TABLES OF ORGANIZATION MEDICAL DEPARTMENT JULY 1942 PUBLISHED AT THE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL CARLISLE BARRACKS. PENNSYLVANIA. All Communications relating to this publication should be addressed to THE COMMANDANT, MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL, CARLISLE BARRACKS, PA. *r/o 5 April 1, 1948 »r/o April 1, 1942 ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION, INFANTRY DIVISION Designation: f Engineer Battalion ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION, INFANTRY DIVISION * ATCHO ME0**j BATTALION HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS COMPANY COMPANY A COMPANY 8 COMPANY C CO HO • This table together with T/0 5-75, supersedes T/0 5-75, Oct. %, 1940 tinsert number of battalion PLAT PUT PUT ••MEDICAL DETACHMENT, ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION, INFANTRY DIVISION Designation: Medical Detachment, f Engineer Battalion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 Unit Teehn 5c Ian grade Tota ! Remarks Captain. 1 (d l) 2 "f* insert number of battalion, d Dental. The serial number symbol shown In parentheses Is an Inseparable part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose qualification analysis Is found in AR 615-26. A number above 5CO "afers to a military occupational specialist listed In Circulars Nos. 14 and 67, War Department, 1942- / : First lieutenant........................ Total commissioned....... 3 Staff sergeant 1 1 ( 1 ( 2 ( 7 ( 8 (3) (6) (1) (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) Corporal Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) _ . . . . . , . i nc 1 Lid i na Private, first class) y Private ) 5 5 Technician, medical (i23)«*»* Technician, medical (l23) Technician, surgical (225)***** 4 Technician, surgical (225) Basic /soil 20 Annrenate 23 n Ambulance cross country.............. 1 1 1 Q Truck, g-ton command and reconnaissance Q Truck, 2i ton, cargo iA.G. 320.2 (4-12-421.) order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL Chief of Staff. Official J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General *i/o 6-10 *1/0 6-10 April 1, 1942 April 1, 1942 (a) DIVISION ARTILLERY, INFANTRY OR MOTORIZED DIVISION ATCHO CHAP DIVISION ARTILLERY ATCHD MED • HEADQUARTERS & BAND HO battery BN 105 mm HOW BN 105 mm HOW BN 105 mm HOW BN 155 mm HOW HO i HO BTRY BTRY 4 HOW BTRY i* HOW STRY H MOW SERV BTRY *T/0 6-10 April l, 1942 *770 6-10 April 1, 1942 (a) MEDICAL DETACHMENT, DIVISION ARTILLERY INFANTRY OR MOTORIZED DIVISION (Functional Diagram) MEDICAL DETACHMENT Division Art illery. 6 70 BN SEC 105 mm HOW 1 16 BN SEC 105 mm HOW 1 16 BN SEC 105 mm 1 16 5N SEC 155 NOW 1 16 HQ SEC (b» 2 6 HQ AID STA GP 2 6 BN AID STA GP 1 11 ! LITTER | BEARER 1 GROUP BATTERY AID GP 0 5 •This table supersedes T/0 6-80, October i, 1940, including Ci, February q, 1941. (a) The divisional organization in each division is "triangular* (b) includes division artillery dental officer and technician. *r/o e-io TABLE OF ORGANIZATION) NO. 6~10 ) WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 1942. DIVISION ARTILLERY, INFANTRY OR MOTORIZED DIVISION Designation: f Division Artillery 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 vfl C«4 1 O O y~ eg T «? Q. «) JZ 0 <0 NO O T -Si- if) L. if) *> Kl <5 •- 1 unit g •O T3 O h- >\ L. 0) +-> •P i JZ 10 0 4-> § x: Q) T) L O C Remarks <0 a 0 — a> if) if) g * r» x? TJ (0 O ■a <0 3 cr to 3 CT <0 p p CO p p *c0 p 0 £ 0 « 05 05 <0 ) 5 33 33 bl37 6137 32 33 0 Truck, i-ton 5 20 16 24 57 19 16 23 41 84 68 101 b 221 84 72 101 t>225 Q Truck, i-ton, command and reconnaissance 4 4 34 0 Truck, i-ton, weapon carrier 6 **t • • T 35 Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo. 0) 9 4 • mm 36 0 Truck, 4-ton, cargo-.T... 16 16 •*r 16 •This ta|)le supersedes T/0 6-80, October 1» 1940, Jpc | Ud Ing 1 il, February 8, 1941. T/0 6-10 MEDICAL DETACHMENT, DIVISION ARTILLERY, INFANTRY OR MOTORIZED DIVISION Designation: Medical Division Artillery 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 U 5 6 unit Techn i- clan grade Head- quarters sect ion 9 batta 1 - 1 Ion sec- t Ions (each) T ot a 1 Remarks Captain 1 (1) ) ) (a9) ) 19 Medical (123) (2) 20 21 22 23 24 Sanitarv (joa) Surq ical (225) 4 Surgical (225)-.»-** 5 (ns) Suraical Basic (3) 25 Total enlisted 18 36 126 26 Aoareaate 22 38 136 27 28 29 Q Trailer, 4—ton 1 2 7 Q Truck, 4-ton. 1 2 7 Q Tnirk 04 ten rargn 1 1 (A.G. 320 (5-14-421.) order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official J, A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. *T h i s table supersedes T 0 7-11, October 1, 1940, including Cy, November 6, 1940- *T/C 8-21 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-21 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April l, 1942. MEDICAL REGIMENT Designation: t Medical Regiment l 2 1 3 5 6 7 | 1 r 8 i 9 1 i ! \ i 1 I Unit i { 1 i Reglmenta 1 head- quarters and band8 Headquarters and serv Ice company (T/0 8-22) 2 batta11ons (each) (T/0 8-25» Total regiment Attached c hapla In — | O) +* ro o> 24 25 0 Ambulance, 3-ton !... q* 72 15 1 2 7> 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250-gallon). 0 Truck, i-ton ! 1 6 7 15 1 ? ... 26 0 Truck, 3-ton. carry-all !*" ! * I 1 27 28 29 Q Truck, 3-ton, command and reconna issance. 0 Truck, 3-too, weapon carrier... 0 Truck, ?i-ton, cargo. * ... r 2 2 i a 7 4 29 6 16 10 66 12 2 16 10 66 12 2 ... 30 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with winch. Q Truck, 2i-ton, wrecker, with w 1 nc h. •.. I !. 31 r i... 5 i ! 1 CA.G. 320.2 (3-5-42) .) order of the Secretary of War; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff Official J. A. ULI0, Major General, The Adjutant General 'This table supersedes T/0 8-21, November 1, 1940, including Cl, December 5, 1940, and C2, June 4, 1941. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-22 *T/C 8-22 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April 1, 1942. HEADQUARTERS AND SERVICE COMPANY, MEDICAL REGIMENT Designation: Headquarters, *f* Medical Regiment Headquarters and Service Company, Medical Regiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Unit Techn ?c Ian grade Regimental headquar- ters section3 Personnel section Battalion headquarters sect I on Company headquarters General and medical supp1y sect ion Motor maintenance sect ion >s c es a. e 0 0 (o 0 C' u •o (C 0 -o a» 4-» C/> c Ui Remarks 2 Colonel 1 Y Insert number of rag ime nt 3 Lieutenant colonel 1 2 1 q 4 Major aReg imenta1 head 5 Captai n bi bl quarters consists of — 1 col one 1 . Med ica 1 Corps, command ing 6 First lieutenant b2 bl be 1 7 Second lieutenant.. be 1 off ice r, 1 lieutenant colonel, Med ica 1 Corps, execut ive officer. 1 major, Medical Corps p Ians and train!ng 8 Total commissioned 4 I 4 1 I 12 9 Master sergeant, includina 1 i q 10 Motor (818) / 1 ) i ? off icer . 11 Sergeant major (502) (1) Vi I \i/ (1) (1) 1 U/ (1) (1) 1 ministrativo Corps, 12 Supply (821) (1) ad juta nt. 13 First sergeant (585) bMedica 1 Administrative Cor ps . cQuaiified warrant officer, when available, 14 Technical sergeant, including.. 1 2 15 Personnel (290)... (1) (1) (1) s (i) (1) 4 16 Supply (medical) ( Staff sergeant, inclu Mess (824) 825) (1) may be used to replace these of fleers, d. ■... 17 d i ng...... 2 2 18 (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) 5 (1) roll proced ure ; 19 Message center chief (542).. Plans and training (052).... Sergeant maior (50?) (1) (1) 1 qualified in morning report procedure; 1 qualified in service 20 (1) (2) 5 21 (2) record procedure. 22 Sergeant, including.. 2 1 When battalions of the regiment are used inde- pendently, personnel 23 Clerk, general (055) (d3) (3) (2) (1) 4 (3) (1) (1) 1 24 Motor (818) (1) (1) 1 (1) from the general and med i cal supply section and motor maintenance section 25 Supply (821) 26 Corporal, including 2 together with necessary transportation should be assigned to the battalior 27 Clerk, company (405) (1) (1) (2) (1) P 13 C 21 (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (14) (5) (1) 28 Liaison agent 1508) (2) The serial number sym- 29 Supply (186) (1) 11 boi shown in parentheses is an inseparable part the specialist designa- tion. A number be 1ow 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose quali- fication analysis is four in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Technician, grade 4..% Technician, grade 5.. Private, first class. Private ► -incl ud i ng. . .. 11 2 6 13 12 2 Bugler fftcq) (1) (i) Carpenter, construction (050) Chenlain’s assistant, /ssul . . 5 (1) (1) (1) (1) military occupational s pec la 1i s t listed in Circulars Nos. 14 and 6? Chauffeur fsjiiil Clerk, general (nss) 4 (1) War Department, 1942*. Clerk, general (05s) 5 Clerk, general (nss) (1) ClerU mail _ (1) Clerk, stock (324) Clerk, stock (324) Cnnk 5 (1) (1) 4 (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) 45 Cook (nfin) 5 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Driver, light truck (345)... Driver, light truck (345)... Mechanic, automobile (014).. 5 4 5 (1) (4) (2) (1) (4) (1) (4) (5) (1) (5) (5) Orderly (aqs).. (3) (1) (2) Stenographer (213) 1 4 ) j (1) . . • • • *This table supersedes T/O 8-22, November 1, 1940, including C Juno 4— J.991- T/0 8-22 HEADQUARTERS AND SERVICE COMPANY. MEDICAL REGIMENT - Continued \ l 2 — 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 1 | 9nit Technician grade 1 L. «J 3 cr *C(C IS C 0) O JZ — -H — O CC O -H c O V) E u — ! 45 46 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with ; i.. 1 j 2 i r _ (A .G . 320.2 (3 -5-42) . ) 3y order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO; Ma j or Gene ra I The Adjutant General. *T/C 8-55 TABLE OF pRGANIZATICN WAR DEPARTMENT, No, 8-55 Washington, November 1, imo. MEDICAL BATTALION, AMB Ambulance Battalion, Animal-Drawn Company ;£ Battalion, Animal-Drawn i » 2 * 3 — 4 i 5 "" 1 1 1!' 6 7 t 8 9 1 1 f C ompany 1 1 1 Unit ! i i 1 r i * * 1 ; 9 f V J f 0 j S*l 2j 09 j ** [ (A 4 rs 0 O CL to Battalion headquarters and headquarters detachment Company headquarters C O i O 4-* IT* a H Total company (company headquarters and 2 pla- t oons) Total battalion (3 companies Enlisted cadre Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel 1 — y w r al | a3 ab7 3 Captain. i ...1 a 1 a 1 battalion. 4 First lieutenant..... 1 abl abl ab 2 letter of 1 5 Total commissioned 1 ■> 1 1 3 11 Mounted on horse. bModlcal Administrate Corps. 6 Master sergeant, including.... Sergeant major (052) 1 1 1 7 (1) (a3 4 (1) 3 8 Technical sergeant, including. ! al al u y {jj o 1/3 * ratings 9 Battalion supply sergeant i (186) fill .. (1) («3) (a 9)10 c 10 First sergeant (585) («i)i •M (al) a3 ; 1 (3) 3 Class >H C 11 Staff sergeant, including..,.. 1 a m 4-» 12 Personnel sergeant major o o m CD (052) (1) (1) 3d 2 6 13 14 Platoon sergeant (65i) (al) (a 2) (al) fa2)4 (1) (a 6) (a3) i (»i)i (3) 5th......... 3 11 36 6th. 13 39 15 Se rg e a nt, i nc 1 ud i ng 2 M\ ..... (1) 1 al (a 6)12 (3) 6 16 Hess sergeant (124) • ••! i (3) Tota1. .. 29 90 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section leader (652) Supply sergeant t (al) (3 2) (1) (a 2)3 (a 2) (a 6)1 (3 )| (a6)l0 (a6) (1) (3) (013)51 99 (a3) (4) (3) (1) (3) 3 The sor ia I bo 1 shown In number sym- pare nt heses Corporal, including..,. Assistant section leader (652) Clerk, general (nR8). 1 • . ;. mi.. al (al) Is »n Inseparable part of the specialist design; tlon. A number below 50t refers to an occupational specialist whose qualifi- cation analysis Is found Company clerk (055)-r t m! (1) ((a4)l7 v. 33 (al) (1) (1) (3) t In sect Ion 1 AR 615-26. Private, first class, Private (including Run ler frio 11 r* - (31)4 f (a2)12 1 fall 1 (al)l9 to a military occupation- al specialist listed in section ZI, AR 615-26. Chauffeur (245) 5th 6th 5t h (i); J (i) (1) 1 i fill I Conk (060) 3d 4th t (i)| (1) (1) (1) do) (11) (1) (3) (3) (3) (30) • (33) (3) (3) Cnnk (060) S (i)| 5t h * 32 33 34 35 36 Driver (horse or mule) (235) 6th 3d 5t h • • f f • f *1 (1) (1) (5) (3) fill . (1) (3) 6th I j (1) (1) (10) (a3) (1] (5) (al) (30] ... 3' 38 39 40 41 Orderly, horseholder (622).. 4th 4th (U)f (al) (1) (1) (alO' (31 (3 ... ► (3) (3) • .«••••« (1' I (3) (6 (18 V 42 Total enlisted.... 8 -1 “ i 17 22 61 191 28 43 t — 10! 18 23 "*64 i 202 28 I ) » r •This table supersedes T>0 8-55 » Apr ' * 1» 1939 T/0 S-55 MEDICAL BATTALION, AMBULANCE, — Continued 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unit Specialists' ratings (class) Battalion headquarters and Headquarters detachment C ompa n y Total battalion {3 companies) En 1 isted cadre Remarks —; Company head quarte rs 1 platoon Total company (company headquarters and 2 platoons) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 0 Ambulance, animal drawn 10 25 (5) (20) 20 59 (15) (44) 60 100 (48) (132) 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 - Q Animal, including 3 (3) 9 (5) OO Horse, ri d i no Mule, draft 0 Motorcycle, solo 1 q vjcyt nrryr. Ip , with idp . 1 1 1 1 0 Trnl1pr 1—ton. caroo Q Truck, £-ton, command...... l q Truck, i—ton, pick—up...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 n Trunk, 1A—ton, cargo Q Wagon, psr.Oft; (A.G. 320.2 (10-8-40).) order of the Secretary of War: G. 0. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff Official E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. Changes No. 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, June 6 , 1941. T/O 8-55, November 1, 1940, Is changed as follows; C o1umn i 3 ** 6 7 8 ?,s First sergeant (585) a 1 al »3 3 Technical sergeant, 5 no 1 ud i ng. 1 — * 1 — 10 Battalion supply sergeant (i86) (1) - - (1) (A. G. 221 (5-6-tlJ.) T/0 8-65 T/0 8-65 MEDICAL BATTALION (a) 35 m BATTALION HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT 4 53 COMPANY A (COLL) 5 101 COMPANY 8 (COLL) 5 101 COMPANY C (COLL) 5 101 COMPANY D (CLR) 12 128 (a) One per Infantry Division (Triangular) one per Type Army Corps. T/BA 8 C 1 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Changes No. 1 Washington, May n, 1942 WAR DEPARTMENT, T/BA e» March i, 1942» Is changed as follows; SECTION VI - Quartermaster Equipment PART II - MOTOR TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT (Extracted) 3 TOTAL Art fete 1 «q i Co! i Co Clr Co Med Bn He bet 'each) (Inf D f v| | Ambulance, g-tnn, 4x4 . 1 9 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, cargo,... 3 2 5 14 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250- gallon) ........ 1 1 3 7 Truck, $-ton. 4x4..... ...... 2 1 4 9 T rue k. |-ton. 4x4, c ommand 1 Truck, 3-ton, weapon carrier O Truck, 1 i-ton, 4x4, cargo., I P Truck, li-ton, 4x4, cargo, with winch P Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, 6X6 4 1 6 p 13 Truck, 22~t°n* cargo, 6x6, with winch 1 2 3 Note: Reference should be made to T/0 8-65, dated April 1, 1942. *TtO 8-65 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-65 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, April 1, 1942. MEDICAL BATTALION Designation: | Medical Battalion, .t Division 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Unit Battalion headquarters (T/0 8-66) a Headquarters and head- quarters detachment lT/0 8-661 3 collecting companies ♦each) (I/O 8-67) C1ee r1ng c ompa ny (T/0 8-68) C o <0 53 PERSONNEL SEC 1 U DEI HQ SEC I 15 GEN & MED SUPPLY SEC i 13_ MOTOR MAJNT SEC 1 9 BN HQ SEC (a) U 12 (a) Bn. C.O. Exec. 0. S-3 Adjutant *7/0 8-66 table of organization No. 8-66 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, April i, 1942. HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, MEDICAL BATTALION Designation; Headquarters, t_„ Medical Battalion Headquarters Detachment, | Medical Battalion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Unit Techn Ic Ian g rade Battalion headquar- ters section Personne1 sect Ion Detachment headquar- ters section General and medical supply section Motor maintenance sect Ion TotaI detachment En 1 Isted cad re Remar ks 2 Lieutenant colonel .. al 4 3 Major .. 1 1 1 Insert number of battalion. a Battalion comman- der. 4 Captain 1 5 First lieutenant X 6 Second lieutenant bCl bC1 2 b Medical Administra- tive Corps. c Qualified warrant 7 Total commissioned 4 1 1 1 1 8 ■ • W 8 Master sergeant, including ....... i 1 officer, when available, may be used to replace these off leers. 9 Sergeant major (502) (1) (a. (1) 10 First sergeant (585) I d 1 qua 1 Ifled in pay 11 12 Technical sergeant, including .... Motor (aiql ... • a • • 1 1 1 1 3 2 (11 record procedure. 1 qualified In morning report procedure. 13 14 Personnel (816) (1) v* / \ 11 (i) (i) vA / (1) The serial number sym- SuddIv 11. (1) bol shown In parentheses is an inseparable part of the specialist de- 15 Staff sergeant, including 1 2 16 Mess (824) (1) (1) (1) 7 (1) (1) 4 signation. A number be- low 500 refers to an oc- cupational specialist 17 Supply (825) (1) . £ . . 18 Sergeant, including q 2 1 whose qualification ana lysis is found in AR 615-26. A number 19 Clerk, General (055) (d3) (3) (2) (2) 1 (3) 20 Motor (813) (1) (1) (1) above 500 refers to a military occupational spec la 1ist 1 isted in 21 22 SuddIv (a? 11 (1) (1) 1 Corporal, including Circulars Nos. 14 and 67, War Department, 1942 . 23 24 25 Clerk, company (uns) (1) 10 (1) (1) (4 6.0 (1) 1 Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 )includ|ng ... Private, first class) Private ) Buater fontl 11 10 7 * This table super- sed as T/0 8-66, October 1, 1940. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ( 9 &5 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) ao) (3) (3) (3) (l) (5) Chaplain's assistant (5811) ..... 5 (1) (1) Chauffeur (344) ... Clerk, receiving or shipping(i8$ Clerk, general (nss) (1) (1) Clerk-typist (4ns) 5 4 (1) Cook (060) (1) (2) (2) U) Cook (06n) 5 Cook's helper (821) Driver, light truck (?4*>) 5 (2) (4) Driver, light truck (248) ...... (3) (2) (1) (3) (2) Mechanic, automobile (Oin) 4 Mechanic, automobile (014) 5 (1) Orderly (608) (3) (1) (l) Stenographer (213) ... TT ....... T 5 Basic (521) (1) (2) (1) • » • Total enlisted 12 4 15 13 9 53 12 45 Aggregate 16 5 16 14 10 61 12 46 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250—gallon) 1 1 47 Q Truck, ton 2 1 3 48 49 0 Truck, j—ton rarfy—a11 rrrT. 1 1 Q Truck, |-ton, command .Tr . 1 - : T/0 HEADQUARTERS AMD HEADQUARTERS DETACHHEHT MEDICAL BATTALIOM - Continued 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 Q Truck, weapon carrier ... 1 1 51 0 Truck. ?£-ton, including 1 2 5 2 10 52 k o Cargo (1) (1) (5) (?) (1) (1) (1) Gas and oil (1) 54 55 Mess (1) Wrecker, with winch (1) (A.G. 320.2 (3-3-42). » order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. I/O 8-67 COLLECTING COMPANY (MED BN) 5 101 T/0 8-67 CO HQ 1 1? STATION PLATOON 2 15 COLLECTING PLATOON 2 69 COLLECTING STATION 2 15 LIAISON SEC LITTER BEARER SEC 1 41 AMBULANCE SEC 1 28 *T/0 8-67 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) No. 8-67 ) Washington, April $, 1942. WAR DEPARTMENT COLUCTNG COMPANY, MEDICAL BATTALION 1 1 2 3 TT 5 6 T ■ - * ■ — r 8 j 9 Coltectlog platoon 1 Unit Technician gradi — Company head- quarters Stat ion platoon Utter bearer sect ion Ambulance sect Ion Total company En I Isted cadre Rema rks 2 Taptain - 1 1 2 t Insert letter of 3 4 First 1i nant 1 1 2 c ompany. Insert number of ba ttalion. Second lieutenant al 1 • M • * 5 Total commissioned 1 2 1 1 5 a Medical Administra- tive Corps. b Or Ives truck, i- 5 First, sprgpant. (585) tt I f 1 1 7 8 Q Staff sergeant, including .... mass • t 1 (1) 1 ..... 1 1 3 (1) (2) 6 3 (1) (2) 5 ton, 1n add It 1 on to other duties. The serial number symbol shown In paren- theses Is an Inseparable part of the specialist des Ignat 1 on. A number below 500 re- platnnr) lAarlar (65l) (1) 1 U) 1 10 11 3a rg p.q nt., i nr 1 urt i ng 3 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) 4 (1) (3) 13 14 (1) (1) (1) fers to zn occupational specialist whose quali- fication analysis Is found In AR 6l5~26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupa- tional specialist listed (1) 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 16 Assistant section leader(652) .. . • • • « « (1) 11 (1( (1) (1) (3) (1) 2 8 35 42 (1) (1) (1) 17 10 19 Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) jncl Private, first class ) Private * ) 4 • • 12 39 25 ( ( ( ( 1 3 In Circulars Nos. m and 67, War Department, 19^2 * This tab 16 super- sedes T/0 8-67, October 1, 1940. 20 21 (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) 22 4 (1) 23 5 (1) (1) 24 (2) (*) (13) (36) 25 Cook s ho1por (521) «•*»*•** Driver, light truck (345) .. Driver, light truck (345) .