FM 8-40 WAR DEPARTMENT MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION Note.—This is not a revision. This Manual contains only C 1, 12 June 1942; C 2. 9 July 1942; C 3, 22 December 1942; C 4, 16 March 1943; and C 5, 30 April 1943, to the 13 August 1940 edition placed at the back following the original text, and will not be issued to individuals possessing that edition. FM 8-40 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION Prepared under direction of The Surgeon General NOTE.—This is not a revision. This manual contains only C 1, 12 June 1942; C 2, 9 July 1942; C 3, 22 December 1942 ; C 4, 16 March 1943; and C 5, 30 April 1943, to the 15 August 1940 edition placed at the back following the original text, and will not be issued to individuals possessing that edition. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1940 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, D- C. Price 25 cents WAR DEPARTMENT, PM 8-40, Medical Field Manual, Field Sanitation, is pub- lished ‘ the information and guidance of all concerned. Washington, August 15, 1940. [A. G. 062.11 (6—5—40).] By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official : E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraphs Page hapter 1. General 1-5 1 Ihapter 2. Control of Communicable Diseases Section I. General 6-15 5 II. Respiratory diseases 16-17 12 III. Intestinal diseases 18-22 17 IV, Insect-borne diseases 23-26 20 V. Venereal diseases 27-34 22 3. Water. ction I. Responsibility for water supply,. 35-36 25 II. Water characteristics and re- quirements ! 37-39 26 III. Sources 27 IV. Purification 43-48 29 V. Water reconnaissance 49-53 34 iTR 4. Waste Disposal, Section I. General 39 II. Human wastes 56-69 40 III. Garbage 70-75 50 IV. Liquid wastes 76-82 61 V. Manure 83-91 66 VI. Rubbish 92-94 70 •ter 5. Mess Sanitation. Section I. Responsibility 95-96 72 II. Facilities 97-99 73 III. Cleansing of utensils and disposal of wastes 100-101 74 IV Menus and serving of food 102-105 77 V. Mess inspection 106-107 79 S ‘ter 6. Hygenic Control of Food Products Animal Origin. 3Ction I. Meat and meat food products 108-114 84 II. Sanitary inspections 115-117 86 III. Poultry and eggs i 118-119 88 IV, Fish and sea foods 120-121 89 V. Milk and dairy products 122-126 92 5R 7. Fly Control. ition I. Development and characteristics of the fly : 127-128 96 II. General control measures 129-130 97 III. Fly traps 131-135 98 IV. Other special measures 136-140 104 8. Mosquito Control. i I. Development, habits, and char- acteristics of the mosquito 141-145 106 II. Control measures 146-164 111 Control of Lice. i I. General 165-168 121 II. Methods of disinfestation.; 169-178 123 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 10. Rat Control. Paragraphs Section I. Importance, classification, and habits of the rat 179-181 II. General control procedure 182-183 III. Eradication by poisoning 184-187 IV. Eradication by trapping and fu- migating 188-192 V. Rat surveys 193-196 Chapter 11. Sanitary Surveys and Sanitary Orders. Section 1. Sanitary surveys 197-199 II. Sanitary orders 200-205 Chapter 12. Field Epidemiology Section I. Epidemiological investigation 206-209 II. Carriers and missed cases 210-211 Chapter 13. Physical Examinations. Section I. Responsibility and standards 212-214 II. Conduct of examinations and inspections 215-21 ‘ Chapter 14. Important Factors Relative to Personal Hygiene. Section I. General 218-2" J II. Prevention and treatment of skin diseases 220-221 III. Oral hygiene 222-224 Chapter 15. Vital Statistics. Section I. Statistical rates and strengths 225-227 II. Methods of computing rates and ratios 228-231 FM 8-40 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION CHAPTER I GENERAL IS 1. Purpose of Military Sanitation.—The application of well-established practical measures for the preservation of the health and the prevention of disease is essential in order that the military personnel may be kept at its maximum strength. It is of the greatest importance that all officers and enlisted men should be conversant with the fundamentals of military sanitation as outlined in this manual, and amplified in TM 8-255 (now published as Army Medical Bulletin No. 23), and that they cooperate in observ- ing and carrying out the measures prescribed in Army Regu- lations. The issuance of proper orders and regulations re- garding military sanitation will not produce satisfactory results unless they are intelligently enforced and implicity obeyed by all, from the highest to the lowest grades. ■ 2. Responsibility for Sanitation.—a. Commanding offi- cers.—Commanding officers of all grades are responsible for sanitation and for the enforcement of the provisions of sani- tary regulations within their organizations and the boundaries of areas occupied by them. Commanding officers will take such steps as they deem practicable and feasible to correct sanitary defects. b. Medical Department.—The Medical Department is charged with the duty of investigating the sanitary conditions of the Army and making recommendations in relation thereto, of advising with reference to the location of camps, the quality of water supply and purification, efficiency of waste disposal, the prevention of disease among military personnel and ani- mals, and the execution of all measures for conferring im- munity from disease on military personnel and animals. The Medical Department is further charged with the responsibility 1 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL of investigating and making recommendations concerning the following: (1) Training in matters of personal hygiene and sanita- tion. (2) The adequacy of the facilities for maintaining sanitary conditions. (3) Insofar as they have a bearing upon the physical con- ditions of troops— (a) The equipment of organizations and individuals. (b) The character and condition of the buildings or other shelters occupied by troops. (c) The character and preparation of food. (d) The suitability of clothing. (e) The presence of rodents, vermin, and disease . u insects and the elimination thereof. c. Medical officers.—The senior medical officer of a com- mand or station is charged, under the commanding officer, with the general supervision of the Medical Department of the command in the performance of its duties. Medical officers, as technical advisers of their commanding officers, are responsible for pointing out insanitary conditions and making proper recommendations for their correction, but the direct responsibility rests with the commanding officer. When, however, a commanding officer authorizes a medical officer to give orders in his name for the correction of sanitary defects, as is advisable under proper limitations, the duties and responsibilities of the latter are correspondingly in- creased. d. Medical inspectors.—The medical inspector is an assist- ant to the surgeon and under him is charged especially with the supervision of the sanitation of the command to which he is assigned and the prevention of communicable diseases therein. The veterinarian of a command or station is con- sidered as a medical inspector as regards animal sanitation and the performance of the prescribed duties in connection with meat and dairy hygiene. ■ 3. Sanitary Supervision.—Supervision of the sanitation of a station or command is one of the most important duties devolving upon a medical officer. Inspections and reports will not be made in a perfunctory manner. (See AR 40-275.) 2 FIELD SANITATION Sanitary defects susceptible of correction by local authority will be reported to the responsible officer immediately with recommendations for practical remedial measures. Reports of inspection are made in accordance with requirements out- lined in AR 40-275. ■ 4. Sanitation Details.—a. General.—The senior medical officer of each station or command large enough to warrant such action will organize one or more sanitation details from officers and enlisted men of the Medical Department. Sani- tation details ordinarily function under the direction of the medical inspector. b. Duties.—The duties of the sanitation details are in general— (1) To assist the medical inspectors in the performance of their duties. (2) To make inspections of sanitary appliances and meas- ures in use, and to report to the medical inspectors infractions of sanitary orders or regulations. (3) To inspect and report upon the methods employed in the removal and disposal of excreta and refuse, the construc- tion of simple sanitary appliances, the adequacy of bathing and delousing facilities, water-purification apparatus, and all other appliances used in maintaining the health of the command. (4) To give instruction to troops in technical sanitary mat- ters. The duties of sanitation details are distinct from and must not be confused with those to be performed by police details. ■ 5. Sanitation in a Theater of Operation.—a. Area sanita- tion.—In a theater of operation, when practicable, each army and corps area and each section of the communications zone, including particularly any rest or training areas containing large bodies of troops distributed over considerable territory, will be divided and subdivided into a convenient number of sanitary areas and subareas, by the designation of definite lines of demarcation, for the purpose of systematizing and supervising sanitation. One officer of the Medical or Sani- tary Corps will have charge, under the medical inspector of the military area or sector involved, of each sanitary area so designated. A sanitation detail (see par. 4) will be assigned 3 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL to each such officer. One or more enlisted men of the sani- tation detail will be assigned by the officer in charge of the sanitary area to the subareas under his jurisdiction. (1) The duties in general of such officers in charge of a sanitary area are to— (a) Instruct enlisted men assigned to his area in the sani- tary fundamentals to be put in operation, distribute them in small groups to each subarea, and supervise their work. (b) Keep himself informed as to all matters of sanitary importance in his area and to furnish such information to all incoming organizations. (c) See that all outgoing organizations leave the territory occupied by them in good sanitary condition. (d) Make such reports to the medical inspector under whom he is serving as may be required. (e) Perform such other duties in connection with sanita- tion as may be directed or authorized by proper authority. (2) The duties, in general, of the enlisted men assigned to each subarea are to— (a) Keep detail maps of the subarea showing location oi water sources, latrines, urinals, stables, dumps, baths, kitchens, billets, barracks, and camps. (b) Regularly inspect and report upon the condition ol sanitary appliances located in the subarea. (c) Report to the officer in charge of the sanitary area con- cerning sanitary conditions and prevalence of disease in the subarea. (d) Furnish information as to sanitary conditions and location of sanitary appliances to incoming troops. (e) Perform such other duties in connection with sanita- tion as may be directed or authorized by proper authority. b. Disposal of deceased personnel and animals during and immediately after a battle.—During or immediately preceding or following battle, labor troops or like organizations will be assigned to follow in the path of each corps or division in the line to make prompt disposal of the bodies of deceased per- sonnel and animals under the sanitary supervision of the corps (or army) medical inspector. The bodies of deceased personnel will be properly buried, and those of animals will be either buried or burned as circumstances may indicate. 4 CHAPTER 2 CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Section I. General 6-15 II. Respiratory diseases 16-17 III. Intestinal diseases 18-22 IV. Insect-borne diseases 23-26 V. Venereal diseases 27-34 Paragraphs Section I ■ 6. Classification.—Communicable diseases may be classi- fied in a number of ways. From the viewpoint of control they are best classified into the following five sroups: a. Respiratory diseases. b. Intestinal diseases. c. Insect-borne diseases. d. Venereal diseases. e. Miscellaneous. GENERAL ■ 7. Responsibility for Initiation and Enforcement of Pre- ventive Measures.—a. Medical Department.—The Medical Department is charged with the initiation and supervision of measures for the control and prevention of disease in military personnel and animals and among inhabitants of occupied territories. The functions of officers of the Medical Depart- ment are, in the main, of an inspectorial and advisory nature. b. Commanding officers.—Commanders of all grades are charged with the responsibility of putting into effect sanitary orders or regulations. Commanders of all grades will devote attention to the enforcement of regulations, especially the following: (1) Thorough washing of hands after visiting latrines and before meals. (2) Proper sterilization of dishes and mess kits. (3) Vaccination against smallpox, typhoid and para- typhoid fevers, tetanus, and other diseases if indicated. 5 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (4) Prevention of venereal disease. (5) Proper ventilation of barracks or tents. (6) Elimination of overcrowding. (7) Eradication of mosquitoes. (8) Destruction of flies, lice, and other insects. (9) Purification of nonpotable water supplies. (10) Proper disposal of human excreta and manure. (11) Proper disposal of garbage. ■ 8. Principal Objects.—a. General.—Certain of the meas- ures enumerated in this manual relate to the prevention of disease in the individual while others deal directly with the communicable disease itself and place the responsibility of prevention of its spread on specially trained experts. b. Objects.—A program of military sanitation has in view the accomplishment of the following objects: (1) Continuous maintenance in each individual of the high- est possible state of health. (2) Training of the soldier in such rules of personal con- duct as will enable him to avoid the infective agent of com- municable diseases. (3) Specific immunization of each individual against com- municable disease when it is possible of accomplishment. (4) Supervision of all known infectious cases with a view to preventing the transference of the causative agent to others. (5) Supervision of the common avenues of transmission with a view to freeing them from any living causative agents by means of the filtration and chlorination of water, pas- teurization of milk, thorough cooking of food, and destruction or exclusion of flies. ■ 9. Definition of Special Terms.—In the application of the measures relating to the prevention of the communicable disease in man, the following terms are used as defined below: a. Contact.—A contact is a person quartered in the same tent or occupying a nearby bed in a squad room, or closely associated at mess or otherwise, with an individual infected with the causative agents of a communicable disease. h. Carrier.—The term “carrier,” as used in this manual, is applied to an individual who harbors and excretes causative 6 FIELD SANITATION agents of a communicable disease without the usual evidence of the disease produced by the agent in question. Carriers may be classified as follows: (1) True carriers who harbor parasites which are patho- genic and virulent. True carriers are subdivided into— (a) Incubationary carriers who are temporary carriers in the incubation stage of a communicable disease. (b) Convalescent carriers who may De temporary or chronic. Temporary convalescent carriers are persons who are in the convalescent stage of a communicable disease but have not as yet eliminated all the causative organisms. Chronic convalescent carriers may have apparently recovered entirely from the disease, but they presumably still have some concealed lesion which permits the parasite to continue its growth. The excretion of parasites in such cases is often intermittent. (c) Contact carriers who may be temporary or chronic. Contact carriers are those who acquire parasites from asso- ciation with cases or carriers without themselves developing the disease. (2) Pseudo carriers who harbor organisms morphologically and culturally indistinguishable from pathogenic and virulent parasites which are, nowever, found on further examination to be nonpathogenic and a virulent. During the course of this examination these individuals must be regarded as true car- riers until nonpathogenicity and avirulence are established. c. Suspect.—A suspect is a person exhibiting signs or symp- toms which, though not definitely diagnostic in character, may indicate some stage of a communicable disease. d. Quarantine.—Quarantine is the application of such re- strictive measures to the activities ot contacts, carrier sus- pects, and cases of communicable disease as may reasonably be expected to prevent further spread of the causative organisms of these diseases. (1) Working quarantine is the segregation of selected car- riers or contact groups in such a manner that a given group is not brought into contact with another group or with other persons, yet the performance of certain duties (such as fatigue, drill, or instruction) is not interrupted. 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (2) Absolute quarantine is the detention of contacts, car- riers, suspects, persons ill with communicable disease, or other groups of individuals in complete isolation, either individually or collectively, as the circumstances may warrant. ■ 10. Influence of Environment.—The specific part that environment plays in the spread of communicable diseases depends upon whether or not it permits of the exchange of human discharges or whether or not certain insects which are known to act as transmitters of disease constitute an integral part of environmental conditions. The presence of certain insects and overcrowding, combined with faulty discipline and limited facilities for bathing the body and washing the hands, contribute to the spread of communicable diseases whenever certain specific infections are introduced into the community. In addition, unfavorable environment will lower body resistance and thereby the individual is predisposed to contract disease. The rapid mobilization of large numbers of recruits and the Bringing together of detachments of men from different units for the formation of new organizations result in rapid dissemination of nonpathogenic and patho- genic micro-organisms carried by individuals. Such condi- tions are ideal for the spread of communicable diseases. ■ 11. Primary Factors in Spread.—a. A communicable dis- ease is a process of the interaction of specific microbic para- sites and of host. Before such a process can be set up, the parasites must be implanted in or carried to the susceptible tissues of the susceptible host, and the parasites must be alive and endowed with the characters necessary to give rise to the disease. The three primary factors in infection are the— (1) Seed.—The available reservoir of specific pathogenic micro-organisms of adequate infectivity and virulence. (2) Sower.—The adequate means of transmitting these micro-organisms in adequate numbers to— (3) Soil.—The susceptible tissues of the susceptible indi- vidual. b. When these three primary factors are present and oper- ative together, a case of communicable disease will arise. As often as this chain of factors is in conjunction so often will cases of communicable disease arise, an outbreak, an epidemic, 8 FIELD SANITATION or a pandemic ensuing. The sum total effect of these factors giving rise to communicable disease at a given time and place may be termed the dispersibility of that disease for that time and place. As the disease spreads the number of reservoirs will increase and, other things being equal, the cases will multiply in geometric progression. The three primary fac- tors are, however, mutually dependent, and if one factor is totally absent the chain is broken and the number of cases will fall. ■ 12. Establishment of Quarantine.—The establishment of quarantine measures at a military station will be made by the commanding officer, when necessary, upon recommendation of the surgeon. Absolute quarantine of large bodies of troops will be instituted only when a disease of a serious nature exists in a command or threatens to become widely disseminated therein. Ordinary contacts will be held in working quaran- tine, and will be subjected to one or more careful physical in- spections daily in order that early cases and suspects may be detected. In the control of certain communicable diseases all quarantine measures may be dispensed with, reliance being placed upon careful physical inspections conducted at inter- vals to insure detection of cases in their incipiency. The special quarantine measures applicable to the various diseases will be found in AR 40-210 to AR 40-240, inclusive. ■ 13. Observation or Detention Camps.—Observation or de- tention camps for incoming recruits will be established at sta- tions when necessary. Recruits arriving in groups or indi- vidually at frequent intervals will be detained in these camps for observation during a period of time sufficient to insure detection of acute communicable diseases contracted prior to arrival, thereby preventing their introduction into the com- mand. The status of personnel held under observation will ordinarily be that of working quarantine. They will be care- fully inspected by a medical officer at least once a day for the detection of disease. The minimum period of observation will be 2 weeks. In case recruits not known to have been exposed recently to a communicable disease of a serious nature are joining a command at infrequent intervals and in small num- bers, they may be assigned directly to organizations, provided 1 9 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL that they report to the unit surgeon once a day during a period of at least 2 weeks for examination. In large com- mands receiving great numbers of recruits, quarantine camps may be necessary for the segregation of carriers, certain known contacts, and suspected cases of communicable diseases. ■ 14. Other Means of Preventing Communicable Diseases.— a. Control of transmitting agencies.—The control of disease through the control of transmitting agencies is accomplished by so modifying certain environmental factors as to prevent the transmission of the causative agents of disease. This method of disease control involves, for example, the purifica- tion of water supplies, the control of disease transmitting insects, the proper disposal of infected wastes, or the correc- tion of housing defects. The methods to be employed to con- trol transmitting agencies are discussed in detail in succeed- ing chapters, b. Immunization.—Immunization is practiced routinely in the control of typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, smallpox, and tetanus. Where indicated, it may be used in the control of diphtheria, cholera, or plague. Artificial immunization does not confer permanent, absolute immunity to the extent of rendering a group completely nonsusceptible to the disease concerned. Thus, while immunization against typhoid fever will render the greater proportion of a group immune for the time being against a moderate dose of the infection, it does not protect all individual members of the group against continued massive doses nor does the immunity last for an indefinite period of time without further vac- cination. Artificial immunization should be employed in the control of these diseases in conjunction with and for the purpose of augmenting the control of transmitting agencies. In the control of smallpox, artificial immunization is the only control measure of practical value and must be repeated at intervals to maintain a protecting degree of immunity. c. Treatment as a preventive measure.—Early or prophy- lactic treatment may be employed in the control of certain diseases to prevent the development of symptoms. Thus malaria may be controlled by prophylactic treatment with quinine or atabrine during a period of exposure to the bites of infected mosquitoes, or venereal disease can be prevented 10 FIELD SANITATION by the use of chemical prophylaxis immediately after exposure to infection. d. Discipline and physical training.—(1) Military disci- pline insures the cooperation of the individual in the enforce- ment of disease prevention and health promotion procedures, and is also an important factor in securing uniformity in the employment of health measures throughout a command. The success of many disease control procedures depends wholly or in part on the cooperation of the officers and en- listed men, that is, on the discipline of the command. The employment of chemical prophylaxis in the control of vene- real diseases, the use of mosquito bars to protect the troops from the bites of infected mosquitoes, or the maintenance of proper air conditions by window ventilation are some of the many measures in the enforcement of which discipline plays an all important role. (2) Military discipline and physical training are in a sense synonymous, in that one cannot be attained without the other. Aside from any question of specific immunity to dis- ease, the trained soldier is more resistant to infection than the recruit. To recruits, generally, the military environment is strange and at times depressing; they are unaccustomed to the physical exertion incident to military training, and they react quickly and unfavorably to cold and exposure. The trained man does not oecome unduly fatigued by the per- formance of military work, and ne is able tc withstand ex- posure to cold without excessive loss of body heat. These factors, togethei with the general nonspecific resistance to infection conferred by continuous close contact with others, tend to render the trained soldier less susceptible to disease than the raw recruit. ■ 15. Statistical Charts and Reports.—Surgeons of stations and commands are responsible for the collection, tabulation, and graphical presentation of information concerning the incidence of communicable diseases. Tables and charts showing the movement of communicable diseases in com- mands will be kept available at all times for inspection by commanding officers and inspectors, When rates are in ex- cess of the normal average every effort will be made to determine and remove the causes. 11 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Section II RESPIRATORY DISEASES ■ 16. Classification.—The following diseases are known to be or are strongly suspected of being transmitted, in most instances, by the discharges from the respiratory tract; Measles, mumps, diphtheria, scarlet fever, the common respiratory diseases (coryza, acute laryngitis, acute tonsil- litis, and acute bronchitis), influenza, the pneumonias, epi- demic meningitis (cerebrospinal), pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough, plague, and poliomyelitis. PRINIC1PAL TRANSMISSION AGENCIES CONTROL OF TRANSMISSION AGENCIES PROTECTION OF SUSCEPTIBLE^ CONTACT IMMUNIZATION ISOLATION or CASTS AND CARRIERS QUARANTINE OR CONTACTS WARM CLOTN/NO PERSONAL CLEANLINESS 5Y AIR VENTILATION OF BARRACKS bed smcmmsquad noon CUBICLFD BEDS PREVENTION OF CROWDING ' CASE \ OR .CARRIER-/ AIR HANDS hands: INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL CLEANLINESS FOOD FOOD# MESS EQUIPMENT DISINFECTION OF D/SHES AND MESS EQUIPMENT SANITATION OF KITCNENS CLEANLINESS $ SUPERVISION OF FOOD HANDLERS AND MESS EQUIPMENT Figure 1.—General factors in the control of respiratory diseases. ■ 17. Preventive Measures.—a. General.—Commanding offi- cers must devote particular attention to the enforcement of the following general measures for the control of any one of the diseases of this group: (1) Allowa?ice of more than the authorized floor space in barracks and tents when practicable.—Crowding and the con- sequent close contact between infected persons and non- immunes are most Important factors in the spread of respira- tory diseases. The most dangerous crowding is that which 12 FIELD SANITATION occurs between the sleeping occupants of squad rooms. This crowding must be minimized in one or more of the following means: (a) By utilizing all available space including tentage (if weather permits) so that individuals will not be in close con- tact. (b) By constructing cubicles either with screens, sheets, or shelter halves. A cubicle screen should extend to not less than 2 feet nor more than 4 feet above the surface of the bed at the head of the bed. Figure 2.—Method of constructing cubicles in squad rooms by the use of shelter tent halves with head and foot arrangement of beds (c) By proper bed arrangement so that the heads of indi- viduals in adjacent beds will be as far apart as possible. This may be done by head to foot sleeping and by staggering beds. Under average conditions a minimum of 60 square feet of floor space should be allotted for each bed exclusive of that occu- pied by furniture or fixtures, other than the bed and foot locker. Calculation of minimum floor space should not in- clude any that extends to a distance of more than 4 feet from either end of the bed. In an emergency the minimum floor space may be reduced to 50 square feet per bed provided 555798°—4.°. 2 13 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ventilation is adequate. If sides of beds are less than 5 feet apart, the beds should be so arranged that the head of each bed is opposite the foot of the adjacent bed. It is best to limit the number of beds to a room by having a number of small rooms, rather than one large one. The standard pyramidal tent has a floor space of approxi- mately 250 square feet. Under average conditions not more than six men should be housed in one tent and in the presence of an epidemic of respiratory disease not more than five. Figure 3.—Cubicles made by hanging sheets between beds. This method is usually preferred in hospital wards. (2) Proper ventilation of barracks and tents.—(a) For practical purposes the existing air conditions are determined by the temperature as shown by a thermometer and the ef- fects of the air on the senses. Overheating is normally an evidence of poor ventilation. Lack of freshness when a room or tent is first entered also indicates improper ventilation. (b) Under average conditions, and when there is no con- siderable difference between outdoor and indoor temperatures, squad rooms which provide 600 to 720 cubic feet of air space 14 FIELD SANITATION per man will require at night from 1,800 to 2,200 cubic feet of fresh air per man per hour or three changes per hour. During the day a much smaller volume is required since only a few men are ordinarily in the room. (c) Wind velocities of about 4 feet per second will produce definite drafts. (d) Window ventilation is the simplest form of ventilation. Windows should be opened from the top on the windward side and from the bottom on the opposite side. (e) It is essential that squad rooms and tents be properly ventilated. In ordered to enforce proper ventilation at night, especially in cold weather, frequent inspections must be made by an officer or noncommissioned officer. Figure 4.—Ventilation of squad rooms showing method of arranging window openings. A—Inlet. B—Outlet (3) Issue of suitable clothing.—Fatigue or chilling will in many instances lower the resistance of the individual. Expo- sure to inclement weather and exercise resulting in excessive fatigue should be avoided. Sufficient bedding to prevent chilling of men while asleep must be issued. b. Special.—(1) Isolation of cases.—Since the patient with the disease is the greatest source of danger to susceptible members of the command, it is of vital importance that he be removed from contact with other individuals and hospital- ized at the earliest possible moment. The fact that many 15 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL diseases of this group are most infective in the earliest stages of illness renders imperative their early recognition and immediate hospitalization. (2) Physical inspections.—Upon the appearance of the first recognized case of any of these diseases (except the common respiratory infections), the command or such part thereof as the surgeon may recommend (ordinarily contacts) should be inspected at least daily and during the presence of an epi- demic twice daily until the disease in question is eradicated from the command. Special attention must be at all times directed to the recognition of cases in the early stages. (3) Hospitalization of suspects.—All cases of illness with catarrhal symptoms accompanied by a temperature of 100° P. or above will be considered as suspects and hospitalized as such for observation. The retention and treatment of sick men in quarters must not be practiced when epidemics prevail. Under these circumstances, unit commanders and noncom- missioned officers will send at once to a medical officer any soldier who may become ill between the hours of the general inspections. (4) Control of suspects.—The exanthemata contacts of the command should be separated into two groups, one composed of susceptible individuals and the other of nonsusceptible per- sons. When this separation has been accomplished, control measures such as physical examinations, working quarantine, or other restrictions will be especially applicable in the management of the susceptible groups. (5) Immunization.—With the exception of diphtheria and scarlet fever, the present status of scientific knowledge con- cerning immunity against the diseases of this group does not permit of the general application of routine specific methods of immunization. (6) Measures applicable to special diseases.—For special measures applicable to prevention of individual diseases of this group see TM 8-255 (now published as Army Medical Bulletin, No. 23) and AR 40-220. 16 FIELD SANITATION 18-20 SECTION Hi INTESTINAL DISEASES ■ 18. General.—The intestinal diseases as a group are trans- mitted from person to person by food and water, the infective agents being disseminated in the excreta of cases or carriers. The causal organisms are introduced into water with the infected excreta, and into food through the medium of hands contaminated with infected material, by water, by contami- nated dishes and utensils, by flies, or by direct contact with excreta. Occasionally intestinal diseases may be transmitted by contact, that is, by the direct transference of infected excreta by the hands or by fomites to the mouth without the intervention of food or water as an intermediate agency. However, under average conditions, such contact is a relatively unimportant factor in the transmission of most of the intestinal infections among troops. ; ■ 19. Classification.—The important diseases belonging to . this group are— . Typhoid fever. Paratyphoid fever. Common diarrhea. Bacillary dysentery. Protozoal dysentery. Cholera. Helminthic infestations. Undulant fever. Pood infection. Botulism. H 20. General Importance and Prevalence.—a. Intestinal diseases are of great potential importance to a military force. However, measures are available by which the inci- dence of intestinal diseases can be greatly reduced below that which would and does occur in situations where the spread of these infections is inadequately controlled. h. As sources of infection are constantly present in mili- tary organizations, and in the civilian populations with which the troops are in contact, any relaxation in measures for the control of intestinal infections will almost inevitably be fol- lowed by the occurrence among troops of some of these dis- eases in epidemic form. The prevalence of intestinal diseases and their importance to a military force are, therefore, to a very considerable degree dependent on the extent to which 17 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL suitable control measures are enforced. In this respect, in- testinal diseases differ markedly from such respiratory infec- tions as influenza or common colds. In many instances, the latter cannot be completely controlled by any practical pro- cedure, while uncontrollable epidemics of intestinal diseases seldom if ever occur in military forces under normal condi- tions. c. While one attack of certain of the intestinal diseases, particularly typhoid, will usually confer permanent immunity, troops generally have a high group susceptibility to intestinal diseases. d. The group of diarrheal diseases which are classified as common diarrhea are from a military viewpoint, under ordi- nary conditions, the most important of the intestinal dis- eases, largely because of their influence on the noneffective rate. This group includes those conditions diagnosed as enteritis, colitis, or diarrhea, which in many instances are probably actually mild dysenteries or food infections. These conditions tend to occur as small explosive epidemics and in- capacitate a relatively large number of men before control measures can be made effective. On the other hand, typhoid is of relatively minor importance, but only because it can be controlled by available and practical control measures. O 21. General Control Measures.—a. The control of intes- tinal diseases is based on the control of environmental con- ditions with a view to preventing the transmission of the causal organisms by water and food. General measures for the control of intestinal diseases include water purification, food protection and control, waste disposal, and control of the housefly. Each of these subjects is considered in detail in succeeding chapters. b. Group quarantine of contacts is not as a rule effective or of value in the control of intestinal diseases. It may, how- ever, be employed in the control of cholera. Cases of intes- tinal disease may be isolated as individuals or in groups dur- ing the infectious stage of the disease. Carriers may be quarantined or their activities restricted in order to prevent the contamination of food or water or the transmission of infection by contact. 