.4 Curious /Currji. Five Hundred Cuts, /Tv' /%y2~ ufeJnl Plants, /u/uo// art 71071/ u/ZJ t/u F/z/oZur of Fhysick. ( tvz Zzr/w . a/Ar Cramnjzf,/zzj/zi -: s ///' Life. So zvA/'/A /./ a/AAe4 a Plant S; azzzzA //zzzzr c<7?nmz77z Z/jeJ zzz Vol; #. / ZOjYDOjV 7Prm/Zit'■/ur Samyul Jlj kd iAr Gm 7. Martin’s-Fane md.c c.xxxvn. A/lie l/jVZ)ER TLAJCZRrG nuza .itT/CPtyS ird/i t/ieyr//’ rimia Pu/'/ic/ PecO MMEAtZ)ATZOM/y die dndernn t/Uci . London, Ccftr/ter 2. 21J S- //t /ir/isJsiMunsj are iwPrn/rUte-n, sssst cs csrisicPna/r/e NVrumPem ef die J)RA tEJJEG p yhrm ndttc/i t/ze d’ZA TES are te /e Enqrai'ec/. and d/eim/e Azrme nr" die CoZOTtJdj) PzAATTd, dun/ it a //izAt/ce Acme t/e PltJ3 ZZCJC tt> dee/ane mr nu/A and jury crad Opi-nun erf die (opaazdz/ ef die /InJertz/er. lv. Mead, M.D. C. L Te is js ie r, MD. Alex1: Stuart,MD A.Douglas, MD. ames Shep ard, MD v\: Che selde n. loSeph Miller. Isaac Rand. Rob. Nicholes. S-S Per SOJVRE s'ydu/jtpnJ&/ ont /zan a /'SETEUR de cet OVERAGE / '/wniiezc rde /zee c/e rcne / - drz fSj}RR OUATTOA ///> /? m/jy/zzSryt._ /jyyy/r/rm/T* Lon lire S cej. (Icftr/rre, 2/35 JV/ruSybzi/j uf ms, ay/ent u// un a/scs j/Kam/ ticn/iSßeaes JJE S' S' IT At Pter- /e/yt/e/s s?t t/sit /eS PiA AS CIIES; t/e hte ms yus uuslausS unsS jes PIaJV TE S E 2VZ UMINE EX, assuns Irsuip /s trut At Hem EXE CUTE i/us turns OEsmS csmpzs uns JJDJSE wra/n/r* -apeuSe c/s /s (zip a cits P L4utcur, S writs asrcms Hut /isit c/e cmcnirv yus /c PUELI C /'scsu/ut cct Otcirruse yinnn^a/Pmsnt. R Mead, M.D. G.L. Teis sier, MD. Alex* Stuart, M.D. la.Douglas, MD. lam es' She bard, MD. W. Cheselden, loseph Miller. Isaac Rand. Rob. Nicholls. at- Er/utuJ fan/ottiS cc /WJtci ,/V> prontoEuE /;“ 3f. Inuu/vnet Aa/ce, 9/antaram Oflzcwux/mtn per%vmimi ELISAB E THAM Black HELL z'nri/aJ depicted, ltd pzE ECu/ic/y/ia’ Opcrmru An/it, pdrut/Ej /bte /uE/ca ■-*'Q Thomas Pellet,ZPrt&t Henricus Plumptre, Richard tjs TYSON, PeirCiuS Rod, Gulielmus Wasey, C&ri/o-r&f. 7o Thomas Pellet md 1 Jjt i: S /J) IJ Ar 77 /rf /Azx Srlaz/a/ CoiZUG/E of 7Ji/i \ vie 11\ sr of London, /mffffx of/Ax fAiyaf • A/Ar Sf /All JfoRIC /J7VVXI MfqfaA & JfA/vjcnvß, /Aixyy a/V c/ux/Ay //txA/IxtAyii" AEnCO JTRAG/ER S of /Ax /AnAxYxJmx a/mxiy , n Aurni Yotj cmy/u: 7/x t yxy/nxi/jy/A mx/rmxr /d Ax rr/z/r/ziA/’tyA. 7/ix Aix/i, c’/i l/iu Oxccuit’7l. /v axA/itmAy /Ax //OAOf II S xI/xxttxyyai-rAITPR OB ATI OR/ a/ii/ 7u ■/h/A/'U'e my jell . A/r yeneX mzuA- /nemA/A SAA/AgA AoAtAtzx/A. C/ir/fe/Ljy 14^of A/u/y. jyjy /?• &0 •///• Hans Sloane Bar'MD 7/iy SI C/ /JV ins OrJmam io AorMiJESTY and Tof df fyuja/ .77is Orico77/ray/omorit duo pVoiLK /uio my/yryid/o t-S 1 f # .... / fITTTIyO 7719 & d 27727 •Jl/f /l fyOM’/Z . k iPJEJ OXJkfJV]Sr>S <&/ 7770779 /wd~ /i/:u/, HJ J dddfo 7729 & /Add OTtA/toA y//JjW7l’ /of2729927 d/zizd id 722777/ do/yz/z/zm 22//272271 2/9992 z/idAiy/ m 2/229 T7/vJD7EJi 71717177 G, arh/ d/zid f l /"' yyz/r /mic/i y///,/<’,/ Tzi/y/rd/i dZzoioioid/ddTio//. /Jea.jc'2^^:y,'.Ou(7UJt STJ/' Alexander Stuart md mz lAzA/m/o He ofAfJtoYHZ, Cozzlegjej of E~/\ / /I ' 7 f oA!oyei/Ajmof of L on don. \forr .yl/ yam Aaae i/zzmm zaa y/^/A//^//£/ eA/yamo Az/ ezzeamTyzze/- IIoRJO an ll:eaazany, mars ea/oeszafy I// jAeazany oerme of sAe fe/t 7) K i/i /VO O al a ///:ii Ji.lli IX/A (/ of /As //> O TJAJZ CAHSTJEjS, am/ reeezn me /a 7 rR/j:\J)S///I> af^JArTA^AC71 / A/J, rzrAooe aASSJSTA2VC£/ /An'/ WoJUC nnrn/el Aa-z/e Aeen imry iznyerfnt. ll aAiaznA Aemzz/Aty of me AizyAieOt. Aziz/oz/zO/A’' zf, famzleeA /AzJ OccAl//lOJV a? male- a /jzzAAzaA leAzia/yAf/zie/i-l a/al te> fef /’em miiel mlAyeA AamlA TAtnoatO (y 3'l'/ ' A/* j 93 Eiccc/xu. 24 9 Jy/zzpAy dir/z 2 32 J* B JO/a£7xie ..f...iY& 0/7J77CJ 007/771 % i 3 EtXitxz 444 E/X//7/7777J72 . ... 28 Sju/o 7/17 /2/1* 10 3 j Elipil£o7X7772l 7 2 0 j B JB7IO/0/22200 7?20X. Op Earl a 7272 ma/a?* 7 E077707/ 72 /cA27l£u/T2..730 p PoLOonuz , 3s ttuzX. 243 Pa/nTxo CA 7*6/60 j 4 8 V 7U£y //JOTS 4 02, Papo/2XO7*- /Zx/xll/rZ 2 Raroo/yx6/ 2 40 Pa Txexo 7XO j 30 Poro/iy c/iztc 214 EorJ6otaXzt 03 Pe/xcA/meriu/n 4p PerVvcoL 201 Po7*x6cti2X77 1 is U7*OT2X J jp PoXiTLX t tax 44 4 Pa £/*OX€O6/277277 1 p4 Po £72777 J 46 Pz/TUX J Sp —- Xy/roX£t*6x Jgo E7/77777 a 5 i E/z/zlnyo 33 aryi/y'PfTr/to 14 P» •••Vi cB7id f'VROZ 7. It grows almoft every where in Fallow Ground, and flowers moll Months in the Year. t £'•- t * v " • %*vs • Ji/ mOitti » ;• .. >1 ~ . } f 3. The Roots and Leaves are ufed as cooling, aperative, provoking Urine, and Strength- ening the Stomach, Dioscorides. a. Greek, ’Atfdxa Theophrastus, Dioscorides. Latin, Dens Lconis, ‘Taraxacum. Spanilh, Diente de Leon. Italian, Dcnte di Cane, and Pijcta al letto. French, Dens deLyon, or Pijfe en lift. German, Pfaffenblatt and Rmnicbflopff. Dutch, Plate 2. Red, Wild, or Corn Poppy. Papaver rubrum. 1. This Plant grows to be two Feet high, the Leaves are a Willow-green, and the Flowers Scarlet. a. It grows in moft Corn-fields, and flowers in June and jfuly. 2 3. The Flowers of this Poppy are cooling, incline to fleep, and much ufed in inflamatory Fevers. Officinal Preparations from it are the fimple Witery the Syrup, the Conferve of the Flowers y and the Tinfiure. 4. Greek, Dioscorides. Latin, Papaver, rulrum, erraticum, rhoeas. Spaniffi, AmapolliSj or Papoulla. Italian, Papavero falvaticho. French, Pavot Jauvage, or confanons. German, Clapper RoJcn7 or Corn Rofen. Dutch, Rooden hucl. Plate 3. Mullein, Hig-Taper, Verbafcum Tapfus barbatus* 1. It grows to be fix Feet high, the Leaves are a light Willow-green, and the Flowers a pale yellow. 2. They grow on Highways and Commons, andflower Injfuly. 3, The Leaves are ufed for Coughs, Pains in the Bread, and Collie-Pains ; and outwardly in Fomentations, and are thought a fpecific againlt the Piles. Dioscorides recommends a Decofiion of the Root as good for the Tooth-ach. 4. Greek, Dioscorides. Latin, Verlafcum, "Tapfus larlatus. Spanifh, Gordolobo, or Verlafo. Italian, Tajfo larlajjo. French, Bouillon. German, Beifs Bulltraut, Dutch, IVdle hruyt. Plate 4- Garden Cucumber. Cucumis fativus. i. This Plant trails on the Ground, the Leaves are a Yellow-green, and the Flowers a pale-yellow. 7. It is raifed from the Seed yearly; and flowers, and bears Fruit for feveral Months in the Summer. 3. The Seed is ufed for the Stone, Strangury, heat of Urine, burning Fevers and Plu- rifies. Dioscorides fays, the Fruit chears decayed Spirits ; and recommends the Leaves boiled with Wine, and mixed with Honey as a Cure for the Bite of a Dog. 4. Greek, 2/*ur Theophrastus, Dioscorides. Latin, Cucumis fativus, vulgaris, Spanifh, Cogomlro. Italian, Cocomem French, Cocomlre. German, Cucumern, Dutch, Concomercn, Plate, i. Peru Peaiue Jja/ide/wth 17*7<7/V'S’/ ? Koatr 3 Seed Tan zaiaei/sn /Pliz- Bla/JavedL deAn. jcu/p.et Pisvac Plate, . Red Poppy j Planner zlruieb 3 Seed r//l/ £t/n f //s/l r/w^aj Hi parser RUz.J3/acPia,dljrulp. et Rut/a:. Flate, 3 iFlonser Z Fruit 3 JFkuujCiU/u WuFztiu * ' 73 , Ola v. . , \ iilSi JL -.L*l ; uvJ I * 1 * * a. It grows bell in dry fharp Ground, and flowers in May and June, 3. The Leaves and Flowers are ufed, as good for all Difeafes of the Head and Nerves; they are alfo diureftic, and good for Obftru&ions of Urine; and much ufed in all Sorts of Fevers, in Tea or PolTet Drink. . 4- Greek, Dioscorides and Matthiolus. Latin, Salvia, and Salvia hor~ tev.jis major, Spanifh, Salvia and Salva, Italian, Salvia. French, Saulges. German, Sal* hen. T 6 Plate ii. White Lilly. Lilium album i. nPHE Lilly grows about four Feet high; the Flowers are white, with yellow j[ Apices in the middle. I a. It is planted in Gardens, and flowers in June and "July. 3. The Flowers and Roots are ufed chiefly in external Applications; they are fbftning and anodine, good to diflblve and ripen hard Tumours and Swellings ; and to break Im- pofthumations. :SJ Matthiolus recommends the Oi!y made of the Flowers, as good for all Pains of the Joints and contracted Nerves. S' S The officinal Preparation is, The Oleum LUiorum. 4. Greek kTheophrastus; Pliny and Caspar Bauhin. Latin, Lilium al- bum, and Liiium album fore credo. Spanifh, Azuccna, and Lino bianco. Italian, Giglio bianco. French, Us, German, Zilgen and Gilgen. Dutch Lelie. Plate 12. Stinging Nettle. . Urtica. I. rTI HIS Nettle grows to be two Feet high ; the Leaves are of a lighter Green than \ the Roman Nettle ; the Flowers are a dal! yellow. 7. The Nettle grows every where in too great Plenty, and flowers for feveral Months in the Summer. 3, The Roots, Leaves and Seed are ufed as cooling and reftringent; the Juice is thought good for all kinds of inward Bleedings, Haemorrhagies and Fluxes. A Tent dipt in it flops the Bleeding of the Nofe or Wounds. The Root is efteemed diuretic, and a Specific for the Jaundice. The Seed is recommended for Coughs, fhort- nefs of Breath, and Obftru&ions of the Lungs. 4, Greek Dioscorides and Matthiolus. Pliny. Latin, Urtica urens, and mens maxima. Spanifh, Ortiga. Italian, Ortica. French, Ortie. German Beljchodcr Ro~ mijch Nc^eL Plate q . 1 F/e7ise/ % Fruls 3 Seep * H heJ t/hu/e FlFz- BLichiS/ deJui sculp. etßirvx 7 ud PhP/ia - j i /?/?3F?7 / it ' 3 P'eetL Padvza. Ehz Tj Li cl ruell clelm Jculj?. et Pi nx, T/at# n W/ut£ ELlt,. Blacbn-eJI dcu/jj. et Bti'vcc. J B/tTnser' % II 'til t 3 J'eetC 4 jßxrat dU/ru/ri F/ufr J2,. K/tmqmy Jl ett/e j 2, Seed Urtica. TJvz ■ delm. jculp. et I*inx. 7 Plate 13. Jajmine,or JeJJ'amine. Jafminum, Jafminum album. I. r"|~I HI S Shrub fhoots forth long flender green Twigs, which would lie on the 1 Ground if they were not fupported ; the Flowers of the common Jafmine are white. 2. It is planted with us in Gardens, and flowers for ftvcral Months in the Summer. 3. The Flowers are the only Part ufed. Schroder commends them as good to warm and relax the Womb, to heal any Schirrtbi therein, and to facilitate the Birth; and alfo for a Cough and Difficulty of breathing. The Oil made by Infufion of the Flowers is ufed in Perfumes. Matthiolus thinks that the Ointment made oj jfajmme hy the Ancients 'was not that 'which 'we have novo. J J Latin, yf'ajyyiinum, 01 or CSrelJiyyiinum, Italian, CSelJimmo, French yajmin. German, Beielrclen. ’ Plate 14. Narrow-leaved Plantain, or Ribwort. Plantago anguftifolia, or Quinquenervia. T- T 1 Sr°ws t0 eight or nine Inches high ; the Leaves have five Nerves which run quite JL thro’ them from the Root; the Flowers are of a light Umber colour with white Apices. ’ a. It grows in Fields and Meadows, and flowers moftly in May and 'June, altho’ you may find fome of it in Flower moft Months of the Summer. ’ ' 3. It is cold, dry and binding; good in all kinds of Fluxes and Haemorrhages, as fpitting or vomitting of Blood, bleeding at the Nofe, the Excels of the Catamenia or Lochia. It flops the involuntary making of Urine, eafes its Heat and Sharpnefs and the Go- mrrhea, and flops the bleeding of Wounds. The oflicianal Preparation is the jhnfe dijblled Water. 4. Greek Dioscorides and Matthiolus ; Labelius and Ge- rard. Latin, Plantago anguftifolia and Quinquenervia. Italian, Piantagine hma or Lanaola. French, Plantain. German, Sptgtger Wegrich. 8 Plate i tj. St. John's Wort. Hypericum I. FTTHIS Plant grows to be two Feet high; the Leaves when held up againft the Light appear full of fmall Holes; the Flowers are a bright Yellow, with a great Number of Apices and which being bruifed between the Fingers emit a bloody Juice. 2. It grows in Hedges and among Bulhes, and flowers m'Jme and ytdy, 5. St. John’s Wort is accounted aperative, deterfive, diuretic, alexipharmic ; good in tertian and quartan Agues ; deftroys Worms, and is an excellent vulnerary Plant. A Tincture of the Flowers in Spirit of Wine is commended againft Melancholy and Madnejs. Outwardly it is of great Service in Bruifes, Contufions and Wounds, efpecially in the ner- vous Parts. The officinal Preparations are the fmple and compound Oil. 4.. Greek, Dioscorides. Latin, Hypericum or ericum vulgare. Spanifh, Corajoncillo. Italian, and Perforata, or Herba di S. Giovanni. French, MiHeper- tuis or ‘Trucheran. Ger an, Santf, yohannicraut. Plate 16. Fox-Glove. Digitalis. I. ITT grows to be three Feet high; the Leaves have a little Down upon them; the I Flowers are red, fpoted with white, and grow all on one fide of the Stalks. 3. Fox-Glove grows in Hedges and Lanes ; and flowers in June and July. 3. This Plant is but rarely ufed inwardly, being a ftrong Emetic, working with Vio- lence upwards and downwards. Parkinson ex tolls a Dccottion of it in Ale, 'with Polipody Roots, as an approved Medicine for the Falling Sicknef. The late Docdor Hulse commends the Ointment made of the Flowers and May Butter, fir firophulous Ulcers which run much, dr effing them with the Ointment, and purging two or three "Jimes a JVeck with proper Purges. The officinal Preparation is the Unguentum digitalis. ±. Latin, Digitalis, ox Digitalis purpurea. French, La Digit ale. IJlaJ:£ 13. Jadvzim / F/oiuer 2 Fruit 3 a fe&i JEh/z- B/achveM delm , jcu/p. et JPinx. tfaJmiriujn F/ntp 14. JVarrvru /raised jP/asiteusz Jtliz, J3 Liekrire/ldeMii - jciclp. ££ JPuicc ■ / j* fajitei 21') ait 2 Jieui P/a/itip/v anqu- /i* • •: i ■ J Flo 7uer Z Fruit 3 JteF Sfyper vtu /?i T/ate i 6'- Dtyvtiius Fox. FUk ■ JB> Inon/oIL dSui. dad/-*. et Tmx. l Tip rise? 3 JFhuzt 3 Seed Plate 17. Wormwood. Ablinthium vulgare. 1. TTT grows to be three Feet high ; the Stalks are hoary, full of a white Pith, the Leaves are a Willow-green above, and a light hoary underneath ; the Flowers are yellow. 2. It grows in Lanes and wafte Places, and flowers in July and Augujl. 3. The Leaves and Tops are ufed ; they purge Melancholy Humours, provoke Urine, rejlore an Appetite that is lofl ly Drinking. Dioscorides. They are good againll the Diforders of the Stomach, vomiting and Surfeits ; they {Lengthen the kill Worms, and are of fervice in Dropfies, Jaundice, tertian and quartan Agues. In all the above Cafes it is infufed in Water, Ale or Wine. A Cataplafm of the green Leaves leat up 'with Hog's Lard vuas commended to Mr. Ray ly Dr. Hulse as a good external Remedy againfl the fwelling of the Tonjlls and Quinzy. See Rays Cat. Plantarum. Officinal Preparations are a jlmple Water ; a greater and a lejjer compound IV%ter; a Jrmple and a compound Syrup ; an Oil by infufion, and decoction ; and Oil by Diftellation ; an Ex- traffy a fixt Salt. s 4. Greek *aTvW Dioscorides. Latin, Alfmthium vulgare or Ponticum. Spanifh, Afentios or Alofna. Italian, Affenzo or Affentia. French, Aluyne or Alfince. German, Werrnut. Dutch, Alfem. Plate 18. Yarrow or Milfoil. Millefolium. j. f~ | E Stalks grow about eighteen Inches high and are fomewhat hairy; the Flow- ft ersare white, and grow on the Tops of the Branches in flat Umbels. 2. It grows in moft Fields and flowers in 'June and July. 3. The Leaves are efteemed cooling, drying, binding, ferviceable in all kinds of Ha- emorrhages ; as fpiting or vomiting Blood, bleeding at the Nofe, Dyfentery, the too great Flux of the Menfes, violent flooding, cooling and tempering its immoderate Sharp- nefs ; it is good in a Gonorrhea, Stangury, Heat of Urine ; when applied outwardly it is of Service again!! Ruptures, Haunches the bleeding of frefh Wounds, 4. Greek, piyaf. Dioscorides. Latin, Millefolium tenefire vulgare, or vulgare Flore alio. Spanifh, Millhogas yerva. Italian, Millefoglio. French, Millefueille. Dutch, Duyfiud-llad. German, Garlen. Plate 19. The Garden Bean. or 1, rnHE Garden Bean grows to be three or four Feet high ; the Leaves are a pale green, and the Flowers white, with two black Spots in them. 2. It is fown in Gardens, and flowers in May, and the Beans are ripe in June or July. 3. The Water diflilled from the Flowers is ufed by many as a Cofmetic; and that from the Pods is accounted good for the Wind and Gripes in Children. Dioscorides fays7 the Meal made into a Cataplafm removes the Swellings in Womens Breafls which are occafioncd by the Milk ; he alfo recommends it mixt with Rofesy c and the white of an Eggj as good for purging all watery Rheums from the Eyes ; and mixed with Wine as good for the Web, and blood-fhot of the Eyes. The Meal given inwardly is efteemed good for a bloody-flux. The of anal Preparations are the Aqua Florum et Silicpuarum Fabarum. 