NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington TREATISE fc^f" ON ADULTERATIONS OF FOOD, AND CULINARY POIbONS. EXHIBITING The Fraudulent Sophistications of BREAD, BEER, WINE, SPIRITOUS LIQUORS, TE\, COFFEE, CREW1, < ONFECTIONERY, VINEGAR, MUSTARD.. PEPPER, CHEESE, OLIVE OIL, PICKLES, AND OTHER ARTICLES EMPLOYED IN DOMESTIC ECONOMT. AND METHODS OF DETECTING THEM. By Fredrick Accum, OPERATIVE CHEMIST, AND MHIBtH OF THE PRINCIPAL ACADEMIES AND SOCIETIES OF ARTS AND SCIENCES ./-«\ V. -4 IS EUROPE. * "■> t: ■* '/ •■•* /f , PtitlaDelpfctaj PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY AB'M SMALF 1820. PREFACE. This Treatise, as its title expresses, is ntended to exhibit easy methods of detect- ing the fraudulent adulterations of food, and )f other articles, classed either among the necessaries or luxuries of the table ; and to put the unwary on their guard against the ase of such commodities as are contami- nated with substances deleterious to health. Every person is aware that bread, beer, wine, and other substances employed in do- mestic economy, are frequently met with in an adulterated state : and the late convic- tions of numerous individuals for counter- feiting and adulterating tea, coffee, bread, beer, pepper, and other articles of diet, are still fresh in the memory of the public. To such perfection of ingenuity has the system of counterfeiting and adulterating iv Preface. various commodities of life arrived in this country, that spurious articles are every where to be found in the market, made up so skilfully, as to elude the discrimination of the most experienced judges. But of all possible nefarious traffic and deception, practised by mercenary dealers, that of adulterating the articles intended for human food with ingredients deleterious to health, is the most criminal, and, in the mind of every honest man, must excite feelings of regret and disgust. Numerous facts are on record, of human food, con- taminated with poisonous ingredients, hav- ing been vended to the public ; and the an- nals of medicine record tragical events en- suing from the use of such food. The eager and insatiable thirst for gain, is proof against prohibitions and penalties ; and the possible sacrifice of a fellow-crea- ture's life, is a secondary consideration among unprincipled dealers. However invidious the office may appear, and however painful the duty may be, of exposing the names of individuals, who have been convicted of adulterating food ; yet it was necessary, for the verification of Preface. v my statement, that cases should be adduced in their support; and I have carefully avoided citing any, except those which are authenticated in Parliamentary documents and other public records. To render this Treatise still more useful, I have also animadverted on certain mate- rial errors, sometimes unconsciously com- mitted through accident or ignorance, in private families, during the preparation of various articles of food, and of delicacies for the table. In stating the experimental proceedings necessary for the detection of the frauds which it has been my object to expose, I have confined myself to the task of pointing out such operations only as may be per- formed by persons unacquainted with che- mical science ; and it has been my purpose to express all necessary rules and instruc- tions in the plainest language, divested of those recondite terms of science, which would be out of place in a work intended for general perusal. The design of the Treatise will be fully answered, if the views here given shot'Id induce a single reader to pursue the ob^ct vi Preface. for which it is published ; or if it should tend to impress on the mind of the Public the magnitude of an evil, which, in many cases, prevails to an extent so alarming, that we may exclaim with the sons of the Prophet, " THERE IS DEATH IN THE POT." For the abolition of such nefarious prac- tices, it is the interest of all classes of the community to co-operate. FREDRICK ACCUM LONDON. 1820. CONTENTS. Preliminary Observations on the Adulteration of Food Page 13 Effect of different Kinds of Wa- ter EMPLOYED IN DOMESTIC ECONO- MY - - _ 33 Characters of Good Water - -37 Chemical Constitution of the Waters used in Domestic Economy and the Arts 40 Rain Water 40 Snow Water - - - - 41 Spring Water ... 42 River Water ... 44 Substances usually contained in Common Water, and Tests by which they are de- tected .....48 Method of ascertaining the Quantity of each of the different Substances usually con- tained in Common Water - 54 Deleterious Effects of keeping Water for Domestic Economy, in Leaden Reser- voirs 60 riii CONTENTS. Method of detecting Lead, when contained in common Water 69 Adulteration of Wine - 74 Method of detecting the Deleterious Adul- terations of Wine _ - - 86 Specific Differences, and Component Parts oj Wine.....89 Easy process of ascertaining the Quantity of Brandy contained in various sorts of Wine.....92 Tabular View, exhibiting the Per Centage of Brandy or Alcohol contained in vari- ous kinds of Wine and other fermented Liquors - 94 Constitution of Home-made Wines 96 Adulteration of Bread - 98 Method of detecting the Presence of Alum in Bread - - - - 108 Easy Method of judging of the Goodness of Bread-Corn and Bread-Flour - 110 Adulteration of Beer - 113 contents. ix List of Druggists and Grocers, prosecuted and convicted for supplying illegal In- gredients to Brewers for Adulterating Beer - - - * - - H9 Porter.....121 Strength and Specific Differences of differ- ent kinds of Porter - - 125 List of Publicans prosecuted and convicted for adulterating Beer with illegal Ingre- dients, and for mixing Table Beer with their Strong Beer - - 129 , Illegal Substances used for adulterating Beer.....131 Ingredients seized at various Breweries and Brewers* Druggists, for adulterat- ing Beer - - 136 List of Brewers prosecuted and convicted for adulterating Strong Beer with Ta- ble Beer - 143 Old, or Entire Beer; and New or Mild Beer - 144 List of Brewers prosecuted and convicted for receiving and using illegal Ingredi- ents in their Brewings - - 151 X CONTENTS. Method of detecting the Adulteration of Beer.....158 Method of ascertaining the Quantity of Spirit contained in Porter, Ale. #c. 160 Per Centage of Alcohol contained in Porter, and other kinds of Malt Liquors 162 Counterfeit Tea-Leaves - 163 Methods of detecting the Adulterations of Tea-Leaves - - - - 171 Counterfeit Coffee - - 176 Adulteration of Brandy, Rum, and Gin.....187 Method of detecting the Adulterations of Brandy, Rum, and Malt Spirit 195 Method of detecting the Presence of Lead in Spiritous Liquors - - 202 Method of ascertaining the Quantity of Al- cohol contained in different kinds of Spi- ritous Liquors - 9Q3 Table exhibiting the Per Centage of Alco- hol contained in various kinds of Spiri- tous Liquors - . m 205 CONTENTS. Xi Poisonous Cheese, and method of detect- ing it - ... 206 Counterfeit Pepper, and Method of de- tecting it - - - - 211 White Pepper, and method of manufac- turing it - - - - 213 Poisonous Cayenne Pepper, and me- thod of detecting it - - 215 Poisonous Pickles, and method of de- tecting them - - - 217 Adulteration of Vinegar, and method of detecting it 220 Distilled Vinegar - - - 221 Adulteration of Cream, and method of detecting it ... 222 Poisonous Confectionery, and method of detecting it - - - 224 Poisonous Catsup, and method of detect- ing it 227 Poisonous Custards - - 231 XII CONTENTS. Poisonous Anchovy Sauce, and method of detecting it ... 234 Adulteration of Lozenges, and me- thod of detecting them - - 236 Poisonous Olive Oil, and method of detecting it - 239 Adulteration of Mustard 241 Adulteration of Lemon Acid, and method of detecting it - - 243 Poisonous Mushrooms - - 246 Mushroom Catsup - . 250 Poisonous Soda Water, and method of detecting it - - _ - 251 Food Poisoned by Copper Vessels, and method of detecting it - 252 Food Poisoned by Leaden Vessels, and method of detecting it - 257 A TREATISE ON ADULTERATIONS OF FOOD, AND CULINARY POISONS. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Of all the frauds practised by mercenary dealers, there is none more reprehensible, and at the same time more prevalent, than the sophistication of the various articles of food. This unprincipled and nefarious practice, increasing in degree as it has been found difficult of detection, is now applied to al- most every commodity which can be classed r» 14' Preliminary Observations. among either the necessaries or the luxu- ries of life, and is carried on to a most alarming extent in every part of the United Kingdom. It has been pursued by men, who, from the magnitude and apparent respectability of their concerns, would be the least ob- noxious to public suspicion ; and their suc- cessful example has called forth, from among the retail dealers, a multitude of competitors in the same iniquitous course. To such perfection of ingenuity has this system of adulterating food arrived, that spurious articles of various kinds are every where to be found, made up so skilfully as to baffle the discrimination of the most ex- perienced judges. Among the number of substances used in domestic economy which are now very ge- nerally found sophisticated, may be dis- tinguished—tea, coffee, bread, beer, wine, spiritous liquors, salad oil, pepper, vine- gar, mustard, cream, and other articles of subsistence. Indeed, it would be difficult to mention a single article of food which is not to be met with in an adulterated state ; and there are some substances which are scarcely ever to be procured genuine. Some of these spurious compounds are Preliminary Observations. i5 comparatively harmless when used as food ; and as in these cases merely substances of inferior value are substituted for more costly and genuine ingredients, the sophistication, though it may affect our purse, does not injure our health. Of this kind are the ma- nufacture of factitious pepper, the adulter- ations of mustard, vinegar, cream, &c. Others, however, are highly deleterious ; and to this class belong the adulterations of beer, wines, spiritous liquors, pickles, sa- lad oil, and many others. There are particular chemists who make it a regular trade to supply drugs or nefa- rious preparations to the unprincipled brew- er of porter or ale ; others perform the same office to the wine and spirit merchant; and others again to the grocer and the oilman. The operators carry on their processes chiefly in secresy, and under some delusive firm, with the ostensible denotements of a fair and lawful establishment. These illicit pursuits have assumed all the order and method of a regular trade j they may severally claim to be distin- guished as an art and mystery; for the workmen employed in them are often wholly ignorant of the nature of the substances which pass through their hands, and of the purposes to which they are ultimately ap- plied. *6 Preliminary Observations. To elude the vigilance of the inquisitive, to defeat the scrutiny of the revenue officer, and to ensure the secresy of these mys- teries, the processes are very ingeniously divided and subdivided among individual operators, and the manufacture is purposely carr'u d on in separate establishments. The task of proportioning the ingredients for use is assigned to one individual, while the com- position and preparation of them may be said to form a distinct part of the business, and is entrusted to another workman. Most of the articles are transmitted to the con- sumer in a disguised state, or in such a form that their real nature cannot possibly be detected by the unwary. Thus the ex- tract of coculus indicus, employed by frau- dulent manufacturers of malt-liquors to im- part an intoxicating quality to porter or ales, is known in the market by the name of black extract, ostensibly destined for the use of tanners and dyers. It is obtained by boiling the berries of the coculus indicus in water, and converting, by a subsequent evaporation, this decoction into a stiff black tenacious mass, possessing, in a high de- gree, the narcotic and intoxicating quality of the poisonous berry from which it is pre- pared. Another substance, composed of extract of quassia and liquorice juice used Preliminary Observations. 17 by fraudulent brewers to economise both malt and hops, is technically called mult'un.* * The Times, May <8, 1818. The King v. Richaid Bowman. The defend »" was a brew- er, living in Wapping-street, Wapping, and was charged with having in his possession a drug rolled multum, and a quantity of copperas. The articles were produced by Thomas Gates, an excise officer, who had, after a search, fourd them on the defendant's premises. The Court sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of 200/. The King v. Luke Lyons. The defendant is a brewer, and w;.s brought up under an in- dictment < harging him with having made use of various deleterious diugs in his brewery, among which were capsicum, copperas, Sec. The defendant was ordered to pay the fines of 20/. upon the first count, 200/. upon the third, and 200/. upon the seventh count in the in- dictment. The King v. Thomas The charge against this defendant was, that he had in his possession forty-seven barrels of stale unpa- latable beer. On the 11th of March, J >hn Wilson, an excise officer, went to the store- house, and found forty-seven casks containing forty-three barrelsand a h If of sour unwhole- some beer. Several s mples of the beer were produced, all of them of a different colour, and filled with sediment. A fine of 30/. was or- dered to be paid by the defendant. 18 Preliminary Observations. The quantities of coculus indicus ber- ries, as well as of black extract, imported into this country for adulterating malt liquors, are enormous. It forms a consi- derable branch of commerce in the hands of a few brokers-: yet, singular as it may seem, no inquiry appears to have been hi- therto made by the officers of the revenue respecting its application. Many other substances employed in the adulteration of beer, ale, and spiritous liquors, are in a similar manner intentionally disguised j and of the persons by whom they are purchased, a great number are totally unacquainted with their nature or composition. An extract, said to be innocent, sold in casks, containing from half a cwt. to five cwt. by the brewers' druggists, under the name of bittern, is composed of calcined sulphate of iron (copperas), extract of co- culus indicus berries, extract of quassia, and Spanish liquorice. It would be very easy to adduce, in sup- port of these remarks, the testimony of nu- merous individuals, by whom I have been professionally engaged to examine certain mixtures, said to be perfectly innocent, which are used in very extensive manufac- tories of the above description. Indeed, during the long period devoted to the prac- Preliminary Observations. 19 tice of my profession, I have had abundant reason to be convinced that a vast number of dealers, of the highest respectability, have vended to their customers articles absolutely poisonous, which they them- selves considered as harmless, and which they would not have offered for sale, had they been apprised of the spurious and pernicious nature of the compounds, and of the purposes to which they were destined. For instance, I have known cases in which brandy merchants were not aware that the substance which they frequently purchase under the delusive name of fash, for strengthening and clarifying spiritous liquors, and which is held out as consisting of burnt sugar and isinglass only, in the form of an extract, is in reality a com- pound of sugar, with extract of capsicum ; and that to the acrid and pungent qualities of the capsicum is to be ascribed the heightened flavour of brandy and rum, when coloured with the above-mentioned matter. In other cases the ale-brewer has been supplied with ready-ground coriander seeds, previously mixed with a portion of nux vomica and quassia, to give a bitter taste and narcotic property to the beverage. The retail venders of mustard do not ap- SO Preliminary Observations. pear to be aware that mustard seed alone cannot produce, when ground, a powder of so intense and brilliant a colour as that of the common mustard of commerce. Nor would the powder of real mustard, when mixed with salt and water, without the ad- dition of a portion of pulverised capsicum, keep for so long a time as the mustard usually offered for sale. Many other instances of unconscious de- ceptions might be mentioned, which were practised by persons of upright and ho- nourable minds. It is a painful reflection, that the divi- sion of labour which has been so instru- mental in bringing the manufactures of this country to their present flourishing state, should have also tended to conceal and fa- cilitate the fraudulent practices in question; and that from a correspondent ramification of commerce into a multitude of distinct branches, particularly in the metropolis and the large towns of the empire, the traffic in adulterated commodities should find its way through so many circuitous channels, as to defy the most scrutinising endeavour to trace it to its source. It is not less lamentable that the exten- sive application of chemistry to the useful purposes of life, should have been pervert- Preliminary Observations. %\ cd into an auxiliary to this nefarious traffic. But, happily for the science, it may, with- out difficulty, be converted into a means of detecting the abuse ; to effect which, very little chemical skill is required ; and the course to be pursued forms the object of the following pages. The baker asserts that he does not put alum into bread ; but he is well aware that, in purchasing a certain quantity of flour, he must take a sack of sharp whites (a term given to flour contaminated with a quantity of alum), without which it would be impossible for him to produce light, white, and porous bread, from a half- spoiled material. The wholesale mealman frequently pur- chases this spurious commodity, (which forms a separate branch of business in the hands of certain individuals,) in order to enable himself to sell his decayed and half- spoiled flour. Other individuals furnish the baker with alum mixed up with salt, under the obscure denomination of stuff. There are wholesale manufacturing chemists, whose sole busi- ness is to crystallise alum, in such a form as will adapt this salt to the purpose of being mixed in a crystalline state with the crys- tals of common salt, to disguise the charac- %% Preliminary Observations. ter of the compound. The mixture called stuff, is composed of one part of alum, in minute crystals, and three of common salt. In many other trades a similar mode of proceeding prevails. Potatoes are soaked in water to augment their weight. The practice of sophisticating the neces- saries of life, being reduced to systematic regularity, is ranked by public opinion among other mercantile pursuits ; and is not only regarded with less disgust than formerly, but is almost generally esteemed as a justifiable way to wealth. It is really astonishing that the penal law is not more effectually enforced against practices so inimical to the public welfare. The man who robs a fellow subject of a few shillings on the high-wav, is sentenced to death j while he who distributes a slow poison to a whole community, escapes un- punished. It has been urged by some, that, under so vast a system of finance as that of Great Britain, it is expedient that the revenue should be collected in large amounts; and therefore that the severity of the law should be relaxed in favour of all mercantile con- cerns in proportion to their extent: encou- ragement must be given to large capitalists* and where an extensive brewery or distil- Preliminary Observations. S3 lery yields an important contribution to the revenue, no strict scrutiny need be adopted in regard to the quality of the article from which such contribution is raised, provided the excise do not suffer by the fraud. But the principles of the constitution af- ford no sanction to this preference, and the true interests of the country require that it should be abolished; for a tax dependent lapon deception must be at best precarious, and must be, sooner or later, diminished by the irresistible diffusion of knowledge. Sound policy requires that the law should be impartially enforced in all cases; and if its penalties were extended to abuses of which it does not now take cognisance, there is no doubt that the revenue would be abundantly benefited. Another species of fraud, to which I shall at present but briefly advert, and which has increased to so alarming an ex- tent, that it loudly calls for the interference of government, is the adulteration of drugs and medicines. Nine-tenths of the most potent drugs and chemical preparations used in pharmacy, are vended in a sophisticated state by deal- ers who would be the last to be suspected. It is well known, that of the article Peru- vian bark, there is a variety of species in- 84 Preliminary Observations. ferior to the genuine; that too little dis- crimination is exercised by the collectors of this precious medicament; that it is carelessly assorted, and is frequently pack- ed in green hides; that much of it arrives in Spain in a half-decayed state, mixed with fragments of other vegetables and va- rious extraneous substances; and in this state is distributed throughout Europe. But as if this were not a sufficient dete- rioration, the public are often served with a spurious compound of mahogany saw- dust and oak wood, ground into powder mixed with a proportion of good quinqui- na, and sold as genuine bark powder. Every chemist knows that there are mills constantly at work in this metropolis, which furnish bark powder at a much cheaper rate than the substance can be pro- cured for in its natural state. The price of the best genuine bark, upon an average, is not lower than twelve shillings the pound ; but immense quantities of powder bark are supplied to the apothecaries at three or four shillings a pound. It is also notorious that there are ma- nufacturers of spurious rhubarb powder, ipecacuanha powder,* James's powder, and * Of this root, several \arieties are import- ed. The white sort, which has no wrinkles., Preliminary Observations. ©5 other simple and compound medicines of great potency, who carry on their diaboli- cal trade on an amazingly large scale. In- deed, the quantity of medical preparations thus sophisticated exceeds belief. Cheap- ness, and not genuineness and excellence, is the grand desideratum with the unprin- cipled dealers in drugs and medicines. Those who are familiar with chemistry may easily convince themselves of the ex- istence of the fraud, by subjecting to a che- mical examination either spirits of harts- horn, magnesia, calcined magnesia, calomel, or any other chemical preparation in gene- ral demand. Spirit of hartshorn is counterfeited by mixing liquid caustic ammonia with the distilled spirit of hartshorn, to increase the pungency of its odour, and to enable it to bear an addition of water. The fraud is detected by adding spirit of wine to the sophisticated spirit; for, if no and no perceptible bitterness in taste, and which, though taken in a large dose, has scatcely any effect at all, after being pulver- ised by fraudulent druggists, and mixed with a portion of emetic tanar, is sold, at a low price, for the powder of genuine ipecacuantra root- r, S6 Preliminary Observations. considerable coagulation ensues, the adul- teration is proved. It may also be disco- vered by the hartshorn spirit not producing a brisk effervescence when mixed with mu- riatic or nitric acid. Magnesia usually contains a portion of lime, originating from hard water being used instead of soft, in the preparation of this medicine. To ascertain the purity of magnesia, add to a portion of it a little sulphuric acid, di- luted with ten times its bulk of water. If the magnesia be completely soluble, and the solution remains transparent, it may be pronounced pure ; but not otherwise. Or, dissolve a portion of the magnesia in muri- atic acid, and add a solution of sub-carbo- nate of ammonia. If any lime be present, it will form a precipitate; whereas pure magnesia will remain in solution. Calcined magnesia is seldom met with in a pure state. It may be assayed by the same tests as the common magnesia. It ought not to effervesce at all, with dilute sulphuric acid; and, if the magnesia and acid be put together into one scale of a ba- lance, no diminution of weight should en- sue on mixing them together. Calcined magnesia, however, is very seldom so pure as to be totally dissolved by diluted sul< Preliminary Observations. 27 phuric acid; for a small insoluble residue generally remains, consisting chiefly of si- licious earth, derived from the alkali era- fdoyed in the preparation of it. The so- ution in sulphuric acid, when largely di- luted, ought not to afford any precipitation by the addition of oxalate of ammonia. The genuineness of calomel may be as- certained by boiling, for a few minutes, one part, with ^\ part of muriate of ammonia in ten parts of distilled water. When carbo- nate of potash is added to the filtered solu- tion, no precipitation will ensue if the calo- mel be pure. Indeed, some of the most common and cheap drugs do not escape the adulterating hand of the unprincipled druggist. Sy- rup of buckthorn, for example, instead of being prepared from the juice of buckthorn berries, (rhamnus catharticus,) is made from the fruit of the blackberry bearing al- der, and the dogberrv tree. A mixture of the berries of the buckthorn and blackber- ry bearing alder, and of the dogberrv tree, may be seen publicly exposed for sale by some of the venders of medicinal herbs. This abuse may be discovered by opening the berries: those of buckthorn have al- most always four seeds ; of the alder, two; and of the dogberry, only one. Buckthorn 28 Preliminary Observations. berries, bruised on white paper, stain it of a green colour, which the others do not. Instead of worm-seed (artemisia santQ- nica,) the seeds of tansy are frequently of- fered for sale, or a mixture of both. A great many of the essential oils ob- tained from the more expensive spices, are frequently so much adulterated, that it is not easy to meet with such as are at all fit for use : nor are these adulterations easily discoverable. The grosser abuses, indeed, may be readily detected. Thus, if the oil be adulterated with alcohol, it will tura milky on the addition of water; if with ex- pressed oils, alcohol will dissolve the vola- tile, and leave the other behind; if with oil of turpentine, on dipping a piece of paper in the mixture, and drying it with a gentle heat, the turpentine will be betrayed by its smell. The more subtile artists, how- ever, have contrived other methods of so- phistication, which elude all trials. And as all volatile oils agree in the general pro- perties of solubility in spirit of wine, and volatility in the heat of boiling water, &c. it is plain that they may be variously mixed with each other, or the dearer sophisticated with the cheaper, without any possibility of discovering the abuse by any of the before- mentioned trials. Perfumers assert that Preliminary Observations. 29 the smell and taste are the only certain tests of which the nature of the thing will aduiit. For example, if a bark should have in every respect the appearance of good cinnamon, and should be proved indispu- tably to be the genuine bark of the cinna- mon tree; yet if it want the cinnamon fla- vour, or has it but in a low degree, we re- ject it: and the case is the same with the essential oil of cinnamon. It is only from use and habit, or comparisons with speci- mens of known quality, that we can judge of the goodness, either of the drugs them- selves, or of their oils. Most of the arrow-root, the fecula of the Maranta arudinacea, sold by druggists, is a mixture of potatoe starch and arrow-root. The same system of adulteration extends - to articles used in various trades and ma- nufactures. For instance, linen tape, and various other household commodities of that kind, instead of being manufactured of linen thread only, are made up of linen and cotton. Colours for painting, not only those used by artists, such as ultramarine,* * Genuine ultramarine should become de- prived of its colour when thrown into concen- trated nitric acid. C2 30 Preliminary Observations. carmine,* and lake ;+ Antwerp blue,}: chrome yellow,^ and Indian ink ;|| but also the coarser colours used by the common house-painter are more or less adulterated. Thus, of the latter kind, white lead^j is mixed with carbonate or sulphate of bary- tes ; vermilion** with red lead. Soap used in house-keeping is frequently * Genuine carmine should be totally solu- ble in liquid ammonia. t Genuine madder and carmine lakes should be totally soluble by boiling in a con- centrated solution of soda or potash. \ Gemine Antwerp blue should not be- come deprived of its colour when throvsn into liquid chlorine. § Genuine chrome yellow should not effer- vesce with nitric acid. || The best Indian ink breaks, splintery, with a smooth glossy fracture, and feels soft, and not gritty, when rubbed against the teeth. 1 Genuine white lead should be complete- ly soluble in nitric acid, and the solution should remain transparent when mingled with a solution of sulphate of soda. ** Genuine vermilion should become total- ly volatilised on heinr^ exposed to a red heat; and it should not impart a red coiour to spi- rit of wine, when digested with it. Preliminary Observations. 31 adulterated with a considerable portion of fine white clay, brought from St. Stephens, in Cornwall. In the manufacture of print- ing paper, a large quantity of plaster of Paris is added to the paper stuff, to increase the weight of the manufactured article. The selvage of cloth is often dyed with a per- manent colour, and artfully stitched to the edge of cloth dyed with a fugitive dye. The frauds committed in the tanning of skins, and in the manufacture of cutlery and jewelry, exceed belief. The object of all unprincipled modern manufacturers seems to be the sparing of their time and labour as much as possible, and to increase the quantity of the articles they produce, without much regard to their quality. The ingenuity and perseverance of self-interest is proof against prohibi- tions, and contrives to elude the vigilance of the most active government. The eager and insatiable thirst for gain, which seems to be a leading characteristic of the times, calls into action every human faculty, and gives an irresistible impulse to the power of invention; and where lucre becomes the reigning principle, the possi- ble sacrifice of even a fellow creature's life is a secondary consideration. In reference 3S Preliminary Observations. to the deterioration of almost all the neces- saries and comforts of existence, it may be justly observed, in a civil as well as a reli- gious sense, that " in the midst of life we are in death?' REMARKS OS THE Effect of different Kinds of Waters IN THEIR APPLICATION TO DOMESTIC ECONOMY AND THE ARTS; AND METHODS OF ASCERTAINING THEIR PURITY. It requires not much reflection to become convinced that the waters which issue from the recesses of the earth, and form springs, wells, rivers, or lakes, often materially differ from each other in their taste ana other obvious properties. There are few people who have not observed a difference in the waters used for domestic purposes and in the arts ; and the distinc- tions of hard and soft water are familiar to every body. Water perfectly pure is scarcely ever met with in nature. 34 Effects of Waters. It must also be obvious, that the health and comfort of families, and the conve- niences of domestic life, are materially af- fected by the supply of good and whole- some water. Hence a knowledge of the quality and salubrity of the different kinds of waters employed in the common con- cerns of life, on account of the abundant daily use we make of them in the prepara- tion of food, is unquestionably an object of considerable importance, and demands our attention. The effects produced by the foreign mat- ters which water may contain, are more considerable, and of greater importance, than might at first be imagined. It cannot be denied, that such waters as are hard, or loaded with earthy matter, have a decided effect upon some important functions of the human body. They increase the distress- ing symptoms under which those persons labour who are afflicted with what is com- monly called gravel complaints ; and many other ailments might be named, that are always aggravated by the use of waters abounding in saline and earthy substances. The purity of the waters employed in some of the arts and manufactures, is an object of not less consequence. In the pro- cess of brewing malt liquors* soft water is Effects of Waters. 35 preferable to hard. Every brewer knows that the largest possible quantity of the extractive matter of the malt is obtained in the least possible time, and at the smallest cost, by means of soft water. In the art of the dyer, hard water not only opposes the solution of several dye stuffs, but it also alters the natural tints of some delicate colours ; whilst in others again it precipitates the earthy and saline matters with which it is impregnated, into the delicate fibres of the stuff, and thus im- pedes the softness and brilliancy of the dye. The bleacher cannot use with advantage waters impregnated with earthy salts ; and a minute portion of iron imparts to the cloth a yellowish hue. To the manufacturer of painters' colours, water as pure as possible is absolutely es- sential for the successful preparation of se- veral delicate pigments. Carmine, madder lake, ultramarine, and Indian yellow, cannot be prepared without perfectly pure water. For the steeping or raiting of flax, soft water is absolutely necessary ; in hard wa- ter the flax may be immersed for months, till its texture be injured, and still the lig- neous matter will not be decomposed, and the fibres properly separated. In the culinary art, the effects of water 36 Effects of Waters. more or less pure are likewise obvious. Good and pure water softens the fibres of animal and vegetable matters more readily than such as is called hard. Every cook knows that dry or ripe pease, and other fa- rinaceous seeds, cannot readily be boiled soft in hard water ; because the farina of the seed is not perfectly soluble in water loaded with earthy salts. Green esculent vegetable substances are more tender when boiled in soft water than in hard water; although hard water imparts to them a better colour. The effects of hard and soft water may be easily shown in the following manner. EXPERIMENT. Let two separate portions of tea-leavee be macerated, by precisely the same pro- cesses, in circumstances all alike, in similar and separate vessels, the one containing hard and the other soft water, either hot or cold, the infusion made with the soft water will have by far the strongest taste, although it possesses less colour than the infusion made with the hard water. It will strike a more intense black with a solution of sul- phate of iron, and afford a more abundant Characters of Good, Water. 