C«tv. igm= nttl) ti)c tetnge of ©tpius.ofall tfjt coloims ttjat JUtpncs b«of, loptlj IbcmiDecpms amitrcb to cuetpe utpm,anD c= unp aitpne bps SUrpnnil mucbcpiofptable foituttp mS tobnotoc. /is gooolp ttta iptetbou muftta* be ijc&s to. tfit>spnge& fttb Oaunce, to tlje colours, to tlje tegp* ons.atibto t&e coutctitcs, toljpttje longctotbeooimof bjpm. , 3tio fptft lobe to tbe bjpne totjetbcc it be tbpebe et tbpnne, oj els bettee* tie botbe, than fljalte tbon re t?jio gbe tfjc bzpnc (be fopntes of tbp fit. gcts,anb tljat it betobemtb a booDc. Coma beano Iratctuitbcbotoels. auto p£ t!;e bjpae be bcttociic tbpefte anb tbpnnc,tijan it be tobenetb futel Jingoffgal.Cbefeconbetstbat p (bolt take be&e to f colours of p bit tic,as faitb P mapiltt of pliifpcbc s tljefe be § colots of toatets t foloto. ;«a C€bc fpzftc coloute is tobpte ys as Clapt featet of a locU.cbis \Jcoiouc betobenetb inbegctlpon anoa oao uomatie,an() a oao tputt 3ftf)oti ft in tljps colour nianp flip npnae beanies, ttbctottcntfb apo= flume tn ttje niilt,g@eDetina. Cafte jSttflpe, ar.D §)ase,anD bople fhens in (late alt 9 blinke it. jflfo bfc peuDct of tijuii m tlippotage. SCfje fecoiibs cototue is fefcptt as tobap.lf (fete typnt be ttou bltb.tbpcbc.anD Iptcllm quan tptetoptf) tuDptf cotittntES; itbeto= bemtb tije flaw.ißjHDetuia. #abe Djpnbcoffbt fcoe of teip’te {Dopppe and JUmfe,s bftftvSSiCo nmbcipie of opimnctifof anoputt tbe temples toptb tije fame. ©Cbe tbpjbetg a aoobptpfflje /Kpdoto,almoft as bipgfpt as tjjt N-/ ijojw of ala Gtitne, 3j f tbps tytpnt be Iptdl in qnampte,anb ofte niaoe,it befotonct!) § fptbt ma map nat btpe (jie bjitie. SnDtbts colcuc <3 mutt finptte toptii ffje [Hbftaasne bopie« in f iocc of olapne 5 bipn ttdt.llfo Creating goob tl)£tfo?c, aitota&iWi)tgu auo nmftetoe bopletkcra togttljic, attb Do cbttto as mucbt ttacltastopl into tbc Q)el of an bafcll nutte,miD let ttjcpncpciu tjfe tbps mtoecpne Mjan tt?e iptfee* lustabetijbpni. CtcacU mt> gtlbcfouttlje colouce (s as a tebptc rufftt. C!)tB bjpm pf tt bctbpcbctnfubftatince toptb- out gtaucU (iUl)e botome. tibetoke= netbefCoUca paflto.CSlpe®trt',a. Cake toatct of cttflts grpnb tlum tmaii,anbbopUtl)tratoptb topm 9 Wpnke ft at turn anb at moioi».sSb To take bonp anb fetijut til (t be bat be ano bo tbftto potobet of CamU anb potobet of dgpuget anb We it. 3!lfo make a piapftet of ©ptote aho of topnc pf« be tljt floutes anb lap* fttotbenaupii, alCDjefpftfre coloacc is,as if tom tbe bjotfte of Jf leffljc, cbat is balfc fobOctuCbis bzpiupf it be Iptcll in quantile, auD fatte ag , it betobe* netb tb«poudctof tfUnacanipana, atm of Cutm*utpf,attD boplc them toitf) clanfpcD 53bbmabc tbctoc a confcccpori and bic it* Slid foubc beadejabetbc topee of appmcs.g toattm ttsaim anopnt tbp bead toitb at at sucn* 6tTbe fpjctc colour 10 as bmtbe of flef(l)£ t is toeil foDDc* Cftpg bjpmsrf it be tbfefee In fubftacc it betobmetb a cotpoiau Jfcacc that commetb of flettmt* Sub all tbefe f m colouts before fapoe be tobttis ofbaDdegeftto* f ft betfpn tn tub ftannce,ana Qjaootoco aboue ouct all.moit tbpcke aboue.tt?an benetbe it betobneti) a tertian. mo tbps to (outappetc tn ot in tomtit it betokened) a quattat. cafec ponoti oc ©etc ano tljc fece of to tone t«f» Cea nuot(jefeDeof©lome, anbbfs ittmplpintbppotagc. 8-tXbc. fit. toloutefsasweb golbe. dips coloute, pf ft be tbptbc in fub(lauucf,aiiD OjaD Dotopngt about toftbmitanp toao* btbe.it betohenetb a laftpnge quotp 0 ran. tJßcDtcfna. t abc.5.5. bt= tpbps.&pnanmm Sstnt JSnntps nno mcOlc t!icm twptb Jionpc, anb bleiteatlpe anblate.aifo tabetbe raoteof Siatutpon, mutlttbe ftbt. Ocppsc anb ’tmicps.auD tnecic ttje to3pthtttoptb©onpc. 5P- nncfja puttioa , Jii there feiuts tbefebtf tokes.attrDOp face great tbjuft,o:pefong ano fDatpe.no reft at al,great acb< in f beab.? a great pulft iuptbouten ojouce, ano euet moje cake &ac3 tnonp,an oo it in a |Btt. o: teatooti rotleO.seatctt.alfo make pounce of jb ponp totcs,anb totes s api’ileoffdciiDfee.ano bfcitintfip potage. ' uet ot a bed. Cl! is bjine toptb a yclotoe co- loutcoftotbaboue, betobcnetb (be JaunelTe.anD a poftum of (be Kucc aiifo pf tbps bjpnc be tyadpe m tbt botomc,lt bttoUenctlj (be floutcs. 0£ apeoecina.Cabc (be bone of (be Mattes bonus ft malic it topouDec smpnftcit.ainD bfc Biacamcton. 6‘tXbe*)(b(.(olout Is as blatke tome oi (otten bIoUD.CIJIB b=> tpnetna ladpngc jfeuetbtto- nctbbtatb.ffdbe troubled, fattpe andflpnHpnge.as tbebipne before § toas tccD as a co!e,anD tbps biinc apetc in a bod boDpe.it betofcenetbc btnftpnge of a bapne in eb* tapnts of fbpppng o? (Cabe€>fnionbe,&taupneanß gto me!, and boplctbem toptb tobpte mine,and toptb clarified ©onp.and Weearlpandlate, 6C(wt)tf.coloutc is toamte as Jltobc.3 f ftts bjpne be bleep all abottejo that ho tcfpDens map Do aioap tft blouD ftec,tt be- tobenetboeaftc. apeDecwa.JCuent tljc in ftp legges, 9bfe § etoppts of *§>age.3Blto Dtpnbe ctpafanoalpe. s'flfje*ici)iK, eolotst is (Bttne as toojtts. efts ftpnt pc it bo Iptelltn quantpte, itbetobc* neftOeafte. SClje.rft.colout <9 blftcUe 9 fl)p npng ns a Eauts fctljct.Cijts Input muck in quantpte 9 tbtn in fubflance betokcmtb btlpuctpng of fbe ebctma. cake tf)t force of canfpeanb of (be mb Colt 9 boplc tbtm toptb tobptetoine ana ©onivaiiD bft it tatlpanb late. 6Cbt.)tjc.coloutt is blackt as a cole.cbis toioutt in an agtto lift! faftp anb fe tbp face fbetin, tljanit btfoftenefb otattMiieoecma. ©spiiktito wpce ef £tienbpnt,anb 3Bo!apne oi ftia cU t»!)pte topnt tatlp in (be inoj= npng ano late in ttjc euenpng. (tmefoiotmtft tbe colonies of toattts toitl) cpfcltsano roebetpncs them beinngpnge. ©tEbjttfnslsUltegol (~)0c BnDtwo* —/ * ffp[ultiu6of ujotct, nm= bpngc toomana Boutcs. Citculue. 