18 FIELD SANITATION 21- c. Food handlers are particularly important in the tran mission of the etiological agents of many of the intestin diseases, in that they have many opportunities to transf the infective organisms to the food or eating utensils of oth persons. All food handlers should be required to cleanse the hands thoroughly before starting work in a kitchen or me and after each visit to a latrine. Preferably, they should di infect their hands by washing them in a weak solution cresol and drying them in the air without wiping. d. Prophylactic immunization is employed as a routii measure in the control of typhoid fever, and may at tim TRANSMISSION AGENCIES CONTROL Of TRANSMISSION AGENCIES WATER Protection op paw watip or ppopip. JlWACrt DISPOSAL PURIFICATION Of WATER SUPPLY Protection of purified water. IMMUNIZATION typhoid a paratyphoid rww WATER FOOD Supervision of sanitary conditions under WHICH FOOD IS PRODUCED. TRANSPORTED AND STORED Meat inspection Pasteurization of milk Elimination of contaminated food SUPPLIES or INSPECTION Physical examination of food HANDLERS TO ELIMINATE CARRIERS AND SICK CLEANLINESS OF INDIVIDUAL FOOD HANDLERS Sanitation of kitchens CASE OR CARRIER , FOOD Protected \ troops , FLIES HANDS FLIES Control or doiioino places Protection op pood prom flips Destruction or adult fu.ts HANDS Individual personal cl£anlincjt Figure 5.—General factors in the control of intestinal be utilized in the control of other intestinal diseases, par- ticularly paratyphoid fever, cholera, and bacillary dysentery. See AR 40-225. ■ 22. Concurrent and Terminal Disinfection.—a. Concur- rent disinfection should be practiced in the care of patients having an intestinal disease, in order to prevent the trans- mission of the causal organisms by contact or through con- tamination of food or water which is to be consumed by others. It is essential that the feces and urine be thoroughly 19 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL disinfected and properly disposed of. Any articles which might be soiled by excreta should be disinfected or burned. b. Intestinal discharges may be disinfected by adding 2 percent cresol solution or 10 percent formaldehyde and allow- ing them to stand for at least 1 hour. The quantity of dis- infectant used for this purpose should be equal to at least twice the volume of the material to be disinfected. Urine may be disinfected by the addition of sufficient cresol to make an approximate 2 percent solution. Mercuric chloride in amounts sufficient to make a 1: 1,000 solution may also be used. c. Patients should have separate dishes and eating uten- sils which should be disinfected by boiling after use. Any1 food which has been served to patients but not consumed should be destroyed or disposed of in such a manner that it will not convey the infection to others. d. All sheets, pajamas, towels, or similar articles used by the patient should disinfected by boiling or by immersion in a 2- or 3-percent cresol solution. e. Medical officers, nurses, and attendants should exercise care to prevent the transmission of infection by the hands or clothing. f. Terminal disinfection should consist generally of thor- ough cleaning of the room or ward and disinfection of the bedding. Section IV INSECT-BORNE DISEASES ■ 23. General.—The insect-borne diseases are those trans- mitted by biting or bloodsucking insects. In order for these liseases to spread, three things are necessary: a. Reservoir of infection. b. The specific vector. c. Susceptible individuals. 20 FIELD SANITATION 24-26 H 24. Classification.—The following insect-borne diseases are of particular interest to the Army: Disease Malaria Anopheles mosquito (a number of species). Yellow fever Aedes egypti. Dengue Aedes egypti and albopictus. Tularemia Ply, tick, louse, and flea (also con- tact with infected material). Rocky Mountain spotted fever Tick. Relapsing fever Louse and tick. Typhus fever, epidemic Body louse. Typhus fever. endemic Flea. Trench fever Body louse. Plague Rat flea and others. Pilariasis Mosquito principally. Encephalitis Aedes mosquitoes and possibly other insects. Principal vector H 25. Transmission.—There are two types of insect transmis- sion of disease: a. Mechanical.—Virus undergoes no change in the insect host but is transmitted by a specific insect in the form it is taken from the infected person. No period of incubation in the insect. b. Biological.—Virus or parasite undergoes certain changes in the insect host before it becomes infective. This is the extrinsic period of incubation as seen in malaria and yellow fever. ■ 26. Objects of Preventive Measures.—The various preven- tive measures (chs. 7, 8, 9, and 10) to be employed must be directed toward the accomplishment of the following objects: a. Protection of— (1) Patients and carriers of the causative agents from the bites of insects capable of transmitting such agents. (2) Healthy persons from the bites of insects infected with the causative agents. 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL b. Eradication of— (1) Insects capable of transmitting the causative agents. (2) Causative agents from the persons of patients and carriers. For further details see AR 40-230. Section V VENEREAL DISEASES I 27. Prevalence.—Under average conditions, venereal dis- ase is by far the most important cause of noneffectiveness mong troops. The prevalence of venereal disease among ivilian populations is difficult to determine. Studies have aown that from 60 to 75 percent of prostitutes in the United tates present demonstrable evidence of venereal disease, ctual incidence is probably very much higher. ■ 28. General Control Measures.—Measures for control fall generally into two groups, the first is to attempt prevention to exposure, and the second, to prevent the development of the disease in the exposed individual. The measures employed to control exposure consist of the control of prostitution, edu- cational and recreational measures, and regulations. Me- chanical and chemical means of prevention play a very im- portant part in the control of these diseases should exposure take place. The discipline, training, and administration of organizations are the basic factors and are more important in the control of venereal diseases than in the control of any other class of diseases. (See AR 40-235.) ■ 29. Mechanical Prophylaxis.—a. The condom affords the only practicable mechanical protection against venereal in- fection. Where properly used, the condom is effective in preventing gonorrheal infection and, to a less extent, syphilis, chancroid, or lymphogranuloma inguinale. The gonococci are infective only in the urethra which is protected by the condom, while the infective agents of the other three venereal diseases may be inoculated into the skin or tissues of the genitals or adjacent body surfaces that are unprotected by the condom. b. Post exchanges are required to stock condoms, the com- position and quality of which will be prescribed by the com- manding officer upon the recommendation of the surgeon. 22 FIELD SANITATION (See Cir. Letter 4, Jan. 8, 1940.) Chemical prophylaxis should be given even when a condom has been used. ■ 30. Chemical Prophylaxis.—Chemical prophylaxis consists of the application of disinfectants for the purpose of destroy- ing the infectious agents of venereal disease immediately after exposure and thus preventing invasion of the tissues and the consequent development of the disease. Chemical prophylaxis may be applied at a prophylactic station or from an indi- vidual packet. Application at a prophylactic station is by far the better method as it is most effective when properly applied. Venereal prophylactic stations are as a rule estab- lished wherever troops are assembled. Soldiers should be im- pressed with the fact that the sooner after exposure the prophylaxis is given the more effective the result. ■ 31. Operation of Prophylactic Station.—a. The station should be in charge of well-trained attendants and should1 be easily accessible to the troops. At times it may be ad- vantageous to establish stations in adjacent civilian com-' munities. Frequent inspections should be made by the1 responsible medical officer. b. A high degree of cleanliness and orderliness is essential to success in the operation of a prophylactic station. A pro- phylactic station should be similar in this respect to an operating room in a hospital. c. The station should be so arranged that the prophylactic treatment can be given in private. All boisterousness, joking, or loafing should be strictly prohibited. Otherwise, men who should receive the prophylaxis will risk infection rather than report at the station. ■ 32. Method of Applying Venereal Prophylaxis.—The minor details of the technique of administering the venerea] prophylaxis may vary somewhat but the same basic methods are employed throughout the Army. The individual report- ing for prophylactic treatment should first be thoroughlj examined for venereal disease. He should urinate if possible immediately prior to the beginning of the treatment. The genitals and the contiguous surfaces of the thighs and abdo- men are then thoroughly washed with soap and water. The soap is a disinfectant and also serves to remove substance: 23 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL which would interfere with the action of disinfectants which are to be subsequently applied. The same area is then bathed and the soap removed with a 1:1,000 solution of mercuric chloride. From 4 to 6 cc of a 2 percent solution of protargol are then injected into the urethra and retained for 5 minutes. Finally, calomel ointment is rubbed thoroughly over all sur- faces of the genitals. A paper towel or napkin should be used to protect the clothing. All records should be completed at the time the prophylaxis is given. ■ 33. Individual Chemical Prophylaxis.—The individual prophylaxis has been found to be of great value if properly applied, especially if a prophylactic station cannot be reached until a considerable time after exposure or where men are going on furlough or pass to places where prophy- lactic stations are not available. These packets contain as a rule calomel ointment to which 1 to 3 percent of phenol has been added. ■ 34. Treatment as a Control Measure.—The prompt and adequate treatment of persons having venereal diseases until they are no longer infectious is a most effective method of controlling the spread of venereal diseases in the civil popu- lation. It is essential that soldiers having venereal disease do not serve as sources of infection in civil communities, and, consequently, all those who contract a venereal disease should be restricted to the station or camp until the infectious stage of the disease is past. 24 CHAPTER 3 WATER Paragraphs Section I. Responsibility for water supply 35-36 II. Water characteristics and requirements 37-39 III. Sources 40-42 IV. Purification 43^18 V. Water reconnaissance 49-53 Section I RESPONSIBILITY FOR WATER SUPPLY ■ 35. Quartermaster Corps.—The Quartermaster Corps is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of water-purification plants and distributing systems and for the quantity and quality of the water supply at all stations and permanent or semipermanent installations in time of peace, and in the zone of the interior in war. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for all water supplies in the theater of operations except, at times, in the case of smaller units where it may be impracticable for the engineers to furnish water. 0 36. Sanitary Control by Medical Department.—The Med- ical Department is charged with the responsibility for mak- ing surveys, inspections, and examinations of water supplies and such recommendations as may be necessary to protec the health of the troops. The Medical Department coop erates with the Quartermaster Corps or the Corps of Engi neers, as the case may be, in all phases of water-purificatioi work. The scope of the sanitary control exercised by th< Medical Department includes the following measures: a. Sanitary surveys of the source or sources of propose* water supplies, or extensions of existing supplies, for actua or potential sources of contamination, and for adequacy o supply insofar as quantity will affect the health of the troops b. The study of plans for proposed water-purlficatio: 25 36-39 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL works and other appliances or installations to be utilized in the treatment oi water, with particular reference to sanitary features, prior to their final adoption. c. Sanitary surveys and inspections ot existing water-sup- ply systems, including sources, installations, appliances, the distributing system, and procedures utilized in the treatment of the water. d. The bacteriological and chemical analysis of water as delivered to the troops. e. The technical supervision of the procurement and purifi- cation of the water supply where emergency measures are necessary, such as the use of the water sterilizing bag (Lyster bag). Section II WATER CHARACTERISTICS AND REQUIREMENTS |B 37. Ttjbidity.-—-Turbidity may be estimated in the field (with the United States Geological Survey turbidity rod. In laboratories the Hellige turbidimeter is used. Ordinarily, these procedures cannot be carried out. so that inspection ot the water will have to suffice. Troops will object to drinking p. highly turbid water even if they are assured of its freedom from pathogenic organisms. A turbidity of 5 parts per mil- lion is barely noticeable in an ordinary drinking glass; from |I0 to 15 parts per million will render the water objectionable; tL00 parts give it a decidedly muddy appearance; while 500 to 1,000 parts render it practically opaque. I 38. Hardness.—The hardness ot water is due to the pres- ence of the soluble bicarbonates, sulphates, chlorides, and titrates of calcium and magnesium. These chemicals form ieposits in boilers and pipes of steam-heating and hot-water Diants and appliances, decreasing their efficiency and neces- ;itating more frequent cleaning. They also form insoluble ■.alts with soap and impair the value of the water for domestic ir laundry purposes, I 39. Water Requirements of Troops.—a. During the World Var the National Army cantonments consumed 55 gallons of vater per capita per day and the tent camps of National 26 FIELD SANITATION 39-41 Guard divisions 30 gallons. These amounts are very greatly increased in permanent camps and stations. b. Where water must be distributed by trucks or water carts, particularly in temporary camps, about 5 gallons per man per day are required for drinking, cooking, and washing. c. If watering troughs for animals are supplied, about 10 gallons per animal per day are required. d. In bivouac or on the march, troops will require 2 gal- lons and animals 10. e. In combat, under average conditions, physical efficiency can be maintained for a period of not more than 3 days if from 3 pints to 2 quarts of water per day are supplied to each man. Under like conditions animals require from 3 to 5 gallons per day. Section III SOURCES B 40. Surface or Ground.—The remote source of all water is the rain or snow which falls upon the earth. This water occurs in nature as surface water (ponds, lakes, or streams) or as ground water (below surface and not in contact with atmosphere). Ground water which is obtained from wells or springs has been subjected to a certain amount of filtering process and may or may not be pure. When obtained from beneath the first impervious stratum it is usually pure. ■ 41. Estimating Stream Flow.—Water for troops in the field is usually surface water obtained from streams. As the quan- tity of water is important it may be necessary to measure stream flow. For a rapid and approximate method the velocity-area method is used. A section of the stream is selected having a fairly uniform width and depth which are determined by measuring. The velocity of the flow through the measured section is ascertained by observing the time required for the current to carry a surface float from the upper to the lower boundary of the section. The mean veloc- ity of the stream is about four-fifths of the surface velocity. The rate of flow in cubic feet per second would be— DXWXL V 27 41-42 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL SOURCES The rate of flow in gallons per second would be the number of cubic feet per second multiplied by the number of gallons in a cubic foot, which is 7.48. For example, given a section of a stream which has an average width of 4 feet, an average depth of 6 inches, and is 25 feet long, through which it requires 20 seconds for the current to carry a surface float. As the mean velocity is four-fifths of the surface velocity, 25 seconds would be required to empty the 25-foot section, or in other words, V in this problem is 25. n t 4X0.5X25 Rate of now= y 4X0.5X25 25 50 ==25 = 2 cubic feet per second. = 2X7.48 or 14.96 gallons per second. ■ 42. Yield of Wells.—The rate of flow of water into a well, or the yield of the well, may be roughly determined by reduc- ing the depth of the water a measured distance, noting the time required for the water to reach again a given level which should be below the original level, and calculating the capac- ity in gallons of the space between the two levels. The quan- tity of water expressed as cubic feet in any given depth of a circular well is determined by multiplying the square of the diameter of the well in feet by 0.7854 and multiplying the figure thus obtained by the depth of the measured section in feet. The content in gallons is determined by multiplying the number of cubic feet by 7.48. which is the number of gallons in one cubic foot. For example, given a circular well 3 feet in diameter in which the normal water level has been reduced 2 feet by pumping, and assuming that the water rises 1 foot 28 FIELD SANITATION 42-44 in 30 minutes after the pumping has ceased, the yield is computed as follows: Yield=0.78 54 x 32XlX7.48 =0.7854X9X1X7.48 =7.07X1X7.48 =7.07X7.48 =51.9 gallons in 30 minutes. If the yield is 51.9 gallons in 30 minutes, the yield for 24 hours will be 48 times 51.9, or 2,491 gallons. If, under the condi- tions of actual use, the pumping rate is greater than during the test, the yield will be somewhat more as the water will be drawn from a larger area. The depth of the water-bearing stratum and the rate, of pumping are factors which must be considered in making an accurate estimate of the yield, but can be ignored in making practical field tests. Section IV PURIFICATION ■ 43. Purification of Temporary Water Supplies.—In sta- tions and semipermanent camps, water works may be in- stalled similar to those used in towns and municipalities. The water supply for moving troops, for temporary camps and installations, and for troops in the theater of operations must be purified under conditions which do not permit the installa- tion of permanent water purification works. The agencies employed for this purpose are temporary or improvised facil- ities installed by engineer regiments, troops, or units, and the water sterilizing bag which is included in the equipment of each company or its equivalent. ■ 44. Engineer Water Supply Equipment.—Engineer regi- ments (combat) have certain pumps and canvas tanks which may be used for obtaining and storing water. In addition they are allowed a mobile water purification unit which is mounted on a 21/2-ton truck. The water supply battalion (an Army unit) is equipped with 9 mobile water purification units and 135 water tank trucks. Engineer battalions (combat) are not equipped with water purification apparatus except the water-sterilizing bag which is issued to all troops. 555798°—43 3 29 45 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ■ 45. Water-Sterilizing Bag (Lyster Bag).—The water- sterilizing bag is made of heavy canvas or rubberized cloth and has a capacity of 36 gallons. These bags are issued to all organizations at the rate of one for each 100 men or fraction thereof. The water-sterilizing bag is used primarily for the distribution of water previously disinfected by a water-purifi- cation unit or otherwise. Water can be purified in a water- sterilizing bag only by chlorination, and owing to the diffi- culty of chlorinating small quantities of water having a Figure 6.—Water-sterilizing bag suspended from tripod. varying organic content, it is used for the disinfection of water only when no other facilities for obtaining purified water are available. The purification of water in the steri- lizing bag is essentially an emergency measure. The proper disinfection of water is essential in preventing disease among troops operating in the field. Where the water-sterilizing bag must be used for this purpose, the chlorination of the water should be under the direct supervision of Medical Depart- ment personnel. Ordinarily, however, as the disinfection of the water is a function of the company concerned, the actual work of chlorination is delegated, ultimately, to the personnel 30 FIELD SANITATION 45-46 of the company kitchen. Consequently, the chlorination of the water supply for the unit concerned is frequently left to the kitchen police who, as a rule, are untrained in the tech- nique of water chlorination. As a result, the water may be underchlorinated and therefore contaminated, or over- chlorinated to a degree which renders it nonpotable. ■ 46. Technique for Sterilizing Water in Water-Steriliz- ing Bag.—The water should be as clear as possible. Clarifica- tion may be aided by allowing the water to settle in a barrel or galvanized can and then decanting or straining. The steps then used are as follows: a. Pill the bag to the 36-gallon mark, or if this mark is not present, to within 4 inches of the top. b. Draw a small quantity of water through one of the faucets into a canteen cup. c. Break an ampule of the calcium hypochlorite into the water in the cup and with a clean stick rub it into a thin paste containing no visible lumps. Then add sufficient water to fill the cup two-thirds full. d. Empty the solution of calcium hypochlorite in the cup into the water in the bag and stir thoroughly with a clean stick which is long enough to reach the bottom of the bag. Then flush out each of the faucets. e. After the calcium hypochlorite has been in contact with the water in the bag for at least 10 minutes, wash out the faucets by allowing a small amount of water to run through it onto the ground. Then fill a clean cup about two-thirds full of water from one of the faucets. /. Add one cc (approximately 15 drops) of the orthotoli- dine solution to the water in the cup and allow it to stand for about 5 minutes so that the color will develop. Because of the reflected light, the color of the water in the cup is more intense than it would be if the same water were placed in a glass tube. A well-marked yellow color indicates that the water contains about the proper amount of residual chlorine. An orange color is evidence of overchlorination. g. If no residual chlorine is present at the end of the 10- minute contact period, the chlorination procedure as outlined above is repeated. Where it is suspected that the cal- cium hypochlorite is inert, a preliminary test with orthotoli- 31 46-47 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL dine should be made immediately after the addition of the calcium hypochlorite solution to determine if the water con- tains any free chlorine at that time, h. As a factor of safety, the water should be allowed to stand for 20 minutes after the end of the contact period, or for 30 minutes after the addition of the calcium hypochlorite, before being used for drinking purposes. i. The calcium hypochlorite now furnished is the kind known as “Grade A” hypo., and contains about 70 percent available chlorine. This is the equivalent of 2.5 parts per million free chlorine when added to a bagful of water. The organic matter in most water supplies in the field will utilize a great deal of this free chlorine so that the residual chlorine will be reduced to 0.5 to 2 parts per million. If there is little or no organic matter present only a fractional part of the tube of hypochlorite should be used. When there is any doubt as to the purity of water furnished a unit it should be chlorinated. ■ 47. Other Emergency Measures.—a. If water sterilizing bags are not available, the water may be sterilized in the unit water cans, clean, galvanized iron cans, pails, or barrels. A proportional amount of calcium hypochlorite is used and the method of chlorination is the same as with the water steriliz- ing bag. b. If larger containers are not available, canteens may be utilized. One-half gram of grade A calcium hypochlorite is dissolved in a canteen of water. This strong solution is then used to purify water in other canteens. The cap of a canteen is used as a measure and 1 canteen capful of the strong solu- tion is added to each canteenful of water to be treated. The water should be well shaken and not used until 30 minutes after chlorination. c. Iodine may be employed as a disinfectant instead of chlorine. Ten cc of the tincture of iodine are used to disin- fect a water sterilizing bagful of water (36 gallons). Two or three drops are used to disinfect a canteenful of water. Iodine is expensive and the supply would be limited during war. Further, in the treatment of some waters, iodine is apparently much less effective than chlorine. The water 32 FIELD SANITATION 47-48 should not be used until 30 minutes after the iodine has been added. d. If calcium hypochlorite or iodine is not available, water may be purified by boiling for 10 minutes. This method should not be used, if avoidable, by the individual soldier, but the water should be boiled under supervision in comparatively large quantities and then distributed to the troops. Water may be boiled in galvanized iron cans if they are available. Aeration of the water by pouring it through the air from one receptacle into another will eliminate the flat taste due to boiling. H 48. Water Discipline on the March.—a. In marching 1 mile, a fully equipped soldier generates 90 calories, which will require 180 cc of water to dissipate as heat. For 3 miles, or 1 hour, 540 cc of water are required, which is a little over 1 pint (473 cc). For 2 hours the soldier will lose 2 pints or the equivalent of 1 canteen of water. There are too many factors entering into the water requirements to dogmatize or stand- ardize the fluid intake too rigidly. It is safe to assume that the soldier starts the march with about 1 pint of extra fluid in his stomach. The following diagram shows the ordinary con- sumption of water on a day’s march: Drinks remaining half can- teenful. 3 hours. Drinks remaining y2 canteen- ful. 8 hours. 1 hour. 6 hours- 0 hour. Start of march, 1 pint in stomach. 2 hours. Drinks % can- teenful. 4 and 5 hours. Noon rest: refill can- teen ; leave camp with 1 pint in stomach. 7 hours. Drinks V2 can- teenful. 9 hours. Camp ; refill canteen. b. Water should be chlorinated and canteens filled the night before a march is started. Chlorinated water in com- pany cans should be available at the noon halt. 33 49-51 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Section V WATER RECONNAISSANCE ■ 49. General.—A source of water supply for moving troops, for troops in the theater of operations, or for forces engaged in occupational work must frequently be located by reconnais- sance. Only in extreme cases where there is a marked short- age or an absence of water will the water supply be a govern- ing factor in the movement of troops or in the conduct of military operations. Ordinarily, the military mission will not be influenced by the availability of a water supply, and the best source of water from the standpoint of quantity, accessi- bility, and purity in the area in which the troops are operating, or will operate, must be located by reconnaissance. ■ 50. Responsibility for Water Reconnaissance.—a. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the procurement and purification of water for the major units and installations in the theater of operations and is, therefore, responsible for water reconnaissance where such action is necessary. b. In situations where intestinal disease is, or may become, epidemic or where the the protection of the health of the troops renders it desirable, the Medical Department assists in the conduct of, or makes water reconnaissance, and submits recommendations concerning the procurement and purifica- tion of water supplies. In the case of small units and instal- lations or minor forces operating independently, engineer personnel may not be available for this purpose and the re- sponsibility for water reconnaissance will devolve upon the Medical Department personnel attached to such organiza- tions. ■ 51. Conduct of Water Reconnaissance.—Information as to the location and extent of water supply sources in a given area may be obtained from geologic or topographic maps, from government reports, from the inhabitants, from aerial photographs, or by reconnaissance on the ground. The pur- pose of a water reconnaissance is to locate a suitable source of supply and determine, if indicated, the quantity of water available from a given source, the time and labor required to 34 FIELD SANITATION 51-52 develop it, and the quality of the water, insofar as the quality will influence the purification measures. In scope, the recon- naissance may consist of inspection of an easily accessible and satisfactory supply, a more extensive survey to determine upon the best of two or more unsatisfactory sources or to locate one satisfactory supply, or a study of larger or smaller water works systems. ■ 52. Summary of Points to be Covered and Reported on in a Water Reconnaissance.—The following summary Indicates the points that should be covered in the average water recon- naissance. Not all the points given in the summary are applicable in any one situation, while in some instances it will be necessary to secure data not mentioned herein. a. Location.—Sources and works should be shown on a map or the location given by description. b. Character of sources.—Well, spring, stream, lake, or pond. c. Quantity of water available. Rate of flow of streams. Rate of flow and capacity of wells. Rate of flow of spring. Dimensions and estimated depth of lake or pond and, if indicated, rate of inflow and outflow. d. Quality of water. Turbidity. Color. Taste. Result of bacteriological examination, if indicated, and if it is practicable to secure samples and have them analyzed. e. Source of bacterial contamination. Character of sources. Location in relation to water supply. Control measures indicated. /. Accessibility.—Accessibility of sources of water to troops by railroad, highway, improvised roads, trails, or hand carry, g. Wells. Diameter. Depth of well. 35 52-53 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Depth of water. Distance from surface of ground to the surface of the water. Type, condition, and depth of casing or lining. Kind of soil. Nature of impervious strata if indicated and ascertain- able. Method of recovering water; i. e., pump, windlass, etc. h. Spring. Kind of spring. Protection provided; i. e., coping, watertight basin, ditching, etc. i. Streams. Mean velocity. Mean width. Mean and maximum depth. Nature of stream bed. Height of banks above surface of water. j. Existing installations. Purification facilities—chlorinating apparatus, filters, etc. Pumps—number, type, size, speed, and capacity. Engines—type, size, speed, and horsepower. Electrical equipment. Storage facilities—type and capacity. Pipe lines—length, size, and material. Present condition (description). k. Proposed developments. Description. Material available. Material required. Time required. ■ 53. Maps and Conventional Signs for Water Supplies.— Wherever practicable, the data obtained by water reconnais- sance should be transferred to a map by the use of con- ventional signs. A map is one of the best means of recording certain parts of such information and transmitting it to others. The following conventional signs may be used for this purpose: 36 FIELD SANITATION 53 Valves Air valves Check valves Tees (with size) Wyes Elbows Laboratory Mobile purification, unit PUmp Tank and reservoirs (with numbers and capacity) 37 53 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Water point Water point, animals only (number of animals) Railway water point Railway spill tank Water works Engineer water supply battalion Well Spring Direction of dip Flowing well areas Pipe line or aqueduct (diameter may be shown) Water tank train Green 38 CHAPTER 4 WASTE DISPOSAL Paragraphs Section I. General 54-55 II. Human wastes 56-69 III. Garbage 70-75 IV. Liquid wastes 76-82 V. Manure 83-91 VI. Rubbish 92-94 Section I GENERAL ■ 54. Classification of Wastes.—a. Human excreta (feces and urine). b. Garbage. c. Liquid wastes (kitchens, baths, and ablution benches). d. Manure. ■ 55. Responsibility for Disposal.—Unit commanders are responsible in their areas for all waste disposal. If the wastes from more than one unit are disposed of in some common manner, the quartermaster is then responsible for the con- struction, operation, and maintenance of all permanent facili- ties and installations. This activity, however, is a respon- sibility of the Corps of Engineers in the theater of opera- tions. The scope of the sanitary control exercised by the Medical Department includes the following activities: a. The sanitary survey of sites and the study of plans for proposed waste-disposal facilities of a permanent nature. b. Surveys and inspections of existing permanent waste- disposal installations for defects in construction or operation which are of sanitary significance. c. The formulation of recommendations relative to the in- stallation of temporary appliances or the adoption of emer- gency measures for the disposal of waste material inimical to the health of the troops. 39 55-59 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL d. The sanitary supervision and inspection of existing tem- porary or emergency facilities for waste disposal. e. The laboratory analysis of sewage and sewage effluents. Section II HUMAN WASTES H 56. General.—In many semipermanent camps or canton- ments human feces may be disposed of by a water-carriage system. Should this system discharge into a municipal sys- tem the disposal is simplified. More often, however, a sewage- disposal plant has to be constructed. Should this be the case the representative of the Medical Department should famil- iarize himself with the method of construction and the oper- ation of such a plant, even though it be operated by the Corps of Engineers or the Quartermaster Corps. ■ 57. Seating Space.—No matter what type of installation is used there should be sufficient latrine seat spaces to accom- modate from 5 to 10 percent of the command at one time. In temporary latrines this requires 2 lineal feet per space. Usually 8 percent of the command are provided for. O 58. Disposal on the March.—During brief halts on the march the men who desire to relieve themselves should fall out, dig a hole with the entrenching tool, piece of stick, or some similar material, and after depositing feces should cover it well with earth. A trench may be dug for use during a halt for a meal. ■I 59. Disposal in Bivouac.—In camps of short duration (1 to 5 days) trench latrines are provided. This consists of a trench not more than 1 foot wide and from 18 to 24 inches deep. Earth from the trench is piled at one end and the trenches should be constructed so as to provide 2 feet per man for about 8 percent of the command. No seats are provided, the man straddles the trench and squats over it. Each man covers his deposit with earth from the pile at the end of the trench. Toilet paper rolls may be placed on tent pegs near trenches if the weather is dry; otherwise, toilet paper should be kept dry in a box turned on its side. When the troops depart the trench is filled in after spraying contents well with 40 Figure 7.—Trench latrine. 41 59-60 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL crude oil, and if there is a possibility of other troops occupying the site it should be marked. « 60. Disposal in Camps.—a. General.—Certain kinds of latrines have been found to be best suited for use in military camps. The pit latrine is the type most commonly used. This is an adaptation of the ordinary earthen privy. Figure 8.—Flyproofing latrine pit. A—Oil soaked burlap extending completely around pit. B—Opening of pit. C—Sidewall of exca- vation in which burlap is placed. Size of pit: Length—8 feet or multiple thereof, as quartermaster latrine boxes are constructed 8 feet in length. Width—2 feet. Depth—4 feet for 2 weeks and add 1 foot for each additional week. Usually a maximum of 10 or 12 feet but governed by character of soil. •’igure 9.—Method of flyproofing latrine pit with oiled burlap. A—Layer of earth replaced and tamped down over oil-soaked bur- lap. B—Oiled burlap exposed before replacement of earth. C—Opening of pit. b. Flyproofing.—Excavate an area 4 feet wide completely urrounding the pit to a depth of 6 inches. Cover this area nth burlap soaked in crude oil, the burlap being placed so hat it hangs down into the pit to a depth of 18 inches. The 42 FIELD SANITATION 60-62 earth is then replaced over the burlap and tamped down. If burlap Is not obtainable the earth from excavated area may be mixed with crude oil and tamped back into place ■ 61. Standard Quartermaster Latrine Box.—This box is built as shown in figure 10. When the box is placed over the pit: earth should be tamped around the base to prevent the en- trance and exit of flies. The box may be made “knockdown” Stop block- Lid- Urine deflecting strip(metal) Pit Figure 10.—Latrine box showing different sections. in type so that it can be taken apart and packed more easily on a truck or wagon. ■ 62. Urinals.—When the latrine is installed a trough urinal should be built near enough to it so that it may be enclosed in the same enclosure. Ordinarily this trough may be V- shaped (see fig. 12) and lined with tar paper or galvanized iron. This trough is then connected with the latrine pit by 43 Figure 11.—Latrine with screen dropped on one side to show box and urine trough. 