37 precipitate, with a solution of animal jelly, which at once shews that soft water has extracted more tanning matter, and more gallic acid, from the tea-leaves, than could be obtained from them under like circum- stances by means of hard water. Many animals which are accustomed to drink soft water, refuse hard water. Horses in particular prefer the former. Pigeons refuse hard water when they have been ac- customed to soft water. CHARACTERS OF GOOD WATER. A good criterion of the purity of water fit tor domestic purposes, is its softness. This quality is at once obvious by the touch, if we only wash our hands in it with soap. Good water should be beautifully transpa- rent ; a slight opacity indicates extraneous matter. To judge of the perfect transpa- rency of water, a quantity of it shouid be put into a deep glass vessel, the larger the better, so that we can look down perpendi- cularly into a considerable mass of the fluid ; we may then readily discover the slightest degree of muddiness much better than if the water be viewed through the glass placed between the eye and the light. It D 38 Characters of Good Water. should be perfectly colourless, devoid of odour, and its taste soft and agreeable. It should send out air-bubbles when poured from one vessel into another; it should boil pulse soft, and form with soap an uniform opaline fluid, which does not separate after standing for several hours. It is to the presence of common air and carbonic acid gas that common water owes its taste, and many of the good effects which it produces on animals and vegeta- bles. Spring water, which contains more air, has a more lively taste than river water. Hence the insipid or vapid taste of newly boiled water, from which these gases are ex- pelled : fish cannot live in water deprived of those elastic fluids. 100 cubic inches of the New River water, with which part of this metropolis is sup- plied, contains 2,25 of carbonic acid, and 1,25 of common air. The water of the ri- ver Thames contains rather a larger quan- tity of common air, and a smaller portion of carbonic acid. H vyater not fully saturated with com- mon air be agitated with this elastic fluid, a portion of the air is absorbed ; but the two chirf constituent gases of the atmos- phere, the oxygen and nitrogen, are not Characters of Good Water. 39 equally affected, the former being absorbed in preference to the latter. According to Mr. Dalton, in agitating water with atmospheric air, consisting of 79 of nitrogen, and 21 of oxygen, the water absorbs ^ of ^v nitrogen gas = 1,234, and iV °^ -nrfr °xygen gas = 778, amounting in all to 2,012. Water is freed from foreign matter by distillation : and for any chemical process in which accuracy is requisite, distilled water must be used. Hard waters may, in general, be cured in part, by dropping into them a solution of sub-carbonate of potash ; or, if the hardness be owing only to the presence of super-car- bonate of lime, mere boiling will greatly remedy the defect; part of the carbonic acid flies off, and a neutral carbonate of lime falls down to the bottom ; it may then be used for washing, scarcely curdling soap. But if the hardness be owing in part to sulphate of lime, boiling does not soften it at all. When spring water is used for washing, it is advantageous to leave it for some time exposed to the open air in a reservoir with a large surface. Part of the carbonic acid becomes thus dissipated, and part of the carbonate of lime falls to the bottom. Mr. 40 Constitution of Waters. Dalton* has observed that the more any spring is drawn from, the softer the water becomes. CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE WATERS USED IN DOMESTIC ECONOMY AND THE ARIS. Rain Water, Collected with every precaution as it descends from the clouds, and at a distance from large towns, or any other object capa- ble of impregnating the atmosphere with foreign matters, approaches more nearly to a state of purity than perhaps any other natural water. Even collected under these circumstances, however, it invariably con- tains a portion of common air and carbonic acid gas. The specific gravity of rain water scarcely differs from that of distilled water; and from the minute portions of the foreign ingredients which it generally contains, it is very soft, and admirably adapted for * Dalton, Manchester Memoirs, vol iv. ft. 55. Constitution of Waters. 41 many culinary purposes, and various pro- cesses in different manufactures and the arts. Fresh-fallen snow, melted without the contact of air, appears to be nearly free from air. Gay-Lussac and Humboldt, how- ever, affirm, that it contains nearly the usual proportion of air. Water from melted ice does not contain so much air. Dew has been supposed to be saturated with air. Snow water has long laid under the im- putation of occasioning those strumous swellings in the neck which deform the inhabitants of many of the Alpine vallies ; but this opinion is not supported by any well-authenticated indisputable facts, and is rendered still more improbable, if not entirely overturned, by the frequency of the disease in Sumatra*, where ice and snow are never seen. In high northern latitudes, thawed snow forms the constant drink of the inhabitants during winter ; and the vast masses of ice which float on the polar seas, afford an abundant supply of fresh water to the ma- riner. * Marsden's History of Sumatra. D 2 4S Constitution of Waters. Spring Water, Includes well-water and all others that arise from some depth below the surface of the earth, and which are used at the foun- tain-head, or at least before they have run any considerable distance exposed to the air. Indeed, springs may be considered as rain water which has passed through the fissures of the earth, and, having accumu- lated at the bottom of declivities, rises again to the surface forming springs and wells. As wells take their origin at some depth from the surface, and below the influence of the external atmosphere, their tempera- ture is in general pretty uniform during every vicissitude of season, and always se- veral degrees lower than the atmosphere. They differ from one another according to the nature of the strata through which they issue ; for though the ingredients usually existing in them are in such minute quan- tities as to impart to the water no striking properties, and do not render it unfit for common purposes, yet they modify its na- ture very considerably. Hence the water of some springs is said to be hard, of others soft, some sweet, others brackish, according Constitution of Waters. 43 to the nature and degree of the inpregnat- ing ingredients. Common springs are insensibly changed into mineral or medicinal springs, as their foreign contents become larger or more un- usual ; or, in some instances, they derive medicinal celebrity from the absence of those ingredients usually occurring in spring-water ; as, for example, is the case with the Malvern spring, which is nearly pure water. Almost all spring-waters possess the pro- perty termed hardness in a greater or less degree ; a property which depends chiefly upon the presence of super-carbonate, or of sulphate of lime, or of both ; and the quantity of these earthy salts varies very considerably in different instances. Mr- Dalton* has shewn that one grain of sul- phate of lime, contained in 2000 grains of water, converts it into the hardest spring water that is commonly met with. The waters of deep wells are usually much harder than those of springs which overflow the mouth of the well; but there are some exceptions to this rule. The purest springs are those which occur * Manchester Memoirs vol. x. 1819. 44 Constitution of Waters. in primitive rocks, or beds of gravel, or fil- ter through sand or silicious strata. In ge- neral, large springs are purer than small ones : and our old wells contain finer water than those that are new, as the soluble parts I through which the water filters in channels under ground become gradually washed away. River Water, Is a term applied to every running stream or rivulet exposed to the air, and always flowing in an open channel. It is formed of spring water, which, by exposure, becomes more pure, and of running land or surface water, which, although turbid from particles of the alluvial soil suspended in it, is other- wise very pure. It is purest when it runs over a gravelly or rocky bed, and when its course is swift. It is generally soft, and more free from earthy salts than spring water; but it usually contains less common air and carbonic acid gas ; for, by the agitation of a long current, and exposed to the temper- ature of the atmosphere, part of its carbonic acid gas is disengaged, and the lime held in solution by it is in part precipitated, the loss of which contributes to the softness of the water. Its specific gravity thereby be- Constitution of Waters. 45 comes less, the taste not so harsh, but less fresh and agreeable ; and out, of a hard spring is often made a stream of sufficient purity for most of the purposes where a soft water is required. The water called in this metropolis New River Water, contains a minute portion of muriate of lime, carbonate of lime, and muriate of soda. Some streams, however, that arise from clean silicious beds, and flow in a sandy or stony channel, are from the outset remarka- bly pure ; such as the mountain lakes and rivulets in the rocky districts of Wales, the source of the beautiful waters of the Dee, and numberless other rivers that flow through the hollow of every valley. Swit- zerland has long been celebrated for the purity and excellence of its waters, which pour in copious streams from the moun- tains, and give rise to the finest rivers in Europe. Some rivers, however, that do not take their rise from a rocky soil, and are indeed at first considerably charged with foreign matter, during a long course, even over a richly cultivated plain, become remarkably pure as to saline contents ; but often fouled with mud containing much animal and ve- getable matter, which are rather suspended 46 Constitution of Waters. than held in true solution. Such is the water of the river Thames, which, taken up at London at low water mark, is very soft and good ; and, after rest, it contains but a very small portion of any thing that could prove pernicious, or impede any ma- nufacture. It is also excellently fitted for sea-store ; but it then undergoes a remark- able spontaneous change, when preserved in wooden casks. No water carried to sea becomes putrid sooner than that of the Thames. But the mode now adopted in the navy of substituting iron tanks for wooden casks, tends greatly to obviate this disadvantage. Whoever will consider the situation of the Thames, and the immense population along its banks for so many miles, must at once perceive the prodigious accumulation of animal matters of all kinds, which by means of the common sewers constantly make their way into it. These matters are, no doubt, in part the cause of the putrefaction which it is well known to undergo at sea, and of the carburetted and sulphuretted hydro- gen gases which are evolved from it. When a wooden cask is opened, after being kept a month or two, a quantity of carburetted and sulphuretted hydrogen escapes, and the water is so black and offensive as scarcely Constitution of Waters. 47 to be borne. Upon racking it off, however, into large earthen vessels, and exposing it to the air, it gradually deposits a quantity of black slimy mud, becomes clear as crys- tal, and remarkably sweet and palatable. It might, at first sight, be expected that the water of the Thames, after having re- ceived all the contents of the sewers, drains, and water courses, of a large town, should acquire thereby such impregnation with foreign matters, as to become very impure; but it appears, from the most accurate ex- periments that have been made, that those kinds of impurities have no perceptible in- fluence on the salubrious quality of a mass of water so immense, and constantly kept in motion by the action of the tides. Some traces of animal matter may, how- ever, be detected in the water of the Thames; for if nitrate of lead be dropped into it,* "you will find that it becomes milky, and that a white powder falls to the bottom, which dissolves without efferves- * Observations on the Water with which Tunbridge Wells is chiefly supplied for Do- mestic Purposes, by Dr. Thomson ; forming an Appendix to an Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Tunbridge Wells, by Dr. Scuda- more. 48 Substances contained cence in nitric acid. It is, therefore, (says Dr. Thomson) a combination of oxide of lead with some animal matter." SUBSTANCES USUALLY CONTAINED IN COM. MON WATER, AND TESTS BY WHICH THEY ARE DETECTED. To acquire a knowledge of the general nature of common water, it is only necessa- ry to add to it a few chemical tests, which will quickly indicate the presence or ab- ! sence of the substances that may be ex- pected. Almost the only salts contained in com- mon waters are the carbonates, sulphates, and muriates of soda, lime, and magnesia; and sometimes a very minute portion of iron may also be detected in them. EXPERIMENT. Fill a wine-glass with distilled water, and add to it a few drops of a solution of soap in alcohol, the water will remain tran- sparent. This test is employed for ascertaining the presence of earthy salts in waters. in Water. 49 Hence it produces no change when mingled with distilled or perfectly pure water; but when added to water containing earthy salts, a white flocculent matter becomes separated, which speedily collects on the surface of the fluid. Now, from the quan- tity of flocculent matter produced, in equal quantities of water submitted to the test, a tolerable notion may be formed of the degrees of hardness of different kinds of water, at least so far as regards the fitness of the water for the ordinary purposes of domestic economy. This may be rendered obvious in the following manner. EXPERIMENT. Fill a number of wine-glasses with dif- ferent kinds of pump or well water, and let fall into each glass a few drops of the solution of soap in alcohol. A turbidness will instantly ensue, and a flocculent matter collect on the surface of the fluid, if the mixture be left undisturbed. The quantity of flocculent matter will be in the ratio of the quantity of earthy salts con- tained in the water. It is obvious that the action of this test is not discriminative, with regard to the che- E 50 Substances contained mical nature of the earthy salt present in the water. It serves only to indicate the presence or absence of those kinds of substances which occasion that quality in water which is usually called hardness, and which is always owing to salts with an earchy base. If we wish to know the nature of the different acids and earths contained in the water, the following test may be em- ployed.* EXPERIMENT. Add about twenty drops of a solution of oxalate of ammonia, to half a wine-glass of the water ; if a white precipitate ensues, we conclude that the water contains lime. By means of this test, one grain of lime may be detected in 24,250 of water. If this test occasion a white precipitate in water taken fresh from the pump or spring, and not after the water has been boiled and suffered to grow cold, the lime is dissolved in the water by an excess of * It is absolutely essential that the tests should be pure. in Water. 5i carbonic acid; and if it continues to produce a precipitate in the water which has been concentrated by boiling, we then are sure that the lime is combined with a fixed acid. EXPERIMENT. To detect the presence of iron, add to a wine-glassful of the water a few drops of an infusion of nut-galls ; or better, suffer a nut- gall to be suspended in it for twenty-four hours, which will cause the water to acquire a blueish black colour, if iron be present. EXPERIMENT. Add a few grains of muriate of barytes, to half a wine-glass of the water to be ex- amined ; if it produces a turbidness which does not disappear by the admixture of a few drops of muriatic acid, the presence of sulphuric acid is rendered obvious. EXPERIMENT. If a few drops of a solution of nitrate of silver occasions a milkiness with the water, 52 Substances contained which vanishes again by the copious addi- tion of liquid ammonia, we have reason to believe that the water contains a salt, one of the constituent parts of which is muriatic acid. EXPERIMENT. If lime water or barytic water occasions a precipitate which again vanishes by the admixture of muriatic acid, then carbonic acid is present in the water. EXPERIMENT. If a solution of phosphate of soda produces a milkiness with the water, after a previous addition to it of a similar quantity of neutral carbonate of ammonia, we may then expect magnesia. The application of this test is best made in the following manner : Concentrate a quantity of the water to be examined to about ^ part of its bulk, and drop into about half a wine-glassful, about five grains of neutral carbonate of ammonia. No magnesia becomes yet preci- pitated if this earth be present; but on adding a like quantity of phosphate of soda, in Water. 53 the magnesia falls down, as an insoluble salt. It is essential that the carbonate of ammonia be neutral. This test was first pointed out by Dr. Wollaston. The presence of oxygen gas loosely com- bined in water may readily be discovered in the following manner. EXPERIMENT. Fill a vial with water, and add to it a small quantity of green sulphate of iron. If the water be entirely free of oxygen, and if the vessel be well stopped and completely filled, the solution is transparent; but if otherwise, it soon becomes slightly turbid, from the oxide of iron attracting the oxy- gen, and a small portion of it, in this more highly oxidated state, leaving the acid and being precipitated. Or, according to a me- thod pointed out by Driessen, the water is to be boiled for two hours in a flask filled with it, and immersed in a vessel of water kept boiling, with the mouth of the flask under the surface of the water: it is to be inverted in quicksilver, taking care that no air-bubble adheres to the side of the flask, and being tinged with infusion of litmus, a E2 54 Analysis of Water. little nitrous gas is to be introduced : if the oxygen gas has been sufficiently expelled from the water, the purple colour of the litmus does not change; while, if oxygen be present, it immediately becomes red.* If we examine the different waters which are used for the ordinary purposes of life, and judge of them by the above tests, we shall find them to differ considerably from each other. Some contain a large quantity of saline and earthy matters, whilst others are nearly pure. The differences are pro- duced by the great solvent power which water exercises upon most substances. Wells should never be lined with bricks, which reader soft water hard ; or, if bricks be em- ployed, they should be bedded in and covered with cement. METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE RELA- T1VE QUANTITY OF EACH OF THE DIFFER- ENT SUBSTANCES USUALLY CONTAINED IN COMMON WATER. To ascertain the quantity of earthy and saline matter contained in water, the follow- ing is the most simple and easy method. * Philosophical Magazine, vol. xv. p. 252. Analysis of Water. 55 EXPERIMENT. Put any measured quantity of the water into a platina, or silver evaporating basin, the weight of which is known, and evapo- rate the water upon a steam bath, at a tem- perature of about 180°, nearly to dryness ; and,lastly, remove the basin to a sand bath, and let the mass be evaporated to perfect dryness. The weight of the platina ba- sin being already known, we have only to weigh it carefully. When the solid sa- line contents of the water is attached to it, the increase of weight gives the quantity of solid matter contained in a given quan- tity of the water. EXPERIMENT. Pour upon the saline contents a quantity of distilled water equal to that in which the obtained salts were originally dissolved. If the whole saline matter become dissolv- ed in this water, there is reason to believ« that the saline matter has not been altered during the evaporation of the water. But if a portion remain undissolved, as is usu- ally the case, then we may conclude that some of the salts have mutually decom- 5ft Analysis of Water. posed each other, when brought into a con- centrated state by the evaporation, and that salts have been formed which did not ori- ginally exist in the water before its evapo- ration. We have already mentioned that almost the only salts contained in common waters, are the carbonates, sulphates, and muriates, of soda, lime, and magnesia; and some- times a very minute portion of iron. Hav- ing determined the different acids and bases present, in the manner stated at p. 49, we may easily ascertain the relative weight of each. The following formula suggested by Dr. Murray,* is fully as accurate a means of analysing waters as any other, and it is easy of execution. The weight of the saline ingredients of a given quantity of water be- ing determined, we may proceed to the accurate analysis of it in the following manner. EXPERIMENT. Measure out a determinate volume of the * Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. viii. p. 259. Analysis of Water. 57 water (as 500 or 1000 cubic inches,) and evaporate it gradually, in an unglazed open vessel defended from dust, to one third of its original bulk ; then divide this evapo- rated liquid into three equal portions. EXPERIMENT. Drop into the first portion, muriate of ba- rytes ; wash the precipitate, collect it, dry it at a red heat upon platina foil, and weigh it; digest it in nitric acid, dry it, and weigh it again. The loss of weight indi- cates the quantity of carbonate of barytes which the precipitate contained. The re- sidual weight is Sulphate of barytes ; the carbonic acid in the water is equivalent to 0,22 of the weight of the carbonate of ba- rytes ; the sulphuric acid to 0,339 of the weight of the sulphate of barytes. EXPERIMENT. Precipitate the second portion of the con- centrated water, by the addition of nitrate of silver ; wash the precipitate, dry it, and fuse it on apiece of foil platina, previously weighed. By weighing the foil containing 58 Analysis of Water. the fused chloride of silver, the weight of the precipitate may be ascertained. The fourth part of this weight is equivalent to the weight of the muriatic acid contained in the portion of water precipitated. EXPERIMENT. Precipitate the third portion of the water by the addition of oxalate of ammonia ; wash and dry the precipitate ; expose it to a red heat, on a platina foil, or in a capsule of platina; pour on it some dilute sulphuric acid ; digest for some time, then evaporate, to dryness, expose the capsule to a pretty strong heat, and, lastly, weigh the sulphate of lime thus produced : 0.453 of its weight indicate the quantity of lime in the portion of water precipitated. EXPERIMENT. Add to the same third portion of the wa- ter thus freed from lime, a portion of a solution of neutral carbonate of ammonia, and then add phosphoric acid, dr pby drop as long as any precipitate falls down. Wash the precipitate, dry it, and expose it to a Analysis of Water. 59 red heat in a platina capsule: it is phosphate of magnesia. 0.357 of the weight of this salt is equivalent to the weight of the mag- nesia contained in the water. EXPERIMENT. If the water contain a minute portion of iron, a quantity of it equal to one of the three preceding portions, must bctakm and mixed with a solution of benzoate of am- monia. The precipitate being washed, dried, and exposed to a red heat, and weighed, nine-tenths of its weight indicate the weight of protoxide of iron contained in the water. In this manner the quantity of all the substances contained in the water will be ascertained, except there be any soda. To know the amount of it, the following me- thod, pointed out by Dr. Murray, answers very well. EXPERIMENT. Evaporate a portion of the water to one third of its bulk. Precipitate the carbonic and sulphuric acids by the addition of mu- riate of barytes, taking care not to add any excess of the tests. 60 Deleterious Effects of Precipitate the lime by oxalate of ammo- nia, and the magnesia by carbonate of am- monia and phosphoric acid. (Page 52.) Then evaporate the liquid thus treated to dryness. A quantity of common salt will remain : let this be exposed to a red heat^ 0.4 of its weight indicate the sodium con- tained in the bulk of water employed ; and 0.4 sodium are equivalent to 0.53 of soda. It seems hardly requisite to mention some other substances that occasionally make their appearance in the waters used for do- mestic purposes. A fine divided sand is a common constituent, which is easily ob- < tained in a separate state. We have only to evaporate a portion of the water to dry- ness, and redissolve the saline residue in distilled water. The silicious sand remains undissolved, and betrays itself by its inso- lubility in acids, and its easy fusibility into a transparant glass, with soda, before the blow-pipe. -DELETERIOUS EFFECTS OF KEEPING WA- TER FOR OOMESTIC ECONOMY IN LEADEN Rt.SERVOlRS. The deleterious effect of lead, when ta- ken into the stomach, is at present so uni- versally known, that it is quite unnecessary Lead on Water. 61 to adduce any argument in proof of its dangerous tendency. The ancients were, upwards of 2000 years ago, as well aware of the pernicious quality of this metal as we are at the pre- sent day; and indeed they appeared to have been much more apprehensive of its effects, and scrupulous in the application of it to purposes of domestic economy. Their precautions may have been occa- sionally carried to an unnecessary length. This was the natural consequence of the imperfect state of experimental knowledge at that period. When men where unable to detect the poisonous matters—to be over scrupulous in the use of such water, was an error on the right side. The moderns, on the other hand, in part, perhaps, from an ill-founded confidence, and inattention to a careful and continued examination of its effects, have fallen into an opposite error. There can be no doubt that the mode of preserving water intended for food or drink in leaden reservoirs, is exceedingly impro- per ; and although pure water exercises no sensible action upon metallic lead, provided air be excluded, the metal is certainly acted on by the water when air is admitted : this F 62 Deleterious Effects of effect is so obvious, that it cannot escape the notice of the least attentive observer. ^ The white line which may be seen at the surface of the water preserved in leaden cisterns, where the metal touches the water and where the air is admitted, is a carbonate of lead, formed at the expense of the metal. This substance, when taken into the sto- mach, is highly deleterious to health. This was the reason which induced the ancients to condemn leaden pipes for the convey. ance of water ; it having been remarked! that persons who swallowed the sediment of such water, became affected with dis- orders of the bowels.* Leaden water reservoirs were condemn- ed in ancient times by Hyppocrates, Galen, snd Vitruvius, as dangerous: in addition to which, we may depend on the observa- tions of Van Swieten, Tronchin, and others, who have quoted numerous unhappy ex- amples of whole families poisoned by wa- ter which had remained in reservoirs of lead. Dr. Johnston, Dr. Percival, Sir George Baker, and Dr. Lamb, have like- wise recorded numerous instances where dangerous diseases ensued from the use of water impregnated with lead. * Sir G. Baker, Med. Trans, vol. i. p. 280. Lead on Water. 63 Different potable waters have unequal solvent powers on this metal. In some places the use of leaden pumps has been discontinued, from the expense entailed upon the proprietors by the constant want of repair. Dr. Lamb* states an instance where the proprietor of a well ordered his plumber to make the lead of a pump of double the thickness of the metal usually employed for pumps, to save the charge of repairs ; because he had observed that the water was so hard, as he called it, that it corroded the lead very soon. The following instance is related by Sir George Baker :f " A gentleman was the father of a numer- ous offspring, having had one-and-twenty children, of whom eight died young, and thirteen survived their parents. During their infancy, and indeed until they had quitted the place of their usual residence, they were all remarkably unhealthy ; being particularly subject to disorders of the sto- mach and bowels. The father, during many- years, was paralytic ; the mother, for a long time, was subject to colics and bilious obstructions. * Lamb on Spring Water. f Medical Trans, vol. i. p. 420. 64 Deleterious Effects of " After the death of the parents, the fa- mily sold the house which they had so long inhabited. The purchaser found it neces- sary to repair the pump. This was made of lrad ; which, upon examination was found to be so corroded, that several perfo- rations were observed in the cylinder, in which the bucket plays ; and the cistern is the upper part was reduced to the thinness of common brown paper, and was full of holes, like a sieve." I have myself seen numerous instances where leaden cisterns have been completely corroded by the action of water with whiclj they were in contact: and there is, perhaps, not a plumber who cannot give testimony of having experienced numerous similar in- stances in the practice of his trade. I have been frequently called upon to examine leaden cisterns, which had become leaky on account of the action of the water which they contained ; and I could adduce an instance of a legal controversy having taken place to settle the disputes between the proprietors of an estate and a plumber, originating from a similar cause—the plumber being accused of having furnished a faulty reservoir; whereas the case was proved to be owing to the chemical action of the water on the lead. Water contain- Lead on Water. 65 ing a large quantity of common air and carbonic acid gas, always acts very sensibly on metallic lead. Water, which has no sensible action, in its natural state, upon lead, may acquire the capability of acting on it by heteroge- neous matter, which it may accidentally re- ceive. Numerous instances have shewn that vegetable matter, such as leaves, falling into leaden cisterns filled with water, im- parted to the water a considerable solvent power of action on the lead, which, in its natural state it did not possess. Hence the necessiry of keeping leaden cisterns clean ; and this is the more necessary, as their situations expose them to accidental impu- rities. The noted saturnine colic of Am- sterdam, described by Tronchin, originated from such a circumstance ; as also the case related by Van Swieten,*of a whole family afflicted with the same complaint, from such a cistern. And it is highly probable that the case of disease recorded by Dr. Duncan,f proceeded more from some foul- ness in the cistern, than from the solvent * Van Swieten ad Boerhaave, Aphorisms, 1060, Comment. t Medical Comment, Dec. 2, 1794. F 2 66 Deleterious Effects of power of the water. In this instance the officers of the packet boat used water for their drink and cooking out of a leaden cistern, whilst the sailors used the water taken from the same source, except that theirs was kept in wooden vessels. The consequence was, that all the officers were seized with the colic, and all the men con- tinued healthy. The carelessness of the bulk of mankind,, Dr. Lambe very justly observes, to these things, " is so great, that to repeat them again and again cannot be wholly use- less." Although the great majority of persons who daily use water kept in leaden cisterns receive no sensible injury, yet the apparent salubrity must be ascribed to the great slowness of its operation, and the minute- ness of the dose taken, the effects of which become modified by different causes and differe nt constitutions, and according to the predisposition to diseases inherent in dif- ferent individuals. The supposed security of the multitude who use the water with impunity, amounts to no more than pre- sumption, in favour of any individual, which may or may not be confirmed by experience. Independent of the morbid susceptibility Lead on Water. 67 of impressions which distinguish certain habits, there is, besides, much variety in the original constitution of the human frame, of which we are totally ignorant. " The susceptibility or proneness to dis- ease of each individual, must be esteemed peculiar to himself. Confiding to the ex- perience of others is a ground of security which may prove fallacious ; and the dan- ger can with certainty be obviated only by avoiding its source. And considering the various and complicated changes of the "human frame, under different circumstances and at different ages, it is neither impos- sible nor improbable that the substances tak>:i into the system at one period, and even for a series of years, with apparent impunity may, notwithstanding, at another period, be eventually the occasion of dis- ease and of death. " The experience of a single person, or of many persons, however numerous, is quite incompetent to the decision of a question of this nature. " The pernicious effects of an intemperate use of spiritous liquors is not less certain because we often see habitual drunkards enjoy a state of good health, and arrive at old age : and the same may be said of in- dividuals who indulge in vices of all kinds, 68 Deleterious Effects, $c. evidently destructive to life; many of whom, in spite of their bad habits, attain to a vigorous old age."* In confirmation of these remarks, we ad- duce the following account of the effect of water contaminated by lead, given by Sir G. Baker: " The most remarkable case on the sub- ject that now occurs to my memory, is that of Lord Ashburnham"s family, in Sussex; to which, spring water was supplied, from a considerable distance, in leaden pipes. In consequence, his Lordship's servants were every year tormented with colic, and some of them died. An eminent physician, of Battle, who corresponded with me on the subject, sent up some gallons of that water, which were analysed by Dr. Higgins, who reported that the water had contained more than the common quantity of carbonic acid- and that he found in it lead in solution^ which he attributed to the carbonic acid. In consequence of this, Lord Ashburnham substituted wooden for leaden pipes ; and from that time his family have had no par- ticular complaints in their bowels." Richmond, Sept. 27, 1802. * Lambe on Spring Water. 