GEORGE W. CRILE B-igadier General, U.B.Arny (M.C. ) 1864-1943 ARMY SERVICE FORCES FIFTH SERVICE COMMAND CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL CLEVELAND 9, OHIO 1 January 19^6 HR PREFACE TO HOSPITAL REGULATIONS Within the current three months, we have lost nearly fifty percent of our hospital staff, including a complete change in our headquarters’ staff« Demobilization will continue at a rapid rate*, Replacements will be slow and less experienced,. It behooves us all, therefore, to have a common understanding of rules and procedures, as well as simplified practices, to increase our efficiency,, In late November * our Commanding Officer re~ quested a complete revision and issue of Hospital Regu- lations as one means to aid the coordination of our efforts. To speed up the accomplishment, every Chief of department was requested to write those pertaining to his office. Everyone has responded creditably to the interests of all, not without improving their own conceptions of administration. Like the quality of mercy, the acts have been twice blessed - "it blesseth him that gives and him that receives", Every American game is played by rules and regulations. An institution of this size can be no exception if we are to fulfill our mission,, Foul plays and lack of cooperation and coordination will defeat our purpose of restoring men to health and happiness. It is with this spirit in mind, that every individual is urged to comply, to render service and to live the sentiments of the verse of Samual Walter Foss s "Let me live in a house by the side of the road. Where the race of men go by Men who are good, and men who are bad, As good or as bad as I. I would not sit in the scorner’s seat. Nor hurl the cynic’s ban =- Let me live in a house by the side of the road. And be a friend to man,," FOR OUR COMMANDING OFFICER t ' : CLIPFORlrV. MORGAN Colonel, Med Corps Executive Officer HISTORY Crile General Hospital is an army hospital located 12 miles south- west of Cleveland, Ohio, serving an area within a 50-mile radius. The reservation covers 152 acres and contains 86 semi-permanent red brick buildings. Construction began 13 April 19h3* The installation was originally known as a U0 S, Army General Hospital, Motivation date was 30 March 19iU* per telegram from Tie Surgeon General, The first surgical operation was perlormed 3 April 19Ulu Sec. I, War Dept, Gt0, No lib, Aug 19-53, changed the designation to Crile General Hospital in memory of the late Dr0 George W, Crile, famed Cleveland surgeon who commanded Cleveland1 s Lakeside Medical Unit in World War I* Formal dedication occurred Friday, 21 April 19-55• Primarily established for treatment of general, orthopedic, plas- tic and ophthalmological surgery; general medical and neuropsychiatric cases in both closed and open wards, the institution is equipped with the most modern facilities for the care and treatment of nearly all types of cases0 Constructed at a cost of approximately $h9500,000, the insti- tution became one of the largest army general hospitals in the United States, To this original cost, over $1,000,000 has been added by improvements, maintenance and repairc It was built to provide beds for approximately 1,725 patients, but due to diversion of enlisted men1 s barracks to hospital wards and conversion of certain wards to Post Library, Reconditioning Service and other activities, the present normal capacity is 1,B?5 beds, easily expandable to over 2,1|00 beds* Present SGO authorized bed capacity is 1,9570 The first convoy of overseas patients arrived in Cleveland on 8 April 1955 directly from the hospital ship which brought them back to the States from the ST0USAo The peak load occurred during July with 3,097 patients, 2052 occupied beds, 1, 055 absentees on furlough, etc. Authorized Operating Personnel 20 December 1955 totals: Authorized Strength Actual Strength TOTAL OPERATING PERSONNEL - 1,573 1,U25 Officers, total 132 159 Medical Officers included 70 70 Nurses, dietitians, etc. 157 173 Enlisted men 363 357 ‘.Units': - WAG & Band 231 81 G iVali^m. r’er s onne 1 ——. 650 Subject to Pub Law Ip? 290 2hS Not subject to Pub Law h9 Unlimited k02 POW*s .. . .. 225 225 Complete historical'* d&ti uhay be found at CGH or AGO, HR 1-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO, 1-5 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Subjects & Titles HR NO. Abbreviations, authorized - Clinical Records 40-1030 Correspondence 340-15 Medical 40-40 Surgical 40-60 Accident Prevention, Safety and 100-100 Adjutant - Administrative Division 15-5 Administration - Hospital • 210-10 Post 210-10 Ward 40-90 Administration Division, Patients 40-1020 Administrative Assistants 40-30 Administrative Division 15-5 Administrative Officer of the Day 15-10 Admission of Patients 40-1110 Advocate, Judge 25-5 Affairs, Personal 40-820 Air Transportation 55-25 Allergy 40-40 Allotments and Deductions - Enlisted Patients 40-1320 American National Red Cross 850-75 Anesthesia 40-60 Army Exchange 210-65 Army Nurse Corps & Nursing Service 40-20 Assistants, Administrative 40-30 Athletics 850-120 Autopsies 600-550 Awards & Decorations - Patients 40-1330 AW0L, Control Policy for Patients 40-1240 Bacteriology 40-305 Baggage of Patients, Clothing & 40-1210 Band 250-5 Billeting 15-40 Blood for Transfusions 40-1715 Boards, Councils and Committees 400-5 Brace Shop 40-60 Buildings & Grounds Vac-, Burials - Mortuary Operations 30-50 Cadet Nurses 40-730 Cardio-Vascular Renal 40-40 Central Supply . 40-60 Chaplains 60-50 Chemical Warfare Service • 50-5 Chemistry 40-305 Cinema 210-390 HR 1-5 Civilian Guards, - Military Police & Prison 40-920 Civilian Personnel 600-5 Claims 15-15 Classification & Assignment of Officers - Patients 40-1340 Clearance, Disposition & 40-1130 Clinical Photography 40-60 Clinical Records 40-1030 Clothing & Baggage of Patients 40-1210 Clubs - NC0 40-720 Officers 850-80 Commanding Officer 210-10 Commissary, Sales 30-2225 Commissioned Officers - Personnel 600-5 Committees - Boards, Councils and 400-5 Communicable Diseases 40-40 Communications ~ Correspondence 340-15 Signature of 10-15, 10-10 Telegraph 105-25 Telephone 105-20 Conduct of Patients 40-1220 Contracting, Purchasing & 30-25 Control Officer 10-25 Correspondence 340-15 Councils, Boards and Committees 400-5 Counseling - Patients 40-1405 Separation Branch 40-1405 Deaths * 40-1060 Decorations, Awards & - Patients 40-1330 Deductions of Pay, EM Patients 40-1320 Dental Service 40-15 Dermatology 40-40 Detachment - Enlisted Men 40-710 Detachment of Patients Branch 40-1205 Detachment - Reconditioning 40-750 Womens’ Army Corps 40-740 Diets and Eating on the Ward 40-90 Disability - Discharge of EM 40-1070 Discharge for Disability - Officers Retirement 40-1070 Discipline of Patients 40-90, 40-1220 Diseases & Injuries Due to Patients Own Misconduct 40*1040 Dispensary Out-Patient Service 40-550 Disposition & Clearance 40-1130 Disposition of Patients 40-1105 HR x-5 Educational Program - American Red Cross 850-75 40” 70 Educational Reconditioning 40-70 Education, Information & 40-810 KENT 40-60 Engineer 100-5 Enlisted Men - Detachment 40-710 Personnel 600-5 Exchange - Army 210-65 Laundry 30-2135 Post ” 210-65 Property (See Purchasing) Executive Officer 10-10 Eye, Plastic Lab 40-60 Eye Section 40-60 Films, Storage 40-80 Fire Regulations 100-50 Fiscal Division 35-5 Fixed and Telephone Communications Systems 105-20 Forms Control 15-35 Fund s - Army Exchange 210-65 Auditing 35-5, 210-50 Central Post 210-50 Hospital 210-60 Non-appropriated 210-50 Post Exchange 210-65 Trust 210-50 Welfare 210-50 Funds and Valuables 40-1120 Furloughs, Passes & Sick Leave - Patients 40-1230 Gambling 40-90, 40-1220 Genito-Urinary 40-60 Grounds Vacated, Building & 100-25 Guards, - Civilian, Military Police & Prison 40-920 Hematology Hospital Administration, Post and . 210-10 Hospital Regulations - General Provisions 1-15 Index - Alphabetical 41-5 Individual Services 40-805 Infirmary 40-550 Information & Education 40-810 Injuries. Diseases & - Due to Patients Own Misconduct 40 1040 HR 1-5 Inspector, Medical 20-5 Intelligence, Security & 40-905 Judge Advocate 25-5 Laboratory Service 40-505 Laundry 30-2135 Liaison Activities 10-45 Library - Medical 40-405 Post 210-70 Line of Duty - Diseases & Injuries 40-1040 Local Purchase 50-25 Medical Inspector 20-5 Medical Library 40-405 Medical Service 40-40 Medical Supplies 40-1705 Mess Division 210-60 Military Personnel 600-5 Military Police & Prison & Civilian Guards 40-920 Misconduct - Disease and Injury Due to Patients Own 40-1040 Misconduct, Patients 40-1220 Mortuary Operations ~ Burials 30-50 Motion Picture Service 210-390 Motor Transportation 55-15 Neuropsychiatry 40-40 Non “appropriated Funds 210-50 NC0 Club 40-720 Nurses, Cadet 40-730 Nursing Service, Army Nurse Corps & 40-20 Occupational Therapy 40-70 Officer of the Day - Administrative 15-10 Chaplains 60-5 Dental 40-15 Medical 40-10 NP 40-10, 40-40 Surgical 40-10, 40-60 Officer Patients 40-1340 Officers - Medical 40-40 Surgical 40-60 Officers Club 850-80 Officers of the Day - Professional 40-10 Officers Retirement - Discharge for Disability 40-1070 Operating Room 40-60 Operations and Training Division 40-705 Ordnance 45-5 HR. 1-6 Organization 10-15 Orthopedics 40-G0 Out-Patient Service - Dispensary 40-550 Pamphlets - List of Current & Suspended 1-10 Passes & Sick Leave, Furloughs - Patients 40-1230 pathology 40-305 Patients Administration Division 40-1020 Patients - Administration 40-1110 Allotments and Deductions from Pay, EM 40-1320 Autopsies 600-550 Awards and Decorations 40-1330 AWOL Control Policy 40-1240 Baggage , 40-1210 Blood for Transfusions 40-1715 Conduct of 40-1220 Counseling 40-1405 Decorations 40-1330 Detachment 40-1205 Discharge for Disability 40-1070 Disposition 40-1130 Furloughs. Passes and Sick Leave 40-1230 Gambling 40-1220 40-90 Officers, Classification and Assignment 40-1340 Officers Retirement 40-1070 Passes 40-1250 Pay of Enlisted Men 40-1310 Receiving 40-1105 Records, Clinical 40-1030 Records, Clothing and Baggage 40-1210 Separation Counseling 40-1405 Seriously 111 40-1050 Sick Leave 40-1230 Transfer Between Wards 40-1140 Uniform 40-1220 Vehicles on Post ' 850-10 Patients Personnel Branch 40-1305 Pay of Patients - Enlisted Men 40-1310 Personal Affairs 40-820 Personnel 600-5 Pharmacy 40-50 Photography - Clinical 40-60 Public Relations 10-35 Reconditional Classes 40-70 Physical Examinations 40-550 Physical Inspections of Hospital 20-5, 210-10 HR. 1-5 Physical Reconditioning 40 70 Physical Therapy 40-60 Plans and Training 40-705, 40-760 Plastic - Hand, 40-60 Eye Maxillo-facial Police, Military - Prison & Civilian Guards 40-920 Pool - Blood Bank 40-1715 Motor 55-15 Swimming 850-130 Post and Hospital Administration 210-10 Post Exchange . 210-65 Post Library 210-70 Post-Mortem Examinations 600-550 Post Office 15-30 Prison - Military Police & Civilian Guards 40-920 Professional Officers of the Day 40-10 Publicat ions 15-35 Public Relations 10-35 Purchasing & Contracting 30-25 Quartermaster 30-5 Rail & Air Transportation 55-25 Receiving & Disposition Branch 40-1105 Reconditioning 40-70 Reconditioning Detachment 40-750 Records Administration 1.5-50 Records - Clinical 40-1030 Safeguarding 15-50 Red Cross, American National 850-75 Registrar Branch - Record & Report of S & W 40-1025 Registration of Vehicles on Post 850-10 Regulations - Array Hosp, etc. 1-15 Changes 1-15 File’ 100-50 Hospital, General Provisions 1-15, 210-10 Post 1-15, 210-10 Retirement, Officers 40-1070 Roentgenological Service 40-80 Safety and Accident Prevention 100-100 Sales Commissary 30-2225 Salvage 700-25 Security & Intelligence 40-905 Separation Counseling Branch 40-1405 Seriously 111 Patients 40-1050 HR 1-5 Serology 40-506 Sick & Wounded, Record & Report of - Registrar Branch 40-1025 Sick Leave, Furloughs, Passes & - Patients 40-1230 Signal Officer 105-5 Special Services 40-830 Supplies - Chaplain 60-5 Chemical Warfare 50-5 Clinics and Wards 40-90 Engineers 100-5 Medical 40-1705 Ordnance 45-5 Quartermaster 30-5 Signal 105-5, 40-1705 Transportation 55-15 Surgical Service 40-60 Swimming Pool 850-130 Telegraph Communications 105-25 Telephone Communications Systems, Fixed and 105-20 Training Division, Operations and 40-705 Training, Plans and 40-760 Transfer between Wards 40-1140 Transfusions, Blood for 40-1715 Transportation - Air 55-25 Baggage 40-1210 Patients 55-15, 55-25 Rail 55-25 Registration of Vehicles 850-10 Uniform, Wearing of the 600-40 Urinalysis 40-305 Vacated Buildings 100-25, 100-5 Valuables, Funds and 40-1120 Vehicles, Registration of on Post 850-10 Government Use of 55-15 Visiting Hours 15-45 Visitors & Visiting Hours 15-45 Ward Administration 40-90 Wards, Transfer of Patients 40-1140 Wearing of the Uniform 600-40 Womens5 Army Corps - Detachment 40-740 Personnel 600-5 Uniform 600-40 Womens' Medical 40-40 Surgical 40-60 X-Ray 40-80 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 1-10 GRITS GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19!’6 HR 1-10 HOSPITAL REGULA TIONS LIST OF CURRENT AND SUSPENDED PAMPHLETS Section I Current Pamphlets II Suspended Pamphlets Section I CURRENT PAMPHLETS No Title Date 1-5 Index - alphabetical 1 Jan 1|6 1-10 List of Current i Suspended Pamphlets n n It i - 15 Hospital Regulations - General Provisions ii n It 10 - 10 Executive Officer It U 11 io - 15 Organization II II ft 10 - 25 Control Officer It It It 10 - 35 Public Relations : It tt II 10 - 1(5 Liaison Activities II II If 15-5 Adjutant - Administrative Division It II It 15 - io Administrative Officer of the Day It It n 15 - 15 Claims I? tt it 15 - 30 Post Office II It tt 15 - 35 Publications - Forms Control It It u 15 - io Billeting II If i» 15 - 1(5 Visitors & Visiting Hours tt I! it 15 - 50 Records Administration 11 tt tt 20-5 Medical Inspector 1! tt it 25-5 Judge Advocate It It it 30-5 Quartermaster tt tt n 30 - 25 Purchasing & Contracting tt II ii 30 - 50 Burials - Mortuary Operations ft I! tt 30 - 2135 Laundry If It tt 30 - 2225 Sales Commissary II If it 35 - 5 Fiscal Division II tt n HR 1-10 No Title Da be hO 10 Officers of the Day - Professional 1 Jan 1*6 ho - 15 Dental Service tl n tl hO - 20 Army Nurse Corps & Nursing Service It it tl ho - 30 Adrainisbrative Assistants It n It hO Uo Medical Service It 11 ft hO - 5o Pharmacy It it II hO - 60 Surgical Service It tt II iiO - 70 Reconditioning II u It hO - 80 Roentgenological Service M u tt ho — 90 Ward Administra tion It n 11 1*0 — 305 Laboratory Service It »t tt hO — Ii05 Medical Library tl 1! 11 hO - 550 Dispensary - Out-Patient Service It It it hO - 705 Operations and Training Division ft II it hO - 710 Detachment - Enlisted Men (1 II 11 ho — 720 Clubs - NG0 It II 11 hO - 730 Cadet Nurses II It tt ho - 7Uo Detachment - Womens1 Army Corps II II n ho - 750 Reconditioning Detachment II fi hO — 760 Plans and Training M It it hO — 810 Information & Education II It tt hO 820 Personal Affairs It t| tt ho - 830 Special Services II It it £r-£- O O - 905 920 Security & Intelligence Military Police & Prison & Civilian Guards It It It If M It o o - 1020 1025 Patients Administration Division Registrar Branch - Records & Report of S & W II It If It It If o o - 1030 101*0 Clinical Records Diseases & Injuries Due to Patients Own Misconduct II ft 1! M II It hO 1050 Seriously 111 Patients II It tt ho ho - io 6o 1070 Deaths Discharge for Disability - Officers Retirement If fl |l tt tt tt hO — 1105 Receiving & Disposition Branch It tt tl ho 1110 Admission of Patients II It It ho — 1120 Funds and Valuables II tt ho — 1130 Disposition & Clearance It If II ho — 805 Individual Services II II II ho — imo Transfer between 'wards It II ft ho - 1205 Detachment of Patients Branch II II II ho - 1210 Clothing & Baggage of Patients II II II hO — 1220 Conduct of Patients II It It ho - 1230 Furloughs, Passes & Sick Leave - Patients (1 II II ho - 12)40 AW0L - Control Policy for Patients II It It ho - 130s Patients Personnel Branch 1! II II ho ho - 1310 1320 Pay of Patients - Enlisted Men Allotments and Deductions - Enlisted Patients II It tt tt tt tl HR 1-10 No Title Date ko - 1330 Awards & Decorations - Patients 1 Jan h6 ho - 131*0 Classification & Assignment of Officers - Patients ii n It hO - lit 05 Separation Counseling Branch it n II ho - 1703 Medical Supplies ii it II hO - 1715 Blood for Transfusions it it It ~ 5 Ordnance 5o ~ 5 Chemical Warfare Service ti ii tt 55 - 15 Motor Transportation it it II 55 - 25 Rail & Air Transportation ii it II 6o - 5 Chaplains it it It 100 - 5 Engineer ii it It 100 - 25 Buildings & Grounds Vacated i» it It 100 - 5o Fire Regulations it ti II 100 - 100 Safety and Accident Prevention it it II 105 - 5 Signal Officer ii it II 105 - 20 Fixed and Telephone Communications Systems it it It 105 - 25 Telegraph Communications ii it II 210 - 10 Post and Hospital Administration n it It 210 - 50 Non-appropriated Funds it it tt 210 - 60 Mess Division ti it It 210 - 65 Post Exchange i» it II 210 - 70 Post Library it it II 210 - 390 Motion Picture Service it it It 250 - 5 Band ii it II 3U0 - 15 Correspondence H It ft Uoo - 5 Boardss Councils and Committees It II It 600 - 5 Personnel It It 600 - hO Wearing of the Uniform tt tt It 600 - 55o Autopsies II tt II ?nn _ 25 Salvage tt II II 850 - 10 Registration of Vehicles on lost II II II 850 - 75 American National Red Cross II II II 850 - 80 Officers Club II (1 II 850 - 120 Athletics (I II tt 850 - 130 Swimming Pool It II It HR 1-10 Section II SUSPENDED PAMPHLETS No Title Date Suspended CGH Hospital Regulations 15 Feb 19hh 1 Jon 19h6 BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 1-1 HOSPITAL REGULATION ) NO. 1-15 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January I9I46 HOSPITAL REGULATICKS General Provisions Paragraph Force and Effect 1 Scope; Related Administrative Publications 2 Form and Arrangement 3 Effective Dates I4. Conflict Among Regulations 5 Authoritative References 6 Rescissions 7 1. FORCE AND EFFECT. a. The President, who is the constitutional Commander in Chief of the Army, has vested authority in the Commanding Officer, Crile General Hospital by military and executive orders and regu- lations through these military channels: (1) Secretary of Ear. (2) Commanding General, Army Service Forces, (3) Commanding General, Fifth Service Command5 and through technical channels from The Surgeon General, U. S„ Array, through The Surgeon, Fifth Service Command and Medical Sup- ply Depots. V.ithin their scope, therefore, administrative regu- lations so made and published have the force and effect of law to the elements of this command; and to those whom they concern, they are binding and conclusive. Their legal force and effect are sub- ordinate to statute laws, executive orders, court decisions, and decisions of higher authority. b. Command may bo exercised through the Executive Officer, who directly represents him, the Chiefs of Services and Divisions, and through the chain of command of this organization, HR 10-lo, In lieu of a Chief of Staff, the Executive Officer ad- vises, plans, develops, and executes the hospital program, HR 10-10, c. Hospital Regulations are published under the authority conferred on the post commanders by AR 210-10, AR 600-20, AR IiO-5>90, and AR !|0-600, These provisions have the force and effect of lav/ with respect to all members of this command and their violation is punishable under the applicable Articles of War. 'They are authen- ticated as representing the acts, directions and orders of the Commanding Officer. HR l5-5>. up T 1 r' nu i.—J.;? do The Commanding Officer of the hospital is respon- sible for the formulation and enforcement of such hospital rules and regulations as are necessary for the guidance of patients and duty personnel. Rules will be kept posted in appropriate places to be easily seen and read by those persons to whom they are ap- plicable c Par 21, AR iiO-590, 2, SCOPE; RELATED ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLIC.. TIONS. - a. Hospital Regulations are the primary administrative regulations for the government of this command, however, changes and related material may appear in other forms; (1) Hospital Bulletin (daily). (2) Hospital Circulars, Letters, and Memoranda. (3) General or Special Orders. bo The activities of this command are based primarily upon all directives from higher authorities; (1) Army Regulations, AR l-£; AR 1-10, (2) War Department Publications, FM 21-6, (3) Army Service Forces Publications, ASF M 800, (I4.) Fifth Service Command Directives, Letters and Publications, (5) The Surgeon General's Office Publications, (6) Medical Supply Depot Memoranda, 3, FORM AND ARRANGEMENT. - 3c The size, style and format of Hospital Regulations have been determined for the convenience of the users and in general are based upon a form and numbering system of Army Regulations where applicable, b. Trie system has been designated individual numbers to those regulations pertaining primarily to a specific, limited subject for conciseness and ease in revision. Like AR* s, the preceding number represents a group, such as 30 - for Quartermaster, I4.0 - for Medical, 600 - for Personnel, c. Changes will be issued in the daily Hospital Bul- letins and corrections of Hospital Regulations will be made on in dividual copies by the responsible persons. Complete revisions will be issued as new publications bearing the notation that they supersede previous issues; when received, the rescinded HR may be destroyed. An alphabetical index is published in HR l-£;, numerical listing in HR 1-10, HR 1-15 do Distribution will be made to all departments of the hospital, all officers and nurses and other persons requiring the use of HR. Accountability is charged to the Adjutant but no property responsibility is involved. Officers and nurses may con- sider their copies as personal property. . V ho EFFECTIVE DATES. - The effective date of any new dr re- vised Hospital Regulations or changes will be the date appearing on' the document unless otherwise indicated. 5. CONFLICT AMONG REGULATIONS. - In case of conflict be- tween provisions of any Hospital Regulations with one another or with publications from higher authority, attention will be directed' to the Adjutant for correction. 6. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES» - a. AR l-o, 1 Jan U6} Index to Array Regulations. b„ AR 1-10, 1 Jan it 6, AR - List of Current and Suspended Pamphlets. c. AR It 0-9 90, 29 Aug 1*1*# Administration of Hospital, General Provisions. d. AR 6 Oct 1*2, Medical Department General Hospitals. e. AH 210-10, 20 Dec 1*0, Post Administration. f. AR 600-20, 1 June 1*2, Personnel; Command. go FM 21-6, 10 Dec 1*9, List,and Index of War Department Publications. ho ASF M 800, 1 Nov 1*9, List and Index of ASF Publica- tions. 7» RESCISSIONS. - None. . BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; V'l f/L^f RUSSELL B0 STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 10-10 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 10-10 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 191*6, EXECUTIVE OFFICER Paragraphs Dii ties e...,,. e,.. . *,, t 1 Inspections and Investigations ....... 2 Signature for Commanding Officer.......................... 3 Authentication of Orders I* Additiona 1 Du tie s . ........ ........... 9 Author! tetive References ,.., . ......... .. .... .. .... *,. . .. . 6 Rescissions ............................................... 7 1. DUTIES. - The executive officer is charged under the direction of the commanding officer with the coordination of all activities of the hospital and such additional duties as may be prescribed by the commanding officer. All questions arising in the hospital on which a decision must be rendered, unless they are of a major character or are ones of policy, are decided by the executive officer in the name of the commanding officer, Until the executive officer is thoroughly conversant with policies of the commanding officer, all questions should be submitted to the com- manding officer if there is any possibility of doubt as to what his desires in the matter may be.. The decision of the commanding officer is final and the executive officer must carry it out.. Loyalty must always be the keyword of this position, TM 8-260. 2 * INSPECTIONS AND INVESTxGATIOMS. - a Make periodic audits of inventories and records of alcohol md narcotics b. Conduct inspections of conditions of discipline, training, and morale; inspect physical facilities and equipment; make special inspections and audits of funds and property, as direc- ted . c. Investigate complaints of detachment and patient personnel. TM 8-262s 3„ SIGNATURE FOR COMMANDING OFFICER - The executive officer is authorized to sign all communications or to issue instructions in the name of the commanding officer unless specifically denied by higher authority AH 31*0-20. 1*. AUTHENTICATION OF ORDERS. - The authentication is that part of an order which makes it a directive. It contains the command line, signature and "official" section. The chief of staff normally signs an order. In a command which does not have a chief of staff, HE 10- j one typed signature of the adjutant is placed in this secuion. Under no circumstances is the typed signature of an executive officer placed on an order* TM 12-256° 5•> ADDITIONAL DUTIES. ~ a. Chairman? Reconditioning Council. TM 6-261, b, Chairman, Post Planning Board. Order, 5th SvC. 6. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES - a. Reconditioning Council - Par 9, CGH S,0: 33, 7 Feb 3 vASF Cir No l|19, Part II, Par 3* dated 22 Dec lih) be Post Planning Board, (1) Letter Hq, 5th SvC, files SPVSE-U 319,2 Crile GH, 22 January 19U5* Part III, R-U Manual; Chapter II, Engineering Manual, (2) Cir No 131, paragraph ?, 5th SvC, 21 March 19h5> subjects Preparation and Submission of »VD AGO Form 5-25. (3) S,0, 77* paragraph 2, CGH, 1 Dec 19U5 = 7, RESCISSIONS, - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONs RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Maj or , MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Ma j or , MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL RE GIT ALT IONS ) NO. 10-15 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 10-15 ORGANIZATION Paragraph General...©....©.*.........*...*...#.*•«.•«1 Principles of Organization. 2 Titles of Responsible Officers.......... 3 Authority and Duties of Responsible Officer 4 Policy Referable to Outside Office Communications......... 5 Authoritative References. 6 Rescissions 7 la GENERAL. - Under the provisions of AR 170-10 and ASF M 301, this hospital is organized as an activity of the Army Service Forces, Fifth Service Command. The internal organi- zation of the general hospital proper conforms to the pro- visions of AR 40-590, TM 8-260, TM 8-262 and 5th SvC Directives. Under the organization plan, the functions of units arc grouped under? (see organization chart attached) a. Professional Services. bo Administrative Divisions® c« Supply Services. 2o PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION. - The following principles govern organization plans? a. Every necessary function will be assigned to a single individual to avoid overlapping or indefinite respon- sibilit ies. b. Assigned responsibilities will be specific, plainly spoken or written, and readily understood. Co The organization chart and plans will indicate to whom each individual is responsible and who are responsible to that individual. No person should have more than one immediate supervisor. do Responsibility for performance of a function must be matched by authority to direct that performance. e. Authority for action must be decentralized to units and individuals responsible for actual performance of operations, HR 10-15 To the greatest extent consistent with control over policy and procedures by higher commanders. fo Military channels of command will be adhered to by all members of this command. 3. TITLES OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICERS. - Heads of Administrative divisions* professional and supply services are designated by de- scriptive titles identifying their responsibilities and authority, thus* The Executive Office, Post Adjutant, Chief of Surgical Service, Chief of Medical Service, Post Engineer, etc. 4. AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICERS« Officers are assigned to specific duties at this General Hospital by the Post Commander under the provisions of AR 210-10 and AR 600-20. Their duties are as indicated in the organization chart, plans, prescribed regulations, special orders or other specific directives. The organizational plan of this post delegates responsibility and authority to all administrative officers for the performance of their assigned duties. Inter-office memoranda will normally be signed by the Chief of Division or Service. This means of com- munication is to be encouraged where telephone conversation will not suffice. 5. POLICY REFERABLE TO OUTSIDE OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS. - It will be the policy of this hospital for relations and contacts with other commands and higher authorities that all official communi- cations - telephone, TWX, or correspondence - be made with author- ity of this headquarters. Outgoing correspondence will be submitted through military channels for the signature of the Commanding Officer or his designated representative. 6 ° AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 40-590, 29 Aug 1944, Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions. b. AR 40-S00, 6 Oct 1942, Medical Department, General Hospitals• c„ AR 170-10, 24 Dec 1942, Service Commands and De- partments - Administration. d« AR 210-10, 20 Dec 1940, Posts, Camps and Stations - Administration. e. AR 600-20, 1 June 1942, Personnels Command. HR 10-15 fo ASF M 301, 15 Aug 1944, Army Service Forces Organization go TM 8-260, 16 July 1941, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Department o ho TM 8-262, Feb 1945, Administration of Fixed Hospitals, Z*I. 7o RESCISSIONSo - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON t RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant OFFICIAL: Z' Major, MAC Ad iutant v HOSPITAL HEGULATIONS) NO. 10-25 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 10-25 CONTROL OFFICER 1. DUTIES. - The Control Officer a. Collects, compiles, tabulates, analyses and evaluates data regarding the efficiency ox operations of elements of the command. b. Evaluates the efficiency and progress with which plans of the Commanding Officer are executed. c. Recommends changes to the Commanding Officer for improvement and simplification of policies, organization, procedure and methods. d. Acts as consultant to all elements of the command on matters of organization and procedure. e. Conducts Work Simplification Studies, instructs and supervises operating personnel in the application of work simplification techniques. f. Reviews all recurring reports for essentiality, form design and content, recommending changes when necessary. g. Prepares or supervises analyses necessary to control the overall progress of the work of the command. h. Conducts such special studies as are directed by the Commanding Officer, 2. ADDITIONAL DUTIES. - a. Work Simplification Officer b. Secretary, Local Committee on Suggestions c. Member of the Conservation Committee 3. REPORTS. - a* Work Simplification Reports. (1) Number of people assigned to or employed by the installa- tions as of the last day of the preceding month who have been instructed in Work Simplification techniques. Report must reach Hqs, 5th SvC by the fifteenth of the following month. (2) List of proposed studies for the month covering at least 8-1/3% of the total 5th SvC operating personnel at the installation. Selectim of studies are such that 2D% will be completed by means of the process,chart , List sent to reach 5th SvC attentions Con- trol Dlvisions by the seventh day of the month» (3) Work Simplification Report, Reports Control Approval Symbol (Xx~-96, prepared monthly for each completed Work Simplification study embracing any of the following Work Simplification techniques: Process Chart Gang Process Chart Layout (space or flow) Chart Operation Chart Job Breakdown Two copies, to which is attached the Work Simplifi- cation study, forwarded to Hqs, 5th SvC, attention: Control Division, to arrive by the twentieth day of 1 the month„ bt Suggestion Program Reports (1) Report on Suggestion Program, WO AGO Pom No0 $39 prepared and forwarded to Commanding General, $th SvC, ASF, Fort Hayes, Columbus 18, Ohio,, Attention? Awards Committee 4« AUmamTIVb RnFERENGES- - a» Work Simplification UJ Sec VIII, ASF Cir 276, 19 Jul 45 i "Work Simplification Program (2) Sec aSF Gir 32$$ 28 Aug a5* "Work Slmplifi feat ion? H (3) Cir a2$, $th SvC* 31 Aug 45S "Work Simplification and Suggestion Program*" (A) Memo So. 24, CGH, 10 Sept 45: "Work Simplification." (5) Sec XI, ASF Cir 343, 12 Sept 45s "Work Simplificationo" (6) Cir $06, $th SvC, 21 Sept 45 s "Work Simplification,» ■ ‘ ' ' - bo Suggestion Program ...■i • i.;...: • ’ ■ ' • • . ,r; • • (l) Civilian Personnel Pamphlet (WD) No 4, June 43: "Operation of Employee Suggestion Program." (2) ASF Cir 300, Part I, 12 Sept 44: “Suggestion System, Civilian and Military Personnel.M (3) aSF Cir 23, Sec I, 19 Jan 45; “Display of Posters.'1 (4) Civilian Personnel (WD) Cir No 21, 17 Feb 45: “Employee Suggestions and Cash awards.“ (5) Letter Hqs, 5th SvC, 27 45: “Employee Suggestion Program." (6) Cir 425, SvC, 21 aug 45: “Work Simplification and Suggestion Program." (7) Civilian Personnel Regulations Number 103, 1-3, Revised 18 Oct 45: "Employees Suggestions and Cash awards." 5. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: I OFFICIAL: rCr^f' 3TLII^H^Nf Major, MnC adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS } NO, 10-3.9 ) HR 10-35 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 19li6. PUBLIC RELATIONS Paragraph General 1 Dut ie s 2 Additional Duties 3 Authoritative References k Rescissions 5 1. GENERAL. - a. Army Public Relations is a function of command. Responsibility for the conduct of Public Relations and for the ac- curacy of information is that of the Commanding Officer. The Public Relations Office has been established as an operational agency. To discharge these responsibilities a Public Relations Officer is ap- pointed by special orders. b. The Public Relations Officer will observe all policies established by the bar Department, Bureau of Public Relations; Fifth Service Command, Bureau of Public Relations: and the Standing Opera- ting Procedure of the Post pertaining to Public Relations. 2. DUTIES. - The Public Relations Officer will: a. Advise the Commanding Officer on Public Relations mat- ters in general; in particular, on the relations existing between his command and the civilian population of nearby communities, including liaison with the civilian groups which express an interest in this installation and its personnel. b. Prepare material and news items pertaining to the command for release to local information media and Headquarters, 5th Service Command, c. Review material for dissemination through local infor- mation media and in the Post Newspaper. d. Receive all representatives of informational media, local and national, and assist them obtaining desired material dealing with the command. e. Advise the Commanding Officer on all awards and pre- sentations and will prepare and arrange for the ceremonies involving the awards and presentations of the medals, either to military or civilians. HR 1.0-35 ADDITIONAL DUTIES. - a. Conservation Committee Member. bu Member Qualified Staff, Mortuary Procedure- h- ' AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, W.D.B.P.R. Policy Book for Army Public Relations, as amended, and the Fifth Service Command Supplements (series)a b. Letters for Public Relations Policy in Public Relations Office file, from 1 June 19hh to 1 Jan 19a6, file number 1. Co TM B-260, 16 July 19U5, Organization for the Gen- eral Hospital. d. TM 12-2l|0, Jan Procedure of Deceased Persons in the United States and Alaska, e5 TM 12-2ljOA, May 19h5, Procedure of Deceased Persons in the United States and Alaska. f. CGH SO 2?1, Par 19, 13 Nov 19')5, Conservation Com- mittee o go 5th SvC Memo, Mo 168, 2? Doc Mortuary Pro- cedures in Emergencies or Major Disasters, 5. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR .,0 h5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) no,. 10 U5 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9.. Ohio 1 January ..»,9U6 LIAISON ACTIVITIES Paragraphs General o « » *©* © © o ©* o o ■>o o » a «©©»*«■ © • »»•»«>* e«o»^<»», * * > ■ ««•’ 1 AAF PDC Hospital Liaison Office © © © © ©■© •> •- ©...»* * * * * *<,* 0, ., , * * * *, 2 Army Ground Forces Liaison Office 0 * © , © > * * i * *» 0 * 3 American Red Cross © * © * & * •-> , ■>©<>«<■ * -■>, .•» * <> © »■© »*»&%■>•> , -> li Veterans Administration » a * o © o *, , *«© * *»* , o a <> 5 War Manpower Commission « US Employment Service *«,»*« ©c =6 Civil Service <500.,«< o, .,, .©,,, -,... , © © *«c., * ■ & o . > © t ■ ■ ,> > * *1 Veterans Organizations * 0 * *© © <■• <» o o <> o >0 c ■>> o o <> © *» * . * > * * , © , ., , .■> <>»« 8 Authoritative References * >*000,o*o«o«*■> ,o*»<>oq ><> 5 Rescissions © o o a © q ■ o o o o o n o o o t> o <1 o o u c © o o -o O O o o o a n o o o * a o .> « o o <> i> ■> •> «? 10 lo GENERAL- Liaison representatives of governmental and civilian agencies named below are authorized to operate within the hospital to per- form certain designated functions or render requested assistance to patients, separatees * or military operating personnels, Authorities for operation and specific functions or services authorized are individually cited Liaison representatives are attached to the staff of the Commanding Officer. 2o AAF FDC HOSPITAL LIAISON OFFICE. « The AAF Personnel Distribution Command Hospital Liaison Officer is~authorized under the direction of the Commanding Officer of AFPDC, Louisville, Kentucky to render such assistance as necessary to solve the problems of AAF patients stationed in the hospitals. The functions of this office include identification and accounting for all AAF Personnel in the hospital _ interviewing and counseling all AAF patients relative to problems in which this office may be of assis- tance,, assisting the hospital in necessary and proper disposition of AAF patients in accordance with current AAF and administrative aid for AAF patientSo Administrative aid includes information for patients on matters such as awards and decorations, pay, baggage, records and allied papers.. Promotions are submitted for officers and enlisted men when appro- priate.. Flights are arranged for patients from the hospital to their homes,. Monthly reports are sent to Headquarters AAF, Washington, D<> C and Head- quarters, AFPDC j, Louisville, Kentucky * (WD Cir No, 176 AAF Ltr, 15 h, HLO Manual 80~-CK3)o 3o ARMY .GROUND FORCES LIAISON OFFICE,. ~ The AGF Liaison Officer and his staff are personal representatives of the Commanding General. Army Ground Forces, Washington 25$ D, G, The Staff at this installation consisting of a Senior AGF Liaison Officer and assistants,, has the functions of greetings interviewing, and counseling all AGF patients and conveying to them the appreciation of the Commanding General of the Ground Forces for their services in the field* The AGF Liaison Officer also acts in an advisory capacity to the hospital commander on matters pertaining to AGF patients. Pertinent records are kept on each AGF patient so that maximum assistance can be ren- dered,. (Hq, AGF, Liaison S 0oPf.B| ASF Cir No ll5> WD Cir No,, 1?6)* ko AMERICAN RED CROSS 0 - The Red Gross * under provisions of AR 85>Q~75* has responsibility fors a0 Entertainment and recreaxuLon* in cooperation with Special Service Officerfor patients and their guests bo Social service contacts with patients; home communities in- cluding verification of emergency furloughs* and securing data for social historieso Co Financial assistance to patients„ d Assistance to separatees in completion of VA Form %26* Appli- cation for Pension (AD Cir No* 308)0 eG Reference is made to FIR 85>0-7£5 CGH* for further information relative to mission and procedures of Red Gross* 5>o VETERANS ADMINISTRATION;, - The representative of the Veterans Admin- istration is authorized to render on request assistance to servicemen* veterans and their dependents on aspects of laws administered by the Veterans Adminis- tration with special reference to benefits* claims and insurance * and to serve as advisor on Veterans Administration Affairs to military counselorsc (WD Cir No0 306)0 60 AAR MANPOWER COMMISSION - UNITED ST'-TES EMPLOYMENT SERVICEQ - The USES Representative is authorized to assist military counselors as requested with respect to employment counseling* job opportunities and job requirements* Representative supplies military counselors with up-to-date employment service informtional materials* occupational tools* labor market information and in- dividual advice on related matters.. When requested* he interviews separatees presenting particularly difficult or unusual employment problems- (WD Cir No, 308 )„ 7o CIVIL SERVICE* - The Civil Service Representative is authorized to advise patients* separatees and military counselors on matters concerning mandatory reemployment rights of Federal civilian employees being separated from military service* legal privileges* opportunities for employment in the Federal civil service* rights of veterans and their dependents as potential Federal employees* He also assists in the preparation of civil service appli- cations for employment and make arrangements for administering of written tests when appropriate* (AD Cir No* 308)„ 8o VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS* - Representatives of various veterans organ- izations may on occasion be authorized by the hospital commander to operate vdthin the hospital when the services afforded will be in the best interests of patients or separatees and within the scope of limitations imposed on such agencies by higher headquarters* 9* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - 2 HR 10-1*5 a° AAF PPG Hospital Liaison Officer„ - (1) «D Cir Noo 1?6, 191*5, Sec III, Liaison Personnel. (2) Letter, Hq, AAF, file; 15-li, 2h May Report of Patients for Transfer (3) AAF PDC Hospital Liaison Office Manual 80-0-3* Hq, AAF, 1 Sep kU9 as supplementsdo bo AGF Liaison Officer« - (1) V.D Cir 176, 19U5, Sec III, Liaison Personnel. (2) AGF SOP, Hospital Liaison, undated. (3) ASF Cir 115, 30 Mar 1*5, Part II, Sec IV, Hospital - AGF liaison personnel0 c0 American Red Cross0 - (1) AR Employment of America! National Red Cross. (2) V\D Cir No. 308 191*5, Sec II, par 7, Authorized Agencies at Installations Effecting Separations from Military Service» (3) HR 850-75, CGH, 1 Jan 1*6, American Red Cross. do Veterans Administration., (l) ?.D Cir Noo 308, 191*5, Sec II, par 3, Authorized Agencies at Installations Effecting Separations from Military Serviceo eQ War Manpower Commission - US Employment Service0 - (l) WD Cir No. 308, 191*5, Sec II, par 1*, Authorized Agencies at Installations Effecting Separations from Military Service. fo Civil Serviceo - (l) ?*D Cir Hoc 308, 191*5, Sec II, par 6, Authorized Agencies at Installations Effecting Separations from Military Service. 10, RESCISSIONSo - None BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; [OFFICIAL:/, OLM . v STElfelOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major* MAC Adjutant HR 15-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 15-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9> Ohio. 1 January 19)46. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Adjutant Paragraph Organization 1 Dllt le S .. a...... eooooo.oc. ... ......coco. a. ........... oa««eoo. ....... 2 Additional Duties ................ •. •.... .. 3 Authoritative References ...........,... 0........... li Rescissions 5 1® ORGANIZATION. - The Administrative Division will function under the jurisdiction of the Adjutant appointed by the Commanding Officer. It will be subdivided into the following sections: a. Claims Branch. b0 Office Service Branch. Co Postal Branch. d. Publications Branch. 2. DUTIES OF THE ADJUTANT. - The Adjutant is charged with: a. Assisting Commanding Officer and Executive Officer as directed. bo Signing routine and other papers in the name of and for the Commanding Officer. Co Authenticating, reproducing and distributing post general orders, special orders and other local directives. d. Operating a headquarters mail and message center. e. Distributing directives received from higher headquarters. f. Maintaining post central files, g. Supervising the postal service of the Post, and the central storage and issue of War Department and 5th SvG publications, 3. ADDITIONAL DUTIES. - a. Member Executive Committee, Post Conservation Program. b. Chairman, Publications and Directives, Sub-Committee, Post Conservation Program; Order, Fifth Service Command. a. Member, Personnel Reduction Board, Order, Fifth Service Com- mand HE !£.£ !*, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCE. - a* Adjutant, - (1) 1M 8-262, 1 July 191:5, Chapter 1, Hospital Organization, (2) AR 15-5, 15 June 19i*2, - The Adjutant General, bo Conservation Program, - (1) 5th SvC Cir No 60U, 29 Oct 19U5, Par U, - Conservation, (2) CGH Memo No 36, 27 Dec 19U5, - Conservation, Co Personnel Reduction Board, - (1) Letter, Hq 5th SvC,* file: SPVPD 200„3, 7 Nov 19U5, Reduction in Force, First Quarter, 19h6* (2) CGH Par 18, SO No 5, 7 Jan 19h6, 5* RESCISSIONS, - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEBIHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL^B• STEINHODR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 15-10 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 15-10 ) CEILS GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9S Ohio«. 1 January 19I16. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF THE DAI bSnQFSl a««eo«a«a»oo6sei«««iroeo«oca9(sa«ti»««ft030i>«ocsi>«o«9«o<)eee 1 Tour of Duty * 000090 OODOOOOOOOO 2 0 f flC6r oooooooooooeoooooooeooetocaoooooooooooooooeooooooooooooooood 3 GSIlSrSl DlltiBS i)L Inspections of Hospital oooooooooooooocoooaoaooAeooooooocoooooooooti 5 Dlity D© tschskents ooseoveooo&oooaooooooodooooocoooooooooooovoooooooo 6 SscflpGo Prisoners or Insane Patients oaoc-oooooooaoooooooooooooooooo 7 HoSpltal Oliard s»»<>o««<>aaD»«««s«oo«o>ii««ooo«o««««e«« 8 Confinement of Persons eao«o»osoo»«c«oe9o»o«e««i>aoai>t>eoe«e««>oo 9 Restricted Patients oot>ocoooocoooooooocooooooo ESCAPED PRISONERS OR INSANE PATIENTS* - In the event of escape of a prisoner or insane patient, tbs AOD will promptly and thoroughly investi- gate the circumstances and make every effort to apprehend the prisoner or patient, including notification of civilian authorities, and making a com- plete report* 8* HOSPITAL GUARDo - Daring the absence of the Provost Marshal, the AOD will assume the duties of the Provost Marshal, in which case, the poli- cies and standing orders of the latter will be in force* The AOD will inspect the guard at least twice during his tour of duty; once between 1800 and 2h00 hours, and once between 2U00 hours and 0600 hours* He will note at these inspections the personal appearance of the guards on duty and will question them regarding their general and special orders, and will assure himself that they understand the proper performance of their duties* He will inspect the house and premises and will verify the count of prisoners He will sign the report of the commander of the guards, entering thereon pertinent remarks and comments* HR 1S-10 9o CONFIHEMMT OF PERSONS,. - The AOD will, when in his judgment it is necessary, confine in the Hospital Guard House or Detention Ward 6lA, any person who may be present on the post, for safekeeping until proper action can be taken* In such* instances, patients will be placed in the Guard House« In the case of civilians the AOD will at once communicate with the local police and endeavor to turn them over to civil authorities„ Any officer on duty at Crile General Hospital is authorized* when in his judgment it is necessary, to place patients in the Detention WardQ In each instance, the person to be confined will be sent to the Detention ?»ard under an appropriate guard who will be given an information memorandum for delivery to the Ward Officer requesting the person be placed in detentions In each instance* the AOD will enter on his report the names of persons confined and placed in detention, the attendant, circumstances, and all pertinent data together with a list of witnesses necessary to make proper disposition of the case* 10o RESTRICTED - Daily at 1630 hours, the AOD will report to the Office of the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, Building 66 and secure a list maintained in that office of patients currently under re- striction as a result of court martial or punishment under AW 10ko He will, prior to 21*00 hours, verify by direct contact with the ward concerned whether the patients are present on the ward or post as the case may be.-. Ary instances of non-compliance with the restriction imposed will be included in the AOD Report rendered at the completion of his tour of duty* Ho MESS INSPECTIONo - The AOD will inspect and eat one meal in each of the following laessess Officers1 Mess* General Mess? and Detachment MesSo He will inspect the night lunch provided in the General Mess for night duty personnel* He will report on the quantity and quality of the food served.^ He will authorize., when necessary, the feeding of patients who have been admitted after a meal has been served and duty personnel who have been pre- vented by official duties from eating during the prescribed meal hou 12o OFFICERS* CLUB* - The AOD is responsible for the good order and proper closing of the Officers8 Club The employees on duty in the club will make necessary preparations for the closing of the club at the proper time, but the AOD, after making a careful inspection especially with respect to fire hazards, will close the club , Should the AOD be engaged in any other official business which he cannot leave at the time when the club should be closed, he is authorized to nominate the senior duty officer present in the club as his deputy. This may be done by telephone,, If no officer is present in the club, the AOD may call upon the Medical Officer of the Day or upon any available officer for this purpose.. The deputy so nominated will inspect and close the club and will then report the fact of inspection and closing to the A0Do A statement of the satisfactory condi- tion of the club, the inspection before closing and its closing will be submitted with the regular report of the Administrative Officer of the Day, 13o MOTOR VEHICLES* - All government-owned vehicles assigned to the motor pool will be checked between 2000 hours and midnight from the list furnished by the Transportation Officer for this purpose| he will include HR l£~10 in his report the time of check and a report of any vehicles ndssingo Under his direction* the AOD may detail the Sergeant of the Guard to make this inspection > The AOD will enforce the orders and regulations govern- ing speed and parking of motor vehicles on this reservation during his tour of duty , lUo TELEGRAMS - After regular hours of duty* the AOD will be respon- sible for receiving all incoming telegrams and for making necessary distri- bution of those telegrams requiring immediate action0 15« REPORT. - The report of the AOD will be rendered on the "Report of the Administrative Officer of the Day"* WD AGO 8-1959 one copy As this report will be filed as a part of the permanent records of this hos- pital* all concerned are directed to assure themselves that the data entered thereon are both complete and accurate« A supply of these forms will be maintained at the Information Desk The report will be typewritten and prepared in the office to which the AOD is assigned for duty 16 ALTERNATE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF THE DAY. - An officer will be detailed as Alternate AOD ~~fhe officer so detailed will ordinarily be the officer detailed as AOD for the day following He will keep himself avail- able for duty as AOD in case of emergency 17 o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES - a TM 8-260,, 16 July 19U1* - Fixed Hospital of the Medical De- par tment (General and Station Hospital)„ b AR 3U£ 25* 30 Dec 192liy - "Duty Rosters" > 18 RESCISSIONS. - None BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONs ~ — RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major* MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major* MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO o 15-15 J CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio, 1 January 1946 HR 15-15 CLAIMS OFFICER 1„ DUTIES; - The claims officer shall; a0 Investigate and report to the commanding officer the results of such investigations of claims made by and against the Government of the United States; and b» Investigate and report to the commanding officer the results thereof of all other matters required by Army Regulations and/or when directed by the commanding officer,. 20 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES: - * a* AR 25-20, Claims Procedure, par 7d, Claims Officers; b* That body of laws, regulations and directives pertinent to the claim being investigated* 3, RESCISSIONS: - None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant OFFICIAL: ' RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 15-20 CRIIiE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9.? Ohio 1 January l'9i|6 HR 15 20 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Office Service Branch Paragraph Section I, General Information .... *,,,» 1 - 2 Section II, Message Center , 0«0,«* „ . ... ,, 3 - b Section III... Information Office ,.... ,, ,*... 0«„ c u..»-„,. 7 - ill Section IV. Miscellaneous .a,... „ ,... . ,...... ,... = 15 - 16 Section I GENERAL INFORMATION Paragraph Organization 0, .3, u,*„«„„..„,■ «.,,..... ,...* ,, *.. * <>... „„ 1 Duties O 0 0 , r. .. O , 0 ... ... o o V ... , , « o . c * 2 1, ORGANIZATION. - The Office Service Branch will function under the direction of the Adjutant and will be under the immediate supervision of the Sergeant Major of the Posto 2o DUTIES - The Office Service Branch is charged with: a. Operating message center and providing mail messenger, stenographic and other office services for Headquarters- bo Operating the hospital information service. c Issuing orders for leaves, appointment of boards, travel, assignment and reassignment of officers, enlisted men and patients.. d Maintaining files on all correspondence, reports, Army Regulations, circulars, bulletins and other official papers for which this office is an office of record„ Section II MESSAGE CENTER Paragraph Location «„,: a.... .. ,„.» . «» 3 Incoming and Outgoing Mail ,, 0 . « >. c ,.««** h Method of Distribution .,. s . „«».. , c „«. , <. , „<>.,.<,o.,<.* <. , „ * 5 Marking of Correspondence 6 8° LOCATIONo - The Message Center will be located in Building hi * adjacent to the Post Office* A non-commissioned officer will bo detailed in charge of such enlisted and civilian assistants as may be necessary for its proper operation* ho INCOMING ::d OUTGOING MAIL* - All incoming official corres- pondence addressed to the Commanding Officer will be picked up from the Post Office by Message Center personnel* All such correspondence will be time stamped, and distributed to the appropriate department by the Message Center* Only correspondence requiring the attention or action of Headquarters will be directed uo the Adjutant* METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION* - The Message Center will assign a distribution box to each Service, Department, Ward, Clinic and Office of this command for the purpose of making inter-office distribution of all communications* The officer in charge of each department, ward, office, etc, will designate an enlisted or civilian member of his staff to call at the message center at least twice each day, not later than 1030 in the morning and not later than in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving communications pertaining to his department and to delivery to the clerk in Message Center communications from his depart- ment to other departments within the hospital* All correspondence, etc, for the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer or the Adjutant will be delivered to Post Sergeant Major* 6* MARKING OF CORRESPONDENCE*~ All correspondence directed through Message Center will be clearly marked showing both the office of origin and bhe office to which the correspondence is directed* Section III INFORMATION OFFICE Paragraph Organize tion 0 *******. *..««*. **, o. * *******«**... <> * ***** o * * * o *** * 0 * o** 7 IndeX Of FatientS o o o o o o e : c :■ * * * o o , o o * * o * o * * * . * e * c * o * * * o c * o o o * * o o o * o 8 Rosters of Duty Personnel **0 * * **„****** * **o*. *.*<> * o** o * *** * -** * « 9 Roster of Seriously 111 Patients* **************... **»<.. * * * * * * * * * * * *10 Information to be Given Out * * * * * * * ******************** * *.***** * *.* 11 Packages, Flowers eto, Received********.***** ,..*..***. * *. ..**_**** 12 Passes for * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** ***....** ****** **.*.....**** dj Function Under the AOD 0 <> * *«... <>**. o o* 0*** ****..** * * <>.«***** o o * * *. o *lli 7o ORGANIZATION* - The Information Office will function under the immediate supervision of the Sergeant Major as a section of the Office Service Branch0 A civilian supervisor will be in charge with such assis- tants as may be necessary0 This office will be kept open the entire twenty- four hours each day0 HR IS“20 80 INDEX OF PATIENTS. - In order that a ready reference may bo available, the Information Office will maintain a cardex card on file for every patient in the hospital* These cards will bo furnished the Information Office by the R & D Officer on the morning following a patient5 s admission... These cards will be filed alphabetically accord- ing to the last name, in dictionary index order* Any change inwards or other data will be immediately noted on this card. These cards will remain in the "active” file until the patient appears on the Daily Admission and Disposition Sheet as a "disposition" at which time the card will be filed in an "inactive” file in the same manner as prescribed for the "active” file for three months for reference. 9* ROSTERS OF DUTY PERSONNEL. - A roster of duty personnel, military and civilian, will be kept up to date in the Information Office for ref- erence* Necessary information for keeping these rosters current will be furnished the Information Office by the Chief of Military Personnel Branch and the Chief of Civilian Personnel Branch as changes in personnel occur* 10. ROSTER OF SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS. - A roster of patients who have been reported as seriously ill will be kept and no name will be removed until a death notice has been received, or on the request of the Registrar, who is responsible for seeing that no patient who has been reported as seriously ill remains on the roster after recovering sufficiently to warrant the re- moval of the name from the list* 115 INFORMATION TO BEJjIYBN out. - All requests for information will be given prompt attention, except that in no instance will diagnoses be furnished. Requests for diagnoses will be referred to the Adjutant or the Executive Officer.. 12o PACKAGES, FLOWERS, ETC*, RECEIVED* - All packages, flowers, special delivery letters, etc*, received for a patient who is in the hospital, will be receipted for, entered in a book provided for this purnose and delivered, to the patient with the least practicable delay. Receipt from the patient or the ward nan will be obtained in this book. 13. PASSES FOR VISITORS. - Personnel on duty in the Information Office will issue passes to ail visitors desiring to see patients in this hospital. Passes, other than those issued during regular visiting hours, will be approved by the Adjutant, or in his absence, the officer of the day of the professional service concerned. Upon departure from the hospital, visitors will return their passes to the guard stationed at the main entrance of the hospital, 14, FUNCTION UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF TEE DAY... - During the hours that the administrative offices of the hospital are ’closed, the per- sonnel of this office will function under the Administrative Officer of the Day. ' . 5-*C Section IV Paragraph Authoritative References , „»* „ o«»„ „»*> o<, < 3... -■ Rescissions = 0 <,.«. . .................. 0 *...... •. ........coo 16 15o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, Chapter I, TM 8-262, Standard Organization for Hospitals, 1 July 19hS* b0 Chapter 2, TM 8-260, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Department, 16 July 19^1» !6o RESCISSIONSa - None * BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: ■, Joi MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINIIOUR Major5 MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NOa 15 30 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9$ Ohio* 1 January 19U6* HR 1£ 30 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Postal Branch Paragraphs Status OCOOOeoOOOOOOOOOOOOOQoOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOPOOOOOOAOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOP 1 Duties of Postal Officer ooooooooooopoooooooooo6eoo»oeooooo*poo*&o<)co 2 Financial Section ocoooooooaooeoeooQooooooooo,6ooo6oo««oooooooqoo(>oooo 3 Hours PPOOPQOOOoOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOCOOOOCOPOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOjJCOCOOOOOtJiJO U Holiday Schedules cppoooo<>oooo<>popooppppoooooc>oooooooooooop»opoopoooo Collection and Dispatch of Mail v-oopcooppoooopooooopoppopoppoppoopoc 6 Delivery of Mail ooopppppoooppoppoopov so.opopoooooooooppppooppooppppo 7 Authorization xor Orderly q © o o o o o o o o o o o $ <> o p o o p $ e o <► & o o o © $ c«o o p o p <> 8 Registered* Insured* and Man poooooppooQooocopooooeoopecoopeo 9 Locator File QOOOOOOOiOOooOOOOOPOOOCOOOOCiOOOOC>OftOOO&OOOOOOt*OOC,«00<>00 10 Care in Handling Mail eo3ooc©6ooooppoopQooooapoopoooopoooooo 11 Authoritative References cQPca«oooooDooc'oooooo 12 Rescissions 13 1 STATUS; - The Post Office of Crile General Hospital is classified as a Branch Office”of the Main Post Office* Cleveland* Ohio and is known as Postal Unit No 1* Cleveland* Ohio The Post Office will function under the Adjutant and under the immediate supervision of an officer designated by the Commanding Officer as the Postal Officer The Post Office will be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the U: S0 Post Office Department insofar as they are applicable 2 DUTIES OF POSTAL OFFICER - The postal officer is charged with: a Operating the postal service including the delivering and col- lecting of mail b Operating postal locator service c Maintaining contact with postal authorities to insure compliance with postal regulations and adequate servicec 3 FINANCIAL SECTIONo - A competent civilian selected by and under contract to the 30 Post Office Department* will be employed to handle all financial matters such as the sale of stamps* money orders* the weighing-in of parcel post packages* registering of mail* etc The responsibility for this phase of the post office activities will rest with the contracted in- dividual and the Postmaster* Cleveland* 0hioo The Commanding Officer,; Crile General Hospital* will determine the adequacy of the services rendered by the contracting individual and hours during which the department will open for business with the public 1 HE lg-30 iio HOURSo - The Post Office -will function on schedule as follows: a0 Business transactions: Daily 0900 to 1100 and 1130 to 1630 hours , except Sundays and Holidays<> bo General Delivery: Available during hours indicated in par 60 5o HOLIDAY SCHEDULES0 * Holiday schedules for delivery of mail will be made as directed by the Commanding Officer and as announced in the Daily Bulletin,, 6o COLLECTION AND DISPATCH OF MAIL.. « Mail will be collected three times daily from the ten mail boxes located throughout the hospitals The collection schedule for these mail boxes will be 0830, 12l£ and 16U£ hours daily, and at 0715> hours on Sundays and holidays« All mail from and to this hospital will be transported to and from the U~S,, Post Office desig- nated by the Postmaster, Cleveland, Ohio, by an authorized, bonded enlisted man assigned to the Post Office in a truck furnished to the Postal Officer by the Transportation Officer,, Outgoing mail will be delivered to the designated post office at 0930, 1300, and 1800 hours daily and at 0830 hours on Sundays and holidays* Incoming mail will be picked up from the designated post office at 0730, 1000 and 1330 hours daily and at 0830 hours on Sundays and holidays0 7c DELIVERY OF MAIL. =* In the absence of instructions to the con- trary, the Postal Officer will dispose of mail addressed to this command and its members as follows: a... For Operating Departments: To be called for at the Post Office by the department head or a designated mail orderly (see paragraph 8) between the hours of 0900 and 1730, Mondays through Saturday and between the hours of 1000 and 1130 on Sundays b0 For Officers and Families: To be called for at the Post Office by the officer concerned between the hours of 0900 and 1730, Mondays through Saturday and between the hours of 1000 and 1130 on Sundays„ Co For civilian Personnel on Duty at this hospital in an Of- ficer Status: To be called for at the Post Office on the same schedule as for officerso Civilians employed will not use this hospital as their official mail address unless they reside on the posts d3 For Enlisted Personnel on Duty at this Hospital: To be called for at the Post Office by the addressee between the hours of 1130 and 1330 and between 15>30 and 1730, Mondays through Saturday and between 1000 and 1130 on Sundays e0 For Patients? Mail will be bundled in the Post Office and delivered to the nurse on duty in each ward, who will be responsible for its sorting and distributionMail will be delivered to the addressee only- Undelivered mail will be returned to the mail carrier on his next 2 HR 15-30 trip and at no time will be left unguarded and accessible to personnel on the wardo Under no circumstances will mail be turned over to the ward enlisted personnel for delivery to patients. Mail will be delivered to wards at 1030 and 1500 daily except Sundays when a morning delivery only will be raade« 8o AUTHORIZATION FOR MAIL ORDERLY « Department heads desiring to designate mail orderlies to receive, carry and deliver all mail* including insured and registered mail for their department* will complete and sign form 11 Authorization For Mail Orderly" and send with the designated mail orderly to the Postal Officer for completion A supply of these forms are available in the Post Office upon request Only upon receipt of a properly executed authorization will the Post Office deliver mail to other than the addressee $ 9 REGISTERED, INSURED, AND G0QoD0 MAIL. « Registered, insured, and CoOoDo mail will be handled only by bonded individuals Such mail will be held at the Post Office to be called for by the addressee Notice will be sent to the addressee on the regular mail delivery that a package or letter is being held for him In those cases where the addressee is bedridden or for some reason is unable to call in person for registered, insured, or mail, the bonded individual charged with the safeguarding of this mail will deliver it in person. Under no circumstances will this tyoe of mail be delivered to other than the addressee Receipt will be obtained for all registered and insured mail 10 LOCATOR FILE- « A locator file of the personnel of the command* including civilians living on the post* will be maintained by the Postal Officer* the R & D Officer* the Chief of Military Personnel* and the Chief of Civilian Personnel will furnish data daily* or as occurring* concerning changes in personnel 11; CARE IN HANDLING MAILo - All persons charged with the delivery of mail are cautioned against tardiness* carelessness* and neglect in handling of mail Care will be taken that all mail is promptly delivered to the proper person or forwarded to his new address Theft or tampering with registered* C,.0 D0* parcel post* or other mail is a serious offense* punish- able under the Federal Postal Laws and Articles of War While the Postal Officer is primarily responsible for the safe delivery of all mail matter* those persons designated in these regulations to receive mail for others are warned that they will be held liable for any loss of mail after it has been delivered into their custody After mail has been received in a ward* the nurse in charge will see that it is immediately delivered to the ad- dressee o If the patient to whom the mail is addressed has been transferred from the ward* or otherwise disposed of* the mail will be returned immediately to the Post Office with proper notation 12o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. « a- TM 8-262, 1 July 19hSs - Hospital Organization, Chap 10 b FM 12-10£, 7 May 19U3* - "Army Postal Service," 3 HR 15-30 o* Postal Laws and Regulations, as amended* do Post Office Department Manual, 19U2, - "The Army Mail Service0" 13, RESCISSIONS. - a, GGH Memo No 6, 29 April 19hh9 SOP for Post Office, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: OFFICIAL! r i RUSSELL B. STEIHHOUR Major# MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B, STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 15-35 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 15-35 ) GRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9> Ohio 1 January 1946. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Publications Branch Paragraph Organization : , ♦ , *•, . ..........,. 1 Duties of Publications Officer ,.. »,, 2 Initial Distribution . *, , , ........ 3 Stock Control Levels ..... ... h Method of Requisitioning $ Deli very Service ,, , .. : 6 Forms Control an d Standardization Program . . ? Reproduction Service ....... ,1. , ,. . ...... . 8 Publications Control . 9 Authoritative References . ... .10 Rescissions ♦ II 1* ORGANIZATION- The Publications Branch will function as a section of the Administrative Division under the immediate super- vision of a Publications Officer appointed by thq Commanding Officer, 2‘ DUTIES OF PUBLICATIONS OFFICER. - The Publications Officer is charged with the following: a Reviewing all requests for publications, b. Requisitioning, receiving, storing, and issuing all War Department, SvC and CGH publications and blank forms♦ c. Providing reproduction service for the command. 3. INITIAL DISTRIBUTION. - Upon receipt of initial distribu- tion of War Department, SvC or CGH publications- blank forms and intra- service forms from the appropriate supply agency* the Publications Officer vail carefully review the publications received ana make distribution to the interested departments and offices of the hos- pital as indicated for their information, A record of this distri- bution will be made in a register maintained for this purpose. In addition to distributing information copies to the departments im- mediately concerned, announcement of the receipt of publications and new forms will be made in the Daily Hospital Bulletin for the infor- mation of all personnel. It will be the responsibility of all de- partment heads to carefull;/ check this list as published each day to make sure that all concerned are aware of the publications and forms available. An additional supply of forms and publications 1 HR 1^-35 received on initial distribution will be requisitioned from Pub- lications in accordance with the procedure outlined in paragraph 9. h. STOCK CONTROL LEVELS. - a, Stock of publications and blank forms at the using department or office at this installation will not exceed a 30-day supply based upon estimated issues. b. Stocks of publications and blank forms at the Pub- lications Stock Room will be based upon the establishment of stock control levels set by the Publications Officer to meet issue demands of the Post for a period of 60 days in accordance with procedure outlined in Part One, AbF Cir No. 199, 30 June 19hU as amended by Part One, ASF Cir No. 289, 30 July 19U5>* 5. METHOD OF REQUISITIONING. - a. Using departments and offices mil submit requisi- tions for all types of publications and blank forms to the Publica- tions Department the last week of each month according to schedules announced by the Publications Officer. All requisitions will be prepared in duplicate on V*'D, AGO Form No. 17, ’’Requisition for Publications and Blank Forms" and must reach the Publications Office by 0900 hours on the designated day. All requisitions will be signed by the officer in charge of the department or office Only under extenuating circumstances will emergency requisitions be submitted to Publications for action. b* After filling requisitions from all the using agencies throughout the hospital the Publications Officer will con- solidate all requisitions and submit a consolidated requisition for the entire post to the Fifth Service Command, Columbus, Columbus, Adjutant General Depot on the date specified in accordance with procedure outlined in Part One, ASF Cir No 199? 30 June 19hh 6. DELIVERY SERVICES, - Delivery of monthly requisitions will be made by Publications to the department concerned in the afternoon of the day the requisition is submitted. No delivery service will be furnished for emergency requisitions 7. FORMS CONTROL AND STANDARDIZATION PROGR.AM. - a. The objective of the Forms Control and Standardization Program of the Army Service Forces are: (l) To effect a continuous and substantial reduction in the number of printed and duplicated intra- office and intra-service forms used throughout the Fifth Service Command. 2 HR 15-3$ (2) To effect simplification and standardization of size and design of all forms remaining in use and to improve in their appearance and re- adaptabllity, (3) To effect a substantial reduction in the quantity of paper used and the number of manhours required both for reproduction of forms and the process- ing of data on the finished form. b. To carry out this program as outlined in (a) above the Commanding Officer will appoint a Forms Representative for the installation, c- Departments desiring to use a new form will first submit a draft (not a stencil) of the proposed form on WD, AGO Form No 557, "Form Design Guide Sheet", to the Forms Representative in the Publications Office. d. The Forms Representative will review the proposed form to assure himself that; (1) For the function in question there is no existing War Department prescribed form Fifth Service Command intra-service form, or form approved and illustrated for use and local reproduction by directives from higher headquarters such as AR*s_ WD Circulars, ASF Manuals, TM* s , FM" s, and Fifth Service Command Circulars or directives* (2) No local intra-office form could be used. (3) The proposed form is properly designed as re- quired by pamphlet "Principles of Standardization of Size and Design of Forms", issued by Head- quarters, Fifth Service Command, 9 September 19’iU and by ASF Manual M?03-6, 2h August 19hi|. e, If the proposed form meets all the specifications indicated in Hd" above, the Forms Representative will approve by- assigning the form a number and return to the department. f, The submitting department will then prepare the stencil for reproduction and return to Publications along with two copies of WD AGO No 559, "Request for Approval of Form". Upon completion of reproduction the Forms Representative will forward the copies of WD AGO Form Mo 559 and two copies of the reproduced form to Hq. Fifth Service Command for final approval g, In the case of revised intra-office forms with prior approval, the procedure to be followed by departments will bo the same as that for new forms, 3 HR 15-35 h In the case of reprinting of an approved intra- office form departments will request approval from the local Forms Representative by submitting two copies of WD AGO Form No 559,. "Request for Approval of Form” to Publications, but it will not be necessary to complete the section titled "Justification of Form" 8 REPRODUCTION SERVICE - Prior to the reproduction of any publication or blank form at this installation, the approval of the Forms Representative this headquarters must first be secured in accordance with procedure outlined in paragraph 7 After the approval of the Forms Representative has been secured for the reproduction of a local publication or form, deportments will cut the necessary stencils and submit bo publications along with the necessary instructions as to number of copies desired and whether or not the stencil is to be returned to the using agency Publi- cations will reproduce the number of copies requested with the least practicable delay and unless instructions to the contrary are received, the stencil will be destroyed If, in the opinion of the Forms Representative, the usage of a form or publication is suffi- cient to warrant reproduction by Multilith, the Publications Officer will make necessary arrangements for the Multilith Mat to be prepared in the Publications Office 9o PUBLICATIONS CONTROL - In accordance vdth Fifth Service Command Cir No. 551, "Publications Printing and Duplicating Control"., U Oct 19U5 approval of publications of the type numerated below unless previously approved will be requested from the Publications Branch,, Hq, Fifth Service Command on 5th SvC Form IfBRl, "Request for Approval of Publication", submitted in duplicate with two copies of the proposed publication prior to reproductions a General Orders b Special Orders c Court -Martial Orders d Numbered Circulars f. Bulletins g Numbered Memorandums h Unnumbered Memorandums i, Mimeographed Letters j Military Periodicals k Civilian Periodicals 1 Useful Information Periodicals m Regulations n Manuals o Pamphlets p Brochures q Tables r Indexes s Catalogs t Lists u Reports v. Graphic Training Aids w Posters x Charts y. Maps 10 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES a, TM 3-262, 1 July 19hS, Chap I '’Hospital Organization” b, ASF Cir No 199> 30 Juno 19hh? Part One. Sec II, ’’Publications” > 4 HR 15-35 c. FM 21-6, "List and Index of Viar Department Publi- cations" , d ASF Manual M 703-6, 2k Aug 19 hh, "Standardization of Forms" , e« ASF Manual M-300, 1 Aug 19ii5 - "List and Index of ASF Publications" f 5 th SyG Pamphlet, 9 Sep 19Uii> - "Principles of Standardization of Size and Design of Forms" g 5th SvC Cir No 551, U Oct "Publications, Printing and Duplicating Control" h. 5th SvC Cir No. 552, h Oct 19ii5> "Forms Control" iCGH Memo No, 38, 8 Dec 19Un, "Intra-service and Intra-office Forms" j CGI! Memo 20, "Requisitions for Publications. 15 Aug i&5. 11 RESCISSIONS - - None BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STEINIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant Major, MAC Adjutan t HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 15-1*0 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 19-86. HR 15-liO BILLETING OFFICER Paragraph Appointment and Duties 1 Bachelor Officers1 Quarters Buildings 2 Property 3 Services Extended Officers k Officers’ Responsibilities 5 Fees 6 Laundry Service 7 Guests and Civilians on Officer Status 8 Authoritative References 9 Rescissions 10 1. APPOINTMENT AMD DUTIES. - The Commanding Officer will appoint on officer from the command to be known as, "Billeting Officer, Bachelor Officers' Quarters", who will have complete charge of the buildings, the property therein, and will administer the operations. 2. BACHELOR OFFICERS’ QUARTERS BUILDINGS. - Buildings numbers six (6) and seven (?) have been designated, Bachelor Officers’ Quarters". Female guests are not permitted in the private rooms of Bachelor Officers’ Quar- ters at any time. Male visitors will leave the buildings before midnight. 3* PROPERTY. - Property in the individual rooms including bed linen will be the responsibility of the officer occupying the room. Property will not be moved from one room to another. The arrangement and the location of the property in the room may be as the occupant wishes. ll, SERVICES EXTEHDED OFFICERS. - A matron and a janitor will be on duty to assist in keeping the quarters in an acceptable condition. They will make the beds, empty the ash trays and empty the paper baskets daily. Rooms will be dusted and the floors will be cleaned several times a week for the officers. Shoes will be shined daily, Monday through Friday, if the officer places them outside his room door in the hall at 1300 hours. OFFICERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES. - Each officer will keep the number of articles in his room to a minimum, so the appearance of the room will be orderly and business like at all times. Each officer will keep the clothing he is not wearing in his clothes locker, dresser, foot locker, baggage or clothing bog. The matron or janitor will not pick up and put away clothing, Nall lockers, dresser drawers and baggage will bo kept closed, except when in actual use by the officer. Radios will be so controlled as not to be disturbing to others. 60 EEESo ~ A billeting fee will be fixed each month by the billeting officer, which will be determined by the expense incurred by operations. The fee will be payable each month at the Clearance Section, R and D Building Number 66„ A true and accurate account of all money collected and all money expended will be kept in a "Billeting rund Book", by the Custodian, who will be the Billeting Officer. The Billeting Fund Book will be audited at the close of business each month by the Fiscal Director. 7. LAUNDRY SERVICE. - Upon making a five dollar (#5.00) laundry de- posit with the Billeting Officer, an officer’s soiled laundry will be picked up each Monday morning in Building Number 6, in the lounge room, at 0900 hours, taken to the Quartermaster Laundry, and returned to the officer’s room on or about Friday of the same week. The officer will receive his laundry bill together with his billeting bill at the end of the month, or when clearing the Post. Upon termination of duty at this Post, unobligated balance of deposit will be refunded. 8. GUESTS AND CIVILIANS ON OFFICER STATUS. - A room may be had for an officer’s male guest, if available, at 25# a night. A civilian on of- ficer status may engage a room if available, at 25 a night. 9. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 210-10, pp 13; Posts, Camps and Stations, Administration. b. AR 210-50, pp 12; Non-appreprinted Funds. Co Bulletin JAGD May 1943, p 225. 10o RESCISSIONS. - a0 So much of HR CGH, Sec II, p 4, line 4, dated 15 February 1944, as reads, "He will be the Billeting Officer and supervise the assign- ment of Officers’ Quarters". BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: OFFICIAL: t ft (j J fflJSSELL B. STEXNKOUH Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STE INHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 1S-16 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) no. 15-U5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOoPlTAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January I9I46 VISITORS AND VISITING HOURS Paragraph Visiting Hours, General .....................e.... 1 Visiting Hours, Emergency 2 Visitors to Venereal Wards ..... 3 Visitors to Isolation Wards •,.,,......... * I4 Visitors to Closed Neuropsychiatric Wards ...,......, ......... 5 Visitors to Prison and Enforced Treatment Ward ............... 6 Excluded Person .....,.......,,,, 7 Restrictions 8 Miscellaneous 9 Authoritative References >.10 Rescissions ,11 1. VISITING HOURS, GENERAL, - The regular hours for visit- ing patients in this hospital are as follows: a. For all open wards, - Daily Monday through Saturday: 1R00 to 1600 and 1800 to 2100 hours - Sundays and Holidays: lllOO to 2100 hours bo For all closed NP hards - Daily Monday through Sunday: 1)400 to 1600 hours 2, VI b I TING HQU Rb, HiMERG EH C Y... - Visitors may bo permitted to see patients in this hospital during other than regular visiting hours only when it is inadvisable to postpone the visit until the next visiting hour; for example, to see seriously ill patients, or other extreme emergency. In such cases permission will be obtained from the Adjutant, or, in his absence, the Administrative Officer of the Day* Such permission will be in writing. Passes of this nature will state the name of the visitor, the name of the patient to be visited, the ward, and hours for which the pass is granted. 3. VISITORS TO VShERbaii jAAKUa. Patients in the venereal waras will not be permitted to receive visitors in the wards, llr VISITORS TU ISOLATION WARDS. - No person will visit the isolation ward except upon the approval of the Ward Officer- In the HR 15-I|£ absence of the Ward Officer, the Medical Officer of the Day may, in emergency, permit visitors to see patients, 5, VISITORS TO CLOSED NEUROPSYCHIATRIC WARDS, - Visitors will be permitted to see patients in the closed neuropsychiatric wards if permission is granted by the Chief of the Neuropsychiatric Section or his authorized representative. Visitors desiring to see closed ward patients during regular visiting hours will be directed by the Information Office personnel to the receptionist on duty in the N,P, Section Reception Room, Building 81*, who will secure neces- sary permission and arrange for the visitor t.. see the patient. Or- dinarily only relatives or close friends will be permitted to visit patients, and only in exceptional cases will visitors be admitted outside of regular visiting hours. 6- VISITORS TO PRISON AMD ENFORCED TREATMENT WARD. a. No visitors will be permitted to see a patient who is a prisoner, except upon authority of these headquarters, or a written pass good for one (l) visit only, signed by the Medical Officer of the Day, No individual visit will exceed fifteen minutesc Only in exceptional cases will visitors be permitted to see patients in the prison or enforced treatment ward outside of regular visiting hours. The visitors and prisoner will be kept in sight by an attendant at all times during the visit. Visitors will be prohibited from giving money, valuables, articles or packages of any kind to prisoners, and will be instructed by the ward attendant that such articles should be turned over by them, in person, to the ward officer for disposition. b. Visitors to prisoners undergoing treatment in other wards are subject to the provisions outlined in '‘a” above. c. The instructions contained in "a” above will apply to visitors desiring to see patients undergoing enforced treatment, ex- cept that the period of time will not be limited to fifteen minutes. 7* EXCLUDED PERSONS. - Solicitors, vendors, peddlers, or persons suspected of carrying liquor or narcotics to patients or personnel on duty at this hospital, will be denied admission. Ward officers, nurses, ward masters and attendants are enjoined to be constantly on the alert to prevent the admission of such persons. Should such persons be noticed, or should a visitor’s conduct in anyway be open to question, it will be reported immediately to the ward officer, or, in his absence, the Administrative Officer of the Day, 0, RESTRICTIONS. - Ward officers will issue such instructions to nurses and ward masters as may be indicated relating to patients whose visitors are to be restricted, 9, MISCELLANEOUS, - a, Passes which have been approved by the proper officer will be issued by ohe personnel of the Information Office, Those on HR 1>-U5 duty in that office will give parsons applying thereto such infor- mation and assistance as may be indicated concerning regulations governing visits to patients and location of wards. They will direct the visitors to apply to the nurse or ward master in charge of the ward before entering the ward proper to see the patient. b. Nurses, ward masters and attendants on duty in wards are charged with notifying visitors in their wards when visiting hours are terminated for the day. Visitors will not be permitted to sleep or be subsisted in wards. 1°. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR liO-oRO, 29 Aug Par 21, - Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions. 11. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER 01’ COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STSINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. 5TEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 15-50 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 15 -50 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9S Ohio* 1 January 19l±6c RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Paragraphs Purpose 0000000 000o0 0i>000»000000000000 0 000 0 0 il>0000000 0 0a0000 0c00 00 1 Or g an XZ 3t»l OU oooooooooo€>oooco©ooooooo©ooo*>oooot*oooooooooooc*ooooooc 2 Duties of Records AdmiLXiiLSfr3oor Ooooooouoooooooooooaoooooooooooooo 3 Oijiijiies of Records Officers »<> o o o o <> o a o & o o o o o <> o o o & <> o & 0 <* a <& o & o o <> <> <> o o- o o lx Reports OOOOOOO i'Oan c- ii O O OO OOOOO C' *>000 OOOO COO 00-0 OOO&OD 00 OOOOOOOOOO’-O'O 5 Authoritative References oucooooooopooooo&oc 0000000001.00000 & <* 0000 w Rescissions o > o c O O O n o • • c c o c O O O O O O l- o o o o o o o o o o o o o .0 O. O O O O O C O O O o o O O 7 lo PURPOSE,. - The accumulation of masses of files not only reduces administration efficiency by impeding the use of current files but decreases immeasurably the utility of records for legal or historical purposes0 There- fore. the records administration program for the retirement of non-current files and for the orderly disposal of valueless papers has been established* The general purposes of this program area a0 To assure the protection of permanent records and to facili- tate their use* bo To provide for the orderly disposal, in accordance with statu * tory requirements of all other files of this installation* 20 ORGANIZATION ~ a* A Records Administrator for the hospital will be appointed by the Commanding Officer and function under the supervision of the Adjutant* bo In addition to the Records Administrator each Chief of Service or Division will appoint a Records Officer for his department to carry out ail phases of the Records Administration Program under the supervision of the Records Administrator for the hospital* 3o DUTIES OF THE RECORDS ADMINISTRATORo — The Records Administrator is responsible fors a* Maintaining and keeping current the installations records dis- position schedule and installing filing procedures to make it effective* b0 Promptly disposing of non-essential records and records authori- zed for immediate disposal in block upon becoming non current* Co Segregating and disposing of specialized files authorized for centralization or special handling as provided for in Chapter $9 TM 12~25>9s Disposition of Records* dated July 19h5<> 1 HE 15^50 d0 Periodically inspecting files at least quarterly to insure compliance with disposition schedules, @o Maintaining liaison with records deposts and War Department records depositories to facilitate use of files transferred thereto0 fc Properly arranging and packing of files for shipment as directed„ g , Preparing lists and other data as directed by Headquarters,, Fifth Service Command prior to change of status of this installation,;, hG Making recommendations through command channels for the scheduled disposal of filesp other than non record material, i. Assisting commanding officer of T/0 units stationed on the post in maxing proper dispostion of their non *rrent files, Jo Reporting progress as required by the appropriate head quarters 0 ko Such additional duties as may be required by higher headquarters c 4o DUTIES OP RECORDS _CjTICjBjB5 >- The duties for Records Officers will be the same as those for the Records Administrator except that the tion of Records Officers will not extend beyond the department or the service to which they ar assigned0 50 BjPCRTS Records Officers will prepare a quarterly report of non • current files destroyed as of the last day of December March., June and Sep > tember showing the quantity of files destroyed,, measured In terms of file drawers 9 and submit to the Records Administrate of the hospital,. The Records Administrator will consolidate all reports of the Records Officers and submit a consolidated report for the installation isa accordance with paragraph 28 TM 12 >259; Disposition of Records July 1945 60 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES aG TM 12 >238. Aug 1943, Filing Procedure b0 TM 12 259 July 1945, " Disposition of Records, ©o WD Pamphlet 12 14, 15 Sep 1945. Centralisation Maintenance and Servicing of Non current Clinical Records, d0 AR 15- >15/ ° 20 Sep 1945 « Records Administration, e0 ASF Cir No, 321 Ost 1945. Records Administration , to 5th SvG Cir No, 441. 