PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS ON SOLDIERS ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SECTION Research and Development Branch Military Planning Division Office of the Quartermaster General 25 August 1944 Reissued February 1947 CONFERENCE ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS ON SOLDIERS For the Purpose of Developing a Climatic Index Suitable for Mapping Purposes for the Protection of Troops Operating in All Climates Climatology & Environmental Protection Research and Development Branch Military Planning Division Office of The Quartermaster General 2£ August 19hh TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Graphical Illustrations 1 Preface ii List of Attendance iii MINUTES OF MEETING Welcoming Address Colonel Georges Fo Doriot 1 Lt0 Colo David Bruce Dill 2 Introduction Major Paul A« Siple 3 lo Convection £)r0 Jesse Ho Plummer 8 Discussion 13 IIo Conduction Mrso Margaret lonides Cochran 111 Discussion 20 III. Evaporation Dr0 Lyman tfourt 23 Discussion 26 IV« Radiation Mrso Elizabeth Schickele 28 Discussion 36 Vo Summary br7 Jesse Plummer 37 Discussion i£. APPENDIX lo Discussion of Climatic Data Ulx IIo Clo Values and Tolerance Times I4.7 Clo Value Equation Metabolic Heat Loss as a Function of Activity Tolerance Time Equation & Graphs III. Proportion of Heat Lest from Various Portions of £l the Body Cochran LIST OF GRAPHICAL ILLUSTRATIONS Graph Following Page Figo 1 Convective Heat Loss as a Function of Wind Velocity, 11 Temperature, and Diameter of Cylinder Fig® 2 Convective Heat Loss and Thermal Resistance as a 12 Function of Wind Velocity and Diameter of Cylinder Figo 3 Arctic Univom - a Clo 15 Fig« 1* Combat Uniform - 3 Clo 15 Figo 5 The Relationship of Effective Insulation to Surface 17 Area Figo 6 Clo Values 19 Figo 7* Evaporation for Fabrics of Various Air Permeabilities 23 Figo 8 Evaporation as a Function of Cylinder Size 23 Fig> 9* Evaporation - Effect of Wind on Fabric Permeability 21* Figo 10* Evaporation - Effect of Wind and Size of Cover 2k Figo 11* Evaporation - Unit Wind Speed & Air Permeability 25 Fig* 12 Evaporation for Average Human Body 2?i Figo 13 Radiation due to Direct Sunshine Falling on the Human 35 Body Figo 11* Radiant Heat Exchange Between Erect Human Body and 35 Ground Map 1 Clothing Requirements for^January - Central Europe 38 Figo 15 Comparison of Index with Pierce Laboratory 39 Figo 16 Comparison of Index with ASHVE Experiments 1*0 Figo 1? Comparison of Index with Robinson’s Data for Clothed Men 1*0) Figo 18 Comparison of Index with Robinson's Data for Nude Men 1*0 i Charts in Appendix:- Tolerance Times for Sleeping 51 Tolerance Times for Sitting Still 51 Tolerance Times for Standing 51 y „-i — .. . -.. .. — ..... — These charts are included by the courtesy of the Bureau of Standard's Textile Foundation0 PREFACE These are not strictly the minutes of a meeting - if by the term MminutcsM is meant a brief and formal summary of a conference in curt and outlined form0 Such a summary would seem useless with such a preponderance of material on a subject so vast„ Instead this is an attempt to reconstruct the papers as they were presented together with a small amount of the welcomed comments and criticisms which were offered by our guests0 We deeply regret that we were unable to include all the discussion0 The omission arises not from any editing of the dialogue$ but simply because the remarks were not recorded at the time, and we feared lest we might do an injustice to our kind critics, if we put inadequately remembered sentences into their mouths„ 'a hope that this- summary will bring more comments from tt m„. In addition to what was actually said at the meeting, an appendix has been added with ouch information as may be necessary to put the index in usable form0 The index as it now stands does not represent a final piece of work0 Instead it is a first and tentative approximatione It is hoped that everyone will use it as he sees fit, and report either correlations or discrepancies- to us, so that it may be improved* The Climatology & Environmental Protection Section 1 December 1?UU LIST OF ATTENDANCE lo Viritors:- Capto Lo- Lo Adamkiewitz, Naval Medical Research Institute Lto Colo To Fo Hatch, Armored Medical Research Laboratory Commander F. Co Houghton, Medical Department, Uo S. Navy Surgeon Ho F« Fraser, Industrial Hygiene Research Laboratory Lto C. Ro Spealman, Naval Medical Research Institute Lto C. Taylor, Wright Field Dr, Ho So Belding. Harvard Fatigue Laboratory Dr, H. F. Blum, Naval Medical Research Institute Mr*. Gerald C. Bristow, Uo So Weather Bureau Dr0 Co Fo Brooks, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory Dr® Ao C« Burton, National Research Council of Canada Dr0 Dana Coraan, John Hopkins University Dr« Richard Day, Climatic Research Laboratory Dr„ Lyman Fount, Textile Foundation, Bureau of Standards Dr0 Goldthwaite, Personal Equipment Laboratory, Wright Field Dr0 Milton Harris, Textile Foundation, Bureau of Standards Dr0 Ellsworth Huntington, Yale University Dr, Robert Go Stone, Array Air Forces Mr» Herbert Co So Thom, U. So Weather Bureau Dr» Co Wo Thornthwaite, Uo S0 Agriculture Department MTo Marvin VanDilla, Climatic Research Laboratory Dr0 Samuel VanValkenburg, Clark University Commander A» R0 Behnke, Naval Medical Research Institute 2 o QQMG Representativest- Colonel Georges F0 Doriot, Director Military Planning Division Lto Colo Do Bo Dill, Assistant for Product Analysis Major Ro Mo Ferry, Test Section Dr0 F* Ro Wulsin, Test Section Dr0 Lo To Williams, Textile Section Major Paul Ao Siple, Climatology & Environmental Protection Sec* Major Weldon Fo Heald, » » » « Dr0 Jesse Ho Plummer, M * ** ** MrSo Margaret I0 Cochran M H it w Mrso Elizabeth Schickele M H “ •• Mr0 Malcolm Murray ** “ * 11 Mr0 David Ho Miller u 11 n * Miss Rose Sachs, '• 11 h « Mrso Jane Westbrook u M M M MTo John P0 Bader M • « n CLIMATIC INDEX Minutes of Meeting, 25 August 1944 The meeting was called to order at 1015 by Major Paul A. Siple, who introduced Colonel Georges Fa Doriot. COLONEL DORIOTt- We are very happy to have you. We are also very proud. A group such as this is distinguished by its intelligence, and the war has called upon you to use that intelligence in helping us provide adequate clothing and equipment for at least seven million seven hundred thousand men. Other sources furnish their products to a limited number only. Only a limited number, for example, use 150 millimeter guns which ordnance furnishes; the same is true of the other Corps, but every person in the Array will benefit or suffer according to how quickly the Quartermaster does its work. There has been, in the past, no systemized body of knowledge which concerned the food, cloth- ing and shelter for the human being. I must look to you to see that the small knowledge which already exists is increased and developed so that the Military Planning Division will be able to furnish far better items than have heretofore been available. I understand that you cannot chart the course very accurately, but the wavy line of the progress must be determinable within certain boundaries. In clothing for cold weather, we have made progress. Our knowledge of hot weather clothing is, however, still very limited; and I feel quite distinctly that we have little or no knowledge on the subject of wet cold. We have a man in the nude. We have to dress him, and we can do anything we want. We are now beginning to realize that something can be done to keep his body healthy and efficient. Industry will follow the direction of our know- ledge, There is much still to be accomplished* This is no time to shorten the research program* The war in Europe may be progressing beyond our hopes, but the scientific research of the Quartermaster must progress with unslackened speed regardless of when the war may end. Major Siple then thanked Colonel Doriot and introduced Lto Col* D* B. Dill, COLONEL DILL*- In view of the introduction by Colonel Doriot, there is little left for me to say except to reinforce what he has said and to emphasize particularly one statement he made* This is certain- ly a time to continue research rather than to consider plans for curtailment. Do you know that the Navy considers every battleship and every aircraft carrier to be essentially a research project? I have not heard of any immediate trend to discontinue the construction of those craft. Another argument which was implied in what Colonel Doriot said is that no project ever reaches a state of perfection. It is also a fact that a longer time may be required to pro- gress from BO# perfection to 90# perfection, than was required to gain the original 80# in the first place. The difference between 80 and 90# may mean the difference between success and failure in a military operation. There are then two fields in which we must work, first, to spread new ideas, and secondly, to further perfect items in which the Quartermaster is % interested. Our Canadian friends have recently initiated a system at these meetings which we would do well to follow, (1') No meet- ing of this sort should be adjourned without a definition of a further course of work; (2) no meeting should be adjourned without definite assignment of future work, nor without a date when at least a portion of the work is to be completed. MAJOR SIPLEt- The specific problem confronting us is the development of an index which will tie laboratory tests together with the experi- ences in the field, We are searching for a quantative means of determining adequate quantities of clothing, beds and shelter and for a way in which these can be plotted on maps* The laboratories have given us certain factors. They have worked out those factors with care and in great detail. The Quarter- master is confronted with the groups of men in the field whose comments are apparently at variance with the laboratory ideas* This difference is probably due to a group of variables which cannot be ideally measured in a laboratory where sunlight, high wind velocity and many other factors are by necessity absent; therefore, there should be some reliable means of extra- polating from the laboratory tests to the knowledge which has been accumulated in the field throughout the years. There is not enough time during war and there is too much danger in waiting until after supplies have reached a region to determine whether or not supplies are adequate f.or the time and place* We must be able to predict that the clothing and equipment will be completely adequate under normal conditions so that under subnormal conditions little or no danger is encounteredo For this reason, we have asked together today an extensive group of physiologists, physists and climatologist so that three portions of this study may be brought together; the climatic conditions as they are known by the climatologists; the reaction of man's body as it is known by the physiologists; and between them the physical laws of heat transfer through clothing* We have chosen as the temporary chairman of our meeting today, Dr* Jesse H* Plummer, who is a physicist