CONSTITUENT COUNTRIES. 7. The following shall be considered as the constituent countries of the Pan-American Medical Congress: Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, British North America, British West Indies (including B. Honduras), Chile, Dominican Republic, Honduras (Sp.), Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Kingdom of Hawaii, Spanish West Indies, United States. Uruguay, Venezuela, Danish, Dutch and French West ladies. sections. 8. The Sections of the Congress shall be as follows: (1) General Medicine, (2) General Surgery, (3) Military Medicine and Surgery, (4) Obstetrics, (5) Gynaecology and Abdominal Surgery, (6) Therapeutics, (7) Anatomy, (8) Physiology, (9) Diseases of Children, (10) Pathology, (11) Ophthalmology, (12) Laryngology and Rhinology, (13) Otology, (14) Dermatology and Syphilography, (15) General Hygiene and Demography, (16) Marine Hygiene and Quarantine, (17) Orthopaedic Surgery, (18) Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System, (19) Oral and Dental Surgery, (20) Medical Pedagogics, (21) Medical Jurisprudence, (22) Railway Surgery. LANGUAGES. 9. The languages of the Congress shall be Spanish, French, Portuguese and English. AUXILIARY COMMITTEES. 10. The Auxiliary Committee shall consist of one member for each medical society or one for each considerable center of population in each of the constituent countries of the Congress. Nominations for the Foreign Auxiliary Committee shall be made to the Chairman of the Committee on Organization by the members of the International Executive Committee, each for bis own country, except that in the country in which the Congress is to be held nominations shall be made by the Committee on Organization. Appointments on the Auxiliary Committee shall hold only for the meeting for which they were made. Members of the Auxiliary Committee shall be the official representatives of the Congress in their respective localities. It shall be their duty: (1) To transmit to the profession of their respective districts all information relative to the Congress forwarded to them for that purpose by the General Officers. (2) To co-operate with the Officers of Sections in securing desirable contributions to the proceedings of the Congress. (3) To furnish to the General Officers such information as they may request for the purpose of promoting the interests of the Congress. (4) To cause such publicity to be given to the development of the organization as will elicit the interest of the profession and secure attendance upon the meeting; and they shall discharge such other duties as will promote the welfare of the Congress. AMENDMENTS. 11. Amendments to these Regulations can be made only by the International Executive Committee, on a majority vote, ten members constituting a quorum, at any meeting of the Congress. SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS. TIME AND PEACE OP MEETING. 1. The first Pan-American Medical Congress shall be held in the City of Washington, D. C., September 5, 6, 7, 8, A. D., 1893. REGISTRATION. 2. The Registration fee shall be $lO.OO for each member residing in the United States, but no fee shall be charged to foreign members. Each registered member shall receive a card of member- ship and be furnished a set of the transactions. ABSTRACTS, PAPERS AND DISCUSSIONS. 3. Contributors are required to forward abstracts of their papers, not to exceed six hundred words each, to be in the hands of the Secretary-General not later than the tenth of July, 1893. These abstracts shall be translated into English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and shall be pub- lished in advance of the meeting for the convenience of the Congress, and no paper shall be placed upon the programme which has not been thus presented by abstract. Abstracts will be trans- lated by the Literary Bureau of the Congress at the request of contributors. Papers to be presented to Sections must not consume more than twenty minutes each in reading, and when of greater length, must be read by abstract. Papers read by abstract may be printed in full in the transactions, subject to approval by the Editorial Committee. Abstracts should be forwarded through the Secretaries of Sections. Papers and discussions will be printed in the language in which they may be presented. All papers read in the Sections shall be surrendered to the Secretaries of the Sections; all addresses read in the General Session shall be surrendered to the Secretary-General as soon as read ; and all discussions shall be at once reduced to writing by the participants. INCORPORATION. 4. The Chairman of the Committee on Organization shall cause the Congress to be incorporated under the laws of Ohio, and fifteen trustees shall be elected in accordance therewith, who by by-laws and through the Executive Committee shall supervise all receipts and disbursements by the Treasurer in accordance with the laws of Ohio. The President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, the member of the International Executive Committee for the United States, and Executive Presidents of Sections shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. FOREIGN NOMINATIONS. 5. All nominations by the International Executive Committee must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Committee on Organization by June Ist, 1892, and in default thereof the Committee on Organization shall elect officers for countries thus delinquent. THE ORGANIZATION OP SECTIONS. 6. The officers of each section shall consist of Honorary Presidents, who shall be residents of the constituent countries of the Congress; one Executive President, who shall organize the work of the Section, direct its deliberations, and deliver an inaugural address at its opening session; one English-speaking Secretary and one Spanish-speaking Secretary, residents of the United States, who shall co-operate with the Executive President in conducting the correspondence of the section; and there shall be one Secretary for each section, resident in each additional constituent country of the Congress. DOMESTIC AUXILIARY COMMITTEE. 7. The Auxiliary Committee for the United States shall be elected by the Committee on Organization and shall consist of one member for each local medical society, or, in the absence of medical organization, then one in each considerable center of population, which Auxiliary Committee shall co-operate with the Committee on Organization and with the General Officers in promoting the welfare of the Congress. Nominations for the Auxiliary Committee shall be made by members of the Committee on Organization, each for his own State, except that in the failure of any member to make such nomination by January Ist, 1892, or in the inadequacy of the same, the Chairman of the Committee on Organization shall supply the deficiency. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 8. The Board of Trustees shall designate seven members, including the President, Treasurer, Secretary-General, and member of the International Executive Committee for the United States, who shall comprise an Executive Committee which shall transact all business of the Congress, ad interim in accordance with By-laws adopted by the Board of Trustees. [EXECUTIVE EDITION.] Preliminary Announcement OF THE FIRST PAN-AMERICAN »* * MEDICAL CONGRESS. TO BE HELD AT Washington, d. c., u. S. A. September sth, 6th, 7th and Bth, A. D, 1893 Office of the Permanent Secretary of the American Medical Association, Philadelphia, June 4, 1891. To the Medical Profession of the Western Hemisphere: At the meeting of the American Medical Association, held at Washington, May sth, 1891, Dr. Charles A. L. Reed, of Cincinnati, introduced the following: Resolved, That the American Medical Association hereby extends a cordial invitation to the Medical Profession of the Western Hemisphere, to assemble in the United States in an Inter-Continental American Medical Congress. Resolved, That the Committee on Nominations be, and is hereby instructed to nominate one member for each State and Territory, and one each from the Army, Navy, and Marine Hospital Service who shall constitute a committee, which is hereby instructed to effect a permanent organization of the proposed Inter-Continental American Medical Congress, and to determine the time and place at which the same shall be held. The resolutions were seconded by Dr. Wm. H. Pancoast and others, and unanimously adopted. Pursuant to the foregoing, the following Committee was nominated and elected: Ala.—W. H. Sanders, M. D. Maine.—Hampton E. Hill, M. D. Oregon.—Wm. Boys, M. D. Ariz.—Henry A. Hughes, M. D. Md.—Geo. H. Rohe, M. D. Pa.—Wm. Pepper, M. D. Ark.—Ed. Bentley, M. D. MASS. Augustus P. Clarke, M. D. R. I.—Geo. L. Collins, M. D. Cal.—W. R. Cluness, M. D. Mich.—C. Henri Leonard, M. D. S. C.—R. A. Kinloch, M. D. Colo.—Wm. A. Campbell, M. D. Minn.- P. H. Millard, M. D. S. D.—J. W. Freeman, M. D. CONN.—C. A. Lindsley, M, U. Miss.—W. T. Kendall, M. D. TENN.- J. R. Buist, M. D. Del.—C. H. Richards, M. D. Mo.—l. N. Love, M. D. Tex.—J. W. Carhart, M. D. D. C.—D. W. Prentiss, M. D. Mont.—Thos. J. Murray, M. D. Utah.—F. S. Bascom, M. D. Fla.—C. R. Oglesby, M. D. Neb.—R. C., Moore, M. D. Vt.—H. D. Holton, M. D. Ga.—J. McFadden Gaston, M. D. Nev.—P. J. Aiken, M. D. Va.—J. S. Wellford, M. D. IDAHO.—Geo. P. Haley, M. D. N. H.—Irving A. Watson, M. D. Wash.—J. M. Morgan, M. D. 111.—N. S. Davis, M. D. N. J.—E. J. Marsh, M. D. W. Va.—J. H. Brownfield, M. D. Ind.—A. M. Owen, M. D. New Mex.—C. E. Winslow, M. D. WIS.—J. T. Reeve, M. D. lOWA.—B. H. Criley, M. D. N. Y.—John Cronyn, M. D. Wyo.—J. H. Finfrock, M. D. Kan.—J. E. Minney, M. D. N. C.—H. Long-street Taylor, M. D. U. S. A.— Ky.—J. N. McCormack, M. D. N. D.—E. M. Darrow, M. D. U. S. N.— La.—Stanford E. Chaille, M. D. Ohio.—Charles A. L. Reed, M. D. U. S. M. H. S. —J. B. Hamilton, M. D. WM. T. BRIGGS, M. D., President. WILLIAM B. ATKINSON, M. D., Permanent Secretary REPORT. To Dr. Hunter McGuire, President of the American Medical Association, Richmond, Virginia. Dear Doctor:—On behalf of the Committee appointed by the American Medical Association, May sth, 1891, “to effect a permanent organization of an Inter-Continental American Medical Congress,” I beg leave to report that the work has been prosecuted as diligently as possible. A series of regulations, hereby submitted, has been adopted and an organization in accordance therewith has been effected, in some degree, in all of the constituent countries except Paraguay. In several countries the organization has been completed in accordance with the regulations, while in some instances full lists of Secretaries have been secured; in others, Honorary Chairmen only have been furnished, while in still others the organization has not advanced beyond the appointment of a member of the International Executive Committee. The lists of officers are, however, sufficiently complete to furnish channels through which the necessary prelim- inary correspondence of the Sections may be inaugurated. In view of this, and the additional fact that a considerable time is necessary for the interchange of letters with some of the remoter countries, the Committee deems it expedient to submit for promulgation this Preliminary Announcement of the Congress. The Committtee entertains the hope that the organization may be completed in each of the constituent countries, in accordance with the Regulations, before the meeting of the Congress. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee. CHARLES A. L. REED, Chairman of the Committee on Permanent Organization, and Secretary- General of the Congress. Cincinnati, September sth, 1892. Richmond, Va., August 6th, 1892. Dr. Charles A. L. Reed, Chairman of the Committee on Permanent Organization of the Pan-American Medical Congress. Dear Doctor : I am in receipt of the report of the Committee on Organization of the Pan-American Medical Congress transmitting the Preliminary Announcement of the Organization. Permit me to state that lam gratified to note the completeness of the work which has already been accomplished by your Committee, and that, for the reasons stated in your letter, I deem the immediate publication of the preliminary announcement imperative to the success of the Congress. With the assurance that the American Medical Association will do all in its power to promote the interests of the meeting at Washington in September of next year. Very sincerely yours, Hunter McGuire, President of the American Medical Association. tlye (&otxgvs&& of tlt£ United JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the President to invite certain governments to send delegates to the Pan-American Medical Congress. A Joint Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Senate June 3, 1892, concurred in by the House of Representatives July 14, [892, and approved July 18, 1892, by which the President was authorized and requested to invite the several governments of the Western Hemisphere to send official delegates to the meeting of the Pan-American Medical Congress to be held in the city of Washington, September fifth sixth, seventh and eighth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety-three. GENERAL REGULATIONS. TITLE. 1. This organization shall be known as The Pan-American Medical Congress, and shall meet once in years. MEMBERSHIP. 2. Members of the Congress shall consist of such members of the medical profession of the Western Hemisphere, including the West Indies and Hawaii, as shall comply with the special reg- ulations regarding registration, or who shall render service to the Congress in the capacity of Foreign Officers. OFFICERS. 3. The Executive Officers of the Congress shall be residents of the country in which the Con- gress shall be held, and shall consist of one President, such Vice-Presidents as may be determined by special regulations, one Treasurer, one Secretary-General, and one Presiding Officer and neces- sary Secretaries for each section, all of whom shall be elected by the Committee on Organization, and there shall be such Foreign Vice-Presidents, Secretaries and Auxiliary Committees as are here- inafter designated. THE COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. 4. The Committee on Organization shall be appointed by the representative medical association of the country in which the Congress shall meet. This committee shall select all domestic officers of the Congress, and shall at its discretion confirm all nominations by members of the International Executive Committee and in the event that any member of the International Executive Committee shall fail to nominate by the time specified by special regulation, the Committee on Organization shall elect officers for the country thus delinquent. It may appoint Vice-Presidents and Auxiliary Committeemen in foreign countries independently of nominations by the members of the Inter- national Executive Committee. It shall appoint Auxiliary Committees, arrange for the meeting, and frame special regulations for the session of Congress for which it was appointed. It shall make a report of its transactions to the opening session of the Congress. THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 5. There shall be an International Executive Committee which shall be appointed by the first Committee on Organization and which shall consist of one member for each constituent country. This Committee shall hold permanent tenure of office except that when a member shall fail to be present at a meeting of the Congress, his office shall be declared vacant and the vacancy be tilled by election held by the registered members from the country from which he was accredited. In the event of no representation whatever from the country in question, the memßers of the International Executive Committee present, shall determine what disposition shall be made of the office. It shall be the duty of each member of the International Executive Committee to nominate from the medical profession of his country, one Vice-President for the Congress and one Secretary for each Section of the Congress, and to forward the same to the Chairman of the Committee on Organization; except that in any country in which the Congress shall meet, it shall be the duty of the member of the International Executive Committee for that country to request his representative national medical association to appoint a Committee on Organization, which Committee on Organization shall discharge the duties designated in Regulation IV. Members of the International Executive Committee shall also nominate such Auxiliary Committees, and shall furnish such information as the Committee on Organization may request. incorporation, 6. The Committee on Organization may at its discretion cause the Congress to be incorporated, which incorporation shall hold only until the final disbursement of funds for the session held in that particular country. In the event of such incorporation such additional officers shall be elected and in such manner as may be required by law. CONSTITUENT COUNTRIES. 7. The following shall be considered as the constituent countries of the Pan-American Medical Congress; Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, British North America, British West Indies (including B. Honduras), Chile, Dominican Republic, Honduras (Sp.), Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Kingdom of Hawaii, Spanish West Indies, United States., Uruguay, Venezuela, Danish, Dutch and French West Indies. SECTIONS. 8. The Sections of the Congress filial ibe as follows : (1) General Medicine, (2) General Surgery, (3) Military Medicine and Surgery, (4) Obstetrics, (5) Gynaecology and Abdominal Surgery, (6) Therapeutics, (7) Anatomy, (8) Physiology, (9) Diseases of Children, (10) Pathology, (11) Ophthalmology, (12) Laryngology and Rhinology, (13) Otology, (14) Dermatology and Syphilography, (15) General Hygiene and Demography, (16) Marine Hygiene and Quarantine, (17) Orthopaedic Surgery, (18) Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System, (19) Oral and Dental Surgery, (20) Medical Pedagogics, (21) Medical Jurisprudence, (22) Railway Surgery. LANGUAGES. 9. The languages of the Congress shall be Spanish, French, Portuguese and English. AUXILIARY COMMITTEES. 10. The Auxiliary Committee shall consist of one member for each medical society or one for each considerable center of population in each of the constituent countries of the Congress. Nominations for the Foreign Auxiliary Committee shall be made to the Chairman of the Committee on Organization by the members of the International Executive Committee, each for his own country, except that in the country in which the Congress is to be held nominations shall be made by the Committee on Organization. Appointments on the Auxiliary Committee shall hold only for the meeting for which they were made. Members of the Auxiliary Committee shall be the official representatives of the Congress in their respective localities. Itshall be their duty; (1) To transmit to the profession of their respective districts all information relative to the Congress forwarded to them for that purpose by the General Officers. (2) To co-operate with the Officers of Sections in securing desirable contributions to the proceedings of the Congress. (3) To furnish to the General Officers such information as they may request for the purpose of promoting the interests of the Congress. (4) To cause such publicity to be given to the development of the organization as will elicit the interest of the profession and secure attendance upon the meeting; and they shall discharge such other duties as will promote the welfare of the Congress. AMENDMENTS. 