AN ABSTRACT OF A TREATISE of the VIRTUES OF Dr. BATEMAN'S Pectoral Drops. Publish’d by Vertue of the KING’s Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Great-Britain, And Sold by William Dicey, and Benjamin Okell. the Patentee, at their Wholesale Warehouse, against the South Door of Bow Church, in Bow Church-yard, LONDON. N. B. For the Conveniency of such Shop- keepers, &c. as cannot so readily be serv’d with these Drops from the Warehouse above, this publick Notice is given, That they may be supply’d therewith, by directing to William Dicey, at his Warehouse in Northampton. Note also, These Excellent Drops, for the Benefit of the Poor, are Sold Retail at One Shilling the Bottle, containing three moderate Doses for a grown Person. AN ABSTRACT OF A TREATISE of the VIRTUES OF Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. Note, The wonderful, and, I may say, almost miraculous Cures perform'd by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (and attested to by Persons of known Credit) where-ever they have been made use of, and even amongst some of the Household of the Royal Family, have gain’d them so universal and undeniable a Reputation, that the King has most graciously been pleas'd to grant his Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great-Britain, to the Proprietors thereof, thereby to prevent the Publick's being imposed upon, and receiving Damage by Counterfeits that may be sold under that Name: To prevent which each Bottle is seal’d as in the Margin, with these Words round the Boar’s Head, BY THE KING’S PATENT. An Abstract of which may be seen in the Great Book, to be borrow’d where ever this Medicine is sold. THESE DROPS, by the prodigious Success that has every where attended the Use of them, have establish’d to Them- selves a universal Reputation in the following Distempers, (viz.) Gout, Rheumatism, Jaundice, Stone, Gravel, Asthma’s, and Cholicks, of what Kind or Naturesoever, whether proceeding from Wind, Cold, Stone, or Hysterical Affections: Besides which, there is no one Secret in the whole Art of Physick, of that wonderful, and, were it not under the Confirmation of daily Experience, almost incredible Effects in Colds, Agues Fevers A2 4 (4) those Endemic Evils which appear in most Constitutions at Spring and Fall, tho' by different Intimations, according to the different Habit of the Body under which they happen, occasion’d either by an indiscreet and irregular Use (not to call it Abuse) of some, if not all the Non-Naturals, during the intervening contrary Seasons of Summer and Winter, or else in weaker Bodies, from the accidental Intemperature, and frequent sudden Transitions from Hot to Cold, & e contra, of the outward Air in which we breathe; from whence arise those many and often fatal Distempers, which seize the unwary of all Ages at those two critical Seasons, tho’ with a Thousand various Symptoms, according to Difference of Age, Strength, Habit, &c. in the Patient, and Degree of Irregularity in the use of, or Intemperature in, the outward Agent. In the former Season generally term’d Agues, and in the latter, Autumnal Fevers; in some appearing with Rigours, Horrors, Lassitude, Hea- viness, especiaily of the Head: Heat and Cold by sudden Inter- missions, &c. in other, with severe Diarhea’s attended with vomittings. In others again, with terrible Colicks and Pains all over the Body, all attended with Fevers generaly intermitting, especiaily in Autumn; sometimes inflammatory, and not seldom putrid and malignant. Now it is allow’d by all, that Fevers are the terrible Effect of an Inequality between the Force of Resistance in the Fluids and Solids of the Human Body, when the just and necessary Æquili- brium being destroy’d, an unequal Struggle of Nature ensues, in which the Texutre of the Parts is worn out, and the Solids Weaken’d; whose fatal Consequence is a Stagnation of the Fluids, and on Course Death, unless timely prevented by the prudent Administration of such Medicines as are particularly adapted by the peculiar Mechanism of their Parts, to break and expel the offending Matter in, or, lessen the Quantity of, the Blood. be- fore the Solids are too far weaken’d by it’s vitiated Impetus, and thereby the due Æquilibrium of Nature restor’d. Again, it is allow’d by all, that this Æquilibrium is by no- thing sooner destroy’d, than by a Diminution of perspirable Matter, which is occasion’d either mediately or immediately by every irregular Action and Passion in Lite, by every ill use or Abuse of all or any of the Non-Natural, and by all Changes and Transitions, especiaily those that are most sudden from one Intemperature of external Air to another; which, Obstruc- tion or Diminution of Perspiration, says a great and learned Searcher into the State of the Human Oeconomy, unless immedi- ately remov'd, cannot but produce a Fever. For that it en- creases the Quantity of ths Blood, being itself deriv’d from it; which Derivation ceasing by that Obstruction, and the usual Addition of Aliment continued, on Course that Fluid must necessarily encrease, and its Pressure against the Coats of the (5) the Arteries be heighten’d: which will augment their Dila- tations, and cause their Contractions to be stronger. The Consequence of all this will be an Encrease of its own Velocity, and by that Means the more fluid Secretions being chiefly promoted, the Animal Spirits will be deriv’d in greater Abun- dance, and by that Means the Vibrations of the Solids become quicker and stronger. This will still more encrease the Blood’s Velocity, and by breaking its Parts, cause it to dilate, and take up still more Room, the Arteries be more distracted, the Pulse raised, and the intestine Struggle heighten’d, 'till such Time as either the Obstruction is remov'd by an Encrease of the Evacuations, whereby the Overcharged may be carried off, or else till it’s thrown aside on some particular Part, and there breeds an Abscess, or else ’till the Solids are quite worn out, and have wholly lost their Springs, and being utterly unable longer to continue, their Motions, flag and subside, the Fluids stagnate, and Death ensues. To enquire how, according to the Strength of Constitution, Habit of Body, particular Affection, &c. this State varies into those several Species, of intermitting, putrid, malignant, and nervous Fevers, &c. would be a Work too elaborate for my present Purpose, and swell these Papers to an unwarrantable Size; let it suffice to assure the Reader, that from whatever Cause the Obstruction of Perspiration proceeds, or to whatever Spe- cies of Fever it inclines, an immediate Evacuation is necessary, and the only effectual and safe Means of preventing the melan- cholly Effects above-mention’d. Which Evacuators ought to be of such a Nature, as by their Diaphoretick Quality to break into fine small Corpuscula, and discharge from the Blood, that Load of deleterius, foreign Matter, by forcing it through the cutaneous Pores. which we commonly call Sweating. For tho’ we were to augment all the other Dis- charges to the greatest Degree a Human Constitution could bear, yet would not the Effect answer the Increase of this one by Perspiration, by almost one Part in three; which is vast Odds in the speedy Removal of so great and terrible an Enemy as this is: Besides, the most frequent Cause of these Distempers being, as I mention’d above, a Diminution of Perspirable Mat- ter, without Doubt the speediest and most effectual Way of preventing them, or curing them when contracted, must be by augmenting that Dischargs, the Obstruction whereof was the Basis of the Distemper. To which Purpose there is no one Thing in the whole Materia Medica of that immediate, powerful yet safe Effect as these DROPS, they being a most noble Diaphoretick, and never, as I could yet hear of, fail'd of Success, in this Intention. If taken (6) taken in the first Dawn of Mischief arising from any of the afore-going Causes, two or three Doses taken every other Night going to Bed are a certain Asylum, and afford a certain Relief; but if through Neglect or Inadvertency the Patient suffers them to heighten to a Fever, the Dose must both be augmented and repeated oftner; as any one may read more at large in a Book, intitued, A Treatise of the Virtues of Dr. Bateman’s Drops; which he may borrow Gratis of the Persons where those Drops are sold, using it carefully, and returning it when you have read it over. In which Treatise you will also find particular Essays upon those terrible Enemies of Human Nature, the Gout, Rheuma- tism, Jaundice, Stone, Gravel, and Asthma; whose dreadful Natures are therein laid open, and the Effect of this Noble Medicine in all those particular Cases, plainly and evidently reduc’d almost to a Demonstration; to which I therefore refer the Reader for his own peculiar Satisfaction, and the general Good of Mankind. But here I would desire the Reader to take Notice, that it is not any View of Self-Interest or Necessity that draw’d me into a Trouble and Charge of this Nature, but purely a Spirit of Charity, and Desire of assisting my Fellow-Creatures, who may in this Medicine meet with as much Relief for One Shilling, as from the Apothecaries Shops he can for TWENTY: and I am certain, after a more sure, speedy and safe Method, than by tak- ing those Loads of Druggs, attach’d to a Method of regular Prescriptions, as they call it, which rather and oftner aggravate than abate your Distemper, empty your Purse, and at best, if after a long tedious Course of Bolus’s, Juleps, Diet Drinks &c. they do seemingly restore you, they leave a Train of Mischiefs behind them, worse than those they were intended to destroy, al- ter the whole Crasis of the Blood, and utterly ruin your Consti- tution. The chief End and Design therefore of publishing this, or the larger Treatise of these DROPS, was to save Mankind from this Epidemick Evil, by laying before them a shorter, safer, easier, and cheaper Way of regaining lost Health, than by being a Receiver for Life to an Apothecary’s Shop: which the surprizing Cures these Drops have already wrought, and the established Reputation they have gain’d, sufficiently testify to the World; a Sketch whereof may appear by the few, out of a vast Number of Certificates I have inserted at the End thereof, that all those who are not obstinately bent upon their own Destruction may see, believe, and themselves partake of the wonderful Benefits of this most efficacious Medicine, which I assure them is no Quack Preparation of Drugs injudiciously mix’d and jumbled together without (7) without Art or Design, but such as are grounded upon both, and carefully suited to answer the several Intentions of Cure for which they are prepar’d. These Drops, besides their happy effect in the foregoing Distempers, are also wonderful in stopping Diarhea's and Fluxes of all Kinds, Vomitings, Hæmoptes, and all other dangerous, unnatural Discharges. They give immediate Ease in all Kinds of Cholicks whatever, restore from Consumptions by destroying the Cause which breeds them, it used before the Lungs are actually corrupted, raise the Spirits in Melancholy, Hypocondriac, and Hysterical affections, cure the Palsy effectually, it continued for some Time, re-invigorating the whole nervous System, throw out the Small Pox, Measles, and all other cutaneous Eruptions, cure the Rickets in Children, ease After-Pains, prevent Miscarriages, and revive and strengthen the entire Frame of human Nature. The Dose, in any common Case, is to a grown Person, from 100 to 150 Drops, and to a Child, even of a Year old, 10 or 12 Drops, but in more particular and critical Cases the Doses must be enlarg’d and repeated according to Directions in the larger Treatise above- mention’d, to be had at the same Place at this Abstract. Among the many other admirable Effects of these Drops, I must not omit one Property of them, which renders them the must valuable Arcanum in the whole Universe; and that is their powerful Influence in repelling the Mischiefs arising in the Human Oeconomy from a too profligate and indiscreet Use of that fashionable Drugg, the Jesuit's Bark; the Drugs whereof are, for the most Part a worse Enemy than what it was injudiciously given to expell, locking up, and restringing by its Stupidity, the finest Glands and Streiners of the Body to that Degree, as not only to detain the deleterious Matter therein, but for a Time to prevent the Discharge of that Office Nature has assign’d them: that is, the Secretion of such Humours from the Blood as consist of Particles, aptly proportion’d to pass those Ducts, and no other: by which Means a Quantity of useless Matter is retain’d in the Blood, which soon after becomes a dangerous Enemy to that Fluid, stocking it with a Load of morbisick exotick Particles; which increase its Quantity, and by a Stimulus therein accelerate its Velocity beyond a healthful Standard, oc- casioning erratick Fevers, wandering Pains, disturb'd Rest, and a Thousand other Mischiefs, which if long neglected, settle on some Noble Viscus or other, and propagate Distempers not to be remov’d by the greatest Skill of the ablest Physician; but after a tedious Scene of Decay, end in certain Death, especially in the Female Sex, who are most liable to Injuries of this Nature, for Reasons too tedious to be inserted here. All which Train of Ills is certainly and speedily prevented, and the Cause eradicated by (8) by this powerful Medicine; which at the same Time it fortifies the Vitals, occasions a gentle Relaxation of the finer Glands, and makes Room for Nature to take her usual Course, who being gently propell'd hereby, carries along with her those surly churlish Particles of the Bark, which before made Head against her, and damn’d her up in her larger Channels, without suffering her smaller Outletts to be of any the least Service to her at all. but here I must beg Leave to caution the Reader against an Abute of this most valuable Medicine, since so great and frequent a Relaxation is of as bad Consequence as the contrary Evil; where- fore I would in no Case have these Drops repeated above three Nights successively, shaking the Bottle always when you use it: and further to observe, That the full Dose is here, and in the above mention'd Treatise (whereof this is an Abstract) precrribed under every Head; but as all Constitutions are not alike, I would advise you to consider the Strength of that, in propor- tioning the Quantity of this Medicine, and where that is weak, to abate somewhat of the full Dose, which is adapted to the most strong and vigorous, and on course too much for those who are of a weaker Nature, to whom three Fourths, or four Fifths of the Quantity, and in some who are in the lowest Rank of Strength of all, half the Quantity will he sufficient. Verbum sat Sapienti. HERE follow some few Certificates of Cures wrought by these Drops, mostly within the Verge of the Northampton Mercury, which are not fictitious Relations of imaginary Cures, nor under feigned Names, nor extorted by any indirect Means, but real and genuine Accounts from the several Persons whose Names they bear, of the happy Effects of these Drops in their several respective Cases, which in common Gratitude to the Pro- prietor, and for the general Good of their Fellow Creatures, they have, of their own Accord, at several Times sent to Dicey’s Original Warehouse in Northampton, requesting that they might be published to the World, that others, as well as themselves, might know and experience this Great and Inestimable Restorer of human Nature. And I dare be bold to say, that altho’ these few Certificates (which are not the hundredth Part of what might te collected within the Compass of the aforesaid Mer- cury) are bounded within five or six Counties at most, yet they are more in Number, and of greater Cures than ever were known by any one Medicine before in the whole Latitude of Physick, (as you will see by the Treatise to be borrow’d where these Drops are sold) which is a plain and undeniable Argument of the prodigious Success these Drops have met with wherever they have been made Use of: And if we judge of the Cures they (9) they have wrought in other Parts of the Kingdom, by the Pro portion of what they have done in these few Counties of Northampton, Warwick, Leicester, Gloucester, Oxford, Cambridge, &c., the Benefit which this Nation will have receiv’d from the m will be almost incredible, did not the vast Quantities that are sold every Day of them confirm their Reception in the World, which would not be near so large, did they not answer the Inten- tion and Ends for which they are prescrib’d; for which Reason, those that take Quantities of them to sell again, are not desir'd to pay for them till they have sold them; and if any should be left upon their Hands, (which is very unlikely) they are wel- come to return them, for they are never the worse for keeping; and if not called for in one Part of the Kingdom, there is no Fear of their Sale in another, where perhaps they may be better known, and a greater Demand for them. [Illustration] B William [10] William Hewet, Esq; of Dunton-Baffet, in Lei- cestershire, being for many Years under an ill Habit of Body with the Gout and Rheumatism; and finding but very little or no Ease and Relief from the many Medicines which he had taken from the ablest Physicians, was prevailed on by some Friends, &c. in the Coun- try, who had found great Benefit in the like Cases, to take a Bottle of these Drops, which immediately gave him Ease; and, for the Good of Mankind, he was pleased to affirm, that he found it the most immedi- ate, safe, and only Disturber of that Cronic and Torturing Distemper aforemention’d. A Gentlewoman boarding at the Angel Inn in Tow- cester, having lost the Use of her Limbs for a long time, and was forc’d to be carried in a Chair between two Men every Night and Day to and from Bed, was perfectly cured by these Drops, which she had at the Printing-Office in Northampton; and she continues as well as ever she was in her Life. This Certificate, in Goodness to all Mankind, and in Justice to so excellent a Medicine, which had in so short a time wrought so miraculous a Cure, she desired might be made publick to the World. November 28, 1720. I Thomas Woodin, living at the Swan in Hockley, near Dunstable, do certify by these Presents, that I having been af- flicted with the Fever and Ague, which have been so common of late; and tho’ I got the Fever off, yet the Dregs of it lay in me, and could not be removed, which kept me continually ill, ’till I procured a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, by taking of which three Nights suc- cessively, my Illness was wholly removed. I think this Cure very extra- ordinary, by Reason I felt the Effects of it so suddenly. February 10, 1720-21. I William Peachey, near St. Bennet’s Church in Cam- bridge, having been violently afflicted with the Gravel in the Kid- nies, do certify, that upon taking bur one Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, according to a Bill of Directions with the same, I found present Ease, and not only so, but voided a great Quantity of Gravel. I think myself in Duty bound to publish this to the World, that all those who labour under that racking Disease, may find Relief, as I am ready to testify upon Oath I have, if desired. I George Moore, at the King’s-Arms in Dunton-Baffet, in Leicestershire, being frequently troubled with the Gout in the limbs, so as many times the Use of them was taken away; I have (after Tryals of many Doctors) been advised to take a few of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, and found thereby the greatest and soonest Ease of any Thing I ever took. THese are to certify, That I have been for several Years afflicted with a violent Pain in my Limbs and Joints, which at last brought me into a Consumption: I went to the Bath, and took Hundreds of Medicines from several eminent Hands, which prov’d of no Use to me, being render’d so weak, that I was not able to walk. At last I had the good Fortune (by the Advice of a learned Gentleman in my Neighbourhood) to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, three Bottles of [11] of which have restor’d me to my perfect Health,, my Strength and Sto- mach being come to me, so that to all Appearance I am as well as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, Thorp-Mandaville, near Banbury, John Iliff. Oxfordshire, March 26, 1726. MRs. Webb of Dunstable writes Word, That she had been long afflicted with an Ague and Fever, and neither Vomits, Jesuits Bark, nor any Thing else could be found to do her any Good, ’till she made use of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, and declares that two Bottles made a perfect Cure of her. MRs. Gudgeon of Dunstable desires the World may be inform’d, That she had been for a long time troubled with the Rheumatism and Cholick, and that she met with a happy Cure by taking Dr. Bateman’s Drops. April 10,1721 I Eleanor Lamprey, of Harberry, near Warwick, having been for twenty Years very much troubled with the Rheu- matism in all my Limbs, was advis’d, tho’ I despair’d of Cure, to make Tryal of Dr. Bateman’s Drops; the first Dose gave me Ease, and two Bottles cured me, so that I am as well as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, E. Lamprey. MRs. Wingfield, living near Twycross, in Leicester- shire, writes Word, and desires it may be made publick, That she had been troubled with the Rheumatism and Shortness of Breath, and that some Friends in her Neighbourhood advis’d her to take Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at One Shilling each Bottle by the Printer at Northampton, two Bottles of which made a perfect Cure of her; and that several other Persons had been cur’d of the Rheumatism, Colds, Cholick, &c. in the said Parish, that had took the same Medicine by her Advice. I John Smith, of Wainington, in Huntingdonshire, do hereby declare, that my Wife having labour’d under a great Fit of Sickness, occasion’d by a great Cold that she took, I consulted all the Physicians in these Parts, and she took Medicines by their Advice; I am sure I paid for what she took above Ten Pounds, yet still the grew worse and worse. A great many of our Neighbours being cur’d, as I was inform’d, by Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, of one Distemper or other, occasioned me to buy her a Bottle, four of which made a perfect Cure of her Limbs. I desire this may be made publick, for the Benefit of all those who meet with the like Misfortune. Witness my Hand, Sept. 4, 1721, John Smith. I John Chater, of Brayfield, near Northampton, do declare, That for a long time I have been afflicted with the Rheu- matism so very ill, that I could not move any farther than I was car- ried, and nothing could be found to do me any Good, ’till I was advis’d by a Friend to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, two bottles of which have made a perfect Cure of me. Witness my Hand, Oct. 2, 1721. J. Chater Ba [12] To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, BEing willing to inform the World, for the publick Good of Mankind, that my Son was very much troubled with the Stone and Gravel in the Kidnies, and had been so for some Years, and took many Medicines from Abundance of Doctors to no Purpose: At last an ingenious Gentleman in my Neighbourhood advis’d me to buy a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which hath given him Ease to a Mira- cle, and made a perfect Cure, as we hope, for it hath brought from him not only a large Quantity of Sand and Gravel, but many Stones, some as big as Pease. I am your oblig’d Servant, Octb. 10, 1721. John Barret. MRs. Mann, of Sewell, near Dunstable, being trou- bled with violent Sore Eyes, and afflicted extremely with the Cholick, for which she declares she could find no Ease, and that after many fruitless Trials of Medicines to a great Charge and no Purpose, she resolv’d to make Tryal of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Print- ing-Office in Northampton, of which she had heard so universal a Cha- racter, two Bottles of which made a perfect Cure of her. The following Account I receiv'd from Oxford, Oct. 12, 1721. SIR, I Have been long troubled with an Ague and Fever, which render’d me so very weak, that my Life was despair’d of: At last I was advis’d by a Physician of this City (after great Experience) to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, it being a Medicine, he said, that had done wonderful Cures in this University, two Bottles of which have made a perfect Cure of me. Witness my Hand, Hannah Tomlin. MRs. Hutchinson, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, in the County of Leicester, being for many Years troubled with the Gout and Rheumatism in her Limbs to such a Degree, that she was not able to walk across a Room, after taking Abundance of Medicines to no Purpose, and despairing of Cure, being reduced to the greatest Extre- mity and Misery, had the good Fortune to make Trial of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, and by the Men that carry the News, at One Shilling the Bottle) a few Bottles of which having made a perfect Cure of her, she now remains in a good State of Health, desiring this may be publish’d to the World, that all who labour under the like Misfortunes, may endeavour for the same Relief. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Dec. 29, 1721. THE Wife of Richard Francis, of Norton, in Leicestershire, having for a long time been troubled with the Rheumatism, Shortness of Breath, and Stoppage in the Stomach; and finding no Relief from the Advice of Doctors, in which she spent a great deal of Money; was recommended by a Friend to use Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, a few Bottles of which have restor’d her to a State of Health and Freedom from all Pains: She therefore desires this may be made publick, for the universal Benefit of Mankind. I John [13] I John Jones, of Weobley, in the County of Here- ford, being long afflicted with a violent Pain in my Stomach, as also with Pains in my Limbs and Back, to such a Degree, that I was help- less to myself; and having try’d a Multiplicity of Doctors and Apo- thecaries to a very little Purpose, tho’ at an expensive Charge; I was advised by a Gentleman who had receiv’d entire Satisfaction in Pains of the Gout from Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, to try a Bottle or two, and in taking the first Dose according to the Directions, I found Ease in a few Minutes; and before I had taken three Bottles, my Pains entirely left me; and I am as well as ever I was in my Life. I make this Pub- lication for the Good of my Country. Witness my Hand, June 18, 1722. J. Jones. MRs. Anne Stanbridge, of Marton, near Bicester, was very heavily afflicted with the Fever and the Ague, inso- much that her Life was despaired of; but was restored to a good State of Health by taking only three Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, at One Shilling each Bottle. This she defires may be made publick, that those who have the Misfor- tune in the like illness to fall under the Hands of ignorant Pretenders, (who rather pick the Pocket, than carry off the Distemper) may know where to find Relief. June 3, 1722. BE it known for the Good of all Mankind, That I Richard Fowle, of Huntly, in the County of Gloucester, was for some Years very frequently and sorely afflicted with a violent Fever, so as Months together to be incapable of following my Busness, and could not, by any Help I could procure, have any Relief, till I was directed to take a Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, and in taking two Bottles I found my Fever and all the Symptoms thereof had entirely left me, and I am as well as ever I was in my Life; for which I return the Author, next to God, my hearty Thanks. July 2, 1722. Richard Fowle. HAving receiv’d such wonderful Benefit in the fol- lowing Distemper from the Vertue of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, I Elizabeth Davies, of Chipping-Campden, in the County of Gloucester, do hereby declare, That I should have no Peace nor Quiet in my Conscience, did not I, for the unisersal Good of all Christians who labour under the like Illness, thus publickly certify, under my Hand, that having from my Infancy been violently afflicted with the most rack- ing and tormenting Pains of the Stone and Gravel, could never get any settled Relief, ’till I by good Fortune was recommended to the abovesaid Drops, a Dose of which I took when one of my miserable Pains was on me, and I found immediate Ease thereby; and soon after in taking a few more Doses, voided Abundance of Gravel and Stones of a considerable Bigness; since which I’ve never had any Trouble or Pain. The Truth of this not only myself, but many of my Neighbours are ready to testify upon Oath, and that not only for me, but for many other Person in this Town and Neighbourhood, who have been cured by the Vertues of these Drops of several Distempers, after they have despair’d of any Help- In Witness whereof I have set my Hand, Aug. 6, 1722, Eliz. Davies. I Francis [14] I Francis See, of Upwell, near Wisbeach, in the Isle of Ely, having been troubled with a Weakness in my Joints, at- tended continually with the most torturing Pains; and finding no Relief from the Physicians that I had from Time to Time apply’d my- self unto, I at last made use of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, two or three Bottles of which entirely remov’d all my Weaknesses and Pains. Witness my hand, Francis See. Without Injustice to my Mind, as well as to the afflicted Part of Mankind, I could not bury in Silence the great Benefit I found in the Distempers here under mentioned, (which are now, and have some time been, so rife in these Parts) I mean the Ague and Fever, of which I John Webb, of Long Marston, in the County of Gloucester, have been long afflicted; and altho’ it cost me many Pounds in Doctors and Apothecaries, and I had for a long Time used the Jesuits Bark in this tedious Course of Physick, yet my Life was despaired of by my Friends: But being visited by a near Relation, who liv’d some Miles from me, as soon as he saw and knew my Distem- per, he begg’d that I might take a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which he positively affirm’d had done Wonders in some Cases amongst some of his Neighbours; and I had no sooner taken one Bottle, but I found my Fever and Ague abated to almost no Appearances thereof, and before I had compleated three Bottles, both my troublesome and dangerous Companions left me, and I shortly recover’d my former Strength. Witness my Hand, Octob. 8, 1722. John Webb. THese are to certify all, who thro’ Misfortune are afflicted with the Ague aud Fever, That I Thomas Lambly, of Long Marston in the County of Gloucester, have been for many Months past grievously afflicted with the abovesaid Distempers, and could find no Help or Relief from all the Doctors I had employ’d, to a more than common Charge; but being recommended to use Dr. Bateman’s Pecto- ral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, and by the Men that sell the Northampton Mercury, at 1s. the Bottle ; and in taking of two Bottles I found myself so far reliev’d, that I appear’d to those who knew me under my Misfortune, not to be the same Person; and before I had taken four Bottles, I found myself as well as ever I was in my life. Octob. 26, 1722. Tho. Lambly. Elizabeth Armstrong, of Stapleton in Leicestershire, doth hereby declare for the publick Good, that having for many years been troubled with violent Pains all over her, and finding no Good by all the Medicines she had taken from the ablest Physicians, was at last perfectly reliev’d from the aforesaid Pains, by taking a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, and by the Men that sell the Northampton Mercury, at 1s. each Bottle. Nov. 1, 1722. About the Beginning of November, 1722, I received the fol- lowing Letter, directed to the Printing-Office. SIR, Chipping-Campden, Nov. 3, 1722. THE great and terrible Misfortune I have for many Months lain under, together with the innumerable Number of Medicines I have taken to an excessive expence, for Relief under the Pressure [15] Pressure of an Ague and Fever, obliges me (well knowing within my Conscience, that, under God, to you alone I owe that Life I now have, being given over by most of my Friends) thus publickly to declare, that nothing which I had ever taken (amongst which I had plentifully dosed the Jesuits Bark) could relieve me, ’till I had try’d the famous Dr. Bate- man’s Drops, so frequently recommended in the Northampton Mercury, and sold at 1s. each Bottle, three Bottles of which made a perfect Cure; and I am, thro’ the infinite Blessing of God, in as good Health as ever I was in my Life, as will readily be acknowledged and testified by abun- dance of my Friends and Neighbours, who were Eye-Witnesses to the surprizing Effects of this Medicine. In Witness whereof I have set my Hand, Tho. Eustace To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, Jan. 8, 1722-3. WHereas I George Pyther, of Mapledurham, in the County of Oxon, Labourer, having for several Years past been troubled with the rheumatism all over me, and for about three Months since it fix’d in the Sciatica, and from thence to my Foot; the Pain was so great, that I had no Ease Day or Night, and caused such a Weak- ness, that I could not go without two Sticks. After trying several Re- medies to no Purpose, at last I was advis’d to try Dr. Bateman’s Pecto- ral Drops, which I bought of one of your Servants that brings the News this Road, and in taking four or five Doses, I could go without the Help of a Stick; and am, I thank God, perfectly easy, and in as good a State of Health as ever I was in my Life. I desire this may be published by you, not for the Advantage of those that make or sell them, but for the Benefit of all my Fellow-Creatures, who labour under the like Misfortune. Witness my Hand, George Pyther. The Truth hereof is attested by Thomas Brigham, Sen. Esq. of Cain-End. Thomas Brigham, Jun. Bridget Brigham. John Alloway. Martha Alloway John Diex. Mary Sturdy. I William Maverly, Taylor, of the City of Gloucester, do hereby publickly declare, that I was for three Quarters of a Year sorely afflicted with the Ague and Fever, for which no Relief could be had, and I was thereby reduced to so weak and miserable a Condition, that I was not able to provide for my Family; but by the great Kind- ness of a Neighbour, who had experienced the Virtues of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, by taking one Bottle, which she gave me, I began to re- cover myself in some Measure, (even from the Jaws of Death) and in ta- king a few more Bottles, I got entirely rid of both my Ague and Fever, and in a very short Time, to the Admiration of all who knew my late deplorable Condition, was perfectly recovered to my former Strength. This I am not only ready to testify myself, but many of my Neighbours and Friends are willing to do the same, to any Persons who shall give themselves the Trouble to enquire. Gloucester, March 7, 1722-3. To [16] To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, I Elizabeth Layer, of Shepreth in the County of Cam- bridge, going in March last to see a poor Neighbour, found one of her Girls about Nine Years old, afflicted with the Rheumatism to that Degree, that she had lost the Use of all her Limbs, except her Hands. I immediately sent to you for Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops; up- on taking the first Dose, the Child was sensible of its finding Benefit by it, and in taking three Bottles, had the perfect Use of her Limbs, and is in as good Health as ever. I desire this may be published for the Good of all those who labour under the like Affliction. The Truth hereof I am ready to attest to any one who gives themselves the Trouble of coming to Shepreth, near Royston, where I am known. Witness my Hand, Elizabeth Layer. Shepreth, May 8, 1723. I Anne Needham, of Plungar in the County of Lei- cester, having for a long Time been troubled with violent Pains all over me, and brought thereby into so weak and miserable a Condi- tion, as not to be able hardly to walk (without Support) a-cross a Room, which Weakness and Anguish of my Pains, brought my Eye-sight into such a Condition, that I was afraid I should have quite lost my Sight; and having try’d all Medicines as were recommended proper for me, found no other Effect, than that my Pains grew stronger and stronger, and that my Weakness both of Body and Eye-sight grew more heavy upon me, till I was recommended by a Friend to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton; by taking of which a few Times, thro’ the Blessing of God, my Pains left me entirely, where- by I began to gather Strength, and to recover my Sight; and, to the Admiration of all that knew me, I was as perfectly well as ever I was in my Life, and can now see to read the smallest Prints whatever. Witness my Hand, Aug. 10, 1723. Anne Needham WHereas I Edward Brown, of Aldrey in the Isle of Ely, was, by the long Continuance of an Ague and Fever, brought to so bad a Condition, that I had almost lost the Use both of my Limbs and Senses, and despaired even of Life, was at last pre- vailed upon to make Trial (altho’ I had no Hopes of Success) of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, one Bot- tle of which reliev’d me to a very great Degree, and a few more per- fectly restored me to my perfect Health and Strength: Which wonderful Cure encouraged several of my Neighbours to make use of the same Medicine, to all of whom it gave the like relief, as will be testify’d upon Oath (if required) as well by them as me, Edward Brown. Rushden, in the County of Northampton, Oct. 7, 1722-3. I Sarah Peach do hereby, for the Good ,of all my Fellow-Christians, certify, that having, together with my Child, been sorely afflicted with the Ague and Fever for many Months, and having try’d a Multiplicity of Medicines to no Effect, but was bro’t thereby into so weak and low a Condition, as hardly the like was ever seen, and did despair of having any Relief, till being advised by several of [17] of my Neighbours in the same Parish, who had been cured of the same dreadful Distempers, (and are willing to testify the same on all Occasions) to take a Bottle or two of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, which I accordingly did, and, for which I return Almighty God my hearty Thanks, found, in taking three Bot- tles, that the fever had quite left both myself and Child, and the Ague so abated, that we gather’d Strength, to the Admiration of all that knew us, and in a few times taking more, we were perfectly recovered, and are as well as ever we were in our Lives. Witness my Hand, Sarah Peach. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, WHereas I George Wing, of Peterborough, in the County of Northampton, Grocer, having for a long Time been violently afflicted with Rheumatick Pains, whereby I was reduced to such a weak Condition, that I could not go without Help and being quite nauseated with the Multiplicity of Medicinals which I had taken to no Purpose, my Disease still increasing, I was induc’d (by the good Success many of my Neighbours and Country-People had met with under the like Affliction) to take a Dose or two of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, which in a short Time entirely removed my Pains, and, to Admiration, totally car- ry’d off the very Grounds of my Distemper, insomuch that I have re- covered my former Strength and Agility, and am, blessed be God, in an perfect Health as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, Peterborough, Nov. 6, 1723 George Wing Having received so great a Benefit by the Use of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, after all other Means had fail’d, I should be wanting in common Justice to my Country, did I not thus publickly declare, That I John Butler, of Hinchman, in the County of Gloucester, was perfectly freed from all my Rheumatick Pains, under which I labour’d for a long Time, and was brought to so low a Condi- tion, that I could hardly assist myself on any Occasion: And this I think the more wonderful, in that I had no sooner taken one Dose of the abovesaid Drops, but my Pains left me in a few Hours, and before I had taken two Bottles, I was as well and as hearty as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, John Butler. Whereas I John Griffin, at the George Inn in Wallingford, Berkshire, have for many Years been troubled with the most racking Pains of the Rheumatism, and could find little or no Ease in any Medicine that I took ; was at last prevailed on (tho’ I profess without Hopes of Success) to take a Dose of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, which gave me immediate Ease, and in a few Doses I found that Help I never could before procure, altho’ it cost me many Pounds. Witness my Hand, John Griffin. Nicholas Harrald, of Dunton-Baffet, in Leicester- shire, was cured of racking tormenting Pains, which he could not by any Means whatever remove; but by taking a few Bottles of these Drops (which he is pleased hereby to testify) all his Pains were entirety removed. C I Sarah [18] I Sarah Aldridge, of Amersden, near Bicester, Ox- fordshire, having for a long Time been troubled with a violent Fever and Ague, could get no Relief from my Distemper, ’till I had made Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (to which I was ad- vis’d by a near Neighbour, whose Husband was cured of the same Dis- ease by the said Drops) and taking one Bottle, my Fever abated, and in taking two Bottles, I was perfectly cured of both my Fever and Ague. Witness my Hand, Sarah Aldridge. I Elizabeth Sherwood, at the Red Lyon at Oddington, in Oxfordshire, have been troubled with a violent Fever for a great many Months, and could not get myself cured, altho’ I try’d all the Things that could be got for Money: But by taking a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, I thank God, I am as well as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, Eliz. Sherwood. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, IN Justice to you, and for the publick Benefit and Good of all Mankind, I send you this Certificate, that all who la- bour under the like Misfortune, may, thro’ the blessing of God, find the same Relief as I have done, who for many Years past have been troubled and sorely afflicted with most violent and racking Pains in my Limbs and Joints, so as to be Bed-ridden for a considerable Time, and not able to help myself in any Thing whatever; and having try’d va- rious Means to no Satisfaction or Relief, did, by the Advice of a Friend, who had experiene’d the wonderful Vertues, in the like Case, of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold by you, take a Bottle or two thereof, which re- mov’d my Pains, and in a very short Time brought me to the Use of my Limbs and Strength again. Witness my Hand, Warwick, Octob. 