jurisdiction, by his affecting letters to the bishops— Monk, afterwards duke of Albemarle, with lord Craven, remained in London, and exerted all their abilities to al- leviate the distresses they were witness to. Though the city was in general abandoned by the rich, yet these did not forget those who were lest behind—large sums were sent up by them to the magistrates, as well as from the trading towns in the remotest parts of England. The degree of general distress in the metropolis may be sup- posed void of exaggeration, when it is said that beside private charities, the lord mayor and aldermen were enabled to bestow 100,000l. a week for several weeks together to the poor! That nothing might be left untried to disperse the contagion, large fires were ordered to be made in the public streets ; yet the physicians were very diffident of the success of this expensive experiment; and the trial soon decided in favour of their doubts. Coals were then 4l. per chaldron ; and two hundred chaldron were ap- plied in making fires at the custom-house, Billingsgate, at the bridge-foot, three cranes, Queenhithe, Bridewell- gate, the corner of Leadenhall and Grace church streets, at the north and south gates of the Royal Exchange, Guildhall, Blackwell-hall, at the lord-mayor's door in St. Helens, at Bow church, and at the western end of St. Paul's cathedral.—These fires continued for three days—and were then almost extinguished by a smart rain; but the following night, from whatever cause it might proceed, was the most fatal of the whole; for more than 4000 then expired! and this unfortunate e- vent was a discouragement to any farther attempts of that nature. When the disease was at the greatest height, little regard was had to the giving medical assistance; for many of the most eminent physicians and surgeons were already dead: and it was in vain to keep houses (104) shut up, when they were mostly empty with their doors and windows open and shattering with the wind. At length the disorder, after having braved the art of man, gave way to the course of nature, at the decline of the summer season, when, though the numbers of the in- fected were not observed to lessen, yet the disorder grew weaker; more in proportion recovered, and the deaths insensibly diminished, When this began to be perceived, the dread that had invaded the minds of the people wore off, and contributed to their recovery; and whereas in the height of the disorder it usually killed persons in two or three days, and not above one in five recovered—now it did not kill in less than eight or ten days, and not above two in five perished; the nurses also grew either more cautious or more faithful; so that after a little while a dawn of health appeared as suddenly as it was unexpected. In the beginning. of November, the face of affairs was quite altered: though the funerals were yet frequent, yet the citizens began to return without fear; and in December they crouded back as fast as they had fled in the spring. such as were cautious, took great care in seasoning their houses; and abundance of costly things were con- sumed, which not only answered their own particular purposes, but filled the air with grateful smells, which were serviceable to their neighbours; Some burnt pitch, brimstone, and gunpowder, to purge their houses and goods; while others, through eagerness and carelessness, entered their dwellings without any preparation. Earl Craven and the other justices of Westminiter caused the bedding of infected houses, to be well dried and aired, the rooms to be new whitewashed, and the churchyards to be covered two feet thick with fresh earth ; to pre- vent, as far as possible, any revival of the pestilential taint. The winter gave the most effectual check toward sup- pressing this great enemy of mankind; and tho' some remains of the contagion appeared in the succeeding spring, it was no more than could be easily conquered by medicine; and the city terms got rid of the infection and returned to perfect health. The bills of mortality computed the numbers of buri- (105) als this year at 97,306, of which 68,596 were attri- buted to the plague ; but this estimate was universally received as very erroneous; as it was not difficult to show, from circumstances, that the account was mani- festly defective. At the beginning of the disorder, there was great knavery and collusion in the reports of the deaths ; for while it was possible to conceal the infec- tion, they were attributed to fevers of all kinds, which began to swell the bills; this was done to prevent houses being shut up, and families being shunned by their neighbours. Add to this, that the dead carts working in the dark no exact accounts were kept; the clerks and sextons being naturally averse to so dangerous a duty, and frequently falling sick themselves before such accounts as they had were delivered in. Quakers and Jews also, who had separate burial grounds, were not mentioned in the weekly bills; nor was any register taken of those who died on board vessels of all kinds in the river. It was well known, that numbers of poor despairing crea- tures wandered out of town into the fields, woods, and other remote places, where they died of the infection and of want. The inhabitants of the villages would carry food to these distracted refugees, and set it at a distance for them ; and afterwards frequently found them dead with the victuals untouched. The country people would then dig holes and drag the bodies into them with long poles having hooks at the ends, carefully standing to the windward ; and throw the earth over them as far as they could cast it. On the whole, it was the opinion of eye witnesses, that the plague destroyed 100,000 at least. The yearly bill mentions but one parish that re- mained quite exempt from infection, which was that of St. John the Evangelist in Watling-street. As to foreign trade during this year, it was almost extinct; as no port in France, Flanders, Spain, or Italy, would admit London ships, or correspond with that city ; the Turks only and the Grecian isles, to whom the plague was familiar, were not so scrupulous. The Flemings and Dutch had great advantage of this circum- stance, by buying English goods in those parts of England that remained clear of infection, carrying them home, and then exporting them again as their own. O (106) Account of the Plague at Marseilles, in 1720. MARSEILLES has been several times visited by the plague, as in the year 1580, in 1630, 1649, and 1650. In May, 1720, the citizens were informed, that the plague had made its appearance in Palestine, and Syria. On the 25th of that month, a vessel from Syria, and the island of Cyprus where the plague prevailed, arrived at the isles of Chateaudif, in the vicinity of the harbour of Marseilles. After, performing a quarantine, the passen- gers were permitted to mix with the inhabitants. One of the crew, and a person placed on board as a guard, had in the mean time died; but the surgeon employed to examine the bodies, declared, that he could discover no mark of the plague. On the 12th of June, a ship, with a foul bill of health, as it is termed, cast anchor. On the 24th and 26th of June, four persons died. Three of these were porters, who had been entrusted with the care of purifying the merchandize on board of these vessels. The fourth was a boy belonging to the first vessel. Hence it appears that the progress of this contagion was in the beginning extremely slow. The surgeon again certified that there was no sign of the plague; but the magistrates began to distrust him. They caused the bodies to be buried in quick lime, and the vessels, from the cargoes of which the porters were sus- pected of having caught the contagion, were ordered to be removed to a greater distance. On the 7th of July, two other porters employed in the Lazeretto were taken ill, and on the 8th a third; on the 9th, the whole three expired. They were buried in quick lime, and their clothes were burned. Three other surgeons had been ap- pointed to inspect their bodies; and it was at last con- fessed that they had died of the plague : from this time to the 31st of July, the contagion made feeble but gra- dual advances. The gentlemen of the faculty, who had declared the dangerous nature of the disease, were in- sulted by the rabble, who would not believe that the plague would have advanced so very slowly. The ma- gistrates were afraid to injure the commerce of the city by the report spread that this infection had got into (107) Marseilles. Though they seem to have done their duty, yet they were so little aware of the gulf, which was yawn- ing beneath them, that on the 15th of July, they sent letters to the health officers in the other ports of Europe, informing them, that though many persons were sick in the infirmaries, yet that the contagion had made no progress in the city. Indeed, from this day to the 26th, almost nothing was heard of it, and the people had be- gun to believe, that the danger was over. On the 26th, however, the magistrates were informed, that fifteen persons were taken ill, in the street of Lescalle. The physicians durst not venture to declare the fact, and as- signed any other reason for their sickness, than the plague. At the end of July, the magistrates became alarmed in earnest. Some of them began to be exhausted by the melancholy employment of attending the funerals of the dead, and the removals of the sick to the public hospitals, both which offices were performed in the night. The marquis de Pelles, governor of the city, examined the treasury, and found in it only the pitiful sum of eleven hundred livres. Corn, butcher's meat, and wood, were extremely scarce and dear. The weal- thy part of the inhabitants had by this time fled. It was now certain that the contagion was fixed in the city; and it was readily foreseen, that, unless vigorous mea- sures of prevention were taken, famine would complete the scene of calamity. All beggars from the country were commanded to leave the city; but it was imme- diately found impracticable, to carry this order into ex- ecution. The chamber of trade of the parliament of Aix, had published an arret, prohibiting the citizens of Marseilles from quitting the territories of the town. The other inhabitants of Provence were forbidden to hold any correspondence with them ; and coachmen, carriers, or others, attempting to retire from Mar- seilles to the country, on any pretence whatever, were to return back under pain of death. It was, therefore, impossible to drive out of the city, two or three thou- sand beggars, and other strangers of different kinds. An attempt was made to dispel the infection by burning fire in the streets, but to no purpose. A variety of re- gulations were adopted to prevent the spreading of the (108) distemper, as well as the progress of famine. What fuel had been in the city, was already consumed in the ex- periment of making fires. A great quantity of sulphur was bought, and a part of it distributed to the poor, in every quarter of the town, to be burned in their houses by way of a perfume : the colleges and schools were shut up, to prevent the communication of the disorder; and the most pressing applications were made to the go- vernment of France, for immediate and substantial assis- tance, before the avenues of the city should be abso- lutely shut up. On the third of August, a mob assem- bled, demanding bread, which was given to them. On the fourth, the officers of the fort of St. John, waited on the magistrates, to acquaint them, that their soldiers were in want of corn; and if not supplied, would per- haps enter the city, and take it by force; the answer which they received was, that if the troops attempted to enter Marseilles, the magistrates, at the head of the citizens, would oppose them. On the 7th of August, the chamber of trade of Provence, permitted the sheriffs to have a conference with some of their agents, at the distance of six miles from the city. Precautions were taken to speak at a distance. An agreement was made, that a market should be established in that place, and a double barrier erected. Another market was to be fixed upon a highroad, two leagues from Marseilles, in a dif- ferent direction. A rendezvous for boats was likewise named, in a creek amongst the islands in the harbour of Marseilles. In all these places, the guards were appointed by the province, and paid by the city. On the 9th of August, it was found, that most of the physicians and surgeons had fled. It was thought necessary to select a house to which the sick might be carried. The house of convalescence was pitched upon for that purpose. But it was an object of the greatest difficulty to remove the sick. Horses, harness, and carts were all equally wanted. It became necessary to go into the country to seek them, and when they were found, no person would consent to serve as a porter in removing the dead—Exorbitant wages were offered with little effect. An immense num- ber of cooks and sick nurses were likewise wanted, and it was not without the greatest exertions, that the ma- (109) gistrates could obtain persons for these employments. Three pits were dug without the walls or the city. They were sixty feet in length and twenty four feet deep, and the dead were buried in quick lime. Ano- ther large hospital was fitted up under the vaults of a rope yard, by the chevalier Rose, at his own expense; and he caused large ditches to be dug for burying the dead. The two hospitals were entirely filled in less than two days; but the patients did not remain there long. The distemper was so violent, that those who were brought into the hospitals at night, were cast into the ditches next morning. In every house where it entered, no person escaped the infection, and it seems that few or none survived it. On the 12th of August, two of the most eminent physicians of Montpelier were dispatched by the regent of France to the assistance of the citizens. The magistrates of health, the judges of the city, the rectors of all the hospitals and other charitable founda- tions, the commissaries who had been appointed for the different quarters of the city, but a few days before, with an immense number of people of all ranks, fled in the greatest hurry from Marseilles. The very centinels who had been ported to prevent the flight of others, deserted, while the captains of the militia, and their soldiers ran away by whole companies. The shops, houses, magazines, churches and convents were shut up. The public markets were empty, and nothing was any where to be seen, but the dying or the dead. Mar- seilles was supposed at this time to contain about one hundred thousand people. Carts and porters were kept in constant readiness to carry off the dead ; but the dif- ficulty of providing these augmented every day. Per- sons employed in that service very seldom lived more than forty eight hours. It is said that by only touching the body with an iron hook, at the end of a pole, the distemper was communicated. Fifteen livres or about three dollars per day was the hire offered, and it was refused by the very beggars. At last, the ma- gistrates applied to the officers of the gallies, and ob- tained from them a supply of hands, selected from the criminals, who were promised their pardon upon con- dition of exerting themselves; but they did their work (110) with so much slowness and laziness, says our author, that it was enough to make one mad. The slaves were in want of every thing, and in particular of shoes, which it was impossible to get for them, as there was none in the city, nor any shoemaker, to