MANUAL OF ORGANIZATION a STANDARD PRACTICES OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL ARMY SERVICE FORCES MANUAL NO. 07 1 XI I L> J 4. SPMCQ ARMY SERVICE FORCES Office of The Surgeon General Washington 2 5, D.C. 15 March 19U*. OFFICE ORDER NO. 1: Manual of the Office of The Surgeon General. 1. Attached hereto is a registered, numbered copy of the Manual for The Surgeon General's Office. This Manual supersedes Office Order No. Ulil, dated 12 July 19U3* and will be used as the official medium for describing the organization and general rou- tines of The Surgeon General's Office. The Manual is intended for ready reference, and will not be removed from the office to which it has been assigned. 2. From time to time there will be issued new or corrected pages, or entirely new sections covering organization changes and office routines. Old pages will be destroyed in order that the Manual may be kept up-to-date and as complete as possible. Any errors will be reported to the Control Division (Extension 78275) at once. Any other necessary changes will be coordinated with the Control Division and submitted in writing to the Executive Of- fice for approval, in accordance with Office Order No. 813, dated 16 October 19U3* 3. In accordance with an AGO ruling, current assignments of officers will no longer be indicated herein, but will be shown in an SGO organization directory being issued concurrently with this Manual. Subsequent reassignments or transfers of officers, or the assignment of new officers will be coordinated with the Control Division and submitted in writing to the Executive Office for ap- proval. The changes will be included in periodic revisions of the directory issued by the Executive Office. The General Service Branch, Office Service Division (Extension 79031) will be notified of any changes in rooms or telephone numbers. U. This Office Order replaces Office Order No. 1, dated 22 January 19UU. order of The Surgeon Generals ROBERT Jl CARPENTER, Lieut. Colonel, Medical Corps, Executive Officer. SGO MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.00 GENERAL MANUAL INFORMATION 1.01 Arrangement of Manual and Maintenance Instructions 2.00 AUTHORITY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL 2.01 The Surgeon General1s Office 2.02 Field Installations 2.03 Relation with Service Commands 3.00 ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SURGEON GENERAL*S OFFICE 3.01 The Surgeon General 3.02 The Deputy Surgeon General 3.03 The Executive Office 3.0A Control Division 3.05 Historical Division 3.06 Administrative Services Office Service Division Legal Division Fiscal Division Medical Statistics Division 3.0? Personnel Service Military Personnel Division Civilian Personnel Division 3.03 Operations Service Training Division Hospital Division Mobilization and Overseas Operation Division Special Planning Division Technical Division 3.09 Supply Service Purchase Division Renegotiation Division Distribution and Requirements Division International Division 3.10 Professional Service Professional Consultants Medicine Division Surgery Division Neuropsychiatry Division Physical Standards Division Reconditioning Division Dental Division Veterinary Division Nursing Division 15 March 1944- SGO MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS (Gont'd) 3.11 Preventive Medicine Service Board of Consultants Special Commissions Sanitation and Hygiene Division Laboratories Division Epidemiology Division Tropical Disease Control Division Sanitary Engineering Division Venereal Disease Control Division Occupational Health Division Medical Intelligence Division Nutrition Division Civil Public Health Division 3.12 Red Cross Liaison Activities 4*00 CORRESPONDENCE (To be issued at a later date) 5.00 STANDARD OFFICE PRACTICE 5.01 (To be issued) 5.02 Clearance of Reports 5.03 Correspondence Symbols 15 March 1944 1.00 GENERAL MANUAL INFORMATION FOR THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL SGO MANUAL 1.01 ARRANGEMENT OF MANUAL AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ARRANGEMENT 1. The material in The Surgeon General»s Office Manual is arranged by use of the decimal system of classification, similar to that of the Organization Manual, Army Service Forces. 2. Under the decimal system, each subject is given a number, i.e.. Authority of The Surgeon General is 2.00. Each subject has been sub- divided into sections, which in turn are given decimal numbers, i.e.. The Surgeon General*s Office is 2.01, Field Installations,2.02. When a section runs into two or more pages, the page number is shown under the section number, i.e., 1.02 • “2 3. Parts of two or more sections will never be found on the same page. Each section begins a new page although it may, of course, con- tinue for several pages. MANUAL CHANGES 1. All changes in the Manual will be made by issuance of replace- ment pages which will be substituted for sections or parts of sections in which changes occur* The numbers in the upper right corner will indicate the location of the new page to be inserted* The date in the lower right corner will indicate the date of issuance* The obsolete page to be replaced, and its date will be shown in parenthesis below the date of the new page. 2. In order that Manual holders may be assured of receipt of all new pages, consecutive numbers will be shown in the lower left comer on each page issued after the initial distribution of material dated 15 March 19iUu 3# All replacement pages will be issued only from the Executive Office and may or may not be based on an Office Order. U* For convenience in use, it is suggested that the following tabs be prepared and affixed to the white bond pages in the third section of the Manual; Executive Office Administrative Services Personnel Service Operations Service Supply Service Preventive Medicine Service Professional Service 15 March 19hh 2.00 AUTHORITY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL SGO MANUAL 2.01 THE SUBGEO N GENERAL'S OFFICE 1* The S, G, 0. is the central office in Washington which aids The Surgeon General in the discharge of the responsibilities assigned to him in the Army organization, 2, The several services within the S.G.O. and the Divisions which comprise such Services have only the authority delegated to them by The Surgeon General, but power has been so delegated to the Services to act for The Surgeon General within the scope of their respective fields, Ihis does not include authority to decide im- portant questions of policy, nor power to take action upon any subject which affects the functions of another Service, except with the concurrence of each Service affected thereby. Matters not covered by such delegation of power will be taken up with the Deputy Surgeon General, 15 March 19hh SGO MANUAL 2.02 FIELD INSTALLATIONS 1. The following Class IV field installations are under the direct command and administrative supervision of The Surgeon General for operations, but are under the supervision of the Service Commander for housekeeping purposes, such as utilities, building security, etc.J- Title of Official in Charge a. Army Medical Center Washington 25, D. C. (Includes Walter Reed Gen.Hospital) Commanding General Biologic Products Lab* TJ*S. Army Medical Dept* Lansing, Mich* (Exempted Station, reports to Army Medical Center) Officer in Charge b. Army Medical Museum 7th St, & Independence Ave*, S.W, Washington 25, D. C* Curator c* Army Medical Library 7th St* & Independence Ave., S*W. Washington 25, D, C. Librarian d# Medical Field Service School Carlisle Barracks, Pa* (Includes Medical Department Equipment Laboratory) Commanding General e* Army Industrial hygiene Lab* School of Hygiene & Public Health Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Md* Commanding Officer f# Respiratory Diseases Commission Lab* Fort Bragg, N.C. Director g. Armored Medical Research Lab. Fort Knox, Ky. Commanding Officer h. Array Medical Purchasing Office 52 Broadway New York, N.Y. Commanding Officer Chicago Br.-Anny Me d.Purch.Office 1552 Civic Opera Bldg. 20 N. Wacker Drive Chi cage, 111. Commanding Officer 15 March 19U SGO MANUAL 2.02 2 FIELD INSTALLATIONS (Contfd) Title of Official in Charge i, Medical Depots - Commanding Officer (1) Binghamton Medical Depot Binghamton, New York. (2) Chicago Medical Depot 251 E, Grand Ave, Chicago, 111, (3) Denver Medical Depot 3800 York St., Denver, Col, (4.) Kansas City Medical Depot Kansas City Food Terminal Kansas City, Kansas, (5) Los Angeles Medical Depot 2001 S. Alameda St,, Los Angeles, Cal. (6) Louisville, Medical Depot Louisville, Ky. (7) St, Louis Medical Depot 12th and Spruce Sts., St, Louis, Mo. (B) San Francisco Medical Depot 1855 Folsom St., San PVancisco, Cal. (9) Toledo Medical Depot W. Central Ave, at NYCRR, Toledo, Ohio. 2. The following ASF Depots are Class IV installations under the command of the Quartermaster General, but have Medical Sections which are under the technical supervision of, and have military personnnel allot- ments under The Surgeon Generalt a. Atlanta ASF Depot Atlanta, Ga# Medical Supply Officer b, Columbus ASF Depot Columbus, Ohio. Medical Supply Officer c. Richmond ASF Depot Richmond, Va. Medical Supply Officer d. San Antonio ASF Depot Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. Medical Supply Officer •! 1. <1 « SGO MANUAL 2.02 FIELD INSTALLATIONS (Cont*d) Title of Official in Charge e• Savannah ASF Depot Savannah, Ga. Medical Supply Officer Miami Med. Supply Point (subdepot) 20th and Biscayne Blvd*, Miami, Fla* ----- Medical Supply Officer f. Schenectady ASF Depot Schenectady, M.T. Medical Supply Officer g. Seattle ASF Depot - 4735 E. Marginal Way Seattle, Washington. Medical Supply Officer h. Utah ASF Depot Ogden, Utah. Medical Supply Officer (Acting) 3. The following Ordnance Depot is a Class IV field installation under the command of the Chief of Ordnance, but has a Medical Section which is under the supervision of, and has a military personnel allot- ment under The Surgeon Generali a. Pueblo Ordnance Depot Pueblo, Colorado. - Medical Supply Officer 4. The following Air Depots are Army Air Force installations, but have Medical Sections with civilian personnel allotments under The Surgeon Generali a. Brookley Field - Mobile, Alabama. Chief, Medical Supply Section b. Hill Field - Ogden, Utah. Chief, Medical Supply Section c. Patterson Field Fairfield, Ohio. Chief, Medical Supply Section If Marfth IQLL SGO MANUAL 2.03 RELATION TO SERVICE COMMANDS. 1. :The Surgeon General acts as a staff officer for the Commanding General, Array Service Forces, in directing and * supervising medical functions in the Service Commands, He issues instructions under the authority of the Commanding General, Army Service Forces, either with or without specifically invoking such authority, 2, Instructions, including technical instruction, must, however, be issued to the Service Commander and not to subordinates of the Service Commanders, 3.00 ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL 3.00 - SCO HISTORICAL DIVISION March 19kh SUPPLY SERVICE IPREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE FIELD INSTALLATIONS ORGANIZATION CHART OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL ARMY SERVICE FORCF-G OPERATIONS SERVICE THE SURGEON GENERAL DEPUTY SURGEON GENERAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Se® Individual Organization Charts for Each Service) PERSONNEL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTROL DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SCO MANUAL 3*01 THE SURGEON GENERAL MISSION To assure the proper physical selection of military personnel; to conserve military manpower through appropriate disease-preventive measures, adequate medical, surgical and dental treatment, and suitable hospitalization and reconditioning; to assure proper phy- sical selection and professional care of military animals; to train and furnish specialized Medical Department troops to Service Commands and units of the field forces; to assure the supply to the Army of such equipment and supplies as are assigned to the Medical Department for procurement, in such quantities and at such times as are required to meet the Army Supply Program and other directives of higher authority. MAJOR FUNCTIONS Staff Functions* 1* Determines upon the physical standards applying to officer and enlisted personnel in all branches of the military service, in- cluding also standards for admission to the United States Military Academy, Reserve Officers* Training Corps, Amy Nurse Corps, and Women* s Army Corps* 2* Reviews physical examination reports and advises upon the physical fitness of candidates for admission to the U* S* Military Academy or for commission in the Regular Army, and of those individ- uals for induction or reenlistment, previously discharged for physical disability from the Amy, Navy or Marine Corps} reviews and recommends action on all Board proceedings involving retirement for physical dis- ability* 3* Conducts a urogram of research and development applying to new professional items and Medical Department items of field equipment, and participates in the preparation of military characteristics of and pre- pares specifications for Medical Department supplies and equipment* l£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3*01 "5 THE SURGEON GENERAL (Cont.) A, Determines personnel requirements for, and provides spec- ialized troops for use by Service Commands and Theaters of Operations under War Department plans, and supervises distribution of specialized officer personnel at medical installations, as determined necessary for the adequate and efficient care of the sick and wounded, 5, Participates in the preparation of war plans with respect to activities of the Medical Department, 6, Prepares and maintains Tables of Organization and Equipment, Tables of Basic Allowances, and Tables of Allowances with respect to the activities of the Medical Department, and adjusts these as required to accord with those of other Technical Services, 7, Determines upon the appropriate contents of the soldiers* ration from the standpoint of health, 8, Investigates the desirability of hospital sites and advises upon the technical suitability of hospital construction for the hos- pitalization of men and animals, 9* Maintains technical supervision over Medical Department training activities, designates training personnel, prepares curricula for the various Medical Department schools, prepares extension courses, manuals, and other training publications, 10, Within the limits of policies determined by Staff Divisions determines procurement policies and procedures for Medical Department supplies and equipment, 11, Determines future requirements of, and periodically appraises and distributes information with respect to supplies and equipment, in- dicating both the quantity needed and the timing Involved and also the breakdown of such requirements into quantities of raw materials required, 12, Maintains liaison with the War Department, with other Federal agencies, and with Industries on problems of production, raw material requirements, conservation of critical and strategic materials and fa- cilities, and stock-piling, and on the operations of priorities, allo- cations, and preference ratings with respect to Medical Department supplies and equipment, 13* Assures the application of War Department storage policies at medical depots. V-> March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3*01 THE SURGEON GENERAL (Cent.) 14. Acts as custodian of the Central Hospital Fund, U* S, Amy, and supervises the operations of field hospital funds* Headquarters Operating Functions. 