THE PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. A POEM, IN THREE BOOKS. By Dr. Akenside. TO WHICH IS ADDED THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. A POEM, IN THREE BOOKS. By Dr. Armstrong. ODIORNE'S EDITION. PRINTED AT EXETER. M, DCC, XCIV.  THE DESIGN. THERE are certain powers in human na- ture which seem to hold a middle place between the organs of bodily sense and the faculties of moral perception. They have been called by a very ge- neral name, The POWER OF IMAGINATION. Like to the external senses, they relate to matter and motion; and at the same time, give the mind ideas analogous to those of moral approbation and dislike. As they are the inlets of some of the most exquisite pleasures we are acquainted with, men of warm and sensible tempers have sought means to re- cal the delightful perceptions they afford, indepen- dent of the objects which originally produced them. This gave rise to the imitative or designing arts; some of which, like painting and sculpture, directly copy the external appearances which were admired in nature; others, like music and poetry, bring them back to remembrance by signs universally established and understood. But these arts, as they grew more correct and de- liberate, were naturally led to extend their imita- tion beyond the peculiar objects of the imaginative powers; especially poetry, which making use of language as the instrument by which it imitates, is consequently become an unlimited representative of every species and mode of being. Yet as their pri- mary intention was only to express the objects of imagination, and as they still abound chiefly in ideas of that class, they of course retain their original character, and all the different pleasures they excite, are termed in general, PLEASURES OF IMAGI- NATION. The iv DESIGN. The design of the following poem is to give a view of these, in their largest acceptation of the term; so that whatever, our imagination feels from the agreeable appearances of nature, and all the vari- ous entertainment we meet with either in poetry, paint- ing, music, or any of the elegant arts, might he deduci- ote from one or other of those principles in the consti- tution of the human mind which are here established and explained. In executing this general plan, it was necessary first of all to distinguish the imagination from our other faculties, and then to characterize those ori- ginal forms or properties of being about which it is conversant, and which are by nature adapted to it, as light is to the eyes, or truth to the understand- ing. These properties Mr. Addison had reduced to the three general classes of greatness, novelty, and beauty; and into these we may analyse every object, however complex, which, properly speak- ing, is delightful to the imagination. But such an object may also include many other sources of plea- sure; and its beauty, or novelty, or grandeur, will make a stronger impression by reason of this concur- rence. Besides this, the imitative arts, especially poetry, owe much of their effect to a similar exhi- bition of properties quite foreign to the imagina- tion; in so much that in every line of the most ap- plauded poems, we meet with either ideas drawn from the external senses, or truths discovered to the understanding, or illustrations of contrivance and final causes, or above all the rest, with circumstances proper to awaken and engage the passions. It was therefore necessary to enumerate and exemplify these different species of pleasure; especially that from the passions, which as it is supreme in the no- blest works of human genius, so being in some par- ticulars not a little surprizing, gave an opportunity to DESIGN. v to enliven the didactic turn of the poem, by intro- ducing a piece of machinery to account for the ap- pearance. After these parts of the subject which hold chief- ly of admiration, or naturally warm and interest the mind, a pleasure of a very different nature, that from ridicule, came next to be considered. As this is the foundation of the comic manner in all the arts, and has been but very imperfectly treated by moral writers, it was thought proper to give it a particular illustration, and to distinguish the general sources from which the ridicule of characters is de- rived. Here too a change of stile became necessary; such a one as might vet be confident, if possible, with the general taste of composition in the serious parts of the subject; nor is it an easy task to give any tolerable force to images of this kind, without running either into the gigantic expressions of the mock-heroic, or the familiar and pointed raillery of professed satire; neither of which would have been proper here. The materials of all imitation being thus laid open, nothing now remained but to illustrate some particular pleasures which arise either from the re- lations of different objects one to another, or from the nature of imitation itself. Of the first kind is that various and complicated resemblance existing between several parts of the material and immateri- al worlds, which is the foundation of metaphor and wit. As it seems in a great measure to depend on the early associations of our ideas, and as this habit of associating is the source of many pleasures and pains in life, and on that account bears a great share in the influence of poetry and the other arts, it is therefore mentioned here, and its effects described. Then follows a general account of the production of these elegant arts, and the secondary pleasure, as it is called, arising from the resemblance of their A2 imitations vi DESIGN. imitations to the original appearances of nature. After which, the design is doled with some reflec- tions on the general conduct of the powers of ima- gination, and on their natural and moral usefulness in life. Concerning the manner or turn of composition which prevails in this piece, little can be said with propriety by the author. He had two models; that antient and simple one of the first Grecian poets as it is refined by Virgil in the Georgics, and the familiar epistolary way of Horace. This latter has several advantages. It admits of a greater variety of stile; it more readily engages the generality of readers, as partaking more of the air of conversation; and especially with the assistance of rhyme, leads to a closer and more concise expression. Add to this the example of the most perfect of modern poets, who has so happily applied, this manner, to the no- blest parts of philosophy, that the public taste is in a great measure formed to it alone. Yet, after all, the subject before us tending almost constantly to admiration and enthusiasm, seemed rather to demand a more open, pathetic, and figured stile. This too appeared more natural, as the author's aim was not so much to give formal precepts, or enter into the way of direct argumentation, as, by exhibiting the most engaging prospects of nature, to enlarge and harmonize the imagination, and by that mean insen- sibly dispose the minds of men to the same dignity of taste in religion, morals, and civil life. It is on this account that he is so careful to point out the benevolent intention of the author of nature in eve- ry principle of the human constitution here infilled on, and also to unite the moral excellencies of life in the same point of view with the meer external objects of good taste; thus recommending them in common to our natural propensity for admiring what is beautiful and lovely. The same views have also DESIGN. vii also led him to introduce some sentiments which may perhaps be looked upon as not quite direct to the subject; but since they bear an obvious relation to it the authority of Virgil, the faultless model of didactic poetry, will best support him in this particu- lar. For the sentiments themselves he makes no apology. ARGUMENT. THE subject proposed. Difficulty of treating it poet- ically. The Ideas of the divine Mind, the Origin of every quality pleasing to the Imagination. The natural variety of Constitution in the minds of men, with its final cause. The Idea of a fine Imagination and the state of the Mind in the enjoyment of those pleasures which it affords. All the primary Pleasures of imagination result from the perception of greatness, or wonderfulness, or beauty in objects. The pleasure from greatness, with its final cause. Pleasure from novelty or wonderfulness, with its final cause. Plea- sure from beauty, with its final cause. The connection of Beauty, with Truth and Good, applied to the con- duct of life. Invitation to the Study of moral Phi- losophy. The different degrees of Beauty in different species of objects. Colour. Shape. Natural con- cretes. Vegetables. Animals. The Mind. The sub- lime, the fair, the wonderful of the mind. The con- nection of the Imagination and the moral Faculty Conclusion. THE PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. BOOK FIRST. WITH what attractive charms this goodly frame Of nature touches the consenting hearts Of mortal men; and what the pleasing stores Which beauteous imitation thence derives To deck the poet's, or the painter's toil; My verse unfolds. Attend, ye gentle powers Of musical delight! and while I sing Your gifts, your honours, dance around my strain. Thou, smiling queen of every tuneful, breast, Indulgent FANCY! from the fruitful banks Of Avon, whence thy rosy fingers cull Fresh flowers and dews to sprinkle on the turf Where SHAKESPEAR lies, be present; and with thee Let Fiction come, upon her vagrant wings Wasting ten thousand colours through the air, And, by the glances of her magic eye, Combining each in endless, fairy forms, Her wild creation. Goddess of the lyre Which rules the accents of the moving sphere, Wilt thou, eternal Harmony! descend, And Of musical &c.] The word musical is here taken in its original and most extensive import; compre- hending as well the pleasures we receive from the beauty or magnificence of natural objects, as those which arise from poetry, painting, music, or any other of the elegant imaginative arts. In which sense it has been already used in our language by, writers of unquestionable authority. 10 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. And join this festive train? for with thee comes The guide, the guardian of their lovely sports, Majestic Truth; and where truth deigns to come, Her sister Liberty will not be far. Be present all ye Genii who conduct The wand'ring footsteps of the youthful bard, New to your springs and shades; who touch his car With finer sounds; who heighten to his eye The bloom of nature, and before him turn The gayest, happiest attitudes of things. Oft have the laws of each poetic strain The critic verse employ'd; yet still unsung Lay this prime subject, though importing most A poet's name; for fruitless is the attempt By dull obedience and the curb of rules, For creeping toil to climb the hard ascent Of high Parnassus. Nature's kindling breath Must fire the chosen genius; nature's hand Must point the path, and imp his eagle wings Exulting o'er the painful steep to soar High as the summit; there to breath at large Ætherial air; with bards and sages old, Immortal sons of praise. These flattering scenes To this neglected labour court my song; Yet not unconscious what a doubtful talk To paint the finest features of the mind, And Yet not unconscious.] Lucret. 1.2. v. 921 Nee me animi sallit quam sint obscura, fed acri Percussit thyrso laudis spes magna meum cor, Et simul incussit suavem mi in pectus amorem Musarum; quo nunc instinctus mente vigenti Avia Pieridum peragro loca, nullius ante Trita solo; juvat integros accedere sonteis, Atque haurire; juvatque novos discerpere flores insignem meo capiti petere aide coronam, Unde prius nulli velarint tempora Musæ. Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 11 And to most subtle and mysterious things Give colour, strength and motion. But the love Of nature and the muses bids explore, Thro' secret paths erewhile untrod by man, The fair poetic region, to detect Untasted springs, to drink inspiring draughts And shade my temples with unfading flowers Cull'd from the laureate vale's profound recess, Where never poet gain'd a wreath before. From heaven my strains begin; from heaven de- The flame of genius to the human breast, [scends And love and beauty, and poetic joy And inspiration. Ere the radiant sun Sprung from the east, or 'mid the vault of night The moon suspended her serener lamp; Ere mountains, woods, or streams adorn’d the globe; Or wisdom taught the sons of men her lore; Then liv'd the eternal ONE; then deep retir'd In his unfathom'd essence, view'd at large The uncreated images of things; The radiant sun, the moon's nocturnal lamp, The mountains, woods and streams, the rolling globe, And wisdom's form celestial. From the first Of days, on them his love divine he fix'd, His admiration; till in time compleat, What he admir'd and lov'd, his vital smile Unfolded into being. Hence the breath Of life informing each organic frame, Hence the green earth, and wild resounding waves; Hence light and shade alternate; warmth and cold; And clear autumnal skies and vernal showers, And all the fair variety of things. But not alike to every mortal eye Is this great scene unveil'd. For since the claims Of social life, to different labours urge The active powers of man; with wise intent The 12 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. The hand of nature on peculiar minds Imprints a diff’rent byass, and to each Decrees its province in the common toil. To some she taught the fabric of the sphere, The changeful moon, the circuit of the stars, The golden zones of heaven; to some she gave To weigh the moment of eternal things, Of time and space, and fate's unbroken chain, And will's quick impulse; others by the hand She led o'er vales and mountains, to explore What healing virtue swells the tender veins Of herbs and flowers; or what the beams of morn Draw forth, distilling from the clifted rind In balmy tears. But some, to higher hopes Were destin'd; some within a finer mould She wrought, and temper'd with a purer flame. To these the fire omnipotent unfolds The world's harmonious volume, there to read The transcript of himself. On every part They trace the bright impressions of his hand; In earth, or air, the meadows purple stores, The moon's mild radiance, or the virgin's form Blooming with rosy smiles, they see portray'd That uncreated beauty, which delights The mind supreme. They also feel her charms; Enamour'd, they partake the eternal joy. As Memnon's marble harp, renown'd of old By fabling Nilus, to the quivering touch Of Titan's rays, with each repulsive string Consenting, As Memnon's marble harp.] The statue of Mem- non, so famous in antiquity, flood in the temple of Serapis at Thebes, one of the great cities of old Egypt. It was a very hard, iron-like stone, and according to Juvenal, held in its hand a lyre, which being Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 13 Consenting, sounded thro' the warbling air Unbidden strains; even so did nature's hand To certain species of external things, Attune the finer organs of the mind; So the glad impulse of congenial powers, Or of sweet sound, or fair proportion'd form, The grace of motion, or the bloom of light, Thrills through imagination's tender frame, From nerve to nerve; all naked and alive They catch the spreading rays; till now the soul At length discloses every tuneful spring, To that harmonious movement from without, Responsive. Then the inexpressive strain Diffuses its inchantment; fancy dreams Of sacred fountains and Elysian groves, Anal vales of bliss; the intellectual power Bends from his awful throne a wond'ring ear, And smiles; the passions gently sooth'd away, Sink to divine repose, and love and joy Alone are waking; love and joy, serene As airs that fan the summer. O, attend, Who'er thou art whom these delights can touch, Whole candid bosom the refining love Of nature warms, O listen to my long; And I will guide thee to her fav'rite walks, And teach thy solitude her voice to hear, And point her loveliest features to thy view. Know then, whate'er of nature's pregnant stores, Whate'er of mimic art's reflected forms With love and admiration thus inflame B The being touched by the sun beams, emitted a distinct and agreeable sound. Tacitus mentions it as one of the particular curiosities which Germanicus; took notice of in his journey through Egypt; and Strabo affirms that he, with many others, heard it. 14 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. The powers of fancy, her delighted sons To three illustrious orders have referr'd; Three sister graces, whom the painter's hand, The poet's tongue confesses; the sublime, The wonderful, the fair. I see them dawn! I see the radiant visions, where they rise, More lovely than when Lucifer displays His beaming forehead thro' the gates of mom, To lead the train of Phœbus and the spring. Say, why was man so eminently rais'd Amid the vast creation; why ordain'd Thro' life and death to dart his piercing eye, With thoughts beyond the limit of his frame; But that the Omnipotent might send him forth In sight of mortal and immortal powers, As Say why was man &c.] In apologizing for the frequent negligence of the sublimest authors of Greece, those godlike geniuses, says Longinus, were well assured that nature had not intended man for a low spirited or ignoble being; but bringing us into life and the midst of this wide universe, as before a multitude assembled at some heroic solem- nity that we might be spectators of all her magnifi- cence, and candidates high in emulation for the prize of glory; she has therefore implanted in our souls an inextinguishable love of every thing great and exalted, of every thing which appears divine beyond our comprehension. Whence it comes to pass, that even the whole world is not an object sufficient for the depth and rapidity of human imag- ination, which often sallies forth beyond the limits of all that surrounds us. Let any man call his eye through the whole circle of our existence, and con- sider how especially it abounds in excellent and grand Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 15 As on a boundless theatre to run The great career of justice; to exalt His gen'rous aim to all diviner deeds; To shake each partial purpose from his breast; And thro' the milts of passion and of sense, And thro' the tossing tide of chance and pain To hold his course unfault'ring, while the voice Of truth and virtue, up the steep ascent Of nature, calls him to his high reward, The applauding smile of heaven? Else wherefore In mortal bosoms, this unquenched hope [burns, That breathes from day to day sublimer things, And mocks possession? wherefore darts the mind, With such resistless ardor to imbrace Majestic forms? impatient to be free, Spurning the gross controul of wilful might; Proud of the strong contention of her toils; Proud to be daring? Who but rather turns To heaven's broad fire his unconstrained view, Than to the glimm'ring of a waxen flame? Who that, from Alpine heights his lab'ring eye Shoots round the wide horizon to survey The Nile or Ganges roll his wasteful tide Thro' mountains, plains, thro' empires black with And continents of sand; will turn his gaze [shade, To mark the windings of a saanty rill That murmurs at his feet? The high born soul Disdains to rest her heaven aspiring wing Beneath its native quarry. Tired of earth And this diurnal scene, she springs aloft Thro' grand objects, he will soon acknowledge for what enjoyments and pursuits we were destined. Thus by the very propensity of nature we are led to ad- mire, not little springs or shallow rivulets, however clear and delicious, but the Nile, the Danube, and much more than all, the Ocean, &c. Longin. de Sublim. §. xxxiv. 16 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. Thro' fields of air; pursues the flying storm; Rides on the volley'd lightning thro' the heavens; Or yok'd with whirlwinds and the northern blast, Sweeps the long tract of day. Then high she soars The blue profound, and hovering o'er the sun Beholds him pouring the redundant stream Of light; beholds his unrelenting sway Bend the reluctant planets to absolve The fated rounds of time. Thence far effus'd She darts her swiftness up the long career Of devious comets; thro' its burning signs Exulting circles the perennial wheel Of nature, and looks back on all the stars, Whose blended light, as with a milky zone, Invests the orient. Now amaz'd she views The empyreal waste, where happy spirits hold, Beyond this concave, heaven their calm abode; And fields of radiance, whose unfading light Has travell'd the profound fix thousand years, Nor yet arrives in fight of mortal things. Even on the barriers of the world untir'd She meditates the eternal depth below; Till The empyreal waste] Ne se peut-il point qu'il y a un grand espace audela de la region des etoiles? Que ce soit le ciel empyree, ou non, toujours cet espace immense qui environne toute cette region, pourra etre rempli de bonheur & de gloire. Il pourra etre conqu comme l'ocean, ou se rendent les fleuves de toutes les creatures bienheureuses, quand elles seront venues a leur perfection dans le systeme des etoiles. Leibnitz dans la Theodicee, part i. § 19. Whose unfading light, &c.] It was a notion of the great Mr. Huygens, that there may be fixed stars at such a distance from our solar system, as that their light shall not have had time to reach us, even from the creation of the world to this day. Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 17 Till, half recoiling, down the headlong steep She plunges; soon o'erwhelm'd and swallow'd up In that immense of being. There her hopes Rest at the fated goal. For from the birth Of mortal man, the sov'reign Maker said, That not in humble or in brief delight, Not in the fading echoes of renown, Powers purple robes, or pleasure's flow'ry lap The soul should find enjoyment; but from these Turning disdainful to an equal good, Thro’ all the ascent of things inlarge her view, Till every bound at length should disappear, And infinite perfection close the scene. Call now to mind what high, capacious powers Lie folded up in man; how far beyond The praise of mortals, may the eternal growth Of nature to perfection half divine, Expand the blooming soul? What pity then Should sloth's unkindly fogs depress to earth Her tender blossom; choak the dreams of life, And blast her spring! Far otherwise design'd Almighty wisdom; nature's happy cares The obedient heart far otherwise incline. Witness the sprightly joy when aught unknown Strikes the quick sense, and wakes each active power To brisker measures; witness the neglect Of all familiar prospects, tho' beheld B2 With --the neglect Of all familiar prospects, &c.] It is here said, that in consequence of the love of novelty, objects which at first were highly delightful to the mind, lose that effect by repeated attention to them. But the in- stance of habit is opposed to this observation; for there objects at first distasteful are in time render'd intirely agreeable by repeated attention. The 18 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. With transport once; the fond, attentive gaze Of young astonishment; the sober zeal Of age, commenting an prodigious things, For such the bounteous providence of heaven In The difficulty in this case will be removed, if we consider, that when objects at first agreeable, lose that influence by frequently recurring, the mind is wholly passive and the perception involuntary; but habit, on the other hand, generally supposes choice and activity accompanying it; so that the pleasure arises here not from the object, but from the mind's conscious determination of its own activity; and consequently increases in proportion to the frequency of that determination, It will still be urged perhaps, that a familiarity with disagreeable objects renders them at length ac- ceptable, even when there is no room for the mind to resolve or act at all. In this case, the appear- ance must be accounted for, one of these ways. The pleasure from habit may be meerly negative. The object at first gave uneasiness; this uneasiness gradually wears off as the object grows familiar; and the mind finding it at last intirely removed, reckons its situation really pleasurable, compared with what it had experienced before. The dislike conceived of the object at first, might see owing to prejudice or want of attention. Con- sequently the mind being necessitated to review it often, may at length percieve its own mistake, and be reconciled to what it had looked on with aver- sion. In which case, a sort of instinctive justice naturally leads it to make amends for the injury, by running toward the other extreme of fondness and attachment. Or lastly, tho' the object itself should always Continue disagreeable, yet circumstances of pleasure or Book I. PLEASURE OF IMAGINATION. 19 In every breast implanting this desire Of objects new and strange, to urge us on With unremitted labour to pursue Those sacred stores that wait the ripening soul, In truth's exhaustless bosom. What need words To paint its power? For this the daring youth Breaks from his mother's weeping anxious arms, In foreign climes to rove; the pensive sage, Heedless of sleep or midnight's harmful damp. Hangs o'er the sickly taper; and until'd The virgin follows, with inchanted step, The mazes of some wild and wond'rous tale, From morn to eve; unmindful of her form, Unmindful of the happy dress that stole The wishes of the youth, when every maid With envy pin'd. Hence finally, by night The village matron, round the blazing hearth, Suspends the infant audience with her tales, Breathing astonishment! of witching rhymes, And or good fortune may occur along with it. Thus an association may arise in the mind, and the object never be remembered without those pleating cir- cumstances attending it; by which means the disa- greeable impression it at first occasioned will in time be quite obliterated. --this desire Of objects new and strange--] These two ideas are oft confounded; tho' it is evident the meer novelty of an object makes it agreeable, even where the mind is not affected with the least degree of wonder; whereas wonder indeed always implies novelty, being never excited by common or well known appearances. But the pleasure in both cases is explicable from the same final cause, the acquisi- tion of knowledge and enlargement of our views of nature; and on this account it is natural to treat of them together. 20 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I And evil spirits; of the death bed call To him who robb'd the widow, and devour'd The orphan's portion; of unquiet souls Ris'n from the grave to ease the heavy guilt Of deeds in life conceal'd; of shapes that walk At dead of night, and clank their chains, and wave The torch of hell around the murd'rer's bed. At every solemn pause the croud recoil Gazing each other speechless, and congeal'd With shiv'ring sighs; till eager for the event, Around the beldam all erect they hang, Each trembling heart with geateful terrors quell'd; But lo! disclos'd in all her smiling pomp, Where beauty onward moving claims the verse Her charms inspire; the freely flowing verse In thy immortal praise, O form divine, Smooths her mellifluent stream. Thee, beauty, thee, The regal dome, and thy enlivening ray The mossy roofs adore; thou, better fun! For ever beamest on the inchanted heart Love, and harmonious wonder, and delight Poetic. Brightest progeny of heaven! How shall I trace thy features? where select The roseate hues to emulate thy bloom? Haste then, my long, thro' nature's wide expanse, Haste then, and gather all her comeliest wealth, Whate'er bright spoils the florid earth contains, Whate'er the waters, or the liquid air, To deck thy lovely labour. Wilt thou fly With laughing Autumn to the Atlantic isles, And Atlantic isles.] By these islands, which were also called the Fortunate, the ancients are now general- ly supposed to have meant the Canaries. They were celebrated by the poets for the mildness and fertility of the climate; for the gardens of the daughters Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 21 And range with him th'Hesperian field, and see, Where're his fingers touch the fruitful grove, The branches shoot with gold; where'er his step Marks the glad foil, the tender clusters glow With purple ripeness, and invest each hill As with the blushes of an evening sky. Or wilt thou rather stoop thy vagrant plume, Where, gliding thro' his daughter's honour'd shades, The smooth Peneus from his glassy flood Reflects purpureal Tempe's pleasant scene? Fair Tempe! haunt belov'd of sylvan powers, Of nymphs and fawns; where in the golden age They play'd in secret on the shady brink With ancient Pan; while round their choral steps Young hours and genial gales with constant hand Shower'd blossoms, odours, shower'd ambrosial dews And spring's Elysian bloom. Her flow'ry store To thee nor Tempe shall refuse; nor watch Of winged Hydra guard Hesperian fruits From thy free spoil. O bear then, unreprov'd, Thy smiling treasures to the green recess Where young Dione stays. With sweetest airs Intice her forth to lend her angel form For beauty's honour'd image. Hither turn Thy graceful footsteps; hither, gentle maid, Incline thy polish'd forehead; let thy eyes Effuse the mildness of their azure dawn; And may the fanning breezes waft aside The radiant locks, dissolving as it bends With airy softness from the marble neck The cheek fair blooming, and the rosy lip Where daughters of Hesperus, the brother of Atlas; and the dragon which constantly watched their golden fruit, till it was slain by the Tyrian Hercules. Where gliding thro’ his daughter's honour'd shades.] Daphne, the daughter of Peneus, transformed into a laurel. 