3ftijc cpule be tt(D,it bttokuutbe acbe in tfjc foifjcao.a pftt be blacke it betokcnctf) t&e falling cccma.cake S>camonp,anbput it in a pert oi scoatDon,9 toft it.aifo make pounce of tbc tote of j&ponp, fi)« tote of jSetftpe.anp of ttje ftcft.atin bjpnke it. g’QalUEms like ftcfftje Ijalfc to= tcn.Cius colour betobenetb a tljc Ipuet, a fcuet.a ftblcbcao, a a bab ftomabe toaftpngoftbclotigts, laptntcina. Cake "Judc 2Uoe,e= piatpkesanoa njamme of of pelje an bnee faue xio* make potibet rbetof atiD bfe it. (O'aitfWsgteneas Colctoottet coloute betoksnetb tea* \J (Huge (tpiig of a nat wall Ijctc, tfjc Genoa* ebe,anO tdc moifttoe. Sf coceina. Cake ®pngec ano CaneU,ano tan pettbcni toptb f?onp,ano bfe tt trip 5 late, aifotabe t!)C tote of rion,al?uiUtDfeOe ano JBcpec, ano tamper them toptd don p. Sg übpalltotw nat fo petfife to loute as aifljce. dtps colours betobenetb apoilume on tbs ttgljt fpoe,tt(ibe batoc to ntabc tea* rtt.Cttculus.Jf t!)ie circle be InGiie tt bftofeeti) papnc in tbe bpnoct pate of tbe bMO.SPeoecina.SSßabc pou* bet effete, totencCttlftfcoe.anb bionic feOe.anO We it in tbp potage, aSoubcitosnatfo petfptc pe* Ictoe as an £?icngc. Cbis to* leutt bttobenetb (be fame that OpD 5 teeO,bnt nat to foit.Ctccmus ?f that tbete be in tbe tittle final! motts ae be in $ fnnt.it betoftenttb a tetomc in tbebcaO.OeaEntlfe, pote, benpnes. msoecina.ca&e pouoec of ©olipobp, atmcg.aiocs epatfcS,1 nuempugieftem topft fugac, anb t»fe tt>em mftppotage. s;tnopasasblBtbe toptie.atib olbe.Cbps soloute bitoktneft rnufttcauapletn lupus a bap ik rotten in the taping.a&toeana. Cake aim gto- im!l,ano bopUftttn in topm arm a Ipttcll l')otip,[comiii£ it ano fafe STEjubicmiDug, Ipkc Sanies of fpic.Cfjig coloute betokeneti) a f«uet,a oppiilTpon of ftc Ijecte.mib befaute of tupnbe. «3feD£CKia. Cake tsipaegaraiib tnttftctbcanb bopU tUeni togpftec anb ftan take Static, as mufteas a mute.aub put tbetto anb cate it in ftp fpekeneffe. Kid Me ©pacamttfi anbctpafanbalp, Bgsubaitibis a batkifte gteue' Cbps toioate facfoketieft as bOEljcfte other gtene, but it is nat to (ok as it tg.cuculus. aoift gcatttn, bcfoßcnctbacbcinpbacßt nig!) unto foe foilbamet-mcocctna. bUmbcUnOct tl;canc/c tit tfjt bnpne at the amit.ano take 3 ppntc of tepptr topnta bopU ibtcitt BOtattmie of Sloe fiEpjatpkc, anb bjpnfee a fpotufull tarlp ano late. B*Qigft,a6fjiacftt as a btecfte bojfic.&bts colour betoftenetb a jfeuct quattapnc.tljt blacfee aaumire.Deatb in ©ott tpntt. Cic» culuo,toatet full of fmall ttetes bc= coktnttb bjpc c6pitction,a poßttme inttjttpgbtfp&e, (calcs as it tore of fpfQjts.ttopppngeoftttc Routes ano fcabbtiiitijc mattpcc.mcocct- ua. J©?pnfce tbt topic of Ctlonppnt, SlpolBpne,anD Ctcaclc toptb toljtte topne catlpanb late. gHtb«s,lpß««c!c«teBftt,atio itbetokttutt) toaßpngt of the fplcwit,tN ppflpngc agapnß of tlx ipntt,mictoU)bts,anD Rapping oftbcßofcjes imDiefne.^afes amp tike of ®tomei,s>atfcBgt,p« tptoip,S>age,BukulanB ftmp ,9 fetbttbtnitn Balt alts Oipnhe tt 9 t>fe the pouDtt of tbe tu tljp potage. sGTiaucas a tobptiftlje pclome as tfjcbojne of a Interne. Ct)tS tolout betokened fnbcgeftimi a poßume in tfte tpgW fpot.ottimcs aftuer,t((p(ke, anoa biabttfntbe longes.aptbtcfiia.'Cakttbe force of CanCp 9 tt)( tttb Colt luotte anb borle ttjem biptl) topne ano toptb a iptelponpanDbftff, ixpgmntbt inpnt corametb that Ijatijc great conttntta,as (t toe* caflpngtof tbt typnt,if it flpnkc mo>t tba it Ojulbe bo of fcpnbt, ft bttoktnetb papne in tbe taping anb in tbt fplennt. anb if this jQutto; Binbt nat,ft bttokt* net!) papne in tbt lputt,ano bab be* gtflton. sioubtanb ttbt tltate anbpute,ftbttoktnttb bitabingof a bapnt to f lintt.if it bt ipttii toptfj a Stonge fauotm alibc in gobettes In tbe bottom," comet!; ftotbeblan Det,p£ it be fpottcO es bloube a teen than tbepapne is In tbe tapties aim In tbe (bate,lf it be tlete 9 blacfepffje than tbepapne Is in tbe bat be anD In ttje (bare ano about (be blabber. IRatue burnouts Is a contente ef tfjE birne tobpebetbou ®alt ftnotoe thus. ttjc btpne after l;is casing Sett full of gtauel motes, tlje tofjy, ctje come of ttjc tcfpbcnce of tljc bo* tom,o;lntbe nipbbc tegpon, (ban In m btpntbe tatoe burnouts, inn pftbetatoe burnouts be aboue mi tbetoatet, It bctebtncib afttapte bebe in { buff 9 fflotte of buttte anD nppplnge of of tbe fpltn.ano it ap* pete In $ ntfbbee,tt betobenttb grub Slug in tbe bobp anb tieniing in tbe Suttes.atiD topnbe In tbe ftonmbe. ailtbps tometbof ttaffe of mcate ano Oflnke.anD If tbep be In tbe bo* tom.tbepapnelsintbc tapnes anD fomtpmsftfsfntbt coddc. lueottont eficps bctokencth tua« (Mng of gtccc about tlje founbamet JJfttbt toptb at) atcts it bctobtmtb toaftpuge of tfjc bobpt, Jn thtfpjft fppce a£ tin €tpbe tl)t fat IjceO ho= ucth about tbt patties as ft tocre of fat biotl).®!je Ucobe fppct (bat bpl Ictb all the input about, is ipkt the totbbeofflUtttii. epjt thPfDt fppct the ujpntfs tbpcke ouccafl fat as oplt jffftbecaflmiamatbie ttone It fbttoeth as opie,anb tfjps fppct fs bncutabU. mutmto rotenfcstbtp belpbttobipncjomtpmt touoc as tlaltso£afp(l)B. Kft&tpappmlS in an apcpsjhtpbrtobui tbtfpiße fppct of § €tpftt,(btp Do appttt like bntobtpnttbaf bathe iptcii of the flotoic toptb bpm.?n tbt tbpio fpfte of tbe ctpkt.tbct* Do a appett come tts Ipkt theft tine fpjSt.but tb*p be gttatct,aiJDtban«»fpbc all fcbpte mgtautl, t«Db«cktmfbtbe Roue Sat uuijetaptKg . totjpte of blaclte.anb Ijatbc 9 gtcate tt bctoUcrutlj tlje (lotie In Un blao» tot. 3nD pf t!;cp be tctb anb nefQje it bctobcmtl) tnent blouoe in (lie 11* Met. Choice ttjst be tobpie attD fmall quo tounbe betoftencih the gmuc both in the man anb uioman. 