from the glass industry* He has studied this problem deeply so as to find laws through the medium of Physics for integration be- tween laboratory and field* In this endeavor, we have several objectivesr (1) The construction of a comparative index with which to compare different climatic strains in all parts of the world* With such an index, we could map the world for the effect of climate on human beings* These maps would not only show the type of clothing needed, but would predict where trouble might be encountered* We know, rodghly, where we have jungle and desert, but the intensity of the strain under which man's life may be endangered is still generally unknown* One way of measuring the climatic strain can be obtained from a thermal analysis* We know that the body produces heat and that for life to be sustained this heat must be lost at an average rate equal to the cate of production, otherwise the body temperature will steadily rise or fall until death occurs0 The heat produced by the metabolism must then be equal to the sum of the heat lost by conduction through the clothing, con- vection from unclothed areas, radiation from the clothing and skin, and evaporation from the body surface or wet portions of the clothingo Not all of these factors are always losses. Under condit- ions of high temperature and in the sunshine, it is quite possible for the body to gain heat through convection, conduct- ion and radiation. The essential feature, however, is that in order to maintain a constant body temperature all of the heat which is produced or carried into the body by exterior condit- ions mast be lost. This provides us with a means of calculating an index of climatic strain, as we can measure quite accurately the quan- tities of heat transferred through the various channels. For instance, if the climatic conditions and the clothing have been defined, we may calculate the heat production that is re- quired in order to maintain a balance. On the other hand, if the heat production and the climatic conditions are defined we may calculate the amount of clothing that is required to keep a man in equilibrium. As the critical danger always lies in extreme conditions, we suggest the use of two indices. The hot weather index may be defined as the limits of work which men may safely accomplish without raising their temperature. For cold conditions, the index may be defined as the amount of clothing necessary to maintain equilibrium in standing men* Another -way of defining a cold weather index would be the amount of insulation required to provide eight hours of comfortable sleep0 In this way, we could map the entire world and these maps would show the danger zones where severe heat strain may occur, as well as damp cold areas where trench foot would be prevalent. These maps would not be expected to evaluate precisely the strain on any given individual but we do expect them 1~ rk the areas of the w ’Id where the maxilurn protection must oe provided for everyone* In addition, they will furnish a quan- tative estimate of the strain involved. Any individual, how- ever, may feel more- or less strain o;r require more or less protection than that estimated. In this way, we can map the entire world, and these maps will show the danger areas where severe heat strain might occur as well as the damp cold areas where trench foot would be pre- valent. (2) The construction of clothing designed to make the most efficient use of the various avenues of heat loss under natural conditions. The indices provides a means of weighing these different avenues, and these in turn will, provide accurate in- formation -as to how the clothing should be constructed. In the past we have designed clothing as if it were to solve a single problem; but if we are aware that, in one section of the world, the problem of human heat tolerance is 90$ radiation and only 10$ wind, then clothes can be so designed as to take the gieatest possible advantage of these two factors. (3) From a human standpoint, we are also interested in the single effect of different types of heat loss registered by a single sensation in the human body. The psychological sensations of disagreeable cold, pleasant comfort and oppress- ive heat are important to the efficiency of the man even though the danger point may not be reached. Our goal today is to establish an index which is satis- factory to the physiologist, which follows physical laws, and which can be used by the geographers and climatologists. If there is time later in the afternoon, it may be poss- ible to discuss the formation of a meteorological instrument which would register the same kind of heat stress which is felt by man. The Weather Bureau cannot establish a human test ing laboratory at all of its locations, but it could give us some measure in a heat flow term which would represent the combined stress. Since we cannot weight the single sensation on the human body until we have analyzed its four causes, we have divided the agenda into four parts* convection, conduction, radiation and evaporationo Following the review of each, we have asked for particular discussion of the problems by various members present — but we are hoping that everyone will be free to comment, criticize and suggest. At this point, I should liteto turn the meeting over to Dr, Plummer, SECTION I - CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER: DR« PLUMMER:- The first topic on the program is the discussion of ti * in- fluence of convection upon the heat losses from the human body* Winslour Herrington, and Gagge* have studied the effect of -wind velocity upon convection and found that the convective heat transfer was proportional either to the wind velocity or to the square root of the velocity* Unfortunately, the experiments were based upon a relatively small range of air movement* and at high wind velocities there is a considerable difference in the values obtained from the two fomnia. To generalize Winslow, Herrington, and Gagge‘s results so that they may be applied with confidence to high wind velocities, it is necessary to assume that the convective losses from the body are the same as those from a cylinder whose diameter may be found by comparison with physio- logical data. Upon examining the literature within the last ten years, it is evident that there is a considerable amount of confusion existing in the relationship between convection and wind velocity. Some investi- gations show the square root law to be valid, others require different powers of wind velocity such as the 0,55 power, 0,6 power, O.06 power, or even higher powers. Within the last five years, much of this confusion has been eliminated through the application of dimensional analysis to the sur- Gagge, Herrington and Wipslow, The American Journal of Physiology;** 1937 face coefficients of heat transfer. To use this method in the present case, the assumption is made that the film coefficient of heat transfer is some function oft The cylinder, diameter D The thermal conductivity of air K The wind velocity V The density of air p and the specific heat of air Cp The viscosity of air /t H = *(D.VvVkK.CP) The unknown function may be expanded in terms of an exponential series. }-j = A, ( D°' V Cpf' ) + (1) ' ~ A2( D°2MbyCz Kdz/?e2 C fz Each of these terras is of the forms A ( D°VV Kd/CPf) In which the d,b,c,d,e,f, are dimensionless constantse Each of the terms in the right hand side of this equation must have the same net dimensions as the terms in the left hand side of the equation. Each of the variables may be expressed in terms of the five fundamental dimensions: Mass - m Time - T Length — L Temperature - t Quantity of heat - Q The dimension of the diameter is simply L. The dimensions of velocity is length per unit time or .L. Of viscosity is jn„ Of the T LT density is m Of the specific heat is Q mt Of thermal conductivity is Lit Equating the dimensions-of the general term to the dimensions of h gives the equation: J_= f-U b l-BL.) * (-£-) d (-!*-] 8 flf f Lait L It; \lt ) vut 1 v l» / / \ mt / This relation is identical to + e-f jj3+b-c-d-3e + 2 -|—b-c-d+i Qd+f-i which can only be satisfied if each of the exponents is equal to Oo c £ e - f r 0 d4b“C-d-3e42crO -b“C“d|lrO -d-fjlsO d|f-lr 0 These five simultaneous equations in six unknowns cannot be com- pletely solved, but a, b, c, and d may be found in terms of e and f0 This solution is: a as -1 + c b — c c ~ 4 f d s 1 - f The general term in the series then takes the form: AD"l+e V>“e+' K'-y CPf and equation (1) may be rewritten as: n(^)e"(c-F)f’ Recent studies have shown that * x x r\ -i ± r\ a fi =T2=f„ = 0.3 to 0.4 so for air the terras [ V* n may be considered constant and included in the value of the constants» Equation (1) then becomess V-EAjyf)” The term HD is known as Nusselt's number and *Pvp~ is called K h- Reynold’s number,, McAdams has published a summary of the work of 13 different workers in the field of convective heat transfer and shows that the relation between these two numbers is a smooth continuous function,, The equation t ( (2) = | + .407 + .00123 fits McAdams1 curve with a maximum error of less than 5% between the values of Reynold’s number 100 and 25,000., For the present purposes, this is the complete range since small values of Reynold's numbers occur only with very small diameters or extremely small wind velocit- ieso This equation is in the form which would be expected from dimensional analysis and consequently should very closely express the way in which surface coefficients are effected by such variables as wind velocity, temperature, and diameter of cylinder,, Unfort- unately, it is not a simple equation to work with, but it may be readily solved by graphical means# Solving equation (2) in this way for diameters of 1, Uy 6, and 12 inches, and for temperatures of 0 and 120°F«, a set of curves can be developed which show the relationship existing between con- vective heat transfer and wind velocity for various diameters and temperatures (Fig# 1)# It is obvious that the diameter plays a very important part and also that the effects of temperature, while STANDARD CROSS SECTION ENGRAVING 320 5X5 TO THE HALF INCH CLIMATOLOGY ft ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SEC. RESEARCH A DEVELOPMENT BRANCH O.Q. M.Gl CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER Between atmosphere and cylinders of various diameters of surface temperatures of 0°F and I20°F-*/hr./°F at vari- ous wind velocities. FIGURE I Original Version-18 JUNE 1944 appreciable, may be neglected in any but the most precise analysis* By taking a cross plot of this last set of curves and showing con- vective heat transfer as a function of diameter for specific values of the wind velocity, the effective diameter of the human body may be found from the work of Winslow, Herrington, and Gagge* The best agreement occurs when the diameter of the nude human body is chosen as 3 inches* Within the range of experimental wind velocities used by Winslow, Herrington, and Gagge, the points fit the 3 inch curve with an accuracy of approximately 2%o