A DISSERTATION ON THE PROGRESS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Read at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 6th, 1810. ( BY JOSIAH BARTXETT. BOSTON : PRINTED BY T. B. WAIT AND CO. 1810. i TO DOCTOR THOMAS WELSH. sin, In testimony of respect for your services, as a surgeon in the American army ; for your assiduity in various impor- tant offices in the Massachusetts Medical Society ; your ju- dicious services in a branch of the marine hospital of the United States ; and your long approved conduct as physi- cian to the Boston Board of Health ; but especially as a to- ken of gratitude for your constant patronage and support from my earliest connection with the medical profession to the present period, the following performance is respect- fully dedicated by your affectionate and obedient servant, .TOSIAH BARTLETT. Charlestown, July 2d. 1810. A DISSERTATION ON THE PROGRESS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, &c. MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN, In discharging the duty of this anniversary, I shall endeavour to delineate, as far as the occasion will allow, the progress of medical science, in the com- monwealth of Massachusetts. From a consideration of the early attention of our venerable ancestors, to the promotion of literature ; the establishment of Harvard* university in 1638 ; and the various records and traditions of that enter- prising period, it is not easy to explain our igno- rance of the earliest physicians. But we may safely remark, that indigence is unfavourable to accurate investigation ; that a wilderness is not adapted to the improvement of a conjectural art; and that pro- fessional eminence is the result of experience. John Harvard died at Charlestown, 1638. 6 The general state of medicine at that time was limited and hypothetical, for the circulation of the blood by Harvey, and the course of aliment to nutri- tion by Pecquet and Asellius were but just disco- vered ; a careful observance of the nature, symp- toms and cure of diseases by Sydenham, had scarce- ly commenced, and the medical establishments, which are now celebrated, were unknown. But a regular intercourse with the parent country, occa- sional immigrations from European schools, and a progressive introduction of approved authors, af- forded our predecessors the best means of instruc- tion their situation would admit of; and by their as- siduity we are favoured with a regular succession of talents and acquirements, which have kept pace with the cultivation of science, and the refinements of polished society. The first medical publication in this state, was a paper in 1677, entitled, A brief guide in the small pox and measles, by Thomas Thatcher,* a clergy- .„, man and physician, who is spoken of as the best scholar of his time. There is a letter, about a good management, under the distemper of the measles, without a date, or the author's name ; it was probably written as early as the preceding ;-but whatever were its merits, we can view it in r.o other light, than as an ancient curiosity.f * Died 1678, aged 58., f See files Mass, Hist. Societv. * 7 The introduction of variolous inoculation in Bos- ton, by the influence and patronage of Cotton Ma- ther, a celebrated divine, was a subject of much spe- culation ; whilst the discourses and opinions of the clergy applauded or condemned it in a moral or re- ligious view,* the controversies of the physicians were not more distinguished for candour and fair argument, than by a spirit of rivalship and ill nature. Many newspaper publications were anonymous;! but an open opposer was Lawrence Dalhound, a Frenchman, who had seen cases in Italy, Flanders, and Spain, and was supported by William Douglass and Joseph Marrion.J Zabdiel Boylston, of whom we may boast as the earliest inoculator for small pox in the British dominions, studied with John Cutler, an eminent practitioner. His experiments commenced with his son in 1720, and in a year he extended the disease to 247 persons, of whom but six died. During this period 39 others were successfully attended by Roby, and Thompson, in Cambridge and Roxbury. Resist- ing with intrepidity and perseverance the influence of * The clergy of Massachusetts were defenders of inoculation, and the subjects of much abuse by its opposers. See observations, by Ben- jamin Colman, 1721. Also a vindication of the ministers of Boston, by some of their people, 1722. A sermon, against the dangerous and sinful practice of inoculation, preached in London, in July, 1722, by Edmund Massey, was reprinted in Boston. The conduct of some of the medical faculty, who exerted their whole force to annihilate it, was violent and outrageous. f See New England Courant, 1721—'22. This paper was rendered fa- mous, by the juvenile essays of Benj. Franklin,who died 1790, aged 85. $ See appendix to Boylston. p. 52. 8 superstition, and the exertions of interested assail- ants, Boylston conquered the strongest prejudices, and lived to witness the extensive effect of his phi- lanthropy. He published in 1721, from the philo- sophical transactions in Great Britain, an account of inoculation, by Timonius of Constantinople, and Pylarinus, a Venetian consul in Smyrna. He visit- ed London in 1725, received flattering attentions from distinguished characters, and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1726 he published an historical account of inoculated small pox in New England. His subsequent communications and cor- respondence are sufficient evidence of his literary qualifications. William Douglass, a native of Scotland, and a skilful physician, but a man of strong prejudices, accustomed to estimate the merits of others by his personal friendship for them, arrived at Boston in 1720.* He was the author of essays respecting the small pox in 1722 and 1730 ; also of several histo- rical and political performances. In 1736 he pub- lished a treatise on an eruptive miliary fever with angina ulcusculosa,f which has been mentioned with approbation, and quoted in subsequent disser- tations on cynanche maligna. A pamphlet was published in 1742, on the method of practice in the small pox in 1730, by Na- * Died 1752, aged 57. f This disease commenced in Kingston in 1735. The number of deaths in the country averaged one in four cases, and in Boston but one in thirty-five. See Douglass p. 3. 9 thaniel Williams,* a pupil of James Oliver, a learn- ed physician, taught by Ludowick, a German, the most celebrated chemist that had ever been in America.f Williams was in extensive practice thirty-seven years, and is represented as an able in- structer of youth, a useful preacher, and most valu- able citizen. We are told that the art of healing was originally reduced to order by the officers of the church, and that many of our earliest divines, in imitation of the ancient priests of Egypt, Greece and Rome, were practitioners, in medicine, by which they were ena- bled more effectually to promote their spiritual avo- cations ; X among these was Leonard Hoar, who went to England in 1653, took the degree of doctor in medicine, and afterward preached at Wenstead. He returned to this country in 1762, was elected pre- sident of the university, and sustained that office about three years. § There is a tract on pharmacy, written in 1732, by Thomas Harward, a clergyman, and there are various statements in periodical publications, and disputes in newspapers, of little consequence at this period, which with those recited, are all the medical writings in Massachusetts, we are able to discover in more than a century and an half. * Died 1737. aged 63. f See preface to Williams, by Thos. Prince. * See Magnalia, by C. Mather, book iii. p. 151. § Died 1675, aged 45. 2 10 Thouch the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Stahl, and others, were not unknown, those of Sydenham and his followers, were principally studied by our oldest practitioners, till the time of Boerhaave, whose invaluable labours commenced in 1701, which, with the commentaries of Van Swieten, the practical wri- tings of Whyte, Mead, Brooks, and Huxham ; the the physiology of Haller ; the anatomy of Cowper, Keil, Douglass, Cheselden, Munroe, and Winslow ; the surgery of Heister, Sharp, Le Dran, and Pott ; the midwifery of Smellie and Hunter; and the ma- teria medica of Lewis, were in general use at our po- litical separation from the British empire.* Our earliest evidence of a medical establishment, is an hospital at Rainford's island in the harbour of Boston, belonging to the commonwealth, which for upwards of an hundred years, has been appropriated to the reception of mariners and others, with conta- gious sickness. It is now under the direction of the board of health, and is principally occupied in the summer months, when vessels are subject to qua- rantine. Inoculating hospitals, which are said to have been the first in the state, were opened in the vicini- ty of Boston in 1764, at Point Shirley, by William Barnet, from New Jersey,; and at Castle William, by Samuel Geltson from Nantucket; at these Syl- vester Gardner, Nathaniel Perkins, Miles Whit- * There were many other valuable medical books in use during this period, but those are named, which are supposed to have been most generally known. 