44 FIELD SANITATION 62-64 means of ordinary galvanized drain pipe. The trough should Slant toward the end in which the drain is located and the drain hole should be protected by a wire mesh insert in order that it be not blocked by extraneous material thrown Into the trough. The trough may be connected to a urine soakage pit which is built outside of the enclosure if it is not desired to have the urine flow into the latrine pit. ■ 63. Protection.—Latrine and urine trough should be en- closed with a latrine screen made of canvas, or an improvised screen should be made of wood, brush, etc. Latrines should, wherever possible, be protected from rain by use of tents or tent flies. The entire enclosure should be ditched all around so that rain and drainage water will be carried away. ■ 64. Material for One Latrine.—Bill of material for one enclosure and one quartermaster box and one trough urinal, (Labor—one carpenter, 20 hours.) Top of box Front of box Rear of box Ends of box Seat covers Batten and strips (if T & G material be used batten may be omit- ted) . Frame for box_ | Front plank un- der box. Rear plank un- der box. End plank End plank 2 pieces 1 inch by 12 inches by 8 feet. 2 pieces 1 inch by 8 inches by 8 feet. 2 pieces 1 inch by 10 inches by 8 feet. 1 piece 1 inch by 8 inches by 8 feet. 1 piece 1 inch by 12 inches by 7 feet. 1 piece 1 inch by 2 inches by 7 feet. 8 pieces 1 inch by 2 inches by 8 feet. 1 piece 2 inches by 2 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. 2 pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 9 feet- 1 piece 2 inches by 10 inches by 8 feet. 1 piece 2 inches by 6 inches by 8 feet. 1 piece 2 inches by 6 inches by 3 feet. 1 piece 2 inches by 12 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. 555798°—43 4 45 64-66 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL End strip 1 piece 1 inch by 6 inches by 2 ieet 9 inches. If wooden enclosure is used: Posts Boarding (may use equivalent of other than 1") Battens Rails Paper 10 pieces 10 feet. 48 pieces 1 inch by 12 inches by 6 feet. 48 pieces 1 inch by 2 inches by 6 feet. 8 pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 12 feet. 2 rolls. If roof is used: Stringer Stringer Nails Strap hinges Flathead screws 1 piece 2 inches by 4 inches by 14 feet. 2 pieces 2 inches by 4 inches by 14 feet. 3 pounds twentypenny. 8 pounds tenpenny. 4 pounds eightpenny. 4 pairs 4 inches. 4 dozen No. 8. For urine trough: Ends Pipe (approxi- mate size). Pipe bent (ap- proximate size). I. C. tin 1 piece 6 inches by 6 inches by 3 feet. 1 piece 1V4 inches by 1 inch by 1 foot 4 inches. 1 piece 1V4 inches by 1 inch by 4 feet. 1 sheet 20 inches by 28 inches. ■ 65. Bored Hole Latrine.—This type of latrine has been used extensively in the far east. It consists of a round hole 14 to 18 inches in diameter and 15 to 20 feet deep, made with a post hole auger. The box may be a single seat or a concrete slab with a hole which may be used by squatting. ■ 66. Urine Soakage Pit.—a. A hole 4 feet square is dug and filled with broken stone 1 to 4 inches in diameter (may sub- stitute flattened cans, broken bottles, bricks, etc.). A square ventilating shaft 4 to 6 inches in diameter minimizes odor production. The shaft should extend from about 1 foot above the surface to within 6 inches of the bottom and should 46 FIELD SANITATION 66 Figure 12.—Urinal and urine soakage pit. Figure 13.—Urine soakage pit. 47 66-68 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL contain a number of holes. The top of the shaft should be covered with fine screening to prevent ingress of flies. b. The pit may be surmounted by a square trough urinal as shown in figure 12, or it may have a V2- to 2-inch pipe placed in each corner at an angle of 30° to the vertical plane and extending about 1 foot into the pit. A metal or tar- paper funnel is placed in each pipe to receive the urine. c. In loose soil one soakage pit will dispose of urine from 100 men for an indefinite period. ■ 67. Location of Latrines.—Latrines should be at least 100 yards away from company kitchens and at least 100 feet from any well or spring. Figure 14.—Scrubbing brush for latrine seats, toilet bowls, and urinals. Made by fastening a handle onto one-half of scrubbing brush. ■ 68. Care of Latrines.—Latrines should be policed daily and should be lighted at night. If flies are prevalent, baited fly traps should be placed about in the enclosure. The pit walls and contents should be sprayed daily with either crude oil or sodium-arsenite spray (formula par. 140). The outside of the box should be scrubbed daily with soap and water and the seats twice weekly with 2-percent cresol solution. Urine troughs should be scrubbed daily with soap and water. Crude oil should not be used in urine trough if trough is lined with 48 FIELD SANITATION 68-69 tar paver or drains into a urine soakage pit. A brush for latrine seats and urine troughs may be made by fastening a handle to one-half of an ordinary scrubbing brush. ■ 69. Pail Latrines.—The pail latrine is usually installed where buildings without adequate plumbing facilities are used as barracks or hospital wards. A standard latrine box may be adapted for use as a pail latrine as shown in figure 15. When located in a building the latrine should be built in so that the pails can be removed from the rear and from the outside of the building through openings in the wall. These openings should be fitted with hinged doors. The pails should be removed at least once daily and replaced by a Figure 15.-—Method of adapting standard latrine box for use as pail latrine A—Latrine pail. B—Hinged doors C—Self-closing lids clean pail immediately. The bottom of the pail should con- tain about 1 inch of a 2 percent cresol solution. Pails of excreta from pail latrines may be removed by hand, cart, truck, or wagon and disposed of in one of the following ways: a. By burial. b. By dumping into manhole of community sewer if one is available and sewage disposal plant will handle additional load. c. By incineration. d. By placing in flyproof concrete tanks where it under- goes decomposition. 49 70-71 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Section III GARBAGE ■ 70. General.—a. Garbage is composed of the solid and semisolid wastes produced in the preparation of food. It includes waste food, the noneditale portions of foodstuffs, and waste materials incident to the preparation of food such as tin cans and coffee grounds. It does not include ashes or rubbish such as street sweepings, rags, boxes, or paper unless the paper is used to wrap the garbage b. Amount and character of garbage produced in tempo- rary or semipermanent camps are as follows: Amount per man per day 0. 5-0. 8 pounds. Water content 65-80 percent. Amount of dry matter combustible._ 85 percent. Amount available for hog feeding 50 percent. ■ 71. Methods of Garbage Disposal.—a. Burial.—On the march or in bivouac, burial of garbage is the method of choice. In larger camps, if soil is favorable, garbage may be buried in trenches 2 to 3 feet deep; however, it requires about 2,500 square feet of ground for the burial of the garbage pro- duced by 100 troops in one month. When garbage trenches are filled to within 1 foot of surface they should be back- filled and the earth well tamped down. Garbage pits should not be within 100 feet of any source of water used for drink- ing or cooking. h. Sale or gift.—Arrangements may be made, especially in semipermanent camps, to either sell or give the garbage to farmers. This is usually done by contract made by the quartermaster The contractor should be bonded in order that the government may be protected in case of failure. All of the safeguards mentioned in paragraph 72 should be demanded in order that sanitary defects do not develop. If garbage is utilized for animal food the edible portion must be separated from the nonedible at the kitchens. The fol- lowing are nonedible articles: Coffee grounds. Tea leaves. Eggshells. 50 FIELD SANITATION 71 Banana peels and stalks. Pish heads and scales. Citron rinds. Tin cans, paper, and other rubbish, c. Hog feeding.—This is not feasible unless there are at least 500 troops in a camp for a considerable period of time. Hogs consume an average of 15 to 20 pounds of garbage per day. As 500 troops produce about 200 pounds of edible garbage per day, this will care for 10 to 15 hogs. Hogs should always be immunized against hog cholera. Figure 16.—U. S. standard incinerator. Stack about 50 feet in height. d. Reduction.—The cost of a reduction plant, both as to construction and operation, renders it impracticable for camp or cantonment. e. Closed incineration.—Closed incinerators are of two types, low temperature (1,400° F.) and high temperature (minimum 1,800° P.). The high temperature types cost more to install but consume all noxious gases. The U. S. standard incinerator is a typical high temperature incinerator (see fig. 16). f. incinerator.—The semiclosed incinerator is more easily built with unskilled labor than the closed type and is protected from rain and wind. The incline plane incinera- tor is a type which may be considered semiclosed and which 51 71 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL will consume the garbage from about 1,000 troops and is easily constructed. A trench is dug 11 feet 8 inches long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, and 1 foot 6 inches deep, as the firebox is below Figure 17.—Incline plane incinerator. the level of the ground at one end. (See fig. 17.) The rock shown in the figure supports a piece of corrugated iron which is level for the first 20 inches and then slopes down to the Figure 18.—Incline plane incinerator, side view. 52 FIELD SANITATION 71 Figure 19.—Incline plane incinerator, end view. 53 71 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL grate. The upper part of the incline plane is roofed over with two pieces of oil drum, each consisting of one-third of a drum cut longitudinally. The entire outside except the doors is covered with a thick layer of wet clay, dried in place with a Figure 20.—Multiple shelf incinerator with side cut away to show interior construction. slow fire. Kitchen wastes are fed through the top door onto the corrugated platform and are gradually pushed down the plane toward the grate. Being dried out on the way down they are easily burned. 54 FIELD SANITATION 71 g. Oven incineration.—(1) If none of the methods of dis- posal previously described exist, the garbage produced in a camp is disposed of by open incineration. Sometimes one incinerator is built for the camp and operated by the quarter- master. This type is usually a multiple shelf incinerator (see fig. 20) or a rock pile incinerator. The latter type is difficult to operate and uses a great deal of fuel so is not constructed unless it is impossible to construct other types. (2) As a rule company incinerators will be found satisfac- tory in most camps where garbage has to be burned in the Figure 21.—Barrel and trench incinerator camp for relatively short periods. However, this type of in- cineration may be carried on over a period of many months. (3) The company incinerator of choice is the barrel and trench incinerator. This consists of a barrel-like stack which is placed over the intersection of cross trenches. The stack provides means of preheating and partially drying the gar- bage prior to burning. In constructing a barrel and trench incinerator there are three parts to consider, the trench, the stack, and the supporting material and grate. (a) Two trenches 1 foot wide and 10 feet long are so con- structed that they cross at right angles at the center of each 55 71 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 22.—Cross trench incinerator. Figure 23.—Cross trench incinerator with barrel made of packed clay molded over a wooden barrel. 56 FIELD SANITATION 71 trench. Each trench slopes from the surface of the ground at each end to a depth of 18 inches at the center at the intersection. (b) The stack may be made of brick or stone either with or without mortar and measures about feet in diameter at the bottom and 3 feet at the top (outside measurements). The stack may also be made of clay molded over a barrel from which both ends have been removed. An oil drum or galvanized iron garbage can with ends removed may also be utilized. (c) The supporting structure may be either wide pieces of corrugated iron, sheet iron, or strips of strap iron, iron bars. Figure 24.—Cross trench, incinerator made with 50-gallon oil drum. The trenches are longer than normal in order to give room for the drying pan. or rails. The grate irons are made from iron rods or pipe and are inserted 3 or 4 inches apart and about 6 inches above the ground in all but the metal oil drum and galvanized iron can types where they are placed at the bottom of the stack. (4) Other types of company incinerators are— (a) The rock pit incinerator (fig. 25) which is not economi- cal to operate on account of fuel consumption. (b) The drying pan incinerator (fig. 26) which may be used where it is difficult to dispose otherwise of liquid kitchen wastes. 57 71-73 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (5) Operation of open incinerators is an important factor in the successful disposal of garbage. Attendants should be trained to add garbage slowly so that it will not put out the fire, to use care in dumping garbage receptacles so as not to break in the top of the stack, and to clean the firebox at frequent enough intervals so as not to clog it with ashes. ■ 72. Garbage Collection.—Garbage should be collected in standard galvanized iron cans with tightly fitting lids. The cans should be transported by truck or wagon to the point of ultimate disposal or to a central transfer station. Garbage should not be transferred to a garbage cart or wagon or from can to can at the kitchen. Figure 25.—Straub rock pit incinerator. ■ 73. Garbage Stands.—In semipermanent camps, garbage stands should be installed adjacent to the kitchens. The best garbage stands are built in the form of solid concrete blocks with center cores of stone and earth, and with an apron of 12 to 18 inches of concrete at the base. In height, the stand may be from 1 foot to 44 inches. The higher stands will have to be supplied with steps but are at the level of truck floors so as to facilitate can transfers. If concrete is not available, stands may be made of wood, the boards laid crosswise and separated at least 1 inch to prevent the retention of organic 58 FIELD SANITATION 73 Figure 26.—Guthrie drying pan incinerator. 59 73-75 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL matter. Garbage stands should not be screened or white- washed. ■ 74. Care of Garbage Stands and Cans.—a. In order to min- imize the danger of spilling garbage during transportation, the cans should not be filled to within more than 4 inches of the top. The lids should be kept on at all times except when removed to deposit garbage. Care should be exercised that no garbage is spilled on the ground, and if solid garbage is spilled, it should be immediately collected and placed in a can. b. The platform should be scrubbed daily with a stiff scrub- bing brush and hot soapy water, and the ground about the ASHES REFUSE AND TINCANS EDIBLE GARBAGE EDIBLE GARBAGE Figure 27.—One method of labeling garbage cans for the collection of classified garbage. Concrete garbage stand. stand should be sprayed at weekly intervals with crude oil and firmly tamped. Intervals between collections should not be more than 2 days in the summer and 3 days in the winter. Garbage cans should be placed in sufficient numbers on the stand so that edible and nonedible garbage, ashes, and refuse can be kept separate. Markers may be used as shown in figure 27. Garbage cans should not be whitewashed or painted. ■ 75. Transfer Station.—a. In large camps, where other than company incineration is used, it is usually necessary to install a transfer station. This may be at a central incinerator or at 60 FIELD SANITATION 75-76 a point where the garbage is turned over to a contractor. This station should consist of a platform (20 by 100 feet in a large camp), at one end of which is a storeroom for paper and cans, while at the other end is a room where cans are washed. The height of the platform should be about on a level with the floor of a truck. A rubbish incinerator is usually installed near the platform. b. Can-cleaning equipment consists of tanks or vats in v/hich to soak cans in cleaning compound, adequate hot- water supply, and stiff scrubbing brushes. Equipment shown in figure 28 may be installed to straighten cans and lids. Figure 28.—Device used for straightening garbage cans and garbage' can lids. Section IV LIQUID WASTES ■ 76. General.—In camps where sewers are available, liquid kitchen wastes may be disposed of by dumping them directly into sewer lines. In most camps, however, this is impossible and some arrangement must be made to dispose of these liquids in the soil. In order to facilitate absorption and to prevent clogging of the soil, liquid kitchen wastes should have the grease removed before they are discharged into any kind of pit or trench. 555798°—43 -5 61 77-79 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ■ 77. In Bivouac.—Kitchen liquids are disposed of in bivouac by dumping them into trenches or pits. These pits or trenches are filled in when the troops depart. While waste water may be disposed of on the surface of the ground, it provides a breeding place for flies which may annoy other troops who encamp there or persons who live in that vicinity. ■ 78. Soakage Pits.—The ordinary kitchen soakage pit is built the same as the urine soakage pit (par. 66) except that it is equipped with a grease trap instead of a urine trough. B 79. Grease Traps.—Grease traps are of two general types, filter and baffle. a. Filter grease trap.—(1) Filter grease traps consist of galvanized pails, cans, etc., in the bottom of which a number of small holes are punched. The pail or can is placed in the center of the pit with the bottom about 2 inches below the surface. It is filled two-thirds full with a filtering material consisting of hay, grass, straw, or cloth which catches and retains a part of the grease and the debris such as bread crumbs or vegetable fragments. Where a larger quantity of liquid is to be disposed of, a wooden barrel or a metal or wooden tub may be substituted for the pail or can. (2) The ash barrel grease trap is a very satisfactory trap of the filter type. It is made by drilling about 30 holes in the bottom of an ordinary barrel. About 8 inches of gravel or coarse wood ashes are placed on the bottom and this is covered with about 18 inches of finer ashes. The top of the barrel is covered with a piece of burlap for a strainer, held in place with a barrel hoop. About twice a week the ashes should be removed and burned to remove the grease and then buried. b. Baffle grease traps.—The baffle or cold water grease trap consists of a container which is divided by a hanging baffle into an influent and effluent chamber, the former having about twice the capacity of the latter. The lower edge of the baffle is separated from the bottom of the container by a space of about 1 inch. The outlet leads from the effluent chamber and is placed from 3 to 6 inches below the upper edge of the container. It may consist of a short piece of I- or 2-inch pipe or a wooden trough. A strainer should be made of a perforated pail or box containing hay or straw to remove 62 FIELD SANITATION 79 debris before the liquid passes into the container. When in use both chambers are filled at all times with cool water. When the warm liquid wastes strike the cool water in the influent chamber the grease rises to the surface and is pre- BUCKET CHOPPED ST PAW- DRUM WITH ENDS CUT OUT. SAND MATT I Mi OR SACK J SAND GRAVEL BROKEN STONE BRICK OR EMPTY TINS KITCHEN SOAKAGE PIT Figure 29.—Pail grease trap. vented by the baffle from reaching the outlet to the soakage pit. Retained grease should be removed at daily intervals and the trap emptied and scrubbed weekly. Sediment removed at the time of cleaning should be burned or buried. 63 79 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 30.—Soakage pit and grease traps. Left, cold water grease trap; right, ash barrel grease trap. Figure 31.—Baffle grease trap. A—Strainer. B—Baffle. C—Outlet. D—Outlet pipe. E—Space under baffle leading from the influent chamber to the effluent chamber. 64 FIELD SANITATION 79-80 Figure—32.—Baffle grease trap made of a half barrel. A—Influent chamber into which the greasy fluid is emptied. B—Baffle. O—Effluent chamber. D—Outlet pipe. E—Space under baffle leading from the influent chamber to the effluent chamber. ■ 80. Soakage Trenches.—A soakage trench consists of a central pit 2 feet square, 1 foot deep, from each corner of which a trench radiates outward for 6 feet. The trenches are 1 foot wide, 1 foot deep where they leave the pit, sloping to a depth of 18 inches at the outer extremity. The central pit Figure 33.—Soakage trench. A—Central square area. B—Radiat- ing lateral trenches. C—Pail grease trap. 65 80-84 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL and the trenches are filled with rocks, broken bricks, or flat- tened tin cans. A pail with numerous small holes punched in the bottom and containing straw as filtering material is placed over the center of the pit as a grease trap. The soak- age trench is used when the ground water table is so close to the surface that a soakage pit would be flooded, or where the condition of the ground makes the construction of a soakage pit impractical. ■ 81. Operation of Soakage Pits and Trenches.—In order for a soakage pit to function properly, the permeability of the soil must be such that the liquids are drained away so that there will be a rest period during which the pit contains little or no fluid. At times it may be desirable to have two pits using them on alternate days. All debris and as much grease as possible should be removed from liquid before it is allowed to flow into the pit or trench. If clogging tends to occur a week’s rest period each month may correct it. M 82. Disposal of Bath and Wash Water.—If sewers are not available it may be necessary to dispose of bath and wash water in soakage pits or trenches. Water should pass through a grease trap before it enters the pit or trench. Where no sewered lavatories are available, improvised facilities for washing of hands and faces should be provided. Usually, a wash bench is installed at one end of each company street similar to the one shown in figure 34. Section V MANURE B 83. General.—Manure is of sanitary significance as it pro- vides an excellent breeding place for flies. The quantity of manure produced varies somewhat with the method of caring for the animals. The average where animals are kept on picket lines without bedding is 10 pounds per animal per day. If bedding is used there will be from 2 to 3 cubic feet of material per animal per day to be disposed of. ■ 84. Collection.—Manure should be collected daily before 10:00 a. m. If possible. All sweepings from picket lines or stables should be included in the collection. The manure should be hauled from the picket line or stable to the place 66 FIELD SANITATION 84-86 of disposal in such a manner that none of it will be spilled en route. ■ 85. Disposal by Contract.—The contractor may collect the manure at the stables or picket line or it may be trans- ferred to him at a transfer point. The contractor should be bonded and the terms of his contract prescribed to see that the manure is collected and transported in such a manner that fly breeding within the military reservation is prevented. The place of ultimate disposal should be far enough away that flies produced in the manure will not return to the camp or. Figure 34.—Wash bench showing center trough draining into a soakage pit. if disposed of near the camp, measures should be taken by the contractor to control fly breeding. Consideration should be given to any existing local laws or regulations when the contract is made. ■ 86. Disposal by Composting.—a. Composting or close pack- ing of manure in a heap, bin, or other container causes a temperature of from 140° to 160c F. in the center of the mass. This is caused by fermentation, and as fly larvae are killed at 115° F. within a few minutes, they are readily destroyed at all places except the outside of the heap. 67 86 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL b. The following describes a method which will care for the accumulated manure from 100 animals for a period of 6 weeks to 2 months. The area may be enlarged for a greater number of animals or for a longer duration. Eight men should be able to prepare this area in 4 hours. The method consists in the careful preparation of a trenched earthen area upon which the manure is placed in a systematic man- ner and thereafter properly cared for. (1) The compost area should be level or nearly so, 60 feet long and 20 feet wide, surrounded by a vertical-walled, flat- Figure 35.—Compost pile. bottomed trench 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep. Interior and exterior to the trench, the vegetation is removed for a distance of 2 feet. The ground thus bared is treated with oil, preferably road oil, and tamped firmly. A shallow sec- ondary trench, V-shaped, 4 inches wide and 2 inches deep, should be placed 6 inches interior to the main trench. (2) Manure is to be placed on the compost as shown in figure 36. Beginning at one corner, say at A, place the first day’s manure in a space half the width of the platform ex- tending 4 feet lengthwise and piled to a height of 4 or 5 feet. The manure should be packed tightly as it is placed 68 FIELD SANITATION 86-87 and the sides of the pile kept vertical. The second day’s manure should be similarly placed on the adjacent corner B, tightly packed against the end of pile one; the third day’s manure tightly packed against the first day’s; the fourth day’s against the second day’s. On the fifth day the manure should be placed on top of the first pile; the sixth day on top of the second pile; the seventh against the third; the eighth against the fourth. The placing of succeeding days’ manure is similar to that of the first 8 days. The upper sur- face of the pile should be concave, at least not convex, in order to retain rather than shed rain. rUNDER CUT REMOVE Figure 36.—Compost pile. Scheme for placing manure on pile. Numbered spaces each represent 1 day’s accumulation of manure. ■ 87. Care of Compost Pile.—The care of the composted manure consists in keeping it sufficiently moist to promote active decomposition. The sides of the heap should be sprayed daily with either the sodium arsenite fly spray or with a mixture of fuel oil, one part kerosene to which 2 percent of cresol compound is added. The main trench should contain oil which should be of such a consistency as to impede the progress of the larvae and also be larvicidal. There should be but a small amount of oil on the bottom of the trench and the sides should be saturated with oil, A heavy road oil is satisfactory for this purpose. The purpose of the sec- ondary trench is to entrap the larvae and pupae which are always found in large numbers at the edge of the pile. This 69 87-92 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL trench should contain road oil. It will also contain the larvicide mixture which has dripped down after spraying the pile. As a further control measure, the lower edge of the pile should be undercut after 3 or 4 days and the manure raked out and burned or buried in the top of the pile. A number of well cared for fly traps should be kept near the compost pile. There is sufficient work about a compost pile of this size to keep one man busy most of the time. B 88. Compost Bin.—A flyproof concrete or wooden bin may be used in which to compost manure. This method is feasible only in stations or semipermanent camps. From 0.5 to 1 cubic foot of space will be required per animal per day. B 89. Disposal as Fertilizer.—Only composted manure should be used if possible. If fresh manure is used it should be spread thin and plowed under as soon as possible. Even if fresh manure is plowed under (unless dried), a fly nuisance may result as it is almost impossible to obtain it free from eggs. B 90. Disposal by Drying.—This method is only feasible in dry climates. The manure is spread on the ground in a thin layer not over 1 or 2 inches thick. The drying area required varies from 4 to 12 square feet per animal depending on amount of bedding. At least 25 square feet per day is required for 100 animals. The drying time required is from 4 to 7 days, hence from 4 to 7 areas 25 square feet must be selected. The ground should be smooth and packed down before each application of manure and all lumps and masses broken up. Dried manure may be burned or stored. Should it become wet again after drying, it may afford a breeding place for flies. B 91. Incineration.—Fresh manure may be dumped on the ground in long windrows, sprayed with oil, and burned. If dried for 3 or 4 days, it may be burned with little or no oil. A grid incinerator may be built of rails as shown in figure 37. The rails may be placed over a pit rather than on supports as shown. Section VI RUBBISH ■ 92. General.—Certain items such as tin cans and burned bones may be disposed of on dumps. The dump should be 70 FIELD SANITATION 92-94 located where it will produce the least nuisance due to ap- pearance or odors. If practicable, a dump site should be selected where the dumped material will serve to fill a low area. ■ 93. Construction.—A bank fill dump should always be made with a face not less than 8 feet or more than 12 feet in height. Where practical, the dump should be built on a hillside so that the surface may be made approximately level. The face of the dump should be kept as near vertical as pos- sible. Backing logs of heavy timbers should be placed along the upper edge of the face against which the loaded vehicles Figure 37.—Manure incincerator consisting of grid made of railroad rails elevated on brick piers. may back and dump their loads down the face of the dump. Vehicles not equipped for dumping should be driven along- side the timbers and unloaded from the side. ■ 94. Maintenance.—As each load is dumped, the face of the dump should be trimmed and all combustible material removed and burned in the incinerator. All largo or un- sightly articles, or materials which will interfere with plow- ing or ditching the surface of the finished dump, should be placed on the bottom of the dump, or if necessary broken up. As the dump is completed, the top and sides should be cov- ered with material which will support vegetation. Earth or earth mixed with ashes or manure should be used for this purpose. 71 CHAPTER 5 MESS SANITATION Paragraphs Section I. Responsibility 95- 96 II. Facilities 97- 99 III. Cleansing of utensils and disposal of wastes 100-101 TV. Menus and serving of food 102—105 V. Mess inspection 106-107 Section I RESPONSIBILITY ■ 95. Administration.—a. An Army mess is administered by or under the direct supervision of the commanding officer whose unit it serves, and he is responsible to higher authority for all matters pertaining to the operation of the mess. The commanding officer of a unit may appoint a subordinate officer as mess officer. The mess officer functions under the direct supervision of the commanding officer, to whom he is responsible for the management of the mess. b. The mess sergeant, cooks, and at times certain other individuals, who are on duty in the mess for continuous periods are referred to as permanent food handlers. Kitchen police, waiters, and dishwashers are usually detailed for daily periods and are referred to as temporary food handlers. ■ 96. Sanitary Control.—The Medical Department is re- sponsible for the sanitary inspection of messes and for reports and recommendations relative to sanitary defects. In scope the sanitary control of a mess includes the following factors: a. Sanitation of mess buildings. b. Inspection of food when received. c. Storage of food to prevent deterioration. d. Cleanliness of mess utensils and equipment. e. Disposal of kitchen wastes. /. Methods of formulating menus and character of food served. 72 FIELD SANITATION 96-98 g. Methods of serving food. h. Physical examination of food handlers. i. Training of mess personnel in mess sanitation. Section II FACILITIES ■ 97. Mess Buildings.—Where mess buildings are provided they should be properly screened during the fly season. These buildings should be properly and adequately ventilated Figure 38.—Underground ice or cooling box. A—Outer wall B—Insulating material. C—Inner wall. and lighted. Special attention should be given to floors as these, unless made of impervious material, will become grease soaked and unsightly. ■ 98. Inspection of Food When Received.—All food received at a mess should be inspected by the mess sergeant, the mess 73 98-100 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL officer, or the commanding officer of the organization to which the mess belongs. The primary purpose of this inspection is to determine if the food in question is of proper quality and free from contamination. If evidence of deterioration, spoil- age, or contamination is found, the proper Medical Depart- ment officer, either the surgeon or the veterinarian, should be notified and the suspected articles reserved for his official inspection. ■ 99. Storage Facilities.—Adequate storage should be pro- vided for reserve food supplies and these should be protected from dust, dirt, and insects. Perishable foods should be kept at suitable temperatures to prevent their deterioration. a. In the field where commercial refrigerators are not avail- able a satisfactory substitute is the underground icebox. This is a double-walled box sunk in the ground. The pit should be dug several feet deeper than required and filled with crushed rock so as to form a soakage pit to take care of melted ice. Dimensions of outer box are 5 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet deep; of inner box, 4 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. Earth is packed into the crevices between the outer wall of the box and the sides of the pit. A non- conductor—hay, straw, or sawdust—is packed between the inner and outer walls. Floor is perforated to drain water into soakage pit. b. Bread should always be kept in screened cabinets. In the field a suspended bread container may be made as shown in figure 39. Section III CLEANSING OP UTENSILS AND DISPOSAL OF WASTES ■ 100. Dishwashing.—a. More attention is now being given to the danger of the spread of communicable diseases through the media of dishes and kitchen utensils. In order to pre- sent danger of infection, dishes and utensils must be treated oy heat or chemicals. Immersion in water at a temperature af 160° F. for 1 minute will destroy pathogenic organisms, [f the temperature is lower the immersion time must be longer, mtil at a temperature of 140° to 145° F. the dishes must ’emain 30 minutes. 74 FIELD SANITATION 100 b. Because of the difficulties encountered in disinfecting dishes by heat, certain chemicals have been found satisfactory. After dishes have been washed in hot soapy water and rinsed in hot clear water they are immersed in a chlorine solution containing at least 50 parts per million of free chlorine. When the solution is freshly prepared it should contain 200 parts of chlorine per million. One ounce of grade A hypo- chlorite to 25 gallons of water will give this strength solution. Figure 39.—Suspended food container. c. Dishes and utensils should always be air-dried and dish towels should not be used. d. Mess kits should have waste food scraped off into suit- able container and then be washed in two changes of hot soapy water, rinsed in hot clear water, and air-dried. Ordi- nary galvanized iron cans over a trench may be used for mess kit washing (see fig. 40). In semipermanent camps, in order to conserve fuel and save labor, an apparatus similar to the one shown in figure 41 may be constructed. A pit is dug 11 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 4 feet deep; it is filled to 100 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 40.—Fire trench and cans for washing mess kits. Figure 41.—Appliance for washing mess kits for use in semiperma- nent camps. 76 FIELD SANITATION 100-102 within 1 foot of the surface with stones. Along the two sides and one end a wall of stone, brick, or concrete is built, ex- tending 2 feet above the ground level and forming a firebox. The water containers are made from 50-gallon oil drums, cut along the longitudinal axis, 4 inches above the center line. Drums with bungs should be used and so cut that the bungs will be at the most dependent part of the drum when it is placed on the firebox. Pieces of iron pipe of sufficient length to extend above the water level are threaded at one end to fit the bung hole and drilled at the other end to receive an iron rod used to turn them in or out. After the drums are placed on the firebox, the space between the drums and walls, and between the ends of each drum, is filled with clay, A stack is placed at the closed end just beyond the last drum and the open space between drum and stack is also filled with clay. This device will require a relatively small amount of fuel to boil the water, and the draft will be such that it will be found desirable to place a damper in, the stack. The men can wash their mess kits without being bothered by flame or smoke. When washing is completed, the pipes in the bung holes are removed and the water escapes into the soakage pit. ■ 101. Disposal of Kitchen Wastes.—See section III, chapter 4. Section IV MENUS AND SERVING OF POOD ■ 102. Methods of Formulating Menus and Character of Food Served.—a. General.