4. Greek, KuVO-, Theophrastes, Dioscorides. Latin, Faba major, or Faba major horten- fis. Spanifh, Havas. Italian, Fava. French, Fave. German, Bwtew. Dutch, Roomfe7 or Bocrc-Boonen. Plate 20. Meadow Trefoil or Clover Grafs. Trifolium vulgare I. ri IHE Leaves are a pale green, and the Flowers purple fpoted with white the f Stalks grow to be eighteen inches high. i. It grows in moft Fields and Meadows, and flowers in May or June. 3. The Leaves and Flowers are ufedas drying, binding, good for all kind of Fluxes, the Strangury and heat of Urine ; made into a Cataplafm with Hog’s Lard, they are reckoned good for Tumors and Inflamations. Matthiolus fays a Decoßion of the whole Plant in Flower, flops the Whites m Women. 4. Greek, Dioscorides. Latin, Trifohum vulgare. Italian, Trifiglio. French, Jroisfueille. German, Biefenclee. Dutch, node Klaaveren. FLue if M oimriraad' Alrfmt/i mm tlltz.FlarknselL de-lut . etFtuoc 2, Fruit 3 K^eed Flute 23. Uaj^ron/ JtUz,. JBlac/uve// c/elui. jculjj. et Fuvjc. 2 T q Fruit 3 Fred dtiUefolium. Thite jo The Tearr l5 LcvcJjv'&lL dehux. . et Turx i Tlonoer 2/ Triad: J Te.eri Taka TLue 2,0. Turtle Trefoil Clover f 'tt/l JSliz iB dehn. dcuifj. et Firvoc 2 F/c’ii'rr 2 Fruit 3 Seed Trijuiucnv lid^ate Plate 21. Agrimony. Agrimonia. i.nriHis is the Eupatorium1 of Diofcorides, Galen, and the ancient Greeks ; it grows about two Feet high, having feveral winged hairy Leaves of a pale green Colour, the Flowers are yellow. 2. It grows in Hedges, and the edges of Fields; and flowers in June and July. 5. Agrimony is efteemed cleanfing and purifying for the Blood, ftrengthning the Liver, and good in all Difeafes arifing from the Weaknefs thereof, as the Dropfy, Jaun- dice, &c. Malthiolus recommends it with white Wine as an excellent Cure for the Strangury, and Woody Water. River ius extols the Powder of the dried Leaves for the Incontinence of Urine. It is likewife a vulnerary Plant, and put in Wound-Drinks; and outwardly ufed in Baths and Fomentations. 4. Greek, ’EuTrarwg/ov Dioscorides. Latin, Agrimonia, or Eupatorium Greecorum. Spanifh, Agramonia. Italian, Agrimonia. French, Agremoine. German, Adermcng. Dutch, Agremonie. Plate 22. Common Mallow. Malva vulgaris i.'X /f ALLOWS grow to be three Feet high; the Stalks are fomewhat hairy, and the i YJL Leaves are a yellowifh Green, the Flowers are a bright reddeft Purple, flrip’d with a deep Purple. 1. It grows commonly by Way-fides, and flowers for mod Months in the Summer. 3. This is one of the five emollient Herbs, being Loofening, Cooling and Molifying. A Decoclion of the Leaves, fweetned with Syrup of Violets, and drank now and then to the Quantity of a Quarter of a Pint, keeps the Body foluble, aflwages choleric Humours, allays the heat and fharpnefs of Urine, eafes the Stone and Gravel, and pro- vokes Urine. A Cataplafm made of the Leaves, eafes the fmart of the Place that is flung by Bees or Wafps. Where Marfh Mallows are not to be had this may fupply the Place. 4. Greek, maKdxn, Dioscorides. Latin, Malva and Malva vulgaris, or agreftis. Spanifh, Malvas. Italian, Mallet, or Malva. French., Malve. German, Pappel. Dutch, Kaajjes- xruyd. No. 6. Plate 23. Garden Crefs. Nafturtium Hortenfe. i.TT grows to be eighteen Inches high; the Leaves are a bright green, and the Flowers JH white. 7. It is fowen in Gardens yearly, and flowers moll Months in the Summer. 3. The Leaves are much ufed as a Sallad, their warmth being good to help the coldnels of others mixed with them. They are elleemed good for the Scurvy, Dropfy, Palfy and Lethargy. A Cataplafm of the Leaves with Hog’s Lard cures fcald Heads. The Seed helps the Scurvy and Dropfy, and fwelling of the Spleen; and opens Ob- flruclions in the Female fex, and prevents the falling off of the Hair. 4. Greek, Kapkov. Dioscorides. Latin, Najlurtium. Spanifh, Najlurtio, and Malgica. Italian, Najlurtio and Agretto. French, Crejjon de fardini, and Naftort. German, Garten- crefs. Dutch, Hhuyn-Kcrsfe. Plate 24. Self-Heal. Prunella or Brunella. i .qpHIS Plant grows to be a Foot high, the Leaves are a dark green, and the Flowers JL are a Purple Colour. 7. It grows in moll Meadows and pallure Grounds, and flowers all the latter Months of the Summer. 3. It is ufed for all Inflamations and Ulcers in the Tongue, Jaws and Throaty either the Juice or a flrong Decoftion. It is good for inward Bleedings and making of Bloody-Water. Greek, ’Eoxar%<>». Dioscorides. Latin, Prunella, or Prunella vulgaris. Spanilh, Agra- monia. Italian, ConfUda minore. French, Agremoine. German, Brunellen and Adcrmenve. Dutch, Bruynelle. rUte %i. Ait/rurwruj 1 3, Fr-icit '3 J?rtu3 cut 4 k */:-£<{- A/y rimpttta. Tili't. T)LackjiAeJl cLalltl- jczc/p. exJ^tn/X- , ato 77 // m €j> r~um 2Jlate 'j, %■ yitcUlcni' 2 2 JTi'zi-tt 3 -ILzlnscZ &hy-z.--s*ltLCk/zv// jcitlp. e,t TJu vsc. Plate 33 garden &y/j 7ZUz:3latJcruvUl deJxn dctU/J dt Tirux. i 2, Fr~icct 3 Se-etL P\rae tur'/:iz urt JlPuf tua'U iari ho7~te rise. Tiate 2 } a./elf JFeizL 2 Flcmzer z £up 3 Jeed F jB nuieMa JZLIk.. IB a[eM.Ti. jciiJjo. JPi^voc Plate 25. Woof Bind or Honey Suckle. Capritolium, or Peryclemenum. Shrub grows to the thicknefs of eight or ten Inches in circumference, (hoot- ing out long (lender Stalks, which twill about every thing they meet with; the Leaves are a bluifh green, and the Flowers a pale red; which are fucceeded by Berries of a deeper red. a. It grows in mod Hedges, and flowers th e great eft part of the Summer. 3. The Leaves are fometimes put into Gargarifms for fore Throats. Some commend a Decoction of them for a Cough and the Ptyfick; and to open Ob- ftru&ions of the Liver and Spleen. The Oil, made by infufion of the Flowers, is accounted healing and warming, good for the Cramp and Convulfions of the Nerves. Matthiolus recommends the Leaves and their fuice as good in the Ointments that are ufcd for Wounds in the Head, and Ulcers in the Legs. 4. Greek, Dioscorides. Latin, Capnfohum, and Peryclemenum. Spanifh, Madreflva. Italian, Matrifelva, or Vincibofco. French, Vincibofe. German, BeiJJblatt. Dutch, Geytenblad, and Mammetjes-huyd. Plate 26. Lark’s-Spur. Delphinium, or Confolida regalis. grows to be a Yard high, the Leaves are a dark green, and the Flowers, commonly a fine blue; but fometimes a Purple. q. It is fown every Year in Gardens, and flowers mofl part of the Summer. tlf* '• ' * • '• • ! / t 'l\ i I C ’ 'r t9 r f ? ■ • • - ’■ * # f.. J u f. «.* i. V J1 ti.J j> . .. i ;vi . ; ■ J Ji. J Yfl f f { t 5. This is faid to be a vulnerary Plant, of a healing Nature. Mat triolets, fays it cures the Rheums and Inflamations of the Eyes ; mixed 'with Honey and drank 'with fwcet Wine it removes the fharpnefs of Urine. It Uke'wife clofes up frejh Wounds, and heals Ulcers. Greek, Caspar Bauhin. Latin, Delphinium or Confolida regalis. Spanifh, Italian, Confolida rede, or Spcrone da Cavalier e. French, Pie d* or Confbhda royalle. German, Rittcrfporen. Dutch, Ridderfporcn. No. 7. Plate 27. Balm. Melifla. if g THIS Plant grows to be three Feet high ; the Stalks are fquare, the Leaves a £ light yellow green, and the Flowers white. 7. It grows only in Gardens here, and flowers in fuly and Augufl. 3. The whole Herb is ufed, and efteemed cordial, cephalic, good for all diforders of the Head and Nerves, chears the Heart, cures its Palpitation, prevents Fainting, Melancholy, Hypochondriac, and Hyfteric Diforders, refills Putrefaftion, and is of great fervice in malignant and contagious Diflempers; outwardly applied it helps the flinging of Bees and Wafps. The officinal Preparation is the Simple Water. 4, Greek, miKwpWov. Dioscorides. Latin, Meliffa, or MeliJJophyllum. Spanifh, Torongil or Hierva Cidrera. Italian, Meliffa, Cedronella, and Aranciata. French, Meliffe and Pom cirade. German, Meliffen Muttercraut. Dutch, Confily de greyn. Plate 28. Hedge-Muftard. Erylimum. i. TT grows to be two Feet high, the Leaves are a yellow Green, and the Flowers a I pale Yellow. 7. Hcdge-Mufiard grows commonly by Way-fides, and on Banks, mi. flowers mojl part of the Summer. 5. This Plant is hot, dry, opens and attenuates; by its warming Quality, is defolves thick and flimy Humours in the Lungs, helps a Cough and fhortnefs of Breath. It is much recommended againft an habitual Hoarfnefs, to recover the Voice. River ius praifes a Decodion of it in Wine, as a good remedy for the Collie. The officinal Preparation is the Syrupus deEryfmo. Greek, egJo-ijmcv. Dioscorides. Latin, Eryfimum. Spaniffi, Rinchaon. French, Velar or Tortclle. Italian, Erifimo or Irione. German, Hedcrich and Wilder-Scuff’. Dutch, Steen-Raket. Tlate Z5- Sf&ntej./ ,Jux/\de lldcrcrd Hu lit P JZUz. H lacJcJiseM. deliiz. Jcic/fo-- e£ JPitvzz . Tfr'icly meji itni uzjorifcriizurv yPlatny ilvrt- 7 FLmsi&r Z Fr~tcit J Seed. Plate 2,6. Zcirk Spier / Flcmsezr 2 Jrl~iUt 3 Seed: alzdcL repalu De ip kuiLit?n. J3Uz ■ J3 LuZuve/l delai - ecu/p tt Tinoc FUzle %y. JB Ivz.- -BLcLc/tns&ll delin. e.t Tuvjc. 1 n/ith i& (up % FloiiMi' Separate < 3 Cup I 4 p Ay lliun Flcite %8 ■ Jtedye ' , /. , • = : -b Uz. F d&un. j. et Firioc ■ I ■■ i Fletter i z F# d 3 / Uddle une I 4 'Fee d I 8 trruarv Plate 29. White- Mujiard. Sinapi album. THE Stalks grow to be two Feet high, and are hairy; the Leaves are a light green; and the Flowers a bright yellow. ■ » 1 r- B a. It grows wild in dry Banks, and the edges of Fields, and flowers in July. The Seed provokes an Appetite, ftrengthens the Stomach and helps Digeftion. Dioscortdes recommends the finice mixed ‘with Water and Honey as good to gargle the Throat with', and help Women 'who are troubled with the Mother; a Catapajm oj Figs and the yuice is good fir the Lethargy, ly laying it on the Head, jhaved, till the glace grows red ; and the jame Cataplajm laid on the Hip eafies the Sciatica. The Seed he recommends as good m Plaifiers to fiften the Scabs oj the Head. 4.. Greek, 'Ehnwi Matthiolus. Latin, Simp album, or alterum. Spanifla, Mojlaza Italian, Scnape or Senauro jalvatico. French. Scnevc , German,, Gelder Scnjf. Dutch, Wit Moflard-Zaat. Plate 30. SowThiJile. Sonchus afper. i.TT grows about two Feet high, the Leaves are a bright green; and the Flowers a pale yellow. a. This SoW'Thiftle grows commonly on Banks, and flowers in May and firne. 5. The Leaves are of the fame Nature with thofe of the Dandelyon, being aperative and diuretic, and good for the Gravel and ftoppage of Urine. Matthiolus fays the Roots and Leaves when young are much ufed in Italy in Sallads; and recommends the Milk of the Stalk in Wine as good for an Aflhma; and the diftempers of the Ear, when boiled with Oil. Galen recommends the Leaves to be chew’d for an offenflve Breath. 4. Greek. Os- Dioscortdes. Camerarius. Latin, Sonchus afiper. Spanifh, Sen ay a or Serralha. Italian, Soncho, Cicerbita, or Crefpine. French, Tatter on. German, Bilder Hajentol or Gaujdijlel. Dutch, Ganfi-difiel. No. 8. Plate 31. Crow-foot. Ranunclus pratenfis repens. I. Plant grows to be a foot high, the Stalks and Leaves are fomewhat hairy, the Flowers are a fhining bright Yellow. a. It grows in mofl Fields, and flowers in May. 3. Crowfoot is cauftic, and may be ufedto draw Bliflers, where Cantharides cannot be had; but they mull not ly on too long, for fear of adeeming the Part. The Bavarians extol the diflilled Water from the Leaves of the bulbous Sort, or the Leaves infufed in Brandy, as an excellent Remedy againft; the Plague. Greeks ?c, Dioscorides. Thalius. Latin, Ranunculus fraatcrfis, Spanifh, Terva belida. Italian, Ranoncolo or Pie Corlms. French, Grenoilette or Bajpmz. German, Hanen Fujs. Dutch, S. Authonis Raapje. Plate 32. Water-Mint. Mentha aquatica or Sifymbrium. i. f T grows to be eight Inches high, the Stalks are hairy ; and the Flowers a red purple, I and the Leaves a reddifh green. a. It grows in Ditches and Watery-places, and flowers in fme and j'uly. .CIS 37 3. This Mint is rather hotter than the Garden-Mint, being carminative, expelling Wind out of the Stomach, and helping the Collie, it opens obftru&ions of the Womb, and pro- cures the Catamenia. The Juice drop’d into the Ears is good to eafe their Pain and helpDeafnefs. Dioscorides recommends the Leaves boiled in Water as good to flop a Reaching or Vomiting. (■ Greek, s«roV%ov. Dioscortdes. Latin, Mentha aquatica or ftfjmhnurn. Spanifh, or A jins. Italian, Sifcmlro. French, German Dutch Roffe water Munt. i" |V •» Flute Fiii/tar d j Flanker 2, Fruit \ 3 Feed Finapcu al/r urn Eliz- 3LacJctredi delzn jchljj J°inoc. F/ate 30 T/itftlt i Flanker Z super JElz/z. M la-cJs-iv 2 DufJ ' 3 Pain iizm cUlnua IJj'tica niortiur TtcUe li cro'dy J\ ig/it-jJuuLe _B itte r - Jti JiliZ dtlirc jciUjj et Tirvx.. 11 Flxmser 2, Fruit | 3 Feed jJo'taSizi m jDuica 7nar~a F/aJre 3 5 i T/ltJlhufl ' JBlacJiJvvM detin Jci/dp. Tittoc 7J o J'e.p ti ■ne*'T/~ut j Fums& t~ 1 jfeecL Pe/jeJl- -3 >S'e&c£ Plate 5 S 3orr~cu/e i Flonger I 2, EUz ■ 3laeA~nreJl cfeUvn.- jcidp et: 3inTf'tct£ \ 1 3 Fi'uit Jlzpe JSttjotiul al/r sp. * Clns,?r J u r,zfj JEltz. _Blac.knre.// dslui. jcufc ■ JPt/ix. i 7r/cm*er' - 2, 3 tf'esd ybICLTUU^ 7*/ ate 40. 23e. IPisidc. j Jeed TriJzczcrrL lyUiczirrL arid bztitvz. Plate 4.1. V''T’Vein. Verbena and Verbenaca. X.TT grows to be two feet high, the Stalks are of a purplifli brown Colour, the Leaves are a willow Green and the Flowers a light purple. a. It grows in Highways near Towns and Villages, and flowers in July 5. The whole Herb is ufed, being accounted cephalic, good againft Difeafes arifmg from cold and phlegmatic Caufes. It opens Obftruftions of the Liver and Spleen, helps the Jaundice and Gout. When it is applied outwardly it is reckoned vulnerary, and good for fore watery in- flamed Eyes. 4. Greek, Usyttfiw, Dioscorides. Latin, Verbena, and Verbenaca Juyma. Spanifh, Italian, Verminacola, Berbena and Bcrbenaca. French, Vervaine majje. German, Fijencraut. Dutch, T^Jlrkrujd. Plate 42. Ox-Eye-Daify, the Great Daijy. Beilis major I.rTIHE Stalks grow to be eighteen Inches high, the Leaves are a dark Grafs green, and the Flowers white. 2. It grows in Pafture Grounds, and the Borders of Fields, and flowers in jfune. 3. The Flowers of this Daify are accounted balfamic, and good for all Diforders of the Breaft and Lungs, as Coughs, Shortnefs of Breath, Pleurify, Confumption and waft- ing of the Flefh. They are helpful againft inward Bruifes and Wounds, and Ruptures, and are often put in Apozems and Decochons for the aforefaid Purpofes. 4. Greek, Latin, Beilis major. Spanifh, di pima vera and Primo Fiore maggiore and PrimuiO veris major. French, German, Qcnfsblum, Rulblum, S. Jfohansblum. Dutch, Groote Maagdehejcn. Italian, Fiore No. 11. Plate 4.3. Pimpernel, or Male Pimpernel. Anagallis terreftris mas. I'IT r°WS t0 a ie leaves are a grafs Green, and the Flowers fcarlet. 2. This is an annual Plant ; it flowers in May and 'June, and grows commonly in Corn Fields. 