3lf thcpappecetntbe botom,ft be* f obtneth the tetnmaepbe goutc.both fn the (lomabe anb in the burt, Ifthep Do gatijet than in a tounbe gobette anb bo ipe to thpt&e on the botomhnbettht tpule, pt thepbe tccDpi'QK anb tounbe it bttofteneth anmchpibe. Jfthep bciohpteoj bleioeaubthpnntas {tales it beto* ftcncthaioomanchplbe.cS' Recces that be long anb fniBll,pf thep fljeto topth an3fwpß,ft betofttneth toa= Bpitgeoftheboope. 36uop£ iopth the atefs be a f Ipy anb theft hectcs appcrc it betofttneth heath. Huftpetmatptit tefoiucpos if then Jtf tbe gatutll be appereßtfpnge about in tbe bipne, ar.D tl;c bipne ratoe id colour, tt be* tobenetb ppffpngc, of bpnDe toprtj* outlpbpnge. 2E tije b?pnc be bp* of colout.it betokemtb that it mas uiaoe.poafuppofftum. Kj-asCfljes pftbcpappeteintbe typne anottje bzpne be Vubpte of coloutc.toptb tc* folutpons blatkc ano bktoe bange in t!)t botom it bctokermb tbe €me totoDes . aifopfttje content!s be blatbe oi blctec oj Jgurpute toptb a lotoe £olout,it bctokene tb Oopppng of content is calks Jlpoßacts. 3t ftanoab in the betoin,btobc benetlianb fljatpe b ptoatbe.Jf tbps content be atjpte anb b?osc in tbe botom, anb Qjatpe bpteatbe toptboute bjcakpngc ano longe Ia ft page, it betobenttb that § fpebe is trozfe than be bias. Jf tt be btobeu oz baue in tbe ntpDDts 0} elsabouttntbe pattpes, ttbetobt* nctbtbait tbcfitbe man is coioc in ft c Ipuet and ft map ttat Defy*♦ n& it bun fte tt 10 calico jßtpt?lpo,anDtt betobemft baooi &egtttpon,Bnolcngfteof fpehttus. Sub it be blacbe, it befobcncft be* Cltuccpon of hpnoeano oeafte* €)to baue J, ftetoco poll fte gJL, a iUbilaunee of tnpneo,ftc c 5 lours,fte regpons, and ftf comen* us bfiflgwigro topms. snb notoe toplljftetoeftecompeccpons* 3ff ftc mpuc be ftpcbc and tceD ftan it tfrtbe teed a«D ftpnnc, fban tt betobenetbe co# lourc. Sndtrbeftpcbcand tobwe it betofccmtb fleume, ait be tofjpte i ftpnnc ftan it bcrobemftmalan* colpe»StiDpfftoti btiotoc fte com* fte code of ft* bjpne lobe if tt be ttoctc,tba tt betoboiefte it be fotoze it betobcmtft colours, luditbetoljptclc&outfa* uout c as toatet tt betobemft Scum S tt be fade it betobemft malaftolp copleccf ons be gatbmb, rj/ jf tbow toplte ftnotu tofjcte tbe* ||(( cfiplecrtons be genDjeo tna iii3B bobpe.J rape that colons is genoteo in the {pact ant bis btucl . Ipngis in § cotet of tbc gat. Slotib ts gcDuo in tlfi IpuuMO bis btoel* Ipngcte in tbe bapne.jrintme that is natural! is gcnbjeb in the Ipuet, anb tt batb no ptopet tnmllpnganb tbetfojt be is mcbltb toltb tbe blouD to mabe tfje blouD tennpnge <©ala tolp is genowo in tbe (poet anb bis piopet DtoeUpnge place is in tbe fpte dfealancolpanofttumebepe tbe bo tom of tbe bjpnalf. tbou (bait befeetne mans bzpne fto toomane b? pnej beaftes bttmefro man «no too man. 3H topi t&at tijott bnD« vJLftanDctljatpffljete b< anpe Ccoti Wto in mans "bipsie it iri!i)cmj’CO(oofti)* ti#pnc, anD in tip teomawws tnpnt it Dotgenat To and fljctc fs ttjps ttje ftetfj after the caftpngcof manites bzpne it Opatl be long,ant* of a teamans aitet ttje ralfpnge itfljaifas tounbe. Cfnfe ttoo lafl* to6cns,3Stiptcna raped;, toatec fto mans toafcr.iseaftcs toatec is tbs faDOet « moje tuple of copkccpon.aito rtje btaftes toatec ftmlUth mote tlja the tnannes, another mcDletbe inpne of a heatte topth a mans bzpne, anb tfjep (ball part afonset. 3nb (the a Co tot that ts iDpti) calfeftfs good to fcnofoc fto a tooman that is tout) cbPloe,fo;ttbebje(lc3 o? tije confen* tesofthc Cotoes bzpne Is mwebe greater than the bzpric of a tooman fn afmucfje as the tooman fs IclTe, ft fapzct of coplectwn than ? cotoe (s. «3’Jfthontopietftnotoe the fpjfte toatec anb the feconoc, thegobfjeeb, fljetoeth totjefhee be be fn great* eatpng «tupuftpng ft than the fpjfte toatec is gceqtec tnquannte oj left* opnitpngc wan toe RcohCc.o? tls if l;e spue mtafutablpc.tban tbc fpjftc Ojalbc most tbpeke (ban tbc otfjct. |satot bane J tolbc § of tbc fub flounce teitb (be colours of tbc Djps ncsanbcompuccpons, a to knoioc mannes btpne, anb toomanstopib tbplbc fro tbc Dipnc of beaftes. setc folotoctb tbc betpc knotty ledgeof all Dzpnes. /TV <£n anb toomcn fpzft 2 topi at tbc bzpne mode fo) pout beipc atm btaltt). 85Utptu fat anb ttoubieo, beto* benctb a bztnnpnge feuct that (otnmctbofcolouce. SHUtpne that is tetb anb tbpeke, ouetaltottbabiacbc cptcle,bc tokmrtb fptbmts ouct al,anb tbc Pacpcnt ftocate tiat.it is bcatbt. ;■ iatpnc ttjatts to!)pte anD t()pn /"San&lplEllDiiniu, it betokened v«/(oiotin(b«boDp, blacbctp? de betobcndfy ttjsttlje fpdtc 19 V»/rptpbt. fonutobat neb anD den tt a tpj dt ' .JbttofcenW) abac ftcmabe. 6tB3tpntrtjpnne ano lemetobat gtmc abeue betokened; colot cdp(tctpon«lMib 2opfpc. at&tpns that bathe blabs b«Oe« intbebotomelpfecgobettes of tooles.pf it.bc patteb a fonost &no nat gtcate, ftbetokenetb too?* nissttubsboijp. 6 jatpne that batb blacks contf# uf fmsli as motes in tbs tnpb* oesoftbe featsc it betokstmb a pottutn tmbet tbs fobs. B®3t?nt that baths in tbs botom as gobrttes of fltiibe. oi fnsall fljput B,oi taring of patebsmet, it bstokenett) fiopppngc of tbs tap= ms eno tbs pppes CPStpkt. Bnaiftit t is blacks anb gttns to longs tobpts ttmtfue.lpbetbe kpnbeofaman.it bttoktnctbe tbs paltp, anb it be ftotbs anb Iph* lean to tbs mpbbes,lt is fbe palfps. asatpne that batbc gtaants b»* Dettbetpme.it betokemtb a« Oemafee full of toojmcs. alto bjetv* npngoftfjebctie, 50 true tfjatfs fouleabouc be= tobenet t)beate m the bette, in f Umges,anDftitberplcn. @ tjjrptic tljat bathe toiuentestb A a blacks tn the bototn bcUciutb WcoftpftidTe. Sajtpne that is longc laflpng be tekemib bptpngc in the boop, anb great resume. 