H*-ll (42944>f-^>"i NA. : DEPARTS BOft JA " 0F:ICTS; To: huAer <.V A •. . vubjt Frojict No. 4416 — Foaltifi ireuoure Breathing I ji—nt • Interim Keport of development to date 1, Kepeated ascents to almulated altitudes In the Low pressure chamber with the use of the Monser demand pressure oxygen regulator have been made and over a period of time the following observations have been made: (a) That with pressurised breathing equipment a gain in altitude may be obtained over the altitude afforded by conventional oxygen equipment. The enclosed chart# of oximeter readings show that the percentage of arterial oxygen saturation ie definitely increased by pressure breathing. The graph# show the calculated percentage oxygen saturation with the usual methods of giving oxygen as a black printed line for comparison. Further tests by comparing oximeter readings show that the gain in oxygen saturation is equal to the amount ef pressure used or that the altitude over usual 02 equipment may be calculated by adding the inches of water pressure used to the absolute pressure expressed la inches of water of the ambient altitude* (b) The problems of aeroembolism are not favorably affected by pressure breathing as many manifestations of this condition have occurred. In many in- stances at altitudes over 46,000 feet it was noted that the symptoms of aero- embolism, either pain in the Joints or Hchokes" developed much more rapidly and severely than usual. X-ray photographs are enclosed showing gas bobbles in the tendon sheaths of the lingers and in the wrist joints and further studies are to be rads of bubbles in the spinal fluid and brain. (e; At sea level the using of 8 inches water positive pressure is uncom- fortable and somewhat tiring if used for a period of time. However, as altitude is increased, these conditions become progressive!y decreased until at 42,000 feet and higher the breathing effort is practically the seme as that required then the conventional oxygen equipment is need, A (d) The question of personnel being able to breathe against the positive pressure, if unconscious, has been of importance, as expiration with this type of equipment requires effort which is not the normal process. At an altitude of 35,000 feet unconsciousness was produced by allowing ambient air only to be breathed and upon loss of consciousness, the mask tube was Inserted back into the regulator and breatidng continued with consciousness being regained shortly* (e) Isctrocardiograms have been made at simulated altitudes of 30,000, 40,000, 46,000 and 48,000 feet hile using 8 and 10 inchea water positive pres- 80-11 (42944)44-1 oum aid m alga of iniirfirwn with tho nomnl heart tracings boro boon found. Fluomooople oboorratloao of tbo boori while uolng rarlouo pmnoumo fwo 4 to Id lathes HjO it ooo loml whom proomoro breathing would bo tbo aeot produntim of romolod no dmonotrablo ehongoo la iho hoovt atlhnuotto. (f) Duo to tbo oabollag rio tbo aaok tubing through tbo rogoiotor to tbo nutaido, tbo wotar ropor la tbo oaholod oir io a oooreo of daagor at loo ton- porotumo. On nororal oooaatoao frona&ag