NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service RULES, REGULATIONS AND ORDERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF BOSTON, &ELATIVE tO THE POLICE OF SAID TOWtf. ^^mmmm^m&im PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP TH£ BOAflP, 1819, **o;'i7Hr?r>:f;.{ .•ji.v.r." -n ion. ■'■•<■ '.! 10 HTJ/Xj. ' r av..-» '\o 'A-)U-ir'. " / A > - r Internal Health Regulations. IN BOARD OF HEALTH, Bojlon, April 26, A. JD, 1819. ORDERED, That the following RULES and REGULATIONS appear to this Board to be neceffary, to remove and prevent NUISANCES and Sources of Filth in the Town of BOSTON, and the fame Rules and Regulations are hereby Ordered by faid Board of Health to have effect, within the limits of faid Town of Boiton, and have the force of law, from and after Monday, the twenty-fixth of April, A. D. 1819. Houfi. Dirt, &c. Article 1. No perfon or perfons (hall be ajtfowed to throw or bring into any ftreet, fquare, lane or alley, any houfe dirt, filth, or fweepings of any kind, or any decayed vegetables or dead animal fubftance. But all fuch houfe vdirt, fityh> fweep- ings, or vegetable or animal fubftance, (hall be depofited in fuch veflels as will not contain liquids, and kept in fome con- venient fituation for the drivers or the Scavengers! carts to tafee away. And no perfon lhall be allowed to caft any dead ani- mals, vegetable fubftances, or fweepings of any veflel, into any of the docks, the milUpond, or any other place between the channel and the (hore ; nor to land the fame, or any foul and infected baUaft, or other fubftance, on any wharf, »r landing place, within the town. And any dead animal thrown into the channel fhall have a fufEcient weight affixed to it, to pre- vent its floating to the lhore. Removal of Dirt, iffc. Art. 2. When any quantity of dirt, faw-duft, foot, (hav- ings, ftraw, hair, animal or vegetable fubftance, or filth of any kind, (hall be found in any cellar, yard, or other premifes, or be thrown into any ftreet, fquare, lane or alley» the owner or occupier of fuch cellar, yard or other premifes, where found ; or the owner or occupier of the premifes from whence fuch dirt, faw-dust, &c. had been removed, (hall caufe the fame 4 Internal Health Regulations. to be carried away, at his, or her ex^>erife, Wrtbiri four kours after notification, in writing, from this Board.—And all carts or waggons employed in the carting earth, clay, fand or dirt of any kind, (hall have and ufe good and fufficient fore and hind boards, and] btherways fuffijqien/l^ tight to prevent the faid earthy fand, clay, or dirt, from dropping in the ftreets through Wnidh they may Market Stalls. Art. G. Perfons occupying (falls in Faneuil Hall, Boylfton or l'arkman's Market-houfes, or the Market-place, and Dock- fquare, lhall daily, in the morning, during the months of June, July, AJUgfUjft, September and October, wafh or cleanfe. their respective (tails-—They (hall not permit any heads, feet or of- fals ot'.dead animals, or vegetables of any kind to remain in or.about, their (tails over night. They lhall take up arid remove-the platforms of their refpective (tails, on the firft clay of June, and lhall not replace them until the firft day of No-- vember enfuing ; during which period, meats of any kind rtull not be expofed in the markets, or any other place within' the town, excepting in the ftalls, carts, or ether vehicles, which (hall be covered from the rays of the fun ; nor expofe for faU: any mutton or lamb with the fee', on the fame. ■ Damaged Grain, Rice and Coffee.'-*i Art. 7. No perfon fhall be allowed to land on any wrnrr, or put on (hore, from any boat or veffel, or bring into town by land, any damaged grain, rice, or coffee, Without a permit from this Board. , Swine and Goats. Art. 8. Swine and Goats fhall not be kept within the limits of this town by any perfon, without a licenfe from this Board, and in fuch place and manner as the Board (hall ap- prove. Fresh Fish. Art. 9. All Fish, before brought into this town, fhall firfi be gutted, and the filh made clean. Frejb Fijh, (excepting fuch as are named in the fucceeding article) lhall not be offer- ed for fale between the 1ft day of June, and the 1 ft day of Oc- tober, unlefs kept in covered ftalls, rifh-boxes, or other houfes fituated over the fait water.