3. It is a Plant moderately warm and dry, with a little ftipticity. Some account it a good vulnerary. The Juice given inwardly by itfelf, or mix’d with Cow’s Milk, is good in Confumptions and Diftempers of the Lungs. It is often put in Cordial Waters, as an alexipharmic, and good againft malignant Diftempers. Some Writers of note have recommended it as good in Cafes of Lunacy, and dili- rious Fevers. Matthiolus commends the fuicc as good for the Tooth-Ach, Jnujj'd up the Nojlnl on that J!de where the Pain does not he. 4. Greek, AvayaKKSs, Dioscorides. Latin, Anagallis, and Anagallis mas. Spanlfh, Muruges. Italian, Anagallo. French, Murgelline or Mouron. German, Gauch heil. Dutch, Baftard Mmr. Plate 44. Panjies or Heart*s-Eafe.Viola tricolor, Jaccea, or Flos trinitatis. j.TT grows to be a foot high; the Leaves are a dark Green, and the Flowers fpotted I with a light Purple, a deep Purple, and a Yellow. a. Sometimes it is found wild in Borders of Fields, but it is frequently planted in Gar- dens, and flowers a great Part of the Summer. 3. The Leaves are the only Part ufed, and are accounted mucilaginous and vulnerary, good to take off the Gripes in Children and prevent the Fits arifing from thence. zj.. Greek, 'Uv iwldxyuv, Camerarius. Latin, Viola tricolor, or jaccea and Flos trim- atis. Spanifh, Italian, Jaccea or Minuti pcnjten. French, Penjees or Mcnues fenfees. German, Gibenfarlen Blumlm, Dutch, Penjecn. Tkue 41. / JCUz.- aelut. jci/Jjj. e£ Piszctz ■ j Furn Z fcf/3 3 Floit-e 4 % Ojc Jdi/e JDcivdtf Elmz. . ißlajdui v// dt ilu > ■ Jctt/p. ct Find' J F/o7t‘i2J' Z J*e.ed i?idjor -Plate- 43 Furrpeme/C .iClvz tB dti/ui ■ jcalfj. t>t Fiji x. )j ) z Fruit )3 Seed. „ {napaUis ttr/'eJlj'U ?naJ Plate 44- pCea. rte Eafe P drifted pUz ■ JBlacAnre ll cle/uz. jculf?. Pmcc. i 2 P'lonw fu/y ? Peed lefyed 4 Peed. I'' to la hyea/a 29 Plate -tyl* ■ Bramble or Blackberry-Bu/h. Rubus. or Rubus vulgaris I. r Shrub has many long creeping Branches; there are commonly five Leaves on one Footftalk in the lower Parts, and three on the upper Parts next the Fruit; the Leaves are a deep Green; the Flowers a pale Red, and fometimes White ; and the Fruit when ripe is of a black Colour. 1: ■ 7. It grows in mofl Hedges, and flowers in j'me and July ; the Fruit is ripe in Sepemler. 3. The Leaves are accounted reflringent, and are frequently prefcribed in Gargarifms for fore Mouths and Throats; the unripe Fruit is very binding and reflringent, ■ufeful for all kinds of Fluxes and Bleeding, for Thrnfhes and fore Mouths., The Juice of the ripe Fruit made into Syrup is efleemed good againfl; the Heat of Urine. 4. Greek, bdros, Dioscorides. Latin, Rubus, and Rubus vulgaris. Spanifh, Carza. Italian, Rovo. French, Ronce% German, Briamen, Brambcer and Crakbeer. Dutch, Braam-lezein. Plate 4 6.Betony. Betonica., and Betonica lilvellris or vulgaris i.TT grows to be eighteen Inches high, the Leaves are a deep Grafs Green and the I Flowers a red Purple. > • \ A. -j A 7, Betony grows in Woods and Thickets and by Hedge-fxcles, and flowers in May and 'June. q. It is accounted a good cephalic, hepatlck and vulnerary Plant. The Ancients had it fo much in Efteem that Anton jus Musa, Phyfician to Augustus Caesar, wrote a whole Treatife on it. The Leaves dried and mix’d with Tobacco are frequently fmoaked for the Head-Ach, Vertigo, and fore Eyes. Mix’d with JVlod-Sage and Ground-Pine, it makes a good diet Drink for the Gout and Rheumatifm. The frefh leaves bruifed are good for green Wounds and to draw out Splinters. The officinal preparations are the conjerve of the Flovuers, and the Emfafirum de Betonica. 4. Greek, Kk&v and Vuxcr&poT, Cammerarius. Latin, Betomca. Spanifh, Brctonica. Italian, Betoneca. German, Betonien, French, Betoine. Dutch, Betonie. No, 12. H Plate 47. Marum, or Syrian majiic Thyme. Marum Syriacym, Plant grows to be a foot high, the Leaves are willow green, and the Flowers JL red‘ J 2. It grows naturally in Candy and Syria; and is nurfed up here in the Gardens of the Curious; and flowers in July. 5. Marum Is accounted a good cephalic and nervine Plant, and is muchufedin cephalic Snuff; but is of little fervice elfe in Phyfick. 4. Greek, n Dioscorides. Cammerarius. Latin, Marum Syriacum, or Majorana Syriaca and Crcticay or Marum Cretenfe. Spanilh, Italian, Maro* French, German, Dutch, Plate 48. jßrooklime. Anagalis aquatica or Becabunga. 4. XT grows to be fixteen Inches high, the Leaves are a grafs green, and the Stalks a I reddifh green, and the Flowers a fine blue. 2. This Plant grows in Rills and running Ditches, it flowers in JW, and keeps it Leaves all the Winter. 3. It is accounted a good deabflruent and antifcorbutic, abounding with volatile Parts very good for the Scurvy, being an ingredient of the antifcorbutic Juices, and diet Drinks for that Diflemper. It is likewife deterfive and cleanfing, ufeful in obflru&ions of the Kidneys by Gravel or flimy Humours, as alfo for the Stone and Dropfy. Matthiolus Jays it is good to bring away a falfe conception, and provoke the Menjes. 4.. Greek, Amyaxxlr, Dioscorides. Latin, Anagallis aquatica and Becabunga. Spanifh, Italian, French, Berk, German, Wajjcrbmgen and Backbmgcm. Dutch, Bekcboon and Beek-pungen, JPlate 45 SB Ler i SBJ3 ct/'/i i i ?' ' Fncit \j Jeed lyjc// Ultimo jE/r. z. // dedin. e£ Ti/ioc. 3 Late 4 & JB £ t/rfty 1 JP*Louse*' 2 ('l/JJ < 3 l 3 eteon t<: a. JEli/z, -IB id.'A 7i v// ,/r Am ■ sculf ■ ef~ IPi/iaX ■ jPIaJ-f 4y Jlarum- j 7?/ansi?i* % Cup 3 JtcU'imi yerffiLciurt jEuZ .Blat'Juis&tt de/ifi. sczi/p. EC Ptnsc . Pl/itp 4s BrzrvkLune j'/lsz ■ J3 /lil Basil del in. /Lilly, e/ Bnw- | i Flxrrv&i' >2 deed Ve.fiell I 3 y Vzed jfaicuq itlli-/ aqiui/zca IB ecct Basic/ a 25 Plate. 49. Spinage. Spinachia, i.TT grows to be two Feet high, the Leaves are a grafs green, and the Flowers alight I yellowifh green. * ► r 'i. It is fown yearly in Gardens, and flowers according to the Months it is fow’d in. g. Spinage is more ufed for Food than Medicine, being a good boil’d Sallad, and much eaten in the Spring,, as good to temper the Heat and Sharpnefs of the Humours, it is elleemed cooling, moiftning, and diuretic, rendering the Body foluble. .v‘!r.i,7. :• > •'. jJqq.f; 100/ I bfn; sr-i 1o sha ::i Serapius an Arabian Phyfcian fays, that Spinage creates Wind ;fo that thofe who are troubled with the Chollic had better not cat it. .*! •> - i r Greek, Gammerarius. Latin, Spinachia or Lapathum hortenfe. Spanifh, Spamche. Italian, Spimche. French,- Efpinoches. German, Spinat. Dutch, Spim ijie. , Plate 50. Wild Teafel. Dipfacus lilveftris, Labrum veneris. I. r| IHIS Teajel grows to be four or five Feet high? the Leaves are a light grafs green5 ft and the Flowers purple. a. It grows upon Banks in the boarders of Fields, and flowers in June and ydy. 3. The Roots are efteemed cleanfing; the Ancients commend a Decocdion of them in Wine, boiled to a Confiftence and kept in a brazen Veffel, to be applied to the Rhagades? or Clefts of the Fundament, and fora Fi/lula therein; and to take away Warts. The Water found in the hollow of the Leaves is commended as a Collyrium to cool Inflama- tions of the Eyes ; and as a Cofmetic to render the Face fair. 4. Greek, Dioscorides. Latin, Dipfacus five fir is or Labrum Veneris. Spanifh, Cardencha or Car do penteador. Italian, Car do da Panm and Dijjato. French, Cardan, German, Garten dijjil. Dutch, Groote Wildehaardcn. No. 13. 2 6 Plate i. Pilewort or fmall Celendine. Chelidoninm minus l.rnHE Stalks grow to be a Foot high; the Leaves are a dark Green, and the Flowers a fine bright Yellow ; the Root refembles the Piles. 7. It grows in Meadows, and moift Failures, and by Hedges, and flowers in March and April. 3. This Herb is accounted to be good for the Haemorrhoides or Piles, to eafe their Pain and Swelling and flop their bleeding, the Roots being taken inwardly, and an Ointment made of the Leaves and Roots applied outwardly. Some commend it for the Jaundice and Scurvy, efpecially in the Mouth,-to (Lengthen the Gums and preferve the Teeth. 4. Greek, KeWwov jusnpov, Dioscorides. Latin, Chclidonium minus. Spanifh, Scro* folaria menor. Italian, Chelidonia minore. French, Covtlos de Prejlres. German, Pfajjcn- hodlin. Dutch, KeljnJpeen-hruyd. Plate 52, Primrofe. Primula Veris i.rPHE Stalks grow to be eight or ten Inches high; the Leaves are a grafs green, \ .and the Flowers a pale Yellow ; and the Roots a reddifli Purple. 7, It grows in Thickets, and under Hedges; and flowers in March and April 5. The Flowers are commended as good againft Diforders arifing from phlegmatic Humours. The Juice of the Root is ufed as an Errhine to purge the Head of tough (limy Phlegm. 4. Greek, Latin, Primula Veris, Spanifh, Italian, Fiore di Primavera. French, Pnmevefe or Brayes de Coen, German, Schlujjelllumen. Dutch, Groote WMe jlcutcFblom. .P/rft,' 4- g Jpuipue. J J?lo?V^7' 2, Ste-J. »fp uutcAza JlUz ■ jßlacA,n^//. dehn sculp- J~ iruv. P/ate 50 '■ U ill Teasel ) i. 2, J i Uid J) zps acus ‘Tih /j Is ZaTrujn Veneris V/£z ißlacVi/e il delin■ 'cu/p- et iPi/icc ■ plate 5 jl File - nr 2, 1 )j Jeed J’eedl I 'urLa Muirtui dzlin jcuI/j eJ: Ttnac ■ Tlate 56- White J'a-F/heirto. ItaliaszPlJelrcro nerv. French, Ellclrore runr^e. fetrutn, C/u~lj tndirt. Dutch Elate I<3. IDOITI~ fait, or O'cinill Bill'. let attire: n Cslutizl'znum, or Tea talus n/ltzus. l. T/us s dap so/dh s. PisssccndcLes. Zosfiz, Vinca peri/ttccci ■ Fpancsh, Feri'ii'Uflia, Italian, Frorzmca.FrerLcA, 1 lysentsrt f ermsm, ling ns m Dutch, Vcrtccrcrrdc. Flate 60. Wcrcrd-rcncrf. dspenula adenszta, or Fspesguda. 7 The ftalks grora to he a foot high,y lecures ate a. deep grafs ft y Flcm/ers white , tr It gremss in HacrcL' and iajodes, and FItTIVCCKI IT eVtUf. 3. iVaad-rvcrf is esteemed a ooad Hepatic', and icsefull again/1 InflasnsnatzonS of the I user, IlsflructLarcs of the Calt'-IBladder, and Jaundice. The fermanS put it into (hear Bine as use do JBcmzge Sg .Burnet, as a great hrrdiad and of die Jpints. The freetzFerl bruised is applyed ly y Lountig Folks to hot Turnouts, Inflcutzirutlzons, and fresh Cuts. 4- freak., caF e.dda yo r If a* o is. J) XSTJ COlidcsf. I aim, HSp Cl Slid odortld. dp atzzS h, Fltvitu Itdtaii'lßclhri JtiltTfiCCLFienc/zfasYtlCt tjeuman ,BlUltlßcrt.l)tUxJz l5. Tlate . 2 i y-? TodSc Tod oj2£fi <) 3 Seed ( jßaaTa' /vat cdfal/s /rzrraj ter Jtitz.: IBlockn/edl cdltn. och/j. et Titioc ■ TLIU. $3- fcrcrt CrzvnFJ IBili i Flenses / % Cup j 3 jJiUui Ve/jeJl i / afeed I OeraJiLUtti cvluntlnnutrt O/Uu n l/ ijxLu - JZltz ■ 3 deitn ■ Jc tclp ■ it Finoc- TloMd scf. Te nji/inc/Ue delin. dcu/p. et Tina; l Tlo-noer- | 2, die. Todd 3 Todd open 4 Teed- Tutut Ter~innaz Dap fuwzdea Plate So. M coci- Tixtrf i 3 J*ted ylop d i~uJ.cl (rciarata Atizedl dcli.’x.Jcutv ef- Pirux . piau 01. .({i/acinth err Pare-Pile, .rfy aeu ulms. 1. The Stall premnf & err p Inched hipP/ ifie Inured are a prafd if re err; the Ptaruerd cennnvondiy a deep PUni; Pud Jarnttunet fUik cerlpier and jometemed mPete 2 It cpinva m PCedped and Ji a add, and SLcnVPlid IPi SltiXif 3. The Rcratd are ltdtd, and by dome dunttie, and paerd to dtap all Pindi erf (FUuxutd. . * 4. fa reef, JdaKi v(DO s (Latin,> SffftZtljTt/llid. Spcuttsdv, SICtPOS fCoi/Td. liavlPari/, d/fya^PntliO. Frencdv, cl oUtßrt on- . fenman, SlildoeyildAtU7tPfV. PutcJv, vddzTeZXttti/lil. Plate 62 J/PIU~OS LodU Pdy. Pcuu-errln. ■x. Thu Jfvrul qj'vn** 3 fro* Uf U Ou leurueJ am a darA a,ul tke FLrtvers a uedlcrnr Ci^uen. 2 Tt promt tax Hovels end 7hlchetd> and PloittFfd m dlcmc/lr and dlfm//? and the Fruit u ripe in dtft tFfilltPt'. 3. The PtaAACS and Berries cure cured by tome, ad perod to purge Bile, clxcdesre and derated dTunururtf; (rut they purge r\ridv precut Fvolence both lufonrcui'cld and cbn irnu irardd. Jome ddirerUurijicd Pendent quire them in T)ropa vet. 4. g ree/h, Aa

uteh / d p\r c k/Yo.jS. Slate d'j. Sfo/asiyL/J'L S'uzjv Sell*/ HLzi Ji/jxkj/I Jcu/p> &t - i J*1 ums&7*- x, / e/jedl 3 Seed le/jt-d trpejz I 4 jf'sed SUz/aclritAizS. J'liLtd. Sz. x v | % IB 3 IB emx open 4 if'e^ed y Zaur'el -Elvz- J3 IL lielm.. j/'u/p. et IPincc . L/ZU7^Cri£L 63. J'a.i'uUUe /zeaJ fili/z, J3La d.elxft.JCiUf?■ e£P-uvoc. I 2 2, CaLioc 1 ef2e.lt ) 4 Santcula Diztp&n/ztL P/czle 04. J3icy/e. SLz.. 3 d<n. Jcttlp. iPifioc. j 2 J\?e d 7 /e/je/t j Jsztgula fonderh del m dm Plate PS- The JPilDlitLl dPta/tIZ/. PaesnuL faeanuui. j: jt y rents z oi~ 3 foot hujh, y lecutes are ay rips freest, Sc the BUnverS a /me trvmjon. 3, It is cicllzirated tn (jasdens, and f /tmtt 7\l in SipLld and . 3. Thu Plant yenerady Supplied the Plaee of y Blade Piony; and is accounted yood for' the Epilepsy, dpopleocy, and all kindf of conoidsicms and UffectioriS, both uc lyonrty f old. Some, rceomme nd it in historic Pa/es, the i/hftnccdoris of y Wenses, and 1/ Be tendon of the Jhacllia . The Boot and Seed arc huny alrout duldrens Becks to pre i 'cnt (drundfioriS in Irreediruy them Teeth.. 4. fieek, r\u K ucr Idn . or 77 at ovicl Sn\zfct. I atm. TaTO nil ffaettlincl . Spanish. HoSB del 7?tOTlke,or Jlosci ltalian PeOTlltZ'Prerich dill'll IMP, ar~ Pl/rWtm- german , iPp/7/7167Z. Dutch , Plate 66 pf e area/ JB/pilJ lr(7ttld ■ fi/amid major. 1. It yearns is Inches htyh. the I earns are a. deep if tee n on the Inside, and a liyht freen. on the Backfide,- the Plcnvers are a full blue . %. It yearns i>r tfandenS and ffOUSTS in Tump . j. This is reckoned ammo the vulnerary Phtnto, the Since heiny commended ayaznst Bruifeo and iontuJions nrhieh come of Falls thouyh a. Tom he Inoken, and the Party spitßload; as also to heal any Put or yreeen Sound . 4. tf leek/Kuai/o s.Latin, PlfflltZ/S TTtilfOK Spanish, Italian, SZeJP dampede, fzOT Slliso, f fßa/PIfUSCTt'O. French-, fjerrnan. OstSllrlum . Dutch, fraste Hlommen.. Plate 6h. Held, or ftietuL Omwmzld. Toullcl fteMda. x. Itynm'S adrout a foot hu/h, the LemsJ axe a dank preen. and the Pioneers udiite rozth a yedlonr Phrum m the tni Jdle ■ 2. It y rones amcmyst the cant, and oit /Banka, and roaste Places, and P'IOTI/43.TS fan Se/vemal PloritPld in the dis rn ntS t\ 3■ Some SUuhxrurs commend dits Plant as yoad ayauist Htpouns and Siye teric Pit/ . SMS Kstlj fays, Tt near same tunes ns ed in Scrap hzdozes Cafes. To ILTTITfOTt: jays. 'Thai adrorUPOTtS they use it ul Porientations for' Paine and SneeMznys- of SfflTSUOTThdyieJ. 4■ ifreek.dvfl if is, and d’vfl cpo v. Latin, PaUllcL farticdit.p Charcisitstriediirrt faedduni. Spanxsh., dipt IZ iillllLt. Italian , Partiartudlcl. /French PiWiefVUnCi on UirnotUldfe y ernutn , Casmlle n . Luted. dhinAundd iiUnillt . Plate, ss. T reticle Abiftapd. Thins pi. j. This Plant yrcmcs to he a fast luyh. die lemntS are a and the Pioneers one nrh ite ■ 2. It ymnvs in Porn- fiedJs in. Ffs&cc. and SIoBSPS Z?L s Hay. 3- It is /vat and dm/, and sornenduit diuretic; and is esteesned ysad to proiroke Urine and to hel/d the /Dropsy, font, SclcUzccl, and forncard the L/onftf-uscl /Ei-acuatiorid . The Seed of this Pla.nris nrhat any ft to he tiled in. the ThensSit % Stlf/A tsdsfl, hut hearty Jcarcedy to he had the Seed of the , Mithrtelei& Sfbyftatnd, or PhlaSp f iUzfJ irttllPl, iruty he itfed as a S ItCCPt/strLTtTTtt for it. 4. freed, Q\ as n / . Latin, T/l/tUpl . Spaniel, /PantyUTdO dt fHar IrLuzCi?. Itadlcut. I hLispt. French. Sttisitp aHiuiTij/ e. ferrnan.iß tJaticLaiS/Dutch,/BaeTesi.-kepfi a. SVo. ig. -P/cU£ Female T thmy Klxx- JBUchnrtdL delin. sculp, eh Pinoc- i.Tlmwr z.yfeecL y^fjcL Tahoivut fiJLtrnvn/L. P/a.te So. The £ fYat J3 leiir-/satt/e 'J X .F/o7L*er~ X F/jfve r- Jepemto ) 3 Jeed ff/atzuJ ma/c^r. P'litL ■ lacAn*e/lSedn- Jcu/m- etPinoc. T Let te Sy lAtnif -Heed. or J-aiOuC Caerriornide FLvz ■JB Lctck*i*e>LL d&Lvn. JcuLp. eJe Puvoc ■ i. F Lcnv'&r 2 Fruit i 3 F&id Co tiiLt foe Lido JPLcute 68. Trecuh /. . . / /, JtUz- de lui. Sculp- tti vrtoc. i Flanks'' % jf tecL Vt/de ( 3 tS'&e.d TnLufp-v Plate 6g. S/Ul'dstV FioitCJ ' ilt~Lutty, Irid nadtrod hortendid . I.ItyroTVd to he jB Inched hiyh ; the Leaved are a lu/ht fern , Scy Flontem a Irhudh Purple . %.It yt'orvd at (jordered , coed F/eTTVm Ut 77l y—t Z' ILuc yc. Llllctd t?f t/ie I edltl/ . Lddun co?vvtdtium . i. Ityixrnrd to ire 6 or 10 Incited hiy/i ; thpLeaim arc a graft green, and the FtenOerd astute . %Iljraivo in the /allied, Sat chcefty in t/ardnu, and floroerd in ILldy and JuJit . 