kNAT O M I A UTERI HUMANI GRAVIDI TABULIS ILLUSTRATA. AUCTORE GULIELMO HUNTER, serenissimae REGINAE CHARLOTTAE medico extraordinario, IN ACADEMIA REGALI ANATOMIAE PROFESSORE, ET SOCIETATUM, REGIAE ET ANTIQUARIAE, SOCIO, BIRMINGHAMIAE excudebat JOANNES BASKERVILLE, mdcclxxiv. LOND I N I prostant apud S. BAK E R, T. CADE L L, D. WILSON, G. NIC O L, et J. MURRAY. THE A JV A r 0 M r OF THE H U M A X GRAVID UTERUS EXHIBITED IN FIGURES, b r WILLIAM HUNTER, P HTSIC lAXEXTR A O R D I MART TO THE QUEEN, PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IX THE ROYAL ACADEMY, AND FELLOW OF THE ROYAL AND ANTIQUARIAN Printed at BIRMINGHAM by JOHN 1774. Sold in LONDON by S. BAKER and G, LEIGH, in York-Street; T. CADELL in the Strand; D. WILSON and G. NICCL% opposite York-Buildings; and J. MURRAY, in Fleet-Street. P R O OE M I U M. PREFACE. QUOD omnes fere homines, in ftudiis fcientiarum verfati, diu multumque deliderarunt, linguam fcilicet per univerfum terra- rum orbem cognitam atque perceptam, id nobis ex parte aliqua fup- peditat tabularum aenearum fculptura, ad veras rerum formas exhi- bendas adprime accommodata. Imo hujufce artificii ea efl utilitas, ut in naturae explicatione faepenumero plus valeat quam quaevis ver- borum copia, aut vis dicendi. Quodcunque enim oculo fideli inde fubjicitur (fpeclct modo aliquis argumenti haud ignarus) animo con- feftirn arripitur, memoriaeque alte impreffum haud prorfus excidit. Lentior fermonis mora, et vis hebetior. rH E art of engraving Jupplies us, upon many occafions, with what has been the great defide ratum of the lovers of Jcience, an umverfal lan- guage. Nay, it conveys clearer ideas of moft natural objects, than words can exprefs; makes fronger imprefjions upon the mind; and to every perfon converfant with the fubjed, gives an immediate comprehenfwn of what it reprefents. Proinde ex quo tempore hoc artificium ufibus hominum commu- niter inferviit, via brevior faciliorque patefadla eft ad inventa quaelibet tum divulganda, tum confervanda; et rerum fimul naturalium cogni- tio, ab exiguis profedla initiis, paulatim eo ufque increvit, ut feculi hujufce, omnium ornatiffimi, fummum fere ornamentum jam tandem extiterit. From the time when this art came more generally into ufe, it has been much more eafy both to communicate and to preferve difcoveries and im- provements ; and natural knowledge has been gradually rifing, till it is at length become the dijlinguifhing charaderific of the mojl enlightened age of the world. Caeterarum artium incrementa, aequis faltem paffibus, comitata eft anatoraia. Etenim non pauci recentiorum, viri excellentis ingenii atque judicii, labore plurimo, nec minori folertia, corporis humani tum fabricam tum oeconomiam perveftigarunt. Ex his plurimi artem hanc graphicam ancillantem fibi adhibuerunt; praecipuifque inde re- pertis fuis feliciter illuftratis, effecerunt, ut ars anatomica, hominum generi, fi qua alia, utilis et frucftuofa, intelledu fimul facilior fieret, fimul cultu jucundior. Anatomy has, at leaf, kept pace in improvement with the other branches of natural knowledge. Many of the moderns, through much labour and patience, as well as ingenuity and judgment, have thrown confiderable lights upon the frudure and operations of the human body; and they have parti- cularly by engravings, made the fudy of that art, in which humanity is fo much inter efed, both more eafy and p leaf ant. Mof of the principal parts of anatomy have, in this manner, been fuccefsfully illuf rated. Reflabat tamen pars una humani corporis, eaque five ftnuflurae fuse perelegantis, five muneris officiique ratione, primas tenens, a difciplinae hujus profefforibus non fatis explorata. Reflabat fcilicet uterus huma- nus. Abfit vero, ut viris hifce egregiis vitio detur, quod rem quafi negledfam habuerint, cujus penitius perfpiciendae copia rara erat et infrequens. Pauciffimis enim contigerit neceffe eft, ut tot cadavera fecuerint, quot ad conditionem uteri gravidi, variis temporibus vari- am, pcrvefiigandam, nedum demonftrandam, fufEcerent. De aliis itaque filendum, uhi laudare nefas. Quod ad audlorem attinet, anno ille primum MDCCLI. felici ufus eft occafione id in humano corpore explorandi, quod in brutis jam olim quaefiverat. Mulier quaedam, graviditatis fuae menfibus prope exaclis, repentinam obierat mortem. Cadaver, adhuc integrum, cultro fubjedium eft. Operi favit tempef- tas. Cera, vafis rite injecta, voto refpondit. Repertus eft piftor, vir ille in fuo genere adprime folers. Partes fingulae, multis coram aditantibus, exploratae funt atque excuffae, ut omnis rei veritas firma fatis aucftoritate comprobari pollet atque ftabiliri. One part however, and that the mof curious, and certainly not the leaf important of all, the pregnant womb, had not been treated by anatomifs with proportionable fuccefs. Let it not, however, be objected to them, that they ne- glected what in fad it was rarely in their power to cultivate. Few, or none of the anatomifs, had met with a fuff dent number of fubjeds, either for invefigating, or for demonf rating the principal circumfances of utero- gefation in the human fpecies. But let what cannot be praifed, in others, be paffed over inflence. With refped to the prefent undertaking, in the year 1751 the author met with the frf favourable opportunity of examining, in the human fpecies, what before he had been fudying in brutes. A woman died fuddenly, when very near the end of her pregnancy; the body was pro- cured before any fenfible putrefadion had begun; the feafon of the year was favourable to diffedlion; the injedion of the blood-vejfels proved fuccefsful; a very able painter, in this way, was found; every part was examined in the mof public manner, and the truth was thereby well authenticated. Sub his aufpiciis, aliquot menfium fpatio decurfo, decem prirnse tabulae perfedie delineatae fuerant; partes ipfae identidem publice ex- pofitae ; et ea quae de lingulis animadverfa fuerant ac notata, palam didla, Audloris inde animum fubiit, fe rern difciplinao hujufce fau- toribus haud ingratam fadlurum, li hiftoriam uteri gravidi anatomi- cam ederet, his decem tabulis illuminatam. Conlilium placuit. Opus in manus artificum, maxima laude florentium, traditum eft; et pecu- nia collatitia a plurimis pro more repraefentata. In the courfe of forne months, the drawings of the frf ten plates were fnifhed, and from time to time the fubjed was publicly exhibited, with fuch remarks as had occurred in the examination of the fever alp arts. Many lovers of this fudy approved of the author s propofal to publifh the anatomy of the gravid uterus, illuf rated by thofe ten plates: the work was immediately put into the hands of our bef artifs; and fubfcriptions were received. Alterum interea cadaver in manus incidit, quod quidem, coeli licet tempeftas minus jam anatomiae amica elfet, haud nullo in pretio ha- bendum fuit; quandoquidem huic acceptae referuntur figurae aliquot, ab hoc inftituto haud alienae, dignaeque adeo vifae, quae operi, fup- plementi loco, adjicerentur. Dum autem fuper his operam navabat fculptor, en tertium cadaver,quam opportune! Etenim illud non mo- do quaedam, prius obfcura, luci dedit, fed novis etiam figuris ador- nandis materiam aptifllmam fubminiftravit. In the mean time a fecondfubjed was procured; which, though the wea- ther happened to be very unfavourable, afforded a few fupplemental figures, of importance enough to be taken into the work. And before the engravings were fnifhed, a third fubjed occurred very opportunely, which cleared up fome difficulties, andfurnifiedfome ufejul additionalfigures. Cum audior huic fe accingebat negotio, animo deftinavit decem tabulas, modo didlas, in lucem proferre, jadlum quafi aliquod funda- men, cui alia plura, de hac parte anatomiae, poftea adjicere ac fuper- ftruere fperabat, li quando per otium ipfi liceret hanc rem altius in- 77ie original plan having been only to publifh the frf ten plates, as a ground-work for farther improvements in this branch of anatomy, to be added whenever good opportunities fiould be offered, the author now began to en- tertain hopes of being able to give a much more compleat work. He forefaw PREFACE. P R O OE M I U M. that, in the courje of fame years, by diligence he might procure in this great city, Jo many opportunities of fiudying the gravid uterus, as to he enabled to make up a tolerable Jyfem; and to exhibit, by figures, all the principal changes that happen in the nine months of utero-gefiation. Such is the work which, at length, is offered to the public. The execution of it has indeed taken up more time, than what was atjirf expelled: but it gives the author no fmall fatisfadwn to refled, that the delay of publication has con- tributed not a little to the value of the work. veftigare. Jam vero majora quaedam animo comple where the middle of the placenta adhered; and Cf A [welling on the right fide of the womb, where the buttocks of the child lay; and where the child could be felt, pretty dfinCtly, through placenta interne adhaerefeebat. (9 Uteri tumor in latere dextro, ubi foetus nates jacebant, ubi etiam foetum per fubftantiam ejus fatis diftincfte taflu fentirc licuit. Undique circum hanc partem uterus aliquanto depreffus, et fac- culi inftar aqua repleti, tadhim afficiebat. R R Ligamenta rotunda. Siniftrum, propter uteri fi tum obliquum, dextro longius. Exitus amborum, angulis inferioribus integu- mentorum 8cc. filo deduclis, in conipcblum veniebat. Ouae ftric- 1 X ... ■ tura ibi videtur, nihil aliud eft, quam peritonei in forma thecae its fubf ance. All around this part the womb zvas fomewhat deprejfed, and felt like a bag of water. RR The round ligaments. The left is longer than the right, becaufe of the oblique filiation of the womb. The exit of each was brought to view by drazoing down the lower angles of the integuments, he. with threads: and the appearance of a fricture there, was occafioned by afieath-like doubling and protrufion of the peritoneum attending thofe ligaments fome little way; which differed only in degree from that pro cefs of the peritoneum, which accompanies the fper malic rope in a dog, or bull, S S The fallopian tubes. In the right fide, little more than the begin- ning of the tube is feen, the ref running down behind the womb. Of the left tube the middle part only is expofed; its beginning at the womb being concealed by the gut which lies upon that part, and the end or fimbriae being covered by thefpermatic vefjels. Thofe vefjels are pretty dfindtly feen in the left fide: they fill up all the fpace between the round ligament and the tube: the fmall vejfel is the artery, and the great, to which that clings, is the vein: both of them are p offing up to the fide of the womb, in that doubling of the peritoneum called, the broad ligament. duplicatio etprotrufio, ea ligamenta per paululum fpatii fequens, quaeque ab eo peritonei proceffu, funem fperraaticum canis vel tauri comitante, gradu tantum differt. S S Tubae fallopianam. In latere dextro, folum fere tubae princi- pium cernere licet, parte reliqua poft uterum defeendente. In latere finiftro, tubae media pars fola in confpedium venit; te- gitur enim ejus principium inteftino ibi pofito; finemque ejus, vel fimbrias, vafa fpermatica occultant. Ea vafa, in latere fini- ftro, fatis aperte confpiciuntur; fpatium illud totum inter liga- mentum rotundum et tubam occupant: vas parvum arteria; mag- num ei adhaerens vena. Utraque ad uteri latus, in peritonei duplicatione illa, quae ligamentum latum appellatur, procedunt. TABULA 11. PLATE II CONSPECTUS vifcerum abdominis a latere dextro, par- tibus continentibus thoracis et hypochondrii, ac maxima omenti parte fublatis. '. . ' '■ * A View of thefame objedl from the right fide, after the upper abdo- f± minalflap, and the containing parts of the right hypochondrium had been removed, that the whole mafs of the abdominal vifcera might appear in its naturalfituation, the Jubjedt lying on its back. A A The thighs, covered with a cloth where they had been cut through. B The back-bone cut through above the diaphragm. A A Femora, ubi tranfverfe fciffa, linteo cooperta. B Spina, fupra diaphragma, tranfverfe diffciffa. C Coftae oclavae pars. D D Integumenta et mufculi, ad partem thoracis pofleriorem, eo loco quo negligenter fejumftus erat truncus, refciffi. E Mufculorura abdominis angulus inferior, in femur, ut in prae- C Part of the eighth rib. E) D The integuments and mufcles at the back part of the chef, cut rudely through in fevering the trunk at that place. E The inferior flap of the abdominal mufcles, c. turned down over the thigh, as in the preceding figure. F Part of the mons veneris turned afide with the abdominal mufcles. G The refpe dtive part of the left fide. H The margin of the chef at the left fide of the fcrobiculus cordis, covered by the peritoneum and mufcles, which are turned over it. I The enfiform cartilage. K K The lower ribs and other containing parts, cut down longitudinally, by which means all the parts, between this fiction and the fcrobiculus cordis were removed, that the vifcera of the right hypochondrium might be expofed to view. L The poflerior and lower part of the right cavity of the chef. M The trunk of the defending aorta, tied up inhere it was cut, and cedente figura, devolutus. F Montis, ut dicitur, veneris pars, una cum mufculis abdominis, devoluta. G Ad finiftrum latus pars huic refpondens. H Thoracis margo, ad latus fcrobiculi cordis finiftrum, perito- neo et mufculis inverfis, teclus. 1 Cartilago mucronata. K K Coftae inferiores, partefque caeterae continentes feclione longi- tudinali fejunclae, adeo ut, iis quae fectionem et fcrobiculum cordis interjacerent remotis, vifcera hypochondrii dextri fefe vi- denda offerrent. L Pars ima atque pofterior cavi djextri thoracis. M Aorta defcendens, eo loco, quo cadaver tranfverfe difciffum fuerat, deligata; nec non, colorata cera impleta. df Oefophagus ibidem deligatus. 