&*>■ , it 4 4 -^ • * . ■'JrT -H !* . fc.*. *■ t -«• .* V* - yft.^ A^\ ^✓* V> i^x %t ^4 > > 1 vr t--?-r-«^ Surgeon General's Office n '*•■ w (dgw:jxy\, jy%:My-' -^ r<0 ^ oA=s4 ■*fe' '£ $ *JJt.M6.. ^QGaaQGy(yyciyy^y>cay z~ ? J.affQff ^ ON THE UTILITY OF Country Medical Institutions. AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. DELIVERED AT THE OToUcflr of ytjiisfcfans antr Surgeons OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT. OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK December 13, 1824. By T. ROMEYN BECK, M. D. mm 7 Professor of the Institutes of Medicine ami Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in the College of Physicians anrl Surg-eons of the Western District of the State of New-York, he. kc, PUBLISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE CLASS. /'•Y ' ° y-s \J ALBANY : ..-*"*' PRINTF.P BY WEBSTERS AM) SKl.NNrB* 1825. iraavA T 9* %^: !*