3 .Lidded of the I alter/ are m aldthdoi'dern of the Head anrLSenred ; ac ct/raplexy, Lpdepdy, Tata/, CoToi/utdiorio, Urtiyc Fhcc/ ecrey much need' in Fortuned emd cephalic Jnuff LLarye yiumtity of them arejour in the depiaPatorueie C. and jpmt. Lwireridldat C. and the dt/. (IntepiFpdcet . 4- f reel I adn , Lllcunv certUrdlllUtri/. fp anidh Italian . Lillet csrcoradUe?. French, tHut/Mclt . yermcm, Fitcf crdrlutf llui. DiUcth Ltii& ~ item dtrc F atUerv. slfud Incectrvad tracellwg upon th&Utz/, hlitfcedd coavnonty u/nm fruOtfreed, <& m dated yI, axle-/ from lO variety of Colour). dilate yr. Stt/ft (if / STIUtC . Satina minor or tu'■tutid. i. the death) cp'oro- to Ire iS Inched high, y heaved one a tiyhc Screen, and yFionrero a/ralePurpte. x. Ityrorvd in (/ordered andfla?l/€rd in 172 City andJuiiS 3. It id esteem'd j/crcrd for all Ptd eus ed erf the FLeod and. or i/Paddy, Carcvufcorid tee they me it hlemoe for Uterine oldtruetumc, and;in Fmero of' att ooi'to the Leo A/ed are need in the dc/. dnteydryrtecei. ttntzpaiday turn, time Ccnripaoitn . Syruy Staechaclas . liny. ITiaiCuUum. Cuyuctr Codymthtv. 4- f eel, T. . J^inoc J*/a£e yi. Scuy& of Te rti te s/i’z. JB LuJuiseJ/ d&lui. jcuf.et Tuvx: ■ i. Timber I 2- Jeeci Vefe/l 3.J*e&d KfaJsVltL 7711510 7^ t iru^lutiJ f 4. La died diantLe IFjHz ■ JBlackn^k/t/e/i'ri ■ The Ojftanad F/eparanarr io die FUctuaaxuni eadfedfedorv • 4. l/ree/c, PWcGoeos iiuros.latinJlUtnrvnhafFuui. JfamdF, lerde yarntne (rlartco .Itatian, Elledoro diarice .IreruJilleraire, orEdelwre Irlanc. fertrucu, H/Jjfiffnrw't. FiucF,Hlttedfiedncrrt&/. FLvu, 75. Hiuv l}dCiia/ orFramndlcu. Dutavaiiu at/io oiPraemillo. j. It qronn to be-2 firotyhi^v,tk&Ltavtd arv, a, dark (}rerrv, rerL.&atrmetun&) 2. Ibpronn Tvddtn oeverad Placed of France &■ femaruy; loot idplanted here inf or dm. Scfiorverj uiluncdtlidy. 3. Tkehrcrtd are erteemd cardial and cepdiedic,poerdto reddtPutrJordon andFaidon, andudeful in nudiyruint andpemlentzal Durtemperd. It w accountedyoerd/hoFpiie/fteo go oihorl/fdrder) afyfferuh. hpeeuny Oldtructiom off Fomlf, y//let//ed. TheFrepnratzorid arc dee /2y. dntepileptie . T/veriacad. Fuho. LiFerand. PiripldtyMicurn.Paracel. 4- freeh, fCa/ca/y c \ nov.Cffcux . Latznjutarrinud adlrud, caFraocine(F.Jfany/h Irlanco Itadniec,F)utonw Inanco FrenchDyetanvhaeUerde'. ferman, f ernemerF) yrtanc. I) totch, Traemed/et , Hate, 76 . Crop- iv-ort. Cracuittv i . IcjrroTVd to he a font hnydv, die Leaned are ot lyyht freeetr andy/lormro l/edfanr . z . Itc/roroa intdedyed and the Border) ofFieldd, /rut id rarely to (so Tnetmth adcrutLaruhoi. eoccept in //It /hvpLej ftoundd at dfarnpdteotd;itpreroformerly inpreatplenty mHamp - cttead ChivrcA yard, trut they ha/oe dor/ it up . It floraer) mTione . 3■lt id redoricL among die vzdnerary I'lantd , heinp of oedrymp £c hndmpdfature;Sc idpetrtimlccrly coTTzmenrUei for yari/ellmy ofydcro turn, nr'Fid courted try yfdhnp dorm of die Inte)drier unto it. 4• f reel, £tcy e&co v. P/aJriaTiMd Junau . ladrt, Crzueatn. dfnmid/u, Itahm, Frenc/e, f errnan, Dutch, 5. Ttud Caterpdtar id catted in/ dome the Teajrard, and /mrdueed a very Oeeaidfcl Tfloth . jee dMrind I/oiCoty, Plate zo . /Ad. xo . ' PUue /j. T/i.e JfTute Hcrf&. Shz- 23lacJcj'tAe*//. cleJjJx. Jculfo &t T’tnoc . t .Flcmser ( XllcL j ailrit ■ Plate . H /n te . ffel/e lrare~. t.liyz. 3 laclu veil- cUlin Jculy et IPtnoc . j JFicmA&r- -4 Friiit j Elle./rcmim, at Ver'citrum allnun Tlctte ys. 117 i iUi 'Dittany or Fraocmellcl - 'i Z- JlliXcknse/l dc/m c’ Cu/ji> ■ c-t Finoc . i. Tlmizer r 2, ■ Frrovt 3 a Fe^uL DiazuruuiJ ctilnio or Fraocmella . Fla la y6. i. F'longe r % J'e &d / ? the, Leap ant- /i \'r // - nrcrrtr ELiz ■ J3/ll jculp et IPuroc. •9 „ ' C7~7.6€ IOtO. . Tiate 7 y. J'lranruernej. , Kr' ]. ThuPlant creeps upon the ground, the Italics onrvhich the Fnatgrows are alroutFightlruhea long; theL earn areccdark (/ref freed, andthcFtcnvers white. zTlieg yrvnnruvmtb, andflomw inT/lag, andtheFnatid ripe in June . 5 Theare. MedmLotiomand(argarum for sore TTlouthdandFh/xrcdr and Uoerd int/utjumA . Farm authors commend them for the Jaundice and all kind ofTtusxu. TheTnutu accounted Cordial andgoodfor hot biloiu Ccrmtitulioru, andgrateful to the Jtornach.. trjpecwJhj eaten mth Fine andJugar. The flowers make thrCLcj. dnlmephriticcL Cupar Crwdin ■ 4, f reek, L aim, FraparmJprmioh, I talza/i. Trap o tar to. French, Troisier ptmum. Berperddiem T) ulch, .jCorcUitflen . Plate yCI he Fed lime. Koju Ru/rra. 7- veryfent Prtdd& on Jie aiaJh;theL eoAtcr are agrof frtm. and the, Flamtn a bght Cnrnfan. %. It gram infarderu and fUmtra in June anJJuly ■ 3. ikeßed Kim id mare lnndmg and. rtdtnnyenc than any of the Other jgened, tcarvedtierriedgnadmaßkmddofTluaiA. Thoeg JVengthm (die Jtomach. great tat jttrp dchdiny Jjuyhd bygre/emiiny dteDefhxoci/m.ofißJu^ and are afy rent Jennce in rfke Ogncns areaJda arnounkd cordial- The OffianJTregaratujm are a Jungle Facer. thrdJryerimJioiarurn. Jachnrurnißmainrn, Jymgud e Pars ujiccis, , ; lUelßoianan, 01. Kossarum Jlnyaartuerc Forcmcm, TuuMernß/nsn/amz etfjseci&s i\.. freede PoJov Ladn, Rctjct tiad/ra. fgnnnJi, Runtad. loilnm.,Rndti. FratcA , JLorten . (fermajt, K-arJßoxtem . \ Tim yg. Ladies Thu tie . Cardiacs ?. The ScalLs gram to he 4 err 5 foot hy/v, the Lemesf CUT ouTtnJJtmt preen apatted nJ ivfvte, and thu fioraen Fuipie . z.. It grama fi'egiuntk/ upon Banks anoLB orders afFteJAo, and foment in June. 3. Thar T/udtle id enteemd ter parlnke of the off Cai'dauus tienedutud,hvtui ahnvßDyree. Jorrie camnund it ad ajptafio fat'' the Finer lay, ajreeudhy anFirndnurti of t/tejenoid. It id hielprful afdo far the JaMnehce, die Jione, and jtoppaje of Urine . 4 fr&eJ, .Latin. VZanar. Jpmuhv, Italian. Carlo del latte. French, Chwrdari do rurHriDamc . fmnvanfUrfh' FraranJLjdUl. Fateh, (hue Jhzcurne D w tzl . Rate. So file Ido t. TTiddotuJ . i. The Jtalhs grom to Ite tkr-ee feror fuah, the Leemteo are tmlyFlan/m a Ufdvt U&llom. • . 3. It grovef frejucnthn eurwruf the Term and mffeJgced, outA fiortem mjune . 3. The leem/ec and Flamers are accovriteArnrJJ^ing, ddatfing, and earing Fem ; for m/tuli Zldea dveg are put tn.Strip ec and CiitciphMttrvj ageundl InJFi - - rmatzond, haird Tunururdjaruf kind of JmeL/irigd . The TflcMjtFhuterniaAe of 'Jut (LTerh hoLtd in FUcJtvm Junta, Rodin and Won, 11 di^evrning, and ga-aoi for gretnJoiauLd, hot id ehwjhy UdedinFrfmg ofFbMrm . Officinal PrgTaratunvs air the JmjvCidtruirb ITLeJiJatiJbrvp .to Comp . 4. freelyHi\i\coros.Latin, TOrhilatud.JparwJv, Caromde Rea. Itrdiari, TTLeldato. French, ITjJiht. Carman, Zign (j'OMt. Dutch, TLieddoiz . 5. Thu CarteljjtJlar u cailed ty ooinr the jHztffy; J)actor VluffoCca.lL tt the FopTpare , t pee J upon r?zat/t C rer rz Thuzto. .' I o'. 70: • . ; ; ■ tLl&i y yr. tldod d* Etvz.. BlacknvU delm ■ Jculfj. et T’zjioc 1 Flsms&r V 2, d rrctt / J^rayaruL 7*late ! Tire Jtedi £ J%Uz- 7lm- jou/jj. e£ 7i.ixoc . i. 3 B ltd a ruin'd -PUu Jq. XacLieJ T(xuf tie. E'U jc. 3 Lccctru-eJJ. deli lh. Jcu-ljo - e t J\nyJC ■ 1. Flower 2, J'e^xL Cardruu tLl&i so. Fttlllot -Z tuz, ■ UtchnseJ/, dehn. Jeudp-et Tvn-oc- i ■ 2- Fr'idt 3 - Feed q. The Ifttfjtj Meli(<7 tufcrophiiltLrui mjytrr Pidt& (9(9. ZeJtice bUs 3 cl&lvn. sculp, et lJinoc . ) j- ■ J?lan/&r ■ 3 .Tlarv&r JeparaJz } j t fe^L UL frepuentliy Iroiled f enter,, his iolensoi~td, undo fait Heats f in Wadladd. arui are, edteemd urolmp, and, rrunMnznp, rendriruy the, 3odp Jodudrlr, and procifor hot Infurfe, (ArfhMiturrid-They are', vjsd, mthother micdlasntßcrlsd m cotrlrny Cj hrterd. 4 ■ freeh. A ryafaf /s. Lattro.Jbtirplex,- aldsct hprtediyfid judiuht imend. dpsmfcdh. JbmsxieJ. Italian, JUnydus,. Prertdv.Plrrv chrd. f ermar,, Alodteae. P utcdr, jMeJAe . tUu wo. wild jtmhiruf Jtrracfi. jwapiex ouda. i- live Jtalkd of mad riant jpread cnv the. fraimd.and the Leruved are caisereoi undo aemeady fretru;the FUmserd are dmali arui f reran,. The n/hoie Plant hod a, dtronp foetid ffhiy frrueJL. 2. Its pan ned on,Puriphilld k P'ajd Piaced flcm/riruj for dome .Alonthd in thr Jvrnnier. 3- Thjj Herls id appropriated to y fejrtaJt Jcoc.lsemp (pseratme,,dsohftrurnt, vfefull ir uterine Jiforderd, pood to promote the JlLenfed, expedlf Aftertrirdi,help Chddied Pvrpatisrnd, appeofey Jtranpzdsxtumd ofy Ponds,take of huteamFitd. It id ufezujdhj piven ma ~D ess ctio ru-There, id cuJyrvyo kept m, y Whops inode nshhy Jmsr of thid Plant k Juyar. 4 ■ fresh,Arqdf a f/s ayf la.JaiJuJitnyrier olida,- dth/edtnd. Jpcunidh.ltrmcrled. Italioav, Psrprce JaJisatieo. P funsansd. L trriwji, Bdddioiteri. Dutch,, ■ 3Ud.AhJdi, ffio-ZS , r Vlake yp- i. Flxr/uer q.BuJ FornyranateJ. Ftu'uat mala Etuc-B LxcLn/ell- d&luv. Jculjj. ef T'uvx. Plate gS- l??l OIKU trr jUrccrcU t i- Tloiwr 3 Fart:of y Hocrt HalfarmtcL maj or fojizrs Aortorurrv. JZtvz.SlxuAnreJl ole/m- rcufy>.&t IPinnc Plate j? q. Arr~axJt . i. T’laiv&r 2- Se&d 3.Seed le/jei crpen 4. SeeA. Afrjjoieoc ;• V Tt*U/isSßlacbve/l de/irt.scutf?. e£ Firvco Tt&te. 10 o. Wild JUnking dr~r(tcft. . d&iirt . jculp. et Ttnoc. i .Fioiutr Jltripleoc criidot. IF Lite jo j- The Peach- Tree ■ Perfica-Malar . t/ V . 1. This Tree grams to no gisat B zgnejs he re, the Lewises cure w deep freon, : anj die Flowers' a fine Pvnd Colour. 2,. It is planted in gardens florvezS m vflarch; dee Pruit u ripe in Juguj't. 3. The Pioneers am opening and pvnginy, ant are chiefly given to Children to carry off dun Jmoos ClCumors, and to kail Worms. The Fruit is cooling arid moistrung yrcUefuJl to the Palate; Inst age t to putrefy and ccaife Fur frets. 4. freed aocgt / rapn'ta, and Podarnva. Latin, Ten/ica Jldadus • Spanish, Pesxegot. Italian, Pcfche , aux Puces f ermsm, (jeedlltunh. Butch, Plate jo j- Fhe-Cam . Crrgft <§• PiihcancL. i. The Stall/ grow admit a Jpan high, the Termed are a graft (freen, and the Flonrerd lye/lmu. %■ It groute m rruridt P/ace IB at {decent. ' .to. Zff. :/. ; - - 't Flute 101. Thx PeaycJh Pre^e i. 2 . FrnjAyt j ■ the J'txn'ie 4. (Jie K^rnP SLcichw-eM, cLeJvx. Jculp. JJuroc F&yj tea, rflaluj ■ Plate 10 .2 • TlorinriariJ grtJit famzij'o EUz ■ -BUcAjihllL ctf luv. Jculp■ tt Pinoc . i- P 4.3e^d 3 accA&rid jlio'n/p&li^njucnv Plate 103. 1. FtcnA&r 2. Peed JPUsCL- dam ■ Kltz. 3 ÜbcJuxPl cUltn. sculp- et Fvnoe. Pmyj a and Puluttria. Plate 204 ct&lin. jculp.et Titiac ■ )i. Flanker ) %. Fnut 13 - ol* ocvmttJTi ■ plate jot. The ■- Unumd Tree Tmi/ad/iuis. i. This Tree reffemllea duct of tne Peru A in the Leones and J3 lofumtecf; only the Btofoomes in this are paler, i. The dUmcmd Tree ts a dative of Spam und Parlorry, it flankers early my Jpriny and die Tmiit is ripe m duyus t. 3 - Three t dthnernds are aecounted nviins/icny, Cut rf eaten bro rnudi Izard of Dyes Uny. The Oil of the jlveeC is stood m Hffoctixmj of the Luny s, Stone ff rasrel uidltc . It isyovdfor Piemen tv take preely of it before they TTrpeot chess' Ddupery; and of yreat Service to purye Chi-lffren mioced n/iidi any opening Syrup. The Titter are used as a ffinedc, leinej Jeans in a and beautifying .The dd dr opt into the Pars is pood for I)eafmis, F v frequently put among [nodine Liniments ■ The Ojjicinal Preparations arc the Pxprefsed Oils. vs 4~- Ifreekr ipfydakos. Lahn,dmyodaluS, am are <% didcis - fcltiva ■ Sjoanish,SUmendras. Itodian, Ttuidsyf. Trc nek. Strum des. oermart, Stande ll'aum. Dutch .drndnole Hoorn . Plate 10 6’. c yflflsTtJflO LcLf . LalefuliLUL 1. The 7Lenihcoxros x/iwa/os . Patcrc, PcrtanurL fiorimde v-ulyorc. dpnnutu, X]erv~a mora.. Italian.' faiatro or Jfenlr-amorella. Prtnch, Ttloretie . C ermarv, dlouhJpchaU. Putda'Jfcuchhchadi Tuttios. UilcL uMauvuer: Cu/Mirud arses trur cdmjiuu. i. FtieJtolL ofidno PicunTcreep arc Jx& CjrouruL; theL/esiar&d rare aJjyhtC, reess ancLtLe Fio nr&rf yeJJxi nr- % Ltu sonminijccrdens fuere, andcftoroemLn, Stiff . 3 Fhla u aStrany CodJucrtic, carry, tny off serous mtcub&n/ J-funvors troth upnrarcU and axm/rinrarcU, nnth, cyresPC IFrUFtot) nrhcercce Uu of yreoJ Lie e in idceDrxrp sy nr him y LonreU arena t decay ed; vtfdralrUj ' Irrunap ciotirn the, CccUhTrLtncL, cured era era de - stro ys the I o etur in, the d ornlr. %c is therefore. cmff fit to lee cddrvuvu trecL isiy Cb nery skitfuj PCcVnd. - . * fyreeJ, jiTkos Hypos. LaJbin, CurLurvcd y Adee tru -or irarouj . Spexrus he, Cocyrrhlrnlioi arrharcfjcrt , LtaLuxn, Caoo 7ne.no s oJatcUico SrenoT, (j er?igstiti, PJcLen hdccrurt&r'JD ijLtrh> Pd do Q) rrurnTitrtcP' , *yVo: %rj4 Flute IOS Th& T?W - J-. JiLofa,Cnrh& 2. j JlUme 4- Karnesi 2lliz- JSlaoknseJl Jeluv- sculp ■ ec Pirux, yhmjj ILJzU Plate jo 6 i.Flanr&r ( 2 ■ flaiir&r je,pcLrcU& J. ulUcc 4. Se^d yi'iwry o o ldf ~ EUz.li cbluv. jculp. e^tJ^inoc. uUe^vdiila. Plate Jop7- - tf'/uulc Eusz. B LuJtsi dt'AfJt . s cuAj . c-t> Pi^ioc 1. 2. CaJioc j.TB&r~r u i . t r^e^d SoLuuun /yjriXJZ/^ Plate 106 1 Floiy&r 2 F>~uit $ crp&ri 4 J'e&d Wild Litcumv&r lackju&il JciU/-'■ Pvnoc . (jjyOunuJ afvninu ' 5. Blue dfenhane id eiacaiented n aider than the lihuh, and therefore safer to lee ameer merard -h/> hemy emalhent aroizny and dnadyne, yanrdfen BflanaUw nd, ancLJ) efacluirid af hot lUdeiem, and id aftenepulvvter cau'lmy repetliny Ointment}. 4. tjreeh, YbaKoapos \£oros Lana',Jfifo3cyanucd alfiu. BpantdhßeLenho Idanco, Itcdzan, luyuuurio fiance. Branch, luacjioama Irfanc, ferrnan,BUfam. Butch, Bdferdojyd, Plate.xißOcanel. Bmßmru. T. Bhe Jtalks c/ron r,about fact idyl, theß enured are cedarhc freerv, andt/üßlom-era cLlr/ioeßPurpfe. ‘ %Btyroava infardem here, andfloneera irvßune and Body, %c other htnxientr cornmencL the Root* cuycrod ayametthe Biter of lane- - ?nauj featured ferny drank in Wine', -y ayoanrtßurrid %c B~ Onthonyo Bore/ - Farkayrrcafrurands theTnfud lore ofthe B ark znßelro leant ad cpro'dfor/redh Cute andyreerv Mfo undo. 4~. freehfiyx d 6 a frf a . B aha, Bbu/uuee. Spann h Scayem.. Italian, Jinchyfa.lrm -ch Orefianette. fermanv, Bart 0 fD uhßr, BUkanne. ■ A O. '2,8 . - ■-., - Flafe 100 J’tarmrrt oh lifter alitc PltzPßlachueJi delui-Oculp-et: Ptnoo i ■ Plorv&K { 2.Flower .Fhmze r j&ptLrcUi 3, Seed Eup atcrriicnv jfa/iXseruic ■ FLzte ni. 77 lute -JteeiJ/ anui Elvz . BLt-cLn/ fiJl deJirv. et JPvn^oc 11. FLo iver .fep urate 1 v- Feed Vej'jreL , J Lilliac { 4-- J'eevL ,J~Cyaj uj amuiF ait/uJ TLite 11%. ,_yi/kanet 7. F/onf'e r />pity cl 3. CaJxoc .3 - Je^xL Eliz. BictcArv* Ji fie tin . J mlp. ft Pznjc. cl . Plate ii - JOf SWOTt or JD PIoJOF/Ort. JapOlliiria - Yuly arif. j. It qrvnv by Ire afoot and an hai/ high, the le-airej are a qraf/ (free-n, and the Florver/ cl pale Purple . It grim/ in Watery Place/ near Pruent and flon'er/ for feveral in die Summer. 3- It if called Saponarta, or liopcnfarrt, hecait/e ih Jiuce nn/l yet c/rta/zp Spate out of Cloathf- - Id/ e/teemed opemnp and attenuating and fomen/hdt fitdcrrtfic . It t/ recommended ly fame aaedn/t the Due/ FeneSea.- Vutri'ardhg^applied it help/ hard Tumaunf and Whitlow/. 4 greed, /Iu/e/Intm, Sapcmarta imlyaia/, or Li/cAnp Saponarict dicta. Spanifh, Italian,Lichmde coronaria. French, German, Sdaryenr/flin. Dutch, Seepkricyd. pute U4-The- /tlzrcte Trtp., tU/rtutica. fi/h/ej/is 1, Tina if cv little Tree Jhootmy forth mam/ /lender fancyh Branche/, the Leave/ of which are a graft freen, and the Flower/ IFhtfa. 