manufacture them. These unfortunate beings, when they entered a house, to carry off the dead, hardly ever failed to plunder it, so that the perpetual danger of robbery was added to the other calamities of the citizens. The slaves were like- wise unskilful as well as unwilling carters. They fre- quently overturned the carts, and broke the harness of the horses; a loss which was irreparable, for neither saddler nor cartwright was left in Marseilles. Besides, no tradesman would touch the carts or harness which were employed in that service; and the peasants in the territory belonging to the city, had carefully concealed their carts. Multitudes of women, who were giving suck, died of the plague; and their infants were found some dead, and others dying in the cradles. An hospital and a con- vent, which were found empty, by the death or flight of their former possessors, served as an asylum for these noviciates in wretchedness. They were supplied with soup, and goats milk. Thirty or forty of them perished every day; yet there were never less than twelve or thirteen hundred of them surviving at one time. On the 21st of August, the number of the dead at once in- creased so prodigiously, that the magistrates found it impracticable to get them carried out of town, to be thrown into the pits. The quarter of St. John and some other parts of the old town, were, from the height of the ground and the narrowness of the streets, almost inaccessible to any wheel carriage. They were inhabited by the poorest classes of the people, who were worst lodged and worst fed, and therefore died fastest. The bodies, in heaps, blocked up the passages of the streets. It was to be apprehended, that if they were suffered to lie above ground, the infection would spread with aug- mented rapidity. The marquis de Pille and the magi- strates, requested a meeting at the town house, with the officers of the gallies. This assembly came to the reso- lution of interring the dead bodies, belonging to the (111) higher parts of the town, in the vaults of the church yards in the neighbourhood. Quick lime and water were to be thrown upon them, and the vaults, when full, were to be closely cemented up. The bishop of Marseilles and the clergy opposed this measure; but the necessity of the case superceded every objection. On the 23d of August the magistrates began this task. The clergy had bolted the doors of their churches, which were broke open. In the mean time, the misery of the inhabitants augmented every day and almost every hour. Amongst other necessaries, linen was exhausted, and in the midst of this mass of wretchedness, the populace, from famine, despair, and madness, had become so turbulent, that it was found requisite to raise gibbets in all the public places of the city. From the 25th of Au- gust to the end of September, a thousand persons were computed to perish every day. The galley slaves, who had been called to assist the citizens, began to die like the rest. The shopkeepers had locked up their doors, so that the people could not buy, on any terms, the common necessaries of life. On the 27th, the board of trade published an order, for all shopkeepers and trades- men, to set open their doors, within twenty-four hours, on the pain of death. Commands of this kind had little weight. Desertion, wherever it could be accomplished, was universal. On whatever side the spectator cast his eye, nothing was to be seen but heaps of putrefaction. The streets, the public markets, the square of the play house, the harbour, and every other place, was strewed with dead bodies. In the original narrative, from which this abridg- ment is extracted, there are many circumstances related, of a nature so shocking, that to repeat them would be an act of inhumanity to the reader. Thousands fled on board the ships in the harbour, from a conceit, which proved very foolish, that the contagion could not reach them, when upon the water. The streets were heaped not only with dead bodies, but with furniture and clothes of persons infected, which were incessantly cast out of the windows. The dogs and cats were every where killed, and served to augment the mass of corrup- (112) tion. Ten thousand dogs were at one time computed to be floating in the harbour. If you met any one in the streets, he looked as if half dead, and as if the distemper had affected his under- standing. Many wandering about fell through weakness, and never rose again. Some, to put an end to their suf- ferings, cut their own throats, or jumped out of high windows, or into the sea. It was impossible for the hos- pitals to contain the crouds of patients who thronged into them. The instant that a person was observed to be in- fected, he became an object of horror to his nearest re- lations. He was either left deserted in the house, or driven out of it. This was the treatment of wives to their husbands, and husbands to their wives, of children to their parents, and of parents to their children. The hos- pitals were so far from being capable to contain the sick, that numbers could not even get access to the doors, on account of the vast crouds that lay on the pavement around them. This was the situation of Marseilles at the end of August. By the third of September, the surviving magistrates found the town house almost empty. Five hundred persons belonging to it had died. Amongst these were three hundred and fifty of the city guards. The religious orders likewise suffered extreme- ly. The bishop was distinguished by the most active and intrepid benevolence. On the 6th of September, there remained, after every exertion, above two thousand dead bodies in the streets. A fresh supply of galley slaves was obtained with difficulty. From this time, to the end of September, the disease raged with unabated fury. In the month of October, it began to abate without any visible cause. The sick began to be cured. In Novem- ber, the contagion continued to decrease, and by the 1st of December, the danger was in a great measure at an end. It was not, however, entirely ceased till the month of March. We are not informed as to the ex- act number of deaths; but they are estimated at not less than fifty or sixty thousand. List of all the Burials in the several grave yards of the city and liberties of Philadelphia, as taken from the Books kept by Clergymen, Sextons, &c. from August 1st to November 9th, 1793. August. DAYS. Christ Church St. Peter's. St. Paul's First Presbyterian. Second Presbyterian. Third Presbyterian. Scotch Presbyterian. Seceders. St. Mary's. Trinity. Friends. Free Quakers. German Lutherans. German Calvinists. Moravians. Swedes. Baptists. Methodists. Universalists. Jews. Kensington. Potter's field. Total. 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Returned in gross. 1 Returned in gross. Returned in gross. Returned in gross. 9 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 9 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 10 5 1 1 1 5 2 10 6 1 2 3 7 1 1 7 1 2 12 8 1 1 1 1 1 5 9 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 11 10 1 1 1 2 1 6 11 2 4 1 7 12 2 2 1 5 13 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 14 1 1 2 4 15 3 2 1 1 2 9 16 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 18 1 1 2 1 5 19 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 9 20 1 3 1 1 1 7 21 2 1 2 1 1 1 8 22 1 2 4 3 1 1 10 23 1 2 2 3 1 1 10 24 3 1 1 2 1 5 1 3 17 25 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 12 26 2 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 17 27 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 12 28 5 3 1 2 3 4 3 24 30 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 3 20 31 2 1 3 7 3 17 P SEPTEMBER. DAYS. Christ Church. St. Peter's. St. Pauls. First Presbyterian. Second Presbyterian. Third Presbyterian. Associate Presb. Reformed. St. Mary's. Trinity. Friends. Free Quakers. German Lutherans. German Calvinists. Moravians. Swedes. Baptists. Methodists. Universalists. Jews. Kensington. Potter's field. Total. 1 1 2 1 1 Returned in gross. 4 1 Returned in gross. Returned in gross. Returned in gross. 2 5 17 2 2 2 5 3 1 1 4 18 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 11 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 23 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 20 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 2 7 24 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 7 18 8 2 1 1 4 2 3 4 4 2 1 16 42 9 1 2 1 1 3 1 7 1 1 1 13 32 10 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 6 5 1 1 4 29 11 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 8 43 12 2 6 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 10 33 13 1 1 1 1 3 1 7 8 2 1 1 10 37 14 2 1 2 3 3 1 4 4 4 5 2 2 15 48 15 4 2 1 1 3 1 5 1 10 9 1 1 1 2 14 56 16 4 2 1 2 3 1 4 3 10 12 7 3 24 81 17 1 1 1 1 4 2 5 2 7 21 7 3 26 81 18 3 4 2 4 2 6 2 7 10 4 1 3 19 68 19 4 2 2 3 2 4 5 9 5 2 23 61 20 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 9 7 1 3 5 27 67 21 3 3 1 2 1 6 6 8 2 4 21 57 22 3 3 1 2 1 6 6 8 2 4 21 57 23 1 3 2 4 5 2 7 8 6 9 21 68 24 5 2 4 4 2 9 8 12 4 8 38 96 25 4 2 2 4 4 2 6 8 15 5 3 7 25 87 26 2 1 3 2 1 1 5 6 5 1 1 25 52 27 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 14 6 5 2 14 60 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 3 2 29 51 29 4 3 2 2 3 1 4 1 10 7 3 1 2 14 57 30 4 1 2 1 3 6 1 8 4 6 3 2 22 63 OCTOBER. DAYS. Christ Church. St. Peter's. St. Paul's. First Presbyterian. Second Presbyterian. Third Presbyterian. Associate Presb. Reformed. St. Mary's. Trinity. Friends. Free Quakers. German Lutherans. German Calvinists. Moravians. Swedes. Baptists. Methodists. Universalists. Jews. Kensington. Potter's field. Total. 1 4 2 5 1 3 4 4 8 Returned in gross. 12 3 2 Returned in gross. Returned in gross. Returned in gross. 5 21 74 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 9 5 5 31 67 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 5 1 7 10 4 1 2 33 78 4 1 2 4 2 1 3 3 6 5 2 1 1 27 58 5 2 1 2 3 1 2 12 11 3 1 4 3 26 71 6 2 5 1 1 2 1 5 5 14 4 2 34 76 7 7 3 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 2 9 12 7 2 2 25 82 8 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 5 21 6 3 3 33 90 9 2 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 4 19 8 1 1 3 50 102 10 7 2 2 2 2 3 1 6 26 6 1 2 1 1 31 93 11 4 2 5 1 6 1 11 17 12 1 8 44 119 12 1 2 2 1 4 1 6 1 11 17 12 1 8 44 111 13 6 3 1 1 1 4 1 9 20 5 1 4 48 104 14 2 1 1 5 2 2 5 17 7 1 7 2 29 81 15 3 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 9 14 7 2 3 29 80 16 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 6 1 4 10 2 2 2 29 70 17 5 3 2 3 3 10 16 7 2 1 28 80 18 2 1 4 1 5 1 5 11 3 1 1 2 22 59 19 2 3 4 1 4 2 2 14 2 1 1 2 27 65 20 2 3 3 2 4 1 4 11 6 1 1 17 55 21 4 2 3 1 5 2 4 8 4 1 1 24 59 22 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 7 19 2 2 1 2 31 82 23 1 1 3 5 3 10 7 1 23 54 24 1 1 3 2 2 8 4 17 38 25 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 10 35 26 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 5 23 27 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 13 28 1 1 2 4 5 3 1 1 6 25 29 1 1 1 2 4 2 6 17 30 1 1 2 3 1 2 6 16 31 2 1 7 3 8 22 NOVEMBER. DAYS. Christ Church. St. Peter's. St. Paul's. First Presbyterian. Second Presbyterian. Third Presbyterian. Associate Presb. Reformed. St. Mary's. Trinity. Friends. Free Quakers. German Lutherans. German Calvinists. Moravians. Swedes. Baptists. Methodists. Universalists. Jews. Kensington. Potter's field. Total. 1 1 3 Returned in gross. 1 1 Returned in gross. Returned in gross. Returned in gross. 2 5 13 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 8 13 3 1 1 1 5 2 1 4 15 4 1 1 1 5 1 6 15 5 2 3 2 1 6 14 6 1 3 1 1 5 11 7 2 1 1 4 1 5 15 8 1 2 1 1 3 8 9 1 2 3 6 August 325 September 1442 October 1993 November 118 Jews, returned in gross 3 Baptists, Do. 60 Methodists, Do. 32 Free Quakers, Do. 39 German part of St. Mary's congregation 30 Total 4041 Protestant Episcopalians { {Christ Church 173 {St. Peter's 109 {St. Paul's. 70 Presbyterians { {First 73 {Second 128 {Third 107 {Associate 12 {Reformed 33 Roman Catholics { {St. Mary's 251 {German part of do. 30 {Trinity 54 Friends 373 Free Quakers Returned in gross. 39 German { {Lutherans 641 {Calvinists 261 Moravians r 13 Swedes 75 Baptists Returned in gross. 60 Methodists Do. 32 Universalists 2 Jews Do. 2 Kensington 169 Potter's field, including the new ground 1334 4041 Q METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, MADE IN PHILADELPHIA, BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE, Esquire. AUGUST, 1795. Barometer. Thermometer. Wind. Weather. A. M. 3 P. M. 6 A. M. 3 P.M. 6 A. M. 3 P. M. 1 29 95 30 0 65 77 WNW NW cloudy, fair, 2 30 1 30 1 63 81 NW SW fair, fair, 3 30 5 29 95 62 82 N NNE fair, fair, 4 29 97 30 0 65 87 S SW fair, fair, 5 30 5 30 1 73 90 SSW SW fair, fair, 6 30 2 30 0 77 87 SW W cloudy, fair, 7 30 12 30 1 68 83 NW W fair, fair, 8 30 1 29 95 69 86 SSE SSE fair, rain, 9 29 8 29 75 85 SSW SW cloudy, fair, 10 29 9 29 9 67 82 W SW fair, fair, 11 30 0 30 0 70 84 SW WSW cloudy, cloudy 12 30 0 30 0 70 87 W W fair, fair, 13 30 5 30 0 71 89 SW W fair, fair, 14 30 0 29 95 75 "82 SW SW fair, rain, 15 30 0 30 1 72 75 NNE NE rain, cloudy 16 30 1 30 1 70 83 NNE NE fair, fair, 17 30 1 30 0 71 86 SW SW fair, fair, 18 30 1 30 0 73 89 calm SW fair, fair, 19 30 1 30 1 72 82 N N fair, cloudy, 20 30 1 30 12 69 82 NNE NNE fair, fair, 21 30 15 30 24 62 83 N NNE fair, fair, 22 30 3 30 36 63 86 NE SE fair, fair, 23 30 25 30 16 63 85 calm S fair, fair, 24 30 1 30 1 73 81 calm calm cloudy, fair, 25 30 1 30 1 71 66 NE NE cloudy, cloudy, 26 30 15 30 1 59 69 NE NE cloudy, cloudy, 27 30 2 30 2 65 73 NE NE cloudy, clearing, 28 30 2 30 5 67 80 S calm cloudy, fair, 29 30 16 30 1 72 86 calm SW cloudy, fair, 30 30 1 30 1 74 87 calm SW fair, fair, 31 30 0 30 0 74 84 SW NW rain, fair, METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER, 1793. Barometer. 6 A. M. 3 P. M. Thermometer. 6 A. M. 3 P. M Winds. 6 A. M. 3 P. M. Weather. 6 A. M. 3 P. M. 1 30 0 29 30 71 86 Calm SW fog, fair 2 29 75 29 8 73 86 SW SW fair, fair, 3 80 0 60 NW N fair, fair, 4 30 15 30 15 55 75 W W fair, fair, 5 30 15 30 1 62 80 SE S fair, cloudy, 6 29 97 29 95 70 89 WSW W fair, cloudy, 7 30 0 30 0 65 77 WNW NW fair, fair, 8 30 1 30 1 64 70 Calm Calm cloudy, cloudy, 9 30 0 30 0 66 80 SE NW rain, fair 10 30 0 30 0 64 72 N NNE fair, cloudy, 11 30 1 30 0 62 72 NE N cloudy, fair, 12 29 96 29 9 58 76 W NNW fair, fair, 13 29 9530 0 57 72 W N fair, fair, 14 30 0 30 5 58 79 NW NW fair, fair, 15 30 0 29 97 65 80 N S fair, fair, 16 29 9 29 70 84 S SW cloudy, fair 17 29 8 29 85 66 67 N N cloudy, cloudy, 18 30 3 44 N fair 19 30 4 30 35 45 70 Calm SW fair, fair, 20 30 3 30 15 54 69 Calm SE hazey, hazey, 21 30 0 29 0 59 78 Calm cloudy, fair, 22 30 0 30 0 63 83 Calm cloudy, fair, 23 30 1 30 1 62 81 Calm SE cloudy, cloudy, 24 30 2 30 2 65 70 NE ENE cloudy, fair, 25 30 15 30 0 61 68 NE NE cloudy, cloudy, 26 29 8 29 7 58 79 N N cloudy, fair, 27 29 7 64 NW NW cloudy, fair, 28 30 5 30 15 54 73 NW NW fair, fair, 29 30 3 30 3 56 74 NE ENE cloudy, fair, 30 30 35 30 3 57 75 Calm SW foggy, fair, METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1793. Barometer. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. Thermometer. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. Winds. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. Weather. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. 