11 worth, James Lloyd, Joseph Warren, Benjamin Church, and Joseph Gardner, attended.* A few years afterward, they were succeeded by one in the neighbourhood of Marblehead, under the direction of Hall Jackson, from Portsmouth. The appearance of small pox in Cambridge, in 1775, rendered accommodations necessary, to pre- vent its extension; and Isaac Rand,t a respected practitioner of Charlestown, who studied with Tho- mas Greaves, and was reputed to have been better acquainted with the disease than any of his cotempo- raries, was the physician. In 1776 William Aspin- wall and Lemuel Hayward, prepared conveniences at Brookline, the natal and the burying place of Boylston,:}: for private inoculation, and attended two classes ; Rand and Hayward then associated, and the number inoculated in twelve months, by the above named gentlemen, exceeded two thousand. The reputation and success of this institution led to similar establishments, at different periods, in vari- ous places; but an hospital was continued at that town by Aspinwall, till variolous inoculation was su- perseded. To enhance the superior advantages of a late dis- covery, it is stated as the opinion of Dimsdale, a ce- lebrated small pox inoculator, that this mode of com- municating it has been more detrimental than bene- ficial to society ; and its ravages in populous cities * See Boston Gazette, and Post Boy 1764. f Died 1790, aged 71. \ Born in Brookline in 1684, and died at his patrimonial estate in 1766, aged 83. 12 are adduced to corroborate the remark. If this is a correct opinion from his extensive information, or from the effect of a constant promiscuous* inocula- tion, can it be applied to this section of our country, from the observations and experience of distinguish- ed practitioners.! Whilst we gratefully acknow- ledge the success of every improvement, let us re- spect the exertions of those who have gone before us, in the alleviation of human misery. The first information of physicians in an associ- ated capacity, is in the preface to Douglass, which is addressed to a medical society in Boston ; but there are no particulars respecting it. A gentleman lately deceased,$ whose memory included a retrospect of sixty years, and who knew the author, had no recol- lection of its existence. It was probably temporary, for conference and consultation on a distressing epi- demic§ which prevailed at that time. An association of under graduates, denominated the anatomical society, existed at the university in 1771, and was instituted previous to that time. They held private meetings for a discussion of me- * The small pox has never been constantly in Massachusetts, as in most of the other states, and in Europe. t The small pox prevailed in Boston in 1676, 1689, 1702, 1721, 1730, 1752, 1764, 1776, and 1792, at which times, it has commonly extended either generally or partially to towns in the vicinity. It appears, that by natural small pox, one in six has died, and by inocu- lation, but one in two hundred. See Historical Collections. Waterhouse on Kine Pox, 1810. p. 4, 27. Miller's Retrospect, vol. I. p. 287 \ James Lloyd. § Cynanche Maligna. 13 dical and physiological questions, and were in pos- session of a skeleton ; but their demonstrations were confined to the dissection of appropriate animals, as the examination of a human body, was then an ex- traordinary occurrence, with our most inquisitive anatomists. In 1774, attempts were made by a combination of medical students to obtain a more accurate know- ledge of anatomy, than could be afforded by books and engravings; but their progress was greatly re- tarded, by the danger of discovery, which at that period, might have been fatal to their future useful- ness. There have been several instances of candidates for practice, resorting to the European schools to complete their medical education, which was doubt- less a public benefit. Sixteen of the sons of Har- vard, have received professional degrees in the uni- versities of foreign countries, and four at Philadel- phia.* Obstetrick attendance, except in the most dif- ficult cases, was seldpm by male practitioners, till within the last sixty years; but this part of the pro- fession is now principally conducted by physicians. James Lloyd,f a pupil of William Clark, an emi- nent physician of this metropolis ; attended the in- structions and saw the practice of Warner, Sharp, Smellie, and Hunter of London in 1753. He re- turned the following year, and has the credit of in- troducing the practice of amputation with the double * See note A. at tbc end of the dissertation. f Died 1810, aged 82.- 14 incission, and of being the earliest systematic prac- titioner in midwifery in this section of the United States. Though some individuals, have been celebrated in particular branches of practice, there are no estab- lished distinctions, as in other countries ; the utility of which, has been considered problematical. The American revolution opened a new field for medical investigation, and the formation of an army, collecting the faculty from every part of the country, promoted a social intercourse. Joseph Warren, a most conspicuous character at that eventful period, was proposed as physician general, but prefering a more active, hazardous employment, he accepted a major general's commission, and in a few days,sealed his principles with his blood.* Benjamin Church, f an esteemed practitioner, and a pupil of Joseph Pynchon, was appointed Director of the Hospitals, but being charged with a treacherous correspon- dence with the British, was superseded by John Morgan,J professor of medicine in the college of Philadelphia. The prudence and sagacity of Washington, which are as easily traced in the archives of science, as in the cabinet or the field, instituted the first medical examinations in this state of candidates for practice.^ * Slain on the heights of Charlestown, June 17, 1775, aged 35. f Sailed for the West Indies in 1776, and lost at sea. j Died 1789. § The surgeons and mates of the army were examined by persons appointed by the commander iu chief. 15 The establishment of military hospitals, afforded ex- tensive opportunities for observations and experi- ments ; important operations in surgery were ren- dered familiar ; whilst the diseases and casualties of camps were constantly occuring. Anatomy was greatly improved by a frequent inspection without fear of detection of the organs of the human body ; physiology was more accurately comprehended, and a laudable spirit of inquiry, was assiduously culti- vated.* A branch of the hospital was continued at Boston, with peculiar advantages to students in medicine. In 1780 the first course of anatomical lectures in this Commonwealth, with dissections and demon- strations, was delivered by John Warren, surgeon of that establishment; they were repeated the fol- lowing year, and students of the university were per- mitted to attend. Though tfie alma mater of Massachusetts, is the parent of many literary institutions! her eldest do- mestic offspring is the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, incorporated in 1780. Of the origi- nal number of this learned association ten! were of the medical faculty, and a proper proportion, has successively been'added. Their charter, among * See note B. ■j-The first College, and the first printing press in America, were at Cambridge. The attention of our first settlers, to literature and the arts, was gradually extended through New England, and to the other colonies. See Miller, Vol. 2. p. 332. J David Cobb, E. A. Holyoke, Eben. Hunt, Charles Jarvis, Joseph Orne, Theodore Parsons, Oliver Prescott, MicajaU Sawyer, John Bar- nard, and Cotton Tufts. 16 other provisions for an advancement of science and the useful arts, expressly requires the promotion and encouragement of medical discoveries; and the com- munications in their memoirs* evince, that this branch of useful knowledge, has not escaped their attention and patronage. The Massachusetts Medical Society was estab- lished in 1781, with power to elect officers, examine and licence candidates for practice, hold estate, and perpetuate its existence as a body corporate forever. This auspicious event, which was effected by an ap- plication to the legislature, of thirty one distinguish- ed physicians,! from various parts of the state, may be considered as the most interesting era in our his- tory. Though a systematic mode of instruction had begun to dawn, and a liberal spirit of enquiry was gradually advancing, the peculiar benefits of regular meetings for personal improvement, and a diffusion of medical knowledge, must be obvpus to cursory observers; whilst the conduct and decisions of the general court corroborate the remark, that a termi- nation of civil commotion, is favourable to science and the arts. In June 1782, after several preparatory meetings, by-laws were enacted, a common seal! was adopted, the society organized, and Edward A. Holyoke cho- sen president; the fellows were enjoined to com- * Published 1785.1790.1804.1809. t See note C. * A figure of Esculapius in his proper habit, pointing to a wounded hart, nipping the herb proper for his cure. Motto " natura duce." 17 municate important cases, and the faculty at large invited to a familiar correspondence ; circular letters were sent to similar societies in our own, and in foreign countries, which were respectfully recipro- cated. By judicious elections, the society was gra- dually increased, and its utility extended.