69ltpne tbttke ? Iptdl fu quatitc ano bP« of colour ebctobenctljc great in t*jc bcape. gtatpnt that is ftotbfc,tlete,anb Iptcl tceD,bttoktnetb papne bn DttibttpgbffpOf. Steepness ftotfjpc betokened) topnee ano papne bnbet the ~ IpftfpDe. & tiirp«itBBtect»BeBtolesbtfoU« netb a pottmne on the Iptiet. 591 tine ttcDae btet golb.ff ft be tSbloppbf,« betokened) Death. jjjtpne oftooinautbatistoftb etjptbe, that matte ©all tjaat LJ route create fttpltee, tijtntofte parte fftalbe troubles, aub tfje ttou* bluufft fljalbt tert»pffljMn tl)c ma= nit of Catonp.ano tbts token (ball tttuctfapk. 35 font as tlje tbplOe batb lpfe,anb it be a gpjk.tbe trou- blcntOt fljall b?atot botoneumtoe. 9nb it be a hope, (be ttoublcneffe (ball (taut about. 5 saurnc of a tuoman tobpte anb bpup anb ftpnfeutg bttofttnctb papnt in tbt tapnes anb papne of § mot()£t,anb fpcUtmllc o( tolbe. atjjrtue of a toonmn tolouteb as btigbt golD bttobttittij talent, o?Otfpjouo of § ccpaiip of nta gtutpne of teoman that flttttbe fatte about, bctobeiictb papne tn tbt tarots. guatpne of toontan toptbblacfee torn nuts in tbt botom bttobe* tmbffillpngccftbe Routes. sU,rpni ocrooman mpto isbtte conttntee in tt)e bottome,b£to* funnb mud) betD of Routes, tltptuoftoonmn coloutcOis rs 86 tot)pte Itaoe, pf (be bt toptlj Wtbpiw, itbttefetoctb tbattbe cljplDt is oeaoc toptbiu bit. 3nD fljc bcnattoptb cbploc ano tb£ matte Opnbc, itbctobcmtb tbattberoo* fl)tt ts rotten* aiEltpnc of a tocma coloukd as Upnt{o£,anD ftje tjauc Hjt flppg than it bttobenetb beat!). B®tpne of teaman teto as goID tottb a teattp cpjtcis aboue.bcto bciutl) that (l)t is fcptb cbploe 3«Otabeb£D£pftbou fttbpfacciij a teomans toater.ano Q)t be toptb* out a jftiKt ft betobenetb tbat Q)t is teitb riiplDf.iTno tbou ft tfjpfacc in tbc btfneof a bott ftutt.it betobe twtb oeatb. if no (bou ft thi fact tbat bath none bdobcnetb lon* actrptiicnts. ® t« foioiwth ait empties njai bttofetn Death as toclltEjc bjftu of a man:as of a tooman. Bg $8 tjote ajcccs one rS pattc tiDDc, anoint wbtefef,mioff)tt gtene anbanotbttbktot betobe nett) Dcatljt. Statpnt in a bote tfrtablaclwgi Well in quautptpe, fattpe ano atiibpng.bttoftmet!) Death. SJHtpneouet allcoloueteD as UDcbttoUcnctha pjolongpng of Deattjc. atsjtput Datlu about atm titan bpntth betobtmth otathe* 6tati>nc that %nttht taint anb tpght bjpght of the fepbtn fti thebotom S;pne nat itbctofce* Kttbbcatbe. gtmtpnt (ijinne in rtibflafict.hai Hpngfletptig about,as it tone abitbclbptbtcobcmtb Death. stiatpnc anb Dct&e topti) a blacfte ffepe ttptb in bpm, bctoUttutfje a pjolon* gpiigeoEDtatljc. (S) tajtpne that (0 of tbeceloute of p toaw,tf it baue a bathe fftfe (a ' - an 3>pcts,ttbttobcti(tb beaib« gratpnt tbatbatbDjtftts tn tbt botom meDUB toptb btobe.u bt tobenetb btatb. StKtpneblaebe anb tbpnne, pf (be fpcfce lotb toban be goetb to tbep;tup,anDtPbanbe fpeake* (be ouettobatte.oMbat bebnbtt* Oanbetb nat a tpgbt.arib tbefe Irftc neffec go nat from bpnMbep bctolte twtfrbeatbe. Cb« tbpjbc ftnotolcge of typn* tbeiobtcbcts caltebtbe tegpons. ®oltcbnbetflaniJ (bat VJL(h (be fcjpne toban (t (0 (n $ b?pnall ttjete betbje tegpono, tbt fp?Oe, tbe fecmibe ano tbt ttjpjoc^ Cb« tbp?be begtrmetb at tbe bofom ot the bipnal 3 tafictij to the tbtcfce m(Te ot ttoa fingnebicoe bptoatb. Ctje fuonoc begtmietb t?>ccc as tbe tbpioc ootijf ttiDt, anb latktb sp» toatoe to tbe cpjck,anb tbe fpjft fto that all bpwatbe ,auo in tuetpe of tljcfe regions bebpucts cotittntes. fotite conteffg (bat be | JIIK &jl long to bipnes 9 lull 3 topi begin cit ftotlj. JFtoibg btoelletbanb denetljtotbe cpiclt, btfcbaictljm* begeflton and topnD in tf)t (lonialte ana tu tl)e botoets and in tbcfjcflD. anb pf about g f cotbe Dtoell gteate bubbles,(t bitoheiietf) gteate papne w ti)t tapnes.frolf) alfo (bat Dtoel* led) gttatejbetobenctl) inoegtßpon emb topnoe, mb pf tbe frotljc Dtocl fmall, it betofeerntbe btennpngein the Oomafceanb bteot bloube tn the Ipntr/P ttyc ftottj lie fuf of gta toes tt betokened) ttutnc tn the f)tao,anD in the bufte ntiD fntf)c blaeUe Jan* neffe. atib i>f tt be gtetic, it betohc= nttbtbeUanneflc that conmicthof bjent bloub tn the Ipuet3as of tn up miD tojatbjCnb botbe he in the fpice of tfje 3laune(Te,a alfo of the blacke 3Jaunefl;e te ftoellpng of die gall, ambit beaftoattpfhe ptloto,ic com met!) of gteat tjeatc of dje blouDe of theipuct. a tmall flmappttpng Btibthabotopngcthe btpne about pf § pne be a pattpt bUtoe,ft beta fcentth papne at the fjttft, ano fljott me of bttthc ntib topnee that tom* metb of tbe longce,anb pyaw[ pulfe bnoet tbt life 1 (fget be fdl anbfmptpngE ants bnoertb* ieebe fpnget it be ftconget, anfc bn* Dec tin tupDle fpngec moje Htongec ano fo gopng bpUiacD it be tobe netb gogb,anD it be tbe conttatp, it is e* ii pits betobitietb beatbesas thus. 3Sf *be pulfe be teblc bnbet l!)e fpjft fpiigcr, ano bribes tbefeconDemoje feb!e,anD fo gopngc bptoatDc it be* to&enetb Death. §lfo pf the palfc be fkte biiocc fetite fpngets to be come to bis fttcbe,anb be fapleb in tbe.jcf. Htobe.it is gooD.inb it be the coll* trati,it betobcimb Diatlj.lgnD tftpe fattfe come of tbe.jci.anb be feble, 9 in thc.v.nmc feble Jn ebe* fcanb fo goptme DotonetoatDe, that betebe* mtb Death* Cgtgbftw ffctlfafffit ft calftjitatto Ccienfcum tft. gtaaus ficcitatfs et calt- tittatts efi tu aitqaa fcnam poittoium fsfgftatta ct auas taUDitatts, tunc ten ilia Dtcttut tire caifoainpifmo gcabn pa bus eft quanbababcat bu£ potcto= tie ctigioitatis a quatuoi taimttatts tune Diet tut cflfe calioa in leeuoo gca bu.Certfns gcabus eft quaoo babe at b train patte iugioitatis et otto ta UDttatis.tnc Dicltuc effeeaiioa tutec tfo gtaous eft qua bo babet bnam po?tionem ftigtona Us et ftEtcbcccm caiioitatis tunc bici Cut efts in qoatto gtaou. Acetate lane qaanoo eft ticca be! caiioa. jatinius ceatis tmie cautia eft a bu* mioafetcmiDuscalioaaficca cet tia fttgtoa et ftumiba. iiaucta ftfgf oaetlicea. Jgmts eft cations et ficug.tCftas coleta.let (aliens tt bumfbus.Qlct S>agto,f qua ftig(tm,et bumtoa.ei eniB,Ctnni3sCettB, ftigiba a ticca. 