Upon extrapolating the physiological data to higher wind velocities, the difference may be of the order of 30$* Figure 2 shows the convective heat transfer and thermal resistance for cylinders of varying diameter, including the three inch* The result of temperature differences has here been averaged over the range likely to include the human body* Radiation is not included* To compare this data with Burton’s, a correction to the con- vective heat transfer must be added to account for the radiation • lost from the surface* Assuming black body conditions, this is equivalent to adding a constant term of 2*65 kilogram calories per degree F, to the total convective loss* Upon converting the con- ductance to resistance in do value, the agreement with Burton’s data is reasonably good* In the range of wind velocities from \ mile per hour to 20 miles per hour, the deviation, in general, is only *05 do or less* The maximum variation is found at J mile per hour where the deviation rose to *08* 25-8367-300 CLIMATOLOGY Or ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SacIIoa- RtMOrch O Dal Bronch, aQ.MjT .Resistance: #gj||ldR FIGURE 2 ill convective; heat transfer : AND THERM A- IffSISrflNCE Fpfe f DIAMETERS Wind Velocity ini lM/hr Heat Transfer " TER ”1 TEMf’ERAliURE 'WFLRENtpr (vaovff hr BEiow THE BODY STANDARD CROSS SECTION ENGRAVING 320 5X5 TO THE HALF INCH DISCUSSION DR, BURTON:- In some calculations I made in Toronto based only on my own dimensions, I found the average diameter to be 7 cm. DR, PLUMMER:- I am glad you mentioned that for the value of 3 inches we found was so small that we were rather disturbed about it. DR, THOM:- May I make a comment? In some experiments we made, the radiation factors were extremely important. It probably will be much more important in the human body because of the difference in temperature between the body and the outside air. Hfhen the gradient between the body and the air is increased, the radiation factor mist be altered. DR, PLUMMER:- This is perfectly correct, but for a limited temperature range, the radiation factor may be considered constant without intro- ducing an appreciable error. DR, BURTON:- In a recent conference here on standardization of methods, o_ I showed that, with a change in external temperature from 70 F, to -40°F, the change in the radiation factor is almost exactly com- pensated for by the change in convection, I think that we may take a standard curve and neglect the effect of temperature for all practical purposes. Do you agree? DR. PLUMMER}- I do. Certainly the error involved is less than the experimental error in practical measurements. COL, HATCHThe present discussion concerns only transverse air flow. As the transverse velocity is diminisned, a longitudinal velocity, caused by the temperature difference between the body and the air, will begin to be effective. At what transverse velocity does the vertical movement cause a change in the results, and how can you combine the effect of the two velocities? DR. PLUMMER:- Only additional experiments could provide a complete answer. Equation 6 is valid for transverse velocities as low as 0.1 miles per hour. Below this, it departs appreciably. Since we are primarily interested in outdoor conditions, lower velocities were not considered. I believe that the effect of the transverse velocity is 10 to 12 feet per minute or less. CONDUCTIVE HEAT TRANSFER AND CLO VALUES Dr. Plummer then introduced Mrs. Margaret lonides Cochran. MRS. COCHRANt- For the benefit of our visitors who may be more or less unfamiliar with the scientific study of clothing, I should like to * define a do unit. The do unit was first described by Drs. Qagge, Burton, and Bazett in an article in in 1939» A do serves the purpose of establishing a unit of insulation for the human body which can be used by physiologists, clothing experts and housing engineers. It is a resistance unit similar to an ohm in electricity. One do is defined as the amount of clothing necessary to keep a man comfortable at normal indoor winter con- ditions, or, to be more precise, at a temperature of 70°F with relative humidity less than 50% and almost still air. The number of do necessary for any other condition varies with the amount of heat which the man's body is creating, the temperature of the out- side air, and the wind velocity. In laboratories •when do measurements are taken, the meta- bolic rate of the man is gauged by determining the heat lost from £■ See Appendix 2 the skin, the amount of heat lost by warming the air which the man breaths, and the amount of heat lost by evaporation from the skin surface and from the lungs* Since the do is a physical unit of heat resistance, the value of clothing may be determined by a simple calculation; measuring the thicknesses, calculating the resistances, and adding them. This method is illustrated by these two charts. Figure 3, ’♦Combat Uniform 3 Clo11, and Figure 4, "Arctic Uniform 4 Clo". We call these the thickness charts* I should like to point out that these particular charts are more an illustration of method than a statistical analysis of thS way in which clothing fits various sub- jects* Only one or two men were measured in making these charts* tfery careful measurements were taken of the circumference of a man in the nude, and at each stage of his dressing* These cir- cumferences were then converted to radii* The difference between the nude radius and the clothing radii gave the thickness of the layers plus the included air at each stage. The textiles were also measured for their thickness by a precise instrument, --to thicknesses were taken for each material; (l) the greatest possible thickness without any pressure, and (2) the thickness at 1 pound per square inch of pressure. (Occasionally arbitrary adjustments were necessary to take into consideration the extra thickness of pockets, binding, and findings.) In construction of the graph, we measured first the full radius of the outside layer since this was the absolute maximum ARCTIC UNIFORM-4 CLO FIGURE 3 ORIGINAL = FE B. 1944 Thlt EDITION = 24 JULY 1944 CLIMATOLOGY 8r ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Section-Reseorch 0r Dev, Branch, O.Q.M,G~ KEUFFEL & ESSER C9 NEW YORK 24-0838B-2001 COMBAT UNIFORM - 3 CLO FIGURE 4 ORIGINAL* FEB. 19 44 CLIMATOLOGY a ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Section_Research a Dev. Branch', O.Q.M.6, THIS EDITION * 24 JULY 19 44 *4-99285- 200 of the thickness of the clothing, The difference between this outermost radius and the radius of the next layer of material represents the space available for the textile plus the included aii*0 Wfren the space between layers was smaller than the optimum thickness of the clothing, then compression was apparent at some point beneath. If the space were greater than the possible thick- ness of the material, it was obvious that the full benefit of the insulating value of the material was present plus the amount of dead air for which there was room, (If this dead air between layers exceeded ,2 of an inch, the additional air was judged to be in- efficient, since above that amount convection currents will set in and reduce the insulating power of the air. For example, notice the large inefficient spaces of the trouser legs,) ■When the bar graph for each part of the body was finished, the total efficient thickness of air and clothing was added to- gether, One-fourth inch of air and material is approximately equal to one do. This gives the do value which would be present if the material and air were covering a flat plate. After the diagram was complete, two corrections had to be made in estimating the adequacy of the clothing. The first was the correction for insulation loss due to the increase in sur- face area provided by the varying size4 cylinders. This is a form of the law of diminishing returns. Extra clothing layers cannot give proportionally greater insulation. If a small stove is put in a small storeroom, it will heat the room sufficiently. If, however, it is put in a large circular storeroom, the room will not be heated even though it is filled to the ceiling with soft woolo This is because the radiating surface from which the heat is lost increases more rapidly in proportion to the radius of the insulation,, The same is true in the body. As extra layers are added, the area of their surface increases. This is obvious when one realizes how much more material is needed to make a shirt than an and how much more still to make a coat. As a result of this in- creasing size, the efficiency of each additional layer is decreased. The seller the cylinder, the more rapidly the surface area in- creases in proportion to the square of radius and the greater the decrease of efficiency as additional layers are added. Figure No, 5 shows the relationship of effective insulation to surface area. Two and one-half inches of insulation around the torso would be 80$ efficient; whereas, the same over the hands would be only 40$ efficient, besides being impractical for dexterity. These correct- ions for surface area are shown as the efficiency and inefficiency figures on the charts. This gives the figures listed in the column under do values, which represent the local insulation pro- vided for each part of the body. The second correction made is due to the varying loss of heat from different parts of the body? The feet, for example, lose only 7% or the total body heat while zhe torso loses 36£, The value of the weighted figures is shown in the column under total contribution. If should be noted that the clothing indicated here gives •Vr See Appendix 3 STANDARD CROSS ‘SECTION ENGRAVING 320 5X5 TO THE HALF INCH 21-98118-200 CLIMATOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SECTION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BRANCH 0. Q. M. 6 - WAR DEPARTMENT FIGURE 5 fairly adequate protection for all parts of the body, except for the face, Very different effects will be found if any portion of the body is inadequately protected. The final column of figures is the contribution which the clothing over each part of the body makes as the whole. Labora- tory measurements have shown the arctic uniform to be approximately 4 clo, IWhen the figures in the final column are added, it will be seen that with the measurement of thicknesses, the uniform appears to be 4«13 clOo In the same way, the laboratory 3 clo uniform is calculated to be 3«»19 clo. A greater variation than this between laboratory measurements of conductance and these calculations of resistance might, of course, be expected to occur if measurements were made on more subjects. By means of this method of estimating clothing insulation as an alternate to precise physiological tests, a number of advantages are obtained other than its short cut measurements. Some of the advantages over cold chamber metabolic clb testing are as follows: (a) To make a quick and simple estimate of the insulation value which any garment contributes to a given assembly. (b) To determine the thermal balance of an assemo±y of clothing for the purpose oi correcting