« M 26 0 (12) 27 (36) • m 0 • • 28 29 Mechanic, automobile (014) Mechanic, automobile (014) 4 • * • • • (1) (1) • • • • • (*D (1) (1) (1) • * • • • 30 D 31 (12) • • * • • (12) 32 33 Technician, medical (123) •• I 5 • * • • • (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) « ♦ • • • (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (6) (1) 34 Technician, medical (123) •• Technician, sanitary (l96) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Basic (52l) Total enl isted 35 36 1 s (1) 1 37 38 39 t ... (1) (3) • « « • « I 17 15 41 28 101 14 40 Aggregate 18 17 42 29 106 14 41 42 12 12 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250-gallon). 1 43 1 I 1 1 44 0 Truck, g-ton, weapon carrier 1 45 46 47 ... I 1 2 3 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with 1 l _ Designation; Company4 ,4- ... Medical Battalion Va.-g:-3T(T? (3-3-u?rr order of the Secretary of War; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General, I/O 8-68 I/O 8-68 CLEARING COMPANY (MED 6N) 12 128 COMPANY HEADQUARTERS CLEARING PLATOON CLEARING PLATOON 5 53 5 53 TECH SEC 5 45 T SEC 0 8 *7/0 8-68 table of organization NO. 8-68 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April 1, 1942. CLEARING COMPANY, MEDICAL BATTALION Designation; Clearing Company, t Medical Battalion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Unit Tech- nic Ian grade Com- pany head- quar- ters 2 c lea r- 1 ng p la - t oons (each) T ota 1 c om- pany En- 1 Isted cadre Remarks 2 Captain t Insert number 3 First 1ieutenant X 1 tu (dl)3 7 of battalion. 4 Total commissioned 2 5 12 a Drives vehicle In add It Ion to ot her dut les . 5 First sergeant (585) 1 1 6 Staff sergeant, including 1 1 d Denta1. 7 Mess (824) (1) (1) (2) f. (1) (2) 11 The serial number 8 Platoon leader (65l) (1) 0 symbol shown In pa- rentheses is an In- separable part of t he s pec la 1 1st de - 9 Sergeant, including .............. 0 10 Motor (813) (1) (1) (») (1) (1) (2) (1) 0 11 Section leader (652) (2) sIgnat ion. A num- ber be low 500 re- fors to an occupa- t iona 1 spec la 1 1st whose qualification ana 1 ys is Is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 12 Supply (821) (1) 13 14 Corporal, including 1 Clerk, admission (055) (1) (2) (1) ( 8 ( 18 (1) (1) 3 4 15 Clerk, company (405) (1) 17 16 17 Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) including .. 49 refers to a mili- tary occupational s peela list listed in Circulars Nos . 14 and 67, War De- partment, 1942. 18 19 Private, first class) Private .....) ( 39 { 50 (1) (3) (3) (2) (4) (15) (1) (l) 20 21 22 23 24 Bugler (8C3) (1) (3) (3) (2) Cook (060) 4 (1) (1) * This table supersedes T/0 8-63, Octooer 1, Cook (060) 5 Cook's helper (521) 1940. Driver, light truck (345) 5 (2) (6) 25 Driver, light truck (345) (3) (1) (aD 26 Mechanic, automobile (014) 4 27 Mechanic, automobile (014) 5 28 Pharmacist (149) ........ 1 4 (1) f 2 i (1) 29 Orderly (695) (2) \ * / (2) (2) (4) (8) (4) (2) (4) (10) (18) (18) (U) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Technician, dental (067) 5 (1) (2) .(4) (2) (1) (2) (5) (9) (9) (5) (1) (1) Technician, medical (l?3) 5 Technician, medical (i?q) ...... Technician, sanitary (i96) Technician, surgical (??r) ..... 4 / (1) (1) Technician, surgical (225) 5 Technician, surgical (225) Ward attendant, medical (303) .. Ward attendant, surgical (303) R a s I r /S9ll .................... 39 (1) 40 Total enlisted 22 58 126 17 41 Aggregate 24 58 140 17 42 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tatvfc (2,So-,ga:11 on) 1 1 43 44 Q Truck, 3—ton, command 1 1 0 Truck, | ton, weapon carrier ... 1 1 45 46 0 Truck, 2A—ton, cargo ........... 2 6 14 2 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with winch 1 - (A.G. 320.2 (3-3-42).) By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: j. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. T/0 8-75 T/0 8-75 ARMORED MEDICAL BATTALION (a) <43 3w H56 HEADQUARTERS & HEADQUARTERS COMPANY 10 3W 90 MEDICAL COMPANY 11 122 MEDICAL COMPANY 11 122 MEDICAL COMPANY 11 122 (a) One per Armored Division *7/0 8-75 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-75 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, March 1, 1942. ARMORED MEDICAL BATTALION Designation: ii Armored Medical Battalion > . , | 2 ! 3 4 ! 5 6 Battali on headquar- 3 medical Unit tens and companies Total Enlistec 1 headquar- (T/0 8-77) battal- cadre Remarks ters com- (each) ion paqy (T/0 ■ 8-76) 2 Lieutenant colonel "f* Insert num- ber 1 2 7 • ♦ • 1 • 28 29 Q Truck, ton 9 5 18 16 0 Truck, 2-ton, carry-all, with 12 —vol t. ! g n {t j on . 1 4 4 30 31 Q Trur(< | t tpm, r 1 . 15. 1 0 Truck, 2i-ton, including 10 45 32 33 (1) (2) (3) • • • • • (6) 34 35 36 (1) (l) OO (5) !*) (5) (1) (itchen (1) 37 Maintenance wrecker, with winch (3) (1) (6) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 (2) (2) ..... (2) (6) (1) (1) Personnel, with litter inserts (2) (6) 1 (1) (1) (1) 4 ! (j) 1 16 ouppiy . 4 » (A .G . 320.2 (2-6-42 J .) By order of the Secretary of Wan G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff Official J. A. ULIO, Brigadier General, Acting The Adjutant General. T/0 8-76 I/O 8-76 HEADQUARTERS & HEADQUARTERS COMPANY (ARMS MED BN) BATTALION HEADQUARTERS 6 2W 20 HEADQUARTERS COMPANY 4 1W 70 HEADQUARTERS SECTION 5 iw 12 PERSONNEL SECTION 1 iw 8 COMPANY HEADQUARTERS 1 23 BATTALION MAINTENANCE 1 14 BATTALION SUPPLY SECTION 1 iw 6 DIVISION MEDICAL SUPPLY SECTION 0 12 transportation PLATOON 1 15 *T/0 8-71 1 2 3 u 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Satta1 Ion headquarters Headquarters company Company heat quarters i- c 0 ♦> >% O. 0. O 9 Tranaportat ton p iatoon 1 Unit Technic Ian grade 0 40 u 9 m m w 9 40 i. 9 3 CT •O * 01 3C c 0 40 u 9 9 9 C C O * h. 9 Q» Command -section Maintenance sec- tion a 9 U5 • 1 > — x> 40 C <0 <0 JTJ U * *c 9* >t & £ 0*4* *z cx 0 £39 ■0 9 * < 9 9 >* a a. 3 9 c 0 9 40 40 9 act 0 lv Is I on med tea 1 su sect Ion Battalion ma Intenant Platoon headquar- ters • c — 0 li — 0 9 s “ * c 9 — u 9 3 1 Rat Ion sect Ion c 9 Cl e 0 u (0 V 0 H* Aggregate 9 %m XJ 9 O •O 9 V C Ul Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel *.... di | 3 Major,... •fl fgh2 a U f Insert number of battalion. a 1st echelon maintenance of company vehicles. 4 Captain I 1 a 5 First 1ieutenant. 91 i b Additional mess personnel for battalion headquarters mess. 6 Second 1Ieutenant...................... 91 i*i Imnl 0 c Contains 2 "crews," each 7 Total commissioned...., 5 1 1 i 1 1 4 10 with 2i-ton truck available for reinforcing companies of the battalion as required. 0- Warrant officer cl Pi 91 P Battalion commander. e Executive officer or second I n c omma nd . Q Master Inriuding..,...., 1 1 1 •2 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance {337),.., (nl) (1) P (1) (i) (i) 1 p (1) (1) (1) 1 Sergeant major (502) in) * Operations officer or S-3, Supply (a?s) OD (i) 1 or operations noncommissioned off leer . First sergeant (505) i Medical Administrative Technical sergeant, including 1 1 i 2 a Corps. 15 Sergeant major, personnel (gi*>) (1) P t\\ h Adjutant or S-l, 16 Supply {821)--.— (1) (1) (2) 2 \1/ (2) 2 vi/ (1) 2 ' Intelligence officer or 17 Staff sergeant, including 1 1 S-2 . Chief of platoon, section, crew, etc. 18 Maintenance (337),. (ID (1) (1) 8 (1) (t) 12 (1) (1) (1) (1) 9 19 Mess {824) (1) 1 Supply offlant( i nr 1 iid i ng . , t r . ... 1 1 l 1 1 2 10 11 12 (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) 00 4 (1) (1) (3) (1) (2) ' 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) The serial number symbol (1) (1) shown in parentheses is an (3) specialist designation. A 14 1 * 1 3 number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist 16 17 (1) (1) (1) (2) 6 whose qualification analysis is found in AR 615-26. A (D (1) (1) 3 (2) 1 a military occupational specialist listed in Circu- lar No. 14, War Department, 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 2 1 (1) (1) 00 (1) ( 3 ( 11 (1) (2) 1942. (2) (2) * This tab le supersedes (1) 10 T/0 6-77 and 8-76, both dated November 15, 1940. Technician, grade 4) Technician, grade 5) inrlljdlnfl 2 8 6 30 29 1 14 1 1 25 26 Private,first class) Private ) ( 39 ( 47 / COMPANY, ARMORED MEDICAL BATTALIOH *7/0 8-77 Official: * - ;• j. a. ulio, - •_ - -- t; / Brigadier General, Acting The Adjutant General Chief of Staff.. 0. C. MARSHALL By order of the Secretary of War; • 1 ; i ' • ‘ ‘ ' ■ ’ 2 3 3 4 , 5 6 fi 7 8 - 9 • 10 i Ui ■ 12 27 C hauf four {3 •••***44 ****** ••••••••••••••• • ••«•• (1) (1) (2) (27) - (1) • ••••• • > • • • • ! (32) »*•••-• 28 Chauffeur, 2i-ton truck (345) .......I...''... 1 5 !" (2)r (1) (1) ’.(») (2) ( . (2) 29 30 i Chauffeur, 2±-ton, true* (3.45) Cook (060) .................I.......^ i * - 4 • ••••• ) ■ fl) ( (8) • t » t • ! 31 5 I A/ (2) i; ■ (2) 11/ 32 Cook's helper (521) I • (3) 33 ,) Driver, half-trac-k (735) ' ’ 5 " (l) • « • * , \3 / fll y 34 * * * • ' *. » , 1 . Litter bearer (657) (24) i » foul 35 Mechanic (014) . '4 • ••••• . .(1). (1 *} (1) 36 « M . • 4 J * 4 ♦ ♦ • t 1 f 4 « . K M^chan 1 c (p 14) • • **••••• • - *.1 *r 1 .(1) ••MV •••••• i w 'f ' ' •>•••••• 37, i Rad i o t otid 6f (776^, • • ••••• V-' U) • « • . 0- • •. • • • *,•••• f P ( •j* » J * t ] • • • • • i • • • i • 1 (1)> /*..... 38- ’ > ■ jlechnic ian, dental (067) ’••’.V.V.! ' 5< * I j * I i fl) V 39 1 Technician, fhedical (123) ........ .'.•.V.‘.‘.V.V j 5- i *•/• % VV * • ••••• • .9 • • <• f v * / (i) ' (2) 4 \ A / ‘1 (3) -• (1) HO Technician, medical (123) .. .*.*.J.U‘. *.•.*.• 1 . ! '•)« h » • • 1 r; .• ,* * .. , ' (1) " (4) ■ (5) « ( 41 Technician, surgical (225) ........v.v.-.v ! • 4* * • ••••• • ••••• • ••••• J (i)‘! ...... (1) L • • • • • 42 Technician, s.urgical (225) i J • •• ♦< V % • • • « • • • ••••• • • • • (2) 1 (2? •••••• 43 Technician, surgipal (225) .*. .v.v.v. 1 •f #«■ • ,#■ • « • • ••••• t (4) ; (4^' • • • • 44 8asic {521} •••«•••••••••••••••«•••«•••• #*•*• •* !. (2) ,(2) (2) • ••••• (2) (BY .... . 45 Total 6nl 1sted * • • 4 • • 4ti7-- 33 2 18 13 ' 122*-« • X- 46 jr 9 t a to, •«-«•»•«••••••••••••••*•••••••« * ' , , .-V ** .. ft a ■ ;-V;5 1 7 >,/ 34 ■ :33v 3 23. 14 I33.I 17 47 0 Car, half-track M3,-without armament v■ * * * ‘ /•••••• 1 r.;; i i. • ••••• r . . ... 1 v 48 0 AmbuTeftce, cross country • •.‘1 • ; • 4 > i i- • 12 \ 12 49 0 Trailer, water, 250-gall on* TT .T. 1 .A , , • ••••• • ••••• - • • T • • i 1 •* • •••• 1 1 2 50 <5 Truck, i-ton fel) 1 >, 1 .0 5 51 0 Truck, 3-ton, carry-all, with 12-volt ignition 1 \ * / >•* ! 4 - i ’ ;? 1 4 52 Q Truck, 2i-ton, including j 2 1 t * 1 , 1 nr : 2 10 53 Busier panel body u) / (l) ' ■ . j 54 Cargo V * / (2) (2) i 55 i Equipment h) M 56 !'K+tchen d) ■ L t ' * ) j (1) 57 ! Maintenance wrecker, with winch (tV- ► H . •,-U (1) 58 : Operating room body I A / Ti) (1) (2) 59 Personnel, with litter inserts ..-... /1 V (1) (2) 60 S Radio set 1 1 I 4 (A.G. 320.2 (2-6-42).1 • 2 - COMPANY, A PHONED MEDICAL BATTALION - Continued T/0 8-85 T/0 8-85 MEDICAL SQUADRON (a) 336 SQUADRON HEADQUARTERS 4 VETERINARY TROOP 4 64 HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT 2 42 COLLECTING TROOP 7 137 CLEARING TROOP 7 $3 (a) one per Cavalry Division *T/0 8-85 table of organization NO. 8-85 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, April i, 1942. MEDICAL SQUADRON, CAVALRY DIVISION Designation: • . Medical Squadron, Cavalry Division X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 «/» w » w I JC U %£) TO OD „ ! 1 Unit 3 a *0 «j 0) 00 *o o o o -% U v oo CL — o CO O 00 § tu — o c o k. 1 0) X Remarks JC CO <0 o> oo 00 >1 1 s C CO o k. O *- +• IQ C 3 ® o •H u >— cno c —■ •“ t- <0 c o ir w ■o z rt TJ _£ (0

• o >- c Ui 2 Lieutenant colonel ............ (i) (i) (i) i 1 i~ Ins-eft number of 3 Major 1 squadron. U 3 a ot a i n ........................ (blel)2 1 ef 1 5 X Insert number of division. 5 L ieutenant .................... (i) (bl)2 6 (d2)6 ef 3 17 a Personnel shown In column 2 Is Included in column 3* Personnel shown In column Includes- 6 Total commissioned (4) 6 7 7 4 24 7 •jester sergeant 1 X . i 1 lieutenant colonel, 8 C, 7 i r sr sergeant. f 1 1 1 1 4 4 MC, c omma ndIng off tcer. 1 major, MC. Tar. no i r.a 1 sergeant 3 3 3 1C 1 j Staff sergeant ................ 2 4 3 4 13 27 17 13 10 1 capta In, chaplaIn. -q pa nT 5 7 8 7 7 squadron adjutant 1 '• r.'f.'r.ral ...... 2 7 1 4 and personne ! of- f leer. ■ ( ' 13 >Techn ic ian, grade 4 ...... « • • 4 4 7 4 19 8 b Medical Admlnlstra- 14 15 16 17 Technician, grade 8 10 5 12 46 15 9 46 7 t Ive Corps, private, first class 22 16 89 e Cha p la In. private, including 9 56 30 (8) 22 117 d Oenta 1. e Veterinary Corps, f Mounted on horse. Sas ic ... (3) (10) (6) (27) — 18 Total enlisted ........... 42 13 7 93 64 336 50 symbol shown In paren- 19 Aggregate 48 144 100 68 360 50 ab le part of the spe- cialist des ig nat1 on. A number below 500 ref- ers to an occupational specialist whose quail- 20 O 1 24 24 16 16 J{4) (12) 4 (4) (12) 4 • » * • fIcatIon ana 1 ys Is is CL 23 2K number above JOO refers q semitrailer, 6-ton, combina- tion animal and cargo to a military occupa- tlonal specialist list- ed In Circulars Nos. 14 and 67 War Department, 25 Q Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel.cargo . • • 1 1 1 1 4 .... 26 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250-gallon) . . . 1 1 3 1 2 6 2 Z 7 2 1 1 2 6 • • • • 29 Q Truck, |-ton, command and 2 3 3 1 9 .... 30 Q Truck, |-ton, weapon carrier . .. 2 1 3 .... 6 — 31 4 3 7 4 18 • • • • KJ 1 f wn ex» yu •••••••• 32 Q Truck, li-ton, cargo, with 2 1 3 « • • • 6 • • • • I 33 0 Truck, 4- to 5-ton, tractor . 4 4 • • • • I 1 (A .G . 320 .2 (3 -7-42 1 .) order of the Secretary of War? G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff Officials J. A. ULIO, Major General The Adjutant General. Thu” table supersedes T/-0 8-85 , November 1, 1990, Including C\, December 12, 1990, and 02, June H, 1991. *H0 8-86 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-86 war department, Washington. April i. 1942. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, MEDICAL SQUADRON Designation: Headquarters, ..Medical Squadron Headquarters Detachment, t __Medical Squadron 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 1 Unit Technic 1an grade Squadron headquarters Personnel section Squadron headquarters detac hment Detachment headquarters General and medical supply section Motor maintenance sect Ion Total detachment Enlisted cadre Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel 1 1 Insert number of squadron. “Chaplain. Administrative Corps. 3 Major 1 4 Captain, a 1 bcl t>l 5 Lieutenant bi O » • • • * * * g Squadron adjutant and personnel officer. 6 Total commissioned....,...,. 4 1 A A 7 Hester sergeant. Including...... I x 1 qualified In pay roll procedure; 1 qualified In morning report procedure; 1 qualified In service record procedure. The serial number symbol shown In parentheses Is an 8 Sergeant major (502).... (1) (1] 1 (1) 1 9 First sergeant (585)....... I 10 Technical sergeant, including... 1 1 3 (1) (1) (1) y 11 12 Motor (813) (1] (1) M Personnel (816) * (1) Inseparable part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to 13 14 Supply (82l) (1) \* I (1] y Staff sergeant, including 1 an occupational specialist whose qualification analysis Is found In AR 615-26. A 15 Mess (824).......... (1) (1) (1) 5 (1) (1) 1 16 Supply (825) (1) number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed In circu- 17 Sergeant, including 3 18 Clerk, general (055)........, (d3) (3) (1) (1) lars Wos. 14 and 67, War Department, 1942. 19 Clerk, stock (324).. (1) 20 21 Motor (fti3) (1) (1) 'This table supersedes T/0 8-86, November 1, 1940, Corporal, including 1 22 Clerk, general (405).. (1) (1) (1) Co u (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (6) (2) (3) (2) (1) (1) (3) (1) including Ci, June 6, 1941. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Duty (566)..... (1) 8 (1) Technician, grade 4..4 Technician, grade 5...1 Private, first class. ,)*nclud 'n9* private / Bugler (8O3) ... 1 1 8 6 4 1 1 Chaplain's assistant (534)... Clerk, general (055) 5 (1) 5 (1) (1) (1) Cook (060) 4 (1) (1) (1) (1) Cook (060) 5 Cook's helper (5?l) Chauffeur (345).........,.... 5 (2) (2) Chauffeur (345). (2) (2) Mechanic, automobile (014)... Mechanic, automobile (014)... Orderly (695) 4 (2) (2) 5 (1) (1) (2) Repairman, utility (121).,... (1) Stenoarapher (213)... 4 (1) (1) 41 Basir. /S 711 (1) (1) *"* 42 Total enlisted 1 5 11 11 9 5 42 11 43 Aggregate 5 5 11 12 10 5 48 11 44 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel .water tank, (250-gallon).......... 1 1 45 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, cargo Q Truck, ton. 1 1 46 47 1 2 0 Truck, 2-ton, command and reconnaissance 1 2 48 0 Truck, J-ton weapon carrier,. I 1 2 49 0 Truck, ii-ton, cargo......... i 3 4 50 0 Truck, ii-ton, cargo, with wl nch. 2 2 T/0 8-86 (A.G. 320.2 13-7-42) . * By order of the Secretary of Warl G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-87 97/0 8-67 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April 1, 1942 COLLECTING TROOP, MEDICAL SQUADRON Designation: Collecting Troop,T- Medical Squadron 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 1 — 2 3 4 5 6 2 8 9 10 Unit Technic Ian grade Troop headquarters 2 col Itct Jng p la- toons (each) <0 V O f- En i1sted cad re Remarks f * t> c c 0 0 *1 +J <0 1/1 Searer sec- t Ion A mb u 1 a nc e sect Ion T ota1 ptat oon Captain 1 1 6 ... t Insert number of squadron. The serial number symbol shown in parentheses is an Inseparable part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose occupational analysis is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to « military occupational special- ist listed In Circulars Nos. 14 and 67, War Department, 1942. Lieutenant 1 1 1 3 Total commissioned 1 1 1 1 3 7 ... First sergeant (585) 1 2 (1) (1) 1 4 (1) (1) (2) 7 (6) (1) 7 (6) (1) f12 146 V56 (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (31) (16) (1) (1) (2) (24) (1) /(3) \(5) /(I) \(3) /(2) ( (3) \(7) (10) 1 4 (1) (1) (2) 5 (4) (1) 1 (1) 2 2 (1) (1) 4 • • (1) (1) Staff sergeant, Including 1 ... .... 1 Mess (824)., Motor (813) Platoon leader (65l) (1) 1 (1) (1) 3 (3) Sergeant, including 1 1 (1) 1 (1) Section leader (652).. Supply (82l) (1) 1 Corporal, including Assistant section leader (652) ... 1 (1) 1 (1) i (1) 3 (3) By order of the Secretary of War: 6. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULI0, Major General, The Adjutant General. Clerk, general (405) (1) 14 (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (3) Technician, grade Technician, grade 5...j 10 18 24 52 Private, first class..? »•**•*•* Private / Bugler (803) 5 4 5 (1) (1) Cook (060) Cook (060) Cook's helper (52l) Chauffeur (345) 5 Chauffeur (345).., (2) (8) (12) (14) (8) Litter bearer (657) Mechanic, automobile (014)... 4 5 fl) (1) (2) Mechanic, automobile (014). Orderly (695). Orderly, ambulance (696) (12) (12) Repairman, utility (121) (1) - .»• * r Technician, medical ?123) 5 (2) (1) (4) (2) (1) (2) (5) • • • « (4) (2) (6) (5) Technician, medical (l?3) .. Technician, sanitary (19ft) . 5 Technician, sanitary (i96) Technician, surgical (225) 4 5 Technician, surgical (??5)... Technician SUraical 1 Total enlisted..., 19 13 20 26 59 137 15 Aaa reaate 20 14 21 27 62 144 15 Q Ambulance, jf-ton... 12 12 24 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 Q Trailer i—t.nn, 2—1wheel, cargo 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank I ?sn—ci a 11 onl Q Truck, tnn r Q Truck, 3-ton, command and recon- na issance 1 1 Q Truck, |-tnn weapon rareipr. T Q Truck, cargo 1 ... .... 1 0 Truck, ii-ton, cargo, with winch.... ... (A.G. 320.2 (3-7-42).) •This table supersedes T/0 8-81, November 1, 1940, Including Cl, June 6, 1941, TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-88 *T/0 8-88 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April 1, 1942 CLEARING MEDICAL TROOP. SQUADRON Designation: Cleaning Troop,T Medical Squadron 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 01 T3 re i- f «5 1 10 01 u 1 Unit C* C 8 9 Platoon leader (651) (1) 2 (Dl i 1 Sergeant, including 10 Motor (813) £ (1) . , . ; (1); (1) /s 1 1 11 Section leader (652) (fDl)2) <1)1 12 Supply (821) (1) 1 (i\> /ill refers to an oc- iSlCorporal. including • * * *i 1 < 1 cupational special- ist whose quali f i- cat ion analysis Is found in AR 615-26. 14 Clerk, general (uosl (1) 9 (1) (i) ( 4 ( 2 ( 9 | 2 ; ' ' ' * * 15jTechnic Ian, grade 4) 16.Technician, grade 5)includin„ 18 17 18 19 Private,first class) Private ) Clerk, general (055) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (91) (16 |.... (22 ;.... (D|-- (1)1 (1) Uh (1) (i);.... (4) j (7):.... <3) j • • • • (1); (1) (l) i (12)' .... (1) (1) (5) (t) i (2) j. • • • (3) .... (6) A number above 500 refers to a mili- tary occupational specialist listed in C irculars Nos, 20 Cook (060) u 21 Cook (060) 5 22 Cook's helper (52l) 14 and 67, War 23 24 Chauffeur (245) Chauffeur (845) 5 (2) (2) (81) .... Department, 1942. 