3, 1723. J. Burt. For the Advantage of the Poor, I beg this may be publish’d to the World, That I Simon Smith, of Hardwick, in Warwickshire, have been for a long Time very ill of an Ague and Fever, so that it was the Opinion of my Friends, and those about me, that I must lose my Life, having taken Hundreds of Medicines to no Purpose; At last I was advis’d by a learned Gentleman to take a Medicine, call’d, Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, one Bottle of which made a perfect Cure of me. If I did not publish this to the World, I should think myself an ill Man. Witness my Hand, Simon Smith. WHereas I Anne Stevens, Wife of John Stevens, of Swanbourn, near Winslow, in Buckinghamshire, having for a long Time past been violently afflicted with Pains in all Parts of the Body, which some adjudg’d to be the Rheumatism, others the Wind-Cholick, &c. so that not being certain of my Malady, I took vast Quantities of Medicines, without the least Success or Hopes of Cure: At last I was advis’d to apply myself to the Printer of the Northampton Mercury, in order to make Trial of the celebrated Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, which I did, and by taking only one Bottle thereof [19] thereof, voided a Stone of an Inch round and three Quarters of an Inch long, which gave me immediate Ease, and so rectified my Body, that (blessed be God) I have not felt the least Symptom of my former Mi- sery since. This Method of Publication I think myself oblig’d in Justice to take, both in Honour to the Author of so universal a Preparative, and in Charity to such of my Fellow Creatures as may meet with the like Affliction, and perish under the Pressure of tormenting Pains, for Want of so great a Restorative. Witness my Hand, Nov. 26, 1723. Anne Stevens. WHereas I Mary, the Wife of John Treslove, Bodice-maker, now living at Northampton, was for many Years afflicted with intolerable Pains in my Back, to ease which I had the Direction of Apothecaries, but to little or no Purpose, which made me almost Despair of Relief; At last, being seized with an intolerable Pain, not inferior to those I had felt in Travail, I was intreated to make Tryal of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton) which, with much Persuasion, I consented to; and, to my Amazement, no sooner had I taken one Potion, according to the printed Bills of Directions given therewith, than I found immediate Ease; and by taking only one other Dose of the same afterwards, was entirely freed of all that Pain and Misery which had claim’d Residence in my Body, under the Denomination of a violent Cholick; therefore I take this Liberty of asserting, That the aforesaid Drops are the only and most sovereign Remedy for those in my former unhappy Condition, ever yet made Publick. Witness my Hand, in Conjunction with my Husband’s, Dec. 20, 1723. John and Mary Treslove. I Mary Wright, of Stapleton, in the County of Lei- cester, having for some Years been troubled with the Rheumatism, and in so miserable a Condition, that I had entirely lost the Use of one of my Arms, and was in such perpetual Pain, that it is impossible for any Tongue to express, for which I could find no Ease or Benefit, tho' I had the Advice of the best of Judges, and by whom (after all other Means try’d) I was recommended to Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which, in a few Times taking, remov’d my Pains, and in a small time after rector’d me to the Use of my Arm again, for which Reason I think myself in Duty bound, after Thanks to the Almighty God for his Blessing, to publish the above, that all Persons under such Afflictions may know where to apply for Relief. Witness my Hand, Mary Wright. I Richard Clarke, Carpenter, of Rushden, in the County of Northampton, do hereby declare, for the publick Good of all my Fellow Christians, That being most violently troubled for a long Time with a Fever and Ague, and having spent much Time and Money in Abundance of Medicines, could find no Help for my Distemper, ’till I had taken a Bottle or two of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold by the Printer of the Northampton Mercury, which very speedily carried off all my Illness, and raised me to my former State of Health. Witness my Hand, March 2, 1723, Richard Clarke. C2 For [20] For the Publick Good of Mankind, I William Kempion, Farrier, of Dainton, in the County of Northampton, do hereby testify, That having for some Time past been much afflicted with Rheumatick Pains, insomuch that I had lost the Use of one of my Arms, and being in perpetual Torment thereby, could find no Relief ’till I had taken a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, which entirely removed all my Pains, and restored me to the Use of my Arm again. In Witness whereof, I desire this may be publish’d to the World, as sign’d by William Kempion. Having for a long Time been troubled with an Ague, and thereby brought into so low a Condition, as to be hardly able to go across a Room without Help, and having tir’d myself with taking Medicines to no Effect, did, after observing the many Certi- ficates weekly printed in the Northampton Mercury, of the Excellency of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, take a Bottle or two thereof, which, to a Miracle, removed all my Illness, and recover’d my former Strength. Witness my Hand, Rushden, in the County of Northampton. Edward Thirst. I Richard Row, of Moulton-Marral Lodge, in the County of Warwick, having been troubled with a Third Day Ague and Fever for many Months, and thereby reduced to so weak and miserable a Condition, as not to be able to perform any Manner of Bu- siness, and tho’ I had taken a large Quantity of Jesuit’s Bark, and other Medicines, I could have no Ease or Relief, ’till I was happily recom- mended by an Acquaintance, who had receiv’d Benefit in the like Case, to take a Bottle or two of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, which immediately gave me Ease, and in a short time restored me to my former Strength and Health, for which I return God Thanks, and desire this may be published for the Good and Benefit of those who shall at any Time labour under so unhappy a Condition. Robert Abbot, Servant to Mr. Martin of Cottes- brook, in the County of Northampton, had for a long Time been sorely afflifted with a Numbness or Dead Palsy, insomuch that he had lost the Use of his Limbs on one Side, and thereby render’d incapable of doing any Manner of Business; but was perfectly restored in a very short Time to his former Health and Strength by taking a few Doses of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton. March 20, 1723. William Eather, of Cottesbrook, in the County of Northampton, being for a considerable Time troubled with an Ague and fever, was thereby brought to so miserable and weak a Condition, that he was not able to perform his necessary Busi- ness, for the Support of Life; and altho' he had taken the Jesuit’s Bark, and Abundance of other Medicines, yet could he have no Relief, ’till he was persuaded by some Persons in the same Town to make Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold for one Shilling each Bottle at the Printing-Office in Northampton and before be had taken three Bottles, [21] Bottles, his Ague and Fever both left him, and, to the Astonishment of his Neighbours, he was suddenly brought to his former Health and Strength. This he is ready to testify, and many of his Town’s-People will do the same. April 10, 1724. William Eather. A Lad who belong’d to some Drovers, and quarter’d at the Coach and Horse in Horton, in the County of Northampton, being taken violently ill with a Fever and Ague, and so very bad, that he could in no wise perform his Journey, was obliged to be there for some Time in that Condition, ’till, by the Advice of the Woman of the House, he took Part of a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which in a few Days so reliev’d him, that he was able to proceed on his Journey. This will readily be attested by the Landlord and Landlady at the House aforesaid. I John Willamer, of Frachnaham, in Suffolk, not having any other Way of rendering Thanks, next to God, to the Author of so universal, sovereign, and cheap a Medicine, as I have found Dr. Bateman’s Drops (sold by the Printer of the Northampton Mercury, and by the Men that sell the News, at one Shilling the Bot- tle) to be, but by this Publication of the miraculous Cure I found thereby, do declare, that I had quite lost the Use of all my Limbs, not withstanding it cost me many Pounds for Help, to no Purpose; but was at last advis’d to make Trial of the abovesaid Drops, by a Friend who had receiv’d great Benefit by them, and accordingly taking two or three Bottles, I found my Limbs to have a Warmness and Feeling, which for some Months I had not before had; and continuing to take thereof, by the Success I had in those few Bottles, I found that in less than a Month I could use my Limbs as well as ever, and in a small Time I recover’d my former Strength and Agility, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand, this 21st Day of June, 1724, John Willamer. MRs. Anne Norman, of Isleham, in Cambridgeshire, desires (for the Good of the Afflicted and Miserable, who are ready to despair of Relief under the long and racking Torment and Pains of the Rheumatism) that her unfortunate Condition under-mention’d may be made publick, (for the End above described) that having for many Years been usually troubled with Rheumatick Pains, and having from the same Term of Time used all proper Means that could be pre- scribed to get rid thereof, and altho’ it cost me a great many Pounds, yet could I get no Relief, but as I grew in Years, so my Pains increased, and at last I lost the Use of my Limbs; But hearing by the frequent Certificates and Advertisements, weekly publish’d in the Northampton Mercury, of the Excellency of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, I resolved, as the Charge thereof was but small, to use the Endeavours of that Medicine, and accordingly bought one Bottle of the Man that brings the abovesaid News, in taking of which I found so much Ease and Satisfaction, that I resolv’d to proceed, and accordingly taking a few Bottles more, found the Use of my Limbs return’d, and in a very short Space I was as well as ever I was in my Life, The surprizing and won- derful Effects of this Cure Scores of People can testify, as well as myself. July iB, 1724. Anne Norman. Mrs. [22] MRs. Mary Clarke, of Rushden, in the County of Northampton, being afflicted to a very great Degree with the Ague and Fever, could not by any Means get rid thereof, ’till she took Dr. Bateman’s Drops, by the Recommendation of some Relations and Neighbours in the same Town, who had some Timebefore been cured thereby, a few Bottles of which, she takes this publick Method to de- clare, for the Good of those who labour under such like Distempers, per- fectly cur’d her. In Witness whereof she did, the 12th Day of Nov. 1723, set her Hand, Mary Clarke. I John Richman, of the Parish of St. Mary in Lei- cester, do under my Hand signify to the World, for the publick Good, that my Daughter, Sarah Richman, was for a long Time troubled with a grievous Lameness and Numbness in all her Joints, so as not to be able to stir or help herself in the least, nor could I find any Help in any of the Things I had (to a very great cost) try’d for her Recovery: At length I was desir’d to give her a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton) by a Neighbour who had receiv’d great Benefit thereby, four Bottles of which restor’d her to a perfect State of Health, entirely removing all the Numbness and Disorders in her Joints, and she is now as well as ever she was in her Life. All which I am ready to testify to any who shall give themselves the Trouble of calling at my House in St. Mary’s aforesaid. July 20, 1724. John Richman. William Skevington, from Irchester, near Wel- lingborough, doth hereby declare, for the publick Good of all his Fellow Christians, that being troubled with a violent Pain in my Joints near three Weeks together, I could have no Rest neither Day nor Night, ’till I took a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which I had of the Printer of the Northampton Mercury, and in a little Time, by the Blessing of God, I was eased from my Pains, and am now in perfect Health. Witness my Hand, Will. Skevington. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. For the Publick Good of Mankind, I Eliz. Addey, of Long Stanton, in the County of Cambridge, do hereby under my Hand certify, That I had for many Months been sorely afflicted with the Ague and Fever, and by the long Continuance thereof render’d so weak, that I even despaired of any Help, having taken many Medicines to little or no Purpose, for if my Fever or Ague left me a Week or so, it return’d with greater Violence: At last I was happily advis’d by some Friends and Neigh- bours, who had by Experience found the greatest Relief under the like Distempers, by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold by you, and by the Men that carry your News, to make Trial thereof, which, to my Com- fort, I soon found to answer the great Character my Friends had given them, for in taking one or two Bottles more, my Ague quite forsook me, so that I am, blessed be God, in as good Health as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand. Eliz. Addey. Having [23] Having for above these 20 Years last past been trou- bled with a violent Cough, attended with a Shortness and Stop- page of my Breath, so as very frequently to be depriv’d of whole Nights rest, and my Stomach and Appetite also brought thereby to so bad and low a Condition, that I could never get any settled Relief, altho’ I had all the Advice imaginable, and that to a very great Expence, ’till by Advice of Mr. John Morley of Newmarket, I was recommended to a Medicine, sold by the Printer of the Northampton Mercury, at one Shilling each Bottle, containing three Doses, call’d Dr, Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, the which Medicine he hereby, for the publick Good, declares, reliev’d himself and Family from a languishing illness that had for a long Time attended them. From the Character and known Credit of Mr. Morley aforesaid, I made Trial of the above-mention’d Drops, and found, in taking a few Bottles, that satisfactory Relief that many Pounds-worth of Medicines before taken could never effect; for my Cough and Shortness of Breath soon abated, I took my natural rest, which I had not done for many Years before, and my former Appetite and Stomach return’d to my entire Satisfaction. This I think myself bound in Duty to Mankind in general, publickly to declare under my Hand. Dated at Newmarket, Sept. 6, 1724. I Richard Ball, at the White Hart in Bridge-street, Northampton, Have for several Years been very frequently and grievously afflicted with violent Pains in my Hips, Back, Loins, Kidney, and Stomach, and thereby reduced to so miserable a Condition, that I was never out of my Bed, any longer than ’twas turn’d or made, for twenty Weeks, nor once out of my Room for upwards of three Quarters of a Year, having spent under that unhappy Condition above fifty Pounds, to no manner of Satisfaction, I have been so terrified by this Disease, that I verily believe, that if melted Lead or any other sealding Metal had been pour’d down my Throat, I could not have underwent more racking and torturing Pains, being expected by all that saw me under the abovesaid agonies, to have expired every Moment. At last I was advised (very fortunately for me) to use a Medicine, sold at the Printing-Office, call’d Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, the first Dose whereof removed my Pains, and immediately gave me Ease; and in tak- ing a few Bottles I recover’d my Strength and Limbs, and shortly after became as well and strong as ever I was in my Life, and, I bless God, I still am, altho’ ’tis now two Years since, and have never once had the least Symptom of my old Disease or Pain; tho’ formerly, if I met with any Medicine that gave me Ease, yet if I took the least Cold, I was drove into Extremity of Pain. This Publication I think myself, in Duty both to God and my Country, bound to make, that all suffering Chri- stians, whose Torments like mine can’t be express’d, may find the same happy Relief, as will be testified with Fidelity by me, Bridge-street, Northampton, Sept. 28, 1724. Rich. Ball. MRs. Pywell, at the Cross-Keys Inn in Northamp- ton, being troubled with a Rheumatism for a long Time, try’d all the Help that could possibly be got, but to no Purpose, her Distem- per still raging with more Vehemence, ’till at last she became Bed-ridden, and the Use of her Limbs was taken away, in which Case she was in short Time given over for one past Recovery; But being advis’d to try a few Doses of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, in taking thereof that Numbness [24] Numbness which seized on her Limbs began to abate, and in about a Week’s Time she was able to walk across the Room, and soon after en- tirely recovered, to the Astonishment of all who had seen her in that de- plorable Condition, This, for the Benefit of those whose Misfortunes it is to be so miserably afflicted, she desires may be made publick. Susannah Pywell. WHereas I William Osbourn, Farrier in North- ampton, was taken with violent Pains in my Back and Limbs, occasion’d, as I believe, by exceeding Heats and Colds; and having try’d all Things that were thought necessary for Relief, could have no Benefit thereby, my Illness growing worse and worse, ’till at last I was entirely incapable of following my Trade; at which Time I was happily advised to take some of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, two Bottles whereof, which cost me only two Shillings, carried off all my Pains, and enabled me to follow my Business; and I am now, blessed be God, as well as ever I was in my Life. Sept. 29, 1724. William Osbourn. I John Robertson, Gardener, of Yardley, in the County of Northampton, was very often so violently afflicted with the Rheumatism in my Thighs and Legs, that I have been fre- quently obliged to keep my Bed, not being able by any Means to help myself; for which Distemper I could meet with no Ease, ’till taking a Bottle or two of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, and recommended to me by Persons who are Neighbours of Worth and Honour, who had not only read and heard the great Cha- racter of the abovesaid Drops by the repeated and numerous Certificates publish’d in the Northampton Mercury by Persons known in the Towns and Counties round, but also had experienc’d the good Effects thereof themlelves; which Drops sood remov’d my Pains, and in less than a Week’s Time I was able to go a Mile to my Labour. Witness my Hand, Yardley, Jan. 9, 1724. John Robertson. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, WHereas several Persons have been cur’d, or at least receiv’d speedy Relief and Ease, by taking the famous Dr. Bateman’s Drops, from the several Distempers, acute Pains and chronical Diseases they have long labour’d under; I Gregory Cripwell, of Bunny, near Nottingham, and in the said County, have been for some Time most grievously afflicted with the Rheumatism thro' every individual Joint and Part of my Body, not having the least Use of one Limb or Joint about me, being all the while in the most racking, violent, and intolerable Pains, which I underwent continually, without Intermission; this oblig’d me to seek out for speedy Help, which I did, tho’all to no Purpose, but rather (if it could possibly be) grew worse, and my Pains increased: At length hearing of the famous Drops above, and the many Cures they had wrought, (being impatient either for some Ease and Mitigation of my intolerable Pains, or invoking Death to put a Period to my miserable Life) I sent for a Bottle of the said Drops, (by the Advice of Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart. of Bunny) and upon tak- ing the first Dose I immediately found Ease and a Cessation of my Pains, slept the greatest Part of that Night, (tho’ I had not got the least Wink of Sleep for above a Week before) was easy all the next Day, tho' [25] tho’ Weak, and have continued easy and gathering Strength daily 'till the writing of this, and now am perfectly well, and follow my Busiuess again, blessed be God first and above all, and next Thanks to Dr. Bateman, who, next under God, has work’d, I may say, almost a Miracle upon me; for when I took the first Dose, I could neither stir any Joint about me, nor suffer any other Person to touch me in the least.—This I humbly beg may be inserted in the List of my dear Brethren who have been Fellow Sufferers, (but surely none in so high a Degree as myself) and found Relief by the same, and publish’d in your Northampton Mercury, that my loving Neighbors, that shall happen to labour under the same Maladies, &c. may see and know where to apply for speedy Ease, Relief and Cure. Witness my Hand, Bunny, June 4, 1725. Gregory Cripwell. The ’fore-mentioned Certificate is attested to by Us, who are his next Neighbours, and visited him daily in his Illness. Thomas Parkyns, Bart. Nathaniel Henson, Thomas Henson, Thomas Lineker, John Lineker, Thomas Hornbuckle, Henry Shepheard, Joseph Street, John Shepheard, John Brown, *George Smith, Henry Cooper, Humphrey Wainwright, * This Man was cur’d of the Ague by taking only one Dose. All the whole Town and Neighbourhood are ready to testify the same, if required. Mr. Dicey As to the above-mention’d Advertisement and Certificate, I can assure you it is absolutely true; and, if it is required, I can safely swear to every Tittle of it, the above-mention’d Person being my near Neighbour, I daily visited him in his Affliction, and he was truly a miserable Object of Pity as ever I saw in my Life. It is his Desire, as well as some other Neighbours that daily visited him, that you would be pleased to publish this Certificate, it being every Tittle true; nay, much more might be said in the Case, and not in the least derogate from the Lines of Truth. Bunny, near Nottingham, June 5, 1725. I am, Sir, Your assured Friend, and humble Servant, H. Wainwright. A Daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Judge's, of Great Marlow, in the County of Bucks, had been for several Years so grievously afflicted with the Rheumatism, that many Months at a Time she has been laid up in so bad and weak a Condition, that she has no ways been capable to help herself, and never could get any Remedy for her Disease, notwithstanding she had constantly, as her afflictions came on her, used all the Means that possibly could be had for Money, but to no Purpose; ’till being advised and persuaded by the good Success many of her Neighbours in the abovesaid Town and Country round had re- ceived by Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, she made Trial of a Bottle thereof, which she solemnly declares (and desires the World may be made sensible thereof) gave her present Ease, and quickly remov’d her Pains; after which she gather'd Strength, and recover’d her health as well as ever she was in her Life, D to [26] to the great Surprize of all that knew her: And altho' it is now up wards of two Years since, the Truth of this will be testified by her Friend's and Neighbours, who were Eye-Witness to this sudden and al- most miraculous Cure. Great Marlow, in the County of Bucks, August 16, 1725. John Garratt, of Long Stanton, in the County of Huntingdon, being sorely afflictedd with the Rheumatism, and hav- ing for a long Time tired himself with repeated Medicines to no Effect or Ease, was at last recommended to take Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops a few Bottles, whereof soon remov’d all his Pains, and restored him to his former Health and Strength, In Witness of the Truth hereof he hath, this 4th of February, 1725, set his Hand, John Garratt. THomas Cox, of Wallingford, in the County of Berks, being afflicted in a violent Manner with Rheumatick Pains, insomuch that he could not follow his Trade for the Support of his Fa- mily, not being able to walk without Crutches, was restor’d, in taking five Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, to his former Health and strength, altho’ nothing that he had taken before, to a great Expence, would do him any Good. This he desires may be publish’d to the World, for the Help of poor Sufferers in the like Case, Wallingford, May 24, 1725. Thomas Cox. HAving for above twenty Weeks been troubled with the Rheumatism to so great a Degree, that I could not go with- out Crutches, and finding no Ease or Relief from any of the Means I had in Abundance try'd to a great Charge, did, by the Advice of a Gentleman of the Unversity of Cambridge, take two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectorai Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, which did, by the Blessing of God, give me Ease, and to a Miracle I re- cover’d my former Strength and Use of my Limbs, and at the same Time it carried off the Fits of a very bad Ague, which I had been troubled a considerable Time with. This I publickly declare for a General Good. Witness my Hand, Unversity of Cambridge, May 24, 1725. Edward Markham. I William Pudsey, Bargeman, of Great Marlow, in the County of Bucks, having been afflicted for a long Time so grie- vously with a settled Cold and Rheumatism, attended with a vio- lent Swelling in my Face, that I could no ways help myself could receive no Ease nor Help, altho’ I had all the Advice I could have from Doctors, Apothecaries and Surgeons, which was very expensive: But at last, when I despair’d of Relief, I was advis’d to make Trial of a Medicine call’d Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (so often advertis’d in the Northampton Mercury, with Certificates, under the Hands of creditable Persons, of the wonderful Cures daily perform’d by the abovesaid Medicine) a Bottle or two of which I bought of Mr. Christopher Irwin, of Great Marlow aforesaid, which immediately gave me Ease of all my Pains, and very speedily carry’d away the Swelling, and, to the Surprize of all that knew me in that deplorable Condition, I recover’d my former Health and Strength in a very short Time. Witness my Hand, Great Marlow, Aug. 17, 1725. William Pudsey. [27] ELizabeth Mathews, at Loughton, in the County of Bucks, doth hereby (for a general and publick Good) declare, that she was cured of the Rheumatism, by taking a few of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, notwithstanding