* In 1785, corresponding and advising committees! were appointed for the different counties ; in several of which,! associations were formed, for professional conversation, reading dissertations, and communi- cating useful cases, which were afterward transmit- ted to the committees. In 1789 the society was authorized to point out and describe such a mode of medical instruction, as might be deemed requisite for candidates, previous ^ Mtt j^ to examination. \*lt was then determined that every *^ ~-»^ pupil should have a competent knowledge of Greek, ^^>^C>. Latin, the principles of geometry, and experimental ^/^.^ philosophy ; and that the period of instruction should 3*-—"^ in no case be less than three years, with attendance ^--<- *T on the practice of a respectable physician. || Pub-^^£_. lications are made triennially of authors to be studi- ^s*.* ed, by which the most valuable modern productions >>» * are extensively circulated.^ The censors** meet f^ for examining and licensing candidates once in four •See note D. ^-See note E. \ Middlesex, Worcester, Bristol, and Kennebeck. & See act of the G. Court, Feb. 10. || No candidate can be admitted to an examination after June 4, > 1813 unless he has studied with, and -attended the practice of a fellow -" ?** or honorary member, of the society. By Laws, p. 18,19. -* 11 See note I" - See note G 18 months. The first licentiate was admitted in 1782, since which eighty others have received letters tes- timonial of their qualifications to practice.* By an act of the legislature in 1803, the state of the society was essentially changed-! The number of fellows, originally limited to seventy, may em- brace all respectable practitioners in physic and sur- gery, resident in the state, who, in the election of counsellors, can vote by proxy. The present num- ber is two hundred and four,! exclusive of honorary members. An annual meeting is holden in June, to receive a report of the counsellors for the preceding year; revise and amend the by laws ; elect coun- sellors ; read and consider communications ; attend to a discourse, which must be placed on the files of the society ; and transact any other business, con- ducive to the welfare of the institution, or the inter- ests of medical science. The number of counsellors, whose former dutv was only to prepare business for the society, is great- ly increased.§ They supersede the county commit- tees, and their authority extends to elect fellows, and honorary members ; appoint the officers of the cor- poration ; receive, examine, and answer letters and communications ; establish subordinate societies, with censors if they think proper ; and perform other services, as required by the by laws. They meet three times in a year, and submit their records and proceedings to the society at the annual meeting. * See note H. J See note I. t March 8. See Act. § See note K. 19 District societies report to the counsellors all cases of importance, and are subject to the regulations of the society.* In 1790, the first number of medical papers, con- taining a selection of important communications, was published ; but for the want of funds,! a second did not appear till 1806. A third was printed in 1808, completing the first volume; which, with a fourth number, being the first part of the second volume in 1809, has been largely distributed, and contain a useful variety of theoretical and practical observa- tions. There are ample materials for further pub- lication, which will probably appear by the next an- niversary. A P h a r m a c o p.ei a ! of the society, prepared by James Jackson and John Collins Warren, was pub- lished in 1808. The plan of the Edingburgh col- lege was pursued in this valuable work, which be- ing designed to introduce the modern nomenclature, establish uniformity in the preparation of medicines, and in the prescriptions of physicians, was readily adopted, and is in general use. The American New Dispensatory, just published by James Thacher, was * The district societies are in Boston, comprehending Brookline, Cambridge, Charlestown, Dorchester, Maiden, Medford.andRoxbury. Also in the counties of Essex, Worcester, Berkshire, Lincoln, and Cumberland. The Worcester district has censors, viz. Oliver Fiske, Jona. Osgood, Thomas Babbit, Abraham Haskell, and Austin Flint. f The expenses of the society are defrayed by an annual tax on the fellows, and by a moderate assessment on licentiates. \ This was designed as a standard work, for the United States, and circular letters were sent to the different medical institutions previous to its publication. 20 submitted to a committee* of the society, in whose report it is represented as a judicious performance. The discourses! are by Isaac Rand, in 1804, on on phthisis pulmonalis, and the warm bath—John Warren, in 1805, on the use and effect of mercury —Joshua Fisher, in 1806, on narcotic substances— Thomas Welsh, in 1807, on heat and cold, as agents on the human body—John Brooks, in 1808, on pul- monic inflammation—and Aaron Dexter, in 1809, on diseases of the joints. At the late meetings of the counsellors, commit- tees! were appointed, to make inquiry relating to a spotted fever, so called, then prevailing in the coun- ty of Worcester ; and circular letters were sent to the physicians in that quarter, whose reports to the society, and publications in the gazettes, with the observations and minute dissections in this town, and its vicinity, have furnished an accurate history,^ and the modes of treatment, in this formidable dis- ease. || * John Warren, Aaron Dexter, Josiah Bartlett. | Those by Rand and Fisher are published. * Feb. 4. Oliver Fiske, Austin Flint, Wm. Payne.—March 27, Thomas Welsh, James Jackson, John C Warren. § See Worcester and Boston papers, March, April, May, 1810, and files of the Medical Society. Since the reading of this discourse, a minute and interesting report of the committee is published See Med. Communications, Vol. II. p. 111. fl It is generally agreed, that this disorder, which excited much alarm, is not contagious. It is the opinion of accurate observers, that though uncommon it is not new; and that it bears a great resem- blance to typhus gravior, with a peculiar affection of the brain. 21 The public estimation of this society is suffi- ciently manifested in the constant patronage of go- vernment, whose recent liberality in the grant of a township of land* to extend its usefulness, demands our most respectful acknowledgemnts. The important medical school at Harvard Uni- versity, hastened in its progress by the salutary ef- fects of the anatomical lectures at Boston, was found- ed on a generous bequest, in 1770, by Ezekiel Her- sey ; whose laudable example was imitated by his widow, and also by Abner Hersey, John Cum- mings,and William Erving-! The institution provides a regular system of in- struction, with demonstrations and experiments. The use of the college library is allowed to medical students ; who, having read two years with a repu- table practitioner, and attended two courses of lec- tures in the respective branches, may at the expira- tion of another year, by passing a public examina- tion, and delivering and defending a dissertation, re- ceive the degree of bachelor in medicine. But such as have not enjoyed a college education, must evince an acquaintance with Latin, experimental philoso- phy, and mathematics. Bachelors of seven years, standing, who have been that time in practice, may receive a doctor's degree, after a public examina- * See Resolve Feb. 10, 1810. f The sum bequeathed by these persons, three of whom were phy- sicians, was 4000 pounds. Ezekiel Hersey died 1770, aged 60 ; Ab- ner Mersey in 1786, aged 68 ; and John Cummings in 1788, aged 61. William Erving, who was an officer in the British army, died in 1791, aged 56. 22 tion by the professors ; but they must deliver and defend, a Latin and an English dissertation on medi- cal subjects. In 1783, John Warren was installed professor of anatomy and surgery ; Benjamin Waterhouse, of the theory and practice of physic ; and Aaron Dex- ter, of chemistry and materia medica. In 1809, John Collins Warren and John Gorham, were re- spectively inaugurated, adjunct professors of anato- my and chemistry. The anatomical museum is enriched by the libe- rality of John Nickols, a counsellor at law in Eng- land, with a valuable collection of natural prepara- tions, by his father, who is numbered with those ce- lebrated anatomists, that introduced the art of injec- tion ; also of Elias H. Derby, of Salem, with curi- ous imitations in wax, from a nunnery in Italy. The chemical laboratory is fully competent to the pur- poses of instruction. The lectures which commence in October have been continued without interruption. Medical ho- nours are conferred at the public commencements ; of which, from the formation of the institution, forty-five have received the degree of bachelor, and thirty the degree of doctor in medicine.