69 METHOD OF DETECTING LEAD, WHEN CON- TAINED IN WATER. One of the most delicate tests for detect- ing lead, is water impregnated with sulphu- retted hydrogen gas, which instantly im- parts to the fluid containing the minutest quantity of lead, a brown or blackish tinge. This test is so delicate that distilled wa- ter, when condensed by a leaden pipe in a still tub, is affected b> it. To shew the action of this test, the following experiments will serve. EXPERIMENT. Pour into a wine-glass containing dis- tilled water, an equal quantity of water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas : no change will take place ; but if a \ of a grain of acetate of lead (sugar of lead of commerce), or any other preparation of lead, be added, the mixture will instantly turn brown and dark-coloured. To apply this test, one part of the sus- pected water need merely to be mingled with a like quantity of water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen. Or better, a 70 Method of detecting larger quantity, a gallon for example, of the water may be concentrated by evaporation to about half a pint, and then submitted to the action of the test. Another and more efficient mode of ap- plying this test, is, to pass a current of sul- phuretted hydrogen gas through the sus- pected water in the following manner. EXPERIMENT. Take a bottle (a) or Florence flask, adapt to the mouth of it a cork furnished with a glass tube (b), bent at right angles; let one leg of the tube be immersed in the vial (c) containing the water to be examined; as shewn in the following sketch. Then take one part of sulphuret of antimony of commerce, break it into pieces of half the size of split pease, put it into the flask, and Lead in Water. 71 pour upon it four parts of common concen- trated muriatic acid (spirit of salt of com- merce). Sulphuretted hydrogen gas will .become disengaged from the materials in abundance, and pass through the water in the vial (c). Let the extrication of the gas be continued for about five minutes ; and if the minutest quantity of lead be present, the water will acquire a dark-brown or blackish tinge. The extrication of the gas is facilitated by the application of a gentle heat. The action of the sulphuretted hydrogen test, when applied in this manner, is asto- nishingly great; for one part of acetate of lead may be detected by means of it, in 20000 parts of water.* * See An Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Tunbridge Wells, by Dr. Scudamore, p. 55. The application of the sulphuretted hydro- gen test requires some precautions in those cases where other metals besides lead may be expected; because silver, quicksilver, tin, copper, and several other metals, are affected by it, as well as lead; but there is no chance of these metals being met with in common water.—-See Chemical Tests, third edition, p. 207. 72 Method of det&cting Another test for readily detecting lead in water, is sulphuretted chyazate of potash, first pointed out as such by Mr. Porret. A few drops of this re-agent, added to water containing lead, occasion a white precipi- tate, consisting of small brilliant scales of a considerable lustre. Sulphate of potash, or sulphate of soda, is likewise a very delicate test for detecting minute portions of lead. Dr. Thomson* discovered, by means of it, one part of lead in 100000 parts of water; and this acute Philosopher considers it as the most une- quivocal test of lead that we possess. Dr. Thomson remarks that " no other precipi- tate can wen be confounded with it, except sulphate of barytes ; and there is no proba- bility of the presence of barytes existing in common water." Carbonate of potash, or carbonate of soda, may also be used as agents to detect the presence of lead. By means of these salts Dr. Thomson was enabled to detect the pre- sence of a smaller quantity of lead in dis- tilled water, than by the action of sulphu- retted hydrogen. But the reader must * Analysis of Tunbridge Wells Water, by Dr. Scudamore, p. 55. Lead in Water. 73 here be told, that the use of these tests can- not be entrusted to an unskilful hand ; be- cause the alkaline carbonates throw down also lime and magnesia, two substances which are frequently found in common water ; the former tests, namely, water im- pregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and nascent sulphuretted hydrogen, are therefore preferable. It is absolutely essential that the water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen, when employed as a test for detecting very minute quantities of lead, be fresh prepar- ed ; and if sulphate of potash, or sulphate of soda, be used as tests, they should be perfectly pure. Sulphate of potash is pre- ferable to sulphate of soda. It is likewise advisable to act with these tests upon wa- ter concentrated by boiling. The water to which the test has been added does some- times appear not to undergo any change at first; it is therefore necessary to suffer the mixture to stand for a few hours ; after which time the action of the test will be' more evident. Mr. Silvester* has propos- ed gallic acid as a delicate test for detecting lead. * Nicholson's Journal, p. 33, 310. G 74 Adulteration of Wine. It is sufficiently obvious, that few of those commodities, which are the objects.4 of commerce, are adulterated to a greater- extent than wine. All persons moderately conversant with the subject, are aware, that a portion of alum is added to young and meagre red wines, for the purpose of bright- ening their colour; that Brazil wood, of the husks of elderberries and bilberries,*™ are employed to impart a deep rich purple! tint to red Port of a pale, faint colour; that gypsum is used to render cloudy white wines transparent ;f that an additional as- * Dried bilberries are imported from Ger- many, under the fallacious name of berry-dye. - f gypsum had the property of clarify- ing wines, was known to the ancients. " The Geeks, and Romms put gypsum in their new wines, stirred it often round, then let it stand for some time; and when it had settled, de- cuns<-d t> e cleur liquor. (Geofion, lib. vii. p. 483, 494.) They knew that the wine acquired, Adulteration of Wine. 75 tringency is imparted to immature red wines by means of oak-wood sawdust,* and the husks of filberts ; and that a mix- ture of spoiled foreign and home-made wines is converted into the wretched com- pound frequently sold in this town by the name of genuine old Port. Various expedients are resorted to for the purpose of communicating particular flavours to insipid wines. Thus a nutty fla- vour is produced by bitter almonds ; facti- tious Port wine is flavoured with a tincture drawn from the seeds of raisins ; and the ingredients employed to form the bouquet of high-flavoured wines, are sweet-brier, oris-root, clary, cherry laurel wate^r, and elder-flowers. The flavouring ingredients used by ma- nufacturers, may all be purchased by those dealers in wine who are initiated in the mysteries of the trade ; and even a manu- script recipe book for preparing them, by this addition, a certain sharpness, which it afterwards lost; but that the good effects of the ejypsum were lasting." * Sawdust for this purpose is chiefly sup- plied by the ship-builders, and forms a regular article of commerce of the brewers' druggists. 76 Adulteration of Wine. and the whole mystery of managing all sorts of wines, may be obtained on payment of a considerable fee. The sophistication of wine with substan- ces not absolutely noxious to health, is carri- ed to an enormous extent in this metropolis. Many thousand pipes of spoiled cyder are annually brought hither from the country, for the purpose of being converted into fac- titious Port wine. The art of manufacturing spurious wine is a regular trade of great extent in this metropolis. " There is, in this city, a certain fraterni- ty of chemical operators, who work under- * ground in holes, caverns, and dark retire- ments, to conceal their mysteries from the eyes and observation of mankind. These subterraneous philosophers are daily em- ployed in the transmutation of liquors, and by the power of magical drugs and incanta- tions, raising under the streets of London the choicest products of the hills and val- leys of France. They can squeeze Bour- deaux out of the sloe, and draw Champ -gne from an apple. Virgil, in that remarkable prophecy, Incukisque ruhens pendebit sentibus uva. Viig. Eel. iv. 29. The ripening grape shall hang on every thorn. Adulteration of Wine. 77 seems to have hinted at this art, which can turn a plantation of northern hedges into a vineyard. These adepts are known among one another by the name of Wine-brewers; and, I am afraid, do great injury, not only to her Majesty's customs, but to'the bodies of many of her good subjects."* The following are a few of the recipes employed in the manufacture of spurious wine : To make British Port Wine.\—" Take of British gr. pe wine, or good cyder, 4 gallons ; of the juice of red beet root two quarts; bran- dy, two quarts ; logwood 4 ounces ; rhatany root, bruised, half a pound: first infuse the log- wood and rhatany root in brandy, and a gallon of grape wine or cyder for one week; then strain off the liquor, and mix it with the other ingredients; keep it in a cask for a month, when it will be fit to bottle." British Champagne.—" Take of white sugar, 8 pounds ; the whitest brown sugar, 7 pounds, crystalline lemon acid, or tartaric acid, 1 ounce and a quarter, pure water, 8 gallons ; white * Tatler, vol. viii. p. 110, edit. 1797. 8vo. t Dr. Reece's Gazette of Health, No. 7. G2 78 Adulteration of Wine. grape wine, swo quar«s, or perry, 4 quarts; of French brandy, 3 pints." "Put the sujjar in the water, skimming it bccasionally for two hours, then pour it into a tub and dissolve in it the acid; before it is cold, add some yeas- and ferment Put it into a clean cask and add the other ingredients. The cask is then to be well bunged, and kept in a cool place for two or three months ; then bottle it and keep it cool for a month longer, when it will be fit for use. If it should not be perfectly clear after stan ting in the cask two or three months, it should be rendered 3o by the use of isinglass. P,y adding I lb. of fresh or preserved strawberries, and 2 ounces of powdered cochineal, the pink Champagne may be made." Southampton Port.*—•" Take cyder, 36 gal- lons ; elder wine, 11 gallons; brandy. 5 gal- lons ; damson wine, 11 gallons ; mix." The particular and separate department in this factitious wine trade, called crusting, consists in lining the interior surface of empty wine-bottles, in part, with a red crust of super-tartrate of potash, by suffering a saturated hot solution of this salt, coloured * Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias, p. 245. Adulteration of Wine. 79 red with a decoction of Brazil-wood, to crystallize within them ; and after this si- mulation of maturity is perfected, they are filled with the compound called Port wine. Other artisans are regularly employed in staining the lower extremities of bottle- corks with a fine red colour, to appear, on being drawn, as if they had been long in contact with the wine. The preparation of an astringent extract, to produce, from spoiled home-made and foreign wines, a " genuine old Port," by mere admixture ; or to impart to a weak wine a rough austere taste, a fine colour, and a peculiar flavour ; forms one branch of the business of particular wine-coopers : while the mellowing and restoring of spoil- ed white wines, is the sole occupation of men who are called refiners of wine. We have stated that a crystalline crust is formed on the interior surface of bottles, for the purpose of misleading the unwary into a belief that the wine contained in ^them is of a certain age. A correspondent operation is performed on the wooden cask ; the whole interior of which is stained arti- ficially with a crystalline crust of super- tartrate of potash, artfully affixed in a man- ner precisely similar to that before stated. 80 Adulteration of Wine. Thus the wine-merchant, after bottling off a pipe of wine, is enabled to impose on the understanding of his customers, by taking to pieces the cask, and exhibiting the beau- tiful dark coloured and fine crystalline crust, as an indubitable proof of the age of the wine; a practice by no means uncom- mon, to flatter the vanity of those who pride themselves in their acute discrimina- tion of wines. These and many other sophistications, which have long been practised with impu- nity, are considered as legitimate by those who pride themselves for their skill in the art of managing, or, according to the fa- miliar phrase, doctoring wines. The plea alleged in exculpation of them, is, that, though deceptive, they are harmless : but even admitting this as a palliation, yet they form only one department of an art which includes other processes of a tendency ab- solutely criminal. Several well-authenticated facts have convinced me that the adulteration of wine with substances deleterious to health, is certainly practised oftener than is, perhaps, suspected; and it would be easy to give some instances of very serious effects having arisen from wines contaminated with deleterious substances, were this a subject on which I meant to speak. The Adulteration of Wine. 84 following statement is copied from the Monthly Magazine for March 1811,p. 188. "On the 17th of January, the passen- gers by the Highflyer coach, from the north, dined, as usual, at Newark. A bot- tle of Port wine was ordered ; on tasting which, one of the passengers observed that it had an unpleasant flavour, and begged that it might be changed. The waiter took away the bottle, poured into a fresh decan- ter half the wine which had been objected to, and filled it up from another bottle. This he took into the room, and the greater part was drank by the passengers, who, after the coach had set out towards Gran- tham, were seized with extreme sickness; one gentleman in particular, who had taken more of the wine than the others, it was thought would have died, but has since re- covered. The half of the bottle of wine sent out of the passengers' room, was put aside for th>j purpose of mixing negus. In the evening, Mr. Bland, of Newark, went into the hotel, and drank a glass or two of wine and water. He returned home at his usual hour, and went to bed ; in the middle of the night he was taken so ill, as to induce Mrs. Bland to send for his brother, an apo- thecary in the town ; but before that gen- tleman arrived, he was dead. An inquest was held, and the jury, after the fullest en- 82 Adulteration of Wine. quiry, and the examination of the surgeons by whom the body was opened, returned a verdict of—Died by Poison." The most dangerous adulteration of wine is by some preparations of lead, which pos- sess the property of stopping the progress of acescence of wine, and also of render- ing white wines, when muddy, transparent. I have good reason to state that lead, is cer- tainly employed for this purpose. The ef- fect is v.ry rapid ; and there appears to be no other method known, of rapidly reco- vering ropy wines. Wine merchants per- suade themselves that the minute quantity of lead employed for that purpose is per- fectly harmless, and that no atom of lead remains in the wine. Chemical analysis proves the contrary; and the practice of clarifying spoiled white wines by means of lead, must be pronounced as highly dele- terious. Lead, in whatever state it be taken into the stomach, occasions terrible diseases; and wine, adulterated with the minutest quantity of it, becomes a slow poison. The merchant or dealer who practises this dan- gerous sophistication, adds the crime of murder to that of fraud, and deliberately scatters the seeds of disease and death among those consumers who contribute to his emolument. If to debase the current Adulteration of Wine. 83 coin of the realm be denounced as a capital offence, what punishment should be award- ed against a practice which converts into poison a liquor used for sacred purposes. Dr. Watson* relates, that the method of adulterating wine with lead, was at one time a common practice in Paris. Dr. Warrenf states an instance of thirty- two persons having become severely ill, after drinking white wine that had been adulterated with lead. One of them died, and one became paralytic. In Graham's Treatise on Wine-Making,i: under the article of Secrets, belonging to the mysteries of vintners, p. 31, lead is re- commended to prevent wine from becoming acid. The following lines are copied from Mr. Graham's work: * Chemicl Essays, vol. viii. p 369. t Medical Trcins. vol. ii. p. 80. | This book, which has tun through many editions, may be supposed to have done some mischief.—In the Vintner's Guide, 4th edit. 1770, p. 67, a lump >e added to a tierce (forty-two gallons) of muddy wine, to cure it of its muddiness. 84 Adulteration of Wine. " To hinder Wine from turning. " Put a pound of melted lead, in fair water, into your cask, pretty warm, and' stop it close." " To soften Grey Wine. " Put in a little vinegar wherein litharge has been well steeped, and boil some honey, to draw out the wax. Strain it through a cloth, and put a quart of it into a tierce of wine, and this will mend it." The ancients knew that lead rendered harsh wines milder, and preserved it from acidity, without being aware that it was per- nicious : it was therefore long used with confidence ; and when its effects were dis- covered, they were not ascribed to that metal, but to some other cause.* When the Greek and Roman wine merchants wished to try whether their wine was spoiled, they immersed in it a plate of lead;f if the colour of the lead were corroded, they concluded that their wine was spoiled. * Beckman's History of Inventions, vol. i. p. 398. t Pliny, lib. xiv. cap. 20. Adulteration of Wine. 85 Wine may become accidentally impreg- nated with lead. It is well known that bottles in which wine has been kept, are usually cleaned by means of shot, which by its rolling mo- tion detaches the super-tartrate of potash from the sides of the bottles. This prac- tice, which is generally pursued by wine- merchants, may give rise to serious conse- quences, as will become evident from the following case :* " A gentleman who had never in his life experienced a day's illness, and who was constantly in the habit of drinking half a bottle of Madeira wine after his dinner, was taken ill, three hours after dinner, with a se- vere pain in the stomach arid violent bowel colic, which gradually yielded within twelve hours to the remedies prescribed by his medical adviser. The day following he drank the remainder of the same bottle of wine which was left the preceding day, and within two hours afterwards he was again seized with the most violent colliquative pains, headach, shiverings, and great pain over the whole body. His apothecary be- coming suspicious that the wine he had * Philosophical Magazine, 1819, No. 257, p. 229. H 86 Adulteration of Wine. drank might be the cause of the disease, ordered the bottle from which the wine had been decanted to be brought to him, with a view that he might examine the dregs, if any were left. The bottle happening to slip out of the hand of the servant, disclosed a row of shot wedged forcibly into the angu- lar bent-up circumference of it. On ex- amining the beads of shot, they crumbled into dust, the outer crust (defended by a coat of black lead with which the shot is glazed) being alone left unacted on, whilst the remainder of the metal was dissolved/ The wine, therefore, had become contami- nated with lead and arsenic, the shot being a compound of these metals, which no doubt had produced the mischief." TEST FOR DETECTING THE DELETERIOUS ADULTERATIONS OF WINE. A ready re-agent for detecting the pre- sence of lead, or any other deleterious me- tal in wine, is known by the name of the wine test. It consists of water saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, acidulated with muriatic acid. By adding one part of it, to two of wine, or any other liquid suspected to contain lead, a dark coloured Adulteration of Wine. 87 or black precipitate will fall down, which does hot disappear by an addition of mu- riatic acid ; and this precipitate, dried and fused before the blowpipe on a piece of charcoal, yields a globule of metallic lead. This test does not precipitate iron; the muriatic acid retains iron in solution when combined with sulphuretted hydrogen ; and any acid in the wine has no effect in preci- pitating any of the sulphur of the test liquor. Or a still more efficacious method is, to pass a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through the wine, in the manner described, p. 70, having previously acidulated the wine with muriatic acid. The wine test sometimes employed is pre- pared in the following manner:-—Mix equal parts of finely powdered sulphur and of slacked quick-lime, and expose it to a red heat for twenty minutes. To thirty-six grains of this sulphuret of lime, add twenty-six grains of super-tartrate of potassa; put the mixture into an ounce bottle, and fill up the bottle with water that has been previously boiled, and suffered to cool. The liquor, after hav- ing been repeatedly shaken, and allowed to become clear, by the subsidence of the un- dissolved matter, may then be poured into another phial, into which about twenty drops of muriatic acid have been previously put. 88 Adulteration of Wine. It is then readv for use. This test, when mingled with wine containing lead or cop- per, turns the wine of a dark-brown or black colour. But the mere application of sul- phuretted hydrogen gas to wine, acidulated by muriatic acid, is a far more preferable mode of detecting lead in wine. M. Vogel* has lately recommended ace- tate of lead as a test for detecting extraneous colours in red wine. He remarks, that none of the substances that can be employed for colouring wine, such as the berries of the Vaccinium Mirtillus (bilberries), elderber- ries, and Campeach wood, produce with genuine red wine, a greenish grey precipi- tate, which is the colour that is procured by this test by means of genuine red wines. Wine coloured with the juice of the bil- berries, or elderberries, or Campeach wood, produces, with acetate of lead, a deep blue precipitate ; and Brazil-wood, red saun- ders, and the red beet, produce a colour which is precipitated red by acetate of lead. Wine coloured by beet root is also rendered colourless by lime water; but the weakest acid brings back the colour. As the colour- * Journ. Pharm. iv. 56. (Feb. 1818.) and Thomson's Annals, Sept. 1818, p. 232. Analysis of Wine. 89 ing matter of red wines resides in the skin of the grape, M. Vogel prepared a quantity of skins, and reduced them to powder. In this state he found that they communicated to alcohol a deep red colour: a paper stained with this colour was rendered red by acids and green by alkalies. M. Vogel made a quantity of red wine from black grapes, for the purpose of his ex- periments ; and this produced the genuine greyish green precipitate with acetate of lead. He also found the same coloured precipitate in two specimens of red wine, the genuineness of which could not be sus- pected ; the one from Chateau-Marguaux, and the other from the neighbourhood of Coblentz. SPECIFIC DIFFERENCES, A.ND COMPONENT PARTS OF WINE. Every body knows that no product of the arts varies sol much as wine ; that dif- ferent countries, and sometimes the different provinces of the same country, produce dif- ferent wines. These differences, no doubt, must be attributed chiefly to the climate in which the vineyard is situated—to its cul- ture—the quantity of sugar contained in the H2 90 Analysis of Wine. grape juice—the manufacture of the wine ; or the mode of suffering its fermentation to be accomplished. If the grapes be ga- thered unripe, the wine abounds with acid ; but if the fruit be gathered ripe, the wine will be rich. When the proportion of sugar in the grape is sufficient, and the fermenta- tion complete, the wine is perfect and ge- nerous. If the quantity of sugar be too large, part of it remains undecomposed, as the fermentation is languid, and the wine is sweet and luscious ; if, on the contrary, it contains, even when full ripe, only a small portion of sugar, the wine is thin and weak; and if it be bottled before the fermentation be completed, part of the sugar remains un- decomposed, the fermentation will go on slowly in the bottle, and, on drawing the cork, the wine sparkles in the glass ; as, for example, Champagne. Such wines are not sufficiently mature. When the must is separated from the husk of the red grape before it is fermented, the wine has little or no colour: these are called white wines. If, on the contrary, the husks are allowed to remain in the must while the fermenta- tion is going on, the alcohol dissolves the colouring matter of the husks, and the wine is coloured : such are called red wines. Hence white wines are often prepared from Analysis of Wine. 91 red grapes, the liquor being drawn off be- fore it has acquired the red colour ; for the skin of the grape only gives the colour. Besides in these principal circumstances, wines vary much in flavour. All wines contain one common and iden- tical principle, from which their similar effects are produced ; namely, brandy or alcohol. It is especially by the different proportions of brandy contained in wines, that they differ most from one another. When wine is distilled, the alcohol readily separates. The spirit thus obtained is well known under the name of brandy. All wines contain also a free acid ; hence they turn blue tincture of cabbage, red. The acid found in the greatest abundance in grape wines, is tartaric acid. Every wine contains likewise a portion of super- tartrate of potash, and extractive matter, derived from the juice of the grape. These substances deposit slowly in the vessel in which they are kept. To this is owing the improvement of wine from age. Those wines which effervesce or froth, when pour- ed into a glass, contain also carbonic acid, to which their briskness is owing. The peculiar flavour and odour of different kinds of wines probably depend upon the presence of a volatile oil, so small in quantity that it cannot be separated. 92 Analysis of Wine. EASY METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE QU AN- TITY OF BRANDY CONTAINED IN VARIOUS SORTS OF WINE. The strength of all wines depends upon the quantity of alcohol or brandy which they contain. Mr. Brande, and Gay-Lussac, have proved, by very decisive experiments, that all wines contain brandy or alcohol ready formed. The following is the pro- cess discovered by Mr. Brande, for ascer- taining the quantity of spirit, or brandy, contained in different sorts of wine. EXPERIMENT. Add to eight parts, by measure, of the wine to be examined, one part of a concen- trated solution of sub-acetate of lead : a dense insoluble precipitate will ensue; which is a combination of the test liquor with the colouring, extractive, and acid matter of the wine. Shake the mixture for a few minutes, pour the whole upon a nitre, and collect the filtered fluid. It contains the brandy or spirit, and water of the wine, together with a portion of the sub-acetate of Analysis of Wine. QS lead. Add, in small quantities at a time, to this fluid, warm, dry, and pure sub-carbo- nate of potash (not salt of tartar, or sub- carbonate of potash of commerce), which has previously been freed from water by heat, till the last portion added remains un- dissolved. The brandy or spirit contained in the fluid will become separated ; for the sub-carbonate of potash abstracts from itthe whole of the water with which it was com- bined ; the brandy or spirit of wine forming a distinct stratum, which floats upon the aqueous solution of the alkaline salt. If the experiment be made in a glass tube, from one-half inch to two inches in diame- ter, and graduated into 100 equal parts, the per centage of spirit, in a given quantity of wine, may be read off by mere inspection. In this manner the strength of any wine may be examined. Quantity of Brandy Tabular View, exhibiting the Per Centage of Brandy or Jitcohol* contained in various kinds of Wines, and other fermented Li- quors.] Lissa Ditto Average Raisin Wine Ditto Diito Average Marqella Ditto Average Madeira Ditto Ditto (Sercial) Ditto Average Port Ditto Ditto Proportion of Spirit per cent. by measure. 26.47 24,35 25,41 26.40 25,77 23.30 25,12 26,03 25.05 25,09 24.42 23.93 21,40 19.24 22,27 25,83 24,29 23,71 Proportion of Spirit per cent. by measure. 23,39 Port Ditto Ditto Ditto Average Sherry - D.tto Ditto Ditto A verage Teneriffe Colares Lachryma Christi 22,30 21,40 19,96 22,96 19,81 19,83 18,79 18,25 19,17 19,7? 19,75 19,70 Constantia(White) 19,75 Ditto (Red) - 18.92 Lisbon - . 18,94 Malag. (1666) 18,94 Bucellas - 18,49 * Of a Specific Gravity, 825. t Philosophical Trans. 1811, p. 345; 1813, p. 87; Journal of Science and the Arts, No. vm. p. 290. ' Contained in Wine. 95 Red Madeira 22,30 Ditto 18,40 Average 20,35 Cape Muschat 18,25 Cape Madeira 22,94 Ditto 20,50 Ditto 18,11 Average 20.51 Grape wine 18 11 Calcavella 19,20 Ditto 18,10 Average 18,65 Vidonia 19,25 Alba Flora 17,26 Malaga 17,26 Her m i t age( White ) 17,43 Ronssillon 19,00 Ditto 17,20 Average 18,13 Claret - 17,11 Ditto 16,32 Ditto 14.08 Ditto 12,91 Average 15,10 Malmsey Madeira 16.40 Lunel 15,52 Sheraaz 15,52 Syracuse 15,28 Sauterne 14,22 Burgundy 16,60 Ditto 15,22 Ditto 14,53 Ditto 11,95 Average 14,57 Hock 14,37 Ditto 13,00 Hock (old in cask) 8,68 Average - 12.08 Nice - . 14^2 Bnrsac - . 13 86 Tent - . 13,30 Champagne (Still) 13 80 Ditto (Sparkling) 12 80 Dito (R.d) . 12,56 Di to (ditto) - 11,30 Average - 12,61 Red Hermitage 12,32 Vin de Grave 13 94 Ditto -' - 12,80 Average - 13,37 Frontignac - 12,79 Cote Rotie - 12,32 Gooseberry Wine 11,84 Currant Wine 20,55 Orange Wine aver. 11,26 Tokay - - 9,88 Elder Wine - 9,87 Cyder highest aver. 9,87 Ditto lowest ditto 5,21 Perry average 7,26 Mead - - 7,32 Ale (Burton) - 8,88 Ditto (Edinburgh) 6,20 Ditto (Dorchester) 5.50 Average - 6,87 Brown Stout - 6,80 London Porter aver. 4,20 Do. Small Beer, do. 1,28 Brandy - - 53,39 Rum - - 53,68 Gin - - 51,60 Scotch Whiskey 54,32 Irish ditto - 53,90 96 Adulteration of Wine. CONSTITUTION OF HOME-MADE WINES, Besides grapes, the most valuable of the articles of which wine is made, there are a considerable number of fruits from which a vinous liquor is obtained. Of such, we have in this country the gooseberry, the currant, the elderberry, the cherry, &c. which ferment well, and affords what are called home-made wines. They differ chiefly from foreign wines in containing a much larger quantity of acid. Dr. Macculloch* has remarked that the acid in home-made wines is principally the malic acid ; while in grape wines it is the tartaric acid. The great deficiency in these wines, in- dependent of the flavour, which chiefly originates, not from the juice, but from the seeds and husks of the fruits, is the excess of acid, which is but imperfectly concealed by the addition of sugar. This is owing, * Macculloch on Wine. This is by far the best Tre ise published in this country on the Manufacture of Home-made Wines. Adulteration of Wine. 97 chiefly, as Dr. Macculloch remarks, to the tartaric acid existing in the grape juice in the state of super-tartrate of potash, which is in part decomposed during the fermen- tation, and the rest becomes gradually pre- cipitated ; whilst the malic acid exists in the currant and gooseberry juice in the form of malate of potash; which salt does not appear to suffer a decomposition during the fermentation of the wine ; and, by its great- er solubility, is retained in the wine. Hence Dr. Macculloch recommends the addition of super-tartrate of potash, in the manufac- ture of British wines. 'I hey also contain a much larger proportion of mucilage than wines made from grapes. The juice of the gooseberry contains some portion of tar- taric acid ; hence it is better suited for the production of what is called English Cham- pagne, than any other fruit of this country. I 98 Adulteration of Bread. This is one of the sophistications of the articles of food most commonly practised in this metropolis, where the goodness of bread is estimated entirely by its whiteness. It is therefore usual to add a certain quan- tity of alum to the dough ; this improves the look of the bread very much, and ren- ders it whiter and firmer. Good, white, and porous bread, may certainly be manufac- tured from good wheaten flour alone ; but to produce the degree of whiteness rendered indipensable by the caprice of the con- sumers in London, it is necessary (unless the very best flour is employed,) that the dough should be bleached; and no sub- stance has hitherto been found to answer this purpose better than alum. Without this salt it is impossible to make bread, from the kind of flour usually em- ployed by the London bakers, so white, as that which is commonly sold in the metro- polis. Adulteration of Bread. 99 If the alum be omitted, the bread has a slight yellowish grey hue—as may be seen in the instance of what is called home-made bread, of private families. Such bread re- mains longer moist than bread made with alum ; yet it is not so light, and full of eyes, or porous, and it has also a different taste. The quantity of alum requisite to produce the required whiteness and porosity de- pends entirely upon the genuineness of the flour, and the quality of the grain from which the flour is obtained. The mealman makes different sorts of flour from the same kind of grain. The best flour is mostly used by the hiscuit bakers and pastry cooks, and the inferior sorts in the making of bread. The bakers* flour is very often made of the worst kinds of damaged foreign wheat, and other cereal grains mixed with them in grinding the wheat into flour. In this capital, no fewer than six distinct kinds of wheaten flour are brought into market. They are called fine flour, seconds, mid- dlings, fine middlings, coarse middlings, and twenty-penny flour. Common garden beans, and pease, are also frequently ground up among the London bread flour. I have been assured by several bakers, on whose testimony I can rely, that the small profit attached to the bakers' trade, 100 Adulteration of Bread. and the bad quality of the flour, induces the generality of the London bakers to use alum in the making of their bread. The smallest quantity of alum that can be employed with effect to produce a white, light, and porous bread, from an inferior kind of flour, I have my own baker's au- thority to state, is from three to four ounces to a sack of flour, weighing 240 pounds. The alum is either mixed well in the form of powder, with a quantity of flour pre- viously made into a liquid paste with water, and then incorporated with the dough ; or the alum is dissolved in the water employ- ed for mixing up the whole quantity of the flour for making the dough. Let us suppose that the baker intends1 to convert five bushels, or a sack of flour, into loaves with the least adulteration prac- tised. He pours the flour into the kneading trough, and sifts it through a fine wire sieve, which makes it lie very light, and serves to separate any impurities with which the flour may be mixed. Two ounces of alum are then dissolved in about a quart of boiling water, and the solution poured into the seasoning-tub. Four or five pounds of salt are likewise put into the tub, and a pailful of hot-water. When this mixture has cooled down to the temperature of about Adulteration of Bread. 