—A menu should provide for the proper qualities of each food constituent and for articles which will be acceptable to the group served by the mess in question. In formulating menus, care must be taken to vary the kinds of food served and methods of preparing and serving the articles of food. Few foods can be prepared and served in the same manner day after day without soon becoming nonacceptable to the greater proportion of the group served. The frequency with which a dish can be repeated without becoming nonacceptable varies greatly with the different ai ti- des of food and is, to some extent, modified by the character- 555798°—43 6 77 102-104 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL istics of the individuals making up the group served. For example, meat and potatoes can be, and are, served day after day and, with variation in methods of preparing, do not become nonacceptable to the average American soldier. On the other hand, troops tire quickly of the same kind of sweet pastry or of such vegetables as carrots, cabbage, or beets. b. Menu period.—A menu should be formulated for each day for a period of days, usually for a period of 5 or 10 days. The menu period should be planned for an odd number of days, such as five or ten, and not for weekly periods, so that the same menu will not be served on corresponding days of each week. The most satisfactory menu for the average Army mess is a 10-day menu providing for basic dishes to which other dishes may be added as opportunity is offered to secure desirable articles of food. The acceptability of food served by a mess can be enhanced and the nutritional value of the ration increased by the addition or substitution of special dishes at irregular intervals. This can be accom- plished by the mess officer or mess sergeant through the ex- ercise of a certain amount of ingenuity and foresight without materially increasing the cost of the ration. ■ 103. Method of Serving Food.—a. Food must be served in such a manner that it will not be contaminated during the process of serving. The method of serving should enhance or at least not lessen the acceptability of the food or its appeal to the group appetite, and the food should be so served as to reduce wastage to a minimum. b. There are two general methods of serving food in a mess, the line service or cafeteria method and the table service method. In the field, except in semipermanent camps, the line service has to be used as there will be no facilities for mess hall service. If personnel and equipment are available, a well-conducted table service will generally have a more favorable effect on the morale and contentment of troops than the cafeteria service. ■ 104. Food Handlers.—a. Every man who is to be assigned to duty as a permanent food handler should be reported by , his organization commander, or the mess officer, to the surgeon of the command for a physical examination. If the 78 FIELD SANITATION 104-106 man is found to be free from communicable disease and is not a carrier of communicable disease, the surgeon should issue a certificate to this effect to the organization commander or mess officer concerned. No one should be assigned to duty as a permanent food handler who has not been examined by a medical officer and certified to be free from communicable disease and not a carrier. Permanent food handlers should be re-examined at intervals of not more than 6 months. b. Permanent food handlers’ certificates should be kept posted, or on file available for inspection, in the place where the food handlers concerned are employed. c. No one should be considered fit for assignment to duty as a food handler who, when physically examined, presents evidence of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions of the respiratory tract, or any signs or symptoms of venereal dis- ease, intestinal disease, or other communicable diseases. d. The medical history of the examinee is of paramount importance in determining his fitness for duty as a food handler. Any history indicating that he may have had typhoid fever or bacillary or amebic dysentery should be regarded as rendering him unsuited for duty as a food handler. e. When deemed desirable by the examining surgeon, the feces and urine may be examined bacteriologically to deter- mine if the man is a carrier of intestinal disease. ■ 105. Training of Mess Personnel in Mess Sanitation.— The medical officer who inspects the mess should ascertain whether or not personnel are familiar with ordinary rules of mess sanitation. Instruction of personnel is the responsibility of the unit commander. However, he may call upon the surgeon for assistance. Section V MESS INSPECTION ■ 106. Sanitary Inspection of Messes.—The principal pur- pose of a sanitary inspection of a mess is to determine the existence and nature of any defects which would result in contamination of the food and the transmission of dis- ease-producing organisms to the troops, or which would impair the nutritive value or lessen the acceptability of the food as served to the troops. 79 107 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ■ 107. Outline for Sanitary Inspection of Mess.—The following outline may be followed in making a complete sani- tary inspection of a mess. It is suggested as a guide only: a. Attendants: Is mess sergeant qualified for position as to— Knowledge of food requirements and preparation of food? Ability to maintain discipline? Business ability? Are cooks adequately trained? How? Have food handlers all had “food handlers’ ” examina- tion and been certified as to health condition by the surgeon? Are food handlers cleanly as to— Clothing? Hair? Hands (inspect fingernails) ? Personal habits? Care in washing hands after urination and defacation. Is there a convenient washroom for food handlers? b. Menus: Does food served correspond with menu posted? Are menus well balanced and amount of food ade- quate? Check file of menus and mess account balance sheet. Note.—Daily food supplied each man should yield at least 3,000 calories, provide at least 100 grams of protein, and contain adequate vitamins. c. Food supplies: Meat and fish: Source. Quality. Freshness. Handling. Storage. Preparation. Milk and dairy products: Same consideration as meat. Has bacteriological and chemical analysis been made? Is milk raw or pasteurized? 80 FIELD SANITATION 101 c. Food supplies—Continued. Fruit and vegetables; Is supply adequate and satisfactory? Are men educated to their use? Canned foods: Is supply satisfactory? Bread and bakery products: Source. Quality. Delivery method. Storage. d. Food storages: Refrigerator: Is space adequate? Condition and sufficiency. Cleanliness. Disposal of drip water, e. Pantries: General neatness, cleanliness, and adequacy of storage facilities. Vegetable storage: Have vegetable bins been provided? Condition of vegetables in storage. Do facilities for storage guard against undue wastage by rotting? /. Bread boxes: Sufficiency, cleanliness, and neatness. g. Food preparation and serving: Refer to cooks training. Is food served in a reasonably attractive manner? Could you eat and enjoy the meals served and as served to the men in your organizations? If not. what corrections are advisable? h. Police: Dishwashing: Does the method meet the requirements ot Army Regulations? Are trays, dishes, and utensils clean? Look be- tween fork tines and around hilt of knife. 81 107 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL h. Police—Continued. Kitchen utensils: Are pots and pans kept grease free? Are they properly stored when not in use? Are knives and forks clean? Look around han- dles and hilts. Is there a knife rack and a knife sharpener? Are stoves kept clean? Is fuel supply adequate? Kitchen police: Cleanliness of floors, walls, and ceilings. Are dirty rags allowed to accumulate on ledges, top of bread box. top of refrigerator, etc.? Are personal belongings of mess attendants al- lowed to accumulate in kitchen? i. Waste disposal: Is waste handled in a cleanly, satisfactory manner inside the kitchens and storerooms? Is vegetable preparation and peeling carried out in a neat and satisfactory manner? Is waste properly sorted and kept in proper recep- tacles? Ashes. Combustible trash and tin cans. Edible garbage for piggery. Nonedible garbage. Are empty cans crushed and perforated before going to the trash can? Has a trash and garbage stand been provided? Is it kept clean? Is the surrounding area kept dry and free from soil pollution? Is waste removed at reasonable intervals? Are clean containers provided at reasonable intervals? How and by whom are containers washed? How are wastes disposed of: Ashes to dump? Location of dump? Combustible trash burned? Where? Garbage incinerated? Or sold? 82 FIELD SANITATION 107 i. Waste disposal—Continued. If garbage is sold, are terms of contract being met as to— Frequency of collection? Method of collection? Cleanliness of cans? j. Insects and rodents: Is mess screened adequately? Is there a supply of fly swatters or other fly destroyers? Are they used? Have fly traps been provided and are they kept properly baited and set up for use? Are roaches and other insects present? If so, what method is being used to control them? Are rodents troublesome? What steps have been taken for their destruction? 83 CHAPTER 6 HYGIENIC CONTROL OP FOOD PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Section I. Meat and meat food products 108-114 II. Sanitary inspections 115-117 III. Poultry and eggs 118-119 IV. Pish and sea foods 120-121 V. Milk and daily products 122-126 Paragraphs Section I MEAT AND MEAT FOOD PRODUCTS ■ 108. General.—a. Except in an emergency, food products of animal origin such as meat and meat products, poultry and eggs, fish and other seafoods, as well as all dairy products, usually arrive at the consuming organization after careful and thorough inspections by various civil and military inspecting agencies that have had as their purpose the protection of the health of troops by preventing the introduction of deteriorated or contaminated products into organizational messes. h. Appropriate Army Regulations place the responsibility for the inspection of food products of animal origin on the Veterinary Corps of the Medical Department whose purpose is to protect the health of the troops by preventing the pur- chase or issue of meat and dairy products which, by reason of their source, nature, handling, or condition, may be un- safe or unsuitable for food purposes. As a sanitary pro- cedure, this is a direct extension of the sanitary service maintained by the Medical Department which assures a safe sanitary product up to the point of issue to troops. c. However, when improperly handled and stored, meat and meat products are subject to rapid deterioration and during the time products remain in the company kitchens, messes, or refrigerators, very careful supervision should be exercised by medical officers to assure the use of only sanitary products. ■ 109. Spoilage of Meat.—Meat is considered to be unsound which has deteriorated or undergone any undesirable changes. 8 4 FIELD SANITATION 109-111 The meat of a healthy animal is free from bacteria, and all bacterial decomposition is due to contamination subse- quent to slaughter. It is not practicable, however, to pre- vent a certain amount of contamination during the handling of meat so that all fresh meat is more or less contaminated with bacteria and fungi. Where the meat is properly han- dled, the contaminating organisms are nonpathogenic but they may cause spoilage of meat. Under insanitary condi- tions the meat may be contaminated with pathogenic or- ganisms. In meat which has been thoroughly dried and properly chilled, the bacteria grow slowly and the bacterial penetration is delayed while a moist and improperly chilled product is conducive to rapid bacterial growth and penetra- tion. Bacteria may penetrate rapidly and deeply into the tissues by growth along moist surfaces between muscular tis- sues or through open vessels causing areas of decomposition in the deep parts of the tissues and around the bones without evidence of surface deterioration. H 110. Preservation of Meats.—In order to prevent or re- tard bacterial invasion resulting in decomposition, products must be stored in a temperature which is not conducive to bacterial growth or cooked sufficiently to destroy bacteria or fungi present. Meat which has been properly handled prior to receipt will usually remain free from decomposition for from 6 to 10 days if immediately placed in a temperature of about 35° F. However, the average ice box or refrigerator maintains a temperature of from 45° F. to 55° F. and is not satisfactory as storage for more than 72 hours. It is es- sential that meat under refrigeration be hung in such a manner as to allow free circulation of air around it. Cover- ing or wrappings should be removed to hasten chilling process. ■ 111. Small Refrigerators.—A small refrigerator or ice box should be desirably located, preferably away from heat of stoves or direct rays of the sun. It should be cleaned every day and well iced. Doors should be kept closed to conserve refrigeration. Meat should not be stored in the ice compart- ment and never in contact with ice as the ice may not be Clean, also the meat will become wet and this hastens spoil- age. Drain pipes should be sanitary and open. Food com- 85 111-115 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL partments should not be overcrowded and meats should be unwrapped and so placed as not to retard circulation. At 55° F. it is possible to keep good, fresh, dry meat for 24 to 36 hours; at 45° F. three days or more; while above 57° F. the refrigerator is inefficient. A good thermometer should be used in each refrigerator. ■ 112. Temporary Camps.—In temporary camps, meat and meat and dairy products may be stored for a short time in watertight containers and immersed in springs or streams, care being taken to prevent contamination. Food may also be buried below the surface of the ground in underground ice boxes. ■ 113. Disease Transmission.—Any disease, the causative organisms of which can be conveyed by food to a point of invasion within the body, may be transmitted by food. The diseases most frequently transmitted in this manner are those belonging to the intestinal group such as typhoid fever, the food infections, dysenteries, and diarrheas, but food may also be the transmission agency for other diseases such as tuberculosis, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. Diseases due to a pre-formed toxin, of which botulism is an example, may be caused by food in the sense that the food carries the toxin from the point of origin in infected food to the alimentary tract of man. ■ 114. Meat Poisoning, Botulism.—The inspection of meat offers but little safeguard against the meat poisoning group of bacteria and botulism, or sausage poisoning, for the rea- son that the micro-organisms may pervade the meat without in the least changing its appearance, color, flavor, or odor. Thorough cooking will destroy the infection and eliminate the danger of meat poisoning and botulism but the cooking must be thorough and it must be remembered that the bacillus botulinus grows well in cooked foods. Section II SANITARY INSPECTIONS ■ 115. Fresh Meats.—Assuming that all prior inspections have shown the product to be acceptable up to the point of 86 FIELD SANITATION 115 issue to the consuming organization, a further and final safeguard is essential in order to assure that deterioration or contamination has not occurred subsequent to issue and prior to consumption. This is accomplished by the sanitary inspection of products exercised by the responsible medical officer. The sanitary inspection within the company or organization mess should include the appearance of a pack- age or product as an indication of prior handling, evidence of prior official inspection, as well as evidence of contami- nation, deterioration, and adulteration. Inspecting officers should be familiar with the appearance, color, odor, flavor, consistency, and other factors in order to determine accept- able sanitary conditions. a. Color.—The color of fresh meats depends mainly upon kind, age, conditions at slaughter, and part of the carcass from which derived. Choice fresh beef should be a bright cherry red; veal should be pinkish brown; mutton, a dark pink or red; lamb, a light pink, and pork, a light pink. b. Odor.—Meat should be free from any abnormal odor. Decomposed meat may be detected if it has a strong, sour, disagreeable, musty, mouldy, or other off odor. Putrid odors are usually due to ammonia or hydrogen sulfide. Rancidity of fats may be determined by the odor or flavor. A steel trier or knife may be used as an aid in the examination for odors, passing the trier into the tissue especially in the vicinity of bone and withdrawing for evidence of decomposition. c. Consistency.—Sound meat should be reasonably firm to the touch and should barely moisten the finger. Meat should not be flabby or pit on pressure. If, upon examination, meat or meat food products are found to be affected with an un- soundness of slight or limited extent, which in the opinion of the inspector can be removed by trimming, wiping, or other manipulation, this action should be taken followed by rein- spection to determine condition of the product. If the unsoundness involves any considerable proportion of the car- cass or cut and in all doubtful cases, the carcass or cut should not be used for food. The removal of surface rancidity or sourness may be accomplished by wiping with a dilute vinegar or baking soda solution. 87 116-118 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL H 116. Cured Meats.—Cured meats showing deep tissue de- composition. insect infestation, rancidity, sourness, or exten- sive mold or slime should not be used for food. Slight degrees of mold or slime may be removed by washing or wiping the surface with a dilute vinegar or soda solution. 8 117. Canned Meat Poods.—Canned meat foods should be examined carefully for evidence of defective containers allow- ing contamination of the contents or of improperly processed contents resulting in spoilage dangerous to health. Defective cans are readily detected and are classified as leakers, swellers, or springers (AR 40-2200). a. Leaker.—A leaker is a can presenting a defect through which air may enter or the contents escape. If the defect is small, leakage may be indicated only by the removal of the vacuum and the disappearance of the concavity in the ends or sides of the can. b. Sweller.—A sweller is a can which contains gas in suf- ficient quantities to produce bulging or distention of the sides or ends. The gas is usually due to contamination with gas- producing organisms resulting in incomplete sterilization or infection subsequent to sterilization. c. Springer.-—A springer is a can in which gas within the can is sufficient to cause a disappearance of the normal con- cavity from one end or side. External pressure on the flat- tened or bulging side causes the other end or side to flatten the bulge. All leakers, swellers, and springers should be rejected for food. The presence of bacillus botulinus in canned foods is noted by its characteristic foul odor. Such foods should not be used for food and should not be tasted. Section III POULTRY AND EGGS ■ 118. Poultry.—a. The term “poultry” includes chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and such other domestic birds as may be used for food. Poultry is generally subject to the same I kind of contamination as meat products, though the tissues of i poultry may afford a more suitable medium for the growth of organisms While the diseases common to poultry are not 88 FIELD SANITATION 118-120 readily communicable to man, very careful post mortem inspections are necessary in order to prevent the consumption of food contaminated with organisms pathogenic for man. b. Inspection.—Poultry will usually be received freshly killed, chilled, or frozen and should be undrawn, with head and feet on unless processed under supervision of Federal inspection agencies when they may be accepted fully drawn. Evidence of decomposition, slimy or sour carcasses, or any other unsoundness render the carcass unfit for food. H 119. Eggs.—a. The term “egg” usually includes only chicken eggs and while they do not ordinarily serve as a transmitting agency for disease-producing organisms, it is possible for micro-organisms to pass through the porous shell or reach the interior through a break in the shell. b. Inspection.—Eggs are inspected for freshness, sound- ness, cleanliness of the shell, color, and size. Candling and breaking are used to test the freshness or soundness of eggs. In candling, the unsoundness is indicated by mixing of the white and yolk, adherence of the yolk to the shell, blood rings, abnormally colored yolks, movable air cells, discolored whites, or foreign bodies. Unsound eggs should not be used for food. If, upon breaking, a considerable proportion are unsound, the entire lot should be discarded. An efficient candling apparatus may be easily constructed by placing a lamp or electric light bulb in a can, shoe box, or other receptacle through which has been cut a hole about the size of the small end of an egg. The egg is placed to this hole through which the light shines allowing the inspector to determine the internal condition of the eggs. Section IV FISH AND SEA POODS ■ 120. Fish.—From the time fish are caught until finally consumed they should be handled, transported, and stored under proper and sanitary conditions. Otherwise, rapid deterioration characterized by putrefactive decomposition will occur. The flesh of fish may contain chemical poisons which will produce illness in man or it may serve as a trans- mitting agency for disease-producing organisms. Most of 89 120-121 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL the fish so affected are found in the tropics. The toxic sub- stance is usually found in the ovaries and eggs but may also be found in the head and liver. Inasmuch as the toxic sub- stance is not removed by boiling, the most careful supervision must be exercised to assure the removal of these portions of the fish. In some localities, various types of fresh water fish (pike, perch) may contain the encysted larvae of the fish tapeworm which, when ingested in a viable state, develop into the adult forms in the intestines. Thorough cooking will destroy the larvae. Smoking, drying, salting, or freezing will not destroy the larvae. a. Inspection.—In the inspection of fresh chilled fish, cer- tain characteristic indications of soundness should be sought. If a fish is fresh and sound, the following conditions will be noted: (1) Gills.—Bright red, usually closed, no abnormal odor. (2) Eyes.—Prominent appearance, transparent cornea. (3) Scales.—Adherent. (4) Skin.—Free from malodorous slime, not discolored. (5) Flesh.—Firm, only transient indentations by pressure with fingers. (6) Body.—Stiff, tail rigid. (7) Carcass.—Will sink in water. The carcass of any fish showing evidence of unsoundness, injui'y, or contamination should not be used for food. b. Storage of fresh, chilled fish.—Sound, fresh fish which have been properly handled and packed in ice may be held in storage at a temperature of 32° F. for 10 to 14 days. How- ever, strictest care should be exercised to prevent variation of temperature. Should fish be defrosted they should be con- sumed promptly. Fish should be defrosted gradually in a cooler or refrigerator and not exposed to heat or soaking in either hot or cold water as this action will lessen the paya- bility and food value. ■ 121. Sea Foods.—a. Fresh.—(1) Many individuals exhibit idiosyncrasies to shellfish, such as oysters, clams, crabs, shrimp, etc., which are usually manifested by urticaria, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms should not be con- fused with those of food poisoning. 90 FIELD SANITATION 121 (2) Inasmuch as oysters thrive best in water, the salinity of which is less than sea water, many of the producing areas are located where the sea water is diluted with fresh water. Some of these areas may be contaminated with the effluents of sewage systems. The production and handling of oysters are governed by State laws and regulations insofar as factors which result in contamination, deterioration, or adulteration are concerned and the shipment in interstate commerce is prohibited by Federal laws. The use of oysters or other sea foods should be confined to products handled under jurisdic- tion of State or Federal agencies. (3) Inspection.—Oysters may spoil or become stale after being shipped or they may become contaminated during transportation. Hence, a piece inspection should be made for evidence of spoilage, staleness, or adulteration. Oyster? whether in the shell or shucked are highly perishable. They deteriorate rapidly when improperly handled and present a characteristic, disagreeable odor or a gassy or milky appear- ance. Oysters may show a green or pink discoloration and while there is no evidence that they are detrimental to the health of the consumer, they are generally regarded as un- desirable for food and should not be used. Ordinarily, only canned crabs, clams, shrimps, and lobsters are used in Army messes, but should they be furnished fresh, the inspection is, in general, the same as for oysters. h. Canned.—(1) It is considered that all canned sea foods have been prepared under official supervision of civilian or military inspection agencies and that the quality of product and method of processing is satisfactory. However, deteriora- tion of the canned product is subject to spoilage or damage and the product should be subject to sanitary inspection prior to use. (2) Inspection.—The inspection is made by examination of the unopened can and the contents of suspected or selected cans. If the contents of the can are sound, the ends of round cans and the sides of square or flat cans are concave. Should the ends or sides become flattened or bulged, it may be due to a defect in the can allowing air to enter, or to decom- position of the contents with gas formation. Cans present- ing defects through which air might enter or contents escape 91 121-122 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL or which “bulges” or “swells” as the result of gas formation should be rejected for food. Upon inspecting suspected cans, care should be taken when opening the can not to damage contents. The contents should be carefully examined for abnormal odor, appearance, or taste indicative of decomposi- tion. The inside surface of the can should be inspected for evidence of black discolorations due to chemical reaction. Any abnormal odor or appearance should be considered as indicative of decomposition and as a cause of condemnation. Section V MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS H 122. Dairy Farms.—a. Milk.—Milk is a most important agency of transmission for certain pathogenic organisms. It is usually served in an uncooked state and, consequently, many of the organisms which it may contain will be viable when ingested, therefore strict sanitary supervision during all stages of production is essential. When possible, the use of milk should be confined to establishments operating under supervision of the Army veterinary inspection service. A dairy farm examination consists of an investigation into the sanitation of the dairy farm establishment and all parts, equipment, employees’ health and hygiene of dairy animals, methods of operation, and products concerned. b. Inspection.—Under certain conditions it may be neces- sary to investigate the conditions under which milk is pro- duced. All bovines on the dairy farm should be free from disease as shown by a thorough physical examination con- ducted by a qualified veterinarian. The barns should be well ventilated, providing at least 3 square feet of window space and 500 cubic feet of air space for each animal. Manure must be removed and disposed of in such a manner as to prevent fly breeding. All milking utensils must be of non- absorbent material, in good repair, and properly sterilized. Milk must be promptly cooled within 1 hour after milking to 50° P. and maintained at or below that temperature until delivered to the pasteurizing plant (AR 40-2230). All per- sonnel concerned with milking or handling of milk should be familiar with the necessity of strictest sanitary precautions 92 FIELD SANITATION 122-124 and be required to undergo careful periodical physical exam- ination to assure freedom from contagious or communicable disease. ■ 123. Pasteurizing Establishments.—a. General.—Pasteur- ization is the heating of all particles of milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 143V2° F. and holding at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes in approved pasteurization apparatus. The hygienic condition of fresh milk depends to a considerable degree upon the conditions existing at the source of supply. Insanitary milk due to diseased animals or contamination at the source is correctible only in part, therefore it is necessary that milk be obtained from healthy cows and produced and handled under hygienic conditions even when it is pasteurized. b. Inspection.—Inspection of pasteurizing plants requires, in addition to a thorough knowledge of the pasteurizing process, an adequate understanding of the equipment, its construction, installation, and operation. Pasteurizing plants should have in satisfactory operation vats or holders in which the temperature of the milk is raised to at least F. and held for 30 minutes, automatic devices for registration of the pasteurizing temperature, coolers wherein the milk may be rapidly cooled to 45° F. or less after pasteurization, automatic bottling and capping machines, automatic bottle washers, and facilities for cleansing and sterilizing all parts of the pasteurizing equipment with which the milk comes in contact. All milk bottles should be sterilized before being filled and all pasteurizing equipment sterilized immediately before being used. Cleanliness throughout is essential in the operation of a milk plant. Pasteurization plants should be efficient and meet all sanitary requirements as to construction, equipment, personnel, products, and methods of operation. An ample supply of safe water and steam for cleansing and disinfecting purposes is essential. Doors, windows, and other openings should be screened and kept in good repair. ■ 124. Milk.—a. General.—Milk issued to troops for bev- erage and cooking should be grade A pasteurized. When this is not obtainable, grade B pasteurized milk may be used. The use of bulk milk should be discouraged and the use of 555798°—43 7 93 124-125 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL raw milk should not be countenanced. If grade A or grade B pasteurized milk is not available, evaporated milk should be used. b. Inspection.—Samples for bacteriological and chemical analysis should be frequently obtained for laboratory tests. These should be packed in ice and promptly transferred to the laboratory. If laboratory facilities are not available locally, a sample should be furnished corps area laboratory for analysis (AR 40-310). Use a sample of 1 quart of milk and pour it 25 times between sterile containers. Then add 1 cc of commercial formalin to the quart of milk and agitate thoroughly. Fill sample bottle flush with lower end of stop- per and fasten securely. Label specimen, furnishing follow- ing information; Station from which sent, date of collection, nature of specimen, specific examination required, name of establishment from which milk was obtained, and the word “formalized.” c. Storage.—Milk should be placed in clean refrigerated storage at a temperature of 45° F. promptly upon receipt. Underground ice or cooling box may be utilized for short storage periods. Bottled milk should not be submerged in water for cooling because the contraction of the contents accompanying the cooling process may create a sufficient vacuum within the bottle to suck in water around the edge of the cap resulting in possible contamination. ■ 125. Condensed Milk.—a. General.—Condensed milk is primarily fresh milk from which a part of the water has been removed and to which sugar may or may not have been added. b. Storage.—It should be stored at temperatures below 60" F. and above freezing and the cases should be occa- sionally turned in order to offset the tendency of the fat to separate and of the milk to solidify. Long storage is unde- sirable due to tendency of acid content of milk to react on metal of the container producing off flavors, solidification, or swells due to hydrogen gas. c. Inspection.—Deterioration of condensed milk is evi- denced by the formation of gas, the development of abnormal tastes or odors, or by discoloration. Cans presenting the above conditions should be rejected for food. Certain of the 94 FIELD SANITATION 125-126 constituents of milk may settle out to form precipitates, however, this does not necessarily indicate that the milk is unsuitable for food. Such supplies should, however, be very carefully examined for evidence of other conditions which would render the product unfit for food. ■ 126. Butter.—a. General.—Butter is the fat derived from milk or sweet or sour cream, formed into a mass together with water and small amounts of other natural constituents of milk, such as curd, lactose, and acid. It is essential that the production of butter be safeguarded in the same manner as the production of milk. b. Storage.—Butter exhibits a marked tendency to absorb odors and tastes from other substances and for this reason should not be stored in the same place or close to odorous substances such as fish, cheese, or certain vegetables. If butter is to be held for any considerable length of time it should be placed in cold storage at a temperature of from 5 to 10 degrees below zero F. where it may be held for as long as 6 months without deterioration. Butter should not be held at temperature of from 20° F. to 30° F. for longer than 1 month and storage space should be kept dry and clean. c. Inspection.—Sanitary butter should be clean, sweet, of an agreeable aroma, palatable, of fine texture and grain, and should not contain adulterations, insects, or foreign substances. It is bright in color and of a light straw shade. 95 CHAPTER 7 FLY CONTROL Section I. Development and characteristics of the fly 127-128 II. General control measures 129-130 III. Fly traps 131-135 IV. Other special measures 136-140 Paragraphs Section I DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FLY ■ 127. Development.—The housefly (Musca domestica) de- velops by complete metamorphosis as follows: a. Egg.—The eggs of the housefly are oval, white, glisten- ing bodies about 1 millimeter in length. They are deposited in clusters or masses on or in moist organic material. The individual fly deposits 100 to 150 eggs at one time and lays two to four batches during her lifetime. Under favorable circumstances the number of eggs may be increased to over 2,000. The length of egg stage varies from 8 hours at a tem- perature of 85° F.—90° P., about 24 hours when the tempera- ture is between 60° F. and 68° F., and in 2 or 3 days at a temperature of 40° P. b. Larva.—Newly hatched larvae (maggots) are about twice the length of the egg. They grow rapidly and feed on organic matter. They develop by successive molts reaching maturity under average conditions in 4 to 5 days. Cold, lack of food, and moisture will prolong the larval stage. Optimum tem- perature is about 9(h F. c. Pupa.—The pupae are dark in color and about 6 milli- meters in length. Pupae are nonmotile and do not feed. Under average conditions this stage lasts 3 to 10 days. d. Adult.—When the adult fly emerges from the puparium it crawls upward through the loose soil, manure, or other material to the surface. As soon as the wings harden it is ready for flight. The female reaches maturity and oviposi- tion begins in 2Vz to 20 days after emergency from puparium. 96 FIELD SANITATION 127-130 The newly hatched fly does not grow after it leaves the puparium but emerges full size. ■ 128. Range of Flight.—The housefly does not migrate very far if food and breeding places are accessible. Normally this is from 500 to 1,000 yards. They may be carried on ani- mals, in vehicles or by wind currents much greater distances. Section II GENERAL CONTROL MEASURES ■ 129. Habits Tending Toward Control.—The principal hab- its and characteristics of the housefly which are to be con- sidered in the formulation and execution of control pro- cedures are— a. The preference for horse manure as breeding material and the tendency to breed freely in horse and other animal manure, human excreta, and fermenting vegetable wastes. b. The necessity for moisture, warmth, and soluble food for the normal development of the larvae. c. The susceptibility of the larvae to temperature of 110° to 115° F. d. The tendency of the mature larvae to migrate from the breeding material prior to pupation. e. The development of the pupa at or beyond the borders of the mass of breeding material. /. The ability of the larvae and the adult insect to crawl through loose manure or earth. g. The attraction of adult flies to food by odor. h. The tendency of flies to fly toward light. i. The tendency of flies to rest on vertical surfaces or hanging objects. ■ 130. Destruction of Adult Flies.—Adult flies may be destroyed by the use of traps, fly paper, poison sprays, and swatting. These measures are temporary ones, and the elim- ination of breeding places and destruction of immature forms of the insect are more important. 97 131 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Section III FLY TRAPS ■ 131. Types of Traps.—a. Fly traps vary in design and size but all consist of two main parts, the bait chamber and the trap chamber. The bait chamber is the lower and darker part of the trap into which the flies are enticed by the odor of the bait. The trap chamber is the upper part and is connected Figure 42.—Square fly trap with board windshield to protect the trap from the wind. with the bait chamber by an aperture through which the flies crawl toward the light after having fed on the bait. (1) The square trap is from 12 to 18 inches square and 18 to 24 inches in height (see fig. 42). (2) The round trap is similar to the square trap except as to shape. Nail keg hoops are valuable in the preparation of the framework. (3) The box trap is made in the same manner as the square trap except that the sides are made of boards. The cone and lid are made of screening. 