* The dissertations which have been published on these occasions, are by Peter de Sales laTerriere, in 1789, on the puerperal fever ; William Pearson, in 1789, on mixed fever ; William Dix, in 1795, on dropsy ; * See note L. 23 Frederick May, in 1795, on the lock jaw; John Fleet, in 1795, on surgical operations ; Samuel Brown, in 1797, on the malignant bilious fever ; William Ingalls, in 1801, on the bursal abscess ; and James Jackson, in 1809, on the Brunonian system. A course of lectures on natural history, occa- sionally interspersed with remarks on mineralogy, has been delivered annually, from 1788, by Benja- min Waterhouse, at which the students in medicine were permitted to attend. In 1806, William D. Peck was inducted as professor in that department; and the establishment of a botanic garden at Cam- bridge, will, by a cultivation of foreign and indige- nous articles, enrich the materia medica, and im- prove pharmacy.* In 1800, a valuable collection of medical and ana- tomical works and engravings, were presented to the university by Ward Nicholas Boylston, with perma- nent arrangements for its enlargement. The num- ber of books at this time exceeds four hundred, the use of which is extended to the fellows of the Medi- cal Society, residing within ten miles of Cambridge. He also in 1803 established! an annual complimen- tary premium, to the authors of the best performan- ces, on such medical, anatomical, physiological, or * A subscription of g30,000 was made, and two townships of east- ern land were granted, for the purchase of land, and other expenses of this establishment. It is under the inspection of the professor of natural history, and a board of trustees, of whom the president of the Medical Society is ex officio a member. | See bond to the college. Jan. 20, 1803. 24 chemical subjects, as are proposed by a committee,* appointed by the president and fellows of the uni- versity. The approved dissertations! are, on cho- lera infantum, and on dysentery, by James Mann, in 1804 and 1806—On mortification, on the the struc- ture and physiology of the skin, and on biliary con- cretions, by George Cheyne Shattuck, in 1806 and 1807—On cancer, and the best mode of extirpation, by Daniel Newcomb, in 1808, whose premature death is justly lamented—On cynanche maligna, and on phthisis pulmonalis, by Jacob Bigelow, in 1809—And on complaints in the breasts of nursing women, by Thomas Sewall, in 1809 : For each of which premiums were adjudged, agreeable to the design of the founder,! which is well adapted to in- spire a laudable emulation, and improve the medical profession. Willingly would I offer a grateful tribute of respect to this distinguished patron, and liberal bene- factor ; but as many others, by whose talents and exertions the boundaries of medical science have been successfully extended, and to whom I am in- * The committee are Lemuel Hayward, John Warren, Thomas Welsh, Aaron Dexter, John Brooks, Josiah Bartlett, William Spoo- ner, John /led, and James Jackson. The persons who have served are, Edward A. Holyoke, James Lloyd, Cotton Tufts, Samuel Dan- forth, Isaac Rand, JoshuaFisher, Benjamin Waterhouse, and William Eustis. f The dissertations on cholera, by Mann ; and the three by Shat- tuck, are published. \ The premiums are adjudged without a knowledge of the author. Every dissertation lias a device or motto, with a corresponding sealed letter, containing the auther's name ; and those only are opened, which arc successful. 25 debted for materials in the present sketch, are still alive, I must leave the pleasing duty to a future, we hope a far distant occasion, and an abler eulogist ; nor will I wound the delicacy of some who hear me, by commending the patriotism and valour, or recog- nizing the civil distinctions, of our cotemporaries in the healing art. At the commencement of the medical institu- tion, a question arose, respecting its interference with the charter rights of the Medical Society. On one side it was supposed, that positive legal power to examine and license candidates for practice, implied an exclusive right ; on the other, that the acknow- ledged privileges and usages of universities, were suf- ficient authority to qualify students, and confer pro- fessional degrees. Repeated conferences were held by committees of the society, with the corporation and professors of the college, which terminated satis- factorily. A diploma from the university, or letters testimonial from the society, are alike considered as entitling practitioners of three years' standing to fellowship ; and all bachelors, or licentiates, in me- dicine, may claim* the use of the society's library. There were published, in 1786, the first part of a synopsis of a course of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine ; in 1792, a discourse on the rise, progress and present state of medicine ; in 1804, a lecture on the evil tendency of tobacco, and the pernicious effects of ardent and vinous spirits on * See act of the General Court, March 8, 1803. 4 *> 26 young persons, by Benjamin Waterhouse ; in 1803, a pamphlet on the use of the vitriolic acid, in ulce- rated sore throat, bf Thomas Bulfinch ;* and in 1799, a volume on the plague and yellow fever, by James Tytler,! a native of Scotland, who is spoken of as a man of extensive erudition, but imprudent. He immigrated to this country in 1796, and resided in obscurity at Salem. It has been remarked that more professional knowledge is at this time attainable in a single sea- son, than was known to Hippocrates, Galen, and their successors till the beginning of the eighteenth century. A case of fistula in ano, now considered as a simple disease, and often cured by our youngest practitioners, was in 1686, nearly 70 years after the settlement of Massachusetts, so formidable and dan- gerous, that Felix a surgeon, and Fagon a consult- ing physician, were rewarded with forty thousand dollars, for a successful operation on Lewis the four- teenth of France, in consequence of which a national thanksgiving was religiously observed.! At this period also, the royal touch was consi- dered as the only cure in scrofula. In May, 1682, notice was given in a London gazette, that as the weather was growing warm, his majesty would not touch any more for the king's evil, till after Michael- mas ; and in 1687, an indigent citizen of New Hampshire, having tried every other means without * Died 1804, aged 73. f Drowned 1804, aged 59. $ See Ramsay's Review, 1800. p. 10.12. 27 effect, petitioned the Legislature for aid to transport him to England, for that efficacious remedy.* The Massachusetts Humane Society, which had been founded five years, upon the plan of similar as- sociations in Europe,! was incorporated in 1791, for the purposes of restoring suspended animation, preserving human life, and alleviating its miseries. The number of members, which at that time was 189, has increased to 587 ; of whom many are of the medical faculty,whose professional attendance is ren- dered gratis, in promoting the immediate views of the institution. It is governed by a president! and board of trustees. Public discourses, all of which are published, are delivered at the annual meetings of the society, and the physicians who have officiat- ed on these occasions are, Benjamin Waterhouse, in 1790 ; John Bartlett, in 1792; John Brooks, in 1795 ; John Fleet, in 1797 ; Isaac Hurd, in 1799 ; John C. Howard, in 1804 ; and Thomas Danforth, in 1808 ; these, with the alternate performances of the clergy, are correct specimens of talents and piety. In 1799, a complimentary premium was offered by the trustees, for the best communication relating to yellow fever in the United States, which, in 1800, was adjudged to Samuel Brown, who died soon af- ter, leaving an honourable testimony § of early ac- quirements and industry. * See Belknap's Hist. Appendix, Vol. I. p. 81. f The first institution of this kind was at Amsterdam, in 1767 \ The president is John Warren. <§ See treatise on yellow fever, 1800. " 28 Discreet ancLconcise directions for the reco- very of persons apparently dead, from drowning, strangling, suffocation, electricity, or the use of poi- sons ; judicious rewards to such as have jeoparded their lives for the preservation of others ; and fur- nishing convenient shelters, on our sea coast, for ship wrecked mariners, have extensively diffused the benefits of this benevolent institution. The Merrimack Humane Society at Newbury- port, instituted for the same purposes, was incorpo- rated in 1804.