points which are too tight or too loose to give optimum protection. Also to indicate where additional thickness may be added to improve insulation with a minimum increase in weight. (c) To .nyaluate the loss of local insulation at pressure points. (d) To evaluate the component parts of lined garments. (e) To provide a suitable means of making a measurement analysis of a large group of soldiers to determine the ade- quacy of garment sizing. It is suggested that the application of this method might bring to light other interesting differences in insulation such as is provided by the front and back of the jackets due to the presence of numberous pockets and findings. In order to use the do values for an index, it is necessary to correlate them with climatic conditions. Figure No, 6 rtClo Values11 shows the temperature along the side and the activity or the heat produced by the body across the top. This chart is plotted for an average wind of 5 miles an hour. From it, one may determine what do is necessary to keep a man in thermal equilibrium for various activities between sleeping and marching at 4 miles per hour at any given temperature if the clothing and atmosphere are dry. For use in the index, it seems probable that the best activity to select would be one which would cover such activities as truck driving, standing at guard duty, and standing with occasional shifting of feet. Naturally, if this man begins to walk fast, he will have to remove some layers of his clothing; nevertheless, it is far more necessary that he be well protected at a low activity than at a high. If he is forced to lie still in a fox hole with this clothing, his endurance will be limited by a time factor; although lack of wind will give him considerable added protection. The range of activities cited here (between 65 and 75 Kg, Cals/M^/hr) has the additional advantage in that they can be 21-98 I 18-200 KEUFFEL & ESSER C8, NEW YORK iiiilMUESj CLIMATOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SECTION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BRANCH 0. Q. M. 6. WAR DEPARTMENT FIGURE 6 Origlnol Version 15 MARCH 1944 This Edition = 21 JULY 1944 HONI dIVH 3H1 01 SXS 02£ 9NIAVU9N3 N0U03S ssoao ayvoNvis correlated with the Climatic Zone Maps* In this range, one addit- ional half do is needed for each 9°F drop in average air tempera- ture* The Climatic Zone Maps are so designed that the temperature range of each zone is 18°F or 10°C* For precise purposes of cloth- ing distribution, half do lines should also be drawn on the 9' °F temperature lines* DISCUSSION DR, BURTON:- An extension* of the report on limits of thermal insulat- ion (Climatic Research Laboratory, Report No* 76) might be made to include the effect of increasing surface area on total insulat- ion of the air, as well as of the clothings This shows the limitations of insulation on surfaces of small radii of curvature to be even more drastic than has been supposed. Unless the out- side diameter exceeds a certain value, adding an insulation layer may even increase, rather than decrease, the heat loss. This critical condition could hold for the fingers in very still air. It is possible that thin gloves of poor insulating material actually made the hands colder* This idea never applies to hand- gear in greater air movements* For precise measurements, account should be taken of this connection in do determination on gloves, and caution should be taken not to interpret results in hand calorimeters, with very still air, as indicating the practical usefulness of thin inner gloves in the field* The importance of * This discussion is now published in N,R.C* Canada, S,P0Co Report Noo 174o using the best possible insulating material (such as Aerogel) for handgear should be emphasized, DR. BELDINGi- I feel that the Clo value charts issued by this section must be used rather cautiously. They are probably quite accurate for low activity rates, but when the rates of work become high, sweating occurs, at least localized sweating, and the evaporative heat loss mist be taken into consideration. This has not been done in the present tolerance time figures. DR. PLUMMERYou are quite correct, we have not taken into account the evaporative heat losses in calculating tolerance times regardless of the rates of activity. We would like to do so, but unfortunately have had no data which we could use for this purpose. In spite of this, however, we think that the tolerance times as calculated at present are a reasonably good approximation and are somewhat on the conservative side because they are based on a total loss of 40 or BO Kg. Cal. per square meters. Local sweating is primarily an unbalanced situation, i,e,, one portion of the body is generating more heat than necessary and other parts of the body are probably generating less heat. We would very much like to have some information concerning the quantity of heat output per unit area for different parts of the body as a function of the activity. This would give us informa- tion with which to calculate the effects of unbalanced clothing conditions', and it would also permit us to take into considera- tion the evaporative heat loss and then the calculation of toler- ance times. DR, BSLDINGOf course, the do equation cannot be taken with great precision. In applying the equation which Burton originated to human subjects, we have found that there is a! variation of 10 to 15$ between different subjects on the same day and also between the same subjects on different days. This whole matter is dis- cussed in a revised edition of the Harvard Fatigue Report No. 19, dated 3 August 1944* DR, BURTON:- Is it not possible that some of this variation is due to the way that the clothes fit? MAJOR SIPLEx- In the early stages of this work two years ago, many physiologists believe that any type of clothing index would be impractical because of the great difference between human beings. Further study of the factors governing heat loss shows that many of these variables are external. The same man may not put on his clothes in just the same way two days in succession, and the same clothes wi3J. not fit two different men just alike; as a result, there will be considerable variation in the distribution of dead air space and pressure points from time to time. MRS a COCHRANS'- In report No. 76 from the Climatic Research Laboratory to which Dr. Burton referred, the do value per inch was taken as the maximum for dead air space. This value is, 1 believe, 4*7 do to the inch. However, I should like to ask Dr. Burton whether with the in- clusion of textiles this figure would not drop to about 4 do to the inch? DR. BURTONt- 4 do per inch seems to me an acceptable estimate. It is the value we takfe for calculations of dead air and clothing. EVAPORATION Dr. Plummer then introduced Dr. Fourt of the Bureau of Standards to speak on the subject of "Evaporation*. DR. FOURTjr- We tried two different kinds of experiments at Dr, Plummer's re- quest. The first of these concerned the effect of wind on the evaporat- ion from a completely wet cylinder. The observed rates of evaporative cooling are shown on Figure 7 in - (E) per millimeter vapor pressure difference, (p) are plotted against wind speed (V) in miles per hour. The upper curve shows the results for a wet surface without any cover. It is distinctly curved, rather than linear with wind velocity, Powell* studied the evaporation from completely wet cylinders of different diameters, in air streams of different speeds. These are shown in Figure 8, His equation may be writtent E/P a 35.1 V .6 D.4 When D is the diameter in centimeters» For the diameter of the *Trans. Inst, Chem. Eng., 18, 36 (1940), Relationship of evaporation rate to wind velocity, for fabrics having the air permeabilities shown at the ends of the lines. E/P = per n. vapor pressure difference. Air permeability = ft3/ft? min at pressure « 0.5 inch water. FIGURE 7 mkmmwhh FIGURE 8 Original Version « 23 JULY 1944 CLIMATOLOGY a ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SEC. RESEARCH a DEVELOPMENT BRANCH 0. 0. M. 6. artificial sweating man, 20„4 centimeters, this reduces to - E/P - 10o5 V*6 The observations at the higher speeds lie 15% above Powell's values but follow the same general trend® Perfect agreement should not be expected, because Powell was concerned only with the sides of the cylinders, while these experiments included evaporation from the flat top® Qagge, Herrington and Winslow, American Journal of Hygiene, 26, 84 (1937) have given a different type of equation for the effect of air movement on evaporative cooling from a man with completely wet skin, which may be written E/P a 2®S £ 1®0 V® This may apply better than Powell's at low air movement, since it includes the effect of natural convection, but it falls 15% too low at 10 miles per hour® The other type of experiment which we have done concerns the evaporation from a wet skin through dry clothing® A cylindrical fabric cover was held at an average distance of 0®7 centimeter from the wet blotting paper® Under these conditions, the rate of evapora- tion depends on the air permeability of the fabric, as shown in the charts (Figure 9)« Air permeability is expressed in cubic feet of air passing through 1 square foot of fabric per minute, at a pressure difference across the fabric equal to 0®5 inch water® In addition to air permeability, the size of the cover, or the amount of air trapped between cover and skin makes a difference, as shown in the chart (Figure 10). For any fabrics of low permeability, such as herringbone twill or poplin, these size factors are of as much in- fluence as the permeability factor® Effect of wind on evaporation (E/P = kg hr per ram vapor pressure difference). Fabric Air Permeabilitv ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ — ■ i. ■■■»■■ ■ ■ ■,■■■— ..i■,, u Palm Beach 91 Coat 4* shirt + underwear 66 6 oz. khaki 45 JO cloth 0,88 Water permeable cellophane 0*00 FIGURE 9 2 Effect of wind on evaporation (E/P = Kg cal/m hr per mm vapor pressure difference) for covers differing in size. Material Air Permeability Tight Loose uadius Radius ft3/ft2 min at cm cm 0.5 in water Muslin 98 11.0 11.8 Herringbone twill 13 11,3 11*9 Poplin d 11.0 12.2 FIGURE 10 The combined effect of wind and air permeability can be analyzed in an empirical way, for the range of air speeds up to 10 miles per hour, and fabric permeabilities up to 500, neglecting small variations in size„ The chart (Figure 11) shows the increase in evaporation per unit wind speed, plotted against air permeability of fabric«, Various empirical relations can be fitted to this, but the one of present choice is a linear relationship which does not go through the origin,, The fact that there is an increase in evaporation with increasing wind, even with zero air permeability, should be expected, since part of the resistance to evaporation lies in the air outside the fabrico The equation for the combined effects of air movement and fabric permeability is S/P - 3 i (0o3 j- o004 A) V in which A is the air permeability„ The charts show that