22 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. Where winning smiles and pleasure sweet as love, With sanctity and wisdom, temp'ring blend Their soft allurement. Then the pleasing force Of nature, and her kind parental care, Worthier I'd sing; then all the enamour'd youth, With each admiring virgin, to my lyre Should throng attentive, while I point on high Where beauty's living image, like the morn That wakes in zephyr's arms the blushing May, Moves on ward; or as Venus, when she flood Effulgent on the pearly car, and smil'd, Fresh from the deep, and conscious of her form, To see the Tritons tune their vocal shells, And each cœrulean sister of the flood With fond acclaim attend her o'er the waves, To seek the Idalian bower. Ye smiling band Of youths and virgins, who thro' all the maze Of young desire with rival steps pursue This charm of beauty; if the pleasing toil Can yield a moment's respite, hither turn Your favourable ear, and trust my words, I do not mean to wake the gloomy form Of superstition drest in wisdom's garb, To damp your tender hopes; I do not mean To bid the jealous thund'rer fire the heavens Or shapes infernal rend the groaning earth To fright you from your joys; my chearful song With better omens calls you to the fields Pleas'd with your gen'rous ardour in the chace And warm as you. Then tell me, for you know, Does beauty ever deign to dwell where health And active use are strangers? Is her charm Confess'd in aught, whose most peculiar ends Are lame and fruitless? Or did nature mean This awful stamp the herald of a lye; To hide the shame of discord and disease, And catch with far hypocrisy the heart Of idle faith? O no! with better cares, Th’ Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 23 Th' indulgent mother, conscious how infirm Her offspring tread the paths of good and ill, By this illustrious image, in each kind Still more illustrious where the object holds Its native power's most: perfect, she by this Illumes the headlong impulse of desire, And sanctifies his choice. The generous glebe Whose bosom smiles with verdure, the clear trait Of dreams delicious to the thirsty soul, The bloom of nectar'd fruitage ripe to sense, And every charm of animated things, Are only pledges of a date sincere, Th' integrity and order of their frame, When all is well within, and every end Accomplish'd. Thus was beauty sent from heaven The lovely ministress of truth and good In this dark world: for truth and good are one, And beauty dwells in them, and they in her, With like participation. Wherefore then, O sons of earth! would you dissolve the tye? O wherefore, -------Truth and good are one, And beauty dwells in them, &c.] "Do you " imagine, says Socrates to his libertine disciple, that " what is good is not also beautiful? Have you not " observed that these appearences always coincide? " Virtue, for instance, in the same respect as to which " we call it good, is ever acknowledged to be beauti- " ful also in the characters of men we always join " the two denominations together. The beauty of " human bodies correspond in like manner, with " that œconomy of parts which constitutes them good " and in all the circumstances which occur in life " the same object is constantly accounted both beau- " tiful and good, inasmuch as it answers the pur- " poses for which it was designed. Xenophon, Me- " morab. Socrat. 1, 3, c, 8, This 24 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. O wherefore, with a rash, imperfect aim, Seek you those slow'ry joys with which the hand Of lavish fancy paint's each flattering scene Where beauty seems to dwell, nor once enquire Where is the sanction of eternal truth, Or where the seal of undeceitful good, To save your search from folly? Wanting these, Lo! beauty withers in your void embrace, And This excellent observation has been illustrated and extended by the noble restorer of ancient philo- sophy; See the Characteristics, vol ii, p, 399, & vol. 3, p, 181. And his most ingenious disciple has par- ticularly shewn that it holds in the general laws of nature, in the works of art, and the conduct of the sciences. Inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue; Treat. 1, §, 8. As to the con- nection between beauty and truth, there are two O- pinions concerning it. Some philosophers assert an independent and invariable law in nature, in conse- quence of which all rational beings must alike perceive beauty in some certain proportions, and deformity in the contrary. And this necessity being supposed the same with that which commands the assent or dissent of the understanding, it follows of course that beauty is founded on the universal and unchangeable law of truth. But there are others who believe beauty to be meerly a relative and arbitrary thing; that indeed it was a benevolent design in nature to annex so delight- ful a sensation to those objects which are best and most perfect in themselves, that so we might be engaged to the choice of them at once, and without staying to infer their usefulness from their structure and ef- fects; but that it is not impossible, in a physical sense that two beings of equal capacities for truth, should perceive Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 25 And with the glitt'ring of an idiot's toy Did fancy mock your vows. Nor let the gleam Of youthful hope that shines upon your hearts, Be chill'd or clouded at this awful task To learn the lore of undeceitful good, And truth eternal. Tho' the pois'nous charms Of baleful superstition guide the feet Of servile numbers, thro' a dreary way To their abode, thro' deserts, thorns and mire; And leave the wretched pilgrim all forlorn To muse, at last, amidst the ghostly gloom Of graves, and hoary vaults, and cloister'd cells; To walk with spectres thro' the midnight shade, And to the screaming owl's accursed song Attune the dreadful workings of his heart; Yet be not you dismay'd. A gentler star Your lovely search illumes. From the grove Where wisdom talk'd with her Athenian sons, Could my ambitious hands intwine a wreath C Of perceive, one of them beauty and the other deformity in the same relations. And upon this supposition, by that truth which is always connected with beauty, nothing more can be meant than the conformity of any object to those proportions, upon which, after careful examination, the beauty of that species is found to depend. Polycletus for instance, the fa- mous sculptor of Sicyon, from an accurate mensu- ration of the several parts of the most perfect human bodies, deduced a canon or system of proportions, which was the rule of all succeeding artists. Suppose a state modell'd according to this canon. A man of mere natural taste, upon looking at it, without enter- ing into its proportions, confesses and admires its beauty; whereas a professor of the art applies his measures to the head, the neck, or the hand, and, without attending to its beauty, pronounces the work- manship to be just and true. 26 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. Of PLATO's olive with the Mantuan bay, Then should my pow'rful voice at once dispel These monkish horrors: then in light divine Disclose the Elysian prospect, where the steps Of those whom nature charms, thro' blooming walks, Thro' fragrant mountains and poetic streams, Admit the train of sages, heroes, bards, Led by their winged genius and the choir Of laurell'd science and harmonious art, Proceed exulting to the eternal shrine, Where truth inthron'd with her celestial twins, The undivided part'ners of her sway, With good and beauty reigns. O let not us, Lull'd by luxurious pleasure's languid strain, Or courching to the frowns of bigot rage, O let not us a moment pause to join The godlike band.. And if the gracious power That first awaken'd my untutor'd song, Will to my invocation breathe anew The tuneful spirit; then thro' all our paths, Ne'er shall the sound of this devoted lyre Be wanting; whether on the rosy mead, When summer smiles, to warm the melting heart Of luxury's allurement; whither firm Against the torrent and the stubbon hill To urge bold virtue's unremitted nerve And wake the stronge divinity of soul That conquers chance and sate; or weather struck For sounds of triumph, to proclaim her toils Upon the lofty summit, round her brow To twine the wreathe of incorruptive praise; To trace her hallow'd light thro future worlds. And bless heaven's image in the heart of man. Thus with a faithful aim have we presum'd, Adventurous, to delineate nature's form; Whether in vast, majestic pomp array'd, Or drest for pleasing wonder, or serene In Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 27 In beauty's rosy smile. It now remains, Thro' various being's fair proportion'd scale, To trace the rising lustre of her charms, From their first twilight, shining forth at length To full meridian splendour. Of degree The least and lowliest in effusive warmth Of colours mingling with a random blaze, Doth beauty dwell. Then higher in the line And variation of determin'd shape, Where truth's eternal measures mark the bound Of circle, cube, or sphere. The third ascent Unites this varied symmetry of parts With colour's bland allurement; as the pearl Shines in the concave of its azure bed, And painted shells indent their speckled wreath Then more attractive rise the blooming forms Thro' which the breath of nature has infus'd Her genial power to draw with pregnant veins Nutritious moisture from the bounteous earth, In fruit and feed prolific; thus the flowers Their purple honours with the spring resume; And such the stately tree which autumn bends With blushing treasures. But more lovely still In nature's charm, where to the full content Of complicated members, to the bloom Of colour, and the vital change of growth, Life's holy flame and piercing sense are given. And active motion speaks the temper'd soul; So moves the bird of Juno; so the steed With rival ardor beats the dusty plain, And faithful dogs with eager airs of joy Salute their fellows. Thus doth beauty dwell There most conspicuous, ev'n in outward shape, Where dawns the high expression of a mind; By steps conducting our enraptur'd search To that eternal origin, whose power, Thro' all the unbounded symmetry of things, Like rays effulging from the parent sun, This 28 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book I. This endless mixture of her charms diffus'd. Mind, Mind alone, bear witness, earth and heaven! The living fountains in itself contains Of beauteous and sublime; here hand in hand, Sit paramount the Graces; here inthron'd Celestial Venus with divinest airs, Invites the soul to never lading joy. Look then abroad thro' nature, to the range Of planets, suns, and adamantine spheres Wheeling unshaken thro' the void immense; And speak, O man! does this capacious scene With half that kindling majesty dilate Thy strong conception, as when Brutus rose Refulgent from the stroke of Cæsar's fate, Amid the croud of patriots; and his arm A lost extending, like eternal Jove When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and shook his crimson steel, And bade the father of his country, hail! For lo! the tyrant prostrate on the dust, And Rome again is free? Is aught so fair In all the dewy landscapes of the spring, In the bright eye of Hesper or the morn, In nature's fairest forms, is aught so fair As virtuous friendship? as the candid blush Of him who drives with fortune to be just? The graceful tear that streams for other's woes? Or the mild majesty of private life, Where peace with ever blooming olive crowns The gate; where honour's liberal hands effuse Unenvy'd treasures, and the snowy wings Of As when Brutus rose, &c.] Cicero himself describes this fact. Cæsare intersecto statim cruentum alte extollens M. Brutus pugionem, Ciceronem nomina- tim exclamavit, atque ei recuperatum libertatem est gratulatus. Bic, Philipp. 2, 12. Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 29 Of Innocence and love protect the scene? Once more search, undismay'd, the dark profound, Where nature works in secret; view the beds Of min'ral treasure, and the eternal vault That bounds the hoary ocean; trace the forms Of atoms moving with incessant change Their elemental round; behold the seeds Of being, and the energy of life Kindling the mass with ever active flame; Then to the secrets of the working mind Attentive turn; from dim oblivion call Her fleet ideal band; and bid them, go! Break thro time's barrier, and o'ertake the hour That saw the heavens created; then declare If aught were found in those external scenes To move thy wonder now. For what are all The forms which brute, unconscious matter wears, Greatness of bulk, or symmetry of parts? Not reaching to the heart, soon feeble grows The superficial impulse; dull their charms, And satiate soon, and pall the languid eye, Not so the moral species, or the powers Of genius and design; the ambitious mind There sees herself; by these congenial forms Touch'd and awaken'd, with intenser act She bends each nerve, and meditates well pleased Her features in the mirror. For of all The inhabitants of earth, to man alone Creative wisdom gave to lift his eye To truth's eternal measures; thence to frame The sacred laws of action and of will, Discerning justice from unequal deeds, And temperance from folly. But beyond This energy of truth, whose dictates bind Assenting reason, the benignant fire, To deck the honour'd paths of just and good, Has added bright imaginations rays; C2 Where 30 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book l. Where virtue, rising from the awful depth Of truth's mysterious bosom, doth forsake The unadorn'd condition of ideas, And dress'd by fancy in ten thousand hues, Assumes a various feature, to attract, With charms responsive to each gazer's eye, The hearts of men. Amid his rural walk, The ingenious youth whom solitude inspires With purest wishes, from the pensive shade Beholds her moving like a virgin muse That wakes her lyre to some indulgent theme Of harmony and wonder; while among The herd of servile minds, her strenuous form Indignant flashes on the patriot's eye, And thro' the rolls of memory appeals To ancient honour; or in act serene, Yet watchful, rises the majestic sword Of public pow'r, from dark ambition's reach To guard the sacred volume of the laws. Genius of antient Greece! whose faithful steps Well pleas'd I follow thro' the sacred paths Of nature and of science; nurse divine Of all heroic deeds and fair desires! O! let the breath of thy extended praise Inspire my kindling bosom to the height Of this untempted theme. Nor be my thoughts Presumptuous counted, if, amid the calm That smooths this vernal evening into smiles, I steal impatient from the sordid haunts Of strife and low ambition, to attend Thy Where virtue rising from the awful depth Of truth's mysterious bosom, &c.] According to the opinion of those who assert moral obligation to be founded on an immutable and universal law, and that pathetic feeling which is usually called the moral sense, to be determined by the peculiar temper of the imagination and the earliest associations of ideas. Book I. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 31 Thy sacred presence in the sylvan shade, By their malignant footsteps ne'er prosan'd. Descend, propitious! to my favour'd eye; Such in thy mein, thy warm exalted air, As when the Persian tyrant, foil'd and stung With shame and desperation, gnash'd his teeth To see thee rend the pageants of his throne; And at the lightning of thy listed spear Crouch'd like a slave. Bring all thy martial spoils, Thy palms, thy laurels, thy triumphal songs, Thy finding band of arts, thy godlike fires Of civil wisdom, thy heroic youth Warm from the schools of glory. Guide my way Thro' fair Lyceum's walk, the green retreats Of Academus, and the thymy vale, Where, oft enchanted with Socratic sounds, Ilissus pure devolv'd his tuneful stream In gentle murmurs. From the blooming store Of these auspicious fields, may I unblam'd Transplant some living blossoms, to adorn My native clime: while far above the flight Of fancy's plume aspiring, I unlock The springs of antient wisdom; while I join Thy name, thrice honour'd! with th' immortal Of nature; while to ray compatriot youth [praise I point the high example of thy sons, And tune to Attic themes the British lyre. Lyceum.] The school of Aristotle. Academus.] The school of Plato. Ilissus.] One of the rivers on which Athens was sit- uated. Plato, in some of his finest dialogues lays the scene of the conversation with Socrates on its banks. THE ARGUMENT. THE separation of the works of the Imagination from philosophy, the cause of their abuse among the moderns. Prospect of their reunion under the influence of public liberty. Enumeration of accident- al pleasures, which increase the effect of objects de- lightful to the imagination. The pleasures of sense Particular circumstances of the mind. Discovery of truths. Perception of contrivance and design. Emo- tion of the passions. All the natural passions partake of a pleasing sensation, with the final cause of this constitution illustrated by an allegorical vision, and exemplified in sorrow, pity, terror, and indignation. THE PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. BOOK SECOND. WHEN shall the laurel and the vocal string Resume their honours? When shall we behold The tuneful tongue, the Promethean hand Aspire to ancient praise? Alas I how faint, How slow the dawn of beauty and of truth Breaks the reluctant shades of Gothic night Which yet involve the nations! Long they groan'd Beneath the furies of rapacious force; Oft as the gloomy north, with iron swarms Tempestuous pouring from her frozen caves, Blasted the Italian shore, and swept the works Of liberty and wisdom down the gulph Of all devouring night. As long immur'd In noontide darkness by the glimm'ring lamp, Each muse and each fair science pin'd away The sordid hours; while foul, barbarian hands Their mysteries prosan'd, unstrung the lyre, And chain'd the soaring pinion down to earth. At last the muses rose, and spurn'd their bonds, And At last the muses rose, &c] About the age of Hugh Capet, the founder of the third race of French kings, the poets of Provence were in high reputa- tion; a sort of stroling bards or rhapsodists, who went about the courts of princes and noblemen, entertaining them at festivals with music and poetry. They attempted both the epic ode and satire, and abounded 34 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. And wildly warbling scatter'd as they flew, Their blooming wreaths from fair Valclusa's bowers To Arno's myrtle border and the shore Of soft Parthenope. But still the rage Of dire ambition, and gigantic power, From public aims, and from the busy walk Of civil commerce, drove the bolder train Of penetrating science to the cells, Where studious ease consumes the silent hour In shadowy searches and unfruitful care. Thus abounded in a wild fantastic vein of fable, partly allegorical, and partly founded on traditionary le- gends of the Saracen wars. These were the rudi- ments of the Italian poetry. But their taste and composition must have been extremely barbarous, as we may judge by those that followed the turn of their fable in much politer times; such as Boiardo, Bernardo Tasso, Ariosto, &c. Valclusa.] The famous retreat of Francesco Petracha, the father of Italian poetry, and his mis- tress Laura, a lady of Avignon. Arno.] The river which runs by Florence, the birth place of Daute Boccacio. Parthenope.] Or Naples, the birth place of San- nazaro. The great Torquato Tasso was born at Sorrento, in the kingdom of Naples. -------- the rage Of dire ambition, &c] This relates to the cruel wars among the republics of Italy, and the abomina- ble politics of its petty princes, about the fifteenth century. These at last, in conjunction with papal power, entirely extinguished the spirit of liberty in that country, and established that abuss of the fine arts, which has since been propagated over Europe. Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 35 Thus from their guardians torn, the tender arts Of mimic fancy and harmonious joy, To priestly domination and the lust Of lawless courts, their amiable toil For three inglorious ages have resign'd, In vain reluctant; and Torquato's tongue Was turn'd for slavish peans at the throne Of tinsel pomp; and Ranphael's magic hand Effus'd Thus from their guardians torn, the tender arts, &.c] Nor were they only losers by the separation. For " Philosophy itself (to use the words of a phi- losopher) being thus severed from the sprightly arts and sciences, must consequently grow dronish, insipid, pedantic, useless, and directly opposite to the real knowledge and practice of the world." So, that a gen- tleman of the world (says another excellent writer) cannot easily bring himself to like so austere and un- gainly a form: so greatly is it charged with what was once the delight of the fined gentlemen of an- tiquity, and their recreation after the hurry of public affairs. From this condition it cannot be recov- ered, but by uniting it once more with the works of imagination; and we have had the pleasure of ob- serving a very great progress made towards their union with England within these few years. It is hardly possible to conceive them at a greater distance from each other than at the revolution, when Locke stood at the head of one party, and Dryden of the other. But the general spirit of liberty, which has ever since been growing, naturally invited our men of wit and genius to improve that influence, which the arts of persuasion give them with the people, by applying them to subjects of importance to society. Thus poetry and eloquence became considerable; and philosophy is now of course obliged to borrow of their embellishments, in order even to gain audi- ence with the public. 36 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Effus'd its fair creation to inchant The fond adoring herd in Latian fanes To blind belief; while on their prostrate necks The sable tyrant plants his heel secure. But now behold! the radiant era dawns, When freedom's ample fabric, fix'd at length For endless years on Albions happy shore In full proportion, once more shall extend To all the kindred powers of social bliss A common mansion, a parental roof. There shall the Virtues, there shall Wisdom's train, Their long lost friends rejoining, as of old, Embrace the smiling family of arts, The Muses and the Graces. Then no more Shall vice diffracting their delicious gifts To aims abhorr'd, with high distaste and scorn Turn from their cham the philosophic eye, The patriot bosom: then no more the paths Of public care or intellectual toil, Alone by footsteps haughty and severe, The gloomy state he trod; the harmonious Muse And her persuasive filters then shall plant Their sheltering laurels o'er the bleak ascent, And shed their flowers along the rugged way. Arm'd with the lyre, already have we dar'd To pierce divine philosophy's retreats And teach the Muse her lore; already strove Their long divided honours to unite, While tempering this deep argument we sang Of truth and beauty. Now the same fair talk Impends; now urging our ambitious toil, We hasten to recount the various springs Of adventitious pleasure, which adjoin Their grateful influence to the prime effect Of objects grand or beauteous, and inlarge The complicated joy. The sweets of sense, Do they not oft with kind accession flow, To raise harmonious fancy's native charm ? So Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 37 So while we taste the fragrance of the rose, Glows not her blush the fairer? While we view Amid the noontide walk a limpid rill Gush thro' the trickling herbage, to the thirst Of summer yielding the delicious draught Of cool refreshment; o'er the mossy brink Shines not the surface clearer, and the wave; With sweeter music murmur as they flow? Nor this alone; the various lot of life Oft from external circumstance assumes A moment's disposition to rejoice In those delights which at a different hour Would pass unheeded. Fair the face of spring, When rural songs and odours wake the morn, To every eye; but how much more to his, Round whom the bed of sickness long diffus'd Its melancholy gloom! how doubly fair, When first with fresh-born vigor he inhales The balmy breeze, and feels the blessed sun Warm at his bosom, from the springs of life Chasing oppressive damps and languid pain! Or shall I mention, where celestial truth Her awful light discloses, to effulge A more majestic pomp on beauty's frame? For man loves knowledge, and the beams of truth More welcome touch his understanding eye, Than all the blandishments of sound, his ear, Than all of taste his tongue. Nor ever yet The melting rainbow's vernal-tinctur'd hues To me have shone so pleasing, as when first The hand of science pointed out the path In which the sun-beams gleaming from the west Fall on the watry cloud, whose darksome veil Involves the orient; and that trickling show'r Piercing through every crystaline convex Of clust'ring dew-drops to their flight oppos'd, D Recoil 38 PLEASURE OF IMAGINATION: Book II. Recoil at length where concave all behind The internal surface of each glassy orb Repells their forward passage into air; That thence direct they seek the radiant goal From which their course began; and, as they strike In diff'rent lines the gazer's obvious eye, Assume a diff'rent lustre, thro' the brede Of colours changing from the splendid rose To the pale violet's dejected hue. Or shall we touch that kind access of joy, That springs to each fair object, while we trace, Thro' all its fabric, wisdom's artful aim Disposing every part, and gaining dill By means proportion'd her benignant end? Speak, ye, the pure delight, whose favour'd steps The lamp of science thro' the jealous maze Of nature guides, when haply you reveal Her secret honours; whether in the sky, The beauteous laws of light, the central pow'rs That wheel the pensile planets round the year: Whether in wonders of the rolling deep, Or smiling fruits of pleasure-pregnant earth, Or fine adjusted springs of life and sense You scan the counsels of their author's hand. What, when to rise the meditated scene, The flame of passion, thro' the struggling soul Deep-kindled, shows across that sudden blaze The object of its rapture vast of size. With fiercer colours and a night of shade? What like a storm from their capacious bed The sounding seas o'erwhelming, when the might Of these eruptions, working from the depth Of man's strong apprehension, shakes his frame Ev'n to the base; from every naked sense Of pain or pleasure dissipating all Opinion's feeble cov'rings, and the veil Spun Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 39 Spun from the cobweb-fashion of the times To hide the feeling heart? Then nature speaks Her genuine language, and the words of men, Big with the very motion of their souls, Declare with what accumulated force, The impetuous nerve of passion urges on The native weight and energy of things. Yet more; her honours where nor beauty claims, Nor shows of good the thirsty sense allure, From passion's power alone our nature holds Essential pleasure. Passion's fierce illapse Rouzes the mind's whole fabric; with supplies Of daily impulse keeps the elastic pow'rs Intensely poiz'd, and polishes anew By that collision all the fine machine; Else From passion's power alone, &c.] This very mysteri- ous kind of pleasure which is often found in the exer- cise of passions generally counted painful, has been taken notice of by several authors. Lucretius re- solves it unto self-love. Suava mari magno, &c. lib. II. 1. As if a man was never pleas'd in being moved at the distress of a tragedy, without a cool reflection that tho' these fictious personages were so unhappy, yet he himself was perfectly at ease and in safety. The ingenious and candid author of the Reflexions criti- ques sur la poesie & sur la peinture, accounts for it by the general delight which the mind takes in its own activity, and the abhorrence it feels of an indolent and unattentive state: and this joined with the moral applause of its own temper, which attends these emotions when natural and just, is certainly the true foundation of the pleasure, which as it is the origin and basis of tragedy and epic deserved a very partic- ular consideration in this poem. 40 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Else rust would rise, and foulness, by degrees Incumb'ring, choak at last what heaven design’d For ceaseless motion and a round of toil. But say, does every passion men endure Thus minister delight? That name indeed Becomes the rosy breath of love; becomes The radiant smiles of joy, the applauding hand Of admiration; but the bitter show'r That sorrow sheds upon a brother's grave, But the dumb palsy of nocturnal fear, Or those consuming fires that gnaw the heart Of panting indignation, find we there To move delight? Then listen, while my tongue The unalter'd wilt of heav'n with faithful awe Reveals; what old Harmodious wont to teach My early age; Harmodious who had weigh'd Within his learned mind whate'er the schools Of wisdom, or thy lonely-whisp'ring voice, O faithful nature! dictate of the laws Which govern and support this mighty frame Of universal being. Oft the hours From morn to eve have stole unmark'd away, While mute attention hung upon his lips, As thus the sage his awful tale began. 