1 30 15 30 5 64 80 SW SW cloudy, fair, 2 29 9 30 5 70 72 W NNW cloudy, fair, 3 30 2 30 15 50 72 W SW fair, fair, 4 29 75 29 7 59 72 SW W cloudy, cloudy, 5 30 0 30 1 58 66 N N fair, fair, 6 30 3 30 3 43 66 NE W fair, fair, 7 30 45 46 calm fair, 8 30 6 30 6 53 68 N N fair, fair, 9 30 5 30 4 53 70 NW NW fair, fair, 10 30 2 30 2 49 74 W W fair, fair, 11 30 0 29 85 58 64 SW NW rain, rain, 12 26 6 29 55 58 64 SW NW fair, fair, 13 29 85 29 9 49 69 NW NW fair, fair, 14 30 5 30 0 52 76 SW SW calm, fair, 15 29 75 29 8 56 76 SW N fair, fair, 16 30 0 30 0 37 53 NNW N fair, fair, 17 30 1 30 1 37 60 NE NE fair, fair, 18 30 1 30 1 41 62 N N cloudy, fair, 20 30 0 30 0 44 54 NW N fair, fair, 21 30 0 30 2 49 59 N NW fair, fair, 22 29 6 29 5 51 65 NW NW fair, fair, 23 29 8 29 8 47 60 W W fair, fair, 24 30 3 30 4 36 59 W NW fair, fair, 25 30 4 20 3 46 71 S S cloudy, fair, high w. 26 30 2 30 2 60 72 calm SW cloudy, cloudy, 27 30 3 30 3 44 44 NNE NNE cloudy, cloudy, 28 30 2 30 1 34 37 N N cloudy, cloudy, 29 29 8529 85 28 44 NNW NW fair, fair, 30 30 1 30 1 28 49 calm SW hazy, hazy, 31 30 15 30 2 42 45 calm NNE cloudy, rain, NOVEMBER, 1793. Barometer. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. Thermometer. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. Winds. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. Weather. 7 A.M. 2 P.M. 1 30 1 30 1 40 41 NNE NE rain, cloudy, 2 30 3 30 25 32 49 NNE NE fair, fair, 3 30 1 30 0 43 56 Calm SW cloudy, cloudy, 4 29 8 29 9 44 67 SW SW cloudy, fair, 5 30 15 30 1 50 64 NE NE rain, rain, 6 29 8 29 65 63 67 S S cloudy, cloudy, 7 29 8 29 8 44 64 Calm SW fair, fair, 8 29 8 29 85 43 56 SSW SW fair, fair, 9 29 9 29 95 42 64 SW SW fair, fair, (121) LIST of the names of the persons who died in Philadelphia, or in different parts of the union, after their departure from this city, from August 1st, to the middle of December, 1793*. ABIGAIL, a negress Joseph Abbot John Abel, shoemaker Henry Abel's child John Abrahams, shopkeeper Elizabeth Abraham James Ackley, labourer, wife and three daughters John B. Ackley's child Widow Ackley Jas. Adair, labourer, wife, & son Hester Adams Moses Adams, carpenter Robert Adams's two children Sarah Adams, servant girl Andrew Adgate, card maker Widow Adgate and 2 children Mary Addington James Ager Peter Agge, physician Mary Advulter John Ainey, stone-cutter John Alberger, cooper Christian Alberger, skinner Jos. Alberton, wife, & 2 children Wife of Tho's Alberton, farmer Frederic Albrecht —Albrecht, skinner Michael Albrecht's son Michael -Antonio, clerk, Portugal Andrew Apple, and child Henry Apple, tailor Elizabeth Appleby, servant girl Henry Apfel's daughter Benjamin Armand and child Christopher Arpurth's wife Andrew Armstrong's child Barney Armstrong, labourer Christian Armstrong, weaver Hugh Armstrong, weaver Christopher Armstong, weaver James Armstrong, weaver John Armftrong Michael Artcry John Ash, breeches-maker George Ashen Nathaniel Ashby's child John Ashton, labourer, and wife Joseph Ashton, bricklayer, wife and two children Jospeh Ashton, carpenter Jospeh Ashtin Stephen Aston, labourer Kitty Austin, seamstress Peter Aston, merch't, wife, & son John Atkinson Caleb Attmore, hatter and his apprentice Jane Attrictz, wid. & daughter James Aubaine Phil. B. Audibert, merchant, Fr. Monsieur Auje, Fr. Julia Aulet, servant girl Isaac Austin, currier Remiquis Azor Priscilla Alberton James Alder, merchant Thomas Allibone's child Elisha Alexander, tailor James Alexander; hatter J.Alexander,weaver,& apprent. ——Alexander's wife, & an apprentice Hester Alexander Rebecca Alexander Nicholas Allaway, labourer Augustus Allbrink, and 3 chil. Elizabeth Allegue Ann Allen James Allen's child John Allen, soap-boiler Mary Allen, aged 70 Joseph Allen Mary Allen Widow Rebecca Allen David Allen's sister William Allen, servant William Alley George Allison, sadler Robert Allison, sen. Lawrence Allman and child John Allman * This list has been partly collected from the church-books of all the different congregations, and partly from the information received by several persons who have been employed to make enquiry at every house in the city and liberties. Though very great pains have been taken, and expense incurred, in its arrange- ment, still it is not given as fully complete and accurate. But, it is hoped, that its defects and errors are but few, and, consi- dering the difficulty of the business, such only, as will meet the reader's ready indulgence. R (122) Jacob Aloerstock, brewer John Alston, medical student Peter Alyart Sarah Ammond - Amand Francis Anderson Francis Anderson's child Alexander Anderson, innkeeper Hugh Anderson, tailor James Anderson's wife Susanna Anders William Anderson, aged 72 Jacob Anderson's daughter John Andre Thomas Andrews, shoemaker, and son Isaac Andrews Rev. Robert Aman's wife Jacob Anthony's wife, and son Henry Thomas P. Anthony, merchant Michael Babb John Bacon's wife David Bacon's wife Mary Bacon Widow Backer Elizabeth Back George Backley John Badley, farmer Jacob Bader, labourer Hugh Bain's child Mrs. Bakeoven, tavern-keeper Adam Baker Samuel Baker, bookbinder Bartholomew Baker's child Catharine Baker Christiana Baker, widow George Baker, merchant Jane Baker, widow Michael Baker, shoemaker Sarah Baker Wallace Baker William Baker, sen. Wm. Baker, jun. apprentice George Baldy, tanner Daniel Baldwin, apothecary Burgess Ball Henry Ball, or Bale, sadler Hannah Bales John Ballance, blacksmith Thomas Ballentine Doagal Ballentine James Balling, gunsmith John Ballustree's son Mary Banks Jacob Bankson's widow & child George Bantteon's son John Baptiste Barbara -, a servant Barbe, a black woman John Barber, carpenter Isaac Barber, plasterer Jacob Barkelow's child John Barkley's child Mary Barclay and child Israel Bard Thomas Barker, chair-maker John Barker Wade Barker, an apprentice Mary Bare Margaret Barkett Blair Barnes, hair-dresser Cornelius Barnes, merchant Sterman Barnes, merchant Francis Barnes Paul Barnes's son Isaac Barnett, joiner Garret Barrey, type-founder John Barret's child James Barrett's wife Bridget Barret Edward Barrington, grocer James Barry and child Matthias Barry Peter Bartho, apprentice Peter Barthol, cooper, and wife — Bartholomew, sailor Elizabeth Bartholomew Charles Bartholomew's wife Christlieb Bartling's wife & dau. — Barren Alexander Barron, labourer Lewis Barron Thomas Barry William, son of John Barry Robert Bartram, son of Joseph John Barwell, livery-stable- keeper, and wife John Bass, apprentice Francis Bastian Magdalen Bastian Lawrence Bast, labourer William Bastin's son Abraham Bates Peter Batto, cooper Catharine, widow of Tho's Batt Widow Batt's daughter Susan Batty John Batty John Baush, shoemaker Anna Barbara Bauer Catharine Bauchman Elizabeth Bauck, a servant Peter Bausan's son Henry Charles Bauman,weaver Andrew Baush Adam Baush, reed-maker George Bautz, carter (123) Charles Bayman, wheelwright Jacob Bay, type-founder Elizabeth Bayle James Beak, labourer. Honour Beale Nathaniel Baine's wife William Beard, blacksmith Bridget Bearet John Bear's wife John Beattie, labourer, & wife John Beattie, porter of U. S. B. Catharine Beattie Elizabeth Beaufort Charles Beaumont Andrew Beck, sen. dyer Andrew Beck, jun. Eliza, daugh. of Andrew Beck Bernard Beck, porter Catharine Beck Jacob Beck's wife and daughter Almy Beck John Beck, sen. dyer John Beck, jun. Eliza. daughter of John Beck Peter Beck, shoemaker Mary Beckener Rachel Beck George Becker's child Jacob Beeker Margaret Beeves - Beiss, labourer Alexander Beicht's child Elizabeth Bell John Bell Maria Antoinette Belvoire Catharine Benard Elizabeth Benge Francis Benjie John Bennet, joiner, and wife Samuel Bennet Michael Benner, labourer Jacob Benner Benjamin Benoit's child Thomas Bennet, labourer Lucy Bennet, wife of ditto Oswald Bently John Benson's child Rene Berenger, Fr. Margaret Bergmeyer Mary Berg, Æt. 75 -Berry, tinker, and wife Catharine Berry's child Colonel William Berry Nicholas Berkelet Daniel Beskmeyer Claudius A. Bertier, merchant Samuel Bettle, sen. tailor Henry Beyer George Betinger Abraham Betts John Betz Peter Betto Thomas Bevans Mary Bevans Christopher Bevelin, labourer Jenny Bickledick Ann Bickley Margaret Bideman Owen Biddle's daughter Jane Henry Pierse, shoemaker John Biggs, linen-draper, & wife Eleanor Bigley Peter Bignall's wife Ann Bigot Jacob Binder Jacob Bilerder's child Anna Bird, servant Francis Bingin Cornelius Bird Joseph Bird's child Christopher Birger, carter Thomas Birmingham Ann Birmingham Ann Bishop Thomas Bishop's daughter Thomas Biven John Peter Bittman Robert Black, bricklayer William Blake's child Anthony Blame, confectioner Widow Blosbeyer Nath. Blodget,Virginia planter Stancy Blockler Jacob Blocker, labourer Jacob Blocher, shoemaker Jacob Blocker's wife -Blosbeyer's grandchild Elizabeth Bliney Eliza Blackley Robert Black Rich. Blackham, ironmonger Bernard Bravehouse Charles Boehm, apprentice Charlotte Boehm, a servant Adam Bold, carpenter, and two daughters Martha Boggs, widow Thomas Bogh, shoemaker -Bogs George Bounce, carter George Bock's sister Widow Bock Mary Bock Margaret Bond, spinster Peter Bob's daughter Widow Bohn's son Joshua Bonn, carpenter Henry Bonn, labourer (124) Jemimah Bonshall Sarah Bonnel, a child Sarah Bird Barney Book, and child Thomas Boone, carpenter Joseph Borde, sawyer Geo. Bornhouse, cabinet-maker John Bass's wife Benjamin James Bollock Andreas Boshart, wife and son Wife of Andrew Boshart, sen. Wife of Wm. Boston, baker Elizabeth Boswell Jemimah Boswell Charlotte Bower Widow Boulter Saliniah Bonman Catharine Bourke Peter Bourke, hatter Andrew Bower's wife Martha Bowers Stephen Bowers, shoemaker Mrs. Bowen Joseph Bowen Elizabeth Bowen Adam Bowles, carpenter Catharine Bowles Henry Bowles's wife and 2 sons Susannah Bowles Catharine Bowman, a servant James Bowman Frederic Bowman, doorkeeper Frederic Bowman Henry Bower's wife John Bowyer, gardener William Boyce's wife and son Elizabeth Boyd Martha Boyd, servant Anthony Boyer, store-keeper Catharine Boyer, widow Henry Boyer, coach maker Michael Boyer's child Michael Boyer, butcher James Boylan's child Mary Boyles, widow Catharine Boynes Benjamin Bodger's son Mary Brackley, a servant Ann Bradshaw Riley Bradford, waterman Mr. Brandhoffer John Brailey Jacob Brant, blacksmith John Braun's wife Martin Braun, labourer Widow Brayton's two children Francis A. Breinez Michael Brady Hugh Brady William Brickhouse Paul Barnes's child Charles Brinhon Mary Brady John Breckel's wife Theresa Bristol Anthony Bricour Catharine Breslin Michael Briesch, tailor Eliza Brelew Rose Bride Joseph Brewer, merchant Samuel Breslin John Bretzel, baker William Brewster's son Christian Bridig Samuel Brien's daughter Catharine Britton Isaac Britton Peter Bridnen, labourer John Bright's son Sarah Bright Fra. Brooks, gunsmith, & child Jacob Broener, tailor, and wife Edward Brookes's wife William Brookes's daughter Mary Brooks Francis Brookes Wife of - Brooks, invalid Hannah Brooks — Broomstone & 2 apprentices Widow Elizabeth Brogdon John Brother's apprentice John Brown, a negro Ann Brown Mary Brown Barbara Brown, a servant Conrad Brown and wife Wife of George Brown, tailor F. Brown, tailor, and wife Jacob Brown; jun. John Brown, carpenter John Brown, brickmaker Martin Brown and mother Thomas Brown, tailor William Brown, labourer Thomas Brown, shopman Thomas Brown,labourer James Brown Elizabeth Brown William Brown George Brownpere, labourer Francis Bruckner Bnrnabas Bruckholst and wife James Broudwick John Brunstrom George Bruner, tailor, & wife Widow Bruner Elizabeth Bryant (125) Jacob Bryant, blacksmith John Bryan's wife and child Matthew Bryan, tailor Peter Bryan, shoemaker Thomas A. Bryan Thomas Bryan's wife William Bryan, labourer Isaac Buckbee, hatter George Buck, baker Bernard Buck's daughter Wife&child of Jos. Budd, hatter - Bulledet Susannah Budd, widow Sarah Busier Widow Bulem Joseph Bullock's son George, and daughter Angelina Mary Bullman Samuel Bullman's wife Mary Bunting Rachel Bunting Joseph Buffington's daughter Joshua Bunn Joseph Burden's child Susanna Burden, in Almshouse Thomas Burden, tailor Catha. Burkhart, widow,Æt.8o Margaret Burkhards George Burdy, tailor Wm.Burkhard 's daughter & son Daniel Burkhard's daughter John Burkhard and son Elizabeth Burke Peter Burke's daughter George Burke's child sCatharine Burke's daughter Joseph Burke, clerk Margaret, wife of John Burke Joseph Burke, from W. Indies Thomas Burke's wife David Burk, tailor Sophia Burke Jacob Burkellow, jun. Joshua Burns, house-carpenter Mary Burns Patrick Burns, labourer Elizabeth Burngate, shopkeeper Mrs. Burns John Burns Thomas Burn's wife Moses Burnet, ferryman Robert Burrows Elizabeth Burs John Busyman William Butler, chairmaker Elizabeth Bush Robert Busby Andrew Buttonfile's wife Elizabeth and Clarissa Bushell, William Butts, shoemaker John Butler Francis Byerly, a lad John Burns, currier, and wife Sarah Cable, a servant Catharine Cabler Hannah Cadwallader Paul Cake's wife Susannah Cake James Calbraith, jun. James Calbraith's young man Jn. Calder, shopkeeper & wife John Caldwell, a child Mary Cale James Callagher, seaman Martin Callaghan Michael Calup's child & servant Daniel Calley William Cameron, innkeeper Charlotte Camp Matthias Camp Wife of Mr. Campbell, tailor Ann Campbell George Campbell, wife Sarah, and daughter Mary Christiana Campbell James Campbell, shoemaker John Campbell, servant Alexander Gambler Patrick Camble, labourer Alexander Cambell William Campbell and wife James Camus Gilmet Cambay Dan.Canaaen,smith,& child,Jr. John Candie Mary Cane, widow John Canner, baker Phebe Cane James Cannon Fanny Cannon George apehart, tobacconist George Capebart and child Frederic Capehart, apprentice Caleb Cappey Christopher Carefoot Francis Cardell Eleanor Carrell Catharine Care Laurence Carrell,brass-founder Andrew Care, tailor Philip Care's wife and child Peter Carey, apprentice John Carey's child Peter Carey's child -Carey's wife Stelena Carl Thomas Carnes, paper-hanger Andrew Carney, blacksmith (126) Bernard Carpentier John Carpenter James Carper John Carner Hannah Carlwine James Carr, labourer, and wife John Carr Joseph Carr, joiner, and wife Joseph Carr, apprentice Rebecca Carr and mother Mary Carr Rob't Carr's wife,brass-founder Daniel Carrigan, bricklayer Charles Carroll, merchant Elizabeth Carrens Mary Carrol Sarah Carrowood, servant Timothy Carrell William Carss, tailor Willianf Carss and child Ann Carson, house-wife Francis Carson, labourer Joseph Carson Joseph Cassin Hannah Carter Lewis Carter,harness-maker James Carter James Carter, jun. John Carpenter's daughter Jacob Cathrall, son of Isaac Benjamin Cathrall's son William Cathers Catharine - a servant Julian Catton James Cavelin, tailor Bar. Cavenagh, porter, & wife Elizabeth Caw Elizabeth Caw David Cay, merchant Christian Cent Frederic Cephers, joiner Mary Francis Chabot - Chace, of Baltimore Dorothy Chafferly Abraham Chalwell David Chambers, stone-cutter Adam Chambers's child Henrietta Chambers Harriet Chamberlaine's daugh. Richard Chamberlaine's daugh. Sarah Chambers Dorothy Chapman James Chapman, whip-maker Hannah Chapman Charles - , a drover John Chatham, blacksmith Nicholas Chatt Claudius Chatt Thomas Cherry, cooper Mary Cherry George Chess's wife Eliza Chester Thomas Chevalier Michael Chew's child William Chippy Ernst Christ Jacob Christler's wife Elizabeth Christie Matthew Christie, sen. Matthew Christie, jun. Andrew Christie, printer Polly Christie Frederic Christian, baker George Christhelf's daughter, and her child Maria Christly Samuel Christman JohannChristmann's son Johann James A. Chubb George Christhelf, musician John Christel's son John Clackworthy Adam Clamper, and child Thomas Clamper Ann Clampton Ferdinand Claney Abijah Clark's child David Clark, coachmaker Ephraim Clark's wife Henrietta Clark, spinstress Elizabeth Clark James Clark, carpenter