—And Frefh Fifh offered for fale in the ftreets before the firft day of June, and after the fiift day of October, fhall be kept clean in covered carts, barrows, &c. Salmon and Small Fish. Art. 10. Salmon, Shad, Bafs, Mackarel, Tautog, Eels, Flounders, Tomcods, Smelts, and other fmali Fifh, may be fold at all times, in any part of the town, provided they be kepi fecure from the rays of the fun •, but venders thereof will be held refponfible for any nuifance created thereby. Provided, however, that Salmon and Bafs, brought to town by fea, may be fold, and landed therein, when cleanfed of their entrails; which entrails are to be kept on board in tight vefTels, and re- .... j i-----a i— ,„^*^ ^o-i-j at every time of high water— t> Internal Health Regulations, And that no perfon take a ftand in or near the Faneuil-Hall Market for the fale of fuch Fifh as are allowed by this article, but at the north fide of faid Market-Houfe, at the place pro- vided by the Clerk of faid market for that purpofe. And whereas fick perfons are much diftreffed by the prac- tice of blowing horns, trumpets, and other wind inftruments, by fiftiermen and others, to call the attention of the people to their occupations and bufinefs, and the fame is injurious to the health of the inhabitants; therefore, Ordered, That horns, trumpets, or other wind inftruments, fhall not be blown or founded, by any Fifherman or other perfon, to the injury or Lfifturbance of any fick perfon. Oysters. Art 11. Oyfters (hall not be offered for fale within the limits of the town, between the 5th day of July and the 1 ft day of September. '■> Feathers, Rags, &c. Art. 1.2. Feathers, old or new, fhall not be landed, or brought within the limits of the town, between the ift day of May, and the i ft day of November, without a permit from this Office after a previous examination by the perfon authorized by thifr Board- And feather and other beds, bedding, clothing, or rags, fhall not be landed, or brought into this town from any place where any contagious difeafe doth, or hath recently prevailed, onlefs by fpecial permifiion of this Board. Nor fhall any clothing or other article, which contains or is affected with any difeafe which may communicate any diforder to any per- fon, be landed or brought within the town of Bofton without a fpecial permit from this Board. Thefe Regulations in addition to thofe enumerated by the Act empowering the town of Bofton to choofe a Board of Health, and .other laws relating to faid Board, being effential to the preservation of the health of the Town, it is the deter- mination of the Board of Health moft rigidly to enforce their execution, and to profecute all violators. And, as heavy pen- alties are by law attached to the breach of any or either x>f ihem, the faid Board requeft their constituents to caufe thefe Regulations to be made known to all perfons under their di- rection, and read to their domeftics; and alfo to aflift the Board in theirf due execution. Cornjplaints of any breaches thereof, or any neglect or inattention, in any perfon employed or licenfed by the Board, are folicited •, and thofe who complain may rely on all proper fecrecy. BENJAMIN WHITMAN, President. A tr copy of Record—James Robinson, Sec'ry. 7 Police of Burying-G rounds. IN BOARD OF HEALTH, Bofion April 26, A. D. 1819; ORDERED, That the following RULES and REGULATIONS for the Interment of the Dead in the Town of BOSTON, for Funerals and Funeral Proces- sions in said Town, for the Police of Burying-Grounds in said Town, and the following Penalties and Fees respecting the same, be and the same are hereby fixed and eftablished by the Board of Health of the Town of Boston, and that the same commence and have effect from and after the first day of June next. article i. Police of the Burying Grounds an d CcmeUries. Sect. 1. To execute the Police of the Burying Grounds and Cemeteries, there fhall be one Superintendant elected by ballot, who on acceptance of the truft shall give fatisfaetery bonds for