3turmus,figi£lacolla;feagu(nius, nmltflappttftgftcpoteft. Jlatgus, £iustuoi elenicnta. antatts bmBtlB,t(DmB, tubfcp colo« t(s Cancans catnofus ratis auoap baiot btntgnus fleimrattcus patd fipmtantuitapot. Kicfonolftus, piget in fpttaimnc buifus bcbes bit fetus plqutg facte,Colo? albue.Co letfeusmultfiappeiitetpatu potett bitiimtsjallar.icafccna.ptobigus, tiuoap aftutus.gtacilis, ficusscto- cetQj colons. filfwecoitcus pat nape tit i patn pot 3nutoaB>tttttaiB!cuptOUB,bcjt«t* qne fenacis.Oon cppets fcauOtS ti* «)tDUS;lutctque colons. f o?tbc j©jopfpebc it bote o? be itcolDctoljeieinanoiVßoman that euttfljalbebeaU&tuptb mcDccpnc. fTVCnejtoomenpfcott Po« AiZ. topH be (jolpcn of (be ®?op (pc bote o? toibe take SOojnietooDeJ gpjaitoo&of tlje toote, of etfje tjalfe ft potttiDe; ftndl, i&ctflp, Jfope, Znmps, #pn« tcs,toeli Ctcffts ©ofdjounDe, cn * biue.lfnntoojt.tbempbU batkeof on <£lDec ttct.of ccbe a quactto anb teafibe clentfbt tootcs ano the bee* bes ano potent tfjem teell in a mo;* tet.anbbo it in an eattben pot, ttjae toasncncroccupptb ano bo tbetto tteo gatone of gooo tobptc topnc,o? goob teo;t that ts nat totitmb, anb fett) it to it come to a gaioiMban ta* iteitoatentano fttapnefttbumgbe an beaten fput into a fapje beffdt, tbantoafUjetbefapb cattbcn ,pottt fap;c ano cleane teiib fapic toatce,* tebi § baa bone put in (be licence a gapne into tbe fame potte,® conceit f apje.gpuc of it to $ pacient an half ppntful at a tpmc.ano lette bpm bte (tfpjtte anb lattt,afc«en bote, ano at mo;otet colb. aino let bim cate no nteat.iti.oapeo,bntb;eaoeanb po* taac maoe of tedious ano of tebpte lopnt anb otemtdle. 3nDlc(tebptn eab£.ti.it.offapje tt cletu sbott (a a coffin of Dougbe tfjat is niabe tout) tomcats,ana Do tt tn an ® uen anti baft; it as bicab ts bafttn,BaDtl)an potent tb? coffpn inn Biafuimostcc. anD Do fttn a fap;ccloiitc,anoputtc in t!)t fapOe ctoote toptbtbc fapee confettpon a tocpgbt tilt tebpcije (ball pepfe.lit pounDcs, anD fjange tt in a galon pot of flout,anofpll it full ofgoob tebtte telnt.o? of Rale ale.atiD coutt tbppottetbattbeapjego natoute, anDlsttbcfptUt DjpntKtio oxpnfee buttbatale,topjeit lafteti). ano telian tljatis gone,make teop mote of flit fame, to tbe tpmt be be bole, 9 tbatbe Dtpjibt none otbet Djpnfee but that ts otDepneD botbe tpfße atm lafte.anD after that tb?e napes begoneofcatpngeofbps potagc, let bpm oatt anpconucnpent meate tbatbeoefpjetb, bwtnotbpnge of bipnJ>es,bnt as bcfou is rape, inb bp tbe State of gob be fljalbebole ftiamonttbeoileffe. lifolct bpni blouse fn one bapne 02 ttuo foj tins is ptoucb true. matter folotepnge tceatctlj tbeanop- <£uerai!pe to tcratc of eoetp JZ) burnouts, tlie burnouts § betofcmtnucbe abtitibauncc in ttje bK(le,tn tbt longcs.o? tn anp otljet plate of a man tbep map be befptb toptb tbps oegeftpon. tepico£Ca!ampnt,}Bttlpell topalf, tbe tote of a B.plp:glaDtn,stotbEt« looite, SOapbcn beee, 1. If .Upcotpfe. if.otarames femli, entn abjamme flotites of tapolcftts cucu.ll.Dianti mcs fpiope. ®be bote burnouts tbatabpb# toftljfn ?boDp matte be befpcb vuftfj tbps besettpon. Cabe anntfs.CnDputjfppc.jftets^at opnge of burnouts. ((0 tonge Cetcrat pcipttpttt.a b?a* feen tfjat gtotostlj in tfjc mams a* monge (tones jfbeantcsan fjaiioe fullmibanbalfe, CoUftoe tutu a Djmiimc.<£a«Da pcnuDes toptb tofe ftbe ttoo Dimiums. from gunata. Batons of ®oiag« ,uu. bjamraes, ®pngetai.i(.aubmalKa S>pjope. 3f burnouts of tolotue bein (be floroabe oi fit tl?e Iputt, oj in anp o* tbetlpbe it fljaibe bef peb bp this be* gefiifi.cabe fttitioiige,Ctibpues Cpcojetpgbtelpfce, BamiDelpon npgbcan banbtfull €>tobtn,#apben btece.sjaltes of (be fenne.s?.b tOJtolec.ffu.Diamcs, pjunt6,iaooft balnts.Qp.b Clout Cot,a biamroe, febe of ©atbatfnis a Diamine, ©o* tageinieß.ii.biamme,foto?e topne. i.lt.S'uget. ii.ii. anb mnbe tbttof a&pjope. |sotocpf coibe bu* rooms be babounbant in (be fame roerobits tbep map be befieb bt tbts wgmio. npfoftl£S,fcmelUs, Utopte SJopii* tooite, Spetttoojte, fput leaupb gtasjwtttlpuctjatnptooife, that gtotottb tn tfjc mattes, Columbine eMabtiM be great Bapfre, andtlje Iptel Sapfle, gen, so;cbonnde, ©uWe tootes, Sp.ii.feonp ano Suget.iUi.rotojg topne and made a Swope. Hfmelancolcgumautsbe ebod* daunt en tfje fplcne,oi tn ofbetpla* tee 01 memtyes ipftc.tbtp njalfac oe* fped bp tfjrs dtgtflpoa. €ljcp sal* be bcfpcb as roioe burnouts be lit g lpnet,but tbet fljalbt put tbetto t&e» ft betbrs |?atteßont,atid of mp> bit berfee of tbe safe tte, and of (bt tnpdlcbatfteofafQetn. f?otoe Pf burnouts be bjenfe and typed in tbe fpittme oi niplft.fljan (ball it be befpedtoptbtbpsDtgeOpon. caM tyf lopee of funtyoip aud Scjage. H.w.scii&pous. attwu, Ddcfees that gtovoeln tbe 30atpcc, Cpcoulpbc JsanCil!’on.i;)2itts tongs, (EtiDiue <&otofbpttell .30.1 S'tcarote. soft Uot.csi.opuc teDe,anD Hitufe lebe, ana a o;amme,tmiol£t flonres, ©o= tagc.ftU.O;animcs Siaget. it.U fou tc input,ano matte a fpjope. Coloc turnouts m the rapms, ano blaooec 011 in otljct mebics Irltc dial bebcfpeb toltlj tijio Degeftio.Cahe teofcs of o£tap,goacFDonp,tßf)t= Ippc»Otila,anna.m.j.bottj ttjat ma» tec Cteffes, srlcOt,bjcte,fpue crop* pee of fpueleaneo grade,lcoe of fe* loopne.JSofematp, tetbe Jofpi.gla ben, iopceof CUenopne, topee of pctllpe.lt ©tanpll. it, Ojammcs of €ouctibec,Ca matntll,ftonp foWes,3?nna jf infect ainna a bjamnu petflp doc, (lam= marc!) f£Oc,ieo(nu;o!tc,ft inplOeUp ana.i. lt.Ootip,®pngtt.ut. aims of route gtappts.i.li.anD malts a sspiopc. pffjete burnouts a bunbe tu # Came mcbfcstbtp be befpeb as bote burnouts fnflpuet.wptb mote tbetto,as #trflpe totes,fpuc leaueD B«as feipettoojt (Ela&e,fend, totes anb matte tbc feptop as the otfjer. ♦jUototfcolDetjumotus ijnbouoe peietoojt f(b(,a OiSme of a tote,(team ticoipfe.fioe of act tifc,a Djamme of get.Ui.anb maEte a Sipiope. C3!io tbete be bote burnouts that babounbe in cbe topntes tijep djalbe befpeb tbus.Cabe Cnome a gjou* tbPiMsfeatteftong-iopce of i«e,f ofb£tbe|ue,wo!et>flo«toof ca* of Jte tufe.btpjitts, sno fcnotoc toell (bat tbetc be burnouts compoCco 9 babouoaunce in tbeCame rmmbjes. anofo tbcp mud be befpeo Ipfte as tbep be tom* pof'.D in btuets burnouts. 3nb mint b?(8, mcbecpncs lapatpue cotnpoft, ano gcubjcb togptbet as DpnctCptpe of burnouts, anb mmibtts. Cbtte be Come teceptes that piia tppallpc bopbE fleume, as bottoms bo fape anotbcp call them Clettaa* tpcs,a*tbtfetbatbo folotoe, J«a= ppgta.BeneWcta, Blanca, tpton, iHtaccaibtum, jbtomatp* cum lajcatiuuro.BfUeawhf, pault= mira. Chctc be othec tcceptes that pipncppallp Do purge sgtiantolp, as theft Hutattatpafnipetpalc, 31e» tafuf,®iacene.(Ccpffcta fatacpnsj gictalogooton cheoDoinm,€tipje- Oou. IJoine tome ti)£tcbt iUat pitn cppallp popoe colotice,as a a.ectua= tpe oe futco iMatura,anDi©fapiu« ttts.aciro Dpucttptccs or mtmbjcSjOi u«f(tttßofnicDecpme. 3lfo Jecapigta, ano BencDicta ofttjep} piopntcs, fljoulDc bopDe fftume.ano Bentcta naraelpt tn cue tapnes.bopDeth jficnme. Kefto* fpn an lletafacta Do purge piopttlp (be fltuiiic fw f fjc Ijeacc, JCIfo it (g gooD fox the fates anD the epes.ano it purge th tfjc (jatDmffe of the fpien, ano it maiufl) dene the SBattfs. Bene Dicta sis called the blcffco ceceptCjfoift (9 rood foi the ©cute. in tijt topnttß,m itjtoanocs, annul tfjc fctcjn tbc blaooet sing taping. JSttcla Is goob to purge tjumou* «s flamiattkeano toi tbt benpni.iii tbe aunt that te catUD Ctpl)tfta,ano it is goob (o.t 6tt>e In ttje tapn«B,foj tmisalfpe ano fot tin taictctpca tobpcbe is calico tl)c gteet laumflttobpcbe tommctf) of colour tliat is bum. O atologoDpon J cca u ogofa ano S'ttucte jßinipbiiumanolnipcottu. cops IccmacptetUbtaUamnn that map naupcabc.foitt putgctb pjcpetlpt outottOeteaocaaciacolta Qcumt fctljatUtsgooDfoitbe fepnotocs calico uctrtge. 3lfo tr is gooO foj ab culm that is calico CUpafptt. ifo it is goo fot tljcm that otcsme on upgbtcs tf>at tbcp fc oputts fpp* tptcs.cCatctlca impctiale, ct lara* tpoom. (Empctouts ano great loj= D?s founoc tins umsarp, it purgctl) cj©clancote burnouts in ffjc tapncs, ano an cupll ti;a; is calico iMtoti- tts. siilo it lettttt) route unnot but of tbettomafee atiD ttje tapnts. aifo tt tsgoss fc: Jiitofue tbt tobl tbe ts a malaop that tottetb oeaoipe topnDe cpfctb bpnetl) in tbe tbpnes cube ano goetb to tbe beet. kj &et t foiotottb (Slectuatpce to j|f\ Jttapijfntbut.fi* bjammesfof that is moje compounded toptfj be* npmous medccpnes, anD bpolentes than Jctapigta, ttjttfoje tlje Ittfe djalbe taken tfjecof. Jtlfoof Jse« nedictatnapbe.ttf. diamines, aifo of tslanca.fff. dianmus. 3lfo of pplutarum attbiatti QjoulDe be ta* kcn.«r,D»ammeo. 3lfo of Spittle eute.iif.diatmms* Sflfopilulatura be Cufo;bie.fif .diamines* *s* aifo of piinlatutn fttptm ano of fetomatptn lajcattnunUudiani* rocs.c aifo of micetuatttu Duke, ii.oiamnus. aifo of Cijtoboip* con anancacoptrom^irjafammes* ißotoeibatietyetoeD pou of (be gpupHge’oftbequantpte of ttieop* (pncß.auo tfje Opustlite of tbetn fjo= toe tfjcp auoptu fupctttupte of fleu* tneatoiout. ©eeebegpnnetbtbe qaantpfets toauopoesywancolp. Jetapbpnpe SSKfo toe (ball fape of Btaecne, anDrtje gpupngc of tbe quantpte atticena. SSifo of Cttfcta ©atafciilca tl)£ tcccpte of it f s.tii.Dtammee. aifo of cbef» oDojpcon cupifltcon.if. Diamtma. aifotbetecepteof Jetalooocion (i;e:mmnLo. 3ifoof Cafcclcaun= peeiaM.Ojamc. soto it fljnlbe (spot of tbe quan tpfeesof meDecptic. tjrVD auorot toiout as of &toc bote butnoutes fljulDe rA-.£bcputgtoano CtjacpcQ twtb g^pzabolanus, cpttnos, oj toptb UUibatba, oi toptb cafffaftftnla a- ttnta, ottoptb camancte 02 ©ca* mpon.atiD there be anp 3©jopipe of oloetptne faftenco on tbe ipua, t(je <©ebtcpne map not bt QjatpeD tuitfj &camonp,foitl)tptooloe takeoff tftpnne of tbe Iptut, tfjnfoze take c- fula oi Kubatba 9 to bo tbe meotcu ne as is before tojpten. *3r ©ere after folountb bpuets and ntanp colours of tupnes,anb enctp tucpnetjls btpnall.toptb tokens botopefbalknotoetbe oiftateoffbtpacttnf. jfß®asß| 0 ©e bipnc p is teebe as fpne golo.ot els v*' as ftentbc golb.net tbpn, teftb a tlene anb eucn fubftac.ice.be tokcnetb btattbMn a fagupne roan. amtpmptloteeasan £>jcngc Of els Ipfet tbe topee of Cclom* bpne,anb throne topt!i an turn anb cleans fubftaunce bctoktnetbe health ofatolcrfks man. 5© tpae ® pptt oj pau,ncptmtfo no; to tl)mii£,tt)ith a cits matin tuen fußauntt betobe* HtttjfttaWjtn nnultuolp man. g) tsjtpnc trbpte as bmtet.ano nat /Tybpnne»»pt{j beanus a« tb«? Wtoetepetoes appetpngem tbe mpbbfß bttoluncth iptbaulTe of tfje fpltmit.Cbe be tobtns.fiDimWjatt (todlpnge tutpe fpOe toptf) bstbtncg InDtseftlott.a fmal netbe.a lent bo* bpe,bcupmtreanDfloutbe tnall tlje bobp,9 naraelp miD ttjep go agatnft o bpU,patents of bpfage ,9 fuelling aftet ttuate. 