* The celebrated discovery of vaccination by Ed- ward Jenner, a physician of Berkley in Great Britain, was transmitted to this state in 1799. His observa- tions were succeeded by the comments of George Pearson, and a series of experiments, by William Woodville, the former a physician of St. George's, and the latter of the small pox hospitals, in London. A Boston newspaper! furnishes our earliest informa- tion on this subject, by Benjamin Waterhouse, who in 1800, 1802, and 1810 published historical and practical treatises on the kine pock, in which his in- defatigable exertions for its extension, to every por- / tion of our country,! are minutely detailed. In July 1800, he procured matter from Bristol in England, with which his son was the first person inoculated in the United States. From him several others were * The president is Micajah Sawyer. f See Columbian Centinel, March 12,1799, by Benjamin Russell, who has inserted many subsequent communications, relating to vaccination. j See Part II. 1802, p. 37. 29 vaccinated, some of whom were tested by variolous infection*. This laudable experiment, raised the credit of a discovery, which like every other novel- ty, was strenuously advocated by some, but disre- garded by others. In the following September, James Jackson, who had attended vaccination with Woodville, brought matter from London, which did not retain its efficacy, but he was soon after supplied by Thomas Manning, who obtained it from Europe. Additional publica- tions appeared, and the subject was carefully exa- mined. Early in 1801 the medical society directed an application to the vaccine institution in England for matter,! and the most respectable practitioners, convinced of its prophylactic efficacy, engaged in its propagation. About this time the small pox became general in Marblehead,! by mistaking a variolous for a vac- cine patient, and was attended with serious conse- quences. A committee of the medical society was appointed to visit that place, and collect facts, but two of the members could not attend at the time pro- posed, and a communication from the physicians, rendered a second attempt unnecessary. & This busi- ness connected with other circumstances, produced a misunderstanding between Benjamin Waterhouse, who was one of the committee, and the society, which 'fet * See Waterhouse on Kine Pock, 1800. p. 18. 25,1810. p. 22. f See Records Med. Soc. \ A sea port town, 5660 inhabitants. § See Council Records Med. So.c. 30 occasioned an appeal to the public,* but without essential advantages. In 1802 a most satisfactory experiment was con- ducted by the board of health,! °f the metropolis, whose unremitted exertions for the prevention of contagious diseases, with salutary regulations to pre- serve cleanliness,and accommodate the citizens, enti- tle them to commendation. Nineteen persons were vaccinated at the health office, and passed through the disease, after which they were repeatedly inocu- lated with small pox, and exposed to its contagion for twenty days, without receiving it. An official account of this transaction was submitted to the public! A vaccine institution was formed in 1803, by the junior physicians of Boston, for gratuitous ino- culation of the indigent, and was continued whilst patients presented themselves to receive it. In 1808 a committee^ was appointed by the counsellors of the medical society, to obtain further evidence of this disease as a preventive of small pox, and report the best method of conducting the prac- tice. A copious and interesting statement was made to the society, at the annual meeting, which is pub- • See Columbian Centinel, Ap. 19, June 18,1806. There are various controversies in the newspapers, upon medical subjects, which are not particularly noticed, from a belief, that their tendency is rather to amuse the public, than benefit the parties, or dignify the profession. * f Thomas Welsh is physician to the board, and has sustained that office eleven years. | See note M. § John Warren, Aaron Dexter, James Jackson, John C. Warren. 31 lished in their communications.* In 1809 the fel- lows were specially enjoined to discover if the dis- order exists in the cows of this country, and several instances are related to establish the fact.! The town of Milton was the first in a corporate capacity to extend the benefits of vaccination to its inhabitants. Three hundred and thirty-seven persons, of all ages and conditions, more than a fourth of the population, were inoculated in a short period, by Amos Holbrook ; twelve of whom were afterward tested with small pox. The proceedings are mi- nutely detailed, by a committee who superintended the business.! About this time fifteen hundred were vaccinated on a similar plan, at New Bedford, § under the direction of Benjamin Waterhouse. At the last session of the General Court,|| the re. spective towns in the state were directed to appoint committees, to superintend, and were authorized to raise monies annually, to defray the expenses of vac- cination, which if properly conducted, will essen- tially conduce to the public welfare, as many indivi- duals must eventually suffer by the uncertain and injudicious practice of inoculating each other,1f with- out the judgment of experienced practitioners. * Vol. I. Appendix to No. 2. part I. •j- See Files of Med. Society. \ See Pamphlet, Nov. 1809. § See New Bedford Mercury, Oct. 1809. This town has 3300 in- habitants. f| See Act, Mar. 10, 1810. fl The writer has frequently examined cases of this kind, which he supposed to be spurious. 32 The Marine Hospital* of the United'States, es- tablished at Charlestown in 1803, was opened at Fort Independence in 1799, and is supported by a monthly assessment on seamen. Its object is the reception of sick or disabled officers and sailors, in the service of the public or of merchants.! This im- portant accommodation is well adapted for an ob- servance of the diseases of foreign climates, and the casualties to which this valuable class of society are peculiarly liable. The Boston Alms House,! from the nature of its establishment, and the condition of its inhabi- tants, may be justly considered as combining, with the kind offices of humanity to meritorious objects, and exemplary reproof to idleness and vice, an im- provement of the healing art. The annual appoint- ment of a physician of approved acquirements, af- fords an extensive acquaintance with the complaints of venerable age, respected indigence, intemperance, and unguarded seduction ; whilst gratuitous consul- tations, in important cases, are an honourable source of instruction to candidates for practice. Clinical lectures were delivered at this place in 1809, by James Jackson, which, with those on anatomy and surgery, by John C. Warren, and on chemistry, by John Gorham, at their respective apartments in this * The surgeon is David Townsend. His predecessors were Benja- min Waterhouse in 1808, Charles Jarvis in 1804, and Thomas Welsh in 1799. See note N. f See Act of Congress, July 16, 1798. \ Thomas J. Parker is Physician. See note O. 33 metropolis, will if liberally encouraged, afford dis- tinguished advantages to students in medicine. Proposals were made about two years ago, for the delivery of anatomical lectures, at Fryburg in the district of Maine, by Alexander Ramsay, a native of Scotland, and for medical lectures at Plymouth, by James Thacher; but we have no information of their success. There are many institutions in our sea ports, and other populous towns, evincive of a laudable attention to the cause of benevolence, particularly the Boston Dispensary, incorporated in 1801, and conducted by a board of managers. Physicians* are appointed to attend indigent persons at their own houses, who are also supplied with medicines and refreshments at the expense of the corporation. At the State Prison,! erected in Charlestown in 1803, is an appropriate medical establishment, which affords an acquaintance with the diseases peculiar to such institutions; and the beneficial effect, of changes in the human body, from excess and idle- ness, to temperance and labour. The bathing houses in Boston, Salem, and else where, are so highly important in the prevention and cure of diseases, that we may justly recommend their extension; and the advantages of such establish- ments, have been so ably delineated on a former oc- * Consulting Physicians elected 1809, James Lloyd, and Isaac Rand. Visiting Physicians, Asa Bullard, Cyrus Perkins, and Horace Bean f The Physician is Josiah Bartlett. See note P 5 34 casion,* as to render additional observations super- fluous. To combine, as far as possible, the various means of instruction, and unite the faculty in so laudable a design, is a most important object. At our last annual meeting a committee! was appointed, to de- vise any means in their power for the establishment or promotion of a medical school in the metropolis. The numerous advantages of a familiar intercourse, and of the mutual professional labours, of a populous city are obvious ; I shall therefore only remark, that the procurement of a suitable building for the ac- commodation of the society, and of teachers in the different branches, with the united exertions of the medical professors of the university, the censors of this society, the physicians of our public institutions, and of individuals in their respective employments, would open a field for instruction and improvement, enabling the commonwealth of Massachusetts, not- withstanding the imbecility of her infancy, to main- tain a vigorous manhood, and with the most distin- guished of her sister states, to progress in honourable age, advancing the healing art. About forty years have elapsed, since the cele- brated works of Cullen, founded on the hypothesis * See discourse by Isaac Rand, 1804. Economical bathing places may be prepared at distilleries, by appartments near the worm tubs ; from the lower and upper parts of which (the former furnishing cold', and the latter hot water) tubes may lead to the bathing tubs. An ac- commodation of this kind, prepared by-Aaron Putnam, formerly a practitioner in medicine, is at the distillery of Matthew Bridge in Charlestown. f John Warren, Joshua Fisher, John Brooks, Josiah Bartlett, Aaron Dexter. 