the faithful performance of the duties required, and whose jur if diction fhall extend to all the Burying Grounds and Cemeteries within the town, and his Office fhall be kept in the eaft corner of Faneuil Hall, Market-Houfe.' It fhall be the duty of the Superintendant to keep the fences, walls and gates of the refpective Grounds and Cemeteries in complete repair, and pro- perly fecured by locks and bolts ; to point out the place, depth and width of every grave to be dug therein ; to caufe the graves to be dug in exact ranges parallel with, and as near to each other as may be ; and to fee that the graves be fo filled and ele- vated, and the turf replaced, that water may not stagnate there- on :—To caufe the tombs opened in the refpective Cemeteries, between the 1 ft of July, and the SOth of September, to be do- fed and pointed with lime within twenty-four hours after the depofit of bodies therein ; and to direct the Wardens of the feveral Churches to which Cemeteries belong, to caufe at lead. three bufhels of good stone lime to be flacked therein on the 1ft and 16th days of July, August and September;—To record in to be kept for that purpofe, the name, age and lex of each perfon interred ; the family to which thedeceafed belong- S Police of Burying-Grounds. ed \ the difeafe or caufe or death; and whether citizen or stranger ; the time when interred ; the number of the grave, and the number of the range, where buried, or the tomb,where depofited. SecT. 2. The Superintendant fhall permit the family of any Serfbn hereafter buried in any grave in the North and South arial Grounds, t6 place within 12 months after the burial of fuch perfon, a ftone of the following dimenfions, viz.—length 44 feet, breadth 1 foot 10 inches, thicknefs 3| inches, having the perfon's name and age, the number of the grave and the number of the range cut thereon, placed perpendicular 6 inches from the head of the grave, and fettled in the earth 18 inches from a level furface ; which, being recorded by the Superintend). ant, fuch grave fhall be referved for the ufe of the fame family for 20 years ; and graves may be re-opened for members of the fame family, provided the top of any coffin, put therein be not within three feet of the furface of the ground. The bottom of the firft coffin buried in any grave in the North Burying Ground fhall be at leaft eight feet from the furface of the ground *, and the bottom of the firft coffin buried in any grave in the bouth Burying Ground, fhall be at leaft fix feet fix inches from the furface of the ground. Sect. S. A new range of graves fhall riot be commenced un- til the preceding range is entirely taken up by the depofit of a body or bodies in each grave. Sect. 4. A corpfe fhall not be depofited for a temporary purpofe in any of the Public Vaults, without the licenfe of this Board. Sect. 5. When a corpfe fhall be depofited in any of the Public Vaults, the fame fhall be afterwards removed and inter- red, agreeably to the regulations of the Board, and in the man- ner and .' ^ -Im-■ :ry. . ' r . .-, ■.;.■■■'. ''V "vxal :o it. )-:1 v.r: fi^i-iw "ail. ^Burying Grounds. ■-,-'}■■-> ■■•• oih Sect, fl The Central, Chapel and Granary Burying Grounds are clofed fo far, that no graves fhall be opened or dug, nor tombs built therein, until the further order of this Board. ^ , ,.jur -:ub^ix ,o. .o.: :tt fo Sect. 2. The old pait of the* North Burying Ground is aHo*-clofed fo far, that no graves fhall be opened or dug therein, excepting in the places appropriated for the interment of people of colour, under the direction of this Board. Perfons may have leave to erect tombs in the new part of the North Burying Ground, and the South?Burying Ground, under the direction, and on the conditions prefcribed by this Board. r By order of the Board of Health, • BENJAMIN WHITMAN, Prefideiit. *L > ■ Attest— James Robinson, Sec\y.