0 Superficies fuperior convexa diaphragmatis ; quod, pleura teflum, in litu fuo naturali manet. P Diaphragmatis centri tendinei pars quae in dextro latere fita eft. i9 Venae cavae inferioris truncus, juxta diaphragmatis fuperficiem fuperiorem deligatus. filed with injection. N The oefophagus, tied up at the fame place. O The upper convex furface of the diaphragm, which remains, covered by the pleura, in its naturalJituation. P That part of the centrum tendinofum of the diaphragm which is in the right fide. The trunk of the lower cava tied, clofi to the upper furface of the dia- phragm. RR The cut edge of the pleura, where it was reflected, from the upper furface of the diaphragm, to line the infide of the ribs. S S The cut edge of peritoneum, inhere it was continued as an m~ vefling membrane, from the inferior furface of the diaphragm, to the infide of the abdominal mufcles. The furface which is fien between the edge of the pleura (R R) and that of the peritoneum (S S) is the attachment of the diaphragm cut off'from the injideofthe ribs. T The irfiide of the tranfverfus muficle covered with the peritoneum. U The great, or right lobe of the liverat the lower edge of which, R R Pleurae fedlae margo, loco quo reflexa de fuperficie fuperiori diaphragmatis, faciem internam collarum contegebat. S S Peritonei fe6li margo, loco quo fcilicet a fuperficie diaphrag- matis inferiori, membranae inveftientis more, ad faciem internam mufculorum abdominis curfum tenebat. Superficies inter margines pleurae (RR) et peritonei {S S) connexio eft diaphragmatis ex facie interna coftarum dirupta. T Facies interna mufculi tranfverfi peritoneo tefla. U Hepatis lobus magnus, vel dexter; in cujus crepidine, ex ad- verfo literac U, exiguam videre eft foffulam, quam veficula fellis figurae fuae aptaverat, faciei internae hepatis hic loci appofita. V Hepatis lobus parvus, in hypochondrium finiftrum fefe exten- dens. over againjl the letter U, there is a Jmall notch formed by the concave bed. of the gall bladder, which lies upon the infide of the liver at this place. V ‘The Jmall lobe of the liver, which f retches over into the left hypo- chondrium, and is thereforefecu in perfpeolive, W The falciform ligament, or remains of the umbilical vein, cut off as it enters the fffure of the liver. X The colon peffing up from the caecum to the liver. Y Y The colon with its appendiculae adipofae running towards the left W Ligamentum hepatis falciforme, feu ven$e umbilicalis reliquiae, loco quo fiffuram hepatis intrat, recifum, X Colon ex caeco ad hepar furfum tranfiens. T T Colon, cum appendiculis fuis adipolis, finiftrorfum currens, hepar inter et inteftina tenuia. Omenti principium vel radix, quod ex intervallo hepatis et in- teftinorum tenuium nafckur. aaaa Illorum intellinorum tenuium gyri aliqui, omento paulo infra marginem hepatis exfciffo, in confpetium veniunt, b Uterus. In facie ejus externa, venas, aliquantulum obfcu- rius, notare licet. Hae, cum cadaver primum apertum pofui, cera eth impletae, colore tantum diftinguebantur. Tempore au- tem quo tabula haec erat delincata, venae, parte jam arefada, fefe magis projiciebant, ut in figura quodammdo fe videndas of- ferunt. fide, behueen the liver and finall guts. Z Z The beginning or root of the omentum, coming downwards from the interfice of the liver and fnall guts. aa a a Some turns of thofi finall inteflines brought to view by cutting off the omentum a little below the edge of the liver. b The womb. Upon its furface we can trace, though obfiurely, its veins. Thefie, though injected, were dijlinguifhable only by their colour when the fuhjecl was firft opened: But when this drawing was made, the part, having beenfome time in the air, had become a little dry, and the veins projected, as they appear in the figure. c The round ligament running down to its p off age into the groin. d The fallopian tube running backwards on the infide of the os ilium, e The fimbriated end of the tube, lying behind the fide of the womb; but drawn a little out, that it might be fien. Between the round ligament and the tube, are fien the fpermaiic vefi fils, efipecially the vein, which go chiefly, or by their largefl branches, to the forepart of the womb where the placenta adhered. f The prominent corner of the womb, where the buttocks or loins of the child were diflinbtly felt before the part was opened. :Jf. B. The falfe ribs of the right fide having been removed, thofi of the left fide, by their elaflicity raifed up the margin of the cheft (H) and confiquently the enfiform cartilage; the anterior furface of which was thereby turned, obliquely to the right fide. Juft before this figure was made, I had obfirved that the womb had infinfibly fubjided, and therefore by the cannula of a very finall trocar 1 injected fome fpirits to raife it up, as nearly as I could guefs, to the figure it had-when the abdomen was Jirfl opened. c Ligamentum rotundum in inguen defcendens. d Tuba fallopiana, juxta faciem internam offis ilium retrorfum currens. e Tubae extremitas fimbriata, pone latus uteri jacens, hic paulu- lum edudla, nempe ut confpiciatur. Ligamentum rotundum inter et tubam, vafa fpermatica, praefertim vena, confpiciuntur, ad partem uteri anteriorem, cui placenta adhaerebat, praecipue ten- dentia. j Uteri angulus prominens,, loco quo foetus nates, utero nondum adaperto, tadu fentire licebat. N. B. Coftis nothis lateris dextri remotis, illae quae ad latus erant finiftrum, ex vi refiliendi, marginem thoracis (H) et exinde cartilaginem enfiformem elevarunt; unde facies ejus anterior in dextrum latus oblique tendebat. Figura hac nondum delineata uterum obfervavi fenfim fubfe- diffe; quapropter ope quam minimae cannulae, uterum, fpiritu vinofo injiciendo, in priftinam figuram reftituere conatus fum. c/T njdyJc de/m/. , /'’ / ' s / v / ,'/ ,y , X • / / ' / ' / / / • / • ■/ C7/ ’ / / • ■ J a b. n (imAfwc&jj i/Mwrum //rj//m7iA//iu/im // urn'/A- smrt/v, ///jjfyh.j/ c/rn/iA/enfr/jiA M-ornccj, e£ ai/7/J/ainiA/dr/iv / ao mmimA o-mmA//urfa n/J/aTj. /m/mz/, / /7 yO ' / O' cm/ecti/m va/u'a/sa/A /aAb/a /Aa?a//a/, aAvy/a /mtur Matrum wju&ym/srcAttt/skzA. TABULA 111. PLATE b. ® trunci inferioris profpedus; oculo fcilicet a parte finiftri lateris fuperiori, oblique deorfum ita collineato, ut umverfa vifcerum compages, una cum diaphragmate, in fitu fuo naturali appareret. A View from the left fide and downwards, of the lower hart of the \,tn^k; f°PfeP as iojhew the whole mafi of the bowels, with the diaphragm, in their naturalfituation. A The left thigh. The right thigh is covered from our view by the projection of the -womb. ' B The left hnttoch. phe lower flap of the integuments and abdominal on the fide, turned down over the groin and thigh. D . fjie fiShon of the integuments and mufcles, made by the tranfverfe mcifion of the belly. J J EE A longitudinal fiction of the containing parts of the , carried up- wards from the os ilium, or pofterior extremity of the tranfverfe in- cijion, parallel to the fpine; whereby the upper flap of the containing parts is entirely removed, to fhew the vifcera of the left hypochon- drium. j jr A fub^e”^'r fimftrum. Uteri prominentia femur dextrum oculo B Clunis fmiflra. C Integumentorum et mufculorum abdominis, lateris finiftri an- gulus inferior in inguen et femur inverfus. ’ D Integumentorum et mufculorum abdominis fectio tranfverfa. A i artium abdominis continentium lectio longitudinalis, ab ili- um oeur um du6ia. Hac fedione, angulus iuperior partium continentium omnino aufertur, ut vifcera hypochondrii finiftri m compectu ponantur. Partium thoracis continentium pofteriorum fedio tranfverfii. (r Vertebra tranfverfe fciffa. H Medulla fpinalis, 11 r /?avorum thoracxs partes inferiores pofticte, quae, pulmonibus vacuae confpici poliunt. Ali Diaphragma fuperficiem convexam hepatis compledens. lA mucronata, diaphragmati adhuc adhaerens. M .Diaphragmatis ad latus dextrum convexitas magna; qus .'Zy/s//w///,d/ /,z/ /atud redeem/. < r//d<> A/d/urn &zTco?icfz'/u), /ztyuisid c/eezz/zzd&cz///dd /ztiA/A dAr/dzu/dd/d /z/fa/'//s/ (u:z///j y/rz/zz'f’z/////'. // //d/j s/d//s/h/z//zay//ZKr/z/uz jdy//d/dz fcz/zz/zz -//,//f/ z////v///a /. TABULA V. P LATE V. UTERI pars anterior et dextra, cauta manu ab adhaerenti- bus fecundinis feparata, et in finiftrum latus reflexa. Id eo fa6lum eft confilio, ut pars membranae deciduae ac placentae, cum vafis earundem cera repletis, et fuperficies uteri cui adhae- ferant interna, oculis exponerentur. Partes lineis defignatas proxime fequens tabula exhibet integras. Priorem autem hic ha- bet locum linearum de fequenti tabula explanatio, ne literae in- fculptae nimis illam obfcurarent. rll E JirJl view of the opened womb. Its flbflance is cut through on the right fide and turned to the left; by which means part oj the decidua and of the placenta, as well as the infide of that portion of the womb, are expofed in the injectedfate. All the parts reprefented m out-lines are feen finifhed in the next plate. ‘The explanation is given here, that the other might not be obfcured with engraved letters. A A The upper part of the thighs. B B Part of the lower corners of the containing parts of the abdomen turned down over the offa ilium. They are covered by the vafcular peritoneum; which (in the left fide efpecially) was partly cut away, to Jhew the courfe of the epigafric veffels. C C The offa. pubis cut through above the foramina ifchium. DD The afcending, proceffeswfthe ifchia cut through, Thefe bones of the pelvis became loofe,from the lofs of the fymphyfis at the pubes ; and on the left fide they were drawn outwards, to fhew more fully the defcent of the womb into the cavity of the pelvis. E E The inguinal arteries\ A A Femorum fuperiora. :v. BB De angulis inferioribus partium continentium . abdominis, quod fupereft, in offa ilium reflexum. Anguli ulrinque, perito- neo vahs diftindio integuntur; quod vero, ex parte, praefertim in latere fmiftro, ad curfum vaforum epigaftricomm retegendum, exfcindebatur. C C Offa pubis fupra foramina ifchium tranfverfe fciffa. DD Ifchium proceffus afcendentes tranfverfe fcifli. Offa haec pelvis, fymphyfx pubis fublata, laxa evaferunt; et in latere finiftro, ad defcenfum uteri in cavum pelvis magis illuftran- F F The inguinal veins. GG The epigafric arteries. dum, extrorfum fuerunt evulfa. E E Arteriae inguinales. HFI The epigafric veins. : I The obturator artery of the left fide, a branch of the epigaf ric. KRK The round ligaments defending from the abdomen upon the outfde of the epigafric veffels. L L The feliion of the integuments and mufcles in each groin, which was made in removing the anterior containing parts of the pelvis. M The perinaeum. NN The lower extremities of the labia pudendi. O The remains of the hymen. P The vagina. F F Venae inguinales. G G Arteriae epigaftricae. HH Vena: epigaftricae. I Arteria obturatoria liniftri lateris, epigaftricae fcilicet ramus. KK K Ligamenta rotunda ex abdomine ad exteriora vaforum epi- gaftricorum defcendentia. L L SeGio integumentorum ctmufculorum, in utroque inguine, facia nimirum, dura partes pelvis anteriores continentes amovebantur. M Perinaeum. ■JfJ{ Labiorum pudendi partes imae. O Hymenis reliquiae. Qff The crura clitoridis. R The urethra fit on its upper part, through its whole lengthy and fpread out. SSSS The bladder fpread round the forepart of the lower end of the womb. T The cavity of the bladder expofed by an incifion through its forepart from the urethra upwards. U U The fnall or lower extremity of the womb, lodged in the cavity of the pelvis. There was a manifef confriltion upon that part of it which P Vagina. 0 0 Clitoridis crura. ' %* R Urethra ex parte fuperiori in longum difhffa et expaffa. SSSS Vefica urinaria, anteriorem inferioris extremitatis uteri porti- onem ambiens. T Vefica: urinariae cavum, partem ejus anteriorem ab urethra fur- fum incidendo, oculis fubjeHum. UU Uteri extremitas parva vel inferior, in cavo pelvis polita. Ea pars quae circundata fuerat margine pelvis, fatis evidenter con- ftrifta fuit: quam fuper uterus ftatim eminentior evafit, quippe partes quae facilius cedunt eum ibi ampleGebantur. VV V Uteri facies exterior. was fur rounded by the brim of the pelvis; above which the womb fwell- ed out immediately, being there embraced by more yielding parts, VV V The outfde of the body and fundus of the womb. X The clufer of fpermatic veffels of the left fide. Y Y Thefuhfance of the womb cut quite through, from the fundus down- wards on the right fide. In this fe Ilion the cut veffels hear an irregular figure, which was occafwned by the crumbling of the wax with which they were filled. The veins are of a light colour, and large; the arteries dark, and fnall in proportion. At the upper part of the womb, both of them are fnall in compar if on with what they are lower down, where they were p offing from the fide s of the womb to the placenta : and the thicknefs of the womb bears fome proportion to the fae of its veffels in thefe different places. Z Z The external membrane, or decidua,full offnall branching veins which paffed into it rom the internal furface of the womb. a At this place the vafcular and opake decidua was carefully removed: there was no appearance of injected veins upon the chorion, or in the amnion; both of which were fo tranfparent, that the childs fkin could X Vaforum fpermaticorum in latere finiftro chorus. TU Uteri fubttantia, ad dextrum latus, ab fundo penitus diffeda. In hac fedione vafa refefta occurrunt; quod autem ad figuram attinet inordinata, quippe cera friabili adimpleta. Vena: coloris funt lucidioris ac grandes ; exiliores arteriae, atque fufcae; fundum verfus uteri utraeque minores quam in parte inferiori, ubi a late- ribus uteri ad placentam tranfibant. Uteri crafiitudo cum magni- tudine vaforum his in locis proportionis legem quodammodo fervat. Decidua, five membrana exterior, ramulis venarum ab facie in- terna uteri ad eam tranfeuntium diftimfta. a Hic decidua vafis referta et opaca, cauta manu fublata fuit. Nulla hie loci, vel in chorio, vel in amnio, venarum, ex injec- tione cerae, fpecies fuit. Altera enim pars per alteram adeo per- lucebat, ut foetus cutem diftimfte cernere liceret. b b Externae fuperficiei placentae portio, hic cera extra venas uteii effufa, illic venis ipfis cera impletis, a facie interna uteri ad eam tranfeuntibus interftincla. c Arteria cera rubri coloris impleta, quae ab utero abrupta fuit, et, femel circumvoluta, in placentam fe immifit. d d Ejus partis uteri, quae deciduam ( Tflfj antea obtexerat, fa- cies interna. In hac fuperficie venae quae per deciduam ramos fuos diffuderunt, abruptae confpiciuntur. e e Ejus