1. Supervises the operation of the Army Medical Center, Washington* D. C** including the professional service and enlisted specialist schools* and the Walter Reed General Hospital* 2* Supervises the operation of the Army Medical Library* 3* Supervises the operation of the Amy Medical Museum* Am Compiles records of medical statistics for the Army* Field Operating Functions. 1. Based upon investigative studies and records of disease preva- lence in all parts of the world* determines upon and supervises the vaccination* inoculation* and other protective measures required by mil- itary personnel* 2* Determines upon and supervises the sanitary measures to be enforced in all localities where troops are located* 3* Supervises the health inspection of meat* neat food* and dairy products to be consumed by troops* Am Supervises professional treatment methods (medical* surgical* dental* nursing, and veterinary) throughout the military service* 5* Supervises the distribution of patients in Army hospitals* 6* Conducts a program of venereal disease control in troop areas* 7* Conducts a program of industrial hygiene and prevention of health ha sards in Army-controlled industrial plants* and supervises the operation of the Army Industrial hygiene Laboratory* S* Supervises operation of procurement districts through which medical supplies and equipment are procured and inspected* 9* Supervises the operation of medical depots* l£ March 19iUi SGO MANUAL 3.01 A THE SURGEON GENERAL (Cont.) 10* Makes periodical inspections of storage activities at medical depots to insure that War Department policies are carried out* 11* Supervises the operation of the Medical Department Equipment Laboratory and the Medical Field Serfice School at Car- lisle, Pa* ORGANIZATION The Surgeon General performs the above mission and functions through the administration of the Office of The Sturgeon General, consisting of the Executive Office, the Control Division, the Historical Division, the Administrative Services Divisions, the Personnel Service, the Operations Service, the Supply Service, the Professional Service and the Preventive Medicine Service* 15 March 19U SGO MANUAL 3.02 THE DEPUTY SURGEON GENERAL Functions Acts for The Surgeon General in his absence; however, no major changes will be made in policies during this time which can await the return of The Surgeon General. He coordinates the work of the various services of The Surgeon General*s Office with refer- ence to the modification of existing or the establishment of new policies. l£ March 19 UU SGO MANUAL 3.03 THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER Functions Supervises, under the instructions of The Surgeon General, the administrative operation of the entire office* He is essential- ly its routine coordinating officer* He announces policies and promulgates orders in the name of The Surgeon General and sees that they are executed* He acts on matters not specifically as- signed to the respective divisions of the office; puts into ef- fect known policies; approves travel and leave orders for office personnel; maintains O.D. roster; schedules S*G*0* conferences; clears all congressional communications and all incoming a nd outgoing telegrams except classified and security matters; fol- lows up the execution of directives and approved recomendations« The Executive Office is Custodian of the Central Hospital Fund, U* S* Army, and administers the use of field hospital funds. Military Intelligence Branch. Under supervision of the Execu- tive Officer, performs duties in connection with domestic and foreign military intelligence and subversive activities as they pertain to the personnel of the Medical Department. Collects and evaluates military information and disseminates in the form of military intelligence. Hospital Fund Branch. Under supervision 01 the Executive Of- ficer, maintains the accounts and records of the Central Hospi- tal Fund, U. S. Army, and of the hospital funds at installations in the field; assists in the formulation of policies and proce- dures respecting the operation, accounting, and reporting of +hese trust funds. l£ March 19UU LTo COL. MAC LEAN 3.Oh SCO MANUAL CONTROL DIVISION Functions Division. Provides an administrative management analysis and advisory service to The Surgeon General on matters of policy, organization and operating procedure. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the ac- tivities of the Procedures Branch and the Analysis and Reporting Branch* Procedures Branch. Conducts studies of organization and operating pro- cedures in order to effect improvements; reviews, recommends, and as- sists in preparation of organization charts and procedure changes; re- sponsible for control, design, simplification and standardization of SGO and Medical Department fonns; coordinates preparation of publications affecting Medical Department matte'rs; reviews requests for recurring re- ports, requests A.S.F. Hq. approval of external reports, determines neces- sity for and approves internal reports; maintains liaison with the Con- trol Division, Hq., A.S.F. Analysis and Reporting Branch. Reviews statistical and other reports of progress prepared for the Office of The Surgeon General; prepares The Surgeon General’s Notebook; prepares summaries reflecting the status of operations throughout the Medical Department; prepares the Health Section of the Monthly Progress Report. 17 27 June 19UU (Replaces page 3»0U dated 15> March 19hh) SGO MANUAL 3.0£ HISTORICAL DIVISION Functions Division, Coordinates historical activities of The Surgeon Gen- eral’s Office; collects, classifies, and indexes technical re- ports from field medical units, office publications, and other date having historical interest and value to the Medical Depart- ment in connection with the progress of the present emergency and state of war; prepares material for publication in historical volumes; prepares an account of the activities of The Surgeon Generalfs Office for inclusion in the Annual Report of the Com- manding General, ASF; coordinates the historical activities of The Surgeon Generali Office with the Historical Branch, G-2, the Historical Section, Control Division, Headquarters, ASF, and the Subcommittee on Historical Records, Division of Medical Sciences, National Research Council* Division Director, Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Division. V~> March 19 Uh SGO MANUAL 3.0? ~Z TECHNICAL INFORMATION DIVISION Functions Division* Compiled, analyzes and clears through the War Department Bureau of Public Relations information concerning the activities of the Medical De- partment of the Army; prepares speeches, maintains liaison with War Depart- ment Bureau of Public Relations; acts as sole public relations representa- tive of The Surgeon General and all military and civilian personnel in The Surgeon General’s Office. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Planning Branch and the Amy Nurse Branch. Planning Branch. Plans and develops long-range public relations program for Army Medical Department; assists newspaper, magazine, radio and motion picture writers in obtaining material for their media; obtains answers to specific inquiries transmitted by War Department Bureau of Public Relations; processes professional manuscripts submitted for approval to The Surgeon General; maintains staff liaison in public relations matters with Amy Gen- eral Hospitals and Class IV Installations of The Surgeon General’s Office. Amy Nurse Branch. Plans and develops long-range public relations program for the Array Nurse Corps; assists newspaper, magazine, radio and motion picture writers .in obtaining material for their media; obtains answers to specific inquiries transmitted by War Department Bureau of Public Relations; edits ’’The Army Nurse”, a bulletin for Amy Nurse Corps personnel; main- tains liaison with Morale Services Division, Officer Procurement Service, and Recruiting Publicity Bureau. 27 June 19UU 16 3.06 - AJ3MINISTRA.TIVE SERVICES MED. STATISTICS DIVISION INDIVIDUAL RECORDS BRANCH HEALTH REPORTS BRANCH SELECTIVE SERVICE RECORDS BRANCH STAT ISTICAL ANALYSIS BRANCH OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL A DM IN IS TRA 77 VE SER VICES ACCOUNTS a REPORTS BRANCH FIELD SUPERV IS I 0 N BRANCH FISCAL DIVI SION BUDGET BRANCH EXECUTIVE OFFICER S. G. 0. 15 March 19W LEGAL DlVISION OFFICE SERVICE DIVISION GENERAL SERVICE BRANCH PUBLICATIONS BRANCH MAIL 8 RECORDS BRANCH MACHINE RECORDS BRANCH SGO MANUAL 3.06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Functions Consists of the Office Service Division, the Legal Division, the Fiscal Division and the Medical Statistics Division (see func- tions of Divisions). The Executive Officer supervises the di- rection of these Divisions in addition to his other duties. 15 March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.06 T ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Cont.) OFFICE SERVICE DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Executive Officer, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches)* Directs the activities of the General Service Branch, the Publications Branch, the Mail and Records Branch, and the Machine Records Branch* General Service Branch* Requisitions, receives, stores, issues, and accounts for all office equipment, and supplies; maintains rec- ords and inventories on nonexpendable property; procures depart- mental printing, multilith, mimeograph, and similar services, and furnishes minor reproduction services; requisitions telephone, electric, building, mechanical and rapair services; issues building and property passes; recommends assignment of office space; oper- ates stenographic pool; and performs miscellaneous general admin- istrative services* Publications Branch* Reviews proposed SGO orders and other direc- tives for content and form; maintains approved distribution lists and distributes reproduced material; analyses all incoming informa- tional material; edits manuscripts for reproduction; maintains ref- erence library; and advises other divisions on preparation and pub- lication of W.D. manuscripts, in conformity with existing regula- tions; acts as liaison vdth AGO Publications pivision relative to blank forms and publications. Mail and Records Branch* Receives, distributes, classifies, in- dexes, extracts, and dispatches all communications of the SGO; maintains administrative and t echnical responsibility of all SGO files and records and maintains immediate supervision and custody of central files for correspondence and related records; formulates standards for record keeping, systematic disposition, retention or retirement of records and elimination of nonessential filing; and is responsible for maintaining adequate internal security for clas- sified material. Machine Records Branch* Provides machine tabulating service for all SGO offices requiring such service; punches, sorts and tabu- lates cards for Selective Service reports, medical statistics, Army Supply Program, International Aid, catalogue listings and changes, basic equipment lists and miscellaneous stock control reports; con- sults with SGO offices as to feasibility of utilizing machine tabu- lating equipment for special reports; plans, supervises and com- pletes such reports. 1$ March IpUU SCO MANUAL 3.06 3 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Cont'd) LEGAL DIVISION Functions Division. Subordinate to the functions of The Judge Advocate Gen- eral aslegal advisor of The Surgeon General, acts as general coun- sel for The Surgeon General and the divisions within the Office of The Surgeon General, except as to matters pertaining to procurement of supplies, equipment, and services, legal advice as to which will be the responsibility of the Legal Division, Army Medical Purchasing Office. As to procurement matters, the Legal Division, Office of The Surgeon General, will nevertheless furnish counsel and legal advice as required in the Office of The Surgeon General, and will serve in a liaison capacity as to legal matters with Headquarters, ASF, and The Judge Advocate General. It will be the responsibility of the Legal Divisions, Office of The Surgeon General and Army Med- ical Purchasing Office, to coordinate with each other the legal ad- vice as to matters of procurement. The Legal Division acts as li- aison between the Office of The Surgeon General and higher authori- ty on matters pertaining to Congressional inquiries. Incoming di- rectives and other publications are examined by the Legal Division which recommends distribution thereof within the Office of The Sur- geon General, indicates to the Executive Office those requiring ac- tion, and digests and indexes those of importance to the Office of The Surgeon General. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Executive Officer, on matters within the scope of the division functions. Directs the activities of the division. l£ March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.06 T ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Cont.) FISCAL DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Executive Officer, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see Branch functions). Directs the activities of the Accounts and Audits Branch, the Budget Branch, and the Field Supervision Branch, Accounts and Audits Branch, Prepares allotment documents for all funds under the control of The Surgeon General and estimates of quarterly requirements of installations to which allotments are made; maintains all central bookkeeping records on status of appro- priations and on funds allotted to the Office of The Surgeon Gen- eral; prepares reports on status of appropriations, renegotiated contracts, and other related accounting matters; prepares state- ments for hospitalization and treatment of personnel of other agencies by the Medical Department; prepares all correspondence in connection with inquiries or actual donations received by The Surgeon General and makes required arrangements for equipment and personnel at presentation ceremonies. Audits and clears for pay- ment all vouchers for (l) medical care and treatment of United States Amy personnel in Government hospitals other than Amy medical facilities, (2) services rendered the Medical Department by other Federal agencies. (3) medical research activities of au- thorized universities, (U) travel and per diem of civilian em- ployees of The Surgeon General!s Office, (£) purchases by Army Medical Library and Amy Medical Museum. Conducts research in matters involving technical and medical points regarding unusual vouchers referred from the fiscal branch offices. Conducts nec- essary activities in connection with office services for the Fis- cal Division. Budget Branch. Prepares budget estimates covering all require- ments of the Medical Department together with the defense and justification of such estimates; presents and defends the budget estimates at War Department, Bureau of the Budget, and other hearings; develops budget preparation procedure, factors for justifications, and methods of rapid calculation of such fund re- quirements; prepares drafts of proposed legislation affecting ap- propriations; maintains liaison with other divisions of the Of- fice of The Surgeon General and other War Department agencies in matters relating to budget requirements; reviews appropriation acts and related legislative hearings and reports; prepares unit cost factors for estimates, justifications, and other purposes. 