Gcorgii Secundi Regis. CHAP. X. An A& for Preventing Frauds and Abufes Com- mitted in the Making and Vending Unfound, Adulterated and Bad Drugs and Medicines. WdCdCfllib there are manp potions frauds and abufes m tlje Hailing and Bending dnfounb, adulterated anb 25ad ‘Di«3S, HedicmeS, Haters, Cils andCompofitions,Wed 02 to be fifes fo2Hebictnes, uml> in the Citn of Dublin, and Jbuburbs 02 liberties tfyttu of, vufjictj are of great Pttjubite, not onlp to the 3Jn* habitants thereof, but to the dingbom in general: Stub uiliereas no demcbp hath been hitherto Piobtbcb fo? the fame. 25e it therefore enacted bp tilt liing’S Ulott Crcellent KBajettp, bp and until the aDPice and Content of the 2o?bS Spiritual aub Ctmpojal, anb Commons in tips Pitfent parliament aCTcmbleb, anb bp the aiitfjo’itp of the fame. Chat tram anb after the fml Claboiatopes, i©art o? Cel? lars, panics, fioorn o? floomS. o? other plate o> pia? tes in the poufc oi Poufes of anp ■apothecaries, Clip mitts, o? of anp other perton oi perfons iuhatfoeuer, mljercm anp ttinb of «Pmgs, jEcbtcmes, IPatcts, <©ils of Compofitions, Web oi to be Web foj medicines, are lEabe, Crpofeb m o? Jitcpt foi that purport; anb that the faib four Craminers e? letteb anb appointed as afojefaib, (hall anb map J>um? mono? Call to their aifittance anp turn apothecaries of <3OoQ depute, that bo oj ffjall hereafter lime Until in the Citp oi JSutmrhs of Dublin ; lPt)ich faib ilpo thecaries (pall s>crue ftp <©ne fear onlp, anb fhall not J>etue again <©urmg the Continuance of this act: and that anp Ctoo of the faib Crammers, unth Cue Anno Regni Nono 02 250t1j of tilt faib aiCllankapothecarieg, 02 if 250t1j tlje faib apotgecaneg, fo Calico in, (gall defufe o> gleet Coming to, 02 Cotng nmf) tlje faib Ctaminerg, tfjen tlje fato Ctaminerg, bptJjemfelueg, ffjall fjabe full Poiuer anb auetjojitp, anb art fterebp (lequucD, four Cimegat Icall m the gear, 02 dtntr utljep ffjall ftt d* cation, in tj|t dipCime, to Cnter, Cramine anb g|m futtt into all anb eberp J>hop, Claboiatopi, l©are oj J»to?e Doufc, Cellar, ©ault, »oom 02 iftoonig, oj other place 02 ©laceg in cl)t ©oufe 02 ©oufeg of all anb e= berp apothecary, Cljpnnii. duggin, anb of all anb cbetp otljec ©trfon 02 perfong lufto nob) bo Jtell, Crpofe to J»alt, o? fieep fo2 that purport, 02 Streak ter ffjall Jbeil, Ctpofe to j&ale, 02 ©cep fO2 ©Jaipur* pofe, anp manner of dngg, mebicineg, IPatecO, dl g 02 Compofftiong, Ufeb 02 to be Ifeb fo2 mebicineg, anb therein to &earch fO2, Piebj anb Cramine all Diugsi. mebttmeg, i©aterg, dig 02 Compofftiong, itk feb 02 to be Ifeb fo2 mebicineg; anb in Cafe tlje faib Ctaminerg, in futg Search, (Sail f inb anp *021120, mebicineg, I©atcrg,dlg 02 Compofftiong toSatfoeuer, iUjiclj tjjep ffjall gjubge to be Mnfounb, adulterated 02 dfettibe, Co ag not to be jpit to be lafeb in mebi* tineg fO2 tlje ©catch of mang 25obp, Cljat all futlj mebicineg, dig, materg anb Compofftiong fo dfcobercb, ffjall anb map be fojtljimtlj J>eijeb upon bp the faio Craminerg, o? tlje 25taoie of the College of ©hpiltimig, 02 auj> oitpr ©erfon 02 Pet* fong bp the faib Ctaminerg foj the Cime being ap* pointeb, anb 25urncb, 02 otljerbnfe dftropeb ; Ctcept all 5021100 tn the ©oufeg 02 I©are*©oufeg of met* thantg, 02 ‘Smpojterg, not malting 02 Sleeping mem* tineg fo? J>ale. ©2odided nedcttfielefd, 2fnd fie it furtfiec Cnaited fin t|jc ftutfiojitp afoecfatd, Cfiat in Cafe tfie raid Ctarainetjtf, 02 tfie jßajot ©art of tfiem, ffiall Cons denm anp Dpina 02 jjfieduinejs as ©ufit to be 2lds miniated, 02 ©Ted in lEetncme foj the j|ealtfi of lean’s 23odp, and that tfie ©mutt 02 ©tuners. ©ok fetfo? 