101 84", three or four pints of yeast are added; the whole is mixed, strained through the seasoning sieve, emptied into a hole in the flour, and mixed up with the requisite por- tion of it to the consistence of a thick batter. Some dry flour is then sprinkled over the top, and it is covered up with cloths. In this situation it is left about three hours. It gradually swells and breaks through the dry flour scattered on its sur- face. An additional quantity of warm wa- ter, in which one ounce of alum is dissolv- ed, is now added, and the dough is made up into a paste as before ; the whole is then covered up. In this situation it is left for a few hours. The whole is then intimately kneaded with more water for upwards of an hour. The dough is cut into pieces with a knife, and penned to one side of the trough ; some dry flour is sprinkled over it, and it is left in this state for about four hours. It is then kneaded again for half-an-hour. The dough is now cut into pieces and weighed, in order to furnish the requisite quantity for each loaf. The loaves are left in the oven about two hours and a half. When taken out, they are carefully covered 12 102 Adulteration of Bread. up, to prevent as much as possible the loss of weight.* The following account of making a sack, of five bushels of flour into bread, is taken * The sack of marketable flour is by law obliged to weigh 240 pounds, which is the produce of five hushels of wheat, and is upon an average supposed to make eighty quartern loaves of bread; and consequently sixteen of such loaves are made from each bushel of good wheat. It is admitted, however, that two or three loaves more than the above quan- tity can be made from the of flour, when it is the genuine produce of good wheat ; that is, in the proportion of about sixteen and a half loaves from each bushel of sound grain, and, it may be presumed, sixteen from a bushel of medium corn. The expense, in London, of making the sack of flour into bread, and disposing of it, is about nine shillings. A bushel of wheat, upon an average, weighs sixty-one pounds; when ground, the meal weighs 604 lbs.; which, on being dressed, produces 46| lbs. of flour, of the sort ealled seconds ; which alone is used for the making of bread in London and throughout the greater part of this country ; and of pollard and bran 12| lbs., which quantity, when bolted, produ- ces 3 lbs. of fine flour, this, when sifted, pro- duces in good second flour \\ lb. Adulteration of Bread. 103 from Dr. P. Markham's Considerations on the Ingredients used in the Adulteration of Bread Flour, and Bread, p. 21 : 5 bushels of flour, 8 ounces of alum,* 4 lbs. of salt, 5 a gallon of yeast, mixed with about 3 gallons of water. lbs. The whole quantity of bread-flour ob-"J tained from the bushel of wheat, W 48 weighs .... J lbs. Fine pollard . . 4^ Co rse pollard . . 4 Bran . . . 2| ---- 11 The whole together . . 59 To which add t!ie loss of weighting 2 manufacturing a bushel of wheat 5 Produces the original weight 61 * Whilst correcting this sheet for the press, the printer transmits to me the following lines : " On Saturday last, George Wood, a baker, was convicted before T. Evance, Esq. Union 104b Adulteration of Bread. The theory of the bleaching property of alum, as manifested in the panification of an inferior kind of flour, is by no means well understood ; and indeed it is really surprising that the effect should be pro- duced by so small a quantity of that sub- stance, two or three ounces of alum being sufficient for a sack of flour, From experiments in which I have been employed, with the assistance of skilful bakers, I am authorised to state, that with- out the addition of alum, it does not appear possible to make white, light, and porous bread, such as is used in this metropolis, unless the flour be of the very best quality. Another substance employed by fraudu- lent bakers, is subcarbonate of ammonia. With this salt, they realise the important consideration of producing light and porous bread, from spoiled, or what is technically called sour four. This salt which becomes wholly converted into a gaseous state dur- ing the operation of baking, causes the dough to swell up into air bubbles, which Hall, of having in his possession a quantity of alum for the adulteration of bread, and fined in the penalty of Si. and costs, under 55 Geo. III. c. 99."— The Times, Oct. 1819. Adulteration of Bread. 105 carry before them the stiff dough, and thus it renders the dough porous ; the salt itself is, at the same time, totally volatilised dur- ing the operation of baking. Thus not a vestige of carbonate of ammonia remains in the bread. This salt is also largely em- ployed by the biscuit and ginger-bread bakers. Potatoes are likewise largely, and per- haps constantly, used by fraudulent bakers, as a cheap ingredient, to enhance their profit. The potatoes being boiled, are triturated, passed through a sieve, and incorporated with the dough by kneading. This adul- teration does not materially injure the bread. The bakers assert, that the bad quality of the flour renders the addition of potatoes advantageous as well to the baker as to the p&rchaser, and that without this admixture in the manufacture of bread, it would be impossible to carry on the trade of a baker. But the grievance is, that the same price is taken for a potatoe loaf, as for a loaf of genuine bread, though it must cost the baker less. I have witness, that five bushels of flour, three ounces of alum, six pounds of salt, one bushel of potatoes boiled into a stiff paste, and three quarts of yeast, with the requisite quantity of water, produce a white, light, and highly palatable bread. 106 Adulteration of Bread. Such are the artifices practised in the pre- paration of bread,* and it must be allowed, on contrasting them with those sophistica- tions practised by manufacturers of other articles of food, that they are comparatively unimportant. However, some medical men have no hesitation in attributing many dis- eases incidental to children to the use of eating adulterated bread ; others again will not admit these allegations: they persuade themselves that the small quantity of alum added to the bread (perhaps upon an ave- rage, from eight to ten grains to a quartern loaf,) is absolutely harmless. Mr. Edmund Davy, Professor of Che- mistry, at the Cork Institution, has com- municated the following important facts to the public concerning the manufacture of bread. " The carbonate of magnesia of the shops, when well mixed with flour, in the propor- tion of from twenty to forty grains to a pound of flour, materially improves it for the purpose of making bread. " Loaves made with the addition of car- * There are instances of convictions on re- cord, of bakers having used gypsum, chalk, ar>d pipe clay, in the manufacture of bread. Adulteration of Bread. 107 bonate of magnesia, rise well in the oven ; and after being baked, the bread is light and spongy, has a good taste, and keeps well. In cases when the new flour is of an indifferent quality, from twenty to thirty grains of carbonate of magnesia to a pound of the flour will considerably improve the bread. When the flour is of the worst quality, forty grains to a pound of flour seem necessary to produce the same effect. " As the improvement in the bread from new flour depends upon the carbonate of magnesia, it is necessary that care should be taken to mix it intimately with the flour, previous to the making of the dough. " Mr. Davy made a great number of comparative experiments with other sub- stances, mixed in different proportions with new bread flour. The fixed alkalies, both in their pure and carbonated state, when used in small quantity, to a certain extent were found to improve the bread made from new flour; but no substance was so efficacious in this respect as carbon- ate of magnesia. " The greater number of his experiments were performed on the worst new seconds flour Mr. Davy could procure. He also made some trials on seconds and frsts of different quality. In some cases the re- 108 Method of detecting suits were more striking and satisfactory than in others ; but in every instance the improvement of the bread, by carbonate of magnesia, was obvious. " Mr. Davy observes, that a pound of carbonate of magnesia would be sufficient to mix with two hundred and fifty-six pounds of new flour, or at the rate of thirty grains to the pound. And supposing a pound of carbonate of magnesia to cost half- a-crown, the additional expense would be only half a farthing in the pound of flour. " Mr. Davy conceives that not the slight- est danger can be apprehended from the use of such an innocent substance, as the carbonate of magnesia, in such small pro- portion as is necessary to improve bread from new flour." METHOD OF DETECTING THE PRESENCE OE ALUM IN BREAD. Pour upon two ounces of the suspected bread, half a pint of boiling distilled water; boil the mixture for a few minutes, and fil- ter it through unsized paper. Evaporate the fluid, to about one fourth of its original bulk, and let gradually fall into the clear fluid a solution of muriate of barytes. If a Alum in Bread 109 copious white precipitate ensues, which does not disappear by the addition of pure nitric acid, the presence of alum may be suspect- ed. Bread, made without alum, produces, when assayed in this manner, merely a very slight precipitate, which originates from a minute portion of sulphate of magnesia con- tained in all common salt of commerce ; and bread made with salt freed from sul- phate of magnesia, produces an infusion with water, which does not become dis- turbed by the barytic test. Other means of detecting all the consti- tuent parts of alum, namely, the alumine, sulphuric acid, and potash, so as to render the presence of the alum unequivocal, will readily suggest itself to those who are fa- miliar with analytical chemistry ; namely : one of the readiest means is, to decompose the vegetable matter of the bread, by the action of chlorate of potash, in a platina crucible, at a red heat, and then to assay the residuary mass—by means of muriate of barytes, for sulphuric acid ; by ammonia, for alumine ; and by muriate of platina, for potash*. The above method of detect- * See a Practical Treatise on the Use and Application of Chemical Tests, illustrated by experiments, 3d edit, p 270,231, 177, & 196. K 110 Method of judging ing the presence of alum, must therefore be taken with some limitation. There is no unequivocal test for detect- ing in a ready manner the presence of alum in bread, on account of the impurity of the common salt used in the making of bread. If we could, in the ordinary way of bread making, employ common salt, absolutely free from foreign saline substances, the mode of detecting the presence of alum, or at least one of its constituent parts, namely, the sulphuric acid, would be very easy. Some conjecture may, nevertheless, be formed of the presence, or absence, of alum, by assaying the infusion of bread in the manner stated, p. 109, and comparing the assay with the results afforded by an infu- sion of home-made or household bread, known to be genuine, and actually assayed in a similar manner. EASY METHOD OF JUDGING OF THE GOOD- NESS OF BREAD CORN, AND BREAD-FLOUR. Millers judge of the goodness of bread corn by the quantity of bran which the grain produces. Such grains as are full and plump, that have a bright and shining appearance, with- of Bread Stuffs. Ill out any shrivelling and shrinking in the covering of the skin, are the best; for wrinkled grains have a greater quantity of skin, or bran, than such as are sound or plump. Pastry-cooks and bakers judge of the goodness of flour in the manner in which it comports itself in kneading. The best kind of wheaten flour assumes, at the instant it is formed into paste by the addition of wa- ter, a very gluey, ductile, and elastic paste, easy to be kneaded, and which may be elongated, flattened, and drawn in every direction, without breaking. For the following fact we are indebted to Mr. Hatchet. " Grain which has been heated or burnt in the stack, may in the following man- ner be rendered fit for being made into bread: " The wheat must be put into a vessel capable of holding at least three times the quantity, and the vessel filled with boiling water; the grain should then be occasion- ally stirred, and the hollow decayed grains, which float, may be removed. When the water has become cold, or in about half an hour, it is drawn off. Then rince the corn with cold water, and, having completely drained it, spread it thinly on the floor of a US Method of judging, 8£c. kiln, and thus thoroughly dry it, stirring and turning it frequently during this part of the process."* * Phil. Trans, for 1817, part i. 113 Adulteration of Beer. Malt Liojjors, and particularly porter, the favourite beverage of the inhabitants of London, and of other large towns, is amongst those articles, in the manufacture of which the greatest frauds are frequent- ly committed. The statute prohibits the brewer from using any ingredients in his brewings, ex- cept malt and hops ; but it too often hap- pens that those who suppose they are drink- ing a nutritious beverage, made of these ingredients only, are entirely deceived, The beverage may, in fact, be neither more nor less than a compound of the most de- leterious substances ; and it is also clear that all ranks of society are alike exposed to the nefarious fraud. The proofs of this statement will be shewn hereafter.* The authorf of a Practical Treatise on * See pages 119, &c. t Child, on Brewing Porter, p. 7. K 2 11* Adulteration of Beer. Brewing, which has run through eleven editions, after having stated the various ingredients for brewing porter, observes, " that however much they may surprise, " however pernicious or disagreeable they " may appear, he has always found them " requisite in the brewing of porter, and he " thinks they must invariably be used by " those who wish to continue the taste, " flavour, and appearance of the beer.* " And though several Acts of Parliament " have been passed to prevent porter brew- " ers from using many of them, yet the " author can affirm, from experience, he " could never produce the present flavour- " ed porter without them.f The intoxi- " eating qualities of porter are to be as- " cribed to the various drugs intermixed " with it. It is evident some porter is more " heady than other, and it arises from the " greater or less quantity of stupifying in- " gredients. Malt, to produce intoxica- " tion, must be used in such large quanti- " ties as would very much diminish, if not " totally exclude, the brewer's profit." The practice of adulterating beer appears * Child, on Brewing Porter, p. 16. t Ibid. p. 16. Adulteration of Beer. 115 to be of early date. By an Act so long ago as Queen Anne, the brewers are pro- hibited from mixing cocculus indicus, or any unwholesome ingredients, in their beer, under severe penalties: but few instances of convictions under this act are to be met with in the public records for nearly a cen- tury. To shew that they have augmented in our own days, we shall exhibit an ab- stract from documents laid lately before Parliament.* These will not only amply prove, that un- wholesome ingredients are used by fraudu- lent brewers, and that very deleterious sub- stances are also vended both to brewers and publicans for adulterating beer, but that the ingredients mixed up in the brewer's enchanting cauldron are placed above all competition, even with the potent charms of Macbeth's witches : * « Minutes of the Committee of the House of Commons, to whom the petition of several inhabitants of London and its vicinity, com- plaining of the high price and inferior quali- ty of beer, was referred, to examine the mat- ter thereof, and to report the same, with their observations thereupon, to the House. Printed by order of the House of Commons, April, 1819." 116 Adulteration of Beer. " Root of hemlock, digg'd i' the dark, 4- + + + + + + + + + " For a charm of pow'rful trouble, " Like a hell-broth boil and bubble; " Double, double, toil and trouble, " Fire burn, and cauldron bubble." The fraud of imparting to porter and ale an intoxicating quality by narcotic sub- stances, appears to have flourished during the period of the late French war; for, if we examine the importation lists of drugs, it will be noticed that the quantities of cocculus indicus imported in a given time prior to that period, will bear no comparison with the quantity imported in the same space of time during the war, although an additional duty was laid upon this commodity. Such has been the amount brought into this coun- try in five years, that it far exceeds the quantity imported during twelve years an- terior to the above epoch. The price of this drug has risen within these ten years from two shillings to seven shillings the pound. It was at the period to which we have alluded, that the preparation of an extract of cocculus indicus first appeared, as a new saleable commodity, in the price-currents of Adulteration of Beer. 117 brewers'-druggists. It was at the same time, also, that a Mr. Jackson, of notorious memory, fell upon the idea of brewing beer from various drugs, without any malt and hops. This chemist did not turn brewer himself; but he struck out the more profit- able trade of teaching his mystery to the brewers for a handsome fee. From that time forwards, written directions, and re- cipe-books for using the chemical prepara- tions to be substituted for malt and hops, were respectively sold ; and many adepts soon afterwards appeared every where, to instruct brewers in the nefarious practice, first pointed out by Mr. Jackson. From that time, also, the fraternity of brewers'- chemists took its rise. They made it their chief business to send travellers all over the country with lists and samples exhibiting the price and quality of the articles manu- factured by them for the use of brewers only. Their trade spread far and wide, but it was amongst the country brewers chiefly that they found the most customers; and it is amongst them, up to the present day, as I am assured by some of these ope- rators, on whose veracity I can rely, that the greatest quantities of unlawful ingre- dients are sold. 118 Adulteration of Beer. The Act of Parliament* prohibits che- mists, grocers, and druggists, from supply- ing illegal ingredients to brewers under a heavy penalty, as is obvious from the fol- lowing abstract of the Act. " No druggist, vender of, or dealer in " drugs, or chemist, or other person, shall "sell or deliver to any licensed brewer, " dealer in or retailer of beer, knowing him « to be such, or shall sell or deliver to any " person on account of or in trust for any " such brewer, dealer or retailer, any liquor " called by the name of or sold as colouring, " from whatever material the same may be " made, or any material or preparation other " than unground brown malt for darkening " the colour of worts or beer, or any liquor " or preparation made use of for darkening " the colour of worts or beer, or any mo- " lasses, honey, vitriol, quassia, cocculus In- " dian, grains of paradise, Guinea pepper " or opium, or any extract or preparation of " molasses, or any article or preparation " to be used in worts or beer for or as a " substitute for malt or hops ; and if any " druggist shall offend in any of these par- " ticulars, such liquor preparation, molas- * 56 Geo. III. c. 2. Adulteration of Beer. 119 " ses, &c. shall be forfeited, and may be " seized by any officer of excise, and the " person so offending shall for each offence " forfeit 500/. The following is a list of druggists and grocers, prosecuted by the Court of Excise, and convicted of supplying unlawful ingre- dients to brewers. List of Druggists and Grocers, prosecuted and convicted from 1812 to 1819, for supplying illegal Ingredients to Brewers for adulterating Beer.* John Dunn and another, druggists, for sel- ling adulterating ingredients to brewers, ver- dict 500/. George Rugg and others, druggists, for selling adulterating ingredients to brewers, verdict 500/. John Hodgkinson and others, for selling adulterating ingredients to brewers, 100/. and costs. William Hiscocks and others, for selling adulterating ingredients to a brewer, 200/. and costs * Copied from the Minutes of the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed for examining the price and quality of Beer.—See pages 18, 29,30, 31, 36, 43. 120 Adulteration of Beer. G. Hornby, for selling adulterating ingre- dients to a brewer, 200/. W. Wilson, for selling adulterating ingre- dients to a brewer, 200/. George Andrews, grocer, for selling adul- terating ingredients to a brewer, 25/. and costs. G*uy Knowles, for selling substitute for hops, costs. Kernot and Alsop, for selling cocculus in- dia, &c. 25/. Joseph Moss, for selling various drugs, 300/. Ph. Whitcombe, John Dun, and Arthur Waller, druggists, for having liquor for dark- ening the colour of beer, hid and concealed. Isaac Hehberri, for having liquor for dark- ening tht colour of *>eer, hid and concealed. Ph. Whitcombe, John Dunn, and Authur Waller, druggists, for making liquor for dark- ening the colour of beer. John Lord, grocer, for selling molasses to a brewer, 20/. and costs. John Smith Carr, grocer, for selling molas- ses to a brewer, 20/. and costs. Edward Fox, grocer, for selling molasses to a brewer, 25/. and costs. John Cooper, grocer, for selling molasses to a brewer, 40/. and costs. Joseph Bickering, grocer, for selling mo- lasses to a brewer, 40/. and costs. Adulteration of Beer. l&l John Howard, grocer, for selling molasses te a brewer, 25/. and costs. James Reynolds, grocer, for selling molas- ses to a brewer, costs. Thomas Hammond, grocer, for selling mo- lasses to a brewer, 20/. and costs. J. Matkway, grocer, for selling molasses to a biewer, 20/. T Renton, grocer, for selling molasses to a brewer, costs, and taking out a license. R. Adamson, grocer, for selling molasses to a brewer, costs, and taking out a license. W. Weave , for selling Spanish liquorice to a brewer, 200/. J. Moss, for selling Spanish liquorice to a brewer. Alex. Braden, for selling liquorice, 20/. J. Draper, for selling molasses to a brew- er, 20/. PORTER. The method of brewing porter has not been the same at all times as it is at pre- sent. At first, the only essential difference in the methods of brewing this liquor and that of other kinds of beer, was, that por- ter was brewed from brown malt only; and this gave to it both the colour and fla- vour required. Of late years it has been 122 Adulteration of Beer. brewed from mixtures of pale and brown malt. These, at some establishments, are mash- ed separately, and the worts from each are afterwards mixed together. The propor- tion of pale and brown malt, used for brew- ing porter, varies in different breweries ; some employ nearly two parts of pale malt and one part of brown malt; but each brewer appears to have his own proportion; which the intelligent manufacturer varies, according to the nature and qualities of the malt. Three pounds of hops are, upon an average, allowed to every barrel, (thirty- six gallons) of porter. When the price of malt, on account of the great increase in the price of barley during the late war, was very high, the London brewers discovered that a larger quantity of wort of a given strength could be ob- tained from pale malt than from brown malt. They therefore increased the quan- tity of the former, and diminished that of the latter. This produced beer of a paler colour, and of a less bitter flavour. To remedy these disadvantages, they invented an artificial colouring substance, prepared by boiling brown sugar till it acquired a very dark brown colour ; a solution of which was employed to darken the colour Adulteration of Beer. 1S3 of the beer. Some brewers made use of the infusion of malt instead of sugar co- louring. To impart to the beer a bitter taste, the fraudulent brewer employed quassia wood and wormwood as a substi- tute for hops. But as the colouring of beer by means of sugar became in many instances a pretext for using illegal ingredients, the Legisla- ture, apprehensive from the mischief that might, and actually did, result from it, passed an Act prohibiting the use of burnt 6Ugar, in July 1817 ; and nothing but malt and hops is now allowed to enter into the composition of beer : even the use of isin- glass for clarifying beer, is contrary to law. No sooner had the beer-colouring Act been repealed, than other persons obtained a patent for effecting the purpose of impart- ing an artificial colour to porter, by means of brown malt, specifically prepared for that purpose onlv. The beer, coloured by the new method, is more liable to become spoiled, than when coloured by the process formerly practised. The colouring malt does not contain any considerable portion of saccharine matter. The grain is by mere torrefaction converted into a gum-like sub- stance, wholly soluble in water, which ren- IS! Adulteration of Beer. ders the beer more liable to pass into the acetous fermentation than the common brown malt is capable of doing ; because the latter, if prepared from good barley, contains a portion of saccharine matter, of which the patent malt is destitute. But as brown malt is generally prepared from the worst kind of barley, and as the patent malt can only be made from good grain, it may become, on that account, an useful article to the brewer (at least, it gives colour and body to the beer ;) but it cannot materially economise the quantity of malt necessary to produce good porter. Some brewers of eminence in this town have assured me, that the use of this mode of colouring beer is wholly unnecessary j and that porter of the requisite colour may be brewed better without it; hence this kind of malt is not used in their establish- ments. The quantity of gum-like matter which it contains, gives too much ferment to the beer, and renders it liable to spoil. Repeated experiments, made on a large scale, have settled this fact. Adulteration of Beer. 125 STRENGTH AND SPECIFIC DIFFERENCES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF PORTER. The strength of all kinds of beer, like that of wine, depends on the quantity of spirit contained in a given bulk of the li- quor. The reader need scarcely be told, that of no article there are more varieties than of porter. This, no doubt, arises from the dif- ferent mode of manufacturing the beer, although the ingredients are the same. This difference is more striking in the por- ter manufactured among country brewers, than it is in the beer brewed by the eminent London porter brewers. The totality of the London porter exhibts but very slight differences, both with respect to strength or quantity of spirit, and solid extractive matter, contained in a given bulk of it. The spirit may be stated, upon an average, to be 4,50 per cent, in porter retailed at the publicans ; the solid matter, is from twenty- one to twenty-three pounds per barrel of thirty-six gallons. The country-brewed porter is seldom well fermented, and sel- * dom contains so large a quantity of spirit; it usually abounds in mucilage ; hence it becomes turbid when mixed with alcohol. L 2 1S6 Adulteration of Beer. Such beer cannot keep, without becoming sour. It has been matter of frequent complaint, that all the porter now brewed, is not what porter was formerly. This idea may be true with some exceptions. My professional oc- cupations have, during these twenty-eight years, repeatedly obliged me to examine the strength of London porter, brewed by different brewers ; and, from the minutes made on that subject, I am authorised to state, that the porter now brewed by the eminent London brewers, is unquestionably stronger than that which was brewed at different periods during the late French war. Samples of brown stout with which I have been obligingly favoured, whilst writing this Treatise, by Messrs. Barclay, Perkins, and Co—Messrs. Truman, Han- bury, and Co—Messrs. Henry Meux and Co.—and other eminent brewers of this capital—afforded, upon an average, 7,25 per cent, of alcohol, of 0,833 specific gra- vity ; and porter, from the same houses, yielded upon an average 5,25 per cent, of alcohol, of the same specific gravity ;* this * The average specific gravity of different samples of brown siout, obtained direct from Adulteration of Beer. 127 beer received from the brewers was taken from the same store from which the pub- licans are supplied. It is nevertheless singular to observe, that from fifteen samples of beer of the same denominations, procured from differ- ent retailers, the proportions of spirit fell considerably short of the above quantities. Samples of brown stout, procured from the retailers, afforded, upon an average, 6,50 per cent, of alcohol; and the average strength of the porter was 4,50 per cent. Whence can this difference between the beer furnished by the brewer, and that re- tailed by the publican, arise ? We shall not be at a loss to answer this question, when we find that so many retailers of porter have been prosecuted and convicted for mixing table beer with their strong beer ; this is prohibited by law, as becomes ob- vious by the following words of the Act.* the breweries of Messrs. Barclay, Perkins, and Co. Messrs. Truman, Hani ury, and Co. Messrs. Henry Meux and Co. and from -eve- ra 1 other eminent London brewers, amounted to 1,022; and the average specific gravity of porter, from the same breweries, 1,018. * 2 Geo. III. c. 14, § 2-. 128 Adulteration of Beer. " If any common or other brewer, inn- keeper, victualler, or retailer of beer or ale, shall mix or suffer to be mixed any strong beer, ale, or worts, with table beer, worts, or water, in any tub or measure, he shall for- feit 50/." The difference between strong and table beer, is thus settled by Parlia- ment. " All beer or ale* above the price of eighteen shillings per barrel, exclusive of ale duties now payable (viz. ten shillings per barrel,) or that may be hereafter paya- ble in respect thereof, shall be deemed strong beer or ale ; and all beer of the price of eighteen shillings the barrel or under, exclusive of the duty payable (viz. two shillings per barrel) in respect thereof, shall be deemed table beer within the meaning of this and all other Acts now in force, or that may hereafter be passed in relation to beer or ale or any duties there- on." * 59 Geo. III. c. 53, § 25. Adulteration of Beer. 129 List of Publicans prosecuted and convicted from 1815 to 1818, for adulterating Beer with illegal Ingredients, and for mixing Table Beer with their Strong Beer.* William Atterbury, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &c and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 40/. Richard Dean, for using salt of steel, saltj molasses, &c. and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 50/. John J >y, for using salt of steel, salt, mo- lasses, &c. and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 50/. James Atkinson, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &c. and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 20/ Samuel Lang worth, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &c. and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 50/. Hannah Spencer, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &c. and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 150/. * Copied from the Minutes of the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed for examining the price and quality of beer, p. 19, 29, 36, 37,43. 130 Adulteration of Beer. -----Ho-g, for using salt of steel, salt, mo- lasses, &c. and for mixing table beer with strong beer, 5/. Richard Cruddock, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &i:. and for mixing table beer with strong Deer, 100/. Lmes Harris, for using salt of steel, salt, mol sses, &c. and for receiving stale beer, and mixing it with strong beer, 42/. and costs. Thomas Scoons, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &c. ancJ for mixing stale beer with strong beer, vet diet 200/. Diones Geer and another, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses. Sec. and for mixing strong and table beer, verdict 400/. Charles Coleman, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, Sec and for mixing strong and table beer, 35/. and costs. William Oit, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, See. and for mixing strong and ta- ble beer. 50/. John Gu!- liner, for using salt of steel, sjlt, molasses. See and for mixing strong and table betr too/. John Morris, for using salt of steel, salt, molasses, &c. and for mixing strong and ta- ble heer, 20/. John Haibur for using sAi of steel, salt, molasses, Sec. and for mixing strong and table beer, 50/. John Corrie, for mixing strong beer with table beer. Adulteration of Beer. 131 John Cape, for mixing strong beer with ta- ble beer. Joseph Gudge, for mixing strong beer with small beer. ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES USED FOR ADULTE- RATING BEER. We have stated already (p. 113) that no- thing is allowed by law to enter into the composition of beer, but malt and hops. The substances used by fraudulent brewers for adulterating beer, are chiefly the following : ^Quassia, which gives to beer a bitter taste, is substituted for hops ; but hops pos- sesses a more agreeable aromatic flavour, and there is also reason to believe that they render beer less liable to spoil by keep- ing ; a property which does not belong to quassia. It requires but little discrirhina- tion to distinguish very clearly the pecu- liar bitterness of quassia in adulterated porter. Vast quantities of the shavings of> this wood are sold in a half-torrefied and ground state to disguise its obvious cha- racter, and to prevent its being recognised among the waste materials of the brewers. 