15> i%rch 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.06 Ha AHH NISTRATIVE SERVICES FISCAL DIVISION (Contact) Functions Field Supervision Branch. Supervises all fiscal functions in fis- cal branch offices; assists field personnel in the execution of the fiscal program through interpretation of Fiscal policies, instruc- tion and advice on methods and procedures; conducts general surveys of fiscal branch offices, prepares audit reports and makes appro- priate recommendations for corrective action or changes in proce- dure. Prepares instructions relating to accounting and auditing policies and procedures within the Medical Department; reviews and makes recommendations for changes in existing accounting procedures; analyzes fiscal statistics when requested; prepares and currently maintains a Medical Department fiscal manual; coordinates the Med- ical Department fiscal procedures, activities and methods with ap- propriate policies and directives issued by higher War Department echelons; acts as liaison between the Fiscal Division and other divisions of The Surgeon General1s Office on all technical fiscal matters; supervises the review of drafts of circulars, manuals and regulations submitted by Headquarters, Army Service Forces, for comment• V~> March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.06 T ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Cont.) MEDICAL STATISTICS DIVISION Functions Division. Collects, compiles and analyzes statistical informa- tion concerning the health of the Army, including incidence of various diseases, injuries and battle casualties, causes of dis- charge of personnel separated from the Army for physical or men- tal reasons, number and causes of deaths, number of persons hos- pitalized and number of available beds, and results of physical examination of men and women inducted into the .Array. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Executive Officer, on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Individual Records Branch, the Health Reports Branch, the Statis- tical Analysis Branch, and the Selective Service Branch. Individual Records Branch. Receives, checks for accuracy, and codes medical data on individual sick and wounded reports for every individual in the Army losing time from duty because of disease, injury, or battle casualty, and for each death of Army personnel and member of the Army discharged or retired for medi- cal reasons. Health Reports Branch. Collects current information concerning hospitalization, communicable and noncomraunicable disease, in- juries, and battle casualties in the Army; summarizes this in- formation, prepares, and distributes the Weekly Health Report. Statistical Analysis Branch. Analyzes and interprets statisti- cal information concerning the health of the Army collected and processed by the Individual Records Branch, Health Reports Branch, and Selective Service Branch; prepares analytical reports based on this information for the use and guidance of Divisions in the Office of The Surgeon General and other offices in the War De- partment • Selective Service Branch. Receives, checks, and codes medical data concerning individual physical examinations of men inducted into the armed services and of women inducted into the Army. 15 March 19UU 3.07 - PEESOKNEL SERVICE PERSONNEL CONTROL BRANCH CLASSIFICATION B WAGE ADJUSTMENT BRANCH EMPLOYEE RELATIONS BRANCH STATUS PAYROLLS a RECORDS BRANCH RECRUITMENT a PLACEMENT BRANCH TRAINING BRANCH CIVILIAN PERSONNEL DIVISION OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL PERSONNEL SERVICE CHIEF PERSONNEL PLANNING 3 PLACEMENT BRANCH PHYS. THERAPY AIDE BRANCH DIETITIAN BRANCH ENLISTED BRANCH ARMY NURSE BRANCH MILITARY PERSONNEL DIVISION CLASSIFICATION BRANCH PROCUREMENT BRANCH OPERATIONS BRANCH RECORDS BRANCH 15 March 19^4 SGO MANUAL 3.07 PERSONNEL SERVICE Functions Chief of Service. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Service functions (see functions of Divisions and Branches). Supervises the di- rection of the Military Personnel Division and the Civilian Personnel Division under objectives established by higher- au- thority* Personnel Control Branch. Sub-allots military and civilian personnel to field installations within the service commands and the Military District of Washington under the jurisdiction of The Surgeon General; receives and consolidates strength reports from these installations and Medical Department Replacement Pools for submission to ASF; prepares special reports as called for by ASF directives pertaining to personnel control; processes recommendations for promotion of officers under jurisdiction of The Surgeon General; acts as Adjutant for The Surgeon General's Office. If? March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.07 Tf PERSONNEL SERVICE (Cont.) MILITARY PERSONNEL DIVISION Functions Division Director* Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon (General, through the Chief, Personnel Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches)* Directs the activities of the Procurement Branch, the Classifica- tion Branch, the Operations Branch, the Records Branch, Medical Department Physical Therapy Aides Branch, Medical Department Dietitians Branch, Army Nurse Branch, and the Enlisted Branch* Procurement Branch* Processes all applications f or appointment to a commissioned status in the Medical Department* Classification Branch* Examines all available data concerning civilian occupation specialty of applicants and places them in proper professional group; recommends appropriate grades and professional assignments of applicants; maintains files pertain- ing to the classification specialties of officers* Operations Branch, Issues orders for travel of all military per- sonnel under control of The Surgeon General and recommends the assignment of officers to fill vacancies, as per requisition or as fillers for newly activated units and task forces, paying special attention to assignments according to professional quali- fications and training; re com ends to The Adjutant General ap- pointments to officer grades in the Medical Department and for all assignments except those initiated within individual Service Commands* Personnel Planning & Placement Branch* Maintains records of Medical Corps officers assigned to all T/0 units; maintains fig- ures on requirements and availability of specialists in the Army of the United States; prepares data for recommendation of trans- fer of Medical Corps officers to staff T/0 units for all Service Commands. Records Branch. Maintains station assignments, files, and per- sonnel card reports of all individuals of the Medical Department (records show the station assignment of all officers and their professional qualifications). Similar files are maintained for officers outside the continental limits of the United States and those on duty with the Army Air Forces and Amy Ground Forces. 1^,March 19 hh SGO MANUAL 3.07 2a PERSONNEL SERVICE MILITARY PERSONNEL DIVISION (Cont.) Functions Army Nurse Branch# Determines policies pertaining to the original procurement and assignment of nurses for the ANC; reassigns offi- cers of the ANC under control of The Surgeon General; determines over-all War Department requirements and availability of nurses for assignment to larger forces and commands; recommends promo- tion of nurses in the United States; processes applications for retirement; authorizes discharge of nurses; maintains alphabetical files of all members of the Army Nurse Corps and station assign- ment for nurses assigned to the Army Service Forces, and a file pertaining to the classification specialties of nurses; furnishes information as required from 201 file of Amy Nurse Corps which is maintained in Mail and Records Branch, Office Service Division of The Surgeon Generali Office; no 201 files of Nurses are main- tained in The Adjutant General*s Office* Medical Department Physical Therapy Aide Branch* Determination of policies relative t o Medical Department Physical Therapy Aides; procures, appoints, promotes, and discharges this personnel; rec- ommends assignment and reassignment; supervises training program in Physical Therapy for civilians and TTAC students; assigns all student and apprentice PTA personnel; reassigns this personnel up- on completion of training* Medical Department Dietitians Branch* Determination of policies relative to Medical Department Dietitians; procures, appoints, promotes, and discharges this personnel; recommends assignment and reassignment; supervises training program in Dietetic Branch for civilians; assigns all student a nd apprentice Medical Department Dietitian personnel; reassigns this personnel upon completion of training* Enlisted Branch. Exercises an administrative control of all acti- vities pertaining to enlisted personnel in the Medical, Dental, and Veterinary services; recommends the assignment or source of cadres and personnel for medical units and installations; recom- mends changes in medical enlisted strengths in ZI installations; maintains liaison with The Adjutant General*s office in the as- signment of warrant officers for duty with the Medical Department; recommends, in cooperation with the Procurement Branch, the ap- pointment of selected medical non-commissioned officers and war- rant officers with medical service to commissioned grades in the Medical Administrative Corps* 1$ March 19UU 3.07 “5 SGO MANUAL PERSONNEL SERVICE (Cont.) CIVILIAN PERSONNEL DIVISION Functions Division Director* Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Personnel Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Recruitment and Placement Branch, the Classification and Wage Administration Branch, the Training Branch, the Employee Relations Branch, and the Status, Payroll, and Records Branch* Recruitment and Placement Branch, Is responsible for the selection, appointment, placement, promotion, demotion, and development of qualification standards for employees and supervises efficiency rating and employee evaluation programs* Classification and Wage Administration Branch. Approves* for the War department, appropriate classification of all departmental service positions; makes periodic review of classification of all positions; reviews classification of field positions for conform- ity to standards; advises and assists field stations in problems of wage administration for ungraded positions, and in the applica- tion of wage administration techniques promulgated by the Industrial Personnel Division, A* S* F. Training Branch* Develops and conducts centralized, divisional, and or-promotiontt training programs; advises and assists field stations with respect to training problems* Employee Relations Branch* Counsels employees regarding various problems connected with -fcbeir work, living and working conditions, health, recreation, and education; stimulates employee activities; formulates employee relations policies and procedures; advises and assists divisions and field stations in employee relation problems; reviews disciplinary cases and considers appeals from administrative decisions• Status, Payroll, and Records Branch* Is responsible for the proces- sing ox personnel papers, the preparation of payrolls, the maintenance of personnel records, and the preparation of personnel reports. 5 l(arr»>i T 0/ / 15 March 19^ 3.08 - OPERATIONS SERVICE 3.08 - OPERATIONS SERVICE RESEARCH COORDIKATIOH BRANCH TECHNICAL DIVISION SUPPLI COORDINATION BRANCH 0BQAEZ2ATI0M k EQUIP - MEET ALLONAHCC BRANCH DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SPECIAL PLANNING DIVISION MEDICAL rEPABTMW TECHNICAL CdMTTEE DEPUTY CHIEF FOR FUNS AND OPERATIC® EENOBILIZATION BRANCH CIVIL AFFAIRS BRANCH OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL OPERATIONS SERVICE NOBILXZATIOM AND OVERSEAS OPERATION DIVISION 15 March 19UU CHIEF EBPUTT CHIEF THEATER BRANCH INSPECTICM BRANCH TROOP UNITS BRANCH WOMEN'S MEDICAL DMIT AAF LIAISON UNIT STRATEGIC AND LOGISTICS FUMING UNIT DEPUTI CHIEF FOR HOSPITALS AND DOMESTIC OPERATIONS HOSPITAL DIVISION FACILITIES UTILIZATION BRANCH AMINISTRATIOH BRANCH CMETRUCTION BRANCH EVACUATION BRANCH PHIS. (F WAR LIAISON DNIT TRANS PCRTATIOK LIAISON DNIT REPUCEHENT THAIHXND CENTER BRANCH TRAINING DlVISIdf TRAINING DOCTRINE BRANCH unit training BRANCH SCHOOL BRANCH SGO MANUAL 3*08 OPERATIONS SERVICE Functions Chief of Service, Advises, assists and is responsible to The Surgeon General for planning or coordinating the planning of all phases of Medical Department operations, supervision of the training program for Medical Department Army personnel, super- vision of hospitalization and transportation of sick and wounded Array personnel, and coordination of these activities with other interested agencies in the War Department, Supervises the direc- tion of the Training Division, the Hospital Division, the Mobili- zation and Overseas Operation Division, the Special Planning Div- ision, and the Technical Division within policies and objectives established by higher authority. Administers and reviews for The Surgeon General the activities of the Medical Department Technical Committee, The Chief is assisted by the Deputy Chief, the Deputy Chief for Hospitals and Domestic Operations, and the Deputy Chief for Plans and Operations. Medical Department Technical Committee. Reviews and approves, under authority delegated by The Surgeon General, the standardi- zation and reclassification of Medical Department supplies and equipment• Deputy Chief of Service. Is Acting Chief*of the Service in the absence of the Chief; reports and is responsible to the Chief for the activities of the Strategic and Logistics Planning Unit. Strategic and Logistics Planning Unit. Determines