U. S. MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL CARLISLE BARRACKS, PENNSYLVANIA DEDICATION OF THE MEDICAL DEPT. EQUIPMENT LABORATORY MUSEUM OF FIELD !EQUIPMENT The Dedication OF THE Medical Department Equipment Laboratory Museum of Field Equipment AT Carlisle Barracks Pennsylvania May 17, 1944 2:00 P. M. ORDER OF EXERCISES STARK FIELD 2:00 P. M. Medical Field Service School Band Selection Chaplain Invocation Colonel Earle D. Quinnel, Director, Medical Department Equipment Laboratory , . .Introductory Remarks Brig. General Addison D. Davis, Commandant, Medical Field Service School Remarks Major General George F. Lull Deputy Surgeon General Remarks Medical Field Service School Band Selection Escorted Visit to Laboratory and Museum Parade 4:30 P. M Refreshments—Officers’ Club 5:30 P. M HISTORY The Medical Department Equipment Laboratory was estab- lished in 1920 by The Surgeon General of the U. S. Army, at the time of the activation of the Medical Field Service School. For a time its status was not definitely determined and was operated under the direction of the Department of Equipment and Trans- portation as a school activity. The impracticability of such a plan was soon realized and The Surgeon General on 10 November 1921 ordered the Equipment Laboratory to be operated as a separate Department of Carlisle Barracks which has been its status ever since. The Equipment Laboratory since its existence has been housed in a building previously converted by the Indian School as a wood and iron working shop from one of the old Post stables. Since its establishment the Medical Department Equipment Lab- oratory has been engaged in the research, development and test- ing of equipment for use by the Medical Department in the field. Its growth during prewar years, though slow, kept pace with the ever increasing scope of its activities. Since the outbreak of the present global war with its many Medical Equipment prob- lems, the activities of the Laboratory have increased rapidly. To meet these, personnel, machinery and other facilities have been added so that the present Laboratory presents a well equipped and very active establishment. Outstanding in its developmental work of many hundreds of items of equipment have been individual first aid packets and first aid equipment, medical pack equipment, cross-country ambulance, disinfector, mobile dental, medical and optical labor- atories and mobile dental and surgical operating units. The newly created field equipment museum section of the Laboratory has been established for display of present items of equipment for instructional purposes and as a depository for many valuable Historical Models and old items of equipment. LT. COLONEL JOHN P. FLETCHER The First Director Kf, OF THE Medical Department Equipment Laboratory MAJOR GENERAL NORMAN T. KIRK The Surgeon General of the U. S. Army BRIG. GENERAL ADDISON D. DAVIS Commandant of the Medical Field Service School and Commanding General, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania COLONEL EARLE D. QUINNELL Present Director of THE Medical Department Equipment Laboratory MUSEUM OF FIELD EQUIPMENT Standard Samples Koom Experimental Equipment and Model Eoom Carpenter Shop Blacksmith and Welding Shops Drafting Eoom Machine and Sheet Metal Shops ROSTER—MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MEDICAL DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT LABORATORY Colonel Earle D, Quinnell, M.C. Lt. Colonel Alonzo B. Christie, Jr., M.C. Major William R. Cattell, Sn.C. Captain Oney C. Raines, M.C. Captain Richard H. Hronik, Sn.C. Captain Glen T. Kellogg, Sn.C. M. Sgt. John D. Demuth T. Sgt. Wright R. Finley S. Sgt. LeRoy R. Beckwith T/4th Gr. Robert H. Ramp T/4th Gr. Antonio Ribecco Cpl. Raymond J. Tilton T/5th Gr. Donald A. Ludwig Pfc. Leonard V. Burt William N. Alexander George L. Doyle Chester L. Eppley Florence M. Florik Ethel B. Hart Thomas N. Niblett Ralph S. Paden Kenneth H. Reffner William C. Shambaugh Jasper D. Shupe George R. Snyder Harvey Steigelman DIRECTORS OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT LABORATORY Lt. Col. John P. Fletcher, M.C. (1920 - 1930) Colonel Larry B. McAfee, M.C. (1930- 1933) Colonel Garfield L. McKinney, M.C. (1933 - 1939) Colonel Albert S. Dabney, M.C. (1939 - 1942) Colonel Earle D. Quinnell, M.C. (1942 - )