6 Sep 1945,} Downgrading and De» classification of Classified as amended by HqP 5th SvG Cir No, 502. same subject. HR 15 >5 0 g WD Pamphlet 12-5, - 10 March 19i*i* - Disposition of Records. h, »VD Cir No,, 1*16, - 23 Oct 19i*i* - War Department Records Ad- ministration Program, i» WD Cir No , 96, « 23 Mar 191*5 — Maintenance and Disposition of Military 201 Files. 7, RESCISSIONS. - a, GGH Memo No. 32, - 10 Dec 19U5 — Records Administrator., BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON s RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant ' HUSSEUTbT STEINHCfUR J Major5, MAC Adjutant \ HR 20-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO, 20-5 } CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9* Ohio. 1 January 1946. MEDICAL INSPECTOR 1. DUTIES0 - An officer will be appointed by special order to be the Medical inspector., It will be his duties: a. To perform the duties prescribed in AR 40-200, and will make such routine and special inspections and investigations as may be pre- scribed by the Commanding Officer,, b„ To make a monthly check of all alcoholics, narcotics, habit- forming drugs and penicillin in the Pharmacy and in the hands of the Medical Supply Officer, reporting the fact of inspection and existing ir- regularities to the Commanding Officer* Co To inspect and check at irregular intervals the narcotics and penicillin in all wards, noting facts and dates or inspection immediately after the last entry in the books0 do xo prepare the monthly and annual sanitary reports required by AR 40-275o e« To make frequent inspections of all offices and departments of this hospital to insure that the regulations governing their operations are on file and are being complied with* 2* AUTHORITATIVE KhlEKENCESo - a. AR 40-200 Medical Inspector bo AR 40-275 Sanitary Reports* Co Telegram C„G0, 5th SvC, 25 Dec 45 - Penicillin. 3. RESCISSIONS* - None. BY ORDER 0E COLONEL EMERSON; /SOCIAL: / / ) „v !/J // -/ I r-J - ./IhAfj/ 1 / / ju/ : s yo/-U/.'//:y L RUSSELL B. S'iEIHHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. S IE INHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 25-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS) No. 25-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 POST JUDGE ADVOCATE Paragraph Duties 1 authoritative References 2 Rescissions 3 1. DUTIES. - The post judge advocate shall: a. Act as legal advisor to the c Oman ding officer; b. Review claims and reports of investigations on claims; c. Instruct members of special courts-martial of their duties and procedure, and review proceedings of special tnd summary courts- martial; and d. Provide or supervise legal counseling for military personnel as distinguished from personal legal problems which are handled by the Legal Assistance Officers as set out in HP. 40-820. 2. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. aR 25-5, par 3b, General Duties of Staff Judge Advocate; b. ASF M 301, 15 Jan 45, sec 406.05, Post Judge advocate; c. MCM, 1928 as amended; and d. That body of laws, regulations and directives pertinent to the subject matter under consideration. 3. RESCISSloNS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: /j^jeiQULfL {/ RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MaC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) HO. 30-5 ) HR 30-5 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 QUARTER LIAS T Hi I Paragraph Scope . * . 1 Organization and Function........ 2 Supply Procedures 3 Procurement 4 Warehous ing.... o......... 5 Issues and Receipts* 6 Inventories 7 Reports of Survey...... 8 Typewriter Repair 9 t/ -i. Aud 3.1s.10 Reports 11 Transfers to New Officers...... 12 Authoritative References 13 Rescissions 14 1. SCOPE. - The Post Quartermaster will requisition, re- ceive, store and issue all needed types of Quartermaster ex- pendable and non-expendable supplies, maintain proper stock levels and process them according to existing Regulations, Direc- tives and Changes thereto. He exercises supervisory function and is responsible for the efficient operation of the Quarter- master technical activities of Sales Commissary, Typewriter Repair Shop, Laundry, Consolidated Purchasing and Contracting Section, Burials and such other activities as may be designated from time to time. The Post Quartermaster acts as an advisor on QM supply matters and QM technical services to the staff of the Commanding Officer. M 301, 406.10. 2. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS. - The Post Quartermaster will be designated by Special Orders. The QM Service will be organized into the following sections with functions as listed? a. Administrative Section. - (l) Chief Clerk. (a) Receives and distributes all mail from the Post Office and all items from Message Center. (b) All outgoing mail is routed through the Chief Clerk for checking and distribution. (c) Follows up action on reports, requisitions, and directives. HR 30-5 (2) Cleric-Stenographer. - (a) Does all the correspondence for the Post Quartermaster. (b) Maintains the Master files of the Quarter- master Service and keeps them posted with the changes as they occur. (c) Maintains Time Sheets and Records for Quarter- master civilian employees® b. Stock Control Section. - (1) Principal Clerk. (a) Assigns and routes all work in this section. (b) Checks all Property Issue Slips and Requi- sitions for accuracy. (c) Maintains check on station levels and initiates requisitions for replenishment of stock when necessary. (2) Stock Record and Requisitioning Clerks. - Main- tains Stock Record Cards and makes requisitons under direction of Principal Clerk. (3) Memorandum Receipt Clerk. - Maintains Memorandum Receipt Accounts for sections of the hospital and satellite stations. c. Unserviceable and Serviceable Section. The storekeeper is responsible for the classification of clothing and equipage turned in by organizations and individuals and the disposition of the items after classification. do Typewriter Repair Section. - (1) The foreman is responsible for repair and main- tenance of office appliances in the hospital. This maintenance is up to fifth echelon. All fifth echelon repairs arc sent to the Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Typewriter Repair Section. (2) Certain items such as dictaphones, calculators and cash registers are serviced under TPS contracts. It is the responsibility of the foreman of the typewriter shop to notify the contractors when such service is needed. e. Purchasing and Contracting Section. - See HR 30-25. HR 30-5 f. Burials® - See HR 30-50® g® Laundry. - Sec HR 30-2135® h® Sales Commissary. - Sec HR 30-2225® io Transportation Section. - (1) Motor - See HR 55-15. • (2) Rail and Air - See 55-25® 3. SUPPLY PROCEDURES. - Requirements for operation of the hospital and of the personnel are based upon Patient Strength, Detachment Strengths and Satellite Station Strengths; which in turn are governed by Table of Allowances No 20, 5 April 1944, as amended, and Table of Equipment No 21, 1 Jan 1945, as amended Station levels of all classes of supplies are set on this basis and are for sixty (60) days. These levels are revised periodi- cally by the Stock Control Section, representatives of the Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot, Chicago Quartermaster Depot and representatives of the Director of Supply, Fifth Service Command. Revisions are made upon the basis of issue experience for the preceding three (3) months and anticipated strength changes in the ensuing three (3) months® The station has authority to revise levels downward but can only recommend up- ward revisions® Depots determine the upward revisions. If these revisions are too low for needs. Service Command has final authority® 4 ® PROCUREMENT. - a. Types of Items® - (1) Standard items, expendable and non-expendable items, are requisitioned monthly from the Jeffersonville Quarter- master Depot, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, and Philadelphia Quartermaster Depoto Special requisitions are submitted as neededo (2) Non-standard items are requisitioned from the depots with request for assignment of funds to purchase locally® See UR 30-25. (3) Deteriorating items - subsistence® See HR 30-25 and HR 30-2225„ bo Methods o - a) Requisitions are submitted monthly on UD AGO Form No 445 in four (4) copes; three (3) go forward to depot, the fourth HR 30-5 retained in suspense until items are received. When shipment is complete, the requisition and shipping document are filed together in the voucher file. (2) Local Purchase - See HR 30-25. (3) Serviceable items processed from the Service- able and Unserviceable Section are turned over to the Quarter- master Issue warehouse on a Property Turn-In Slip WD AGO Form No 447. (a) There is no repair or renovation work other than dry cleaning and laundry done at this station* (b) Clothi ng and Equipment Shops and Shoe Repair Shops have closed in this area and are no longer in operation. (4) Transfer from Surplus. - Stations in this area closing down are directed by Fifth Service Command to turn in their excesses of Quartermaster property to this station. 5. WAREHOUSING. - Shipments from depots received in the Quartermaster warehouse will be checked against the War Depart- ment Shipping Document* If discrepancies are noted, they will be annotated on the War Department Shipping Document and certi- fied by the accountable officer. After checking, the items will be shelved for issue or placed in ready storage for immediate issue* Bulk storage of items will be accomplished according to current ASF directives on warehousing. All accomplished copies of the War Department Shipping Document are to be sent to the Stock Control Section for posting to its records* Likewise, Property Issue Slips WD AGO Form No 446, when filled are sent to the Stock Control Section with the action taken noted. G• ISSUES, RECEIPTS AND BACK-ORDERS . * a. Expendable Itemso * All issues of expendable supplies will be made on Property Issue Slip WD AGO Form 446, prepared in triplicate * The original is signed by the officer to whom issues are made and this Is retained in the Quartermaster vouchei file*. The second copy is retained by the officer who has received the supplies for his files The third copy is held by Stock Control Section until the original is returned from the issuing warehouse and then destroyed. Expendable supplies are issued weekly to various departments. They are preposted and issue made within forty-eight (48) hours from time of receipt. If item is not in stock, it is placed on back order and filled immediately upon receipt from the depot. HR 30=5 b Non Expendable Items, - Non-Expendable supplies will be made on Property 'issue Slip WD AGO Form 446* in throe (3) copies. The original is signed by the officer to whom issue has been made and it is retained by the Quartermaster for the voucher file, The second copy is retained by the officer who signed for the property while the third copy goes to the Memorandum Receipt Clerk* who uses it to charge the particular item against the officer’s Memo- randum Receipt Account, Issues are made as they are needed by the various departments. co Clothingo ~ (l) Clothing is issued on a Property Issue Slip WD AGO Form 446 in triplicate and is chargeable to the cloth- ing allowance of the enlisted man The same procedure is fol= lowed as for expendable supplies v/ith the issue slip. Patient issue of clothing is issued on a Clothing and -Equipment Ad- justment Form individuallyo These are consolidated on a daily abstract of clothing issues. The original is returned to Quartermaster for voucher file and the second copy with the adjustment forms is retained by the officer in charge of patient issue o (2) Pressing* Cleaning and Alteration Section, = This section alters* presses and dry cleans clothing issued to enlisted personnel* both patient and duty Alterations are made without chargee Dry cleaning and pressing is without charge to enlisted patients; duty personnel are charged by pay- roll deduction through the laundry on a piece work basis in accordance with Quartermaster Dry Cleaning List WD AGO Form No 10 133 Patients turn in and pick up their clothes direct from this section, duty personnel arrange for this service through their organization. Clothes are dry cleaned only under a commercial contract and work finished by pressing in this section, (3) Sales - Sales of clothing are daily except Saturday and are only made to personnel authorized to purchase clothing under provisions of AH 30 22:90 - d Property Turn-In, - (l) Serviceableo When property becomes excess in departments;1 it will be turned back to the Quartermaster warehouse* accompanied by WD AGO Form 447 in triplicate, The original is retained by the Quartermaster* the second copy is signed by the receiver of the property and returned to the officer charged with property as credit to his account. The third copy is received by the Memorandum Receipt Clerk to credit the Memorandum Receipt account of the responsible officers KR 30-5 (2) Unserviceable® - Unserviceable property will be turned in on Property Turn-In Slip WD AGO Form 447,, in two (2) copies® Property is checked and both copies receipted5 one copy returned to organization or individual turning in the property and the other copy retained by the Unserviceable Pro- perty Section as posting medium for its stock record. The property is classified according to directives in force at the time of turn-in® Property which is fit only for salvage will be turned over to the Salvage Officer on Property Turn-In Slip WD AGO Form 447® Property which is surplus under directives in force at time of turn in will be turned over to Surplus Property Officer under same procedure as salvage® 7® INVENTORIES. - Inventory will be taken monthly on all clothing items and semi-annually on all other items® If there are any discrepancies, these are to be adjusted on an Inventory Adjustment WD AGO Form 444 in triplicate® Two (2) copies are sent to the Executive Officer for approval® The third copy is retained in suspense® Wien the approved Inventory Adjustment is returned, the third copy may be destroyed® 8® REPORTS OF SURVEY® - Reports of Survey are prepared whenever loss or shortage occurs which are not covered by Inventory Adjustment® Reports of Survey, WD AGO Form No 15, are prepared in four (4) copies, stating all circumstances pertaining to the loss or damage or shortage, and forwarded to the Commanding Officer for his action A suspense copy of the Report of Survey is kept in the Stock Control vouchor file pending approval® Reports of Survey covering losses or damages as result of shipment or handling by common carrier is initiated by the Transportation Officer on WD AGO Form 15 1 The same procedure follows as for other surveys, with the ex- ception of ’’Statement of Exception or Acceptance or Dis- allowance of Liability” by the common carrier, which accompan- ies this form® 9® TYPEWRITER REPAIR® - The typewriter repair shop and personnel will maintain and perform up to fifth echelon repair on all office appliances except those serviced under TPS con- tracts® This includes rebuilding, refinishing, removing rust, repairing broken castings, replacement of parts and reclamation of usable parts® Records are kept on each machine repaired in the shop® Periodic inspections of machines in use in the hos- pital will be made® First echelon maintenance of all types of machines is the responsibility of the operator. Attention is directed to Hospital Memo No 2, 10 Jan 1946® 10® AUDITSo “ The Quartermaster accounts are audited every six (6) months by a fiscal officer designated by Fifth Service Command® This includes check of all records against War Department HR 50 -5 Shipping Documents and Reports of Surveys and the reflection of stock on cards by spot inventories© The Quartermaster accounts are subject to audit by Inspector General’s Department at any time or least once during the fiscal year© 11o REPORTS © - The following monthly, quarterly and annual reports are required* a. Stock Status Reports, quarterly or special as re- quired by depot© bo Quarterly Report of Petroleum Products, WD AGO Form 10-182o Co Quarterly Strength Report - letter form© do Monthly Strength Report - form furnished by depot requiring report© e o Unserviceable Material Report WD AGO Form 863-1 ~ monthly0 fo Progress and Production Report Typewriter Repair Shops - month1y0 go Annual report to Commanding Officerc ho Other reports as required© 12 o TRANSFERS TO NEW OFFICERS, - a» All Memorandum Receipt accounts must be checked by J- */ the Memorandum Receipt Clerk before the responsible officer may be cleared© Upon change of responsible officers in any section or satellite, the Quartermaster will issue a new consolidated Memorandum Receipto If a shortage occurs, the responsible officer- must initiate a Report of Survey WD AGO Form No0 15 covering itemso The new responsible officer is issued a consolidated Memo- randum Receipt for the property he is signing for, less items covered by the Report of Survey© bo Transfer to New Quartermaster - Turn-over of property to a new Quartermaster is on a joint inventory of property0 The old Quartermaster initiates Inventory Adjustment WD AGO Form 444 to cover property within its scope that is short or overQ Other property short or damaged is accounted for on Report of Survey WD AGO Form 15© When these operations are complete, the new officer takes over the last Credit and Debit Voucher of that particular day’s business© «/ HR 30-5 13. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES . - a. AR 30-2290, 10 Aug 1938, Sale of Surplus and Ser- vices. b, AH 30-3000, 1C Oct 1544, Price List of Clothing and Equipage, c. AR 700-10, 24 Oct 1942, Storage and Issue, d, AR 880-125, 30 June 1945, Development, Classi- fication and Specifications for Types of Equipment. e* WD TM 38-220, 5 May 1945, Stock Control Manual for Posts, Camps and Stations. f. 'AID TM 58-403, 1 Aug 1944, Station Supply Procedure. g, VifD TM 14-1010, 1 Jan 1945, Property and Sales Ac- counting, Auditing Procedures. he 7© TM 14-904, 1 April 1945, Accounting for Lost, Damaged and Destroyed Property. i® irVD SFi .10-182, Oct 1946, Quartermaster Sources of Supply. j. WD SB 10-185, 1 July 1945, Authorized Supplies for Quartermaster Corps Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants. k. ASF Ivl-501, 15 June 1945, Organization, 406.10 Post Quar t ermast e r• l. ASF Quartermaster Supply Catalog, with amendments. m. Field Information Bulletin, Jeffersonville Quarter- master Depot, monthly. n. Field Information Bulletin, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, monthly. 14. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF’ COLONEL EMERSONt Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B, STEINHQUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 30-25 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 30-25 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING Paragraph General 1 Duties 2 Purchase Requests . 3 Purchase Orders 4 Contracts 5 Reports 6 Authoritative References 7 Rescissions 8 1, GENERAL« - Purchasing is centralized under the Quarter- master per ASF Cir No 519, 1945, but it does not relieve the other technical services of responsibility for local purchasing. They are responsible for the technical specifications of any purchase and that the materials or services, as specified are obtainable; they will also advise on possible sources of supply. The Pur- chasing and Contracting Officer is designated by Special Order to operate under and is responsible to the Quartermaster Officer. 2. DUTIES. - The Purchasing and Contracting Officer will perforin the following functions s a. Purchase locally all Chemical Warfare, Engineer, Medical, Ordnance, Quartermaster, Signal, Subsistence and Trans- portation items authorized for local purchase. - b« Negotiate and enter into contracts for furnishing and delivery of all utilities, services, subsistence and supplies. c. Procure what is wanted, when it is wanted, in quanti- ties required, at the best price, in accordance with technical specifications, delivery dates and place consistent with the de- pendability of the supplier. 3® PURCHASE REQUESTS. - The use of Purchase Request and Commitment Form WD AGO 14-115 is mandatory. a. Purchase Requests will be initiated by the appropriate Supply Officer when supplies or services are not available through normal supply channels and local purchase is authorized® b. Purchase Requests for Medical Property will be for- warded through the Commanding Officer or his appointed agent for approval. c. Ill Purchase Requests, with the exception of Medical Supply, will be properly signed and forwarded through Fiscal Officer HR 30-25 for availability of funds, through Commanding Officer or his desig- nated agent for approval, to Purchasing and Contracting Officer for procurement« 4. PURCHASE ORDERS. - It is the responsibility of the Purchas- ing and Contracting Officer for preparation of Purchase Order Form WD 383. a. Preparation, number and disposition is rendered in ac- cordance with type of procurement. b. Upon receipt of properly signed receiving report copy. Fiscal Copy and Vendor’s invoice, order is completed and forwarded for payment. c. Purchase Orders for Medical Supplies are paid by St. Louis Medical Depot, 12th and Spruce Streets, St. Louis Missouri. d» All other Purchase Orders and Delivery Orders will be paid by Finance Officer, this station. 5. CONTRACTS. - a. Contracts are prepared by the Purchasing and Con- tracting Officer for the following services and supplies: (1) Construction. (2) Dry C1eaning• (3) Elevator Service. (4) Janitorial Service. (5) Quartermaster Services. (6) Subsistence. (7) Utilities. b. Type of Contract determines form. c. Disposition^ (1) Original to Army Audit Branch. (2) Duplicate signed copy to Director of Purchase Division, Hq 5th SvC, Columbus, Ohio. HR 30-25 (3) Triplicate signed to Contractor. (4) Authenticated copy to Finance Officer, this station. (5) Copy to Fiscal Office. (6) Copy to be retained in Purchasing and Contracting office. (7) Cop y will be furnished offices which have charge of inspection, delivery and acceptance under the contract. d. All contracts are forwarded to Headquarters, Fifth Ser- vice Command for approval. 6* REPORTS. - a. Monthly Report of Invoices, Form No AGO 309B. (1) Submiss ion * Duplicate - Office of the Fiscal Director, Washington, D.C. (2) Frequency of Report! Monthly - to reach the above office by 3rd of following month. b. Report of Validated Lumber Purchases. (1) Submiss ion 1 Duplicate - SvC Engineer. (2) Frequency of Report* Monthly - to reach above office by 26th of month, c. Purchase Action Report, Form No WD AGO 375. (1) Submission* Quintuplicate, SvC Quartermaster. (2) Frequency of Report* In connection with all con- tracts amounting to $10,000.00 or more, to reach Service Command 5 days from award date. 7. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. WD Cir 310, 20 July 1944, Section VII, Local Purchase* b. WD Cir 465, 9 Dec 1944, Section II, Duties in Controlling Expenditures. c. TM 38-403, 1 Aug 1944, Post Supply Procedure* , 1, KJ* HR 30-25 d. ASP Cir No 519, 26 Sep 1945, Local Purchases and Con- tracts * e. Medical Supply Memorandum 89, 15 Sep 1944, Procure- ment, Local Purchases. 8. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON j TEIOTIOUR Major f MAC Adjut ant RUSSELL B. STEIN110UR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 30-^0 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO* 30-50 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9? Ohio* 1 January 19^6* BURIALS Paragraph Supervisor * *.*.*.*......,,* *c.*,.*...*..,...... *. *.«. * *. *,«» 1 Autopsies o o O O O O O O O O C O 0 O O . 0 o o o o o . o o O O O . o C . . . O . C O O . 0 . o . . o o o o o . 2 Investigations ..c....*„.,.,.... 0„, *, c * „ * * „ * *»*«0»,. *. *... 0,0 3 Reports *.......,*,..* *.* * * *..*.*.......,.. * * „ *.. * *,, *c*0 *. * * k Authoritative References .*.,..*.,*.* *...* *...* *,0.* * * *..* * *. 5 Rescissions *,.*..*..*....*.*«.................. *...... *...«* 6 1* SUPERVISOR,, - The Supervisor of Mortuary Operations will be appointed by Special Order to operate under the Post Quartermaster and will perform the following functions; a. Negotiate uniform Burial Contract and execute in- dividual purchase orders whenever required* b« Be responsible for immediate recovery of deceased0 Co Assume responsibility for remains upon release by the Surgeon and release them to the contract funeral director promptly for preparation and casketing in accordance with the uniform Burial Contract,, do Make inspection as required in AR 30-18200 e„ Furnish necessary clothing and flag* f0 Accomplish Preparation Room Report and prepare Certi- ficate of Interment Expenses. go Prompt notification of scheduled time of arrival of re- mains o ho Selection and briefing of escorto i0 Furnish transportation* 20 AUTOPSIES. - The Chief of Laboratory Service, upon direction of the Commanding Officer, will perform an autopsy in order to deter- mine the cause of death,, In addition: aQ The Autopsy will be performed in the hospital morgue whenever practicable„ b0 It will be performed with a minimum of delay to facil- itate the release of the remains for embalming„ HR 30-5C c« On bodies arriving at the morgue prior to 2200 hour.-, autcps:■' ■will normally be completed on the same day. dc A technique that will insure minimum interference with embalming functions will be used. (1) Key arteries and veins will be ligated and the ends of ligatures left long. (2) Body cavities will be thoroughly dried, body orifices securely closed and incisions tightly sutured with overlapping skin edges, e. The Chief of Laboratory Service will make inspection as required in AR 30-1820. 3. INVESTIGA.TION. - The death of Army personnel will be investi- gated by the Claims Officer whenever it is deemed necessary by the C 0 mmandi ng Officer. h» REPORTS, - The Preparation Room Report V.D AGO Form 10-19, dated 1 Mar 1995, will be prepared for each case, in six copies. a. Distribution is as follows: (1) Receiving Funeral Director. (2) Post Commander. (3) Commanding General, Service Command. (9) Office of the Quartermaster General, (5) Preparing Funeral Director. (6) File Copy. 5. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 30-1320, 15 Nov 93 as amended 21 Nov 95* Prepara- tion And Disposition of Remains in United States, United States Possessions, and At Sea. b. AR 30-1830, 13 Oct hh as amended 9 June 9-5, Burial Expenses, c0 AR 30-1090, 9 Oct 99* National Cemeteries. d„ AR 90-590, par 19, 29 Aug 99, Administration of Hos- pitals, General Provisions. HR 30-50 0. AR 55-120, par 20, 26 Apr 53 as amended 5 Oct 55- Transportation of Individuals. f. AR 55-155, 27 Nov )|2 as amended 26 May 55. Trans- portation of Public Property (Except Animals) And Remains. g. AR 210-500, 8 Aug 53 as amended 16 Feb 55. Post Cemeteries. h. AR 260-10, 25 Oct 55 as amended 6 Apr 55. Flags, Col- ors, Standards, Guidons, Streamers, Silver Bands, Tabards and Auto- mobile Plates; Description and Use. 1. AR 600-550, Jan 55, Deceased Personnel Yd thin the Con- tinental United States, excluding Alaska (Same as TM 12-250). j. AD Cir 155, 16 May 55. Care of Deceased Personnel. k. AD Cir 235, 28 Sep 53. Section lit, Identification of Unknown. l. AD Cir 297, 13 Nov 53. Section III, Remains - Accidental- ly Killed. in. ASF Memorandum 155, 9 Nov 55. Burial Information, n. TM-12-250A, Quartermaster Mortuary Procedures, May 55* 6. nmbOIbSiuMo. — a one. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RIJ^ Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. S Till INHOUR Major, MAC Adj ubant HR 30-2135 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 30-2135 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January I9I46, LAUNDRY Paragraph Organization and Function 1 Service 2 Linen Exchange 3 Claims for Shortages I4. Funds and Proceeds 5 Reports 6 Audits 7 Authoritative References 8 Rescissions 9 !. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTION. - The laundry will function as a Quartermaster Laundry. A Laundry Officer will be designated by Special Orders to be in full charge of all operations and he will be directly responsible to the Post Quartermaster. The fol- lowing departments of the laundry will operate under the general supervision of a Superintendent, who will be responsible to the Laundry Officer. AR 30-2135, AR 50-590, TB QM 36. DEPARTMENT FUNCTION a. Receiving To check in and receipt for all laundry. b. Marking To mark and classify bundle v/ork prior to washing. c. Washing To wash and extract laundry. d. Tumbler To dry laundry. e. Flat Work To iron sheets, pillowcases, and other flatwork. f. Pressing To press wearing apparel. g. Assorting To sort and wrap bundle work. h. Shipping To check and obtain receipt for finished laundry. i. Maintenance To inspect, maintain and repair machinery and equipment, j. Office To keep the prescribed records. 1 IIR 30-2135 2. SERVICE. - Service will be rendered in accordance with the following priorities: TM 10-355. a. Hospital linen, government property. b. Enlisted personnel, senior cadet nurses, authorized civilian attendants and employees. c. Officers and other authorized patrons. 3. LINEN EXCHANGE. - The linen exchange v/ill be located at the laundry. The collection of all soiled hospital linen and the delivery of clean hospital linen will be accomplished under supervision of the Linen Officer according to predetermined schedules. Such collections and deliveries will be effected directly between each hospital activity and the laundry. ASF Cir 395, (19^). 1|, CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES. - Claims for shortages must be pre- sented within one week after delivery of the laundry and must be ac- companied by the laundry list, /it 30-2135* 5. FUNDS AND PROCEEDS. - a. Credit will be taken bjr the laundry for all work pro- cessed at Government expense at rates prescribed by the Quartermaster General. b. Enlisted men’s laundry will be charged at the rate of 01.50 per month, and collected by payroll deduction, a copy of the monthly roster showing charges being furnished to the Military Person- nel section by the Laundry Officer, c. Enlisted patients and senior cadet nurses laundry will be processed without charge. d. Officer and other authorized patrons will pay cash be- fore receiving delivery of laundry. 0. All money received for laundry services will be trans- ferred to the Sales Officer. AR 30-2135, TM 10-355. 6. REPORTS. - The following reports ore prepared and forwarded as indicated below. TM 10-355. a. Monthly Report of Laundry Operations, to Hq, Fifth SvC, attention: Director of Laundry Service by fifth of the follow- ing month. b. Quarterly Report of Laundry Operations to Office of The Quartermaster General, copy to Hq, Fifth SvC, attentions Direc- tor of Laundry Service by the fifteenth of January, April, July and October. 2 UR 30-2135 7« AUDITS. - Audits will be conducted by the Director, Fiscal Division, this station, in accordance with current War Department directives. AR 30-2135. 8. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 30-2135j 12 Jan 1955 - Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants. b. API 50-590, 29 Aug 1955? - Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions. c. ASF Cir 395* 2 Dec 1955? Sec 3 - Standard Hospital Linen Control and Distribution System, d. TM 10-2135? 1 Dec 1955 - Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Procedure, e. TE QM 36, 1 Dec 1955 - Standard Quartermaster Fixed Laundry Operations, 9, RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STEIWHOUR Ma j or, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL 13. STEINROUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 30-2229 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO, 30-2229 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9? Ohio 1 January 19l|6 SALES COMMISSARY Paragraph Duties of Sales Officer 1 Organization 2 losues .coo................................................ 3 Sales to Organizations on Garrison Ration . h Sales Store . 9 Gasoline Station 6 Audits and Reports 7 Authoritative References 8 Rescissions . -0 <,<>0....................... 9 1, DITTIES OF SALES OFFICER. - The Sales Officer will be designated by Special Orders to operate under the Quartermaster to perform the following, functions: a, Requisition subsistence supplies from a depot or market center„ b0 Receive subsistence supplies turned in by an organi- sation or shipped from a depot, market center, vendor, or another commissary, Co Inspect or arrange for the inspection of subsistence supplieso d0 Request the station Purchasing and Contracting Officer to procure subsistence supplies authorized by the depot or market center for local purchase, e0 Store subsistence supplies in accordance with pre- scribed storage instruction, assuring that stocks are properly ro- tated to issue older lots first and that all necessary precaution- ary measures are taken, for the preservation of these supplies from deterioration, infestation, freezing and misapplication, f, Take inventory, with such assistants as he shall se- lect, of all stores of subsistence supplies on hand as of the last day of the month and reconcile with the independent inventory taken by a disinterested officer detailed to this duty by the station com- mander, go Issue subsistence supplies as directed, h. Sell subsistence supplies to organizations on the garrison ration and to other authorized purchasers AR 30-2290, 1 HR.30-22o i» Collect cash and ......:lie ra ion currency in payment for i sale of subsistence sups. es, and as d. . ... ted, receive cash from n - a... e of other supplies and services cy the Quartermaster and others, ,j. Deposit all cash with the station disbursing officer, and p :'. of all ration currency as directed, k, Ship subsistence supplies to other stations or bo depots as directed. Maintain records and accounts of transactions and property ior which he is accountable or responsible, as prescribed in manuals and other current War Department directives, TM 10-215. , ORSAUIZATTQK. - The Sales Commissary will be organized into: a. Office Section. ~ (1) Chief Clerk. (2) Accounts Clerk. (3) Issue Clerk. (f) Requisition Clerk, b. Sales Store. - (1) Cashier. (2) Sales and Stock Clerk, (3) Butchers, c. Warehouse Section, - (1) Warehouse manager. (2) Warehouse laborer. 3. ISSUES, - Issues to Messes on Field Ration. a. Field Ration is a stipulated quantity of individual foods for the subsistence of one person for one day, as provided in the Quartermaster General Master Menu after local revision and Service Com- mand approval, b. Field rations will be issued in kind on the basis of the number of men expected to attend a mess, less prescribed percen- tage deductions made by higher headquarters on Consolidated Ration Request. HR 30-2225 c. Issues will be made to the followingt (1) Division Quartermaster. (2) Ration Officer appointed by the Commanding Of- ficer of the headquarters under which units and Headquarters Detachment operate. (3) Ration Officer appointed by Station Commander for station complement troops. d. Sales Officer will publish each month a schedule of issues stating date on which strength return ,.111 be based, the time the ration request will be submitted, lie cate of drawing rations, the late of consumption and the ration interval. e. Ration Request will be prepared by Ration Officer and submitted on date set by Sales Officer, and will include the estimated number of rations, minus percentage deductions prescribed by higher headquarters, f. Issues will be made on the date for drawing rations sei by the Sales Officer to the Ration Officer or his appointed agent. lu SALSS TO ORGANIZATIONS OH GARRISON RATIO?]. - 2, Organization and hospital messes operating on the garrison ration system are required to make all purchases from the Sales Commissary, If requested supplies, or items of comparable quality are not available at the Sales Commissary, the organization or hospital ivill be given a Certificate of Non-availability b;y the Sales Officer, This certificate is a grant of authority on which to purchase the su~ plies elsewhcre. b. Sales are made daily on a charge basis, upon a properly signed requisition from Mess Officer or his appointed agent* c. Ration Return W AGO Form 10-12? is prepared and sub- mitted by all organizations subsisted on the garrison ration on the first day of each calendar month for the number of rations due for the prior month. This return will be signed by the officer commanding the organization, and will be approved by the station comni'ndor or his appoin ted a gen t. d. Hospitals will prepare and submit a Ration Return on the first day of each month (calendar) for trie number of rations due for the prior month. This return will indicate the number of patient, patient tubercular, and hospital train rations due. e. A Ration Return is also submitted by Civilian Personnel for the number of civilians authorized to eat in hospital messes. HR 30-22 ;■ fo Upon ccej.pi c,. j: ... .gned Rat: n Returns tr •ga. at; on or hosp'taj. mess of oer ration 'real t is compute do Th:? ..cart is calculated by mult?.prying the value of each type*o’* cation by the number of rations furnished, resulting in the sum of money or ration credit with which the organization or hospital mess will pay its charge account at the Saxes Commissary, go The Sales Office.- will prepare the Ration and Savings Account (WD Form 373)° This will include a statement of the organi- zation s account at the commissary and the amount of ’’ration credits" due the organization. If the ration credit is the larger amount the Form 373 is forwarded to the Finance Officer so that he may voucher the account and prepare a check for payment to the organization. If r.he charge account :■ - „.argt. •„he organization must pay the Sales Officer beXL.e the 20th of the following month or be reported by Sales Officer to the St.anon Commander as a delinquent account. No further saxes will be made to organization until the station com- mander gives written authority for the restoration of the charge ac- count pr1vilege„ Lo Basis for sales is the Master Menu prepared by the Office of the Quartermaster General after local revision and Service Command Approval, SALES STORE, - a. Subsistence sales to authorized individuals will be made each day from 0830 to 1600 hours except Saturdays, Sundays, Holi- days, the last business day of each month and any other day the Com- ma nd i ng Of fc er ir.a y d ir e c 10 b0 Cash Sales are authorized to be made to the following: (1) All Post Military Personnel, (2) All Post Civilian employees that are dependents of Military Personnel within prescribed quota set by Commanding Officer, (3) All other military personnel that the Commanding Officer may direct, Co Sales are for cash but personal, checks will bo accepted under the following conditionsi (1) When the signer is an authorized bearer of a Com- missary identification card, and (2) When the check is made payable to the Treasurer of the United States, for the exact amount of the ob- ligation. HR 30-2225 6. GASOLINF STATIOD. - All authorized post personnel may pur- chase gasoline at the filling station between the hours of 0830 and 1630 except Sundays and Holidays. 7. AUDITS ANT) REPORTS. - a, Account is audited monthly by Post Fiscal Director. b. Reports: (1) Report of Deposits, AD AGO Form 10-87 prepared daily in four copies. (a) Delivers 3 copies to Disbursing Officer who retains copies 1 and 2, signs copy number 3 and returns it to Sales Officer who files it as s voucher to his account. (b) Copy number is forwarded to Army Audit Branch, General Accounting Office, (2) Monthly Commissary Operating Statement (AD AGO Form 10-133, prepared monthly in three copies. (a) Copy 1 and 2 forwarded to Commanding General, Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Chicago 9, Illinois. (b) Copy 3 is retained by Sales Officer. (c) Date submitted, 15th of each month. (3) Monthly Strength Report, prepared monthly in two copies. (a) Original - Commanding General, Chicago Quar- termaster Depot, 1819 V/. Pershing Road, Chicago 9, Illinois. (b) Dupl icate - retained by Sales Officer. (c) Date submitted, Qth of each month. (U) Monthly Stock Status Report, prepared monthly in two copies. (a) Original - Chicago Quartermaster Depot, Chicago 9, Illinois. (b) Duplicate - retained by Sales Officer, (c) Date submitted - 5th of each month. 5 HR 30-2225 8. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 30-2210, 15 Mar lj.0 - Rations. b« AR 30-222R", 9 Mar 55 - List of Subsistence Stores and 04,. Quartermaster Supplies Authorized for Sale by Sales Commissaries. c. AR 30-2260, 10 Mar 52 - Post Bakeries. d. AR 30-2280, 11 Oct 55 - Ice; Issues and Sals. e. VlR 30-2290, 10 Aug 38, - Sale of Supplies and Services. f. AR 30-2320, 19 Mar 53 - Care of Subsistence Stores. g. AR 35-6660, 29 Aug 52 - Sales of Property. h. TM 10-215, 1 Nov 55 - Sales Commissary Operation. 9. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 35—5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 35-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9* Ohio. 1 January I9I16. FISCAL DIVISION Paragraph Fiscal Director . *. * . 4 *,...<,, ., .., 1 Organization . *.. t , • . ...,*«..,..,,.♦* ,,... ..., ,.«,.. , a,, 2 Fiscal Officer ,..,.,,*„ ..,,♦ 3 Finance Officer 0* * „,,. * *. . , .,,,,, U Pay and Mileage Vouchers , * * ,«,.. .. ,*,.. , *... 0,.,, *,.* $ Payment of Troops * „».,..*,««. ,.*.,, . * c.,, c,«... 9.* e«e,*, 6 Payment of Civilian Employees »„ ,:,.....0,.,, *, , ,, ,,....... c, * * , 7 Funds for Cash Payments *,,»e,.. *.«, ......., *, *.,,..,, 0 f 8 War Bond Issuing Officer ,: ; , .. .,.. *..,.„, r ...,.. 9 Audit of Gash ». . . . ... , „,,.., ....,s,,,. „ .,.. ..4.., ... .>,.. ,.,,, * . 10 Additional Duties of Fiscal Director.,,.. , ....• * ■ *,, 11 Authoritative References ,, c. . 0,,, a»...,........., ... * 12 Rescissions ,«.. : e • 8...,.... ,... *; *...... * .„...,.13 1, FISCAL DIRECTOR. - An officer r 12 Dec 19A5. j. Deputy Disbursing Officer - Office Fiscal Director, ASF, file SPFES 168 (Morris, Helene Mack) 19 Nov 19hlj- k. Aar Bond Issuing Officer - Letter Office Fiscal Direc- tor, ASF, file SPFES 018.1 (Bassham, Robert E.L.) 29 Jan 19R5* 13. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 40-10 ) GRILL GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 40-10 OFFICERS OF THE DAY - PROFESSIONAL Paragraph Detail o..©....;........©....................... ... ......... X X* Our O 1 i)UtV 0.3. . ............OS. ....«•.. .......a.. ........ 2 GeneraX Duties . •••«• ..... ©«...... 3 Specific Duties© 4 Record of Tour.... 5 SpeciaX Instructions 6 Liaison with Administrative Officer of the Day,. 7 Alternate Professional Officers of the Day........ 8 Authoritative References. 9 Rescissions 10 L DETAIL. - Officers of the Medical Corps will be detailed from, the Medical Service and Surgical Service as ’’Medical Officer of the Day” and ’’Surgical Officer of the Day” respectively, in addition to their other duties. The Medical Service will also furnish a ’’Neuropsychiatric Officer of the Day”. A roster for this purpose will be kept by the Adjutant and officers subject to detail will be notified seventy-two hours in advance by Hospital Bulletin. The interchange of tours of duty as Pro- fessional Officers of the Day, wholly or in part, is prohibited except under exceptional circumstances when properly relieved by the Commanding Officer or his representativec 2 c TOUR OF DUTY. - The tours of duty for the Professional Officers of the Day will begin at 0800 hours and continue for twenty-four hours. During this period they will remain within the limits of the hospital reservation Each will keep the Telephone Operator informed of his whereabouts at all times during his tour of duty, who in turn will notify the Infor- mation Desk and R & D Office0 They will sleep in the rooms pro- vided for them The old and new Professional Officers of the Day will formally report between 0800 and 0830 hours to the Commanding Officer or his representative. 3© GENERAL DUTIES. - The Professional Officers of the Day are charged with: a© The proper care of all patients in the hospital assigned to their respective services during the absence of the Ward Officers. They will be available for professional advice and service at all times during their tours of duty. be Make two (2) complete inspections of their respective services during their tours of duty! (1) One between 1800 and 2400 hours, and (2) Second between midnight and Reveille. During those Inspections, each will visit every ward on his ser- vice; see all seriously ill patients; ascertainthat the hospital HR 40-10 rules as to conduct are being observed; that the ward personnel are on duty, and properly performing their duties. At each inspection they will check the condition of the wards in regard to police and sanitation and will correct any violation of hos- pital regulations noted. All emergency calls will be answered promptly and if there is any doubt as to proper procedure, each will consult with his respective Chief of Service or his assistant. c. Deaths. - During the absence of Ward Officers, each will; (l) Pronounce all deaths occuring on his Service during his tour of duty. “ (2) See that the body is tagged according to ER 40-1060, (3) Be assured that remains are properly prepared and promptly removed to the Morgue. (4) Prepare notice of death and transmit as prescribed. (5) Make an immediate search of the deceased person’s bed, bedside table, and of the v/ard for clothing, money, valuables, or other effects belonging to the patient. Any money or valuables found will be itemized on the local deposit form, in duplicate, and the form signed by the officer making the search. This search will be ordinarily made in the presence of a witness who will also sign the form. (6) Deliver the forms, together with any money or valuables found, as soon as possible to the Custodian of Patients’ Funds and Valuables, who will receipt and return the duplicate to the officer making the deposit and file the original, (?) Make sure that clothing and effects other than money and valuables which are found are listed on Patients’ Pro- perty Card, Form 75, MD, in duplicate, which will be signed by the officer making the search; after which, the forms, together with such clothing and effects found, will be delivered to the Patients’ Baggage Room. 4. SPECIFIC DUTIES. - a. Medical Officer of the Day* - The MOD will, in ad- dition to his other duties: (l) Assume all duties of the Receiving and Disposition Officer and those of the Officer in Charge of the Out-Patient Service, except for calls outside the reservation, during their absence. FR 40- 1C (2) Admit patients who are entitled to treatment in Army hospitals, (AR 40-505) during the absence of the Re- ceiving and Disposition Officer, in accordance with HR 40-1110c Ee will make a sufficiently thorough examination to detect the presence of contagious disease and to permit proper emergency treatment and will proscribe the diet® He will initial MD Form No 55A except when the patient is admitted directly to the ward during the duty hours of the Ward Officer, in which case the latter will initiate the form. He will assign the patients proper wards as indicated in current instructions * (3) Notify the Surgical Officer of the Day upon the admission to the hospital of a patient assigned to the Surgical Service o bo Surgical Officer of the Day. - The SOD will, in ad- dition to the general duties? (1) Respond to all calls for surgical consultation requested by other professional 0D*s. (2) Report on call to R & D Office for advice and management of surgical cases. Make recommendations regarding admission of these cases to appropriate wards. (3) Examine and prescribe diets and treatment for all new surgical cases in absence of Ward Officers. (4) Decide necessity for surgical operative inter- vention and notify the ward officers. Chiefs of Sections and Services as in his judgment the case requires. Co Neuropsychiatric Officer of the Day. - The HP 0D will, in addition to general duties? (1) Concern himself only with NP patients unless called upon to assist the Medical Officer of the Day in case of emergency. (2) Admit all patients to the NP Section in cooper- ation with the MOD. He will initial the MD Form No 55A, except when the patient is admitted during the duty hours of the Ward Officers. (3) Check the formation of the NP Night 7/ard At- tendants at 1900 hours with the Administrative Officer of the Day in the lobby between the Red Cross Building and the Post Exchange. Immediately after this formation, he will check each ward for adequacy of personnel. He will concern himself during HR 40-10 his entire tour of duty with a constant vigilance over the NP Wards, open and closed, making certain that they are covered* It is extremely important that wards of this type be constantly watched* (4) Answer all emergency calls promptly and if there is any doubt as to proper procedure, he will consult with the MOD, who will call the Chief of the Medical Service or his Assistant, if necessary* 5* RECORD OF TOUR, - The Professional Officers of the Day will, at the completion of their tour, prepare their reports in the Offices of their Chiefs of Services, using appropriate WD AGO Forms, 8-192* 60 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, - The Chiefs of Services will instruct their respective Officers of the Day as to the patients on their Services who, in their opinion, will require special attention during the absence of the ward officers* 7* LIAISON WITH ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF THE DAY. - The Professional Officers of the Day will report to the AOQ any violations of the Hospital Regulations noted, together with the action taken by them. In case of emergency, when the AOD is already occupied or in need of assistance, the POD will be notified and will take such action to assist the AOD as may be necessary* HR 15-10. 80 ALTERNATE PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS OF THE DAY* - An officer will be detailed as alternate POD on each Service* The officers so detailed will ordinarily be those officers detailed as Profes- sional Officers of the Day for the day following* They will keep themselves available on the Post for duty in emergency* 9* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * - a* TM 260, 16 July 1941, Chapter 3, Sec XI, Professional Officer of the Day* bo HR 15-10, 1 Jan 1946, Admin Off of the Day* Co HR 40-40, 1 Jan 1946, Medical Service* d« HR 30-50, 1 Jan 1946, Burials* HR 40-10 e. HR 40-60, 1 Jan 1946, Surgical Service* f. HR 40-1060, 1 Jan 1946, Deaths. 10, RESCISSIONS* - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONj RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant RUSSELL B• STSINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 40-15 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO o 40-15 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio0 1 January 1946. DENTAL SERVICE Paragraph CrgUniZStiOU eo.o.ooooooooo'o.oo :'C>oooocooooooacooc>c90o«e«eoc. 090.00090 X C h i 0 f of O0TV1C© COOOOOOOOOOO. O 'OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0090000 2 Chief of Section •««<>.oa«oo»...3 Request for JJental Examination and Treatment of Patients in Hospital ... * » <>.«•..•.•... <>,..««. =. . •. •. *.. •.,... •. •.• •,, 4 Appointments ooooooocoooooc:*ooo.:oooooooooooo«ooooooooeooeoooooo*fto.*ooo 5 Dental Treatment of Out-Patients <,„., c«s«. o...,«««« • •...<>»•. • <>„„. •„«•,. • 6 Dental Emergency Officer „0 - e 7 Pr oce dur e in Spe c lal Cases oooooo-. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 8 Responsibility for Dental Patients in Hospital 0. o00 „„«.a, <>«0 • •, , 0,,»00 9 Author!tat i"ve Re i erence s o © c c c o o © 0 © c o o o o o o o o o © e o o««© © c o ® <> c o o o © o«© o c © o o 10 Rescissions OOOOO OOOOOOOoO 00000000000000000009 C- 0000000000000000000000 oil lo ORGANIZATION, - The Dental Service is a professional unit of the hospitalo It will include all officers of the Dental Corps, enlisted per- sonnel as may be assigned to the Dental Service, and such other personnel as may be assigned to it by proper authority The Dental Service will be sub-divided into the following sections; a0 Oral Surgery Section0 b0 Operative Section.-, Co Prosthetic Section 20 CHIEF OP SERVICE. - The Commanding Officer vail designate the Chief of Dental Service who will be in charge of that service and will be known as the Chief of the Dental Service.. His duties and responsibilities in general will be; a0 General supervision of the Dental Service0 b0 The issuing of such orders and formulating of such regula- tions for tiie operation of the service as he may consider necessary. Co The assignment of officers to this service to specific dutieSo d0 The administrati on, sanitation, and police of operating rooms, clinics, and other activities pertaining to his service. e0 The technical training of enlisted and civilian personnel assigned to the Dental Service, 1 fe The performances of the annual survey of enlisted men of the various duty detachments as prescribed in AH 40-150* g* The maintenance of the Register of Dental Patients and for the preparation and rendering of all dental reports, returns and records as prescribed in Army Regulations * ho The proper use, care and safeguard of all supplies, property, and equipment issued his service* He may recommend to the Commanding Officer that an officer of his service be designated as property officer who will be the responsible officer as defined in Army Regulations, but such delegation will not serve to relieve the Chief of Service of his supervision* AR 40-15* 3* CHIEF OF SECTION* - Each of the sections listed in paragraph 1, above, will be conducted by a designated dental officer v;ho will be known as the Chief of Section* He will be responsible to the Chief of Service for the administration and operation of his section and for the care and treatment of all cases in that section* 4* REQUEST FOR DENTAL EXAMINATION AND TREATMENT OF PATIENTS IN HOSPITAL,. a* AGO Form 8-43 (old MD Form 55-E-4) v.ill be prepared by the ward officer when dental treatment or consultation is desired for any patiento Unless the patient is unable to leave the ward he will be given the form and sent to the Dental Clinic0 No diagnosis need be entered unless considered essential by the referring officer.. If for any reason the patient is unable to proceed to the Dental Clinic, the request may be forwarded with an explana- tion under "Remarks'* and the examination will be made or treatment given on the wardo Only one copy of AGO Form 8-43 is required* b0 Upon receipt of AGO Form 8-43 at the Dental Clinic the required examination or treatment will be given.. The findings and action taken will be entered and the form returned to the ward for inclusion in the patients clinical record,, A completion slip in the form of a memorandum to the ward officer will be sent to the ward when the patients dental work is completed.. This should be permanently attached to the original aGO Form 8-43 to become a part of the patients clinical recordo Co Requests for routine examination and treatment should be made as .soon as possible after admittance for all patients whose hospitalization is expected to be prolonged0 do Requests for routine examination and treatment should not be made for patients who are admitted for minor causes and whose hospitaliza- tion is expected to be of short duration* eQ Requests for examination for detection and elimination of oral foci should not be a routine procedure but should be made for those cases wherein dental foci is considered an etiological factor in the disease or condition which is under treatment* f0 Requests for routine examination or treatment should be made at anytime upon the request of the patient* 2 g. Requests for examination for clearance should not he made when the patients clinical record contains a recent notification that his dental work has been completedc 5o APPQINTMENTS„ - Appointments will be made for patients requiring treatment unless such treatment can be completed at the time of examina- tion The patients will be informed of the time of their appointment and the Chief of the Dental Service will notify the ward officers when patients in the hospital are given appointments,, Ward officers will be responsible that patients under their charge for whom dental appointments are made are required to report to the Chief of the Dental Service promptly at the desig- nated hour; or, if such patient is unable to keep the appointment, are re- sponsible that the Chief of the Dental Service is so notified as far in ad- vance as possible. Leaves, furloughs, or passes which might interfere with dental treatment will not be granted without consultation with the Chief of the Dental Service. 60 DENTAL TREATMENT OF OUT-PATIENTS» - a Officers and members of the Amy Nurse Corps on duty at the hospital who require dental treatment will report to the Chief, Out-Patient Serviceo bo Enlisted men and women of the various duty detachments wrho require dental treatment will have their names placed on the Daily Sick Report and report to the Chief of the Out-Patient Service, who will refer them to the Chief of Dental Service0 Co All other persons eligible for dental attendance will report to the Chief of the Out-Patient Service who will refer the case to the Chief of Dental Service 7 DENTAL EMERGENCY QEE1CER- - A dental officer will be detailed by roster by the Chief of Dental Service for the purpose of caring for dental emergencies arising after regular duty hours on the Dental Service and Out- Patient Service0 The tour of duty for the Dental Emergency Officer will begin at 0800 hours on the day designated and end at 08UU hours the follow- ing dayD During this tour, he will keep the Information Desk constantly informed where he can be reached by telephone, 8, PROCEDURE IN SPECLAL CASES., - ac Patients with suspected fracture of the jaw will be referred to the Dental Service immediately upon admission. In the event the patient is admitted at other than duty hours, the Dental Emergency Officer will be notified. bo When a patient is admitted xo xhe ward for dental treatment only, the ward officer will immediately notify the Chief of the Dental Service who will expedite treatment with a view of his early discharge,, 9, RESPONSIBILITY FOR DENTAL PATIENTS IN HOSPITAL,. - The ward officer of the ward to which a patient in hospital for "dental treatment only" has been assigned, is responsible for the administration, discipline, care, etc*, of the patient and for the preparation and maintenance of the patient*s clinical record0 10 o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a„ AR 40“15 - Dental Corps - General Provisions* 11. RESCISSIONS. - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONs RUSSELL Bo STE INHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant OFFICIAL: Major, MAC Adjutant HR a0-20 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 40-20 ) GRILL GENERAL HOSPITaL Cleveland j} Ohio 1 January 1946 AHn NURSE CORPS ..NO NURSING SERVICE Paragraphs Nursing Service 1 Status 2 Arrival Procedure 3 Supervision 4 Hours of Duty 3 Nursing service, personnel duties and reports 6 Procedure of Nurses Relieving others in charge of wards..,, 7 Authoritative References 8 Rescissions 9 1. NURSING SERVICE. - a. Provides Nursing Service for the hospital, bo Assists in the technical training of nurses, c. Supervises nurses quarters. d. Conducts Cadet Nurse Training Program, Par 22 TM 262 2. STATUS. - Relative to medical and sanitary matters and work in connection with the sick, members of the Array Nurse Corps and other nurses employed are to be regarded as having authority in and about military hospitals next after the officers of the Medical Department, and are at all times to be obeyed accordingly and receive the respect due to their position. Par 199 TM 8-260. 3. ARRIVAL PROCEDURES. - Upon arrival at the hospital, all nurses report immediately to the Principal Chief Nurse for instruction and assignment to duty. Par 200 TM 8-260. 4. SUFiRVIfluU. - a. The Principal Chief Nurse has supervision over all members of the Army Nurse Corps and the nursing service of a hospital. She is charged with the instruction, assignment, discipline, performance of duty, and conduct while on duty of members of the .army Nurse Corps and the assignment, performance of duty, and conduct of female help employed in the nurses quarters. She is responsible or requisition, preservation and disposition of public property and sanitation in nurses quarters, and for such other duties as are assigned to her by her commanding officer. Par 10 (d) aR 40-20. b. Under the direction of the commanding officer the Principal Chief Nurse is charged with responsibility of the wearing of uhe pre- scribed uniform as pertains to nurses. Par 5 aE 600-37- $0 HOURS OF DUTY* - The hours of duty fpr all members of the Army Nurse Corps and other nurses employed are as prescribed by the Principal Chief Nurse* Par 202 TM 8-260* 60 NURSING SIP. VI CL, PERSONNEL DUTIES AND REPORTS . - a* Supervisors* - (1) General duties - Qualified members of the Army Nurse Corps are detailed when necessary as assistants to the Principal Chief Nurse to supervise the nursing service of the hos- pital during the day or night tours of duty., Hours of duty are as prescribed by the Principal Chief Nurse„ (2) Day0 - The Day Supervisors perform such duties as may be required of them by the Principal Chief Nurse„ (3) Nightc - The Senior Night Supervisor is responsible for the nursing service during her period of duty0 Nurses apply to the Night Supervisor for instruction when necessary, and inform her as soon as practicable of any emergencies or unusual occurrences arising in their respective wards0 Upon being relieved from duty she makes a written report of any unusual incidents of the night, and derelictions of duty on the part of the night nurses„ bB Head Nurse„ - The Head Nurse of the ward serves as its respon- sible nursing head* Under the direction of the Ward Officer she has charge of the ward, patients, nurses, enlisted per- sonnel, and other persons assisting in the nursing care of the sick, and is obeyed and respected accordingly0 Her hours of duty are the same as those of the other nurses* The Head Nurse makes a report of the nurses' time on duty to the Principal Chief Nurse daily, on the form provided for that purposeo The reports to the Principal Chief Nurse concerning the efficiency of the nurses under her* She is responsible for: (1) Receiving and recording of all records relating to the care and treatment of patients in her ward* (2) Proper administration of all medicines and treatments* (3) Procurement of and proper serving of all foods in the wards to which no dietitians are assigned for duty 0 (A) Careful, accurate, and legible preparation of ail ward records and routine reports as required* In this connection, particular care is taken in maintaining the ward narcotic register* (5) Safeguarding of keys of ward cabinets containing liquor, opiates and poisons. The keys will be carried on the person at ail times. (6) Care of ward property and preparation of the requisitions for needed supplies for the consideration and signature of the Ward Officer. (7) Cleanliness and order of the ward and its adjoining rooms. (8) Care of patients1 effects, other than money and valuables, until transferred to the proper custodian. c. Nurses. - Nurses perform such duties as may be required of them by the Head Nurse of their respective wards under the direction of the Ward Officer. They make a report of the work on their ward to the Principal Chief Nurse at and 1800 hours daily on the form provided for that purpose. Par 203, TM 8-260. 7. PROCEDURE OF NURSES ON RELIEVING OTHERS IN CHARGE OF WaI PS, - Nurses in charge of wards, being relieved by others, accomplish and sign the state- ment in the Ward Day Book showing the date and the time they we: e relieved of charge, the number of patients to be accounted for as shown by the ward records, the actual count of narcotics and other drugs to be accounted for. On closed wards, an actual and physical count of patients is made before the statement referred to is accomplished. On other wards of the hospital a similar check is made upon relief of person in charge between the hours of 1830 and 0900 only. Steps are taken to account satisfactorily for ab- sentees from check; and when they cannot be properly accounted for, report is furnished the Ward Officer, or in his absence the Administrative Officer of the Day. Par 204, TM 8-260. 8. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. Nursing Service - Far 22 TM 8-262 - administration of Fixed Hospitals ZI WD 1 July 1945. b. army Nurse Corps and Nursing Service - Par 199, 200, 201, 202 20and 204 - TM 8-260 - Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Department 16 July 1941. c. Supervision (l) Par 10 (d) AR 40-20 - Army Nurse Corps General Provisions WD $ April 1943. (2) AR 600-37 Prescribed service uniform - Women Personnel of the Army - 1C april 1915* I 9c RESCISSIONS. - HR, CGH - 15 Feb 1914. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; jy russbilu#. stlinhqur Major, MaC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MaC adjutant HR 40-30 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 40-30 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1S46 ADMINISTRATE assistants Paragraph O0ri01*a 1... .....coc<5eoc>&ooe....«...«> (23) TB Med 119? Nov ha? Bacillary Dysentery., (2I4) TB Med 136? Jan ho? Avoidance of Relapses of Vivax Malaria by Use of Suppressive Medication,, (23) TB Med lh3? Feb h3? Cutaneous Diphtheriao (26) TB Med 137? Apr h3? Chancroid? Lymphogranuloma Venereum? and Granuloma Inguinale0 (27) TB Med 138? May h3? Menopause0 (28) TB Med 172? June h3? Treatment of Infectious Diseases with Sulfonamide Drugs„ HR UO-UO (29) TB Med 196* 20 Aug h5* Management of Gonorrhea, (30) TB Med 196* 20 Aug R5* Management of Syphilis, !0. RESCISSIONS. - None, Section II ALLERGY Paragraph -bunctrons 000,00000,00,000000000000000,50,0000,000,000000000 H Skin-Testing Sub-Section o,,.,.,,.-,.,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 H° FUNCTIONSo - The Allergy Section will treat all cases of asthma* hay fever* articaria* angio-neurotic edema* allergic rhinitis* migraine* and other allergic clinical entities* making use of the other facilities of the hospital as the occasion demands, 12, SKIN-TESTING SUB-SECTION, - Skin-testing examinations will be made at the request of the Lard Officers or the Chief of the Out-Patient Service, Request for such examinations will be made in duplicate on form No, 55 E-9* MD* and transmitted bo the Chief of the Allergy Section* who will make the necessary appointments with the patient* cause the examination to be made* and enter the findings of this examination on Form MD0 The original of this form will be returned to the department requesting the exam- ination to be incorporated in the patient’s clinical record* and the copy will be retained in the file of the Allergy Section, Form No, 55 S-9* MD* will be used only when requesting skin- besting and will not be used for consultation. Section III CARDIOVASCULAR-RENAL Paragraph Func tions ,,, 0 ,. , ,.,,,,»., .. , ,,o. , . . ,, * , .■ - , - >. ,, o , •> , 13 Electrocardiography Sub-Section , 0 ,,,,, ,,,.,, ■ . , -,,,, , , 1R 13o FUNGTIQNS, - The Cardiovascular-Renal Section mil func- tion for the treatment of cardiac* vascular* and renal disease,, li4, ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY SUB-SECTION, - The Electrocardio- graphy Sub-Section v/ill operate under the immediate charge of the Chief of Section* who will be responsible for its efficiency and for the supplies and equipment used therein, Requests for electro- cardiograms will be made on Form No„ 55-J3 MD, in duplicate* by Lard Officers and Chief of Out-Patient Service* and forwarded to HR 1[0—lj.0 the Chief of the Cardiovascular-Renal Section, The original form will be returned to the department requesting the examination, to- gether with typical sections of the electrocardiogram, which will be attached to the clinical record of the patient in question* or, in the case of the outpatients, filed with the record of the patient in the Out-Patient Service, Additional sections of the electro- cardiogram will be retained in the Electrocardiograph Sub-Section as a permanent record. Section IV GOMMUHICABLE JlCEASES Paragraph Punetions o«.«., 1$ Pationts" Clothing ,,«. 0 • •. • • • , • •.... *,,,,,,,,«,.,,,., 16 Laundry ,,,,A. *. ,,.,.,,................................«,,««,, 1? Visitors 0. « 18 Reports „ . * „ 0.. 0«*,.. .. 0.«... ., •,... ,..«. ....,,, •,..„,,,.... , 19 15m PUHCTIQHS, - The Communicable Disease Section will function for the treatment of all cases of contagious disease in the hos- pital, and any such other cases as may, in the opinion of the Chief of the Medical Service, require isolation, The R & D Office and Chief, Out-Patient Service will refer all cases of communicable disease or suspicious cases to this section, The Chief of Section will be appointed by the Commanding Officer upon the recommenda- tion of the Chief of the Medical Service and will be officially designated as the Chief of the Communicable Disease Section., He will be responsible for the proper isolation, segregation, care and treatment of all patients in this Section and will institute such prophylactic and other sanitary measures as he may deem neces- sary to prevent cross infection of personnel., He will cause to be placed at the entrance of each room in which contagious disease cases are under treatment, a placard of suitable size showing the c hair a c ter of the disease therein, 160 FATIEHTS1 CLOTHINC, - The clothing of patients admitted to a ward in the Communicable Disease Section will not be sent to the Patients1 Baggage Room until it has been properly disinfected0 Such clothing will be inventoried and listed as provided in Hos- pital Regulations, Underclothing and outer-clothing that can be sterilized by steam will be placed in a sack or pillow case, se- curely tied and tagged with patient1 3 name and number of ward and taken to the disinfecting plant for sterilization. Hats, shoes, belts and other articles that may be damaged by steam will not be sent to the disinfecting plant, but will be disinfected as directed by the officer in charge of that section. After the clothing and effects have been disinfected, they will be disposed of as directed in Hospital Regulations0 Dee HR UO-IBIO, HR 1|0-1|0 17. LAUNDRY. - All soiled bod linen, hospital clothing of patients, towels and other articles of hospital linen which have been in contact with patients suffering from contagious diseases will be placed in a sack, securely tied, and sent to the dis- infecting plant for sterilization before it is delivered to the hospital laundry, provided, in the opinion of the Chief of the Medical Service, such procedure is necessary to prevent the spread of infection0 Linen of this character which has been soiled by excreta or discharge from the respiratory tract will be rinsed and soaked in a five percent solution of liquid cresolis compound, or other suitable disinfectant, for at least thirty minutes prior to the placing in a sack as prescribed above, if, in the opinion of the Chief of the Medical Service, such procedure is necessary to prevent the spread of infection*, I80 VISITORS. - Ward Officers of Communicable Disease hards will require to be kept on the nurse's desk a list showing the names of those patients who may have visitors, and, in each instance, the length of visit which will be permitted. Except under exceptional circumstances visitors to the Communicable Disease hards will be limited to their relatives or persons with urgent business who may be permitted to see such patients as are considered by the ward officer to be physically able to have visitors and when the charac- ter of the disease is such that quarantine of the visitor will not be required. Personnel on duty in the Information Office will ascertain from the nurse on duty as to whether or not the patient is permitted visitors in the case of all persons requesting to visit patients in Communicable Disease hards. 19 o REPORTS. - The Chief of the Communicable Disease Section will require Ward Officers on duty in this section to submit a report of contagious diseases to the Registrar through the Chief of the Medical Service, for each case of communicable disease ad- mitted to their ward. In the event that the patient is an officer, warrant officer, enlisted personnel, or civilian whose duties re- quire him to bo present on a military reservation, the Registrar will furnish the Medical Inspector having sanitary jurisdiction over the military reservation a copy of the report submitted by the Ward Officer„ The registrar will also report such cases to the local public health agency as local laws require„ Section V DERMATOLOGICAL AND VENEREAL DISEASE Paragraph Functions «, a„„c *«,..»«„.».. „ ...»„<,.».. <>»«»<.»»,»»««..«<> o«.«« 20 Glasses of Patients Treated ««. 0.»..«». „. ». o<>o.,.... * *. •.... 21 20o FUNCTIONS* - Trie Dermatological and Venereal Disease Section v/ill function for the treatment of all cases of skin and 7 HR JUO-UO venereal diseases, as well as any other cases of this character which the Chief of the Medical Service decides should be treated in this Section. 21. CLASSES OF PATIENTS TREATED. - All dermatological and venereal disease cases will be treated in this section as well as any other cases of this character as the Chief of the Medical Service deems necessary. Cases of gonorrhea and syphilis, regard- less of what category of personnel has incurred them will be treated in this section until they are no longer in the infectious stage, when they will revert bo duty or other status in accordance with current directives and treated in the Gut-Patient Service. Of- ficers, patients on officer's status and female personnel on en- listed status will be treated on Officers' and Women's Sections. These patients will revert bo duty or other status in accordance with current directives and treated in the Out-Patient Service. Section VI DETENTION WARD Paragraph Organization and Functions ,,. „. .. ..0 ........... ..,.,. „.»,. 22 General Provisions . 23 Ward Officer ........... . » • 2i; Commanding Officer, Det of Pnts . 25 Procedure on Admission .... ....... •.. • •.. 26 Treatment in Other Departments .... . .. . *, 0 * 2? Visitors to the Detention Ward «....,,.......,. . .......o. <>. 28 Insane Prisoners and Prisoners Under Mental Observation 0.. 29 Medica tion * . ,.,..«...«. . • • • •. • • •.6 ...• •..... <>. •. • 30 22. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS, - The Detention Ward will function under the dir*ection of the Chief of the Medical Service and is assigned to the Neuropsychiatric Section for all matters relating to the professional care and treatment of patients; and under the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients for all mat- ters relating to the police, discipline, custody and safeguard of patients. 23 o GDHDRWL PROVISIONS. - ao The Detention Ward of this hospital is maintained for the purpose of furnishing treatment to patients who have been confined for disciplinary reasons,, The classes of patients treated in this ward are: (1) General and garrison prisoners (not insane or under menta1 observo tion). (2) Patients who, on account of infraction of Hos- pital Regulations, may bo temporarily committed by proper authority 8 HR UO-UO (3) Such other persons ;s the Commanding Officer may direct. b. In addition to being maintained as a ward for patients in confinement and who are undergoing enforced treatment, this ward will receive such prisoners, not patients, as may be confined by the proper authority. 2d. Vi ARP OFFICER. - An officer of the Medical Service will be assigned as ward officer. He will be governed by the provi- sions of Hospital Regulations 1*0-90 except insofar as he is relieved therefrom by paragraph 2~> below. The ward officer will see every patient in the Detention Ward each day and he will notify the ser- vice concerned of the admission of a case should the nature of the disease or injury be such that the patient should be under treatment by a special section or service. He will assure himself that patients whose care is under the supervision of another section or service are seen each day by some officer of the section or ser- vice concerned. In the event that the patient has not been seen by the proper officer, he will report that fact to the, Chief of the Neuropsychiatric Section. 25. COMMANDING OFFICER, DETACHMENT OF PATIENTS. - The Com- manding Officer, Detachment of Patients, is responsible for the discipline of prisoners and patients and their custody and safe- guarding, and all other details relating to the ward not of a pro- fessional nature. He will formulate such orders and instructions as may be pertinent. Sec HR IiO-1220, 26. PROCEDURE ON ADMISSION. - Patients will be admitted or confined in the Detention Ward only upon the order of a commissioned officer. a. Prisoner patients admitted to hospital (not already patients in hospital) will be admitted through the same channels and methods as patients to other wards. b. Patients undergoing enforced treatment will be trans- ferred to the Detention Ward in the same manner as transfer to other wards. See HR 1*0-1110 and 1*0-1L!*0, 27* TREATMENT IN OTHER DEPARTMENTS. - Prisoner patients re- ferred to services or sections will be examined and treated in the Detention Ward unless it is impracticable to properly admin- ister the treatment therein, in which case the officer responsible for the examination and treatment will notify the guard officer as to the hour he desires to see the patient. The officer in charge of the guard will arrange that such patients are promptly reported under guard, and the officer responsible for the examination or treatment will arrange that it he given immediately upon the ar- rival of the patient. 9 hr ijo-iio 28: VISITORS 70 THE DETEHTIOT HARDS - Pusses to visit patients in the Detention Hurd will be limited to persons having necessary business with the patients or prisoners therein. Such passes v;ill be obtained from the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, or, in his absence, the Administrative Officer of the Day, who will first assure himself of the business necessity for such visit. Visitors unable to furnish the required proof of their identity will be denied passesc During the stay of visitors in the Deten- tion V.ard, an attendant will be constantly present and will notify visitors that the time limit for visits is fifteen minutes. 22IHSAH3 PRISONERS ADD PRISONERS UNDER MENTAL OBSERVATION. - Insane prisoners and prisoners under mental observation will not he admitted to the Detention hard. Such patients will be admitted to the Neuropsychiatric wards. The ward officer of the neuro- psychia trie wards will notify the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, of the admittance or disposition of such patients in order that the proper remark may be entered on the Guard Report. 30c MEDICATION„ - Ho medicine will be given to patients for self administrationo Each dose of medicine prescribed will be ad- ministered by the ward master or his assistant. Hypodermics or any special medication will bo given by the nurse from one of the ad- joining wards. Ho medicines or bottles will bo left in the ward. Only sufficient medicines, drugs and other preparations will be kept on hand to meet immediate requirements of the ward and all such drugs and other preparations will be securely locked in the medicine cabinet which will be kept in the locked ward officee Section VII GENERAL MEDICAL Paragraph Functions and Class of Patients Treated „0»,............„• 31 31c. FUNCTIONS AND GLASS OF PATIENTS TREATED. - The General Medical Section will occupy such wards as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Commanding Officer. The staff will con- sist of ouch medical officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps and enlisted men js may be assigned thereto. lrne following classes of cases will be treated on the General Medical Sections Arthritis, Metabolic Diseases, Blood Dyscrasias, Diseases of the Endocrine System, Diseases of the Castro-Intestinal System, Malaria and Tropical Diseases, as well as such other cases as may be assigned thereto by the Chief of the Medical Service. Hie above classes of cases will be divided in the various wards assigned to the General Medical Section under the direction of the Chief of the Medical Service. HR l|0-i|0 Section VIII NEUROLOGICAL Paragraph Functions .................................................... 32 Lumbar Punetunes ............................................ 33 32. FUNCTIONS. - The Neurological Section will function under the direction of the Chief of the Neurological Section. This Section will treat all cases of acute and chronic medical neurological diseases appropriately retained at this hospital. The Chief of the Neurological Section will answer all consulta- tions requiring the advice and supervision of Neurologist. 33o LUMBAR PUNCTURES, - The Chief of Neurological Section will be responsible for supervising, assisting or performing, whichever is appropriate, all lumbar punctures made on the Medi- cal Service unless absent at the time this procedure is indicated. Ke will follow current directives and appropriate technical bul- letins regarding the procedure (TB Med ?6). Section IX NEUROPSYC111A TRIG Paragraph Fane tions .........,. * . ...«..„..«, o oh of of o <> *. .«0 3h Wards ...,........•... ... *.....,. . . .... •...•..«... ....»...., 35 Assignment of Enlisted Personnel .......................... 36 Duties of Entrance Attendant .............................. 37 Serving of Meals .......................................... 30 Daily Inspections ......................................... 39 Medicines and Poisons ..................................... hO Procedure on Admission of Patients ........................ i.j.1 Visitors to Closed Mental Wards ........................... 1*2 Patients’ Complaints....................................... 1*3 FUNCTIONS. - The Neuropsychiatric Section will function under the jurisdiction of the Chief of the Medical Service for the purpose of giving complete and adequate care to patients having any or all types of neuropsychiatric disorders. 35* WARDS. - ac Such wards as may be designated by the Commanding Officer will be closed, (locked), wards for mental patients re- quiring close supervision.. HR hO-iiO b. Such open wards as may be designated by the Com- manding Officer will bo used for the treatment of suitable neuro- psychiatric patients. The operation of open wards will conform to the rules prescribed for general wards. 36. ASSIGNEE: IT OF CUT, I STEP PERSONNEL. - Enlisted personnel will be selected because of their adaptability for this special duty. They will be assigned with a view bo permanency and will be changed only for cogent reasons. There will be at least one non-commissioned officer on duty in the closed ward at all times. Ho ward will be left without at least the minimum safe number of attendants as determined by the Chief of Section. No attendant will leave his ward during duty hours until ho has been granted such permission by the non-commissioned officer in charge. ‘ 37. DUTIES OF THE ENTRANCE ATTENDANT. - One attendant will be constantly on duty at the entrance to the ward and under no circumstances absent himself from his post without first calling bhe non-commissioned officer in charge, who will assign another attendant in his place during his absence. The entrance attendant will keep a record wherein will be noted the name of every patient leaving the ward with the name of the responsible attendant and time of departure. He will note the hour of return of such patients. He will keep the key to the entrance constantly in his possession. He will permit only authorized persons, cither personnel on duty, persons entering the ward on official business, or authorized visitors, to pass in or out of the ward. He will permit no patient to leave bhe ward unless accompanied by a proper attendant, and then only in such manner as may be prescribed by the Hard Officer. See HR It0-90, par Je, 38. SERVING OF VEALS. - In closed wards an attendant will be assigned in charge of the diet kitchen and dining room and will be present at all times during the preparation and. serving of meals. The dining room will be kept locked when not being used and no patient will be allowed therein, except when accompanied by an attendant. A careful chock of all knives, forks, or other uten- sils with which a patient might injure himself or others will be made after each meal. These utensils will be locked up when not in use. 39. DAILY INSPECTIONS. a. An inspection of the ward will be made daily at 0900 hours by the nurse in charge, and the non-commissioned officer on duty, for all property or dangerous objects which patients may have concealed. The windows, doors, and all parts of the ward will be thoroughly inspected at frequent intervals each day to insure that the security of the ward is maintained. 12 HR k0-UO b. The Nurse in charge, when coming on duty, will assure herself that all patients are present and will make notation thereof on the back of the daily morning report of the ward. Then non- commissioned officers change relief, they, together, will make a complete count of all patients in the ward to ascertain that all patients are present. c. The senior non-commissioned officer in charge will be responsible for the issuing and record of keys to locked wards* Surplus keys will be kept in a locked compartment. d. Patients in closed wards will not be allowed matches in their possession. e. A search of patients for matches, weapons, or im- plements will be made upon their return to the closed wards after any period of absence, f. All incoming packages or bundles intended for patients in closed wards will be searched by the ward officer or his commissioned representative in the presence of the patient, and all forbidden articles removed and disposed of in accordance with existing regulations. liO. MEDIC HUS AND POISONS. - All medicines and poisons will be kept securely locked in cabinets and the key will be kept in Si he possession of the nurse or non-commissioned officer. No medi- cines will be given to patients for self-administration. Each dose will be administered by a nurse or by a non-commissioned officer. Patients will not bo permitted in ward offices where medicines are kept unless the ward officer, nurse, or a non- commissioned officer is present. hi. PROCEDURE ON A DM lo DION OF 1 AYIEIITS. - a. In cases of patients admitted to closed wards, the admission routine pertaining to the search for valuables will be carried out by a medical officer on duty in this section, or, in his absence, by the UP Officer of the Day, and all matches, weapons, or dangerous instruments will be removed and disposed of as pre- scribed by regulations dealing with the property of patients. See HR h0-1210. h'2, VISITORS TO CLOSED MENTAL V/AP.DS. - Visitors will bo per- mitted to see patients in closed mental wards if permission is granted by the Chief of the Neuropsychiatric Section or one of his commissioned assistants. In the absence of the above officers, this permission may be granted by the Hour©psychiatric Officer of the Day, Ordinarily only relatives or close friends will be permitted to visit patients in closed mental wards, and, only in exceptional cases will visitors be permitted to sec mental patients except during regular visiting hours. 13 HR 40-40 43« PATIENTS * COITLAINTS. - Any patient having a complaint will bo permitted a hearing by the ward officer who will bring to the attention of the Chief of the Section any natter that nay require his action. Section X Paragraph Functions and Personnel Admissable 44 Clothing and Effects of Officers and Patients on Officer Status 45 Passes for Officers and Patients on Officer Status........... 4G Re s id ing in Quarters......................................... 47 OFFICERS’ AhD WOMEN'S MEDICAL 44, FUNCTIONS AFP PERSONNEL APHISSABLE, - This section will be used for the treatment of nodical conditions, other than con- tagious diseases and major psychiatric conditions requiring closed wards, of officers of both sexes, and enlisted women as well as for such other females on officer or enlisted status for whom such hospitalisation is authorized in Army hospitals. All personnel on enlisted status will come under such provisions of the Hospital Regulations as apply to enlisted personnel, Hr 40-1110, 45o CLOTHING AND EFFECTS OF OFFICERS AND PATIENTS ON OFFICER STATUSo - Clothing and baggage brought into these wards will be limited to such articles as can be placed on the ward to which patients may be assigned and should be kept to a minimum. Trunks and foot-lockers will not be kept on the ward, but will be stored in the Patients’ Baggage Room, where they will be accessible to such patients. Hospital Regulations on clothing and baggage as prescribed for enlisted personnel will not apply in the case of officers and patients on officer status exceot as indicated in this paragraph, HR 40-1210, 4C, PASSES FOR OFFICERS AND PATIENTS ON OFFICER STATUS. - Such patients will remain on the ward until the officer in charge of the patient has made his morning rounds. They will not leave the hos- pital without the permission of the officer in charge of them, nor will they remain away from the hospital after 2400 hours without special permission in each case. HR 40-1250. 47. RESIDING IN QUARTERS. - Under exceptional circumstances, and when it is considered to be the best interests of the service, officers and patients on officer status, sick in the hospital, whose residence is in the vicinity of the hospital, may sleep at homo and HR liQ-liO commute upon the recommendation of the Chief of the Officers’ and Women’s Section when approved by the Chief of the Medical Service. Such patients will report to the Chief of the Section da ily. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL E. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant Major, MAC Adjutant HR 1*0-50 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 1*0-50 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio, 1 January 19U6. PHARMACY Paragraphs General 1 Officer in Charge • 2 Assigned Personnel 3 Prescriptions U Alcohol and Alcoholic Liquors <,*«••*0o...........c00......0».««•*«» 5 Prescriptions and Sales of Medicines to Civilians •«««•* 6 Stock Pharmaceutical Preparations 7 Authority for dispensing Medicines n»o>'»s^tt• 8 Authoritative References «»*..•»* ..9 Rosciss ions • t0<90*«oe0»0»0 cents for each prescription* (2) In case of expensive prescription, at such increase in rate as may be determined by Commanding Officer as will reimburse the United States for their cost* AR 1*0-590 d. At the time money is paid by civilian employees, he will sign the civilian prescription record, noting fact that he has paid designated amount* e. Money collected will be locked immediately in a metal cash box which in turn is to be kept locked in the safe in the Pharmacy* The amount collected for prescriptions will be so noted on the prescription itself* f* On the first of each month, the officer in charge of the Pharmacy will deliver to the finance officer all money received from this service accompanied by Standard Form 101*1* (5 copies) showings P17 c AR UO-590, (1) Names of individuals prescribed for* (2) Dates of sales. (3) Prescription numbers, (1*) Amounbs collec te d 7* STOCK-PIIARMACEUTIG AL PREPARATIONS * - A considerable number of pharmaceutical preparations are carried in stock in the Pharmacy* In order to reduce work in the Pharmacy, officers are requested to utilize, as far as practicable, these preparations Prescriptions showing the composition of these preparations are available at the Pharmacy* 8, AUTHORITY FOR DISPENSING MEDICINES. - Except in cases of emergency and provided an officer so requests, no drug or medicine HR )40-50 of any kind will be dispensed, from the Pharmacy except on a pre- scription signed by an officer of the Medical Corps, the Dental Corps or the Veterinary Corps, No prescription will be refilled except on a written prescription calling for such refilling, the prescription number being given* 9o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCE. - a * AR Ii0-B>90 - Pharmacy Management 0 bo TM 8-233 - Methods for Pharmacy Technicians* 10* RESCISSIONS. - None * BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL EL STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B„ STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 40-60 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 40-60 SURGICAL SERVICE Paragraph SECTION I. Administration......... 1 - 10 II. Anesthesia and Operating Room, 11 - 17 III. Central Supply. 18 - 21 IV. Clinical Photography.................. 22 - 26 Vo Ear, Nose & Throat 27 - 31 VI* Eye & Plastic Eye Laboratory 52 - 37 VII, General Surgery........... 