partis uteri quae placentam [hb) obtexerat facies interna. Flaec quidem fuperficies cera extra vafa effufa fpecimen prae fe tulit. Quae autem afpeftu primo, extra vafa effufio videbatur, re vera, venarum complanatarum, cum anaftomofibus frequentioribus, ex utero ad placentam peroblique tranfeuntium, cera adimple- tarum, fpecies fuit. Cujus quod fequitur fit fpecimen. f In fubftantia uteri vena, u Ejufdem venae in placentam continuatio. j Uteri facies interna hic cavata, et venae dimidium, quae curfu peroblique tranfibat, foimans. be feen difinclly through them. bb A portion of the external furface of the placenta, interfperfed partly with extravafated wax, from the venal fyflem of the womb, and partly with injelted veins, puffing into it from the interior furface of the womb. c An artery filed with red wax, which was broken offfrom the womb. It made one circumvolution, and plunged into the placenta. d d The inner furface of that part of the womb which was in contact with the decidua (Z Z). Upon this furface the veins are feen broken off, which difperjed their branches through the decidua, e e The infide of that part of the womb which covered the placenta (b b). Upon this furface there was indeed fome extravafated wax. But the greatejl part of what feemed, at frf fight, to be extravofation, proved to he injected veins, oj a flattened (figure with numerous anaftomofes, puffing from the womb to the placenta in a very flanting dire Ilion. The following inflame may ferve as a fpecimen. f A vein in the fubflance of the uterus. g The fame vein continued into the placenta. h The inner furface of the womb hollowedr, andforming half of the vein, which puffed here in a very flanting direltion. TABULA VI. PLATE VI. Jp OE T U S in utero prout a natura pofitus. rT IS reprejents the child in the womb, in its natural fiitua- tion.. Omnes hujus figurae partes, utero et iis quae in eo continen- tur exceptis, eaedem fere funt cum iis, quae, in tabula praece- denti lineis exterioribus, literifque jamjam explanatae funt. In hoc tantum difcrepant, nimirum hic veficae urinariae pars fupe- rior omnino fublata eft, ad foetus caput in parte uteri inferi- ori exhibendum. Uteri et fecundarum pars anterior, una cum placenta, omnino fublata eft. Funis umbilicalis eft diffciflus, de- ligatus, et in marginem uteri refe£li finiftrorfum reflexus. Ad fundum uteri membranae inveftientes etiam in marginem uteri quo melius poffint confpici inverfae funt. Caput foetus in uteri parte inferiori, in pelvis fcilicet cavo, ponitur; corpus ejus prae- cipue in latere dextro jacet. Politio obliqua, vel ad lineam dia- gonalem appropinquans ; unde partes pofteriores antrorfum funt et ad matris latus dextrum; partes anteriores retrorfum et ad latus finiftrum verfae. Pes dexter inter femur finiftrum et tibiam occurrit. Corpus, uti infantibus denuo utero exclufis plerum- que fit, muco albo pinguiufculo foedatum; fcilicet hic mucus, ad dorfi partem fuperiorem, ex rugis in .corpore foetus, motuque fuo lineis interfe(fta, oculis fubjicitur. Repraefentatur quaeque pars eodem modo quo primum occurrebat, ne quidem vel digiti articulo deturbato, partem aliquam magis illuftrandi, aut tabulam elegantiorem reddendi gratia. All the parts of this figure, except the womb, and its contents, nearly the fame as thoje reprejented by out-lines in the fifth plate, where they are lettered and explained. The only difference is, that here all the upper part of the bladder is cut away, in order to fhezv the fituation of the child's head in the lower part of the womb. All the forepart, /WA of the womb and of the fecundines, (which included the placenta) & removed. navel-firing is cut, tied, and turned to the left fide, over the edge of the womb. At the fundus the invefiing membranes are likewife turned over the edge of the womb, that they might be more apparent, of the child is lodged in the lower part of the womb, or in the cavity of the pelvis ; and its body lies principally in the right fide. Its p option is diagonal or oblique :fo that its pofierior parts are turnedforwards and to the right fide of the mother, and its foreparts are directed backwards and to the left fide. Its right foot appears be- tween its left thigh and leg. Its body was covered with a white, greafy mucus, which is commonly feen on children at their birth. This is re- prefented at the if per part of its back, where it was interfered with lines, from the wrinkles and motion of the child's body. Every part is reprejented jufi as it was found; not fo much as one joint of a finger having been moved to fhew any part more diflintily, or to give a more pidturefque effeti. l/.T. '/lymddy/cy deTwi /l.« Trit/y.c r/cu/f/y. Tab. vi. S'aTui irv i/Tvro, /mmta -mitiini Jwiitui, (m?Amur/iiirtT /i/irt (mterui'v, A ac/AUi/w/T/v ei t9. /. /{ly/zi.ii/y/s ///’An-. TAB. vn. JkMtfo&oeM./Bmrju&nTWM/wvtitrmtiwMAet/nh/fyyu, °/h/r&//y,n/vj , e/rm/u/r/&m//L 7em/ak>. Z///A/ fyo, ELVIS a latere ad plenum confpeda, una cum contends A ejus, partibufque contiguis; per medium fcilicet divifa, ut odium flexurae, etfitus partium internarum oculo facilius exhiberi podent. Imperfeda eft haec figura ad pubem, extrorfum pariter atque introrfum. Partes quae hic deficiunt, cultro feparatae funt, dum cadaver ad aliquas tabularum praecedentium pingendas pa- rabatur. Delectum autem abunde fupplebit tab. XXII, in hunc finem delineata. A Full fide-view of the pelvis with its contents, and adjacent parts, JTL cut down through the middle, to Jhew the turns of the bones, and the fituation of the internal parts. This figure is imperfiedt at the pubes, both externally and internally; the defective parts having been cut away, in pre- paring the fubfeß for fame of the preceding figures. But what is wanting inthefe, may befe'en in plate XXII, which was intended as a fupplement to this. - • v e A The infide of the right thigh. 8888 The bodies of the four lowermofl lumbar vertebrae. Between thefe the ligamentous fubjlances are reprefented prominent, and unequal, efpedally near the centre, where they are foftefi and mofl dif pofed to fwell when foaked in water, and cut through. C C C C The fpinal pro ceffes of the fame vertebrae. D The canal of the lumbar vertebrae in which fome remains of the A Femur dextrum a parte interiori. BB B B Lumborum vertebrae quatuor inferiores. Has inter cernitur fub- ftantia ligamentofa, extans, inaequalis, circa medium praefertim ubi mollidima eft, et facile tumefcit, fi quando feda fuerit, et in aqua macerata. . .. CCCC Vertebrarum earundem procefius fpinales, D Vertebrarum lumborum canalis, in quo reliquiae quaedam cau- dae equinae, obfcure licet, confpiciuntur. E E Mufculorum lumbos extendentium partes inferiores. F Lumborum membrana adipofa et cutis. GGG Sacri offa tria fuperiora. FI II Sacri offa duo inferiora, primumque coccygis, firmiter coa- lita. f ; cauda equina is indiflinBly fieen. E E The lower part of the extending mufcles of the loins. F The adipofe membrane and fkin of the loins. GGG The three fuperior component bones of the os facrum. H H The two lozoermofi bones of the facrum, and the firfl of the coccyx, firmly anchylofed. I The fecond bone of the coccyx, moveable on the firfl by means of an intermediate cartilage. K The two laft bones of the coccyx grown into one, and moveable on the fecond bone by the intervention of.a cartilage. L The fpine of the facrum.—:—M The fpinal canal in the facrum. , N Part of the lower flap of the abdominal mufcles and integuments, turn- ed over the fpine of the os, ilium. O The great inguinal vein, fending off the epigaflnc, which is accom- panied with the artery of the fame name. P The mufcles of the thigh which arofe from the os pubis, and which - . . were cut through when that bone was remQved. I Coccygis os fecundum, quod, ope mediae cartilaginis, ad pri- mum facile movetur. K Coccygis oda duo inferiora in unum coalita, parique ad fe- cundum mobilitate praedita, L Sacri fpina. M Sacri canalis. N Mufculorum abdominis et integumentorum anguli inferioris pars, in offis ilium fpinam refiexa. 0 Vena inguinalis magna epigaftricam emittens, quam etiam arteria ejufdem nominis comitatur. P Femoris mufculi, ex ode pubis orti, quique in ode eo fejungen- do fuerant perfciffi. ■■■■;'.. . . ... , , O, Os pubis fupra foramen magnum didcidum. R Idem os, ubi ramo parvo ifchii committitur, didcidum. In loco quo litera P occurrit, lineis puqdis adumbrata«re- prsefentatur partis ejus offis pubis, quae abfciffa fuerat, figura. Nota * iifdem lineis adumbratam fymphyfin oftendit. S Pars carnofa anum inter et os coccygis. T Anus omnino apertus. U Redi pars inferior hac fedione expofita. Inhac figura videas, inteftinum idem ab ano furfum progrediens oculo dum perfe- queris, id fe retrorfum dedexide, nempe ut ad faciem internam offis coccygis veniret. V Hic rciium ad latus finiftrum fe deflexit, folamque membra- nam fuam cellulofam in hac feciione cernere licebat. Q The os pubis cut through above the foramen magnum. R The fame bone cut through at its conjunction with the fmall branch oj the ifehium. Where the letter P flands, is reprefented, in dotted out-lines, the figure of that part of the os pubis which was cut off\ and the mark is upon ■ the fymphyfis in thefame out-lines. S The fiefhy part between the os coccygis and the anus. T The anus confiderably opened. U The lower part of the rectum laid open by the faction. In tracing the gut from the anus upwards, we fee from this figure that it takes a bend backwards, to get at the infide, of the os coccygis. V Here the rectum made a turn to the left fide, and its furrounding cellular membrane only was feen in the feclion. WW The rectum laid open by the fe Ilion, where it runs before the firfl bone of the coccyx, and the three lowermofl pieces of the facrum. X Here the rectum lay intirely in. the, right fide, and was not opened by the Jeßion. Y , The redum cut through, by theJeßion, where itpafiedfrom the rightfide, acrofs the fecond bone of the facrum, andwascontinued into thefgmoideftexureofthe colon. X, The vena cava.: a The right iliac artery. b Here the left iliac vein was cut through: hut the brittle wax with which it was filed had fallen out, /md the vein was feen indifiinßly. c The Jeßion of the perinaeum. d The infide of the lower part of the right labium, e The infide of the lower part of the right nympha, f The Jlrißure at the beginning of the, vagina, or remains of the hymen, g The extremity of the meatus urinarius. —hh The cavityof the vagina, i The compound juhjiance oj the vagina and rcHam, the latter of which is con- fderably the thickefl. WW Redum fedione apertum, ubi ante coccygis os primum, facri- que oda tria inferiora, decurrebat. X Flic redum omnino in latere dextro jacebat, nec id aperuit fciffura. T Redum diffeiffum, ubi de latere dextro ad os fecundum facri decurre- bat, et in flexuram coli figmoideam curium fuum tenebat. X. Vena cava. a Arteria iliaca dextra'. b In hoc loco vena iliaca fmiflra fuerat diffcilTa; cera autem, quae injeda fue- rat, utpote friata, jam delapfa, vena haud fatis clare fe in confpedum dedit. Perinaei fedio. d Labii dextri, ad partem inferiorem, facies interna. e Nymphae dextrae, ad partem inferiorem, facies interna. f Coardatio, hymenifve reliquiae, ubi incipit vagina. g Meatus urinarii extremitas. h h Vaginae cavum. i In hoc loco vagina et redum font coalita. Redum vagina denfius. k Vaginae pars anterior, cum urethra et vefica urinaria conjunda. k The forepart of the vagina united with the urethra and bladder. 11 The mouth oj the womb in the vagina, directed towards the os coccygis. Though the bottom of the womb, in this cafe, was directed towards the right fide, its mouth lay fo much on the right fide, that it was not touched in making the middle Jeßion of all the parts. mm The Juhjiance of the womb and vagina blended, at the os tincse. n n The edge of the biffeßed womb backwards. oo The edge oj the coomb forwards. This Jeßion was not in the middle, but con- fiderably on the right fde. It had been made to prepare the Jubjeß for fome of the preceding figures. p The mouth of the womb internally. q 7 he mjide of the womb lined with the membranes. The bottom of the womb is not reprefented in this figure; both becaufe it was not very material here, and becaufe it was become Jo flaccid and tender, that it could not be well kept out, in its natmal fituation, before the painter. The membranes were almoft entirely Jeparatedf rom the womb, of themfelves, when this figure was made. In the upper part the decidua was full of fmall veins, even where it parted of itfelffrom the womb; but near the mouth of the womb, hardly any fuch vejfels appeared. t The meatus urinae. H Os uteri in vagina, ad os coccygis vergens. Quamvis in hoc cadavere fundus uteri dextrorfum inclinatus fuerat, os uteri tamen adeo ad dextrum fe tenebat, ut cultrum anatomicum has partes fecantem fugeret. m m Ad os tincae, uteri et vaginae fubftantia coalita. n n Uteri in duas partes aequales fedi margo pofterior. o o Uteri fedi pars anterior. Sedio haec nequaquam per medium uteri fe habebat, fed ad latus dextrum haud paululum; etenim ut figurae praeceden- tes comniode pollent delineari, cadaver hoc modo neceffe habui difponere. p Os uteri intus. q Uteri paries internus membranis fuis veftitus. Fundus uteri in hac figura non repraefentatuf; tum quoniam id a pro- pofita ratione alienum duxi, tum quoniam uterus adeo flaccidus et tener tunc temporis erat, ut in fitu fuo naturali, ad arbitrium et ufum pidoris, minime potuerit retineri. Membranae, tempore quo tabula haec delineabatur, ipfae fe ab utero fere prorfus fej unxerant. In parte fuperiori, decidua, ubi fe ab utero receperat, venulis abundavit; juxta os uteri, vix ullum horum vaforum vefligium apparuit. r Meatus urinae. / Veficae urinariae pars inferior, uteri cervicem inter et vaginae partem fuperiorem fila. Omnis veficae portio pofl fymphyfin pubis fita jamdu- dura abfciffa fuerat. Melius autem mihi vifum eft, figuram vel curtam dare, quam aliquod ingenio excogitatum pingere. f The lower part of the bladder, placed between the neck of the womb and the upper part oj the vagina. The upper part of the bladder, ichich was fltuated behind the fym- phyfis of the pubes, had been cut away before this Jeßion was made; and we chof to leave the