2, It yrmw wild in Spain add Ifadp, flonruzy m Suyu/t- -3, The Learn/ a/ rvell a/ the Perm/ are accounted dryinp f htndznyyood for- a Dia-rrfura or DyGentery. jpittiriy of Blood, catarrhov/ Defhtociono upon the Breg/t, die Fluor aline/, the falhny donm of the IPomlr or Ftaidarnerit, loth taken inrvardh/. - Outwardly diet/ are u/ed in Pon'-Jor/ injection/- Prep aratum/ from, y Berrie/ are Syrup u/Sigrthru/-I'ad-Diamary artton fry id- Oh oiit/rfamine - Liny/' ad- - ftrinyen/- Fenced Firtpf ad Rapdzira/- 4- ifreek,po/oivn.Latin,Styrtu/- Jpam/hStarfat, err Raj.amt- Itcdutn Slur to rnortdruL f JUortedla - French, Sieurte. German, Pelhlheiderleer laum - Dutch,Slii/rte Boom , Seeds SapcrnuricL- Yidyarij Plate it 4. The v liirtle - Tree |J. f , 2. CaUcc >J-Bsrry 4. .Berry opeu ( lAiyrtiuf. -Hceluci fjlvtsb'U KLi/z ■ BlacLrvt ll delux. sculp, et Pirux Pla ire a Toad - Fla x 1. Flo m e r 2. Fruit 3- Feed /ictei'i 1 v/ijai ie Fhz. Blachuell cielin.■ aciur- eL Ftnoc . Plate 216. Tctrrapo2% . Eliz .B UckrveJi delm, U P true . 1. Pioneer o. Pncit 3. Peed, JJ raciu iculut /varteivf'ut, rutte a/-Ike qreaC Burdock .B 1. The Halls prow to he two Foot hugh, the Leaves are w/ute* hoary luiclernejdv, and cc deep gra/s freon advise, and the Flcmsers are Purple . 2. It grows hg Wdy -Jides and flonrrs m him and Indy. 3. The Roots are fudorific and olecxopharnuo.p 00 dw, madig ruunt Fevers, curt therefore used vi the tig - Thervacalis. - They are cucovented good ag cunSt du Jfcrut and Pams mt/ Links - - The Letups hoi Id in dial, and apphed as cc Ccuiplasm are In/ some used for the same Distemper; aj ala frr Burns and dnflamni a turns, and are one of the Ingredients of the llnouent'- Popidneum. - The Common People tipph/ chern often tv J Feet f Wrists tn Feiwf- The Teed powder d and given in ndiite Wine is pood tv provoki firms, and he lp Fits of the Btwne - 4. freehAg KCi o v-Latin Bar dame, Perfonala or Lappa magor. dpanAshßardana. Italian, Lap polo inay giore - French, tflotercm cn' Bar dona - fermanßfrofs PlettenlDulch, Tlitfesn. Plate j is- Head or IvoVzcL wbiviart. Per icarui maatuiM orinaaußfcl. 1. It grows tv Ir tno Foot hiph, the Lenars are a deep’ freest nadc a spat my middle m shape like a half Blovn., and the Flowers are a pale Red - 2. It grows in mot ft Places Ip Ponds and Pitches and flowers in Lull/ - y The Leaves are esteemd lrg some of a coo Iznp B\ratztre,aood tig cunt hat Tumors Irflcvmmations, Imp os th um es and green Wounds, 4. f reek,VdpeniweplLoPin, Perficorut macu lafa, Bpdmfsh.Jfierirci peacesiuera Ltctlicm, Per/icaria mag g tore - Trench, in rave - ferrnan, Bchmerlen -PutcJt, Perfch - hryjgd. B • Ud B B B rfy plate no. Tharp Blr/martor Water Tipper. fKi/dnrpwpr. j. Tius Plant grows tv the same lieu? tit as the former; the Leaved cur dp liter and want the spot in the dead dr/mart, and the F'lowers air a paler Red- 2. It grows in the Same Places as the other, and flowers at the same time . s. Thcjirat AT Boylo, tn has Book of the llfefuned of Evcpcrimental Phtflosoph/, recommends the difi/ld Rater of this Plant as a pood Remedy apainst the Btone . It is commended aha as very de anting, and pood for old ftuldsom Ulcers. 4 free kYdgoa/-nog > ■ LahhSlii/dropiper, and Perfi cart a metadata- Bpanlsfi-Jiieiwa mandiaS- Italian. Pepe agnatico and Perficartcc- French. Curncge femxari, 1 Bafserpffffer. Patch, Perjlch- hncud. Purina. £ ueh/hprrrz or Tn/mej Crefseß. fbiTmorud Rued Id, i. Ihe tonser Leaves of’ this riant he an the i/rminot, and are in shape cuvd colour /ike the /jarden Lreffes, the F/cmrers air White, 2 . Ityrcmss Iry J/Fu/- Buies' and flawem great Part of the Tummer. 3. In the Weft fetm try this is much used as a Ballad, hath ranr and hmded hrr its greatVfefuhrufs in the Wtone and fravelt and several far deters admit London cu/th/ale it ire theirJfardens for dnS Tnd, Inty a great diuretic . s- freeL Latin, ioron opus Riu/lu. recta or re pens Rn tl/u. Bp a rush' Ita /dan, French, german, Patch' 30. Plate 11 f Tfu anat Ihirlrci . ■,n . . , Elt'z. BUchioliPutoc. i ■ VlonreT ? ■ FierierJep urate 3• F&ed , i Bar dan* nmj?nmendd y L earned ifinedije/dhyemyialiJxie Stony aj yoxrdfor/B enld. - Fhe came JhiAexrjemj that the c/fermen in/taJypntcuinfe oeeci into their Eyed nrhen they ate treru/ried mth any Tiednfj, hamcnv, oiFlmnef; tut/Td//Idler y/oeo thrjFer/zioterthe. //ri/d C/aiy. d[freeh,0Jf/yor.EeUm.lfcrrmmimy/iortenfe,anihJ'dai'LecL. Jpemidi, Italieerv, JearienaicL. French, OriroU, orTorutehemne. terman.. Fchar/eieh. Fateh, deocr/en. Place larvten pwye, e I I cle izrv. Jcu Ip. et Pin jc Plate (jcvtcle n Clary i.OFLoiv-er %. Fruit 3 • S&exL Maorrninwn kortenfe,Solar ea. J ELz- S(ztchn/e // cUhn. Jculp- eJ: Pixoc. FLite 123. : gardens Jpinye, or Latfii/nd %dz- ULuknseddSirt. Jcu/p- et Piixoc - 1. Flanker < 2. Jeeet Vefiei vjoert 3. Seed'' iatapuiia inxrurr Lat/vyrzJ. Plate /2 4 . i. Fion/er 2 .Flamerfeparate j. Feed Shepherd} Sta^h B lacw-e/f del in. ecnlp- etFinoc . Ttn/it Tad tor u - Plate its- The Fw Free. Ficud. 1. It seddomc yrxrws to le a Tree of any a rent Btcfnefs in Fnyland; die Leaves are a yrafs freen, and die Fruit ndien rape 'of alrremniifh Croeh; it leareth no in tilde Flowers, nrhiJv makes it [relieved thy/ are had in the Front. 2. Its CVcuCve Jirids are Turhy, Spain, and. Tor tup ad,- audits time of B canny is try Jjortny and Suturruv; the Frys air cured fry dip piny diem hot Lye, made ofy .TfhtS of die Cuttwys of die Tree, and afterwards they dry diem auefilly m die Sim. j. Ffys are esteemed coo Ivy and minfintny, /00 if for Cbvyhs, shorbiefs of Breath, andadl Bifeeues of the Breast; asdiso the Stone and gravel, - and the small Fox andsKeafeds, rvhichdiey drive out.-Outwardly thy are efi/solinno and npeniny, ejovd fin' dmposthumations and Swel/tne/s, and pestilential Bulwes. c ' • 4. vra.Latin, Ficus- Spanish, dyos. Italian, Fichi: French, Fiejties. ferman, Feru/en. Butch, tlyt/en. plate ms. The BbS/erry Tree. Fhrruj. - mom mS/aru. 1. This yron/s to he a lull Tree, the Leather are a dirk freon, die Flange nr yellcnvish, and the Berries token npe a dark Purple . %■ Itynmo ingardens, and die Fruit is ripe vn day ust and Septemler . 3. The Bari of the Root is thouyht to warm and dry, openiny ed/ftrn Stems of die Liver and Spleen, and helpiny the Saundice. - The unripe Fruit is lindvny anddryviy,yovd m dll kinds of Fluxes, and Inflammations of die Siemth and Throat.-The ripe Fruit if ceurlzry, yervd tv allay the Cheat erf Burntny Fevers, and create an Ip ye tile . 4 ■ freed Moeca n oukdp 1 0 &. Latin, .iiorus, I Siemuf arlvr. Spanish, Sierras' del Floral. Italian, . French, Cerrnan, Siaiilleeroaztrn- Hutch, Steer[ptfien. piau a/. The Hale wpref Tree . Cup ref/u/ 'mas. i. This yrorvs to lee a tall Tree, but is not so much branched aS the Female; the LeaicJ are a c/nafs freon, die Floaters a dirtsf fellonr, f die Cones, witch are rounder thany Females, Irvnm. 4. I tyrants wild m Creel the Floaters come fnAt the peynvnmy of Summer, and y times ate repe in Autumn- y Pile Cones are accounted drying and Inndtny, yovd to Stop sptttmy of Blood,Dyarrfioas, Dysenteries, immoderate Flux of the Aieiifes, vunrluntarySdtcfion.-They Itkennfe pre/vent die Bleeding of the (jams and fasten loofe Teeth. - Outwardls they are iifed in sdpdo Fomentations and Catapla/ms. g. freekc Kv todg/asos. Latin, Cup rtjsus mas. Spanish, tip res. Italian, Ciprtfo . French, Cypres-, ferman. Ciprefsen - Butch, Cgprefse Boom. Plate tug. SCoSe Tcnqiie.or Daulde Ton. t i. The fTtalkf c/ronr five cn- a Six Hitches hxyh, the L eaves are a deep ffrtcrv,the Fun vers n/hidsh, and eke Berry a red. 2,. Ityrorvs Tircld in Italy, and flemurs in Tune ■ 3. This Fla nt if esteemd he a tiny aavd dryiny, q octet fen' Ttferrdcrs and Suffocations of du HScrmlr, TCi/stenc Fitf, hastemny die Bird, exp el liny (dee After Berth, and procmany the Catamenia . < 4frock, Its tody X com or. Lain, Bis Usui tut, TCippoqlcffsum- Spanish, Lenyucv dc Camilla. Italian, Bi/Unyua or Born facta ■ French Bis lingua. ferman, Xapffhrv (raut.. Buttle, Bo-3-2. -- - T/citf 2 2, $. Th& Fiq Tre&rt FtCUJ. Elvz..3 de2ttx.jculp.eJ: P r)/ate 12,6 The J'tuLh c r'rzj Tree )j. uu/ter of Funvetv q. /temper } j. J?r~vcCt ) Te^L jlloTZUf - nij/m vu/yM'ui ElEz,. B LtcJtn>edl deJzn. jcitljj. e£ Evncc. Plate up TUUUp Tree Pli'Z . J3 dzlm- sculp- &t Tilicx:. j.. c o m z. Kpeed Ctifore/juj ttioj ■ P/ite j‘J.3- %rrfe 'Tnyueor Boulu Ton aus J'Mx- J*> Uick n e J dt lui. jcu!p. ct Binoc ■ i. Flonser I. Berrys 1. Be yry fejoarate T&foyoj(y/owm 81/ lingua Plate i%j. guinea Pepper.tap. Piper indicum.. i The Stalks prom to le tna? Foot hiph, the Leases are a deep amis I men, the T/omers tv lute and the Fruit red ■ %. Ids (onm m gardens, andpioneers m Sugufh thefruit Iremp ripe rn Sep lean her. 3- Some commend a /Decoction of thu nrith Penni/ Ren/a I cupood to expel/ a Dead, thild. The Skins lot Id and ufed as a l/cirale help the Tooth dch. S cataplasm of the Seeds pem/der'd and mutt nath /Honey apply ed to the Throat, is rood for the Jinn/ei/. It v much used as a Sauce for ant/ I fun a that is flatulent and Windy. 4.. f tee k, Kap/Soy-1 a tin, Capsicum, Silw nostrum. Spanish, Pimiento cornu to- Italian Pepe d ’Sndia. Trench, Ptn/vre d'Snde . Ljerman, Jndtcmtfch Prefer. Dutch plate 13 a. Jmavt/t Janr-tmade. dmchuj Lxeinj. 1. It a remit afmit mm Foot hujh, tdie L caret are a lip/it jraft freer, and the FI covert pehlcmr. z. It promt upon limit and. Wap- -fxdet, and flcmtert in dial/ and him . 3- Hu Tecovet art much of the A/atart of Finde Lyon, he eng app erati/ue and diuretic, good for the Gravel and dPopp or eof dr the* Form hot/ the Leaved in Poftet-drink 3f give it in Fever/. The Uounp J'hoc *t cure often, eat among FadloAt at Lettuce, 4. freely drpps.L a tin , done hut laevit - Jp cunt it, Ferrate a. Italian, free rhita. French, Laltex'on. German, Gantc! 1 feet■ Dutcdv, r/are is 1. Falerlalanunt. 1. It promt to he a Foot high, the Leather are cl dull /Green, and die F/oncert purple. z. It promt tn mcrift Planet nr here IT a tern hat ftoy noted all the Winter, and. f/onurt in June and July . 3. It it hot and ary. and tt peculiar hyp approjorxated tv the female Feoc; it it efteemd a goad Uterine, prcntcrlunp the Menfet and Lacdiza.. Itruarmt the Bonn it, and help/ the Chollic and Jaundice. 4. free/, /Far ape hr 0a cructqos Lain, Ta/amenth a agnatic a. Fpanit h, Five do. Italian, tadamento aguatico- French, Pcndlio do /'erman, BaftermunJt* Hutch, Witter - Calaanenth . Plate.130,. Croundfi! True., Senecto i. The Stalks c/rtmr tole a Foot h it/h, the Lea ves are a lip lit Orten and the Ficrtvens ye/Ionr. 2 . Calioo I j j^eed water CalarrUnt (dilamerudui aaticUtca Fl/i z. ~3lack dedin scid/j &£ FtnJc Plate 1$ (jrenuif&l lackiveil delin-Jcufa. eb 'Pthoc. j. flon/trJ"epa,ntte % . Cctlizc J • J^eed Jfrtjf ervrt, J'enecw. plate is 3. lo iv -Sppte. zl??h7/7/ . 1. The Stalks prow to he two Toot ftiph, the leaves are a light ye//onn{h freon, and the Flowers i/elhnr 4. Itis fowemn (gardens, and flankers inlultg, the Fruit leinp rape in Sep tern her. 3. Lena .Apple outwardly applped ts esteemed coohnp and moftittup. pood firr Inflammations^Frysip elcts; the Juice is commended in hot Depuctions of Rheum upon, the Foes. In Italy tluig eat them Tilth Oil and Unepar as we do fucumhers. 4. freed, F/rg 6ptoy Ktnrwor. Latin, Tomum Amort/. Foianumpcmtjermn. Spanish Italian, Porno d’Oro . French Pornmes dlAmours firman > fold, apffe/h Dutch, Plate 134 - J'ldJhli lime or SCertJtaOic/i. . jl. It grows to he a Foot high, die leaves are a deep green, and the Flowers white ■ %. It is planted in {gardens, and flowers in lime and lulp. 3. Ins much of the Fixture of iMarfor Fenrart Andooron. 1th.34. P/ate 133 Zot/c Jfyifolo i. rummer. I Klpt Fr'UU 3. Fruit oven 4. Feed. ZltrumJ Forman Ehz ■ Blackn *eU d&lin. sculp. et Pinoc P/ate 13 4.. JlddtLc/i Ttmt or J/er'/r J. Flons&T'. % ■ &Ul\2.Tloiver ) %.3erru. j J. Seed. Rham nitJ catAar~UcicJ. ceinjuta. Eliz- JMacJinse/l dedtn. dculp, et "Pi;voc B/cUe j j 6. Black ar Btzn/uny jkorehtnmxl Eh z - Blacknsed de/uz. Jadp ■ ct Buz/>c. fey orate. ) ?, Oali ce. 3■ Becd. jHai rii/ruari my rum. Ba/krtc. Tiate 13 f. Uiance/. Cy damn, or- Site hicotonea 1' Thid Tree Jeldom yrowd do fiy ad the apple Tree, hav my ufal/iy 0 crooked Tody, with many weak Tranche/. The Leaved are like thode of the a/eple Tire, In it " rounder and ndutish underneath; the 810/ d antes are a whitish Purple, and the Fruit a yellcnv freen, covered nnth a Bonn - z- Bid commonly planted ly Pond./ and .float/, flonrriny tn Aiay, die Fruit heiru/ ripe in Sep tCrnler and oetcher. 3 The Fruit id accounted cordial and ftrenythntny to the helptny Beyedtion, and Stop piny Fomituy/ A' die Sliceouyh. -Theit are a//o e/teemedgood for all Ports of There# * The Seed td halfamtc and molh/yiny, tempering the flcnmony of Humord fjermcea/de againstJore AI outS', T/irvaLs, and a Thru/h; for which cl Aiucilaqe made of .dent td feyiently pres c riled. Outnrard/y it id apph/ed to healJo re chop’d Slzpple#. .1. peek,' Zip 8 olOjunXa Latcn, Ct/doma, or Cotonca ma/oro. Spanish, Memlnlhod. Italian, Mele Cotoyn#. French, Pomes de Corny, german, frofd djulten.Butch, Juee -Boom . elate 13s. phfartd Tcmdiic. Linaua denanct, & Pfu/llttis. ’■ This Plant gran# to le a Toot hiyh; the Leave# are a fine yrajs freen, the Seedgron# in Iroad oldiyue Lined on the B ackjido of the Leoired ■ Z- Itynon# m Shady Toned and Ad Stone Buiddtngi/, lemy green all die J/ear. 5 It it much commended for Bifrrderd of the Liver and Spleen, leant/ yoodto Dif -- folve hardfcftrrhoud Tumours in either. -It 1/ ufe/ull m the Rlcketd, Spilling of Blood and the Bloody Flux. -pfllKay recommend# die Powder, or Coriferoe ofy or eon I. cave#, for Sf/tenc f ConmiTvi'e Td#, and die Palp ilation of the Heart. 4 . f reef, (p vW /t 1 s Latin, Lingvo Cervintt. Spamdfi, Linyuo ccrvina. Italian, Ltnyucv cenana■ Trench, Lang de Cerf. Sermon, Hlrfchtunycn. Butch, Pert/ Tong c. Hate 13y. j/tmud caftud, or Tht Chad ft Tree. TUeoe, or cosUtd. t. True Tree ymv/ admit die Bzynef/ of a. jmcvll Cherry Tree; the Lea ved are a dark f reen al# ve, and whitish underneath; the Flowers are a ndiiti/h Purple, ff/ Seed a Idacki/hfljrei/. Z- ltd ciAhtii'e of Italy, fyis planted here in far deny florunno the latter End of Summer ■ 3. The Leaves Flower# f Seed are efteemecl warming ctnd drying; help# the Sardnef of the Litter Ig Spleen, expell/ IStndSp Sings down y Citamemo. Formerlyy Seed was much ufedto allay venereal Seat/, fpreferve Chcjtity, lut dus dye fad left that Tiledicme out p their Bifp end atari/ aj life left: 4 • If reef Ay nos rd/ \6y os. Latin, Titeoc, Agnud Ca/tusSalix dmenana. Spanish, Caltiglio cad to. Italian Vittice or Agno cat to. Trench, las to. Jerman, Soluiftmullet- Pulp Kicgt Boom . Plate 14.0. Privet or vrvm Print. LicjuA trum . 1. Thi# u a lonr Sirrah; the Leave# are a ggrafj /frem, the Flower# n/hite f the Btrrie# Black. Z. It yron# in Hedy el and flcnverd in -Pay f Lune, y Berne# lemg ripe m Sep teinler. 5 ■ The Leaver and Flpivei# are accounted cooling drying tilnacnt; c/ood for Ulcere L /nflammationj of y Threat, Bleeding of die hum/ and Relax cuicnx of the Uvula. Biofcoride# commends die Flon#r# Jteep’d ur Vine par at good for the Head- Clef. 4- IjrtckSux# e/i c/e/in . Jni/fj etPmx. Plate 130. JfCar&. Torunoe . Ftp fell Patch. Appelen. pure 14 Deia/d J3it, or fmcnrcJi Succifa, SLarjiu Dial oh f Succifa. 1. The Stalks prorir to So Foot and a. half liy/i, the Leaves are a yrafs freeit, caul the Florvors a blue Puip te . 2. tcyivrvs irv Sleadons ami Pasture I rounds, and flcnvers fj Utter end of Summer. 3- The Leaves' are esteemtd atexipharmic, useful/ in malts n ant Fevers and Festi = -Untial Fis tempters. Jutn/ardly as a Cataplasm drey are good for Brutfes and Contusions. The FCeidr dfomert Jell the leaves of ,this Plant inCtead of live common Scalncntj. 