6©tpne tobpteanb ttjpnnt toptb fltflbelpanbionge tefoidcions mucbtnouantfteapD oftmabe betoberntbafeebeneg that tetallcD 3®tabfttssanboftt)«fap6 rpebenefle tommetb btpne otter niucbeanD bn ttieafutable. Cbe tokens. c ftDtlipngetsnerfl)t,anotbt thutfte ft (nO‘t!),but ft tpfitf) font sgapnt, B?Otpiit tobptf.ano rtjfcftt toptl) an bntleam fubflautc, a t»ptl> out gtauelUbctofecnctbc ratoe ano bpfcousntumt fn the gums, of c!s »’)c colpcke. (3Cfje tokens, ac’jt ano pjptfer ns ano gn mnn je fn tbt fpot of fjolopng a great part* of the botibe,abljomsnacp6,cofttf= nclTc, teftlj fjolOf’nge a grcctc patte baott tin oaupll. CCohtne of tfet 3lp£lt£, create fenatopnge of akpnge.offebjtakpnge; attbat ttjc laftMolDtUbaftf, toabpngt.anD fomrpmt buabpnge ot ozouu. atltine toijtu 9 tljtcke tbjougb* out toitl) a teamit.anD ttusUue fub&auncestol tbout a Jcuct be toknmb babounbaanre of natural flcunu. C'®!)* tokens. Scljt in tin bpnott parte ofttjc btaoc.mOEgtttu o.i.f tocllpug of tbc f|’Dcs,?l fanout of tbe moutb.mucbc fppttpngc.cmi toptte,great flepe anD flontbe. «hi ■ • 't . ' i 5 ' * in I,*#.1 p gOCotoi lactetig, ft ie agapnSe bpuDe.bjpne to helps* mplfte oi toljap.'Cbm (»no lucljtta ter as j fpeaht of.fot tfjetc is none fo rtjpn 00 mptfce oeijbaptvWOitts eonttatpe to tbctotonte. -t»tj£tfo’c jfapc toijan btpnt trips*thfttae wo t&tn J topnat that tm pstfste tbptt, but that it i s moH< ffjyti ano iombrijattbptkMttOl: ts* call to ;ta Jlatpa Sabjeraas. Cbt btpnt oE iwplw.to&pfioj townee,anb tbpn tntuebtgpmipngofaii 3gut,btto* fceuEtftDtart)£,anD it bath pi tokens as aiptnacpon of mpnoc, toaiptis, pit appetite,Cbotu b.ict!)e,anb feble* neffe. ' ?■' stairpnt tobpte eg mplbt, anil tbftkMbt fp>B ano Rets fo ap* pftpngcbttobenetb btab attic tompNSt, >sj wtpntMwptc as inpibe, tbpae /"s ant) ttonbUD ant) ipttl m qnan w ufolucpon bctobcnett) t&e flppe. mtpnt tobpte as inplfc?, ana tbpcftetottblmallgrapnes, be» tcluiutb Defectin'on of Btmia* tpfee pattpes anD burnouts to feme noble membjt.tobttof mpgfjt be in* gcnoteb pofturae in § fame mfbjej 833rpne tobpfe as mplbe.tbptbc ar.o faftc,atib mutfit m quau* tptebttottcnttb folucpon of an tropoQume. 6Cdoj glomus. ©ipnc blartte tbaKslfipnpngfasfljc bo?nt, of a lanitrne, tofjpte anb nat petfpi* tobptc,!jaf bt fbe fame fpgnp fpcatponas Input tobpttaß tea* tbttanb tbpn but ft is net fo waif* eponsa tournee, anb tbctfotc bcme (t is tfjc other,but the tobpf eis mo« lepttplloMß.aifopottmuße bnoee (landctbat tbptfeemtitffcand bps colottte map nat acctuos ,fo; that is fljpnpng mape not be tbptbe. 6 dole? featapos.'Cbi’B typne tsaa falotec, as a CametUs fbpimeanbtbptbe longe tpme bcfOK fo a appetpnge toptb a bathe ntfle and pctfotbacion.and tftljotl put tbp bande before it, it topll be ioamie and fabdc as affljes. aim alfo befoje tbe appttpngcof tbps bipne it tsas tobpte and tbpn in ma tmof aoathtiuirc.Knd tbes bipne tutt betoftenetb a colb s©?epfpe con fpmtebj is caIUD JUncoftentta. tajtptiefalotocandtbptbetoifb s~\ gtanell in f botom gttobtneib U §ilone.tcbis faint bfpnt toitb out grand batbt tbeColita paffto, otipketbepaffio, that is gunned tn tbe bifeoas Beume in (be gtitteg. aJEjtpnefeatapos. Cbisbtpne isfaioiscano tbpebe, anb fro § mpbbts off bjpne bptoatbe wane ot towate,pt men put m? na tie before It. Stnotbte bjpncbite* k nnbapoftuitibnoettbe lottgts« CCbc tokens be rbtfc folotopuge. 3f(utt,an ague. atbe bnbec mi Itftpappe.eimenpttDtof sb«fte batbneffeoftbebjetb.ano dmntffe tf fgt topt.a tlcteneffc of ttje tpfs. atsjtpntfeatapos. €bp»bjpne tbptbe and tenge befou to com tpnnpng.bttofetmtb btaoacbt Parent. Cbpafauie bjpnenat con- tinuing bcfojc.but mint beginning bctokenctbbooacijt tcnugmljttt atutpnc&etepos. Cbis colons falotoMnbftptktano tpgljtc ttoublpe ano Iptcll to quamtte toptfc longt ttfoluepons o; tounbe itbuokenetbtbeflpicc, 6®tpnclt«tBpos.€bp6 torne tbpcbtanbtpgbte ttoublpe Co longecontpnupnge toptboute Kfotucpotiß.but fomtobat toanne »t ptlotoc tbjonab apptepngebeto* suntrt) tije come fetoprp roc Wrot Is calico Jpofenta. «3 nt belt be (he totccne.il tljt boopbotb ftoeil, eno Ibt (UKllpngeis muebe barber thaw XUcoflcmca,biit tt ts tafpit to btale *■< Wrpne featapos is from fix M miDDle botmtoatb marine ana tutnpngt to trtjpte (tbctobrnctb the tampumomuiw as befouls (Ift b)tD, 8 Ctolojfcaip6u«( . pale o? fubpale ttyotisDouw tfipeUe bnclcne (übftantt betofecntfl? tl)t f ttttt Cotpopau of nanitaii fltutm . Cite fnltens be ofbeaD a no name* Ip fntbc bpnote pa« of tlje tjtao ,i» Oegeflion, fetotllmijc ofthdiOc* cbtiTtpoeuttp oape btgpnnpßga moofte c bo» bp ano ful of floutbe ant> natwlp it tbtp go agapntte a fjpll.paltmtfc of face, itotllpnge of tbe fpocs after rotate. t£b a twine in § botome of tbe bzfne.lt betokenttb tbe Cme* ratDb(o,o;anpeotbtttbatis calkb atettus tottb a bathe a a blathc ms tee gatbeectb about tbe fovjoamint engeoje o of bloub (n pattp ftectimg 6WPIK flCpttpHCiOJlttDtpttfn* elect ano tglnnt gtapnes o? am poles betebenett) ojmtfTe of tbe bjttt,ano (haplneffe ano tbutft topi Jpng to bjtatoe,ln mod apje, cougije teptb ojpncflt of the tt>jote,aifo D?t» iks in tlje tefe of tytmontfyt of tfjt patpent. aUtpntCpftptit o? fubeptrpne ano tbpmu long tpmt fo cent! nttpng In topntet,oj in Stump nejbttokcnttb tty matpfce Jfttut, oiquactapne. statpnc Cpttpne o* tubcpttpnc, and tyfn fn a ftutt.oi ague and namely in tye btgpnnpnge be* fobinttbCatdkeof tip matte, and pjolpipte of tip fptbents tope b tup! toWa. nge.Cougt)c,(ltai>tnelle of § bieft angapf (l)e of bjcttj.ano al Co angspfflje ofbartc, gtltpnc istiffeoj tobiuffe,mea» nelp ttjptbe oi meatitlp tbpnne toamie abauetoitt) tcfolcfons. Kite fcaies,(omtpmc tobpte ano fom tptm blacfec,bctoUenct!) that ttje too man isebstgeo (nrijc maitije taptb fleutnptmtetg.saifeccne, btpsius. 