25 26, 27 Horseholder (5?i) I n 1 S I aU 1 0 supersedes T/o 8-89, November 1-1940, in- cluding C 1, June 6, 1941. Horses hoe r, (904) 4 (1) Mer.hanir. automobile /mill 4 (1) 28 Orderly, ambulance, veterinary Pharmacist, veterinary (140) .. (697) (6) 29 30 5 (1) (1) (1) (1) Technician, medical, veterinary Technician, medical, veterinary Technician,surgleal, veterinary Techn ic ian,surg ical, veter i nary Technic ian,surg ical, veterinary (250) (250) (226) (226) (226) 5 ((*1)2) o ? 4 p * 33 34 35 5 (1) (1) ((al)3) (1) t 36 Total enlisted , t. r 14 21 3 64 ; 12 1 37 15 22 9 68 | 12 9 ft n ini ma 1 5 nr 1 urt inn 2 7 16 i 39 40 41 Horso draft (2) (5) 2 (4)| .... Horse, riding - (2) (12)| » f 4 I .. • f j Q Semitrailer,6-ton,combinat5on animal and rarno rarrier i « . ® 0 Trailer, 2 , 0—horse van 1 2 !.... O Trailer 1 ton 'J—u/heel rarno ...... 1 £ 1 ! 44*0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank 1 1 1.... 1 i i 45 46 \ v ’ ,v"/ 0 Truck, ton 1 < 2 ... ! 0 Truck, 3-ton, command and reconnais- SrinCf* t » t t t t t t • • t • t f t t t r t f t “ - > - - - 1 i l >.... 2 1 4 *.... i 1 48 2 4 ; — i (A .Q . 320.2 (3 -7-1+2) . ) order of the Secretary of War: G. 0. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J# A> ULIQj Major General, The Adjutant General. *T/0 8-99 table of organizztion No. 8-99 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, April 1, 1942. VETERINARY COHPAHY, SEPARATE Designation; f _ Veterinary Company — - - - 1 1— 2 3 4 5 T 6 7 0) T> Cf O o> T3 C ! -o C3 W) frt <3 1 Unit C O c c. 0 G) h- Company h< q ua 11 e C ~ O -C O 0 •H <3 (fl 0) a. 1Tv e 0 0 re -H Cj Enlisted c Remarks 2 Captain . r I t 3 First lieutenant i 6 of compa ny. * ‘ 1 a Each platoon 4 Total commissioned 1 7 tc 3 sect i ons. 5 First sergeant (585) 1 6 Staff sergeant, including • • • • 4 1 9 3 horse. 7 Mess (824) 11 \ / < \ Th a serial num- Motor (813) * ,,, \ 1 / * • • • V1 ) v 1 / fcer s vmb o 1 s hown 8 .... (1) .... (1) • . . • in pa r e nt he s e s Is 9 Platoon f65il (1) (5) a n I nseparab le 10 Stable f71o1 (bD (1) (1) (1) part ~ > 1 of the s pe - 11 Supply (821) . (i) U) t i on, A number below 500 refers 12 Sergeant, including (b3) 18 (15) 4 to an occupational s pec la i 1st whose qualification an- 13 Section loader (652) • * * • • ® • « (1) 14 Corporal, including .... 1 3 16 1 a 1 ys 1 s Is found 15 Assistant section leader (652) . (3) (15) In AR 615-26. A Clerk, company (405) .... numb or above 5 00 16 .... (1) .... (1) (1) refers to a mill- 17 Techn ic ian, grade 4) (13 4 t a r y spec occupat f ona 1 ia list listed 18 19 Technician, grade 5) inc)uding .... Private,first class) * » • tt 15 25 (23 (46 2 ) 1 in Circulars Nos. 14 and 67, War Oeeartment, 194 2. 20 Private . ) (62 (l)j alt This t*b1o 21 Bugler, messenger (8O3) * .... (1) .... .... supersedes T/0 22 Carpenter, construction (050) .» 5 (1) « • • • (1) B • • • 8-99 J 940 , Novembe r 1, , including 23 Clerk (055) • e • a (1) e « • « (1) • • • • C 1, dune 6, 1941. 24 Cook (060) 4 (2) 9 % 9 • (2) (1) 25 26 Cook (060 Cook's helper (s?i) 5 (2) (3) .... (2) (3) ((7) • • • « 27 Driver, heavy truck (245) 5 ) (3) 26 Driver, heavy truck (245) ((8) V, V-, 29 Driver, light truck (345) ...... C (2) » • • • (2) S 30 Driver, light truck (345) ...... — (1) (bD (2) (11) - to .-4 31 Horseholder (521) .... (l) • * » * 3 ° 32 Horseshoer, clinical (094) ..... 4 .... !bD (5) (1) CO K D 33 Mechanic, automobile (014) 4 (1) (1) (1) 34 Mechanic, automobile (014) ..... 5 (1) • « • • (1) # » • * d 35 Orderly (695) m •• 4 (1) .... (1) .. . . * O 36 37 38 Orderly, ambulance, veterinary (697) St ah 1 prnwn ...... * (9) (1) (1)1 (45) (5) (5) Technician, medical, veterinary (250) 5 * • f * (1) pI ej 39 Technician, medical, veterinary (250) .... • • • ■ (b3)l (15) (1) 40 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226) 4 • » * * (1) (5) (1) >> 41 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226) 5 .... (1) (5) (1) V- <» 42 Basic (521) (2) (3) (17) .... t 03 43 Total enl isted 25 32 j 185 13 o <0 CO £ 44 Aggregate 21 33 192 13 CD * c* V- 45 0 Animal, including • * • * 3 14 73 « • • 9 O <0 46 47 rlraft (6)} (3) (30) (43) - ej Q5 Horse, riding (3) (i) (1) (1) 19 37 (1) (6) (11) (13) (25) 31 59 (2) (9) (16) (26) (37) 17 33 26 51 18 37 (2) (7) (18) (16) (12) 25 50 (2) (7) (18) (16) (32) 45 89 45 89 99 196 (3) (16) (62) (90) (124) 17 17 (2) (9) (n) (12) Spec ialist. 4th._* (2) (14) (12) (22) (3) (20) (19) (35) (1) (19) (49) (65) (1) (19) (49) (65) By order of the Secretary of War: Spec ialist 5th.. Spec ial ist.. 6th.. G. C. MARSHALL, Unrated .. Chief of Staff 17 Total enlisted.................. M (c3) 66 103 57 90 72 92 147 147 342 432 64 Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, 18 Aaa reoate 3 3 69 107 59 93 80 100 152 152 363 455 64 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q Ambulance, motor 32 2 48 32 6 48 The Adjutant General. Q Motorcycle, with side car........ 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 8 8 3 g 8 8 3 Q Truck, ton, 4x4, command...... (cl) (cl) 1 1 I 1 1 Q Truck, A—ton, 4*4, pick—up I j[ I 1 Q Truck, lA-ton, 4 y 4, cargo...... 5 5 1 2 2 2 8 8 9 n Trtirk. 7A—toe. 6 y fi. caroo...... 8 8 8 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, February i, 1940. MEDICAL BATTALION. CORPS TROOPS. REGIMENT. CORPS Designation: 1st Battalion, f Medical Regiment (A.G. 320.2(12-5-39) .) *J/0 8-117 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-117 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, November 1, 1940. MEDICAL COMPANY, SANITARY Designation t Sanitary Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <0 CO | o> u X> 1 c Q> <0 (0 **— 4-» "cO u <0 3 >» CN . c w to » CO X3 o C * u o <0 o o (0 <0 % to -P L. c o o in (0 a CL x> td +-> 13 c •—* CVJ a o .-«n cr ■o <0 o o pmm •o ♦-> (O CD (/) A3 4-» (0 c0 CO .CD P o o o O o if) ,,o JZ -H t- Q. CO w w w W W w P w c Cfcl 2 Captain 1 i"f Insert numbe • • • r of 3 First lieutenant ........... ... 2 2 2 • • • reg Iment. i Total commissioned ..... • • • 3 2 3 ... a The peace strength of this unit Is attached 5 Technical sergennt, I nc I uding • • • 1 1 1 as a platoon to the peace strength collect- 6 First sergeant * (1) (1) (1) Ing company with t he f c 1 lowing organlzat 1 on; 7 Staff sergeant, Including .. • • • 1 1 ... • • • 1 3 1 1 1 Platoon headquarters 8 Motor (111 (l) (1) (1) and 1 sections of 8 Platoon sergeant .......... ambulances each. 9 ... ... (1J ... ... (1) «3> (1) (3> (3) 10 Sergeant, Including ... 2 ... 1 2 2 6 1 8 2 Summary of specialists* rat 1na s 11 Mass n?H r - (1) (1) (1) Class P tt 12 13 (1 » (1) (6) (1) Section leader ........... (1) (2 ) (2) (6) (1) 1th 5*h 6th 2 11 3 20 11 Corporal 2 .... . . . 12 19 15 Private,first class) jncj tee 3 1 11 22 23 < 23 17 26 1 Tot a 1 28~ nr 16 Private ...........I 5 ( 16 33 51 2 17 Ambulance- orderly (3J (6) (6) (18) (12) (16) « » • The serial number (1) symooi snown in >a ran- 18 Automobile mechanic (11) It h (2 » (1) (2) theses for certain spc- 19 Chauffeur (215) * 5th . . . (3) (6) (6) (18) (13) (18) ... cialists Is an insepar- able part of the spe- 20 Chauffeur (215) «... 6th (1) ... <3> (6) (6) (18) (12) (19) . . . clalist designation. For 21 ... (1) at* (2) (1) (1) (12) (8) (13) ... qualification analysis see corresponding serial 5th It h (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 23 (1) (1) MR 1-8 (old number 1*3). U O O H V 0 v / **■»#■**♦**•*••• 21 25 5th (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) <3> i2) (1 ) CM Total enlisted ......... • • • 12 2 12 21 26 78 57 90 10 27 Aggregate m m m 15 2 12 21 26 78 59 93 10 28 0 Ambulance, motor ......... • • • • • . • • • 8 16 16 18 32 18 • • • 29 0 Motorcycle, with side car . . . 1 1 . . . ... 1 3 2 1 . . . 30 0 Truck, i-ton, 1x1, command .. . 1 1 1 . . . 31 Q Truck, li-ton, ixl, cargo ... 2 1 L 1 2 . . . (A.G. 320.2 (12-5-39J .) By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. T/0 8-119 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) No. 8-119 ) WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, February i, 1940. MEDICAL COMPANY, UTTER BEARER, BATTALION, CORPS TROOPS, REGIMENT, CORPS Designation: Company D, f Medical Regiment 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 V. % C to CL £ O O 1 T} (/) d>L -CO) C L. O (C 03 4-» »r CL (Cl C O 4-» O u) M r-\ V) c 0 +■» 0 03 O ' X) ■H , „ t/3 Rema r ks O o> CL p. and W and w P a nc W and W P , a nd W p. a nd W p. a nd W C IjJ 2 Captain 1 Insert number of 3 F I rst 1 ieutenant 0 * 1 rag iment. * * * * * * * 4 4 .... b This company is only partly active in peacetime The peacetime organizatior U Total commissioned 1 £ 4 5 * * * * 5 Technical sergeant, includ- ing. 1 1 is the litter bearer pla- toon attached to the peace strength collecting com- pany. (For details, see 6 First sergeant (1) (1) 2 (o\ (1) 2 (2) 6 7 8 Staff sergeant, including .. Platoon sergeant ... l (1) ... .... 1 (1) 4 (4) 2 p. 2.1 The platoon Is ex- panded to form the litter bearer company immediately 9 10 Sergeant, including Section leader ... 2 1 (1) 4 (4) V * 8 (8) 10 on mob i1izat 5on. Summary of specialists' 11 Mess (i2U) (1) (1) 2 ) 4 ) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) \° 1 (1) (1) (45 (89 (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (8) (8) (8) (8) (32) (64) y1*) (1) (1) 6 12 rat ing s 12 Supply (i86) P a nd 13 14 15 Private, first class) }|1c1 Private ) Chauffeur (245) 6th 5th ... 16 64 64 128 Class: W tpt h 1 5th 19 6th 4 9 16 Clerk, general (55) (1) (1) (1) Tota1 .... 69 17 Cook (60) 4th 5th The serial number sym- bol shown in parentheses for certain specialists is an inseparable part of the specialist designation For qualification analysis see corresponding serial number In section VI, MR 1-8 (old number I-3). a Includes 1 section leader and 4 1 itter squads of 4 men each. 18 Cook (60) 19 Motorcyclist (225) Technician, medical (123) Technician, medical (123) Technician, sanitary (196) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Basic 20 21 22 23 24 25 5th 6th 6th 5th 6th ... (1) (1) (1) (1) OO (8) (*) (4) (4) (4) (16) (32) (4) (4) (4) (4) (16) (32) (8) (8) (8) (8) (32) (64) (1) (2) (2) (2) (B) 26 Total enlisted • • » 9 1 17 68 69 138 147 27 27 Ana reaate 10 17 68 71 142 152 27 28 0 Truck, £-ton, command .... 0 Truck, li-ton, 4 x 4,cargo 0 Motorcycle, with side car 1 1 29 30 ... 2 1 ... ... 2 1 — T/0 8-119 MEDICAL PLATOON, LITTER BEARER, BATTALION. TROOP; REGIMENT, MW Designation: Litter Bearer Platoon, 1st Battalion, t* Medical Regiment (Corps) Special peacetime organization 1 2 3 4 1 Unit Specialists’ rat-i- ings (class) Litter bearer platoon Remarks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 First lieutenant 2 1" Insert number of reg 5 mo nt * This platoon Is active in peacetime and is ex- panded to become the lit- ter bearer company on mobilization. During peacet ime it is attached to the peace strength collecting company. Summary of specialists’ rat Ings Class: 5*h 3 S t h 17 Total officers 2 Staff sergeanti including Platoon sergeant Sergeant, including Section leader Corporal, Including . . Assistant section leader Private, first class) including Private ) Technician, medical (123) 5th Technician, medical (l2s) 6th Iota 1 ™ Technician, sanitary (iQf) ... 6th Technician, .surgical (??s) 5th Technician surnlcal foosl 6th Total enljst.ed 27 Ann reflate 29 (A.G. 320.2 (12-5-391.1 order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. T/0 8*125 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) No. 8-125 ) WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, October 2, 1941 MEDICAL GAS TREATMENT BATTALION Designation: \ Medical Gas Treatment Battalion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Un It Specialists' ratings (c lass) Battalion headquarters and headquarters detachment (T/0 8-126) 3 clearing companies (T/0 8-127) •H O h Enlisted cadre Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel 1 Insert num- ber of batta- 3 Major , 4 Captain I lion. 5 First lieutenant 0 6 Second lieutenant 9 ;; S * * * * * 3 7 Total commissioned 7 36 43 8 Master Sergeant 9 First sergeant 1 3 10 Technical sergeant 9 P 9 11 12 13 14 Staff sergeant 9 o Sergeant 9 2U Q 27 11 136 Corporal 9 u Private, first class) inc)uaing ( 10 126 1 29 ) 15 16 Private .....) Specialist 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th ( 22 (2) (3) (3) (9) (8) (3) (4) 252 274 (2) (33) (30) (63) (86) (150) (46) 17 18 19 20 21 22 Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Unrated (30) (27) (54) (78) (147) (42) • ft* • • • * • • • • Bas ic * * 1 23 Total enlisted 43 423 466 43 24 Aggregate 50 459 509 43 25 26 27 9 ft 0 Trailer, shower bath 6 $ 0 Trailer, tank, water, 250-gallon .. 0 Truck, i-ton 1 15 6 16 9 q 0 Truck, i-ton, command ............. 1 9 10 5 29 Q Truck, ton, pirk—up . t 2 ' q n Truck, ton, cargo 7 7 3u 31 32 n Truck. ton. carao .............. 2 57 q 59 4 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with winch ,, 1 (A.g. 320.2 (6-11 -mi.) By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. 1/0 8-126 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) No. 8-126 ) WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, October 2, 1941 MEDICAL HEADQUARTERS AMD HEADQUARTERS DETACHHEHT, GAS TREATHEHT BATTALIOH Designation: Headquarters, 1” Medical Gas Treatment Battalion Headquarters Detachment, ’f Battalion Medical Gas Treatment i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 unit ■ r ** tO L. tO to +J (O 0) (O r- O (0—' (J IO C L. CL) to e 3 -C CTO T> <0 00 -te 0> rc <0 o — c X) O (U — o •a 0) to <0 >-. 4) Q- C Q. W* c o 1 Unit 3 cr 3 cr +> o (T3 0> C X> W >> C ro 0) w. Remarks V) Ui RJ ro o V) OHv 2. tn u) u C *o ro t/» ro -C JZ ■H ro E -M O — o >* c 0) Q> a l v o ro ro a> ro o 4-» — T ? - rr Q- id o 6 RJ ♦-* 0) ♦fro ♦-» -M ro a> - to o Q_ ffl K cr cm h- o C XI — UJ 2 Captain i i t Insert letter of company. 3 First lieutenant O 5 u * * • * * * 4 Total commissioned 2 2 s 12 T Insert number of ba t taIi on * * * 5 First sergeant (585) 1 i 1 Summary of special- ists’ ratings 6 Staff sergeant, including 1 1 1 3 7 Mess (124) (1) (1) Class ber 8 Platoon sergeant (65l) (1) (1) (2) 34 10 * * * 9 Sergeant, including i a 6 (1) (6) (1) 3 1 4th 9 10 11 Motor (068) (1) 5th ........ 16 Section leader (652) (1) (i) (3) oxn •••••••« 20 Iota 1 . 63 Supply (18 6) ................... U) 1 (1) 1 12 13 Corporal, including 1 1 I he serial number (1) (1) (2) (1) 42 84 (1) (12) (14) (2) (2) (2) (1) symbol shown in pa- rentheses is an ins-. separab le part of 1 R Company clerk (nss) (1) 14 (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 private, first class) inc)uding ... Private ) Bugler (n?i) ... 2 6 24 56 ( ( >9 ) the specialist desig- nation. A number be- low 500 refers to an occupational spec la 1- Chauffeur (?ub) 5th 6th (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (5) (6) t ion ana 1 ys Is is Chauffeur (pus) found in Sect ion 1, AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to Cook (060) 3d 4th Cook (p,6p) a military occupation a 1 s pec la 11st I Isted In Sect ion 11, AR Cook’s helper (B?l) 615-26. 24 25 26 Mechanic, automobile (014) 4th (1) (2) (1) (2) (4) (6) (6) Order! v pharmacist. (140) 3d 4th 5th (1) (1) (1) (2) (3) (3) (1) (2) Technician, medical ...... (1) (1) c f 28 Tn/-K«!rlsin. medical ...... (2) 29 6th (3) (6) (12) (3) 30 3d (1) (2) (4) (l) 1ecnn1C Ian, 5U»y ••••• 31 (7) (4) (14) (8) (28) (16) • » • ward attendant, surgical (521) . 32 33 Basic (S2l) (1) (3) (7) (14) 34 Total enlisted 19 4 7 25 61 141 12 — 35 Annrenate .................... 21 n * 66 153 12 "* * i 2 P C 37 Q Trailer,tank,water,250-gal Ion .. 1 1 2 2 1 5 2 ... y o O Q O Truck -1 ♦ on, command 1 1 1 3 • • • uo 1 1 1 3 3 9 19 42 0 Truck,2i-ton,cargo,with winch .. 1 (A.g. 320.2 (6-11-^11■» By order of the Secretary of War: 0. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. TJO 8-135 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) No. 8~135 ) WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April l, 1942. MEDICAL BATTALION, MOUNTAIN DIVISION Designation:'t Medical Battalion, i Mountain Division 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Unit Battalion headquarters (T/0 8-136) a Headquarters detachment (T/0 8-136) 3 collecting companies (T/0 8-137) (each) Clearing company (T/0 8-138) Veterinary company (T/0 8-I39) Total battalion (battalion headquar- ters, headquarters detachment, 3 col- lecting companies, 1 clearing com- pany, and 1 veterinary company) En 1 isted cadre Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel (1) (1) (2) (2) 1 1 *t" Insert number of batta lion. 3 Major 1 1 u Captain (Vl)3 6 4 >1 1 1 1 1 X Insert number of 5 L ieutenant * 4 dmo 8 d!v is ion. PH tr * * • a Personnel shown in column 2 is in- 6 Total commissioned (6) Q 5 m A 47 c luded in column 3. Personnel in column 7 Master seraeant . 1 1 1 s First sergeant 1 1 1 1 6 6 2 inc ludes - 9 Technical sergeant 2 2 1 colonel, Medi- 10 Staff sergeant 2 q 5 5 21 46 33 20 83 141 190 (50) 4 cal Corps, Sergeant 5 7 4 15 10 2 8 5 fleer. J> A 1 "> Corpora! 1 5 7 1 major, Med lea 1 Technician, grade 4 ........... 2 2 10 19 40 51 (12) 7 tlve officer. 1 M Technician, grade 8 ........... 9 13 20 27 (7) 16 11 1 ca pta in, Med 5- ca 1 Corps, planning and 1 R Private, first class .......... R I15 16 17 Private, including 11 OO 47 (13) tra in rhg,of- f icer. 1 captain, chap- Rasir la in. 18 Total enl isted ,... 43 78 137 129 543 58 1 lieutenant, Med ic a 1 Ad - 19 Aaarenate (6) 52 83 151 138 590 58 ministrat ive Corps, adju- 20 0 Ambulance. 3-ton .... 15 15 tant. 21 22 23 Q Animal 25 45 3 120 3 1 lieutenant, 0 Trailer.2-wheel.?-horse van . ministrat ivd Corps, person- nel officer. b May be Medical Administrat Jve 0 Trailer,i-ton,2~wheel tank .. .water 1 4 1 6 24 25 0 Truck. A—ton 4 7 0 Truck, j-ton,command reconnaissance and 1 4 1 6 Corps, c C ha p 1 a I n. 26 q Truck, |-ton, weapon 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, winch carrier 2 1 3 d Denta I. 6 9 15 C 1 28 with 1 3 4 8 29 30 n Truck u—*; ton tractor 8 3 0 pcrnrt 1 3 (A.G. 320.2 (3-6-12) .) By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, uxiiclai; J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. TABLE OF 0RGANIZATI01 NO. 8-136 war department, Washington, April 1, 1942. T/0 a-136 HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, MEDICAL BATTALION, MOUNTAIN Designation: Headquarters Detachment, t Medical Battalion 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Batt he quar alien ad- tefs Headquar- ters detach- me nt 1 Unit Technician grade ' Personna1 sect Ion Administrative sec- 11 on Headquarters General and medical supply sect Ion Motor maintenance sect Ion T ot a 1 EnlIsted cadre Remarks 2 i Lieutenant colonel al I 1 "insert number of bat- 3 Major..,...*... 1 ta1 Ion, 4 Captain..... * (bl)2 cl O a3attallon commander. 5 Lieutenant cdl P 4 p la in. 1.11 cMay be Medical Admin- Istrat Ive Corps. 6 Total commissioned 1 5 1 9 7 1 1 1 Warrant officer may replace off leer. ei qua lifted In pay roll procedure; 1 quail- 8 9 ant (Rps) 1 1 A Technical sergeant, including.... Personnel (816) 1 1 2 1 fled In service record ii (1) (1) (i) 2 In morning report pro- 12 SuddIv . (1) (1) 1 cedure. The serial number sym- bol shown In parentheses Is an Inseparable part of the specialist desig- nation. A number below 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2U 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Staff sergeant, including 1 1 Mess and supply (ftpu). (1) (1) (1) 6 (1) Motor (813) - (1) Sergeant, including..... 3 (3) 1 2 500 refers to an occu- pational specialist whose qualification analysis is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational P.lprk, rprnrri (40s )e (3) (1) (2) 1 Motor fftlRl..... (1) Sunniv (2) Corporal, including T... 1 1 specialist listed in Cir- culars Nos. 14 and 67, War Department, 1942. (1) (1) 2 (1) 2 Technician, grade 4. Technician, grade 5.) private, first class) including.. private, 1% 1 10 (1) 7 8 4 ( 9 ( 8 (ll (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) W CuSTp lain -5 A33 I3t uill i j « . • , , (1) (2) (1) 03 CC 0 5 3-k (1) (1) (2) (1) 5 C3 nrlwor 1 inht trunk /RliSl 5 (1) (4) (1) (3) Driver, light truck (345) h 1 • 4 • • • • (1) (1) (2) (8) (l) (1) 5 (1) (3) (2) cd (2) (1) (1) (l) O S Stenographer (213) * Basic (521) * (1) (1) (1) (4) .... }>> V* t* % > Total enlisted... 