Nelly Clark Margaret Clark Christian Clark's young man Thomas Clark, brickmaker Edward Clark Sarah Clark William Clark, waterman James Clarkson Margaret Claspin John Clatworthy, tailor George Clause David Claypoole's two children George Claypoole, joiner William Claypoole's child Bartley Clayton's child Francis Clayton Benjamin Clayton William Claw Elizabeth Clements Chloe -, servant William Clements Jacob Clements, farmer Mary Clements and son Samuel Clements, New-Jersey (127) Thomas Cleverly, baker Thomas Clifford, sen. merchant Sarah Clifton Isaac Clime, carpenter Sophia Climer Daniel Cline, baker David Cline and daughter Isaac Cline, carpenter Devoit Cline George Cline John Cline, labourer John Cline, bricklayer Philip Cline, baker Mrs. Clingham Mary Clingland Church Clinton, house carpen- ter, and wife Margaret Closter Andrew Clow, merchant William Clow, printer George Clowse James Clubb Philip Clumberg, surg. barber Christian Cluper Hugh Clymer Daniel Coarigan, bricklayer Josiah Coates's daugh. Margaret Thomas Coates's child Wife and child of John Cobble, blacksmith John Coburn's child Samuel Whitease Coburn Child of James Cochran, house carpenter John Cocklin John Cochran, a seaman Mrs. Cohen and son George Thomas Colbert, clerk Joseph Coleman's wife William Coleman's child Dorothy Coleman Adam Collins, tobacconist Honora Collins and child Judith Collins, servant Nicholas Collins, trunk-maker Margaret Collins Ralph Collins and wife William Collins, his wife, his two daughters, his second wife, his son James, his wife, & his child, all of one family Isaac Collins Catharine Collyer Sarah Coltman, midwife John Colvill's child Sarah Colway Abraham Camby, carpenter Cornelius Comegys' wife Ann Mary Commyns Sarah Commyns Robert Conckell Barbara Conard Margt. Conard, daugh. of John Mary Conard Maria Conde's son Matthew Conard, tavern-keeper Robert Condit Margaret Conery Michael Conrad, a lad John Conrad, and wife Mrs. Conrad, and girl John Conrad, watchman Widow Conrad Maria Conrad Jane Conkey George Connelly, bricklayer George Connelly's child John Connelly's child Molly, daugh of Michael Conner Sarah Connelly Patrick Connelly Margaret, wife of Jos. Conyers - Confer, tailor Charles Contant Edward Cook's daughter George Cook, labourer, & wife Henry Cook Henry Cook George Cook, porter William Cook, stone-cutter James Cook John Cook William Cook's child George Cowper's wife Jacob Cowper, apprentice John Cooper's apprentice James Cooper, labourer Peter Cowper's son, currier William Cowper, currier Charles Cope, shoemaker Son of John Cope, butcher George Cope Margaret Conry Jacob Coppas, labourer Patt. Conly Michael Corroy James Cornelius, carpenter David Copeland, tavern keeper Mrs. Corns, and son Mrs. Corran Mary Cone Lewis Cossart, apprentice William Corsy Michael Corley, upholsterer Nicholas Corley, mill-stone ma- ker, and child (128) Judith Corley Lewis Coul Elizabeth Corkrin John Cotringer William Roulson, sawyer Richard Courtney, tailor John Cousins, store-keeper Widow Cownoust's child John Cowen, store-keeper James Cowan and child John Coward, hemp-dresser William Cowles Samuel Cowty's child Louisa Cowell Barney Cox John Cox, shoemaker William Cox The boy and girl of William Cox, chair-maker Joseph Cox, currier -Cox's son-in law Alexander Cox Charles Cox's child Joseph Cox, and wife Ann Coy John Cozens Jacob Craft, breeches maker James Coffee William Coffee Dennis Connor Rebecca Corron Anthony Cradet James Craig, merchant, Æt. 80 Edward Crane John Craig's wife Lydia Craig Mrs. Craig Mrs. Craig Jacob Cramp, biscut-baker Susannah Cramp George Craps James Crawford's child Chris. Crawlinberg, joiner Margaret Craig, widow Mary Crayhead, seamstress Henry Creemer Casper Cress, and daughter Andreas Cressman's servant Margaret Cress Caleb Cresson's wife Joshua Cresson, merchant Peter Cresson Lewis Cressy's wife Christian Crisswell's child Elizabeth Crisswell Christopher Criel's son John Croll, barber -Cronow, sugar-boiler Catharine Cross -Cromwell's wife Daniel Croft, carpenter, & wife Daniel Cross, jun. carpenter Fanny Cross, washerwoman Peter Cross Mary Cross's child George Crow, brass-founder Henry Crowell's wife John Crowley, potter James Crowley Mary Crowley and daughter John Crubreux, drayman Mr. Crull's child Wife of John Crumb, bricklayer Philip Cruncle John Crump's child Paul Cuckot Catharine Cunan Ann Cunningham Robert Cunningham's child Comfort Cunningham Hannah Cunningham Michael Cunningham Matthew Cunningham Peter Curren's child Mrs. Currens, and two sons Mercy Currie James Currie Rebecca Currier Ann Curtain Thomas Custard, shoemaker Jacob Daderman's child Robert Dainty, plumber Bridget Daily Capt. Richard Dales's child Peter Dale's daughter Sarah Francis Dalmase Thomas Dabriel, shoemaker John Dalton, clockmaker David Damsen, shoemaker Julian Danacker George Danecker, and wife Robert Dannell Catharine Dardis Henry Darroch, store-keeper John Damn, labourer Conrad Dauenhaer's daughter George Daum's wife John David, silversmith Ann David Robert Davidson James Davidson, merchant (129) James Davidson's child Isaac Daves Capt. Davis's two nephews Elizabeth Davis Gilford Davis's wife Isaac Davis's wife John Davis, wheelwright, wife and daughter Joseph Davis, labourer Joseph Davis, soap-boiler Mary Davis's child Michael Davis Robert Davis, anchor-smith Samuel Davis Hester, wife of Sam. Davis,sen. Sophia Davis Susannah Davis Rachel, wife of Joseph Davis, currier Widow Davis Widow Davis William Davis John Davis, upholsterer Richard Davy Mary Dawkens Hannah Dawson Joshua Dawson's child Daniel Dawson's wife Hannah Mary Dawson Darius Dawson James Day's wife Elizabeth Day Sarah Days Edward Deal, blacksmith John Deal, blacksmith Mary Deal, servant Peter Deal's child Margaret Dean Joseph Dean, vendue-master, a woman and child Patrick Deary Joseph de Barth Mr. Deberger, his wife, and 6 or 7 of the family Jacob Debre Elizabeth Debre Thomas Debzel Christian Deckard John C. Deckard, musician Christ. Deckenhart, apprentice Henry Decker, a servant Jenny Degenhart Christopher Degenhard & child Wilhelmina Degenhard William Deganhort Ann D. Deiss Benjamin Delany, chair-maker Henry Delany Dennis Delany's child John Delany Patrick Delany's child Bridget Delay, cook Samuel Delap, bookseller John Demaffrand's daughter Andrew Denahaw, cooper Mary Denckla, a child Richard Denney Mary Denny Robert Dennet, groom Ezekiah Denum William Dennis George Dennison George Densell Henry Densell's wife Maria Denzell Henry Depherwinn's son George Dernberger Henry Derham James Derry Widow Deringer Adam Detterick, shoemaker John Devenny's child Christian Devir Thomas Devonald, merchant Margaret Dewis Campbell Dick, merchant John Dibberger, cutler, and wife Charlotte Dibberger Henry Dibberger, sen. and wife John Dickz's son Dick -, a negro, aged 75 John Dickenson, bookbinder Mary Dickinson Jonathan Dickinson, shoemaker - Dickinson, drover Daniel Dickenson's daughter Elizabeth Dickinson William Dickinson John Dickinson's child P. Dickinson's daughter Maria Thomas Dickinson's wife William Dickinson, farmer Michael Dignon and two sons Edward Diehl, smith John Diehl's son, porter Maria M. Diehl John Diehl, carpenter Henry Dietz, baker John Dietmar, labourer Maria Dietz Elizabeth Dietrick S (130) Michael Dietrich's son William Dien, a child Frederick Dillman's wife Catharine Dill's child Mr. Dingle's child Jane Dight, a servant Catharine Dorothy Dirrick William Dallas Christian Dishong, and child Maurice Dishong, clerk Matthew Dishong's child Susannah Dishong, widow John Dixon's wife Elizabeth Dixon Patrick Dixon's child, labourer William Dixon, joiner Doctor John Dodd Jacob Doddelmah's wife and two children Dolly, a black woman Julian Doison John Doll, carpenter Hugh Donaldson, son of John Arthur Donaldson's son John Donahue Johanna Donahue Abigail Donahue Margaret Donnelly Philip K. Dorneck William Dorr Sarah H. Dorsey Robert Dorsey's servant girl William Doudney Barnard Dougherty Jeremiah Dougherty,carpenter John Dougherty, carpenter Rev. William Dougherty Margaret Dougherty, servant Henry Dougherty Elizabeth Doughty Charlotte Douglass G. W. Douglass, silver-smith Joseph Douglass, hair-dresser William Douglass, carter Peggy Dougney Mary Dove Thomas Bowling Nathaniel Dowdry, carpenter Mrs. Down William Downey, whip-maker Nathaniel Downing Peter Doyle James Doyle Mary Dayle Henry Drawiller John Drieux, wife & daughter William Drinker Elizabeth Driscall and child John B. Drouiliard's 2 children John Drum's child Eleanor Drum Cha. Fk. Dubois, watch-maker Joseph Dubreez's wife Erenna Duffield Lucy Duffield J. Dufour's daughter Catharine Nancy Dugan and child William Duglas DuLac, F.ambassador's secretary -Dull, hatter Charles Dunbar John Dunbury, servant John Dudman James Duncan's wife and child John Dunkin, merchant John Dunleavy Cormick Dunleavy Margaret Dunley, servant Ann Dunn Elizabeth Dunn Sarah Dunn Francis Dupail Doctor Joseph Dupac Elizabeth Duplessis Francis Dupont, consul of French republic Philip Durnick John Durker Peter Durieu Rosanna Durang Joseph Duvet John Durney's child Thomas Durnell's daughter Susannah Dyes William Earl Grace Easlaugh and child Charles Eastick Sarah Eastick John Eastick's wife George Eborne's child John P. Eck, grocer Elizabeth Eccles James Eccle's two daughters -Eccles George Eckel, linen-draper Mary Eccles Elizabeth Eccles Deborah Eckley John Ecky's apprentice - Eckstein's wife Catharine and child Maria Echard (131) Philip Edenborn, carpenter Phil. Edenhorn, flour-merchant John Edmundson Edward Edwards's two children Ephraim Edwards, labourer John Edwards, sailor Abigail Edwards's child Morgan Edwards, hatter. John Edwards Samuel Edwards and wife W. Edwards,silversmith,& child Catharine Egan James Eggar Martin Ehrhard's daughter Elizabeth Ehrenzellers Jacob Ehringer Mary Eidenfield, servant Ann Eiler John Eisenbrey, tavern-keeper Richard Elber's child Francis Elcock David Elder, clerk Sarah Elder David Elder and wife John Element, coachman J. Elfrey, cooper, wife & child Catharine Elfry Josiah Elfrith, joiner Laurence Ellers and wife William Ellery Isaac Elliot John Elliot Mary Elliot Hannah Ellis Elizabeth Ellis and child Samuel A. Ellis Ann Elmore Margt. Elmslie, from Scotland Sarah Ellsworth Joseph Elam, merchant Elsy, a black Andrew Elwine Hannah Elwins, a child Baitzer Emerick's two sons Lætitia Emuel Maria Emelott Widow Emmeret Jacob Enk, tailor, & 3 sons, viz. Philip Enk, teller in B.U.S. } Henry Enk, linen-draper } Peter Enk, tailor } Jacob Endre's brother in-law Catharine Enger, and child Christian Englehot, labourer James Engles's child John Engles, merchant John English Jacob Erringer, weaver Peter Erston, wife & 2 chidren Anthony John Escorcio, clerk Frederic Esker, baker Christian Esling Barbara Esky Jacob Essler, blacksmith Margaret Estling George Eswin's wife Adam Etner Elizabeth Ettrick Matthew Ettrick's wife Etienne J. Eude's child John Evans's child Magdalen Evans Joseph Evans Mary Evans James Evans Mary Evans, a hired girl Nancy Evans Philip Evans, house-carpenter Phillis Evans Rowland Evans, merchant Rowland Evans Israel Everly, shoemaker Widow Eberman Anthony Everhardt, labourer William Evil John Ewen's two children Thomas Ewing's two children John Eysenbry, tavern keeper Henry Facundus, shoemaker, and wife John Fairus, ship-carpenter Mary Faires Arthur Falconer, Jr. Hannah Falkenburger, Germ. Casper Farner's wife Joseph Farren, jun. John Farren Edward Farren's child John Farrow, shoemaker John Fasler Michael Fatty's two children John Fauser's son William Favel, baker Samuel Faringer's wife Charles Fearis, seaman Tobias Febias Widow Feller's child Jacob Felty, Germ. Felix Fenner, labourer Daniel Fenance, a child (132) Joseph Fenny Dan. Fenton, shoemaker, & wife David Fenton,shoemaker, & wife Thomas Fenton, jun. Philip T. Fentham, druggist Widow Fenton Thomas Fenton, sail-maker Ferely, widow Widow Ferglass Elizabeth Ferguson Samuel Ferguson Robert Ferguson, brick-layer Thomas Ferguson, printer Barnabas Ferris, clerk John Ferris Francis Ferris, clerk Ann Margaret Fidlers, widow Barbara Field Charles Field, chair-maker Peter Field's wife Widow Filler Thomas Fielder Catharine Fiete William Fimister, farmer Francis Finley Charles Findley, grave-digger Jane Findley Michael Finn's child William Finn, hatter Charles Finney's daughter Joseph Finney John Fink, porter Charles Fink, shoemaker Hannah Firmir William Firm William Finister Ann Fisher, servant Catharine Fisher, servant David Fisher, labourer Jabez, son of Miers Fisher John Fisher Robert Fisher Henry Fisher, starch-maker, and wife Patrick Fisher, shoemaker John Fisher and daughter Sam'l Fisher, button-plater, Eng. Zachariah Fisher's child Samuel Fisher, hatter Sarah Fisher, servant Samuel Fishinger's wife Jacob Fisher, tailor Anthony Fisser Jacob Fister, labourer, and wife Christo. Fite, shoemaker, Germ. Adam Fister, carpenter Margaret Fitzgerald William Fitzgerald, tailor Gerald Fitzsimmons Jeremiah Fitzsimmons, painter John Fitzsimmons Philip Flack, joiner George Flauer's daughter George Fleck's wife Jacob Fleck's six children Reverend Francis A. Fleming, catholic clergyman Margaret Fleim FJugh Fleming, tavernkeeper Hugh Fleming, son of do. Samuel Fleming, sen. Samuel Fleming, jun. Elizabeth Fletcher Charles Flick, wife and child David Flickwir, confectioner, wife, and son James Flinn Mary Flinn Anne Flint, widow Flora, a black girl Mons. Florio, Fr. Margaret Flour George Flowers's child Eliza. Faggle Mary Faggle, daughter of do. William Faggle Elizabeth Fellows, widow Widow Folwell's child Isaac I. Folwell, tailor Daniel Ford, farmer George Forde's child George Ford, hostler Fortune Ford Alexander Foreman's daughter John Forester William Forester, labourer John Forse Thomas Forster, hatter Nicholas Fosberg, church-clerk Nicholas Fosberg, sen. painter Ann Foster Margaret Fossom, Germ. Wife of Geo. Founce, fisherman Lemuel Fowles and child George Fowme, fisherman William Fowles, musician Dorothy Fox Robert Fox George Fox and three children George Fox (133) Garret Foyer Frederic Foy James Frampton George France Joseph France Rebecca Francis Jacob Franks's wife David Franks David S. Franks, assistant ca- shier of the U. S. B. Catharine Fraim Elizabeth Fraser,in the Widows' Hospital Mary Fraser Robert Fraser John Frederick, labourer Anthony Freeborn, shoemaker Jacob Freeborn, tobacconist Tobias Freeborough Tobias Freebush, shoemaker Isaac Freeman Jacob Freneau Catharine Freeth, servant Philip Fries, labourer William French Susannah French, nurse Charles French's daugh. Eliza. 