38 - 39 VIII. Genito-Urinary ............ 40 - 43 IX, Officers 44 X. Orthopedic & Brace Shop . 45 - 47 XI* Physical Therapy.............. 48 - 50 XII* Plastic - General and Maxillo-Facial.. 51 - 52 XIII* Plastic - Hand..,..................... 53 - 54 X i. 'j « Women o.oooooo....o.ooooo...oooq....... o5 — 5/ Section I ADMINISTRATION Paragraph Organization.....«. . ..... ... . . . 0 .... . 1 Chief of Service 2 Assistant Chief of Service............0.................... 3 Chiefs of Sections........... .................. 4 Ward Officers 5 Administrative Assistants 6 Staff Meetings 7 Reports....... 0009. ...OOOOO.O.... .00.0. .00. ........ OO.OOOO. 8 Authoritative References 9 Rescissions. 10 lo ORGANIZATION. * The Surgical Service is a major Pro- fessional Service at this hospital0 It will consist of the sections and sub-sections outlined above, (TM 8-260; TM 8-262) which will function under the direction of Chief of Surgical Service® An officer of the Medical Corps, recommended by the Chief of Surgical Service or higher authority, will be appointed by Special Orders to be Chief of each named Section® A staff of Commissioned Officers, Army Nurses, Enlisted personnel and civilians will be assigned to each section to function in such wards and buildings as assigned by the Commanding Officer® HR 40-60 2. CHIEF OF SERVICE. - A Medical Corps officer will bo desig- nated by Special Order to be Chief of the Surgical Service who will bo in charge thereof; make recommendations to the Commanding Officer as to assignment of assistants; supervise and be respon- sible for the administration, sanitation, and police of the sections, wards and departments pertaining to his service; and for the correct completion of their clinical records before transmitting them to the Registrar* 3. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF SERVICE. - An officer of the Surgical Service will be detailed on recommendation of the Chief of Sur- gical Service as Assistant Chief of Surgical Service. This office will be held in addition to other duties. 4. CHIEFS OF SECTIONS. - Each of the sections listed above will be administered by a designated medical officer who will bo known as the Chief of Named Section. He will surervise and be responsible for the administration, sanitation and police of trie wards and departments pertaining to-his section; for the pro- fessional care (including operations), treatment and disposition of patients; and for the correct completion of their clinical records before transmitting them to the Chief of the Surgical Service. The Chief of Section will issue the necessary routine and Standard Operative Procedures needed for the proper function- ing and operation of his section. He will be responsible for consultations referred to his section. When a patient, whose surgical specialty condition requires further care and is trans- ferred to another ward because of communicable disease, mental disorder and so forth, the Chief of Section of the surgical specialty concerned will be responsible for following and treating the co-existing surgical condition. Each Chief of Sec- tion will submit a report on the first of each month giving data desired by the Chief of the Surgical Service on the previous month’s work. 5. WARD OFFICERS. - Ward officers are responsible to the Chief of Section for administration, police, and sanitation of their v;ards and departments, and for the professional care of patients assigned. Diagnoses entered on the patients’ clinical charts will conform to the nomenclature for recording diagnosis. TB MED 203. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS. - Officers in varying numbers are assigned as assistants to the Surgical Service. Their duties are of an administrative and non-professional nature as outlined in HR 40-30. HR 40-60 7* STAFF MEETINGS* --The Chief of the Surgical Service will arrange for routine assemblies of all officers of his service at least once weekly* The purpose of these meetings will be to dis- cuss administrative and professional matters pertaining to his service or subjects of medical interest* These meetings may be held in conjunction with the Medical Service* , TB MED 210* 80 REPORTS * - a* Monthlyo - A consolidated report in single, copy will be rendered at the end of each month to the Commanding Officer on the activities of the Service; reports from sections and sub- sections will not be submitted separately* bo Annual* - An annual report will be submitted by the Chief of Service to the Commanding Officer covering the work done by component sections, and the significant changes and improve- ments occuring during the year. 9* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * a* AR 40 series* b* WD Cir 134, 4 Hay 1945, Sec VI. c* TB MED 10, 14 Feb 1944, Physical Therapy* d* TB MED 43, 13 May 1944, Local Anesthetic Agent* e* TB MED 203, 19 Oct 1945, Nomenclature and Method of Recording Diagnoses* f* TB MED 210, 10 Dec 1945, Professional Rounds and Meetings in Hospitals* g* TM 8-2G0, 1G July 1941, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Dept* h* TM 8-2G2, Feb 1945, Administration of Fixed Hospitals, Z. I. i* W 40-44, 12 April 1944, Central Service System in Array Hospitals* 10* RESCISSIONS. - None HR 40-60 Section II Paragraph Organization & Functions 11 Duties of the Chief of Section... 12 Request for Operation 13 Preoperative Examination and Anesthetic Record... 14 Operation Report 15 Emergency Operating Staff 16 Duty Hours 17 ANESTHESIA AND OPERATING ROOM 11. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS. - The General operating, dressing, anesthesia, sterilizing, preparation and supply rooms of the Operating Pavilion will constitute the section known as the Anesthesia and Operating Room Section. This section will function under the direction of a Medical Corps Officer, who will bo recommended by Chief of Surgical Service and appointed by Special Orders, officially designated as the Chief of the Anesthesia and Operating Room Section. 12. DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF SECTION a. Be in charge of the Operating Pavilion and the personnel assigned thereto. b. Instruct and supervise anesthetists and other personnel assigned to the section and be responsible for the proper administration of anesthetics (TB MED 43, 13 May 1044; iVD Clr 134, 4 May 1945) and the post-operative care of patients until they are delivered to their respective wards. He will assure himself that no general anesthetic Is administered until the anesthetist has boonfhrnished with the Preoperative Ex- amination Record, Form Ho 55 0-1, MD« c. Requisition supplies and equipment required for the proper operation of the section and be responsible for the stock levels, care, safeguarding and proper use thereof. (TM 8600, 20 Jan 1044). d. Be responsible for the maintenance, proper prepar- ation, sterilization and storage of a sufficient stock of sur- gical dressings in the Operating Pavilion and Surgical Dressing Preparation Room. o. In consultation with the Chief of the Surgical Ser- vice, prepare on the day preceding, the schedule of operations to bo performed the following day. HR 40“60 f® Order the preoperative medication on all the patients scheduled for surgery® g® Be responsible for the good order, cleanliness, neatness and proper maintenance of the Operating Pavilion and the equipment. h® Be responsible for the readiness of the Operat- ing Pavilion at all tines to meet any surgical emergencies that might arise. io Act as consultant to the Central Supply Room® j® Assist the Laboratory Service in drawing blood from donors and act as consultant in the maintenance of the transfusion department and in the field of resuscitation gener- ally® HR 40-1715 . ' • * * * ' *' •’ • ' *' k® Perform such other duties as ordered by the Com- manding Officer or Chief of Surgical Service. 13® REQUEST FOR OPERATION® - A form "Request for Operation" will be filled out by the Ward Officer on each preoperative patient and forwarded to the Anesthesia Section by 1400 hours the day before the contemplated operation. 14® PREQPERATIVE EXAMINATION AND ANESTHETIC RECORD® - a« All patients will be subjected to a careful physi- cal examination by their ward officer prior to the administration of an anesthetic of any nature. This will include an examination of the respiratory system, heart, blood pressure and pulse rate® Also, there will be a chemical examination of the urine, a hem- oglobin determination and whenever indicated, a determination of the bleeding and coagulation time of the blood and a complete blood count® The results of this examination will be recorded on the Preoperativc Examination and Anesthetic Record, Form WD AC-0 8-84® When an emergency prevents any of the above ex- aminations, the fact should bo so stated on the record Form WD AGO 8-34® 15® OPERATION REPORT® - Form WD AGO 8-35, will be dictated by the surgeon promptly on completion of each operation® When completed, the original will become a part of the clinical record of the patient, A duplicate will be retained and filed by the anesthetist® IIR 40-60 16. EMERGENCY OPERATING STAFF. - There will be detailed for each day by the cTTief of tnc Anesthesia and Operating Room Section a sufficient number of competent nursing and enlisted personnel to be on call for such surgical emergencies as may arise, A roster will be sent to the Information Office, posted on the bulletin board in surgery and other places as deemed necessary. Personnel on operating room call will not leave the reservation during their periods of duty, 17, DUTY HOURS. - The Operating Pavilion will be open from 0700 hours until completion of the day’s work. Section III CENTRAL SUPPLY Paragraph Organization & Functions. 18 Administration. •••••• IS apply Procedures 20 Care of Materials and Items Dispensed 21 18. ORGANIZATION 6: FUNCTIONS, - a. The chief of Anesthesia and Operating Room Section will also be Chief of the Central Supply Section which will be maintained by a Medical Administrative Officer, An Army nurse will be appointed to act as supervisor of the section and es- pecially the processing of sterile equipment. b. The Central Supply v/ill be operated to provide u centralized agency for the maintenance, preparation, storage and issuance of sterile equipment and supplies of certain other materials employed for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures within the hospital. Intravenous medications not already prepared commercially will be made up in the pharmacy and sent to Central Supply for sterilization and issue, (A 40-44, 12 April 1944, Central Service System in Army Hospital). c. Items to bo maintained will include those employed in the performance of transfusion and intravenous therapy1 .round dressing, spinal puncture, thoracentesis, catheterization, ./anger- steen suction; oxygen administration and the like. So far as practicable, such items as hot water bags, ice bags, drainage tubes, rubber air cushions, rubber gloves, sterile towels, sy- ringes, needles, etc., will also be maintained in the Central Supply. Equipment and supplies used for routine procedures, such as those for obtaining temperature and blood pressure re- cordings and for the administration of sedatives and narcotics. ER 40-60 will continue to be maintained on the wards. The Chief of the Surgical Service will prepare a list of items which are main- tained in the Central Supply. d« All supplies and equipment handled by the Central Supply will be obtained direct from the Medical Supply. Ward Officers will not requisition such items from Medical Supply. 19. ADMINISTRATION. - a. Personnel assigned to the Central Supply to be utilized in the preparation and dispensation of supplies and equipment will be non-professionals, preferably civilians or military personnel not physically qualified for general ser- vice, under the direct supervision of a Medical Administrative Officer (W 40-44, 12 April 1944). The chief of anesthesia and operating section will be responsible for the proper in- struction of personnel assigned to the unit, for the necessary inspections to assure efficient operation, and for the main- tenance of adequate records and reports. b. The central supply will be operated on a 24-hour basis. An adequate system of messenger service, either cen- tralized or operated from the wards, will be established. 2°. SUPPLY PROCEDURES. - a. Routine requisitions will be submitted between the hours of 0700 and 1100, and 1400-and 1600. Emergency requisitions will be filled at any hour. Only those items which appear on the published list of available supplies will be issued. b. Central Supply items will be ordered by number and name on a regular requisition, which will be signed by the ward officer or nurse in charge. Instruments and sets are to be returned to Central Supply within three days and will be charged against the officer signing the requisition until returned. No supplies will be issued without requisition. Receipt of the items requisitioned will be acknowledted by the signature of the attendant receiving then. When the property, or in the case of consumed supplied, the container or wrapper, has been returned, the receipt will be surrendered to the attendant. All equipment contained in a sot will be re- turned. Soiled linens, etc., will be retained by the ward and equivalent number of clean replacements will be returned with the set to central supply. HR 40-G0 c. Central supply will keep an adequate record of all transactions. 21. CARE OF MATERIALS AND ITEMS DISPENSED. - a. The ward nurse will be responsible that the equip- ment is properly cleaned before it is returned to Central Supply. It is important that equipment be cleaned promptly after use as blood and secretions are difficult to remove when they have dried. b. Before returning equipment to Central Supply, in- struments, needles, syringes, catheters and gloves will be washed in warm soapy water and rinsed. Glass syringes will be wrapped in gauze for perfection, with the piston separated from the barrel, A Y/ire stylet will be inserted in each needle. Gloves will be completely dried, both inside and out, but powdering will be omitted. c. The supervisor of Central Supply will inspect care- fully all equipment returned. Any Improperly cleaned or unduly damaged equipment will be reported to the officer in charge of Central Supply. Section IV CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPHY Paragraph Organization & Functions 22 Requests for Photographs, Slides, etc 23 Disposition of Photographs, Slides, etc..... 24 Use of Photographic Equipment 25 Reports and Records 26 22 . ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS» - The Clinical Photographic Section will function under the direction of the Chief of the Surgical Service and will be under the jurisdiction of the Chief of the Clinical Photographic Section, who will be a person with a knowledge of clinical photography and whose duty will be to accomplish all clinical photographic work. He will also super- vise and be responsible for the administration, sanitation, and police of his section, 23. REQUESTS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS, SLIDES, ETC. - A single copy of the photographic request form~(5th SvG Form 4BR3) will be filled out by the officer desiring the photographic work and transmitted to the Chief of the Photographic Section for an appointment. The work will thereafter be accomplished and sent to the requesting agency. Requests will be limited to subjects of official nature for teaching or unusual interest purposes. HR 40-60 24* DISPOSITION OF PHOTOGRAPHS, SLIDES, ETC* - All negatives made will be the property of the hospital and will be filed in the Photographic Section* One print of each photograph taken of patients will be included in their clinical record. 25 * USE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT* - The use of equipment and materials in the Clincial Photographic Section is limited to authorized use only and will not be used for personal enterprises* 26* REPORTS AND RECORDS * - Records of all photographic work will be kept on permanent file in the Clinical Photography Section along with clinical information which will help to identify these items. The Chief of the Section will, on the first day of each month, render a report of the previous month’s activities to the Chief of the Surgical Service and to the Curator, Army Medical Museum, ViTashington, D*G., along with a copy of each photograph taken and information pertinent to it, as may be required by letters t a. SPMC Control Symbol MEM 96, Medical Illustrations. b. 3G0 SPMEM, 4 May 1945, Medical Illustrations* Section V EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Paragraph Organization & Functions 27 Type of Cases Treated* *******«**....*..**. * * 28 Treatment of Hospital Patients *..*» * * * 29 Requests for Clinical Examination* * 30 Routine Examinations *.,****.*. * *. * * 31 27o ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS* - An officer of the Medical Corps will be appointed by special order of the Commanding Of- ficer, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Surgical Service, to be Chief of the ENT Section* He will supervise and be re- sponsible for the administration, sanitation and police of the wards and departments pertaining to his service and for the professional care and treatment of patients therein* The ENT Section will occupy such wards as recommended by Chief of Sur- gical Service and assigned by the Commanding Officer* * 28* TYPE OF CASES TREATED* - All diseases of the car, nose and throat with the exception of the congenital malformations of lip and palate and plastic reconstruction of deformities of ears, nose and mouth, will be treated by this section* ER 40-60 29. TREATMENT OF HOSPITAL PATIENTS. - Hospital patients will ordinarily be treated in the wards set aside for this pur- pose and in the ENT Clinic, but when other conditions arc pre- sent they may be treated in wards set aside for those particular conditions in other services or sections, 30. REQUESTS FOR CLINICAL EXAMINATION. - Requests for ex- aminations to be made by the ENT Section will be filled out in the appropriate request form (55-E-3 MD) in duplicate and for- warded to the Chief of the ENT Section, who will make the necessary appointment for the patient, and after the examination will enter his findings on the same form. The original will be incorporated with the patient’s clinical record and the copy will be retained for the files of the ENT Section. 3!. ROUTINE EXAMINATIONS. - Routine examinations of the ears, nose or throat which do not require the service of a specialist will be performed by the ward officer concerned. Only in cases of suspected ENT Pathology will the patients be referred to the Section. Section VI EYE AND PLASTIC EYE LABORATORY Paragraph Organization & Functions..... 32 Type of Cases Treated. 33 Treatment of Hospital Patients. 34 Requests for Examination....... 35 Routine Examination 36 Plastic Eye Laboratory, 37 32. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS. - The Chief of Section will be appointed by the Commanding Officer upon recommendation of the Chief of Surgical Service or higher authority and will be officially designated as Chief of the Eye-Plastic Section. He will be responsible for the care and treatment of all patients in this section and for the administration, sanitation and police of the wards and departments pertaining to his section. 33. TYPE OF CASES TREATED. - All diseases of the eye and orbit will be treated by this section. 54. REQUESTS FOR EXAMINATION. - Requests for examinations to be made by the Eye Section will be filled out on the ap- propriate form (55-E-2, MD) in duplicate and forwarded to the Chief of the Eye Section, who will make the necessary appointment HR 40-60 for the patient and after the examination will enter his find- ings on the sane form. The original will be incorporated with the patient’s clinical record and the copy will be retained for the files of the Eye Section. 36o ROUTINE EXAMINATIONS. - Routine examinations of the eye which do not require the service of a specialist will be performed by the ward officer concerned. Only in cases of suspec- ted eye pathology will the patient be referred to this Sectione 57o PLASTIC EYE LABORATORY. - This sub-section will function under the direction of the Chief of the Eye Section. An officer appointed by the Commanding Officer will function as Chief of the Plastic Eye Laboratory. The plastic eye laboratory will process and make artificial eyes and other types of prosthesis, as required. Section VII GENERAL SURGERY Paragraph Organization & Functions. 38 Type of Gases Treated. .. .... «.. 39 33o ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS„ - The General Surgery Sec- tion is devoted to general surgery.. The Chief of the Section will be responsible for the care and treatment of all patients in this section, and for the administration, discipline, san- itation, and police of the section., 30o TYPE OF CASES TREATED0 - a. All general surgical proctological and septic cases, and other cases approved by the Chief of the Surgical Service, will be treated by this section. bo Officer patients admitted to this section will be treated on the ward designated by the Chief of the General Surgery Section. Section VIII GENITO - URINARY Paragraph Organization & Functions o.. *.. ... . .. o. ,. . . . * <>....... o 40 Type of Cases Treatedo.5.oo...,o....o01.S5............ 41 Classes of Operations ..... . . - ... . 42 Form for Recording Urological Examination.,. .,..„........... 43 UR 40-60 40, ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS. - The Chief of Section will be appointed by the Commanding Officer upon the recommendation of the Chief of the Surgical Service and will be officially designated as the Chief of the Genito-Urological Section. He will be responsible for the proper operation of the section, for the treatment of patients therein, and will maintain supervision over all personnel assigned to duty thereon. 41, TYPE OF GASES TREATED. - All cases of genito-urinary nature will be treated by this section, either on a ward set aside by the Commanding Officer or in the G-U Clinic, except that when other conditions are present they may be treated in wards set aside for those particular conditions in other services or sections. The diagnosis and treatment of venereal disease is managed by the Medi- cal Service, however, surgical complications of such diseases should be treated by the urologist, 42, CLASSES OF OPERATIONS. - All transurethral and other minor operations on the genito-urinary tract will be performed in the cystoscopic operating room. All other cases will be taken to the main operating room, 45. UROLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. - Will be recorded on Form 55-E-7, which contains appropriate spaces for recording the findings of a complete lower, mid and upper genito-urinary tract examination, in- cluding cystoscopy and pyelography. This form will be made out in duplicate and the original copy incorporated in the patient’s clinical record. Section IX OFFICERS Paragraph Organization & Functions,.. 44 44. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS. - The officer patients of the surgical service in this hospital are not congregated in one single section or ward but are under the care of the appropriate section chiefs and will be treated on the ward designated by said section chiefs o Section X ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Paragraph Organization & Functions *.. ... ,,„, 45 Type of Cases Treated , 46 Brace Shop........... 47 HR 40-60 45. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONSo - The Orthopedic Surgery Section will be devoted to Orthopedic cases. The Chief of Section will be responsible for the care and treatment of all patients in this section, and for the administration, disci- pline, sanitation and police of the section. 46. TYPE OF CASES TREATED. - a. All cases admitted to the hospital for orthopedic conditions, including all types of fractures, will be referred to the orthopedic wards for treatment, except (l) fractures of the maxilla and/or facial bones, which will be referred to the Plastic Maxillo-Facial Section and (2) skull and rib fractures which will be referred to the General Surgical Sec- tion. b. Patients in wards other than the orthopedic wards for whom treatment is desired or for whom orthopedic appliances may be necessary will be treated by this section. c. Officer patients admitted to this section will be treated on the ward designated by the Chief of the Orthopedic Section. 47. BRACE SHOP. - The Brace Shop will be under the super- vision of the Chief of the Orthopedic Section. All braces, splints and equipment to be constructed or repaired must have authorization from the Chief of the Orthopedic Section. A record will be kept in the Orthopedic workshop of all appli- ances manufactured and repaired. (See also, Par 3h, AR 40-505) Section XI PHYSICAL THERAPY Paragraph Organization. 48 Type of Cases Treated 49 Physical Therapy Clinic..... 50 48. ORGANIZATION & FACTIOUS. - The Chief of Section is appointed on special orders by the Commanding Officer on recom- mendation by the Chief of Surgical Service or by higher author- ity. He will be assisted by an appropriate number of the following t a. Physical Therapists (AR 40-26) who are selected by the Surgeon General’s Office upon the request of the Com- manding Officer. HR 40-60 b. Physica1 Therapy technic ians. c. Apprentice physical therapists (Letter SCO, 23 Oct 45). 49. TYPE OF CASES TREATED, - Patients are referred to this section from any of the Professional Services who are deemed by the referring medical officers to require physical therapy. These are predominately orthopedic and hand plastic patients but also included are certain number of other types of cases such as post- diphtheritic paralyses, dermatitis, blepharitis, etc. 50. PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC. - The Physical Therapy Clinic occupies a building designated by the Commanding Officer tc house the physical therapy equipment and in which to carry out the various required treatments. TE MED 10, 14 Feb 44. Section XII PLASTIC - GENERAL & MAXILLO-FACIAL Paragraph Organization & Functions 51 Type of Cases Treated.. 52 51. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS. - The Plastic Surgery Sec- tion will function under the jurisdiction of the Chief of the Surgical Service. The Chief of Section will be responsible for the care and treatment of all patients in this section, and for the administration, discipline, sanitation and police of the section. 52. TYPE OF CASES TREATED. - a. All cases which demand general plastic or maxillo- facial surgical procedures will be treated in this-.section. b. Officer patients admitted to this section will be treated on the ward designated by the Chief of the General Plastic Section. Section XIII HAND PLASTIC Paragraph Organization & Functions 55 Type of Cases Treated 54 53. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS. - The Hand Plastic Section will function under the jurisdiction of the Chief of the Surgical HR 40-60 Service. It will occupy such wards as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer. The staff will consist of such commissioned officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, enlisted personnel and civilians as may be assigned. The Chief of Section will be appointed by the Commanding Officer upon a recommendation of the Chief of the Surgical Service and will be officially designated the Chief of the Hand Plastic Section. He will be responsible for the administration, discipline, sanitation and police of the section. 54. TYPE OF CASES TREATED. - a. All cases which demand hand plastic procedures will be treated in this section. b. Officer patients admitted to this section will be treated on the ward designated by the Chief of the Hand Plastic Section. • Section XIV WOMEN Paragraph Organization & Functions...................... 55 Classes of Cases Treated... 56 Responsibility for Professional Care, 57 55. ORGANIZATION & FUNCTIONS, - The Women1s Surgical Sec- tion will function under the direction of the Chief of the Sur- gical Service, It will occupy such wards as may be assigned by the Commanding Officer, The staff will consist of such commissioned officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, enlisted personnel and civilians as may be assigned. The Chief of Section will be ap- pointed by the Commanding Officer upon the recommendation of the Chief of the Surgical Service and will bo officially designated as Chief of the Women’s Section. He will supervise and be responsible for the administration, sanitation and police of his section, and for the care and treatment of patients. 56. CLASSES OF CASES TREATED. - All female patients on the Surgical Service will be treated in this section, 57. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE. - The Chief of the Section will be responsible for the general surgical care, ward supervision and the proper execution of professional orders HR 40-G0 issued by the speciality sections« Individualized professional treatment of the patient will be the responsibility of the chief of the speciality section concerned. It is the responsibility of the Chief of the Women’s Section to make sure that the Chief of Section of a surgical speciality is informed when a patient, coming under his speciality, is admitted to the ward, and that she is receiving the necessary care and treatment. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONi RUSSELL B. STEIIUIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant /y\ RUSSELL E • STEI1IE0UR Ma j or, MAC Adjutant HR 40-70 HOSPITAL REGULATION'S NO© 40 70 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9* Ohio 1 January 1946 RECONDITIONING SERVICE Paragraph Nii SSlOno©cooo©©O©O3oo©©eo.©»©c«o*SQO®0®e©..ooe«®©.©e**.oo. 1 Organization®.©©c©©©©©©.©®..©©©©©©.©.©.©©©©©..©©..®®®.©®.. 2 Educational Reconditioning© © © ©.© © ®.©.© ®.....© © © ®..©...© © © © 3 Physical Reconditioning© © ©..© © © © © ©.© © 4 Occupational Therapy©. © ©.... © © 5 Schedules.•©..c.®..©©.®.©©.6 Separation-Counselling© © ©©©©...©.©© © 7 Authoritative References© © © © © © 8 Rescissions 9 1® MISSIONo - The Reconditioning Service is established by order of the Surgeon General (SGO Cir No 160., 21 Sep 1943) to perform the following dutiese a© To restore a favorable mental attitude so that the patient will be willing and anxious for return to duty or better prepare him for return to civilian life after he has reached maximum hospitalization© bo To cooperate in the general mission of the hos- pital by bringing the patient to the maximum hospital benefit in the shortest possible timec 2o OR GANIZATION. - In order to best perform the above functions, the Reconditioning Service is divided into three main classifications? ac Educational Reconditioning Section® bo Physical Reconditioning Section© Co Occupational Therapy Section® 3o EDUCATIONAL RECONDITIONING0 - The Educational Recon- ditioning Section functions under the direction of the Educa- tional Reconditioning Officer and a staff of military and civilian assistants® a0 The Educational Reconditioning program is respon- sible for four major activities? (1) Personal problems® (2) Orientation and Information® HR 40-70 (3) Counselling, (4) Education. b. SOP. - SOP for Educational Reconditioning Section (all wards): 0800-0930 Processing of new patients (initial Reconditioning counselling interview)• 0900-1030 Calisthenics and daily reports onwards. 0930-0940 News Resume (radio). 0940-1010 Radio School of the Air. 0945-1015 Indoctrination Conference for Reconditioning Officers and Gray Lady Volunteers. 1030-1150 Information Hour. 1030-1130 Ward Discussion Groups. 1030-1130 Genera] Education Hour. (1) Special Classes. (2) USAFI Courses of Self Study Books. (3) Books from library. 1300-1600 Special Classes and diversional activities. 4. PHYSICAL RECONDITIONING. - a. Responsibilities of Physical Reconditioning Section? (1) Allaying and preventing deconditioning. (2) Accelerating physical recovery. (3) Restoring physical condition of patient to a point that will fit him for return to duty or civilian life. b. Classes. - Patients in the Reconditioning Program are divided into four classesj Class IV - patients confined to bod or chair are re- quired to take all organized exercises in bed. Class III - patients who still require medical or surgical treatment but who are ambulatory and may exercise in a standing position. Class II - patients who no longer are subject to daily medical treatment. (Patients who have reached the Class II HR 40-70 stage and who are to be returned to duty will be sent to a convalescent facility® Requests for transfer of patients to the convalescent facility will be cleared to the Service Com- mand Surgeon’s Office)® Class I » Trainees nearly ready for duty® The physical reconditioning section is responsible for the ac- celerating and the bringing about of the most complete recovery possible of Class IV and III patients by the use of calisthenics* remedial exercises and diversional activities® The Class IV and III programs will be conducted to the fullest extent possible by physical reconditioning non-commissioned officers who have been trained for this purpose® The regular personnel may be supple- mented by Class III trainees® The patients assigned to this responsibility must be carefully selected and trained® c» Physical Training for HP Patients® - The physical training of the neuropsychiatric patients is the responsibility of the Physical Reconditioning Officer® The Chief of the IIP Section will orient all Reconditioning personnel in the problems encountered in the handling of UP patients® do SOP. - Schedule for Physical Reconditioning Section by hours s 0900-1030 Class IV and Class III exercises on all wards® 0900-1130 Ward remedial exercises* orthopedic and plastic wards® 0930-1030 Open ward IIP patients - gymnasium® 1030-1130 Closed ward IIP patients - gymnasium® 1300-1430 Class IV and Class III exercises on all wards® 1300-1630 Ward remedial exercises* orthopedic and plastic wards® 1430-1530 Prescription remedial exercises in gymnasium® 1530-1600 Closed ward NP patients * gymnasium® 1600-1630 Open ward HP patients - gymnasium® 5 0 OCCUPATIORAL THERAPY, - a® Purpose® - The purpose of the occupational therapy section is to provide functional and constructive activity under medical supervision to hasten the recovery of individual patients® Types of treatments (1) Functional (prescriptions shall be written by ward officers* Chief of Orthopedics* Chief of Plastic Surgery* or Chief of Physical Therapy on the form provided by the 0T Dept)® (2) Def initive treatment for neuropsychiatric patients (prescriptions shall be written by ward officers of Chief of Neuropsychiatry on the form provided by the 0T Dept). HR 40-70 (3) Diversional handcrafts shall be made avail- able to patients for their mental and social value. (4) Industrial Therapy will bo used as either functional or psychiatric therapy and when used as definite treatment should be prescribed by a medical officer and super- vised by a therapist. b. Medical Responsibility. - (1) Responsibility for the functional program shall be assigned to the medical assistant assigned to Re- conditioning Service. (2) Re sponsibility for the neuropsychiatric program shall be assigned to the Chief of neuropsychiatry. (3) Responsibility for the diversional program shall be retained by the Senior Occupational Therapiste. 6C SCHEDULES. - Operating schedules will be published from time to time and distributed to chiefs of service and wards. 7, SEPARATION-COUNSELLING. - Coordination will be main- tained with the Separation-Counselling Section. 8. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a. SGO Cir No 149, 12 Aug 1943, OT in Army Hospitals. b. SGO Cir No 168, 21 Sept 1943, Convalescent Recon- ditioning in Hospitals. c. Ilq, 5th SvC, Oct 1944, Manual for Reconditioning. d. CGH Memo No 16, 10 July 1945, Reconditioning Pro- gram. e. CGH Memo No 30, 7 Dec 1945, Physical Reconditioning for Class III Patients. f. ASF Cir No 168, 1943, Convalescent Record Program. HR 40-70 g. Memo W40-6-43, Convalescent Record Program. 9. RESCISSIONS♦ - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON j RUSSELL B. STEIKHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 40-80 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NOo 40-80 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio, 1 January 1946. X-RAY (ROENTGENOLOGY) SERVICE Paragraphs f Of 0©2*Vi C0 ,000,0 00,000000 .0,00, 0,0,000, ,,4,o, 0004, ,,,,, a,,,, X Requests for i~*xamxnatxon oo,,,,,,,00,000000,0,000,00000000000000000 2 Emergencies and Priority Requests 00000,0,000000000,000000000000000 3 Bedside o~*xaxxxn<~i 000000,000000000,0000000000,00000000,o&,ooooo, 4 Dental X—Ray Examxnations 0000000000,000,0,0,0000,000,0,00,000000,0 5 Preparation of Patients ,0000,000000,00,0,000000000000000,0000000,0 6 Reports of •axamxnci. Taxons 000000000,000000,00000000000000000000 ,o, o o, 7 2^— iherapy 00000,00,,,,000,00,0,000000000000000000000000,4,00000 8 X—Ray ilms 00,00000000,000000000000,00000000 0000,000000,000,000000 9 Monthly Reports ,00000000000,0,000000000000000,00000,00000000000000 10 Authoritative References 0,00000,00000000,0000000,0,,00,,0000,0,000 11 Rescissxons 00000,0000,0,000,0,0,0,0000000,0,00,0,000,00,0000,00,00 12 lo CHIEF OF SERVICE, - The senior officer in the department of radiology will be chief of service (IM 8-260) and will furnish diagnostic X-ray service, and such X-ray therapy as authorized by current directives on the basis of equipment available0 (ASF Cir, No, 136, 5th SvC, 5 March 1944; TM 8-260; 187) He will be responsible for the quality of professional work rendered, training of assigned personnel, police and sanitation of the service, and maintenance of proper files and recordse (WD 0iro 150, 22 May 1945) He shall be responsible for safeguarding, care and maintenance of X-ray equipment installed and issued to the service„ In this activity he will maintain close liaison with the Post Engineer and the Medical Supply Officer, He shall protect patients and duty personnel against the hazards of X-radiation and electric shock, (TB Med, 62, Par, 5) 2, REQUESTS FOR EXAMINATION, - a, Medical officers referring patients to the X-Ray Department will be responsible that the patient is properly prepared and that suffi- cient clinical data is furnished to enable the radiologist to perform a complete examination, b, Requests will be submitted in duplicate on the prescribed form, VdD AGO 8-63, completed in full, including ASH, grade, age, and signed personally by the Medical Officer concerned. The request will indicate clearly the pertinent diagnosis which necessitates the X-ray examination, (TM 8-260:185) Requests which are unsigned or improperly filled out will be returned without action until properly completed. To expedite examina- tions, requests should be delivered by a ward attendant or through the message center, c, In special cases, a statement of unusual views and technique desired or the special object of the examination may be included. Discussion 1 with the radiologist : r advance wil? d waste of jeu er;.al and tur3o Re quests for special roentgen procedures which require advance preparation such as gastrointestinal studies hai .um enemas urograms,, bronchograms encephalograms, myelograms, and portab?es In operating room will be sub- mitted no later than 1600 hours on the day preceding the examinations0 d. All procedures involving f3.uoroscopy except emergencies„ will be requested prior to 1600 hours on the day preceding the examination, so that a coordinated schedule may be arranged*, Medical officers may ascertain the scheduled time of examination and observe the fluoroscopy in all cases. The fluoroscopic examination will not be delayed because of failure of the medical officer to appear on time0 30 EMERGENCY AND PRIORITY REQUESTS. - a. Emergencies„ defined as a condition of affairs wherein the element of time is of grave importance to the health or life of the patient, will be plainly marked EMERGENCY on the request form by the referring medical officer Emergency requests will receive the immediate attention of the X-Ray Department, A telephone report will be rendered promptly and confirmed subsequently by a written report on the request form Do not confuse "Emergency"with "Administrative Priority" bo When, for administrative reasons9 such as board meetings,, discharges* etc0* it is necessary that an examination be made and a report rendered quickly* the request will be marked ADMINISTRATIVE PRIORITY with the time the report is needed0 A telejjhone or written report will be ren- dered in advance of the stated time* Ward officers will anticipate the need for such examinations whenever possible* so that priority requests will be reduced to a minimum, f Bfl 8-260:185a) Co Emergency detail for night duty* A roster will be main- tained of qualified X-ray technicians available for emergency night Sunday or holiday duty after regular duty hours0 One copy of the roster will be posted in the X-Ray Department* and one copy with the Charge of Quarters in the Detachment Headquarters0 The CQ will be called for all emergency work* who will in turn contact technician on callo The CQ must report disposition of call to medical officer concerned* who will keep in contact with the CQ until disposition of call is made to satisfaction of all concernedo 4* BEDSIDE EXAMINATIONS0 - On account of technical factors* such as long exposure* improper posturing* short anode-film distance* and lack of a moving grid* bedside examinations are of greatly impaired diagnostic value* and in some instances may be misleadingo Requests for such examina- tions will be reserved for special cases in which the indication is urgentc 50 DENTAL X-RAY EXAMINATIONS. - These examinations will be done in the X-Ray laboratory of the Dental Service0 Requests for dental X-ray will be sent directly to the Chief of the Dental Service, and not to the X-Ray Service0 (TM 8-260:185a) 2 6. PREPARATION OF PATIENT. - Patients will be prepared for the various roentgenological examinations in accordance with the procedures outlined in "Standing Professional Orders*" The ward officer concerned will be responsible that the preparation is correct, in order that un- satisfactory and repeat examinations may be avoided* In specialized types of cases, the ward officer should consult with the radiologist concerning the extent of manipulation permitted during the X-ray examination* 7* REPORTS OP EXAMINATIONS a - Roentgen reports will be prepared in duplicate and signed by the roentgenologist„ One copy will be filed perm- anently in the X-Ray Clinic in a standardized manner, so that they will be readily accessible* The other copy will be sent by messenger to the medical officer who requested the examination, for inclusion in the patient’s clinical record* (HI 8-260:185 bj In emergencies, the roentgenologist will give a tentative verbal report by telephone and will forward nis final written report as soon thereafter as practicable* As a general rule, all roentgen examinations will be reported within 24 hours, after receipt of the request in the X-Ray Department* The roentgenologist, however, will make such re-examinations and expend such time in study of each patient as his professional judgment may deem reasonably necessary* No written or oral reports of medical examinations will be given to non-military personnel, ex- cept as specified by TM 8-260:186* No reports or films will be given to patients, except as specified by TM 8-260:186* 8, X-RAY THERAPY a* The administration of roentgen therapy will be limited to those cases for whom treatment is authorized by the War Department on the basis of the equipment and personnel available* (ASF Cir* No* 138, 5th SvG, 6 March 1944) b0 X-ray therapy will not be given without consultation with the referring officer0 Requests for roentgen therapy are prepared on M) AGO Form 8-64 and forwarded to the Chief of X-Ray Service* The clinical record is sent by messenger to the Chief of Service when the patient reports for the first treatment Upon completion of a series of treatments, the chief of the service or his assistant sends to the ward officer his record of treatment and provides the patient with a record of amount and quality of irradiation received* c* The roentgenologist will be responsible for the protection of the patient and operating personnel against the hazards ofunnecessary radiation* To this end he will, by periodic check, see to it that the equip- ment is properly calibrated* He will personally supervise the administration of roentgen treatments* d* The roentgenologist is personally responsible for the adminis- tration of such quality and dosage of radiation at such intervals of time as will be of maximum benefit and the least harm to the patient, for both the immediate and remote future* Accordingly, the roentgenologist will prescribe the quality and dosage of radiation and the duration and intervals of treatment He will also determine, in consultation, whether or not roentgen therapy will be beneficial in any given case* 3 o Because of injury which migrr; result from indiscriminate and incomplete admin:' strut ion of roentgen -he- apy rirst at one hospital and then at another no patient will oe accepted for roentgen 'herapy unless t is reasonably er ;a n that the entire course of treatment prescribed by the radiologist can be completed, or that the patient will be transferred with his records, to another hospital where the treatment will be continued to its iSGO Cir Letter No« 4 20 January 1942; 1M 8 260;187 a; WD Cir. No* 138, ASF, 5th SvC, 6 March 1944 ) 9r X RAY FILMS - a All X-ray films will be filed permanently in the X-Ray Service, There will be no exception to this rule I'M 8~260;186) X-ray films will be permitted to remain on the wards at the request of the Chief of Professional Service or Section by special arrangement with the X-Ray Servicee The means of conveyance of X ray films between X Ray Service and wards will be the respon- sibility of the medical officer requesting the loan X-ray films will not be conveyed to and from the wards by patients, unless accompanied by written authorization by officer in charge o The Chief of Professional Service or Section will see that films are properly filed and always available to the X Ray Service and to others in necessary consultationst. When re-examination of the patient concerned is requested, the films will be returned to the X-Ray Service for com- parative interpretation and completion of film records These films will again be returned to the proper professional section when these are completed When the patient is discharged or on furlough, these films will be returned to the X-Ray Service for disposition bo Wet films will not be removed from the X-Ray Service, except in emergency or administrative necessity,, These films must be returned to the department immediately after serving the purpose,? Co All transfer films received shall be dispensed through the X-Ray Service where a proper alphabetical file shall be maintained, checked daily as new patients report for examination, and if transfer films are available, they shall be filed with current films,. This film file will be checked at least every 30 days,, and films on patients who have not arrived at this hos- pital shall be removed from the file and mailed to the following addresses, in accordance with WD Cir„ 150, paxw VIII, 22 May 1945; Officers; Officers’ Branch Adjutant General’s Office Washington 25, D,. 0o Enlisted Men; Military Information Section Enlisted Branch Adjutant General’s Office Washington 25, Dc C0 do At the beginning of each month films made the preceding month on personnel listed below will be sent to the following address for permanent records, as per WD Cir0 150, 22 May 1945; Officers; War Department Records Branch Adjutant General’s Office Washington 25, Dc 0o Attention; Officer in Charge, 703 Columbia Pike 4 Enlisted Men: Veterans Administration Kansas Avenue & Upshur Street, N* W0 Washington, D, C„ (1) Films on officers leaving the Army through retirement or separa- tion, (2) Applicants for commissions. (3) Officers examined for active duty, (4) All cadets of, and candidates for, United States Military Academy. (5) All individuals in the above categories at the time of relief from active duty or discharge from service, (6) Enlisted men granted a CEO or separated from the service* (7) Members of the WAG granted a COO or separated from the service, (8) Accepted applicants for enlistment, (9) Aviation cadets, (10) Applicants for flying service, (11) Applicants for OCS, 10. MONTHLY REPORT, - The Chief of X-Hay Service will present to the Com- manding Officer a complete monthly report of the activities of the X-Ray Depart- ment. This report shall include a record of patients examined; number of exam- inations; films supplied, used, wasted, discarded; and average film consumption per patient and per examination. The patient load shall be broken down into the following groups; Hospital patients, military; hospital patients, civilian; out-patients, military; out-patients, civilian. At the end of each calendar year a summary of the monthly reports will be submitted for the annual report, 11. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. Chief of Service (1) TM 8-260 (2) ASF Cir. No, 136, 5th SvC, 6 March 1944 (3) TM 8-260, par, 187 (4) WD Cir. 150, 22 May 1945 (5) TB Med 62, Par, 5 b. Requests for Examinations - TM 8-260, Par 185, yfl Dental X-Hay Examinat* ons ‘"f 8-260, Par .85 a. d Reports of Examinations - 1M 8-260, Par 185 and I860 e0 X-Ray Therapy (1) ASF Cir No 138, 5th SvC, 6 March 1944. (2) SCO Cir Letter No 4, 20 January 1942. (S) TM 8-260, Par 187 a. (4) WD Cir No 138, ASF, 5th SvC;, 6 March 1944. f 0 X-Ray Films (1) TM 8-260 9 Par I860 (2) V® Cir No 150, Par VIII, 22 May 1945. go Civ., Emp., - WD Cir 201, February 1, 1945, tu Film Storage - AR 850-65, i0 Nomenclature & Method of Recording Diagnoses - TB Med 203, 120 RESCISSIONS > « Nonec BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON % RUSSELL 13 a STEINHOUR Major9 MAC Adjutant O'FF^blAL; Maj or , MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 1*0-90 HR 1*0-90 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9> Ohio 1 January 19’ j 6 ward administration Paragraph Ward Officers and Their Duties ,. 1 Nursing Service .. . ..... 0...• 0 ... . ...«., ... „ 0..., . 2 Ward Attendants .,..,, *, 0,.,. .0 ... 8.. .. . c0*«., ,...c „.„...,,„ 3 Medicines and Medical Trea tment, Record of . .. . c „. .. c,.. .. ., 1| Alcohol, Narcotics and Penicillin. .......................... 5 Diets and Eating on the Wards *....,«„. , .0.., a0 „ . 0 „ 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 .0 6 Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Patients .«,.,0....... ,.. „.. 7 Dotention Word ... ..................................... 8 Admission of Patients 0............................. c...... . 9 Inter-Ward Transfers ....................................... 10 Discharge of Patients 11 Seriously 111 Patients ..................................... 12 Deaths ..................................................... 13 Patients’ Funds and Valuables .............................. ll; Patients’ Baggage and Clothing ,,.. 15 Ward Bulls bin Boards 16 Furloughs, Passes, and Sick Leave .......................... 17 Financial Dealings with Pahients ...................... 18 Venereal Prophylaxis .... ................................... 19 Clinical Records and Reports 20 Report of Diagnoses ........................................ 21 Ward Morning Reports ....................................... 22 Ward Admission Book ........................................ 23 Property Responsibility .................................... 2k Administrative Assistants .................................. 25 Visitors and VJ siting Hours ................. *............. • 26 Visiting Other Patients ................................... <, 27 Quie tness on the Wards ,.................................... 28 Lights Out ... oo...... o.... 0 o. o... o. o 29 Report of Unusual Occurrences ............................. 0 30 Medical Social Service ..................................... 31 Authoritative References.................................... 32 Rescissions ................................................ 33 1. V>'ARS OFFICERS AND THE IK DUTIES. - a, Ward officers and assistant ware] officers v/ill be assigned to the various wards by the Chief of Professional Service to which they are assigned by CGH Special Orders. TM 8-260; TM 8-262. bo Ward officers} under the direction of the Chief of Service and Chiefs of their respective Sections, have charge of the wards to which assigned and will be directly responsible for the: 1 HR Ji0~90 (1) Proper diagnoses, care, treatment, diet, com- fort, and welfare of all patients under their charge. (2) Keeping of accurate clinical records, as pre- scribed in regulations, of all patients under their charge. (3) Proper csrc of clothing and other personal property belonging to patients. (ii) Instruction and the proper performance of duty of commissioned assistants, internes, members of the Army burse Corps, and enlisted and civilian attendants assigned to their wards. (5) Good order and conduct of ward personnel and patients. (6) Proper care of all government property under their jurisdiction and economical use of supplies and equipment. (?) Neatness, cleanliness and sanitary condition of their wards and adjacent grounds. (8) Execution of all orders and regulations pertain- ing to the administration and conduct of their wards, (9) Maintenance of all ward records and for the preparation and proper submission of such miscellaneous reports as may be required. Records and reports require the approval of the Chief of Service and ward officers are responsible that all reports prepared for submission to other offices are forwarded through the office of the Chief of Service unless otherwise speci- fically indicated. (10) "Ward personnel shall not divulge official information, written or oral, regarding patients. Requests for in- formation regarding patients by newspapers, press, bureaus, radio stations and like organizations at all times will be courteously referred to the Public Relations Officer for reply. when calls are received over the telephone for information regarding patients, they will be referred to the Executive Officer for answer. c. bard officers, or their commissioned assistants, will make rounds of their wards before 1100 hours daily and see all patients. They will make such additional rounds as may be necessary in their judgment for the proper care, treatment and comfort of patients under their charge. In addition, they will make frequent night visits to their wards in the interest of morale and discipline. All patients, except those attending clinics, etc., will remain in their wards until the ward officers have made their morning rounds. Absenteeism will be investigated at once to account for all patients. 2 HR liO-90 d. Complete physical examination will be performed and indicated treatment initiated as soon as practicable after the ad- mission of patients. e. Ward administration is a serious and extremely important duty of a ward officer, the responsibility of which cannot be subordinated. The professional attention, care and treatment of patients is of primary importance but such care and treatment cannot be properly accomplished unless efficient ad- ministrative methods are maintained, f. Absolute cleanliness, orderliness and quietness are the first essentials of ward administration and can be obtained only by the constant vigilaico of officers, non-commissioned offi- cers, nurses and others in authority. Careful and thorough inspec- tions must be made at least once daily and immediate action taken to bring about the correction of irregularities so discovered. g. Convalescent patients may be employed to perform such light duties in and about the hospital as may be of thera- peutic value or which may tend to improve their physical condition. Par, 2b (2), AH UO-590. The ward officer will decide which patients are in these categories. h. Ward officers will assure themselves that patients have sufficient toilet articles in their possession, that their teeth are cleaned at least once daily, and that they bathe or are bathed at proper intervals, i. Patients, other than those on an officer’s status, will be required to wear hospital outer clothing while in the hos- pital. Except in the cask of patients on an officer’s status, personal clothing, with the exception of shoes, socks, under- clcthes and head covering, will be deposited in the hospital clothing room. Patients will wear a Medical Department convalescent suit or robe over pajamas while away from their wards, Ward officers are responsible that hospital clothing worn by patients is service- able, neat and scrupulously clean, j. "Ward officers should impress upon their patients that the;/ are interested in their welfare, anxious to make thorn comfor- table, and to improve their physical condition. They should en- deavor to explain to them the necessity and importance of certain ward regulations, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures, etc,, to the end that the patients are relieved of the mystery, fear and suspicion so often present in the minds of those who are subjected to a hospital environment. They should not hesitate to discuss the patient’s condition with him and to give him such information relative to the progress of his case, results of lab- oratory procedures, diagnoses, etc., os may assist him to obtain an insight into his physical condition. At the same time, discre- 3 HR 1(0-90 tion will be used so as not to give a patient information, either written or verbal, which may be used as a claim against the government. The majority of patients appreciate frankness in these matters and will cooperate accordingly. k. Ward officers are responsible for the discipline of patients in their wards. Patients committing minor offenses will be punished by confinement to bed, restriction of privileges, etc. Major offenses or repeated minor offenses will be reported to the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, for disciplin- ary action. See HR q0-1220. l. "Ward officers will carefully investigate all com- plaints made to them by patients, no matter how trivial the com- plaint may appear to be, and in the event the complaint is justified, take immediate steps to correct the irregularity. Irregularities that are beyond the power of the Ward officer to correct will be immediately reported to the Adjutant. m. Ward officers will assert every effort to preserve the privacy of patients insofar as possible. Patients in open wards will be protected by screens while undergoing dressings, spinal punctures, venipunctures, etc., while being bathed and while the bedpan is being used. Patients will also be protected by screens while partially or completely stripped for examination. 2. NURSING SERVICE. - See HR 1*0-20. 3. WARD ATTENDANTS. - TM 8-260. a. Ward attendants will be assigned to duty in the wards by the detachment commander, (see HR 1*0-710), the number allocated each ward to be subject to the approval of this headquarters. One attendant in each ward will be designated as Ward Master by the Detachment Commander. b. Ward masters, under the direction of the ward officer and ward nurse, will exercise immediate supervision over the ward attendants. In this capacity, ward masters will be responsible for the proper performance of duties, will insist on the wearing of the proper uniform, and will be responsible for the decorum and appear- ance of the ward attendants, c. In general, the duties of the ward attendants will consist of the bedside care of patients, rendering assistance to ward officers and nurses in the treatment of patients, the perfor- mance of such special work in connection with the treatment of patients as they may have been trained to do, and the maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation in the wards, hallways, latrines, etc. Ward officers and nurses will brain and instruct ward atten- dants in the work required of them. Hie well being, comfort, feelings, and personal needs of the patients, being important HR 1*0-90 in bringing about improvement of health or ultimate recovery, are of prime consideration, and, bearing this in mind, ward attendants will exercise gentleness, kindness, and tolerance in dealing with patients. d3 It is important that proper care and use of govern- ment equipment and supplies used in the wards be maintained at all timeSo Ward attendants must be made conscious of this fact. iu MEDICINES AND MEDICAL TREATMENT, RECORD OF. - AR lt0-590; TM 8-260. a. Medicines and medical treatment of patients will be prescribed only by medical officers other than dental treatment which may be prescribed by dental officers. A book of record will bo maintained in each ward, known as a "Ward Order Book" which will contain the Doctor’s Order Sheets, Treatment Records, Nurses’ Report Sheets, Temperature Records, Pulse and Respiration Records, and Professional Standing Orders will be kept in a clamped back folder. b. A medication sheet will be maintained in every ward of the hospital in which patients are receiving medication. This form will show the name of the patient, the character of the medi- cation, and time of a ministration, entries of which will be made in a space provided Tor that purpose on the form. This form will be kept habitually fixed to the inner side of the door of the ward medicine cabinet. The nurse in charge of the ward is responsible that it is kept up to date at all times, c. Phenol, bichloride of mercury, and other active poisons will be plainly labeled and will in addition have a con- spicuous "Poison" label attached to the container. These poisons, including disinfectants and medicines for external use only, will bo kept under lock and key and will not be kept in the same medicine cabinet as medicines for internal administration, 9. ALCOHOL, NARCOTICS AND PENICILLIN. - All morphine, cocaine, codeine, alcohol and alcoholic liquors, and other habit-forming drugs, to include barbital, luminal, sulphonal, trional and similar products, will bo kept securely locked and the amounts on hand limited to actual necessity. Penicillin will be handled in like manner. The keys will be habitually in the personal possession of a member of the Army Nurse Corps or a Medical Officer. Tire following named drugs and medicinals will be accounted Tor on the Narcotic and Al- coholic Register: 5 HR kO-90 Alcohol9 Ethyl Morphine Sulphate Powder Ganabis, Fluid Extract Morphine Sulphate HoT0 oOD0 Gm0 Charapagne Morphine Sulphate Solution (o0l6 to 1 cc) Chloral Opium Powder Cocaine Alkaloid Pantopon H0To ©002 Gm0 Cocaine Hydrochloride Penicillin Cocaine Sulphate Powder Rum Codeine Sulphate IIoT0 o006 Gm„ Sherry V«ine Codeine Sulphate H0T0 o0l6 GM, Tr0 Opium Camphorated Codeine Sulphate T0T0 O032 Gm0 Tr0 Opium I]0S0P0 Codeine Sulphate Solution fthiskey (o032 to 1 cc) Dilaudid H0T0 1/32 Gr0 Dilaudid Oral Tablets 1/A\ Gr0 Ward officers will assure themselves that this regie tor is properly and accurately kept and on the 10th, 20th* and the last day of each month will audit the record and certify as to its cor™ rectnesso The Hospital Inspector will audit the records as directed by this headquarters 0 AR )40~170£| TM 8-260o 60 DIETS AND SATIEG OH THE SARD© - See HR 210-60; IK 8-260o a0 Ambulatory patients will normally eat all their meals at the designated mess halls0 Bed-patients will be served on the wards from the diet kitchens, such diets and meals as are prescribed .by the l&ard Surgeons0 The evening meal will not be served prior to 1700 hours„ -Cooking and preparation of food on the wards will be held to the minimum* consistent with good dietetics* Tor the conservation of labor0 b0 Food Cartso - All wards which have been issued electric food carts will use them in lieu of Drinkwater Carts0 Electric carts should be plugged in at the ward kitchen approxi- mately one hour before reporting to kitchen in order to be properly heatedo Carts are loaded at 0600 hours daily in the Patients8 MesSo 6 HR 1+0-90 Co Serving food between meals and at night is to be discouraged unless because of patient's nutritional requirements such is specified by the bard Surgeon on the clinical records. Nutrition between meals will be limited otherwise to cocoa, coffee, fruits, juices, milk or prepared nutrient drinks which can be easily served. do There are ample food supplies in this hospital at all times, but wards will not be kept stocked unduly. e, No food will be cooked on the wards for patients during the night after 2130 hours or before 0700 hours unless so ordered by Medical Officers. Dirty dishes, silverware, or utensils will not be left to be cleaned by personnel coming on duty in the mornings. f» Patients will not be allowed in ward diet kitchens unless their duties, assigned by Ward Officers, require their pres- ence; then only at designated hours. Diet kitchens or refrigera- tors may be kept locked when not in use at the discretion of Ward Officers and Nurses. go In case of violation of diet kitchen rules, duty personnel will notify the Ward Officers or Officers of the Day who will take the necessary disciplinary action. h. True copies of this Par. 6, HR 1+0-90, will be posted conspicuously in all diet kitchens. 7. TREATMENT OF NEUROPSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS.- TM 8-260. a. It must be carefully borne in mind that patients in this service, (especially in closed wards), arc mentally ill. They a re to be treated with consideration and kindness at all times. Attendants are forbidden to strike or maltreat a patient in any manner and any attendant so offending shall be punished or shall bear the burden of proving that his action was necessary in self-defense or to save life. Each attendant reporting for duty on this service signs a statement that he has road and understands the regulations pertaining to this service. b. Under no circumstances are arms, clubs, or weapons of any description permitted on a closed v;ard. Co No form of mechanical restraint, seclusion, or cold showers is applied as punishment. Restraint or seclusion for bhereapeutic reasons is applied only upon the written order of a medical officer, and under the direction and supervision of the nurse in charge. The nurse keeps a record of the time of applying and removing the restraint or seclusion. Nurses and enlisted atten- dants familiarize themselves with the use of the restraint apparatus. A patient in restraint or seclusion is carefully watched. d. In case of sudden violence of a patient or of injury to a patient or to an attendant, a medical officer will be notified immediately. HR iiO-90 e0 No patient from a closed word leaves the neuro- psychiatric servLce except with permission of a medical officer and in the custody of one or more attendants. Not more than two patients leave the closed neuropsychiatric service in custody of one attendant. The attendant is thoroughly instructed not to lose sight of his patient at any time until he is returned to the neuro- psychiatric service unless relieved of his responsibility by an officer or a noncommissioned officer on duty in that service. No officer, nurse, or attendant in any clinic or department where cases are sent will give instructions contrary to the above. f. No patient is taken from the closed neuropsychiatric service without knowledge of the nurse in charge or ward nurse, and she enters in a record book the name of the patient, time of de- parture, time of return, destination, and name of approving medical officer. g. The night nurse in charge will remain in the office designated on the service, when not actually engaged in her duties on the wards. The night wardmaster and attendants, at all times, will remain on the ward proper, unless relieved by the noncommis - sioned officer. h. Shaving and hair cutting of patients on closed wards is done by an attendant detailed for duty and in no case is a patient permitted possession of barber equipment. i. Patient on a prisoner status or those awaiting gen- eral court-martial charges confined on the closed neuropsychiatric service are not sent off the service except to visit a clinic or for other authorized official purposes. In such cases each is ac- companied individually by one or more attendants, the number to be determined by an officer, 8. DETENTION WARD. - See HR TM 8-260. 9. ADMISSION OF PATIENTS. - Patients will be admitted through the admission and disposition office. However, cases requiring im- mediate medical or surgical attention, or other cases designated by these headquarters, will be admitted directly to the proper ward. In these instances the ward officer will be responsible that the admission and disposition officer be promptly notified so that the necessary records may be accomplished. See HR )|0-1110; AR Ml >{0-1025; TM 8-260. 10. INTER-WARD TRANSFERS.- See HR i;0-llU0; TM 8-262. 11. DISCHARGE OF PATIENTS. - See AR 1*0-590; TM 8-260. 8 HR 1*0-90 a. Disposition and Clearance - See HR 1*0-1130. b. Discharge for Disability - Officers’ Retirement - See HR 1*0-1070. 12, SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS. - Yard officers will keep a list of all patients in their wards who have been reported as seriously ill. This list will be prepared and conspicuously displayed at all times on the nurse’s desk and checked daily by the ward officer to see that it is kept up to date and that the names of those patients who arc no longer seriously ill have been removed from the list and that fact reported to the Registrar. See HR 1*0-1050; AR 1*0-590; TM 8-260. 3.3. DEATHS. - See HR 1*0-1060; TM 12-2; TM 8-260; AR 1*0-590; AR 600-550. Iho PATIENTS’ FUNDS HID VALUABLES. - Patients will be informed that retention of any funds or valuables while in the ward will be at their own risk and that currency checks, or valuables coming into their possession after their admission to the hospital may be deposited with the registrar. See HR 1*0-1120; AR 1*0-590; TM 8-260;: TM 8-262 o 15. PATIENTS’ BAGGAGE AND CLOTHING. - See HR 1*0-1210; AR 35- 6680. 16. WARD BULLETIN BOARDS. - Ward bulletin boards are for the purpose of disseminating information and orders to patients. They should contain no matter other than necessary to meet this re- quirement, The contents of these bulletin boards w, 11 be neatly arranged and kept free from obsolete and extraneous matter. Up-to- date copies of the following Hospital Regulations, as amended, will be posted at all times: a. HR 15-1*5, Visitors and Visiting Hours. b. HR 1*0-90, Ward Administration. c. HR 1*0-1220, Conduct of Patients. d. HR 100-50, Fire Regulations. e. Hospital Bulletin, (daily). f. CGH Special Orders, (when applicable). 17. FURLOUGHS, PASSES AND SICK LEAVE. - See HR 1*0-1230. 18. FINANCIAL DEALINGS WITH PATIENTS. - No member of this com- mand will have any personal financial dealings with patients. 9 HR 1*0-90 19o VENEREAL PROPHYLAXIS. - Ward officers will impress on patients the for compliance with accepted means of venereal prophylaxis and will promptly report cases of venereal disease occurring in patients under their control to the Chief of the Medical Service. $ 2°. CLINICAL RECORDS AND REPORTS. - Ward Officers are charged with the preparation and rendition of clinical records, and such other reports as may be prescribed by proper authority pertaining to patients' under their charge. They will be governed by AR 1*0- 1025>; TD Med 203; TM 3-260; and HR 1(0-1030. Every ambulatory patient will be weighed monthly and weight recorded in the clinical record. 21. REPORT OF DIAGNOSES. - T3 Mod 203; AR 1*0-1010; AR 1*0-102$. a. The Diagnosis Slip may'tie accomplished as an "initial", "corrected", or "additional" record* as defined below, depending upon current circumstances. The latter two forms are supplemental to the initial record. When a Diagnosis Slip is prepared, it will be checked in the appropriate box to indicate whether it is an initial,, corrected, or additional report, 'Hie three types are de- fined as follows: (1) Initial Report - prepared for each patient on admission to hospital, initiated by the Admission and Disposition Officer and completed by the Word Officer, (2) Corrected Report - submitted when information on initial report is in error as in a change of diagnosis. (3) Additional Report - submitted when supplemental information, such as an additional diagnosis is found or when a cured condition is reported. b0 Tlie responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the Diagnosis Slip lies with the Ward Officer actually treating the patient concerned. c. Completion of the Initial Report will be completed within forty-eight hours after the admission of the patient, do The Diagnosis Slip is the source of the majority of data entered on the patient’s statistical locator card; it is therefore essential that the ward officer accomplish each form completely and accurately before submitting it to the Registrar. Moreover, he will promptly accomplish and submit corrected and additional slips when necessary. See TM 8-262; TD Med 203. 22. WARD MORNING REPORTS. - See AR 1*0-1023. 10 HR h0-90 a. The nurse in charge of each ward of the hospital at 2lj00 daily is responsible for the accurate completion and prompt dispatching of the report for the preceding twenty-four hour period, and for initiating a report form for the succeeding like period. During the period covered in the report, each nurse in charge of the ward will be responsible for the entries made during her time on duty; however, the accuracy of the completed report will be the responsibility of the nurse signing it. b. The report will be prepared in one copy only, and immediately upon completion will be dispatched by special messenger to the Admission and Disposition Branch of the Registrar’s Office. Sec TM 8-262, 23 • DARD ADI! IS SION COOK. - A hard Book of the standard type issued by the Medical Supply Officer will he maintained in the hard Officer's Office in every ward in the hospital. This book will show the register number, surname, Christian name, rank, organi- zation, religion, date of admission of patient, final diagnosis, type of disposition and date of disposition of each patient. Data will be copied from the Form 5>pA, Ward Officers are responsible that this book is kept accurately up-to-date at all times. 2h. PROPERTY RESPONSIBILITY. - The Administrative Assistants to the Chiefs of the Services will be responsible for all government property issued for use in the wards under their jurisdiction and arc charged with the proper use and administration thereof as pro- vided in current regulations and instructions. HR hO-30; HR '*0- 1705. This responsibility infers that the officer who signed for the property verifies that the items listed were physically present at the time he signed for thorn, subsequently, he is held responsible for their loss or undue damage. Property responsibility includes the concept that the officer concerned will take reasonable steps to insure that the government property assigned to his care is not lost or damaged through carelessness or neglect due to misuse by ward personnel and that they are instructed as to the proper care thereof. The officer concerned must insure that proper records are being maintained and that any loss is reported as soon as noted and that damaged or unserviceable property is turned in at the earliest possible moment. Designation of property responsibility is made at the time the officer is assigned on special orders to take over the property. No property should be transferred from one ward or department to another without mutual consent of the respon- sible officers concerned. Dee HR 1*0-1705• The cooperation of the Medical Officers, hard Nurses, Ward Attendants and Patients is needed at all times to protect the interest of the responsible officers and they are responsible for their own misused, lost, stolen, or damaged government property. The stealing or misap- propriation of government property is a punishable federal offense. 25. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS, - See HR Administra- tive Assistants are non-professional officers assigned to the Chiefs HR 1*0-90 of the Services. They are the representatives of the Chiefs of the Services and will take precedence over all ward, clinic, and officer personnel when in the performance of their duties. Read HR I4O-3O for complete outline of duties. 26. VISITORS 1HD VISITING HOURS. - See HR 1 £-]£. 27. VIS I TING OTHER PVI'IENTG. - See HR hO-1220. 28. QUIETNESS OH THE »V ARDS. - See HR )|0-1220. 29. EIGHTS OUT. - As a military installation this Hospital will comply with taps at 2.300, (AR 210-10, par 26). Overhead lights will be turned off at 2200 hours and all bedside lights will be put out at 2900 hours. All radios will bo turned off at 2300 hours. When lights are extinguished, absolute quietness is required. Patients returning from post entertainments or from pass will be quiet entering the ward. Violations of these regulations will be reported and punishable by summary action. 30. REPORT OF UNUGUAL OCCURRENCE. - a. A report will be made of any unusual occurrence in which a patient is concerned, i.c., suicide or attempted suicide, falling from bed, injury inflicted by another patient, injury due to an accident within the hospital, burns from hot water bottles or electric appliances, error in administration of medication, etc. - in short, any unusual occurrence which might have been detri- mental to the patient or might constitute a reason for justifiable complaint, b. This report will be prepared in duplicate on Form 36-1, "Report of Unusual Occurrence", as soon as possible after the incident. One copy will be sent without delay to the Adjutant and the other to the Chief of the Service concerned0 If the oc- currence to be reported is at a time other than duty hours, the reports will be submitted at 0800 hours the following morning, c. If the unusual occurrence is in a ward, reports will be prepared and forwarded by the ward officer, or in his absence, the nurse in charge. In other instances report will be prepared and forwarded by the officer or nurse who first has cognizance of the occurrence, d. In all cases of theft, the ward officer, nurse, attendant, or other individual who first has knowledge of the oc- currence will immediately report the circumstances by telephone to the noncommissioned officer on duty at the Guard House,, This action will be taken in addition to rendering the "Report of Un- usual Occurrence". 12 HE 1*0-90 31. IE1SDIGAL SOCIAL SERVICE<■ - Ward Officers will submit to the Director of the Social Service Department, American Rod Gross (local) the names of those patients whose social economic status is such as to probably require assistance from that department* 32. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES* - a. AR 35-6680, 16 April 85, Accounting for Lost, Damaged or Destroyed Property. b. AR 35-6680, 19 Aug 88, Transfers of Property Ac- countability and Responsibility. c. AR E0-5'03, 5 Dec 85, Medical Attendance. d. AR 80-590, 29 Aug 88, Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions* % e. AR 80-600, 6 Oct 82, Medical Department - General Hospitals. f. AR 80-1010, 16 Oct 83, Dental Reports, Returns, and Records* g. AR 80-1025, 12 Dec 88, Records and Reports of Sick and Wounded. h* AR 80-1705, 2 Nov 82, Medical Supplies. i. AR 600-500, 7 Dec 85, Care and Disposition of Insane, j. AR 600-550, 23 Dec 88, Deceased. k. TB Med 203, 19 Oct 85, Nomenclature and Method of Recording Diagnoses. l. TM 8-260, l6 July 81, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Department, (General and Station Hospitals). m. TM 8-262, Feb 85, Administration of Fixed Hospitals in Zone of Interior. 33. RESCISSIONS. - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: Maj or, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINIIOUR Major, MAG Adjutant HR 40-305 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 40-305 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 LABORATORY SERVICE Paragraph Chief of Service 1 Organization..... 2 Emergency Detail 3 Administrative Records 4 Procedure for Requesting Examinations 5 Special Rules for Each Laboratory Section 6 Blood Transfusions 7 Authoritative References 8 Rescissions 9 1. CHIEF OF SERVICE, - The Commanding Officer will designate a medical officer who will be known as Chief of Laboratory Service. His duties in general ares a. General charge of the laboratory. b. To supervise the performance of such examinations as are requested by Medical, Dental or Veterinary Officers and report the findings directly to those concerned. c. To perform or supervise the performance of post-mortem and biopsy examinations; to prepare the necessary reports; and to preserve and dispose of gross specimens. AR 40-310, AR 40-410. d. General charge of the morgue, including care of the bodies of deceased persons until turned over to the proper under- taker . e. To have an available list of blood donors on hand at all times so that blood can be secured without delay in any emer- gency. f. To perforin such other functions as the Commanding Officer may direct. 2. ORGANIZATION. - This service is composed of six sections: a. Bacteriology. b. Chemistry. c. Hematology, d. Pathology. e. Serology. f. Urinalysis. Each section is immediately supervised by a commissioned officer working under the direction of the Chief of Service. m io- 3. EMEHGENGY DEjCA1L» - During the regular duty hours, the full complement of officers and enlisted personnel except those on author- ized pass will normally be presence After regular hours, a com- petent enlisted laboratory technician will be present for all emergency work, and a commissioned officer 'will bo on call. On Sundays and holidays a skeleton crew just sufficient to cover all sections of the department will be on duty. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS. - a. Records of* Examinations. - There will be maintained in the laboratory a record* of all examinations made. Blood donor index cards, autopsy protocols and surgical pathological reports will be permanent. All other duplicate reports will be retained for a period of three months and then destroyed. TM 8-260, Par 179, TM 12-259, P«r 48. b• Forms for Laboratory Requests and Reports. - The following forms are used to request laboratory examinations. They will be submitted in duplicate, except those indicated by an asterisk (*) which will be submitted in triplicate or as indicated belowj WD A.G0 NO, 8-67 Blood (Old 55L-1) 8-68 Blood (Chemistry) (Old 55L-2) 8-69 Serology (Old 56L-3) 8-70 Spinal Fluid (Old 55L-4.) 8-71 Urinalysis (Old 55L-5) 8-72 Urinalysis (Quantitative) (Old ; 5L-6) 8-73 Sputum (Old 65L-7) 8-74 Gastric Analysis (Old 55L-8) 8-75 Feces (Old 55L-9) 8-76 Carbohydrate Tolerance (Old 55L-10) 8-78 Renal Function (PSP) (Old 55L-12) 8-79 Renal Function (Urea Clearance) (Old 55L-13) 8-30 Renal Function (Concentration & Dilution) (Old 55L-11) 8-31 Miscellaneous (Old 55L-15) *3-82 Pathological Examination of Tissue (in quintuplicate for enucleated eyes; in duplicate for other tissues) (Old WD Form No 55M) *8-216 Blood Transfusion Record (triplicate - Old CEH Temp. Form No 8) 5. PROCURE FQft REQUESTING LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS. - a. General Rules Governing Laboratory Requests. - (1) Procedure for personnel_to follow in filling out request- forms. - Fill out all forms in duplicate, except 7s "otherwise HR 40-305 noted in Par 4b above. Each request will bear the name (last name first), rank, serial number, ward number or clinic and date. If the patient is a bed patient, this fact will be noted and the bed number shown. The examination requested will be indicated by a check mark opposite the tests desired; requests not checked by item will be given routine examinations. TM 3-260, Par 179. (2) Routine Requests. - All routine requests should be in the laboratory by 0300 hours on the day on which the test is to be performed. Specimens and reouests from the Out-Patient Service will bo accepted at any time during the regular duty hours. Only emergency work will be done between 1700 and 0800 hours and on Sundays. (3) Emergency Requests. - Emergency requests will bo accepted at any time and will receive prompt attention by the laboratory. Such requests must, however, be so labeled and must be initialed by the requesting medical officer? otherwise, they will not bo honored as emergencies and will be run with the rou- tine work on the following day. The word "emergency” will not be abused by the requesting officer who is anxious to secure a routine report in a hurry. (4) Ambulatory .and Bed Patients. - Ambulatory patients should bear their own request forms to the laboratory between 0800 and 0900 hours. In the case of bed patients, the ward and bed num- bers should be clearly indicated on all slips, so that the techni- cian may secure the desired specimen with minimum loss of time and disturbance to ward personnel and other patients. (5) Procedure for Obtaining Completed Reports. - Completed reports will be placed in the "Outgoing Reports"box just inside the entrance of the laboratory. They must be picked up by the ward personnel and will be available for collection at 1730 hours on the day the test is completed. Emergency reports will be phoned to the ward concerned immediately on completion of the test. (6) Professional Safeguarding of Laboratory Reports. - Under no circumstances will reports be given out to patients or other unauthorized persons. Such information will be given ex- clusively to the ward officer or to his proven authorized represen- tative . (7) Laboratory Containers. - Proper containers for the collection of specimens will bo used in every case. Such con- tainers will be obtained at the laboratory in sufficient number to supply immediate needs only. All specimens will be labeled with the name and v/ard number of the patient. The use of adhesive plaster m 40- for specimen labels is prohibited® Food containers (milk bot . will not be used to convey laboratory specimens * 6® SPECIAL RULES FOR EACH LABORATORY SECTION. - a® Bacteriologyo - (1) Specimens should be taken by the officer re- questing the examination and sent to the laboratory as soon as possibleo Sterile swabs and culture material will bo procured from the Central Supply® Strict adherence to sterile technique is necessary to insure accurate baoteriologic diagnosis® Blood cultures will be obtained by the laboratory personnel® Unless marked Hemergency”, they will be taken on the morning following receipt of the request slip© (2) Dark Field Examinations® - These will be done at 1500 hours daily® The patient will report to the laboratory with the request in duplicate on Miscellaneous Form WD AGO 8“8i® (3) Stool Examinations® - Examination for parasites and ova will be done on soft or liquid stool specimens only© The specimen will be collected in a warm bedpan and transferred to a container provided by Central Supply for .that purpose and will b- brought immediately to the laboratory® Stool specimens to be examined only for occult blood v/ill be accepted at any time be- tween 0800 and 1500 hours® (4) Mycologic Examinations® - Material for examina- tion for fungi v/ill be obtained from the patient by a medical officer and sent to the laboratory in a sterile container as soon as possible® (5) Friedman Test for Pregnancy® - These tests will be initiated only on Mondays and Thursdays, except in cases of strict emergency® Requests in duplicate on Miscellaneous Form WD AGO 8-81 will reach the laboratory by 1000 hours on these days® (6) Sputum Examinations® ~ An early morning specimen is invariably the most satisfactory® The patient should be in- structed to rinse his mouth well and to raise the sputum with an explosive cough® Sputum is collected in a container provided by Central Supply and should be in the laboratory by 0900 hours® The proper form is WD AGO Form No 8~73® Saliva v/ill not be examined® (7) Animal Inoculations ■ (a) Guinea pig inoculations of sputum, gastric contents and urine for tuberculosis v/ill be done on request when the evidence from direct examination of the suspected material is negative or inconclusive® When sufficient material is submitted HR 40-305 two guinea pigs will be used*. These reports will be available in six weeks from the time of inoculation* (b) Other inoculations for the isolation of organisms and determination of virulency will be performed when indicated. b. CHEMISTRY. - (1) Requests for chemical examinations on bed patients will reach the Laboratory Service by 0800 hours® Ambu- latory patients will report between 0800 and 0900 hours. Except for the determination of the blood sulfonamide levels, the patients v/ill go without breakfast on the morning on which the test is to be run. (2) Cholesterol Esters will be determined only on Tuesdays» (3) Serum Phosphatase and Vitamin C levels will be done only on Thursdays« (4) Glucose Tolerance tests will be run on Mondayss Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays by appointment. (5) Blood Alcohol determinations may be ordered at any time. The specimen must be ordered and drawn by a medical officer who signs the request slip personally and also indicates the exact time the sample was drawn® (6) When it is desired to know the level of nitro- genous waste products in the blood, a urea nitrogen determination alone will be mads. If this exceeds 20 mg per 100 cc, the non- protein nitrogen and creatinine values will be determined without further request. (?) Urea Clearance tests v/ill be run daily but an appointment with the Chemistry Section will be made in advance. c. Hematology. - Routine blood counts will include only the white blood cell count and hemoglobin determination (SG0 Cir Ltr 193, 30 Nov 1943). Initial red blood cell counts, differen- tial counts or any other desired hematological procedure will be performed provided the request slip is signed by a medical officer. Subsequently, any procedures which are checked on the request slip will be performed without a medical officer’s signature. Officers contemplating bone marrow studies are requested to consult with the laboratory officer for appointments and to acquaint him with the case history. HR 40-305 d. Pathology* - (1) Autopsies. - These will be performed upon the written authority of the Commanding Officer or his representative* Notifica- tion of the time of holding the autopsy and its demonstration will be sent to the chiefs of the services. An abstract of the clinical data will be furnished the laboratory to be incorporated into the protocol. This information will be submitted by the service on which the patient died as soon as possible after death* The following prescribed form is to be used in outlining the abstract, AR 45-410* Name j Rank» ASH? Org. Date of Admissions Habits * Family Historyt Previous Personal History? Present Illness? Physical Examination? Laboratory and X-Ray Findings? Progress Notes: Date and Hour of Death? Clinical Diagnosis: (2) Disposition of Bodies* - (AR 40-590, Par 20, as revised by WD Cir No 2i, 6 Oct 1941”) Death tags will be filled out completely and signed by the medical officer who pronounces the patient dead® One tag will be securely tied to the right great toe, the other to the right wrist (TM 8-260, Par 103), Bodies committed to the morgue will be placed in the correct posture. Care will be exercised to prevent turning of the head, extreme flexion or ex- tension of the neck or malposition of the extremities* Undue pres- sure by winding sheets or otherwise will be avoided. During routine duty hours, this is the responsibility of the Chief of Laboratory Service or his representative® Outside of these hours, this re- sponsibility belongs to the officer who determines the fact of death* The Chief of Laboratory Service or his representative will be responsible for the care of bodies held in the morgue and will turn them over to the undertaker only on written authority of the Registrar or the Administrative Officer of the Day. The person removing the body from the morgue will acknowledge receipt thereof upon the Registrar’s order authorizing removal* This record will be filed in the laboratory* (3) Surgical Specimens® - Surgical tissues will be placed in 10% formalin in a labeled container immediately upon removal from the patient* They will be brought to the laboratory as soon as possible* WD AGO Form No 8-32 must accompany the tissue. HR 40-305 (4) Preservation of Specimens® - Valuable and inter- esting specimens obtained at operation or at autopsy are preserved and forwarded to the Array Medical Museum accompanied by pertinent data® AR 40-310® e® Serology® - (1) Blood Kahn tests will be performed twice daily, at 0900 and at 1400 hours® Blood will be drawn from patients any time until 1350 hours® (2) Cephal in-cholesterol flocculation tests will be run only on Tuesdays. Requests for this procedure will roach the laboratory by 0800 hours on that day. (3) "Blood and Spinal Fluid Wassermanns will be done only on Wednesdays® Requests for blood Wassermann tests will reach the department by 0800 hours on that day. Spinal fluid for Wassermann tests may be sent to the laboratory at any time before 0800 hours on Wednesdays® (4) Quantitative Kahn tests will be ordered only when the qualitative Kahn is 3 or 4 plus® f® Urinalysis® - All routine urine specimens will reach the laboratory by 0900 hours® Specimen containers will be picked up from the laboratory by the ward men on the preceding evening. The routine examination will not include a microscopic examina- tion (SG0 Cir Ltr 193, 30 Nov 1943). When a microscopic examina- tion is desired, the slip will be initialed by a medical officer® All quantitative determinations require a 24-hour specimen. For special examinations for renal function, exact directions should be secured from the laboratory by the ward officer or nurse® 7® BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS® - (AR 40-1715; SG0 Cir Ltr 21, 1942) a® Full responsibility for the inauguration and control of an efficient method of providing blood for transfusions is placed on the Chief of Laboratory Service. He will have on hand at 0.11 times an adequate amount of stored whole blood, or if this is not available, an emergency list of readily available donors from the detachment from whom suitable blood can be obtained with a minimum of delay. bo Stored whole blood is obtained from the Red Cross donors who donate blood on Mondays and Wednesdays at this hos- pital. This blood is classified according to group and the pre- sence or absence of the P.h factor and is retained for use for a period of 10 days. HR 40-305 c* Blood for transfusion is requested on WD AGO Forn 8-216 which must be filled out completely and correctly* The first section of this form will be filled out by the ward officer, the second section by a laboratory officer and the third by the officer who gives the transfusion. Upon completion, one copy is kept vrith the clinical record, and the other two are returned to the labor- atory for filing. d. When a request for blood reaches the laboratory, blood of the homologous group and Rh factor which is compatible by cross-matching with the recipient will be furnished. When the recipient is Rh negative and only Rh positive blood is avail- able, a Levine modified compatibility test will bo done; if this is negative, the blood will be furnished. However, the labora- tory can not be responsible for a hemolytic reaction which occurs in the presence of a negative test. e. Miscellaneous WD AGO Form Ho 8-81 will be used in ordering blood grouping and Rh factor determinations. 