4. Ijreek, LaMn. Succifa or SioisuS Ft also U. Spanish Italian, Jliorfc 1 dv Ftairxrlo. Trench, Cermarv, ZeuffeLs Slrlrtfs . Dutch, Dui/vels Feed. flic? ,43,\4telc Jpe&ameil Frvnua mad. 1. Thu it a font creeping Plant,- the Leaved are a light freert, and the Floiver/ a Iduzth Purple. <2 It grow/ uiLfoodt and Shady Place/, f/onmny in Tune . 3- Tlut it etteemed ct vulnarary Plant, fenny u/ed /noth inwardly Lg cnihrccr dig. S'onre account it aood far Lon gf t and FontuntptionJ, the Sterne, Strang utni/, and pettilentiad Fever/. !■ freeSc, Latin, Ven/ruca mat. Sponvth • lUihari, Sercmica. FrencA, her man F/nrnpreilt. Dutch Plate 144- Sd/frU7l . i7V CUd. 1. The Stalkt gronr four 01- Lnchet above fround; The L tailed are a dark graft freen, and the Flower/ purple; nude red Stamina, which ity Saffron of the Shop/. 2. The Lett Saffron grow/ in Ff/eot, Suffolk and Lamlridye fhlre,- it flower/ in Sep te mitt and Of to her . 3. Saffron tt et teemed a great Lor dial ftrenytlenmg v JLeart f infad fpcritt, rent ting Putrefaction, f ufefall in all Kindt A malignant f contagious Pit temp ei/, Fever/, Small Pox, f Meat letlt opent Srf(ruction/ of y Liver f Spleen, help/ f Jaundice, bring t clown L Latarnema, eocpedmteo the Firth, I exp e 11/ v Setundmet. It it aDo goodirtDifeaJej of if Lung/, a) Lltthma/, or Lon/umpUont. Outwardly in Poultice/ It eajij Pam/, f ripen J Imp ojthuma 4- freek, Kqo So s.■ Latin, Lrveu/ Puvx. Crvaid7 Plate 145.. Porngranafer. l,ranata, Punicti main. 1. the 1 omgranate Tree tiphzch heard Print produced a Staple Florae rof the dame totem ad the double/ and the Tree tt delt dtfferd very little from che other. 2- T/ud Tree, ad wed ad the other, pronto xn Spam, Italy, and the nrarrn toxin tried■ 3- The Jingle Florverd are drx/zng and red bong ent, pood for Fe m orrltaqied J Bleedings hath inward and outward. Tfxe Fruit 1/ gratefi/1 and ftre ng thnmg to the Stomach, dtops Lovfenejd and tfie tnuAoderate Flux of the Term/; andu xifffull In hot • Shade Fencers, cincl yonorrheaU- -- fjreeJc, Po 1 cl. Latin, franala- Spamd h, ffrcvncidctd. Ltadum, Sielagrano, or Poino granato. French, Ponied de urenetcled or Slygramd ■ Sermon., franatvpffedhaiun. Putch, t/ranaatSß oernv- place* 14. s. Tobacco. Fetwn. Ta/accum. . 1. It grants to he three Foot high, the Leaves are a grads freest, Cf y Pioneers ay ole Red. 2. Ft to form zee the Jpretty and floweret in luh/ and August ■ 3 ■ The freest Leaves are fed in Dmemento and Filj, for Wounds, Ulcers, Inflammations, Tumours, Piles and c/ie Kings Find The dryed Lewises are a strong Emetic f ought to housed noth great Caution.-chewd or Smash'd it evacuates Pli/eym. -/L Drop of the Ffulled old taken innsardly mil hill a Cat. fome tames this Oil is dropt znto a hodlorv Tooth to cuts the Tooth-dch. The Dust destnn/s Fleas, Lice, f other Termvne. a- free k, \o6 k u ago s. Latin. Return, Tty ofcy cunus Femmanus. Spanish, Petun and Tahoe o. Italian, French, Tier la dc la Rome Side re ■ C/ermari India = -nifeh Bundtcmut. Dutch, Talmci. Plate 14 7- Jure-tread, UrtamCz, u/clarnen . 1. The Stalled premia? he. Fx or eight Inched /up h, the Leaver are a prafd efreen jpotted with white above, f purphdA underneath, 0 die Florveri a pale Jied. %. It id planted here vx fardend, fho wring in September and Seta he r; its JVative Placer hemp the Slips, Sudtrut. 3f Syria . 5. The Had tid very forcing, and ife/xid tv hnnp an/ap die Phrt/v and Sepunchmed, and piowhe. the rflerfes - Some coinn tend the Suite aycnrxdt vertiginous derj of p Stead, iped vri form of air Err June; it id a/do t/ovdfor czUaneoud Frtpti&nd. 4- t/reeh, KuTrap/ vos. Latin, SrtanUa, tpclamen - Spanish, Poor de Puerto. Itahan, Tori Porcino. French, Cyclamen or Pain Pot tin. per man, Sch rv ei ndrrvid. Putcdv, Parhendhrwd. FUu. 148■ The greater /purge or PalmerChrifu. LaPipuCcvuier^Jiianu/. i. The Plant prcmed to he Six or Sewn Fcrat Jug ft, the Leaved are affine j/rafd preen; the Florverd are dinadt and dtcuninoud erf a yellorv tbiemr. %:It id planted in far Lena, and flowerd late nt die Summer- -- The Fen tele are ufed Ip dame to purye rvaterx/ Sturnprd ; hut diet/ mart he ured nvlh pro at tautwn. The Oil 'd from die SeeSd Id good to deftjoy Lire u i t/uldrenP' Steads ■ f. y ixeh, K/k) n rg or car.Latin, Rzcimcd. Spamdh, Figuoira dell’ Snfemo. Italian, Sirajole. French, Palma, thru tt - pennon, B undertaacni . Pit St, Porider lurorn- TVh-3? Tldte 14 5- J ■ Fconfer. %. Fruitr- 3. Fruit mean 4- Berry. ' 5- Stone- Pomq FaruUe/. runaJzt, Ttuuta mci/a. F/iz. Blackwell dc/Fn. oatlp. et Ttnoc - P/ate i-f S. j. flanAe r. 2 . Ox/doc. 3. Teed Pe/jed- 4. Send- Tdl/aca? ■ Titian, Taira wum. EHz.. 3 LzcPizeil dePtfi. dcuh> etPinoc J4?• a)ow- Isreucf.. j. 77cn ’(> r 2 JwA t c/jp /.- 3. j dd. jlrb in/fa. lydame ?z. 7‘'<'{'Z ■ Illa Z. JPruit. I i./tome. Jjjirut dllsa . FUite 150. Jlhufk Crariej Bill. j.. Ffonder. 2, ■ Ca Lix . 3 J’eed'Ye/sel 4.. J^ee-d. ndien cm the Tree almoft m tnv, In/ which me an f dreg hinder the fap from coming to them in fo are at a fuantiti/ of it numld do other = rragf, till lu/ the Feat off/ Sun, f defect ofjVourifhment thei/ are Jiifficientli/ cared 4 ■ free I, Jpmc\ @ ’o/rocp dp®. Zaun, Titif, Fmfera. Spanuh, " Italian, Fite * Fmgera- French, Tiyne. her man, iFemreh. Butch, Dlate ij4. The JlSedlar TrSc/pda/ i- It prunes at lay as an dp pie Tree: the Leaved are a yrnfs ffreen; the Flamers n/hite, and the Fruit ndien ripe of a frunmish freen. 2. It us planted in f andens; flamers in Mai/. and the Fruit is ripe mSfovemler. 3 ■ Med/arS are esteemed comma, drums and (undine/, fespecially lefore they are pate ripe) and are ifeful m all Finds of F/uxeS-Some commend the JfardSeed as yovdfory fraided and Stone. They are an Tnc/redient in the Si/rupus Mxrtirvud. 4■ free ft, die CUT /\ cr )i.Ca/ix open 3. Cherry 4. Cherry open 5- Feed AlAe kenc/t or 'ffia/iracnlwm Jt/iz. -B/ac/vve//\de/in, jcu/p. eh JPtnx. P/cUe IS3. Fre?2ck yUercury. Je/in. Jculjy. ek Pinac. i.]?LanseT.< Jtfercurmhs ma/ faemina,. JP/ate 163 j. Flortser. %. JeecL I'eJj el. 3. Seed. The fmal/er Spurge. Pju/a immnv Piti/uJd d?/in. lolc/uv&ll dz/itz. Jctt/fj. et JPi'nx, j. r. q. CcUioc ■ 3 Jeed Pefjel- \4- afeed- AUine, Plate iss. The Barhern/Buffi. Bert era. Ojci/ acantha. *■ It seldom grorvl to amj great Ficgnefts, the Leaves are a fine graft freon, the Flowers agellonr and the Ferries red\ z. Inform Parts they grorv nnld, and are a/fio planted in far dens, fihonmna in Stay; the FerneS he my npe in fop temper. 3. Tfie Inner Park of this Fufh is accounted a Specific fir the fiel/orv faundice, either taken in an In fids ion or Decoction; being opening and attenuating. The Femes are good to moisten the Sdouth and guencki Thirst in Fuming Fearers, being cooling f restnngent. The fon/erve i 2. There are truer Forts erf this fa/amint found in Kent in great Plenty: growing by Hedges; andflonrring in Tune and Zuhj. 5. This Falamint is hotter than corrrmon Mint, beina a goodStomahc, expelling FFind, and helping the Folltclt is ofigreatSennce to the Female Sex, in Ohftractions of the Catamenia, (ringing diemFo a regular ionrfie; this it does, taken innmrdh/, or by aftrong Decoction given at a ij/gfter. The officinal PSp oration is the Pi do Diacal. fimplex. 4 freek, KaXaplu 6a hgw a .Latin, ih/amenfha, vulgaris, montana. Spanish, FFeveda. Italian, Aip ote/la montana.Trent h,Poullio man tain, derm an, Bergmunt.Dutch, Fi/amenth. Place ioy.The 1 hmun Qilaminto;c/u shop,, faiammtna t. Tins, Falamint is much hie the former, only this Iges much upon (he fround, and the Leaves are final Ur, the Leaves and Flowers are alike in Folour to the fidrrner. 2. Ztgron'S in like Places as the former, butfi/onserS in July and Aug u Ft- 3. Ithas much the same FerPies' as the other, being opening and decibftruent, and is 11 Fed often for the other, becaufe it grows in greater Plenti/. and the Shops' are mostly Anpptied nnt/i this. 4. freek,KcL)\cLtLlrso -. Latin, Fa/amentia officinalis, or Pulegu odore AFepeta.Spanish, Aeveda. Ltahan, Falamenta. French, Pou/ho Fauvage. fferman, Filder polen. Dutch, Ferg falomenth. Plate j.s&:lfmte laSicS-Bed-Str .fal/ium /. It grorv S to he tnw Foot high, the LectireS are 0 graft freon, and the Flowers IP/iite. . 2. It growl onFanks and dr 1/ barren Plctces, florvring in Tune and July. j. This Plant is eFteemd drying and tncraftating good to stop all kinds oF Fluxes and dfiae morrhagieS, and cure Founds. Some commend a Decoction oF it for the font and aFath made ofi it tv refresh f Feet when tired with ovemral/ung. In the AForth they ufe this Plant in/tead ofi Pennet in making their Fheefes. 4. F/reek, Fd\ /o /. Latin, fal/ium. JfctnijF, Foaga Leche l/erva. Ltahan, fa/10- French, PetitAlaguet. ferman, ffeger Front Dutch, S- 42,. T/afe 165. The Barfvrry Bush. JBtackwti dpfisi- scu/p. etPmx■ /. Tfanser. | a. Bern/ crpen. 3. feed. ( Herberts Oxyacaittha. P/xte i5/>- Maw itaut id/a mint. yliZj Blcickri'e/l dein - -Sculp, et Pmee. J. y/on 'erfeparate. ■ 2. Jeed Id/jed. J- Seed. I ' ra/ament/ia mon tan a . T/cttf j6j. She comment uz/amintcrf t/ie Sfiepe Ph z.- 73 /cxch nse/lde/in. sculp. eePtnx. j.P/anseryeparchie. $■ SeedSefje/ expert. 3- Seed. /• / J. K' / lalamenm.'i Flate j 6 3 Hrin te Lariie j B ed- Straw. JS/iz &ticknre/lcte/in. Jzutp. et jPinor. 'j.T/mrfr. \e. Seed- //a/hum a//rum /drift hujn, or JHa/lnao a/ria /drift/ta. Plate j6a. C/otderi Rod. Pn g a aurea. 1. The Stalks yrotv tv he tnao or three Toot hiyh; the Leai'ej ore a hoh top aft Tree and the Tkoroert yellonr 3. It yrontt' in ckfdodt and SiedyeZ, ffm/rmy tn July- 3. The Zeai'et and TopJ are idea, due demy accounted one 0/ our /eft valuer aru Plants; and tt much ufed inrvard/y in traumatic ohoozemt, andTcntnd Trunk*; and outrvard/y in katap/afrnj and Tomentahony. Tome recommend itforJjjittmy v, Tkood and other TCaemorrhayiet, and think it of i/reat Tenure m the Stone, y. ' foreef Zatm, Sir yet aurea aoiytiy tifh/ia mi nut /errata. Span it h, Italian, fir yet aurea.. Trench, ZaTverae doiee. ife mum, Zfeydmtrh Timdcraut. Tutch, p/ate ,70. F/mmn er Female Jimdrip//. Zt/a/meor termicafemmci. 1. Thu Plant creep/ on the tfround, and fiadJ?naf/hairy Stalls shout e/oht Inched /any; die Zeared are a dark freen, and the Floraerd Purple andn/ellcms. z. Ityron/d in lorn Pie/dd, andf/onserd the hPer Bind of Summer. 3. Thu is a iru/nerary Plant, heina accounted yard for old Ulcer/ and fs refh no cancer oud Soiled, P/uoced, Baemot'rhaa red, and Inflammation/ of die Piped. 4. yreeh, E X curly0. Zatin, P/atine. Spanish, Italian, Flatino. French, german, Fhrenpreifd Be tide Butch, plan ip. Jtome-mnrrtor Jfiamdnum caM Cardmaz. Cardiacs. 1. It yrorod to he eiyhteen Inched hiyh; the leaved are a dark tfreen on the Face and light on the Back\ and the Plon/erd a red Purple. %. It yrcnvd in Ifadte Placed and Pane/, f/onrrtny in Imre. p This Plant, from a fupp edition diatit t elie red the Diforderd of the* Heart, as a Palpitation and Smoontny, talced die Same of Cardiaca.Doctor IBorttled had commended a Decoction of itfrveetned noth Sucfar ad a Jvnyudar Remedy fop the alcove I line/s, and for Affections of the Spleen and dfyftenc Pits. The Pcnvder given in Wine to the ffiiantidy of a Drain id commended as a present /Remedy to expediate the Birth - 4. ifreel,Tig do 10 v. I atm, JRarrulmim uirdtaca dictum. Spams I, Alarojo, Italian, Cardtacct. French, fnpaume. ferman, Berk a edper. /Dutch, puu ip.Carden Parsti/. Bp m m nortenfe PeOafetmum inf are. 1. It groivs to he tnsv Foot hiyh; the I eared are a.: hyh t 4raff preen and the Plon/erd nrhite . 2. It i/ form in tfardend, and flcm/erd for five red SHorrthd m y Summer accordiny to die time it id fem/n. 3. The ndicde Plant id opening. attenuating, diuretic, ufefill for OlftructionS of die In/er and Spleen, helps the Jaundice, provoked Urine, and eafed die Stone, If rave I and Strangury. The off sin at Hep oration is, the Simple Hater. 4. tfreek, 1/f A !vo e kuco cuo'v. Zatin, Petrofolinum imlgare. Spanish, Pe re dcil. Italian, Betr ofemoio. French, Per/id de Bardin, derm tin, Peter/in. Dutch, So. 43. ./Tifr JOg (Jj/dai i Rad. v/ Fhz.BL'tcAnse/l de/ui. jcu/f>- e£~Puvoc. j. F/o n*e r '/efu v ~ctte. ( 2. Cahoc- . 3. Reed ■ Thy a aurea. Plate ifo. Flue//in ar Fema/e Fpeednre//. TZlt'Zs Blackrvedl delin. jcidjz. etPxnoc. ii. Flo we r. i %,SeedFeJjel \j. Feed- lE/er tine or Id runlet fvemina P/cife ./ ji. dto the rrvort er dfarrulnitni call'd Cardiac a, 7?/r JBL'urkiirelldelrn. sculp. etFnx. i. Flower separate- -2,. £ah Jc. 3. Se ed rdici ra 7Jlate oca Peri Pcup let/ y E/az ■ P lack* veil deJtn. Jculp. eePtnoc. 11. Flcrverr \s,Seed. Jfyouan fun~teiz/c er PePrcrfehrucrn- Plat* ip. The Lanunan Service Tree. tuimmahr j. This Tree q rones pretty ta/l, die Leavec' are a Ay At yrafs Screen, die F(covers a very paS t/ellorv and the Femes red. 2- Itorana/ tn Foods and Thickets f flon/rinq m allay; /rut die Truth is not ripe ttU October or~ Movem/er. 3. The Fruits accounted reftr invent and Inrldiny, yoodfr ad kinds erf Fluxes, either of Flood or Zfumorj / n/Aen npe it promotes FiyeStron andprevents die too hasty Faff aye of die Food into die Fon/e Is; fame commend it in Fevers attended rindi a Flarrnect■ 4. freed, Vila. Latin, Sor/niS indy arts. Spanish, Afor/ms Italian. For bo fabratico. Trench, Sorbesfauvnye. fennan, FhercychenSoyebbeerTuthSK/dc duals ter. Plate t74- The Jmnura Ten/ice Tree. Torino fa/i i'a.. ' , . me Tlamerj tie jame. . . j. Thu Tree grorvd much tv the jame Jneiyht ad the for men die leaved are a light freer/ an the Face f form. ndiat hoary on fßack.. and die hint a reduk Brvjvn- %. It grorvd mid m Staff) rdf hire and Oamnml, f/onmng in Say, the Frail being rape in Sl/bvember. j. The Frmt nrhen green id very redtringent, and ufeful for SI kindd of Fluxed- Thtd Fruit id feldome to be met nnth in our Starke!, nduch crldiged many to make life erf die former Service Tree in the Place of thvd. 4. /reef Ola.Latin, Soring) leyittima. Spanidh, Sorlmd> Italian, Sorfa. French, Lor me d- ferment,, Sper/nern. Dutch, Tame dualdter. puce The. Buy Tree. Laurie/. 1. The lag Tree feldom yrorv/ to any great JBignfd here, the leaved are a dark freer/ edrenre f a pale underneath, yFlorverd are gelhruhf/t, and the Berried Black . %. It grorvd nnld in Spam, lady and France, florvnny in Slay, the Find letng rvpe in October. 3. The leaved andDerrted are accounted heating, drying, and emollient good for Sued in die Stvmcudv and Fon/eld, helping y Ordic, comforting y Head and Served, preventing Infection/, provoking Trine f die Slenfed, f eocpeluny y Jecunditie/. Outfvardh they are tided in Harming and ftrengt/unmy FormnMUwnd Ointment/. Offumat Preparation! are, the Fleet, de Bacctd latirv; Fmp. de B acrid Zauri/ and the Oleum Lau rzntnn. 4. fiTek,A atp on. latm, Icutrud (atifolta major. Spant/h, laurel. Italian, Laurv. French Laurier. ferrnan, Barber [rcumv. Butch, Taurter boom. Place ays. tdrzander. icn iandriifci. i. Itgrorvd tv Ist faro or three Fcrcrt high, the leaver are a Fight freeu, and die F/rrverd nrh/te. ■z. It grorvd nn/d inform Place!, /rut tj corrvnwrily farvrv for the Peneft of die Feed,flonertng triune, y The deed u efteem'd tv /treng then the Stomach f eocpedl Hind f frequently wed to correctfrony purcjirtg Sledictned. Some account itgaolfor the Kmyd Fvtt- ' 4. freedc,Kogio v a Kop lavror. Latin, Coridndrum, may Ud iru/yare. Spam! h, tdiandro. Itadiatt, tcmandvlo■ French. loriandre. German, tonander.Butch, coriander. %-SS- Plate if 3. The common Service Tree. B/t Blackwell dedn. jculp. et Pinac. x. Flower- Berry. 3.Berry cpeen. 4i. Teed. J'ar/nu tormina/U. T/ate 2/4. The . Jlamer'd Service Tree. FliZiTlcuki've// deJai. jciUp. etPmx. h. F/orver. ) 2. Frut/:. fcUi/irci. Plate jy 5. The Bay Tree. Eliz-Blackrihell ds/tn, sculp, et Ptna:. 1. 