'Twas in the windings of an ancient wood, When spotless youth with solitude resigns To sweet philosophy the studious day, What time pale autumn shades the silent eve, Musing I rov'd. Of good and evil much, And much of mortal man my thought revolv'd, When starting full on fancy's gushing eye, The mournful image of Parthenia's fate, That hour, O long belov'd and long deplor'd! When blooming youth, nor gentlest wisdom's arts, Nor Hymen's honours gather'd for thy brow, Nor all thy lover's, all thy father's tears Avail'd to snatch thee from the cruel grave; Thy Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 41 Thy agonizing looks, thy last farewell Struck to the inmost feeling of my soul As with the hand of death. At once the shade More horrid nodded o'er me, and the winds With hoarser murm'ring shook the branches. Dark As midnight storms, the scene of human things, Appear'd before me; desarts, burning sands Where the parch'd adder dies; the frozen south, And desolation blasting all the west With rapine and with murder: tyrant pow'r Here sits inthron'd in blood; the baleful charms Of superstition there infect the skies, And turn the sun to horror. Gracious heaven! What is the life of man? Or cannot these, Nor these portents thy awful will suffice? That propagated thus beyond their scope; They rise to act their cruelties a new In my afflicted bosom, thus decreed The universal sensitive of pain, The wretched heir of evils not its own! Thus I, impatient; when at once effus'd, A flashing torrent of Celestial day Burst thro' the shadowy void. With slow descent; A purple cloud came floating through the sky, And poiz'd at length within the circling trees, Hang obvious to my view; till opening wide Its lucid-orb, a more than human form Emerging lean'd majestic o'er my head, And instant thunder shook the conscious grove. Then melted into air the liquid cloud, And all the shining vision stood-reveal'd A wreath of palm his ample forehead bound, And o'er his shoulder, mantling to his knee, Flow'd the transparent robe, around his waist Collected with a radiant zone of gold Etherial; there in mystic signs engrav'd I read his office high and sacred name, Genius of human kind. Appall'd I gaz'd D2 The 42 PLEASURES OF IMAIGINATION. Book II. The godlike presence; for athwart his brow Displeasure, temper'd with a mild concern, Look'd down reluctant on me, and his words Like distant thunders broke the murm'ring air. Vain are thy thoughts, O child of mortal birth. And impotent thy tongue. Is thy short span. Capacious of this universal frame? Thy wisdom all-sufficent? Thou, alas! Dost thou aspire to judge between the Lord Of nature and his works? to lift thy voice Against the sovereign order he decreed All good and lovely? to blaspheme the bands Of tenderness innate and social love, Holiest of things! by which the general orb Of being, as with adamantine links, Was drawn to perfect union and sustain'd From everlasting? Hast thou felt the pangs Of soft'ning sorrow, of indignant zeal So grievious to the soul, as thence to wish The ties of nature broken from thy frame; That so thy selfish unrelenting heart May cease to mourn its lot, no longer then The wretched heir of evils not its own? O fair benevolence of gen'rous minds! O man by nature form'd for all mankind! He spoke; abash'd and silent I remain'd, As conscious of my lips' offence, and aw'd Before his presence, though my secret soul Disdain'd the imputation. On the ground I fix'd my eyes; till from his airy couch He stoop'd sublime, and touching with his hand My dazzling forehead, Raise thy sight, he cry'd, And let thy sense convince, thy erring tongue. I look'd, and lo! the former scene was chang'd For verdant alleys and surrounding trees, A solitary Book II. PLEASURE OF IMAGINATION. 43 A solitary prospect, wide and wild, Rush'd on my senses. 'Twas a horrid pile Of hills with many a shaggy forest mix'd, With many a sable cliff and glitt'ring stream. A lost recumbent o'er the hanging ridge, The brown woods wav'd, while ever-trickling springs Wash'd from the naked roots of oak and pine, The crumbling soil; and still at every fall Down the steep windings of the channel'd rock, Remurm'ring rush'd the congregated floods With hoarser inundation; till at last They reach'd a grassy plain, which from the skirts Of that high desart spread her verdant lap, And drank the gushing moisture, where confin'd In one smooth current, o'er the lilied vale Clearer than glass it flow'd. Autumnal spoils Luxuriant spreading to the rays of morn, Blush'd o'er the cliffs, whose half-incircling mound' As in a sylvan theatre inclos'd That flow'ry level. On the river's brink I spy'd a fair pavilion, which diffus'd Its floating umbrage 'mid the silver shade Of osiers. Now the western sun reveal’d Between two parting cliffs his golden orb, And pour'd across the shadow of the hills, On rocks and floods, a yellow stream of light That cheer'd the solemn scene. My list'ning pow'r; Were aw'd, and every thought in silence hung, And wondering expectation. Then the voice Of that celestial pow'r, the mystic show Declaring, thus my deep attention call'd. Inhabitant of earth, to whom is giv’n The gracious ways of providence to learn, Receive Inhabitant of earth, &c] The account of the econ- omy of providence here introduced, as the most pro- per 44 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Receive my sayings with a stedfast ear ---- Know then, the sov'reign spirit of the world, Though self-collected from etherial time, Within his own deep essence he beheld The circling bounds of happiness unite; Yet by immense benignity inclin'd To per to calm and satisfy the mind when, under the compunction of private evils, seems to have come o- riginally from the Pythagorean school; but of all the ancient philosophers, Plato has most largely insisted upon it, has established it with all the strength of his capacious understanding, and ennobled it with all the magnificence of his divine imagination. He has one passage so full and clear on the head, that I am per- suaded the reader will be pleased to see it here, tho' somewhat long. Addressing himself to such as are not satisfied concerning divine providence, The being who presides over the whole, says he, has dispos'd and com- plicated all things for the happiness and virtue of the whole, every part of which, according to the extent of its influence, does and suffers what is fit and proper. One of these parts is yours, O unhappy man ! which tho’ in itself most inconsiderable and minute, yet being con- nected with the universe, ever seeks to co-operate with that supreme order. You in the mean time are igno- rant of the very end for which all particular natures are brought into existence, that the all-comprehending nature of the whole may be perfect and happy; existing, as it does, not for your sake, but the cause and reason of your existence, which, as in the symmetry of every artificial work, must of necessity concur with the gene- ral design of the artist, and be subservient to the whole of which it is a part. Your complaint therefore is igno- rant and groundless: since according to the various en- ergy of creation, and the common laws of nature, there is a constant provision of that which is best at the same time Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 45 To spread around him that primeval joy Which fill'd himself, be rais'd his plastic arm, And sounded thro' the hollow depth of space The strong, creative mandate. Strait arose These heav'nly orbs, the glad abodes of life Effusive time for you and for the whole.----For the governing intelligence clearly beholding all the actions of animated and self-moving creatures, and that mixture of good and evil which diversifies them, consider first of all by what disposition of things, and what situation of each individual in the general system, vice might be depressed and subdued, and virtue made secure of victory and happiness with the greatest faculty and in the highest degree possible. In this manner be ordered, thro, the entire circle of being, the internal constitution of every mind, where should be its station in the universal fabric, and thro' what variety of circumstances it should proceed in the whole tenour of its existence. He goes on in his sublime manner to assert a future state of retribution, as well for these who, by the exercise of good dispositions being harmonized and assimilated to the divine virtue, are consequently removed to a place of unblemish’d sanc- tity and happiness: as those who by the most stagitious arts have arisen from contemptible beginnings to the greatest affluence and power, and whom therefore you look upon as unanswerable instances of negligence in the gods, because you are ignorant of the purpose to which they are subservient, and in what manner they contri- bute to that supreme intention of good to the whole. Plato de Leg. x. 16. This theory has been delivered of late, especially abroad, in a manner which subverts the freedom of human actions; whereas Plato appears very careful to preserve it, and has been in that respect imitated by the best of his followers. 46 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Effusive kindled by his breath divine Thro' endless forms of being. Each inhal'd From him its portion of the vital flame, In treasure such, that from the wide complex. Of coexistent orders, one might rise, One order, all-involving and intire. He too beholding in the sacred light Of his essential reason, all the shapes Of swift contingence, all successive ties Of action propagated through the sum Of possible existence, he at once, Down the long series of eventful time, So fix'd the dates of being, so dispos'd To every living soul of every kind, The field of motion and the hour of rest, That all conspir'd to his supreme design, To universal good; with full accord, Answ'ring the mighty model he had chose, The best and fairest of unnumber'd worlds That lay from everlasting in the store Of his divine conceptions. Nor content By ----One might rise, One order, &c.] See the meditations of Antonius and the characteristics, passim. The best and fairest, &c] This opinion is so old, that Timœus Locrus calls the supreme being the arti- ficer of that which is best; and represents him as re- solving in the beginning to produce the most excel- lent work, and as copying the world most exactly from his own intelligible and essential idea; so that it yet remains, as it was at first perfect in beauty and will never stand in need of any correction or improvement. There is no room for a caution here, to understand these expressions, not of any particular circumstances of human life separately consider'd, but of the sum or universal system of life and being. Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 47 By one exertion of creating power, His goodness to reveal; through every age, Thro’ every moment up the tract of time, His parent hand with ever new increase Of happiness and virtue has adorn'd The vast harmonious frame: his parent hand From the mute shell fish gasping on the shore. To men, to angels, to celestial minds, Forever leads the generations on To higher scenes of being; while supplied From day to day by his enlivening breath, Inferior orders in succession rise To fill the void below. As flame ascends, As bodies to their proper center move, As the poiz'd ocean to th' attracting moon Obedient swells, and every headlong stream Devolves its winding waters to the main; So all thing, which have life, aspire to God, The sun of being, boundless, unimpair'd, Center of souls! Nor does the faithful voice Of nature cease to prompt their eager steps Aright; nor is the care of heaven whithheld From granting to the talk proportion'd aid; That in their stations all may persevere To climb th' ascent of being, and approach Forever nearer to the life divine. That rocky pile thou see'st, that verdant lawn Fresh water'd from the mountains. Let the scene Paint in thy fancy the primeval seat Of man, and where the will supreme ordain'd His mansion, that pavilion fair diffus'd Along the shady brink, in this recess To As flame ascends, &c.] This opinion, tho' not held by Plato or any of the ancients, is yet a very natural consequence of his principles, But the disquisition is too complex and extensive to be enter'd upon here. 48 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. To wear the appointed season of his youth; Till riper hours should open to his toil The high communion of superior minds, Of consecrated heroes and of gods. Nor did the Sire omnipotent forget His tender bloom to cherish; nor withheld Celestial footsteps from his green abode. Oft from the radiant honours of his throne, He sent whom most he lov'd, the sov'reign fair. The effluence of his glory, whom he plac'd Before his eyes for ever to behold; The goddess from whose inspiration flows The toil of patriots, the delight of friends; Without whose work divine, in heaven or earth, Nought lovely, nought propitious comes to pass, Nor hope, nor praise, nor honour. Her the sire Gave it in change to rear the blooming mine. The folded powers to open, to direct The growth luxuriant of his young desires, And from the laws of this majestic world To teach him what was good. As thus the nymph Her daily care attended, by her side With constant steps her gay companion stay'd, The fair Euphrosyne, the gentle queen Of smiles, and graceful gladness, and delights That cheer alike the hearts of mortal men And powers immortal. See the shining pair! Behold, where from his dwelling now disclos'd, They quit their youthful charge and seek the skies. I look’d, and on the flow'ry turf there stood, Between two radiant forms, a smiling youth Whose tender cheeks display'd the vernal flower Of beauty; sweetest innocence illum'd His bashful eyes, and on his polish'd brow Sate young Simplicity. With fond regard He view'd the associates, as their steps they mov'd; The younger chief his ardent eyes detain'd, With Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 49 With mild regret invoking her return. Bright as the star of evening she appear'd Amid the dusky scene. Eternal youth O'er all her form its glowing honours breath'd; And smiles eternal, from her candid eyes, Flow'd like the dewy lustre of the morn Effusive trembling on the placid waves. The spring of heaven had shed its blushing spoils To bind her sable tresses; full diffus’d Her yellow mantle floated on the breeze; And in her hand she wav'd a living branch Rich with immortal fruits, of power to calm The wrathful heart, and from the bright'ning eyes To chase the cloud of sadness. More sublime The heavenly part'ner mov'd. The prime of age Compos'd her steps. The presence of a god, High on the circle of her brow inthron'd, From each majestic motion darted awe, Devoted awe! till cherish'd by her looks Benevolent and meek, confiding love To filial rapture soften'd all the soul. Free in her graceful hand she poiz'd the sword Of chaste dominion. An heroic crown Display'd the old simplicity of pomp Around her honour'd head. A matron's robe, White as the sunshine streams through vernal clouds, Her stately form invested. Hand in hand The immortal pair forsook the enamell'd green, Asceading slowly. Rays of limpid light Gleam'd round their path; celestial rounds were And thro' the fragrant air etherial dews [hear’d Distill'd around them; till at once the cloud: Disparting wide in midway sky, withdrew Then airy veil, and left a bright expanse Of empyrean flame where spent and drown'd, Afflicted vision plung'd in vain to scan What object it involv'd. My feeble eyes Indur’d not. Bending down to earth I stood, E With 50 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. With dumb attention. Soon a female voice, As watry murmurs sweet, or warbling shades With sacred invocation thus began. Father of gods and mortals! whose right arm With reins eternal guides the moving heavens, Bend thy propitious ear Behold well pleas'd I seek to finish thy divine decree. With frequent steps I visit yonder seat Of man, thy offspring; from tender seeds Of justice and of wisdom, to involve The latent honours of his generous frame; Till thy conducting hand shall raise his lot From earth's dim scene to these etherial walk; The temple of thy glory. But not me, Not my directing voice he oft requires, Or hears delighted; this inchanting maid, The associate thou hast given me, her alone He loves, O father! absent, her he craves; And but for her glad-presence ever join'd, Rejoices not in mine; that all my hopes This thy benignant purpose to fulfil, I deem uncertain; and my daily cares Unfruitful all and vain, unless by thee Still farther aided in the work divine. She ceas'd; a voice more awful thus reply’d, O thou! in whom for ever I delight, Fairer than all the inhabitants of heaven, Best image of thy author! far from thee Be disappointment, or distaste, or blame; Who soon or late shall every work fulfil, And no resistance find. If man refuse To hearken to thy dictates; or allur’d By meaner joys, to any other power Transfer the honours due to thee alone; That joy which he pursues he ne'er shall taste That power in whom delighteth ne'er behold Go Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 51 Go then once more, and happy be thy toil; Go then ! but let not this thy smiling friend Partake thy footsteps. In her stead, behold! With thee the sons of Nemesis I send; The fiend abhorr'd! whose vengeance takes account Of sacred order's violated laws. See where he calls thee, burning to be gone, Fierce to exhaust the tempest of his wrath On yon devoted head. But thou, my child, Controul his cruel frenzy, and protect Thy tender charge. That when dispair shall grasp His agonizing bosom, he may learn, That he may learn to love the gracious hand Alone sufficient in that hour of ill, To save his feeble spirit; then confess Thy genuine honours, O excelling fair! When all the plagues that wait the dearly will Of this avenging demon, all the storms Of night infernal, serve but to display The energy of thy superior charms With mildest awe triumphant o'er his rage, And shining clearer in the horrid gloom. Here ceas'd that awful voice, and soon I felt The cloudy curtain of refreshing eve Was clos'd once more, from that immortal fire Shelt'ring my eye-lids. Looking up, I view'd A vast gigantic spectre striding on Thro' murm'ring thunders and a waste of clouds, With dreadful action. Black as night his brow Relentless frowns involv'd. His savage limbs With sharp impatience violent he writh'd, As thro' convulsive anguish; and his hand Arm'd with a scorpion lash, full oft he rais'd In madness to his bosom; while his eyes Rain'd bitter tears, and bellowing loud he shook The void with horrour. Silent by his side The virgin came. No discomposure stirr'd Her 52 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Her features. From the glooms which hung around, No stain of darkness mingled with the beam Of her divine effulgence. Now they stoop Upon the river bank; and now to hail His wonted guests with eager steps advanc'd The unsuspecting inmate of the shade. As when a famish'd wolf, that all night long Had rang'd the Alpine snows, by chance at morn Sees from a cliff incumbent o'er the smoke Of some lone village, a neglected kid That strays along the wild for herb or spring; Down from the winding ridge he sweeps a main, And thinks he tears him; so with tenfold rage, The monster sprung remorseless on his prey. Amaz'd the stripling stood; with panting bread Feebly he pour'd the lamentable wail Of helpless consternation, struck at once, And rooted to the ground. The queen beheld His terrour, and with looks of tend'rest care Advanc'd to save him. Soon the tyrant felt Her awful power. His keen tempestuous arm Hung nerveless, nor descended where his rage Had aim'd the deadly blow; then dumb retir'd With sullen rancour. Lo! the sov'reign maid Folds with a mother's arms the fainting boy, Till life rekindles in his rosy cheek; Then grasps his hand, and chears him with her tongue. O wake thee, rouze thy spirit! Shall the spite Of yon tormentor thus appall thy heart, While I, thy friend and guardian am at hand To rescue and to heal? O let thy soul Remember, what the will of heav'n ordains Is ever good for all; and if for all, Then good for thee. Nor only by the warmth And soothing sunshine of delightful things, Do minds grow up and flourish. Oft misled By Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 53 By that bland light, the young unpractis'd views Of reason wander through a fatal road, Far from their native aim; as if to lye Inglorious in the fragrant shade, and wait The soft access of ever circling joys, Were all the end of being. Ask thy self, This pleasing errour did it never lull Thy wishes? Has thy constant heart refus'd The silken fetters of delicious ease? Or when divine Euphrosyne appear'd Within this dwelling, did not thy desires Hang far below that measure of thy fate, Which I reveal’d before thee? and thy eye, Impatient of my counsels, turn away To drink the soft effusion of her smiles? Know then, for this the ever lading fire Deprives thee of her presence, and instead O wise and still benevolent! ordains This horrid visage hither to pursue My steps; that so thy nature may discern Its real good, and what alone can save Thy feeble spirit in this hour of ill From folly and despair. O yet belov'd! Let not this headlong terrour quite o'erwhelm Thy featter'd powers; nor fatal doem the rage Of this tormentor, nor his proud assault, While I am here to vindicate thy toil, Above the generous question of thy arm. Brave be thy fears, and in thy weakness strong. This hour he triumphs; but confront his might, And dare him to the combat, then with ease Disarm’d and quell'd, his fierceness he resigns To bondage and to scorn; while thus inur'd By watchful danger, by unceasing toil, The immortal mind, superior to his fate, Amid the outrage of external things, Firm as the solid base of this great world, Rests on his own foundations. blow, ye winds! E2 Ye 54 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Ye waves! ye thunders! roll your tempest on; Shake, ye old pillars of the marble sky! Till all its orbs and all its worlds of fire Be loosen'd from their seats; yet still serene, The unconquer'd mind looks down upon the wreck, And ever stronger as the storms advance, Firm through the closing ruin holds his way, Where nature calls him to the destin'd goal. So spake the goddess; while thro' all her frame Celestial raptures flow'd, in every word, In every motion kindling warmth divine To seize who listen'd. Vehement and swift As light'ning fires the aromatic shade In Æthiopian fields, the stripling felt Her inspiration catch his fervid soul, And starting from his langour thus exclaim'd Then let the trial come! and witness thou, If terrour be upon me if I think To meet the storm or faulter in my strength When hardest it besets me. Do not think That I am fearful and infirm of soul, As late thy eyes beheld; for thou hast chang'd My nature; thy commanding voice has wak'd My languid powers to bear me boldly on, Where'er the will divine my path ordains Through toil or peril; only do not thou Forsake me; O be thou for ever near, That I may listen to thy sacred voice, And guide by thy decrees my constant foes. But say, for ever are my eyes bereft? Say shall the fair Euphrosyne not once Appear again to charm me! Thou, in heaven! O thou eternal arbiter of things! Be thy great bidding done; for who am I To question thy appointment? Let the frowns Of this avenger every morn o'ercast The Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 55 The chearful dawn, and every evening damp With double night my dwelling; I will learn To hail them both, and unrepining bear His hateful presence; but permit my tongue One glad request, and if my deeds may send Thy awful eye propitious, O restore The rosy featur'd maid; again to chear This lonely seat, and bless me with her smile He spoke; when instant, thro' the sable glooms With which that furious presence had involv'd The ambient air a flood of radiance came Swift as the light'ning flash; the melting cloud; Flew diverse, and amid the blue serene Euphrosyne appear'd. With sprightly step The nymph alighted on the irriguous lawn, And to her wond'ring audience, thus began. Lo! I am here to answer to your vows, And be the meeting fortunate; I come With joyful tidings; we shall part no more. Hark! how the gentle Echo from her cell Talks thro' the cliffs, and murm'ring o'er the stream, Repeats the accent; we shall part no more, O my delightful friends; well pleas’d on high The father has beheld you, while the might Of that stern foe with bitter trial prov'd Your equal doings; then for ever spake The high decree; that thou, celestial maid Howe'er that grisly phantom on thy steps May sometimes dare intrude, yet never more Shalt thou descending to the abode of man, Alone endure the rancour of his arm, Or leave thy lov,d Euphronsyne behind. She ended; and the whole romantic scene Immediate vanish'd; rocks, and woods, and rills. The mantling tent and each mysterious form Flew like the pictures of a morning dream, When son shine fills the bed. A while I stood Perplex’d 56 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. Perplex'd and giddy till the radiant power Who bade the visionary landscape rise, As up to him I turn'd, with gentlest looks Preventing my inquiry, thus began. There let thy soul acknowledge its complaint How blind, how impious! There behold the ways Of heav'n's eternal destiny to man, For every just, benevolent and wise; That virtue's awful steps, how'er pursued By vexing fortune and intrusive pain, Should never be divided from her chaste, Her fair attendant, pleasure. Need I urge Thy tardy thought thro' all the various round Of this existence, that thy soft'ning soul At length may learn what energy the hand Of virtue mingles in the bitter tide Of passion swelling with distress and pain, To mitigate the sharp with gracious drops Of cordial pleasure ? Ask the faithful youth, Why the cold urn of her whom, long he lov'd So often fills his arms; so often draws His lonely footsteps at the silent hour, To pay the mournful tribute of his tears? O! he will tell thee, that the wealth of worlds Should ne'er seduce his bosom to forego That sacred hour when dealing from the noise Of care and envy, sweet remembrance sooths With virtue's kindest looks his aching breast, And turns his tears to rapture. Ask the crowd Which flies impatient from the village walk To climb the neighb'ring cliffs, when far below The cruel winds have hurl'd upon the coast Some helpless bark; while sacred pity melts The general eye, or terrour's icy hand Smites their distorted limbs and horrent hair; While every mother closer to her breast. Catches Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 57 Catches her child, and pointing where the waves Foam thro' the shatter'd vessel, shrieks aloud As one poor wretch that spreads his piteous arms For succour, swallow'd by the roaring surge, As now another dash'd against the rocks, Drops lifeless down; O deemest thou indeed No kind endearment here by nature given To mutual terrour and compassion's tears? No sweetly melting softness which attracts, O'er all that edge of pain, the social powers To this their proper action and their end? Ask thy own heart. When at the midnight hour, Slow thro' that studious gloom thy pausing eye Led by the glimm'ring taper moves around The sacred volumes or the dead; the songs Of Grecian bards, and, records wrote by same For Grecian heroes, where the present power Of heaven and earth surveys the immortal page, Ev'n as a father blessing, while he reads, The praises of his son. If then thy soul, Spurning the yoke of these inglorious days, Mix in their deeds and kindle with their flame; Say; when the prospect blackens on thy view, When rooted from the base, heroic states Mourn in the dust and tremble at the frown Of curd ambition; when the pious band Of youths who fought for freedom and their fires, Lie side by side in gore; when russian pride Usurps the throne of justice, turns the pomp Of public power, the majesty of rule, The sword, the laurel, and the purple robe, To slavish empty pageants, to adorn A -----when the pious hand, &c] The reader will here naturally recollect the fate of the sacred batal- ion of Thebes, which at the battle of Chæonary was utterly destroy'd every man being found lying dead by his friend. 