7 French strangers (names un- known) Michael Frick, carter Jacob Frilander, labourer Abry Friend, negro Elizabeth Friend John Fritz, tailor John Fritz, tavern-keeper Elizabeth Frost Joseph Fromp, apprentice James Fruger Jacob Fry, apprentice Jane Fry Mary Fry, wife of Joseph Fry Joseph Fry, junior George Fudge's wife, & daugh. John Fagle, wife, and two sons Jacob Fulton Widow Fuller Henry Furgurson, tailor, & wife William Fusselback's child Peter Gabriel, baker Ferdinand Gabriel Mary Gabriel Sarah Gainer Mary, daugh. of Ja's Gallagher Daniel Gallagher Ally Gallagher Michael Gallimore, farmer Sarah Galloway, Æt. 75 Mary Ann Gally Elizabeth Galler Catharine Gailinger John Gamber's child John Gambles's wife Mary Ganno Elizabeth Gans Drusilla Gardner Michael Garcoin Elizabeth Gardner Elizabeth Gardner, servant Wife of James Gardner, sailor John Gardner, shoemaker Mary Gardner Richard Gardner, tea-dealer Benjamin Gardener Widow Margaret Gardner Mr. - Garre Andrew Garter John Gartner, labourer Mary Garret Thomas Garrette, apprentice Elizabeth Garret Thomas Garrigues, hatter Samuel Garrigues's wife & son Andrew Gartley John Gartly Sarah Gassner Valentine Gasner's daughter Casper Gasner, shoemaker, son and daughter George Gather's son John Gartly Andrew Gatley William Gauslin Adolph Gaul, butcher Joseph Gaven John Gawn, tailor and child Widow Gebhard and daughter Rachel Gebhard Dorothy Geir Christian Gensel, porter John Gelher, labourer Wife of John Genther, tailor George Genslin's child Margaret Genther Robert George Michael Gering's child John Getts, plasterer, and wife Jacob Geyer, tailor Isaac Geyer's son Henry Gibert, cabinet-maker John Gibard Margaret Gibson, and child Andrew Gibson's wife (134) Mary Ann Gibson Robert Gibson, cabinet-maker Nancy Gibson George Gilberts wife Michael Gilbert, potter Ruth Gilbert Sarah Gilbert, servant James Gilchrist,merchant, Eng. William Gilfrey's wife John Gill, tal. chandler, & child Joseph Gill Sarah Gill John Gillingham Mary Gillingham, spinster Mrs. Girard Mrs. Gilmore Margaret Ginther John Ginther, tailor, and wife William Girtin Fer. Gism Mrdinand Glancey, labourer Nathaniel Glover, merchant Elizabeth Glynn Benjamin Glynn Peter Glenntworth, physician Michael Gleenson's child John Gobblegought, Germ. Mary Godin William Godfrey -Golden, hair dresser, Bost. Martha Goldsmith, widow Thomas Goldrick Henry Goldson, apprentice Henry Golzer John Good, labourer, Germ. Joseph Good, wife and child Mary Good, from Bucks county Michael Good, brickmaker Moses Goodman, labourer George Goodman's child James Goodwin Abraham Gordon, carpenter Elizabeth Gordon John Gordon, Ir. Peter Gordon, shoemaker Enoch Gordon Richard Goren's child Michael Gorran James Gotham, carpenter and button-maker Wm. Gosling, house carpenter Catharine Gosner, Germ. Joseph Gosner, jun. Sarah Gosner, servant John Gotze, plasterer, and wife James Gowan, sailor Morris Gough, ship-carpenter, wife and two children Joseph Gowan George Grace, labourer Jacob Grace's wife Rev. Laurence Graessl, catho- lic pastor Batty Graff's child John Graff's wife Jacob Graff, mason Thomas Graham Dr. Graham, late of New York Robert Graham Duncan Graham, carpenter Mary Graham John Graham, stone-cutter Casper Graist's daughter Jonathan Grammer William Grant, tailor Alexander Graves's wife Ludwick Graver's child William Gravenstone John Gray, rope-maker Peter Gray's child Joseph Gray Thomas Gray, jun. Robert Greaves, hair-dresser George Greble, cooper Elizabeth Green and child Edward Green, ship-carpenter Michael Green James Green's wife & daughter Susanna Greens John Green's child John Green, labourer, Ir. Isaac Green, labourer John Green Solomon Green, tobacconist William Grenville Levander Greff John Greenward Benjamin Greiner, nailor Archibald Greenlap John Greisberger's wife Ann Gergory, widow, Æt. 60 Malcolm Gregory Thomas Gregory, cooper Christian Gregory's child Ann Gregg John Grehaut, labourer John Gribble George Gribble, cooper Jonathan Grice, shipwright Jofeph Grieve's wife John Grier, and wife Thomas Griffiner (135) Mary Griez, widow, Æt. 63 Levander Griffee Mary Griffen Sellwood Griffin, blockmaker William Griffin Margaret Grindle John Griffin Samuel Griscam, carpenter Rebecca Griscam, wife of do. Casper Grisgam, sawyer,Ir. Ann Griggs William Griggen Sam. Griskel, carpenter, & wife Catharine Grogan John Gross's wife Widow Gross Widow Grossings Joseph Groves, tailor Jacob Groves, blacksmith Margaret Groves John Grubb, carpenter John Grubb, jun. carpenter James Grumman's child John Gryce, sail-maker Henry Guel Geo. Gueneau's wife, & child Mr. - Guerre John Guest, sen. Judas Guier Marcus Gunn Neil Gunn, labourer Daniel Gurney's child William Gurton, and wife James Guthrie, carpenter John Gutts, plasterer, and wife Jacob Gueyer, son of ditto Frederic Haas Matthew Hass Mary Hass John Habea Catharine Hafline, spinster Daniel Hafline, blacksmith William Haft, shoemaker, wife, and apprentice Susanna Haga Catharine Hagar S. Hagelgans, stocking-weaver Valentine Hagner, sen. cooper Valentine Hagner, junior Elizabeth Hagner Andreas Haidt, smith Andreas Haft Wm. Hast, shoemaker, & wife Sam'l Hailagus, stocking weaver David Hailer, surgeon Frederick Hailer's wife Widow Hailey John Haltzel, tailor John Haines's wife Dorothy Hains Reuben Haines, sen. brewer Margaret Haines, wife of ditto George Hake, cooper Jacob Halberstott Charles Halden, hatter Sebastian Hale, or Ale, gr.digger Thomas Hale, bell-hanger Patrick Haley, labourer Penelope Haley Philip Hall, butcher, Germ. Dorothy Hall Parry Hall and daughter Elizabeth Hall John Hall Samuel Hall, labourer, Eng. Mrs. Haller Philip Haller, cooper John Hallet, hair-dresser, & wife Charles Hallick's sister Anthony Haman Charles Hambleton's wife Henry Hambleton Abraham Hambright's wife Joseph D.Hamelin,French tutor Alexander Hamilton's wife James Hamilton John Hamilton, apprentice Mary Hamilton William Hamilton Unity Hammel Margaret Hammon Jacob Hammond, sugar-baker, wife and child, Germ. Nic. Hampstead's son & daughter Elizabeth Hampstead Child of Sam'l Hampton, grocer Thomas Hampton Michael Hanaghan, servant John Hanks's maid Capt. Jacob Hand's widow Geo. Haney, carpenter, & wife John Haney, labourer, Ir. John Hannah and child Joseph Hanna, tailor Christian Hanna Andrew Hanna William Hannan Wife of Barnet Hansell, tailor Andrew Hanish Mr. Hansell, Germ. Wife of Christ. Hanseman, tailor John Haragel, baker (136) Thomas Harden Eve Harding James Harding, sawyer Hannah Harding William Hardiness's wife James Hardy Jane Hardey John Flare, labourer William Harklife Jacob Harlman and wife Joseph Harman, hair-dresser Mary Herman Temperance Harmer Sarah Harmer Alexander Harme Nicholas Harmstadt, & daughter Jane Harned Hannah Harnsey Christopher Harper's daughter Henry Harper, hair-dresser Mary Harper Joseph Harper's three children William Harper's wife and child John Harragan, tailor Michael Harragan, smith Thomas Harrell, farmer Edward Harris's wife John Harris and wife William Harris Peale Harris Thomas Harris, sadler William P. Harris, clerk Widow Harris Elizabeth Harris Hazel Harriot Mary Harrison, nurse Jane Harrison Sarah Harrison Margaret Harrison Jacob Hart, pilot Laurence Hart, storekeeper Rachel Hart Thomas Hart, shoemaker, Eng. John Hartford, coachman Sarah Hartley, Eng. Susanna Hartley Anthony Hartman Jacob Hartman, apprentice Peter Hartman's wife Lewis Hartman John Hartrau's wife Elizabeth Harvey Eliz. Harvey, schoolmistress, En. Samuel Harvey, apprentice Philip Hasenbach, labourer Wm. Hassel, sen. tavern keeper Isaac Hartings, student Lydia Hatfield James Hattriotz, baker Jacob Haushaw's young woman John Hauskins, shoemaker William Hautzel, weaver - Hausman's daughter Henry Hausten Christian Hautzel, carter Christopher Hauser's wife Jacob Hawes Anna Maria Hawan Hugh Hawthorn, tailor Mary Hawthorn William Hays, ironmonger Michael Hay, wife, and three sons, John, Peter, and Charles Joseph Hay Martha Hays, Jacob Hays Mary Hays, of Allentown Catharine Hayes, a stranger John Haynes, apprentice Catharine Haynes Ruth Haynes Hannah Hazard James Hazelet, weaver, Ir. Charles Hazzleton John Heartenough's wife Chris. Heatley, merchant's wife Harriot, wife of Charles Heatly George Heck, cooper Samuel Head's daugh. Mary - Hebert, a Frenchman Anthony Hecht, labourer Charles Heitberger, butcher John Helm's child Jacob Heiberger's child George Heiberger's son John Heiberger, baker Roger Heffernan John Heffernan, school-master William Heiszer, painter Widow Heil John Hell's child Anna Maria Heintzen John Heiser, batter Francis Helfrick's wife & child Elizabeth Held Peter Heir's wife Catharine Hem James Hendrick, sen. cutler James Hendersen's wife Redmond Henderson Thomas Henderson's child Mary Henderson (137) Ann Hendrick Wilhelmina Hedrick, and four servants Elizabeth Hedrick Martha Hemphill John Henna Patrick Hennabody, coach-ma- ker, wife and daughter John Henan's child Michael Hennasey John Henigel, baker John Henry, jeweller Margaret Henry Christopher Hensner's daugh. Wife of Henry Henson, brush- maker Michael Henszey George Hercules, a negro William Hercules, shoemaker Elizabeth Herleman George Herman, baker George Herlemin William Herman's wife William Hertzog, labourer Christopher Herrely, labourer John Herrill Wife of Nich. Hess, blacksmith George Hess's sister Isaac Heston - Hetnick, baker Israel Hewlings, shoemaker Joseph Hewlings, bricklayer Henry Hewmes, coppersmith John Huson, sailor Mrs. Hewit Andrew Hews John Heyberger, jun. Mary Heyberger John Heyburn Andrew Heyd's son Benja. Hickman's wife & son David Hickman, clerk Joseph Hicks, gluemaker John Hicks Richard Hicks John Hierson, hatter William Hickert's wise John Jacob Hiertman, malster Angel Higgenbottom William Higgenbottom Joseph Higgins Mary Hightson Susannah Higgin, widow Martin Hilderburn, sieve-maker Wife of George Hill, clerk Robert Hill Wife of Jacob Hill, fisher man James Hill, bricklayer James Hill, clerk John Hill, chair-maker Johannah Hill, jun. John Hill's daughter Samuel Hill, Ir. James Hillman, apprentice Jacob Hillman, blacksmith Catharine Hillner Jacob Hilsinger, labourer William Hiltzheimer Mary Hinan George Hinckel, watchman John Hinckel's son Christop'r Hineman's daughter Jane Hiltridge George Hinton, cutler Mrs. Hirst Mary Hirrine George Hishatters Samuel Hampton's son Henry Haare, cardmaker John Hobson, sievemaker Barbara Hackensosse John Hockley, ironmonger Elizabeth Hobson Jeffrey Hadnet, sadler, and son Christopher Hocknoble Catharine Hoff Catharine Hoffman Regina Hoffman Isaac Hoffman, sailor Henry Hoffman, baker Susanna Hoffman Jac. Hoffner, schoolmaster, Ger. Philip Hofner, carter Michael Hoft's son Edward Hogan's two children Dr. Hodge's child Andrew Hodge's child Joseph Hogg, carpenter, N. Jer. Anna Catharina Hefflein Jacob Holberstadt, labourer Charles Hold, hatter Benjamin Holden, mason Charles Holden Wm. Holdernesse's son Thomas Samuel Holgate William Holklow Barbara Hollard, widow Philip Hollard, cooper John Holmes, farmer Sarah Holmes, widow T (138) Sarah Holmes Thomas Holmes's wife Moses Homberg, innkeeper George Honigs Wife & child of William Honck, turner Christopher Honey John Honecker and wife George Honiker's wife & child Joseph Holton Martha Holton Sarah Honor, widow George Hoochey Sarah Hoop John Hoover's wife Andrew Hope, jun. William Hope, tinman John Hopkins, jun. silver-smith John Hopkins's wife Joseph Hopkins, hatter, Virg. Mary Hopkins Mary Hopkins, a servant Richard Hopkins Thomas Hopkins, ship-joiner Joseph Hopper, joiner Ludwick Hopler Christian Hopsal, labourer Henry Hore Henry Home, schoolmaster, and three children Mary Horne, Germ. Eliz. Hornor, daughter of Ben- jamin Mary Horndriver Philip Herslepaugh, shoemaker, Winchester William Hotts Azariah Horton Caleb Hoskins, of Burlington Benjamin Houlton Anthony Hotman John Homtan Winnefred Houghey's child Catharine House, Germ. Elizabeth Houchen Abby Houseman Jacob Houseman, carpenter Joseph Houts, hair-dresser William Houston, weaver John Hover's wife Mr. Howard John Howard, paper-maker, Eng. Thomas Howe, rope-maker Jacob R. Howell, notary public Jacob S. Howell Isaac Howell's wife Patience Mr. Howell Catharine Howsty Adam Hubley, vendue-master John Huber's child William Hudson, wool-comber Peter Hudson Joseph Hudell's wife Sarah Benjamin Huggins Ellis Hughes, whitesmith Caleb Hughes's child and two apprentices Garret Hughes and wife John, son of Hugh Henry Henry Hughes George Hughes's child William Hughes, breechesma- ker, Scotland Wife of Frederic Huler, sailor Diana Hulford Abraham Hulings' wife Oliver C. Hull, apothecary Joshua Humphreys, Æt. 86 Hannah Humphreys, daughter of do. John Humphreys's child Rich'd Humphreys, storekeeper Gabriel Humphreys's child James Hunt, clerk William Hunt, tailor Ann Hunter's child John Hunter, carpenter William Hunter, tavern-keeper and child John Hunter's daughter John Husey Charles Hunsinan Mr. Hustick's child Elizabeth Huston, seamstress John Huston, print cutter, Eng. James Hutchinson, physician, his child and apprentice George Hutamn, hair-dresser Rebecca Hutman, a child John Hurey Mary Hynin William Hyser, painter, Ger. Maria Hyson, Germ. Peter Ilett John Insell's daughter Mary - Inglis, storekeeper John Ingles, merchant, of York- shire Wife of Joseph Inglis, carter John Inkson, apprentice Joseph Irvine (139) Oliver Irvine, hatter Jacob Irwin Mrs. Irwin Sarah Irwin James Iskin Robert Jacks, schoolmaster Robert Jacks, shoemaker David Jackson Diana Jackson's child - Jackson James Jackson John Jackson, drayman Joseph Jackson's child Miss - Jackson Thomas Jackson Wid. Jackson, of Wilmington George Jacob's wife George Jacobs, blacksmith John Jacobs, porter John Jacobs, painter Nicholas Jacobs's son Jacob, a black man James, a black man Jacob James Margaret James, a child Martha James - Jameson, labourer Edward Jamison Helena Jamison John Jamison, cooper Matthew Jamison Wm. Jamison, carpenter William Jamison, tailor William Jamison's child Jane -, a black woman Doctor Janus's daughter Martha Jason, spinster John Jarman, jun. John Jauck, brushmaker F. Laurejai, Fr. William Jeffry John Jenkins's son Samuel Jacob Jennings, store-keeper John Jenny, ship-carpenter Elizabeth Jobards, widow John Jobb, painter Joseph Jobb, stocking-weaver John Jobline Hannah Jodon Peter Jodon — Johnson's wife & child Catharine Johnson's child James Johnson Jonas Johnson, tavern-keeper Mary Johnson, servant Samuel Johnson, printer Susannah Johnson Robert Johnson, physician Robert Johnson, shoemaker William Johnson, joiner Barney Johnson Francis Johnson John Johnson Margaret Johnson, widow Mary Johnson, widow Robert Johnson, baker Samuel Johnson, painter Ann Jones Charles Jones, conveyancer Daniel Jones Elizabeth Jones Child of Ely Jones, clerk Stelena Jones, stay maker George Jones, blacksmith Jane Jones, mantua-maker Joab Jones, tailor John Jones's wife Mary Jones, widow Mary Jones's son Matthew Jones's daughter Owen Jones, sen. Æt.82 Patience Jones Rebecca Jones, widow of David Rowland Jones, clerk Ruth Jones Sarah Jones, widow Widow Jones's daughter William Jones, merchant William Jones, labourer, & wife Hannah Jordan, jr. Henry Jordan's wife James Jordan, chairmaker Samuel Jordan, turner Joseph, a black man George Jost John Jourdan, coachman Jude, a black woman Jacob Judah Judith, a black woman Juliana, a mulatto Cornelia Julio Catharine Jung Jacob Jung's daughter David Justice, apprentice John Justice's child William M. Justice, printer Joseph Kaenerle Jacob Kales, labourer John Kalkbrener's wife Godfrey Kartis, shoemaker Jacob Kates, labourer Elizabeth Katten, Carlisle (140) Catharine Kattz Elizabeth Kattz and 2 children John Kattz's wife Isaac Kattz's wife Michael Kattz's child Mary Karn Jacob Kauffman's son John Kean's two children Joseph Kean's child Hugh Kean's child Mary Kean Matthew Kean's daughter Elizabeth Keen and child John Keen's child Joseph Keen Mary Keen Susannah Keigen Elizabeth Kell James Kellenan George Kelly, harness-maker Mrs. Kelly Christopher Kellman and wife Joseph Kernel's son Henry Kemp William Kemp Martha Kemphill, servant - Kenny Mrs. Keppele John Keppler, shoemaker William Kennedy, labourer John Kennon Casper, Peter and Catharine Kensinger Thomas Kenrick, store-keeper Elizabeth Kenton John Kerbeck William Kerls, porter Adam Kerr's widow Andrew Kerr, labourer James Kerr's widow Prude Kerr Abigail Keller Jacob Kessler's wife John Kessler, hair-dresser Leonard Kessler Michael Kessler, ship-joiner Lucy Keating Christian Keyser, blacksmith Daniel Keyser, labourer Joseph Keyser, grocer Jacob Kitchlien, butcher George Kichn's daughter Christian Kiegler Thomas Kildrick John Killgour George Killinger Peter Killinger Philip Killinger, carpenter