132 Adulteration of Beer. Wormwood* has likewise been used by fraudulent brewers. The adulterating of hops is prohibited by the Legislature.! " If any person shall put any drug or in- gredient whatever into hops to alter the colour or scent thereof, every person so of- fending, convicted by the oath of one wit- ness before one justice of peace for the county or place where the offence was com- mitted, shall forfeit 5/. for every hundred weight." Beer rendered bitter by quassia never keeps well, unless it be kept in a place pos- sessing a temperature considerably lower than the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere ; and this is not well practica- ble in large establishments. The use of boiling the wort of beer with hops, is partly to communicate a peculiar aromatic, flavour which the hop contains, partly to cover the sweetness of unde- composed saccharine matter, and also to separate, by virtue of the gallic acid and __________________________________I____ * See Minutes of the Committee of the House of Commons for reporting on the Price and Quality of Beer, 1819, p. 29. t 7 Geo. II. c. 19, § 2. Adulteration of Beer. 133 tannin it contains, a portion of a peculiar ve- getable mucilage somewhat resembling glu- ten, which is still diffused through the beer. The compound thus produced, separates in small flakes like those of curdled soap; and by these means the beer is rendered less liable to spoil. For nothing contributes more to the conversion of beer, or any other vinous fluid, into vinegar, than mucilage. Hence, also, all full-bodied and clammy ales, abounding in mucilage, and which are generally ill fermented, do not keep as perfect ale ought to do. Quassia is, there- fore, unfit as a substitute for hops ; and even English hops are preferable to those im- ported from the Continent; for nitrate of silver and acetate of lead produce a more abundant precipitate from an infusion of English hops, than can be obtained from a like infusion by the same agents from fo- reign hops. One of the qualities of good porter, is, that it should bear a fine frothy head, as it is technically termed: because professed judges of this beverage, would not pro- nounce the liquor excellent, although it possessed all other good qualities of porter, without this requisite. To impart to porter this property of froth- ing when poured from one vessel into an- al 131) Adulteration of Beer. other, or to produce what is also termed a cauliflower head, the mixture called beer- heading, composed of common green vi- triol (sulphate of iron,) alum, and salt, is added. This addition to the beer is gene- rally made by the publicans.* It is unne- cessary to genuine beer, which of itself possesses the property of bearing a strong white froth, without these additions; and it is only in consequence of table beer being mixed with strong beer, that the frothing property of the porter is lost. From experi- ments I have tried on this subject, I have reason to believe that the sulphate of iron, added for that purpose, does not possess the power ascribed to it. But the publicans frequently, when they fine a butt of beer, by means of isinglass, adulterate the porter at the same time with table beer, together with a quantity of molasses and a small portion of extract of gentian root, to keep up the peculiar flavour of the porter; and it is to the molasses chiefly, which gives a * See List of Publicans prosecuted and con- victed for mixing table beer with strong beer, &c. p. 129. " Alum gives likewise a smack of age to beer, and is penetrating to the palate."—S, Child on Brewing. Adulteration of Beer. 135 spissitude to the beer, that the frothing property must be ascribed; for, without it, the sulphate of iron does not produce the property of frothing in diluted beer. Capsicum and .grains of paradise, two highly acrid substances, are employed to give a pungent taste to weak insipid beer. Of late, a concentrated tincture of these ar- ticles, to be used for a similar purpose, and possessing a powerful effect, has appeared in the price-currents of brewers' druggists. Ginger root, coriander seed, and orange peels, are employed as flavouring substances chiefly by the ale brewers. From these statements, and the seizures that have been made of illegal ingredients at various breweries, it is obvious that the adulterations of beer are not imaginary. It will be noticed, however, that some of the sophistications are comparatively harmless, whilst others are effected by substances deleterious to health. The following list exhibits some of the unlawful substances seized at different breweries and at chemical laboratories. 136 Adulteration of Beer. List of Illegal Ingredients, seized from 1812 to 1818, at various Breweries and Brew- ers* Druggists.* 1812, July. Josiah Nibbs, at Tooting, Surrey. Multum 84 lbs. Cocculus indicus - 12 Colouring 4 galls. Honey - - about 180 lbs. Hartshorn Shavings - 14 Spanish Juice 46 Oiange Powder - - 17 Ginger - - - 56 Penalty 300/. 1813, June 13. Sarah Willis, at West Ham, Essex. Cocculus indicus - 1 lb. Spanish Juice - - 12 Hartshorn Shavings - 6 Orange Powder - 1 Penalty 200/. * Copied from the Minutes of the Commit- tee of the House of Commons, appointed for examining the price and quality of beer, p. 38. Adulteration of Beer. 137 August 3. Cratcherode Whiffing, Limehouse. Grains of Paradise - 44 lbs. Quassia - ... lo Liquorice 64 Ginger ... 80 Caraway Seeds 40 Orange Powder - 14 Copperas 4 Penalty 200/. Nov. 25. Elizabeth Hasler, at Stratford. Cocculus indicus - 12 lbs. Multum 26 Grains of Paradise - 12 Spanish Juice 30 Orange Powder - 3 Penalty 200/. Dec. 14. John Abbott, at Canterbury, Kent. Copperas, Sec. - - 14 lbs. Orange powder - 2 Penalty 500/., and Crown's costs. Proof of using drugs at various times. 1815, Feb. 15. Mantell and Cook, Castle- street, Bloomsbury-square. Proof of mixing strong with table beer, and using colouring and other things. Compromised for 300/. M 2 138 Adulteration of Beer. 1817. From Peter Stevenson, an old Servant to Dunn and Waller, St. John-street, brew- ers' druggists. Cocculus Indicus Extract 6 lbs. Multum - - 560 Capsicum - 88 Copperas - - 310 n Quassia - - - 150 Colouring and Drugs 84 Mixed Drugs - - 240 Spanish Liquorice - 420 Hartshorn Shavings 77 Liquorice Powder - 175 Orange powder - 126 Caraway Seeds - 100 Ginger . - - 110 Ginger Root - - 176 Condemned, not being claimed. July 30. Luke Lyons, Shadwell. Capsicum - - 1 lb. Liquorice Root Powder 2 Coriander Seed - 2 Copperas 1 Orange Powder 8 Spanish Liquorice - \ Beer Colouring - - 24 galls. Not tried. (7th May, 1818.) Adulteration of Beer* 139 Aug. 6. John Gray, at West Ham. Multum ... 4 ibs. Spanish Liquorice - 21 Liquorice Root Powder 113 Ginger - - - 116 Honey - - - 11 Penalty, 300/., and costs ; including mixing strong beer with table, and paying table-beer duty for strong beer, &c. Numerous other seizures of illegal sub- stances, made at breweries, might be ad- vanced, were it necessary to enlarge this subject to a greater extent. Mr. James West, from the excise office, being asked in the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed, 1819, to examine and report on the petition of several inha- bitants of London, complaining of the high price and inferior quality of beer, produced the following seized articles :—" One blad- der of honey, one bladder of extract of coc- culus indicus, ground guinea pepper or capsicum, vitriol or copperas, orange pow- der, quassia, ground beer-heading, hard multum, another kind of multum or beer preparation, liquorice powder, and ground grains of paradise." Witness being asked " Where did you seize these things ?" Answer, " Some of them were seized from brewers, and some 140 Adulteration of Beer. of them from brewers' druggists, within these two years past. (May 8, 1818.) Another fraud frequently committed, both by brewers and publicans, (as is evi- dent from the Excise Report,) is the practice of adulterating strong beer with small beer—This fraud is prohibited by law ; since both the revenue and the pub- lic suffer by it.* « The duty upon strong beer is ten shillings a barrel; and upon ta- ble beer it is two shillings. The revenue suffers, because a larger quantity of beer is sold as strong beer ; that is, at a price ex- ceeding the price of table beer, without the strong beer duty being paid. In the next place, the brewer suffers, because the re- tailer gets table or mild beer, and retails it as strong beer." The following are the words of the Act, prohibiting the brewers mixing table beer with strong beer. " If any common brewer shall mix or suffer to be mixed any strong beer, or strong worts with table beer or table worts, or with water in any guile or fermenting tun after the declaration of the quantity of such guile shall have been made ; or if he * See Mr. Carr's evidence in the Minutes bj the House of Commons, p. 32. Adulteration of Beer. 141 shall at any time mix or suffer to be mixed strong beer or strong worts with table beer worts or with water, in any vat, cask, tub, measures or utensil, not being an entered guile or fermenting tun, he shall forfeit 200 pounds."* With respect to the persons who commit this offence, Mr. Carr,f the Solicitor of the Excise, observes, that " they are generally brewers who carry on the double trade of brewing both strong and table beer. It is almost impossible to prevent them from mixing one with the other; and frauds of very great extent have been detected, and the parties punished for that offence. One brewer at Plymouth evaded duties to the amount of 32,000 pounds ; and other brew- ers, who brew party guiles of beer, carry- ing on the two trades of ale and table beer brewers, where the trade is a victualling brewer, which is different from the com- mon brewer, he being a person who sells only wholesale; the victualling brewer being a brewer and also a seller by retail." * 42 George III, c. 38, § 12. t See Minutes of the House of Commons, p. 32. 14& Adulteration of Beer. "In the neighbourhood of London,'* Mr. Carr continues, " more particularly, I speak from having had great experience, from the informations and evidence which I have received, that the retailers carry on a most extensive fraud upon the public, in purchasing stale table beer, or the bottoms of casks. There are a class of men who go about and sell such beer at table-beer"price to public victuallers, who mix it in their cellars. If they receive beer from their brewers which is mild, they purchase stale beer ; and if they receive stale beer, they purchase common table beer for that pur- pose ; and many of the prosecutions are against retailers for that offence." The fol- lowing may serve in proof of this state- ment. Adulteration of Beer. 143 List of Brewers prosecuted and convicted from 1813 to 1819, for adulterating Strong Beer with Table Beer.* Thomas Manton and another, brewers, for mixing strong and table beer, verdict 300/. Mark Morrell and another, brewers, for mixing strong and table beer, 20/. and costs. Robert Jones and another, brewers, for mix- ing strong and table beer, verdict 125/. Robert Stroad, brewer, for mixing strong and table beer, 200/. and costs. William Cobbett, brewer, mixing strong and table beer, 100/. and costs. Thomas Richard Withers, brewer, for mix- ing strong and table beer, 75/. and costs. John Cowel, brewer, for mixing table beer with strong, 50/. and costs. John Mitchell, brewer, for mixing table beer with strong, absconded. George Lloyd and another, brewers, for mixing table beer with strong, 23/. and costs. James Edmunds and another, brewers, for mixing table beer with strong, for a long pe- riod, verdict 600/. John Hoffman, brewer, for mixing strong • Copied from the Minutes of the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed for examining the price and quality of Boer, 1819, p. 29, 36, 43- 144 Adulteration of Beer. and table beer, and using molasses, ISO/, and costs. Samuel Langworth, brewer, for mixing strong with stale table beer, 10/. and costs. Hannah Spencer, brewer, for mixing strong with stale table beer, verdict 150/. Joseph Smith and others, brewers, for mix- ing strong and table beer. Philip George, brewer, for mixing strong and table beer, verdict 200/. Joshua Row, brewer, for mixing strong and table beer, verdict 400/. John Drew, jun. and another, for mixing strong beer with table, 50/. and costs. John Cape, brewer, for mixing strong and table beer, 250/. and costs. John Williams and another, brewers, for mixing strong and table beer, verdict 200/. OLD, OR ENTIRE; AND NEW, OR MILD BEER. It is necessary to state, that every pub- lican has two sorts of beer sent to him from the brewer; the one is called mild, which is beer sent out fresh as it is brewed ; the other is called old; that is. such as is brew- ed on purpose for keeping, and which has been kept in store a twelve-month or eigh- teen months. The origin of the beer call- Adulteration of Beer. 145 ed entire, is thus related by the editor of the Picture of London : " Before the year 1730, the malt liquors in general ustd in London were ale, beer, and two-penny ; and it was customary to call for a pint, or tan- kard, of half-and-half, i. e. half of ale and half of beer, half of ale and half of two- penny. In course of time it also became the practice to call for a pint or tankard of three-threads, meaning a third of ale, beer, and two-penny ; and thus the publican had the trouble to go to three casks, and turn three cocks, for a pint of liquor. To avoid this inconvenience and waste, a brewer of the name of Harwood conceived the idea of making a liquor, which should partake of the same united flavours of ale, beer, and two-penny ; he did so, and succeeded, call- ing it entire, or entire butt, meaning that it was drawn entirely from one cask or butt; and as it was a very hearty and nourishing liquor, and supposed to be very suitable for porters and other working people, it ob- tained the name of porter.'''' The system is now altered, and porter is very generally compounded of two kinds, or rather the same liquor in two different states, the due admixture of which is palatable, though neither is good alone. One is mi/*/porter, and the other stale porter; the former is that N 146 Adulteration of Beer. which has a slightly bitter flavour; the latter has been kept longer. This mixture the publican adapts to the palates of his several customers, and effects the mixture very readily, by means of a machine, containing small pumps worked by handles. In these are four pumps, but only three spouts, be- cause two of the pumps throw out at the same spout: one of these two pumps draws the mild, and the other the stale porter, from the casks down in the cellar ; and the publican, by dexterously changing his hold works either pump, and draws both kinds of beer at the same spout. An indifferent observer supposes, that since it all comes from one spout, it is entire butt beer, as the publican professes over his door, and which has been decided by vulgar prejudice to be only good porter, though the difference is not easily distinguished. I have been in- formed by several eminent brewers, that of late, a far greater quantity is consumed of mild than of stale beer. The entire beer of the modern brewer, according to the statement of C. Barclay,* Esq. tl consists of some beer brewed ex- pressly for the purpose of keeping : it like- * See the Parliamentary Minutes, p. 94. Adulteration of Beer. i4ff wise contains a portion of returns from pub- licans ; a portion of beer from the bottoms of vats ; the beer that is drawn off from the pipes, which convey the beer from one vat to another, and from one part of the pre- mises to another. This beer is collected and put into vats. Mr. Barclay also states that it contains a certain portion of brown stout, which is twenty shillings a barrel dearer than common beer; and some bot- tling beer, which is ten shillings a barrel dearer ;* and that all these beers, united, are put into vats, and that it depends upon various circumstances, how long they may remain in those vats before they become per- fectly bright. When bright, this beer is sent out to the publicans, for their entire beer, and there is sometimes a small quan- tity of mild beer mixed with it." The present entire beer, therefore, is a very heterogeneous mixture, composed of all the waste and spoiled beer of the pub- licans—the bottoms of butts—the leavings of the pots—the drippings of the machines * Mr. Barclay has not specified the relative proportions of brown stout and of bottling beer which are introduced at such an augmentation of expense. 148 Adulteration of Beer. for drawing the beer—the remnants of beer that lay in the leaden pipes of the brewery, with a portion of brown stout, bottling beer, and mild beer. The old or entire beer we have exam- ined, as obtained from Messrs. Bar- clay's, and other eminent London brew- ers, is unquestionably a good compound; but it does no longer appear to be neces- sary, among fraudulent brewers, to brew beer on purpose for keeping, or to keep it twelve or eighteen months. A more easy, expeditious, and economical me- thod has been discovered to convert any sort of beer into entire beer, merely by the admixture of a portion of sulphuric acid. An imitation of the age of eighteen months is thus produced in an instant. This pro- cess is technically called to bring beer for- ward, or to make it hard. The practice is a bad one. The genu- ine, old, or entire beer, of the honest brewer, is quite a different compound ; it has a rich, generous, full-bodied taste, without being acid, and a vinous odour : but it may, perhaps, not be generally known that this kind of beer always affords a less proportion of alcohol than is produced from mild beer. The practice of bringing beer Adulteration of Beer. 14^ forward, it is to be understood, is resorted to only by fraudulent brewers,* If, on the contrary, the brewer has too large a stock of old beer on his hands, re* course is had to an opposite practice of converting stale, half-spoiled, or sour beer, into mild beer, by the simple admixture of an alkali, or an alkaline earth. Oyster- shell powder and subcarbonate of potash, or soda, are usually employed for that pur- pose. These substances neutralise the ex- cess of acid, and render sour beer some- what palatable. By this process the beer becomes very liable to spoil. It is the worst expedient that the brewer can practise : the beer thus rendered mild, soon loses its vinous taste ; it becomes va- pid ; and speedily assumes a muddy grey colour, and an exceedingly disagreeable taste. These sophistications maybe considered, at first, as minor crimes practised by fraud- ulent brewers, when compared with the methods employed by them for rendering beer noxious to health by substances abso- lutely injurious. * Mr Child, in his Treatise on Brewing, p. 23, directs, to make new beer older, use oil t>f vitriol, J N2 150 Adulteration of Beer, To increase the intoxicating quality of beer, the deleterious vegetable substance, called cocculus indicus, and the extract of this poisonous berry, technically called black extract, or, by some, hard multum, are employed. Opium, tobacco, nux vomi- ca, and extract of poppies, have also been used. This fraud constitutes by far the most censurable offence committed by unprinci- pled brewers; and it is a lamentable re- flection to behold so great a number of brewers prosecuted and convicted of this crime ; nor is it less deplorable to find the names of druggists, eminent in trade, im- plicated in the fraud, by selling the unlaw- ful ingredients to brewers for fraudulent purposes. Adulteration of Beer. lot List of Brewers prosecuted and convicted from 1813 to 1819, for receiving and using illegal Ingredients in their Brew- ings.* Richard Gardner, brewer, for using adulter- ating ingredients, 100/., judgment by default. Stephen Webi> and another, brewers, foi us- ing adulterating ingredients, and mixing strong and table beer, verdict 500/. Henry Wyatt, brewer, for using adultera- ting ingredients, verdict 400/. John Harbart, retailer, for receiving adulte- rating ingredients, verdict 150/. Philip Blake »nd others, brewers, for using adulterating ingredients, and mixing strong and table beer, verdict 250/. James Sneed, for receiving adulterating in- gredients, 25/. and costs. John Rewell and another, brewers, ditto, ver- dict 100/. John Swain and another, ditto, for using adulterating ingredients, verdict 200/. * Copied from the Minutes of the Commit- tee of the House of Commons appointed for examining the price and quality of beer, p. 39, 36. 15S Adulteration of Beer. John Ing, brewer, ditto, stayed on defendant's death. John Hall, ditto, for receiving adulterating ingitdients, 5/. and costs. John Webb, retailer, for using adulterating ingredients. Ralph F(g and another, brewers, for receiv- ing 'Mtl using adulterating ingredients John Gr..y, brewer, for using adulterating in- gredients, 300/. and costs. Richard Bowman, for using liquid in blad- der, supposed to bt extract of cocculus, 100/. Richard Bowman, brewer, for ditto, 100/. and costs. Septimus Stephens; brewer, for ditto, ver- dict 50/. Jame- Rogers and another, brewer, for ditto, 220/. and costs. George Moore, brewer, for using colouring, 300/. and costs. John Morris, for using adulterating ingre- dients. Webb and Ball, for using ginger, Guinea pepper, and brown powder, (name unknown), 1st. 100/. 2nd 500/. Henry CLrke, for using molasses, 150/. Kewell and Burrows, for using cocculus in- dia, multum, &c. 100/. AlLtson and Abraham, for using cocculus india, multum, and porter flavour, 630/. Swain and Sewell, lor using cocculus india, Guinea-opium, &c. 200/. Adulteration of Beer. 153 John Ing, for using cocculus india, hard colouring, and honey, dead. William Dean, for using molasses, 50/. John Cowell, for using Spanish-liquorice, an'! mixing table i.eer with strong beer, 50/. John Mitchell, for using cocculus india, vi- triol, ^nd Guinea pepper, left the country. Llovd and Man, for using extract of coccu- lus, 25/. John Gray, for using ginger, hartshorn shavings, and molasses, 300/. John Hoffman, for using molasses, Spanish juice, and mixing table with strong beer, 130/. Rogers and B'»on, for using extract of coc- culus. multum, porter flavour, ac. 220/. ---- Lietfeley, far using wormwood, corian- der setd. and Spanish juice, 200/. William, brewei, for using wormwood instejd of hops, 5/. and coats. That a minute portion of an unwholesome ingredient, daily taken in beer, cannot f.".l to be productive of mischief, admits of no doubt; and there is reasons to believe that a small quantity of a narcotic substance (and cocculus indicus is a powerful narcotic*), * The deleterious effect of Cocculus Indi- cus (the fruit of the memispermum cocculus) is owing to a peculiar bitter principle con- 154 Adulteration of Beer. daily taken into the stomach, together with an intoxicating liquor, is highly more effi- cacious than it would be without the liquor. The effect may be gradual; and a strong constitution, especially if it be assisted with constant and hard labour, may counteract the destructive consequences perhaps for many years; but it never fails to shew its baneful effects at last. Independent of this, if is a well-establised fact, that porter drinkers are very liable to apolexy and palsy, without taking this narcotic poison. If we judge from the preceding lists of prosecutions and convictions furnished by the Solicitor ofthe Excise*, it will be evident that many wholesale brewers, as well as re- tail dealers, stand very conspicuous among those offenders. But the reader will like- wise notice, that there are no convictions, in any instance, against any of the eleven tained in it; which, when swallowed in mi- nute quantities, intoxicates and acts as poison. It may be obtained from cocculus indicus ber- ries in a detached state:—chemists call it picrotoxin,from vu^os, bitter; and to^ikov, poi- son. * See Minutes of the House of Commons, p. 28, 36. Adulteration of Beer. 155 great London porter brewers* for any il- legal practice. The great London brew- ers, it appears, believe that the publicans alone adulterate the beer. That many of the latter have been convicted of this fraud, the Report of the Board of Excise amply shews.—See p. 129. The following statement relating to this subject, we transcribe from a Parliament- ary document :f Mr. Perkins being asked, whether he1 believed that any of the inferior brewers adtilteratedbeer, answered, " I am satisfied there are some, instances of that." Question.—" Do you believe publicans do ?" Answer.—" I believe they do." ^.—" To a great extent ?" A.—" Yes." @.—« Do you believe they adulterate the beer you sell them ?" A.—" I am satisfied * Messrs. Barclay, Perkins, and Co.—Tru- man, Hanbury and Co —Reid' and Co.—. Whitbread and Co.—Combe, Deh.field, and Co.—Henry Meux, and Co.—Calvert and Co. —Goodwin and Co.—Elliot and Co.—Taylor and Co.—Cox, and Camble and Co. See the Minutes, before quoted, p. 32. t Ibid. p. 58, 156 Adulteration of Beer. there are some instances of that."—Mr. J. Martineau* being asked the following Question.^—" In your judgment is any of the beer of the metropolis, as retailed to the publican, mixed with ahv deleterious ingredients ?" Answer.—" In retailing beer, in some instances, it has been." ^iiestion.—" By whom, in your opinion, has that been done ?" Answer.—" In that case by the publi- cans who vend it." On this point, it is but fair, to the minor brewers, to record also the answers of some officers of the revenue, when they were asked whether they considered it more dif- ficult to detect nefarious practices in large breweries than in small ones. Mr. J. Rogers being thus questioned in the Committee ofthe House of Commons,:}: " Supposing the large brewers to use dele- terious or any illegal ingredients to such an amount as could be of any importance to their concern, do you think it would, or * A partner in the brewery of Messrs. Whitbread and Co. t Minutes of the House of Commons, p. 104. | Minutes, before quoted, p. 22. Adulteration of Beer. 15^ Would not, be more easy to detect it in those large breweries, than in small ones ?" his answer was, " more difficult to detect it in the large ones :" and witness being asked to state the reason why, answered, " Their premises are so much larger, and there is so much more strength, that a cart load or two is got rid of in a minute or two." Witness " had known, in five mi- nutes, twenty barrels of molasses got rid of as soon as the door was shut." Another witness, W. Wells, an excise offi- cer,* in describing the contrivances used to prevent detection, stated, that at a brewer's, at Westham, the adulterating substances " were not kept on the premises, but in the brewer's house ; not the principal, but the working brewers ; it not being considered, when there, as liable to seizure : the brewer had a very large jacket made expressly for that purpose, with very large pockets ; and, on brewing mornings, he would take his pockets full of the different ingredients. Witness supposed that such a man's jacket, similar to what he had described, would convey quite sufficient for any brewery in England, as to cocculus indicus.91 * Minutes of the House of Commons, p. 40. o 158 Adulteration of Beer. That it may be more difficult for the officers of the excise to detect fraudulent practices in large breweries than in small ones, may be true to a certain extent: but what eminent London porter brewer would stake his reputation on the chance of so paltry a gain, in which he would inevitably be at the mercy of his own man? The eleven great porter brewers of this metro- polis are persons of so high respectability, that there is no ground for the slightest suspicion that they would attempt any ille- gal practices, which they were aware could not possibly escape detection in their ex- tensive establishments. And let it be re- membered, that none of them have been detected for any unlawful practices,* with regard to the processes of their manufacture, or the adulteration of their beer. METHOD OF DETECTING THE ADULTE- RATION OF BEER. The detection of the adulteration of beer with deleterious vegetable substances is beyond the reach of chemical analysis. The * Minutes of the House of Commons, p. 32. Adulteration of Beer. 159 presence of sulphate of iron (p. 134) may be detected by evaporating the beer to per- fect dryness, and burning away the vege- table matter obtained, by the action of chlorate of pot-ash in a red-hot crucible. The sulphate of iron will be left behind among the residue in the crucible, which when dissolved in water, may be assayed, for the constituent parts of the salt, namely, iron and sulphuric acid : for the former, by tincture of galls, ammonia, and prussiate of potash ; and for the latter, by muriate of barytes.* Beer, which has been rendered fraudu- lently hard (see p. 148) by the admixture of sulphuric acid, affords a white precipitate (sulphate of barytes), by dropping into it a solution of acetate or muriate of barytes ; and this precipitate, when collected by fil- tering the mass, and after having been dried, and heated red-hot for a few minutes in a platina crucible, does not disappear by the addition of nitric, or muriatic acid. Ge- nuine old beer may produce a precipitate ; but the precipitate which it affords, after * See a Treatise on the Use and Applica- tion of Chemical Tests, 3d edition ; Tests for Sulphuric Acid, &c. 160 Adulteration of Beer. having been made red-hot in a platina cru- cible, instantly becomes re-dissolved with effervescence by pouring on it some pure nitric or muriatic acid ; in that case the pre- cipitate is malate (not sulphate) of barytes, and is owing to a portion of malic acid having been formed in the beer. But with regard to the vegetable mate- rials deleterious to health, it is extremely difficult, in any instance, to detect them by chemical agencies; and in most cases it is quite impossible, as in that of cocculus in- dicus in beer. METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE QUANTITY OF SPIRIT CONTAINED IN PORTER, ALE, OR OTHER KINDS OF MALT LIQUORS. Take any quantity of the beer, put it in- to a glass retort, furnished with a receiver, and distil, with a gentle heat, as long as any spirit passes over into the receiver; which may be known by heating from time to time a small quantity of the obtained fluid in a tea-spoon over a candle, and bringing into contact with the vapour of it the flame of a piece of paper. If the vapour of the dis- tilled fluid catches fire, the distillation must be continued until the vapour ceases to be Adulteration of Beer. 161 set on fire by the contact of a flaming body. To the distilled liquid thus obtained, which is the spirit of the beer, combined with water, add, in small quantities at a time, pure subcarbonate of potash (previously freed from water by having been exposed to a red heat,) till the last portion of this salt added, remains undissolved in the fluid. The spirit will thus become separated from the water, because the subcarbonate of pot- ash abstracts from it the whole of the water which it contained ; and this combination sinks to the bottom, and the spirit alone floats on the top. If this experiment be made in a glass tube, about half or three- quarters of an inch in diameter, and gra- duated into 50 or 100 equal parts, the rela- tive per centage of spirit in a given quan- tity of beer may be seen by mere inspec- tion. 02 163 Adulteration of Beer. Quantity of Alcohol contained in Porter, Ale, and other kinds of Malt Liquors.^ One hundred parts, by Measure, Parts of Alcohol, contained. by Measure. Ale, home-brewed . . 8,30 Ale, Burton, three samples 6,25 Ale, Burton* . . . 8,88 Ale, Edinburgh* . . 6,20 Ale, Dorchester* . . 5,50 Ale, common London-brewed,") _ _ six samples . . j ' Ale, Scotch, three samples 5,75 Porter, London, eight samples 4,00 Ditto, Dittof . . . 4,20 Ditto, Dittof . . . 4,45 Ditto, Ditto, bottled . . 4,75 Brown Stout, four samples . 5 Ditto, Dittof . . . 6,80 Small Beer, six samples . 0,75 Ditto, Dittof . ' . . i?28 5 Repository of Arts, No. 2, p. 74.—1316. * Copied from Professor Brande's Paper in the Philosophical Transactions, 1811, p. 345. t Result of our own Experiments, see n. 127. l f Professor Brande's Experiments. 163 Counterfeit Tea-Leaves. The late detections that have been made respecting the illicit establishments for the manufacture of imitation tea leaves, arrest- ed, not long ago, the attention of the pub- lic ; and the parties by whom these manu- factories were conducted, together with the numerous venders of the factitious tea, did not escape the hand of justice. In proof of this statement, it is only necessary to con- sult the London newspapers (the Times and the Courier) from March to July 1818; which show to what extent this nefarious traffic has been carried on ; and they report also the prosecutions and convictions of nu- merous individuals who have been guilty of the fraud. The following are some of those prosecutions and convictions. Hatton Garden.—On Saturday au information came to be heard at this office, before Thomas Leach, Esq. the sitting ma- gistrate, against a man of the name of Ed- mund Rhodes, charged with having, on the 164 Counterfeit Tea. 12th of August last, dyed, fabricated, and manufactured, divers large quantities, viz. one hundred weight of sloe leaves, one hundred weight of ash leaves, one hundred weight of elder leaves, and one hundred weight of the leaves of a certain other tree, in imitation of tea, contrary to the statute ofthe 17th of Geo. III.