she had been troubled with it for many Years, to a great Expence, and no Help. She also further declares, that being some Time after afflicted with an Ague and Fever, and brought thereby into a very weak Condition, was entirely reliev’d by the abovesaid Drops, when nothing else that she had taken did her any Good. I William Bray, of Shamford, in the County of Lei- cester, do declare, for the Benefit of Mankind, and desire that it may. be publish’d, that I was for a long time troubled with the Stone and Gravel, and try’d several Medicines, but could find no Relief; at last, being advised by a Friend that had found great Help in the Rheuma- tism by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, I consented to take them, and found Benefit in the first Dose; and in taking four Bottles, brought away Gravel and Stones of an uncommon Size, and was perfectly cured, to the great Surprize of all that knew me. Witness my Hand, William Bray. I Mary Lakein, of Tamworth, in the County of Staf- ford, having been very much troubled for many Years past with the Rheumatism in all my Limbs, was advilsed, tho’ I despair’d of Cure, to make Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops; the first Bottle gave me Ease, and a few Bottles taking cured me; so that I am as well as ever I was in all my Life. Witness my Hand, Mary Lakein. WHereas I Lætitia Goodchild, Wife of John Good- child, living in Lamnam, in the County of Berks, having for a long Time been troubled with the Stone Cholick, and having try’d several Remedies to no Purpose, tho’ very expensive, I could find no Ease, At last I made Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and in less than a Quarter of an Hour after taking the first Dose, found Ease, and that Night brought from me Abundance of Gravel; and in taking two Bottles, according to Directions, it made a perfect Cure Of me, to the great Surprize of all that saw me in that sore Affliction. I had not for a Month before lain down in my Bed, nor any Thing went thro’ me. I should think myself unworthy the Name of a Christian, and should have no Quiet in my Conscience, if I did not, for the uni- versal Good of Mankind, publish this to the World. The Truth of this, not only myself, but many of my Neighbours are ready to testify on Oath, and that not only for me, but for many other Persons in this Town and Neighbourhood, who have been cured by the Virtues of these Drops of several Distempers, after they had despair’d of any Help. In Witness whereof my Husband and I have set our Hands, John and Lætitia Goodchild. Whereas I Elizabeth Shipton, Daughter of Henry Shipton, of Shipton-Lee, near Ailesbury, in the County of Bucks, was for a long Time very much troubled and afflicted in a surprizing Manner with the Cholick, and violent pains in my Limbs. and Joints, and having been at a great Expence of Money and Time for Relief, could find no Help of Ease, 'till being advised by some D2 Neighbours [28] Neighbors, who had not only heard, but also seen and experienced the wonderful Cures perform’d by a Medicine called Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which are sold by Mr. Paul Stevens in Bicester, at 1s. each Bottle, of whom were bought for my Use two Bottles, which soon gave me Ease, and in a short Time entirely removed the Cho- lick and Pains, so that I am in as good a State of Health as ever I was in my Life. In Witness whereof, for the publick Good, I have, jointly with my father, set my Hand, this 10th Day of March, 1725-6. Henry Shipton, Elizabeth Shipton. JOB ANDREWS, of Fritwell, near Bicester, in Oxfordshire, (for the Good of all People, whose unfortunate Chance it may be to labour under the like unfortunate Circumstances) hereby declares, that having, for the Space of six Months, been so grievously afflicted with the Cholick and Pains in his Limbs, and brought thereby, into so weak a Condition, that he could not help himself; and having labour’d under the Hands of many Doctors to no Purpose, was (after given over as past Recovery) recommended to try Dr. Bateman’s Pecto- ral Drops, publish’d by virtue of the King’s Letters Patent. a few Bottles of which (bought of Mr. Paul Stevens of Bicester) soon gave him that Ease and Comfort which he had (tho' in vain) long sought after, and in a very short Time made a perfect and happy Cure of him both in his Limbs (the Use of which he had quite lost) and Constitution. In Witness whereof he hath set his Hand, Job Andrews. I John Woodcock, of Gravely, in the County of Cam- bridge, within three Miles of Huntingdon, do hereby, for a publick Good, certify, that having been afflicted with a most racking and tor- turing Pain in my Hip and Thigh, and thereby reduced, as not able to help myself, neither could I have any Rest, being oblig’d to have People with me Night and Day; and, notwithstanding I had all the Advice I could possibly get, I was at last given over by all that came near me, expecting every Moment to breathe my last; when, by good Fortune, and the Advice of Mr. Thomas Brooke, I had given to me a Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which, to a great Miracle, instantly gave me Ease, and in repeating the Dose, I found myself reliev’d in a great Measure from my Pains; and still continuing to take the abovesaid Drops, all my Pains and Illness entirely left me; and, in taking three Bottles, I found myself, thro’ the wonderful Mercies of God, perfectly cured, and as well as ever I was in my Life. This I have publickly given under my Hand, for the universal Good of all Sufferers in the like Circumstances with me, this 25th Day of June, John Woodcock. The Truth of this Certificate Is attested by us, who were Eye-Wit- ness of the deplorable Condition of the aforesaid John Woodcock. Thomas Brooke, Joanna Brooke, John Chamberlain, Timothy Martin, John Barton, Henry Markham, Elizabeth Lambird. JOhn Smith, of Badgly-Ensor, within two Miles of Atherstone, in Warwickshire, being reduced by long illness and Pains so very weak as not able to help himself, declares, that altho’ he [29] had used all the Means possible to be had, to a considerable Charge, he could find no Comfort in any Thing he took; ’till by the earness Re- quest of some Friends, who had both heard of and experienced the great Virtues of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton) he was prevailed on to take thereof, which soon gave him Ease from his Pains, relieved, in a very surprizing Manner, his drooping Spirits, and, in a few Bottles taking, perfectly restored him to his former Health and Strength. The Truth of this will be attested, for the Satisfaction of those who shall enquire, by the abovesaid John Smith, or any of his Neighbours. Badgly-Ensor, June 8, 1726. MR. Robert Savage, of Bagend, in the County of Worcester, writes Word, that not only himself, but several of his Neighbours, who had long lain under the most racking Pains of the Stone and Gravel, and other complicated Distempers, could find little Satisfaction or Ease from Abundance of Medicines, which they had taken by the Advice of eminent and able Physicians; but being advised to try Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, for only one Shilling the Bottle) found that Relief and Benefit, in taking a few Bottles, in a very short Time, which they had for many Months (to a pretty large Expence, and to no purpose) sought after. Witness my Hand, Sept. 21, 1725. Robert Savage. HEnry Gurney, of Puttenham, near Tring, in the County of Heriford, lying in a very deplorable Condition for above a Year and a Half, being continually afflicted with violent Pains in all Parts of his Body, which at last settled in his Side, and caused such a Stoppage in his Stomach and Shortness of Breath, as brought him into a deep Consumption; and having the repeated Advice of se- veral Physicians, whose Help and Prescriptions were still baffled by the Stubborness of his Discese, was look’d upon and given over by all that knew him as past Relief; at length was restored to his former Health and Strength in so miraculous and sudden a Manner, that is scarce credi- ble, did not daily Experience confirm the Truth thereof in other Cases full as surprizing: For having taken but two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, according to Directions, (which the Wife of the said Henry Gurney bought of Mr. Thomas Williams of Tring) his Pains left him, the Stoppage of his Stomach and Shortness of his Breath en- tirely abated, whereby he began to relish and receive such Nourishment by all be eat and drank, that he was in a very short Time as well as ever he was in his Life. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, THis is to satisfy you, that I Thomas Pattison, Blacksmith, of Yelling, within four Miles of Huntingdon, have been for several Months past afflicted with such violent Pains in my Hips, Thighs and Legs, that I could not rest Day nor Night, nor follow my Trade; but was at last happily advised by John Woodcock of Gravely to take some of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which not long since cured him of the like Pains, three Bottles of which, thro’ the wonderful Mercy of God, have perfectly cured me, and I am as well as ever I was. I desire you would make this publick for the Good of all People., Witness my Hand. Tho. Pattison. [30] The Truth of the foregoing Certificate is attested by John Woodcock, Timothy Martin, Jane Dickson, Anne Laudy, Mary Samms, Richard Tyger. WHereas I Elizabeth Singal, of Melbourn, in the County of Cambridge, have for many Years past been grievously afficted with the Rheumatism, Wind, and Stone-Cholick, but more particularly for these last four Years and a Half, in so dreadful a Manner, that I could get no Ease, altho’ I apply’d for all the Help possible; ’till by taking a few of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton, and so often recommended in that Paper) I found that Ease and Cure which I had so long sought after, to a very great Charge, but to no Purpose. I think this Cure the more extraordinary, in that I am now upwards of 55 Years of Age, and the Distempers above-mention’d, as one might readily conceive by their long Continuance, become habitual to my Body; and, in Consideration of the great Benefit I have (thro’ the Blessing of God) receiv’d by the said Drops, I think it my Duty to desire the Publication of this Certificate for the publick Good. In Witness whereof I have, jointly with my Neighbours, who were constant Witnesses of my former unhappy Con- dition, as well as to the above speedy and safe Cure, set my Hand, this 2d Day of October, 1726, Witness. Elizabeth Singal. Frances Fosket, Thomas Green, John Jarman, Grace Brewin, Alice Bell, John Austin. October 8, 1726 LAwrence Mewell, of Fencut, in the Parish of Charton, in the County of Oxford, desires this publick Notice to be given, for a general Good of Mankind, that having lain Bed-ridden above six Months in a most torturing Anguish and Pain in his Joints and Limbs, being thereby reduced to so weak a Condition, as not to be able to help or feed himself, brought on him by a violent Cold and Sur- feit; and having been at a great Expence for Relief from his miserable and helpless Condition without the least Success, his Weakness and Pain still increasing; was recommended to Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton) two Bottles whereof made a perfect Cure of him. This will not only be attested to by the above Lawrence Mewell, but also by the chiefest of his Parishioners and Neigh- bours, who were Witnesses of the deplorable Condition he was in, as well as of his surprizing and speedy Cure by the abovesaid Drops, after all other Means had fail’d. Cheveston cum Caldecot, Oct. 11, 1726. I Mary Kellerson, of Caldecot, in the County of Northampton, do hereby certify, that I have a Boy five Years old, who was afflicted with the Stone-Cholick to such a Degree, that I despair’d of any Help for him, having us’d all the best Means I could, but to no Effect; ’till I was advis’d to give him Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (so often mention'd in the Northampton Mercury) which in a very little Time brought away two Stones of an uncommon Bigness: This being near twelve Months ago, and the Boy having ever since been, and is still (praised be God for it) in perfect Health, I am not only bound [31] bound to give Praise and Thanks to Almighty God for the wonderful Effects of so sovereign a Remedy, but also to desire that it may be made publick, for the Benefit of all such as labour under the like Pains, that they may know how to apply themselves for speedy Relief. Mary Kellerson The Truth of the above-written is attested by J. Glashrook. Vicar of Higham, William Warren, John Coles, Mary Gilbert, John Houghton, Mary Loving. WIlliam Croxton, of Great Catworth, in the County of Huntingdon, declares, for the publick Good of Mankind, that about a Twelvemonth ago he was in a very great Degree trou- bled with the Rheumatism and a dead Palsy, insomuch that he had en- tirely lost the Use of one Thigh and Leg, and could not support himself or stand without Crutches; from which unhappy Condition he could no ways be reliev’d, notwithstanding he had all the Advice and Help pos- sible, ’till being recommended, by the Rev. Mr. Somes of Little Cat- worth, to try a Bottle or two of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office and Original Warehouse in Northampton) a few bottles of which perfectly restored the Use of his Limbs, and carried off the Rheumatick Pains, and brought him to as good a State of Health as ever he was in his Life. The Truth of this is attested under the Hand of the above William Croxton, and also by the Rev. Mr. Moses Somes of Little Catworth aforesaid. Great Catworth, in Huntingdonshire, November 5, 1726. Note, The above Mr. Croxton has a Brother in London, who was afflicted much after the same Manner, and received a perfect Cure, after the ablest Physicians in that City could no ways help him. I George Wilkinson, living with Mr. Whaddon, of Henly, in the Parish of Towcester, in NorthamptonShire, having been much afflicted with the Rheumatism for above these five Years, could never find any Help or Relief, ’till I was advised by a Friend who had experienc’d the Excellency of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Printing-Office in Northampton) three Bottles of which made a perfect Cure of me. This I desire may be advertis’d for a publick Good. In Witness whereof I have set my Hand, this 14th Day of Nov. 1726. George Wilkinson. Stow in Huntingdonshire, Nov. 19, 1726. I John Toozy, of Stow, between Spaldwick and Kim- bolton, having been for 16 or 17 Years past afflicted with a Distemper, which at first would about two or three Times a Year cause me to fall down, as if perfectly dead, and remain so for an Hour or two at a Time; but of late Years have been so much troubled with the said Fits, as to have them once a Week, and many Times oftner, nay sometimes conti- nue fo for two or three Days together, and could not in all the Attempts I ever made (which were many and fruitless) find any Relief or Help, ’till I was directed to Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold at the Print- ing-Office in Northampton) one Bottle of which I took, and no more and I had not the least Sign of a Fit for above three Months; and al- tho’ I’ve since found some small Returns, I question not but, by the Blessing of God Almighty, and the taking a few more Bottles, I shall be as [32] as perfectly cured of the said Fits, as my Wife have lately been of a very grievous Fever and Ague, the Agonies of which she had been long trou- bled with. Witness my Hand, John Toozy. Stow in Huntingdonshire, Nov. 21, 1726. BEnjamin Brown, of Stow, being afflicted with a high Fever and Cough, attended with a violent Vomiting and Looseness, which had, by their long Continuance, reduced him so low, as to be given over as past all Help by the neighbouring Doctors and Apothecaries; on which Account he sent for the Rev. Mr. Moses Somes of Little Catworth, to pray by him, and be a Witness to his Will, &c. who recommended to him the taking a Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (since he could not be assisted any longer by the Physicians) which he accordingly took, and it gave him some Ease of his Cough, and com- posed him to Sleep, (of which he had not before for many Nights and Days felt the Comfort) and thereby stopp’d his Vomiting and Looseness, which extraordinary Alteration in his Distemper embolden’d his Friends, &c. to give him another Dose, and so on to the taking two or three Bottles, which, thro’ the great Mercy of God, (which has in an extra- ordinary Manner constantly attended the Success of the above Drops) restor’d him most miracalously and speedily to his former State of Health, The Truth of which will not only be attested by the said Rev. Mr. Moses Somes, but also by the Mother of the said Benjamin Brown, as well as the Neighbourhood, who had been daily Witnesses of his deplo- rable Condition. WHereas I John Chaffer, of Little Catworth, in the County of Huntingdon, have for above 14 Years past been con- tinually afflicted with a Stoppage in my Stomach, and after every Meal I was in so violent a Condition for a Quarter of an Hour or better, that I could hardly fetch Breath enough to live, my Hands and Face would be so contracted, and all over me so full of Pain, that ’tis impossi- ble to express the Agonies I underwent, and immediately I had such cold Fits all over me, that I have frequently been oblig’d to go into a warm Bed; from which Distemper I could never get any Ease or Relief, ’till considering the continual Success many of my Neighbours and Acquaint- ance met with from Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, under various Distem- pers, I had Inclination to try a Bottle or two of the same Drops, in hopes of Redress in my unhappy Case, and, I give God Thanks, it an- swer’d my Expectation, and a few Bottles intirely carried off all my Ill- ness. This I desire may be made publick, for the Comfort of all those who, like me, may unfortunately labour under the heavy Burden of such Distempers. The Truth of this will he attested by any of my Neigh- bours and Parishioners. Witness my Hand, Little Catworth, Huntingdonshire, November 24, 1726. John Chaffer. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, WHereas I Anne Woodward, of Warsley, in the County of Huntingdon, Widow, have been for five or six Months, past very much afflicted with Pains In my Limbs, that I could not help myself; after much Application to no Purpose, I happily took two or three Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold by you, and I am (thro’ the blessing of God) now as well as ever I was in my Life. This [33] This I desire may be made publick, for the Good of all those who labour under such Afflictions. Witness my Hand, November 28, 1726. Ann Woodward. To the Printer of the Northampton Mercury. SIR, OBserving in most of your Weekly Papers some re- markable Cure or Ease given to the Afflicted by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and having myself receiv’d so great and wonderful a Cure, after all other tedious Means had fail’d me, which I had used to a considerable Expence, I thought myself in Duty bound to assure the World, that I had the Use of my Limbs wholly taken from me, but found a perfect Cure by taking a few Bottles of the above Drops, which I bought of Mr. Paul Stevens, Grocer in Bicester, and that in so speedy a Manner, as is hardly to be credited, was it not daily prov’d by undeni- able Testimonies, that many others, who have been so unfortunate as to fall under the like Afflictions, have found the same happy, as well as speedy Relief. Deddington, in Oxfordshire, April 17, 1727. Christopher Welsh. I Anne Blincowe, of Middleton-Cheney, in the County of Northampton, Widow, have been violently afflicted with grievous Pains in my Limbs, and the Use of them taken away, so that I could not walk without Crutches, for about nine Months; but, by the Bless- ing of God, I can now walk as well as ever I could for some Years past, and am now without Pain, and this Cure I receiv’d by taking three Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which I bought of one of the Men that carries the Northampton News, which, for the publick Good, I desire may be advertised in the said Northampton News-Paper, or as the Author thereof shall think convenient. Middleton-Cheney, April 29, 1727. The Truth of the above-mentioned Certificate is attested by us, whose Names are under-written, and who were Witnesses of the deplorable Condition of the said Anne Blincowe. Richard Tew, Matthew Wise, William Read, Thomas Shelswell, John Shelswell, Samuel Roberts, Samuel Herbage, Anne Tayler, Anne Tomes, Anne Dowens, Susannah Williams. ELizabeth, the Wife of Edward Dun (aged 78 Years) of the Town of Warwick, being troubled for about 10 Weeks before the 30th of May last, 1727, with the Rheumatism, attended with an Ague, &c. insomuch that she was almost drawn double, and was entirely helpless; and finding no Help from any Thing she had taken, at last made Trial of Dr. Bateman’s pectoral Drops, sold in this Town by John Seaton, Shop-keeper, (who is serv’d with the said Drops from Dicey’s Original Wholesale Warehouse in Northampton) an in taking two Bottles, was enabled to walk upright, and to do her customary Busi- sess, as usual, before, that Illness attended her. This Testimony she desires may be made public to the World, for the Good of all afflicted in any the like Circumstances. E Whereas [34] WHereas I Theophilus Cramp, of Leicester, for some Time being so violently afflicted with the Rheumatism. that I was not capable of moving out of my Chair, nor of walk- ing without two Crutches; was advis’ by many of my Neighbours to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops; at length, by their Persua- sions, I sent to Mr. Simon Martin, Bookseller in Leicester, (who is serv’d with these Drops from Dicey’s Original Warehouse in Northampton) one Bottle of which perform’d so speedy and miraculous a Cure, that in two Days Time I was perfectly well, and, by the Permission of God; I have continued so ever since. Witness my Hand, this 18th day of September, 1727. Theophilus Cramp. The following is a Certificate of Cures done by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops at Bunny near Nottingham, and was gene- rously sent to be publish’d, at the Request of Sir Tho. Parkyns; of Bunny Park, Bart. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Nottingham. Mr. Dicey, Bunny, Sept. 23, 1727. WE, whose Names are under-written, do hereby thankfully acknowledge, and freely under our Hands do certify, for the publick Good of our Fellow Sufferers, that thro’ the Assistance of Almighty God, and by the Advice of Sir Tho. Parkyns of Bunny Park, in the County of Nottingham, Bart. we have been lately cured, and are now perfectly well, of the present raging Distemper, viz. a violent Fever and Ague, by taking only two or three Bottles at the most of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and, according to his Advice, we took four Days together successively, every Day about the same Time of the Day, one Spoonful (having first shaken the Bottle to make an equal Mixture of the Medicine) in a Glass of soft, smooth, mild, hot Ale; after which we forbore, and rested two Days; then we took again the third Day, and so on every other Day, as the Fit return’d, ’till we were perfectly well, but were advis’d to take the third Day, and after, viz. the second taking, or second Bottle four or five Hours sooner than we did the first four Days, for then it gives a Check to the ap- proaching fit. One Bottle generally takes off the Distemper; but Sir Thomas advises taking another, if not two, to compleat and perfect the Cure. By these Drops, taken after the Method above, as he prescribes, he has cur’d Hundreds, while others, by Bleeding, Vomiting, and taking the Bark, lie dead, two of a Night, in some Families in these Parts. Note, The abovesaid Sir Thomas Parkyns have been so charitable as to buy several Parcels to give away to the poor sick Country Peoples and thereby have saved the Lives of Hundreds. Thomas Hallam, Mary Smith, Thomas Smith, George Walker, Mary Poxon, Rich Cripwell, sen. Eliz. Wainwright, John Davis, and Wife, John Taylor, Stephen Smith, John Bacon, Peter Tompson, and Wife, John Sheppard. Mr. [35] MR. John Lloyd, of the City of Coventry, desires the Publick may be inform'd, for a general Good to his Fellow Christians, that having labour’d under the tormenting Pains of the Rheumatism for above three Quarters of a Year, and reduc’d so as not to be able to walk without Crutches, was (after all other Means had prov’d fruitless) perfectly cured by taking only one Bottle of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, which he bought of Mr. William Ratten, Book- seller in Coventry.—The same Letter brings several other Accounts of remarkable Cures perform’d by the said Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops in the present raging new Distemper, which has so long baffled the greatest Skill of our ablest Physicians, viz. the new Fever and Ague, &c. for whose Name and Places of Abode we refer to the above William Ratten, they being too long to be inserted here. From Huntingdon we are assured under the Hands of seveal of the principal Inhabitants, that John Musgrave, of Huntingdon aforesaid, had been for six or seven Weeks afflicted with this new Distemper, attended with a vehement Pain, from which he was entirely restor’d by one Bottle, which he had of Mr. Barton, Bookseller in the said Town; to whom we also refer for several other Testimonies of Cures done by the said Drops in his Neighbourhood. From Brigstock, in Northamptonshire, we have the following Account of three several Persons, viz. John Willomot, Elizabeth Willomot, and Rose Boodger of Brigstock aforesaid, the two former of which were reduc’d past all Help in themselves, and had been in that miserable Condition at Times for several Years, yet were per- fectly cured by taking three Bottles each; and Rose Boodger, who was constantly attended with a violent Stitch and Pain in her Side, by which her Life was often despair’d of, was very suddenly and entirely cured by taking one Bottle of the above Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which she had of Mr. John Miller, Grocer in Brigstock, who will readily direct all those who shall, for a farther Satisfaction, give themselves the Trouble to enquire for the Names of many other Persons in his Neighbourhood, who have receiv’d Benefit, and been perfectly cure, when all other Me- thods have failed, by the above Drops. I George Green, of Oving, in the County of Bucks, Yeoman, do hereby freely under my Hand certify, that having been for a long Time violently afflicted with the present raging Distemper, viz. a violent Fever attended with an Ague; and being advised by my Neighbours to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, I sent for one Bottle thereof from Mr. Burnham’s in Ailesbury, which performed a very speedy and miraculous Cure on me, the abovesaid George Green, and by the Permission of God, I have continued very well ever since. Witness my Hand, this 7th Day of October, 1727, George Green. I Henry Croxall, of Kilby, in the County of Leicester, having for this Month past been afflicted with a Fever, and having daily instances of the vast Success and immediate Relief that my Neighbours met with in the like Distemper, by their making use of Dr. Bateman’s Drops only, in need me to make use of the same Medi- cine, (which I bought of Mr. Simon Martin, Bookseller in Leicester} and by taking of one Bottle only was perfectly cur’d. The Truth of this Certificate is attested by me, October 21, 1727. Henry Croxall. F2 [36] Middleton-Stony Nov. 28, 1727. I Elizabeth Williams, of Middleton-Stony, in the County of Oxford, for the Benefit of my Fellow Sufferers, do hereby certify under my Hand, that having been violently afflicted with the Rheumatism, so seven Years last past, in my Arms and Legs, an hav- ing taken many Medicines, to little Purpose, was at last prevail’d upon to take Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold by Mr. Paul Stevens, Grocer in Bicester) two Bottles of which made a perfect Cure of me; since which I have experiene’d it in the Cholick and Stone, (Distempers I am very much troubled with) in both which it had admirable Effects, which I am ready to testify to any that shall desire it. Likewise being lately afflicted with the present raging Distemper, viz. a violent Fever attended with an Ague, I was perfectly cured thereof, by only taking one Bottle of the aforesaid Pectoral Drops, and am at the Writing hereof in a good State of Health, for which I return publick Thanks to the Divine Being, and desire this may be made publick, for a general Good, and as a Means, if possible, to stop the Mouths of such evil and envious Persons, who, on purpose to advance their own Trade, have done all they can to depreciate or lessen the great Virtues of this excellent Medicine. Wit- ness my Hand, Eliz. Williams. I Samuel Townsend, of Frolesworth, in the County of Leicester, having been, for these two Years past, very much trou- bled with a Stoppage and Pain in my Stomach, and Shortness of Breath, so that I was not able to go out of one Room into another, and having such Pains in my Limbs, that I was not able to do any Man- ner of Work; an being swell’d all over to such a Degree, that most of my Neighbours thought I could not recover; and having had the Ad- vice of several Physicians without any Benefit, I was at last advised to take some of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (which I bought of Mr. Caleb Ratten, Bookseller, at his Shop in Lutterworth) and by taking of them, thro’ the Blessing of God, I was very soon restored to my former Health, and am now capable of following my Business as usual. Witness my Hand, Samuel Townsend. William Walker, Blacksmith, of Ravensden, near Bedford, being afflicted in a violent Manner, insomuch that his Life was despair’d of, with the Ague and Fever, for which no Help could be found, ’till he had sent to Mr. Maddy, Grocer in Bedford, for a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops; two Bottles only carried off both Ague and Fever, by which he so suddenly recover’d his former Health and Strength, that it was look’d upon by all that knew his great Weak- ness by his long Illness, as a very miraculous Cure. Some Time after his Wife fell ill of the same Distemper, and was im- mediately relieved and cured by the same Drops. Middleton-Stony, Dec. 10, 1727. I John Molt, of Calcut, in the Parish of Harford- Ponton, and County of Oxford, late residing at Middleton-Stony in the said County, was there violently seiz’d with the present raging Distemper, viz. a Fever attended with an Ague, which by the long Continuance thereof, render’d me so weak, that my Life was despair’d of by my Physician, who told me, that if his last Medicine had not its de- sire’d Effect, I was a dead Man. But at last I was happily advis’d by some [37] some Friends, who had experimentally found Relief under the like Dis- tempers by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops (sold by Mr. Paul Stevens, Grocer in Bicester) to make Trial thereof, which I, to my great Com- fort did; and was by taking only one Bottle, perfectly cured, and am now, (blessed be God) in as good Health as ever I was in my Life. The Truth hereof I am ready to testify to any one, and desire this may be made publick for the Benefit of my Fellow-Sufferers. Witness my Hand, John Molt. I William Chandler of Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, Baker, having for these 16 Weeks last past, been very much troubled with violent Pains in my Side, and other Parts of my Body, to such a violent Degree and Agony, that it threw me into a Fever, which obliged me to keep my Bed almost 14 Weeks; and also having a very great Shortness of Breath at the same time, that my Life was despair- ed of, I took Abundance of Things for my Relief, but to no Purpose, for I could receive no Benefit: At last I was advis’d to send for some of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which I had at Mrs. Burnham’s in Ay- lesbury aforesaid, who sells the said Drops; and in two Days Time I found the greatest Ease imaginable, and could walk about tolerably well. I therefore made use of the Remainder of one Bottle only, which I thank God, has entirely brought me to my former Health. This will be readi- ly attested by several of the Neighbours, and faithfully and freely declar- ed by myself. Witness my Hand, Dec. 16, 1727. William Chandler. I Thomas Bingham,, of Crick, in the County of Nor- thampton, do hereby certify. That my Wife having been a long Time afflicted with the Fever and Cholick, about a Quarter of a Year since, was perfectly cured by two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, bought at John Parker’s in Crick, altho’ I never expected her Life a Day to an End, I desire it to be published for the good of others. MR. Samuel Keens, Farmer of Olney, within 7 Miles of Northampton, being for many Years very constantly and grievously afflicted with the Cholick, from which he could never get reliev’d, altho’ he had try’d all the Advice that could be had to a great Expence, declares. That he look’d upon it as the wonderful Hand of God directing him to make Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, 2 Bottles of which, at one Shilling each, had such Influence over that habituated Distemper in him, that it instantly brought away from him upwards of 29 Stones, most of them as big as Horse-Beans. This be- ing so miraculous and speedy a Cure, he could not but think himself in Duty bound to make a publick Acknowledgment of the great Mercies, he had received thereby. Jan. 4, 1727-8. I Jacob Bothom, of Aston upon Trent, Derbyshire, for the Good of my Fellow-Sufferers, do freely, certify, that I am perfectly cured of an Ague and Fever, by taken only one Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which I bought of Jeremiah Roe in Derby. Witness my Hand, Jacob Bothom. I John [38] Derby, Jan. 10, 1727-8. I John Higginbothom, in the Morledge, Derby, do certify, that in the latter end of November last, being violently af- flicted with the New Fever (which hath raged so much in the Neigh- bourhood) and finding little or no Advantage by Purging, Blistering, &c. I bought a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops of Jeremiah Roe, Bookseller in Derby, which not only perfectly cured me of the Fever, but also removed a violent Cough which attended it, and gave me so much Uneasiness, that I could get but very little Sleep for many Nights together. Witness my Hand, John Higginbothom. I Henry Soare, in the Market-Place, Derby, do de- clare for the Good of my Fellow Christians, that I was, for the Space of three Months, very much afflicted with the Ague and Fever for ten or eleven Hours every Day; I had also a violent Pain at my Sto- mach, and my Legs were so much swelled, so that both in my own Ap- prehension, and that of many others, I was in a very dangerous State of Health; yet, thro’ the Blessing of God, I was perfectly cured by taking two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which I bought of Jer. Roe, in Derby, and which I took every Night, without Intermission, for eight or nine Nights together. Henry Soare. Joseph Blood, in the aforesaid Market-Place, doth also certify, that he was cured of an Ague and Fever by taking of Dr. Bateman’s Pecto- ral Drops, MR. Daniel Field, Wheelwright in St, Albans, was so grieviously afflicted with the Rhematism, that he could not in any wise follow his Business, nor could he get any Relief, from his Pains, 'till he had taken a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops (bought of Anthony Thorp at the Clock-House in St. Albans) which perfectly re- stored him to his former Health and Strength. MRs. Mary Brownfell, of St. Peter's Parish in St. Albans, had lain a long Time in violent Pains in her Limbs, by which miserable Condition she was Day and Night disturb’d of all Rest, and could not get any Ease or Cure for the same, ’till she had taken a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, price one Shilling each Bottle (which she also had of the said Anthony Thorp) which instantly gave her Ease, and soon cured her of all her Pain, and restor’d her to as good State of Health as ever she enjoy’d in her Life. MR. Todd, Taylor of Olney within seven Miles of Northampton, had a Child between three and four Years old, which had the Use of its Limbs entirely taken away, and was so full of Pain, that it would not suffer itself to be stirr’d or so much as touch’d, without crying out in a dreadful manner: It had also a very great Swell- ing in one Side of the Face, insomuch that one Eye was entirely swell’d up, and a sore swell’d Hand. The Parents of the said Child were pre- vail’d upon to try a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which to Admira- tion reliev’d the Child, an in the taking three Bottles all the Pains and Swellings left it, and the Child contrary to every Body’s Expectation, recover’d immediately its Health and Strength. 111. For [39] For the General Good of those who labour under the racking Pains and Torments of the Gout. 111. Whereas I Joanna Stratford, Wife of William Stratford, of Buckingdon-House, in the Parish of Wad- desdon, in the County of Bucks, Grazier, having for several Years last past been in a most violent manner afflicted and tormented with racking Pains of the Cholick, and made Use of Abundance of Medicines and Prescription for my Relief, but could find none, till happily being ad- vised to take some of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, I therefore sent for three or four Bottles of the said Drops from Mr. Burnham’s in Aylesbury, who sells the same, and by taking thereof am Perfectly restored, and am very well in Health. This Certificate is generously attested both by my Husband and myself, for the Publick Good of all my Fellow Sufferers who labour under the like Misfortunes. Witness our Hands, this 2d Day of March, Anno Dom. 1727-8 William Stratford. Joanna Straford. 112. ELizabeth Creswell, of Dotied, near Darby, be- ing very much afflicted with the Rheumatism and hearing of the Success of Bateman’s Drops against that Distemper, she bought a Bottle, which gave her immediate Relief. She is ready to attest this and more to any that please to call upon her. 113. JOhn Lovet, of Findern, near Derby, had se- veral violent Fits of the Ague, and was cured by taken only one Spoonful of Dr. Bateman’s Drops in a Draught of hot Ale, which he took on the 6th of April last, and declares he had not so much as the least Return of any since, and is now as well as ever he was in his Life. 114. I Elizabeth Syzer, of New-Market in the County of Cambridge, do hereby freely under my Hand certifie, that having been long afflicted with the present raging Distemper, viz. a vi- olent Fever, attended with an Ague, for which I could get no help, till being advised to take Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops (sold at Dicey’s Original Wholesale Warehouse in Northampton) by many Friends, some of which had happily experienced thereof in the same Distemper of the Fever, &c. and in taking two or three Bottles, I was perfectly cured, and am at this Present Instant in as good State of Health as ever I was in my Life, for which I thus publickly return God Thanks, and desire this may be published for a General Good at this sickly Time. Wit- ness my Hand, Elizabeth Syzer. 115. DAniel Allen, of Brayfield, near Northampton, had a Child four Years of age, which by illness had for some time lost the Use of her Limbs, so that she could neither stand nor go. The Mother of the said Child gave it but one Dose of Dr. Bateman's Drops going to Bed, and on the next Morning, when the Child was dress’d, she told her Mother that she believed she could stand or walk; with that the Mother ventur’d to try, if she could stand, and, to the Surprize and Astonishment of the whole Family, the Child im- mediately walk’d across the House. 116. April [40] April 24,1728 116. REbecca Hebbert, Daughter of Henry Hebbert, of Morley, near Derby, now in Service at Pindern, near Derby, was extremely ill of an Ague and Fever, which she had for the Space of 14 or 15 Months, and could meet with no Remedy, tho' she try’d a great many, to no Purpose, ’till she took Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, a Spoonful a Night, for 3 Nights together, by which she was completely cured. She took these Drops in December last, and hath had no Return of the Disorder ever since, but has remained in a perfect State of Health. July 10, 1728. 117. Mr. E. Scotney, Grocer on the Market-Hill in Northampton, having lain for a long Time in a dangerous Condition of the Gout, and for between 5 or 6 Weeks could not help himself in the least, but as he was assisted by others, and carry’d from Place to Place, and having, for Relief in the above Distemper, try’d all Means that could be had, without the least Effect, did, at the Inter- cession of some Friends, take a few Doses of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which entirely carry’d, off the Gout, and all Pains attending the same; and altho’ it hath been above 18 Months since, he has not had the Return so much as of one Fit. This he thinks the more remarkable since he used before taking the said Drops, to be frequently afflicted therewith. The Truth of this will not only be attested by himself, but also by several Clergymen and creditable Shopkeepers of the said Town. 118. I Mary Asbury, Wife of Thomas Asbury, of Aylesbury in the County of Bucks, Innholder, having for a long Time last past been greatly afflicted with a very great Pain in my Limbs, attended with a Sort of Fever; and having read of daily In- stances of Cures performed by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, in the Northampton Mercury, induced me immediately to make Trial thereof. I therefore sent for a Bottle of the said Drops from Mrs. Burnham’s in the said Town of Aylesbury, who sells the same, and by taking there- of, am perfectly cured of the said Distemper. The Truth of this Cer- tificate is attested by my Husband and myself, and will readily be attested by any of the Neighbours. Thomas Asbury. Mary Asbury. 119. William Saunders in Birmingham, being trou- bled in a violent Manner with the Ague and Fever, could get no Relief, 'till he had taken (by the Recommen- dation of several Persons who had received Benefit thereby) Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, (publish by Order of the King’s Royal Letters Patents, under the Great Seal of Great Britain) one Bottle of which made a perfect Cure of him. 120. John Dudley of Acres-Green, near Birmingham, I had been afflicted a long Time with a 3d Day Ague and Fever, and was perfectly restored to a good State of Health (after all other Me- dicines had proved unsuccessful) by taking a Bottle or two of the above Dr. Bateman’s Drops. 121. Mr. [41] 121. MR. Thomas Cox, a Baker in Alcester, was cured of the Stone and Gravel, the extreme Pains of which cast him into a violent Fever, by taking only two Bottles. l22. MR. William Clarke, Breeches-maker, in Al- cester, was cured of a Third Day Ague and Fever, by taking two Bottles. 123. 124. 125. MRs. Anderson, Mr. Ralph Steward, Glover and Feltmonger, and Mr. Taft, Boddice-maker, all of Al- cester, were cured of an Ague and Fever. 126. MR. Wilks, a Grazier and Farmer, within a Mile of Alcester, had lost the Use of his Left Arm by a violent Rheumatism, and was perfectly cured in a very short time by taking the said Drops. 127. SAmuel Negus, Woolcomber, in Kimbolton in Huntingdonshire, being brought to a very low and weak Conditi- on, by a long continuance of a Cough and Shortness of Breath, was perfectly cured (after all other Means prov’d unsuccessfully) by taking two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold by William Dicey, at his Original Whole- sale Warehouse in Northampton) this he desired might for a Pubiick Good be made known to the World. 128. THE Widow Launden, of Great-Billing, near Northampton, being afflicted with the Rheumatism, insomuch that she could not help herself to and from Bed for near half a Year, was restored to perfect Health in very short Time, by a few Bottles of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops. 129. WIlliam Eastwell, of Great-Swaffham, in Cam- bridgeshire, had lain a long time under the Pressure of a strong Fever, and could not by any Method used get rid thereof, till making use of the abovesaid Drops he was miraculously cured by only taking three Bottles. 130. MR.Joseph Eysom, of Harthall, in the County of Warwick, was (after all other Means prov’d vain) cured of the Rheumatism by taking three Bottles only. 131. MRS. Eleanor Pougher, of the same Place, being afflicted for many Years with a violent Cholick, was perfectly cured of the same. This she desires may be made known to the World, that they who labour under the like Misfortunes, may readily find Relief. 132. AT Bladen near Abingdon in Berkshire, one James Robins, was perfectly cured of an Ague and Fever, when all other Means prov’d unsuccessfull. 133. AT Foot Bladen near Abingdon, aforesaid, Mr. William Glanvill, was taken so ill with the Rheumatism, that he could find no Ease from any thing he took, and was reduced so F that [42] that he could not stir or move without Help, was cured by taking three Bot- tles of the above Bateman’s Drops. 134. AT March Bladen, near Abingdon, one Mr. Cheney, a young Man, being so afflicted with Rheumatick Pains, that his Body was bowed double, was cured of his Pains and restored to his former Shape and Strength in a very short time. 135. THE Wife of one William Shakespear, a Smith of Pinley Green, three Miles from Warwick; having been afflicted with the Cholick and Fever, to such a Degree, that no one expected her to live, being carried to and from Bed, was by taking two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (which she bought of Mr. Seaton, Shopkeeper in Warwick) restored to a good State of Health, Likewise their Son, who was very ill of a Fever and Plurisy, by taking but half a Bottle of the abovesaid Drops,was perfectly cured. 