Richard Killpatrick Caleb Kimber, schoolmaster Aaron Kimber, son of do. Jacob Kimely Wife of Casp. Kinck, shoemaker Catharine King Charles King Elizabeth King, widow -King George King, coach-painter Hugh King's two children John King and child Mary King Joseph Kingsley Margaret Kingsley Ann Kinley Joseph Kinnear's child Christopher Kinness, tailor Christopher Kinns, labourer George Kinsinger and wife Hannah Kinsinger -Kipsey, furrier Mrs. Kirk and child John Kirk, a lad Thomas Kirk, baker Catharine Kite Elizabeth Kite Jonathan Kite, chair maker, wife and three children Casper Kitts Jacob Kitts, chandler, son and cousin Mrs. Kitts Catharine Klady Margaret Klady Widow Klepper Christian Klibsie, weaver and child Andrew Kline's wife John Kline, labourer Nicholas Klingeler, cooper Mary Klingle Charles Knight, biscuit-baker Hannah Knight John Knight, tailor John Knight, sailor Sarah Knight Daniel Knodle Elizabeth Knows, servant Mary Knows Adam Knox Richard Knox's child Mary Koan George Kock, labourer, his wife Catharine and son John Kock (141) Widow Kock Joseph Kock Widow Koenner George Kor's child Peter Krafter and daughter Christop'r Kreyder, tobacconist Wife of Geo.Kribbs, shoemaker Susannah Kribner, Æt. 70 John Kriefle, cooper John Kroll, hair-dresser Joachim Krenaver, labourer Henry Krotto's child Catharine Krotten Barbara Krunkofter Abraham Krup, carpenter John Kruteer James Kubber Christop'r Kucher, sugar-baker Philip Kucher, his son Bernard Kuffler Wife of Frederick Kuhl George Kuhn's wife Jacob Kuhn's wife John Kuhn's son Ludwig Kuhn, clerk Widow Kuhn Jacob Kuncle's son Martin Kernotler George Kurtz Daniel Kuren, labourer John Lack's daughter Lætitia - Daniel Lafferty and child, Ir. Matthew Lafferty's child John Lambsback, labourer - Lammoron's child Arch. Lamont's wife &children Mrs. Lamont, child, and jour- neyman Elizabeth Lancaster Wife and child of Joseph Lan- caster, labourer, Eng. Joseph Landre, labourer Margaret Landress Nancy Lane Mrs. Lane Margaret Lang Edward Langman Huson Langstroth, paper-maker Jacob Lanteshlag Andrew Lapp and wife Laurence Lapp, baker Michael Lapp, baker, and wife James Lapsley, steward to the British ambassador — Lapsley's wife & daughter — Lapsley, shoemaker James Lapsley, schoolmaster, and daughter Elizabeth Patrick Larken, clerk Ralph Larremore's wife Mary Lasher Patrick Lasky Fred. Lunderbruns, surg. barber Jacob Louterman's wife & 2 sons George Lautinshlager's sister Jacob Laudersliver, shoemaker Margaret Laudersliver Frederic Lauman Aaron S. Laurence, clerk, and wife Alex. Lawrence, sen. merchant Alex. Lawrence, jun. merchant Archibald Lawrence's child Charles Lawrence Cherry Lawrence's wife Christopher Lawrence Jacob Lawrence's two children John Lawrence's wife Joseph Laurence, apprentice Rachel Lawrence Sarah Lawrence Thomas Lea, merchant J. T. Lea, son of do. Thomas Leach, cabinet-maker Margaret Leake, mantua-maker Widow Lear's child John Lebering's wife Paul Leek, labourer Francis J. Lector Ann Lee George Lee, apprentice Joseph Lee, wife, and son Geo, Mary Lee Thomas, son of Duncan Leech George Lees, tailor, wife, three children, and two other per- sons (names unknown) John Lees, tailor Margaret Lees Joseph Le Feore William Lehman's wife Doctor John Leibert, junior Mic. Leibrand, breeches-maker Matthias Leigh, labourer Michael Leigh Robert Leigh John Leiphy's child Andrew Leinaw, sadler Samuel Leller James Lenox, apprentice Abner Leonard (142) Sarah Leonard Francis Lesher, coach maker Francis Lesher, tavern-keeper, and servant girl Philip Lesher's wife — Letzinger's wife George Letzinger's wife Andrew Letton, shoemaker John Letton Moses Levy's girl Thomas Levy's wife - Lewis's child Catharine Lewis Jonathan, son of Mordecai Lew- is, merchant Isaac Lewis, tailor, and wife Lydia Lewis, widow Maria Lewis, mulatto Mary Lewis Michael Lewis's son William Lewis, hairdresser George Lex, butcher Jacob Lex's child Widow Leybrandt Christian Lickett Robert Lidler Peter Ligert Samuel Lilly, sailor John Limeburner's child Mary Lindall Ruth Lindill Thomas Lindall, carter Elizabeth Lindsay Hester Lindsay Mary Lindsay Susannah Lindsay Philip Linion, bottler George Linkinson, labourer Elizabeth Linkfelt Margaret Linn, Scotland Neal Linn William Linnar, porter Wm. Linton, wife and sister Widow Lintz Hannah Lisburn, widow Miss-Lisler James Lesper Joseph Lispar Catharine List William Lethworth's child John Littman, son, & daughter Catharine Lloyd Daniel Lloyd, apprentice William Lloyd Wood Lloyd, tilor Mary Lobdell Samuel Lobdell, carpenter John Lob's child Elizabeth Locke, widow - Loeffler's wife John Loh, and daughter William Lohman, rope-maker Wife of Peter Lohra, broker Ralph Loimer, sailor Patrick Lollar's boy Herman Jos. Lombaert, mer. Frederic Long John Long, labourer, & son Richard Long, apprentice William Long, joiner Joseph Lopez, servant to the Spanish ambassador Hannah Lorton, servant Abraham Lott, merchant -Louis, Fr. Elizabeth Lovett George Lovett's son John Lowden, ferryman Rebecca Lowden Thomas Lowden's wife James Lowne Edward Lowder Sarah Lowder William Lowman Agnes Lownes Ed. Lowry, labourer, & wife Hester Lucas Christo. Luckarts, carter, & wife John Martin Ludwig, butcher Thomas Ludwig Robert Lumsden, corder George Luntz's daughter Lewis H. Luring, wife, & child Widow Luring Jacob Lusely, labourer Elizabeth Lushinger William Lushworm, labourer Catharine Lutz, Germ. Christian Lutz's child Ann Lyland Benjamin Lyndall's child John Lynn, physician, of N.Eng. Mary Lynn Mrs.-Lynn Mary Lyons Michael Lyons, sailor Philip Maad, labourer Jacob Macker's child Peter Mack's Wife John Maidscaw Daniel M'Allister James M'Allister, labourer Alexander M'Alpin, carpenter Walter M'Alpin, book-binder (143) Daniel M'Arthur's child Elizabeth M'Bay Robert M'Bay John M'Cabe, hairdresser Alice M'Cabin's wife Jenny M'Call Daniel M'Calla's child John M'Care Archibald M'Carey William M'Carty, soapboiler David M'Crea James M'Claskie Widow M'Clatchee's 2 children John M'Cleland John M'Cleuane Andrew M'Clure Daniel M'Clia, rope-maker Alexander M'Cord Eugenia M'Cordy Cornelius M'Cormick Margaret, daughter of Henry M'Cormick Thomas M'Cormick, merchant Archibald M'Cowen John M'Coy Ann Coy Jonathan M'Cready John M'Cready James M'Creary Margaret M'Crever Catharine M'Croskie Eleanor M'Croskie, widow Elizabeth M'Cullen Sarah M'Curdy Deborah M'Curtain Thomas M'Curtain, school- master, and wife James M'Cutcheon Daniel M'Daniel James M'Daniel, shoemaker Daniel M'Darrel, aged 80 Martin M'Dermot, grocer Ann M'Donald, a child Alexander M'Donald, labourer Child of Donald M'Donald, painter Elizabeth M'Donald James M'Donald, shoemaker John M'Donald, labourer John M'Donald's child Mary M'Donald William M'Donald, hatter Hugh M'Dougal, labourer William M'Dougal, tobacconist Mrs M'Dowel Wm. M'Dowel, tavern-keeper Wm. M'Dowel Edw. M'Echan, bricklayer, Ir. Wm. M'Elvee, labourer John M'Ewing, stone- cutter Enos M'Faden, labourer James M'Faden's wife Mary M'Faden Ann M'Farben Peter M'Garvey and wife Edward M'Gechan Helen M'Gechan and child Margaret M'Gechan Mary M'Gee Edward M'Gill, drayman Mary M'Gill, Wm. M'Gill, school-master Ann M'Ginley, housewife Philip M'Ginnes's wife John M'G lathery, a young man Wm. M'Glochlin Thomas M'Goldrick John M'Gontis's child John M'Gowan Joseph M'Gowan, carpenter Wm. M'Gowan Barney M'Gran, labourer Daniel M'Grath, porter John M'Grath Mich. M'Grath James M'Graw John M'Graw, sailor Barney M'Green -M'Griegle Ann M'Gregor John M'Gregor's child Nancy M'Grotty James M'Guillen James M'Guire Mary M'Guire, widow Peter M'Guire William M'Guire John M'Hagan John M'Illroy Andrew M'Intire, joiner Elizabeth M'Intosh Laughlin M'Intosh Edward M'Kegan -M'Kerran, bricklayer Anthony M'Kennely Elizabeth M'Kenzie Mary M'Kenzie, housewife Murdock M'Kenzie John M'Keon William M'Key, apprentice Daniel M'Kee, sailor Margaret M'Kigham Isaac M'Kinby Hugh M'Kinley Mrs. M'Kinley Isaac M'Kinley, hatter (144) John M'Knall Alexander M'Lane Daniel M'Lane Jane M'Lane —— M'Lane, a stranger John M'Lane's wife and two children Roger M'Lane William M'Lane, sailor Ann M'Laughlin Giles M'Laughlin John M'Laughlin John M'Laughlin's wife John M'Laughlin, merchant Margaret M'Laughlin & child Patrick M'Laughlin's son William M'Laughlin, labourer Wm. M'Laughlin, shoemaker Agnes M'Lean Elizabeth M'Lane Jane M'Lean John M'Lean, inspector Jofeph M'Lean, tailor Martin M'Lean Samuel M'Lean, shipwright Archibald M'Leary, labourer Joseph M'Lee Mary M'Lenahan Angus M'Leod's child Daniel M'Leod's wife Dougal M'Leod, labourer John M'Leod Malcolm M'Leod, labourer Mary M'Leod William M'Leod and daughter Mary M'Linny Hugh M'Mann Philip M'Mannus, blacksmith Ja's M'Manyman, nailor, & wife Mary M'Manyman John M'Manyman Joseph M'Matlock, carpenter Mary M'Michael, widow Catharine M'Mullen Neil M'Mullen Francis M'Murren John M'Nab, shipwright John M'Nair, clerk James M'Namara Gordon M'Neal, sailor John M'Neal, tailor Mary M'Neal John M'Near, apprentice Felix M' Quid's. wife James M'Quillon, labourer Sarah M'Rain Milby M'Raper Hugh M'Swaine and wife James Mabey -Mack, labourer Sarah Mack Elizabeth Madan John Madan, shoemaker Patrick Madan's wife Leonard Madelen Benjamin Mager, apprentice Helena Magenis David Magner, carpenter Michael Magraw, servant Francis Major John Maitland John Maloney Catharine, widow of capt. John Molowney John Mannefield, joiner Mary Mannefield Mrs. Mann William Mann, tailor Charles Manson Peter Marclay, cooper Susannah Mareday, widow Philip Mareland Francis Marey Laurence Marey, perfumer John Baptiste Maris John Mark, shopkeeper Peter Marker, butcher John Maronee, apprentice Capt. James Marsh and brother Curtis Marshal Francis Marshall, bricklayer Joseph Marshall, shoemaker Joseph Marson Philip Martan James Martin's son John Martin, saddler John Martin' s son Sarah Martin, servant Judah J Masara Thomas Masara Abraham C. Mason, merchant Arabella Mason John Mason Joshua Mason, blacksmith Margaret Mason, Æt. 80 Richard Mason, engine-maker - Mass Samuel Massey Anne Mastett J. Masters's wife and 3 children John Mause's wife and child Ed. Mathias, wife, & daughter Elizabeth Maxfield John Maxfield, labourer Stephen Maxfield's wife Margaret Maxwell (145) Adam May's child Capt. Mead's wife & daughter Matthias Meeker, clerk Gotlieb Meineke, labourer John Meminger Gotlieb Menigung,rope-maker John Mentz, a lad Ludwig Meo, of Amsterdam Mary Mercer, widow Joseph Mercier, and wife Ann John Merck, store-keeper Peter Merckel, butcher Evan Meredith's wife Susannah Samuel Merian, merchant Jos. Merson, bridle-bit-cutter Peter Merson Miles Mervin, school-master, & wife John Mesner's wife Barbara Mettelbury Adam Meyers's daughter Henry Meyers's apprentice John Meyers's child Peter Meyer, carter, and wife Sebastian Meyer, baker Thomas Meyer's wife, & daug. Peter Miercken, sugar-refiner - Miers, wife and servant Sarah Middleton, sen. widow Sarah Middleton, jun. spinster Sarah Mifflin, } Esther Mifflin, } } children of Charles Thomas Miller's son Joseph Andreas Miller's child Anne Miller Arthur Miller's child Catharine Miller, widow Charles Miller Christian Miller, porter Christo. Miller, brush maker Dorothy Miller George Miller, labourer Hannah Miller Henry Miller Jas. Miller's wife & 2 children John Miller and child Captain John Miller's widow John Miller, carpenter John Miller, carter John Miller, clerk John Miller, labourer Issac Miller, merchant Margaret Miller Mary Miller Michael Miller, sen. shoemaker Michael Miller's daughter Richard Miller, student of law Susannah Miller Widow Miller William Miller, shoe-maker Wife and child of Mr. Miller, rigger Mary Millington Philip Milligan's wife Elizabeth Mills Thomas Mills Walter Mills, shoemaker Edward Milner's wife & servant Christian Minehart, sugar- baker William Miner, servant William Minor Charles Minster, labourer John Mintz Elizabeth Miscamp Elizabeth Mitchell Jacob Mitchell's child Mary Mitchell Mary Mittinton Veronia Mittman Jacob Mirwan, and 3 children William Modick's child James Moffat, tailor Rebecca Moffat Rob't Moffat, waterman, wife and child Catharine Molliner George Moir James Mollineux, and daugh. John Mollineux's 2 children Francis Monday John Monday Mary Monday Elizabeth Montgomery Child of J. Montgomery,weaver John Montgomery's 3 children Dorothy Mood Robert Moody, bricklayer Mary Mooney Ann Moore Caroline, daug. of Tho. L. Moore David Moore Fanny Moore, servant, Germ. George Moore Maj. Jas. Moore, liv. stable-keeper Jane Moore John Moore, painter, and child Samuel Moore, black smith Thomas Moore's child Widow Moore Wm. Moore and two children John Moore Joseph Mordeck, labourer Eleanor Morgan, washerwoman Hannah Morgan V (146) Jacob Morgan, merchant John Morgan, jun. John Morgan's child Mary Morgan Robert Morphet Ann Morris Anth. P. Morris,china-merchant Brooke Morris George Morris, gardener John Morris, clerk John Morris, physician, & wife John Morris's child Luke Morris, Æt. 87 Martha Morris Mary Morris Richard B. Morris Samuel W. Morris, apprentice Samuel Morris, cooper William Morris Alexander Morison, storekeeper John Morrison, copper-smith Wife and child of John Morri- son, labourer John Morrison's daughter Isabella Morrison Mary Morrison's child - Morrison, labourer, Scotl. Widow Morrison's child William Morrison John Morrow, jun. gunsmith Mrs. -Morrow Rosina Morrow Alexander Mortimer, gardener Deborah Morton John Morton and apprentice Christian Moser Mary Moss Marquis Monbrun Philip Mountree, brewer Wife of Nic. Muff, harnessmaker Ann Mullen, mantua-maker Catharine Mullen Edward Mullen James Mullen, hatter James Mullen's wife John Mullen, chairmaker Mary Mullen Michael Mullen's two children Patrick Mullen Robert Mullen, house-carpen- ter, and apprentice James Mullener, apprentice Edmund Mullery, grocer James Mumford, blacksmith Major Henry Mumford Rachel Mumford Child of Rob. Murdoch, labourer Sarah Murdoch -Murley Ann Murphy John Murphy, black-smith Mary Murphy Michael Murphy's daughter Richard Murphy Susannah Murphy Timothy Murphy Margaret Murthwaite Mary Murthwaite Rev. Alexander Murray, D. D. Eleanor Murray James Murray, shoemaker, Ir, Robert Murray's wife and child Sarah Murray William Murray Mrs. - Musketts Rebecca Musgrove Widow Musterholt Adam Myers, baker Catharine Myers Hannah Myers, servant Margaret Myers Henry Myers, hair-dresser John Myers's child Margaret Myers Michael Myers Michael Mynick Sophia Mynick Adam Myon, labourer John Myrietta Jac. Mytinger, tavern-keeper and wife Henry Nagle's mother-in-law Mary Nagle Hannah Nailor John Nailor Samuel Napp William Nash, baker Lewis Nass, blacksmith - Navarre Thomas Nave's wife Thomas Near Israel Nedham, skinner, Engl. Robert Neeley, sailor Tho. Neeves, carpenter, & wife Margaret Neil Wife and girl of Andrew Niel- son, tavern-keeper George Niess, shoemaker Benedict Nesmos, son, & daugh Elizabeth Neman Thomas Nemerson Timmons Nevil Elizabeth New Anthony Newingham (147) Jonn Newling, a lad Elizabeth Newman Fred. Newman's wife & child Susannah Newman Forbes Newton's wife Margaret Nibley Magnus Nice, oyster-man Martha Nichols, spinster, Æt. 70 Wm. Nichols, Æt. 73 Mary Nichols, wife of ditto Wm. Nichols, wh. wright, & wife Thomas Nicholson, joiner John Nick Augustus Niel Jane, daughter of Wm. Niles Elizabeth Noble Catharine Nodler Anthony Noll, ropemaker Fred. Noltenius, school-master Cathar. Norley, washer-woman Joseph Norman's wife Wife of Adam Norris, huckster Abigail North Colonel North's wife Joseph North's child George Norton's child Sarah Norton, servant Sarah Norton, widow Francis Nugne Wm. Nunn Christiana Oatenheimer, Germ. Peter Oatenheimer's wife, Ger. Phil. Oatenheimer's wife,Germ. Daniel