58 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book II. A tyrant's walk, and glitter in the eyes Of such as bow the knee; when honour'd urns Of patriots and of chiefs the awful bust And storied arch, to glut the coward rage Of regal envy, strew the public way With hallowed ruins; when the muse's haunt, The marble porch where wisdom wont to talk With Socrates or Tully, hears no more, Save the hoarse jargon of contentious monks, Or female superstition's midnight pray'r; When ruthless rapine from the hand of time Tears the destroying scythe, with surer blow To sweep the works of glory from their base; Till desolation o'er the grass grown street Expands his raven wings, and up the wall, Where senates once the price of monarchs doom'd, Hisses the gliding snake thro' hoary weeds That clasp the mould'ring column; thus defac'd, Thus widely mournful when the prospect thrills Thy beating bosom when the patriot's tear Starts from thine eye, and thy extended arm In fancy hurls the thunderbolt of Jove To fire the impious wreath on Philip's brow, Or dash Octavius from the trophied car! Say, does thy secret soul repine to taste The big distress? Or would'st thou then exchange Those heart ennobling sorrows for the lot Of him who sits amid the gaudy herd Of mute barbarians bending to his nod, And bears aloft his gold invested front, And says within himself, “I am king. " And wherefore should the clam'rous voice of woe, " Intrude upon mine ear (The baleful dregs Of these late ages, this inglorious draught Of servitude, and folly, have not yet, Blest Book II. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 59 Blest be the eternal ruler of the world! Defil'd to such a depth of sordid shame. The native honours of the human soul, Nor so effac'd the image of its sire. ARGUMENT. ARGUMENT. PLEASURE in observing the tempers and manners of men, even where vicious or absurd. The origin of vice, from false representations of the fancy, pro- ducing false opinions concerning good and evil. In- quiry into ridicule. The general sources of ridicule, in the minds and characters of men, enumerated. Fi- nal cause of the sense of ridicule. The resemblance of inanimate things to the sensations and properties of the mind. The operations of the mind in the produc- tion of the works of imagination, described. The se- condary pleasure from imitation. The benevolent or- der of the world illustrated in the arbitrary connec- tion of these pleasures with the objects which excite them. The nature and conduct of taste. Concluding with an account of the natural and moral advantages resulting from a sensible and well formed imagination. THE PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. BOOK THIRD. WHAT wonder therefore, since th'endearing ties Of passion link the universal kind Of man so close, what wonder if to search This common nature through the various change Of sex, and age, and fortune, and the frame Of each peculiar, draw the busy mind With unrefined charms? The spacious west, And all the teeming regions of the south Hold not a quarry, to the curious flight Of knowledge, half so tempting or so fair, As man to man. Nor only where the smiles Of love invite; nor only where the applause Of cordial honour turns the attentive eye On virtue's graceful deeds. For since the course Of things external acts in different ways On human apprehensions, as the hand Of nature temper'd to a different frame Peculiar minds; so haply where the powers Of fancy neither lessen nor enlarge F The where the powers Of fancy, &c] The influence of the imagination on the conduct of life is one of the most important points in moral philosophy. It were easy by an induction of facts to prove that the imagination di- rects almost all the passions, and mixes with almost every circumstance of action or pleasure. Let any man 62 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III The images of things, but paint in all Their genuine hues, the features which they wore In nature; their opinion will be true, And action right. For action treads the path In which opinion says he follows good. Or flies from evil; and opinion gives Report of good or evil, as the scene Was man, even of the coldest head and soberest industry, analyse the idea of what he calls his interest; he will find that it consists chiefly of certain images of decency, beauty and order, variously combined into one system, the idol which he seeks to enjoy by la- bour, hazard, and self denial. It is on this account of the last consequence to regulate images by the standard of nature and the general good; otherwise the imagination, by heightening some objects be- yond their real excellence and beauty, or by repre- senting others in a more odious or terrible shape than they deserve, may of course engage us in pur- suits utterly inconsistent with the laws of the moral order. If it be objected, that this account of things sup- poses the passions to be merely accidental, whereas there appears in some a natural and hereditary dis- position to certain passions prior to all circumstances of education or fortune; it may be answered, that though no man is born ambitious or a miser, yet he may inherit from his parents a peculiar temper or complexion of mind, which shall render his imagi- nation more liable to be struck with some particu- lar objects, consequently dispose him to form opin- ions, of good and ill, and entertain passions of a par- ticular turn. Some men for instance, by the origi- nal frame of their minds, are more delighted with the vast and magnificent, others on the contrary with the elegant and gentle aspects of nature. And it Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 63 Was drawn by fancy, lovely or deform'd. Thus her report can never there be true, Where fancy cheats the intellectual eye, With glaring colours and distorted lines. Is there a man, who at the sound of death, Sees ghastly shapes of terror conjur'd up, And it is very remarkable, that the disposition of the mo- ral powers is always similar to this of the imagina- tion; that those who are most inclined to admire prodigious and sublime objects in the physical world, are also most inclined to applaud examples of fortitude and heroic virtue in the moral. While those who are charmed rather with the delicacy and sweetness of colours, and forms, and sounds, never fail in like manner to yield the preference to the softer scenes of virtue and the sympathies of a do- mestic life. And this is sufficient to account for the objection. Among the ancient philosophers, though we have several hints concerning this influence of the ima- gination upon morals among the remains of the Socratic school, yet the Stoics were the first who paid it a due attention. Zeno, their founder, thought it impossible to preserve any tolerable regularity in life, without frequently inspecting those pictures or appearances of things which the imagination offers to the mind. [Diog Laert. I. vii] The medita- tions of M. Aurelius, and the discourses of Epic- tetus, are full of the same sentiments; insomuch that this latter makes the right management of the fancies, the only thing for which we are accounta- ble to providence, and without which a man is no other than stupid or frantic. Arrian. I. i. c. 12. and I. ii. c. 22. See also the characteristics, vol. 1 from p. 313, to p. 321, where this Stoical doctrine is embellished with all the eloquence of the graces of Plato. 64 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. And black before him; nought but deathbed groans, And fearful prayers, and plunging from the brink Of light and being, down the gloomy air, And unknown depth? Alas! in such a mind, If no bright forms of excellence attend The image of his country; nor the pomp Of sacred senates, nor the guardian voice Of justice on her throne, nor aught that wakes The conscious bosom with a patriot's flame; Will not opinion tell him, that to die, Or stand the hazard, is a greater ill Than to betray his country? And in act Will he not chuse to be a wretch and live? Here vice begins then. From the inchanting cup Which fancy holds to all, the unwary thirst Of youth oft swallows a Circæan draught, That sheds a baleful tincture o'er the eye Of reason, till no longer he discerns, And only guides to err. Then revel forth A furious band that spurn him from the throne; And all is uproar. Thus ambition grasps The empire of the soul; thus pale revenge Unsheath's her murd'rous dagger; and the hands Of lust and rapine, with unholy arts, Watch to o'erturn the barrier of the laws That keeps them from their prey; thus all the plagues The wicked bear, or o'er the trembling scene The tragic muse discloses, under shapes Of honour, safety, pleasure, ease or pomp, Stole first into the mind. Yet not by all Those lying forms which fancy in the brain. Engenders, are the kindling passions driven To guilty deeds; nor reason bound in chains, That vice alone may lord it; oft adorn'd With solemn pageants, folly mounts his throne, And plays her ideot antics, like a queen. A thousand garbs she wears; a thousand ways She wheels her giddy empire. Lo, thus far With Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 65 With bold adventure, to the Mantuan lyre I sing of nature's charms, and touch well pleas'd A stricter note; now haply must my song Unbend her serious measure, and reveal In lighter drains, how folly's awkward arts Excite impetuous laughter's gay rebuke; The sportive province of the comic muse. See in what crouds the uncouth forms advance; Each would outstrip the other, each prevent Our careful search, and offer to your gaze, Unask'd, his motly features. Wait awhile, My curious friends I and let us first arrange In proper orders your promiscuous throng. Behold the foremost band; of slender thought, And easy faith! whom flattering fancy sooths With lying spectres, in themselves to view Illustrious forms of excellence and good, That scorn the mansion. With exulting hearts F2 The ---------how folly's awkward arts, &c.] Notwith- standing the general influence of ridicule on private and civil life, as well as on learning and the scienc- es, it has been almost constantly neglected or mis- represented, by divines especially. The manner of treating these subjects in the science of human na- ture, should be precisely the same as in natural philosophy; from particular facts to investigate the stated order in which they appear, and then apply the general law, thus discovered, to the explication of other appearances and the improvement of useful arts. Behold the foremost band, &c.] The first and most general source of ridicule in the chambers oi men, is vanity or self applause for some desirable quality or pessession which evidently does not be- long to those who assume it. 66 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. They spread their spurious treasures to the sun; And bid the world admire! but chief the glance Of wishful envy draws their joy bright eyes, And lifts with self applause each lordly brow. In number boundless as the blooms of spring, Behold their glaring idols, empty shapes By fancy gilded o'er, and then set up For adoration. Some in learning's garb, With formal band and sable cinctur'd gown, And rags of mouldy volumes. Some elate With martial splendour, steely pikes, and swords. Of costly frame, and gay Phœnician robes Inwrought with flow'ry gold, assume the port Of stately valour; list'ning by his side There stands a female form; to her, with looks Of earned import, pregnant with amaze, He talks of deadly deeds, of breaches, storms, And sulph'rous mines, and ambush; then at once Breaks off, and smiles to see her look so pale, And asks some wond'ring question of her fears. Others of graver mien; behold, adorn'd With holy ensigns, how sublime they move, And bending oft their sanctimonious eyes, Take homage of the simple minded throng; Ambassadors of heaven! Nor much unlike Is he whose visage, in the hazy mist That mantle every feature, hides a brood Of politic conceits; of whispers, nods, And hints deep omen'd with unwieldly schemes, And dark portents of state. Ten thousand more, Prodigious habits and tumultuous tongues, Pour dauntless in and swell the boastful band. Then comes the second order; all who seek he debt of praise, where watchful unbelief Darts through the thin pretence her squinting eye On some retir'd appearance which belies The boasted virtue, or annuls the applause That Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 67 That justice else would pay. Here side by side I see two leaders of the solemn train, Approaching; one a female, old and grey, With eyes demure and wrinkle surrow'd brow, Pale as the cheeks of death; yet still she stuns The sick'ning audience with a nauseous tale How many youths her myrtle chains have worn, How many virgins at her triumphs pin'd! Yet how resolv'd she guards her cautious heart; Such is her terror at the risques of love, A man's seducing tongue! The other seems A bearded sage, ungentle in his mein, And sordid all his habit; peevish want Grins at his heels, while down the gazing throng. He stalks, resounding in magnific phrase The vanity of riches, the contempt Of pomp and power. Be prudent in your zeal, Ye grave associates! let the silent grace Of her who blushes at the fond regard Her charms inspire, more eloquent unfold The praise of spotless honour; let the man Whose eye regards not his illustrious pomp And ample store, but as indulgent streams To chear the barren soil and spread the fruits Of joy, let him by juster measure fix The price of riches and the end of power. Another tribe succeeds; deluded long By fancy's dazzling optics, these behold The images of some peculiar things With brighter hues resplendent, and portray'd With features nobler far than e'er adorn'd Their genuine objects. Hence the fever'd heart Pants Another tribe succeeds, &c.] Ridicule from a no- tion of excellence in particular objects dispropor- tioned to their intrinsic value, and inconsistent with the order of nature. 68 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. Pants with delirious hope for tinsel charms; Hence oft obtrusive on the eye of scorn, Untimely zeal her witless pride, betrays; And serious manhood, from the tow'ring aim Of wisdom, stoops to emulate the boast Of childish toil. Behold yon mystic form, Bedeck'd with feathers, insects, weeds, and shells! Not with intenser brow the Samian sage Bent his fix'd eye, on heaven's eternal fires, When first the order of that radiant scene Swell'd his exulting thought, than this surveys A muckworm's entrails or a spider's fang. Next him a youth, with flowers and myrtles crown'd Attends that virgin form, and blushing kneels, With fondest gesture and a suppliant's tongue, To win her coy regard. Adieu, for him, The dull engagements of the bustling world! Adieu the sick impertinence of praise! And hope and action! for with her alone, By dreams and shades, to deal the sighing hours. Is all he asks, and all that fate can give! Thee too, facetious Momion, wandering here, Thee dreaded censor! oft have I beheld Bewilder'd unawares. Alas! too long Flush'd with thy comic triumphs and the spoils Of fly derision! till on every side Hurling thy random bolts, offended truth Assign'd thee here thy station with the slaves Of folly. Thy once formidable name Shall grace her humble records, and be heard In scoffs and mock'ry banded from the lips Of vengeful brotherhood around, So oft the patient victims of thy scorn. But now, ye gay! to whom indulgent fate, Of all the muse's empire hath assign'd The But now, ye gay, &c.] Ridicule from a notion of excellence, where the object is absolutely odious or Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 69 The fields of folly, hither each advance Your sickles; here the teeming soil affords Its richest growth. A fav'rite brood appears; In whom the demon, with a mother's joy, Views all her charms reflected, all her cares At full repaid. Ye most illustrious band! Who scorning reason's tame, pedantic rules, And order's vulgar bondage, never meant For souls sublime as yours, with generous zeal Pay vice the rev'rence virtue long usurp'd, And yield deformity the fond applause Which beauty wont to claim; forgive my song, That for the blushing diffidence of youth, It shuns the unequal province of your praise. Thus far triumphant in the pleasing guile Of bland imagination; folly's train Have dar'd our search; but now a dastard kind Advance reluctant, and with fault'iing feet Shrink, from the gazer's eye; enfeebled hearts, Whom fancy chills with visionary fears, Or bends to servile tameness with cenceits Of shame, of evil, or of base defect, Fantastic and delusive. Here the slave Who droops abash'd with sullen pomp surveys His humbler habit; here the trembling wretch Unnerv'd and froze with terror's icy bolts Spent in weak wailings, drown'd in shameful tears, At every dream of danger; here subdued By frontless laughter and the hardy scorn Of old, unfeeling vice, the abject soul Who blushing half resigns the candid praise Of temperance and honour; half disowns A freeman's hatred of tyrannic pride; And hears with sickly smiles the venal mouth With or contemptible. This is the highest degree of the ridiculous; as in the affectation of diseases or vices. Thus far triumphant, &c.] Ridicule from falso shame or groundless fear. 70 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. With foulest licence mock the patriot's name. Last of the motley bands on whom the power Of gay derision bends her hostile aim, Is that where shameful ignorance presides. Beneath her sordid banners, lo! they march, Like blind and lame. Whate'er their doubtful hands. Attempt, confusion strait appears behind, And troubles all the work. Thro' many a maze, Perplex'd they struggle, changing every path, O'erturning every purpose; then at last Sit down dismay'd, and leave the entangled scene For scorn to sport with. Such then is the abode Of folly in the mind; and such the shapes In which she governs her obsequious train. Thro' every scene of ridicule in things To lead the tenure of my devious lay; Through every swift occasion, which the hand Of laughter points at, when the mirthful sting Distends her sallying nerves and choaks her tongue; What were it but to count each crystal drop Which morning's dewy fingers on the blooms Of May distill? Suffice it to have said, Where'er Last of the, &c.] Ridicule from the ignorance of such things as our Circumstances require us to know. --suffice it to have said, &c] By comparing these general sources of ridicule with each other, and examining the ridiculous in other objects, we may obtain a general definition of it equally ap- plicable to every species. The most important, cir- cumstance of this definition is laid down in the lines referred to; but others more minute we shall sub- join here. Aristotle's account of the matter seems both imperfect and false; the ridiculous is some cer- tain fault or turpitude without pain, and not destruc- tive to its subject. Poetic. c. v. For allowing it to be Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 71 Where'er the power of ridicule displays Her quaint ey'd visage, some incongruous form. Some stubborn dissonance of things combin'd, Strikes on the quick observer; whether pomp, Or praise, or beauty mix their partial claim Where be true, as it is not, that the ridiculous is never ac- companied with pain, yet we might produce many instances of such a fault or turpitude which cannot with any tolerable propriety be called ridiculous. So that the definition does not distinguish the thing defined. Nay further, even when we perceive the turpitude tending to the destruction of its subject, we may still be sensible of a ridiculous appearance, till the ruin become imminent and the keener sensations of pity or terror banish the ludicrous apprehension from our minds. For the sensation of ridicule is not a bare perception of the agreement of disagree- ment of ideas; but a passion or emotion of the mind consequential to that perception. So that the mind may perceive the agreement or disagreement, and yet not feel the ridiculous, because it is engrossed by a more violent emotion. Thus it happens that some men think those objects ridiculous, to which others cannot endure to apply the name; because in them they excite a much intenser and more im- portant feeling. And this difference, among other causes, has brought a good deal of confusion into this question. That which makes objects ridiculous is some ground of admiration or esteem connected with other more general circumstances, comparatively worth- less or deformed; or it is some circumstance of tur- pitude or deformity connected with what is in ge- neral excellent or beautiful; the inconsistent prop- erties existing either in the objects themselves, or in the apprehension of the person to whom they re- late 72 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. Where sordid fashions, where ignoble deeds, Where foul deformity were wont to dwell, Or whether these with violation, loath'd, Invade resplendent pomp's imperious mein. The charms of beauty, or the boast of praise. Ask late; belonging always to the same order or class of being, implying sentiment or design; and excit- ing no acute or vehement emotion of the heart. To prove the several parts of this definition. The appearance of excellence or beauty connected with a general condition comparatively sordid or deform- ed, is ridiculous; for instance, pompous preten- sions to wisdom joined with ignorance and folly in the Socrates of Aristophanes; and the applause of military glory with cowardice and stupidity in the Thraso of Terence. The appearance of deformity or turpitude in con- junction with what is in general excellent or vene- rable, is also ridiculous; for instance, the personal weaknesses of a magistrate appearing in the solemn and public functions of his station. The incongruous properties may either exist in the objects themselves, or in the apprehension of the person to whom they relate. In the last men- tioned instances they both exist in the objects; in the instance from Aristophanes and Terence, one of them is objective and real, the other only founded in the apprehension of the ridiculous character. The inconsistent properties must belong to the same order or class of being. A coxcomb in fine cloaths bedaubed by accident in foul weather, is a ridiculous object; because his general apprehension of excellence and esteem is referred to the splen- dour and expence of his dress. A man of sense and merit in the same circumstances, is not counted ridiculous; because the general ground of excel- lency Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 73 Ask we for what fair end,the almighty fire In mortal bosoms wakes this gay contempt, The grateful stings of laughter, from disgust Educing pleasure? Wherefore, but to aid G The lency and esteem in him, is, both in fact and in his own apprehension, of a Very different species. Every ridiculous object implies sentiment or de- sign. A column placed by an architect without a capital or base is laughed at. The same column in a ruin causes a very different sensation. And lastly, the occurrence must excite no acute or vehement emotion of the heart, such a terror, pity, or indignation; for in that case, as was ob- served above, the mind is not at leisure to contem- plate the ridiculous. Whether any appearance not ridiculous be in- volved in this description; and whether it com- prehend every species and form of the ridiculous, must be determined by repeated applications of it to particular instances. Ask we for what fair end, &c] Since it is beyond all contradiction evedent that we have a natural sense or feeling of the ridiculous, and since so good a reason may be assigned to justify the supreme Being for bellowing it; one cannot without astonishment reflect on the conduct of those men who imagine it is for the service of true religion to vilify and black- en it without distinction, and endeavour to persuade us that it is never applied but in a bad cause. Rid- icule is not concerned with mere speculative truth or falsehood. It is not in abstract propositions or theorems, but in actions and passions, good and evil, beauty and deformity, that we find materials for it; and all these terms are relative, implying approba- tion or blame. To ask then whether ridicule be a test of truth, is in other words, to ask whither that which 74 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. The tardy steps of reason, and at once By this prompt impulse urge us to depress The giddy aims of folly? Though the light Of truth slow dawning on the inquiring mind, At which is ridiculous can be morally true, can be just and becoming; or whether that which is just and becoming, can be ridiculous. A question that does not deserve a serious answer. For it is most evident, that as in a metaphysical proposition offer'd to the understading for its assent, the faculty of reason ex- amines the terms of the proposition, and finding one idea which was supposed equal to another, to be in fact unequal, of consequence rejects the proposition as a falsehood; so in objects offer’d to the mind for its esteem or applause, the faculty of ridicule feeling an incongruity in the claim, urges the mind to reject with laughter and contempt. When therefore we observe such a claim, obtruded upon mankind, and the inconsistent circumstances, carefully concealed from the eye of the public, it is our business, if the matter be of importance to society, to drag out those latent circumstances, and by setting them full in view, convince the world how ridiculous the claim is; and thus a double advantage is gained; for which we both detect the moral falsehood soon- er than in the way of speculative inquiry, and im- press the minds of men with a stronger sense of the vanity and error of its authors. And this and no more is meant by the application of ridicule. But it is said, the practice is dangerous, and may be inconsistent with the regard we owe to objects of real dignity and excellence. I answer, the practice fairly managed can never be dangerous; men may be dishonest in obtruding circumstances foreign to the object, and we may be inadvertent in allowing those circumstances to impose upon us; but the sense Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 75 At length unfolds, through many a subtile tie, How these uncouth disorders end at last In public evil; yet benignant heav'n Conscious how dim the dawn of truth appears To thousands; conscious what a scanty pause From labours and from care, the wider lot Of humble life affords for studious thought To scan the maze of nature; therefore stampt The glaring scenes with characters of scorn, As broad, as obvious to the passing clown, As to the letter'd sage's curious eye. Such are the various aspects of the mind--- Some heav'nly genius, whose unclouded thoughts Attain sense of ridicule always judges right; the Socrates of Aristophanes is as truly ridiculous a character as ever was drawn. True, but it is not the character of Socrates, the divine moralist and the father of ancient wisdom. What then? did the ridicule of the poet hinder the philosopher from detecting and disclaiming those foreign circumstances which he had falsely introduced into his character, and thus ren- dering the satirist doubly ridiculous in his turn? No. But it nevertheless had an ill influence on the minds of the people. And so has the reasoning of Spinoza made many atheists; he has founded it indeed on suppositions utterly false, but allow him these, and his conclusions are unavoidably true. And if we must reject the use of ridicule, because by the imposition of false circumstances, things may be made to seem ridiculous, which are not so in themselves; why we ought not in the same man- ner to reject the use of reason, because by proceed- ing on false principles, conclusions will appear true which are impossible in nature, let the vehement and obstinate declaimers against ridicule determine. 