la tbo mgulator ban oaaood tho •»- halation valva to foil to aoat properly allowing look ago of air into tbo mg»- lator obi oh io owoeodlngljr isagsmua at orltiaal altitodao oboro tbo mgulator would bo uaod« To aw art— thio, a boat or fbr tbo rogulalor haa boon dorlood and a bootor for tbo anak tubing would aloe bo of aid* Another manor la whloh thin anr bo eroroooo would bo to bar# a gpriag laadod owhalatioa ralrw ia tho aaok, tbuo obviating tbo whalotloa through tbo mgulator* (g; lb data Moot of tbo man with proooors bmatbiag oqoifowt ham boon node with aa M.J.A. Typo 0 oxygon aaok aodlflod to tho oxtoat that tbo onbaloiioa rolmo ham boon rmersd tad tbo orlflooo plugged. A three strap omponoioo hr tbo aaok bag boon uoad dtid would bo of ao pruotioul uoo ia aorvloo. Kowomr, aa oaporlMowtal It.g.A* weak aada fbr tbo Aiugr bao bam aodlflod bp tbo Moral Aircraft I notary aad lo mry ootiofaotory fma tbo poiat of mepmalm frwa tho oorr&oo helmet, photograph of which io moloood. A aaok for pooitlm p manure bmatbiag mmmtaotumd bp tbn Ohio Choaioal Coapaap haa bem inoported aad ala (b) ffUailatod boil out* fma aa altitude of 44,OCX) fart at a ealoulatad . rate of fall oormapeadiag to aa epm pamobuto dooeaai fma that altituda wbilo uaiag tbo aaaU Amp H-l baU out bottle eonaoetod to tho apoUa bp a T ham bom eoaploted without looo of emeeleueneie. (i) A oult dorlood bp Or. Alrla Baraoh of Colnabim University, Mew Took Clip baa bem toeted ahlab eoaalete of a pair of holloa rubber panto aad a bellow rubber met eeaneetod to e eob other bp e detachable flexible tubing* tho bellow mot io ia turn omaooted to tbo ooqrgm auk. Tbo oxygon supply lo eoa- non tad to tbo panto at tbo doolmd pr annum* Thun tho mtlm oult oaenood la o olotb omr girumt to pmrmt omrdirtma1m lo laflaiod ot tbo omo pooitlm pmnoum to whloh tbo subject lo eubjeetedy nmely, If n pooitlm pmeoom of I Ino boo Mjp io doolmd for bmnthlng tho oult lo a&ailorly Inflated to & laohoo buO pmooum. Thio nrraagmmt io to eld la mtarn ef the blood frm the lower mtrmitioe.dpeard aad te aeelet the chart aerweenl la anhnlAag* Prea tbo eb- oorrrtlme la actual see, it le ballnmd that eueb errangoamt art oalp eooplleatee tbo ifrtjwat required but le wamtesseiy at hipi altitadaa while bmatbiag with a paeltim prannum of ao high ao 12 inohoo Hgp, at leant with tho Pioneer pooitlm proaouro dmai regulator. (4) Frm repeated uoo with thin apparatus, It would oom trot with n proper aaok art on two of owopoaoioa pmoour% bmatbiag ooa bo uood fbr high altitude fllgbto below W$000 foot with a mall aaeuat ef preeeure of porhspe 3 to 4 inehm Kjp te ajalniee the dmgor of aaok loake. Proa 40,000 to 44,000 foot, d inohm kgo pooitlm prooowro ohould bo uood. •*-U ifc; n» tvmp «X ** «*«U ooo uu *~«lpoo*i Oo*U to lodootfiatiotf U> Wit of W.t rd|Mit sod fv nted in ij 5 a *UGr*E DIETZGFN CO NC .Hi ALmi^QtlrrrXMQUS^Kl. QR :EEi:E. Cim 'erst fewm*-i %Ma y/fe % Ml fmwifMM IK U S A fUGFNE DIETZGfN CC NO 3** 14: ■ .. Up eSHHagl jiisISjfe 1| gS i ££* 5 OONTrOtK USA Ft.'C'fNt OlEUjfM Cl N C ALTiT •J.QE.rrrT.HOU SAMDii DP!. FE£T fiwsffi PeSMwfe'OLATCH ::-. ||||. j 'ktff. <2 . g pr- N'FO n y 9 a f i - 'V.' -If T2'jf N , SO - « 4 ALTJT.UDL-r-THOJJSANDi DP FE£T OurntzA ; : .; :..