Offley, anchor-smith Bridget O'Bryant, Ir. James O'Bryant, carpenter, Ir. Dennis O'Connel John O'Dare John O'Donald Mary O'Donald -O'Dolph, a butcher Charles Ogden's wife Joseph Ogilby's wife -Edward O'Hara, clerk Elizabeth O'Hara, housewife Thomas O'Hara, clerk Ann Oiler, Æt. 77 Cornelius O'Leary Humphrey O'Leary Henry O'Niel, labourer, Ir Catharine O'Niel John Onger's wife Edward Orange, blacksmith Michael O'Rourke's wife Robert Orr, Ir. Wife of Nich. Otway, nailor, Ir. John Osborn Wm. Osborn, steward to the President Hannah Osgood Sarah A. Otis Thomas Owner, carpenter George Pack Hannah Packman Wife of John Packworth, shoe- maker, Eng. -Page's child William Paine Jacob Painter, apprentice Charles Palmer, house car- } penter, and his two sisters, } viz. Tacy Palmer, and } Rebecca Palmer } Aaron Palmer's child Elihu Palmer's wife Hannah, wife of Samuel Palmer Penelope Palmer Samuel Palmer, shipwright Thomas Palmer, shipwright Thomas Palmer's two chldren Sarah Palling Martha Pallock William Parham's wife & child Wm. Parhani, jun. carpenter John Park Ann Parker, servant George Parker John Parker, shoemaker Jn. Parker, carpenter, & child,Ir. Joseph Pilmore Parker Mat. Parker, tailor, and wife Wife of S. Parker, brass-founder John Parkhill Honora Parkinson Eleanor Parks James Park's wife John Park's brother Mary Parks Wife of Matthias Parks, l. draper Edward, and Isaac Parrish, jun. sons of Isaac Parrish, hatter John Partkill, whitesmith, Ir. Daniel Parvin Catharine Patch and child John Patch Andrew Patterson, carpenter Edward Patterson Richard Patterson Sarah Patterson Samuel Patterson's child Jas. Pattison, student of physic Robert Patton, bookbinder George Paul, tailor Peter Paul's son (148) Robert Paul's wife Sydney Paul, widow John Pea James Peale's two children James Pearce John Pearce Jos. Pearson, heelmaker, & wife Widow of Wm. Pearson Sarah Pearce Ann Peckworth Andrew Peddock and daughter Joseph Peddrick's son Mary Peister Vincent M. Pelosi, merchant Samuel Pemberton and child Doctor John Penington Mary Penington, a child Alexander Penman,coachmaker Mary Penny John Pennycook, apprentice Amos Penquoite Phœbe Penquoite Jemima Penrose, servant Hannah Penton Issac Penton, farmer, and wife Samuel Penn, baker Joseph Fennel Ann Pepper Mary Pepper, layer-out of dead Foulard Perdoe's daughter Mary Perdue Sarah Perkins Mary Perry's child Wm. Perry -Perry, shoemaker, Ir. Jac. Peters, baker, &wife Sarah John Peters, sen. biscuit-baker John Peters, junior, tutor Philip Peters, distiller, & wife Ruth Peters Thomas Pew Charlotte Pettit Edward Peyton's wife Stephen Peyton's child Son of John Pheiffer, cooper Wm. Phager, tailor Dr. Fred. Phile, naval-officer Jeremiah Philemon, barber Widow Philemon Andrew Philips's child Geo. A. Philips, & son, merchants — Philips Mrs. Philips Philip Phile, musician John Physick, porter James Pickering, shoemaker James Pickering, tailor James Pickering, store-keeper Son of Timothy Pickering Christian Pierce, cooper James Pierce, coach-maker John Pierce, ship-carpenter, and wife John Pierce's daughter Anne - Piercy, potter John Piercy, apprentice Mary Piercy, apprentice - Pierre, two of the same name, bakers Mary Pierson Anne Pigot Lewis Pignol, clerk Benjamin Pike, and wife James Pike John Pilliger, cooper Charles Pine, stocking weaver Eleanor Piper George Piper, tailor, and wife, John Piper, cooper Benjamin Pitfield Anna Plaff Jeremiah Plan John Plankinhorn, labourer Henry Plates, baker, Germ. Jacob Plucker and child Barbara Poagnet Hen. Petterman's sister-in-law Sarah Pollard Catharine Poop, Germ. Mary Poor George Pope Margaret Porkenbine, Eliza. her daughter, and a child Philip Port, labourer Charles Porter John Porter's son and daugh- ter, and two servant girls Rich. Porter, tallow-chandler Thomas Porter, labourer Andrew Pottenstein's wife Mrs. - Potter Edmond, son of Edmond Potter May Potts Benjamin Poultney, merchant, wife and daughter Elizabeth Pouse Samuel Powel, speaker of the senate, and servant Francis Powers, labourer, Ger. Isaac Powershon Mr. Prifflet -Pragers, merchant (149) Henry Pratt's wife, and child James Pratt's wife Mary Pratt John Preal Barbara Preston, Germ. Wife and 3 children of Wm. Preston, brush-maker John Price Teney Price Thomas Price Robert Priestley, whitesmith Susannah Prince, spinster Stephen Prisling Isabella Provost Joseph Pruett, tailor Thomas Pugh Francis Pugsley John Puracier Mary Purde George Purdy, tailor Wm. Purvis's wife Wm. Pusey's daughter Eliza. Qua, a negro Phillis Quando Catharine Quigley Ja's Quigly, carpenter, & child John Quilman, servant Gascoigne Raby and wife Rachel, a black girl Christian Bach's daughter Geo. C. Reinholdt & daughter John Rain's child George Rainsford Chriftopher Rakestraw Sarah Rakestraw's child Catharine Ralph's child Wm. Ralston, merch. & son John Mr. Ralston Thomas Rambaut, carpenter Child of Archibald Randall, ship-carpenter Thomas Randall's child John Randolph, tobacconist Ann Rankin Elizabeth Rankin John Rankin Margaret Rankin Hannah Rapp Eliza Rarich, widow, and daugh- ter Sarah Sarah Razor, Æt. 22 John Ratler, porter Elizabeth Rauch Jacob Ravalie, labourer John Reach's widow John Ready Michael Ready Maria Read John Reap, shoemaker Jonathan Reas Jacob Reckther, labourer Sarah Reddick Francis Redman's wife, and a lodger, name unknown Jacob Reece, jun. Mary Reece John Reedle, tailor, and daugh- ter Sarah Casper Reel, baker Edward Rees, joiner Jac. Rees's wife, daughter & son Mr. Reffert's child George Reh Alexander Reid Andrew Reid, bricklayer Ann Reid George Reid and wife Henry Reid, merchant James Reid, silk-dyer James Reid, Æt. 75, and daugh- ter Sarah Margaret Reid Mary Reid Rebecca Reid, widow Samuel Reid's wife William Reid's child John Reidy's child James Reily, servant Maria Reily George Reigner, tobacconist Widow Reigner, his mother George Reily John Reinick, brickmaker John Reinick, baker Lewis Reisele, butcher George Reser Nancy Reiter Jacob Relchner John Reller Joannes Relwiez Aselae Remer Anthony Renard Jane Renny -Renvalt Widow Resle Christian Reting's child Christian Rettig Ludwig Reuth's wife Adam Revely George Rex Christopher Rexrold, apprentice James Reynolds's wife (150) John Reynolds Mary Reynolds Joseph Ribaux's child Catharine Rice George Rice's child John Rice, labourer Lawrence Rice William Rice Charlotte Richards Dan'l Richards, lumber merch't Daniel Richards's son Eliza Richards John Richards Mrs. - Richards William Richards, butcher Samuel Richards's wife Steel Richards, shoemaker Barbara Fuchardson, house-wife Barnabas Fuchardson Elizabeth Richard son George Richardson's wife John Richardson Jofeph Richardson, jun. Lucy Richardson Rebecca Richardson Thomas Richardson William Richardson's child George Richner, tobacconist Gotlieb Richter, labourer Jacob Richter George Riddle James Riddle and wife John Ridge, jun. Mary Ridge, milliner John Ridgway Frederic Reib, wheelwright John Rieb Leonard Riebsher's child Casper Riehl, labourer John Riehl's daughter George Rise's child George Riley, baker Mary Riley Jacob Rilt, shoemaker John Rilvit, sawyer Frederic Rine, labourer James Ringland George Rinhard Conrad Rink, shoemaker Elizabeth Riply Mary Riply Alexander Ritchie's wife John Ritchie Mary Ritchie Mr.-Rutter's daughter John Roach's wife & 2 children Morris Roach, hosller John Robeau Jacob Roberdeau, printer Robert ——, a sailor Aaron Roberts Ann Roberts Charles Roberts Mrs. — Roberts, house-wife Oliver Roberts Rebecca Roberts Robert Roberts, late of Merion Thomas Roberts, labourer Thomas Roberts, silversmith William Roberts Joseph Robert son, carpenter Lætitia,daughter of Dan.Robins Susannah Robins Abraham Robinson James Robinson, carpenter, Ir. James Robinson's child Jane Robinson, widow John Robinson, blacksmith John C. Robinson's servant Joseph Robinson Judge Robinson's young man Mary Robinson Robert Robinson, shoemaker Sarah Robinson Thomas Robinson, weaver William Robinson, bricklayer -Rochbaud, Fr. Mary Rock Jacob Rodell Elizabeth Roderfield, widow Philip Roderfield Nicholas Roderwalter's daugh. Sarah Rodman, of R. Island Benjamin Rogers's child Gilbert Rogers, and child John Rogers, corder Margaret Rogers Hannah, wife of the rev. Wil- liam Rogers John Rohr's daughter John Roman, currier Elizabeth Roney, servant Magdalen Roone Sufannah Roring Hugh Ross, blacksmith, wife, and son John Ross Wm. Rost, shoemaker Mary Rotherwalter Jacob Rix Rott, a lad Rosina Rott, a servant Henry Rouris's daughter Elizabeth Roush James Rowan, store-keeper (151) John Rowe, carpenter John Rowe Barbara Ruber Catharine Ruckhard John Rudolph John Rugan's daughter John Rugers Frederic Ruhl's son George Ruhl's son John Ruleford, labourer Jacob Rump's child Rofina Runkel Leonard Rush, shoemaker Mary Rush, widow Wm. Ruth's child Thomas Russel, sailor Leonard Rust, tailor Wm. Rutherford Jacob Rutter Margaret Rutter Samuel Rutter's 2 children Lucy Ryan Mr.- Ryan Saberne, Fr. 5 Sailors, (names unknown) Abraham Salter Isaac Samms Sampson -a negro man Mary Sampson John Sanders, button-maker Sarah, a young woman John Sattersfield's wife Elizabeth Saub Frederic Sauber -Saubier's wife Robert Saubiers, blacksmith Ph. Sauerman, shoemaker, & wife Jacob Sawyer, baker Wife & daughter of dr. Benj. Say Leonard Sayer's wife Matthias Saylor, painter, wife, and sister John Scantling, porter Jonathan Scantling Mary Schaff Adam Schaffer, labourer George Schaffer, cooper Jacob Schaffer Widow Scheiffells Chriftiana Schieff's girl George Schmidt George Schmidt's child Henry Schmidt, and wife John Schmidt Margaret Schmidt George Schneider, carpenter John Schreier, and wife Frederic Schreiner's daughter John Schreminger Ann Schrider John Schrieck John Schrier, shoemaker, & wife Martin Schrier Thomas Schriever, blacksmith John Schultz, labourer John Schwaab, shoemaker Lawrence Schwaab, shoemaker Adam Schwaadt Captain Schwartz, a Dane Elizabeth Sclader Aaron Scott Andrew Scott Ann Scott Benjamin Scott Henry Scott, labourer, & wife John Scott, tailor, and wife Margaret Scott Mary Scott -Scott, clerk Joseph Scull Frederick Seaford, joiner Francis Seamore Christo. Search, wheelwright Jacob Sears, blacksmith, & child David Seaven Martin Seebole, school-master Paul us Seegist, weaver Henry Seen's child Jacob Seger, baker Jacob Seiffer's daughter - Sein's wife Michael Seip, tailor Widow Seitz's daughter James Sekwire Jacob Seller, tailor, and wife Joseph, Wm. & Susanna,sons & daughter of Wm. Sellers, printer Wife of Hen. Semler, shoemaker Jona. D. Sergeant, attorney - Sergeois Francis Serres, stay-maker, Fr. Wife of Benja. Servant, sailor 7 Servants, (names unknown) Isabella Service Ann Sewell Catharine Sexton Conrard Seybert's wife Chriftiana Seyfert Elizabeth Shabby, widow Widow Shaff's child Adam Shaffer, porter Barny Shaffer's child Francis Shaffner's wife (152) John Shakespeare Martha Shakespeare Stephen Shakespeare, weaver Dorothy Shall Bernard Shamo's wife James Shankling Henry Shara Anthony Sharp, tailor John Sharp's child John Sharp, and daughter Nehemiah Sharp, tailor Mr.-Shaeslocker Henry Shaw, and wife Henry Shaw, ware-house man Henry Shawster's daughter Henrick Shear, tailor Elizabeth Shearman John Shearwood Daniel Sheegan Henry Sheerer Win. Sheets, labourer Adam Shellbecker, shoemaker Frederic Sheller, blacksmith Jacob Sheniger George Shepherd Jacob Shepherd's child Robert Shepherd, shop-keeper Wilhelmina, daughter of Wm. Shepherd John Sherb, baker Elizabeth Sherman Abraham Sheridan's child Wm. Sheridan, & daughter John Sherwood, carpenter, and wife Sallows Shewell's wife Juliana Shewelly widow Christian Shembler's wife James Shillingsford Richard Shilly, hatter Jacob Shiney Margaret Shingle Amos Shingleton Bernard Shiphar's wife Wm. Shipley, grazier Rebecca Shipping John Shippey, musician, and child Matthias Shiltz's sister Frederic Shneider, stone-cutter, and son Elizabeth Shocker Geopge Shocker, and child Jacob Shocker, labourer Matthias Shocker, & mother Amos Shoemaker Jonathan Shoemaker, cabinet- maker Joseph Shoemaker Mary Shoemaker Michael Shoemaker, livery- stabler Samuel Shoemaker, jun. car- penter, from Cheltenham Henry Sheffield Adam Shordy -Shore, widow Christopher Short Mrs.-Short Matthew Short's child Henry Shreader Martin Shriar John Shriber, butcher Thomas Shriber Henry Shrider, baker & wife Jacob Shrince, comb-maker Chrstopher Shriner, tutor, and wife Elizabeth Jacob Shriner, Jacob Shriner, jun. skinner Nicholas Shriner, skinner Philip Shrite, stocking-weaver Elizabeth Shubart Jacob Shubart, blacksmith Jacob Shubert, labourer Michael Shubart, distiller, son, and daughter Sarah Shubart Widow Shuber John Shute, baker George Sibbald's child Baptiste Sicard Sarah Sickel Catharine Sickson Adam Sifert Casper Silver, wheelwright, and wife Joseph Silves Mrs.- Simmonds John Simmonds's child Wife of John Simmonds, tailor John Simpson Mary Simpson, widow Samuel Simpson John Sims Wooddrop Sims, merchant Elizabeth Singer, widow Thomas Singleton's child George Sink's child John Siper Charles Sitz and servant girl Elizabeth Sitz (153) Henry Skeffold, apprentice Richard Skelly Rachel Skinner, and daughter Mary David Slack Miss Slack William Slade, store-keeper Abraham Slater, currier, Eng. Gotlieb Slater's child Henrietta Slater Michael Sleesman's servant-man Frederick Slicker Widow Slint's son Andrew Smith, labourer Ann Smith Barbara Smith Benjamin Smith, merchant, of Burlington Catharine Smith Charles Smith's child Conrad Smith, farmer, Germ. Dr. Smith's wife Elizabeth Smith George Smith, potter, & child Wife of Henry Smith,carpenter Henry Smith, labourer, & wife James L. Smith, factor of cards James Smith, merchant James Smith Jane Smith and child Jesse Smith and child John Smith, sen. merchant, his son John, & daughter Sarah John Smith, chair-maker John Smith, cabinet-maker John Smith, labourer, and child John Smith, shoemaker Lewis Smith Margaret Smith, house-wife Mary Smith Matthew Smith, painter Nathan Smith's son Rebecca Smith Tho's Smith, commiss'r of loans Thomas Smith, bricklayer, Ir. Widow Smith William Smith Child of Wm. Smith, sea-captain Charles Smithfield, tutor John Smithson, Ir. George Snellbecker James Snouder Leonard Snouder's mother Anna Maria Snyder Anthony Snyder and son Charles Snyder's wife Christian Snyder, farmer Gulfer Snyder Frederic Snyder, serjeant at arms to the senate of Penn- sylvania, and his, son George George Snyder, baker Philip Snyder, coachmaker Henry Soden Guatavus Soderstrom,sea-captain Ann Solander John Sommervell, weaver, Ir. John and Isabella Sommerwell, children of John Sommerwell, cabinet-maker Elizabeth Sooks Philip Sorter Robert Sorter Robert Sowerbee, blacksmith Philip Sowerman and wife John Spalder, plasterer Widow Spatzen Townsend Speakman, apothe- cary George Speel's daughter Henry Speel, baker, wife, ser- vant man, and woman Widow Speel Widow Speers Eve Spence, servant George Spigle's wife Charles Spinley Sophia Spitzburgh Sophia Splitspike Margaret Spotts, Germ. Rev. James Sproat, D. D. Major Sproat and wife Nancy Sproat York Sprogel Andrew Sprowl Margaret Sprowl Hester Squirnel, Æt. 82 Richard Stack, bricklayer Peter Stackard's wife Benjamin Stackhouse Susannah Stackhouse Thomas Stackhouse Hannah Staggs Joanna, wife of John Stair John Stall, student of medicine Joseph Stanbury's son William Stancape Lucas Stanch James Stanford, shoemaker William Stanker, tailor Margaret, wife of Laurence Stantz X (154) George Star and child Rachel, Lydia, and Sarah, daughters of James Starr, shoemaker William Starkley, labourer, wife, and child William Starrat Frederic William Starman, merchant, and apprentice William Starton, hatter William St. Clair James Steel