76 PLEASURED OF IMAGINATION. Book III. Attain that secret harmony which blends The ethereal spirit with its mould of clay; O! teach me to reveal the grateful charm That search less nature o'er the sense of man Diffuses, to behold, in lifeless things, The inexpressive semblance of himself, Of thought and passion. Mark the sable woods. That shade sublime yon mountain's nodding brow; With what religious awe the solemn scene Commands your steps! as if the reverend form Of Minos or of Numa should forsake Th' Elysian seats, and down the imbow'ring glade Move to your pausing eye! Behold th' expanse On you gay landscape, where the silver clouds Flit o'er the heav'ns before the sprightly breeze; Now their grey cincture skirts the doubtful fun; Now streams of splendor, thro' their opening veil. Effulgent, sweep from off the gilded lawn The aerial shadows; on the curling brook, And on the shady margin's quiv'ring leaves With quickest lusture glancing; while you view The prospect, say, within your chearful breast Plays not the lively sense of winning mirth With clouds and sunshine chequer'd, while the round Of social, converse, to the inspiring tongue Of some gay nymph amid her subject train, Moves all obsequious? Whence is this effect, This kindred power of such discordant things? Or flows their semblance from that mystic tone To which the new born mind's harmonious powers At first were strung? Or rather from the links Which artful custom twines around her frame? For when the diff'rent images of things By chance combin'd, have struck the attentive soul With The inexpressive semblance, &c.] This similitude is the foundation of almost all the ornaments of poetic diction. 77 Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. With deeper impulse, or connected long, Have drawn her frequent eve; howe'er distinct; The external scenes, yet oft the ideas gain From that conjunction an eternal tie, And sympathy unbroken. Let the mind Recal one partner of the various league, Immediate, lo! the firm confed'rates rise, And each his former station strait resumes; One movement governs the consenting throng, And all at once with rosy pleasure shine, Or all are sadden'd with the glooms of care. 'Twas thus, if ancient same the truth unfold, Two faithful needles, from the informing touch Of the same parent stone, together drew Its mystic virtue, and at first conspir'd With fatal impulse quiv'ring to the pole; Then tho' disjoin'd by kingdoms, tho' the main Roll'd its broad surge betwixt, and diff'rent stars. Beheld their wakeful motions, yet preserv'd The former friendsh'ip, and remember'd still The alliance of their birth; whate'er the line Which once possess'd, nor pause, nor quiet knew The sure associate, ere with trembling speed He found its path and fix'd unerring there. Such is the secret union, when we feel A song, a flower, a name at once restore Those long connected scenes where first they mov'd; The attention; backward thro' her mazy walks Guiding the wanton fancy to her scope, To temples, courts, or fields; with all the band Of painted forms, of passions arid designs Attendant; Whence, if pleasing in itself, The prospect from that sweet accession gains Redoubled influence o'er the list'ning mind. G2 By Two faithful needles, &c.] See the elegant poem recited by cardinal Bembo in the character of Lu- cretius; Strada Prolus. vi. Academ. 2. c. 5. 78 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. By these mysterious ties the busy power Of mem'ry her ideal train preserves Intire; or when they would elude her watch, Reclaims their fleeting footsteps from the waste Of dark oblivion; thus collecting all The various forms of being to present, Before the curious aim of mimic art, Their largest choice; like spring's unfolded blooms Exhaling sweetness, that the skilful bee May taste at will, from their selected spoils To work her dulcet food. For not the expanse Of living lakes in summer's noontide calm, Reflects the bord'ring shade and sun bright heavens With fairer semblance; not the sculptur'd gold More faithful keeps the graver's lively trace, Than he whose birth the sister powers of art Propitious view'd, and from his genial star Shed influence to the seeds of fancy kind; Than his attemper'd bosom must preserve The seal of nature. There alone unchang'd, Her form remains. The balmy walks of May There breathe perennial sweets; the trembling chord Resounds for ever in the abstracted ear, Melodious; and the virgin's radiant eye, Superiour to disease, to grief, and time, Shines with unbating lustre. Thus at length Endow'd with all that nature can bestow, The child of fancy oft in silence bends O'er these mix'd treasures of his pregnant breast, With conscious pride. From them he oft resolves To frame he knows not what excelling things; And win he knows not what sublime reward Of praise and wonder. By degrees the mind Feels her young nerves dilate; the plastic powers. Labour By these mysterious ties, &c.] The act of remem- bring seems almost wholly to depend on the associ- ation of ideas. Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 79 Labour for action; blind emotions heave His bosom; and with loveliest frenzy caught, From earth to heaven he rolls his daring eye, From heaven to earth. Anon ten thousand shapes, Like spectres trooping to the wizard's call, Fleet swift before him. From the womb of earth, From ocean's bed they come; the eternal heavens Disclose their splendour, and the dark abvss Pours out her births unknown. With fixed gaze He marks the rising phantoms. Now compares Their diff'rent forms; now blends them, now di- Inlarges and extenuates by turns; [vides; Opposes, ranges in fantastic bands, And infinitely varies. Hither now, Now thither fluctuates his inconstant aim, With endless choice perplex'd. At length his plan Begins to open. Lucid order dawns; And as from Chaos old the jarring seeds Of nature at the voice divine repair'd Each to its place, till rosy earth unveil'd Her fragrant bosom, and the joyful sun Sprung up the blue serene; by swift degrees Thus disentangled, his entire design Emerges, Colours mingle, features join, And lines converge; the fainter parts retire; The fairer eminent in light advance; And every image on its neighbor smiles. A while the stands, and with a father's joy Contemplates. Then with Promethean art Into its proper vehicle he breathes The fair conception; which imbodied thus, And permanent, becomes to eyes or ears An Into its proper vehicle, &c.] This relates to the different sorts of corporeal mediums, by which the ideas of the artist are rendered palpable to the sen- ses; as by sounds, in music, by lines and shadows, in painting; by diction, in poety, &c. 80 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. An Object ascertain'd; while thus inform'd The various organs of his mimic skill, The consonance of founds the featur'd rock, The shadowy picture and impassion'd verse, Beyond their proper pow'rs attract the soul By that expressive semblance, while in sight Of nature's great original we scan The lively child of art; while line by line, And feature after feature we refer To that sublime exemplar whence it stole Those animating charms. Thus beauty's palm Betwixt'em wav'ring hangs; applauding love Doubts where to chuse; and mortal man aspires To tempt creative praise. As when a cloud Of gath'ring hail with limpid crusts of ice Inclos'd and obvious to the beaming sun, Collects his large effulgence; strait the heav'ns With equal flames presents on either hand The radiant visage: Persia stands at gaze, Appall'd; and on the brink of Ganges waits The snowy vested seer, in Mithra's name, To which the fragrance of the south shall burn, To which his warbled orisons ascend. Such various bliss the well tun'd heart enjoys, Favour'd of heaven! While plung'din sordid cares The unfeeling vulgar mocks the boon divine; And harsh austerity, from whose rebuke Young love and smiling wonder shrink away, Abash'd and chill of heart, with sager frowns Condemns the fair enchantment. On my strain, Perhaps ev'n now some cold, fastidious judge Costs a disdainful eye; and calls my toils, And calls the love and beauty which I sing, The dream of folly. Thou grave censor I say, Is beauty then a dream, because the glooms Of dulness hang too heavy on thy sense To let her shine upon thee? So the man Whose Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 81 Whose eye ne'er open'd on the light of heaven, Might smile with (corn while raptur'd vision tells Of the gay, colour'd radiance flush bright O'er all creation. From the wife be far Such gross unhallow'd pride; nor needs my song Descend so low; but rather now unfold, If human thought could reach, or words unfold By what mysterious fabric of the mind, The deep felt joys and harmony of sound Result from airy motion; and from shape The lovely phantoms of sublime and fair. By what fine ties hath God connected things When present in the mind; which in themselves Have no connection? Sure the rising sun, O'er the cœrulian convex of the sea, With equal brightness and with equal warmth Might roll his fiery orb; nor yet the soul Thus feel her frame expanded, and. her powers Exulting in the splendour the beholds; Like a young conqu'ror moving thro' the pomp Of some triumphal day. When join'd at eve, Soft mum'ring streams and gales of gentlest breath Melodious Philomela’s wakeful srain Attemper, could not man's discerning ear Through all its tones the symphony pursue , Nor yet this breath divine of nameless joy Steal thro' his veins and fan the awaken'd heart, Mild as the breeze, yet rapt'rous as the song? But were not nature still endow'd at large With all which life requires, tho' unadorn'd With such enchantment? Wherefore then her form So exquisitely fair? her breath perfume'd With such etherial sweetness? Whence her voice Inform'd at will to raise or to depress The impassion'd soul? and whence the robes of light Which thus invest her with more lovely pomp That fancy can describe? Whence but from thee O source 82 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. O source divine of ever flowing love, And thy unmeasur'd goodness? Not content With every food of life to nourish man, By kind illusions of the wond'ring sense Thou mask'it all nature beauty to his eye, Or music to his ear; well-pleas'd he scans The goodly prospect; and with inward smiles Treads the gay verdure of the painted plain; Beholds the azure canopy of heaven, And living lamps that over-arch his head With more than regal splendour; bends his ears To the full choir of water, air, and earth; Nor heeds the pleasing error of his thought, Nor doubts the painted green or azure arch, Nor questions more the music's mingling sounds Than space, or motion, or eternal time; So sweet he feels their influence to attract The fixed soul; to brighten the dull glooms Of care, and make the destin'd road of life Delightful to his feet. So fables tell, Th' advent'rous hero, bound on hard exploits, Beholds with glad surprize, by secret spells Of some kind sage, the patron of his toils, A visionary paradise disclos'd Amid the dubious wild; with streams, and shades, And airy songs, the enchanted landscape smiles, Cheats his long labours and renews his frame. What then is taste, but these internal pow'rs Active, and strong, and feelingly alive To each fine impulse‽ a discerning sense Of decent and sublime, with quick disgust From things deform'd, or disarrang'd, or gross In species? This, nor stores of gold, Nor purple state, nor culture can bestow; But God alone, when first his active band Imprints the secret byass of the soul. He, mighty Parent! wise and just in all, Free Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 83 Free as the vital breeze Or light of heav'n, Reveals the charms of nature. Ask the swain Who journeys homeward from a summer day's Long labour, why, forgetful of his toils And due repose, he loiters to behold The sunshine gleaming as thro' amber clouds, O'er all the western sky; full soon, I ween, His rude expression and untutor'd airs, Beyond the pow’r of language will unfold The form of beauty smiling at his heart, How lovely! how commanding! But tho' heav'n In every breast hath town these early seeds Of love and admiration, yet in vain, Without fair culture's kind parental aid Without enlivening suns, and genial show'rs, And shelter from the blast, in vain we hope The tender plant should rear its blooming head, Or yield the harvest promis'd in its spring. Nor yet will every soil with equal stores Repay the tiller's labour; or attend His will, obsequious, whether to produce The olive or the laurel. Diff'rent minds Incline to different objects; one pursues, The vast alone, the wonderful, the wild; Another sighs for harmony, and grace, And gentlest beauty. Hence when lightning fires The arch of heaven, and thunders rock the ground, When furious whirlwinds rend the howling air, And ocean, groaning from the lowest bed Heaves his tempestuous billows, to the sky; Amid the mighty uproar, while below The nations tremble, Shakespear looks abroad From some high cliff, superiour, and enjoys The ----One pursues The vast alone, &c.] See the note to ver. 18. of this book. 84 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. The elemental war. But Waller longs, All on the margin of some slow'ry dream To spread his careless limbs amid the cool Of plantane shades, and to the list'ning deer, The tale of slighted vows and love's disdain Resound soft warbling all the live long day: Consenting Zephyr sighs; the weeping rill Joins in his plaint, melodious; mute the groves; And hill and dale with all their echoes mourn. Such and so various are the tastes of men. Oh! blest of heav'n, whom not the languid songs Of luxury, the Siren! not the bribes Of sordid wealth, nor all the gaudy spoils Of pageant honour can seduce to leave Those ever-blooming sweets, which from the store Of nature fair imagination culls To charm th' enliven'd soul! What tho' not all Of mortal offspring can attain the heights Of envied life; though only few possess Patrician treasures or imperial state; Yet nature's care, to all her children just, With richer treasures and an ampler state Endows at large whatever happy man Will deign to use them. His the city's pomp, The rural honours his. Whate'er adorns The princely dome, the coloumn and the arch; The breathing marbles and the sculptur'd gold, Beyond Waller longs, &c.] O! how I long my careless limbs to lay Under the plantane shade; and all the day With am'rous airs my fancy entertain, &c. WALLER, Battle of the Summer-islands. CI And again, While in the park I sing the lift’ing deer Attend my passion, and forget to fear, &c. At Pens-hurst. Book III. PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. 85 Beyond the proud possessor's narrow claim, His tuneful breast enjoys. For him, the spring Distills her dews, and from the silken gem Its lucid leaves unfolds; for him, the hand Of autumn tinges every fertile branch With blooming gold and blushes like the morn. Each passing hour sheds tribute from her wings; And still new beauties meet his lonely walk; And loves unfelt attract him. Not a breeze Flies o'er the meadow, not a cloud imbibes The setting fun's effulgence, not a strain From all the tenants of the warbling shade Ascends, but whence his bosom can partake Fresh pleasure, unreprov'd. Nor thence partakes Fresh pleasure only; for the attentive mind, H By ---- Not a breeze, &c.] That this account may not appear rather poetically extravagant than just in philosophy, it may be proper to produce the senti- ment of one of the greatest, wisest, and bed of men on this article; one so little to be suspected of par- tiality in the case, that he reckons it among those fa- vours for which he was especially thankful to the gods, that they had not suffered him to make any great proficiency in the arts of eloquence and poetry led by that mean he should have been diverted from pursuits of more importance to his high station. Speaking of the beauty of universal nature, he ob- serves that there is a pleasure and graceful aspect in every object we preceive, when once we consider its connection with that general order. He instances. in many things which at first sight would be thought rather deformities; and then adds, that a man who enjoys a sensibility of temper with a just comprehen- sion of the universal order will discern many amia- ble things, nor credible to every mind, but to those alone who have entered into an honourable familiarity with nature and her works. M. Antonin. iii. 2 86 PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. Book III. By this harmonious action on her pow'rs, Becomes herself harmonious; wont so long In outward things to meditate the charm Of sacred order, soon she seeks at home To find a kindred order, to exert Within herself this elegence of love, This fair inspir'd delight: her temper'd pow'rs Refine at length, and every passion wears A chaster, milder, more attentive mien. But if to ampler prospects, if to gaze On nature's form where negligent of all These lesser graces, she assumes the port Of that eternal Majesty that weigh'd The world's foundations, if to these the mind Exalt her daring eye; then mightier far Will be the change, and nobler. Would the forms Of servile custom cramp her generous pow'rs? Would sordid policies, the barb'rous growth Of ignorance and rapine, bow her down To tame pursuits, to indolence and fear! Lo! she appeals to nature, to the winds And rolling waves, the sun's unwearied course, The elements and seasons: all declare or what th' eternal Maker has ordain'd The pow'rs of man; we feel within ourselves His energy divine: he tells the heart, He meant, he made us to behold and love What he beholds and loves, the general orb Of life and being; to be great like him, Beneficent and active. Thus the men Whom nature's works can charm, with God himself Hold converse; grow familiar, day by day With his conceptions; act upon his plan; And form to his, the relish of their souls. THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. By Dr. ARMSTRONG.  THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. BOOK FIRST. AIR. DAUGHTER of Pæon, queen of every joy, HYGEIA;* whose indulgent smile sustains The various race luxuriant nature pours, And on the immortal essences bellows Immortal youth; auspicious, O descend! Thou chearful guardian of the rolling year, Whether thou wanton'st on the western gale. Or shak'st the rigid pinions of the north, Diffusest life and vigour thro' the tracts Of air, thro' earth, and ocean's deep domain. When thro' the blue serenity of heaven Thy power approaches, all the wasteful host Of pain and sickness squalid and deform'd, Confounded sink into the loathsome gloom, Where in deep Erebus involv'd the fiends Grow more profane. Whatever shapes of death Shook from the hideous chambers of the globe, Swarm thro' the shuddering air; whatever plagues H2 Or *Hygeia, the goddess of health, was, according to tie genealogy of the heathen deities, the daughter of Esculapius; who, as well as Apollo, was distinguished. by the name of Pæon. 90 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book I. Or meagre famine breeds, or with slow wings Rise from the putrid wat'ry element, The damp waste forest, motionless and rank, That smothers earth, and all the breathless winds. Or the vile carnage of the inhuman field; Whatever baneful breathes the rotten south; Whatever ills the extremes or sudden change Of cold and hot, or moist and dry produce; Then fly thy pure effulgence; they, and all The secret poisons of avenging heaven, And all the pale tribes halting in the train Of vice and heedless pleasure: or if aught The comet's glare amid the burning sky, Mournful eclipse, or planets ill combin'd, Portend disastrous to the vital world; Thy salutary power averts their rage, Averts the general bane; and but for thee Nature would sicken, nature soon would die. Without thy chearful, active energy, No rapture swells the bread, no poet sings, No more the maids of Helicon delight. Come then with me, O goddess heavenly gay! Begin the song; and let it sweetly flow And let it wisely teach thy wholesome laws: " How best the fickle fabric to support " Of mortal man; in healthful body how " A healthful mind the longed to maintain." " Tis hard, in such a strife of rules, to chuse The best, and those of most extensive use; Harder in clear and animated song, Dry philosophic precepts to convey. Yet with thy aid the secret wilds I trace Of nature, and with daring steps proceed Thro' paths the muses never trod before. Nor should I wander doubtful of my way, Had I the lights of that sagacious mind Which Book I. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 91 Which taught to check the pestilential fire, And quell the dreaded Python of the Nile. O Thou beloved by the grateful arts, Thou long the fav'rite of the healing powers, Indulge, O Mead! a well-design'd essay, Howe'er imperfect, and permit that I My little knowledge with my country share, Till you the rich Asclepian stores unlock, And with new graces dignify the theme. Ye who amid this feverish world would wear A body free of pain, of cares a mind; Fly the rank city, shun its turbid air; Breathe not the chaos of eternal smoke And volatile corruption, from the dead, The dying, sick'ning and the living world Exhal'd to sully heaven's transparent dome With dim mortality. It is not air That from a thousand lungs reeks back to thine, Sated with exhalations rank and fell, The spoil of dunghills, and the putrid thaw Of nature; when from shape and texture she Relapses into sighing elements: It is not air, but floats a nauseous mass Of all obscene, corrupt, offensive things. Much moisture hurts; but here a sordid bath With oily rancour fraught, relaxes more The solid frame than simple moisture can. Besides, immur'd in many a sullen bay That never felt the freshness of the breeze, This slumbering deep remains, and ranker grows With sickly rest; and tho' the lungs abhor To drink the dun fuliginous abyss Did not the acid vigour of the mine, Roll'd from so many thundering chimneys, tame The putrid salts that overswam the sky; This eaustick venom would perhaps corrode Those tender cells that draw the vital air, In 92 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book I. In vain with all their unctuous rills bedew'd; Or by the drunken, venous tubes, that yawn In countless pores o'er all the pervious skin, Imbib'd, would poison the balsamic blood, And rouse the heart to every fever's rage. While yet you breathe, away! the rural winds Invite; the mountains call you, and the vales, The woods, the streams, and each ambrosial breeze That fans the ever undulating sky; A kindly sky! whose soft'ring power regales Man, beast, and all the vegetable reign. Find then some woodland scene, where nature smiles, Benign, where all her honest children thrive. To us there wants not many a happy seat; Look round the smiling land, such numbers rise We hardly fix, bewilder'd in our choice. See where enthron'd in adamantine state, Proud of her bards, imperial Windsor sits; There chuse thy feat, in some aspiring grove, Fast by the slowly winding Thames; or where Broader she laves fair Richmond's green retreats Richmond that sees an hundred villas rise, Rural or gay, O! from the summer's rage, O! wrap me in the friendly gloom that hides Umbrageous Ham! But if the busy town Attract thee still to toil for power or gold, Sweetly thou may'st thy vacant hours possess In Hampstead, courted by the western wind; Or Greenwich, waving o'er the winding flood; Or lose the world amid the sylvan wilds Of Dulwich yet, by barbarous arts unspoil'd. Green rise the Kentish Hills in chearful air; But on the marshy plains that Essex spreads Build not, nor rest too long thy wandering feet. For on a rustic throne of dewy turf, With baneful fogs her aching temples bound, Quartana there presides; a meagre fiend, Begot by Eurus, when his brutal force Compress'd Book I. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 93 Compress'd the slothful Naiad of the fens From such a mixture sprung this fitful pest. With feverish blasts subdues the sick'ning land; Cold Tremors come, and mighty love of rest, Convulsive yawnings, lassitude, and pains, That sting the burden'd brows, fatigue the loins, And rack the joints, and every torpid limb; Then parching heat succeeds, till copious sweats O'erflow; a short relief from former ills, Beneath repeated shocks the wretches pine; The vigour sinks, the habit melts away; The chearful, pure, the animated bloom, Dies from the face, with squalid atrophy Devour’d, in sallow melancholy clad. And oft the sorceress, in her fated wrath, Resigns them to the furies of her train; The bloated Hydrops, and the yellow fiend Ting'd with her own accumulated gall. In quest of sites, avoid the mournful plain Where osiers thrive, and trees that love the lake; Where many lazy muddy rivers flow; Nor for the wealth that all the Indies roll, Fix near the marshy margin of the main. For from the humid soil, and wat'ry reign, Eternal vapours rise; the spungy air For ever weeps; or, turgid with the weight Of waters, pours a sounding deluge down. Skies such as these let every mortal shun Who dreads the dropsy, palsy, or the gout, Tertian, corrosive scurvy, or moist catarrh. Or any other injury that grows From raw spun fibres, idle and unstrung, Skin ill perspiring, and the purple flood In languid eddies loitering into phlegm. Yet not alone from humid skies we pine; For air may be too dry. The subtle heaven That 94 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book I. That winnows into dust the blasted downs Bare, and extended wide, without a stream, Too fast imbibes th'attenuated lymph, Which, by the surface, from the blood exhales. The lungs grow rigid, and with toil essay Their flexible vibrations; or inflam'd, Their tender ever-moving structure thaws. Spoil'd of its limpid vehicle, the blood A mass of lees remains, a drossy tide That slow as Lethe wanders thro' the veins, Unactive in the services of life, Unfit to lead its pitchy current thro' The secret mazy channels of the brain. The melancholic fiend, that worst despair Of physic hence, the rust complexion'd titan Pursues, whose blood is dry, whose fibres gain Too stretch'd a tone: and hence in climes adust So sudden tumults seize the trembling nerves, And burning fevers glow with double rage. Fly, if you can, these violent extremes Of air; the wholesome is nor moist nor dry. But as the power of chusing is deny'd To half mankind, a further task ensue; How best to mitigate these fell extremes, How breathe unhurt the withering element, Or hazy atmosphere; tho' custom moulds To every clime the soft Promethean clay And he who first the fogs of Essex breath'd So kind is native air may in the fens Of Essex from inveterate ills revive At pure Montpelier or Bermuda caught; But if the raw and oozy heav'n offend, Correct the soil, and dry the sources up Of wat'ry exhalation; wide and deep Couduct your Trenches thro' the spouting Bog; Solicitous, with all your winding arts, Betray th'unwilling lake into the stream; And Book I. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 95 And weed the forest, and invoke the winds To break the toils where strangled vapours lie; Or thro' the thickets send the crackling flames. Mean time, at home with chearful fires dispel The humid air; and let your table smoke With solid roast or bak'd; or what the herds Of tamer breed supply; or what the wilds Yield to the toilsome pleasures of the chace. Generous your wine, the boast of rip'ning years. But frugal be your cups; the languid frame, Vapid and sunk from yesterday's debauch, Shrinks from the cold embrace of wat'ry heavens. But neither these, nor all Appolo's arts, Disarm the dangers of the drooping sky, Unless with exercise and manly toil You brace your nerves, and spur the lagging blood The fat'ning clime let all the sons of ease Avoid; if indolence would with to live. Go, yawn and loiter out the long slow year In fairer skies. If droughty regions parch The skin and lungs, and bake the thick'ning blood. Deep in the waving forest chuse your seat, Where fuming trees refresh the thirsty air; And wake the fountains from their secret beds, And into lakes dilate the running stream. Here spread your gardens wide; and let the cool, The moist relaxing vegetable store Prevail in each repast; your food supplied By bleeding life, be gently wasted down, By soft decoction, and a mellowing heat, To liquid balm; or, if the solid mass You chuse, tormented in the boiling wave; That thro' the thirsty chanels of the blood A smooth diluted chyle may ever flow. The fragrant dairy from its cool recess Its nectar acid or benign will pour To drown your thirst: or let the mantling bowl Of keen sherbet the fickle taste relieve. For 96 ART OF PRESENVING HEALTH. Book I. For with the viscious blood the simple stream Will hardly mingle; and fermented cups Oft dissipate more moisture than they give. Yet when pale seasons rise, or winter rolls His horrors o'er the world, thou mayst indulge In feasts more genial, and impatient broach The mellow cask. Then too the scourging air Provokes to keener toils than sultry droughts Allow. But rarely we such skies blaspheme. Steep'd in continual rains, or with raw fogs Bedew'd our seasons droop; incumbent still A ponderous heaven o'erwhelms the sinking soul. Lab'ring with dorms in heapy mountains rise Th'imbattled clouds, as if the Stygian shades Had left the dungeon of eternal night, Till black with thunder all the south descends. Scarce in a showerless day the heavens indulge Our melting clime, except the baleful east Withers the tender spring, and sourly checks The fancy of the year. Our fathers talk Of summers, balmy airs, and skies serene. Good heaven! for what unexpected crimes This dismal change! The brooding elements Do they, your powerful ministers of wrath, Prepare some fierce exterminating plague? Or is it fix'd in the decrees above That lofty Albion melt into the main? Indulgent nature! O dissolve this gloom! Bind in eternal adamant the winds That drown or wither: give the genial west To breathe, and in its turn the sprightly north; And may once more the circling seasons rule The year; not mix in every monstrous day. Mean time, the moist malignity to shun Of burden'd skies; mark where the dry champain Swells into chearful hills; where Marjoram And Thyme, the love of bees, perfume the air; And Book I. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 97 And where the Cynorrhodon with the rose For fragrance vies; for in the thirsty soil Most fragrant breathe the aromatic tribes. There bid thy roofs high on the basking steep Ascend, there light thy hospitable fires. And let them see the wintry morn arise, The summer evening blushing in the west; While with unbrageous oaks the ridge behind O'erhung defends you from the blust'ring north, And bleak affliction of the peevish east. O! when the growling winds contend, and all The sounding forest fluctuates in the storm, To sink in warm repose, and hear the din Howl o'er the steady battlements, delights Above the luxury of vulgar sleep. The murmuring rivulet, and the hoarser strain Of waters rushing o'er the slippery rocks, Will nightly lull you to ambrosial rest. To please the fancy is no trifling good, Where health is studied; for whatever move The mind with calm delight, promotes the just And natural movements of th' harmonious frame Besides, the sportive brook for ever shakes The trembling air; that floats from hill to hill, From vale to mountain, with incessant change Of purest element, refreshing still Your airy seat, and uninfected goods. Chiefly for this I praise the man who builds High on the breezy ridge, whose lofty sides Th' etherial deep with endless billows laves. His purer mansion nor contagious years Shall reach, nor deadly putrid airs annoy. But may no fogs, from lake, or fenny plain, Involve my hill. And wheresoe'er you build; Whether on sun-burnt Epsom, or the plains Wash’d by the silent Lee; in Chelsea low, Or high Blackheath with wint'ry winds assail'd; I Dry 98 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book I. Dry be your house; but airy more than warm. Else every breath of ruder wind will strike Your tender body thro' with rapid pains; Fierce coughs will teize you, hoarsness bind your voice, Or moist Gravedo load your aching brows. These to defy, and all the fates that dwell In cloister'd air, tainted with streaming life, Let lofty cielings grace your ample rooms; And dill at azure noontide may your dome At every window drink the liquid sky. Need we the funny situation here, And theatres open to the south, commend? Here, when the morning's misty breath infests More than the torrid noon? How sickly grow, How pale, the plants in those ill-fated vales That circled round with the gigantic heap Of mountains, never felt, nor never hope To feel the genial vigor of the sun! While on the neighbouring hill the rose inflames The verdant spring; in virgin beauty blows The tender lily, languishingly sweet; O'er every hedge the wanton woodbine roves, And autumn ripens in the summer's ray. Nor less the warmer living tribes demand The soft'ring sun; whose energy divine Dwells not in mortal fire; whose generous heat Glows thro' the mass of grosser elements, And kindles into life the pond'rous spheres. Chear'd by thy kind invigorating warmth, We court thy beams, great majesty of day! If not the soul, the regent of this world, First born of heaven, and only less than God! THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. BOOK SECOND. DIET. ENOUGH of air. A desart subject now, Rougher and wilder, rises to my sight. A barren waste, where not a garland grows To bind the muse's brow: not even a proud Stupendous solitude frowns o'er the heath, To rouse a nobler horror in the soul; But rugged paths fatigue, and error leads Thro' endless labyrinths the devious feet. Farewel, etherial Fields! the humbler arts Of life; the table and the homely Gods, Demand my song. Elysian gales adieu! The blood, the fountain whence the spirits flow, The generous stream that waters every part, And motion, vigour and warm life conveys To every particle that moves or lives; This vital fluid, thro' unnUmber'd tubes Pour'd by the heart, and to the heart again Refunded; scourg'd for ever round and round, Enrag'd with heat and toil, at last forgets Its balmy nature; virulent and thin It grows; and now, but that a thousands gates Are open to its flight, it would destroy The parts it cherish'd and repair'd before. Besides, the flexible and tender tubes Melt in the mildest, most nectareous tide That ripening nature rolls; as in the stream Its crumbling banks; but what the vital force Of plastic fluids hourly batters down, That very force, those plastic particles Rebuild; so mutable the date of man. For 100 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. For this the watchful appetite was giv'n, Daily with fresh materials to repair This unavoidable expence of life, This necessary waste of flesh and blood. Hence the concoctive powers with various art Subdue the cruder aliments to chyle; The chyle to blood; the foamy purple tide To liquors, which thro' finer arteries To different parts their winding course pursue; To try new changes, and new forms put on, Or for the public, or some private use. Nothing so foreign but the athletic hind Can labour into blood. The hungry meal Alone he fears, or aliments too thin, By violent powers too easily subdu'd, Too soon expell'd. His daily labour thaws, To friendly chyle, the most rebellious mass That salt can harden, or the smoke of years; Nor does his gorge the rancid bacon rue, Nor that which Cestria sends, tenacious pane Of solid milk. But ye of softer clay Infirm and delicate! and ye who waste With pale and bloated sloth the tedious day! Avoid the stubborn aliment, avoid The full repast; and let sagacious age Grow wiser, lesson'd by the dropping teeth, Half subtiliz'd to chyle, the liquid food Readiest obeys the assimilating powers; And soon the tender vegetable mass Relents; and soon the young of those that tread The stedfast earth, or cleave the green abyss, Or pathless sky. And if the Steer must fall, In youth and vigour glorious let him die; Nor day till rigid age, or heavy ails, Absolve him ill requited from the yoke. Some with high forage, end luxuriant ease, Indulge Book II. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 101 Indulge the veteran ox; but wiser thou, From the bleak mountain or the barren downs, Expect the flocks by frugal nature fed; A race of purer blood, with exercise Refin'd and scanty fare; For, old or young, The stall'd are never healthy; nor the cramm'd. Not all the culinary arts can tame, To wholesome food, the abominable growth Of rest and gluttony; the prudent taste Rejects like bane such loathsome lusciousness. The languid stomach curses even the pure Delicious fat, and all the race of oil; For more the oily aliments relax Its feeble tone; and with the eager lymph Fond to incorporate with all it meets, Coily they mix; and shun with slippery wiles The woo'd embrace. Th' irresoluble oil, So gentle, late and blandishing, in floods Of rancid bile o'erflows; what tumults hence, What horrors rise, were nauseous to relate. Chuse leaner viands, ye of jovial make! Chuse sober meals; and rouse to active life Your cumbrous clay; nor on the enfeebling down, Irresolute, protract the morning hours. But let the man, whose bones are thinly clad, With chearful ease, and succulent repast, Improve his slender habit. Each extreme From the blest mean of sanity departs. I could relate what table this demands, Or that Complexion; what the various powers Of various foods; but fifty years would roll, And fifty more, before the tale were done. Besides, there often lurks some nameless, strange, Peculiar thing; nor on the skin display'd, Felt in the pulse, nor in the habit seen; Which finds a poison in the food that most The temp'rature affects. There are, whose blood I2 Impetuous 102 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. Impetuous rages thro' the turgid veins, Who better bear the fiery fruits of Ind, Than the moist Melon, or pale Cucumber. Of chilly nature others fly the board Supply'd with slaughter, and the vernal pow'rs For cooler, kinder sustenance, implore. Some even the generous nutriment detest, Which in the shell, the sleeping Embryo rears. Some, more unhappy still, repeat the gifts Of Pales; soft, delicious and benign: The balmy quintescence of every flower, And every grateful herb that decks the spring; The soft'ring dew of tender sprouting life; The blest refection of declining age; The kind restorative of those who lie Half dead and panting, from the doubtful strife: Of nature struggling in the grasp of death. Try all the bounties of this fertile globe, There is not such a salutary food, As suits with every stomach. But except, Amid the mingled mass of fish and fowl, And boil'd and back'd, you hesitate by which You sunk oppress'd, or whether not by all; Taught by experience soon you may discern What pleases, what offends. Avoid the cates That lull the sickned appetite too long; Or heave with feverish slushings all the face, Burn in the palms, and parch the rough'ning tongue Or much diminish, or too much increase Th' expence which nature's wise economy, Without or waste or avarice maintains. Such cates abjur'd, let prouling hunger loose And bid the curious palate roam at will; They scarce can err amid the various stores That burst the teeming entrails of the world. Led by sagacious taste, the ruthless king Of beasts on blood and slaughter only lives; The Book II. ART OF PRESENVING HEALTH. 103 The tyger, form'd alike to cruel meals, Would at the manger starve: of milder seeds, The generous horse to herbage and to grain Confines his wish; thro' fabling Greece resound The Thracian Heeds with human carnage wild. Prompted by instinct's never-erring power, Each creature knows its proper aliment'; But man the inhabitant of every clime, With all the commoners of nature seeds. Directed, bounded, by this pow'r within, Their cravings are well-aim'd; voluptuous man Is by superior faculties misled; Misled from pleasure even in quest of joy. Sated with nature's boons, what thousands seek, With dishes tortur'd from their native taste, And mad variety to spur beyond Its wiser will the jaded appetite! Is this for pleasure? Learn a juster taste; And know, that temperence is true luxury. Or is it pride? Pursue some noble aim. Dismiss you parasites, who praise for hire; And earn the fair esteem of honest men, Whose praise is same. Form'd of such clay as yours. The sick, the needy, shiver at your gates. Even modest want may bless your hand unseen, Tho' hush'd in patient wretchedness at home. Is there no virgin, grac'd with every charm But that which binds the mercenary vow? No youth of genius, whose neglected bloom Unfoster'd sickens in the barren shade? No worthy man, by fortune's random blows, Or by a heart too generous and humane, Constrain'd to leave his happy natal seat, And sigh for wants more bitter than his own? There are while human miseries abound, A thousand ways to waste superfluous wealth, Without a fool or flatterer at your board, Without one hour of sickness or disgust. But 104 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. But other ills the ambiguous feast pursue, Besides provoking the lascivious taste. Such various foods, tho' harmless each alone, Each other violate; and oft we see What strife is brew'd, and what pernicious bane, From combitations of innoxious things. The unbounded taste I mean not to confine To hermit's diet, needlessly severe. But would you long the sweets of health enjoy, Or husband pleasure; at one impious meal Exhaust not half the bounties of the year, And of each realm. It matters not mean while How much to morrow differ from to day; So far indulge; 'tis fit, besides, that man, To change obnoxious, be to change inur'd. But stay the curious appetite, and taste With caution fruits you never tried before; For want of use the kindest aliment Sometimes offends while custom tames the rage Of poison to the mild amity with life. So heaven has form'd us to the general taste Of all its gifts; so custom has improv'd This bent of nature; that few simple foods, Of all that earth, or air, or ocean yield, But by excess offend. Beyond the sense Of light refection, at the genial board Indulge not often; nor protract the feast To dull satiety; till soft and slow A drowzy death creeps on th' expansive soul Oppress'd, and smother'd the celestial fire. The stomach, urg'd beyond its active tone, Hardly to nutrimental chyle subdues The softest food: unfinish'd and deprav'd The chyle, in all its future wand'rings owns Its turbid fountain; not by purer streams So to be clear'd, but foulness will remain. To sparkling wine what ferment can exalt Th’ Book II. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 105 Th' unripen'd grape? Or what machanic skill From the crude ore can spin the ductile gold? Gross riot treasures up a wealthy fund Of plagues: but more immedicable ills Attend and lean extreme. For physic knows How to disburden the too tumid veins, Even how to ripen the half-labour'd blood; But to unlock the elemental tubes, Collaps'd and shrunk with long inanity, And with balsamic nutriment repair The dried and worn out habit, were to bid Old age grow green, and wear a second spring; Or the tall ash, long ravish'd from the soil, Thro' wither'd veins imbibe the vernal dew. When hunger calls, obey; nor often wait Till hunger sharpen to corrosive pain: For the keen appetite will feast beyond What nature well can bear; and one extreme Ne'er without danger meets its own reverse. Too greedily the exhausted veins absorb The recent chyle, and load enfeebled powers Oft to the extinction of the vital flame. To the pale cities, by the firm-set siege And famine humbled, may this verse be borne; And hear ye hardest sons that Albion breeds, Long toss'd and famish'd on the wint'ry main; The war shook off, or hospitable shore Auain'd, with temperance bear the shock of joy; Nor crown with festive rites th' auspicious day: Such feast might prove more fatal than the waves, Than war, or famine. While the vital fire Burns feebly heap not the green fuel on, But prudently foment the wandering spark With what the soonest feels its kindred touch; Be frugal even of that; a little give At first; that kindled, add a little more; Till, by deliberate nourishing, the flame. Reviv'd, with all its wonted vigour glows. But 106 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. But tho' the two, the full and the jejune, Extremes have each their vice; it much avails Ever with gentle tide to ebb and flow From this to that: so nature learns to bear Whatever chance or headlong appetite May bring. Besides, a meagre day subdues The cruder clods by sloth or luxury Collected; and unloads the wheels of life. Sometimes a coy aversion to the feast Comes on, while yet no blacker omen lowers; Then is a time to shun the tempting board, Were it your natal or your nuptial day. Prehaps a fast so seasonable starves The latent seeds of woe, which rooted once Might cost you labour. But the day return'd Of festal luxury, the wise indulge Most in the tender vegetable breed; Then chiefly when the summer's beams inflame The brazen heavens; or angry Syrius sheds A feverish taint thro' the still gulph of air. The moist cool viands then, and flowing cup From the fresh diary-virgin's liberal hand, Will save your head from harm, tho' round th' world The dreaded Causos roll his wasteful fires. Pale humid Winter loves the generous board, The meal more copious, and a warmer fare; And longs, with old wood and old wine, to chear His quaking heart. The seasons which divide Th' empires of heat and cold; by neither claim'd Influenc'd by both; a middle regimen Impose. Thro' autumn's languishing domain Descending, nature by degrees invites To glowing luxury. But from the depth Of winter, when the invogorated year Emerges; when Favonius flush'd with love, Toyful and young, in every breeze descends More warm and wanton on his kindling bride; Then, shepherds, then begin to spare your flocks, And Book II. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 107 And learn, with wise humanity, to check The lust of blood. Now pregnant earth commits A various offspring to the indulgent sky: Now bountious nature seeds with lavish hand The prone creation; yields what once suffic'd Their dainty sovereign, when the world was young; E'er yet the barbarious thirst of blood had seiz'd The human breast. Each rolling month matures The food that suits it most; so does each clime. Far in the horrid realms of winter, where The establish'd ocean heaps a monstrous waste Of shining rocks and mountains to the pole; There lives a hardy race, whose plainest wants Relentless earth, their cruel step-mother, Regards not. On the wade of iron fields, Untaim'd, untractable, no harvests wave; Pomona hates them, and the clownish god Who tends the garden. In this frozen world Such cooling gifts were vain; a fitter meal Is earn'd with ease; for here the fruitful spawn Of Ocean swarms, and heaps their genial board With generous fare and luxury profuse. These are their bread, the only bread they know; These, and their willing slave the deer, that crops The shrubby herbage on their meager hills. Girt by the burning zone, not thus the south Her swarthy sons, in either Ind, maintains; Or thirsty Lybia; from whose fervid loins The lion bursts, and every fiend that roams The affrighted wilderness. The mountain herd, Adust and dry, no sweet repast affords; Nor does the tepid main such kinds produce, So perfect, so delicious, as the stores Of icy Zembla. Rashly where the blood Brews feverish frays; where scarce the tubes sustain Its tumid fervor and tempestuous course; Kind nature tempts not to such gifts as these. But 108 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. But here in livid ripeness melts the grape; Here, finish'd by invigorating suns, Thro' the green shade the golden Orange glows; Spontaneous here the turgid Melon yields A generous pulp; the Coco swells on high With milky riches; and in horrid mail The soft Ananas wraps its tender sweets. Earth's vaunted progeny; in ruder air Too coy to flourish, even too proud to live; Or hardly rais'd by artificial fire To vapid life. Here with a mother's smile Glad Amalthea pours her copious horn. Here buxom Ceres reigns; the autumnal sea In boundless billows fluctates o'er their plains. What suits the climate bed, what suits the men, Nature profuses most, and most the taste Demands. The Fountain, edg'd with racy wine Or acid fruit, bedews their thirsty souls. The breeze eternal breathing round their limbs Supports in else intolerable air; While the cool Palm, the Plantain, and the grove That waves on gloomy Lebanon, assuage The torrid hell that beams upon their heads. Now come, ye Naiads, to the fountains lead; Now let me wander thro' your gelid reign. I burn to view the enthasiastic wilds By mortal else untrod. I hear the din Of waters thundering o'er the ruin'd cliffs. With holy rev'rence I approach the rocks Whence glide the streams renown'd in ancient song. Here from the desart down the rumbling steep First springs the Nile; here bursts the sounding Po In angry waves; Euphrates hence devolves A mighty flood to water half the East; And there, in Gothic solitude reclin'd, The chearless Tanais pours his hoary urn. What solemn twilight! What stupendous shades, Enwrap Book II. ART OF PRESENVING HEALTH. 109 Enwrap these infant floods! Thro' every nerve A sacred horror thrills, a pleasing fear Glides o'er my frame. The forest deepens round; And more gigantic still the impending trees Stretch their extravagant arms athwart the gloom. Are these the confines of some fairy world? A land of Genii? Say, beyond these wilds What unknown nations? If indeed beyond Aught habitable lies. And whether leads, To what strange regions, or of bliss or pain, That subterraneous way? Propitious maids, Conduct me, while with fearful steps I tread This trembling ground. The task remains to sing Your gifts; so Pæon, so the powers of health Command, to praise your chrystal element: The chief ingredient in heaven's various works; Whose flexile genius sparkles in the gem, Grows firm in oak, and fugitive in wine; The vehicle, the source of nutriment And life, to all that vegetate or live. O comfortable streams! With eager lips And trembling hand the languid thirsty quaff New life in you; fresh vigour fills their veins. No warmer cups the rural ages knew; None warmer sought the fires of human kind. Happy in temperate peace! Their equal days Felt not th' alternate fits of feverish mirth, And sick dejection. Still serene and pleas'd, They knew no pains but what the tender soul With pleasure yields to, and would ne'er forget; Blest with divine immunity from ails, Long centuries they liv'd; their only fate Was ripe old age, and rather deep than death. Oh! could those worthies from the world of gods Return to visit their degenerate sons, How would they scorn the joys of modern time, With all our art and toil improv'd to pain! K Too 110 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. Too happy they! But wealth brought luxury, And luxury on sloth begot disease. Learn temperance, friends; and hear without dis- The choice of water. Thus the Coan sage [dain Opin'd, and thus the learn'd of every school. What lead of foreign principles partakes Is best: the lightest, then; what bears the touch Of fire the least, and soonest mounts in air; The most insipid; the most void of smell. Such the rude mountain from his horrid sides Pours down; such waters in the sandy vale Forever boil, alike of winter frosts And dimmer heat secure. The lucid stream, O'er rocks resounding, or for many a mile Hurl'd down the pebbly channel, wholsome yields, And mellow draughts; except when winter thaws And half the mountains melt into the tide. Tho' thirst were ne'er so resolute, avoid The sordid lake, and all such drowsy floods As fill from Lethe Belgia's slow canals; With rest corrupt, with vegetation green; Squalid with generation, and the birth Of little monsters; till the power of fire Has from profane embraces disengag'd The violated lymph. The virgin stream In boiling wades its finer soul in air. Nothing like simple element dilutes The food, or gives the chyle so soon to flow But where the stomach, indolently given; Toys with its duty, animate with wine Th' insipid stream: tho' golden Ceres yields A more voluptuous, a more sprightly draught. Prehaps more active. Wine unmix'd, and all The gluey deeds that from the vex'd abyss Of fermentation spring; with spirit fraught, And furious with intoxicating fire; Retard Book II. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 111 Retard concoction, and preserve unthaw'd Th' embodied mass. You see what countless years Embalm'd in fiery quintescence of wine, The puny wonders of the reptile world, The tender rudiments of life, the slim Unrav'lings of minute anatomy, Maintain there texture, and unchang'd remain! We curse not wine, the vile excess we blame; More fruitful than the accumulated board Of pain and misery. For the subtil draught Faster and surer swells the vital tide; And with more active poison than the floods Of grosser crudity, convey, pervades The far-remote meanders of our frame. Ah! fly deceiver! Branded o'er and o'er, Yet still believ'd! Exulting o'er the wreck Of sober Vows! But the Parnassian maids Another time perhaps shall sing the joys, The fatal charms, the many woes of wine; Perhaps its various tribes, and various powers. Meantime, I would not always dread the bowl, Nor every trespass shun. The feverish strife, Rous'd by the rare debauch, subdues, expels The loitering crudities that burden life; And, like a torrent full and rapid, clears The obstructed tubes. Besides, this restless world Is full of chances, which by habit's power To learn to bear is easier than to shun. Ah! when ambition, meagre love of gold, Or sacred country calls, with mellowing wine To moisten well the thirsty suffrages; Say how, unseason'd to the midnight frays Of Comus and his rout, wilt thou contend With Centaurs long to hardy deeds inur'd? Then learn to revel; but by slow degrees: By 112 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. By slow degrees the liberal arts are won; And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth The brows of care, indulge your festive vein In cups by veil-inform'd experience found The least your bane; and only with your friends There are sweet follies, frailties to be seen By friends alone, and men of generous minds, Oh! seldom may the fatal hours return Of drinking deep! I would not daily taste Except when life declines, even sober cups Weak withering age no rigid law forbids, With frugal nectar, smooth and flow with balm, The sapless habit daily to bedew, And give the hesitating wheels of life Gliblier to play. But youth has better joys; And is it wise when youth with pleasure flows, To squander the reliefs of age and pain? What dext'rous thousands just within the goal Of wild debauch direct their nightly course! Perhaps no sickly qualms bedim their days, No mourning admonitions shock the head. But ah! what woes remain! Life rolls apace, And that incurable disease, old age, In youthful bodies more severely felt, More sternly active, shakes their blasted prime: Except kind nature by some hasty blow Prevent the lingering fates. For know, whate'er Beyond its natural fervor hurries on The sanguine tide; whether the frequent bowl, High-season'd fare, or exercise to toil Protracted; spurs to its last stage tir'd life, And sows the temples with untimely snow. When life is new, the ductile fibres feel The heart's increasing force; and, day by day, The growth advances; till the larger tubes, Acquiring Book II. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 113 Acquiring, from their* elemental veins, Condens'd to solid chords, a firmer tone, Sustain and just sustain, the impetuous blood. Here stops the growth. With overbearing pulse And pressure, still the great destroy the small; Still with the ruins of the small grow strong. Life glows mean time amid the grinding force Of viscious fluids and elastic tubes; Its various function vigorously are plied By strong machinery; and in solid health The man confirm'd long triumphs o'er disease. But the full ocean ebbs: there is a point, By nature fix'd, whence life must downwards tend; For still the beating tide consolidates The stubborn vessels, more reluctant still, To the weak throbbings of the enfeebled heart. This languishing, these strength'ning by degrees To hard, unyielding, unelastic bone, Thro' tedious channels the congealing flood Crawls lazily, and hardly wanders on; It loiters still: and now it stirs no more. This is the period few attain; the death Of nature: thus, so heaven ordain'd it, life Destroys itself; and could these laws have chang'd K2 Nestor *In the human body as well as in those of other animals, the larger blood-vessels are composed of smaller ones; which by the violent motion and press- ure of the fluids in the large vessels, lose their cavities by degrees, and degenerate into impervious chords or fibres. In proportion as these small vessels be- come solid, the larger must of course grow less ex- tensile, more rigid, and make a stronger resistance to the action of the heart, and force of blood. From this gradual condensation of the smaller vessels, and consequent rigidity of the larger ones, the progress. of the human body from infancy to old age is ac- counted for. 114 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book II. Nestor might now the fates of Troy relate: And Homer live immortal as his song. [stood What does not fade? The tower that long had The crush of thunder, and the warring winds, Shook by the flow, but sure destroyer, Time, Now hangs in doubtful ruins o'er its base. And flinty pyramids, and walls of brass, Descend; tho Babylonian spires are sunk; Achaia, Rome, and Egypt, moulder down. Time shakes the stable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires rush by their own weight This huge rotundity we tread grows old; And all those worlds that roll around the sun, The sun himself shall die; and ancient Night Again involve the desolate abyss: Till the great FATHER thro' the lifeless gloom Extend his arm to light another world, And bid new planets roll by other laws. For thro' the regions of unbounded space, Where unconfin'd omnipotence has room Being in various systems, fluctuates still Between creation and abhorr'd decay; It ever did; perhaps and ever will. New worlds are still emerging from the deep, The old descending, in their turns to rise. THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. BOOK THIRD. EXERCISE. [pass'd THRO' various toils th' adven'trous muse has But half the toil, and more than half, remains. Rude is her theme, and hardly fit for song; Plain and of little ornament; and I But little practised in th' Aonian arts. Yet not in vain such labours have we tried, If aught these lays the fickle health confirm. To you, ye delicate, I write; for you I tame my youth to philosophic cares, And grow still paler by the midnight lamps. Not to debilitate with timorous rules A hardy frame; nor needlessly to brave Unglorious dangers, proud of mortal strength; Is all the lesson that in wholsome years Concerns the strong. His care were ill bestow'd Who would with warm effeminacy nurse The thriving oak, which on the mountain's brow Bears all the blasts that sweep the wintry heaven. Behold the labourer of the glebe, who toils In dust, in rain, in cold and sultry skies: Save but the grain from mildews and the flood, Nought anxious he what sickly stars ascend. He knows no laws by Esculapius given; He studies none. Yet him nor midnight fogs Infest, nor those envenom'd shafts that fly When rabid Sirius fires th' autumnal noon, His habit pure with plain and temperate meals, Bobust with labour, and by custom steel'd To every casualty of varied life; Serene 116 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. Serene he bears the peevish eastern blast, And uninfected breathes the mortal south. Such the reward of rude and sober life; Of labour such. By health the peasants toil Is well repaid; if exercise were pain Indeed, and temperance pain. But arts like these Laconia nurs'd of old her hardy sons; And Rome's unconquer'd legions urg'd their way, Unhurt, thro' every toil in every clime. Toil, and be strong. By toil the flaccid nerves. Grow firm and gain a more compacted tone; The greener juices are by toil subdu'd, Mellow'd and subtiliz'd; the vapid old Expell'd, and all the rancor of the blood. Come, my companions, ye who feel the charms Of nature and the year; come, let us stray Where chance or faney leads our roving walk: Come, while the soft voluptuous breezes fan The fleecy heavens, enwrap the limbs in balm, And shed a charming langour o'er the soul. Nor when bright winter lows with prickly frost The vigorous ether, in unmanly warmth Indulge at home; nor even when Eurus' blasts This way and that convolve the labouring woods. My liberal walks, save when the skies in rain Or fogs relent, no reason should confine Or to the cloister'd gallery or arcade. Go, climb the mountain; from th' etherial source Imbibe the recent gale. The chearful morn Beams o'er the hills; go, mount th' exulting steed, Already, see, the deep mouth'd beagles catch The tainted mazes; and, on eager sport Intent, with emulous impatience try Each doubtful tract. Or, if a nobler prey Delights you more, go chase the desperate deer; And thro' its deepest solitudes awake The vocal forest with the jovial horn, But Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HAELTH. 117 But if the breathless chase o'er hill and dale, Exceed your strength; a sport of less fatigue Not less delightful, the prolific stream Affords. The crystal rivulet, that o'er A stony channel rolls its rapid maze, Swarms with the silver fry. Such, thro' the bounds Of Pastoral Strafford, runs the brawling Trent; Such Eden, sprung from Cumbrian mountains; such The Esk, o'erhung with woods; and such the stream On whose Arcadian banks I first drew air, Liddal; till now, except in Doric lays Tun'd to her murmurs by her lovesick swains, Unknown in song; tho' not a purer stream, Thro' meads more flow'ry, or more romantic groves, Rolls toward the western main. Hail sacred flood! May still thy hospitable swains be blest In rural innocence; thy mountains still Teem with the fleecy race; thy tuneful woods Forever flourish; and thy vales look gay With painted meadows, and the golden grain! Oft, with thy blooming sons, when life was new, Sportive and petulent, and charm'd with toys, In thy transparent eddies have I lav'd: Oft trac'd with patient steps thy fairy banks, With the well imitated fly to hook The eager, trout, and with the slender line And yielding rod solicit to the shore The struggling panting prey; while vernal clouds And tepid gales obscur'd the ruffled pool, And from the deeps call'd forth the wanton swarms. Form'd on the Samian school, or those of Ind, There are who think these pastimes scarce humane. Yet in my mind, and not relentless I, His life is pure that wears no fouler stains. But if thro' genuine tenderness of heart, Or secret want of relish for the game, You shun the glories of the chace, nor care To 118 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. To haunt the peopled stream; the garden yields A soft amusement, an humane delight. To raise the insipid nature of the ground; Or tame its savage genius to the grace Of careless sweet rusticity, that seems The amiable result of happy chance, Is, to create; and gives a godlike joy, Which every year improves. Nor thou disdain To check the lawless riot of the trees, To plant the grove, or turn the barren mould. O happy he! whom, when his years decline, His fortune and his fame by worthy means Attain'd, and equal to his moderate mind; His life approv'd by all the wise and good, Even envy'd by the rain, the peaceful groves Of Epicurus, from this stormy world Receive to rest; of all ungrateful cares Absolv'd, and sacred from the selfish crowd. Happiest of men ! if the fame soil invites A chosen few, companions of his youth, Once fellow rakes perhaps, now rural friends; With whom in easy commerce to pursue Nature's free charms, and vie for sylvan fame; A fair ambition; void of strife or guile, Or jealousy, or pain to be outdone. Who plans the inchanted garden, who directs The visto best, and bell conducts the stream; Whose groves the fastest thicken and ascend; Whom first the welcome spring salutes; who shows The earliest bloom, the sweetest, proudest charms, Of Flora; who best gives Pomona's juice To match the sprightly genius of Champain. Thrice happy days! in rural business past. Bled winter nights! when, as the genial fire Chears the wide hall, his cordial family With soft domestic arts the hours beguile, And pleasing talk that starts no timorous fame, With witless wantonness to hunt it down: Or Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 119 Or thro' the fairy land of tale or song Delighted wander, in fictitious fates Engag'd and all that strikes humanity; Till lost in fable, they the stealing hour Of timely rest forget. Sometimes, at eve, His neighbours lift the latch, and bless unbid His festal roof; while o'er the light repast And sprightly cups, they mix in social joy; And, thro' the maze or conversation, trace Whate'er amuses or improves the mind. Sometimes at eve, for I delight to taste The native zest and flavour of the fruit, Where sense grows wild, and takes of no manure, The decent, honest, chearful husbandman, Should drown his labours in my friendly bowl; And at my table find himself at home. Whate'er you study, in whate'er you sweat Indulge your taste. Some love the manly foils; The tennis some, and some the graceful dance. Others, more hardy, range the purple heath, Or naked stubble; where from field to field The sounding coveys urge their labouring flight; Eager amid the rising cloud to pour The gun's unerring thunder and there are Whom still the meed of the green archer charms. He chuses best, whose labour entertains His vacant fancy most: the toil you hate Fatigues you soon, and scarce improves your limbs. As beauty still has blemish; and the mind The most accomplish'd its imperfect side; Few bodies are there of that happy mould But some one part is weaker than the rest; The legs, perhaps, or arms refuse their load, Or the chest labours. These assiduously, But gently, in their proper arts employ'd Acquire a vigour and elastic spring, To 120 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. To which they were not born. But weaker parts Abhor fatigue and violent discipline. Begin with gentle toils; and as your nerves Grow firm, to hardier by just steps aspire. The prudent, even in every moderate walk, At first but saunter; and by slow degrees Increase their pace. This doctrine of the wise Well knows the matter of the flying steed. First from the goal the manag'd coursers play On bended reins; as yet the skilful youth Repress their foamy pride; but every breath The race grows warmer, and the tempest swells; Till all the fiery mettle has its Way, And the thick thunder hurries o'er the plain. When all at once from indolence to toil You spring, the fibres by the hasty shock Are tir'd and crack'd, before their unctuous coats, Compress'd, can pour the lubricating balm. Besides, collected in the passive veins, The purple mass a sudden torrent rolls, O'erpowers the heart, and deluges the lungs With dangerous inundation: oft the source Of fatal woes; a cough that forms with blood. Asthma, and feller Peripneumonie,* Or the slow minings of the hectic fire. Th' athletic fool, to whom what heaven denied Of soul is well compensated in limbs, Oft from his rage, or brainless frolic, feels His vegetation and brute force decay. The men of better clay and finer mould Know nature, feel the human dignity; And scorn to vie with oxen or with apes. Pursu'd prolixly, even the gentlest toil Is waste of health: reprose by small fatigue Is * The inflammation of the lungs. Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 121 Is earn'd; and, where your habit is not prone To thaw, by the first moisture of the brows. The fine and subtle spirits cost too much To be profus'd, too much the roscid balm. But when the hard varieties of life You toil to learn; Or try the dusty chace, Or the warm deeds of some important day; Hot from the field, indulge not yet your limbs In wish'd repose, nor court the fanning gale, Nor taste the spring. O! by the sacred tears Of widows, orphans, mothers, sisters, fires, Forbear! No other pestilence has driven Such myriads o'er th' irremeable deep. Why this so fatal, the sagacious muse Thro' nature's cunning labyrinths could trace; But there are secrets Which who knows not now, Must, ere he reach them, climb the heapy Alps Of science; and devote seven years to toil. Besides, I would not stun your patient ears With what it little boots you to attain. He knows enough, the mariner, who knows [boil, Where lurk the shelves, and where the whirlpools What signs portend the storm; to subtler minds He leaves to scan, from what mysterious cause Charybdis rages in the Ionian Wave; Whence those impetuous currents in the main, Which neither oar nor fail can stem; and why The rough'ning deep expects the storm, as sure As red Orion mounts the shrouded heaven. In ancient times, when Rome with Athens vied Far polish'd luxury and useful arts; All hot and reeking from the Olympic strife, And warm Palestra, in the tepid bath Th' athletic youth relax'd their weary'd limbs. Soft oils bedew'd them, with the grateful pow'rs Of Nard and Cassia fraught, to sooth and heal The cherish'd nerves. Our less voluptuous clime L Not 122 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. Not much invites us to such arts as these. ‘Tis not for these, whom gelid skies embrace, And chilling fogs; whose perspriation feels Such frequent bars from Eurus and the North; ‘Tis not for those to cultivate a skin Too soft; or teach the recremental fume Too fall to crowd thro' such precarious ways. For thro' the small arterial mouths, that pierce In endless millions the close-woven skin, The baser fluids in a constant stream Escape, and viewless melt into the winds. While this eternal, this most copious waste Of blood degenerate into vapid brine, Maintains its wonted measure; all the powers Of health befriend you, all the wheels of life With ease and pleasure move: but this restrain'd Or more or less, so more or less you feel The functions labour. From this fatal source What woes descend is never to be sung. To take their numbers, were to count the sands That ride in whirlwind the parch'd Lybian air; Or waves that, when the blustring North embroils The Baltic, thunder on the German shore. Subject not then, by soft emollient arts, This grand expence, on which your fates depend, To every caprice of the sky; nor thwart The genius of your clime; for from the blood Least fickle rise the recremental streams, And least obnoxious to the styptic air, Which breathe thro* straiter and more callous pores. The tempered Scythian hence, half naked treads His boundless snows, nor rues the inclement heaven; And hence our painted ancestors defied The East; nor cursed, like us, their fickle sky. The body, moulded by the clime, endures, The Equator heats, or Hyperborean frost: Except by habits foreign to its turn, Unwise Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 123 Unwise, you counteract its forming pow'r. Rude at the first, the winter shocks you less By long acquaintance: study then your sky, Form to its manners your obsequious frame, And learn to differ what you cannot shun. Against the rigours of a damp cold heav'n To fortify their bodies, some frequent The gelid cistern; and, where nought forbids, I praise their dauntless heart. A frame so steel'd Dreads not the cough, nor those ungenial blasts That breathe the Tertian or fell Rheumatism; The nerves so temper'd never quit their tone, No chronic languors haunt such hardy breasts. But all things have their bounds: and he who makes By daily use the kindest regimen Essential to his health, should never mix With human kind, nor art nor trade pursue. He not the safe vicissitudes of life Without some shock endures; ill-fitted he To want the known, or bear unusual things. Besides, the powerful remedies of pain Since pain in spite of all our care will come, Should never with your prosperous days of health Grow too familiar: For by frequent use The strongest medicines lose their healing power And even the surest poisons their's to kill. Let those who from the frozen Arctos reach Parch'd Mauritania, or the sultry West, Or the wide flood that waters Indostan, Plunge thrice a day, and in the tepid wave Untwist their stubborn pores, that full and free The evaporation thro’ the soft'ned skin May bear proportion to the swelling blood. So shall they 'scape the fevers rapid flames; So feel untainted the hot breath of hell. With us, the man of no complaint demands The warm ablution, just enough to clear The 124 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. The sluices of the skin, enough to keep The body sacred from indecent soil. Still to be pure, even did it not conduce As much it does, to health, were greatly worth Your daily pains. 'Tis this adorns the rich; The want of this is poverty's worst woe: With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grave; without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. This the skilful virgin knows: So doubtless do your wives. For married sires As well as lovers, still pretend to taste; Nor is it less, all prudent wives can tell, To lose a husband's, than a lover's, heart. But now the hours and seasons when to toil, From foriegn themes recal my wandring song. Some labour fasting, or but slightly fed, To lull the grinding stomach's hungry rage; Where nature feeds too corpulent a frame, 'Tis wisely done. For while the thirsty veins, Impatient of lean penury, devour The treasur'd oil, then is the happiest time To shake the lazy balsam from its cells. Now while the stomach from the full repast Subsides; but ere returning hunger gnaws, Ye leaner habits give an hour to toil; And ye whom no luxuriancy of growth Oppresses yet, or threatens to oppress. But from the recent meal no labours please, Of limbs or mind. For now the cordial powers Claim all the wandring spirits to a work Of strong and subtle toil, and great event; A work of time and you may rue the day You hurried, with ill-seasoned exercise, A half concocted chyle into the blood, The body overcharg'd with unctuous phlegm Much toil demands: the lean elastic less. While winter chills the blood, and binds the veins, No Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 125. No labours are too hard: by those you 'scape The slow diseases of the torpid year; Endless to name; to one of which alone, To that which tears the nerves, the toil of slaves Is pleasure: oh! from such inhuman pains May all be free who merit not the wheel! But from the burning Lion when the sun Pours down his sultry wrath; now while the blood Too much already maddens in the veins, And all the finer fluids thro’ the skin Explore their flight; me, near the cool cascade Reclin'd, or saunt'ring in the lofty grove, No needless slight occasion should engage To pant and sweat beneath the fiery noon. Now the fresh morn alone and mellow eve To shady walks and active rural sports Invite. But while the chilling dews descend, May nothing tempt you to the cold embrace Of humid skies; though 'tis no vulgar joy To trace the horrors of the solemn wood, While the soft evening saddens into night; Tho' the sweet poet of the vernal groves Melts all the night in strains of amorous woe. The shades descend, and midnight o'er the world Expands her sable wings. Great nature droops Through all her works. Now happy he whose toil Has o'er his languid powerless limbs diffus'd A pleasing lassitude: he not in vain Invokes the gentle deity of dreams. His powers the most voluptuously dissolve In solt repose: on him the balmy dews Of sleep with double nutriment descend. But would you sweetly waste the blank of night In deep oblivion; or on fancy's wings Visit the paradise of happy dreams, And waken chearful as the lively morn; Oppress not nature sinking down to rest L2 With 126 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. With feasts too late, too solid, or too full. But be the first concoction half matur'd, Ere you to mighty indolence resign Your passive faculties. He from the toils And troubles of the day to heavier toil Retires, whom trembling from the tower that rocks Amid the clouds, or Calpe's hideous height, The busy demons hurl, or in the main O'erwhelm, or bury struggling under ground. Not all a monarch's luxury the woes Can counterpoise, of that most wretched man, Whose nights are shaken with the frantic fits Of wild Orestes; whose delirious brain, Stung by the furies, works with poisoned thought: With pale and monstrous painting shocks the soul; And mangled consciousness bemoans itself For ever torn; and chaos floating round. What dreams presage, what dangers these or those Portend to sanity, tho’ prudent seers Reveal'd of old, and men of deathless fame; We would not to the superstitious mind Suggest new throbs, new vanities of fear. 'Tis ours to teach you from the peaceful night To banish omens, and all restless woes. In study some protract the silent hours, Which others consecrate to mirth and wine; And sleep till noon, and hardly live till night, But surely this redeems not from the shades One hour of life. Nor does it nought avail What season you to drowsy Morpheus give Of the ever varying circle of the day; Or whether thro' the tedious winter gloom, You tempt the midnight or the morning damps. The body fresh and vigorous from repose, Defies the early fogs; but, by the toils Of wakeful day, exhausted and unstrung, Weakly resists the night's unwholsome breath. The Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 127 The grand Discharge, the effusion of the skin, Slowly impair'd, the languid maladies Creep on, and thro’ the sick'ning functions steal. So, when the chilling East invades the spring, The delicate Narcissus pines away In hectic langour; and a slow disease Taints all the family of flowers, condemn'd To cruel heavens. But why, already prone To fade, should beauty cherish its own bane? O shame! O pity! nimpt with pale Quadrille, And midnight cares, the bloom of Albion dies! By toil subdued, the Warrior and the Hind Sleep fast and deep; their active functions soon With generous streams the subtle tubes supply, And soon the tonick irritable nerves Feel the fresh impulse, and awake the soul. The sons of Indolence, with long repose, Grow torpid; and, with slowest Lethe drunk, Feebly and lingeringly return to life, Blunt every sense, and powerless every limb. Ye, prone to deep, whom sleeping most annoys. On the hard mattress or elastic couch Extend your limbs, and wean yourselves from sloth; Nor grudge the lean projector, of dry brain And springy nerves, the blandishments of down. Nor envy while the buried bacchanal Exhales his surfeit in prolixer dreams. He without riot in the balmy feast Of life, the wants of nature has supplied Who rises cool, serene, and full of soul. But pliant nature more or less demands, As custom forms her; and all sudden change She hates of habit, even from bad to good. If faults in life, or new emergencies, From habits urge you by long time confirm'd, Slow may the change arrive, and stage by stage; Slow 128 ART OF PRESERVlNG HEALTH. Book III. Slow as the shadow o'er the dial moves, Slow as the Healing progress of the year. Observe the circling year. How unperceiv'd Her seasons change! Behold! by slow degrees, Stern Winter tam'd into a ruder spring! The ripen'd Spring a milder summer glows; Departing Summer sheds Pomona's store; And aged Autumn brews the Winter storm. Slow as they come, these changes come not void Of mortal shocks; the cold and torrid reigns, The two great periods of the important year, Are in their first approaches seldom safe; Funereal autumn all the sickly dread, And the black fates deform the lovely spring. He well advis'd, who taught our wiser sires Early to borrow Muscovy's warm spoils, Ere the first frost has touch'd the tender blade; And late resign them, tho' the wanton spring Should deck her charms with all her sister's rays. For while the effluence of the skin maintains Its native measure, the pleuritic Spring Glides harmless by; and Autumn, sick to death With swallow Quartans, no contagion breathes. I in prophetic numbers could unfold The omens of the year; what seasons teem With what diseases; what the humid South Prepares, and what the Demon of the East; But you perhaps refuse the tedious song. Besides, whatever plagues in heat, or cold, Or drought, or moisture dwell, they hurt not you, Skill'd to correct the vices of the sky, And taught already how to each extreme To bend your life. But should the public bane Infect you, or some trespass of your own, Or flaw of nature hint mortality: Soon as a not unpleasing horror glides Along Book III. ART OF PRESENVING HEALTH. 