8 * AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * - a. AR 40-310, 31 Aug 1942, Collection and Shipment of Specimens to Laboratories* b. AR 40-410, 3 Aug 1942, Army Medical Museum. c. AR 40-590, 29 Aug 1944, Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions. d. AR 40-1715, 10 Aug 1945, Blood for Transfusion and Other Pirrposcs. e. AR 600-550, 28 Mar 1944, Personnel, Deceased, Par 18b. f. SGO, Cir Ltr 21, Donation of Blood for Transfusion and other Purposes, Act 30 July 1941 (Public Law 196, 47th Contress). g. SGO Cir Ltr 193, 30 Nov 1943, Elimination of Unnecess- ary Laboratory Work. h. TB Med 19, 11 Mar 1944, Facilities Provided for Tissue Pathology in U S Army. i. TM 8-260, Par 103 and Par 179, 17 July 1941, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Department (General and Station Hospitals)* j* TM 12-259, Par 48, Jul 1945, Records, Administration, Disposition of Records. HR 40-305 9. RESCISSIONS. - a. CGE Hosp. Bull. 155, Par 5, 30 June 1945, Blood Banks. b. CGH Hosp. Bull, 234, Par 5, 2 Oct 1945, Blood Alcohol Test. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON i RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 40-405 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 40-405 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 MEDICAL LIBRARY Paragraph Hour So., 1 Use of Books 2 Additional Information or Service 3 Authoritative References .... 4 Rescissions 5 lo HOURSo - The Medical Library is open from 0300 to 1700 hours on Monday, vVecinesday, 1’riday and Saturday, and from 1000 to 2100 hours on Tuesday and Thursday for the professional staff *of this hospital, A Medical Librarian will be on duty during these hours, 2 o USE OF BOOKS, - a, Wien duplicate copies of medical books arc available, one copy may be signed out and kept in the department officeo b0 When only a single copy of a medical book is avail- able, it will be retained in the library as a reference booko Co Duty officers may check out any medical book after 1600 hour So It must be returned by 1000 hours the following morn- ing 0 do Current issues of all Medical Journals will be retained in the libraryc Earlier issues may be checked out for one week periods, e. Patient medical officers are eligible to study in the Medical Library for reference purposes only. They are not to bor- row books or Journals, f0 The Medical Library has established a loan system with the Cleveland Medical Library0 Orders for books must be placed by 1600 hours Tuesday of each weeko Books will be ready for distri- bution at 1000 hours the following Thursday, Orders must be placed with the Crile Medical Librarian, 3o ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR SERVICE. - For additional Medical Library information or service, phone or visit the Library itself, which is located in the South end of Building 13A, Professional Offices, HR 40-405 4o ,RLFE^G^0 <= aQ AR 40-405 * 31 Aug 42*, Army Medical Librariesp as amended by Cl AR 40-405* 3 July 1944o 50 RESCISSIONS. « None BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMEESONg OFFICIALS r f) RDSSELL B STEINHODR Majors MAC Adjutant RDSSELL B STEINHODR Major*, MAC Adjutant HR 40-550 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO® 40-550 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 DISPENSARY - OUT-PATIENT SERVICE Paragraph Organization and Function® ,................®.®,«.............® 1 Service Duty Hours 2 Medical Attendance During Other Than Duty Hours 3 Medical Attendance 4 Records 5 Special Duties of the Attending Surgeon 6 Additional Duties 7 Authoritative References.. 8 Rescissions... 9 lo ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS® - The Out-Patient Clinic and Dispensary of this hospital will be known as the Out-Patient Ser- vice and function as a station Dispensary. The Attending Surgeon will be the Chief of the Out Patient Service and will be responsible for its supervision of all activities pertaining thereto® The Out- Patient Service will be maintained for the purpose of rendering medical attention to those entitled to care under provisions of AR 40-505. 2. SERVICE DUTY HOURS® - Duty hours will be from 0300 hours to 1630 hours daily except Sundays® On the latter day the dispen- sary will be open from 0900 to 1200 hours. 3. MEDICAL ATTENDANCE DURING OTHER THAN DUTY HOURS® - During other than routine duty hours, the duties of the officer in charge of the Out-Patient Service will be assumed by the Medical Officer of the Day for those patients applying for treatment® 4® MEDICAL ATTENDANCE® - a® Responsibility® - It will be the responsibility of the senior medical officer of the Dispensary to render medical service as follows* (1) Sick call for the commando (2) Sick call and consultation service for the ad- jacent units without medical support. (3) Sick call for casuals who may present themselves for treatment® b® Diagnosis and Disposition. (l) When indicated, the patients may be referred to the various consultation clinics for recommendation or treatment. HR 40-550 (2) Ordinarily Out-Patients will not be directly re- turned to duty, admitted to hospital or referred to another clinic from the hospital specialty clinics, but will be referred back to the dispensary surgeon, who will make the proper disposition in the light of the consultant’s recommendation and his own evaluation of the case. (3) More detailed information concerning War De- partment policies and procedures are clearly set-out in 7© Cir No 337, 29 Dec 1945. c. Emergencies. - Cases requiring care will be seen by the Dispensary Surgeon without delay and proper disposition expedited. 5 c RECORDS c - a. Records will be kept in conformity with AR 40-1025 and 7© Cir No 387, 29 Dec 1945. The Officer in charge of the Out-Patient Service will maintain an out-patient index, using WD AGO Form No 3-24. On the last day of each month a record of out-patient treatments will be transmitted to the Registrar on the form provided for that purpose. b. Patients referred by the Out-Patient Service to other professional services or sections will be accompanied by a request for consultation or treatment on the ’’Consultation Request” form. The officer examining the patient or giving the treatment will make appropriate entries and return the form to the officer in charge of the Out-Patient Service, who will file the consultation form with the Index Card. • c. Careful attention will be given the written record of civilian personnel injuries examined and treated by both the Service or Section to which the patient may be referred and by the Out-Patient Service officer who is responsible that all such information is properly recorded in those cases receiving Out-Patient treatment. d. Military personnel will be marked ’’Quarters” by the Dis- pensary officer only under exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the Commanding Officer, or his designated representative. In such cases the responsible medical officer will report the case to the Receiving and Disposition Officer without delay for inclusion in the daily admission and disposition sheet. A clinical record will be maintained in all cases. At the completion of all "quarters” cases, the clinical record will be closed without delay and sent to the receiving and disposition officer. The latter will make the proper notation on the daily admission and disposition sheet and then transmit the record to the registrar for file. 6. SPECIAL DUTIES OF THE ATTENDING SURGEON. - In addition to his duties incident to the operation of a dispensary and Out-Patient HR 40-550 Service, the Attending Surgeon or designated assistant will* a. Conduct sick call daily at 0800 hours for enlisted men and 0900 hours for WAC on duty at this station except Sundays at which time sick call will be held at 0900 hours* b* Make physical examinations of persons referred to him by proper authority* c- Make physical inspection (AR 615-250) of enlisted per- sonnel on duty at this station, reporting the result to the Commanding Officer, giving the date on which held, the number of men inspected, the names of absentees if any, the number of venereal cases found, the disposition of such cases together with any other information of which the Commanding Officer should be cognizant* d. Administer to such patients as may be entitled thereto, such prophylactics, vaccinations and immunizations for the preven- tion of communicable diseases as may be authorized or directed. 7< ADDITIONAL DUTIES. - a. Member of Board to conduct physical examinations, AR 40-100, AR 40-105, CGH SO No 8, 10 Jan 1946* b. Member of Board to conduct physical examinations, AR 40-100, of RA CGH, SO No 5, 7 Jan 1946* c. Medical Inspector, CGH, SO No 302, 20 Dec 1945.- 8authoritative references . - as AR 40-505, Medical Attendance.. b* AR 40-590, AR 40-600, Admissions to Hospital* c. AR 345-415, AR 40-1025, AR 345-415, Records. d. AR 40-210, TM-MED 114, Immunizations. e. WD Cir No 387, 29 Dec 1945, Sec II, Dispensaries. 9* RESCISSIONS.- - None BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON * Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 40-705 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO, 40-705 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 OPERATIONS AND TRAINING DIVISION Paragraph GeneraloooooaQaooooooooooeoooooeooooooaaaooooeoooooeoooQoaoooooeoooool Duties o»o«a*««coocoooo«e»o«aoo«*aooo**«ooeeo«»*»»o*ooo«>o®oooooooooooo2 Authoritatxve References ReSO1ssionsoo««o««oo»> • • • i»c«ggg«gge«c The training officer aD Plans, schedules and conducts or supervises all training acti- vities for the commando bo Supervises and coordinates on the job training and special train- ing programs® Co Schedules and supervises military training for complement per- sonnel and exercises staff supervision over the training of T/O units and prisoners in the guard houseo d® Arranges and conducts technical training classes® 6o Secures, develops and distributes training aids and supplies® fo Conducts safety and training programs for the promotion of safe and more effective work practices® \ go Promotes War Department principles and policies for more effect- ive employer and employee relationshipso 3o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES0 - &o MTP 8-So 4„ RESCISSIONS® - Hone® BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON t /y^RDSfflfcPBo sLihhotjr y Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B« STBINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 40-710 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 40-710 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 DETACHMENT - ENLISTED MEN Paragraph Assignments 1 Organization 2 Conduct 3 Passes and Furloughs 4 Lights. 5 Sleeping Out of Quarters.. 6 Uniform. 7 Clothing Issue.......... 8 Laundry. 9 Promotions 10 Government Property. 11 Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of Quarters 12 Sick Call 13 Authoritative References 14 Rescissions 15 1. ASSIGNMENTS0 = All new enlisted personnel joining the Med= ical Detachment will be interviewed by the Detachment Commander and assigned duties by the Chief, Military Personnel according to his military specialty. Enlisted personnel so assigned will be under the immediate jurisdiction of the senior member of the command on duty in the facility to which assigned for all matters pertaining to their respective duties therein® Requests for additions or changes in per* sonnel will be made to the Chief, Military Personnel* 2® ORGANIZATIONo * The Detachment, Medical Department is organ* ized into administrative and professional groups® a. Administrative«. * This group is composed of men on non* professional duty® It functions directly under the charge of the first sergeant who receives his instructions from the detachment commander® b. Professional. - This group is composed of men in the pro- fessional services of the hospital® Men of the professional group will report for duty to the Adminis1n*ative Officer of the Day;. Upon so reporting, each man will be inspected as to sobriety, neatness and gen- eral fitness for duty. (l) Duties of Noncommissioned Officer Section Super- visors. - Noncommissioned Officer Section Supervisors will assign and supervise the men within their sections® The noncommissioned officer in charge during the night tour of duty will make such complete rounds of wards during the night as may be prescribed by the Detachment Com- mander or his representative. HR 40-710 3« CONDUCT. - The members of the Detachment Medical Department will conductthemseIves with regard to promoting respect for the uni- form with special regard to the following* a* Smoking* - Smoking while on duty is prohibited in wards, clinics, when serving or handling patients; when assisting officers and nurses; in kitchens, mess halls or in food preparation rooms* Smoking at any time in storerooms or in shops where combustible materials such as paints and oils are stored, is prohibited. Officers in charge of the various activities will designate suitable places where smoking may be permitted. b. Liquor and habit-forming drugs. - The use, introduction or possession of intoxicating liquors or habit-forming drugs on the military reservation without proper authority is prohibited* c. Loitering in barracks or hospital* - No unauthorized person will be permitted to loiter in or around the barracks of the enlisted men* Enlisted men will not entertain visitors in the barracks; the recreation room is provided for that .purpose* The non-commissioned officers of this command will strictly enforce this regulation* Loitering or congregating in hallways, clinics, wards, storerooms or administrative offices will not be tolerated. In order to avoid congestion in front of the mess hall, enlisted men will not leave their places of duty until meal hours. En- listed personnel may visit patients in the wards during visiting hours only. They will not be allowed to visit in the operating room at any time. d. ’’Hitch-hiking*1 * - Soliciting of free rides from pass- ing motor vehicles by the enlisted men of the Detachment is pro- hibited by Sec III, WD Cir No 95, 7 April 1943* 4, PASSES AND FURLOUGHS* - a. Temporary Passes. - Members of the Detachment, Med- ical Department may be granted temporary passes not in excess of 72 hours, once every three months* Enlisted personnel desiring one of these passes will report to the orderly room and secure a pass request* This request will be submitted to his ward master or section chief for signature confirming the fact that the man my be spared from his duties for the specified time, with or with- out replacement* WD AGO Form 7 will then be filled out by the Detachment Commander and finally approved by him. After approval by the Detachment Commander, the passes will be given to the First Sergeant for issuance to the men* Before any man is allowed to go on pass, each man is inspected by the First Sergeant to insure neat- ness of person and uniform* Upon completion of pass-time, the passes will be turned in to the First Sergeant or the non-commissioned officer in charge of quarters. Par 9, AR 615-275 will be the govern- ing factor in the issue and control of temporary passes* HR 40-710 Do Permanent Passes 0 ® (Class nAv‘) Each, member of the Detachment, Medical Department will be issued a Class "A** pass upon joining the Detachment0 This pass will entitle the holder to leave the military reservation during off duty hours and travel within a radius of fifty miles from the posto Continuance of Class WAW pass privilege will be subject to each individual soldier's conduct while a member of the Detachment0 The governing factor in the issue and control of permanent passes will be Par 10, AR 615-275© Co Furloughs© - Applications to be absent for a period of time greater than seventy-two hours will be made as furlough ap- plications o Such applications will be processed in the same man- ner as a temporary pass with the addition that the Detachment Com- mander will channel all furloughs through the Chief, Military Personnel for signature and entry in the service recordo Par 11, AR 615-275 will govern allotment and control of furloughs« 5o LIGHTS© - Lights will be extinguished in barracks at 2200 hours and in the recreation room at 2300 hours daily© There will be no exceptions to this regulation.- 6© SLEEPING OUT OF QUARTERS© = Enlisted men are prohibited from sleeping out of quarters without permission from the Detach- ment Commander© 70 UNIFORM.-, - The uniform will be prescribed by the Com- manding Officer© 8,;, CLOTHING ISSUES© - Clothing to be salvaged will be turned in to the supply sergeant not later than Thursday of each week© Clothing will be issued the following week© 9.. LAUNDRY © - Laundry will be listed on the forms furnished for this purpose, placed in the laundry or barracks bag and turned over to the supply sergeant at the designated time© Shortages will be reported immediately to the supply sergeant, who will make a personal check so that affidavits may be made in support of a claim© The laundry form must be submitted with the shortage listed on the back© Failure to follow these instructions will prevent submission of a claim. 10o PROMOTIONS © - An officer who believes that a soldier merits promotion, should make written recommendation to the Detach- ment Commander, bearing in mind that soldierly qualities, such as military bearing, suitability for various assignments, loyalty to superiors, neatness and continued good conduct are of paramount importance© Recommendations will be retained in the Detachment Commander's office until vacancies occur© HR 40-710 n« GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 0 - Soldiers are responsible for the care and safeguarding of governnent property whore they are on duty as well as of that issued to thorn individually0 Losses of and damage to property should bo reported at once© Selling or trading of government property is a serious offense<, Individual equipment and clothing will be kept clean at all times» Foot lockers will be neatly packed and locked» All unservicable cloth- ing and equipment will be returned to the detachment supply room0 Men going on detached service or furlough or being admitted to the hospital will turn in all equipment, surplus clothing and effects o 12 o NONCOmnSSIONED OFFICER IN CHARGE OF QUARTERS „ » The non- commissioned officer in charge of quarters will preserve order and discipline in the barracks and will make such inspections as to sanitation and police as the Detachment Commander may prescribe * He will maintain a file of the members of the detachment showing bed numbers and places of duty0 Ho will at once secure and list the effects of absentees and turn then in to the supply roorrm He will notify the enlisted members of the operating room staff and other members of the detachment on emergency duty when their services are needed0 lie will awaken the cook at the proper time and will make rounds of the barracks to see that the other mem- bers of the detachment are up and in condition to perform their duties at the prescribed hours0 13o SICK CALLo - Any member of the Detachment, Medical De- partment desiring or needing medical treatment will report to the orderly room on or before 0800 hours each morning to be entered in the Detachment Sick Booko Such members are then taken to the Dispensary (Attending Surgeon’s Office) for proper examination and disposition by a medical officer a0 Emergency Careo ~ Any member of the Detachment needing immediate medical attention is authorized to report, at any time, to the Detachment Commander, or his authorized repre- sentative for processing in the same way as routine sick ealic 14o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCESo - ac AR 615-28, Enlisted Men, Classification, Reclass- ification, Assignment and Reassignment0 bo TM 8-260, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Depart- ment (General and Station Hospitals) <= Co FM 21-50, Military Courtesy and Disciplinec do AR 615-275, Enlisted Men, Authorized Absence<> HR 40-710 e AR 615-40, Enlisted Men, Clothing and Equipage f5 AR 615-5, Enlisted Men, Appointment and Reduction of Noncommissioned Officers and Privates, First Class g AR 345-415, Military Records, Daily Sick Report 15 , RESCISSIONS. - a Hospital Bulletin 175, 24 July 1945 BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON s RUSSELL B STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B STEINHOUR Major., MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NOo 40-720 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9# Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 40-V20 CLUB - NCO Paragraph SCOpe o o o o o o o o a o o a o o o O * o o o a o » « a o c o o o o o o « • o a o o o o o o a » « « o « a o o o o o a 9 t> o o o o a o o 1 Administrat iono o o o o o a o a o o o « o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o o o o o t; o » o o o a o a o o o o o o o o o o o a a o o2 Funds 005)0 0 00000 o oo ooooo o O O Q OOOOOOOOOOOOO -■> o O O O O O O ■'» - 0000000 0 000*00 O o O c o o 3 Authoritative References» O O O O Q o O O C* O O O & O O O C O O O O O O O C O > O O O O O O o o o o o o o o >4 Rescissions®o «© o o o o O O O O o o O O O o o o o o O o O w o o o o o o <> o « o o o O o o o .> o o e t> o o a • o o o o o o o o5 lo SCOPE o ■-> The Noncommissioned Officers Club was activated on 16 April 1944 at Crile General Hospital bo furnish social diversion and recreational facilities to its members# their families# their guests and for such other purposes as may be appropriate* Membership in this club shall be limited to all noncommissioned officers who are members of the 3596th Service Com- mand Unite 2o ADMINISTRATION0 • The governing body of the Noncommissioned Officers Club shall be known as the Board of Governors# and shall consist of nine (9) members of the club elected by the active memberso The Board of Governors shall serve for a period of six (6) months and in case of .a departing member of the Board# the President of the Board may appoint a member to serve for the departed member until the next regualr meeting of the clubo 3o FUNDS;> «=» Funds are acquired by membership dues and profits from concessions of the club# such as counter sales and the music boxQ Funds are used for the entertainment of the club members# their guests and necessary maintenance of the club Funds are kept in accordance with TM 20-221 and AR 210-50* 4o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES* - &o TM 20-220 « War Department Accounting Procedures for Post Trust# Central Post# Special Welfare and Sundry Funds» bo TM 20-221 - War Department Accounting Instructions for Unit and Headquarters Funds• Co AR 210-50 - Posts, Camps and Stations Nonappropriated Funds® So RESCISSIONSo - Non©0 BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON* /0&FIC IAL t sy 1/^4^ v RUSSELLB INHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major# MAC Adjutant HR h0~730 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO* 1*0-730 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio, 1 January 19i|6o CADET NURSES Paragraphs StatUS cooocoooooooooooooooooocoooco. ooo.oooo •eo&ccooooooooooo. 1 Procedure on Arrival .o.oo**o.....o.o««*ooco 2 Supervision 00000c0000000000cc>oceoo000000600«0000coo000000 0 000<> d Hour s of Duty .0*«,.<.<,0 „ o, c 8 <><,* a 0*„*.»e, *««.. 0 <.«. * . a 0.«»0 => 0 c *. e» k Training <> 0 •... • 0 •»o..«..»..«•..»•. «« . c •...»o,**». .«.«o,*„„«.0 <> 0 5 Rules and Regulations ., „ »„. „ * „. o „ * „ * 0 c*,»„0 c<,, <,„„„ „ o 0 3„, 0,0 0 „ 0 6 Authoritative References . <, 0 o •«e o»»«„«• e o* *«», • e.,o<>• 0 0 <> 0...«*«0 7 Re SCI So 1011S ooooooooooooco«ooo*ooocooooooo:>oooo.ooooooooooooooo 8 1, STATUS. - Senior Cadets are student nurses in training„ (ASF Cir NoT^TT- 20 PROCEDURE ON ARRIVAL0 - a. All cadets report to the Director of Cadet Nurses for instructions and assignment to duty, (ASF Cir No 108)0 bo The responsibility for effecting personnel actions for the cadets is assumed by the Civilian Personnel Office (ASF Cir No, 108). 3o SUPERVISION, - a* General,., - The Principal Chief Nurse will exercise gen- eral supervision over the entire program, (TM 8-260, Section VIII, Po 201)o be Immediate, - The Director and Assistant Director of Senior Cadets will exercise immediate supervision over all cadet train- ing and activities (ASF Cir No 108) ho HOURS OF DUTY. Senior cadets will work 1*8 hours each week under schedules arranged according to the policy of the hospital (ASF Cir No, 108)o TRAINING, • a, A ward teaching program is to be conducted under the supervision of the Head Nurse and will average 2 hours weekly, (ASF Cir No. 108), bo Under the direction of the Director of Cadet Nurses and her assistant instruction in such topics of the Array Nurse Corps basic training program as are essential for the orientation of the cadet to the Army Hospital will be given, (ASF Cir No. 108)„ HR l|0-730 60 RULES AND REGULATIONS„ - Policies related to cadet life in the quarters* recreational* social activities* etc.-* are deter- mined by a student cooperative government„ The Director of Cadets and her assistant serve as advisors* and all plans are subject to the approval of the Commanding Officer and Principal Chief Nurse0 The cadet nurses are governed by existing hospital or post rules and regulations Other administrative matters will be conducted in compliance with ASF Cir No. 108* 26 March 19U5>* Part Two* Section V* Par ho 7. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, ASF Cir No, 108* 26 March 19h% - Cadet Nurses - Hospital - Civilian Nursing Care of Patients bo TM 260* 16 July I9I4I - Fixed Hospitals of The Medical Department, 8, RESCISSIONSa - None,. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONs TEINHOUR Major., MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINUOUR Major* MAC Adjutant HR hO-?UO HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. I*0-7k0 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9* Ohio 0 1 January 19l|6 DETACHMENT ~ WOMEN' S ARMY CORPS Paragraphs Assignments O O o o O O O O O O O i,f O O O C i> O O O O O O <3 o o o o o o o o o 1 Or ga m za tion aooaoooooooaoo o o oooooooooooooooooooogooooo ooooooqoouoo 2 Detachment Orderly Room (Adrainis trative) 0 0 7 0 0 OOoaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCtOOOOOOOOC 3 Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of Quarters OOOOOOOOOOtvOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOO-OOOOOO Sick C3.ll 00000 Passes5 Furloughs OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOO OOOOOOOO C3 OO OOOOO OOOOOOO OOOO O Salutes O O O O O i7 o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o u o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O • O 7 Uniform Regllla txons a a o O O O -i V -O O O O O- O O o 0 <700000000 o 10 lo ASSIGNMENTS,, - All enlisted women joining the WAG Hospital Com- pany from another station will be interviewed by the Detachment Commander and assigned duties in conjunction with the Director of Personnel accord- ing to her military specialty 0 Enlisted women assigned to any particular section or department will be under the immediate jurisdiction of the Department Head or Section chief for all matters pertaining to their res- pective duties within that organization* 2o ORGANIZATION , « The organization of the WAC Detachment is com • posed of two services* administrative and professional a* Administrative Service0 - The administrative service consists of all enlisted personnel on duty in the offices and departments of the hospital* whose duties are strictly non-professional* The administrative service on duty in the hospital consists mainly of the followings Duty MOS Cl01*lCg GQn©r3X ooooooooooovoooooooooooaooo Postal Clerk oooodoooooooooooooooooooooooo 0£6 apher © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © ©© © © © <» © © © © © © © © © © © © 62 3 PInance Clerk © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © 62I4. ho Professional Service0 — The professional service consists of all enlisted personnel on duty in the professional services of the hospi- talc. The professional service covers the following? HR 1*0-71*0 Duty- MOS Dental Laboratory Technician „o«»-o-oooo<.o-p«*oooo 06? X-Ray T© ChrUCian oooaoooooociooooooaooo"oaooo<>o 261i Medical Technician oooooooooooooooooooooooooo U09 Surgical Technician ooooooooooo <><>00000000oo»& 861 3o DETACHMENT ORDERLY ROOMo - (Administrative) All members of the WAC Detachment on duty at the hospital will function under the supervision of the Commanding Officer, WAC Detachment* She will b© responsible for the administration, discipline, health and welfare of the members of her commando a0 First Sergeant - The first sergeant is the administrative assistant of the compare commander* She prepares the morning report, the duty roster, Hie sick report and other comparer records not prepared in the personnel section She checks outgoing communications for accuracy, and sees that they are correctly routed and properly and promptly dispatchedo She is the intermediary between the company commander and the enlisted women* bo Supply Sergeant - The supply sergeant represents the company commander in dealing with the various supply agencies* The supply sergeant will be in direct charge of the supply room and all company property, and is responsible for keeping the women of the unit supplied with the author- ized clothing allowed and for replacing or salvaging all damaged and worn out articles of clothing and equipments She will be responsible for care and maintenance of all property and fixtures available for the company® s uses The supply sergeant will be responsible for handling the company laundry, maintaining an accurate record of ail laundry sent* All losses or damage should be reported to the company commander through the supply sergeants o* Company Clerk - tinder the supervision of the Commanding Officer or the First Sergeant the company clerk will prepare the company corres- pondence and reports, maintains records and files0 She will see that all records requiring signature or initials of Hie company commander are so signed or initialed before being filed or forwarded,, k° NQM-COMMISSIOKSD OFFICER IN CHARGE OF QUARTERSa — A noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters is detailed daily from a duty roster main- tained by the first sergeants The tour of duty begins at 1800 hours and ends the following day at 0800 hours0 Her duties will be to preserve order and discipline in the detachment barracks and recreation room* She will report to the company commander all violations of orders she has been instructed to enforce, any deficiencies that have come to her attention and any unusual occurrences* She will remain in the detachment orderly room to handle all situations that may arise and promptly notify the person concerned of any messages delivered to the orderly room* She inspects each woman going on pass or furlough to see that she is in proper uniform and is dressed neatly according to WAC regulations* The noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters will see that no liquor is brought into the quarters or company area* She will maintain constant supervision to avoid waste of electric and to see that all lights in quarters are turned out at Hie time prescribed* hr aO-7iiO 5>o SICK CALLo - Members of the TSTAC Detachment, who desire medical care will report to the orderly room at such hours as may be designated by the commanding officer in order that their names may be placed on the sick report for examination by the proper medical officer When their condition is so acute as to indicate the need of immediate medical attention they will be authorized to report immediately to the commanding officer or to the orderly room noncommissioned officers for the above action,> 60 PASSES AND FURLOUGHSo ~ Temporary Passes» — Members of the detachment may be granted temporary passes not in excess of 72 hours once every three monthso Enlisted personnel desiring one of these passes will report to the orderly room and secure a pass request„ This request will be submitted to her wardmaster or section chief for signature stating she may be spared for the time specified* with or without replacement0 WD AGO Form No ? will be accomplished by the commanding officer WAC detachment and finally approved by her if for a period of seventy two hours or less., After final accomplishment* passes will be submitted to the nonconsaissioned officer in charge of quarters who will issue them to the women when they report for uniform inspection prior to departure* Passes will be turned in to the noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters upon the return from absenceQ Par 9 AR 6l5>-2?5 will govern the issue and control of temporary passes0 bo Permanent Passes0 «> (Class A)0 Each member of the WAG Detach- ment will be issued a Class A pass upon joining the detachmento This card will entitle the holder to leave the military reservation when off duty and travel wl thin a radius of fifty miles from the post. Retention of the pass will be subject to the future good conduct while a member of the detachmento Par 10 AR 6l£-2?5 will govern the issue and control of permanent passeso Co Furloughs - Applications to be absent for a period greater than seventy-two hours will be made as furlough applications and processed in the same manner as three day passes<> They will be submitted to the commanding officer* WAC detachment* to be processed through the personnel officer for entry in the service record and signature Upon return from furlough the duplicate will be sent to the personnel officer to complete the entry in the service recordo 7& SALUTES , «> See FCM 2L-5>0 and F,.M* 21-100o All corridors and hallways are indoors and the exchange of salutes is not required? Detach- ment commanders will see that all enlisted women are familiar with the requirements of the above mentioned manuals regarding exchange of salutes and military courtesy<> 8o UNIFORM REGULATIONSo - WAC DETACHMENT See AE 16 April hS* ao Members of the WAC detachment will be thoroughly familiar with all provisions and chaiges to the above Army Regulations., It will be the responsibility of the company commander to see that these regulations are enforced., 3 HR l;0-7iiO 9o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES» - a0 AR 600-37 - Prescribed Service Uniform Women Personnel of the Arroyo bo AR 15>~£ - Administering the Reserve Officers Training Corps» Co AR l£-5> - Records, Par 6, do AR 30-1820 - Clothingo e0 AR £f>-390 - Transportation Corps War Department Personnel fo AR 30-3000 - QM Price List of Clothing and Equipment (Clothing)„ go AR 6l5-275> « EW Authorized Absence„ 10o RESCISSIONSo - None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON s (MICIALs r / Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NOa Uo-?5c ) CRILS GEfffiRAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9* Ohioo i January 19it6 KR RO-730 RECONDITIONING DETACHMENT Paragraphs Duties O O o O O O Q;0 o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 2 Discipline <• a a o <> o o o O o o a ■*> o o o a o o v o o « a o ■ o <> o o * o o o o a o o o O \> o « < » o o o o o o t> o 3 Liaison o o o i o i -> o . '• o o o . a oo <<>o oc>rt «. <• oo a * o o i> o o o o cs o a o * o o o £> 0 0 o o a o c, o -a t* Quarters o o o o O O oobr o -o 00000-00 o o o o o o o o o o ci o o o o- o o > o o o <> o o o o c o O o <« vh «> o o c o o 5 3?3iclc Book > o <> o o o o a o o -o o <> o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Authoritative References o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o n a o o o o o o r> o o o o o n o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2> o O o o o 8 lo DUTIESo ~ The Reconditioning Detachment consists of assigned of- ficers and enlisted personnel having the responsibility for carrying out all phases of the physical and educational reconditioning program,.. The officer personnel involved are responsible for supervision of the duties of the enlisted personnel The enlisted personnel are responsible for the actual discharge or the physical performing of all duties connected with this detachmento 2o SUPPLIESa - Supplies for the enlisted personnel are to be drawn from the established supply section of the 3596th SCU* this station* Records and responsibilities for same rest with the accredited personnel of the said supply section0 3a DISCIPLINE Disciplinary control of the enlisted personnel is the responsibility of the Commanding Officer,, Reconditioning Detachments Assignment of the enlisted personnel to jobs* issuance of furloughs and company punishment are his responsibilitiesQ Company punishment book will be set up and maintained by this detachmento ko LIAISON* The Go0o Recon Det maintains close liaison with the Gr.0o Med Sec* 3596th SOU* regarding use of Reconditioning Detachment per * sonnel on alert groups for this hospital* DS trips* etc0 5a QUARTERSo «> Quarters for enlisted personnel of this section are to be provided by the 3596th SCU and administrative control of those quar- ters rests with the Commanding Officer* 3596th SGU0 6* PAYROLL* MORNING REPORTS* SICK BQQKo The commanding officer* Reconditioning Detachment will be responsible for proper administration of these separate records§ a0 Payrolls will be provided for enlisted personnel* this de- tachment* by the Fiscal Division which will appoint monthly a paying officer for this purpose* HR li0~7£0 bo Morning reports will be and submitted to Military- Personnel Officer and other appropriate sections at the desired times, Co Sick book will be maintained and all enlisted personnel will clear through that medium when requiring medical treatmento 7o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCE. - Co Go Ho GO No, 16, 16 Aug 19U5* 8 o RESCISSIONS & •*> None o BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON? RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major.* MAC Adjutant /^FICIALs^ V STEINHOUR Major9 MAC Adiutan t„ 2 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO* 40-805 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 40-805 INDIVIDUAL SERVICES DIVISION Paragraph Gene ra Dut ie S O o» o a o o o o a a o o o a oa o c « e « • c o o a a o o o o o a o o o o a o * o c a o o o » a « o o o o e • • o o o o a a2 Chaplain Branch ooooo*o*o«»ooo<99e*aoooo&«eo<><»««ooaeoci«»**>eaDoosea«««a5 Per SOnal Af f a IT S Branch s««oee«eooeeg»ei<>M>i>t«t9iiaai>**««e«>*»»«a«**eo4 Specxal Services Branch Army Exchange Section* At hi etlCS Sect ion Authoritative Refer ences aoosooeoaaoaaaeaoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaoaaaaooS ReSCISS lOnS 1® GENERAL* - The mission of the Individual Services Division is to render personalized service to all military personnel and to assure the fact that newly assigned patients receive personalized attention upon arrival« By special order, an officer will be designated Director of this Division of the Commando The primary duty of the Director of Individual Services is to secure effective coordination between all the individual services rendered to mili- tary personnelr. The Director is responsible to the Commanding Officer for the effecient functioning of all services affecting the individual * Cir No 350, 5th SvC, 19450 2- DUTIESo - He will formulate, coordinate and direct plans and policies with regard to the personal welfare of members and former members of the Army and to supervise the various branches of the Individual Services Division* Ke will maintain liaison with civilian agencies interested in individual wel- fare, such as the Red Cross, UoSoO*, and Veterans Administration* Ee will advise and make recommendations to the post commander on all individual ser- vices activitiesc 3c CHAPLAINS BRANCH. - See HR 60-5* 4« PERSONAL AFFAIRS BRANCH, - See HR 40-820* 5,, SPECIAL SERVICES BRANCH* - See HR 40-830* 6* ARMY EXCHANGE SECTION* - See HR 210-65* 7. ATHLETICS SECTION* - See HR 850-120 8* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * - a* Cir No 330, 5th SvC, Par 1, 24 July 1945* HR 40»805 9* RESCISSIONS<, ~ a» C6H Memo No 12, Par 4 a, b, c, 19 May 1945« BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON* /OFFICIALi (M* -Id J 3 — RUSSELL1B * 1STEINEOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 1*0-810 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO, 1*0-810 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 191*6. INFORMATION AND EDUCATION Paragraphs liJ-S S 10n e,so,4,ao,oo«,e««,,,ec, 1 Information 2 Education 3 Coordination * 1* Authoritative References £ Reocissions 6 1. MISSION, - The main objective of the Information and Education Office is the planning and supervision of the Army In- formation Hour, primarily for operating personnel and secondarily for patient personnel, with high consideration of the current mili- tary mission. To achieve this goal, stress is placed upon the prep- aration and circulation of material for use in conjunction with the program and the maintenance of information centers that are appli- cable to the current needs, 2. INFORMATION.. - In order to disseminate valid information, it is advised that the information services made available by the War Department be utilized to their fullest extent. Likewise, the arrange- ment for showing of informational films in compliance with War Cep- partment directives is accomplished in a similar manner. The selec- tion and direction of information topics presented over APRS station, stressing radio transcriptions of Armed Forces Radio Service, News Service and special programs are achieved, 3o EDUCATION. - The Information aid Education Officer is aware of the educational interest and the needs of the operating personnel and plans suitable programs of class instruction. The facilitation of enrollment of operating personnel in the program offered by the United States Armed Forces Institute and the publicity necessitated to make this personnel aware of these services also is of paramount interest; in addition, the arrangement for the recording and accredi- tation of educational achievement of operating personnel through USAFX, ii.3 COORDINATION., - The Information-Education Officer directly assists the Educational Reconditioning Officer in regard to his func- tions as pertains to the hospital patients, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - ao WD Cir No, 360, 9 Sep I4J4, "Orientation, Information, Education", 1 HR 140-810 b. Extract \ATD Cir No. 36? (I9I4R) - Amends TiTD Cir No. 360 (19/Ui)c c. Extract WD Cir No. 392 (I9I4I4) - Amends 7fD Cir No. 360 (19UU). d. ASF Cir No. 396 (l9h$) - Section II. e. 5th SvC Cir No. 6?6, 21 Nov h?, "Transfer of In- formation and Education Functions". 6. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: (/RUSSELLB« STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 1*0-820 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 1*0-820 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 19k6. PERSONAL AFFAIRS BRANCH Paragraphs Ge ne r al o . e e o . «e«co.s.coo.ceoooooooooosoo..coooooooooooooooool Personal Affairs Section .., 0,... „ • • •.•... • •. „... „. •.. •.,... 2 Insurance Section .0000000.00000000000.eo.*................. 3 Legal Assistance Section „ •.. , • • • • »,.,.««. *, o.» k Authoritative References , „,« „,,., ...,„» ..,. „*«0 * *, 0,.,,..«» 5> ReSClSSlOnS oooooooooooooeooooooooooooooooo.ooooeecooooeoooe 6 1. GENERAL, - The Personal Affairs Branch is under the direct supervision of the Director of Individual Services except the Legal Assistance Section* 20 PERSONAL AFFAIRS SECTION,, - This Section furnishes in- formation, counsel and advice on personal affairs to all military personnel and upon request, to their dependents, including former members of the Army and their dependents, and also dependents of deceased members of the Array* It provides a convenient centralized agency through which an individual may seek and promptly obtain authentic information, sympathetic counsel and friendly advice in solving the many and varied personal problems which may arise in his or her life. The women’s volunteer committee cooperates with the personal affairs section, rendering such volunteer services as are deemed necessary,, Close liaison is maintained v/ith Army Emer- gency Relief, American Red Cross, Veterans Administration, Separa- tion Counseling, local United States Employment Service, United States Civil Service Commission, AGF Liaison Office, AAF Liaison Office, Reconditioning Service, Post Judge Advocate, Military aid Patient Personnel Offices, Finance Office, Post Chaplain and other Governmental agencies, ASF Cir No0 293o 3o INSURANCE SECTION. - This section is charged with the promotion of the war department life insuraice program through edu- cation and dissemination of full information to all military per- sonnel as to the innumerable factors concerning National Service Life Insurance, United States Government Life Insurance, commercial insurance and Article IV of the Soldiers* and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 19ii0, as amended. AR 600-1101 WD Cir No0 361, k» LEGAL ASSISTANCE SECTION. - The mission of this Section is to interview, advise and assist military personnel and their depen- dents in the solution of their personal legal problems and in proper cases, refer such personnel to a designated civilian lawyer, an ap- propriate bar committee on war work or an established legal aid or- ganization for needed advice and service* WD Cir No, 7h° 1 HR 1; 0-8 20 9* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. Personal Affairs Section. - (1) ASF Gir No. 293, Part 1, 6 Sept kh, - Personnel - Personal Affairs Division, Branches and Offices. (2) ASF Gir Mo. 193, Part V, 30 May U9, Hospital - AGF Liaison Personnel. (3) ASF, Monthly Information Memos, PAD. (ll) ASF Manual M 206, 1 July kh> Personal Affairs Directory. (9) WD Gir No. 176, Sec III, 13 June it9, - Liaison Personnel, (6) WD Pamphlet 21-9, 1 Apr , - Personal Affairs of Military Personnel and Aid for their Depen- dents . (?) Memo 12, CGH, 19 May h9, - Individual Services Division. (8) Gir No. 330, Hq 9th SvC, 2h July i.;9, - Proces- sing of Patient Personnel upon admission to General Hospitals. (9) Hq 9th SvC, Monthly Personal Affairs Informantse b. Insurance Section. - (1) AR 600-100, United States Government Life In- surance . (2) AR 600-110, National Service Life Insurance. (3) WD Gir No. 361, Sec IV, 9 Dec ip?, - National Service Life Insurance. (U) Soldiers* and Sailors* Civil Relief Act of 19U0, Art IV, Insurance. c. Legal Assistance Section. - (1) WD Gir No. ?lt, 16 Mar 1|3, - Legal Advice and Assistance for Military Personnel. (2) WD Gir Mo. 73, 17 Jan inU, - Legal Advice and Assistance for Military Personnel 2 HR U 0-8 20 (3) Legal Assistance Memo, Office of JAG, Washing- ton, D„ Cc and references contained therein0 6c RESCISSIONS,, - Nonec BY ORDER OF COLONEL SMERSON: RUSSELL B* STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant Major3 MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NOo liO-83C ) CRJ.LE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9 Ohio 1 January 19h6 HR 1.0*830 SPECIAL SERVICES Paragraphs General O O O 0.0 tor 0-0 o O -o Ot'O OO ■'! O i) o-o '1 O >> O ■ i 0-0 1 O * Q '> rv;0 * o O Sr it > * * >. o-a >.> a a o <> * o » o«o o o o c> 0*00000000 2 Athletic Council Section O O O 00 0-0 p O O.CT O 0-0 0000 <1 O O o if OU(itM) 00.0 SS - O O O O O f> ;> 3 Library Section O O O r> a K> O O Q & O O £> C <* o O o P o «> *> Oo o o o O O * ■ ■> o ■■ 00000**0 * * o o * o o o o o o o <>■ * o * © o o 5 Athletics Section 1*0 0000 > •> .0 o •* * 0-0 • «.;*<> o « cm* < o-oo-o «■*.> «o-o * * * «<> o.r»o.o *>.<**> c** o Authoritative References o O o o o o o- n o o-o o ■>* o o a a o .o c. o o o o o o o o o o / R6SCiSSi0nS o o O o o o o o a O o o o o c •• a xr o 8 lo GENERAL 0 — The Special Services Officer functions in the capacity of coordinator of activities of the Post Library OfficerP Athletic and Recreation Officer* Theater the Service Clubs and the American Red Cross» He acts as advisor to those activities and0 when necessary* he is liaison between them and the Commanding Officer0 He deals with the public in matters pertaining to gifts and donations* and is responsible in the promotion of public sponsored recreational activities for post personnel arid patientso His primary mission is to assist the Commanding Officer in main- taining high morale throughout the Command by organizing and supervising well-balanced progr ams of athletics and recreation0 WoD0 Cir No23k., TM 21-205* 2o ENTERTAINMENT SECTION, The mission of the Entertainment Section is to provide entertainment for < nli sted personnel* This is accomplished through the following mediums g m° Soldier which provide entertainment by for* and with soldiers* Active participation by as great a number of personnel ad pos sible is the prime consideration of the program* The Special Services Officer functions as a coordinator and orgai izer of soldier shows and musical activities* leaving the actual entertaining to the enlisted personnel* In addition to the recreation afforded* participation in these activities has definite therapeutic value in the rehabilitations program* Special Service publications available for assistance in presenting soldier shows may be obtained by submitting requisitions in accordance with AR 310-200* and WoD* Cir No* 26ho bo USQ Camp Shows9 which are tours by professional entertainers financed by contributions from the American public* The Hospital Circuit consists of personal appearances by celebrated entertainers and troupes especially designed to meet the requirements of general hospitals* These units perform in both the wards aid recreation halls* Schedules now in operation makes these shows available every two weeks* W0D0 Cir No* 2k7<> 1 HR U0~B30 3> ATHLETIC COUNCIL SECTION0 - The Athletic Council consists of the Special Services Officer, Athletic Officer* EM Representative* BW Represen- tative* Civilian Representative* Athletic Director and any other representa- tive of a department which might be interested in athletic and recreational activitieso The Special Services Officer acts as chairman at these meetings which take place once each month unless a special meeting is directed by the Commanding 0fficero The purpose of the Athletic Council is to prepare athle- tic schedules* plan routines to follow in connection with accepting on the post or off the post activities and to discuss new ideas for programs of an athletic natureo W0D0 Cir No„ 23ho ho LIBRARY SECTIONo _ See HR 210-70o 5° MOTION PICTURE SERVICE SECTIONo - See HR 210~390o 60 ATHLETICS SECTION, « See HR 850-120o ?0 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCESa - a° Entertainment Section0 — (1) ASF Manual M 211-1* 9 Feb 19ii£* Sec III* (2) AR 310-200* 1 May 19U3* Sec II* "Military Publications* Allowance and Distribution"„ (3) WoD* Cir No. 26h? 19kh3 Par 2* "Requisition of Publications". (U) W0D0 Cir Noo 2h7<> 1$ Aug 19h$9 Sec I., II* "USO Camp Shows* Inc " bo Athletic Council Section0 - (1) W0Do Cir Noo 23h, 2 Aug 19h$, Sec IV* Par 17* "Athletic and Recreation Committee"„ (2) S0O0 15, Par 6* CGH* 17 Jan 19h5* 80 RESCISSIONSo - None0 BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONs /OFFICIAL? RUSSEIX Major* MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major* MAC Adjutant HR h0-909 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO* I40-909 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19r6 SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Paragraph OCOpe «ooeooooo«a«»o***oo*OAO«oo4e«*o«**«o0oe«ooa»«oe«»«*aooooo 1 Func lions *,, ., <.«.......»* *.. * ... „ * 2 Reports <, „ * *, , ............ e. . 3 Authoritative References .. ....... . ...... .... '1. Rescissions . ............ 9 1° SCOPSo - An officer is designated by special order to be chief of this division and to serve as Security and Intelligence Officer for this commando 2o FUNCTIONS, - This division is responsible for: aa Hie efficiency and operation of an intelligence and counter intelligence organization as set up in accordance with classified directives from the Military Intelligence Department of Fifth Service Commando It is the responsibility of this branch to supervise all criminal investigations (investigations not of a purely military nature) and report to Fifth Service Command the progress and results theroof„ bo Official custody of Military Intelligence field files on all military personnel chile assigned to this lost* Co Cooperation with the Commanding Officer , Prisoner of Aar Camp, and act as liaison between Prisoners of bar Commanding Officer and Commanding Officers of the hospital in matters pertaining to military intelligence * 3o RETORTS. - No scheduled reports, ho AUTHORITATIVE HOFEREUGES. - TM 8-262, Fob 19hS3 Adminis- tration of Fixed Hospitals Zone of Interior* 9* RESCISSIONS, - Hone* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EIRE'MOL; , LI • uTEIIIHC UR I- Oi. 2 Adjutsnb ElidodlIs 3« GTEINHOUk Adjutonb HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 40-920 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 1946 HR 40-920 MILITARY POLICE & PRISON & CIVILIAN GU sRDS Paragraphs Cr0a0X* dX oo&£ o e o a o e t ott4»i*kiiftit»«so8Mo«a4*MMta<««i6*eGia4»**»6 XL Duties ♦ © o o • o o v -> c- o & ■ o a > » • ©•♦•«•©•<:>©•* 0003 e. * « oe c. o«4o*o 3 0i via Authorities > > >* '6'*«©ec«ooooo«»c«$o*»o**oo®o*-c->©*&•♦©& 3 tiospito.1 G'UciX*{3.S A • it! 0 3 iiv«c»0«000*000«>p0. £t4 O * 0 ; © fr o 4 GUSTd 0 Ut i© S o O O . O ;> o .. o o © » O O O O © * O O «■ • * © o • * t* O *• © & * * * 0 O © fc ft o o o o • « o 5 Ds tain and Arre st $ •• c -.. oooooooooooooooooo© <* ? * © *,, © ©©© © © © © © 6 He pox*13 Required s «* © © © > © o © o . $? © © © © © © © ♦ © o © • © o ~ © ©©«©«»©«© © © © © © © © © 7 Vi 6 a pons 0 liscksd © © c • * > © © o i © © © © © © © © ® © •«o • a» *© .* * «**© © © © ©«& © • © # 8 Guard Orders © © . © © © .. © .v ' * • CJ © © © o* © © • • * >. o • © » © * © © © © © © © © © c»© © © * .* * • *» © - •> © © * © © © © © & e ?> 3*0 Traffic Regulations « © ©««««*«© © • © © • © © .*«©«• © © *•*©©.«,. © © ©« v ?.»© © ©: «& *? XI P o o t Tr a f f i c © © © © - © • # * > © >© © © «©»© © © © © © ©»® © ® ©«» .,»© © ©# © © © o © © ©© ■ • * © ©«* 12 Authoritative Ret ere nee s © • • © © © © © © . © © 13 ReSCiSSiOnS o c o o o j c * » e © * c .s * ■;> o .. » • © o o o -5 o o :■ o o o a * 5 x ■. •& © - © o o « o o © o a o * • a c- * - 14 1° GENERAL - The Provost Marshal is charged with the duty of enforcing law and order and the enforcement of such other regulations as may be directed from time to time He will note the state of discipline, conduct and morale among the enlisted members of the post; their observance of pass and uniform regulations© 2© DUTIESo - The Provost Marshal will be appointed by the Commanding Officer and is responsible to the Security and Intelligence Officer Reports of delinquencies and infractions of regulations will be reported to the Com- manding Officer together with recommended measures for correction. As Prison Officer, he is in charge of the guard detail, prisoners and the Guard House. He will be responsible for the proper functioning of the guard detail, the management of all prisoners committed to his charge and the administration of the Guard House As Prison Officer, he will be governed by the provisions of AR 600-375, AR 600-355, Articles of War or such other instructions as may be issued by the Commanding Officer The provisions of JM 26-5 (Interior Guard Duty) insofar as they apply in principle to the functions of the guard detail as organized at the hospital will be adhered to© 3© CIVIL AUTHORITIES. - Contact will be established and duties coordina ted with the following civil authorities: The State Highway Patrol, Sheriff of Cuyahoga County, Cleveland and Parma City Police, a© Summons for civil court action. - A subpoena or summons for civil court action for any personnel of this hospital will be served through the office of the Provost Marshal on approval of the Commanding Officer© A subpoena or summons presented outside of office hours, if not urgent, will be turned over to the Provost Marshal by the Administrative Officer of the Day when he goes off duty If the summons is urgent and there is not suffi- 1 HR U0-920 oisnt time before it becomes effective to "hold it for the Provost Marshal, the AOS will use his judgement vine*' /.or he will serve it on the person concerned immediately or hold I - for • the Provost Marshal. In case a summons is served by the AGS, will notify the Provost Marshal. In case a summons is served by the .OS, ho will notify the Provost Marshal’s office cf this fact, when he goes off duty. In con- nection with delivery of persons to civil authorities, attention is directed to Par. AR 600-3Io« b. Absent in hands of civil or mi lit.ary authorities. - When a report Is received that a patient or member of this command is in the custody of military or civil authorities, lie will be permitted to remain in such custody until a report of such matter has been made to the Provost Marshal and referred to the Commanding Officer. Upon receipt of orders, an armed guard will be sent to re turn the person being held in custody to this station. Military Police will be furnished on de- tached service as prisoner guards when prisoners are being transported. )i, HOSPITAL GUARD. - The Hospital Guard Force, hereafter referred to as the Guard, will consist of the Military Police Section, the Pris- oner Guards and the Civilian Guard Force. The Guard will function under the AOS. When the AOD is acting in the place of the Provost Marshal, the established approval policy of the Provost Marshal will not be de- viated from or changed, GUARD DU TIMS. - The Provost Marshal is responsible for initia- ting measures for the timely procurement of replacement for the Civilian Guard and Military Police Section and for efficient training and dis- tribution of the personnel in such manner that will insure that full advantage is derived from the special qualifications of the individual. He will submit to the Commanding Officer as bo the allocation and the assignment of personnel for duty in the guard and military police detail. ac Military Police - Composition and Strength. - The Military Police Section will consist of a Provost Sergeant and such other per- sonnel as deemed necessary to properly perform assigned duties. b. Civil lain Guard - Composition and Strength. - The Civilian Guard will consist of a Chief Guard and such other personnel as may be authorized. (1) The civilian guard will perform such duties as directed by the Provost Marshal including safety and security guard functions of the post. They will normally operate singly and not in pairs or groups, c. Prisoner Guards. - Prisoner guards will be of such stren- gth as to insure proper control, depending on .the number of prisoners in confinement. 6, DETAIN AND ARREST. - Members of the Guard may arrest, detain or place in confinement all persons, military or civilian, found in the act of committing a felony or misdemeanor upon the post. Such persons, together with a full report of any violations.of regulations, are then reported to the Provost Marshal for proper disposition. HR UO-920 a0 Other Members of the Military0 - All other members of the post, not members of the Guard, have the ordinary right and duty of civilians to assist in the maintenance of the peace*. Therefore when a felony of a misdemeanor amounting to a breach of the peace is being committed, it is the right and duty of every member of the military service, as of every civilian, to assist in the arrest of the perpetrator, no matter what his status*, 7o REPORTS REQUIREDa - The following statements and reports are re- quired of persons authorized to confine., The person directing a prisoners confinement will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the guard, at the time of confinement, and order for confinement signed by himself, setting forth the crime or offense charged against the prisoner,, A statement of name and organization of the prisoner and of the Articles of War under which he is held will usually be sufficient., a*, Valuables Checked, - The Administrative Officer of the Day will be notified of incoming prisoners, after hospital duty hours, and be present when the prisoner is searched to witness the receipt given him by the Sergeant of the Guard for his money end personal belongings0 b0 Medical - The Medical Officer of the Day will be notified and will give the prisoner a preliminary physical examination to determine his physical status and to see that he is free from any con- tagious disease which would not permit him to be confined with bther prison- ers*. 8„ WEAPONS CHECKED. - The Administrative Officer of the Day will sign the guard report to the Adjutant upon completion of his tour of duty*, A check of weapons assigned to the guard will be made by each A0 0o D*, during his tour of duty to verify the number of weapons assigned and the condition of the weapons, ammunition and equipment*, aQ The Administrative Officers of the Day will keep the infor- mation desk or the telephone operator informed of his whereabouts at all tiroes, where he may be called by the Guard*, 9o GUARD ORDERS. - All guards, in addition to being familiar with their General Orders and those Special Orders pertaining to their assign- ment, will be familiar and comply with the following standing orders s a*, Present a neat and soldierly appearance at all times0 Uni- form, as prescribed by the Provost Marshal will be properly worn*, bo Be courteous but firm in the performance of their duties, and at no time will they direct profane, abusive or derisive language toward anyone with whom they may coroe into contact*, Co Prevent unauthorized persons or vehicles from entering the reservation*, d*, Enforce all hospital traffic regulations within the limits of the post*, They will carefully observe all persons and vehicles noted 3 HR iiO-920 by him on the reservation within the limits of the post and investigate when he has reasonable grounds to believe there is a violation of law or hospital regulations, They will report the license number of all vehicles violating the law or hospital regulations„ e© Place under arrest and hold anyone guilty of a serious viola- tion of law or order and immediately notify the proper authority, fa Be constantly on the alert for fire, prowlers, and any unusual or unauthorized occurrence or any disturbance of the peace or infraction of law and order, When an individual is acting in a suspicious manner, the guard will investigate his presence in the area, If not satisfied with the account given, the guard will place him under arrest and escort him to the Guard House for further questioning and disposition0 When necessary to remove a disturber from a ward or department, the guard will take him out the nearest exito g0 Do not permit the removal of Government property or equipment by unauthorized persons from the reservations or buildings thereon, h0 In case of fire the following routine will be adhered to: (1) One non-commissioned officer and two privates will go to the scene of the fire, (2) All work details will stop and prisoners taken back to the cell block for safekeepingo (3) All other guards will stand by and be ready to go to the scene of the fire in case of emergency., {h) All traffic, except fire-fighting vehicles and assigned ambulances, will be halted, until all clear signal is given, Fire-fighting vehicles and equipment will be given clear right-of-way on all roads0 (5) Upon arrival at the fire, guards will establish a fire lane around the fire at the distance of about 5>0 paces_ allowing no persons to enter this fire lane except authorized fire-fighting personnel engaged in fighting the fire, saving life or salvaging property, (6) The Administrative Officer of the Day will procure addi- tional men required to control traffic and prevent spectators from interfering with fire-fighting operations, 10° ACCIDENTSq - All traffic accidents occurring on this post, and all traffic accidents off the post involving Government vehicles or Army personnel stationed on this post will be promptly reported to the Provost Marshal, Accidents occurring on the post will be investigated by the guard and report rendered to the Commanding Officer0 HR 1*0-920 11 * TRAFFIC REGULATIONS,. - The following traffic regulations will be enforced on the post: So Speed Limits - The speed limit on all roads of this post for all \ehicles is designated at twenty (20) miles per hour on open roads; on service roads in rear of quarters or barracks the speed limit is desig- nated at fifteen (15) miles per hour* This speed will be materially reduced in congested areaso Speed will be reduced especially in rainy weather when passing pedestrians on the roads* All violations of traffic regulations will be reported to the Commanding Officer* b0 Any offender that has been reported for violating traffic regulations as many as two (2) times will be denied the privilege of opera- ting his or her motor vehicle upon the reservation for such a period as the Post Commander may direct or such other disciplinary actions as may be direc- tedo Co All traffic signs will be obeyed* do Vehicles will be parked in prescribed parking areas only* No parking will be allowed on the post roads« 12o FOOT TRAFFICo - Priority of roads is given to troops in formation and to pedestrians* Persons walking on roads will walk on the left side of the road, approaching traffico 13o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES* - So AR 600-375, "Personnel, Prisoners, General Provisions." bo AR 600-355* "Personnel, Arrest and Confinement*" Co FM 26-5* "Interior Guard Duty„" Iho RESCISSION - None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; rf j} Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 1103 ? IT AL R EGULATI ONS NO. 40-1020 HR 40-1020 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 PATIENTS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Paragraph Direct or 1 Organization. 2 Registrar Branch 3 R & D Branch 4 Detachment of Patients Branch, 5 Separation Counseling Branch ...s............ 6 Patient Personnel Branch 7 Reports 8 Authoritative References 9 Rescissions 10 1. DIRECTOR. - The Registrar will be designated by special orders and will act as Director of the Patients Administrative Division. He will supervise and coordinate all activities of the division. He will advise the Commanding Officer on administrative matters in connection with patients. 2. OR C-AH12 AT I Oil. - The division will be composed of the following branches: a. Registrar Branch. - HR 40-1120, HR 40-1025, HR 40-1030, HR 40-1040, HR 40-1060, HR 40-1070. be Receiving & Disposition Branch. - HR 40-1105, HR 40-1110, HR 40-1130, HR 40-1140. c« Detachment of Patients Branch. - HR 40-1205, HR 40-1210, HR 40-1220, HR 40-1230, HR 40-1240, HR 40-1540. d. Patients Personnel Branch, - HR 40-1305, HR 40-1310, HR 40-1320, HR 40-1330. e. Separation Counceling Branch. - HR 40-14050 3o REGISTRAR BRANCH. - a* The office of the Registrar is custodian of all medical records except those of the out-patient service; checks clinical records for completeness; prepares and submits statistical tables, charts, records of the sick and wounded, and all reports pertaining to the sick and wounded. AR 40-590 and AR 40-1025, HR 40-1020 be Coordinates and expedites CDD proceedings» Co Acts as custodian of patients’ funds and valuables, do Perforins the duties of Recorder for Army Retirement Board. 4 o R & D BRANCH 0 - a0 Examines patients prior to admission for determination of type of hospitalization required; calls on chief of medical or surgical services for personnel when necessary, b0 Assigns patients to proper wards, Co Prepares admission records. Consolidated Ward Morn- ing Reports, and Admission and Disposition Sheets; keeps clinical records suspense file of absentee patientso d. Checks all patients arriving at or departing from hospital on admission, discharge, pass, leave and furlough« Co Operates central clearance section for all personnel, fo Supervises and coordinates the transportation of sick and wounded to and from the hospital, S0 DETACHMENT OF PATIENTS BRANCH, - a, Commands detachment of patients and prepares morning report, bo Acts as unit supply officer, c. Operates patients’ baggage room0 60 SEPARATION COURSERIRQ BRANCH, - a. Prepares records of educational and occupational ex- perience of all military personnel being separated from the service including a translation of military specialties into civilian skills, b. Furnishes counseling service to military personnel being separated from service consisting of a discussion of their future civilian activities and general methods of obtaining the end sought by the individual, c. Provides opportunities for soldiers being separated from service to discuss and receive advice on personal problems incident to separation from authorized civilian and government agencies such as USES, Veterans Administration, Red Cross, Civil Service, etc. HR 40-1020 7. PATIENT PERSONNEL BRANCH« - a. Prepares orders pertaining to all patient military personnel. b. Maintains personnel records of patients* c. Maintains pay data cards; prepares payrolls; processes applications for pay deductions for patient personnel* d. Supervises maintenance of personnel records administered by the station complement* o. Classifies patient personnel as to their occupational skills and recommends proper assignment* Sc REPORTS * - a* Sick and Wounded Report submitted monthly within five days from end of report period* Report is submitted on WD AGO Form 8-23, original to The Surgeon General and one copy for file* Authority* AR 40-1025, 12 Dec 1944, Records and Reports of Sick and Wounded. b* Statistical Health Report submitted each Saturday* Report is submitted on WD AGO Form 3-122, original to the Surgeon General, one; carbon to Fifth Service Command Surgeon, and one copy for file* Author- ity* AR 40-1080, 28 Aug 1945, Medical Department current statistical health reports, tables and charts* c* Report on Beds submitted Monday following last Friday of month* Report is submitted on WD AGO 3-190, Original and two carbons to Commanding General, Fifth Service Command, one copy for file. Au- thority: ASF Cir 68, 26 Feb 1945, HOSPITAL - Report on Beds, Patients, and Personnel in Hospital. d• Bed Report submitted daily* Report is submitted by tele- gram to The Surgeon General, copy to Headquarters, CGH, and copy for flic. Authority: SGO Letter, 51 Mar 1944, Daily Bed Report (Control approval symbol Ho HCH-56)* e* Morning Report submitted daily* Report is submitted on WO AGO Form 1, original to Commanding General, Fifth Service Command, one copy to Headquarters, SCH, one copy for file* Authority* AR 345-400, 3 Jan 1945, Morning Reports * f. Veterans Report submitted monthly before 10th day of month. Report submitted on forms reproduced locally, original and one copy to the Surgeon General, one copy for file* Authority* Let- ter SGO, 14 Nov 1S45, SUBJECT* Supply of Plastic Eyes to Veterans. 'Z ' ua HR 40-1020 go Venereal Disease Report submitted monthly before 10th day of montho Report submitted on forms roporduccd locally, original to Service Command Surgeon, four copies (all signed) to Hospital In- spector, one copy for file* ho Ration Return submitted monthly before 5th day of month. Report submitted on QMC Form 460, original to Commissary Officer, one copy to Mess Officer, one copy for file. Authority: AR 30-2210, 15 Mar 1940, Rations. iu USECC Report submitted monthly before 10th of month. Re- port submitted on WD AGO Form R-5057, original and one copy to The Surgeon General, one copy for file. Authority? 7ID Cir 175, 12 Jun 1945, Hospitalization and Medical Care of Beneficiaries under the United States Employees’ Compensation Act in War Department Facilities. j. Out-Patient Report submitted monthly before the 10th of the month. Submitted on WD AGO Form R-5-58, original and one copy to The Surgeon General, one copy for file. Authority: "AT) Cir I'/S, 12 Jun 1945, Hospitalization and Medical Care of Beneficiaries under the United States Employees’ Compensation Act in War Department Facil- it ic s. 9. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 40-590, 29 Aug 1944, Administration of Hospitals. be AR 40-1025, 12 Dec 1944, Records and Reports of Sick and wounded. Co TM 8-262, Feb 1945, Administration of Fixed Hospitals Zone of Interior. 10o RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON t /j jOFFICIALt// RUSSELL Bo STEINKOUR Maj or, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. h0-1025 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19R6 HR Ii0-102£ REGISTRAR BRANCH* - RECORDS & REPORT OF S & V. Paragraph General Provisions „ ......., „, , c , ..., ...... c 1 Vital Records Section .. ........ c, 2 Patients’ Fund Section , ............................... 3 Correspondence ...... ....... ... ..,«k Reports 5 Authoritative References ,., . 6 Rescissions 7 1 , GENERAL PROVISIONS, - The registrar will have charge of all medical, surgical, and clinical indices of the hospital He wi 11 sec that careful and accurate clinical histories, statistical tables and charts, and all prescribed sick and wounded reports are kept, He will prepare and transmit to higher headquarters all reports and re- turns pertaining to the sick and wounded. Ho will carry out for the commanding officer all duties imposed upon commanders of posts, camps, and stations by AR 600-550, relating to deaths, except such duties as are assigned bo the personnel division- The registrar will, if the commanding officer does not assume direct command or order otherwise, command the detachment of patients and will have charge of all records, accounts, reports, and returns pertaining thereto. He will be custodian of the patients’ fund and will be held accountable and responsible for all money and valuables deposited therein by patients in the hospital 20 VITAL records section. - a, General. - This section shall prepare for transmittal to other military headquarters, to civil authorities, or for permanent filing, all records, reports, and returns pertaining to the sick and wounded, births, and deaths, special records and reports required by the Veterans Administration, and special records and reports required in cases of discharge of enlisted men for disability, be Lick and Wounded Subsection, - (l) A report of sick and wounded will be prepared and rendered monthly by the Sick and Wounded Section (AR lj.0-102.5) and will cover the period from midnight of the last Friday of the preceding month to midnight of the last Friday of the current month. It will be prepared and submitted within five days from the last day of the report period. The purpose of this report is to provide information on the mean strength of command and organisations attached to the command; to serve as a transmittal sheet for the individual medical records of completed cases; and to provide The Surgeon General with information on out-patient service furnished during the period of the report It 1 m ’40-1025 will consist of Report Sheet of Sick and ‘hounded (AT) AGO Form 8-23) and original copies of individual medical records (WD AGO Form 6~2h) of all cases completed during the period for which report is rendered , ’‘Remaining Cards” will be prepared on all cases in hospital on last Friday of February who were admitted prior to 1 January of the current year. "Remaining Cards” will be submitted annually with the Sick and bounded Report of the month of February. (2) A Statistical Health Report (WD, MD Form 8-122) will be submitted weekly (each Saturday) by every hospital and separate dispensary to provide higher authorities with current information on the health and hospitalization of the Army, Original of Form 8-122 is forwarded The Surgeon General, a copy to Fifth Service Command Sur- geon. Form 8-122 is divided into the following sections: Mean strength Admissions, dispositions, and total number of Army patients under treatment Army neuropsychiatric cases Patients occupying beds Days lost by Army patients Days lost by Army patients due to venereal diseases Hospitalization data Miscellaneous Reportable conditions "New” venereal diseases admitted (3) The Sick and bounded Section will be responsible for forwarding all syphilitic registers, birth certificates, and such correspondence to transferring surgeons of other commands as required by AR 1*0-1025 0 c0 Filing Room Subsection, - This subsection shall prepare and maintain all permanent files and indices required by Army Regu- lations to be kept by the registrar. The subsection shall prepare clinical record folders for all patients admitted to hospital, veri- fying any previous admissions and, in the event of previous admissions, entering the previous register numbers as required by AR 1*0-1025* and shall maintain current locator indices for all records released to wards or other departments of the hospital. d, ODD and Retirement Subsection - This subsection shall prepare records required by directives of higher authority for forward- ing to Veterans Administration offices in each case of an enlisted man who is discharged from the Army on certificate of disability or retire- ment for disability at this hospital, and in each case of an officer relieved from active duty or retired at this hospital because of physical disability. 2 HR 0-1025? 3* PATH.::7S* FUND SECTION. - This section shall the personal responsibility of the registrar. Each patient ■will ne informed by the admitting officer that the hospital will receive for safekeeping his money and valuables, including jewelry, personal papers and keepsakes, and that receipts will be given for such articles by the registrar. In the case of an unconscious or insane patient, such articles will be removed from the patient’s verson after careful search by the ad- mitting officer in the presence o f a vritness and the receipt will be kept for the patient by the ward officer. Money and valuables re- ceived by the registrar shall be accounted for under the provisions of* AR '|0-£90 and TM 3-262, Chap V, and the patients’ fund shall be audited monthly by a disinterested commissioned officer detailed to this duty by the commanding officer. Any interest or other earnings accruing to the patients’ fund shalA be remitted quarterly to the hospital fund, and all patients making deposits in the patients' fund shall be required to sign an agreement to this disposition of earnings, d. CORRESPONDS!GS. - For the purpose of this paragraph, cor- respondence shall be construed to include also telegraphic, radio, and long distance telephone communications. All correspondence reaching this hospital pertaining to the physical condition of patients shall be sent to the registrar for acknowledgment and reply. All corres- pondence from this hospital or any ward thereof giving or seeking in- forms tion concerning the physical condition of patients shall be trans- mitted through the registrar, except that requests to or from this hospital for x-ray films will he transmitted through the chief of x-ray service. Those cases suffering from a mental disease will be replied to by the chief of neuropsychiatric section. Correspondence other than from dutjr officers of this hospital received personally by an officer, enlisted man or civilian employee at this hospital concerning the physical or mental condition of a patient, shall be submitted to the registrar for preparation of reply> The registrar shall, in turn, obtain the necessary data for reply from the ap- propriate ward officer or chief of service end prepare the reply for signature by such officer as the commanding officer may designate. Upon notification by the ward officer that a patient is seriously ill, the registrar shall immediately notify the emergency addressee for the commanding officer. The registrar shall prepare for the com- manding officer all correspondence, including letters of sympathy, required by AR 600-££0, in cases of deaths of patients, REPORTS. - a, lie port of Sick and Sounded submitted monthly within five days following end of report period. Submitted on AD AGO - orrn 8-2.3, original to The Surgeon General, copy for file, Authority: AR 1*0-102 b. Statistical Health Report submitted weekly (Saturday), Submitted on V.B AGO Form 8-122, original to The Surgeon General, one copy to Fifth Service Command Surgeon, one copy for file. Authority: AR 1*0-108 0. 3 HR 30-1025 6. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a, AR 600-550, ?3 Mac 1933, Deceased. b. AR 30-590, 29 Aug 1933, Administration of Hospitals* c. AR 30-1025, 12 Dec 1933, Records and Reports of Sick and Mounded* d, AR 30-1030, 23 Aug 1935, Medical Department Current Statistical Health Reports, Tables and Charts, e, AR 30-1010, 1 (: Oct 33, Dental Reports, Returns and Records e f. TM 8-262, February 1935, Administration of fixed Hos- pitals , Zone of Interior, Chapt II and V. go TM 12-235, 1 Oct 1935, Physical Reclassification, Retirement and Retirement Benefits for Officers,, ho TM 12-235, January 1935, Discharge and Release from Active Duty (Other than at Separation Centers) i, TM 12-238, January 1935, Enlisted Personnel Retirement- jo AD Pamphlet 12-23, 1935, Filing Subsection, k, TB MED 203, 19 Oct 1935, Nomenclature and Method of Recording Diagnoses, 7o RESCISSIONS, - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: ~ * Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL R. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Ad jutant HCSPITAL REG ULATIONZ MO* li0-1030 ceil:: general hospital Clc veland 9, Ohio 3. January lph6 tiFl I4O-1030 CLINICAL RECORDS Paragraph General Previsions arid Regulations 1 Initiation of Clinical Record 2 Component Parts of the Clinical Record 3 Preparation of Alin teal Record 3 , Fr ion, n ' ei nee of Clini cords ... 3 Method of Use of Certain Component Ports of Clinical Record ..... 6 Final El sposJ tion 7 Abbreviated Clinical Records 8 lie nor to 9 Authoritative References 10 Rescissions 11 1. GEA.:; 'L ImOUCIhE VS ; ART. -RGhE. - The clinical records of patients re j llitor? records. - ' dure Governing clinical records of natients in hospital and their use in the preparation of the Report of Lick and hounded are prescribed. ?. Hi ITT .ATI F CLINICAL RECORD* - Clinical Record Brief, (MD Pal}, will be prepared in the R A a Office and initialed by the admitting officer. The admission diagnosis, hen known, will bo on- bored on the prepress note made at time of admission. The propress form will accompany the patient to the ward., The ED Form 5t>A will bo delivered to the ward by messenger. Locator cards will be made In accordance with Chapter II, TE 8-262 and as many as necessity de- mands . 3. COMPOMSM T I ARTS QF THE CLINIC AT.- RECORD. - The component parts of the clinical record are selected from the following group of blank forms: Forms HD Mo 33 A to 8-90, inclusive, and such other forms as may be prescribed from tine to time, Forms ED Mo &A (Clinical Record—Brief), (Chief Com- plaint, Condi tion on Admission, Previous Personal History), Form 3-37 (Paysleal Examination), Form 8-36 (Special Examination or Additional Data), Form -39 (Initial Summary, Dorking Diagnosis, Contemplated Laboratory Tests, jnd Consultations), Form 8-31 ( Progress Motes), and Form '-36 (Temperature, treatment, Mursos1 Notes) are basic forms and will be included in every clinical record, except A en sbl revicted c1in 1ca1 rec ■> r d i s used. HR 140-1030 PREPARATION OF CLINICAL RECORD. - aAs soon as practicable after a patient arrives on the ward a complete physical examination will be made* Signature and rank of the examining officer will be required on MD Form 55A and YvD AGO Form 8-36, following the initial progress note and the final summary All other sheets 8-36 (reverse side) to 8-51 will require initials, as will each interim progress rote. In all cases an officer making his first entries in the clinical record will sign his name and rank. Any subsequent entries may be initialed, b, In cases of officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, and enlisted men admitted with a diagnosis of alcoholism or injury, a definite statement will be made by the first medical officer examining the case, on MD Form 8-36 under "General appearance and condition on admission" as to the state of sobriety of the patient at time of admission to hospital0 5o ARRANGEMENT, PREPARATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF CLINICAL RECORDS, - a, The component parts of the clinical record will be constantly maintained in the chart holder (Item No 70601), which will ordinarily be kept in the ward officer's office on the ward to which the patient is assigned. These records or any of the components thereof will not be entrusted to the patient for delivery from one department or ward to another-: Patients will not be permitted to peruse their clinical records: bo The component parts of the clinical record will be arranged on the chart holder in the order indicated below., Ward of- ficers may authorize certain forms, such as MD Form 8-56 (Temperature, Treatment, Nurse’s notes); MD Form 8-5? (Temperature Graphic Chart); MD Form 8-58 (Graphic Chart), to be kept by the nurse in her office Form Number Form Title MD 55A Clinical Record-—Brief 8-3h Abbreviated Clinical Record 8-36 Chief Complaint, Condition on Admission, Previous Personal History 8-37 Physical Examination 8-38 Special Examination or Additional Data 8-39 Initial Summary, Dorking Diagnosis, Contemplated Laboratory Tests, and Consultations 8~5>1 Progress Notes 8-56 Temperature, Treatment, Nurse’s Notes 8-57 Temperature Graphic Chart 8-81 Preoperative Examination and Anesthetic Record 8-85 Operation Report 8-i|0 Consultation Request and Report 8-Ul Ophthalmologic Examination 8-l2 Ear, Nose and Throat Examination HR 1*0-1030 MD 8-li3 Dental Examination 8-1*5 Proctoscopic Examination 8-1*6 Urologic Examination 8-l|7 Gynecologic Examination 8-1*8 Allergy Examination 8-51* Treatment 8-5? Diabetic Record 8-?8 Graphic Chart 8-6l Electrocardiographic Report 8-62 Radiologic Record 8-63 Radiologic Report 8-61* Record of Roentgen Therapy 8-65 Record of Radium Therapy 8-66 Laboratory Reports 8-52 Pathological Examination of Tissue 8-83 Physiotherapy Record 8-87 Fracture Record 8-88 Prenatal Record 8-89 Labor Record 8-90 Heonatal Record Such other forms as may be prescribed. 6. METHOD OF USE OF CERTAIN COMPONENT PARTS OF THIS CLINICAL RECORD. - a. The following forms are combined requests for and reports of laboratory examinations. They will be prepared in dupli- cate and sent to the laboratory concerned. Upon completion of ex- amination requested, appropriate entries will be made. The original form will be returned by the laboratory to the officer or ward from which it emanated and the other retained in the laboratory. 8-6? Blood 8-68 Blood (Chemistry) 8-69 Serology 8-70 Spinal Fluid 8-71 Urinalysis 8-72 Urinalysis (Quantitative) 8-73 Sputum 8-7h Cxastric Analysis 8-75 Feces 8-76 Carbohydrate Tolerance 8-60 Renal Function (Cone, or Dll.) 8-78 Renal Function (P.S.P.) 8-79 Renal Function (Urea Clearance) 8-77 Basal Metabolism 8-8l Miscellaneous The completed forms when received from the laboratory will be pasted in chronological sequence in the space provided for that purpose on M.D. 8-66. 3 HR 1*0-1030 bo The following forms are combined requests for and reports of special examinations. They will be prepared in duplicate and sent with the patient to the clinic or specialist concerned- Upon completion of the examination requested* appropriate entries will be made and the original form returned to the officer or ward from which it emanated for file with the patient’s clinical record: 8-hO Consultation Request 8-hi Ophthalmologic Examination 8-h2 Ear* Nose and Throat Examination 8 -h 3 He n ta1 £xa minati on 8-h5> Proctoscopic Examination 8-h6 Urologic Examination 8-h7 Gynecologic Examination 8-h8 Allergy Examination 8-61 Electrocardiographic Report All military patients admitted to this hospital will have Dental Examination form 8-h3 accomplished before being discharged unless hospitalization would be prolonged while waiting for such action. Co Form LID 8-63 (Radiologic Report) is a combined request for and report of radiological examination. This form will be pre- pared in duplicate and sent with the patient to the x-ray laboratory. Upon completion of the examination requested, appropriate entries will bo made. The original form will be returned by the x-ray laboratory to the officer or ward from which it emanated for file with the patient’s clinical record and the other retained in the laboratory. do The following forms constitute a record of roentgen therapy and radium therapy respectively (MD 8-6)4) * Record of Roen- tgen Therapy and (MD 8-6;?)