the experi- mental uncertainty is such that a difference in air permeability of about 30 is needed to demonstrate a difference between fabrics„ For the purpose of mapping the effect of climatic factors, it must be remembered that there is a big difference between the rates of evaporation from bare, wet skin and from clothed skin0 The differences between these physical experiments and the reactions of a real man should also be pointed out„ The physical experiments deal with a 100$ wet cylinder, or with this covered by dry clothing„ It is very seldom that the extreme condition of 100$ wet skin is reached„ Experiments at the Pierce Laboratory* have shown that the sensation *Winslow, Herrington, & Gagge, A0S„H<,VoEo Transactions, 44* 179 (1939) Observatlons ; o 6*4 niles/hr, • 10 miles/hr. nir Permeability min. at pressure = 0.5 in. water Empirical eouations connecting increase in evaporation per unit wind speed (A&/PV = Kg cal/nr hr per mm. v.p, difference per mile/hr. wind) with air permeability. A, nine a is for A E/PV = 0.09 A0»5 iAne b is for A E/PV - 0.25 (A/30 1)0-75 .bine c is for Ae/PV = 0.3 (A/75 + 1) * 0.3 + 0.004 A broken lines indicate deviation from line c. FIGURE II of discomfort increases with increase in wetted area, and that above 75% wetted area is unpleasant. However, the clothing does not remain perfectly dry, and, since wet clothing resembles wet skin in rate of evaporative cooling, a real man presents a situation intermediate be- tween the perfectly wet surface and the wet surface covered by dry clothing. These experiments show that the extreme cases can be des- cribed by two different types of equations: for wet skin or wet clothing, Powell's equation; for dry clothing, a modified form of Gagge’s equation. DISCUSSION DR, BURTONr- The systematization of the information regarding evaporation from the body is in a manner analogous to the system of Clo units for thermal insulation. It is not necessary to invent a new Unit other than that already used by Dr. Goodings and by Dr. Fourt, namely, the Equivalent centimeters of dead air1*, Incidentially, I suggest that "dead air" be used instead of '♦still air" to avoid confusion with the use of '♦still air” to denote that in a room with- out ventilation. Here convection currents make it very far from the "dead air'1 in a fabric or in the small dish of the experimental measurements, Th® fundamental equation of vapor transfer is: Cals/Sq o M,/Hr, by _ * _ s evaporation “* .1 a / x3 R Where and ?2 are the vapor pressures of the skin and outside air in millimeters of Hq, and R is the resistance to passage of vapor in cms of dead air. By a fortunate coincidence, it turns out that in normal indoor conditions with normal clothing, the total resistance R is about 1.7 cms of dead air0 Of this, about 1 cm. is in the clothing, and 0o7 cms8 in the outside air. In a wind the latter may fall to as low as 0.2 cms. The analogy with the thermal in- sulation normal clothing in do units is complete. It is to be noted that a total up to 17 cms0 of resistance to vapor could be tolerated before the inactive subject became uncomfortable. This indicated how far one could go with a protection impermeable suit before it became uncomfortable. DR# PLUMMER:- Thank you Dr0 Burton0 We had not thought of calculating thermal transfer by vapor pressures in terms of resistance# That is a most useful addition# We are most grateful to Dr. Fourt of the Textile Foundation for the assistance he has given us in studying evaporation. For includ- ing the evaporative heat transfer in the index, wo suggest the graph as illustrated in Figure 12. The upper curved line on this graph shows the heat transfer from any bare surface irrespective of whether that surface is the nude skin or the clothing surface so long as it is entirely wet. Heat transfer can then be measured in per millimeter vapor pressure difference between the surface and the atmosphere for any wind velocity. This corresponds to the upper curved line as shown in Dr. Fount's diagram. Figure No. 7. For zero wind velocity, this also corresponds to the experiments made by Winslow, Herrington, and Gagge. When the figures taken from this line have been added to or subtracted from the corresponding figures for convection for any given atmospheric condition, the result should be the limits of safe activity which a man can endure without storing additional bodily heat0 It is obvious, however, that men often become distinctly uncomfort- able long before they have reached the limits of safe activity,, Winslow Herrington, and Gagge* have measured these limits of comfort in terms of percent of wetted area of the human body„ Using a fabric of low air per- meability such as Herringbone twill and replotting from the graphs shown by Dr, Fount, we have drawn three straight lines near the bottom of the chart, Noo 120 Reading from top to bottom, these represent respective ly (a) 100$ wetted skin surface covered with one dry layer of herring- bone twill, (b) 75$ wetted skin surface covered with one layer of dry herringbone twill, (c) 25$ wetted skin surface covered with one layer of dry herringbone twill0 Summer underclothes arc included in the normal costume, the permeability of the material is sufficiently high to make no difference in the transfer factors0 For the purpose of demarkating efficient military service it may be necessary to plot 2 lines for every hot climate; one with the limits of safe activity, and another with a 75$ wetted area or an extremely unpleasant line, since in some climates extreme unpleasantness and hence decrease of efficiency is apparent under normal daytime condit- ions even though the threshold of danger rarely occurs, whereas in other climates unpleasant conditions may be reached at a temperature and vapor pressure only slightly below those of critical danger,, Until the limits of danger are reached, there will be, of course, a considerable time when the body is not all wet nor the clothing all *Rcprint from The American Journal of Hygiene, Vol„ 26, No0 1, 103-115, July, 1937o dryn Adjustments for these periods could be made but since their variat ions are so numberous, it seemed more reasonable to make the estimates which we have shown0 then are our suggestions for the evaporation factors to be included in the index„ The meeting was adjoined for lunch at 1300 hours© -27b— IIH tittiipMS: FIGURE 12 CLIMATOLOGY a ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SEC. RESEARCH 8 DEVELOPMENT BRANCH 0. Q. M. G. Original Version > 23 JULY \S44 The meeting was reconvened by Major Siple at 1430 hours. Dr. Plummer then introduced Mrs, Elizabeth Schickele, RADIATION MRS, SCHICKELE:- In considering radiation, particularly out-of-doors, we discover that radiation exchange bears some resemblance to good conversation - it is strictly a reciprocal affair. Is is almost impossible, out-of-doors, to vary the flow from one source without at the same time varying that from another. As an example, step- ping out of the sun to the shade of a tree changes the amount of sunlight falling on the body, but that is not the whole of it. It also affects the radiant exchange between body and ground, and the extent of the reradiation: of the body to space. Possibly other factors are also affected. The terms of the radiation exchange equation are evidently interdependent - a change in one may cause change in many or all of the others. This is one of three threads which run as a theme through this discussion. The second thread concerns the necessity of in- cluding radiation gains and losses in calculations of heat loss out-of-doorso Evaporation notes have sometimes been taken as the sole measure of heat transfer under these conditions. The third thread, a corollary of the first two, considers the changes in radiation exchange as surface temperatures change. This may well act as a compensatory device to form a kind of insulating layer which decreases the effective radiation load. These may appear to be elementary propositions, radiation exchange, however, although complex in practice, is relatively simple in theory. As Dr. Plummer stated, this complexity of factors, this hand- ling of the numerous variables, poses a nice problem in maneuvers. It is literally true that almost everything under the sun affects radiant transfer out-of-doors. Most of the factors affecting cli- mate- the position of the body; nature of the terrain; materials of the clothing- these include some of the most important. There are five sources of radiant heat exchange between the body and its environment - (1) solar radiation, (2) diffuse radiation from the sky, and (3) and (4-) two types of radiation from the ground. Reradiation from sun and sky is diffusely re- flected from the ground at unchanged wavelengths, In addition, the ground will radiate according to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. At these long wavelengths, both ground and body may be considered as black bodies - that is, emissivity and absorptivity equal to unity. Out-of-doors, the radiation of the body to cold space ($) must be included in the calculations. The radiant exchange may therefore be expressed as- Z - Zo * 2h * Zg + h - Zs Where Z « Net radiant exchange - total radiant heat stress on body Z0 = Direct solar radiation 2h - Diffuse sky radiation Zj - Reflected radiation Zf, - Ground radiation o 2S = Radiation from the body to the sky reduced by incoming radiation from the atmosphere We begin with the solar constant, which is the amount of solar energy which falls per minute on one square centimeter outside the atmosphere. The general accepted figures is 1,94 Cals/M^/min, y This is depleted and modified somewhat as it passes through the atmosphere. Scattering will be caused by gaseous molecules, water vapor, and dust. Absorption will occur due to ozone, C02, water vapor, etc. The effective length of path through the atmosphere varies with the secant of the zenith angle of the sun, being twice as great when the sun is 60° from the zenith as when the sun is overhead. Scattering of solar radiation by air and water vapor, and absorption by water vapor, for various angles of the sun, as determined by latitude, season, and time of day, are taken direct- ly from the data of the Smithsonian Institution. (Smithsonian Physical Tables, Table 686, page 555, Bth revised edition). Ozone absorption cuts off transmission of the solar specturm at 2.9, but the loss in intensity is small in this range, of the spectral intensity curve. Water vapor is the principal absorber of radiation in the infra red. The effect is so marked that solar radiation received at normal incidence is on the average higher in the winter When the air is dry than the summer. The highest solar radiation ever recorded in Washington occurred on a February day when the tempera- ture dropped suddenly to the lowest point in twenty years. Particles of dust, being large, are generally considered to scatter light independently of wave length. As dust content of the air is difficult to estimate, it has been disregarded in the calculations., This seems to be a