* whereby the said Edmund Rhodes had, for every pound of such leaves so manufactured, forfeited the sum of 5l. making the total ofthe penalties amount to 2,000/. The second count in the information charged the said Rhodes with having in his possession the above quanti- ty of sloe, ash, elder, and other leaves, under the like penalty of 2,000/. The third count charged him with having, on the said 12th of August last, in his possession, divers quantities, exceeding six pounds weight of each respective kind of leaves; viz. fifty pounds weight of green sloe leaves, fifty pounds weight of green leaves of ash, fifty pounds weight of green leaves of elder, and fifty pounds weight of the green leaves of a certain other tree ; not having proved that such leaves were gathered with the * Also, 2 Geo. I, c. 30, § 5; and 4 Geo. II, c. 14, § 11. Counterfeit Tea. 165/ consent ofthe owners ofthe trees and shrubs from which they were taken, and that such leaves were gathered for some other use, and not for the purpose of manufacturing the same in imitation of tea ; whereby he had forfeited for each pound weight, the sum of 5/. amounting in the whole to 1,000/. ; and, in default of payment, in each case, subjected himself to be committed to the house of correction for not more than twelve months, nor less than six months. Mr. Denton, who appeared for the de- fendant, who was absent, said that he was a very poor man, with a family of five chil- dren, and was only the servant of the real manufacturer, and an ignorant man from the country, put into the premises to carry on the business, without knowing what the leaves were intended for. By direction of Mr. Mayo, who conducted the prosecution, several barrels and bags, filled with the imitation tea, were then brought into the office, and a sample from each handed round. To the eye they seemed a good imitation of tea. The defendant was convicted in the pe- nalty of 500/. on the second count. The Attorney-General against Palmer. ■—This was an action by the Attorney- General against the defendant, Palmer, 166 Counterfeit Tea. charging him with having in his possession a quantity of sloe-leaves and while-thorn leaves, fabricated into an imitation of tea. Mr. Dauncey stated the case to the jury, and observed that the defendant, Mr. Pal- mer, was a grocer. It would appear that a regular manufactory was established in Goldstone-street. The parties by whom the manufactory was conducted, was a per- son of the name of Proctor, and another person named J. Malins. They engaged others to furnish them with leaves, which, after undergoing a certain process, were sold to and drank by the public as tea. The leaves, in order to be converted into an' article resembling black tea, were first boil- ed, then baked upon an iron plate ; and, when dry, rubbed with the hand, in order to produce that curl which the genuine tea had. This was the most wholesome part ofthe operation ; for the colour, which was yet to be given to it, was produced by log- wood. The green tea was manufactured in a manner more destructive to the con- stitution of those by whom it was drank. The leaves, being pressed and dried, were laid upon sheets of copper, where they re- ceived their colour from an article known by the name of Dutch pink. The article used in producing the appearance of the Counterfeit Tea. 167 fine green bloom, observable on the China tea, was, however, decidedly a dead poi- son ! He alluded to verdigris, which was added to the Dutch pink in order to com- plete the operation. This was the case which he had to bring before the jury ; and hence it would appear, that, at the moment they were supposing they were drinking a pleasant and nutritious beverage, they were, in fact, in all probability, drinking the pro- duce of the hedges round the metropolis, prepared for the purposes of deception in the most noxious manner. He trusted he should be enabled to trace to the possession of the defendant eighty pounds weight of the commodity he had been describing. Thomas Jones deposed, that he knew Proctor, and was employed by him at the latter end of April, 1817, to gather black and white thorn leaves. Sloe leaves were the black thorn. Witness also knew John Malins,the son of William Malins, a coffee- roaster ; he did not at first know the pur- pose for which the leaves were gathered, but afterwards learnt they were to make imitation tea. Witness did not gather more than one hundred and a half weight of these leaves ; but he employed another person, of the name of John Bagster, to gather them. He had two-pence per found for them. 168 Counterfeit Tea. They were first boiled, and the water squeezed from them in a press. They were afterwards placed over a slow fire upon sheets of copper to dry ; while on the cop- per they were rubbed with the hand to curl them. At the time of boiling there was a little verdigris put into the water (this ap- plied to green tea only.) After the leaves were dried, they were sifted, to separate the thorns and stalks. After they were sifted, more verdigris and some Dutch- pink were added. The verdigris gave the leaves that green bloom observable on genuine tea. The black tea went through a similar course as the green, except the application of Dutch pink: a little verdigris was put in the boiling, and to this was added a small quantity of logwood to dye it, and thus the manufacture was complete. The drying ope- ration took place on sheets of iron. Witness knew the defendant, Edward Palmer; he took some of the mixture he had been de- scribing, to his shop. The first time he took some was in May, 1817. In the course of that month, or the beginning of June, he took four or five seven-pound parcels; when he took it there, it was taken up to the top of the house.. Witness afterwards car- ried some to Russell-street, which was taken Counterfeit Tea. 169 to the top of the house, about one hundred weight and three quarters ; from this quan- tity he carried fifty-three pounds weight to the house of the defendant's porter, by the desire of Mr. Malins ; it was in paper par- cels of seven pounds each. John Bagster proved that he had been employed by Malins and Proctor, to gather sloe and white-thorn leaves: they were taken to Jones's house, and from thence to Malin's coffee-roasting premises ; witness received two-pence per pound for them ; he saw the manufacturing going on, but did not know much about it: witness saw the leaves on sheets of copper, in Gold- stone-street. This was the case for the Crown.—Ver- dict for the Crown, 840/. The Attorney-General against John Prentice.—This was an information similar to the last, in which the defendant submit- ted to a verdict for the Crown. The Attorney-General against Lawson Holmes.—In this case the defendant sub- mitted to a verdict for the Crown. The Attorney-General against John Orkney.—Thomas Jones proved that the defendant was a grocer, and in the month of May last he carried to his shop seven pounds of imitation tea, by the order of P 170 Counterfeit Tea. John Malins, for which he received the money, viz. 15*. 9d. or 2*. 3d. per pound. The jury found a verdict for the Crown —Penalties 70/. The Attorney-General against James Gray.—The defendant submitted to a ver- dict for the Crown.—Penalties 120/. The Attorney-General against H. Gil- bert, and Powel.—These defendants sub- mitted to a verdict.—Penalties 140/. The Attorney-General against William Clarke.—This defendant also submitted to a verdict for the Crown. The Attorney-General against George David Bellis.—This defendant submitted to a verdict for the Crown. The Attorney-General against John Horner.—The defendant in this case was a grocer; it was proved by Jones that he received twenty pounds of imitation tea.— Verdict for the Crown.—Penalties 210/. The Attorney General against William Dowling.—This was a grocer. Jones proved that he delivered seven pounds of imitation tea at Mr. Dowling's house, and received the money for it, namely 15*. 9d. —Penalties 70/. 171 METHOD OF DETECTING THE ADULTERA- TIONS OF TEA. The adulteration of tea may be evinced by comparing the botanical characters of the leaves of the two respective trees, and by submitting them to the action of a few chemical tests. The shape of the tea-leaf is slender and narrow, as shewn in this sketch, the edges are deeply serrated, and the end or extremity is acutely pointed. The texture of the leaf is very delicate, its surface smooth and glossy, and its colour is a lively pale green. 172 Method of Detecting The sloe-leaf (and also the white-thorn leaf,) as shewn in this sketch, is more rounded, and the leaf is obtusely pointed. The serratures or jags on the. edges are not so deep, the surface of the leaf is more un- even, the texture not so delicate, and the colour is a dark olive green. These characters of course can be ob- served only after the dried leaves have been suffered to macerate in water for about twenty-four hours. The leaves of some sorts of tea may differ in size, but the shape is the same in all of them; because all the different kinds of tea imported from China, are the produce of one species of plant, and the difference be- tween the green and souchong, or black tea, depends chiefly upon the climate, soil, culture, age, and mode of drying the leaves. the Adulterations of Tea. 173 Spurious black tea,* slightly moistened, when rubbed on a sheet of white paper, im- mediately produces a blueish-black stain ; and speedily affords, when thrown into cold water, a blueish-black tincture, which in- stantly becomes reddened by letting fall into it, a drop or two of sulphuric acid. Two ounces of the suspected leaves should be infused in half-a-pint of cold, soft water, and suffered to stand for about an hour. Genuine tea produces an amber- coloured infusion, which does not become reddened by sulphuric acid. All the samples of spurious green tea (nineteen in number) which I have exa- mined, were coloured with carbonate of copper (a poisonous substance,) and not by means of verdigris, or copperas.f The * The examination of twenty-seven samples of imitation tt.< of different qualities, from the most costly, to the most common, which it fell to my lot 'o undertake, induces me to point out the ;>rks of sophistications here detailed, as the most simple and expeditious. t Mr Twining, an eminent tea-merchant, as»etts, that "the leaves of spurious tea are boiled in a copper, with copperas and sleep's dun?.—See Encyclop. Britan. vol. xviii. p. n 174 Method of Detecting latter substances would instantly turn the tea black; because both these metallic salts being soluble in water, are acted on by the astringent matter of the leaves, whether genuine or spurious, and convert the infu- sion into ink. Tea, rendered poisonous by carbonate of copper, speedily imparts to liquid ammo- nia a fine sapphire blue tinge. It is only necessary to shake up in a stopped vial, for a few minutes, a tea-spoonful of the sus- pected leaves, with about two table-spoons- ful of liquid ammonia, diluted with half its bulk of water. The supernatant liquid will exhibit a fine blue colour, if the mi- nutest quantity of copper be present. Green tea, coloured with carbonate of copper, when thrown into water impreg- nated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, im- mediately acquires a black colour. Genuine green tea suffers no change from the action of these tests. The presence of copper may be further rendered obvious, by mixing one part of the suspected tea-leaves, reduced to powder, 331. 1797. See also the History of the Tea Plant, p. 48.; and p. 167 of this Treatise. the Adulterations of Tea. 175 with two or three parts of nitrate of potash, (or with two parts of chlorate of potash,) and projecting this mixture by small por- tions at a time, into a platina, or porcelain- ware crucible, kept red-hot in a coal fire ; the whole vegetable matter ofthe tea leaves will thus become destroyed, and the oxide of copper left behind, in combination with the potash, of the nitrate of potash (or salt- petre,) or with the muriate of potash, if chlorate of potash has been employed. If water, acidulated with nitric acid, be then poured into the crucible to dissolve the mass, the presence of the copper may be rendered manifest by adding to the so- lution, liquid ammonia, in such quantity that the pungent odour of it predominates. 176 Counterfeit Coffee. The fraud of counterfeiting ground cof- fee by means of pigeon's beans and pease, is another subject which, not long ago, ar- rested the attention of the public : and from the numerous convictions of grocers prose- cuted for the offence, it is evident that this practice has been carried on for a long time, and to a considerable extent. The following statement exhibits some of the prosecutions, instituted by the Soli- citor of the Excise, against persons con- victed of the fraud of manufacturing spu- rious, and adulterating genuine coff-.e. Alexander Brady, a grocer, {Seep. 182) prosecuted and convicted of selling sham- coffee, said, " I have sold it for twenty years." Some of the persons prosecuted by the Solicitor of the Excise for this fraud, we might, at first sight, be inclined to be- lieve, were inconscious that the adulterating of genuine coffee with spurious substances was illegal; but this ignorance affords no excuse, as the Act ofthe 43 Geo. III. cap. Counterfeit Coffee, 177 129, explicitly states: " If after the first day of September, 1803, any burnt, scorched, or roasted pease, beans, or other grain, or vegetable substance or substances prepared or manufactured for the purpose of being in imitation of or in any respect to resem- ble coffee or cocoa, or to serve as a substi- tute for coffee or cocoa, or alleged or pre- tended by the possessor or vender thereof so to be, shall be made, or kept for sale, or shall be offered or exposed to sale, or shall be found in the custody or possession of any dealer or dealers in or seller or sellers of coffee, or if any burnt, scorched, or roast- ed pease, beans, or other grain, or vegeta- ble substance or substances not being coffee, shall be called by the preparer, manufac- turer, possessor, or vender thereof, by the name of English or British coffee, or any Other name of coffee, or by the name of American cocoa, or English or British co- coa, or any other name of cocoa, the same respectively shall be forfeited, together with the packages containing the same, and shall and may be seized by any officer or officers of Excise ; and the person or persons pre- paring, manufacturing, or selling the same, or having the same in his, her, or their cus- tody or possession, or the dealer or dealers in or seller or sellers of coffee or cocoa, in 178 Counterfeit Coffee. whose custody the same shall be found, shall forfeit and lose the sum of one hundred pounds." The Attorney-General against William Malins.—This was an information filed by the Attorney-Generalagainst the defendant, charging him, he being a dealer in coffee, with having in his possession a large quan- tity of imitation coffee, made from scorched pease and beans, resembling coffee, and in- tended to be sold as such, contrary to the statute of the 43d of the King, whereby he became liable to pay a fine of 100/. J. Lawes deposed that he had lived ser- vant with the defendant; he constantly roasted pease and beans, and ground them into powder. When so ground, the powder very much resembled coffee. Sometimes the sweepings of the coffee were thrown in among the pease and beans. Witness car- ried out this powder to several grocers in different parts of the town. Thomas Jones lived with the defendant. His occupation was roasting and grinding pease and beans. They looked, when ground, the same as coffee. Witness had seen Mr. John Malins sweep up the refuse coffee, and mix it with the pease and beans. He had taken out this mixture to grocers. J. Richardson, an excise-officer, deposed, Counterfeit Coffee. 179 that, in December 1817, he went to the premises of the defendant, and there seized four sacks, five tubs, and nine pounds in paper, of a powder made to resemble coffee. The quantity ground was 1,567 pounds ; it had all the appearance of coffee j and a little coffee being mixed with it, any com- mon person might be deceived. He also seized two sacks, containing 279 pounds of whole pease and beans roasted. Among the latter were some grains of coffee. The witness here produced samples of the arti- cles seized. John Lawes deposed, that the articles exhibited were such as he was in the habit of manufacturing while in Mr. Malins' em- ployment. The jury found a verdict for the Crown. —Penalty 100/. The King against Chaloner.—Mr. Cha- loner, a dealer in tea and coffee, was charged on the oaths of Charles Henry Lord and John Pearson, both Excise officers, with having in his possession, on the 17th of March, nine pounds of spurious coffee, con- sisting of burnt pease, beans, and gravel or sand, and a portion of coffee, and with sell- ing some of the same ; also with having in his possession seventeen pounds of vege- table powder, and an article imitating cof- 180 Counterfeit Coffee. fee, which contained not a particle of ge«* nuine coffee. The defendant was convicted in the pe- nalty of 90/. The King against Peether.—This was an information against Mr. Thomas Peether, tea and coffee dealer, charging him with haying in his possession a quantity of imi- tation coffee (or vegetable powder) on the 25th of April last. The case being proved by the evidence of several witnesses, the defendant was cocvicted in the penalty of 50/. The King against Topping__This was an information against Mr. John Lewis Top- ping, a dealer in tea and coffee, charging him with having thirty-seven pounds of ve- getable powder in his possession. The ar- ticle seized was produced to the commis- sioners ofthe Excise. The defendant was convicted in the penalty of 50/. The King against Samuel Hallett.—The defendant, Hallett, a grocer and dealer in tea and coffee, was charged with having seven pounds of imitation coffee in his possession. Charles Henry Lord, an officer of the Excise, being sworn, stated, that he and Spencer, an officer, went, on the 28th of Counterfeit Coffee. 181 February last, to the shop of the defendant, and asked for an ounce of coffee, at three halfpence per ounce. He received the same, and having paid for it, left the shop. He examined the article, and found it was part coffee, and part imitation coffee, or what the defendant called vegetable powder, which is nothing more nor less than burnt pease and beans ground in a mill. Spencer, the officer of the Excise, corro- borated the above evidence, and stated, that the sham-coffee seized at the defendant's house was shown to Mr. Joseph Hubbard, grocer, and tea and coffee dealer, in High- street, in the Borough of Southwark. Mr. Hubbard being sworn, stated, that he had examined the sham-coffee seized by the officers in the defendant's shop. The one ounce purchased by Lord, he knew to be nothing else than black pigeon's beans ; there was no coffee amongst it. The defendant was convicted in the pe- nalty of 50/. The King against Fox.—*Mr. Edward Fox, grocer, and dealer in tea and coffee, was charged with having a large quantity of sham-coffee in his possession, and with selling the same for genuine coffee. Henry Spencer, *n officer of the Excise, stated, that on the 21st of February he and Q 18S Counterfeit Coffee. Lord, another officer, went to the defen- dant's shop and purchased an ounce of cof- fee, for which he paid three halfpence. They examined it, and he was satisfied it was not genuine coffee; they purchased another ounce (which he produced to the commissioners of the Excise, who examin- ed it); they were convinced it consisted partly of coffee and beans and pease. The defendant, in his defence said, that the poor people wanted a low-price arti- cle ; and by mixing the vegetable powder and coffee together, he was able to sell it at three halfpence an ounce ; he had sold it for years ; he did it as a matter of accom- modation to the poor, who could not give a higher price j he did not sell it for ge- nuine coffee. Commissioner.—" Then you have been defrauding the public for many years, and injuring the revenue by your illicit prac- tices : the poor have an equal right to be supplied with as genuine an article as the rich." He was convicted in the penalty of 50/. The King against Brady.—The defend- ant, Mr. Alexander Brady, grocer, and dealer in tea and coffee, was charged with having, on the 28th of February last, in his possession eighteen pounds of sham-cof- fee, and selling the same for genuine coffee. Counterfeit Coffee. 183 Lord and Pearson, Excise officers, stated, that they purchased an ounce of coffee of the defendant, on the 28th of February, and upon examining it they discovered that it was made up of pease and beans, ground with a small quantity of coffee. They also found eighteen pounds of vegetable powder mixed with coffee, in a state prepared for \sale, wrapped in papers. One of the commissioners tasted some of the eighteen pounds of sham-coffee pro- duced by the officers, and declared that it was a most infamous stuff, and unfit for human food. Defendant.—." Why, I have sold it for twenty years." Commissioner.—" Then you have been for twenty years acting most dishonestly, defrauding the revenue ; and the health of the poor must have suffered very much by taking such an unwholesome article. Your having dealt in this article so long aggra- vates your case; you have for twenty years been selling burnt beans and pease for ge- nuine coffee.—You are convicted in the pe- nalty of 50/." The King against Bowser.—The excise officers stated, that on the 28th of February they went to his shop: he was a grocer, and dealer in tea and coffee ; they seized seven pounds and a half of vegetable pow- 18$ Counterfeit Coffee. der, which contained very little coffee, if any ; and also a quarter of a pound of cof- fee mixed with vegetable powder. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge, and prayed the court to mitigate the penalty. He was convicted in the pe- nalty of 50/. The King against Thomas Owen.-^-The defendant, an extensive dealer in tea and coffee, appeared to an information charging him with having in his possession, and sell- ing, a quantity of deleterious ingredients, and mixing them with coffee. Charles Henry Lord deposed, that on the 26th of February, he found, at the shop of the defendant, nineteen pounds of a composition consisting of beans and pease ground, and prepared so as to imitate cof- fee. He also discovered two pounds and a half of a mixture of coffee and vegetable powder. On the same day he proceeded to another shop of the defendant, and he there found five pounds more of the same stuff. Samples of the composition, in its mixed and unmixed state, were produced. Mr. Lawes addressed the commissioners on behalf of the defendant, in mitigation of punishment; for he did not mean to deny the offence. His client was a very young Counterfeit Coffee. 185 man, and had been most unfortunate in business. He was not aware until lately of the existence of any law by which it could be punished. The Commissioners observed, that they had a double duty to perform, namely, to protect the revenue from fraud, and to prevent the public from being imposed up- on and injured by ingredients served to them instead of the food they intended to purchase. The fraud upon the revenue was, in the estimation ofthe court, the least part of the offence. Under all the circum- stances, however, the court was inclined to be lenient to the defendant. He was convicted in the penalty of 50*. for each quantity of sham-coffee. Mr. Greely and Mr. William Dando were find 20/. each ; and Mr. Hirling and Mr. Terry were fined 90/. each for selling spurious coffee. The adulteration of ground coffee, with pease and beans, is beyond the reach of chemical analysis ; but it may, perhaps, not be amiss on this occasion to give to our readers a piece of advice given by a retired grocer to a friend, at no distant period :— " Never, my good fellow," he said, " pur- chase from a grocer any thing which pas- ses through his mill. You know not what Q2 186 Counterfeit Coffee. you get instead of the article you expect to receive—coffee, pepper, and all-spice, are all mixed with substances which de- tract from their own natural qualities."— Persons keeping mills of their own can at all times prevent these impositions. 187 Adulteration of Brandy, Rum, and Gin. By the Excise laws at present existing in this country, the various degrees' of strength of brandy, rum, arrack, gin, whis- .key, and other spiritous liquors, chiefly composed of little else than spirit of wine, are determined by the quantity of alcohol of a given specific gravity contained in the spiritous liquors of a supposed unknown strength. The great public importance of this subject in this country, where the con- sumption of spiritous liquors adds a vast sum to the public revenue, has been the means of instituting many very interesting series of experiments on this subject. The instrument used for that purpose by the Customs and officers of Excise, is called Sikes's hydrometer,* which has now su- * George III. c. xxviii. May 1818.—« An Act for establishing the use of Sikes's hydro- meter in ascertaining the strength of spirit, instead of Clark's hydrometer." 188 Adulteration of perseded the instrument called Clark's hy- drometer, heretofore in use. The specific gravity or strength of the legal standard spirit of the Excise, is tech- nically called proof'or proof spirit. " This liquor (not being spirit sweetened, or hav- ing any ingredient dissolved in it, to defeat the strength thereof,) at the temperature of 57° Faht. weighs exactly ||th parts of an equal measure of distilled water;" and with this spirit the strength of all other spiritous liquors are compared according to law. The strength of spirit stronger than proof 'or over proof, as it is termed by the revenue officers, is indicated by the bulk of water necessary to reduce a given volume of it, to the legal standard spirit, denomi- nated proof*— namely ; if one gallon of wa- ter be required to bring twenty gallons of brandy, rum, or any other spirit, to proof, that spirit is said so be 1 to 20 over proof. If one gallon of water be required to bring 15, 10, 5, or 2 gallons ofthe liquor to proof it is said to be 1 to 15, 1 to 10, 1 to 5, and 1 to 2, over proof . The strength of brandy, rum, arrack, gin, or other spiritous liquors, weaker than proof, or under proof, is estimated by the Spiritous Liquors. 189 quantity of water which would be necessary to abstract or bring the spirit up to proof. Thus, if from twenty gallons of brandy one gallon of water must be abstracted to bring it to proof, it is said to be 1 in 20 under proof. If from 15, 10, 5, or 2 gal- lons of the liquor, 1 gallon of water must be abstracted to bring it to proof, it is said to be 1 in 15, 1 in 10, 1 in 5, and 1 in 2 un- der proof. It is necessary to understand this absurd language, which is in use amongst the offi- cers of Excise and dealers in spirit, in (, order to know what is meant in commerce by the strength of spiritous liquors of dif- ferent denominations. And hence, for the ' business of the exciseman, a table has been constructed, expressing the strength or f cpecific gravity of mixtures of different pro- portions of spirit and water, at different de- grees of temperature ; and according to this table the duty on spirit is now levied. Brandy and rum is seizable, if sold by, or found in the possession of, the dealer, unless it possesses a certain strength.* The following are the words of the Act: * Sixteen and a half per cent, proof, ac- cording to Sikes's hydrometer. 190 Adulteration of " No distiller, rectifier,* compounder or dealer, shall serve or send out any foreign spirits, of a lower strength than that of l in 6 under hydrometer proof,f nor have in his possession anv foreign spirits mixed to- gether, except shrub, cherry or raspberry brandy, of lower strength than as aforesaid, upon pain of such spirits being forfeited ; and such spirits, with the casks and ves- sels containing the same, may be seized by any officer of Excise." We have, therefore, a ready check against the frauds of the dishonest dealers, in spi- ritous liquors. If the spirit merchant en- gages to deliver a liquor of a certain strength, the hydrometer is by far the most easy and expeditious check that can be adopted to guard against frauds of receiving a weaker liquor for a stronger one ; and to those individuals who are in the habit of purchasing large quantities of brandy, rum, or other spiritous liquors, the hydrometer renders the greatest service. For it is by no means an uncommon occurrence to meet with brandy, rum, and other spiritous li- quors, of a specific gravity very much be- low the pretended strength which the liquor ought to possess. * 30 Geo. III. c. 37, § 31. t According to Clarke's hydrometer. Spiritous Liquors. 191 The following advice given to his readers,* by the author of a Treatise on Brewing and Distilling, may serve to put the unwary on their guard against some of the frauds practised by mercenary dealers. " It is a custom among retailing distillers, which I have not taken notice of in this di- rectory, to put one-third or one-fourth part of proof molasses brandy, proportionably,to what rum they dispose of; which cannot be distinguished, but by an extraordinary palate, and does not at all lessen the body or proof of the goods ; but makes them about two shillings a gallon cheaper ; and must be well mixed and incorporated together in your retailing cask ; but you should keep some of the best rum, not adulterated, to please some customers, whose judgment and palate must be humoured." " When you are to draw a sample of goods to shew a person that has judgment in the proof, do not draw your goods into a phial to be tasted, or make experiment of the strength thereof that way, because the * Observations on Malted and Unmalted Corn, connected with Brewing and Distilling, p. 167; and Shannon on Brewing and Dis- tilling, p. 232, 233. 19& Adulteration of proof will not hold except the goods be ex- ceedingly strong ; but draw the pattern of goods either into a glass from the cock, to run very small, or rather draw off a small quantity into a little pewter pot and pour it into your glass, extending your pot as high above the glasses as you can without wasting it, which makes the goods carry a better head abundantly, than if the same goods were to be put and tried in a phial." " You must be so prudent as to make a distinction of the persons you have to deal with ; what goods you sell to gentlemen for their own use, who require a great deal of attendance, and as much for time of pay- ment, you must take a considerably greater price than of others ; what goods you sell to persons where you believe there is a manifest, or at least some hazard of your money, you may safely sell for more than common profit; what goods you sell to the poor, especially medicinally, (as many of your goods are sanative,) be as compas- sionate as the cases require." " All brandies, whether French, Spanish, or English, being proof goods, will admit of one point of liquor* to each gallon, to * Water*, Spiritous Liquors. 193 be made up and incorporated therewith in your cask, for retail, or selling smaller quantities ; and all persons that insist upon having proof goods, which not one in twenty understands, you must supply out of what goods are not so reduced, though at a higher price." Such is the advice given by Mr. Shan- non. The mode of judging by the taste of spiritous liquors is deceitful. A false strength is given to a weak liquor, by in- fusing in it acrid vegetable substances, or by adding to it a tincture of grains of pa- radise and Guinea pepper. These substan- ces impart to weak brandy or rum, an ex- tremely hot and pungent taste. Brandy and rum is also frequently so- phisticated with British molasses, or sugar- spirit, coloured with burnt sugar. The flavour which characterises French brandy, and which is owing to a small por- tion of a peculiar essential oil contained in it, is imitated by distilling British mo- lasses-spirit over wine lees ;* but the * This operation forms part of the business ofthe so-called brewers' druggists. It forms the article in their Price Currents, called Spirit Flavour. ■R 194 Adulteration of spirit, prior to being distilled over wine lees, is previously deprived, in part, of its peculiar disagreeable flavour, by rectifica- tion over fresh burnt charcoal and quick- lime. Other brandy-merchants employ a spirit obtained from raisin wine, which is suffered to pass into an incipient ascescency. The spirit thus procured partakes strongly of the flavour which is characteristic to foreign brandy. Oak saw-dust, and a spiritous tincture of raisin stones, are likewise used to impart to new brandy and rum a ripe taste, resem- bling brandy or rum long kept in oaken casks, and a somewhat oily consistence, so as to form a durable froth at its surface, when strongly agitated in a vial. The colour- ing substances are burnt sugar, or molasses ; the latter gives to imitative brandy a lusci- ous taste, and fulness in the mouth. These properties are said to render it particularly fit for the retail London customers. The following is the method of com- Wine lees are imported in this country for that purpose : they pay the same duty bS foreign wines. Spiritous Liquors. 195 pounding or making up, as it is technically called, brandy* for retail: Gallons "To ten puncheons of brandy 1081 Add flavoured raisin spirit - 118 Tincture of grains of paradise 4 Cherry laurel water - 2 Spirit of almond cakes - 2 1207 " Add also 10 handfuls of oak saw-dust; and give it complexion with burnt sugar." METHOD OF DETECTING THE ADULTER A- TIONS OF BRANDY, RUM, AND MALT SPIRIT. The false strength of brandy or rum is rendered obvious by diluting the suspected liquor with water; the acrimony of the capsicum, and grains of paradise, or pep- per, may then be readily discovered by the taste. The adulteration of brandy with British molasses, or sugar-spirit, becomes evident * Observations on M >lted and Unma;ted Co-n. connected with Brewing and Distilling, p. 167. 196 Adulteration of by rubbing a portion of the suspected brandy between the palms of the hands ; the spirit, as it evaporates, leaves the disagreeable flavour which is peculiar to all British spirits. Or the liquor may be deprived of its alcohol, by heating a por- tion in a spoon over a candle, till the vapour ceases to catch fire on the approach of a lighted taper. The residue thus obtain- ed, of genuine French brandy, possesses a vinous odour, still resembling the original flavour of the brandy, whilst the residue, produced from sophisticated brandy, has a peculiarly disagreeable smell, resembling gin, or the breath of habitual drunkards. Arrack is coarsely imitated by adding to rum a small quantity of pyroligneous acid and some flowers (acid) of benzoe. The compound thus produced, however, must be pronounced a bad one. The author of a very popular Cookery Book,* directs two scruples of benzoic acid to be dissolved in one quart of rum, to make u mock arrack." * Apicius Redivivus, 2d edition, p. 480. Spiritous Liquors. 197 MALT SPIRIT. Malt spirit, or gin, the favourite liquor of the lower order of people, which is cha- racterised by the peculiar flavour of juni- per berries, over which the raw spirit is distilled, is usually obtained from a mix- ture of malt and barley : sometimes both molasses and corn are employed, particu- larly if there be a scarcity of grain. But the flavour of whiskey, which is made from barley and oats, is owing to the malted grain being dried with peat, the smoke of which gives it the characteristic taste. The malt distiller is not allowed to fur- nish, under a heavy penalty, any crude or raw spirit to the rectifier or manufacturer of gin, of a greater strength than seven per cent, over proof. The rectifier who re- ceives the spirit from the malt distiller is not allowed, under a certain penalty, to sweeten the liquor with sugar or other sub- stances ; nor is he permitted to send out the spirit to his customers but of a certain strength, as is obvious from the following words of the Act: " No rectifier or compounder shall sell or send out any British brandy, British rec- R2 198 Adulteration of tified spirits, British compounds, or other British spirits, of greater strength than that of one in five under hydrometer proof*: and if he shall sell and send out any such spirits of a greater strength than that of one in five under hydrometer proof, such spirits, with the casks or vessels containing the same, shall be forfeited, and may be seized by any officer of Excise ; and he shall also forfeit treble the value of such spirit, or 50/. at the election of the King's attorney- general, or the person who shall sue for the same ; the single value of such spirits to be estimated at the highest London price.f" If we examine gin, as retailed, we shall soon be convinced that it is a custom, pretty prevalent amongst dealers, to weaken this liquor considerably with water, and to sweeten it with sugar. This fraud may readily be detected by evaporating a quan- tity of the liquor in a table-spoon over a candle, to dryness ; the sugar will thus be rendered obvious, in the form of a gum-like substance, when the spirit is volatilised. One hundred and twenty gallons of genuine gin, as obtained from the whole- * Clark's hydrometer. t 30 Geo. III. c. 37, § 6. Spiritous Liquors. 