ADDRESS TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE CITY AND LIBERTIES OF PHILADELPHIA. Beloved Fellow Citizens, AN anxious desire for your preservation, in this time of general alarm, has induced me to present you with the following advice. - When you are assured that it is offered by one who has had a large share of experience in the fever of ninety- three as well as in the present calamity, you will not I hope be unwilling to listen to the truth, be- cause the name of the author is concealed. In the first place, I wish you to pay attention to the following rules, to avoid taking the fever, they are generally allowed to be safe and effectual. Be very temperate in your diet, Do not over-heat nor fatigue yourselves by any kind of exercise ; Be not exposed to the sun nor to the night air ; Be very cleanly in your houses and persons ; Keep the body lax- ative by small doses of cream of tartar, glauber's salts, or castor oil; and by a free use of ripe fruit, with which a kind providence hath, at this time, so plentifully supplied us. But above all things endeavour to keep your spirits calm and even. A due observation of these rules will do much, with the divine blessing, in pre- serving you from the fever; and if you should even be taken with it, the disease will be lighter. Indeed the remedies now generally used have proved so effectual, that if the sick are placed in airy rooms, are well nursed, and have proper medical assistance, this fever is not more dangerous than many others. Although it is cruel to desert a sick person yet it will be well not to have any unnecessary intercourse with the sick. Secondly - I would recommend the following rules to be observed by those who are taken ill with the fever : If you are seized with a chilliness or making, fol- lowed by a fever, bad head-ach, pain in the back and loins, sick stomach or vomiting, uneasiness a- bout the breast, soreness of the eyes or pain in them, immediately get bled; and take one of the powders of jalap and calomel, so successfully used in 1793 - They may be had at the apothecaries with proper directions for using them. - Drink very freely of mo- lases and water, or tamarinds and water. If this method does not carry off the disease, which it often does in a short time, send for a physician. The chamber windows of the sick should be always kept open, the bed clothes and other linen often changed; the face, hands, and arms of the sick must be frequently washed with water or vinegar. The mixture of oil of vitriol and salt- petre, recommended by the College of Physicians, and prepared, with proper directions, by the apothe- caries, should be constantly used. If you cannot get a physician, the best general rule is. For the first three or four days, while the fever continues high, be bled once or twice a day, and take one dose of the above mentioned powder of jalap and calomel, every day - when the fever abates a little, take a dose of glauber's salts, castor oil or rhubarb, every day, until the seventh or eighth day. If the sickness at stomach continues, put blisters to the wrists. For the first three or four days, drink molasses water, tamarinds and waters, cream of tartar and water, or toast and water. Afterwards use thin fago, tapioca or barley water and eat ripe peaches or grapes. Use no wine till the fever is gone. Then take cho- colate, tea, and weak broth for nourishment, and cool chamomile tea to strengthen the stomach. The sick should keep as quiet as possible taking care to make no unnecessary exertions for these have often proved to be extremely dangerous by bringing on faintings, and convulsions - for some time after recovery, the sick must be very cautious in their diet and exercise, to prevent a relapse. When a sick person gets well, expose their bed to the rain, or let it be well washed by throwing cold water on it - this will not injure the feathers:- But do hot put the bed in the sun, nor in such a situation as to injure a neighbour - wash all the cloaths, in cold water - the walls of the sick room should be im- mediately white washed, the floors and doors well washed - and the windows kept constantly open. This advice is offered you from an earned solici- tude for your good - it is a plain account of the me- thods generally allowed, by the physicians, to be most beneficial and if you will but assist them by your endeavours to be calm and tranquil, I have no doubt but they will, with the blessing of God, be found highly salutary and effectual for the preservation of your health. A FRIEND TO MANKIND. Philadelphia September 6th, 1797.