11. Amendments to these Regulations can be made only by the International Executive Committee, on a majority vote, ten members constituting a quorum, at any meeting of the Congress. SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS. TIME AND PLACE OP MEETING. 1. The first Pan-Amcrican Medical Congress shall he held in the City of Washington, D. C., September 5, 0, 7, 8, A. D., 1893. REGISTRATION. 2. The Registration fee shall be $lO.OO for each member residing in the United States, but no fee shall be charged to foreign members. Each registered member shall receive a card of member- ship and be furnished a set of the transactions. ABSTRACTS, PAPERS AND DISCUSSIONS. 3. Contributors are required to forward abstracts of their papers, not to exceed six hundred words each, to be in the hands of the Secretary-General not later than the tenth of July, 1893. These abstracts shall be translated into English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and shall be pub- lished in advance of the meeting for the convenience of the Congress, and no paper shall be placed upon the programme which has not been thus presented by abstract. Abstracts will be trans- lated by the Literary Bureau of the Congress at the request of contributors. Papers to be presented to Sections must not consume more than twenty minutes each in reading, and when of greater length, must be read by abstract. Papers read by abstract may be printed in full in the transactions, subject to approval by the Editorial Committee. Abstracts should be forwarded through the Secretaries of Sections. Papers and discussions will be printed in the language in which they may be presented. All papers read in the Sections shall be surrendered to the Secretaries of the Sections; all addresses read in the General Session shall be surrendered to the Secretary-General as soon as read ; and all discussions shall be at once reduced to writing by the participants. INCORPORATION. 4. The Chairman of the Committee on Organization shall cause the Congress to be incorporated under the laws of Ohio, and fifteen trustees shall be elected in accordance therewith, who by by-laws and through the Executive Committee shall supervise all receipts and disbursements by the Treasurer in accordance with the laws of Ohio. The President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, the member of the International Executive Committee for the United States, and Executive Presidents of Sections shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. FOREIGN NOMINATIONS. 5. All nominations by the International Executive Committee must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Committee on Organization by June Ist, 1892, and in default thereof the Committee on Organization shall elect officers for countries thus delinquent. THE ORGANIZATION OF SECTIONS. 6. The officers of each section shall consist of Honorary Presidents, who shall be residents of the constituent countries of the Congress; one Executive President, who shall organize the work of the Section, direct its deliberations, and deliver an inaugural address at its opening session; one English-speaking Secretary and one Spanish-speaking Secretary, residents of the United States, who shall co-operate with the Executive President in conducting the correspondence of the section; and there shall be one Secretary for each section, resident in each additional constituent country of the Congress. DOMESTIC AUXILIARY COMMITTEE. 7. The Auxiliary Committee for the United States shall be elected by the Committee on Organization and shall consist of one member for each local medical society, or, in the absence of medical organization, then one in each considerable center of population, which Auxiliary Committee shall co-operate with the Committee on Organization and with the General Officers in promoting the welfare of the Congress. Nominations for the Auxiliary Committee shall be made by members of the Committee on Organization, each for his own State, except that in the failure of any member to make such nomination by lst, 1892, or in the inadequacy of the same, the Chairman of the Committee on Organization shall supply the deficiency. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 8. The Board of Trustees shall designate seven members, including the President, Treasurer, Secretary-General, and member of the International Executive Committee for the United States, who shall comprise an Executive Committee which shall transact all business of the Congress, ad interim in accordance with By-laws adopted by the Board of Trustees. BY-LAWS. I.—OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Sec. 1. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary, who shall act as assistant secretary to the Secretary-General of the Congress, and a Treasurer. $2. The Chairman shall be elected by ballot; the Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair- man, on recommendation of the Secretary-General; the Treasurer shall be the person elected Treas- urer of the Congress. These officers shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers, 'i 3. These officers shall hold office during the continuance of the corporation. II.—TREASURER. The Treasurer shall give a good and sufficient bond, in the sum of $25,000. He shall receive all registration fees, and all other moneys paid to the credit of the Congress, and shall disburse the same on vouchers approved by the Board of Trustees, signed by the Secretary-General and the Chairman of the Executive Committee. 111.—THE COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. The Committee of Arrangements shall consist of such number of physicians of the City of Washington, D. 0., as may be determined upon and appointed by the President of the Congress, one member of which committee shall be designated by him as chairman. -The Committee of Arrangements shall have charge of the facilities for registration, shall provide for transportation rates for physicians and their families attending the Congress, shall arrange for adequate hotel accommodations, shall arrange for the entertainment of the Congress, and issue the official program of the meeting. All expense thus incurred shall be paid out of the funds previously appropriated for the purpose by the Executive Committee, payment of the same to be made by the Treasurer on the official voucher of the Congress countersigned by the Chairman of the Committee of Arrange- ments in addition to endorsements called for by By-Law 11. IV.—COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. A committee, not to exceed one hundred in number, shall be appointed by the President of the Congress, and shall be known as the Committee on Ways and Means, whose duty it shall be to devise and execute methods by which the necessary expenses of the Congress may be defrayed. V.—LITERARY BUREAU. The Secretary-General may at his discretion organize a Literary Bureau, which shall consist of such number of linguists as he may determine, whose duty it shall be to do all necessary translating for the Congress, compensation for which service shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Certain members of the Literary Bureau may be designated by the Secretary-General as an Editorial Committee. It shall be the duty of the Editorial Committee to determine the eligibility of all con- tributions before the same shall be published in the Transactions, and to supervise the publication of both the Book of Abstracts and the Transactions. All work done by the Editorial Committee and by the Literary Bureau shall be subject to approval by the Secretary-General. VI.—EXPENDITURES. The Executive Committee shall designate all expenditures by the various officers before the same shall be contracted, providing that expenses already incurred by the Committee on Permanent Organizational! all be paid out of any funds in the hands of the Treasurer of the Congress. VII.—MEETINGS. The first meeting of the Trustees shall be held in Detroit, Mich., on June 8, 1892. Thereafter all meetings shall be held at such time and place as the Executive Committee shall designate. The Executive Committee shall meet on the call of the Chairman. VIII.—VOUCHERS. The form of vouchers hereunto annexed shall be the form used in the payment of all accounts by the Treasurer, and shall be in duplicate, one for the Treasurer and one for the Secretary-General. FORM OF VOUCHER. Original—For the Treasurer. Duplicate.—For the Secretary-General. No The Pan-American Medical Congress. To Dr. D ORIGINAL. Total in words, $ I certify the above account is correct and true; that the same is according to contract on file or pursuant to order of under date of 189 , and duly authorized by the Executive Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Pan-American Medical Congress. Secretary-General. The above account is hereby approved and the Treasurer instructed to pay the same. Dated at 189 . Chairman of the Executive Committee. Received of Abraham M. Owen, Treasurer, his cheque for dollars and cents, in full of the above account. [ Endorsement. ] The Pan-American Medical Congress, voucher. N0.... ORIGINAL. Name For $ Duplicate signed and returned to the Secretary-General. A. D. 189 . ' Treasurer. Original—For the Treasurer. Duplicate—For the Secretary-General. No The Pan-American Medical Congress. To Dr. Date. DUPLICATE. Total in words, $ I certify the above account is correct and true; that the same is according to contract on file, or pursuant to order of under date of 189 , and duly authorized by the Executive Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Pan-American Medical Congress. Secretary-General. The above account is hereby approved and the Treasurer instructed to pay the same. Dated at 189 . Chairman of the Executive Committee. Received of Charles A. L. Reed, Secretary-General of the Pan-American Medical Congress* original certified and approved voucher for dollars and cents, in full of the above account. Treasurer. above account- The Pan-American Medical Congress, voucher. N0.... DUPLICATE. Name For $ Original duly certified and forwarded to the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Secretary-General, [ Endorsement. ] GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE CONGRESS. PRESIDENT: WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D., LL. D., Philadelphia, Pa. VICE-PRESIDENTS: Dr. SAMUEL GACHE, . Buenos Aires, . Argentine Republic. Dr. JEROME COCHRAN, Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. HENRY A. HUGHES, Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. P. O. HOOPER, Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. NAPOLEON RANA, La Paz, Bolivia. Dr. BAPTISTA DE LACERDA, .... Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. O. O. BURGES, San Francisco, California. Dr. J. E. GRAHAM, __ . . . Toronto, Canada. Dr. MANUEL BARROS BORGONO . . Santiago, Chili. Dr. PIO RENGIFO, New York, U. S. A. (for) Colombia. Dr. CHARLES DENNISON, Denver, Colorado. Dr. W. A. M. WAINRIGHT, Hartford, Connecticut. Dr. JUAN J. ULLOA, San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. JAMES H. CFIANDLER, Centreville, Delaware. Dr. S. C. BUSEY, Washington, District of Columbia Dr. J. R. DANIELS, Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. R. J. NUNN, ' . . . Savannah, Georgia. Dr. JOSE LLERENA, Guatemala Guatemala. Dr. C. R., BOYER, . _ Port au Prince . . Plaiti. Dr. JESUS BENDANA Comayagua , Honduras. Dr. JOHN S. McGREW, Honolulu, . Hawaii. Dr. JOHN W. GIVENS, Blackfoot, Idaho. Dr. EDMUND ANDREWS, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. DONALD McRAE, Council Bluffs, lowa. DR. WM. B. DEWEES, Salina, Kansas. Dr. W. H. WATHEN, Louisville, Kentucky. DR. JOHN B. ELLIOTT, New Orleans, Louisiana. DR. THOMAS A. FOSTER, Portland, Maine. DR. MANUEL CARMONA Y VALLE,. . City of Mexico, Mexico. DR. W. H. WELCH, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. REGINALDO H. FITZ Boston Massachusetts. Dr. H. O. WALKER, Detroit, Michigan. Dr. ALEXANDER J. STONE, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. B. A. DUNCAN, West Point, Mississippi. Dr. YOUNG H. BOND, St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. W. M. SCHULTZ, Butte City, Montana. Dr. JOHN E. SUMMERS, Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. S. BISHOP, Reno, Nevada. Dr. GRANVILLE P. CONN, Concord, New Hampshire. Dr. EDWARD J. ILL, Newark, New Jersey. Dr. FRANCIS H. ATKINS, Las Vegas, New Mexico. Dr. SENECA D. POWELL, New York, New York. Dr. FRANCISCO MATES LACAYO, . . Leon, Nicaragua. Dr. WM. T. CHEATHAM, Henderson, North Carolina. Dr. LOUIS C. PETIT, Bismarck, North Dakota. Dr. S. S. THORN, Toledo, Ohio. Dr. E. P. FRAZER, Portland, Oregon. VICE-PRESIDENTS.—Continued. Dr. S. WEIR MITCHELL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. LEONARDO VILLAR, Lima, Peru. Dr. ELISHA P. CLARK, Plope Valley, Rhode Island. Dr. FRANCISCO NUNEZ, St. Tecla, Salvador. Dr. J. R. BRATTON, Yorkville, South Carolina. Dr. M. WARE, Salem, South Dakota. Dr. RICHARD B. MAURY, Memphis, • Tennessee. Dr. J. T.BELL, Tyler, Texas. Dr. PEDRO VISCA, Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr. F. S. BASCOM, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. L. M. BINGHAM, Burlington, Vermont. Dr. JOSE MANUEL DE LOS RIOS, . . Caracas, Venezuela. Dr. HUNTER McGUIRE, Richmond, Virginia. Dr. H. C. WILSON, Port Townsend, Washington. Dr. FRANCISCO ZAYAS, Habana, (Cuba,) West Indies. Dr. J. J. SENIOR, Curacao, West Indies. Dr. S. L. CRANE, Surg. Gen’L, .... Trinidad, West Indies. Dr. THOS. BOWEN, Bridgetown, (Barbados.) West Indies. Dr. The Hon. J. C. PHILLIPPO, . . . Kingston, (Jamaica,) West Indies. Dr. C. SHRIVER, Bethany, West Virginia. Dr. SOLON MARKS, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. JOPIN FI. FINFROCK, Laramie City, Wyoming. Dr. B. J. D. IRWIN, Ass’t Surg. Gen . . Washington, D. C U. S. Army. Dr. J. MILLS BROWNE, Surg. Gen. . . Washington, D. C U. S. Navy. Surg. CHAS. S. D. FESSENDEN, . . . Louisville, Ky U. S. M. H. Service. SECRETARY-GENERAL CHARLES A. L. REED, M. D. 31 x Elm St., Cincinnati, O. ASSISTANT SECRETARIES=GENERAL: 1. Dr. J. McFADEN GASTIN, .... xj£ Edgewood Ave, . . . Atlanta, Georgia 2. Dr. JOHN GUTTER AS, 3914 Samson Street, . . . Philadelphia, . . . Pennsylvania. 3. Dr. WM. F. HUTCHINSON, . . .159 High Street, .... Providence, .... Rhode Island. 4. Dr. W. H. HEATH, 415 Pearl Street, .... Buffalo, New York. 5. Dr. IRVING A. WATSON, . . . .xo Centre Street, . . . .Concord, New Hamoshire 6. Dr. J. W. CARHART, Lampasas, . . . .Texas. 7. Dr. FERD. C. VALENTINE, . . . 236 W. 51st Street, . . . New York New York. 8. Dr. A. WALTER SUITER, Herkimer, .... New York. 9. Dr. ISAAC N. LOVE, Grand Ave , . St. Louis, „ , , , Missouri. TREASURER: ABRAFIAM M. OWEN, M. D. 507 Upper First Street, Evansville, Ind. CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE OF ARRANQEfIENTS Dr. SAMUEL S. ADAMS, 1632 K Street, Washington, D. C. [The full Committee will be announced at as early a date as possible.] INCORPORATORS. Dr. ISAAC N. LOVE St. Louis Missouri. Dr. L. S. McMURTRY Louisville Kentucky. Dr. RUFUS B. PIALL Cincinnati Ohio. Dr. T. V. FITZPATRICK Cincinnati Ohio. Dr. A. B. RICHARDSON Columbus Ohio. Dr. CPIARLES A. L. REED Cincinnati Ohio. TRUSTEES. Dr. HENRY D. HOLTON, Chairman, .... Erattleboro Vermont. Dr. A. WALTER SUITER, Secretary .... Herkimer New York. Dr. WILLIAM T. BRIGGS Nashville Tennessee. Dr. GEORGE F. SHRADY New York New York. Dr. P. O. HOOPER Little Rock Arkansas. Dr. S. S. ADAMS Washington Dist. of Columbia. Dr. PL O. MARCY Boston Massachusetts. Dr. J. F. KENNEDY Des Moines lowa. Dr. L. S. McMURTRY Louisville Kentucky. Dr. N. S. DAVIS Chicago Illinois. Dr. LEVI COOPER LANE San Francisco California. Dr. I. N. LOVE St. Louis Missouri. Dr. HUNTER McGUIRE Richmond Virginia. Dr. CLAUDIUS H. MASTIN . Mobile Alabama. Dr. J. C. CULBERTSON Chicago Illinois. The President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, Members of the International Executive Committee for the United States, and Executive Presidents of Sections are ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Dr. HENRY D. HOLTON, Chairman Erattleboro .... Vermont. Dr. L. S. McMURTRY 231 W. Chestnut Street . . Louisville’ Kentucky. Dr. Wm. WARREN POTTER 284 Franklin Street . . . Buffalo New York. Dr. WILLIAM PEPPER, (ex-ojjicio) . . . 1811 Spruce Street .... Philadelphia .... Pennsylvania, Dr. A. M. OWEN, [ex-officio) 507 Upper First Street . . Evansville Indiana. Dr. A. VANDER VEER, [ex-officio) ... 28 Eagle Street Albany New York. Dr. CHARLES A. L. REED, (ex-officio) . 31 x Elm Street Cincinnati Ohio. INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Argentine Republic: Dr. PEDRO LAGLEYZE Calle Artes 46 Buenos Aires. Bolivia: Dr. EMILIO DI TOMASSI ......... Calle Ayacucho 26 La Paz. British West Indies: Dr. JAMES A. DE WOLF Port of Spain. British North America; Dr. JAMES F. W. ROSS 481 Sherborne St Toronto. Chile: Dr. MOISES AMARAL Facultad de Medicina Santiago. Costa Rica: Dr. DANIEL NUNEZ San Jose. Dominican Republic; Dr. JULIO LEON Santo Domingo, Ecuador; Dr. RICARDO CUCALON Guayaquil. Guatemala: Dr. JOSE MONTEROS Avenida Sur No. 8 Guatemala City. Haiti: Dr. T. LAMOTHE Rue du Centre Port an Prince. Hawaii: Dr. JOHN A. McGREW Honolulu. Honduras (Spanish); Dr. GEO. BERNHARDT Tegucigalpa. Mexico: , Dr. TOMAS NORIEGA Hospital de Jesus Mexico. Nicaragua: Dr. J. I. URTECHO Calle Real . . . Granada. Paraguay: Peru: Dr. MANUEL C. BARRIOS Facultad de Medicina Lima. Republic of Colombia: Dr. P. M. IBANEZ Calle JaNumero 99 Bogota. Salvador; Dr. DAVID J. GUZMAN San Salvador. Spanish West Indies; Dr. JUAN SANTOS FERNANDEZ Calle Reina No. 92 Havana. United Sta/tes of America: Dr. A. VANDER VEER 28 Eagle Street Albany, N. Y. United States of Brazil: Dr. CARLOS COSTA . Rua Largo da Misericordia 7 . . Rio de Janeiro. Uruguay: Dr. JACINTO DE LEON Calle de Florida No. 64 Montevideo. Venezuela: Dr. ELIAS RODRIGUEZ Caracas. COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. Dr. J. F. A. ADAMS Pittsfield Massachusetts. Dr. J. H. ALEXANDER Greensburgh Indiana. Dr. J. M. ALLEN Liberty Missouri. Dr. D. S. BROCKAWAY Livingston Alabama. Dr. DAVID BARROW Lexington Kentucky Dr. JOHN BOWEN Paris Kentucky’. . R- SAM’L P. BASSETT Richmond Missouri Dr. R. D. BIBBER Bath Maine. Dr. W. T. BRIGGS Nashville Tennessee. Dr. J. W. CARHART Lampasas Texas. Dr. STANFORD E. CHAILLE New Orleans • • • . . Louisiana. Dr. J. J. CHISOLM Baltimore Maryland. Dr. E. R. CAMPBELL Bellows Falls Vermont. Dr. D. W. CROUSE Waterloo lowa. Dr. W. C. CLAUDE Annapolis Maryland. Dr. O. B. CARCAWA Sunderland Maryland. Dr. Wm. J. CHILDRES Pine Bluff Arkansas. Dr. Wm. COMPTON Washington Dist. of Columbia. Dr. E. D. FREEMAN Osgood Indiana Dr. GEO. H. FULLER Delhi lOWa. Dr, J. D. FOLSOM St. Johnsburg Vermont Dr. R. S. FULKERSON Lexington Missouri.’ Dr. J. D. FERNANDEZ Jacksonville Florida. Dr. ALONZO GARCELON Lewiston Maine Dr. J. McF. GASTON Atlanta ’ Georgia. Dr. L. A. GRIFFITH Upper Marlboro Maryland Dr. S. A. GIFFORD Laurel Indiana Dr. W. D. HUNTINGTON Rochester Vermont. Dr. JOHN B. HAMILTON Chicago Illinois. Dr. JOPIN HOUSE Manchester Indiana. Dr. C. K. HAGGARD Middlesborough Kentucky. Dr. JAMES A. PIORNE Mauch Chunk Pennsylvania. Dr. GEO. H. HILL Independence lowa. Dr. E. P. HURD Newburyport Massachusetts. Dr. HOBART A. HARE Philadelphia Pennsylvania Dr. F. E. HITCHCOCK Rockland . Maine. Dr. H. D. HOLTON Brattleboro Vermont. Dr. C. H. HUGHES . . St. Louis Missouri. Dr. P. O. HOOPER Little Rock ' Arkansas. Dr. H. L. E. JOHNSON Washington Dist. of Columbia Dr. I. M. KELLER Plot Springs Arkansas. Dr. D, G. KEMP . . . Montpelier Vermont. COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND nEANS.-Continued. Dr. WILLIS P. KING Kansas City Missouri. Dr. H. LEONARD New Braunfels Texas. Dr. F. M. LANCASTER Wayside Maryland. Dr. LEVI COOPER LANE San Francisco California, Dr. ISAAC N. LOVE St. Louis Missouri. Dr. J. M. McLAUGHLIN Springville Alabama. Dr. P. H. MILLARD St. Paul Minnesota. Dk. J. N. McCORMACK Bowling Green Kentucky. Dr. L. S. McMURTRY Louisville Kentucky. Dr. GEO. MINGES Dubuque lowa. Dr. Wm. A. McCOY Madison . Indiana. Dr. Wm. J. MOODY Plainfield lowa. Dr. J. LEE McCOMAS Oakland Maryland. Dr. ISAAC OTT Easton Pennsylvania. Dr. C. R. OGLESBY Pensacola Florida. Dr. A. M. OWEN, ex-officio Evansville Indiana. Dr. F. PEYRE PORCHER Charleston South Carolina Dr. Wm. WARREN POTTER Buffalo New York. Dr. Wm. PEPPER, ex-offuio Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Dr. GEO. H. ROHE Catonsville Maryland. Dr. CHARLES A. L. REED, ex-officio Cincinnati Ohio. • Dr. J. T. SIMPSON Holden Missouri. Dr. X. C. SCOTT Cleveland Ohio. Dr. A. O. STROUT Parkersburgb lowa. Dr. J. S. SHIBLEY Paris Arkansas. Dr. A. WALTER SUITER Herkimer New York. Dr. R. STANSBURY SUTTON Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Dr. A. VANDER VEER Albany New York. Dr. E. VAN NOTE Hamilton Missouri Dr. J. COLLINS WARREN Boston Massachusetts. Dr. HAL. C. WYMAN Detroit Michigan. Dr. M. R. WRIGHT Etowah Alabama. Dr. A. WILLIAMS Elk Ridge Maryland. SECTION ON GENERAL MEDICINE. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; Dr. Manuel Carmona y Valle, City of Mexico; Dr. Francis Delafield, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Israel F. Dunn, Portland, Me.; Dr. Reginald H. Fitz, Boston, Mass.; Dr. J. O. Hirschfelder, San Francisco, Cal.; Dr. Henry M. Lyman, Chicago, 111.; Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Emilio Martinez, Havana, Cuba; Dr. William Osler, Baltimore, Md.; Dr. John A. Ouchterlony, Louisville, Ky.; Dr. William Pepper, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. F. Peyre Porcher, Charleston, S. C.; Dr. G. Isaac Ugarte, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Armando Velez, Lima, Peru; Dr. H. A. West, Galveston, Texas; Dr. James C. Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Carlos E. Bernhard, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, 15 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. SECRETARIES: Dr. Judson Daland (English-Speaking), Dr. Ramon L. Miranda (Spanish-Speaking), 317 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 318 W. 28th St., New York, N. Y. Dr. Guemes, [Lavalle 869.] Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Dr. A. A. de Azevedo Sodre, Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Moorehouse, London, Ontario. Dr. A. J. Williams, Georgetown, Br. Guiana. Dr. John Fullock, Tobago, Trinidad, W. I. Dr. Ignacio Gutierrez Ponce, Paris, France, (for Rep. of Colombia.) [2 Rue Pierre Charron 2.] Dr. Martin Bonnefille, San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. Samuel Gonzalez, City of Guatemala, Guatemala. Dr. Arch. Desert, Port au Prince, Haiti. Dr. G. P. Andrews, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. RqMULO Colindres, . . Comayagua, Honduras. Dr. Basilio Marin, Leon, Nicaragua. Dr. Vicente B. Valdes, [Teniente Rey 104] . .Havana, Cuba. Dr. Enrique Figari, [Uruguay 190] Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr. Francisco A. Risquez Caracas, Venezuela. Dr. Demetrio Mejla [San Andres 12] , , , , . City of Mexico, Mexico. Dr. G. E. Pibrrez, Antigua British W. I- SECTION ON GENERAL SURGERY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; Dr. E. Andrews, Chicago, 111.; Dr. Manuel Barros BorgoSo, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Wm. T. Briggs, Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. Jos. D. Bryant, New York, N.Y.; Dr. P. S. Conner, Cincinnati, O.; Dr. N. P. Dandridge, Cincinnati, O.; Dr. E. H. Gregory, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. W. T. Halstead, Baltimore, Md.; Dr. W. W. Keen, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Levi Cooper Lane, San Francisco, Cal.; Dr. Rafael Lavista, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Samuel Logan, New Orleans, La.; Dr. Claudius FI. Mastin, Mobile, Ala.; Dr. E. M. Moore, Rochester, N. Y.; Dr. Julius Mundt, Comayagua, Honduras; Dr. Wm. H, Pancoast, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. John B. Roberts, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Louis A. Sayre, New York, N. Y.; Dr, Casimiro Saez, Havana, Cuba; Dr. N. Senn, Chicago, 111.; Dr. Belasario Sosa, Lima, Peru; Dr, J. Ford Thompson, Washington, D. C.; Dr. J. Collins Warren, Boston, Mass.; Dr. John A. Wyeth, New York, N. Y.; Dr, D. W. Yandell, Louisville, Ky. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: Dr. John B. Hamilton, 20 Custom House, Chicago, 111. SECRETARIES; Dr. Joseph Ransohoff (English-Speaking), Dr. W. H. Heath (Spanish-Speaking), 296 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. 415 Pearl Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pirovano, [Florida 251,] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Ricardo Guzman, La Paz, Bolivia. Dr. A. P. Boon, St. Kitts, Br. West Indies. Dr. T. G. Roddick, Montreal, Canada, Dr. Rafael Rocha Castilla [Carrera 6 No. 285] Bogota, Rep. of Colombia. Dr. Panfilio J. Valverde, San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. Raimundo Menocal, [Dragones 2] . . . . Havana, Cuba. Dr. Erichsen, St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. Dr. Juan Padilla Matute, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Dr. Leon Audain, Port au Prince, Haiti. Dr. G. P, Andrews, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. R. Pineda, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Dr. Regino Gonzalez, [Cordovanes No. 4,] . . City of Mexico, Mexico. Dr. Velasquez, Managua, Nicaragua. Dr. Lucas A. de O. Catta Preta, Rio de Janeiro, U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Jose Pugnalin, [Mercedes 280,] Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr, David Lobo, Caracas, Venezuela. SECTION ON MILITARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Brig. Genl. Chas. Sutherland, M. D., Surgeon General U. S. Army; Surgeon General J. Mills Browne, M. D., Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, U. S. Navy; William A. Plammond, M. D., Surgeon General U. S. Army, (Retired); Robert Murray, M. D., Surgeon General U.S. Army, (Retired); John Moore, M. D., Surgeon General U. S. Army, (Retired); Col. Fernando Lqpez, M. D., Mexican Army; Dr. Antonio PardiSas y Martinos, Medical Inspector General, Spanish Army, Havana; Robert Grieve, M. D., Surgeon General, Georgetown, B. G.; Joseph D. Bryant, M. D., Surgeon General, State of New York; Nicholas Senn, Surgeon General, Wisconsin National Guard; Walter Wyman, M. D., Surgeon General U.S. Marine Hospital Service; Philip S. Wales, M. D., Medical Director U. S. Navy; Thomas A. McParlin, M. D., Brev’t Brig. Gen’l U. S. A., (Retired); Edw. P. Vollum, M. D., Colonel and Chief Medical Purveyor, U.S. Army, (Retired); Jos. R. Smith, M. D., Colonel and Surgeon U. S. Army; Albert L. Gihon, M. D., Medical Director U. S. Navy; John H. Brinton, M. D., Philadelphia, Ex-Surgeon U. S. Volunteers; Hunter McGuire, M. D., Richmond, Va., Ex-Surgeon Volunteers, C. S. A.; Robert Weir, M. D., New York, formerly Ass’t Surgeon U. S. A.; P. S. Conner, M. D., Cincinnati, formerly Ass’t Surgeon U. S. A.; D. Bergin, M, D., Surgeon General Canadian Militia; Dr. F. E. Strange, Surgeon Canadian Regiment of Infantry. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Lieut. Col. Geo. M. Sternberg, Deputy Surgeon General U. S. Army, War Dep’t, Washington, D. C. SECRETARIES; Maj. John Van R. Hoff, Snr.U. S. A. (English-Speaking), Dr. D. M. Guitrras. U. S. N. (Spanish-Speaking), Fort Riley, Kansas. Washington, D. C. Dr. Mallo [Piedad 1259] Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Dr. Hernandez, La Paz, Bolivia. Dr. Carlos Frederico S. X. Azevedo, Rio de Janeiro, U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Abraham Aparicio [Carrera 8] Bogota, Rep. of Colombia. Dr. Juan J. Ulloa San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. Eduardo Semprun [San Jose 10] Havana, . Cuba. Dr. Juan J. Ortega, Guatemala City, ..... Guatemala. Dr. A. Comean, Port au Prince, Haiti. Dr. G. P. Andrews, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. Jos6 GayoN [Hospital Militar] City of Mexico, Mexico. Dr. J. Martinez, Granada, Nicaragua. Dr. Gabriel Honors [Gaboto 151] Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr. N. Guardia, ................ Caracas, ......... Venezuela. SECTION ON OBSTETRICS. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr. William H. Baker, Boston, Mass.; Dr. Rafael Benavides, Lima, Peru; Dr. Lyman A Berger, Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. James Peter Boyd, Albany, N. Y.; Dr. Pedro M. Cartaya, Matanzas, Cuba; Dr. Geo. J. Engelman, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. Henry Gibbons, San Francisco, Cal.; Dr. Manuel Guiterrez, City of Mexico; Dr. Robert P. Harris, Philadelphia, Penn.; Dr. Barton Cooke Hirst, Philadelphia, Penn.; Dr. Edward W. Jenks, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. W. W. Jaggard, Chicago, 111.; Dr. Charles Jewett, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dr. Richmond Kelley, Portland, Oregon; Dr. A. F. A. King, Washington City, D. C.; Dr. William T. Lusk, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Matthew D. Mann, Buffalo, N. Y ; Dr. James W. McLane, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Rudolph Matas, New Orleans, La.; Dr. Adolfo Murillo, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Theophilus Parvin, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Thad. A. Reamy, Cincin- nati, O.; Dr. Sarah Hacket Stevenson, Chicago, 111.; Dr. Wm. H. Taylor, Cincinnati, O,; Dr. Adam H. Wright, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Giles S. Mitchell, 277 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati, O. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: SECRETARIES: Dr. Hugh Hamilton (English-Speaking), Dr. John J. Castellanos (Spanish-Speaking), Harrisburgh, Penn. New Orleans, La. Dr. J. B, Fernandez, .... [San Martin 678] Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Dr. Claudio Aliaga, La Paz, Bolivia. Dr. Erico Coelho, Rio de Janeiro, . . . . U. S. of Brazil. Dr. J. C. Cameron, Montreal, . Canada. Dr. Rafael Weiss, [lndustria 115,] Havana, Quba. Dr. Joaquin Maldonado, . . [Calle 13, No. 64,] .... Bogota, Rep. of Colombia. Dr. Tomas M. Calneck, Cartago, Costa Rica. Dr. Mariano Fernandez Padilla, Guatemala City, .... Guatemala. Dr. Seremie, Port au Prince, .... Flaiti. Dr. G. P. Andrews, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. Andres Lopez Martinez, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Dr. Fernando ZoRRAGA, . . . [Arco de San Agustin 12,] . City of Mexico, .... Mexico. Dr. VELASQUEZ, Managua Nicaragua. Dr. Isabelino Bosch, . . . . [lB de Julio 299,] Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr, Angel Rivas Baldwin, Caracas, Venezuela. SECTION ON GYNECOLOGY AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS ; Dr. Rafael Benavides, Lima, Peru; Dr. Young H. Bond, St. Louis; Dr. Domingo F. Cubas, Havana, Cuba; Dr. Clinton Cushing, San Francisco; Dr. Wm. E. B. Davis, Birmingham, Ala.; Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, New York; Dr. Frank P. Foster, New York; Dr. Thos. H. Hawkins, Denver; Dr. Wm. D. Haggard, Nashville; Dr. A. Reeves Jackson, Chicago; Dr. Edward W. Jenks, Detroit; Dr. Joseph Tabor Johnson, Washington; Dr. Ernst S. Lewis, New Orleans; (Dr. Andres Lopez Martinez, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Dr. Richard B. Maury, Memphis; Dr. Thos. E. McArdle, Washington; Dr. Lewis S. McMurtry, Louisville'; Dr. Roberto Moericke, Santiago, Chile ; Dr. Paul F. Munde, New York; Dr. Joseph Price, Philadelphia; Dr. John C. Reeve, Dayton, O.; Dr. Jose Manuel delos Rios, Caracas, Venezuela; Dr. George H. Rohe, Catonsville, Md.; Dr. James F. W. Ross, Toronto, Canada; Dr. Albert Vander Veer, Albany; Dr. Milo B. Ward, Topeka; Dr. Henry P. C. Wilson, Baltimore; Dr. Nicolas San Juan, City of Mexico, Mexico. Dr. William Warren Potter, 284 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT : SECRETARIES: Dr. Brooks H. Wells (English-Speaking), Dr. Ernst W. Cushing (Spanish-Speaking), 72 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. 158 Newberry St., Boston, Mass. Dr. Maglioni L.C. Llobet [Victoria 737] .... Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Manuel Cuellar (hijo) Sucre Bolivia. Dr. Luiz da Cunha Feijo Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Gabriel Casuso [Virtudes 37] Havana Cuba. Dr. C. E. Gooding Bridgetown Barbados, W. I. Dr. Jose M. BuENDiA[Calle 10, num. 212] Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Moises L. Castro Cartago Costa Rica. Dr. Mariano Fernandez Padilla Guatemala City Guatemala Dr. Ribaul Port au Prince Haiti. Dr. G. P. Andrews Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Jose Maria Ochoa Velasquez Comayagua Honduras. Dr. Saunders Kingston Jamaica, W. I. Dr. Ricardo FuEßTES[calle Don Juan Manuel num. 4]City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. M. J. Barrios Rivas Nicaragua. Dr. Enrique Pouey, [Uruguay 371] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Ezequiel Jelambi Caracas Venezuela. SECTION ON THERAPEUTICS. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr. I. E. Atkinson, Baltimore; Dr. A. D. Blackader, Montreal; Dr. Simon Baruch, New York; Dr. Norman Bridge, Los Angeles; Dr.W. E. Casselberry, Chicago; Dr. M. C. Caldwell, Chicago; Dr. Charles Cary, Buffalo; Dr. F. D. McDaniel, Mobile ; Dr. Manuel Dominguez, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Antonio A. Ramirez F. Fontecha, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Dr. J. Milton Bigelow; Albany; Dr. J. H. Kimball, Denver ; Dr. John A. Larrabee, Louisville; Dr. Justin Steer, St. Louis; Dr. A. B. Miles, New Orleans; Dr. Francisco R. Martinez, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Ramon Mazaeredo, Cienfuegos, Cuba; Dr. Geo. L. Peabody, New York; Dr. J. C. Mackenzie, Cincinnati; Dr. A. D. Rockwell, New York; Dr. Tomas Salazar, Lima, Peru; Dr. A. A. Smith, New York; Dr. Wm. H. Thomson, New York ; Dr. James Tyson, Philadelphia; Dr. H. C. Wood, Philadelphia; Dr. James T, Whittaker, Cincinnati; Dr. James C. Wilson, Philadelphia. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: Dr. Hobart Amory Hare, 222 S. 15th St., Philadelphia. Pa. SECRETARIES: Dr. Edward Randall (English-Speaking), Dr. David Cerna (Spanish-Speaking), Galveston, Texas. Philadelphia, Pa Dr. Del Arca [Paraguay 840] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Manuel B. Mariaca La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Alvaro Alberto da Silva Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. J. L. Davidson Toronto Canada. Dr. Manuel Plata Azuero Guaduas Republic of Colombia. Dr. Domingo L. Madan [Contreras 13] Matanzas Cuba. Dr. J. Luis Estrada Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. F. L. Miner Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Ramon Midence Tegucigalpa Honduras. Dr. Fernando Altamirano [lnstituto Medico] . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Alvarez Granada Nicaragua. Dr. Amerigo Ricaldoni Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Vicente G. Guanchez Caracas , Venezuela. SECTION ON ANATOMY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr. Harrison Allen, Philadelphia; Dr. Frank Baker, Washington; Dr. Jos. D. Bryant, New York; Dr. Celso Bamberen, Lima, Peru; Dr. P. S. Conner, Cincinnati; Dr. Miguel Cordero y Gomez, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Corydon L. Ford, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dr. Enrique Horstman, Puerto Principe, Cuba; Dr. Hunter McGuire, Richmond; Dr. L. Augusto Orrego, Santiago, Chile; Dr. John E. Owens, Chicago; Dr. L. S. Pilcher, Brooklyn; Dr. F. D. Weisse, New York; Dr. Bert. G. Wilder, Ithaca, N.-Y, EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Dr. John B. Roberts, 1627 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. SECRETARIES; Dr. D. S. Lamb (English-Speaking), Dr. A. M. Fernandez (Spanish-Speaking), 800 10th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 209 W. 10th St., New York, N. Y Dr. Justo [Victoria 1778] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Manuel B. Mariaca La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Ernesto Crissiuma Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil, Dr. F. J. Shepherd Montreal Canada. Dr. Federico Elortsman [Prado 109] Havana Cuba. Dr. Juan D. Herrera [Carrena 11, Nu. 272] .... Bogota Rep. of Colombia. Dr. Juan J. Ortega Guatemala City Guatemala, Dr. F. L. Miner Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Valquez Tegucigalpa Plonduras. Dr, Miguel ZuSJlga [Eotica de Santa Catarina] . . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. E. Solorzano Masaya Nicaragua. Dr. Jose M. Carafi [Facultad de Medicina] .... Montevideo ....... Uruguay. Dr. Domingo Hernandez Bello . Merida Venezuela. SECTION ON PHYSIOLOGY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr. Jose M, Bandera, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. James Blake, San Francisco; Dr. R. H. Chit- tenden, New Haven; Dr. Austin Flint, New York; Dr. C. Heinemann, Vera Cruz, Mexico; Dr. Joseph Jones, New Orleans; Dr. J. B. De Lacerda, Rio de Janeiro; Dr. H. N. Martin, Baltimore; Dr. Wesley Mills, Montreal, Canada; Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Philadelphia; Dr. E. T. Reichert, Philadelphia; Dr. Antonio Perez Roca, Lima, Peru; Dr. Magln Sagarka, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba; Dr, Carlos Schonlein, Santiago, Chile. Dr. Isaac Ott, Easton, Pennsylvania. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT SECRETARIES; Dr. A. P. BRUBAKER (English-Speaking), Dr. Wm. A. Thom (Spanish-Speaking), Jefferson Med. College, Philadelphia, Pa. 128 Main St., Norfolk, Va. Dr. SeSorans [Defensa 293] Buenos Aires .Argentine Republic. Dr. Enrique Hertzog La Paz Bolivia. Dr. J. Paulo de Carvalho Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. A. B. MacAllum Toronto Canada. Dr. Julio San Martin [Dragones 94] Havana Cuba. Dr. Antonio Vargas Vega [Calle 10, Num. 305] . . Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr, Carlos Duran' . San Jose Costa Rica. Dr. Carlos Padilla Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. F. L. Miner Honolulu . Hawaii. Dr. Esteban Ferran Tegucigalpa Honduras. Dr, Manuel Toussaint [San Jose de Gracia 12] . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Guerra Rivas Nicaragua. Dr. Juan Morelli (hijo) [Arapey 192] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Ramqn Porra Picon Merida Venezuela, SECTION ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN. HONORARY PRESIDENTS Dr. S. S. Adams, Washington; Dr. A. D. Blackader, Montreal, Canada; Dr. Sam’l C. Busey, Washington; Dr. Charles Warrington Earle, Chicago; Dr. F. Forchheimer, Cincinnati; Dr. L. Emmet Holt, New York; Dr. A. V. Meigs, Philadelphia; Dr. W. P. Northrup, New York; Dr. J. O’Dwyer, New York; Dr. C. I. Putnam, Boston; T. M. Rotch, Boston; Dr. Lewis Smith, Mew York, Dr. Louis Starr, Philadelphia; Dr. J. E. Winters, New York; Dr. Jes6s Valenzuela, City of Mexico; Mexico; Dr. I. N. Love, St. Louis, Missouri. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: Dr. John M. Keating, Colorado Springs, Colorado. SECRETARIES: Dr. W. P. Northrup (English-Speaking), Dr. Damaso Lain 6 (Spanish-Speaking), No. 57 E. 79th St., New York, N. Y. Media, Pa. Dr. Larguia [Viamont 332] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Enrique Hertzog La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Carlos A. Moncorvo deFigueredo Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Antonino Gomez Calvo [Carrera 5 Num. 92] . . Bogota Republic of Colombia, Dr. Joaquin L. DueSas [San Miguel 75] Havana Cuba. Dr. Domingo Alvarez Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. Saint Leger-Perrier Port au Prince Haiti. Dr. F. L. Miner Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Andres Lopez Martinez Tegucigalpa Honduras. Dr. Ramon Icaza [Ratas 9] City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Carmen Bengochea . . . . ( Managua Nicaragua. Dr. Pedro Castro [lB de Julio 422] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Luis A. Ibarra . Caracas Venezuela. SECTION ON PATHOLOGY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr, Antonio J. Amadeo, Maunabo, Puerto Rico; Dr. Francis Delafield, New York; Dr. George Duffield, Detroit; Dr. John Guit£ras, Philadelphia; Dr. F. S. Johnson, Chicago; Dr. Morris Long- streth, Philadelphia; Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, New York; Dr. L. D. Mignault, Montreal; Dr. T. Francisco Puelma, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Jose M. Quiroga, Lima, Peru; Dr. Geo. M. Sternberg, U. S. Army; Dr. J. Clark Stewart, St. Paul, Minn.; Dr. Joshua M. Van Cott, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dr. Joaquin Vertiz, City of Mexico; Dr. William H. Welch, Baltimore. Dr. John Guitf.ras, 39i4Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT; SECRETARIES: Dr. David Inglis (English*Spcaking), Dr. E. J. Gardiner (Spanish-Speaking), 21 State St., Detroit, Mich. 126 State St., Chicago, 111. Dr. Wernicke [Victoria 1194] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Enrique Hertzog . . . • La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Leopoldo Mendes Costa Riode Janerio U. S. of Brazil. Dr. JohnCaren Toronto . .Canada. Dr. Raimundo de Castro [Salud esq. d Gervasio] , . Havana Cuba. Dr. Nicolas Osorio [Calle 13 num. 181] Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Samuel Gonzalez Guatemala City ..... Guatemala. Dr. F. L, Miner Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Rafael Fiallos Tegucigalpa Honduras. Dr. Francisco Hurtado [Leon 9] ........ City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. J. MARTINEZ Granada Nicaragua. Dr. David Matto [Facultad de Medicina] Lima Peru. Dr. Alfredo Vidal y Fuentes [SierraS] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr.. M. M. Ponte . ~,,,,,,, .Caracas, ~,,,,, .Venezuela. SECTION ON OPHTHALMOLOGY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; Dr. Aurelio Alarco, Lima, Peru; Dr. Stephen C. Ayres, Cincinnati; Dr. Abner W. Calhoun, Atlanta, Ga.; Dr. Maximo Cienfuegos, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Carlos Finlay, Havana, Cuba; Dr. Herbert Harlan, Baltimore; Dr. Ferdinand C. Hotz, Chicago; Dr. Herman Knapp, New York; Dr. Charles W. Kollock, Charleston, S. C.; Dr. Chas. E. Michel, St. Louis; Dr. Dudley S. Reynolds, Louisville; Dr. Stephen C. Richey, Washington; Dr. Sam’l D. Risley, Philadelphia; Dr. Eugene Smith, Detroit; Dr. Jose Ramos, City of Mexico, Mexico, EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Dr. Julian J. Chisolm, 114 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. SECRETARIES: Dr. Geo. M. Gould (English-Speaking), Dr. J. Harris Pierpont (Spanish-Speaking), 119 S. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pensacola, Fla. Dr. Barraza [Cordoba 1471] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Cathbert Brown Bridgetown Barbados, W. I. Dr. Ernesto Mazzei La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Hilario DE Gouvea Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. G. H. Burnham Toronto Canada. Dr. Proto Gomez [Carrera 8, num. 370] Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Juan J. Ortega Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. H. G. McGrew Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Augustin Chacon [Escuela de Medicina] . . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Rodlfo F. Herdocia Leon Nicaragua. Dr. Joaquin de Salterain [Canelones 8] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr, Miguel Castilla ~,,,, ........ Merida ......... Venezuela. SECTION ON LARYNGOLOGY AND RHINOLOQY. Dr. Harrison Allen, Philadelphia; Dr. Francke H. Bosworth, New York; Dr. J. Solis Cohen, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. ID. Bryson Delavan, New York; Dr. J. F. Dixon, Portland, Oregon; Dr. Stephen Dodge, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Dr. W. C. Glasgow, St. Louis,; Dr. Frederick I. Knight, Boston; Dr. Geo. M. Lefeerts, New York; Dr. Alvaro Ledan, Villa Clara, Cuba; Dr. John N. Mackenzie, Baltimore; Dr, David Matto, Lima, Peru; Dr. P. Emelio Petit, Santiago, Chile; Dr. John O. Roe, Rochester, N. Y.; Dr. Federico Semeleder, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Chas. J. Sajous, Paris, France. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals, 70 State St., Chicago, 111. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT SECRETARIES; Dr. T. Morris Murray (English-Speaking), Dr. J..Maron y Alonso (Spanish-Speaking), Washington, D. C. Las Vegas, N. M, Dr. Ovejero [Piedad 22] Beunos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr, H. Guedes DE Mello Rio de Janeiro . . . . . , U. S. of Brazil. Dr. G. W. Major Montreal Canada. Dr. Felix Campuzano [Virtudes 33]’ Havana Cuba. Dr. Luis Fonnegra [Calle xo, numero 263] Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Fabricio Uribe Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. Henri Goulden McGrew Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Angel GaviSo [Cocheros 15] City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. J. Midence Leon Nicaragua. Dr. Eugenio S. Cassanello [San Jose 119] . . . .Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Napoleon F. Cordero Merida Venezuela. SECTION ON OTOLOGY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Adolph Alt, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. Albert H. Buck, New York; Dr. Gorham Bacon, New York; Dr. Wm. Cheatham, Louisville, Ky.; Dr. Francisco de P. Chacon, City of Mexico; Dr. Sebastian Cuervo y Serrano, Sancti Spiritu, Cuba; Dr. Wm. T. Carmalt, New Haven, Conn.; Dr. J. C. Connel, Toronto, Canada; Dr. Stephen Dodge, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Dr. J. B. Eaton, Portland, Oregon; Dr. A. A. Foucher, Montreal; Dr. John F. Fulton, St. Paul; Dr. J. Wilford Good, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Dr. Francis B. Loring, Washington, D. C.; Dr. Henry D. Noyes, New York; Dr. Arturo Costa Pruneda, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Charles Inslee Pardee, New York; Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson, Toronto, Canada; Dr. D. B. St. John Roosa, New York; Dr. W. H. Sanders, Mobile, Ala.; Dr. Belisario Sosa, Lima, Peru; Dr. G, C. Savage, Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. J. B. B. Vermyne, New Bedford, Mass. Dr. C. M. Hobby, lowa City, lowa. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: SECRETARIES: Dr. S. O. Richie (English-Speaking), Dr. H. McHatton (Spanish-Speaking), Washington, D. C, Macon, Ga. Dr. Fernando Perez [Juncal 809] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Ernesto Mazize La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Theodoro Peckolt, (Jor) Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. J. H. WISHART Toronto Canada. Dr. Carlos Desvernine [Cuba 52] Havana Cuba. Dr. Carlos Esguerra Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Demetrio Orantes Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. H. G. McGrew Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Antonio PeSAFIEL [Escuela de Medicina] . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Montenegro Leon Nicaragua. Dr. N. Surh [lturaingo 265] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Focion F. Cordero F Merida , Venezuela. SECTION ON DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILOQRAPHY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr. Silva Aranjo, Rio de Janeiro, U. S. of Brazil; Dr. L. Duncan Bulkley, New York; Dr. Juan C. Castillo, Lima, Peru; Dr. Louis A. Duhring, Philadelphia; Dr. Le Grand N. Denslow, St. Paul; Dr. Maximiliano Golan, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Jas. Nevins Hyde, Chicago; Dr. Prince A. Morrow, New York; Dr. R. B. Morison, Baltimore; Dr. D. W. Montgomery, San Francisco; Dr. A. Ravogli, Cincinnati; Dr. A. R. Robinson, New York; Dr. Antonio Rubio, Pinar del Rio, Cuba; Dr. M. Lucas Sierra, Santiago, Chile; Dr. R. W. Taylor, New York; Dr. A. Van Harbinger, Philadel- phia; Dr. J. C. White, Boston, Mass.; Dr. Edw, Wigglesworth, Boston, Mass. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT; Dr. A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil, No. 5 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. SECRETARIES: Dr. Wm, S. Gottheil (English-Speaking), Dr. John Forrest (Spanish-Speaking), 78 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y. Charleston, S. C, Dr. Carlos Lloveras [Piedad 944] . Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Viscarra Heredia . LaPaz Bolivia. Dr. W. S. Barnes [Leper Hospital] Mahaica British Guiana. Dr. Joan P. Gabiza Rio de Janeiro ..... .U.S. of Brazil. Dr. J. E. Graham Toronto Canada. Dr. Enrique Robelin, [Jesus Maria 91] Havana Cuba. Dr. Daniel E. Coronado [Calle 13, num. 120] . . Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Daniel NuSez San Jose Costa Rica. Dr. Angel Rivera Paz Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. H. G. McGrew Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Strachan Kingston Jamaica, W. I. Dr. P. Numa Rat Antigua . Leeward Islands, W.I Dr. Francisco Bernaldez [Escuela de Medicina] . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Bevan N. Rake Port of Spain Trinidad, W. I. Dr. Manuel Bonasso [Arapey Esquina Colonia] . . Montevideo Uruguay. Dr, Adolfo BriceSo Pic6n . Merida Venezuela. SECTION ON HYGIENE, CLIMATOLOGY AND DEMOGRAPHY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dr. Federico Puga Borne, Santiago, Chili; Dr. Emelio R. Coni, Buenos Aires, Argentine Repub- lic; Dr. Martin Dulanto, Lima, Peru; Dr. CArlos Finlay, Havana, Cuba; Dr. Felix Fermento, New Orleans; Dr. Aranjo Goes, Rio de Janeiro, U. S. of Brazil; Dr. Henry R. Hopkins, Buffalo; Dr. E. P. Lachapelle, Montreal, Canada; Dr. Eduardo Liceaga, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Frederick Montizambert, Quebec, Canada; Dr. J. T. McGrew, Honolulu, H. I.; Dr. John H. Rauch, Chicago; Dr. Rudolph Matas, New Orleans ; Dr. Stephen Smith, New York, Dr. Henry P. Wal- cott; Boston; Dr. Irving A. Watson, Concord, N. H. Dr. Albert L. Gihon, Medical Director U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: SECRETARIES: Dr. Peter H. Bryce (English-Speaking), Dr. John Sundkerg (Spanish-Speaking), Toronto, Canada, San Francisco, Cal. Dr. Pedro N. Arata [25 de Mayo 273] Buenos Aires ...... Argentine Republic. Dr. Luis Pierola La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Pacifico Pereira Bahia U. S. of Brazil. Dr. E. J. Rowland New Amsterdam .... British Guiana. Dr. Gabriel Durango Borda Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Juan J. Flores Heredia Costa Rica. Dr. Manuel Delfln Plavana Cuba. Dr. J. B. DePloux Port au Prince Haiti. Dr. Clarke Santa Cruz Jamaica, W. I. Dr. Kalmer St. Croix Leeward Islands, W. I. Dr. Encon Mora Quezaltenango Guatemala. Dr. Domingo Overnaßos, [Chavarria 25] City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Montenegro Leon Nicaragua. Dr. Josh Arechavaleta Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Cauxto Gonzales Caracas Venezuela. SECTION ON MARINE HYGIENE AND QUARANTINE. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: Dl. Lino Alarco, Lima, Peru ; Dr. Henry B. Baker, Lansing, Mich,; Dr. Cardenas, Managua, Nicaragua; Dr. M. Astray de Caneda, Spanish Army, Havana, Cuba; Dr. Felix Formento, New Orleans; Dr. H. B. Horlbeek, Charleston, S. C.; Dr. F. Montizambert, Quebec, Canada; Dr. Fran- cisco NuSSEZ, St. Tecla, Salvador; Dr. Juan Ortego, Guatemala City, Guatemala; Dr. Joseph Y. Porter, Jacksonville Fla.; Dr. John Pringle, Kingston, Jamaica; Dr. Juan J. Unoa, San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. Walter Wyman, Surgeon General U. S. Marine Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT; SECRETARIES: Dr. S. T. Armstrong (English-Speaking), Dr. D. M. GuiteßAS (Spanish-Speaking), 166 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. U. S. M. H. S., Washington D. C. Dr. Emelio R. Coni [Tacuari 252] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Luis Pierola La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Jose L. de Rio de Janeiro, U. S. of Brazil. Dr, J. J. Cassidy Toronto Canada. Dr. Manuel Delfln [Malcja 4] Havana Cuba. Dr. Gabriel I. Castenado [Calle 13, num. 181] . . Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Jose M. Castro Limon Costa Rica. Dr. Carlos Padilla Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. George Herbert Wailuku Maui Hawaii. Dr. E. Flint Rivas Nicaragua. Dr. A. E. Edwards Antigua Leeward Islands, W. I. Dr. Elias Regules Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Gerqnimo A- Blanco Caracas Venezuela, SECTION ON ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; Dr. E. H. Bradford, Boston; Dr. E. Ventura Carvallo, Santiago, Chile; Dr. A. B. Judson, New York; Benj. Lee, Philadelphia; Dr. Julio Leon, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Dr. James E. Moore, Minneapolis, Minn ; Dr. Ernesto Odriozola, Lima, Peru; Dr. Roswell Park, Buffalo; Dr. A. M. Phelps, New York; Dr. John Ridlon, Chicago; Dr. Geo. W. Ryan, Cincinnati; Dr. Reginald H. Sayre, New York; Dr. A. J. Steele, St. Louis ; Dr. Newton M. Shaffer, New York; Dr. Harry M. Sherman, San Francisco; Dr. Plenry Ling Taylor, New York; Dr. W. R. Townsend, New York; Dr. DeForrest Willard, Philadelphia. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Dr. Ap. Morgan Vance, 218 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. SECRETARIES; Dr. Robert W. Lovett (English-Speaking), Dr. Jose R. de Armona (Spanish-Speaking), Boston, Mass. Key West, Fla, Dr. Alejandro Castro [Reconquista 342] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Viscarra Heredia La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Pinto Portella Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. B. E. McKenie Toronto Canada. Dr. Ignacio Remlrez [San Nicolas 60] Havana Cuba. Dr. Juan E. Manrique [Calle 16, num. 57] .... Bogota Republic of Colombia Dr. Carlos Duran San Jose Costa Rica. Dr. Mariano Fernandez Padilla Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. Henry Goulden McGrew Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. J. Midence Leon Nicaragua. Dr. Diego Perez [Jefatura Politica] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Pedro V. Vivas Merida Venezuela. SECTION ON DISEASES OF THE MIND AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Dr. Jorge Diaz Albertina, Havana, Cuba; Dr. Juan C. Castillo, Lima, Peru; Dr. C. G. Comegys, Cincinnati; Dr. F. X. Dercum, Boston; Dr. J. T. Eskbridge, Denver, Col.; Dr. Orpheus Everts, College Hill, Ohio; Dr. Juan N. Govantes, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Allen McLane, Hamilton, New York ; Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, Washington ; Dr. P. O. Hooper, Little Rock, Ark.; Dr. Henry M. Hurd, Baltimore; Dr. J. G. Kiernan, Chicago; Dr. J. A. Mcßride, Wauwatosa, Wis.; Dr. Chas. K, Mills, Philadelphia; Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Philadelphia; Dr. Moncorvo, Rio de Janeiro. U. S. Brazil; Dr. Putnam, Boston; Dr. E. C. Seguin, New York; Dr. E. C. Spitzka, New York; Dr. G. Isaac Ugarte, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Sam’l Webber, Boston; Dr. Joseph Work- man, Toronto, Canada. HONORARY PRESIDENTS: EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Dr. C. H. Hughes, 500 N. Jefferson St., St. Louis, Mo SECRETARIES: A. B. Richardson (English-Speaking), Dr. M. G. Echeverria (Spanish-Speaking), Columbus, Ohio. Key West, Fla. Dr. Melendezy Cabrea [Hospicio San Buenaventura] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Nicolas Hortiz La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Carlos Eires Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Stephen Lett Guelph Canada. Dr. Plaido Kingston . Jamaica, W. I. Dr. Pablo Garcla Medina [carrera 8, num. 277] , . Bogota Republic of Colombia Dr. Emiliano NuSez [Galiano 19] . Havana Cuba. Dr. Jos£ Azurdia , . . Guatemala City ..... Guatemala. Dr. George Herbert . Wailuku Maui Hawaii. Dr. Seconding E. Sosa [Hospital deMujeres Dementes] City of Mexico .... .Mexico. Dr. Pellais Leon Nicaragua. Dr. Francisco Soca [Florida 90] Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Hemiterio FoRMEZ , , , . Merida ......... Venezuela, Columbus, Ohio. Key West, Fla. Dr. Nicolas Hortiz Dr. Carlos Eires . Dr. Stephen Lett . Dr. Plaido .... Dr. Jos6 Azurdia . Dr. George Herbert SECTION ON ORAL AND DENTAL SURGERY. Dr. Jose Joaquin Aguirre, Santiago, Chile; Dr. R. R. Andrews, Boston; Dr. E. A. Baldwin, Chicago; Dr. George Beers, Montreal, Canada; Dr. S. B. Brown, Fort Wayne; Dr. Emegdio Carillo, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Wm. Carr, New York; Dr. H. B. Catching, Atlanta; Dr. Geo. J. Fred- ericks, New Orleans; Dr. Ricardo Gordon, Matanzas, Cuba; Dr. J. H. Hatch, San Francisco; Dr. A. O. Hunt, lowa City; Dr. Louis Jack, Philadelphia; Dr. H. J. McKellops, St. Louis; Dr. Francis Peabody, Louisville; Dr. J. C. Storey, Dallas; Dr. J. Taft, Cincinnati; Dr. J. B. Willmot, Toronto, Canada. HONORARY PRESIDENTS ; EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT : M. H. Fletcher, M. D., D. D. S., 65 W. 7th St., Cincinnati, O. SECRETARIES: Dr. John S. Marshall (English-Speaking), Dr. Ramon Campuzano (Spanish-Speaking), Chicago, Illinois. Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. N. Etchepareborda [Tacuari 355] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Wilson La Paz Bolivia. DR. Benicio de Sa Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. LukeTesicey Toronto Canada. Dr.Guillermo Vargas Paredes [Carrera 7, num.63B] Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. J. Luis Estrada Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. George Herbert Wailuku Maui Hawaii. Dr. Rafael Rico [Escuela de Med.] ....... City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. A. Lacayo Granada Nicaragua. Dr. Andres G. Weber [Corrales 1] Havana Cuba. Dr. Angel Guerra Montevideo Uruguay. SECTION ON MEDICAL PEDAGOGICS. Dr. Wm. C. Dabney, University of Virginia, Va.; Dr. L. B. Durocher, Montreal, Canada; Dr. Fife Fowler, Toronto, Canada; Dr. Walter B. Geike, Toronto, Canada; Dr. J. W. Holland, Phila- delphia; Dr. Felipe Hartman, Santiago, Cuba; Dr. Geo. A. Ketchum, Mobile; Dr. Fernando Lataste, Santiago, Chile; Dr. Jos. M. Mathews, Louisville; Dr. Thos. Menees, Nashville; Dr. Jas. H. Ethridge, Chicago; Dr. James W. McLane, New York; Dr. Thos. Opie, Baltimore; Dr. Charles Inslee Pardee, New York; Dr. John Parmenter, Buffalo; Dr. R. C. Stockton Reed, Cincinnati; Dr. Dudley S. Reynolds, Louisville; Dr. Juan M. Rodriguez, City of Mexico, Mexico ; Dr. Francisco Rosas, Lima, Peru; Dr. Geo. L. Sinclair, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dr. Adam H. Wright, Toronto, Canada. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Dr. J. Collins Warren, 58 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass SECRETARIES: Dr. T. V. Fitzpatrick (English-Speaking), Dr. Wm. F. Hutchinson (Spanish-Speaking), 136 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, O. 159 High St., Providence, R. I Dr. Susini [Piedad 1012] Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Francisco Plurri La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Carlos de Vasconellos Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. T. S. Wallbridge Georgetown British Guiana. Dr. Fernando Gonzalez del Valle Havana Cuba. Dr. Jorge Vargas [Calle 13, num. 109 Bogota Republic of Colombia. Dr. Carlos Duran San Jose Costa Rica. Dr. Samuel Gonzalez Guatemala City Guatemala. Dr. Walters Lehui Kaui Hawaii. Dr. Luis E. Ruiz [San Pedro yS. Pablo 14] ... . City of Mexico ..... Mexico. Dr. Alejandro BolaSos Masaya Nicaragua. Dr. Angel Conaveris [lB de Julio] Montevideo Uruguay Dr. Caracciolo Parra Merida , , , Venezuela. SECTION ON MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. HONORARY PRESIDENTS ; Dr. Juan Jose R. deArrellano, City of Mexico, Mexico; Dr. Manuel C, Barrios, Lima, Peru; Dr. Wilder L. Burnap, Burlington, Vt.; Dr. Chas. F. Chandler, New York; Hon. J. D. B. Deßovv, Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. Wenceslao Diaz, Santiago, Chile; Dr. R. Ogden Doremus, New York; Hon. Lucelius A. Emery, Brunswick, Me.; Hon. M. C. George, Portland, Oregon ; Dr. Alexander E. Mc- Donald, New York; Dr. Perry H. Millard, St. Paul, Minn.; Hon. Calvin E. Pratt, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dr. Joaquin Quiles, Havana, Cuba; Dr. H. J. Launders, Toronto, Canada; Dr. A. N. Bell, New York; Dr. A. Vander Veer, Albany; Hon. Clark Bell, New York, N. Y. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT : Dr. Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston, Maine. SECRETARIES; Dr. Harold N. Moyer (English-Speaking), Dr. Plutarco Ornelas, 834 Chicago Opera House, Chicago, Ills. San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Podesta [Cuyo 424] Beunos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. Francisco Harri La Paz Bolivia. Dr. A. J. de Lonza Lima Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. N. A. Powell Toronto Canada. Dr. Eduardo, Fla [Reina 105] Havana Cuba. Dr. Leoncio Barrets [carrera 7, num. 397] . . . Bogota . . . Republic of Columbia Dr. Alberta Molina Gautemala City Gautemala. Dr. Walters Lehui Kaui Hawaii. Dr. Nicolas R. de Avellan [consejo de salubridad] City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. M. J. Barrios Rivas Nicaragua. Dr. Jose R. Romen [Plaza de Cogancha 38] .... Montevideo Uruguay. Dr. Francisco Choparro Merida Venezuela. SECTION ON RAILWAY SURGERY. Dr. F. K. Ainsworth, Los Angeles Cal.; Dr. DeWitt C. Bryant, Omaha, Neb.; Dr. J. M. Dinnen, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Dr. W. G. Galbraith, Omaha, Neb.; Dr. G. L. Hoege, Fostoria, Ohio ; Dr. Jabez N. Jackson, Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. Willis P. King, Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. J. B. Murdoch, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Dr. J. B. Murphy, Chicago, 111.; Dr. A. J. Mullen, Michigan City, Ind.; Dr. G. J. Northrup, Mar- quette, Mich.; Dr. W. R. Nugent, Oskaloosa, Iowa; Dr. J. W. O’Conner, Denver, Col.; Dr. W. B. Outten, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. R. Harney Reed, Mansfield, O.; Dr. C. B. Stemen, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Dr. A. A. Thompson, Waxahatchie, Texas; Dr. S. S. Thorn, Toledo, O.; Dr. W. S. Wexssinger, Hernando, Miss.; Dr, B. F. Wilson, Slater, Mo. HONORARY PRESIDENTS; EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: Dr. C. W. P. Brock, Richmond, Virginia. SECRETARIES: Dr. E. R. Lewis, (English Speaking), Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. Pirovano Buenos Aires Argentine Republic. Dr. T. G. Roddick Montreal Canada. Dr. Hernandez La Paz Bolivia. Dr. Francisco C. Guzman Santiago Chile. Dr. Regino Gonzalez, [Cordovanes No. 4,] . . City of Mexico Mexico. Dr. Juan J. Ortega Guatemala City ■ . Guatemala. Dr. Aisraham Aparico Bogota Republic of Columbia. Dr. Lucas A. de O. Catta Preta Rio de Janeiro U. S. of Brazil. Dr. Lino Alarco Lima Peru. Dr. Josli Pugnalin Montevideo Uruguay. Dr, Pedro Maria Garcia Caracas Venezuela. AUXILIARY COMMITTEE. ALABAMA. Dr. W. H. Sanders, Mobile, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. S. S. Smith, Autauga Co. Medical Society; Dr. Albert Goodwin, Barbour Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. C. Cross, Bibb Co. Medical Society; Dr.C. H. Franklin, Bullock Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. C, LeGrand, Calhoun Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. F. Rea, Sr., Chambers Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. D. Donald, Butler Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. A. Wall, Colbert Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Purdon, Cullman Co, Medical Society; Dr. Goldsby King, Dallas Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Phillip Fitzpatrick, Elmore Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. Wilkinson, Escambia Co. Medical Society; Dr. M. R. Wright, Etowah Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. T. Byrd, Greene Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. M. Peterson, Hale Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. 11. Sholl, Jefferson Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. M. Price, Lauderdale Co. Medical Society; Dr. Edgar Rand, Lawrence Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. G. Emory, Lee Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. R. Hoffman, Limestone Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. Pritchett, Lowndes Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. J. Gautier, Macon Co. Medical Society; Dr. M. C. Baldridge, Madison Co. Medical Society; Dr. J, H. George, Marengo Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. G. Thomas, Mobile Co. Medical Society; Dr, J. B. Gaston, Montgomery Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. F. Cross, Morgan Co. Medical Society; Dr. j. M. Sadler, Perry Co. Medical Society; Dr. P. H. Brown, Pike Co. Medical Society ; Dr. W. S. Du Bose, Shelby Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. M. McLaughlin, St. Clair Co. Medical Society ; Dr. D. S. Brock- way, Sumter Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. J. Harlan, Tallapoosa Co. Medical Society; Dr. Peter Bryce, Tuscaloosa Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. Me. A. Stovall, Walker Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. P. Jones, Wilcox Co. Medical Society. ALASKA. Dr. Clarence Thwing, Sitka. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Dr. Pedro Lagleyze, Buenos Aires, Member International Executive Committee. Dr. Samuel Gache, Lavalle 725, Buenos Aires, Cfrculo Medico Argentine; Dr. FranciscoLavalle, Victoria 1104, Buenos Aires, Sociedad Nacional de Farmacia; Dr. Emilio R. Coni, Tacuari 252, Buenos Aires, Sociedad Medica Argentina; Dr. Ignacio Bas Ossa, La Plata, Centro Medico de la Plata; Dr. Arturo Ferrand, Cordoba, Centro Medico de Cordoba. For local profession; Dr. J. Martin, Buenos Aires; Dr. Vidal Pena, Cordoba; Dr. Format, Rosario; Dr. Arce Peßalvo, La Plata; Dr. Cossio, Tucuman; Dr. Alverez, Mendoza; Dr. Arias, Salta; Dr. Tezanos PintOj Parana; Dr. Graciano, Corrientes ; Dr. E. Videla, Santa Fe; Dr. Matorras, Guale- guaychu; Dr. R. Sarmiento, San Juan; Dr. Corvalan, Santiago del Estero; Dr. Moras, Chivilcoy; Dr. Delgado, San Luis; Dr. Herrera, Catamarca; Dr. Luna, Rioga; Dr. Carillo, Jujuy; Dr. Amoretti, Territories Nacionales. ARIZONA. Dr. Henry A. Hughes, Phoenix, Member of National Committee on Organization. For local profession: Dr. R. L. Rosson, Dr. Roberts, Dr. T. Adler, Dr. Wm. Hunt, Dr. J. Goodfellow, Dr. J. T. Holcomb, Dr. M. M. Gilbert. Dr. Emilio di Tomassi, La Paz, Member of the International Executive Committee. For the local profession: Dr. Manuel Cuellar (hijo) Sucre; Dr. Ricardo Guzman, La Paz ; Dr. Cleomedeo Blanco, Cochabamba; Dr. Gregorio Cava, Potosi; Dr. Mercado, Santa Cruz ; Dr. Jose Viscarra Calderon, Oruro. BOLIVIA. Dr. James F. W. Ross, Toronto, Member of the International Executive Committee. [ln the Province of Ontario.] Dr. John L. Bray, Chatham, Canadian Medical Association ; Dr. James E. Graham, Toronto, Toronto Medical Association ; Dr. H. P. Wright, Ottawa, Ontario Medical Association ; Dr. Herbert S. Griffin, Hamilton, Hamilton Medical and Surgical Society; Dr. Vincent H. Moore, Brockville, St. Lawrence and Eastern Medical Association; Dr. Charles E. Barnhart, County of Grey Medical Association ; Dr. Walter H. Moorehouse, London, The London Medical Asso- ciation ; Dr. J. L. G. McCarthy, Barrie, Simcoe District Medical Society; Dr. John Bostwick Lundy, Preston, South Waterloo Medical Association. For the local profession: Dr. Howitt, Guelph ; Dr. Henwood, Brantford; Dr. Boucher, Peter- boro; Dr. Wm. H. Henderson, Kingston; Dr. Herberts. Griffin, Hamilton; Dr. Tayler, Goderich; Dr. Eakins, Belleville; Dr. D. S. Bowlby, Berlin; Dr. D. H. Moore, Brockville; Dr. Robt. Astley Corbett, Port Hope ; Dr. J. G. Scott, Seaforth ; Dr. Albert B. Welford, Woodstock. [ln the Province of Quebec.] Dr. Francis E. Shepherd, Montreal, Montreal Medico Chirurgical Society ; Dr. F. J. Austin, Sherbrooke, St. Francis District Medical Association ; Dr. Eusebe Napoleon Chevalier, Iberville, Societe Chirur. Med. For the local profession : Dr. E. P. Lachapelle, Montreal ; Dr. M. J. Ahren, Quebec; Dr. R. A. D. King, Compton; Dr. J. A. Hamel, Riviere ; Dr. E. Gervals, Three Rivers. [ln Nova Scotia.] Dr. W. S. Muir, Truro, Nova Scotia Medical Association; Dr. A. D. MacGill- vary, South Sidney, Cape Breton Medical Society. For the local profession : Dr. John C. McDougall, Amherst; Dr. W. H. McDonald, Antigonish; Dr. John Stewart, Picton; Dr. H. B. McPherson, North Sydney ; Dr. Willis B. Moore, Kentville, Dr. C. J. Gossip, Windsor; Dr. D. A. Campbell, Halifax ; Dr. Augustus Robinson, Annapolis ; Dr. Miller, New Glasgow ; Dr. Farrish, Liverpool. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. [ln Manitoba.] Dr. Chown, Winnipeg; Dr. J. A. Macdonald, Brandon; Dr. Robert Wilson, Morden. [ln New Brunswick.] Dr. J. Z. Currie, Fredericton, New Brunswick Medical Association. For the local profession : Dr. Murray McLaren, St. John ; Dr. John S. Benson, Chatham ; Dir. H. B. Chandler, Moncton ; Dr. Ferdinand L. Pedolin, New Castle. [ln New Foundland.] Dr. Alfred Harvey, St. John, New Foundland Medical Association. [ln the Northwest Territory.] Dr. J. 11. C. Willoughby, Regina. BRITISH WEST INDIES. Dr. James A, DeWolf, Port of Spain, Member International Executive Committee. For the local profession ; Dr. W. J. Branch, St. Kitts ; Dr. A. G. McHattie, Antigua, Leeward Islands; Dr. Arnaud, Martinique ; Dr. I'. G. C. Damian, Port of Spain, Trinidad; Dr. Thomas Law Gaskin, Bridgetown, Barbados ; Dr. Thomas Grieve, Georgetown, British Guiana ; Dr. Da Costa, Kingston, Jamaica; Dr. G. W. Eyles, Belize, British Honduras. CALIFORNIA. Dr. VV. R. Cluness, Sacramento, Member of National Committee on Organization. Dr. Wm. Watt Kerr, San Francisco Co. Medical Society; Dr. Henry Gibbons, Jr., San Francisco Obstetrical Society; Dr. George H. Powers, San Francisco Medical Benevolent Society; Dr. Joseph Bayer, Society of German Physicians of San Francisco; Dr. D. W. Van, Pasadena Medical Asso- ciation ; Dr, J. H. Parkinson, Sacramento Society for Medical Improvement; Dr. M. F. Price, San Bernardino Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. A. Cripin, San Benito Co. Medical Society ; Dr. F. C. Stock- ton, San Diego Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Robert Caldwell, Santa Clara Co. Medical Society ; Dr. A. W. Hoisholt, San Joaquin Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. F. Boyce, Sonoma Co. Medical Society ; Dr. L. S. Burchard, Alemeda Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. S. George, Contra Costa Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. J. Pedlar, Fresno Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Reuben Gross, Humboldt Co. Medical Society ; Dr. S. Bert Ellis, Los Angeles Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. J. C. Daw'son, Napa Co, Medical Society; Dr. J. M. West, Northern District Medical Society of Shasta and Tehama Cos.; Dr. W. LeMovn-e Wills, Southern California Medical Society ; Dr. C. L. Bard, Ventura Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Thomas Ross, Yolo Co. Medical Society; Dr. David Powell, Medical Society of Yuba and Sutter Cos.; Dr. James Stimson, Santa Cruz Co. Medical Society ; Dr. S. A. Deuel, Placer Co. Medical Society ; Dr. George F. Shiels, San Francisco Co. Medical Society. COLORADO. Dr. W. A. Campbell, Colorado Springs, Member National Com. on Organization. Dr. Jesse Hawes, Weld Co.; Dr. John Chase, Arapahoe Co.; Dr. Frank Finney, Bent Co.; Dr. Wm. A. Olmsted, Las Animas Co.; Dr. F. B. Crocker, Huerfano Co.; Dr. P. R. Thombs, Pueblo Co.; Dr. J. R. Robinson, El Paso Co.; Dr. J. W. Dawson, Fremont Co.; Dr. E. 11. Keables, Park Co.; Dr. T. B. Moore, Douglass Co.; Dr. J. P. Kelly, Jefferson Co.; Dr. W. A. Jayne, Clear Creek Co.; Dr. H. H. Stebbins, Gilpin Co.; Dr. W. R. Earheart, Boulder Co.; Dr. E. A. Lee, Larimer Co.; Dr. J. L. Green, Eagle Co.; Dr. A. B. Arbogast, Summit Co.; Dr. F. T. D’Avignon, Lake Co.; Dr. J. A. Robinson, Pilkin Co.; Dr. A. J. Lanterman, Chaffee Co.; Dr. N. Mackintosh, Gunnison Co.; Dr. L. F. Ingersoll, Mesa Co.; Dr. George M. Dorsey, Delta Co.; Dr. J. H. Miller, Montrose Co.; Dr. W. W. Rowan, Curay Co.; Dr. D. S. Hoffman, Hinsdale Co.; Dr. J. W. Rambo, Laguache Co.; Dr. Jno. A. Gale, Conejos Co.; Dr. Louie Weiss, Rio Grande Co.; Dr. W. H. Rader, La Plata Co.; Dr. Milton McNeilan, Elbert Co.; Dr. David Back, Grand Co.; Dr. Wm. Kernegham, Routt Co.; Dr. L. G. Clark, Garfield Co.; Dr. H. E. Pratt, Costilla Co.; Dr. J. P. Landon, Dolores Co.; Dr. J. N. Pascoe, San Juan Co. Dr. C. A. Lindsley, New Haven, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. George R. Shepherd, Hartford Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Wm. H. Carmalt, New Haven Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. D. Stanton, New London Co. Medical Society ; Dr. N. E. Wordin, Fairfield Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. J. Fox, Windham Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. H. Wiggin, Litchfield Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. B. Look, Middlesex Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. R. Goodrich, Tolland Co. Medical Society. CONNECTICUT. Dr. Juan J. Ulloa, San Jose de Costa Rica; Dr. TomAs M. Calneck Cartago; Dr. Juan J. Flores, Heredia; Dr. Mariano Padilla, Alaguela; Dr. Jose M. Castro, Limon; COSTA RICA. DELAWARE. Dr. C. H. Richards, Georgetown, Member National Committee on Organization. For local profession : Dr. W. C. Pierce, Wilmington ; Dr. W. IT. Burr, Wilmington ; Dr. E. C. Baird, Wilmington; Dr. Jos. IT. Chandler, Centreville ; Dr. Geo. W. Marshall, Millford; Dr. E. W. Cooper, Camden ; Dr. Jas. A. Wilson, Dover; Dr. F. E. Stewart, Wilmington; Dr. J. J. Black, New Castle ; Dr, J. A. Ellegood, Laurel; Dr. R. B. Hopkins, Milton; Dr. H. R. Burton, Lewes. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Dr. D. W. Prentiss, Washington, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. S. S. Adams, Medical Society, D. C.; W. W. Johnston, Medical Association, D. C.; Dr. H. L. E. Johnson, Gynaeological Society, D. C. Dr. C. R. Oglesby, Pensacola, Member of National Committee on Organization. Dr. Jos. Y. Porter, Monroe Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. D. Fernandez, Duval Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. F. M. Kinstry, Alachua Co. Medical Society, Dr. M. Kennedy, Polk Co. Medical Society ■ Dr. James S. Herron, Pensacola Medical Society; Dr. G. A. Dweixy, Marion Co. Medical Society. FLORIDA. GEORGIA. Dr. J. McFadden Gaston, Atlanta, Member of National Committee on Organization. Dr. Eugene Foster, Augusta Acadamy of Medicine, Augusta; Dr. Floyd W. McKrae, Atlanta Society of Medicine, Atlanta; Dr. Julius C. Le Hardy, Georgia Medical Society, Savannah; Dr. K. P. Moore, Medical Society of Macon, Macon. For the local profession: Dr. W. C. Humphries, Acworth; Dk. P. L. Hilsman, Albany; Dr. Jas. B. Hinkle, Americus; Dr. Jno. Gerdine, Athens; Dr. Hiram Perdue, Barnesville; Dr. Judson A. Butt, Brunswick; Dr. W. V/. Fitt, Carrollton; Dr. Lindsay Johnson, Cartersville; Dr. W. L. Bullard, Columbus; Dr. Chas. P. Gordon, Dalton; Dr. W. B. Cheatham, Dawson; Dr. J. W. Bailey, Gainesville; Dr. J. Milton Daniel, Griffin; Dr. F. M. Ridley, La Grange; Dr. C. B. Knight, Madison; Dr. P. R. Cortelyon, Marietta; Dr. W. FI. Hall, Milledge- ville; Dr. Jno. T. Reese, Newman; Dr. Robert Battey, Rome; Dr. T. M. Mclntosh, Thomasville; Dr. G. W. Mulligan, Washington; Dr. A. G. Whitehead, Waynesborough. ILLINOIS. Dr. N. S. Davis, Chicago, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. E. B. Montgomery, Adams Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. Freeman, Aurora Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. L. Leeds, Brainard District Medical Society; Dr. Charles \V. Earle, Chicago Medical Society; Dr. I. N. Danfortii, Chicago Pathological Society; Dr. George N, Kreidea, Champaign Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Bumstead, Fox River Valley Medical Society; Dr. S. C. Plummer, lowa and Central Illinois Medical Society; Dr. J. M. G. Carter, Lake Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. J. Pitner, Morgan Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. L. White, McLean Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. 