John Steel, carpenter, and two children John Steel, tavernkeeper —Steel, cooper, wife, father, and daughter Mary Steel Stephen Steel's child Widow Steel's daughter William Steel, shoemaker Fred. Steelman, tailor, & wife William Stein, clerk James Steiner, storekeeper Nicholas Steiner, labourer Casper Steinmetz John Steinmetz, cooper, and Mary, his mother Peter Stenhyster, last-maker Andrew Stenton, a child Daniel Stephens, servant, Ir. Fanny Stephens John Stephens, sadler Mrs. Stephens and daughter Ashfield Stephenson James Stephenson John Stephenson Mrs. Stephenson's daughter Catharine Sternkarl, serv't, Ger. David Stewart, clerk James Stewart John Stewart's daughter Isaac Stewart Samuel Stewart, tailor William Stewart, bookbinder, Edinburgh Wife of Henry Stiles, merchant William Stiles, jun. merchant William Stiles, sen stonecutter, wife, and son William, Eng. Isaac Still, tailor Mary Still, servant John Stillas, watchmaker George Stiller, shoemaker John Stillie, watchman John Stillwaggon, hatter Isaac Stine's child Captain Sting James Stinton, servant Laurence Stintz's widow William Stirrets, blacksmith Geo. Stocks, hair-dresser, & child John Stocks, jun. -Stocker's child Ebenezer Stokes, silver-smith, Eng. Elizabeth Stokes, widow George Stokes and wife James Stokes's son John Stokes, bottler Richard Stokes's child John Stoltz, baker William Stone, merchant Luke Storch Jonathan Stormitz James Stinsen, servant, Ir. Ebenezer Stotts, apprentice Catharine Stouble Peter Steinhauser, servant George Stow, turner Hannah Stow John Stow's widow Peter Stoy's daughter John Stranger Hannah Stratton, a child John Stratton, labourer Peter Streecheiser James Stretcher's wife and child John Strieker, clerk - Stritten, lace-weaver Paul Stromfeltz, mealman, and wife, Germ. Captain Strong's daughter Lætitia Stroud's child William Stroud, plasterer Child of mr. Strutton, rigger Andrew Stuart's child Adam Stubert, clerk George Stubert, apprentice Hester Stubert, spinster Jacob Stubert, labourer Daniel Stubbs, carter Peter Stuckard, carpenter, wife and child William Stutt, cooper, and wife Martha Stutzer Anthony Suay Christian Sulger, baker David Sullivan, storekeeper Laura Sullivan Catharine Summers Edward Summers (155) Elizabeth Summers -Summers, a young man, from Carolina Francis Summers Peter Summers, wife and three children Jacob Sunnock, labourer, Ger. John Sunnocks, trunk-maker and apprentice Simon Sunnock's wife Susannah Supple Charles Surtz, currier, and child John Sutherland, merchant Emon Sutt, keeper of a board- ing house Mary Sutton Samuel Swaine William Swaine Mrs. Swaine Laurence Swall's wife Joseph Swanson's wife John Swariwick, ship-carpenter Margaret Swanwick Christiana Swartz, and two chil- dren George Swartz, carpenter Peter Swartz's son Ann Sweeny Edward Sweeny, labourer, and child, Ir. John Sweeny's child Morgan Sweeny, wife, and child Jacob Swin Mary Swin Hugh Swine and wife John Swoope Penelope Sword Edward Swordan George Sydes Elizabeth Sykes Mary Sykes, Æt. 15 John Syler Casper Sylvius, wheelwright Widow Sylvius Charles Syng, weigh-master and wife Mr. Tacker David Taggart, carpenter Sarah Taggart Thomas Taggart William Taggart Elizabeth Tennenberg, sen. Elizabeth Tannenberg, jun. Sarah Tarcen Robert Tate, merchant, Scot. Joseph Tatem, tailor Eleanor Taye Hannah Taye Abigail Taylor, widow Elizabeth Taylor and child George Taylor Isaac Tavlor, ironseller, wife and sister Sarah Margaret Taylor, servant Richard Taylor's child Robert Taylor's wife and child Robert Taylor, clerk Samuel Taylor, brush-maker, and his daughter Mary Temperance Taylor Thomas Taylor Thomas Taylor's child William Taylor's wife -Teeny, a young man John Teim, hair-dresser A. Teissler William Teirnan Andrew Ten-Eyck Helen Terence Henry Test, hatter John Teteres William Tharp, merchant John Thatcher's child Benjamin Thaw, jun. Maria Thaw Enoch Thomas, bricklayer, and three children Hannah Thomas James Thomas, ship-carpenter John Thomas, tailor John Thomas, clerk Lewis Thomas, carter, & wife Margaret Thomas Mary Thomas Richard Thomas, brass-founder and wife Rich'd Thomas, labouror, & wife Robert Thomas's wife Zachariah Thomas Adam Thompson, a young lad Elizabeth Thompson Jacob Thompson's child John Thompson's wife John Thompson, labourer Sarah Thompson Thomas Thompson's daughter Jane, and son John Andrew Thomson, blacksmith David Thomson, shoemaker Wife of James Thomson, inn- keeper, at the Indian Queen (156) Margaret Thomson, Ir. Mary Thomson Peter Thomson, sen. scrivener Zaccheus Thorn, hatter, & wife Thomas Thornelly, jun. Wife of John Thornhill, shoe- maker Jos. Thornhill, house-carpenter Nicholas Thornman's child George Thornton, currier Mary Thornton Jacob Thumb, plumber,and Su- sannah, his daughter John Thumb's child Jacob Tice Paul Tiegitz Jacob Till Frederick Tillman, tailor Dean Timmons, tavern-keeper William Timmons, apprentice Timothy, a black man Richard Tinker, drayman Richard Tittermary's wife Jacob Titty Elizabeth Titwood Peter Tobo Jacob Tobyn's wife John Todd, sen. teacher, and wife John Todd,jun. attorney at law George Togle, shoemaker Ann Tollman Tom, a negro Jacob Tomkins, jun. merchant Bartholomew Tool, storekeeper Charlotte Tool Thomas Topliff, grocer -Tourette, Fr. John Town Mary Town Richard Town Henry Townsend, a child Thomas Townsend, Æt. 69 Peter Trabar Nancy Tracy Nelly Trades Walter Traquair, stone-cutter Elizabeth Traveller Henry Traveller, blacksmith Frederick Traven, labourer Elizabeth Traverse Martha Tress Michael Trinker's man-servant Fred. Trott's daughter Mary Daniel Trotter's child William Trotter's wife Wm. Truckenmiller, tobacconist Richard Truss, joiner Ann Truster Richard Truster Jacob Tryon, tinman Arabella Tudor Major Tudor's two daughters Sarah Tureau Mary Turner Peter Turner William Turner, baker Anthony Turret Elizabeth Tyson William Ubert Jacob Udree, tavern-keeper Christian Uhler Jacob Ultree, merchant Henry Unis Peter Uttenberger George Utts, labourer, & wife -Uvis Child of William Valentine Matthew Vandegrift John Vanderslyce's boy Ferdinand Vandigla, shoemaker John Vanduser, blacksmith, & child Adam Vanhorne, tailor Jere. Vanhorne, board-merch't Mr. -Vanier's child Hannah Vanludner Sarah Vanse Wm. Vannemond's child Mr. -Vansickle James Vanuxem's child Captain Van Voorhis's child Andrew Vanweller's wife John Vanummell Adam Vass's two children Elizabeth Vass Captain John Vehall Jane Vent Conrad Verglass, tailor John B. Vernies Mary Vessie Laurence Vest's wife John Vettar Peter Vickar Elizabeth Vickerly Lætitia Vickey, mantua-maker Phi. Vidsell, bandbox-maker, and wife Charlotte Viempft Matthew Viempft Henry Vierheller, sawyer, and child (157) Mrs. -Villet Christian Villiporey's son Jacob Vinckler's wife Violet, a black girl Fred. Vogel's wife and daughter Gotlieb Vogel's daughter Jacob Volker Catharine Vonweiller Elizabeth Wack Godfrey Wacksel G. Wachsmuth's maid James Waddle Thomas Wade Catharine Wadman William Wager Ann Wagner Christopher Wagner, tailor John Wagner Widow Wagner Peter Wagner's wife, & sister Abraham Walders, gunsmith, and child Andrew Waldrick's child John Wales, and wife Andrew Walker's son Alexander Walker, and son Edward Walker, merchant, of Birmingham Emanuel Walker, merchant, wife, and son John James Walker, a child Matthew Walker, clerk Ralph Walker's wife Richard Walker, labourer Robert Walker Samuel Walker's wife Eliza. William Walker William Wall, servant Robert Wallace, jun. John Wallis, hatter Rebecca Wallis Richard Waln's child Aaron Walton Abraham Walton, blacksmith Captain Walters and daughter Catharine Walters, and child Charles Walters, labourer George Walters, wife & daugh. Jacob Walters, a child Jacob Walters's wife Jeremiah Walters, mason Peter Walters, shoemaker Mary Walton Samuel Walton's daugh. Sarah Poblick Calv. Wanescan George War's son Valentine War, chair-maker Jeremiah Ward Benjamin Ware, turner Wm. Waring, mathematician John Warmington Teny Warn Alice, wife of Swen Warner Ephraim Warner, apprentice Hezekiah Warner Jane Warner, widow John Warner, clerk Mary Warner Magdalene Warner Wm. Warnick's wife & child Wm. Warnick, jun. John Warren Isaac Warren, lawyer, & wife, and son Wm. Warren, blacksmith, and child Wm. Warren, sailor Michael Wartman Warner Washington, student of medicine Christopher Wassom, watch- man, and child Elizabeth Widow Wassom's daughter James Watkins, joiner Benjamin Watson Wife, and child of Charles C. Watson, tailor Elizabeth Watson Mary Watson Rob't Watson, labourer, & son Wife of Samuel Watson, cop- persmith Thomas Waiters' daughter Ignatius Watteman's wife John Watters's child Wife of Nathan'l Waters,hatter Beulah Watters Margaret Watts James Watts Henry Wayland, weaver Jane Wayland Henry Wealler Sam'l Weatherby, corder, & wife Thomas Weatherby } Samuel Weatherby } Jofeph Weatherby } Benja. Weatherby } } sons of ditto Adam Weaver, brick-maker Andrew Weaver, tailor George Weaver, and daughter (158) Jacob Weaver, and 2 children Wife of John Weaver, painter Nathaniel Weaver Widow Weaver, and child Eleanor Webb Elizabeth Webb, widow Simon Webb, whitesmith Solomon Webb Pelatiah Webster's wife Elijah Weed, and daughter Edward Weir, book-binder Charles Weiss George Weiss, tailor Lewis Weiss's son John Weissman, blacksmith J. Weissman, chocolate-maker Philip Weissman, ditto Catharine Weissman John Wells, and wife Henry Welch's child James Welch, servant John Welch's child Mary Welsh Michael Welsh, labourer, Ir. Miles Welsh's daughter Peter Welsh Samuel Welsh Tho's Welsh, tailor, wife &child Thomas Welsh George West, house carpenter John West, chair maker John West, apprentice Lydia West Margaret West William West, bookbinder William West's wife and son Henry Westler, hair-dresser, and two children Adam Wetterstein, butcher John Wetterstein, skin-dresser George Weybel baker, and wife George Weyman and child Aaron Wharton, tallow chandler John Wharton Mary Wharton Peregrine Wharton ,h. carpenter Nathan Wheeler and wife Elizabeth Wheir Robert Wily Edward White, labourer Hugh White Jacob White, apprentice James White James White's wife John White Maria White Martha White Matthew White Solomon White's daughter Charles Whitehead's child James Whitehall's wife Mary Joseph Whitehead, clerk, and child, Eng. Daniel Whitely's child Caspar Whiteman Catharine Whiteman Jane Whiteoak, Æt. 65 Hannah Whitesides Wm. Whitesides, tea-merchant John Whitman Laurence Whitman's child George Wibble, baker, and wife Jacob Wickers, ferryman Abigail Wickham's child Jeremiah Wieser, drayman Michael Widner, tailor George Wier John Wigdon, school-master, wife and child Samuel Wigford, hatter Ann Wight William Wild Abel Wiley's wife John Wiley, shoemaker, & sister Ann Wiley John Wilkins Mary Wilkins James Wilkinson, Ir. Roderick Wilkinson Catharine Will, servant Charles Williams, grazier Elizabeth Williams James Williams, tailor John Williams and wife John Willams's child John Williams, coachman Mary, widow of Jos. Williams Thomas Williams, mariner Widow Williams Jeremiah Williamson, sailor Margaret Williamson Violet Williamson Mary Willing Hugh Wills Ann Wilson Charles Wilson, clerk Elizabeth Wilson James Wilson, ferryman James Wilson (159) Jenny Wilson John Wilson, h. carpenter John Wilson, sailor John Wilson, wheelwright John Wilson, bricklayer Capt. John Wilson Joseph Wilson's child McCalla Wilson Mrs. Wilson, school-mistress Richard Wilson, shoemaker Roderic Wilson, sailor Wife of Wm. Wilson, stationer William Wilson's child William Wilson, sailor Dorothy Wiltberger Wife and child of Alexander Windsey, sailor Rev. John Winkhause & child JohnLudwig Winkler, labourer Mary Winkler -Winne, coachmaker Child of Jac. Winnemore, grocer Frederick Winter, sailor Wife of Jacob Winter, ship- carpenter Margaret Winser Alexander Winthrop's wife Daniel Wife, tailor Hannah, wife of Thos. Wife Widow Wiseman Benjamin Wistar John Witman Peter Wittess's son Christo'r Woelpert's daughter Elizabeth Wolf, widow Mary Wolf Elizabeth Wollard, servant Andrew Wood, currier Catharine Wood Cornelius Wood's wife Elizabeth Wood Francis Wood's child G. Wood's daughter Rebecca John Wood, watch-maker John Wood, coach-man Jona. Wood, carter, and wife Isaac Wood's child Leighton Wood's wife Mary Wood Thomas Wood, shoemaker William Wood Washington, son of William Woodhouse, printer Joseph Woodman Margaret Woodward Christian Wool, tailor James Worstall, sto Hannah Wrap Jacob Wright, chairmaker Jane Wright Jos. Wright, painter, & wife Mary Ann Wright Susannah Wright Richard Wright's daughter Catharine Wrightner Sarah Wrinkle Henry Wurstler, hair-dresser, and child Widow Wurstler and child Widow Wyand's child Child of Wm. Wyat, labourer George Wyner, shoemaker and two children Thomas Wyner William Wynn John Yates, servant Mary Yates, widow Catharine Yeiger Margaret Yeoman George Yopes, apprentice Michael Yopes, ditto Nelly Yorks Phebe York John Youch, grocer Catharine Young Elizabeth Young George Young's daughter Jacob Young's son Daughter and son-in-law of Ja- cob Young, tailor Jacob Young, shoemaker James Young and apprentice Margaret Young Mary Young Michael Young and wife Nich. Young, labourer, & wife Plumber Young Agnes, wife of William Young, printer William Young, apprentice Christopher Youst's wife Rebecca Youst Andrew Ysenhood's 2 children Jane Zagey Wm. Zane's wife Mary Zeutler John Geo. Zeysinger, printer Wm. Zill Tobias Zink's wife Philip Zwoller (160) CONTENTS. State of Philadelphia previous to the appearance e malignant fever—with a few observations on ne of the probable consequences of that calamity. 9 Chap. II. Symptoms. A slight sketch of the mode of treat- ment. 13 Chap. 111. First alarm in Philadelphia. Flight of the citizens. Guardians of the poor borne down with labour. 16 Chap. IV. General despondency. Deplorable scenes. Frightful view of human nature. A noble and exhila- rating contrast. 21 Chap. V. Distress increases. Benevolent citizens invited to assist the guardians of the poor. Ten volunteers. Ap- pointment of the committee for relief of the sick. State of Philadelphia, 28 Chap. VI. Magnanimous often Wretched state of Bush- hill. Order introduced there. 31 Chap. VII. Proceedings of the committee. Loans from the bank of North America. Establishment of an or- phan house. Relief of the poor. Appointment of the Assistant committee. 35 Chap. VIII. Repeated addresses from the committee on the purification of houses—Assistant committee under- take to inspect infected houses personally—Extinction of the disorder—Governor's proclamation—Address of the clergy. A new and happy state of affairs. 39 Chap. IX. Extravagant letters from Philadelphia. Credulity put to the test. 45 Chap. X. Proceedings at Chestertown. At New York. At Trenton. At Lamberton. 47 Chap. XI. Proceedings at Havre de Grace. At Hagers- town. At Alexandria. At Winchester. At Boston. At Newbury port. In Rhode Island. At Newbern. At Charles- ton. In Georgia.—Fasting and prayer. 53 Chap. XII. Conflict between the law of self-preservation and the law of charity. The law of charity victorious, 58 Chap. XIII. Disorder fatal to the doctors. To the clergy. To filles de joie. To maid servants. To the poor ; and in close streets. Less destructive to the French ; and to the negroes. 60 Chap. XIV. State of the weather. Attempt to refute the opinion that cold and rain extinguished the disorder. 64 Chap. XV. Origin of the disorder. 67 Chap. XVI. Desultory facts' and reflexions. A collection of scraps. 70 Chap. XVII. Another collection of scraps. 82 Account of the plague in London 96 Account of the plague in Marseilles 106 List of burials 113 Meteorological observations 118 List of the names of the dead 121