&*W ! ?.«.:« M %•*: ■•■■ v^*t. V . J' IV /*V. "M'U . ■-::■..... -. 7^ SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY a i % V s U^-3 /tfU \: FRONTISPIECE. 2>P ^ooimcgs £u£tain'&. ANALYTICAL VIEW OF THE ANIMAL ECONOMY. CALCULATED FOR THE STUDENTS OF MEDICINE, AS WELL AS PRIVATE GENTLEMEN: INTERSPERSED WITH MANY ALLECORIES, AND MORAL REFLECTIONS*. DRAWN FROM THE SUBJECT, TO AWAKEN THE MIND TO AN ELEVATED SENSE OF THE GREA T AUTHOR OF NA TURE. BY ISAAC BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGE&N, AND DIPLOMATIC MEMBEK OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW-YORK. Quum nobis denegatur diu vivere, aliquid relinquamus quod nos vixisse testetur. Since it is denied us to live long, let us do something tahic'h may prove that we have lived. THE THIRD EDITION, WITH LARGE ADDITIONS. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY SAMUEL WOOD. ., 1808. i < District of\ Be it remembered, That on the twen New-York.} ss' ty-fifth day of January, in the thirty-sec- ond year of the Independence of the United States of America, Isaac Ball, of the said district, hath depos- ited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit: " An Analytical View of the Animal Economy. Cal- culated for the Students of Medicine, as well as private gentlemen : interspersed with many allegories and moral reflections, drawn from the subject, to awaken the mind to an elevated sense of the great Author of Nature. By Isaac Bali., Physician and Surgeon, and Diplomatic member of the Medical Society of the City and 'County of New-York. Quum nobis denegatur diu vivere, aliquid relinquamus.. quod nos vixisse testetur. Since it is denied us to live long, let us leave something •which may prove that toe have li