5 11 11 11 5 43 7 ** C5 CD 40 Aggregate 6 16 12 12 6 52 7 0 , S (A c 0 c 0 4-* O Q) * C <0 CL E O O u T5 *0 O x> 0 V iO Remarks JC. 0 0 f- 6 O O +> flj CO 3 -O E ■H O to 4-» O c Ul 2 Captain 1 sert letter of compa- ■ * * • * • T in 3 r irst lieutenant 1 (*1)3 ny. • * * v°i/3 1U • • • 4 Total commissioned. li insert number or bat- talion. 5 First sergeant (585) De nta 1. 6 Staff sergeant, includino 0 The aerial number sym- 7 Mess (824)..... (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) bol shown In parentheses is an Inseoarable nart of + he 8 Motor (813) s pec la 11st desIgnat ion. A 9 Platoon leader f65tl (1) h 1 numoer Delow 500 refers to an occuDatlcnal soeclallst 10 Sergeant, includino vi/ U/ whose qualification analysis 11 Section leader (652) (1) I (1) 1 is round in ak 615-26. A number above 500 refers to 12 Supply f82il (1) 1 u/ (i) (1) a military occupational 13 14 15 Corporal, includino la#® 1 tsx 1 tsxeo in t ircu+ Nos. 1M- and 67. War Clerk, admission (055) (1) (i) /o \ Department, 1942. Clerk, company (405) (1) * * * 13/ • ■ • (1) /ol * 16 Section leader f65?l (1) * (1) 34 17 18 Technician, grade 4.. Technician, grade 5..) 18 (1) (3) (3) (2) 29 13/ 10 (1) (3) to \ 2 5 8 IV 20 21 Private ,....) Bugler /803>...., 22 Cook (060) 4 23 Cook (060) R - a 24 Cook's helper (52l) \3i (2) ((3) (9) (19) (1) (1) (3) (15) (3) (3) (3) (9) (3) (3) (6) (9) (9) (12) b—J co 25 Driver, heavy truck (345) (4) (4) W 26 Driver, heavy truck (345).. )5 ... • « • os •K 27 Driver, light truck (345) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (5) (6) s we 28 Mechanic, automobile (014) 4 0 to 29 Mechanic, automobile (014) 5 30 31 32 Orderly (695)....* 0 orderly, ambulance (696) ........... (5) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2) (3) (3) (3) (5) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (2) (3) (3) (3) pharmacist (149).,.. 4 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Technician, dental (067) 5 U/ (1) (2) (3) (2) (1) (2) (3) Technician, medical (123) 5 Technician, medical (123) RJ Technician, sanitary (196) Technician, surgical (225) 4 Technician, surgical (225) 5 9 Technician, surgical (225) e a Ward attendant (303) a 41 Basic (52l)., (3) CD to e 42 Total enlisted 23 32 6 38 137 18 0) - 5 co a 3 HQ Anorpnatp 25 36 6 42 151 p= 18 O a *a 44 n 5 5 15 - ►e 45 46 0 0 A Trailer, i-ton. 2-wheel, water tank (250-gallon)., Truck, command and recon- naissance. * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 •» 4 0 u X) u 0 2 k >-1 •*** a .. rH . cd Truck, ton, cargo 3 3 9 >> on *-4 o Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with winch,.... 1 1 3 — (A. 0. 320.2 {3-6-421.1 T/0 8-139 TABLE OF ORGANIZATIOl NO. 8~139 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 1942 VEJEBtmr COMPANY, MEDICAL BATTALION, MOUNTAIN Designation: Veterinary Company, Medical Battalion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Unit Technic Ian grade Company headquarters 3 col lect Ing and treatment platoons (each) Evacuation pla- toon (motor) •*» O K Enlisted cadre Remarks 2 Captain al 1 1”|nsert number of battalion. 3 Lieutenant ... 2 1 8 • • U u Total commissioned 0 9 1 9 In sick and 5 First sergeant (585) 1 1 wounded record procedure. 6 Staff sergeant, including, 1 1 5 2 °1 ambulance orderly for each 2-horse ambu- lance. 7 Mess (824) (1) (1) (*) 15 (1) (1) (9) (1) (3) 10 (9) (1) (1) (1) 8 9 Platoon (65i)...... (1) •a (1) The serial number sym- Sergeant, including 2 bol shown In parentheses Is an Inseparable part of the specialist desig- 10 Barn boss (710) (*D 11 Motor (813). (1) (3) Inatlon. A number below 500 refers to an occupa- tional specialist whose 1 CNJ C& 1 Section leader (6S2) .. ((*1)2) Supply (82l).... (1) qualification analysis Is found In AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers Veterinary (79?)....... (1) 2 (1) 1 15 Corporal, including a to a military occupa- 16 Assistant section leader (65?) ((*1)2) (3) In Circulars Nos. 14 and 17 Clerk, company (405)... (1) (1) 67, War Department, 1942. Technician, grade 4..j Technician, grade 5..\ 18 19 20 21 22 13 22 (1) 14 (J j33 '47 (3) (1) (3) (2) (2) (3) (1) (1) (8) (2) (1) (18) (1) (2) (*) (3) (3) (3) (15) (3) (6) (13) 3 private, first class '"y private Clerk, admission (055).. 5 )1 23 24 Clerk, record (unfi)b 5 (1) Clerk, record (405)b. (1) 25 Cook (060) 21 (2) (2) (3) 26 Cook (o6o) 5 27 28 Cook**s helper (5?1) Driver, heavy truck (245) - 5 (1) 29 Driver, light truck (345) 5 (1) (2) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Driver, light truck (345)...... (6) (2) Driver, heavy truck (?45) Horses hoe r (0911) 5 (1) (1) Lead line rider (049) (*6) 4 60 Mechanic, automobile (niu)... 5 (1) (2) (*l) <5 0 Orderly (695).......... Sm CO 'K Orderly, ambulance, veterinary (607) (°3) £ 5 Packer, supplies (ouo)... (al) (1) (1) (5) (1) (2) (3) • 0 Stableman (311),......, Technician, medical, veterinary (250) Technician, medical, veterinary (250)..... Technician, surgical veterinary, (226).... Technician, surgical, veterinary (226).... Basic 5 5 • » M • • • • • • • • M • • (2) » « • • » • • • > • * • (2) (1) (1) (1) 0 .. • u etf O 3: V- tO v-t e O to 44 Total enl isted , 23 28 22 129 9 » U -U cd £ a O) * 45 Aaareaate. 25 30 23 138 9 u -* a 46 0 Animal, including.... 3 14 (6) (7) (1) 45 0 0 •'-» CD W 'tJ 47 48 49 ■%n Horse, draft... (18) (24) (3) 3 c <0 «0 0) xi • 0 4-> O Horse, riding (3) Mule, pack..... H V* O Q Trailer, 2—hors» CQ O 0 Truck, 2-ton, command and reconnaissance.. Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with winch ... 1 1 ■ • • • 3 1 4 55 Q Truck, 4- to 5-ton, tractor. 3 3 % • • (A, G. 320.2 (3-6-42) . J *r/0 8-141 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION) NO* 8-141 ) WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, August i, 1939. MEDICAL EXAMINING UNIT, AVIATION Designation: ~f~ Medical Examining Unit, Aviation 1 2 3 4 5 1 Unit Spec la 1- lst*s rat- ings (class) P and 1 Enlist- ed cadre Remarks 2 Major 2(*l)(4l) «3(*l) 3 Captain.. a Flight surgeon, light surgeon or < 4 First lieutenant........ jphtha 1 - mo log Ist-otolaryngolog fst. 5 Total commissioned....... 6 cUav be flight suroeons. 6 Staff sergeant 1 Flight surgeon or neuro- 7 Sergeant 1 1 pa jeniavi i»k • 8 Corporal. Summary of specialists' 9 Private, first class „ . . 1 includinq 4 ( 1 10 11 P and W Private ' Chauffeur (245) . ' 7 (1) (1) 1 C lass 12 Clerk (55)....................... uth. (1) Third... 1 13 14 Clerk (5a) 5th (1) (1) 3 3 clerk h. 1... Fifth l 15 16 17 18 19 Motorcycl ist (24t») . - (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) Tota 1. 8 ........ Tvolst (9U.7)... 5th The serial number symbol Bas ic. ........ shown In parentheses specialists Is an lns« For certa In 20 Total enlisted........... 14 3 part or me specialist oestg- natysts, see corresponding serial number In section |V, MR 1-8 (old 21 Aaareaate 20 3 number 1-31. 22 23 24 Q Car, Ijght, 5—passenger sedan,T,. I Q Motorcycle with side car 1 Q Trucks, ii-ton, cargo 2 (A, G. 320.2 (6-19-391.1 order of the Secretary of War; G, C, MARSHALL, Acting Chief of Staff, Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major Genetal, The Adjutant General, •This table supersedes T/O 6t9 nr S mi oc 19 *4 1 j" urn - 3 ■ 5 40 o : «. ta o ► < tit s V;*;1* M l~—"f f 4»a«4 rntmm 40 • ' • * * • • • • • • • • • « « e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • I • 0 • «000 0 0 0 0 0 1 ■••••• y lieutenant colonel bi 1 4 a • ••aa**#**##* •_•••• ••#*••••• ••••«•••••#•••• ••••••«•* • • • • ••mm €1 i • e « « • • • • a • . i 1 ..... ..... 9*999 2 (“Or »' 0 • • • 0 1 9 9 4*9 i • 0 « • a . “» t‘l)e •*4P4 * . • * 4 %IIh0*S smskii >Ms»m. ft §•% • 6 first lieutenant . 0 « • •l .♦ • e • « l 1 MM4 • ♦•mm y 5 ♦ m • ♦ m 1 ‘i (a0« ♦ m m • • , a itnim. 00440. o.t. > »e4»>t4»f men- T Second lieutenant • m o • • •i, « « 4*4 • *4t4 m -o • # • *1 • ••mm • •mem ... 00 • • • • • #• 4» t 8 Total commissioned ......... • • • tt 2 1 2 2 l 2 6 22 1 f •• f 2 4T >...» |mw( aajM W. «.(. 1 44e#e f N ♦ m • • f • 0 m • • a ♦••*••♦••# ♦ • • m • • e •« *6 44 52 l •00a*. 10 Master sergeant, including ..... 1. 4 & •cmfiaa* 11 12 I* Sergeant major (051) (i) #«•»« • fit 1 It) *4 mtsom. 1 !{52.T* ••• » worn ••»><« — f9Um m. first sergeant (585) • me 1 • ••••* •••♦me • • • • m • • 440 vi J 1 4 1 >/ IN it 10 Id %a Mg 15 Male nurse (i2y)* ............ (1) (O fll /ml JpV " H* iPPP m • ft eftoa* *mmt M»4 man»Wmfta» 16 Pharmacist (i»f)* V®/ t 4 \ 1°; #. % io# •0 0. ft etmftao» ft* t*» 1? 16 Staff sergeant, including ...... Chief clerk (052) ............ • a e i f i > 8 f* \ U) 7 \ • / ' It /•I fl) 4 (tt mft , . 19 20. Clerk, general (055) ......... Mess (124) • « •? « • « a « (5) (1) (1) U) f t) (I) U) f «i 14* fi> fW Ttl lal • ••jiftT^JSft&mSi*’ 21 Supply (186) 22 Technician, surgical (2254 ... / *» ft |M lil'r- « X-ray technician {***)* ...... • a •• i l«4* •momma lMtk< me••ax 12/ (3) 4 (3) ill 1*) I EVACUATION HOSPITAL (Capacity: 750 patiantaf Designation: X. Evacuation Hospital T/0 6-232 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sergeant, including * 1 (1) 16 (3) (2) (1) (3) 11 28 (4) (2) (1) (3) (1) (10) (3) (1) (3) 16 (15) (1) 83 163 (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (3) (3) (10) (3) (2) (9) (9) (16) (1) (40) (3) (2) (1) 11 1 nurse, anaesthetist. 1 nurse. 1 technician, dental 3d class. 1 neurc --surg ica I team, consist- ing of - 1 neuro-surgeon, major, M.C. 1 assistant surgeon, captain, M.C . 1 anaesthetist, first lieute- nant, M.C, 1 surgical technician, }sl class 1 nurse, 1 t horac !« -surg lea 1 team, con- s1st i ng of - I thoracic surgeon, major, M.C. 1 anaesthetist (intra-trachea 1 anaesthesia), captain, M.C. 1 assistant surgeon, first lieutenant, M.C. 1 nurse. 1 surgical technician, 3d ciass b Executive officer, c Chaplain, d Oenta I. e Medical Administrative Corps. f Quartermaster Corps, may be fire ma rsha 1. g Includes 1 principal chief nurse and 1 assistant chief nurse. h Medical technologist. In addition to the above personnel the following civilian per&onnel is regu ired: 1 dietitian. Summary of specialists’ ratings rlate Number Clerk, general (055) .... Clerk, stock (l86) ........... (1) (1) (3) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) 1 Foreman, utilities (059) ..... Mess (l24) Orthopedic mechanic (225)h ... (1) (4) (3) Section (539) (6) Technician, medical (123) .... Technician, sanitary (196) ... (1) Technician, surgical (225) ... (3) 5 (5) 'nrporal 11 (10) (1) 46 92 (I) (1) Assistant section (539) Transportation (068) ........ (1) 5 12 (1) (1) Private, first class),nc,udjng Private ....) Automobile mechanic (014) .... Baker (017) • • • 4th 3d ( 3 f 5 34 66 Bugler (021) * (2) Butcher (037) 4th 3d 5th 6th 5th 6th 2d 3d 4th (1) (1) (2) (3) (8) (3) (2) (9) (9) (16) (I) (40) (3) Carpenter (050) Chauffeur (245) (1) Chauffeur (245) .............. Clerk, general (055) ......... Clerk, stock (186) (2) Cook (060) (1) (3) (3) Cook (060) Cook (060) Cook's helper (521) Electrician, general (078) ... Litter bearer 4th 1 5 29 35 40 41 OA . Mechanic, general 5th 6th 4th 34 Motorcyclist (678) (2) gth Operator, electric plant (077). (1) (1) 6th r~ni— rrr^ 57 58 59 60 plumber (i62) 4th 3d 3d 5th (2) (2) (2) (5) ' (1) (2) 151 Stenographer (213) (1) (2) (1) (2) * Technician, dental (067) ..... Technician,, dental (067) (1) * 1 EVACUATION HOSPITAL - Continued 2 T/0 8-232 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~~| 7 8^9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 82 83 84 85 86 Technician, laboratory (05l) Technician, laboratory (05l) Technician, medical (123) .... Technician, medical (123) .... Technician, medical (123) .... Technician, pharmacist (149) Technician, pharmacis-t (149) Technician, sanitary (196) ... Technician, sanitary (196) ... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, X-ray (264) ...... 2d 4th 3d 4th 6th 4th 6th 4th 5th 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 3d 6th (1) (3) (2) (6) (15) (2) (2) (1) (3) (2) (6) (15) (2) (2) (2) (10) (1) (2) (7) (7) (12) (12) (3) (4) (8) (29) The serial number symbol shown in parentheses Is an Inseparable part of the specialist designa- tion. A number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose qualification analysis is found In Section I, Aft 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist, listed In Section 2, Aft 615-26. * This table supersedes T/0 283 W, approved dune 15, 1928. (1) (1) (1) CM O (1) (1) (2) (7) (7) (12) (12) (3) (4) (4) (12) (1) (1) Technician, X-ray (264) Typist (247) (4) (17) Basic (521) Total enlisted 11 174 133 318 47 Aggregate 1-5 ~~ ’ “ 19*6 " 212 417 47 0 Car, light, 5~passenger, sedan 0 Motorcycle, with side car .... ... 1 2 1 2 2 0 Truck, li-ton, cargo 2 1 2 Q Truck, li-ton, dump 1 2 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo 0. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. EVACUATION HOSPITAL - Continued By order of the Secretary of War: Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. (A .G. 320.2 (9-6-40). 1 3 *T/0 8-233 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-233 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, November i, 1940. COHVALESCEHT HOSPITAL (Capacityt 3,000 ixitients) Designation:T__ _ Convalescent Hospital 1 2 3 4 5 6 hi 8 9 10 11 12 13 (0 d> c Clinical section « c 0 V <0 d> o 0 •s 1 -M « 0) c 0 •- > «/» Q) s u k- 1 unit WJ ** w a m k. 0) -H V. 01 3A

V. > u (1) c 0) 0 (A c <0 O Remarks — <0 - <0 (0 k- (ft Q) — — or O — -H • CO c - iA X O 0 0 »- UJ 2 Colonel I Insert number of hospital. 3 Lieutenant colonel. cl 1 4 Major 1 aCadres for control 5 Captain e 1 1 and physical rehabili- tation of the 6 con- valescent companies. 6 Lieutenant. f 2 1 01 42 I A 1 1 O 12 15personnel for con- ; 7 Total commissioned q q q 3 ... venerea Is f CMedleat Inspector 5 and executive officer.;" 8 Master sergeant, including 1 1 9 Sergeant major (052) (i) 2 (1) • • • (i) 8 (1) (1) (4) (1) 10 11 12 13 14 Technical sergeant, including... First sergeant (585) • •it 4 « • • • 2 (1) (1) 1. eQuartermaster Corps;. Laboratory technician (051).g. Male nurse (123)9.... • • • • (1) (2) (1) • • • • (2) fl Chaplain 1 medical administrative corps. Pharmacist (149)9..... (1) 9Medical technologist Med leal service In- 15 16 17 18 Supply (186)... (1) 1 (1) (1) 7 c 1 udes— * Staff sergeant, including....... 1 A q 1 ma j or, chief of service (internist}. 1 captain, assistant Clerk, chief (052) (i) (i) (7) First sergeant (convalescent companies) (585) .... (6) (1) (3) to chief (genera 1 med leal). Surg lea 1 service ln- c ludes — 19 Mess (124) (1) (1) 20 X-ray, technician (264)g (1) I (1) 26 (18) (6) (1) 1 major, chief of 21 22 Seroeant, including s 18 (12) (6) 2 serv Ice (operatIng Duty (566)............. (3) (1) (2) 1 captain, assistant 23 Mess (124)..... to chief (ass Ist Ing operating surgeon). 24 25 26 Supply (186) (1) (1) (1) (1) 8 (8) 45 (91) <2) (3) 1 lieutenant, anes- Transportation (068) thetist and assist- Corporal, including 5 q Eye, ear, nose, and throat service in- Duty (5661 (6) 29 A (2) 37 28 29 30 Private, first class) private ) inc,udin9 Baker (017).... 3d 41 (2) 29 17 c 1 ud e S — 1 major, chief of service (otorhlno- laryngolog 1st) . 1 captain, assistant 31 q q Bualer (n?i1. (1) (1) (5) (1) (1) (8) chief of serv Ice Carpenter, general (050)...... 5th 5th (ophtha]mo tog 1st]. X-ray service Includes — qq Chauffeur (74s). (3) 1 captain, chief of service (roentgen- qii Chauffeur (?45) 6th 5th 6th (6) (1) (1) (3) (9) (1) (1) oi og 1st) . 35 36 Clerk, general (055) Dental service Includes Clerk, general 1 major, chief of serv serv Ice (ora 1 37 38 Clerk. suddIv (1axl........... 4th 5th (1) (1) (1) (1) surgeon). Clerk, supply (19*) 1 captain, assistant (prosthet »st) . 39 40 Cook (n6nl 3d 4th (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (6) (6) (6) • • • • (u) (4) (4) (11) (11) (12) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Cook (060), 1 lieutenant (general clinical dentistry). 1 lieutenant (as- 41 42 43 44 Cook's helper (52l) Mechanic, automobile (614).... Mechanic, general (i?l) 4th 5th 6th 3d 4th 5th 3d 4th ... s Istant oral surgeon Convalescent section Motorcyclist (678).... 1 major, chief of 45 pharmacist (iu9) sect ion. 1 capta In, ass Istant chief of sect Ion. 46 47 Pharmacist (149) (1) pharmacist (149) 6 company commander of 6 con- 48 49 Stenoaraoher (719I.. valescent companies. Technician, dental (067) (1) Detention section in- c ludes — 50 51 52 Technician, dental (ns?) 5th 6th 4th (1) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) 1 major, chief of sec- tion, uro log 1st. Technician, dental (ns?) Technician, laboratory (05l).. • • • • • • * (2) (1) 1 captain, assistant chief of section, 53 54 Technician, medical (123) Technician, medical (123)..... 3d 4th (2) (2) • • • • ■ • • • (2) (4) (4) (6) (1) (1) urolog1st. 1 lieutenant, urolo- gist. 55 Technicians medical (123) 5th (2) • • • • (4) (6) (1) •This table supersede* T/O 285#, approved February 23, 1927 •1/0 8-233 COMAUSCEHT HOSPITAL - Continued 1 2 T1 . : 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 private - Continued. 56 Technician, medical (122).... 6th (2) .... (u) (6) (1) The d Istr (but Ion of 57 Technician, sanitary (196)... 4th (2) • • • * ... (2) (1) personnel Indicated hereon Is advisory, 58 Technician, surgical (225)... 3d (2) (1) (3) (1) considerable variation 59 Technician, surgical (225)... 4th • • • (2) (1) (3) (1) therefrom Is left to the discretion of the 60 Technician, surgical (225)... 5th * • • (2) • • • • (1) (3) (I) commanding officer of 61 Technician, surgical (225)... 6th f • b (2) « o • « (1) (3) (1) the hospita1. 3d (1) (1) • pa Summary of specialists' (1) 63 4th 5th 6th 5th 6th (1) (1) (D (1) U) (1) (3) (2) (18) Tpchnir.ian. X-ray (?6u) e • • C lass Num- 65 66 67 (1) Tvoist f747l- (3) (2) (5) • • • 3d 23 Typist (247).................. (1) 4th 29 68 Basic {3) (5) (5) th••a ••***«*•• 27 6th., •«•••«•••* 26 Tntal pnl l.stnd... 59 45 189 28 69 50 35 Total 105 70 Ado reflate. 55 47 67 48 217 28 The ser la 1 nu symbol shown In sbe r par- Ambulance, field............. 71 72 o li 4 Q Car, 5-passenger sedan.. 2 able part of the I Motorcycle, with side car.... s oec la list designation. 73 n 2 2 A number below 5 74 75 o Truck, A—ton, pick—up........ 6 7 fer$ to an occupational o Truck, l£ ton, cargo 2 2 s pec la 11st whose qua 11- ticarion ana i»sis 76 o Truck, ?A-ton, cargo.. 2 2 t t r found In Section I. AR 615-26. A number 500 refers to a mili- tary occupational spee la 11st 1 isted in sect Ion II, AR 615-26. (A.G. 320.2 (10-11-401.) By order of the Secretary of War: Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General» G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, Changes war DEPARTMENT, NO. 1 Washington, June 6, 1941. Line Col utnn 1 3 6 10 11 12 10 First sergeant (585) 1 — _ 1 1 11 Technical sergeant, including. 1 4 2 7 3 (A.Q. 221 (5-6-411.) T/0 8-237 VETENINANY CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL - Continued i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 55 private - Cent inued. Technician, surgical, veterinary f53Al 3d • • • • (1) (1) (2) • • ♦ • 56 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226) Technician, surgical, veterinary (226) Technician, surgical, veterinary (226) Technician, veterinary (250)..... Technician, veterinary (250) Technician, veterinary (250) Tvoist .... 4th • • • * (3) (1) (4) .... 57 5th • •it (4) (2) (6) .... 58 6th • • « • (8) (4) (12) .... 59 60 61 62 A3 4th 5th 6th 4th • • • • • • • • • • • • (2) (6) (l0) (1) (8) (2) (4) (4) (4) (10) (14) (1) (23) (1) tin • • • f Bas ir. fm’il.... . . (15) 64 Total enlisted 40 87 126 253 18 65 Aaareaate.. 43 89 131 263 18 66 67 Afl n Car, light, 5 passenger sedan,... 1 1 o Mntnrryrle, with side ear.. I 1 o iv|Mie draft .tt 12 12 I9 0 TmrW i 4 ton. rarno..... 2 2 Tfnrlf ton e.argn- T...... 3 3 1 3 3 £ (A.g. 320,2 (10-21-1I0) . J By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General, Changes NO. 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, June 6, 1941. - Column Line 1 3 . , 6 1 7 9 Delete - - - 10 First sergeant (585) 1 1 1 (A.G. 221 15-6-41).) TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-237 * 770 S-Pll WAR DEPARTMENT, ' * Washington, November i, 1940. VETERINARY CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL Designation; f Veterinary Convalescent Hospital (Normal capacity 1,000 Patients} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yi o» c <0 (0 c o -O § 1 Unit k_ —. V yi (A 10 +> — 1A O (A V Of +* K. 2 V x> o c a> io y* a» C JC o a> (/> <1? W» -o Its "O Q> Remarks o O) a in o* x> m 0) X V *- « «J V 0) <3> — Ol O O -H a yi o X. V o K •M yt c UJ 2 lieutenant colonel....... l insert number of, aMay be d Iv Ided In celvlng, evacuation, Nospifta f. 3 Major................................. 