136. ONE Thomas Hawks, Clerk of Hampton Leweey, four Miles from Warwick, having been very much af- flicted with the Fever and Gravel, and brought so weak thereby, that he was forced to be led about, found, in the taking of some of these excellent Drops, a great deal of Ease and Relief. 137. MR. William Smith, Shoemaker, of Exall, with- in two Miles of Alcester, was cured of the present raging Dis- temper, an Ague and Fever, by taking only three Bottles. 138. A Youth of 12 Years of Age, living at Cotton, within two Miles of Alcester, who was afflicted so violently with the Cholick, Stone and Gravel, that his Life was despaired of, was cured to the Admiration of all that knew him, after all the Doctors who had been ap- ply'd to, had given him over. 139. ELeanor, Wife of William Whalley, of Standish, near Wigan, in Lancashire, having lain extremely ill and lame for Upwards of Half a Year, in such a Manner as she was carried to and from Bed. not having Strength or Power to assist herself in any Ways, being at- tended constantly with a Violent Ague and Fever; and having tryed all the Means that could be had to no Purpose, was at last perfectly restor’d to her for- mer Health and Strength, by taking a small Quantity of Dr. Bateman’s Pec- toral Drops. 140. ALSO James, the Son of the above Eleanor and William Whalley, had long labour’d under an illness, and was swell’d to such a Degree, that his Friends and all that knew his Condition, ex- pected he must very soon have burst; but by the blessing of God (though all other Means had prov’d unsuccessful) he was perfectly cured, to the great Astonishment of all who had seen him in the aforesaid deplorable Condition. 141. AT Prescott in Lancashire, and in that Neigh- bourbood, Abundance of People have been relieved from the Ter- rors of this New, as well as many other Distempers, after all other Endeavours, had proved ineffectual, as any Person may be informed from undeniable Tes- timonies, on Enquiry of Henry Case in Prescott aforesaid. 142. Whereas [43] 142. WHereas I Robert Barrat, Mayor’s Officer of the City of Lincoln, was, on Tuesday the 28th of April, 1729, taken with a violent Fit of the Cholick and Stone, attended with most racking Pains in my side, and finding no Help or Ease from any Thing I took, did, by the Advice of some who had experienced the Great Virtues of Dr. Bateman’s Drops: I sent to Mr. William Wood, Bookseller in Lincoln, for a Bottle thereof, which having taken according to the Directions, the Pains in my Side left me; but being the next Day in a very indifferent State of Health, I took one Spoonful more of the above Drops, and altho' I could not for all the Night and Day before make so much as one Drop of Water, but lay in great Misery and Pain with the Cholick and Stone, yet I was hardly warm in my Bed before I voided 7 Stones, 4 whereof was as big as Pease, and was immediately thereby remov’d from ail my Pains, &c. This I desire may be published to the World for the Good and Benefit of all who labour under the like intolerable Pains. Witness my Hand, Robert Barrat. 143. MR. Thomas Thompson, Shopkeeper in White- haven, having for a long time been afflicted with that torturing Distemper the Gout, and finding no Benefit from the many Me- dicines he had taken for the Cure of it, at last made Trial of a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (which be bought of Mr. Joseph Thompson, Book- seller in Whitehaven) which gave him so much Ease, that he was encouraged to proceed in the Use of this noble Medicine, and accordingly taking two Bot- tles more, he found his Pains entirely removed, and his former State of Health restored to him. 144. THE Wife of Isaac Cook, of Whitehaven, Weaver, having for several Weeks been so grievously afflicted with a Surfeit and Cold, that she could not rest Day nor Night, and brought so low thereby, that her Life was despaired of, was advis'd to take a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, by which she found so much Benefit that she bought a second Bottle, which made a perfect Cure of her. Note, Her Child, (about 2 Years old) who was also afflicted with a violent Cold, was cured by the said Drops. 145. THE Wife of Henry Fox, of St. Bees near Whitehaven, was for several Years afflicted with Rheumatick Pains, and never could find any Ease in all the Medicines she had taken for that Purpose, untill she heard of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (so much cele- brated for the Cure of that grievous Distemper) a Bottle of which she bought of the abovesaid Mr. Joseph Thompson, which entirely remov’d her Pains, and restor’d her to a good State of Health. 146. MArtha, the Wife of John Downing, of South- Windfield, near Mansfield, in Nottinghamshire, being afflicted for near a Year, with a cruel Ague and Fever, from which she could not he relieved, till by taking two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (appointed to be sold in Mansfield only by Mr. John Gibson) the Ague and Fever both left her, and she recovered Health and Strength in a very small Time. This she desires may be made publick for the Good of Mankind. 147. THE Wife of Mr. William Billot, Innholder, at Clipson, near Mansfield, who was afflicted with the Cholick for many Years, and never could get released, was cured by taking two Bottles of these Drops. F2 148. Samuel [44] 148. SAmuel Cave, Servant to the Queen's Secretary, having been very much afflicted with a violent Cold, for which he could find no Relief in the Medicines he had taken by the Advice of several eminent Physicians, at last made Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, two Bottles and a half of which restor’d him to perfect Health, as he himself will testify to any Person who is desirous of being satisfy’d in the Truth hereof. December 24, 1728. 149. SArah, the Wife of William Hudson, Shoemaster of Earls Barton near Northampton, was for a considerable time afflicted with the Rheumatism, and was by extremity of Pain, reduced to such Misery, that for a Fortnight together she could not lye down, being oblig- ed to sit in a Chair all that Time, not being able to stir herself, nor to be stir'd by any; was in the taking but four Bottles, (at so small a Charge is four Shillings) perfectly cured. January 9, 1738-9. 150. ANna-Sophia Redman, Daughter of Henry Red- man, Gent. of Asscot, in the Parish of Wing, near Leighton- Buzzard, in the County of Bedford, having labour’d for many Months under a languishing Fit of Illness, insomuch that she was given over by all her Physicians, &c. as past all Hopes of Relief, was perfectly recovered by taking a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, publish'd by Vir- tue of the King’s Letters Patents under the great Seal of Great Britain, and appointed to he sold from Dicey's Original Wholesale Warehouse in Nor- thampton, by Mr. Lawley, Grocer in Leighton-Buzzard aforesaid. February 4, 1728-9. 151. I Elizabeth Derrick, of Newport-Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, being afflicted with a violent Pain in my Side, and brought by the long continuance thereof, into a deep Consump- tion, and constantly attended with a strong Fever, by which my Life was despaired of by all that new me, and in that Condition was given over, till being advis’d by Mrs. Carter of the same Town, to take a dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoiral Drops, and finding great Ease by the same, I continued taking according to Direction, and to the Admiration of all that knew my Condition, in taking about four Bottles, I was perfectly cured. The Truth of this will be attested by the above Elizabeth Derrick, and all her Neighbours, and altho' this is upwards of a Year since, she never had the least Return of the Fever or Pains. 152. ELizabeth Carter, the Bellman's Wife of the said Town of Newport, lay in a helpless Condition for three Weeks together, and could not by any Method used, get Ease or Relief from the Vi- olent Pains she was tortur’d with, was at length restor’d by the said Drops to a perfect State of Health. February 8, 1728-9. 153. MRS. Mary Austing, living lately in the Parish of Shenly, near St. Albans, but now with an Irish Nobleman on Tower-Hill, London, was taken with the Rheumatism, and lay for half a Year in a very deplorable Condition, and for about 17 Weeks was afflicted with the Ague and Fever, during which time it cost her between 30 and 40l. in Doctors, &c. and could not be reliev’d from this Complication of Distempers, by any thing she took, being given over by her as Physicians as past [45] past all hopes of Cure, some of her Friends bought a Dose of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops (which Medicine had given the greatest Satisfaction in many Cases in that Neigbourhood) and gave her, which almost to a Miracle gave Ease to her Pains, and by repeating the Dose carried off her Ague and Fever, and in a few Bottles taking, she perfectly recovered her former Health. 154. I John Spadding, of Burkby, near Huddersfield, in Yorkshire, having for two Months past been very sorely afflict- ed and brought low with an Ague, Fever and Jaundice, am now perfectly cured and restored to my Health by taking three Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, bought of Mr. Henry Ramsden, Shopkeeper in Rippondon; and be- ing desirous this may be made publick for the Good of my Fellow Creatures, have hereunto set my Hand this 22d Day of March, 1728-9. John Spadding. The Truth of this Cirtificate is attested by us. Josiah Woodcock, Joshua Spadding. Joseph Brearley. 155. I Joseph Whiteley, Shoemaker, near Rippondon, in Yorkshire, being sorely afflicted with an Ague and Fever almost at Deaths Door, and had the Advice of Physicians, and took several Medicines, but to no Purpose; at last was advised to take Dr. Bateman's Drops, which by taking one Bottle, have restor’d me to perfect Health. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand, This 10th Day of April, 1729. Witness. Joseph Whitely Josiah Spalding. 156. I Jeremiah Rieley, a Soyland, in the Parish of Hallifax, in Yorkshire, being most violently afflicted with the Rheumatism, Ague and Fever, and for five Weeks together was carried to and from Bed, not being capable to help myself any Way, at last was advised to take some of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which, by tak- ing a few Bottles, (thro’ the blessing of God) restor’d him to perfect Health The Truth of this Cirtificate I am ready to attest to any who shall require it of me. April 12, 1729. Jeremiah Rieley. 157. I John Scott, of Nash near Stony Stratford, in the County of Bucks, having been afflicted with a violent Fever for three Quarters of a Year, for which I could find no Relief, not- withstanding I had been at great Expenses in the taking of many Medicines prescribed for the Recovery of my Health; and having also labour’d under the racking Pain of the Colick, and swell’d Legs, was thro’ the Blessing of God, in taking a few Bottles of Dr Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, perfectly cured of all these Distempers, and restor’d to such a good State of Health, that I am able to follow my Business as well as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand. April 14, 1729. John Scott. 158. MRS. Anne Baden, near Mortlock-Bath in Mort- lock Wood, being for upwards of twenty Years troubled violent- ly with the Wind Colick, and having spent many Pounds on the ablest Doctors from Ashbouro, Backwell, Winster, and several other Places without the least success and at last was reduced to suffer such violent Racks and [46] and Torments, that both herself and many Neighbours who have been Eye- Witnesses of the miserable Pains she underwent, despair’d of her Life, till happily hearing of the great Character of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold by Mr. William Balme of Bonsall, she made Trial of the same, which instantly removed all her Pains, and recovered her Health so much, that she was able to walk on Foot to the Neighbouring Market; and to compleat her Husband’s Business at Home, neither of which she had been able to do for a long time, and notwithstanding she has left off taking the said Drops for three Quarters of a Year, she still remains in a good State of Health. May 10, 1729. 159. MRS. Mary Low, of Matlock-Wood, being af- flicted with the Wind Cholick attended with the Rheumatism and violent Pains at her Heart and Head, a hot burning Fever and Ague, and at the same time extreamly ill of the Yellow Jaundice, insomuch that not only the Balls and Whites of her Eyes, but all over her Body, her Skin was as Yellow as Saffron, with a Complication of Distempers which utterly overturn’d all the Means apply’d to; by which she lost all Sleep and Rest, nor had the least Ease Day or Night for upwards of three Quarters of a Year; when utterly despairing of help in this World, she was fortunately advised to try Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and on taking the first Dose had a great deal of Ease from her Pains, and got a very sound and good Sleep, which encouraged her to go on with the Drops, and in taking eight or nine Bottles was perfectly cured, and a Swelling which in her illness had settled on the Side of her Belly as large as a Child’s Head, and in a Manner as hard as a Stone, was utterly carried off, which wonderful and miraculous Cure she begs, after Thanks to God, may be made publick for the good of her Fellow suffering Christians. This also she desires to be incerted; that altho’ it is now upwards of a Year since the said Cure was effected, she has not had the least Symptom of any of the Diseases or Pains which she was then afflicted with. May 24, 1729. 160. MRS. Anne Wheldon, Milliner, of Bakewell, having the Use of her Limbs taken from her, by violent and long continued Rheumatick Pains, not being able to stir Hand nor Foot, and could not procure any Help or Ease for the same, till being recom- mended to take Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, the first Dose of which, [to the Surprize and Admiration of all that knew the Condition she had so long labour’d under] remov’d her Pains so far, and gave her the Use of her Limbs so much, that she was the next Morning able by the help of one Person to walk a cross her Room, tho’ for upwards of Nine Months before, she was carried to and from Bed by three Persons, and in continuing taking a few Bottles, was perfectly cured, and has not had the least Symptom of any Pains, but what has immediately been remov’d by one Dose of these Drops, altho’ it is two Years since the Cure was effected. Bonsall, June 16, 1729. 161. I William Marple, of Bonsall near Darby, being afflicted with the Rheumatism, and thereby was exceeding lame in one of my Arms, and was often oppress'd with Pains, by a Stop- age in my Water, occasion’d by the Stone and Gravel, was perfectly reliv’d therefrom, when all other attempts had porv'd of no effect, by taking a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, which I bought of Mr. William Balme of Bonsall aforesaid. 162. Mr. [47] 162. MR. Ralph Kinder, of Bonsall, being troubled and afflicted with the Rheumatism and other most violent Pains, in such a Manner that he had utterly lost the Use of his Limbs, and was obilg’d to be carried to and from Bed for nine Weeks together, his Friends and Neighbours expecting every Moment he would Expire, was perfectly recover- ed to a good State of Health, by taking but two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold by Mr. William Balme of Bonsall.) Also a Daughter of the said Mr. Ralph Kinder, was cured of the Chin Cough by taking a small Dose of the same. 163. RIchard Lee, of Idle, was so violently tor- mented with Rheumatick Pains, that he, and all that knew his Condition, despair’d of his Life, was perfectly cured in taking six Bottles of these Drops, bought of Mr. Balme of Bonsall, aforesaid, after all other at- tempts for help, had prov'd vain. 164. MArtha Calton, Wife of William Calton, of Darly in Derbyshire, was afflicted with a violent Fever and Ague for four Months, which baffled all the Attempts of several Phy- sicians made use of for her Recovery, and was at last advised to make Trial of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, sold for one Shilling the Bottle, by Mr Wm. Balme aforesaid, and by only taking two or three Bottles of the said Drops, was perfectly recover’d, altho’ before she took them she was given over for a Woman past Recovery. 165. ALso the Son of the above Martha Calton, be- ing tormented in a grievous Manner for six Months, with the same Distemper, for whom no help could be had, was perfectly cured by a small Quantity of the said Drops, and carried off a large Lump or Swelling which had settled in his Side during his illness, as big as a Man’s Head. These Cures being so extraordinary and sudden, both herself and Husband, thought it their Duty both to God and Man, to attest the same, that poor miserable Sufferers in the like Cases, may find Redress under the like Af- flictions. 166. Anthony Fere, of the abovesaid Town of Darley, was cured of a Strong Fever and Ague by these Drops when no other Medicine had any Effect on him. 167. Mr. John Cooper, a Barber, of Ashford in the Water, was also cured of the Rheumatism and other violent Pains by which he had perfectly lost the use of his Limbs, so that be could neither stir Hand nor Foot, by taking only three Bottles, and altho’ it be nine Months since the Cure was effected, hs has not the least Symptom of the Distemper since. 168. Mr. Joseph Wragg, of Matlock, declares and desires it may be made publick, that he has, and still doth receive more Relief, in several Cases which he is afflicted with, by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, than he can find from any Medicines that ever he had taken. 169. Mr. [48] 169. MR.Thomas Staley, of Elton, in Derby- shire, was cured, by taking two Bottles, of a most violent and long standing Asthma, which had reduc’d him so weak, that he was not able to walk from the Fire-side to his Bed without Help. 170. I John Giles, at the White-Horse in Aylesbury, do, for a General Good of Mankind, (who shall suffer under the like Misfortune) publickly and freely of my own Accord declare, That I have for a long time, been violently afflicted with the Bloody-Flux, which brought me into such a weak Condition, that I was almost incapaciated to support myself on my Legs, and spit nothing but Blood for several Weeks together, and had try’d several Remedies for my Relief, but to no purpose; 'till being in Company, where they were talking of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops (first publish’d and sold by Virtue of the King’s Royal Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, by William Dicey at his Wholesale Ware- house in Northampton) being a very noted Remedy in this and many other Cases I therefore sent immediately to Mrs. Burnham’s, in the said Town of Aylesbury, for a Bottle of the said Drops, and, by taking that Bottle only, I was, in less than a Week, almost restored to my former Strength, and am now perfectly restored, and am able to go about my Affairs again as well as ever. The Truth of this I am ready to testify to any Person whatsoever. Aylesbury, July 7, 1729. John Giles. Hallifax, Agust 14, 1729. 171. WHereas I James Waddington, of Ovenden, near Hallifax, in the County of York, was afflicted in a most torturing and racking Manner with the Rheumatism, and had try’d many things which by advise were prescrib’d, I could find no Ease from my Pains, till I was directed to make use of a Medicine call’d Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, one Bottle whereof, which cost only one Shilling, and contained three Doses, immediately gave me Ease from my Pains, This wonderful Cure be- ing so soon effected, and at so small an Expence, in Gratitude binds me for the Good of the Publick, and Service of the poor afflicted in General, thus Publickly to attest the same. James Waddington. 172. ANNE the Wife of Mr. Joshua Green, of Heck- mondwick, in the Parish of Burstall, near Hallifax, in the Coun- ty of York, having lain long under the Pressure of a violent Fe- ver and Ague, and could find no Relief, till she made Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and by taking one Bottle, at three several times, was per- fectly cured and restored to a better State of Health than could reasonably be expected from a Person of her Age, (being upwards of 70 Years of Age) This Cheap, this Speedy, and safe Cure, after all other Attempts had prov’d ineffectual, is the Cause of my thus (after given God the Glory) making the same Publick, that all those who under Misfortunes of the like Nature [especially the Poor] may know how [with the Blessing of God] to find the like Relief. Joshua Green. 173. MR. Nicholas Mounton, Gardiner, of Colling- ham, near Wetherby, in the County of York, being much af- flicted with the Rheumatism, and by long and continual Pains, weaken’d and reduced past all help in himself, and having taken proper Advice at a great Expence [49] Expence and Patience, without the least Advantage or Ease, was at length happily advis’d to make Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which had gain’d by its wonderful Success, great Reputation in these Parts, and finding much Ease by the first Dose he took, continu’d (according to the Printed Directions) taking to the Quantity of Three Bottles, which cost 3s. and was thereby perfectly restor'd to his former Health; and altho’ it be upwards of 12 Months since this Cure was effected, he has not bad the least Symptom of his illness. 174. A Son of Mr. James Powel, of Bramham, near Wetherby, in the County of York, being grievously torment- ed with the Stone and Gravel; insomuch that his Life was in Danger, and notwithstanding all proper Means had been apply’d, could have no Ease, till by taking of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (so often mentioned in this, and all other Printed Papers in the Neighbouring Counties) he had immediate Ease from all his Pains, and at any time on the least like Afflicti- on, he was presently reliev’d by the above Drops. 175. MR. Joseph Slide, Carpenter, in St. Albans, was taken with a strong Fever, which he could not by any Help he had try’d, remove; but by taking two Bottles of the above Drops, [which he bought of Mr. Anthony Thorp at the Clock-House in St. Albans] he was very suddenly restored to his former State of Health. 