11. Wallace, Military Tract Medical Association, Warren Co.; Dr. J. P. Matthews, Macoupin Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. P. Cook, North Central Medical Association; Dr. Jas. L. Brown, Peoria City Medical Society; Dr. J. L. Hallam, Southern Illinois Medical Association ; Dr. N. J. Benso, Southern Illinois District Medical Society; Dr. Wm. Dougall, Will Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. U. Simmons, Whiteside Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. R. Pitner, Centennial Medical Society; Dr. C. Barlow, Crawford Co. Medical Society; Dr. John Wright, DeWitt Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. 11. Miller, District Medical Society of Central Illinois; Dr. R. L. Cashburn, Carthage, Illinois; Dr. A. K. Van Horne, Jersey Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. E. Palmer, LaSalle Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. M. Powell, Madison Co., Medical Society; Dr. H. W. Chapman, Medical and Surgical Society of Western Illinois; Dr. Louis Stoskoff, Stephenson Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. W. Sibley, Wayne Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. Q. Renisburg, Northeastern District Medical Society; Dr. G. W. Nesbitt, Dekalb Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. F. Bucknam, Jo Daviess Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. A. Ferry, Woodford Co. Medical Society; Dr. Daniel Lichtz, Winnebago Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. J. Eddy, Shelby Co. Medical Society. INDIANA. Dr. A. M. Owen, Evansville, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. Edwin Walker, Vanderburgh Co. Medical Society; Dr. Frank Blair, Gibson Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. P. Buchman, Allen Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. G. Regenas, Bartholomew Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Jonathan Kolb, Benton Co. Medical Society; Dr. N. D. Clouser, Blackford Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. H. Van Nuys, Boone Co. Medical Society; Dr. Chas. Angell, Carroll Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. H. Bell, Cass Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. W. Bogan, Clinton Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. Scudder, Davies Co. Medical Society; Dr. John Plouse, Dearborn Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. H. Alexander, Decatur Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. Broughton, DeKalb Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. E. Driscoll, Delaware Co. Medical Society; Dr. V/. R. McMahon, Dubois Co. Medical Society; Dr. Chas. S. Pixley, Elkhart Co. Medical Society; Dr. Sol. D. Shepherd, Fayette Co. Medical Society; Dr. Chas. P. Cook, Floyd Co. Medical Society; Dr. George Roland, Fountain Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. A. Gifford, Franklin Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. H. Robins, Fulton Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. V. Moore, Grant Co. Medical Society; Dr. P. P. Whitesell, Hamilton Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. W. Hervy, Hancock Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. J. Adams, Hendricks Co. Medical Society; Dr. John Rea, Henry Co. Medical Society; Dr. Wm. Scott, Howard Co. Medical Society; Dr. Chas. W. Fry, Huntington Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. E. Whitehead, Jackson Co. Medical Society; Dr. Phil. Dixes, Jay Co. Medical Society; Dr. Wm. A. McCoy, Jefferson Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. J. Shackelford, Kosciusko Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. PI. Davenport, Knox Co. Medical Society; PJr. T. W. Dryer, La Grange Co. Medical Society; Dr. Geo. W. Burton, Mitchell District Medical Society; Dr. N. L. Wichershaw, Madison Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. N. Wishard, Marion Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. B. VouNGMAN, Marshall Co. Medical Society; Dr. Chas. P. Higgins, Miami Co. Medical Society; Dr. Geo. W. Bryan, Monroe Co. Medical Society; Dr. 0. H. Jones, Montgomery Co. Medical Society ; Dr. H. W. Cure, Morgan Co. Medical Society; Dr. P'. C. Maloney, Noble Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. M. Jones, Owen Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. R. Kime, Pike Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. P. Letherman, Porter Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. Hicks, Posey Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. Hawkins, Putnam Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. M. Kelly, Randolph Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. D. Freeman, Ripley Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. W. Sparks, Rush Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. W. Green, Shelby Co. Medical Society; Dr. M. V. Ransburg, Steuben Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. A. R. Wickham, St. Joseph Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. H. Boyd, Tippecanoe Co. Medical Society; Dr. Sam’l G. Downing, Tipton Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. J. Willien, Vigo Co. Medical Society; Dr. 1.. G. Thompson, Wabash Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. J. Keegan, Warwick Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. W. Garrett, Wells Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. M. Majors, Whitley Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. C. Lexton, Rush Co. Medical Society; Dr. Joth. Chitwood, P'ayette Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Morris, Union Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. H. Ford, Wabash Co. Medical Society. lOWA. Dr. H. B. Criley, Dallas Centre, Member of the National Com. on Organization. Dr. D. W. Crouse, Cedar Valley Medical Association; Dr. A. A. D. Deering, Central District Med- ical Association; Dr. S. A. Spilman, Des Moines Valley Medical Association; Dr. E. F. Clapp, Eastern District Medical Association; Dr. F. M. Ward, lowa Central Medical Association; Dr. W. D. Middle- ton, lowa and Illinois Central District Medical Association ; Dr. J. B. Charlton; Medical Association of Northern Iowa; Dr. S. E. Roeinson, North lowa Medical Association; Dr. G. Baldwin, Medical Asso- ciation of Northwestern Iowa; Dr. D. S. Fairchild, Northwestern District Medical Association; Dr. C. M. Drumeler, Stuart District Medical Association ; Dr. S. B. Chase, Upper Cedar Valley Medical Asso- ciation; Dr. R. Stephenson, Appanoose Co. Medical Society; Dr. Wm. J. Moody, Bremer Co. Medical Society; Dr. G. 11. Hill, Buchanan Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. O. Strout, Butler Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. M. Ristine, Cedar Rapids Co. Medical Society; Dr. Thomas D. Gamble, Clinton Co. Medical Society; Dr. Donald Macrae, Council Bluffs Co. Medical Society; Dr. I. F. Hildreth, Decatur Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. J. Williams, Dallas Co. Medical Society; Dr. G. H. Fuller, Delaware Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. B. Young, Pies Moines Co. Medical Society; Dr. George Minges, Dubuque City Medical and Surgical Society; Dr. G. H. Darnall, Fayette Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. B. Galer, Franklin Co. Medical Society; Dr. I. C. Wood, Harrison Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. C. Shrader, lowa City Medical Society; Dr. A. B. Bowen, Jackson Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. G. Ward, Jefferson Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. S. Parks, Keokuk Medical Society; Dr. W. S. Grimes, Louisa Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. W. Cornell, Marion Co. Medical Society; Dr. I). S. Brainard, Mitchell Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. M. Dean, Muscatine Co. Medical Society; Dr. Woods Hutchinson, Polk Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. Scroggs, Keokuk Medical Society; Dr. J. M. Knott, Sioux City Medical Society; Dr. F. S. Smith, Story Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. Williamson, Wapello Co. Medical Society; Dr. H.C. McCleary, Warren Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. H. Hull, Washington Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. L. Wright, Carroll. KANSAS. Dr. j. E. Minney, Topeka, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. F. F. Dickman, Bourbon Co. Medical Society; Dr. Levi Chase, Central Branch Medical Society; Dr. H. Z. Hissem, Central Kansas Medical Society; Dk. M. B. Ward, Eastern Kansas Medical Society; Dr. Wm. B. Dewees, Golden Belt Medical Society; Dr. C. R. Carpenter, Leavenworth City Medical Society; Dr. Charles Gardner, Lyon Co. Medical Society; Dr. John T. Scott, North Kansas Medical Society; Dr. L. Reynolds, Northeastern Kansas Medical Society; Dr. W. F. Richardson, Pottawatomie Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. F. Sawhill, Republican Valley Medical Society; Dr. L. A. Buck, South Kansas Medical Society; Dr. F. M. Daily, Sixth District Medical Society; Dr. C. A. McGuire, Topeka Academy of Medicine and Surgery; Dr. G. C. Morgridge, Topeka Pathological Society; Dr, F. S. Foote. Wichita Pathological Society; Dr. A. C. Flack, Wilson Co. Medical Society; Dr. George M. Gray, Wyandotte Co. Medical Society. KENTUCKY. Dr. J. N. McCormack, Bowling Green, Member of the National Committee on Organization. For local profession; Dr. T. D. Williams, Bardstown; Dr. Fayette Dunlap, Danville; Dr. B. F. Eager, Hopkinsville; Dr. I. H. McKinley, Winchester; Dr. C. H. Thomas, Covington; Dr. T. B. Greenly, West Point; Dr. J. H. Letcher, Henderson; Dr. Steele Bailey, Stanford; Dr. I. N. Bloom, Louisville; Dr. Ewing Marshall, Louisville; Dr. S. G. Dabney, Louisville; Dr. E. R. Palmer, Louisville; Dr. H. H. Grant, Louisville; Dr. Arch. Dixon, Henderson; Dr. R. C. McChord, Lebanon; Dr. M. P. Creel, Central City; Dr. E. B. Pendleton, Hartford; Dr. John R. Claypool, Bowling Green; Dr. John M. Wilson, Williamstown; Dr. David Barrow, Lexington; Dr. N. V. Williams, Frankfort; Dr. T. J. Shoemaker, Morganfield ; Dr. D. W. Stone, Hopkinsville; Dr. George Beeler, Clinton ; Dr. J. M. Poyntz, Richmond; Dr. W. E. R.odman, Hodgeville; Dr. 11. K. Adamson, Maysville; Dr. Jno. Bowen, Paris; Dr. Harvey McDowell, Cynthiana; Dr. J. D. Kincaid, Catlettsburg; Dr. J. D. Kinnaird, Lancaster; Dr. C. K. Haggard, Middlesborough ; Dr. F. A. Davis, Newport. Dr. J. N. McCormack, Bowling Green, Member of the National Committee on Organization. LOUISIANA. Dr. Stanford E. Chaille, New Orleans, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Prof. Jno. B. Elliott, President Louisana State Medical Society. For local profession: Dk. R. Matas, New Orleans; Dr. C. J. Bickham, New Orleans ; Dr. F. S. Mudd, Lafayette; Dr. A. A. Lyon, Shreveport; Dr. I. J. Newton, Bastrop; Dr. C. D. Owens, Eola; Dr. J. D. Hanson, Donaldsonville; Dr. T. J. Allen, Shreveport; Dr. A. A. Forsythe, Jena; Dr. F, M. Brooks, Baton Rouge; Dr. R. 11. Day, Baton Rouge; Dr. J. B. Shelmire, Port Hudson; Dr. F. R. Bernard, Lake Providence; Dr. S. J. Perkins, Norwood; Dr. L. G. Blanchett, New Iberia; Dr. L. T. Postell, Plaquemine; Dr. F. M. McCormick, Vernon ; Dr. G. C. Mouton, Lafayette; Dr. A. J. Meyer, Thibodeaux; Dr. T. G. Aby, Monroe; Dr. A, A. Batchelor, Red River Landing; Dr. R. L. Luckett, Alexandria; Dr. S. F. Meeker, Lecompty; Dr. B. A. Littell, Opelousas; Dr. L. H. Jastremski, Houma; Dr. W. G. Ribbe, Abbeville; Dr. Jas. Leake, Bayou Sara; Dr. G. C. Chandler, St. Maurice. MAINE. Dr. Hampton E. Hill, Saco, Member of the National Committee on Organization. For the local profession : Dr. S. C. Gordon, Portland; Dr. F. C. Thayer, Waterville; Dr. F. E. Hitchcock, Rockland; Dr. R. D. Biller, Bath; Dr. D. A. Robinson, Bangor; Dr. S. J. Bassford, Biddeford ; Dr. E. H. Hill, Lewiston. MARYLAND. Dr. Geo. H. Roni:, Catonsville, Member of National Committee on Organization. Dr. J. H. Jamar, Cecil Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. W. Virdin, Harford Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. McP. Scott, Washington Co. Medical Society; Dr. Arthur Williams, Medical Association of Howard Co.; Dr. T. A. Ashby, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland; Dr. E. F. Cordell, Clinical Society of Maryland; Dr. J. D. Blake, Baltimore Medical Association; Dr. L. F. Ankrim, Medical and Surgical Society of Baltimore. For the local profession; Dr. M. C. Claude, Annapolis; Dr. C. G. W. McGill, Catonsville; Dr. James Bordley, Centreville; Dr. W. Frank Hines, Chestertown; Dr. J. J. Jones, Frostburg; Dr. Monmonier Rowe, Deal’s Island; Dr. J. M. H. Bateman, Easton; Dr. T. B. Saulsburg, Dr. L. A. Griffith, Upper Marlboro; Dr. D. I. Leatherman, Mechanicstown; Dr. J. Lee McComas, Oakland; Dr. C. Birney, Taneytown; Dr. F. M. Lancaster, Wayside. MASSACHUSETTS. Dr. Augustus P. Clarke, Cambridge, Member National Com. on Organization. For the local profession: Dr. J. F. A. Adams, Pittsfield; Dr. H. O. Marcy, Boston; Dr. G. F. Jelly, Boston; Dr. Asa F. Pattie, Boston; Dr. E. W. Cushing, Boston, Dr. A. IT. Nichols, Boston; Dr. F. L. Burt, Boston, Dr. C. B. Belt, Boston; Dr. J. N. Nelson, Revere; Dr. H. C. White, E. Sum- merville; Dr. S. D. Presbrey, Faunton; Dr. W. H. Taylor, New Bedford; Dr. A. H. Tuttle, Cam- bridge; Dr. H. P. Walcott, Cambridge; Dr. E. P. Hurd, Newburyport; Dr. Albert Wood, Worcester; Dr. Jno. C. Irish, Lowell; Dr. Wm. G. Breck, Springfield. MEXICO. Dr. Tomas Noriega, Hospital dc Jesus, City of Mexico, Member of the International Executive Committee. Dr. Luis E. Ruiz, San Pedro y San Pablo 13, Academia Nacional deMedicina; Dr. Francisco Chacon, 2a del Factor 1, Sociedad de Ginecologia; Juan JosL B. De Avellano, Consejo S. de Salubridad, Sociedad “Pedro Escobedo”; Dr. Roque Macouret, Escuela de Medicina, Sociedad Filoiatrica; Dr. Eduardo Vargas, Escalerillas num. 4, Sociedad . For the local profession : Dr. Francisco de P. Chac6n, Mexico ; Dr. Rosendo Gutierrez, Leon ; Dr. Fausto Uribe, Guadalajara; Dr. Francisco Morln, Puebla; Dr. Jesus Chico, Guanajuato; [To be appointed], Merida; Dr. Ignacio Alvarado, San Luis Potosf; Dr. Juan Bersa, Zacatecas; Dr. Manuel Septien, Queretaro; Dr. Fernando Solozuren, Oaxaca; [To be appointed], Colima; Dr. Ishael Salas, Saltillo; Dr. Daniel Ruiz, VeraCruz; Dr. Francisco Iturbide, Morelia; [To be appointed], Aguasca- lientes; Dr. Trinidad Ortega, Celaya; Dr.Gregorio Mendizabal, Orizaba; [To be appointed], Zapotlan; Dr. Pedro Noriega, Monterey; Dr. Patricio Trueba, Campeche; Dr. Felipe Martinez, Mazatlan ; Dr. Alfonso Ortiz, Hermosillo; Dr. Pascha, Chihuahua; Dr. Mariano Herrera, Durango; Dr. Eduardo Navarro, Toluca; Dr. Miguel Barragan, Matamoras. MICHIGAN. Dr. C. Henri Leonard, Detroit, Member of National Committee on Organization. Dr. Edward W. Jerks, Detroit Gynaecological and Obstetrical Society; Dr. Leartus Connor, Detroit Academy of Medicine; Dr. Albert E. Carrier, Detroit Medical and Library Association ; Dr. Hal. C. Wyman, Wayne Co. Medical Society; Dr. Edwin Eaton, [South Michigan Medical Society; Dr. A. H. Kimball, Calhoun Co. Medical Society; Prof. Heneage Gibbs, Washtenaw Co. Medical Society; Dr. Cilas. P. Donelson, Muskegon Scientific Medical Club ; Dr. L. Le Baron, N. E. Dist. Medical Society; Dr. Eugene Boise, Grand Rapids Academy of Medicine; Dr. D. W. C. Wade, Oakland Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. F. Lyster, Michigan State Board of Health; Dr. J. E. Clark, Michigan State Medical Society. For local profession : Dr. M. E. Whalen, PawPaw; Dr. R. Morris, Vassar; Dr. E. B. Ward, Laingsburgh; Dr. E. W. Davis, Saginaw; Dr. W. M. Ikeler, Three Rivers; Dr. Wm. Eves, Roscommon; Dr. 11. Kremers, Holland; Dr, C. 11. White, Reed City; Dr. 11. J. Chadwick, Hart; Dr. 11. R. Mills, Port Huron; Dr. E. J. Pendell, Newaygo; Dr. C. T. Southworth, Monroe; Dr. C. P. Bigelow Big Rapids; Dr. G. W. Crosby, Ludington; Dr. J. A. King, Manistee; Dr. A. N. Shotwell, Mt. Clemens; Dr. J. A. Wessinger, Howell; Dr. L. G. North, Tecumseh; Dr. Hugh McColl, Lapeer; Dr. Foster Pratt, Kalamazoo; Dr. John D. North, Jackson; Dr. P. E. Richmond, Mt. Pleasant; Dr. C. S. Cope, lonia; Dr. Geo. E. Ranney, Lansing; Dr. A. B. Simonson, Calumet; Dr. B. Whelan, Hillsdale; Dr. J. D. Munson, Traverse City; Dr. G. W. Howland, Flint; Dr. A. G. Oven, Petoskey; Dr. Amos Knight, Eaton Rapids; Dr. S. E. Gillam, St. Johns; Dr. IT. P. Smith, Mackinaw; Dr. W. J. Ketcham, Dowagiac; Dr. G. V. Yorhees, Coldwater; Dr. S. Belknap, Niles; Dr. E. G. Minar, Bay City; Dr. A. P. Drake, Hastings; Dr. H. F. Thomas, Alligan; Dr. S. E. Campbell, Harrisville; Dr. C. A. Johnson, Mancelona; Dr. F. E. Abott, Sterling; Dr. W. M. Wemp, Edmore; Dr. Samuel Bell, State Board of Charities and the Insane; Dr. C. G. Darling, Washtenaw Co. Medical Society. MINNESOTA. Dr. P. H. Millard, St. Paul, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. B. J. Merrill, Minnesota Academy of Medicine; Dr. E. D. Keyes, Winona Co. Medical Society. For local profession: Dr. Arthur Sweeney, St. Paul; Dr. R. O. Beard, Minneapolis; Dr. C. F. McComb, Duluth; Dr. E. D. Steele, Mankato; Dr. W. J. Mayo, Rochester; Dr. W. L. Beebe, St. Cloud. MISSISSIPPI. Dr. W. T. Kendall, Meridian, Member of the National Committee on Organization, Dr. H. L. Sutherland, Bolivar Co. Medical Association; Dr. F. L. Walton, Clarke Co. Medical Association; Dr. M. J, Lowry, Lauderdale Co. Medical Society. MISSOURI. Dr. I. N. Love, St. Louis, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. G. A. Goben, Adair Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. V. L. Brokaw, Anatomical Distributing Board State of Missouri; Dr. E. S. Cave, Audrian Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. S. Hawkins, Barry Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. W. Speece, Barton Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. T. Lindley, Caldwell Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. H. Britts, Henry Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Edelen, McDonald Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. H. Mudd, Medico Chirurgical Society of St. Louis; Dr. D. V. Dean, Microscopical Society of St. Louis; Dr. N. M. Baskett, Moberly District Medical Association; Dr. R. L. Johnson, Rolla District Medical Association; Dr. A. C. Bernayo, St. Louis Academy of Medicine; Dr. G. F. Herbert, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society; Dr. E. H. Gregory, St. Louis Surgical Society; Dr. C. F. Wainwright, Shelby Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. C. Bulwark, Bates Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. A. Camp, Springfield Medical Society; Dr. J. Gordon, J. T. Hodgen Medical Society; Dr. C. H. Yancy, Marion Co. Medical Society ; Dr. W. R. Simpson, Livingston Co. Medical Society ; Dr. A. H. Miller, Cape Girardeau Medical Society; Dr. C. R. Highsmith, Carroll Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. Lester Hall, Saline Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. A. Thompson, Central Missouri Medical Society; Dr. J. B. Wann, Polk Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Parrish, Scotland Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. Bryant, Jr., Independence Medical Society; Dr. Wm. Nifong, Madison Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. S. Holman, Cooper Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. T. Simpson, Johnson Co. Medical Society; Dr. M. P. Sexton, Callo- way Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. M. Allen, Clay Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. S. Fulkerson, LaFayette Co. Medical Society; Dr. Young H. Bond, St. Louis Medical Society; Dr, Samuel T. Bassett, Ray Co. Medical Society; Dr. P. C. Yates, Newton Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. I. Mathews, Jasper Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. P. Burke, John McDowell Medical Society; Dr. A. B. Miller, Macon Co. Medical Society; Dr. PI. W. Loeb, Missouri Valley Medical Society; Dr. W. P. Camp, S. W. Missouri Medical Society; Dr. W. H. Evans, Pettis Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. F. Prewitt, Missouri State Medical Asso- ciation; Dr. A. W. McAlester, Linton District Medical Society; Dr, E. Van Note, Grand River District Medical Society; Dr. J. R. Mudd, St. Charles District Medical Society; Dr. Joseph Sharp, Jackson Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Willis P. King, Kansas City Medical Society; Dr. J. M. Richmond, St. Joseph Medical Society; Dr. Jacob Geiger, District Medical Society of Northwestern Missouri. NEBRASKA. Dr. R. C. Moore, Omaha, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. Harold Gifford, Omaha Medical Society; Dr. A. F. Jonas, Omaha Medical Club; Dr. I. O. Carter, Lincoln Medical Society; Dr. M. L. Hildreth, Nebraska State Medical Society. For local profession; Dr. A. S. Mansfelde, Ashland; Dr. T. P. Livingston, Plattsmouth; Dr. N. F. Donaldson, North Platte; Dr. D. A. Walden, Beatrice; Dr. E. M. Whitten, Nebraska City; Dr. A. Bear, Nor- folk ; Dr. H. G. Leisenring, Wayne. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Dk. Irving A. Watson, Concord, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. Ezra Mitchell, White Mountain Medical Society; Dr. George Cook, Centre District Medical Society; Dr. C. A. Fairbanks, Rockingham Co. Medical Society; Dr. M. A. Harmon, Carroll Co. Medical Society. NEW MEXICO. Dr. C. E. Winslow, Albuquerque, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. Geo. W. Harrison, New Mexico Medical Society. NEW JERSEY. Dr. E. J. Marsh, Paterson, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. Boardman Reed, Atlantic Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Daniel A. Currie, Bergen Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. Gaunt, Burlington Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. L. B. Godfrey, Camden Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. C. Marshall, Cape May Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. W. Elmer, Cumberland Co. Medical Society; Dr. Edward J. 111, Essex Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Howard Wilson, Gloucester Co. Medical Society; Dr. 0. FI. Sproul, Hunterdon; Dr. B. W. McGallard, Mercer Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. C. English, Middlesex Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. Pierson, Morris Co. Medical Society; Dr. P. A. Flarris, Passaic Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. A. Waddington, Salem Co. Medical Society; Dr. FI. G. Wagoner, Somerset Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. W. Miller, Sussex Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. Pettit, Union Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. C. Johnson, Warren Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. P. Houghton, Monmouth Co. Medical Society, NEW YORK. Dr. John Cronyn, Buffalo, Member of the National Committee on Organization, Dr. Douglas Ayres, First District Branch of the New York State Medical Association; Dr. E. D. Ferguson, Second District Branch of the New York State Medical Association ; Dr. J. D. Tripp, Third District Branch of the New York State Medical Association; Dr. S. T. Clark, Fourth District Branch of the New York State Medical Association ; Dr. E. H. Squibb, P'ifth District Branch of the New York State Medical Association; Dr. A. Walter Suiter, Medical Society of the State of New York; Dr. Albert Vander Veer, Albany Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. W. Crandall, Allegany Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. C. Comstock, Broome Co. Medical Society; Dr. I. Z. Fisher, Cattaraugus Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. P. Criveling, Cayuga Co. Medical Society; Dr. Edward Ames, Chautauqua Co. Medical Society; Dr. Henry Flood, Chemung Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. C. Lyman, Chenango Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. S. Kellogg, Clinton Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. C. Fritts, Columbia Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. W. Higgins, Cortland Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. S. Cartwright, Delaware Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. K. Lothill, Dutchess Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. W. Potter, Erie Co. Medical Society; Dr. Edward T. Strong, Essex Co. Medical Society; Dr. James Magpie, Franklin Co. Medical Society; Dr. Eugene Beach, Fulton Co. Medical Society; Dr. Charles E. Willar, Greene Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. W. Hamlin, Herkimer Co. Medical Society; Dr. James D. Spencer, Jefferson Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Lewis S. Pilcher, Kings Co. Medical Society ; Dr. W. H. Johnston, Lewis Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. M. Perrine, Livingston Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. W. Carpenter, Madison Co. Medical Society; Dr. John O. Roe, Monroe Co. Medical Society; Dr. Chas. Stover, Montgomery Co. Medical Society; Dr. Frederick R. Sturgis, New York Co. Medical Society; Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, Academy of Medicine; Dr. M. S. Kittinger, Niagara Co. Medical Society; Dr. James H. Glass, Oneida Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. L. Heffron, Onondaga Co. Medical Society; Dr. Burk Pillsbury, Orange Co. Medical Society; Dr. Wm. C. Bailey, Orleans Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. S. Low, Oswego Co. Medical Society; Dr. 0. W. Peck, Otsego Co. Medical Society ; Dr. George W. Murdock, Putnam Co. Medical Society; Dr, C. G. J. Finn, Queens Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. W. Seymour, Rensselaer Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. E. Martindale, Richmond Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. H. Maynard, Rockland Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. F. Sherman, St. Lawrence Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Wm. L. Pearson, Schenectady Co. Medical Society; Dr. Lemuel Cross, Schoharie Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. B. Allen, Schuyler Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. R. Ainsworth, Steuben Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. D. Skinner, Suffolk Co. Medical Society ; Dr. W. W. Appley, Sullivan Co. Medical Society ; Dr. C. L. Stiles, Tioga Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. H. Peck, Tompkins Co. Medical Society; Dr. Thomas S. Dawes, Ulster Co. Medical Society; Dr. B. G. Streeter, Warren Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Plenry Root, Washington Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. N. Arnold, Wayne Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. F. Brush, West Chester Co. Medical Society; Dr. Eenj. L. Holt, Yates Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. J. Wilding, Medical Association of Northern New York; Dr. J. W. Whitbeck, Rochester Pathological Society ; Dr. W. M. Gobson, Utica Medical Library Association. NICARAGUA. Dr. Juan Ignacio Urtecho, Calle Real, City of Granada, Member of the International Executive Committee. Dr. Fran’co M. Lacayo, Le6n, Protomedicato de la Repiiblica. For the local profession: Dr. Basilio Mar£n, Leon; Dr. Carmen Bengochea, Managua; Dr. Alejandro Bolanos, Masaya; Dr. E. Flint, Rivas. NORTH CAROLINA. Dr. H. Longstreet Taylor, Ashville, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. Karl von Ruck, Buncombe Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. W. Long, Randolph Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. M. Hays, Granville Co. Medical Society. For local profession: Dr. J. B. Watts, Taylorsville; Dr. N. Robinson, Elizabethtown ; Dr. R. S. Young, Concord; Dr. A. A. Kent, Lenoir; Dr. M. F. Arendell, Dr. R. 11. Williamson, Yanceyville; Dr. J. M. McCorkle, Newton; Dr. H. T. Chapin, Pittsboro; Dr. J. F. Abernathy, Murphy; Dr. R. H. Winborne, Barnitz; Dr, O. P. Gardner, Shelby; Dr. J. A. Hodges, Fayetteville; Dr. R. L. Payne, Jr., Lexington; Dr. J. W. Blount, Kenansville; Dr. N. M. Johnson, Durham; Dr. E. S. Foster, Louisburg; Dr. E. B. Holland, Dallas; Dr. E. H. Sugg, Snow Hill; Dr. E. R. Michaux, Greensboro; Dr, A. B. Pierce, Weldon; Dr. R. L. Allen, Waynesville; Dr. W. B. Reese, Hendersonville; Dr. M. W. Hill, Statesville; Dr. J. M. Chandler, Dillsboro ; Dr. W. L. Crouse, Lincolnton; Dr. J. M. Lyle, Franklin; Dr. J. H. Gilkey, Marion; Dr. F. W. Potter, Wilmington; Dr. Jno. Whitehead, Salisbury; Dr. Jas. McKee, Raleigh; Dr. W. H. H. Cobb, Goldsboro; Dr. Joseph Gracham, Charlotte; Dr. Albert Anderson, Wilson; Dr. Chas. McDuffie, Newborn; Dr. P. H. Murphy, Morganton. OHIO. Dr. Chas. A. L. Reed, Cincinnati, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. T. V. Fitzpatrick, Cincinnati Academy of Medicine; Dr. L. S. Colter, Cincinnati Medical Society; Dr. S. B. Hiner, Allen Co. Medical Society; Dr. Jno. A. Dickson, Ashtabula Co. Medical Society ; Dr. A. J. Gawne, Bay City Medical Society; Dr. J. S. McClellan, Belmont Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. W. Ellsberry, Brown Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. F. Baldwin, Central Ohio Medical Society; Dr. C. E. Imhoff, Champaign; Dr. Seys, Clark Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. W. Ashburn, Clermont Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. H. Humiston, Cuyahoga Co. Medical Society; Dr. G. W. Hoglan, Columbus Medical Club; Dr. L. G. Thacker, Defiance Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. B. Ford, Delamater Medical Association; Dr. O. Pomeroy, Geauga Co. Medical Society; Dr. Alta F. Cook, Erie Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. D. Bain, Hardin Co. Medical Society ; Dr. D. J. Snider, Harrison Co. Medical Society ; Dr. D. B. Cotton, Hempstead Memorial Academy of Medicine ; Dr. A. M. Brown, Highland Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. G. Bigham, Holmes Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. A. Elliott, Jefferson Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Chas. F. House, Lake Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. S. Scoville, Lebanon Medical Society; Dr. Jos. Larimore, Licking Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. McCurdy, Mahoning Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. W. Thomas, Marion Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. H. Hysell, Meigs Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. M. Wright, Miami Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. W. Grimes, Monroe Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. H. Darby, Miami Valley Medical Society; Dr. Geo. Goodhue, Montgomery Co. Medical Society ; Dr. H. S. Green, Morrow Co. Medical Society ; Dr. R. Harvey Reed, N. Central Ohio Medical Association; Dr. E. C. Brush, Hildreth District Medical Association ; Dr. W. C. Jacobs, N. E. Ohio Medical Association ; Dr. D. W. Steiner, N. W. Ohio Medical Association; Dr. T. B. Wright, Pickaway Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Shellenberger, Piqua Society of Clinical Medicine; Dr. J. B. Welsh, Preble County Medical Society; Dr. E. J. Galbraith, Ross Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. P. Campbell, Sandusky Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. J. West, Seneca Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. R. Silver, Shelby Co. Medical Society; Dr. David P. Maxwell, Stark Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. J. Pumphrey, Stillwater Medical Society; Dr. L. S. Ebright, Summit Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. S. Thorn, Toledo Medical Association; Dr. C. S. Ward, Trumbull Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. L. King, Union Medical Society; Dr. Samuel Hart, Wash- ington Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Barrett, Wayne Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. M. Fuller, Wood Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. T. Sutton, Zanesville Medical Society; Dr. Dan. Millikin, Butler Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. G. Reed, Union District Medical Society; Dr. Wm. E. Rice, Darke Go. Medical Society; Dr. R. B. Hall, Southwestern Ohio Medical Society. OREGON. Dr. Wm. Boys, Portland, Member of the National Committee on Organization. For local profession: Dr. H. F. McCormick, Eugene; Dr. J. M. Pruett, Pendleton; Dr. W. E. Rine- hart, The Dalles; Dr. F. M. Robinson, Beaverton; Dr. H. B. Stanley, Dallas; Dr. O. J. West, Wasco; Dr. O. M. Dodson, Baker City; Dr. G. R. Farra, Corvallis; Dr. J. A. Fulton, Astoria; Dr. C. S. Hall, Salem; Dr. J. L. Hill, Albany; Dr. M. F. Honan, La Grande; Dr. J. M. V. Chalmers, Hillsboro; Dr. FI. A. Wright, Linkville. PENNSYLVANIA. Dk. Wm. Pepper, Philadelphia, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. A. W. Thomas, Adams Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. H. Mercur, Alleghany Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. M. Allison, Armstrong Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. H. Grim, Beaver Co. Medical Society; Dr. Jno. A. Clark, Bedford Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. M. Weidman, Berks Co. Medical Society; Dr. Wm. M. Findlay, Blair Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. K. Ladd, Bradford Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. B. Knight, Bucks Co. Medical Society; Dr. Sam’l Graham, Butler Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. H. Mayer, Cambria Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Jos. A. Horne, Carbon Co. Medical Society ; Dr. C. S. Musser, Centre Co. Medical Society; Dr. Jacob Price, Chester Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. F. Ross, Clarion Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. E. Vaughn, Clearfield Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. R. Montgomery, Columbia Co. Medical Society ; Dr. Geo. W. Barr, Crawford Co. Medical Society ; Dr. R. L. Sibbett, Cumberland Co. Medical Society; Dr. Hugh Hamilton, Dauphin Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. L, For- wood, Delaware Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. G. Wilson; St. Marys, Elk Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. S. Gaddis, Fayette Co. Medical Society ; Dr. G. S. Hull, Franklin Co. Medical Society ; Dr. I. H. Sharp- nack, Greene Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. B. Brumbaugh, Huntington Co. Medical Society; Dr. Wm. Anderson, Indiana Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. K. Dolan, Lackawanna Co. Medical Society; Dr. G. R. Rohrer, Lancaster Co. Medical Society; Dr. A. B. Gloninger, Lebanon Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. S. Berlin, Lehigh Co. Medical Society; Dr. L. H. Taylor, Luzerne Co. Medical Society; Dr. C. W. Youngman, Lycoming Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. O. Kane, McLean Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. W. Hillier, Mercer Co. Medical Society; Dr. S. H. Rothrack, Miffin Co. Medical Society; Dr. Jos. Anderson, Montgomery Co. Medical Society; Dr. P. C. Newbaker, Montour Co. Medical Society; Dr. Isaac Ott, Northampton Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. G. Marsh, Northumberland Co. Medical Society; Dr. H. O. Orris, Perry Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. S. Carpenter, Schuylkill Co. Medical Society ; Dr. P. A. Boyer, Snyder Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. L. Richardson, Susquehanna Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. Ritchey, Venango Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. M. Baker, Warren Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. A. McKean, Washington Co. Medical Society; Dr. R. B. Hammer, Westmore- land Co. Medical Society; Dr. I. C. Gable, York Co. Medical Society. REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. Dr. Pedro M. Ibasez, Calle 5, numero 99, Bogota, Member of the International Executive Committee. Dr. Jose M. Buendia, calle xo, Bogota, Academia nacional de Medicina ; Dr. Manuel Uribe Angel, Medellin, Academia de Medicina de Medellin; Dr. Evaristo Garcia, Cali, Sociedad de Medicina del Cauca. For the local profession : Dr. NicolAs Osorio, calle 13, Bogota; Dr. Andres Posada Arango, Medellin (Departamento de Antioquia); Dr. Jorge E. Delgado, Panama (Departamento de Panama); Dr. Eugenio de la Hoz, Barranquilla (Departamento de Bolivar); Dr. Domingo Cagiao, Popaydn (Depart- amento del Cauca); Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriquez, Socorro (Departamento de Santander); Dr. Paulo Emilio Villar, Bucaramanga (Departamento de Santander); Dr. Felix M. Hernandez, Chcuta, (Departamento de Santander); Dr. Rafael Calvo, Cartagena (Departamento de Bolivar); Dr. N. RiboN; Mompox (Departamento de Bolivar); Dr. Miciades Castro, Ibague (Departamento del Tolima); Dr. Cayetano Lombana, Ambalema (Departamento del Tolima); Dr. Josft M. Martinez, Antioquia (Departamento de Antioquia); Dr. Isaias Saavedra, Velez (Departamento de Santander); Dr. Severs Forres, Funja (Departamento de Boyaca) ; Dr. N. Villa, Remedies (Departamento de Antioquia) ; Dr. Miguel Caicedo, Pasto (Departamento de Cauca); Dr Emilio Villamazar, Pamplona (Departamento de Santander.) REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. Dr. Jose Monteros, Calle Avenida Sur No. 8, City of Guatemala, Member of the International Executive Committee. Dr. Samuel Gonzalez, City of Guatemala, Facultad de Medicina y Farmacia del Centro; Dr. Leon Saenz, Quezaltenango, Facultad de Medicina y Farmacia de Occidente; Dr. Manuel Aparicio, Quezal- tenango, Sociedad Medica, Farmaceutico de Occidente. For the local profession ; Dr. Enecon Mora, Quezaltenango. RHODE ISLAND. Dr. Geo. L. Collins, Providence, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. John W. Mitchell, Providence Medical Association ; Dr. F. H. Rankin, Newport Medical Society; Dr. Henry K. Gardiner, Washington Medical Society; Dr. W. F. Hutchinson, Providence. SOUTH CAROLINA. Dr. R. A. Kinloch, Charleston, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. L. T. Hill, Abbeville; Dr. T. G. Croft, Aiken; Dr. S. M. Orr, Anderson C. II.; Dr. W. F. Holmes, Barnwell C. H.; Dr. A. P. Prioleau, Beaufort; Dr. J. P. Cain, Monk’s Corner; Dr. S. M. Davage, Chester C. H.; Dr. C. Kollock, Cheraw ; Dr. W. S. Pack, Manning; Dr. Chas. WITSELL. Walterboro; Dr. J. C. Wilcox, Darlington 0. H.; Dr. Thomas J. McKxe, Woodlawn; Dr. J. C. Buchanan, Winnsboro; Dr. Jas. Evans, Florence