■' ' J\ no. Quarantine Regulationsfor 1819* IN BOARD OF HEALTH, Bojkn, April 26, A. D. 1819, ORDERED, That the following Rules, Regu- lations, Reftrictions, Qualifications and Directions., {hall conftitiite the Quarantine Regulations of this Board, on all Veffels, &c. which- fhall arrive within the Har- oour of Bofton, from any port or placfc, until the fur- ther order of this Board ; and that the fame be, pub- lUhed in Uie Newfpapers employed by this Board, fo£ general information, viz^ ARTICLE I,. ... v x Quarantine of Veffels. Sect. 1. On and after the twentieth day of May annually, and until the twentieth day of October, in each year, a quar- antine fhall be had of all veffels, their officers, crews, pafTen- gers and cargoes, that come within the Harbour of Bofton, which are from or have touched at any port or place within the tropics, or from any of the Weft India Iflands, or from any of the Britifh. provinces in North_ America, haviqg arrived there from any of the places herein mentioned, pr any port or( place where contagious ficknefs doth or hath recently prevail- ed—of all VefTels on board of which any perfori fhall have died of any difeafe, or been fick during their homeward pafTage, ex- cepting, vefTels coming from- places beyond the Cape of Good Hope, where no contagious or malignant difeafe was known to. be prevalent previous to their departure—or from, the Iflands of St. ifffcnaf or Afeenfton. Sect. 2. The quarantine above directed* fhall be had near Rainsford Island, under the direction of the Principal or Affif- tant Phyfician, and other officers of this Board, and (hall con- tinue on every vefTel.which has had, twqitty-two. or a lefs num- ber of days pafiage, until die' fhall have made up twenty-Jive days from the day fhe left her laft port; and on each vefiel which has had twenty three or more days pafTage, feventy-two hours, in addition to fuch pauage. And on every vefTel, on board which, during her homeward pafTage, any perfon fliall Quarantine. Regulations, 13 have died* (excepting from accident or cafualty) the quarantine (hall be extended to twenty-five days from the laft death. Afld no veffel fhall be confiderjed as, having commenced quarantine, un- til (he fhall have anchpred in her proper ftation on quarantine ground, as directed by,the Principal or Affiftant Phyficjanj or, ■other pfficers of this Board- ';1i ,r ■ jtii Sect. 3. The mafters, officers, crews and pafTengersf'of all vefTels when on quarantine, (hall be fubject to the Regulations •of this Board, and fuch others as may be adopted by the Princi- pal or Affiftant Phyfician : an.' the matter of each vefTel fhall be, accountable for the appearance on board his vefTel, at the« time fhe fhaU b$ difcharged from quarantine, of all and every perfon who arrived in her, or who, may have been landed from her in any port of the United States, or put on hoard any vef-v fel, during her homeward pafTage, cafes of death, excepted* Sect. 4. In extraordinary cafes, the Committee of the Week is authorized to direct the above period of quarantine td be prolonged. •■ '--.■■■ ■ -••'■' Sect. 5. VefTels not otherwife fubject to quarantine, havr ing only Small Pox on board, rnay be difcharged whenever the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician (hall confider ^them free from infection. ' • - SjEot. 6. Every mafter of a veffel fhall, within twenty-four hours after being difcharged from quarantine, deliver at ,the Health-Oftlce in Faneuil Hall, the certificates and flags he (hall have received from the, Principal or Affiftant Phyfician, or Ifland peeper, and fhall, on paying the fum of ten dollars, re- ceive a counter certificate from the Secretary of this Board, to entitle his vefTel tcr entry at the Cuftom-Houfe. Sect. 7. When any vefTel has heen quarantined, examin- ed and attended, and the matter is defirous of leaving the ground, with his vefTel, for any other port, he fhall, previous to his receiving his certificate of difcharge, pay to the Princi- pal or Affiftant Phyfician the establifhed fees. Sect. 8. During the time a vefTel fhall be on quarantine, on application made to this Board to permit the unloading and conveyance to town of any wine, rum, fpirits, fait, fugar, mo- lafTes, mahogany, dye.woqds, tobacco, preferved or other fruits, and fuch other articles as fhall be declared incapable of receiv- ing or conveying infection, and when pemiiffion to unload the fame fhall have