OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY and PROGRESS OF BOTANY. I. PERIOD. § Grecian, Hippocrates . A.N.C. 400 Theophrastus 320 § Roman, P.N.C. Dioscorides 70 Pliny 1000 plants, compilation 74 Galen. 131 § Times of ignorance, Italy over-run Mahomed’s conquests. 622 § Arabian, Useful discoveries, Paper 1300 Mariners compass 1302 Printing. 1440 Constantinople taken 1453 Commentators or translators Leonicenus Hermolaus Gaza America discovered by Columbus 1494 East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope 1497 II (2) II.PERIOD, about 1500 The first prints of plants by Otho Brunselsius 1532 The first botanic garden at Padua 1540 The first pharmacopoeia by public authority by Vale- rius Cordus at Nuremberg 1544 Ruellius Tragus Mathiolus Fuschius Turner C. Gefner! Dodonaeus Caesalpinus. Classification! 1583 Camerarius Tabernae-Montanus Clusius F. Columna J. Bauhinus ! historia plantarun. Caso. Bauhinus! Pinax, 6000 plants. Synonim. 1623 Parkinson Gerard Jungius! III. PERIOD. R. Morison, a new method. Historia plantarum Rivinus, another new system 1694 Tournefort! a third system: his great object, the Genera accurate prints of each genus J. Ray, natural classes! historia plantarum Societies for promoting knowledge established, at London 1665 at Paris 1667 Authors and works during the third period. Malpighius N. Grew Hermannus Plumier Hortus (3) Hortus Malabaricus Plukenet Sir Hans Sloane Scheuzer Dillenius historia muscorum ! &c. Micheli cryptogamia! Catesby. IV. PERIOD. 1735 Linnaeus! Sexual system Systema naturae, sundamenta botanica 1735 Genera plantarum! Species plantarum! Fragments of natural method. Adrian v. Royen Rumphius, Amboina Haller, Stirpes Helveticae, &c. Philip Miller, Gardener’s dictionary. Sir John Hill Flora Danica Adanson familles des plantes Jos. Banks Esq; Dr Solander.