02 ©otfcCfoiS of futfi »©?ugs 0? iKtdicintS, 02 in fiiS 02 tfieir stfifcnte, tfie ©erfon finding tfie Cuftodp 02 Cfitef Cate tfieteof, ffiall, before the burning 02 <©eatoping tfieteof, Stifitt, Cfiat tfie tame ought not to be burned 02 <©eflropcd, and flfjall fojtfimufi, fip Uniting under fits 02 tfieit ©and 02 ©ands, Appeal to, and tfie judgment of the ©2efident and gellodut of tfie faid College of ©fiplfcians in Dublin, 2 tfie Cirae being, Cfieteupon, tfien, and in futfi Georgii Sccundi Regis. cafe, t|jc faia Cramincra fhall Caufc the fata Oiuga m meaitinea, fo Intsea, to be jpeighea, ana until the ibovra, pote, eals of each of the fata Cramincra, ana the &eal of the Per* ton 02 perfona fo JJnfittmg, if fucg perfon 02 fotta fhall tginh fit to put tjia 02 their J>eal there* to ; ipijith 25pt, fo J>ealea, the Cramincra fot the Cime being, fhall Commit to the Cate ana Cudoap of the 25taalt of the faia College of Phpliciana, inhere u ffiall Remain fot anp Ctme, not Crtecaing four* teen oapa.ttntgin mined Cime, the Ptefiaent of the College of phpficiane (hall Summon an ftldemblp 02 meeting of tge Cenfina, ana other felloma ana mem* bera of their College 02 25oap, in the llfual planner of summoning fnth iPeetinga 02 flffcmblies; iPljere* of the Cluner 02 pocre(fo2 of the fain Conaemnea s©2«ga ana meatcinea fhall babe four Oaps petite in limiting, to be Ciben 02 lleft to 02 fo? the perfon 02 perfona bp 02 fo2 inljom fnth appeal inaa mate, at the plate inhere the Conaemnea 02«ga 02 meat* tinea mere fount, that he 02 thep map attena the aia meeting, if he 02 tljep fhall thinh fit: ana that ■he piefiaent, Cenfo2a ana f elloina fo mfemblea, (hall nape poujfv anb being nolefa in pnm* net than fibe, Crclufibe of tge faia Cramtnera, to ©pen futg 230r, from Ctme to Ctme, in the pte* ience of tge perfon 02 perfona, bp 02 fo2 inhom fuclt appeal maa mabc, if he 02 tgep fhall there appear; ana in default of hia 02 their appearance (One Po* ttte being Ciben aa afotefaib) then, inithout him 02 them ; ana to Protect to Cramtne, ana finallpOe* termme Concerning fuch ®2«flS, JPeattinea, IPatera, ljop, Clabo2ato2p, iparespoufe 02 floom the tome mere f onna, in fuch manner, ana at fnth Cime, aa the Tata Cramincra % the Cime being, mall thinh fit, ana Oitett, Anno Regni Nono ©jobibeb aluiajjjef, anb be ft furtper ©natfeb bp tpe aiutpojitp afojcfaib, Cpat if, oj in Cafe tpe ©jugp Jieijen bp tpe faib Cramfnerp, (gall not be Condemned, tottpin fourteen ©app, Bp tlje faib ftmblp of ©jefibent, Centos anb jftllotop, oj (tail be ©cemcb J»ounb anb ©ood, ana meet to be aa* mmiffwo as medicines foj tlje ©ealtp of man’p 230s Bp, cpat tpen tip faib ©jugs, mebitinep, ©tip, j©a? trip anb CompofitionP, iTEjall be Jjmmebiatelp Jto tunica to tlje ©toner, together toitp tlje ©ores, pots, ©laffep 02 otpcr ©ettcls toperem tpe fame ate Cons taineb, Jjafc, anb in ©oob Conbition, toitljout IPalte, Eofp, oj otljec ©amagc toljatfoebet. ana be it further ©nacteb bp tpe aucpojitp a* fojefaib, Cpat if anp fuel) Hipotpetarp, 02 otljec gerfou oj ©erfonp, topo (pall, at anp ®ime . reafter, ©bacutt, 02 bp anp jPeanp Ijinder inch Jicarclj, ©icto oj Crauuuation, aictojbmg to tpip att, pe oj tpep fijall, foj eberp futp ©ffcntc, jrojfeit anb pap tpe Jmm of Cen pounds. anb in ©jber to mafee tpe Search ntoje Cafp to tpe ©tamiuerp ; 25t it Cnatteb