reasonable procedure, as we are most interested in maximum stress. Actually, our calculations run five or six percent higher than recorded measurements of solar radiation at Washington. Independent measurements here estimate that "average11 dust content lowers solar radiation by about 6%, Measurements of the albedo of human skin indicated that blonde skin reflects A3% of solar radiation, brunette skin some- what less, and negro skin about 16$. As measurements on military cloths by Dr. Aldrich for Dr. Wulsin give figures of A0% to 50%, the transmission is included in the absorption figures, since it is small, from 0 to 5%, and is absorbed close to the surface, (This recalls the fact that radiation cannot always be considered as entirely a function of the surface. The most apague material becomes translucent if thin enough, and the most transparent material becomes apague with sufficient thickness.) An average between absorption of blonde skin and herringbone twill has been used here. Now for the geometry involved in determining the amount of direct solar radiation falling on the human body. For a person standing up, it will be least when the sun is overhead and will increase as the sun descends in the sky. On the other hand, the stress on the prone body will be greatest for an overhead sun, and will decrease as the sun descends. We have used profiles of body area measured by Dr, Harold F, Blum, to whom I am indebted for his valuable cooperation. An average figure for diffuse sky radiation is 15% of direct solar radiation, the range in Washington, on the average, running from 10% in winter to 20% in summer0 We have taken three percent- ages as representative, 5% for very dry air, 15% for average air, and 20% for moist air0 A consideration of the geometry shows that, in this case, the amount of radiation received is independent of the position of the bodyD When lying down, one-half of the body received radiation from half the sky (considering the body as a flat-two-sided affair). If the body is considered to be a many sided prism, or, if you will a cylinder, the same relationship holds. Since the reflection of radiation by the terrain depends on the albedo of the surface, it is unfortunate that most albedos have been measured photometrically, A reflectivity of 25% for desert sand, measured over the entire spectral range, is employed as the basis of our calculations, once again a maximum figure. If the ground is flat, the erect body will receive approximately half the radiation emitted by unit area. This may be demonstrated mathematically, it being sufficient to note at this time that the sides of the body are exposed to half the solid angle through which radiation passes, • (Discussion of the chart of total solar radiation falling on the human body followed. It was suggested that 130 Kg,Cals/ Vp/hr, be taken as an average value for the total solar load in clear weather. It was pointed out that for position of the sun not far from the zenith (an average summer noon position) the variation with varying moisture content of the air is small0 It must be remembered that this is a maximum, based on clear weather, dust free air, high reflectivity of ground surface, and low re- flectivity of clothing or skin surface„) Direct radiation from the ground may be treated in the same manner as the radiation diffusely reflected by the earth’s sur- face, the one divergence from this procedure being due to the fact that both emitter and receiver are now treated as black bodieso The ground temperature which determines the intensity of radiation may theoretically reach 200°F, although the recorded upper limit is 180o Desert sands reach 140 to 180, and even dry grass normally attains a temperature of 110° to 125°F in the sun, with occasional readings of 150°F, with green grass running about 20° cooler, according to Dr„ Brooks« Moisture content of the ground surface certainly affects the temperature - indeed, the high temperature of rocks in the sunshine may be attributed to their dryness„ Water vapor, a powerful absorber of infra red radiation, is even more effective in this region of very long wave lengths« (Chart indicates how much is completely absorbed),, As a matter of fact, its action cannot be ignored even in the small amounts which occur in the radiation path between the body and its surroundings„ The average amount of moisture in the air may account for a re- duction of as much as Indoors as well as out, the absolute amount of water vapor present must be considered,, Unquestionably, the most difficult radiation flow to handle practically ia that of the body to cold outer space. The outward 33 radiation of the body amounts to 216 the net radiation exchange of the body being this figure reduced not only by incoming radiation from the sources already discussed, but also by radiation from that highly variable unknown quantity, the atmosphereo Although the radiation to space of the body it- self has not been studied, the nocturnal radiation of the atmos- phere has received a great deal of attention. Extrapolation of results made on instruments at air temperature yield a tentative figure of 90 lost from the body to the sky, clear weather, vapor pressure about' 13 (fairly average humidity condit- ions) skin temperature 96°F0 This is quite independent of all radiation at shorter wave lengths, coming in from the sun, either direct or diffused as sky radiation. Indoors, where walls and ceiling temperatures, approximate body temperatures, the radiant exchange is small. Merely stepping out-of-doors on a clear night, when there is no incoming solar radiation to balance it, causes a sharp increase in heat loss; this after a time becoming minimized by the reduction in surface temperature of skin or clothing. In- crease in temperature and moisture content of the air decreases the net loss from the body, to a point where the exchange is almost zero in heavy clouds. Radiation is a surface phenomen, and as has been previously mentioned, any change in incoming radiation tends to change sur- face temperatures, thereby causing further adjustment in the ex- change. This mechanism may, on occasion, operate to minimize the radiant heat load on the body. Little *is known of the temperature of clothing surfaces« The Smithsonian Institution is making preliminary measurements at the present time. When there are completed, they may be applied to the study of heat transfer through clothing to the skin, and a more complete picture obtained for sunshine conditions. CLIMATOLOGY ft ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION S'Ctio* RESEARCH R DEVELOPMENT BRANCH — O.Q.M.O. FIGURE 13 FCnaii;:!SOi-AR HEAT LOfilD Latitudei off Dose rver at Mias immer moon mmmmmjm ilir'suN' ANEisSilli ORIGINAL VERSION - 8 AUGUST 1944 RADIANT HEAT EXCHANGE BETWEEN ERECT HUMAN BODY AND GROUND FOR LONG WAVE LENGTH RADIATION Kg. cals./MVhr. FIGURE 14 Ground Wormer Than Skin Temperoture.{96° F) Read upper row of figures for Ground Temperatures. Ground Cooler Than Skin Temperature. (91° F) Read lower row of figures for Ground Temperatures. CLIMATOLOGY a ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SEC. RESEARCH a DEVELOPMENT BRANCH O.Q.MG- 8MOB35-iiCO DISCUSSION DR. HAROLD F. BLUM?- It seems to me that what we need is a lot of measure- ments we do not have. Unless we could go on to the desert and make measurements simultaneously of all these factors, we can not hope to get a balance sheet or to say very much about what the actual load is. For purely illustrative purposes, a thermodynamic balance sheet is presented for a hypothetical set of conditions, namely; sun at zenith, temperature of the terrain 60°C, ambient air relatively dry and at a temperature somewhat above that of the body, the man erect marching at 3 miles per hour. The evaporation factor is based on the loss of 882 gms. of water per hour, an average figure obtained by Adolph for men walking on the desert. Convection and conduction losses are assumed to be small because the temperature of the t ambient air is near that of the body, but represent an unknown value. The radiation values are those calculated in this paper. Kilogram Calories Per Hour Metabolism £265 Total solar heat load 4-234 Long wavelength radiation 4-128 exchange with terrain Long wavelength radiation -128 exchange with heavens Evaporation —506 Convection and conduction £ ? Total The close over all balance obtained is fortuitous, as is the exact balance between radiation from the terrain and to the heavens. Had the ground temperature been taken as 10° lower or the assumption made that the sun had warmed the clothing to a temperature 10° higher than that chosen, the balance would be considerably upset« It should be pointed out that for a man at rest, the long wavelength radiation exchange would be more important relative to the metabolism, and it might be interesting to explore other'possibilitiesc The evaporat on factor must adjust itself to achieve a balance if the body temperature is not to rise0 Hence it must be expected to vary as the other factors shift with the conditions, and when the magnitude and variability of the other factors are considered, it does not seem surprising that Adolph and his coworkers should have obtained different values for evaporative heat loss under the various conditions they explored, nor that these values display the general consistency they do0 The whole problem of radiant exchange with outdoor surroundings is, thus, quite complex and cannot be accurately simulated in an enclosed roora0 Moreover, all these factors render physiological measurements out of doers subject to considerable variability, not only insofar as the solar heat load is concerned, but with regard to the heat load as a whole <■ SUMMARY DRa PLUMMERr- In the previous discussion we have covered as thoroughly as possible all of the avenues of heat loss normally available to the human bodyD Equilibrium can only occur if the heat production is equal to the heat loss, and this may be used to provide an index or indices which may be used to evaluate climatic stress0 For cold weather conditions we may use as an index the insulation requirements to provide equilibrium when the activity, temperatures, wind velocities, etCo, are known. Any scale of activity may be chosen, but two specific vones appear to be the most desirable. For normal daylight conditions, 7$ Kilogram Calories has been chosen because men in the Army spend a considerable portion of their time working at this level. An index set up on this basis, however, would not be adequate for night conditions as the metabolic rate of the sleeping men is very much lower.