-;;i;:.of tf&yssftJPi £ at uaa . : Ffb'St.& vt J.. Zjlffii : S tmtis fi& ffxss,j EUGFNC DIET/GfN CC NO L^6 ALTJntD£TrTM0.ySlAr4C$i.pP ,FEi:r. iAitaaswigs ftfe/EtoaL c* PiNTE O IN J S A ALTiT.UDL—THOUSANDS .DF FEE I ;.i.,m-ywL|,_. M/y»K4/9v? : • * *4 < *;. i. ♦ - I ... •... 4 • • ALTJTUDfL-rrTH0.USAND2L OP FEl'T QtmenJi Gjzmuijsjl it&js. Q O O F= VO V 'N*: D!£T?':f ►. CO sr • * •> ALTiT;J.D£trTHOU3AN0S ,QE FEET ©xmeT?R: R;EAD Mas..:. • ■: ! ■■, _J PioMEEH DeMA«C.AeaatftT3ft j Pol W.VR. VjOvlH'V3 ; - : | >: ;iv:i;Ctun&hts>; P;osPft e-ss 2 rmrji'jfn co no ALTJTVi.DEt-T HQUSAN£L DP JTEIir ffiXAHSU R ftuA.PtuiR«% : pVOHEEH |p $ *pp ip? ik -4- iMPift -|;ri-:- _ aes Sy*.p*sas.4 ~ FUC'fNf niETZGfN CO SO * Q:xmrr|rR;iR;ftp\^&^|£I^._ P»Ckfi LATjtft :-JPjDi4: ip ±0 & p^plp^gL::i Hi icL fUOFNT niETZOEN cc HC 3U tistr ausAfia iDE* :r |. d& lHCHl .S. P*Jb.ffai 4j POINIED IN U 5 A f J.*rNf, Tiii 'Z *N : N «♦ * ALT.I li [D£r rTHO U SAN Di i.. QE FE$T tg£r:t Hiil'ljj; 'r1 Fma-RDemtoHMvum* mju sajpis NITD N 5 A EUGFNE PIETZGFN CO NO 3** .EWC Qte.iie.Et^Etift»i:i> ft g a; ut erioft ■ Ml ftp fji Mr Mij-g fg j - .*?* IjtC SpMpPllW fe * ,( rN* n«f r; Hi • * ALTJ!TiLDt-TrX:fc|QySANKL.QP J^EI'T. ftAMEEat!: &fm ibIRe fi&yofr ■ IS s| S| ■ Ki| r' ft IN JS A : i At. rukv r ■*h f'HilADKPHIA 1 Of f liAI PHD IOGHAPH NOT row MIIR1 )( A1ION N t G A TIV t DUMBER 2'JS(i(i7 N.A.F. MODIFICATION OF ARMY V.S.A. MASK Uf Mi,iml f • -uo,mr ri NOT FOR PUBLICATION NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTOR. NAVY YARD. PHILADELPHIA N.A.F. MODIFICATION OF AHMY M.3.A. MASK GAS BUBBLES IN TENDON SHEATHS OF FINGER - 46,000 FEET GAS BUBBLES IN TENDON SHEATHS OF FINGERS - U6,000 FEET IN WRIST JOINT - A6.000 S£VT GAS BUBBLES IN TENDON SHEATHS OF FINGER - A6,000 FEET GAS BUBBLES IN WRIST JOINT - 46,000 FEET LOW PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CHAMBER NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTORY PHILADELPHIA. PA UATE •*> ~ AS..* Name Dept ._^jtv _ Age_ Temp. Rosp. Pulse B.P. Weight Height trngenation? ±va~. « Duration — Exercise—Type — Speed = Barometer to.ft*1** Room Temperature k >4 * Time or Take-off Time; Return to Ground \h~i\ b V»*>. YU*«4tA. nask? A Type ox, &) regulator, type Clothing: - Mission: 1—&—=Li—oikaj^si.——«,—lX.iah.Asi, c- \tc^Aiifi—tU*W- w\ -IV) • Q TIME ALT. rnayp OXIM. SYMPTOMS. REMARKS - ALVEOLAR SAMPLE m o' __ s*’1 VC50- ifsr. 4- • \Ot ft fees %i voo- VOO \>\3, a.o,o«o u °\v _LU. 4 La *i V4 ii'.ftDf/ u \ 4 /T S~ \» 14 5^-Ai 14 r? *i»?. r. t\ *1- '4°'. viTo^ il U * 1-^ \i'.1 H 11- *<\*n t[« i>i i"V i.Xii lal ‘4'W* Xtii- VtT V\ 1 41 ti no it 14 - Ki \ VJ "> V*T\h 1 • li Iff- ff I \*Hff ‘VV.fcOfc tt 14- 11 \*Tai* 4 i u Ife vtTOJS' 11 <*V ex*,.L A \« i.1 uq- n\ 4lW 4«V s K k - - Q it ry, — QV^' _ (over) .Return to Ground __ Temp. ________ Pul se • Eesp. B. P. . . . CONCLUSIONS AND SUMARY (Not to be completed until interrogation of individual 24 hours later) Operator Observer Signed Flight Surgeon LOW PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CHAMBER NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTOR! PHILADELPHIA. PA DATE V^-. Mame \). \ Dept. f\ 'CV\ S: Age_ _Temp. Resp. Pulse B.P. Wed ght_ O Height Penitrogenation? ,L ... Duration — Exercise—Type Speed —- Barometer & q \ Room Temperature L *+° Time or Take-off \ \ Time Return to Ground \ ti rS . ~ nask? r\ .S./\ Type Regulator, type Clothing: 1 Mission: ~WV \ ■i.U. 1— ... . iUw IjUL TIME ALT. TEMP. OXIM. SYMPTOMS. REMARKS - ALVEOLAR SAMPLE v ifccj - LfSC> (( 3k. -SU1-V v** A \ 4 Via t ft|Cen 1 k '. J ~ Ltlte mn Li U AQQrPL^.. \*a.v SLo^nA 11 • * „ , il W a.S~ 3cyo6.Q- VI \43Lfea 11 1' " 3*T.oaQ " l4*>C> u tg-^O 11 * * 11 \m+ u II ■ A \ i \ » Vt VLl i** i % »l ■gs'-ai 1 11 V\ — I44fc . *? Ho/sftc II V44V it II * 1 * ■f AUlA^kj n II %S- 8 + cv3iA-lv-K a l t k_ \44^ II \‘4’+"V H kl 8o--V1 V4fTn II It &cs~“\ fc \4*A. I. \ 4 — 11 (H-iTA' i • 11 n4--*A4 \a-iTR u \4*T^ i« It ~(oS vtToa. O taA -VtlySo'S VKIQ fT" M kt V | ya — , f Ait lii y«i"icv_ ii II _-Uf±tL. JU _ti -fa far fat (over) .Return to Ground . Temp. Pul.se ___• Resp. B. P. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY (Not to be completed until interrogation of individual 24 hours later) Operator Observer Signed Flight Surgeon LOW PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CHAMBER NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTOR! PHILADELPHIA, PA - DATE Name Dept. /\ Age A&.. Resp. Pulse »•> B.P. Weight Height „ Denitrogenatlon? . k i Duration Exercise—Type Speed Barometer —3d. va:1 Room Temperature (c+e‘-Y Time or Take-off | • Time Return to Ground ura a—„—- V*4> V<>-a “ask? V\SA A Regulator, type Clothing: s s . Mission: r — TIME ALT. mff>. ’ OXIM. SYMPTOMS, REMARKS - ALVEOLAR SAMPLE \*ra.o 4-4,,oof r io** la.- ne> %» *» a** -av o' •» • Q * fc*\- <=\r> » ■ . • . (over) .Return to Ground Temp. Pulse Resp. B. P. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY (Not to be completed until interrogation of individual 24 hours later) Observer Signed Operator Flight Surgeon LOW PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CHAMBER NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTOR! PHILADELPHIA; PA -y tA - X't N At., >.kW Dept. Temp. Resp. Pulse B.P. Weight Height Penitrogenation? Duration —~ Exercise—Type Speed —- Barometer Qy *v*' Room Temperature U Time or Take-off h~C-> Time Return to Ground V (ASA TyPe -&] regulator, type Clothing:_ ) Mission: cvxyv lliA SK . t I >L5 OtulAlS)! Hv \T TIME ALT. TEMP. ’ OXIM. SYMPTOMS, REMARKS - ALVEOLAR SAMPLE \»AS In o’ 8- ir>rs 9a>iX Afc, . \ » lOlDO G >* loft - \ rs in'oti •% %• VfV\-tAn \ tT e\ ftT a^ci.ftoo . k\ iC>o-i^C> i Sfttf %i % I i rift-ifto \ i« # V b"\0 r*a *» \*T i» r ft - (sa ft M[ t^DCci <* I i* • I \h^tr \tr^ "T> t4bl C>f\f\ *1 OrtaXi i. AiX'VujIlj -*«i. C_ L-, l^'U 1* II _ \if ~ k \tT3i' I* •» Kb .sv.ft fl»oL. c>t»-\ij5v “‘••l Vtm o c\°i- °i? - ■ - - - (over) .Return to Ground Temp. Pul.se Resp. B. P. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY (Not to be completed until interrogation of individual 24 hours later) Operator Observer Signed Flight Surgeon