LAWS REGULATIONS OF THE I PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Held at Philadelphia, FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Vide Minutes of the society, of the 4th May, 1804. PHILADELPHIA: Printed at the Office of the Umted States' Gazette. 1814. TWE LYE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS. c*tt**S*P Sv 'I* //tn^Z-ZD i WO societies having formerly subsisted in Philadelphia, whose views and ends were the same, viz: " The Advancement of useful Knowledge," it was judged that their union would be of public advantage; and they were accordingly united, Jan- uary 2d, 1769, by a certain fundamental agreement; the chief articles of which are, First; That the name of the United Society shall be The American Philosophical Society, held at Phi- ladelphia, for promoting useful Knowledge. Secondly; That there shall be the following Offi- cers of the Society, viz. one Patron, one President, three Vice-Presidents, cne Treasurer, four Secreta- ries, and three Curators. Thirdly; That all the above Officers shall be cho- sen annually by ballot, at the first meeting of the So- ciety in January; excepting only that instead of elect- ing a Patron, the Governor of the Province be re- quested to be Patron. A 4 TWELVE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS. Other Laws were to be made by the United Soci- ety; and accordingly the following Laws, Sec. were passed February 3d, 1769. I.—OF THE ANNUAL PAYMENTS TO BE MADE BY rfrt&fi shall have received the sanction of the So- ciety, and such extracts from the Book of " Verbal Communications" as shall be recommended by the committee chosen for that purpose and approved of by the Society, together with a list of the Officers of the Society for the time being, a list of the new Mem- BYE.LAWS. 31 bers elected since the publication of the preceding volume, a list of the Donations made to the Society, and such other articles as the Society may from time to time direct. SECTION V. Rules respecting the Meeting and Business of the Officers of the Society. I. The Counsellors and other Officers of the Society shall hold stated meetings on the second Friday of February, May, August and November respectively, at the same hours in the evening at which the stated meetings of the Society are appointed to be held in the same months, and such other occasional or special meetings as they may judge proper; and shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings to be laid before the Society at their stated meetings on the third Fri- days of the same months respectively. 2. They shall from time to time lay before the So- ciety such measures as they may judge will conduce to the well governing and ordering the affairs of the Society, or to promote the objects of their institution; particularly they shall recommend subjects for pre- miums to be offered by the Society, with the condi- tions on which they shall be awarded. 3. To them shall be referred all communications from candidates for premiums, whether the Magel- lanic or those offered by the Society, on which they shall make reports without any unnecessary delay. 4. Seven Members shall be a quorum competent to any of the above duties. o 2 32 BYE-LAWS. SECTION VI. Of the Appointment and Duties of Committees. 1. No Committee appointed on any subject of de- liberation shall consist of less than three Members; but any other matter may be committed to a single Member. A majority of any committee shall be a quorum. 2. All committees shall be chosen by the Society on a nomination previously made and seconded, the question being then put on each Member separately; but no Member of the Society shall either nominate or second the nomination of more than one Member of any committee. 3. The Member first elected of any committee shall be the chairman, and considered as responsible for the discharge ot the duties enjoined on the com- mittee. 4. When any committee is appointed, the time at which they are to make their report shall be also ap- pointed by the Society; and on the failure of the com- mittee making a final report at this time, unless a satisfactory reason for their delay be given, they shall be discharged and the matter dropped or referred to another committee, a* the Society shall then deter- mine. 5. All reports shall be in writing and signed by all the Members agreeing thereto. 6. The committee to whom shall be referred any communication which may be considered as intended for a place in our Transactions, shall report their opin- ion, and if this be in favour of publication they shall make such corrections as they may judge necessary BYE-LAWS. 33 to fit it for the press. And if they shall judge the pub- lication of an abstract or extracts from the paper would be most eligible, they shall accompany their report with such abstract or extracts The author however in the above cases shall be consulted if con- venient before the paper is printed. 7. When any committee is appointed the Librarian shall enter in a book to be provided and kept for that purpose, and divided into proper columns, the names of the committees, the time of their appointment, the matter or business committed to them, and the time at which they are to report, and when the final report is made the time shall be entered in an adjoining column. SECTION VII. Rules respeeting the Annual Contributions, and the Sums to be paid by new Members on their admission. 1. The Contribution of Members resident in the city or within ten miles lliereof, shall be ta*©-dollars per annum, payable on the first Friday of January at the time of the annual election of Officers; and the sum to be paid by every new Member on his admis- sion into the Society or receiving a certificate of mem- bership shall be ten dollars. Members however re- siding in foreign countries shall be exempted from this payment. 2. No Member in arrears, either for his admission money or annual payments, shall be eligible to any Office or be entitled to vote on any question in the Society. 3. No Member who shall be in arrear to the Soci- ety for two or more annual payments, or who residing 34 BYE-LAWS. in Philadelphia has neglected to attend their meetings for one whole year, shall any longer receive notifica- tion of the meetings of the Society, nor be eligible to any office in the same. SECTION VIII. General Rules relating to Order, Stein the Society. 1. No debate shall ever take place in the Society, but on motion duly made and seconded, and after- wards stated by the presiding Member. 2. When a Member speaks he shall stand up, ad- dressing himself to the presiding Member; and, avoiding desultory remarks, he shall confine himself strictly to the merits of the question under consideration. 3. No Member while speaking shall be interrupt- ed unless by the presiding Member, when he shall think fit to call him to order or to admonish him to a closer adherence to the question under discussion. 4. When a Member speaking is called to order he shall instantly sit down or appeal from the call to the Society, who shall determine without debate. 5. No Member shall speak more than twice to the same question, without previously asking and obtain- ing leave of the Society. 6.^ Whilst any question or motion is under debate no other motion shall be admitted, unless to divide the question, to amend, to postpone, or to adjourn. 7 No motion to reconsider a former resolution can be made or seconded except by a Member who voted in favour of said resolution. 8. No motion under discussion can be withdrawn without the consent of the Society. BYE-LAWS. 35 9. No motion for adjournment shall be carried, un- less by the unanimous vote of the Society, before nine o'clock in the evening, and shall at all times be de- termined without debate. 10. The presiding Member shall have no vote unless in the case of i tie or equality of voles among the other Members, where the Act of Incorporation or Fundamental Rules require more than a bare ma- jority of the Members present, or where the vote is taken by ballot. 11. Thirteen shall be a quorum competent to the awarding of Premiums proposed by the Society and the election of new Members. In all cases, not other- wise provided for by the Constitution or other regula- tions of the Society, the Members attending shall be a quorum, and a majority of votes shall decide. 12. A book shall be provided and kept by the Li- brarian containing the names of all the Members resi- dent in Philadelphia, arranged in alphabetical order, with a number of adjoining columns equal to all the stated and special meetings in the year, and at every meeting the said Librarian shall opposite the name of every present Member and in the proper column insert the letter P. This book shall always lie on the table, so that the Society may at all times know the number and names of their resident Members, and the state of their attendance. 13. These Bye-laws, together with the Act of In- corporation, the Twelve Sections of Fundamental Laws referred to in that act, all the other Acts ot the Legislature relative to the Society, the Rules ano Con- ditions relative to the Magellanic Premium, and all other Bye-laws, Rules or Regulationsof a general na- ture, that may hereafter be made by the Society, shall 36 BYE-LAWS. under the direction of the Librarian be transcribed into a separate book to be provided and kept for that purpose, which book shall lie on the table at every meeting of the Society. 14. All the Bye-laws heretofore made by the Soci- ety and all other Rules or Regulations other than those referred to in the above article, are repealed.