98 FIELD SANITATION 131 Pxgure 43.—Round fly trap with conical shaped bait chamber and removable top or lid. 99 131 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (4) The triangular trap should not be less than 12 inches high and 12 inches long and made as shown in figure 45. If traps are less than 12 inches in length the solid ends exclude much of the light necessary to attract flies into the trap chamber. b. Comparative effectiveness of square, round, triangular, and box traps.—The square and round traps are more effective than the triangular trap, principally because the light enters the trap chamber from all sides. They are, however, more difficult to construct than the triangular trap. Exposure to the weather, and the handling to which fly traps Figure 44.—Fly trap constructed of packing box. Corner cut away to show method of installing cone. are subjected, will cause the square and round traps to warp and become unserviceable much sooner than the triangular traps. Despite the fact that the triangular trap is some- what less effective as a single unit than the square or round trap, it will as a rule prove more practical for use in camps and large stations than either of the latter because of the comparative ease and rapidity with which it can be con- structed in large number’s, the availability of material, and greater serviceability. The box trap will not catch as many flies as the square or round trap, largely because the wooden sides exclude the light from the trap chamber. The box 100 FIELD SANITATION 131 Figure 45.—Triangular fly trap with cone shaped bait chamber. Single opening at apex of cone leading into trap chamber. The small tin disk covers an opening through which flies may be removed from the trap chamber. 101 131-134 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL trap is, however, more durable than any of the others and if packing boxes are available, it can be more quickly and cheaply constructed. ■ 132. Fly Trap Stands.—The efficiency of fly traps is in- creased if they are elevated above the ground on stands or on boxes, benches or tables. The stand affords a smooth base for the trap and a place to alight before entering the Figure 46.—Square fly trap with removable top and pyramidal bait chamber. trap. It also protects the bait from dirt and may be so constructed as to protect trap from the wind. ■ 133. Location.—Fly traps should be placed in or near breeding places such as manure piles or latrines, or in the vicinity of mess halls, kitchens, or dumps. ■ 134. Fly Baits.—Baits must have an odor that will attract flies but will not constitute a nuisance. The material should 102 FIELD SANITATION 134-135 be cheap and readily obtainable. In general, there are two types of bait, putrefactive and fermented: a. Putrefactive baits consist of spoiled raw meat or fish. Fish heads or canned salmon may be used. b. Fermented baits are those which contain alcohol or in which alcohol is being formed. Usually, they consist of a mixture of cereal, sugar or molasses, yeast and water, which is allowed to ferment before or while being used as a bait. A formula for a cornmeal bait is as follows: (1) Ingredients: Cornmeal 8 ounces (by volume). Molasses 5 ounces. Water 16 ounces. Yeast */2 cake. (2) Preparation.—Mix the water and the molasses and heat to boiling. Pour the molasses and water while boiling over the cornmeal, stir, and allow to cool. Add the yeast and allow to stand exposed to the air for 3 or 4 days. (3) Bran or cornstarch, or bran and cornstarch, may be substituted for the cornmeal if the latter is not available. Syrup made of water and sugar may be substituted for the molasses. (4) Other fermented baits may be made as follows: (a) Two parts of molasses and one part of vinegar. (b) Molasses which has been allowed to stand exposed to the air for 3 or 4 days. (c) Crushed, overripe bananas in milk. id) Brown sugar and sour milk. Under comparable conditions various baits may be rated as follows: Putrefying meat 100 Fermenting cornmeal 95 Molasses and vinegar 80 ■ 135. Care.—The following directions should be followed in caring for fly traps: a. Place bait in wide shallow containers so that volatile constituents are readily evaporated and flies have easy access to bait. b. There should be at least 3 inches between edge of bait pan and edge of trap. 103 135-137 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL c. Two bait pans should be used in large traps. d. Baits should be inspected once daily. e. Solid baits such as meat or fish should not be allowed to become dry. /. Bait pans should be kept filled to desired level and be cleaned and refilled when scum forms on surface. g. All baits should be kept free from dirt and dust. h. Empty traps whenever a sufficient number of flies ac- cumulate so as to interfere with light, otherwise empty traps at about weekly intervals. Section IV OTHER SPECIAL MEASURES B 136. Fly Wires and Fly Paper.—Paper or wire covered with fly mucilage may be used to trap flies indoors. Fly wires consist of pieces of wire 18 to 36 inches long, bent at one end to form a hook or eye and twisted in a circular manner at right angles at the bottom to prevent dripping. Two or more wires may be twisted together. Wires are coated with mucilage and suspended from the ceiling. They should be cleaned and recoated at frequent intervals. Fly mucilage is made by beating together one part by weight of castor oil and two parts of white rosin. The hot material is stirred while being heated until a sticky, homogeneous mass is obtained. Care should be taken to avoid boiling. A good grade of white rosin should be used as the crude product renders it difficult to secure a homogeneous mixture and produces an odor that is repellent to houseflies. Variations in atmospheric tem- perature and in the grade of oil or rosin used may render it necessary to vary the relative proportions of the ingredients ■ 137. Fly Poisons.—a. The two substances commonly em- ployed for fly poisons are formalin and sodium salicylate; (1) Formalin poison consists of about 3 teaspoonfuls of formalin to a pint of water. It is better to use equal parts of water and lime water or water and milk. Formalin solu- tions should be freshly made. A small quantity of fermented molasses added to formalin bait makes it more attractive. 104 FIELD SANITATION 137-140 (2) Sodium salicylate poison is made from a 1 percent solution of the drug with the addition of a small amount of brown sugar, b. Poison baits should be put out in shallow containers with pieces of bread or blotting paper soaked in the poison so as to give the flies a place on which to light. ■ 138. Fly Sprays.—Fly sprays depend largely on extracts of pyrethrum flowers. An efficient fly spray can be made by soaking crude pyrethrum powder in kerosene, in proportion of from V2 to 1 pound of the powder to 1 gallon of kerosene, for from 2 to 4 days. The supernatant liquid is then decanted or siphoned off and is ready for use as a spray. Its insecti- cidal power is appreciably increased by the addition of ap- proximately 1 ounce of the oil of pennyroyal or citronella to 1 gallon of the extract. The efficacy of pyrethrum as an insecticide depends upon the pyrethrin content of the par- ticular lot of pyrethrum used. Extracts of pyrethrum are available on the market in which the pyrethrins extracted from 20 pounds or more of the standardized pyrethrum flowers are contained in 1 gallon of the extract. A fly spray which is approximately equal in toxicity to the kerosene spray described above can be made by diluting the concentrated extract with 20 volumes of kerosene. A more potent spray may be made by using a proportionately greater quantity of the extract. ■ 139. Swatting.—Fly swatting in kitchens and mess halls is a valuable control measure and should be used just before food is placed on the table. ■ 140. Sodium Arsenite.—A very good material for spraying compost piles, latrines, etc., is made as follows: Commercial sodium arsenite 4 pounds. Molasses 2 quarts. Water 50 gallons. 105 CHAPTER 8 MOSQUITO CONTROL Paragraphs Section I. Development, habits, and characteristics of the mosquito 141-146 II. Control measures 146-164 Section I DEVELOPMENT, HABITS, AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MOSQUITO ■ 141. General.—Mosquitoes are known as transmitters of malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and filariasis. The most im- portant of these from a military viewpoint at the present time is malaria. .In order to successfully combat the disease- bearing mosquito something must be known of its life habits. All species are not vectors, and as various genera and species differ as to habits it is important that before starting an antimosquito campaign the specific vector or vectors be well known. This knowledge will prevent much useless effort. ■ 142. Life Cycle.—Mosquitoes develop by complete meta- morphosis and the life cycle consists of egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. The egg, larval, and pupal stages are passed in water while the adult is a free flying insect. a. Egg Stage.—Mosquito ova are dark, oval bodies varying in size from 0.5 to 2 millimeters in length. They are de- posited either singly or in masses on the surface of water or near the edge of water collections. (1) In a favorable environment, the eggs of Anopheles are ieposited singly on the surface of water, usually in batches if from 40 to 100 or more. Anopheles ova are 0.5 to 0.8 nillimeter in length. They are boat-shaped with a mem- branous ribbed structure or float on either side. If undis- urbed, Anopheles eggs tend to collect together into I riangular, star-shaped, or ribbon-like groups or patterns. 1 (2) The e£gs of Aedes egypti are usually deposited on the urface or near the edge of water contained in artificial eceptacles located in or near inhabited buildings. Natural 106 FIELD SANITATION 142 collections of water which are near occupied houses may be utilized as breeding places. The eggs may be deposited on the sides of the container or on the earth above the level of the water. They are laid singly, usually in lots of 25 to 50 or more. Those laid on the surface of the water may sink to the bottom without interference with hatching. In an unfavorable environment, the eggs of Aedes egypti may lie dormant for months without losing their vitality. They are resistant to drying and cold and will hatch if placed in water after several months storage in dry or cold places. (3) The eggs of Culex are deposited in rafts or boat- shaped masses, 4 to 8 millimeters in length, consisting of 100 to 400 eggs cemented together. b. Larval stage.—Mosquito larvae are actively motile, cylin- drical organisms. They vary in length from 1 millimeter to about 10 millimeters, depending on the genus and species and the stage of development. They may be gray, green, yellowish or reddish brown, dark brown, or black in color. (1) The mosquito lava develops by molting, that is, the skin splits and a larger and more fully developed form emerges. The larva molts four times and at the fourth molting passes into the next, or pupal, stage. (2) Given a relatively high atmospheric temperature, am- ple food supply, and other favorable conditions as to sun and shade, the larval period of development may be completed in as short a time as 5 days. In a more adverse environment, especially if the temperature is low, development is inhibited and the larval stage may be prolonged for several weeks. Under average conditions in the Tropics, or during the warm seasons of the year in the temperate zones, the larval period is usually completed in about 10 days. (3) The larval phase of development is divided into four stages or instars. Under certain conditions, the stage of larval development may be an important factor in estimating the efficacy of larvicidal control and determining the fre- quency with which larvicides should be applied. The first stage, or first instar, larva is the form that emerges from the egg. It is a minute, nearly transparent body. First stage larvae develop rapidly and reach the first molt in about 24 hours, when they pass into the second stage, or second instar, 107 142-143 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL The second stage larvae are darker, larger, and more easily detected in the water. In the second stage the specific ana- tomical characteristics are more fully developed than in the preceding stage. After a period of growth the second stage larvae molt and enter the third stage. During the third stage, feeding and growth continue until molting occurs, when the fourth stage forms emerge. Fourth stage larvae are mature and practically full grown. The head is broad and prominent. After a period of feeding the fourth stage larva becomes quiescent and soon thereafter the skin splits to per- mit the pupa to escape. The larvae move tail foremost through the water by relatively rapid darting or jerking movements. c. Pupal stage.—A mosquito pupa is a comma-shaped body enclosing the developing adult within a pupal case. The head and thorax of the insect form a globular mass called the cephalo-thorax, to which is attached the curved flexible abdomen. Two paddle-shaped appendages are attached to the extremity of the abdomen and two breathing tubes or trumpets arise from the dorsum of the cephalo-thorax. The pupae obtain air through their breathing trumpets. They are actively motile, locomotion being accomplished by flexion and extension of the abdomen. They have no mouth parts. The pupal stage varies somewhat in length, but usually lasts 24 to 72 hours. At the end of that period the pupal case splits and the full-grown insect gradually emerges. As soon as the wing veins and the exoskeleton have hardened in the air the mosquito is ready for flight. d. Adult stage.—With few exceptions the female mosquito Is a bloodsucking insect. It is probable that blood is required to stimulate the mating instinct and for the development and maturation of the ova. The males have no piercing mouth parts and subsist entirely on plant juices and exudates. 1 143. Longevity.—Under favorable conditions it is probable :hat the adult female mosquito may live as long as 3 months. They are, however, subject to many dangers from natural memies and from adverse climatic and other environmental :onditions. Because of these factors the normal life ex- pectancy of the mosquito is probably 2 weeks to 1 month and, vhen breeding places are controlled, the majority of the adult 108 FIELD SANITATION 143-145 forms present in a locality may be expected to disappear within a month. Some may, however, hibernate in heated buildings throughout the winter. ■ 144. Identification.—For detailed instructions relative to, specific identification see TM 8-255 (now published as Army Medical Bulletin No. 23). B 145. Distribution and Breeding Habits.—The following table will be of value in antimosquito work. These mosquitoes are the important vectors found in the United States and its possessions. No Anopheles are found in Hawaii. Species Remarks Anopheles in United States Pond breeder, preferring quiet water such as inter- mittent pooled streams and small ponds. Does not normally breed in streams or acid waters. Most common vector into United States. Is found through- out southern and southeastern states. Become numerous in late spring or early summer. Vector in the far west. Occurs from California to Alaska. Same breeding habits as A. quadrimacu- latus. Partial to small, shallow, sunlit pools or col- lections of water containing green algae. Breeds in brackish pools and has been found in pools containing grass and algae. Rare species. Breeds in water in tree holes. Rare species. Appears early in the spring in the south, reaching a maximum in March or April. Fresh-water variety breeds in pools, ponds, fresh water swamps, etc. The salt-water variety breeds in the brackish water of salt-water swamps and tidal pools. California, Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas. Breeds in clear water in pools and springs and along the edges of streams, also in ditches and puddles. Breeding places not well known. Seems to prefer water containing considerable vegetation, especially permanent waters. Bare species. Anopheles in Panama Breeds in fresh or brackish water in pools, ponds, swamps, etc. Apparently prefers water exposed tc the sun and that contains algae. More prevalent during rainy season. A. barberi.. .. A. crucians. A. pseudopunctipennis— 555798°—48 8 109 145 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Species Remarks A. tarsmaculatus Anopheles in Panama—Continued Breeds similar to A. albimanus. A. argyritarsus - Breeds in small collections of fresh water in seepage A. pseudopunctipenms pools, small ditches, and hoofprints Also will breed in water in artificial containers Prevalent in dry season. A. punctimaculata In Panama breeds in shaded pools and streams. 4. punctipennis Breeds in pools, in springs, and often in small collections A. minimus _ of rain water. It also breeds in and seems to prefer the quiet water along the edges of streams. Appears early in the spring and continues breeding until late in the fall. Anopheles in the Philippine Islands Breeds in clear water streams. Is principal vector in A. maculatus the Philippines. Breeds in quiet edges of trickling streams in the open A. albimanus sunshine. Anopheles in Puerto Rico More prevalent during rainy season. (See Panama.) A. egypti Aedes Breeds in water in artificial containers in or near human A. albopictus habitations such as barrels, cisterns, eaves troughs, or gutters. A very small amount of water will suffice. Same as A. egypti Common in the Orient. C. fatigans Culex Will breed in water contained in artificial receptacles 7. pipiens in or near inhabited houses but also prefer water con- taining organic material. They will breed freely in water contained in catch basins or cesspools and in swamps, roadside ditches, and puddles. Similar .n habits to C. fatigans 110 FIELD SANITATION 146-148 Section II CONTROL MEASURES ■ 146. Drainage.—Antimosquito drainage to be effective must usually be planned and installed for the specific pur- pose of eliminating or reducing the extent of mosquito breeding waters. Ordinary agricultural or roadside drainage not only frequently fails to remove the water in a way that will prevent mosquito breeding but, by spreading the water and increasing its surface area, may actually cause an increase in mosquito breeding. Antimosquito drainage may be accomplished by means of surface ditches of either the unlined, lined, or rock-filled type, or by subsurface tile drains. Careful planning for and supervision of the construction of a drainage system will increase its effectiveness and reduce the cost of maintenance. Grade lines should be established for at least the main ditches or subsurface drains. ■ 147. Open Ditches.—Open ditches should be so con- structed that standing water will be completely removed and storm water drained from the face of the ground and from the ditches within a short time after a storm. The grade and width of the ditches should be such that while all water ' will be carried away, the velocity will not be sufficient to produce “potholes” by erosion of the bottoms or sides of' unlined ditches. A ditch that is too wide or too flat may I retain water in small depressions and thus defeat the pur-1 pose of drainage. Grade lines must be followed during con- struction as either low areas will be produced which retain water or high sections, which will prevent complete drainage. ■ 148. Factors in Ditch Construction.—a. Dig only suf- ficient ditches to accomplish desired purpose. Too many increase cost of construction and maintenance. b. Ditches should be constructed with narrow bottoms smooth sloping sides, with as few curves as possible, anc without sharp turns. Usually, sides of ditches should havt a slope of about 45°, in soft mud or sand this slope may b< flatter while in rock or clay it may be nearly perpendicular c. If ditches are built at an angle to the slope of a hill the upper side should be somewhat flatter than the lower lessen erosion. 148-150 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL d. Bottom of all ditches should be U-shaped, not V-shaped. e. Main ditch should be constructed first and laterals installed only when and where necessary (may have to wait until after a storm to locate additional or all lateral ditches). f. Lateral or branch ditches should join main ditch at an acute angle or gentle curve in order to prevent debris de- posit or erosion of opposite bank. g. Care should be exercised that dirt thrown out does not form banks which prevent drainage by pool formation. h. Where ditch goes through a culvert or wherever a pipe section is installed, the grade should be increased to prevent interference with the flow by deposits of debris. i. At the downstream end of a pipe or culvert, the bottom of the ditch should be lined with stone or concrete to prevent erosion (may screen upper end with iron rod or wood grating to prevent entrance of debris or floatage). ■ 149. Lined Ditches.—In loose soil or in ditches where the flow reaches a high velocity it may be advisable to line the ditches. Lining also facilitates cleaning. Lining may be of concrete or stones set in cement mortar. Continuous concrete lining may be constructed by the use of forms. Ditches less than 2 feet in width should have about a 2-inch lining rein- forced with 2-inch mesh poultry wire. Seepage holes should be made in the lining whenever it is probable that water will accumulate or flow behind the lining. ■ 150. Subsurface Drainage.—Tiles or rock-filled ditches nay be used for this purpose. The tiling used varies in size 'rom 3 to 12 inches. The average depth of tiling below the lurface is 2 to 4 feet. The so-called “double decker” drain las proved of value in draining areas where there is a flow if water at all times but where, at certain seasons, the volume if water is too great to be carried by the ordinary tile drains, [lie double decker drain consists of a ditch, on the bottom 4 which 6- or 8-inch tile is laid in the usual manner. In- tead of completely back-filling the ditch, ordinary sectional, oncrete ditch linings (par. 149) are laid on top of or im- rediately above the tiling. The dry weather flow is carried y the tile line while the wet weather flow is drained away irough both the tile line and the superimposed open, con- rete-Iined ditch. 112 FIELD SANITATION 151-153 ■ 151. Filling.—Depressions and low areas which serve to collect and retain water in which mosquitoes breed may, in some instances, be permanently eliminated by filling. Fill- ing may also be employed to reduce the amount of water in areas which are below grade and difficult to drain, and may thus facilitate other control measures. Filling may also be employed to eradicate accidental collections of water in small depressions such as wheel ruts, hoofprints or holes, and pits resulting from construction work. Pilling is usually a quite satisfactory method of treating low areas or depres- sions of varying sizes in which rain water tends to collect, but can be seldom utilized successfully to cope with collec- tions of seepage water. Filling permanently eradicates the breeding places and it has a further advantage over open drainage that no maintenance work is ordinarily required. At times it will be found that, while the first cost is greater, filling is ultimately the cheapest and the most effective method of controlling mosquito breeding in a given area. ■ 152. Stream Training.—In order to prevent pools and quiet backwater areas, the bends in the stream may be straightened and the marginal depressions removed by filling, draining, or regrading. The stream bed may be narrowed or even re-, graded in places to increase the velocity. Vegetation and. debris in the stream bed, which might retard the flow or. shelter the larvae, should be removed. I ■ 153. Elimination of Artificial Water Containers.—Cer- tain species of Anopheles and Culex, but especially Aedes, wil breed in artificial containers. All empty tin cans should ta< crushed so that they will not hold water before being disposec of on dumps or other places in the open. Barrels, buckets, o other receptacles in which water stands should, if practicable be emptied and dried in the sun at least once each week , The water in fire buckets may be treated with a phene larvicide. When vessels of water are emptied, care should b taken to remove or destroy the eggs and larvae on the side and bottom before refilling. Effective control of mosquit breeding in artificial collections of water can be maintaine only by thorough and repeated inspections. Some person c persons should be made responsible by proper authority fc 113 153-154 MEDICAL FIELIX MANUAL the conduct of such inspections, and the inspections should be made routinely at designated intervals. ■ 154. Oiling.—a. When properly spread over the water, oil produces a film which kills mosquito larvae and pupae. The lethal effect of oil is probably due to the toxic action of volatile gases after inspiration of the oil into the tracheal tubes. Oils which have a boiling point between 200° to 500° F. have been found to kill larvae and pupae by direct toxic action in about 30 minutes. b. Oil larvicides consist, generally, of crude oil or waste motor oil. either of which may be diluted with kerosene. Light crude oil which has a specific gravity of from 0.85 to 0.87 spreads readily and will form a satisfactory film in any temperature suitable for mosquito breeding. Kerosene may be used to dilute the heavier oils so that they will spread to form a film. The proportion of kerosene required varies from 20 to 75 percent, depending on the viscosity of the crude oil. c. Kerosene alone may be used as a larvicide, but it evapo- rates rapidly, the film is fragile and easily broken, and it is usually too expensive for routine use. d. Waste motor oil or other waste oils may be used as a base in lieu of the crude oil. Motor oil is relatively nonvolatile and is therefore nontoxic. It will kill larvae and pupae only Iwhen the film is sufficiently thick and intact to prevent them ■from reaching the air. As it is difficult to maintain such a jfilm, the best results are obtained when the motor oil is mixed with and diluted by kerosene in the same manner as crude oil. The resulting product is apparently as efficient in the destruction of larvae as crude oil and, where the waste oil is available, it is considerably cheaper. e. The spreading quality of any of the oils is Greatly in- creased by the addition of 2 percent of crude castor oil. f. Oiling is essentially a temporary measure and must be repeated at intervals, the length of which is determined to some degree by the weather conditions, the kind of oil used, md the character of the water. During summer months oil should be applied about once each week. A film of toxic oil vhich is irridescent in the sunlight is thick enough to kill nosquito larvae. Under the most ideal conditions, in quiet 114 FIELD SANITATION 154-155 waters containing no vegetation or debris, 3 to 5 gallons of a light, well-spreading oil will produce a thin but satisfactory film over an area of about 1 acre. ■ 155. Oil Application.—a. General.—Oil may be effectively applied to small collections of water by means of an oil- soaked broom, an oil mop, or oil-soaked cloths tied to a stick or similar contrivances. The ordinary watering pot used for watering plants may be used to oil small collections of water, or the oil may be poured on the surface of the water. b. Sprayers.—The knapsack sprayer consists of an oil con- tainer, hand pump, and spray nozzle, and is carried and op- erated by one man. The ordinary sprayer has a capacity of about 5 gallons and a spraying range of about 25 feet. The knapsack sprayer is a practical and economical apparatus for applying oil to ditches, small ponds, or other collections of water which can be reached by the spray. Larger sprayers may be employed to oil extensive areas such as the borders of large lakes or, in some instances, large swampy places. Such a sprayer usually consists of a barrel or tank container and a pump mounted on a vehicle or boat. c. Continuous oilers.—Where the oil is dispersed by cur- rents, as in streams or ditches, a film can be maintained only by the constant application of oil. This type of oiling has many disadvantages and is as a rule of three types: (1) Drip oilers which consist of a 5-gallon tin or drum which is placed on supports over the stream or ditch so that the oil will drip on the surface of the water below. It should be several feet higher than the stream surface so that the oil will spread quickly when the drop strikes the water. The rate of flow to furnish a satisfactory film depends on a num- ber of factors. Generally, an average flow of from 10 to 20 drops per minute will suffice for each foot of width of water in the stream. (2) Submerged oilers are containers having 2 small open- ings and so designed that when sunk to the bottom of the stream or pond, oil will escape through one opening and be replaced by water which enters through the other. They have the disadvantage that they are difficult to adjust so that the oil will flow properly and the opening is easily clogged. 115 155-157 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (3) Oil may be applied continuously' by means of a weighted, submerged bag of oil-soaked sawdust or oil-soaked sawdust may be scattered over the surface. ■ 156. Phenol Larvicide.—a. The Panama larvicide is the best example of this type of larvicide. It is made as follows: Crude carbolic acid 5 gallons. Rosin (finely crushed and sifted) 6 pounds. Caustic soda 1 pound. Heat carbolic acid in iron container until it is steaming hot, the resin is added, and the solution stirred until the resin is completely dissolved. The caustic soda is dissolved in a pint of water and added and the heating and stirring is continued for about 5 minutes. A sample of the mixture is then poured into water and if a complete emulsion results, the larvicide is ready for use. If the mixture does not emulsify in water, or the emulsion is incomplete, the heating and stirring are continued until a satisfactory emulsion is obtained. The crude carbolic acid should contain not less than 15 percent of phenol and have a specific gravity of not more than 0.97. b. The Panama larvicide is prepared for use by mixing one part of the larvicide with five parts of water. The resulting emulsion is applied by spraying, or in the case of small col- lections of water, a watering pot may be used or the larvicide may be poured into the water. The larvicide should be ap- Iplied in such amounts that an emulsion with the treated water of from 1 to 1,000 to 1 to 10,000, preferably about 1 to 5,000, |Will result. An emulsion of 1 to 5,000 will kill the larvae in about 10 minutes. The Panama larvicide can be used wher- ever hand oiling is feasible. As it kills the greater proportion of the larvae, it need be applied only at such intervals as will prevent complete larval development. This interval is usually I week but may be as long as 3 weeks. ■ 157. Paris Green Larvicide.—Commercial paris green con- taining not less than 50 percent of arsenious oxide is used, 'liluted with some inert dust. The diluting dust may be hy- Irated lime, road dust, powdered limestone, soapstone, ashes, )r stearates of calcium and aluminum. This larvicide is •heap, easily transported, and very effective against larvae if the anopheles. It is ordinarily diluted with 99 parts of the 116 FIELD SANITATION 157-158 diluting material to one part of paris green. The mixture may be prepared in an eccentrically mounted keg as shown in figure 47. The larvicide may be applied by means of a hand blower of bellows type or by means of a hand-operated duster similar to those used in agriculture for dusting fruit trees. For large swampy areas with rather open waters the larvicide may be applied by means of an airplane. The airplane flies low (75 feet from ground) at about 80 miles per hour. It is difficult to apply paris green in windy or rainy weather. Figure 47.—Equipment for mixing and applying paris green larvicide B 158. Destruction by Natural Enemies.—Fish and certaii aquatic insects are natural enemies of mosquito larvae. To] feeding minnows are most effective for this purpose. Th fish should be indigenous to the locality in which they ar used. The most efficient minnow for use in the United State is the Gambusia affi-nis. This fish is found in all States eas of the Rocky Mountains and south of Delaware and Illinoi: All vegetation and flotage which might protect larvae shoul be removed before the fish are introduced. i 117 159-161 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ■ 159. Destruction of Adults.—Adult mosquitoes may be destroyed by spraying with pyrethrum spray, by fumigation (in buildings), by swatting, and by hand catching. ■ 160. Screening.—Mosquitoes may be kept out of buildings by effective screening. This is difficult in temporary build- ings on account of cracks and other openings. While a mesh of 16 wires to the inch will exclude Culex and Anopheles, it requires 18 wires to the inch to exclude Aedes. Copper screening should be used near the sea as the ordinary galvanized screening deteriorates very rapidly. ■ 161. Mosquito Nets.—a. Mosquito netting or bars are employed for individual protection against mosquitoes and their effectiveness in this respect depends upon the care exercised by the individual. They are utilized principally where troops are sleeping in tents or in poorly screened buildings. The degree of protection which can be attained by the use of mosquito bars is largely a question of disci- pline. Troops, in general, object to sleeping under mosquito bars and will not use them in the proper manner unless suitable orders are enforced by unit commanders. Mosquito bars should be so adjusted that no part of the netting will touch the sleeper and so that the lower edges of the netting are tucked in under the bedding completely around the bed. [f the netting touches the bare skin of the occupant of the 'aed, mosquitoes will be able to bite through the spaces oetween the threads. If the netting is not tucked in under l;he bedding upon which the sleeper is lying, mosquitoes will ?ain entrance between the bedding and the netting. The nosquito net may be made and installed so that the lower 'dges reach and lie upon the floor. 1 b. A mosquito bar frame should be provided for beds and ots, while in the case of shelter tents the netting should ionform to the shape of the interior of the tent and be uspended from the tent. c. During the day all mosquito bars should be rolled up d prevent mosquitoes from hiding within the folds. When ut in place at night, the interior of the net should be earched for mosquitoes. All nets should be inspected at Bgular intervals for tears, holes, and broken threads. 118 FIELD SANITATION 161-163 d. During dusk and the early hours of the night, Anoph- eles and Culex bite freely in the open. Men on guard and others whose duties require them to remain out of doors in localities where infected Anopheles mosquitoes are prevalent should be provided with head net and gloves. ■ 162. Mosquito Repellents.—Various essential oils are at times applied to the person as mosquito repellents or deter- rents. These are of value for short periods only as they soon volatilize. When individuals are obliged to spend time in the open exposed to mosquitoes, especially at night, repel- lents will be found of value as a small quantity applied to the neck and face or to the wrists and hands will last all night. It is nonirritating to the skin. This repellent is prepared by melting 60 grams of white petrolatum and then adding the following: 15 cc citronella oil, 8 cc spirits of camphor, and 8 cc oil of cedar wood. Stir well, pour in jars, and cool rapidly by placing jar in refrigerator or basin of cold water. ■ 163. Mosquito Surveys.—Mosquito surveys are conducted for the purpose of determining the most feasible, and usu- ally the quickest and least expensive procedures for con- trolling the disease-transmitting species in the area under consideration. a. Normally, the most important features of a mosquito survey are the identification of the species involved, study of the relative density and importance of each species, and the location of the breeding places of the species, or of each species if there is more than one present. It is usually es- sential that the species of mosquito concerned be determined and this phase of the survey is of special importance i: Anopheles are to be controlled when there are two or mon species breeding in the vicinity. b. In making a mosquito survey and deciding upon th control measures to be instituted, consideration must b given to the degree of protection required or obtainable am the funds and facilities available for mosquito control pur poses. In war, it may be that the mission of the troops o the exigencies of the military situation will be such tha only partial control will be required or obtainable. In con 119 163-164 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL centration or rest areas, the lack of time and facilities, or even enemy activities, may render it inexpedient to attempt to obtain more than partial control of a varying degree. On the other hand the conditions at fixed installations during peace, or in the zone of the interior or communications zone during war, are usually such that the disease-bearing mosqui- toes can be adequately controlled. ■ 164. Method of Conducting Mosquito Survey.—a. Iden- tify prevailing species. b. Locate all breeding places. c. Dispersion of adult mosquitoes. d. Nature of terrain. e. Climatic conditions. /. Facilities for control work. g. The disease situation. h. The military situation. 120 CHAPTER 9 Paragraphs Section I. General 165-168 II. Methods of disinfestation 169-178 CONTROL OF LICE Section I GENERAL V 165. Diseases Transmitted.—Typhus fever, trench fever, and relapsing fever. ■ 166. Classification of Lice.