been obtained from the Cufto.m-Houfe; it fhall be lawful for the Committee for the week to authorize the, Principal or Affiftant Phyfician of this Board, to permit fuch articles to be unladen from any vefTel on quarantine, and the fame to be conveyed to town by Lightermen duly licenfed by this Board for that purpofe—And the Principal or Affiftam 1 *■ (guarantifo Regulations <. Phyfician fhall grant a certificate thereof, to be depofited in t&0 HealthOffice, for which 25 cents fhall be paid. And the lrgfrtefs^ttt be employed in the tranfportation of fuch unihfect- ed'ttrfkle^fhall, when unemployed, be anchored off the fouth- eWft part of Raintfdrd IJland; arid the lightermen erripVoyed therein, fhall not be permitted to land in town, Without the permiflion of the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician. BlK-.'^Ji/a-...: . ARTICLE 41. ''fuVI sdj Vo ' k Mediterranean Vtffth. 'Sect. I. Every riiafter of a vefTel who, on arid after the twentieth day of May annually, arid before the twentieth day o£ October, in the fime year, fhall arrive from Gibraltar, Or at any port or place Within the Streights, fhall carry and anchor his VefTel on quarantine ground, where fhe fhall retnain until fhe be'examined by the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician, who^ ift.€nee. with. the Committee for the week, may permit her to pafs-if it appears to them that the public health will not be endangered thereby.—And the mafter of fuch vefTel fhaU receive a counter certificate from the Secretary of this Boards to entitle his vefTel to entry at the Cuftom Houfe pn his paying fedm the fum of five dollars, ' ARTICLE III." Veffels to be Reported. 'Sect. 1. The mafters of all vefTels, which, on and after; the twentieth dayof May annually, arid before the twentieth day of October, in the fame year, fhall arrive from any port of1 placerhot fubject to quarantine* (hall, previous to entry at the Cuftpm-Houfe* rriake report at the Health-Office, in FaneuM- Ffatt, of the (tare arid condition of their crews, paffengers arid cargoes, and of all other circrimftarices which rnay concern the public health. If found to be from a port free of contagious difeafe, the mafter of each vefTel fhall deceive a certificate to permit the entry of fuchvefTel at the Guftom*Houfe,for which 25 cents fhall be paid j if otherwife, the vefTel, crew and paf- fengers (halt be fent to Rainsford Ifland, oh quarantine. :' ' l ARTICLE IV. ;»"l>.,j(i Veffilsfnm Out-Ports-, .! . -o Sect. 1. Every veflel which fhali arrive, and enter at any outsort from any of the ports or places mentioned in the firft article of thefe Regulations, and fhjdl- afterwards, come to this port/fhall be fubject to quarantine^ unlefs the msfter produces a correct certificate from the Bbard of Health, or Selectmenj of fuch out-port * that fuch veflel has been at leaft twenty^ five days from fuch ports or places ; that during that time no per* fon has died, (excepting by accident Or cafualty) or been fick on board j and that fuch vefTel has been duly examined, and thoroughly purified or cleanfed. Quarantine Regulations. 15 article v. Infetled Veffels. Sect. 1. All veffels from any port or place whatever, hav- ing on their homeward pafi^ge had one or more perfons ftch on, board, (hall) at allfeafons of the year, be liable to perform quar- antine,, if, in the opinion of the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician, it fhall be neceffary. ARTICLE VI. The Duty and{ Poit/er of the Principal Phyfvwn, and. AJjtfiant Phy- fician. Sect. 1. It fhall be the duty of the Principal Phyfician of this Board, (when no Affiftant Phyfician refides on Rainsford Ijland) to vifit Rainsford I/land every day when there are three or more vefTels on quarantine ; and, when lefs than three, as often as the Committee for the week fhall prefcribe. He fhall direct in what manner veffels are to be clea-nfed ; what articles fhall be landed, wafhed, buried, or deftroyed. He fhall or- der the fick to be landed, if neceffary j (hall attend all the fick at faid lfland, prefcribe according to his beft (kill and judg- ment to their relief, and find all medicine. He