* Record of Radium Therapyp A single copy of these forms will be prepared and sent to the x-ray labora- tory with the patient. The Chief of x-ray section will cause the necessary treatment to be instituted and a record thereof entered in the appropriate spaces on the forms. These forms will be re- tained in the office of the Chief of the x-ray section until treat- ment is completed when they will be authenticated by the signature of the officer administering the treatment and then transmitted to the officer or ward from which they emanated for file with the patient’s clinical record. e, Form MD 8-82* (Report of Pathological Examination of Tissue)* is a combined request for and report of pathological examination of tissue. This form will be prepared in duplicate and sent to the clinical laboratory with a specimen of tissue to be examined. Upon completion of the examination requested* appro- priate entries will be made. The original form will be returned by the laboratory to the officer or ward from which it emanated and the other retained in the laboratory. It is absolutely necessary that the surgeon give the pathologist sufficient history and clinical data for an intelligent examination of tissue. HR 1.0-1030 f. Form I'D 8-33, is -a combined request for and record of physiotherapy treatment, A single copy of this form will be prepared and sent to the Chief of the Physiotherapy Section, The Chief of the Section mil cause the necessary treatment to be in- stituted and a record thereof entered in the appropriate space on the form. Hi is form will be retained in the office of the Chief of Physiotherapy Section until treatment is completed when it will bo authenticatod by the signature of the officer administering the treatment and returned to the officer or ward from which it emanated for file with the patient's clinical record. g, Form MD 8-6.1, (Preoperative Examination and Anesthetic Record). One copy of this form will bo prepared by the ward officer and sent to the Anesthesia and Operating Section with the patient. Upon completion of the operation, the form will be completed by appropriate entries and returned to the officer or ward from which it emanated for file with the patient’s clinical record. Mo patient will be submitted to operation until this "form has been re- ceived by the Chief of Anesthesia and Operating Section and he has satisfied himself by scrutinizing the entries thereon that the patient’s condition is such as to warrant the operative procedure contemplated, h. Form MD 8-85, (Report of Operation), This form will be completed in duplicate by the Chief of the Anesthesia and Operating Section in the case of every patient subjected to surgical operation. Upon completion of the operation, the original form will be transmitted to the officer or ward from which it emanated for file with the patient's clinical record and the copy will be retained in the 0 Tice of the Chief of Anesthesia and Operating Section, i. Form MD 8-8?, (Record of Fracture), One copy of this form will be prepared by the ward officer for each case of fracture under treatment and filed with the patient's clinical record, j. Form B-5l, (Progress Motes), The first progress note will include the impression and tentative diagnosis of the ward officer or the attending surgeon after examination of the case and include a list of proposed laboratory or diagnostic procedures. Progress notes will bo made In all cases when they arc indicated and at intervals of not greater than ten days. Each progress note will be headed by the ward number and date and will be signed or initialed by the officer rnakin • it. The final progress note will be mode within a period of twenty-four hours prior to discharge from the hospital and may bo recorded on the back of Form MD 8-39. It will include a brief summary of the whole case. k. Other forms shown in Paragraph 5b, above, such as MD 3-55, (Diabetic Record), MD 8-88 (Prenatal Record), MD 8-89 (Labor Record), MD 8-90 (Neonatal Record), MD 8-56 (Temperature, Treatment, Nurse’s Notes), MD 8-5? (Temperature Graphic Chart), one copy of each form will be prepared and included in the clinical record of every patient to which they pertain. 5 HR 1 jO-1030 1, Other forms, listed below in subparagraphs and other papers pertaining to the record, while not an intimate part of it, will be kept with the record, and v/hen the patient has been disposed of, all such forms will bo attached to the clinical record. (1) Request for Transfer of Patients, will be made in accordance with T1.1 8-262, Chapter IV, and HR U0-11R0 (2) Death notice, 7.D AGO Form 5>2-9, (Hospital Report of Death), single copy, will be made by the ward officer or Professional Officer of the Dray of the Service concerned0 During office hours it will be sent immediately to the Registrar. After office hours it will be sent immediately to the Administrative Off ices of the Day, (3) Seriously 111 Notice, (V7PQ-9-29), (Report of Seriously 111 Patient), will be made and sent immediately to the Registrar’s office.. The diagnosis in brief will be written on the form. (h) Removal from Seriously 111 List, (V?PQ-ll-29), single copy, will be prepared and sent immediately to the Regis- trar’ s Officeo 7. FINAL DISPOSITION. - a, Alien a patient is ready for disposition, the component parts of the clinical record will be removed from the chart holder (Item No 7060U), assembled in the order prescribed in Paragraph 9b, above, and fastened together,, Form MD 9>A will then be completed with the following entries: (1) Final diagnosis. - This will be made to conform to AR IjO-lOPpo The ward officer may elaborate his diagnosis but it will start in conformity with the above mentioned Army Regu- lation and TB MED 203o (2) The LINE OF DUTY of each diagnosis will be stated separately. In the case of patients who have been received by a formal transfer and the present diagnosis is not completely concurred in, a statement, "Diagnosis on transfer card not concurred in", or "Diagnosis on transfer card partly concurred in", will be ma do „ (3) The completed form will be signed by the ward officer, (,*4) All Clinical Records will be accompanied by a Disposition Slip, CGH 6. UR ; 0-1030 b when the above has been accomplished , the completed clinical record in the folder will then be sent to the Chief rf the Service concerned who will cause a close examination to be made thsreofo If the record is found in good order and is approved, stops will be immediately taken to affect the disposition of the patient as prescribed in Hospital Regulationsc 8 o ABBREVIATED CLINICAL RECORDS. - a0 The MD Abbreviated Clinical Record, will be strictly limited to cases admitted to the hospital for trivial injuries or illnesses of mild nature which obviously will necessi- tate their hospitalization for only a few days and which are of such a nature that a very brief clinical record will fulfill all needs o (V«D Cir Letter No 1?) 0 b. Tills form will be used onl;\ for cases where it is thought that less than seven (?) days hospitalization will be re- quired-. If for any reason a patient's stay is prolonged or any complications arise, a standard clinical record will be completed. c, More than one MD Form 5>5>A-1 will not be used, 9 REPORTS» - None* 10* AUTHORITATIVE references. - a. AR I40-1010, 16 Oct h3, Dental Reports, Returns, and Records b SCO Cir Letter Mo 17, 13 Jan 33, Abbreviated Clinical Records cm TM 8-262, Feb 1|£, Administration of Fixed Hospitals Zone of Inferior, Chapt II, Sec'll, III, IV, V, VI, VII do TB MED 203, 19 Oct 35, Nomenclature and Method of Recording Diagnoseso 11 RESCISSIONSo - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; Major, MAC Ad:j utant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 40-1040 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 40-1040 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 LINE OF DUTY STATUS OF DISEASES AND INJURIES DISEASES AND INJURIES DUE TO PATIENTS OWN MISCONDUCT Paragraph Basic Provisions for Determining Line of Dutyoo.................. 1 Injuries o ......coo..... 2 Procedure to Obtain Line of Duty Investigation for Zone of Interior Oooc .do.....................o......................... 5 Procedure to obtain Line of Duty Investigation for Overseas Pie turneesogoo.........©.................©.....©...©......©..... 4 Death Due to Violence, Misconduct or Gross Negligence0........... 5 Reports Author itat ivo References ...... ...... 7 Rescissions© *. ©. ©. ©.. 8 1„ BASIC PROVISIONS FOR DETERMINING LINE OF DUTY0 - A disease or injury that a militarized person contracts or sustains while in the active military service of the United States will be presumed to have been incurred in line of duty, unless there is substantial evidence to show that such disease or injury occurred under the following circum- stances. (AR 40-1025). a. Occurred under circumstances indicating the presence of the individual’s misconduct or willful neglect and unless it is es- tablished by a fair preponderance of evidence that such misconduct or willful neglect was the proximate cause of the disease or injury. bo Occurred while the individual was absent from duty with- out official permissiono Co Occurred as the result of the indivudual’s outside acti- vities, not of a class authorized or encouraged by the War Department. do Existed prior to the individual’s current active service, and was not aggravated by the service. 2 o III JURIS 3. - a. In every case of injury, where line of duty is in doubt, the organization commander will immediately take steps to determine the line of duty from all available evidence, The unsubstantiated statement of the individual concerned will not be considered as con- clusive evidence of the true circumstanceso When injuries arc incurred HR 40-1040 under circumstances listed below or when requested by the surgeon of a medical installation, the organization or detachment commander will request that an investigating officer be appointed to investigate the injuries and determine and record the line of duty status on vVD AGO Form No 51 (Report of Investigation). AR 345-415 <. (1) Every case of injury that occurs off the post will be investigated„ (2) Injuries incurred on the post or while the indi- vidual is off the post with his proper command v;ill be investigated when incurred under circumstances that indicate misconduct, willful neglect, or gross negligence0 b0 The following injuries will not be investigated? (1) Battle casualties incurred as a direct result of enemy actiono (2) Injuries received while operating or riding in Government vehicles or airplanes, and injuries received while on maneuvers, during authorized athletic exercises, or otherwise while engaged in the execution of military duty (provided misconduct or gross negligence is not a contributory factor)0 3 o PROCEDURE TO OBTAIN LINE OF DUTY INVESTIGATION FOR ZONE OF INTERIORo - a* If a ward officer believes a case on his ward requires the action of an investigation officer* he will report the facts with his recommendation to the registrar on the prescribed Medical Officer's Certificate (3 copies) - local form This should be done by the ward officer as soon as possible after the patient has been admitted and a. physical examination has been completed.-. Upon receipt of the report o± the ward officer by the registrar, the latter will request the Com- manding Officer to refer the case to an investigating officer„ bo Upon receipt of the approved findings of an investigating officer, the registrar will cause the necessary entries to be made on the records of the soldier and furnish the ward officer the findings of the reporto The ward officer will make the necessary entries on the clinical record* 4 - PROCEDURE TO OBTAIN LINE OF DUTY INVESTIGATION FOR OVER SEAS RETURNEES, - When a patient is received from'overseas suffering from injuries wherein the circumstances connected with the incurrence of such injuries are not clearly indicated, and the line of duty and misconduct status is shown as unknown or undetermined, a Medical HR 40-1040 Officer’s Certificate (3 copies) will be submitted by the ward officer to the registrar who will send a wire to the Adjutant General for an extract of approved findings of the investigating officer, if avail- able. The designation of the unit of which soldier was a member at time of injury will be stated. In the e\rent The Adjutant General ad- vises that a Report of Investigation is not on record, the Medical Certificate and report from TAGO will be forwarded the Commanding Officer with a request that an Investigating Officer be appointed. Correspondence will be initiated immediately to the organization with which the individual was serving at time of injury, requesting all available evidence. The current APO of patient’s former organization will be obtained from TAGO. Report of Investigation will be retained at hospital of origin until completed regardless of disposition made of patient. 5. DEATH DUE TO. VIOLENCE, MISCONDUCT OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE. - In accordance with the provisions of par 18a, AR 600-550, C2 and C3, a board of officers will be required in every case where death is due, or is sus ected to be due, to foul play, violent or unnatural causes, except death from wounds or injuries received in action, field ex- orcises, drill, prescribed athletics or authorized flights. 6. REPORTS o - Hone. 7. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 40-1025, 12 Dec 1944, Records and Reports of Sick and Wounded. b. Ad 345-415, 14 Aug 1945, Daily Sick Report, c. AR G00-550, 23 Dec 1244, Deceased, d. TM 12-240, Jan 1945, Deceased Personnel Within the Con- tinental United States, Excluding Alaska. e. Cir Letter 480, 5th SvC, 14 Sep 1945, Line of Duty Status of Overseas Injuries. 84 RESCISSIONS. - Hone. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON 1 RwMl B. STEIHH0I3R Ma'or, MAC * Ad iii t ant RUSSELL D , STEIHHOUR Laior, MAC Ad j utant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS MO. h0-1070 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19A6 HR I4O-IO.70 SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS Paragraph Action by Ward Officer . ....«., * « „,„...............»„ 1 Action by Registrar , 2 Action by Administrative Officer of the Day , . „, 3 Lists of Sar iously 111 a Disposition of Roney and Valuables . , .. . * „ c„ g Procedure then a Seriously 111 Patient is Transferred to Another Ward ...... . „ ., * 6 Procedure When Seriously 111 Condition of Patient Ceases 7 Ropor ts o o . o • o »<•*«« o •. w * .... c c « o 8 Authoritative References «, . .,«. 0..... .. . . , 9 Rescissions .... ;- . 10 1. ACTION BY 'WARD OFFICER, - In every case v/hen recovery from illness or operation is not expected or is considered doubtful, the v/ara officer in charge of the case v/ill enter the patient’s name on the v/ard list of seriously ill, and then prepare and sign one copy of the "Report of Seriously 111" (V7PQ-9-27), the data thereon to be com- plete in every detail as indicated on the form Particular attention v/ill be given to that portion of the form which has reference to the name, relationship and address of the person to be notified in case of emergencyo Upon accomplishment of the form, it will bo distri- buted immediately to the registrar (or the administrative officer of the day if after office hours) In acutely developing and grave cases, notice of seriously ill patients will be accomplished by tele phone to the registrar and chaplain, followed by rendition of the usual written reports Should the nearest relatives or friends of a seriously ill patient visit the ward, their local address and telephone number will bo secured and this information immediately transmitted to the Information Office, 2 ACTION BY REGISTRAR, Upon receipt of report of seriously ill case, the registrar v/ill immediately take such action toward notifying the relatives or friends of the patient as may be indicated, and will immediately notify the appropriate chaplain. The registrar will notify the receiving and disposition officer and the information office in order that the reported case may be added to the list of seriously ill maintained in those offices The registrar will file the report, together with a copy of the telegram or letter of notifi- cation, in the patient’s permanent record, 3. ACTION BY ADR DJISTRATIV5 OFFICER OR THU DAY. - In the event the report of a seriously ill case is received by the administrative officer of the day after office hours, he will bake such steps toward notifying the appropriate chaplain and the relatives and friends of the patient as indicated for the registrar in paragraph two (2), He 1 HR hQ-lO^O mil also notify without delay the Receiving and Disposition office and Information office of the details of the action taken. He will deliver the Report of Seriously 111 and a copy of telegram of notifi- cation to the registrar’s office the following morning. ho LISTS OF SERIOUSLY II.L-V.HERE MAINTAINED* - a, A list of seriously ill will be maintained in the fol- lowing offices: (1) Office of the Commanding Officer„ (2) Office of R c D Officer0 (3) American Red Cross. (U) Chiefs of Serviceso b« The lists maintained in the office of the R ».. .o. <>.... ...» 5 Retir ing Board for Army Nurses*..«»». ®...... ®........ 4 !, CASES TO BE REFERRED TO OFFICERS’ RETIRING BOARD, - An officer considered mentally or physically incapacitated for active service regardless of whether such incapacity is or is not the re- sult of an incident of the service and an officer of the Regular Army not classed as physically qualified as a result of physical examination required as a condition to promotion in permanent grade will be referred to the ARB, (AR 605-250), 2, COMPOSITION, - Officers’ Army Retiring Board will be appointed by higher authority and will consist of not more than nine nor less than frve officers, two-fifths of whom shall be selected from the Medical Corps, A recorder will be appointed by the Secretary of War and it will be the duty of the recorder to record the proceedings, carry out such instructions as may be given him by the board and may be required to collect evidence, present it to the board, examine the witnesses and, generally speaking, conduct the case for the Government, The board will meet from time to time as the president of the board may direct. Medical witnesses will make a careful study of all available medical records, perform a thorough physical examination which will be recorded on WD AGO Form 63 and submitted to the board. 3. ACTION OF DISPOSITION BOARD, - The action of a disposi- tion board is required on all officers (including WAC officers) and warrant officers, prior to their being ordered before a re- tiring board. Whenever possible, ward officers will take anticipatory action and notify the registrar to request pertinent records from the AGO when retirement of an officer for physical disability is contemplated. HR 40-1070 4. RETIRING BOARD FOR ARMY NURSES. - Provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above apply. Militarized female personnel on officer status will appear before a Retiring Board for Army Nurses. SECTION II ENLISTED RETIRBMEKT Paragraph Cases to bo Referred to Enlisted Retirement Board..... 5 Composition. 6 Supervision over Clerical Work. 7 5. CASES TO BE REFERRED TO ENLISTED RETIREMENT BOARD. - An enlisted man of the Regular Army or of the Philippine Scouts who has served twenty years or more in the military forces of the United States and who has become permanently incapacitated for active service due to physical disability incurred in line of duty will be referred to this board. (Sec IT, AR 615-395). 6. COMPOSITION» - This board will be composed of three medical officers selected locally by the Commanding Officer. 7o SUPERVISION OVER CLERICAL WORK. - The registrar will coordinate all matters relating to discharge of enlisted re- tirement cases in accordance with TM 12-238. SECTION III DISCFARGE ON CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY - ENLISTED Paragraph DC L imt ion». ...... ...... ....... 3 Time and Place of Meeting 0 .ooooooco..oo...oo.....,..o...„..,o 9 Supervision Over Clerical Work. ..., e o . . 10 Action by Ward Officer......................... . ... . 11 Chronological Sequence of Procedure . .. ... ............ 12 Action by the Registrar .............................. ... 13 Action on Approved Certificate of Disabilityoo«.o,o,..o 14 Station Complement . . . ...... .. . . * ... . ............. ,.. 15 I\.epOrtSooococ>eooooO9oo*«*«*«eoo»aocoeooo«o«Qoe«ooo«0*o*«o*0«a 16 Authoritative References ..... .. e. ... . ....».... 0..«.. e......». 17 Rescissions . ...... . . , 18 8. DEFINITION« ~ When it is determined by the medical officer in charge of treatment of an enlisted man with less than twenty years HR 40-1070 service that his physical condition is such that he is unfit to perform further active military service, he will he presented bei fore a Certificate of Disability for Discharge Boardo (AR 615-561)e 9o TIME AND FLAGS OF MEETING... The CDD Board will meet reg- ularly at a time and place which will be announced in Hospital Bul- letin, A schedule of appointments will be maintained in the Registrar's Office o 10. SUPERVISION OVER CLERICAL. TOK. - The registrar will co- ordinate all matters relating to the discharge of enlisted patients on Certificate of Disability Form W AGO Ho 40, He will be respon- sible that the entires on the certificate of disability are correct and that upon completion of the discharge, the certificate of dis- ability, and allied papers are disposed of as directed by AR, 615-361 and TM 12-235. 1!. ACTIOH BY WARD OFFICERa - The Ward Officer will submit to the registrar a probable CDD notice, using the prescribed forme He will also indicate previous army hospitals from which clinical records have not been received and cases which undoubtedly will require veterans care. This anticipatory action will be taken as soon as possible after admission of the patient. 7/hcn a ward officer is of the opinion that a patient has a disability which permanently unfits the patient for fur- ther military service, and hospital observation and treatment have been completed, he will take action to bring the patient before the CDD Board, calling the Secretary of the Board for an appointment, 12 5 CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURE, - a. The ward officer will complete a CDD work sheet with the approval of the chief of section or service and make an appointment for presentation of the case. He will order an x-ray examination of the chest if a report of such examination performed within a period of 90 days is not available. Prior to the meeting of the board he will com- plete the clinical record including the final summary on reverse side of 8-39o At the scheduled time the ward officer will present the patient to the CDD Board with the CDD work sheet, completed clinical records, clinical records of previous hospitalizations if available, x-ray films and other pertinent data (Red Gross investigation, correspondence, etc,). b. The board will make findings and recommendations and in- dicate on the CDD work sheet those cases requiring veterans care and suitable escort to destination. After action by the board, the secre- tary of the board will transmit the CDD work sheets promptly to the registrar's office for transcription to the Form 40 Co The secretary of the board will coordinate an appointment system whereby each patient approved for CDD is interviewed by personnel. HR 40-1070 Red Cross, Veterans Administration contact representative, and USES representativeo The secretary will prepare eight copies of a list approved for CDD and distribute promptly as followsj Registrar Baggage Room Personnel Officer (2) Red Cross CO, Det of Pnts USES Representative Veterans Adm* Representative dc When the ODD Board recommends discharge, the ward officer will complete the clinical record at once, including the MD 55-A, and submit the record the same day to the appropriate chief of service who will initial if approved and forward promptly to the registraro In such cases the ward officer will initiate disposition slip immediately after the meeting of the boardo 13o ACTION BY THE REGISTRAR. - The registrar will prepare the Form 40 for the signature of the members of the CDD Boardo Indorse- ments will be signed by the registrar for the Commanding Officerc !4c ACTION ON APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY0 - When dis- charge on CDD has been authorized by the proper authority, the Com- manding Officer, Detachment of Patients, will effect the discharge of the patient in compliance with current directives0 15o STATION COMPLEMEHT„ - When the discharge for disability of an enlisted member of the station complement is contemplated, the detachment commander will indorse the soldier’s service record as proscribed by existing regulations to the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, and at the same time will transfer all of the patient’s personal effects which have been in store in his cus- tody to the patients’ baggage room and receive a receipt therefore The Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, will dispose of the case in the same manner as other cases in hospital„ 16o REPORTS e - None* 17. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * - Section I a* AR 605-250, 23 Mar 1944, Army Retiring Boards* b* TM 12-245, 1 Oct 1945, Physical Reclassification, Retirement and Retirement Benefits for Officers * Section II a* AR 615-395, 1 Jan 1945, Enlisted Men Retirement * b* TM 12-238, Jan 1945, Enlisted Personnel Retirement* HR 40-1070 Section III a* AR 616-361, 4 Nov 1944, Medical Discharge - Enlisted Mon . bo TM 12-235, Jan 1945, Discharge and Release from Active Duty (Other than at Separation Centers)0 130 ftSSCISSIONS. “ None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON j RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MG Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant hr ;4 0-1105 HOSPITAL REGULADIONS NO. >i0-H05 r T T r rt vr • 1i t in. c dt?aT Cleveland ", Ohio 1 January 19h& RECEIVING AND DISPOSITION BRANCH Paragraph Chief of R & D Branch 1 Functions 2 Reports 3 Authorized Refer cnees Resciss Ions 5 1. CHIEF QF R U D BRANCH. - a. An Officer is designated by Special Orders and is •sharped with coordination of the activities of the R & D Branch under the direction of the Director of the Patient’s Administra- tion Division0 2. FUNCTIONS. - ac H & D Drench directs patient to be examined by the Attending Surgeon, his assistant or professional officers of the day to determine type of hospitalization required; calls on the chief of medical or surgical service for personnel when required. bo Assigns patients to proper 'cards. c. Prepares consolidated v/ard morning reporte do Prepares A & D Sheet, containing the record of all admissions, dispositions, leaves, furloughs, absences and interward trans *‘srs. e. maintains suspense files in regards to leaves, fur- loughs, posses and clinical records. f, Maintains locator File and Register Number Index. go Checks all patients arriving at, or departing >om, hospital on admission, discharge, pass, leave, furlough„ h. Operates central clearance section. 1, Supervises and coordinates transfer of sick and wounded to and from hospital. 3 o RSI OPTS. - a. Consolidated hard Morning Report, general distri- bution. b. Admission and Disposition Sheet, general distribution. a. Daily Bed Report to the Medical Regulating Officer. (Telegraphic Report), four copies. HR 60-1105 ho AUTHORITYTIME REFERENCES. - a. AR Au£ 6)|, Administration of Hospitals, Gonercal Provisions, b, TM 8-262, Fob h5, Administration of Fixed Hospitals (ZI)„ 3'c RESCISSIONS. - a o None« BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B.’STEINHOUR Ma j or, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Do STEINHOUR Maj or, MAC Adjutant ID. 40-1110 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 40-1110 ADMISSION OF PATIENTS Paragraph Responsibility .. ............... «. • 1 Classes of Patients Entitled to Admission.................... 2 Arrival of Patients. 3 Initial Assignment of Patients 4 Procedure on Admission of Certain Types of Patients *......... 5 Preparation of Hospital Admission Records*........«.......... 6 Reports 7 Authoritat ive References. 8 Rescissions .. 9 1* RESPONSIBILITY. - The Chief R & D Branch will have charge of the admissions to the hospital and the assignments to the pro- per ward of all patients arriving during duty hours. In his absence his duties will be assumed by his assistant, lie will maintain close contact with the Chiefs of the Professional Services to insure that proper assignment of patients to wards is being made. The Attending Surgeon, his assistant, or the Medical Officer of the Day will be the Admitting Officer. 2. CLASSES OF PATIENTS ENTITLED TO ADMISSION. - a. Those persons enumerated in Par 6, AR 40-590, and such others as may be authorized from time to time by competent authority will be admitted to the hospital. In matters of admission of in- dividuals other than those in active military service, the policy of the Commanding Officer v/ill apply. b. BOneficiaries of the Veterans’ Administration in limited numbers in certain designated Army hospitals upon request of the pro- per representatives of the Veterans’ Administration will be admitted to the hospital. c. Other civilians, whether or not in the public service, only in case of extreme necessity and when in the opinion of the Com- manding Officer of the hospital, or his authorized representative, admission is necessary to save life or prevent greater suffering, v/ill be admitted to an Army hospital. 3. ARRIVAL OF PATIENTS. - a. Immediately upon receipt of information as to the ex- pected arrival of patients by train, the Registrar, or, in his absence. HR 40 ■1110 his designated assistant, will arrange for the necessary motor transportation and attendants to meet them., When it is known that patients who are to arrive are suffering from communicable diseases, such separate ambulances as may be required, consistent with good medical policy, will be provided for their transportation., Litter cases, the insane, and prisoners will be met by an adequate number of trained litter bearers, neuropsychiatric attendants, or armed guards, as the case may be. The Commanding Officer, Detachment Medi- cal Department or the Provost Marshal, or both, depending upon the nature of the patients arriving , will furnish the necessary number of attendants- When indicated, the Registrar will arrange with the Medical Supply Officer to make the necessary exchange of linen and hospital clothing. The Ad- mitting Officer will make necessary arrangements to effect proper ward assignments without delay upon their arrival at the hospital and will call upon the Chiefs of the Professional Services for such assistance as may be required The Registrar will provide any additional clerical personnel required for short periods from his office. 1 INITTAX, ASSIGHMENT OF PATIENTS. - a0 All patients will be admitted through the Admitting Office where the required admission data will be made a matter of record, and assignment to the proper ward effected , In emergency cases, the patient may be taken directly to the ward and the necessary admission data ob- tained there, but in any case, no patient shall be taken to any v/ard without specific instructions from the Admitting Officer or, the Attend- ing Surgeon, or in his absence, the Medical Officer of the Day. b.. The Consolidated Ward Morning Report will be used as a guide to assist the Admitting Officer in making proper ward assignments and to obviate interward transfers shortly after admission The Chiefs of Pr'O- fessional Services will notify the R & D Officer promptly of changes in the character of cases treated on any ward in order that assignments to such wards may be made correctly at all times. In addition, the Chiefs of the Professional Services will furnish any other necessary information and assistance to the Admitting Officer and the Attending Surgeon in the discharge of his duties. Wards will accept patients admitted thereto and any reassignment that may be necessary will be effected by inter-ward trans- fers . 5o PROCEDURE ON ADMISSION OF CERTAIN TYPES OF PATIENTS„ - a Patients with Communicable Diseases. - If the presence of the condition is known in advance, such patients will not be permitted to leave the ambulance or enter the Admitting Office, but after examination by the Admitting Officer, will be sent directly to the appropriate isolation ward Should such a patient enter inadvertently the Admitting Office, the medical officer in charge of communicable diseases will be notified and will issue proper and appropriate instructions. HR 1.0-1110 bo Insane Patients. - Insane patients will bo escorted with- out delay to the receiving unit of the neuropsychiatric section, ac- companied, whenever possible, by a trained neuropsychiatric attendant. c0 Medical and Surgical Emergencies. - These will not be removed from the ambulance until so directed by the Attending Surgeon in order to avoid unnecessary handling. Such cases will be given prompt attention as soon as they arrive. If practicable they will be delivered by wheel litters directly to their proper ward, the x-ray department, or the operating room, as the case may be. To reduce transporting and handling of such cases to a minimum, the appropriate Chief of Service or his designated representative will hold himself available to offer necessary advice and assistance to the Admitting Officer or Attending Surgeon so that appropriate ward assignment can be made or necessary treatment instituted without delay. The x-ray unit, the operating room, or the ward receiving the patient, as the case may bo, will be notified by telephone, by tine Admitting Office at the earliest possible moment whenever medical or surgical emergencies are admitted. d. Prisoners, - They will be accompanied by guards, when in- dicated, to their proper ward, When the nature of the offense is such that it can be accomplished without defeating the ends of military jus- tice, paroles may be accepted from garrison prisoners in order that the giving of medical care may be facilitated and the waste of personnel occasioned by the use of armed guards may be avoided. The Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, and the Provost Marshal will be notified by telephone of the admission of prisoners, e. Prisoners of War, - The same procedure, except for the taking of paroles, will apply in the case of prisoners of war admitted as patients. The Provost Marshal will be notifed at the earliest pos- sible moment in order that necessary guards and facilities for safe- keeping of such individuals may bo provided, 6, PREPARATION OF HOSPIIAL ADMISSION RECORDS, - a. Procedure. - The mechanical reproduction of records described in Chapter II, TM 3-262, will be followed by this hospital, b. Records. - The following records will be prepared in the Admitting Office under the direction of the Registrar who will assume responsibility for their completeness and accuracy. Any additional records are unnecessary and will be neither prepared nor maintained unless sped fically authorized, (1) WD MD Form 5>5>A, Clinical Record Brief, two copies, (2) Locator Cards, 3 x ), fifteen to twenty copies, (3) Vu6 FUNDS AND VALUABLES - PATIENTS Paragraph Responsibility „ 0 . . . , , *«oh , . „ a.....,. ..,.... .«. .., •„. ., 1 Safeguarding of Funds and Valuables . „.. .„... * .... 2 Procedure .. ............ . * *.a 0......,.. . 3 Method of Accounting , a e 0.. 1| Reports . ............ . . , 0 5 Authoritative References * , * •..... . .» . „* 0 .. *„.. ... .,,«« 6 Rescis sions . .. •»«*««. • 0....... •* •.»0 • . • * ................. 7 lo RESPONSIBILITY. - aThe Commanding Officer will normally designate the Regis- trar and have him bonded as Custodian of Patients’ Funds and Valuables, except in such cases when, in his opinion, the duty can be carried out more efficiently by some other officer, warrant officer, enlisted person, or civilian employee designated and bonded for the purpose. (TM 8-262). bc. Certificates. - It is the responsibility of the Custodian to insure that one copy of the Patients’ Deposit Certificate, WD AGO Form 8-178, is filed Tor each patient admitted to the hospital, regard- less of whether or not he deposits funds or valuables. Trie Custodian will check the Patients’ Deposit Certificates received during a 2ii.-hour period against the admissions recorded on the Admission and Disposition Sheet for the same period. When the check reveals that a form has not been received for a newly admitted patient, the Custodian will immediately take steps to determine the reason therefor and to have the certificate filed. The certificates will be transferred to the 201 files of the patients concerned at the time of their discharge from the hospital, after it is certain that the accounts have been completely closed. 2. SAFEGUARDING OF FUNDS AND VALUABLES. ~ a, Money and valuables in all instances will be received and receipted for without condition or other evasion of complete responsi- bility by the Custodian. bo The Commanding Officer will make available to the Cus- todian a safe for the protection of money or valuables deposited for safekeeping. Ordinarily, only sufficient money will be kept in the safe to satisfy the day to day demands of depositors for the withdrawal of funds. This amount will be determined by the Commanding Officer. The baLance will be deposited in a local bank to the credit of the "Patients’ Fund” Funds deposited in the local hank will not draw interest unless the patients to whom the funds belong signify in writing their consent to the transfer of any accrued interest to the Hospital Fund. Valuables will be kept in seeded envelopes, one or more as required being used for each individual patient. 1 HR 1*0-1120 c. The Patients’ Fund will under no circumstances be used for the safeguarding of funds or valuables belonging bo individuals not in a patient status. In no case will any check, except one drawn on a Patients’ Fund at an Army hospital, be cashed or accepted for deposit as cash by the Custodian. 3. PROCEDURE. - a. Admission Deposit. - When a patient is admitted to a hospital, the clerk who processes his records will explain to him that the hospital will receive his funds or valuables for safekeeping. The clerk will also explain to the patient the advantages of properly safe- guarding the cash, personal papers, keepsakes, etc., in his possession. The patient will also be advised that the hospital assumes no respon- sibility for the loss of cash or valuables while they are in his pos- session, When the patient makes an initial deposit directly to the Custodian, the Patient’s Deposit Certificate will be prepared in trip- licate. After completion of the certificate, one copy will be delivered to the patient as his receipt; the two remaining copies will be de- livered with the cash or valuables to the Custodian as soon as possible. The Custodian will check the cash or valuables against the entries on the certificate and, if the entries are correct, will sign both copies. One will be returned to the intermediate recipient as his receipt and the other will be retained in the Custodian’s file. b« Subsequent Deposits. - When the patient desires to make a subsequent deposit, he will present his copy of the certificate and the additional funds or valuables to the Custodian. 'The Custodian will withdraw the file copy of the deposit certificate. He will then itemize the additional funds or valuables and enter the date of receipt on both copies. The Custodian initials both copies to signify his receipt, returns the patient’s copy, and the file copy to the file.- In occasional cases, when subsequent deposits are made to a recipient other than the Custodian, as in the case of a bed patient, the intermediate recipient will give the patient a hand receipt to be retained until the patient’s certificate, bearing the Custodian’s initials, is returned. c, Withdrawals. - When a patient who has funds or valuables on deposit desires to make a partial withdrawal, he will present his copy of the Patient’s Deposit Certificate to the Custodian, The Cus- todian withdraws the file copy to insure that desired items have been left on deposit, and delivers them to the patient. Entry of the trans- action is made on both copies of the certificate. The patient initials trie withdrawal. The Custodian’s copy is returned to the file and the patient retains his copy. When the patient desires to withdraw all the funds and valuables on deposit, it is necessary only to enter the date and obtain his signature in the bottom space of Patient’s Deposit Certificate on the Custodian’s copy. The patient’s copy will be sur- rendered and destroyed following withdrawal. When the patient is con- fined to bed, or is otherwise prevented from appearing in person to withdraw' funds or valuables, he may delegate a substitute by usd of the Authorization for Release of Funds. 2 HR 1*0-1120 lu METHOD OF ACCOUNTING. - A Patient’s Fund Journal will be maintained as the official record of transactions. This journal will be maintained in accordance with TM 8-262, Chapter V0 REPORTSo - None 0 60 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - TM 8-262, 1 Jul 16, Chapter V, Patients’ Funds and Valuables. 7o RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: I 01AL^ RUSSELL 3. ''STEINHOUR Ma j or, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINI I OUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS N0o 40^1130 CRIIE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, 0hioo 1 January 194-6© HR 40-1130 DISPOSITION & CLEARANCE - PATIENTS Paragraphs Supervision© oooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooooaoo»»oo300o 1 Time of Discharge© oooooooooooooooooc>ooo9«oo999oooa9,>oooocooo90o90999999ooo ©4 Discharged Military Patients to Duty This Commando 0o0oo©„-©•©©.•0o 5 D is char ge of Pris oner Pat ients ©©©©©©©©c©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®© 6 Disposition of Insane Patientso©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©c©©©© 7 Notification to Soldier9a Commanding Officer and Surgean0©©.e©•©0© 8 Procedure When Patients are to be Separated From the Service© ©© 0 o0 9 Procedure When Patients are to be Transferred to Another Hospital„ 10 Record of Departureooooooooooooooooooooqooo©©©©©©#©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© 11 RepOrtSooooooooooo©oooooooooooooooooaooooooo©o»oooooooooo©()ooooooo 12 Authoritative References©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©a©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©*©©©©©©© 13 ReS C 5 S ionS ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©o,,,,© 14 10 « The Receiving and Disposition Officer will have supervision over the final discharge of patients from this hospital, all of whom will be cleared finally through his office upon departure0 All dispositions will be duly recorded by him on the daily admission and dis- position sheete 20 TIME OF DISCHARGEn « The time of discharge of the patient will be governed by transportation schedules and the destination of the patient,, ac A completed clearance sheet will be required for all patitnts who are being discharged from the hospital including duty personnel,. All bills of pay patients who are departing from the hospital will be paid at the clearance office during duty hours0 Patients leaving the hospital will obtain final clearance from the R & D office at the time of actual departure,, b0 All patients who are to be discharged after regular duty hours will complete their clearance before 1600 hours which will give clearance at time of actual discharge0 c0 Action regarding the disposition of cases will be initiated far enough in advance to permit the completion of the clearance sheet within the twenty-hours prior to the patient8s departure0 HR )[0-~l±30 d Clearance for litter cases and for patients in ciosed wards will he obtained by a ward attendant appointed by the ward surgeon, who will be designated to act for the patient concerned.., e, In the case of deceased patients, clearance will be obtained as in d above0 All unpaid bills will be referred to the designated officer for proper disposition; namely, (l) to Summary Court Officer in case of death; (2) to Fiscal Officer in case of officer* s or civilian unpaid bills., I4.0 PROCEDURES.. - (Other than on separation from service or transfer to another hospital)0 - a, Cases which have not appeared before the disposition boardc In such cases, the ward officer will complete the clinical record including the 5>5>A and Disposition Slip and forward it to the chief of service concerned,. The latter will review the clinical record and initial, if the discharge is approved . The record will then be forwarded to the registrar as his notification that the patient is ready to be discharged from the hospital0 b, Cases which have appeared before the disposition board, In all such cases, the approved disposition board proceeding is the notification to the registrar that the patient is ready to leave the hospital, and he will initiate arrangements accordingly-, Co If travel orders are not required, as for enlisted men and officers returning to duty this command, or military patients not on the active list, such as beneficiaries Veterans Administration, retired personnel, etc., or as for civilians, the registrar will no- tify the proper ward officer by telephone when the discharge of the patient is authorized The registrar will also notify the R & D office of the name of the patient to be discharged d. When travel orders are required, as for enlisted men and officers returning to duty at stations other than this command, the R & D office will prepare request for special orders Copies of the special orders directing the patient’s relief from further hos- pitalization and his return to his proper station or new station will be furnished by the adjutant to the commanding officer, detachment of patients, to the registrar, to the R & D officer, to patient’s per sonnel section, and to the patient The R & D officer will notify the ward officer of the date and hour of discharge and will request that the patient be instructed to report to the R & D Office when called, for accomplishment of necessary administrative procedures„ The R & D office will arrange transportation for the patient to the train0 2 DISCHARGE MILITARY PATTERTS TO DUTY THIS COLEIAND. a.. When it has been determined that a military patient is physically fit for return to duty at this command, the ward officer will close the clinical record and forward it to the chief of service concerned. The chief of service, or the assistant chief will review 2 HR RO >1.130 the record* initial it, if the discharge is .approved, and forward it to the office of the registrar„ bo Enlisted personnel returning to duty will report to the first sergeant of the service detachment who vdll make an appro- priate entry in the sick book* Commissioned personnel and personnel on an officer status will report to the military personnel officer who will take similar action0 60 DISCHARGE OF PRISONER PATIENTS, - The discharge of prisoner patients will follow the same procedure as outlined for the discharge of any other patient from the hospital0 However, when the R & D officer receives notification from the registrar that a prisoner is ready for discharge he will notify the Provost Marshal who will send an MoPo to the prison ward with written authorization for the release of the prisonero The M0P0 v/ill obtain clearance for the prisoner„ When this has been accomplished he v/ill escort the prisoner from the ward to the R & D Office and obtain final clearance» If the prisoner is not scheduled to leave the post, ho will be discharged to the guard house o DISPOSITION OP INSANE PATIENTS. - a. In the disposition of insane patients, the requirements of AH 600-100, both as to the patient and his effects, will be punc- tiliously complied wibhu The examination of the patient by the pre- scribed boards and the notification of the nearest relatives will be personally verified by the registrar. In every case, including those cases in which the notice prescribed in paragraph 9b, AR 600-100, does not apply, the nearest relative will be informed as to the disposition of the pat ion to b A medical attendant will invariably accompany as escort any insane patient transferred from this hospital cither to the custody of the patient* s relatives or to another hospital. The medical atten- dant will secure a receipt for the patient and his accompanying effects, indicating that the patient was received in good physical condition0 Co No insane patient will be discharged or transferred from the hospital without the knowledge of the Commanding Officer.:;, Im- mediately prior to the discharge of the patient the Chief of the N,P, service will cause patient to be stripped and examined physically. A notation will bo made on the progress note of the clinical record. 8o NOTIFICATION TO SOLDIER* 3 COMMANDING OFFICER AND SURGEON. - Pursuant to the instructions contained in paragraph ?b (3), AR UO-fTpO, on bhe date that a military patient has been discharged to duty, the registrar will notify the patient* s immediate commanding officer, in writing, on the prescribed form, through the surgeon of his station or commando 9 PROCEDURE WHEN PATIENTS ARB TO BE SEPARATED FROM THE SERVICE. - a, Enlisted Men. - For enlisted personnel, the procedure out- lined under TM 12-23i>* will be followed. 3 HR iiO-1130 bo Officers„ - In the case of officers found to be in- capacitated for further active duty by a disposition boards the ap- proved disposition board proceedings will be forwarded by the Commanding Officer to the Recorder of the Army Retirement Board0 Upon receipt the Recorder will order the appearance of the officer before the ARB0 10. PROCEDURE WHEN PATIENTS ARE TO BE TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER HOSPITAL. - ao When the transfer of a military patient to another hospital for observation and treatment is indicated,, the ward officer will complete CGH 6, Disposition Slip, with four copies of CGH 56, Transportation Request, with the approval of the chief of service and forward it to the R & D. When the registrar has obtained authorization for the transfer, he will make all necessary arrangements for trans- portation, notify the ward officer of the day the hour of departure, and request that the complete clinical record be submitted. The patient will receive a copy of his travel orders at the R & D Office when clearing immediately prior to departure. Ho RECORD OF DEPARTURE. - a, A record of the date and hour of departure and the type of disposition of each patient leaving the hospital will be kept by the H & D Office. This data will be used by him in the preparation of the daily A & D Sheet. 12o REPORTS. - a. Daily A & D Sheet. General distributiono 13o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, AR 1*0-590, Aug 55 3 Administration of Hospitals, General Provisionsc b. AR 600-500, May 55 ? Care and Disposition of Insane. a. TM 8-262, Feb 55 s Administration of Fixed Hospitals. (ZI) l5. RESCISSIONS. - a. None., BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL Bo STSINHOUR Major? MAG Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINIIOUR Maj or, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 1*0-111.0 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL. Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1>1*6 HR 1*0-111*0 TRANSFER RETFSEN FARES Paragraph Responsibility <, a,.,,.....«..«..... s . , ,.., 8. ,. 8,... „, 0 0 . ,, 1 Authority for Trans fer ,. „.„.. * „.. ., *,.,.. e,,... „, < ...., c „ 2 Interward Transfer Slip , a»* 3 Transfer of Patient and Records „ „-,o o , i* Disposition of Interward Trans Ter Slip . „0...... „.... s.. 0 9 . 9 Group Trans fers . •*,,« 6 Notice to Other Agencies „ c „ . ........ 7 Repor ts .,. c. 3 Authoritative Re Terences . 0. «, ... . ...... . . .„£ , ... , „, 0 . 9 Rescissions ..................................... , e 10 1° RESPONSIBILITY. - The Commanding Officer is responsible Tor the promulgation of basic policies pertaining to inter-ward transferso The chiefs of services will transmit such policies to the ward officers who will be responsible Tor their execution. The chiefs of services will provide such supervision and advice as may be necessary to enable the ward officers to assume the respon- sibility for such transfers with a minimum of supervision 2 AUTHORITY DOR TRANSFERS. - a In every case, the ward officers will, after consul- tation with chiefs of sections or services, take the necessary steps to accomplish inter-ward transfers„ They will be responsible for obtaining necessary concurrences, usually by telephone, and making the transfers without delay. b The following general rules concerning the concur- rences required will apply; (1) For transfers within a section, the concurrences of the ward officers concerned should bo sufficient0 (2) For transfers between sections within the same service, concurrences of chiefs of the sections may be 'required (3) In transfers between services, the concurrences of chiefs of the services may be required., c0 Whenever possible, such concurrences will be delegated to word officers o d0 In all instances, required concurrences for transfers should be secured by telephone which is the fastest possible means. 1 HR liO-llltO Signatures of chiefs of sections or services will therefore not be obtained routinely, but the signature of the ward officer initia- ting the transfer will constitute a certificate to the effect that all necessary concurrences have been obtained.. 3o INTERWARD TRANSFER SLIP, - Interward transfers will be accomplished by use of WD AGO Form 3-169, prepared in single copy only, i-o TRANSFER OF PATIENT AND RECORDS, - Except in emergencies, no patient will be transferred without a properly filled out and signed Interward Transfer Slip, In addition, the following records will be sent to the ‘receiving ward at the time of transfer: Clinical records X-rays, if kept on ward Bed card Ward locator card Restriction notice / or courts martial notice (if any) 9, DISPOSITION OF INTERWARD TRANSFER SLIP, - Upon completion of the transfer, the interward Transfer Slip will be forwarded to the information office where a record of the transfer will be en- tered on the locator card. At 2'i00 hours all Interward Transfer Slips pertaining to transfers accomplished during the day will be destroyed, 6C GROUP TRANSFERGe - Group transfers may be made by entering the information on one copy of WD AGO Form 8-l69o 7, NOTICE TO OTHER AGENCIES, - All offices maintaining lo- cator files will receive notice of the transfer from the Admission and Disposition Sheet, except the information office which is no- tified as outlined in paragraph in order that their records will be current at all times0 In this way, visitors may bo furnished with proper information as to the location of patients 8, REPORTS. - No regular reports required, 9o AUTHOHITATIVE REFERENCES„ - TM 8-262, 1 Jul h$. Chapter IV, Section I, Procedure for Interward Transfers,. 10„ RESCISSIONS. - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: /7^ Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 2 HR ii 0-1205 HO C I] .-I REGULATIONS 10. hO-1205 GRIPS -’F: ml pital, Cleve"! a;':-' 1 Jan any Iptc DETACHMENT OF PATIENTS BRANCH Paragraph General ............ .. 1 Classification of Pat!cnts .... „ ........... .. •* * 2 Functions of Detachment of Patients „........................ 3 Me per ts .................... r....... .................. h Authoritative References ......................... i« F Re sc is sions ...............«........ . 6 lo GENERAL. - Patients Detachment is a branch of the Patients Administrative Divisionc The Commanding Officer cf the Attachment of Patients is appointed by Special Orders and It is his respon- sibility to carry out the administrative policies pertoi ;ing to the patientso He will aid the patients with any problems t’n'-y may have . If he is unable to be of any assistance to them, he vFll refer the patients to the proper person,. 2. CL;. SSIFIC A YION OF PATIENTS. - All United 0 a .es Military Personnel who are admitted to the Hospital are placed in one of two categories in the Detachment of Patients: a„ Attached Unassigned: Those patients who are not carried by any other unit. b. Attached from Other Organizations: Those patients who arc currently assigned to another unit, but by reason of being a patient are attached to the Detachment of Patients* However, if a patient who is attached, has been absent sick from his organi- zation for ninety days he is relieved from assignment from his unit and is attached unassigned to the Patients Detachment* (MD Gir 280, 19liU) 3. FUIICTIQIIS OF HIS DETnGHMFFT OF PATIENTS. - a0 Passes, Convalescent Furloughs, Sick Leave: (See— HR liO-1230). bo Clothing and Baggage of Patients.(See—HR 10-1210 c, . Conduct of Patients. (See—HR I4O-I220) do Patients Pay; Although patients’ payrolls are pre- pared by the Patients Personnel Branch, it is the responsibility of the Commanding Officer of the Detachment of Patients to moke certain that all patients are paid on time. (See—HR / 0-MflO). HR 1/0-120F ho REPORTS. ~ The Detachment of Patients Branch will render a Morning Report (V/D AGO Form #l) daily, covering the period from 0001 and ending at 2,'tOO hours. This report will be prepared in bnree copies as soon as possible after 2lj00 hours of the Morning Report day. All personnel of the Army who are patients in the Hospital will be accounted for on the Morning Report. The dis- position of this report is as follows: (AR 3^a-H00) a* Original forwarded to the MRU of the Service Com- mand . bo Duplicate is retained by the reporting unite a. Triplicate is sent to the Unit Personnel Section of the Hospitalo 5. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 3ll5~UOO, 3 Fan u5, Military Records, be Circular 2B0, 6 July Ijli, Assignment of Hospital Patientso c„ HR h0-1210 GGH, 1 Jan p6, Clothing and Baggage of Patients« ds HR GGH, 1 Jan J|6, Conduct of Patients. Oo HR l|.0-1230 GGH, 1 Jan h6, Passes, Convalescent Fur- loughs, Sick Leave0 f, HR ) 10-1310 GGH, 1 Jan )| 6, Pay of Patients-EM . 6. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STSINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO5, i;0-1210 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9S Ohio 1 January I9I46 HR qO-A 2..0 CLOTHING AND BAGGAGE OF PATIENTS Paragraph Supervision and Location . „««» „ „ <>,.,«......»«. <>.» •». • •. <>. <>. * 1 Procedure on Admission 0 o ., ..*«0 c •.«,... , <> <>«„ »«,», * 0 »u <>. •»». 2 Wearing of Hospital Clothing when Present in Hospital by Patients on Enlisted Status 0.. », coo 3 Retention of Clothing and Property by Patients on Enlisted Status 0 <><>»<, •„ ,»<>... * „»»«............. 0., „ o«o , o <> I). Baggage of Patients Admitted from Trains or Planes o.«e o o 5> Withdrawal of Effects from Patients’ Baggage Room , e •«. „ „ „ 6 Patients’ Baggage Room Facilities Available to Officer Status and Women Patients , ,,. ,, c . . ,,.... , 0»s»0 ,, 7 Checking of Baggage Room Records ,«-. „ ■.,« . „«•.. •. • B Reports 0*00, coo e*oo«,o , , o o , c a . . o • o e o o c o o • o « o c . o o o . o o o • . • c 9 Authoritative References „..., , ,»«. » •. <,«o e <. .....«* 0.0•- ® ,*,,•» 10 Rescissions 0 „ ., ■»«». .... . .. ,.., „ t e .11 1 SUPERVISION AHD LOG AT 103 i 0F_ PATIENTS’ I: AUG/ GE_H00K* ~ The Patients’ Clothing Room is located in Building It is centralized and its use is for all the enlisted patients in the Hospitalo The Clothing Room will be open 2h hours a day« The Baggage Room is located in Building #6?"a and its purpose is to keep all the barracks bags, footlockers and other bulky baggage of the patientso The Clothing and Baggage Room will function under the immediate supervision of the CO of the Detachment of Patients * 2c PROCEDURE ON ADMISSION, a, After a patient has been admitted he will proceed on to the Clothing Room where the attendant on duty will carefully inventory all such effects except as provided in Par 1| below and will list them in duplicate on a WD AGO Form 8-111„ Patient will be required to sign both copies, acknowledging its correctness0 If he is unable to sign, the appropriate notation will be made thereon by the person making the inventory« The attendant on duty in the Patients’ Clothing Room will sign both copies—retain the original and deliver the duplicate to the Patient, Under no cir- cumstances will clothing be kept on the ward, 3o WEARING OF HOSPITAL CLOTHING WHEN PRESENT IN HOSPITAL 51 PATIENTS ON ENLISTED STATUS, - a. When a patient has delivered his clothing and per- sonal effects to the Patients’ Baggage Room, he will be furnished one suit of hospital pajamas and one bathrobe, and his receipt for same will be taken by the attendant at the Patients’ Baggage Room, If he is not able to sign such a receipt, a notation to that effect will be made. He may be permitted to retain his shoes, underclothing, 1 HR 40-1210 two pairs of socks, waist belt and the necessary toilet articles*. These personal items will not be included in the inventory, (See Par iirh below) b. Patients on an enlisted status are prohibited from wearing other than hospital clothing while in any buildings per- taining to the Hospital, except that convalescent patients, other than those confined in the Neuropsychiatric Section, may wear such personal underclothes, shoes, socks, waist belts and head cover- ing as they have in their possession. However, patients in poses- sion of pass or furloughs may wear uniforms immediately prior to departure or upon return until change can be made, c. Ambulant patients on an enlisted status while in the ward will be clothed habitually in pajamas, socks, slippers or shoes, and if they so desire, a convalescent suit which must be clean and in good state of repair and buttoned at all times, d. 'When an ambulant patient on enlisted status leaves his ward, the Medical Department Convalescent suit will be worn in lieu of the Convalescent suit. Except as noted below, this will be the Patients’ dress at all times on the grounds and in the build- ings to which he has access, except going and returning to the reser- vation on authorized pass, e. Patients will wear their personal outer clothing when leaving and returning to the reservation on authorized pass and when attending dances at the Red Cross House, At all times they will be neat, clean, and in good state of repair. It, RETENTION OF CLOTHING AND PROPERTY BY PATIENTS ON ENLISTED STATUS* - Except as noted hereafter, no articles of personal clothing or property will be retained on the wards by patients on an enlisted status during stay in Hospital, Patients will be re- quired to turn in to the Patients’ Baggage Room any such articles found in their possession by any of the ward personnel on duty in the ward. Patients whose physical and mental condition permit them to leave the ward may be granted permission by the ward officer to retain the following articles: 1 Pair of shoes 1 Hat or cap 2 Pairs of socks 2 Suits of underclothing 1 Waist bolt Necessary toilet articles Patients will be informed that these articles are for their personal comfort and that they will be responsible for any sub- sequent loss of them, 5, BAGGAGE OF PATIENTS ADMITTED FROM TRAINS OR PLANES, - a. Patients admitted from trains or planes will be asked 2 HR 1*0-1210 at the Receiving Office if they have any baggage other than that •which Accompanies them at the time of admission,. If so, they will be requested to deliver the baggage checks to the R & D where a record showing the check number,, full name,, rank, organization, and ward number of the patient will be made0 These checks will be held and delivered by the R & D to the Quartermaster Baggage Driver on his next trip, having him acknowledge receipt for sameo Such Baggage will be returned by the Quartermaster Driver to the Baggage Room where attendant will acknowledge receipt for same0 b0 When such baggage is received at the Baggage Room, the patient, if he be ambulant, will be required to inspect such baggage and assist in inventory of any baggage which is not sealed by his own lock and key0 He and the attendant together will see that all additional items are added to both copies of the WD AGO Form 8-111 and will acknowledge these additions by their initials opposite the items listed on each copy0 If the patient is not physically or mentally able to do this, a notation to this effect on both oopies of WD AGO Form 8-111 will be made0 60‘ WITHDRAWAL OF EFFECTS FROM PATIENTS* CLOTHING ROOM* - a0 Clothing of patients departing on pass or furlough may be withdrawn by the patients on presentation of approved pass or furlougho When such withdrawals are made, if they take with all items listed on WD AGO Form No 8-111 the duplicate of the form, receipted and signed by the patient, will be returned bo the Patients® Baggage Room0 If they make a partial withdrawal, taking with them only such items as they need for wearing apparel while on pass or furlough, a receipt for same will be given to the attendant at the Patients® Baggage Room if openQ In either case, the attendant on duty in the Patients1 Baggage Room will again take, charge of the clothing which was withdrawn and return to the patient the receipt which he gave for same. bo Patients will be required, when discharged from the hospital, to take with them all of their clothing and personal effectso When they are ready to depart they will present to the attendant at the Patients1 Baggage Room the duplicate copy of WD AGO Form 8-111, receipted by themselves» The attendant in the Baggage and Clothing Room will have been previously notified os to which patients are due to leave„ Co All patients going on pass or furlough or being discharged from the Hospital, will be required to deliver at the Patients1 Baggage Room one suit of hospital pajamas and one bath- robe for which they will receive their receipt for sarae0 do Upon the death of a patient, all money and valuables will be secured by the Ward Officer and turned over to the Custodian of Patients1 Fund immediately0 All personal effects of the deceased, other than valuables, which are in the ward will be inventoried on V.D AGO Form 8-111, in duplicate, by the Ward Officer, or in his 3 HR U0-1210 absence by the Officer of the Day attending the deatho He •will cause these effects, together with both copies of W'D AGO Form 8-111, to be delivered as soon as possible to the Patients’ Bag- gage Room where the duplicate WD AGO Form 8-111 will be receipted„ Clothing and baggage of deceased patients will be delivered from the Patients' Baggage Room only on the order of the Commanding Officer of the Detachment of Patients« Proper receipt will be secured by the attendant at the Patients’ Baggage Room from the person to whom he delivers same. e0 Clothing of patients may be withdrawn for purposes other than indicated in a, b, c, and d above only on presentation of a request approved by the Ward Officer and the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients. When clothing is withdrawn by patients for the purpose of cleaning, "Clothing Withdrawal Slip from Patients Baggage Room", will be used. The Ward Officer will see that the clothing is promptly returned to the Baggage Room as soon as the cleaning is completedo ?0 PATIENTS' BAGGAGE ROOM FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO OFFICER STATUS AND WOMEN PATIENTS. - ao While patients on officer status or women patients are not required to deposit their clothing in the Patients’ Bag- gage Room, the facilities of the Baggage Room are available to them for safekeeping of trunks and hand baggage, and they may deposit clothing and other effects not classed as valuables in the same manner described in Par 2 above Trunks or barracks bags will not be permitted in any ward. bo On admission patients on officer status and women patients arriving by train or plane wall be questioned as to additional baggage as directed in Far So When they are found to have such baggage, it will be handled in the manner directed in Par So Co Patients on officer status and women patients, when they have clothing and effects stored in the Patients’ Baggage Room, will withdraw them as prescribed in Par 6. 8 o CHECKING OF BAGGAGE ROOM RECORDS. - The Admission and Disposition records on each ward will be checked daily by the at- tendant in charge of the Patients* Baggage Room to ascertain if any patient has departed, leaving his baggage behind. When baggage of this nature is found, report will bo immediately furnished the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, for appropriate action. 9. REPORTS, - None. 10c AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. a0 AR )R)~-5>90, 29 Aug Administration of Hospitals. k HR 1*0-1210 b. Memo #13 CGI!, 29 May 1*5, Storage of Patients1 Clothing <2c Baggage., U, RESCISSIONS. - a. H.h. Grile Sen Hosp, IS Feb I*'*, Clothing & Baggage of Patients* bo Memo #29 CGH, 2? Nov 1*5, Procedure for Storage of Patients' Clothing„ BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. ST’S INHOUR Major, MAC Ad jut an t HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 1*0-1220 ) HR It0-1220 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19'!i6 CONDUCT OF PATIENTS Paragraphs Policy Governing0s o *•. 1 Compliance with Orders from Competent Authority ,,,,,,,,, 2 Absence from Wards and Hospital « 3 Quietness in Wards to bo Maintained k Lights Out in Ward ,, ... .. £ Gambling , ■ , - . . 6 Use of Liquors or Habit Forming Drugs „„. „ « 7 Financial Dealings with Hospital Personnel „ c,,, 8 Conduct at Meals , 9 Wearing of Hospital Clothing ««,oU...10 Throwing of Trash on Porches or in Corridors 11 Convalescent Patients Available for Light Duty 12 Conduct of Patients in Isolation Wards . , .c,; ,,,,,,,, 13 Visiting Other Patients ,,, ,,,,,,,, Ik Complaints ,, ■ , ,,,,,,,*, . •,, u l£ General ., ............. ,3 ,, t ,,,,,,, 0, 16 Regulations to be Made Known to Patients , 17 Enforcement of These Regulations „..., 18 Ropor ts 19 Authoritative References , ,,. , . - 0, 20 Rescissions e. , 21 I* POLiCY GOVERNIMG» - Upon admission to this Hospital, all patients, irrespective of status, come under the jurisdiction of the Commanding Officer of the Hospitals Those patients affected by matters pertaining to duty, pay, clothing, passes, furloughs or disciplinary action are, for such purposes, under the immediate control of the Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients, Insofar os treatment is concerned, all patients are under the immediate control of the Ward Officer to which the patient is assigned, 2, COMPLIANCE uITH ORDERS FROM PROPER AUTHORITIES REQUIRED, - Compliance with all orders from the Ward Officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, wardmastors and all other persons to whom property has been delegated is required, 3, ABSENCE FROM WARDS AND HOSPITAL. - a. All patients will be present for morning rounds of the Ward Officer and at such other times as may bo required, unless excused. Patients will not leave the ward without permission of the Ward Officer or Nurse in charge before 1200 hours (noon) and will not leave the Hospital reservation without a pass. Patients on an enlisted status will be on their wards prior to 2200 hours. Exception is made for those patients on an authorized pass or in attendance at entertainments at the Red Gross House who will return 1 HR 1*0-1220 to their wards prior to expiration of the pass or upon cessation of the entertainment, and those patients who obtain permission from the Ward Nurse to make phone calls from the Telephone Center, However, those patients making phone calls must return to their respective wards by 2300 hours, b. Patients will not visit the barracks of any of the Detachments on duty at this hospital, h. QUIETNESS IN WARDS TO BE MAINTAINED, - Quiet hours for rest periods will be observed on all wards between 1000 and 1100 hours and between 1300 and 11*00 hours every day. During these rest periods there will be no boisterous activities or playing of radios or musical instruments. The Ward Officers and all duty personnel will be responsible for the enforcement of these regulations, 5, LIGHTS OUT. - As a military installation this Hospital will comply with taps at 2300 hours, (AH 210-10, Par 26) Overhead lights will be turned off at 2200 hours and all bedside lights v/ill be put out at 2300 hours. All radios will be turned off at 2300 hours, When lights arc extinguished absolute quietness is required. Patients returning from post entertainments or from pass will be quiet entering the ward. Violations of these regulations will be reported and punishable by summary action, 6, GAMBLING. - Patients are prohibited from gambling with each other or with hospital personnel in wards or any other parts of the hospital, 7, USE OF LIQUORS OR MBIT FORMING DRUGS, - The use, pos- session and introduction of alcoholic liquors or habit-forming drugs by patients in this Hospital is prohibited, 0, FINANCIAL DEALINGS WITH HOSPITAL PERSONNEL, - Patients will not have financial dealings with officers, nurses, enlisted men and women or civilian employees on duty at this Hospital, 9, CONDUCT AT MEALS, - Patients authorized to cat in the Patients’ Mess will not congregate about the doors of the Mess Hall but will form in line. The line will start forming not earlier than five minutes before the specified meal hours. Patients will be quiet and orderly at all times during the serving of meals, and upon finishing will leave the Mess Hall and vicinity immediately. Meal hours will be as published from time to time, 10, WEARING OF HOSPITAL CLPTHING. - a. Patients on an enlisted status are prohibited from wearing other than hospital clothing while in hospital unless just admitted, going or arriving from pass or furlough in which case, authenticated papers must be in their possession. However, con- valescent patients may wear such underwear, socks and shoes as they were permitted to retain upon their admission. 2 HR hO-1220 bo Patients are forbidden to wear any article of hos- pital clothing such as pajamas and convalescent suits in place of underwear or otherwise while on pass, Ho THROWING TRAiR OR FOHCiISS OR IN X'RRIDORo. - Cigarette butts, burnt matches, old paper and other trash will not be thrown on porches or on the H >or of corridors or other parts of this hospital. Trash containers have been provided in all parts of the hospital and will be used for their intended purposes at all times, 12, CONVALESCENT x RfRITE AVAIL RLE 1-‘0R LIGHT DUTY, - Con- valescent patients arc avail*-! le for light duty under provisions of Par 2, b, (2;, AH -jO-o90 which reads as fellows: "By order of the Commanding Officer of the Hospital, and under direction of the Commander of the Detachment of Patients, Convalescent Patients may be employed to perform such light duty in and about the hospital as may be of therapeutic value or which may tend to improve their physical condition", 13. GOIIDUCT OF PATIENTS IN ISOLATION CARDS, - Upon admission to the isolation wards of this Hospital, patients will be assigned to the proper room by the bard Officer and thereafter will remain in that room or, when permitted, on the porch immediately in front of it, 'bard Officers in charge of isolation wards will personally instruct patients on admission to this effect* 1 ViolTIRO OTHER I' TIEOTE, - Patients will, not be permitted to visit on other wards of the Hospital except during regular visit- ing hours, 1'jOO to 1600 hours—-1800 to 2100 hours, and then only by permission of the bard Officer or Nurse in charge. (HR l:'—h5) 1%3 COMPLAINTS, - Patients having complaints will be granted a hearing by the Ward Officer, who will institute such action as he may consider appropriate or refer the matter to the proper authori- ty. 16. GENERAL* - Patients are to remain on the ward or in the Patients’ day room unless they have permission to be elsewhere* Patients will not enter or loiter in the nurses’ or Ward Officer’s offices. They will not go into the supply closet, utility room, or kitchen on the ward and will refrain from handling any equipment in those rooms unless specifically directed to do so, 17, REGINA TIONS TO BE MADE KNOWN TO PATIENTS, - A copy of these regulations will be placed on all bulletin boards or other conspicuous place in each ward and all patients upon admission to a ward will be instructed to read them so that they may be fully informed in regard to their provisions. HR hO-1220 18* ENFORCEMENT OF THESE REGULATIONS* - All officers, nurses, non-commissioned officerswardmasters and other personnel having jurisdiction over patients in hospital vjill be held strictly ac- countable for the enforcement of these regulations 19n REPORTS, - None, 20 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, AR ijO-990, 29 Aug Uii> Administration of Hospitals, bo HR CGH, 1 Jan Visitors and Visiting Hours, 21, - a, HR Crile Gen Hosp, l£ Feb )|)i, Conduct, b, HR Crile Gen Hosp (Change #10), 19 Bee U$9 Conduct. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONi RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 1*0-1230 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 191*6 HR 1|0-1230 PASSES, FURLOUGHS, AND SICK LEAVES - PATIENTS Paragraph Passes, General Policy ..,..... ..................... ......, 1 Classifiestion ........... 2 Procedure for Gran ting Passes ............................. 3 Convalescent Furloughs ,.............., I* Furloughs, Ordinary 9 Sick Leaves, Officer Patients 6 Reports „.........................., 7 Authoritative References ......«. a, 8 Rescissions 9 1. PASSES, GENERAL POLICY, - Patients in this Hospital will be granted passes when in the opinion of the Ward Officer it will benefit his convalescence and when studies and treatment will in no way he interrupted by absence from the Hospital. Patients in closed or isolated wards will not be granted passes. 2, CLASS1FIGATIQN. - All patients will be required to have a pass before leaving this military reservatione Regular passes will be granted from 1200 to 2300 hours daily0 Weekend passes will be granted from 1200 hours on Saturday until 1200 hours Monday« Overnite passes will be granted only to those patients whose family lives in the immediate vicinitya 30 PROCEDURE FOR GRAFTING PASSES, - aa Patients within wards who are eligible for passes will request same from Ward Officer by signing WD AGO Form 8-171 which will be posted on the bulletin board of each ward daily0 Before the Ward Officer approves this pass list by affixing his signature at the bottom, he will make certain that those patients are not committed with ap- pointments before any boards, under restriction for disciplinary measures, awaiting courts-martial, or undergoing court sentence, or have appointments with clinics, laboratories, professional consultants, or are on orders to depart from this Station, If the patients have any of the above commitments, their names will be crossed from the pass list, bo From this approved list the wardmaster will complete in duplicate WD AGO Form #7 (Enlisted Men Passes) and submit them along with the approved pass list to the Commanding Officer of the Detachment of Patients for approval twenty-four hours before starting time of the pass. No passes will he accepted without approved list. The wardmaster will pick up originals of passes two hours before they are scheduled to begin. Duplicates will be filed in the Detachment of Patients Office, 1 HR UO-1230 Co Passes mil be chocked daily by the ] st Sgt of De- tachment of Patients and he will list all those who have failed to return or arrived late* Absentees will again bo checked 2h hours later and this list will be submitted to the Commanding Officer of Detachment of Patients for disciplinary action deemed necessary, }[. CONYALBSCSKT FURLOUGHS. - a. Convalescent furloughs will be granted enlisted patients at this Hospital in accordance with AR 613-273 and other current War Department Directives, b. Personnel eligible for convalescent furlough will initiate V.D AGO Form 8-170, Absence Request, Ward Officer will approve or disapprove and then submit it to Chief of Service who will forward approved request to Commanding Officer, Detachment of Patients for final approval. Furlough papers will then be pre- pared by the Detachment of Patients’ Office6 The completed fur- lough will be sent to Admission and Disposition Office, where fur- lough will be picked up by the individual concerned0 From the duplicate of furlough the A & D Office will extract necessary in- formation for A & D sheet and then return same to Detachment of Patients' Office for file in suspense file, 3 o FURLOUGH, ORDINARY.. - Ordinary furloughs for enlisted patients will be issued only in exceptional circumstances. When such furlough is deemed necessary, the same procedure outlined in Par h above will be followed. 6, SICK LEAVES, OFFICER P:\TIEHTS, - Sick leaves will be granted officer patients in accordance with AR 603-ll><> Steps neces- sary to acquire sick leaves are as follows: a, Officer will submit completed WD AGO Form 0-170 to Ward Officer, b0 Ward Officer will forward application with his recommendation to the Chief of Service, c. Chief of Service will transmit application to Registrar, if he approves, d. Registrar will send application to Executive Officer for final action. e. Approved sick leave will be issued on Grile General Hospital Special Orders, copies of which are sent to R & D, f0 R & D notifies officer patient who will pick up his special orders. 2 HR kO-1230 7. REPORTS. - None, 8 * AUTHOR ITA TIV£ REFERENCES. - a, AR 615-275, 2 Sept uUAuthorized Absence6 bo AR 605-115, 9 Nov 1|_5, Leave of Absence and Delay0 9o RESCISSIONS. - a0 HR Crile Gen Hosp, 15 Fob ).j.U, Procedure for Granting Passes. bo HR Crile Gen Hosp, 1? Apr hh} Procedure for Granting Passes. BY ORDER 0TF COLONEL EMERSON; Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 3 HR 40-1240 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO, 40-1240 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 AWOL CONTROL POLICY FOR PATIENTS Paragraph AWOL C £ficer s............®......... .. 1 Procedure on Admission.,.. , . 2 Checking of Clothes . ... 3 Orientation Talks 4 AWOL Film Strip 5 Interviews by Ward Officers ............. 6 Passes and Furloughs D i s c ip 1 ino 8 Reports . 9 Authoritative Reference 10 Rescissions. 11 1° AWOL OFFICERS. - An officer will be designated by Special Orders as AWOL Officer whose duty is to coordinate and supervise the AWOL program. (Memo 49, 5th SvC). The following procedure will be used as the AWOL Control Policy for this Hospital. 2. PROCEDURE OH ADMISSION. - Upon admission to the R & D Office, each patient will be given a Brochure titled "What’s On Your Mind Soldier", This pamphlet gives the patient a clear picture of activ- ities and policies of this Hospital, He is also issued a pamphlet "Take it From Me” which deals with AWOLS. 3c CHECKING OF CLOTHES, - When admitted, patients check their clothing in the Central Clothing room located near the R & D Build- ing, Their clothing remains in this room at all times only being removed when attendants are presented with a pass or furlough from the patient, or written request from the Ward Nurse for the purpose of cleaning. However, clothing let out for cleaning will be re- turned within seven days. 4, ORIENTATION TALKS« - Orientation talks will be scheduled each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0830 hours for all newly ad- mitted patients. These talks will be given in two parts by Officers who are thoroughly indoctrinated. a. Orientation Talk $1, - Given to make clear what a patient can expect from the Hospital and what the Hospital expects from a patient. It will cover more thoroughly the subjects con- tained in the brochure which is given to each patient upon admis- sion, Particular attention will be paid to inform the patients that the Hospital is a military organization and as patients, they are subject to the same rules and discipline as in any other mil- itary unit. HR 40-1240 ho Orientation Talk #2, - "Indoctrination of Personal Its purpose being to infora the soldier about his personal record and to demonstrate to him the value of keeping his record clean both while in the Army and after he returns to civilian life® This talk will bring out the number of records which are affected when a man goes AWOL. Pamphlet "Take It From Me” will be discussed in full. * c. During these talks there will be AWOL slides which shows punishment and consequences of anyone who goes AWOL. These slides depict the loss of time to be made up. Loss of pay and records involved when- ever a man leaves ’without permission. 5. AWOL FILM STRIP. - At all patients* movies at the Red Cross there is attached to the beginning of the feature film a small film strip which reads, "AWOLS ARK PUNISHABLE BY COURTS-MARTIAL, DON'T GO AWOL”. 60 INTERVIEWS BY WARD OFFICERS. - As soon as possible after ad- mission, each patient will bo interviewed by the Ward Officer„ This interview will be so conducted as to establish a close doctor-patient relationship and to make the patient feel free to discuss with his ’Ward Officer any problems personal or otherwise, that he (the patient) may have. The Ward Officer will impress upon the patient the necessity for thorough examination and immediate treatment which will require time but that the patient will be given a furlough, if necessary, as soon as his condition permits. Ward Officers will definitely remind the patient that he is still in an army installation and is subject to same rules and regulations as any other Army unit. The Ward Officer will impress upon the patient that to absent himself without leave will be punishable by courts-martial, in which case his personal records will show that fact and his pay will also be affected. 7o PASSES AND FURLOUGHS„ - Passes and Furloughs will be issued only upon approval from the Ward Officer who will ascertain to the patient's physical fitness. When granted a furlough, each patient will be issued a War Department pamphlet $21-16 entitled, "So You've Got a Furlough" and "Private Jerk". Also issued at that time is a leaflet entitled, ’’INFORMATION FOR ENLISTED MEN FURLOUGHS AND PASSES". 80 DISCIPLINE. - Disciplinary action for AWOL cases among patients will be certain, prompt and adequate in severity and uniform in appli- catioru Courts-martial will only be resorted to where action under 104th Article of War is inadequate0 While due consideration will be given to services rendered by the patient when overseas, disciplinary action will be taken in aii cases. 9c REPORTS0 - AWOLS are reported daily by letter to Hq, 5th SvCo >2‘ HR 40-1240 10o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. Memo 4S Hq, 5th SvC, 17 May 1945, AWOL Program for Hospitals. b« HR 40-1230 CGH, 1 Jan 1946, Passes, Convalescent Furloughs and Sick Leave. H• RESCISSIONS. - None. 3Y ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON t e:ciALi n / RUSSELL 3 STEINKOUR Major., MAC Adi utarru RUSSELL B STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 3 HR 40-1305 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 40-1305 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 PATIENTS PERSONNEL BRANCH Paragraph General .......... .......... 1 Process ing ........ 2 Review of Service Record . 3 Transfer of Service Record...... . 4 Authoritative References. 5 Rescissions. 6 1. GENERAL» - Patients Personnel Branch embraces all activi- ties requiring changes of, or entries in the service record; is responsible for and charged with the proper posting of items, the transfer and closing of the service record. 2. PROCESSING. - All patients, both ambulatory and non-ambu- latory, are processed within 48 hours after admission to this hospital. In the presence of authorized personnel, he is permitted to review his service record and question any entry therein. Im- mediate steps are taken to correct any errors or omissions. The patient is permitted to review his record during office hours at any future date. 3. REVIEW OF SERVICE RECORD. - Upon receipt of service record it is carefully checked by trained personnel for proper entries. Locater cards are checked against the service record and corrected where necessary. 4. TRANSFER OF SERVICE RECORD. - In the case of patients arriving without service record, and it is not received within 15 days, a request for service record is forv/arded to the Ad- jutant General’s Office in accordance with existing Army Regu- lations. In those cases where the patient does not arrive within 15 days after receipt of his records, the records are forv/arded to the Adjutant General’s Office. 5. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 545, 5 Aug 1944, Personnel Management - Personnel Records. b. TM 12-230, Oct 1944, Service Records0 c. TM 12-230A, Sep 1945, Service Records. HR 40-1205 6“ RESCISSIONS - Nonoo BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONj RUSSELL B« STEINIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINIiOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR Ii0-13i0 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. iiG-1310 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9. Ohio 1 January 19hb PAY OF PATIENTS - ENLISTED HEN Paragraph General . . „» 1 Da ily Payrolls * * a e.* •.. 0,.«... * *.,., 2 Monthly Payrolls e*..o*.3 Closed Ward Payrolls ............,.. *., ,..,,.,..,,. ..,,. 0,,.* * U Par tia 1 Payments ,, * * * <>.. ..»<>................ •........ ,....., a 5 Final Payrolls ...o*..,........... .. 6 Repayment of Soldier’s Deposits 7 Authoritative References ........... 9 8 Rescissions......,.,. „.** *.................... Q lo GENERAL. - The payment of the enlisted patients at this General Hospital is the primary function of this office, and inas- much as there are many types of payrolls each will be broken down, 20 DAILY PAYROLLS. - Three times a week service records of new patients are processed, and in the case of patients without service records, affidavits are initiated and signed by the patient. All per- tinent pay data is entered on a pay data card giving such information as enlisted man’s name, rank, serial number, years of service, date of last full payment, and any entries to be charged or credited to enlisted man’s pay account* This information is then transcribed from the pay data card to a payroll (1VD AGO Form No 366) and forwarded to the Finance Office for computation and payment* These rolls are paid within four days after arrival of enlisted men at this station* 3o MONTHLY PAYROLLS0 - The tenth day of each month the base payroll for the month is started This payroll is made up for all patients and is in rank and alphabetical order. All information is transcribed from the pay data card to WD AGO Form No 366, as in the case of the daily payrolls, and upon completion is forwarded to the Finance Office for computation and payment on the last day of each montho Such additional pay as furlough rations, Combat Infantry Pay, Expert Infantry Pay, Medical Badge Pay, etc., are paid together with accrued pay for the month. In the case of enlisted men who are in- debted and cannot draw a full pay, a partial payment of $10*00 per month is allowed until indebtedness is collected* k CLOSED LARD PAYROLL. - This payroll is initiated for those enlisted men in closed wards who are not paid in full. Information pertaining to pay is transcribed from the pay data card to WD AGO Form No 366, which, upon completion, is forwarded to the Finance Office for computation and payment. This pay is all accrued pay for the period each enlisted man is entitled to, and upon payment these checks are hold in safekeeping in the Finance Office* However, each 1 hit l0- ±3 C patient is entitled to a partial payment of $2 00 when In need Tn , nurse, or ward personnel will call this office giving the patient s name and rank 5- PARTIAL PAYMENTS» - These payments are intended primarily "or those enlisted men who are indebted and those patients in closed wards who cannot bo paid in full, WD AGO Form the partial payment form,, is initiated and the enlisted man takes it to the Finance Office, signs the form, and is paid in cash immediately. In the case of partial payments of patients on closed wards, the WD AGO Form li|-5>7 is initiated after this office has been notified by ward personnel. The paying officer takes this form to the Finance Office, collects the proper amount of cash and takes it to the respective closed ward to pay each patient whose name was submitted 6, FINAL PAYROLLSc - These payrolls are initiated for men being discharged from the military service under the provisions of Section I AR 615-361 (Certificate of Disability Discharge) There are three types which are broken down as follows: a Hen Being Discharged to Own Care. - These patients are discharged for disability other than psycho-neurosis« The day after the patient appears before the Board for Certificate of Disability Discharge a payroll is initiated from the pay data card and the ser- vice record, crediting enlisted man with all due pay, travel allow- ance to the local board at which he was inducted, or to the point at which he enlisted, and Mustering-out paymentc An individual payroll is initiated for each patient on WD AGO Form No 372a and is submitted upon completion to the Finance Office for computation,. This payroll is paid the day of discharge before the man departs this station, and is paid in part cash and the balance in check form for safety against loss o b0 Men Discharged to Care of Relatives or to Veterans Ad ministration Facility as Mentally Competent - These patients are discharged as mentally competent, however, are released to the custody of relatives or a Veterans Administration Facility for continued care The payrolls are initiated for these men in the same manner as the payrolls of men going to their own care, however, after computation by the Finance Office all duo pay is forwarded together with the Honorable Discharge Certificate (WD AGO Form No 55) to the relative or to the respective Veterans Administration Facility, to be given to the patient at such time as he is in need of it, c° Men Discharged to Care of Relatives or to Veterans Administration Facility as Mentally Incompetent0 - These patients have been declared mentally incompetent to sign commercial papers by the Board of Officers who comprise the 600-500 Insanity Board, These payrolls are initiated on WD AGO. Form No 371? crediting enlisted man with only accrued pay When transportation is furnished by uhe Government to the Veterans Administration Facility, or home of relative, enlisted man is not paid a travel allowance, A form, the Certificate of Entitlement to Mustering-out Payment, is initiated for each man and is forwarded to the Finance Officer, U, S. Army, Washington 25, D C 2 HR uO x31C It will be necessary for the legal guardian of enlisted man to make claim to this office in order to receive this money. All back pay which has been held for patient is forwarded by the Finance Offj to the General Accounting Office* Washington 25 D C > as is the pay credited on the final payment roll The legal guardian must also make claim for this money-, If* after discharge* patient is declared mentally competent to handle his own affairs he may make claim for all pay by enclosing a statement from his physician stating that in the physicianvs opinion the patient is mentally competent to handle his own affairs The Honorable Discharge Certificate is for- warded immediately after it has been initiated to the Veterans Adminis- tration Facility or to the relative to whom patient was discharged 7 REPAYMENT OF SOLDIERSS DEPOSITS . This money may be with- drawn by the patient by first going to the Commanding Officer of the Detachment of Patients and requesting withdrawal When permission has been granted in letter form a payroll is initiated giving dates and amounts of deposits which the patient wishes to withdraw The Sol- dier s Deposit Book must accompany this payroll* and in the case where patient was never issued a Soldier* s Deposit Book* or in case of loss of Soldier s Deposit Book* an affidavit must be initiated and signed by the patient to the effect that he has not withdrawn this money on any prior date This payroll is forwarded to the Finance Office 58 hours before payment. The patient is notified when to collect this money* plus an}' interest that is due 8 AUTHORITATIVE R5FERENCES0 - References used by this office are as follows: AR 35-1550* 1? Nov 55, Loss of Pa}' During Absence Due to Disease AR 35-1-595* 1 Dec Up Additional Pay for Parachute Duty AR 35-1500* 8 Oct 52* Pay for Distinguished Service Awards- AR 35-2350* 8 Feb 55, General Provisions Governing Pay of Enlisted Personnel AR 35-2360, 7 Dec 55* Pay of Enlisted Personnel - Longevity Pay AR 35-1520* 25 Feb 53* Payment of Furlough Rations* as amended AR 355=755 8 Jun 55* Soldier-s Deposit Book and Report of Soldier’s Deposits* os amended AR 355-155* 15 Jan 53* Preparation of Ar y Payrolls AR 355-575* 6 Nov 55, Final Payment Voucher 3 HR 1,0-1310 AR 6l£-36l* Section I* l\ Nov iiU, Discharge. VVD Cir 367* I9UU5 Sec V* 9 Sep iii, Glider Flight, WD Cir 19hh, Sec III* 29 Dec hh, Foreign Service, WD Cir 106, 19li5, Sec IV* I4. Apr 1|3* Payrolls, UP Cir 131* 19hS, Sec V* 1 May 1|9, Payrolls, WD Cir 1916, Sec III, 31 Dec 16, Hospital. AD Cir 229* 19h$, Sec II* 28 Jul Medical Badge. WD Cir 29h, 19h%, Sec IV, 2? Sep 1{5>* Hospital. . WD Cir 335>, 19U55 Sec II, 3 Nov ii5* Deposit. WD Cir 3U9, 19ii£5 Sec IV, 21 Nov i|£* Discharge. TM lIt-302, Jan 19U5* 9o RESCISSIONS. - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: (^^SE Major* MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major* MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. liO-1320 ) HR UO-1320 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 95 Ohio 1 January 1996 ALLOTMENTS AND DEDUCTIONS - ENLISTED PATIENTS Paragraph General . 