—The species of lice (pediculus humanus) which infest man are P. humanus corporis (body louse), P. humanus capitis (head louse), and Phthirius pubis (crab louse). H 167. Life Cycle.—Lice develop by incomplete meta- morphosis. They pass through three stages: the egg, the larva, and the adult. a. The eggs are deposited on the hairs of the body or head or the fibers of clothing. They are ovoid in shape and about 1 millimeter long. The egg hatches in about 8 days at a temperature of 86° to 90° F. At a lower temperature the egg stage may be prolonged several weeks. The eggs an operculate. h. The larva is similar to the adult except that it is mud smaller (pin head and white in color). Unless the larva< obtain food within 24 hours they will die. The larval forn molts three times at about 3-day intervals and emerges ually mature. c. The adult female starts to lay eggs within a day afte: emergence from larval stage. Eggs are laid at a rate of 5 b 10 per day and under favorable conditions continued for 3' days. ■ 168. Control Measures.—a. In order to be effective, meas ures for the control of lice must accomplish complete disin festation of both the individual and the unit to which th 121 168 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 48.—Pediculus humanus corporis (body louse). 122 FIELD SANITATION 168-169 infested, man or troops belong. Control measures are di- rected toward— (1) Disinfestation of the individual. (2) Disinfestation of clothing and equipment. To be successful, the soldier’s body as well as his equipment and clothing must be freed from ova, larvae, and adult lice. Bathing and disinfestation of clothing are carried out simul- taneously. b. Lice and their eggs are killed in 1 minute when subjected to dry heat at a temperature of 155° F. or in 5 minutes at 131° F. Immersion in boiling water for 30 seconds will kill Figure 49.—Phthirius pubis (crab louse). both adults and eggs. Dry heat will not injure leather, felt, or webbing but will harm woolen fabrics. Boiling water will cause shrinking of wool but steam causes very little shrinkage. Section II METHODS OF DISINFESTATION ■ 169. Bathing.—a. This may be carried on in either a fixec installation, a quartermaster bathing and delousing unit, oi by means of improvised shower baths. 123 169 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL b. An excellent soap to use is made as follows: Boil 1 part of ordinary issue soap in 4 parts of water. Add 2 parts of kerosene. Mix with 4 parts of water. c. A simple device for bathing can be made from a water sterilizing bag suspended from a scaffold or a tree limb. One faucet of the bag is replaced by a rubber tube in the end of which is placed a short section of pipe closed at one end and perforated at a number of places to act as a shower head. Figure 50.—Shower bath made from water sterilizing bag. d. A perforated kerosene or gasoline can with a perforated bottom resting on a platform may be used with one man pouring water through while another bathes. e. A more elaborate device may be made by means of in- serting a small perforated tin can in the bottom of a barrel. The water is retained in the barrel by means of a plunger which fits into the can. This plunger is controlled by means of a lever and handle within reach of the bather. f. Bathing with soap and water will not, in many instances, destroy all of the eggs attached to the hairs of the body. 124 FIELD SANITATION 169 Where infestation is evidenced either by the presence of eggs on the hairs or by indication of louse bites the hair in the axillary, pubic, and inguinal regions and, if necessary, Figure 51.—Shower bath. on the chest should be shaved or clipped. If shaving or clipping is not practical, these parts of the body suiface should be thoroughly scrubbed with vinegar, kerosene, or gasoline. 555798°—43 9 170-171 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ■ 170. Disinfestation of Clothing and Equipment.—Outside of permanent installations and delousing units the disinfes- tation of clothing and equipment is done by means of one of the following methods: a. Mobile disinfestor. b. Serbian barrel type of disinfestor. c. Improvised hot air disinfestors. d. Hot irons. e. Hot water. /. Storage. g. Chemicals. Figure 52.—Portable pressure disinfestor. ■ 171. Mobile Disinfestors.—These are of the four-wheel trailer type and are usually steam pressure disinfestors al- though a current steam disinfestor is manufactured (thresh type). The pressure type consists of a horizontal steam chamber around which there is an outer jacket which is as- sembled as a unit with a boiler. After the clothing is placed in the disinfestor a vacuum of 10 to 15 inches is created after which steam is turned in until a positive pressure of 15 pounds is attained, this being held for about 20 minutes. At 126 FIELD SANITATION 171 Figure 53.—Disinfestor, Serbian barrel type. Figure 54.—Hooks lor suspending material in Serbian barrel. 127 171-172 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL the end of this time the steam is released and a vacuum of 10 to 15 inches is produced in order to dry the clothing. This vacuum is held for about 5 minutes. Clothing should be placed in loosely in order that the steam may penetrate. B 172. Serbian Barrel.—a. Serbian barrel type disinfestors consist of barrels or similar containers for the material to be Figure 55.—Disinfector, Serbian barrel type, showing water pan and the wire netting across lower opening of steamer. disinfested, below or in the lower part of which there is a receptacle for water and an improvised furnace or firebox. The ordinary galvanized iron garbage can is usually the most readily available. This can does not need a water receptacle beneath it but does require a screen to keep the clothing [rom falling down into the water. Water to a depth of about 128 FIELD SANITATION 172-174 6 inches is placed in the bottom of the can and the can placed directly over a fire. Hooks on the sides or lid will hold the clothing suspended. The can may be heated over either a single or cross trench. This type of disinfestor may be made from a barrel with tightly fitting lid and water pan beneath, or it may be made knockdown type as shown in figure 57. b. Operation of a Serbian barrel consists in first heating the water to the boiling point, after which the clothing or equipment is placed loosely in the barrel. The lid is placed Figure 56.—Disinfestor, Serbian barrel type. Steam chest so made) that it can be disassembled. on and disinfestation should continue for 45 minutes after steam begins to escape around the edges of the top or bottom of the barrel. a 173. Improvised Hot Air Disinfestors.—Clothing and equipment may be placed in ovens, boxes, or cans; and sub- jected to dry heat. Small buildings or dugouta may be converted into hot air disinfestors by installing heating ap- paratus which will heat the air to 160° F. Clothing should be hung loosely and exposed for about 30 minutes. ■ 174. Hot Irons.—Clothing can be partially deloused and the degree of infestation reduced by removing the adult lice 129 174-177 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL by hand and then killing the eggs by ironing the cloth, especially the seams and folds, with a hot iron. An ordinary sadiron, or a piece of iron pipe or scrap iron with a wooden handle attached, may be used for this purpose. ■ 175. Hot Water.—Cotton, linen, or silk clothing may be disinfested by immersion in boiling water for 1 minute, or in water having a temperature of 135° F. or more for 5 minutes. In order to disinfect as well as disinfest, the cloth- ing should be subjected to a temperature of at least 160° F. for 15 to 30 minutes. Woolen clothing can be disinfested by this process, but considerable shrinkage will occur. Leather, felt, or webbed articles are damaged by exposure to hot water. ■ 176. Storage.—Storage of infested clothing will accom- plish disinfestation by depriving the lice of a food supply. When denied access to a human host, the adult forms die of starvation within a 10-day period and the larval forms will survive for only about 24 hours after hatching. However, in order to allow sufficient time for all the eggs to hatch, in- fested articles should be kept in storage for at least 30 days in cold weather and for not less than 3 weeks in warm weather. Not infrequently, storage is a very practical method of disinfesting clothing and blankets in hospitals or camps, provided clean equipment is available for issue and facilities for storage can be obtained. The rooms or buildings used for storage should be dry. Freshly infested articles should not be stored with those which have been in storage for some time No article should be removed from a storage room until after all articles in that room have been in storage at least 30 days. ■ 177. Chemicals.—a. Chemicals such as acetic acid (vin- egar) , kerosene, gasoline, cresol, or naphthaline may be ap- plied to the person or clothing of the infested individual. Most of these substances will not kill the eggs however. 1 b. A 5 percent solution of cresol in water is an efficient Jdisinfestant for washing articles such as leather shoes and belts, felt hats, or web belts which may be damaged by 'exposure to steam. Clothing and other articles may be 130 FIELD SANITATION 177-178 disinfested by immersion in a 2 percent solution of cresol if the temperature is held at 100° F for 30 minutes ■ 178. Operation of Delousing Plant.—The following gen- eral considerations should be observed in the installation of a delousing plant; a. There must be no mixing of clean and infested men or of clean and infested clothing. b. The plant should be definitely divided into two parts— a clean side and an infested side—which are connected only through the shower baths for the men and through the disinfestors for the clothing and blankets. c. The floor should be made of concrete and provided with sufficient slope and drainage outlets to permit rapid and adequate cleaning by flushing. d. The entire building should be well lighted by natural lighting, but special care should be taken that the rooms or parts of the building used for the physical inspection or the inspection of clothing are adequately lighted. e. Separate toilet facilities should be provided for infesteo men and for clean men. f. Means should be provided for heating the building to a suitable temperature. g. The minimum divisions of a large delousing plant should be— (1) A receiving room large enough to care for an excess number of men if troops are sent to the plant too rapidly. (2) A disrobing room. (3) A checking room where shoes, belts, and other articles that may not require disinfestation may be checked, together with valuables. (4) A shower bathroom. (5) A disinfestor room. (6) A dressing room. (7) A barber shop. (8) A physical inspection room. h. In the case of smaller plants, some of the divisions in g above may be combined. 131 CHAPTER 10 RAT CONTROL Section 1. Importance, classification, and habits of the rat 179-181 II. General control procedures 182-183 III. Eradication by poisoning 184-187 IV. Eradication by trapping and fumigating 188-192 V. Rat surveys 193-196 Paragraphs Section 1 IMPORTANCE, CLASSIFICATION, AND HABITS OF THE RAT ■ 179. General.—The rat is probably the most expensive parasitic animal living at the expense of man. In addition to huge economic losses caused by rats these animals are causative factors in the spread of several diseases as follows: a. Bubonic plague.—Rat acts as reservoir and rat flea transmits the disease. b. Endemic typhus.—Same manner as plague. c. Infectious jaundice.—Rat contaminates food with excreta containing leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae. d. Rat bite fever.—Spirillum minus transferred to man by bite of infected rat. e. May harbor intestinal parasites, particularly tapeworms. 1. May transfer pathogenic organisms from feces to food mechanically. g. Factors in spread of trichinella spiralis among hogs. ■ 180. Classification.—The genus rattus includes three species of sanitary importance; These are the brown rat, R. norvegicus, the black rat. R. rattus, and the roof or Egyp- tian rat, R. alexandrinus. '■ 181. Habits.—Rats are nocturnal animals but at times !come out in the daylight. In order to make an intelligent effort toward its destruction some knowledge of the habits 'of the various species is necessary. 132 FIELD SANITATION 181-184 a. The brown rat keeps mainly to the lower floors and basements of buildings, as it lacks climbing ability. It is a burrowing animal and will burrow into the hardest soil to live and breed. The brown rat has great gnawing ability and will eat anything without reference to its degree of freshness or decay. b. The black rat and the roof rat are both excellent climbers and live in hollow walls, garrets, or loose material such as boxes, barrels, or rubbish. These rats are cleanly in their habits and prefer grain and fresh, clean food. c. All rats are great travelers and are found on ships, in boxcars, and at times go great distances themselves in search of food. Section II GENERAL CONTROL PROCEDURE ■ 182. Control Procedures.—Control procedures are either suppressive or destructive. Suppressive measures are de- signed to prevent rats from reaching a food supply and to deny them access to spaces where they can nest and breed. Destructive procedures include poisoning, trapping, fumiga- tion, and employment of natural enemies. ■ 183. Ratproofing.—Temporary buildings in camps espe- cially if they are to be used as storehouses should either be built up off of the ground or ratproofed. Ratproofing con- sists in the use of concrete floors and walls of concrete or of brick and stone laid in cement mortar, with the occlusion of all openings with metal flashings, grating, or screening. See TM 8-255 (now published as Army Medical Bulletin No. 23) for methods of ratproofing buildings. Should build- ings which are not ratproof be used to store food in, the food should be elevated or stored in containers which prevent rats from gaining access to the food. Section III ERADICATION BY POISONING ■ 184. Poisoning.—a. Poisoning is an effective rat control measure where there are large numbers of rats but it will 133 184-186 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL not kill all of the rats as many will soon learn not to touch the bait. The remainder may be killed or trapped. h. One of the best poisons is red squill. This may be mixed with either canned salmon, ground fresh meat, or cooked cornmeal in the proportion of l/% ounce of commer- cial red squill to 1 pound of the food base. It is well to mix the squill with several different food bases as some rats may prefer the meat or fish rather than the cereal, or the reverse may be true. Oven-dried rather than sun-dried squill should be used as it is much more effective. c. Barium carbonate is another very good poison and it has similar advantages to squill in that it is relatively non- poisonous to children, dogs, and cats. It is mixed the same way as squill. d. Arsenious oxide, phosphorus, strychnine, and thallium are also used but have the disadvantage of being highly poisonous to all animals. ■ 185. Bait Preparation.—The consistency of bait should be such that it can be cut or shaped into small balls, cubes, or cakes. Balls or cakes should be about Vfc inch in diameter and should be well moistened rather than hard or dry. Bait should not be handled but mixed with a knife or spoon as the human odor may cause the rat to shun the bait. The baits are best wrapped in plain squares of paper, the corners being brought together and twisted into a torpedo-shaped package. The men who wrap the baits should wear rubber gloves and when the baits are placed, a pair of forceps should be used to handle them. ■ 186. Bait Distribution.—Baits are best distributed late in the afternoon so that they will be fresh when the rats start to search for food. The baits should be laid in places that are easily accessible to and frequented by rats. Gen- erally the best results are obtained when the baits are placed along rat runways leading from rat harborages. These run- ways usually lie alongside of walls or other similar objects. The baits may be placed singly or in groups. Frequently, several kinds of bait may be used in one place as, for example, a ground meat bait together with a cereal bait. Single baits or groups of bait should be placed not more 134 FIELD SANITATION 186-189 than 10 to 20 feet apart along runways or in areas frequented by rats in search of food. ■ 187. Prebaiting.—In order to accustom rats to eating the kind of food materials which will be used to carry the poison, unpoisoned baits which are exactly like those that are to be employed later, except that they contain no poison, may be distributed for several days prior to placing the poisoned baits. The uneaten baits should be collected daily and re- placed with fresh material. When the unpoisoned baits are eaten freely by the rats, all those that remain uneaten should be collected and a comparatively large number of poisoned baits distributed. Frequently, this procedure will result in the destruction of a large proportion of the rat population. Section IV ■ 188. Trapping.—a. Trapping is an effective rat control measure, but requires greater skill and more labor than poisoning. A readily accessible food supply decreases the efficiency of trapping as a rat control measure. ERADICATION BY TRAPPING AND FUMIGATING b. Rats soon become suspicious of traps, particularly if the traps are unskillfully set, and will then consistently avoid’ them. Where many rats are present, a comparatively largeJ number of traps should be set at the beginning of the cam-5 paign in order to destroy as many rats as possible before they learn to avoid the traps. c. Trapping is a very practicable and efficient procedure for the control of rats in large warehouses or storerooms if it is persistently and systematically carried out. It also has1 the advantage that it can be constantly employed to destroy new arrivals where the continued exposure of poison would be undesirable. ■ 189. Types of Traps.—There are two general types of traps, snap (guilloting or spring) traps and cage traps Rats soon become suspicious of cage traps so that the snap trap is to be preferred. The trap should be strong anc durable and preferably made of steel. 135 190-192 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL B 190. Trap Baits.—Baits may be fried bacon, fish, cheese, liver, fresh bread or doughnuts, cantaloupes, or tomatoes. Pried bacon, cheese, and doughnuts as a rule prove the most attractive baits. If trapping is continuous the kind of bait should be changed frequently. B 191. Trap Setting.—Bait should be large and fastened to the trigger securely. It may be tied on with string or thread. Traps should be placed in locations normally frequented by rats. Where the trap is set along a runway, it should be set with trigger end against the wall. The trap may be dis- guised by covering it wholly or in part and prebaiting may be used at first by not setting spring of trap. The trigger should be so set that the slightest movement of the bait will spring the trap. All traps should be scalded or flamed at intervals to remove the odor derived from the hands. Traps may be deodorized by dipping in hot melted paraffin. B 192. Fumigation.—a. Hydrocyanic acid gas and sulphur dioxide are the gases commonly used for rat destruction. The difficulty in using these gases in the field is so great that they are of little value. b. Rat burrows in dumps, around the exterior of buildings, or in other locations may be fumigated and the rats killed by carbon monoxide delivered through the exhaust pipe of an automobile. Where the burrows are accessible, a flexible pipe or a rubber hose is attached to the exhaust pipe and the other end is passed into the burrow. The carburetor should be adjusted for a rich mixture. In gassing the average bur- row, the engine should be allowed to run at moderate speed for at least 10 minutes. The burrows and harborages treated in this manner should be made as airtight as possible by seal- ing the cracks and the openings of connecting burrows with earth. , c. Carbon disulphide on balls of cotton or waste may be ■plugged in rat burrows. This is more effective in damp weather and when ground is damp. 136 FIELD SANITATION 193-195 Section V RAT SURVEYS ■ 193 General.—Rat surveys are conducted to determine the presence of rats infected with plague or to delimit the areas harboring infected rats. Surveys may also be made for the purpose of estimating the degree of rat infestation in a build- ing or area with a view to deciding upon the control meas- ures to be employed. B 194. Survey to Determine Presence of Plague Infected Rats.—a. If a rat survey is made for the purpose of determin- ing if plague infected rats are present, the suspected area is trapped in order to obtain specimens which will represent a cross section of the rat population. The rats thus secured are sent at once to a laboratory for examination for evidence of plague infection. Usually, trapping should be continued until an infected rat is found or, if the area is within a town or thickly populated section, until from 30 to 50 rats have been examined for every 100 persons living in the area. : b. If an infected rat is captured, it is a strong indication’ that a number of other plague rats are present in the’ locality. The point where the infected rat was captured is considered as a center of infection. The trapping activities’ are extended to gradually increasing distances from this center until infected rats are no longer found and the cir- cumference of the infected area is determined. The thus mapped out may be subjected to intensive rat eradiJ cative measures which progress from the circumference inward toward the center. E ■ 195. Survey To Determine Degree of Rat Infestation.— Prior to instituting an antirat campaign in a military statioi, or camp, a survey should be made to determine the exten of the rat infestation and should include the followin' factors; a. The location of burrows and harborages. b. The kinds of food materials available to rats. c. To what extent the food materials that are accessibl to rats can be rendered inaccessible. d. The kind of control measures that will probably be th most successful under local conditions. ., 137 195-196 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL As the rat instinctively seeks concealment, the degree to which a given building or area is infested must be deter- mined by signs of the activities of rats rather than by the number that are to be seen. These signs consist of dam- aged food, the presence of rat runways as evidenced by tracks and marks of dragging tails in the dust, or by greasy appearing, discolored marks on woodwork made by the feet and tails of the rats, burrows and harborages, freshly gnawed wood, or rat excreta. ■ 196. Organization of Antirat Campaigns.—The results of a rat survey of a station or camp will indicate the kinds of control measures that should be instituted. These neces- sarily will vary according to the conditions but, given aver- age conditions with moderate rat infestation, successful con- trol can usually be established and maintained by reducing the food supply to a minimum and by ratproofing to elimi- nate harborages, followed by an intensive poisoning cam- paign with persistent and systematic trapping thereafter. Slight infestation may be controlled by protection of food materials and by poisoning. In any event, a definite and predetermined plan of action, trained personnel, and con- stant supervision are necessary for success. 138 CHAPTER 11 SANITARY SURVEYS AND SANITARY ORDERS Paragraphs Section I. Sanitary surveys 197-199 II. Sanitary orders 200-205 Section I SANITARY SURVEYS ■ 197. General.—A sanitary survey is an analysis of the conditions existing in a community which exert a favorable or an unfavorable influence on the health of the inhabitants. Sanitary surveys vary widely in scope and character and may consist of a more or less complete study of all the con- ditions within a community which actually or potentially affect health. It may, on the other hand, be limited in scope and restricted to the consideration of some specific factor. ■ 198. Form for Sanitary Survey.—The following outline is suggested as a guide in the conduct of a military sanitary survey but it does not constitute a form which can be ad- hered to in all instances: a. Military features. (1) Military personnel. Strength. Training and discipline. Racial characteristics. (2) Mission of the troops. Peacetime training. Mobilization. Wartime training. (3) Funds and policies. Existing and prospective availability of funds. Policies relative to the procurement and expenditure of funds. 139 198 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL b. Environmental features. (1) Topographical and meteorological conditions. Nature of terrain. Character of topsoil and subsoil. Amount of rainfall; mean temperature and humidity winds and seasonal variations in climate. (2) Recreational facilities. Athletics. Entertainment and welfare work. (3) Water supply. Sources. Methods of purification. Methods of distribution. (4) Waste disposal. Kinds of wastes. Methods of disposal. (5) Housing. Kinds of shelter used. Ventilation, heating, and lighting. Bed spacing. (6) Food supplies. Sources. Effectiveness of inspection methods. Storage and protection. Operation of messes. Training and supervision of food handlers. Quality of the ration as served. Operation of bakeries and post exchanges. (7) Insect control. Kinds of disease-bearing insects present. Control methods employed and their effectiveness. (8) Stables. General cleanliness. Fly control methods used and their effectiveness. c. Disease prevalence. (1) Morbidity rates. Average total sick rate. Average admission rates for communicable diseases. 140 FIELD SANITATION 198-202 (2) Communicable diseases. Epidemic and endemic prevalence. Sources of infection. Control measures. (3) Hospital facilities. Capacity of local hospital installations. Facilities for segregation and isolation. ■ 199. Conduct of a Sanitary Survey.—The first steps in the conduct of a sanitary survey consist of a— a. Formulation of a more or less complete plan relative to the kind of information to be obtained. b. Determination of the source of material. c. Determination of the methods to be used to collect material. Section II SANITARY ORDERS ■ 200. General.—A sanitary order is administrative in char-; acter, provides for the execution of sanitary procedures ap-i plicable to and indicated in the prevailing situation, anc- designates those responsible for the enforcement of sucl- measures. ) ■ 201. Responsibility.—Sanitary orders are published b;' the command. [ ■ 202. Preparation.—The surgeon of a command is normally responsible for the preparation of a sanitary order. He ma: in practice, delegate the actual writing of the order to hi medical inspector, but in so doing he does not delegate h responsibility for its proper preparation. In the prepare, tion of a sanitary order, the surgeon must be conversar, with the health situation within the command and with a factors which affect or might affect the health of the troop. He must give full consideration to the mission of the con mand and to the facilities which are available for the a<, complishment of sanitary measures. All measures direct* by a sanitary order must be of a practical nature. Tlr should be necessary to meet the sanitary needs of tl command, compatible with the mission of the commar 555798°—43 10 202-205 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL and of such character that they can be accomplished with the facilities available. ■ 203. Scope.—The sanitary order contains all of the ad- ministrative details necessary to protect the health of the troops and applies with equal force to all elements of the command. ■ 204. How Submitted.—The sanitary order as prepared by ;he surgeon is submitted to the proper military headquarters hr approval and publication. In the ordinary small post >r camp it is submitted to the commanding officer. In larger :amps or in larger tactical commands the order is usually ubmitted to G-l of the staff or the adjutant who coordi- lates it with other staff sections and then submits it to the hief of staff for approval and issue. I 205. Form.—a. A sanitary order may be issued in the Drm of a general order, as an annex to an administrative rder, or as a series of memoranda or instructions. Nor- lally, GHQ, army, corps, or communications zone head- uarters do not publish sanitary orders as such, but govern mitation from an administrative point of view by the romulgation of policies pertaining thereto or by instructing ibordinate commands relative to action to be taken by lem to meet a particular sanitary situation. A sanitary •der would normally be published as a general order for division or analogous command in a mobilization or con- ntration camp or for a summer training camp, b. The exact form of the general order will vary with e conditions under which the order must be enforced, le following may be used as a general guide. (Division) (Place) neral Order No. (Date) pENERAL.—The following provisions for the sanitation of this livision are published for the information and guidance of all 'oncemed; [ a. Responsibility of unit commander. 142 FIELD SANITATION 205 b. The division surgeon duties and responsibilities relative to sanitation. c. The medical inspector (duties and responsibilities. d. Water supply. e. Food and messes. /. Waste disposal. g. Quarters (barracks, tents, or billets). h. Insect control (where applicable). i. Personal hygiene. j. Dispensaries (location). k. Venereal prophylaxis (location of stations). I. Physical inspections. m. Special measures for the control of communicable diseases. 2. Civilians.—All civilians and civilian organizations attached to the division will comply with this order insofar as it applies to them. By order of Official: Distribution. c. While Army Regulations fix the responsibilities of all concerned with regard to sanitation, the sanitary order as a rule again states the responsibility of the unit commanders, the surgeon, and the medical inspector. This is done in order that the duties of each, and the relations of one to the other in the existing situation, may be clearly defined. Un- der some circumstances it may be desirable to state in the sanitary order the responsibilities of other staff officers such as the quartermaster, the engineer officer, or the police officer. 143 CHAPTER 12 FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY Paragraphs Section I. Epidemiological investigation 206-209 II. Carriers and missed cases 210-211 Section I EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION ■ 206. General.—Epidemiology has been defined by the American Epidemiological Society as “the science which con- cerns itself with the natural history of disease as it is ex- pressed in groups of persons related by some common fac- tors of age, sex, race, location, or occupation, as distinct from the development of disease in individuals.” There are several types of epidemiological work, but the medical officer is concerned largely with the actual investigation of out- breaks of communicable disease in camp or contonment. ■ 207. Recommendation for.—When communicable dis- ease appears among troops an immediate investigation should be instituted so that recommendations for control measures can be made. In formulating recommendations it should be borne in mind that the mission of the troops is of paramount importance. The ideal situation, therefore, insofar as control measures are concerned, may not be at- tained, but an effort should be made to adapt means of prevention as far as possible to the existing situation. ■ 208. Outline for Investigation.—The following outline will aid in the investigation of an outbreak of communicable disease. In most instances an experienced medical officer will make this investigation in whole or in part, as condi- tions warrant, without reference to texts or notes. The officer who has had little or no epidemiological experience will find it useful as a guide. a. Make a careful check to see that the disease is the one :n question. That is, confirm the diagnosis before any other teps are taken. 144 FIELD SANITATION 208-209 b. Is the outbreak above normal expectancy? At certain seasons of the year, for instance, there is generally an in- crease in respiratory diseases. Compare rates with previous week, month, and, if available, same period previous year. c. Ascertain from histories of cases if any common foci of exposure exist. This is of special importance in intestinal diseases where men in different organizations have had a common exposure outside of camp. d. Isolate patients. Send all patients to hospital and have them placed in a separate ward away from others. e. Investigate contacts. Include men in same tent and squad, also men who have worked with patients. f. Investigate food supply and food handlers if disease is one thus acquired. g. Contacts without symptoms may be placed in working quarantine. Period of quarantine to continue for the num- ber of days coinciding with the period of incubation of the disease. Should new cases appear, continue the period until a complete incubation period has passed after the removal of the last case. h. Have contacts inspected by a medical officer once or twice daily. i. Instruct unit commanders as to what symptoms to watch for and request them to send suspects on sick report as soon as discovered. j. Prophylactic vaccination if indicated. ■ 209. Epidemiological Data. — The following tables show some of the more important data relative to epidemiology and diagnosis of some of the epidemic diseases. a. Respiratory group.—This is the so-called droplet group,, the diseases being spread usually through the secretions of the respiratory tract. . 145 209 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Disease Incubation period Rash Remarks 12-21 days 2-4 days... 1-2 days... Usually 14-day incubation. Usually 14-day incubation. Rash appears in crops. Cerebrospinal men- 2-10 days__ 1-5 days... ingitis. Rash varies as to type and very often none appears. 7-18 days. 10-20 days. 7-20 days.. 3-4 days... None --. Usually 14-day incubation. Mumps __ _ 24 hours... Early enlargement of posterior cervical glands. 1-8 days-.. 48 hours... Usually 3-5 day incubation. May be spread by means of infected milk. 1-4 days... 7-14 days.. None ... . Whooping cough None 2-3 days... 7-14 days- 1-5 days... None - .- Septic sore throat Not usual. Infected milk supply important. Encephalitis 4-21 days.. None b. Intestinal group.—Diseases of this group are usually transmitted through the media of food and water which have become infected from the intestinal discharges of patients or carriers. Disease Incubation period Remarks Milk supply of primary importance. 1-6 days... About 14 days 146 FIELD SANITATION 209-210 c. Insect-borne group.—This group is transmitted by blood- sucking insects. Disease Incubation period Insect vector Remarks Malaria 6-30 days.. Anopheles mosquito... Dengue - 6-9 days _. Aedes egypti and Aedes Typhus endemic... 5-20 days.. albopictus. Rat flea and rat louse.. Rash about fifth day ant Typhus epidemic . ,__do Body louse tends to disappear be fore becoming pete chial. Rash on fourth or flftl 14-30 days 2- . 3- days.. 2-6 days.. day. are also susceptible. Yellow fever Aedes egypti and many to be epidemic. Jungle yellow fever o Filiariasis . Variable. _ other species. Culex fatigans and curs in absence aedes. Also other mosquitoe Rocky Mountain 3-12 days.. Aedes variegatus. Tick... May produce no clii cal symptoms. Dermacentor anderso spotted fever. Tularemia 1-9 days.. Ticks, lice, and chry- and Dermacentor va abilis, also others. Also transmitted by < Tick paralysis 5-14 days.. sops discalis. Dermacentor andersom rect contact with : fected animal. and certain ixodes. Section II CARRIERS AND MISSED CASES ■ 210. Healthy Carriers.—The following diseases are of ii portance as they may be transmitted by healthy carriers: Typhoid fever. Paratyphoid fever. Dysentery (bacillary and protozoal). Pneumonia. Cholera. 147 210-211 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Meningococcic meningitis. Diphtheria. Scarlet fever. ■ 211. Missed Cases.—During epidemics there are always mild, subclinical, or atypical cases. These cases are prone to be missed at the beginning of the epidemic but are recognized when the epidemic is established as much greater care is then 'xercised and everyone is on the alert. 148 CHAPTER 13 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Paragraphs Section I. Responsibility and standards 212-214 II. Conduct of examinations and inspections 215-2n Section I RESPONSIBILITY AND STANDARDS ■ 212. General.—Physical examinations constitute an im- portant part of military preventive medicine and are essentia in protecting the health of military personnel. Further troops cannot be recruited or mobilized for military servic without being physically examined, and the performance o physical examinations is the first step in the recruitment o mobilization of a military force. Usually, it is the principa basis upon which men are selected for enlistment in the mill tary service. The efficient performance of large numbers q physical examinations, from both an administrative and professional viewpoint, is a vital feature of mobilization fc war. , ■ 213. Responsibility.—The administrative responsibilif for and control of physical examinations rest with the con' mander of the command or station concerned. The Medici Department is responsible for the performance of physical aminations in accordance with administrative orders of con petent military authority. ■ 214. Standards.—Standards of physical qualifications a formulated and promulgated by the War Department ai, are published in Army Regulations and Mobilization Reg lations. Section II CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS AND INSPECTIONS ■ 215. General.