2, 3. Fruit open , 4Keme.il'. Zaur up. Lite if a- UnumJer. j.F/arv-er - Seed fefjeL • y deed. dori an dr uni. 221t Zj Blackrue/l delta- ecu//?, et Ttrvx- - puce ivy. Carden Succory. Ctcturrumi Catn/um Scrip. 1. It grows to he afford/ugh, die Leaved are a graft freen and the Jlowerd Idue . Z. It u planted tn f ardent and flon/erd commonly m Tune and Luly. f Most of the Ancients fay that duo Plant u cold, hut ill Bitter nefts client it to le /art; and If eftteetrvd aperative, diuretic, opening o(rftrtu turns of the Liver, f he Ip mo the Jaundice. It cdfto provoked Urine, and do an fed kg Urinary Partf of flam/ Fumorf. The Officinal Preparation if, the Syrapid de iPchorio cum Pdiaharharc. " g tfreek,Lifts ay? (cl dpeg os. Latin, fend, and dntulmf ftyhvod tr if. fpantfh, SHmervntd. Italian, Pichoria domesteca. French, P'ichcrree'. ferman, Begweise Leynnirh. Dutch, Ltchcrren. piau 273. The tfi/dmo or Tra/r Tree. Utahn i. Thvf Tree growsftmal/er than the garden .fryhe, the Leaved and P/off owed are much the fame in Pol our. %. It grows in die dyed and fhoncer tin dprd an d yllay. 3. Peg nice u made of the Juice of the Kruit, ndudtdflip hr and Finding, aood for ret hangent tfary/et, UlcerS m the Mouth and Throat, and falling down ofd/hlvu/a- Outwardly it if good for Purnd, Scaldf, In fa nimahonf, Sc UlndionyS Jire and red wf/ammed Ft/ef. 4. fjreeh, Mc\oe aye to r. Latin, Mai tit fty/vedtrtd. Spanish, Jiaufariat Italian, allele ftalirati co. Trench, Pomet ftau/vayed- german, Pi Id Pop foil. Puled Pi tide Slppe/en, P/ate ifg- Ida//Blower. Keiri, them. i. It grorvd ttva Fa at hug hi, the denoted are n I hue freerc and die Fieri verd gelhorv- Z. It grorvd upon old Ifalhd and flon’erd m Aiarcht and April. 3. The Fhtmterd are cordial and cep Italic, dtreng then the Aenied, help the „l/oophxg and Palfg, eade the freerc-Sichneft, and procure the Mended. The officinal Prepara- tion id, the Oil lag In fad ion ft ft Florverd, n/hwh id nmrmmg, comforting andgood fr Tcund in the Lunld. 4. freed, Adro to e copgor. Latin, leucojum luteum vulgare. Spantdh lurteiad Italian, Jicrla gialht Trench, Holed/, german, fell Hegel Beil. Dutch, FLueigo. Small termon/ler. tha/maidryr, Triform: j. It grows afoul eight Inchef high, the Leaves are ct doep ftreen fyy Flerrverf a red Purple . 2. It grows here m fardent and flowers in June and Tudg. y Thu P/ant u accounted warm, opening Ohfttrucdond of the Inzer Spleen and Kidneys, helping die Jaundace, Drop/y arid Stoppage of Prim. Some cry it up at a Spend for die /crut, Pheumatism and Lams in die Limit, t ■ freed, Xa/aa/'Sg vs. Latin thainae drij S manor. Spanish, dhurriedread. Itahetrr, Lalamartdrtrue. French, fermandree. ferment, f arrwndevie. Dutch, Lathenged. F. 43. Plate Sidecary Eh Jjlackive/l deltrt jcu/f j. et Etna:. • i. Slenver. y z.jelcns&rfepcvr ate. 'S-tillvoc- \ ) 4,. Seed. Cichoi^zujtljeUvinmh 01' S&rid. Tlate ipQ. The 'Tf/o/tny or fra// Tret. Flf. TLn. Jcif/J. ettuvoc. 1. 2. Fruit. At a hit Ji/ lutd It uf. -Plats ifg- H all - Floiuer. j. Flcm/er. %. Fod ojoen.. \ 3' Seed. Ke iri, Che in. EUz. Find nail delm. /'cufy>. zt Ftnoc. F/dte itfj. j. F/tm/er. j 3, Flan/ei' /e/v orate-' Tartar. " < 4.. Seed- Small LjennanJef. lEh’z^Slackivi’/Ide/m. jctifyo, et Pinx. Chamaedryd, IHJJaefo. Plate iRi. 'Shite Bode Su/gftoner. 011 turn. J- Ltgrow/ alcrut two Foot high, the leave/ are a light ft roe n, and the F/orverS /omedme/ LEhite, and often Ted and White . 2. It ij planted m farden/ and flower/ tno/t Alonth/ in the Summer. 3. Lho/corule/ commend/ the Florver/ for Th or/ f Chap/ ing Fundament falnf/cmi -' mahon/ of the Adatrtx. ifAenJag/, that they help y Jnftrmttie/ of A Lias er Spleen, and provoke die Term/, and ha/ten the Birth. 4- freek, AlLkoYo r. Ladn, Leucog um alCum et purpureum. Spam/h, Cioleta/ Clan = cjuci/ et aniarilhz/. Ltalian, Licda Inane a f pcivcmaZZa. French, Idoletc/ Idanche/ f rouge/. f erman, Hot Braun tend rveif/ Beil. Budli, pute is z. Red Archangel. rut rum. 1. That Archangel u much left/ than the dilute, the Leave/ are a grakf freen, and the L^lower/ a pale Purple . 2. It grorv/ commonly In/ Sighnuu/J and Sedge/, ftonmna the c/reate/t part of the - 3- Thu Arcfuftncjel t/ accounted a/ great a Specifick for die Eocceft of y Catamenia, and all UCaemcn rhayie/, a/ die wlide Archangel 1/ for the Fluor Alina/ ■ Some commend it for great Service in Wound/ Inflammation/ when outwardly applged- 4. freek Ta\/ogr/s /g Ta\cof do\o r. Latin, 1 annum purpurftfveddurnor fjaleopfi/ purpurea. Spam/h, Order muertci Cermega . Ltalian, Order fetida French, Orde rouge . f erman, Baulmef/ell. Butch, Bove Adelelen. siate js3- Bill Succory.Ciclwrium fylvcstre. 1. The Stalkd' of the/ demit grow to tall at the far den, Cut are more /ml led/ tnnfted; the Leaare/ are a fine graft freon and the Flower/ a. fine Blue, 2. ItgronrJ in Lane/ and Cg Sedge/, flouncing in Lull/ a? A Aug it/1. y The Tertue/ of dut are much the /nine ett the far don, See Plate ijp. 4. Creek Lag copiov ctyyiov. Latin, Jntiilru/ fgCve/trt/. Spanc/h, Cichona de 80/gue. Italian uchoita faSadcct. French, Cichovte fauvuge. f erman, Bild Begnrurh. Butch, Ciohoney. Finte is g. MipePoo. flf own orfifeuj yueramuf. j. Thu Plant:takes rcrtrC on the Branches of and some times or three Foot long: The Leaves are ayeUom freen, the Flowers yellow andßernes the fa lour of white Currant, White-thorn, f Doth, The latt of which u hardly to Ce met with here in England, winch joerha.pt added to y Sanour that the Ancient Druidt paid thit Aft el toe . 3. Aiifteltae rt accounted Cephalic and nervine, particularly u/eful for all Kindt of Convulfion Fit/, the AptrpUocy, Tally, and Vertigo, for which Turpofetfame commend the Mifteltoe of the Fa/el at letter than ij Other/. The %fon/ Aucupunv, or BirdLime, wat formerly made err the Berne/ of that Plante Cut non' vn Ena land it 10 made of the Bard off SAlg Tree. Bird Lime 1/ apowerfidl Attractive, good to ripen hard Tumour/ and Swellingt. See Sir Cfohn Cole hatched Bt/ccmr/e of Mifteltoe 4. freek LJos. Latin, Evfcunv, Spam/h, Lifco, Italian, Itfchio or Tamo. Trench, gup. ferman, B agelleim. Butch, -Jfo. 4s- Plate 2&1. cJ4/hit& Stacks Sudi/ -flower. Jili z. Pint, sculjo. etpmoc. i.Plonker. Pod. 13. Peed. Peucojujrv a/kuni. TLateJdZ- Hed Arch anyd lBlackmel! deltn. Jculp.et Tmx. ) 2.Planter feparate. > 2, Callx. < v 3- Je&l. Lam um rulmun. Plate is 3■ ) ■j.JFunv&r. 2. h1 Jen j. LaJioc. 14. Seed. Wild Succory. J Ehz.hlacJi.wel/- dehn. ecu/p. ct TJinvc. Ciclioriurn Jy lued b*e. Plate ISP ■ SHifseltoe. FliZj BiackrihiH delta, sculp, et Titvx - > i.pzrrtf. '2. Stew ■ ) fifaim or fifcuo truer oinuJ. y Plate 18 5. FieldScalurui. Sail to da prate nfid. s. The Sta/hs grans tv fe tnro or three Foot high, the derives ate a grafs freest, and t/ie. TLorvers purple . J 2- It yrom in Meadorus, and floraerd in June. • 3. The Leaved are esteemd cordial alex ip har i me, hid on fit, pectoral, gesod for Distemper! erf the Buna!, ad fouyhs, shortnefs df Breath, S(c; ad aide? sore Throats and fuinsied. OtUn/ardly, they are service a fie in the Itch, Scad/lm Sated, Tettars and other cuta neemd Bid temper!. The if also take Idctck and (elite Maries out op the Skin. 4. ft ee kip cog a Latin, Scalnosa. Spantd/v, Itahcin, Sea (noset. * Tretidh, Scalneude. ferinan, Plpostemen fraut. Butch,. Scalnende. Plate 266- The Scarlet Oak. Bex cocciqera. 1 ’ This Is a, smctM s/iruhhy Oat, nnth prtek/u .Leaves, on the of nrfncft props latie round grains, or rather Xeststif /'meets af afhirung reddish falpur, jifoiit lng op Pesuf, made Ins strut//Flies,-TAefe Jfsts are gathered nrni/e they are fu/f cf hide Warms, and he mo heat the /car let Ltfiiar is strain'd thro* a Sieve, and trust t until Us equalLleiaht of Sugar,rvhuth us the Xuccus Kerims of the Z. It grows trv the fov-them Parts of France, Ituh, and Turkic- 3. The Jut cupKerm.es is accounted cordial moderat/gfinding fcomforting y tifeari. chetiring dieShnmal Spirits, and good to prevent i/Hifcarn/ing. It also drives out the small Pc/x and Mead led. ... 4- If reek. Tor ro s flag /r n. Latin, dflex acculeota coccto landifera. Spanish, tfremain y ram?. Italian, ffrarui da tiny ere. French, TermiKoh. German, Sc liar la ch leer. Dutch, Jchar /oaken Beaten Boom. pute is;. T/ielumper Dee. j. Thu Seldome yrorvd to any yreat Biynefd in England; the Leaves are a Slurs lv ij reert the Homers a greeny h cl/e/loiv, and the Berried triad. 2. ftjrmu* upon dfeaths andflcfwerd in May and June; die Termed are green the firtt t/ear and rtpe the Second. J 3’ Bhedfoad, Berries and yum are ujed; the Tldrod is accounted hot, dry and cephalic, good to Irurn in timet of Pestilence <% contagious Du tempered .-The Berries are esteemed carminative duiretu, expelhiiy Bind, and use full m the Stone, fravel % ftopp age of Tune, She Fume erf the hum or J aid to le good for fattarrhd, Jf derma Deduction/ upon the Mode and Byes. The Officinal Trepanation is, the Difulfd Od. 4- freak, Opr tvS/s. Latin, dump eras vtdyaru. Spanish, Bnelro. Italian, ftnepro. Trent n, y eneut e ■ tfermcm, Becthcdter. Dutch, Deneher Boom. Plate idd- Thi Ivy Tise. Kelerti drlsorzcz. '■ IfiS.'S t&&U3, ra"’!, * !"'m" ** (™n f Thmrj *' tH'*m Kzdg'es,& ffnyers ui September,-being ripe /- Feb-nary J' MrlJai', are Inflammations tnljsms. Sozl-y.Sore/d scald Heads. L Boyle commends a large Dofe of thefu/J ripe Berrtes as a Remedy against v Plague The funi v pud to tale Spots and Freckles out of the Face. “ ' ‘ " 4- freed, K evos. Latin, Sh'edora Spanish, Edn, or Sddercu. Italian, le/la, or Fedora.. French, -Lie rre ■ yer/rune, Rawer. Dutch, Klim op Boomlryl. SVo. 4p, Plate 185. Jfiltd uj. Fli2£// t/p/(ft. sculp. etFmor. )j. F/cnser- I-Flanker /pp urate.- 13■ J#ed. , Scalno 3 a lises tru Plate id 6 The Scarlet Oak. i. Catkin- %.Flcnvr feparate. $. Fruit. '4- fuP- " S-Ackorna. K Kerne U- tflex cocciyera. JEliz^Cßlackn'vit del in. cfcul/o. et Pmx. v-' 7'“ Flate id The Jumper Tree. i .Firmer ■ z. 3. Se eci- fhimpenuf. flvz- _B la cknr e I I le-Ln-jculje. et Turjc. p/dte The fisy Tree- - U- F/on/er. 3- B err// ojwn. \ 4*. Feed- Viedera arl'oreci. -Fh 'zi. Flcick.rLh?//v/f/(n. jcu/fo. ff- T'tnx■ FUm ido-TfuTiru Tree,or manur'd Pirie .Fimv/,orFmuFuF&r. Plate iq 4- The Bay erf . J2la< knn°ll deJtn. Jculp-etTinjo. 2. Floruer. %. Fruit. Zc iw u. i.PloTveT- Prutt- TenUtcuJ Plate igo. The Bajc ~Trve> delm. jcu/p. etPiKioc. 11. F/oru&r. I q.Serrv. 3,lßerrV open, S/p. j'sail. jßuocuJ . tlate joy. The trueJnset gumuitui 0/ iaru/y.fvdtud /andifkrti verti Creticu. J Thi/ ShruC grarvd to he Into or t/iree Foot high, the leaves are a graf/ frreen, the Flowers a pale Reel with a large purple spot in ig Fnd next the Feed Tefdel. Z. leg row d in i/ Id land of candy, f other placed in g Archipelago f/lower/ in duly. 3 From thid Tree comes the fritm Lair dunum ofy Shop/, h/hzch dome ccrmmerid ad good for cr looferiefd f frripe/, exuded Inj /harp frCwnour/. The Fume of it comforts they IB rcun, f dlopd ccitarrhou/ lefhtxion/. Outwardly applied, it id accounted Strengthening tv the Stomach, and /tayd Fcnnißny. Jee Mr Jo/eph Millerd B otarucurn Oyficinale p. 2,54. agj. 4- if reel, JCcrtcy nJO (dag o if JOiar ago 1/. Lajirv, Old tit/ lec/ctn Ore tend&. Spcttnd h, Oerguetced- Italian, Udto. French, /ferment, latch/, Jalidamit/i Bcrcrm. Hate jp. The Common Fir. or Puoh Tree. dhiej rulraor Ftoa- i. Thm prowo tv he a herpes Tree, the deemed are J triad//fender f pncldp, ofcthrzplit prajld freen ip Ion?', the hcitfind p reemdh, th e honed a lug hd Bronm f y Peed/Brawn- z. Ztgron/d nei/d nr hfermanp [ Puotlancl, jendup out ltd ha tin id in the Pprmg. 3- Pho Zocmed and Popd are i/ed tec/DietDrink sfor the Pcurin/, pare an Ingredient in the /Brandnote I oiiutn. The Piradlrury Turpentine corned /rain duo Tree, which id mollify mg healing [ chanting pa great/Diuretic, ufefull in LfPnidlileers, afonairhea, the Fluor allrud, the Plane S$ [ravel [Pffecdcms of y Breast [Lungs .Tar is also the Product df tins Tree, and is accoimted a period pectora l PHedtctne, useful [or /hcortnejs of Breath and Olrfwactions of the Lttngd ■ 4. hreeh.Tleu rtt Latin, Pice a. Ppantdh, Pino negro. Ptaltan, Pen do - Pie nch, Pe/se, Tip net, or gang old. German, Pat 2/aruten haunt. /Dutch, /Denne /Bodrov. Piatt ijy. The OTim Tree Olppot Olen fati va . 1. Thid Tree graiv/ tv a great Bigne// ire It/ nature Climate, the Leai/ed are x deep freerv above f hoary underneath, the Flower/gellorv, f the Ftmit hlach nrhen ripe . Z. Itgron'd in Spam, Italy and Turktf. 3. The Otltd tnoderady herding f mdlhfytng, rendrvru/ the Body hex 3- Fruit (Xpert. 4. J'txn e | 5. KerneL 1 OfetF, or 0 lea fativa. Elvz^Jßlctc k 7i/e H dehn. ten Ip et Fzrtoc. , \\ Tlate vcO’ The JmaJl wild Vaidij, j.Flenver. 3. Florver fejiarate. $. Calvoc. 14, Seed- Be/lu jiflveJti'U minor. JSUzJßLukwtii dedrt. Jadp. etTtnx - P/ate %02. I'hi Tamarind Tree. TamarmduJ. j. Tint id, t/ie weft India. Tamarind; die Specimen of die Pee id taken from. one m t/ie Stove in 1/ Phi/dick £or Jett, and the Pratt id takeiifom the Jape oat of SP. Rancid Collection. Raid Tree grow/ lung la roe indielfedt Pidied; the leaved cue a hcj/it orafd freen, t/ie Pioneer/ white f yel/oiv noth purple Jem a; the Podd a Irroncntdh yellcnv tinctured noth Red; the Pidp of the Podd id i/ellcnv atfidt f then changed into a loronmidh Idack/ f die S'toned are a reddi/h j Inning Pronorr. 4. It orenvd ut the Tied t Inched, and florae rd m S'ummer. 3. Ttie/e Tamartndd are generally eat lag themfehued, nntlioxit any odxer Medicine mioct ndth diem; and are ace emitted good tv purge choleric dhuinourd, Sc correct the (aloud Meat tnthe Momac/c and D ante Id, I- freekfOfv(poInkOs. Latin, Tamarrndud- Spanidh, Italian., French, dermon* lute A, Tamar in do. j plate. 20‘2,. The Pd/nt, or Tad Tree. a. Thu u color a e Tree untie ce rough dca/g Parle on the mam Stem, the lectoed gi'otv are the Top erf die Tree hvfbnru of the dUchd erf cv Pan; the FI accord are nclute, and the Fruit yedhm' and red. 4- It grant/ uv D ctrlrony, Pgif got cued S y inos. 5, The Pate/ metch uded for Fac'd in the fountrted 1 where diet/ arenv; here they arpy edteecrtd dri/iny and Iruvdmg, ufefull/or Fluoced, and to dnwvth the Poug luief' of the Mdpurer S/Sonict. X. I ree/t, (f olyt g. latter, Palma., Span-id ft, Palmer ce. Italian, Palma, French, Palmier. f ermetru, Dattelfaum. Dutch, Dudeh Plate. 2,03■ Th& male. Inr, or Jilvt’r Fir. pt/eJ wa.f. 1. Thtd grow/ to fee ztery large, the The aired are freed at the End f white underneath; cmd the for tel prone erect- %. Thud Tree id Jaid to prone nnfcl tit Tome Pctr/d of England; lent i f found in c/reat Plenty nr the mcmirtarnond Partd of (formany. 3 Thtd if die Trees which ought to he ztfed m the id hopf according to the Put pen/atorg hztt noticing Jo continent 01 the Sprites, that a ene milln Jit/dpliea if/ Flare, die Per tuef of loth lento nuudvdie dame .See the.- Fxplatrahort of Plate jqS, free.!, flSm. La tut, filled maj, ccmid fur jam /f octantrfud. Sjjomj It, Slice to. Italian, direct, her mart, Pen men fa tent. Dirtch, Penne Povnt. 