199 sale manufactories, are usually made up by fraudulent retailers, into a saleable com- modity, with fourteen gallons of water and twenty-six pounds of sugar. Now this di- lution of the liquor produces a turbidness ; because the oil of juniper and other flavour- ing substances which the spirit holds in so- lution, become precipitated by virtue of the water, and thus cause the liquor to as- sume an opaline colour : and the spirit thus weakened, cannot readily be rendered clear again by subsidence. Several expedients are had recourse to, to clarify the liquor in an expeditious manner ; some of which are harmless ; others are criminal, because they render the liquor poisonous. One of the methods, which is innocent, consists in adding to the weakened liquor, first, a portion of alum dissolved in water, and then a solution of sub-carbonate of pot- ash. The whole is stirred together, and left undisturbed for twenty-four hours. The precipitated alumine thus produced from the alum, by virtue of the sub-carbo- nate of potash, acts as a strainer upon the milky liquor, and carries down with it the finely divided oily matter which produced the blue colour of the diluted liquor. Roach, or Roman alum, is also employed, without any other addition, for clarify- ing spiritous liquors,, 200 Adulteration of " To reduce unsweetened Gin.* " A tun of fine gin - - 252 gallons «Water - 36 " Which added together make 288 gallons " The doctor is now put on, and it is further reduced with water - - - 19 " Which gives - Total - 307 gallons of gin. " This done, let 1 lb. of alum be just co- vered with water, and dissolved by boiling; rummage the whole well together, and pour in the alum, and the whole will be fine in a few hours." " To prepare and sweeten British Gin.] " Get from your distiller an empty pun- cheon or cask, which will contain about 133 gallpns. Then take a cask of clear rectified spirits, 120 gallons, of the usual strength as rectifiers sell their goods at, put the 120 gallons of spirits into your empty cask. * Shannon on Brewing and Distilling, p. 198. t Ibid. p. 199. Spiritous Liquors. 201 " Then take a quarter of an ounce of oil of vitriol, half an ounce of oil of almonds, a quarter of an ounce of oil of turpentine, one ounce of oil of juniper berries, half a pint of spirit of wine, and half a pound of lump sugar. Beat or rub the above in a mortar. When well rubbed together, have ready prepared half a gallon of lime water, one gallon of rose water; mix the whole in either a pail, or cask, with a stick, till every par- ticle shall be dissolved; then add to the foregoing, twenty-five pounds of sugar dis- solved in about nine gallons of rain or Thames water, or water that has been boil- ed, mix the whole well together, and stir them carefully with a stick in the 133 gal- lons cask. " To force down the same, take and boil eight ounces of alum in three quarts of water, for three quarters of an hour; take it from the fire, and dissolve by degrees six or seven ounces of salt of tartar. When the same is milk-warm pour it into your gin, and stir it well together, as before, for five minutes, the same as you would a butt of beer newly fined. Let your cask stand as you mean to draw it. At every time you purpose to sweeten again, that cask must be well washed out; and take great care never to shake your cask all the while it is drawing." 202 Adulteration of Another method of fining spiritous li- quors, consists in adding to it, first, a solu- tion of sub-acet.'te of lead, and then a solu- tion of alum. This practice is highly dan- gerous, because part of the sulphate of lead produced, remains dissolved in the liquor, which it thus renders poisonous. Unfor- tunately, this method of clarifying spirit- ous liquors, I have good reason to believe, is more frequently practised than the pre- ceding method, because its action is more rapid ; and it imparts to the liquor a fine complexion,or great refractive power; hence some vestiges of lead may often be detected in malt spirit. The weakened spirit is then sweetened with sugar, and, to cover the raw taste of the malt spirit, a false strength is given to it with grains of paradise, Guinea pepper, capsicum, and other acrid and aromatic substances. METHOD OF DETECTING THE PRESENCE OF LEAD IN SPIRITOUS LIQUORS. The presence of lead may be detected in spiritous liquors, as stated pages 70 and 86. The cordial called shrub frequently exhibits vestiges of copper. This contam- Spiritous Liquors. 808 ination, I have been informed, is acciden- tal, and originates from the metallic ves- sels employed in the manufacture of the liquor. METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE QUANTITY OF ALCOHOL IN DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPI- RITOUS LIQUORS. The quantity of real alcohol in any spi- ritous liquors may readily be ascertained by simple distillation, which process sepa- rates the alcohol from the water and fo- reign matters contained in the liquor. Put any quantity of brandy, rum, or malt spirit diluted with about one-fourth its bulk of water, into a retort fitted to a capacious receiver, and distil with a gentle heat. The strongest spirit distils over first into the receiver, and the strength of the obtained products decreases, till at last it contains so much water as no longer to be inflam- mable by the approach of a lighted taper, when held in a spoon over a candle (see p. 160.) If the process be continued, the dis- tilled product becomes milky, scarcely spi- ritous to the smell, and of an acidulous taste. The distilling operation may then be discontinued. If the first, fourth, or third S04 Adulteration of part of the distilled product has been set apart, it will be found a moderately strong alcohol, and the remainder one more di- luted. If the whole distilled spirit be mixed with perfectly dry subcarbonate of potash, the alcohol will float at the top of the pot- ash, as stated, p. 161 ; it will separate into two distinct fluids. If the decanted alcohol be redistilled carefully with a very gentle heat, over a small portion of dry quick lime, or muriate of lime, it will be obtained extremely pure, and of a specific gravity of about 825, at 60° of temperature. Its fla- vour will vary according to the kind of spiritous liquor from which it is obtained. Spiritous Liquors. 205 Table exhibiting the Per Centage of Alco- hol (of 825 specifc gravity J contained in various kinds of Spiritous Liquors.* Proportion of Alcohol per Cent. by Measure. Brandy, Cogniac, average") „ proportion of 4 samples J » Ditto, Bourdeaux, ditto ditto [54,50 Ditto, Cette .... 53,00 Ditto, Naples, average of 3 "J - samples J ' Ditto, Spanish average of 61 _ 2g samples J ' Rum . 53,68 Ditto, Leeward, average of") 53 00 9 samples J ' Scotch Whiskey, average of 1 _, -Q 6 samples J * Irish Ditto, average of 41 _, 2- samples J ' Arrack, Batavia . . . 49,50 Dutch Geneva . . . 52,25 Gin (Hodges's,f) 3 samples,"! procured from retail deal- V 48,25 ers J Ditto (Ditto,)f procured") __ 3_ from the manufacturer J ' * Repository of Arts, p. 350, Dec. 1819. t Own Experiment. s 206 Poisonous Cheese. Several instances have come under my notice in which Gloucester cheese has been contaminated with red lead, and has pro- duced serious consequences on being taken into the stomach. In one poisonous sample which it fell to my lot to investigate, the evil had been caused by the sophistication of the anotta, employed for colouring cheese. This substance was found to con- tain a portion of red lead ; a method of so- phistication which has lately been confirm- ed by the following fact, communicated to the public by Mr. J. W. Wright, of Cam- bridge.* " As a striking example of the extent to which adulterated articles of food may be unconsciously diffused, and of the conse- quent difficulty of detecting the real fabri- cators of them, it may not be uninteresting * Repository of Arts, vol. viii. No. 47, p 2§2. Poisonous 207 to relate to your readers the various steps by which the fraud of a poisonous adulte- ration of cheese was traced to its source. " Your readers ought here to be told, that several instances are on record, that Gloucester and other cheeses have been found contaminated with red lead, and that this contamination has produced serious consequences. In the instance now alluded to, and probably in all other cases, the de- leterious mixture had been caused igno- rantly, by the adulteration of the anotta employed for colouring the cheese. This substance, in the instance I shall relate, was found to contain a portion of red lead; a species of adulteration which subsequent experiments have shewn to be by no means uncommon. Before I proceed further to trace this fraud to its source, I shall briefly relate the circumstance which gave rise to its detection. " A gentleman, who had occasion to re- side for some time in a city in the West of England, was one night seized with a dis- tressing but indescribable pain in the re- gion of the abdomen and of the stomach, accompanied with a feeling of tension, which occasioned much restlessness, anxi- ety, and repugnance to food. He began to apprehend the access of an inflammatory 308 Poisonous Cheese. disorder; but in twenty-four hours the symptoms entirely subsided. In four days afterwards he experienced an attack pre- cisely similar ; and he then recollected, that having, on both occasions, arrived from the country late in the evening, he had ordered a plate of toasted Gloucester cheese, of which he had partaken heartily; a dish which, when at home, regularly served him for supper. He attributed his illness to the cheese. The circumstance was mentioned to the mistress of the inn* who expressed great surprise, as the cheese in question was not purchased from a country dealer, but from a highly respect- able shop in London. He, therefore, as- cribed the before-mentioned effects to some peculiarity in his constitution. A few days afterwards he partook of the same cheese; and he had scarcely retired to rest, when a most violent cholic seized him, which last- ed the whole night and part ofthe ensuing day. The cook was now directed hence- forth not to serve up any toasted cheese, and he never again experienced these dis- tressing symptoms. Whilst this matter was a subject of conversation in the house, a servant-maid mentioned that a kitten had been violently sick after having eaten the rind cut off from the cheese pre- Poisonous Cheese. 209 pared for the gentleman's supper. The landlady, in consequence of this statement, ordered the cheese to be examined by a chemist in the vicinity, who returned for answer, that the cheese was contaminated with lead ! So unexpected an answer ar- rested general attention, and more particu- larly as the suspected cheese had been served up for several other customers. " Application was therefore made by the London dealer to the farmer who manu- factured the cheese : he declared that he had bought the anotta of a mercantile tra- veller, who had supplied him and his neigh- bours for years with that commodity, with- out giving occasion to a single complaint. On subsequent inquiries, through a circui- tous channel, unnecessary to be detailed here at length, on the part of the manufac- turer of the cheese, it was found, that as the supplies of anotta had been defective and of inferior quality, recourse had been had to the expedient of colouring the com- modity with vermilion. Even this admix- ture could not be considered deleterious. But on further application being made to the druggist who sold the article, the an- swer was, that the vermilion had been mixed with a portion of red lead ; and the de- ception was held to be perfectly innocent, S2 210 Poisonous Cheese. as frequently practised on the supposition, that the vermilion would be used only as a pigment for house-painting. Thus the druggist sold his vermilion in the regular way of trade, adulterated with red lead to increase his profit, without any suspicion of the use to which it would be applied; and the purchaser who adulterated the an- notta, presuming that the vermilion was genuine, had no hesitation in heightening the colour of his spurious anotta with so harmless an adjunct. Thus, through the circuitous and diversified operations of commerce, a portion of deadly poison may find admission into the necessaries of life, in a way which can attach no criminality to the parties through whose hands it has successively passed." This dangerous sophistication may be detected by macerating a portion of the suspected cheese in water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen, acidulated with muriatic acid ; which will instantly cause the cheese to assume a brown or black colour, if the minutest portion of lead be present. 211 Counterfeit Pepper. Black pepper is the fruit of a shrubby creeping plant, which grows wild in the East Indies, and is cultivated, with much advantage, for the sake of its berries, in Java and Malabar. The berries are ga- thered before they are ripe, and are dried in the sun. They become black and cor- rugated on the surface. This factitious pepper-corns have of late been detected mixed with genuine pepper, is a fact sufficiently known.* Such an adul- teration may prove, in many instances of household economy, exceedingly vexatious and prejudicial to those who ignorarrtly make use of the spurious article. I have examined large packages of both black and white pepper, by order of the Excise, and have found them to contain about 16 per cent, of this artificial compound. The spu- * Thomson's Annals of Chemistry, 1816 ; also Repobitory of Arts, vol. i. 1816, p. 11. 212 Counterfeit Pepper. rious pepper is made up of oil cakes (the residue of lintseed, from which the oil has been pressed,) common clay, and a por- tion of Cayenne pepper, formed in a mass, and granulated by being first pressed through a sieve, and then rolled in a cask. The mode of detecting the fraud is easy. It is only necessary to throw a sample of the suspected pepper into a bowl of water; the artificial pepper-corns fall to powder, whilst the true pepper remains whole. Ground pepper is very often sophisticated by adding to a portion of genuine pepper, a quantity of pepper dust, or the sweepings from the pepper warehouses, mixed with a little Cayenne pepper. The sweepings are known, and purchased in the market, under the name of P. D. signifying pepper dust. An inferior sort of this vile refuse, or the sweepings of P. D. is distinguished among venders by the abbreviation of D. P. D. denoting, dust (dirt) of pepper dust. The adulteration of pepper, and the mak- ing and selling commodities in imitation of pepper, are prohibited, under a severe pe- nalty. '1 he following are the words of the Act :* * George III. c. 53, § 21, 1819. Counterfeit Pepper. 213 ? A/id whereas commodities made in imitation of pepper have of late been sold and found in the possession of various deal- ers in pepper, and other persons in Great Britain ; be it therefore enacted, that from and after the said 5th day of July, 1819, if any commodity or substance shall be pre- pared by any person in imitation of pepper, shall be mixed with pepper, or sold or de- livered as and for, or as a substitute for, pepper, or if any such commodity or sub^ stance, alone or mixed, shall be kept for sale, sold, or delivered, or shall be offered or exposed to sale, or shall be in the custody or possession of any dealer or seller of pep- per, the same, together with all pepper with which the same shall be mixed, shall be forfeited, with the packages containing the same, and shall and may be seized by any officer of excise ; and the person preparing, manufacturing, mixing as aforesaid, selling, exposing to sale, or delivering the same, or having the same in his, her, or their custody or possession, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds." WHITE PEPPER. The common white pepper is factitious, being prepared, from the black pepper in 214 Counterfeit Pepper. the following manner :—The pepper is first steeped in sea water and urine, and then exposed to the heat of the sun for several days, till the rind or outer bark loosens ; it is then taken out of the steep, and, when dry, it is rubbed with the hand till the rind falls off. The white fruit is then dried, and the remains of the rind blown away like chaff. A great deal of the peculiar flavour and pungent hot taste of the pepper is taken off by this process. White pepper is al- ways inferior in flavour and quality to the black pepper. However, there is a sort of native white pepper, produced on a species of the pepper plant, which is much better than the facti- tious, and indeed little inferior to the com- mon black pepper. 215 Poisonous Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne pepper is an indiscriminate mixture of the powder of the dried pods of many species of capsicum, but especially of the capsicum frutescens, or bird pepper, which is the hottest of all. This annual plant, a native of South Ame- rica, is cultivated in large quantities in our West-India islands, and even frequently in our gardens, for the beauty of its pods, which are long, pointed, and pendulous, at first of a green colour, and, when ripe, of a bright orange red. They are filled with a dry loose pulp, and contain many small, flat, kidney-shaped seeds. The taste of capsicum is extremely pungent and acri- monious, setting the mouth, as it were, on fire. The principle on which its pungency de- pends, is soluble in water and in alcohol. It is sometimes adulterated with red lead, to prevent it becoming bleached on expo- sure to light. This fraud may be readily detected by shaking up part of it in a stop- 216 Counterfeit Pepper. ped vial containing water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, which will cause it speedily to assume a dark muddy black colour. Or the vegetable matter of the pepper may be destroyed, by throwing a mixture of one part of the suspected pep- per and three of nitrate of potash (or two of chlorate of potash) into a red-hot cruci- ble, in small quantities at a time. The mass left behind may then be digested in weak nitric acid, and the solution assayed for lead by water impregnated with sul- phuretted hydrogen. 217 Poisonous Pickles. Vegetable substances, preserved in the state called pickles, by means of the anti- septic power of vinegar, whose sale fre- quently depends greatly upon a fine lively green colour; and the consumption of which, by sea-faring people in particular, is prodigious, are sometimes intentionally coloured by means of copper. Gerkins, French beans, samphires, the green pods of capsicum, and many other pickled vege- table substances, oftener than is perhaps expected, are met with impregnated with this metal. Numerous fatal consequences are known to have ensued from the use of these stimulants of the palate, to which the fresh and pleasing hue has been imparted according to the deadly for mulct laid down in some modern cookery books, such as boiling the pickles with half-pence, or suf- fering them to stand for a considerable pe- riod in brazen vessels. T 218 Poisonous Pickles. Dr. Percival* has given an account of " a young lady who amused herself, while her hair was dressing, with eating sam- phire pickles impregnated with copper. She soon complained of pain in the sto- mach ; and, in five days, vomiting com- menced, which was incessant for two days. After this, her stomach became prodi- giously distended; and, in nine days after eating the pickles, death relieved her from her suffering.', Among many recipes which modern au- thors of cookery books have given for imparting a green colour to pickles, the following are particularly deserving of censure ; and it is to be hoped that they will be suppressed in future editions of the works. «* To Pickle Gerkins.]—" Boil the vine- gar in a bell-metal or copper pot; pour it boiling hot on your cucumbers." " To make greening.^.—kt Take a bit of verdigris, the bigness of a hazel-nut, fine- ly powdered; half-a-pint of distilled vine- * Medical Transactions, vol. iv. p. 80. f T;.e Ladies' Library, vol. ii. p. 203. \ Mo.ern Cookery, or the English House- wife—2d edition, p. 94. Poisonous Pickles. 218 gar, and a bit of alum powder, with a little bay salt. Put all in a bottle, shake it, and let it stand till clear. Put a small tea- spoonful into codlings, or whatever you wish to green." Mrs. E. Raffald* directs, "to render pickles green, boil them with halfpence, or allow them to stand for twenty-four hours in copper or brass pans." To detect the presence of copper, it is only necessary to mince the pickles, and to pour liquid ammonia, diluted with an equal bulk of water, over them in a stopped phi- al: if the pickles contain the minutest quantity of copper, the ammonia assumes a blue colour. * * The English Housekeeper, p. 352, 354. 220 Adulteration of Vinegar. Vinegar, as prepared in this country, from malt, should be of a pale brown co- lour, perfectly transparent, of a pleasant, somewhat pungent, acid taste, and fragrant odour, but without any acrimony. From the mucilaginous impurities which malt vine- gar always contains, it is apt, on exposure to air, to become turbid and ropy, and at last vapid. The inconvenience is best ob- viated by keeping the vinegar in bottles completely filled and well corked ; and it is of advantage to boil it in the bottles a few minutes before they are corked. Vinegar is sometimes largely adulterated with sulphuric acid, to give it more acidity. The presence of this acid is detected, if, on the addition of a solution of acetate of ba- rytes, a white precipitate is formed, which is insoluble in nitric acid, after having been made red-hot in the fire. (See p. 159.) With the same intention, of making the vinegar appear stronger, different acrid vegetable substances are infused in it. This fraud is Adulteration of Vinegar. 221 difficult of detection ; but when tasted with attention, the pungency of such vinegar will be found to depend rather on acrimony than acidity. Distilled vinegar, which is employed for various purposes of domestic economy, is frequently distilled, not in glass, as it ought to be, but in common stills with a pewter pipe, whence it cannot fail to ac- quire a metallic impregnation. One ounce, by measure, should dissolve at least thirteen grains of white marble. It should not form a precipitate on the addition of a solution of acetate of barytes, or of water saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen. The former circumstance shews, that it is adulterated with sulphuric acid; and the latter indicates a metal. The metallic impregnation is best ren- dered obvious by sulphuretted hydrogen, in the manner stated, page 69. The dis- tilled vinegar of commerce usually contains tin, and not lead, as has been asserted. T 2 222 Adulteration of Cream, Cream is often adulterated with rice powder or arrow root. The former is fre- quently employed for that purpose by pas- try cooks, in fabricating creams and cus- tards, for tarts, and other kinds of pastry. The latter is often used in the London dairies. Arrow-root is preferable to rice powder; for, when converted with milk into a thick mucilage by a gentle ebullition, it imparts to cream, previously diluted with milk, a consistence and apparent richness, by no means unpalatable, without materially impairing the taste of the cream. The arrow-root powder is mixed up with a small quantity of cold skimmed milk into a perfect, smooth, uniform mixture ; more milk is then added, and the whole boiled for a few minutes, to effect the solution of the arrow-root: this compound, when per- fectly cold, is mixed up with the cream. From 220 to 230 grains, (or three large tea-spoonfuls) of arrow root are added to one pint of milk ; and one part of this solu- Adulteration of Cream. 223 tion is mixed with three of cream. It is scarcely necessary to state that this sophis- tication is innocuous. The fraud may be detected by adding to a tea spoonful of the sophisticated cream a few drops of a solution of jodine in spirit of wine, which instantly produces with it a dark blue colour. Genuine cream acquires, by the addition of this test, a faint yellow tinge. 221 Poisonous Confectionery. In the preparation of sugar plums, com- fits, and other kinds of confectionery, espe- cially those sweetmeats of inferior qua- lity frequently exposed to sale in the open streets, for the allurement of children, the grossest abuses are committed. The white comfits, called sugar pease, are chiefly composed of a mixture of sugar, starch, and Cornish clay (a species of very white pipe-clay ;) and the red sugar drops are usu- ally coloured with the inferior kind of ver- milion. The pigment is generally adul- terated with red lead. Other kinds of sweetmeats are sometimes rendered poison- ous by being coloured with preparations of copper. The following account of Mr. Miles* may be advanced in proof of this statement . " Some time ago, while residing in the * Philosoph. Mag. No. 258, vol. 54. 1819. j.317. Poisonous Confectionery. 225 house of a confectioner, I noticed the co- louring of the green fancy sweetmeats be- ing done by dissolving sap-green in brandy. Now sap-green itself, as prepared from the juice of the buckthorn berries, is no doubt a harmless substance ; but the manufactu- rers of this colour have for many years past produced various tints, some extremely bright, which there can be no doubt are effected by adding preparations of copper. " The sweetmeats which accompany these lines you will find exhibit vestiges of being contaminated with copper.—The practice of colouring these articles of con- fectionery should, therefore, be banished : ; the proprietors of which are not aware of ! the deleterious quality of the substances employed by them." ; The foreign conserves, such as small green limes, citrons, hop-tops, plums, an- gelica roots, &c. imported into this country, and usually sold in round chip boxes, are frequently impregnated with copper. The adulteration of confitures by means of clay, may be detected by simply dis- solving the comfits in a large quantity of boiling water. The clay, after suffering the mixture to stand undisturbed for a few days, will fall to the bottom of the vessel; and on decanting the clear fluid, and suffer- 226 Poisonous Confectionery. ing the sediment to become dry gradually, it may be obtained in a separate state. If the adulteration has been effected by means of clay, the obtained precipitate, on ex- posure to a red heat in the bowl of a common tobacco-pipe, acquires a brick hardness. The presence of copper may be detected by pouring over the comfits liquid ammo- nia, which speedily acquires a blue colour, if this metal be present. The presence of lead is rendered obvious by water impreg- nated with sulphuretted hydrogen, acidu- lated with muriatic acid (see p. 69,) which assumes a dark brown or black colour, if lead be present. 227 Poisonous Catsup. • This article is very often subjected to one of the most reprehensible modes of adulteration ever devised. Quantities are daily to be met with, which, on a chemical examination, are found to abound with cop- per. Indeed, this condiment is often no- thing else than the residue left behind after , the process employed for obtaining distill- ' ed vinegar, subsequently diluted with ade- ■ coction of the outer green husk of the wal- nut, and seasoned with all-spice, Cayenne pepper, pimento, onions, and common salt. The quantity of copper which we have, more than once, detected in this sauce, used for seasoning, and which, on account of its cheapness, is much resorted to by ! people in the lower walks of life, has ex- \ 'ceeded the proportion of lead to be met with in other articles employed in domes- tic economy. The following account of Mr. Lewis* on * Literary Chronicle, N). 24, p. 379, 228 Poisonous Catsup. this subject, will be sufficient to cause the public to be on their guard. " Being in the habit of frequently pur- chasing large quantities of pickles and other culinary sauces, for the use of my establishment, and also for foreign trade, it fell lately to my lot to purchase from a manufacturer of those commodities a quan- tity of walnut catsup, apparently of an ex- cellent quality ; but, to my great surprise, I had reason to believe that the article might be contaminated with some delete- rious substance, from circumstances which happened in my business as a tavern keep- er, but which are unnecessary to be detail- ed here ; and it was this that induced me to make inquiry concerning the compound- ing of the suspected articles. u The catsup being prepared by boiling in a copper, as is usually practised, the outer green shell of walnuts, after having been suffered to turn black on exposure to air, in combination with common salt, with a portion of pimento and pepper-dust, in common vinegar, strengthened with some vinegar extract, left behind as residue in the still of vinegar manufacturers ; I there- fore suspected that the catsup might be im- pregnated with some copper. To convince myself of this opinion. I boiled down t© Poisonous Catsup. 229 dryness a quart of it in a stone pipkin, which yielded to me a dark brown mass. I put this mass into a crucible, and kept it in a coal fire, red-hot, till it became reduced to a porous black charcoal; on urging the heat with a pair of bellows, and stirring the mass in the crucible with the stem of a to- bacco-pipe, it became, after two hours' ex- posure to an intense heat, converted into a greyish-white ash ; but no metal could be discriminated amongst it. I now poured upon it some aqua fortis, which dissolved nearly the whole of it, with an efferves- cence ; and produced, after having been suffered to stand, to let the insoluble portion subside, a bright grass-green solution, of a strong metallic taste ; after immersing into this solution the blade of a knife, it became instantly covered with a bright coat of cop- per. " The walnut catsup was therefore evi- dently strongly impregnated with copper. On informing the manufacturer of this fact, he assured me that the same method of preparing the liquor was generally pursued, and that he had manufactured the article in a like manner for upwards of twenty vears. " Such is the statement I wish to com- municate ; and if you will allow it a place 230 Poisonous Catsup. in your Literary Chronicle, it may perhaps tend to put the unwary on their guard against the practice of preparing this sauce by boiling it in a copper, which certainly may contaminate the liquor, and render it poisonous." 231 Poisonous Custard. The leaves of the cherry laurel, prunus lauro-cerasus, a poisonous plant, have a nutty flavour, resembling that of the ker- nels of peach-stones, or of bitter almonds, which to most palates is grateful. These leaves have for many years been in use among cooks, to communicate an almond or kernel-like flavour to custards, puddings, creams, blane-mange, and other delicacies of the table. It has been asserted, that the laurel poi- son in custards and other articles of cook- ry is, on account of its being used in very small quantities, quite harmless. To re- fute this assertion, numerous instances might be cited; and, among them, a recent one, in which four children suffered most severely from partaking of custard flavour- ed with the leaves of this poisonous plant. u Several children at a boarding-school, in the vicinity of Richmond, having par- taken of some custard flavoured with the leaves of the cherry laurel, as is frequently 232 Poisonous Custard. practised by cooks, four of the poor inno- cents were taken severely ill in conse- quence. Two of them, a girl six years of age, and a boy of five years old, fell into a profound sleep, out of which they could not be roused. "Notwithstanding the various medical exertions used, the boy remained in a stu- por ten hours ; and the girl nine hours ; the other two, one of which was six years old, a girl, and a girl of seven years, com- plained of severe pains in the epigastric region. They ail recovered, after three days' illness. I am anxious to communi- cate to you this fact, being convinced that your publication is read at all the scholas- tic establishments in this part of the coun- try. I hope you will allow these lines a corner in your Literary Chronicle, where they may contribute to put the unwary on their guard, against the deleterious effects of flavouring culinary dishes with that baneful herb, the Cherry Laurel. u I am, with respect, your's, Sir, " Thomas Lidiard."* * Literary Chronicle, No. 22, p. 348__1819. Poisonous Custard. 283 What person of sense or prudence, then, would trust to the discretion of an ignorant cook, in mixing so dangerous an ingredient in his puddings and creams ? Who but a maniac would choose to season his victuals with poison ? The water distilled from cherry laurel leaves is frequently mixed with brandy and other spiritous liquors, to impart to them the flavour of the cordial called noyeau, (see also page 195.) This fluid, though long in frequent use as a flavouring substance, was not known to be poisonous until the 3 ear 1728 ; when the sudden death of two women, in Dublin, drinking some of the common dis- tilled cherry laurel water, demonstrated its deleterious nature. tf 2 234 Poisonous Anchovy Sauce. Several samples which we have ex- amined of this fish sauce have been found contaminated with lead. The mode of preparation of this fish sauce, consists in rubbing down the broken anchovy in a mortar: and this triturated mass, being of a dark brown colour, re- ceives, without much risk of detection, a certain quantity of Venetian red, added for the purpose of colouring it, which, if ge- nuine, is an innocent colouring substance : but instances have occurred of this pigment having been adulterated with orange lead, which is nothing else than a better kind of minium, or red oxide of lead. The fraud may be detected, as stated p. 229. The conscientious oilmen, less anxious with respect to colour, substitute for this poison the more harmless pigment, called Armenian bole. The following recipe for making this fish sauce is copied from Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias, p. 241. Poisonous Anchovy Sauce. 