176. RIchard Chater, Butcher, in Olney, was very much afflicted with the Rheumatism, and had taken many Me- dicines for the same, but they all prov’d ineffectual, till by the Advice of his Brother John Cater of Brayfield, within three Miles of Northampton, who had in the like Case found the greatest Help and Cure by the above Drops [when all other Means prov’d vain] he took a Dose of the abovesaid Drops, which immediately eased him of all his Pains, and in the taking of only two Bottles he was perfectly cured, to the Astonishment of all that knew the Con- dition he was in. 177. RIchard and Mary Clare, of Emmerton, near Olney, aforesaid, Lace-buyers, were grievously afflicted with an Ague and Fever, and were perfectly cured by Dr. Bateman’s Drops Mrs. Mary Clare was also violently troubled with the Rheumatism, and found that Ease and Relief that she never before could by any other Means come at. 178. NAthaniel Brown, of the Town of Northamp- ton declares, That he was reduced to the last Degree of Weak- ness by the long Continuance of a Fever and Looseness, constantly attended by a violent Pain in the Small of his Back, and with racking Torments of the Gripes; and being prevail'd on [by several Neighbours, who had received Be- nefit in many the like Cases] to take Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, he ac- cordingly did, and receiv’d a perfect and speedy Cure at the Expence of a few Shillings, which he could not before obtain in a long and tedious Course of Physick, at the Expence of some Pounds. 179. MR. John Steele, Officer of Excise, writes Word, That being very often afflicted with the Gout and extream Pains, he could get no Ease from them, but by a Dose or two of Dr. Bateman’s Drops; and that several Times finding the G Gout [50] Gout coming on him, he has taken a Dose of the said Drops, which has con- stantly prevented the Fit’s coming. 180. THomas Wayman, Salesman, in Cambridge, having for several Years last past been afflicted with deep Drop- sical Humours, and probably a Complication of Distempers, insomuch that my Legs have been at various Times swell’d, so as to disable me from my Business; and having try’d many Medicines ineffectually, at length heard of the celebrated and incomparable Medicine call’d Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and accordingly took the same, by which I found Abundance of real Benefit and still at times have recourse thereto, whereby, I verily believe, thro’ the Blessing of God, I am now in a good State of Health and Constitution of Body. N. B. I have various Stones of different Sizes and Shapes, which came from me after the most racking Pains, upon taking this valuable Medicine; and this I desire may be made publick for the General Benefit of Mankind. Witness my Hand, Thomas Wayman. 181. I Thomas Whitworth, of Hinkley, in the Coun- ty of Leicester, having been sorely afflicted with the Gout, so that I could not go without Crutches, was at Mr. William Law- son’s at the Ram in the said Town, who advised me to take a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which I did, and the first Dose gave me so good Encouragement, that I took a few Doses more, which perfectly cured me. This I desire may be publish’d for the Benefit of others, who labour under the same Affliction. Hinkley, July 8, 1729. Thomas Whitworth. Cottingham, near Hull, Sept. 2, 1729. 182. I Thomas Featherston, by taking two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, was cured of a violent Ague and Fever, and several of my Neighbours by the same Drops, and so effectu- ally, as to have no Returns thereof. 183. I Jane, Widow of John Storm, late Parish-Clerk of the same Town, was recovered of a violent Ague, and great inward Pains, by one Bottle given me by the Minister. 184. I Edward Charlton, of Kingston upon Hull Cut- ler, had an Ague and Fever above four Months, and my Wife a sore Breast, so painful as to throw her into Convulsions and a high Fe- ver; her Pain was eased, and the Fever abated, by taking one Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, nay, her Breast was cured without farther Help, and my Ague and Fever quite taken off in a very short time by the above Drops. 185. I Robert Ernshaw, of Kingston upon Hull, was so weakened by an Ague and Cough, as to be thought by all in a deep Consumption, and my Death daily expected; but by taking a few of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, [given me by the Minister] my strength was restored, and I was perfectly cured, And a Child of mine, who had also an Ague was cured thereby. Kettering [51] Kettering, in the County of Northampton. October 11, 1729. 186. I John Pinder, do hereby Testify, that my Son John Pinder, being afflicted with a violent Consumption, and there- by brought so low and weak as not to be able to go or stand, for 3 Quarters of a Year; and was given over and assured to be past all Hopes of Recovery by Doctors and others apply’d to for my Relief; Mr. William Mawley of the said Town of Kettering hearing the Child was given over for Death, advis’d me to give him one Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which being done, and Benefit found thereby, we continu’d giving the same for some small time, which perfectly brought the Child to his Health and Strength. The Effect of this great Cure being so sudden, and the Remedy so cheap, We the underwritten Persons, being Witness thereto, have hereunto for a general and publick Good set our Hands, this 1lth Day of October, 1729. George Makeham, Church Warden. Overseers Lewis Clark, Wiliiam Mawley, William Faines, Benjamin Perins. Sarah Mawley, Sara Perkins, Mary Hackney, Mary Barker. Birmingham, Nov. 18, 1729 187. MR.John Hart, of Walkers Heath, in the Parish of King's-Norton, [near Birmingham] in the County of Worcester, being afflicted for a long time with a violent Ague and Fever, for which he could get no Relief, was perfectly cured by one Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops. 188. MR. Thomas Magnus, of King's-Norton aforesaid, was cured of the same Distemper by taking two Bottles only. 189. MR. Joseph Pretty, of the same Place was re- stored to perfect Health from a long and languishing Illness, attended with a continual Fever; which had baffled all other Means apply’d to, by a very small Quantity of these Drops. 190. George Hadley, of Yardley, near Birmingham, have been for many Years afflicted with most violent and rack- ing Fits of the Stone, &c. and in a more particular Manner my last Fits were so outragious, that I concluded I must have expired under the Agonies thereof, not receiving any Relief from the many Things (from the regularest Advice) I had taken; but was at length prevailed on to take a Medicine, call’d, Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold, for one Shilling the Bottle; and in a small Time after taking the first Dose, a Stone the Bigness of a Kidney-Bean came from me; and some time after in taking another Dose, a Stone near the same Bigness came away, which gave me perfect Ease, and reliev’d me in so miraculous a Manner, that for a General Good to Mankind under the like Afflictions; I desire this, may be made publick. C 191. In [52] In Nov. 1729, the two following Testimones were sent by Mr. Fielding, a Person of worth and credit, from Colne, in Hertfordshire, at the request of the Persons whose Names they bear; as an acknowledgment of the great success which attended them in taking Dr. Bate- man’s Drops after all other attempts for Relief had prov’d unsuccessfull. 191. I Robert Smith of Colne, in the County of Hert- ford, having taken a violent Cold, which brought on me a dangerous Fever, at the same time having also an Ague, and most greviously tormented with the Rheumatism could find no relief, untill I was happily advised to take a Spoonfull of Dr. Bateman’s Pec- toral Drops, which gave me much Ease, and in taking but three Bottles I was perfectly freed of my Cold, Ague and Rheumatism. This I de- sire for a Publick Good and a grateful acknowledgment may be made known, that such, whose Abilities will not allow much time and expence among Physicians and Apothecaries, may not languish without help. Robert Smith. 192. JOnathan Robinson, of Fouldridge near Colne abovesaid, having languish’d long under a Rheumatism, at- tended with the Jaundice and other complicated diseases, and his Life in eminent Danger, was freed in a small time by the said Drops, which he desires also may be publickly declared, with hopes that others afflicted in the like dangerous Cases may find so cheap and sudden a Cure as he had done, when thought past all help. Jonathan Robinson. 193. A Gentleman in Birmingham, who had been ill of an Ague an Fever for six Months, and had, in Order for Relief, taken all the Advice that could be had, to no Effects was at length prevail’d on to take a few Doses of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which perfectly restor’d him to his former Health and Strength. 194. MR. John Leonard, of Wednesbury, in the County of Stafford, who had been long afflicted with the Stone and Gravel, was relieved and Cured from most vio- lent and racking Pains, and by taking one Bottle, voided seven large Stones. 195. THomas Reeves of West Bromwich, in the County of Stafford, cured of an Ague and Intermitting Fever, In a very short Time, by these Drops only. 196. JOhn Barnet of Brisnelfeld, in the Parish of Hales Owen, and County of Salop, cur’d of an Ague by one Bottle of the aforesaid Drops. 197. Thomas Underhill of the same Place, cur’d of a violent Fever and Ague, being so full of Pains that he could have [53] have little or no Rest, by taking a few Doses of these Drops, which gave him Ease in a few Hours. 198. ELizabeth Underhill of the same Place, cur’d of the same Disorder, by taking one Bottle. The following is a Testimony of a Cure perform'd by the said Drops, after all other Helps (tho’ to a very great Expence) had proved vain. JOhn Holloway, Son of John Holloway, Miller, of Charlington, within two Miles of Chippingnorton, in the County of Ox- ford, was long troubled with the Rheumatism and violent Pains in his Sto- mach, and reduced to so weak a Condition, that he could neither stand nor go; and altho’ his Friends had been at very large Expences for Relief, yet he could never have any Ease of his Pains nor Help from his Lameness, but being at length advised by some who had experienced the many Virtues of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, to make tryal thereof, which he accordingly did, and in a very small Time recover’d both Health and Strength in taking about five Bottles, which cost only 5s. which Bottles were bought of Mr. Hugh Howard in Chippingnorton aforesaid. 200. I Thomas Reed, Senior, Gent. of Yarme, in the County of York, being for many Years under a Complicati- on of Distempers and an ill habit of Body, constantly attend- ed either with the Gout, Rheumatism, Stone, or Gravel; by which I underwent most dismal Racking Pains almost to the dispair of my Life, and could not go without Crutches for a long Time, for Remedy of which I consulted the ablest Physicians to a very great Expence, but no Relief, at length Mr. Gabriel Hughs of this Town advised, me to take a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, [sold by Virtue of a Royal Grant un- der the Great Seal of Great Britain] which having done, my Pains soon fled and I could walk even without a Stick, and am [Blessed be God] as well as most Men of my Years. I have since recommended these Drops in many Cases to several of my Neighbours, who have frequently and publicity acknowledg’d the Good they have receiv’d by them. Yarme, March 28, 1730. Thomas Reed. July 1, 1730. 201. MRs. Sarah, Wife of Mr. John Ryland, of Mortin-Morrell, near Stratford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, had been afflicted for a long Time with an Ague and Fever, attend- ed with continual and violent Pains, and thereby brought (notwithstanding all the Advice and Help she could possibly get) into so weak a Condition, that her Life was despaired of; but being recommended to make Use of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, (one Bottle of which was immediately sent for to Mr. John Millward, of Stamford aforesaid) and after taking the first Dose, found Abundance of Ease, and in continuing to take a few Bottles, all her Pains left her, the Fits of her Ague and Fever diminish’d every Day, and in a small Time she recover'd her former Health, to the great Surprize of all that knew her Condition. This great and sudden Cure effected, after the Bark, and many other Things, by the Advice of the ablest Physicians, had failed, will be attested by the most credible Inhabitants in that Neighbourhood, and is, at their Request, desir’d to be publish’d for the Good of all who suffer under the like Conditions. July, [54] July 1, 1730. ANNE the Wife of Henry Hawkins, at the Queen’s- Head in Bicester, in the County of Oxford, having try’d several able Physicians and Apothecaries, to the Expence of many Pounds, for Cure of a violent Surfeit which she had taken, attended with very great and trouble- some Humours, &c. by which she could get very little or no Rest for a long time, and was reduced so weak and feeble as to be in a manner reduced helpless; but at length being advised by a neighbouring Gentleman (who had prescribed Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops with Success to many of his Neighoours and Acquaintance) to take a Dose or two thereof, which she accordingly complyed with, and sent immediately to Mr. Paul Stevens, Grocer in Bicester aforesaid, (who is the only Person appointed, by Virtue of the King’s Royal Grant, to sell the above Drops in the said Town) for a Bottle, which cost but one Shilling, and by the Time she had taken only two Bottles, she was perfectly restor’d to her Strength and Health. July 31, 1730. 203. I George Chrissop, Farmer, of Yarme in the County of York, having for a long Time been troubled with a violent Fever and Ague, and reduced to so weak a Condition, that I was not able to help myself, or walk cross a Room, without the greatest difficulty, at length a Neighbour of mine who had found a satisfactory Cure in the like Distemper after great Expence and the best Advice had been baffled, prevail’d on me to make a Tryal of a Medicine call’d Doctor Bateman’s Pectoral Drops; on whose request immediately sent for one Bottle of the said Drops, the first Dose of which gave Ease, and in taking about 4 Bottles which cost me but 4s. I was restor’d to my former Health. This I think my Duty to make Publick, that any whose Misfortune it is to labour under such a languishing Condition may find a Cheap, Easy, and Speedy Cure. I ANNE, the Wife of William Waters, of Church- Brampton, near Northampton, having been long troubled with a violent Pain in my Limbs, so as to be incapacitated of following any Business, and having try’d all the Advice that I could possibly get, to a great Expence, and to no Purpose, was recommended to try Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and [I thank GodJ that in the taking of about three bottles, which cost only three Shillings, I was perfectly restored to my former Health. Witness my Hand. Anne Waters. ELizabeth Walding, Widow, of Sibertost, in the County of Northampton, within two Miles of Wellford, and three of Market Harborough, being troubled with an Ague and Fever about a Year and a Half, and having all the Advice that possibly could be had from the Doctors and Apothecaries in those Parts, and by taking the Bark and all other Pre- scriptions in the most regular Manner, could find no Help or Ease, but was re- duced so low and weak as to be obliged to keep her Bed, and at length was given ever by them as past all Hopes of living, declaring that she was in the deepest Consumption, and that nothing more could be done for her: Being thus abandon’d, left and given up for the Grave by her Physicians, her Daugh- ter was advised by a Neighbour, whilst Life remain’d, not to neglect using means of Preservation, and desir’d her to use a Medicine call'd, Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (which they in many the like and other Cases had found very successful) accordingly sending to Mr. William Brown, Shopkeeper in Well- ford. [55] ford, [who tells the same] for one Bottle, [which cost but one Shilling] and the same being taken according to the Directions given therewith, immediate Ease was found, and by the same Bottle she was perfectly cured, and in a Week’s Time she was enabled and did walk to Wellford, which is two long Miles, to the said Mr. Brown's, to importune and desire that this might be made publick for a General Good. June 7, 1731. 206. THomas Thompson, of Crook-Moor near Shef- field, was afflicted with the Rheumatism, so that he could not walk without the Assistance of two Persons, was cured by taking one Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops. 207. A Young Woman, Daughter to Mrs. Humble- ton, at the Royal Oak in Sheffield, was afflicted with the Rheu- matism to that Degree, that she had lost the Use of her Limbs, and was obliged to keep her Bed; at last she was advised to make Tryal of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which at the first Dose gave her Ease, and by taking two or three Bottles, (which she had at John Haxby’s, Bookseller in Sheffield aforesaid) the Pain was removed, and she restored to her former Health and Strength. 208. JOHN LOW, Lancet and Flegm-maker in Sheffield, being afflicted in a violent Manner with Rheumatick Pains, insomuch that he cou'd not follow his Trade, neither dress nor undress himself, was advised by a Neighbour to try Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which he agreed to, so the said Neighbour fetched a Bottle from John Maxby’s aforesaid, and gave him a Dose; the next Morning the Neighbour went to see how he did, and, to his great Surprize, found him dressing him- self, which he had not done for several Months before; so by continuing to take it a while, his Pains left him, and he was restored to his former Health, and made capable of following his Trade as well as before his Afflictions at- ended him. 209. A Son of George Wright, of Rawmarsh, near Rotheram, about 14 Years old, was afflicted with the Ague and Fever for upwards of two Years, and sometimes was seized in such a vi- olent Manner, that after the Fit was over he seemed stupid and foolish, to his Parents great Affliction, who had tryed several Means, but all proved ineffectual; at last they bought a Bottle of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops of John Haxby of Sheffield before-mention’d, which, with the Blessing of God, cured him of his Ague and Fever in a very short Time, to the great Comfort of his Parents, and the Admiration and Astonishment of all that knew him, and likewise the Disorder that was in his Head was thereby enti- rely removed. 210. A Young Gentleman, about 20 Years of Age, Son to Mr, Nicholas Stead in the Parish of Bradfield near Sheffield, having got a Surfeit, which brought on several Disorder to that Degree, that he bad lost the Use of his Limbs, so that he could not stand without one or more Persons to suppott him; and after they had try’d a Multiplicity of Medicines to a very great Expence, without the least Success, he was advised to send to the afore mention'd Mr. Haxby for a Bottle of Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drop, and after he had taken two Doses, he was able to walk, over the Room without Help, and by continuing to take them a little while, he was perfectly cured without the Help of any other Medicine, to the great Astonishment of all that knew him. 211. I Tho- [56] 211. I Tho. Hodgson, Clock-maker, of Yarme is in Yorkshire, having for a long Time been violently afflicted with the Stone and Gravel, and having taken several Medicines to no Effect or Ease therefrom, do hereby certify, for the Good of the Publick, and in Justice to Dr. Bateman’s Drops, That by taking of one Bottle, (which I bought of Mr. Gabriel Hughes, Shopkeeper in this Town, at so small a Charge as One Shilling) I found present Ease, by voiding several Stones near as big as Kid- ney Beans, and am now perfectly free from all Pains. As witness my Hand, this 16th Day of February, 1729-30. The Truth of this will be attested by abundance of People of undoubted Re- putation in this Town, 212. IN Commiseration to such as labour under the the like Afflictions, I Janet, the Wife of Peter Wilson of New- Hutton in the Parish of Kendale and County of Westmoreland, Yeoman, do hereby certify and declare, That for the Space of 15 Years last past I have been grievously afflicted and tormented with the racking Pains of the Rheumatism, with wand'ring Pains all over my Body to such a Degree as ren- dered me at many times altogether incapable of helping myself, having the Use of my Limbs quite taken from me, and being confined to my Bed. ln searching for some Cure or Mitigation to this Malady. I have put my Husband to considerable Expence, by consulting the most able Physicians we could hear of, but without any Relief, 'till I was (happily for me) advised to take Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, sold by Mr. Robert Wharton. Joyner in Kendale, at so small an Expence as 3s. for 3 Bottles of the said Drops, which, thro' God’s Mercy, have restored me to the Enjoyment of a better State of Health than I have had for many Years. To the Truth whereof I do freely subscribe my Name this 9th Day of March, 1729-30. Test' Peter Wilson, Husband of the said Janet. Janet Wilson. Alesbury, July 28, 1731. 213. Whereas within these few Months past no lest than nine several Certificates of very surprising Cures have in this Neighbourhood been perform’d by Dr. Bateman’s Pec- toral Drops, in the Rheumatism, Stone, Gravel, Cholick, Agues and Fevers, &c., and generously sent to Mr. John Patten Burnham of this Town, by Per- sons of extraordinary Repute and Worth both in the said Town of Aylesbury and the adjacent Villages, ernestly requesting the same might be publish'd to the World for a General and publick Good to the Afflicted; and in order that all Persons may be fully satisfy’d with the Truth of this Advertisement, they have respectively sign’d with their own Hands each Testimony, and left the same with the above Mr. Burnham, to be seen by any person who shall please to call at his Shop in this Town, and who has a Grant from the Patentee and Part- ners concerned in the said Medicine to sell the same, at one Shilling the Bottle, containing three Doses. 2l4. MRs. Collins, Wife of Mr. William Collins, of Wellford in the County of Northampton, being for a considerable Time afflicted with most grievous Pains in all Parts of her Body, attended with a continual Fever, from whence she could not be freed, at length hearing of the Character of Dr. Bateman's Drops in the like Cases, she sent to Mr. William Brown, Shopkeeper in Wellford aforesaid, for one Bottle, which cost only one Shilling, and taking a Dose according to the Directions, [57] Directions,she found immediate Ease; and in taking two Doses more of the same Bottle the two following Nights was perfectly cured. JAmes Tull, Servant to Capt. Wotton, of Little-Can- con, near St. Alban’s, in Hettfordshhire, being grievously afflicted with the Rheumatism, attended constantly with an Ague and Fever, was cured by tak- ing a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which he bought of Antho- ny Thorpe, under the Clock-House in St. Albans; who is empower’d by the Patentee and Partners to sell the same. Note, That abundance of other Persons have been cured of several Distem- pers, when they could find no Ease or Relief from the many and repeated Me- dicines which they’d taken; the Truth of which any Person may be satisfied by applying to the said Anthony Thorp. March 6, 1731-2. 