* Consequently, it seems that two indices are necessary, and on the basis of previous discussions the insulating value of the clothing required to maintain equilibrium may be calculated. An example for day is shown on the map of Central Europe, which shows the clothing required for winter day- light conditions for various parts of the country. . The situation is very much more complex, however, in the tropical or high temperature as it is not possible to control heat -oss by the mere removal or addition of extra clothing. In many of these places a certain amount of clothing must be worn as a protection against other factors of the environment, such as mosquitoes, jungle vegetation, etc. As the clothing requirements are fixed by other con- ditions and the environmental conditions are also fixed by the locality, the only variable which remains is the rate of activity. We have chosen as an index of climatic stress the maximum activity which may be per- mitted in a given environment without causing an increase in the stored heat within the body. This work is not a comfort index, but represents the maximum conditions in which men may be expected to woric indefinitely. An index based upon comfort and mapping according to the index see Appendix II. AVERAGE CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS FOR JANUARY Based on the Mean Monthly Temperature; Wind Velocity of 5 M.P.H., and in Dry Shade. Calculated to Maintain Continuous Comfortable Protection for Men Standing Around (76 Kg. Cals. M2/Hr. Insulation Effective Limiting Clo Insulation Temperaturs Values Thickness °P. (inches) 2.00 to 2.50 0.50 to 0.63 46 to 37 2.50 to 3.00 0.63 to 0.75 37 to 28 3.00 to 3.50 0.75 to 0.88 28 to 19 3.50 to 4.00 0.88 to 1.00 19 to 10 4.00 to 5.00 1.00 to 1.25 10 to -7 5.00 to 6.00 1.25 to 1.50 -7 to -23 34-06715-800 inefficient discomfort could also be calculated by using a wetted area of the body surface of 25$, and 75$ respect!vely0 In calculations of maximum activity, we have been forced to eliminate the effect of radiation,, Data is available for so few » parts of the world that we can only calculate an index on a basis of convection, conduction, and evaporation. The calculations of radiation can be used to estimate the possible effect of the radiant heat load. The index as we use it excludes radiation, but in all cases it must be borne in mind that radiation may add a very definite heat load and its effects must be considered in those localities in which the maximum permissible activity begins to approach normal activities. As a comparison of the results achived with an index of this type, we have compared our index of various activities with the work of the Pierce Laboratory, the A.SeH,VcE, Laboratory, and Dr0 Robinson’s recent work. The comparison of the index with Pierce Laboratory results is shown in Figure 15» It is interesting to note that the limit of endurance calculated by the index (equilibrium conditions) lies in regions of slightly more severe conditions than those indicated by the Pierce Laboratory,, In terras of temperature differences, however, the index is within 1° of the Pierce Labora- tory figures for all vapor pressures. For the limit of comfort, the index is within lj° of the Pierce Laboratory results for all vapor pressures. In making this comparison, certain assumptions have been necessary, and all of the assumptions used in calculating the index VAPOR PRESSURE mm. Hg. FIGURE 15 COMPARISON OF INDEX WITH PIERCE LABORATORY RESULTS ASSUMPTIONS; (Index) Wind Velocity 20 Ft./min. Clothing None Activity 50 Kg. col./Mf/hr._ Convection 3" Cylinder Radiation 2.6 Kg. cal./M^/hr./p Wetted Area 100%, 25% CLIMATOLOGY ft- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Sicllon-RtMorch ft D*«, Branch, 0-O.HJi. #8-11788-800 are listed in Figure 15o A slight change in wind velocity would affect the slope of the lines, and also a small change in the percent of wetted area would appreciably affect the position of the lines0 However, the agreements seem remarkably good0 Figure 16 shows a comparison of the limiting comfort line as derived from the index with the ASHVE effective temperatures * Again, because of lack of data, it has been necessary to make certain assumptions, and these assumptions are listed on the chart,, It will be seen that the limiting comfort line becomes very close to an effective temperature of 71° line by a change in the wind velocity figures „ Considering the absence of exact data and also that the ASHVE experiments demarcate a zone of com- fortable sensation through which a line has been drawn according to a probability curve, this figure likewise shows good agreement between the index and experimental figures0 In figure 17 we have shown a comparision of the index with the experimental work of Dr0 Sid Robinson recently published in Report No„ 120 Here the index lines represent the limiting conditions of temperature and vapor pressure for different activities at wind velocity figures used in Dr„ Robinson’s experiments,, It will be seen that the agreement \ for activity of 190 Kilogram Calories and 125 Kilogram Calories is excellent, although the agreement is not quite so good as for activities of 50 Kilogram Calories„ Figure 18 shows a comparison made in the same way of the index with Dr„ Robinson’s experiments on nude men. Here the qualitative agree- ment is quite good, but the quantitative agreement leaves something to be desired„ Unfortunately, at the present time we are not able to FIGURE 16 COMPARISON OF LIMITING COMFORT LINE AS DERIVED FROM INDEX WITH ASHVE EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURES ASSUMPTIONS; Wind Velocity 20 Ft. /min. ('nd'xl Wetted Area 25% Clothing I Clo Activity 50 Kg. cal./M*/hr. — Convection 3" Cylinder Radiation 26 Kg. cal./M1/hr./°f EFFECTIVE T E MPE R ATU RE = E f f. Temp. CLIMATOLOGY 8r ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION S Action-Rtworeh * Dtv. Broncti, 0.0.M-G. FIGURE 17 COMPARISON OF INDEX WITH ROBINSON'S DATA FOR CLOTHED MEN ASSUMPTIONS: (Index) Wind Velocity 2mi./hr. Clothing 0.5 Clo reduced to 0.1 Clo by sweat Activity 190-125-50 Kg. cal./MVhr. Convection 3" Cylinder Radiation 2.6 Kg. cal./M2/hr./°F. Wetted Area 100 % 0 =ROB INSON CLIMATOLOGY Or ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Section-Research ft Dev. Branch, O.O.MJL 8<5- 1 22 ft ft- 200 FIGURE 18 COMPARISON OF INDEX WITH ROBINSON'S DATA FOR NUDE MEN ASSUMPTIONS: (Index) Wind Velocity 2 mi./hr. Clothing None Activity 190-125-50 Kg.calVMVhr. Convection 3" Cylinder Radiation 2.6 Kg. cal./MVhr./°F Wetted Area 100% © = ROBINSON CLIMATOLOGY tr ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SutlM- RMMreh * D«* Bronch, OOJAfi- explain the difference0 The proposed formula for mapping the index is as follows? Io Cold Weather Index?— A0 Equilibrium index for standing men*^ 1 do = 3o09 (Ts - Ta) M - S - (E * A) ” a in which M is 75 and S is 0 Bo Index for 8 hours comfortable sleep Equation as above, except that - M -» 40 and S “ 5 XgCals/l^/hr II. Hot Weather Index?- Maximum Metabolism - Evaporative Heat Loss £ Convective ♦ Heat Transfer, £ Radiation in which Radiation is generally omitted, but its possi- bilities should never be excluded0 DISCUSSION COLONEL HATCH:- As far as the index is concerned, from the present discussion, I gather that this is based purely on equilibrium conditions* At Fort Knox our experiments have been based' instead upon the ability of a nan to perform a definite amount of work for a four-hour period* How would you expect these results to tie in with an equilibrium index? ■a-1 A tentative explanation of this difference will be furnished in a future paper *2 For explanation of symbols see Appendix 2 together with further details of correlation with other experiments* DR, PLUMMER ?- In developing such an index, it is almost axiomatic to first attempt to solve the problem for equilibrium conditions and then modify the solution for short period conditions. From the purely theoretical side, I would think that we would be able to relate the equilibrium index to an index for four-hour periods, or any other perids, if we knew definitely the quantity of heat storage that could be permitted. We would also have to know what skin temperatures and rates of sweating would be possible during this period of time as a change of 1 or 2 degrees in skin temperature increases the possible evaporative cooling quite appreciably. We would be very glad to have any data on either time, period, or equilibrium tests as, unfortunately, there is very little available with which we may check our results,. DR, BURTONi~ I feel that at present the calculation of the tropical ’’Index’* is far from reliable. The excellent work of Dr, Plummer snd Mrs, Schickele has given us the value of the heat absorbed from solar radiation in but how should this be included in the index? There is an ’’efficiency factor” by which it must be mulitiplied before it is added to the metabolic heat, since the insulation of cloth- ing protects a man from receiving all the heat that is absorbed on the surfaces of the clothing. Also, the very important drop in physiological efficiency of evaporation when evaporation takes place from the surface of clothing instead of directly from the skin is not included, A fur- ther difficulty is that for the values of prevailing wind velocity, which so greatly affect the calculation of the index, one could take only the values supplied by the meteorologist. These are usually taken on top of a tall pole and might have little relation to those affecting a man in the jungle0 DR, PLUMMER*— I don’t agree that the calculation of the tropical index is far from reliable. For mapping purposes, we calculate the index on a basis b>f convective and evaporative heat transfer at relatively low wind velocities, generally of the order of two to three miles per hour. This wind velocity is so low that an active man may readily produce it through his own motions, whereas the resting or sitting individual will have, naturally, a much lower metabolic rate and consequently not require as high a loss. Furthermore, the purpose of the index is not necessarily to indicate the relative ease of per- forming work, but is primarily expected to point out the danger areas of the world where maximum protection is required. Also, we expect, through a quantitative study of heat losses, to obtain a more accurate understanding of the type of protection required. We are only too ready to admit that a great deal remains to be done, but we do feel that an index as derived from the present work is at least a good first approximation. As more data becomes available, we will be glad to modify or correct the results. At present we are unable to incorporate radiation in the index, primarily because of the lack of data and also because of the variability of conditions. We feel that the tropical index should be used primarily on a basis of convection plus evaporation, but bearing in mind that the radiant heat load may add a definite quantity. We have attempted to evaluate this load and calculate the probable limits. *A theoretical analysis of the efficiencies referred to and their consequences is now being written by Dr, Burton* APPENDIX I The original purpose of the meeting was to present the basic Xav/s of heat transfer as applied to the human pody by physicists and physio- logists to a group of meteorologists, climatologists, and geographers© Unfortunately, the meeting fell behind schedule in the late afternoon and too little time remained to give the