1 Procedure for Class E, D and N Allotmen' j 2 Procedure for Glass F Deduction 3 Procedure for Glass B Allotments [4 Waiver of Insurance Premium 9 Insurance Report 6 Authoritative References ? Rescissions 8 lo GENERAL. - All actions in connection with allotments and deductions are initiated by the enlisted man concerned. There are four classes of pay reservations, which are broken down as follows: a. Class E Allotment - Allotment of pay to a bank, to a civilian insurance company or to the enlisted man*s family. b. Class D Allotment - Allotment of pay for the purchase of bonds which must be renewed with each change of station. c. Class F Deduction - Pay deduction for support of dependents. d° Class D and N Allotments - Allotment of pay for the payment of government insurance premiums. 2. PROCEDURE FOR CLASS S, D, AND N ALLOTMENTS. - WD AGO Form No llrl (Allotment of Pay Notification Form) 1 July Tis prescribed for the purpose of authorizing, re-authorizing, changing, or discon- tinuing either Class E, N or D allotments as prescribed in All 35-5520 and WD Circular No 376 dated 18 December 19h%* 3o PROCEDURE FOR CLASS F DEDUCTION. - WD AGO Form No 62 9 (Ap- plication for Family Allowances) 26 June 19u2, is executed in all claims for family allowance. In the case of Class A dependents (wife or children) the form will be supported by either a photostatic copy of a marriage certificate or a birth certificate, as the case indi- cates. In the case of Class B dependents (mother, father etc.) the above form will be supported by WD AGO Form No 620 (Certificate to be Completed By All Individuals Living in One Household Claiming Depen- dency on Enlisted Man in Army.) 6 October 19h3, which is executed by the dependent. In those cases of a change of status of a Class F deduction, WD AGO Form No 6I4I (Report of Change of Status and Address) l).i July is executed and supported by documentary evidence. The procedure for Class F deductions is prescribed in AR 35-9990. 1 HR z.;0- ’ j. 3 <-■- 0 ].(., PROCEDURE FOR CLASS B ALLOTMENT.. - As prescribed in AD C;i No 2909 19UU> as amended by WD Cir Mo 2?,, 19hS, ED AGO Form No _y-o is executed for all individuals desiring to purchase bonds through payroll deductions„ 5>o WAIVER OF INSURANCE PREMIUM. - Enlisted men hospitalized for six consecutive months may apply for waiver of insurance premium in compliance with AR 600-110 and AD Circular No 202 dated 9 July 19it5* Veterans Administration Insurance Form 3£7 (Statement of Claim For Waiver of Premiums Under the National Service Life Insurance Act of 19^0, as amended) February 19h$, forwarded to this office in duplicate by the insurance officer, One copy is stapled to the rear of the ser- vice record and a remark made on the administrative page * The second copy is forwarded to the Veterans Administration with a copy of In- surance Form No 797 (Report of Disability for Insurance Purposes) which is executed by the enlisted man’s ward officer, 60 INSURANCE REPORT. - In accordance with ASF Cir 3U0, dated 27 July ±9W) a report is forwarded monthly to Headquarters, Fifth Service Command giving the following information: a0 Strength of the Detachment of Patients as of the last day of each month„ bo Number of patients owning either United States Govern- ment Insurance or National Service' Life Insurance a a.. Total value of all insurance,. This report is initiated in three copies, the original and duplicate of which is forwarded to the Fifth Service Command, and the triplicate is retained in files of this office„ 7. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - References used by this office are as follows: AR 39-5920, 30 Sep 1|5, Allotments of Pay, AR 39-9950, 9 Jan Ini, Family Allowances of Enlisted Men, AR 600-100, 31 Aug i|2, United States Government Life In- surance „ AR 600-110, 7 Sop I4.JU, National Service Life Insurance0 WD Cir 12 Jan I4J4, Allotments of Pay, WD Cir 290, 11 Jul 55, Procedures for Purchase and Issuance of United States Savings Bonds. HR i 10—i 3 0 AT) Cir 337, 17 Aug Wi, Sec I, National Service Life Insurance Conversion of 5 year Level Premium Term Insurance bo Permanent Plan. V/D Cir 27, 23 lan hlJ, Procedure Cor Purchase and Issuance of United States Savings Bonds, WD Cir 269, Sec II, 7 Sep Allotments, Discontinuance of Class B upon Shipment to Separation Center, WD Cir 376, Sec I, 7 Dec ii£, Allotment of Pay Notification Form, 0. RESCISSIONS, - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR UO-133U HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO* 1*0-1330 ) GRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland Ohio 1 January 19U6 AWARDS AND DECORATIONS - PATIENTS Paragraph General 1 Awards Authorized but Not Received 2 Awards Claimed But Not Authorized 3 Good Conduct Medal L Purple Heart 5 Battle Participation Credits ............................... 6 Ribbons ............. .... c o.». ,..o,. 7 Authoritative References 8 Rescissions ................................................ 9 lo GENERAL. - The presentation of ribbons and the cutting of ordei .'or awards and decorations are made in accordance with existing Army Regulations, 2o AWARDS AUTHORIZED EUT NOT RECEIVED. - Patients authorized medals or badges by service record entries are placed on a list whirl is forwarded to the Public Relations Office once a week for presenta- tion at a formal ceremony* 3o AWARDS CLAIMED BUT NOT AUTHORIZED, - Patients claiming a medal or badge not authorized by service record entry are referred to the appropriate liaison officer, who initiates correspondence in an effort to correct the omission* lu GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL, - Service records are checked weekly for those patients entitled to Good Conduct Medals* Orders are re- quested for presentation of the award. After presentation proper entries ore made in the service record* 5* PURPRM HEART. - Medical records are checked for those patients claiming the award but not previously authorized or pre- sented the award* If entitled to the award they are placed on orders and presented the medal at a formal ceremony* After presentation the proper entries are made in the service record* 60 BATTLE PARTICIPATION CREDITS. - Where patients' claim for battle credits are not substantiated by service record entries, War Department General Orders are checked for units and battles, and omis- sions corrected * 7* RIBBONS* - Ribbons are issued to patients on claim being substantiated by service record entries* 8* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - References used by this office are as follows: HR 1:0 u 3 > AR 600-US* 22 Sep US Personnel, Decorations* AR 600-655 10 Nov 28, Award and Supply of Service Medals* AR 600-68, U May li35 Personnel, Good Conduct Medal* AR 600-75* 21 Dec 36, Badges for Marksmanship, Gunnery, etc* AR 600-80, 25 Feb h3* Badge for Army Air Force TechnD cians* 1VD Cir 62, 11 Feb I4.I4, Campaign Medals for Current War* WD Cir 268 , 30 Jun Insignia to Denote Overseas Ser- vice* WD Cir 3375 I9W4, Section II, Awards * WD Cir Section I, Badge for Army Air Force Technicians * WD Dir U6S, I9I4I4, 9 Dec )[U, Award Bronze Arrowhead to Denote Combat Parachute Jump and Glider Landing* WD Cir 90, 21 Mar 1*5* Sec II, Award, Bronze Arrowhead* WD Cir 1936, 7 May US, Sec II, Award Fhillipine Defense Ribbon and Fhillipine Liberation Ribbon. WD Cir 229, 28 Jul 1*5* Medical Badge and Addition Pay Therefor* WD Cir 263, 31 Aug US- Sec II, Badge, Expert and Combat Infantry with Zone of Interior Medical Installations* WD Cir 263, 31 Aug 1*5* Sec IV, Medical Badge Eligi- bility* WD Cir 270, 8 Sep 1*5* Sec III, Award, Fhillipine Defense Ribbon and Fhillipine Liberation Ribbon, as amended* WD GO 70, 20 Aug US, Units Credited with Assault Landings* WD GO 8U, 5 Oct US, Battle Honors* WD GO 85* 10 Oct 1(5* Units Entitled to Battle Credits. WD GO 86, 12 Oct US, Battle Honors, Citation of Units* WD GO 90, 20 Oct US, Battle Honors* WD GO 91* 22 Oct US, Units Entitled to Battle Credits 2 HR 60-1330 WD GO 92 25 Oct 69, Battle Honors, Citation of Units, Section XI.* WD GO 93, 26 Oct 69, Units Entitled to Battle Credits» WD GO 96, 2? Oct 69, Units Entitled to Battle Creditse WD GO 96, 31 Oct 69, Units Entitled to Battle Credits. WD GO 98, 9 Nov 69, Battle Honors, Citation of Units, Section IX. WD GO 99, 6 Nov 69? Units Entitled bo Battle Credits * WD GO 100, 7 Nov 69, Battle Honors. WD GO 101, 8 Nov 69, Battle Honors, Additions to Lists of Battles and Campaigns of United States Army, Sec VI- WD GO 102, 9 Nov 69, Units Entitled to Battle Credits * WD GO- 109, 19 Nov 69, Battle Honors, List of Battles and Campaignsc WD GO 108, 23 Nov 69, Battle Honors, Citation of Units. WD GO 109, 26 Nov 69, Battle Honors. WD GO 116, 11 Dec 69, Units Entitled to Battle Credits., WD GO 126, 2? Dec 69, Battle Honors, Correction in General Orders, Sec XIII. TM 12-280, Sep 69, Decorations and Citations. Letter, WD AGO, AGPD-C, 200.6, 12 Sep 69, Subject: Units Cited for Battle Participation, -with inclosure. 9o RESCISSIONS* - None. BY ORDER 01’ COLONEL EMERSON: Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B* STEINIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO» 40-1340 HR 40-1340 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 CLASSIFICATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF OFFICERS - PATIENTS General® ..••coo®...........®®.®.®..®®®.®.®®...®.....®....®.®.®®.. 1 Glassification of Officers. ®. ®.. ® 2 Assignment of Officers .......... ®....... ® ® ® ® ... ®.. 3 Distribution of Disposition Boards®...® 4 Retirement of Officers. 6 Authoritative References Rescissions V Paragraph 1, GENERAL. - Officers are not classified until they have reached maximum hospitalization at which tine they appear before either a Dis- position Board or an Army Retiring Board® As a result of the board proceedings an officer is either returned to duty or retired in ac- cordance with existing regulations® 2® CLASSIFICATION OF OFFICERS® - Orders from former commands may require any of the following changes to be made on an Officer’s Quali- fication Record (WD AGO Form No 66-1 and 66-2): a. Change of rank® b® Change of home address (Request of Officer)® c® Changes in marital status® d. Authorization of awards or decorations® e® Record of hospitalization® 3® ASSIGNMENT OF OFFICERS® - Immediately following appearance before a disposition board the records of an officer patient are pro- cessed in the following manner: a® Return to full military duty. (1) Off icers hospitalized from a duty status at an installation located in the Zone of Interior will be returned to their former organization® (2) Orders arc requested and pertinent papers are for- warded to the appropriate station® (3) Officer returnees will be ordered to Reception Station serving the area in which his home is located for reassignment to duty, HR 40-134C bo Return to temporary limited duuy 1'or a period of r.. than six months© (1) Officers hospitalized from a duty status at an in staliation located in the Zone of Interior will be returned to his former organization with instructions to either automatically revert to a full military duty status on the specified date, or return to an appropriate medical facility on the specified date for reconsider at ion of his physical capacity for military duty© (2) Officer returnees will be ordered to the Reception Station serving the area in which his home is located for reassign- ment to duty with instructions to either automatically revert to a full military duty status on the specified date, or return to an appropriate medical facility on the specified date for reconsider- ation of his physical capacity for military duty© c© Return to duty in a permanent limited duty status© (l) A statement will be signed by the officer stating -hat he does or does not desire to remain on duty in a permanent 1imited capacity© (a) For officers desiring to remain on duty in the above stated capacity, a wire requesting cer- tification of essentiality will be forwarded to the Adjutant General’s Office, the reply will direct the officer be ordered either to duty at a station specified by the Adjucanu General, or to appear before an Army Retiring Board© (b) Officers not desiring to remain on duty in a permanent limited status will be scheduled and ordered to appear before an Army Retiring Board 4© DISTRIBUTION OF DISPOSITION BOARDS© - Four copies of the Dis- position Board proceedings are distributed as followsj a. Original copy forwarded to Adjutant General’s Office© b© Second copy forwarded to Commanding Officer of station of assignment. c© Third copy for filing at this station© do Fourth copy forwarded to Commanding General of service com- mand to which officer is assigned. HR 40-1540 5. RETIREMENT OF OFFICERS<■ - Officers are interviewed prior to appearing before a Retiring Board for the purpose of accomplishing th following} a. Work sheet for WD AGO Form No 53-98 (Certificate of Ser- vice) is filled out and approved by officer. be The first five copies of WD AGO Form No 53-98 (Certificate of Service) are signed in blank by the officer and are thumb-printed in the appropriate space * Upon direction of the Retirement Board the officer is placed on an in- active status and WD AGO Form No 53-38 is completed, allotments are dis- continued and the following instruments assembled and forwarded to the proper Separation Center by letter of transmittalj (1) Special orders - four copies. (2) WD AGO Form No 30-S. (3) WD AGO Form No 53-98. (4) WD AGO Form No 63. (5) WD AGO Form No 65-1. (6) WD AGO Form No 66-1. (7) WD AGO Form No 100. 6. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - References used by this office are as follows; a. WD Cir 290, Sec II, 22 Sep 1945, Release of Surplus Officers. b • WD Cir 313, 12 Oct 1945, Physical Reclassification of Officers. c. TM 12-236, Apr 1945, Preparation of Separation Forms. d. TM 12-405, Oct 1943, Officer Classification, Civilian Oc- cupations . e. R-R 1-5, 30 Apr 1945, Personnel Procedures for Readjust- ment of Officers. f« TM 12-406, Oct 1943, Officer Classifications, Commissioned. HR 40~1340 7o RESCISSIONS« - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: Major , MAC Adj utant RUSSELL B, STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. li0-in05 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Ole veisnd 9, Ohio 1 January ±9ht> HR i i u— .u. v SEPARATION COUNSELING BRANCH Mission . 1 Organization and Specific Duties ..,., ................ 2 Standard Operating Procedure 3 Repor ts , , .............. 1; Authoritative References 5 Rescissions 6 Paragraph lo MISSION. * The Separation Counseling Branch is responsible for rendering assistance to military personnel being separated from the service by means of group orientation, preparation of the Separation Qualification Record, and individual counseling0 This assistance, re- ferred to as separation classification and counseling, is designed to aid military personnel on their return to civilian life. Counseling activities are conducted with the cooperation of authorized representa- tives of other governmental and civilian agencies. (TM 12-222, TM 12- 235, V.D Cir 308), 2. ORGANIZATION AND SPECIFIC DUTIES. - a* Group orientation will be afforded through a talk de- livered to each group of separatees on the topics of processing pro- cedures, insurance, rausfcering-out pay, wearing of the uniform after discharge, rights and benefits, training and education, services avail- able to veterans by authorized civilian and governmental agencies, and such other information as is pertinent to personnel being separated from the service. Films, film strips, and other visual aids may be used to supplement the talk.-, bo Separation Qualification Record (AD AGO Form 100) will be prepared in individual interview with each separatee from information supplied by him and from his Soldiers Qualification Record (WD AGO Form 20). In each case the Form 100 will include identification data, summary of military and civilian occupational and educational history, and job descriptions of significant occupational experiences. Whenever practicable, conversions of military experience to civilian occupations will be suggested, a. Individual conference will be held with each man for the completion of Form 100 and extended whenever practicable to include discussion and counseling on personal problems of a vocational or edu- cational nature. Discussion of interests, aptitudes, skills and am- bitions in the light of opportunities in broad fields of activity and in general methods of attaining the end sought by the individual will be encouraged but will be voluntary with the separatee. All questions raised by the separatee will be answered as fully and accurately as possible or he will be referred to the appropriate governmental or 1 HR l-Q . civilian agency capable of assisting him while he remains in m; n.- pital or after his return to his home communityo In the case of mentally incompetent separatees, Form 100 for those judged by the neuropsychiatrist as incapable of being interviewed will be compxeted from existing records. do Identification Discharges Certificates authorizing special coach fare for the home journey, will be made available to each separatee. Certificate will be completed by the counselor. e0 Previous Employer Card (WD AGO Form 519) will be com- pleted at the time of interview for those separatees holding previous employment rights. f0 Tests of interest, aptitudes, scholastic attainment, and trade knowledge will be administered to separatees desiring such tests. Whenever possible such testing will be administered prior to CDD Board action. 3o STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. - a. Group orientation talks will be given on the day prior to ODD Board action to such patients as appear on the CDD roster pre- pared by the Registrar bo Preparation of the Separation Qualification Record and individual conferences will be scheduled on the basis of thirty (30) minutes per separatee per counselor available for the day of the CDD Board meeting and the day following. A copy of the processing schedule will be furnished each separatee as he leaves the Board Room. Schedule will indicate the steps he must complete in his separation processing, the location of agencies he must visit and the hour and date of his appointment with each. Interviewer at each station will initial the schedule sheet as clearance for uhe separatee. Co Form 100 will be prepared on worksheet during inter- view and later typed in quadruplicate Original and first carbon will be forwarded to Patients Personnel Office for delivery of original to separatee and carbon to medical records. Second carbons for each board group will be assembled by home states of separatees and mailed to Veterans* Representative, War Manpower Commission of the state. Third carbon will be retained for reference file. d. Identification Discharges Certificate, signed, will be forwarded to Patients Personnel Office for delivery to separatee. e0 Previous Employer Cords will be mailed daily. lie REPORTS. - No regular reports are required. 5o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. TM 12-222, 20 Sep U5, Chapters 2, 10, 21, Separation Center Operations. HR. i J •. , bo TM 12-235? 1 Jan U5S Chapter 1? Enlis'cea Pe sonne.. Discharge and Release from Active Duty (Other than at Sepa■ atlor Cen- ters) o Go »D Cir 308? Separation Classification and Counsel- ing of Military Personnel0 do HR 10-U5? CGHj 1 Jan h6 Liaison Activitiesa 60 RESCISSIONS. - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSONj Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 1*0-17 0£ HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 1*0-170^ CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio MEDICAL SUPPLY Paragraph General Duties . , 1 Organization and Functions 2 Requirements for Medical Supplies ........................ . 3 Procurement I* 'Warehousing Stocks and Stock Records 6 Issues, Back Orders and Receipts .......................... 7 Alcohol, Narcotics and Habit Forming Drugs ................ 8 Inventories and Accountability 9 Stock Adjustments 10 Repair and Renovation of Medical Department Equipment .....11 Salvage 12 Re per os .13 Authoritative References I4 Rescissions If? 1. GENERAL DUTIES. - a. The Medical Supply Officer (MSO) is appointed by Special Orders and is responsible for adequate procurement, receipt, storage and issue of all medical supplies and equipment; he is the accountable property officer„ ASF M301, 1*06.16. b<, He is responsible for the maintenance of proper stock levels. TM 38-220. Co He is responsible for the maintenance and operation of such utilities as may be authorized for the repair and upkeep of medical department property. d. He is technical advisor to the Commanding Officer on all matters pertaining bo Medical Supply and maintenance of Medical Department property. AR UO-lTOf?. e. The MSO is also appointed Signal Property Officer by Special Orders and as such is responsible for adequate procure- ment, receipt, storage and issue of signal property in accordance with identical procedures as follows and as prescribed in current directives quoted. M301, 1*06.1;?. 2. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS. - a.. The Medical Supply Service is organized into four sections; (1) Administrative. (2) Stock Control, 1 HR u0-170s (3) Warehouse, (h) Maintenance and Repair0 bo Personnel requirements and duties for these sections are; (1) Administrative Section,, (a) Chief Clerk, - Duties. 1* Receives all incoming mail, both from post office and message center. Stamps and sorts mail upon receipt and forwards to proper section, 2j Checks all outgoing mail in Medical Supply, including reports and requisitions, for accuracy and neatness, 3, Supplies information pertaining to all phases of Medical Supply and Signal Property and fol- lows up action on all reports, requisitions and duties in the d opa r t me n t, li, Maintains Signed Property records and slock levels and initiates requisitions for same when re- quired, (b) Clerk-Stenographer, - Duties: 1o Types all correspondence for MSO and maintains master file in Medical Supply of all correspondence, circulars and directives, making all neces- sary changes as required, 2, Maintains time records on civilian personnel in Medical Supply, (2) Stock Control Section, (a) Stock Record Clerk, - Duties: I, Maintains all Medical Supply stock record cards by currently posting all items listed on vouchered records, 2_0 Maintains voucher file for Medi- cal Supply, (b) Requisition Clerk, - Duties: 1, Typos all requisitions for Medical Supply and Signal Property Officer. 2, Prepares all due-out back orders for Medical Supply, HR '40-1701 (c) Memorandum Receipt Clerk, - duties: 1. Maintains a current jacket file Tor each memorandum receipt account in Medical Supply and Signal Property, 2o Prepares consolidations semi- annually, or oftenor if required, for each memorandum re- ceipt account, (3) larehouse Section, (a) Storekeepers,. - duties: lo deceive. 7; a rehouse and ship all supplies and equipment for Medic 1 Supply and Slgna - Property. 2. Issue all property Tor which this department is Accountable, (b) Warehouse Laborers, - duties: 1, Assist storekeepers in orating and uncrating equipment, 2_0 Assemble beds, furniture and equipment and under supervision set up equipment on new wards and departments, (U) Mai ntenance and Repair Section, - (a) Medical Department Maintenance Repairman, - Repairs and services all Medical Department equipment including X-Rays, surgical equipment, wheel chairs, etc. (b) Seamstresses0 - Duties: I, Repair all linens used in Surgery„ 20 Prepare all now articles of linen for use in Surgery, 3o REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL SUPPLIES, - Hospital require- ments for Medical supplies end equipment are based on total bed capacity and past issue experience to this station and satellite stations. This hospital was originally equipped with supplies and equipment in accordance with Medical Depart- ment Equipment List for General Hospital, Cantonment Type, ZI (Item 9723l|00 and Item 972l|600)o Stock record levels are revised periodically by MSO and representatives from medical depots and Fifth Service Command as requirements demand. HR liO-1705) iu PROCUREMENT* - The MSG is charged with timely re- quisitioning for such amounts of medical supplies as are needed for the requirements of this hospital and satellite stations0 a° Types of Supplies_and Equipments - (l) All standard Medical Department supplies and equipment are listed in ASF Medical Department Catalog, 1 Mar 19UU5 and changes thereto* Standard items are requisi- tioned from St* Louis Medical Depot and Binghamton Medical Depot in accordance with St* Louis Medical Supply Memorandum No. I* (2> Expendable and nonexpendable supplies are ordered on the same requisition and quantities ordered are within the maximum stock level of individual item, TM 38-220* (3) Nonstandard items are requisitioned on SGO through the St. Louis Medical Depot. b. Methods, - Procurement is accomplished by requisition or local purchase. - (l) Requisitions* - (a) Requisitions for standard Medical Department items are forwarded to depot on DD AGO Form hhSo All requisitions must contain complete data, required date and signature of MSO on original copy Mlillj, (b) Monthly standard requisitions are forwarded by Class Numbers and on dates specified by St. Louis Medical Depot. Requisitions are prepared in triplicate, 2 copies forwarded to the depot and 3rd copy remaining in Medical Supply suspense file* ASF Manual I4IJ4* (c) Any standard items on requisition requiring upward revision of stock level must be prepared on separate special requisition and forwarded with request for upward revision of levels attached. (d) Special and emergency requisitions for supplies required in addition to monthly requirements may be forwarded to the depot at any time with the exception that no more than one such requisition may be forwarded to the depot on any one day. TM 38 —-U03 (e) Nonstandard requisitions for sup- plies not listed in the Medical Department Catalog are for- warded to the depot in ,3 copies, a 6th copy being retained in suspense file. Requisitions for nonstandard items must be complete in description of item, unit price, total price. HR 110-17 0^ name and location of vendor, and sufficient justification for requesting item. SLf.iD Supply Memorandum No0 lc (2) Purchases in Open Markets - (a) Requests for purchases of supplies will be made bo the MSO, by the Chief of Division or Service concerned, with the prior approval of the Commanding Officer0 Request will be made on form authorized by TM 3S-U03* forwarded in duplicate* (b) The MSO will forward approved purchase request to Purchasing and Contracting Officer, Quartermaster Office, for procurement„ See HR 30-25* (c) Exceptions bo the above are purchases of spectacles and such emergency medical supplies as are authorized by par 7b (?), AR• J iQ-1705 « Emergency purchases of such items by the MSO are referred bo the Purchasing and Contracting Officer for processing as soon as possible after purchaseo ASF Cir 330, 19’HM (d) Spectacles arc purchased by MSO from contractor specified by St, Louis Medical Depot, Purchase orders for spectacles are prepared on Form No* 130 in eight copies and are forwarded in accordance with instructions con- tained in TM 38-.503 o 5* 7/AREKQU SING. - Medical supplies and equipment are received from the medical depot together with War Department Shipping Documento All items are checked upon receipt with quantities listed on shipping document.-, Actual quantities received are noted in the QUANTITY RECEIVED column and differ- ences between quantities shipped and quantities received are certified by bhe MSO upon the War Department Shipping Documento After checking, items needed for immediate shelving in bhe issue warehouse are taken bo that warehouse and re- maining items are placed in bulk storage in accordance with current ASF directives on warehousing* All accomplished War Department Shipping Documents are forwarded to the Stock Control Section, 6* STOCKS AND STOCK RECORDS. - a* Medical Department supplies and equipment are debited to stock record account of MSO by individual item* Expendable and nonexpendable stock record cards are separated in files and all issue slips, UD AGO Form U16, list expendable and nonexpendable items separately* All issue slips are given voucher numbers and credited to the warehouse balance on hand* Nonexpendable issue slips also receive account number of ward or department and the items, upon issue, are debited to the memorandum receipt account of responsible officer* HR 0-1705) bo Nonexpendable equipment records are filed in a current memorandum receipt jacket file,. Consolidations of these records are submitted at least twice each year to the responsible officer for inventory, Co Stock levels on nonexpendable items are es- tablished by the station commander, considering the size, function and mission of the station, and are approved by the depot. Warehouse stock of nonexpendable items are not maintained unless required for replacement of hospital equip- ment based on replacement issue experience„ For such non- expendable items, the status of stock to be compared with the level includes both stock on memorandum receipt and warehouse stock, TM 33-220o d0 Expendable supply stock levels are based on a 60 day issue experience. Stock levels on expendable items which have been issued loss than 3 times in bays will not be maintained with the exception of utility items which are maintained for services on the post, TM 38-220, 7, ISSUES, PACK ORDERS AND RECEIPTS. - The MSO will be responsible for strict compliance with the following supply procedures to be followed by the responsible officer of the various services, sections, divisions, branches and wards of the hospital. Regular issues of supplies will be made weekly to all these wards and departments drawing directly from the supply wa re house s„ a o To draw expendable supplies, - (1) Responsible officer prepares Issue Slip (Form liU6) in triplicate-, ON HAND will be amount in depart- ment store room, STOCK NO,, NOMENCLATURE, AND UNIT must be as listed in the Medical Department Catalog or item will be deleted. No more supplies should be drawn than will be used up in 10 day period. The responsible officer should assure himself at the time of signing the requisition (issue slip) that excess supplies are not accumulating. The ON HAND figure should bo use*d as a guide in ordering, (2) Responsible officer signs cne copy (orig- inal) only, (3) All three (3) copies are forwarded to the Medical Supply Office on days designated in schedule, (li) When property is received from warehouse on issue date, an AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICER signs the original copy which is left with warehouseman A duplicate copy is returned with the property to the respon- sible officer for his file. 6 HE If 0-17 05 b. To draw nonexpendablo sanpl’as and equipment. - (1) Responsible o '.floor prepares Issue Slip (Form uU6) in triplicate ns above on sopors to slip from ex- pendable property, (2) Hesponsible officer signs original only, (3) Slips processed as above; the returned duplicate for the responsible officer’a oroporty file. Hf 38-I4O3. c. To return serviceable nonexpendable equipment. - (1) ice sponsible Of fie or proper ..s Property Turn In blip (form uh'f) in triplicate, Fau-i ITTY will be quantity being returned; M/H noted in RSfitiKKS column, (2) .Responsible Officer signs original only, (3) then the property is received in the warehouse, warehouseman will sign original and one duplicate FOR STATION SUPPLY OFFICER, keep the original, and return the duplicate to the Responsible Officer for his property file, d. To return unserviceable nonexpendable equipment out on memorandum receipt. - (1) He3nonsible Officer prepares Turn In Slip (Form hh'f) in quadruplicate. STOCK NO., WOMEN CLA TU Hi: AND UNIT must be as listed in the Medical Department Catalog; indicate In REMARKS column the reason for the turn-in as suggested at bottom of page under CIRCUMSTANCES; FAT. R/S, S/C, etc. (2) Responsible officer signs original only, (3) -hen unserviceable property is received . in Repair Department, repairman will sign original and one duplicate FOR STATION SUPPLY OFFICER, keep the original, and return the duplicate to the responsible officer for FIs file os a credit to his memorandum receipt account. c. Emergency issue of usual expendable supplies, - (1) Responsible Officer prepares Issue Slip (Form )|l;6) as before and types the word EMERGENCY on r‘acc of slip. (2) Processing is same as before; issue may be made at any time. TM 3' -’|03. lilt '*0-1705 f Securi t,y items- Narcotics, barbiturates, gold, and platinum will be issued on Form hh6< A separate issue slip will be prepared in triplicate for narcotics and alcohol; barbiturates will be on a separate issue slip; and gold and platinum will be on an issue slip separate from all other dental supplies 0 TM 38-503 c S - Issue of back order items - (1) Supplies and equipment back ordered by Medical’ Supply will be issued to the ward or department re- questing the item immediately upon receipt from depot (2) Issue Slip, Form will be prepared in Medical Supply Office, and signed by MSO. Back order of department will be credited at time of posting to stock record card* Issue Warehouse will notify ward or department concerned that item is available and can be picked up at Medical Supply Warehouse0 h. Schedule of Issues.. - (1) The following departments will submit their issue slips to the MSG no later than noon on Monday for issue Wednesday morning, or sooner if notified by the warehouse: Surgical Service Central Supply Eye Section Dental Service Flastic-Maxillo Facial Section Pharmacy Service Physical Therapy Section X-Ray Service (2) The following departments will submit their issue slips to the MSO no later than noon on Wednesday for issue Friday morning, or sooner if notified by the ware- house : All Wards Laboratory Service Oenito-Urological (C--U) Medical Service Section Mess Division Et. N., T0 Section Out-Patient Service Hand Plastic Surgical Section Patients Administra- Plastic Surgical Section tive Division Orthopedic Section (3) Occupational Therapy, Reconditioning Service, issue slips will be submitted by noon Thursday for issue Monday mo m i ng i Non-standard items are requested by the Chiefs of Services with the prior approval of the Commanding Officer 0. ALCOHOL, NARCOTICS AND HABIT FORMING DRUGS*- a , 'Hie MSO is directly charged with the safekeeping HR ho—170b of all stores of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic liquors, rereotics and habit forming drugs until issued to the Pharmacy. He, or his designated Ass*t. MSG, will receive and issue these supplies in person. All supplies of these articles will be kept locked in the vault especially provided for that purpose in the medical storeroom. All keys will be kept at all times by the Mb0 or his commissioned assistant personally, b. Issues of absolute and ethyl alcohol will be made only to the officer in charge of the Pharmacy upon re- quisition signed by him. Cc Issue of alcoholic liquors, narcotics, and habit forming drugs will bo made only to the officer in charge of the Pharmacy upon requisition signed by him. d. All alcoholic liquors, alcohols, narcotics and habit forming drugs in the possession of the MSO will be checked once each month by the Post Medical Inspector. Written report, of the findings will be made to the Commanding Officer immediately thereafter. TM 3S-I4O3; HR 20-9. 9. INVESTOR 150 HID \CCQUI'ITABILITY. - a. Property Responsibility. - The MSO will main- tain the account of property oH memorandum receipt as pro- scribed in AR 35-6920. Those receipts will be prepared in duplicate, renewed semi-annually or when property responsi- bility is transferred. Memorandum receipts presented to responsible officers will be immediately checked by them and the original signed and returned to the MSO within forty- eight hours; the duplicate to be filed in the ward or depart- ment. All notations of the responsible officer will be made on the duplicate. In no case will original copies be changed or notations made by other than the accountable officer. Transfers made for convenience during short leaves of absence will be made by receipt of new officer on reverse of old receipt. b. Property Check, Monthly. - (1) cers having property on memorandum receipt will check all property for which they are respon- sible between the first and fifteenth day of each month. Report of such check, listing all overages and shortages found, will be made and forwarded to the MSO not later than 1200 hours the sixteenth day of each month. (2) The MSO will consolidate the lists of overages and shortages as prepared by responsible officers, make such adjustments as arc possible and report his action to the Commanding Officer. 9 HR U0-1705: (3) Under existing regulations accountable Officers are required to take up as ''Found at Post" all property in excess of that listed on is stock record account To avoid duplication of accountability, responsible officers are directed to report all articles in excess of their responsi- bility in order that adjustments may be made of shortages found in other departments In event that adjustments cannot be made of property lost, the responsible officer will be directed to proceed as set forth in AR 35-661*0 (1;) Res ponsible officers, when inventorying their department, should bear in mind that if any item of nonexpendable property is found and is not charged on their memorandum receipt, they will report such items as overages on his monthly inventory report, All such property not signed for rightly belongs to the MSO and will be returned to him. c* Transfers of Property Between Responsible Officer When property responsibility in a ward or department is or- dered transferred from one officer to another, the responsible officer, accompanied by his successor, will personally check all property on memorandum receipt,. Report of such check with overages and shortages, vdll be made to the MSO who will prepare a new memorandum receipt for the new responsible officer. Shortages will be adjusted in accordance with AR 35-66RO, da Transfer of Accountability;. - When directed by official orders, the MSO will accomplish transfer of accountability to his successor as prescribed in regulations, AR 35-6680, 05 Inventories - - All Medical Department supplies and equipment, standard and nonstandard, must be inventoried every six months- Physical inventory is token as prescribed in TM 38-1*03, 10, STOCK ADJUSTMENTS - a,. Inventory Adjustments, - /my discrepancies in physical inventory which cannot be corrected must be adjusted on Inventory Adjustment, Form 1|UU Adjustments are verified by MSO and approved by Director of Supply or higher headquarters Adjustments are then posted to stock record account of MSO. bc Reports of Survey, ~ Whenever on accountable or responsible officer discovers loss, damage, destruction or shortage of nonexpendable property which cannot be adjusted in accordance with applicable Army Regulations to clear the item from his account, a Report of Survey, WD \GQ Form 15* will be initiated by accountable or responsible officer within 30 days of discovery of loss, damage, destruction or shortage of property. Survey will be prepared in four copies in accordance with instructions contained in TM All copies will be 10 HR 50-1705 forwarded to the accountable officer, v/ho will certify and forward throe copi 3 Lo the Commanding Officer for further actiono Fourbh copy will be maintained in suspense file of ccouhtable officer to support the reissue document or credit memorandum receipt* AR 35-6650« 11, REPAIR it r DTQVA.TION OF MEDICAL SUIRLCd, - When- ever the responsible officer desires repair or renovation of any article or articles of equipment, he will turn the article in to the MSO at the Medical Supply repair room, with a state- ment of the work desired. The 1150, upon receipt, of such articles, will cause the necessary repairs to be made in com- pliance with current bar Department directives, 12o SALVAGE, - Property turned into the Medical Supply repair room, which is determined to Vie beyond repair by the Medical Supply repairman, is turned over to the Salvage Officer on Form An?, with signed certificates, as prescribed in TM 33-503; HR 700-25- 13o REPORTS. - The following monthly and annual reports are required: a. Monthly Unserviceable Material Report, ED AGO Form 863-1* b Monthly Dry Battery Requirements, c. Annual Report to Command Officer, d, Special Reports as required by higher headquarters. Hu AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a, AR 35-6620, 16 Feb 1955, Property Accountability and Responsibility, as amended. b0 AR 35-6650, 13 Uune 1952, Lost, Destroyed, Damaged or Unserviceable Property, as amended, c, AR 35-6680, 6 June 1952, Transfers of Property Accountability, as amended* do AR U0-1?05, 2 Nov 1952, Medical Department, Medical Supplies, as amended* e* ASF Gir Nou 3o0, 9 Oct 1955, Supply* f, ASF M301, 15 June 1955, ASF Organization, 506 16 Post Surgeon - Supply Functions* g0 ASF M515, 21 Aug 1955, Procedure for Processing Dome s tic Requis i t ions <> HR I4 0-1705 ho ASF Medical Department Catalog, 1 Mar 15?UU> as amendedo io TM April 191*5, Accounting for Lost, Damaged and Destroyed Property0 jo TM 3B-220, May 19U5? Stock Control Manual for Stations, k,. TTA 38—U035 1 Aug 19'm? Station Supply Procedure, as amended, lo ' SLMD Supply Memo No, 1, 19h%9 as amendedo IF,, RESCISSIONSo - CGH UR. l£ Feb 19UU, Hospital Regu- lations 0 BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: Majorj MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO, 40*1715 HR 40-1715 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 BLOOD FOR TRANSFUSIONS Paragraph S OUr Ce of B 1 OOd«o«. ...... .000. 1 Purpose of Blood Banks 2 Organization for Drawing, .. 0 oo o. o 0............... 0000,0000.... 3 Processing and Disposition of New Whole Blood 4 Disposition OX Whole BlOOdcOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO.. OOOOOOO. 0000000 .0000 5 ReCOrdSo.OOOOOOOO..O.. ..OOOOOOOOO. .OOOOOO.OO... OOOOOOO .....ugOO 6 R eOOrtSoooo.oooooooooo.ooooooooooo OOOOOO. O.O. ...... .00.00. 000.00 7 Authoritative References«o 8 Re SClSSlOnSoooooooooooooo... ••0000000.00000000000000000000.00 • 00 9 lo SOURCE OF BLOODo - a, Blood is obtained from three sourcest a) Medical Supply (item 1603800 Plasma, human, nor- mal, dried)o This will be used to combat protein depletion in patients and postopcratively where there has been little or no blood loss, The whole blood will be used chiefly for acute severe blood loss, especially when associated with shock0 (2) Civilian volunteers supplied by the American Red Cross o (3) Military personnel on duty at this hospital0 (This group is asked to donate or sell their blood only when the Blood Bank does not contain blood of the required type), bo All patients receiving blood transfusions will hence- forth be typed for the Rh factoro Although the supply of donors recruited by the Red Cross is adequate for Rh-positive patients, it is inadequate for those who are Rh-negativc (since only 15% of all people are Rh-negative)„ Since many of these patients will re- ceive several blood transfusions, it is necessary to give only Rh- negative blood to Rh-negative patients. Military personnel of this station who are physically qualified and willing to donate blood in cases of emergency are asked to volunteer for the blood donors list. Only those who are Rh-negative will be placed on the list, but in order to have a sufficient number with that factor, it will be necessary for the laboratory to test at least 200 persons, 2, PURPOSEo -* A Blood Bank is maintained by the Laboratory Service for the purpose of Supplying whole blood upon request to the Professional Services (HR 40-305), HR 40-1715 3. ORGANIZATION. - The Chief of Services concerned will fur- nish these personnel on the days and at the tine the blood is drawn: a. One medical officer from the Anesthesia and Operating Room Section will examine prospective blood donors and act as con- sultant . b. One officer from the Laboratory Service to be re- sponsible for drawing and processing the blood. c. One nurse from the Anesthesia and Operating Room Section. d. Three enlisted technicians from the Surgical Service. e. One enlisted technician from the Medical Service, 4. PROCESSING AND DISPOSITION OF NEW WHOLE BLOGI . - Processing of the blood will consist of (l*) determining its type, (2) Rh fac- tor reference, and (3) performing a Kahn serological test for sy- philis. All Kahn positive blood will be discarded at once. The Kahn negative blood will be stored in a refrigerator at the Labora- tory for not more than ten days• 5. DISPOSITION OF 7diQI.h DLOOD. - Requests for blood are pre- pared in triplicate on '.YD AGO Form 8-216, 1 Oct 1945, by the Ward Officer and sent to the Chief cf the Laboratory Service. Upon receipt cf such request, the Chief of the Laboratory Service, or his representative, will then secure a specimen cf blood from the patient, type the patient’s blood, determine the Rh factor, and cross-match the patient’s blood with the same type (and same Rh factor, if possible) of blood obtained from the bank or from military personnel if no suitable blood is available in the bank. (TB MED 204). When a satisfactory cross matching has been ac- complished, the blood bank will be dispensed as follows: (1) If the blood transfusion is to be given in surgery, the laboratory will deliver it to the operating room. (2) If the transfusion is to be given on the ward, the laboratory will notify the v.ard and the latter will send for the blood. (3) When military personnel are to be used as donors, they will report to the Operating Room with the transfusion request forms which have been properly signed by the responsible Laboratory Officer. HR 40-1715 6o RECORDSo - Three copies of WD A.GO Form 8-216 will accompany each unit of blood (500 c.Co) obtained from the Blood to the place where the transfusion is to be given. When the transfusion is completed, the medical officer officiating, will then complete the last section of the transfusion request form. One completed copy is then filed with the patient’s clinical record and the other two copies are sent to the Chief of the Laboratory Service0 The Labora- tory Service will file one copy with their record and if military personnel donor has been used, will deliver the other copy to the Medical Supply Officer for payment0 7. REPORTSo - a. A monthly report is sent to the Chief of Surgical Service from the Chief of Laboratory Service showing: (1) The number of transfusions« (2) The number of Red Cross donors bledo (3) The number of detachment donors. (4) The number of blood units usedo bo The annual report will be compiled by the Chief of the Surgical Service at the end of each year from the accumulated monthly reports * 80 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 40-1715, 10 Aug 1945, Blood for Transfusion and Other Purposeso bo TB MED 204, 24 Oct 1945, Complications of Blood Transfusion. Co HR 40-40, 1 Jan 1946, Medical Service. do HR 40-60, 1 Jan 1946, Surgical Service e. HR 40-305, 1 Jan 1946, Laboratory Service. HR a0-l?l5 9c RESCISSIONS. - a. CGII Bulletin 155, 30 June 1955, Para5* Blood Trans- fusions. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant Major, MAC Adjutant HR 45-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 45-5 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 ORDNANCE Paragraph Duties *,, 1 Procurement of Ordnance Parts and Items.,... 2 Liaison with Ordnance Shoos and Depots,.., 3 Reports 4 Authoritative References, 5 Rescissions,., 6 1, DUTIES, - An Ordnance Officer will be appointed by Special Order to be responsible for* a. Requisition, receipt, storage and issue of Ordnance supplies and equipment, b. The maintenance of proper stock levels. Cc Such other functions of inspection, training, supply, maintenance, salvage and reclamation specified by the Commanding Officer or higher authority® ASF M301, 406,11, 2, PROCUREMENT OF ORDNANCE PARTS AND ITEMS, - a, A model stock of Ordnance parts is maintained in the Ordnance shop to a standard set each month by the Base Ordnance Shop to which this hospital is attached* Items needed to replace this stock are replaced automatically without requisition by the visit of Model Stock Inspector of the Ordnance Base shop* b» Under current Fifth Service Command Directives, CGI: Motor Pool is limited to First and Second Echelon repair* Parts for standard vehicles arc requisitioned from Shop A, Ordnance Base Shop, Newark, Ohio on AT) AGO Form 445* Tools and accessories arc requisi- tioned from Lordstown Ordnance Depot, Warren, Ohio or Fort Wayne Ordnance Depot as designated monthly by Shop A* Other items author- ized which appear in Surplus Property listings may be requisitioned directly from listing agencies* Items and parts needed for non- standard vehicles are purchased locally either with funds supplied this station or funds allocated by the Ordnance Service. See HR 30-25, c. Gasoline, oil, and other lubricants are procured through the Purchasing and Contracting Officer on TPS Contracts, See HR 30-25. 3, LIAISON WITH ORDNANCE SHOPS AND DEPOTS. - a. Vehicles needing third, fourth and fifth echelon repair on maintenance must be reported to the Commanding Officer, Shop A, HR 1*5-5 Ordnance Base Shop, Newark, Ohio for authority to evacuate the vehicle to that installation for such service. This shop deter- mines whether the vehicle is economically repairable and whether or not it will be returned to service0 If it isn’t repaired and returned to service, the accountability of the vehicle is turned over to the Property Officer of that station on a Y.'ar Department Shipping Document,, Replacement vehicles are allocated upon requis- ition to Transportation Officer, Fifth Service Command. bo Transportation Officer, Fifth Service Command, has representatives make periodic checks of transportation needs and will reallocate vehicles as needed. Liaison will be maintained with this office. ho REPORTS. - Oo Monthly Vehicle Status Report TSD AGO Form 577* b. Monthly Vehicle Record Report WD AGO Form 2U8« 5. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a0 AR 6 June 1923 - General Provisions, as amended,, b, AR 1*5-75, 28 Aug 1939, - Sales of Ordnance Property, as amendedo Co i'll 1*5-8 0, I4 Aug 1938 - Ordnance Property. d0 AR 850-5, 15 Feb 19U5 - Marking of Clothing, Equipment, Vehicles and Property, as amended. Go AR 850-10, 1 Sept 19)42 - Registration of Motor Vehicles, as amended» fa AR 850-15, 1 August 19)45 - Motor Vehicle, as amended, go ASF M301, Organization, 15 June )*5, )*06.11 Post Ordnance Officer, h, CGH HR 55-15, Motor Transportation, 1 Jan I46. i0 CGH HR 850-10, 1 Jan 1*6, - Registration of Motor Vehicles on the Post, 60 RESCISSION'S. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: STEINHOUR' Major, MAG Adjutan t RUSSELL B. 5TEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 50-5 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HOSPITAL REGUALTIONS HO % 50-5 CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE Paragraph put ie s •. * * 1 Status 2 Reports 3 Authoritative References* 4 Rescissions 5 1. PUTIBS» - The Post Chemical Warfare Officer will be desig- nated on Special Orders with responsibilities of (ASF M 301, 406*13)j a* Requisitioning, receiving, storing and Issuing of all Chemical Warfare equipment. b* Installing, inspecting and maintaining equipment used in connection with Defense Against Chemical Warfare and maintaining proper stock levels. c. Training of the Command in defense against Chemical Warfare attack in accordance with current training directives* This training will be coordinated with the Plans and Training Officer* 2. STATUS« - At the present time, the Chemical Warfare Service at this station is inactive* Stock accounts were closed as of the last fiscal audit and will not be reopened until so directed by higher authority. 5* REPORTS. - None* 4. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * - a. AR 50-5, 10 Sept 1942, Chemical Warfare Service General Provisions, as amended* b. WD Cir 191, 13 April 1944, Chemical Warfare Equipment Controlled Items, as amended* c* WP Cir 237, 12 June 1944, Functions and Duties of Post Chemical Warfare Officer* HR 50-5 do FM 21-40, Defense Against Chemical Attack® e« ASF M 301 Organization, 15 June 1945, 406*13, Post Ch«smica1 Warfare Officere 5o RESCISSIONSc - None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON % OF/ML; // RUSSETJ. Bo STEIKHOUR Major., MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B0 SIEINHOUR Maior, MAC Adjutant HR S5-1S HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 55-15 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 19ho MOTOR TRANSPORTATION Paragraph Transportation Officer . , , 1 Organization and Functions 2 Dispatching and Records 3 Authority for Use of Vehicles , I; Time Limits and Uses . £ Traffic 6 Authoritative References 7 Rescissions 8 1. TR ATI SPQR T A TION OFF 10 ER. - The Transportation Officer is desig- nated by special orders. lie will be responsible for the operation of the Post Administrative Motor Fool, and will take such actions as are necessary to insure that all such government vehicles are properly op- erated by personnel who have been issued an Operator’s Permit (00 Form No. 7360*, Old QMC Form No. 228). ASF M301. 2. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS. - a. Administrabive. (1) Motor Officer - supervises operations of the Motor Fool under the supervision of the Transportation Officer. (2) Dispatcher dispatches vehicles under the supervision of the Motor Officer. b. Maintenance. (1) Motor Sgt under supervision of the Motor Officer and supervises 1st and 2nd Echelon repair work on all Government vehicles performed by mechanics in the Motor Pool. (2) Stock Clerk requisitions and issues all Ordnance parts needed by the Motor Pool for repairs of Govern- ment vehicles, under the supervision of Motor Sgt. (3) Tire Repair Man is responsible for repair and main- tains records of tires repaired and replaced. He is under the supervision of the Motor Sgt, 3. DISPATCHING AND RECORDS. - a. All operator’s permits for motor vehicles operated from Motor Pool will be numbered in a single numerical series and will be 1 HR 55-15 issued by the officer in charge of operations„ Any officer com- manding an organization or detachment who wishes to have subordinate officers or enlisted personnel issued U. S. Motor Vehicle Opera- tor' s Permit will submit request in writing to the Transportation Officer, provided his or her duties require such operation Such applicants will be given an examination in accordance with existing regulations prior to being issued a permit,, b0 A written record will be kept in the Transportation Office showing all Motor Vehicle Operator's Permits in the hands of the organizations or persons. It shall be the responsibility of the officer making the request or his successor to return permits to the Transportation Officer for cancellation when the persons named in his request are transferred or deprived of permit because of infractions of regulations. c. When a government vehicle is dispatched, a Driver's Trip Ticket and Performance Record (W,D Form No. )j3) will be issued. do All drivers of government vehicles must have their Op- erator* s Permit and Trip Ticket with them while driving such vehicles. lu AUTHORITY FOR USE OF VEHICLES. - a. All government vehicles will be pooled and dispatched from the Motor Pool under proper authority. b. All calls for vehicles will bo made to the Motor Pool, extension 13b. c. Authority for use of vehicles may bo granted only by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Adjutant or the Adminis- trative Officer of the Day except emergency dispatching of ambulances from the R & D Office. d. Officers requiring transportation on periodical schedule will furnish the Transportation Officer such schedule through Head- quarters in order that vehicles may be reserved and dispatched at the hour and place designated. e. Consolidation of trips will be made by the Motor Pool when vehicles are dispatched to Cleveland and vicinity. 5. TIME LIMITS AND USES. - a. On trips to the city when the occupant does not need the car for more than two hours, cars will be sent back to the Motor Pool and a new request placed when car is needed. b. On post runs, when the occupant expects to be away from the car more than thirty minutes, the vehicle will be sent back to the Motor•Pool. 2 hr 99-19 c. It is the duty of the occupant of the car, when holding the driver (military) during the meal hour, to see that the driver is provided with funds to purchase the meal. d. Cars are to be used only for OFFICIAL BUSINESS includ- ing the uses listed in Par. 29, AR 890-19* 6. TRAFFIC. - a. Accidents - All traffic accidents occurring on or off this post which involve Government vehicles or Army personnel stationed on this post, will be promptly reported to the Provost Marshal or Transportation Officer. The provisions of AR 8.90-19 will be complied with. b. Accident Report by the Driver - In case of injury to persons or property, the driver of the motor vehicle will stop and ren- der such assistance as may be needed, He will fill out on the spot Driver’s Report - Accident, Motor Transportation Form No. 26, and deliver it to the Motor Transportation Officer immediately upon his return to this station. This must be done in every case, regardless of how trivial the injury to person or persons may appear or how small the damage to property may seem. In the event of failure to make the re- quired report (No, 26) the Transportation Officer will institute proper disciplinary action against the driver. c. Report to the Transportation Officer - Upon receipt of a Driver's Report - Accident, Motor Transportation Form No. 26, the Transportation Officer will forward such report to the Commanding Offi- cer for investigation, 7. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 99- Series. b. AR 890-10, 1 Sept 62 - Registry and Inventory of Motor Vehicles. c, AR 890-19, 1 Aug 69 - Military Motor Vehicles, d. ASF M301, Organization, 19 Jan 69, 606,16 Post Trans- portation Officer. e, T. R, 79-89, 19 Feb 66 - The Motor Vehicle Operator, f, FM 29-10, 12 March 62 - Basic Field Manual. g, TM 21-309, Nov 66 - Driver Manual, h. Ohio Traffic Regulations and Highway Laws, 196.1 • 3 HR 95-15 io Ohio Official Traffic Code, 19hl jo Traffic Code, City of Cleveland, 1913 * RESCISSIONS. - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 55-25 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO, 55-25 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland S, Ohio 1 January 1946 RAIL AND AIR TRANSPORTATION Paragraph Transportation Officer , .. # 1 Dutic 2 Rail Transportation# 3 Medical Certificate 4 Air Transportation 5 Baggage 6 Authoritative References 7 Rescissions 8 1, TRANSPORTATION OFFICER, - The Transportation Officer is designated by special orders# In general, he is charged with the arrangements necessary for the movement of military and civilian personnel and supplies to and from this posto ASF M 501# 2# DUTIES. - The qualifications and duties of the Trans- portation Officer follow; a. Be familiar with traffic conditions in and around this area. b. Be familiar with pertinent regulations, publications and landgrant equalization agreements applicable to freight and passengers # c0 Act as technical advisor to Commanding Officer, co- ordinating transportation needs where necessary# d» Maintain close, friendly liasion with passenger representatives assigned to his office; maintain friendly liasion with local carriers at all times; maintain close cooperation with supply officers who receive or ship supplies# e. Be responsible that all loading or unloading facil- ities are available at this hospital# f. Furnish information regarding train schedules needed in making out special orders# 3# RAIL TRANSPORTATION. - a# Duty personnel, immediately upon receipt of travel order will call in person (or by agent officer) at the Post Transportation Office to obtain schedule, transportation requests and meal tickets mo 5-25 (where authorized)® This applies to all duty personnel. If at ail possible and to insure proper rail reservations, all arrangements should be completed at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to scheduled train time. Current volume of travel and tremendous detail of work involved makes this necessary® b® Movements of patients as individuals or in small groups - In the movement of patients as individuals or in small groups. Par 5, WD Cir No 405, 14 Oct 1944, is quoted below for the information of all ward officers concerned when requesting Pullman accommodations. (1) Requests for room accommodations (drawing rooms, compartments, bedrooms, and other closed accommodations) will be made only as authorized under the provisions of paragraphs 3b and 4, AR 55-125. Requests for other berth space will be made as authorized in paragraph 3a, AR. 55-125. (2) Railroads are not required under the provisions of ICC Service Order No 213 to provide accommodations of a class or type not regularly available on regularly scheduled trains, by the addition of cars providing the accommodations desired, if other accommodations are available on such scheduled trains that may be used without detriment to the patients. Superior room accommoda- tions will not be requested in any case where lower class room accommodations are adequate and available. For example, a drawing room v/ill not be requested if a compartment is adequate and avail- able. Further, if any of the classes of room accommodations authorized in AR 55-125 are adequate and available, the authority of ICC Service Order No 213 v/ill not be invoked to secure lower or higher class room accommodations. (3) ICC Service Order No 213 does not provide for the dispossessing of passengers to secure space for prisoner-of-war patients. Certificates will not be issued to secure space for such patients. In conformity with the provisions of pertinent con- ventions and treaties, the railroads have agreed to make every effort to secure accommodations for prison-of-war patients on the same basis as for patients of the armed forces of the United States• (4) In order that accommodations may be secured for all classes of patients, and to insure that they also will be pro- tected from loss thereof en route through the operation of ICC Service Order No 213, the responsible medical officer v/ill issue the following certificate for all classes of patients as defined in this circular, except as provided in paragraph 5c. IIR 55=25 (Hospital Letterhead) Date I certify that (insert name, rank and ASN) is a patient, class (insert class) (Cir. 405, WD, 1944*) and that (insert the type accommodation) is required for this patient and (insert number and rank/grada) attendants «> Movement must be initiated within (insert time Tn hours) from (city and state) and the destination is (city and state}» 4. MEDICAL CERTIFICATES» - lour copies of medical certificates will be required in movements of patients. a. Transportation Officer, upon receiving medical cer- tificate and request for transportation, will obtain reservations and pick up same for transfer of patients. Upon completion of necessary arrangements, tickets are to be turned over to the Registrar's Office. If, for any reason tickets are not used, such reservations will be cancelled with the railroad concerned and returned to this office with the proper notation or explanation as to why the reservation was not used. b. Transportation Officer will be notified in advance in the movement of litter patients, as to whether the litter patient is to be put through Pullman car window. In all cases of any communicable disease. Transportation Officer will be notified and he in turn will notify the railroad, as ICC Regulations state that ail space used by such persons, after travel is performed, must be fumigated. This must be strictly adhered to. 5. AIR TRANSPORTATION. - Air Transportation will not be fur- nished unless authorized by special orders. Hospital planes can be obtained for movement of litter patients who are unable to be placed through Pullman car windows due to width of cast, etc. Hospital planes may be obtained by wiring or telephoning Medical Regulating Office, Washington, D.C. (REpublic 6700, ext 71163). 6. CHECKING BAGGAGE. - a. Packaging and Packing - All clothing and/or other articles to be checked on railroad ticket will be packed in bar- racks tags, duffle bags, foot lockers, luggage cases or wooden boxes with handles attached. BAGS WILL NOT BE TIED TOGETHER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES• b. Marking - Each piece of checkable baggage will be marked with a shipping tag showing owner's* HR 55-25 (1) Name - last, first and middle initial© (2) Ranko (3) Army Serial Number© (4) Organization© (5) Destination© Every piece will be delivered to Receiving Warehouse at least thirty- six (36) hours prior to scheduled train time© Collected baggage will be hauled via Government vehicle to railroad station© No special trips will be made to haul baggage received late© Co Immediately upon arrival at the railroad station, the traveler will identify his (her) baggage at Baggage Room to check same through on railroad ticket® d» When travel is being performed in groups, the officer or non-commissioned officer in charge of group is responsible for proper checking of baggage of all men in his group© e. All individuals should pack their belongings so that articles considered necessary while traveling will be packed in the following containers? Officers - Musette bag and hand baggage© Enlisted Men ■ Barracks bag "A” which must travel with Unit, preferably in the hands of owner© (The basic order will in- dicate the general type of clothing required)© f© Baggage checks for inbound baggage to be received by individuals or group attendants, to be picked up at railroad stations bus stations or airport will be complete© No baggage checks will be accepted by the Transportation Office without the following in- formation on the baggage check when turned in to the Transportation Office © (1) Owner's name must be on all baggage checks© (2) Owner's ward number or telephone number where he can be reached upon picking up the baggage, when possible© (3) For all baggage to be picked up, checks must be in the Transportation Office one day before pickup is made by the town truck, which makes a daily run© There will be no special pick- up of baggage© HR 55-25 79 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 55-105, 29 Dec 1D42, Transportation by Commercial Means, General, and changes as amended. b. AR 55-110, 22 Jan 1943, Transportation Requests, and changes as amended. c. AR 55-120, 26 April 1943, Transportation of Individuals and changes as amended. d. AR 55-125, 9 Jan 1943, Sleeping Car and Similar Accom- modations, and changes as amended. e« AR 55-150, 14 Jan 1944, Bills of Lading, and changes as amended. f. AR 55-160, 26 April 1943, Transportation of Authorized Baggage, and changes as amended. g. AR 55-175, 24 Aug 1942, Demurrage and Storage, and changes as amended. h0 TM 55-550, Aug 1945, Bills of Lading. i. ASF M301, Organization, 15 June 1945, 406.16 Post Transportation Officer. j. Commercial Traffic Bulletins, No 1-52 inclusive and changes, published periodically. k. Official Railway Guide, published monthly. l. Russell's Motor Coach Guide, published monthly. m. Current airline schedules, American and United Air Lines, published monthly. 8, RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON * RUSSELL B. STSINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant HR 60- 5 hospital rlgulatiokd ) NO. 60-5 } GRILL GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19e6 CHaPLaINS Paragraph Duty.......... ., 1 Hours. 2 Correspondence. . . d Religious Services 4 Civilian Contacts. f Visitation 6 Supplies n Organ 8 Report s 9 Visiting Clergy. 10 Authoritative References 11 Rescissions 12 1. DUTY. - The Post Chaplain, being a member of the Post Commander’s Staff, will act through, or for the Commanding Officer of the hospital in all matters pertaining to the religious- needs of the personnel stationed at this hospital and in matters pertaining to the work of other Chaplains as- signed to this post. TM 16-205, FLI 101-5- a. The Post Chaplain and his assistants are responsible for the religious ministry to the entire personnel of this hospital. b. The Post Chaplain and his assistants should seek to maintain a high state of morale and Esprit de corps in the hospital. c. In accordance with Basic Field Manual FM 21-50, Chaplains will be addressed officially as "Chaplain” regardless of their grade. d. Chaplains will work together for the good of the service. Harmony and unity should prevail at all times. e. Chaplains will seek to cooperate in the most cordial way with members of the Medical Staff and the Red Cross. 2. HOURS OF WORK. - Chaplains will maintain regular office hours, from 0800 to 1700 daily, Chaplains will find, however, many instances where their work can best be carried on after hours inasmuch as personnel assigned to duty at this hospital may at times need the assistance of Chaplains during off duty hours. 3« C0RR1SPONPENCE. - Chaplains are authorized to communicate directly with the Chief of Chaplains office on subjects which are purely professional. Other matters will be taken up through proper channels. TM 16-205. HR 60-5 4 RELIGIOUS SERVICES. - It shall be the duty of Chaplains to con- duct or arrange all stated or special services of worship for she benefit of patients and other hospital personnel at such times as may be agreed. Personal ministratio. s and services of worship will be conducted in the guard house when necessary ana feasible. a. The Post Chaplain will supervise and be responsible for the proper religious care for the prisoners of war who msy be located at this post. He may secure the services of civilian clergymen who are competent to render spiritual ministrations. TM 16-205. b. Except in case of an exigency which would prevent, the Chap- lain will conduct at least one weekly Sabbath Service for the entire Command, including patients. c. Each Chaplain will be responsible for the arrangement of the building for iris services and for the removal of articles used exclusively in his form of worship. Sufficient time will be allowed between services for the removal of such articles and the proper arrangement of trie place of meeting .tor any service that is to follow. When no religious service is being held in the chapel, the altar will be cleared of everything but the flower vases and the issued altar cloth. This provides a place of general worship for anyone wishing to carry on private devotions. d. Religious Services will nou be conducted on this post un- less the time and place, as well as the service are approved by the Post Chaplain. e. No religious service will be broadcasted over the radio system without the knowledge and consent of the Post Chaplain. f. Announcements regarding religious services at this hospital will not be made over the radio system, public address system or inserted in the daily bulletin or in the Crile Crier unless they are first approved by the Post Chaplain's office. 5. CIVIL I AN C ON I'aCTS 0 - Many requests are made for the services of the Chaplain as a speaker in civilian communities. These requests are proper, but the Chaplain must not allow them to interfere with his re- sponsibility to the hospital. 6. VISITATION. - Chaplains will note carefully the new patients whose names and wards will be daily submitted by the hospital. Chap- lains will visit such patients as scon as possible after their* admit- tance, Chaplains will visit generally among the patients in the wards with special attention to the seriously ill and those so circumstanced as to need special encouragement and help. Chaplains will be promptly notified in cases of serious illness and will in accordance with AR 60-5 arrange, if practicable, for Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and other HR 60 5 patients to receive the ministration;, of Chaplains or other clergymen c their respective faiths * In case of an emergency when there is no Chap- lain of the patient*s own faith available, Chaplains of other faiths are instructed to render all the assistance possible0 7° SUPPLIES o - Chaplains needing necessary supplies and accessories for their work will consult the Post Chaplain and arrange with him for the procuremento 80 THE CHaPEL QP.GaNc - An Orgatron has been installed for use with the religious services which are held in the Chapel0 The organ will be accessible at all times for use with any and all religious services which may be conducted in the Chapel, The organ will not be used by private individuals for their personal use0 9o CHAPLAINS REPCRTSo - Duty Chaplains and patient Chaplains will make a report of activities at the end of each month» These reports will be turned in to the Post Chaplain3 s Office promptly.. If reports are im- properly filled out, the Post Chaplain will return them for correction« Corrections must be made promptly and returned to the Post Chaplain’s officeo The Post Chaplain will forward such reports to the Commanding Officer of this hospital for approval and he, in*torn, will forward the same to the Chief of Chaplains office through proper channels., 10o VISITING CLERGYMENo - Except those who are personal friends of the patient concerned, visiting clergymen will contact the office of the Post Chaplain before being allowed access to patients in the wards* The Post Chaplain is interested in meeting visiting clergymen and when their assistance is needed or desirable, will be able to coordinate such minis- try with the regular religious program afforded the patients and other personnel of this hospital* a* For professional reasons, visiting when granted access to personnel of the hospital, will confine their ministry to those who are members of the denomination they represent. b0 When visiting clergymen desire access to patients in the Neuro-Psychiatric Section, particular care will be exercised to coordinate such ministry with the convalescent treatment which the patient is re« ceivingo Such clergymen must have the consent of both the Post Chaplain and the Chief of the Neuro-Psychiatric Section before being admitted to the ward, Co Visiting clergymen, after having finished their ministry to personnel of the Post, will call again at the Post Chaplain’s office and advise him of thealnistry which they have rendered, so that he will be advised of such ministry afforded and will be better enabled to coordin- ate it with the regular religious program conducted at this hospital» This will also enable the Post Chaplain to include such ministry of visits ing clergymen in his monthly report* HR 60-5 ilo AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a0 AR 60=>5 Chaplains* bo TM 16-205 The Chaplain,, Co FM 101-5 Staff and Combat Orders, do WD Cir No 383, 1945 Nonappropriatcd Funds. 12o RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: A OFFICIALS/ Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINEOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 100-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS N0> 100-5 CHILE GENERAL- HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1. January 1946 ENGINEER Paragraph Authorxty©*©©©.©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©*©©©©©®©*,*©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®©* 1 Scope of Responsibilities • • •. .. * - o * 2 Or gam ZS. t 1 on tsv«©cc©c©o«©oo;.o,:io*ico©oo»sosoeo,t»©©®e*e84»«o««>oo»o*e»© 3 Functions ©©*©£ > CS»C3CSC©fiC .S©©C8£*-*,; ©©6*©S»0©Oe*OS80©«8 0080©©80«8»*©80 4 Maintenance ©ccc-. c a ©eicoce©©©©©.:.©©£© ©ocw&©o«©»«o*o©80©©*sc©e©c:ce©ooo* 5 Author itative References . { s c © 5 ©««.»e o e 6 Rose xss ions . c©.©©©©©.©©©©©©©*©© .£©©■;■ ©©©*©©©,,•©©©©©©©. ©c©©©© »©©*©©«<•*© Y 1- AUTHORITY - The Post Engineer is recommended by Service Com- mand and appointed by Special Order of the Commanding Officer to be responsible for all construction* real estate*, repair and utility matters on the Post ASH M 301*, 406.12, 2i SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITIES - a* "Repairs and Utilities' include the study of contemplated work, the preparation of drawings and estimates, the budgeting for funds, the distribution of funds* the providing of material, -labor operating supplies, accessory installed equipment and special purpose vehicles necessary forg (1) The maintenance and repair cf buildings, structures, grounds and utility systems and permanently installed property attached thereto. (?.) The operation of all utilities. 3 ) The construction of additions, extensions, alterations and rehabilitations necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of maintenance, repair and operations work- (4) The performance of all the general responsibilities as covered in fl), (2) and (3) above and outlined ast (a* Water supply. (b) Electricity supply,» (c) Gas supply, (d) All fuel * (e) Keatings (f) Refrigeration* HR 100-5 (g) The disposal of waste material, including its collection, provided that salable refuse, including garbage will be disposed of by the Post Supply Officer, and its collection will be accomplished in collaboration with the Post Supply Officer* (h) Fire protection (Post Engineer is the Post Fire Marshal). (i) Insect, rodent and other vermin control* (j) Buildings and structures, roads, walks and grounds * (k) Permanently installed equipment- (l) Maintenance of equipment and vehicles> (m) Utility shops, (5) Repairs and Utilities will not be considered to include the furnishings of supplies or equipment to troops or organizations except where the furnishings of such items is inci- dental to repairs and utilities to Crilo General Hospital. b. Warehouse. - The Post Engineer will operate a ware- house for the supply of materials for construction, repairs and utility functions only* In no case is the Post Engineer author- ized to issue any property or material which does not pertain directly to the maintenance or repairs of the buildings, struc- tures, grounds, utility systems or permanently installed property. 3, ORGANIZATION * - Post Engineer office is divided into the following sectionsj a. Administration* b« Engineering and operation* c. Construction, maintenance and repair. d. Fire Department* 4* FUNCTIONS <■ - a. Administration* - (l) This section handles all cost accounting, manage- ment problems, personnel problems, coordination with the Personnel Division of the hospital by hiring and releasing of all personnel UR 100-5 for the Post Engineer, coordination with the Fiscal Division of the hospital in the expenditure of all appropriations pertaining to the Post Engineer where it is for new construction or oper- ation and coordination with the Commanding Officer on problems relating to maintenance, new construction, real estate and cus- todial service for the hospital® (2) Work requests will be processed through this department for work to be performed by the construction, main- tenance or repair departments® (3) Responsible for requisitioning, warehousing and property accountability of all Post Engineer items® b® Engineering and Operation® - (1) This section is responsible for the technical correctness of all engineering of construction and maintenance performed at this hospital® All requests for alterations and new construction are submitted to the Engineering Department for study and the preparation of plans and specifications® Recom- mendations are compiled and submitted to higher echelon accord- ing to ASF Cir ho 713 for approval® When approved, detailed plans, specifications and estimates are submitted for final approval and funds according to ASF Cir No 343® When approved, the work is processed for completion by contract or is forwarded for completion to the construction or maintenance and repair divisions of this hospital and incorporated with the shop work® (2) All utilities on the post are the direct re- sponsibility of this Section® (3) Monthly and quarterly reports on the utili- zation of available space, all utility usage, minor and major construction reports and base data reports originate in this department for the various other departments, and also for higher echelon between the first and tenth of each calendar month® c® Construction, Maintenance and Repair® - (l) This Section is the field organization of the Post Engineer and incorporates the following units % (a) Area Maintenance men® (b) Carpenter shop® (c) General mechanics (plumbing, steanfitting, light metal work)® (d) Electric shop® m 100-5 (e) Engineer equipment. (f) Paint shop, (g) Laborers. (2) The function and duties of the above units arej (a) Area Maintenance Men. - There is an area maintenance man assigned to each of the five maintenance areas in the hospital. The duties of these men are to receive the calls and carry out minor maintenance repair jobs at the various points in their designated area. The work consists of the re- placing of light bulbs, minor repairs to structures, minor glaz- ing, small heating systems repairs and adjustments and minor electrical repairs. Should the job reported to the area main- tenance man, on examination prove to be beyond his scope, he will then process the job back through the area maintenance foreman, who in turn, will process it to the proper department as listed under 4c (l) above. (b) Carpenter Shop. - The carpenter shop will function primarily in repairs to structures and take over where the area maintenance men are unable to function. The carpenter shop is also responsible for all minor alterations, additions and repairs to all structures, repair to furniture, crating of material for shipment, etc., in the hospital area. They will also do major construction work where it is deemed advisable. (c) General Mechanics. - The general mechanics shop shall do all maintenance work which pertains to metal work. The duties shall include all maintenance, alterations and minor new construction in the hospital area and shall also do major construction where it is deemed advisable. They shall take over where the area maintenance men are unable to function. Their work shall consist of all piping of steam, water, sewage and tho maintenance of all heating equipment and any other work that may pertain to motal work, such as structural steel, platework or any minor machine shop work that they are fitted to handle. (d) Electric Shop. - The electric shop shall be responsible for all electric service in the way of maintenance and repair and new minor or major construction that may be deemed advisable. They shall also take over where the area maintenance men are unable to function. (e) Engineer Equipment. - The engineer equip- ment unit is responsible for the maintenance of all heavy equip- ment and the operation of the same. (f) Paint Shop. - The paint shop is held re- sponsible for all painting and glazing of new construction, HR 100-5 maintenance and signs• They shall also take over where the area maintenance men arc unable to function* (g) Laborers. - The function of this unit is primarily to maintain the grounds * This will include the cut- ting of grass, planting, ditch work for draining and any other maintenance that actually pertains to the grounds. It will also carr^r out new projects in the way of planting* This unit will also act as a labor pool and will function accordingly in con- junction with the other units* d. Tire Department» - (1) Fire protection for the hospital areas is dependent primarily upon the Crile General Hospital Fire De- partment and when necessary on the departments of the Village of Parma Heights, City of Parma and City of Cleveland, Ohio* (2) The Post Engineer is the Fire Marshal. (3) For SOP see HR 100-50, Fire Regulations. 5 9 MAINTENANCE, - a. All maintenance work accomplished by the Pest Engineer Organization will be classified in the following three categories: (1) Routine preventative maintenance* (2) Erner geney ma int enanco * (3) Hon-recurrent maintenance* b* Routine preventative maintenance will be per- formed by the proper Post Engineer personnel without the formality of issuing a work order in advance. o. Emergency maintenance * - (1) Minor jobs will be handled by telephone direct to the area maintenance man assigned to that area and identified by phone number over all phones in that area* This will include such items as lighting, heating, plumbing, gas supply and such minor structural work as leaking roofs, broken windows, doors, locks, etc, (2) Major jobs will bo requested on a Work Order Form No 4111G. This will include such work as major painting IIR 100-5 projects, rehabilitation of flooring and floor covering, moving of fixtures, either electrical or sanitary and the repair of structural failures® d. Non-Recurrent Maintenance. - All alterations or ad- ditions which are non-rocurrent projects will first be submitted on a written request for approval to the Commanding Officer prior to submission of a request to the Post Engineer Office. The approved project when received will then be processed in accord- ance with standard procedure and in compliance with current di- rectives. All work other than preventative maintenance must bo accomplished by work order issuance. This method must be followed explicitly in order to control cost and supply levels. e. Changes or alterations to buildings, structures, utilities and installed equipment are to be made only by those persons properly assigned by the Post Engineer under the author- ity of the Commanding Officer. 6. AUT.11 OR I TAT ITS REFERENCES. - a. Post Engineer Operations. - (1) Ail 100-5, 12 Fob 1943, CE, General Provisionso (2) All 100-25, 28 Sept 1942, CE, Supply Functions. (3) AR 100-30, 14 Aug 1942, CE, Engineer Board. (4) AR 100-60, 4 May 1943, CE, Real Estate; General Provisions. (5) AR 100-61, 15 Sept 1942, Cl* Real Estate; Ac- quisition. (6) AR 100-62, 15 Sept 1942, CE, Leases, Ease- ments, Licenses and Permits to use. War Department Real Estate, (?) AR 100-63, 30 Sept 1942, CE, Real Estate; Dis- posal . (8) AR 100-64, 22 May 1944, CE, Real Estate, Claims for Rent, Damage and other Payments. (9) AR 100-70, 5 Nov 1942, CE, New Construction. (10) AR 100-80, 19 Aug 1942, CE, Repairs and Utilities. (11) AR 100-90, 19 Anr 1943, CE, Fuel, 'Water and Electric Services. HR 100-5 bc Administration. - (1) ASF M 301, Organization, 15 June 1945, 406.12, Post Engineer. (2) ASF 1! 414, 21 Aug 1944, Procedure for Process- ing Domestic Requisitions. (3) ASF M 419, 1 Aug 1945, Disposition of Excess Station Stocks. (4) ASP M 501, 15 Dec 1943, Repairs and Utilities, Property Accounting for Post Engineers. (5) TM 5-602, Sep 1945, Cost Accounting, Repairs and Utilities. (6) TM 5-600, June 1945, Repairs and Utilities, Guides and Procedures. (?) TM 12-253, 1 Oct 1944, Correspondence. (8) TM 14-904, Apr 1945, Accounting for Lost, Damaged and Destroyed Property. (9) TM 38-220, 9 May 1944, Stock Control Manual for Posts, Camps and Stations. (10) TM 38-403, 1 Aug 1944, Station Supply Procedure. (11) Letter Hq, 5th SvC, file* SPVSE-G-140, 20 Sep 1945. (12) Letter Hq, 5th SvC, filet SPVSE-G-140, 23 Sep 1945, subjectt Repairs and Utilities Property Accounting. (13) Letter Hq, 5th SvC, filet SPVSE-G-140, 17 Oct 1945, subject* Repairs and Utilities Property Accounting. c. Engineering and Operation. - (1) WD Cir No 343, 14 Nov 1945, Construction and Repairs and Utilities. (2) Cir No 713, 5th SvC, 10 Dec 1945, subject: In- formal Approval of Repairs and Utilities Projects. HR 100-5 d. Construction, Maintenance and Repair* - (1) R & U Manual, 2G Sep 1942. (2) Equipment Manual for Area and Post Engineers, 1 Oct 1942. 7. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY OR DEI?. OB1 COLONEL EMERSON* RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MG Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant MAP OF CHILE general HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, O. VICINITY- MAP ENLARGED *MAP Schedule SuiidUufA. SUouut 0*1 OpftaliU Patje 1. Administration Building 2. Nurses Quarters 3. Nurses Quarters 4. Nurses Quarters 5. Nurses Quarters 6. Officers Quarters 7. Officers (garters 8. Officers and Nurses Mess 9. Officers and Nurses Recreation General Surgery AlIB General Surgery < Physiotherapy Section A1S X-Ray Pharmacy Laboratory A13B Pharmacy Laboratory Cental A14B E.E.N.T. Clinic Orthopedic A15B Orthopedic Orthopedic Alffl Orthopedic Orthopedic A17B Orthopedic Orthopedic A18B Orthopedic Orthopedic A19B Orthopedic Orthopedic A20B Orthopedic Orthopedic A21B Orthopedic Orthopedic A22B Orthopedic Eye A23B Eye Eye A24B Eye Plastic A25B Plastic Plastic A26B Plastic Plastic A27B Plastic Plastic A28B Plastic Plastic A29B Plastic Women's Wbrd A30B Plastic 3IB Chapel Neuro-Psychiatric Ward A32B Neuro-Psychiatric Ward Neuro-Psychiatric Ward A33B Neuro-Psychiatric Ward Neuro-Psychiatric Ward A34B Neuro-Psychiatric Ward Neuro-Psychiatric Ward A35B Neuro-Psychiatric Ward Plastic A36B Plastic Plastic A37B Plastic Occupational Therapy A38B Library Urology A39B Eye Sen.Med. k Neurology A40B E.N.T. k Dental Sen.Med. 6 Dermatology A41B Gen.Med. ft Dermatology. Officers Medical Sec. A42B Allergy ft Malaria Isolation Ward A43B Isolation Ward Guest House A44 45. Telephone Exchange 46. Patients Recreation 47. Post Office and Post Exchange 48. Patients Mess Plastic A49B Plastic Plastic A50B Plastic Plastic A51B Plastic Plastic A52B Plastic Plastic A53B Plastic Educational Recond.. A54B Physical Recond. WAC Barracks A56B WAC Barracks WAC Barracks A57B WAC Barracks WAC Day Room A58B WAC Barracks CDD Ward A59B CEO Ward Board Room A60B Separation Couns. 