C. H.; Dr. Thom. P. Bailey, Georgetown; Dr. J. M. Wilkinson, Greenville; Dr. S. Smith, Brighton ; Dr. W. E. Sparkman, Bucksville ; Dr. A. A. Moore, Camden ; Dr. W. O. Nesbit, Lancaster C. H.; Dr. J. T. Poole, Laurens C. H.; Dr. M. Q. Hendrix, Lexington C. H.; Dr. J. C. Mullins, Marion; Dr. J. L. Napier, Blenheim; Dr. O. B. Mayer, Jr., Newberry C. H.; Dr. J. James, Westminster; Dr. C. R. Tabor, Ft. Mott; Dr. J. W. Quillian, Easley; Dr. B. W. Taylor, Columbia; Dr. T. S. Means, Spartanburgh C. H.; Dr. A. J. China, Sumter C. H.; Dr. M. W. Culp, Union C. FI.; Dr. S. D. M. Byrd, Scranton ; Dr. R. A. Bratton, Yorkville. SPANISH WEST INDIES. Dr. Juan Santos Fernandez, Reina No. 92, Havana, Cuba, Member of the International Executive Committee. Dr. Federico Hortsman, Havana, Real Academia de Ciencias Medicas ; Dr. Diego Tamayo, Havana, Sociedad de Estudios Clfnicos ; Dr. Aristides Mestre, Havana, Sociedad Antropologica; Sociedad de Plygiene. For the local profession: [ln Cuba] Dr. Joaquin Diago, Havana; Dr. Jose H. Perez, Baracoa; Dr. Fernandez Mendez Capote, Cardenas ; Dr. Gabriel M. Landa, Cienfuegos ; Dr. Angel Cantero, Trinidad; Dr. Sebastian Cuerro y Serrano, Zaza; Dr. Vicente Tomas, Matanzas ; Dr. Francisco Martinez Mesa, Sagua la Grande; Dr. Amado del Valle, Gibara; Dr. Manuel G. Gonzalez, Nuevitas ; Dr. Domingo Lagomasino, San Juan de los Remedies ; Dr. Urbano GuimerA, Santiago de Cuba; Dr. Fernando Pons, Guantanamo ; Dr. Francisco Codina, Manzanillo; Dr. Luis D. Pimienta, Santa Cruz de los Pinos; Dr. Francisco Solano Ramos, Pinar del Rio; Dr. Juan Guzman, Puerto Principe; Dr. Rudesindo G. Rizo, Sancti Spiritus; Dr. Toribio del Villar, Giiines; Dr. Rafael Trista, Villa Clara; Dr. Leonardo Esperon, Colon; Dr. Francisco Portela, Guanajay; Dr. Enrique V. Valenzuela, Guanabacoa; Dr. Enrique Ranz, Sante Fe de Isla de Pinos. [ln Puerto Rico] Dr. Salvador Carbonell, Mayagiiez ; Dr. Juan Fernandez, San Juan ; Dr. J. Ruiz, Aguadilla; Dr. Rafael Valle, Arecibo; Dr. J. Lopez, Fajardo; Dr. Blondet, Guayama; Dr. C. Camo, Naguabo; Dr. Vazquez, Viequez ; Dr. Eduardo Lacot, Ponce. UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. Dr. Carlos Costa, Calle Largo de Misericordia 7, Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Visconde de Saboia, Rio de Janeiro, Academia Nacional de Medicina; Dr. Oscar BulhoES, Rio de Janeiro, Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro; Dr. Carlos Hastings, Rio de Janeiro, Institute dos Cirurgioes Dentistas Brasileiros ; Dr. Moura Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Polyclinica Geral; Dr. Silva Lima, Bahia, Sociedade Medica da Bahia; Dr. Joao Penido, Juiz de Fora, Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia de Juiz de Fora; Dr. Luiz Pedro Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, Gremio dos Internes dos Hospitaes do Rio de Janeiro. For the local profession: Dr. A. Ferreira da Silva and Dr. Paulo Cezar, Rio de Janeiro; Dr. Nina Rodriques and Dr. Pacifico Pereira, Bahia; Dr. Malaquias Goncalves and Dr. Alcebiades Vellozo, Pernambuco; Dji. Miranda Azevedo and Dr. Mello e Oliveira, S4o Paulo; Dr. O de Al- meida and Dr. Joao God.nho—Balfort Roxo, Para; Dr. Eduardo Guimaraes, Campinas; Dr. Almir Nino, Maranhao; Dr. Victor de Britto, Porto Alegre; Dr. Luna Freire and Dr. Matos de Alencar, Ceara; Dr. Eduardo de Menezes and Dr. Simqes Correa, Juiz de Fora; Dr. Goulart, Esperito Santo; Dr. Duarte Schutel, Santa Catharina; Dr. Ismael de Rocha, Curitiba. URUGUAY Dr. Jacinto de Leon, calle de Florida num. 61, Montevideo, Member of the International Executive Committee. Dr. Juan L. Heguy, 18 de Julio 54, Montevideo, Honorable Consejo de Higiene; Dr. Jose Romeu, Plaza de Cagancha 41, Montevideo, Circulo Medico Uruguayo. For the local profession: Dr. Atilio Chiassaro, Salto; Dr. Julio Jurkoski, Artigas; Dr. N. Parietti, Paysandu; Dr. Pascual Cioni, Fray Bentos; Dr. Jeronimo Rodriguez Gallego, Mercedes; Dr. Guillermo Dall’Orto, Colonia; Dr. Alejandro Chiolini, San Jose ; Dr. N. Laborde, Flores; Dr. Jose Scozeria, Montevideo; Dr. N. Caleza, San Carlos; Dr. Alfonso Cifani, Rocha; Dr. N. Murguia, Melo; Dr. Juan Resso Herrera, Montevideo (por Treinte y Tres); Dr. Hermenegilda Gagliardi, Minas; Dr. Antonio Bonasso, San Fructuoso; Dr. Eduardo Lamas, Salto ; Dr. Ramon Irigoyen, Florida; Dr. JuliAn B. Blanco, Durazno; Dr. Pedro de Freitas, Canelones. UTAH. Dr. F. S. Bascom, Salt Lake City, Member National Committee on Organization. Dr. A. C. Standart, Salt Lake Medical Society; Dr. J. P. Carnahan, Ogden Medical Society. VENEZUELA. Dr. Jose Maria Rodrlguez Garmendia, Tocuyo; Dr. Francisco A. Risquez, Caracas; Dr. Freites Pineda, Ciudad Bolivar; Dr. Domingo Bello Hernandez, Merida; Dr. Gabriel Briceßo Ric6n, Trujello; Dr. Luis Betancourt, LaGuaira; Dr. Francisco E. Bustamente, Maracaibo; Dr. Paulino Balbuena, Puerto Cabello ; Dr. Romulo D’Aubeterre, Cuman&; Dr. Pedro Luis BriceSo Martln, Maturfn; Dr. Cesar Espino, Barcelona; Dr. Manuel A. Fonseca, Valencia; Dr. Arnaldo Morales, Ciudad de Cura ; Dr. Antonio Maria Pineda, Barquisimeto. VERMONT. Dr. H. D. Holton, Brattleboro, Member of National Committee on Organization. Dr. M. R. Crain, Rutland Co. Medical Society; Dr. E. B. Campbell, Windham Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. C. Hawley, Chittenden Co. Medical Society; Dr. Ralph Sherwood, Franklin Co. Medical Society ; Dr. W. D. Huntington, Windsor Co. Medical Society; Dr, C. L. Erwin, Orleans Co. Medical Society; Dr. D. G. Kemp, Washington Co. Medical Society; Dr. J. D. Folsom, Caledonia Co. Medical Society. VIRGINIA. Dr. J. S. Wellford, Richmond, Member National Committee on Organization. For the local profession: Dr. W. C. Dabney, Charlottesville; Dr. L. B. Anderson, Norfolk; Dr. S. W. Carmichael, Fredericksburg; Dr. R. F. Hicks, Warren ton; Dr. J. A. Gayle, Roanoke, Dr. W. F. Barr, Abingdon ; Dr. L. B. Edwards, Richmond; Dr. S. W. Budd, Petersburg; Dr. H. M. Patterson, Staunton. WEST VIRGINIA. Dr. J. H. Brownfield, Fairmount, Member National Committee on Organization. For the local profession ; Dr. L. D, Wilson, Wheeling; Dr. T. A. Harris, Parkersburgh ; Dr. W. P. Plogue, Charleston. WISCONSIN Dr. J. T. Reeve, Appleton, Member of the National Committee on Organization. Dr. A. J. Hosmer, Ashland Medical Society; Dr. C. S. Sheldon, Central Wisconsin Medical Society; Dr. P. H. Letourneau, Chippewa Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. D. Bentley, Columbia Co. Medical Society; Dr. T. T. Beveredge, Fox River Valley Medical Society ; Dr. F. Robert Zeit, German North- western Medical Soceity ; Dr. F. M. Eply, Inter-Co. Medical Society; Dr. F. S. Luhmann, Manitowoc Co. Medical Society ; Dr. J. Simonson, Northwestern Wisconsin Medical Society ; Dr. C. M. Gould, Pierce Co. Medical Society; Dr. W. Hausmann, Brainard Medical Society; Dr. Edward Kovats, Society of German Physicians; Dr. C. D. Conkey, Douglass Co. Medical Society; Dr. N. O. B. Win- gate, Health Department of Milwaukee; Dr. W. A. Batchelor, Milwaukee Medical Society. WYOMING. Dr. J. H. Finfrock, Laramie City, Member National Committee on Organization. For local profession: Dr. J. J. Marston, Cheyenne; Dr. M. C. Barkwell, Cheyenne; Dr. T. G. Ricketts, Carbon; Dr. E. S. Murray, Rock Springs; Dr. T. G. Maghee, Rawlins; Dr. W. A. Hocken, Evanston; Dr. J. C. Watkins, Buffalo; Dr. J. M. Wilson, Douglas; Dr. H. L. Squire, Sundance; Dr. H. M. Bennett, Saratoga. HONDURAS. Dr. George Bernhardt, Tegucigalpa, Member International Executive Committee. Dr. Julius Mundt, Comayagua; Dr. Rafael Fiallos, Tegucigalpa; Dr. Manuel Gamero, Danlf; Dr. Julian Bairas, Amapala; Dr. Francisco Bogran, Santa Barbara; Dr. R. Contreras, Choluteca; Dr. R. Suarez, Juticalpa; Dr. Salvador Cordoba, Yuscarfui; Dr. G. B. Mitchell, San Pedro Sula. MEDICAL JOURNALS. ALABAMA. THE ALABAMA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL AGE Jno. C. LeGrand, 1014 Noble street, Anniston. ANALES DEL CIRCULO MEDICO ARGENTINO ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Dr. Samuel Gache, Editor, Lavalle 725> Buenos Aires. Dr. Jose Penna, Editor, Rivadavia 1167, Buenos Aires. ANALES DE LA ASISTENCIA PUBLICA, ANALES DEL DEPARTAMENTO NACIONAL DE HIGIENE, Drs. Pedro N. Arata and Emilio R. Coni, Editors, 25 de Mayo 273, Buenos Aires. Drs. Alberta Costa and Jose M. Cabezin, Editors, BOLETIN DE SANIDAD MILITAR Hospital Militar, Buenos Aires. Dr. J. M. Franceschi, Editor, LA SALUD Chivilcoy. REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD NACIONAL DE FARMACIA (Anonymous,) Esmeralda 591, Buenos Aires. REVISTA MEDICA DE LA PLATA, Drs. Bas, Arce, PeSalva, Alexander, Gallastegui and Ferrand, Editors, La Plata. BRAZIL. ANNAES DA ACADEMIA DE MEDICINA DO RIO DE JANEIRO, Drs. A. J. Souza Lima and Alfredo Piragibe, Editors, Rio de Janeiro. BOLETINS DA ACADEMIA DE MEDICINA, Drs. A. J. Souza Lima and Alfredo Piragibe, Editors, Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Azavedo Sodre, Editor, BRAZIL MEDICO, [Weekly,] Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Joao Drummond, Editor UNIAO MEDICA, Rio de Janeiro. ANNUARTO MEDICO BRASILEIRO. Dr. Carlos Costa, Editor, REVISTA DOS CURSOS PRATICOS E THEORICOS DA FACULDADE DE MEDICINA E CIRURGIA DE RIO DE JANEIRO, Rio de Janeiro. Drs. Benicio de Abreu, Rocha F. Joao M. Teixeira, Oscar Bulhoes, Jose Paulo, Editors, Rio de Janeiro. GAZETA MEDICA DA BAHIA, Dr Pacifico Pereira, Bahia. BOLETINS DA SOCIEDADE DE MEDICINA E CIRURGIA DE RIO DE JANEIRO, Dr. Jorge Franco, Editor, Rio de Ja Rio de Janeiro. BOLETINS DA SOCIEDADE DE MEDICINA E CIRURGIA DE JUIZ DE FORA, Drs. Eduardo de Menzes and Goncalves Penna Filho, Editors, Juiz c Juiz de Fora. REVISTA DO GREMIO DOS INTERNOS DOS HOSPITAES DO RIO DE JANEIRO, Drs. Carlos Seidl, Modesto GuimarAes and Adolpho Possolo, Editors, Rio de Janeiro. CALIFORNIA. Dr H. Bert Ellis, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PRACTITIONER Los Angeles. Dr. J. N. Loughborough, PACIFIC HEALTH JOURNAL, 1059 Castro, Oakland. James H. Parkinson, OCCIDENTAL MEDICAL TIMES, 4291, Sacramento. Dr. D. A. Hodghead, PACIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL, 522 California, San Francisco. CANADA. THE CANADIAN PRACTITIONER, Dr. Adam H. Wright, Editor THE CANADA LANCET, Toronto, Ontario. Drs. J. L. Sevison and C. Sheard, THE MONTREAL MEDICAL JOURNAL Toronto, Ontario. Drs. George Ross, Thos. G. Rodoick and James Stewart, Montreal, Quebec Drs. A. Lapthorn Smith, F. Wayland Campbell and Rollo Campbell, THE CANADA MEDICAL RECORD, Montreal, Quebec LA GAZETTE MEDICALE, Montreal, Quebec. THE MARATIME MEDICALE NEWS, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Drs. J. B. A. Lamarche, H. E. Desvosiers and M. T. Brennan, LA UNION MEDICAL DU CANADA, Montreal, Quebec CHILE REVISTA MEDICA. Dr. Sancristobal, Editor, BOLETIN DE MEDICINA, Santiago de Chile Dr. Octavio Maira, Editor ANALES DE FARMACIA, Santiago de Chile Angel Vasquez, Editor, REVISTA FARMACEUTICA CHILEANA, Santiago de Chile Adolfo Larenas, Editor, Santiago de Chile REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. REVISTA MEDICA, Drs. Abraham Aparicio and Carlos Michelsen, Editors, REVISTA DE HIGIENE, Bogota. Dr. Gabriel Duran Borda, Editor, Bogota. BOLETIN DE MEDICINA DEL CAUCA, Dr. Daniel Quijana Wallis, Editor, Cali. ANALES DE LA ACADEMIA DE MEDICINA DE MEDELLIN, (Anonymous,) Medellin. COLORADO. DENVER MEDICAL TIMES, Dr. Thomas H. Hawkins, 1657 Arapahoe, Denver. CONNECTICUT. Dr. Wm. C. Wile, NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL MONTHLY, 7 Delay, Danbury. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF INEBRIETY, Dr. T. D. Crothers, Fairfield Ave., Hartford. GOSTA RIGA. LA GACETA. San Jose. EL MAESTRO San Jose. CUBA. CRONICA MEDICO QUIRURGICA, Dr. Juan Santos Fernandez, Editor, Havana. REVISTA DE CIENCIAS M^DICAS Dr. Joaquin Jacobson, Editor PROGRESO MEDICO Havana Dr. Gabriel Casuso, Editor, Havana, Dr. Manuel Delfin, Editor, LA HIGIENE, EL REPERTORIO MEDICO, Havana Dr. Antonio Gonzalez Curguezo, Editor, Havana, GEORGIA. Dr. M. B. Hutchins, ATLANTA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL P. O. Box 431, Atlanta. A. W. Griggs, SOUTHERN MEDICAL RECORD 29 N. Forsyth, Atlanta. Dr. T. H. Huzza, THE DIXIE DOCTOR, 7.% Marietta, Atlanta. GUATEMALA ME MORI A DE LA FACULTAD DE MEDICINA Y FARMACIA DEL CENTRO; Dr. Samuel Gonzalez, Editor, Guatemala City. MEMORIA DE LA FACULTAD DE MEDICINA Y FARMACIA DE OCCIDENTE, Dr. Encon Mora, Editor. GACETA MEDICA QUEZALTECA, Quezaltenango. Dr. Encon Mora, Editor, Quezaltenango. ILLINOIS. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Dr. J. C. Culbertson, 68 We 68 Wabash ave., Chicago. Dr. Jas. G. Kiernan, 534 Opera House Block, Chicago. MEDICAL STANDARD, NORTH AMERICAN PRACTITIONER, Dr. Bayard Holmes, 75 Wabash ave., Chicago SANITARY NEWS, A. H. Harryman, 90 La Salle, Chicago WESTERN MEDICAL REPORTER, Dr. John E. Harper, 163 State, Chicago. PEORIA MEDICAL MONTHLY, Dr. Thomas M. Mcllvaine, Peoria INDIANA. FORT WAYNE JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES; Drs. C. B. and George Steemen, 95 Calhoun, Fort Wayne Christian B. Steemen, Fort Wayne JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RAILWAY SURGEONS, Dr. Frank C. Ferguson, 19 W. Ohio, Indianapolis INDIANA MEDICAL JOURNAL, lOWA, lOWA STATE MEDICAL REPORTER, Dr. F. E. Crittenden, Des Moines KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL, KANSAS. Dr. John E. Minmet, 723 Kansas ave., Topeka KENTUCKY. Dr. Robt. C, Kenner, MEDICAL PROGRESS, 315 Commerce Building, Louisville. AMERICAN PRACTITIONER AND NEWS, Dr. D. W. Yandell, Dr. Edward Miller, MEDICAL HERALD 440 W. Main, Louisville. 327 Third ave., Louisville. NEW ORLEANS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, LOUISIANA. Dr. G. B. LawrAson, 158 Canal, New Orleans. MARYLAND. MARYLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL, A. K. Bond, 209 Park ave., Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS. Dr. E. W. Cushing, ANNALS OF GYNAECOLOGY, BOSTON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, i6B Newbury, Boston. Dr. George B. Shattuck, 283 Washington, Boston. LA GAZETA MEDICA, •r, LA REVISTA MEDICA DE MEXICO. LA ESCUELA DE MEDICINA, LA REVISTA MEDICA DE PUEBLA, MEXICO. Dr. Manuel S. Soriana, Editor, City of Mexico. Dr. JosE Ferrer, Editor, City of Mexico. City of Mexico. Dr. Adrian de Garay, Editor, Dr. Miguel Solas, Editor, City of Puebla. BOLETIN DEL HOSPITAL GENERAL DE PUEBLA, Dr. Francisco Morin, Editor, EL STUDIO, City of Puebla. City of Mexico. Dr. Seconding E. Sosa, Editor, MICHIGAN. Dr. J. W. Keating, Charles W. Parsons, Dr. B. W. Palmer, Dr. Leartub Connor, THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PHARMACEUTICAL ERA, BULLETIN OF PHARMACY, Ann Arbor 99 Woodward Ave., Detroit Detroit AMERICAN LANCET, 103 Car, Detroit LEONARD’S ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL JOURNAL Dr. C. Henri Leonard, MEDICAL AGE, 18 John R, Detroit. Dr, B. W. Palmer, P. O. Box 470, Detroit. MINNESOTA. Dr. A. J. Stone, NORTHWESTERN LANCET, Union Block, St. Paul. MISSOURI. Dr. Hiram Christopher, ST. JOSEPH MEDICAL HERALD, St. Joesph. Dr. C. H. Hughes, ALIENIST AND NEUROLOGIST, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 500 N. Jefferson, St. Louis. Dr. Adolph Alt, ANNALS OF SURGERY, 914 Locust, St. Louis. Dr. L.S. Pilcher, MEDICAL BRIEF, 914 Locust, St. Louis. Dr, J. J. Lawrence, 9th and Olive, St, Louis. Dr. I. N, Love, MEDICAL MIRROR, Grand Ave., St. Louis. Dr, Bransford Lewis, THE MEDICAL FORTNIGHTLY, 1006 Olive, St. Louis. Dr. F. L. James, Sr. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, St. Louis, Dr, Frank L, James and Dr. A. H, Ohmann-Dumesnil, WEEKLY MEDICAL REVIEW, 615 Locust, St. Louis. NEBRASKA. Dr. George Wilkinson, OMAHA CLIN-IC Karhack Block, Oxnaba ALBANY MEDICAL ANNALS, NEWYORK. Albany Dr. Joseph H. Raymond, BROOKLYN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 356 Bridge, Brooklyn Dr. A. N, Bell, THE SANITARIAN, 113yz Second Place, Brooklyn Dr. W. W, Potter, BUFFALO MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, 284 Franklin, Buffalo AMERICAN DRUGGIST, 56 Lafayette Place, New York LA REVISTA M^DICO—QUIRURGICA. Dr. Saml. E. Millikin and Dr. Pedro J. Salicrup, 126 Liberty Street, New York. Dr. Brooks H. Wells, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS, 56 Lafayette Place, New York. W. F. Waugh DOMESTIC GAZETTE, 447 Greenwich, New York. Dr. G. T. Plarrison, GAILLARD’S MEDICAL JOURNAL, P. O. Box 1124, New York. LA GACETA MEDICO FARMACEUTICA, Johnson & Johnson, HALL’S JOURNAL OF HEALTH, 92 William, New York. Nelson Cross, HERALD OF HEALTH 340 W. 59th, New York. Dr. George Henry Bassett, P. O. Box 2141, New York. Dr. Ferdinand King, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 95 William, New York. Dr Ferdinand King, DOCTORS’ WEEKLY 315 W. 63rd, New York. Dr. A. L. A., JOURNAL OF BALNEOLOGY P. O. Box 1670, New York. JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS AND GENITO-URINARY DISEASES, Dr, P. A. Morrow, 3 Be JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES Dr. Charles Henry Brown, 3 Bond, New York. JOURNAL OF SYPHIOLOGY AND DERMATOLOGY, Dr. Morris H. Henry, 53 25 W. 45th, New York. 531 sth Ave., New York. NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL, Dr. Frank P. Foster, 3 Bond, New York. Dr. George F. Shrady, 56 Lafayette Place, New York. NEW YORK MEDICAL RECORD, MEDICAL MISSIONARY RECORD, George D. Dowkontt, 118 45th, New York. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INSANITY, Dr. George Adler Blumer, Utica. NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL JOURNAI Dr. Thomas F, Wood, OHIO 201 Chestnut, Wilmington. CINCINNATI MEDICAL JOURNAL, Dr. Gilbert I. Cullen, LANCET AND CLINIC, 478 W. 6th, Cincinnati. Drs. J. C. Oliver and L. G. Colter, CLEVELAND MEDICAL GAZETTE, 199 W. 7th, Cincinnati. Dr. A. R. Baker, 143 Euclid ave. Cleveland. COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL, Dr. J. F. Baldwin, 112 W. 4th, Columbus. MEDICAL COMPEND, Dr. H. G. Blaine, PENNSYLVANIA 902 Adams, Toledo, Ohio. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr. E. P. Davis, Philadelphia. ANNALS OF HYGIENE Dr. Joseph F. Edwards, Philadelphia. Dr. Wm. Perry Watson, 715 Market, Philadelphia. ARCHIVES OF PAEDIATRICS Dr. Richard J. Dunglison, Philadelphia. COLLEGE AND CLINICAL RECORD, Dr. G. M. Gould, 706 Sansom, Philadelphia. MEDICAL WORLD, Dr. C. F. Taylop, 1520 Chestnut, Philadelphia. MEDICAL NEWS, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTER Dr. E. T. Reichert, N. E. Cor. 13th and Walnut, Philadelphia. TIMES AND REGISTER, Dr. Wm. F. Waugh, 1725 Arch, Philadelphia. PITTSBURG MEDICAL REVIEW, Dr. X. O. Werder, 924 Penn ave., Pittsburgh. THERAPEUTIC GAZETTE, Dr. H. A. Hare, 22 S. 15th, Philadelphia. PERU. LA CRONICA MFDICA, Lima. EL MONITOR MEDICO, Lima. SAN SALVADOR. LA UNIVERSIDAD, San Salvador. REPERTORIO SALVADOREftO, San Salvador. TENNESSEE. MEMPHIS MEDICAL MONTHLY, Dr. F. L. Sjm, 126 Hernando, Memphis. JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY, Dr. C. S. Briggs, 313 Church, Nashville. SOUTHERN PRACTITIONER, Dr. Deering J. Roberts, 2-18 Russell, Nashville. TEXAS. DANIEL’S TEXAS MEDICAL JOURNAL, Dr. F. E. Daniel, TEXAS HEALTH JOURNAL, 510 Rio Grande, Austin. J. R, Briggs, 903 Elm, Dallas, LA UNION MEDIC A, VENEZUELA. Caracas. REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL, Caracas. f 10-2 1