1 i 4 Capta in. 6i 1 1 2 4 and 5 Lieutenant •s 4 operat Jng wards . k Ha y be d Iv tded into 6 Total commissioned................ 3 2 5 10 surgical, medical, and con- tag lous wards. 7 Master sergeant, including 1 1 1 CMed leal Corps. 8 9 Sergeant major (os?). . (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) i Technical sergeant, including ratings in sergeant (585)* (1) (I)3 3 (1) 1 . u 12 13 14 15 16 17 Staff sergeantt including.... i 1 C 1333 (1) (1) (2) (1) 2d ‘ 1 Sunni v (1 R6l (1) (1) 3d 14 Sergeant, Including, , 4th.... 23 Forage inspector (085) r- . (1) (1) («l) 3 3 (1) (1) (1) (6) 17 (1) (1) >(1) 5th....... 24 Mess (i?u)................, 6th.> 37 Technician, medical (123)*-*......... Total 99 18 19 Wardmaster (703) ....T (3) (3) 7 Corporal, including.... 1 1 • ‘ \ 20 Assistant wardmaster (793) (3) (1) 79 (7) (10) (2) 75 y (1) ' (2). (3) , <3) c fS p c X U 0) Battalion headquarters and personnel section m © ■¥* k. 10 3 cr T) to c © O X •- ■H V P c 0> 1 - X 0 10 V © 0 c 0 P © v» a. Ql 3 VI c 0 «a -M -¥* to ID 1 O © (0 0) 0 c <0 C C 01 0 ft- C . <0 , 6 1 V. 0 0 M. t 0) t3 IA k. 01 ■*» k. C § I crx “O P ai <0 © X to 0 . VI V 0) V to 3 CT X> to © X >v £ <0 Ql £ 0 U X u to © V) c O O **• to CL £ to CL £ O u 40 O >- P « d-* © W © k- © C ftj <0 k. Q- <0 £ 3 O cr p TJ to rr\ © x x? c to <0 * t- © k. *0 CD O X» © V tf) c Ui Remarks 2 L ieutftnant col one! a 1‘ 5>cl bd 1 • bel 1 1 ■f’ insert number a Captain..... , 61 b 2 bl b2 j 1 ( b 2) 5 bl ft. • • ' of battalion. Inse rt number 4 First IIftutftnant................ . 5 Second 1ieutenant................ bl • • • bl b3 bll ... pany. 6 Total commissioned*....,e,.... « • • 4 1 1 ’ '•••• 6 1 1 4 13 ... Batta1 ton com- ma nder. 7 , f 1 1 1 ... bMed lea 1 Ad- mlnist-rat ive 8 9 Master sergeant, ideluding...r... •—= 1 2 2 1 Corps, cE)(ecut i ve officer, plans and training offi- Motor fftiil.............. .... (1) (1) (1) x (1) (1) 4 10 a 12 1 -a Sergeant major (snjJ......T.. (1) (1) 4 First sergeant (rrr) i 1 1 cer . dBatta1 Ion adjutant, e Pe rs onne ! Technical sergeant, including,.,,, personnel (ft|6)...., • • • ft' 1 (1) 1 .... 2 (1) (1) 1 .... • ft • • 2 (1) 2 (1) 1U 15 15 1 7 SliDOlv fflPI \................... (1) (1) 16 (1) 10 off leer. Staff sergeant * including,,.,,,.. 1 (1) 2 1 5 fMotor officer. Mess ... (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) 4 (4) (4) type Motor fatal,.,... ...... {3} (3) motor ambulance may be substI», 1 Q (1) 1 (9) 16 (>) 13 tuted. fot the 0 IQ Sergeant, including,............. 1 2 4 1 ambulance, §-ton, shown lh this Message center chief (674),,... Motor fatal ... (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (9) table. 21 fll ft • • Tha serial num- ber symbol shown In parentheses is an inseparab 1 e part of Tbe spec ia 1 ist d«ft Ig- nat ion, A number be low job refers to an octupa- t iona 1 spec ia 1 Ist whose quali f 1- cat ion analysis is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military 22 23 Section leader (652)* ..******. V * / (1) (3) (1) 4 (9) Sunni v I 1,....... (1) 1 (i) (2) 1 (1) 1 (5) (4) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Corporal, including 1 13 4 Assistant section leader (652). Clerk, company (4ns).........., ... • » • * (X) 13 ft s » .... (1) 48 (2) (1) (15) V • V (1) 15 (D (1) (4) (1) (3) (1) 84 (1) (1) (9) (4) (4) Technician, grade 4 j Technician, grade 5 \ private, first classj^nclud^n9«•• Private,,.,,,....... Agent, liaison (503 9 • 16 (2) 5 13 23 ( 13 < 18 (m 148 (5) 7 8* 32 33 34 Punier fanal .......... (1) (3) (4) occupational spe- Chauffeur (344). Chauffeur (3114) ... . ............ 5 ) (4) (5) (3> (11) (37) ( <3> (123) • < # C 1 rcu 1 a rs Nos. iq and 67, War De- partment, 1942* I! (7) <2) (2) (3) (1) (2> (2) (4) (4) (3) (2) (1) (1) • • • (4) (4) ... 35 36 37 ■3 0 Clerk, headquarters (055).*.... Clerk, headquarters (055)....,. 5 • * A 4 (2) (3) . 1 9 9 » « » « s (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) 9 « • « « t ft • ft • • ft ft • ft » (1) (li- fe) (1) (1) (1) • ft # • A * • ■ (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (30) (2) (3) (4) (5 (8 (? (?) (6) (90 (I1 (4) (26) po Cook (ofin). 5 40 Cook’s helper (521). 41 42 43 nil Mechanic, automobile (014)..... Mechanic, automobile (014)..... Orderly faosl 4 5 (2) • ■ ft (4) (3) .... (2) (3) v». (10) v,, 45 46 47 painter, general s (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (5) Repairman, utility (l2l). Basic (52l).. • • % ftj (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (7) ... 48 Total enlisted. 19 ia 8 14 59 20 26 98 353 49 49 Aggregate 23 19 9 15 66 21 27 102 372 49 ■ | 1 T/0 d-315 MEDICAL AMBULANCE BATTALION, MOTOR - Continued 1 2 3 U 5 6 7 8 0 10 ii 12 13 50 private - Continued. 0 Ambulance, ton.............. 1 o on 51 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water. 1 1 0 1 pu 1 4 52 53 54 0 Truck. -fc-ton 1 1 1 i 4 14 Q Truck, ton, carry-all. 1 1 0 Truck, command and reconnaissance 1 i 1 1 4 55 56 q Truck, 3~lon, weapon carrier^. 2 \ 1 2 5 Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, in- cluding ...... f...,, t... t,., f, 1 (1) 0 4 10 (8) (1) (1) 0 16 (11) 00 (1) Cargo (1) (1) (3) (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) Mess CQ Wrt%c ker (0, (A,G. 320.2 (3-6-42).) order of the Secretary of War; G. C. MARSHALL; Chief of Staff Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. T/O 8-400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 GHQ afr force Air force Group 1 Unit Spe- cia »- ists • rat Ings (c lass) Head- quar- ters Head- qua r- ters squad T ota 1 Head- quar- ter* Head- quar- ters squad Med- Ica 1 sup- ply T ota 1 i Wing head - quar- ters squad quar- ters and head- qua r- ters squad S q ua d - rona Remarks Brigadier general. bl aExcept target; staff; photographic; school; aviation; headquarters and headquarters squadron, training es- tablishment; Air Corps squadron, air base; and squadrons in air base groups special. GHO air force. cSurgeon, air force. C 1 1 3 dl e2 2 fl 0 1 g 1 hi 2 «2 31 0 7 ii 1 1 GHQ air force, £ Assistant surgeon and medical training and includes 8 Total commissioned.................. 3 i 4 3 1 2 6 1 2 1 o 1 1 veterinary officer (supervisor of meat, dairy, and general 10 (1) 1 (1) t I 1 aid station surgeon and flight surgeon. officer air force, medical supply detachment (may be Medical Administrative Corps). 11 12 13 (I) (1) Mi) I (1) 2 1 (1) (1) (1) 3 'includes 1 group surgeon (flight surgeon) and 1 dental (1) U surgeon, Administrative Corps. ID 16 17 1 2 1 (1) Chief of section. (1) (1) (1) (1) (X) Veterinary assistant to air force veterinary officer. mAssistant section leaders. fll The officers and enlisted personnel shown as attached air force units will be permanently assigned to their respective units and will be equipped and prepared to w 21 V*/ (1) 2 Corporal, i ncl ud..................... i 1 1 2 3 1 1 move with their air force units at all times. When these £4; 23 24rf 25 Clerk, receiving and si»*p|Hng tl86) — - jnn loader (652) T - T - > , (2) (2) (1) ( 10 16 (3) Off 1 y I B MM 1 I» 9 Oft? 3 V I IMS I f pC I ITIC3 1 It? 11 4 b I d I J U f i L 1 Ifc IT attached medical personnel may be attached for duty and (i) 7 (1) ( 5 7 (1) (1) 7 (1) ) 7 m(2) 13 (1) (1) 7 training to the air base hospital under the command of private, first classj lncluding 5 ) 5 14 (2) Air force medical supply detachments will be used dur- 26 27 Private Chauffeur (?45). 5th (1) (1) (1) (1) ing war or other emergencies to establish medical supply distributing points where they may be required. During peacetime or when air forces are at home stations, WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, March S4, 1941, SUMMARY OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL, AIR CORPS [•ABLE OF ORGANIZATION) NO. 8-400 ) T/0 8- 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ;,8 9 10 * ; ■ u ( 1 —S : : !5:-‘ 13 ■ private - continued * Chauffeur (2ns.. .. 6th 5th 6th 4th 6th CD (1) Ci) CD (1) (1) (2) C3) C2) (2) (1) CD 00 (1) » f .S d). it). the personnel of the Sir force medical supply detachment' may be distributed and attachedkfor duty and training to air base hospitals as directed by air force commanders. Captains shown on this table may be either captain or first 1 ieutenant. Station hospital personnel is not included in this table. Summary of specialists1 ratings riork f r\e,K \ . ..................... (1) (1) (1) (2) CD ClerR, administrative (055)i......... (1) (1) ■ it) Clerk, general (055) Clerk, general (055). Cl) Clerk (OFis) . (2) it) First aid man (2) (2) (1) (3) it) Motorcyclist (678)... 5th fl) Cl) Class SH0 air force head - quar- ts rs A i r force head- quar- ters Tot a 1 orderly (695) (1) Ci) pharmacist (149) 3d Ci) Cl) (1) (1) Shipping packer (203)....'. Technician, dental (067) 5th 5th 5th 6th CD C3) (2) Technician, medical (123) CD Cl) Cl) Cl) CD Cl) Cl) (1) Cl) (1) (1) it) it) 1 1 0 6 1 2 12 8 Technir. ian, (225)... .................. 4th 1 4 2 Typist (247) 5th fithr 43 Warehouseman (252) Cl) CD * , *■ V * * Total 7 16 23 44 Basic (521) (1) CD (2) fl) Cl) C2) 00 Ci) Ci) it) 45 Total enlisted 8 8 16 8 s 19 35 8 16 8 The serial number symbol shown in parentheses is an in- 46 Aggregate,.... 1 1 Q separable part or tne specialist assignation. nua 1 if Icat ion V AR 616-26. A number above 47 Q Ambulance, field, cross country 1 1 600 refers to a military occupational specialist listed in 48 0 Motorcycle, with side car section II, AR 615-26. • 49 0 Truck, i-ton pick-up 1 1 50 Q Truck, cargo 2 2 Q. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff ' ; . SUMMARY OF MEDICAL DEPARTMcHT PERSONNEL, Aid CORPS - continued Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General, *Thls table supersedes T/o 8-M-00, April 27, 1938. Bv order Of the Serretarv of T /O 8-455 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-455 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, November 19, 1941 MEDICAL,AIR AMBULANCE SQUADRON Designation; \ Medical Air Ambulance Squadron 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total squadron (squadron headquar- ters; headquarters section; 1 ambu- lance section, single engine, trans- port; and 2 ambulance sections, 2-engine, transport) Reraa rks 1 Unit Specialists' ratings (class) j Squadron headquarters Headquarters section Ambulance section, single engine t ra ns port 2 ambulance sections, 2-englne, transport (each) O k. X) (O 0 TD 0 4-> it) c UJ “j* Insert number of squadron. a Commanding officer, squad- ron, airplane ambulance. b Executive officer and squadron liaison officer. c Commanding officer, sec- tion airplane ambulance. d includes 1 dental officer, a Airplane ambulance sur- geons , f 1 assistant to commanding officer and liaison officer, section airplane ambulance; 1 section aid station surgeof); 6 airplane ambulance surgeons. 2 Lieutenant colonel a! g 1 assistant to officer and 1 ia is on c omma nd i ng off icer, 3 Major •», c , c. section airplane ambulance; 4 Capta i n dS2 f2 X 3 2 .. 8 ... 1 section air station surgeon; 32' airplane ambulance surgeons. 5 First lieutenant eo This organ izat ion is the com- y * • * panion medical organization for the Air Corps transport group 6 Total commissioned 2 4 9 15 45 , (T/0 I-352 and I-357). When necessary suitable light air- 7 First sergeant (585) 1 4 I 8 9 Staff sergeant, including ..... I 1 1 2 planes capable of operating Medical technician (123) .... (t) (1) (3) (1) 9 (1) (1) n. substituted in the A Ir Corps 10 11 Motor (068) (1) squadron transport ( on t ho basis of 18 s engine airplanes for b 5 -eng i ne ) Sergeant, including ........... 6 12 bi. 12 13 111 Clerk, administrative (055) Medical technician (123).... (1) (1) (6) (2) 8 (4) (1) (1) (i) 2 eng i ne a 1 r p lanes . (6) Medical personnel will be messed with Air Corps or Army units to which they are at- Surgical technician (225) ... (1) d 15 Corporal, including tached. 16 Clerk, administrative (055) • • f (i) (1) (I) Summary of specialists' ratings 17 18 Medical technician (i?3) .... (1) (l) (2) (2) (1) (1) Surgical technician (225) ... C lasd be r 19 20 private, first class) inc,uding Private ) 28 56 56 ( 66 ( 130 •3d . . . . . . .. ... 19 4th 32 61 L n ) 5th ............. 21 Chauffeur (245) 5th (3) (2) (3) (11) 6t h . Chauffeur (245) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 7 5 6th 4th 5th 3d 4th (3) (1) (1) (I) (3) (4) (14) (1) (3) (1) (1) (32) (1) (6) (10) (23) (12) (23) (37) (21) Clerk, administrative (055) Clerk, administrative (055) Mechanic, automobile (014) Mechanic, automobile (014) Orderly, ambulance (696) .... T ot a 1 143 • • (1) (1) ... The sor ia 1 number shown in parentheses s ymb 01 is an in- 5st desIgnat ion. A number be- (B) (12) low 500 refers to an t iona 1 spec ia 1 1st wh flcation analysis is occupa- ose qua 1J- found in Technician, dental (067) .... Technician* medical (123) ... Technician, medical (123) ... Technician, medical (123) ... Technician, surgical (225) .. Technician, surgical (225) .. Technician, surgical (225) •• f K o i 1 4t h 4th 5th 6t h 3d 4t h 5th (1) % • • f • • (5) (5) (5) (3) (1) (2) ♦ • • (2) (2) M * (2). W • * • • 4 (2) 00 (6) (3) (9) (12) (6) (2) (3) (6) (2) (7) (10) (6) Section I, AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed In Section 2, AR 615-26. 36 Total enlisted ............ 32 64 61 218 17 37 Aoorenate 2 36 73 76 263 17 38 39 40 41 0 Ambulance,fleld*cross-country 0 Car, sedan, s—passenger ♦.« ... 1 2 1 4 I 10 4 1 •> • 0 Truck, ton 4 1 1 7 0 Truck, t.on, carnn . , , 1 1 1 4 _ii (A.G. 320.2 (11-19-411.» BBy order of the Secretary of Wan G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. •T/0 8-500-1 Washington, November l, 1940. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Unit Specialists' ratings (c lass) Administrative section c o ■¥* <0 . N * •- c — o rtJ •— — u CL Cl %n Vi O a: ns c o 4-» U V ID >% CL CL 3 CO Personnel section a Evacuation section a Sanitation section u Vital stat ist ics sect ion a Consultant section 3 n? c o ■H O o V) f* 4-' c a* Q Veterinary section 3 «n 4-» O K Remarks 2 Brigadier general 1 3 Colonel b 1 i d. v, officer shown on this table will not 4 Lieutenant colonel ci 1 1 V- 5 be made unless specially authorized by the War Department. a Additional enlisted personnel required by section will be furnish- 5 Major f! 4 1 9? c 1 hv 4 6 Captain 4. i V , 7 7 First lieutenant i 'l l4 J- 1 1 2 6 3 ed from the administrative section DOO 1 . g Total commissioned 3 )* 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 5 26 b Deputy surgeon. 9 Nurse h 2 c Medical inspector. 10 Master sergeant, including i d Oenta 1. 11 Sergeant major (052) (i) (1) e Medical and surgical con- 12 Technical sergeant, including f Execut ive off 5c 13 Chief clerk (052) (i) 1 (1) (1) (3) t; 1 f ood a nd 14 Staff sergeant, includinc nut r it « on off leer . 15 Clerk, general (055) (1) (1) (1) 1 (1) 1 7 00 (i) h Meat, meat food , a nd dairy 16 Craftsman (070) (i) products inspector. 17 Hygienist, meat and dairy (120) i May be Med ica1 Admin istrat ive 18 Statistician (212) (1) 11/ 11/ (1) 16 do) (1) (3) (2) 19 Sergeant, including 0 1 v. nurse. 20 Clerk, general (055) (1) (1) (i) 3 C 1 (i \ (1) (1) (2) 1 (1) 2 v Veter inary. 21 Clerk, postal (056) \ 2; (1 / .... Summary of specialists' ratings 22 Clerk, shipping (186) (3) Class Number 23 Hygienist, meat and dairy (120) (2) 24 Corporal, including 1 i 3d 4 25 Clerk, general (055) (1) (i) (1) (3) 5th 19 6th 8 *”r HEADQUARTERS, MEDICAL SERVICE. COMHUMICATIOHS ZOHE T/0 8-500-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 26 Private, first class ) includ}ng ; ( 12 ) 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 21 The serial number symbol shown in parentheses is an inseparable part of the specialist designation. A 27 28 Private ) C haiif fpnr /9its.V 5th 6th 5th 6th ( 41 (1) (2) (3) ) ( 41 (1) (2) (6) (6) (11) (4) (6) (4) (12) (10) number below 500 refers to an occupa- tional specialist whose qualifica- tion analysis is found in Section 1, AR 615-25. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed in Section 2, AR 615-26. 30 31 32 33 34 o c (i) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (11) (4) (6) (4) (12) do) 3d 4th 4th 5th * this table supersedes t/0 678W, approved February 23> 1927- 36 37 38 Sasic (52l) Total enlisted 57 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 92 39 Aggregate 62 9 7 6 5 6 5 5 5 10 120 iiO 41 2 2 1 . -( r . -. G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS, MEDICAL SERVICE. COMMUNICATIONS 20NE - Continued By order of the Secretary of War: Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. (A.G. 320.2 (11-1-HOI .) *7/0 8-508 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) WAR DEPARTMENT, No. 8-508 Washington, July £5, 1940. STATION mPSJAL, COMMUNICATIONS ZONE (Capacity: 250, 500, and 750 Patients) Designation: "t Station Hospital 1 2 3 4 5 1 Unit Special- ists’ Normal capacity rat i ngs (class) 250-bed 500-bed 750-bed 2 Colonel 3 Lieutenant colonel i (al)3 (dl)6 (b4Cldl)ll (bld2)ll b3 (“1)3 (dl)H (Vldl)l5 (bld2)l6 4 Major 5 Captain (Vi) (b2Cldl)7 6 F i rst 1 i eutenant 7 Second lieutenant 8 Total commissioned h„. 20 ?35 i^9 9 Nurse (elf2)60 (elf3)90 4 * * * * v 1/30 10 Master sergeant, including ........ 2 2 11 12 13 14 Chief clerk (52) Technical sergeant, including ..... First sergeant (1) 3 (1) (2) 4 (1) (2) 6 (1) (1) (1) ..(2.) (1) 14 Chief clerk f52) 15 Laboratory technician 9 ......... (1) (1) (1) (1) 11 (1) (1) 16 Male nurse 9 17 Pharmacist 9 ...... (1) 5 18 Staff sergeant, including 19 Chemical laboratory technician 9 Chief clerk (87) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) 24 20 (1) 21 Clerk, general (85) 22 Dental mechanic 9 ............... (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) 17 00 (3) (2) 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mess (124) (1) Section leader Sudd1v fiRftl (1) Technician, medical ....... Technician, surgical (225) (1) (1) 6 (3) X»ray technician 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 Sergeant, including . Basic ,.. (5) (4) (3) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) U) (I) (1) 12 Chief clerk (8?) Clerk, general (55) r . , . (1) Meat and dairy hygienist 9 ...... Mess (t ?u) (1) (2) (1) (1) Orthopedic mechanic 9 Pharmacist (149) Sudd-1 v flRfil 38 39 40 41 Technician, medical (l?s) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 9 Technician, sanitary (196)....... Technician, surgical (225) Transportation (14) 42 Corporal, including 5 (5) ( 43 ( 87 (1) (1) , (9) 77 . 155 (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (3) (6) 00 (12) 110 22 2 (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) 00 (8) (5) 44!Private, first class ) incjudjng 4oj Private ) ii < 1 aut nmnh i 1 p mflr.hanir fi 4th 4th 5th 47 48 49 50 51 5 0 Raker /1 71 Raker (17) 3,jo 1 er (1) (1) Butcher (rt) 4th 6th 4th Butcher ( r 7) Carpenter (rq) (1) (2) 00 (3) e3 Chauffeur (?48) - - 5th 6th 54 Chauffeur (245) 55 Chauffeur (?45) This table supersedes T/o $8U W, approved June is, 1928. T/0 8-508 STATIOH HOSPITAL, CCHHUHICATICHS ICHE - Continued 1 2 3 4 5 56 Clerk, general (55) 5th (2) (3) (4) 57 Clerk, general (55) 6th (2) 00 (6) 5 8 Clerk, mall (5ft) 2d (1) (1) 59 Clerk, mail (56) 5th (1) (1) (1) 60 Clerk, stock (186) 5th (iT (2) (4) 61 Cook (60) 2d (1) (2) (3) 62 Cook (60) 4th (3) (6) (9) 63 Cook (60) 5th (7) (11) (15) 64 Mechanic, general (l2l) ........ 5th (1) (2) (3) 65 Motorcyclist (1) (1) (2) 66 Operator, electric plant (77) .. 4th (1) (1) (1) 67 Painter (juu) 5t h (l) (1) 68 Plumber (i62) 4th (1) (1) (1) 69 Stenographer (213) 3d (1) (2) (3) 70 Technician, dental, X-ray (264) 3d (1) (1) 71 Technician, dental (67) 5th (3) 00 00 72 Technician, laboratory (5l) .... 2d (1) (1) 73 Technician, laboratory (51) .... 4th (1) 00 00 74 Technician, laboratory (5l) .... 6th (1) (u) (4) 75 Technician, medical ...... 2d (1) (1) 76 Technician, medical (123) 4th 00 (6) (8) 77 Technician, medical (123) 6th (10) (20) (30) 78 Technician, pharmacist (149) ... 4t h (1) (1) (1) 79 Technician, pharmacist (149) ... 6th (1) (1) 80 Technician, sanitary (196) ..... 4th (1) (2) (2) 81 Technician, surgical (225) 1st (1) (1) 82 Technician, surgical (?25) ..... 2d (1) 03 Technician, surgical (225) ..... 3d (1) (2) (3) 84 Technician, surgical (225) 4th (3) (4) (8) 85 Technician, surgical (225) 6th (6) (12) (18) 86 Technician, X-ray (264) 3d (1) (2) (3) 87 Technician, X-ray (264) 6th (1) (2) (3) 88 Typist (247) 6tH 00 (6) (9) 89 Basic (57) (98) (149) 90 Total enlisted ...... 150 2 75 390 91 Aggregate 200 3 70 529 92 0 Ambulance, metropolitan 4 6 8 93 Q Car, light, 5-passenger, sedan 1 I 2 94 0 Motorcycle, with side car 1 1 2 95 Q Truck, ii-ton, 4x4, cargo ...... 2 2 3 96 0 Truck, Hr-ton, 4x4, dump 1 1 97 0 Truck. 