35 of Hoffman, a cotemporary of Boerhaave, were in- troduced, and extensively circulated ; and though succeeded by the ingenious theories of Brown, Dar- win, and Rush, they still retain an important rank in our schools of medicine. To enumerate the valua- ble practical productions of others, or display the talents and industry, successfully exerted within that period, in cultivating and improving the various branches of our profession, would exceed the limits of a single dissertation. I can only name the Bells and Cooper, in anatomy, physiology, and surgery ; Denman and Hamilton, in obstetricks; Priestly and Davy, in chemistry ; Aikin and Murray, in ma- teria medica ; and must refer you to the valuable li- braries of the university, the Massachusetts medical society, the district societies, and the associated physicians of Boston.* These, with professional books belonging to the Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, the historical society instituted in 1791 for the collection and preservation of useful informa- tion, the iUhaeneum established in 1807, an in- structive resort for the scholar or philosopher, and with the extensive collections of distinguished prac- titioners, in every part of the state, afford an unli- mited supply of medical literature, from the most remote antiquity to the present time. Twenty-seven foreign medical works have been reprinted in Massachusetts,* sixteen of which * The physicians of Boston, have a code of regulations, for their conduct to each other, which is worthy of imitation. See Boston me- dical police, March, 1808. * See note Q. 36 were either in whole, or in connection with others, , by Isaiah Thomas ; who remarks, that the United states have afforded editions of most of the medical writings that have a currency in this country. From about the middle of the seventeenth centu- ry, there are many of our medical faculty, in addi- tion to those whom I have had occasion to mention, respectfully noticed by biographical writers,* and in the gazettes! of their respective times. With an intention to particularize, I attempted a review of obituary notices ; but though the task was too ar- duous for my necessary avocations, and too delicate for a just discrimination, I discovered in every pe- riod the names of eminent physicians and surgeons, who were highly honoured, as philosophers, civi- lians, magistrates, orators, and warriors. Animated by their example, may we assiduously improve our more extensive privileges, and by a grateful recol- lection of their labours and perseverance, may we and our successors venerate their memories, and imitate their virtues. * See Biographical and Historical Dictionaries, by John Eliot, and by William Allen ; which are of great value to inquirers for the dis- tinguished characters of our country. t See files of newspapers, at the Hist. Society. |G°The note page 19, respecting the Pharmacopoeia, is incorrect, and should read thus : After its publication, a copy was sent to the different Medi- cal Societies, with a circular letter, requesting them to exa- mine the work, consider in what respects it needed alterations or amendments, and expressing a desire that some means might be devised, to establish a standard work for the United States. NOTES. Note A...Page 13. Medical degrees at Foreign Universities. Bachelor in medicine. Jacob Ward. Doctors in medicine. Samuel Bellingham, Henry Salstanstall, John Glover, Leonard Hoar, Edmund Davie, Rolland Cotton, Thomas Bulfinch, Bela Lincoln, Charles Russell, John Jeffries, Peter Oliver, Benjamin Waterhouse, William Spooner,Charles W. Windship, John Collins Warren. At Philadelphia, Daniel Newcomb, William Aspinwall, jun. George Cheyne Shattuck, Jacob Bigelow. Note B....Page 15. The Hospital Surgeons, belonging to Massachusetts, whilst the army was in the vicinity of Boston were, Isaac Foster, William Aspinwall, Lemuel Hayward, Samuel Adams, and John Warren. Regimental Surgeons : William Eustis, Tho- mas Welsh, Timothy Childs, David Townsend, William Dow- ner, Amos Spofford, Thomas Kitteredge, Nathaniel Bond, John Hart, Walter Hastings, Amos Holbrook, John Sprague, William Dole, Erastus How, and Lemuel Cushing. Hospital mates: William Durant, William Gamage, Joseph Hunt, James Thacher, Ebenezer Crosby, Samuel K. Glover, John Georgius, Richard Russell, Samuel Whitwell, and Josiah Bartlett. The inhabitants of this commonwealth, who continued as surgeons in the hospitals and army, during the war, were Isaac Foster (who was deputy director general) William Eustis, Samuel Adams, John Warren, David Townsend, John Hart, Joseph Fiske, and Josiah Bartlett. Note C....Page 16. Original fellows of the medical society, named in the act. Nathaniel W. Appleton, William Baylies, Benjamin Curtis, 38 Samuel Danforth, Aaron Dexter, Shirley Erving, John Fiske, Joseph Gardner, Samuel Holten, Edward A. Holyoke, Ebene- zer Hunt, Charles Jarvis, Thomas Kast, Giles C. Kellog, John Lynn, James Lloyd, Joseph Orne, James Pecker, Oliver Pres- cott, Charles Pynchcon, Isaac Rand, Isaac Rand, jun. Micajah Sawyer, John Sprague, Charles Stockbridge, John B. Swett, Cotton Tufts, John Warren, Thomas Welsh, Joseph Whipple and William Whiting. Note D....Page 17. The other offices instituted, were a vice president, seven counsellors, corresponding and recording secretaries, a trea- surer, librarian and cabinet keeper, which have been continued, with an increase of counsellors in 1803. The successors of the first president were William Kneeland in 1784, Edward A. Holyoke in 1786, Cotton Tufts in 1787, Samuel Danforth in 1795, Isaac Rand in 1798, and John Warren in 1804. The vice presidents : James Pecker in 1782, Cotton Tufts in 1785, Isaac Rand, sen. in 1787, Samuel Danforth in 1790, Samuel Holten in 1795, Isaac Rand in 1797, Ebenezer Hunt in 1798, John Warren in 1800, and Joshua Fisher in 1804. Note E....Page 17. Corresponding and advising committees. Suffolk: Cotton Tufts, Thomas Williams, and Joshua Barker. Essex : Edward A. Holyoke, Nathaniel Salstanstall, and Micajah Sawyer. Middlesex : Isaac Rand, Simon Tufts, and Oliver Prescott. Worcester : Israel Atherton, John Frink, and Samuel Willard. Hampshire: Ebenezer Hunt, Chauncy Brewer, and Henry Wells. Berkshire : Erastus Sargeant, and Oliver Partridge. Bristol and Plymouth: William Baylies and Charles Stock- bridge. Barnstable, Dukes County and Nantucket: Abner Hersey. York, Lincoln and Cumberland : Thomas Rice. Vacancies by death or other causes, were filled with senior practitioners, in the respective districts, till the law of 1803. 