bp t(jc 2luthozitp afozefaib, Chat oit before tfje tftril of HcPrember, Iljall Dp in the Sear of <©ur Hozb, C»nc tljoufano Ceben hum Died anb tlprtp Rr, all anij eberp perton o> perfonjs ißalung, felling, oz Crpofmg to J>ale, oz Sleeping foz that Purpofe, anp Scanner of SDzugS, JEeaitinesi, IPaters, Cite o? CompofitionjS, Weo oz to he area foz iPeaicinejS, oz PzofefGng, jfolloteing, Pzattifing o? Ctercifing tlje "art oz jppftttp, Craae, Calling oz Occupation of an auotljccarp, Chpmia oz Ozuggift, butlim the Citp of Dublin oz Hibertiea thereof, oz bnthin fepen Jlliles Circuit thereof, (hall be Obliged to iluplp to the (Segifter of the College of the fata College of phpficians, tn Ozder to Ijabc hbS flame, his particular 25zancl) of the Hrt, Jllpllcrp oz Crade afozefaib, plate of abode, together tmth the place of hiss &htef lPare4ioufe oz, .©tozehoufcsS, Clabozato* rp, ncgiftrca in a 2500h, Slept bp the fiegiftcr of the fata College of phpfittanp foz that Purpofe, mho (hall be Entitled to tlje .Sum of One Shilling, as a 4?cc foz h>s fata Crouble; ipiitch faia perfons ana ©laces, fo ftcgilirea, (hall be Occntcd ana accounted the Hateful pzatticerg ana Stations of the Hateful Georgii Secundi Regis. Si?ofeffo?S o? p?attiferS of that 25?anth of tlje fa id res ißoflcnes o? CraDts, fo> tuliicf) tljcp ace tu fpectiutlp fttgiftrtb, v»tjtthtr apothttarits, CljpmiftS 02 um of fine Pounds, fo? tbtrp month that tljep ffjall refpettipelp p’actift, until tljeu (gall fo Btgiftcr themfclbts aub tijtiv places of abode as afo’cfaib. aub fo? P?ebeuting anp Unqualified jettons p?o* fitting, following, Pfattifing 0? Crercifmg tlje ait, IBpfterp, Crabe, Calling 0? (Occupation of an a* potljccarp, Ctjpmia 0? <©?uggift, in anp of tljcic 25?antljeS: 25e it Cnatteb bp tlje a«tl)o?u» afo?tfaib, Chat no p erf on 0? perrons toljo ffjall not, bcfo?e tlje pit ft «©an of May, «©ne tljoufanb feben tjunb?eb anb tljirtp fit, Ijabe Cttttiftb tlje -Crabe 0? mptlerp of an apotljecarp, Cljpmtft 0? «D?tiggi(l, rtjall. from anb after tlje Commencement of tips act, uiittjtntljt Citp of Dublin 0? liberties tljtreof, 0? untljm J>ti ben miles Circuit tljereof, p?ofefs, follouj, piacnfe 0? C'ccupp anp aSjcmcl) of tljo fat& ate, jjapfterp, Crabe, Calling 0? (Occupation of an apothecary, Cftpmift 0? crbcb an appjentiteffjip of fine Hears at tlje leaft, anb ffjall Ijabe lobgtb tuitt) the Btgitter of the faib CoU lege of PhpficianS, a Certificate from hiS matter; (0? in Cafe of his ißafter’S bbeath 0? (iefufal, ftom Cujo others of the fame Crabe, of Ijis hading J»er* bco pibc fears, anb of Ijis being anb able to Ctetcift his* Crabe anb JBpftttp: anb that anp ©erfon 0? BetfonS, Until out fuch Certificate fo locgs eb, p?efttming to piofcfs, follow, P?accifc 0? (©cats pp the art, ißpttcru, Crabe, Calling 0? (©ccupauon of an apotjjetarp, Ctjpmift 0? ©mggttt, Within the Citp of Dublin 0? liberties thereof, 0? Witljm J>tbm miles Circuit thereof, ffjall be liable to the penal* tn of the jSum of fide pounbS fo? each ißonth hr (gall late fnch Crabe 0? jßpttetp. 