6xft, cargo ...... 2 2 2 98 0 Truck, i-ton, 4x4, reconnaissance 1 Insert number of hospital, a Executive officer, b Medical Administrative Corps c Ad j uta nt. COLUMN 6 - REMARKS d Denta I. e Principal chief nurse, f Assistant chief nurse, g Medical technologist. Summary of spec5alists' ratings Class Numbe r 250-bed hos p Ita 1 500-bed hos pft«1 750-bed hos p Jta1 1st 0 1 1 2d . * 1 5 7 3d 3 7 10 9t h , 19 29 38 5th 17 28 37 6th . 28 56 80 Tot a 1 68 12 6 173 1/0 8-508 STM ION HOSPITAL, COMMUNICATIONS ZONE - Continued In addition to the military personnel listed hereon, the services of the following civilians are re quI red: Size of hospita1 Head dietitian Dietitian Head phys leal t hera py aide Phys lea 1 therapy a tde Seamstress Oenta1 hyg lenlsts 250-bad 500-bed hos p Ita 1 1 1 1 x I ho*pita 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 750-bad hospital 1 5 1 5 2 2 The serial number symbol shown In parentheses for certain specialists Is an Inseparable part of the specialist designation. For qualification analysis s*ee corresponding serial number In section VI, MR l-i I old number 1-3 I . This table represents the normal personnel requirements for station hospitals of various capacities in the communications zone. The bed capacity authorized for these hospitals Is 5 percent of the total strength they are designated to serve. (For example, a station hospital located where 5,000 military personnel are assembled should have a bed capacity of 250; where 10,000 are assembled a bed capacity of 500; and where 15,000 are assembled, a bed capacity of 7501. The administrative service ordinarily Includes headqua rters, registrar, receiving of f ice, detachment of patients, medical detachment, medical supply, general supply and utilities, officer, detachment and patients' messes. The professional serslce Includes the medical, surgical, dental, laboratory, and roentgenological serv ices. The distribution of the personnel shown hereon to the various services of the hospital Is left to the discretion of commanding officers of the hospitals. For special qualifications and functional assignment of officers the following breakdown may be a ppIied: h 250-bed hospital - 1 lieutenant colonel, M.C., commanding officer. 1 major, M.C., chief of medical service (internist). 1 major, M.C., chief of surgical service (general operating surgeon). 1 captain, M.C., assistant operating surgeon (general operating surgeon). 1 captain, 0 ,C., chief of dental service (general operator). 1 captain, M.A.C., mass officer. 6 captains, M.C., ward officers, with special training as follows; 1 neuropsychlatry. 1 Internist. 1 eye, ear, nose, and throat. 1 rad iolog1st. 1 orthopedic surgery. 1 venereal disease and dermatology. 1 lieutenant, M.C., registrar and commanding officer, detachment patients. 1 lieutenant, M.A.C., detachment commander. 1 lieutenant, M.A.C., adjutant and fire marshal. '1 lieutenant, O.C., general operator. 1 lieutenant, M.C., clinical pathologist. 2 lieutenants, M.C., ward and assistant ward officers, unclassified. 1 second lieutenant, M.A.C., supply and transportation officer. 1 500-bed hospitaI - 1 colonel, M.C., commanding officer. 1 lieutenant colonel, M.C., executive officer. 1 lieutenant colonel, M.C., chief of medical service (internist). 1 lieutenant colonel, M.C., chief of surgical service (general operating surgeon). 1 major, O.C., chief of dental service (general operator). 1 major, M.C., assistant chief of medical service (Internist). 1 major, M.C., assistant chief of surgical service (general operating surgeon). 1 major, M.C., chief of laboratory service (clinical pathologist). 1 major, M.C., chief of X-ray service (radiologist). 1 major, M.C., registrar, commanding officer detachment patients, receiving officer. 1 captain, M.A.C., mess officer. 1 captain, M.A.C., adjutant. 1 captain, M.A.C., supply officer. 1 captain, O.C., general operator. 1 captain, M.A.C., detachment commander, 6 captains, M.C., ward officers with Special training as follows: 1 neuropsychlatry. 1 Internist. 1 eye, ear, nose, and throat. 1 orthopedic surgery. 1 venereal disease and dermatology. 1 cardiology. 2 lieutenants, O.C., general operators. 1 lieutenant, M.A.C., assistant detachment commander, 1 lieutenant, M.C., assistant laboratory officer (clinical pathologist). 7 lieutenants, M.C., ward and assistant ward officers, unclassified. 1 second lieutenant, M.A.C., assistant adjutant, fire marshal, transportation officer. 1 second lieutenant, M.A.C., assistant registrar. 1 second lieutenant, M.A.C., assistant mess officer, j 750-bed hospital - Same as 500-bed hospital, with the following added: 5 majors, M.C., chiefs of the following sections: 1 general medical section. 1 general surgery section. 1 officers* section. 1 neuropsychlatric section. 1 communicable disease section, q captains, M.C., ward officers, unclassified. 5 lieutenants, M.C., ward and assistant ward officers, unclassified. IA .6 . 320.2 (5-16-10). ) order of the Secretary of War: Official; Q. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General T/F 8-508 C 1 STATION HOSPITAL. COMMUNICATIONS ZONE Changes No. i WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, June 6, 1941 T/O 8-508, July 25, 1940* Is changed as follows: Line Col umn 1 3 4 5 12 First sergeant (585) 1 1 1 13 Technical sergeant, including 2 3 5 tA.G. 221 By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General„ T/0 8-509 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION] No. 8-509 ] WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, November 1, 1940. VETERINARY GENERAL HOSPITAL Designation; Veterinary General Hospital (Capacity, 500 patients; emergency capacity, 500 Patients additional> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Unit • <5 U —• Vt • V) Vi <13 v — w 0 « — cn 0 C 0) — 1 T5 O C «jj tc Vi CT» c c •«-» 1- <0 «3 CU C U Q) O 0) — — JO c 0 -H O O (A “O u <0 4-» Q U T) O T> 1C CL U -H O <0 * O h- C UJ 2 Lieutenant colonel . 1 1 l 4 5 number of 3 Major. hos pita 1. 4 Captain Cl 1 1 0 a Ma y be d Sv ided 1 nto operating, receiving, and evacuating pharmacy 5 First lieutenant 1 sect ions. b.. , . . 6 Total commissioned 3 3 5 11 way oe o iv ioea mxo surgical, medical, and contag ious wards . C Med lea 1 Corns . 7 Master sergeant, including..,* 1 1 1 8 Sergeant major (ns?) (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 9 Technical sergeant, including 10 First sergeant (sps) (1) I (1) (1) (1) 2 (1) (1) summary 07 spectators' 11 12 Staf f <5argp^nt, {pr 1 ! ng , . . . . . T 2 razings Supply (186) (1) (1) (2) 11 (1) Class Number 13 1U 15 16 Technical sergeant, veterinary (?sp) (1) (1) 5 2d 3d Ward section, chief (703)..... (1) 3 2 18 Se rgeant, i nc 1 ud i ng 3 3 4th 29 Mess (t?4) (1) (1) 6th 6th 26 40 17 18 19 20 (1) (cl) (1) (1) (2) (6) 11 (10) (1) 80 (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (1) (1) (3) (3) (4) (3) (2) (3) (1) (1) (1) (3) (3) (88) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) T ot a 1.. (jo^) 115 Technician, surgical, veterinary (?S0)--- (2) (3) 3 Wardmaster (703) (3) 7 symbol shown In parenthe- 21 22 23 24 25 26 Corporal, including. i 1 ses Is an inseparable part of the specialist desig- nation. A number below Assistant wardmaster (703) (3) (7) Clerk (os?).. (1) 42 (1) (2) (2) (4) (1) (1) (1) (3) (3) (4) (1) )13 500 refers to an occu- pational specialist whose qualification analysis is found in section I, AR private, first class 1 i ncl ud i na............ 81 118 Private...... > ............ Bualer ln?il 6X5-26. * numb 500 refers to a er above mi 1 itary 27 Carpenter, general (050)..... 5th 5th 6th 5th 6th 4th 3d 4th occupational specialist listed In section IT. AR 28 Chauffeur (245) (1) 615-26. 29 Chauffeur (?us)..... . 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Clerk (186) Clerk, General (055) Clerk, personnel (nss) Cook In6n) (1) (1) Cook (osn) Cook’s helper (S?l) Horseshoer (094) ...• *••••<*»* 4th (3) (2) (3) (1) Horseshoer (094)..........5.............. Horseshoer, clinical (o94)»‘ * 3d 4th 3d 5th (1) Meat and dairy hygienist (t?n) (1) (1) (1) (1) Mechanic, automobile (014).,...... 41 Motorcyclist (678) - 42 Orderly (695) (1) (3) (12) (2) (2) (1) ' 43 Orderly, ambulance (*96) * 44 Orderly, stable (697) (76) 45) pharmacist, veterinary (iso) 3d 6th 4th 3d 5th 6th 4th 6th (1) 46 Pharmacist, veterinary (iso) 47 Saddler, leather worker (19?) (1) (1) 48 49 50 51 St. enng rapher ( 213 ) - Tpemster,, ,TTT, (1) (1) Technician, laboratory (05i),»r,tt.T- -.- - (2) (2) (1) 52 53 54 4th 4th (c2) (2) (1) (1) Technician, sanitary (i96) .* •This table bupe«”tede-s T/O y approved April 2, 1926. T/0 8-50S VETERINARY GENERAL HOSPITAL - Continued 1 2 3 4 5 6 i *• ' 8 private - Continued. i- 55 56 57 Tprhnirian, unitary fios). 6th 3d 2d (02) (0 2) (2) (2) (2) Technician, surgical f22c') (i) (i) Technician, surgical, veterinary (226).. (2) 58 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226).. 3d t i • « (2) (1) (3) .... 59 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226).. 4th (3) (1) (4) .... 60 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226).. 5th (4) (2) (6) (i) 61 Technician, surgical, veterinary (226).. 6th (8) (4) (12) .... 62 63 64 65 Technician, veterinary (?*>n)..... 3d 4th 5th 6th 4th (2) (5) (7) (10) (1) (4) (5) (6) (3) (9) (12) (16) (1) (25) (i) Technician, veterinary (2*in) Technician, veterinary (250) (i) Technician, veterinary (2*>o)..... Tvrust f?li7l (1) (5) 67 Basic 1 (5) (15) 68 Total enlisted - 49 91 129 269 21 69 Aggregate. 52 94 134 280 21 70 o Car, motor, 1 1 71 72 73 74 Q Motorcycle, with side car 1 o Mules, draft..... 8 8 2 Q Truck, ii-ton, cargo 2 o Truck, ?i~ton, cargo •a -a 75 Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with stock body. rack 1 J, 76 o Wagon, escort 2 (A.G. 320 (10-21-40). J By order of the Secretary of War: 0. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. Changes No. i WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, June 6. 1941. Line Column 1 3 6 7 9 Delete — 10 First sergeant (585) l 1 1 (A.G. 221 (5-6-411.> T/0 8-510 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) NO. 6-510 ) WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, February 28. 1942. FIELD HOSHTAL Designation: -j- Field Hospital 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Unit Tech- nician grade Com- pany head- quar- ters 3 clear- ing pla- toons , (each) Total comr pany En- listed cadre Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel 4 1 Insert number of field hosp ita1. a Normal bed capacity of 1 platoon when acting in- 3 Major 4 Captai n * 1 S £ 5 Lieutenant c. T K 1/ £■ dependently is 100. 6 Total commissioned , % • • © 2 5 17 • • 4 « b Normal bed capacity of company is 38O. 7 Nurse 6 i....» g 18 c Medical Administrative 8 First sergeant (585) . Corps. 9 10 Staff sergeant, including Mess (824) . • • > 9 3 (1) (l) (1) 1 6 (1) (1) (3) (1) 6 (6) 4 4 (1) (1) (1) (1) 2 (2) 2 d Dental. e Nurses normally will 11 Motor - ... accompany the unit when assigned on a functional basis. While on a train- ing basis they are not ass igned. 12 i *3 Platoon leader (651) Supply (ftp 1) • • • • (1) o 14 15 16 Sergeant, including Section leader (652) ............ • « • • 2 (2) I The serial number symbol shown In parentheses Is an Inseparable part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an occupationaI spe- cialist whose qualifies- Corporal, including I 17 18 Clerk, admission (055) Clerk, company (405) ...... • • • • (l) 14 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) ( 9 ( 34 ( 65 ( 86 (1) (4) (7) (4) (10) (12) (11) (2) (2) (4) (27) (36) (3) (3) (6) (12) (6) (3) (6) (15) (20) (1) (1) 4 9 ) 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 6 ) includin9 ... Private, first class) Private ) Bugler (8O3) — 60 tlon analysis is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed in Circular No. 14, War Department, 1942. Cook (nfin) 4 (1) (2) (1) (3) (4) (3) (3) (3) Cook (060) 5 Cook’s helper (521) 27 driver, heavy truck (345) ....... 5 (3) 28 Driver, heavv truck (34s) 29 30 31 Driver, light (ftiiR) (2) (2) (2) (1) « % • Mechanic, automobile (niu) . 4 Mechanic, automobile (014) ...... t; Orderly (£95) . (1) (9) (12) (1) (1) (2) (4) (2) (1) (2) (5) (6) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 orderly, hospital, medical (303) Orderly, hospital, surgical (303) Pharmacist (149) — (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) • 0 • Technician, dental (nr,?) 5 Technician, medical (l?a) 5 Technician, medical (123) Technician, sanitary (196) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) - Technician, surgical (225) ...*.. Basic (s) 4 5 • • • » • • • • • • • • k • • (2) 44 Total enlisted • • • • .19 64 211 24 45 Aggregate ...* • • • • 21 75 246 24 46 Q Ambulance, ton 2 6 47 Q Trailer, i~ton, 2-wheel, water tank (25 0-gallon) 1 1 4 • t % • 48 0 Truck, 2-ton, command and reconna i ssance ................ 1 1 4 ( • f • 0 Truck, 2-ton, weapon carrier .... Q Truck, 2i~ton, cargo \ 1 50 51 1 6 19 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo, with winch .... 1 .... (A.6. 320.2 11-36-421.) By order4 of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Official: E. S. ADAMS, Chief of Staff Major General, The Adjutant General I/O 8-511 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-511 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, November i, 1940. MEDICAL REPLACEMENT GROUP 1 2 3 r 4 5 6 1 Unit Spec 5a 1 - Ists • rat logs Ac lassI Group head - qua rte rs 6 batta- 1 Ions (T/0 8-515) Tot a 1 Rema rks 2 Brigadier general a1 1 “a ' Regular * Army. b Reserve Corps. Summary or specialists* rat ings 3 4 Colonel Lieutenant colonel (Vl)2 a 6 8 5 Major 6 7 b. b30 b 102 31 104 Lieutenant 1 b2 Class Number 8 Total commissioned 0 138 146 3d 48 4th 79 9 Master sergeant, including ... Personnel sergeant major(052) Sergeant major (os?) ....... 3 ‘ 3 5th 38 10 11 (1) (1) (1) 2 ...... (1) (1) (I) 32 (6) (1) (1) (24) 8 (6) (1) (1) 145 Total 185 12 Supply major (186) the serial number symbol shown In paren- theses Is an Inseparable 13 in. Technical sergeant, including Battalion sergeant major(052i Chief clerk (052) 30 (6) 15 (1) (1) part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an 16 Clerk, record (oss) 17 18 19 First sergeant (sas) ....... (24) 6 (*) occupational specialist Staff sergeant, including .... Battalion supply sergeant 2 ana 1 ys is is found In Section 1, AR 6l5~26. A number above 5OO re- fers to a military oc- cupational specialist 20 21 22 ■5-a Clerk, headquarters (055) .. Clerk, record (nsg) (1) (1) 1 isted In Sect Ion 2, AR 615-26. Seraeant, including 144 Company supply (186) (24) (24) (1) (24) (96) 325 (24) (13) (288) 166 22 (1) (7) (14) (7) (24) (48) (72) (6) (1) (6) (2) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Mail (05s) (1) Mess fi?ul ................. (24) (96) 324 (24) (12) (288) 162 18 Platoon leader (*M) Corporal, including 1 Clerk, company (055) ....... Clerk, headquarters (055) Squad instructor (56*) ..... (1) Private, first class ) jncl Private ) Runler /noil ( 4 ( * (1) (1) (2) (1) 'x a Chauffeur (24*) . 5th 6t h (6) (12) (6) (24) (48) (72) (6) 35 36 37 dork record fnssl 4th 5th 3d 4th 5th 5th 6th Clerk, receiving and ship- oinn (1 a A \ t. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Crtnlr /o*nl ................. v UUR V/ O w / ■••**••*******••• Mechanic, general (121) .... (1) (6) Orderly (521) (2) Total overhead 17 684 701 45 T ra i nee 5328 5328 46 Total enlisted 17 6012 6029 Ann rpnatp 25 6150 6175 (A .G. 320,2 (11-2-40) . 1 order of the Secretary of War: 0. C, MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official; E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. *T/0 8-780 table of organization No. 0-780 Washington, April i, 194£» WAR DEPARTMENT, VETERINARY EVACUATION HOSPITAL Designation: Veterinary Evacuation Hospital (Capacity: 150 patients) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■—~i 7 8 1 Unit (0 c XI OS k» Remarks 0 0 <0 3 er *o <0 v X I O 0) M cn c c — 0 +1 — c 0) (X 0 0i c 0 +* 0 0) V) T> k. <0 * ns +* O K 07 k. T3 m 0 T5 0> yi c UJ Remarks 2 Capta i n .. . 1 1 3 Insert p ita 1 . number of hos- 3 First lieutenant , rtt 2 1 4 Total convnissionsd i a May be divided into - Medical wards, surgical • • • • 5 Technical sergeant, including 1 1 6 First sergeant (585) (1) (1) Summar i s y of s pec la 1 - ts* ratings 7 Staff sergeant, i nr 1yd inn ,, 0 Supply (186) (1) 1 1 3 (1) (l) (1) * 2 C lass Number 9 Surgical technic ian,veterinary (226) Ward section chief (793) (1) (1) (1) 10 (1) a 3d •••••• 4th 11 Sergeant, including 1 5th ..... 12 Mess ii 1 (1) (1) (1) (3) II 13 Surgical technic ian,veteri nary(226) Wardmaster (793) (1) • • • • (1) (1) 1 Tot a 1 39 14 (3) 15 Corporal, including 1 shown in parentheses Is an 16 Assistant wardmaster (793) (3) (3) (1) ( 22 ) (1) Inseparable part of the specialist designation, A number below 500 refers to 17 Clerk (055) (1) 14 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 18 Private, first class ) inc)udin8 .... 22 29 A an occupational specialist whose qualification analysis 19 20 Private ) Bugler and messenger (021) ( *3 ) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (U) (1) (1) (1) (2) (3) (5) (5) (4) (6) (7) Is found in Section 1, AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupa- tional specialist listed in 21 Chauffeur (245) 5th 6th 4th 5th 3d 4th 22 Chauffeur (245) Sect ion 2, *R 615-2 6. 23 24 Clerk, general (055) • This table supersedes Clerk, general (055) .............. T/0 687 W , 2, 1926. approved April 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 (1) Cook (060) Cook's (helper (521) Driver, horse or mule (?qs) 5th 6th 5th 3d 6th 'K . £ Driver, horse or mule (?3*i) ....... - d s Horseshoer (oou) (1) (1) (i) (1) £ S 0 Horseshoer, clinical (004) 2 * Motorcyclist (67&) (1) (2) (1) ** Q> 3 * 33 ■all orderly, ambulance, horse (696) ... Orderly, horseholder , • O O 0 3 c. Orderly, ward (*>2l) .. .. (14) K £ 36 -a 7 Pharmacist, veterinary (|sn) 3d 5th 3d 4th 5th 6th 4th 5th 6th (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (2) (2) (3) (3) (1) (1) (1) Saddle and harness maker (192) .... Technic ian.surgical,veter inary(226) Technic ian,surg ical,veterinary(226) Technic ian.surg ical.veteri nary(226) Technic ian,surg Seal,veterI nary(226) Ter hn j<* i an, veterinary (250) ...... O ft >> O g £ CO © 1 * 55 veterinary (250) ...... ,G Technician veterinary (250) ...... V-. O A z 45 46 Basic (521) * • • • • u m ) CQ • C* CO v< 48 49 1 0 1 1 w 8 H Q Trailer, 2-horse, van 1 50 51 52 53 1 1 1 1 O i • * * 2 2 • • ♦ • IA,G. 320.2 110-15-401.1 I/O 8-560 c 1 VETERINARY STATION HOSPITAL, COMMUNICATIONS ZONE Changes No. l WAR DEPARTMENT Washington* June 6» 1941 T/O e-560, November i, 1940, Is changed as follows; Column Li 1 li tJ 1 3 6 5 6 Deflate First sergeant (585) 1 1 (A.G. 221 (5-6-m).) order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. T/0 8-515 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 8-515 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, November l, 1940. MED ML REPLACEMENT BATTALION 1 2 '3 4 5 6 M jf 1 Unit CO k. • (O W iO +* «d in #- — u 5 i v> i % « &_ C Medical (6 73) Motor Ward (70a1...................... Technician, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) including.... 29 30 31 Private, first class) Private ) Chauffeur (quA) Chauffeur (344) p* -3^ Clerk, general (055)...». . 5 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Clerk, general (055) Cook fn*nl 4 Cook (n*nl 5 Mechanic, automobile (014)...... Repairman, utility (l2l) Stenographer (213) 4 Technician, dental (067) 4 5 Technician, dental (n*7) Technician, dental Technician, laboratory (858).... Technician, medical (123) 5 4 Technician, medical (123).*....• 5 40 46 47 48 49 50 Technician medical (123) * T arhnlr ian. SUTOical fpPSl...... ■a Technician, surgical (225) 4 TarhnIc ian surnical fossl 5 Technician, surgical (225) Technician, X-ray (264)- !••••••• 5 52 Technician, X-ray (264)......... Tvoist f71 , 5 'j ? 54 55 Tvoist 191171. (2) (18) Basic 1 V t 56 Total enlisted..,,,, 100 «7 Aggregate... T. * 134 f/0 S-S60S STATIOH HOSPITAL I ISO-BED I —CohtInued 1 2 3 i 4 58 0 Ambulance. 3 ton ■**’ - ' ' • - '<«»" *■,» vv„ n , , 59 0 Car, 5-passenger, light sedan...... ? 1 60 0 Truck, g-ton, weapon carrier 1 . • 61 .