39 Note F....Page 17. Books required to be read by candidates for examination, established June, 1808. Anatomy : Cheselden and the Edin- burg system. Physiology : Haller, Blumenbach, Boerhaave and Cullen. Chemistry: Chaptal and Woodhouse. Materia Medica and Pharmacy : Duncan's Dispensatory, Massachu- setts Pharmacopoeia, Lewis or Murray's, and Cullen's Materia Medica. Surgery : Benj. Bell's System, do. on ulcers, and on lues vener. John Hunter on lues vener. do. on the blood, and on gun-shot wounds. Desault or-fipyer, on diseases of the bones. Obstetricks: Burns' Anatomy of the gravid uterus. On abortion, Denman or Smellie. Pathology and Therapeu- tics : Cullen's first lines and nosology, Darwin's Zoonomia^ Van Swieten's commentaries, Sydenham by Wallis, Jackson on fever, Rush's works, Saunders on the liver, Currie on wa- ters, Underwood on the diseases of children, Pemberton on diseases of the abdominal viscera. Note G....Page 17. The censors of the Medical Society are, Lemuel Hayward, Thomas Welsh, Aaron Dexter, Josiah Bartlett, and William Spooner. The persons who have served in that office are, Samuel Danforth, Charles Jarvis, Joseph Orne, Cotton Tufts, John Warren, Simon Tufts, William Kneeland, Thomas Kast, Benjamin Curtis, Thomas Williams, Isaac Rand, William Baylies, James Pecker, James Lloyd, Joseph Gardner, Oliver Prescott, Isaac Rand, jun. Marshall Spring, John Brooks,Wil- liam Eustis, Nath. W. Appleton, John Homas, and Joseph Whipple. Note H....Page 18. The following persons have been admitted licentiates in me- dicine by the censors of the Medical Society : Nathaniel Par- ker, Philip Draper, Nathaniel A. Haven, Moses Willard, John Bartlett, Larkin Thorndike, Timothy Swan, John Dashwood, Gustavus Baylies, Oliver Prescott, jun. Abiel Pearson, Benja- min L. Oliver, John Pratt, Daniel Adams, George H. Hall, John Fleet, William Hall, Samuel F. Hollis, William C.Wes- 40 ton, Cephas Prentice, Isaac Rand, 3d. Charles Coflin, Aaron Kinsman,; Samuel Angier, Ebenezer Learned, Moses Little, Caleb Marsh, John A. Hyde, John C. Howard, Micah Stone, Moses Appleton, John Park, Moses Adams, Abraham R. Thompson, Henry Gardner, Charles Kitteredge, Lemuel Le Barron, Samuel Hemmingway, George Osgood, Lawrence Sprague, Gideon Bastow, Samuel P. Hildreth, Horace Bean, Joseph Gardner, George Bates, Peter G. Robbins, Josiah D. Foster, Henry H. Childs, John Bigelow, Josiah Bacon, Jacob Patch, Abraham Haskell, jun. Joseph Foster, Thomas H. Cushing, Daniel Swan, Levi Simmons, Nathaniel Peabody, Andrew Nichols, Thomas Sewall, William Payson, Joseph O. Osgood, Benjamin James, Chandler Flagg, Oliver Dean, Da- niel Berry, Gad Hitchcock, Caleb Boutelle, Jona. Newell, Ja- cob Bigelow, Isaac Warren, Asa Bucknam, John B. Brown, Daniel Cook, Benjamin Skelton, Joseph Lovell, Daniel Ward- well, Walter Channing, Augustus Lemosy, Ebenezer Dale, Benjamin Clap, Thomas Burnside. Note I....Page 18. FELLOWS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. [ Those with this (*) mark prefixed are deceased. Those with this (f) have retired. Those with this (J) have removed out of the state] 'Samuel Adams, Boston. John Bartlett, Roxbury. Samuel Adams, Wiscasset. Nathl. Bradstreet, JYevjburyfiort. *Nathl. W. Appleton, Boston. Chauncey Brewer, West Sfiring- Moses Appleton, Waterville. field. Israel Allen, Sterling. Oliver Brewster, Becket. Israel Atherton, Lancaster. JJosiah W. Brewster, Btanford. Samuel Adams, Bath. William Buel, Sheffield. Benjamin Adams, Lynnfield. John Brooks, Medford. William Baylies, Dighton. *Samuel Brown, Boston. Thomas Babbit, Brookfield. Benjamin Brown, Waldoborough Alvan Bacon, Scarborough. Hugo Burghardt, Richmond. *Joshua Barker, Hingham. Peter Bryant, Cummington. Jeremiah Barker, Falmouth. Asa Bullard, Boston. Josiah Bartlett, Charleatown. Amos Bancroft, Weston. 41 Jesse Bigelow, Granville. Edmund Buxton, Warren. George Bates, Boston. Horace Bean, Boston. Josiah Bachelder, Beverly. Gideon Barstow, Salem. Stephen Bachelder, Royalston. *Bemjamin Curtis, Boston. *John Cummings, Concord. fDavid Cobb, Taunton. Abijah Cheever, Boston. Timothy Childs, Pittsfield. JHezekiah Clark, Lanesborough. Parker Cleaveland, Newbury. Nehemiah Cleaveland, Tofisfield. t Nathaniel Coffin, Portland. John G. Coffin, Boston. William Coffin, Gloucester. Charles Coffin, Newbury. Daniel Coney, Augusta. Robert Cutler, Amherst. William Cutler, Hard-wick. Daniel Clark, North Yannouth. James P. Chaplin, Cambridge. fSAMUEL Danforth, Boston. Aaron Dexter, do. John Dixwell, do. John Drury, Marblehead. Simeon Dunbar, Bridge-water. Elihu Dwight, South Hadley. William Eustis, Boston. Shirley Erving, Portland. Satnuel Emerson, Wells. Enoch Faulkner, Hamilton. Samuel Ywmswovti^Bridgetown. Noah Fearing, Bridgewater. Seth Field, Brookfield. John Field, Rutland. Oliver Fiske, Worcester. Joshua,Fisher, Beverly. Joseph Fiske, Lexington. John Fleet, Boston. Austin Flint, Leicester. Daniel Fogg, Braintree. Dudley Folsome, Gorham. fFrancis Foxcroft, Brookfield. Nathaniel Freeman, Sandwich. *John Frink, Rutland. John Frink, Rutland. *John Flagg, Lynn. Noah Fyfield, Weymouth. James Foster, Rochester. Hervey Frink, Northampton. Abel Fox, Charlestown. *Joseph Gardner, Boston. William Gamage, Cambridge. Jones Godfrey, Taunton. James Gardner, Lynn. Henry Gardner, Maiden. Jacob Gates, Boston. Roland Gelston, Nantucket. John Green, Worcester. John Gorham, Boston. * Joseph Gardner, Dorchester. William Gamage, jun. Boston. *Abner Hearsy, Barnstable. *John Homans, Boston. t Joseph Hunt, Concord. Nathan Hayward, Plymouth. Abiel Heywood, Concord. John Hay, Reading. Richard Hazeltine, Berwick. Lemuel Hayward, Boston. Gad Hitchcock, Pembroke. Edward A. Holyoke, Salem. Samuel Holten, Danvers, 42 Amos Holbiook, Milton. Josiah Howe, Temfileton. Estes Howe, Belchertown. William Holland, Belchertown. John C. Howard, Boston. Marius Howe, Bristol, (Me.) tEbenezer Hunt, Northampton. Isaac Hurd, Concord. John Hubbard, Readfield. Samuel Hemenway, Salem. John A. Hyde, Freeport. Abraham Haskell, Lunenburgh. Walter Hunnewell, Watertown. Abraham Haskell, jr. Lunen- burgh. William Ingalls, Boston. *Charles Jarvis, do. James Jackson, do. John Jeffries, do. TimothyLJennisonjCawinc/g-e'. David Jones, North Yarmouth. Horatio Jones, Stockbridge. Thos. Kitteridge, Andover. *Giles C. Kellog, Hadley. * William Kneeland, Cambridge. fThomas Kast, Boston. * Aaron Kinsman, Portland. Charles Kitteridge, do. John B. Kitteridge, Framingham. Isaac Lincoln, Topsham. *John Linn, Boston. *Lewis Le Prelate, Roxbury. * James Lloyd, Boston, William Lamb, Grafton. Jonathan Leonard, Sandwich. Eldad Lewis, Lenox. Moses Little, Salem. Abraham Lowe, Ashburnhant. 'John Long, Shelburne. Levi Lincoln, Hingham. *Samuel Mather, Westfield. *Matthew Mayhew, Edgarton. Joseph Manning, Salem. James Mann, Wrentham. Thomas Manning, Ipswich. *Asa Miles, Westminster. Ammi R. Mitchell,^*. Yarmouth. Nathaniel Miller, Franklin. Stephen Munroe, Sutton. *Thaddeus M'Carty, Worcester. Warham Mather, Northampton- Ariel Mann, Hallowell. Reuben D. Mussey, Salem. Samuel Nye, Salisbury. Benj. L. Oliver, Salem. Hector Orr, Bridgewater. * Joseph Osgood, Andover. *Joseph Orne, Salem. Joseph Osgood, do. George Osgood, Andover. Jonathan Osgood, Gardner. Cushing Otis, Scituate. George Osgood, jun. Danvers. *James Pecker, Boston. *OHver Prescott, Groton. *OUver Patridge, Stockbridge. *Daniel Pierce, Kittery. *Charles Pyncheon, Springfield. William Porter, Hadley. Benjamin Page, jr. Hallowell. James Parker, Gardiner. Abiel Pearson, Andover. >_. Samuel Perry, New Bedford. JMartin Phelps, Chester. Ebenezer H. Phillips, Charlton. Thomas Pickman, Salem. Oliver Prescott, Groton. Cyrus Perkins, Boston. 43 Thomas I. Parker, Boston. Amariah Preston, Bedford. *Isaac Rand, Cambridge. Isaac Rand, Boston. Isaac Rand, jun. do. tThomas Rice, Wiscasset. Jesse Rice, Minot. Tilley Rice, Brookfield. Abijah Richardson, Medway. Daniel Rose, New Milford. Peter G. Robbins, Lynn. Peter Snow, Fitchburg. ' Jonathan Sibley, Union. Nathaniel Saltonstall, Haverhill. Erastus Sargeant, Stockbridge Micajah Sawyer, Newburyport. Samuel Savage, Barnstable. Charles L. Segar, Northampton. Remembrance Sheldon, Wil- liams town. Benjamin Shurtleff, Boston. Daniel Shute Hingham. *Amos Spofford, Rowley. William Spooner, Boston. Mason Spooner, Templeton. Ezra Starkweather, Worthingtor, John Stone, Greenfield. Foster Swift, Boston. *John B. Swett, Newburyport. *John Sprague, Dedham. *Charles Stockbridge, Scituate. *John Swett, York. *Elisha Story, Marblehead. fMarshal Spring, Watertown. John Stockbridge, Bath. Moses D. Spofford, Rowley. Ebenezer Starr, Newton. James Thacher,Plymouth. Thomas Thaxter, Hingham. Robert Thaxter, Dorchester. *Philip Theobold, Dresden. Stephen Thomas, Portland. Abraham R. Thompsoi\,Charles- town. Joseph Torrey, Salem. William Towner, Williamstown. David Townsend, Boston. John D. Treadwell, Salem. Cotton Tufts, Weymouth. Calvin Thomas, Tyngsborough. * Simon Tufts, Medford. Gridley Thaxter, Abington. Joshua Thomas, Boston. Grosvenor Tarbell, Lincoln. *Jno.Vanhorn, W.Springfield. Francis Vergnies, Newburyport. John Walton, Pepperell. John Warren, Boston. John C. Warren, do. *George Ware, Dighton. \Richard Wells, Conway. Henry Wells, Montague. Thomas Welsh, Boston. *Elisha Whitney, Beverly. Israel Whitton, Winchendon. William S. Williams, Deerfield. tThomas Williams, Roxbury. Tapley Wyeth, Sherburne. * Joseph Whipple, Boston. *William Whiting, Great Bar. rington. fBenjamin Waterhouse, Cam- bridge. Charles W.Windship,/?o.r6ttrc/. Rufus Wyman, Chelmsford. 