figure imperfeß, rather than venture to delineate from fancy. PLATE x. TABULA X FIG. I. FIG. I. A View of the outfide of the forepart of the womb, as it appear- It. Ed when quite dry; exhibiting a Jpecimen of the uterine vejfels, at the part where the placenta adhered. The veins were filed with yellow wax, and are readily dijtinguijhed by the largenefs, light colour, and frequent zazbomotes, from the ar- teries, which are here fmaller, lefs numerous, ferpenline. and of a darker colour. The arteries were all convoluted; but they did not appear to be fo numerous, becaufe many of the branches were filled with the yet ow wax, which had been thrown into the veins. This is feen, in one in- flame, at the letter A. , The deeper-feated veins could not be dijhndlly feen through the drier fubfance of the womb, and are therefore reprefented with the fame ob- fcurity and confufon which appeared in the object itfelf\ LT T E R I pars anterior et extima, prout fe videndam praebuit, ' omnino ficcata, exhibens faciem vaforum uterinorum, qua- lem illa prae fe ferunt, eo loci ubi placenta utero adhaeret. Venae cera flava impletae, ab arteriis, magnitudine, colore lucidiori, anaftomoflbus pluribus, facile dignofcuntur. Arteriae enim, minores, pauciores, flexuofae, coloris magis luridi hic lo- ci funt. Arteriae omnes convolutae ; pauciores autem videbantur, quia multi earum ramuli, cera flava, venis prius injecla, impleti fuerint. Hujus exemplum unum eft ad literam A. Venas profundius fltas, per uterum flccatum cernere non licuit; indiftincfae igitur, nulloque ordine, ita uti vifae funt, delineantur. F I G. 11. Facies interna placentae, cujus vafa per funiculum umbilicalem cera funt repleta. A Cannula aenea in arteriarum alteram umbilicalium inferta, per quam utraque arteria cera viridi implebatur. B In vena cannula, per quam cera caerulea illi injecla fuit. C C Amnion, in parte quadam placentas, laxum reliclum. DD Placente, qua amnion fublatum eft, fuperficies intima chorio prcduHo cooperta. Hoc in loco rami primi vaforum umbilica- lium confpiciuntur. Arteriae colore lucidiori facile polfunt dignofci. Hic arteriae quidem lucidiores, ut in figura, apparebant; tu- nicis fcilicet earum pellucidis colorem cerae injeHae viridem luci- diorem tranfmittentibus.: In funiculo autem umbilicali aliter fe res habet; quippe vena, in medio pofita, undique glutinofa funiculi fubftantia fuit intecfta; unde cera caerulea ad livorem propius ac- cedens vifa eft. E Deciduae pars in margine placente relicla, inque faciem ejus internam reflexa ; nempe ut fuperficies ejus exterior, utero quae adhaeferat, vafis parvulis (cera flava per venas uteri impletis) referta, poflit exhiberi. Placenta cera flava ubique turgida, quae fubilantiam ejus cel- lulofam adeo implevit, ut in facie interna ubique per chorion tranfluceret. Cera ubique quali in grana abiit, quod inde cava naturalia impleverat, indicium certum exhibens: fi enim pla- centam, vafis effufa impleviflet, in maflas majores, irregulares formatam, fe ad confpeHum dediflet. Cera in hanc fpongiofam, five cellulofam partem, injefta, placente craflitudo naturali duplo FIG. 11. The infide of the placenta, which was injected by the umbilical vef Jets after it was taken out of the womb, - A A brafs-pipe tied into one of the umbilical arteries, by which the two arteries were filed with green wax. - B A pipe in the vein, by which it was filed with blue wax. C C The amnion left loofe upon one part of the placenta . D D The internal furface of the placenta, where the amnion was remov- ed, covered by a continuation of the chorion: upon this are fee n the fir ft branches of the umbilical vejfels. dhe arteries arefifficiently dfiinguifh- able by their lighter colour. They appeared fo from being filled with a lighter coloured green wax, and from the tranfparency of their coats: but on the navel-firing it was the contrary; becaufe the vein, being the mofl central, was covered with a greater thicknefs of the gelatinous fubfiance of the firing, and therefore did not allow the darker-coloured blue wax to be fo wellfeen. E Part of the decidua left at the edge, and turned over the infide of the placenta,yfi as to fhew its outer furface (which had adhered to the womb) full offinall vejfels, injetied with yellow wax from the uterine veins. The body of the placenta was uniformly filled with the yellow wax. This had fo compleatly filled all the celltdar fubfiance of the placenta that upon the infide it appeared every where through the cbonon. And the wax was every where manifefily that it had plainly filled natural cavities •'for if it had filled the fubfiance oj the placenta by common extravafation, it would have formed if elf into irregular and large mafjes. From this injection of the fpungy or cellular part, the placenta had acquired at leaf double its natural thicknefs. major evaferat. F I G. 111. FIG. 111. Mulieris, die fecundo poft partum extimftae, uteri fuperficiei in- ternae pars. Decem his tabulis jam delineatis, eas ftatim in lucem edere propofui; et flmul hancce tertiam figuram, quali fupplementum, addere, utpote folum quod tunc temporis potui. Difcrimen ex- hibet inter fuperficiem uteri [A,B, C) cui membranae adhasferant, et fuperficiem (D, E, F) cui piacenta fe immiferat; illam quietem laevem et unius formae; hanc autem orificiis magnis venarum re- fertam. Ubi primum haec orificia fub examen venerant, omnia grumis coagulati fanguinis referta comperi, in cavum uteri non- nihil extantibus. Utero vero aliquamdiu in aqua macerato, coagula haec magis albidaevaferunt; nonnulla exciderunt; et aliqua etiam extrafta funt, ut venarum orificia clarius monftrari pofient. Ita fe res habuit, cum figura haec delineabatur. A portion of the internal furface of the womb, from a woman who died two days after delivery. When thefe ten plates were finifhed, I intended to have publifhed them immedioJely; and this third figure was added, as the only fupple- nient which I could give at that time. It jhews the difference between thefurface of the womb (A, B, C,) where the membranes had adhered, and that furface (D, E, F,j to which the placenta had been fixed. Thefirfi was much more fmooth and uniform; the latter was full of large venous ori- fices. At the firfi examination, all thefe orifices were found filled up with plugs of coagulated blood, which projected fome way into the cavity of the womb. The part beingfieepedfame time in water, they became whiter, and many of them fell out, or were pulled out, to Jhew the orifices of the veins more clearly. In this fiate the drawing was made. T. V. Ifynudy/t ddat ■ 1. y. deltn. . , . . / _ Jr. C. CanotJca^ TAB. X. Fig'. I. //a/'j rmfarurr /V r,r/////// ,///>/// je////rr//// s >/////////> 5 f. judfiy;, TAB. XI. araaa iumo. e- /ifcruj, natimim/Mfy/. iaMi ,wy£ctii cani tmyafay, yuayae ad/mrlvm. m/wurre?n e&' avrmmy/ifari dcpm&iamfar.efa &/aiwifaymyia,rfo/M aJ/uexfa' TABULA XL PLATE AB alia muliere, nono graviditatis menfe haemorrhagia uteri- na e medio fublata. Confpicitur uterus, et offa pubis juxta naturam fita. Vafa, injeda cera, turgida; quaeque ad partem in- feriorem et cervicem uteri dignofcuntur effe ampliffima, arguunt placentam parti illi adhaefiffe. TfROM a fecondfuhject, viz. a woman who died of a flooding in the JL ninth month of pregnancy. It reprefents.a fore-view of the womb, with the offa pubis in the natural fituation. The fituation of the large veffels, which were injected, fhews, that the placenta was attached for- wards, and to the lower part of the womb. A Fundi uteri pars media et fumma. B Uteri pars quae fcilicet in cadavere fuit ex adverfo umbilici. C Symphyfis offium pubis. D Membrana adipofa ad fundum veficae urinariae. E E Os pubis utrinque, ad locum fere quo ofli ilium committitur, perfciffum. FF Utriufque ofiis ifchii ramus parvus, ad locum quo offi pubis ad- jungitur, perfciffus. GGG Contenta pelvis omnia, antrorfum offibus pubis obtecfia. H Infra hanc literam meatus urinarii orificium. / Ab hac litera furfum ad meatum urinarium vaginae principium; infraque hanc literam aditus ad redum K Strato intimo ani fphindleris circumte6lus. Labia pudendi, perinaeum et anus hic non habent locum; in fitu enim fuo relicfia erant in cadavere, quippe illud externe mu- tilum et deforme reddere non liceret. L L Tubae. M M Fimbriae. df jY Ligamenta rotunda. 0 Ovarii pars. PP Vaforum fpermaticorum utrinque ad uterum afcendentium fafciculus. Vafa hypogaftrica, in latere uteri, ad conjundlionem cum fper- maticis afcendentia. R Uteri venae magnae in loco cui placenta interne adhaerebat. A The middle and highejl part of the bottom of the womb. B That part of the womb which, as it lay in the dead body, was directly oppofite to the navel. C The fymphyfis of the offa pubis. D The adipofe membrane upon the fundus of the bladder. EE Ihe os pubis of each fide, cut through near its union with the os ilium. F F The fmall branch of each os ifchii, cut through near its conjunction with the os pubis. GGG Ihe whole contents of the pelvis coveredforwards by the offa pubis. H Immediately below this letter isfeen the orifice of the meatus urinarius. I From this letter upwards to the meatus urinarius is feen the begin- ning of the vagina ; and immediately below this letter I is feen the paf fage into the reftum, fur rounded by K The inner ftratum of the fp fancier ani. The Labia, perinaeum and anus were left in the body, that it might not be disfigured outwardly. L L The tubes. M M The fimbriae. N N The round ligaments. O Part of the ovarium. P P The group offpermatic veffels, on each fide, approaching the womb. 0,0, The hypogafiric vefj'els mounting upon the fides of the womb to join the fpermatic. R The great veins of the womb in that place to which, internally, the placenta was attached. A B C D EE FF GGG H I K LL MM NN O PP 0,0, R TABULA XII. PLATE AB eadem, qua praecedens, muliere, exhibet apertum plane a parte poflica uterum cum vagina, quo fitus foetus, parf- que inferior placentae, fub foetus capite, indicarentur. Placenta fcilicet orificio uteri interno accreverat, eoque fub finem gravi- ditatis dilatato, feparata eft: unde haemorrhagia, et mors. A A Tubae fallopianae. B Ovarium finiftrum; cujus ad extremitatem inferiorem videre eft C Corpus luteum extans. Ovarium dextrum. E Vaforum fpermaticorum ad uterum afcendentium fafciculus. FFF Subftantiae uteri fecftio. O Vaginae per incifionem apertae et expaffae facies interna. HH Os uteri. I Placentae partis inferioris facies externa, in lobos partita, quae quondam cervici et ori uteri interne adhaeferat; tempore autem parturiendi inftante, partium illarum dilatatione fejunda fuerat, unde nec offario haemorrhagia. KK Membranae de margine placentae exeuntes, capitifque foetus partem inferiorem ampledentes, perfciffae. Spatium, quod inter cervicis uteri partem interiorem, et fecundas, vacuum occurrit, in cadavere fanguine coagulato refertum comperi. Situs partefque foetus explanatione non egent. Tf ROM thefame fubjeCt, a view of the womb and vagina fully open- ed on the hack part, to fhew the fituation of the child, and of the lower part of the placenta at the infide of the mouth of the womb, under the child's head, and detached from the womb; the occafwn of the fatal hemorrhage. A A The fallopian tubes, B The left ovarium, at the lower end of which is feen C The projecting corpus luteum. D The right ovarium. E The group of fpermatic veffels approaching theJides of the womb. FFF The feCiion of the fuhjlance of the womb. G The infide of the vagina, which is laid open by a longitudinal inciji- on, andfpread out. H H The mouth of the womb. I The external lobulatedfur face of the lower part of the placenta; which had originally flue k to the infide of the neck and mouth of the womb ; but as parturition approached, the dilatation of thefe parts occafioned afepa- ratioTi, which was neceffarily followed by an hemorrhage. The membranes cut through where they were coming out from the border of the placenta, and enclofmg the mqfl depending part of the child's head. The vacant fpace which is feen between the mfide of the neck of the womb, and thefecundines, was full of clotted blood in the dead body. The fituation, and the fever al parts of the child require no explanation. Z. i.' /tyr/u,/y/c- dt&Z •Z., Zite/iZycjZ/i' T1 /) . XU. X/af'/K, //Z'ft'i V ‘//z/rf, ///////<’/'(>; &X'Au/(Zt (//1£V'////// flAl/ZltK Ct fetf/zA’y/IOtfA&Z/ u/ZZZZZZl/ CM/Z/Z 2/ tZZ/tZZIZI, fuo m/erior tZZacmZ&Jut Zofti/J ra/u/e #rt&Zr~> yaforo Mi&mo accrwimtZ eo-ya&-pkem/ de/afafo-&ft. Jl/y rns) i/yA rTA/n ', < -'Mec/teA AcuAtv. TAB. TTTT .