2tnD fo? tlje moje Certain anD better Crjial and Cranttnatten of all Cwcra, jffiicDicmts, Maters, «£>ils Anno Regni Nono and Compofitions, Wed o? to lie MfeO fo? USedt# tints!: 25e ft Cnatted bp tfje Slutljojttp afo?efatd, Chat tacit of the fain appointed Craminers> together until the CWo apothecaries appointed as aitsftants to the faid Crammers, befo?e thep Cahe upon them the (execution of the Power ©cued in them bp this! act, Shall, Jicberallp, before the pieiident and College of PhpltttanS, be Obliged to Cahe the following #ath: IA. B. do truly and fincerely Promife and Swear, That I will, to the Bell of my Skill and Knowledge, without Hatred or Evil Will, Fear, Favour or Affection, Execute the Trull Repofed in me, by an Aft, Intituled, An Ac I Preventing Frauds and Ahufes Committed in Mak- ing and Vending \Jnfoundt Adulterated and Bad Drugs and Medicines: So Help me God. gjoirided altoaps, and be it further Cnatted bp the authojitp afo?efaid, Chat Nothing in this act Con* tained ftall Crtend, oi be Conftrued to Crtend, to Piejudicc the might, Citle, Entered and p?opertp, Cianted to anp petfon o? perrons, in and bp anp Setters Patent now in fo?te, fo? the jPahmg and Pending anp jPeditine o? jptdicines; jjio? to Empower the faid Crammers, oj anp of them, to Sfnfpett into the jPatter o? Compofftion of anp (nth jpeditine o? medicines, o? Oettrop the fame, during the Continuance of futh Setters patents; anp Ching in this act Contained to the Contrarp notwith&artd* ing. s?otriDeD alfo, 2tn& fie it futtfiet Cnattefi bp tfie 9lutljo>itp afoKfaid, Cljat if anp jetton oj #etfonS (gall, at anp Cime, fie J>u«d o? gjofccutcd fo? suu ting inanition anp Puttee o? Auttjoptp perrons (gall ana map pieaß the general 3iTtie, ana Cibe tgis Slice ana tljc Special ißattcc in c* biaente. 2tna be it further Cnactea bp tge Stutgotitp afose* faia, Cgat ebetp pgpfician, Jmmeon 0? otljer Per* Ton, bigo non) aotg 0; gereaftet (gall Cake upon gim to Pufcnbc jßeaumes foj tlje pealtg of man’s 250* bp, biitgui tlje Cup of Dublin, 0? untgin Juben ißilcs thereof. (gall ana ate getebp Bcqmrca to put gis oj theft same 02 paints to, 02 tge Initial Settees of tgeit Barnes refpectibelp, to enetp pjefttiptfon 02 lies cipe bp tgem gillings foj ebetp OnuCfion. Sink be ft furtger Cnactea bp tge Stutgoiitp aftge* fata, Cgat no Spotgetarp (gall alter anp p’cftriptiou 02 Betipe of anp petfon 02 petfons vngo take upon tgem to P2eftrtbe jßeaumc, coitgout mentioning up* on tge Sabel 02 Cobet tgat tge ißeaicine cannot be p2otutea, ana ItkebJife tugat ge gatg .tmbttituteain tge Boom of it, unaet tge penaltp of jpo2tp J»gil* ItnsS fof ebetp fneg Cffcnce. SCna be it futtget Cnactea bp tge amtgotitp afo2e* fata. Cgat all tge penalties getein mentionea, map be J>uea fot ana Becouetea in a Jmmmarp ipap, be* fo2e tge So2b*|Bapo2 ana Beto2aet of me Cup of Dublin, bigo are getebp Stutgotijea ana gmpomcrea to seat ana determine tge fame, ana to leap fucg penalties bp tDillrcfS ana J»ale of tge Cffenacts Cooas, returning tge CbetpluS to tge Cbmer (if anp be) tge Charges of Caking ana «©ifpofing of tge Cooks fo ©iftramea being Jpfrtt <©eauctea, C*ne IBoietp of b)gicg faia penalties, Uigen Becobetea, fgall be Slppltea, bp tge College of PljpficianS, in Suping ©2ugS ana ißcaumes fo2 tge safe of tge POO 2 of the faia Citp of Dubim, ana tge otgtr ißoie* tp tgeteof fo2 tge Pfe of tge 3info2mer. and fie it further enacted fip tge autgontp afoje* fatfi, Cfiat tlpo act (gall fie deemed ana Cakcn, and tjf jjerebp <&etlatea to fie a pufilttk act to alt intents ana ©utnofefl, ana (gall fie 3lHdt(iallp ®a« Anno Rcgni Nono ften oom of, ana 2tUotoca &0 fucfr, in all Courts imtljtn tljtsf Snngaom, bp all ana toljattotaer, tomjont fpcciallp .pleading tljc fame; 2tna t{jat t||ifi patent M (Sail Continue m force (outfit Ctrm of Cftice Heard, ana (torn tljtnce to tge Cna of tljc tj)tn nett Region of Parliament, ana no longer.