climatologists an opportunity to make preliminary comments on the formula or on the problem of the application of these physical laws to climatic data for mapping pur- poses© Also the transcript of this part of the meeting was too in- sufficiently kept to permit complete reconstruction© Major Heald pre- sented some of the basic problems, followed by various overall random comments by various meteorologists, climatologists, and geographers present* Just as it was frequently necessary in the establishment of the index to set forth assumptions, it will be necessary for the clima- tologists to assume certain average values of climatic elements before they will be able to apply the index to mapping techniques© Tempera- ture is constantly in fluctuation, as well as wind, humidity, fnd solar radiation© Each climatic element introduces a problem, because average values cannot give a complete picture© In the tropics the human being is most concerned with the maximum heat, the radiation, humidity, and low wind speed© In the cold regions, the body is under greatest stress when the temperatures are lowest and the wind is strongest© Mean or average monthly weather conditions fail to reflect the average worst condition© To show only the average worst conditions would give a distorted impression for it can only express the actual stress that would occur for a brief period„ It is probable that plot- ting of stresses will require the use of average values with some method used to show the average daily range„ Considerable experimentation will be necessary before a suitable technique can be developed for mapping0 The climatologists in the Office of the Quartermaster General are now beginning this and it is hoped that others will also apply their thoughts to the application of the index,, It is expected that the meteorologists, climatologists, and geographers present at the meeting, as well as others concerned, will meet later to consider in detail the appli- cation of the index to mapping techniques0 Anticipating many of the problems which will arise in mapping the index of climatic stress, the climatologists of the Climatology and Environmental Protection Section have summarized some of the trouble- some factors-that may appear: TEMPERATURE Whether mean maximum, average, or mean minimum temperature data should be utilized,, Whether any employment should be made of the frequency ranges of temperatures 0 EVAPORATION The deficiencies of relative humidity data as it is published6 Difficulties of determining vapor pressures from available data0 Whether the minimum or maximum vapor pressure should be used. What consideration must be given to variations of vapor pressure0 WIND VELOCITY A means of extending the scattered material that is available. Whether the mean wind speed has any significance. Reduction of wind speed from anemometer level, and associated assumptions as to Austausch and its variations. RADIATION Rapid calculation of the zenith angle of the sun, considering diurnal, annual, and latitudinal variation,, Extending the sparse radiation measurements that have been made, and utilizing them„ Substitution of data on duration of bright sunshine for radiation values e Substitution of data on mean cloudiness for radiation data, * Difficulties of using data on either sunshine duration or mean cloudiness, Assumptions of the temperature of the ground and vegetation. GENERAL The major problem involved in employment of the mean to represent climatic elements that have large diurnal, seasonal, and aperiodic variations 0 The increase of this problem in geometric progression when single climatic elements are brought together in indices of two, three, or four componentso The group of problems involved in converting observational data from the location where instruments are exposed to the environment of the soldiero The general difficulties resulting from lack of observations of certain elements over large arease APPENDIX II Basic Information Necessary for Determining Clo Values lo The metabolic do equation as originally developed by Drs. Gagge, Burton, and Bazett is as follows: Clo Value Required for Complete Comfort ss 3q09 (Ts - Ta) M - S - (E i A) " Ia "Where M a Metabolic heat in KgCals/M^/hr S a Bodily Heat Debt E a Total heat lost by evaporation from body and lungs A ss Heat lost by warming the inspired air T3 cs Temperature of the skin in °F Ta a Temperature of the ambient air in °F Ia a Resistance of the still air in clo units 20 Metabolism as a Function of Activity?- The heat created by the body under various activities is generally accepted as follows? Activity Metabolism in Kg o Cals/M*/hr Sleeping 4-0 Sitting still 50 Truck driving or standing still 75 Slow walking 100 Marching at 3 miles an hour 150 Marching at 4 miles an hour 200 Heavy activity such as mountain 300-600 climbing or ditch digging 3o Time and Clo Values:- The original formula as given above only positc the Clo Value necessary to keep a man in equilibrium so that he is losing the same amount of heat as his body creates„ It often happens, however, that a man may be inadequately clothed for the temperature at which he finds himself, even though his clothing is well-balanced over all portions of his bodye His endurance of cold will then be limited by a time factor, which is technically known as the tolerance time0 Obviously it is not always necessary to provide clothing which will keep a man comfortable indefinitely0 If he is to stand guard duty for four hours only and is certain of a warm room in which to regain his lost heat afterwards, he need have far less protection than a man who is going to drive a truck for eight hours at the same temperature* For mapping purposes, we have assumed that indefinite protection is necessary at a low activity, such as truck driving, if the temperatures chosen are the monthly average of the daily mean0 It is not necessary, however, to map indefinite protection for sleeping bags* Eight hours at average minimum temperatures is quite sufficient* Graphs illustrating tolerance times as a function of activity, do value, temperature, and wind velocity are given* These are based on the equation - Time x Intensity equals a Constant* The original formula was applied to unbalanced conditions, where the footgear was inadequate compared to the other garments* The plottings made were checked with data on tolerance time received both from the Climatic Research Laboratory and from the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory* Tolerance time under such conditions follows the locus of a point on various cooling curves where the average skin temperature of the foot falls a certain specified number of °F (for example from 89°F to 55°F)0 This formula was extrapolated to make it more usable for general metabolic h'eat loss rather than for local cooling time curves as follows• Time - Heat Loss x Resistance K Temperature Difference The following assumptions have been made: a0 That the clothing is equally adequate all over the body, i0e0 that there are no local cooling points0 bo The total heat debt of 80 was taken as the limit of endurable cold0 This is thought to be a con- servative estimate since much greater losses have been re- corded at various laboratories0 However, because no cloth- ing is completely balanced and because susceptible subjects need to be protected, it was thought best to assume a con- servative losso The value of I4.O KgoCals, was taken as the total loss which a man might endure while still remaining asleep 0 This is based on a statement made in the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory Report No0 19 and is corroborated by the Climatic Research Laboratory's records of the length of time during which a man may remain comfortable in a sleeping bago Co The same amount of basic heat loss may be withstood over any period of time0 This is probably the case, but the data to substantiate it is not available» It is possible that for low activity the sharp gradient of extreme cold may make a loss of 80 Calories unendurablee For this reason the curves have not been plotted for the first hour® do Tolerance times can also be computed from the basic do chart (Figure 9, following page lU) by taking the length of exposure and dividing it into the total number of KgoCals/M2 of stored body heat to be lost before.reaching the limit of cold tolerance0 (80 KgoCals/M2 is assumed to be a safe amount to be lost for men who are awake and I4O KgoCals/M2 is assumed to be the total number which a sleep- ing man can lose without being awakened by the cold®) For example, to compute the length of time for which a U do suit could provide adequate protection at -5°Fo for a man sitting still - (1) Subtract the number of KgoCals/M2 which he is producing (i0e0 £0) from the number which he should produce in order to keep in equilibrium at -£°Fo (io60 90)o This gives the difference of k0 KgoCals/Mv^1*0 (2) Since a total loss of 80 is assumed to be the limit of safety, it follows that the tolerance time will be 80 4 kD, or two hours* c0 If tne tolerance time and temperature are known, the do value of the clothing assembly can be computed in a similar manner0 fo If the tolerance time and do value are known, the temperature can be computed at which the man is in thermal equilibrium, or the limits of tolerance at other temperatures may be determined0 ACTIVITY - 40 KG. CALS./w2/h»: SLEEPING HEAT LOSS- 40 KG. CALS./m2 h titt afir E5e bS" la I xJf I • I L VT J A\fUi ■ ll TH. - ■ 4- I- -4* IMI JM \> *li~ IMF TEMIERA' UB£_ Jlttll ai_i l_MA iLJii JHJ8 HMS [AHO wnwou- COM MG EFF CtENCY 3EPE F A StfV TY ft NO THE : DUSI6T.g\ <&' EXPOSURE. I EH3£iiBME: BfiS£StiiiiSl_WSfisjaStSffl upon Unrs cpart PCR:ffltAC!rlvtTfcj« tml «rCfttSyxoMifi; jh'-jtfAr : OEftT QA80 Original Vtrsion* JUN€ 1943 Thl» EDITION » FEB 1944 CLIMATOLOGY 8 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Stction Research ft Development Branch. 0.0.M.6. SLOW WALKING ACTIVITY - 100 Kg. cals. / M2/ hr. HEAT LOSS - 80Kg. cals. / M2 KEUFFEL & ESSER C8 NEW YORK ilpRANGE lii: wipRSil KEUFFEL & ESSER C2. NEW YORK .. ;;:T i£_I SMP5 SAIL _BE . .WhjCH A MA.N . .MAtf . WllrtS Atm :r Amour: losing rFFKiENC*::o spends upon the eamoun- : of jjjlgFEi,:.0F,a$:j vit'LiA*:L‘ He PM RPfoP)MPf 2XPCSORlin+ ::;: :::rr rzttmi 1~ttrtut.irtt:rtfE:LHx 1 j I I T I 14* MZ- -Ol rj AT4/VMCU D DC TUiCl: jki 1 ir UCCC DM" TriOQ liC- c UAUikl ±t tttT * r > try Ti :S3 aim* gtan r.. pj -Lnfe' Jl: a tyfegt.. rfife raff? vp: jgwp gJgl -TTHE;; :CH iRT; FOR; asf XTivty : 3F.:tc 10: cot :/u m; AMU Original Version • JUNE 1943 Thl» Edition ■ FEBRUARY 1944 CLIMATOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SECTION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT BRANCH 0. 0. M. 6. 25-13523-250 APPENDIX III The proportionment of heat loss from various parts of the body is normally taken from the DuBois figures as follows? Forehead 2<>5% Occiput 3c$% Trunk 3610% (precordium 9%) (scapula 9%) (abdomen 9%) (kidney 9%) Upper thigh 9o0% Lower thigh 9»0% Leg (calf) 13o0% Foot 7 o0% Upper arm 7 »0% Forearm 7 »0% Hand $0Q% TOTAL 100o0%