for The Sur- geon General the adequacy of all phases of Medical Department op- erations, and plans therefor, to the extent necessary to insure proper and timely placing of sufficient and suitable personnel, medical equipment and supplies to meet all authorized require- ments. l£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.08 T OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) Functions Deputy Chief for Hospitals and Domestic Operations, Reports and is responsible to the Chief for coordinating, vdthin the SGO and with other War Department offices, all activities of the Opera- tions Service which pertain to Army hospitals, prisoners of war, transportation, the Army Air Forces, and the Women *s Array Corps* Acts for the Chief in supervising the direction of the Hospital Division* Supervises the activities of the Prisoner of War Liai- son Unit, the Transportation Liaison Unit, the Womens Medical Unit, and the Army Air Forces Liaison Unit* Prisoner of War Liaison Unit* Under the direction of the Chief of the Unit, maintains liaison with the State Department, Inter- national Red Cross, American Red Cross, Swiss Legation and the Provost Marshal General’s Office on medical matters pertaining to prisoners of war and protected personnel in PCW camps. Super- vises the activities of the Mixed Medical Gomission; maintains reports, rosters and classification forms received by EWGO from prisoner of war camps on protected personnel, and keeps accurate charts on their present location for redistribution among the PCW camps* Prepares directives on the proper handling of enemy medi- cal personnel. Transportation Liaison Unit* Under the direction of the Chief of the Unit, maintains liaison with the Chief of Transportation on Medical matters pertaining to the evacuation of sick and wounded Army personnel by water to the continental United States; main- tains contact with overseas commanders to ascertain requirements and, based on this information, advises the Chief of Transporta- tion on the adequacy of shipping schedules and recommends neces- sary divergence. Advises the Chief of Transportation as to the adequacy of medical personnel for handling sick and wounded evac- uation. Prepares directives on proper medical practice at ports* Women’s Medical Unit. Under the direction of the Consultant for Women’s Health and Welfare, develops policies and coordinates, within The Surgeon General’s Office, all activities relating to the medical care and welfare of women in the Army; maintains li- aison in all such matters with Headquarters, ASF; maintains liai- son with the Women’s Array Corps in all matters affecting the Of- fice of The Surgeon General. Army Air Forces Liaison Unit. Under the direction of the Chief of the Unit, represents the Air Surgeon in the Office of The Sur- geon General and acts for the Air Surgeon on delegated authority; coordinates with the Office of The Surgeon General all activities peculiar to air medical service* 1$ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.08 3 OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) Functions Deputy Chief for Plans and Operations♦ Reports and is responsi- ble to the Chief. Acts for the Chief in supervising the direc- tion and coordinating the activities of the Mobilization and Overseas Operations Division, the Special Planning Division and the Technical Division. March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.08 H OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) TRAINING DIVISION Functions Division. Formulates and directs all Medical Department training policies, plans and programs. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Operations Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Replacement Training Center Branch, the Training Doctrine Branch, the School Branch, and the Unit Training Branch. Replacement Training Center Branch. Prepares Mobilization Train- ing Programs; makes training inspections of conduct of training in medical replacement training centers, special training units and schools therein; prepares plans for the establishment of new or additional expansion in medical replacement training centers. Training Doctrine Branch. Initiates, develops, directs and coor- dinates the preparation of training doctrines for all types of medical units and submits for publication material for Field and Technical Manuals, Training Circulars, Training Films, Film Strips, and other Training aids. School Branch. Initiates, develops and directs plans for the op- eration of the Special Service and enlisted technical schools of the Medical Department, and the Medical Administrative Corps of- ficer candidate school; formulates policies and coordinates, su- pervises, and inspects the technical training of commissioned and enlisted Medical Department personnel in military installations and civilian educational and vocational institutions; coordinates the conduct of professional and technical training in hospitals. Unit Training Branch. Prepares Mobilization Training Programs for, and coordinates and directs the training of, medical units assigned or attached to Army Service Forces; maintains records on the status of training and conducts training inspections of those medical units assigned or attached to Army Service Forces for training. l£ March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.08 3 OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) HOSPITAL DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Operations Service, on matters with- in the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches)* Directs the activities of the Construction Branch, the Evacuation Branch, the Facilities Utilization Branch, and the Administration Branch. Construction Branch* Operates in close cooperation with the Of- fice. Chief of Engineers, in approving hospital sites, develop- ment of plans for hospital buildings, changes in standard plans, survey of civilian facilities offered for medical use, and con- version where necessary; supervises installation of necessary technical Medical equipment in all construction; assists in pre- paration and defense of construction, repairs and maintenance estimates for the Budget; collaborates with representatives of the Transportation Corps in preparing plans for hospital ships and hospital facilities on other ships; prepares rough plans for special Medical Department facilities such as delousing plants, hospital trains and hospital equipment; makes necessary inspec- tions. Maintains contact with Requirements Section, Headquar- ters, ASF, in deterraining hospital construction needs; maintains liaison with Headquarters, Army Air Forces, to determine hospi- tal needs and layouts at AAF stations; represents The Surgeon General in contact with the Federal Board of Hospitalization. Evacuation Branch. Establishes and controls bed credits for station and general hospitals, keeping current record of bed credits in general hospitals for station hospitals, and control- ling transfer of patients from station to general hospitals and between general hospitals. Designates general hospitals for pa- tients arriving from overseas. Receives and tabulates daily telegraphic reports of beds available, and makes monthly review of all credits for future planning* Facilities Utilization Branch* Analyzes data and makes special studies for the purpose of standardizing utilization of facili- ties and personnel. To this end, estimates the needs, deter- mines the means and formulates policies and plans pertaining to Amy hospitalization in the Zone of Interior, evacuation of cas- ualties from overseas, and the movement of patients within the continental United States. l£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3«08 5a OPERATIONS SERVICE HOSPITAL DIVISION (Cont.) Functions Administration Branch. Develops and promulgates policies for and maintains advisory supervision over administration of Army hospitals; makes inspections of hospital administrative func- tions and recommends measures to conserve time in treatment and discharge of patients. Advises on the establishment, operation and supplies of Medical Department laundry and dry cleaning establishments; maintains active liaison ■with other War Depart- ment and government agencies on all matters relating to the Med- ical Department laundry program; represents The Surgeon General on the Executive Committee, Federal Specifications Board, l£ March 19 UU SGO MANUAL OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) MOBILIZATION AND OVERSEAS OPERATIONS DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Operations Service, on matters with- in the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), Directs the activities of the Theater Branch, the In- spection Branch, and the Troop Units Branch# Theater Branch# Coordinates, for the Office of The Surgeon Gen- eral, the technical operations as regards medical matters for all overseas theaters, departments and separate commands. Main- tains pertinent files and records, including theater briefs, pertaining to medical matters for overseas forces# Prepares med- ical sections of war plans and recommends medical support essen- tial for task forces# Maintains liaison with War Department Gen- eral Staff (OPD), Hq., ASF (Planning Division), and other agen- cies# Inspection Branch# Receives, reviews and circulates for neces- sary action to interested SGO and other War Department offices reports received from overseas regarding medical matters# In- formation is compiled and, where indicated, answers are prepared and coordinated with the Theater Branch# Conducts interviews with medical personnel returned from overseas and circulates re- ports of these interviews to interested offices of the SGO and to other major commands# Maintains current record of all inspection trips made by personnel of the SGO. Troop Units Branch. Plans and recommends number and type of ASF medical uniis required for overseas duty and schedules of activa- tion, and maintains current records of activations. Recommends locations and movements of all medical units under ASF control, and advises the Theater Branch as to theater requirements and the availability of units. Maintains liaison and coordinates these activities other SGO and War Department offices. Currently maintains the War Department Six Months Projection List# l£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.08 “7 OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) SPECIAL PLANNING DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Operations Service, on matters with- in the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Demobilization Branch and the Civil Affairs Branch. Demobilization Branch. Prepares plans for demobilization and coordinates the other planning activities of the Office of The Surgeon General which concern demobilization; maintains contact with Hq., ASF, and other agencies interested in demobilization plans. Civil Affairs Branch. Operationally directs and coordinates un- der the Chief of the Operations Service all activities within the Office of The Surgeon General which relate to medical relief, including supplies, sanitation, training, personnel, and medical and veterinary service in occupied countries during the period of military responsibility. Maintains liaison with War Department offices and other agencies outside the Office of The Surgeon Gen- eral on civil affairs matters. l£ March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.08 “5 OPERATIONS SERVICE (Cont.) TECHNICAL DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Operations Service, on matters Yd th- in the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches)* Directs the activities of the Research Coordination Branch, the Suoply Coordination Branch, the Development Branch and the Organization and Equipment Allowance Branch# Research Coordination Branch. Coordinates the administrative de- tails of the Medical Department Research Program; obtains authori- zation from Headquarters, ASF, for initiation or suspension of research projects; prepares consolidated status reports, budget estimates and recommendations for allocation of funds and priori- ties for research and development; maintains liaison with appro- priate governmental and civilian research agencies; conducts ad- ministrative and clerical activities of the Medical Department Technical Committee• Supply Coordination Branch* Obtains, analyzes and reports data pertinent to proposed standardization, reclassification or modi- fication of items of supply, including effect on related items; transmits to Supply Service information necessary to guide prep- aration of new specifications or changes in specifications; re- views and obtains clearances for specifications; maintains cur- rent files of all Federal, Army and Tentative Medical specifica- tions and purchase descriptions; maintains liaison with other governmental agencies on specification matters; prepares com- pleted case records of each approved change in an item, in form for immediate action by the Supply Service and other interested organizations. Organization and Equipment Allowance Branch* Prepares Tables of Organization and Equipment, Tables of Allowances, and Equipment Lists for which The Surgeon General is responsible; reviews the Medical Sections of all Tables of Equipment and Tables of Allow- ances; operates the SGO Sample Room# Development Branch# Investigates and tests commercial medical supplies and equipment£ develops and improves Medical Department supplies and equipment; formulates military characteristics and prepares outlines of proposed specifications for new items and makes recommendations to Supply Coordination Branch regarding all specifications; prepares test directives for test of medical items; represents The Surgeon General on technical committees of other arms and services* 15 March 19UU 3.09 - SUPPLY SERVICE STORAGE & MAINTENANCE DIVISION DEPOT OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE BRANCH DEPUTY CHIEF FOR STORAGE OPERATIONS CATALOG BRANCH ISSUE DIVISION STATION BRANCH EQUIPMENT BRANCH OVERSEAS BRANCH REPORTS AND RECORDS BRANCH INTERNATIONAL DIVISION OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL SUPPLY SERVICE ANALYSIS BRANCH ASSIGNMENTS BRANCH EXECUTIVE OFFICER CHIEF MATERIEL DEMOBILIZATION BRANCH RENEGOTIATION DIVISION (NEW YORK) LIAISON UNIT (WASHINGTON) DEPUTY CHIEF FOR SUPPLY CONTROL LIAISON BRANCH (WASHINGTON) PURCHASE DIVISION (NEW YORK) STOCK CONTROL DIVISION REQUIREMENTS BRANCH INVENTORY CONTROL BR. (NSW YORK) 2k June I9U4. (Replaces organization chart l.OQ, Haf.orl ic: to_LLA— SGO MANUAL 3.09 SUPPLY SERVICE Functions Chief of Service. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on Medical Department supply matters within the scope of the Service functions (see functions of Divisions and Branches). Supervises the direction of the Purchase Division, the Renegotiation Division, the International Division, the Stock Control Division, the Storage and Maintenance Division, the Issue Division, the Reports and Records Branch, the Catalog Branch, and the Ma- teriel. Demobilization Branch, in accordance with policies established by higher authority and plans developed by The Surgeon General. The Chief is assisted by the Executive Officer (Supply Service), the Deputy Chief for Supply Control, and the Deputy Chief for Storage Operations, and, through a Distribution Coordination Unit in his office, coordinates the accounting work for, and the Code Letters, Port Information Letters and other direc- tive communications to field installations from the Stock Control Division, the Storage and Maintenance Division, and the Issue Division. Deputy Chief for Supply Control. Acts as an advisor to the Chief, Supply Service, on matters pertaining to the operation of the Stock Control Divi- sion and coordinates the activities of the Stock Control and Purchase Div- isions. Deputy Chief for Storage Operations. Acts as advisor to the Chief, Supply Service, on matters pertaining to operations in the Medical Depots and Med- ical Sections of jointly operated Depots. Acting for the Chief of the Supply Service and through the Storage and Maintenance Division, he is’ charged with responsibility for all depot operations. This includes juris- diction over personnel allotments, authorizations and changes; methods and procedures in all phases of depot activities for which The Surgeon General has responsibility; and the over-all space and mission planning of Medical Supply installations. Reports and Records Branch. Prepares and analyzes all regular reports for higher authority on progress of procurement, production, and distribution of medical items* Catalog Branch. Prepares, revises, and directs distribution of Medical Department Supply Catalog, after coordination with other Services of The Surgeon General’s Office. Materiel Demobilization Branch. Responsible for all matters pertaining to planning and operation of materiel demobilization. 12 2i\. June 19UU (Replaces page 3.09 dated V~> March 19UU) SGO MANUAL 3.09 "2 SUPPLY SERVICE (Cont.) PUBCHASE DIVISION (New York City, N. Y), Functions Division Director, Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Supply Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Responsible for all activities involving production and purchase of medical supplies and equip- ment; contract terminations, redistribution, salvage, and price analysis; assisting industry on problems involving the Controlled Materials Plan, priority matters, and labor problems; liaison with American Red Cross on prepared surgical dressings. Liaison Branch QYashington, D. C). Maintains contact with offices in The burgeon General’s Office; with other technical services and higher authority; with government agencies on matters pertaining to production and purchase of medical supplies and equipment; with American Red Cross. lfi> March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3*09 ”3 SUPPLY SERVICE (Cont.) RENEGOTIATION DIVISION (New York City, N. Y.) Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Supply Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions* Assembles cost and price data on firms assigned to The Surgeon General by War Department Price Adjustment Board; analyzes this data and uses it where ap- propriate as a basis to renegotiate contracts; conducts renego- tiations and submits necessary or required data to appropriate divisions and other agencies; conducts price and profit studies for the use of purchasing and contracting officers and presents to appropriate divisions or other agencies; defines duties of and supervises renegotiation branches established in field agen- cies; represents The Surgeon General in dealings vdth the War Department Price Adjustment Board and the Renegotiation Division of the Army Service Forces; coordinates renegotiation activities of the division with those of the Termination and Price Analysis Branches of the Purchase Division. Liaison Unit ('Washington, D.C.). Maintains control records of all assignments to The Surgeon General for renegotiation, main- tains records for and prepares the Weekly Progress Report to the War Department Price Adjustment Board; prepares the disposition of all assignments for the Renegotiation Division; receives and distributes to the field offices all correspondence from the War Department Price Adjustment Board. 15> March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.09 "5 SUPPLY SERVICE (Contd.) STOCK CONTROL DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Supply Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), Directs the activities of the Requirements Branch and the Inventory Control Branch. Develops the accounting procedures necessary for Supply Control operations. Requirements Branch. Determines supply requirements of the Medical De- partment and prepares the Medical Section of the Amy Supply Program and other programs as required# Inventory Control Branch. Sets depot stock levels and controls depot inventories; computes estimated issues; initiates purchase authorizations; determines distribution of supplies due in from procurement, makes nec- essary inter-depot transfers and directs extracts to meet issu'e require- ments and maintain desired levels; plans and directs the program of unit assemblies; controls the determination and disposition of surplus medical property. 13 2h June 19UU (Replaces page 3*09 dated lf> March 19iU*) n SGO MANUAL 3.09 T SUPPLY SERVICE (Cont.) INTERNATIONAL DIVISION Functions Division Director# Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Supply Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), Analysis Branch, Analyzes and coordinates foreign government Lend-Lease programs and requirements5 obtains information rela- tive to availability of requirements for presentation to Inter- national Supply Committee; coordinates approved programs with the Distribution and Requirements Division for issue from United States Army stocks. Assignments Branch, Prepares bids for all countries other than the United Kingdom to be presented before the Munitions Assign- ments Committee (Ground), Medical Subcommittee; prepares requisi- tions for Lend-Lease; maintains liaison with Lend-Lease Depot, 1$ March 19hU SGO MANUAL 3.09 “5 SUPPLY SERVICE (Contd.) ISSUE DIVISION Functions Division, Supervises the issue of medical supplies and equipment. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Supply Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Equipment Branch and the Overseas Branch. Equipment Branch. Supervises the issue of medical supplies and equipment to all Zone of .Interior fixed installations; supervises the issue of med- ical field equipment (including unit assemblies) to tactical units in Zone of Interior; supervises the issue of initial medical maintenance supplies for units ordered overseas; maintains records of the status of Medical Department field equipment in the hands of all tactical units in the Zone of Interior; stock checks all requisitions received in Issue Division. Overseas Branch. Supervises the issue of supplies to troops overseas; exercises technical supervision over overseas port medical supply of- ficers; prepares material status report for all units overseas. 1h 2k June 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.0J SUPPLY SERVICE (Contd.) STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION Functions Division Director* Reports to, advises, assists and is responsible to The Surgeon General,through the Chief, Supply Service, for direction and coor- dination of depot operations* Directs the activities of the Depot Opera- tions Branch and the Maintenance Branch* Depot Operations Branch*. Supervises the operation of Medical Depots, in- cluding planning spacerequirements, warehousing, packing, crating and operational procedures; supervises station stock levels by actual contact with posts, camps and stations through the depots* Maintenance Branch* Supervises the maintenance and repair of medical equipment, including the operation of repair shops under the jurisdiction of The Surgeon General, prepares spare parts lists and repair manuals* 15 21* June I9U1 NURSING POLICIES BRANCH NURSING MORALE BRANCH 3.10 - FHCFESSIOKU SERVICE NURSING DIVISION 15 March 19Ut PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS VETERINARY DIVISION ANIMA L SERVICE BRANCH MEAT a DAIRY HYGIENE BR. VETERINARY POLICIES BRANCH AVIATION MEDICINE INTERNAL MEDICINE NEUROPSYCHIATRY RECONDITIONING VETERINARY MEDICINE TUBERCULOSIS SURGERY DENTISTRY DENTAL DIVISION DENTAL POLICIES BRANCH DENTAL SERVICE BRANCH OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE RECONDITIONING DIVISION EDUCATIONAL RECONDITION- ING BRANCH PHYSICAL RECONDITION- ING BRANCH OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY BRANCH BUND a DEAF REHABILITA - T/ON BRANCH DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CHIEF PHYSICAL STANDARDS DIVISION INDUC T/ON BRANCH APPOINTMENTS. BRANCH DISPOSITION a RETIREMENT BRANCH NEUROPSYCHIATRY DIVISION PSYCH!A TR Y BRANCH NEUROLOGY BRANCH MENTAL HYGIENE BRANCH ED! TORIAL BRANCH SURGERY DIVISION GENERAL SURGERY BRANCH ORTHOPEDICS BRANCH TRANSFUSION BRA NCH CHEMICAL WARFARE BRANCH RADIATION BRANCH OPTHAMOLOGY BRANCH PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY BRANCH TUBERCULOSIS BRANCH COMMUNICABLE. DISEASE TREA TMENT BRANCH MEDICINE DIVISION GENERAL MEDICINE BRANCH TROPICAL DISEASE TREATMENT BRANCH SGO MANUAL 3.10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Functions Chief of Service♦ Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General in the field of curative medicine; is responsible, through The Surgeon General, for coordinating the professional aims, correlating the activities, establishing medical and surgi- cal policies; acts for The Surgeon General in solving general and special problems pertaining to medical and surgical treatment of Army personnel. Supervises the direction of the Medicine Divi- sion, the Surgery Division, the Neuropsychiatry Division, the Physical Standards Division, the Reconditioning Division, the Dental Division, the Veterinary Division, and the Nursing Divi- sion. The Chief is assisted by the Deputy Chief, the Assistant Chief, and two Executive Assistants. For consideration of mat- ters concerned with special fields of medical science, the Chief, Professional Service, has professional consultants in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Aviation Medicine, Radiology, Tuberculosis, Neuropsychiatry, Reconditioning, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medi- cine. Professional Inquiry Branch. Receives, investigates, and replies to requests regarding the professional care of individuals in the Army, and similar matters referred to the Chief, Professional Service. Editorial Branch. Edits the Bulletin of the U. S. Army Medical Department. 1£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.10 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (cont.) MEDICINE DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), advising the Chief, Professional Service, of actions taken. Acts autonomously under the Chief of Professional Service in a supervisory capacity over the practice of internal med- icine in the Army; directs the activities of the General Medicine Branch, the Tropical Disease Treatment Branch, the Tuberculosis Branch, and the Communicable Disease Treatment Branch; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian groups in internal medicine; maintains liaison with the Military Personnel Division of the Office of The Surgeon General in the selection and assignment of medical specialists in internal medicine; takes direct action for The Surgeon General on professional matters pertaining to internal medicine which arise in Service Commands and overseas theaters. General Medicine Branch. Establishes policies and procedures in diag- nosis and treatment of general medical diseases in the Army; advises on the assignment of qualified medical officers in the field of internal medicine; correlates information from medical consultants; plans and evaluates clinical studies of general medical diseases; maintains liai- son between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian groups in general medicine. Tropical Disease Treatment Branch. Establishes policies and procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases in the Army; plans and evaluates studies for the improvement of such treatment; prepares instructional material on the course and treatment of tropical diseases; furnishes consultant advice to Army hospitals in the therapy of trop- ical infections; advises on the assignment of qualified personnel in the clinical practice of tropical medicine; maintains liaison with the Tropical Disease Control Division of Preventive Medicine Service, and between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian groups in trop- ical diseases. Tuberculosis Branch. Establishes policies and procedures for the con- trol of tuberculosis in the Army; cooperates with the National Head- • quarters of the Selective Service System and the Veterans Administration in problems relating to tuberculosis; acts in a consulting capacity with respect to problems in the diagnosis and treatment of chest diseases; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian groups in tuberculosis. 