-\v 1 (A.g. 320.2 (5-23-42).) t By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff, Official: * J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. » T/0 SS12 f-. * TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-612 WAR DEPARTHENT Washington, November i, 1940, AUXILIARY SURGICAL CROUP Designation; T__ Auxiliary Surgical Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Unit Spec ia lists• rat Ings (class) «* © W <0 3 cr ry to X 24 surgical teams a Xl 8 «C 4) -H ** C CL •¥* Jf O O JZ V) 40 9) V) E fO 0) 4-» U! to a> 40 *- VI 6 <0 49 V «0 M- 1 0 X 1 ry> u» e 0) V <0 u o> w 3 V) 1 O V 3 a> X dr i 4 thoraeid-surgIca1 teams " 1 <1 • 4* V) 3 O 0) c 0» u VI E :*• ft V O 01 u T) «3 O TJ 0) 4-» VI c 111 « S Rema/kp 2 lieutenant colonel .... 1 1 *|* insert 3 Major ................. 24 24 24 C*4)e 4 4 40 of group. 4 Captain 1 6 5 6 4 4 4 55 a 1 surg ica1 team cons ists of- 1 operating 5 F irst 1 ieutenant 4 4 • • • ♦ 32 • a a 6 Total Commissioned • • ♦ 2 72 6 6 6 8 12 12 4 128 • • a 1 assistant op- erat Ing sur- 7 Nurse J2 24 • • • 12 12 l8 4 4 4 70 • • • geon. 1 anaest het 1st. O First sergeant (585) .. Staff sergeant, incl .. 1 1 I 1 nurse. 1 1 1 1 surg Ica I techn 1c lan. 9 (1 1 (1) (1) 1 b 1 sp 1 Int team consists of- 1 orthopedist. 2 surgical technic Ians. 10 u 12 13 14 15 $6inc 1 ud\• • • V i ) • • • ? (2) (1) (94 { (28 (3) Supply (186) private, first ) c 1 ass ) incl Private ) U} h 1 (1) ) ) 3 ) a a v • • • Rt h 11; '(14 ( (28 1 24 12 12 12 4 4 4 8 c 1 shock team cons Ists of- 1 officer, es- pe c 1 a; t*,l r$Q trained In all f orms of 16 17 * t K (3) ('X 1 (3) • • a treatment for Chauffeur (245) ..... (3 1 (1) (1) s h oc k, 2 nurses. 18 ClerK (055) u; (?) (3) (1) 2 medIca1 teeh- 19 3° /ill (4) (1) d Dy nt a 1 * 20 Cook's helper (521) (4; ; c 1 (5) a 4 • 21 • * • (5 / (15) a a • © X Qds t consists of- 22 Orderly (695; Stenographer (213) •• Technician, dental (id ; fi \ (1) a a a 1 of fleer, es- 23 24 3a 3d 3d 4th (i; (4) (4) • a 9 pec 1 a M y tra Ined Jn the treatment 25 (067) Technician, medical (6) (6) (4) (16) ... of c hemlca 1 casua It les . 2 nurses. 2 med ica 1 tech n 5c ians . 26 (123) ••****' Technician, medical (6) (6) (12) % 9 • 27 (123) Technician, surgical (24 ) (6) (a) (4) (4) (4) (42] ... f l p last ic- max i1lo-facia 1 team cons ists of 1 p last ic sur- geon. 28 (225; ... •• • Technician, suFgical V (5 a a • 29 •j n (225) \° (2 -J5. 1 denta 1 ora 1 lypisx (247) •••••'••• Basic (52l) ......... Total enlisted .... • • • (5) • • • • ... • • t • • • • • •• • a • i * • a • t • • • a a a 4 1 nurse-anaei- S V 31 • • • 47 24 12 12 12 4 4 4 8 127 6 thet i st. 1 nurse. 32 Aggregate • • ♦ 51 120 18 30 30 20 20 20 16 325 6 de nta 1. 33 0 Car, light, 5-passen- 3 • 4 • g 1 ne uro-s urg 1 ca 1 team cons tst' 34 Q Truck, i-ton, pick-up *.. 3 1 • t • • • • t ... ... * • • • • f • 1 t — « a • a 1 2 a a a a a a 1 neuro-sur- geon. 35 erat Ing sur- geon. 1 anaest het1st j I nurse. 1 surgical » * techn Ic lan. * This table supersedes T/0 689W, approved June 15, 1928. T/0 S-S12 AUXILIARY SURGICAL GROUP - Continued COLUMN m - REMARKS • ContInued h 1 t horae le-surg lea 1 team consists of - 1 thoracic surgeon. 1 anaesthetist l Intra-trachla 1 anaesthesia). 1 assistant surgeon. 1 nurse. 1 surgical technician. Summary of specialists* ratings Class Number 1 For specialists not otherwise provided for and as d Irccted . *d 66 j Includes principal chief nurse and assistant 22 chief nurse. 6 k includes i) nurse-anaesthetists. 6th 1 I 1 I 1 > rr> 1 *- 1 O' » 1 1 * -**■■■■• ; 1 ' . 1 . , ♦ r* r'sir: 9' * Y't * ;; •- n ■ ."0 . * -r 7 t .^4-.. The serial number symbol shown in paren- theses Is an Inseparable part of the spe- cialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose qualification analysis Is found In Section 1, AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed In Sect Ion 2, AR 615-26. fA.S. 320.2 (10-21-90)iI order of the Secretary of War: G* C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff - Official: E. S. ADAMS, ' Major Genera 1, The Adjutant General. •T/0 8-661 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) NO. 8-661 ) WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, April i, 1942. MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT. ARMY OH COMMUNICATIONS ZONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Depot head- quarters detac hment Base platoon Advanced depot p1 at oon 1 Unit O X) c# k» ry> c CO u c t headquarters section t genera I supply and ansportatlon section cal repalr sect Ion depot section rH C O CM C O T5 CO U XI O 4*» Remarks ■C u c» H- O cl a> 0 O W Q-V Q) O V O. O Q OQ -*-» u O 4) «/> O K C Ui 2 Lieutenant colonel ai a C omma nd1ng of f leer, Med lea 1 3 Major (bl)2 (Vl)2 S3 4 Captain ....................... Ci • • • fT” c Corps. b Vetar Inary Corps . 5 First lieutenant • • • • • • el f z f 2 8 6 Total commissioned ........ ... 1 1 1 7 3 3 16 c Optical spe- cialist. 7 Master sergeant, including .... Clerk, chief (502) First sergeant (585) Technical sergeant, including Clerk, chief (502) .......... 1 1 1 d Dental. 8 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 e Med leal Ad- 9 mlnistratlve Corps. 10 2 I i 4 ? f Med leal Ad - mi n istratIve Corps, Dental Corps, Sani- 11 (i) (1) (2) (i) (1) 11 (2) (3) (i) (1) (3) (1) n (3) (i) (i) (5) (1) 8 (4) (1) (2) (1) ( 4 (11 (20 (67 (89 (1) (9) (1) (5) (1) (?) (3) (4) (4) (4) (1) 12 Clerk, shipping (195) ....... (1) (1) 4 (2) (1) (1) tary Corps, or Spe- 13 14 15 Warehouseman (liz) (1) 4 c ta1 1st Reserve. Staff sergeant, including Assistant warehouseman (252) Clerk, record (05 5) • • • 1 1 1 2 2 g Med lea 1 Ad - mlnistratlve Corps, Sanitary Corps, or Specialist Reserve. 16 (1) (1) (1) 17 instrument repairer (098) ••• n CUtXGt a HO edger mechanic. 18 Mess (1) (1) (1) (1) 2 1 Pram? repair 19 SuddIV ffl98 1 (1) (1) (1) man and fitter. 20 Technician, optical, and sec- tion leader (365) ......... (1) The ser lal number symbol shown in parentheses Is an 21 22 9t Sergeant, including Clerk, stock (324) • • • 1 1 7 (3) (1) 1 1 inseparable part of t he s pec la Mst des- ignation. A number Instrument repairer (098) ••• below 500 refers to an occupational spe- cialist whose qua 1 1- 24 25 26 27 28 Motor (813) (1) (1) (1) Sect ion leader (652) Technician, X-ray (?aij.) (1) (2) (1) 2 (2) (1) (1) fIcat ion ana1ys1s is found in AR 615-26. A nunber above 500 refers to a mi Iitary occupational special ist 1 isted In C Ircu- Corporal, including Assistant section leader(652) Clerk, company (405) ........ Clerk, general (nss) ... 1 1 ... 2 (i) 2 (1) t 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 •a 7 (1) (1) (1) lars Nos. 14 and 67, War Department, 1942 (i) (1) n i spat cher (mo) (1) 11 Technic ian, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) including Private,f5rst class ) Private ) Bualer 1 floa1 - - ... 16 (1) (1) (1) 6 86 36 36 2 4 h ) ? r 36 q 0 Carpenter, construction (050) Chauffeur (344) ., ... (1) ... (6) (1) (1) (1) 40 Clerk, general (055) Clerk, rer.nrri (05s) • ♦ « 5 (1) (1) ... (1) (1) (1) ... no Clerk, s t or. k f a 9111 5 (1) (1) (1) (1) (i) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) )iq Clerk, stock (7911) 44 45 Clerk, stock record (323) ... Cook (06O) 4 (1) (1) (1) (1) 4 (2) (2) 46 Cook (n*o) 5 This table supersedes I/O 8-235, Hovember i, 1940, including C i, Jude 6, 19U1. 1 T/0 6-661 MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT, ARMY OR ZONE - Continued i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' 9 10 11 47 48 49 50 K 1 Private - Continued, Cook's helper (*?l) (3) (1) (3) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (7) (5) (14) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (6) (80) (2) (5) (5) (21) Driver, light, truck (3ns) .. 5 (2) (4) Driver, light, truck (345) Engineer, powerhouse (077) ....... Machinist, general (iiu) Mechanic, automobile (014) 1*36 (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) • » » 52 53 Mechanic, automobile T.r.... 5 (1) (1) (1) Operator, telephone (309) ........ (2) nnt. ical renairman /noa\ * 3 3 (2) (2) 00 56 n.ii,.1 renairman /bool i orrterl y /Aoal . (I) (3) (50) (1) (3) (1) (10) (1) ft5) (1) ts) o t Shipping packer (203) 0 o 59 60 61 62 Stenographer (213) ............... (1) Tvnist (1) (2) (4) (1) (2) (4) (1) Tvoist /?ut\ Basic (521) • • • • • e (3) ... • • • 63 Total enl isted • • • 21 14 7 101 42 42 227 19 64 Aggregate • • • 22 15 8 108 45 45 243 19 65 66 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, cargo ... 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250-gallon) 9 % • 1 1 , 1 2 2 2 8 1 * • • 67 68 69 70 71 Q Truck, 1 4 0 Truck, $-tcn, carry-all I 1 Q Truck, 2i-ton, including Cargo • • • 2 (1) (1) 1 (1) 1 2 (2) 2 (2) 2 (2) 10 (8) (1) (1) ;• * Mess 79 Optical repair unit (1) (A.6 . 320.2 l3-6-'+2).» By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General *T/0 8-520 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ) NO. 8-520 ) WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 1942. HOSPITAL TRAIN (Normal capacity, 360 patientsJ 1 2 3 4 5 1 Unit Tech- nician grade HOS- pital train En- 1isted cadre Remarks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Major 1 1 2 a In charge of dressing room ward car. The serial number symbol shown In parentheses Is an in- separable part of the special- 1st designation. A number • below 500 refers to an occupa- tional specialist whose quallfl cation analysis is found In AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupation al specialist listed In Circu- lars Nos. 14 and 67, War Depart ment, 1942. • This table supersedes T/0 8-506, November 1, 1940, including C 1, June 6, 1941. Captain lieutenant Total commissioned 4 Nurse 6 First sergeant (585) ....... Staff sergeant, including Mess and supply (824) ........ Corporal, including ....... Technician, surgical8 (225) * Technician, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) including Private, first class) Private ..*....) Clerk, general (405) Clerk, stock (324) Cook (060) Cook (060) Cook’s helper (521) Pharmacist (149) Technician, medical (123; Technician, medical (123) Technician, medical (123) Technician, surgical (225) ......... Technician, surgical (225) ... Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) .... Sasic (521) 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 1 1 (1) I U) ( 1 ( 6 ( 8 ( 6 ( 9 (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (3) (7) (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) 1 1 (l) • • • • • * 2 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) Total enl isted Aggregate 33 6 43 6 (A.G. 320.2 (3-7-42). ) order of the Secretary of War; Official; J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff J!0 8-537 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 0-jpS7 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April l, 1948. MEDICAL HOSPITAL SHIP (Capacity: 500 patients) “1 1 r"— 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Admin 1st ra ive Profess iona1 -C o 1 Unit Techniclan grade Company headquarters i Registrar, receiving [and evacuation section Medical supply section Med ica 1 serv ice Laboratory service V. 0» O > w. 4> C 0) o or Oenta1 service Tot a 1 company 0> V i- c o o) -H 0) Q. W. — C >• cr o> os W. «/) ro — Q> O) i- >% C O-H C C— o— O (fl LOO. Q-rHO O) w. X) to o XJ 0) M c 111 Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel a! 1 Insert 3 Major 1 number of 4 Captain 1 1 compa ny. 5 First lieutenant bCl (1) 1 «*1 3 1 1 a Command- ing of f ice r . b Med ica 1 6 Second lieutenant bl • o • • • • 7 Total commissioned 2 1 • • • 2 2 2 i 2 12 2 • • • Admi n ist ra ■» tive Corps. 8 Warrant officer 1 1 c Also H medical sup- 9 Nurse ® j P4 35 4 ply off ice r . V " * *. * * d Denta 1 . 10 Master sergeant, including .... 1 1 1 11 12 13 l« 15 16 Clerk, chief (05?) (1) (1) 1 (1) 1 e Chief nurse. First sergeant (q«5) 1 The serial Technical sergeant, including Clerk, record (n,55) - ... 1 (1) • • • 2 3 (1) (1) (1) q • • • ‘ 3 (1) (1) (1) 3 (1) (1) (l) 2 number symbol shown in pa rent he ses pharmacist (l4Q) (1) (1) is an insepa- rable part of t he s pec ia 1 - Technician, laboratory (411) Staff seraeant, including ..... 17 1 ist des igna- t. i on • A num- IP Mess (1) (1) (1) (1) q ber below 500 19 20 21 Suoolv 7r2r1 (1) refers to an occupat iona1 s pec ia 1 t st Technician, x-ray (264) ..... (1) 2 whose qua 1 if i cation ana1y- s is is found (1) (1) (1) (1) 1 (1) (1) (1) in AR 615-26. Oil Technician, surgical (225) •• (1) 1 above 500 re- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 q *) Corporal, including ........... 1 fers to a military oc- cupat iona1 Clerk, company (4ns) ........ (1) 31 (1) (1) (1) ( 2 ( 16 ( 23 ( 17 ( 29 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (7) (7) (10) (1) (1) '(1) (3) (1) 1 3 2 • • • • • • Technic ian, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) including Private, first class) Private ) Rualer ... 5 3 46 • • * ■ • * i • • • • « • • • • s pec ia 1 ist listed in C i rcu ta r« Nos. 14 and 67, War De- partment, 1942 . 33 34 ■3 R Baker fowl 5 Clerk, general (055) ........ 5 U) Clerk, general (055) -t (1) (1) OA ;° V7 Clerk, t. vnist. funs! ......... 5 (1) Cook (060) - 4 (7) (7) (10) (1) 1 (I) (1) Cnok fOftO) 5 1 2 ii i Meat 42 Nurse, male, operating room 72251 4 (1) (1) (2) (1) 43 Nurse, male, operating room / 9 9R 5 44 \ CCD) •••••••••*••••••••••• Orderly 7aqs1 (1) Pharmacist’s assistant (521) Stenonranher foisl (1) (l) (I) 40 4-6 4 (1) Technician, dental (067) .... 5 (1) r** Designation: Medical Hospital Ship Company 1 T/0 8-537 MEDICAL HOSPITAL SHIP COHPAHY - Continued 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 48 Private - Continued Technician, dental, labora- tory (067) 4 (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) 00 (LI) (2) (2) (0 (5) (1) (12) (1) 49 Technician, dental, labora- tory (067) 5 '‘Technician, laboratory (411) Technician, laboratory (41l) Technician, medical (123) .. Technician, medical (123) .. Technician, medical (123) .. 4 5 4 52 53 54 55 56 (1) • * » 5 1 2 Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, x-ray (264) 3 (2) (2) 00 (5) (1) (6) U) 4 1 57 5 1 58 2 59 5 (1) 60 Bas ic (521) ,. (3) (2) (1) 61 Total enlisted 35 7 4 99 11 17 62 Aqqreqate % a 9 4 96 147 17 17 (A.G. 320.2 (3-2-12) .) By order of the Secretary of War; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, (f; Major General> rAe Adjutant General, WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 1942 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r 11 12 13 14 15 - TJ Headquarters and service company c 4' o> 1 i 1 Unit 0) T? <0 u xy\ c n o c JO u •*- Headquarters and bar C o -M I O X) 0> ns co Qt x: co u — (D i- W 4) (0 C 3 o Porsonne1 sect ?on Company head- quarters section Evacuat Ion and rece ?v Ing sect Ion Sanitation section Med lea 1 s upp I y sect Ion Center laboratory Convalescent camp3 Attached chaplaIn Tota1 (exc lus Jve of era 1 hosplta1)b Enlisted cadre Remarks 2 BNqad ier general T. 1 “("insert number of hospital center. aNormal patient capacity, 1,000. In this table Is the basic requirement. The commanding 3 Colonel. . cl (dl)®5 X 4 Lieutenant colonel . tI 1 5 f 4 1 0*1)2 0*2)4 (42)4 * * * * 7 6 Captain , (hi)\2 1 T 1 1 91 1 6 general of the center may call on the general hospitals for personnel re- qulred to supplement certain center 7 Lieutenant t t T. t I 1 1 * * * * 10 * * * * 4 facilities. These center facilities 8 Total commissioned rT t Q will decrease the personnel require- I 2 1 1 3 11 1 29 ment In the general hospitals. 9 Warrant officer .. jl kl Centralization of receiving, 1 4 evacuation, medical supply, general 10 11 supply, utilities, sanitation, trans- i •, • * • • portatlon, laboratory, and guard will reduce the requirements of personnel for similar duties in the general hospitals assigned to the center. 11 Master sergeant, includina , 1 (1) 12 Sergeant major (502} , (1) • • • • (2) 1 (1) 13 First sergeant (595) . • • • • The total patient capacity of the 14 Technical sergeant, including TT 1 1 4 • • • • 3 1 center Is dependent on the number of general hospitals and convalescent camps assigned to the center. 15 Bandsman (a20) . (1) 1 1 1 1 7 (i) (3) (1) (l) (1) 16 Clerk, chief (50?) (1) (1) (1) Each hospital center will require 17 Mess (824) (1) laundry, motor, transport, baking, and other quartermaster personnel, also military police, finance, 18 Supply (825) (1) s • • • 19 Technician, laboratory (uii) (1) postal, and Signal Corps detachments. The amount of this additional nd 1 depends upon the size of the 20 Staff sergeant, deluding r. . T 21 , Bandsman (1) £. 3 3 1 1 * * * * 13 (1) (10) (1) /l) 2 center and whether the centers are to be located In the zone of the O interior or the communications zone. - 22 Clerk, record {oss), (2) (2) (l) (1) ( 4 \ (3) (1) (1) 23 Mess (824)— U) (1) cExecutlve officer. d0enta1. 2ii Motor {c-\ -5) (1.1 (1) HOSPITAL CENTER •! Designations *t Hospital Center TABLE OF ORGANIZATION) No. ) *T/C S-540 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 *58 59 60 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 (l) • • • • 3 (1) (2) 8 (s) ( 1 ( 50 ( 56 ( 49 ( 61 (7) (8) (11) (3) (1) (1) (4) (1) (22) (3^ (5) (7) (15) (1) (3) (12) (12) (13) (1) (1) (11) (1) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) 2 (1) (1) e. . . | nc 1 tides — 1 med ica ) inspector. 1 medical service, coordinator. 1 surgical service, coordinator, 1 dental service, coordinator. 1 laboratory service, coordina- tor . receiving end evacuation off icer. Medical, or Sanitary Corps. ]utant, *May be Medical Administrative Corps. Ifland leader. kChief clerk. 'principal chief nurse of center. mVete r i na r y. The serial number symbol shown in parentheses Is an inseparable part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an occupa- tional specialist whose qualification analysis is found in Aft 615-26. * number above 5 0 0 refers to a military occupational specialist listed in Circulars Nos. 14 and 67, War Depart- ment, 1942. ■S ’? h .. i t;. .iC 4w (l) (l) 8 (8) 92 • • • • » • • • Technician, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 } Technician, orade 5 ) including 26 (7) (8) (11) 23 12 22 11 7 10 14 • • • • • 8 S m * • • • • • • « • private, first class) private ) Bandsman (n2l) - - 4 5 (g2l) r - - Bandsman (02l) T Bualer fens (3) Carpenter fnsnl. 5 5 (1) • • • • Chaplain's assistant (534)---, T -- -r TT..1. (1) (2) (1) (1) (3) (1) — 5 14) (1) (1) (1) (2) (5) (1) 12) (1) (7) Clerk, gerv=>ral (055) f T - - - - , - - , r 4 5 (1) (1) (2) (5) Clerk, general (n55)r (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (3) • • • • • • • • Clerk, general (nss) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (4) Clerk, record 4 4 5 4 5 (1) (1) (1) (3) Clerk, stock (324) 1 r Clerk, stock (324).., - , Cook fo6n) (3) (3) (3) -(9) (9) (10) • * • • Cook (o6n) Cook's helper (521)--t*-t f Meat and dairy hygienist (120)---. - 4 5 (ml) Mechanic, automobile ...... , . (1) (3) 1. 9t « • • r* 1 • • • • • Orderly (fi9s) (4) (1) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (1) (2) pharmac ist (149) ,,,, . 4 5 5 4 5 4 (1) (1) pharmacist (140) : . • Repairman, utility (i2l) Stenooraoher (1) (2) (1) Stenoaraoher I?isl . Technician, dental (067)... * • ••«•••• • • • • * i (1) HOSPITAL CENTER - continued 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 3 4 5 (3) • • • • (3) (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (3) (8) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (6) (3) (23) (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (3) (8) »• I • ■ it* • ■ • • • • • • 4 5 (1) Techo $ cien| (D6dicfll (i23)***""w******************************* 5 (1) (2) 4 5 (1) (1) (1) • • • • • • • • • • • « * • • • (1) 5 (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (3). (2) (15) I • • » Total ftnl i st Ad T T r r T . - .. 28 27 15 27 15 7 12 15 109 • • • • 255 22 Aoarpaate. 39 28 16 28 17 8 14 18 120 1 289 22 5 5 9 4 6 3 Q Trtjrk, t.nn..,..r 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • A Tnirk i—tnn rarrv-s 11 q Tpirk j tnAj vwPApnn r^rriftrT 1 1 *T/0 8-540 G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. HOSPITAL CENTER - Continued Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. *This table supersedes T/O 8-55I, November 1, 19H0, Including Cl, June 6, 19m. By order of the Secretary of War; (A.G. 320.2 (3-7-N2).) 3 *1/0 8-550 Washington, April i, 1942 WAR DEPARTMENT, 1 > 2 3 — 4 5 6 7 r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Administrative service Pr ofess iona 1 serv ice 1 Unit Tec hn ician grade V) %m -H U 3 rr ~o Qj X. Registrar, receiving and patients' detachment Detachment, medic at department . - . [ Med ica i supply ! V) 7x X3 C >> — >* Q-V Q.— 3 — w •— — 3 (T3 ft. O c Med ica 1 Surg ica 1 <0 ■¥» C ■H c o o 66) 4 . .. (1) (1) • • # 74 Operator, electric plant (077) ..... 