216. I Bridget Coleshill, Widow, of Aylesbury in the County of Bucks, having been long Afflicted, with an Ague and Fe- ver, and trying Abundance of Prescriptions, could find no Relief; was at length advised to take a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which had been very much approv’d and experienc’d in the like Cases in this Country, and were sold at Mr. Burnham’s and Mr. Dagnell’s in Aylesbury aforesaid; which said Medicine soon had its desired effect, and restored me to my former Health and Strength. The Truth of this will not only be attested by myself, but by many of my Neighbours. Bridget Coleshill. 217. A Son of Mr. Francis Saunders, of Swaffham- Prior, in the County of Cambridge, being taken ill of the Small Pox, which could not by any Means be forced out, and after having lain four Days with grievous Pains in his Limbs, Back and Head, the Father Was directed (by a Person who had known Relief given in the like Case) to give the Child a small Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, [sold only in that Town by Mr. William Eastwell. who will direct any Enquires to many creditable and reputable Families in that Neighbourhood, who have been cur- ed of divers Distempers by the said Medicine] which, to Admiration, imme- diately eased the Child of all his Pains, and in Half an Hour brought out the Small Pox very kind and plump, and the Child, contrary to the Expectation and Declaration of the Persons concern’d before the Drops were given, reco- vered. This the Father of the said Child, in a generous kindness and Love for the Poor, desir’d might be made publick. Francis Saunders. 218. JOseph Alsop of Alvaston, near Derby, declares, that being some time ago very much afflicted with the Rheu- matism, and hearing of the great Success of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops against that Distemper, he bought a Bottle of Jeremiah Roe, Bookseller in Derby; which gave him a great deal of Ease the very first Night, and thro’ the Blessing of God was set free from his Disorder by taking two more Bottles. Witness my Hand, Derby, April 21, 1732. Joseph Alsop. 219. JOnas Silvester of Mansfield, in the County of Nottingham, being taken with a violent Ague and Fever which, notwithstanding all the Perscriptions that could be thought on H could [58] could no ways get rid of the same, but it continued every Day worse than other, untill it had brought him so low and weak as not to be able to walk cross the Room, when being recommended to take a few Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Drops (publish’d by Virtue of the King’s Royal Letters Patents, and sold only in this Town by Mr. John Gibson) he was by taking of three Bottles, which cost but 3s. imme- diately releas’d to a perfect State of Health. Many of the like and more surprising Cures in these and divers other disorders in the Body (when all other attempts before have prov’d in- successful) have been effected by these wonderful Drops; which for the Satisfaction of all those that are Curious, may be enquired in of the above Mr. John Gibson of Mansfield. June 14, 1732. In Compassion to such as are (or may hereafter be) afflicted with the Rhenmatism. 220. HAnnah Knowles, of Weekley, in the County of Northampton, desires this publick Notice may be given that she having try'd by Advice Abundance of prescrib’d Remedies, but could not be any ways eas’d in carrying off (or relieving her from) a vi- olent Fit of the Rheumatism, with which she had a long time been af- flicted, and thereby render’d past all business, and not able to help herself to and from Bed. Whereupon she procured two Bottles of Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, which instantly gave her Ease, and intirely freed her from all Pains, whereby she recover’d a perfect State of Health. For the Good of the Publick. 221. MR. John Phillips, and his Wife of Great Cro- aton, near Alcester,in the County of Warwick, do here- by declare, that having been afflicted with Rheumatick Pains, so as not to be able to do any manner of Business, could never be reliev’d there- from; ’till, by the Advice of some Neighbours (who had experienc’d Relief in the like Cases) they made Use of a Medicine call’d, Dr. Bate- man’s Pectoral Drops, which they bought of Mr. E. Cooke, Bookseller, in Stratford upon Avon; and on taking a few Bottles, their Pains entire- ly and suddenly left them, to the Astonishment of many that knew their Case. 222. I John Scott, Wine-Coooper, in Cambridge, having been many Years last past, terribly afflicted with the Gout, Stone, and Gravel, insomuch that I can’t say I have been free from the beginning of the Year to the end thereof, with fre- quent Returns of violent Pains, &c. so as to make me keep my Bed, and incapacitate me for Business, and was forc’d, at the best, to be carry’d about in a Chair: Having some Years ago heard of the incomparable Medicine, call’d Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, having had many Dozens thereof from my Friend and Neighbour, Dalby Mart, Gold- smith; and in the most violent Pains have found and do find more Ease from that Excellent Medicine, than from any Thing that e'er I took, tho’ I have try’d many Things, to a very great Expence. N. B. I have by me many Gravel Stones, and some of them very large. that this valuable Medicine has, by the Blessing of God, been a Means of bringing away from me. The above-written I desire may be made publick, for the Ease and Benefit of others who may be afficted as myself. John Scott. [59] November 3, 1733. For the Benefit of such as labour under the like Afflictions 223 I Anne, Wife of William Clarke, of Swinford, in the County of Leicester, do hereby declare, that having long lain in miserable Pain and Torture, and reduced so weak there- by (notwithstanding I had the best Advice in our Neighbourhood) that I could no Ways help myself, but was obliged to be carry’d to and from Bed, in which Condition I lay, when I was advised to (finding no Help by all the Perscriptions I had taken) to make Trial of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, publish’d by Command of the King’s Royal Letters Patents, under the Great Seal of England, and sold in these Parts by Virtue thereof, at Mr. Brown’s, Shopkeeper in Wellford; three Bottles whereof remov’d all my Pains, recover’d me the Use of my Limbs, and brought me to my Stomach, which was quite depraved by my long and tedious Illness; and I thank God I am restored to as good State of Health as ever I enjoyed in my Life. 224. Joseph Brand, of the Parish of St. Saviour, South- wark, Waterman, maketh Oath, that about the beginning of December last, he, this Deponent, was taken with a Shivering in all his Limbs, accompany’d with a Cough; at the same Time complaining of an Oppression, or something lying like a Lump at the Pit of his Sto- mach, with a violent Pain in his Side. His Case being uncommon, this Deponent was advised to make Use of the Bagnio, which he did, and took large Quantities of Physical Doses, prescrib’d by some of the most eminent Physicians and Apothecaries in London; but all prov’d in- effectual to remove the Cause, or to give him any lasting Relief. Some- times indeed, he brought up some Pieces of Skin and Blood, which gave him few Minutes Ease; but his Pains soon returned with the utmost Vi- olence. In this Condition he continued, till he was brought even to Death’s Door; and given over as Irrecoverable, still vomiting, coughing, straining, and spiting of Blood. At last, by Advice, he took some of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which had the most happy Effect. The first Bottle he took made him rest in the Night, and eased his Cough; the second gave him the same Relief; and having taken one Spoonful of the third Bottle, brought up a large Bag of Blood and Cor- ruption, to the Quantity of about three Pints; immediately upon which his Pains vanish’d, his Cough ceased, he recovered apace, and is now in as good a State of Health as ever he was in his Life. His Distemper was then found to be an Imposthume in his Stomach, occasioned by over- straining himself in carrying heavy Burthens. Sworn, March 19, 1733-4, Before me, William Billers, Mayor. 225. I Thomas Linforth, of Atherstone, in the Coun- ty of Warwick, was afflicted in so violent a manner with the Rheumatism, that for two Months together I was not able to Help myself, and could not be reliev’d therefrom, untill taking one single Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, I found immediate ease, and in taking two Bottles, which I had of Mr. F. Burgess, Shopkeeper in Atherstone. aforesaid, was perfectly cured. Witness my Hand, Thomas Linforth. [60] 226. WHereas I William Parrot, of Newport-Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, have for a long time past been grievously troubled with the Rheumatism, and thereby ren- der’d incapable of Business, and could have no redress from several Me- dicines I had taken for that purpose; was at length recommended to take Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, a few Bottles of which carry’d off all my Pains, and recovered me to my former strength and I am now as well as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, William Parrot. 227. WHereas I Mary Brice, living in the Liberty of Ramsdon, near Whitney in the County Oxford, have for a long time past being greviously afflicted with a Pain in my Stomach, and could have no Redress from the several Medicines I had taken by the best Advice I could get for that Purpose; was at length advised by a Person who had made use of the same Medicine, to take some of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, (sold by John Lardner of Ramsdon) one Bottle of which made a perfect Cure on me, and I am (I give God thanks) as well as ever I was in my Life. Witness my Hand, Mary Brice. 228. MR. Henry Bagley, Bell-Founder, of Whitney, Oxfordshire, being for upwards of two Months very much afflicted with a violent Cold, attended with a strong and burning Fever, which baffled all Attempts of Cure, and at length sett- ling in his Legs, turn’d them as green as Grass, and rendered him past doing any Manner of Business; But recollecting that he had been cured, after he was given over and his Life despaired of, of a grievous Fever and raging Distemper which spread itself thro’ most Parts of the Kingdom about 10 or 11 Years ago, by taking Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, he immediately sent for a Bottle thereof in his present Case, and finding present Ease thereby, he continued repeating the Dose according to Di- rection, and a few Bottles brought him to as perfect a State of Health as ever he enjoy’d in his Life. This sudden and extraordinary Cure, at so small an Expence, as four Shillings, induced him to desire that the same might be made publick, for the Good of such (especially the Poor) who may be under any the like Misfortunes. SIR, 229. BEing desirous of communicating (for a Publick Good) the Benefit I have receiv’d in my Family by Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops. when all other Medicines had prov’d unsuccess- ful; I send you the following Testimony, desiring it should be publish’d to the World, for the Satisfaction of such as may stand in need of the like Remedy. Ramsden, in the County of Oxon, Nov. 20, 1737. I am, &c. Dan. Dixon. My Daughter, aged about 15 Years, being suddealy taken with a Pain in her Stomach, to which soon succeded violent and racking Pains in her Limbs and Joints, insomuch that she had very little Help of herself, nor could she be eased or recovered by any Medicine or Advice which could [61] could be procured, but continued in this deplorable Condition between five and six Years; and when I was even without Hopes of having any certain Help for her, I was prevail’d on by a Neighbour who had found great Satisfaction in taking the above Drops, to make Tryal thereof, which being comply’d with, and she finding Ease in her Pains by the very first Dose, I continued giving it her according to Direction, and be- fore she had taken half a Dozen Bottles (which cost me but Six Shillings) She was perfectly reliev’d from all her Pains, and recover’d her Strength and Health as well as ever she was in her Life. To the Proprietor of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, at his Ware-house in Bow Church-Yard, London, or at Northampton. SIR, 230. I Cannot but conceive myself much under Obliga- tion to you for the Health I now enjoy, and know not by which way to recompence you, and at the same time do an Action of Goodness to the Publick, in a better Method than assuring you, that the Beginning of April last I was afflicted with a most vehement Cold at- tended with grievous and violent Pains in my Limbs and Joints, which I could not, tho’ I had try’d all the Help I could procure, get relieved from, but remained in a miserable State, untill the Use of my Limbs were wholly gone, and I even despaired of Life; when happily being advised to the Tryal of your Drops, the first Dose gave me much Ease, and continuing a few Days taking thereof, I was perfectly eased of all Pains, and the Use of my Limbs restored. This being publish’d at my Request, may be of some Service to you, but I believe of much more Advantage to such as may be Sufferers under the like Calamities, which will fully answer the Desire of, Pen-Street, near Amersham, in the county of Bucks, Aug. 15, 1738. SIR, Your Humble Servant, Benjamin Grove. Gosford Street, Coventry, Oct. 16, 1738. SIR, 231. WHereas about 10 Months since I was seiz’d with a vehement Cold, which brought on a Numbness and Pain in divers Parts of my Body, to that Degree, that the whole Use of my Limbs was taken from me, and thereby oblig’d me to keep my Bed; and having, in the Space of between two and three Months taken Abundance of Prescriptions, and not finding any Redress, I try’d a Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which I bought of Mr. Ratten, Book- seller in this City; by the first Dose I found a Warmth in those Parts that before were numb’d and chill’d, and some Ease from my Pains, by which I proceeded and continued taking the said Drops, and in about three Bottles, which cost me but three Shillings, I found myself able to come down Stairs, do my usual Business, and was soon perfectly restor’d to my Health by these Drops only. As witness my Hand, William Smith. To [62] To the Patentee for Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, at his Warehouse in Bow Church-Yard, London, or at Northampton. SIR, 232. HAVING frequently seen the Effects of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops for many Years past, and parti- cularly the under, I believe it incumbent on me to acquaint you thereof, and convince, if the same was made publick, that many poor Sufferers who labour under the like Misfortune might find a much easer and speedier Cure than they generally meet with. The Case was as follows: A poor Woman, about 57 Years old, who had been a long Time af- flicted with the Rheumatism, and tried many Medicines, and reduced herself to the greatest Straits and Necessity by the continual Expence thereof, and being no longer able to support herself, without Help, was brought in a Cart to the Workhouse in this Town, (whereof I am Master) Where, as one of the cheapest and experienced Remedies, a Dose of Dr. Bateman’s Pectloral Drops was given her, the good Effects of which we soon saw, and in taking a few Bottles she perfectly reco- vered. West-Houthly in Sussex. Bristow Burgery. Innumerable Instances of Cures effected by these Drops might daily be given; but as we can’t in publick Papers exceed the Bounds of an Advertisement, we are obliged to refer for further Satisfaction to such creditable Shop-keepers who sell the same, where they will meet with such undeniable Testimonies of its continual Success from Persons of Worth and Reputation, as will surprize the most curious. Gosford-Street, Coventry, March 25, 1739. SIR, 233. As I have often seen advertised in yours and other News Papers, Testifications of Good receiv’d by the taking Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, and as some of my Neighbours have of late, as well as heretofore, shown me an Exam- ple of a Publick Spirit in recommending so cheap and useful a Medicine to such as cannot afford the Expence of Doctors, &c. I conclude I ought not to secrete from the World the Good and Satisfaction I have received by the said Drops, at a Time when all other Things I had taken were of no manner of Use: Therefore I hereby assure you, and thereby, I hope, the Publick also, that some Months since being taken with ex- treme pains in my Limbs, I endeavour’d by all Means to get reliev’d therefrom; but my Pains still continuing and encreasing, took from me the Use of my Limbs in such a Manner, that I had no Help of myself for three Months together; in which languishing Condition of Pain and Weakness, a Neighbour of mine advis’d me to take one Spoonful of the above Drops, which having comply’d with, I found great Ease in less than Half an Hour, which encourag’d me to continue taking thereof; and before I had us’d three Bottles, which cost but three Shillings, my Pains left me, my natural Rest return’d, and I was perfectly recover'd, to the Surprize of such as had seen the deplorable State I had labour’d under. John Siffarson. 234. I [63] 234. I John Legate, Carpenter, at the Three Pidgeons in Bedford-Street, Covent-Garden, having been for a long Time troubled with the Stone and Gravel, do hereby declare. That by taking but one Bottle of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops. I voided not only a vast Quantity of Sand and Gravel, but several Stones of a very uncommon Size, some as big as Horse Beans. I desire this may be publish’d for the Good of my Fellow-Creatures. April 27, 1735. Witness my Hand, John Legate. 235. MR. James Long, at the Queen’s-Head, near White-Chapel Church, declares, that both himself and his Wife had been troubled with the Rheumatism, and in a very bad Condition; but were both cured by taking but two Bottles of Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops. This he is ready to testify upon Oath, as declared, June 7, 1725. 236. WHereas I Martha Moor, was afflicted with an Ague and Fever from October 1727 to February 1728, which brought me so low that I was not capable of doing any Business, so that I was oblig’d to keep my Chamber and have a Doctor, but nothing did me any good till I took Dr. Bateman’s Drops, little more than one Bottle of which cured me intirely, Martha Moor. [illustration] Upon this Success I sent a Bottle of it to my Brother Thomas Moor at Nelson in Leicestershire, who had been in my Condition above 6 Months, which Bottle had the intended good Effect. Enquire of Mr Moor, Silver- Smith, by St. Ann's Church Aldersgate, 237. MRs. Wallis, Wife Mr. Wallis, Silk- Dyer in Allen Street near Goswell-Street, was afflicted with the Rheumatism in her Hands and Limbs, for a considerable Time; but in April 1728, was so disabled by it all over her, that she could not walk a-cross the Room, however, upon taking one Bottle of these Drops she was perfectly cured, and declares she is as well as ever she was in her Life. 238. MR. John Gent, at the Corner of Rose- Lane and Fashion-street, Spittlefields, was grievously af- flicted with the Rheumatism for a long Time, and found no Relief by any thing but Bateman’s Drops, which carried it off, so that it has not returned. He was some time after seiz’d with a gallopping Con- sumption, attended with cold Sweats and restless Nights, which soon brought him low that he could hardly go about, but taking his former Medicine, it soon, and almost unexpectedly, restor’d him to his wonted strength and Vigour, both which surprizing Cures were effected by four Bottles. He keeps some al- ways by him. 239. For the Stone and Gravel, if any doubt the good Effect these Drops have therein, they may enquire of Mr. Crook, Brandyman, in Grub-street, who when the Doctors could give him no Relief, in a violent Fit, he received immediate Ease by one Dose of these Drops, which a Neighbour who had experienced thereof ran and fetch'd him. He afterwards took another Dose, and is as well as ever he was in his Life. 240. [64] 240. I Robert Hawkins, Porter, near the Angel Inn, in Angel-street, London, (where I have liv’d for above 40 Years) having been long troub’ed with the most racking Pains of the Gout and Rheumatism; and so very ill, that I was not able to walk accross my Chamber without Crutches; and reading in the News Papers of a Medicine call'd, Dr. Bateman’s Pectoral Drops, which had done Wonders so many in my Case, I sent for one Bottle, (tho’ without hopes of Suc- cess) the two first Doses of which, caused such an Alteration in me, that I was able, the third Day after, to go to the Place where the said Drops were bought, and enquire after the Author of this noble Medicine, to return him (under God) Thanks for my safe Deliverance from the deplorable Distemper; I being now as well as ever I was in my Life. This I am ready to testify upon Oath, if required. Witness my Hand, Robert Hawkins. 241. A Child at the Two Brewers in Hoxton, near London, was extreamly weak, and worn to a meer Ske- leton, occasion’d by an intermitting Fever; one Bottle of the aforefaid Drops, made a perfect Cure of it, to the great Surprize of all the Neighbours, by whom the same will be attested. 242. Mrs. Elizabeth Hull, of Islington, (aged 70 Years) desires it might be made publick. That she had been a long time troubled with the Gout and Rheumatism, and was cured by taking only three Bottles of the above Drops. June 25, 1725. Enquire at the Cheesemonger’s in Ivey Lane. 243. MR. Gamage near Duke-Shore Lime house, by taking two Doses of these Drops, had a most violent Fever re- moved, and when by going out too soon, and taking Cold again, it retur- ned in Part, by repeating the Medicine, it was entirely carried off. 244. MR. Robert Chaney of Duke-Shore Lime- house, who has had a confirmed Gout for many Years, and is often laid up several Months, finds the greatest Service in this Medicine above any others, of which he has try'd Numbers, keeping it out of his Stomach, and giving him Ease and Rest in the Acutest Pains; for which Reason he keeps a Quantity always by him, for his own Use in this Distemper, and to serve the Neighbourhood in any of the abovemention’d. 245. Having for a long time been violently troubled with the Gout and Rheumatism, I was advised to make use of Dr. Bateman’s Drops, which I did, and, to my great Surprize, and the Wonder of my Friends, in two Hours I found so much Ease, that I thought my self in Paradice; and (blessed be God) by taking but one Bot- tle of these Drops I am perfectly cur’d. Yet seeing in the Directions given with the aforesaid Drops) that it was good in many other Cases, I sent for another Bottle for a Neighbour that was troubled with the Stone and Gra- vel, the first Dose whereof occasion’d him to void a vast Quantity of Slime and Gravel; and he is now, as well as ever he was in his Life. I desire you’d publish this for the Good of my Country. I am to be heard of at the White Hart, near the Horse Ferry in Chelsea. July 3, 1725. 246.