(/ fartw r/T/Zamw, mm //fart) /fayma-eTt'eA-icarnfafruj mcmd jc/iu'et. mia-cmn amfarwrt- Q/t&rA./uvnefa, dwu/u/f/uj, a//A/&/vt?.ti/wA, e&h fa/nZ/mt clteri re^/ttatiA, jt/i/j st(z£ujfAte erecti/j erf/ atnx/ita/ttr: /v/ //fart txm, tx/Mi/ /r/i/Ti. TABULA XIII. PLATE XIII. A Tertio cadavere, nono graviditatis menfe. Uteri confpec- tus ab anteriori, cum vagina et vefica urinaria. Pariete hujus anteriori, cum fecundis ei adhaerentibus, incifo, et in fundum ejus reclinato, fitus foetus eretfii confpicitur. Vafa uteri, cera prius injeda, turgida fuerunt. A Vefica urinaria in fitu fuo naturali, refpetfiu habito ad uterum. B Vaginae pars fuperior et extima, quae fub fymphyfi offium pu- bis jacet, quaeque ibi cum urethra connecfiitur. C Vaginae cavum in confpecSu poll tum, cum labia partefque aliae externae fuerant abfciffae, quo fpecimen hoc e cadavere exi- miretur. DD Vafa fpermatica, ad uteri latera afcendentia. E E Tubae; quarum extremitates, feu fimbriae, fub racemo vafo- rum fpermaticorum, occultantur. F In uteri latere dextro, vena magna, ab anaftomofi venarum, hypogaftricae fcilicet et fpermaticae, ortum fuum ducens. GG Ligamenta rotunda. HH Uteri pars anterior, cum portione placentae quae ei adhaere- bat, incifa, et in fundum uteri reclinata, ut foetus in confpec- tum prodiret. III Uteri fubftantiae, et membranarum inveftientium, fecfiio. KK Eadem fedtio per placentae fubftantiam ducfia, quae uteri parti anteriori in latere dextro adhaerebat. Ex figura inverfa latus de- xtrum finiftrum fit. L Funis umbilici, a foetu ad placentam tranfiens. TfR 0 M a thirdfubjedl, in the ninth month of pregnancy. A fore-view JL of the womb (with the vagina and vefica urinaria) in which all the inclofing parts were cut through, and turned up, to fhew the fituation of the child, with its head upwards. The veffels of the womb had been previoufy injected. A The bladder, in its natural fituation with refpedl to the womb. B The upper and external part of the vagina, which lies under the fymphyfis of the offa pubis, and where the urethra is united with it. C The cavity of the vagina expofed, where the labia and other exter- nal parts had been cut off\ in taking this part from the dead body. D D The fpermatic veffels, p offing up towards the fides of the womb. EE The tubes, of which the extremities, or fimbriae, are concealed be- hind the group of fpermatic veffels. F The great vein on the right fide of the womb, formed by the anafio- mofmg hypogaflric and fpermatic veins. GG The round ligaments. HH The forepart of the womb, with that part of the placenta which adhered to it, cut up, and turned back over the fundus of the womb, to bung the child to view. 11l 7he febtion of the fubfiance of the womb, and of the invefing mem- branes. KK The fame feblion carried through the fubfiance of the placenta, which, in this cafe, was fixed to the forepart and right fide (which is the left in this inverted figurej of the womb. L The navel firing puffing from the child to the placenta. TABULA XIV. PLATE XIV AOuarto cadavere, nono itidem graviditatis menfe. Fafciculi fibrarum mufcularium, in parte interna uteri, triplici figura exhibentur. , . , 1VfR 0M a fourth Juhjedt, at nine months. This Jhews the difpofitwn JL of the mufcular fafciculi on the infide of the womb, in three dif- ferent views. ;* , The part was fieeped in water fame days, whereby the decidua was made tender, and then brufhed off Hac parte uteri per aliquot dies in aqua macerata, decidua jam tenera abftergebatur. F I G. I. FIG. L Uteri inverfi, et in latus paululum reclinati, facies pofterior interna. , , r . A Uteri os relaxatum; fupra quod, paulo obfeunus licet, cervicis mgae, ramorum adinftar difpofitae, cernuntur. j B B Uteri pars angufta, margine pelvis antea circumcincta.^ CC Seta in orificio utriufque tubae; quam circum fafciculi fibra- rum aid mufculos pertinentium, in orbes, eodem centro termina- tos, fe difponunt. D Hic fafciculi, in orbem difpofiti, uterum cingunt. E Uteri fundi pars media, qua ordines hi duo fibraium, tubas cingentium, inter fe coeunt, five fe invicem contingunt. F Interftitium triangulare, tres inter ordines fibrarum praedira- rum, ubi mutuo inter fe coeunt, diverfumque ordinem et curfum tenent. The inner furf ac e of the pofterior part of the womb, turned a little to one fide. - : ‘ A The relaxed mouth of the womb, over which are faintly feen the branch- ing rugae of the neck of the womb. BB The narrow part of the womb, which was embraced by the brim of the pelvis. . C C A briflle put into the orifice of each tube, round which the fafciculi of mufcular fibres are ranged into concentric circles. D The fafciculi going circularly round the body of the womb. E The middle of the fundus of the womb, where the two orders of cir- cular fibres> which furround the tubes, meet, or become reciprocally tangents. F The triangular interfice betiveen the three orders of circular fibres, where they are all blended, and take a variety of directions. fig. 11. FIG. 11. Ejufdem uteri, forma minuta, confpeclus a latere. A fide-view of the fame womb, in miniature. A The mouth of the womb. B A briflle in the orifice of the tube. C An irregular ftratum offibres, upon the infide of the cit cular fafciculi. A Uteri os. B Seta in orificio tubae. . C Fibrarum, fine ordine difpofitarum, if ratum, faciem mtei nam fafciculorum, qui in circulum Aeduntur, obtegentes. FIG. 111. F I G. 111. The inner Jurface of the anterior part of the fame womb. A The mouth of the womb: over which are feen the anterior branch- ing rugae. B The centre of the Jurface to which the placenta adhered, where the f hres formed irregular, interwoven bands; in the interjlices of which were the orifices of the veins ivhich went into the fpungy part of the placenta. At the cervix no difiincl mufcularfibres appear on the internal furface of the womb. Ejufdem uteri partis anterioris facies interna. A Os uteri; fupra quod rugae anteriores, in ramos abeuntes,fe in confpeftum dant. B Superficiei cui placenta adhaeferat pars media, ubi fibrae talcias fine ullo ordine formabant; quas inter, venarum orificia, in pla- centae partem fpongiofam curfum tenentium, paffim occurrunt. Ad cervicem uteri, fibrae mufculofae, in fafciculos collecfiae, nul- lae confpiciuntur. Fio- .1. Ztifm.uZyZ' /Ze/iw Z Ara/fif, TAB. XIV. //yui/rfv norwrlu/imi-^a^ctcaZy/^Zrtm/mz /////,/('/////7/////, I//yUbT^fa/,//A’/'/U/ uTfiy, r./Z/y/z’///?//'. n. /. ’ 7li/nwdt/7> de/lny. TAB,XV. {//jn/Jt/o etixim/tj/efatafavuj/??muo. arfa/rwttn/no //far( //r////<> .//fawn /// fior 777 <7///77// t/j/voK), 4’ > An//77/n////t amimyue iwkhm &6mnfam/(faw/u<>'/ui/& avit&rum etm-nTo //fort at//u»relttt) 'tm/uu j , v TABULA XVII. PLATE XVII. IDEM uterus a fronte. Primo, five extimo fubflantiae ftrato fublato, vaforum diftributio majorum, eorumque verfus pla- centam (quae hie parti anteriori et fundo uteri adhaerebat) pro- greffus, melius confpiciuntur. A Vaginae extremitas fumma, incifione aperta. B Uteri orificium contrarium. C Uteri cervix nondum dilatata. DD Ligamenta rotunda. EE Tubae: ovariis pone abfeonditis. FF Fafciculus vaforum fpermaticomm, ad latus uteri afeenden- tium. G G Fafciculus vaforum hypogaflricomm, ad latus cervicis uteri accedentium. HH Trunci vaforum fpermaticomm et hypogaftricorum, ex anafio- mofi communes, ad uteri latera decurrentium. In fundi parte anteriori, arteriae et venae, curfum verfus placentam tenentes, confpiciuntur: vafa minora, rotundiora, magifque convoluta, ar- teriae funt; majora, et planiora, venae. 7~?R 0 M the fame fubjedl. A direct fore-view of the womb, after the A. outer ftratum of its fubfance had been differed off, to fhew the difribution of the larger uterine veffels in their way to the placenta; which, in this cafe, adhered to the fore-part and fundus of the womb. A The upper extremity of the vagina laid open. B 7he orifice of the womb, contracted. C The neck of the womb, not f retched. D D The round ligaments. E E The tubes: the ovaries being concealed behind them. F F The group of fpermatic veffels, mounting up towards the fides of the fundus of the womb. GG The group of hypogafiric veffels, coming to the fide of the neck of the womb. HH The common, or anafomofing trunks of the fpermatic and hypogafric veffels, running along the fides of the womb. On all the fore-part of the fundus are feen the arteries and veins, paffing towards the placenta: thefmailer, rounder, and convoluted veffels are the arteries', the larger and flattened veffels are the veins. TABULA XVIII. PLATE XVIII. EJUSDEM uteri fundus, eodem modo praeparatus, ut am- pliffimorum vaforum, venarum praefertim, placentae ex ad- verfo objedarum, crebrae inter fe commiffurae contemplandae proflarent. TfROM the fame fubjebt. 'The very fundus, or upper part of the JL womb, which was previoufly differed to Jhew in the preceding figure as welt as in this, the plexus of large veffels, efpecially the veins, op- pofite to the placenta. A A The tranfuerfe febiion acrofs the fundus of the womb, between AAB The pofierior fide of the womb left in its natural fate; that is, co- vered with the Jmooth peritoneum, and AAC The anterior fide of the womb at its fundus, the outer ftratum of its fubfance being removed, to fhew the veffels oppofite to the placenta. The larger and more flattened veffels, as in the preceding figure, are veins. DD The tubes. The ovaries lay behind; that is, below them in this atti- tude, and farther from the eye of the Jpeblator, fo as to be hidden. EE The round ligaments, going downwards, a little before the tubes. In this cafe, the anterior fide of the womb made a greater fuelling, or was more fir etched than the pofierior; fo that if the womb had been vertically cut down through the two tubes, the anterior portion would have been larger than the other. Tet the difference was not fo confiderable, as may be imagined from a view of this figure, becaufe the objebt was placed a little obliquely to the eye, which thence took in more of the an- - terior, than of the pofierior furface. A A Sedio per fundum uteri tranfverfe duda; inter AAB Uteri parietem pofteriorem, in ftatu fuo naturali, (fcilicet, pe- ritoneo laevi coopertum) et AAC Uteri parietem anteriorem, ubi ftratum fubftantiae ejus exti- mum fublatum eft, ut vafa, ex adverfo placentae fita, confpici pollent. Vafa majora et planiora, ut in figura praecedenti, venae funt. DD Tubae. Poll, five infra eas, ovaria iftiufmodi fitum habebant, qui illa confpici non lineret. E E Ligamenta rotunda, deorfum, paulo ante tubas, curfum te- nentia. In hoc cadavere, uteri paries anterior pofteriori tumidior fuit; ita ut fi uterus a vertice deorfum per tubas tranfciffus fuiftet, pars anterior, altera major extitiffet. Re vera tamen, inter eas difcrimen haud tantum fuit, quantum in hac tabula videtur; quippe uterus, paulo oblique oculo fe offerens, plus fuperficiei anterioris, quam pofterioris, exhibebat. d!e/i/?z TAB.XMF. Uten r/7/m///ii/r///. TAB. XIX.■ //Tm- //fana*: amWum mimd elm. ///fj/e yuaj ly'a’/u.i, oAkY/ru/j /icet, videtur. d/u>tuetur ve mter j/P/acmtamy mfeMedmif.dxart&e //fen eaTrurrnt .w/> drtearu/v dmdf/uj Mint. TABULA XIX- PLATE XIX■ IDEM uterus; ejus facie anteriori incifa et in fundum revo- luta, illaefis fecundis, per quas caput foetus, obfcurius licet, cernitur. Hic igitur vifui fefe offert cum fuperficies externa pla- centae, dimidiatae quidem, tum pars fuperficiei internae uteri, ei refpondens, una cum vafis quae inter uterum et placentam inter- cedunt. Partes uteri exteriores lineis folummodo expreffae funt. EpR 0 M the fame fubjedt. A fore-view of the womb, Its fubjlance JL is cut through and turned up over the fundus, to jhew a part of the membranes, through which the child's head is obfcurely feen, and about half of the placenta; together with the cor ref ponding internal furface of the womb, and the veffels pqfjing between the womb and the placenta. ‘The external parts of the womb are reprefented in out-lines only. A Vaginae extremitas fuperior incifione aperta. B Uteri orificium contraftum. C Uteri cervix nondum dilatata. D D Ligamenta rotunda. E E Tubae; ovaria, pone iis lita, oculum fugiunt. FF Vafa fpermatica. G G Vafa hypogaftrica. HHH Uteri fubftantia incifa. 11l Uteri paries anterior a fecundis feparatus, et fupra fundum uteri reflexus. K Chorion, amnion tegens. Per membranas illas pellucidas fcetus caput confpicitur. LLL Decidua, qua uteri parieti intimo adhaerebat. Vafa quaedam parva, in eam ex utero tranfmifla, confpiciuntur. MMMUteri fuperficies interna, parti huic deciduae refpondens. JV'JV' Superficies externa partis illius placentae quae ab utero avulfa fuit. 0 0 Superficies uteri interior huic refpondens. PP In uteri fuperficie interna arteriae convolutae, quae ad placen- tam antea tranfierant, jam vero diruptae, dum uterus a placenta feparabatur. Arteriae in placentae fuperficie illis refpondentes. R R Venae ex placentae fubftantia excurrentes ;in ea fcilicet parte fuperficiei ejus diruptae, qua ad uterum tranlibant. S S Venae in facie uteri interna, venis proxime dictis refpondentes. T In angulo, fuperficiem externam placentae inter et fuperficiem internam inverfam uteri, arteria convoluta, ab utero in placen- tam continuata, confpicitur. V Vena, arteriam proxime dictam juxta pofita, et illi refpondens, ex placenta in uterum continuata. A The upper extremity of the vagina laid open. B The orifice of the womb, contracted. C The neck of the womb, not Jlretched. D D The round ligaments. E E The tubes; the ovaries concealed behind them. F F The fpermatic veffels. G G The hypogafiric veffels. HHH The fubfiance of the womb, cut through. 11l The fore-part of the womb raifed up from the fecundities, and turned over the fundus. K The chorion covering the amnion; through zuhich tranfparent mem- branes the child's head is feen. LLL The decidua where it adhered to the inner fface of the womb, in which are feen fome fmall veffels fent into it from the womb. MM M The cor ref ponding inner furf ace of the womb. N N The outer furf ace of that part of the placenta from which the womb was feparated. O O The correfponding internal furf ace of the womb. PP Convoluted arteries upon the inner furf ace of the womb, which had puffed to the placenta, and were broken through in feparating the womb. oo The correfponding arteries on the furf ace of the placenta. R R Veins emerging from the fubfiance of the placenta, and broken through at its furf ace, where they were paffng into the zuomb. S S The correfponding veins on the infide of the womb. T In the angle between the outer furf ace of the placenta, and the in- verted inner furf ace of the womb, is here feen a convoluted artery, con- tinued from the womb into the placenta. V A correfponding vein, near that artery, continued from the placenta to the womb. TABULA XX. PLATE XX. IDEM denuo uterus, fed omnino apertus, ut foetum in fitu naturali oftendat. Circa fundum quaquaverfus fubftantia tam placentae quam uteri incifa confpicitur. Uteri partes exteriores, lineis leviter adumbratae, eaedem funt, quae in praecedenti figura, et in tabula decima feptima ad ple- num funt expreffae. T?R 0 Mikefamefubjedt. A fore-view of the womb, fully opened, to Jhew Jf the childin its natur alfituation. All around, at the fundus, theJuhJlance of the placenta, as well as that of the ivomb itfelf,is feen cut through. The external parts of the womb, fightly fketched in outdmes, are the fame as in the preceding plate, and were fully expreffed in plate XV 11. AA A The fe Ilion of the fubflance of the lower half of the womb, where the membranous part of the fecundines adhered. 888 The feclion of thefubflance of the upper part of the womb, where the placenta adhered. CCC The fediion of the placenta: the fpungy cavities of which contained both fome of the yellow wax, from the arteries of the womb, and oj the red wax, from the veins. DDD Some turns of the navelfiring, lying between the arms and the legs of the child. AA A Utero per medium divifo, dimidii inferioris fubftantiae feTwno yanim^/Mtuim-tue. '//.faro,,y//c .