404,-Co 144-1/4/ or FaiCf-fwt. Tufjilaao or Farfara. j. The Jta/hy an ivhzch die Flankers yrarv are about fur Jnche/ /uq/t, me ZeaiW are or ye //cm' Zreen aboi/e whitish underneath, and the F/oncer/ yed/cm; ■ Z- Ityrand in moi/t watery Tlaco/ andfan/er/ in Fe/auary Sc dUctrch- 3. The Leave/ d Tl/orrery aw accounted pec tom/, yatrd’/her Dt/ea/ea of the Tuny/ and Trea/t. a/ Cough/, Zm/umytion/, cf thartneff ofJSreath. /omcfmoah t/ie dryeddeare/ amoncf Tobacco for union/ cf J factions of the Zun/t. 4. Zreek.B n/ioy. Latin, tin/nice cahahltna. Spanish, Lin ha daJ/na. Italian, French, Tat de t l/ne. per man, BrandtLittich . Dutch, Thef[ridden . fTo. yi Plate 'loi The Tdniaurind Tree ■ Pli/z ■ 3 lacdan/eM dalm, Jadp. et Pn ioc . K ) i.T/oiver- ) q. Pad, \ 3. Stone ■ Tamunnduj. Plate 2,0 2, The Falmer Dale Tree , ( Tlvz.B lachvell delin.ycJp.etTinx\ /, CTctek, noth y Flon/er. 3- Ftoae,. FaxhJuJ ar Fa lino. JDlnts '403. j. Oidciri. fore. , a *7/ve Joule - J- , A ' tAe f>u/r of die Avne. \ 7/20 ?nd/£ Fir or Fir. 7^lit. '3 Lit At oe/l de/Cn. jcu/^.el'Tiiwc. Tl/rijj rnaJ. 2?lafr goad to ripen hard Turn crus Swellings; ai/ tty Tree .v HinOr/ Jtn~h. CbrtexOfinVramid. j. The Bark of th is Tree, ndnch it dp Bari due fit/ uted, it a (rrtmmish dlfh colour, the Beavesa Hue preen, f die Flowerspurple'Succeeded in/ (freer Beerie/. 2,. It prom/ on the Tuft/. 3■ This BorLit rareh/ to It met nnth in die Sho/ot; it it accounted a Specific aqamtt the Scurry, and ctyood Sfer vine /fiedicme, help fid in Balsiet and fSvuyicmS; fame account it c/oerd fir Bifeatet of the Stomach and BonuSt. 4. fie eh, I a tin, fortes Binte raiu/t, Baurifili a Stage llanuct for bee acn . Spanish, Italian, F’rench fierman, Butch, Tiat&u>y- /Stir lire rmvrt. StepaVca. no lif /. i The Sta/kt yro?v alrout finir oi~ fixe Inches hayh, the BeaiaeS are a profs fireen, the Flnvert fame timet ndite,fame time/ /due f feme times a md Purple. t- It it planted in ij ardent, and f/oncers m Biarch ■ 3■ T/i e 1 eases are cam me tided hi/ Some foreran chit/tort at a pood huh neraay, and. use fid in Diftenip erj of the Borer. 4. freed, Latin,, Trifolaurn auretam. Spanish, Italian, Serf a Bnnito. French, fieri nan, fu/den Se hercran/■ BiUrh, Bdel Le/ueadtan/d. s rLiK ioa. Venetian Orrtrua.The Tnu Tnetui'./Orohi* 1. The Plant mark'd noth die Fiauro 1. is the Broad- leaved or Venetian OralntS and hat sexier a/hi a Flower,- That marked 2,. IS the Bnoum or hitter Belch, ndiicJv it comxnonh/ uted in die Shops t, the J operate Fiyitres felony to th is last, for the Seed' Bod and Floncer of the other ore very enl; the Seeds of they first ferny /did, the Pod pretty Ivye f die F/onter a pole Burp/e; the See d ofl/ other it ndnte, die Flu/rer ninte f the Bod Jrna/l. 2. They c/ronf in Italy and tome Barb of France, pan m.no m lane. j. The lewder of Orolut mist noth Sonet/ it said to cleanse trie Ln not op Tony h Tldeyin; and it a Strong Diuretic, expel/my (he Stone f flatted; hut if taken too frequently it causes Uoody Urine , 4. freed,. ogo fi os. Latfri, Fsvum, f Oroku/ Sip inns fa tifilms. Spanish, Italian, Ertco or oflocho. French, fierman, Butch, hi (t fi I ■ Jr*bite 2 os. ; The dhcrl/y - Tree. JEhz. H tachn/edl de/iti. jcu/fj. et Pinoc. i.Fkmser- Terry. s.,feed. Tlyui^Xaurri. Flu te 2,0 6 ■ 7%e crrcffinttr'f Far'd. - Jculjy. et Pinz'. i. FerneJ- -2,. tie 3ark dn/ed. Cortex HmterarmJ ■ Plate i. Flarw r. \ ■%. JfadsFefo&b < $ .tfe4d- I ffepadccL ntr/n/i/ ■ Jiwr tvcrt't>. FLackn/vU de iur. /ouJp. etPirvX. - plate 408- yeaiatuuz Onx/rud. The trua Onrlncd. Plj. PLuJfL/eJJelui. ororv/ trv hfigrutf (reet. Sf fhjroert uigSpring. die Fruit hen ig ripe inMidimn^ 3. jflntthdodud recorrvmeridj die Fruit aj gcradfor the Stcrnutddv. cutd frujutg erf g flUcf. & to prenrerke Tlrtne . Ther Bec/acUcrn af die Be wnj or aeannued try him a great hrrepfor aru vn/i/eTe/rcLte Cough/. and c/vey Fifitoh. 4. {freedKcqar/cl.Latmp. SthgucL. Spantj/v, dUfarUt or BtrrcnugeJ. Italian/. (MkoOoh. French* CdTVnpe. fernum, S ddhemruJ Brodo Butch/, Suit deenj JTlcmu. Five 210. T/yp Trap of LfiCan. 1. It re-ldcnne- prowl Co any great Biynefr in Trip!an d: the- Leave! re) e mile imuk diole. erf ytyyrefr Tree, 4 die Center are- a. liyht Bronm. %, Itr native' {Annate- i! Canada-. , yThv Leave) are auvmUed- diyerdny and ottenuatuiy. Parhuvfhr ray) die-y have .done yreal Serxnee in-freeany die Lunyr from- duck Fleym, hy ehennny, thenvfartmy in- die- dlcrrntny ■ .. 4. Creek, Kldeas dvr la. Latm. Lyovcu Cedru-/■ Spa-m/h Italian-, Lyova. Frenck, ■ fernum, Plate-%,1. Thy ms . Thy mud. 1. Itoyrorvr alrcruthalf cuTaot fuyk, die Lea Fhnverr a- pale Purple-. j.. Itqrenvi nnkltn-J'p 2, fane ■ r J iMe. Plate zji. TAy nut. t lid- Bt qadvs.X atm, da Inna, Spanish, dohonco. Italian, Samnct. French, Savin ter. ter man, defenfaum. Futch, deoeufoom. p/ate 2,1 •scTfa/l-(errvor Patypml/ af i/ie Cal. Pal/pirSiam Quercmunr 7. This Plantyr-on/s ahaut eiy/it err tert Inches hiyh, credit hath af die lestueJ yrvn/ the Planner a af a reddr/h I mere (odour. %. Jt yroros an old Ta/hs and Trees, or in Tutumn. 3- The Toots art eStceond opemny, (f yard to pury& hdio/is dfiimourl y apesvOhjduo- turns *ofp Pmer, hedp die Taimcace SfTrophy if pnaiurle llrmt. Same account diemyaadfor dieScuri/y for oshichdiey art freciutndy an Inyredient PieSTDrinh/ 4. (freed, JZo\vwo'd/o o. Satin, Tihcudal. Spanish, Pa/ipapio. ItzUiare> Pcdtpodto. Trench,, Ta/ypade. German, Trop/fnmnk. Dutch P aormraren . Plato al6 ■ Spleen TforC leierae/i SSvm/t. S j. It grows aioutfiur Inches high, die leaves are a dark fireen oro die upper dide, f hr owned h orv the Inch Tide, rv/uch is occasioned Iry the deeds grotvtny there' a. It groove oro Old/Vcdls and holdings. 3. T/tis ts one of the five fapil/aiy Plants, toAong its dime from de good'/Effects it has m wrong die Difeases of diedpleero, taking atv-ag tho dwellings, and hindering its too great largixe/s, rvhence it ts called oHi/twast; it cdso opens Olfirctoons of the liver, and helps die launchce, and is good tv cure dicy Rickets iro Children/- 4. freed id cart too o. lain/, Stsplencuno. Spanish, Doraddha. Italian, fispleno. French, L&t 'cudu fertnan, Dutch, dcalopendne. So. 34. P/rUz %Z3 r/* TftU fflive Tree. -p/- 7i/ i /// /• / -r, AlUuAjve/t aeon. . etFuiaz. i. Fruit J?u&rcinu/7i Plate mg. Spleen Ifort Ceterac/i* Jliltnm Culantri/lo depozzp bianco ■ Italian, ban el lenerc btanco. Prerich, hap il Venere planyue. for man, Pramen Par. Dutclv, Steerrriu/te. F/ate AAurtAtaAm Stair, Adumdmm mu rum. i. This Maiden thtair yron/s alout o Span hiyh, dio Zeas/eS aro a/lcriyht freon alcn/e. and under neotdv they are covered mth Smalf Promo Seed. %. Ityrorvs cm Shady Zones and at die Roots of Tree/. 3- This ts also one of the f/vy tsipil/ary derls; f its Virtues are- much the scttne as y common diaiden flair, leany useful for (euiyhs adlaffectwns ofy lunys and J)lseatesafy Kidneys; Some commend it as yood for die daicndtoo - y ■ freof Ma lor too pc\ oy. ZaSzrv, stdraiidiuniy ivy rlitre indy ore ,or Onope teSiS ferrdno. Spanish, lulanti illo depozjto neyro. Italian, tap e l uenere Frencdt lapil verierO novr. fernmn, Fraiven Star DutchßroimmyStair hr uy d. Plate j%iy. /zy// JtfU'Zs. H hichwell JeAn. Jculp. etPirvJC. } j. T/ie tHead n/ AuA > cerUainJ die Seed. \ 2-Seed. CmtJa etjlOtUV. 'Flat? .qi d- I l.ylonr&r v z.J’e&ct Vcfi&L \ 3- J’eeJ/. J*ea K/curuy - Cry1?, Sdi- eC Pwvk, . Cochlearm, Brilunmca marmd. Flate %ig. n Maiden yiitir. E/iz-BiacJin'eJidaJifi. JciUp. e-t Z’/'nx. 7. The TJach of j the Teeif. ) MmnrAum attum. Jr'Lue BlacA .Maiden JGUr. , , ~ , , JC'i/Z- 73/ackn/e.// de/tn.jcu/fj. etJihdc. * j-.T/ie Sedl dedin eru/n- et Eirtoc ■ u. i 4, J eesl. ffecUrcv tzrrxs tr is. Plate 2,2,6 7. ]?longer. n. Florv&r jep orate Cdliac ■‘ 4. Seed. Thx- Carv-jltfPcuyte- ElizjUckrvfJldetm jcw/f> Pdraly/1/ Plate zzy. iSrurw l/rafj. -7 y y y//z. ,/ai/p. etFxruc 12. r/xnv&r. . F/wvtrJeparate / ) 4. Sent- 1 CocJvLutrttL Hcitwva. F/ate Hfi. Tfake Rcrlnn or furkorv-ptnt. ' phcbtse//,e/e/m. Jea//j. el Pi rex. i. Jse furies ■ %Jserrtf fenarate. r* f j. Jee.a. mm. Plate %2,0. The CorrmwnAloeJ. sS j The Stadhd a rone alxntt tn/v or three Foot hwlt, die Leaved are a mhitidh tureen, and dhe Flotverd cup ode yellow. It proivd in Spam, Italy and the Hedt Iruhed> florvriny in die Sprtny. 3 The Moed fiepatica of the Shopd or the Parlddoe/Moed id made from dud Plant. Moed id a purytnq Medicine much vv Ude, and verq henefcial to cold nundt (andUtutifrnd, hut id dehhm yinert h/ it delf unlefd id le to Cluldrerufor fj LLormf. It id a main Inyredient ut modt aflhe Officinal Fill.l, ad aido in y Ipecied Jficra Pier a, 4. freed Ad dn. Latin, Moe. Spanidh, divert a lalo/cv. Italian, Aloe. French, Moed. ferment, Piter Moed. FiUc/v, Mo&. Plate a3 o ■ Sorrel. jtcetoca. i. The Stulhd yrorv eiyhe or ten Inched hiyh, the Leaved are a cjra/d freen, and the Flon/erd /mail and- Stamina ad'• It c/rorvd in Fieldd and Meadarvd, florvrtny in Slay. 3. The Leaved are accounted coahnq and cordial and very quod ire Fever/, redid tiny Putrefaction. The Root id edteemd dervicecil/le irv the Scurvy f luliaud Fluxed. The Seed id redtrinyent, id put into Field cordiian other (nndiny Medicine/. 4. freed, OjdX/s. Latin, Oxaldd 1$ dice to da pratendidSpanidh, M/Xidad. Italian, \Acetodct. French, Saliette. derm an, Sinn ilmpffer. Fitted, Te/d Survnyh. Plate $3l. Tumep. Papum. j. The J'calkj aroiv alrxn.it tnree Foot /up, reave/ are a yr// and die Flowers vellow . 2,. It is soTvrc in lie IS and hardens, flon/ring in April. 3. Turneps are accounted i/ery wholesome arid nourishing, lut somewhat nnndg. A Syrup, made with shoe/ of liirnep and hr onm Sugar iandy (raked marc Oven, is commended as a good pectoral, and erf great Service fur Coughs and fonSu mp don/. 4. freed, foyyv\n. Ladn, Rapum. Spam/h, Ahko- Italian, Rapo. French Rave, tferman, Pul ere, Dutch Raapen hnollen. pimx 132. Sfati-pepper or /tune.crup. Se/Sum minimum . 1. The Stalk/ prorv admit five Inches /ugh; the Leave/ are a pale (freon and die Florvers yellow. 2,. It prows on Halls and dioufe/, fkorvrmg trt Aleut. 3. Tins Plant tf often u/edmdie Shops for theSedunv minus, ly the Ignorance of the Perl ffomert altho its dtmlittes are dtreedy opposite to the odier Sediuns; and is more apt to razfe thaw cure Inflammations ■ This Stone crop is much commended for the Scurvy, and King!/ Foil; taken inwardly vnSDecvctum/, and the L tanks kathed noth it in FcrneriSadotiS ■ 4. if reek, Sc //* cot T/dos rg iro r. Latin, Sempervwum minimum- Spanish. Temper viva Italian, SSerka tfraf/eMcc. French Jaultirle le plus petit, fertmm, Reaver Pfeffer. Dutch Aiuur Peper. -To. S3. plate 2%g. Ij. r tenser. \ -q.SeedFe/jel oj-jeir-l )3.Seed- ( indcfajnj. Th& Cbrrtnwri JUo&/ > . Efcz.Blac/weli FeJin. jcul/j■ et Fmx. F/ate 230. Jorrel. -E/i/l- slucAn'e// c&li n. Jctil/j, et jPin jc ■ ‘ j . Florver. P ) 2,. jp longer /eijamtej )i./W:‘7 v ylcetoJa. Plate Z3l. i■ P/on/^j' % ■ 6z/ioc. 3- P. Peed'f'ejjet'O/veri-1 4. Peed- < Fumztori/. J Eh/Zj_ B // delux. you/p. et Btnac- Pianarta. Plate z3S- nr/ttte yijphadei. 7£ht. Btackme // de/in jculfj. et Ptnx x. JPl# riser ■ v.SeeJl'efjely. 5- Seed. AjpAade/uj iwzi/, aIAuJ. Plate 43y- //re a t iant or Zeo/oa? ' 4- Seed Fiate z 4 Hide Fw/ii/. Paeunut trios. /. The Staid/ c/rom about t/vo Foot hiyh, the Zeaa/e/ are a Jar A yra// Croon /in ill ~ / eddidh and the F/oiver/ red. ?. It u planted in ya? den/ and flnver/ in Piped and P/tay. 3 the Flow or/ deed f Root/ are eJteem'd cephalic, f yood /or die Fpilep/i/, Frop/exy, if all kind/ of Pbrwul/ionj; bod in i/ouny A aid.- T/iey are ad/o aooounted c/ocrd in liuteru Pa/e/, ObftrucPon/of die Flen/e/ and die Retention oj die Lac/im. The Root and deed are finny about Fill dr eh/ Feed/ tv pre rent Conan drum/ in Freediny their Teeth. 4. (jreek,F\o rvarldu, 01' Fa/or/a. Latin, Paecmia folio niyricante /plendido quo .Fa/. Spani/h, Ro/a del Flonte ■ Italian, Pemna. French, Fvt'oine orßynoine. for man, Peoi uen. Dutch, Rio one maneke . Plate 446. Iliad. Jja tij. 1. The Sta/k/ yrorv about three or four Foot hty/v, die Zecwe/ are a nnllorv (f re en, and die F/cn ve r/ yellonr. 2. It yrorv/ mild in /e verad Rartf of England, hat 1/ yene rally Somrc for die 71/e of die Dyer/; and flamer/ in tfiay. 3. JToad 1/ e/teem'd ro/tnnyent df drying, and i/ yaad to /top tnmard f on tv a/'d Rleedmy/. dome commend it much far Rupture/ d Strain/, and to /trenythen die Joint/.-It i/ an Inc/redieht in the Empla/Dum ad dferniam . 4■ freed, hod r/s. Latin, if ha/turn 4 d/atu fativct, or lahfolia. Spanc/h, Pap tel. Italian, fuado. French t/ueda or Pa/tel .ferman, tFeid. Dutch, r/ate 24 f. T/ieLfd/inuC.dupimj. 1 Tied crowd to Ie a hrye Tree, die Lea ved are a yellow /reen, y Oitlind ve/lannj/i 2. It id planted in Halid, Parle If Field/; and die Cdtlind came out in Lprtl j. The Lari id acecninted a /Tony Fine tic, either /reen, or dryed and powdered. The if reen jVutd are cordial If alexipharmic leiny of oreat Ute in all contay ioud malty nant Lid temper/, I even die Play tax ; diey are one cf die Principal Inyredientd in die Treacle Water. - The dfutd pre/en/ed are yood to le eat in a yflornano to pre mint Infection in die tune of Ted tile ntzal Did temperd.~Trvo or diree danced of the Pil eccpr/dd font die npe Kerneld, it a very yerdd uMedicine for the Lone and fravel. The Jhelld powdered or' hirnt are accounted redtrinyent. 4. /reel, Kdpoa Pacr/i/ra. Latin, Liter jup land or reyia wiloarid. Jpamdh, Jloected. Italian, Loci. French, Lozcc. /erman, Pelfchnafd Latch Ocher no oten - p/ate2 4s J3/ad PopP.r. Pop uma nip roc. a. It yrow/ to le a /a rye Tree, die Lenared are cc Iriy/it yca/d free/tdie OitAmd yedcn/idh, and die Lerr tel /reen, t. It yrorvd ly Watery Placed andLiverd, and die Oitlmo came mil m j. The Teemed if Ladd are tided /a male y Wnyttentunh Popitleoti. Schroder /ayl die Fomerc iw/ermany udey Ludf to made diear Hearyrow duel ornamental 4./ reed Stlyc/gos. Latin, Populud ruyrcc. Spanidh d/amo rnyrwlw.ltcdfan, Topic neyro : French, Trepnlde. /erman, Sidpert or Pap el Hetderv. Dutch, Jrvarte, Pop alter. Pld. 6%. P/tZte FUa/d -Ftony. S'Az . jB/oe/uve// de//n. yeo/p. etPmx. \ i. S/on/er. j > z ■ Seed Pe/yed. 3. Seed Pe/yed oped ) 4. Seed. I Faevniet mad, F/ite 2 Jfdds/. £ P/suAn/e// 3 - xffes/ Pop i f/irJ rinj r<: ruu 3 4s. Stouncif- Corou 2. The Stalls yrorv tnso or diree Foot hay h die Zeaves are ct tihte freest, and die Ftinvers red. A' dt proms ly Stiedyed and the Sides of Hoads ftim/riny in dfay hone. 3. The Purert is accounted cold dryiny, if hindtny, yoodfur tistarhotis Deftiixioris uport die Zitnys; and all kinds of FhixeS f dtiuemarrlayieS, istempers. It also tiedps de dead /Serves, prcnrakeS Urine arid tirmys donor die SfenSes. It is an Inyre- dient in die Thertaca and Sfithridate. 4. freed, (fov fdjrfia dVapd<&. Latin, lafercanct hortens is / P/ucfolio Otiusadn Dioscondts. Spanish, Iferm lenedi/ta. Italian, Valeriana. French, tdi/enenne. f erman, Vaidrian. Dutch dtirf Valeriana Flate 2 O1- S(Sorm?iS-Seal. Foii/c/tmaftmi y Siyi//um Sdcmwnis. j. The Jia/As grow tw Foot /uy/t die Leases are a yrafs Areen, afzrve and a nn/lono freest underneadz, and die F/onsers ndiite tinctuj'ed noth freest. 2,. Ityrvnrs nn/d in Sever ad /foods Copses Aiere, andflancets iny/iay. 3. TAe Leaves & Root are used, heing esteemd vulnerary and restrinyent, yood /o stop ad Kinds of Flaxes 2 ■ Co?npea. Sump Ay turn/&GmJauda/ i. The Stalks arone 3 Faat luyh, die Zeaakes are ct dullyrafs frieen, fy Flowers rvTufa. z. Ityrort/S art SB antis tiy Kdi/er Sides Lfiitcry Pieces, fticrurriny in Sfiay f Tune. 3. The Ksot Lea ices /'Flowers are used, Inina accounted irdnerary, nrhence it cakes die Same of timSodida. It is esteem'd yood for mnrard KruifeS, sputiny of £ tired and sharp corto deny Stiurrururs thatcause Hrosurns in die Towels- dome corn mend die Keats heat to ct tittup tits rn as yo'od for die if out. The Officiiutl PreparaTort to die Syrup■ do Symphyto - 4 f7-eeffdu/i(purer /rfyor. Latin timsolida mayor. Spendsti timSuelda ma/or. Italian, tinuohde maaawre. Trench, Oreide destine, tier incut ScdinrarCn/iut. Dutch Since mo? tel. jo j SVo. S3. /fit# 2 cj. Jzoimdj - tonyice - £/i. t. tS'. | &/ ler/} itm. Plate iro- )J. J^lons&r. , %. F’/onse r /ep arcUF. ) 3. Sead- KaUriuna- or . Ja/^rtoFh, F/i'Z . 23hzcAst'f/1 deluv. 2cu/f0 ■ eF2Jm& St/v77Wn'