235 " Anchovies, 2 lbs. to 4 lbs. and a half; pulp through a fine hair sieve ; boil the bones with common salt, 7 oz. in water 6 lbs. ; strain; add flour 7 oz. and the pulp of the fish ; boil; pass the whole through the sieve; colour with Venetian red to your fancy. It should produce one gallon." 236 Adulteration of Lozenges. Lozenges, particularly those into the composition of which substancss enter that are not soluble in water, as ginger, cremor tartar, magnesia, &c, are often sophisti- cated. The adulterating ingredient is usu- ally pirje^lay, of which a liberal portion is substituted for sugar. The following detection of this fraud was lately made by Dr. T. Lloyd.* " Some ginger lozenges having lately fallen into my hands, I was not a little sur- prised to observe, accidentally, that when thrown into a coal fire, they suffered but little change. If one of the lozenges was laid on a shovel, previously made red-hot, it speedily took fire ; but, instead of burn- ing with a blaze and becoming converted into a charcoal, it took fire, and burnt with a feeble flame for scarcely half a minute, and there remained behind a stony hard substance, retaining the form of the lozenge. This unexpected result led me to examine • Literary Gazette, No. 146. Adulteration of Lozenges. 237 these lozenges, which were bought at a re- spectable chemist's shop in the city ; and I soon became convinced, that, in the prepa- ration of them, a considerable quantity of common pipe-clay had been substituted for sugar. On making a complaint about this fraud at the shop where the article was sold, I was informed that there were two kinds of ginger lozenges kept for sale, the one at three-pence the ounce, and the other at six-pence per ounce ; and that the article furnished to me by mistake was the cheaper commodity : the latter were distinguished by the epithet verum, they being composed of sugar and ginger only ; but the former were manufactured partly of white Cornish clay, with a portion of sugar only, with gin- ger and Guinea pepper. I was likewise informed, that of Tolu lozenges, pepper- mint lozenges and ginger pearls, and seve- ral other sorts of lozenges, two kinds were kept; that the reduced articles, as they were called, were manufactured for those very clever persons in their own conceit, who are fond of haggling, and insist on buying better bargains than other people, shutting their eyes to the defects of an ar- ticle, so that they can enjoy the delight of getting it cheap ; and, secondly for those persons, who being but bad paymasters, 238 Adulteration of Lozenges. yet, as the manufacturer, for his own cre- dit's sake, cannot charge more than the usual price of the articles, he thinks himself therefore authorised to adulterate it in va- lue, to make up for the risk he runs, and the long credit he must give." The comfits called ginger pearls, are frequently adulterated with clay. These frauds may be detected in the manner stated, page 225. 239 Poisonous Olive Oil. This commodity is sometimes contam- inated with lead, because the fruit which yields the oil is submitted to the action of the press between leaden plates ; and it is, moreover, a practice (particularly in Spain) to suffer the oil to become clear in leaden cisterns, before it is brought to market for sale. The French and Italian olive oil is usually free from this impregnation. Olive oil is sometimes mixed with oil of poppy seeds : but, by exposing the mixture to the freezing temperature, the olive oil freezes, while that of the poppy seeds re- mains fluid ; and as oils which freeze with most difficulty are most apt to become rancid, olive oil is deteriorated by the mix- ture of poppy oil. Good olive oil should have a pale yellow colour, somewhat inclining to green; a bland taste, withont smell ; and should congeal at 38° Fahrenheit. In this country, it is frequently met with rancid. 24)0 Poisonous Olive Oil. The presence of lead is detected by- shaking, in a stopped vial, one part of the suspected oil, with two or three parts of water impregnated with sulphuretted hy- drogen. This agent will render the oil of a dark brown or black colour, if any metal, deleterious to health, be present. The practice of keeping this oil in pewter or leaden cisterns, as is often the case, is ob- jectionable ; because the oil acts upon the metal. The dealers in this commodity as- sert, that it prevents the oil from becoming rancid : and hence some retailers often suffer a pewter measure to remain immers- ed in the oil. 241 Adulteration of Mustard. Genuine mustard, either in powder, or in the state of a paste ready for use, is per- haps rarely to be met with in the shops. The article sold under the name of genuine Durham mustard, is usually a mixture of mustard and common wheaten flour, with a portion of Cayenne pepper, and a large quantity of bay salt, made with water into a paste, ready for use. Some manufacturers adulterate their mustard with radish-seed and pease flour. It has often been stated, that a fine yel- low colour is given to mustard by means of turmeric. We doubt the truth of this assertion. The presence of the minutest quantity of turmeric may instantly be de- tected, by adding to the mustard a few drops of a solution of potash, or any other alkali, which changes the bright yellow colour, to a brown or deep orange tint. Two ounces and a half of Cayenne pep- per, lh lbs. of bay salt, 8 lbs. of mustard flour, and \h lbs. of wheaten flour, made X 242 Adulteration of Mustard. into a stiff paste, with the requisite quan- tity of water, in which the bay-salt is pre- viously dissolved, forms the so-called ge- nuine Durham mustard, sold in pots. The salt and Cayenne pepper contribute mate- rially to the keeping of ready-made mus- tard. There is therefore nothing deleterious in the usual practice of adulterating this com- modity of the table. The fraud only tends to deteriorate the quality and flavour of the genuine article itself. 243 Adulteration of Lemon Acid. It is well known to every one, that the expressed juice of lemons is extremely apt to spoil, on account of the sugar, mucilage, and extractive matter which it contains ; and hence various means have been prac- tised, with the intention of rendering it less perishable, and less bulky. The juice has been evaporated to the consistence of rob ; but this always gives an unpleasant empy- reumatic taste, and does not separate the foreign matters, so that it is still apt to spoil when agitated on board of ship in tropical climates. It has been exposed to frost, and part of the water removed under the form of ice ; but this is liable to all the former objections ; and, besides, where lemons are produced in sufficient quantity, there is not a sufficient degree of cold. The addition of a portion of spirit to the inspissated juice, separates the mucilage, but not the extractive matter and the sugar. By means, however, of separating the foreign matters 244; Adulteration of Lemon Acid. associated with it, in the juice, by chemical processes unnecessary to be detailed here, citric acid is now manufactured, perfectly pure, and in a crystallised form, and is sold under the name of concrete lemon acid. In this state it is extremely convenient, both for domestic and medicinal purposes. One drachm, when dissolved in one ounce of water, is equal in strength to a like bulk of fresh lemon juice. To communicate the lemon,flavour, it is only necessary to rub a V lump of sugar on the rind of a lemon to become impregnated with a portion of the essential oil of the fruit, and to add the sugar to the lemonade, negus, punch, shrub, jellies or culinary sauces, prepared with the pure citric acid. Fraudulent dealers often substitute the cheaper tartareous acid, for citric acid. The negus and lemonade made by the pastry- cooks, and the liquor called punch, sold at taverns in this metropolis, is usually made with tartareous acid. To discriminate citric acid from tartare- ous acid, it is only necessary to add a con- centrated solution of the suspected acid, to a concentrated solution of muriate of pot- ash, taking care that the solution of the acid is in excess. If a precipitate ensues, the fraud is obvious, because citric acid does Adulteration of Lemon Acid. 245 not produce a precipitate with a solution of muriate or potash. Or, by adding to a saturated solution of tartrate of potash, a saturated solution of the suspected acid, in excess, which pro- duces with it an almost insoluble precipi- tate in minute glanular crystals. Pure citric acid produces no such effect when added in excess to tartrate of potash. \ i 246 Poisonous Mushrooms. Mushrooms have been long used in sauces and other culinary preparations ; yet there are numerous instances on record of the deleterious effects of some species of these fungi, almost all of which are fraught with poison.* Pliny already exclaims against the luxury of his countrymen in this article, and wonders what extraordi- nary pleasure there can be in eating such dangerous food.f But if the palate must be indulged with these treacherous luxuries, or, as Seneca calls them, "voluptuous poison,":): it is highly necessary that the mild eatable mushrooms, should be gathered by persons skilful enough to distinguish the good from * Fungi plerique veneno turgent. Linn. Amaen. Acad. t Qvae voluptas tanta ancipiiis cibi?—-Plin. Nat. Hist- xxii. 23. t Sen. Ep. 95. Poisonous Mushrooms. 247 the false, or poisonous, which is not al- ways the case; nor are the characters which distinguish them strongly marked. The following statement is published by Mr. Glen, surgeon, of Knightsbridge : "A poor man, residing in Knightsbridge, took a walk in Hyde Park, with the inten- tion of gathering some mushrooms. He collected a considerable number, and, after stewing them, began to eat them. He had finished the whole, with the exception of about six or eight, when, about eight or ten minutes from the commencement of his meal, he was suddenly seized with a dim- ness, or mist before his eyes, a giddiness of the head, with a general trembling and sud- den loss of power;—-so much so, that he nearly fell off the chair; to this succeeded loss of recollection: he forgot where he was, and all the circumstances of his case. This deprivation soon went off, and he so far rallied as to be able, though with diffi- culty, to get up, with the intention of go- ing to Mr. Glen for assistance—a distance of about five hundred yards : he had not proceeded more than half way, when his memory again failed him ; he lost his road, although previously well acquainted with it. He was met by a friend, who with dif- ficulty learned his state, and conducted him 248 Poisonous Mushrooms. to Mr. Glen's house. His countenance betrayed great anxiety: he reeled about, like a drunken man, and was greatly incli- ned to sleep ; his pulse was low and fee- ble. Mr. Glen immediately gave him an emetic draught. The poison had so diminished the sensibility of the stomach, that vomiting did not take place for near twenty minutes, although another draught had been exhibited. During this inter- val his drowsiness increased to such a de- gree, that he was only kept awake by obliging him to walk round the room with assistance ; he also, at this time, complain- ed of distressing pains in the calves of his legs.—Full vomiting was at length pro- duced. After the operation ofthe emetic, he expressed himself generally better, but still continued drowsy. In the evening Mr. Glen found him doing well." The following case is recorded in the Medical Transactions, vol. ii. " A middle-aged man having gathered what he called champignons, they were stewed, and eaten by himself and his wife ; their child also, about four years old, ate a little of them, and the sippets of bread which were put into the liquor. Within five minutes after eating them, the man be- gan to stare in an unusual manner, and was Poisonous Mushrooms. 249 unable to shut his eyes. All objects ap- peared to him coloured with a variety of colours. He felt a palpitation in what he called his stomach ; and was so giddy, that he could hardly stand. He seemed to him- self swelled all over his body. He hardly knew what he did or said ; and sometimes was unable to speak at all. These symp- toms continued in a greater or less degree for twenty-four hours ; after which, he felt little or no disorder. Soon after he per- ceived himself ill, one scruple of white vitriol was given him, and repeated two or three times, with which he vomited plenti- fully. "The woman, aged thirty-nine, felt all the same symptoms, but in a higher degree. She totally lost her voice and her senses, and was either stupid, or so furious that it was necessary she should be held. The white vitriol was offered to her, of which she was capable of taking but very little ; however, after four or five hours, she was much recovered : but she continued many days far from being well, and from enjoy- ing her former health and strength. She frequently fainted for the first week after; and there was, during a month longer, an uneasy sense of heat and weight in her breast, stomach, and bowels, with great 200 Poisonous Mushrooms. flatulence. Her head was, at first waking, much confused ; and she often experienced palpitations, tremblings, and other hysteric affections, to all which she had ever before been a stranger. " The child had some convulsive agita- tions of his arms, but was otherwise little affected. He was capable .of taking half a scruple of ipecacuanha, with which he vo- mited, and was soon perfectly recovered." MUSHROOM CATSUP. The edible mushroom is the basis of the sauce called mushroom catsup ; a great pro- portion of which is prepared by gardeners who grow the fungi. The mushrooms em- ployed for preparing this sauce are gene- rally those which are in a putrefactive state, and not having found a ready sale in the market; for no vegetable substance is li- able to so rapid a spontaneous decomposi- tion as mushrooms. In a few days after the fungus has been removed from the dung-bed on which it grows, it becomes the habitation of myriads of insects; and, if even the saleable mushroom be attentively examined, it will frequently be found to swarm with life. 251 Poisonous Soda Water. The beverage called soda water is fre- quently contaminated both with copper and lead ; these metals being largely employed in the construction of the apparatus for preparing the carbonated water,* and the great excess of carbonic acid which the water contains, particularly enables it to act strongly on the metallic substances of the apparatus ; a truth, of which the reader will find no difficulty in convincing him- self, by suffering a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen gas to pass through the water.— See p. 70. * Some manufacturers have heen bence in- duced to construct the apparatus fur manu- facturing soda water wholly either of earthen- ware or of glass. Mr. Johnston, of Greek Street, Soho, was the first who pointed out to the public the absolute necessity of this precaution. 252 Food poisoned by Copper Vessels, Many kinds of viands are frequently im- pregnated with copper, in consequence of the employment of cooking utensils made of that metal. By the use of such vessels in dressing food, we are daily liable to be poisoned ; as almost all acid vegetables, as well as sebaceous or pinguid substances,. employed in culinary preparations, act upon copper, and dissolve a portion of it; and too many examples are met with of fatal consequences having ensued from eating food which had been dressed in copper vessels not well cleaned from the oxide of copper which they had contracted by being exposed to the action of air and moisture. The inexcusable negligence of persons who make use of copper vessels has been productive of mortality, so much more ter- rible, as they have exerted their action on a great number of persons at once. The annals of medicine furnish too many examples in support of this assertion, to Poisoned Food. 253 render it necessary to insist more upon it her-. Mr. Thiery, who wrote a thesis on the noxious quality of copper, observes, that " our food receives its quantity of poison in the kitchen by the use of copper pans and dishes. The brewer mingles poison in our beer, by ooiling it in copper vessels. The sugar-baker employs copper pans; the pastry-cook bakes our tarts in copper moulds ; the confectioner uses copper ves- sels : the oilman boils his pickles in copper or brass vessels, and verdigris is plenti- fully formed by the action of the vinegar upon the metal. " Though, after all, a single dose be not mortal, yet a quantity of poison, however small, when taken at every meal, must pro- duce more fatal effects than are generally apprehended ; and different constitutions are differently affected by minute quanti- ties of substances that act powerfully on the system." The author of a tract, entitled, " Serious Reflections on the Dangers attending the Use of Copper Vessels," asserts that a nu- merous and frightful train of diseases is occasioned by the poisonous effects of per- nicious matter received into the stomach insensibly with our victuals. Y 254 Food Poisoned Dr. Johnston* gives an account of the melancholy catastrophe of three men being poison, d, after excruciating sufferings, in consequence of eating food cooked in an uncitan jopper vessel, on board the Cy- clops frigate ; and, besides these, thirty- three men became ill from the same cause. The following casef is related by Sir George Baker, M. D. " Some cyder, which had been made in a gentleman's family, being thought too sour, was boiled with honey in a brewing vessel, the rim of which was capped with lead. All who drank this liquor were seized with a bowel colic, more or less violently. One of the servants died very soon in convul- sions ; several others were cruelly tortured a long time. The master of the family, in particular, notwithstanding all the assist- ance which art could give him, never re- covered his health, but died miserably, af- ter having almost three years languished under a most tedious and incurable mala- dy." Too much care and attention cannot be taken in preserving all culinary utensils of * Johnston's Essay on Poison, p. 102. f Medical Transactions, vol. i. p. 213^. by Copper Vessels. 255 copper, in a state unexceptionably fit for their destined purpose. They should be frequently tinned, and kept ' thoroughly clean, nor should any food ever be suffered to remain in them for a longer time than is absolutely necessary to their preparation for the table. But the sure preventive of its pernicious effect, is, to banish copper Utensils from the kitchen altogether. The following wholesome advice on this subject is given to cooks by the author of an excellent cookery book.* u Stew-pans and soup-kettles should be examined every time they are used; these, and their covers, must be kept perfectly clean and well tinned, not only on the in- side, but about a couple of inches on the outside ; so much mischief arises from their getting out of repair; and, if not kept nicely tinned, all your work will be in vain; the broths and soups will look green and dirty, and taste bitter and poisonous, and will be spoiled both for the eye and palate, and your credit will be lost; and as the health, and even the life, of the family depends upon this, the cook may be sure her era- * Apicius Redivivus, p. 91. 256 Poisonous Food. plover had rather pay the tin-man's bill than th<- doctor's." T ->e senate of Sweden, in the year 1753, prohibited copper vessels, and ordered that n;>ne but such as were made of iron should be used in their fleet and armies. 257 Food Poisoned by Leaden Vessels. Various kinds of food used in domestic economy, are liable to become impregnated with lead. The glazing of the common cream-co- loured earthen ware, which is composed of an oxide of lead, readily yields to the action of vinegar and saline compounds; and therefore jars and pots of this kind of stone ware, are wholly unfit to contain jellies of fruits, marmalade, and similar conserves. Pickles should in no case be deposited in cream-coloured glazed earthenware. The custom which still prevails in some parts of this country of keeping milk in leaden vessels for the use of the dairy, is very improper. " In Lancashire* the dairies are furnish- ed with milk-pans made of lead: and when Mr. Parks expostulated with some individuals on the danger of this practice, * Park's Chemical Essays, vol. v. p. 193. Y2 258 Food Poisoned by he was told that leaden milk-pans throw up the cream much better than vessels of any other kind. " In some parts of the north of England it is customary for the inn-keepers to pre- pare mint-salad by bruising and grinding the vegetable in a large wooden bowl with a ball of lead of twelve or fourteen pounds weight. In this operation the mint is cut, and portions of the lead are ground off at every revolution of the ponderous instru- ment. In the same county, it is a com- mon practice to have biewing-coppers constructed with the bottom of copper and the whole sides of lead." The baking of fruit tarts in cream-co- loured earthenware, and the salting and preserving of meat in leaden pans, are no less objectionable. All kinds of food which contain free vegetable acids, or saline pre- parations, attack utensils covered with a glaze, in the composition of which lead enters as a component part. The leaden beds of presses for squeezing the fruit in cyder countries, have produced incalcula- ble mischief. These consequences never follow, when the lead is combined with tin ; because this metal, being more eager for oxidation, prevents the solution of the lead. Leaden Vessels. 2^9 When we consider the various unsus- pected means by which the poisons of lead and copper gain admittance into the human body, a very common but dangerous in- stance presents itself: namely, the prac- tice of painting toys, made for the amuse- ment of children, with poisonous substan- ces, viz. red lead, verdigris, &c. Children are apt to put every thing, especially what gives them pleasure, into their mouths; the painting of toys with colouring sub- stances that are poisonous, ought there- fore to be abolished ; a practice which lies the more open to censure, as it is of no real utility. INDEX. Aiwltebatiox of anchovy sauce - page 234 ----------------heer - 113 ---■------------brandy - - - 187 ----------------bread - 98 " --- ■ catsup ... 227 '----------------cayenne pepper - 215 ■---------------- cheese - 206 ----------------coffee - - 176 ----------------confectionery - - 224 ----------------cream - - 222 ■ custard - - - 231 ---------------- gm - - - 187 ■----------------lemon acid - - 243 —-------------- lozenges - - 236 ---------------- malt spirits - - 197 ■ ------------■ mustard - - 241 1 ---- olive oil - - - 239 ---------------- pepper - . 211 ----------------pickles - 217 ----------------porter - - 113 ----------------rum - - - 187 ----------------soda water - - 251 ----------------tea, black - - - 173 ----_________ vinegar - 173 ------------------------distilled 221 74 Age of beer, how fraudulently imitated - 148 Alcohol, quantity contained in different kinds of wine 94 i--------------------------malt liquors 126 ----------------——------------spiritous liquors 205 262 Index. Ale, Burton, quantity of spirit which it contains 162 ---- Dorchester, ditto ditto 162 ---- Kdii.bnrgh, ditto ditto 162 ---- Home-brewed ditto ditto 162 Alum, bleaching pit>perty in the panification of bread flour - 104 -— method of detecting it in bread - - 108 ---- for brightening muddy wines - - 74 --------clarifying spiritous liquors - - 200 -------------adulterating beer - - 134 Arrack, imitation of - - - - 196 ---- Kaiavia, quantity of alcohol contained in it 205 Arrow root, sophistication of - - 29 B Bakers, their methods ofjudgingof the goodness of bread flour -" - - - 111 Beer, adulteration of - - - 113 -----------------act prohibiting it - - 114 ----------------- method of detecting it - 158 -----------------with narcotic substances - 150 -----------------with opium, tobacco, &c. - 150 ---- colouring ot, act prohibiting it - - 123 ---- heading, composition and use of - 134 ——— hard, what is meant by it - - 148 ----------fraudulent method of producing it - 148 ---- half-spoiled, fraudulent practice of recovering it 149 ---- illegal substances used for adulterating it - 131 ---- old, what is meant by it - - 144 ---- quantity of spirit contained in different kinds 160 — strong, adulteration of with small beer - 140 1 act prohibiting it - 140 ------------- how defined by law - - 128 —— strength of different kinds - - 125 Bilberries, employed for colouring port wine - 74 Bittern, for adulterating beer - - - 18 Black Extract, for adulterating beer - - 150 Bland, Mr. tragical catastrophe of - - 81 Bouquet of high-flavoured wines, how produced 75 Brandy, adulteration of - - - 187 and method of detecting it 195 ■ ■ complexion of, what is meant by it - 195 Index. 263 Brandy flavour of, how imitated - - 193 "■ imitative, manufacture of - - 194 — method ol compounding for retail trade - 195 — quantity contained in different sorts of wine 94 ~ of alcohol contained in different kinds of .... 20» "_ leR»l strength - X9l) ~~-------— how discovered by the Excise 188 ------false strength ... 195 ~- —- flavour, imitative, how produced - ig.3 Brazil wood, application of for colouring wine 74 Bread, adulteration of with alum - .98 *~ -------■---------methods of detecting it 108 ~-------------- with potatoes - 10j ■ goodness of, how estimated in this metropolis 98 ----how rendered white and firm - .99 ---- corn, method of judging of its goodness - 110 ---- flour, different sorts of from the same kind of grain - - . . - 99 ----■ ---- adulteration of with bean flour - 99 '----• ----■ process of making five bushels into bread 102 '---------made from new corn, improvement of 107 ---------■ method of judging of its goodness - HO Brewers, list of, pi-osecuted for using illegal substan- ces in their brewings - 151 ■------ convicted of adulterating their strong beer with table beer - l^o -------- Druggists - . - 119 "---------------prosecuted for supplying illegal in- gredients to brewers for adulterating beer 119 Breweries, illegal substances seized at various - 136 Brown Stout, quantity of spirit contained in it 126 C CalcavelU, quantity of brandy which it contains 95 Carbonate of ammonia, used by fraudulent bakers 105 Catsup, adulteration of . . 227 Claret, quantity of brandy which it contains - 95 Clary, used for flavouring wine - - 75 Cheese, poisonous, and method of detecting it 206 Chemists, are not permitted to sell illegal ingredients to brewers for adulterating beer '- . lis 26_ Index. Chemists, list of, convicted of this fraud - 119 Cherry-laurel water, dangerous application of for fla- vouring creams, &c. ... 231 ----________ used in the manufacture of spu- rious wines - 73 -------------------in the manufacture of brandy 195 Citric Acid, adulteration of - - - 244 ------------ method of detecting - 245 Cocculus indicus, nefarious application of in the brew- ing of beer - - - - 18 ———------ early law prohibiting its application 115 --------------brewers prosecuted for using it 152 ----—-——■— seizures made of at different breweries 136 ----——------narcotic property of, to what owing 153 -------------- extract of, application in brewing 136 Coffee, adulteration of - - - 176 --------------law in force against it - - 177 ------ grocers lately convicted of selling spurious 176 Confectionery, adulteration of - - 224 --------------methods of detecting it - 225 Conserves, contamination of with copper - 226 ----,---- should never be deposited in vessels glazed with lead - - - - 257 Constantia, quantity of spirit which it contains - 94 Copperas, or salt of steel, publicans convicted of mix- ing it with their beer - 129 ------------------seizures of, at various breweries 136 Cream, adulteration of, and mode of detecting it 222 Custards, flavoured with cherry laurel leaves, danger- ous effects from it - - - 231 Cyder, m-Iancholy catastrophe of persons drinking such as was contaminated w'ith lead - 254 E Elder-berries are used for colouring port wine - 74 ---- flowers are used for flavouring insipid white wines 75 Entire beer, origin of its name - - 144 --------------composition of - -146 Extract of cocculos indicus is used by fraudulent brewers 136 F False strength, how given to wine and spiritous li- quors - - - - 19,192 Index. ' 265 False strength, how given to vinegar - - 220 Flavour of French brandy, how imitated - 194 Flour, new, of an indifferent quality, how rendered fit for being made into good and wholesome bread 107 —— different sorts, from the same kind of grain - 99 —— sour, practice of converting it into bread 105 Food, rendered poisonous by copper vessels - 252 ———————. — by leaden vessels - 257 Frothy head of porter, how artificially produced - 133 G Geneva, Dutch, quantity of alcohol which it contains 205 Gin, adulteration of - - - - 187 ---- quantity of alcohol contained in different sorts 205 — dangerous method of clarifying - 202 —— legal exactment of its saleable strength - 197 —— proof, what is meant by this term *" - 188 —— strength of, how ascertained by the Excise - 188 ■ sweetened, fraudulent practice of composing it for sale .... 200 ---- unsweetened, ditto ditto 200 —- false strength, how given - - 202 H Hermitage, quantity of brandy which it contains 95 Hyson tea, spurious. See Tea leaves Hops, adulteration of, prohibited by law - 132 ---- its chemical action upon beer - - 133 Hydrometer, legal, now in use for ascertaining the strength of spiritous liquors - - 187 I Imitation arrack ... 196 --------tea. See Tea leaves --------coffee. See Coffee L Leaden pumps and water reservoirs, dangerous ef- fects to be apprehended from them - 62 Lisbon, quantity of spirit which it contains - 94 Z 266 Index. Lozenges, adulteration of - . - 236 Lemon acid, adulteration of - . 243 ■■ method of detecting it - 244 M Madeira, quantity of brandy which it contains - 94 Malaga, quantity of brandy contained in it - 94 Malt, patent, for colouring porter - « 123 ------;------> disadvantages of - - 124 ---- liquors, dangerous adulteration of - 115 --————-——— strength of different kinds. See Porter 126 ---- spirits, adulterations of - - - 197 ----------— characteristic flavour, to what owing 197 "~~~~~—■—— nefarious practices of compounding them for sale - 199 ——--------false strength, how given - 202 ■—---------act restricting the strength of it 197 Meat, salted, should not be preserved in leaden vessels 258 Milk, improper practice of keeping it in leaden vessels 257 Mint salad, pernicious custom of preparing it 258 Mustard, adulteration of - - - 241 Multum, a substance employed for adulterating beer 17 --------seizures of, at various breweries - 136 Mushroom, poisonous ... 246 ———— Catsup ... 250 O Oak-wood saw-dust, is used in the manufacture of spurious port wine - - 75 1 in the manufacture of spurious brandy - - . 194 Orris-root, is used for flavouring insipid wines - 75 Olive oil, contamination of, with lead, and method of detecting it ... 239 P Pickles, contamination of with copper - 219 —— improper vessels for keeping them - 257 Pepper, black, adulteration of - - 211 ■ law in force against it 213 Poisonous Cheese ... 206 Index. 267 Poisonous Cayenne pepper ... 215 —----- — catsup - - - U 11---- custard - - - . 231 —------— olive oil - - - 2.59 ■ mushroom ... 2*6 -----•----pickles ... 207 --------- soda water - - 251 Porter, origin of its name - - 121 ——— adulteration of with wormwood - 1.52 -------■--- act prohibiting it - 113 ——— average strength of, as furnished to the publican 126 —————————■——————. ditto, as sent out by the ' retailers - - - - 127 ——----illegal substances for adulterating it - 131 ——---- brewers, convicted of adulterating their por- ter with illegal ingredients - - 151 Porter, frothy head of, how produced - 133 ■ method of ascertaining the strength of dif- ferent kinds - . . - 160 " " quantity of alcohol contained in London porter 162 Port wine, adulteration of . . 74 Publicans, prosecuted for adulterating their strong beer with table beer - - - 129 Q Quassia, fraudulent substitution of, for hops - 131 • disadvantages of its application • 132 " '■ seizures of, at various breweries - 137 R Raisin wine, quantity of brandy which it contains 94 Rum, adulteration of - - - 187 —— false strength, how given to it - - 202 ---- is seizable, if sold, unless of a certain strength 189 —— quantity of alcohol contained in it - 205 S Soda Water, poisonous, and method of detecting it 251 Spiritous Liquors, adulteration of - - 187 -.——i----------dangerous practice of fining them with noxious ingredients - - 202 —>—-—- quantity of alcohol contained in different kinds 205 268 Index. Sweetmeats, adulteration of - - - 224 Sweet-brier, use of it for flavouring wines - 75 . T Tarts of fruits, should not be baked in earthenware vessels glazed with lead - - 258 Tea leaves, adulteration of - - - 171 ------------------------method of detecting it 171 ---------———————————— |aw in force against it 163 --------poisonous sophistication of - 173 -------------------------method of detecting it 174 --------colouring of, with verdigris - 168 --------black, spurious, process of manufacturing it 16S --------green, imitation of - - - 168 Tea dealers, convicted for selling adulterated tea 169 Toys, improper practice of painting them with poison- ous colours ... 259 V Vidonia, quantity of brandy contained in it - 95 Vin de Grave, ditto ditto - . 95 Vinegar, adulteration of, and method of detecting it 220 ■ distilled, and method of ascer- taining its strength 221 W Water, characters of good - - 37 • chemical constitution of those used in domestic economy and the arts - - 33 ——-— danger ofkeeping it in leaden reservoirs 60 ———— hard, how softened and rendered fit for washing 39 -------New River, constitution of - 38, 45 ------substances usually contained in potable 48 ———————————— n---------how de- tected ... 50 ------substances usually contained in spring 42 —— taste and salubrious quality, to what owing 38 —— Thames, constitution of - 46, 48 Wine, adulteration of with alum - - 74 ——— British port ... 77 --------------champaigne - - - 77 ------bottles, improper practice of cleaning them 85 ------bottle corks, practice of staining them red 79 Index. 26% ie doctors 80 ---quantity of alcohol contained in various kinds 94,95 — dangerous practice of fining them - 83 - to prevent them turning sour ... - 84 —— art of flavouring them - - - 75 — home-made, chemical constitution of - 96 — improvement from age, to what owing - 91 — Southampton port . . 78 — strength of, on what it depends - - 92 •— specific differences of different kinds, to what owi.ig - - - - 89 — white, manufacture of, from red grapes - 90 — test .... 86 iskey, Irish, flavour, to what owing - 197 -----------strength of - - 205 -----Scotch, ditto - - 205 cm wood, substitution of, for hops - - 132 THE END. ^t/yvw Aff t^>^: -TV Med.. 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