>//// .i/n//,nr ////^/Z/iV: fa/zorafart', factro Ifamn /afav dfanfa fa /fan. fa _ //Aw/rn////777///////irZ' mt/wmv.. wM/Z/i, ea/i/defar 5ZzZz/a mn^t/ccaA^.. //Z‘77. I'iiJti cmti- /'/////4z/ m/r/Z. TABULA XXIII. PLATE OCTAVUM cadaver, fexto geftationis menfe. Uteri ac membranarum parte anteriori fublata, exhibetur foetus cum parte placentae et funiculi umbilicalis. Uteri vafa cera impleta fuerant. JpR 0 M the eighth fubjedl, at fix months. A fore-view of the womb, JL which was injected; the anterior part, both of the womb and of the membranes, having been cut away, and the liquor amnii taken out to fhew the foetus, with a part of the placenta and of the navel firing. A Velica urinaria, refpedu habito ad uterum, in fitu fuo natu- rali; modice diftenditur, et ramis quibufdam majoribus venarum hypogaftricarum circumtegitur. B Vaginae partis pofticae facies interna. C C Vafa hypogaftrica ad cervicem uteri decurrentia et ramos ad veficam urinariam et vaginam tranfmittentia. DD Vafa fpermatica, duplicationem ligamenti lati intrantia. EE Tubae. A The bladder, in its fituation with refpect to the womb. It is modera- tely dif ended, and is covered with fome large branches of the hypogaf tnc veins. B The infide of the poferior part of the vagina. C C The hypogaflric vejfels, going into the neck of the womb, and fend- ing branches to the bladder and vagina. D D The fpermatic vejfels, going into the duplicature of the broad ligament, EE The tubes. F F The fimbriae. FF Fimbriae. G G Ligamenti lati lamella pofterior: anterior cultro anatomico fub- lata fuerat, ut vafa fpermatica, ad fundum uteri afcendentia, oculo G G The pojlerior lamella of the broad ligament: the anterior had been removed by diffebtion, to give a clearer view of the Jpermatic vejfels, in their afcent to the fundus of the womb. HH The round ligaments. In the left is feen a large convoluted artery, coming down from the Jpermatic. 11l The fediion of the whole Juhfance of the womb, and of the membranes, by which the forepart of the womb and of the fecundines was removed 9 to expofe their contents. K The navel-firing, near its termination in the placenta. The placenta adhered to the poferior part of the womb, towards the fundus. The navelfiring pajfed firfl downwards, over the left fhoulder, and then upwards, behind the body of the child, to its ter- mination at the placenta. plenius occurrerent. HH Ligamenta rotunda. In finiftro, arteria praecipua, convoluta, a fpermatica defcendens confpicitur. 11l Uteri fubftantiae totius et membranarum fedio, qua uteri et fecundarum paries anterior, ad eorum contenta exhibenda, fub- latus fuerat. A Funis umbilicalis, prope locum ubi in placenta delinit. Placenta uteri parti pofticae, verfus fundum, adhaerebat. Funis umbilicalis, primo deorfum, fuper hiimerum finiftrum, deinde fur- fum, pone corpus infantis, ad finem fuum in placenta tran- fibat. V\ Y i TABULA XXIV. PLATE XXIV AB eodem cadavere JfiR 0 M the fameJubjecl. FIG. I. F I G I. The placenta, adhering to the fundus and back-part of the womb: its Jpungy fuhjlance is filled by the inje&ion of the uterine veffels. Moji of the parts in out-lines were more fully reprefented and explain- Placenta uteri fundo et parti potties adhserefeens ; fubftantia ejus fpongiofa, injeetta per vafa uterina cera, turgefeit. Pleraque partes lineis adumbratas, in tabula praecedenti ad plenum funt expolitae. Ed in the preceding plate. A The urinary bladder.• * B The vagina C C The hypogajlric veffels. D D The Jpermatic vejfels. E E The tubes. A Velica urinaria. B Vagina. LJ C C Vafa hypogaftrica. D D Vafa fperrnatica. E E Tubae. F F The fimbriae. FF Fimbriae. G G The broad ligaments. HH The round ligaments. 11l The fe diion of the womb and membranes. K The navel firing, L L The placenta, adhering to the zuornb. None of the wax, infected into the veffels of the womb, hadpaffed into the branches of thofe vejfels which compofe the navel-firing; and as they contained only fame blood, they were not diftindtly marked, where they fpre ad, from the navel firing, over the internal furface of the pla- centa. But the cells, or interflices in the Jpungy part of the placenta, were univerfally loaded with wax; either the blue, which was injebied into the veins of the womb, or the red, which was thrown into the ar- teries. This is illuflrated by Fig. 11. M The membranes, coming out from the edge of the placenta, and in- G G Ligamenta lata. H H Ligamenta rotunda. 11l ' Uteri et membranarum fedio. K Funis umbilicalis. LL Placenta utero adhaerefeens. Nulla pars cerae, in vafa uterina injedae, ad ramos vaforum il- lorum quae funem umbilicalem conficiunt, tranfierat; vafa illa fanguinem folummodo continentia, obfeure deli gnata erant, ubi ex fune umbilicali in faciem internam placentae fe immittebant. Cellulae autem in placentae parte fpongiofa, omnes eodem modo cera, vel coerulea in venas uteri injeda, vel rubra in arterias infu- fa, turgefeebant. Hanc rem indicat figura fecunda. M Membranae ex margine placentae exeuntes, et uterum undique inveftientes. vejling the womb all around. The edge of the placenta, in this cafe, was much more elevated and diflindt, its Jpungy fubflance being dfiended. Placentae margo hic paulo elatior eft, et magis confpicuus, fub- ftantia ejus fpongiofa cera diftenfa. F I G. 11. FIG. 11. Portio aliqua placentae tranfverfe feda, ut fubftantia ejus fpon- giofa appareret, ejufdemque cera adimpletae craftitudo. A Placentae fuperficies interna. B Placentae fuperficies externa. C Membranarum portiuncula, ex margine placentae, cera injeda turgefeentis, et in figuram rotundiorem adaudae, exiens. Cerae coeruleae, primum per venas uteri injedae, maxima pars ad fuperficiem ejus internam propulfa fuerat; ceraque rubra, poftea per arterias injeda, in partibus exterioribus reftabat; per totam autem ejus fubftantiam, colores hi duo plus minufve commixti A fedlion of half of the placenta., principally to Jhew what thicknefs it had acquired, by its Jpungy cavities being filled with wax. A Its internal furface. B Its external furface. C A fmall portion of the membranes, going off from the edge of the pla- centa, which was thickened, and rounded, by the injected wax. Mofl of the blue wax, zvhich was firft injected by the veins of the womb, was driven on towards the internalfurface; and the red wax, which was afterwards injected by the arteries, was lodged principally in the outer parts; but the two colours were, more or lefs, blended through the funt. whole. F I G. 111. FIG. 111. Arterias exhibet illius partis membranae deciduae, quae parietem uteri anteriorem inveftiverat. The decidua, from the fore-part of the fame womb, with the convo- luted uterine arteries, which are difperfed through it. FIG. IV. FIG. IF. Venae ejufdem partis deciduae. Figurae hae duae feparatim, aliqua ne fieret confufio, delineatae The fame part of the decidua, with the uterine veins, which ramify through it. funt. Thefe two figures were drawn feparately, to avoid confufwn. Fig. I. Fig, iv. Fig. n. ty. / , ' de/cwy. ' dehwy. y y lyrl&n, TAB XXIV. ■ '//'''< v/’/V/ Sl/,///'r/r. Fig. I . B///,/,• ,///,•.>//<■//■ ///y/,/,-• /unT/n///,/ rfmupteHi//er /ifarmtt Fig.U.JT/-/V/// aAfMisJffiacewfw tr/m*n/mum .mAa, at'foAtimtub mmamtaz/myt/etiz'ora^fh& Fig*.lV. fuirfa ////■////•raj/zr C S/V/////*/', y///'/ //u W;t7y//w///y/. / ////./ ,MY//n //pp/amt/tam/M CtfnMcsJ f-uwMur tuiop pu7 /?pc t&m/i/M p/pfr/PuA TABULA XXV. PLATE XXV. Nr ONU M cadaver, quinto menfe. Apertus omnino uterus, ac foetus inde exemptus ; quo fubtilius judicium feratur de foetu ipfo, de partibus ejus fecum invicem comparatis et dimen- fis, nec non de conditione cervicis uterinae quae fub hoc tem- pus obtinet. JfR 0 M the ninth fubjeCt, in the fifth month. The womb fully jL opened, and the foetus taken out; to Jhew the exaCt dimenfions and proportions of the child, and the fiate of the cervix uteri at this period of utero-geftation. The child and its Navel firing require no explanation. Foetus ipfe, funifque umbilicalis illuftratione non egent. AAA The opening made in the membranes for the extraction of the child, through which is feen the infide of the placenta around the termination of the navel-firing. BB B The collapfed amnion and chorion, covered externally with the deci- dua reflexa, which had not as yet contracted an adhefion to the decidua. AAA Vulnus per membranas fadlum, quo foetus eximiretur; unde internae faciei placentae pars, circa finem funis umbilicalis, cer- nitur. BB B Amnion et chorion collapfa, et decidua reflexa (quae nondum caeperat deciduae ipfi adhaerefcere) externe cooperta. C C Tubae, C C The tubes. D D The broad ligaments. The following letters are engraved on a fep arate figure in out-lines. E The decidua, lining that part of the womb where the placenta D D Ligamenta lata. Literas fequentes alteri figurae feparatim infculptas invenies. E Decidua, omnem illam partem uteri, quam placenta non oc- cupaverat, inveftiens. FFFFSubttantia cervicis uteri, ab altero latere ad alterum fe(fla. FFFF The feCtion,from fide to fide, of thefubfiance of the cervix uteri. G The upper, narrower, andfmaller part of the paffiage in the cervix uteri, where the decidua was evidently continued down into the inner did not adhere to it. G Pars fuperior, anguftior, et laevior introitus cervicis uteri, ubi decidua manifefte continuata fuit in membranam ejus internam. membrane of that paffiage. H The lower, wider, and rugous part of that paffiage. I The infide of the pofterior lip of the os uteri filudded withfmall hags H Pars inferior, latior, et rugofa, ejufdem. I Facies interna pofterioris labii oris uterini, veficulis, glutine repletis, bullata. of gelly. K The infide of the adjacent part of the vagina. K Facies interna vicinae partis vaginae.^ L L Portiunculae hae duae membranarum fluitantium, exhibent, im- L L The two fnall pieces of floating membranes, reprefent, though very imperfectly,*iwo portions of the cuitcular lining of the vagina; which, in this fubjeCt, was feparated difiinCtly and evidently as far up as the projection of the os uteri. perfedie quidem, partes duas cuticulae vaginam inveftientis, quae in cadavere, de quo agitur, diftincfe admodum, feparabatur uf- que ad ipfam oris uteri prominentiam. XXVI. TABULA XXVI. PLATE DECIMUM cadaver, quinto graviditatis menfe. Exhibe- tur flatus uteri retroverfi. TpROM the tenth Jubjelt, in the fifth month, Jhewmg the circum- JO fiances of a retrover ted womb. FIG, I. F I G. I. Apertum crucial! incifione abdomen, contraction autem for- ma exhibitum, cum vefica urinaria praeter morem diftenta. A Incifio longitudinalis a fcrobiculo cordis incipiens : Shews, in miniature, the abdomen fully opened by a crucial mcifwn, and the bladder enormoufiy difiended. A The beginning of the longitudinal incifion at the pit of the Jiomach. B Its termination in the mons veneris. C C The upper angles of the containing parts, turned over the hypochondria. D D The lower angles; each tinned over thefpme of the os ilium. B Qua ad montem veneris delinentem. C C Partium continentium anguli fuperiores, fuper hypochondria reflexi. D D Anguli inferiores utrique, fupra fpinam offis ilium reflexi. E Vefica urinaria, ita urina fanguinolenta diftenfa, ut fundus ejus ad di- midium fpatii, umbilicum inter et Icrobiculum cordis, porrigeretur. E The bladder, Jo difiended with bloody urine, that its fundus reached halfway between the navel and the pit of the fomach. F I G. II F I G. 11. Vefica urinaria, forma pariter minutiori, per medium divifa, et ad imam partem aperta, ut fitus oris uterini, hic praeter na- turam furfum fpectantis, appareat. A A Pars dimidia veficae fuper fpinam offis ilium utrinque reflexa. B Incifionis, a vertice duflae, qua vefica urinae aperta fuit, finis anterior. C Unus redii inteflini circuitus, qui in confpedhim prodiit ad ejufdem Drawn in miniature to the fame fcale, fhews the bladder cut down through its middle, and opened, at its lower part, to fheiu the fituation of the os uteri. A A Half of the bladder, on each fide, turned over the fpine of the os ilium. B The anterior extremity of the vertical incifion by which the bladder was open- finem pofteriorem. Duas inter has literas B, C, veficae pars ima tumore, qui univerfum pel- vim occupavit, elevata fuit: hic quoque, fadia cruciali incifione parva, inter et paulo ante fines ureterum, os uteri in confpedhim venit, pone litum, ut in hac figura, et paulo elatius quam pars fuperior fymphyfeos offium pubis. C One turn of the redum which was feen at the pofierior end of the fame in- cifwn. Between thefe two letters, B, C, the depending part of the bladder wasraifed up by a tumor which poffejfed the whole cavity of the pelvis: and here, a fmall crucial incfwn having been made, between, and a little before the ends of the ureters, the os uteri wasJeen, as in thisfigure, fituated behind, and a little higher than the upper part of the fymphyfis of the offa pubis. F I G. 111. F I G. 111. Contenta pelvis omnia a parte poftica; inter quae, uterus re- tro verfus maximam locum habet. A back-view of the whole contents of the pelvis, confiftingprincipally of the retraverted womb. A Redum, übi in cavum pelvis tranfibat, deligatum. 