5 (1) ... (1) • « « 75 Orderly (695) (is) ... (18) • * • 76 orderly, hospital Is 01 77 Painter, general (144) (2) W VJ / (2) 78 Pharmacist (i49) 3 (1) J (1) fi) 79 Pharmacist (149) 4 . .. (2) (2) (1) 80 pharmacist (149) 5 ... (2) (2) 4 • • Plnmhpr f 1 Ail 1 (2) (2) pppa rrmah, utility (l?l) ........... \ * J (2) I * / (2) 33 Stenographer (213) 4 (2) (1) 1 (3) (1) 84 Stenographer (213) ................. 5 (3) (1) 00 * • *- 85 Tailor (234) 5 # » « (1) (1) • « • 86. -J-ecbnlc ian, dental (067) ........... 3 d • • (2) (2) •-ft • 87' Technician, dental (067) 4 (3) (3) ft, ♦ 88 Technician, dental (067) 5 (6) (6) • • ft 89 Technician, laboratory (41l) ....... 3 ■m » m (2) (2) (1) 90 Technician, laboratory (411) 4 • • • (4) 00 • ft ft 91 Technician, laboratory (411) ....... 5 • • • (5) (5) • • O 92 Technician, laboratory (411) • • • (3) (3) 1 GENERAL HOSPITAL - Continued 3 r/0 8-550 — - ■ f rr—1 — i;- ; • ** 2 3 4 j 5 6 7 I8 9 10 11 | 12 13 14 15 16 prtydte' - Cont inued 93 Technician, medical (123) 4 a a a (14) (14) (I) 94 Technician, medical (123) .... 5 ... (21) (21) .. . 95 Technician, medical {123) .. ... a a a (49) (49) ... 96 Technician, sanitary (196) 5 (1) ... (1) a a a 97 Technician, sanitary (196) ........ • • • (3) (2) (5) ... 98 Technician, surgical (225) 3 a a a (9) (9) (1) 99 Technician, surgical (225) 4 a a a (9) (9) (1) 100 Technician, surgical (225) 5 a a a (18) (18) a a a 101 Technician, surgical (225) ........ • •« a a a (18) (18) ... 102 Technician, X—ray (264) ........... 4 a a a (3) (3) (1) 103 Technician, X—ray (264) ........... 5 a a a (3) (3) (1) 104 Technic13 n, X— (264) ••••••••♦•• a a a a a a (3) (3) ... 105 Technician, X-ray, dental (264) ... 3 a • a (1) (1) a a a 106 Basic (52l) • • a (31) ... (?1) ... 107 Total enlisted •••**••«•••••••••• « • • 230 270 500 30 108 Aggregate «••••••••••••••«#•• • • • • • • • 251 411 662 30 109 0 Ambulance, *—‘t on •••••••••*«••«•••• • a • 8 8 • i • 110 Q Truck, *ton a a a 2 2 111 0 Truck, 2-ton, carry-all ........... • a a 4 4 112 Q Truck, ii-ton, cargo a a • 4 4 113 Q Truck, dump a a a 1 1 114 Q Truck, 2i-ton, cargo ••••#•••••••• r a a a 3 3 — G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. GENERAL HOSPITAL- Continued By order of the Secretary of Wan Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General, A.3. 320.2 (3-7-42).) 4 *T/0 6-570 table of organization no. 8-570 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 194S. SURGICAL HOSPITAL Designation: f Surgical Hospital (Capacity: UOO patients) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 ho? p ita 1 i zat units (each 5 on ) O 1 — a. V) 0 00 Remarks V c CO ► :*• c c C V) CM'-' V. i. Unit X3 <0 i. tnn (0 C Qu O ■M fl? •H 1- (0— ic ~c 0) k. T Insert number of hos p ita1. C O O c sz 0 0) h u Q V W. jd O 2 C> 4-* lm 03 3 cr X) m a* X V) <0 O c SI 0 0) H O O H a> w Ul T9 SZ O to 3C sz —«/} — tO-H'-H OUJ c — — H V <0 Ok- •— t? O 3 *3 93 V— ■ «3l OS 0 X) 0) c UJ The surg ica 1 hos- pttal is so organized- That the surg ica 1 (operating) unit (col- umn 4 J, which is en- tirely mobile and self- contaihed, can operate 2 Colonel for any established subdivision of the sur- gical hos p Ita1, or it 3 Lieutenant colonel 1 (di)» (Cl)6 1 1 4 Major * t T can be detached to op- 5 Capt a i n * e 1 u X ca 1 hospita is or e ie~ 6 First lieutenant 9, h2 p 3 ments (hospitalization units) thereof, or for supplementing temporar- ily the surgical facll- It ies of any army 7 Second 1ieutenant 91 £ 1 1 8 Total commissioned 2 14 4 4 1 7 50 evacuation hospital or 9 Nurse 6 2 12 27 60 • 9 • any other medical unit requiring temporary 10 Master sergeant, including ., Clerk, chief (502) ........ 1 ..... 1 1 surgical support with- in the army. The mob ile surg ica1 un it has 4 operating rooms 11 (1) (1) a (1) 3 ; 12 First sergeant ........ 1 1 2 P and when reinforced 13 14 15 16 17 Technical sergeant, including Technician, laboratory(4ii) staff sergeant, including ... 1 2 1 2 with surgical teams is designed to perform (1) (1) 2 (2) 4 (2) 2 80 major operations each 24 hours. That one or both Clerk, general (4ns) (jD (1) 2 (1) (1) 4 (2) (2) 10 (1) MeSS (R24l • (2) 4 hospitalization units (ca pac it y 260 beds each) or one hospital- 18 19 Sergeant, including ......... 2 1 Mess and supply (p?4) ..... (1) (1) i zat ion unit (less a ward section) can be 20 21 22 23 24 Motor (8I3) (ki) (1) (6) (2) 26 (1) established at one or Section leader (652) (1) (1) 1 (i) (3) (1) 13 (1) more points, according to the requirements of the s ituat ion. SUDDlv (ft 2 1 1 k- (2) 2 Corporal, including 6 a Inc ludes 2 Clerk funs! (1) (2) (2) s urg ica1 teams; 1 splint team; 1 shock 25 f6l (12) (24) 9 38 49 team; 1 plast ic- 26 27 26 Technician, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) Incl .. 3 32 24 9 \°/ 32 ( 4 ( 15 ( 19 1 5 • • • max 1 1 1o-facia1 team; 1 roentgenologist. b Opef4t 1 nt) sur- geon. 29 30 private, first class) private v....v.) ( 25 ( 34 56 77 • ll c Sanitary Corps', electrical and gas eng ineer. 31 Chaplain's assistant (534) 5 ... ..... (1) .... .... (1) (2) d De nta 1 . 32 Chauffeur (344) (1) • (1) e Mess officer. 33 Clerk, general (055) 4 (1) (1) (3) (2) (9) (9) r _ A f , Clerk, general (055) ...... 5 (1) (1) (1) (») (4) (1) (1) (4) (4) 1 clinical pathologist J1* 35 36 37 Clerk, stock (324) ........ (with tra intng in wound bacteriology); 1 a naest het ist (with Cook (n6n) 4 (1) (1) (3) Cook (060) 5 s pec la I t ra 1 n ing in 38 Cook's helper (s£l) ....... (1) (2) (2) (2) (5) (2) 0 May be Medi*al Administrative Corps. Driver, light truck (345) 5 * 40 Driver, light truck (345) (8) 00 (4) (16) h 1 cha p la In; l * * * * * * 41 42 tl 2 electrician (078) 4 (1) (1) (1) (kl) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (8) registrar and adjutant. Engineer, powerhouse (077) Englneman, operating (08l) Mechanic, automobile (014) Orderly fsosl ............. 5 i P r Inc I pa 1 chief 4 nurse . 44 45 5 j In charge of med ca 1 rec ords, (1) (3) (3) 46 47 Orderly, hospital ... (*) (18) (1) 1 (36) (2) i t r uc k. pharmacist (<40) 4 (1) • This table supersedes T/o 8-231# December i, 1940# including C i, June 6# 1941 1 T/0 8-570 SMGICAL HOSPITAL - Continued _ & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 48 49 private - Cent tnued Plumber fi6ul ............. 5 (ki) (1) (2) (2) (1) 00 (2) (2) (O (6) (16) (2) 00 (9) (10) (IB) 120) t The hospital- ization unit is moved by pool trans- port, Only the < necessary ut i1 it y Repairman, utility (l2l) .. (1) (1) (1) (1) 50 51 Stenographer (213) ........ K ... Technician, dental (067) .. Technician, laboratory(*u) Technician, laboratory(41l) Technician, laboratory(4ll) Technician, medical (123) Technician, medical (123) Technician, medical (123) Technician, sanitary (196) Technician, sanitary (196) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, surgical (225) Technician, X-rey (264) ,. Technician, X-ray (264) .. Baste (521) 4 (1) 52 53 54 4 (2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (2) (e) (1) (2) (O 00 (8) (10) (1) (i) (9) vqh Ic 3r6 orgafi fc~ ally ass Igned to It. K m In a certa in number of mobile 55 56 K T 4 (1) (1) (*) (1) crating facilities 5 (2) wIM be permanent ly insta lied in moioj vehicles, bus t ype, c a 5 (1) • ft# # • • • or van t ype bod ies. |n this case the transport, In 1ieu of that shown In column 4, will be as follows: vj O 59 60 1 < « 3 4 1 1 t • f • f 1 • t 1 (1) (2) (2) • I t t (2) U) (1) (2) (u) (5) • M • « 1 » (1) 62 63 64 65 66 5 • » • .... ... Truck, g-ton, com- mand and racon- naIssanee 2 U 5 • • • 1 1 • (1) • # • (1) (1) 1 1 • • (3) (2) (21) (1) Truck, 2i-ton (for mounted power p lants ) 2 1 • 4 (3) (1) (4) • • • Truck, 2i-ton, cargo 2 67 Total enlisted • f • U 35 30 10 39 110 275 20 Truck, 24-ton, water tank, 700- 63 «•*»*••-«•••••• 1 « • 6 55 35 17 55 162 385 20 gallon 1 Truck, 24-ton, 69 o Ambulance, l-ton 2 front wheel drive, bus type body in- cluding 7 Operat Ing room (4 ) 70 0 Trailer, i-ton, 2-wheel, water tank (250-gallon) Truck, 4-ton, carry-all .. 2 * 2 4 71 72 Q 0 m3 ml 3 4 room (i) Truck, J-ton, command and reconnaissance 1 « Wed leal s upp1y and office ... (i> X-ra y room (j. 1 73 0 Truck, 3-ton, weapon carrier ................. 1 1 *1 2 The ser Ja1 number symbol shown In paren theses Is an Insepa- rab le part of the 74 75 0 Truck, 24-ton, cargo ..... Truck, 24-ton, water tank (7nn-aallonl m8 mi *1 10 1 0 specialist designa- tion. A number be- low 500 refers to an < . > occupational special- ist whose qua 1 if ica- tIon analysIs Is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a miJItary occupational special- ist 1 Isted In C ircu- lars Nos. 14 and 67, Waf Department, 1942* (A.G. 320.2 (3-6-H2J . I By -order of the Secretary of War; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official; J. A, ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. *1/0 8-600-1 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-600-1 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 1942. HEADQUARTERS, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT CONCENTRATION CENTER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unit Tech- nic Ian Head qua r- Center head- qua r- ters sec- 11 onb Tota 1 En- I Isted Remarks 1 9 rad e ter*a cadre a inc ludes — 1 colone 1, MC, cow- 2 Colonel 1 mand !ng off leer. 1 lieutenant colonel, MC, executive officer 3 4 1 i eutenant col one! 1 Major cl 41 and medical Inspector. 1 *3 jer , VC, meat and da Iry Inspector. 5 Captai n... j. 6 11 eutenant dl 1 captain, MAC, adjutant. b |ncludes-- 7 Total commissioned 4 1 5 1 1 leutenant, MAC, detachment commander 8 9 Master seroeant, includino...... 1 1 1 and assistant adjutant. Clerk, chief (502)........... (1) i (1) 1 (1) 1 °Veter inary. 10 F i rst sergeant Medical Administrative Corps. This unit provides the overhead f or the adminls- 11 12 Staff sergeant, including 1 (1) I (1) j. 1 Mess and supply (974)........ (1) 1 Corporal, including tratlon In the theater of operations of medical and veterinary units held dur- ing concentration, after 14 Meat and dairy hygienist (120) (cl) (cl) ( 3 ( 2 { 6 ( 7 (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (1) 1 S Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) . * ,• , . including.. withdrawal from the line for the purpose of over- hauling and rehabilitation, or as GHQ reserve. 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 Private, first class) 3 pr ivate.........,...) Normally the following Medical Department units ar« assembled at this center Chauffeur (344) (1) (1) (1) (1) f3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) Clerk, general (nss) 4 as GHQ reserve: 1 s urg ica1 hos p ita1. These units are taken Clerk, aeneral (nss)...... Clerk, typist (40‘S).. 5 from the allowances of the Army from which w ithdrawn. Clerk, typist (4ns) O 24 25 26 27 Cook (060) 4 3 Evacuation hospitals. Cook (060) 5 from the allowances of Cook's helper (521) the Army from which Driver, light truck (34*),^^ 1 aux I 1 iary surg lea 1 28 29 30 order!v group. Stenographer (21s! 4 The operation and msinte- Basic (521) quire additional personnel from other arms and services 31 Total enl isted 22 22 4 for the following activities: supply, utilities, laundry, postal service, finance, and 55 Aaareaate H OO 07 O mi I itary pol ice. 33 Oil O Truck, i ton I 1 The serial number symbol 0 Truck, 3 ton, carry—al1...... 1 1 shown in parentheses is an inseparable part of the specialist designation. A 35 0 Truck, 2i-ton, cargo 1 1 number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose qualification analy- sis is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed in Circu- lars Nos. 14 and 6?, War Department, 1942. (A.6. 320.2 (3-7-42).J By order of the Secretary of Wgr; G.C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official; J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. •This table supersedes T/0 8-505, December 1, 1940. *T/0 8-610 WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, April i, 194S. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-610 MEDICAL GENERAL LABORATORY Designation; 4- Medical General Laboratory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 Unit Tech- n 1c Ian g rade Ge ne ra I labora- tory Remarks Colonel 1 (albl)c4 (a2dl)e5 (a4blfl)g7 (a6f l)h0 n ■finsert number of laboratory, aMay be Sanitary Corps. bVeterlnary Corps. c Inc ludes-- 1 epidemiologist 1 pathologist. 1 sanitary engineer (Sanitary Corps). 1 bacteriologist and pathologist with special training in laboratory ex- amination of food (Veterinary Corps). De nta 1 6 Inc 1 udes — 1 serologist. 1 bacteriologist—pathologist (Dental Corps ) . 1 chemist with special training in biochemistry, water chemistry, and toxicology (may be Sanitary Corps). 1 bacteriologist —e pIde mi o1og i st. 1 entomologist (may be Sanitary Corps). fMay be Medical Administrative Corps. 1 nc 1 udes — 1 serologist (may be Sanitary Corps). 1 pathologist (photography and collec- tion of specimens). 1 bacteriologist (may be Sanitary Corps ) . 1 chemist (may be Sanitary Corps). 1 office executive (may be Medical Administrative Corps). 1 parasitologist (may be Sanitary Cor ps) . 1 bacterio1ogist--patho 1ogist, with special training in the laboratory examination of foods (Veterinary C or ps ) . h)nc1udes— 1 sanitary engineer (may be Sanitary Corps) . 1 entomologist (may be Sanitary Corps). 1 serologist (may be Sanitary Corps). 3 bacteriologists (may be Sanitary C or ps ) . 1 supply and transportation officer (may be Medical Administrative Corps). 1 clinical pathologist. 'Trained in bacteriology. in pathology. in serology. * Includes — 2 trained in medical biology. 1 trained in veterinary laboratory work. 1 trained in field sanitation. 1 trained In bacteriology. 1 trained in pathology. 1 trained in serology. m (nc 1 ud o s — 1 trained in veterinary laboratory work. 1 trained in field sanitation. 1 trained in chemistry. 1 trained in dental bacteriology and pat hoiog y. The serial number symbol shown in paren- theses is an inseparable part of the specialist designation. A number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose qualification analysis is found in AR 615-26, A number above 500 refers to a military occupational specialist listed in Circulars Nos. iq and 67, War Department, 1942. Lieutenant colonel Major Captai n . First lieutenant... Second lieutenant Total commissioned 26 Master sergeant, including 1 (1) 1 3 (1) (1) (1) 2 (1) (1) 2 (1) (1) 2 (2) ( 7 ( 15 ( 19 ( 20 ( 29 (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (1) (7) (8) (1) (7) (1) (0>1)'7) ((b2)"ll) {(b2> 15) (U) (9) Technician, laboratory (4ii).... First sergeant (585)............... Technical sergeant, including...... Technician, lahnrat.nryi (mi)... Technician, (mi)... Staff sergeant, including .. Duty (566). Mess (Roiil Sergeant, including Dutv SuoolV 1 Corporal, including Dutv fsfiAl.. Technician, grade 3 ) Technic ian, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) inc1uding.... Private, first class) private. ) Chauffeur (344) Clerk, general (055) Clerk, typist (405) 5 Clerk, typist (uns) Cook (nsn) 4 5 Cook (n5o) Cook's helper (5?l) Driver, light truck (845) 5 Driver, light truck (3)15)....... Mechanic, mntnr (014) 4 Orderly (598) Stenographer (213) - 4 3 4 5 Technician, laboratory (411).... Technician, laboratory (411).... Technician, laboratory (411).... Technician, laboratory (an).... Sasic /831I Total enlisted.,,,, 101 Aaareaate. 127 Q Truck, 6 1 1 1 Q Truck, 3-ton, carry—all.. 0 Truck, |-ton, weapon carrier.... 0 Truck, ton, cargo.*... (A.G. 320.2 13-7-421.) By order of the Secretary of Wan G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, major General, The Adjutant General. •This table supersedes T/0 8-504, Nov, 1, 1940, including Cl, June 6, 1941 *T/0 8-611 TABLE OF ORGANIZATION No. 0-611 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April i, 1942. MEDICAL LABORATORY, ARMY OR COMHUHICATIOHS ZONE Designation: Medical Laboratory 1 2 3 4 5 1 unit Techni- cian grade Med ica 1 labora- tory a Enlisted cad re Remarks 2 Lieutenant colonel.... bl (<=l)d3 (e2)f 5 egl hi Insert number of laboratory. a|ncludes l stationary labora- tory and 3 mobile laboratories. Each mobile laboratory consists of — 3 Major 4 Captain 5 First lieutenant 5 Second 1 i eutenant Per sonne 1 — 1 technical sergeant. 2 laboratory technicians. 1 chauffeur. Eq u i pment — 1 2i-ton truck outfitted with 7 Total commissioned... 11 8 Master sergeant, including 1 1 9 Technician, laboratory (411)^^^^. (1) 4 (1) 4 iO Technical sergeant, including....... laboratory chests as required 11 Technician, laboratory (uij) (*) 3 (4) 1 1 4-ton truck assigned from 12 Staff sergeant, including.... base unit when required. 13 14 Chief clerk (052)**««> ... a) fl2l (1) Commanding officer, Medical Corps, with broad training In gen- eral laboratory work and epidemi- Technician, laboratory (un) 15 Sergeant, including V1 w 8 (1) (1) 05) (ckl) 1 1 01 og y. 16 Mess and supply (r?4)..... (1) cVeter Inary. 17 Motor (337I 1nc1udes — 1 bacteriologist, Medical Corps. 1 pathologist, Medical Corps, 10 Technician, laboratory (4h)ujjj 19 Technician, laboratory (4il) 1 bacteriologist and pathologist Veterinary Corps, with spe- cial training in the labora- 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Corporal, including Motor f337l.... (1) ( 2 ( 5 ( 10 ( 10* (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (3) (1) (3) (1) ((chl}2) (3) 0) (c k4) 0) tory examination of foods. Technician, grade 3 ) Technician, grade 4 ) Technician, grade 5 ) including..... eMay be Sanitary Corps. 1 2 Includes — 3 captains, Medical Corps, In charge of the 3 mobile labora- Private, first class) private ) Chauffeur (344).... 1 tor les. 1 chemist, Sanitary Corps or Medical Corps, with special training In biochemistry, water chemistry, and toxi- cology. 28 29 30 31 32 33 3U 35 36 V 38 39 Clerk, general (055). 5 (1) (1) (1) (1) Clerk, typist (400) 1 serologist, Sanitary Corps or Cook (ofin) 4 special training in general laboratory work and medical Cook (n*n) 5 Cook's helper (spi) blology. Driver, heavy truck (245) 5 May be Medical Administrative Cor ps . with special training in toxi- cology, 1 with special training in Driver, light truck (34s).. 5 Driver, light truck (34s).. Mechanic, aut. nmnh 5 le (pji)).. 5 bacteriology. with special training in path- ology, 1 with special training in serology. Orderl v f Stenographer - 4 Technician, laboratory (41l)*---- 0 With special training In veterl- Technician, laboratory (41l) il nary laboratory procedures. 4U Technician laboratory (411) 5 The serial number symbol shown in parentheses is an Inseparable part of the specialist designation. 42 43 Technician, laboratory (41l) Basic 1 1 A number below 500 refers to an occupational specialist whose quali- fication analysis is found in AR 615-26. A number above 500 refers to a military occupational special- ist listed in Circulars Nos. m 44 Total enlisted..... 51 11 45 Anareaate 62 11 and 67, War Department, 1942. 46 47 48 49 50 0 Semitrailer, 2-wheel, laboratory. 0 Truek, £ ton 1 2 n Tf-iick 3—tftn carry—a 11T 1 Q Truck, 2i*-ton, cargo. 3 h Truck, *| to 5—ton, tractor 1 (A.6. 320.2 13-7-42).) By order of the Secretary of War; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General, •This table supersedes T/0 8-234, October l, 191*0. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION NO. 8-650 * T/0 8-650 Washington, April 1, 1942. WAR DEPARTMENT, GENERAL DISPENSARY Designation: -j~ General Dispensary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Unit 0) TJ to u o> c to 0 c c 0 0 h- c 0 u 0) (A if) V. 0) +* w n 3 cr TJ <0 0 X (0 c 0 +* 0 03 (A to O x» O) 3E c 0 V 0 tl> M (0 O D> k. 3 tn X5 Co <0 c ~ 0 OJ — VI V O O c 0) if) k. v fO <»3 0) O k. •'X 0) 4J ui o> c 0 -M O tt» if) 0 SUMMARY Off WO EM Total Div 691-69 -13»A32 Atchd Med 50 364 Atchd Chap 14 Aggregate 755-69 -13*796 ARMORED FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION (T/0 6-165) ARMORED FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION (T/0 6-165) ARMORED MEDICAL BATTALION (T/0 8-75) HQ A HQ OET COMBAT COMMAND (T/0 17-1-1) ARMORED DIVISION trains (T/0 17-60) HO A HQ CO DIVISION TRAINS (T/0 17-60-1] SUPPLY BATTALION (T/0 10-35] HQ DIVISION ARTILLERY COMMAND (T/0 17-1-2) SERVICE COMPANY [T/0 17-3) HEADQUARTERS ARMORED DIVISION (T/0 17-1) ARMORED ENGINEER BATTALION (T/0 5-215) maintenance BATTALION (T/0 9-65) ARMORED DIVISION HEADQUARTERS COMPANY /T/0 17—21 ARMORED SIGNAL COMPANY (T/0 11-57) ARMORED INFANTRY REGIMENT (T/0 7-21) HQ A HQ OET COMBAT COMMAND (T/0 17-1-1) ARMORED REGIMENT (T/0 17-11) ARMORED REGIMENT (T/0 17-11) ATCHD MED OFF EM Hq Co, Armd Div 3- 16 Armd Ren Bn 4- 25 Armd Regt (2) 16-120 Armd Engr Bn 3- 27 Armd Inf Regt 9- 72 Armd FA Bn (3) 9- 72 Maint Bn 3- 16 Sup Bn 3- 16 Total 50-364 ARMORED RECONNAISSANCE BATTALION (T/0 17-35) T/0 17 March 1. 1942 ATTACHED OBSERVATION AVIATION