x-t&imr- ■ :;-^# M w' %^ F1'*'^; £& '** $*.*', s't,^-x THE WORKS OF ARISTOTLE, FAMOUS PHILOSOPHER IN FOUR PARTS. CONTAINING I. His Complete Master- Piece ; displaying the se- crets of Nature in the Genera- tion of man. To which isad- ded, The Family Physi- cian ; being approved rem- edies for the several Distem- pers incident to the human Body II. His Experienced Mid- wife ; absolutely necessary for Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses and Child bearing Women III- His Book ok Pr.ob- lems, containing various Questions and Answers, rel- ative to the State of Mai Body. IV. His Last Leoacy ; un- folding the Secrets of Na^- turc respecting the Cvdera- tion of Man. A NEW EDITION.