51. Enforced Treatment lard 62. Patients Recreation 63. Gasoline Station 65. Hospital Shop & Morgue 66. Receiving Building Medical Supply A67B Medical Supply Medical Supply A68B Medical Supply Quartermaster A69B Quartermaster Quartermaster A706 Quartermaster Laundry A71B Laundry 72. Heating Plant 73. Fire Station 74. Animal House 75. Incinerator 76. Gas Meter House 77. Puoping Station 78. Post Engineer 79. Slops 80. Storehouse 81. Gymnasium 82. Gale House 83. Gate House 84. N.P.Occupational Therapy 85. Theater 86.. Central Supply 87. Paint Storage 88. Water Tower 100. Flag Pole 101. Reservoir 210. NOD dub 218, 219,220,228,229,230* Barracks,Med.Detach. 239. Detachment Supply 240. Detaehaient Orderly Room 250. Detachment Mess 259,260,268,269. Field Hospital WAR DEPARTMENT /eei//s/0/rs OFFICE OF POST ENGTNEER CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL cleveland-9-parma-hgTs-ohio- MAP OF HOSPITAL AREA BUILDING LOCATIONS date 15 Dec. 1945 ■——— =-i • - - DRAWING NO. P.E. 103-C DRAWN-BY JF TRACED- CHECKED BY BY CONTRACT Mg R.J. Sharp; J.P. Noble -CIV.L- -M*JOR-C€- D„_ klo -ENGINEER- POST-ENG*. NY HR 100-25 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS . NO. 100-25 GRILL. GENERAL HOSPITAL. Cleveland -9, Ohio 1 January 19U6 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS VACATED Paragraph Vacating Buildings or Grounds 1 Policing 2 Notification 3 Authoritative References h Rescissions 5 1. VACATING BUILDINGS OR GROUNDS. - When any building or living quarters are vacated by an organization, unit, section, or individual, the person responsible for the property therein will immediately take the necessary steps to turn over all property to the proper supply officer and secure a clearance for all the prop- erty signed for before departing from this station. 2. POLICING. - The responsible person will see that the in- terior of the building and the surrounding grounds are properly policed before clearance will be furnished. 3. NOTIFICATION. - It is trie responsibility of the person occupying the building or quarters to notify the Post Engineer in order that he may have a final inspection of the building and area made prior to furnishing a clearance. h. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - None. 5. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: fOYBiOlKLi/j jj RUSSELL B. STEINIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEIMiiOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 100-50 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS N0o 100-50 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 95 Ohio. 1 January 19U6 FIRE REGULATIONS Paragraph General Provisions „ 1 Organization and Functions * a * c. o*.. o o».<. *.,,.«8 - 2 Fire Alarms „ *«.,. , 0.....,, a, a.«. * ».,, ,, „,. 3 Zone Descriptions . h Conduct of Personnel • s.*,.,*,*,,...,,,..,, . * «...,,„ <. *«* , * *,, 5 Personnel Who Do Not Respond to Fire Alarm ., 0,.. o a. . 6 Fire Drills ,, , * . „,.,, , ,0 -.», ,. .,„», ,,., 4 c *, ,,,, . . . . „, 7 Fire Prevention ,, 0 . , • > o *«* * -6 . <., ; , a,,,,, ,,,8 Authoritative References ,c *.,», ,„, ,, , * 6, , <. , , • „ ...,,e <■ 9 Rescissions . , ~,.., ...,, ,,, . c«»* a * * -, -., * c <. *»„ » „ *0*,« 10 1„ GENERAL PROVISIONS0 - a- Fire protection for Crile General Hospital area is dependent upon the service of the Crile General Hospital Fire Depart- ment and when deemed necessary, the Fire Departments of the Village of Parma Heights, City of Parma, and the City of Cleveland, Ohio, bo The Fire Department will he set up and organized ac- cording to w'D TM 5-600 and in particular according to Chap, 5*1 to 5*69* inclusiveo 2, ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS, - a. The Post Engineer is the Fire Marshal designated in Special Orders, Crile General Hospital, according to WD TM 5-600, Chap„- 5 13- The line of responsibility shall bos (1) Fire Marshal (Post Engineer), (2) Assistant Fire Marshal (Assistant Post Engineer) (3) Fire Chief (Civilian) (];) Assistant Fire Chief on Duty (Civilian). (5) Administrative Officer of the Day* bo The Fire Chief will be in charge of all personnel and equipment under control of the Fire Marshal, or in his absence the Assistant Fire Marshal and will be responsible for administration and organization of the following fire protection and fire prevention ac- tivities as quoted in TM 5-600, Par, 5--. 13* as followss Hit 100-50 (1) Setting up and enforcing regulations and orders to reduce or eliminate all fire hazards in the area under his jurisdiction., (2) Organizing* instructing and training designated fire fighting personnel in all phases of main- :,enance and operation of fire apparatus* appliances md systems.. (3) Adequately distributing, installing and maintain- ing all fire-protection equipment and systems, ()}} Making regular periodic inspections of all build- ings and tests of fire-protection systems* appar- atus and equipment, including recharging fire ex- tinguishers . (5) Issuing necessary orders to fire department person- nel to regulate duties affecting routine operations, fire prevention inspections and. fire-fighting duties, (6) Investigating fires immediately to determine the cause, preserve all pertinent evidence, and prepare required reports and records (?) Preparing reports, requisitions and recommendations for necessary improvement or reduction in fire protection and fire prevention c The Administrative Officer of the Day will always proceed at once to the scene of the fire and assume command of the. guard detail He will procure any additional men required to main- tain adequate control of traffic and. spectators and any additional men required to augment the regular Fire Department personnel.-. d., The Detachment Commander v/ill furnish two groups of enlisted personnel for specific duties in case of any fire alarm, as followsJ (l) One group of twenty persons designated by the Detachment Commander will bear litters and pro- ceed to the scene of the fire by most expeditious method for the purpose of evacuating patients. This group of personnel will be changed from time to time in accordance with the schedule of their principal duties, hours and periods of time off, away from the post They will work under the orders of the ward master concerned The senior noncom- missioned officer present will be in charge. 2 HR 100-90 (2) Second group of twenty or more designated by Detachment Commander will act as guards and assist post firemen with their duties as re- quired by the Post Fire Marshal or Fire Chief« The Guards will establish a traffic control around the scene of the fire, allowing no one to pass except those actively engaged in fighting the fire, saving lives or salvaging property. They will be dispatched to the scene of the fire immediately when formed with senior noncommissioned officer in charge, e, It will be the Detachment Commander's duty to have operating orders for the organization of the two groups as required and listed above with detailed instructions for the storage and avail- ability of litters, conduct of personnel and disposition of other available personnel. f, Special standing orders will be made as required for the establishment of the emergency groups required in the event of a fire call within the Neuro-Psychiatric Section of the Hospital. The noncommissioned officer of the guard on duty will be notified by tele- phone immediately of fire call in this area* g, The Civilian Fire Chief will be assisted by designated senior fire fighters who will be in charge of each twenty-four hour shift. h* Fire fighters will be civilians and when it is deemed necessary will be assisted by the enlisted personnel. i. The strength of the post firo 'personnel will be kept at a minimum consistent with post needs and governed by M) TM 5-600, Par, 5,19 with revisions, j. Procedure regarding replacement and classification of fire fighting personnel will be found in the Manual of Standard Jobs Description, CPU 20.9 as published by The Office of the Secretary of War. Fire fighting personnel will also bo governed by TM 5-600, Chap. 5*20 in its entirety. k. Local Fire Fighting Apparatus: (1) Local‘fire fighting apparatus will be governed by regulations in TM 5-600, Par, 5*29 to 5*1*0, inclusive. (2) Fire stations will be governed by the regulations in TM 5-600, Sect, 6, Par, 5»1*1 to 5Jl5> inclusive. 3 HR 100-^0 (3) The fire protection systems will be governed by TM 5-600, Sect. 7, Par. 5Ji6 to inclusive. 3. FIRE ALARMS ~ a. TJhen reporting a fire use special fire line, telephone extension 13h and advise telephone operator that you are reporting a fire The switchboard operator will be immediately informed of any fire call by the fire station operator. All other departments will notify the following persons of the call immediately stating all facts and location of fire; (1) Post Fire Marshal and/or his assistant (2) Administrative Officer of the Day (3) Commanding Officer or Executive (li) Detachment Commander* s Office b Upon the request of the Fire Marshal or Fire Chief, the adjoining municipalities fire departments will be contacted for assis- tance « c. Upon the receipt of a fire alarm firemen on duty in the fire station will give the alarm as follows; (1) Zone 1, one 20 second blast (2) Zone 2, two 15 second blasts (3) Zone 3, three 15 second blasts. (li) Zone ii, four 10 second blasts (5) Zone 5, five 10 second blasts (6) Zone 6, six 10 second blasts d. Should the Fire Marshal determine that additional per- sonnel is required for fighting the fire he will cause the original fire alarm to be repeated In the event of a repeated alarm all en- listed personnel of the command, other than those specifically desig- nated, will immediately proceed bo the scone of the fire and report to the officer in charge. li. ZONE DESCRIPTION - (See Map of Hospital Area) a Zone 1 is designated as the area bounded by Kennedy Avenue LaGarge Street and Thayer Place and by a line starting at Building 1+5 at Thayer Place and running through the center of Kennedy Circle to Kenne dy Avenue hr ioo-3'o b. Zone 2 is bounded by Kennedy Avenue at a line start- ing at Building' US and running through the center of Kennedy Circle and on the other two sides by Fitzsimmons Place and extended to take in all detachment barracks. c. Zone 3 is bounded by Thayer Place, LaGarde Avonue and Let toman Avenue by a line starting at Building IS at Thayer Place and extending through the center oT Building J48 to meet Letterman Avenue f d. Zone h is bounded by Fitzsimmons Place in a line start- ing at BuildingTJ and Fitzsimmons Place and extending through the center of Building J48 at the intersection of Letterman Avenue; on the other side by Letterman Avenue and to a line of Letterman Avenue ex- tending to intersect with Letterman Avenue and covering an area to take in the Recreation and PDA areas e Zone 5 is bounded by LaGarde Street on one side, by the property lines on two sides and by an extension of Thayer Place to intersect the property line This is considered as the gatehouse entrance f- Zone 6 is hounded on one side by LaGarde Street, by the property linos on two sides and by a line formed by extending Thayer Place to intersect the property line.. This is considered as the water tower area, 5. CONDUCT OF PERSONNEL., - Procedure of personnel not assigned to fire fighting in case of fires a. Officers - The Fire Marshal and Administrative Officer of the Day, the Quartermaster and Medical Supply Officer will proceed at once to the scene of the fire The Professional Officers of the Day will immediately proceed to the Receiving and Disposition Office. All other officers of the command will proceed immediately to their respective places of duty and remain there until otherwise instructed or recall is sounded b. Nurses - Nurses will proceed immediately to their res- pective places of duty c Enlisted Personnel - All enlisted personnel, other than those assigned to the fire fighting and control section, will proceed to their respective places of duty and remain thereat until a second alarm or recall is sounded In the event of a second alarm, all enlis ted personnel other than those specifically excepted by paragraph 6 of these regulations will immediately report to the scene of the fire for assignment to ,*tne various sections as directed by the Fire Marshal d. Patients - Patients will return immediately to their wards and remain seated at their beds until ordered elsewhere by the Lard Officer or Fire Marshal HR 100-50 6. PERSONNEL -HIP DO NOT RESPOND TO FIRE ALARMS. - The follow- ing personnel will not respond to a fire alarm but will remain at their respective places of duty; a * Serge an t Ma j or b. The noncommissioned officer and orderlies in the 0, D. Office, c. Cooks on duty in the Main Kitchen and Special Diet Kitchen d. One cook on duty in the kitchen of Officers" Mess, e * All men on duty in wards f. Attendants on special cases. g. Commanding Officer" s orderly. h. One man in Post Exchange, Operating Room, Information Office, Pharmacy, X-Ray Section, Medical Supply Office, Post Office, all men in garage and all members of Quartermaster Detachment - 1 The operator at each high pressure boiler room j. Night men will not respond to fire call unless a second alarm is sounded in which event they will proceed to the scene of the fire,, ?. FIRE DRILLS.. - Post Fire Chief will be responsible for the technical efficiency of fire fighting personnel in his organization on and for the mechanical operating efficiency of the apparatus. He will conduct fire drills according to TM 5-600, Sec., Ill, Par. 5*20 b 1) and b (2), 8. FIRS PREVENTION AND SPECIAL ORDERS. - a. Fire prevention measures. It is the responsibility of everybody concerned to personally carry out the following preventative measuress (1) All alcoves and closets will be kept free from trash and paper and oily rags (2) Paints, oil and other inflammable material will be kept in buildings designated for that purpose. (3) Defective electric wiring and fixtures, and gat- pipes and fixtures will be reported immediately to the work order desk. Post Engineer office for repair, HR 100-50 (h) Alterations in electric wiring and fixtures, and gas pipes and fixtures will be made by duly consti- tuted Post Engineer electricians and plumbers, (5) All electric fixtures brought into the hospital for personal use, such as lamps, cord extensions, bed lamps and fluorescent lamps, etc, shall be inspected by the Post electrician for approval, (6) Areas immediately around buildings will be kept free from leaves, paper, oily rags and other corn- bus bible ma fcerial, (?) The utmost caution will be observed in the dis- posal of cigarette and cigar butts, lighted cig- arettes and cigars will be extinguished before being discarded and will be placed in non-combus- tible containers and not thrown about promis- cuously, b, Eire Inspections, - Each officer in charge of a unit will make frequent inspections in cooperation with members of the Post Fire Department to insure the measures prescribed above are being carried out, c. The members of the Post Fire Department will carry on a continuous daily inspection of the post d. Special inspections will be made as required, from time to time as the occasion arises, e, Snecial fire orders; * 1 — — (1) Smoking in bed other than patients unable to leave bods is strictly prohibited, Ward Officers will take precautionary measures for such confined patients, (2) Smoking in places of unusual hazards is prohibited; such as in: (a) The presence of inflammable vapors, liquids, solids, (b) Linen rooms, (c) Closed rooms with poor ventilation. (d) Any room where ether is present or in any room where an oxygen tent is being used, (e) Any area where D.D.T. insect spray dissolved with kerosene or exline is being used. IIR 100-^0 (3) The use of strike-anywhere matches will be re- stricted to a minimum at all times and each person will insure himself that it is out before leaving in an appropriate container (U) The use of fire extinguishers for any purpose other than for authorized fires is prohibited f» Smoking is prohibited in the following areas t with the exception of latrines and offices: Building 11 Surgery 12 Physical Therapy 13-B Laboratory Hi-A EENT Clinic lii-B Operating and Clinic Waiting Rooms 31 Chapel 38-A Occupational Therapy k6 Red Cross, stage and dressing rooms and Auditorium during shows 63 Gasoline Station Orthopedic Shop, Garage and Stockroom. 66 R & D Baggage Room 6? Warehouse proper 68 Warehouse proper 69 Warehouse proper 70 Warehouse proper 71 Laundry ?6 Gas House 79 Paint Shop and Carpenter Shop 80 Closed Sheds and Warehouse 81 Recreation Hall (Gymnasium) 8 HR 100-50 Qh Physical-Therapy 85 Post Theatre 86 Central Supply g* Fire extinguishers Y/ill be placed in the building by serial number where obtainable and removed from buildings by the Fire Department personnel only. h. Supply or Custodian OfDicers will sign for extinguish- ers to the Fire Department* i, Receipt furnished the Supply Officer of each unit will show the serial number of each extinguisher and building to which it is assigned, j* It will be the responsibility of each unit commander to see that the extinguishers are not removed from location designated by the Fire Department for each extinguisher, except in case of fire,, demonstrations or for recharging, k. Post Fire Department personnel will:: (1) Inspect all fire extinguishers at least every six months, recording same on tag as to date inspected (2) Cause extinguishers to be recharged at least once every year and record same on tag. Water exting- uishers will be charged as required. (3) Keep record of all extinguishers by serial number where obtainable and issue proper extinguishers to buildings by serial numbers l. Fire hydrants will be used for fire purposes only, except under special permission by Post Engineer or Fire Chief, m. Parking in front of fire hydrants, or otherwise ob- structing their use, is prohibited Prohibited zone required will be ten feet each side n. Fire Hose. - The driving on ,, or causing of any vehicle to be driven over, a fire hose when laid out for any purpose within the function of the Fire Department is prohibited 9, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a, Fire Department procedures. 9 HR 100-50 (1) TM >-600, i-unc 19h%9 Repairs and Utilities, Guides and Procedures, Far. 5'.1 through >. 69. (2) Equipment Manual for Area snd Post Engineers, 1 Oct )i2, Chap. VI, (3) R & U Manual, 26 Sept ';2, Pari: Vil, Chap, II. b. Fire Department personnel. (l) 11D Cir. IjOl, 12 Oct ith, Fire Protection at Posts, Comps and Stations, 10. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) HR 100-100 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 100-100 SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION Paragraph General *000000* ocooeocooooooooe*oo*o*«ooooosocotao* 1 Author ity ® o o 8 s, 2 Organization*ceoooeoooocoooeaooooooooooooooooooooeoeoooaococoooooooo.- 3 Dutle Sooocoooccooooooooocaocooooocooceooooooooeooooooooooooooocooooo* 4 Definitions and Instructions *100*00000000000000 *0000000 too oooooeooc«oc 5 Reports and Reporting Procedures <»*« »* »* * * *»*« 6 Authoritative References c'oo930c'9co09eoeoo50oocoacooooeoeo9occcccocooe T ReSCiSSiOnSooooooosoo8oocoocoooooo90ooccoooooooeoQ90oocoo£coco«oo»oo» 3 1* GENERAL PROVISIONSo The safety program is instituted to ascer tain existing safety hazards and effect necessary corrective action to eliminate unnecessary hazards, as well as educate personnel in accident prevention* There will be only one safety program on the Post and that program will be under the direction of the Post Safety Officer* 2, AUTHORITY, « The Post Safety Officer is appointed by and responsible to the Commanding Officer for all safety and accident prevention matters as outlined in ASF Cir 360, 25 Sept 1945, Part I, 3o OR GANIZ ATION« - The safety organization will consist of the following t a* Post Safety Officer (Post Engineer)* be Assistant Post Safety Officer (Assistant Post Engineer)* Co Post Safety Inspector (by Special Orders)o do Post Safety Board (by Special Orders)* 4S DUTIES * - The duties of the various assigned personnel ares a* Post Safety Officer* - Establish and coordinate a program to provide accident controls for all personnel employed by or stationed at the Post, including a motor vehicle safety program. b0 Assistant Post Safety Officer* *■ Assist in carrying out duties of Post Safety Officer and Post Safety Inspector* c 15 Post Safety Inspector* - (l) Carry out program as established by the Post Safety Officer and Post Safety Committeec HR 100-100 (2) Compile and maintain a list of potential and actual safety hazards in and about the Post and make recommendations for the elimination of unnecessary hazards* (3) Supervise the preparation and processing of accident experience reports required by current directives dc Post Safety Board* - Consists of department heads of the Medical Detachment, Mess Division, Post Exchange, Personnel Division, Detachment of Patients and American Red Cross who assists the Post Safety Officer in formation of Post Safety Program® Sc DEFINITIONS AMD INSTRUCTIONS * ~ Definitions of terms used and instructions for their use in reports are as noted in ASF Cir No 360, 25 Sept 1945, Sec III: Gc REPORTS ADD REPORTING PROCEDURES- Reports and reporting procedures will be in accordance with ASF Cir No 360, 25 Sept 1945, Sec II* 7' AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a® ASF Cir No 360, 25 Sept 1945, ASF Safety Program, Re- sponsibilities, procedures and instructions. Part I, as amended by ASF Cir No 391 and ASF Cir No 428* be ASF Cir No 391, 18 Oct 1945, ASF Safety Program, Re- sponsibilities, procedures and instructions* c: ASF Cir No 412, 6 Nov 1945 ., Accident Prevention Part II* d® ASF Cir No 428, 27 Nov 1945, ASF Safety Program. 8. RESCISSIONS. - None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON» RUSSELL B * STEINEOUR Major, MAC Ad j utant RUSSELL B a STEINEOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 105-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9; Ohio.. 1 January 19U6c. HR 105 5 SIGNAL OFFICER Paragraphs DutieS o o v o ■ a , r> . 0/3 1 Inspections and Investigations «o« .*««*«2 Post Communications Services Account coo- co coo®*®*.*„*ooooc>*o«0o 3 Reports OOOOOC»©OOCOOOCVOOOOOOOOCOO<1»>CC>OCOO e’OOOOOOOOO*. OCVOOCOCOOOO U AUt/llOFXlDo t»XV0 iiw lf6r6nC6S O O *> Or O f> O O O O O C O O O O O f' C O C O <> O & O i.' v C O O O O. J CX O C Of 5^ Rescissions o'o o o o f> & <> o o o & o o o o e i* « * ©o v o c* - ■ c r, •> a- a c o o t> o c v> o o o o o o o o-o o 6 1, DUTIES. a.y The Signal Officer is appointed by the Commanding Officer The Signal Officer is responsible to the Commanding Officer on administra- tive and technical matterso He is charged with administration of the Post Telephone and Telegraph systems and for settlement of all accounts for tele- phone and telegraph service at the Post bo He is charged with the maintenance of the Radio and Public Address systems The Signal Officer is custodian of the Post Communication?1 Service Account., 2* INSPECTIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS « ao Make on-premises visits tr 15> percent of the total telephone stations in service each month for the purpose of checking communications requirements* adequacy of provided service excess service usage location of equipment* or other service features requiring attention of the Post Signal Officero bo Investigate and verify that no obligations are incurred which are not covered by available funds Co Investigate all complaints regarding communications services0 (TM 2U~205o) 3, POST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES ACCOUNT., - The Post Signal Officer as custodian of the account will: do Deposit all collections of charges for unofficial telephone and telegraph services in the bank to the credit of the post communications services account* either daily or as often as necessary in order to assure that the total collections on hand at the posu do not exceed $200.00, bo Furnish in writing to civilian personnel director a state- ment of the amount of special deposit funds that are available for the pay- ment of salaries of civilian employees engaged in the handling of unofficial 1 HR 10£-5 telegraph messages„ This amount will be derived from the contributions made to the Government by the telegraph companies concerned in lieu of commissions for the handling of such messages by Army personnel0 Co Transmit quarterly to the central post fund any money be coming available in excess of the cost of communications services. do At the time of change o’f Signal Officers3 cooperate with incoming Signal Officer and a qualified officer appointed by the post Com- manding Officer in checking the Post Communications Services Account as described in detail in TM 2lj-20£3 par 865 page h$a (TM 2)|-205c) ho REPORTS. - a o Monthlya - (l) Report on Telephone and Telegraph costs and leased line usage. Submitted to Fifth Service Command Signal Officer0 b Annual - (l) Prepare an annual report in narrative style giving an account of the activities of the Signal Department and continuing statistical data covering the volume of v;ork accomplishedo 5o AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a AR 105-5 - Signal Activities b- TM 2l|~20p - Administrative Procedures for Communications Ser- vices o 6, RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON s OFFICIAL^ Bo STEINHOUR Major3 MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B* STEINHOUR Majorj, MAC Adjutant 2 HOSPITAL regulations ) NOo 105-20 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9, Ohio* 1 January 19U6* HR 105-20 FIXED AND TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Paragraphs Fixed Communications Systems as ssooec»eos3«ooo«o»soi,>oooc'««o«o«« X Telephone Communications Systems •. , , ® w c«* a«* *••«»«•*0«c«««»«« 2 Outside Calls o s o o e e c 3 ; 3 c o o •' 3 Request For Repairs , Moves, and New Stations sconce*.U Telephone Directory c. j toe. . o««o <> o»e a ■»»«<> * o»© o * o o <>.. o&cs * o«o 5) Authoritative Re Terences , ,oc3oeo4ao*«oooaeoo*9oo«si>ou««scc»«*«c 6 Rescissions «o o»>,■ . . c, < > v « . c».« **■»<. c. <> o v c c o«»o & ® o«> c * *«>> t, / 1 FIXED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, - Fixed signal communications systems embraces all facilities required to meet communications requirements of the Post except temporary systems and facilities used by troops in field opera- tions, without regard to whether such fixed facilities are owned and in- stalled by the Government or procured from commercial communication companies» Such fixed systems include the followings a Administrative telephone and telegraph systems and facilities including all telephone facilities required by the Post for administrative communication purposes b Guard reporting telephone systems c Miscellaneous fixed communications facilities, such as fixed public address systems, interoffice communications systems, and fixed facili- ties for recording telephone and radio communications d The Signal Officer will maintain necessary records of the systems and will keep the commanding general of the service command informed of all developments or conditions or activities at the Post, especially those that are likely to require changes in or additions to the existing plan to (AR 10S-20 ) 2 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS0 «. Telephone service will operate under the supervision of the Signal Officer This telephone service will be supplied on the rental basis contracted for by the Fifth Service Command Signal Officer The contracting telephone company will be responsible for the collection of all charges for personal telephone calls According to current War Department regulations, all telephones will be classified as? a CLASS A. - This classification will apply only to telephones which are authorized for the transaction of official business of the Army and require access to commercial telephone company trunks or other connec- tions for the proper conduct of such business HR 1C£~20 bo CLASS Bo «. This classification will apply to telephones which are authorized as a military necessity but which may be used for un- official service;, including use of commercial telephone company trunks for local and toll communications, provided that the case of such communications is paid for by the subscribers to those telephones, such as ARC, AES, Offi- cers Clubo Co CLASS Co - This classification will apply* only to telephones which are authorized for the transaction of official business of the Army but which are restricted to intrapost communications and not permitted ac- cess to commercial telephone company trunks or other connections for either outgoing or incoming local and toll communications0 3, OUTSIDE CALLS,. - a„ LONG DISTANCE GALLS., - Such official calls will be made by a responsible person after he (she) has the approval of the Commanding Of- ficer, Executive Officer, or Adjutant, or after regular hours, by the Ad- ministrative Officer of the Day„ OTHER THAN OFFICIAL LONG DISTANCE CALLS V.ILL NOT BE MADE OVER GOVERNMENT RENTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMS UNLESS PLACED COLLECT0 b5 OTHER THAN OFFICIAL CALLS., - Pay stations are located in the telephone center, recreation rooms of the officers, nurses and detachment quarters„ All other than official calls will be placed through these sta- tions according to the instructions mounted thereon, ONLY OFFICIAL COLLECT GALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH THE ARMY RENTED TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD AND THEN WITH APPROVAL'OF HOSPITAL OFFICIALS» PAR 3a, k REQUEST FOR REPAIRS, MOVES, AND NEW STATIONSo - All requests for repairs, moves, and new installations will be made in writing to the Post Signal Officer through the Executive Officer The Executive Officer will either approve or disapprove the request and forward it to the Post Signal Officer., He will be informed by the Signal Officer from time to time on policies and conditions of the telephone system In cases of requests for a new station, the Executive Officer will classify the station according to regulations set forth in HI 2U-205o 5k TELEPHONE DIRECTORY,, - The telephone directory is the responsi- bility of the Post Signal Officer,. He will publish a new directory quarterly or oftener if deemed necessary due to numerous changes. Changes in telephone numbers will be announced in daily hospital bulletin and corrections may be made in telephone directories to keep them current,, (IM 2l*-205«) 6, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES % - a0 AR - Fixed Communications and Telephone Communications Systems. b* AR 210-50 » Non-appropriated Funds,, HE I0£~20 Co IM ~ Administrative Procedures For Communications Services , 7.. RESCISSIONSo ~ None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant /OFFICIALS // I (jA Ohioc 1 January 19U6C TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 1 TELEGRAPH SERVICEp - Telegraph Service will be provided by utilization of teletype equipment supplied by the Western Union Telegraph Company. Designated civil service employees will be responsible for the sending and receiving of all official and personal telegrams0 The Post Signal Officer is in charge <> aQ OFFICIAL MESSAGES. - All official telegraph messages will be approved by the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, or the Adjutant, and in cases after office hours by the Administrative Officer of the Day* bo TELEGRAPH MESSAGES OTHER THAN OFFICIAL., - Non-official mes- sages will be accepted at the Telegraph office, which will be open for trans- mission of telegrams between the hours of 0800 to 1700 hours * All non- official messages will be sent either prepaid or collect*, IN NO CASES YiILL MESSAGES BE CHARGEDo (TM 2li-205o) After 1700 hours, telegraph messages may be sent from any pay station in the hospital by calling "Western Union" <, 2<, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES*, - So AR 105-25 - Telegraph Communications Systemsa b0 TM 2li“20> - Administrative Procedures For Communications Services 0 3o RESCISSIONS o — None*, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: \j RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 1 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 210-10 ) HR 210-10 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 POST AND HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION Paragraph Term and Name 1 Officer Commanding 2 Duties, General, of Commanding Officer . 3 Special Duties of Commanding Officer 4 Organization and Staff 5 Hospital Regulations, General Provisions 6 Authoritative References 7 Rescissions 8 1. TERM AND NAME. - The term ’’Post" Includes the ’’General Hospital”, at which the duties and functions proscribed in AR 210-10 are required and performed. The name ’’Crile General Hospital” was established by Sec. I, War Dept. G, 0. No 48 Aug 1943. 2. OFFICER COMMANDING. - The Commanding Officer was desig- nated by War Department Special Orders. For general provisions of Hospital Regulations, see HR 1-15. Any or all details of post administration may be delegated to the Executive Officer (AR 210-10) except those duties which* a. Are imposed by law, such as those mentioned in the pertinent Articles of War, appropriation acts, and other statua- tory provisions. b. On account of their manifest importance, or because of special existing local conditions, may not be appropriately delegated. c. Are specifically retained by order of higher author- ity. 3. DUTIES, GENERAL, OF COMMANDING OFFICER. - The Post Com- mander is responsible for insuring that the provisions of Army Regulations are strictly observed and that local instructions are guided by the AR spirit and intention. General duties include the responsibility for* (AR. 40-590; 210-1C) a. Care and welfare of all patients. b. Proper discipline and administration of the hospital, including reports, registers and records. c. Care and safeguarding all public property. d. Proper expenditure of supplies and funds. HR 210-10 g. Preparation of requisitions, returns and payrolls. f. Supervision over duties delegated to subordinates. g. Admission, conduct, treatment, records and disposi- tion of patients. h. Assignment, command and efficiency reports of duty personnel. i. Inspection of hospital and personnel. з. Use of hospital property, buildings, quarters and messes. k. Safety and defense of the post. l. Welfare of military personnel. m. Discipline, conduct, bearing and appearance of mil- itary personnel under his command. n. Instruction and training (except tactical) and training facilities. o. Preservation, proper application and use of public property. p. Enforcement of laws and regulations including the exercise of court martial jurisdiction in accordance with Articles of War, q. Proper condition of quarters and buildings. r. Enforcement of rigid economy in public expen- ditures . s. Correction of all irregularities and extravagances he may discover or which may be reported to him. t. Guarding of public interest in every particular. и. Preservation and promotion of harmonious relations with civilians. 4, SPECIAL PUTIES. - The post hospital commander is re- sponsible forj TAH 210-10; AR 40-590) a. Funds and property. - hr 210-10 (1) Requisitions and estinBtes. - Requisitions for supplies and equipment and estimates for allotments oi funds, as distinguished from funds requested by a disbursing officer, will be properly prepared and submitted. All budgets will be submitted to the Commanding Officer prior to transmission to Service Command. (2) Safeguarding. - (a) Funds, property, alcoholics and narcotics will be adequately administered and ac- counted in accordance with laws and regu- lations. (b) Bonding of all persons as required by AR 35-220 and WD instructions. (c) Make inspections of bonded assistants to disbursing officers. AR 35-220. (d) Furnish payroll certifying officers to disbursing officer. (e) Notify disbursing officer of separation or change of status of officers. (3) Prescribing inventories of property in hands of accountable and responsible officers. AR 30-2320; AR 35-6520. (U) Taking necessary action to inventory, receipt, and account for public property charged to officers separated from the command, AR 210-10. (5) Inspection of property before salvage. AR 35- 66i|0. (6) Use of government vehicles. AR 050-15. (7) Report of theft and recovery of firearms. b. Approval of all ration returns; ration and savings accounts; authorization to mess separately. AR 210-10, )40-590„ c. Assignment, adequacy and termination of quarters for all personnel. Par 13, AR 210-10; Par 13e AR l|0-590. d. Operation, efficiency and inspection of Post Quar- termaster laundry and auditing of funds. Par lli, AR 210-10; Par II4., AR HR 210-10 e. Placing personnel on detached service for periods not exceeding 10 days, when in the interest of the service and without expense to the government. f. Employment of civilians as mess personnel and jani- tors from appropriated funds. go Buildings and grounds, including upkeep, gardens and preservation of trees. h. Reporting damage to public buildings. i. Use of public buildings by officer*s clubs, messes, or similar social organizations. j. Obtaining full knowledge of all construction work within the territorial limits of his jurisdiction, including main- tenance and repaire k0 Construction of buildings, other than public; authori- ty is granted by Secretary of bar. 1. Digging in vicinity of underground cables. hi, Regulations and records; distribution, filing, in- spection, preservation or transfer. n. Post flag - hoisting and lowering in accordance with AR 600-25. o. Welfare, physical effectiveness and morale; including lay and religious education, recreational athletics, and social entertainment. All welfare activities on any post will be con- ducted by military agencies (Except as provided by Y.M.C.A. and A.N.R.C.) AR 210-10. p. Preventing personnel from competing with civilian enterprises. q. Mess and pharmacy management. AR [*0-590. r. Reports of death and preparation of remains. AR 1*0-590. 5. ORGANIZATION AND STAFF. - See HR 10-15. 6. HOSPITAL REGULATIONS, GENERAL PROVISIONS. - Read HR 1-15. 7. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, AR 30-2320, 19 Mar 1|3; Care of Subsistence Stores. HR 210-10 b0 AR 35>-220, 7 Dec hh; Bonds of Accountable Officers, Co AR 16 Feb Property Accountability and Re spon s ibi1it y„ do AR 35-661*0, 16 Apr 1*5; Accountability of Lost, Damaged and Destroyed Property» e, AR 1*0-590, 29 Aug 1*1*| Administration of Hospitals* f6 AR 210-10, 20 Dec UO; Post Administration * go AR 850-15; 23 Aug 1*3$ Motor Vehicles, ho TM 12-250, 10 Oct 1*2; Administration, 8o RESCISSIONS* - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: •dffclCIALs / sf IL^ ffiL; 3TEINH0UR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS NO. 210-50 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 1, Ohio 1 January 1945 HR 210-50 NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS Paragraph General 1 Classes of Funds 2 Purposes 2 Accounting for Funds 4 Auditing of Funds 5 Safeguarding Funds 6 Inspections..... 7 Authoritative References 8 Rescissions S 1. GENERAL. - a. Certain revenue-producing, weIfare and sundry activ- ities will be authorized to supplement activities supplied by the Government from appropriated funds and these activities will be designated to contribute to the comfort, pleasure, contentment and mental and physical improvement of military personnel. ihe funds accumulated will be used solely for the benefit of military per- sonnel * b. These activities will be financed from the accumulation of cash, investments or other asoests under the name of nonappropri- ated funds. AR 210-50. 2. CLASSES OF FUNDS. - a. Nonappropriated funds at this installation are classi- fied as follows: (1) Revenue-producing Funds - funds from activities established primarily to furnish merchandise and services to mili- tary and civilian personnel at this installation. Such revenue- producing funds are authorized as follows: (a) Post Exchange. (b) Post Theatre. (2) Welfare funds - those funds established and main- tained from income derived from revenue-producing activities or from voluntary contributions. Welfare funds are authorized as follows: HR 21050 (a) Central Poet Fund* (b) Unit Funds. 1. Unit Fund 5596th SCli. 2. Unit Fund 107th ’.VAC Hosp. Co. 3. Unit Fund 276th Gen. Hosp. 4. Unit Fund 1542nd SOU. (3) Sundry funds - the establishment, maintenance and operation of funds of clubs and similar associations for military personnel. The revenues of such clubs and associations will consist of dues and assessments paid by members, contributions, and inciden- tal income from the operation of certain minor revenue-producing activities, such as the provision of facilities for feeding or hous- ing members. Sundry funds are authorized as follows* (a) Officers Club, Crile GH. (b) NCO Club, Crile GH. (c) Nurses Fund, Crile GH. (d) Billetting Fund, Crile GH. (4) Post Trust Fund - this is a central depository into which dividends or payments from revenue-producing activities will be paid. AR 210-50. (5) Hospital fund - a fund authorized to receive com- mutation of rations and subsistence charge collections for patients, enlisted personnel, civilian employees from whose salaries a deduction is made for the value of meals furnished to then at the hospitals for duty officers and for such other persons as may be authorized to sub- sist at the hospital mess. AR 40-590. 3. PURPOSES. - a. Revenue-producing funds - in addition to the direct benefits accruing to military personnel resulting from sales of services and merchandise at low prices, such profits as arc produced will be devoted primarily to welfare activities at the installation. Each month the post exchange officer will, based upon the financial statement for the preceding month, calculate and pay a dividend to the post trust fund. AR. 210-G5. ER 210-50 At the end of each week, all funds in excess of the authorized work- ing balance of the Post Theatre fund will be forwarded to the Army Motion Picture Service. Periodically the Chief of the Army Motion Picture Service will declare dividends to the post trust fund. AR 210-390. b. Welfare Funds. (1) Central Post Fund - The purposes of this fund will be to provide welfare facilities, equipment, and services for the general use of the military personnel at this post as a whole when appropriated funds are not available, and to satisfy the needs of units for such facilities and equipment. The Central Post Fund will bo administered by a custodian designated by the Post Commander. The custodian will be aided by a council consisting of not less than seven nor more than nine members presided over by the Post Commander. (2) Unit funds - Established for the purpose of supply- ing funds for the procurment of articles and services, not available from appropriated funds, which will contribute to the welfare of the enlisted personnel of the organization to which the fund pertains. The officer in command of the pertinent unit will be the custodian and is charged with the administration of the funds with the advice of fund council. AR 210-50. c. Sundry Funds - The funds of authorized clubs or smiliar associations may be expended for facilities, equipment, or services for the use of members and for recreational or social activities con- ducted for members. These funds will be administered, under the general supervision of the post Commander, by a custodian in accordance with policies of the fund council or board. AR 210-50. d. Post Trust Fund - This fund is authorized to redistribute funds received from revenue-producing activities to the Central Post Fund, Unit Funds, and the Army Central Welfare Fund in accordance with the provisions of par Sc AR 210-50, dated 13 December 1945. This fund will be administered by a custodian designated by the Post Com- mander. AR 210-50. Oo Hospital Fund - This fund is established to handle the financial transactions pertaining to ail messes operated under the authority of the Commanding Officer of the hospital and to provide for the procurement of facilities, equipment or services which will contribute to the welfare, comfort, pleasure, contentment and mental or physical recovery or improvement of patients in the hospital. An officer, designated by the Commanding Officer, shall be custodian of the Hospital Fund and shall administer it under his direction, A council shall be appointed by the Commanding Officer to advise and assist in the administration of the fund. AR 40-5S0. HR 210-50 4• ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS. - a. The custodian of each fund will maintain the accounts of financial and property transactions pertaining to the fund. b. Custodians of all welfare and sundry funds will be responsible for the maintenance of the necessary books and records to reflect the current status and condition of the respective funds and to provide current data for reporting purposes. Accounts will be maintained in accordance with applicable accounting procedures. AR 210-50. c. Reports of Welfare funds will be prepared by the cus- todians of such funds each month in accordance with existing in- structions and forwarded to the custodian of the Post Trust Fund. Custodian of the Post Trust Fund will submit a monthly report to the custodian of the Army Central Welfare Fund which will show the receipt and distribution of funds by the Post Trust Fund. AR 210-50. d. A copy of a financial statement of the status of each fund and of its revenues and expenditures will be given publicity at least quarterly in order that the military personnel of the post or organization to which the fund pertains may be apprised of its condition. AR 210-50. 5. AUDITING OF FUNDS. - a. The responsibility for the audit of the Post Exchange fund rests with the Commanding General SvC and an audit of this fund will he made not less frequently than quarterly by a field representative. AR 210-65. b. The accounts of the Post Theatre will bo audited by the Post Fiscal officer not less frequently than quarterly. Such audits will be performed in conformity with policies and procedures and at such dates as specified by the Chief of the United States Motion Picture Service. AR 210-3S0. c. The responsibility for the audit of the Central Post Fund and the Post Trust Fund rests with the Commanding General of the Service Command. These accounts will be audited semi-annually by field agents designated by SvC hqs. However, upon transfer of these accounts to successor custodians an audit will be made by the Post Fiscal officer in every case. AR 210-50. d. Unit and Sundry Funds will be audited by the Post Fis- cal officer quarterly, upon transfers to successor custodians, and at such other times as Post Commander considers it necessary. AR 210-50, HR 210-50 e. Tho Hospital Fund will be checked monthly by the council and will be audited semi-annually under the supervision of the SvC Commanding General through the SvC Fiscal Director. Audits will be made by the Post Fiscal officer upon transfer of account to successor custodian and at such other times as determined by the Post Commander. 6. SAFEGUARDING FUNDS. - a. The Post Commander will approve the amount of cash which may be kept in the personal possession of each custodian at his own risk for necessary cash payments. b. Cash in excess of the amounts authorized will be de- posited promptly in banks. National or State banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will be used wherever practicable. Whenever deposits exceed the amount of Federal insurance of deposits, the custodian will take action, in accordance with War Department directives to secure the safety of such excess. WD Cir 5, 1345. c. Funds deposited in a bank will be placed under the official designation of the fund and not to the credit of the custodian in his individual capacity. AR 210-50, d. In case of loss of funds or other assets of a fund, other than financial losses incurred in normal operations, the circumstances will be carefully investigated by a board and the proceedings of the board v/ill be transmitted through channels to the commander responsible for the annual general inspection of the fund concerned for his decision and final action. AR 210-50. 7. INSPECTIONS. - a. Inspections will be made, when deemed appropriate or necessary by the Post Commander, and the officer making the in- spection will report findings covering any irregularities to the Post Commander, Officer making inspections will inquire into all matters affecting the financial status of the fund inspected, will ascertain the propriety of the expenditures and that all appro- priate revenues have been received and recorded, and will recommend necessary corrective measures when irregularities are found to exist. AR 210-50. b. Inspections will also be made by officers of the In- spector General's Department, as required by regulations. 8 • AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a, AR 40-530, 20 Aug 1344, Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions. HR 210-50 b* AR 210-50, 13 Dec 1945, Nonappropriated Funds. c* AR 210-65, 12 June 1945, Army Exchanges* d« AR 210-290, 10 July 1942 y Motion Picture Service* o* 73D Cir 5, 1945, Sec III, Hen-appropriated Funds* fo CGH, UR 35-5, 1 Jan 1946, Fiscal Division* g* CGII, HR 400-5, 1 Jan 1946, Boards, ’Councils and Com- mittees . 9* RESCISSIONS * - None* BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: / \ OFFICIAL! ffjU v russelC'Ij; steinhour Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL E. STEIKIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 21C-50 AUDIT SCHEDULE NOKAPPROPRIATED FUNDS CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL TYPE AUDIT AUDIT FUND TITLE FUND PERIOD PERFORMED BY Post Exchange Revenue Producing Quarterly SvC Fis Dir Army Theatre Revenue Producing Quarterly Post Fis Officer 3596th SCU Unit Fund Welfare Quarterly Post Fis Officer 107th WAC Hosp Co Welfare Quarterly Post Fis Officer 380th ASF Band Welfare Quarterly Post Fis Officer Eilletting Fund Sundry Quarterly Post Fis Officer Non-Com Club Sundry Quarterly Post Fis Officer Nurses Fund Sundry Quarterly Post Fis Officer Officers Club Sundry Quarterly Post Fis Officer Post Trust Fund Trust Semi-Annua11y Transfer of Custodian SvC Fis Dir Post Fis Officer Central Post Fund Welfare Semi-Annua11y Transfer of Custodian SvC Fis Dir Post Fis Officer Hospital Fund Welfare Semi-Annua1ly Transfer of Custodian SvC Fis Dir Post Fis Officer HR 210-50 ivn» CHILE GH 1 Jan A6 ARMY MOTION PICTURE SERVICE (AR 2/0-390) A.M.PS. FUND (AR 210-390) POST THEATER (Aft 210-390) UNIT FUNDS LIMIT ON NET WORKING CAPITAL- »3**PER MAN (ENLISTED STRENGTH) (Par II, A R 210-50) MINOR REVENUE PRODUCING ACTIVITIES OF UNIT FUND MKPPRtO BY: Office Of PtcerOer, Army Central mufore Fane h LUW Ul- inuin Arrrcur i a i c.u fuinuo ARMY CENTRAL WELFARE FUND (Par. 7, AR210-50) POST TRUST FUND (Par 8, AR 210-50) CENTRAL POST FUND LIMIT ON NET WORKING CAPITAL - »f* PER MAN (MILITARY STRENGTH) (Par 9, ARglO-SO) MINOR REVENUE PRODUCING ACTIVITIES OF CENTRAL POST FUND Ores * for etceptlont, tee Par Be (7), RRZtO SO t * No where net working capita I «tnA 13 par man but no pietribption will ha moat in ruck earn ARMY EXCHANGE SERVICE (AR 210-65) ARMY EXCHANGE" FUND (AR2I0 65) LJ O z < T. Y* U * X S UJ -M , «fc H if) £ HEADQUARTERS FUNDS LIMIT ON NET WORKING CAPITAL - 60« PER MAN (MILITARY STRENGTH) (tor. 10, AR ZIO-SO) 11 —i—■■■——— MINOR REVENUE PRODUCING ACTIVITIES OF HEADQUAR- TERS FUND HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO, 210-60 ) HR 210-60 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9* Ohio 1 January 1946 MESS DIVISION Paragraph Organization Mess Officers Duties© ©©2 Hospital Dietitians Duties© © © ©©•©«•••©» a ©•»•©••©•©©© *000 o•••••«•»•©3 Ward OfficerSo«oo»>«©« Officers * «i6ss and Subsistence Charges •••••••»••o5 Patient S Me SS Patients Dlets©■©©■©••••©©©•©©•©■•••••♦•♦•••••••■•♦©•♦••••♦©•■•♦♦••••••©T Additional Dutles of uess Officera»«o«>««o««>««oeo»9««>tao*«o««*t«o8 Authoritative References©« © « © • © © © © © © © * ©««©••••«••© «■•••••©«©•••••©• ©9 Re SC i 8 S iOnS 10 lo ORGANIZATION0 - All nesses at this hospital will be under the im~ mediate supervision of the Mess Officer designated by the Commanding Officer* He will have such commissioned assistants* dietitians* enlisted personnel and civilian employees as allowed® 2o MESS OFFICERS PUTIESo - a© General® *=■ The Mess Officer will have charge* administer and be responsible for all messes in this hospital® He is responsible for the selection, purchase, care, storage, issue, preparation and serving of all food supplies and the keeping of mess records and accounts® ASF Cir 235® bo Records® - Keep such records as are prescribed in current Army Regulationso AR 40-590® Co Procurement of Food Supplies® - The Mess Officer or his authorized representative will check and sign all orders for purchase of food supplies required for all messes® He will assure himself that all supplies charged to the Hospital Fund are actually received, safely stored and issued properly© All components of the rations will be purchased from the Quarter- master when availableo He will check all invoices for correctness prior to payment by Custodian of Hospital Fund® TM 8-262, TM 10-210® dc Property Responsibility® - Physical inventory of_all property will be taken in accordance with current Army Regulations® Reports of inventory will be made to the accountable officers upon completion and sur- veys will be instituted, without delay* for shortages that cannot other- wise be adjusted® e© Eight Cook® - The Mess Officer will detail one or more cooks from the personnel available to him to prepare a night lunch for personnel on night duty® Ho persons will be served other than those actually on night duty® 1 HR 210-60 fo Meal Hours a « Meals will be served promptly at hours prescribed, by the Commanding Officer« Ho on© will be served at other hours unless they are authorized duty which makes it impossible for them to be served at the regular hourso So HOSPITAL DIETITIANS DUTIES0 « The Chief Dietitian, under the Mess Officer and his commissioned assistants, is in charge of the cooks and all other enlisted and civilian personnel including dietitians assigned to the Mess She is responsible for the food service to patients author- ized to subsist at the hospital messeso She will plan the menus for patients and personnel, collaborate with the Mess Officer in the requisitioning and purchasing of food supplies and equipment, supervise the preparation and ser- ving of food, the instruction of special diet patientss she will assist in the supervision of mess sanitation and the maintenance of accounts and records of the Mess Divisionc All mess records will be made available to the Chief Dietitian0 She will regularly inspect stocks of food on hand in order to prevent food spoilage and to insure proper turnover of slow-moving stocks» She will have immediate charge of all dietitians, will assign them to duties in the various departments of the Mess Division*? and she is responsible for their discipline and proper performance of duty AR 40-590, AR 40-25.. 40 WARD OFFICERS:. Ward Officers are directly responsible for the proper supervision of such messing activities and facilities as pertain to the feeding of patients in their respective wards Nothing in these reg- ulations will be interpreted to prevent the Mess Officer or his repre- sentative from making periodical inspection of the food served to patients, appearance of trays, ward kitchens, etc. Such inspections will be made at frequent intervals and irregularities or defects which may be found to exist will be reported to the Ward Officer, who will take necessary cor- reotive action The Mess Officer will render any assistance or advice deemed necessary 5. OFFICERSg MESS AH? SUBSISTENCE CHARGES«, « Patient Officers’ Mess ~ A Mess for patient officers will be maintained in connection with the general hospital mess at a charge of $1 00 per day* Ambulatory patient officers will appear in dining room only in full authorized uniform. Hon=ambulatory patient officers will be served in their respective wards b -v Duty Officers Mess ® A mess for officers on duty at the hos- pital will be maintained in conjuotion with the patient officers messc Officers joining the hospital staff will be required to sign a Mess Contract, WD AGO Form 8-199 They will be charged for meals at the current rate of $1-00 per day or 35/ per meal o Collections. - The Clearance Section will collect all sub- sistence indebtedness due the Hospital Fund from duty personnel and pay patientsc All duty personnel and pay patients are required to pay their indebtedness in full on the fifth day of each month or upon being discharged, TM 8-262 e 2 HR 210-60 60 PATIENTS* MESS & = All ambulatory patients on regular diet whose physical condition permits will be served in the general raesso Patients whose physical condition requires special consideration v/ill be given table serviceo As many types of special diets as mess hall facilities can ac= conodate will be served in the general messo Ambulatory officer patients on special diets will be served in the patient officers* mess when so designated by signed order of the ward officer0 7o PATIENTS DIETS o - a0 Classes of Diets© « The diets at this hospital will be as follows| Regular* Soft* Liquid and Special© A daily menu of the first three will be prepared by the Dietitian* who will send a copy to each ward* one day in advance. Special diets constitute such articles as may be ordered by the Ward Officer, They should be ordered only when regular diets will not meet the particular requirements of the case.; be Procedure in Ordering Diets? = Ward Officers will submit a Diet Slip to the office of the Chief Dietitian before 0800 hours daily. Ward nurses will contact the office of the Chief Dietitian to learn those special diets currently served, TM 8=500, 8, ADDITIONAL DUTIES, • Custodian of Hospital Fund© TM 8=262* AR 40=590, 9« AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES0 « a© AR 40=590* Change 4* 31 Aug 1945* Accounting Procedures for Hospital Funds© be TM 10=205* 3 Oct 1944* Mess Management and Training, c5 TM 10=210* 23 Sep 1940* Inspection of Subsistence Supplies, d, AR 40=25* 9 Apr 1943* Hospital Dietitians, ©, ASF Cir 235* 22 Jun 1945* Food Service Program© f» TM 8-262* 1 Oct 1945* Administra tion of Fixed Hospital Zone of Interior, !°o RESCISSIONS: = None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON* (/ RUSSELL Bo 8TEINE0UR Major* MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINEOUR Major* MAC Adjutant mess Division CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL HRjUO-iO / JT* n. 4 6 RECAPITULATION 3 Mess Officers 7 Dietitians 1 Hospital Steward 4 Mess Sergeants 15 Total MESS OFFICER 2 ASST MESS OFFICERS 1 Clerk Steno CAF 3 1 Bookkeeper CAF 5 RECAPITULATION 6 Bakers 5 Butchers 4 Clerks 62 Cooks 34 Dishwashers 50 Laborers 4g Mess Attendants 206 Total Supply Branch 1 Hospital Steward M/3gt or Civilian 2 Storekeepers (Civ) 1 Head Meat Cutter (Civ) 4 Meat Cutters (Civ) 4 Bakers (Civ) Dietetics Branch 1 Chief Dietitian 6 Asst Dietitians 1 Clerk Steno CAF 1 Patients Mesa "A" 6 Dietitians (from Diet Branch above) Officers Mesa "B" 1 Dietitian (see above) Detachment Mess "C" 1 Mess Sgt T/Sgt or Civ Mess Sup. 35 Cooks (Civ or EM) 9 Sp Diet Cooks (Civ or fv) 1 Mess Sgt EM or Civ Mess Sup. 8 Cooks EM or Civ 2 Bakers EM or Civ Mess I 1 Mess Sgt Civ or EM Hess II i Mess Sgt Civ or EM 10 Cooks (EM or Civ) 3 Mess Attendants (Civilians) 13 Mess Attendants (Civilians) 9 Mess Attendants (Civilians) 9 Dishwashers (Civilians) 12 Laborers (Civ or POW) 15 Dishwashers (Civilians) LO Dishwashers (Civilians) 12 Mess Attendants (Civilians) 24 Jan 1946 Approved: 8 Veg Rb Mess Attd (Civilians) 30 Laborers (Civ or POW) 0 Laborers (Civilians) CLIFFORD V. MORGAN Colonel, Med Corps Executive Offloor HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO , , 210 65’ ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9P Ohio 1 January <. HR 210 65 POST EXCHANGE Paragraphs Defimtion oo , ■ .> ■ » • o - ■ ■> • •><>■ ■><>o<>o<■ <■> <*<>©<><• o<><>■«■> 1 PurpOSe o n : n - - o o ■ r o . .: o o • o o a o o • o 2 Officer in Charge . <> o o > © o .:> < . • o >,, © o •, o <>, •,, 3 Hours of Operation ■ «••.••••••„» I; Concessionaires .... c» o © © o o,« © , © o © © &»o , o © ©. © • 5 Barber Shop ■ ©oo .■©.-- ©©©©©.*>©< v 6 Post Exchange Restaur an r ,*.,©« ©, © <•. © © © o ©.. o ©. © ©., © ©©© . 7 Tailor Shop . © ©<■>©©©,©©©&< . .>©©«© © © © © © 8 Cashing of Checks .© , ;> ©©© ©c.©©©©© no©©©©©©©© 9 Financial Statements ... © © o o © > © © © © © ©<> © < ■.> © © ©© © © © © 10 Authoritative Rej.erenoes 'i H Rescissions © © . © ©, © ©, © © © 12 lo DEFINITION An Army Exchange as an adjunct of the Army, sup plies merchandise and services to specified persons and organizations and is financed by non-appro p:r a ted funds AR 210 50, Par 3b (l)© 2 PURPOSE . An Exchange has been established here for the follow- ing purposes? a. To supply the persons to whom sales are authorized, at reasonable prices, with articles of necessity and convenience not supplied by the government except as provided in Par 10b (5), AR 210 65 j Par* 13, AH 210 65o bo To operate or manage all revenue producing activities on the post, other than those stipulated in Sec I, Par 3b, AR 210 65o . c To provide or make available management and procurement service for all food or feeding facilities other than organized Military Messes or those supplied by the Quartermaster, Sec I, Par 3c, AR 210-65o d To make available from profits, subject to such limitations as are prescribed, funds which may be used to afford to military personnel additional facilities for comfort. recreation and amusement and to contri- bute to activities which will foster and increase the physical and spiritual welfare of military personnel Sec I Par 3d, AR 210 65. 3o OFFICER IN CHARGE The Officer in charge of the Post Ex- change is appointed hy Special Order and will conduct the affairs of the Post Exchange in direct compliance with the policies established by the Commanding Officer, The Post Exchange Council and the Army Exchange Serviceo Sec, I, Par 20, AR 210 65 1 HR 210-6^ k. HOURS OF OPERATION. - The Exchange wil.:. b , open bus business as follows: a. Main Exchange. - Daily, except Sunday, 0900 to 1800 hours. b. Branch Exchange (Dot. Dayroon). - Daily, except Satur- days and Sundays, 1630 to 2300 hours. c. Patients will not be permitted to make purchases in the Post Exchange before 1300 hours with exception of Saturday when they may procure after 1130 hours, 5» CONCESSIONAIRES, - The Post Exchange Officer will exercise supervision over concessionaires to insure efficient service and satis- factory prices, Dec. I, Par. lOo, AR 210-65* 6. BARBER SHOP. - a. The barber shop is operated by contract, under the provi- sions of Egg. Ill, Par. 35a to h (l), inclusive, AR 210-65• b. Prices for all work will be posted in plain sight at all times. c. Hours of operation will be from 0900 to 1800 hours daily, except Sunday. (l) Duty Officers will be given priority from 0900 to l500 hours daily, d. Patients will not be admitted except by a pass from the ward doctor or nurse prior to 1300 hours daily, except Saturday from 1130 hours. 7. POST EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. - a. At this hospital, the Post Exchange will operate as an authorized activity a restaurant and soda fountain, cafeteria style, to provide for the feeding of staff and patient personnel, civilian employees, visitors and guests at the Guest House. Sec. I, Par. 10a (]/) (10), AR 210-65* b. Receipts, management, procurement of supplies, payment of personnel and services will be a part of the Post Exchange Fund, AR 210-50. c. Business hours will be as follows: (1) Daily, except Sunday and holidays, 0900 to 2100 hours. (2) Sunday and holidays, 1200 to 1900 hours. HR 210* 65 8 TAILOR SHOP. . This concession will be operated on a contract basis with an option to cancel on thirty (30) days’ notice by the Post Exchange Officer, Any contractor must agree tos • 3c Clean* press* and repair clothing b Carry insurance on all articles against fire* theft* and destruction,. c Guarantee delivery within three (3) days* unless alterations are required„ do Keep Receiving and Delivery Office open in PoX„ from 0830 to 1830 hours daily except Sundays and Holidays „ 9, CASHING OF CHECKS - The Post Exchange Officer will use his dis- cretion in cashing checks for members of this Command* including patients* providing cash is on hand from the day s sales* but he is not authorized to keep any part of the Post Exchange Fund for the specific purpose of cashing checks to accomodate those who apply to him for this purpose , Officers who cash checks from any funds or who receive checks in lieu of cash payments are held responsible for the amounts and they may properly refuse to accept checks in payment of goods sold* Par* 20c (9)* AR 210-65* Amounts will normally be limited to twenty dollars ($20„00)o Requirements for the cashing of checks are as follows;: a„ Officers must present their AGO card* and sign check with complete signature and ASK as per AGO card* b Enlisted men must present adequate identification such as iden- tification tags or Class A pass Co Dependents of military personnel must present Crile General Hospital Post Exchange card* 10* FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. - a* Financial statements will be prepared monthly,, bo Financial statements will be posted in a prominent place in the Exchaige at all times, 11, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES„ - a0 AR 210-65* Army Exchanges* bo AR 210-50* Non-Appropriated Funds0 HR 210-6$ 12 0 RESCISSIONS. - ac CGH Memo, 9 April 19l-i$o BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 210-70 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NOo 210=70 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9* Ohio 1 January 1946 POST LIBRARY Paragraphs General Provisionsoooo***»oooo**ooooooooo»*'»*««**««ooo*oo*o*«*ooo*oool Or ganiZat iOn oo«oo*ooo«»ooo»cooooooooo**oo***ooooooooe*****o**®ooo***o2 Llbrar xan» ooo*oeoooooooooooooo*o*ooooooooo*oooo*«oo*ooooooo*oo6«o**oo3 PrOCUrement of Books ooe*»»*»o®ooooooooocooo***o** o a ooo®»o*ooo«®*oo»o C4 Procedures ooo****o**»o®ooooooooo«ooooop*oo*ooooo*oooooooooo*»o«*«*o* o5 Library Service o*oooooo»oooooc«*oooooocoooooooooooo*e®o*o***«oo**»oo 06 Additional Duties OdOOOO©eoo«oo*>ooooooooo»»eoo©oooooooeooe«oooooo©ooo©7 Author itative Reference Soooooooo6oooo*o*ooooo«oooooooooo»ooo»oooo*oo*8 Rescissions cooooecooooooooooo©oooooeoeoeoooooo»«oee«oeoo#eoee»oo««oae9 1* GENERAL PROVISIONSo « Under the direction of the Commanding Officer and the Cleveland Public Library Boards a Post library* known as the Crile General Hospital Library* was activated in February 1944c. AR 210-70 0 This library* a station of the Cleveland Public Library was established for the use of all patients,, military and civilian personnels and was designated to house all recreational and vocational reading* maintain regulation library records and files* and serve the entire post in its reading activity* 2c ORGANIZATION , - The library is under the supervision of the Special Service Officer* and the head of Stations Department of the Cleveland Library., The librarian on the post is designated to supervise the staff operations of the Library,. Ss LIBRARIAN o => The librarian maintains records covering the operation and conduct of the supervises and operates the technical library service* and when necessary* interprets and assists in the use of books whether for recreation or study* recommends the selection of cultural* recreational and informational books* pamphlets* magazines and newspapers» AR 210-70,4 40 PROCUREMENT OF BOOKSc - Books for the Post library will be ob- tained by purchase from appropriated funds from the War Department and from non=appropriated funds o SB 10-87* AR 210-500 5 c PROCEDURESo - The property accountability records for all government books will be kept in a Government Accession booko The gift book record shall be kept separately3 AR 35-6800«, Information shall include accession number, author* title, date re- ceived, date disposed of, voucher number, price and government ownership*. Identification marks are placed in all books0 AR 35-6800© Shelf list, title and author catalogs and files are kept in the 1li- brary © TM 28-505 © HR 210*70 Inventory of property will oe taken every fiscal year or oftener as desired® TM 38-403• A report of survey will be submitted for mis- sing bookso AR 210-70® 6<, SERVICEo - The Post Library will service the entire hos- pital® Book trucks 7/ill visit the wards twice a week filled with books on a variety of subjects® Within the library, a music room with a largo selection of classical and popular records will be available daily between 0800 and 2100 hours* An inter-library loan system v/ith the Cleveland Public Library increased library service to the hospital* 7® ADDITIONAL DUTIES* - a® Member of Cleveland Public Library speaker’s Bureau* 8® AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a® AR 35-6800, Accountability for Library Books, 24 June 1942 * h® AR 210-50, Non-appropriated funds, 20 Jan 1945. Co AR 210-70, Service Clubs and Libraries, 15 May 1945. do SB 10-87, Procurement of Books, 5 July 1944® e. TM 28-305, Small Army Libraries, November 1944® fo TM 38-403, Station Supply Procedure, 1 Aug 1944, C-l, 4 Nov 1944o 9o RESCISSIONSo - None® BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON % Be STEINHOUR Maj or , MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Be STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant ,o Cj HR 210-390 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) SOo 210-390 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL* Cleveland 9* Ohioo 1 January 191*6 0 MOTION PICTURE SERVICE Paragraphs General >> O O O o a <> o o o o o o o o o o o o > a O O O O a or o o o o o o o X Admission Charge Section O o o o <> o o o o *> o o p o o o a a o o o o o o o-o cv t» ao oo t>o au o o o o o 2 Patronage Eligibility Section o o o & O <* O O O "3 O O O *> O O D O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 3 Schedule S©CtX0I3 OOOOOOOOOOOCTOoOOOOOO JC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO I4 Theater Personnel Section oocoooooooooo-ooooooooooooaoooooooooooooo 3* RepOrtS Section oooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 6 Funds Section oooooooaooocooooooooooooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooo 7 Audit Section OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 Property Accountability Section 0000000000000000000000000000000000 9 Authoritative References ooaooooo 000 0000000 00. 0000 oaooooooooooooooo 10 Rescissions 00 0000 00 oooooQaooooooooooooooooooooo 000000000 0000000 o o 11 1° GEHERALo - The U<, Sc Array Motion Picture Service provides first run movies on a regular schedule which are presented in the Post Theater0 Movie attendance is encouraged in an effort to direct the employment of idle hours in a manner beneficial to the morale and physical health of the men0 AR 210 390 and TM 28-l*0£> 20 AMISSION CHARGE SECTIONP The charge for admission will be fifteen cents for and ten cents for children under fourteen years of age0 AR 210-3900 3o PATRONAGE ELIGIBILITY SECTION. «. Admission to motion picture shows will be restricted to - aQ Military personnel on active duty0 bo Members of the households of military personnel who actually reside at the post* camp* or station to which the individual is assigned for active dutyQ Co Members of the households of military personnel on active duty when in the company of such military personnel do Civilians residing within the limits of the post* camp* or stationo i*0 SCHEDULE SECTIONo ~ Movies are shown at the Post Theater five days each weeko Sunday* Monday* Wednesday and Friday* two performances are given* the first show at 1730 hours for hospital patients onlyj the second show at 191*5? hours for all hospital duty personnelo On Wednesday* a matinee is also presented at 11*00 hours for patients and duty personnelo Saturday one show is presented at 1900 hourso AR 210-390o 1 HR 210 -390 5o THEATER SECTION '.fc.aoe? per, will be oho tie a by the Theater Officer for assistance ravaging and ope„ating the cheater« The sele ction of a qualified project, on st is impos ed in insuri ng tha efficient oiicirxng of motion i 2d ul0o 6a REPORTS SECTION, - In accordance with instructions contained in AR 210-390 and Amy Motion Picture Service Theater Officers Guide£, a Ticket Cashier5 s and Assistant Theater Manager5 s USAMPS^ From Noo 'Sir, is made at the conclusion of each day's performance0 Thi° report is submitted to the Theater Officer and a Station Notification Re • port. USAMPS Form No 80B is prepared and sent to the U So Army Motion Picture Service At the close of each week the Weekly Financial Statement USAMPS Form No 81 is prepared from the daily S0 N0 Reports and submitted to the U* So Array Motion Picture Service a To this statement is attached a receipted payro‘il voucher covering salaries paid the employees of the War Department Theater, and a check covering the receipts for the week* lest the necessary operating expenses0 AR 210-390=, 7o FUNDS SECTIONo - a» A War Department Theater Fund of Three Hundred Dollars ($300o00) has been set up for this theater by the Uc S Army Motion Picture Servicer The Theater Officer is Custodian of this fund and the money is used for operating expenses0 AR 210-390 aid AR 210-5>Oo b a The Upkeep and Operating Fund is a Petty Gash Fund held by the Theater Officer for any miscellaneous expenditures for items necessary for the operation or maintenance of the War Department Theater At the end of each week5 s business the amount of one quarter of one percent of the gross income for the week is daduvted and placed in this fundo A Council Book and Vouchers showing all receipts and expenditures in connection with this fund is kept by the Theater Officer aR 210 390o 8o AUDIT SECTION The accounts of the Post Theater will be audited by an officer,, preferably of field grade detailed by the Commanding Officer at the close of each quarter of the calendar year Special attention will be given to expenditures reported on weekly financial statements„ The auditing officer will determine whether transactions between the ticket cashier and the Theater Officer are properly receipted., The certificate of audits dated and signed by the auditing officer, will be submitted to the Commanding Officer for transmittal to the War Department , AR 210-390o 9o PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY SECTION., The Post Theater Officer will be charged with and account for all Motion Picture Service Property in Amy Theaters o AR 210-390, 1°0 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. « aOperation of thu Army Theavero - (1) AR 210490, 1 Not. 191*5., (2) TM 28-1*05, (3) TM 28-1*109 Aug 191*5, 2 0-390 Oo Admission Charge Section (1) AR 210-390, Sec I, Par 9 i Nov i9U5<> Co Patronage Eligibility Section.* - (1) AR 210-390, Sec I, Par 10, 1 Nov 19h$<> do Schedule Section., - (1) AR 210-390, Sec III, Par 28a, 1 Nov 19i;5o 9a Theater Personnel Section0 - (1) AR 210-390, Sec II, Par 18a, 18b, 18c, 1 Nov 19U5* (2) WD TM 28-UlO, Aug 19h59 Projectionist5 s Manualo f0 Reports Section., - (l) Theater Officer* s Guide, Ua S0 Array Motion Picture Service, Sec III, 15 June 19h3o go Funds Section., - (1) AR 210-390, 1 Nov 19k$o (2) AR 210-50, Non Appropr? aued Funds, 20 Jan 19U5o ho Audit Section.* - (l) AR 210-390 Audit, Sec 1, Par 12, 1 No 91 So io Property Accountability Section„ - (l) AR 210-390, Sec III., Par 19a, 1 Nov 19U3o 11o RESCISSIONSc - Noneo BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON? RUSSELL fc* STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant RUSSELL B0 STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 3 HR 250-5 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 250-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL 5 Cleveland 9, Ohio. 1 January 1946„ BAND Paragraphs Mission ooft.oooooeoooaoeoooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooococoooooooooooo 1 Administration ooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Z P aSSeS and E Urloughs ooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3 supplies and quarters oooocooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooocoooooooo 4 I* la i SOn. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooaooooooocoooooooooooooo 5 Authoritative Reference ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooo 6 Rescissions 000000000000000000000000000.0000,0,0,00000000 .-coooooooooooo 7 1„ MISSION, - Specifically, the mission of the band is twofold- a» To participate in and to furnish the desired music at military formations„ b0 To furnish musical entertainment for the command on such oc- casions as may be prescribed by the commanding officer0 Za ADLUNISlRATIQNo - The Bandleader; a0 Commands the band v.hen it is acting as a separate unite He is responsible to the Commanding Officer for the efficiency of the band, for the musical instruction of the band and for supervision of its military train- ing and disciplineo b0 Normally conducts all rehearsals and concerts0 He will attend drills, parades8 and such other ceremonies as may require the presence of the band, He will carefully inspect all musical instruments once each weeks Co Is responsible to his Commanding Officer for the cleanliness, soldierly appearance and drill efficiency of the members of the band unite, do Will be responsible ion the maintenance or the unit morning report, sick book, ana company punisnment book0 30 PASSES AND FURLOUGHS 0 - Members of the Band Detachment will be accorded pass and furlough privileges in the same manner as other enlisted detachments of the command, and the procedure for application and authoriza- tion will be controlled by the Bandleader0 iSee AR 40-710) 40 SUPPLIES AND QUARTERS0 - Supplies for the enlisted personnel are to be drawn from the supply section of the 3596th SCU, this station0 Records and responsibilities for same will be assumed by the personnel of said supply section0 Quarters for enlisted personnel will be provided by the 3596th SCHo The Bandleader will be responsible for the administration of assigned quarters 1 HR 250-5 5„ LIAISONo « Ihe Bandleader will maintain close cooperation with the Special Services Officer, who will receive requests for services and schedule all musicals,, 60 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCE0 - I’M 28-5 - ’’The Band”0 70 RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant ' IAL;5 eusseil b. steihhour' MajorP MAC Adjutant HR 340-15 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO* 340-15 ) CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9* Ohio 1 January 1946 CORRESPONDENCE Paragraph General , 1 Classification - • 2 COpiOS1 1 • 1 i < > 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 • ■ • < > 1 t • 1 > • > • 1 1 • 1 > 1 1 t t > « , • : 1 > • 1 : 1 < • 1 • • 1 , > 3 F orm >»•>>(* 4 lie a q ing 5 File Numbers , . *; *. * , * -. * t , 6 Correspondence Leaving the Post or Hospital for Higher Echelons ««**.,. it * , 4 ,.4, ,,,* ? Non-Military Letters* . 8 Inter Office Correspondence9 Handling of Correspondence Through Message Center ,10 Instruction,•1,< 1)■»>(<<:•>••i.*,•< t ><•< >ii1 Authoritative References Re sc i ss ions lo GENERAL« - All correspondence conducted by this Hospital will be in accordance wiuh AR 340-15, AR 360-5, TM 12-253* and these Regulations * 2* CLASSIFICATION, - All correspondence containing infor- mation that should, in the public interest., be safeguarded with mare than ordinary care will be classified,. AR 380-5 and HR 380-5* Crile General Hospital will be followed in the classification of correspondence , 3» COPIES. - a. The following copies will be made of cor- respondence emanating from this headquarters; (1) Norma11 yj (a) One original, on bond paper* and one carbon on white paper for transmission to the addressee (2) Additional, when required :? (a) One cArboa cn green paper for suspense file in office of origin*, (b) Such number of carbons on white paper as may be necessary for information of other interested headquarters and offices, the distribution thereof being indicated thereon, and on the green file copy-. HR. 340*15 (3) Additional* for correspondence prepared for the sig~ nature* of the Commanding Officer; (a) One carbon on white paper, marked ’’Headquarters File.” 4. FORM, - Official correspondence intended for a military addressee will be in the form of military letters or indorsements. Correspondence intended for a non-military addressee will be in the form of a civilian letter . (See TM 12-253),. 5. HEADING. - a All correspondence 'emanating from this headquarters will be headed? (1) Letters? ARMY SERVICE FORCES Fifth Service Command Crile General Hospital Cleveland 9* Ohio Office of the Commanding Officer (2) Indorsement, as prescribed in subparagraph (l) above but in abbreviated form* beginning at the left margin of page thus r Hq., Crile General Hospital* Cleveland 9* Ohio b Nothing will be included in the heading of any lett© or indorsement to indicate the office of origin within the headquarters other than the symbol preceding the file number and the initials <. f the originator. 6 FILS NUMBERS - - a. Every outgoing letter and indorsement will bear a file reference (1) The file number will appear with, and immediately following the symbol indicative of the office of origin, at the upper left corner of all pages of? (a) Military letterss on all copies- (b) Indorsements* on all copies* followed by the date of the basic communication* abbreviated and inclosed within parenthesis* thus? (20 Nov 44) (c) Non-military letters* on the file and sus- pense copies only-. (2) Office symbols are published in numbered memorandum Crile General Hospital-. HR 340-15 I, CORRESPONDENCE LEAVING THE POST OR HOSPITAL FOR HIGHER ECHELONS. - All correspondence emanating from this post or hos- pital forwarded to higher echelons will be prepared by the division* branch or section concerned for the signature of the Executive Of- ficer. NO OFFICIAL MAIL TO HIGHER ECHELONS WILL LEAVE THE POST OR HOSPITAL UNLESS PROCESSED IN HEADQUARTERS, CENTRAL MIL AND RECORDS. 8* NON-MILITARY LETTERS, - a. If to a high civil official, such correspondence will be prepared for the signature of the Commanding Officer, or, in his absence, for the signature of the Executive Of- ficer, in which case the opening paragraph will begin "In the ab- sence of the Commanding Officer I desire to acknowledge receipt of your of , etc," b. If to other than a high civilian official, such cor- respondence v/ill be prepared for the signature of the Adjutant, in which case the letter will contain some expression indicating that it is Y/ritten by authority of the Goznmanding Officer, such as "The Commanding Officer has directed me to acknowledge receipt of your of , etc-.", or, "The Commanding Officer has directed me to inform you that ,etc." 9, INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE. = Unless specifically in- structed otherwise, all correspondence initiated and remaining within the hospital v/ill be prepared in single copy and on Office Memorandum Standard Form No. 64* When it is necessary to have additional space the reverse of this form will be used. Indorsements or replies will be v/ritten on the same or additional sheets . 10. HANDLING OF CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH MESSAGE CENTER „ - See Sec II, HR 15-20, Grile General Hospital. II. INSTRUCTIONS * - The office of the Civilian Personnel Of- ficer maintains a Training Instructor who conducts classes in Military Correspondence and who is available for information re- garding Military Correspondence techniques.-.. Gases requiring decision of policy will be referred to the Adjutant * 12* AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES * - a* AR 340-10, Penalty Envelopes and Labelsj Use of Mails* b. AR 340-15, Correspondence. Ci AR 380-5, Safeguarding Military Information, d* TM 12-253, Correspondence HR 340“15 13, RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON t jRUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B« STEINHOUR Major, MAG Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. iiOO-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 19'-l 6 HR h 00-5 BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COUNCILS Paragraph General . ., 1 Boa rds, types ...» , 2 Councils, types .,. . J Committees* types lx . 1. GENERAL. - a a Boards. - (1) Boards of officers, usually in numbers of one to three, are appointed bo convene for specific purposes as a legal procedure in conformity with the requirements of Army Regulations, or by order of a post or superior commander, as circumstances may require* (2) Usually, the primary function of a board is to ascertain facts* The purpose of the board is not disciplinary but admin- istrative only. A suitable test of a board1s proceedings is whether the report will present to the reviewing authority all the facts necessary to enable him to arrive instantly at an independent decision. (3) As a fact-finding body, a board investigates impar- tially all available evidence, both pro and con* The findings of the board are rendered according to the evidence. Recommendations are made according to the nature of the findings. (Ii) Boards of officers usually are conducted in the same manner as special courts-martial and the rules of procedure are outlined in AR li20-5> (Conduct of Boards). bo Councils. - (1) Councils are appointed to perform specific functions in guiding and controlling certain administrative or financial operations of a command. (2) The duties and powers of councils are described in the Army Regulations affecting the particular activity to be so super- vised, A council continues in force as long as the regulation remains effective and arc usually considered permanent, c. Committees. - Committees are appointed for specific func- tions in command operations and are generally of a temporary nature. 1 HR 400—5 They are not a control or executive body and are intended to assist or advise in carrying out a particular mission0 dc Tabulation - No attempt is made here to discuss all types of boards3 councils9 or committees0 The following list represents the kinds most frequently required in the administration of the average postc 20 TYPE CP BOARD WHO APPOINTS APPLICABLE AR* etc PURPOSE Army Retiring CG Service Command AR 40=1025 AR 600-500 TM 12-245 WD Cir 313=45 To consider cases of officers for retire- ment for physical im capacity0 Classification Reclassification of Officer CG Service Command AR 605=230 To consider eases of officers other than RA* who are reported as unsuitable for sem vice* for reasons otip than physical or disJ ciplinary0 31 Classification RA Officers WD AR 605=200 As above* for RA0 Character rating for Enlisted Personnel Post Commander AR 615~360 To character! rating & type of dis4j charge to be given 13 who ar© not rated at N least wGoodw by Unit 0 Certificate of Disability for Discharge Post Commander AR 40=1025 AR 615=361 MR 1-9 as amended* TM 12= 235 ~ TM 8255 To consider all cases of EM recommended fd separation on account disability o Claims Post Commander AR 25=20 AR 25=25 Investigates claims for damage to* or Ioj or destruction of pr<° erty* or for persona} injury or death* cauid by military personnelo civilian employee* oi otherwise incident t«n combat activities*. oifl Dept or of the Army01 HR 400=5 Claims Post Commander AR 25=20 AR 25=80 AW 105 Investigates claims under AW 105 for loss or damage to property (military or civilian) caused by persons sub- ject to military law Claims Post Commander AR 25=20 AR 25 100 Investigates claims of military and civilian personnel for property damaged,, lost* captured * destroyed or abandoned in the service,. Complaint Post Commander 5 th Cir 635, 1945 Hears coup taints of personnel on matters referred to it* and makes recommendations to Post Commander Committment of Mental Cases Post Commander AR 600 -500 Acts as board for Comm- ittment of mental eases to St Elizabeths Hosp* Wash or other Gov- ernment, institutionsy that can not be disposed of otherwise. Disposition of Mental patients Post Commander AR 600=500 AR 615=361 To make recommendations for discharge of mental cases to institutions* care of relatives or to own custody. EM Ret* for physical disability Post Commander AR 40-1025 AR 615=395 TM 12=238 To consider cases of EM for retirement for physical disability: Injuries* Lime of Duty invest- igation Post Commander AR 345-415 AR 40=1025 Conducts investigations in cases of Con- ditions requiring in- vestigations are fully described in AR 600=500 a nd TM 12=240 0 Investigation of deaths Post Commander AR 600=550 AR 345-415 TM 12=240 Conducts investigations in cases of deaths,. Con- ditions requiring inves- tigations arefully des- cribed in AR 600-500 and TM 12=240 HR 500-5 Inaptness, lack of requires degree of adaptability or enuresis. Enlisted Personnel, Post Commander AP. 50-1025 AR TM 12-235 To consider all cases for separation because of inability to adapt to military life, or in cases of enuresis not due to mental or physical disorder. Menu Post Commander TM 10-205 TM 10-215 Supervises preparation of menus for nutri- tional and other pur- poses. Misconduct Enlisted Personnel Post Commander AR 615-366 TM 12-235 To consider all cases for separation of fraudulent enlistment, physically unfit deserters, and con- victions by Civil Court, Medical Post Commander AR U0-590 Recommend type of dis- Disposition WD Cir 196- U5; WD Cir 313-1*5; MR 1-9 position to be made in hospitalized cases, e:g: duty, CDD, Ret Board action, trfd to other hosp, etc. Physical exam Post prior to retirement, discharge or dismis- sal of officers & enlisted personnel, or retired personnel upon return to inactive status o Commander AR 50-100 TM 12-235 To make complete physical examination prior to separation of all military personnel except Retirement & CDD, In the latter cases the matter is covered as part of the retirement or discharge procedure, Nurses’ Retiring CG Service AR 50-20 To consider cases of - Command AR 50-25 TM 12-2/55 WD Cir 313-55 officers (ANC, HD, FT) for retirement for physical incapacity. Post Planning Post Commander Eng, Manual 1 Dec 55; Ltr liq 5 th SvC, 319,2 22 Jan 55 Develop & coordinate plans affecting physical layout of Post, HR l;00-5 Physical Exams Post Commander AR 50-100 AR 50-105 AR 50-110 MR 1-9 Conducts physical examinations for commission in RA, AUS, NO, GRG, USMA; phys- ical examinations to qualify for duties involving hazards, such as flying, para- chute duty, etc. Physical Profile (classification & re-classification of EM) Post Commander Memo R UO—UU; MR 1-9; Cir 196, wd-55. Classifies and re- classifies Eli accord- ing to physical capacity. Promotion of Enlisted Personnel Post Commander WD Cir 70 - 55; AR 615-5; 5th SvC Cir 20 - 19)ill Receives and acts upon recommendations for promotions of EM to higher grade. Personnel Reduction Post Commander Ltr Hq 5th SvC; AG 200,3, 7-Nov 55. Makes recommendations for reduction in force. Review of Physical Exam- findings, Post Commander AH 50-100 When the Enlisted per- son’ s declaration at time of discharge is at variance with Med Officer's findings as tc physical conditions, the case is referred to a Board of Review, Undesirable habits or traits of characters Enlisted personnel. Post Commander AR 50-1025 AR 615-368 TM 12-235 To consider all cases for separation because of undesirable habits or traits of character which render retention in the service un- desirable , Warrant Officer appointment CG Service Command AR 610-5 AR 610-15 To examine & recommend for appointment as per- manent or temporary Warrant Officer, HR liOO~5 3„ TYPE OF COUNCIL WHO APPOINTS APPLICABLE AR , otCo PURPOSE Central Post Fund Post Commander AR 210-50 To administer Central Post Fund. Hospital Fund Post Commander AR 1*0-590 TM 8-262 Appointed as advisors to Post CO, in ad- ministering the Hospital Fund, Post Exchange Post Commander AR 210-6)5 Appointed as advisors to Post CO, and Exchange Officer in matters of exchange operations and con- trol o Post Athletic Post Commander Ltr Hqrs, 5th SvC, AG, 353o80 8 Feb U5. Arranges and super- vises athletic program for personnelo Ad- vises Post CO on development of Athletic Programo Reconditioning Post Commander ASF Cir 73, •103, Arranges, supervises, and develops program for convalescent reconditioningo Savings Promotions Post Commander ASF Clr 91. I9h5. To promote personal savings of all per- sonnel,, Units liars, Sundry, and Special Welfare Fund s Post Commander AR 210-50 TM 20-220 TM 20-221 Appointed as advisors to custodians and Post CO in administer- ing Funds, h, TITLE OF COMMITTEE WHO APPOINTS APPLICABLE AR etCc PURPOSE Conservation Post Commander 5th SvC Conservation Manual| CGH Memo 36, 19ii5o Appointed to effect conservation in sup- plies, personnel and equipment. HR 500-5 Efficiency Rating Post Commander CPR-95,3, Par 16. SC 239 CGH 9 Nov 55° For efficiency rating of civilian personnel in cases referred to ito Medical Library Post Commander Par )|, SO 61 CGH 11 Apr 13; - Procurement & supply of medical and techni- cal books. Post Exchange, NCO Post Commander AR 210-65 Makes recommendations for changes and im- provement in internal operations of the Post Exchange0 Post Safety Post Commander ASF Cir 360 19)45; ASF Cir 29, 19l|6 Cir 263, WD I9)t5. Supervise s s a fe ty program, advises Post CO in developing safe employment practices. Suggestion Post Commander ASF Cir 300 19a)4; ASF Cir 107, 372, 19)45. Promotes suggest pro- gram among civilian and military personnel for improvement and changes in operational procedures 0 Wage Adrrio Ranking Post Commander Wage A dm. Manual SOS 25 Oct )[2. Ranking new employers in new ungraded jobs in line with jobs already established. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; Major, MAC Adjutant. RUSS HILL B. STEIN HOUR Major, MAC Adjutant hospital regulations ) NOa 600-5 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9? Ohio. 1 January 1956, HR 600-5 PERSONNEL DIVISION Paragraphs Director of Personnel ..................................... 1 Section I - MILITARY PERSONNEL BRANCH Dutie s ....................................o. 2 Organization ...... 9« 0....... 3 Section II - CIVILIAN PERSONNEL BRANCH General 1; Supervision ............................................ 5 Physical Examinations .................................. 6 Tour of Duty, Civilian Employees ....................... 7 Time and Attendance Reports ............................ 8 Injuries, Reporting of ................................. 9 Training ............................................... 10 Leaves of Absence ...................................... 11 No 1 idays ............................................... Ik Unauthorized Absence 13 Tardiness lh Rest Periods .......................................... „ 15 Uniforms ................ 0.............................. 16 Gambling, Drugs and Intoxicants ........................ . 1? Commercial Enterprise ......... 0........................ IS Commercial Obligations ................................. 19 Separations and Disciplinary Action .................... 20 AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES .................................. 21 RESCISSIONS ............................................... 22 1. DIP.ECTOR OF PERSONNEL. - An officer directly responsible to the Commanding Officer, known as Director of Personnel, will have charge of all matters concerning Military and Civilian Personnel0 He is responsible for the procurement, assignment, reassignment, clas- sification, reclassification, transfer, promotion, retirement and separation of military personnel of the commandc He administers pro- gram for civilian personnel, including recruitment, placement, re- assignment, promotion and demotion, separation, wage administration, training, employee relations, preparation of pay roll, the processing of all necessary paper and the maintenance of all required records, and performs other necessary personnel actions. AR 3^5-5> ASFM M301. SECTION I MILITARY PERSONNEL BRANCH 20 DUTIES. - The Chief of Military Personnel is directly respon- sible to the Director of Personnel., He assists in the procurement, HR 600-£ assignment, reassignment, and separation of military personnel of the command and all other matters concerning personnel management and record keeping. He will, with the assistance of such non- commissioned officers as are detailed to the section, direct the duties of the section in such a manner as to assure its proper functioning. He is also responsible for the training of all clerks in a thorough knowledge of all work in the section. AR 3U5>-5. 3- ORGANIZATION. - Military Personnel is divided into four sections: a. OHMIC HR S' PEG TION. - The Officers' Section prepares efficiency reports, maintains officer locator cards, active duty reports, miscellaneous rosters, 201 files-, checks Monthly Personnel Rosters, and maintains Officers' Qualification Card No. 66-1, AR 3n>~5,. bo ENLISTED PERSONNEL SECTION. - The Enlisted Personnel Section maintains Service Records, prepares pay rolls, final state- ments, statements of charges and other vouchers, processes discharges, transfers, reports of AWOL, enlistments, reenlistments, classify en- listed personnel, prepare and check Monthly Rosters and Statistical Reports,'and maintain Soldier’s Qualification Card No. 20, AR 3^5-3* Co MORNING REPORT SECTION. - The Morning Report Section checks Morning Reports, prepares ration returns, reports of change, miscellaneous rosters and strength returns, and checks Monthly Rosters. AR 3 d. MILES SECTION. - The Miles Section maintains the 201 files for all enlisted personnel, files of regulations, reports and directives, and other miscellaneous information„ AR 3h5-5>* SECTION II CIVILIAN PERSONNEL BRANCH ho GENERAL. - The Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch is respon- sible to the Director of Personnel, for the procurement, assignment, reassignment, transfer, allocation, reallocation, training, admin- istration, payment and separation of civilian employees. All pro- cedures will be governed by the applicable Army Regulations, Civil Service Rules and Regulations, and such other instructions as may be published by proper authority. The Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch will issue such memoranda and instructions as he may deem necessary in order to insure compliance with rules and regulations and to estab- lish uniform policies and procedures. 5>„ SUPERVISION. - Each Chief of Division, Branch, Service or Section In the command will exercise administrative supervision over 2 HR 600-5' civilian employees assigned to their unit„ The authority of these supervisors may be limited by the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch, based upon governing procedures, 60 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS, - a. All applicants for positions will be examined physi- cally for the position sought and no applicant will be employed who fails to meet the physical requirements0 This examination will be made by the Chief, Out-Patient Service, or at the discretion of the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch, by the applicant’s own physician, CPR 1 fc b0 All food handlers will be examined physically monthly (AR J^O—25?)5 they will have a serological examination semi-annually,, Barbers will be given a monthly physical examination to determine freedom from communicable disease. The Chief, Out-Patient Service is responsible for the required physical examinations of all food handlers and such other employees as the Commanding Officer may desig- nate and will take appropriate and necessary action to accomplish those examinationso CPR 35>®1 h f« AR l|0-25><. Co An employee who is frequently absent for short periods because of illness, should be advised to visit a physician for a physical check-up and to report back with a statement from the physi- cian relative to the employee’s physical condition, In addition, it is within the administrative authority of the Commanding Officer or his designated representative to require an employee to appear before a medical officer for physical examination« CPC 81, V)h$0 7, TOUR OF DUTY, CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES, - Tours of duty for civilian employees will be set in accordance with current regulations and will bo announced officially in the hospital. Authority for un- usual tours of duty or for overtime in excess of the established tour of duty must be obtained in writing from the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch, (Local Policy), Requests will be submitted one day in advance if practicableo 8, TIME & ATTENDANCE REPORTS, - Each Chief of Division, Branch, Service or Section, will keep an accurate day by day record of the number of hours worked by his civilian employees. He may delegate this duty but will be held responsible for the accuracy of the report. He will submit a certified time and attendance report to the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch promptly upon the completion of the bi- weekly pay period, CPC 112, 19^5° 9o INJURIES, REPORTING OF, - War Department civilian employees who are injured in the performance of their employment are entitled to medical care (out patient treatment and hospitalization) and to compensation for the time lost from employment in accordance with regulations published by the United States Employees Compensation Com- mission, In every case of traumatic injury the immediate supervisor 3 HR 600-5 of the injured employee will prepare and forward to the Chief, Out Patient Service, with the patient whenever practicable, Form CA-16 or CA-17 (Report of Injury). The Chief, Out Patient Service will insist on receipt of the report as his authority to render medical care. He will make appropriate entry on the form and will transmit it without delay to the Registrar. The employees immediate supervisor will also have prepared and submitted promptly to the Safety Direc- tor, Form CA-1 (Notice of Injury), Form CA-2 (Report of Injury) and if the employee is disabled for work, Form CA-3 (Report of Termine- * tion of Disability or Report of Death) and Form CA-1; (Claim for Com- pensation). After check and processing the Safety Director will transmit all forms to the Registrar for the latter* s records and reports and for distribution. All forms will be prepared and trans- mitted to reach the Registrar in triplicate. These forms will be stocked by the Publications Branch. CPU! 1 and 2. 10„ TRAINING. - The administrative supervisory and non-supervisory training of civilian employees will be conducted in accordance with current War Department instructions. The object of such training is to provide employees with the knowledge, skill, habits and attitudes required to maintain normal or emergency work schedules. Officers in charge of divisions, branches, services and sections are responsible for the proper training of civilian employees under their jurisdic- tion. The Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch is responsible for con- duction training designed to suit the needs of the various activities. A Trainer is provided on the staff of the Civilian Personnel Branch to assist in designing training courses to fit special needs through- out the installation, (Local Policy). 11. LEAVES OF ABSENCE. - The minimum charge for leave will be one hour; additional leave will be charged in multiples of an hour. The officer who certifies the time and attendance report has the authority to approve or disapprove leave up to the limit of leave accrued by an employee, CPR 75. .. a. Annual leave will be granted upon request at such times as it may be deemed to be in the public interest, but not unless the employee can be spared ’without replacement, and not. beyond the amount accrued to the employees credit. In exceptional circumstances and within the limits imposed by regulations, annual leave may be advanced an employee at the discretion of the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch b0 Sick leave will be granted to employees when they are incapacitated for the performance of their duties by sickness, injury, or pregnancy and confinement, or for medical, dental or optical ex- amination or treatment, or when a member of the immediate family of the employee Is afflicted with a contagious disease and requires the care and attendance of the employee, or when through exposure to con- tagious disease, the presence of the employee at his post of duty hr 600-5 would jeopardize the health of others. Contagious disease means a disease ruled as subject to quarantine as defined by the health authorities having jurisdiction, A medical certificate will not be required to support absence on account of sickness for periods of three days or less; the time sheet in such cases will be signed immediately upon return to duty. Absence for more than three days must be supported by a properly executed medical certificate, or, where the individual responsible for approving applications for sick leave determines that the statement of the employee in lieu of a medical certificate is to be considered as sufficient basis for approval of the request for sick leave, by a personal certificate from the employee. Personal certificates will be submitted immediately upon return to duty and medical certificates will be filed within 15 Gary's after return bo duty. For the purpose of obtaining a medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment, sick leave may be granted upon the submission of a personal certificate from the employee to the effect that he received such an examination or treatment. This cer- tificate must include the name and address of the practitioner visited and the date and hour of the visit. Advance sick leave will nob be gran bed. c. An employee who is absent on account of sickness shall notify his supervisor as early as practicable on the first day of such absence (should usually be within two hours of the time scheduled to report for duty). Failure to give such notice may result in the absence being charged to annual leave or AIVOL, as the circumstances may justify, V.'hen sickness occurs within a period of annual leave and lasts 5 or more consecutive work days, sick leave may be granted to cover the period of illness and the charge against annual leave re- duced accordingly. Application for such substitution must be made within two work days after return to duty. d. Sick leave is a privilege to be granted an employee upon the determination by responsible administrative official that the request for sick leave is justified. Sick leave is intended to cover absences wherein the employee is incapacitated for duty, or to provide time for necessary medical, optical, or dental examination., Vdien the official authorized to approve leave is convinced that employees are abusing the sick leave privileges, he should not approve the re- quest for sick leave but should charge the absence to annual leave or leave without pay, or take such other action, including disciplinary action, as appears appropriate. It is not intended to restrict in any way the granting of sick leave in bona fide cases. It is, however, of utmost importance that sick leave be denied where the circumstances surrounding the absence do not justify approval. 12. HOLIDAYS. - Legal holidays will not generally be work days for civilian employees and authorized absence will not be charged to leave. Employees may be required to work where their absence will be detrimental to the 'mission of the installation. The policy regarding each holiday will be announced in the Hospital Bulletin. GPR 75® HR 600-5 13 r. UN All THOR I ZED AD GEM CE, - Unauthorized absence v/ill be charge u as absence without pay and not as leave, and, when not satisfactorily explained, may be made the subject of disciplinary action. CFR 75. Du TARDINESS. -- Unavoidable or necessary absence from duty not in excess of 30 minutes, and tardiness, shall bo handled administra- tively by excuse for adequate reasons, or by requiring additional work, or by a charge against overtime previously worked beyond regular hours, or by disciplinary action, or by a charge .against annual leave. Tardiness may not be administratively excused when it occurs during overtime hours; in this case, if time is to be made up, it will be made up the same day. In cose a charge against leave is made for tardiness (charge must be in multiples of one hour) and the charge ex- ceeds the period of absence, the employee will not be required duiring the additional period covered by the charge against his leave. CrR 75. 15. REST PERIODS. - It is a bar Department policy to permit the granting of short rest periods during the daily tour of duty. The cumulative period of resting during each four hours of continuous work may not exceed 15 minutes. This rest period will not be charged to leave (GPR 75.7-16). 16. UNIFORMS. - a. Employees engaged as food handlers and other employees may be required, at the discretion of the Commanding Officer, to equip themselves with proscribed hospital uniforms. They v/ill keep their persons clean and their hair neatly trimmed and combed while on duty; female employees will keep their hair properly covered. Whenever possible, uniforms will be furnished to such employees as are required to wear them but a deposit may be required. b* Insignia or other distinctive parts of the duly pre- scribed uniform of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, or a uniform a part of which is similar to such uniform will not be worn by civilian employees of this installation, (Local Policy) 0 i?. GAMBLING, DRUGS & INTOXICANTS. - Gambling, boisterous con- duct, and profane or obscene language are prohibited on any part of this post. All civilian employees are expected and required to observe the ordinary rules of decency and good manners in their behavior and relations with others. The possession or introduction onto the post of intoxi- cating liquor or habit-forming drugs is forbidden. No civilian employee v/ill have any financial dealings whatever v/ith patients in this hos- pital, (Local Policy). 18, COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE, - Employees will not actively engage in any commercial enterprise at any time within the limits of military reservation, (Local Policy)* 19, COMMERCIAL OBLIGATIONS, - The War Department will take no HR 600-5 cognisance of a debt complaint against an employee, so far as the creditor is concerned, beyond acknowledging receipt of his communi- cation. Creditors and collectors will be denied access to employees for the purpose of presenting or collecting claims during the hours set apart for the transaction of public business„ Although the De- partment will not permit itself to be used as a collection agency, it will not consider as a fit employee, anyone who contracts a debt and then without sufficient excuse, neglects to make payments« Any em- ployee who contracts indebtedness and then wilfully, without suffi- cient excuse or reason, neglects or avoids payment thereon, will be discharged for cause. CPR 10, 19h5» 20. SEPARATIONS ADD DISCIPLINARY ACTION. - a. Disciplinary action, including dismissal, against a civilian employee will he made through the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch. It is necessary that action be undertaken no later than U8 hours after the offense occurs, b. Discharge for Cause. - Whenever discharge for cause is deemed necessary the officer in charge of the activity in which the civilian is employed will notify the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch in writing of the charge or charges on which the discharge is based. The Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch will review the case and if the charges appear justified will suspend the employee at once, notifying him in writing of the charges on which the suspension is founded. The employee will have five days in which to make answer. All cases of discharge for cause will be transmitted for final investi- gation and decision to the Commanding Officer; a board of review may be appointed bo investigate the case and make recommendation, a. Voluntary Separations, - Resignations will be submitted in writing to the Chief, Civilian Personnel Branch, at least two weeks prior to the last day of duty. They should show the position and salary being resigned, the reason for the resignation, and request that all accrued annual leave be granted prior to the effective date of resignation. The employee will call at the Civilian Personnel Branch at his earliest convenience for an exit interview. CPR 60, 21, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES, - a, AR 3l-i5-5, 5 Aug UI4, - Army Personnel System, b, AR IjO-25, 9 Apr k3 - Medical Department, c, ASF M301, 15 June 1)5 - ASF Organization - Post Person- nel Division, d, CPP No. 12, Oct kh - Common Sense in Disciplinary Ac- tions , e, CPC 112, 19 Sep hLJ - Standard Forms & Methods for Time and Attendance Reports and Leave Accounts, - 7 - HR 600-£ fo CPPM 1, Jul ii5 - Civilian Personnel Standard Operating Procedures» g. CPPM 2, Aug 1|5 - Handbook for Operating Officials. h. CPR 35.1 F, 1 Aug ij.3 - Appointments. i. CPR 10, 1 Jun krJ - Basic Materials Relating to Civilian Personnel Administration, j0 CPR 60, 15 Jan )|li - Separations. k. CPR 75, 12 Jul hh - Leave of Absence. l. CPR 75.7-16, 12 Jul hh - Rest Periods. 22. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant OFFICE: s fjJn RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant 8 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO* 600*40 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 HR 600*40 WEARING OF THE UNIFORM Paragraph The Service Uniform** * ***•••<>* * .* * •«•»••*** ® *•»•**** ® ®»••••••****• •! Women®s Uniform***ooeo*o«oe»»»*»*««»««««e«eo***o*»»*«»**o*»****»**2 Mixed Jniformso**o*o*o*oooooooe*oooooe*oe«*c*o©*o*t>oo**o***«*tt****3 Special Instructions•so*******************************************4 Military Appearanceo****o**o»»*«o*ob«*o**»*«*»**«o***»************5 Authoritative References* * * * * * * * * * ••««*<»«« *«® * * * *•»••«•*•••••*•••• *6 ReSOlSSlOnS oooooaiijo®o***<>*o*o**oooo®e»e9®oo»o»*e®a®®»*»®*a*®»*»®«<>7 lo THE SERVICE UNIFORM* « The uniform prescribed for ordinary wear is the service uniformo It"”consists of the materials, out and design prescribed in AR 600-S5, and will be worn as prescribed in AH. 600-40 and AR 600=45o The WOOLEN service uniform is prescribed for winter wearj the COTTON service uniform is prescribed for summer wear* 2* WOMENeS UNIFORMSo - The service uniform for women members of this command consists of the materials, cut and design, and will be worn as pre- scribed in the applicable Army Regulations*? So MIXED UNIFORMSo = No articles of the uniform will be worn in com- bination with civilian dress at any time either by duty personnel or patients* Neither will articles of summer and winter uniforms be worn together unless authorized specifically by AR 600=40* 4* SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS* « ac White clothing issued to enlisted men for wear in wards, clinics, messes, etc*, will not be worn off the reservation* bo Fatigue or work clothing will be worn only for duties which would soil or damage the white clothing or service uniform* Co Enlisted men will not wear articles of uniform of a type or fabric different from that issued by the Quartermaster* d* The field jacket may be v;orn outside the limits of the post* (WD Cir No 283, 21 Sep 1945)* do Only plain hose, of a color or shade to match the shoe, may be worn with the low=cut shoe* f* Articles of uniform rendered obsolete by changes in design or material, published by the War Department, are authorized for wear by their owners until worn out* 1 HR 600-40 5o MILITARY APPEARANCE0 « All members of this command are directed to present a neat and clean appearance in the prescribed uniform, especially when absent from the post* Infractions will be observed and reported by all in authority© Offenders will be punished© Sc AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES© « a© AR 600-56 - Army Hostesses and Librarians® bo AR 600-37 « Army Nurse Corps, Physical Therapy Aides and Medical Department Dietitians© o© AR 600-59 - Women's Army Corps© 7o RESCISSIONS© - So much of AR 600-40 as may be in conflict with WD Cir No 288, Sec 1, 21 Sep 1945 is temporarily suspended© BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON* OFFICIALS []f \y RUSSELL B© STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant H0SPITAL REGULATIORS NO. 600-550 HR 600-550 CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland S, Ohio 1 January 1946 AUTOPSIES Paragraph Authority to Perform Autopsies, 1 Personnel Who May Perform Autopsies,,...,. 2 Autopsy Procedures. 3 Inspection of Bodies............. 4 Disposition of Bodies 5 Preservation of Specimens 6 Records 7 Authoritative References 3 Rescissions. 9 L AUTHORITY TO PERFORM AUTOPSIES. - An autopsy will be performed upon the body of any person dying in the military ser- vice when the Commanding Officer of the hospital deems such pro- cedure necessary to determine the true cause of death and to secure information for the completion of military records. AR 40“5 SO, Par 19d. 2 o PERSONNEL WHO HAY PER FOR II AUTOPSIES. Postmortem exam- inations arc made by the Chief of the Laboratory Service or his assistant, provided the latter is a medical officer, or any other medical officer., When no medical officer is available to make such examination, the Commanding Officer is authorized to employ the services of a civilian physician to make the examination, AR 600-550 Par 18, 3. AUTOPSY PROCEDURES. - (TM 12-240A, Par 7) The autopsy surgeon will - a0 Be available on call at all times, where possible, to expedite performance of the examination. On bodies arriving at the morgue prior to 2200 hours, autopsies will normally be completed on the same day and the body made immediately avail- able to the contract funeral director, AR 40-590. be Perform autopsies in such manner that there will be a minimum of delay in release of the remains to the funeral director for embalming. Co Use a technique that will insure minimum interfer- ence with embalming functions of the funeral director. The med- ical officer responsible for performing autopsies will confer HR 600-550 v/ith contract funeral director on the manner of preparation of bodies, prior to their delivery to the contract funeral director, (1) Key arteries, including the innominate, left subclavian, and iliacs will be ligated, and the ends of ligatures loft long;, If a cranial examinations is made, the internal car- otid and vertebral arteries will be ligated, or base of skull closed with plaster of paris, as performed by the contract funeral director . (2) Body cavities will be thoroughly dried, body orifices securely closed and incisions tightly sutured with over- lapping skin edges. 4. INSPECTION OF BODIES. - The Commanding Officer of the hospital, or his commissioned representative will inspect each body immediately after death and again with the purchasing and contracting officer after the body is embalmed, properly clothed and in the casket. AR 40-590, Par 19c. 5. DISPOSITION OF BODIES. - See HR 40-305, Par 6b. 60 PRESERVATION OF SPECIMENS. - See HR 40-305, Par 6b. 7o RECORDS. - a. Certificate of Inspection. - The Commanding Officer or his representative will file in the hospital a signed record of the fact of compliance with Par 4 above. AR 40-590, Par 19c. bo Receipt for Bodies. - The person removing a body from the morgue will acknowledge receipt thereof upon the Registrar's order authorizing removal. This record is filed in the Laboratory. TM 8-260, Par 183b. c. Autopsy Protocols. - Complete autopsy record of autopsies performed will be kept. A copy of the record of each case vrill be forwarded directly to the Curator, Army Medical Museum. AR 40-410, Par 5. 8. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 40-410, 3 Aug 1942, Army Medical Museum. bo AR 40-590, Par 19, 29 Aug 1944, Administration of Hospitals, General Provisions. c. AR 600-550, Par 18b, 28 Mar 1944, Personnel, Deceased. HR 600-550 d« HR 40-30, 1 Jan 1946, Burials, Mortuary Operations. e. HR 40-305, Par 6b, 1 Jan 1946, Laboratory Service. f. TM 8-260, Par 183b, 16 Jul 1941, Fixed Hospitals of the Medical Department (General and Station Hospitals). g. TM 12-240A, Par 7, May 1945, Quartermaster Mortuary Procedures• 9. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON* OFFIgALj Ij RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B• STEINHOUR Ma,ior, MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 700-25 ) GRIDS GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1. January I9I46 HR 700-25 SALVAGE Paragraph Duties 1 Receipts 2 Classification and Segregation 3 Disposition 1; P.eports 5 Authoritative References 6 Rescissions 7 1. DU TIES. - The Salvage Officer acts for the Commanding Officer on all salvage activities at his installation. He is not accountable for property turned in for salvage but is responsible at all times for the proper storage and disposition of salvage turned over to him*. a. He will act as Contracting Officer for the sale of Salvage unless this function is otherwise assigned by higher authority, exorcising strict supervision over all transactions with due caution and diligence to prevent irregularities or opportunities for fraud or collusion. b. lie is responsible for the proceeds of sales coming into his custody. Ho will supervise the classification, segregation, storage and disposition of salvage at his installation, maintain such records and render such reports as may be required, and keep himself thoroughly informed on markets for all salvage. c. He will make regular inspections of the sanitary fill, dump, incinerator or any other place where waste materials may accumu- late, for the purpose of detecting improper segregation and taking corrective action. As the representative of the Commanding Officer, the Salvage Officer will act as an advisor on ideas for utilization of salvaged items. 2. RECEIPTS. - a. Property Turn-In, Property Turn-In Slip No. khl will bo used on all property that has been determined by the Classification Officer to be salvaged, b. It will be prepared in 3 copies, with appropriate cer- tification on face as required by par k Cir No. 7, ID 19hh» Original and duplicate to be properly signed and returned to accountable Supply Officer. Triplicate to be retained by Salvage Officer, and posted to his stock record account. 1 IIR 700-.. ; j, CLASSIFICATION AND SEC, ..EaiW OH. Cn regulations require that go I agv and a . to materials be segregated a iviiows: a. Kitchen ’.Taste - S ’ avI « (1) Cooked Greszc. (2) Raw bones and moat irlminl’ g (raw). (3) Cooked Bones, (U) Trap Grease - Traps will be skimmed every morning, (50 Kitchen waste fit for animal food, b. Kitchen Waste - Non-sale able, to be disposed of by the Post Engineer, (l) Coffee grounds, tea leaves, egg shells, citron rinds, banana peels, fish heads and scales, floor sweep- ings, and greasy, waxed or tarred paper. c. Other Waste Materials. (1) Tin Cans - Tin cans with the exception of beer cans with conical tops, oil cans, paint and varnish cans will be collected and made ready for delivery to the Salvage Officer, All cans will bo washed and cleaned ana free from foreign substance. Tops, bottoms, and paper labels will be removed. Cans will be crushed by stepping heavily on them and not by pounding or hammering. (2) Paper cartons ~ Cartons will be opened as they have been sealed, collapsed, bundled and turned in. (3) Wooden Boxes - Boxes should be opened in a manner as to retain the tops. (10 Baskets - Baskets received with lids or covers should be turned in with them. (5) Egg Cra tes - Crates should be opened carefully and the fillers replaced after the eggs hove been re- moved. (6) Glass Containers - Containers should be washed, labels removed, lids or covers replaced before turning in. (?) Magazines - Magazines and other glazed papers should be separated and bundled. HR 700-25 (8; newsprint - Newsprint should be bundled before turning in. (9) Waste Paper - Waste paper will be bundled separately, d. Collections. (1) Kitchen Waste - saleable will be picked up daily by contract Garbage col1oc tor. (2) All remaining waste material will be collected twice daily and once on Sunday by Post Engineer. I*. Disposition. - a. Yearly contracts are executed for the following listed items for disposal; (1) Baskets. (2) Egg Crates. (3) Glass Gullet. (It) Kitchen ijste, saleable, (5) Mag-zincix (6) Newsprint. (?) Paper c o .oris and craft paper, (8) Was • : . b. Invitations . e son 1 or. b: r all other salvage items, the award to be made t the high.: a v kb' ?; ;pon receipt of properly signed bid, certified check in arexui.t 20% of total bid and approval of SvG Property Disposal Office5 . c. Donations may be made ho eligible institutions under WD ?H 7, par 7, 316- d. Destruction or disposal to City Dump may bo 0 aider the following conditions. \ i.i property been advertised for solo at leas i. tw ce without receiving a bid, (2) oh i an effort has been made to dispose of it by sale ohrough direct negotiation, but without success. (3) That in whole or part it is worthless and of no further public use at this installation. (It) Thao io is not worth cost of transportation elsewhere. HR 700-25 5. REPORTS. - a. Salvage and Small Lot Sales - Form WD AGO 819. (1) Submission: Duplicate - SvC Property Disposal Division. (2) Frequency of Report: Monthly - to reach SvC by )|th of following month. 6. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - 0. AR 35-780, 22 May 1*2 - Proceeds of Sales and Collec- tions . b. AR 35-820, 26 Jun ).|2 - Payments of Expense and Refunds in Connection With Sales and Collection. c. AR 35-6520, 16 Feb A5 - Property Accountability and Responsability. d. AR 35-66A0, 16 Apr IS - Accounting for Lost, Destroyed, Damaged or Unserviceable Property. e. AR 35-6660, 29 Aug i\2 - Sales of Property. f. AR 700-25, 26 Apr )|1| - Salvage. g. WD PR No. 2, 15 Dec A5 - Contracts. h. WD PR No. 7, 15 Dec IS - Property, Disposition of Per- sonal. i. WD PR No. 13, 15 Dec IS - Forms of Contracts. j. 'ii.l 38-505, 13 Sep A5 - Salvage in Zone of Interior. 7. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 850-10 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 850-10 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 January 1946 REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES ON POST Paragraph Registration of Motor Vehicles®• ® ........1 ReglS trat1on Plate Sooe.o.....»eoot>»ooo«oooo*«oooooDe»®o««o®e®.2 Requirements for Registration. .....3 Unauthor i zed Driver s...oooorooo.oooo.ooooo®........................4 Re SpOnSlbllity O f Owner . a o o . e e o ... o o ... o ..... o .. o ................ o .6 Disposition of Registration Plates« ...6 Re sp onsib11ity of Pr ovo st Marsha1.......... ........................7 Porfeiture of ixegistration..........eo.............................6 Authoritative Refcrences...............o...........................9 Re scissionso......................a...............................10 lo REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES* a. All members of this command including civilian employees and patients who possess or operate a motor vehicle on the post will register it with the Provost Marshal v/ithin five (5) days after arrival on the post. bd Applications from other than enlisted personnel will be made direct to the Provost Marshal® Enlisted men will apply through their re- spective unit commanders who will approve or disapprove, stating their reasons. Patients will make application through their ward officer and Chief of Service. Disapproval by either will be final. Applications nay be secured from the office of the Provost Marshal. 2. REGISTRATION PLATES. - The Provost Marshal will issue a suitable identification card and CGE registration plates to approved applicants and will maintain the necessary records of such registration. The applicant will defray the cost of these plates. 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATIONo - Before approving an application the Provost Marshal will assure himself that the applicant meets the following requirementss a. Presents certificate of State registration and a State motor vehicle operator’s permit. b. Presents evidence that he has insurance against personal liability for $10,000 and against property damage for |5000. 4. UNAUTHORIZED DRIVERS. - Persons in the following categories are prohibited from operating a motor vehicle on this posts a. Under sixteen (16) years of age. b. Near-sighted or far-sighted where such defective vision is not corrected by glasses or color blindness to red or green. HR 850-10 c® Paralysis* epileptis or illiteracy® do Driver’s permit which has been cancelled and not reinstated0 eo Habits or physical conditions making driving unsafe® 5* RESPONSIBILITY OF OTfNERSo ~ The owner is responsible that the CGH registration plates issued to him are properly displayed on his motor vehicle and that the identification card issued to him is in his posses-* sion while driving on the post® Owners will not rent their cars nor per-* mit them to be driven by any individual who does not possess a State operator’s licensee In cases of alleged theft or wrongful taking of a motor vehicle* the burden of proof rests on the owner to show that he has taken such precautions against theft as an ordinarily prudent person is presumed by law to have taken* such as locking ignition* car doors and garage door® Unless the owner can establish otherwise* he will be held responsible for any accident or damage to property or persons caused by his motor vehicle on the post© The theft or wrongful taking of any registered motor vehicle will be immediately reported to the Provost Marshal® 60 DISPOSITION OF REGISTRATION PLATES® - Upon transfer from this Station, owners of registered motor vehicles will report such transfer to the Provost Marshal and turn in their registration plateso Owners who dis- pose of their registered motor vehicle will likewise report such disposi- tion and turn in their plates to the Provost Marshal® 7o RESPONSIBILITY OF PROVOST MARSHAL® - The Provost Marshal will make such inspections as will insure compliance with these regulations, the traffic rules and safety precautions of this post® Traffic violators will be given tickets for same and will be required to report with their tickets to the Provost Marshal within forty-eight (48) hours® Civilians who flagrantly violate traffic rules on this post and fail satisfactorily to explain such to the Provost Marshal within a reasonable time my be barred from operating a motor vehicle on this post® All cases of drunken, reckless or dangerous driving will, if possible, be arrested by the Pro- vost Marshal, Military Police or the Administrative Officer of the Day, and a full report of the circumstances will be made to the Post Commander® 80 FORFIETURE OF REGISTRATION® - The operation of a motor vehicle while drunk or under the influence of narcotics or in a criminally care- less manner, or the use of a motor vehicle for any unlawful purpose such as illegal transportation of liquor or narcotics either on or off the post will bo cause for forfeiture of registration privilegeo HR 850-10 9. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 850-10 - Registration of Vehicles on Post 10. RESCISSIONS. - None. BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: r - r I i t OFfieiAL: , ,£ U/MM 5 * SVEInIIOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 8^0-75 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO* 850-75 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9> Ohio. 1 January I9J46 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS Paragraph General Provisions •,.•••*•»*» * *, 1 Organize tion e , ,«•.. ., , 9««o... ,« •,,,. 0«. 2 Field Director *0 ■ ,.. 0, ...• * •.. * < •.. *, ....... • •. • .........« 3 Medical Social Service , *o„.,* k Service to the fen of the Military Establishment 5 Gues t House ,, „ v„*«»,, •.,•,«..„, «.,,.«,«*,.,, <. *«• , ,«»,,*,.,, 6 Recreation „, „ = „ „ ,,„ ,,., • , „«, * „.«»,,, „ * *0*, „ *.*«,. ,,. 7 Volunteers 8 Additional Duties 3o»,...e.*•»<><>*•.o«« 9 Author!ta tive References e »oC i......... 10 Rescissions „,. ,,. 0,, „,,, 0 * • ♦.. 11 lo GENERAL PROVISIONS,, - At the request of the Surgeon Gen- eral and the Secretary of War, The American National Red Cross main- tains a staff at this hospital to further the welfare of personnel and patients of all classes. Their activities are outlined in detail in Array Regulations 850-7!?, and carried through with the ap- proval of the local military authorities. They utilize the coopera- tion of a nation-wide system of operation based upon a unit in each locality called the Red Cross Chapter. All requests for Red Cross service Y/ill be made to the Field Director. On behalf of members of military establishment the request will be made by the soldier or by his commanding officer. For patients the request will be made by the patient, the nurse, the ward officer, or the chief of each service, 2, ORGANIZATION - The Department is in charge of Field Direc- tor under whose supervision are the following services: Medical social service and recreation program for patients of all classes, service to able-bodied members of the military establishment, 3, FIELD DIRECTOR, - The Field Director is assigned by the American National Red Cross and is responsible for the operation of the approved program through a staff of professional workers; and for the supervision of the Red Cross quarters and the property main- tained therein, including that belonging to the Government as well as that belonging to the Red Cross. i|0 MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICESa - The primary purpose of medical social service is to consider the medical social aspects implicit in a case under treatment in the hospital, in the attempt to enable the patient to respond to the best advantage to treatment outlined by the medical officer. The following list suggests some of the circumstances HR 8£0~?5 under which referral of patients to the Red Gross would be indicated,, '*. Patients who have financial or family problems which interfere with their recovery, b. Patients suffering from tuberculosis or other infec- tions or contagious disease whose families should have the benefit of physical examinations to determine if medical treatment is indic- ated, Ct Patients in need of care following discharge, such as anti-luetic treatment, special diet, change of employment because of vocational handicap, etc, d. Cases in which a social history would give the doctor an understanding of the background, past experience and environment that might raid in diagnosis and treatment,, o. Patients desiring assistance in communicating with relatives or friends, or in corresponding on business or other matters, f. Seriously and critically ill patients whose visiting relatives need help in securing quarters or other family service, go Patients without funds requiring certain comfort articles not provided by hospital, 5, SERVICE TO MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT, - This service assists in the adjustment of social and personal difficul- ties thus strengthening official, family, and civilian contacts. Approved services extended at the request of the Detachment Commander include: a. Furnishing confidential reports of home conditions to commanding officers for consideration of discharge, emergency fur- loughs, parole or remission of sentence, b. Contacting families in cases of AWOL when notice is received in time for soldier to return before being dropped as a deserter, a. Assisting in the solution of personal and family problems, d. Giving or arranging for relief where necessary in con- nection with social welfare treatmento e Assisting with the presentation of government claimst f. Service to Recruits - Information, letters to nearest relatives, providing incidental needs such as stationery, stamps, etc 2 HR 83'0~7£ 6-. GUEST HOUSE., - For care of families of seriously ill patients, a Guest House is maintained under the supervision of a Red Cross Hos- pital Worker who acts as hostess, Relatives of patients about to undergo surgery, wives with small babies, pregnant wives and elderly parents are permitted to stay three nights. Relatives can only stay one time during the month. Relatives of seriously ill patients can stay as long as patient is on seriously ill list or as many times during the month as necessary, 7, RECREATION, - The Recreation supervisor is responsible to the Field Director for the initiation, supervision and coordination of such medically approved recreational activities for patients in hos- pital as may be beneficial to the morale and welfare. Recreation activities are of two general types; Ward acti- vities and Recreation Hall activities, a. Ward Activities, - Ward activities vary according to the needs, interest, and disabilities of the patients- In general they include such projects as; visiting, individual and small group games, tournaments, parties, music, 16 mm movies, outside entertainment, etcQ b. Recreation Hall activities. - There is a large group activity every night from 1930 to 2100 hours in the recreation hall, These activities include; 35> mm movies, variety shows, music, U,£oQ0 show, carnivals, special parties, game nights, smokers, dramatics, radio programs, teas, etc c0 A special recreation unit has been established on the neuropsychiatric section,. Ward and recreation hall activities espec- ially adapted to this type of patient are conducted there every day and every evening. d. Out-of-doors Activities are also a part of the recrea- tion program,: During the summer months, programs similar to those in the recreation hall are conducted on the terrace. Automobile trips for patients to points of interest are planned and transportation is pro- vided by the American Red Cross Motor Corps, 80 VOLUNTEERS, - To provide and direct the services of trained volunteers to assist in Social Service and recreation in hospital. Such groups to be trained under the direction of the Field Director at the request of the Commanding Officer, 9, ADDITIONAL DUTIES, - a. Field Director is Executive Secretary of Camp & Hos- pital Council for Cleveland Area, HR 850-75' 10, AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - a. AR 85-75, 30 June 19h3 - Employment of American National Red Cross, 11. RESCISSIONS, - None, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON; RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant OFFICIAL T RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant HR 850-80 HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO* 850-80 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9* Ohio 1 January 1946 POST OFFICERS CLUB Paragraph Purpose Property and MamtenanceaoooooooeooooooooooesooooBooaoooo®®*®®®®®®® 2 Hembership (Classes of)oe«90B»e«®*a®o»«o®ooaeoeo*»s**»>o«*o»B«***oo 3 Club Officers® ••• ® ®®o®.»® • •• 4 Dutics of the Board of Governors®*®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® 5 Duties of the Secretary-Treasurerooaooooooooaoooe&ooooo®®®®®®®®®®®® 6 G ommitteeso®®®®®®®®*®®®®®®®®®®®®®#®®®®*®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®*® 7 Meetings and Quorum®e®®®®®®®®®*®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® 8 PrivxlegeSocoo®®®®®®®*®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®***®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® 0 Club Policies and Regulationseceo®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®*®®*®®®®®®® 10 Disbanding®o®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®*®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® 11 Authoritative References®»bo®®®*®®.®....®®.®®®®..®®®®®®®...® 12 Re sc i s s ions o.'®®®®®®®.®®®®®®®®®©®®®®®.®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®* 13 lo PURPOSE - The objective of the Officer’s Club is to make available to members* their families and guests* limited recreational facilities and social diversion with the geographical limits of the post® 2« PROPERTY AND MAINTENANCE0 » In accordance with existing regulations* the Officer’s Club operates as an activity financed by its members and it is maintained with non-appropriated funds © All furnishings and equipment in the club quarters3 not usually provided by the Quartermaster Corps or Post Engineer* represents the property of the club and constitutes a portion of its assets® As such* properties and furnishings are maintained or disposed of in accordance with the desires of its members® Maintenance of club activities through the medium of salaried employees is likewise an obli- gation assumed by the clubs officers and memberSo 3o MEMBERSHIP (CLASSES 0F)e - All classes of membership are tendered without assessment of initiation fees and monthly dues shall not exceed $2o50 payable in advanceo Appropriate membership cards are issued to all members® Personnel tendered membership between the first and fifteenth of eny month shall be assessed for that month® Personnel granted membership after the fifteenth of any month shall not be assessed dues for that month® Members permanently separated from the post prior to the fifteenth of any month will be refunded dues paid in that month on request® a® Voting® - All officers and warrant officers on duty at this post who do not decline membership within ten days after their arrival and whose monthly dues are not in arrears® Members in this category are known as active members® b® Non Voting (l) All officers and warrant officers on a patient status in this hospital who elect to accept membership® Members in I3R 850“ 80 this category an Known as temporary members0 (2) Members of the Red Gross Staff, Occupational Therapy Aide- Librarian, Apprentice Physical Therapy Aides, Hospital Dieticians and other personnel who nay be voted non-voting members of the clubs Board of Governors® This class of members are know as associate members® 4* CLUB OFFICERS. - The governing body consists of the Honorary Pres- ident (Commanding Officer), a Board of Governors consisting of five active members who are elected to office by its members or who may be appointed by the Commanding Officer, and a Secretary-Treasurer who is selected from among active members by the Board of Governors with the approval of the Commanding Officer* The Secretary-Treasurer is known as the Club Officer« The Officers initially elected serve a period of six months from the date of election or until separated from active membership whichever is the shorter period* Unexpired terms of club officers shall be completed by officers appointed by the Commanding Officer. 5o PITIES OF TEE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. - The Board of Governors shall establish rules and regulations for the conduct of the club, based upon the instructions from the Commanding Officer* It shall act as the super- visory body of the club and shall pass upon all matters of business sub- mitted to it. It shall be the duty of the Board of Governors to manage the affairs of the club and they shall have full authority to enact and enforce such by-laws, rules, regulations for directing the activities and controlling the finances of the club as they shall consider in the best interest of the club. The Board of Governors, in their actions, shall be governed by a Con- stitution, by the wishes of the members as expressed at the meetings of the club, and by Vfar Department Regulations applicable to the club* The Board of Governors shall meet at least once each month or at the call of the President of the Board, or the Commanding Officer* 6. DUTIES 0? THE SECRETARY-TREASURER0 - a® The Secretary-Treasurer will have charge of the club and all of its activities, and be responsible for the receipt and expenditures of all funds connected therewith0 bo He shall be responsible for its properties, and shall perform the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer of the club0 Co He shall submit the accounts of the club to the Board of Governors immediately after the monthly audit® de He shall be responsible for the maintenance of the cleanliness and proper sanitation upon the premises occupied by the club® ec He shall be responsible for the maintenance of good order on the part of all persons within the confines of the Officers’ Club® HR 850-80 7o COMMITTEESo - ao The Board of Governors shall appoint such committees as it may from time to time deem necessary* The duties, authority and scope of funo- tion of each committee will be definitely fixed by the Board of Governors,. Responsibility for policies, subject to final approval of the Board of Governors of each main activity shall be apportioned among various members of the Board of Governorso b0 To this end an officer of the club or a member of the Board of Governors may be appointed as chairman of each major committee* Subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, the chairman of each committee may appoint such subordinate committee, or committees as may be required to dis- charge its responsibilitieso Major activities within the meaning of this article are construed to mean the followingg (1) Finance and Membership (2) Building and Grounds (3) Enterta inment (4) Miscellaneous Recreation Co The Board of Governors, acting as a committee of the whole, shall constitute a Budget Committee, prior to January 1st, and at the beginning of each succeeding quarter of each year the Board of Governors shall adopt a budget for the succeeding quarterc This budget will allot estimated expenditures for each department* do Activities planned and approved by committee members as a group, together with contemplated expenditures incident thereto, shall be presented for the approval of the Board of Governors prior to the date of such activityo 80 meetings AND QUORUMq - a* The entire membership shall meet twice eacn year prior to the expiration of the terms of the current Board of Governors for the purpose of electing a new Board of Governors and for the consideration of such other business of the club as may properly be brought before them* bo Other meetings of the entire membership may be called as re- quired by the Board of Governorso It shall be the duty of the Board of Governors to call a meeting upon the written request of 1/5 of the member ship <> Co 4<$ of the members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the entire membership for the enactment of whatever business may require the action of the active members0 do At meetings of the Board of Governors, three members shall con- stitute the quorumo HR 850-80 $© PRIVILEGES* - The Board of Governors is empowered to designate any limitation of olub privileges to non voting members in the interests of voting members to the end that members in this category may derive all of the benefits of the olub without discriminationo The olub is open to mem bers and their guests (when personally attended by the club member) during the hours 1100 and 2300 daily except on Saturdays when the hours will be from 1100 to 0100 Sunday* Club facilities consist of a gam© room* looker room* lounge and music room (Blue Room)* The club refreshments and food are served at the bar in the club lounge and nay be purchased for consumption in the club quarters through the medium of a credit card which may be purchased from the club secretary* Cash transactions are not authorized* 10o CLUB POLICIES AND REGULATIONS < '? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 o o o O O O O O O O O Q o c o X Athletic Facilities Section o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o 2 Intra-mural Leagues and Post Teams Section 3 Authoritative References ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rescissions OOOOOOOOOOO •OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5^ lo GENERALo - The mission of the Post Athletic Section is to put into effect a program of recreational "athletics for all". The goal is mass participation to develop in the individual soldier a spirit of competitive- ness sportsmanship* and cooperation. The Athletic Officer is in direct charge of all post athletics under the supervision of the Special Services Officero A successful athletic program may be attained through an enthus- iastic approach to the problem by the Athletic Officer* the Special Ser- vices Officer; and members of the Athletic Councils See HR 1*0-830. 2o ATHLETIC FACILITIES0 ~ There is a -well equipped gymnasium offer- ing such sports as volley ball* badminton* basketball.; tennis* boxing* and a variety of others, A schedule is set for the gymnasium* making it avail- able to the various types of post personnel at regular hours each week. A swimming pool 3 tennis courts* a soft ball diamond* and a handball court are other facilities available in the athletic program. TM 21-220. 3o INTRA MURAL LEAGUES AND POST TEAMS. < • In order to stimulate mass participation in sports* leagues will be formed by the Post Athletic Officer for seasonal competitive play. Post teams will also be organized in the more popular activities for competition with outside teams0 W0D,S Cir No. 23k<> ho AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES0 - a° Athletic Facilitiesc. — (1) IfoDo TM 21-220* 13 May Sports and Games „ (2) ASF Manual 211-1* 9 Feb 19hS, Sec II* Athletics. (3) FM 28~105>* 5 Jan 19Uii* Chap II* Par 17* The Special Service 0ompanyo bo Intra-mural Leagues and Post Teamso - (1) V«oD, Cir No. 23U* 2 Aug 19U£* Sec IH* Par 5>* 6* Ath- letics and Sports„ (2) ASF Information Guide No. 1* Athletic Meets. HR 850-120 (3) ASF Information Guide No* Organizing and Conducting Army Athletics„ RESCISSIONS. - None <, BY ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON : OFFICIAL § ~ p RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL Bo STEINHOUR Major<3 MAC Adjutant HOSPITAL REGULATIONS ) NO. 85)0-130 ) CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cleveland 9* Ohio. 1 January 19U6, HR 85CKL30 AIMING POOL Paragraphs Instructions OOQOCO-00060 0'00&000 oo ooooooooooOo 0-000600 OOOOOCrO c ooooo 1 Sanitary Measures o o o n «> o a o o o o o o a a o o o o o o o o- O: o o o o o o o o o o o a c» o o o o o o O o cv 2 Maintenance OOOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOOO'OCJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtlOOtOO 3 Inspection ooo’-'iooooooOooooooooooooaooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooo Laboratory Examinations coooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaooo J? Authoritative References o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O • O O o o o o o o o o o o o 6 Rescissions ooocoaoaoaooooocooqoooooooooooooooQoooooooooooooooooo 7 lo INSTRUCTIONS a. The Post Swimming Pool is operated under the jurisdiction of The Athletics and Recreation Officer* Ihe orders, instructions and requests of the pool attendants, as his representatives, will be complied with by all swimmerso b All patients must have a note from their Ward Officer before they will be admitted to the poolo Co All persons will take a shower bath with warm water and soap before entering the pool enclosure0 The soap will be rinsed off with warm which is followed by a cold shower0 The swimming suit is then put on without drying the after which another cold shower may be taken if so desired0 d No articles of food will be carried into the bath house or pool enclosure^ e,. Trunks or bathing suits must be worn at all times0 f ? All bathing suits loaned from the bath house will be re- turned after use^ go No more than 200 persons will be allowed in the pool en- closure at any one time0 h> Expectoration, blowing the nose, or urinating into the pool is forbidden c. 2a SANITARY MEASURES,, - a0 A chlorine residulant test will be taken every two (2) hours and a Ph test will be taken daily0 bo The bath house will be disinfected regularly with chlorine solution to prevent disease0 HR 850-130 Co The pool will be dumped ao least twice during the swimming season0 A water vacuum cleaner should be used daily to clean all debris from the poolo do No person who has a cold* sore* ulcers* or other skin dis- eases* discharges from the ears* who is wearing a bandage of any kind* or is otherwise sick will be permitted to enter the pool enclosure,, 3° MAINTENANCE.. «. Repairs and necessary adjustments will be made by the Post Engineero iio INSPECTIONc. « Routine inspections of swimming pools should be made by the medical inspector or his assistants to insure that swimming pools are operated in a safe and sanitary manner* giving particular attention to the following itemss Qo Supervision of bathers» - A qualified attendant should be on duty at all times when the pool is open to use by bathers 0 The attendant should be in full charge of bathing and have authority to enforce the rules of safety and sanitation recommended below, bo Maintenance of swimming-pool rooms,; dressing rooms9 shower roomsa and toilets0 «• The swimming pool* dressing rooms* and appurtenances should be kept clean at all times<> The use of DDT residual spray on lockers and on the walls of dressing and toilets is recommended where flies* mos- quitoes* or other insects may be a problem,, Co Quality control of swimming pool waterso — nwhim i wiw——niigSirninir—«wi wv—«a i ii mu mi—w—■c-mnmum—niapani : irwiMin i 11 i;n»n (1) Residual disinfection, > (a) Chlorine at a residual concentration between Ooh and 0o6 parts per million is the preferred disinfection strength for swimming pool waters« Operating tests should be made frequently to insure this concentra- tion of free chlorine at peak loads in the poolQ (b) Chloramine disinfection is slower and should not be employedo As far as possible* chloramines should be eliminated by the use of higher rates of chlorina- tion0 With the use of ammonium alum as a coagulant* or with the ammonia naturally present in the pool water* it may not be possible to eliminate chlora- mines 0 If chloramines are present* the residual "Chlorine” concentration in the pool water should be maintained between Oo? and lo0 parts per railliono (2) Ph — The Ph of the swimming pool water should be main- tained between ?02 and 7«60 (3) Clearnesso - If the water is of suitable clarity* an ob- server outside the pool should be able to see clearly* HR 850-13C from a horizontal distance of 10 yards* a black disk* 6 inches in diameter on a -white fields lying on the bottom of the pool at its deepest pointo (U) Temperatures.. ~ The water in any swimming pool should not be artificially heated to a temperature above 780Fo It is desirable that sir temperatures should be about 5>°F. warmer than pool temperature. do Operating records. - Full daily records will be kept* show- ing: (1) The total number of swimmers0 (2) The maximum number of swimmers using the pool at one time. (3) The length of time pumps and filters are in operation. (U) The time that each filter is washed and cleaned. (5>) The amount of chemicals that are added. (6) The time when the pool is cleaned. (7) The results of all tests made of the quality of the water* including at least one test for residual chlorine made at the end of each swimming period. f>. LABORATORY EXAMINATIONSc <= One or more samples of water will be collected weekly by the Laboratory Officer* or his authorized representative* for examination by the post laboratory for bacteriological content. a. Collection of sample. - Samples will be collected only when the pool is in use and preferably during periods of heaviest bathing loads. Sterile containers containing sodium thiosulfate to neutralize the chlorine residual will be used to collect the samples. bo Coliform test. - None of the five 10 cc portions of the water examined should be positive by the confirmed test for coliform organisms. Co Bacteria count on standard nutrient agar. - Not more than 1$ percent of the samples should contain more than 200 colonies per cc when incubated 2h hours at 37° C. on standard nutrient agar. 6. AUTHORITATIVE REFERENCES. - So FM 21~22* "Swimmingo" b0 TB Med 163$ "Sanitation of Army Swimming Pools and Swimming Pool Areas." 3 HR 850-130 ?0 RESCISSIONS, - None, ORDER OF COLONEL EMERSON: v RU B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant RUSSELL B. STEINHOUR Major, MAC Adjutant ORGANIZATION CHART H R 10-15 CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL CLEVELAND 9, OHIO H R 10-15 COMMANDING OFFICER EXECUTIVE OFFICER LIAISON ACTIVITIES MEDICAL INSPECTOR RED CROSS AAF USES AGF VET ADM INIS. GY SERV. VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS PUBUC RELATIONS OFFICER CONTROL OFFICER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES roentgenology SERVICE DENTAL SERVICE RECONDITIONING SERVICE SURGICAL SERVICE MEDICAL SERVICE LABORATORY SERVICE NURSING SERVICE OUT-PATIENT SERVICE (ATTENDING SURGEON) PHARMACY SERVICE PHYSICAL RECONDITIONING SECTION GENERAL SURGERY SECTION PLASTIC MAXILLO FACIAL SECTION GENERAL MEDICINE SECTION NEURO- PSYCHIATRIC SECTION SEROLOGY SECTION ORAL SURGERY SECTION CADET NURSES PROSTHETIC SECTION EDUCATIONAL RECORD/HONING SECTION OFFICERS SURGERY SECTION O.U SECTION COMMUNICABLE DISEASE SECTION ALLERGY SECTION PATHOLOGY SECTION OPERATIVE SECTION OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SECTION WOMENS SECTION ANESTHESIA +OPERATING SECTION DERMATOLOGY SECTION VD. SECTION HEMATOLOGY SECTION CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION ENT SECTION OFFICER MEDICAL SECTION CARDIO- VASCULAR SECTION BACTERIOLOGY SECTION PHYSICAL THERAPY SECTION CENTRAL SERVICE SECTION NEUROLOGY SECTION MEDICAL LIBRARY CHEMISTRY SECTION ORTHOPEDIC SECTION EVE SECTION URINALYSIS SECTION ORTHOPEDIC BRACE SHOP PLASTIC ere clinic ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS MESS DIVISION FISCAL DIVISION PATIENTS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION OPERATIONS * TRAINING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION (ADJUTANT ) INDIVIDUAL SERVICES DIVISION JUDGE ADVOCATE PERSONNEL DIVISION SECURITY* INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Diet erics BRANCH BUDGETS * ACCOUNTS BRANCH REGISTRAR BRANCH DETACHMENT EM S59€* S.U OFFICE SERVICE BRANCH CHAPLAINS’ BRANCH CIVILIAN PERSONNEL BRANCH SECURITY BRANCH RECEIPTS * DISBURSEMENTS BRANCH INFORMATION EEDUCATION . BRANCH MILITARY PERSONNEL - BRANCH INTELLIGENCE BRANCH R* D BRANCH 107** WAC HOSPITAL COMPANY PUBLICATIONS BRANCH POST LIBRARY AUDIT BRANCH DETACHMENT OF PATIENTS BRANCH POSTAL BRANCH PERSONAL AFFAIRS BRANCH MILITARY POLICE PATIENT PERSONNEL BRANCH PLANS AND TRAINING BRANCH Cl AIMS BRANCH SPECIAL SERY/CES BRANCH BA/YD GUARD HOUSE SEPARATION COUNSELING BRANCH ATHLETICS* RECREATION SECTION ARMY EXCHANGE SECTION POST TRANSPORTATION OFFICE# DOST ORDNANCE *CWS OFFICER SUPPL\ SEP VICES MEDICAL SUPPLY OFFICER POST SIGNAL OFFICER POST QUARTERMASTER POST ENGINEER PAIL $ A!a TRANSPORTATION BRANCH LAUNDRY BRANCH SALES COMMISSARY BRANCH ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH ENGINEERING *OPERATION BRANCH MOTOR TRANSPORTATION BRANCH PURCHASING * CONTRACTING BRANCH SALVAGE BRANCH CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE * REPAIR BRANCH FIRE PREVENTION BRANCH DATE : JAN. i-194-* APPROVED BV G.V. EMERSON COLONS!. MEDICAL CO*PS COMNUHOMS HEADQUARTERS CHILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1. February 191*6 DIRECTORY OF NURSES Report errors, omissions, changes of phone number and quarters IMI>IEDIATSLY to the Adjutant’s Office, Extension 21*0. ' Nurses Da te i Tr Office NAME Quarters DUTY this Sta Phone MAJORS Schoenberger, Sara II 6-22-36 0 Pr Ch Nurse 1 Aug 65 151, Hanes, Gladys M 5-22-362 Asst to Pr Gh Nurse CAPTAINS 1 Sep !,5 154 Baker, Lillian Op Room Supervisor To Join Clark, Leota 4-3B Asst to Pr Ch Nurse 1? Nov 65 154 Morse, Muriel 4-241 Supervisor 7 Jan 66 156 1 U j. 14 il Hi j Aldrich, Moral F l|-237 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 66 200 Baker, Jewel J ik Hosp Nurse Gen Dy 3 Oct 65 303 Dan is be r, Ka rybe 11c 2-261 Nurse Gen Dy NT 1 Dec 65 303 Beardsley, Gerfcrude 4-235 Nurse Gen Dy, At. G„ 0, 21 Nov I45 289 Bender, Grace 6-226 Nurse Gen Dy 16 Dec 16 116 Bernhardt, Ann M 6-36 Nurse Gen Dy 2 Jun 66 220 Brandt, Margare te 2-216 Nurse Gen Dy 12 Jan 1;6 100 Braash, Lorraine J 6-202 Nurse OF Room 20 Mai- 66 168 Drandvolc, Florence 5-27 Nurse, OP Room 8 Nov 65 163 Bilger, Mary V 5-221, Nurse Gen Dy 21 Jan 16 200 Drown, Ruth K 6-218 Nurse Gen Dy 6 Nov 65 225 Burnett, Mary £ 6-201 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Jan 66 303 Galland, Dorothy B >4-227 Nurse Anesthetisb 5 Apr 65 168 Carney/, Eleanor 2-22? Nurse Gen Dy 13 Jan 66 231 Cheveney. Eleanore 6-22lj Nurse Gen Dy 20 Jan 66 210 Ciegofcura, Grace 5-7 Nurse Comm Disease 15 Jul 66 231 Clark, Frances 5-ii Nurse Gen Dy 11 Jan 66 220 Colvin, lice S 2-236 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Jan 66 219 Coressel, ibyl G C-236 Nurse Gen Dy 16 Jan 66 223 Cowan, Mrry L 4-15 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 66 3.15 Cronkito, File on 2-226 Nurse NP 10 Nov 65 316 Crusoe, Kathryn R 5-39 Nurse Gen Dy 25 Jan 55 ill Cuthbert, Jcane 2-35 Nurse Anesthetist 15 Jan 56 158 Curry, Virginia 3-21*1 Uir of Cadet Nurses 11 Mar 55 109 David, Ella M 5-2 Nurse Gen Dy 9 Nov 55 317 DeStefano, Esther J 5-9 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 56 115 Donahue, Marjorie 3-235 Nurse Gen Dy 12 Jan 56 216 Ei c hhorn, Bo r tha M 5-39 Nurse Gen Dy 21 Jan 56 227 Elliott, Catherine V 5-215 Nurse OP Room 10 Dec 55 158 Feaga, Monoclie D 2-36 Nurse Gen Dy 11 Jan 56 205 French, Irma J 5-32 Nurse Gen Dy 1; Jan 56 108 Gillespie, Virginia M 5-38 Nurse NP 26 Jan 56 353-351 Goodwin, Lucille Nurse Gen Dy To join Greenberg, Edith 5-27 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Nov 55 205 Greenlee, Millie E 5-33 Nurse Gen Dy 26 Jan 56 213 Groff, Mary M U—228 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Jan 56 112 Ham, Odessa 5-231; Nurse Gen Dy 20 Jan 55 102 Hamilton, Nina U—211 Nurse Gen Dy 28 Oct 55 115 Hawk, Alma 5-31 Nurse CP Room 21 Jan 55 158 Henderson, Marjorie 5-235 Nurse NP 5 Nov 55 309 Hendrix, Alma R 5-15 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 56 200 Holmes, Sarah E 5-238 Nurse Gen Dy 3 Jan 56 205 Holton, Mary P 2-211 Nurse Gen Dy 25 Jan 56 220 Hurle y, Fran cos A 5-5 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Jul 55 317 Inman, Ruby P 5-231 Nurse Gen Dy 8 Nov 55 227 Jones, Betty Lou 5-31 Nurse Gen Dy 17 Jan 56 106 Eennedy, Elizabeth P Nurse Gen Dy To Join Kermott, Nancy C 5-20? Nurse Gen Dy 9 Nov 55 115 Kinder, Maxine 2-15 Nurse Gen Dy 21 Jan 56 213 Kirchheiner, Ruth 5-29 Nurse Gen Dy 1 Mar 55 202 Kotila, Ger trude N-lR Nurse Gen Dy 20 Aug 55 112 Lance, Anna M 3-239 Nurse Anesthetist 11 Jan 56 153 Lee, Mary M 5-25 Nurse Supervisor 9 Nov 55 105 Lewis, Leona H 5-216 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Jan 56 315 Lindeman, Virginia S 5-218 Nurse Gen Dy 25 Jan 56 315 Lipsey, Ellen \ 5-3 Nurse Gen Dy 29 Oct 55 227 Lohrenz, Leona P 5-36 Nurse OP Room 8 Jan 56 158 Lyans, Eleanor M 3-201 Asst Dir of Cadets 21 May 55 109 Madan, Ann M 5-206 Nurse OP Room 2} Aug 55 158 Maranville, Betty J 5-5 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Jan 56 205 Mowbray, Louise F 5-29 Nurse Gen Dy 7 Jan 56 200 McColley, Virginia 5-216 Nurse NP 15 Jun 55 306 McCoy, Pauline A 5-209 Nurse NP 25 Jul 55 205 Morrissey, Ann M 5-22? Nurse Gen Dy 25 Jan 56 205 Myren, Marjorie E 5-11 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 56 317 Niedhardt, Martha J 5-226 Nurse Gen Dy 2t Jan 56 216 Neilson, Elizabeth M 5-7 • Nurse Gen Dy 12 Nov 55 200 Nye, Marian L 2-11 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Sep 55 207 Patterson, Millie 5-229 Nurse Gen Dy 30 Jun 55 216 Paulson, Isabell S 2-250 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Jan 56 225 Pletta, Leona M 2-233 Nurse Gen Dy 29 Jan 56 Paxton, Maxine L 5-233 Nurse Gen Dy 7 Apr 55 227 Quint, Desta M 5-205 Nurse Gen Dy 20 Jan 56 231 2 Ratkay, Helen N 3-21-0 Nurse Gen Dy £3 Jan 56 115 Reid, Ruth I 3-2k Nurse Gen Dy 15 Jan 56 158 Rewar1s, Dorothy.. h-239 Nurse Gen % 26 Oct 55 322 Rinkes, Helen J U-33 Nurse Gen Dy r* 0 Jan 56 231 Robinson, Dorthea M 5-32 Nurse Gen Dy 16 Jan 56 303 Shaeffer, Geraldine 5-8 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Jul 55 213 Dims, Geneva F 5-3 7 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 56 210 Gheeley, Ruth E 2-237 Nurse , Gen Dy 23 Jan 56 207 Shultz, Mary To Join Sokol, Agnes C 5-215 Nurse Gen Dy 25 Nov 55 233 Spillman, Frances J 5-235 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Jan 56 216 Stabler, Helen J 2-9 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Nov 55 223 Stansbury, Marie 5-2 Nurse Gen Dy 23 Aug 55 Sk Hos Stewart, Lois M 5-25 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Nov 55 303 Thacker, Edith 5-36 Nurse Gen Dy 15 May 55 220 Thoma s, Gene11 E 3-23it Nurse Gen Dy 25 Jan 56 Tippett, Sara M 5-37 Nurse OP r loom 6 Jan 56 I5d Tripp, Priscilla J 5-225- Nurse Anec 3the tist 30 Mar 55 153 Young, Helie R 5-9 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Jan 56 106 Halls, Trullis H 3-25 Nurse Gen Dy 12 Jan 56 103 Heideman, Geraldine 5-13 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Jan 56 322 .. 1.Is on, Lucy R 5-5 Nurse Gon Dy 25 Nov 55 216 V.ise, Lorraine J 5-1 Nurse Gen Dy 8 Nov 55 303 2nd LIEUTE1 I ANTS Bcjsik, Mary A 5-228 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 55 112 Hlas iman, G1ara L 2-226 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Nov 55 108 Brabanec, Alice 5-205 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 55 225 Dreitonbach, Ann L 5-239 Nurse Gen Dy 30 Apr 55 233 Irovei, Jessie L 2-209 Nurse NR 12 Nov 55 306 Burke, Betty J 5-3 Nurse Gen Dy 31 May 55 115 Caines, Mary S 5-233 Nurse 0i Hoorn 3 Apr 55 158 Carr, Carrie 2-218 Nurse Gen Dy 27 Nov 55 317 Coney, Grace V 2-38 Nurse Gen Dy 11 Jan 56 231 Chaffee, Ellen E 5-225 Nurse OP Room 19 Jun 55 158 Curtis, Leila M 2-226 Hurse Gen Dy 15 Apr 55 317 Deeley, Mary 5-20? Nurse Gen Dy 30 Apr 55 202 L'orrnasa, Florence J 5-6 Nurse Gen Dy 5 ]/' j Tt ' tJ 55 222 Elder, Edith J 3-236 Nurse Gen Dy 2 Nov 55 303 Elton, Dorothy J 2-235 Nurse Gen Dy 31 May 55 115 Ewing, Dorothy Ad 30 Nurse Gen Dy an May 55 Sk Hosp Gallmeyer, Marie M 3-25 Nurse Gen Dy 31 May .55 216 Green, Marian C 5-206 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 55 219 Ha rnis h, Bonnic B 2-217 Nurse Gon Dy 13 Ma y 16 202 Henry, Marjorie D 2-213 Nurse Gen Dy 31 Mn r 55 213 I i i Ido b rand, I lan n a 2-229 Nurse Gen Dy 19 Jun 55 200 Ilindson, Frances I 5-.13 Nurse Anesthetist 15 Feb 55 158 Hodges, Delores h-21h Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 55 216 Novkavi, Irene 5-201 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Apr 55 213 Jacques, Bernice 5-206 Nurse Ane £ 3thetist 20 Oc t 55 158 Johanson, Lillian-1933 Mayview-F 1 77 65- —Nurse MP 15 M ov 55 306 Jones, Esther M 2-35 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jan 55 108 Kelley, Mary K 2-217 Nurse Gen Dy 18 May 55 115 Klingler, Beulah 2-218 Nurse Gen By 31 May 1;5 216 Kolic, Thresa 5-202 Nurse Gen Dy 27 Aug 1*5 112 Krueger, Lucille A 2-22? Nurse Gen Dy 5 May 1*5 315 Long, Anne J 5-207 Nurse NP 30 Apr 55 306 Lucin, Anne M 2-229 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jim 1(5 231 Macy, Mary E 2-231 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 1;5 219 Manning, Dorothy M 2-215 Nurse Gen Dy 18 May 55 216 McCormick, Viola To Join Michno, Dorothy J 5-211 Nurse OP Room 19 Jun 1*5 158 Morgan, Mildred F 2-36 Nurse Gen Dy 25 Apr 1*5 108 Morphew, Grace 2-239 Nurse Gen Dy Hi Jan 1*5 105 0* Bryan, Elizabeth 5-205 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Mar 1*5 210 Fangrace, Mary 2-235 Nurse Gen Dy 18 May 1*5 231 Peterson, Selina E 2-33 Nurse NP 16 Nov 1*5 310 Pickol, Floretta R U—208 Nurse Gen Dy 25 Jan 1*6 100 Promcnschonkcl, Rosemary 9-225 Nurse Gen Dy 5 Jun 1*5 227 Pyle, Mary L 2-213 Nurse OP Room 3 Apr 1*5 11*8 Randall, Ruth M 2-238 Nurse Gen Dy 3 Apr 1*5 213 Reams, Anne D 5-205 Student Anesthetist 21 May 1*5 11*8 Reeves, Edith C 2-233 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 1*5 210 Reist, Helen M 5-3 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 1*5 106 Richey, Ruth E U-35 Nurse Gen Dy 6 Mar 1*5 306 Ridings, Ora G 2-215 Nurse Gen Dy 19 Jun 55 313 Sands, Petty Jo 2-228 Nurse Gen Dy 13 Nov 1*5 108 Schlacket, Celia-3501 Silsby Rd- ■Ye 6510—Nurse Gen Dy 25 Nov 1*5 227 Schuster, Ann M 2-26 Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 1*5 219 Severin, Frances M 5-237 Nurse Gen Dy 6 Jun 1*5 200 Shreve, Evelyn E 5-6 Nurse Gen Dy 15 Feb 1*5 207 Snoy, Margare t A 5-237 Nurse OP Room 30 Apr 1*5 158 Steube, Joyce 2-21; Nurse Gen Dy 10 Apr 16 100 Sulpizio, Virginia 2-33 Nurse Gen Dy 27 Nov 55 315 Sundby, Ramona F 2-31 Nurse OP Room 10 Apr 55 11*8 Teare, Catherine E 5-231 Nurse NP 30 Apr 55 306 Van Fleet, Gladys M 5-231 Nurse Gen Dy 30 Apr 55 213 Wallace, Ruth E 2-26 Nurse Gen Dy 19 Jun 55 219 Warner, Jeanne M 2-13 Nurse OP Room 10 Apr 55 158 Welch, Vera M 2-225 Nurse OP Room 5 Jun 55 158 Yanus, Alyce M 2-235 Nurse Gen Dy 5 May 55 227 Zemla, Bernice 2-35 Nurse Gen Dy 20 May 55 20? N URGES RELIEVED FROM DUTY DURING r JAN 1* 6 Name Rank ASM Authority Date Amidich, Ernilie L 1st Lt AN G N-7U1092 PP 3, SO 12, CGH 18 Jan 1*6 Pastow, Barbara 1st Lt ANC N-753011 PP 11 , 30 2, CGH 5 Jan 56 Bennett, Cora A, 1st Lt ANG 11-768305 PP 39 , SO 231,ASF 5th SvG Ft Hayes 5 Jan 56 4 Buck, Stella M, 1st Lt ANC N-763631 pp 11, SO 2, GGH It Jan 66 Budnick, Ruth R. 1st ANC N-7c0l.Nl pp 11, SO 6, GGH , 11 Jan 66 G la rk, Bor o thy J, 2nd Lt ■ ITp AvW O N-768831 pp 16, SO 23,GGH . 30 Jan 6 6 Court, Geraldine Fa 1st Lt ANC IU?7 6717 pp 13, SO 11,GGH ; 16 1 Jon 66 IB Angelo, Francos 0. 2nd Lt i ill C 11-793361 pp 13 SO 26,GGH 31 Jan 66 DeVecka, Anne 2nd Lt ANC N-769881 pp 3 DO 12, CGH 13 Jan 66 Finch, Liartha E9 1st Lt rU'J'w N-767271 pp 11, SO 6, GGI1 11 Jan .66 Fenimore, Jean H. 2nd Lt AHG 11-769663 pp 19, SO 8, GGH 16 Jan 66 Huisenfeldt, Alice J. 1st Lt A M A1 AUKj n-773295 pp 13, SO 6, CGH 12 Jan 66 Irnbody, Geneva 1st Lt /* M-72809? pp 16, SO 6 CGH 12 Jan 66 Kiehl, Harriet A. 1st At ANC N-T679& pp 2, SO 309, CG1I 2 Jan 66 Landaw, Mary L. 1st Lt ANC N-768090 pp 3, SO 12, CGH 18 Jan 66 Lay, Dorothy D, 2nd At ANG N-769602 pp 2, £0; 12, CGH 17 Jan 66 McKlindon, Marie T. 1st Lt ANC H-762207 pp 11, SO 2, CGH 6 Jan 66 Menard, Dorothy 1st Lt ARC N-773737 pp 13, SO 11, CGH 16 Jan 66 Mikkelson, Hazel L. 1st Lt '■EC N-776300 pp 16, SO 23, CGH 31 Jan 66 Mitchell, Madlyn M* 1st Lt ANC N-7.55507 pp 11, SO 2, CGH 6 Jan 66 Hall, Velma E. 1st Lt A N G N-726669 pp 6, SO 20, CGH 3 to Det of Pnts CGH Jan 66 Noreen, June E. 1st Lt ANC H-776J167 pp 13, SO 6, GGH 12 Jan 66 Pesavento, Margaret A, 1st Lt ANC M-7737!i2 pp l3, SO 11, GGH 16 Jon -66 Potts, Georgeanna 2nd Lt ANC N-769027 pp 2, SO 12, CGH 1? Jan 66 Re i c he, Vi o 1 e t M * 1st Lt A i U 4 U M-773502 pp 13, sc 11,CGH 16 Jan 66 Reese, Ruth 1st Lt ANC 11-762216 pp 11, SO 2, CGH 6 Jan 66 Rowland, Fa rbara J. 1st Lt ANC K-773717 pp 16, SO 18, GGH 26 Jan -66 Roy, Norma J, 1st Lt ANC N-755S16 pp 11, SO 2, CGII 6 Jan 66 Shafiord, Juanita M, 1st Lt ANC N-763326 pp 2, SO 12, CGH l? Jan 66 Sosh, Anne 1st Lt ANC N-738587 pp 16, SO 23, CGH 30 Jan 66 Via sen, lone L. 1st Lt ANC N-783OOI pp 6, SO 3, GGH 6 Jan 66 Gilson, Arline G. 1st Lt ANC N-768813 pp 16, SO 18, CGH 26 Jan 66 Ziemba, Jos ophine 1st Lt ANC N-7 2161x9 pp 9, SO 20, CGH 23 Jan 66 Zum Malion, Mildred 1st Lt NURSES A >.] P RELIEVES N-7737X9 FR0IJ DUTY pp 2, SO 12, CGII DURING FED 66 17 Jan .66 Adams, Martha 1st Lt AT Jp 1 11-7 67756 pp 20, SO 21 Hq 3th SvG 3 Feb 66 Calvin, .Gladys 2nd Lt ANC N-769612 pp 20, SO 21 Hq 3th SvG 3 Feb 66 Chorman, Margaret 2nd Lt ANC N-7937UO pp 21, 30 21 Hq 3th SvC 3 Feb u6 Cowan, Mary 1st Lt ANC tl-7u3758 pp 9. SO 27, GGH 3 Feb 66 De Ste fan o, Es the r 1st Lt ANC N-760699 pp 9, SO 27, CGH 3 Feb 66 Hall, Aina 1st Lt ANC N-768797 pp 21, Hq 3th SvG SO 21 3 Feb 66 Hesslin, Patricia 2nd Lt ANC N-776901 pp 20, SO 21, Hq, 3 th SvC 3 Feb 66 Ikerman, Mar tha 2nd Lt ANC 11-769235 pp 21, SO 21, Hq 3th SvC 3 Feb 66 Jauch, Emma 2nd Lt ANC M-?69069 pp 21, SO 21, Hq 3th SvC 3 Feb 66 Hole, Ilah 1st Lt ANC N-772308 pp 21, SO 21, Hq 3th SvG 3 Feb 66 Maranville, Betty 1st Lt ANC N-72931J pp 93 30 27, CGH 5 Feb 1*6 Morris3 Mary 1st Lt ANC N-7-!Uil6l pp 21, SO 5th SyC 21, Hq 5 Feb U6 Moyer, Sophia 1st Lt ANC N-760820 pp 21, SO 5th SvC 21, Hq 5 Feb U6 Peine, Susan 2nd Lb ANC N-7689I1U pp 20, SO 5th SyC 21, Hq 5 Feb 1*6 Southway3 Doris 1st Lt ANC N-752036 pp 21, SO 5th SvC 21, Hq 5 Feb 146 Vucelich, Mildred 1st Lt ANC N-767910 pp 20, SO 5th SvC 21, Hq 5 Feb 1*6 HEADQUARTERS CRILE GENERAL HOSPITAL Cleveland 9, Ohio 1 February 194G DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS Report errors, omissions, changes of addresses and phone numbers (office and home) IMMEDIATELY to the Adjutant's Office, Extension 240. Rel Rank NAME a/s HOME ADDRESS PRIN DUTY Date Arr this Sta Off Ph Home Ph 1 EHER S Oil, Gouverne ur V MC * 1276 Overlook Rd C ommanding 21 Oct 45 241 LA 8845 2 TIN GAY, Lynn II DC 13608 Detroit Ave Ch DentalSv 10 Oct 45 157 LA 5652 5 MORGAN, Clifford V MC OQ #6 R-24 Exec Off 19 Nov 45 242 349 LIEUTENANT COLONELS 5 CLEMENTS, Harold N MAC OQ #7 R-6 Registrar 9 Dec 45 282 362 1 DEEP, Mali Ion II MC OQ 7f7 R-25 Cof Med Sv 11 Feb 44 153 351 2 FUNCK, Leroy 0 QMC 4303 Forestwood Quartermaster4 Aug 45 380 FL 8804 — Dr, Parma 6 HOLLAND, John A MC 6032 Ridge Rd Cof NP Sec 25 May 44 144 SIT 7248 O IIYR00P, Gilbert L MC OQ #6 R-40 As st Ch PlasSecll Feb 45 316 553 4 Me NANIS, Thayne F DC 6922 Pleasant Cof Dental 16 Nov 45 157 IN 3571 Valley Rd Service 7 SHIFLETT, Enory L MC 6040 Ridge Rd Cof X-Ray Sv 8 J an 44 141 FL 6484 8 SODERBERG, Nathanie 1 MC OQ #6 R-34 Cof Plas Seel 7 May 45 206 355 3 3TRUBLE, Gilbert C MC 5212 Roanoke Dof Eye Sec 1 Mar 45 159 FL 0046 MAJORS 1 CAMPBELL, Harry W ChC OQ p R-5 Chaplain 13 Apr 45 162 362 (Prot) 9 FEDOR, Ernest J DC 1558 Qclvoir Dent Off 15 Nov 45 156 EV 1199 15 HAiANN, Carl A MC OQ #6 R-259 Cof Max-Fac 17 Jan 45 214 353 Section 12 KAMIETON, Joseph E MC 4601 Eenritze Cof Surg Sv 24 Oct 44 147 FL 9227 13 HAMMERSELY, George K MC OQ #7 R-4 Wd Off Plas 24 Nov 45 500 362 Section r? KELIKIAN, rlampar MC OQ #6 R-29 Cof Ortho 22 Dec 45 115 353 Section 5 NOBLE, James P CE OQ #7 R-202 Post Eng 5 Mar 45 120 342 4 PERSHING, Clarence H MAC OQ #6 R-55 Asst Eosp 4 Mar 45 253 353 Insp 10 SALON, Dayton D MC 6011 Farnsworth Cof Neurol 21 J un 45 224 FL 7980 \ Section 11 SCKOENBERGER, Sara ANC iiq #4 Pr Ch Nurse 1 Aug 45 154 340 16 SEECKET, Earnon A MC OQ #7 R-209 Asst Cof Med Sv 9 Nov 45 153 362 7 STEELE, Lowell R MC 4321 W 61st St Ortho Surg 19 Nov 45 115 SII 5832 14 STEINIIOUR, Russell B MAC OQ # 7 R-31 Adjutant 12 Dec 45 243 362 8 SUTHERLAND, George F MC OQ # 6 R-202 Asst Cof NP Section 4 Apr 44 319 353 2 TEONAS, David E MC 2034 W 103 St Wd Off Gen 11 Nov 45 300 WO 0087 OQ # 7 R-213 Surg G WAHL, Carl N MC Plas Surg 11 Jan 46 209 562 17 WEGKESSER, Elden C MC 2041 Goodman Rd CAPTAINS Wd Off Plas Section 31 Jan 45 515 YE 1226 25 ALTER, John R DC 146 Whitman Lane Berea Dent Off 6 Mar 45 156 7 BARNES, Milford E MC 6118 Ridge Rd Med Sv-Np Sec 18 Mar 44 308 FL 7640 34 BAR NUT.', David R MC OQ #6 R-225 Wd Off-Med Sv 17 Jan 46 226 353 51 BASSHAM, Robert L FD 2327 North Ave Ch Receipts & Disburse Br 21 Jan 45 272 FL 3024 26 BISHOP, Robert E MC 7310 Whittington Asst Ch X-Ray 31 Dec 41 141 FL 5113 37 BRODY, David R MC OQ #7 R-8 Plastic Surg 21 Sep 45 318 362 15 BROWN, Harold E MC OQ #6 R-211 Ophthalmolo- gist 4 Dec 45 205 353 56 BURKE, Raymond F AUS 142 Whitmen Lane Berea Exec Off Re- con Sec 19 Mar 45 367 41 CAN O’WITZ , Aaron S MC 0Q#7 R-225 Anesthetist 13 Nov 45 148 362 21 CLIFFORD, James DC 6115 Ridge Rd Ch Plas Eye Section 18 Mar 45 336 FL 6006 11 CRAMER, Irving I MC OQ $6 R-207 Surg Sv ENT Section 11 Dec 45 251 553 12 FAHEY, George L AGD 4006 Yorkshire Rd Separation & 15 Dec 45 297 SH 3955 OQ #6 R-214 Counseling Off 3 FINDER, Jerome G MC Ortho Surg 15 Jan 46 101 353 29 FUSON, Thomas J MC 11118 Clifton Plastic Surg 11 Nov 45 211 LA 4820 57 GREENSPAN, Benjamin MC OQ #7 R-ll Ch Gen Surg Section 4 Jan 46 201 362 30 GRUBER, Adolph MC 1596 Addison Rd Wd Off-Urologyl5 Nov 45 221 HE 4869 58 HAGER, Cornelius R TC 4006 Yorkshire Rd Asst Sop & 5 Doc 45 297 SH 3953 Classification Officer 49 HALL, Winston C MC OQ #6 R-5 Wd Off-Med Sv 4 Nov 45 228 353 20 HARTLEY, George Jr MC OQ #6 R-2 Ch Laboratory 17 Dec 45 149 355 46 ISRAEL, Hyman DC OQ #6 R-237 Dental Sv 12 Jan 46 156 353 43 JOHNSON, Nicholas J MC OQ #7 R-205 Wd Off Plas Section 7 Nov 45 214 362 18 JOLLY, Paul N MC OQ #6 R-l Wd Off Surg Sv 1 Jun 45 217 353 44 JUDY, Robert L MAC OQ #6 R-37 CO, Med Sec 2 Oct 45 368 355 32 KELLY, Henry E DC 1221 E 79 St Dent Off 1 Feb 44 156 EN 3108 50 KOHN, Paul M MC 2472 Derbyshire Rd Wd Off Med Sv 24 J an 46 232 FA 8532 22 16 KREIDER, Raymond L LOVERRO, Angelo DC MC 607 South St 575 Sweetbush Berea, Ohio Dent Off Wd Off NP Sec 12 12 Oct Jun 44 45 156 326 FL 9750 19 McCORMICK, Howard R ChC OQ #7 R-3 Cath Chaplain 9 Nov 45 162 362 45 Me FALL, Mary J WAC OQ #5 R-214 Asst Registrar • 5 Jan 46 287 343-R2 52 MANSHEIM, Bernard J MC 6514 Colgate Ave Wd Off NP Sec 17 Feb 45 311 MB 4987 6 MILLER, Hollis R Jr MC 15501 Wainstead Wd Off Surg Sv28 Sep 45 103 8 MORRIS, Helene M FD OQ f5 R-240 Dir Fiscal Div26 Sep 45 277 354 4 MULVEY, John M DC OQ -#6 R-227 Asst Cof Max- Fac Sec 5 May 44 335 353 40 MURPHY, Harry E AUS OQ #6 R-215 Spec Sv Off *7 xj May 44 255 353 5 28 RATHERSON, Everett S OSINSKIS, Walter B DC DC 5848 Ridge Rd 7081 York Rd Dent Off Dent Off 27 14 May Dec 45 45 156 156 FL 2620 2 55 PUGH, Willis L RAIBLEY, Walter J MC DC 6906 Snow Rd 174 Whitman Lane Berea, Ohio Asst Ch Ortho Section Dent Off 2 7 Jan Dec 45 44 107 156 SH 5829 48 ROOT, Benjamin MC OQ #7 R-204 Anesthetist 7 Nov 45 148 362 3G ROWE, Ernest M DC 2095 Northland Dent Off 13 Dec 45 156 BO 1737 17 RUBIN, Herbert E MC 5821 Merkle Ave Wd Off NP Sec 24 Aug 44 305 FL 6655 35 SAFERSTEIN, Abraham MC 7102 Virginia Ave Surg Sv 30 Jan 46 302 SH 4468 14 55 SAN DRETTO, Arthur SEELY, Kenneth R DC MAC OQ #6 R-13 Pearl Rd Cabins Dent Off Adm Asst Gh Surg Sv 14 16 Dec J an 45 46 156 148 353 13 SKULMAN, Albert G MC OQ #7 R-217 Ophthalmol- ogist 27 Nov 45 158 362 47 SMITH, Milton B MC OQ #7 R-218 Plastic Surg 17 Dec 45 315 362 10 STRONG, James C Jr MC OQ #6 R-15 Ophthalmol- ogist 30 Nov 45 203 353 23 STROTHAR, William B ChC OQ #7 R-4 Prot Chaplain 10 Jan 46 163 362 39 TEAGUE, Hubert R MC OQ #6 R-9 Wd Off Plas Section 23 Nov 45 331 353 35 TERRELL, Virgil E MC 1360 Giel Ave ATT Surg 27 Apr 45 289 AC 5083 24 THOMPSON, William R MC 2620 North 3rd St Cuyahoga Falls,0 Plastic Surg 2 Jan 46 316 WA 5559 42 ULRICH, Robert P MC 0Ql#7 R-201 Wd Off Med Sv 15 Nov 45 232 362 31 VAl'I VACTER, Dale A WAC OQ #5 R-217 Bacteriolo- gist 15 Jun 45 149 343 54 WEINSBEL, Edward M MC OQ #7 R-7 Wd Off NP Sec 25 Nov 45 314 362 1 WILLIAMS, Lester B FA 6209 Ridge Rd Cof Recon Sec 5 Dec 44 323 SH 2312 9 WILLIAMS, Steuben A MC OQ #6 R-203 Ortho Surg 2 Dec 45 117 353 27 WILLOUGHBY, John R MC OQ #7 R-14 Wd Off Plas Section 5 Dec 45 205 362 38 WOOD, Robert 0 MC 117 YThitman Lane Berea, Ohio Wd Off Plas Section 9 Oct 45 211 BE 5145 FIRST LIEUTENANTS IS BILSKY, Harold B MC 2634 Lee Road Wd Off NT Sec 8 Jan 46 311 YE 3740 15 BOUSQUET, Shirley WAC OQ #4 R-217 Asst Cof Lab 29 Dec 45 151 341-R2 14 EREDBENNER, Robert G ORD OQ #6 R-232 Educational 17 Aug 45 363 355 Recon Off 4 CASEY, Jack C CAV OQ #6 R 38 PRO 19 Oct 45 259 355 8 CHAPMAN, George L MAC 6104 Ridge Rd Dir of Pers 8 Dec 43 249 SH 5957 5 DAIINKE, Alice L WAC OQ #5 R 236 CO, 107th WAC 13 Nov 45 32 7 354 Hosp Co 25 DIMOND, Edmund G MC OQ #7 R-206 Wd Off Cardie- ■ 9 Nov 45 224 362 vascular Sec 3 GARRE, Larry R DC OQ #6 R-205 Dent Off 1 Jan 45 335 353 23 GOTTESMAN, Elihu SnC OQ #6 R-31 Lab Off 5 Mar 44 150 353 26 JAYSON, Arthur V MC OQ # 7 R-208 Plastic Surg 6 Nov 45 208 362 24 JOHNSTON, Elizabeth WAC OQ $5 R-238 Exchange Off 4 Nov 45 185 354 12 LEONARDO, John II MAC 6755 York Rd GO, Det of 22 Oct 45 237 VI 9025 Pnts 17 LIPSITZ, Ellis S MC OQ #7 R~9 Wd.Off NP Sec 2 Jan 46 303 362 13 LUBIN, David SigC 130 Keaths Lane Cof Photo Lab 4 Jul 45 365 FL 7593 20 MADDEN, Thomas J MC OQ |6 R-234 Asst Cof ReconlO Dec 45 325 355 27 MANN, Leslie B MC OQ & R 234 Wd Off NP Sec 23 Jan 46 326 353 21 MORGAN, William G MC OQ #6 R-213 Plastic Surg 14 J an 46 564 353 10 MORRIS, Harold II MG 169 Goldsmith Lane Wd Off NP Sec 15 May 45 237 2 NOCH, Clifford J MAC 6725 Velma Ave Mess Off 21 Aug 45 169 FL 9096 7 RYDER, Charles T MC 7106 Forrest Ave Wd Off Surg 12 Sep 45 113 SH 1246 Service 9 SCHNEIDER, Max MAC 127 Shelly Rd Cof Ed Recon 16 Feb 44 360 Section 16 SLATMYER, Karel R MC RD 1, Elyria, 0 Surg Sv 4 Dec 45 148 EL40507 6 SLESSINGER, Ernest F MAC OQ #6 R-ll Cof Phy Re- 26 Nov 45 323 353 con Sec 22 SWAN, Bernard R MC Route 2, Berea, 0 Wd Off Med Sv 5 Sep 45 303 BE 6080 28 TKEIGE, Nerwin A DC 7287 York Rd Dental Sv 3 Jan 46 156 VI 9029 1 TORRBLL, Lucy J TC -WAC NQ #5 R 204 Asst Trans 0ff31 Dec 45 136 343 11 ULRICH, Walter J CE 6104 Ridge Rd Asst Post Eng 4 Sep 43 129 FL 5620 19 ZIP?, Jack D MAC 9204 Adams Ave Cof Pnt Pers 20 Aug 45 286 LI 3345 Branch SECOND LIEUTENANTS 23 BING, Allan L FA 00 -fl-6 R 217 I & E Officer 14 Oct 45 367 353 21 CLARK, Vernon E MAC OQ #3 R-223 Psychologist 23 Nov 45 274 353 12 FRIEDLY, Robert C MAC 1207 Warren Rd Cof Mil Pers 6 J an 45 249 AC 4240 Branch 19 GAFFIN, Norman E MAC OQ #7 R-214 Adm Asst Cof T(.T_ .3 6 Nov 45 153 562 1 GROSS, Frank A QMC OQ #6 R-36 IviG Q Asst QM 22 Nov 44 397 355 «5t5 IIANER, Frank E MAC 2094 Chesterland Cof Control 23 Oct 45 253 BO 5983 Branch 20 HAUSER, Richard S MAC 123 Jefferson Lane Claims Off 22 Aug 45 257 3 HAWKINS, Robert H SigC OQ #6 R-208 Sig Off 19 Dec 45 269 353 4 JEFFREY, Frank R MAC OQ #6 R-234 Asst Med Sup Officer 2 Jan 46 393 353 8 KATZ, Elias MAC OQ $6 R-201 Psychologist 10 Feb 45 274 353 13 LESTER, J ohn MAC 288 Ironwood Lane Legal Asst Off 6 J an 45 298 22 LYLE, Robert J MAC 3223 W 162 St Adm Asst Cof Surg Sv 6 Jul 45 316 7 MACALUS0, Carmelo P SnC 7645 York Rd Lab Off 3 Jan 45 150 VI 8925 14 lieGUIRE, Joseph F MAC OQ #6 R-231 Phy Recon Off 2 J an 46 324 353 29 MAHAN, James C MAC 4891 W 14th St Lab Off Ser- 21 Dec 45 151 SII 0285 OQ #6 R-235 ology Dept 30 MELECKI, George W MAC Asst Spec Sv Officer 19 Jan 46 255 353 31 MILLS, Hugh L MAC OQ #7 R-216 Asst Claims Officer 31 Dec 45 257 362 16 MINTZ, Murray M CWS OQ #6 R-235 Off Sep Coun Br Asst Cof Pnts 26 Nov 45 297 353 32 MIXNER, Laura M WAC OQ #2 R-27 12 Dec 45 236 345 24 MORANG, Charles H MAC OQ #6 R-223 Asst Pub Off 30 Dec 45 396 353 11 NUNN, Morrell A MAC 83 Browning Ct Berea, Ohio Pharmacy Off 2 Jan 45 152 BE 5231 34 OPPERMAN, Edward J MAC OQ #6 R-236 Dep Certifying25 Oct 45 264 353 25 PAPPAS, Peter Y MAC OQ #6 R-203 Asst P k C Of: f 30 Dec 45 335 353 17 PETERS, Fred T MAC OQ #6 R-222 Adm Asst to 11 Dec 45 147 353 OQ #7 R-203 Cof Surg Sv 5 PIVNICK, Harold MAC Clin Psychol- 30 Nov 45 274 362 OQ #6 R-206 ogist 35 REES, Robert M MAC Adm Asst to • Cof Med Sv 21 Dec 45 153 353 27 RIEMAN, Lester N MAC 7014 Gilbert Ave Adm Asst to Cof Surg Sv 25 Nov 45 393 13 SCHLEICHER, Fred D MAC 6032 Ridge Rd Phy Recon Off 27 Jul 45 324 6 SCOTT, Clyde E MAC 6399 Pleasant Valley Rd Asst Mess Off 11 Dec 45 164 IN 7301 26 TICHY, George J Sr MAC 290 Ironwood Lane Asst Pers Aff Officer 4 Sep 45 161 36 WEAVER, Eugene JAGD OQ #6 R-224 Asst Claims Officer 15 Oct 45 257 353 15 'WEST, James A MAC OQ #7 R-15 Asst CO Med Det 17 Dec 45 133 362 2 WILLIAMS, Frederick QMC 6115 Ridge Rd Sales Off 20 Feb 45 246 SII 5021 28 WOLKEN, Cyril D MAC OQ #6 R-226 Ed Recon Off 23 Jul 45 367 353 9 YUNIS, Norman S MAC 2055 Hillcrest WARRANT OFFICERS Civ Pers Off 21 Dec 44 260 SH 6394 WHITESIDE, John R USA OQ #6 R-204 Bandleader 3 Dec 45 353 DIRECTORY OF ATTACHED OFFICERS - CAPTAINS 2 EMERY, Orland G AC 6240 Grayton AAF Liaison 1 Aug 45 293 BE 7295 Officer 1 LUCE, George E MAC OQ #6 R-4 CO of PW FIRST LIEUTENANTS 26 Sep 45 178 348 1 MARTIN, John W INF 1723 W 32 St AGF Liaison Officer 5 Nov 45 276 PR 2151 2 TERRY, Richard R INF OQ #6 R-217 AGF Liaison Officer SECOND LIEUTENANTS 20 Aug 45 314 353 1 TRIPPETT, Thurman INF 2108 W 73 St AGF Liaison Officer 5 Nov 45 276 DIRECTORY OF HOSPITAL DIETITIANS CAPTAINS BASS, Mildred M HD NQ $4 Head Dietitian G Jan 44 166 FIRST LIEUTENANTS GOECKER, Marie A ED NQ $5 Dietitian 31 J ul 44 165 COOK, Carroll M HD NQ f-5 Dietitian SECOND LIEUTENANTS 18 Nov 45 165 FLYNN, Ruth M HD NQ $4 Dietitian 31 Jul 44 165 JOHNSON, Anita C HD NQ -y4 Dietitian 13 J an 46 165 ■/EBB, Suzanne II HD NQ $5 Dietitian 22 Nov 45 356 WRIGHT, Helen HD NQ $5 Dietitian 1 Jun 45 165 DIRECTORY OF ' PHYSICAL THERAPISTS - CAPTAINS HELTMAN, Grace M FT OQ ]jT4 Phys Thera- pist FIRST LIEUTENANTS 12 Mar 44 142 NESBITT, Winifred R PT NQ $2 Phys Thera- pist 3 Sep 44 142 SACKSTEDER, Mary E FT NQ $2 Phys Thera- 1 Jan 45 142 pist SECOND LIEUTENANTS CASE, Beatrice L PT NQ jf-2 Phys Thera- pist 23 Sep 45 142 GAVIANI, Evangeline S PT NQ #2 Phys Thera- 10 Aug 45 142 nist RELIEVED FROM DUTY DURING PAST MONTH • • NAME RANK a/s ASN AUTHORITY DATE EWING, Joseph W Capt MC 0468711 Par 7, SO 20, CGE 20 Jan 46 FORTUNE, James F 1st Lt MC 0926313 Ltr Order Hq 5th SvC SPVSM 210o3 14 J an 46 GROTJAHN, Martin Capt MC 0512749 Par 8, SO 20, CGE 28 J an 46 HASTEN, Fred M Capt DC 01683047 Par 19, SO 8, CGE 14 J an 46 LANDBNBERGER, Walter Capt MAC 01534785 Par 2, SO 13, CGH 18 Jan 46 LETZLER, Walter Capt MAC 01542717 Par 2, SO 13, CGH 10 Jan 46 MEREDITH, Thomas 0 Maj MC 0474651 Par 9, SO 4, CGH 8 J an 46 MONROE, Maynard L 2d Lt MAC 01993395 Par ;L1, SO 10, Hq 5 th SvC 17 J an 46 PISTER, Max Capt MC 0493357 Par 3, SO 10, CGH 16 Jan 46 PULLER, Herbert I Capt MC 0423895 Par 7, SO 20, CGH 28 Jan 46 RUDIN, Louis N Capt MC 0341124 Par 13, SO 307, CGH 1 Jan 46 SCHRODER, Charles R Capt MC 01693216 Par 8, SO 10, CGH 15 Jan 46 SONDAG, Roger H Capt MAC 01546761 Par 16, SO 1, CGE 4 Jan 46 STONE, Sddney R Lt Col MC 0296908 Par 3, SO 310, CGH 2 Jan 46 WSITZ, Myron A Lt Col MC 0217333 Par 3, SO 510, CGH 2 Jan 46 WUNDERLICH, Fred J Capt MAC 01534194 Par 18, SO 309, CGH 1 Jan 46