fhall be allow- ed to charge each fick perfon for fuch attendance, provided hJs charge does not exceed three dollars for common cafes; but he may increafe the charge for extraordinary cafes; deem- ed fuch by the Committee for the week; and he (hall report, at leaft once a week, the number of fuch fick perfons under his" care at the lfland, the length of time they have been con- fined there •, and, when difcharged, fhall immediately prefent his account for attendance to the Comtriittee for the week, a record of which fhall be entered on the Journal kept by that Committee. He fhall direct the Pilots where to anchor vef- fels ; and they are hereby required to obey his direct ons. He fhall deliver to the mafter of each vefTel arriving on quar- antine, a copy of the Quarantine Regulations of this Board. He may eftablifli rules and regulations for the prefervation of godd order on the lfland, to promote the defigns of quarantine, finch rules and regulations being under the control of this Board- He fhall from time to time report to the Committee for the week, the date of vefTels on quarantine He fhall grant a certificate of difcharge to each vefTel having duly per- formed quarantine •, and generally, it fhaU be hi duty to do and perform all things neceffary to carry the "Regulations of Quarantine into complete effect. And when an Affiftant Phy- fician fhatl reGde on faid Rainsford lfland, all the duties and powers of the Principal Phyfician contained in this article ihaU. devolve upon, and may be executed by fuch Aififtant Phy- fician. 16 Quarantine Regulation's. ARRTICLE VII. The Secretary's Quarantine Duty. Sect. 1. The Secretary of thi^ Board fhall receive the Principal or Affiftant'Phyficiari's certificates of difcharge ; fhall give counter certificates to entitle fuch vefTels to entry at the Cuftom-Houfe; receive the fees required for fuch certificate, arid all Other fees, and the fame pay to the Treafirrer. He fhall make the neceffary inquiries of all matters of vefTels," re- porting at this Office ; fhall note the fame •, and fhall receive and communicate at every meeting of this Board, the report* received from the lfland. ARTICLE VIII. The lfland Keeper's Duty. . , Sect. . 1., The lfland Keeper or his Affiftants fhall attend the purification of all vefTels, clothing, bedding, perfons, &c. at quarantine, agreeably to the directions of the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician; fhall board and attend the fick, and find nurfes ; and fhall be allowed five dollars each week for 'the board and nurfing each fick perfon at the lfland;. to be col- lected as the fees of the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician are by law collected or afTumed; and fhall employ two perfons to ply the lfland boat, during the time a general quarantine is requir- ed, who fhall be fubject to the orders of the Committee of the Quarantine; and (hall communicate to the Health-Office, in- formation of the arrival of vefTels at the lfland, as they occur y, and of any event which may require the attendance of ttfie Principal or Affiftant Phyfician at the lfland ; fhall carry fup- plies to vefTels on quarantine, when delivered on board the boat, and fhall be held to conform to all the directions of this Board. Sect. 2. In the abfence of the Principal and Affiftant Phyfician, the lfland Keeper or^ his Affiftant are charged with the police of the lfland, agreeably to* the laws and rules thereof. ARTICLE IX. No perfon not on quarantine fhall be allowed to vifit Rainf- ford lfland during the time of quarantine, without producing a permit from the Secretary of this Board, for which 25 cents fhall be paid for each perfon; but no certificates fhall be valid, Unlefs prefented within twenty-four hours from the date thereof. ARTICLE x. Sect. 1. The Board of Health may difpenfe with any or all the aforefaid Orders, Rules and Regulations relative to Quarantine, upon fuch conditions and under fuch circurri- ftances as faid Board or its Committee, in any particular case, may think proper, confident with the publick fafety. By order of the Board, BENJAMIN WHITMAN, Preftdertt. MedL. Hist WZ. llo cl