888 Margines pofteriores fedionis veficae a vertice dudae. C C Redum, uterum inter et offa, facrum et coccygis, compreffum. D D Peritoneum, quod, ad fmiftrum redi inteflini latus, pelvim invefliverat, ope catheteris, hanc partem inter et uterum immiffi, elevatum. EE E Pars peritonei, parti modo deferiptae refpondens, ad dextrum redi in- teflini latus, perfciffa, et margo ejus F fepofitus. G Uteri facies anterior, retrorfum verfa. H Tuba afcendens ab uteri fundo, qui fcilicet ad partem pelvis infimam A The redum tied, where it paffed down into the cavity of the pelvis. BB B The pofterior edges of the vertical fediion of the bladder. C C The redum, where it was prejfed and flattened, between the womb and the facrum and os coccygis. D D The peritoneum, which lined the pelvis on the left fide of the redum, raifed up by a large catheter, introduced between it and the womb. EE F The correjponding part oj the peritoneum on the right fide of the redum, fit down, and the edge F turned off. G The anterior Jurface of the womb, turned backwards. H The tube, coming up from the fundus uteri, which was turned down, into the devoluta fuerat. I Ovarium ante tubam pofitum. lowef part of the cavity of the pelvis. I The ovarium, placed before the tube. F I G. IV. Uteri portione, ac deciduas parte fublatis, foetus per pelluci- das membranas,.chorion nempe et amnion, confpicitur. A Os uteri furfus verfum. Circum undique confpiciuntur partium va- FIG. IF. The womb opened, to Jhew the Jecundines and their contents. A The os uteri, turned upwards. All around it, is Jeen the infide of the adja- ginae contiguarum interiora. B B Uteri fubflantia divifa. cent parts of the vagina. B B The JubJtance of the womb, cut through. G The external furface of part of the decidua. This membrane was thick and opake, and full of fmall arteries, which were injedied f rom the womb. D The internal Jurface of another part of the fame membrane. Where the deci- dua was removed, through the tranjparent chorion, and amnion, is feen the foetus, with its head depending, and the funis round its neck. The white, looje lines on the chorion are the remains oj the flamentous vejjels. C Facies externa partis alicujus deciduae. Membrana haec denfa, opaca, et arteriis parvis, injeda ab utero ccra impletis, abundavit. D Facies interna alius partis membranas ejuldem. Qua parte ablata fu- erat decidua, per chorion pellucidum et amnion confpicitur foetus, cujus caput dependet, et collum fune umbilicali circura-cingitur. Lineae albae fuper chorio leviter adumbratae, vaforum tenuium, quas inde in deciduam tranfeunt, reliquias reprefentant. Cum haec tabula delineabatur, liquor amnii fanguine exudante infec- tus fuerat. Membranarum autem pellucidarum facies convexa figuram fatis diffindam, forma quidem conti aciam,feneflras,lucem admittentis,dedit. Tubarum et ovariorum figuram huicce tabulas inferere fupervacaneum which paj's from it into the decidua. The liquor amnii was become bloody, by tranjudation, when this figure was drawn; and the convex Jurface of the tranjparent membranes, reflected a difimcl miniature pidlure, of the window which gave light. duxi. It was thought unneceffary to introduce the tubes and ovaria. Fio-, ii. g?-* - I', TAB. XXVI. cada/v-ar, ycyaw&jfrawddzfa fnem&. Sidddurjta&j Cl/Am mfrmwrcd. Fig-.1. Afyuwtimi'da:idm&i jed ami'V&uaz/dakandyimV&rau>r&mdn/m/n. Fig.ll, V&uha-Umumd,jbrmi/uwfat mmafam-Aer At//'Ay// i//h //i/, u/.ida.i /'/'/./ //Ay//// /iy/wAy //i/////'i////. ■>///'■>///// .y/yy/m//,/ t/yy///r,wA Fig.Hl. < /'//Ay/A/J /'r/r/.i zm/ma ///miA■ //<>.>///■ infamo cAamatywrj/icMm re^xa/, nomm.-&eat&t£e/ K$eflcaaz -me/tuj amrfi/uatar'. rig. 1. coacte*?~ewp at&ro mti/ma,/two#mm/jo* ffikawnttv rtfanj, ' Mtt/aatJfflacmfi& /mated,a/t/3)ea’XT. litem etA^^/ee/nluyeaen mewi/muuj. c __ 0 TABULA XXIX. PLATE XXIX. HP R E S figurae ad idem exemplar depictae ; quibus adjiciun- A tur duae aliae, tanquam appendices. f~~*HR E E figures from the fame fubjedl, and two fupplemental. fig. I. FIG. 1. Ovum utero exemptum, faciem placentae externam reprefen- tans, laciniafque marginem ejus undique ambientes, membranae fcilicet deciduae reflexae dilaceratae reliquias. Haec figura cum figura fecunda praecedentis tabulae congruit, faciem ovi exhi- bens, quod ifti utero intus adhaeferat. 7"he ovum taken out of the womb, fhewing the external farface of the placenta, and the ragged edge all round, where the decidua reflexa was torn through. This figure correfponds with the fecond figure in the preceding plate, fhewing the furface of the ovum which was attached to the infide of that womb. A AAA Decidua reflexa, undique a margine placentae, ad chorion inte- gendum, exiens. AAAA The decidua reflexa going off, all round, from the edge of the pla- centa, to cover the chorion. 888 7"he edge, formed all round the brim or border of the placenta, by cutting the decidua reflexa where it came off from the decidua, or, in other words, from the infide of the womb. ;The round furface, enclofed by that edge, is the outer furface of the placenta, which had adhered to the womb. In feparatmg thofe two parts, many arteries and veins were torn through, one part of each re- maining with the womb, and the other with the placenta. The arte- ries, as in the preceding figure, are fmall, convoluted, and of a lighter colour, as at the letters CC C ; the veins make broad darkfpots, as at BB Limbus, marginem placentae circum-ambiens, ortus fcilicet ex fedione deciduae reflexae, ubi illa feparata fuit a decidua, aut, fi ita loqui mavis, a facie uteri interna. Circulus, limbo ifto circundatus, faciem externam placentae exhibet, quae utero adcreverat. Has partes dum feparabamus, arteriae venaeque plurimae dilaceratae funt, quarum pars altera utero adnexa eft, altera placentae. Arteriae quidem, ut in figura praecedenti, parvae, convolutae, et colore funt lucidiori, ut ad literas CC C; venas autem maculae latae ac fufcae reprefentant, ut ad literam D. the letter D. FIG. 11. FIG. 11. Partis membranae deciduae facies interna, ope vitri optici am- plior vifa, ut textura ejus propria, cribrum haud male referens, explicari poffet. The internal furface of a portion of the decidua, confiderably magni- fied, to fhew its peculiar cribr forme or lace-like appearance. F I G. III. F I G III. The ovarium and corpus luteum cut through; the latter of thefe, even at this time, had an apparent cavity. Ovarium, corpufque luteum perfcifla. Corpus luteum, etiam ad hoc temporis, cavatum effe manifefte apparuit. FIG. IV. FIG. IV. A fupplemental figure. A portion of the decidua, from a common delivery at nine months; its veffels filled with red blood. Figura addita. Pars aliqua membranae deciduae, pertinentis ad partum legiti- num, menfibus fcilicet novem rite exadis. FIG. V. FIG. V. Anotherfupplemental figure. Part of the womb andfecundines, at nine months, fo difpofed as to ex- hibit difiintily the different ftrata of thofe parts. The arteries had been injected with red wax ; the veins with yellow. AAA The fubfiance of the womb cut through. B B The adhering placenta cut through, near its edge. C C The decidua, at that part left adhering to the mfide of the womb. DD The decidua, at this part raifed from the infide of the womb, and Alia figura addita. Portio aliqua uteri et fecundarum, nono menfe, ita difpofita, ut earum partium ftrata diverfa diffinde confpiciantur. Arteriis cera rubra, venis flava eft injeda. AAA Uteri fubftantia difciffa. BB Placenta ei adhaerens, prope marginem perfcifla. CC Decidua ea in parte utero adhaerens. D D Decidua in illa parte ab uteri facie interna elevata, chorioque adhering to the chorion. E The chorion, which is continued upwards over the mfide of the pla- centa, where it cannot be feparated. F The amnion, raifed up from the chorion, to which it adhered by a adhaerens. E Chorion, fupra faciem internam placentae continuatum, ubi fe- parari non poteft. F Amnion elevatum a chorio, cui non, nifi per gluten aliquod tender gelly only. molliflimum, adhaefit. TABULA XXX. PLATE XXX. A Duodecimo cadavere, quarto menfe decurrente. Uterus a parte antica apertus, vafis cera repletis. Praecipue hic no- tanda occurrunt, fuperficies placentae externa ; vafa ex utero fe immergentia in placentam ; cervicis uteri externa, qualis facies, fit, et, refpedu ad veficam urinariam urethramque habito, quem fitum obtineat. J7'R 0 M the twelfth fubjeCl, in the fourth month, Jhews the injected Jl womb, opened on its fore part, to give a full view of the external furface of the placenta, with the vejfels paffmg into it from the womb. It Jhews likewife the Jlate of the cervix uteri externally, and its relation to the bladder and urethra. The furface of the placenta,furrounded by the feCtion of the fubf ance of the womb, is fo much like that of the firfi figure in the preceding plate, that it requires no explanation. A A The fpermatic vejfels. BB The fimbriae, or ends of the tubes. C C The ovaria. The left was enlarged by the corpus luteum. D D The round ligaments. E The cervix uteri, in a contracted Jlate. F The infide of that portion of the bladder which adheres to the fubjacent vagina. On each fide, and a little higher than this letter, is feen the Placentae fuperficies, feftione uteri fubftantiae circumdata, adeo refert praecedentem, fcilicetfig. I. ut explanatione minime indigeat. A A Vafa fpermatica. BB Fimbriae, five tubarum partes extremae. CC Ovaria. Horum fmiftrum corpore luteo nonnihil autfium fuit. DD Ligamenta rotunda. E Cervix uteri contrafla. F Facies interna portionis iftius veficae, quae vaginae fubje&a ad- haeret. Utroque in latere, et hac litera paulo fuperius, cernitur orificium urethrae. orifice of the ureter. G The urethra opened in its whole length. G Urethra univerfa omnino aperta. .j \ y/7 f uynAy cctmtt/* * i * 'i y • TAB XKX&uAw&r&, a/iarto m£M£& l/tf/ru£ a/ia/r& om/ico/ i/a*HJ c#ra/refi/efa; /ur m6m///i oawrnmfr, t/u/wrfuiej eatema; m eoo 2/tvro >t£ tm/mMWw&a/; afm e^cfama^acteJ, smaAj inew. F.XF. L tnece. Fig.TU F.m. L ineo?. Fig. IF. & Fig .FI . F. FI .Jjinece. Fig.F. F. F. Ltnece. T.Wor/afyf Scu//t . I. V. livm-jdyke delav, Tab . w V///- Oml tmoseafyurO . Fig-.1. Conce/ituA novmi 'cmx'te/ Aeh/omadarmrv, ea/tar& ptia Ma- mem - bonace#/ olmTi-. Fio-. H. OuLze/smjee/ze> M'/w/eOt/t• /anaz/iuOMzsrn,. Ore, />O//m/r/i/aj. Fig;. 3V / . b . Te/em OmceJiti/*) adeamnm,/tau/o cmxMWL* revocatus. Fig'.V. O/urnon uuOu-jr/,/.e. a// Mm/ztente FOeciO/ut eec/tedtOm . VI.. 'O/et/t O'lhefi///.’ . TABULA XXXIII. PLATE XXX11I tria abortiva, fex figuris expreffa. figures of three different abortions FIG. I. FIG. L Ovum nonae circiter hebdomadae abortivum, ab ifta fcilicet parte quae membranacea eft adfpedum. Decidua lacerata eft, et aliquantulum revoluta, ut decidua reflexa laevis et opaca in con- fpedlum prodiret. A A Deciduae ab utero feparatae facies externa fcabra. B Facies externa portiunculae cujufdam placentae, cujus reliqua pars fedem fuam exadvorfum habebat. CCCCC Deciduae facies interna cribriformis, quae primis menfibus graviditatis membranis inclufis non adhaerefcit. DDDD Deciduae margo laceratus, qui in marginem EEE membra- An abortion, of about nine weeks ffeen on that fide which is membra- nous. The decidua is torn, turned fomewhat afide, /othe fmooth and opake decidua reflexa. A A rough, external furface of the decidua, which exfoliated from the womb. B The outfide of a fnall portion of the placenta, the reft of which was fituated on the back-part of this objelt. CCCCC The internal cribriform furface of the decidua, which, in the firft months of pregnancy, does not adhere to the membranes which itenclofes. DDDD The lacerated edge of the decidua which had been continued into nae ejufdem curfum fuum tenuerat. F Decidua reflexa per faciem externam chorii diffufa. the edge EEE of the fame membrane. F The decidua reflexa fpread over the outfide of the chorion. G G The angle of refteltion at the edge of the placenta, where the inner layer of the decidua is turned over the chorion ; much in the fame manner as the inner lamella of the pericardium is reflected, to cover GG Angulus partis reflexae, ad marginem fcilicet placentae, übi lamella interior deciduae in chorion refleflitur, fimiii fere modo quo lamella interior pericardii reflecflitur ad fuperficiem externam cordis obtegendam. the outer furface of the heart. H The termination of the decidua at the cervix uteri. H Extrema pars deciduae ad cervicem uteri. F I G. 11. FIG. 11. AAA Sedlio placentae, quam fuperficiei fuperiori et pofieriori uteri adhaefifle fupponendum eft. Ejufdem fe6lio a vertice ad imum ufque. A vertical fediion of the fame. AAA The fetdion of the placenta ; which, we mufi fuppofe, had adhered to the upper and back-part of the womb. B B Deciduae partis anterioris fefilio. C C Deciduae partis pofterioris fefilio. BB The fediion of the anterior portion of the decidua. G G The fediion of the pofierior portion of the decidua. D Pars extrema deciduae ad cervicem uteri. D The termination of the decidua at the cervix uteri. E E The cavity of the amnion, in which the embryo hangs by a fender navel E E Amnii cavum, in quo foetus, ope funiculi tenuiflimi umbilicaiii, a facie interna placentae fufpenditur. firing, from the infide of the placenta. F The fediion of the three membranes, which are not only contiguous, but adhere to one another, viz. the amnion, the chorion and the decidua reflexa. F Sediio trium membranarum, fcilicet amnii, chorii et deciduae reflexae, quae non folum funt contiguae, fed et libi invicem adhaerefeunt. G G Angulus ad marginem placentae, ubi lamella interior deciduae in fa- ciem externam chorii refletflitur. G G The angle, at the edge of the placenta where the inner layer oj the decidua is refledled over the outfide of the chorion. H Here thofe three membranes are a little feparaled, to fiiew their courfe at the H Hic tres iftae membranae paululum fejunguntur, ut fitus earum, ref- peeftu habito ad placentam, raanifeftius-appareat. placenta. F I G. 111. FIG. 111. An abortion of about eight weeks. A fnall ftrap of the decidua is cut out, and Ovum odio circiter hebdomadarum abortivum. Pars quaedam exigua deciduae exfcilfa eft, et furfum reflexa, ut cavum inter eam et caeteras membranas cerneretur. turned up, to fiiew the cavity between it and the other membranes. A The cut flip of the decidua. B The part of the conception where there is no decidua; viz. eppofite to the A Deciduae pars exigua exfeiffa. B Conceptus pars übi deeft decidua, exadverfum fcilicet aditui per ute- paffage through the cervix uteri. CCC The external furface of the decidua. • D The decidua reflexa covering the chorion and amnion, which projedi and ri cervicem ducenti. CCC Deciduae fu perficies externa. D Decidua reflexa obtegens chorion et amnion, quae membranae fe pro- tendentes cavum deciduae adimplent. fill up the cavity of the decidua. F The outfide of the upper part of the placenta. E Part is fuperioris placentae facies externa. FIG. IV. FIG. IV. The fame, when the decidua had been opened by a crucial incfioii, and the four angles had been turned off.