15 March 1941 SGO MANUAL 3.10 2a PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MEDICINE DIVISION (Cont.) Factions Conmunicable Disease Treatment Branch. Establishes policies and procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of communicable dis- eases in the Army; plans and evaluates studies for the improvement of such treatment; prepares instructional material on the course and treatment of communicable diseases; furnishes consultant ad- vice to Army hospitals in the therapy of communicable diseases, advises on the assignment of qualified personnel for the treatment of communicable diseases; maintains liaison with the Epidemiologi- cal and Venereal Disease Control Divisions of Preventive Medicine Service, and between the Office of The Surgeon General and civil- ian groups in communicable diseases* 15> March 19Uii SGO MANUAL 3.10 3 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) SURGERY DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), advising the Chief, Professional Service, of actions taken. Acts autonomously under the Chief of Professional Service in a supervisory capacity over the practice of surgery in the Amy; directs the activities of the General Surgery Branch, the Orthopedics Branch, the Transfusion Branch, the Chemical Warfare Branch, the Radiation Branch, and the Ophthalmology Branch; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian surgical groups; maintains liaison with the Military Personnel Division of the Office of The Surgeon General in the selection and assignnent of surgical specialists; takes direct action for The Surgeon General on professional mat- ters pertaining to surgery which arise in Service Commands and overseas theaters* General Surgery Branch* Establishes policies and procedures in general surgery in the Army; advises on the assignment of quali- fied specialists in the field of surgery; correlates information and affords consultation and advice on matters pertaining to sur- gery; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian surgical groups. Orthopedics Branch. Exercises general supervision over orthope- dic care and physical therapy throughout the Amy; affords consul- tation and advice on all matters pertaining to orthopedics and physical therapy; assists in the identification and proper assign- ment of qualified specialists in orthopedic surgery and of phys- ical therapists* Transfusion Branch. Affords consultation and advice on matters pertaining to blood transfusions, plasma, albumin, albumin by- products, and intravenous solutions. Acts as liaison with the American Red Cross Blood Donor Service, the Public Health Service and the Navy on matters referred to above. Chemical Warfare Branch. Acts as liaison with the Medical Divi- sion, Chemical Warfare Service, on matters pertaining to chemical warfare as related to the Medical Department; prepares information and directions for the care of chemical warfare casualties; as- sists in the planning of field equipment pertaining to the preven- tion and treatment of chemical warfare casualties* 1$ March IpiUi SGO MANUAL 3.10 3a PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SURGERY DIVISION (Cont.) Functions Radiation Branch♦ Exercises general supervision of radiology throughout the Army; affords consultation and advice to all de- partments of The Surgeon General’s Office on matters pertaining to radiology; assists in the identification and proper assignment of qualified commissioned specialists in radiology* Ophthalmology Branch# Establishes policies and procedures in general ophthalmology in the Army; advises on the assignment of qualified specialists in the field of ophthalmology; correlates information and affords consultation and advice on matters per- taining to ophthalmology; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian ophthalmological groups# 15 March 19UU SCO MANUAL 3.10 3a PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SURGERY DIVISION (Cont.) Functions Radiation Branch. Exercises general supervision of radiology throughout the Army; affords consultation and advice to all departments of The Surgeon General*s Office on matters pertaining to radiology; assists in the identi- fication and proper assignment of qualified commissioned specialists in radiology* Ophthalmology Branch. Establishes policies and procedures in general oph- thalmology and care of the blind in the Array; advises on assignment of qualified specialists in these fields; correlates information and affords consultation and advice on matters pertaining to ophthalmology and care and management of the blind; maintains liaison with the Navy Department, Veterans Administration, Federal Security Agency and civilian ophthalmo- logical groups* Otolaryngology Branch. Establishes policies and procedures in general otolaryngology and care of the deaf in the Army; advises on assignment of qualified specialists in these fields; correlates information and affords consultation and advice on matters pertaining to otolaryngology and care and management of the deaf; maintains liaison i«vith the Veterans Adminis- tration and civilian otolarynological groups* l&a 29 June 19hh (Replaces page 3.10 dated l£ March 19UU) 3a SGO MANUAL 3 *10 3 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) SUR®RY DIVISION Functions Division Director* Reports to* advises and assists The Surgeon General on" matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), advising the Chief, Professional Service, of actions taken* Acts autonomously under the Chief of Professional Service in a supervisory capacity over the practice of surgery in the Army; directs the activities of the General Surgery Branch, the Orthopedics Branch, the Transfusion Branch, the Chemical Warfare Branch, the Radiation Branch, the Ophthalmol- ogy Branch, and the Otolaryngology Branch; maintains liaison between the Office of The Sturgeon General and civilian surgical groups; maintains li- aison with the Military Personnel Division of the Office of The Surgeon General in the selection and assignment of surgical specialists; takes di- rect action for The Surgeon General on professional matters pertaining to surgery which arise in Service Commands and overseas theaters . General Surgery Branch. Establishes policies and procedures in general surgery in the Army; advises on the assignment of qualified specialists in the field of surgery; correlates information and affords consultation and advice on matters pertaining to surgery; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon General and civilian surgical groups. Orthopedics Branch. Exercises general supervision over orthopedic care and physical therapy throughout the Army; affords consultation and advice on all matters pertaining to orthopedics and. physical therapy; assists in the identification and proper assignment of qualified specialists in ortho- pedic surgery and of physical therapists. Transfusion Branch. . Affords consultation and advice on matters pertaining to blood transfusions, plasma, albumin, albumin by-products, and ini rave- nous solutions. Acts as liaison with the American Red Cross Blood Jonor Service, the Public Health Service and the Navy on matters referred to above, Chemical Warfare Branch. Acts as liaison with the Medical Division, Chemi- cal Warfare Service, on matters pertaining to chemical warfare as related to the Medical Department; prepares information and directions for the care of chemical warfare casualties; assists in the planning of field equipment 1 pertaining to the prevention and treatment of chemical warfare casualties. 18 • 29 June 19UU (Replaces page 3*10 dated March 19Ui) 3 SGO MANUAL 3.10 T PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) NEUROPSYCHIATRY DIVISION Functions Division Director# Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), advising the Chief, Professional Service, on actions taken. Acts autonomously under the Chief of Professional Service in a supervisory capacity over the practice of neuropsychiatry in the Array; directs the activities of the Psychiatry Branch, the Neurology Branch, and the Mental Hygiene Branch; maintains liaison between the Office of The Surgeon Gen- eral and civilian groups in neuropsychiatry; maintains liaison with the Personnel Division of the Office of The Surgeon General in the selection and assignment of psychiatric and neurological specialists in neuropsychiatry; takes direct action for The Sur- geon General on professional matters pertaining to neuropsychia- try which arise in service conmands and overseas theaters, re- porting such action to the Chief of Professional Service. Psychiatry Branch. Establishes policies and coordinates psy- chiatric activities throughout the Amy; assists in the training and assignment of qualified medical officers in the field of psy- chiatry; reviews proceedings of neuropsychiatric boards; prepares instructional information on psychiatric care and treatment; pro- vides psychiatric consultation to the Army and other Government agencies. Neurology Branch. Establishes policies and coordinates neuro- logic activities throughout the Army; assists in training and as- signment of qualified medical officers in the field of neurology; establishes uniform diagnostic techniques; coordinates the activ- ities of this division with those of neurosurgical specialists, with particular reference to head, spine, and nerve injuries. Mental Hygiene Branch. Prepares instructional material on prin- ciples of mental hygiene for dissemination to military personnel; maintains liaison and collaborates with the Morale Services Divi- sion, Army Service Forces, in the preparation of material for ra- dio programs, newspaper articles, motion pictures, posters, and other media for the purpose of fostering healthy mental attitudes; collaborates in the formulation and interpretation of opinion sur- veys; collects, interprets, and disseminates statistical informa- tion regarding mental health and morale; acts in an advisory capac- ity to War Department staff divisions on problems of morale, dis- cipline, and mental stamina as they pertain to mental health. If? March 19UU sgc manual 3.10 5 PROFESSIONAL SSixVICE (Cont.) PHYSICAL STANDARDS DIVISION Functions Division. Formulates physical standards for the Army; exercises general supervision over physical examinations concerned with ad- mission to and separation from the military forces. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Professional Service, on matters with- in the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Induction Branch, the Appointment Branch, and the Disposi- tion and Retirement Branch. Induction Branch. Coordinates information regarding methods and procedures of armed forces induction stations; formulates physi- cal standards for all military personnel; acts as liaison with the Selective Service System and other government agencies in matters pertaining to physical standards, their interpretation and application; handles special problems relating to the phys- ical qualifications of officers and warrant officers of the Regu- lar Anqy, applicants for admission to the U. S. Military Acadenjy, nurses, dietitians, physical therapy aides, nurse cadets and members of the WAC, and all miscellaneous matters referred to The Surgeon General’s Office pertaining to the physical condition of enlisted personnel. Works with and advises the Military Personnel Division, ASF, on problems concerning the utilization of manpower; coordinates with the Navy Department with regard to the above activities. Appointment Branch. Handles matters concerning the physical qualifications of officers and applicants for the Reserve, Army of the United States and the National Guard of the United States; acts as liaison between The Surgeon General’s Office and person- nel branches of The Adjutant General’s Office in matters relat- ing to appointment. Disposition and Retirement Branch. Reviews and makes recommenda- tions on Disposition and Retirement Board proceedings; takes ac- tion on matters relating to the separation or retirement of pers- onnel because of physical disqualification. 15 March 1944 SGO MANUAL 3.10 T PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) RECONDITIONING DIVISION Functions Division. Exercises general supervision over the Physical Reconditioning Programs and the social rehabilitation of blind and deaf casualties occur- ring in the military service. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Professional Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Physical Recondi- tioning Branch, the Educational Reconditioning Branch and the Occupational Therapy Branch. Physical Reconditioning Branch. Develops and promulgates policies govern- ing the physical reconditioning of Army personnel during hospitalization. Educational Reconditioning Branch. Develops plans and promotes the use of educational activities in the reconditioning program; is responsible for the policies and for the planning of the program for patients to be dis- charged from the Army; maintains liaison with the Special Service Division and the Morale Services Division, War Department, and the many agencies in the field of vocational rehabilitation. Occupational Therapy Branch. Is responsible for policies and plans govern- ing the over-all program of occupational therapy throughout the Amy; as- sists in the procurement and assignment of properly qualified therapists and instructors; advises on the equipment, supplies and operation of occu- pational therapy. 19 29 June 19 hh (Replaces page 3.10 dated l£ March 19i^) SGO MAMJAL 3.10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) DENTAL DIVISION Functions Division* Exercises general supervision over dental care of Army personnel* Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions, advising the Chief, Professional Service, of actions taken. Di- rects the activities of the Dental Service Branch and the Dental Policies Branch. Dental Policies Branch* Prepares administrative regulations for the dental service; makes recommendations as to the number, type, construction, and repair of dental clinics, and for the selection and distribution of dental equipment and supplies; makes recommen- dations on inspection reports, curricula for Army dental schools. Dental Service Branch. Reviews dental articles for publication; reviews professional reports; supervises the tabulation of statis- tical data; establishes dental qualifications and procedures; as- sists in the selection and proper allocation of qualified dental personnel 15 March 19i4i SGO MANUAL 3.10 T PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) VETERINARY DIVISION Functions Division* Exercises general supervision over the Veterinary Serviceof the Army* Division Director* Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General on matters within the scope of the Division functions, advising the Chief, Professional Service, of actions taken* Directs the activities of the Animal Service Branch, the Meat and Dairy Hygiene Branch, and the Veterinary Policies Branch. Animal Service Branch. Establishes professional veterinary poli- cies and procedures pertaining to animal service; sets service standards to insure adequate care of Army animals; compiles data concerning animal diseases and treatment; makes field inspections in connection with veterinary installations; maintains liaison with Remount Division, Office of The Quartermaster General. Meat and Dairy Hygiene Branch. Establishes policies for the oper- ation of the meat and dairy hygiene service of the Army; plans program for meat and dairy inspection in occupied and liberated territories; compiles data concerning food items passed and re- jected; makes field inspections; maintains liaison with The Quar- termaster Generalfs Office; maintains representation on the Fed- eral Specification Committee in connection wl th foods of animal origin. Veterinary Policies Branch. Prepares administrative regulations for veterinary service; establishes veterinary qualifications and procedures; makes recommendations as to appointment and assignment of veterinary personnel; recommends as to selection and distribu- tion of veterinary supplies and equipment; makes recommendations as to type and construction of veterinary installations; reviews veterinary articles for publication; reviews professional reports; supervises the tabulation of statistical data; collaborates with Technical Division on Tables of Basic Allowances and Equipment for veterinary units and inclusion of veterinary personnel and equipment in tables of other units. 