44 honourary members. Pardon Boxven,Providence, R. I. John C. Lettsom, London, G.B. Ammi R. Cutter, Portsmouth, John Osborne, Middletown, Con. N. H. William Paine, Worcester, Mas. Manassah Cutler, Hamilton, Ms. Benj. Rush, Philadelphia, Penn. Andrew Duncan, Edinburgh. *William Shippen, do. John Feron, Lisle, France. Elias Willard, Albany. Lemuel Hopkins, Hartford,Con. Samuel Tenney, Exeter, N. H. John Jones, New York. Benjamin Vaughan, Hallowell. Adam TUxxhn, Philadelphia,Penn. Caspar Wistar, Philadelphia. *Edward Wyer, Cambridge. (Cj^The names of several fellows elected are omitted ; not having signified their acceptance as the law requires. Note K....Page 18. counsellors of the medical society, 1810. Suffolk county : Lemuel Hayward, David Townsend, John Warren, Thomas Welsh, Aaron Dexter, William Spooner, John Fleet, Isaac Rand, jun. James Jackson, John C. Warren, John C. Howard, Benjamin Shurtleff, William Ingalls, John G. Coffin, John Dixwell. Essex : Edward A. Holyoke, Joshua Fisher, Micajah Sawyer, Benjamin L. Oliver, Thomas Kit- teridge, John D. Treadwell, Moses Little, James Gardner, Thomas Pickman. Middlesex : John Brooks, Josiah Bartlett, Isaac Hurd, Oliver Prescott, William Gamage, Aaron Ban- croft, Calvin Thomas. Worcester : Oliver Fiske, Israel Atherton, Jonathan Osgood, Thomas Babbit, Abraham Has- kell. Hampshire : Henry Wells, Chauncey Brewer, Peter Bryant, Estes Howe, Robert Cutler. Berkshire : Timothy Childs, Erastus Sargeant, Hugo Burghardt. Norfolk : Cot- ton Tufts, Amos Holbrook, John Bartlett, James Mann, Abi- jah Richardson. Plymouth : James Thacher, Daniel Shute, Simeon Dunbar, Hector Orr. Bristol: William Baylies', Samuel Perry. Barnstable and Nantucket : Samuel Savage. District of Maine : Daniel Coney, Ammi R. Mitchell, Shirley Erving, Samuel Adams, Samuel Emerson, Benjamin Page, jun. Richard Hazeltine. The present officers, not before named, are, Thomas Welsh, corresponding secretary ; John C. Warren, recording secre- 45 lary; James Jackson, treasurer ; John Fleet, librarian and ca- binet keeper. Note L....Page 22. degrees conferred at harvard university. Bachelors in Medicine : Peter de Sales la Terrieer, Amos Windship, Ebenezer Crosby, George H. Hall, William Pear- son, Nathan Smith, James Gardner,William Sawyer, James O. Prentiss, Benjamin Haskell,Cushing Otis, Nahum Fay, John B. Menard, Amos Bancroft, Luther Stearns, John Walton, Heber Chase, William Dix, Frederick May, Samuel Brown, Lyman Spaulding, Nathaniel Bradstreet, Jonas White, John Dixwell, Josiah Batchelder, Benjamin Shurtleff, Samuel Manning, Hen- ry Gardner, Uriah Sawyer, Robert Thaxter, John Clark, Ru- fus Wyman, Elias Mann, John Hosmer, Abel Fox, John Gor- ham, Enoch S. Tappan, William Gamage, jun. John Randall, Thomas J. Parker, John Merrill, Samuel R. Trevett, James P. Chaplin,Timo. Willington, Calvin Briggs, Nathaniel Bemis. Honorary Doctors in Medicine : John Sprague, Edward A. Holyoke, James Lloyd, Cotton Tufts, Oliver Prescott, Ammi R. Cutter, Joshua Bracket, Charles Stockbridge, Micajah Saw- yer, Hall Jackson, Samuel Danforth, William Baylies, John Haygarth, Isaac Rand, Marshall Spring, William Aspinwall, Samuel Savage, Joshua Fisher, Lemuel Hayward, John War- ren, Benjamin Waterhouse, Aaron Dexter, Isaac Senter, Ben- jamin Mason, Josiah Bartlett. Degrees in course : John Fleet, William Ingalls, Samuel Adams, James Jackson. Note M....Page 30. Extract from the publication of the board of health, Dec. 16, 1802, signed Isaiah Doane, president, Robert Gardner, secre- THE PHYSICIANS' REPORT. With a view of ascertaining the efficacy of the cow pock in preventing the small pox, and of diffusing through this country the knowledge of such facts as might be established by a course of experiments instituted for the purpose, and thereby removing any prejudices, which might possess the public mind on the subject, the board of health of the town of Boston, in 46 the course of the last summer, came to a determination to in- vite a number of physicians to co-operate with them on this im- portant design; and with a liberality becoming enlightened citizens, erected a Hospital on Noddle's Island, for carrying it into execution. Accordingly, on the 16th of August last, nine- teen boys were inoculated for the cow pock at the office, and in presence of the above mentioned board, with fresh, transparent cow pock matter, taken from the arms of a number of patients then under this disease. These all received and passed through the disease to the complete satisfaction of every person pre- sent, conversant with the disease. On the 9th of November, twelve of the above children, to- gether with George Bartlett, who had passed through the cow pock two years before, were inoculated for the small pox on Noddle's Island, with matter taken from a small pox patient in the most infectious stage of that disease. The arms of these lads became inflamed at the incisions, in proportion to the vari- ous irritability of their habits, but not to a degree greater than what any other foreign, virulent matter would have produced. The small pox matter excited no general indisposition what- ever, through the whole progress of the experiments, though the children took no medicines, but were indulged in their usual modes of living and exercise; and were all lodged pro- miscuously in one room. At the same time and place, in order to prove the activity of the small pox matter, which had been used, two lads, who had never had either the small pox or cowpock,were inoculated from the same matter. At the usual time, the arms of these two pa- tients exhibited the true appearance of the small pox. A se- vere eruptive fever ensued, and produced a plenteous crop of small pox pustules, amounting by estimation, to more than five hundred in one, and two hundred in the other. When these pustules were at the highest state of infection, the thirteen children before mentioned, were inoculated a se- cond time, with recent matter, taken from the pustules, which said matter was likewise inserted into the arms of the seven other children, who were absent at the first inoculation. They were all exposed, most of them for twenty days, to infection, by 47 being in the same room with the two boys, who had the small pox, so that, if susceptible of this disease, they must inevita- bly have received it, if not by inoculation, in the natural way. Each of the children was examined by the subscribers, who were individually convinced from the inspection of their arms, their perfect state of health, and exemption from every kind of eruption on their bodies, that the cow pock prevented their taking the small pox, and they do therefore consider the result of the experiment as satisfactory evidence, that the cow pock is a complete security against the small pox. JAMES LLOYD. SAMUEL DANFORTH. ISAAC RAND. JOHN JEFFRIES. JOHN WARREN. THOMAS WELSH. BENJAMIN WATERHOUSE. JOSIAH BARTLETT. JOHN FLEET, jun. JOHN C. HOWARD. THOMAS DANFORTH. Charlestown, December 15, 1802. This may certify, that my son, George Bartlett, at the age of eight years,was inoculated for the cow pock, on the 1 lth day of November, 1800 ; that the appearance of his arm, and the symptoms, so fully corresponded with the plates and publica- tions I had then seen, as to convince me, and others of my me- dical friends, that he had the disease. JOSIAH BARTLETT, Fellow of the Mass. Med. Society. To the President and Members of the Board of Health, Boston. Note N...Page 32. The marine hospital is 100 feet by 40, two stories high, and a basement; it is accommodated with kitchens, a spacious hall, and nineteen rooms, with a garden spot of five acres. The average number of patients is stated at thirty. It is controled by the collector of the customs, and conducted by an overseer er steward, under the direction of the surgeon. 48 Note O....Page 32. The Boston alms house is a spacious well constructed edi- fice, with kitchens, a chapel, and 48 other apartments. It is governed by the overseers of the poor, and is conducted by a master, with proper assistants. The average number of inha- bitants, for the two past years is about 350, of whom 130 are state paupers. The subjects of admission are the meritorious poor, unfortunate females, vagrants (who are kept employed) and maniacs. The usual number of sick and infirm is about 50. Note P....Page 33. The Massachusetts state prison is said to be as secure as any in the world. It is 200 feet long, 44 wide, and 38 high, containing 90 cells for convicts, with kitchens, con- venient rooms for officers, and guards, a chapfel, hospital, workshops, and bathing place. The yard, in which is a gar- den, is encompassed with a stone wall, 375 by 260, and 15 feet high, on which the guards are stationed. The institution is under the direction of the supreme executive of the state; but the immediate charge is with a board of visitors. The number of convicts admitted from Dec. 1805, is 348, of whom 106 have been discharged, 18 pardoned, 4 escaped, 5 died, 1 shot, and 214 remain. No epidemic has prevailed, and the prisoners have enjoyed remarkable health. Note Q....Page 35. FOREIGN MEDICAL WORKS, REPRINTED IN MASSACHUSETTS. Brown's Elements of Medicine. B. Bell's Surgery, do. on Ulcers. Burns on Abortion. Cheselden's Anatomy, do. Ana- tomical Tables. Cadogan on the Gout. Cullen's First Lines. do. Materia Medica. do. Nosology, do. Synopsis. Hamil- ton's Midwifery, do. on Female Complaints. Denman's Aphorisms. Buchan's Domestic Medicine. Darwin's Zoo- nomia. Edinburgh Dispensatory, do. improved and correct- ed. Eliot's Medical Pocket Book. Hooper's Medical Dic- tionary, do. Anatomist's Vade Mecum. Townsend's Vade Mccum. do. Therapeutics. Chaptal's Chemistry. Hays on Coughs and Consumptions. Underwood on the Diseases of Children. White on Lying-in Women. Timbrell on Rup- tures. MeA. Hist. 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