—a. The physical examination, whether p( formed for administrative or health conservation purpos or both, is an examination of an apparently healthy perse 149 215-217 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL It is seldom that the examinee complains of any symptoms or conditions indicative of a physical defect or abnormality. The methods used, therefore, differ to some extent from those employed in determining the cause or nature of an existing illness. The examinee may endeavor to conceal bhysical defects or he may malinger or endeavor to accen- tuate the importance of minor abnormalities. Consequently, bhe examiner must be prepared to determine the true phy- sical condition of the examinee and detect and properly evalu- ite any and all obscure or preclinical abnormalities. b. Physical examinations must be thorough if they are to >e of any considerable value either for health conservation >r for administrative purposes. Usually, if there are a lumber of examinees, administrative conditions require that he examinations be made as rapidly as may be consistent nth thoroughness, but thoroughness should not be sacrificed d obtain speed. Where physical examinations are per- irmed with such rapidity that the work is slighted, the ssults are of but little actual value and the object of the lamination is defeated. Such examinations are in reality bysical inspections only and should be so regarded. If ley are accepted as having the same value as properly ?rformed physicial examinations, they will tend to cause ore harm than good, in that a great many examinees who dually have physical defects will be erroneously considered ; physically fit for military service or will be denied the tention necessary to protect their health. 216. Organization of Examining Units.—The organization a physical examining unit depends upon the number of m to be examined and the number of examiners available to the actual examining. The organization should be such 'at the work performed at each station is thorough and mplete, and a constant, steady flow of examinees is main- ned through the various examining stations without con- ation or undue delay at any one station. Figures 57 and show diagrammatic representations of three types of or- lizations for physical examinations. 217. Physical Inspections.—Army Regulations require it all enlisted men be physically inspected once each 150 FIELD SANITATION 217 month. The men to be inspected should be nude. Special attention should be given to the detection of signs or symp- toms of physical deterioration, such as anemia, under- weight, poor posture, etc. Evidence of infectious disease in- MEDICAL HISTORY DISROlsiNO and DRESSING- ROOM Figure 57.—Diagrammatic representation of the organization o a physical examining board. Nine stations and elevei examiners. eluding veneral disease should be sought. The teeth and th feet should be carefully examined. The general cleanlines of the body should also be determined. The medical office making the inspection is accompanied by an officer of th 151 217 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL company or detachment to which the men belong. Where feasible and when required, a monthly physical inspection may include a dental survey made by a dental officer. Where physical defects are found, appropriate action should be taken, for example, treatment or observation in hospital or a change of duty. FINAL ACTION MEDICAL HISTORY DISROBING AND DRESSING ROOM Figure 58.—One method of organizing a physical examining hoard which will permit partial examination before the examinees disrobe. 152 CHAPTER 14 IMPORTANT FACTORS RELATIVE TO PERSONAL HYGIENE Section I. General 218-219 II. Prevention and treatment of skin diseases 220-221 III. Oral hygiene 222-224 Paragraphs Section I ■ 218. Physical Inspections.—The importance of the monthly physical inspection in detecting pathological condi- tions cannot be stressed too greatly. It should never be a “venereal” inspection but should include, especially, foot and skin conditions. GENERAL ■ 219. Care of the Feet.—a. General.—Ordinary care of the feet and shoe fitting are covered in FM 21-10. However, there are certain pathological conditions of the feet which, if not detected early, may lead to invalidism of the individual or to wholesale infection of the command. The most important of these conditions is ringworm of the feet or “ath- lete’s foot.” This is also called dermatomycosis or epidermo- phytosis of the extremities as it may affect the hands as well as the feet. Dermatomycosis is a subacute or acute inflam-, matory condition of the skin occurring most frequently on. the feet, especially between and on the plantar surface of the toes and on the soles of the feet. It is characterized by, various types of lesions, including thickening and scaling of, the epidermis, excoriation of inflamed areas, fissures, and, vesicles or blebs. Usually, there is more or less intense itching. (1) Ringworm of the extremities is caused by parasitic fungi. It is generally believed that species of Epidermophy- ton and Trichophyton gypseum are the most common caus- ative agents. The organisms can be destroyed by ordinary disinfectants and by boiling water. 153 219 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (2) Ringworm of the extremities is one of the most prev- alent of all skin diseases although many cases may pass undiagnosed unless their presence is revealed as the result of special examinations. The presence of this condition in a military organization has an adverse effect on the morale of the troops. Relatively severe infections may incapacitate for the performance of military duties. (3) The causal agents of ringworm of the extremities are usually transmitted by indirect contact through the medium of inanimate objects. The infection is most commonly spread by contact of the bare feet with the floors, mats, benches, etc., in the bathrooms of gymnasiums, clubs, and swimming pools. Towels, slippers or shoes, or other articles worn next to the bare skin are frequently incriminated in the transmission of the causative organisms. The primary source of the infection is the infected individual. As far as is known, the organisms are not derived primarily from animals or from the soil. (4) One of the means of preventing the spread of ring- worm of the extremities is to supply all bathhouses with calcium hypochlorite foot baths. Grade A calcium hypo- chlorite in the proportion of 1 ounce of the dry chemical per gallon of water yields 0.5 percent available chlorine, which is the strength recommended. Fresh solutions should be prepared daily. Under ordinary circumstances one foot tub for bathers to use at the completion of bath will suffice. Where fungus infections are present and obstinate in a command, two tubs should be furnished, one to use before lathing and one after. Foot tubs should be of convenient dze and shape and should be deep enough to insure thorough vetting of the feet. Foot tubs should be made of concrete >r rubber as the calcium hypochlorite acts unfavorably on netal and wood. (5) Another very important factor in the spread of this nfection is the improper drying of the feet, especially be- ween the toes. Men should be instructed to sit down and arefully dry between each toe before putting on socks and hoes. b. Control measures.—The spread of the infection among roops can be most effectively controlled by the disinfection 154 FIELD SANITATION 219-220 of bathhouse floors and equipment and by the sterilization or disinfection of towels, swimming or gymnasium suits, and similar articles by which the infection might be transmitted. Bathhouse floors and equipment, including mats, benches, chairs, etc., should be scrubbed daily with a disinfectant. A solution of calcium hypochlorite, soap, and a hot 1 to 10,000 solution of mercuric chloride, or the various cresol or phenol solutions, may be used as disinfectants. Individual slippers of rubber or other waterproof materials are useful in preventing contact of the bare feet with infected surfaces. All articles that can be boiled should be sterilized by boiling. Leather and rubber goods can be disinfected with a cresol solution. Shoes can also be disinfected by a 1 percent solution of thy- mol in gasoline or alcohol. This solution is poured into the shoe and allowed to drain away or evaporate. The exchange or common use of towels, gymnasium suits, slippers, gloves, etc., should either be avoided or they should be disinfected after use. Section II PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASES ■ 220. Tinea Cruris.—a. This is a skin disease caused b? several species of the genus Epidermophyton, the most com- mon being E. inguinale. It may also be due to species o’ Microsporum. It is most prevalent in the Tropics and called “dhobie itch” as it was thought that transmission wa' through the medium of clothing infected by native washer men (dhobies). f. b. Tinea cruris is characterized by reddened, inflamed, an swollen areas which begin as rounded, elevated papules an extend peripherally, producing a raised festooned bordf1 covered with scales. The infection is accompanied by intern itching and irritation which is most pronounced at nigh Secondary bacterial invasion may occur producing boils an abscesses. The infection occurs most commonly in tl perineal region and the adjacent surfaces of the thighs, ar in the axillary region. It may spread to the chest ar abdomen and frequently occurs between the toes. c. The clinical symptoms may disappear during co weather or when the patient goes to a temperate climai 155 220-221 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL only to reappear during the next hot season or on return to a moist, hot climate. d. The causal agent of tinea cruris is transmitted from person to person by contact, chiefly by the hands, clothing, towels, or bathroom floors. It is also possible that the latrine or toilet seat is a factor in the transmission of the fungus. e. The general preventive measures mentioned under ring- worm of the extremities should be followed if tinea cruris appears. Every patient should be thoroughly treated, even though the infection is slight, in order to eliminate him as a source of infection. It may be desirable to hospitalize acute cases in order to prevent transmission. Daily bathing and the use of a drying powder after the bath serves to prevent to some extent the development of the infection. The powder which may consist of equal parts of boric acid, zinc oxide, and starch should be dusted on the skin of the perineum and axillae. ■ 221. Scabies.—a. Scabies is an acute inflammatory condi- ;ion of the skin due to the presence in the epidermis of Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, or itch mite. Simple scabies s characterized by the formation of vesicles and papules iccompanied by intense itching which is more pronounced n the presence of warmth. The lesions are most commonly ocated on the lateral surfaces of the fingers, on the wrists, luttocks, genitals, especially on the penis, and on the elbows, .nees, and ankles. Scabies may be complicated by secondary nfection with the production of an ecthymotous impetigo, ■oils, or dermatitis. b. Sarcoptes scabiei var. hoviinis belongs to the order Acar- la, which includes the ticks and mites. The female is from .3 to 0.4 millimeter and the male about 0.2 millimeter in mgth. The impregnated female burrows into the epidermis, reating tunnels A to % inch or more in length. The bur- :>ws do not penetrate into the tissues below the epidermis, he eggs are deposited in the burrow. The eggs hatch in 4 ) 5 days. The larval and nymphal forms pass through four ages to become adults in about 2 weeks. The larvae also Dre into the skin to find protection and food. The males id newly matured females are to be found under the scales FIELD SANITATION 221 and crusts on the surface of the skin. The female lives 3 to 5 weeks and deposits 25 to 50 eggs. It is probable that the female dies in the burrow, although she may live a week or longer and deposit ova when separated from the body of the host. The activity of the mites is governed to a very con- siderable extent by the warmth of the skin. Active burrow- ing takes place when the skin is warm and ceases when it is cold. c. The parasite is transferred by direct body contact or close indirect contact through the medium of clothes and blankets. General control measures consist of first making a correct diagnosis and then disinfesting the skin, clothing, and blankets of the patient. All troops undergoing treat- ment should be segregated in group quarantine. The disin- festation of the skin can be accomplished only by treatment which will destroy all forms of the parasite. In practice, this treatment consists of thorough bathing with hot water and soap to remove the crusts and scales, followed by the appli- cation of an insecticide. Green soap should be used and the entire body should be thoroughly scrubbed 10 to 15 minutes with a coarse bath mit. A bath mit made of turkish towel- ing or similar cloth may be used, or nail brushes may be em- ployed, especially in scrubbing the extremities. The soap should then be removed with hot water and the body thor- oughly dried. Sulphur ointment (USP) is then applied over the entire body from the neck to the tips of the fingers and toes, and thoroughly rubbed in. This treatment is repeated on the following day and, in the more heavily infested cases on the third day. A cleansing bath is then given and the patient is regarded as cured if no evidence of the insect car be found. Liquor calcis sulphuratae (lime and sulphur lo- tion, Vleminck’s solution) may be used in lieu of the sulphui ointment. Sulphur ointment containing 10 percent of balsan of Peru may be used in the treatment of complicated cases The itching may continue for some time after treatment am does not necessarily indicate that the treatment has failed t< effect a cure. Occasionally the treatment may cause sulphu dermatitis. A pyrethrin or rotenone ointment may be usei instead of sulphur, especially in the treatment of individual subject to sulphur dermatitis. As none of the insecticides wr 555798°—43 11 221-223 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL destroy the eggs, it may be necessary to repeat the treatment in about a week. The clothing and blankets of men having scabies should be disinfested by the methods employed for delousing. Care should be taken that all articles of clothing including gloves and shoes are disinfested. Section III ORAL HYGIENE H 222. Definition.—As used herein the term “oral hy- giene” includes all those measures which the individual may practice and apply to himself and which are designed to increase or maintain the healthful condition of the oral cavity. It does not include those professional measures which are rendered by a dental surgeon to a patient for a similar purpose. ■ 223. General Measures.—a. General.—In the Military Establishment these measures are largely restricted to the proper use of the toothbrush and various cleansing agents. Each recruit on enlistment is issued a toothbrush as a part if his initial equipment. Thereafter each soldier must pro- /ide all toilet articles at his own expense. (1) Because these measures are futile unless habitually jracticed, it is obvious that the individual will have to be rained and disciplined with respect to their performance mtil he can be depended upon to practice them thoroughly without supervision. The acquisition of habits of oral hygiene ; a matter of education and training, and the training must e based upon proved methods and upon professional advice f qualified dental officers. (2) The best place for the initiation of training measures ; at permanent stations, and mobilization, and training amps. Correct habits of oral hygiene may be practiced with rofit under all conditions, but it is only under conditions here training is the primary objective that sufficient super - ision may be exercised to assure the development of correct abits in an adult who has not previously been trained. b. Responsibility of commanding officers and dental of- fers.—The dental officer serves too large a command to FIELD SANITATION 223-224 exercise the constant supervision that is essential to the acquisition of correct habits of oral hygiene. The organiza- tion commander is the only person who is in a position to inculcate these habits in the members of his command. His efforts must be based upon the advice of the specialist, the dental officer, whose responsibility is to initiate instruction. Even the most ardent efforts will not result in success unless they are supplemented by educational measures that will make the soldier see the profit and comfort that will follow the invariable practice of these habits. This educational feature is a most important phase of this matter and the one that is of vital concern to the dental officer. ■ 224. Educational Measures.—Educational measures along this line may be roughly divided into efforts directed at groups and efforts directed at individuals. In instructing either groups or individuals it will be found that it can be best accomplished by the following methods: a. Exhibits, including actual cases showing the results of good or bad hygienic habits, pictures, and demonstrations of methods. b. Lectures. c. Exercises. 159 CHAPTER 15 VITAL STATISTICS Section I. Statistical rates and strengths 225-227 II. Methods of computing rates and ratios 228-231 Paragraphs Section I STATISTICAL RATES AND STRENGTHS ■ 225. General.—The Medical Department officer in the field has to be familiar with elementary statistical methods as there are certain reports which require, not only the report- ing of the absolute number of cases, but the rate of occurrence. ■ 226. Rates.—a. A statistical rate is the number of times an event occurs in a definite number of people during a given period of time. In order to calculate a rate the following must be known: (1) Frequencies of the event (cases, deaths, etc.). (2) Strength. (3) Period of time. h. Army vital statistics are figured as rates per 1,000, that s, a strength of 1,000 is used as a base. In other places 10,000 or 100,000 may be used, but it is best to use the same igure at all times in order to make rapid and accurate ■-omparisons. c. In addition, Army rates are estimated on an annual tasis. That is, a rate of so many cases per 1,000 per annum, f in a command of 1,000 men there are 10 cases of measles luring any one month and the rate per 1,000 for the year is lesired, the 10 would be multiplied by 12. The result in this ase would be 120 and as there were 1,000 troops, the rate muld be 120 per 1,000 per annum. Here we have assumed hat the same number of cases would occur during each of be remaining eleven months of the year. In most cases the trength is not in even thousands so additional calculations re required. I 227. Strength.—By strength is meant the number of in- ividuals present at a certain time or during a certain period. FIELD SANITATION 227-228 To obtain the average strength of a command for a given number of days, the strengths for each day are added and divided by the number of days in the period, the result being the average strength. Section II METHODS OF COMPUTING RATES AND RATIOS ■ 228. Formula for Estimating Rates.—The following for-l mula will be found valuable in computing rates per 1,000 pen annum for any period; : Number of events .. One year (expressed in days, in the period ’ weeks or months), v Number of days, weeks or Mean strength X . . . . , months m the period To illustrate, suppose there were 12 cases of measles in { command of 610 in a 5-weeks’ period. What is the rate pe 1,000 per annum? j 12X1,000X52 „ 610X5 204,5 Here the number of events (cases) is 12 and this is multi plied by 1,000 and by 52. The figure 52 represents one yea expressed in weeks. This result is divided by the strengt multiplied by 5 (the number of weeks in which the 12 cas< occurred). J Suppose these cases had occurred in one calendar mont then 12X1,000X12 610X1 ~236-0 In this case the year is expressed by 12, the number of mont in one year, and the strength is multiplied by one, there beb one month in the period. If these events occurred, in say 18 days, then the formi j would be— 12X1,000X365 _ 610X18 —398.0 Most of the morbidity records prepared by camp or stati surgeons cover a 4- or a 5-weeks’ period so that the fl example shown here would be the one to follow. 161 P.28-229 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL For a more extended discussion see FM 8-55 or TM 8-255 (now published as Army Medical Bulletin No. 23). H 229. Noneffective Rate.—The noneffective rate is a daily rate and is the number of men sick in hospital or quarters per 1,000 strength on the day for which it is calculated. The noneffective rate is employed to determine the number of troops in a given command that are physically fit for duty on a given day, or the average daily noneffectiveness caused by a disease during a selected period of time. The noneffective rate for a given day may be calculated as follows; Number of sick X 1,000 Noneffective rate = -57 rr Strength The following formula may be used to determine the aver- ige daily noneffective rate for a period of more than one lay : . Sum of number sick daily X 1,000 Noneffective rate = ■=-—r. —r Sum of daily strengths The following formula may also be used to determine the aily noneffective rate: r _ . Total days lost 1,000 loneffective rate = j— r———r—-,X t—r.— — No. ox days in period average daily strength Thus, if in a command of 500 troops, 10 men are sick on a iven day, the noneffective rate is 20 per 1,000 troops. It is ilculated as follows: „T • 10 x 1-000 Nonerfective rate per 1,000=——— 10,000 — 500 = 20 If four cases of measles occur in a command of 500 troops iring one month and these cases are sick for 10, 12, 14 and days, respectively, the noneffective rate may be calculated follows: _ (10+12 + 14 + 14) X 1,000 Noneffective rate 1,000 = 30X 500~ = 50,000 15,000 = 3.33 162 FIELD SANITATION 229-231 Or: _ _ _ . 50 1,000 Noneffective rate=^X'-jjQ^- = 1.666X^ = 1.666X2 = 3.33 In 1928 the total United States Army, consisting of 134,380 troops, lost 73,144 days from duty because of influenza, or, as expressed by the noneffective rate, 1.49 men out of every 1,000 troops were incapacitated for duty each day of the year. This is determined by the following calculation: 73,144 1,000 Noneffective rate per 1,000=- 355 ~X 330 1,000 = 200-39X = 200.39X0.00744 = 1.49 ■ 230. Prophylactic Rate.—In the report of venereal dis- eases the prophylactic rate is required. That is, the numbei of men per 1,000 strength who have taken venereal prophy- laxis during the month. This rate is obtained as follows; Number of prophylactics 1,000 administered Average daily strength ■ 231. Ratios.—Ratios are used to express relationships be tween frequencies of occurrence of related events. Ratio are usually expressed in percent (per 100). A case fatalit rate is the ratio of deaths from a specific disease to the num ber of cases of the disease. If during an epidemic of menin gitis there were 120 cases and 30 of them died, the case fa tality rate would be 25 calculated as follows: . .. 30X100 Case fatality rate = —— = 0.25X100 = 25 163 INDEX Antirat campaigns, organization of 196 138 Paragraph Page Baits, rat: Distribution 186 134 Preparation 185 134 Trap 190 136 Bath and wash water disposal 82 66 Bathing for lice disinfestation •, 169 123 Bored hole latrine 65 46 Botulism, meat poisoning 114 86 Buildings, mess 97 73 Butter 126 95 Campaigns, antirat, organization 196 138 Camps, observation or detention 13 9 Care: Compost piles 87 69 Feet 219 153 Garbage stands and cans 74 60 Latrines 68 48 Charts and reports, statistical 15 11 Chemical prophylaxis 30 23 Individual 33 24 Classification: Diseases: Communicable 6 5 Insect borne 24 21 Intestinal 19 17 Respiratory 16 12 Lice 166 121 Rats 180 132 Wastes 54 39 Collection of garbage 72 58 Communicable diseases, other means of prevent- ing 14 1C Compost bin 88 7C Concurrent and terminal disinfection 22 1£ Condensed milk ; 125 9< Conduct of— Examinations and inspections, general 215 14S Sanitary survey 199 14 i Water reconnaissance 51 3‘ Control measures 21 11 Lice 168 12 Mosquitoes 148-159 111-11; Rats 182 13: Treatment of venereal diseases as 34 2 Dairy farms 122 9 Data, epidemiological 209 14 Definition of special terms 9 165 INDEX Paragraph Page Delousing plant, operation 178 131 Destruction of adult flies 130 97 Detention or observation camps 13 9 Development of the housefly 127 96 Disease: Healthy carriers 210 147 Transmission by food 113 86 Transmitted by lice 165 121 Dishwashing 100 74 Disinfection, concurrent and terminal 22 19 Disinfestation of clothing and equipment 170 126 Disinfestors: Hot air, improvised 173 129 Mobile 171 126 Disposal of— Bath and wash water 82 66 Manure: As fertilizer 89 70 Composting 86 67 Contract 85 67 Drying 90 70 Incineration 91 70 Wastes: Human: Bivouac 59 40 Camps 60 42 Marches 58 40 Kitchen 101 77 Distribution and breeding habits, mosquitoes 145 109 Dumps, rubbish: Construction 93 71 Maintenance 94 71 Cggs 119 89 Engineer water supply equipment 44 29 Environment, influence of 10 8 Epidemiological data 209 145 Epidemiological investigation 206 144 Outline 208 144 Recommendation 207 144 Establishment of quarantine 12 9 Estimation of stream flow 41 27 Examinations and inspections, conduct 215 149 Examining units, organization 216 150 'eet, care 219 153 ish 120 89 'lies 127-130 96-97 ’ly— Baits 134 102 Paper 136 104 Poisons 137 104 Sprays 138 105 Swatting 139 105 166 INDEX Fiy-Continued. Paragraph Paj ™*0»re 135 1. Location 133 H Stands 132 H Types !31 : Wires 13® 11 Food: Disease transmission by Handlers *04 Inspection, on receipt 9° Method of serving 103 Served: Character X02 Methods of formulating menus 102 Storage facilities 99 Forms for sanitary survey 19° 1 Pormula for statistical rate estimation Fumigation, rat I92 1 70 Garbage Cans, care i* Collection 72 Disposal methods 71 Stands 16 Care Transfer stations 7t> General control measures; Diseases: Intestinal 2i Venereal ■--- 28 General importance and prevalence of intestinal diseases Grease traps 'a Housefly (musca domestica) : Destruction of adult 130 Development Habits tending toward control 7*a Range of flight 128 Identification of mosquitoes___ 144 Individual chemical prophylaxis Influence of environment 7a Insect-borne diseases 28 Classification 2* Transmission 20 Inspection: OR Food, on receipt 98 Physical 217, 2*8 150, Intestinal diseases Classification Importance and prevalence Kitchen wastes, disposal 1°1 167 INDEX itrine: Paragraph Page Bored hole 65 46 Box, standard Quartermaster 61 43 Care 68 48 Location 67 48 Material for one _ 64 45 Pail type 69 49 Seating space 57 40 irvicides: Paris green 157 116 Phenol 156 116 00 • Classification 166 121 Control measures 168 121 Diseases transmitted by 165 121 Disinfestation: Clothing and equipment 170 126 Methods: Bathing 169 123 Chemical 177 130 Hot air 173 129 Hot iron 174 129 Hot water 175 130 Storage 176 130 Life cycle 167 121 lUid wastes 76, 77 61, 62 cation of fly traps 133 102 ster Bag (water-sterilizing bag) 45 30 ;nure 83 66 1 Collection 84 66 Compost bin 88 70 Disposal: As fertilizer 89 70 Composting 86 67 Contract 85 67 Drying 90 70 Incineration 91 70 ps and conventional signs for water supply 53 36 rches, water discipline on 48 33 terial for one latrine 64 45 ;at and meat food products 108 84 i Preservation 110 85 Sanitary inspection: Canned 117 88 i Cured 116 88 Fresh 115 86 i Spoilage 109 84 Storage, in temporary camps 112 86 it poisoning, botulism 114 86 shanical prophylaxis 29 22 iical Department, sanitary control of water apply 36 25 aus, method of formulating 102 77 s: Buildings 97 73 Personnel, training in mess sanitation 105 79 INDEX Mess—Continued. Paragraph Pag Sanitary control 96 ’j Sanitary inspection 106 ' Outline .tor 107 f Sanitation administration 95 r Methods: Garbage disposal 71 J Food serving 103 ' Formulating menus 102 1 Venereal prophylaxis application 32 Military sanitation: Purpose 1 Responsibility for 2 Military sanitation program, principal objects 8 Milk 124 Condensed 125 : Missed cases 211 1 Mobile disinfestors 171 1 Mosquito 141 1 Control measures: Adult destruction 159 Artificial water container elimination 153 Destruction by natural enemies 158 * Ditches: Construction, factors in 148 S Lined 149 Open 147 Drainage 146 Filling in low areas 151 v Oil application 155 Oiling J 154 Phenol larvicide 156 Stream training 152 Subsurface drainage 150 Distribution and breeding habits 145 Identification 144 Life cycle 142, 143 106, Nets 161 Repellents 162 Screening 160 Surveys 163 Methods of conducting 164 Objects of preventive measures 26 Observation or detention camps 13 | t Operation; ? Delousing plant 178 Prophylactic station 31 Soakage pit and trench 81 Oral hygiene: ; Definition 222 Educational measures 224 General measures 223 Organization of examining units 216 Outlines for— Epidemiological investigation 208 Sanitary inspections, mess 107 i Pail latrines 69 169 INDEX Paragraph. Page •aris green larvicide 157 116 "asteurizing establishments 123 93 nenol larvicide 156 116 hysical examinations 212 149 hysical inspections 217, 218 150,153 Dultry 118 88 reservation of meats 110 85 revalence of venereal diseases 27 22 reventive measures, disease 17 12 Objects of 26 21 i Responsibility for initiation and enforce- ment 7 5 ■imary factors In spread of disease 11 8 incipal objects of military sanitation programs. 8 6 ophylactic— Rate 230 163 Station, operation 31 23 ophylaxis: Application, method 32 23 Chemical 30 23 Individual 33 24 Mechanical 29 22 rification of temporary water supply 43 29 rpose of military sanitation 1 1 establishment 12 9 artermaster Corps, responsibility for water sup- ly 35 25 t 179 132 Bait: Preparation 185 134 Distribution 186 134 Classification 180 132 ' Control procedures 182 133 Fumigation 192 136 Habits 181 132 Poisoning 184 133 Prebaiting 187 135 Proofing 183 133 193 137 To determine— Degree of infestation 195 137 Presence of plague infected 194 137 Trapping 188 135 Praps, types 189 135 3S 231 163 igerators, small 111 85 llents, mosquito 162 119 ,>rts and charts, statistical 15 11 lirements of troops, water 39 26 iratory diseases, classification 16 12 bnsibility for— hitiation and enforcement of preventive measures 7 5 ’hysical examinations 213 149 INDEX Responsibility for—Continued. Paragraph Page Sanitation 2 1 Waste disposal 55 39 Water reconnaissance 50 34 Water supply by Quartermaster Corps 35 25 Rubbish dumps 92 70 Construction 93 71 Maintenance 94 71 Sanitary— Control of water supply by Medical Depart- ment 36 25 Details 4 3 Inspections: Meats: Cured 116 88 Fresh 115 Meat foods, canned 117 88' Messes 106 79 Orders 200 141 Form 205 142 Preparation 202 141 Responsibility 201 141( Scope 203 142 Submission 204 142 Supervision 3 2 Survey, coinduct 199 141 Sanitation, in theater of operation 5 3 Scabies 221 }« Screening, mosquito 160 ill Sea foods 121 Seating spaces, latrine 57 4( Serbian barrel 172 12‘ Soakage— Pits: Liquid waste 78 61 Operation 81 6( Urinal : 66 4 Trench 80, 81 66, 6 Sodium arsenite 140 10 Special terms, definitions 9 Spoilage, meat 109 8 Spread of disease, primary factors in 11 Standards for physical qualifications 214 14 Statistical charts and reports 15 1 Statistical rates 225, 226 16 ( Formula for estimation 228 16 Noneffective 229 16 Statistical strengths 225, 227 16 Storage: Facilities, food 99 Meat and meat food products in temporary camps 112 > Stream— Flow estimation 41 Training I52 1' Summaries, points covered and reported on, water reconnaissance — 62 171 INDEX Surveys; Paragraph Page Mosquito 163 119 Methods of conducting 164 120 Rat 193 137 To determine— Degree of infestation 195 137 Presence of plague infested 194 137 Sanitary 197 139 Form for 198 139 Tinea Cruris 220 155 Trap— Baits 190 136 Setting 191 136 Types 189 135 Urinals 62 43 Protection 63 45 Urine soakagq pits 66 46 Venereal diseases: General control measures 28 22 Prevalence 27 22 Treatment of, as a control measure 34 24 Wastes: Classification 54 39 Disposal: Human „ 56 40 In bivouac 59 40 In camps 60 42 On marches 58 40 Kitchen r 101 77 Liquid 76 61 In bivouac 77 62 Responsibility for 55 39 Water— Discipline, on marches 48 33 Hardness 38 26 .Reconnaissance 49 34 Conduct 51 34 Responsibility for 50 34 Summary of points reported on 52 35 f Requirements, troops 39 26 Sources, ground or surface 40 27 Sterilization, other emergency measures used- 47 32 Supply- Equipment, Engineer Corps 44 29 Maps and conventional signs for 53 36 1 Quartermaster Corps responsibility for 35 25 Sanitary control by Medical Department- 36 25 i Temporary, purification 43 29 i Turbidity 37 26 Wash and bath, disposal 82 66 fater-sterilizing bag (Lyster bag) 45 30 ' Technique for use 46 31 ells, yield 42 28 FM 8-40 C 1 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION Changes 1 No. 1 J WAR DEPARTMENT, FM 8-40, August 15, 1940, is changed as follows: Washington. June 12, 1942. CHAPTER 16 (added) Paragraph; Section I. General-.- 232-23* II. Control of communicable diseases 235—23- III. Feeds and feeding 239—24 IV. Stable management 243—25* V. Statistics and reports - - 251-25 VETERINARY SANITATION Section I GENERAL ■ 232. Responsibility.-—a. The Veterinary Corps is charge with advisory and inspectorial duties under two headindgs : (1) Preservation of the health and efficiency of militai animals. (2) Protection of the health of military personnel, and tl economic interests of the Government, through the inspecth of all food supplies of animal origin to insure that they a sound, healthful and fit for human consumption, and that th comply with contract specifications. In carrying out the functions the veterinarian of a command is considered as medical inspector. (See par. 2d.) b. This chapter deals only with sanitation pertaining military animals. For hygienic control of food products animal origin see chapter 6. ■ 233. Hygiene.—Good veterinary hygiene implies an envin ment conducive to animal health. It includes such factors adequate nutrition; clean, dry, well-ventilated, and comforta stables; proper care of the skin and feet; correct, progress exercise, and conditioning; well-fitted equipment; prope trained attendants; protection from contact with diseased s 555798°—43- 12 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL mals; and protection from accidental injury. Its object is to maintain a high state of natural resistance to disease and to prevent disability. ■ 234. Military Animals. — The life of a military animal parallels rather closely that of a soldier. He is inducted (pur- chased) while still young and usually has not been through the common diseases of colthood. He comes from various parts of the country and immediately finds himself among large groups of other animals at a reception center (remount station). He is in strange surroundings. His processing involves frequent handling, sorting, inspections, inoculations, and movement from one place to another. The climate may he radically different from that at his home, his food and water are different, he is in a greater or less state of excitement. In short he is in an environment charged with many predisposing causes of disease, md unless correct hygienic measures are maintained disastrous -esults will occur. Further, some of these conditions obtain hroughout his military career. He differs from the soldier in )eing inarticulate and nmst therefore depend on the ability of in attendant to detect objective symptoms of abnormality. Section II I 235. General.—The control of communicable diseases among lilitary animals is of the greatest importance. They not only onstitute one of the chief causes of disability among such ani- mls, but also, in some cases, are directly transmissible to man nd tltus create a menace to human health. These diseases are iread among animals in exactly the same way as among men. riefly this involves the presence of infective organisms in a ck animal or contaminated equipment, their transmission by irect or indirect contact to a susceptible animal, and their irther propagation within the susceptible animal. (See n. 11.) 236. General Measures of Control.—a. Since there are three •imary and essential factors concerned in the spread of all inmunicable diseases, as indicated in the preceding paragraph, rtain general measures of control are applicable regardless the specific disease present. The objective is to remove one CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 174 FIELD SANITATION or more of these factors and tltus break the chain of trans- mission. Such measures include— (1) Frequent inspection to locate the infected animal before the disease becomes widespread. (2) Isolation of cases and quarantine of the contacts. (3) Preventing contact, direct or indirect, paying particular attention to indirect contact through the medium of attendants, birds, dogs, rodents, insects, equipment, waste material, etc. (4) Attacking the infection by thorough cleaning and disin- fection of contaminated premises and equipment. (5) Raising the natural resistance of the susceptible animal by maintaining a high standard of hygiene. (6) Being suspicious of all newly arrived animals as they may appear healthy but, as incubationary carriers, capable of infecting others. Quarantine for at least 21 days. (7) Keeping in touch with local livestock sanitary commis- sions and similar officials with a view to determining the types of disease prevalent among civilian animals. (8) Avoiding known centers of infection so far as practicable. 6. For a definition of various terms used in connection with general measures for disease control see paragraph 9. ■ 237. Specific Control Measures.