15 March 19,U; 3.10 T SGO MANUAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Cont.) NURSING DIVISION Functions Division, Exercises general supervision over the Nursing Service of the Array, Division Director, Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Professional Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions. Directs the activities of the Nursing Policies Branch. Nursing Policies Branch. Establishes professional policies governing Amy Nurses and exercises supervision over the application of those policies; establishes procedures and policies, and affords consultation and advice in training of U, S. Cadet Nurses. 20 27 June 19UU (Replaces page 3*10 dated l£ March 19UU) 9 3.11 - PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE CIVIL PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION COMMUNICABLE DISEASE k LABORATORIES BRANCH PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING BRANCH NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES BRANCH «| I I si ACUTE RESPIRATOR! DISEASES HEMO. STREPTOCOCCAL J.NFECTENS EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVE! MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS MEASLES AND MUMPS NEUROTROPIC VIRUS DISEASES AIR BORNE INFECTIONS TROPICAL DISEASES 15 MAR 19U» -cmBssnm INFLUENZA PNEUMONIA NUTRITION DIVISION MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION COLLECTION BRANCH ANALYSIS BRANCH DISSEMINATION BRANCH EPIDEMIOLOGICAL BOARD OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION INDUS TR/A L MEDICAL PROGRAM BRANCH OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS BRANCH TOXICOLOGY BRANCH MECHANIZED WAR- FARE HAZARDS BRANCH OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION EDUCATION BRANCH TREATMENT BRANCH CIVIL COORDINATION BRANCH ASSISTANT CHIEF FOR Sanitation & Hygiene,Epiden* iology , & Tropical Disease Control Divisions DEPUTY CHIEF CHIEF SANITARY ENGINEERING DIVISION WATER SUPPLY BRANCH WASTE DISPOSAL BRANCH INSECT & RODENT CONTROL BRANCH TROPICAL DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION CONTROL POLICIES BRANCH EDUCATION BRANCH FIELD SURVEY BRANCH MALARIA CONTROL BRANCH EPIDEMIOLOGY DIVISION INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONTROL BRANCH ANALYSIS & SURVEY BRANCH U.S.A. TYPHUS COMMISSION MED. LABORATORY POLICIES BRANCH MEDICAL LABOR- ATORY TECHNIC BRANCH LABORATORIES DIVISION SANITARY RE- PORTS AND POL- ICIES BRANCH SANITATION AND HYGIENE DIVISION SANITARY PROCEDURES BRANCH EDUCATION BRANCH SGO MANUAL 3*11 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE Functions Chief of Service. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General and is responsible, through The Surgeon General, for maintenance of the health of the Amy through prevention and control of infectious diseases; supervision of nutrition; elim- ination of health hazards; establishment of policies; supervi- sion of control measures; assistance in procurement of special- ists; furnishing of medical and sanitary information; initiation and guidance of research; liaison w ith appropriate governmental and civil agencies. Supervises the direction of the Sanitation and Hygiene Division, Laboratories Division, Epidemiology Divi- sion, Tropical Disease Control Division, Sanitary Engineering Division, Venereal Disease Control Division, Occupational Health Division, Medical Intelligence Division, Nutrition Division, and the Civil Public Health Division within the policies and objec- tives established by higher authority. The Chief is assisted by the Deputy Chief, the Assistant Chief, and the Executive Officer (Preventive Medicine Service)* Note: The Deputy Chief is also Director, U.S.A. Typhus Commis- sion, and administers activities of the Board for the Investiga- tion and Control of Influenza and other Epidemic Diseases in the Army. 1$ March 19hk SGO MANUAL 3.11 ~Z PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) EPIDEMIOLOGICAL BOARD (Board for the Investigation and Control of Influenza and Other Epidemic Diseases in the Army) Functions Serves as a Board of Consultants to the Secretary of War for the purpose of assisting The Surgeon General in investigation and control of infectious diseases in the Army; conducts field and laboratory investigations; advises on the control of epidemics and threatened epidemics* Organization The Board is headed by an Administrator, and consists of seven Board Members with one Member serving as President. The follow- ing Commissions, each headed by a Director, assist the Board in carrying out its missions Commission on Acute Respiratory Diseases Commission on Air-Borne Infections Conmission on Epidemiological Survey Commission on Hemolytic Streptococcal Infections Commission on Influenza Conmission on Measles and Mumps Commission on Meningococcal Meningitis Commission on Neurotropic Virus Diseases Commission on Pneumonia Commission on Tropical Diseases l£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.11 "7 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) SANITATION AND HYGIENE DIVISION Functions Division Director* Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches)* Directs the activities of the Sanitary Procedures Branch, the Sanitary Reports and Policies Branch, and the Educa- tion Branch. Sanitary Procedures Branch* Initiates research to develop im- proved methods in sanitation; insures the safety for man of new chemical compounds used in sanitaiy procedures before their a- doption; drafts specifications for new sanitary preparations and revises existing ones as necessary; furnishes technical advice for installation of fumigation procedures* Sanitary Reports and Policies Branch. Formulates or modifies, as required, sanitary policies on housing, food-handling, equip- ment, and environmental factors affecting health; initiates san- itary investigations and surveys necessary to insure health; re- views and abstracts information received in sanitary reports and takes appropriate action on deficiencies and problems reported therein; recommends necessary revisions of Army Regulations and Field Manuals* Education Branch* Promotes better training in sanitation in the Army tErough the development of posters, simply phrased circu- lars, film strips and training films, in close liaison with the Training Division; reviews drafts pertaining to sanitation sub- mitted for publication in the Bulletin of the U. S. Army Medical Department; prepares circulars covering the use of new sanitary methods or appliances when adopted* • l£ March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.11 II PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cent.) LABORATORIES DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, throughthe Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Medical Laboratory- Policies Branch, the Medical Laboratory Technic Branch, and as- sists in the selection and assignment of qualified laboratory personnel. Medical Laboratory Policies Branch. Formulates and assists in the organization and operation of medical diagnostic laborato- ries in the Army. Medical Laboratory Technic Branch. Advises on technical labora- tory methods and equipment. 15 March 19Uh SGO MANUAL 3.11 T PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) EPIDEMIOLOGY DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Infectious Disease Control Branch and the Analysis and Survey Branch. Infectious Disease Control Branch. Establishes policies and prepares directives vdth respect to control measures to be em- ployed against communicable diseases; reviews and takes appro- priate action on epidemiological phases of monthly sanitary and other reports. Establishes policies with respect to inmuniza- tion of Army personnel. Advises Supply Service on problems con- cerned with biological standards and probable requirements for vaccines and other inmunizing agents. Analysis and Survey Branch. Prepares routine and special ana- lyses of the current incidence of communicable diseases in the Army. Maintains charts, tables and graphs of the incidence of various special diseases. Receives telegraphic and other spe- cial reports of outbreaks of communicable diseases and takes ap- propriate action on such reports. Notes current incidence and trends of communicable diseases in civilian communities. Main- tains liaison with Medical Statistics Division. Initiates, Su- pervises and conducts field investigations of control measures and of outbreaks of communicable diseases. 15 March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.11 T PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) TROPICAL DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION Functions Division Director* Reports to, advises and assxsts The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Control Policies Branch, the Education Branch, the Field Survey Branch, and the Malaria Control Branch. Control Policies Branch. Establishes policies and procedures for the prevention andcontrol of tropical diseases in the Army in this country and overseas. Maintains liaison with govern- mental and civilian agencies concerned with tropical disease control; analyzes data and reports dealing with the morbidity and mortality from tropical diseases in the Army; recommends in- vestigations of special tropical disease situations when indica- ted. Education Branch. Initiates informative circulars, posters, pamphlets and other materials; arranges programs of special training for selected personnel needed for tropical disease con- trol. Field Survey Branch. Maintains contact with field investiga- tions and field conditions; participates in special field in- vestigations dealing with tropical diseases. Malaria Control Branch. Exercises general advisory supervision over activities related to malaria control in the Amy; advises in the investigations of new drugs, materials and equipment ap- plicable to the control of malaria and makes recommendations as to their use. 15 March 19hh SGO MANUAL 3.11 1 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) SANITARY ENGINEERING DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, -through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Water Supply Branch, the Waste Disposal Branch, the Insect and Rodent Control Branch. Formulates policies in relation to procurement, assignment, and training of sanitary engineers and entomologists of the Sanitary Corps. Water Supply Branch. Direction of engineering inspections and surveys o? Army stations and military industrial establishments water facilities from the standpoint of protection of the health of military personnel, and initiation of corrective action when necessary; the development of field water purification equipment and methods and engineering advice on the design, construction and operation of swimming pools. Waste Disposal Branch. Direction of engineering inspections and surveys of sewage treatment and garbage and waste disposal at Army stations from the standpoint of protection of the health of military personnel and avoidance of health hazards to nearby ci- vilian population, and initiation of corrective action when nec- essary. Insect and Rodent Control Branch. Plans and directs insect and rodent control campaigns at Army stations, and acts as liaison on extra-militaiy insect and rodent control as it affects Army personnel. 15 March 19hh. SGO MANUAL 3.11 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION Functions Division Director, Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters -within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), Directs the activities of the Education Branch, the Treatment Branch, and the Civil Coordination Branch, Assists in the selection and supervision of qualified personnel) deter- mines significant trends by analysis of data on venereal disease incidence; develops plans concerned with venereal disease pre- vention and treatment. Education Branch, In coordination with the Training Division, establishes policies, studies methods and prepares materials re- lating to the education of the soldier in the prevention of ve- nereal disease. Treatment Branch, In coordination with Professional Service, exercises general supervision over treatment and recommends standards of practice in venereal disease control throughout the Army, Civil Coordination Branch, Establishes policies concerning the integration of the Array* s venereal disease control program with the control programs of various governmental and civilian agen- cies) maintains liaison with civilian health and law enforcement authorities. V~> March 19UU SGO MANUAL 3.11 9 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION Functions Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Directs the activities of the Army Industrial Hygiene Laboratory and the Armored Medical Research Laboratory; maintains active Liaison Officer in the Office of the Chief of Ordnance; directs the activities of the Industrial Medical Program Branch, the Occupational Hazards Branch, the Toxicology Branch, and the Mechanized Warfare Hazards Branch, Industrial Medical Program Branch, Administers and supervises medical service and hygiene for civilian workers in Army and con- tractor-operated arsenals, depots and industrial plants; analyzes and compiles reports of surveys and inspections; assists in de- termining supply requirements for the operation of this program. Occupational Hazards Branch, Supervises and administers program of inspection and improvement of working conditions in Army and contractor-operated arsenals, depots and industrial plants with respect to environmental health hazards, supervises operations of the Army Industrial Hygiene Laboratory in this connection; ana- lyzes and compiles reports of surveys and inspections. Toxicology Branch. Receives and handles requests pertaining to the toxicologic effects of clothes and other materials coming in- to contact with military personnel, including protective lotions, and creams, fuels, insecticides, fumigants, drugs and chemical warfare agents. Mechanized Warfare Hazards Branch. Maintains supervisory control over the Armored Medical Research Laboratory; initiates and arranges for research studies pertaining to the physiological effect of en- vironmental conditions upon military personnel from a preventive medicine standpoint. SGO MANUAL 3.11 US PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cent.) MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Functions Division, Collects, analyzes and disseminates information on medical, health, and sanitary conditions in foreign areas, in- formation on medical experiences of co-belligerent a nd cf enengr forces and on medical developments in other countries. Division Director, Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters -within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches), Directs the activities of the Collection Branch, the Analysis Branch, and the Dissemination Branch, Collection Branch. Maintains liaison with Military Intelligence Service for collection of documents of potential interest to the Medical Department, which pass through G-2; maintains similar li- aison with Office of Strategic Services, Office of Coordinator of Inter-rAmerican Affairs, National Research Council, and other agen- cies receiving information of medical interest from overseas are- as. Analysis Branch. Prepares studies of medical, health, and sani- tary conditions in foreign areas; prepares medical section of War Department Strategic Surveys and of Joint Army Navy Intelligence Studies, including recommendations as to health precautions for forces going abroad; examination of captured materiel and prep- aration of reports thereon. Dissemination Branch. Arranges for dissemination of technical information collected by Medical Intelligence Division, including routing of documents obtained through Military Intelligence Serv- ice and other channels; preparation of Medical Intelligence Ab- stracts. 