90r ®f){fe be tijt tobens folotopngc. atftc DliDct tfje Ir« fpDc toptf; flpf* neffe of tbc toombe, and rtotllpngc, auo namclp after raeate. sHatpne iSufife oj fubjuffc tfjo« rougbont all ftjicbe in fubflace about fijabofotb, ano bathe toptljout Qjpnpng bciohcnctlj a ton tpnuallcocpbpan cngcnojfbofna* tutallficumc, gUJtinc ißuffc os feub?«ffic, tbo tougbout al tijtcJtcatio if tbou put tbp bans to it franc about tsftb tcfoiucpons fmall lube Bjtm* Cone, a Ipttll toljpu before contp* tiupngt,betotten(tb a S cuec,tbat is calico mino? Cratttfcios. t®!)! tokens be tbcfc folotopngc. ColDt tntije ccttcmcntcs.ftoni cucntongc tpnic,atiD fo tbcpbc in grcatc tta* uapte to tbemozofrc, tbep be m tta* uaplc.butnatrogteatt than to bn fccttome.anb (to bnocrcotnc to m 2 (ongctpmetbcpbc infalfc tcft.anb than begtmictb againt tbc ajcrts o; feme sift tijep ipe (n 0 jaatatuum, teptl) dole tpts, ant; tb«p mape nat toell open tfjem. a OCtpneEoffe, 0? ©objuffe tt)ioagf)tl)pcke,about toane® an tmpo* flume of tije fitflpbtefc that ts calico aipljurtfifi 9 t()ue ttjou (Ijaltt bnoto it lot § Kite (gnnttictusbefotefapo Jts mi tlje iSturiTig tfje bjpnc tjatbe no Decent banltes than is (ntbc Us Cmtttfcius.anoalfomt&c l&lutt* els is no fuebe eppus as in (be Its (Smitticius. (C’ Cfjetofecßßoftbt piutitts be ttfite folotopng.3sn aguc.ppcWng, act); in tftc fpDc.a confpntmll cougt) ano bntDcncße of tlie buth. Stairpnc iSuffc, oj SmbfUffe, tfjtclic about, Mat, long tpme ccmpnutng bcf otc.bciobmctl) arpfccoftlitbafcbjoprpJ is calico SPfmfES tucurablc.djis bipne bt* fobenc gttat Citable bjcnmnut hctc mucbetbut(le,b.mtnpng anbbjea* bpngeof CoUtpbe maters. Cbps raniebjpntlpttll contpnupnge be* tokened) a Cotibpan cngentytD of Item attune, anb tbe mater is in a man is in tbe fpirptuall fflembjes.fi tn a tooman.tbe'matec is tn tbe ma* trip, <&Cbe(c be tbe tokens folo* ttpnge.&tnpne(rc of (be bjc (I toprit fliaptntfle.a tougb.anguiflje of tbe (ppjpte,acot(opanbete. fS* tupnciaufe o) fnbjuffe, te=> >< nipflje of colour fro tbe mibbes \,J bptoatDc biftpnktlpe tsamic IpUtaflbtsmuftipumous in j©lti« tifpc.anb before toas Uiuflfc anb tn* tente of colour,bctolututb conuet* (pon of tbe tMunffc into a paripa- iemfnouui,s tebicb is an tmpottutn tn tbe (bare oj bnbet # atme oj bn* bit tbe general numbies. SWtptie ISuffe, of S»ub?uffe,! tbpche in I'ubftatince, tbpekee aboue (ban benetb,pf tbou pat to top baube toanne aboue, anb on* IpesmtbtcCoUicpons cljat be calleb Clapnotoes Jonge befoje tpme ton* tpnupngebetofeenetoe tl)e tijfe fpp= epee of tt)t Cttoe bti««able.3CObal fs fijetao to tfje contends. aiiitme IRuffeoi SmbiofFc, too tougboutaltotebe lob bnclctit rub(tauß(c,bctobeneto a cot?* bpan.engcnbjeb offtoete fleume, <(£,®be tokens be toefe Eolotopnge. feeurmfle of toe beao ,ftoe f enefite of f mouti>,EattiDpe 9 abbomtoatpotn sC[oloiuubeus*wne mao* fubjeeo as ts tbzougb outtbpn,anDaboue aiiDmoK tbpcbetljau betmbe, be* totoctbafpmpletetcpam tokens be tbefefolotopngc. lebetti t\)t bea&e on tbe tpgbt Ipbe, tbtitfte, bpttenuffe of tbe mouth, alfotpfce* Ipngc auo moupnge of t|>s ftefflbe* Ippttatttt fclofefng tfjou niapfl Ipgktlpe bnotoe anb pctcepue tobaf rotbetpncg be goob tej pacts offuebe bipnesas befpokenof before. fcSrfeatepog, belie mcbccpncs foz (ftps latapos is to a«m« i{icint(;c(£gg£S,anD to bfe crop* P£SofS»a3£,a«D Dfpnke deafen* balpanbbfcit. 93-fcpanos, Cake f!je bone tljat is in tbe Katies bcttc,anb make potioct tfjetof, ana bjpntie it anb bfc it Btacaimcon. I&lumbca. Cake Stamonp anb bo ft in a jSece anb toftc it 9 bfc ft. aifo take tbetoteofißponp.jßetllpj bfftns qumf ,anb make a potibet of al ttje- fe.atiD bfc ft in ale 0; in potage. 1«OPO0^ Case *®auapnc .ano ©tomtllj Attb bople them ioptb tobpte iopne, ano sonp ano feumt tfje toelUflfo Djpntte them tatlp and late. Slpafee a Djpmhe of tljc Cede of tobPtejßopp.ano letufe,ano onke it.aifo matte ople of henbane febe, ejels matte an opntracnt off betbe of scnbanc,ano anoint tip temples tbettoptfj. l&lLnetea, •c^jEClba. featftage’ ®toimll,oetape,ano Stage, ano bople tl;nn all in Rale alt. ano bfe (be pemcet of them in tbp potage. Cabe the topee of canfp and of tlje teto tuope.ano bople tlje (it tob<« tc topnc.anO a Iptcll gtonp tfjcttolt!) 9 bfe tips mcOfcinie eatlpe ano late. C®lante. 0-sigta, JDipnbe ffjt topee of S'Clpoetj, ano apoEapnc, ano ®teacle tnttfa tappet wpne of ® auopnt tup ft tatt crjeaiifoa. TjjuDte aun 31oie Cpatj’tu.Ccm.ano S>«gat of Jloeaoiamme.ifofalltfte otfett an ounce,ano t>Cc tfjts mtbctme«» IpcauDlate. SgjafcepotiDtcof ub(ttdna* Cake on&bdpletb*mtegptf)*r>ano tijati lake sfmucbe as a mm of ctende aribootberto aoD eatc of tbps ut* tbe fpenefle takab tbc*sno UK cameron aub cttacenfcalp. HubictinDus* feubnibtcutibueu €&is nubeeme ts ns Eubtam* busts* Eufus* tt biptoe, antt do tpmo pouoct or Cent rod ginger,® make a plapilet oEßuitpeanDtopnt, aiiDtt betp flowttßlapitontbenamu. gtubmfus. of (Elojßcatnpa* naanc curmentell, atibincDletltf feltb I" on i' atio bopletljem togttljct ant) make a tonf cttion.ano Die tljrts BitDttpntfpjftanoiatt, ißubcus. Cake Ctcacle,anb faople it in $ topee of 39oUn anb b’.pnke it. 2tl(o Cttaftnbalp is gone tijetfoje. giubUibcns. Cake toaf ct Ctctlcs.anb gtpna tijtmfniaH, anb bople tfjem ttipt!) tetjptetopiieanDbipnkc. l^ttball. ' 31 t&tp ttjat Of fpscto fjauc btioS»« Itbge of QJJcDtcpnes, fo? all furije ©tpneaabc bcfojc (n tbps bootte go pc toHjc&ttbaUin <£nglpf(l)c, oj to tfje boke of SBtDccpius, and «Kte pcu (Ran rptioe au utcije ape* beepnes that be mod pjofp* table fo? man. Iftefiooft* of fcpngeof sccatets, 3flmpjm«DatilonDonto flete* Rcete at tlje Cpgne of tf)e IMc aatlanb.bp me Wpllpa Copland foj •Llclc. Kj>ln (be pen of out ttojo, 99.3® jL33*®bwmDap of^uguft. y- -1j; -■ ‘ *