129 Along the spine, thro' all your torpid' limbs; When first the head throbs or the stomach feels A sickly load, a weary pain the loins; Be Celsus call'd; the fates come rushing on; The rapid fates admit of no delay. While wilful you, and fatally secure, Expect tomorrow's more an spicious sun, The growing pest, whose infancy was weak And easy vanquish'd, with triumphant sway Overpowers your life. For want of timely caret Millions have died of medicable wounds. Ah! in what perils is vain life engag'd! What flight neglects, what trivial faults destroy The hardest frame! Of indolence, of toil, We die: of want, of superfluity. The all surrounding heaven, the vital air, Is big with death. And, tho' the putrid South Be shut; tho' no convulsive agony Shake, from the deep foundations of the world The imprisoned plagues; a secret venom oft Corrupts the air, the water, and the land. What livid deaths has fad Byzantium seen! How oft has Cairo, with a mothers woe, Wept o'er her slaughter'd sons, and lonely streets! Even Albion, girt with less malignant skies, Albion the poison of the Gods has drunk, And felt the sting of monsters all her own. Ere yet the fell Plantagenets had spent Their ancient rage, at Bosworth’s purple field; While for which tyrant England should receive Her legions in incestuous murders mix'd, And daily horrors; till the fates were drunk With kindred blood by kindred hands profus'd; Another plague of more gigantic arm Arose, a monster never known before, Rear'd from Cocytus its portentous head. This 130 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. This rapid fury not, like other pests, . Pursu'd a gradual course, but in a day Rush'd as a florin o'er half the astonish'd isle, And strew'd with sudden carcases the land. First thro the shoulders, or whatever part Was seiz'd the first, a fervid vapour sprung. With rash combustion thence, the quivering spark Shot to the heart, and kindled all within; And soon the surface caught the spreading fires. Thro' all the yielding pores the melted blood Gush'd out in smoaky sweats; but nought assuag'd The torrid heat within, nor aught reliev'd The stomach's anguish. With incessant toil, Desperate of ease, impatient of their pain, They toss'd from side to side. In vain the stream, Ran full and clear, they burnt and thirsted still. The restless arteries with rapid blood Beat strong and frequent. Thick and pantingly The breath was fetch'd, and with huge labrings heav'd. At last a heavy pain oppress'd the head, A wild delirium came; their weeping friends Were strangers now, and this no home of theirs. Harass'd with toil on toil, the sickning powers Lay prostrate and o'cthrown; a pondrous sleep Wrapt all the senses up; they slept and died. In some a gentle horror crept at first O'er all the limbs; the sluices of the skin Withheld their moisture, till by art provok'd The sweats o'erflow'd; but in a clammy tide: Now free and copious, now restrain'd and slow; Of tinctures various, as the temperature Had mix'd the blond; and rank with fetid streams; As if the pent-up humors by delay Were grown more fell, more putrid, and malign. Here lay their hopes, tho' little hope remain'd, With full effusion of perpetual sweats To Book III. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 131 To drive the venom out. And here the fates Were kind, that long they linger'd not in pain. For who surviv'd the sun's diurnal race, Rose from the dreary gates of hell redeem'd Some the sixth hour oppress'd, and some the third. Of many thousands few untainted 'scap'd Of those infected fewer ‘scap'd alive; Of those who liv'd some felt a second blow; And whom the second spar'd a third destroy'd. Frantic with fear, they sought by flight to shun The fierce contagion. O'er the mournful land The infected city pour'd her hurrying swarms; Rous'd by the flames that fir'd her seats around; The infected country rush'd into the town. Some, sad at home, and in the desart some, Abjur'd the fatal commerce of mankind; In vain; where'er they fled the Fates pursu'd. Others with hopes more specious, cross'd the main To seek protection in far-distant skies; But none they found. It seem'd the general air Was then at enmity with English blood. For, but the race of England, all were safe In foreign climes; nor did this fury taste The foreign blood which Albion then contain'd. Where should they fly? The circumambient heav’s Involv'd them still; and every breeze was bane. Where find relief? The salutary art Was mute; and, startled at the new disease, In fearful whispers hopless omens gave. To heaven with suppliant rites they sent their pray'rs; Heav'n heaid them not. Of every hope depriv'd ; Fatigu'd with vain resources; and subdu'd With woes resistless and enfeebling fear; Passive they sunk beneath the weighty blow. Nothing but lamentable sounds were heard, Nor ought was seen but ghastly views of death; Infectious horror ran from face to face, And 132 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book III. And pale despair. 'Twas all the business then To tend the sick, and in their turns to die. In heaps they fell; and oft one bed, they say, The sickning, dying, and the dead contain'd. Ye guardian Gods, on whom the Fates depend Of tottering Albion! Ye eternal fires, That lead thro’ heav'n th' wandring year! Ye pow'rs. That o'er the circling elements preside! May nothing worse than what this age has seen Arrive! Enough abroad, enough at home Has Albion bled. Here a distemper'd heaven Has thin'd his cities; from those lofty cliffs That awe proud Gaul, to Thule's wint'ry reign; While in the West, beyond the Atlantic foam, Her bravest sons, keen for the sight, have died The death of cowards, and of common men; Sunk void of wounds, and fallen without renown. But from these views the weeping Muses turn, And other themes invite my wandering song. THE ART PRESERVING HEALTH. BOOK FOURTH. THE PASSIONS. THE choice of aliment, the choice of air. The use of toil, and all external things Already sung; it now remains to trace What good, what evil from ourselves proceeds; And how the subtle principle within Inspires with health, or mines with strange decay The passive body. Ye poetic Shades, That know the secrets of the world unseen, Assist my song! For, in a doubtful theme Engag'd, I wander thro' in mysterous ways. There is, they say, arid I believe there is, A spark within us of the immortal fire, That animates and moulds the grosser frame; And when the body sinks, escapes to heaven, Its native feat; and mixes with the gods. Mean while this heavenly perticle pervades The mortal elements, in every nerve It thrills with pleasure, or grows mad with pain. And, in its secret conclave, as it feels The body's woes and joys, this ruling power Weilds at its will the dull material world, And is the body's health or malady. By its own toil the gross corporeal frame Fatigues, extenuates, or destroys itself; Nor less the labours of the mind corrode The solid fabric. For by subtle parts. Aid viewless atoms, secret Nature moves The mighty wheels of this stupendous world. M By 134 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. By subtle fluids pour'd thro' subtle tubes The natural, vital functions, are preform'd. By these the stubborn aliments are tam'd; The toiling heart distributes life and strength; These the still-crumbling frame rebuild; and these Are lost in thinking, and dissolve in air. But 'tis not Thought, for still the soul's employ'd, 'Tis painful thinking that corrodes our clay. All day the vacant eye without fatigue Strays o'er the heaven and earth; but long intent On microscopic art its vigour fails. Just so the mind, with various thoughts amus'd, Nor aches itself, nor gives the body pain. But anxious Study, Discontent, and Care, Love without Hope, and Hate without revenge, And Fear, and Jealousy, fatigue the soul, Engross the subtle ministers of life, And spoil the lab'ring functions of their share. Hence the lean gloom that Melancholy wears; The lover's paleness: and the fallow hue Of envy, Jealousy; the meagre stare Of fore revenge; the canker'd body hence Betrays each fretful motion of the mind. The strong-built pedant; who both night and day Feeds on the coarsest fate the schools bestow, And crudely fattens a gross Burman's stall, O'erwhelm'd with phlegm lies in a dropsy drown'd, Or sinks in lethargy before his time. With useful studies you, and arts that please, Employ your mind, amuse, but not fatigue. Peace to each drowsy metaphysic sage! And ever may the German folio's rest! And some there are, even the elastic parts, Whom strong and obstinate ambition leads Thro' all the rugged roads of barren lore, And gives to relish what their generous taste Would Book IV. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 135 Would else refuse. But may not thirst of fame, Nor love of knowledge urge you to fatigue With constant drudgery the liberal soul. Toy with your books; and, as the various fits Of humour seize you, from Philosophy To Fable shift: from serious Antonine To Rabelais' ravings, and from prose to song. While reading pleases, but no longer, read; And read aloud, resounding Homer's strain, And weild the thunder of Demosthenes. The chest so exercis'd improves its strength; And quick vibrations thro' the bowels drive The restless blood, which in unactive days Would loiter else thro' unelastic tubes. Deem it not trifling while I recommend What posture suits; to stand and sits by turns, As nature prompts, is bed. But o'er your leaves To learn for ever, cramps the vital parts, And robs the fine machinery of its play. 'Tis the great art of life to manage well The restless mind. For ever on pursuit Of knowledge bent it starves the grosser powers. Quite unemploy'd, against its own repose It turns its fatal edge, and sharper pangs Than what the body knows imbitter life. Chiefly where Solitude, sad nurse of care, To sickly musing gives the pensive mind. There madness enters; and the dim-ey'd Fiend, Sour Melancholy, night and day provokes Her own eternal wound. The sun grows pale; A mournful visionary light o'erspreads The chearful face of nature; earth becomes A dreary desart, and heaven frowns above. Then various shapes of curs'd illusion rise; Whate'er the wretched fears, creating Fear Forms out of nothing; and with monsters teems Unknown 136 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. Unknown in hell. The prostrate soul beneath A load of huge imagination heaves. And all the horrors that the guilty feel. With anxious fluttering wake the guiltless bread. Such phantoms Pride in solitary scenes Or Fear, on delicate Self-love creates. From other cares absolv'd, the busy mind Finds in yourself a theme to pore upon; It finds you miserable or makes you so. For while yourself you anxiously explore, Timorous Self-love, with sick'ning Fancy's aid, Presents the danger that you dread the most, And ever galls you in your tender part. Hence some for love, and some for jealousy. For grim religion some, and some for pride, Have lost their reason; some for fear of want Want all their lives! and others every day For fear of dying suffer worse than death. Ah! from your bosoms banish if you can, Those fatal guests; and first the Demon Fear; That trembles at impossible events, Lest aged Atlas should resign his load, And heaven's eternal battlements rush down. Is there an evil worse than fear itself? And what avails it that indulgent heaven From mortal eyes has wrapt the woes to come, If we, ingenious to torment ourselves, Grow pale at hideous fictions of our own? Enjoy the present; nor with needless cares, Of what may spring from blind Misfortune's womb Appal the surest hour that life bestows. Serene, and master of yourself, prepare For what may come; and leave the rest to heaven. Oft from the body, by long ails mistun'd, These evils sprung, the most important health, That of the mind, destroy; and when the mind They Book IV. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 137 They first invade, the conscious body soon In sympathetic languishment declines. These chronic passions, while from real woes They rise, and yet without the body's fault Infest the soul, admit one only cure; Diversion, hurry, and a restless life. Vain are the consolations of the wise, In vain your friends would reason down your pain, Oh ye whose souls relentless love has tam'd. To soft distress, or friends untimely slain I Court not the luxury of tender thought; Nor deem it impious to forget those pains That hurt the living, nought avail the dead. Go, soft enthusiast! quit the cypress groves, Not to the rivulet's lonely moanings tune Your sad complaint. Go, seek the chearful haunts Of men and mingle with the bustling croud; Lay schemes for wealth, or power, or frame, the wish Of nobler minds, and push them night and day, Or join the caravan in quest of scenes New to your eyes, and shifting every hour; Beyond the Alps, beyond the Appennines. Or, more advent'rous, rush into the field Where war grows hot; and, raging thro' the sky, The lofty trumpet swells the madding soul; And in the hardy camp and toilsome march Forget all softer and less manly cares. But mod too passive, when the blood runs low, Too weakly indolent to strive with pain, And bravely by resisting conquer Fate, Try Cercc's arts: and in the tempting bowl Of poison'd Nectar sweet oblivion drink. Struck by the powerful charm, the gloom dissolves In empty air; Elysium opens round. A pleasing phrenzy buoys the lighten'd soul, And sanguine hopes dispel your fleeting care; And what was difficult, and what was dire, M2 Yields 138 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. Yields, to your prowess and superiour stars: The happiest you of all that e'er were mad, Or are, or shall be, could this folly last. But soon your heaven is gone; a heavier gloom Shuts o'er your head; and, as the thundering stream. Swoln o'er its banks with sudden mountain rain, Sinks from its tumult to a silent brook; So, when the frantic raptures in your bread Subside, you languish into mortal man; You sleep, and waking find yourself undone. For, prodigal of life, in one rash night You lavish'd more than might support three days. A heavy morning comes; your cares return With ten-fold rage. An anxious stomach well May be endur'd; so may the throbbing head; But such a dim delirium, such a dream, Involves you; such a dastardly dispair Unmans your soul, as madd'ning Pentheus felt When bated round Citheron's cruel sides, He saw two suns, and double Thebes ascend. You curse the sluggish Port; you curse the wretch The felon, with unnatural mixture first Who dar'd to violate the virgin Wine. Or on the fugitive Champian you pour A thousand curses; for to heaven your soul It rapt, to plunge you deeper in despair. Perhaps you rue even that divinest gift, The gay, serene, good-natur'd Burgandy, Or the fresh fragrant vintary of the Rhine; And wish that heaven from mortals had withheld The grape, and all intoxicating bowls. Besides, it wounds you sore to recollect What follies in your loose unguarded hour Escap'd. By one irrevocable word, Perhaps that meant no harm, you lose a friend. Or in the rage of wine your hasty hand Performs a deed to haunt you to your grave. Add. Book IV. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 139 Add that your means, your health, your parts decays Your friends avoid you; brutishly transform'd They hardly know you; or if one remains To wish you well, he wishes you in heaven. Despis'd, unwept you fall; who might have left A sacred, cherish'd, sadly-pleasing name; A name still to be utter'd with a sigh. Your last ungrateful scene has quite effac'd All sense and memory of your former worth. How to live happiest; how avoid the pains, The Disappointments, and disgusts of those Who would in pleasure all their hours employ; The precepts here of a divine old man I shall recite. Tho* old, he still retain'd His manly sense, and energy of mind, Virtuous and wise he was, but not severe; He still remember'd that he once was young; His easy presence checked no decent joy. Him even the dissolute admir'd; for he A graceful looseness when he pleas'd put on, And laughing could instruct. Much had he read, Much more had seen; he studied from the life, And in the original perus'd mankind. Vers'd in the woes and vanities of life, He pitied man; and much he pitied those Whom falsely-smiling fate has cuis'd with means To dissipate their days in quest of joy. Our aim is Happiness; 'tis yours,'tis mine, He said, 'tis the pursuit of all that live; Yet few attain it, if 'twas e'er attain'd. But they the widest wander from the mark, Who thro' the flow'ry paths of saunt'ring joy Seek this coy goddess; that from stage to stage Invites us still, but shifts as we pursue. For not to name the pains that pleasure brings To counterpoise itself, relentless Fate Forbids 140 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. Forbids that we thro' gay voluptuous wilds Should ever roam; and were the Fates more kind, Our narrow luxuries would soon be stale. Were these exhaustless, Nature would grow sick, And, cloy'd with pleasure, squeamishly complain That all was vanity, and life a dream. Let nature rest; be busy for yourself, And for your friend; be busy even in vain Rather than teize her sated appetites. Who never fasts no banquet e'er enjoys; Who never toils or watches never sleeps. Let nature rest: and when the taste of joy Grows keen, indulge; but shun satiety. 'Tis not for mortals always to be blest. But him the least the dull or painful hours Of life oppress, whom sober Sense conducts. And Virtue, thro' this labyrinth we tread. Virtue and Sense I mean not to disjoin; Virtue and Sense are one; and, trust me, he Who has not virtue, is not truly wise. Virtue, for mere good nature is a fool, Is sense and spirit, with humanity: 'Tis sometimes angry, and its frown confounds; 'Tis even vindictive, but in vengeance just. Knaves fain would laugh at it; some great ones dare But at his heart the most undaunted son Of fortune dreads its name and awful charms. To noblest uses this determines wealth; This is the solid pomp of prosperous days; The peace and shelter of adversity. And if you pant for glory, build your fame On this foundation, which the secret shock Defies of Envy and all sapping Time. The gawdy gloss of Fortune only strikes The vulgar eye; the suffrage of the wise, The praise that's worth ambition, is attain'd By Sense alone, and dignity of mind. Virtue, Book IV. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 141 Virtue, the strength and beauty of the soul, Is the bed gift of heaven: a happiness That even above the smiles and frowns of fate Exalts great Nature's favourites: a wealth That ne'er incumbers, nor to baser hands Can be transferr'd: it is the only good Man justly boasts of, or can call his own. Riches are oft by guilt and baseness earn'd; Or dealt by chance, to shield a lucky knave. Or throw a cruel sun shine on a fool. But for one end, one much neglected use, Are riches worth your care; for nature's wants Are few, and without opulence supplied. This noble end is, to produce the Soul; To show the virtues in their fairest light; To make Humanity the Minister Of bounteous Providence; and teach the Breast That generous luxury the gods enjoy. Thus, in his graver vein, the friendly Sage Sometimes declaim'd. Of Right and Wrong he taughs Truths as refin'd as ever Athens heard; And strange to tell! he practis'd what he preach'd. Skill'd in the Passions, how to check their sway He knew, as far as Reason can controul The lawless Powers. But other cares are mine; Form'd in the school of Pæon, I relate What passions hurt the body, what improve: Avoid them, or invite them, as you may. Know then, whatever chearful and serene Supports the mind, supports the body too. Hence the most vital movement mortals feel Is Hope; the balm and life blood of the soul. It pleases, and it lasts. Indulgent heaven Sent down the kind delusion, thro' the paths Of rugged life; to lead us patient on; And make our happiest date no tedious thing. Our 142 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. Our greatest good, and what we least can spare, Is Hope; the last of all our evils, Fear. But there are passions grateful to the breast, And yet no friends to Life; perhaps they please Or to excess, and dissipate the soul; Or while they please, torment. The stubborn clown, The ill tam'd Russian, and pale Usurer, If Love's omnipotence such hearts can mould, May safely mellow into love; and grow Refin'd, humane, and generous, if they can. Love in such bosoms never to a fault. Or pains or pleases. But ye finer Souls, Form'd to soft luxury, and prompt to thrill With all the tumults, all the joys and pains, That beauty gives; with caution and reserve Indulge the sweet destroyer of repose, Nor court too much the queen of charming cares. For while the cherish'd poison in the breast Ferments and maddens, tick with jealousy, Absence, dictrust, or even with anxious joy, The wholsome appetites and powers of life Dissolve in langour. The coy stamach loaths The genial board: your chearful days are gone: The generous bloom that flush'd your cheeks is fled. To sighs devoted, and to tender pains, Pensive you sit, or solitary stray, And wake your youth in musing. Musing first Toy'd into care your unsuspecting heart; It found a liking there, a sportful fire, And that fomented into serious love; Which musing daily strengthens and improves Thro' all the heights of fondness and romance: And you're undone, the fatal shaft has sped, If once you doubt whether you love or no. The body wades away; th' infected mind, Dissolv'd in female tenderness, forgets Each manly virtue, and grows dead to fame. Sweet Book IV. ART OF PRESENVING HEALTH. 143 Sweet heaven, from such intoxicating charms, Defend all worthy breasts! Not that I deem Love always dangerous, always to be shun'd. Love well repaid, and not too weakly sunk In wanton and unmanly tenderness, Adds bloom to health; o'er every virtue sheds A gay, humane, and amiable grace, And brightens all the ornaments of man. But fruitless, hopeless disappointed, rack'd With jealousy, fatigu'd with hope and fear, Too serious, or too languishingly fond, Unnerves the body, and unmans the soul. And some have died for Love; and some run mad, And some with desperate hand themselves have slain. Some to extinguish, others to prevent, A mad devotion to one dangerous Fair, Court all they meet; in hopes to dissipate The cares of Love amongst a hundred Brides. The event is doubtful; for there are who find A cure in this; there are who find it not. 'Tis no relief, alas! it rather galls The wound, to those who are sincerely sick. For while from feverish and tumultuous joys, The nerves grow languid, and the soul subsides; The tender Fancy smarts with every sting; And what was Love before is Madness now. Is health your care, or luxury your aim, Be temperate still; when Nature bids, obey; Her wild impatient sallies bear no curb. But when the prurient habit of delight, Or loose imagination, spurs you on To deeds above your strength, impute it not To Nature; Nature all compulsion hates. Ah! let nor luxury nor vain renown Urge you to feats you well might sleep without; To make what should be rapture a fatigue, A tedious task; nor in the wanton arms Of 144 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. Of twining Lais melt your manhood down. For from the colliquation of soft joys How chang'd you rise! the ghost of what you was! Languid, and melancholy, and gaunt, and wan; Your veins exhausted, and your nerves unstrung. Spoil'd of its balm and sprightly zest, the blood Grows vapid phlegm; along the tender nerves To each slight impulse tremblingly awake, A subtle Fiend that mimics all the plagues, Rapid and restless, springs from part to part. The blooming honours of your youth are fallen; Your vigour pines; your vital powers decay; Diseases haunt you; and untimely Age Creeps on: unsocial, impotent, and lewd. Infatuate, impious epicure! to waste The stores of pleasure, chearfulness, and health! Infatuate all who make delight their trade, And coy perdition every hour pursue. Who pines with Love, or in lascivious flames Consumes, is with his own consent undone; He chuses to be wretched, to be mad; And warn'd proceeds and wilful to his fate. But there's a Passion, whole tempestuous sway Tears up each virtue planted in the breast, And, shakes to ruins proud philosophy. For pale and trembling Anger rushes in. With fault'ring speech, and eyes that wildly stare; Fierce as the Tyger, madder than the seas, Desperate, and aim'd with more than human strength. How soon the calm, humane, and polish'd man, Forgets compunction, and starts up a fiend! Who pines in Love, or wastes with silent Cares, Envy, or Ignominy, or tender Grief, Slowly descends, and ling'ning to the shades. But he whom Anger stings, drops, if he dies, At once, and rushes apoplectic down; Or a fierce fever hurries him to hell. For, Book IV. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 145 For, as the Body thro' unnumber'd strings Reverbrates each vibration of the Soul; As is ,the Passion, such is still the Pain The Body feels; or chronic, or acute. And oft a sudden storm at once o'erpowers. The Life, or gives your Reason to the winds. Such fates attend the rash alarm of Fear, And sudden Grief, and Rage, and sudden Joy. There are, mean time, to whom the boist'rous fit Is health, and only sills the sails of life. For where the Mind a torpid winter leads, Wrapt in a body corpulant and cold, And each clogg'd function lazily moves on; A generous sally spurs the incumbent load, Unlocks the bread, and gives a cordial glow. But if your wrathful blood is apt to boil, Or are your nerves too irritably strung; Wave all Dispute; be cautious if you joke; Keep Lent for ever; and forswear the bowl. For one rash moment sends you to the shades, Or shatters every hopeful scheme of life, And gives to horror all your days to come. Fate, arm'd with thunder, fire, and every plague That ruins, tortures, or distracts mankind, And makes the happy wretched in an hour, O'erwhelms you not with woes so horrible As your own wrath, nor gives more sudden blow [wrong While choler works, good friend, you may be Distrust yourself, and sleep before you fight. 'Tis not too late to morrow to be brave; If Honour bids, tomorrow kill or die. But calm advice against a raging fit Avails too little; and it tries the power Of all that ever taught in Prose or Song, To tame the Friend that sleeps a gentle Lamb, And wakes a Lion. Unprovok’d and calm, You 146 ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. Book IV. You reason well, see as you ought to see, And wonder at the madness of mankind; Seiz'd with the common rage, you soon forget The speculations of your wiser hours. Beset the Furies of all deadly shapes, Fierce and insidious, violent and slow; With all that urge or lure us on the Fate; What refuge shall we seek? what arms prepare? Where Reason proves too weak, or void of wiles, To cope with subtle or impetuous Powers, I would invoke new Passions to your aid; With indignation would extinguish Fear, With Fear or generous Pity vanquish Rage, And Love with Pride; and force to force oppose. There is a Charm; a Power that sways the breast Bids every Passion revel or be still; Inspires with Rage, or all your Cares dissolves Can sooth Distraction, and almost Despair. That Power is Music; far beyond the stretch Of those unmeaning warblers on our stage; Those clumsy Heroes, those fat-headed gods, Who move no Passion justly but Contempt; Who, like our Dancers, light indeed and strong! Do wond'rous feats, but never heard of grace. The fault is ours; we bear those monstrous arts, Good heaven! we praise them; we with loudest peals Applaud the fool that highest lifts his heels; And with insipid show of rapture, die Of ideot notes, impertinently long. But he the muse's laurel justly shares, A Poet he, and touch'd with Heaven's own fire; Who with bold rage or solemn pomp of sounds, Inflames, exalts, and ravishes the soul; Now tender, plantive, sweet almost to pain, In Love dissolves you! now in sprightly strains Breathes a gay rapture thro' your thrilling breast; Or melts the heart with airs divinely sad; Or Book IV. ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. 147 Or wakes to horror the tremendous strings. Such was the bard, whose heavenly strains of old Appeas'd the Fiend of melancholy Saul. Such was, if old and heathen fame say true, The man who bade the Theban domes ascend, And tam'd the savage nations with his song; And such the Thracian, whose harmonious lyre, Tun'd to soft woe, made all the mountains weep; Sooth'd even the inexorable powers of Hell, And half redeem'd his lost Eurydice. Music exalt each Joy, allays each Grief, Expels Diseases, softens every Pain, Subdues the rage of Poison and the Plague; And hence the wife of ancient days ador'd One Power of Physic, Melody, and Song. FINIS.