15 March 19U* SGO MANUAL 3.11 n PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Contd.) NUTRITION DIVISION Functions Division, Develops plans, determines policy and exercises general super- vision of nutritional problems throughout the Amy as they affect the health of the soldier and civil population under Amy control* Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on matters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). Military Nutrition Branch* Advises the Director )of the Division with re- gard to the activities of the nutrition officers, their training and duties. Makes recommendations for their procurement and assignment in this country and overseas. Maintains liaison with other agencies in this field, particu- larly the Quartermaster Corps, Amy Medical School, and Service Commands. Reviews reports of the activities of nutrition officers. Supervises the analysis of dietaries and recommends changes based on such analyses. Gathers, reviews, and analyzes research data in the field of nutrition. Correlates and maintains contact with current investigations. Advises the Director of the Division with regard to the initiation and direction of new research projects through such agencies as the National Research Council. Represents The Surgeon General's Office in projects conducted by The Sur- geon General's Office and The Quartermaster General's Office, and other branches of the Amy. Maintains liaison with the Director of the Amy Med- ical School in reference to the nutrition laboratory research projects. Civilian Nutrition Branch. In co-ordination with Civil Public Health Division prepares, plans and advises regarding the nutrition of civil popu- lations, their nutritional requirements, the relief of nutritional defi- ciences and nutritional deficiency disease. Recommends the selection, training and assignment of personnel for such service. Acts as liaison . officer with other agencies in this field including Quartermaster Corps, Civil Affairs Division, and Civil Affairs Branch of Operations Service. 10 2*3 June IQliii SGO MANUAL 3.11 I? PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SERVICE (Cont.) CIVIL PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION Functions Division* Formulates policies and develops plans for health pro- grams in occupied and liberated territories. Assists in the se- lection of specialized personnel. Maintains contact with field operations. Integrates programs with those of other agencies op- erating in this general field. Division Director. Reports to, advises and assists The Surgeon General, through the Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, on mat- ters within the scope of the Division functions (see functions of Branches). In conformity with policies established by the Civil Affairs Division of the War Department, directs the activities of the Communicable Disease and Laboratories Branch, the Public Health Engineering Branch, the Nutritional Deficiencies Branch, and the Maternal and Child Health Branch. Congnunlcable Disease and Laboratories Branch. Plans programs di- rected to the control of communicable diseases among civilians in occupied territories with particular reference to immunization, diagnostic and therapeutic problems, and entomological problems concerned in the control of insect vectors of disease. Formulates plans for the rapid reestablishment and maintenance of public health and hospital laboratory facilities in occupied and liber- ated countries, or providing essential laboratory services when these are lacking. Public Health Engineering Branch. Formulates plans for reestab- lishment and maintenance and operation of essential sanitary fa- cilities in occupied and liberated countries, including public water supplies, sewerage systems, sewage and garbage disposal, and control of insect and rodent vectors of disease by engineer- ing methods# Nutritional Deficiencies Branch. Prepares plans pertaining to nutritional requirements of civilian population in occupied and liberated countries in relationship to anticipated or known die- tary deficiencies and available food supplies immediately follow- ing occupation, with special reference t o requirements for vita- mins and food concentrates for children, expectant mothers and workers• Maternal and Child Health Branch. Prepares plans for the rees- tablishment and maintenance of essential medical and nursing services and facilities for the protection of the health of chil- dren and expectant mothers in occupied and liberated countries. 15 I9U4. SGO MANUAL 3.12 RED CROSS LIAISON UNIT Functions Maintains liaison activities between the American National Red Cross and The Surgeon General in matters pertaining to the ad- ministration of sanitary services and medical aid, a s rendered by the American Red Cross. March 191U; 5.oo STANDARD OFFICE PRACTICES OF THE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL 5.02 CLEARANCE OF REPORTS 1. In order to eliminate duplication of information being prepared by units of the Army Service Forces, A.S.F. Circular No. 62, dated 17 August 1943, directs that all recurring reports on any subject, as well as one-time reports requiring personnel information, must have clearance before being initiated. This includes all such reports except those prepared for the internal use of the originating division or field installation of The Surgeon General*s Office. 2. Before initiating such reports, the originating division or field installation will submit a request for clearance of .the report to the Control Division, S. G. 0. This clearance will be indicated by the assignment of a Control Approval Symbol. 3. Directives initiating reports must show the Control Approval Symbol, and each issue of the report will show the same symbol in the upper right comer of the 1st page. 4* All recommendations for initiating, revising, or discontinuing recurring reports will be submitted to the Control Division, S. G. 0., and will provide the following information} a. Exact title of report. b. Its classification (secret, confidential, restricted, or unclassified). c. Frequency of preparation. d. Control approval symbol, if assigned. c. Office required to prepare report, number of copies prepared, and their distribution. f• copy of directive or proposed directive requiring report, and copy of report form. g. Justification of need for report. It ml.l. SGO MANUAL 5.03 CORRESPONDENCE SYMBOLS, S. G. 0, 1. A system of symbols, for use in identifying the point of origin of War Department correspondence, has been devised for general hse throughout the Army, The Symbol SP has been reserved for use by all Array Service Forces Units; MD and MC have been reserved for the use of The Surgeon General's Office; and each division of The Surgeon General's Office has been given an individual letter. For example: SP - Army Service Forces MC - The Surgeon General's Office L - Legal Division Thus, SPMCL means the Legal Division originated the correspondence upon which this symbol appears. In a similar manner, ME and MF have been reserved for installations under the jurisdiction of The Surgeon General. Supply Service installations have been assigned individual letters under the F series, and other installations have been assigned individual letters under the E series. 2. Symbols are to be placed in the upper left hand corner of all correspondence at the time of its preparation. The symbol to be used is that of the division originating such correspondence, re- gardless of what officer will sign the letter. As an example, a letter prepared in the Training Division for the signature of The Surgeon General, the Executive Officer, the Chief of Operations Ser- vice, or the Director of the Training Division, will carry the symbol SPMCT. The only correspondence which will bear the symbol SPMDA is that prepared by the officers attached to the Executive Office. 3. ASF Circular No. 29, dated 26 January 1944, gives the symbols assigned to units of the Army Service Forces in addition to those of the SGO. SGO symbols are shown on pages 5.03 and 5.03. “2 ”5 15 March l?Uli SGO MANUAL 5.03 2 CORRESPONDENCE SYMBOLS Office of The Surgeon General, Headquarters, - SPMC, SPMD The Surgeon General SPMDA Control Division SPMCQ Office Service Division SPMCA Legal Division- SPMCL Fiscal Division SPMCF Medical Statistics Division SPMCS Historical Division - — SPMCG Personnel Service (Chief) - SPMDC Military Personnel Division SPMCM Civilian Personnel Division - -- -- -- - SPMCK Operations Service (Chief) — — SPMDD Training Division SPMCT Hospital Division SPMCH Mobilization and Overseas Operation Div,- - SPMCP Special Planning Division SPMDK Technical Division SPMDH Supply Service (Chief) SPMDE Purchase Division SPMCO (Liaison Branch) Renegotiation Division- - -- -- -- -- - SPMCU Distribution and Requirements Division- - - SPMCW International Division- SPMCT Professional Service (Chief) SPMDF Medicine Division - - -- -- -- -- -- SPMCB Surgery Division SPMCR Dental Division - -- -- -- - - - SPMCD Veterinary Division - -- -- -- - - -- - SPMCV Nursing Division- SPMCN Reconditioning Division SPMDG Neuropschiatry Division SPMDU Physical Standards Division - - - SPMDP Preventive Medicine Service (Chief) - - SPMCE Sanitation and Hygiene Division SPMDT Laboratories Division SPMDL Tropical Disease Control Division ----- SPMDT Sanitary Engineering Division - SPMDS Venereal Disease Control Division ----- SPMDV Occupational Health Division SPMDO Medical Intelligence Division ------- SPMDI Nutrition Division - - SPMDN Civil Public Health Division ------- SPMDW Epidemiology Division SPMDR 15 March I9U4 SGO MANUAL 5.03 3 CORRESPONDENCE SYMBOLS (Cont»d.) Office of The Surgeon General, Field Installations - SPME — SPMF Army Medical Center SPMEC Army Medical Library SPMEL Array Medical Museum SFMEM Medical Field Service School SB£ES Respiratory Diseases Commission Laboratory SFMER Armored Medical Research Laboratory SPMEA Army Industrial Hygiene Laboratory SPMEI Army Medical Purchasing Office SPMFP Binghamton Medical Depot SFMFB Chicago Medical Depot SFMFC Denver Medical Depot SFMFD Kansas City Medical Depot SPMFK Los Angeles Medical Depot SPMFA Louisville Medical Depot 3PMFL St. Louis Medical Depot - - SPMFS San Francisco Medical Depot SFMFF Toledo Medical Depot SPMFT 15 March 19hh 5.04 INCOMING ACTION MAIL. 1. All letters, memoranda and radio communications from Head- quarters Army Service Forces, other higher War Department authority, and Service Command Headquarters (other than routine indorsements) which require action by any unit other than The Surgeon General's office, will be handled strictly as followss a* Mail Room will direct this type mail to the Mail Control Unit of the Executive Office regardless of the division to which it is addressed. The envelope will remain attached. b. Mail received by Special Messenger will be delivered to the office to which it is directed, but it will be the duty of the Director of the receiving division to send any mail from the above named sources which calls for action by The Surgeon General's office to the Mail Control Unit of the Executive Office for recording and when necessary, for proper routing. c. Mail addressed to individual officers will be delivered by the Mail Boom to the officer to whom it is addressed, but it will be the duty of that officer to send any mail from the above sources which calls for action by The Surgeon General's office to the Mail Control Unit of the Executive Office for recording and when necessary, for proper routing. d. Classified mail will be received and recorded in the same manner as at present, but all such mail requiring action will be routed first to the Mail Control Unit. e. Security mail will be received and recorded by the Security Officer in the same manner as at present. Ihe Security Officer will be responsible for notifying the Ifeil Control Unit of any action comminications, giving classification number, date of communication, date received and the date action is due. 2. Any officer receiving or responsible for the receipt of mail of the above types, whether coming in by Special Messenger or addressed to such officer individually, or which through error has not previously been routed to the Mail Control Unit is charged, not only with taking the appropriate action called for in the communication by the required time, but also for the immediate reporting to the Executive Office the receipt of such communication. 3. Form SG-513 will be prepared by the Mail Control Unit, and the yellow copy will be attached to the incoming communication. This form will accompany the communication at all times and will be returned with the reply to the Mail and Record Room (in the event of Security Mail, to the Security Officer). If the reply is transmitted by Special Messenger, this yellow form will be attached to the Record Room copy. 15 March 19hh 5.04 2 INCOMING ACTION MIL. 4. A pink copy of Form SG-513 Twill also accompany the corres- pondence to the Division to which responsibility for action has been assigned. This pink copy may be used in maintaining a divisional follow-up system, if such system is desired. 5. It will be the responsibility of the Mail Control Unit to maintain a follow-up system and to check with all units of The Surgeon General's Office to determine that timely action will be taken. It is further the duty of the Mail Control Unit to notify the Mail and Record Room of such incoming correspondence as is covered in the three cate- gories mentioned above. 6. In addition to the foregoing, the Mail Control Unit will be responsible for following up action required by multi-copy or mimeo- graphed directives emanating from Headquarters A.S.F. or War Department. 7. All reports of action taken must be submitted to the Mail Control Unit which is located temporarily in Room 1120, Extension 78275. 15 March 19hh