\ and then a round piece of the decidua reflexa difiedied off, and turned to one fide, to fiiew the loqfe veffels on the outfide of the Idem ovum, decidua jam incifione decuflatim aperta, angulis quatuor re- volutis deciduaeque reflexae portione rotunda cultro fublata et devoluta, nempe ut vafcula in fuperfleie externa chorii in confpedlum prodirent. A, B. Vide fig. III. CCCC Facies interna quatuor angulorum in quos decidua cruciali inciflonc fuerat divifa. chorion. A, B. See fig. 111. C G C C The infiide of the four angles or flaps into which the decidua was reduced by DDD The decidua reflexa, covering the other membranes. a crucial incifion. DDD Decidua reflexa caeteras membranas inveftiens. EE Angulus ad placentae marginem, übi lamella interior deciduae proten- ditur fupra faciem externam chorii, nomenque deciduae reflexae obtinet. F Deciduae reflexae portio rotunda, ex facie externa chorii cultro anato- EE The angle, at the edge of the placenta where the interior lamella of the de- cidua is continued over the outfide of the chorion, forming the decidua reflexa. F A round portion of the decidua reflexa difiedied from the outfide of the cho- mico fublata et devoluta. rion and turned afide. G Chorion cum vafis fuis hirfutis expofkum. Vafa ifta deciduae reflexae arc- te adhaerebant, et eorum nonnulla una cum membrana illa abfeifla funt. G The chorion, with its fhaggy veffels, laid bane. Thefe veffels adhered firmly to the decidua reflexa, and parts of them were cut off with that membrane. F I G. V. FIG. V. An abortion of the fame age, confifiing of the chorion only, with its veffels and contents; that is, without the decidua, or uterine part of the fecundines. Ovum eodem fere tempore abortu feparatum, conflans ex chorio folo, cum vafis et contentis ejus; quippe decidua, vel pars fecundarum uteri- na, in utero remanebat. AAA The larger and more crouded branches of the fhaggy veffels which fiioot from the external furface of one part of the chorion, to mix with the decidua, or ute- rine part, to form the placenta. AAA Vaforum hirfutorum rami majores et frequentiores, ex quadam parte fuperficiei externas chorii emergentes, et cum decidua, vel parte uterina, ad placentam conficiendam fe comrnifcentes. BB Chorii ea portio quae pollea membrana uniformis et pellucida evadit; vafis paucioribus, fubtilioribus, fluitantibus, quae in decidua reilexa eva- nefeunt, abundat: per earn confpicitur embryo. C Veficrda umbilicalis in facie externa amnii per chorion confpecfta : filum exalbidum (reliquias arteriae etvenas) ab ea adumbilicurnembryonistranfit. B B That portion of the chorion which afterwards becomes the uniform tranfparent membrane. It is covered with fewer and more delicate floating veffels, which lofe themfelves in the decidua reflexa. The embryo isfeen through it. C The veficula umbilicalis on the outfide of the amnion, feen through the cho- rion ; with a whitifh thread, [the remains of an artery and vein) leading from it, towards the navel of the embryo. Idem ovum apertum. Membranis anticae parti infidentibus a placen- ta abfeiflis et reflexis, diftimfte confpicitur embryo. F I G. VI, The fame opened. The membranes, which were at the fore-part, being cut from the placenta, and turned up, the embryo is difiindlly feen. A The veficula umbilicalis, from which B, the remains of an artery and vein, in the form of a white thread, pafs to C, the navel of the embryo, with fome turns of the intefiines lodged in the beginning of the navel firing. F I G. VI. A Veficula umbilicalis, ex qua B B Reliquiae arteriae et venae, filo albo fimiles, ad umbilicum embryonis tran- feunt. Inteftinorum gyri quidam in principio funis umbilicalis includuntur. TABULA XXXIV. PLATE XXXIV FIG I. fig. i; OVUM, fcilicet chorion, cum omnibus ejus contends, quintam, ut licet conjicere, circiter hebdomadam. Litcrae, antea ufitatae, ad A Conception, viz. the chorion with all its contents, fuppofed to be about A. five weeks. The parts will be underjlood without letters of reference. Some of the darkejt fpots reprefent the little remnants of clotted blood. In the middle the amnion is feen like a round ball, through which the foetui appears mdif tinbily. The whole objebl was confiderably flattened and fpread out, by its own weight, as it lay in a little difh before the painter. dignofcendas partes, minime defiderantur. Maculas quae maxime fufcae funt, fanguinis coagulati reliquias parvas repraefentant. In medio, globi inftar, confpicitur amnion, per quod foetus indiftinde apparet. Ovum ipfum haud paululum mole fua complanatum expaffumque fuit, coram pidore in patella dum jacebat. FIG. 11. FIG. 11. The fame conception, prepared by cutting away a conflderable part of the chorion, and turning aflde the amnion with the endofed foetus, that the parts about the navel might be feen. It is confiderably magnified, to Jhew thefmall parts more diftinblly. The fhaggy floating vejfels, which Jhoot from the outer furface of the chorion, Idem ovum praeparatum, magna fatis parte chorii abfciffa, amnioque cum foetu inclufo, ut partes circa umbilicum ejus confpicerentur, in latus reflexo, vitri optici ope, ut partes minores magis diftinde poffent con- fpici, amplificatum fuit. Vafa hirfuta fluitantia, ex facie externa chorii exeuntia, per fe fatis patent. require no explanation. A A The fpace between the chorion and amnion. This was filled with a tender jelly, fo tranfparent as to be almofi inviflhle; whence, the branching arteries and veins, filled with red blood, upon the infide of the placenta, were diftinblly feen through it. B The amnion diflended with a liquor as tranfparent and void of colour as the clear eft water; through which the minute parts of the foetus were diftinblly feen. C The veficula umbilicalis, diflended with a fluid. It was neither attached A A Spatium inter chorion et amnion. Hoc refertum erat gelatina tenera, adeo pellucida ut vix cerni poffet; unde arteriae venaeque ramofae, fan- guine rubro impletae, in facie interna placentae diffinde per eam con- fpiciebantur. B Amnion liquore pellucido colorifque experte, puriflima veluti aqua fontana, diftendebatur; per quem foetus partes minores apparebant. C Veficula umbilicalis humore difienfa : neque amnio illa, neque chorio connexa fuit; gelatina autem tenera circumdata, umbilico foetus per arteriam et venam, quafi per pediculum, adnexa; quibus quidem vafis tanta inter fe vicinitas fuitv ut vas unum fanguine rubro impletum, et ramos in veficulam umbilicalem folam emittens, viderentur. Caput foetus trunco ejus longius fuit; brachia et crura non nifi perpaululum emicuerant; vifcera abdominis nondum fuerant veflita; pars eorum magis fufea hepar fuit: fune umbilici nondum orto, foetus faciei internae to the amnion nor the chorion; Jurrounded with the tender jelly; connected, as by a pedicle, to the navel of the foetus by an artery and a vein; which lay fo clofe together, as to appear like one veffel filled with red blood, and difper/mg its branches on the veficula umbilicalis alone. The head of the foetus was longer than the trunk: the arms and legs had fhot out but a little way: the abdominal vifcera were not covered: the darker part of thefe was the red liver: there being no navel-firing, the foetus was at- tached at its abdomen to the infide of the amnion and oj the chorion, which were contiguous at that place. chorio et amnii, quae eo loci contigua erant, medio abdomine, adnede- batur. F I G. 111. Ovum integrum, quartae hebdomadae, ut licet conjicere. Ovi pars fupe- rior, latior et plana, facculus fuit, textura tenera, per deciduam folam formatus: huic ad angulos fuperiores foramen dentatum utrinque fuit, ubi tubas intraffe conjicere licebat; et ad ovi partem inferiorem portio craffa anguftaque ex membranis omnibus contentifque eorum confiitit. FIG. 111. An entire conception fuppofed to be in the fourth week. The broad and flat upper part of the objebl was a bag of a tender texture, formed of the decidua only, with a ragged perforation at each of the two upper angles, where the tubes were fuppofed to have entered; and the thick and narrow portion, at the lower part of the objebl, confifled of all the membranes and their contents. F I G. IV. Ejufdcm ovi, fedione a vertice ad imum duda aperd, facies interna. FIG. IV. Ovum totum adhuc fundi uteri formam triangularem retinebat. Pars lata fuperior, deciduae faciem internam laeviorem, cribro fimilem. The infide of the fame ohjedt, laid open by a vertical feed ion. The whole con- ception retained ftill the triangular fhape of the fundus uteri. The broad up- per part fhews the fmoother and cribriforme internal furface of the decidua; and the narrow part below fhews the febiion and cavity of all the membranes. The rudiments of the foetus were dijjolved. The amnion had feparated from, and lay loofe in the cavity of the chorion. Of the two, concentric, white circles, the interior is the febiion of the chorion; upon the outfide of which is feen the ftratum offpongy fubflance into which the vejfels jhoot from the chorion. The outer white circle reprefents, at its lower part, the decidua covering the pla- centa; and, at its upper part, the decidua, reflexa. oftendit; et pars angufta inferior, omnium membranarum fedionem cavumque in confpedu ponit. Foetus primordia omnino foluta fuerant. Amnion a chorio fejunda fuerat, et in cavo ejus fluitabat. Ex duobus ab eodem centro circulis albis, interior eft chorii fedio; cujus in facie ex- terna ftratum fpongiofum, cui vafa ex chorio fe immittunt, cernitur: circulus albus exterior, ad partem iuferiorem, deciduam, placentam ob- tegentem, et ad partem fuperiorem deciduam reflexam repraefentat. FIG. V. Ovum integrum tertiam circiter hebdomadam. FIG. V. A A Seta in cavum ovi trajeda per foramen ad utrumque -angulum fupe- riorem, quod fcilicet tubae fallopianae extremitatem effe conjicere licet. B B Eaedem fetae per foramen majus exeuntes ad angulum inferiorem, quod cervici uteri exadverfum effe ponimus. A compleat conception, of about three weeks. A A A brijlle pajfed into the cavity of the conception, through a hole at each of the upper angles, which was Juppojed to he the termination of the fallopian tube. B B The fame briflles coming out through a larger hole at the lower angle, fup~ C Hydatis, molis admodum exiguae, per deciduam fefe projiciens, et fila- menta gracilia ramofa ex fuperficie fua emittens: chorion effe, vix du- bitandum. pofed to be oppoflte to the cervix uteri. C A fnall hydatide, projecting through the fubflance of the decidua, which had flender branching filaments fhooting from the furface, fuppofed to be the cho- F I G. VI. rion. Idem ovum, maxima parte parietis anterioris exciffa. AA, 88, C. Vide fig. V. Manifeftum eft deciduam, hocce in ovo, membranam fuiffe denfam, textura: glutinofa:, quae toti cavo triangulari fundi uteri, tanquarn veftimentum, adhaefe- rat; conflabat etiam tubas in facie ejus interna fuiffe terminatas; chorion inter duplicem ejus membranam fitum fuiffe, vel fubftantia ejus circundatum ; parique paftu cum incremento chorii, procedente uteri geftatione, cavum deciduae coardaffe, lamellam ejus interiorem (five deciduam reflex am) diftendens, donee tandem, deleto cavo, lamella ilia interna faciei interiori deciduae fuiflet contigua. Progreffus hie, de quo agitur, mutationis planius intelligetur, fi proximae his figurae inter fe conferantur, ordine earum inverfo, primo fcilicet nonam, deinde odavam, et poftremo feptimam. FIG. VI. The fame conception, after a conflderable Portion 01 its fore-part had been cut out. AA, 88, C. See fig. V. It plainly appears that, the decidua, in this cafe, was a thick membrane (of a gelatinous texture) which had lined and adhered to the whole triangular cavity of the fundus uteri; that, the tubes terminated on its internal furface; that, the chorion was lodged in its dupli- cature, or was jurrounded with its fubflance; and that, in proportion as the chorion would have been extended, in the progrefs of geflation, it would have encroached upon the cavity oj the decidua, fir etching its interior lamella (or decidua reflexa) till at length the cavity being obliterated, that interior lamella would have come into contabl with the infide of the decidua. This progrejfive change will be more clearly underjlood by comparing the three fol- lowing figures in the inverted order, viz. IX, VIII, and VII. F I G. VII. FIG. VII. Status ovi (qualem fcilicet animo licet concipere) in utero aetate provedioris, übi chorion, decidua reflexa obtedum, per plurimum fpatii in cavum decidua: porrigitur. A A Decidua: fedio, ubi certo temporis progreflu, lamellam externam duplicis membranae, fpongiofum vel nothum chorion vulgo didas, confeciffet. B In hoc loco, decidua partem placentae, uterinam didam confeciffet. C Amnii cavum.— D Cavum, vel fpatium, amnion inter et chorion. E Cavum deciduae, vel fpatium membranam illam inter et deciduam reflexam. F F Tubae in faciem internam decidua: fefe aperientes. The more advanced flate of afuppofed conception in the womb; when the chorion, covered by the decidua reflexa, is jlretched a great way out into the cavity of the decidua. A A Ihe feblion of the decidua cohere, in proofs of time, it would conflitute the external la- mella of the double membrane which has been commonly named the fpungy or falfe chorion. B Here the decidua conflitutes the uterine part of the placenta. C The cavity of the amnion. D The cavity or fpace between the amnion and chorion. E The cavity of the decidua, or the fpace between that membrane and the decidua reflexa. F F The tubes, opening upon the infide of the decidua. G The cervix uteri, containing no part of the conception. G Cervix uteri nullam partem ovi continens. FIG. VIII, and IX. F I G. VIII, et IX. Thefe two figures differ from the preceding almofi in this rfpebl alone, that the projebiion of the chorion into the cavity of the decidua is lefs in proportion as the conception is younger. Duae hae figurae, in hoc fere folo ab ultima differunt; nimirum chorii in de- ciduae cavum projedio eo minor eft, quo ovum aetate minus. Fio-,u. Fig*. I. Fig.HI. Fig- Y. Pio-.YI. Fig.IF. Fig-.VJI. Fig-.xnr. Pio;.IX . 7AB.JUUHV. Fig.I. Smur/i/uj,yamfa ctrYter AeJi/tn-ntu/e. tie-m/u CVio-fum- cum,om/ru/vu jum c/m&ntut. Pig .E. Tdenvamte/ifo., ,■!>// - ■fua//,) am/s/j/u-aAuf, (Jutru/iarte an/wwri- e&Tmruh cmtr^nam,am/vnsn& .mltirM n/Lm. Fig.lH. CnuxfibM iktiyrr, y/orr/,,- rmW<>-r-< }/r/7/mu7. Fig-,lV.tYiirte, mterurreo, .«&'« a wrfae, aJwm-m .(. Fig .V. &K*'/f6uf wfry,:r r/n,r Mnw, Fig *n&ru>r<:. Fig.TO ?m .3X1 -fa» /to/t/tr-m //fZw/r , utwu t/sver<*M, tn/t.-mn/j //mrrJht/i.) ,/,/,(//., /W/'i/u/Yatitr, <7 /'