—a. Specific measures for the control and eradication of communicable diseases are used whenever the nature of the disease renders such action appli- cable and practicable. Specific measures are based on the known behavior of the organism causing the disease. In military animals these measures include— (1) Diagnostic tests made with a view to locating carriers. Example: Mallein test for glanders. (2) Immunization through the use of agents which produce various degrees of artificial immunity. Example: Equine enceph- alomyelitis vaccine. (3) Eradication of vectors which are known to be spreaders of the disease. Example: Vampire bats in the case of rabies. (4) Immediate destruction of cases affected with a disease in which the treatment is considered uneconomical due to the hazards of transmission to other animals. Example: Surra. h. In some diseases two or more specific measures of control may be applicable, but they should always be supplemented by instituting the general measures previously outlined. Constant 175 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL surveillance is necessary and prompt and energetic action should be undertaken with a view to the complete eradication of the disease from a command. ■ 238. Common Communicable Diseases Affecting Military Horses and Mules.—a. Influenza and distemper {so-called ship- ping diseases).—This group of diseases is widespread and prob- ably causes more morbidity among military animals than all others combined. It is primarily a disease of colthood and may be expected to occur whenever large numbers of young unseasoned animals are congregated. Long shipments, fatigue, exposure, radical change in climate, and similar environmental conditions predispose young animals to the disease. (1) General preventive measures.—Close observation to detect insipient cases; isolation; quarantine. Maintain a high stand- ard of hygiene with special reference to nutrition; keep stables well ventilated; avoid fatigue and exposure. Do not ship sick animals. (2) Specific control measures.—None. b. Skin diseases {mange, ringworm).—Ringworm is more or less constantly prevalent among remounts, and such animals should always be suspected of harboring the causative agent with or without visible lesions. Mange is a typical wartime disease, wherein the animal is pre-disposed through inadequate care of the skin. Both diseases will spread rapidly, usually by indirect contact through the medium of horse covers, saddle blankets, grooming kits, attendants’ clothing, and similar equip- ment. They result in disability through the loss of hair, interference with the normal function of the skin, and may be complicated by secondary infection. (See ch. 14 for a descrip- tion of these diseases affecting man.) (1) General preventive measures.—Keep the skin clean by thorough daily grooming. Close and frequent inspections for visible lesions. Immediate isolation of cases and quarantine of contacts. Clean and disinfect horse covers, saddle blankets, and grooming kits. Avoid the interchange of equipment from one animal to another. (2) Specific control measures.—Consider all remounts as contacts with ringworm. Clip their bodies, burn the hair, and scrub the entire body with lime and sulfur dip at 100° F. Repeat in 10 days and give a third application just prior to 176 FIELD SANITATION release from the routine remount quarantine period. Cases of ringworm (in isolation) may be successfully hand treated. Mange cases require evacuation to a special mange hospital equipped with a dipping vat. c. Glanders.—A serious, usually chronic, disease primarily affecting horses and mules hut also directly transmissible to man. Spread by direct or indirect contact with infective dis- charges, chiefly from the respiratory tract. Characteristic lesions may occur in the mucous membrane of the nostrils or in the skin, but the greatest danger results from carriers show- ing no visible lesions. Glanders is a very old disease, prevalent throughout the entire world, and its incidence in the U. S. Army has been comparatively high, up to and including the early part of the first World War. (1) General preventive measures.—Suspect and quarantine all replacements, including stray or captured animals, until proven by tests that they are free from this disease. (2) Specific control measures.—Glanders is easily and read- ily controlled by routine “mallein tests,” immediate destruc- tion of positive cases, absolute quarantine of contacts, and thorough cleansing and disinfection of contaminated premises and equipment. The objective is early diagnosis and complete eradication of the disease before it becomes widespread. The standard field test is made by the intradermic injection of “mallein,” supplemented, in suspicious reactions, by the com- plement fixation test. Army animals are required to be given the mallein test under the following situations (see AR 40-2100) : (a) At time of purchase. (&) Just prior to release from 21-day quarantine period which all are required to undergo upon arrival at any station. (c) Before issue, shipment, or transfer from one station to another, unless tested within the preceding 21 days. id) Before embarking on an animal transport, unless tested within the preceding 21 days. (e) In the case of captured animals. if) In the case of contacts with clinical cases or positive reactors. iff) In the case of suspicious clinical symptoms. (h) At least once each year in the case of every anima 177 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL not previously tested, within 21 days, under one of the fore- going situations. This is known as the “annual test,” and, so far as practicable should be made between the dates of September 15 and October 31. (3) Very few and only sporadic cases of glanders have occurred in the Army during the past 20 years, due entirely to control measures being carried out along the lines outlined herein. d. Equine encephalomyelitis.—An acute, seasonal disease caused by a virus, the behavior of which is as yet not fully under- stood. Two forms of virus have been demonstrated and while originally considered infective only for horses and mules, other animals and man are now known to be susceptible. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and probably by other bit- ing insects. It occurs throughout the United States during the summer months. Its incidence and virulence is variable from year to year but the mortality is relatively high in all instances. It occurs more commonly among range animals than among stabled animals. (1) General preventive measures— Protection from biting insects through mosquito control and by keeping in darkened stables when not at work. Close observation for early symp- toms of incoordination. Isolate cases for treatment in screened stalls. (2) Specific control measures.—Active, annual, immuniza- tion of all horses and mules with specific vaccine, administered shortly before the advent of the “mosquito season.” The pres- ent method (1942) in the Army is to use bivalent vaccine admin- istered intradermally. This product produces a high degree of immunity against both the “Eastern” and “Western” types of the disease. e. Anthrax.—An acute septicemia, affecting many species of the lower animals, particularly cattle, sheep, horses, and mules. Also occurs in man hut usually as a local infection of the skin. It is transmitted largely through contaminated forage due to improper disposal of anthrax cadavers. Anthrax infected areas are numerous throughout the southern and northwestern States, where, following floods or other conditions favorable for the growth of the causative organism, enzootics frequently occur. The anthrax bacillus is a spore bearer, and areas once infected may remain so indefinitely. Outbreaks have occurred in military 178 FIELD SANITATION animals due to contaminated forage harvested from such areas and transported considerable distance. (1) General preventive measures.—Keep in touch with the local health authorities whenever located near anthrax dis- tricts. Determine the source of the forage, especially if marching through areas known to be infected. Cases of deatli in such localities from causes not clearly diagnosed should be quickly cleared up by laboratory examinations, at least so far as to determining the presence or absence of anthrax. Early diagnosis is particularly important. (2) Specific control measures.—Immediate destruction of eases with proper disposal of their carcasses. Thorough clean- ing and disinfection of the premises. Search should be made; for the source of the infection, and if practicable a new supply of forage obtained for use during the investigation. Adjacent rivers and inundated areas should be suspected. Contacts should be placed under absolute quarantine and all animals of the command immunized with anthrax bacterin. f. Dourine.—A disease of solipeds caused by a blood parasite (trypanosome) transmitted by coitus and commonly caller “horse syphilis.” It is primarily a disease of breeding ani mals and was formerly quite prevalent in the western am southwestern States among bands of range-bred horses. I has been largely eradicated from the United States except ii the southwest. It is of interest to the Army from the view point of the remount breeding plan and particularly in Conner tion with remount stallions placed with civilian agents. Case have been found among young mares and even geldings pui chased for regular troop service (nonbreeders). These an mals are infected on the range through uncontrolled breedin due to late or improper castration of young stallions. (1) General preventive measures.—Keep current inform: tion from the livestock health authorities in States where tl disease is known to exist. Do not permit uncontrolled raiq breeding. (2) Specific control measures.—The disease can be diagnost by complement fixation test. Blood serum should therefore 1 taken from all breeding mares and stallions at time of pu chase, and at intervals thereafter, especially when stallio are moved from one agent to another. In case of an outbm 179 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL reported from a given area, all animals recently purchased therein should be tested and further purchasing discontinued until the disease is brought under control. Positive cases are destroyed. g. Rabies.—An acute, fatal disease caused by a specific virus, widespread throughout the world among dogs, cats, and other carnivorous animals. All species, including man, are susceptible to this disease. It is transmitted through the saliva by bites from infected animals. Wild animals such as foxes, squirrels, wolves, and vampire bats are often an im- portant factor in the spread of rabies, but dogs are the most commonly implicated due to their large numbers and their close association with man. (1) General preventive measures.—Proper care and control of dogs. Destruction of predatory animals. (2) Specific control measures.-—Suspect all dog bites and if the offending animal is known, put in quarantine for a period )f observation. Do not destroy. If the dog or bitten animal lies, send the entire head in an iced container to the nearest aboratory for examination. All dogs should be registered and mmunized by the annual use of rabies vaccine. Stray and iwnerless dogs should be destroyed. h. Tetanus.—Tetanus is not a contagious disease but is in- luded here because it exists practically everywhere through- ut the world, and unless protective measures are instituted it lay cause a high death rate following certain types of wounds, 'etanus is caused by an anaerobic bacillus which readily ropagates in deep penetrating wounds. Gunshot wounds, owder burns, and penetrating wounds of the horses’ feet and •wer legs must be considered as infected with the bacillus of itanus and treated accordingly. Mortality from this disease very high but prevention is relatively simple. (1) General preventive measures.—None other than the usual easures to prevent wounds from street nails, kicks, and other 'cidental injuries. (2) Specific control measures.—(a) The two methods avail- de are— 1. Passive immunity through the injection of specific antitoxin immediately following injury. 2. Active immunity through the use of tetanus toxoid. FIELD SANITATION (6) The Army is now using the latter method and the toxoid treatment is normally given to all animals at a remount station during their routine processing. The Horse Record Card will show whether or not an animal has had this protection. In case of doubt the antitoxin should be used. Fifteen hundred units is the average protective dose. Section III ■ 239. Administration.—In mounted units of the Army, ani- mals are assigned to a troop, battery, or similar organization and administered by the commanding officer. Ordinarily the, troop commander will assign a junior officer as the “stable officer” and hold him directly responsible for the feeding and genera] well being of the animals. FEEDS AND FEEDING ■ 240. Rations.—a. A ration for a horse is the amount forage (feed and bedding) authorized for 24 hours. A fee( is that part of the ration which is given to the animal foJ one meal. Pour basic types of rations are authorized fo Army animals (see Alt 30-480). These are the standan garrison ration, the variation ration, the field ration, and th emergency ration. ft. The amounts authorized vary for different species an different weights of animals, and certain substitutions an conversions of the various components may be made at tl discretion of the post commander. In addition to species ar weight there are other factors which influence the amount < forage required by an individual animal. These include tl amount and type of work performed, the state of flesh, tl general health, protection from the elements, feeding facilith and the temperament of the individual as a so-called “eas or “hard” keeper. Since all horses and mules require about t same amount of roughage (hay), individual needs are si I plied by varying the amount of concentrates (grain). Pi 1 commanders are responsible that the ration is properly hand! I to meet individual needs without waste. The veterinarian I responsible for keeping commanding officers advised of methc I used and to recommend practicable measures for the correct] I of defects. I 181 c. So far as practicable the variation ration should be used, as th'e more components included in a ration the more prob- ability of supplying all of the essential elements of nutrition. Alfalfa hay is considered particularly desirable. ■ 241. Procurement, Inspection, Storage. — a. All forage is procured by the Quartermaster Corps and issued in kind on requisitions approved by the commanding officer. Requisitions are normally submitted monthly and, in reasonable amounts, may be overdrawn or underdrawn up to June 30, at which time a complete balance for the year must be effected. If overdrawn the forage must be made up. If underdrawn the balance reverts to the quartermaster whether or not it is in his warehouse or in the stable. h. Forage is purchased on contract, indicating specific United States standards and inspected by the veterinarian on receipt to insure compliance with specifications. c. A 6-week to 3-month1 supply of forage is normally stored in the quartermaster warehouse. A 10-day supply is ordinarily stored in the troop stables. It is especially important that stored forage be protected from waste by rats, mice, birds, vermin, careless handling, etc. If stored on the ground floor he bottom tier should be raised by planks to permit a free ‘irculation of air and prevent absorption of moisture. Like- vise, aisles should be provided in large warehouses to provide 'entilation. The forage should be issued in the same order s received, as vermin may attack grain held for long periods f time, and old hay tends to become harsh and brittle. It is esirable to have facilities for cleaning and salvaging spilled rain. Torn or ruptured sacks should be repaired to prevent urthter loss. In the field the forage must be kept off the round by laying down poles, brush, or other dunnage, and ivered with paulins to protect it from rain and dew. Forage bsorbs moisture readily and unless properly protected it will ;rment, heat, mold, and cake, not only resulting in a loss of le forage itself, but also may be the cause of serious digestive sturbances. The proper storage and use of forage with a ew to preventing waste is of paramount importance. The ithorized allowance is little enough for the animals of an ’erage active mounted unit. If any appreciable amount is asted the result will be undernourished animals, ill-fitted MEDICAL E1EED MANUAL 182 FIELD SANITATION for their normal duties. The objective for every pound of forage received should be the inside of an animal’s stomach. d. By careful handling it is not difficult to save on the grain allowance when in garrison. Where such a saving can be foreseen, advantage should be taken of the conversion prin- ciple wherein the money value of the saved grain may he converted to an equal value of hay or bedding, the allowance of which is barely sufficient for average needs. This results in an incentive for saving and also provides a more adequate ration. e. Since there is a radical difference in work performed throughout the course of a year, it is intended that forage accounts with the quartermaster remain open for 12 months, and a complete settlement made only on June 30. This pro- vides for the necessary flexibility of feeding in accordance with the animals’ needs, which could not be done were a more frequent settlement required. An active, well-trained, mounted unit will just about use up its forage allowance (money value) each year, and on June 30 will be approximately even in its forage account. A large shortage at this time would indi- cate waste. A large overage would indicate undernourished animals. f. Careful, accurate, daily records of forage must be main- tained by each unit, to include amounts received, fed, on hand, and the current overages or shortages with the quartermaster. These records are comparable to a checking account at a hank. Approved requisitions establish1 credit; issue slips are similar to checks written, and balances represent cash remain- ing in the bank. No logical feeding plan can be instituted without such records. ■ 242. References.—For a more complete and detailed descrip- tion of feeding and watering principles see FM 25-5. STABLE MANAGEMENT Section IV ■ 243. General.—Stable management refers to the genera care given the animal during the time he is in the stable. I implies some type of a permanent installation equipped witl the necessary facilities for protection from the elements, re straint, feeding and watering, rest, comfort, and the genera 183 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL well-being of military horses and mules. The various duties at a stable are performed by a crew of trained specialists in charge of a commissioned officer, all of whom are assigned and administered by the troop, battery, or similar commander. ■ 244. Facilities.—The design, type of structure, fittings, etc., are relatively as variable in stable construction as they are in homes. They may be quite simple or very elaborate. Modern facilities are highly desirable, but they do not necessarily in- sure good stable management. There are certain minimum features, however, which are essential if a structure is to be considered a satisfactory place for stabling animals. These include a building of sufficient size to house the animals of a given unit; location in a well-drained area; containing firm, dry standings and aisleways which can be kept clean; sub- stantial stalls; stout, tight mangers with removable bottoms for easy and thorough cleaning (or other suitable feeding de- vices so constructed as to prevent waste of forage) ; adequate natural light and ventilation; an abundance of potable water, with' sanitary troughs in properly drained locations; storage for forage, stable tools, and horse equipment; fire-fighting equipment; horseshoeing shop, and quarters for the perma- nent stable personnel. ■ 245. Methods.-—Methods of stable management are of far greater importance than facilities. Good methods require a conscientious stable crew familiar with the normal habits of the horse, interested in horsemanship, and well-trained in the various details of operating a stable in accordance with ap- proved sanitary principles. For a complete description of such principles see FM 25-5. ■ 246. Stable Peksonnel.—a. The following personnel are ordinarily assigned to permanent duty at the stable: (1) Stable sergeant.—Under the direction of the stable ifficer, the stable sergeant is in charge of the stable, the crew, ind equipment at all times and of all horses within the stable. He directs the routine daily work around the stable, prepares he stable reports, draws and accounts for the forage, maintains he proper sanitary standards, observes the feeding and water- ng, and is responsible for the safety of the property and the general care of the animals in the stable. FIELD SANITATION (2) Stable orderly.—The stable orderly is the assistant stable sergeant. His chief duty is to feed the animals in accordance with the feeding and watering schedule and specific directions for individuals. He is familiar with the stable routine, assists with the work at hand, and is in charge during the absence of the stable sergeant. (3) Horseshoers.—Two or more horseshoers are necessary to maintain the shoeing, trimming, and care of the horses’ feet. The animals to be shod and the type of shoes to be applied are usually directed daily by the stable officer. The horseshoers, however, are a part of the stable crew, and under the direct charge of the stable sergeant. (4) Saddler.—The saddler is a skilled leather worker. He repairs the saddles, harness, bridles, halters, and similar horse equipment as directed by the stable sergeant. (5) Wagoner.—The wagoner is in charge of the team and wagon used for the daily hauling of manure and waste to the place of disposal, drawing forage and stable supplies, and for other routine transportation around the stable. b. Two or more stable police are detailed to clean the stable and perform such other tasks as directed by the stable sergeant. Stable police are ordinarily not permanently assigned to the stable. c. Stable guard during the daytime is a responsibility oi the stable crew. The stable sergeant or the orderly should b< present both day and night, either in the stable or in then adjacent quarters. Active night guard is provided as directee by the commanding officer. ■ 247. Quarters.—Quarters for the stable crew are provider usually in a separate building adjacent to the stable. It i commonly known as the stable sex-geant’s “shack,” The sam standard of cleanliness, neatness, uniformity of beds, locken individual equipment, etc., required in the barracks shoul also be required in the stable sergeant’s quarters. To perm any semblance to a “shack” in these quarters will usual] result in similar standards within the stable. ■ 248. Manure and Waste Disposal.—See section V. ■ 249. Inspections.—Although the veterinarian is consider* a medical inspector he will usually have more success in rai ing and maintaining the standards of animal hygiene I 185 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL approaching the subject as an assistant to those directly responsible for such standards, rather than as an inspector representing higher authority. Commanding officers of mounted units are vitally interested in the condition of their animals and are eager for practicable suggestions for improvement. By daily contact the veterinarian gains their confidence and frequently can have some unsatisfactory condition immediately corrected by verbal advice. Nevertheless, he should have at least a mental outline of the features to be observed, and for formal inspections, in certain cases, it may be desirable to make written notes. Following is an outline which can be used for either purpose (see FM 25-5 for a definition of terms used) : a. Storage of hay and grain. Any evidence of waste? Does the ration appear adequate and well balanced? b. Individual feeding. Are the heel post cards legible and understood by the stable orderly? Are the horses in their proper stalls? How many bales of hay are fed? Does this make the correct allowance for the number of animals in the stable? Does the stable sergeant know how much the bales of hay weigh or does he guess their weight? Has the capacity of the grain measure been determined by actual weighing? c. Condition and cleanliness of the mangers and feed boxes? Is grain being wasted through the mangers? Do the animals have salt? Are they properly tied? d. Condition of the water troughs and buckets? Are the animals receiving sufficient water? Condition of halters, ■leanliness and fitting? If the schedule provides for watering if ter supper who sees that it is actually done? e. Cleanliness and state of repair of the stalls and standings? Condition of the entrances and aisleways? Are the floors slip- •ery? Is bedding being wasted? f. Condition of the saddle and tool rooms? Condition of he stable tools? Are the tools in their proper places? g. Ventilation of the stable? Cleanliness of the windows nd ceilings? General condition of the surroundings, corrals, nd picket lines? Condition of the wagon and harness? Is lere any method of combating Hies (in summer), birds, and idents? h. Adequacy of the fire equipment? Do the men know what 186 FIELD SANITATION to do in the case of fire? Any evidence of smoking around the stable? Cleanliness and neatness of the quarters for the stable crew? Is there any night guard? i. Stable records. Is the morning report (board) correct? Does the stable sergeant know how much forage he has on hand? Is he ahead or behind in his account with the quarter- master? Property record? Shoeing record? Sick report? Record of animals by Preston brand? j. General appearance of the animals as to state of flesh, grooming, and clipping? Have they been weighed recently? Condition of the feet and backs? Condition of the grooming equipment? If horse covers are used are they marked so they will not be interchanged? Are the covers clean and in good repair? Is the stable crew well informed in the care of animals? ■ 250. Care in the Field/—The principles of care in the field; are the same as stable management in garrison. Their appli-t cation varies widely, not only from garrison service but also in different situations when in the field. Preparation for field service should be begun in garrison 3 months or more prior to the beginning of field service with a special training and conditioning program for men and animals. Young, uncondi tioned animals and those in a poor state of flesh usually beconn disabled after a few days of hard marching under heavy loads Bucks and feet are particularly vulnerable to injury. Unless veterinary detachments accompanying a mounted unit in thi field are well trained for such service they are likely to beconi' a hindrance rather than a help to the command (see FM 25-5) Section V STATISTICS AND REPORTS ■ 251. Statistics.—a. With a view to acquainting highe authority with the state of health of the animals within , command, accurate and current records must be maintained b the responsible veterinary officer. In addition to the absolut numbers of cases and deaths occurring within a given perioi the reports' include certain rates and ratios, which are of pa ticular importance in studying the trend of a disease, deal rates, noneffective rates, etc. The following rates are requin to be maintained in the office of the station veterinarian of a 187 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL stations with an animal strength of 400 or more, in the offices of corps area and department surgeons, and surgeons of expeditionary or similar forces. Changes in this requirement will be issued from time to time by The Surgeon General. (See AR 40-2090.) (1) Annual admission rate for all causes. (2) Annual admission rate for disease. (3) Noneffective rate on the day of the report. (4) Annual death rate for all causes. (5) Annual admission rates for such communicable diseases as may be designated from time to time by The Surgeon General or other competent authority. b. For the method of computing rates and ratios, see chapter 15. ■ 252. Sanitary Reports.-—Routine sanitary reports, in letter !orm, are required quarterly in peacetime (monthly in war- ime) from the senior veterinarian of all stations and de- ached commands where animals are maintained. The report s a resume of the veterinary sanitary conditions existing hroughout the command during the period, including those onsidered unsatisfactory, together with practicable recom- nendations for correcting the latter. For details of the report, ncluding subject headings, transmission, etc., see AR 40-2255 nd 40-2080. I 253. Special Reports.—Upon the discovery of an initial case f a serious communicable disease among animals (glanders, nthrax, equine encephalomyelitis) an immediate report is >ade by the responsible veterinary officer through channels to igher authority, and to tlje State veterinarian, or similar vilian authority in the contiguous area. For a list of these diseases, form of initial and subsequent reports, nd offices to which reports should be forwarded, see AR >-2090. [A. G. 062.11 (2-3-42).] (C 1. June 12. 1942.) By order of the Secretary of War; Official : J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. FM 8-40 C 2 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION Changes \ No. 2 J WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, July 9, 1942. FM 8-40, August 15,1940, is changed as follows: ■ 46. Technique for Sterilizing Water in Water-Sterilizing Bag. e. After the calcium hypochlorite has been in contact with the water in the bag for at least 10 minutes, wash out one of th( faucets by allowing a small amount of water to run through i onto the ground. Then fill a clean canteen cup to a depth o t/2 inch with water from the same faucet. ; [A. G. 062.11 (4-27-42).] (C 2, July 9, 1942.) By order of the Secretary of War ; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General, 555798°—43 13 189 FM 8-40 C 3 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION Changes 1 No. 3 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, December 22, 1942. FM 8-40, August 15, 1940, is changed as follows: ■ 4G. Technique for Disinfecting Water in Water Sterilizing (Lyster) Bag. [A. G. 062.11 (11-28-42).] (C 3, Dec. 22, 1942.) ■ 46%. (Added.) Technique for Individually Disinfecting Water.—a. Water may be purified in the issue canteen by the use of individual water purification tablets. Since these tab- lets may be supplied in either 4 or 8 milligram size, the number of tablets to be added to a canteen full of water varies. Direcj tions must be followed as given on the container for thesi tablets. Two of the 4 milligram tablets are required per quar of clear water, while only one of the 8 milligram tablets i; required per quart of clear water. If the water is turbid o colored, two of the 8 milligram tablets or four of the 4 milligrar tablets will be required to disinfect it. As chemicals alway1 require time to kill germs, it is imperative that at least 3 minutes elapse after adding the tablets before drinking tl water. 6. If the individual purification tablets are not availabl water may be purified in canteens by using the same powd> (calcium hypochlorite) as is used in the Lyster bag. One ai pule of grade A calcium hypochlorite is dissolved in a cantej of water. This strong solution is then used to purify watl in other canteens. The cap of a canteen is used as a measr] and one canteen capful of the strong solution is added to eal canteen full of water to be treated. The water should be wl shaken and should not be used until 30 minutes after chlori!| tion. I ■ 47. (Superseded.) Measures for Disinfecting Water Other Containers.—a. If water sterilizing bags are not av able, the water may be disinfected in unit water cans or chi galvanized iron cans, pails, or barrels. A proportional amo 191 FM 8-40 C 3 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL of calcium hypochlorite is used and the method of chlorination is the same as with the water sterilization bag. b. Water may be purified in larger containers by using in- dividual water purification tablets. (See par. 46%.) Chlorina- tion may be done in containers which are larger than the can- teen by the addition of the appropriate number of individual water purification tablets. The number of tablets required is calculated on the size of the container in quarts; thus a 10-gallon container will require 40 times as many tablets as a 1-quart canteen. ■ 47%. (Added.) Test fob Safety.—A rough test for the safety of water which has previously been treated for 30 minutes )y one of the acceptable chlorination methods is the presence >f an odor or taste of chlorine in the water. If chlorine can be asted or smelled, this indicates the presence of at least 0.4 iarts per million of available chlorine and the water is safe, n performing this test, precaution must be taken to determine tiat the odor or taste comes from the treated water and not rom a contaminated container or the hands. 47%. (Added.) Boiling.—If neither powdered calcium hy- x-hlorite nor individual water purification tablets are available, ater may be purified by boiling for 1 minute. This method tould not be used, if avoidable, by the individual soldier, but e water should be boiled under supervision in comparatively rge quantities and then distributed to the troops. Water may boiled in galvanized iron cans if they are available. Aeration the water by pouring it through the air from one receptacle :o another will eliminate the flat taste due to boiling. [A. G. 062.11 (11-28-42).] (C 3, Dec. 22, 1942.) 3y obder of the Secretary of War : G. C. MARSHALL, )fficial : Chief of Staff. J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. 192 FM 8-40 C 4 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL FIELD SANITATION Changes No. 4 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, March 16, 1943. FM 8-40, August 15, 1940, is changed as follows: 44. Engineer Water Supply Equipment (Superseded).—a Engineer water supply equipment consists of portable and mobib sets for pumping, purifying, storing, and distributing water The portable set includes a small-capacity portable pump am purifying unit carried by all general and most special euginee troops. The mobile set includes a larger capacity truck-mounte unit which is issued to water supply battalions only. Genera engineer troops normally execute all engineer water supply taslJ when local sources of water are available and adequate. WatJ supply battalions are responsible for purifying and transportirl water into those areas where the local supply is not availabi or is inadequate. Distillation equipment is used by enginel troops in areas where such equipment is required to supply pi table water, for example, where the water is brackish or salirl &. The portable and mobile water supply sets include equil ment to filter and disinfect water. Engineer troops do not hal the equipment necessary to run bacteriological tests. II [A. G. 062.11 (2-26-43).] (C 4, Mar. 16, 1943.) order of the Secretary of War G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Siam Official J. A. ULTO, Major General, The Adjutant General. 193 FM 8-40 C 5 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Changes No. 5 FIELD SANITATION WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April 30, 1943. FM 8-40, August 15, 1940, is changed as follows ■ 46. (As changed by C 2 and 3) Technique for Disinfecting! Water in Water Sterilizing (Lyster) Bag. I e. After the calcium hypochlorite has been in contact with th water in the bag for at least 10 minutes, wash out the faucets bj allowing a small amount of water to run through it onto ttu ground. Determine the presence of free chlorine in the wata by one of the following methods: (1) Liquid orthotolidine method.—Fill a clean canteen cul to a depth of inch of water from the same faucet. Adi 1 cc of orthotolidine testing solution to the water in the cul Wait 5 minutes and note the color produced. Below is I guide for reading the color reaction between the free chloriil and orthotolidine: I (a) No color.—Insufficient chlorination. Add more calciul hypochlorite. I (b) Canary yellow.—Insufficient chlorination. Add mol calcium hypochlorite. I (c) Deep yellow.—Satisfactory chlorination. This repiB sents about one part per million (ppm) of chlorine. B (d) Orange red.—Overchlorinated. Add more water and :■ test. I (e) Bluish green.— Alkaline or hard water. Add a few mfl drops of orthotolidine to get a correct color reading. M (2) Orthotolidine tablet method.—Remove the inner vH from the testing kit and fill the outer vial with a water samB from the same faucet, to the bottom of the colored band, ifl inner vial contains orthotolidine testing tablets; drop ll ■these tablets into the sample and shake until dissolved. nH the color produced. B 195 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (a) Equal or darker yellow than the colored band.—Satisfac- tory chlorination. (b) Lighter yellow thdn the colored band.—Insufficient chlo- rination. Add more calcium hypochlorite to the water being treated; wait 10 minutes and retest. (c) Orange color,—Water is overchlorinated. Add more water to the water being treated; wait 10 minutes and retest. (3) The directions for testing for free chlorine by the above methods are outlined on the bottle of liquid orthotoli- iine and on the kit containing the orthotolidine testing ;ablets. f. As a factor of safety, the water should be allowed to stand for 20 minutes after the end of the contact period, or or 30 minutes after the addition of the calcium hypochlorite, tefore being used for drinkihg purposes. h. Rescinded [A. G. 062.11 (4-7-43).] (C 5, Apr. 30, 1943.) 68. Cake of Latrines.—Latrines should be policed daily and lould be lighted at night unless the military situation de- ands concealment. If flies are prevalent, baited fly traps lould be placed about in the enclosure. The outside of the box eluding the seats should be scrubbed daily with soap and iter and the seats twice weekly with 2 percent cresol solution, xe seats should be dried after each cleaning. Urine troughs ould be scrubbed daily with soap and water. A brush for rine seats and urine troughs may be made by fastening a ndle to one-half of an ordinary scrubbing brush. [A. G. 062.11 (4-7-43).] (C 5, Apr. 30, 1943.) 3y order of the Secretary of War : G. C. MARSHALL, : J. A. ULIO, Chief of Staff. Major General, The Adjutant General. 196